Re: I can lock up machine. Why?

1997-10-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey.
> I've been doing lots of programming lately and have noticed (how could I
> not) that I am reliably able to cause my machine to lockup.
> I'm running 1.3.1, and have reinstalled from CD twice, once going so far
> as to wipe the entire boot partition first.
> This is how I do it:
> open a document in xfte that is several pages long.
> Quickly scroll through it using the page up and page down keys.
> In as little time as a minute I'm able to lock the machine solid --
> no disk access, nothing.  
> Note that I told the Xserver to disable XAA acceleration and am now stable
> but slow.
> I'm running a Cyrix P120+, Tyan Titan III, and Trident 9680 PCI with
> 2 Megs of RAM on the card, 24 in the machine.
> Also note that this machine has been perfectly stable for well over a year,
> since Debian 1.2, in fact.
This sound like it could be caused by "can't get free page" problems with
the delivered 1.3 kernels. 2.0.29 is better than 2.0.30, but they can both
be locked by "fast" allocation of buffers. 

I don't think that 2.0.27 had this problem, so you might try downgrading
the kernel.


_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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Re: hi

1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson
ok, i got libc5_5.4.33-7.deb from hamm, and here's what i got:

mattyt# dpkg -i libc5_5.4.33-7.deb
dpkg: regarding libc5_5.4.33-7.deb containing libc5:
 libc5 conflicts with libc5-dev
  libc5-dev (version 5.4.33-6) is installed.
dpkg: error processing libc5_5.4.33-7.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing libc5
Errors were encountered while processing:

...should i install libc6-dev 2.0.5c-0.1 first?


Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 14 Oct 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > "Matt" == Matt Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Matt> okay, i'm back in business, and per the HOWTO, i installed
> Matt> ldso_1.9.5-1 without incident. the HOWTO said that next
> Matt> would be libc6_2.0.4-1, but that, "...any later version
> Matt> should also be acceptable", so I attempted:
> *snip*
> Matt> is there a way to replace libc5 while installing libc6? i
> Matt> read dpkg --help, but didn't see anything there.  it doesn't
> Matt> mention anything special in the HOWTO, either.  i'll read
> Matt> 'info dpkg' in the meantime...
> Just upgrade your libc5 to the newest in hamm before you upgrade to
> libc6. 
> This should probably be mentioned in the HOWTO :)
> -- 
> Brought to you by the letters C and P and the number 3.
> "My sister has three.. gender biases." -- Moxy Fruvous
> Ben Gertzfield  Finger me for my public
> PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

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Re: I can lock up machine. Why?

1997-10-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava

Could this be a bug in fte?

Manoj Srivastava   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA>

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I can lock up machine. Why?

1997-10-14 Thread nels0988

I've been doing lots of programming lately and have noticed (how could I
not) that I am reliably able to cause my machine to lockup.

I'm running 1.3.1, and have reinstalled from CD twice, once going so far
as to wipe the entire boot partition first.

This is how I do it:

open a document in xfte that is several pages long.
Quickly scroll through it using the page up and page down keys.
In as little time as a minute I'm able to lock the machine solid --
no disk access, nothing.  

Note that I told the Xserver to disable XAA acceleration and am now stable
but slow.

I'm running a Cyrix P120+, Tyan Titan III, and Trident 9680 PCI with
2 Megs of RAM on the card, 24 in the machine.

Also note that this machine has been perfectly stable for well over a year,
since Debian 1.2, in fact.

Jon Nelson
U of MN Housing and Res. Life Computing Supervisor

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Laptop in different places ...

1997-10-14 Thread Obi

Hi all,

this is dirving me nuts. I have a laptop and I'm changing subnet
frequently, and my machine has two names, ops, three:
- one on subnet A
- one on subnet B
- one when I'm connecting via phone.

The problem is that I have my mail server on the subnet A, and my "normal"
name is the one on subnet A. When I'm on subnet B, I'd like not to change
the name of the machine to whatever.B, but if I don't do that, fetchmail
is not able anymore to retrieve my mail. Everything else seems fine, but
the mail.

What can I do? I don't want all the time reconfigure my machine: I'd like
just to plug in and work ... Any ideas?


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Re: Problems

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Julien Pham wrote:
> > And I have add me to the audio group as you said (what is it apb25) but it
> > doesn't work.
> Undo whatever you did manually and use "adduser" -- see "man adduser" for
> information about "adding an existing user to an existing group".

I had to exit and log back in after adding myself to the audio group
before it took effect.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Changing mouse drivers

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Richard A. Guay wrote:

> Hi,
> I just recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on a new system that has a PS/2
> mouse.  I now want to change to using a serial mouse.  What would be the
> steps (I do not want to reload the OS.)?

I just switched from a MS bus mouse to a serial mouse, so this is 
fresh in my mind.  Recompile your kernel and do not select any mouse.
Delete any existing links to /dev/mouse, and link instead to /dev/ttyS1 or
whatever serial port you will be using.  (You might be able to get away
without recompiling, but I did so to be safe).  You will also need to
reconfigure X, gpm, dosemu, etc. 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: a dummy question

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, ITom - WebIroda wrote:

> Hello,
> excuse me for my extreme dummy question, but I'm absolutely new to 
> unix/linux/debian.
> Is there any step-by-step installation guide to install debian onto a 
> win nt/95 system, even if I have to repartition it, I must have them 
> after the debian installation.
> I have a debian 1.3.1 CD from CheapBytes.

Look at the file bo/disks-i386/current/install.txt on your CD-ROM (THERE

I would also suggest that you get the Installation-HOWTO.  This is
probably on your CD in the doc-linux package, but, of course, you can't
look at that until you install! You can ftp a copy from in
the /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO. This covers repartitioning, etc.  

You basically have a couple of options for repartitioning: fips, which is
included on the CD-ROM, and Partition Magic, which is available
commercially and will handle FAT32, which fips does not yet support.  It
also has a very good multiple-o/s boot manager, although Lilo, which comes
in a Debian package can also be configured to do this.  There are several
good documents on this in the HOWTO/mini directory.

Of course, the usual warnings about backing up your software before
repartitioning apply, although I have not *yet* had a problem with either
fips or Partition Magic. 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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fsck question

1997-10-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
Ok, here's the deal.  We have a very large RAID array for a news spool.
However, I'm wondering what is/is not sane as far as size ... for
example, if I make a 50 gig partition will I be able to fsck it?? (fwiw,
BSDI won't fsck it - it says it can't allocate 1300 bytes for a
statemap ...)

Nathan Norman
410 South Phillips Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173

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Re: Matlab5 and the standard c++ library

1997-10-14 Thread Steve Hsieh

> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Steve Hsieh wrote:
> > Put inside matlab/sys/lnx86 and in the same directory,
> > create a symlink for ->
> > 
> > Then matlab will use that lib instead.
> The problem is that I'm dealing with a read-only NFS mounted file system,
> and so I can't create a symbolic link. Is there any environment variable
> capable of doing the same trick?

You can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=directory_containing_lib

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A quickie on telnet

1997-10-14 Thread Mike Patterson

Very simply, I'm trying to telnet to a site and get some data from a script.
In HPUX, I would do this:

echo "Alinetobesent" | telnet 1234

And it would happily telnet to the machine and echo the command, getting me
the results I wanted. This doesn't seem to work under any of the shells I 
could find installed in DEBIAN, or any odd variation I could come up with.

Any ideas, or do I have to re-write in C using sockets (bleah)?


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a dummy question

1997-10-14 Thread ITom - WebIroda

excuse me for my extreme dummy question, but I'm absolutely new to 
Is there any step-by-step installation guide to install debian onto a 
win nt/95 system, even if I have to repartition it, I must have them 
after the debian installation.
I have a debian 1.3.1 CD from CheapBytes.


ITom from WebIroda

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Re: Changing mouse drivers

1997-10-14 Thread Daniel Martin
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Richard A. Guay wrote:

> Hi,
> I just recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on a new system that has a PS/2
> mouse.  I now want to change to using a serial mouse.  What would be the
> steps (I do not want to reload the OS.)?

Reload the OS?  That's windows-world thinking.  First, if you installed
the gpm package, you'll need to run 'gpmconfig' as root, and tell gpm
about your mouse.

Then, assuming you have X, you'll have to re-run XF86Setup (stop X
first by quitting your session and, if you have xdm running, doing:
/etc/init.d/xdm stop
) Inside XF86Setup, say "yes" to use the old configuration and all you
should have to do is pick your new mouse parameters.  (be certain to read
through all of the dialog boxes that come up there, and test the new mouse
setting by "applying" the changes)

You shouldn't even need to reboot!

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Re: Problems

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Julien Pham wrote:

> And I have add me to the audio group as you said (what is it apb25) but it
> doesn't work.
Undo whatever you did manually and use "adduser" -- see "man adduser" for
information about "adding an existing user to an existing group".


Good Idea:  Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:   Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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Changing mouse drivers

1997-10-14 Thread Richard A. Guay

I just recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on a new system that has a PS/2
mouse.  I now want to change to using a serial mouse.  What would be the
steps (I do not want to reload the OS.)?

Richard A. Guay
Network Administrator
ASIC International Inc.

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man page for nsswitch.conf

1997-10-14 Thread Dale Martin
Hello.  As I have mentioned on this list several times, I have
upgraded my machine to a fair amount of libc6 stuff.  In general, it
seems to be working pretty well, but a lot of the NIS stuff is messed
up.  It is my understanding that this is because the NIS stuff used to
be handle by a user level "ypbind", and now libc6 is handling it in
the shared libraries.  

What I _don't_ know is if I have my nsswitch.conf file set up
correctly.  I can't seem to locate documentation for it, so it makes
it hard to check :-)  An example of a problem I'm having:

ls -al
total 10436
drwxrwxrwx  20 root root 1024 Oct  6 16:14 ./
drwxr-xr-x  31 root root 1024 Oct  1 13:18 ../
drwxr-xr-x   3 5010 dialout  1024 Aug 26 15:42 blex/
drwxr-xr-x   3 278  dialout  1024 Aug  5 11:22 bsingh/
drwxr-xr-x   3 262  dialout  1024 Aug 25 11:23 cdieckma/
drwxr-xr-x   3 256  dialout  1024 Aug  9 16:53 dcmadhava/

Notice the numeric owners of these files...  Kind of nuisance - not a
big deal.  But I'm wondering if it's me, or broken stuff.

(The dialout groups are because the mappings from our NIS group
"others" hits that of "dialout" on my local config - it's always been
like that and it's no big deal.)

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |

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Re: mutt 0.84-0

1997-10-14 Thread Joe Stewart
Received this from debian-changes list - where can it be downloaded from?

Thanks, Joe.

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:

> Format: 1.5
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:16:16 +
> Source: mutt
> Binary: mutt
> Architecture: source i386
> Version: 0.84-0
> Distribution: stable
> Urgency: low
> Maintainer: J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Description: 
>  mutt   - Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, PGP and threading.
> Changes: 
>  mutt (0.84-0) stable; urgency=low
>  .
>* This is essentially 0.84-5 built for libc5 systems.
>* The "0.84-0" prevents dpkg from viewing it as an upgrade to any libc6
>  release of 0.84.
>* Built without preserved timestamps.
> Files: 
>  87638c0d8ccd58daed754e0fdbe2d1cf 614 mail optional mutt_0.84-0.dsc
>  de43619769e3df89222d18a671c42915 429976 mail optional mutt_0.84.orig.tar.gz
>  9fd24bb195147088380f6599ea2f29e4 34337 mail optional mutt_0.84-0.diff.gz
>  0cb5a023b34a0cb9a4ba94558a6d0920 244874 mail optional mutt_0.84-0_i386.deb
> Version: 2.6.3ia
> Charset: noconv
> VDw1UGjikBtbbJDl1nzxjHSJYg64hE8yTolZJS9EASna2eJHPhqKgR42uwNQUibV
> 123M0wzc8YCa8xqOYT2cNTj4/JI/0SkaCDa9B+Yav/mSiq4dSJGxhbYZNFjP1Apl
> okVj69uEAvs=
> =WwbR
> --
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Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:
> > Someone messed up with the libc5 in the latest stable.  It conflicts with
> > libc6 for no reason, if you install libc6 with --force-conflicts it should
> > work fine. 
> This isn't strictly speaking true. Libc6 only conflicts with the libc5 in
> bo. This is because there is a difference in the format of utmp/wtmp lock
> files between the old libc5 and the new libc6. The version of libc5 in
> hamm is patched to do the lock file format the same way that libc6 does
> them. This seems more than trivial to me since forcing libc6 install will
> corrupt utmp/wtmp lock files for one or the other process. Seems to me
> this would be good to point out in the HOWTO. There really is a good
> reason to upgrade to libc5 in unstable. 

OTOH, utmp/wtmp corruption doesn't matter to some people, there are only a
few programs that care.  Yes the libc5 in stable has a different utmp/wtmp
format, but other than that it works for people without them being forced 
into the altdev environment which can be confusing.

> >You could also install the latest libc5 from unstable instead
> > (better alternative if you intend to upgrade completely to unstable), but
> > that is likely to force you down the altgcc/libc5-altdev path if you want
> > to be able to compile libc5 stuff.

> This shouldn't make any difference. Installing libc6-dev will force you
> down that path though.

The problem is that the libc5 from unstable conflicts with libc5-dev
(needing libc5-altdev instead).  That's as good a way as any to force you
into altgcc/altdev usage.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Problems

1997-10-14 Thread Julien Pham
I have installed magicfilter, but it doesn't work and send strange files to
the printer...

And I have add me to the audio group as you said (what is it apb25) but it
doesn't work.


PS : other pbs : I have installed abuse, but when I enter the command abuse to
start the game, it says that it cannot open the binary file.

Adrian Bridgett wrote:

> Thanks for using NetForward!
> v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> On Oct 11, Julien Pham wrote
> > First : my xterm has no color. Or, no, it has colors (when I do a ls
> > --color in it, it works) but when I launch a text based appli (such as
> > deselect for example)  in it, it in in B & W... Why ?
> I think I have reported this as a bug against dselect?? Try using rxvt
> instead?
> > Second : I have printing pbs. When I use the lpr command, it prints on
> > my printer but it prints some strange characters, something that seems
> > to be page sets... (%%PageOrder : Ascend, ... /.notdef...)
> That looks like postscript, try installing the "magicfilter" package.
> > Third : I cannot have sound if I am not a super user or root, it will no
> > open /dev/audio or /dev/dsp.
> Add yourself to the audio group:
> /etc/group
> audio:*:29:apb25
> Enjoy!
> Adrian
> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Artificial intelligence - the
>   | art of making computers act
> PGP key available on public key servers  | like those in the movies

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Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:

> Someone messed up with the libc5 in the latest stable.  It conflicts with
> libc6 for no reason, if you install libc6 with --force-conflicts it should
> work fine. 
This isn't strictly speaking true. Libc6 only conflicts with the libc5 in
bo. This is because there is a difference in the format of utmp/wtmp lock
files between the old libc5 and the new libc6. The version of libc5 in
hamm is patched to do the lock file format the same way that libc6 does
them. This seems more than trivial to me since forcing libc6 install will
corrupt utmp/wtmp lock files for one or the other process. Seems to me
this would be good to point out in the HOWTO. There really is a good
reason to upgrade to libc5 in unstable. 

>You could also install the latest libc5 from unstable instead
> (better alternative if you intend to upgrade completely to unstable), but
> that is likely to force you down the altgcc/libc5-altdev path if you want
> to be able to compile libc5 stuff.
This shouldn't make any difference. Installing libc6-dev will force you
down that path though.


_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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Re: Problems

1997-10-14 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Oct 11, Julien Pham wrote
> First : my xterm has no color. Or, no, it has colors (when I do a ls
> --color in it, it works) but when I launch a text based appli (such as
> deselect for example)  in it, it in in B & W... Why ?

I think I have reported this as a bug against dselect?? Try using rxvt

> Second : I have printing pbs. When I use the lpr command, it prints on
> my printer but it prints some strange characters, something that seems
> to be page sets... (%%PageOrder : Ascend, ... /.notdef...)

That looks like postscript, try installing the "magicfilter" package.

> Third : I cannot have sound if I am not a super user or root, it will no
> open /dev/audio or /dev/dsp.

Add yourself to the audio group: 





email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Artificial intelligence - the   | art of making computers act
PGP key available on public key servers  | like those in the movies

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Re: smail queue processing question

1997-10-14 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Oct 12, Al Youngwerth wrote
> >> I use a debian box running smail as our local and Internet mail server for
> >> our lan. Is there an easy way I can setup smail to process mail that should
> >> be delivered locally immediately but queue up mail bound for the Internet
> >> and send it all out once every 30 minutes?
> >> 
> >> Thanks in advance,
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Al Youngwerth

I'm no email expert at all, but I have the basics of this working for
exim (like smail). I attach my exim.conf - basically use "queue_smtp" -
this will resolve the names, but only send local ones. Then use "exim -qf" to 
force a
retry. I do this when I dial-up to my ISP, but you could just stick it in
your crontab.


qualify_domain = localhost
qualify_recipient = localhost
local_domains = wyvern:localhost

receiver_unqualified_nets = *

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
never_users = root
trusted_users = mail
gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*)
gecos_name = $1
# added by apb
queue_smtp = true

received_header_text = "Received: \
  ${if def:sender_fullhost {from ${sender_fullhost} \
  ${if def:sender_ident {(${sender_ident})}}\n\t}\
  {${if def:sender_ident {from ${sender_ident} \
  by ${primary_hostname} \
  ${if def:received_protocol {with ${received_protocol}}} \
  (Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number})\n\t\
  id ${message_id} (Debian)"


  driver = appendfile;
  group = mail
  mode = 0660
  file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}

  driver = pipe;

  driver = appendfile

  driver = autoreply

 # General configuration for SMTP delivery
#  driver = smtp;

# transport
  driver = appendfile;
  directory = /var/spool/exim/output/${host},
  bsmtp = all,
  prefix =,
  suffix =,
  user = mail

  driver = smtp;



  prefix = real-,
  driver = localuser,
  transport = local_delivery;

  driver = aliasfile;
  file = /etc/aliases,
  search_type = lsearch
# user = list
# Uncomment the above line if you are running smartlist

  driver = forwardfile;
  file = .forward,

  driver = localuser,
  transport = local_delivery;



  driver = domainlist,
  transport = remote_smtp;
  route_list = * byname



# Domain   Error   Retries
# --   -   ---

#*  *   F,2h,15m; G,16h,2h,1.5; F,4d,8h
*   *   F,10d,2d

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Re: Bo ? Hamm ?

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:

>I'm  kinda new to this Debian stuff, so... 
Everybody asks this :)

>What is the difference between bo and hamm and what do this names mean

"bo" and "hamm" are codenames for Debian 1.3 and 2.0 respectively.  The
names are taken from the movie "Toy Story",  made by the company our
project leader (Bruce Perens) works for,  Pixar ( 

So "hamm" is 2.0,  which hasn't been officially released yet.  After
release it'll be known as "Debian GNU/Linux 2.0",  but around here you'll
still hear it called by name.


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Re: Not enough memory?

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Michael Legart wrote:

> Hi!
> When I try to install Netscapem, I get the message that it can't get a free
> page... thats because I haven't godt enugh memory, isn't it? I have 16 megs
> and quite alot services started. I also have 20 megs swap space, but I
> don't know if thats enugh. I have created a 50 mb partition, and set it as
> linux swap... how to i activate it?

Check the manpage for "swapon".

Good Idea:  Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
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Is the list working, or check that hub!

1997-10-14 Thread Walter L. Preuninger II
I recieved about 30 items yesterday, and have not recieved any since.

Walter L. Preuninger IIwaldo @

  L  I  N  U  X  Where You Really Should Be!

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Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson
yeah, the "Mini-HOWTO" man! :)

so far, ldso_1.9.5-1 is the only unstable package i've installed.  what i
really want is to install the GIMP and bash 2.01(-5 is the latest, if I'm
correct).  bash to fix Netscape helpers and GIMP 'cuz it's *cool*.

i guess i'm one release behind in libc5 (i have -6 and i guess there's a
-7) so i'll get that and go from there.

but for now it's off to work i go.

ttyl and thanks loads,

Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:
> > Hey, it's 'the man' hisself! :)  I guess I'm a little shy about using
> I'm "the man" now?  Cool. :)
> > 'force' now because that's what broke my system and a couple of people
> > told me to never do that (including Ben G.).  The last time I did a force
> > on libc6, it seems to me that the packages looking for libc6 still
> > couldn't find it.
> Generally forcing packages is a bad thing.  There are a few times when it
> is appropriate however.  The main concern here is how much of unstable are
> you going to install?  If you are going the entire way, upgrading libc5
> from unstable is the way to go, if not, forcing libc6 (or munging
> /var/lib/dpkg/status so libc5 doesn't list the conflict) is the
> appropriate path.  Although you may have to fight with dselect if you
> install libc6 with --force-conflicts.
> -- 
> Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Matlab5 and the standard c++ library

1997-10-14 Thread Peyman Gohari
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Steve Hsieh wrote:

> Put inside matlab/sys/lnx86 and in the same directory,
> create a symlink for ->
> Then matlab will use that lib instead.

The problem is that I'm dealing with a read-only NFS mounted file system,
and so I can't create a symbolic link. Is there any environment variable
capable of doing the same trick?


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Re: Linux as a mail and intranetserver

1997-10-14 Thread Matthew Tebbens
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, m* wrote:

> Dirk Kievith wrote:
> > 
> > My purpose is to set up a small *intranet*, with about 2-3 machines to 
> > start with, to offer email and web-browsing facilities to multiple users.
> > My main querry is how to go about it:
> > - which e-mail software,
> smail is the Debian preference and would probably be suitable
> for your intranet. on the other hand, sendmail is equally suitable
> and is still easy to configure.

I use smail and think its great, expecially if you don't have the time to
learn sendmail.

> > - which web- and proxyserver to use
> apache! another Debian preference. it's proven to be
> flexible and bulletproof.

Apache is what I use, and probably the best for what you want.

> > - Can one have a Linux server and W95 pc's as clients.
> Linux has brilliant Windoze support. i'd even go as far to say
> it's one of it's most valuable features when speaking of an 
> office intranet.

What exactly do you want Linux to serve, or do for the W95 clients ?

> > - As such, is there a way that multiple users could *download* their mail 
> > from the local Linux server into W95? Which mail package to use for that?
> Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Desktop is quickly invading the `Dozer
> realm , but there is Eudora, or the stalwart Navigator or
> others.

I would stick with Netscape for everything, the web, mail, news
Make things easier to install, configure...etc

> > - Else should one leave Windoze for what it is and work only with Linux 
> > packages. Which email-packages under Linux are most user-friendly?
> again, Netscape Navigator is a common tool but there are many others.
> just to see, browse
> there are some powerful and useful desktop managers now and more
> exciting utilitites are introduced weekly. selection of an email
> package is somewhat dependent upon the the needs and abilities
> of the users, IMO.
> i would also suggest dropping some more RAM in your box. it's
> not required on headless server, that is a server without a
> graphial interface, but is sure is a great feeling to be able 
> to fire up X Windows on your 486 and browse the net. ( i know
> because i have a former Windoze running Debian Linux 486 too! )

It depends what you want to doand how you want to do it.
I personally have totally switched to Linux

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Not enough memory?

1997-10-14 Thread Michael Legart

When I try to install Netscapem, I get the message that it can't get a free
page... thats because I haven't godt enugh memory, isn't it? I have 16 megs
and quite alot services started. I also have 20 megs swap space, but I
don't know if thats enugh. I have created a 50 mb partition, and set it as
linux swap... how to i activate it?



icq uin: 2565176

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Re: Bo ? Hamm ?

1997-10-14 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Oct 14, 1997 at 06:06:37PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
>  Hi
>I'm  kinda new to this Debian stuff, so... What is the difference between 
> bo
> and hamm and what do this names mean

Bo is the code name for the latest stable release 1.3, hamm ist the codename
for the unstable developer only release. Actually, these are names from
characters of the movie Toy Story, made by Pixar. The reason is that our
project leader, Bruce Perens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) works there.

Hope I helped,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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Re: sound programs

1997-10-14 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Oct 14, 1997 at 12:00:07PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
> what are good clients for running .wav, .au, and .mid* files.  Do not
> have to be debian packages.  Although if not I may make them one.

If you have a SB 32 or better, you can even use drvmidi, that uses the
advanced wavetable synthesis. be sure to check out:

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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Re: Bo ? Hamm ?

1997-10-14 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:

>I'm kinda new to this Debian stuff, so... What is the difference
> between bo and hamm and what do this names mean

Bo is the current release of Debian, version 1.3.1r4 (currently).  Hamm is
the development release, still under constuction.  It will be Debian 2.0
when it is released.

The codenames refer to characters from the computer animated feature "Toy
Story", which was animated by Pixar studios.  Pixar is where Bruce Perens,
Debian's project director is employed.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:

> Hey, it's 'the man' hisself! :)  I guess I'm a little shy about using

I'm "the man" now?  Cool. :)

> 'force' now because that's what broke my system and a couple of people
> told me to never do that (including Ben G.).  The last time I did a force
> on libc6, it seems to me that the packages looking for libc6 still
> couldn't find it.

Generally forcing packages is a bad thing.  There are a few times when it
is appropriate however.  The main concern here is how much of unstable are
you going to install?  If you are going the entire way, upgrading libc5
from unstable is the way to go, if not, forcing libc6 (or munging
/var/lib/dpkg/status so libc5 doesn't list the conflict) is the
appropriate path.  Although you may have to fight with dselect if you
install libc6 with --force-conflicts.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Bo ? Hamm ?

1997-10-14 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe


   I'm  kinda new to this Debian stuff, so... What is
the difference between bo and hamm and what do this names mean
    Mario Filipe

Re: sound programs

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> what are good clients for running .wav, .au, and .mid* files.  Do not
> have to be debian packages.  Although if not I may make them one.

For .au, I just use 'cat >/dev/audio'.
For .wav, I use bplay
For .mid, I recommend timidity, which actually converts the file to .wav
and uses a library of sounds.  playmidi is pretty good if you have a
decent midi sequencer available. 

These are all available as debian packages.  There are others, as well.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Shared Libraries Howto?

1997-10-14 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon

I'm trying to build Diffpack, and I'm having some troubles. I want
to build this thing using shared libraries. Reading the ELF-HOWTO and
patching the sources somewhat I've managed to produce the shared libraries
for the different parts, but now I cann't use them.

Setting LD_SHARED_PATH doesn't work... the linker doesn't see the
libraries. Reading the ld info page I'm getting the impression that the
shared libraries MUST BE on certain "trusted" directories for ldconfig to
work. Right now I'm testing the libraries, and I don't want to put them in
/usr/lib. Eventually, I'd like to make a package [*] out of this, but
right now I don't want to move this into the system paths. Is there a way
to make this work? Is there a howto? Any info pages I should read?

[*] for local use, there are license restrictions enforced in a "funny" 
way (if you agree with the license nobjects sends you a missing file in
the source distribution). This doesn't make Diffpack suitable for Debian.
I can pack patches, I think.

Marcelo Magallon

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Re: sound programs

1997-10-14 Thread Daniel Martin
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Shaleh wrote:
> > what are good clients for running 
> .wav  --- use bplay (available as a .deb)
> .au  --- I just do "cat > /dev/audio"
> .mid* --- use playmidi,  again a .deb

I find that timidity (which is in the standard Debian distribution), along
with timidity-patches, gives much better sound quality than playmidi,
(i.e. the strings sound like strings (albeit like idealized strings)
instead of like old synthesizers) though it doesn't have the cute
graphical display that playmidi -r does.

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debian in umsdos

1997-10-14 Thread Francesco Tapparo
   I'm trying to install debian in a umsdos partition (it's for my father,
which cannot repartition the hard-disk). This my plan:
1) install doslinux in /dev/hda1 (DOS partition);
2) go to my Linux system in /dev/hdc1;
3) mount -tumsdos /dev/hda1 /mnt;
4) rm -r /mnt/linux/*;
5) cd /mnt/linux;
6) gzip -cd ~/debian.tar.gz | tar -xf -; (debian.tar.gz is a debian base system
7) put the doslinux kernel zimage.dos in the new linux system and modify the
loadlin script supplied with doslinux.
8) edit /etc/fstab etc.
9) go to DOS and make a ZIP archive of /linux
10) deZIP the archive over the hard-disk of my father.

but after step 6, I've a problem:
if I go to dos and call loadlin the kernel start, begin to mount the
filesystem and then it hang; this happen before of the INIT message.

With doslinux the system start normally. I've used a debia 1.3 system.
Can anyone en-light me on the problem?

Please CC the answer to me: I cannot stand the mail traffic of



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Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson
Hey, it's 'the man' hisself! :)  I guess I'm a little shy about using
'force' now because that's what broke my system and a couple of people
told me to never do that (including Ben G.).  The last time I did a force
on libc6, it seems to me that the packages looking for libc6 still
couldn't find it.


Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:

> Someone messed up with the libc5 in the latest stable.  It conflicts with
> libc6 for no reason, if you install libc6 with --force-conflicts it should
> work fine.  You could also install the latest libc5 from unstable instead
> (better alternative if you intend to upgrade completely to unstable), but
> that is likely to force you down the altgcc/libc5-altdev path if you want
> to be able to compile libc5 stuff.
> On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:
> > hello, all,
> > 
> > OK, I'm reading the libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO from
> > It says, "Install these packages in exactly the order listed.  ...any
> > later versions should also be acceptable."
> > 
> > So, I installed ldso_1.9.5-1 using dpkg without incident.  The next
> > package listed is libc6_2.0.4-1.  Well, of course, that's no longer the
> > version that's available.  It's now libc6_2.0.5c-0.1.  So I downloaded
> > that and ran: dpkg -i .  I received back an error saying it was
> > conflicting with libc5!
> > 
> > BTW, I'm running on a fresh 1.3.1 install.  I just re-installed last night
> > because I broke my system by removing libc5 so I could install libc6
> > *bigblush*.  Oh, well, I learn as I go...:)
> > 
> > What am I doing wrong here?
> -- 
> Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: libc6

1997-10-14 Thread Scott Ellis
Someone messed up with the libc5 in the latest stable.  It conflicts with
libc6 for no reason, if you install libc6 with --force-conflicts it should
work fine.  You could also install the latest libc5 from unstable instead
(better alternative if you intend to upgrade completely to unstable), but
that is likely to force you down the altgcc/libc5-altdev path if you want
to be able to compile libc5 stuff.

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:

> hello, all,
> OK, I'm reading the libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO from
> It says, "Install these packages in exactly the order listed.  ...any
> later versions should also be acceptable."
> So, I installed ldso_1.9.5-1 using dpkg without incident.  The next
> package listed is libc6_2.0.4-1.  Well, of course, that's no longer the
> version that's available.  It's now libc6_2.0.5c-0.1.  So I downloaded
> that and ran: dpkg -i .  I received back an error saying it was
> conflicting with libc5!
> BTW, I'm running on a fresh 1.3.1 install.  I just re-installed last night
> because I broke my system by removing libc5 so I could install libc6
> *bigblush*.  Oh, well, I learn as I go...:)
> What am I doing wrong here?

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Matlab5 and the standard c++ library

1997-10-14 Thread Steve Hsieh
Put inside matlab/sys/lnx86 and in the same directory,
create a symlink for ->

Then matlab will use that lib instead.

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Peyman Gohari wrote:

> Hi fellows,
> Does anyone know why Matlab5 ( is unhappy with
> (  can't resolve symbol '__register_exceptions'  ),
> but works fine with the older version
> Other than switching to the older version, is there any way around this
> problem? 
> Regards,
> Peyman
> --
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Re: Sound problem

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

> My sound device will only "play" when I am logged in as root.  When I am
> any other trys to use the sound card it says "device is busy...sound
> device cannot be opened."  Is this just a permission mixup or something
> deeper?

You need to add yourself to the "audio" group.  Read the "adduser" man
page for "adding an existing user to an existing group".


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Re: Sound problem

1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson

I've made myself a member of audio in /etc/group.  Also, do you have nas
installed?  If so, it will automatically start an 'au' process at
boot-time.  I just removed nas from /etc/init.d since i'd never used nas
anyway.  Do a ps ax to see if there is an 'au' process running.


Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

> My sound device will only "play" when I am logged in as root.  When I am
> any other trys to use the sound card it says "device is busy...sound
> device cannot be opened."  Is this just a permission mixup or something
> deeper?
> Ian
> --
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Re: sound programs

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> what are good clients for running 
.wav  --- use bplay (available as a .deb)
.au  --- I just do "cat > /dev/audio"
.mid* --- use playmidi,  again a .deb


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1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson
hello, all,

OK, I'm reading the libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO from
It says, "Install these packages in exactly the order listed.  ...any
later versions should also be acceptable."

So, I installed ldso_1.9.5-1 using dpkg without incident.  The next
package listed is libc6_2.0.4-1.  Well, of course, that's no longer the
version that's available.  It's now libc6_2.0.5c-0.1.  So I downloaded
that and ran: dpkg -i .  I received back an error saying it was
conflicting with libc5!

BTW, I'm running on a fresh 1.3.1 install.  I just re-installed last night
because I broke my system by removing libc5 so I could install libc6
*bigblush*.  Oh, well, I learn as I go...:)

What am I doing wrong here?


Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Linux as a mail and intranetserver

1997-10-14 Thread m*
Dirk Kievith wrote:
> My purpose is to set up a small *intranet*, with about 2-3 machines to start 
> with, to offer email and web-browsing facilities to multiple users.

> My main querry is how to go about it:

> - which e-mail software,

smail is the Debian preference and would probably be suitable
for your intranet. on the other hand, sendmail is equally suitable
and is still easy to configure.

> - which web- and proxyserver to use

apache! another Debian preference. it's proven to be
flexible and bulletproof.

> - Can one have a Linux server and W95 pc's as clients.

Linux has brilliant Windoze support. i'd even go as far to say
it's one of it's most valuable features when speaking of an 
office intranet.

> - As such, is there a way that multiple users could *download* their mail 
> from the local Linux server into W95? Which mail package to use for that?

Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Desktop is quickly invading the `Dozer
realm , but there is Eudora, or the stalwart Navigator or

> - Else should one leave Windoze for what it is and work only with Linux 
> packages. Which email-packages under Linux are most user-friendly?

again, Netscape Navigator is a common tool but there are many others.
just to see, browse
there are some powerful and useful desktop managers now and more
exciting utilitites are introduced weekly. selection of an email
package is somewhat dependent upon the the needs and abilities
of the users, IMO.

i would also suggest dropping some more RAM in your box. it's
not required on headless server, that is a server without a
graphial interface, but is sure is a great feeling to be able 
to fire up X Windows on your 486 and browse the net. ( i know
because i have a former Windoze running Debian Linux 486 too! )

take the plunge! 


"The Shining One"

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Re: Sound problem

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

> My sound device will only "play" when I am logged in as root.  When I am
> any other trys to use the sound card it says "device is busy...sound
> device cannot be opened."  Is this just a permission mixup or something
> deeper?

I noticed this also and did 'chmod o+rw' on /dev/audio, /dev/audio1, 
/dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1, which helped.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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sound programs

1997-10-14 Thread Shaleh
what are good clients for running .wav, .au, and .mid* files.  Do not
have to be debian packages.  Although if not I may make them one.

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Re: staroffice and libc

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Paul wrote:

> hi everyone I'm trying to use the latest debianized staroffice package but
> the dependancies show that I need libc when i do a dpkg -l libc 
> Depends: libc (>= 5.4.4-0) where do i find this package?
> Thanks.  If there is more info that you need please ask.
> Paul

The latest in 1.3.1 is 5.4.33-6 (remember that the numbering is not
decimal (.33 > .4).


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Sound problem

1997-10-14 Thread Ian Keith Setford

My sound device will only "play" when I am logged in as root.  When I am
any other trys to use the sound card it says "device is busy...sound
device cannot be opened."  Is this just a permission mixup or something


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Re: Tape Drives?

1997-10-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Please forgive me for a question that has probably been asked 
> thousands of times. I've just been so busy lately that I haven't been 
> able to do the research I usually would.
> Does anyone have any recommendations on a tape drive that would be 
> compatible with Linux? My problem is I want to install Linux, but 
> first I need to format the drive. Before I can format the drive, I 
> need to back up everything. Unfortunately I am just out of room for 
> backing up things.
> I already have a zip drive, but it has gotten to the point where much 
> of what I am backing up is things I would only really be using as 
> backup archives, so that continuing to buy more and more zip disks 
> doesn't seem appropriate (especially in the wallet). I also figured 
> that since Linux is more sensitive to things like sudden outages, a 
> tape drive would be a good thing to have.
> My other problem is how much I have to spend. Around $100 is what
> I'd like to go for. $150 is pushing it, but should be able to manage
> it. I had first also considered a CD-R, since I have musical interests,
> but those seems to be about $300 for the cheapest models.
> An Iomega Ditto seems to be about the right price, and I have heard 
> good things about it. Unfortunately I've also heard that it can't be 
> used with Linux yet. I did find one page with a guy that seemed to 
> have nearly everything nailed down, and the page was marked April. 
> Has any more progress been made? Or is there another tape drive that 
> is compatible and about the same price?
> I suppose that if the Ditto still isn't compatible, but people believe it will
> be in something like 3 months, then that'd be fine, too. It'll be a 
> little ways before most of my stuff gets transferred to Linux...

The only Ditto which was a problem was the 2 GB version.  I have a Ditto
3200 and it works fine with Linux (compiling ftape into the kernel).  I
understand that there is now support for the 2 GB Ditto (and Sony) drive,
but you need to get a newer version of ftape and add it to the Linux


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: /dev files

1997-10-14 Thread stick

There are a couple of places you can reference to learn more about the
man {devinfo,MAKEDEV,makedev.cfg}   #Assuming you have installed
/usr/doc/makedev#the binary MAKEDEV package.

> Is there a list explaining what each /dev file is used for?  I was
> looking to cut down on my inode use by trimming /dev down some.  I am
> using Debian as a home workstation so I figured some of it wsa
> superfluous.

Hope this helps

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network DesignVoice:  (419) 529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:(419) 529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1302 USA

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Re: Upgrading ghostscript?

1997-10-14 Thread Civ Kevin F. Havener
Since Debian maintainers are being faced with this dilemma across the 
board, users should probably do as has been described many times on this 
list and install libc6 following the mini-howto.  Or become friends 
with alien, rpm, and RedHat's (and sunsite no doubt) contrib directory to 
continue updating their Debian 1.3 with RedHat libc5 compatible 
binaries (They seem to have a lot of newer contrib/non-free type stuff 
compiled for libc5, but I may be mistaken.  However it is true for 
gs-Aladdin, though it goes by a different name in RedHat land--just gs 
I think).  Or compile libc5 binaries from source.

Still, bless you Marco!  I haven't gotten around to employing any of 
the above options.  And I do need an updated gs-Aladdin sorely.  
Thanks so much. 

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Marco Pistore wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> > 
> > It's too bad that the libc6 upgrade is leaving users out in the cold for so
> > long...

> Hi,
> i am the maintainer of gs-aladdin. I understand that a libc5 version of 
> gs-aladdin 5.03 is urgently required. Unfortulnately it is quite difficult
> (at least for me) to produce it working on a libc6 system. 
> This week-end i went home and installed Debian 1.3 on my old computer,
> so i was able to obtain a libc5 gs-aladdin 5.03! (I'll upload it
> this night).
> I am sorry for the delay of my answer, but i did not read the
> mail since Friday. Hopefully the new version will solve your problems... 
> Thank you,
> Marco

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Re: Upgrading ghostscript?

1997-10-14 Thread Marcus . Brinkmann

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Marco Pistore wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> > 
> > It's too bad that the libc6 upgrade is leaving users out in the cold for so
> > long...
> > 
> > I just got an Epson Stylus Color 800 printer to try out, and
> > I could managed much resolution out of Debian 1.3's installed 
> > ghostscript.
> > 
> > $ gs -h
> > Aladdin Ghostscript 3.33 (4/10/1995)
> > 
> > Now, the latest and greatest from
> > is Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03, so the installed version is very old.
> > 
> > Okay, so I notice that `non-free' has gs-aladdin 4.03-7.
> > 
> > gs-aladdin 5.03-1 is available in unstable, but lists *no* related
> > packages on the web page (This is a bug!).  
> > 
> > I downloaded it to find it needs:
> > 
> >  libc6, libjpegg6a, libpaperg (>= 1.0.3-4), libpng0g, svgalibg1, 
> >  xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), zlib1g
> > 
> > So it's based on libc6...
> > 
> > I presume I'm not the first to need Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03 to drive
> > a recent printer.  Should I just get the sources and install them
> > over Debian's installed files?  Do I need anything else?  Will I screw
> > up my Debian 1.3 system if I do so?
> Hi,
> i am the maintainer of gs-aladdin. I understand that a libc5 version of 
> gs-aladdin 5.03 is urgently required. Unfortulnately it is quite difficult
> (at least for me) to produce it working on a libc6 system. 
> This week-end i went home and installed Debian 1.3 on my old computer,
> so i was able to obtain a libc5 gs-aladdin 5.03! (I'll upload it
> this night).
> I am sorry for the delay of my answer, but i did not read the
> mail since Friday. Hopefully the new version will solve your problems... 

What about libpaperg? Last time I checked, it was not there (or stuck in


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Re: Upgrading ghostscript?

1997-10-14 Thread Marco Pistore
On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

> It's too bad that the libc6 upgrade is leaving users out in the cold for so
> long...
> I just got an Epson Stylus Color 800 printer to try out, and
> I could managed much resolution out of Debian 1.3's installed 
> ghostscript.
> $ gs -h
> Aladdin Ghostscript 3.33 (4/10/1995)
> Now, the latest and greatest from
> is Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03, so the installed version is very old.
> Okay, so I notice that `non-free' has gs-aladdin 4.03-7.
> gs-aladdin 5.03-1 is available in unstable, but lists *no* related
> packages on the web page (This is a bug!).  
> I downloaded it to find it needs:
>  libc6, libjpegg6a, libpaperg (>= 1.0.3-4), libpng0g, svgalibg1, 
>  xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), zlib1g
> So it's based on libc6...
> I presume I'm not the first to need Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03 to drive
> a recent printer.  Should I just get the sources and install them
> over Debian's installed files?  Do I need anything else?  Will I screw
> up my Debian 1.3 system if I do so?


i am the maintainer of gs-aladdin. I understand that a libc5 version of 
gs-aladdin 5.03 is urgently required. Unfortulnately it is quite difficult
(at least for me) to produce it working on a libc6 system. 
This week-end i went home and installed Debian 1.3 on my old computer,
so i was able to obtain a libc5 gs-aladdin 5.03! (I'll upload it
this night).

I am sorry for the delay of my answer, but i did not read the
mail since Friday. Hopefully the new version will solve your problems... 

Thank you,


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SUID shells...aaarrgghh

1997-10-14 Thread Garry Myers

Ok..this is driving me mad and my curiosity is piqued...

A mate of mine (using RedHat) was hacked (probably from associating with
the wrong company on IRC, most likely) - cleaning up his system, we
found multiple backdoors, including the obvious series of SUID shells
scattered around his file system.  This prompted me to go over my Debian
1.3 setup for any glaring holes etc.  This done, I thought I'd
show him how the SUID shells were generated as I *thought* I knew how it
was done (actually I thought it was bloody obvious)...I didn't think there
was a way to prevent SUID shells being generated once root was obtained - 

so, logging into console as root

$ cp /bin/bash /bin/somefile

$ ls -l /bin/somefile
- -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 318612 Oct 14 22:44 /bin/somefile

$ chmod a+xs /bin/somefile
- -rwsr-s--x 1 root root 318612 Oct 14 22:44 /bin/somefile

Presumably a hacker (or cracker to be precise) would chgrp to root if root
was gained by some exploit.  Exiting and logging in as test_user (created
for the purpose), when I execute /bin/somefile and do whoami and id,
test_user is still controlling the shell with uid guid etc set to
test_user.  I've tried a number of variations on the above but to no
avail.  I *hate* the idea of not knowing how to do something that some
IRC #hack juvenile can!  I know I'm missing something awfully obvious
here or else I've got something new to crow about regarding Debian to my
linux-challenged (read RedHat and Slackware :) ) friends...

So, if anyone can point out my glaring mistake, I'd appreciate it 
- - given the sensitivity of this issue, perhaps a direct e-mail to me is
more appropriate?



- ---

Garry Myers 
Molecular Genetics Unit 
Menzies School of Health Research   Australia

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/dev files

1997-10-14 Thread Shaleh
Is there a list explaining what each /dev file is used for?  I was
looking to cut down on my inode use by trimming /dev down some.  I am
using Debian as a home workstation so I figured some of it wsa

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what is /dev/scg?

1997-10-14 Thread Susan G. Kleinmann
The documentation for cdrecord says it writes to /dev/scg*.
But I can't find anything about scg's in the kernel sources (or even
in a string search at Linux v2 Headquarters).  So my questions are:
  What is /dev/scg?
  How can (or does?) one get a kernel driver?
  How can one integrate this into makedev.cfg?

Thanks in advance,
Susan Kleinmann

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Re: Upgrading ghostscript?

1997-10-14 Thread Marco Pistore
On Tue, 14 Oct 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> What about libpaperg? Last time I checked, it was not there (or stuck in
> Incoming?)

Stuck in Incoming



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Re: staroffice and libc

1997-10-14 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Oct 14, 1997 at 08:34:33AM -0400, Paul wrote:
> hi everyone I'm trying to use the latest debianized staroffice package but
> the dependancies show that I need libc when i do a dpkg -l libc 
> Depends: libc (>= 5.4.4-0) where do i find this package?

I think this is a typo on Joey's part. "libc" is a virtual package (which
libc[456] provide). As dpkg doesn't support versioned dependencies on
virtual packages, I don't know what happens when you try to install it. It
might even work (as you undoubtedly have libc5 installed).

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
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where no data has gone before. 

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Netscape nad libgnumalloc

1997-10-14 Thread Will Lowe
I've been getting this error from netscape a lot,  particularly when
launching plugins:

sh: error in loadingshared libraries
/usr/lib/ symbol: _default_morecore_init

Any clues?


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staroffice and libc

1997-10-14 Thread Paul
hi everyone I'm trying to use the latest debianized staroffice package but
the dependancies show that I need libc when i do a dpkg -l libc 
Depends: libc (>= 5.4.4-0) where do i find this package?
Thanks.  If there is more info that you need please ask.

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Re: easiest way to upgrade?

1997-10-14 Thread Paul
Hi there, what I have done is use dftp it get the packages file then it
gets the packages that you select from the debian site.  It is a good way
to do it.  Let me know if you want more info.

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Debian List wrote:

> Hi,
> what's the easiest way to upgrade packages, specially if there have been
> some security updates and we're not sure of what should be upgraded?
> For example, from a baseline 1.2 install, how can I retrieve updated
> packages and install them without having to know exactly which ones are
> necessary?
> Thanks
> Ricardo
> --
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Re: msdos file system

1997-10-14 Thread Marcus . Brinkmann

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> Sorry, I missed the original post.  I think you are looking for mformat,
> available in the mtools package.  This may only work on floppies (not
> sure).  I personally prefer superformat which is on the rescue image, but
> not part of the base installation (and no where else that I know of, so I
> stole it :-).

Just look in fdtools (IIRC).

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1997-10-14 Thread Dale Harrison
This greets me whenever I try to power up xdvi. From memory it's supposed
to spit out the usage blerb. 

([EMAIL PROTECTED])$ xdvi   
Error: XsraSelFile: can't get font 9x15

When I first ran xdvi with an argument, MakeTeXPK spat out a whole
lotta stuff to do with fonts. Converting/updating them I guess. 

I can specify a file on the commandline and it displays it and all, but
clicking on the "File" widget produces the same error:

([EMAIL PROTECTED])$ xdvi -s 10 /tmp/part6.dvi  
Note:  overstrike characters may be incorrect.
xdvi.bin:  special "landscape" not implemented
xdvi.bin:  special "landscape" not implemented
Error: XsraSelFile: can't get font 9x15

Any ideas as to

- Which 9x15 font it's looking for?
- Where this aforementioned font should be?
- Why it isn't there
- How to rectify this situation without grabbing every 9x15 font this
  side of the equator?

I don't recall modifying anything that would break fonts (knowingly,
anyway) but I guess it's always a possibility.

ii  tetex-base  0.4pl6-5   teTeX library files
ii  tetex-bin   0.4pl6-8   teTeX binary files
ii  tetex-dev   0.4pl6-8   kpathsea.a and include files for teTeX
ii  tetex-extra 0.4pl6-4   teTeX library files

Thats all the tex stuff, as far as I can tell.

Any (and all) help muchly appreciated.


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1997-10-14 Thread clement
> I tried to install the GIMP and xtar, and when trying to run both, I get
> the same error message:
> xtar: can't load library '' ...and: gimp: can't load library
> ''

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you'll find
in the current release of Lesstif. is one of the run-time libraries from Motif v2.0 (and above).
Lesstif is only compliant with Motif v1.2. 

A better bet is, with a statically-linked version of the applicaion
(if it is available).


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Re: Emacs and Xemacs

1997-10-14 Thread Alair Pereira do Lago
Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Actually, you can. It depends which versions you use. But I'm not sure if it
> is possible with 1.3, ...

In bo, they conflict.  If you do not mind, install both with force options.
They overlap in some exec utils like ctags, etc.  Not a real trouble.  Install
later the one you would like to be completely OK.

In hamm, they do not conflict anymore.

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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Re: msdos file system

1997-10-14 Thread Alair Pereira do Lago
Mike Lucius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just loaded Linux for the 1st time. I would like to know how to create
> an msdos file system. I think I need other files installed on my system
> but have not been able to figure out what or how.


Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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Re: formatting logical partition

1997-10-14 Thread Alair Pereira do Lago
Mario Olimpio de Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I have a 2GB hd with the following partitions:
>   ~ 700MB for /
>   ~ 600MB for /home
>   ~  80MB for swap
>   I would like to do 2 new partitions on the remainning free
> space. So I did an extended partition using the whole space and 
> in this extended part. 2 Linux Native partitions. 
>   1st Q. Is this correct? Is there other approach?


Many other approachs.

>   2nd Q. If correct, how can I prepare the Linux partition
> inside the extended one? With mk2efs?

As usual.
For linux, there is no difference between primary or extended partition.
You can prepare all partitions as being extended, if you prefer. 

Lilo, however, needs a primary partition if you do not want to put it in the
master boot.

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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Question about Gimp

1997-10-14 Thread Robert Sickeldal

Is there a Debian package of Gimp 0.99.1x that are for Debian version 1.3
Or do I have to upgrade to libc6 ? If so, can libc5 and libc6 co-exist?

Grateful for any answer

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Problems with Aztech's PnP MM WaveRider Pro 32-3D under Debian Linux

1997-10-14 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
 If this message does not match exactly the topic of this discussion list,
please forgive me, but I saw there similar discussion about

 I would like to know if someone has successfully configured Aztech's PnP
MM WaveRider Pro 32-3D under Debian Linux?

 I have read on Aztech's WWW that WaveRider is SoundBlaster Pro and MSS
compatible, further the OSSLite's documentation informed me that native
support for this card will be introduced soon, so I've decided to buy two
of them for my two Linux systems. 
 And here my problems begun. 
 There was no way to get this card working in MSS mode (preferred because 
od full duplex support).
 After compiling the customized 2.0.30 kernel with SoundBlaster support I
was able to record and play PCM sound, but volume controls don't work at
all (I can set them with aumix or xmix, but it does not affect the
volume). Additionally, sound is distorted...
 I attach my kernel configuration and isapnp.conf files.

Thanks in advance
Wojtek Zabolotny 

PS. I tried to investigate the native Aztech's DOS utilities using I/O
trace option of dosemu, but up to this moment it did not give any
effect (except of 10MB output file ;-) ).
# Automatically generated by make menuconfig: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_MAX_16M is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set

# Floppy, IDE, and other block devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
# CONFIG_NET_ALIAS is not set
# CONFIG_IP_FORWARD is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ACCT is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
# CONFIG_IP_MROUTE is not set
# CONFIG_INET_PCTCP is not set
# CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set
# CONFIG_IPX_INTERN is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set
# CONFIG_AX25 is not set
# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set
# CONFIG_NETLINK is not set

# SCSI support
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG is not set

# SCSI low-level drivers
# CONFIG_SCSI_7000FASST is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_AHA152X is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_AHA1542 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_AHA1740 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_IN2000 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_DTC3280 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_EATA is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_GENERIC_NCR5380 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C406A is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C7xx is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_PAS16 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_T128 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_U14_34F is not set

# Network device support
# CONFIG_DLCI is not set
# CONFIG_PLIP is not set
# CONFIG_PPP is not set
# CONFIG_SLIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_RADIO is not set
# CONFIG_LANCE is not set
# CONFIG_AT1700 is not set
# CONFIG_E2100 is not set
# CONFIG_DEPCA is not set
# CONFIG_EWRK3 is not set
# CONFIG_EEXPRESS is not set
# CONFIG_FMV18X is not set
# CONFIG_HPLAN_PLUS is not set
# CONFIG_HPLAN is not set
# CONFIG_HP100 is not set
# CONFIG_ETH16I is not set
# CONFIG_NI52 is not set
# CONFIG_NI65 is not set
# CONFIG_SEEQ8005 is not set
# CONFIG_SK_G16 is not set
# CONFIG_NET_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_NET_EISA is not set
# CONFIG_NET_POCKET is not set
# CONFIG_TR is not set


1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson

Thanks for your reply.  I'm currently working on the later version of GIMP
right now (i've found that it's quite involved. thankfully 'Che-Fox' is
gracious enough to help me with that) but I will try the lesstif for xtar.

Thanks again,

Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Tue, 14 Oct 1997, Thomas SCHIEX wrote:

>  > On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:
> >> hello, all,
> >> 
> >> I tried to install the GIMP and xtar, and when trying to run both, I get
> >> the same error message:
> >> 
> >> xtar: can't load library '' ...and: gimp: can't load library
> >> ''
> >> 
> >> ???
> >> 
> libXm is Motif. You are trying to install software which is dynamically
> linked with Motif but you haven't Motif. For GIMP: get version 0.99.13. It
> works with its own toolkit (gtk) and does not need motif anymore. Moreover,
> it is much more impressive than 0.54.
> For Xtar, try to use lesstif (available as a debian package). It is a free
> motif clone. 
>   Thomas

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1997-10-14 Thread Thomas SCHIEX
 > On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:

>> hello, all,
>> I tried to install the GIMP and xtar, and when trying to run both, I get
>> the same error message:
>> xtar: can't load library '' ...and: gimp: can't load library
>> ''
>> ???

libXm is Motif. You are trying to install software which is dynamically
linked with Motif but you haven't Motif. For GIMP: get version 0.99.13. It
works with its own toolkit (gtk) and does not need motif anymore. Moreover,
it is much more impressive than 0.54.

For Xtar, try to use lesstif (available as a debian package). It is a free
motif clone. 


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Re: Linux as a mail and intranetserver

1997-10-14 Thread Carey Evans
Dirk Kievith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My purpose is to set up a small *intranet*, with about 2-3 machines
> to start with, to offer email and web-browsing facilities to
> multiple users.  Which means multiple email accounts etc.
> My main querry is how to go about it:
> - which e-mail software, 

You could use qmail, exim, sendmail or smail, or maybe another, not
necessarily in that order.  I use and like qmail, despite the author's
attitude and the fact that there's no real Debian package.

> - which web- and proxyserver to use 

Apache is the most widely used web server and probably a good choice.

There's basically just one choice for web proxy: squid.  Even a lot of
ISPs use it.  For caching, a bit more memory and plenty of disk space
is recommended. You could also use IP masquerading to pass traffic
through a dialup machine and make it look like it all came from one

> - Can one have a Linux server and W95 pc's as clients.

No problem.  I do this at work, including giving dial-up access.  It's
all just like you're an ISP.

> - As such, is there a way that multiple users could *download* their
>   mail from the local Linux server into W95? Which mail package to
>   use for that?

If you put a POP server on your Linux machine, it looks like an ISP.
Qmail comes with one.  Use Pegasus Mail or whatever on the Windows

> - Else should one leave Windoze for what it is and work only with
>   Linux packages. Which email-packages under Linux are most
>   user-friendly?

I like Gnus under XEmacs, and it's not to bad once it's set up.  VM
and (X)Emacs might be easier to start with.  I've heard good things
about Mutt.

> My immediate aim is to install that which will serve my purpose and
> save as much precious time on un- and re-installing different
> applications.

This is not actually too bad under Debian.  You can even get your old
configuration back.

Carey Evans  <*>  gc

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kernel: validated probe(17f, 17f, 11557, 5010, -1645409555) 

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Tape Drives?

1997-10-14 Thread shawn . fumo
Hello everyone,

Please forgive me for a question that has probably been asked 
thousands of times. I've just been so busy lately that I haven't been 
able to do the research I usually would.

Does anyone have any recommendations on a tape drive that would be 
compatible with Linux? My problem is I want to install Linux, but 
first I need to format the drive. Before I can format the drive, I 
need to back up everything. Unfortunately I am just out of room for 
backing up things.

I already have a zip drive, but it has gotten to the point where much 
of what I am backing up is things I would only really be using as 
backup archives, so that continuing to buy more and more zip disks 
doesn't seem appropriate (especially in the wallet). I also figured 
that since Linux is more sensitive to things like sudden outages, a 
tape drive would be a good thing to have.

My other problem is how much I have to spend. Around $100 is what
I'd like to go for. $150 is pushing it, but should be able to manage
it. I had first also considered a CD-R, since I have musical interests,
but those seems to be about $300 for the cheapest models.

An Iomega Ditto seems to be about the right price, and I have heard 
good things about it. Unfortunately I've also heard that it can't be 
used with Linux yet. I did find one page with a guy that seemed to 
have nearly everything nailed down, and the page was marked April. 
Has any more progress been made? Or is there another tape drive that 
is compatible and about the same price?

I suppose that if the Ditto still isn't compatible, but people believe it will
be in something like 3 months, then that'd be fine, too. It'll be a 
little ways before most of my stuff gets transferred to Linux...

Thanks everyone!


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anyone use berolist package?

1997-10-14 Thread Debian List

I installed the berolist package. In the Package description (debian
website) it says there is a web interface for berolist...

Where is it? I can't find any cgi or html files that apply to berolist...

Help! ;)


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Linux as a mail and intranetserver

1997-10-14 Thread Dirk Kievith

I have recently subscribe to this list and I would like to have some 
preliminary advice before I install debian 1.3.1

My knowlegde of Unix and Linux is scant: some user experience with HP-UX.
At present I am running W95 and appplications on a 486, 16 MB. I have a dial-up 
connection to the ISP server and am about to install the Debian Linux 1.3.1.
I have a domain on a virtual server with POP3 boxes and unlimited aliases, etc. 

My purpose is to set up a small *intranet*, with about 2-3 machines to start 
with, to offer email and web-browsing facilities to multiple users.
Which means multiple email accounts etc.

My main querry is how to go about it:
- which e-mail software, 
- which web- and proxyserver to use 
- Can one have a Linux server and W95 pc's as clients.
- As such, is there a way that multiple users could *download* their mail from 
the local Linux server into W95? Which mail package to use for that?
- Else should one leave Windoze for what it is and work only with Linux 
packages. Which email-packages under Linux are most user-friendly?

My immediate aim is to install that which will serve my purpose and save as 
much precious time on un- and re-installing different applications.   

Thanks for reading this far. :-)
Appreciating your feedback.

Dirk Kievith

-- CADD Services & WebDesign| [EMAIL PROTECTED] --  
-- Tel./Fax: +91-413-20620  | --
-- PO Box 24 -  Pondicherry 605001   -  India   --

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easiest way to upgrade?

1997-10-14 Thread Debian List

what's the easiest way to upgrade packages, specially if there have been
some security updates and we're not sure of what should be upgraded?

For example, from a baseline 1.2 install, how can I retrieve updated
packages and install them without having to know exactly which ones are


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Re: GIMP (fwd)

1997-10-14 Thread David Puryear

On 14-Oct-97 David Puryear wrote:
  On 13-Oct-97 Matt Thompson wrote:

Well, there were no .gimp directories to be found, only gimp
(/usr/lib/gimp, /usr/doc/gimp).  I deleted the .gimprc files as
as root and got this error both ways:

gimp fatal error: ".gimprc" file not found
  If you are running gimp 0.99.*(which you should BTW) then anytime gimp
  find .gimp directory, it will create one. So, I'm thinking you are
  running 0.5*
  or 0.6*. Here is where you can get the latest gimp that is in debian

For even newer gimp try here:

David i copied the included dot.gimprc file to my home directory (i
gunzipped it first :) ) and got the old error:

gimp fatal error: Unable to open included resource file.


p.s. again, i never saw any .gimp dirs, only gimp dirs



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Re: GIMP (fwd)

1997-10-14 Thread David Puryear

On 13-Oct-97 Matt Thompson wrote:
  Well, there were no .gimp directories to be found, only gimp directories
  (/usr/lib/gimp, /usr/doc/gimp).  I deleted the .gimprc files as mattyt
  as root and got this error both ways:
  gimp fatal error: ".gimprc" file not found

If you are running gimp 0.99.*(which you should BTW) then anytime gimp can't
find .gimp directory, it will create one. So, I'm thinking you are running 0.5*
or 0.6*. Here is where you can get the latest gimp that is in debian format: i copied the included dot.gimprc file to my home directory (i
  gunzipped it first :) ) and got the old error:
  gimp fatal error: Unable to open included resource file.
  p.s. again, i never saw any .gimp dirs, only gimp dirs

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RE: help! :)

1997-10-14 Thread David Puryear
Hi Matt,

On 14-Oct-97 Matt Thompson wrote:
  ok, che, here we go,
  i *finally* got everything installed, after countless --force-depends and
  --force-conflicts commands, but now there's one little problem: I can't
  start *any* xterms!  every single program i try to start (netscape,
  pine) requires an xterm (of course) but everything gives me back a
  'Segmentation fault' error.
First of all, you shouldn't --force-* when you want a stable system.:)
Sorry I've keep up with your progress, so you'll have to explain what base
system you are running like Debian 1.3.1 or mixture of 1.3.1 with hamm.
And what packages you forced installed, which should be clue as to what is
wrong with you setup.

  please help! :)
  p.s. sorry if this is a bother, but the GIMP looks so excellent, i *had*
  to have it! :)
  Matt Thompson 
  MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
  707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
  Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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help! :)

1997-10-14 Thread Matt Thompson
ok, che, here we go,

i *finally* got everything installed, after countless --force-depends and
--force-conflicts commands, but now there's one little problem: I can't
start *any* xterms!  every single program i try to start (netscape, emacs,
pine) requires an xterm (of course) but everything gives me back a
'Segmentation fault' error.

please help! :)


p.s. sorry if this is a bother, but the GIMP looks so excellent, i *had*
to have it! :)

Matt Thompson 
MZI, Inc.   v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Wayf-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Matlab5 and the standard c++ library

1997-10-14 Thread Peyman Gohari
Hi fellows,

Does anyone know why Matlab5 ( is unhappy with (  can't resolve symbol '__register_exceptions'  ),
but works fine with the older version

Other than switching to the older version, is there any way around this


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RE: Pcmcia & Starting the network

1997-10-14 Thread Matthew Tebbens

What I actually did was almost the same ! :)
I added a 'sleep 3' right after cardmgr to give it some time to start.
CardMgr debian package DOES try to start './network start eth0' but its
not working for some reason, probably in the wrong dir or something.
Anyways, I was not gonna re-compile and spend hours configureing it
or I would go nuts if it didn't configure the first time. :)

A 'sleep 3' right after CardMgr works just fine.

I would suggest the Package Maintainer try to update to the latest
version, and fix up the scripts a bit. At the very least have the script
wait a few seconds after starting cardmgr for just this reason. Theres
no other fix then 'sleep' to the scripts right now..I think..

Thanks for the response !

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Ralph Winslow wrote:

> On 14-Oct-97 Matthew Tebbens wrote:
> >
> >I'm trying to start the network after cardmgr starts, but cardmgr takes
> >too long and network dies because it can't find eth0.
> >
> >Is there a way to execute /etc/init.d/network ONLY after cardmgr completes ?
> It's a disgusting hack, but you could put /etc/init.d/network at the end of
> your cardmgr initialization code (and remove S##network from rc#.d).  It
> would probably work but would offend my (and most sysadms) sense of order
> and/or propriety.  HTH (and please don't tell anyone I suggested it).
> >
> >This way I don't have to be around during a reboot !
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Matthew
> >
> >
> >--
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> -
> Ralph Winslow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The IQ of the group is that of the member
> whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
> of members.

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Re: msdos file system

1997-10-14 Thread Brandon Mitchell
Sorry, I missed the original post.  I think you are looking for mformat,
available in the mtools package.  This may only work on floppies (not
sure).  I personally prefer superformat which is on the rescue image, but
not part of the base installation (and no where else that I know of, so I
stole it :-).

Good luck,

On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> Mike Lucius wrote:
>   >Just loaded Linux for the 1st time. I would like to know how to create
>   >an msdos file system. I think I need other files installed on my system
>   >but have not been able to figure out what or how.
> You can't _create_ an MSDOS file system in Linux, but you can mount an
> existing one.  You should only create a partition using the operating
> system to which it belongs.
> The syntax for the command, which must be executed by the superuser (root) is:
>   mount -t msdos device mount_point

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RE: Pcmcia & Starting the network

1997-10-14 Thread Ralph Winslow

On 14-Oct-97 Matthew Tebbens wrote:
>I'm trying to start the network after cardmgr starts, but cardmgr takes
>too long and network dies because it can't find eth0.
>Is there a way to execute /etc/init.d/network ONLY after cardmgr completes ?

It's a disgusting hack, but you could put /etc/init.d/network at the end of
your cardmgr initialization code (and remove S##network from rc#.d).  It
would probably work but would offend my (and most sysadms) sense of order
and/or propriety.  HTH (and please don't tell anyone I suggested it).
>This way I don't have to be around during a reboot !
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The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

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Re: YASQ (yet another sendmail question)

1997-10-14 Thread Eloy A. Paris

I doubt it's sendmail problem (I mean, nothing that a recompile will
solve). It looks like a configuration problem.

Can you send more information to the list? Your hosts names,
your file, where are you trying to send mail to, etc.

See ya.


Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi,

:  I've a small "intranet" running with debian. In fact, there are only two
:  machines which are not connected to the internet.
:  I don't use a name server on either of the machines, it's not needed.
:  Addresses are read from /etc/hosts.

:  I use the latest sendmail package but can't send mail from one computer to
:  the other. I get something like 'Deferred: p4.: Name server : hostname lookup
:  failure". Well, I don't understand what happens. I configured sendmail to not
:  use any name server (FEATURE(nodns)), so there shouldn't be the cause.
:  Address canonification works fine when I turn it on in, so
:  there's no trouble with /etc/hosts (ping,telnet,ftp and samba are ok as well)

:  Is this a problem with the current sendmail package? I remember correctly, 
:  I used another distribution a year ago, I solved this by recompiling 

:  Any ideas what could be wrong or what I could try? Thanks,

:   Ulf.

: --
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Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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Can't boot Linux - could be VESA SCSI driver

1997-10-14 Thread Chip Grandits
wish to use Debian Linux 1.3 on my Intel 486 machine and I am unable to boot.

I am unclear on where to go for help in booting debian linux.  I have created a 
boot disc from the raw image resc1440.bin.  I have attempted to boot many times 
always with the same result. 

I assume mailing to this list is my best chance to find a lead on where to even 
look to find the answer  I've already looked through the FAQ and hardware Howto.

I suspect the problem is related to the fact I have an adaptec 2840VL SCSI 
controller for my hard drive (as well as CD-ROM). The help screens yeild some 
terse and cryptic hints at what I might need to do.  A list of boot parameters 
displayed when hitting F5 implies that Adaptec 284x SCSI controllers are 
supported but linux needs a boot parameter based on the template 
"aic7xxx=[disable reset]"  Idon't know what this means.  Pouring through the 
documenation for the SCSI controller I see that it contains an AIC7770 chip, so 
perhaps I type the
following at the "boot:" prompt:
linux aic7770=1
to disable reset (I don't know what that does) or
linux aic7770=0
to not disable reset
Neither way works and the result is the same as the default boot (just hitting 
I get an error message "kernel cannot handle dereferenced NULL pointer" and
the system hangs after displaying a dump of the processor registers.

I'm honestly not even clear if the SCSI controller is my problem.

I am grateful for any help,

Thank You
-Chip Grandits

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Pcmcia & Starting the network

1997-10-14 Thread Matthew Tebbens

I'm trying to start the network after cardmgr starts, but cardmgr takes
too long and network dies because it can't find eth0.

Is there a way to execute /etc/init.d/network ONLY after cardmgr completes ?

This way I don't have to be around during a reboot !


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