Re: StarOffice and XPrinter

1997-11-11 Thread Toth Laszlo

On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Toth Laszlo wrote:
> > On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Paul Miller wrote:
> > 
> > > you probably didn't run the installation.. or run the scripts it
> > > installs in the home directories ( for bash and .sd.csh for
> > > csh)..
> >
> > Thanks your quick answer. I'm lame, but something else is wrong too.
> i got staroffice installed ok this morning (i had to use 'dpkg -i
> --force-depends')  and after a bit of stuffing around, now have it
> running.  I even printed a document the first time i clicked on print,
> without any hassle at all (i already have lprng and magicfilter set up on
> all my systems). 
> i wasn't able to run the setup program (it core dumps on my system -
> maybe because i'm running unstable/bo), but i did find a file called
> in /usr/lib/Star-Office-3.1.  I copied this to ~/ and
> modified it to suit my system. here's what I've got:
> #! /bin/bash
> sd_inst=/usr/lib/StarOffice-3.1
> sd_fonts=$sd_inst/fonts
> sd_plat='linux-x86'
> PATH=$sd_inst/${sd_plat:=.}/bin:$PATH
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$sd_inst/$sd_plat/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> XPPATH=$sd_inst/xp3
> HELPPATH=$sd_inst/modules
> XENVIRONMENT=$sd_inst/starview.xres
> SVFONTPATH=$sd_fonts/75dpi:$sd_fonts/75dpi/bdf:$sd_fonts/type1
> SVHOME=~/docs
> LANG=us
> unset sd_inst sd_fonts sd_plat
> here's a possible bug in your script:
> > sd_inst=/usr/local/StarOffice-31
Yes, Yes, Yes. |
A POINT :)) missing 
My friend realized it.


> is that really the directory that you have staroffice installed in?  For a
> while I had errors very similar to yours because my sd_inst variable was
> pointing to /usr/lib/StarOffice-31 instead of /usr/lib/StarOffice-3.1 .  As
> soon as i noticed and fixed the typo, it started working.
> craig
> PS: my overall impression of StarOffice so far (after a few hours of
> playing with it) is that it seems pretty good.  I personally don't have
> much need/use for word processors or spreadsheets or the "typical office
> apps" but this will be very useful for those who do. it's supposed to
> be able to import MS word docs - maybe now i'll be able to do something
> with .DOC files which clueless people keep on emailing to me no matter
> how many times i tell them "send me plain text only, i don't run MS
> software and have no intention of ever doing so".
> --
> craig sanders
> networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
> temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.
> --
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xdm/X not terminating processes on logout

1997-11-11 Thread Brian M. Rectanus
For some reason processes are not being terminated after a user logs out of an
X session (via xdm).

 User  logs in and starts up "vi someprogram", then user xxx kills the X
session (ie kills WM, thus killing session).  User xxx logs in again and 's
"vi someprogram" is STILL running and using (according to top) about 92% of CPU.

I noticed this after I logged out one night and when I logged in the next day
my load was about 4.7 withnothing special (except the vi session) running.
Any Ideas why xdm would not kill all of the users processes?  Or is it xdm that
is supposed to do it?


Brian Rectanus
Kansas State University
Computing and Informational Sciences
Multimedia/Web Programmer

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1997 World Series

1997-11-11 Thread bhake

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own a piece of  World Series history!!! Known the world over, 
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Re: lock a pentium for fun!

1997-11-11 Thread JD Thomlinson
>> It is a bug for a processor to have any unassigned codes.
>In what way is it a bug?  If all the codes are assigned, then future
>extensions become impossible.

Unassigned OP codes are properly given no-op execution and are 
indicated as "reserved" in the programming documentation.

Best Regards, JohnT
"Improvement succeeded each other so rapidly, that 
machines which had never been finished were 
abandoned in the hands of their makers, because 
new improvements had superceded their utility." 

Charles Babbage 'On the Economy of Manufactures', 1832

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Re: Posting to usenet

1997-11-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

> > # user's mail address, if not [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > mail_address=
> Okay, that works. (OTOH, I'm not enamoured with tin, so it would be nice
> if I could figure out how to get trn to work.)
You should set a line like this in trn as well (after we get your system
working). Your [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not a valid emailaddress if
someone chooses to reply via mail. It is not nice to get bounces because
of screwed up addresses.

> > What do "hostname" and "dnsdomainname" say?
> Hostname spits out "drollsden", which for silly and irrelevant reasons is
> the name I chose for my machine. dnsdomainname produces no output at all.

Sounds swedish :-)

> > /etc/hosts ?
> localhost   loopback
>   drollsden
> That is admittedly suspicious, but according to the ISP-Hookup
> HOWTO that's the correct syntax when using dynamic IP assignment.
make /etc/hosts look like:   localhost  drollsden

Drop the line. I never used that one.

> > route ? (I get out of ideas right now :-)
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
> loopnet *   U 0  04 lo
> Which means nothing to me.:)

man route :-)

> Amendment to previous message: /sbin/route produces different output when
> I'm connected. It's

This is quite right, it should be different.

> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
> * UH0  00 ppp0
> loopnet *   U 0  04 lo
> default UG0  03 ppp0

Looks OK to me.

So fix your /etc/hosts

Try hostname and dnsdomainname again and then trn.

Maybe this works for you.


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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On 11 Nov 1997, D. J. Bernstein wrote:

> > the point was that his NFS argument against /var/spool/mail was
> > irrelevant because home directories are often NFS mounted too
> There is no ``NFS argument against /var/spool/mail.''
> The fundamental problem with /var/spool/mail is security. It's not easy
> to handle a world-writable directory safely.
> (Big ISPs have another problem with /var/spool/mail: on most systems,
> reading a large directory takes a long time.)
> As a separate issue, mbox format is unreliable when the system crashes.
> It doesn't matter whether mailboxes are stored in home directories or in
> a central directory. The relevance of NFS is that it makes mbox format
> even more unreliable; you can lose mail even if the systems never crash.

How about the argument "you have problems, if the host exporting
/var/spool/mail is a linux box, because linux's lockd ...well... needs
some serious improvements in functionality" ?


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Re: Update: mounting MS-DOS fs onto Linux

1997-11-11 Thread Pete Harlan
> >> One possible unconfirmed cause (Okay, a guess)  Is the Win95 
> partition
> >> OSR2?  (Fat32?)  To my knoweldge, the vfat filesystem doesn't yet
> >> support the alterations made by OSR2.
> >> 
> >> Matt
> >
> >I have a bleeding-edge Windows95 OSR2 installation (October1997 OEM)
> >and (Debian) Linux reads it fine as vfat.  It isn't FAT32; that's
> >something else again, not dependent, I believe, on OSR2.
> >
> >--Pete

> Were you able to "mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt"
> your Win95 partition without any special work?

Yes, exactly.

> [Eg, I am assuming you *do not* run mkfs over
> the Win95 partition.]



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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 10, 1997 at 08:40:35PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> : > Yeah, and?  It allows you to streamline your quota setup.  It also
> : > allows you to have a smaller /var.
> :
> : what does "the qmail way" allow you to do with quotas which you
> : can't do with the standard /var/spool/mail? i can think of one thing
> : which the standard way allows which the "qmail way" doesn't: having
> : separate quotas for /home and /var/spool/mail
> Why should I have to manage quotas for three filesystems instead of
> two?  I already quota /home and /tmp, why on earth would I want to
> have to manage it for /var too?

because it's trivial to do? because you don't have to do it unless you
need it? because it's less work than completely changing the way mail is
handled on your system?

but the bottom line is that it's YOUR system. run it however you like.
My system is MINE, however, and i'll run them how *I* like.

> : > Why do you need to do this?  If your users need to sort their mail,
> : > it's quite easy to use procmail in conjunction with a stock qmail
> : > setup.  You just need to read the FAQ.
> : 
> : The FAQ told me how to use it from a ~/.qmail file. i didn't want to
> : know how to do that (it's damned obvious), I wanted procmail as the MDA.
> I agree with you, for machines with sendmail as the MTA.  Procmail has
> less overhead than deliver or mail.local.  However, it adds overhead on 
> qmail systems, and isn't really used except for guys like us who read
> a bunch of mailing lists using shell accounts, instead of pop3 mailers
> that have their own filters.  For the 5 - 10% of users that actually
> use procmail, I think making that ~/.qmail file that says:

what this means is that (since procmail is such an important part of my
systems' mail handling capabilities) qmail is not useful for me.

> | preline procmail
> isn't all that difficult.

no it's not difficult. the PITA factor comes in because it has to be
done for every account.  As i said, i use procmail as the local delivery
agent - which means that i need a global setting for it, not a per- user

> : there are several reasons why i need to do this:
> : 
> : 1. i don't have to have a "|procmail ..." .forward or .qmail file in
> :every user's home dir.
> Does every user on your box use its features, or does it just deposit mail
> in /var/spool/mail/$USER ?

yes, as i said in my last message, it is part of my system's spam blocking
setup.  every user on my system enjoys the benefits of that.

> :i see procmail as an INTEGRAL part of my systems' mail
> :capabilities, not as a tacked on piece of cruft.
> Again, for YOU.  Not for all of your users.  As a system admin,
> you should be willing to have to take 30 seconds to setup your own
> environment, and have a nice, stable, secure, fast environment for the
> rest of your userbase.

it's MY system.  I really don't care if users wish to have their own
~/.procmailrc or not - that is entirely up to them.  I, however, make
great use of it to block spam.

switching to qmail would involve a hell of a lot more time than 30
seconds.  It would take days to duplicate the functionality of my
current setup, and at the end of that time i would have a setup no
better than what i already have. after that, i would have to enjoy the
dubious pleasures of reproducing the setup on all of the mail systems
that i am responsible for.

> : 2. procmail is part of my 4 tier spam filtering system.  
> Why???  It's too late then.  By that time, you've already accepted the
> mail.  

shit happens. i deal with it. no spam-blocking system can be 100%
effective - there are new spammers and new spamming domains all the
time. they have to spam at least once before they can get in any
blocking list.

My /etc/procmailrc rules catch nearly all of the spam which makes it
through the spamm address, domain and IP blocking rules.

> If you want a more serious spam solution, contact Paul Vixie.  He'll
> offer you BGP peering sessions that blackhole routes for spammers.

i could make use of that if they also distributed plain text lists of
spamming network/netmasks, however a lot of spam is relayed through
other systems which are NOT blocked.  

blocking spam requires a multi-tier approach.

> : - sendmail check_* blocks incoming spam from known spam domains
> :   and spam users, and also prevents spammers from hijacking my
> :   systems
> You mean the way control/badmailfrom and tcpcontrol do?

i suppose so.  it seems like they are comparable features.

> : - procmail as local delivery agent catches a large percentage of the
> :   spam which makes it through tiers 1 & 2 with a handful of simple
> :   rules in the system-wide /etc/procmailrc file
> Too late again.  You've already lost the battle by accepting the mail.
> Now you're on the run trying to get rid of it so you don't have to read
> it instead of concentrating on not

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Remco van de Meent wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
>  : I still don't know of any MUAs which will read mail from either maildir
>  : or ~/Mailbox. admittedly, configuring pine or elm to read ~/Mailbox
>  : rather than the usual spool dir is pretty simplebut that requires
>  : every user on the system to reconfigure their mail client.
> Nope. Use /etc/pine.conf.fixed, to have ALL people's pine looking into the
> same place ($HOME/Mailbox). 

yep, good point.  i forgot about that.


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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Re: configuring the modem

1997-11-11 Thread Shaul Karl.
> I'm new at this. I'm trying to set up my modem and I'm looking for some
> help other that the HOWTO's. 
> Linux is installed on the same machine as Win95. I have an internal 28.8
> modem. 
> I can't seem to get the hang of how to set the modem up  useing
> "setserial". I only want to dial out to my ISP.

Why are you dealing with setserial ? Are the setserial command that is done as 
part of the boot process do not suffice ?
Perhaps you have a PNP modem ?
> If someone sould help or point me in the directions of some simple
> instructions I would be much grateful.

Have you tried to contact your ISP with minicom (or any other equivalent 
software) ?

> Thanks,
>   clif

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magicfilter permissions

1997-11-11 Thread Brian K Servis

This is a permissions problem that I can't straighten out.  I have a
util called hpset that I use to change the print qualilty of my hp
dj660c.  This program currently will only let root execute it since it
writes directly to /dev/lp1.  I want to stick this command in my
magicfilter filter file but it fails due to lack of permissions.  What
do I need to change to give magicfilter(i.e. lpd) permissions to
execute hpset on /dev/lp1?  

This is what is currently set mode wise:

# ls -l /usr/local/bin/hpset
 11 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root10445 Jul 10 16:47 /usr/local/bin/hpset*
# ls -l /dev/lp1
   0 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   1 May 28 17:16 /dev/lp1

By the way this the 'filter' line that I want to put into my
magicfilter filter.

# PostScript
0   %!  filter /usr/local/bin/hpset econo > /dev/null 2>&1;\
   /usr/bin/gs  -q -dBitsPerPixel=1 \
   -dShingling=0 \
   -dDepletion=0 \
   -dSAFER \
   -dNOPAUSE \
   -r300 \
   -sDEVICE=cdj550 \
   -sOutputFile=- -

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On 11 Nov 1997, D. J. Bernstein wrote:

> > i couldn't even get it to use procmail as the local delivery agent
> > instead of qmail-local
> Change ./Mailbox to '|preline procmail' in the qmail-start invocation.

why isn't this in the FAQ?

> > qmail might be excellent at what it does but it's incompatible with
> > /var/spool/mail.
> qmail can run binmail as the delivery agent the same way sendmail
> does.
> Of course, I don't recommend this, since many systems have insecure
> versions of binmail. See, for example, CERT advisory 95:02.

on the other hand, NOT all systems have insecure versions.  Some of
your concerns, especially re: security are quite validothers,
however, like your insistence that ~/Mailbox is somehow superior to
/var/spool/mail, are too context-dependant.

For those that are insecure, there are other (less drastic) ways of fixing
the problem.  e.g. 'login' is insecure on some systems...does that mean
that unix should throw away the entire method, or should it just fix the
problem?  too many other things break when you arbitrarily make such
radical changes to the system.

The fact is that, for most people, the few improvements offered by qmail
are not worth the price of changing the way the rest of their systems
are organised.  

> > it's anti spam features don't seem as good as Claus Assman's check_*
> > rules for sendmail 8.8.x
> By default, qmail refuses SMTP mail not addressed to the local host. You
> can selectively allow relaying from particular IP blocks; see FAQ 5.4.

what about relaying TO particular host/domain names?

> > debian has managed to produce an NFS safe locking library,
> That is incorrect. Debian mailbox locking will fail under high loads.
> libfilelock_0.1-2, like every other dot-locking library with stale lock
> removal, requires that clients actively refresh locks within a specified
> period of real time. Unfortunately, UNIX is not a real-time system.

i haven't tested this under high load conditions so i'll have to take your
word on it.

> > there's also the 'minor' problem that only a few MUAs (i don't know of
> > one except for qmail-popper) will work with qmail's new maildir format.
> maildir is an _option_ in qmail and mutt and exim. It is not the
> default; if you don't want it, don't use it.
> I find it very strange that you refer to this as a ``problem.''

what's the point of having your mail in this great new format if you
cant find a mail reader which can use it? i happen to dislike the way
mutt works, so i do see that as a problem.  There are many MUAs which work
with /var/spool/mail mailboxes, there are several which can trivially be
modified to use ~/Mailbox.  There is 1 which works with maildir.

> > and any site running an automounter daemon for user home directories
> > would be overloaded by qmail insisting on delivering mail to ~
> By default, sendmail looks for .forward in the user's home directory.
> Either you suffer through automounting or you have unreliable .forward
> handling.
> Of course, you can move .forward somewhere else---but the same is true
> of .qmail and Mailbox.

which illustrates the point i was making, which was that your NFS-based
arguments against /var/spool/mail are equally as valid against qmail's

maildir may have some advantages in an NFS environment, but it reminds
me too much of the *.MSG format of fidonet - one file per message -
which gets obscenely slow when there are many files in a directory.

> > in summary, i think that his reasons for doing things the way he
> > does are, for the most part, ill-informed opinion and bigotry.
> Security and reliability are not matters of opinion.

there's more than one way to skin a cat.


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On 11 Nov 1997, D. J. Bernstein wrote:

> > the point was that his NFS argument against /var/spool/mail was
> > irrelevant because home directories are often NFS mounted too
> There is no ``NFS argument against /var/spool/mail.''

except for your argument that /var/spool/mail is unsafe in an NFS

> The fundamental problem with /var/spool/mail is security. It's not easy
> to handle a world-writable directory safely.

it is not at all difficult to set the permissions on /var/spool/mail
correctly, and it is trivial to make adduser (or whatever other user
creation procedure you use) run "touch /var/spool/mail/USER ; chown
USER.mail /var/spool/mail/user"

> (Big ISPs have another problem with /var/spool/mail: on most systems,
> reading a large directory takes a long time.)

which is an argument against maildir, is it not?


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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1997-11-11 Thread Rik Johns
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Nov 11 11:17:16 1997
>Received: (qmail 1649 invoked by uid 38); 11 Nov 1997 19:13:33 -
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> Tue, 11 Nov 1997 14:16:03 -0500 (EST)
>Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 14:16:03 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Re: HELLO
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>In a message dated 11/11/97 4:02:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> 4) and it was my impression, that aol users were unable to connect
>>  to the Internet using the Aol servers..who knows...:/...
>Depending on the game you can do it under Win95.
Doh!!, sorry, I meant that it was my Understanding that Aol Users
where un-able to connect to the Aol Servers, via linux. I know this
is the case on my acct, as they said I would never be able to
connect my Boxes to there NT servers. Well I did, so I maybe mistakin
in regards to Aol Users connecting to the Aol Servers.
"I don't do Windoze" Seen on a shirt I made...:)
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Debian Newbie Setup Questions...

1997-11-11 Thread Andy Akins
Hello. I'm considering trying out Linux (Debian in particular) and I have
some questions concerning the Debian distribution. I want to check and see
if the Debian system will be compatable with my machine. I've looked in a
lot of HOW-TOs, but they seem to deal with the Linux kernel in general
rather than Debian specifically.

My machine:
  Pentium 90MHz laptop (DFI model 7200)
  Mouse Port mouse
  32 meg ram
  800 meg IDE hardrive
  1.4meg floppy
  PCIC compatable PCMCIA slot (I have no idea what chipset, I just
know Windows 95 uses the PCIC driver, and it works).
  Cirrus Logic 754X video.
  800x600 TFT LCD monitor.
  28.8 hayes "standard" PCMCIA modem.

My big concern is the PCMCIA slot - since I'll want to dial into my ISP
once the floppy install is done and finish the install using FTP, I need to
know if the Debian base floppy install supports PCMCIA in general (and my
PCIC compatable chipset specifically), and what do I need to do to use it
(if present), otherwise I won't be able to finish installing the stuff.

If anyone sees any other conflicts/problems with the setup above, please
don't hesitate to let me know.


| Andrew Akins   |
| May your villages remain ignorant of tax collectors, and may your  |
| sons be many and ugly and strong and willing workers, and may your |
| daughters be few and beautiful and excellent providers of love |
| gifts from eminent families that live very far away, and may your  |
| lives be blessed by the beauty that has touched mine.  |
|- Number Ten Ox, "Bridge of Birds"  |

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Re: Mounting iso9660 image?

1997-11-11 Thread Olivier THARAN
On Tue, Nov 11, 1997 at 03:22:44PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is it possible to somehow mount an iso9660 image file that was
> made with the mkisofs package?  I'd like to check out what was
> actually put in the image before doing a CD burn.  Even a non-Linux
> solution might be useful.

You must have a kernel with the loopback option enabled, and then you can
mount your image as:

# mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cd_image /cdrom

and your image will appear under /cdrom

Reading the CD-Writing Howto would be of great help.

Olivier Tharan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lisp Users: Due to the holiday, there will be no garbage collection on 

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Re: Mounting iso9660 image?

1997-11-11 Thread Ben Pfaff
> Is it possible to somehow mount an iso9660 image file that was
> made with the mkisofs package?  I'd like to check out what was
> actually put in the image before doing a CD burn.  Even a non-Linux
> solution might be useful.

I believe that this can be done using loopback devices.  Try `man
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Re: Mounting iso9660 image?

1997-11-11 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is it possible to somehow mount an iso9660 image file that was
> made with the mkisofs package?  I'd like to check out what was
> actually put in the image before doing a CD burn.  Even a non-Linux
> solution might be useful.

I believe you're looking for the loopback filesystem kernel option.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Mounting iso9660 image?

1997-11-11 Thread Richard . Dansereau

Is it possible to somehow mount an iso9660 image file that was
made with the mkisofs package?  I'd like to check out what was
actually put in the image before doing a CD burn.  Even a non-Linux
solution might be useful.


Richard Dansereau
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Manitoba - Canada

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Router installation

1997-11-11 Thread Ian Keith Setford

I am trying to install an Ascend Pipeline 25px ISDN router.  The 25px is
able to accept a dynamically assigned IP.  I have read and done what the
ISP-Hoohup HOWTO instructed but no net access. :(  I also had problems
getting minicom to work so I could configure the router but I eventually
configured it on a Win machine and it works on that machine.  I'm unsure
if I need PPP stuff running or not because the router has a nic interface
and is plugged into the same hub as the Linux machine.  My local network
works just fine as far as connectivity is concerned.  If you have
experience setting up Ascend routers in Linux I would really appreciate a
walk through.

Thanks in advance!!


Version: 2.6.2


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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread D. J. Bernstein
> the point was that his NFS argument against /var/spool/mail was
> irrelevant because home directories are often NFS mounted too

There is no ``NFS argument against /var/spool/mail.''

The fundamental problem with /var/spool/mail is security. It's not easy
to handle a world-writable directory safely.

(Big ISPs have another problem with /var/spool/mail: on most systems,
reading a large directory takes a long time.)

As a separate issue, mbox format is unreliable when the system crashes.
It doesn't matter whether mailboxes are stored in home directories or in
a central directory. The relevance of NFS is that it makes mbox format
even more unreliable; you can lose mail even if the systems never crash.

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Re: Update: mounting MS-DOS fs onto Linux

1997-11-11 Thread Charles Read
Were you able to "mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt"
your Win95 partition without any special work?
[Eg, I am assuming you *do not* run mkfs over
the Win95 partition.]


>> One possible unconfirmed cause (Okay, a guess)  Is the Win95 
>> OSR2?  (Fat32?)  To my knoweldge, the vfat filesystem doesn't yet
>> support the alterations made by OSR2.
>> Matt
>I have a bleeding-edge Windows95 OSR2 installation (October1997 OEM)
>and (Debian) Linux reads it fine as vfat.  It isn't FAT32; that's
>something else again, not dependent, I believe, on OSR2.

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Re: Anybody using Syquest drives??

1997-11-11 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > 
> > Anybody using Syquest drives under Linux, especially the SyJet?? I am
> > considering buying one and wonder about their quality and reliability.
> I am in exactly the same situation - though I already decided to buy one.
> I had previous experience with Jaz drive - that was garbage, it choked
> on the first defective cartridge and died right on the spot. 

 I've had no problems with my EZFlyer (the 230Mb model). It worked out of 
the box once I plugged it into my SCSI card. I was able to use mke2fs to 
reformat a disk to have an ext2 file system without a problem. It's been 
running just fine, and is about as fast as the (older) IDE drives in the 

 From what I've been able to gather, the Zip and Jaz drives actually 
use the disk itself to store the necessary parameter information that the 
servomotors use to read the disk. That is, the disk tells the drive how 
to read it. If the servo portion of the disk fails, at best the disk is 
unreadable. At worst, I've heard that the servos can go crazy and damage 
the drive. (Note that this is only what I have heard, I've never actually 
owned any Iomega products.)


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Every question has a simple, easy-to-understand wrong answer."
-H. L. Mencken

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Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread D. J. Bernstein
> i couldn't even get it
> to use procmail as the local delivery agent instead of qmail-local

Change ./Mailbox to '|preline procmail' in the qmail-start invocation.

> qmail might be excellent at what it does but it's incompatible with
> /var/spool/mail.

qmail can run binmail as the delivery agent the same way sendmail does.

Of course, I don't recommend this, since many systems have insecure
versions of binmail. See, for example, CERT advisory 95:02.

> it's anti spam features don't seem as good as Claus Assman's check_*
> rules for sendmail 8.8.x

By default, qmail refuses SMTP mail not addressed to the local host. You
can selectively allow relaying from particular IP blocks; see FAQ 5.4.

> debian has managed to produce an NFS safe locking library,

That is incorrect. Debian mailbox locking will fail under high loads.

libfilelock_0.1-2, like every other dot-locking library with stale lock
removal, requires that clients actively refresh locks within a specified
period of real time. Unfortunately, UNIX is not a real-time system.

Example: The delivery agent is about to write the last block of a
message to a mailbox that it has ``safely'' locked. The write takes ten
minutes to get through to the server. Meanwhile, an MUA on the server
sees the ``stale'' lock file, removes it, and reads the mailbox---with a
truncated message. Oops.

Reliability means never having to say you're sorry.

> there's also the 'minor' problem that only a few MUAs (i don't know of
> one except for qmail-popper) will work with qmail's new maildir format.

maildir is an _option_ in qmail and mutt and exim. It is not the
default; if you don't want it, don't use it.

I find it very strange that you refer to this as a ``problem.''

> and any site running an automounter daemon for user home
> directories would be overloaded by qmail insisting on delivering mail to ~

By default, sendmail looks for .forward in the user's home directory.
Either you suffer through automounting or you have unreliable .forward

Of course, you can move .forward somewhere else---but the same is true
of .qmail and Mailbox.

> in summary, i think that his reasons for doing things the way he does
> are, for the most part, ill-informed opinion and bigotry.

Security and reliability are not matters of opinion.

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Re: mutt for bo & libc5

1997-11-11 Thread David Puyrear
Otavio Exel wrote:
> hi everybody,
> I'm using Debian 1.3 bo libc5 only; for some reason (high degree of
> newbieness :-) I wouldn't like to mess with libc6 for now;
> last month I received a message from
> stating that there was a mutt package for libc5; like that:

It's in the Incoming, so try here:


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Re: Posting to usenet

1997-11-11 Thread Trevor Barrie
Amendment to previous message: /sbin/route produces different output when
I'm connected. It's

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface * UH0  00 ppp0
loopnet *   U 0  04 lo
default UG0  03 ppp0

Everything else seems to be the same.

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Re: Posting to usenet

1997-11-11 Thread Trevor Barrie
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

> > Okay, tin works, sort of. It seems it still can't find my hostname since
> > my From: lines show up as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but I can manually edit that.
> > It's a pain though.
> > 
> > (The file /usr/doc/tin/INSTALL.gz cryptically recommends that I "check
> > that DOMAIN_NAME & INEWS_MAIL_DOMAIN are correctly set to produce a
> > correct From: headers for your site." Set how? Setting these as
> > environment variables has no effect... surely these don't need to be fixed
> > at compile-time?)

> Don't know, but you could edit ~/.tin/tinrc
> There you have a line:
> # user's mail address, if not [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> mail_address=

Okay, that works. (OTOH, I'm not enamoured with tin, so it would be nice
if I could figure out how to get trn to work.)

> But your box is screwed up somhow.
> What do "hostname" and "dnsdomainname" say?

Hostname spits out "drollsden", which for silly and irrelevant reasons is
the name I chose for my machine. dnsdomainname produces no output at all.

> /etc/hosts ?   localhost   loopback drollsden

That is admittedly suspicious, but according to the ISP-Hookup
HOWTO that's the correct syntax when using dynamic IP assignment.

> route ? (I get out of ideas right now :-)

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
loopnet *   U 0  04 lo

Which means nothing to me.:)

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Re: bounced mails

1997-11-11 Thread Pete Templin

On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> I get e-mail from various people's server about mail bouncing.  This
> appears to be a problem with the debian list-serv.

FYI:  The bounceograms are, in fact, from various peoples' servers, and in
particular, ones that don't follow standardized email RFCs.  As Debian
listmaster, I receive an average of 500 bounceograms per day (aren't
filters great?).  Since those bounceograms keeping arriving and nothing
has changed with respect to the Debian lists, I'm well convinced that the
Debian mailing lists are working properly.

Now, a request for the masses: In the future, please READ the automatic
footer on the bottom of the various Debian mailing lists.  If there is
trouble with the mailing lists, email me at my day job.  Since it is a
"day job", I shouldn't rightfully be reading debian-user all day long, and
directing the message to me will help speed results (I read through
debian-user on my own time, which is sporadic, so I'm not as likely to
notice a message in the heaps of new mail there).  Please DO NOT send
messages like this through the list(s)...chances are, it won't do any good
for 99% of the folks who get the message (or at least 99% can't fix it).



Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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1997-11-11 Thread DebianUser
In a message dated 11/11/97 4:02:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> 4) and it was my impression, that aol users were unable to connect
>  to the Internet using the Aol servers..who knows...:/...
Depending on the game you can do it under Win95.

Now for something more on topic. (But still pretty much a waste of time) Try
running the old DOS version of AOL (1.6) under DOS-EMU. Pretty limited on
what it can do email/usenet/ftp. But still a "solution" to someone who has a
local ISP for when there at home and AOL (Provided free from work) 
for when on the road (DOS AOL only runs at 14.4 and requires some
modifications to PCAOLS setup as well as DOS-EMU's.)



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1.3.1 Setup with ULTRA DMA disk

1997-11-11 Thread Alex Monaghan

I attempted to install Debian 1.3.1 from the Linux Systems Labs "Official" 
Debian CD onto my father's PC.

This installed OK from the boot floppy made from the CD.

When booting from the rescue disk it finds ide0 at irq14 and ide1 at irq 15 and 
all works OK, when booting via LILO or via the install process's boot disk it 
finds ide0 at irq 7 and the md driver fails to load and the boot process stops.

Any suggestions ?

I'm going over again at the weekend and would like to get Linux running if I 

Alex Monaghan

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Glenn Amerine
> "ychim" == ychim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ychim> MS said that there is no Linux port.  Brian K Servis wrote:
>>  Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
>> M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
>>  It is even
>> more bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk
>> space when done installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!
>> Brian Servis -- Mechanical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED] Purdue
>> University

I don't know if they still do or not, but at one time M$ owned some
shares of SCO. Since Linux and FreeBSD are battling with ODT and
UnixWare for the Intel Unix market, it seems like they would never
even consider a version for Linux.

Glenn Amerine   Inet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Systems AnalystVoice: (614)224-1336
Metropolitan Human Services Commission  Fax: (614)224-6472

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mutt for bo & libc5

1997-11-11 Thread Otavio Exel
hi everybody,

I'm using Debian 1.3 bo libc5 only; for some reason (high degree of
newbieness :-) I wouldn't like to mess with libc6 for now;

last month I received a message from
stating that there was a mutt package for libc5; like that:

> Description: 
>  mutt - Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, PGP and threading.
> Changes: 
>  mutt (0.85-0) stable; urgency=low
> .
> * Fixed the "sendmail=no" problem reported by Damir J. Naden.
> * This is essentially 0.85-3 built for libc5 systems.
> * The "0.85-0" prevents dpkg from viewing it as an upgrade to
>   any libc6 release of 0.85.
> * Built without preserved timestamps.

I'm looking forward to have mutt installed but I just can't find this
package in; could anyone please tell me where I can find
it? this is the 3rd time I post this question!!

(help me! I'm tired of downloading ls-lR.gz every day..)


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Chad D. Zimmerman
On Wed, 12 Nov 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> MS said that there is no Linux port.

Sun Computer running Solaris.  Thats all they are planning on releasing
> Brian K Servis wrote:
> > 
> > Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
> > 
> > M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
> >  It is even more
> > bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk space when done
> > installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!
> > 
> > Brian Servis
> > --
> > Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Purdue University
> > 
> > --
> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
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> --
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
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Chad D. Zimmerman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Southwest Technology Development Institute
New Mexico State University

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread ychim
MS said that there is no Linux port.

Brian K Servis wrote:
> Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
> M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
>  It is even more
> bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk space when done
> installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!
> Brian Servis
> --
> Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purdue University
> --
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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Re: Netscape 4 news

1997-11-11 Thread Simon's Mailing List Account
On 11 Nov 1997, James Troup wrote:

> Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Has nothing to due with previous post ;-) Version 4.04 is out for
> > ALL Linux platforms but Alpha.  Even one for mklinux!!
> You have a broken definition of "ALL". (There's no m68k one either)

Actually, even more broken; the only Linux/Sparc version is the SunOS
one run under syscall emulation.

Sysadmin, Shodor Education Foundation

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!], `Pray,
Mr.  Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right
answers come out?'  I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of
confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Bill Leach
Flame ON:

I suppose that this is just some of my own "sour grapes", anti-Micro$loth 
bigotry but...

Should anyone be surprised!?  To Micro$loth people, "they ARE the world" and 
what 'they' do "IS the standard".

Though I may well be "full of it", I really do believe that Micro$sloth really 
does make changes purely for the purpose
of making it difficult, impractical or legally impossible to be compatible with 
M$ without their proprietary software.

Not only did they (in my opinion) scr*w IBM (in multiple ways -- and this way 
done by a guy, again in my opinion,
that would be 'nobody' today were in not for the 'power' and influence of IBM 
-- and I am definately NOT fond of IBM
myself) but in particular by altering the Windoz interface to attempt to 
preclude WinOS2 compatibility but they now
seem to be h*ll bent to Micro$loth only alterations to the www and (I'm sure 
eventually) the Internet itself.

Not that anyone else might care but Micro$loth wrote AmigaBASIC.  This was a 
program that was buggy, unbelievably
large and slow, and violated the most basic demand in the "Amiga ROM Kernel" 
manuals (the bibles for AmigaOS
programming) by using the upper 8 bit of addresses for 'flag' storage.

I think even oil and water mix better than do the "Micro$loth paradigm and the 
Unix paradigm (much less

Flame OFF:

So no, I for one am not particulaly surprised that "Explorer" might prove to be 
less than satisfactory!


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1997-11-11 Thread Bruce Perens
4) And be sure to tell all your friends to not get ripped off on winmodems
the way you did. They won't run Linux either.

Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it?
Linux - the supportable operating system.
Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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Re: squid

1997-11-11 Thread Behan Webster
Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> According to Behan Webster:
> > I have squid installed, but something seems to be wrong as everytime
> > the computer boots I get the following error messages:
> >
> > (In truth there are a dozen or so of the following line preceding the
> > these error messages, but I cut them out for brevity as they all say
> > the same thing, except for the number in front of the IOT keeps
> > increasing. )
> >
> >
> > Sun Nov  9 14:01:48 EST 1997: Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >> 
> > /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
> >   /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 38:   337 IOT trap/Abort
> >   squid -D -s $conf 1>&3 2>&3
> Which version of squid are you running, and which libc[56] are you using?
> Squid-1.1.1 in "stable" is old and outdated, but otherwise it's somewhat
> OK. Alas it's very hard to get new releases into "stable" unless they
> fix serious bugs. This might just be such a bug :)

I was running the libc5 version from bo (1.1.1-1), but then I upgraded
to the libc5 version in hamm (1.1.10-1).  The same problems occurred
with both versions.

The interesting thing is this only occurs when squid is started at boot
time.  Once I can login as root, I just do a "/etc/init.d/squid start"
and everything is happy.



Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Update: mounting MS-DOS fs onto Linux

1997-11-11 Thread Pete Harlan
> One possible unconfirmed cause (Okay, a guess)  Is the Win95 partition
> OSR2?  (Fat32?)  To my knoweldge, the vfat filesystem doesn't yet
> support the alterations made by OSR2.
> Matt

I have a bleeding-edge Windows95 OSR2 installation (October1997 OEM)
and (Debian) Linux reads it fine as vfat.  It isn't FAT32; that's
something else again, not dependent, I believe, on OSR2.


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info about shadow needed

1997-11-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski

I have some difficulties in understanding the /etc/gshadow file.

A excerpt:


The second field is the group password, right?
A * means password disabled (as in /etc/shadow), but what about x, ! and
the empty field?


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Re: new iso9660 debian image?

1997-11-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Dirk Vleugels wrote:
> i'm thinking about switching to Debian 1.3.1. I guess the easiest solution
> is to download the prebuild cdrom image, but it's already pretty old (Jul 7).
> Is there a newer image (with all new .deb files included) available? If not,
> would it be a better idear to mirror the whole i386 debian stable tree
> and build my own cd's?
Easiest thing: Make a cd from the image (how many MBs are these ?!?) or
get a CD from JF Lehmann Buchhandlung, Köln for 20 DM. Install from the

Upgrade to the newest stable tree via dselect's ftp method.
Since you don't mind downloading the whole image, the ftp method is what
you want. Maybe you can also use the nfs mount option (I do this to mount
my university's debian mirror).

> Where do i get infos about the directory structure needed on such a cd?
There is a debian-cd package which does all the magic, but this won't help
you much for now :-)


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Re: Netscape 4 news

1997-11-11 Thread James Troup
Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Has nothing to due with previous post ;-) Version 4.04 is out for
> ALL Linux platforms but Alpha.  Even one for mklinux!!

You have a broken definition of "ALL". (There's no m68k one either)


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Re: nenscript + gs

1997-11-11 Thread Pere Camps

> Oops, I forgot, you need to add `' at the end in addition to
> `-dNOPAUSE'.

Ok! It worked. Thanks.

Salutacions, Pere     __o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Chad D. Zimmerman
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, Brian K Servis wrote:

> Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
> M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
>  It is even more 
> bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk space when done
> installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!  

They tried it here ... took it off an hour later after it crashed the
server 2 times and used up all the ram and swap and still wanted more.
Not good for a start.

> Brian Servis
> -- 
> Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purdue University
> --
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Chad D. Zimmerman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Southwest Technology Development Institute
New Mexico State University

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Re: mail tuning

1997-11-11 Thread Ryan Smith-Roberts
Hash: SHA1

> I was thinking of setting up a mail server for 3,000 user accounts.
> But I want to know what kind of tuning I can do.  I have used
> ipop3d under Red Hat before and it reads the entire mailbox, 
> what if the user has 2 mail, down goes the server.

One word: quotas.

- -- 
\/\ | Ryan Smith-Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | finger 4 PGP
/\/ | "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant
\/\ | today as you were a year ago." -Bernard Berenson
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mail tuning

1997-11-11 Thread RedHat Linux User
I was thinking of setting up a mail server for 3,000 user accounts.
But I want to know what kind of tuning I can do.  I have used
ipop3d under Red Hat before and it reads the entire mailbox, 
what if the user has 2 mail, down goes the server.

any ideas ?


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Re: nenscript + gs

1997-11-11 Thread Ben Pfaff
Pere Camps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Does anybody have a way to automatize this? IE, I don't want to
> type  and quit everytime I run this script.

Oops, I forgot, you need to add `' at the end in addition to
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bounced mails

1997-11-11 Thread Shaleh
I get e-mail from various people's server about mail bouncing.  This
appears to be a problem with the debian list-serv.

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Re: nenscript + gs

1997-11-11 Thread Pere Camps

> > type  and quit everytime I run this script.
> Add -dNOPAUSE.

It doesn't work... I get the same result.

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Netscape 4 news

1997-11-11 Thread Shaleh
Has nothing to due with previous post ;-) Version 4.04 is out for ALL
Linux platforms but Alpha.  Even one for mklinux!!

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Problems using adduser with NIS

1997-11-11 Thread David Maslen
I'm having difficulty adding users to my network which runs nis.
I have a mail server which also stores the home directories.
This is where I set up new users, but users cannot log into this machine.
They access their directories over NFS, and get their mail the same way
through qmail's Mailbox system.

To restrict access to the mail server, I have those +| type lines
halfway through my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files (with the right number 
of bars).

If I try to use the adduser perl script, it stuffs up, because the group
hasn't actually been created by the first stage, to be used in the second

Switching NIS off while I do it, won't help because the NIS either replaces
what comes after +||| or ignoes it.

I haven't tried it, but I imagine I could manually delete the +||| in the 
passwd and group files. Run adduser and then put them back. That might be
slightly easier than manually setting things up, but not by much.

Has anyone else found this to be a problem? And perhaps have a solution?



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Re: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Richard A. Guay

Since we have Solaris 2.5.1 on a few systems here I tried it out.  It does
not work worth a penny!  All of the screens come up black!  It expects to be
the only program running and hogs all of the color space!  It does not even
use it's own color map.  What a piece of junk!

-Original Message-
From: Brian K Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Mailing List 
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 1997 10:46 AM
Subject: [OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris

>Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!
>M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.
>  It is even more
>bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk space when done
>installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!
>Brian Servis
>Mechanical Engineering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Purdue University
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Re: printer trouble (solved)

1997-11-11 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
> On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> Hi!
> > 
> > I recently got a problem with a printer filter used by lpr.  The filter
> > is used for a HP Deskjet 870 cxi, and used to work properly on this
> > machine, and still does on other machines:
> > 
> > The princap entry is [OMITTED]
> > 
> > The filter /etc/filters/ looks like:
> > 
> > #!/bin/sh
> > 
> > /usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=cdj550 \
> > -q \
> > -r300x300 \
> > -sPAPERSIZE=a4 \
> > -dNOPAUSE \
> > -dSAFER \
> > -sOutputFile=- \
> > - | \
> > lpr -Php870raw
> > 
> > 
> > hp870raw is a remote printer.  The problem might be caused by the
> > fact that gs was recently replaced with Alladin-gs, version 4.03-7.  If
> > I run `lpr -Pcol1', I see with ps -eaxfwww that gs is run with
> > the following arguments:
> > /usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=lvga256 -sDEVICE=cdj550 -q -r300x300 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ...
> >  ^^^
> > It doesn't stop, and nothing gets printed.
> > 
> > Now who or what put -sDEVICE=lvga256 there?  I printed the environment
> > from the filter, and did not see a GS_DEVICE variable.  I tried to set
> > the GS_DEVICE variable in the filter, but it didn't help.  
> It is gs that put -sDEVICE=lvga256 there! In fact, /usr/bin/gs is not
> the "real" program, it is just a wrapper, which, in particular,
> adds the parameter above as an then calls /usr/, whihc
> is the "real" program. The parameter is added when gs thinks that the
> program is running outside X11, so that the svga device is used as the 
> default one (if the fprogram is running under X11, the X device is the 
> default one). 
> In any case, the -sDEVICE=cdj550 overwrites the default device, so this
> is not the cause of the problem.
> > Even more
> > mysterious, if I run ` <', it works correctly!
> However, this should not work if you execute the script as root
> (In fact i think that the problem occurs since your filter is executed 
> with root permissions).
> If gs is executed with superuser permissions, it tries to initialize the 
> svga library and this produces garbage messages on the stdout
> something like "Svga libraries version xxx.yyy, using virtual console #7";
> these messages are sent to the printer, which gets confused and does not
> print correctly.
> To see if this is the cause of the problem, you can execute
> < 
> as root: it should NOT print correctly.

This is true: it dumps core.  However, when run from lpr, the filter is
run as daemon, not root.  

> Solutions:

[ did not help, since the problem was not superuser permissions ]

I finally got the printer working again via lpr by purging the packages
lpr ghostview gs-aladdin gsfonts (in that order, with dpkg --purge).
Then I reinstalled


(yes, the brand new gs-aladdin package from Marco Pistore's home page,

And presto!  It works again after reinstallation of the proper printcap,
and the unchanged filter.  I haven't got the slightest idea what was
wrong, but I'm glad it is fixed again.

Thanks for everyone's comments.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

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[OFF TOPIC] M$ Explorer for Solaris!!!!

1997-11-11 Thread Brian K Servis
Look out *NIX world here comes M$!!!

M$ has released preview 1 of M$ Explorer for Solaris 2.5.  It is even more 
bloated than Communicator it says it need 30M of disk space when done
installing and 60M during the install, YIKES!  

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

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Netscape 4 question

1997-11-11 Thread Shaleh
When i try to run Netscape I get a "IOT trapped/abort (core dump)"
message.  Anyone seen this.  It just started last night and to my
knowledge nothing has changed.

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JDK 1.1.4 deb

1997-11-11 Thread Timothy Phan

  Is the JDK 1.1.4 debian package available yet?  Thanks!

   Timothy C. Phan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
    NEC America, Inc. ASL
    1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
  tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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Re: pseudo-static IP for webserver?

1997-11-11 Thread Daniel Martin
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Rick Hawkins wrote:

> I wish I knew enough about the details here to phrase this right, but
> anyway:
> I need to test software that uses a browser to control it.  That is,
> news & web accounts on the server are administratively controlled
> through web pages from other machines.  (the server runs apache).
> To test this, I need to use a machine that has no access to the world
> other than a modem.  So it needs to sit as a server, and also run a
> session on another machine running a browser to access the server
> (though preliminary testing could have the browser on the same machine).

Well, assuming that the browser is one of those that allows the use of
tags (like, for example, Netscape) tags, you could do what I do and create
a page on a server with a static IP that changes automatically each time
you dial in.  I have a web page describing how I do this (note that at the
time the descriptive page was made, I was just making a web page with
links to my home machine, rather than redirects, but modifying it should
be trivial)  The page is reachable from, which also describes
something I did with my apache configuration to make it better deal
with having a variable IP address - you may want to look into this.

If the browser doesn't support those non-standard tags, then at least you
can have a page sitting at a known address that maintains a link to your


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1997-11-11 Thread Lisa, Sian, Becki and Richard
I have just installed cmucl, carnigie Mellon University Commol Lisp.  If
there is sufficient interest I am willing to package it, but as it quite a
large, complex system, I would rather not spend a lot of time packaging it
if there was no interest.  It includes PCL and CLX, to requested packages,
as well as other extensions to Common Lisp, including its own built in
emacs-like editor, hemlock.  So if anyone is interested in a debian package
let me know and I will package it.


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1997-11-11 Thread tko
Quick question... Where is the configuration information for the initial xterm
window which is opened when xdm starts up fvwm95?

I like the font in the additional xterm windows and the font in the initial
xterm windows is harder to read. Thanks!

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK - member of ARRL
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Re: CD-ROM & Floppy

1997-11-11 Thread tko
RON BROWN writes:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am having problems mounting my cd-rom and 3 1/2 floppy to read files 
> and programs from them. Can anyone help me with this matter.
OK, first ? - what type of CDROM drive do you have? (IDE, SCSI, or OTHER)
second ? - What kind of floppies are you trying to read? (MSDOS, WIN95, LINUX,

Answer these questions and we can help you. 8-)

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK - member of ARRL
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

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Re: nenscript + gs

1997-11-11 Thread Ben Pfaff
Pere Camps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   Does anybody have a way to automatize this? IE, I don't want to
> type  and quit everytime I run this script.

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Re: installing 1.3 and Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 (ISA)

1997-11-11 Thread Steve Mayer

  If memory serves me correct, the current version of the eepro driver is
hardcoded (somehow) to work on IRQ 5.  Do you have a sound card installed
on IRQ 5? The latest driver from the author fixes this problem.  Look in
the driver source for his email address.

  Also, check using dmesg as to what ethernet connection the driver is
using.  The module should show 10B2 or 10BT (if you have a combo card)

  As a last resort, have you used the SOFTSET2 program that came with the
card to do a diagnostic on it?

Steve Mayer

Alan Su wrote:

> Hi everyone-
> I hope this is the right list...I'm having a problem getting Debian
> Linux to recognize my Ethernet adapter, the Intel EtherExpress Pro/10
> (the ISA version).  So far, I've done the following:
>  - disabled PnP for the card
>  - set the interrupt to IRQ 10
>  - set the I/O address to 0x240
>  - installed Debian 1.3
>  - passed the following paramaters to the eepro driver (during
>installation): irq=10 io=0x240
> During the driver installation, it claims to find the card.  When I
> boot up the system, however, nothing seems to be working.  ifconfig
> reports the correct interrupt and i/o address (as well as the ip
> address, netmask, and such), but there's no activity.
> Any suggestions are welcome...thanks!
> -alan
> --
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nenscript + gs

1997-11-11 Thread Pere Camps

Does anybody have a way to automatize this? IE, I don't want to
type  and quit everytime I run this script.

nenscript -B -FCourier5  -fCourier6 -p./ $1
gs -q -I/usr/share/ghostscript/3.33/fonts/ -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=./


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Re: Stop rc5v2 client, Bovine team won 56 bit secret key challenge!

1997-11-11 Thread Nicola Bernardelli

On Fri, 24 Oct 1997, Britton wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Nicola Bernardelli wrote:
> >  I don't think it has already been reported on this mailing list,
> > anyway, just for who is letting the rc5v2 client run:
> > gives details. Ok, maybe the Linux community started late and we were not
> > the greatest contributors, but we _did_ contribute to that 47% keyspace
> > exploration. 
> Team linux did quite well, I think coming in second only to the Mac team
> (which consists mostly of 64 bit RISC procs, and even then, when that
> client is running the machine is bogged, ie click... wait 3 secs... ah now
> my window is in working on coming into the foreground:)  

Hello, nice to meet you after so long. Well... did they mention Linux in
their "press" pages on the WEB? It didn't jump to my eye indeed... nor to
Netscrape find text command anyway... And if it is definitely confirmed
they didn't, then I won't run their client anymore (apart that I also had
notified them a bug for which some of them told it may had been causing
some hundreds blocks lost per day). 


> Anyway, the
> bovine team has plunged straight into the 64 bit effort!  Since
> involvement has really exploded lately, they figure they may be able to
> slove it almost as fast if they get the same participation.  I already
> have the new client, rc564, running.  If anyone wants to get involved, I
> would be happy to help with the few questions that may come up as yo
> uinstall and configure the very straightforward client. 
> > 
> >  Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ---
> >  Please use <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for messages from any kind of
> > robot, such as mailing lists. From that address no autoresponse
> > messages will come, even when I am away for some days.
> > ---
> > 
> > 
> > --
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> > 
> > 

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Re: can't install LILO

1997-11-11 Thread LeRoy D. Cressy
Manos Papantoniou wrote:
> perhaps you should make the linux root partition bootable (if you
> haven't done it already)
> Manos Papantoniou


though using the linux partition to boot is the optium idea, I don't
if Ken's bios can boot from the second ide hd.  One option is to switch
the order of the hard drives making the hdb become the hda drive.  This 
is one way to solve the problem.  Another is located in
and discribes the booting from a dos partition with its inherent
Follows is a small portion of this file concerning booting from a dos 

/boot on a DOS partition
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Recent kernels support all the functions LILO needs to map files also on
MS-DOS (or UMSDOS) file systems. Since DOS partitions tend to occupy
exactly the places where BIOS restrictions (see section "BIOS
restrictions") are invisible, they're an ideal location for /boot if the
native Linux file systems can't be used because of BIOS problems.

In order to accomplish this, the DOS partition is mounted read-write, a
directory (e.g. /dos/linux) is created, all files from /boot are moved
that directory, /boot is replaced by a symbolic link to it, the kernels
also moved to the new directory, their new location is recorded in
/etc/lilo.conf, and finally /sbin/lilo is run.

>From then on, new kernels must always be copied into that directory on
DOS partition before running /sbin/lilo, e.g. when recompiling a kernel,
the standard procedure changes from

# make zlilo


# make zImage
# mv /dos/linux/vmlinuz /dos/linux/vmlinuz.old
# mv arch/i386/boot/zImage /dos/linux/vmlinuz
# /sbin/lilo

_WARNING:_ De-fragmenting such a DOS partition is likely to make Linux
even the whole system unbootable. Therefore, the DOS partition should
either not be de-fragmented, or a Linux boot disk should be prepared
tested) to bring up Linux and to run /sbin/lilo after the

  *  Setting the "system" attribute from DOS on the critical files (e.g.
everything in C:\LINUX) may help to protect them from being
However, the boot floppy should still be ready, just in case.

This may help, but because dos cannot see other partitions other than
its own,
you could make a tiny boot partition on /dev/hda by shrinking the dos
on /dev/hda using fips.  then format this small partition as an ext2
and make it bootable and remove the boot sector from /dev/hda1.

I realize that i have presented several options, but I wish you luck
with your
endeavors with this problem.


> Ken Deboy wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I'm having trouble installing LILO inder Debian 1.3.1 (installing
> > from floppies).
> > My disks:
> > /dev/hda DOS/Win3.1 boot
> > /dev/hdb1DOS FAT16
> > /dev/hdb2Linux Swap
> > /dev/hdb3Linux Root
> > /dev/hdb4Minix
> >
> > My /etc/lilo.conf file:
> >
> > boot=/dev/hda
> > compact
> > vga=normal
> > install=/boot/boot.b
> > map=/boot/map
> > ramdisk=0
> > prompt
> > timeout=200
> > message=/boot/startup.message
> > default=3
> > ## LINUX
> > image=/vmlinuz
> > root=/dev/hdb3
> > read-only
> > label=3
> > ## DOS/Windows
> > other=/dev/hda1
> > table=/dev/hda
> > label=1
> > ## MINIX
> > other=/dev/hdb4
> > label=2
> >
> > When I run LILO, the HD light comes on for a second, I get a message
> > that 1 and 2 are added... then I reboot and instead of LILO coming
> > up, the computer just boots DOS. Shouldn't the line
> >
> > boot=/dev/hda
> >
> > cause LILO to write itself to the MBR of the first HD? Any ideas? I'm
> > sure the HD is OK - it worked last week under a different Linux but I
> > want to run Debian. I made sure I turned off all the anti-virus stuff
> > under DOS, too, just in case before booting Debian from floppy and
> > running LILO. Thanks...
> >
> > Ken Deboy
> >
> > --
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  0 0
___ooO ~ Ooo___

LeRoy D. Cressy  /\_/\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Consulting ( o.o ) (215) 389-5870
 > ^ <

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Re: where to place locate TeX style files

1997-11-11 Thread Christian Leutloff
Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For a style file, it would be:
>   /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/
> Then run texhash.

Brian Mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Have you tried placing them under
>   /usr/lib/texmf/local/tex/latex

> Hope that helps.

yes, it does. Thanks a lot.


Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany

Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.1! Mehr unter

Description: PGP signature

xbiff's bitmaps?

1997-11-11 Thread Branden Robinson
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the traditional old mailbox
bitmaps (the ones that are "ugly") for xbiff are?

I've dug around /usr/X11R6 quite a bit and can find neither the bitmaps
nor an app-defaults for xbiff that would control this.  The man page also
didn't mention any command-line options for this, though there are X

Strangely, my last computer was running Debian 1.3.1, upgraded from 1.2.
My new computer did a fresh install of Debian 1.3.1, and somewhere in
there the xbiff bitmaps changed.

The new bitmaps are of those little plastic stacking trays you see in
offices.  I liked the good old ugly farmer's mailbox.

G. Branden Robinson |  The only way to get rid of a temptation
Purdue University   |  is to yield to it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  -- Oscar Wilde |

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Re: Anybody using Syquest drives??

1997-11-11 Thread Alex Yukhimets
> Anybody using Syquest drives under Linux, especially the SyJet?? I am
> considering buying one and wonder about their quality and reliability.
> Thanks!
> Tim

Dear Tim,

I am in exactly the same situation - though I already decided to buy one.
I had previous experience with Jaz drive - that was garbage, it choked
on the first defective cartridge and died right on the spot. 
As for SyJet, I herad only good things. As for Linux compatibility,
it should be even less demanding than Jaz, which pretends that only
Jaz Tools can be used to manipulate it. SyJet clearly states that it is
normal SCSI device which can be low-level formated using any SCSI utility.
(Of course, I am talking about SCSI version of SyJet).

Good luck.

Alex Y.

 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \(")|  |
  / \ \   +---+

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new iso9660 debian image?

1997-11-11 Thread Dirk Vleugels


(please CC the above email adress, my subscribe command isn't confirmed until 

i'm thinking about switching to Debian 1.3.1. I guess the easiest solution
is to download the prebuild cdrom image, but it's already pretty old (Jul 7).

Is there a newer image (with all new .deb files included) available? If not,
would it be a better idear to mirror the whole i386 debian stable tree
and build my own cd's?

Where do i get infos about the directory structure needed on such a cd?



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Re: Setting volume size for dump

1997-11-11 Thread Kai M{kisara
My apologies to Claus-Justus and Jens: the attribution was incorrect in
the previous reply (because I accidentally hit the send key too early ;-)

On 11 Nov 1997, Claus-Justus Heine wrote:

> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Claus-Justus Heine wrote:
> > > 
> > > So does this mean that "SETMARKS" are kind of "second level" file
> > > marks? I'm just curious what these things are. There is no real need
> > > for me to know it, I'm just curious.
> > > 
> > 
> > I'm not sure how they're physically done. I didn't even know of them
> > until I started I started writing my backup script. I just saw this
> > from the mt man page on our HPUX box:
> > 
> >smk   Write count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> > 
> >fss   Forward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> > 
> >bss   Backward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> Mmmh. This suggests that these are just anotehr kind of file marks?
The following is from a SCSI-2 standard draft:

"  A setmark is another type of special recorded element containing no 
user data, providing a segmentation scheme hierarchically superior to
filemarks. This level of segmentation is useful for some high capacity
storage devices to provide concise addressing and fast positioning to
specific sets of data within a partition.  In some implementations, the
detection and reporting of setmarks may be controlled by the initiator
using the MODE SELECT command."


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Re: KDE Beta1

1997-11-11 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Tue, 11 Nov 1997, nir wrote:

 : I could not find a debian package set for "KDE Beta1" installable in Debian 
 : Does anyone know where to get these, when they exist!!
 : should i install rpm's ??

There are several differences between the RPM and the DEB packages (they are
in hamm, I believe). This is because of the fact that KDE (==.tar.gz and
.rpm) isn't "Debian-compliant". 

I installed RPM's, not using alien or something, but using rpm2cpio, and
extracting the cpio archive to /usr/local/kde. /opt/kde is a symlink to

Everything is working fine over here.


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Re: Problems compiling MH on hamm system

1997-11-11 Thread Francis Swasey
  I think you will find things a lot easier if you try NMH instead of the
very old and buggy MH.  You can find NMH (New MH) at


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Re: Setting volume size for dump

1997-11-11 Thread Kai M{kisara
On 11 Nov 1997, Claus-Justus Heine wrote:

> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Claus-Justus Heine wrote:
> > So does this mean that "SETMARKS" are kind of "second level" file
> > marks? I'm just curious what these things are. There is no real need
> > for me to know it, I'm just curious.
> > 
> I'm not sure how they're physically done. I didn't even know of them
> until I started I started writing my backup script. I just saw this
> from the mt man page on our HPUX box:
>smk   Write count setmarks (DDS drives only).
>fss   Forward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
>bss   Backward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).

> Mmmh. This suggests that these are just anotehr kind of file marks?

The following is from a SCSI-2 standard draft:

"  A setmark is another type of special recorded element containing no 
user data, providing a segmentation scheme hierarchically superior to
filemarks. This level of segmentation is useful for some high capacity
storage devices to provide concise addressing and fast positioning to
specific sets of data within a partition.  In some implementations, the
detection and reporting of setmarks may be controlled by the initiator
using the MODE SELECT command."


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Re: monitor variable

1997-11-11 Thread Joost Kooij
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, charles jackson wrote:

> Can anybody tell me how to change my monitor variable for x11?

There is a man who surely holds the answer.
Go ask the man,

  man x

is your friend

  man 5 XF86Config

probably is a nice guy too

Try (as root):

  mv /etc/X11/XF86Config /etc/X11/XF86Config.old

Good luck,


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Re: CD-ROM & Floppy

1997-11-11 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, RON BROWN wrote:

 : I am having problems mounting my cd-rom and 3 1/2 floppy to read files 
 : and programs from them. Can anyone help me with this matter.

Do you get any error message? Some more information is required, I think.


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can't install LILO

1997-11-11 Thread Ken Deboy
I'm having trouble installing LILO inder Debian 1.3.1 (installing
from floppies).
My disks:
/dev/hda DOS/Win3.1 boot
/dev/hdb1DOS FAT16
/dev/hdb2Linux Swap
/dev/hdb3Linux Root

My /etc/lilo.conf file:

## DOS/Windows

When I run LILO, the HD light comes on for a second, I get a message
that 1 and 2 are added... then I reboot and instead of LILO coming
up, the computer just boots DOS. Shouldn't the line


cause LILO to write itself to the MBR of the first HD? Any ideas? I'm
sure the HD is OK - it worked last week under a different Linux but I
want to run Debian. I made sure I turned off all the anti-virus stuff
under DOS, too, just in case before booting Debian from floppy and
running LILO. Thanks...

Ken Deboy

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pseudo-static IP for webserver?

1997-11-11 Thread Rick Hawkins

I wish I knew enough about the details here to phrase this right, but

I need to test software that uses a browser to control it.  That is,
news & web accounts on the server are administratively controlled
through web pages from other machines.  (the server runs apache).

To test this, I need to use a machine that has no access to the world
other than a modem.  So it needs to sit as a server, and also run a
session on another machine running a browser to access the server
(though preliminary testing could have the browser on the same machine).

However, none of the local ISP's provide stack IP numbers.  Is there any
decent way to handle this?  All i can think of is to change to the
current IP on the remote machine every time . . .


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Down after 75 days of up time

1997-11-11 Thread Eloy A. Paris

Our main Linux server that handles mail (SMTP/POP3), WWW (apache),
HTTP proxying and caching (Squid), primary DNS, remote access (PPP),
file and printing services (Samba and NFS), network News (innd), among 
other things, crashed yesterday after 75 days of up time.

Boy, I can tell you it is really _stressing_ to arrive in the office
on Monday morning and find your spoiled server on its biting the dust.
Phones ringing every 30 seconds, people coming into your office to
know what's going on, etc.

In 3 hours we were up again because we took the SCSI drives to an old
[EMAIL PROTECTED] MHz and recompiled the kernel. Not a big deal.

After all, it was nice because now I am configuring a [EMAIL PROTECTED] MHz
with an AHA 2940 Ultra and a Barracuda. It's a nice way to get rid of
that old [EMAIL PROTECTED] MHz with the FDIV bug (and of course the LOCK

The server is running Debian 1.3.1 (started at Debian 1.1) and it was
the power supply that failed.

It's been quite an experience.

See ya!



Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645

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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V97 #974

1997-11-11 Thread Jon Sokolow
Im Having Some Problems Getting My Linux machine connected to the 
network on campus.  I have a 3com 3c905 network card and I have the 
Driver (I think).  I need help compiling the driver into the kernel. 
Could someone Help me Out??


>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Nov  8 14:10:20 
>Received: (qmail 11200 invoked by uid 38); 8 Nov 1997 22:06:47 -
>Date: 8 Nov 1997 22:06:47 -
>Subject: debian-user-digest Digest V97 #974
>X-Mailing-List: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Precedence: list
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary=""
>Content-Type: text/plain
>debian-user-digest Digest  Volume 97 : Issue 974
>Today's Topics:
>Re: BIND help
>Installation of Adaed.tar.z
>MTA Suggestion
>Re: BIND help
>Re: MTA Suggestion
>Re: Setting volume size for dump
>Re: diald / ppp routing problems
>Re: Are there any efficient backup programs for Linux?
>Re: MTA Suggestion
>2.0.31 kernel source
>Re: Netscape and deep displays
>Re: Are there any efficient backup programs for Linux?
>Re: MTA Suggestion
>Re: MTA Suggestion
>Re: MTA Suggestion
>Installation don't work
>Re: SSH Question .
>Re: Netscape and deep displays
>xfree86 and ttyp1 from :0
>Re: xfree86 and ttyp1 from :0
>Re: 2.0.31 kernel source
>Re: ncurses3.0_1.9.9e-2?
>need PGP
>Re: need PGP


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Re: Setting volume size for dump

1997-11-11 Thread Claus-Justus Heine
"Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Claus-Justus Heine wrote:
> > 
> > > > Aren't these marks simply "file marks"? (just asking, I know that
> > > > there are thos MTFSS/BSS/WSM tape operations, are these effectively
> > > > different from the MTFSF/BSF/WEOF operations?)
> > >
> > > Yeah, it's a different beast. Trust, me, I can tell mt to find a mark
> > > and it'll
> > > skip over all kinds of file marks.
> > 
> > So does this mean that "SETMARKS" are kind of "second level" file
> > marks? I'm just curious what these things are. There is no real need
> > for me to know it, I'm just curious.
> > 
> I'm not sure how they're physically done. I didn't even know of them
> until I started I started writing my backup script. I just saw this
> from the mt man page on our HPUX box:
>smk   Write count setmarks (DDS drives only).
>fss   Forward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
>bss   Backward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).

Mmmh. This suggests that these are just anotehr kind of file marks?

weofWrite count file marks

fsf Forward space count file marks

bsf Backward space count file marks

Mmh ???

Again. I'm just curious.



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"DSFG Free"?

1997-11-11 Thread Pete Harlan
> configurable, solid, and DFSG free.  It also has support for all the

I have slipped into a parallel universe where GPL seems to have been
replaced by DFSG.  Unfortunately, and
reside in my former universe.  A web search turns up many wonderful
pages written in languages I can't yet read.

Would someone please have mercy on a poor soul who is seeing DFSG
everywhere and has no idea what it stands for, and enlighten him?

Many thanks,

Pete Harlan

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hamm release date?

1997-11-11 Thread Matthew
does anyone know when hamm will be released?

(If you do know, email me at the below address, my server that is
subscribed to this list appears to be down right now)


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Re: "DSFG Free"?

1997-11-11 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Pete Harlan wrote:

> > configurable, solid, and DFSG free.  It also has support for all the
> I have slipped into a parallel universe where GPL seems to have been
> replaced by DFSG.  Unfortunately, and
> reside in my former universe.  A web search turns up many wonderful
> pages written in languages I can't yet read.
> Would someone please have mercy on a poor soul who is seeing DFSG
> everywhere and has no idea what it stands for, and enlighten him?
> Many thanks,
> --
> Pete Harlan

DFSG = Debian Free Software Guidelines.  See for details.

If you understand the GPL, you already understand the DFSG.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Posting to usenet

1997-11-11 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Trevor Barrie wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> > Looks like nn tries a command leafnode doesn't understand (or the syntax
> > nn uses is wrong). You could check the rfc about error 502.
> "RFC"? I know FAQs, manpages, HOWTOs and /usr/doc/*, but that's a new one
> to me.:) Where do I find it?
The RFC are released by the ietf :-)

rfc = request for comments = documents descibing standards on the
ietf = internet enineering task force

Point your browser to yahoo and search for rfc to find a local mirror.

> > I can use tin (I think from non-free) very well if I can't run gnus. So
> > you might try it.
> Okay, tin works, sort of. It seems it still can't find my hostname since
> my From: lines show up as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but I can manually edit that.
> It's a pain though.
> (The file /usr/doc/tin/INSTALL.gz cryptically recommends that I "check
> that DOMAIN_NAME & INEWS_MAIL_DOMAIN are correctly set to produce a
> correct From: headers for your site." Set how? Setting these as
> environment variables has no effect... surely these don't need to be fixed
> at compile-time?)
Don't know, but you could edit ~/.tin/tinrc

There you have a line:

# user's mail address, if not [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You could try this one.

But your box is screwed up somhow.

What do "hostname" and "dnsdomainname" say?

/etc/hosts ?
route ? (I get out of ideas right now :-)


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Unidentified subject!

1997-11-11 Thread David Maslen
I'm trying to keep my system, on the stable distribution.
I found myself recompiling a couple of packages such as qmail
so as to be able to do this. I've tried to recompile gimp0.99 and
it doesn't seem to work.

./debian/rules build
seems to go ok, complaining it can't find something to do
with xd and pgm.

./debian/rules binary
craps out. I think this is because some plugins are missing.

Is it possible to build this package on a libc5 system?

Can anyone enlighten me?

Binary Bar - Australia's first free access internet bar/cafe/gallery.
243 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia. 5pm - 1am

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Re: ps/2 mouse don't work on ps/2 driver

1997-11-11 Thread Carey Evans
Wee-Min Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm using a mitsumi ps/2 mouse. It won't work on the ps/2 mouse driver =
> provided by Debian's Linux. What's wrong?
> When I start Linux... it reported that it has detected a ps/2 mouse. But 
> after running gpm I can't see my mouse cursor. I've heard that there 
> should be a mouse cursor even in text mode is it true?

After getting the kernel to recognise the mouse, you need to configure
gpm with gpmconfig (and X11) to see it.  The device should be
/dev/psaux and the mouse type should be "ps2".

You might need to run "/dev/MAKEDEV psaux".

Carey Evans  <*>  gc

   Neniu anticipas la hispanan Inkvizicion.

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Re: removing some persistent files

1997-11-11 Thread Carey Evans
Tommy Lakofski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> after a horrendous crash on my hamm box (cause of which I've yet to
> ascertain), I'm left with some files like this on my disk:
> 07/8F:
> total 396246198
> br-sr-S--x   1 2691225646111,  99 Mar 12  1995 18F7

First run fsck -Vf /dev/???, for your HD, from single-user mode with
the disk unmounted.  Unfortunately fsck doesn't seem to clean up these
errors, but you could be lucky.

Now run debugfs and use its "rm" to remove the file.  After exiting,
run fsck again to clean up the mess.

Carey Evans  <*>  gc

   Neniu anticipas la hispanan Inkvizicion.

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Re: Setting volume size for dump

1997-11-11 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Claus-Justus Heine wrote:
> "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Claus-Justus Heine wrote:
> > >
> > > > > Aren't these marks simply "file marks"? (just asking, I know that
> > > > > there are thos MTFSS/BSS/WSM tape operations, are these effectively
> > > > > different from the MTFSF/BSF/WEOF operations?)
> > > >
> > > > Yeah, it's a different beast. Trust, me, I can tell mt to find a mark
> > > > and it'll
> > > > skip over all kinds of file marks.
> > >
> > > So does this mean that "SETMARKS" are kind of "second level" file
> > > marks? I'm just curious what these things are. There is no real need
> > > for me to know it, I'm just curious.
> > >
> >
> > I'm not sure how they're physically done. I didn't even know of them
> > until I started I started writing my backup script. I just saw this
> > from the mt man page on our HPUX box:
> >
> >smk   Write count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> >
> >fss   Forward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> >
> >bss   Backward space count setmarks (DDS drives only).
> Mmmh. This suggests that these are just anotehr kind of file marks?
> weofWrite count file marks
> fsf Forward space count file marks
> bsf Backward space count file marks
> Mmh ???
> Again. I'm just curious.

I guess what you're asking is more than I know. How are these "marks" actually
represented on the media? I have no idea. They certainly are different than
file marks because when you search for a set mark you don't stop on a file
mark. I can also tell you that searching for a set mark is *much* faster than
searching for a file mark. I can't offer any hard numbers to back this up,
I've just found it to be true. This fact suggests to me that set marks are
fundamentally different than file marks.

Why don't you scour the web for for in-depth information? I'd really like
for you to email me the URL for such information if you find it since I, too,
am curious.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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1997-11-11 Thread Flavorfa

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delete and backspace with xterm/rxvt

1997-11-11 Thread Curtis Brown

I recently upgraded several packages, including ncurses-base, and
xbase.  Now delete and backspace don't work at all in xterm or rxvt.
I tried reinstalling ncurses-base and xbase, but I still have the
problem.  I'm using ncurses-base_1.9.9g-5 and xbase_3.3.1-1.  Can
anyone help?


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Re: Moving files between DOS hard drive and Linux hard drive

1997-11-11 Thread Ben Pfaff
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David S. Zelinsky) writes:
> Ben Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > using a command like `mount /dev/hda1 /mnt'.  Dissected:
> > 
> > mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
> >^ ^^ ^ Mount point.  This can be any directory.
> >| || *
> Shouldn't that be any _empty_ directory?

Only if you don't want to have files disappear from your filesystem
(temporarily).  :-)
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1997-11-11 Thread Ben Pfaff

1. Don't shout.

2. This is the wrong forum for any DOS questions not related to Debian
GNU/Linux in some way.

3. Winmodems will *never* work in DOS.
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Anybody using Syquest drives??

1997-11-11 Thread Tim Ferrell

Anybody using Syquest drives under Linux, especially the SyJet?? I am
considering buying one and wonder about their quality and reliability.



Debian GNU Linux
Power to the people...

E-Mail:   Tim Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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plug and play modem

1997-11-11 Thread nitkiew

My modem (Zoltrix internal modem, v.34+,  model FM-SE336VSP) is  set
to operate in Plug and Play mode under Win95.

Is it possible to use it under Linux without setting  fixed I/O 
address and IRQ number with jumpers ?



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Re: olvwm doesn't work

1997-11-11 Thread tibor simko
> "bill" == Bill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bill> /home/bill/.xinitrc: line 35 161 segementation fault (core
bill> dumped) olvwm

does the error persist when you run: `startx /usr/bin/X11/olvwm' with
_empty_ .xinitrc file?  if not, how olwm behaves?

bill> Line 35 of my .xinitrc file contains:
bill> olvwm

here you should use `exec olvwm' (see `man xinit')

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Re: Update: mounting MS-DOS fs onto Linux

1997-11-11 Thread Matt McClanahan
> On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Charles Read wrote:
> > Here's what I tried:
> > 
> > 0. Looked at /proc/filesystems to verify
> > that VFAT was supported.
> > 
> > 1. Ran "dmesg | more" to verify that /dev/hda1
> > was the correct partition.
> > 
> > 2. Ran mount and got this result:
> > 
> > # mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt
> > [MS-DOS FS Rel. 12, FAT
> > [me=0xf8,cs=8,#f=2,fs=32,fl=0,ds=32,de=0,
> > data=32,se=0,ts=7805889,ls=512]
> > Transaction block size = 512
> > VFS:  Can't find a valid MS-DOS filesystem on dev 03:01
> > mount:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1
> > or too many mounted filesystems
> > 
> > Any clues what's wrong here?
> > 
> Did you try to mount the partition with -t msdos? 
> Luck,
> Dwarf

One possible unconfirmed cause (Okay, a guess)  Is the Win95 partition
OSR2?  (Fat32?)  To my knoweldge, the vfat filesystem doesn't yet
support the alterations made by OSR2.

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Re: finding myself on DDS-2 tape...

1997-11-11 Thread Philippe Troin

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997 21:01:29 EST Tim Ferrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> Is there a formula for determining what percentage of tape I have left after a
> backup? I use 'mt tell' to get the current block on tape - how do I know
> how many blocks are on the tape? I am using a 4-8GB DAT drive with
> 90m and 120m tapes. I just need some kind of idea of how much tape is
> left...

Write a tape to the end, and see what mt tell returns :-)
Actually that's what I did (on a DDS-1 drive with a 90m tape -> 2GB).
It's around 20. I infer from this blocka are 10k and that a 120m tape would 
give around 40.


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finding myself on DDS-2 tape...

1997-11-11 Thread Tim Ferrell

Is there a formula for determining what percentage of tape I have left after a
backup? I use 'mt tell' to get the current block on tape - how do I know
how many blocks are on the tape? I am using a 4-8GB DAT drive with
90m and 120m tapes. I just need some kind of idea of how much tape is



Debian GNU Linux
Power to the people...

E-Mail:   Tim Ferrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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Re: Moving files between DOS hard drive and Linux hard drive

1997-11-11 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Ben Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> using a command like `mount /dev/hda1 /mnt'.  Dissected:
> mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
>^ ^^ ^ Mount point.  This can be any directory.
>| || *

Shouldn't that be any _empty_ directory?

   David S. Zelinsky

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Problems compiling MH on hamm system

1997-11-11 Thread ken
Hello Debian team,

I'm having some trouble compiling the mh_6.8.4-14 source package on my hamm
system.  After extracting the source using dpkg-source, and configuring
as described in the mh_6.8.4/READ-ME file, I get the following when doing
the make:

leisure# make
for d in config sbr mts zotnet uip support doc; do (cd $d; make DESTDIR=  -k 
all); done
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mh-6.8.4/config'
-DSPRINTFTYPE=int -DTYPESIG=void -traditional -O2 -D_NFILE='getdtablesize()' 
-DSIGEMT=SIGUSR1   -c config.c -o config.o
In file included from /usr/include/stdio.h:29,
 from /usr/include/pwd.h:50,
 from config.c:12:
/usr/include/libio.h:72: warning: `const' redefined
/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:81: warning: this is the location of the previous 
In file included from ../h/../h/strings.h:31,
 from ../h/mh.h:331,
 from config.c:10:
/usr/include/string.h:38: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 
/usr/include/string.h:60: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 
In file included from /usr/include/stdlib.h:210,
 from ../h/../h/strings.h:32,
 from ../h/mh.h:331,
 from config.c:10:
/usr/include/sys/types.h:103: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:104: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:105: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:106: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:107: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:108: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:109: parse error before `#'
/usr/include/sys/types.h:110: parse error before `#'
In file included from ../h/../h/strings.h:32,
 from ../h/mh.h:331,
 from config.c:10:
/usr/include/stdlib.h:217: parse error before `__random'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:218: parse error before `random'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:246: parse error before `int32_t'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:246: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
/usr/include/stdlib.h:248: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:252: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:253: parse error before `}'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:255: parse error before `int32_t'
/usr/include/stdlib.h:256: parse error before `int32_t'
In file included from /usr/include/stdlib.h:360,
 from ../h/../h/strings.h:32,
 from ../h/mh.h:331,
 from config.c:10:
/usr/include/alloca.h:35: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 
make[1]: *** [config.o] Error 1

...and so on...

The problem seems to be with the following code in /usr/include/sys/types.h:

/* For GCC 2.7 and later, we can use specific type-size attributes.  */
#define __intN_t(N, MODE) \
  typedef int int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))
#define __u_intN_t(N, MODE) \
  typedef unsigned int u_int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))

__intN_t (8, __QI__);

I'm not sure what the problem is.  Can anyone help?



  Ken Lauffenburger  / /__  __
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / /  D e b i a n  G N U \ \/ /
   / / __     __  __ \  /
  / / / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
  ...Look out Bill,  / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
 here comes...  (__)(_/ (_/ (_/ \/ (_/  \_)

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