emergency action

1997-01-12 Thread Fundamental

im curious, being not so familiar with debian as i am with solaris, if i
somehow edit a file which on reboot, prevents my debian box from
rebooting, is there a way to get back into the box and edit out my

For instance, on a solaris machine i just stick my boot disk/cd in, when it
gets to the configuration screen i can cntrl break out of it into a shell
and hack around at will, is this possible on a debian box?


No physician can give health and happiness to the man who enjoys
his affliction.  For such a man health and happiness are always
The Singer

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1997-01-12 Thread Daniel Stringfield
hello all.
I have TWO Debian boxes sitting side by side (plus more, but they aren't
hooked up as of yet)

My problem is:

When DIALD is running, nothing works over ethernet.  If I run TCPDUMP, I
can see traffic going OUT, and I can see the other box sending data, but
not as a response per se.  Machine with modem is a P133 box running the
latest diald from bo, (have never been able to get it to work, with any 
available diald version)  it has a 33.6k modem that I use to get onto the
Internet with.  On the other debian box, I have nothing except ethernet,
for a connection to the outside world.

If DIALD is running, the other machine won't answer ICMP echo requests, or
anything else.  If diald is disabled, ethernet works ok.

I can only attribute it to routing configuration error, or diald just not
allowing things to work.

I've posted this question several times to the list.  I know that there
has to be a way for this to work, because my former roommate had it on his
server this way.  (I can't get a hold of him... he skipped town)

Could someone please give me a hand on this one.  I'm very desperate and
frustrated.  I've read all I can find on the subject of diald+ethernet.

  Daniel Stringfield  
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://users.southeast.net/~servo
Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!

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Re: More diald problems.

1997-01-12 Thread Kevin Traas
Thanks very much for you help, Philippe.  

As requested, I've included my configuration files throughout the message
below.  I hope this helps in figuring out what my problem is.  (I've
stripped out my username & passwords from the files)


> > However, NO MATTER WHAT I DO across the connection, diald kills it
> > only about 30 seconds of uptime.  In other words, even if I start a
> > or ftp session, I hardly manage to get connected to the remote site and
> > diald drops the connection and my session "hangs".  Of course, with
> > connection-oriented utilities, I've got to start over again when I get
> > reconnected.  However, if I run a connection-less utility like ping,
> > ping merrily along for 30 seconds until diald kills the connection and
> > wait until diald again re-establishes it again.
> Do you know why diald terminates the connection ? If you've got 
> `debug 31', diald should output a shitload of messages (in 
> /var/log/messages). Would you give us an excerpt ?

Here you go.  This is just a piece of it.  The only thing I can see why the
connection is terminated is at line 9:58:50 below.  But it doesn't explain

This section is from running "/etc/init.d/diald start":

Jan  9 09:56:58 sally diald[3243]: Using fifo /var/lib/diald/diald.fifo
Jan  9 09:56:58 sally diald[3243]: Starting diald version 0.14
Jan  9 09:56:59 sally diald[3243]: Proxy device established on interface
Jan  9 09:57:07 sally diald[3243]: Setting pointopoint route for sl0
Jan  9 09:57:07 sally diald[3243]: Establishing routes for sl0
Jan  9 09:57:07 sally diald[3243]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
proxy ARP
Jan  9 09:57:07 sally diald[3243]: Changed snoop device to sl0
Jan  9 09:57:07 sally diald[3243]: Diald initial setup completed.

Note 3 lines up the message I get if I try to enable "proxyarp"?  I've no
idea why this happens  

Below is a diald session started when I ran "ping www.microsoft.com".  The
first line is a call to my nameserver to resolve the IP address for

Jan  9 09:57:18 sally diald[3243]: filter accepted rule 24 proto 17 len 68
packet,1140 =>,53
Jan  9 09:57:19 sally diald[3243]: Running connect (pid = 3431).
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally pppd[3431]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: timeout set to 3 seconds
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: abort on (\nBUSY\r) 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: abort on (\nNO ANSWER\r) 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: abort on (\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r) 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: send (rAT^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: expect (OK) 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: rAT^M^M 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: OK -- got it 
Jan  9 09:57:20 sally chat[3433]: send (ATH0^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: timeout set to 30 seconds
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: expect (OK) 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: ^M 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: ATH0^M^M 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: OK -- got it 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: send (ATDT795-2970^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: expect (CONNECT) 
Jan  9 09:57:21 sally chat[3433]: ^M 
Jan  9 09:57:23 sally diald[3243]: filter accepted rule 24 proto 17 len 68
packet,1141 =>,53
Jan  9 09:57:38 sally chat[3433]: ATDT795-2970^M^M 
Jan  9 09:57:38 sally chat[3433]: CONNECT -- got it 
Jan  9 09:57:38 sally chat[3433]: send (^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:38 sally chat[3433]: expect (ogin:) 
Jan  9 09:57:38 sally chat[3433]:  28800/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M 
Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: Uniserve PRI access server (Chilliwack)^M

Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: ^M 
Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: ^M 
Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: Login: -- got it 
Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: send (MYUSERNAME^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:48 sally chat[3433]: expect (ssword:) 
Jan  9 09:57:49 sally chat[3433]:  MYUSERNAME^M 
Jan  9 09:57:49 sally chat[3433]: Password: -- got it 
Jan  9 09:57:49 sally chat[3433]: send (MYPASSWORD^M) 
Jan  9 09:57:49 sally pppd[3431]: Serial connection established.
Jan  9 09:57:50 sally pppd[3431]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  9 09:57:50 sally pppd[3431]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Jan  9 09:57:51 sally diald[3243]: filter accepted rule 24 proto 17 len 63
packet,1142 =>,53
Jan  9 09:57:53 sally pppd[3431]: local  IP address
Jan  9 09:57:53 sally pppd[3431]: remote IP address

At this point, my ping is merely going along sending pings and receiving
responses from www.microsoft.com.  Then, 57 seconds later (I originally
estimated this to be 30 seconds), I get the following.  One thing I find
interesting about it is that no "filter accepted rule"s appear at this time
- only after the connection is terminated.  Then, I get more "accepted"
packets and the connection is re-established

Jan  9 09:58:50 sally diald[3243]: Connect script timed out. Killing
Jan  9 09:58:50 sally diald[32

Re: Dselect suggestions: mailing list created

1997-01-12 Thread Winfried Truemper
Pete Templin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: If any one else wishes to provide this service (in a more standard

There is a mailinglist "debian-admintool@lists.debian.org" which works just
as any other Debian mailing-list (if you don't know what this means, it's
the wrong list for you). Please keep the traffic low on this list in the
following sense:

Over the past 2 years I've seen 99.99% good suggestions in this business.
Only 0.01% (or less) code. That's the reason why we do not have a better
dselect today: nobody actually got his fingers on the keyboard and
implemented it. Did you now that the problem is just that "easy"?

Yes, we all agree that "dselect" should be improved. We agreed about it 1
year ago, too. So please nobody wastes his time by making good
suggestions. We need coders, nothing else.

I warn you: if you are serious about coding, you will need _much_
time. It's far more work than one usally expects because you will have to
program something which suits everyone: package maintainers, first time
newbies and experts. Not to forget writing documentation, signing up
long-time responsibility for the tool ...
I estimate the workload at about 8h/week.


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Rescue Disk Help

1997-01-12 Thread David Kerr
Hi, i'm trying to reinstall Debian on my machine but i seem to be having a
problem with the rex-fixed vertion of the resq1440.bin file. i've
downloaded it off ftp.debian.org and also tried places like uiarchive and
After I write the image to a disk (w/rawrite2) and reboot it goes though:
loading root.bin,
and then gets to:
loading linux.bin..

Then the system reboots. I've tried at least 15 disks. and every time i get the
same result. I can boot my old v1.1 boot.bin disk just fine. If anyone can
help me with this problem i'd greatly appreciate it! Here's my system.

Compudyne Pentium 60
40 Megs of ram
BIOS v1.2R1.6

(if more info would help just let me know.)

Thanks a lot,


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16 bpp and 1280 x 1024

1997-01-12 Thread Michael Gajhede
Thanks to help from the list I now have 16 bitplanes. However
now I cannot use the higher resolutions anymore. Is it  really 
not possible with 4 mb. Here is the xdm-errors:

XFree86 Version 3.2 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6100)
Release Date: Oct 26 1996
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux [ELF]
Configured drivers:
  S3: accelerated server for S3 graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0)
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) XKB: model: "pc101"
(**) XKB: layout: "dk"
(**) Mouse: type: MouseMan, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 9600
(**) S3: Graphics device ID: "Primary Card"
(**) S3: Monitor ID: "Primary Monitor"
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) S3: PCI: ViRGE rev 6, Linear FB @ 0xf400
(--) S3: card type: PCI
(--) S3: chipset:   ViRGE rev. 61
(**) S3: chipset driver: s3_virge
(--) S3: videoram:  4096k
(--) S3: Ramdac type: s3_trio64
(--) S3: Ramdac speed: 135
(--) S3: Using Trio32/64 programmable clock (MCLK 70.000 MHz)
(--) S3: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 80.000 MHz
(--) S3: Clock for mode "1280x1024" is too high for the configured hardware.
Limit is  80.000 MHz
(--) S3: Removing mode "1280x1024" from list of valid modes.
(--) S3: Clock for mode "1152x864" is too high for the configured hardware.
Limit is  80.000 MHz
(--) S3: Removing mode "1152x864" from list of valid modes.
(--) S3: Clock for mode "1024x768" is too high for the configured hardware.
Limit is  80.000 MHz
(--) S3: Removing mode "1024x768" from list of valid modes.
(**) S3: Mode "800x600": mode clock =  50.000
(**) S3: Mode "640x480": mode clock =  31.500
(**) S3: Mode "640x400": mode clock =  25.180
(**) S3: Mode "480x300": mode clock =  29.950
(**) S3: Mode "400x300": mode clock =  25.000
(**) S3: Mode "320x240": mode clock =  15.750
(**) S3: Mode "320x200": mode clock =  12.590
(**) S3: Using 16 bpp.  Color weight: 565


I have tried to read the manual more than once !

Can anyone help

Associate professor Michael Gajhede, Department of Chemistry,
Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen University, 2100 Copenhagen Denmark.
tlf 45-35320280, fax 45-35320299

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Re: More diald problems. (fwd)

1997-01-12 Thread David Engel
On 12 Jan 1997, James LewisMoss wrote:
> Go to the diald web site and get the patch.  It has a bug that once it
> takes ot down once it won't bring it back up.  The patch fixes it.
> (Is running fine on my machine)

The new diald site is unreachable right now.  Would you mind mailing
the patch.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1001 E. Arapaho Road
(972) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

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Re: gcc can't find headers

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
> I've been trying to bridge over to C++ and tried to compile my first
> program using gcc, but "#include " didn't work.  The compiler
> couldn't find the standard headers.  I've looked on my system and they
> reside in /usr/i386-unknown-cygwin32/lib/g++-include.  I tried using the
> -I switch to no avail.
> I know next to nothing about the gcc compiler.  Any help would be
> appreciated.  By the way, it does compile C programs without a hitch.

You need to install the packages "libg++27_2.7.2.1-3.deb" and
"libg++27-dev_2.7.2.1-2.deb". The headers that you have are
for the cross-compiler win32 version of gcc.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Orn E. Hansen
"Troy M. Lubbers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I'd be interested in hearing how other people have made it work, 
> or IF they have made it work. Thanks
  Debian installed fine on my system here, with 4Meg.  When you start the
disks, it informed that it would be wise to START by making a swap partition
before going any further.  As 4Meg was running it a little too narrow.  I
initialized a swap partition, 20Meg... and it gave me no problems.


Ørn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Where to put things to be satrted at bootup ?

1997-01-12 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
> "Stan" == Stan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stan>   Where is the "debian correct" place to put things that
Stan> need to be starrted up a boot time, such as rwhod?

I believe rwhod is started by /etc/init.d/netstd_misc.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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gcc can't find headers

1997-01-12 Thread Paul Serice

I've been trying to bridge over to C++ and tried to compile my first
program using gcc, but "#include " didn't work.  The compiler
couldn't find the standard headers.  I've looked on my system and they
reside in /usr/i386-unknown-cygwin32/lib/g++-include.  I tried using the
-I switch to no avail.

I know next to nothing about the gcc compiler.  Any help would be
appreciated.  By the way, it does compile C programs without a hitch.

Paul Serice

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Re: shadow-suite?

1997-01-12 Thread Darren Klein
On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Fabien Ninoles wrote:

> >  is there a shadow-suite package available for Debian?
> >  I couldn't find it in my distribution.
> > 
> Look in project/experimental/, they are there except for the xdm-shadow 
> who was already in xbase.

I tried getting there with dselect and the ftp option.  I could not enter 
the dir.  When it asks for the distriubtion I tried experimental, project 
, contrib, unstable.

Any ideas?

| Darren Klein | Internet Service Providers |   (718) 962-1725 | 
962-1708 fax |
| New World Data   |http://www.nwdc.com |   Telnet: nwdc.com   |

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Re: PnP modem under Debian

1997-01-12 Thread Peter Kim
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jason Goldschmidt  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi, does anyone have any experience getting a US Robotics Sportster
>28.8-33.6 PnP modem to work with linux? Or any PnP modem for that matter.
>I've done all the common setup stuff for the modem. I found that if I want
>to use the modem under NT, I have to disable PnP in my bios. But if I do
>this for linux it changes nothing. 

   The USR PnP modems have a unique feature in that they actually have
jumpers.  You should be able to turn a USR PnP modem into a conventional
one just by jumpering..  Good luck!

  - Peter

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syslog errors

1997-01-12 Thread Walter L. Preuninger II
Last night while trying to figure out why cron was not starting up, there
were no S89cron files in /etc/rc[2-5].d, something happened to my syslog.
Now all I get is
Jan 12 13:39:47 walterp kernel: klogd 1.3-0, log source = /proc/kmsg
Jan 12 13:39:47 walterp syslogd 1.3-0#11: restart.
Jan 12 13:39:47 walterp syslogd: select: Bad file number
Jan 12 13:40:17 walterp last message repeated 140355 times

I cant find anything wrong with /etc/syslog.conf, and finally have my
system set up the way I like, so I dont want to reload.

Please help!

Walter L. Preuninger II

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Shadow Package

1997-01-12 Thread Darren Klein
Hi All,

I have been trying to install the Shadow package with 'dselect' but I 
cannot seem to find it.  Although I see it on ftp.debian.org in the 
project/experimental dir I can't seem to make 'dselect' go there.

Any ideas on what I am not doing right?

BTW, I am trying to nstall it with the 'ftp' option.


| Darren Klein | Internet Service Providers |   (718) 962-1725 | 
962-1708 fax |
| New World Data   |http://www.nwdc.com |   Telnet: nwdc.com   |

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Re: Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Troy M. Lubbers

On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Andrew Martin Adrian Cater wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Troy M.
> Lubbers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >Alright, I'm attempting to install Debian. (That's good right?) Well, 
> >I've encountered my first problem. When I boot with the Rescue disk, I 
> >get all the error messages probes etc, that it's supposed to do. Then it 
> >comes to what I'm sure it's not supposed to do. When it gets to the point 
> >where it says
> >
> >RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0
> >
> >it then continues with these error messages
> >
> >Couldn't get a free page.
> >out of memoryVFS:mounted root(minix filesystem)
> >init:cache '/etc/ld.so.cache' is corrupt
> >
> >and then NOTHING. That's it frozen solid. Ctrl-Alt-Delete reboots and if 
> >you leave it in it does the same exact thing. I've tried using different 
> >disks to no avail, they all seem to do it.
> >
> >I've got a 386DX/33 manufactured by Zeos computers. With 4M RAM and a 
> >130MB ST1144AT HD. Mediavision Jazz chipset based soundcard integrated 
> >with a Future domain TMC8XX SCSI controller and 2x CD-ROM. The error 
> >message is the same whether or not I include the boot flag 
> >"tmc8xx=0xce000,11" or not. I also have a Diamond Stealth VRAM SVGA card. 
> >1.44 and 1.2 meg floppies. 
> >
> >The boot images I'm using are from ftp.debian.org and are the most 
> >current set at this time, I downloaded 'em just tonight. Any insights 
> >into the problem would be appreciated, maybe someone else has had a 
> >similar experience.
> >
> >
> I had the same with 1.2 install disks: I had managed an install in 4M
> with 1.1 equivalents.  Sounds like you're out of memory: I cured the
> problem by adding a scrap 4M of memory: there may be other ways round
> this (turning off ramdisks )
> -- 
> Andrew Martin Adrian Cater

Well, adding more memory would be nice :) But I really don't want to 
throw more money into this old thing. Now, I misunderstood you on one 
point here. On v1.1 you were able to manage an install in 4M or was it 8M 
because you added 4M extra? If you did it with 4 that's probably what 
I'll do, just install 1.1, but if I have to use 8M Well I don't think 
that's gonna happen and I guess I'll just install a Slackware 
distribution or something I know that'll install in 4M. I was led to 
believe by the documentation though, that installation would work fine in 
4, you'd just have to start a swap partition before continuing very far. 
Which is how Slackware does it, since that's what I've used before.

I guess I'd be interested in hearing how other people have made it work, 
or IF they have made it work. Thanks

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Re: Info sought for libc5-pic package

1997-01-12 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Tom Fawcett wrote:

> Can anyone give me information about the libc5-pic package?  There appear
> to be no docs distributed with it, and the FAQ for libc5 doesn't mention it
> either.
It's used to create the base disks, along with ncurses3.0-pic. 



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Re: Minor help with X

1997-01-12 Thread Riku Saikkonen
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>(--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named "800x600"
>(--) SVGA: Removing mode "800x600" from list of valid modes.
...  [XF86Config:]
>Section "Monitor"
>HorizSync   31.5 - 35.1
>VertRefresh 50-70

Here is the problem; the HorizSync range is too small. The 800x600 and
1024x768 modes have the following hsyncs [quoted from the same XF86Config]:
># 800x600 @ 56 Hz, 35.15 kHz hsync
># 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 35.5 kHz hsync

So, change that HorizSync to "HorizSync 31.5 - 35.6" or something (see your
monitor's specifications if you have them; but if 800x600 works in SVGAlib
(or DOS), setting that HorizSync should be safe), and it should work.

>Section "Screen"
>Subsection "Display"
>Modes   "640x480" "800x600" "1024x768"

And here, the first mode in this Modes list is the mode that X starts by
default; but you can cycle between them all with Ctrl-Alt-+ (the + key on
the numeric keypad).

(On a more general note, I've always thought that "There is no mode
definition named "xxx"" is not an informative error message when the real
`error' is that the mode definition was deleted because it didn't fit the
monitor's specifications (HorizSync, VertRefresh). But I guess we'd need to
talk to the XFree86 folks about that.)


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Re: Trying to build a custom kernel (xconfig)

1997-01-12 Thread Vatiainen Heikki
You seem to have everything you need for 'make xconfig' but you have to tell 
the X server that it's ok for your client program (wish) to connect to it. Try 
'export DISPLAY=:0' before 'make xconfig'.

If it still won't work and I guess it won't, you have to use command 'xhost + 
localhost' as the user that started X. This adds your host to the list of 
hosts that are allowed to connect to your X server. I assume that you didn't 
run X as root but did eg. 'su -' to gain root privileges.

The problem with 'make menuconfig' is that although you have ncurses libraries 
and all the other ncurses stuff, you don't have ncurses3.0-dev package that 
has 'ncurses.h' in it.

I guess you also have the package 'kernel-package' that contains helpful 
scripts etc. to make building kernels in Debian easier. If not, check that 
'misc' sections in stable or unstable.

// Heikki

Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * http://www.cs.tut.fi/~hessu/
Tampere, Finland

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Re: deselect_update_via_cdrom

1997-01-12 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Richard Sevenich wrote:

> I recently updated from Debian 1.1.4 to Debian 1.2.1 using a CDROM supplied
> by Dale Scheetz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I decided to update via dselect and
> would like to share my experience. Dale responded graciously to several of
> my questions to get me started. Here is the scenario:

Richard is being over generous with his praise. I was highly distracted
(cooking dinner) and, as I remember it, the gist of my response to him was
a long winded version of "you need a symlink somewhere".
This analysis is very nice. Thank you Richard. I will be sure to include
the stable link and change the non-free/binary-i386 to binary in the next
release (1.2.3).
For those using an earlier release, the following is a complete solution.
> 0. mount the cd; let's say '/cdrom' is the mount point
> 1. 'dpkg -i /cdrom/rex-fixed/binary-i386/base/ldso_1.8.5-1.deb'
>to satisfy a predepend for perl update
> 2. 'ln -sf /cdrom/rex-fixed /stable'
> 3. 'ln -sf /cdrom/contrib /contrib'
> 4. 'dselect'
> 5. Within dselect, choose "mounted (Install from a mounted file system
>which is already mounted)" as the access method - restrain yourself
>from choosing "cdrom" as the access method.
> 6. When dselect asks for "distribution top level [none]', enter '/'
> 7. It will complain about not finding 'non-free/binary-i386', so enter
>'cdrom/non-free/binary' - note no initial '/'
> 8. The cd didn't have a 'local', so at that point I entered 'none'
> 9. You'll now be admitted into the bowels of dselect to make your software
>selections etc.
> Some of the choices above seem non-intuitive/capricious, but I trundled down
> some blind paths before this worked for me - you may find a more sensible
> scenario.
> Regards, Richard



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Re: Trying to build a custom kernel (xconfig)

1997-01-12 Thread Martin Konold
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Kevin McEnhill wrote:

> I am trying to build my self a custom kernel and I have run into a problem
> that is a bit annoying. To make my .config file, I ran 'make xconfig' and
> it crashed out with the following message.

> bash# make xconfig

> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> application-specific initialization failed: couldn't connect to display
> ":0.0"

Your desktop aka X11 display is owned by the person (uid) who started X11
via startx or who locked in via xdm.

You try to do 'make xconfig' as root (uid=0).
You have to allow this user to use the X11 Display.

Just read the man page for xhost.

Or try 'xhost +localhost'

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Muenzgasse 7, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany  // 
// Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  // 
   Linux - because reboots are for hardware upgrades 
   -- Edwin Huffstutler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- 

   Just go ahead and write your own multitasking multiuser os !
 Worked for me all the times.
 -- Linus Torvalds --

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Re: postgres95(postmaster errors)

1997-01-12 Thread Eric Budd
At 07:53 PM 1/10/97 -0600, you wrote:
>I installed postgres95 and postgres95-dev, and get this message when I try
>to start postmaster:
>postmaster: can't load library 'libbsd.so.1.0.0'
>so I look for libbsd and find a libbsd.a, so I make a symlink. Now when I
>run postmaster:
>postmaster: '/usr/lib/libbsd.so.1.0.0' is not an ELF file
>postmaster: can't load library 'libbsd.so.1.0.0'
>What can I do?
>Walter L. Preuninger II

I have had this exact same problem trying to run postgres. . . I assume that
the libbsd is an older a.out file, butI have noidea where to find it in ELF
format. Does anybody know where this file (libbsd.so.1.0.0) can be
found/dl'd/ripped off?  If that IS the problem, I'm not sure, but any help
would be appreciated.


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Trying to build a custom kernel (xconfig)

1997-01-12 Thread Kevin McEnhill

I am trying to build my self a custom kernel and I have run into a problem
that is a bit annoying. To make my .config file, I ran 'make xconfig' and
it crashed out with the following message.

bash# make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts kconfig.tk
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/scripts'
make -C /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/drivers/sound mkscript
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/drivers/sound'
Compiling Sound Driver v 3.5.5-beta1 for Linux
rm -f configure
gcc -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/include -o configure configure.c
./configure script > Config.in
cat lowlevel/Config.tmpl >> Config.in
./configure fixedlocal > local.h
./configure fixeddefines > .defines
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/drivers/sound'

./tkparse < ../arch/i386/config.in  > kconfig.tmp
cat header.tk >> ./kconfig.tk
cat kconfig.tmp >> kconfig.tk
rm -f kconfig.tmp
echo "set defaults \"arch/i386/defconfig\"" >> kconfig.tk
cat tail.tk >> kconfig.tk
chmod 755 kconfig.tk
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/scripts'
wish -f scripts/kconfig.tk
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
application-specific initialization failed: couldn't connect to display
invalid command name "button"
while executing
"button .ref"
(file "scripts/kconfig.tk" line 26)
make: *** [xconfig] Error 1

Now what is this noise about "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by
server"? I know that I can just use 'make config' but that is boring and I
think that this method should work. I also tried 'make menuconfig' and I
crashed out of that as well with a much shorter message.

bash# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -O2 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  -DCURSES_LOC=""   -c
lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.6/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

Again, I don't have to use this but I think it should, so I want to fix it.
I ran 'dpkg --list' to find out if I had installed everything that I
thought I would need to run a curses or tk/tcl program and I got this.

ii  ncurses-base1.9.9e-1   Video terminal manipulation: Minimum set of
ii  ncurses-bin 1.9.9e-1   Video terminal manipulation: associated prog
ii  ncurses-term1.9.9e-1   Video terminal manipulation: additional term
ii  ncurses3.0  1.9.9e-1   Video terminal manipulation: shared librarie

ii  tcl74   7.4p3-5The Tool Command Language (TCL) v7.4 - Run-T
ii  tcl75   7.5p1-2The Tool Command Language (TCL) v7.5 - Run-T

ii  tk404.0p3-5The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.0 - Run-Ti
ii  tk414.1p1-2The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.1 - Run-Ti

Do I have everything I need? is there a document that I haven't read yet (I
have read everything in /usr/src/kernel-sources-2.0.6)? Any clues at all?

Sorry for the long post but I REALLY hate the "Help my computer doesn't
work" posts.


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Re: Scanner software recomendations ?

1997-01-12 Thread Joseph L. Hartmann, Jr.
Contact gnu  (http://www.gnu.org) and ask them what the progress is on 
their OCR thingy.

Best Regards,
Joe Hartmann  Tel: (603) 863 6073 
K2AJV -issued email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
1951  home-page: http://www.sugar-river.net/~joeh 
First Student at the:

  Linux Academy in the Sunshine Town of Newport, NH

Thanks to RMS, Linus, and other contributors of free software!
- I grant this to the public domain -

On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:

> Stan Brown wrote:
> > 
> > I am looking for a software package to use to interface am HP 
> > scanner
> > to my Debian system.
> > 
> > Any recomendations?
> xvscan, but you have to pay for it.
> you can go to http://www.tummy.com/xvscan/Welcome.html to get
> more info.
> lawrence,
> --
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Re: Any IRC channels for (Debian) Linux?

1997-01-12 Thread System Account
hiya all,
well i've been joining #debian on the undernet now for a few
months but never see anyone.  i'll start maintaining the channel on a
perminent basis now. if you'd like to help out feel free to join the
channel :)
i find that #linux on undernet is centered to much on the redhat
and slackware that i'd like to have the debian channel come to life.
for people who have not been to the undernet here are a few
Hope to see you all there :)

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, Chad Zimmerman wrote:

> I have a #Debian channel on undernet for any that wish to go there.
> Chad D. Zimmerman
> http://dabcc-www.nmsu.edu/~chad/

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Re: XPMs?

1997-01-12 Thread David Puryear
Hi Benedikt,

You wrote:
> Well, all the icons together don't take up that much space, and just
> before I wrote about this, I had the problem, that I needed an xterm-hp or
> hpterm icon. Just for that I needed to install ctwm (which otherwise I
> don't use). And also, just looking at the names of the icons, there seem
> to be quite a few duplicates.
> I think putting the icons into the a single directory could be a first
> step, but as the window-manager icons can also be used in other
> window-managers, I don't see why I should be required to install all WM's
> just to have all icons around. That's why I said I'd rather have all icons
> in one package that is required by those packages that presently contain
> those icons.
Hmmm...I hadn't thought of it like that. You are right, I do sometime
use different icons then one that came with the package. Do you use mc?
You can use mc to see the insides of package and extract file(s) you
want without having to unpack. I use it all the time for such a thing. 


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1997-01-12 Thread Richard Sevenich

I have used Debian for some time, yet seem to be a permanent newbie - 
a 'pernewbie'.

I updated from 1.1.4 to 1.2.1 and have one remaining glitch; lpr has a
problem. I am hoping someone can give me the simple solution:

1. As root, an attempt to 'lpr filename' leads to this error message
"lpr: /dev/lp1: unknown printer"
'cat filename > /dev/lp1'
   works OK and the /etc/printcap file looks OK and is one that used
   to work.

2. As a user other than root, 'lpr filename' works just fine.


Thanks in advance, Richard

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1997-01-12 Thread Richard Sevenich

I recently updated from Debian 1.1.4 to Debian 1.2.1 using a CDROM supplied
by Dale Scheetz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). I decided to update via dselect and
would like to share my experience. Dale responded graciously to several of
my questions to get me started. Here is the scenario:

0. mount the cd; let's say '/cdrom' is the mount point
1. 'dpkg -i /cdrom/rex-fixed/binary-i386/base/ldso_1.8.5-1.deb'
   to satisfy a predepend for perl update
2. 'ln -sf /cdrom/rex-fixed /stable'
3. 'ln -sf /cdrom/contrib /contrib'
4. 'dselect'
5. Within dselect, choose "mounted (Install from a mounted file system
   which is already mounted)" as the access method - restrain yourself
   from choosing "cdrom" as the access method.
6. When dselect asks for "distribution top level [none]', enter '/'
7. It will complain about not finding 'non-free/binary-i386', so enter
   'cdrom/non-free/binary' - note no initial '/'
8. The cd didn't have a 'local', so at that point I entered 'none'
9. You'll now be admitted into the bowels of dselect to make your software
   selections etc.

Some of the choices above seem non-intuitive/capricious, but I trundled down
some blind paths before this worked for me - you may find a more sensible

Regards, Richard

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Re: debian newsgroup?

1997-01-12 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Robin Rowe, you wrote:
> I joined the debian list for a few weeks last November when I had a Sony CD
> configuration problem, and was very glad for the help I got. (I needed the
> magic flag 'cdu31a_port=0x340'.) 
> The info is great. However, this list is just too much email to leave on all
> the time. Is it available as a newsgroup or web archive?

You can read all the linux.* mailinglists ported to news from
llug.sep.bnl.gov. Just point your newsreader at it. It is *read only*,
not posting allowed...


 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
"Very Pete Townshendish." "Who?" "Exactly."
 -- Anon
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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Re: Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Andrew Martin Adrian Cater
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Troy M.
Lubbers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Alright, I'm attempting to install Debian. (That's good right?) Well, 
>I've encountered my first problem. When I boot with the Rescue disk, I 
>get all the error messages probes etc, that it's supposed to do. Then it 
>comes to what I'm sure it's not supposed to do. When it gets to the point 
>where it says
>RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0
>it then continues with these error messages
>Couldn't get a free page.
>out of memoryVFS:mounted root(minix filesystem)
>init:cache '/etc/ld.so.cache' is corrupt
>and then NOTHING. That's it frozen solid. Ctrl-Alt-Delete reboots and if 
>you leave it in it does the same exact thing. I've tried using different 
>disks to no avail, they all seem to do it.
>I've got a 386DX/33 manufactured by Zeos computers. With 4M RAM and a 
>130MB ST1144AT HD. Mediavision Jazz chipset based soundcard integrated 
>with a Future domain TMC8XX SCSI controller and 2x CD-ROM. The error 
>message is the same whether or not I include the boot flag 
>"tmc8xx=0xce000,11" or not. I also have a Diamond Stealth VRAM SVGA card. 
>1.44 and 1.2 meg floppies. 
>The boot images I'm using are from ftp.debian.org and are the most 
>current set at this time, I downloaded 'em just tonight. Any insights 
>into the problem would be appreciated, maybe someone else has had a 
>similar experience.
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I had the same with 1.2 install disks: I had managed an install in 4M
with 1.1 equivalents.  Sounds like you're out of memory: I cured the
problem by adding a scrap 4M of memory: there may be other ways round
this (turning off ramdisks )
Andrew Martin Adrian Cater

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Installation problem

1997-01-12 Thread Ron Peierls
I am trying to install Debian 1.2 on a Micron Millenia Transport laptop. For
some reason (probably conected with the fact that there is no way of disabling 
shadow video for this board) the laptop display switches off fairly early in 
the procedure last message "SJCD resetting". If I connect an external monitor,
either activated together with or instead of the internal display, it remains 

I had a similar problem with 1.1 (for which I never finished the install since
1.2 became available) but one of the "special kernels" (2.0.18_0) solved it. 
There don't seem to be any such special kernels in 1.2, and I have no
nformation about what configuration was used to generate the one which worked
for me. I would try continuing with the 1.1 installation, but the floppies have 
gone bad.

Any suggestions?

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Re: Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
> Couldn't get a free page.
> out of memoryVFS:mounted root(minix filesystem)
> init:cache '/etc/ld.so.cache' is corrupt
> I've got a 386DX/33 manufactured by Zeos computers. With 4M RAM and a 
> 130MB ST1144AT HD. Mediavision Jazz chipset based soundcard integrated 
> with a Future domain TMC8XX SCSI controller and 2x CD-ROM. The error 
> message is the same whether or not I include the boot flag 
> "tmc8xx=0xce000,11" or not. I also have a Diamond Stealth VRAM SVGA card.

> 1.44 and 1.2 meg floppies. 

Well, the easiest solution is to buy more RAM (4Mb). If it's
impossible, you'll need, instead of the rescue disk, a set
of two disk, the first to boot, and the second to mount as
root. But for this you'll need two disk drives, because one
of them will stay with the root disk, and the other you'll
use to put the installation disks.

My sugestion? Buy more RAM ;)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222
IRC: AlexG

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using .rhosts?

1997-01-12 Thread Benedikt Eric Heinen

Hi there,

  there's one problem that arose on my two debian machines at home, that I
noticed a couple of days ago, but I can't find a solution yet...

  I am mainly working on the 'better' machine - the 'smaller' machine is
the one connected to the internet. Under debian 1.1 I used several scripts
from the better machine to access the internet programs on the other
machines via rsh - since I upgraded the internet machine to Debian 1.2
this no longer works. 'rsh icemark' comes back with permission denied, and
'rlogin icemark' now prompts me for my password.

  I didn't change /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts during the update. Now, how
can I get my .rhosts entries back working?



 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: ++41.79.3547891

RIOT, n.  A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.

 Ambrose Bierce  ``The Devil's Dictionary''

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Info sought for libc5-pic package

1997-01-12 Thread Tom Fawcett
Can anyone give me information about the libc5-pic package?  There appear
to be no docs distributed with it, and the FAQ for libc5 doesn't mention it

The few lines that describe it say that it's useful for creating customized
versions of libc.so (like libc-lite.so, I assume).


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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

1997-01-12 Thread Orn E. Hansen

Jona Bofjall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No! Installation should be as easy as possible. Our goal should be to make
> it so easy that no one has to look in the manual. And we're not far from
> there. I gave my two friends rex and told them to install it, after having
> saying good things about it for several months. Neither of them have used
> any unix before. Both made very few mistakes. I see this as a success for
> Debian, BUT, both made the mistake i posted about. So making this clearer
> would make installation easier, at least for some people.
> Easier installation is Good.
   You're really losing the point here... what is in your mind, an EASY
installation? A brain dead program, that does all your thinking for you?
You want your Linux box to be like your C64... just power on and wait for
the "Ready." prompt?

  Look at Windows... and all the users running it, with its "idiot proof"
user interface? You want to make a Debian shot at where Microsoft is failing
so miserably?  All you will ever accomplish is a big bunch of helpless
users, that can't even figure out by themselves to re-start a program when it 
gets stuck.

  The installation should be as complex as it needs be, to be able to take
care of all possible needs of the system, with the systems cababilities in
mind.  But CONTEXT RELATIVE... which is not the same as EASY.  This means if
you are new to the system, you have to Read The Fuckin' Manual, but if you
are experienced computer guru, you should be able to find your way through
with minimum effort.

  The user, her/himself is far better off by going through an initial phase,
where she/he will get intimite with the system.  It will save the user a
lot of money/time and frustration later on.


Ørn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: Inexpensive color printer experience

1997-01-12 Thread Bob Clark
I have a Canon BJC-4100 color printer that sells for between $200-300. 
I've been using it for several months now with slackware using APSfilter
and Aladdin ghostscript.  Prints all postscript files painlessly.  You
just lpr foo.txt or foo.ps and APSfilter decides what needs to be done. 
Actually APSfilter converts all files to postscript and then uses gs to
print them.  Color PostScript works too!  No need to spend money on a
PostScript printer, just let your cpu do the job for you and it's free.

Disclaimer: I just installed debian recently and haven't tried out the
debian versions of APSfilter and gs.  Also, I don't think the current
version uses the full resolution of my printer.


Stan Brown wrote:
> I would like to hear about peoples experinece with inexpensive color
> printers used from debian. I am considering buying one for my system.
> It will see fairly light duty, since I have an HP LJ 5m as my main
> printer suplemented by some heavy duty dot matrix machines.
> I was going to get a Postscript machine (HP probably) but I found out
> that the cheapest Postscript machine they have is the 1600CM, which
> runs around $2000 street price. That's more than I want to pay for
> this.
> So please tell me about your experiences (good and bad)and howyou use
> them (ghostcsript ).
> Thanks.
> --
> 404-996-6955
> Factory Automation Systems
> Atlanta Ga.
> --
> Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!
> Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
> (c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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Re: Fw: Novell and Linux

1997-01-12 Thread John Goerzen
> > anybody know if a Novell client exist for Linux.

What you want may be in the Linux kernel itself; the below comes from the
Kernel documentation.

This is support for the Novell networking protocol, IPX, commonly
used for local networks of Windows machines. You need it if you want
to access Novell Netware file or print servers using the Linux
Novell client ncpfs (available via ftp (user: anonymous) from
sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/) or from within the
Linux DOS emulator dosemu (read the DOSEMU-HOWTO, available in
sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO). In order to do the former,
you'll also have to say Y to "NCP filesystem support", below. To
turn your Linux box into a fully featured Netware file server and
IPX router, say Y here and fetch either lwared from
sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/system/Network/daemons/ or mars_nwe from
ftp.gwdg.de:/pub/linux/misc/ncpfs. For more information, read the
IPX-HOWTO in sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/docs/howto. The IPX driver
would enlarge your kernel by about 5 kB. This driver is also
available as a module ( = code which can be inserted in and removed
from the running kernel whenever you want). If you want to compile
it as a module, say M here and read Documentation/modules.txt.
Unless you want to integrate your Linux box with a local Novell
network, say N.

NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) is a protocol that runs over IPX and is
used by Novel NetWare clients to talk to file servers. It is to IPX
what nfs is to tcp/ip, if that helps. Enabling this option allows
you to mount NetWare file server volumes and to access them just
like any other Unix directory. For details, please read the file
Documentation/filesystems/ncpfs.txt in the kernel source and the
IPX-HOWTO on sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/docs/howto.  If you want to
compile this as a module ( = code which can be inserted in and
removed from the running kernel whenever you want), say M here and
read Documentation/modules.txt.

John Goerzen  | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming| 

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Re: XPMs?

1997-01-12 Thread Benedikt Eric Heinen
> It's good idea to put all the icons on same directory but let's not make
> another package with "all" the icons. Icons should come with package
> they belong in.

Well, all the icons together don't take up that much space, and just
before I wrote about this, I had the problem, that I needed an xterm-hp or
hpterm icon. Just for that I needed to install ctwm (which otherwise I
don't use). And also, just looking at the names of the icons, there seem
to be quite a few duplicates.

I think putting the icons into the a single directory could be a first
step, but as the window-manager icons can also be used in other
window-managers, I don't see why I should be required to install all WM's
just to have all icons around. That's why I said I'd rather have all icons
in one package that is required by those packages that presently contain
those icons.



 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: ++41.79.3547891

RIOT, n.  A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.

 Ambrose Bierce  ``The Devil's Dictionary''

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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

1997-01-12 Thread Jonas Bofjall
On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, Pete Templin wrote:

> > No, this is wrong. A new user should not have to read long documents prior
> I disagree.  You should understand what you are doing.  If you don't even
> want to know what is going and how you are to use it, what is the point of
> having it?  Bragging to your friends?

I guess you people are right about that of course any user should follow
instructions. But that is no reason why installation is harder than it has
to be. Then why do we have dselect in the first place? Just supply dpkg
and a complete manual and we would not have any problems? Right?

No! Installation should be as easy as possible. Our goal should be to make
it so easy that no one has to look in the manual. And we're not far from
there. I gave my two friends rex and told them to install it, after having
saying good things about it for several months. Neither of them have used
any unix before. Both made very few mistakes. I see this as a success for
Debian, BUT, both made the mistake i posted about. So making this clearer
would make installation easier, at least for some people.
Easier installation is Good.

  // Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2:201/262.37]

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Re: Fw: Novell and Linux

1997-01-12 Thread Ben Gertzfield

"medifax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I was recently approached by a customer who is wanting to bring his Linux
> > system to work. His dilemma is that we use a Novell network using a NDS
> > (Novell directory service) client to hook all our other OS's up with. 
> Does
> > anybody know if a Novell client exist for Linux.
> > 
> > Thanks for your time!.

There are a few Debian packages that do this automatically; I just
recently installed ncpfs and ipx, and with a simple ncpmount -S
MY_SERVER -U MY_USER /home/mydir/mynovelldir, I had mounted my
server's directory. :)

- -- 
Brought to you by the letters P and L and the number 17.
"It is sad. *Campers* cannot *dance*. Not even a *party*." -- Orz, SCII
Ben Gertzfield  Finger me for my public
PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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Fw: Novell and Linux

1997-01-12 Thread medifax

> From: medifax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Novell and Linux
> Date: Saturday, January 11, 1997 10:01 PM
> Greetings,
> I was recently approached by a customer who is wanting to bring his Linux
> system to work. His dilemma is that we use a Novell network using a NDS
> (Novell directory service) client to hook all our other OS's up with. 
> anybody know if a Novell client exist for Linux.
> Thanks for your time!.
> -William Riggs

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debian newsgroup?

1997-01-12 Thread Robin Rowe
I joined the debian list for a few weeks last November when I had a Sony CD
configuration problem, and was very glad for the help I got. (I needed the
magic flag 'cdu31a_port=0x340'.) 

The info is great. However, this list is just too much email to leave on all
the time. Is it available as a newsgroup or web archive?


R&D in Internet video and speech recogition using C++ and Java
http://jumpsite.com San Diego, CA 619-457-1159

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Re: Disk partitioning - recommended sizes

1997-01-12 Thread Bill Roman
One thing I'm surprised has gone unsaid in this discussion -- keep some
extra space for testing new distributions.  Even with my meager total
of 330MB (yes, I'm adding another drive RSN) I have enough space to install
a minimal system with the stuff that's really important to me, like uucp
and smail, so I don't inconvenience myself by doing a major upgrade only
to find out it doesn't work.

With 4GB you should be able to leave enough space to install X and whatever
else you use a lot.  You can always keep the spare partition mounted as
/tmp or something when you're not testing in it.

Bill Roman  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED])   running linux

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Re: Scanner software recomendations ?

1997-01-12 Thread Lawrence Chim
Stan Brown wrote:
> I am looking for a software package to use to interface am HP scanner
> to my Debian system.
> Any recomendations?

xvscan, but you have to pay for it.
you can go to http://www.tummy.com/xvscan/Welcome.html to get
more info.


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Re: More diald problems. (fwd)

1997-01-12 Thread edwalter
>On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, David Engel wrote:
>> I didn't know there was a new version.  Thanks.  Diald now restores
>> the routes and interfaces to the state they were before the link was
>> brought up.  However, diald still won't bring the link back up
>> automatically after it has taken it down.  The dummy SLIP interface
>> acts likes it is passing packets (the TX counter increments), but
>> diald never seems to notice and reactivate the real SLIP interface.
>I just installed it, and it's working for me...

I take it back.  It's not working.


==-- _ / /  \ 
---==---(_)__  __   __/ / /\ \  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
-=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /__\ \ \  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   http://www.linux.org \_\/

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Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Troy M. Lubbers
Alright, I'm attempting to install Debian. (That's good right?) Well, 
I've encountered my first problem. When I boot with the Rescue disk, I 
get all the error messages probes etc, that it's supposed to do. Then it 
comes to what I'm sure it's not supposed to do. When it gets to the point 
where it says

RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0

it then continues with these error messages

Couldn't get a free page.
out of memoryVFS:mounted root(minix filesystem)
init:cache '/etc/ld.so.cache' is corrupt

and then NOTHING. That's it frozen solid. Ctrl-Alt-Delete reboots and if 
you leave it in it does the same exact thing. I've tried using different 
disks to no avail, they all seem to do it.

I've got a 386DX/33 manufactured by Zeos computers. With 4M RAM and a 
130MB ST1144AT HD. Mediavision Jazz chipset based soundcard integrated 
with a Future domain TMC8XX SCSI controller and 2x CD-ROM. The error 
message is the same whether or not I include the boot flag 
"tmc8xx=0xce000,11" or not. I also have a Diamond Stealth VRAM SVGA card. 
1.44 and 1.2 meg floppies. 

The boot images I'm using are from ftp.debian.org and are the most 
current set at this time, I downloaded 'em just tonight. Any insights 
into the problem would be appreciated, maybe someone else has had a 
similar experience.

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Scanner software recomendations ?

1997-01-12 Thread Stan Brown
I am looking for a software package to use to interface am HP scanner
to my Debian system.

Any recomendations?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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Inexpensive color printer experience

1997-01-12 Thread Stan Brown
I would like to hear about peoples experinece with inexpensive color
printers used from debian. I am considering buying one for my system.
It will see fairly light duty, since I have an HP LJ 5m as my main
printer suplemented by some heavy duty dot matrix machines.

I was going to get a Postscript machine (HP probably) but I found out
that the cheapest Postscript machine they have is the 1600CM, which
runs around $2000 street price. That's more than I want to pay for

So please tell me about your experiences (good and bad)and howyou use
them (ghostcsript ).


Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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Re: More diald problems.

1997-01-12 Thread Ervin D. Walter
On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, David Engel wrote:

> I didn't know there was a new version.  Thanks.  Diald now restores
> the routes and interfaces to the state they were before the link was
> brought up.  However, diald still won't bring the link back up
> automatically after it has taken it down.  The dummy SLIP interface
> acts likes it is passing packets (the TX counter increments), but
> diald never seems to notice and reactivate the real SLIP interface.

I just installed it, and it's working for me...



==-- _ / /  \ 
---==---(_)__  __   __/ / /\ \  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
-=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /__\ \ \  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   http://www.linux.org \_\/

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Re: X11 and keymaps on debian 1.2

1997-01-12 Thread Orn E. Hansen
> Please, don't do things like *that*! This list is in
> English! I *really* want to know what the guys here are
> speaking about, specially if the subject is X11!
> If someone here wants to speak in his/her natural
> language, please do this by private e-mail. I'm not
> very good in English, but other languages I know
> less than nothing.

   I just told him that it was quite easy to install a danish keyboard
layout for XFree86 windows.  He just neaded to select it, when running the
config program.  X comes with it, by default... but otherwise, he was just
to fill in the (blanks) "de" with "dk" and he should be home :-)


Ørn Einar Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fax; +46 035 217194

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Re: More diald problems.

1997-01-12 Thread David Engel
On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, David Engel wrote:
> > I have a nagging problem with 'defaultroute' that maybe you can help
> > me with.  Everytime diald drops the link due to inactivity, it deletes
> > the default route.  After that, diald won't bring the link back up for
> > non-loopback addresses because there aren't any routes.  I have to
> > manually force the link back up.  Any ideas?
> > 
> It's a bug in diald that has been fixed with the newest release of
> diald.  However, the newest release hasn't been debianized yet by the
> maintainer (I don't think).  I am going to do it myself if a new
> diald.deb doesn't show up in unstable soon.  If you want a copy, email
> me.

I didn't know there was a new version.  Thanks.  Diald now restores
the routes and interfaces to the state they were before the link was
brought up.  However, diald still won't bring the link back up
automatically after it has taken it down.  The dummy SLIP interface
acts likes it is passing packets (the TX counter increments), but
diald never seems to notice and reactivate the real SLIP interface.

David EngelOptical Data Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1001 E. Arapaho Road
(972) 234-6400 Richardson, TX  75081

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Re: Where to put things to be satrted at bootup ?

1997-01-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 22:56:47 EST Stan Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   Where is the "debian correct" place to put things that need to be
>   starrted up a boot time, such as rwhod?

Put a script or a program in /etc/rc.boot. It will be executed every startup.


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Re: newbie questions

1997-01-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 09:39:03 PST "Gary Gifford" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> Also, following Zenon Fortuna's detailed posting regarding the Info Magic
> LDR (thank you Zenon!!) I can get to the point of trying to create a new
> kernel but the "make config" says command not found.  I suspect this has to
> do with run levels or permisions but I am quite lost.

Install the make package :-)

> And finally, every once in a while I hit an attempted command
> experimentally and the root prompt changes from # to > and I can't use any
> commands.  When I try to go back to the rot directory I get a "not
> connected" message.  My only way out has been to shutdown.  Any
> suggestions. 

Your command in unterminated (missing " ' or `). Do CTRL-C to get a fresh 


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Re: 16bpp in X

1997-01-12 Thread Philippe Troin

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 06:54:37 PST Brad Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> i can make X run with 16bpp, no problem, by typing (as someone has noted)
> 'startx -- -bpp 16'
> the question is - how do i make 16 bpp the default (i.e. xdm starts up
> when i boot, but only in 8 bpp)

This has nothing to do with the XF86COnfig file. Edit the /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers 
files. You'll find the following line:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X

To be changed into:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -bpp 16


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Where to put things to be satrted at bootup ?

1997-01-12 Thread Stan Brown
Where is the "debian correct" place to put things that need to be
starrted up a boot time, such as rwhod?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1996 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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What's the status of X11 in Debian 1.2?

1997-01-12 Thread Robert Nicholson
Can somebody tell me which X11 distribution rex is based on?

and where for instance does one find the Matrox Millenium server in .deb 

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can hercules graphics cards work with debian?

1997-01-12 Thread butch


I have an old northgate unit that i wish to use as a 
non graphics unit on debian and i wish to know could i 
use it as is? it only has a herc mono card- hey this 
was a 4000 dollar unit in 89!!

Name: Allan W. Bart, Jr.
Date: 1/11/97
Time: 11:23:25 PM

This message was sent by Chameleon 

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Re: Any IRC channels for (Debian) Linux?

1997-01-12 Thread Chad Zimmerman

I have a #Debian channel on undernet for any that wish to go there.

Chad D. Zimmerman

On 11 Jan 1997, Ben Gertzfield wrote:

> Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On which network?  Efnet? 
> Whoops, yes. EFnet. :) I'm only on EFnet and YiffNet anyway :)
> Ben
> - -- 
> Brought to you by the letters M and C and the number 16.
> "Mmm.. slanty.." -- Homer Simpson
> Ben Gertzfield  Finger me for my public
> PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.
> Version: 2.6.3i
> Charset: noconv
> Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface
> iQBVAwUBMthPWPTlx5Rynzi5AQGbawH9GIoP7ciaa1gG9MomQNWhlSaWeLv3P1/h
> 6HuLcMK/0rb4Bdw+E1nlUTyQSkN/OoMQepZf72wZcFV7O2QxowARxA==
> =H8zG
> --
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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

1997-01-12 Thread Hamish Moffatt
> > The real question is: "What key does dselect use for repeat searches?"
> > rather than "What key should it be?".
> It is just pure / WITHOUT any pattern. It is exactly the same in "more".

"/" always seems to take me to the first package matching that description.
"\" is the repeat key, Rick points out.


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Re: mime and elm (was RE: X-wm question and ZipDrive)

1997-01-12 Thread Hamish Moffatt
> Hamish Moffat wrote:
> >Good. Any chance you could not send all messages as MIME, either?
> >Real PITA to read with plain jane elm on a character terminal.
> Couldn't you pre-filter your email with procmail and a MIME extraction
> program? Maybe the packages mime-support (which `can be used to turn
> virtually any mail reader program into a multimedia mail reader') or
> mpack?

I'd love to. But this machine is not a Debian box, it's my
account at university running Solaris 5.5.1, and there's no procmail,
or munpack, etc. Only metamail, which isn't very friendly.
Unfortunately, I doubt my disk quota runs to a permanent copy of
procmail, which sounds quite featureful and therefore probably
quite large.

> After all, MIME is so well established and you're imposing the lowest
> common denominator on us.

True, but I see no advantage in sending absolutely plain text messages
as MIME when some people (such as me) will complain. When attachments
are involved, I agree, MIME simplifies things significantly
and metamail handles this adequately. Although I still use
Netscape when I'm trying to send file attachments.

A FreeBSD system I use has a special version of elm with native
MIME support. "ELM 2.4ME+ PL22 (25)" This would be nice on debian.


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Re: Any IRC channels for (Debian) Linux?

1997-01-12 Thread Ben Gertzfield

Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On which network?  Efnet? 

Whoops, yes. EFnet. :) I'm only on EFnet and YiffNet anyway :)


- -- 
Brought to you by the letters M and C and the number 16.
"Mmm.. slanty.." -- Homer Simpson
Ben Gertzfield  Finger me for my public
PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

1997-01-12 Thread Pete Templin

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote:

> No, this is wrong. A new user should not have to read long documents prior
> to installation. The configure scripts which runs directly after the
> installation should make reading docs unnecessary.

I disagree.  You should understand what you are doing.  If you don't even
want to know what is going and how you are to use it, what is the point of
having it?  Bragging to your friends?
> My totally-newbie friends were both given rex of my HD. They both called
> me after installation and asked how to get X started. Neither had
> configured X in any way. How are they supposed to know?
> The post-install configure script should take care of it. 

The installation process is not (necessarily) the place to learn about
packages.  Dselect in particular does not have room (unless you've got
some incredible montior and a very long xterm) to give full installation,
configuration, and operation instructions before or during installation.
If it did, how would publishers like O'Reilly and Associates be in

This is the real world.  We as humans may have to read a bit and learn a
bit to use a bit of our toys.  Remember, it's JUST a computer. 

Peter J. Templin, Jr.   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services   tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Dselect suggestions: mailing list created

1997-01-12 Thread Pete Templin

Hello all.

As much as I think that the many suggestions about dselect are beneficial,
I'd like to see the debian-user list return to general usage hints, etc.
As such, I've created a mailing list for dselect suggestions:


To subscribe or unsubscribe, send email to:


Please keep in mind that it is a manually-edited list until I can select
and implement list processor software, so subscriptions may take a little
time.  The list will process mail to it at 30-minute intervals.

If any one else wishes to provide this service (in a more standard fashion
or at a more standard address), I would be happy to offer any assistance
and transition aliases as long as necessary.

Hopefully, people will use this opportunity to help minimize traffic on
debian-user, as it's been rather busy lately (sometimes 2-4 hour delay to
process mail, I believe).

Thanks for your support.

Peter J. Templin, Jr.   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services   tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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texbin and tex base fonts?

1997-01-12 Thread Robert Nicholson
I trust the problem of texbin not depending on tex's base fonts has been 

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Re: X11 and keymaps on debian 1.2

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
>   Det er faktiskt ret godt, hvor mange har sine egne metoder at sætte
> tastaturet paa under X.  XFree86 kommer med et danskt symbol layout som
> default, saa du behøver faktiskt kun at vælge et danskt tastatur naar du
> kører xf86setup.  Men ellers saa fylder du bare ind "dk" istedet for "de"
> i sætningen.

Please, don't do things like *that*! This list is in
English! I *really* want to know what the guys here are
speaking about, specially if the subject is X11!

If someone here wants to speak in his/her natural
language, please do this by private e-mail. I'm not
very good in English, but other languages I know
less than nothing.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222
IRC: AlexG

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