Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Rick Macdonald
Ralph Winslow wrote:

  M- ; go to beginning of file
  C-x (   ; start recording kbd macro
  C-s 129.168.1 RET   ; search for 192.168.1
  M-b M-b M-b ; go back three words
  M-d M-d M-d ; delete three words
  129.168.200 ; insert new string
  C-x )   ; end kbd macro
  C-x e   ; repeat
  C-x e   ; repeat
  C-x e   ; repeat

I could care less what editor anybody (not in my patroll ;-)
uses. I'm sending this for the benefit of the emacs user
who wrote the above.

I beg to differ the emacs case:

M- ; go to beginning of file
M-% ; query-replace
129.168.1 RET   ; search for 192.168.1
129.168.200 RET ; replace with 129.168.200
!   ; repeat for all occurrences

This is fewer keystrokes than vi. If you don't want every
occurrence changed, then you press one key to perform or
another to skip each one as you see it.



1997-04-15 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello all:

As I'm sure everyone is aware a new project has been initiated
to replace the currenct dselect package maintainence facility
with the goals of enhancing its functionality and resolving
some of the existing package maintenance problems.

This thread is being issued to provide all individuals and
organizations an opportunity to voice their requirements
and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.

Please ensure that DEITY TEAM -- is in the subject line
as it will aid in tracking your responses. We will endeavor 
to take everyones requests and comments into account but
that does not guarantee all requests will be implemented.

Thanks in advance for you input.


Peter Iannarelli

[HELP] root damaged

1997-04-15 Thread Linh Dang

Yesterday, I booted up my buzz (Debian-1.1) box and surprise ! I in root
account with right away !

An `ls -l' on the root dir showed my that `/sbin/' is now a huge _FILE_ 

I can't read floppy, cdroms ... because I can't load modules since insmod and
co. are in `/sbin/' !!! :-((( (My Debian-1.1 CD is lost somewhere :-) ...

Anyone knows a ftp which still carries 1.1  Please 

Linh Dang Nortel Technology
Member of Scientific StaffSpeech Recognition Software

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Richard Kilgore
On Apr 14, Rick Macdonald wrote
Ralph Winslow wrote:

I beg to differ the emacs case:

M- ; go to beginning of file
M-%; query-replace
129.168.1 RET  ; search for 192.168.1
129.168.200 RET; replace with 129.168.200
!  ; repeat for all occurrences

This is fewer keystrokes than vi.

Not exactly:

   :% s/129.168.1\./129.168.200/g


   - rick

Richard Kilgore |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical  Computer Engineering   |
The University of Texas at Austin   |  (512) 471-8011

Re: routing setup question

1997-04-15 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Benedikt Eric Heinen wrote:

 The new setup should look like:
   ISP My systems
  --- ppp0 ---  --- eth0 ---

Assuming you in reality have more than 1 IP address being routed to you,
it's easy.  You can't have the ppp0 and eth0 interfaces on icemark use the
same IP.

However, if you isp is willing to route you a /30, you'll be cool.  Here's
how you should be set up (assuming your ISP is sending you aka - .180, and the IP addr of your
ppp0 is

ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask
route add -net netmask
now bring up your ppp0 and set it to be the default route.  Make sure your
kernel on icemark has IP forward turned ON.

ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask
route add -net netmask
route add default gw

If this is not the case, use a /24 from for the ethernet
interfaces on the boxes and use IP_Masquerade...

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Re: [HELP] root damaged

1997-04-15 Thread Pete Templin

On 14 Apr 1997, Linh Dang wrote:

 Yesterday, I booted up my buzz (Debian-1.1) box and surprise ! I in root
 account with right away !
 An `ls -l' on the root dir showed my that `/sbin/' is now a huge _FILE_ 
 I can't read floppy, cdroms ... because I can't load modules since insmod and
 co. are in `/sbin/' !!! :-((( (My Debian-1.1 CD is lost somewhere :-) ...
 Anyone knows a ftp which still carries 1.1  Please has /debian/buzz{,-fixed,-updates}


Peter J. Templin, Jr.   Client Services Analyst
Computer  Communication Services   tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

 I beg to differ the emacs case:
 M- ; go to beginning of file
 M-%   ; query-replace
 129.168.1 RET ; search for 192.168.1
 129.168.200 RET   ; replace with 129.168.200
 ! ; repeat for all occurrences
 This is fewer keystrokes than vi. 

Err...  I know I shouldn't get into this, but.

:1  ; go to top of file
:g/129.168.1/s//129.168.200/gret  ; global replace

No finger breaking key combo's either. :-)

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

dump or taper for backups?

1997-04-15 Thread Eloy A. Paris

I am getting ready to start backing up my production Debian GNU/Linux
boxes and I am considering both dump/restore and taper as my backup

I would like to know which program Debian users recommend me to use.

I am a little bit concerned about using dump since I read this in the
changelog file in /usr/doc/dump:

I remind you that dump and restore should be considered as software
in BETA test.  Don't rely too much on them for your backups...

This is not very promissing, is it?

Thanks in advance for the help.



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

Re: bi

1997-04-15 Thread Douglas L Stewart
On 14 Apr 1997, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

 Well, vi is not the only choice.  If they're using X, why don't you
 tell them to use xedit?  It's about as braindead as pico but can do
 search and replace, so it should be very easy to use.

To take this silly editor thread a bit off-topic (and away from the

xedit?  You mean the old CMS editor? :-)

Or did someone write an editor that runs under the X-Window system and
call it xedit?


MIT-Scheme 7.4.n

1997-04-15 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom

 I was thinking about trying to do my first Debian package, of
MIT-Scheme.  I've found it to be the best scheme interpretter out
there for a person who is just beginning to learn the language, since
it's the one many of the Scheme textbooks assume you have.  And, I
like its interface to the emacsen best.


 When I went to ftp it, I found that they release a binary kit that
has an installer script.  It worked on the first try, and I was
entering Scheme expressions in an editor window less than 5 minutes
after the download!  So a package isn't *required* to run this and get 
started with it.

 I would be nice to have the info's installed, and a simple upgrade
path.  A menu to launch `edwin`, or to `gnuclient '(run-scheme)'`

 After thinking about it a while; or trying to; I realize that I
honestly don't know enough about Linux and Debian to be able to make a 
package.  Back to my reading, folks.  :-)

Karl M. Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.29t
You tell me and we'll both know.


1997-04-15 Thread Rob MacWilliams
Hi all,

Since the gentleman requested, and will soon be deluged with mail, I decided to 
get my two cents
in early.  

1.  Please include a download status indicator.  i.e. time remaining.  I am 
using a link that only lasts
three hours, and then shuts down.  An indication of how much time is 
needed/remains would give
me a guide as to which order I want to grab packages.

2.  I know there has been much traffic about the interface, but I think the 
best I've seen for this 
type of material is a nested list of packages.  Start the top with all 
packages, then go to stable, 
contrib, non-free...  After that break them down by group, i.e. admin, base, 
...  The thread that
could tie all of these together is the ability to make some of these disapear.  
For Example:

-All Packages






Now all that is needed is a keystroke sequence to open and close the 
catagories.  The closest 
piece of software out now that would be similar is the Netscape News Window.

The scrolling through dselect can be tiring. I agree that dselect is the 
greatest tool for software 
management I have seen, but there should be a way to condense the number of 
packages displayed 
on the screen at any one time.  This can avoid information overload, which IMHO 
is dselect's

I'm not sure of the best way to arrange the dependencies.  Maybe a toggle to 
arrange packages by
dependencies or catagory.

I hope this has been helpful and not a waste of bandwidth.


Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

Rob MacWilliams   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1997-04-15 Thread Adam Shand
2.  I know there has been much traffic about the interface, but I think
the best I've seen for this type of material is a nested list of packages.
 Start the top with all packages, then go to stable, contrib, non-free...
After that break them down by group, i.e. admin, base, ...  The thread
that could tie all of these together is the ability to make some of these

Yep that would be good.

As I see it dselect/deity has three purposes.

1/ To install debian on a fresh system.  This should be as simple and
painless a process as possible.  I would recommend sacrificing
functionality for simplicity.  This is *just* to get newbies installed and
working.  I'd do something like have 3  options.  A developement box
(nothing but baisc utilities and compilers), a network box (basic utilities
and networking stuff, including prefered MTA and MUA etc) and a full
install ( the two before plus X windows).

2/ To manage the packages that are installed or you want to be installed.
This should be a nice friendly way of adding or removing packages.  I think
an X config option is overkill and would just go for a nice simple curses
or slang interface... others may disagree... This is the meat of the
program.  It needs be easy enough to use by newbies (or relative newbies)
but still have the advanced options that a power user would want.

3/ To upgrade your system to a new version of Debian.  The basic option for
this would download and then upgrade everypackage that was currently
installed on your system.

I favor the 'pine' method of making things easy.  Ask questions all the
time if they want to do somethign and allow the advanced user to turn all
the *stupid* questions off.


- Earthlight Communications Limited 
P.O. Box 5301   Adam Shand (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New Zealand   Systems Manager(voice) +64 3 479 0303 

Re: dump or taper for backups?

1997-04-15 Thread Philippe Troin

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997 20:30:24 EDT Eloy A. Paris ([EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to know which program Debian users recommend me to use.
 I am a little bit concerned about using dump since I read this in the
 changelog file in /usr/doc/dump:
 I remind you that dump and restore should be considered as software
 in BETA test.  Don't rely too much on them for your backups...
 This is not very promissing, is it?

Dump/restore worked fine for me so far (even the multi-volume dumps 
which the doc claims they don't work).
Dump/restore has an overwhelming advantage over the afio/tar/cpio (or 
other wrapper interfaces around these): they keep track of deleted 
and moved inodes !


lprng problem -- solved

1997-04-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas

I just gave up on apsfilter and used magicfilter instead.  Everything
worked instantly.  I'd submit a bug report for apsfilter but I still don't
have the foggiest idea what exactly was wrong.  

-- Jaldhar

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On 14 Apr 1997, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

  Craig Sanders writes:
 Craig 1G  # move to start of file
 Craig /192.168.1  # search for 192.168.1
 Craig 5cw192.168.200ESC # change 5 'words' to 192.168.2
 Craig n   # find next
 Craig .   # repeat change
 Craig n   # find next
 Craig .   # repeat change
 Craig n   # find next
 Craig .   # repeat change
 Craig :x  # save andexit
 M- ; go to beginning of file
 C-x (   ; start recording kbd macro
 C-s 129.168.1 RET   ; search for 192.168.1
 M-b M-b M-b ; go back three words
 M-d M-d M-d ; delete three words
 129.168.200 ; insert new string
 C-x )   ; end kbd macro
 C-x e   ; repeat
 C-x e   ; repeat
 C-x e   ; repeat
 Nothing to do with modeless.

vi: 37 keystrokes
emacs: 40 keystrokes (if we count C-x or M-x as one; vi diesn't have
all this C- and M- stuff).

Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Re: pppd won't reset (or hang up) the modem

1997-04-15 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Alexander Lobkovsky wrote:

 I don' think this came up before.  My ISP changed to a pap style
 authorization and the only thigs I had to change was to add a 'user
 guest' line to the /etc/ppp.options_out file and a line '*  *
 password' to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.  Now the modem does not
 hang up if SIGINT is sent to pppd (it worked before).
 Is this a problem on my side or the ISP side?
 I tried to manually reset the modem (or hang up) so that I can stick
 this command into a disconnect script, to no avail, what am
 I doing incorrectly? I tried:

I'm afraid I can't help you very much but I seem to be having the exact
same problem.  I also cannot get pppd to hangup.  My ISP also uses pap.
Perhaps this will give someone out there a clue as to what's going on?

-- Jaldhar


1997-04-15 Thread jwalther


The odds that Mr Iannarelli is starting this thread just to
concentrate the flammage, flak and junk into one thread which he can
easilly killfile is astronomical =)  This is especially probable given his
insistence on exact spelling in the subject...

Hahahahahah  What a lame thread.  You are so obvious and apparent =)


On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Peter Iannarelli wrote:

 Hello all:

 This thread is being issued to provide all individuals and
 organizations an opportunity to voice their requirements
 and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.
 Please ensure that DEITY TEAM -- is in the subject line
 as it will aid in tracking your responses. We will endeavor 
 to take everyones requests and comments into account but
 that does not guarantee all requests will be implemented.


Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

 Ralph Winslow wrote:
   M- ; go to beginning of file
   C-x (   ; start recording kbd macro
   C-s 129.168.1 RET   ; search for 192.168.1
   M-b M-b M-b ; go back three words
   M-d M-d M-d ; delete three words
   129.168.200 ; insert new string
   C-x )   ; end kbd macro
   C-x e   ; repeat
   C-x e   ; repeat
   C-x e   ; repeat
 I could care less what editor anybody (not in my patroll ;-)
 uses. I'm sending this for the benefit of the emacs user
 who wrote the above.
 I beg to differ the emacs case:
 M- ; go to beginning of file
 M-%   ; query-replace
 129.168.1 RET ; search for 192.168.1
 129.168.200 RET   ; replace with 129.168.200
 ! ; repeat for all occurrences
 This is fewer keystrokes than vi. If you don't want every
 occurrence changed, then you press one key to perform or
 another toskip each one as you see it.

Well, in vi you can do:
1G  Go to the beginning
:%s/129.168.1/129.168.200/  (if I remember it right)
Still better...


Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:34:53 +0300 Vadim Vygonets ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
) wrote:

 Well, in vi you can do:
 1GGo to the beginning
 :%s/129.168.1/129.168.200/(if I remember it right)
 Still better...

To be a purist, the 1G isn't necessary.
But your regexp will also match:
So it should be:


Ping o' Death is killing pppd on my router.....

1997-04-15 Thread Dave Cinege
That just about somes it up

If the router sends, receives or carries a ping flood (ping -f or ping -l 
65510) pppd dies. I'm unable to hang-up the modem from anything I do in
telnet. (serial ports have no DTR line) After I flash the power on the modem
I can telnet in and /etc/init.d/ppp start and everything comes back up.

Have I screwed up, or is something broken? (router):

486 40MHz 8mb.
Boca 1008 serial board- USR Courier V.Everything - ISP
3Com 509B - subnet

No HD. Booting off of custom disk and running out of 4mb ram disk.
Root is based mostly on pure Deb scripts, and everything is version Deb 
1.2.6 except start-stop-daemon, and busybox emulated commands.

2.0.29 kernel, with Newest IP Masquerade patch. 

Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Philippe Troin wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:34:53 +0300 Vadim Vygonets ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ) wrote:
  Well, in vi you can do:
  1G  Go to the beginning
  :%s/129.168.1/129.168.200/  (if I remember it right)
  Still better...
 To be a purist, the 1G isn't necessary.
 But your regexp will also match:
 So it should be:

Yeah that's right.  My fault.  I said I don't exactly remember!


Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
On Apr 14, Philippe Troin wrote
: On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:34:53 +0300 Vadim Vygonets ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
: ) wrote:
:  Well, in vi you can do:
:  1G  Go to the beginning
:  :%s/129.168.1/129.168.200/  (if I remember it right)
:  Still better...
: To be a purist, the 1G isn't necessary.
: But your regexp will also match:
:   129016801
: So it should be:
:   :%s/129\.168\.1/129.168.200/g

Even better:


If you append a `c' you'll be asked every time the pattern matches.

But this discussion tends to be religious ;-)

pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 

Description: PGP signature

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread George Bonser

Yeah, I can see a Stanford - Berkeley ball game with one side yelling
VI and then other side yelling EMACS ... or was it Giants and A's

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:

 But this discussion tends to be religious ;-)
 pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 

George Bonser

Re: portmapper problems

1997-04-15 Thread ioannis
 Portmapper is usefull (and not essential) only for rpc apps. Ftp and
 telnet are not rpc programs and do not interact with portmapper. 

 Check your ip connectivety, can you ping the other site? If no, check
 the network interface and route tables for both machines, then inspect
 the cable, io cards, or other harware. If ping succeeds, check the
 hosts.allow/deny again, and failing that check inetd and telnetd.
 I get this kind of problem all the time, but always, the mistake is mine.
 Normally, one card fails and interfaces get assigned in the
 wrong order to the wrong routes, or interupts and ioports get all mangled-up
 and chaos follows. First check if ping works while watching it with tcpdump.  

On Apr 13, Alex Romosan wrote
 i just realized that i cannot telnet/ftp into my machine although i
 can go out with no problems. i've checked to make sure the portmapper
 and inetd are running (they are). at the time i realized this is
 happening i was running netbase 2.12-1 but in the mean time i
 downgraded to 2.10-1 hoping this will solve the problem. i've checked
 hosts.allow hosts.deny (nothing changed there), everything is running
 as it should but i can't telnet/ftp into this machine. does anybody
 have any ideas?

Ioannis Tambouras 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

hypermail and majordomo - error

1997-04-15 Thread Remco van de Meent

I'm using Debian 1.2, patched up to level 9, together with qmail-1.00,
majordomo-1.94.1 (patched for use with qmail) and hypermail-1.02-2.

I'm trying to get archives updated on the fly. Right now, I'm updated the
hypermail archive every hour from an mbox-textfile.

When I have a message sent to an alias which expands to

 | /usr/local/majordomo+qmail/wrapper hypermail -u -i -l Remco's test -d
  (on 1 line)

the archive isn't updated. Qmail is trying to executing the program, but
finishes with an error: deferral: Aack,_child_crashed._(#4.3.0).

When I give exactly this line on stdin, without the pipe, and enter some
text, it works fine.

Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong?

thanks for your help!

bye - R.

// Remco van de Meent   
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www:
//Never make any mistaeks. 

Re: modutils and recent kernels

1997-04-15 Thread Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler
Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 A warning to everyone trying to run new kernels: the current modutils
 implementation does not work with the latest kernel recent. For the
 stable kernels everything up to and including 2.0.29 seems to work
 fine. 2.0.30 however does not work. For the 2.1 series there is a new

What exactly doesn't work? I'm using modutils 2.1.23 on kernel 2.0.30
without problems so far.



 #include signature

Re: modutils and recent kernels

1997-04-15 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler wrote:

 Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  A warning to everyone trying to run new kernels: the current modutils
  implementation does not work with the latest kernel recent. For the
  stable kernels everything up to and including 2.0.29 seems to work
  fine. 2.0.30 however does not work. For the 2.1 series there is a new
 What exactly doesn't work? I'm using modutils 2.1.23 on kernel 2.0.30
 without problems so far.
For me to. 

You might also want to try modutils-2.1.34, which was released last night.

Download it from the common known sites, or, to give you link:

bye - R.

// Remco van de Meent   
//   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//   www:
//Never make any mistaeks. 

Re: MIT-Scheme 7.4.n

1997-04-15 Thread Boris D. Beletsky
 On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Karl wrote:

 Karl I was thinking about trying to do my first Debian package, of
 Karl MIT-Scheme. I've found it to be the best scheme interpretter
 Karl out there for a person who is just beginning to learn the
 Karl language, since it's the one many of the Scheme textbooks
 Karl assume you have. And, I like its interface to the emacsen best.
 Karl URL:
 Karl When I went to ftp it, I found that they release a binary kit
 Karl that has an installer script. It worked on the first try, and I
 Karl was entering Scheme expressions in an editor window less than
 Karl 5 minutes after the download! So a package isn't *required* to
 Karl run this and get started with it.
 Karl I would be nice to have the info's installed, and a simple
 Karl upgrade path. A menu to launch `edwin`, or to `gnuclient
 Karl '(run-scheme)'` maybe?
 Karl After thinking about it a while; or trying to; I realize that I
 Karl honestly don't know enough about Linux and Debian to be able to
 Karl make a package. Back to my reading, folks. :-)

I planed of packaging mit-scheme too. Please decide whether your are
going to pkg it and let me know.

Boris D. Beletsky  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute of Computer Science   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hebrew University Jerusalemhome: +972 2 6411880


1997-04-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman
 This thread is being issued to provide all individuals and
 organizations an opportunity to voice their requirements
 and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.

Here's a simple one: the ability to create a tagfile. We had to install
25 Linux machines here a while ago and it is a pain to select to same
package every time in dpkg. I would like to be table to create a file
with a list of packages I want to install and then tell dselect on 
another machine to use a specific tagfile and go from there.



1997-04-15 Thread Philippe Troin

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 11:00:00 +0200 Wichert Akkerman 

  This thread is being issued to provide all individuals and
  organizations an opportunity to voice their requirements
  and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.
 Here's a simple one: the ability to create a tagfile. We had to install
 25 Linux machines here a while ago and it is a pain to select to same
 package every time in dpkg. I would like to be table to create a file
 with a list of packages I want to install and then tell dselect on 
 another machine to use a specific tagfile and go from there.

dpkg --get-selections
dpkg --set-selections


Uninstalling StarOffice-3.1

1997-04-15 Thread Paul Serice
Anyone have any tips for uninstalling StarOffice-3.1?  I've undone
everything I did, but I don't know what the setup program did other
than add the ~/StarOffice-3.1 directory.  I guess my main worry is   
what setup did to the fonts.

Paul Serice

Re: less in an xterm

1997-04-15 Thread Carey Evans

  When I run less in an xterm, it seems to save the image of whatever is
  in the window, display whatever it's displaying, and then restore the


 You just have to use less -X.  Or better, put -X in the environment
 variable called LESS, so that less never restores the display.

If you don't want any programs doing this in an xterm, you can also
remove the codes from the terminfo file for xterm, or put

XTerm*titeInhibit: true

in your /etc/X11/Xresources (or ~/.Xresources maybe).

Carey Evans  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Double, double, toil and trouble, /
   Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Cheap bytes CDROM

1997-04-15 Thread Jim Lynch
I purchased on of the Cheap bytes CDs a few weeks back (Debian 1.2) and
want to report on my success using it.

My problem:

I wanted to make a full blown recovery system by using a EZ 135
removable SCSI HD.  


I did an initial install from the CD to the EZ135.  I partitioned
the drive into a small swap (32Mb) and left the rest (~100Mb) for
root.  All one partition.

I generated the rescue, driver and base disks from Windows 95 using
the rawrite2.exe program.  I then booted the rescue disk and installed
the system with only one minor glitch, that I caused.  I didn't even try
to change the dselect packages, instead I went directly to install
after selecting access mode, etc.

Dselect complained about perl, but all went pretty well.  It took
all of the 100 Mb of disk.  I had less than 1 Mb left on disk after
it finished.  I then removed all of the TeX related stuff, all of 
the mail related stuff and a couple of other unnecessary packages.

It looks good.  Congrats, folks.  This is the first time in 3 years that
I have actually done an install without giving up on dselect and using
dpkg.  Of course, I didn't really use dselect. 8^)

I was surprised how quickly it installed.  In the past the default boot
disks have paused for long periods of time and/or died when it got
confused about the hardware configuration, but this time it worked

Thought I'd express my gratitude for a job well done and tell everyone
that the Cheap bytes CD seems to work, in at least one case without


Jim Lynch, System Engineer,  SGI/Cray Research, Inc. / ARS: K4GVO
Federal Business Systems, Phone: (770) 631-2254, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite 270, 200 Westpark Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269


1997-04-15 Thread tomk
Wichert Akkerman writes:
[snip for brevity]
 Here's a simple one: the ability to create a tagfile. We had to install
 25 Linux machines here a while ago and it is a pain to select to same
 package every time in dpkg. I would like to be table to create a file
 with a list of packages I want to install and then tell dselect on 
 another machine to use a specific tagfile and go from there.

I envision a dual install system. Dselect would remain, and a new deity
would incorporate the desired functionality. I agree with the above. And take
it one step further, Instead of giving dpkg a carte blanc install
instruction, use the ordered by dependency tag list and spoon feed dpkg
each install sequence. Doing this method would accomplish 1) correct the
first time installation (asuming the developers are keeping the dependencies
current) _and_ 2) it should shorten the installation time since only the
affected packages would be involved.

-= Sent by Debian 1.2 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK - member of ARRL
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Restricting size of incoming mail

1997-04-15 Thread Eloy A. Paris
Hello everyone.

My company has around 70 e-mail users of which some of them retrieve their
e-mail via a dial-up (SLIP or PPP) connection.

We are concerned about the size of e-mail messages because users are
sending huge attachments in their messages so people dialing in stay
connected for long times. This is very expensive since the calls are long

We are using Sendmail to send and Qpopper to retrieve mail. Is there a
way to limit the size of mail boxes in a user per user basis?

I already limited the size of incoming mail in a global basis (for everybody)
but this is not what we want...

Perhaps using quotas???

Any help will be, as always, appreciated.




Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

Re: Ping o' Death is killing pppd on my router.....

1997-04-15 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

 That just about somes it up
 If the router sends, receives or carries a ping flood (ping -f or ping -l 
 65510) pppd dies. I'm unable to hang-up the modem from anything I do in
 telnet. (serial ports have no DTR line) After I flash the power on the modem
 I can telnet in and /etc/init.d/ppp start and everything comes back up.
 2.0.29 kernel, with Newest IP Masquerade patch. 

Since you're running IP Masq, you've got IP firewalling enabled.  Here's a
little something I use in my /etc/ppp/ip-up to:

1) Turn off ip forward (you might not want to do this in your situation..)
2) Flush the input rules
3) reject *any*  ICMP headed for the ppp0 interface
4) reject tcp/udp packets headed for priveleged ports on my ppp0 addr.

I use that fun awk stuff since my dialup is a dynamically assigned IP

PPP_ADDR=`ifconfig ppp0|grep inet|awk -F: '{print $2}'|awk -F   '{print $1}'`

ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -I -f
ipfwadm -I -a reject -b -P icmp -S -D ${PPP_ADDR}/32
ipfwadm -I -a reject -b -P tcp -S -D ${PPP_ADDR}/32 1:1023
ipfwadm -I -a reject -b -P udp -S -D ${PPP_ADDR}/32 1:1023

Jason Costomiris | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not| and genius.  We aim to erase that line
enough to let me speak for them. |  --Unknown

Re: hypermail and majordomo - error

1997-04-15 Thread J.H.M.Dassen
On Apr 15, Remco van de Meent wrote
 I'm using Debian 1.2, patched up to level 9, together with qmail-1.00,
 majordomo-1.94.1 (patched for use with qmail) and hypermail-1.02-2.

Once upon a long ago, the Debian lists' web archive was based on hypermail.
Unfortunately, hypermail began to exhibit core dumps on large archives.

 the archive isn't updated. Qmail is trying to executing the program, but
 finishes with an error: deferral: Aack,_child_crashed._(#4.3.0).

Check for core dumps.

You might want to consider doing your archives using MHonArc instead of

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Andy Spiegl

I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
could post his/her working setup.

Thanks a lot in advance!

 Andy Spiegl, PhD Student, Technical University, Muenchen, Germany

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Martin Schulze
On Apr 15, Andy Spiegl wrote

 I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
 interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
 articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
 could post his/her working setup.

If you have INN up and running, try nntpsend.
Otherwise the should be a hint in suck's documentation.



Individual Network e.V._/OrgaTech KG i.Gr.
Geschaeftszeit: Di+Mi+Fr, 15-18 Uhr  _/Tel: (0441) 9808556

User access to /dev/fd0* with mtools_3.5a-1

1997-04-15 Thread Peter Weiss

yesterday the upgrade to version 1.2.9 was done at my home box resulting
in user access problems to /dev/fd0 which are 660 as default using

I remember with debian version 1.2.2 I fixed this problem setting the
binary of mtools to ownership of root.floppy and having the set uid bit
set to the group.

But this doesn't work anymore with mtools-3.5a. Is this the wrong was,
do I have to change the permissions of the floppydevices to 666? Or did I
miss something else?


Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
-- Slow has got 4 letters so has calm; speed has got 5 letters so has death --

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Richard Morin
On 15 Apr 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

 I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
 interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
 articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
 could post his/her working setup.
 Thanks a lot in advance!
  Andy Spiegl, PhD Student, Technical University, Muenchen, Germany

Check out leafnode, works great here.  I use pine to actually read the
mail.  Leafnode handles d/l the groups I read.  Nice little program.

Richard Morin
   It was as small as the hope in a dead man's eyes.

Re: pppd won't reset (or hang up) the modem

1997-04-15 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
 On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Alexander Lobkovsky wrote:
  I don' think this came up before.  My ISP changed to a pap style
  authorization and the only thigs I had to change was to add a 'user
  guest' line to the /etc/ppp.options_out file and a line '*  *
  password' to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.  Now the modem does not
  hang up if SIGINT is sent to pppd (it worked before).
  Is this a problem on my side or the ISP side?
  I tried to manually reset the modem (or hang up) so that I can stick
  this command into a disconnect script, to no avail, what am
  I doing incorrectly? I tried:
 I'm afraid I can't help you very much but I seem to be having the exact
 same problem.  I also cannot get pppd to hangup.  My ISP also uses pap.
 Perhaps this will give someone out there a clue as to what's going on?
 -- Jaldhar

Turn on debugging (pass 'debug' in options or on command line). Do
you see a mesage in /var/log/ppp.log which says

 Terminating on signal %d.

?? I'm wondering if this is more of a timeout problem.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Dazed beta kernels

1997-04-15 Thread Dark Lord of Sith
I have to run beta kernels to get support for my hardware and 
they work pretty well.  But, everyone I've compiled always complains that 
CONFIG_MIDI has not been declared or defined ... Does anyone have any 
idea what I have to do to get it working?  The kernels compile and run, of 
course the midi stuff isn't happy.  I usually use xconfig to config and 
I've tried separate makes in the ...drivers/sound dir.  But, I can't find 
it.  Thanks!

We are Pentium of Borg.  Division is futile.  You will be approximated.

Re: Restricting size of incoming mail

1997-04-15 Thread Eloy A. Paris

At 10:43 AM 4/15/97 -0400, Paul Wade wrote:

This is because they are using a remote email client (netscape, etc.)? If
so that is a big part of the problem.

Right, we use a POP-3 client like Eudora or Netscape Mail to retrieve mail.

Is this being caused because of spam and junk email?

No, the problem is that users do not follow the policies of not sending
e-mail attachments to users that retrieve mail via a dial-in connection.

A temporary remedy is to use a shell and pine to delete the basura from
the mailbox and then retreive the remaining messages with the client

I have been thinking about using procmail.

Quotas will possibly prevent important mail from being viewed if it
arrives after mail with large attachments.

Uhhmmm... you are absoluteli right, I had't thought about this. This leads
me to think that a want to limit the size of incoming mail (in a user per
user basis), not the size of the mail box.

Some users can only send and receive files as email attachments. They are
mulas and will not learn ftp.

I want them to use FTP whenever they want to send a huge document. FTP
should be more efficient. At least it doesn't increase the size of the file
by applying a codification algorithm (like UUCode or MIME.)

Thanks for the help.



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645 Cel.: +58-16-234700

Where does this path lead? said Alice
Depends on where you want to go.  Said the cat
(Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll.)


1997-04-15 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Probably I'm going to say the obvious, but...

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Rob MacWilliams wrote:

 2.  I know there has been much traffic about the interface


 Now all that is needed is a keystroke sequence to open and close the
 categories.  The closest piece of software out now that would be similar
 is the Netscape News Window.

That would be really nice to have. *Personally* (don't quote me ;-) I like
the Windows Explorer way: left pane with collapsible directories, right
pane with stuff, and add one bottom pane for information... much like
current dselect but a bit more organized, and FASTER, PLEASE.

I'm not into that pre-configured idea, but I know many users would like to
have it. It's nice, but please let me customize it. For example, in a
developers environment I want C, and Fortran, with all the programs that
are needed (things such as make, developers' libraries, and an editor
that understands C, not necessarily Emacs), but I DON'T want Phyton, or
Tcl/Tk, or C++ (I'd like to have the time to learn all those, but heck, I
have some work to do, too).

Possible categories are: Desktop, Network, TeX, Developers, GUI (be that
KDE or X+properly configured window manager like AfterStep, fvwm2,
others). Mixing of categories should be allowed. There has been some talk
about how to implement this, but I guess you'll need to create some
configuration packages, i.e., packages that provide just configurations,
and depend on other packages.

But more important is a recent thread on this group: NFS installations, in
the sense that Debian could be the first distribution that supports site
installations. We already provide packages for NIS, NFS root booting,
cfengine, and things like that, but in my experience, these are not
plug-and-play kind of things. Lots of people have devised methods for
maintaining networks of Debian machines, but we still lack a generic
solution. We need something in the lines of: install the server machines,
make groups, and choose what to propagate to the different groups. For
example, the server may have Apache installed (because of dwww, for
example), but not the clients. In this scenario dpkg --get-selections
... fails because it will install Apache on the clients which is not
needed. NFS-root works, but it has one small problem, it shares root. And
NFS booting can be a pain sometimes. Also, someone already mentioned this:
one must be able to choose what to share, say /usr and /var, but not
/usr/local, without much hassle.

Obviously this is monolithic work, but Debian's meant to be The Universal
OS, isn't it?

I hope this helps.

Marcelo Magallon

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread George Bonser

suck has an rpost function. 

On 15 Apr 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

 I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
 interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
 articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
 could post his/her working setup.
 Thanks a lot in advance!
  Andy Spiegl, PhD Student, Technical University, Muenchen, Germany

George Bonser


1997-04-15 Thread Brian C. White
 The odds that Mr Iannarelli is starting this thread just to
 concentrate the flammage, flak and junk into one thread which he can
 easilly killfile is astronomical =)  This is especially probable given his
 insistence on exact spelling in the subject...

Excuse me, but this is completely uncalled for and the only true point
is about concentrating things into one thread.  Nobody is killfiling
anything, except possibly your name if this is is the only thing you
have to say.

If you have something constructive to say, then please go ahead.  If not,
then don't waste our time.  We have work to do.


 It's not the days in your life, but the life in your days that counts.

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Paul Wade
On 15 Apr 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

 I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
 interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
 articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
 could post his/her working setup.
 Thanks a lot in advance!

While you're at it, tell us how to post from pine but override the from
header. I would like to mangle my address whenever it goes to newsgroups,
but not on normal mail. I see a lot of people doing this and putting
instructions in the signature to unmangle it. I know with netscape it is a
PITA - you have to go to the options and change things back and forth.

If I get any more of these get rich quick opportunities, I will have to
buy a bank of my own :-)

If you know of such an opportunity send it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+ Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+ does W.T.O.P. mean? +

Re: problem: client/server file sharing

1997-04-15 Thread Graeme Stewart
Michael J Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 something I need to do in the etc/passwd file to get the client to
 recognize the users and passwords?

Make sure you run `make' in /var/yp after you add users to the system.
This will update the NIS maps.

Also, make sure you have the following line at the end of /etc/passwd-


and /etc/group





1997-04-15 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

  This thread is being issued to provide all individuals and
  organizations an opportunity to voice their requirements
  and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.
 Here's a simple one: the ability to create a tagfile. We had to install
 25 Linux machines here a while ago and it is a pain to select to same
 package every time in dpkg. I would like to be table to create a file
 with a list of packages I want to install and then tell dselect on 
 another machine to use a specific tagfile and go from there.
Isn't this already available with get_selections and set_selections?

_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Re: pppd won't reset (or hang up) the modem

1997-04-15 Thread Alexander Lobkovsky
Yes, ppp.log says terminating on signal ...

Perhaps the key piece of evidence is that everything *used* to work
fine until I had to switch to pap-style authorization.

   Turn on debugging (pass 'debug' in options or on command line). Do
   you see a mesage in /var/log/ppp.log which says

Terminating on signal %d.

   ?? I'm wondering if this is more of a timeout problem.

   Jens B. Jorgensen

Copy Debian in CD

1997-04-15 Thread Andrea Arcangeli
Is legal if I copy the full DEBIAN distribution in a CD (
and I give the CD to my friend? 

Can I copy the non-free directory too?

I leave in Italy

Thanks and bye.

Andrea Arcangeli

Debian GNU
 _ _  _  ____  _ _ 
/ \   / \/ \  /|/ \ /\\  \/// \
| |   | || |\ ||| | || \  / | |
| |_/\| || | \||| \_/| /  \ \_/
\/\_/\_/  \|\//__/\\(_)

Re: bi

1997-04-15 Thread Alair Pereira do Lago
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 a key point to make here is that regexps aren't difficult to learn
 because of vi, they are difficult to learn because they are complex -
 but you MUST learn them if you want to have any proficiency with unix.
 vi actually makes them easier to learn because you can play with them

I do not know vi well but I do not see how it could be simpler than ctr-alt-s
in emacs.  There, while you are filling the regular expression you can see the
text that the incomplete regular expression is matching. If you put one letter
more and the matching you had does not match anymore, it goes to next
ocurrence of that regular expression you have in the text. 

Alair Pereira do Lago  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread Paul Serice
 I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
 interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
 articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
 could post his/her working setup.

I use leafnode in conjunction with diald to allow for unattended
retrieval and posting of new articles.

My setup is as follows:

1) Comment out the commands that Debian sets up in
/etc/cron.daily/leafnode.  I do this because I want to retrieve more
frequently than once a day to balance the load and because I like my
postings to go out sometime in the near future.

2) Set up a crontab for user news like the one in attachment #1.
As root, crontab -u news -e.  This will give you more flexible

3) If you look at the attached crontab file, you'll see I run a
script called /etc/leafnode.fetch.  This script is provided as
atttachment #2.  Personally, I don't like leafnode's ability to
download newsgroups based upon which ones have been read lately.  I
just want it to download the few I read -- even if I only read them
once every two months.

Paul Serice

ATTACHMENT #1: crontab for user news
# min hrdom moy dow command
0   0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22   *   *   *  /etc/leafnode.fetch
35  3*   *   *  /usr/sbin/texpire  

ATTACHMENT #2: /etc/leafnode.fetch

# MY NOTES:  leafnode automatically keeps track of which newsgroups
#have been requested lately in
#/var/spool/news/interesting.groups by touching a file
#with the same name as the newsgroup.  leafnode will not
#retrieve news from a newsgroup that has not been
#touched lately.  By running this script right before
#fetch runs, you'll be able to specify which newsgroups
#to read, and you won't have to worry about a newsgroup
#being forgotten just because it hasn't been read lately.
# IMPORTANT: This file is automatically run periodically from the
#crontab for user news.

cd /var/spool/news
rm -rf interesting.groups
mkdir interesting.groups
chown interesting.groups
chmod 755 interesting.groups
cd interesting.groups

touch comp.lang.c
touch comp.lang.c.moderated
touch comp.lang.c++
touch comp.lang.c++.moderated
touch comp.os.linux.advocacy
touch comp.os.linux.announce
touch comp.os.linux.answers
touch comp.os.linux.development.apps
touch comp.os.linux.development.system
touch comp.os.linux.hardware
touch comp.os.linux.m68k
touch comp.os.linux.misc
touch comp.os.linux.networking
touch comp.os.linux.setup
touch comp.os.linux.x
touch comp.os.os2.announce
touch comp.protocols.nfs
touch comp.protocols.smb
touch comp.protocols.time.ntp
touch rec.humor.funny
touch rec.humor.funny.reruns

exec /usr/sbin/fetch -v

AT cards: which one?

1997-04-15 Thread mfrattola
I've found a brochure by Allied Telesyn saying that linux supports these
at2000 (ne2000 clone)
at2560 (10/100 Mbit, PCI)

I'm surprised, since I've never seen at2560 supported by kernel, and it mentions
at1700 as not supported (and I know they are).
Did anybody try at2560? Which result? What about at1700?

|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED]No is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!


1997-04-15 Thread jghasler
Adam Shand writes:
 This is *just* to get newbies installed and working.  I'd do something
 like have 3 options.  A developement box (nothing but baisc utilities and

How many newbies are going to want this?

 ...a network box (basic utilities and networking stuff, including
 prefered MTA and MUA etc) ...

Since you left out X, I assume that this box is meant as a network server.
For a newbie?

 ...and a full install ( the two before plus X windows).

Thus the the true newbie, who wants most of all to dial up her ISP and use
her browser, is forced to do a full install.

I suggest:

1) Basic Unix, with enough dev stuff to compile a kernel.  *No* networking.

2) 1), plus basic networking (MTA  MUA, but no servers).

3) 1), plus X.

4) 2), plus X.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Which pentium: 200, PRO 200, or MMX 200?

1997-04-15 Thread Rick Macdonald
I might have to give my aging P133 to my wife and buy a new PC.  :-)

I stopped keeping cuurent with these things.

Which runs Linux the best: 200, PRO 200, or MMX 200?


Re: Which pentium: 200, PRO 200, or MMX 200?

1997-04-15 Thread ninja
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

 I might have to give my aging P133 to my wife and buy a new PC.  :-)
 I stopped keeping cuurent with these things.
 Which runs Linux the best: 200, PRO 200, or MMX 200?

Pro 200. 
200 and 200 MMX will run it the same. MMX has extensions for multi-media,
but no more raw processing power. 

I can sell ya a P-Pro 200 system too, if you are interested :

--- Ninja


1997-04-15 Thread Rick Macdonald
 Adam Shand writes:
  This is *just* to get newbies installed and working.  I'd do something
  like have 3 options.  A developement box (nothing but baisc utilities and
 How many newbies are going to want this?

 I suggest:
 1) Basic Unix, with enough dev stuff to compile a kernel.  *No* networking.
 2) 1), plus basic networking (MTA  MUA, but no servers).
 3) 1), plus X.
 4) 2), plus X.

I don't have the context of the original suggestion handy.

Has anybody suggested that the tool simply supports externally-defined
package sets? Then, any number of configurations can be defined and
offered in distributions, web sites/archives, etc. The DEITY team needs
to provide a general capability and not get into the battle of actually
defining the packages.

Of course, the tool would help as expected by ensuring dependency
existence and
ordering and all that.


Oracle on Linux - Install Scripts

1997-04-15 Thread Roger Simmons
Subject: Oracle on Linux - Install scripts

Has anyone been successfull installing Oracle7.3 Workgroup
server for UnixWare or Oracle Webserver 2.1 on Linux
(RedHat, Debian or Caldera) 

and care to share your experience/install scripts?

I know that it has been done on SCO UNIX and there is a document
that outlines the process. (I'm looking to do it on UnixWare 2.1)
I know that I need iBCS package but has anyone written a HOWTO
or step by step procedure to do this?

I looked at the Oracle7.3 install scripts and it looks like
they will have to be rewritten entirely.

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Please email me directly or CC: when you post.

Exact version is Oracle7 Workgroup Server for UnixWare


Re: pppd won't reset (or hang up) the modem

1997-04-15 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Alexander Lobkovsky wrote:
 Yes, ppp.log says terminating on signal ...
 Perhaps the key piece of evidence is that everything *used* to work
 fine until I had to switch to pap-style authorization.
Turn on debugging (pass 'debug' in options or on command line). Do
you see a mesage in /var/log/ppp.log which says
 Terminating on signal %d.
?? I'm wondering if this is more of a timeout problem.
Jens B. Jorgensen

Ok. I'm asking because I've got the source tree here and I had to
debug a nasty one myself a short while ago. Another question:
do you use the passive or silent options?

Jens B. Jorgensen


1997-04-15 Thread Matthew Tebbens
Anyone using tcpdump or an 'ip-watcher' program on
a tokenring based network ??
I can't find support for it anywhere...


Re: Oracle on Linux - Install Scripts

1997-04-15 Thread Eloy A. Paris
I have not know how to do what you ask but you might find
useful an article that appeared in the Linux Means Bussiness section
of The Linux Journal, issue November 1996. The article is called
Running Progress on Linux. They also use the iBCS package.

Good luck.


 Subject: Oracle on Linux - Install scripts
 Has anyone been successfull installing Oracle7.3 Workgroup
 server for UnixWare or Oracle Webserver 2.1 on Linux
 (RedHat, Debian or Caldera) 
 and care to share your experience/install scripts?
 I know that it has been done on SCO UNIX and there is a document
 that outlines the process. (I'm looking to do it on UnixWare 2.1)
 I know that I need iBCS package but has anyone written a HOWTO
 or step by step procedure to do this?
 I looked at the Oracle7.3 install scripts and it looks like
 they will have to be rewritten entirely.
 Any pointers will be appreciated.
 Please email me directly or CC: when you post.
 Exact version is Oracle7 Workgroup Server for UnixWare


Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

boot problems

1997-04-15 Thread Paul McDermott
Hi I am having trouble booting my linux box. when i do boot my system is 
fine until it gets to the partition check. it says that /dev/hda3 has 
errors in its file system. It puts me into single user mode and tells me 
to fsck /dev/hda3.  When i do that it gives me the following errors:
hda: irq timed out status=0xd0 {busy}
ide0: reset timed out status 0xd0
hda: drive not ready

my system has the following configurations.
48mg ram
fujitsu 2.57gig hard drive
cirrus logic 5430 1mg video card
kingston eathernet card

i installed the 2.0.27 kernal from disks on jan.18/97 
thanking you in advance and help

Paul McDermott | E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Computer Braille Facility  | Phone Number: (519) 661-3061
University OF Western Ontario  | Fax Number:   (519) 661-3949
University Community Centre - Rm. #215 | Web Address:
London Ontario |

Re: routing setup question

1997-04-15 Thread Benedikt Eric Heinen
 My first question would be are these valid IP addresses or did you pick
 arbitrary addresses for your local systems?
As that question was asked by several people, the 192.168.101.x addresses
are arbritrary addresses for my own subnet. The and were addresses assigned to me by my ISP. Both are routed
from his machine, so if I try a traceroute from icemark to
firefrancs new address without setting the host-route for .179 to my
second machine first, the traceroute packets just 'run in circles' between
icemark and lisa. Still, there's one host at thenet that still needs to be
configured properly (traceroute from the outside currently stops before
reaching lisa, but that will be fixed soon). The problem on my own system
can't currently be solved by thenet, as their linux guy is on a
holiday at the moment...   firefranc
  The new setup should look like:
  ISP My systems
   --- ppp0 ---  --- eth0 ---

Two people here suggested, that I might route the .179 address along the network, but both couldn't tell me exactly how the icemark
needs to be set up, so that packets leaving firefranc out to the internet
have the proper sender address (

Any more ideas anyone?


 Benedikt Eric Heinen  -  Muehlemattstrasse 53  -  CH3007 Bern  -   SWITZERLAND


1997-04-15 Thread Dima
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
Adam Shand writes:
 This is *just* to get newbies installed and working.  I'd do something
 like have 3 options. 
 ...and a full install ( the two before plus X windows).

Thus the the true newbie, who wants most of all to dial up her ISP and use
her browser, is forced to do a full install.

I suggest:

1) Basic Unix, with enough dev stuff to compile a kernel.  *No* networking.

2) 1), plus basic networking (MTA  MUA, but no servers).

For a newbie who only wants to pop his mail Netscrape?  :)

Actually the idea of meta-packages was kinda nice and easily incorporated
into the existing dependencies mechanism.


Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Britton

Wow, you guys sure think fast :)  But I know where you are coming from.  I
am a pretty speedy typist and have often been annoyed by odd keys.  Now I
am wondering:  is there an easy way with emacs or some other editor to
assign a short string to a 'wierd key'?  I hate parenthesies for example
(I can't even speell them).  It would be nice if I could just type pn and
have it immediately subbed out for the char (.  cn could close it.
Anything out there that lets you set things like this?

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Vadim Vygonets wrote:

 On 14 Apr 1997, Kai Grossjohann wrote:
   Craig Sanders writes:
  Craig 1G  # move to start of file
  Craig /192.168.1  # search for 192.168.1
  Craig 5cw192.168.200ESC # change 5 'words' to 192.168.2
  Craig n   # find next
  Craig .   # repeat change
  Craig n   # find next
  Craig .   # repeat change
  Craig n   # find next
  Craig .   # repeat change
  Craig :x  # save andexit
  M- ; go to beginning of file
  C-x (   ; start recording kbd macro
  C-s 129.168.1 RET   ; search for 192.168.1
  M-b M-b M-b ; go back three words
  M-d M-d M-d ; delete three words
  129.168.200 ; insert new string
  C-x )   ; end kbd macro
  C-x e   ; repeat
  C-x e   ; repeat
  C-x e   ; repeat
  Nothing to do with modeless.
 vi: 37 keystrokes
 emacs: 40 keystrokes (if we count C-x or M-x as one; vi diesn't have
 all this C- and M- stuff).
 Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
 If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
 abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
 the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

RE: PPP Configuration

1997-04-15 Thread Rick

Look in /etc/ppp dir.  And /etc/ppp.chatscript, /etc/ppp.options_out.
Then use pon and poff

On 13-Apr-97 Geoff R Deasey wrote:
Is there a tool to set up ppp links or should I be doing things like
pppd connect chat -v -f /etc/ppp.chatscript /dev/ttyS0 38400 modem crtscts

I dont have this working yet but, this should be enough to get the idea 


Have a good one.

- --
Rick Jones  E-Mail: Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 15-Apr-97 
   Time: 15:51:00
- --

Version: 2.6.2



1997-04-15 Thread meierrj

Thank you for request for ideas and desires regarding the next
improvement to the debian package management system.

1. Scripts provided by the package writer should only have access to
files and directories specifically approved by the installer.
2. Most packages do not need to alter existing system directories
or files, and should be installed and tested by an
unprivelaged user (specified by the installer) in a directory
chosen by the installer, and under which package scripts can
create and modify files.
3. After testing, the installer should use ln -s, ln, or cp (as chosen
by the installer) to integrate the package executables and
files into the system.

Ray Ingles and I, have spent some time discussing improvements
to dpkg/dselect to permit users to take advantage of its dependency
tracking without the security vulnerability entailed in always running it
as root.  The following is a first draft of a processing model (similar
to the ISO network model) that hopes to provide the following:

1. Host selectable security - the installer chooses what level of
trust (unprivelaged, privelaged, root) to grant to the
package scripts.
2. Host testing - before the package is seen by other users, the
installer can test the package
3. Portability - package writer can assume a single (or small number)
of directories in which to create, modify, compile, configure,
files and executables, independent of the platform or host

 cut here 
* Project: debian
  File:RFC: dpkg target model
  Author:  Raymond A. Ingles
   Dr. Robert J. Meier, Jr.
  History: 97-04-03 -rjm- file creation

* Goals

** ease of use
The package provider and the installation process should automate as much
of the installation and removal as feasible for ease of use.
All operations should have defaults to support ease of use.

** security
As far as possible, malicious or buggy package installation should not
endanger existing installations.
All default operations should be defined by the install procedure so as not
to endanger existing installations.
All package-suggested operation parameters must be individually approvable
by the human installer.
Successful or unsuccessful installation is completely reversible.

** flexibility
As far as possible, package installation should be configurable by the
host to meet individual user needs and concerns.
As far as possible, package installation should be configurable by the
host to meet individual package needs and concerns.
All install operation parameters should be selectable by the installer.
All install operation parameters should be suggestible by the package.

** repeatability
As far as possible, package installation should produce the same behavior
on different hosts (e.g. the package provider and the user).
By default, installation will be done under a single host-selected directory
with an image equivalent on the user host to that to the package provider host.

* For design purposes, installation is divided into the following phases.

** (Template)
Each phase needs to answer the provide answers to each
of the following questions.  The answers must express the
minimum/default/maximum supplied by/required from the package/host.

*** System privileges

*** Host information

*** Package information

*** Intended results

*** Prior assumptions

*** Actions

*** Validation

*** Customization

** Download

*** System privileges
Minimum supplied by host: write a host-specified file as $DOWNLOADER.
Default supplied by host: write a host-specified file as $DOWNLOADER.
Maximum supplied by host: write host-specified files as $DOWNLOADER

*** Host information
Minimum supplied by host: $PACKAGEROOT
Default supplied by host: $PACKAGEROOT
Maximum supplied by package: filenames

*** Package information
Minimum supplied by package: number and description of required files and 
Default supplied by package: number and description of required files (1) and 
directories (1)

*** Intended results
Minimum supplied by host: transfer the package to local file system
Default supplied by host: transfer the package to local file system
Maximum supplied by host: transfer the package to local file system
Minimum supplied by package: from package file
Default supplied by package: ftp, cd-read, floppy-read
Maximum supplied by package: from net, cd, floppies, tape, etc.

*** Prior assumptions
Minimum supplied by package: the complete package is transferrable as a
single file
Default supplied by package: the complete package is a compressed tar file

*** Actions
Minimum supplied by host: Create a specified file in (a directory chosen by 
host) writable by $DOWNLOADER.
Default supplied by host: 

Re: routing setup question

1997-04-15 Thread Rick

On 15-Apr-97 Benedikt Eric Heinen wrote:
are arbritrary addresses for my own subnet. The and were addresses assigned to me by my ISP. Both are routed
from his machine, so if I try a traceroute from icemark to
firefrancs new address without setting the host-route for .179 to my
second machine first, the traceroute packets just 'run in circles' between
icemark and lisa. Still, there's one host at thenet that still needs to be
configured properly (traceroute from the outside currently stops before
reaching lisa, but that will be fixed soon). The problem on my own system
can't currently be solved by thenet, as their linux guy is on a
holiday at the moment...

You have to assign *.179 to eth0 on icemark - *.47 to eth0 on firefrancs.

Assign ppp0 as default route on icemark and add *.179 to routing table so
*.179 isn't sent out ppp0.  Anything not in the routing table is sent out via
the default route.  Could explain the loop.

Assign eth0 as default route on firefrancs.

And until outside packets are routed properly you'll never know if it works. 
A traceroute from lisa should show lisa - icemark - firefranc.  From
icemark it should show icemark - firefrancs.  This is the only checking you
can do until the outside gateway is set up.

My next question would be are those IP's arbitrary at the lisa machine?  Is
the lisa machine the server at your ISP?  Strange that outside packets don't
even reach lisa is why I ask.

Have a good one.

- --
Rick Jones  E-Mail: Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 15-Apr-97 
   Time: 16:10:29
- --

Version: 2.6.2


extracting tar with nonexistant users

1997-04-15 Thread ljk


I tried extracting a tar tape on a machine which did not
have the same users as the machine on which the tar tape was
created, it resulted in all the files created being owned by root.

I would have expected that it should have created the files
with the same uid/gids as on the original machine.

Is this normal ?



Bo Package List

1997-04-15 Thread Rick

A few days ago I posted an example of dselect not clearing the selection list
if a dir was replaced with another i.e. rex - bo.  The example I used showed
that even though I wanted bo I was getting unstable.  I did some checking
today and found, even though I thought it was a stupid idea to check, that
the packages file under bo/binary-i386 points to unstable/binary-i386.

I wouldn't think much of this discrepency except that there isn't an unstable
directory on

If I remember correctly unstable was a link pointing to bo.  Why would this
file point to a link that points back to the directory it's in to begin with?

I assume that the unstable dir was removed since bo is no longer conciderred

What's up with the packages file pointing to unstable?

How is it that others are installing bo and not run accross this yet?

Have a good one.

- --
Rick Jones  E-Mail: Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 15-Apr-97 
   Time: 16:27:36
- --

Version: 2.6.2



1997-04-15 Thread Amos Shapira
|and concerns. So fire away. Keep it short and terse.

This isn't quite about the interface, but about the package system
(may it just depends on the way it is implemented).

What I'd like to see is a way for the user to individuallt decide
whether he/she wants to install certain sections from a package.

sections are things like doc (/usr/doc?), man (/usr/man), lib
(/usr/lib?), dev-lib (compile-time libraries), binary, info

This again merges into a previous point I raised of combining a few
related packages into one (e.g. mgetty-{docs,fax,voice,}) and let the
user pick from inside it.

Reference - the SGI inst system.



--Amos Shapira| Of course Australia was marked for
133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.  |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805  |  by the finest judges in England.

Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Robert D. Hilliard
 It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.

 Apparently vi doesn't exist in Debian - vim, nvi, and elvis
(maybe others) all like to have a symlink named vi pointing to them.
A year ago when I was running Slackware, I thought I learned enough
about vi to use it, but not well.  Then I found I was learning elvis,
not vi.  When I first installed Debian I tried using 'vi' (I don't
remember which of the almost clones it really was) and found that
some of the commands I was familiar with caused the famous unexpected
results, so I gave up.

 Which of the vi semi-clones on Debian is most like the original
vi and most likely to work on a broad range of unices?


Re: extracting tar with nonexistant users

1997-04-15 Thread Graeme Stewart

 I tried extracting a tar tape on a machine which did not
 have the same users as the machine on which the tar tape was
 created, it resulted in all the files created being owned by root.
 I would have expected that it should have created the files
 with the same uid/gids as on the original machine.

Yes. If you want to extract the same u/gids use the option
--same-owner. Otherwise the files become the property of the


Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Leslie Mikesell
  It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
 vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.

Apparently the people who generated the debian rescue disk don't agree
or the recent editor wars wouldn't have happened on this list.  

  Which of the vi semi-clones on Debian is most like the original
 vi and most likely to work on a broad range of unices?

I learned vi under SysVr3 and SysVr4 and didn't see much difference
under Slackware/elvis.   Vim does have some annoying differences but
I can't remember the specifics.  Emacs with viper-mode is pretty
faithful too. 

Les Mikesell

Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Martin Schulze
On Apr 15, Leslie Mikesell wrote
   It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
  vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.
 Apparently the people who generated the debian rescue disk don't agree
 or the recent editor wars wouldn't have happened on this list.  

The main problem was that any of the vi-clone were too big for our
small boot/root disk.  That's all of it.  This won't be changed I
believe.  End.



  / Martin Schulze * Debian GNU/Linux Developer * [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread Heiko Schlittermann
On Apr 15, Britton wrote
: Wow, you guys sure think fast :)  But I know where you are coming from.  I
: am a pretty speedy typist and have often been annoyed by odd keys.  Now I
: am wondering:  is there an easy way with emacs or some other editor to
: assign a short string to a 'wierd key'?  I hate parenthesies for example
: (I can't even speell them).  It would be nice if I could just type pn and
: have it immediately subbed out for the char (.  cn could close it.
: Anything out there that lets you set things like this?

In vi:

:map pn (

But now you'll get `(' every time you time pn.  Unless `pn' is prefixed
with ^V.

pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Richard Kilgore
On Apr 15, Robert D. Hilliard wrote
 It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.

 Apparently vi doesn't exist in Debian - vim, nvi, and elvis
(maybe others) all like to have a symlink named vi pointing to them.
A year ago when I was running Slackware, I thought I learned enough
about vi to use it, but not well.  Then I found I was learning elvis,
not vi.  When I first installed Debian I tried using 'vi' (I don't
remember which of the almost clones it really was) and found that
some of the commands I was familiar with caused the famous unexpected
results, so I gave up.

 Which of the vi semi-clones on Debian is most like the original
vi and most likely to work on a broad range of unices?


That's a pretty difficult question, since I'm not sure there are
many around who remember that much about what vi originally
looked like.  However, vim has an option for running in
vi-compatible mode.  Put the line set compatible in your
~/.vimrc file.  You're giving up an awful lot by doing so,

   - rick

Richard Kilgore |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical  Computer Engineering   |
The University of Texas at Austin   |  (512) 471-8011

Re: extracting tar with nonexistant users

1997-04-15 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
 I tried extracting a tar tape on a machine which did not
 have the same users as the machine on which the tar tape was
 created, it resulted in all the files created being owned by root.
 I would have expected that it should have created the files
 with the same uid/gids as on the original machine.
 Is this normal ?

Tar normally munges the permissions (I think using your current
umask) and makes all the files created belong to the user running
tar. That is normal behavior. If you want the permissions/user-ids
to be preserved (and no, it won't make a darn bit of difference if
the users aren't defined on the machine, as it's the user-id number
which is set on the file, and it doesn't have to be in /etc/passwd)
then use the '-p' parameter for tar.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread mike horansky
Robert D. Hilliard wrote:

  It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
 vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.

It is generally agreed in the computing mainstream that that kind of
assumption will keep unix out of the hands of the common
computer-user. Of course, some unix gurus actually want
this. Assuming that the Debian folks don't have this agenda, and
assuming that there isn't room for two editors, keeping ae on the base
disks is a good idea. Pico, minus the line-wrapping, would be even
easier to use, but I see it's about 6 times bigger.

-Mike Horansky, Leland Consultant (


Re: bi

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On 15 Apr 1997, Alair Pereira do Lago wrote:

 I do not know vi well but I do not see how it could be simpler than ctr-alt-s
 in emacs.  There, while you are filling the regular expression you can see the
 text that the incomplete regular expression is matching. If you put one letter
 more and the matching you had does not match anymore, it goes to next
 ocurrence of that regular expression you have in the text. 

Two reasons emacs is slow:
1. Lisp (jed is faster than emacs because it uses S-Lang (however they
   spell it)).
2. It does too much things on your every keystroke (like that one

You didn't type it in emacs, did you?  Emacs auto-fill mode breaks at
70th character, and you typed about 79 per line.


Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

 I learned vi under SysVr3 and SysVr4 and didn't see much difference
 under Slackware/elvis.   Vim does have some annoying differences but
 I can't remember the specifics.  Emacs with viper-mode is pretty
 faithful too. 

Emacs emulating vi?  The only good thing about emacs is that it's easy
to learn.  Emacs emulating vi is:
1. SLOW...
2. vi-like interface.
3. As far as i can remember, you must press ESC twice...


Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Re: Will the real vi please stand up?

1997-04-15 Thread Vadim Vygonets
On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, mike horansky wrote:

   It is generally agreed that any Unix user should be able to use
  vi, regardless of which editor he prefers to use regularly.

 It is generally agreed in the computing mainstream that that kind of
 assumption willkeep unix out of the hands of the common
 computer-user. Of course, some unix gurus actually want this.

The first editor I learned under Unix was vi, and God I *was* a
newbie.  The right way to do it is teaching everyone the Mighty ed!
The good thing about ed is that it works under *every* terminal.  Vi
works under most of them.  If you want to use Emacs, you'd better find
a terminal which handles Meta correctly and has Del in the canonical
place (above Ret or something like that).  Better yet, find a good X
terminal (to get those nice menus).  I just love compatibility.

 Assuming that the Debian folks don't have this agenda, and assuming
 that there isn't room for two editors, keeping ae on the base disks
 is a good idea. Pico, minus the line-wrapping, would be even easier
 to use, but I see it's about 6 times bigger.

BTW why ed is bigger than ae?  That's really weird.

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root23656 Nov 13 20:32 /bin/ae*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root68300 Jan 31 01:45 /bin/ed*


Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was
the last time you needed one?  -- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal, Fall 1990.

Help with using ISP name for email

1997-04-15 Thread Jason Ish
I connect to the internet using my school PPP account which gives me a
user name not very close to my real name and chose to use my first name to
logon to my personal linux box.  I would like to send email but have it
come from my school email name and not my localhost name.  I have already
managed (using smail/mailx) to have the @hostname field changed but mail
still comes from jason rather than jbi130 (my email username).  

To fix this I have starting using pine, I start it using sudo as user
jbi130 on my home system but these becomes a pain (as far as file
permissions) are concerned when add folders and deleting stuff and so on.

Is there a better way to go about this.  I use fetchmail ro retrieve from
my POP3 server but I don't think this has any effect on the sending of the
Would a better solution maybe to sart using mh and exmh?

Thanks for any help.
Jason Ish