experiences with /dev/md? (multiple device) drivers ?

1997-03-07 Thread lukas

Does anybody here have experience with the multiple device drivers
under linux? I have a machine with two HD (2.5GB each), connected as
hda and hdc, to set up. I'm contemplating whether to use th MD with striping
(raid0) to join partitions and to get parallel access to both disks in
a transparent way. I would guess that /tmp and /home might benefit.

My main worry is reliability of the driver. And speed matters, too.

Hints and recommendations welcome!

   Dr. Lukas Nellen | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Depto. de Fisica Teorica, IFUNAM |
   Apdo. Postal 20-364  | Tel.:  +52 5 622 5014 ext. 218
   01000 Mexico D.F., MEXICO| Fax:   +52 5 622 5015

[no subject]

1997-03-07 Thread Donny
Can anyone tell me how to connect a new Debian installation to the Internet?
I tried messing around with pppd but can't get it to connect.  I'm also
getting a "Network is unreachable" message when I try to ping any IP on the LAN.




1997-03-07 Thread Pete Poff
when I use locate I get an error.  This is what I get if I type 
like locate .  Like locate new.stuff.  I get locate: 
/var/lib/locate/locatedb: No suck file or directory.  Can anyone tell me 
why?  And is there a command to see how much disk space I have left?

 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address:   telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000

Sz Program for Minicom

1997-03-07 Thread Pete Poff
I don't have the sz program for the minicom program so that I can 
download with my zmodem.  I've looked around on the ftps sites and can't 
find the sz.  Could anyone point me out to where I might be able to find it?

 Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
   Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kyron address:   telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000

How to get module dependencies/configuration correct after kerne rebuild?

1997-03-07 Thread Stan Brown
How do I get the module dependinces/confgiuration straihgt after having
built a new kernel where some things that were prviously modules are
now in the kernel as non modules?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: Which OSF/Motif ?

1997-03-07 Thread Dan Irvin

> From: Larry Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Michael Harnois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Debian Users Mailing List 
> Subject: Re: Which OSF/Motif ?
> Date: Friday, March 07, 1997 3:30 PM
> On Fri, Mar 07, 1997 at 01:33:09PM -0600, Michael Harnois wrote:
> > Larry Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > >   I highly recommend the SWIM Motif from

We publish  the SWiM Motif CD and thanks to
Steve Dunham we now have a .deb
version that we would love to have current SWiM 
users to check it out.  If you are interested drop
me some mail and I will make arrangements for you
to get a copy.

LSL  The Linux Publishing Company

Base install probelm

1997-03-07 Thread Donny DaLee, ProSoft
Dear Scott and debian-user@lists.debian.org:

I recently started trying to install Debian and have been running into
problems with the base14 1-4 disks.  The disks are read correctly, but when
the files are extracting, I get:

Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault

I've downloaded the base14 files again and created new floppies on two
machines with no luck.

I am VERY new to UNIX/Linux and don't much about this type of error, however
I think it has something to do with a corrupt file or hardware problem.  I
obtained the Base14 files from ftp.debian.org (current) and downloaded
twice.  The floppies were created on Win95 systems using rawwrite2.exe and
each time I try a new set of disks I get the same error.  The thing that
makes me think it may be a hardware problem is that the disks are all read

I did get the system up, but man doesn't exist on the system and the only
book I have is "Teach yourself UNIX" (very beginner).  I says nothing about
installing the system, connecting to the Internet or a LAN; only how to
navigate the directories, manipulate files and use some of the tools I am
vaguely familiar with from experience in setting up Web sites on remote Web
servers using Telnet.

I would assume that the Segmentation fault error indicates that the Base
system has not been completely installed?

Out of frustration, I did something like "gunzip -r /*" to uncompress the
rest of the files installed late last night.  This may not have been a good
idea, but the system still functions and I have gotten quite used to running
the install.  ; )  Figured I had nothing to lose!

I have a plethora of additional problems, but here are a couple of good ones
to start with:

Accessing the modem in an attempt to reach the Internet
Connecting to the local network

Any help in any area would be much appreciated.



Re: now what

1997-03-07 Thread Scott Stanley
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, MR DAVID C STEIN wrote:

> So I downloaded my debian base sysetem now what do I do??
> Where do I go???
> Is xwindows the next thing I need??

This will depend on what you want to do and what do you want your 
machine to be able to do??  The most obvious options are setting up the 
modem, printing, and x-windows.

> Also someone showed me how to mount a floppy disk
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
> How do I unmount it

umount /floppy

Check out the man page for mount, umount and fstab. 

> Where is a file that shows me basic unix commands to type at the 
> propmt?
This one you will probably want to get a basic unix book that goes over 
these commands.  There are alot of good books out there.  But, the most 
absolutely basic commands are,

   unix  |  Dos equivalent
ls   | dir
rm   | del
cp   | copy
mv   | rename
There are a great deal of options available for these commands, and a 
look through the man pages for them would be worth while.  Try "man ls" 
for instance.

> prefereably in ascii sice my modem is on my dos machine and I haven't 
> figured what 
> to do with tar.gz etc.. yet  pkunzip doesn't know what to do with 
> that in dos

The .gz files are compressed using gzip.  Check out the commands gzip and 
gunzip.  Also the tar command to extract the files from the .tar file 
that results from gunzip AAA.tar.gz".  A command like 
"tar -xvf File_Name.tar" will extract the files from a tar archive.

> Thanks for the info.

This should give you a start.  Check out the man pages for these 
commands.  At the bottom of a man page there is a list of other related 
commands, for instance "man mount" has at the bottom;

   /etc/fstab file system table
   /etc/mtab table of mounted file systems
   /etc/mtab~ lock file
   /etc/mtab.tmp temporary file

   mount(2),   umount(2),   fstab(5),  umount(8),  swapon(8),
   nfs(5), mountd(8), nfsd(8),  mke2fs(8),  tune2fs(8),  los-

This will help you figure out the files and commands that are related.

Have fun.

Scott Stanley

Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences Dept.
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0411

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Brad Bell
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> On 7 Mar 1997, marsh wrote:
> So, is it true that there is nothing newer on the space shuttle and other
> spacecraft newer than a 286?

did we not all just hear about debian being on the shuttle?  whatever it's
running on must be newer than a 286...  or has that not happened yet?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://weber.u.washington.edu/~maximill

GCC problems

1997-03-07 Thread Stan Brown
I recenty upgraded my Debian system, and now I have a problem with gcc.
Here is the error message:

gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory

If I explicity put /usr/lib/gcc inot the PATH things work. What
could be wron here?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]404-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...Henry Spencer
(c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: pine producing gratuitous folder locks

1997-03-07 Thread Pete Templin

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, David C. Winters wrote:

> Today, I started getting running into a problem with Pine 3.94--it began
> telling me that every folder I tried accessing was locked.  This persisted
> even after I rebooted the machine, so I upgraded to Pine 3.95q out of the 
> 3.95L-7 .deb package.  This resulted in the same thing--if I try to open a
> folder, it's locked.  After looking through /usr/doc/pine/tech-notes, I
> checked for .lock files corresponding to the various folders, as
> well as a general lockfile in either /var/lock or /tmp without finding
> anything promising.  Has anyone else run into this with this package?

Are the permissions on the /tmp directory correct?  (1755, which looks
like drwxrwxrwt in ls -l /)  This is often my first clue that /tmp has the
wrong perms.

Then again, it could be some other problem...

Peter J. Templin, Jr.   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services   tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XFree86 Question.

1997-03-07 Thread Klaus Hergerschiemer
I am having a bit of trouble configuring XFree86 to work with my
 computer.  I have a NEC Ready9618 with an NEC MultiSync XV15+ monitor.
The chipset on the video card is an Alliance ProMotion 6422 and it has  1
meg dram.
Here's my problem.  I can get the display in X to look like
everything is not internally hemorraging(sp??), but the second I move the
mouse, everything goes. the picture starts breaking up.  No matter what I
do with it, this wont go away.  The only mode I can run in without this
hppening is like 640x480  with 16 color mode ithink, maybe it was 256.
I was wondering ifanyone knew what was going on, or even better,
had the same setup and got everything working so i can get a few tips.

Joseph Palicke

Zimmerman case

1997-03-07 Thread Bruce Perens
> The government dropped its case against Zimmerman long ago.

From: Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That is true, but he is still be "pestered" more than you and I would like
> to live with.

Uh, maybe. He seems to be making money on the issue. Take a look at
http://www.pgp.com/pgpcorp/pgpcorp.cgi . They don't give details on
their financing, but the people on the board certainly have access to
good financing.

> I just wish our government would get over the fascist notion that only
> governements should be allowed to "protect" secrets.

No argument there.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

now what

1997-03-07 Thread MR DAVID C STEIN
So I downloaded my debian base sysetem now what do I do??

Where do I go???

Is xwindows the next thing I need??

Also someone showed me how to mount a floppy disk

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy

How do I unmount it

Where is a file that shows me basic unix commands to type at the 

prefereably in ascii sice my modem is on my dos machine and I haven't 
figured what 
to do with tar.gz etc.. yet  pkunzip doesn't know what to do with 
that in dos

Thanks for the info.

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread jghasler
Carl Johnson writes:
> The system did use the 286 protected mode, so it had full memory
> management.  You could use more than 64K of memory, but it was a pain
> since you had to compile using Intel large model.

And I walked 12 miles to school, uphill *both* ways :)

I had (still have) an Onyx with a Z8002 cpu and a TTL MMU.  It had a a full
Meg of RAM, but no process could address more than 64k.  I ported lots of
BSD stuff to it, though.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Received: (qmail 29717 invoked by uid 888); 7 Mar 1997 21:14:47 -
Received: (qmail 29715 invoked by uid 888); 7 Mar 1997 21:14:47 -
Received: (qmail 29713 invoked from network); 7 Mar 1997 21:14:47 -
Received: from golem.pixar.com (
  by master.debian.org with SMTP; 7 Mar 1997 21:14:46 -
Received: by golem.pixar.com (Smail3.1.29.1 #2)
id m0w36ow-00MKNgC; Fri, 7 Mar 97 13:04 PST
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 97 13:04 PST
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens)
Subject: Re:  debstd strips static libraries?
Reply-To: Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's clear from the conditional that avoids stripping libraries with "_g"
in their names that he intended to strip debugging symbols.
--strip-debug would indeed be appropriate.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

Re: Which OSF/Motif ?

1997-03-07 Thread Larry Ayers
On Fri, Mar 07, 1997 at 01:33:09PM -0600, Michael Harnois wrote:
> Larry Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   I highly recommend the SWIM Motif from
> > http://www.cheapbytes.com.  It's worked really well for nearly
> > all Motif apps I've tried to compile, and the price is right.
> "Nearly" is a little frightening ... what *hasn't* it worked for?
> --
> +  Michael D. Harnois  

  Aw, don't be frightened... it's just software!  By nearly I
meant that reputable, well-maintained packages will compile
with SWIM Motif.  Just as with Athena packages, anyone can
upload Motif-dependent software to the FTP sites and some is
bound to be, shall we say, not very portable to machines
different than the developer's.

  In my experience, packages such as XEmacs, Amaya, Thot,
Nedit, etc. will compile.  
Larry Ayers_/_/_/_/   
  _/_/   _/  
Knox County, _/__/ 
Missouri_/_/_/_/  _/   _/   

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread David B. Teague
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, marsh wrote:
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AT&T System V ever ran
> on 286s.  Xenix, Minix, and Coherent are the main derivatives I can think
> of that ran on 286s.
> - Marsh

i Marsh, Hi folks

Yes, System V did indeed run on 286s.

I ran Microport's System V-AT, a derivative of System V.2, on my 286
machine (8 MHz, 2.5 MB RAM, 40 MB disk) from 86-90. It was System V.2,
with a few drivers from Microport.  My machine was a PC's Limited 286
(later Dell...)  Xenix and Venix were both licensed from AT&T later USL,
because Unix was a strongly protected trademark. I think a company
called Interactive did the ports to the 286 and 386 architectures. 

There were several folk who sold 'real' Unix for 286 in those days. 
AT&T ran a version of System V.2 on their 6300 Plus, which was a 286

   LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [345]86 PC's available NOW!
David B Teague | User interface copyrights & software patents make 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | programing a dangerous business. Ask me or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

spy counter-intelligence wild porno sex gold bullion Soviet Bosnia clipper


1997-03-07 Thread Bjoern Starke

how can i set the following alias "for ever"?

alias down="shutdown -h now".

And is this a risk for the system-security?

Kind regards bjoern

Re: IMPORTANT: RSA Data Security Challenge participants please read

1997-03-07 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Today, RC5.  Tomorrow, DES.  Next
> > week, Phil Zimmerman's a free man.  (Oh well, we can dream...)
> The government dropped its case against Zimmerman long ago.
That is true, but he is still be "pestered" more than you and I would like
to live with.
I just wish our government would get over the fascist notion that only
governements should be allowed to "protect" secrets. All of the current
software restrictions fail to keep the sofware in question from the rest
of the world and only act to impede free trade between US citizens and the
rest of the world.

I can see I'm starting to rant, sorry,



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: Which OSF/Motif ?

1997-03-07 Thread Michael Harnois
Larry Ayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I highly recommend the SWIM Motif from
> http://www.cheapbytes.com.  It's worked really well for nearly
> all Motif apps I've tried to compile, and the price is right.

"Nearly" is a little frightening ... what *hasn't* it worked for?

+  Michael D. Harnois + If you want to follow Jesus, +
+  Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA + you better look good on wood.+
+  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   + -- Daniel Berrigan   +

cannot run dpkg anymore

1997-03-07 Thread Laurent Bonnaud


after upgrading (successfully) to libc5_5.4.20 and ld.so_1.8.9, the
commands "dpkg -l" and "dpkg -i abc.deb" fail with the error message
(i'm citing from memory as my machine is not connected to a network) :

dpkg : cannot resolve symbol 'sysinfo'.

The command "dpkg --version" works, though.  I tried to upgrade "by
hand" to ld.so_1.8.10 and dpkg_1.4.0.8 but it does not solve the
problem.  All other binaries run well.  Does anyone have a solution ?


Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Guy Maor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg) writes:

>   Due to the ridiuclous dependancies involving Perl,io,libnet and
> dpkg-ftp I now find dpkg-ftp broken.

io was merged into perl and is now obsolete.  Remove io and reinstall

> bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.
> This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
> is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
> start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.

This actually means that bash couldn't find the interpreter -
/usr/bin/perl.  Did you remove perl completely?  That would be bad.


Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Jason Killen
On 7 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Marsh writes:
>> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AT&T System V ever ran
>> on 286s.

>From what I understand some 6300's, not 7300's, ran SV on 286's.
Coherent is nice if you can get a copy.

Jason KillenQuestion Stupidity
Monolith : driven by inner daemons  RPS : better living through world


Re: X personal configuration files: .fvwm2rc vs. .Xdefaults

1997-03-07 Thread Jason Killen
I run all my xterms from the fvwm menu or the buttons so my lines look like
this  ""xterm"   Exec exec xterm -fg lightgrey -bg black -sb &"
You are correct in saying that .Xdefaults should handle this I'm not sure
why it wouldn't, I use .Xdefaults to configure knews.  Tell me what you

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Jean-Paul LACHARME wrote:

>I use fvwm2, and it works without real problem. Lots of desktop features are 
>designed within .fvwm2rc. In other systems, some X local features are designed 
>within a .Xdefaults file. I did not find any global template for .Xdefaults in 
>Debian. Nevertheles
s, I wonder if creating such a file can be avoided when using X through fvwm2. 
I confess that I have not a clear idea of which configures what. I suppose that 
.Xdefaults is just fit for raw X commands and .fvwm2rc for the upper graphic 
layer, but it helps
>For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very 
>convenient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So,  
>I created a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, but 
>this was without any effe
ct (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more complex). 
>I did not even success to change the default shinning white background of the 
>xterm windows (pity for my eyes !). I performed a grep white command on the 
>config files, but it gave me nothing. 
>Has somebody some ideas about it ?
>Jean-Paul Lacharme.
>Centre de la Vieille Charite. 2, rue de la Charite.
>13002 Marseille. FRANCE
>Tel.: 0491140731/Fax:0491900227

Jason KillenQuestion Stupidity
Monolith : driven by inner daemons  RPS : better living through world


pine producing gratuitous folder locks

1997-03-07 Thread David C. Winters

Today, I started getting running into a problem with Pine 3.94--it began
telling me that every folder I tried accessing was locked.  This persisted
even after I rebooted the machine, so I upgraded to Pine 3.95q out of the 
3.95L-7 .deb package.  This resulted in the same thing--if I try to open a
folder, it's locked.  After looking through /usr/doc/pine/tech-notes, I
checked for .lock files corresponding to the various folders, as
well as a general lockfile in either /var/lock or /tmp without finding
anything promising.  Has anyone else run into this with this package?


David [EMAIL PROTECTED] If the Force with Yoda is so strong, construct
Office: 3503 WeH, x86720a sentence with in the proper order the words
MTFBWY  then why can't he?

Received: (qmail 30332 invoked by uid 888); 7 Mar 1997 18:29:03 -
Received: (qmail 30330 invoked by uid 888); 7 Mar 1997 18:29:03 -
Received: (qmail 30326 invoked from network); 7 Mar 1997 18:29:02 -
Received: from nhv-ct1-21.ix.netcom.com (HELO sauron.fashion-tech.com) ([EMAIL 
  by master.debian.org with SMTP; 7 Mar 1997 18:29:01 -
Received: from klee by sauron.fashion-tech.com with local (Exim 1.60 #1)
id 0w34Fi-0001AT-00 (Debian); Fri, 7 Mar 1997 13:20:02 -0500
From: Klee Dienes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Klee Dienes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: debstd strips static libraries?
Sender: Klee Dienes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 13:20:02 -0500

Package: debmake
Version: 3.2.2

I'm filing this as a bug against debmake, but it may in fact be just a
figment of my misunderstanding.  Consider it a request for information
as much as anything else.

Can anyone direct me to a decent reference on the ELF format as used
by Linux?  I have the Intel ELF specification (version 1.1 of October
1993), but it seems to be substantially different from the ELF used by

Lines 401--411 of /usr/bin/debmake:

# Check for static libraries provided by the package
X=`find $2/lib $2/usr/lib $2/usr/X11R6/lib -type f -name "lib*.a" 
if [ "$X" != "" ]; then
echo "-- Processing provided static libraries"
for i in $X; do
echo "Static Library $i"
if ! expr "$i" : ".*_g\.a" >/dev/null; then
strip $i

So far as I can tell, this makes all static libraries processed by
debmake unusable, as they no longer contain the symbols needed to
allow linking.

I'd suggest changing line 408 to 'strip --strip-unneeded $i', but that
seems to remove necessary symbols for static linking as well (making
it useless for Linux, as all 'symbols necessary for relocation' are in
the .dynsym and .dynstr sections anyway).  

Probably both lines 388 and 408 of /usr/bin/debmake should be changed
to use '--strip-debug', as '--strip-debug' is the only thing that 
seems to leave enough information around for linking against the library.

I'm tempted to also file a bug against binutils for this same problem,
as '--strip-unneeded' is a pretty crappy option that makes a static
library unusable for linking.  Opinions?

Finally, as an aside, is it policy that all static libraries with
debugging information be named libxxx_g.a?  Or is this just a
convention used by debstd?

 - Klee

Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Bernt T. Hansen
I'm using Infomagics release from December 1996 and I've got the same
problem.  I found that installing the base perl system seems to work
but if you upgrade it (even to the devel packages in Std) it breaks.

I've installed the base perl (required) version for now and put a hold on
it.  I found that under some circumstances perl gets partially deinstalled
or misconfigured.  Perl lives (on my system) in /usr/bin/perl but there
is a symlink in /usr/bin that tends to disappear.

I was tracking a similar problem on one of my four machines, 3 of which
run Debian now.  When attempting to install diald it failed with some
message about 'no such file or directory'.  Diald installed fine on the
other machine and they are basically the same setup.

I found that the /bin/perl link had been deleted on the machine that
had the problems so all I did was recreate it with

ln -s /usr/bin/perl /bin/perl

and all was well.  I installed diald after that (but haven't completed
configuration yet).

Hope this helps,

Bernt T. Hansen   Norang Consulting Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems  235 Bellamy Road North   phone: (416)431-6216
Analyst   Scarborough,   Ontario   fax:   (416)431-2617
  Canada M1J-2L7

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Brian Skreeg wrote:

> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 97 15:44:17 GMT
> From: Brian Skreeg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).
>   Hi folks, I asked for help on this problem last week but since having
> to change addresses suddenly I didn't get any replies (you might have seen
> them bouncing) so here it is again. My linux box is almost unusable because
> of this so I look forward to some help on the matter.
> 1:
>   Due to the ridiuclous dependancies involving Perl,io,libnet and
> dpkg-ftp I now find dpkg-ftp broken. From previous experience of this I had
> already the .deb file for io,libnet and dpkg-ftp. Installing these using
> dpkg -i managed to install them correctly and dselect shows no errors or
> files need "configured". Perl also appears to be installed OK , though I
> don't believe it (more on that later).
>   When attempting to use the ftp option of Dselect I get this error;
> dselect (subprocess): unable to run query/setup script process
> `/usr/lib/methods/ftp/setup': no such file or directory
> query/setup script returned error exit status 2.
> obviously I've knackered it up through all the
> install/remove/install/remove stuff I was doing trying to get round those
> daft dependancies.
> 2:
>   This problem is worse since it stops logging and halts mail delivery.
> When my box boots I get the following errors showing multiple times as the
> init process attempts to run the various daemons.
> eg.
> /etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or
> directory.
> This is the same for all daemons attempting to run..
> When just sitting as root and trying to execute "start-stop-daemon" frmo
> ANY directory the following error occurs.
> bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.
> This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
> is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
> start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.
> Help much appreciated. I've went so long now (for a newbie) without
> reinstalling that I don't really want to start over again.
>  Brian Skreeg - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fish Technologies Ltd.)
>  Connecting via U-Net Ltd

Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Brian Skreeg

>When I do 'dpkg --status perl' and 'dpkg --status perl-base' it prints out

>corresponding lines:

>Package: perl
>Status: install ok installed

>Package: perl-base
>Status: purge ok not-installed

Yep that's what I get. It's "perl" I have installed and not "perl-base" . I
can't "uninstall" it
in any way at all. Even using force options. As the removal script can't find
the perl executable
and biffs out (think I've said this before). So I can't reinstall a working
   dpkg status says it's installed OK but I know better and so does it when it
tries to uninstall
it. This system is deadlocked in this repect.

>The perl package also tells that it replaces both the 'io' and 'perl-base' 
>packages when it's installed. I'm not sure what has caused your problem, but 
>maybe installing the 'perl' package helps.

Yup, I know this and this is where the dependancy trouble comes in. It seems
the perl
package in unstable is far from complete or working.

>Hope this keeps you from having to reinstall.

No really. I fear the worst.

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
\__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

Re: example script want

1997-03-07 Thread Ted Harding
( Re Message From: Ronald van Loon )
> In a message to me, Ted Harding, you wrote:
> |"( Re Message From: Lawrence Chim )
> |"> 
> |"> Can someone provides me an example script that insert a line
> |"> of text into a text file.  The line should be placed below the
> |"> line section[xyz] and above the line blahblahblahblah.
> |"
> |"awk ' {
> |"  print $0 ;
> |"  if ( $0 == "section[xyz]" ) { print "new line of text" ; }
> |"} '
> |"
> awk '{ print }
> /section\[xyz\]/ { print "new line of text"; }'

Your version will print "new line of text" every time "section[xyz]" is
matched anywhere in the input line. The form I gave ensures that only an
exact match for the whole line does this.

Best wishes,

Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
I think your perl installation is messed up. Here's a small demo what happens 
with script files that reference a missing interpreter.

First I show the shell I'm using but it's pretty much the same thing with 
bash. Then I show the location of the perl binary, create a small test script 
and give it the execute permissions. After that I try to run it. Notice the 
'no such file or directory' error.

rae:~: 19:37 >echo $SHELL
rae:~: 19:37 >which perl
rae:~: 19:37 >cat > koe.pl
print "Success\n";
rae:~: 19:37 >chmod 755 koe.pl
rae:~: 19:37 >./koe.pl
zsh: no such file or directory: ./koe.pl
zsh: exit 1 ./koe.pl

If I replace #!/usr/local/bin/perl with #!/usr/bin/perl the script will run 
and print "Success". Both '/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup' and 
'/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon' think that perl should be in /usr/bin.

When I do 'dpkg --status perl' and 'dpkg --status perl-base' it prints out the 
corresponding lines:

Package: perl
Status: install ok installed

Package: perl-base
Status: purge ok not-installed

The perl package also tells that it replaces both the 'io' and 'perl-base' 
packages when it's installed. I'm not sure what has caused your problem, but 
maybe installing the 'perl' package helps.

Hope this keeps you from having to reinstall.

Brian Skreeg wrote among other things:
> dselect (subprocess): unable to run query/setup script process
> `/usr/lib/methods/ftp/setup': no such file or directory
> /etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or
> directory.
> When just sitting as root and trying to execute "start-stop-daemon" frmo
> ANY directory the following error occurs.
> bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.
> This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
> is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
> start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.
> Help much appreciated. I've went so long now (for a newbie) without
> reinstalling that I don't really want to start over again.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

sound module

1997-03-07 Thread G. Kapetanios


Can anyone tell me what is the module that replaces sound.o in the 2.0.27
kernel ?? Thanks very much


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS  

Re: X personal configuration files: .fvwm2rc vs. .Xdefaults

1997-03-07 Thread Dima
[ cc'ed to the list ]
>On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Jean-Paul LACHARME wrote:
>> For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very conv
>enient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So,  I c
>reated a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, but thi
>s was without any effect (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more complex

You want to put "xrdb merge .Xdefaults" into, say, Fvwm2 init function.
(When you get it to work, take a look at "editres".)

While we're at it, even though it says in the /etc/X11/Xresources:
"This is a global Xresources file.  It is used by both xdm and xinit",
I had to merge it from my .xinitrc to make it work.
I should file a bug report, I guess.

 "By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer meet the
  definition of a telephone fax machine.  By Sec.227(b)(1)(C), it is unlawful
  to send any unsolicited advertisement to such equipment. By Sec.227(b)(3)(C),
  a violation of the aforementioned Section is punishable by action to recover
  actual monetary loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for each violation."
(Solicited advertisements  and other such can be sent to 
  emaziuk at curtin.edu.au)

Description: PGP signature

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Carl Johnson
"marsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article
> > Craig writes:
> > > No Linux will ever work on an xt or a 286.  They are missing neccessary
> > > bits of hardware called a MMU which protects the memory.  A 386SX is
> the
> > > minimum.
> > 
> > The 8088 used in the XT is lacking an MMU, but the 80286 used in the AT
> is
> > not.  Several versions of Unix were available for the AT.
> The differences in the memory management architechture on the 286 and the
> 386 are major.  Virtual memory paging and segments larger than 64K just two
> important things that the 386 has that are missing on the 286.  I'm not
> saying that the 286 is not a superneato processor which was quite
> impressive (16?, 17? ) years ago, but there is a reason that The Great One
> (LT) chose the 386 for his initial experiments.

More like 10 years ago;  the IBM PC was introduced 16 years ago.

> One could write something for the 286 based on the "Linux Philosophy" and
> even call it the Linux kernel, but its executable format is not going to
> look a lot like ELF.
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AT&T System V ever ran
> on 286s.  Xenix, Minix, and Coherent are the main derivatives I can think
> of that ran on 286s.

Okay, you are wrong:) I used to own a version of ATT System V unix
(from Microport) that I ran on a 80286 system.  Of course most people
define System V as being V.3, and that version was the original V.0
(or V.2?).  The major problem with it was that most software available
was BSD software, and of course all BSD programmers knew that int,
pointers and longs were all 32 bits.  Unfortunately the 286 version of
unix used ints as 16 bits, so many programs had to be modified.  The
system did use the 286 protected mode, so it had full memory
management.  You could use more than 64K of memory, but it was a pain
since you had to compile using Intel large model.


Re: NIS documentation wrong?

1997-03-07 Thread Karl Ferguson
At 09:56 AM 3/5/97 +0100, Swen Thuemmler wrote:
>> It the nis documentation it says I can + and - users in the passwd file (I
>> take it that it should be on the fly and it used to work with debian 0.93
>> in this case...) - however I can't seem to do this.  The following two
>> lines are in my /etc/passwd file:
>> +::/bin/bash
>> -karl

Just a follow up note: this actually DISABLES the login (just says login
incorrect all the time) but the finger information remains.


   Karl Ferguson,
   Tower Networking Pty Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   t/a STAR Online Services  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Tel: +61-9-455-3446  Fax: +61-9-455-2776   http://www.star.net.au

Re: ?Audio Group?

1997-03-07 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
Here's the listing of the files in /dev belonging to the audio group:

rae:~: 18:06 >find /dev/ -group audio -ls
 329580 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   3 Dec 18 23:55 /dev/dsp
 329590 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   0 Dec 18 23:55 /dev/mixer
 329600 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   1 Dec 18 23:55 
 329610 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   2 Dec 18 23:55 /dev/midi00

As you can see all audio related files are already writable for everybody in 
the group 'audio'. I just added all the audio users in the group 'audio'. 
Here's the audio line from the /etc/group file:

rae:~: 19:21 >grep audio /etc/group

You might have to logout and login for the changes to take effect.

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida wrote:
> As superuser I can hear the sound (xpat2, ...) but
> as normal users no :(
> Should I change the premissions in /dev/audio or ???

Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: diald disconnect script

1997-03-07 Thread Brian Mays
Richard Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was wondering if anyone could send me a copy of their
> /etc/ppp/ppp-disconnect.  I'm very happy with my first few days of diald,
> but it doesn't seem to be closing cleanly, as I don't have this script
> installed.  Without a basic script to start from, my skills leave me at a
> loss.

You might try adding the following line to your diald options file:

disconnect "/usr/sbin/chat '' +++ '' \\dATH"

This tells diald to send a Hayes "AT" hangup command to your modem
when diald closes the link down.  Of course, for this to work your
modem must support the industrial standard Hayes "AT" command set.
Fortunately, most modems support this.


Re: X personal configuration files: .fvwm2rc vs. .Xdefaults

1997-03-07 Thread I Brake for Moths
I'm a little confused by your message, but have you investigated the 
.hook files that fvwm2 uses for configuration?


On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Jean-Paul LACHARME wrote:

> Hi, 
> I use fvwm2, and it works without real problem. Lots of desktop features are 
> designed within .fvwm2rc. In other systems, some X local features are 
> designed within a .Xdefaults file. I did not find any global template for 
> .Xdefaults in Debian. Nevertheless, I wonder if creating such a file can be 
> avoided when using X through fvwm2. I confess that I have not a clear idea of 
> which configures what. I suppose that .Xdefaults is just fit for raw X 
> commands and .fvwm2rc for the upper graphic layer, but it helps little.
> For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very 
> convenient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So, 
>  I created a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, 
> but this was without any effect (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more 
> complex). 
> I did not even success to change the default shinning white background of the 
> xterm windows (pity for my eyes !). I performed a grep white command on the 
> config files, but it gave me nothing. 
> Has somebody some ideas about it ?
> Regards, 
> JP L
> --:-)
> Jean-Paul Lacharme.
> Centre de la Vieille Charite. 2, rue de la Charite.
> 13002 Marseille. FRANCE
> Tel.: 0491140731/Fax:0491900227


  If you have already paid your bill, please disregard this notice.

Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Randy Dees
I am getting this same problem - I got it after pointing dselect from 
1.2.2 at unstable.  My fix is to reinstall from base disks in unstable; 
but I certainly understand not wanting to do this.  I was ready to 
reinstall my system anyhow - but would like to know the answer too.  

>   When attempting to use the ftp option of Dselect I get this error;
> dselect (subprocess): unable to run query/setup script process
> `/usr/lib/methods/ftp/setup': no such file or directory
> query/setup script returned error exit status 2.
> obviously I've knackered it up through all the
> install/remove/install/remove stuff I was doing trying to get round those
> daft dependancies.
> Help much appreciated. I've went so long now (for a newbie) without
> reinstalling that I don't really want to start over again.
>  Brian Skreeg - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fish Technologies Ltd.)
>  Connecting via U-Net Ltd

Re: SVGATextMode...

1997-03-07 Thread Igor Grobman
Hi, I am the maintainer of SvgaTextMode...

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> (1) Please could someone confirm that the latest version of SVGATextMode is 
> 1.4
> (or am I missing something out)

> (2) I seem to have a problem configuring my SVGATextMode program. For a start 
> I
> have a cirrus Logic GP-5446 Card and this in not listed amongs the list of
> supported cards (XFREE does) Also, could someone with a cirrus logic car, who
> has SVGATextMode running mail me their TextConfig file ...

I do have Cirrus Logic card, but it is CLGD542x chipset, which is
supported.  Yours seems to be unsupported.  I gather you don't like having
a generic VGA chipset which is set by default, but I don't think you have
any other options.  

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation


1997-03-07 Thread Tim Sailer
OK Folks,

Here is a working /etc/ppp/options file that I have tested against
the linux terminal server at buoy.com, a USR total control rack,
and a portmaster PM2er. All you need to d oto start ppp is
type 'pppd' as root. I will pretty this up and get it on a web page,
along with a scripting login (one with propmts).


# /etc/ppp/options
# $Id: options,v 1.4 1996/05/01 18:57:04 alvar Exp $
# Originally created by Jim Knoble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Modified for Debian by alvar Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Modified for PPP Server setup by Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Use the command  egrep -v '#|^ *$' /etc/ppp/options to quickly see what 
# options are active in this file.

## Change the next line to point at the serial port that your modem
## is attached to. Do *not* use the cua ports

## Default speed. Higher speeds can be obtained by setserial

## This is the bare connect script. This should work most
## of the time.
connect "chat ABORT BUSY \"\" ATDT999 CONNECT"

## Make our ppp connection our route to the world

## We don't have a address we prefer to use.

## THIS IS IMPORTANT!! This must be the name you use for
## authentication for PAP. The password must be contained in 
## /etc/ppp/pap-secrets which should be ***mode 600***
name sailer

## for the above 'name' option to work, you must have a pap-secrets file
## that looks like
## sailer * mypassword

asyncmap 0

## Lets turn off vj header compression and bsd compression
## These seem to cause more problems than they are worth
## trying to get ppp working the first time. When you
## get ppp working, try commenting them out to see if you
## can get the slight performance gain they provide.

## These 2 lines provide a way to check to see if your
## ppp connection is actually still responding. As
## provided below, every 30 secs it will ping the remote end,
## and kill ppps after 4 *consecutive* failures.
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

## If you want to maintain a constant connection
## uncomment out this line.
# persist

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of our local IP
# address, even if the local IP address was specified in an option.

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP
# address, even if the remote IP address was specified in an option.

 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
   "It is a damned poor mind indeed that can't think of at
least two ways of spelling any word."
   Andrew Jackson
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-07 Thread Brian Skreeg
Hi folks, I asked for help on this problem last week but since having
to change addresses suddenly I didn't get any replies (you might have seen
them bouncing) so here it is again. My linux box is almost unusable because
of this so I look forward to some help on the matter.


Due to the ridiuclous dependancies involving Perl,io,libnet and
dpkg-ftp I now find dpkg-ftp broken. From previous experience of this I had
already the .deb file for io,libnet and dpkg-ftp. Installing these using
dpkg -i managed to install them correctly and dselect shows no errors or
files need "configured". Perl also appears to be installed OK , though I
don't believe it (more on that later).
When attempting to use the ftp option of Dselect I get this error;

dselect (subprocess): unable to run query/setup script process
`/usr/lib/methods/ftp/setup': no such file or directory

query/setup script returned error exit status 2.

obviously I've knackered it up through all the
install/remove/install/remove stuff I was doing trying to get round those
daft dependancies.


This problem is worse since it stops logging and halts mail delivery.
When my box boots I get the following errors showing multiple times as the
init process attempts to run the various daemons.


/etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or

This is the same for all daemons attempting to run..

When just sitting as root and trying to execute "start-stop-daemon" frmo
ANY directory the following error occurs.

bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.

This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.

Help much appreciated. I've went so long now (for a newbie) without
reinstalling that I don't really want to start over again.

 Brian Skreeg - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fish Technologies Ltd.)

 Connecting via U-Net Ltd

Re: X personal configuration files: .fvwm2rc vs. .Xdefaults

1997-03-07 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Jean-Paul LACHARME wrote:

> I use fvwm2, and it works without real problem. Lots of desktop features are 
> designed within .fvwm2rc. In other systems, some X local features are 
> designed within a .Xdefaults file. I did not find any global template for 
> .Xdefaults in Debian. Nevertheless, I wonder if creating such a file can be 
> avoided when using X through fvwm2. I confess that I have not a clear idea of 
> which configures what. I suppose that .Xdefaults is just fit for raw X 
> commands and .fvwm2rc for the upper graphic layer, but it helps little.
> For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very 
> convenient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So, 
>  I created a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, 
> but this was without any effect (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more 
> complex). 
> I did not even success to change the default shinning white background of the 
> xterm windows (pity for my eyes !). I performed a grep white command on the 
> config files, but it gave me nothing. 
> Has somebody some ideas about it ?

Did you restart X?

Or, run xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults in an xterm, then execute xterm from
within the first xterm to pick up the new X resource database? (restarting
X sounds easier!)


Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread jghasler
Marsh writes:
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AT&T System V ever ran
> on 286s.

You may be correct, but Unix did not start with System V.

> Xenix, Minix, and Coherent are the main derivatives I can think of that
> ran on 286s.

Xenix is real licensed Unix, as is SCO.  There was at least one other
vendor whose name I have forgotten.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

X personal configuration files: .fvwm2rc vs. .Xdefaults

1997-03-07 Thread Jean-Paul LACHARME

I use fvwm2, and it works without real problem. Lots of desktop features are 
designed within .fvwm2rc. In other systems, some X local features are designed 
within a .Xdefaults file. I did not find any global template for .Xdefaults in 
Debian. Nevertheless, I wonder if creating such a file can be avoided when 
using X through fvwm2. I confess that I have not a clear idea of which 
configures what. I suppose that .Xdefaults is just fit for raw X commands and 
.fvwm2rc for the upper graphic layer, but it helps little.

For example, it has been said that running a color Xterm (which is very 
convenient) needs only to add the line 'Xterm*customization: -color'. OK. So,  
I created a .Xdefaults file into my home directory with this single line, but 
this was without any effect (in fact, I expected no more. Things are more 

I did not even success to change the default shinning white background of the 
xterm windows (pity for my eyes !). I performed a grep white command on the 
config files, but it gave me nothing. 

Has somebody some ideas about it ?


Jean-Paul Lacharme.
Centre de la Vieille Charite. 2, rue de la Charite.
13002 Marseille. FRANCE
Tel.: 0491140731/Fax:0491900227

Re: Matrox Millenium

1997-03-07 Thread Clint Adams
> Does anyone out there know right off hand which chipset to choose when
> configuring X for the first time with a Matrox Millenium card?

mga2064, but the SVGA server will detect it automatically.


1997-03-07 Thread Matthew Tebbens

Base14 seg fault (msgId for labeling)

1997-03-07 Thread Donny DaLee, ProSoft

I recently started trying to install Debian and have been running into
problems with the base14 1-4 disks.  The disks are read correctly, but when
the files are extracting, I get:

Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault

I've downloaded the base14 files again and created new floppies on two
machines with no luck.

I am VERY new to UNIX/Linux and don't much about this type of error, however
I think it has something to do with a corrupt file on the distribution.  I
obtained the Base14 files from ftp.debian.org (current) and downloaded
twice.  The floppies were created on Win95 systems using rawwrite2.exe.

I did get the system up, but man doesn't exist on the system and the only
book I have is "Teach yourself UNIX" (very beginner).  I says nothing about
installing the system, connecting to the Internet or a LAN; only how to
navigate the directories, manipulate files and use some of the tools I am
vaguely familiar with from experience in setting up Web sites on remote Web
servers (Telnet).

I would assume that the Segmentation fault error indicates that the Base
system has not been completely installed?  Out of frustration, I did
something like "gunzip -r /*" to uncompress the rest of the files installed
late last night.  This may not have been a good idea, but the system still
functions and I have gotten quite used to running the install.  ; )  Figured
I had nothing to lose!

I have a plethora of additional problems, but here are some good ones to
start with:

Connecting to the local network
(Win95 LAN is running Ethernet TCP/IP and IPX
but I don't know the appropriate IPs for
the 2 Network systems, net mask,) anything else for that matter
Accessing the floppy drive
Accessing the modem in an attempt to reach the debian FTP site
(or the Internet for that matter)
On and on and on...

Any help in any area will be much appreciated.




1997-03-07 Thread C . J . Lawson

(1) Please could someone confirm that the latest version of SVGATextMode is 1.4
(or am I missing something out)

(2) I seem to have a problem configuring my SVGATextMode program. For a start I
have a cirrus Logic GP-5446 Card and this in not listed amongs the list of
supported cards (XFREE does) Also, could someone with a cirrus logic car, who
has SVGATextMode running mail me their TextConfig file ...



mount CDs ...

1997-03-07 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Jamie Taylor wrote:
> > 
> > How can I access my floppy and cd-rom drives?
> > Also, how can I access my ms-dos partition on my hard drive?
> > 
> I assume you have a base system installed? If you are working from the
> install disks, you will need to pop up another VT.
> If I understand your question, you are looking for the mount command.
> For your floppy:
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy

If you have the X-windows you can look for xvmount, a very nice
X-utility for mounting CDs Floppy and Dos partitions.

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/

?Audio Group?

1997-03-07 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida

I have a PC with the audio system

SoundBlaster + Speakers + Sound Module

As superuser I can hear the sound (xpat2, ...) but
as normal users no :(

Should I change the premissions in /dev/audio or ???

Thank you

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/

Re: dselect error (more)

1997-03-07 Thread Ronald van Loon
In a message to me, Andreas Tille, you wrote:

|"> How well has nfs been implemented on the HP? 
|"If there is any chance to do it in different ways I'm quite sure that the
|"administrator had choosen the bad way.  This machine is in a terrible
|"state and it seems me that to become a Server for several Linux boxes
|"would be the a rebirth of it.  Fortunately I got the chance to do
|"the job of installing the Linux distribution myself.  If the administrator
|"of the HP machine would do that it would never work.

You might want to increase the cache-settings on the NFS partition:

hp:/partition /var/bla nfs rw,soft,bg,rsize=8192,wsize=4096 0   0
Ronald van Loon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
 - Bethany J. Parkhurst

Re: dselect error (more)

1997-03-07 Thread Andreas Tille
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Bob Clark wrote:
> Two things.  If I remember correctly (from your previuos posts) you have
> your packages on an nfs-mounted partition; and a troublesome one on an
> HP machine at that.  There could be many things not related to deselect
> or Linux that may be affecting your system.  Second, I imagine that
> dselect is doing other things besides announcing that it is "leaving"
> certain packages during this time.  I think 5-10 seconds might be quite
> normal given your configuration.  
> How fast is your connection to the HP?  
I would say "not bad" because I don't *feel* any speed loss while doing 
some things.

> What is the load on the HP?  
Usually I'm the only one. It's a shame to say that but it isn't used
(see the next question for the reason).

> How well has nfs been implemented on the HP? 
If there is any chance to do it in different ways I'm quite sure that the
administrator had choosen the bad way.  This machine is in a terrible
state and it seems me that to become a Server for several Linux boxes
would be the a rebirth of it.  Fortunately I got the chance to do
the job of installing the Linux distribution myself.  If the administrator
of the HP machine would do that it would never work.

> How many packages does dselect have to look at?
About 30. But it tooks 5-10 seconds for EACH. The time needed seems to
be proportional to the size of the package (emacs needs longer than at
for instance).

> What kind of load is on both these machines?
On both I was the only user at this time logged in and I hasn't done
any other thing than dselect.

> How much memory do you have?
20MB at the 486/66

> Do you swap to a swap partition?
I think this wouldn't be necessary in this condition.

> Is it local or nfs-mounted?
In case it would be done on a local disk, of course.
> These are just a few things that might have an impact on your system
> performance.
I think most of these things shouldn't matter according to this answers.
Correct me if I'm wrong.  What about the feeling of you. Takes it so
much time on your machine, too?


Re: Which OSF/Motif ?

1997-03-07 Thread Larry Ayers
On Fri, Mar 07, 1997 at 01:11:00PM +, Brown, Paul, BROWNPA2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations as to which
> versions of Motif are any good and what the prices are.
> Thanks,
> Paul Brown

  I highly recommend the SWIM Motif from
http://www.cheapbytes.com.  It's worked really well for nearly
all Motif apps I've tried to compile, and the price is right.
  One caveat: the installation script on the CDROM will try to
install an enormous amount of demos, docs, etc.  I would
recommend installing the libs and header files manually; they
will go into the /usr/X11R6 tree where most makefiles will
look for them.

Larry Ayers_/_/_/_/   
  _/_/   _/  
Knox County, _/__/ 
Missouri_/_/_/_/  _/   _/   

icmp redirect messages

1997-03-07 Thread ljk


I have a peculiar situation with two machines.
On one of them, icmp redirect messages go to the kernel syslog file,
on the other the messages go to the console terminal.
Yet they both have identical syslog.conf files.

If anyone has any ideas, they would be appreciated.

Thanks much


Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Rick Macdonald
On 7 Mar 1997, marsh wrote:

> I'm not
> saying that the 286 is not a superneato processor which was quite
> impressive (16?, 17? ) years ago, but there is a reason that The Great One
> (LT) chose the 386 for his initial experiments.

So, is it true that there is nothing newer on the space shuttle and other
spacecraft newer than a 286?

I've heard this a couple of times.

One explanation was that the newer chips are so dense that "cosmic forces"
(radiation, etc?) adversely effect the electronics, whereas such things
pass through the spaces on a 286 without creating havoc.
(Please don't flame me for my lay explanation).

Of course, we all know that Linux was on a Thinkpad last year, and will be
on another notebook with a Debian/Linux installation in the near future.
These obviously aren't 286's...


Which OSF/Motif ?

1997-03-07 Thread Brown, Paul, BROWNPA2


I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations as to which
versions of Motif are any good and what the prices are.


Paul Brown

Re: dselect error (more)

1997-03-07 Thread Bob Clark
Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Bob Clark wrote:
> > It is "leaving" packages that were *not* installed.  Things like pakages
> > that were present before this instance of deselect.
> This is what I read on my screen, but to leave a package which wasn't
> installed should take 5-10 seconds?? That's the time it takes me to leave
> the room but I thought my Debian box should be a little bit faster when
> doing quiet easy things. What means "leaving". If "leaving" means to
> copy each package to each partition on my box the time it tooks would
> fit my expectation, but I think leaving is something other :-).
> I thought it may be a hint on any error, if a process which should be done
> quiet fast takes a much longer time.
> Correct me if I'm wrong

Two things.  If I remember correctly (from your previuos posts) you have
your packages on an nfs-mounted partition; and a troublesome one on an
HP machine at that.  There could be many things not related to deselect
or Linux that may be affecting your system.  Second, I imagine that
dselect is doing other things besides announcing that it is "leaving"
certain packages during this time.  I think 5-10 seconds might be quite
normal given your configuration.  

How fast is your connection to the HP?  
What is the load on the HP?  
How well has nfs been implemented on the HP? 
How many packages does dselect have to look at?
What kind of load is on both these machines?
How much memory do you have?
Do you swap to a swap partition?
Is it local or nfs-mounted?

These are just a few things that might have an impact on your system


Re: Non-existing packages in dselect

1997-03-07 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
You have checked the bug listings via www.debian.org or straight 

I noticed this when the tex packages from both stable and unstable were shown 
at the same time in dselect. This happened after my upgrade from stable to 
unstable. When I fooled around a little I managed to truncate both available 
and available-old in /var/lib/dpkg. After that 'update' from dselect worked 
fine. The 'clear available' never worked in dpkg-ftp.

I hand fixed the bug in dpkg-ftp by following the advise given in the url 

Andreas Tille wrote:
> Could someone give me a pointer to an explaination of this bug. May be I also
> run in trouble while using dpkg-ftp caused by this bug.

I hope this helps

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread marsh

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article
> Craig writes:
> > No Linux will ever work on an xt or a 286.  They are missing neccessary
> > bits of hardware called a MMU which protects the memory.  A 386SX is
> > minimum.
> The 8088 used in the XT is lacking an MMU, but the 80286 used in the AT
> not.  Several versions of Unix were available for the AT.

The differences in the memory management architechture on the 286 and the
386 are major.  Virtual memory paging and segments larger than 64K just two
important things that the 386 has that are missing on the 286.  I'm not
saying that the 286 is not a superneato processor which was quite
impressive (16?, 17? ) years ago, but there is a reason that The Great One
(LT) chose the 386 for his initial experiments.

One could write something for the 286 based on the "Linux Philosophy" and
even call it the Linux kernel, but its executable format is not going to
look a lot like ELF.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think AT&T System V ever ran
on 286s.  Xenix, Minix, and Coherent are the main derivatives I can think
of that ran on 286s.

- Marsh

Re: capture the screen

1997-03-07 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Ramiro Arenas, you wrote:
> I am using XFree86 and the window manager fwmrc95,
> I need to capture the screen to send to some friends,
> does anyone know how can i do that?

Install the package xwpick


 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
  "Today is the tomorrow that yesterday you spent money like there was no"
   Ivern Ball
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Network card driver for GE2500

1997-03-07 Thread Paulo Ramos
I would like to know if someone has this network card driver.



Re: Non-existing packages in dselect

1997-03-07 Thread Andreas Tille

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:

> Yes sir, that's it. I did associate the starnge behaviour with dselect even 
> though it's dpkg-ftp working under the hood. I forgot to check the bugs this 
> time but I'm not sure if I would have found it under dpkg-ftp.
> Thanks for clearing this to me.
> > You're probably using dpkg-ftp and have hit bug 6210.
Could someone give me a pointer to an explaination of this bug. May be I also
run in trouble while using dpkg-ftp caused by this bug.


Re: NT authentication drama

1997-03-07 Thread Boris D. Beletsky
 On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Bruce wrote:

 Bruce> Isn't this what you want?
 Bruce>  Bruce
 Bruce> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Burke) Newsgroups:
 Bruce> comp.os.linux.announce Subject: Linux - NT authentication
 Bruce> suite Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 06:03:28 GMT Organization:
 Bruce> Mindware
 Bruce> The current version of my free suite of modifications to
 Bruce> allow full password authentication for Linux services using a
 Bruce> central NT server is available at :
 Bruce> http://www.mindware.com.au/ftp/smb-NT-verify.1.1.tar.gz

AFAIK this allows linux to do password authentication via nt, not
vice versa (what I need).

Boris D. Beletsky  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University Jerusalemhome: +972 2 6411880

Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler
Thought wrote:

> Do you or does anyone else get these errors right after installing Debian?

This happens if you compile a new kernel of the same version (2.0.27).

Modules are copied to /lib/modules/[version], so existing modules are
overwritten if you compiled them again but they aren't deleted. Unneeded
modules remain in this directory and cause problems with depmod, because
there's no reference to them in the kernel database (System.map???).

Just remove or rename the old 2.0.27 subdir and run make modules_install



Re: example script want

1997-03-07 Thread Ronald van Loon
In a message to me, Ted Harding, you wrote:
|"( Re Message From: Lawrence Chim )
|"> Can someone provides me an example script that insert a line
|"> of text into a text file.  The line should be placed below the
|"> line section[xyz] and above the line blahblahblahblah.
|"awk ' {
|"  print $0 ;
|"  if ( $0 == "section[xyz]" ) { print "new line of text" ; }
|"} '

awk '{ print }
/section\[xyz\]/ { print "new line of text"; }'
Ronald van Loon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
 - Bethany J. Parkhurst

tk script to reboot etc from xdm login screen

1997-03-07 Thread Kevin Scott
I've had several requests for this, so a post to the list seemed
appropriate.  My scripts are based on those posted to this list by
Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Monday 7th October 1996
(subject: " Re: Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't work under X?").  I've modified
them considerably for use at our site, where one of the requirements
for our linux machines is to be able to emulate an X terminal on an
HP-UX server machine.

It (almost) goes without saying that you need tcl and tk packages
installed - only the runtime parts are needed, and I am not aware
of a need for any particular version.

Assuming you have xdm running, you need to do the following:

Modify /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 - this script is run when xdm is
(re)initialising the login screen.  Mine is now:

# $XConsortium: Xsetup_0,v 1.3 93/09/28 14:30:31 gildea Exp $

if grep -q ^run-xconsole /etc/X11/config
  xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed \
-exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole
xsetroot -solid grey50

# Start the rebooter etc...
/usr/local/bin/tkmgr &
echo $! > /var/run/tkmgr-pid

Modify /etc/X11/xdm/Xstartup_0 - this script is run after a user has
successfully logged in at the xdm login prompt.  Mine is now:
#! /bin/sh
# This script is run as root after a user starts a session on :0.

# Call the global Xstartup script, if it exists
if [ -x /etc/X11/xdm/Xstartup ] ; then

# :0 specific startup commands go here

# Kill the mgr
if [ -f /var/run/tkmgr-pid ]
  kill `cat /var/run/tkmgr-pid`
  rm /var/run/tkmgr-pid

exit 0

The Tk script is /usr/local/bin/tkmgr.  Mine is modified to give three
choices.  The first is to connect to one of our server machines acting
as an xterm, the second to reboot the system and the third to halt it.

The script determines the location of the xdm login window and places
itself centrally below it.  It will obviously need customising, to either
remove the xterm reference or make it applicable to a particular site.

/usr/local/bin/tkmgr contains:

# Init stuff
wm title . Chooser
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW Quit

# Place this below bottom LH corner of login window
set info [split [exec xwininfo -name xlogin] "\n"]
set LoginGeom [split [lindex [split [lindex $info 21] " "] 3] +]
set LoginH [lindex [split [lindex $LoginGeom 0] x] 1]
set NewX [expr [lindex $LoginGeom 1] + 1]
set NewY [expr [lindex $LoginGeom 2] + $LoginH + 6]
wm geometry . +$NewX+$NewY

# The buttons
frame .buttons
button .buttons.xterm \
-text "Start xterm on ..." \
-width 19 \
-relief raised \
-command Xterm
button .buttons.reboot \
-text "Reboot the system" \
-width 19 \
-command Reboot
button .buttons.halt \
-text "Halt the system" \
-width 19 \
-command Halt
pack append .buttons \
.buttons.xterm  {left expand fill} \
.buttons.halt   {left expand fill} \
.buttons.reboot {left expand fill}

menu .buttons.xterm.menu
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "sleepy"  -command {Xterm "sleepy"}
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "sneezy"  -command {Xterm "sneezy"}
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "bashful" -command {Xterm "bashful"}
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "dopey"   -command {Xterm "dopey"}
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "grumpy"  -command {Xterm "grumpy"}
.buttons.xterm.menu add command -label "happy"   -command {Xterm "happy"}

pack .buttons -side top -fill x -expand true

# The Functions
proc Quit {} {
exit 0

proc Reboot {} {
exec /sbin/shutdown -rt 15 now < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2> /dev/tty1 &

proc Halt {} {
exec /sbin/shutdown -ht 15 now < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2> /dev/tty1 &

proc Xterm {} {
catch "destroy .xtlist"
toplevel .xtlist

# Place this below chooser window
set MainGeom [split [ wm geometry . ] +]
set MainH [lindex [split [lindex $MainGeom 0] x] 1]
set NewX [lindex $MainGeom 1]
set NewY [expr [lindex $MainGeom 2] + $MainH]
wm geometry .xtlist +$NewX+$NewY

frame .xtlist.list
button .xtlist.list.sleepy \
-text "sleepy" \
-padx 10 \
-width 7 \
-command {exec /usr/local/bin/tkxterm sleepy &}
button .xtlist.list.sneezy \
-text "sneezy" \
-padx 11 \
-width 7 \
-command {exec /usr/local/bin/tkxterm sneezy &}
button .xtlist.list.bashful \
-text "bashful" \
-padx 11 \
-width 7 \
-command {exec /usr/local/bin/tkxterm bashful &}
button .

Re: Procmail

1997-03-07 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Scott Stanley wrote:
> \sstanley, "|/home/mustang/grad/sstanley/bin/procmail -f- VERBOSE=on"
> The first \sstanley just makes sure the mail is copied directly to my 
> inbox before trying to run it through procmail.  Otherwise, I think it is 
> trying to run procmail, but I am getting a returned mail message with the 
> error;

You can do this with procmail itself, just put the following rule at the
very beginning in your .procmailrc

:0 c:

The "c" flag means "carbon copy": everything will go to
/var/spool/mail/yourlogin, but procmail will read the remaining
.procmailrc as if it had not delivered to that folder.

>- Transcript of session follows -
> sh: procmail not available for sendmail programs
> 554 "|/home/mustang/grad/sstanley/bin/procmail -f- VERBOSE=on"... Service 
> unavailable

However this error suggest that your sysadmin has decided to run sendmail
through some sort of restricted shell. If this is true, I can just suggest
to contact him and ask him politely to install procmail for everybody
(i.e. in /usr/local/bin or whatever), and let sendmail to execute procmail
from .forward.

Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Debian procmail maintainer.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Re: SOCKS5 Compilation troubles

1997-03-07 Thread Benedikt Eric Heinen
>  I am trying to compile Socks5 on a Debian Linux box, kernel 2.0.24, but it
>  fails to succeed. It complains the lack of following files:

Are you sure you've done your configuration completely - I compiled socks5
on my system a couple of weeks ago without any problems (and without
manually setting additional switches/options).

Check your configuration, and if it still doesn't work - send me email,
so we can have a look together.


 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND

Re: capture the screen

1997-03-07 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Ramiro Arenas wrote:

> I am using XFree86 and the window manager fwmrc95,
> I need to capture the screen to send to some friends,
> does anyone know how can i do that?

Run xv (non-free Debian section, as far as I remember), press right
mouse button, press `Grab' button...


Vadim Vygonets   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sysadmin? Me?! Naah...
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a binary tree.

Re: csh

1997-03-07 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

> Hi,
>   on what ftp site can I get the csh shell and what file name is it 
> called.  

For debian, you may get tcsh from any debian mirror in the directory
shells (it's, of course, called csh).  I'm using (and maintaining)
tcsh, but I also have csh for scripts to run faster.


Vadim Vygonets   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sysadmin? Me?! Naah...
I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a binary tree.

Re: example script want

1997-03-07 Thread Ted Harding
( Re Message From: Lawrence Chim )
> Can someone provides me an example script that insert a line
> of text into a text file.  The line should be placed below the
> line section[xyz] and above the line blahblahblahblah.

awk ' {
  print $0 ;
  if ( $0 == "section[xyz]" ) { print "new line of text" ; }
} '


Re: color xterm

1997-03-07 Thread Ronald van Loon
|"> XTerm*customization: -color
|"  ^^^
|"Interesting.  Where did you find information on that resource?  (It's 
|"apparently not in the manual page.)

It's a global Intrinsics resource. Maybe it is in the general X server page.

It works for other programs too. If you have a program of class 'Foo', 
putting the following in your ~/.Xdefaults (or more globally) will allow
you to put color-specific information in Foo-color:

#ifdef COLOR
*customization: -color
Ronald van Loon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
 - Bethany J. Parkhurst

Re: 2.0.29 freezing

1997-03-07 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Philippe Troin wrote:

> WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This could cause your hard disk to become 
> corrupt, make your monitor explode, burn your CPU, etc... etc...
> To minimize risks, umount or remount ro all your partitions if 
> possible (well, you must keep one rw to do the ftp...)

You can always pipe it into /dev/null ;)


Re: Matrox Millenium

1997-03-07 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
There are two things you might want to do. First check 
http://www.bf.rmit.edu.au/~ajv/xf86-matrox.html for the info about XFree86 
Matrox server. This info is made by the authors of the Matrox code in 
XF86_SVGA server.

The second is that you should try XF86Setup which comes with the xserver-vga16 
package. XF86Setup is a graphical tool for creating the config files and it 
uses the 16 color VGA server. XF86Setup is what I used.

You really shouldn't need to specify any of the chipset, ramdac, size of 
available WRAM memory etc. since the driver automatically detects everything.

Thought wrote:
> Does anyone out there know right off hand which chipset to choose when
> configuring X for the first time with a Matrox Millenium card?

// Heikki

PS. It should be possible to replace the server that comes with XFree86 3.2 
with the newer 3.2A version. There is no Debian package for 3.2A since it's a 
binary only distribution and Debian wants to offer sources too. I have not yet 
tried it so I can't verify this information.

2.0.29 freezing

1997-03-07 Thread Philippe Troin

I'm posting the problem here to see if someone can reproduce it:

I found that running simultaneously the serial and floppy driver 
causes 2.0.29 to freeze badly.
To cause the bug:
   start a ftp session somewhere, and download a file
  (transmission speed must be high, so get a fast server)
   try to, say, format a floppy.

It should freeze within 5 to 30 seconds.

I'm dealing with the kernel guys on the topic, but so far, no one 
could reproduce the problem. Can you tell me if it freezes on your 
machine ?

WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This could cause your hard disk to become 
corrupt, make your monitor explode, burn your CPU, etc... etc...
To minimize risks, umount or remount ro all your partitions if 
possible (well, you must keep one rw to do the ftp...)

My setup:
 AMD 486 Dx2-66.
 Linux tantale 2.0.29 #4 Thu Mar 6 00:23:56 PST 1997 i486 unknown
 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077

Thanks !

Matrox Millenium

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Does anyone out there know right off hand which chipset to choose when
configuring X for the first time with a Matrox Millenium card?

Imagine 128

1997-03-07 Thread Dark Lord of Sith
I'm running an Imagine 128 video card and I'm having a terrible 
time finding good graphics setting.  If anyone knows good resolution / 
refresh settings please let me know.  The defaults with the 128 server 
just don't work right.  Oh, I run an NEC Multisync monitor so that 
shouldn't be the problem.  Thanks!

Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Do you or does anyone else get these errors right after installing Debian?
I would imagine that at least for the first day or so most everything
would be error free and ready to go, but maybe not?  The only thing I can
think of that would cause ME to have these errors and nobody else would be
that I do a make zlilo and my boot is /dev/fd0 even though my root is
/dev/hda2 (in other words, I stick in my floppy to boot off /dev/hda2).
Could this be causing a problem?  I don't really see why it would affect
/sbin/depmod...(I think the root to solving this problem would be found
easier by looking at why depmod gets errors instead of why the kernel does
at bootup, no?)

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, William Chow wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Thought wrote:
> > Whenever I run /sbin/depmod -a, I get the following errors:
> > 
> > 
> > and on and on and on for about 100 more lines...  What should I do about
> > that?  (Oh, and other than /sbin/depmod -a, I followed all of the steps
> > you mentioned in the previous reply to the letter, including the make
> > modules and make modules_install)
> > 
> > 
> Again, delete these modules. You probably don't need them. I believe your
> make modules made ALL the modules instead of the specific ones you
> specified. There's a file in the source tree supposedly that will allow
> you to specify which modules to make and not make.
> Will

example script want

1997-03-07 Thread Lawrence Chim
Firstly, I am not a script expert and I only know how to
write a little script file to execute a batch of commands.

Can someone provides me an example script that insert a line
of text into a text file.  The line should be placed below the
line section[xyz] and above the line blahblahblahblah.



Re: dselect error (more)

1997-03-07 Thread Andreas Tille
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Bob Clark wrote:

> It is "leaving" packages that were *not* installed.  Things like pakages
> that were present before this instance of deselect.
This is what I read on my screen, but to leave a package which wasn't 
installed should take 5-10 seconds?? That's the time it takes me to leave
the room but I thought my Debian box should be a little bit faster when
doing quiet easy things. What means "leaving". If "leaving" means to
copy each package to each partition on my box the time it tooks would
fit my expectation, but I think leaving is something other :-).

I thought it may be a hint on any error, if a process which should be done
quiet fast takes a much longer time.

Correct me if I'm wrong


Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread William Chow

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Thought wrote:

> Whenever I run /sbin/depmod -a, I get the following errors:
> and on and on and on for about 100 more lines...  What should I do about
> that?  (Oh, and other than /sbin/depmod -a, I followed all of the steps
> you mentioned in the previous reply to the letter, including the make
> modules and make modules_install)
Again, delete these modules. You probably don't need them. I believe your
make modules made ALL the modules instead of the specific ones you
specified. There's a file in the source tree supposedly that will allow
you to specify which modules to make and not make.


Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread William Chow

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Kael Rowan - CPTS666 wrote:

> 3c59x ether_setup: wrong version or undefined
> register_netdev: wrong version or undefined
> dev_kfree_skb: wrong version or undefined
> dev_alloc_skb: wrong version or undefined
> eth_type_trans: wrong version or undefined
> netif_rx: wrong version or undefined
> unregister_netdev: wrong version or undefined
> Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your
> linux-2.0.27
> I got those "wrong version or undefined" errors on another system as well
> so I just ended up removing all the lines in all my startup scripts that
> had the word module in them :)  What do I do???
Unless you specifically need these modules, nothing. You either A) did not
compile support for these modules in your kernel during the new compile or
B) didn't do a make modules, make modules install, and a depmod on your
newly installed modules. If A) then simply ignore the error messages or
remove them from your modules file in /etc. 
I believe you can also turn version checking off during compilation.


Re: capture the screen

1997-03-07 Thread Philippe Troin

On Fri, 07 Mar 1997 00:26:35 GMT Ramiro Arenas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> I am using XFree86 and the window manager fwmrc95,
> I need to capture the screen to send to some friends,
> does anyone know how can i do that?

Two methods:
 1) Basic one. Use xwd and xwud. Read the manpages first. These come 
with X.
 2) Use a graphics program (xv or imagemagick will do).


Re: XFree86 3.2 performance problem ?

1997-03-07 Thread William Chow

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Paul Seelig wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >  Has anyone else noticed that, since the upgrade to 3.2, X seems to
> > be slower ?
> > 
> [stuff deleted]
> > 
> > Has anoyone had a similar experience ?
> > 
> I noticed that my Cirrus Logic 5426-VLB is slower in redrawing the
> screen and dragging windows seems to be less fluid.  Will the SVGA X
> server from XFree-3.1.2 run flawlessly with all the XFree-3.2 clients?
> I'm considering downgrading my X server too.

I had to downgrade my server once I discovered Xfree unceremoniously cut
Compaq AVGA support from my server. I've been running 3.1.2 server with
3.2 clients without trouble. The only thing that won't run is xvidtune
because it depends on 3.2 extensions or something... Supposedly 3.2 isn't
all that different from 3.1, it adds a couple nifty features for the
keyboard and weird devices, and generally speeds up current vidcards. At
the same time it appears to ignore older vidcards, which may be why
performance has decreased, but don't quote me on that :)


Re: VIM Editor

1997-03-07 Thread William Chow

On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Mr Stuart Lamble wrote:

> William Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> : Weird, I did an ldd on vim. The only two libs it needs are ncurses and
> : libc. Are there two different versions of vim in the debian packaging
> : system, one with and one without X support?
> There shouldn't be. Which version of vim do you have installed? When I
> changed the compilation procedure to configure vim with X support, I
> created two versions - one for 1.2 (which, at the time, was slated to
> use 3.1.2), and one for unstable (shortly to become 1.3).
Well, I think I'm using one of the more current stable versions, the one
that came with the current stable (1.2). I did not use unstable. Is vim
supposed to be dynamically linked to the Xaw library? I and another user
have reported that an ldd does NOT in fact show it to be dynamically
linked to any X11 libraries. Is there one that has X support and one that
doesn't? That's where the confusion was.


Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Thought
Whenever I run /sbin/depmod -a, I get the following errors:

*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/atixlmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/busmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/icn.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/ipx.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/isdn.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/msbusmouse.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/pcbit.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/misc/psaux.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c501.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c503.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c505.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c507.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c509.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/3c59x.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/8390.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/ac3200.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/apricot.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/arcnet.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/at1700.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de4x5.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de600.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/de620.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/depca.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/dgrs.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/dlci.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/e2100.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/eepro.o
*** Unresolved symbols in module /lib/modules/2.0.27/net/eexpress.o

and on and on and on for about 100 more lines...  What should I do about
that?  (Oh, and other than /sbin/depmod -a, I followed all of the steps
you mentioned in the previous reply to the letter, including the make
modules and make modules_install)

Q: Will Digital HiNote run Linux

1997-03-07 Thread John Plate

Does anybody knows if the Digital HiNote (laptop) VP 535 can run
the Debien Linux?

Thanks in advance.


1997-03-07 Thread Scott Stanley

I know this isn't strictly a debian related issue, but since I am trying 
to sort the mail from this list I had hoped someone might be able to help.

I am trying to get procmail set up on an HP workstation (no root 
access).  I have managed to get a .procmailrc file worked out, and I 
think I am close to getting the .forward worked out.  But not quite...  
First, the example .forward file does not work on my HP machine.  Causes 
a nice mess of my incoming mail (basically I receive none of it) followed 
by a nice discussion with the sysadmin wanting to know what the devil I 
am doing.

In any case, playing with vacation on the machine (for examples of the 
.forward file), I have managed to come up with,

\sstanley, "|/home/mustang/grad/sstanley/bin/procmail -f- VERBOSE=on"

The first \sstanley just makes sure the mail is copied directly to my 
inbox before trying to run it through procmail.  Otherwise, I think it is 
trying to run procmail, but I am getting a returned mail message with the 

   - Transcript of session follows -
sh: procmail not available for sendmail programs
554 "|/home/mustang/grad/sstanley/bin/procmail -f- VERBOSE=on"... Service 

Does anyone have any suggestions??  A pointer to some documentation on 
the format of this type of thing in the .forward file would be great.  
The sendmail man page mentions .forward, but only briefly, and I can not 
find any reference to it anywhere else.  I am pretty much working blind 


Re: Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Scott Stanley
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Kael Rowan - CPTS666 wrote:

> I just installed a fresh version of Debian 1.2 on my Pentium 166 with
> hardly any modifications to the recommended setup in dselect, (except I
> chose to install the kernel source), and I just recompiled the kernel
> using it's default options almost exactly (except no SCSI support, etc),
> and keep getting these messages:
> Running /etc/init.d/boot...
> Activating swap...
> Checking root file system...
> Parallelizing fsck version 1.06 (7-Oct-96)
> /dev/hda2: clean, 15323/104040 files, 147108/415296 blocks
> Loading modules: vfat Initialization of vfat failed
> psaux kill_fasync: wrong version or undefined
> Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your
> linux-2.0.27
> serial Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
> tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
> tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
> 3c59x ether_setup: wrong version or undefined
> register_netdev: wrong version or undefined
> dev_kfree_skb: wrong version or undefined
> dev_alloc_skb: wrong version or undefined
> eth_type_trans: wrong version or undefined
> netif_rx: wrong version or undefined
> unregister_netdev: wrong version or undefined
> Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your
> linux-2.0.27
> I got those "wrong version or undefined" errors on another system as well
> so I just ended up removing all the lines in all my startup scripts that
> had the word module in them :)  What do I do???

I assume in the compilation of the kernel you did basically the following 

make config
make dep
make clean
make zImage or make zlilo

followed by

make modules
make modules_install
/sbin/depmod -a

You must make sure and complete the process by recompiling and installing 
the modules.  The depmod command at the end creates the dependencies file 
at /lib/modules/Kernel_Version/modules.dep  

The depmod should be run automatically by one of the startup scripts.  
But nice to do it by hand

A better explanation of this is given in the file




Module Errors!!

1997-03-07 Thread Kael Rowan - CPTS666
I just installed a fresh version of Debian 1.2 on my Pentium 166 with
hardly any modifications to the recommended setup in dselect, (except I
chose to install the kernel source), and I just recompiled the kernel
using it's default options almost exactly (except no SCSI support, etc),
and keep getting these messages:

Running /etc/init.d/boot...

Activating swap...
Checking root file system...
Parallelizing fsck version 1.06 (7-Oct-96)
/dev/hda2: clean, 15323/104040 files, 147108/415296 blocks
Loading modules: vfat Initialization of vfat failed
psaux kill_fasync: wrong version or undefined
Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your
serial Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
3c59x ether_setup: wrong version or undefined
register_netdev: wrong version or undefined
dev_kfree_skb: wrong version or undefined
dev_alloc_skb: wrong version or undefined
eth_type_trans: wrong version or undefined
netif_rx: wrong version or undefined
unregister_netdev: wrong version or undefined
Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your

I got those "wrong version or undefined" errors on another system as well
so I just ended up removing all the lines in all my startup scripts that
had the word module in them :)  What do I do???

Re: Idea for the burner

1997-03-07 Thread Scott Stanley
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, William Chow wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, J.P.D. Kooij wrote:
> > 
> > Like, dselect is a great and easy tool, but there is no manpage for it... 
> Dselect is pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it, but it needs to
> be a bit better before I call it a great and easy tool. There were a
> couple of times that dselect purged things I didn't want to, because I
> didn't go through the whole list and checked everything, etc. 
> I think dselect needs to be layed out better, but to tell you the truth, I
> have no idea how to represent that amount of information in an easy to
> read format. The current system is workable, but I don't believe it
> necessarily is ideal. This is probably due to the side effect of having a
> LOT of packages in the Debian system. While it may be a headache to run
> dselect and go through all those packages, I guess it's better than having
> very few packages...

I will say that I really like dselect.  I have never felt the need to 
sort through how to use dpkg since I use dselect for all of my package 
installation and removal.  

However, I think dselect could benefit alot from an option that will allow
you to display the changes which are selected before you actually jump in
and do them.  I to have had dselect either install or remove packages that
I didn't intend (no doubt because I made some stupid slip of the fingers). 
But, in any case, it might be nice to preview what is going to be done
before actually doing it.  

There are far to many packages to be able to confidently go through the
selection process and know exactly what is going to be done.  It would be
tragic to accidently purge the x-windows configuration files or something
like that. 

> > 
> > Also, I think it would be better to drop info (sorry, you die-hards GNUdes
> > out there.) Lets have all the info stuff as lynx-enabled HTML, it provides
> I believe you can have the best of both possible worlds with convertors.
> That way you can have HTML/postscript/texinfo/whatever sources of
> essentially the same document. Not everyone will have lynx, and not
> everyone will use texinfo, etc.

I hate to step on any toes here, but we certainly need something in 
addition to info.  I understand that emacs does a nice job with these 
files, but I have never felt like I had the system resources to spend on 
emacs, and I have never had the stamina to work through info.

Two things that I think might be nice in the ``getting started'' type 
documentation for Debian would be more information on using dselect, and 
a section on other places to look for documentation.  I just skimmed back 
through the documentation used for my Debian install last fall (I am a 
convert from slackware) and I find no mention of the /usr/doc directory, 
info (for what it is worth), the basic Linux HowTo's, or even man pages.  
The man pages, while obvious to those who have used u*ix for a while may 
are not so obvious to a newbie or even someone who has used u*ix for a while 
as a general user.

Seems like a mention of all of the available documentation (web address 
included) would be nice to put out there.  It might help get people 
started on solving their problems.


Re: Problem with TERMCAP in Xfree86

1997-03-07 Thread Christian Hudon
On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Vadim Vygonets wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Brown, Paul, BROWNPA2 wrote:
> > I've got Debian GNU/Linux 1.2 installed and working and have
> > installed XFree86.  It is working fine except for when it comes to
> > displaying an xterm it says that is cannot find a usable TERMCAP
> > entry.  What does this mean and how can I fix it ?
> Install package termcap-compat from admin section.


This is an xterm problem... It annoyingly sets TERMCAP. Just put "unsetenv
TERMCAP" in your .cshrc (or "export TERMCAP=" in your .bashrc and the
problem will go away. You don't need termcap-compat for that... And so you
very probably don't want it.

   Christian, termcap-compat maintainer.

capture the screen

1997-03-07 Thread Ramiro Arenas
I am using XFree86 and the window manager fwmrc95,
I need to capture the screen to send to some friends,
does anyone know how can i do that?


1997-03-07 Thread Solomani

Setting up innd im at the point where i have to convert a news.active file
into our loacl active file.  The readme says i do this by typing teh

perl -ne 's/ \d+ \d+ / 00 01 /' >active

Assuming that 'active' is the resulting master file INND will use, and
active.au is the input file, where in this command does active.au go???

Also, where does INND store the news?  I cant find a pointer in the conf
files telling me where.


c'ya hate to be ya,


electric RAIN   http://www.electric-rain.net/

The autumn sun goes down.  Without a cry,
A crow has flown across the orange sky.

Re: XFree86 3.2 performance problem ?

1997-03-07 Thread Paul Seelig
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Has anyone else noticed that, since the upgrade to 3.2, X seems to
> be slower ?
[stuff deleted]
> Has anoyone had a similar experience ?
I noticed that my Cirrus Logic 5426-VLB is slower in redrawing the
screen and dragging windows seems to be less fluid.  Will the SVGA X
server from XFree-3.1.2 run flawlessly with all the XFree-3.2 clients?
I'm considering downgrading my X server too.
  Regards, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

Re: VIM Editor

1997-03-07 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
William Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Weird, I did an ldd on vim. The only two libs it needs are ncurses and
: libc. Are there two different versions of vim in the debian packaging
: system, one with and one without X support?

There shouldn't be. Which version of vim do you have installed? When I
changed the compilation procedure to configure vim with X support, I
created two versions - one for 1.2 (which, at the time, was slated to
use 3.1.2), and one for unstable (shortly to become 1.3).

The reason for this seemingly crazy process is that my video card - a
W32p revision A, VESA local bus - didn't work with 3.1.2; I'd long ago
given up on it, and was using the betas. As a result, I wasn't certain
vim would work properly with 3.1.2 if it were linked with the R6.1
libraries (3.1.2 was X11R6; 3.1.2D and later, R6.1; 3.2A and later are

Stuart (onetime vim maintainer, who occasionally skims linux.debian.user :)

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going
to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead.  -- RFC1925.

(no subject)

1997-03-07 Thread amg

IPX/Apple talk tip

1997-03-07 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
I recall someone mentioning a similar problem to mine. I recomined the
kernel and excluded IPX and Appletalk totally, erased their modeles form
usr/lib/modules, but kerneld insisted of still trying to load them 
Anyhow, from a usenet post the fix is:

alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off

In /etc/conf.modules. If someone has any insight on why ipx and appletalk
are called net-pf-4/5 I'd be interested.. Now my ifconfig loads instantly!


Can linux be my answering machine??

1997-03-07 Thread Jason Killen
Does anyone know if there are any programs that let linux act like an
answering machine.  Just a thought.

Jason KillenQuestion Stupidity
Monolith : driven by inner daemons  RPS : better living through world


Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Jim
On 5 Mar 1997, David Stein wrote:

> Can debian Linux run on an xt? If not is there another linux that can run
> on an xt? a http: link in the right direction would be appreciated.

Take a peek at Minix: 

I had it running on a 1 meg 286, it's supposed to work on an XT.


Re: Minicom again

1997-03-07 Thread Britton

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

>  Hi,
>   the problem I am having is this.  When I try to download, it 
>  gives the message, Press any key to download or Alt-C to quit.  I do and 
>  it lagges for about 1-2 minutes, then goes back to the site I was on.  I 
>  check to see if the file is there and it isn't.  When I download from 
>  MS-DOS it displays a message that tells me how much longer I have until 
>  is done.  I don't know of minicom has something like this, but if it 
>  does, it's not showing one.  I'm going to try to see if I got the rz or 
>  whatever with minicom.
>   Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
> Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Kyron address:telnet.cyberconinc.com 4000

Hmm.  Are you using zmodem?  It does give you a time estimate (continually
improved) when it is working correctly.  You could also set up ppp and
just use ordinary services like ftp to move files around, which is what
you will probably want to do eventually if you are working on a MUD or
something like it.  Try zmodem first though.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
  -- Thorin Oakenshield 

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