
1996-05-22 Thread Craig Sanders


is the list still alive?

RE: ping!

1996-05-22 Thread Simon Shapiro

Hi Craig Sanders;  On 23-May-96 you wrote: 
 is the list still alive?

Yes, very much so, but moved several months ago to
Pixar does not want the indecency law implications, I think.

So,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] will do the trick.

Sincerely Yours,   (Sent on 05/22/96, 13:07:04 by XF-Mail)

Simon Shapiro  i-Connect.Net, a Division of iConnect Corp.
Director of Technology 13455 SW Allen Blvd., Suite 140 Beaverton OR 97008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Voice:  503.677.2900, Emergency: 503.441.1681

netbase: ifconfig error messages

1996-05-22 Thread Derek Lee
When I use ifconfig, I get the error messages:

May 22 01:18:19 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
May 22 01:18:19 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-3
May 22 01:18:20 boson modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5

Is something missing? I have a PPP connection to the outside world,
but no local network. 

I use ifconfig from netbase-2.02-1.deb.

--Derek Lee

PS The following is the output of ifconfig, which I believe is correct:

bluebox-67 root:/usr/local# ifconfig
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:357 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:357 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

ppp0  Link encap:Point-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:5352 errors:2 dropped:2 overruns:0
  TX packets:5486 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

Re: Where are the new packages put?

1996-05-22 Thread Michael Meskes
Yves Arrouye writes:
 I'd like to know if new packages (like dpkg 2.0, xtel, etc) go: I can't
 easily find them on the mirror, for example.
 Is there a list of newly released packages with their location in the
 Debian archives?

I assume you mean dpkg 1.2.0. These files are currently in the incoming
area. Once they are proccessed they'll be moved to the correct place in the
unstable tree of teh distribution.


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
 |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
 |  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

Re: Root login is waiting

1996-05-22 Thread Michael Meskes
Erick Branderhorst writes:
 I have a problem with root login again. All other logins are fine,
 but root login is waiting after I typed the password. Even
 su isn't working anymore. I updtated some packages, including
 a few from Incoming this morning, after reboot, this behaviour
 is present. Sound familiar, a solution?

This is a well know problem with syslog. However, it seems noone figured out
how to get rid of it. It was reported for both syslog 1.2 and 1.3 and for
almost all kernels between 1.2.13 and 1.3.100. We had a machine with this
problem, too. I did remove the xconsole line from /etc/syslog.conf (I like
my own configuration more, anyway) and installed the latest version (not the
one from incoming) and now the machine is fine again.

As far as I can tell syslog needs the time to log the root login (note that
other logins are not logged, so there's no delay) in the presence of of the
boot messages.

Please try removing xconsole and see if that helps.


Michael Meskes   |_  __  
 |   / ___// / // / / __ \___  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   \__ \/ /_  / // /_/ /_/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/
 |  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!| //_/  /_/  //\___/_/  //

new installation floppies - please test

1996-05-22 Thread Bruce Perens
I have uploaded new installation floppies to

Please download them and test them.

More support for installation on systems with 4MB RAM.
Module configuration should work now.
Non-US keyboards can be configured.
8.3 file names and date encoded in the directory name.
Various small bugs in the floppies and base system repaired.

I'm sure I've made at least one stupid mistake - there was a lot of
time pressure. Please test these floppies.


Bruce Perens

Re: Root login is waiting

1996-05-22 Thread Bruce Perens
It should be possible for sysklogd to check if a write is going to block
by setting O_NONBLOCK on the file descriptor. If the write fails with
EAGAIN, the pipe is full. It's easy enough to tell if something is a pipe
or named pipe using fstat().


nvi segfaults

1996-05-22 Thread Scott Barker
Is anyone else getting Segmentation Faults out of version 1.34-12 of nvi?

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.
   - Anatole France

Re: which..

1996-05-22 Thread Mark Eichin

I would just like to add, as which is originally from tcsh (IMHO), why not 
use tcsh to run which and we'll have the same behaviour in bash as in tcsh.

*Actually*, which comes from the BSD shell script /usr/ucb/which.
Using it as a usage example would probably be poor, since it did
things like set prompt=; source $HOME/.cshrc and other gross
kludges. The tcsh builtin is simply doing it right; the common bash
'alias which=type' is usually close enough. Given that the script is
for invocation by programs, not users, it doesn't *need* to locate

Re: where is dftp 1.5?

1996-05-22 Thread Brian C. White
 I remember seeing a *long* time ago that dftp 1.5 had been uploaded to
 the Debian FTP site.  Yet, I still only see 1.4.  What happened to 1.5?

I was just wondering the same thing myself.  It seems to have been put
on HOLD for some reason.  Could the archive maintainer please move this




In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: mgetty-0.98-2: Fax page is compressed

1996-05-22 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Fri, 17 May 1996, Oz Dror wrote:
 When I convert received  faxes using the package g3topbm.
 Then when viewing either with xv or postscript,
 the page appears about half the size in length and the characters are
 compressed to half their sizes
 Any one know how to fix this problem?
add the -s flag to g3topbm

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Compiling the kernel..

1996-05-22 Thread Richard . Dansereau
Hi all!

I'm familiar with retrieving and compiling new versions of the
Linux kernel under Slackware.  With my switch over to Debian
though I was wondering if there are different things I should
keep in mind when compiling new kernel versions.  I noticed
that for Debian 1.1 a kernel release under devel/source??.deb
is available.  This appears to contain the standard kernel
release source tree but has a number of additional things (such
as a nifty Tcl/Tk GUI for kernel configurations).

What is the procedure I should take to compile a kernel under debian
and to take into account loadable modules, etc.?

Also, if I want to get newer kernel releases is there a way to
integrate it in with the additional Debian changes for /usr/src/linux?


Richard Dansereau
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Manitoba - Canada

Re: kernel headers

1996-05-22 Thread Scott Barker
Manoj Srivastava said:
[reasoning for putting kernel headers in with libc packages]

Your reasoning is understandable, however, we will just have to agree to
disagree on this issue. I still don't feel it is right to put kernel headers
anywhere except with the kernel (or perhaps as their own package). If people
want to play around with development kernels, they should be prepared for
things to break. Debian should concentrate on providing a complete, stable
system. If users want to break that stability, it's up to them to watch out
for themselves.

I'm not complaining (at least, not very hard), but that's my 2cents worth.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

The past always looks better than it was.  It's only pleasant because it
   isn't here.
   - Finley Peter Dunne (Mr. Dooley)