Re: making sendmail not use DNS (Was: Re: diald)

1996-05-14 Thread Scott Barker
Yves Arrouye said:
> I have them already for a long time. Sendmail still does DNS queries,
> for example to try to contact my smarthost. I could try to put just this
> one in /etc/hosts but I'm not sure it will suffice (I'll tell if it
> does).

I assume you are not using uucp, then. Try specifying the smart-host at it's
IP address like so:

define(`SMART_HOST', smtp:[123.456.789.12])


define(`SMART_HOST', smtp:[123.456.789.12.])

The [ ] are supposed to tell sendmail to *not* resolve the address, and use it
as specified. The second variation (with the trailing dot) probably isn't
necessary and may not even work.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

"A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the
   system works."
   - ???

Re: ZIP drive under Linux..

1996-05-14 Thread Paul Kirschner

I am using a parallel port version and I can vouch that it does work.  The
driver is available from  I have also read
reports that the scsi driver works fine but I have experience with it.

Paul Kirschner   #include 
United Technologies Research Center

On Mon, 13 May 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all!
> Does the iomega ZIP drives work under Linux?  I believe there are
> two different models.. a SCSI model and a parallel port model.
> Do they both work?  If so, is it easy to get them working under Linux?
> Richard..
> -
> Richard Dansereau
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
> Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Manitoba - Canada
> -

Re: X Windows

1996-05-14 Thread Susan G. Kleinmann
> I installed fvwm2 but still get the xterm that comes as the default. 

If you start X with 'xinit' or 'startx' and do _not_ have an X startup
script in your home directory, you will be punished by being presented with
an X term that could only be read by people under the age of 20.
You can circumvent this by including a file called ".xinirc" or ".xsession"
in your home directory.  I recommend .xsession, since all of the three
X startup methods (xinit, startx, and xdm) look for it.

Below please find my simple .xsession file.  It invokes 2 xterms, both with
fonts big enough for me to see:

# This file is called by /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
oclock -g +1152+0 &
xterm -sb -sl 1500 -fn 12x24 -g 80x24+9+1 &
xterm -sb -sl 1500 -fn 12x24 -g 80x24+291+418 &
xsetroot -solid SteelBlue

Note that (unlike .xinitrc) .xsession need not be a Bourne shell script, 
but _must_ be executable.  

Hope that helps.
Susan Kleinmann

Re: Dselect proposed interface (was Re: 1.1 installation notes.)

1996-05-14 Thread Christian Hudon
> Looks OK (we can include a mouse interface). But what is required more then
> a new look is the ability to list only the 'installed' packages, or select a
> singe package to be installed/removed, and a method of seeing which package
> (installed) is older than its archive version (and will therefore be
> updated).

About the interface, it'd be nice to have something mc-ish. (mc = Midnight
Commander; get it and take a look if you don't have it, there's a Debian
package for it). It's got pull-down menus and dialog boxes... it's very
nice, supports gpm mice and is something DOS people will recognize

And since mc is GPL'ed, we could borrow their low-level
interface code. Would save quite a bit of coding work and would make for a
nice interface, IMHO at least.


Re: where is gs man page?

1996-05-14 Thread joost witteveen
> In Debian 1.1 beta, there seams to have no man page installed for the gs
> package, there is a directory /usr/doc/gs full of ghostscript documents
> though.  Do one really need the gs man pages?  If so, how to install one? 

This is a major bug indeed!

It is caused by the gs-makefile not allowing me to specify a man-page
directory, and putting al documentation in /usr/doc/gs.
This is where the old gs-2.62-1.deb has the gs.1.gz file -- not very

I have yesterday made gs-2.62-2, that corrects this, (and a few more things)

> Godfrey

Thanks for the bug-reporting!

joost witteveen
Use Debian Linux!

network with ETHERLINK 3

1996-05-14 Thread Patrick Hernaelsteen
I am unable to configure my system with a EtherLink III ( 3C509B-TP ).
Does any body had this kind of problem before.
Thanks for helping me,

Re: NFS <--> PC with DOS

1996-05-14 Thread Andreas Wehler
What DOS-Client do you use?  I had success some time ago with XFS, a
ftp-able DOS-Client.  You selected the pcnfsd-Option in linux-kernel
too?   Just suggestions.

 - Andreas.

Uni Wuppertal, FB Elektrotechnik, Tel/Fax: (0202) 439 - 3009
Andreas Wehler;   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: beta 1.1 problems with 3c503 and the debian search system.

1996-05-14 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
> The search system has not responded tonight while I was searching
> for a solution to this problem.

"has not reponded" is a very vague description. Can you give a better
one please?

> another question(s): what good is an extensive mailing list archive if the
> search system does not work?  Also, why do the debian archives seem
> to have so much trouble?  is it growing pains or otherwise? 

The problem is that (== is on a separate system 
from, the developers machine. is hosted at
Central Michigan University, on a machine that - due to lack of drivers 
for Linux or *BSD - runs Solaris. It is maintained remotely across the
atlanic by yours truely. The connection is sometimes painfully slow,
and I also also have an MSc thesis to produce.

In case of problems with the WWW server, I appreciate it if they are 
reported to me directly.


Re: 1.1 setup for /dev/xconsole?

1996-05-14 Thread John Henders
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Maarten Boekhold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> >If you try bringing up xconsole and see nothing, then it's possible that
>> >you've already been logging messages for a while and the pipe filled up, so
>> Has anyone noticed that with recent kernels, the pipe to xconsole fills
>> up on boot up before boot up is finished, which causes all kinds of
>> problems. This started around 1.3.65 and still is a problem, so I
>> stopeed using xconsole.

>I'm using 1.3.71, no probs with xconsole, system is a (to 1.1) upgraded 
Several people have written saying they haven't seen this problem, so it
may be a result of how large your bootup messages are. I have a lot of
scsi devices on my machine, so my bootup info dumped to syslog is 3862
bytes and 79 lines, and this doesn't include any daemons initialized
before X starts and xconsole can be read. I definately found I was
overflowing the pipe as removing the syslog output to /dev/xconsole
cleared up all my hanging problems.


Re: 'unsupported packages' (was Re: uugetty?)

1996-05-14 Thread Craig Sanders

On Tue, 7 May 1996, Steffen Mueller wrote:

> > Maybe there should be an 'unsupported' directory for packages which
> > have been released but don't have an active maintainer...or is this
> > what 'contrib' is for?  Also, allow any package in 'unsupported' can be
> > adopted by anyone who takes the time to actively maintain it.
> That's okay so far but it doesn't guarantee bug maintainance. Assume all 
> those folks going to install some of these packages and run into 
> trouble 

Yep, that's why any 'unsupported' directory would have to be clearly marked

Something like:

  *  *
  * These packages are unsupported.  That means: *
  *  *
  * USE AT YOUR OWN RISK (like the rest of Debian but even more so)  *
  *  *
  * These packages have no active maintainer.  They may be old   *
  * versions.  They may not work.  They may do weird things. *
  *  *
  * They may work perfectly. *
  *  *
  ** Volunteers Welcome **
  *  *
  * If you care about a package in here, 'adopt' it and become   *
  * the official Debian maintainer.  Read the Debian Developer's *
  * Guidlines to find out what this entails. *
  *  *

ought to do it :-)

> Generally packaging "unsupportet" files would be okay as long as those 
> packages are marked UNSUPPORTET or orpahned. If someone adopts it it can 
> make its way into one of the common directories with a small comment 
> "adopted 96 by John Doe" + "Maintainer : "

Yep.  That's what I meant.

If the 'Maintainer:' field in debian.control was 'UNSUPPORTED', then the
bug tracking system could then be modified to send a form letter back
for any bug report on an unsupported package saying "you might get some
help from other users but don't count on it"


beta 1.1 problems with 3c503 and the debian search system.

1996-05-14 Thread James D. Freels
The search system has not responded tonight while I was searching
for a solution to this problem.

I have just installed the root and base diskettes and performed
a basic configuration of v 1.1 on a raw system.  I have a 3com 3c503 
ethernet card that is apparently not recognized.  I seem to recall
a previous posting on 3c503 card problems with beta 1.1.

another question(s): what good is an extensive mailing list archive if the
search system does not work?  Also, why do the debian archives seem
to have so much trouble?  is it growing pains or otherwise? 

(yes, i know this is a volunteer organization, but i also really want
to use debian, not just play with it!)

| James D. Freels, P.E._i, Ph.D.  | Phone:  (423)576-8645  |   | L |
| Oak Ridge National Laboratory   | FAX:(423)574-9172  | H | I |
| Research Reactors Division  | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | F | N |
| P. O. Box 2008  | Reactor Technology | I | U |
| Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6392 | world's best neutrons! | R | X |
| out the 10Base-T, through the router, down the T1, over the  |
| leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall...nothing but Net |

Re: Bug with su and /usr/bin/zsh. Any idea?

1996-05-14 Thread Rob Leslie
> With the zsh package version 2.6-beta13-2, there is something really
> strange happening when root uses zsh: if I do a
>   % su
> I get a new shell that is *not* a root one, where when I do
>   % su -
> I effectively get a root shell. This is especially strange as the su
> command works perfectly with bash, csh and ksh. I removed all /etc/z*
> login/env files without affecting the bug.
> Any idea about what's happening? Maybe should I file a bug report too...

I can't reproduce this; however, you might make sure you don't have `su'
aliased to something under zsh. Check with `which'.

(I used to have a similar problem because I aliased su to "su -p; chpwd". This
prevented me from giving any arguments to `su', for example to become a user
other than root.)

Robert Leslie

3D Graphics Cards?

1996-05-14 Thread Bruce Perens
Is anyone out there using 3D graphics cards with Linux? The only one I
know about is the Matrox Millenium that works with Accellerated X.
I need X support and Open GL, and as much rendering power as possible.



Re: disabling daemons from init.d

1996-05-14 Thread Ian Jackson
Jean Orloff writes ("Re: disabling daemons from init.d "):
>[Ed Donovan writes:]
>> like to conserve as much memory as I can.  My question is, what's the best
>> way for me to disable the services started by the init scripts like
>> netbase netstd, etc, while not deleting the files?  At first, I moved the
>> S* links, from rc2.d to an 'unused' directory.  That did stop them
>> loading, but with all the remaining links to the scripts in other runlevel
>> directories, it seemed half-assed & messy, although init didn't complain.
>> What happens if I move the actual scripts the links reference (I'm too new
>> at admin-ing to be that experimental)?  If anyone wants to say, (deep
>> voice) "This is the cleanest way, son," that'd be great.
> There is something called update-rc.d which is dealing with all these links
> cleanly. 
> usage: update-rc.d  remove
>update-rc.d  defaults [ |  ]
>update-rc.d  start|stop.  ...
> I guess you wish to use the remove option, which kills the links while
> leaving the scripts intact. Was my voice deep enough ?-;

Don't do this: if you do then the next time you (re)install one of the
package(s) whose links you've removed it will put them back, thinking
that the package was completely purged and the configuration needs to
be reset.

Simply remove the S* links from the rc?.d directories where you don't
want the programs run.  If you leave at least one K* link then it will
see that there is an old configuration and not overwrite it during


Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread Guy Maor
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Erick Branderhorst wrote:

> find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
> xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
> I was thinking that {} would be replaced by the filename but that's
> not the case. Anyone know how to solve this?

Two mistakes and an admonition:
You need to give -i to xargs to use the {} syntax.
You need to escape the && so that the rm will be part of the command.
For safety, you should always use -print0, -0 with find and xargs.

So do this instead:
find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' -print0 |\
xargs -0 -n 1 -i dpkg-split -s {} \&\& rm {}


Re: Dselect proposed interface (was Re: 1.1 installation notes.)

1996-05-14 Thread Ian Jackson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes ("Re: Dselect proposed interface (was Re: 1.1 
installation notes.)"):
> Looks OK (we can include a mouse interface). But what is required more then
> a new look is the ability to list only the 'installed' packages, or select a
> singe package to be installed/removed, and a method of seeing which package
> (installed) is older than its archive version (and will therefore be
> updated).

Much of this will be in the next version of dpkg.


Re: X Windows

1996-05-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Kevin M Bealer wrote:

> I don't think you technically need fvwm2, (but it's nice.)  Also rxvt is
> supposed better on mem than xterm, and xcontrib probably has neat stuff but
> I've never uninstalled it to see what disappeared.  Most people will use
> xkeycaps eventually since every person who installs X seems to have to
> fiddle with bkspc/delete and fix them.  You will want some other stuff if
> you intend to _compile_ anything which is X'ed.
> As for your graphics drivers, I would strongly recommend taking that to an
> X11 newsgroup if you have access to one... not that this list is
> overtrafficed, just you will get more responses;  some of the hardware X11
> lists are 100 messages or so / day last I checked :)

Thanks to everyone for their responses. I swapped to a Cirrus Logic
CL-GD5430 and have a working X. 
The new server installation software is very helpful in building a working
config file. The last time I installed X, I had to edit the config by
hand, referencing the driver database and other docs to get it right.
If you have the manual for your monitor and video card in hand you come
out the other end of the installation script with a working config file.
Good work!

I installed fvwm2 but still get the xterm that comes as the default. I
used to know who and where the config files were, but can't seem to find
my way around. Where should I start (after Matt's book and usr/doc)?

> BTW, what does TIA mean?

Thanks In Advance! :-)



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: /etc/psdevtab?

1996-05-14 Thread Guy Maor
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Yves Arrouye wrote:

> I don't even have it :-( Why? Was it removed from the latest base package
> installation proc.?

Run ps as root, and you'll have it.  See the ps manpage for details.


Re: Must pppd be run by root?

1996-05-14 Thread Richard Kettlewell
Craig Sanders writes:
>On Sun, 12 May 1996, Rob Browning wrote:
>> > "R" == Richard Kettlewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> R> pppd has to do various messing around creating network interfaces
>> R> and so on, so running it as (not root) is a bit of a non-starter.
>> R> Why do you want it to be able to run it not as root?
>two words:
>> Right, pppd really needs to be run as root.  You don't want just any
>> user killing your net connection.  If you want to let a selected set
>> of users bring the net connection up and down, check out sudo.  It's
>> designed for this.
>This permissions problem just cost me over $44 (australian dollars).
>I upgraded pppd on the dialin machine at work on Friday night.  Forgot to
>change the permissions on pppd to make it owned by root.ppp, perms=1750. 
>When the line dropped out from my home machine to my work machine at 5am
>the next morning, my home system automatically dialed in

Under the control of what user?  Why not root?

>to re-establish the link.  Logged in OK, ran pppd.  The connection
>dropped again because it didn't have the right perms.  My system then
>proceeded to call every 2 minutes, until I got home and stopped it at
>about 11am.


Re: diald (Was: Re: Must pppd be run by root?)

1996-05-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Yves" == Yves Arrouye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yves> Is there a debianized version of diald 0.14 out there?
Yves> (ELF). With the dctrl tk tool, too! (I can email it to the one
Yves> making the package if needed).

well, it's not out there, but I have one I built for personal
 use (I like making personal, debian, packages just to be able to use
 the packaging tools) after getting fed up with diald being a CPU hog
 (which it does for kernels after 1.3.84, I believe, unless one
 upgrades to diald-0.14).

I keep meaning to ask the author if I should release it in the
 interim. I'll do so tonight.


For oh! so wildly do I love him That paradise itself were dim And
joyless, if not shared with him.  -- Moore %%
Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: problems compiling with R0.93

1996-05-14 Thread David Engel
> When I try to compile my own "hello world" program I get these error
> messages:
> gcc -g -o hello -L/usr/X11R6/lib hello.o -lXaw -lXt -lX11
> ld: Output file requires shared library `'
> gcc: Internal compiler error: program ld got fatal signal 6
> make: *** [hello] Error 1
> Compiling the program with:
> gcc -g -c hello.c
> works fine, but the linking part just won't work. It's funny because
> I've successfully compiled the 'xli' package on my machine. And I have
> checked, I do have the library in the /lib directory.

The problem is that the shared X libraries need the shared libc but
the old, a.out gcc links in a static debug version of libc called libg
when -g is used.  Either don't link with -g so the shared libc will be
used or add -static so the shared X libraries won't be used.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread Brian C. White
> find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
> xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
> I was thinking that {} would be replaced by the filename but that's
> not the case. Anyone know how to solve this?

Find only replaces "{}" with the filename under "-exec".  You have piped
the output of the implicit "-print" command into 'xargs'.  You must either
use xargs' substitution method:

find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' |\
xargs -n 1 -i{} dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}   # I think...

or change find:

find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' \
-exec dpkg-split -s {} && rm {} \;


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: Dselect proposed interface (was Re: 1.1 installation notes.)

1996-05-14 Thread Brian C. White
> Looks OK (we can include a mouse interface). But what is required more then
> a new look is the ability to list only the 'installed' packages, or select a
> singe package to be installed/removed, and a method of seeing which package
> (installed) is older than its archive version (and will therefore be
> updated).

Don't forget a way of seeing just what new packages are available and
whether those are upgrades of installed packages, new packages in the
distribution, or uninstalled packages that you've rejected before
(ala 'dftp').


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

making sendmail not use DNS (Was: Re: diald)

1996-05-14 Thread Scott Barker
Richard Kettlewell said:
> Also, do someone know how to ask sendmail really not to make DNS queries?
> This is somewhat that starts up diald when one does not want, and it is
> really annoying.

In your m4 file, use the following options:


Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

"An ambassador is a man of virtue sent to lie abroad for his country; a
   news-writer is a man without virtue who lies at home for himself."
   - Sir Henry Wotton, "Reliquae Wottonianae"

Re: diald (Was: Re: Must pppd be run by root?)

1996-05-14 Thread David Engel
>  > The diald package removes all the hassle of starting and shutting down
>  > network connections over a transient link, incidentally - you might
>  > like to investuigate that.
> Is there a debianized version of diald 0.14 out there? (ELF). With the
> dctrl tk tool, too! (I can email it to the one making the package if
> needed).

The debian package hasn't been upgraded to 0.14 yet.  Would someone
please do this.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread Erick Branderhorst

Hi users,

I found the solution (with help from Steve Preston, Kenvin Dalley,
Ray Dassen and Jan Wender).

now I use the following:
find /home/ftp/pub/debian -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'| \
xargs -l -i sh -c "dpkg --info {} >/dev/null && dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}"

This gives a lot of evil messages about packages not being a debian
archive because they are the splitted archives of a previous run and 
not all splitted archives are exactly 459976 or smaller (unfortunately).

I use the dpkg --info command to test whether it is a package.

Erick [EMAIL PROTECTED] +31-10-4635142
Department of General Surgery (Intensive Care) University Hospital Rotterdam NL

Re: configuring ghostscript...

1996-05-14 Thread joost witteveen
> I have a HP laser printer model  LJ5P. I always use
> gs as my filter for postscript files. Unfortunately the
> drivers in gs only access the low resolution mode  in
> my printer (plain "laserjet" driver). Does anyone has
> the driver for 600 dpi mode, for ghostscript?

Well, as far as I know there isn't a ljet5 driver for
ghostscript: (from the gs-3.53 devs.mak file)
# * lj250   DEC LJ250 Companion color printer
# + ljet2p  H-P LaserJet IId/IIp/III* with TIFF compression
# + ljet3   H-P LaserJet III* with Delta Row compression
# + ljet3d  H-P LaserJet IIID with duplex capability
# + ljet4   H-P LaserJet 4 (defaults to 600 dpi)
# + lj4dith  H-P LaserJet 4 with Floyd-Steinberg dithering
# + ljetplus  H-P LaserJet Plus
# * lp2563  H-P 2563B line printer

So that looks like you're out of luck. You could try to use
gs -sDEVICE=ljet4 -r600x600
maybe that works (I guess not, but it's worth the try).

BTW, kids, don't try executing "gs -r600x600" in Xwindows: that
made my 24M ram +60M swap system swap for about 15 min, untill I
killed gs, after whitch it continued swapping for about 10 min.
Now it's back to normal again.

output of "top" afterwords -- using 49M swap for 2 emacs sessions and
4 xterms?

  78 processes: 76 sleeping, 1 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
  CPU states:  2.2% user,  6.2% system,  0.0% nice, 91.8% idle
  Mem:  23012K av, 22676K used,   336K free,  5592K shrd,   236K buff
  Swap: 61484K av, 49200K used, 12284K free2644K cached
  21798 root   1   0 47100 13100  472 S   0.1 56.9 87:13 /usr/X11R6/bin/X

>   sorry if I am asking this in the wrong list.

Well, the list is OK, but I guess we're not able to provide you with
a satisfying answer.

joost witteveen
Use Debian Linux!

Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread joost witteveen
> Hi all,
> this might be a more unix oriented question but I'll ask it anyway 
> because it is very debian related too:
> I would like to find packages bigger than 459976 bytes and split them
> with dpkg-split, if splitting is succesfull I'll remove the package.
> I have come at the following but it doesn't work (and can't figger 
> out why not from the manpages).
> find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
> xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}

How is xargs to know what "{}" stands for? "{}" works in the -exec
part in find, not for xargs.

Probably what you want is:

 find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' \
-exec sh -c "dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}" \;

joost witteveen
Use Debian Linux!

Re: Must pppd be run by root?

1996-05-14 Thread Craig Sanders

On Sun, 12 May 1996, Rob Browning wrote:

> > "R" == Richard Kettlewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> R> pppd has to do various messing around creating network interfaces
> R> and so on, so running it as (not root) is a bit of a non-starter.
> R> Why do you want it to be able to run it not as root?

two words:


> Right, pppd really needs to be run as root.  You don't want just any
> user killing your net connection.  If you want to let a selected set
> of users bring the net connection up and down, check out sudo.  It's
> designed for this.

This permissions problem just cost me over $44 (australian dollars).

I upgraded pppd on the dialin machine at work on Friday night.  Forgot to
change the permissions on pppd to make it owned by root.ppp, perms=1750. 

When the line dropped out from my home machine to my work machine at 5am
the next morning, my home system automatically dialed in to re-establish
the link.  Logged in OK, ran pppd.  The connection dropped again because
it didn't have the right perms.  My system then proceeded to call every
2 minutes, until I got home and stopped it at about 11am.

A local call here in Australia costs 25 cents.

An expensive mistake.

The postinst for ppp package SHOULD ask if permissions on /usr/sbin/pppd
should be changed.


Re: 1.1 setup for /dev/xconsole?

1996-05-14 Thread Maarten Boekhold
> >If you try bringing up xconsole and see nothing, then it's possible that
> >you've already been logging messages for a while and the pipe filled up, so
> Has anyone noticed that with recent kernels, the pipe to xconsole fills
> up on boot up before boot up is finished, which causes all kinds of
> problems. This started around 1.3.65 and still is a problem, so I
> stopeed using xconsole.

I'm using 1.3.71, no probs with xconsole, system is a (to 1.1) upgraded 


| Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft,   NL  |
|  Take life as a party!  |

fvwm2: button functions missing...

1996-05-14 Thread dkklee
I am using fvwm2-2.0.42-beta-0 on debian 1.1.
I have just discovered that there are some button functions missing.
The menu from the top-left corner does not appear when I click on the 
top-left button. Also no list of windows when I click on the right mouse 

The raise and lowering buttons on the top right work.

(I also tried fvwm-1.24r-22 when I discovered this. But that one is
worse: cannot open any xterm from the .fvwmrc file.)

Derek Lee

Re: unstable Packages file

1996-05-14 Thread David Engel
> I notice the Packages file for the unstable tree at is out of
> date. I though it was updated automatically? Perhaps not...

We know about the problem and are trying to fix it.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Re: problems compiling with R0.93

1996-05-14 Thread Kai Henningsen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Magnus Therning)  wrote on 12.05.96 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> When I try to compile my own "hello world" program I get these error
> messages:
> gcc -g -o hello -L/usr/X11R6/lib hello.o -lXaw -lXt -lX11
> ld: Output file requires shared library `'
> gcc: Internal compiler error: program ld got fatal signal 6
> make: *** [hello] Error 1

I seem to remember that one from some time ago on (I think) the linux-gcc  

Just remove the -g. It's a problem in the binutils, but AFAIK you don't  
really need that -g anyway *in the link step*.

MfG Kai

Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread Jan Wender
>Hi all,
>this might be a more unix oriented question but I'll ask it anyway
>because it is very debian related too:
>I would like to find packages bigger than 459976 bytes and split them
>with dpkg-split, if splitting is succesfull I'll remove the package.
>I have come at the following but it doesn't work (and can't figger
>out why not from the manpages).
>find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
>xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
>I was thinking that {} would be replaced by the filename but that's
>not the case. Anyone know how to solve this?
Basically this is right, the {}'s get converted to the file name in
*find's argument list*. The arg list is ended at the |, because then
a new program is started.
Possible Solution:
use find's exec option:
find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' -exec dpkg-split -s {} \
-exec rm {}
Be careful to quote the {{}'s appropriately, or the shell may munge them
into something different.
A more efficient solution would be to write a small perl program along the
sub dodir {
  my ($dir) = shift;
  opendir DIR, $dir;
  while () {
maybesplit if -f;
dodir($_) if -d;
Cheerio, Jan
Jan Wender - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Universitaet Trier, Germany
Linux is the choice of a Gnu.
The man who letterspaces lowercase letters also steals sheep (F. Goudy)

Re: problems with mailagent

1996-05-14 Thread srivasta
Ahh, I see. [I am copying this to debian user, since the answer maybe
useful to others as well.]

People using mailagent with popclient may want to run
 mailagent by itself after downloading mail from the server9since
 popclient delivers directly yo the spool file, not honoring .forward
 files), like so:
 % mailagent -f /var/spool/mail/

 Fron the manpage:
  -f mailfileUsing mailfile as a UNIX-style mailbox (i.e. one where each
 mail is preceded by a special From line stating the sender
 and the date the message was issued), extract all its mes-
 sages into the queue and process them as if they were
 freshly arrived from the mail delivery subsystem.


"When, however, the lay public rallies round an idea that is denounced
by distinguished but elderly scientists and supports that idea with
great fervor and emotion--the distinguished but elderly scientists are
then, after all, probably right."  --Isaac Asimov %%
Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: X Windows

1996-05-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Susan G. Kleinmann wrote:

> One of the joys of getting X up is that you'll get Netscape
> up and then you'll be able to use DejaNews to answer every question under
> the Sun!  

Switching to a Cyrrus Logic card solved the major problem. Now I only have
a hand full of little ones :-)
First, when I try and install the netscape package, I get:

(Reading database ... 13477 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace netscape (using netscape-2.01-2.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement netscape ...
Setting up netscape ...
ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp under the name
dpkg: error processing netscape (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

I realize that I need to get this archive before I can do the
installation. Where do I find this beast? How come the installation
doesn't point me to it? I looked in contrib, non-free, etc... and didn't
find anything.

> I think in addition to the packages you mentioned, you'll want to get 
> xpm4.7 (for fvwm2 -- I think you want fvwm2 rather than fvwm).  I also 
> find myself always getting xfntpex.

Fvwm2 installs fine once you install xpm4.7. However, since fvwm2 is not
in the /etc/window-managers file. Shouldn't this file contain all of the
window managers that are available under Debian X?

> Then there's the issue of really doing something with X.  What you need then 
> depends on what you want to do.  
When I decide what I want to add, how do I hang it on the menu system? Is
there a good user tutorial? In particular, I can start the xserver either
as root or as a user, but I can't seem to do both. Once root cranks up the
xserver, how does a user gain access to the server?




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: /etc/psdevtab?

1996-05-14 Thread Yves Arrouye
Scott Barker writes:
 > eckes said:
 > > its a map between Minor/Major Device numbers and Device Names. This is
 > > needed for programs like ps which want to print the device names for given
 > > inodes. This table is created automatically, if you run "ps" (from the
 > > procps package in the base) the first time. This speeds up ps a big time 
 > > and
 > > reduces the amount of 'stats' in the /dev/ directory on the following
 > > invokations of ps.
 > I guess it doesn't work, then. I've got a 12288 byte file full of zeros.

I don't even have it :-( Why? Was it removed from the latest base package
installation proc.?


Re: Dselect proposed interface.

1996-05-14 Thread Bill Wohler
Kevin M Bealer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Also someone suggested there be an installed size parameter in the packages
> file... this probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

  This is an excellent idea.

  What would really be helpful is the following:

Size of current package
Total size of selected packages
Space left

  The "Total size of selected packages" would not be absolute.  If a
  selected package is an update of an already installed package, then
  its contribution to the total size of selected packages should be
  the difference of its current size and the size of the already
  installed package (could be negative!).  This would make the "total
  size of selected packages" more representative of the chunk of disk
  that it will take up.

  Unless, of course, the update is not *replacing* the existing
  package, in which case its contribution to the total size would be

  The Space left would show the estimated space left after subtracting
  the "total size of selected packages."  This would make it easy to
  play "what-if" games in the installation process.  Note that all the
  affected filesystems must be considered and displayed.  Since most
  of my GNU system is in /, it would be nice to display that on the
  main screen, and display the subordinate filesystems on a separate
  screen.  However, it should also be possible to select other
  filesystems to display on the main screen.

Bill Wohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ph: +1-415-854-1857  fax: +1-415-854-3195
Say it with MIME.  Maintainer of and FAQs.
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

Re: tk & tcl and dependecies

1996-05-14 Thread David Engel
I'm copying this to debian-user since others may be confused as well.

> I found that installing tk41 in stead of tk40 will break several
> dependencies. Packages exist that depend on tk40 and won't
> be installed easily with tk41. 
> Another thing is that those packages are compiled with links to
> /usr/lib/ and can't work with /usr/lib/
> (Because of this the dependencies are ok)

That's the way it was intended.

> But if they had been compiled to /usr/lib/ or even
> /usr/lib/ this problem wouldn't occur. Should tk40 
> and or tk41 provide a package named tk? and should these packages
> provide the mentioned library names?

Tcl7.4/Tk4.0 and Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 are NOT fully compatible at the C level.
Binaries built with Tcl7.4/Tk4.0 are not compatible with Tcl7.5/Tk4.1
and vice versa.  To cope with this, the run-time packages are
completely independent.  You can have all of tcl74, tk40, tcl75 and
tk41 installed if you like.  Of course, you still only have one set of
development packages installed at a time.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1101 E. Arapaho Road
(214) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

Checking if the network is up

1996-05-14 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
just to thank everybody for ansering my query about checking if the network
was up. I am using fping to my gateway and it works fine. I have as always
also learnt a lot from you all! 


making sendmail not use DNS (Was: Re: diald)

1996-05-14 Thread Yves Arrouye
 > Richard Kettlewell said:
 > > Also, do someone know how to ask sendmail really not to make DNS queries?
 > > This is somewhat that starts up diald when one does not want, and it is
 > > really annoying.
 > In your m4 file, use the following options:
 > FEATURE(nodns)
 > FEATURE(nocanonify)

I have them already for a long time. Sendmail still does DNS queries,
for example to try to contact my smarthost. I could try to put just this
one in /etc/hosts but I'm not sure it will suffice (I'll tell if it


Re: X Windows

1996-05-14 Thread Doug Geiger
On Sun, 12 May 1996, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> The graphics card in my machine is a Trident TGUI 9440 AGI which the docs
> say is not yet supported (as of June of 95) but that someone was working
> on it. Has there been any news?

Get XFree86's latest beta, 3.1.2D. Use the SVGA server. I use the 
9660xgi, but I understand the 9440 works quite well.

-- Run.exe
First Law of the Universe:
No law applies to ALL of the Universe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Finger me for PGP key

Re: X Windows

1996-05-14 Thread Stephen Early
On Mon, 13 May 1996, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> I am somewhat put off by the hodge podge of packages in the x11 section. I
> know I need:
> xserver_x I chose xserver_svga
> xlib
> xbase
> xfntbase
> xmanpages
> fvwm2

Actually you don't need the xmanpages package; it contains the manpages 
to do with X development. Manpages for the standard X clients are 
included in the xbase package.

> Is there anything else I need for a minimal X installation? How do I tell
> (asside from examining dependencies and description fields) which of the
> other packages in this section are desirable, necessary, objectionable,
> etc...
> I'd love some pointers on what's left as well.

The minimum local X installation is xlib, xbase, xfntbase and an X server
package. You're likely to want xcontrib as well; it contains some very
useful clients. The reason that X is split up into so many packages is
that it's so _big_ and there are so many different things it can be used
for. For instance, sometimes people want to set up a large machine as a 
server, and lock it away in a room. This machine will have a minimal 
display card, and will not run an X server locally. It might have all the 
fonts installed, and could run a font server.

Other machines could then be set up with only the X server package; they 
would read fonts from the font server, and the clients would all run on 
the main server.

Steve Early

Re: find question (and xargs)

1996-05-14 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
> I have come at the following but it doesn't work (and can't figger 
> out why not from the manpages).
> find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb'|\
> xargs -n 1 dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
> I was thinking that {} would be replaced by the filename but that's
> not the case. Anyone know how to solve this?

The {} substitution happens only in a -exec argument; 
you're using it after the find command.

Try find / -size +459976c -noleaf -type f -name '*.deb' -exec \
  dpkg-split -s {} && rm {}
