Re: Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27

1997-03-09 Thread Richard Morin
trouble here too, I hope the new modutils takes care of this, I like sound
with my quake...:-)

Rich M 

On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, johannes martinez wrote:

> Date: Sun, 09 Mar 1997 13:34:11 -0500
> From: johannes martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27
> Resent-Date: 9 Mar 1997 18:40:22 -
> Resent-From:
> Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
> Thought wrote:
> > 
> > I normally don't compile sound board support, because I never use sound in
> > Linux, but I was just messing around and I decided 'what the hell' and
> > included it when I was remaking my kernel, and I got a bunch of missing
> > configuration files/setup errors when trying to compile too.  I just
> > thought 'ahh screw it' and compiled without sound.  Is there a problem in
> > 2.0.27 with sound?
>   Same problem here.  However when i removed support for the 
> yamaha chip it seemed to work okay.  Course then i did a dselect, and 
> got my new kernel replaced and had to build it again.
> johannes martinez

Re: Serial ports/Speak Freely/Video/Installation Dependencies...

1997-03-09 Thread Craig Sanders

On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Mark Lever wrote:

> getty processed on ttyS1 block modem access to cua1. When a getty is
> running (getty, agetty, uugetty or mgetty) and I try to run kermit
> (or minicom or statserial) I get a can't open device error. Why? They
> didn't used to. Is this a new kernel feature?

ttyS devices and cua devices use different locking methods.

cua devices are obsolete, and have been obsolete in the linux kernel
for nearly a year now - they are only kept for compatibility with older
programs which haven't been patched to use the ttyS* locking method.

So, use ttyS devices for ALL of your serial ports, for all applications
- getty, mgetty, kermit, minicom etc.

If you are using mgetty then you do not need to use uugetty - mgetty can
do everything the getty_ps/uugetty can do and a whole lot more.

> Also, on another subject, is there any way network audio system can
> co-exist with speak freely? I use speak freely to listen to my house
> while I'm at work. I have two dogs I like to keep and ear on. Is there
> any reason that I can only operate with -DAUDIO_BLOCKING? I have a
> SB16 installed and I think it supports bi-directional sound (i. e.
> /dev/audio and /dev/mixer are independent).

not as far as i know - i find this a bit annoying myself...i sometimes
use the real audio player, or xanim, neither of which will work with NAS
running. I usually run '/etc/init.d/nas stop' to kill NAS just before
running something which can't work with it, and '/etc/init.d/nas start'
to restart it again afterwards.

It would be nice if NAS could run out of inetd or as a non-blocking
daemon. But AFAIK it can't.


RE: How to install own kernel

1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Installing a kernel is easy.

1st go to /usr/src and find the linux directory. If you don't have one
you can't install a new kernel. If you have a linux directory.
go into it and read the README. Starting at about line 60
there is a step by step set of instructions on how to build
the kernel.

Mikael Hallendal wrote:


Can someone tell me step by step how to install a new kernel in Debian.
I know how to do it in Slackware but it seems to be a little different in 
My /usr/include directory is full of subdirs, I usually set the 
/usr/include/linux as a link to
point to my kernelsource but it's a bit difficult when it is a subdir already.

I want to install kernel 2.0.29 can I just download it from sunsite and 
install it ...
I've understand that you can make an own kernel-image.deb (does I have to)?

Thanks in advance/

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 or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to install own kernel

1997-03-09 Thread Mikael Hallendal

Can someone tell me step by step how to install a new kernel in Debian.
I know how to do it in Slackware but it seems to be a little different in 
My /usr/include directory is full of subdirs, I usually set the 
/usr/include/linux as a link to
point to my kernelsource but it's a bit difficult when it is a subdir already.

I want to install kernel 2.0.29 can I just download it from sunsite and 
install it ...
I've understand that you can make an own kernel-image.deb (does I have to)?

Thanks in advance/

HomePage   : 
PGP-Key available from : 
 or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ethernet routing problem?

1997-03-09 Thread Craig Sanders

On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Steve Izma wrote:

> I've been setting up Debian 1.2.4 (25 Jan.: Cheapbytes distribution)
> on two new Pentium 150 systems and I can't get network routing over
> ethernet to work.
>  Installation of netbase and netstd seemed to go well using dselect,
> except for an unsurprising temporary problem in finding the right i/o
> port for the ethernet card. I'm using the D-link DE220P, which the ne
> driver easily finds. Ifconfig gives this report, which I believe shows
> correct configuration of the driver to the card:
> eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C8:2D:7D:8F
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>   TX packets:4117 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
>   Interrupt:11 Base address:0x220 
> Pinging the localhost works fine, but pinging anything else on the
> network (even the immediately adjacent device connected via coax)
> produces no result. I'm sure it's not a wiring problem because the
> rest of the machines on the network are not affected and I get the
> same negative results using ping on both new machines, which are wired
> into the network in different locations in the office.

does the card have more than one connector? i.e. BNC and/or RJ-45 and/or
AUI connectors?

If so, make sure that the card is correctly configured to use the right
connector for your network.

4117 TX packets and 0 RX packets makes me a bit suspicious that, e.g., the
card is configured to use the RJ-45 UTP connector when you are running on a
coax network - or vice-versa.

check the output of 'dmesg'  (or 'tail /var/log/messages') - cabling
problems like this usually show error messages in the logs.

> Trying ftp produces the error: "no route to host".
> So I assume this is some sort of routing problem. 

no, it's not routing. you get that same 'no route to host' message when
your computer can't figure out a host's ethernet address using arp. to
send a packet to a host on the local ethernet, your machine will send
out an 'arp who-has' request and wait for an 'arp is-at' reply.  This builds
up the kernel's arp table so it knows which hosts (ethernet cards, actually)
correspond to which IP addresses.
here's an example of what happens - excerpt of output from tcpdump:

# tcpdump -l | grep arp
09:47:52.279492 arp who-has tell
09:47:52.279492 arp who-has tell
09:47:52.279492 arp reply is-at 0:0:c0:a:44:a5
09:47:52.279492 arp reply is-at 0:0:c0:5:c3:14
09:48:01.741658 arp who-has tell
09:48:01.741658 arp reply is-at 0:0:c0:bc:2f:41

and this is part of what the arp table looks like on siva:

# arp -a
Address HWtype  HWaddress   Flags Mask Iface  ether   00:00:C0:05:C3:14   C * eth0 ether   00:00:C0:BC:2F:41   C * eth0   00:00:C0:9F:96:42   C * eth0

if your machine is sending out the arp who-has request and doesn't get
the arp reply then it will be unable to send a packet to the target host.

my guess is that it is unable to get the arp 'is-at' reply because it is
using the wrong connector.  you say your network is coax...make sure that
the card is using the BNC connector and NOT an AUI or RJ-45 connector. 

Depending on the type of card you have, you may have to configure this by
setting jumpers on the card.  Some cards can be set up with ms-dos based
configuration programs.  Some cards even have linux config tools.  Some
newer cards can auto-detect whether the network is coax or rj-45. 

> The problem is identical on both machines with the new distribution.
> I've compared everything I can think of to another machine we have
> running Debian 1.1 (dating from last June). All the files in init.d
> appear to be the same (/etc/init.d/net*). The machine with 1.1 works
> fine.

it looks like a hardware fault or hardware configuration problem to me,
not software.

how many other machines are on the network?  do you get any response if you
do a broadcast ping (i.e. ping the broadcast address


Mouse and mounting problems

1997-03-09 Thread Daniel Karlsson

Now I've almost got the mouse to work in X. It's only the middle button that
doesn't want to work. How do I make it work?

I've also tried to mount my floppy drive. I wrote the following at the
command line:
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
and I got the message:
mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device
How do I cure this one?

  _  __  __
|  _ \   | |/ / | E-post: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| | | |  | ' /  | WWW   : |
| | | |  |  <   | Tel   : 013 - 17 82 76   |
| |_| |  | . \  | Adress: Rydsvägen 246 C:21 584 34 LINKÖPING  |
|/ aniel |_|\_\ arlsson |__|


1997-03-09 Thread A.R.\(Tom\)Peters
Oops... apparently that is a FAQ. Sorry;
I just couldn't find it in the Packages lists (neither can dselect).
Dr A.R. (Tom) Peters
Wittgensteinlaan 149tel.020-4080204
NL-1062 KD  Amsterdam   e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Laodable Modules

1997-03-09 Thread Rob MacWilliams
> Rob MacWilliams wrote:
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am trying to compile a custom kernel for the usual reasons.  I am not 
> > seeing any errors during the

> > $insmod psaux
> > misc_register undefined
> > misc_deregister undefined
> > Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your 
> > linux-2.0.27
> > 
> > $modprobe psaux
> > Initialization of psaux failed
> > 
> > $insmod misc
> > $insmod psuax
> > Cannot open /lib/modules/misc/psuax.o
> You mispelled psaux as psuax here; did you mispell it when you did it
> live???
Yes, if I spell it correctly, it gives the same error as the previous example 
(symbols don't match).
Thanks for the catch.

> Other than that, everything else seems copacetic.
> > 

> Ralph Winslow   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Someday soon I really  MUST find a way to
> piss away a LOT of bandwidth on this .sig

That is funny.  LOL

Still Confused,


"Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of it's students"

Rob MacWilliams   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: subscribe

1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli
To whom it may concern:

This message is a test.

I am aware that there have been some problems with e-mails originating
from this location. I have applied some changes at my end in hopes
that this will resolve any problems. 

Should this problem persist, please feel free to remove me from 
your mailing list. If this messages does not cause any problems
Please notify me that the problem has been resolved.


Peter Iannarelli

Re: Locate

1997-03-09 Thread John Ireland
> > when I use locate I get an error.  This is what I get if I type 
> > like locate .  Like locate new.stuff.  I get locate: 
> > /var/lib/locate/locatedb: No suck file or directory.  Can anyone tell me 
> > why?  And is there a command to see how much disk space I have left?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> Hi Pete
>   not sure about the locate cmd but to see you current disk usage
> use the df command. look at man df and also man locate.

Locate searches through a database of files stored on your machine. You 
can create or update this file at any time as root, by running 
'updatedb'. This ensures that the db exists and is up to date.


John Ireland JCR Computer Rep

(01865) 511290

`It is a wise man who knows when to quit.'   (finger [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Kernel compilation problem

1997-03-09 Thread Dima
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>> "Elie" == Elie Rosenblum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Well, I know of this fatal sig 11 thing, but, $%!"#$"#$%"%", it
>>> worked before on the same two scsi discs with another
>>> distribution.
>Elie> If you have fatal sig 11 during kernel compilation, it
>Elie> almost _always_ means you have either bad L2 cache or a bad
>Elie> simm. 
> It can also mean a stuck CPU fan; that's what caused this problem on
>one of my boxes.  I was able to fix it with a little WD-40.

I started to get sig11s after upgrading to 2.0.29, even had X bomb out
with sig11 coupla times.  Resetting the shared Windoze/Linux swap partiton
to "Linux swap" fixed it.  Go figure.

(emaziuk at
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

Laodable Modules

1997-03-09 Thread Rob MacWilliams
Hi all,

I am trying to compile a custom kernel for the usual reasons.  I am not seeing 
any errors during the 
compile, installation or boot phases, but some of the modules won't install.  
Here are the steps I took
to compile the kernel:

mv /lib/modules/2.0.27 /lib/modules/2.0.27.old
mv /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old

cd /usr/include
mv asm asm.old
mv linux linux.old
mv scsi scsi.old

ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386 asm
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/scsi scsi

(linux is a symbolic link to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27 it was a link to 
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.0.27 but both give the same errors)

make mrproper
make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make zImage
make modules
make modules_install

cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/arch/i386/boot/zImage /vmlinuz

edit /etc/lilo.conf so I have a backdoor if this crashes
run LILO

edit /etc/modules so that only auto is uncommented

login as root
$depmod -a

$insmod psaux
misc_register undefined
misc_deregister undefined
Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27) don't match your 

$modprobe psaux
Initialization of psaux failed

$insmod misc
$insmod psuax
Cannot open /lib/modules/misc/psuax.o

Checking the datestamp confirms that it was compiled along with the other 
modules that work.
psaux isn't the only module that fails to load, but hpfs and ppp work fine.  I 
can dig through all of the 
modules and see exactly which ones work and which ones don't if that would 
help.  If an strace of 
insmod would help I can include that also, but that would have made this 
message huge.
All of the important parts of the system are Debian/GNU. 

Any clues?  I'm relativly new at this, but having a great time learning all of 
the ins and outs.


"Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of it's students"

Rob MacWilliams   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Will I need special kernel for farrallon pcmcia card?

1997-03-09 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I just did a 1.2 install onto a new AST ascentia notebook. Now I have
Helen Keller Linux running (no X, no network, no mouse yet).  

The first and most pressing problem is getting it to talk to a
farrallon etherwave pcmcia card.  Will I need to ftp packages over to
the windows side and get a compiler running to get this to work? The
pcmcia HOWTO says that this type of card is known to work, but I get
an: "unsupported card" error during bootup. During the install
process, several modules were listed as possible to add to the kernel,
but many of these choices were not available to implement.  I did
install the "plug+play" pcmcia daemon (the name escapes me right now).

If anyone has general experience with these notebooks, I would be
grateful if they let me know.

Thank you,


Re: Executing java applications

1997-03-09 Thread Larry 'Daffy' Daffner
"HK" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  HK> I'm running Debian-Linux 1.2.6 with Java support, to be able to
  HK> run Java applications (not applets). My little test program
  HK> is supposed to write a short message to the screen;
  HK> it compiles successfully with guavac (it says so), resulting in
  HK> Welcome.class. But then what?

First off, the Java support in the kernel doesn't mean that the kernel
can execute Java bytecode. It just means that the kernel can recognize
the magic number for a java class and call the java interpreter. You
still need to have a java interpreter installed for it to work.

  HK> First, Welcome.class isn't executable. After fixing that, an
  HK> error message complains that it can't find /usr/bin/java -- and
  HK> sure enough, it isn't there, and neither is /usr/bin/guava.

javac (or guavac) isn't normally supposed to produce executable
programs, just a data file for a java interpreter. It's just hacks in
the linux kernel that allow you to 'run' class files. So it doesn't
really know it needs to set the x bit. The reason /usr/bin/java
doesn't exist is because you don't have a java interpreter
installed. guavac doesn't include one - it's only a compiler.

  HK> Am I missing something? Is Debian-Linux missing something? Must
  HK> we only run applets (e.g. under Netscape)? Would appreciate some
  HK> help on this.

Install kaffee or or the java development kit (jdk-static or
jdk-shared). Both of them contain java interpreters and you'll have
/usr/bin/java and be able to run java classes, either through the
kernel support, or by runnning "java Welcome.class" (Which is what the
kernel does - the 'support' was just put in there because someone
thought it would be fun to say Linux has support for java executables


  Larry Daffner|  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
Ray's Rule of Precision:
Measure with a micrometer.  Mark with chalk.  Cut with an axe.

Re: pgp?

1997-03-09 Thread Guy Maor
Santiago Vila Doncel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [ Yes, we should add a symlink README.PGP -> README.non-US. ]

Yes, I did it yesterday, so mirrors are seeing it now.

I estimate that will cut the volume of debian-user by 50%.


Re: Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27

1997-03-09 Thread johannes martinez
Thought wrote:
> I normally don't compile sound board support, because I never use sound in
> Linux, but I was just messing around and I decided 'what the hell' and
> included it when I was remaking my kernel, and I got a bunch of missing
> configuration files/setup errors when trying to compile too.  I just
> thought 'ahh screw it' and compiled without sound.  Is there a problem in
> 2.0.27 with sound?

Same problem here.  However when i removed support for the 
yamaha chip it seemed to work okay.  Course then i did a dselect, and 
got my new kernel replaced and had to build it again.

johannes martinez

Re: how to intstall Netscape 3.01?

1997-03-09 Thread Harmon Sequoya Nine
Something I know how to answer!!   You'll need to download netscape for Linux
from  You can find it by following the menu choices -- it's
layed out pretty good.  I suggest you place the tar-file in root's home 
or a subdirectory thereof, then make a symbolic link to it from the /tmp 
There MUST be a reference to the proper netscape .tar file in /tmp.

Then just install as normal, i.e.

dpkg --install netscape(etcetc).deb

Let me know if this doesn
't work.

-- Harmon

Done; was (how to intstall Netscape 3.01?)

1997-03-09 Thread Eugene H. Sevinian


Eugene Sevinian

Cosmic Ray Division
Yerevan Phisics Institute
Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
375036 Yerevan 36

Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
Fax: 374-2-350030

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-09 Thread Richard Kettlewell
Both are excellent interactive shells.

>* automatic completion on variables names,  e.g. type
> "export DISP" and hit tab.  (I just checked,  in bash you can use
>  Esc-$ to specifically complete a variable name;  in zsh the default
>  compctl (completion) has been setup to complete for a variable name
>  if the command is "export".   While the zsh seemed easier,  I guess
>  the bash approach allows you to control it more.)

IIRC bash will complete over variable names when you write a $ at the
start.  zsh has other cute completion features, e.g. I have this in my

hosts=(valour cushioned myrddin tacitus chiark \ \
compctl -k ssh ssh
compctl -k hosts telnet ftp rlogin rsh ping traceroute
compctl -k hosts -f rcp scp

which gives me hostname completion on a selection of network commands.

>There are 2 programs that really pay off putting a bit of effort into
>learning: the shell you use and the editor you use.   Picking a "simple
>and easy to use" editor is a short sighted approach.  Pick a powerful
>editor and invest some time in learning it.   (You don't have to learn
>it all,  and you don't have to learn all that much at first, either.)
>It will really pack off.   And I think the same philosophy applies,
>perhaps to a lesser degree,  to the shell you use.


Richard Kettlewell

how to intstall Netscape 3.01?

1997-03-09 Thread Eugene H. Sevinian

Hi All,

I tried to install it from 'contrib' but it was an installer
not a package itself. So what I should to do?

Thanks forward,

Eugene Sevinian

Cosmic Ray Division
Yerevan Phisics Institute
Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
375036 Yerevan 36

Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
Fax: 374-2-350030

Re: pgp?

1997-03-09 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, A.R.(Tom)Peters wrote:

> Whatever happened to the Debian pgp package? [ ... ]

In the Debian mirrors there is a file named README.non-US.
Please, read it. Thanks.

[ Yes, we should add a symlink README.PGP -> README.non-US. ]

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Perl/io/dpkg-ftp and start-stop-daemon (again(again)).

1997-03-09 Thread John Doggett

On 7 Mar 1997, Guy Maor wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg) writes:
> > Due to the ridiuclous dependancies involving Perl,io,libnet and
> > dpkg-ftp I now find dpkg-ftp broken.
> io was merged into perl and is now obsolete.  Remove io and reinstall
> perl.
> > bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory.
> > 
> > This is odd since it's finding the correct program and the path for it but
> > is saying it can't find it. Spook! I've looksed in /usr/sbin and
> > start-stop-daemon is definitly in there.
> This actually means that bash couldn't find the interpreter -
> /usr/bin/perl.  Did you remove perl completely?  That would be bad.

Here I went and did the same thing.  I installed from the unstable
distribution, hoping to circumvent the dependency problems in the stable
version that result in dpkg-ftp being deleted.  Well, dpkg-ftp is still
around, but perl is gone.  Somehow, the whole modutils package
disappeared, too.  I remember it saying something like 'could not locate
modutils package' or something to that effect in dselect.  I thought it
was just as well since it was already installed, though.  So why would it
have deleted them?  And perl?

-=John Doggett=->

RE: I screwed up real good.

1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Thanks to everyone who sent me a copy of /etc/init.d/ppp.

I'm working again.


Broken Terminal after telnet or rlogin

1997-03-09 Thread Marcus Brinkmann

Hello debians!

I've just installed a small debian system (1.2.4, but ftp updated)
My update configuration is stable non-free contrip.

All things works just fine, but:

** Sometimes some programs (ae, dselect) don't like the cursor keys.
** Instead I get those dam**d escape sequences. In fact, this happens
** when I telnet or rlogin via PPP to a hpux remote system and set my
** terminal type to vt100 (on the remote system). After disconnecting, I
** have this error.

The hpux supports vt100 vt220 hpterm xterm ibm3161
I know, that this is eventually no debian related question, but
I don't know who to ask, and I have not installed a news server.
(the next big task). If you feel offended by this, please excuse me and
send this mail to /dev/null.

** Can anybody help?
** Thank you!


1997-03-09 Thread whiz
The most brilliant mind has his website:

Re: I screwed up real good.

1997-03-09 Thread Marcus Brinkmann

Hello Peter!

I can understand you, because I'm working on my PPP connection, too.
Sometimes I'm a bit confused, ...

I didn't modified my /etc/init.d/ppp, so it should work!

Look at ls -Fl /etc/init.d/ppp:
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   510 Dec   8 02:54 /etc/init.d/ppp*

Good luck!

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/ppp: start or stop PPP.

FLAGS="start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."

test -x /usr/sbin/pppd -a -f /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot || exit 0

case "$1" in
  start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec /usr/sbin/pppd -- \
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp.chatscript" `cat 
  start-stop-daemon --stop --verbose --exec /usr/sbin/pppd
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/ppp {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0


1997-03-09 Thread A.R.\(Tom\)Peters
Whatever happened to the Debian pgp package? I got one last summer
(Debian-1.1 section non-free) which was made by a Brit and contained
pgp-2.6.2 (i and us). I would like to upgrade if possible (2.6.3 is around,
maybe higher). But a Debian package for pgp is nowhere to be found.
Any clues?
Dr A.R. (Tom) Peters
Wittgensteinlaan 149tel.020-4080204
NL-1062 KD  Amsterdam   e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where is /usr/lib/crt0.o?

1997-03-09 Thread Terrence M. Brannon

I am trying to compile MULE (Multilingual Emacs), yet it cannot find
this file. Where might I find it?

terrence brannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]  fax:213-740-5687home:213-737-5096  
2677 Ellendale Place #206, LA, CA 90007/o)\   neuralcomplab:213-740-3397  \(o/ brainsimlab:213-740-6995

Where is /usr/lib/crt0.o?

1997-03-09 Thread Terrence M. Brannon

I am trying to compile MULE (Multilingual Emacs), yet it cannot find
this file. Where might I find it?

Re: Executing java applications

1997-03-09 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
Ok, the story goes like this: You compile your applet with guavac/javac and 
run it with kaffe/java. Here's an example which uses guavac as a compiler and 
java as an interpreter. Kaffe didn't work for me for some reason but the 
procedure should be pretty much the same. All these are already packaged for 
Debian. Check non-free and devel sections.

class Hello {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println ("Hello, world!");
Compilation Successful: 1 classes or interfaces found:
 *  Hello
#java Hello
Hello, world!

Note that you don't need .class suffix when you run your java program.

There is support in the kernel for running the java classfiles from the 
command line but it's not on by default. It just runs java interepter for you 
and saves you typing a couple of characters.

The 'javac' and 'java' are part of Sun's JDK.

// Heikki

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-09 Thread Jonas Bofjall
On 8 Mar 1997, Richard Sharman wrote:

[completion control]
>   compctl (completion) has been setup to complete for a variable name
>   if the command is "export".   While the zsh seemed easier,  I guess
>   the bash approach allows you to control it more.)

I hope that's a typo.. The zsh way is more powerful.
looking in /usr/doc/zsh/examples there are several examples of how
to use zsh's advanced completion control.

Example: if i type kill -H, zsh fills in UP.
Next, I type sys, and zsh fills in klogd.
The hyphen tells zsh that I want a signal to be completed,
and the "kill" starting the line tells zsh I want a job
to be completed.

> * Ability to interactively define keyboard macros (similar to within

Tried the 'bindkey'-command yet?

I use zsh to have alt-d mapped to dir, I also have alt-z
mapped to ../ (making zsh go to parent directory). I have
alt-l mapped to list. They prove very useful.

I also use bindkey to get INS and DEL keys working properly in the shell.

  // Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2:201/262.37]

I screwed up real good.

1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hi all:

I was screwing around the @#%$#%^@ my /etc/init.d/ppp file.
I didn't make a backup. Think I would learn by now.

Could someone please send be a copy of their /etc/init.d/ppp file.
I tried editing my copy but I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance


RE: Executing java applications

1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Java Comrade:

Java is an interpreted language. To run a Java program you
need a Java interpreter. Linux has one or more. You can use
Netscape or the Kaffe interpreter. Try or
the primary site is

Sent:  Sunday, March 09, 1997 7:30 AM
Subject:  Executing java applications

I'm running Debian-Linux 1.2.6 with Java support, to be able to 
run Java applications (not applets). My little test program is supposed to write a short message to the screen;
it compiles successfully with guavac (it says so), resulting in
Welcome.class. But then what? 

First, Welcome.class isn't executable. After fixing that, an error
message complains that it can't find /usr/bin/java -- and sure enough,
it isn't there, and neither is /usr/bin/guava. 

Am I missing something? Is Debian-Linux missing something? Must we
only run applets (e.g. under Netscape)? Would appreciate some help 
on this.
Satisfied user of Linux, OS/2, LaTeX & Lucida Bright, and Psion Siena
"Behavioral axiomas are rational, investors aren't always..."  Savage 


1997-03-09 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Well Daniel, X is not very useful without a mouse. I'll try to help.

Use the command SuperProbe to determine what Linux sees with
respect to your hardware.

Run xf86config to configure you X server. I'm not quite certain what
version of software you are using but X11R6.3.2 is far more flexible.
(personal option). xf86config will ask you about your mouse.

>From a hardware perspective many computers now days come standard
with a ps/2 mouse interface on the mother board. You have to make
certain that the mouse interface is enabled within the BIOS and you
have to make the wire is connected to your mother board.  Boot your
system, go into the BIOS setup and make sure. If you have an older PC this
is probably not the case. If you have some utilities which scan your PC and
tell you what your hardware is, this would be helpful. In any case when your 
kernel loads you should see a line indicating the type of mouse you have 
and what module(s) are being loaded. I'm assuming your device drivers 
are loaded as modules. If this is not the case, rebuild your modules with
the proper mouse drivers in the kernel.

I sounds like you have a hardware problem, not a software problem.

Let me know what happens.

From:  Daniel Karlsson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:  Saturday, March 08, 1997 4:26 PM
Subject:  X


I've finally managed to make X work. At least in a way. When I write
"startx" I get a patterned background and a square in the upper left corner
in which it says xterm. I have no mouse response, even though I have in text
mode. All I can do is to press Enter. Then the square disappears and
everything appears to be locked.

What shall I do to at least get a window with a shell?
And what shall I do to get a higher resolution?

Hoping for answers..
  _  __  __
|  _ \   | |/ / | E-post: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| | | |  | ' /  | WWW   : |
| | | |  |  <   | Tel   : 013 - 17 82 76   |
| |_| |  | . \  | Adress: Rydsvägen 246 C:21 584 34 LINKÖPING  |
|/ aniel |_|\_\ arlsson |__|

Re: X

1997-03-09 Thread Heikki Vatiainen

I guess this is an indication that you have the mouse setup right in gpm but 
wrong in X. In my /etc/gpm.conf there are lines 'device=/dev/ttyS0' and 
'type=ms'. /dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/ttyS0

In my /etc/X11/XF86Config, section "Pointer" there are lines 'Protocol 
"MouseMan"' and 'Device "/dev/mouse"'.

I suggest you to check XF86Config(5x) and see what all the different pointer 
protocols are. I think 'ms' and 'MouseMan' are not the same but it seems to 
work anyways. I have a cheap 3-button logitech mouse.

If there are multiple resulutions defined in /etc/X11/XF86Config you should be 
able to switch between them with Ctr-Alt-+ or Ctrl-Alt--. '+' and '-' are the 
respective keys on the numeric keypad on the right edge of your keyboard.

If you want a different default resolution once again check the XF86Config 
file and go to the section "Screen". There are a number of "Modes" lines. E.g. 
Modes   "800x600" "1280x1024" "1024x768"
to  Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"

should change the default from 800x600 to 1280x1024.

That square which says xterm is your window with a shell. Once your mouse 
works try the left button of your mouse on the root window. Root window is 
also known as 'the background'. If you don't like the default gray background 
pattern, try something like 'xsetroot -solid SteelBlue' in the xterm.

Hope this helps.

Daniel Karlsson wrote:

> I've finally managed to make X work. At least in a way. When I write
> "startx" I get a patterned background and a square in the upper left corner
> in which it says xterm. I have no mouse response, even though I have in text
> mode. All I can do is to press Enter. Then the square disappears and
> everything appears to be locked.
> What shall I do to at least get a window with a shell?
> And what shall I do to get a higher resolution?

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Executing java applications

1997-03-09 Thread
I'm running Debian-Linux 1.2.6 with Java support, to be able to 
run Java applications (not applets). My little test program is supposed to write a short message to the screen;
it compiles successfully with guavac (it says so), resulting in
Welcome.class. But then what? 

First, Welcome.class isn't executable. After fixing that, an error
message complains that it can't find /usr/bin/java -- and sure enough,
it isn't there, and neither is /usr/bin/guava. 

Am I missing something? Is Debian-Linux missing something? Must we
only run applets (e.g. under Netscape)? Would appreciate some help 
on this.
Satisfied user of Linux, OS/2, LaTeX & Lucida Bright, and Psion Siena
"Behavioral axiomas are rational, investors aren't always..."  Savage 

Re: Locate

1997-03-09 Thread Giuliano Procida
Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Pete Poff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   when I use locate I get an error.  This is what I get if I type
> > like locate .  Like locate new.stuff.  I get locate:
> > /var/lib/locate/locatedb: No suck file or directory.  Can anyone tell me
> > why?  And is there a command to see how much disk space I have left?
> Chances are you are experiencing a bug in an older cron package.
> There was a version which would not set up cron to run automatically
> at boot time.  You can get it cron started with
>  /etc/init.d/cron start
> as root.  And you can fix the problem permanently by upgrading your
> cron package.

However, this doesn't explain why there is no locatedb at all;
whenever /etc/init.d/boot runs to completion it looks for an
executable file /sbin/ and it is this script that is supposed
to run updatedb for the first time and then delete itself.

The current install disks for Debian installation have a bug which
leaves the script unexecutable; you may find it still exists
on your system with mode 0.

Does this explain anything in your (Pete's) case?

Giuliano Procida.


1997-03-09 Thread Paul McDermott


1997-03-09 Thread Valenzuela Family
 I have a 386 laptop that i just installed linux on and I don't know how
to print from it and how to automatically mount a floppy.  Here is my
booth message if anyone can help me.
Thank you,
Console: 16 point font, 400 scans
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25, 1 virtual console (max 63)
pci_init: no BIOS32 detected
Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 4.11 BogoMIPS
Memory: 6472k/8384k available (968k kernel code, 384k reserved, 560k data)
Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
Linux version 2.0.27 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #1 Fri Jan 10 
23:46:22 MET 1997
Real Time Clock Driver v1.07
tpqic02: Runtime config, $Revision: $, $Date: 1994/10/29 02:46:13 $
tpqic02: DMA buffers: 20 blocks, at address 0x242e00 (0x242cb0)
Ramdisk driver initialized : 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
hda: Conner Peripherals 84MB - CP2084, 81MB w/32kB Cache, CHS=548/8/38
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
Started kswapd v 
FDC 0 is an 8272A
md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
NCR53c406a: no available ports found
qlogicisp : PCI bios not present
eata_dma: No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs. 
eata_pio: No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.
Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
PPA: unable to initialise controller at 0x378, error 2
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
Ethernet Bridge 002 for NET3.035 (Linux 2.0)
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 >
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Adding Swap: 17304k swap-space
linear personality registered
JAVA Binary support v1.01 for Linux 1.3.98 (C)1996 Brian A. Lantz
lp1 at 0x0378, (polling)
PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16450
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered.
SLIP: version 0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY-MODULAR (dynamic channels, max=256).
Free pages:1052kB
 ( 29*4kB 29*8kB 16*16kB 4*32kB 3*64kB 1*128kB = 1052kB)
Swap cache: add 0/0, delete 169469/0, find 0/0
Free swap:17304kB
2096 pages of RAM
263 free pages
478 reserved pages
1013 pages shared
Buffer memory:  292kB
Buffer heads:   360
Buffer blocks:  292
Buffer[0] mem: 152 buffers, 8 used (last=17), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty 0 
Buffer[2] mem: 82 buffers, 10 used (last=70), 3 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty 0 
Size[LAV] Free  Clean  Unshar LckLck1   Dirty  Shared 
  512 [0]:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 1024 [2]:  58 152   0  82   0   0   0 
 2048 [0]:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 4096 [0]:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
 8192 [0]:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 
Networking buffers in use  : 0
Network buffers locked by drivers  : 0
Total network buffer allocations   : 61
Total failed network buffer allocs : 0
Total free while locked events : 0
IP fragment buffer size: 0
VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0
VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00

Re: Zimmerman case

1997-03-09 Thread Bruce Perens
Shaya Potter:
> The people that developed [ITAR] were asked "what don't we want our enemies
> getting their hands on", one of their answers was strong encryption.

The problem here seems to be that the government doesn't acknowledge that
people outside of the U.S. are at least as smart as we are, and (like the
Atom Bomb) all of the theoretical knowledge has been published, and much of
it was researched and published by people outside of the U.S.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

More shared lib stuff

1997-03-09 Thread Walter L. Preuninger II
Thanks for the quick turnaround on my question about the benefits of
shared libs. Now for the next problem.

Well, I think I have got my shared lib built, I have run ldconfig but when
I try to compile a program that uses routines in the shared lib, I get

/tmp/cca024781.o: In function `main':
/tmp/cca024781.o(.text+0x51): undefined reference to `btopen'
/tmp/cca024781.o(.text+0x6d): undefined reference to `btperror'

to compile the program, I followed the elf-howto and just did a
gcc -o example example.c

ldconfig -v shows
ldconfig: version 1.8.8
/lib: => =>

I have tried various combinations of -shared in gcc and ld.
What did I do wrong?

Again, TIA
Walter L. Preuninger II   waldo @

  L  I  N  U  X  Where You Will Want To Be!

Re: Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
I normally don't compile sound board support, because I never use sound in
Linux, but I was just messing around and I decided 'what the hell' and
included it when I was remaking my kernel, and I got a bunch of missing
configuration files/setup errors when trying to compile too.  I just
thought 'ahh screw it' and compiled without sound.  Is there a problem in
2.0.27 with sound?

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, David James Loken wrote:

> Hi!
> I have been trying to recompile my kernel 2.0.27. I would like to
> use Menuconfig but I'm missing the
> file 'lxdiaglog.o' in /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog. Does anyone know
> where I can get a copy?
> So I tried running 'make config' that goes along fine until I try to compile
> the sound board option.
> gcc tells me I'm missing the 'configure' in /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound. I
> have read the Readme.linx file, 
> but I don't how to run the script that is appended to the end of
> Readme.linux after I have deleted the first 
> part of file.
> Also I have tried to compile the 2.0.27 kernel without sound. 'make
> config' works fine but, when try 
> running 'make dep' gcc say it can't find 'mkdep.c' even though 'mkdep.c' is
> present in /usr/src/linux/scripts.
> If it is in the wrong directory which directory should I put it in.
> Thanks in advance, & 73 for now.
> Dave Loken VE6DJL 

Re: Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
If reget doesn't work, have a friend with a fast connection download it
and split it up to smaller files :)

On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

>  Hi,
>   the service that I use to get onto the internet only allows me 1 
>  hour at a time, then I have to quit and log back on.  There are somefile 
>  that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to download and the service I 
>  use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could I 
>  download it?
>   Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
> Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Kyron 4000

Re: Installing a new kernel....

1997-03-09 Thread Thought
I just had this problem 2 days ago :)  After playing around with
everyone's responses, here's what finally worked:

cd /usr/src/linux
rm -r /lib/modules/*
make config
make dep
make clean
make zlilo
make modules
make modules_install
/sbin/depmod -a
pico /etc/modules

You might want to move /lib/modules/* to another directory instead of
deleting them (I tried just renaming the directory 2.0.27 to 2.0.27.old,
but it didn't seem to work).  You might also need to do something
different with /etc/modules.  I needed to edit that file because I got
"vfat: module not found" messages etc. when I booted.

Anyway, I hope that helps, and that all the paths I mentioned are correct
:)  I'm new to debian and I just wrote this off of memory so...

Re: Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Bob Clark
Pete Poff wrote:
>  Hi,
> the service that I use to get onto the internet only allows me 1
>  hour at a time, then I have to quit and log back on.  There are somefile
>  that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to download and the service I
>  use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could I
>  download it?
>   Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
> Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Kyron address: 4000
Use ftp "get " the first time then use "reget " on
subsequent ftp sessions.  I think reget is supported by most ftp
servers.  It has worked for me every time I've tried it.  I think
dselect does a reget when you use the ftp method.


Problems Compiling Kernel 2.0.27

1997-03-09 Thread David James Loken

I have been trying to recompile my kernel 2.0.27. I would like to
use Menuconfig but I'm missing the

file 'lxdiaglog.o' in /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog. Does anyone know
where I can get a copy?

So I tried running 'make config' that goes along fine until I try to compile
the sound board option.

gcc tells me I'm missing the 'configure' in /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound. I
have read the Readme.linx file, 
but I don't how to run the script that is appended to the end of
Readme.linux after I have deleted the first 

part of file.

Also I have tried to compile the 2.0.27 kernel without sound. 'make
config' works fine but, when try 

running 'make dep' gcc say it can't find 'mkdep.c' even though 'mkdep.c' is
present in /usr/src/linux/scripts.

If it is in the wrong directory which directory should I put it in.

Thanks in advance, & 73 for now.

Dave Loken VE6DJL 

Can't nfs mount Debian box

1997-03-09 Thread
I'm having trouble nfs mounting a Debian box from other machines... 'ps
-aux' indicates rpc.portmap, update, nfsiod (4 instances), kerneld,
inetd, bootpd, rpc.nfsd, rpc.mount, rpc.ugidd.  Other processes seem to   
be working well (apache, netscape, in.telnetd, bash, emacs)...  Still a
variety of machines (linux, NeXT, Sparc) can't mount correctly configured
/etc/exports (i.e. '/   trusty(rw,no_root_squash)...  

What can I do to ferret out this problem?  Any immediate clues as to
what's going on?


Re: Locate

1997-03-09 Thread Rob Browning
Pete Poff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   when I use locate I get an error.  This is what I get if I type 
> like locate .  Like locate new.stuff.  I get locate: 
> /var/lib/locate/locatedb: No suck file or directory.  Can anyone tell me 
> why?  And is there a command to see how much disk space I have left?

Chances are you are experiencing a bug in an older cron package.
There was a version which would not set up cron to run automatically
at boot time.  You can get it cron started with

 /etc/init.d/cron start

as root.  And you can fix the problem permanently by upgrading your
cron package.


Re: Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Pete Poff wrote:

>  Hi,
>   the service that I use to get onto the internet only allows me 1 
>  hour at a time, then I have to quit and log back on.  There are somefile 
>  that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to download and the service I 
>  use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could I 
>  download it?
Get as much as you can in the first hour, then in the second session, do a
reget from ftp which will finish the file in the second, or seuccessive




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Guy Maor
Pete Poff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  There are somefile that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to
>  download and the service I use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could
>  I download it?

Either use reget command in ftp, or `get -r' in ncftp.  Both do the

 reget remote-file [local-file]
 Reget acts like get, except that if local-file exists and is
 smaller than remote-file, local-file is presumed to be a par­
 tially transferred copy of remote-file and the transfer is
 continued from the apparent point of failure.  This command
 is useful when transferring very large files over networks
 that are prone to dropping connections.


Re: Kernel compilation problem

1997-03-09 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Elie" == Elie Rosenblum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Elie> On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Alexander Koch wrote:
>> I tried to compile a new kernel on my own (just the old way)
>> and I am afraid i messed some things up...
>> What does have to be a module? Even the SCSI controller? (I
>> guess not)
>> And, besides - after installing debian on my system I get
>> segfaults and coredumps with several programs at random choice
>> and at will, if you call it this way. Then I get a signal 11
>> even with rnews (uucp) (!) and occasionally when compiling a
>> new kernel...
>> Well, I know of this fatal sig 11 thing, but, $%!"#$"#$%"%", it
>> worked before on the same two scsi discs with another
>> distribution.

Elie> If you have fatal sig 11 during kernel compilation, it
Elie> almost _always_ means you have either bad L2 cache or a bad
Elie> simm. To see if it's the cache, go into your BIOS and
Elie> disable the external cache entirely. If it's not the cache,
Elie> I suggest getting a SIMM tester and running all of your
Elie> memory through it several times.

 It can also mean a stuck CPU fan; that's what caused this problem on
one of my boxes.  I was able to fix it with a little WD-40.

Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.29t

Down Loading

1997-03-09 Thread Pete Poff
the service that I use to get onto the internet only allows me 1 
 hour at a time, then I have to quit and log back on.  There are somefile 
 that are like 7 meg, and take 1 1/2 hours to download and the service I 
 use kick me off after 1 hour.  How could I 
 download it?
  Pete Poff---AKA---BlackJack
Personal E-Mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kyron E-Mail Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kyron address: 4000

Re: Local X application defaults

1997-03-09 Thread Carey Evans
Riku Saikkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Can X be set to read app-defaults
> files in /usr/local/X11/app-defaults/ (or whatever) in addition to the
> normal directory?

You could try (ab-)using XUSERFILESEARCHPATH.  Mine is currently
/home/carey/lib/X11/app-defaults/%N%S so you could use something

Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Linux and Linux-like systems such as UNIX(R) and FreeBSD..."
- Yggdrasil Computing, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: pine producing gratuitous folder locks

1997-03-09 Thread Carey Evans
"David C. Winters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[snip: wrong /tmp permissions]

> That was it--my clue was when X didn't start either.  Now I need to try to
> track down whatever it was I did that changed its perms.  I posted my
> question too soon--sorry, everyone, for the wasted bandwidth.

It happened to me once when I tarred up ".", then untarred it in /tmp
to check it went right.  /tmp got the permissions of the original "."
directory.  (Moral: don't "tar .", instead "tar .* *" in zsh, and/or
be careful untarring as root.)

Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Linux and Linux-like systems such as UNIX(R) and FreeBSD..."
- Yggdrasil Computing, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-09 Thread Carey Evans
Bob Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is *not* a flame.  This list is kind of touchy lately.  It's just
> that I'm a big fan of bash (with vi editting mode instead of emacs) and
> if there's a better shell out there I'd like to give it a try.  It just
> doesn't sound like zsh has anything to offer that bash doesn't. 


> > * ability to line edit a multi-line command.  I find this very
> >   useful.  Say you've just typed in a multi-line "for"..."done" line
> >   and need to fix a type or redo it slightly differently.   Under zsh
> >   you simply using ^p like any single line.
> Add this to your .bashrc if you;d like this feature in bash too:
> #put multi-line commands together as one line
> export command_oriented_history=

That doesn't do quite the same here - it joins the lines together.
zsh leaves the line breaks intact.

> > * the "vared" builtin -- allows you to line edit a variable
> >   (e.g.  "vared path").
> Doesn't "export PATH=$PATH:" do the same?

It's OK for adding stuff to either end, but not so good for
interactively removing a bit from the middle of a variable, or
rearranging a bit.

> > * allows you to defined what a "word" is (e.g. for using
> >   backward-word).   Using the vared command makes it nice and simple,
> >   just do "vared WORDCHARS".
> Is this different from `B' when editing command lines in bash?

It sets what B (in zsh's vi mode) moves backwards over.  I don't see
any way to do this in readline(3), but I wouldn't be very surprised if
it's possible.  I would be more surprised if it's possible without
reloading bash.

> > * accepts both csh and sh syntax,  which is useful if you're used to a
> >   tcsh environment at work,  or just like some of the csh things like
> >   "prompt" instead of "PS1",  or using a wordlist $path rather than a
> >   colon-separated $PATH.
> Bash also accepts both csh and sh syntax.

tcsh% echo $path
/usr/bin/X11 /var/qmail/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/games

zsh% echo $path
/usr/bin/X11 /var/qmail/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/games

bash$ echo $path

> > * ability to try out an interactive command with "M-x" without having
> >   to specifically bind it.
> I don't know what this means but it may be useful.

Like if I don't have expand-cmd-path bound to a key but I want to
try it, I type M-x expand-cmd-path to see what happens.

> > * the "infer next" command.   (Hmmm,  this seems to be broken now;
> >   it used to work and was very nice.)   (Bash now has something limilar,
> >   operate-and-get-next (C-o).  I like zsh's approach where you use this
> >   command when you want the next command;  bash requires you to think
> >   ahead and realize before submitting that you will want the next command.)
> Again I don't know what this means.  Is this just `n' in bash?

It's C-o in bash in emacs mode.  I don't know about vi mode.  (What
*is* `n' in bash's vi mode?  It beeps at me in command mode.)

> > * automatic completion on variables names,  e.g. type
> >  "export DISP" and hit tab.  (I just checked,  in bash you can use
> >   Esc-$ to specifically complete a variable name;  in zsh the default
> >   compctl (completion) has been setup to complete for a variable name
> >   if the command is "export".   While the zsh seemed easier,  I guess
> >   the bash approach allows you to control it more.)

The programmable completion is even better if you have the time to set
it up.  I quite like my kill completion
(compctl -j -P % -x 'p[1] s[-]' -k signals -- kill), and I have a
function somewhere to do completion on hostnames for ncftp.


Another nice feature is that variables are split differently than most
sh-like shells.  This means > /tmp/$0.$$ does what you expect even if
$0 contains a space.

There are also extra redirection methods, like:

% ghostview =( zcat /usr/man/man8/pppd.8.gz | groff -man )

which creates a temporary file for ghostview to display pages from

And there are extensions to the pattern matching to make find(1) less

% rm **/*.{orig,rej}(.)

does nearly the same as:

% find . -type f -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -print0 \
  | xargs -r0 rm

unless I got the find syntax wrong.

The next version of zsh should use loadable modules (like Perl) so
that the line editing code, for example, won't get loaded unless it is

There's also an RPS1 variable which prints on the RHS of the line if
the terminal can do it and there's enough space.  It was a bit buggy
in zsh 2.x, but works perfectly in 3.0.  My setting is " %~ " which
puts the full path on the RHS for each command.

zsh also comes with a shell function that implements a simple file
editor, useful for editing very small files when the startup time of
vi is an issue. :-)

I'm sure there's more, but I'm going to stop now.

Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Linux and Linux-like systems such as UNIX(R) and FreeBSD..."
- Yggdrasil Comp

Re: Zimmerman case

1997-03-09 Thread Shaya Potter
On Sat, 8 Mar 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Bruce:
> > > The government dropped its case against Zimmerman long ago.
> > 
> > From: Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > That is true, but he is still be "pestered" more than you and I would like
> > > to live with.
> > 
> > Uh, maybe. He seems to be making money on the issue. Take a look at
> > . They don't give details on
> > their financing, but the people on the board certainly have access to
> > good financing.
> This is the only known method an individual has for protection from abuse
> by large groups. Rich == powerful -> safe
> > 
> > > I just wish our government would get over the fascist notion that only
> > > governements should be allowed to "protect" secrets.
> > 
> > No argument there.
> At least not between you and I ;-) 
> I have never heard an "individual" produce "good" arguments for this
> behavior. It is only when large "groups" respond that you hear that magic
> phrase "national security", which, in this day of "international terrorist
> activities" is a truely self contradictory term.

The only thing I will say in defence of ITAR, from talking to people
invloved with it when it was developed, is 

1) Remember its age, it was created a while ago, times have changed so
should it.

2) The people that developed it were asked, what don't we want our enemies
getting their hands on, one of their answers was strong encryption.

Then again, in today's age of PGP ITAR is basically deprecated. :-)


2 problems

1997-03-09 Thread edwalter
I have two questions:

1) has something changed in the way dselect/dpkg installs packages.
In the past, dpkg used to choose the best order to install packages so
as to avoid dependancy problems.  Now, when installing packages with
dselect, this is not done.  For example, I recently installed emacs
from and emacs-el was attempted before emacs.  dpkg complained that
emacs must be installed before emacs-el.  Is there a fix to this?

2) recently a number of packages have been having trouble getting
installed.  svgalib and zlib are 2 examples.  The problem is this:
dselect recognizes that there are new versions availble and they get
downloaded.  Then dpkg (i presume) complains that the downloaded
packages are older than the currently installed set.  However, in they
are not.  manually installing them with dpkg -i works.  I believe this
has something to do with the : in available and status version

I have the most recent versions of utilities (dpkg, etc.) from



==-- _ / /  \ 
---==---(_)__  __   __/ / /\ \- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
-=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /__\ \ \  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] \_\/

Re: Kernel compilation problem

1997-03-09 Thread Elie Rosenblum
On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Alexander Koch wrote:
> I tried to compile a new kernel on my own (just the old way) and I am afraid
> i messed some things up...
> What does have to be a module? Even the SCSI controller? (I guess not)
> And, besides - after installing debian on my system I get segfaults and
> coredumps with several programs at random choice and at will, if you call it
> this way. Then I get a signal 11 even with rnews (uucp) (!) and occasionally
> when compiling a new kernel...
> Well, I know of this fatal sig 11 thing, but, $%!"#$"#$%"%", it worked
> before on the same two scsi discs with another distribution.

If you have fatal sig 11 during kernel compilation, it almost _always_
means you have either bad L2 cache or a bad simm. To see if it's the
cache, go into your BIOS and disable the external cache entirely. If it's
not the cache, I suggest getting a SIMM tester and running all of your
memory through it several times.

Elie Rosenblum ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) System Administrator, Erol's Internet
"When Cthulhu calls, he calls _collect_."

Re: pine producing gratuitous folder locks

1997-03-09 Thread Bob Clark
David C. Winters wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, David C. Winters wrote:
> > > Today, I started getting running into a problem with Pine 3.94--it began
> [Del.]
> On Fri, 7 Mar 1997, Pete Templin wrote:
> > Are the permissions on the /tmp directory correct?  (1755, which looks
> > like drwxrwxrwt in ls -l /)  This is often my first clue that /tmp has the
> > wrong perms.
> That was it--my clue was when X didn't start either.  Now I need to try to
> track down whatever it was I did that changed its perms. 

I've had similar problems (perms changing) after restoring from a backup
as root.  I've read elsewhere that if you set umask to 0 before
restoring that this problem can be avoided.  I'd be interested in
knowing if this is what happened to you.

> I posted my
> question too soon--sorry, everyone, for the wasted bandwidth.
> D.
> David [EMAIL PROTECTED]   If the Force with Yoda is so strong, construct
> Office: 3503 WeH, x86720a sentence with in the proper order the words
> MTFBWY  then why can't he?

Re: zsh vs bash

1997-03-09 Thread Bob Clark
This is *not* a flame.  This list is kind of touchy lately.  It's just
that I'm a big fan of bash (with vi editting mode instead of emacs) and
if there's a better shell out there I'd like to give it a try.  It just
doesn't sound like zsh has anything to offer that bash doesn't. 

Comments anyone?

Richard Sharman wrote:
> Thought writes:
>  > Hey, what do you guys think is better, zsh or bash?
>  >
> I prefer zsh,  I find it easier to work with.   For a while it had
> several features missing from bash (and most shells),  but bash has
> caught up on many of them.   It still has some features which don't
> seem to be in bash (though perhaps it's just a matter of finding out
> how to setup bash):
> * ability to line edit a multi-line command.  I find this very
>   useful.  Say you've just typed in a multi-line "for"..."done" line
>   and need to fix a type or redo it slightly differently.   Under zsh
>   you simply using ^p like any single line.

Add this to your .bashrc if you;d like this feature in bash too:

#put multi-line commands together as one line
export command_oriented_history=

> * the "vared" builtin -- allows you to line edit a variable
>   (e.g.  "vared path").

Doesn't "export PATH=$PATH:" do the same?

> * allows you to defined what a "word" is (e.g. for using
>   backward-word).   Using the vared command makes it nice and simple,
>   just do "vared WORDCHARS".

Is this different from `B' when editing command lines in bash?

> * accepts both csh and sh syntax,  which is useful if you're used to a
>   tcsh environment at work,  or just like some of the csh things like
>   "prompt" instead of "PS1",  or using a wordlist $path rather than a
>   colon-separated $PATH.

Bash also accepts both csh and sh syntax.

> * ability to try out an interactive command with "M-x" without having
>   to specifically bind it.

I don't know what this means but it may be useful.

> * the "infer next" command.   (Hmmm,  this seems to be broken now;
>   it used to work and was very nice.)   (Bash now has something limilar,
>   operate-and-get-next (C-o).  I like zsh's approach where you use this
>   command when you want the next command;  bash requires you to think
>   ahead and realize before submitting that you will want the next command.)

Again I don't know what this means.  Is this just `n' in bash?

> * automatic completion on variables names,  e.g. type
>  "export DISP" and hit tab.  (I just checked,  in bash you can use
>   Esc-$ to specifically complete a variable name;  in zsh the default
>   compctl (completion) has been setup to complete for a variable name
>   if the command is "export".   While the zsh seemed easier,  I guess
>   the bash approach allows you to control it more.)
> However,  bash has some advantages:
> * better built-in help (zsh has some if you set it up as suggested,
>   but bash seems better and works out-of-the-box)
> * Ability to interactively define keyboard macros (similar to within
>   emacs)
> * Bash uses the GNU readline which can be used from any C-program.
> Actually,  I think the last point is probably a very important one.
> Both shell's line editing is good,  but bash's readline can be included
> in any C program.   By putting your preferences in your ~/.inputrc file
> you can thus customize many programs in one fell swoop.
> In any case,  I would say try them both,  and then pick one and read the
> manual or info and get familiar with it.  And every so often read it
> again to pick some more hints.
> There are 2 programs that really pay off putting a bit of effort into
> learning: the shell you use and the editor you use.   Picking a "simple
> and easy to use" editor is a short sighted approach.  Pick a powerful
> editor and invest some time in learning it.   (You don't have to learn
> it all,  and you don't have to learn all that much at first, either.)
> It will really pack off.   And I think the same philosophy applies,
> perhaps to a lesser degree,  to the shell you use.
> Richard