Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-25 Thread Pedro F. Pareja

Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

  Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) con 

 - 1500?
 - 1995 ?
 - 2250 ?
 - otra cifra?

 Quizas pueda convencer a la editorial si hay mucha gente que acepta 
 que salgan
 4 CDs con un incremento en el precio, que lo va a tener que haber con tantos 

 Un saludo a todos


  Pienso que la cifra de 1995 es muy razonable, e incluso se podría considerar 
2250, como
propones. Yo mismo pagaría ésta última si viene la distribución completa (3 CDs 
+ 1 CD de la
revista). Sería un número extraordinario que iría en la línea de ofrecer lo 
último que vale la
pena (¿qué mejor que la última versión?) de Debian, que parece ser la 
distribución preferida por
la revista, y al mismo tiempo evitaría que numerosos linuxeros tengamos que 
echar mano de
direcciones foráneas para hacernos con el paquete. Visto de este modo, creo que 
tendría bastante
aceptación pues, creo, Linux Actual no es una revista demasiado generalista y 
los que la
seguimos estamos muy interesados en ofertas como la que nos ocupa.


Pedro F. Pareja

Re: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

1998-08-25 Thread Pedro F. Pareja

Burning Ice wrote:

 Que tal meu:

 Una solucion parcial  :(  para tu problema es que instales las XFree86
 3.3.2, pues estas ofrecen soporte para el puerto AGP, así como para algunas
 tarjetas Leadtek (aunque me parece que no la Winfast 3D S900).

 Otra opcion sería un driver comercial (Xi Graphics, Metro-X) que si
 tienen soporte para el i740 de intel. Lo malo de esta segunda opción es que
 atenta contra tu bolsillo :O

 KA, Burning Ice

Gracias por responderme. Supongo que la versión 3.3.2 de las XFree86 a que te
refieres será la última que acompaña a la Debian 2, ¿no? Por otro lado, paso de
gastarme dinerito en comprarme algún controlador comercial. Así, pues, esperaré
a que Linux Actual me provea de los CDs correspondientes.


Pedro F. Pareja

Re: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

1998-08-25 Thread Pedro F. Pareja

Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 Te recomiendo que te actualizes a Debian 2.0. Lo que es seguro es
 que no te podras instalar los paquetes de las nuevas versiones
 de las XFree porque estaran compilados para libc6 y la Deb1.3.1
 tiene la libc5. Tampoco te aseguro que las nuevas versiones de
 XFree soporten tu targeta. Puedes mirar en
 Ellos hacen servidores X que luego se unen a las fuentes de las
 XFree. Antes de bajarte ningun paquete binario asegurate que
 no este compilado para la libc6. Tambien puedes actualizar tu
 1.3.1 a la libc6. (Mirate el Upgrade HOWTO en
 Aunque a mi no me dio mucho resultado y al final instale la


  Pues ya estoy deseando echar mano de la Debian 2 que parecer ser traerá el
Linux Actual de septiembre. Mientras tanto, seguiré tu consejo (gracias mil) y
me pasaré por el sitio de Suse para ver qué hay.


Pedro F. Pareja

Re: Re-instalacion

1998-08-25 Thread Santiago Vila
On 24 Aug 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:

 Estoy apunto de reinstalar todo mi sistema debian. Ahora, mi duda es que
 version instalar.  Quiero usar gnome, por lo tanto, deberia instalar
 Slink, no es cierto?

No necesariamente. En Debian se pueden mezclar paquetes de distintas
distribuciones. Con Debian 1.3.1 y Debian 2.0 era algo problemático,
porque la primera era libc5 y la segunda libc6, pero ya no: Si tienes
Debian 2.0 instalado, nadie te obliga a actualizarlo *todo* solamente
para usar algunos paquetes de slink.

Si todavía quieres instalar slink, la forma de hacerlo sería instalar
primero hamm y luego actualizarse a slink (pues efectivamente,
slink todavía no tiene disquetes de arranque).

Otra forma de hacer lo mismo, algo más rápida, pero que no garantizo que
funcione (¡qué tontería!, ¿acaso garanticé que la forma anterior sí
funcionaba? :-), podría ser instalar hamm, pero solamente el sistema base,
cuando arrancamos con el sistema base por primera vez, en vez de decirle a
dselect que tome la distribución stable le decimos que tome la

He escuchado que lo mas aconsejable es bajar apt, y usarlo para
 instalar los paquetes que yo quiera. Bueno, la verdad es que no me ha
 ayudado man porque no entendi como usar apt-get. Me podria ayudar?

No tengo mucha experiencia con apt, lo que yo hago es usarlo como método 
de dselect (cuando instalas apt aparece un nuevo método en dselect que es
mucho mejor que cualquier otro método que se haya inventado).

   Como trabaja apt? baja los archivos a algun directorio y luego ejecuta

Esencialmente sí.

 Creo que todavia no sale la version apt para X, pero falta mucho?

No lo sé, pero yo diría que sí, que todavía falta bastante.
 Ya he bajado algunos archivos de Slink a mi computador, deberia
 instalarlos antes de ejecutar apt, cierto?

Si estás firmemente decidido a instalar slink, probablemente sí, de esta 
forma apt no intentará bajárselos de nuevo.

 Ahora una pregunta aparte: si instalo gnome desde debs, y por ejemeplo
 quiero instalar la aplicacion `balsa' que supongamos no se encuentra en
 .deb, puedo compilarlo yo mismo, es decir, puedo compilarlo sin haber
 compilado gnome antes?? (supongo que si)

Poderse se puede, y si así lo haces lo recomendable es que todo esté en
/usr/local, pero es mejor instalarlo todo con .deb si es posible, así lo
podrás desinstalar muy fácilmente con dpkg.

 Otra pregunta.. en el ftp, hay un directorio llamado hamm, slink, y
 sid, es sid la version 2.2 de debian???

No, es una distribución para las arquitecturas que todavía no han sido
publicadas, la FAQ del paquete doc-debian de slink da más información
sobre sid, si estás interesado.

 ae82ed556013619733e45c9609c57287 (a truly random sig)

Re: urge: DEBIAN 2.0

1998-08-25 Thread Carlos Rodrigo

yo te la dejo si me dices donde te la puedo dar.
Ahora mismo se la he dejado a un amigo, pero supongo que puedo conseguir 
que me la devuelva a tiempo.

Si no consigues una opcion mejor, avisame, vale?


Carlos Rodrigo

On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trabajo en una empresa donde necesitamos unas listas de distribucion. Yo
 he propuesto usar Linux (en nuestro entorno de trabajo usamos AIX,
 SOLARIS y WINDOWS NT) aprovechando que tenemos unas maquinas 486. Para
 sorpresa mia han aceptado...Linux ya comienza a ser conocido en algunos
 El problema es que yo, en mi casa, uso Debian 1.3...pero en el trabajo
 quiero instalar la 2.0 (hay gente que quiere instalar RedHat...pero mi
 opinion prevalece puesto que yo me encargare del asunto), y por tanto:
 NECESITO UNA DEBIAN 2.0 esta semana (el viernes tiene que funcionar)
 Hay alguien que la tenga, me la copie o me la deje copiar?
 Es bastante importante, puesto que si el asunto funciona estoy seguro
 que usariamos Linux para otras cosas.
 Soy de Madrid capital.
 Si no me hago con la Debian 2.0 tendre que instalar la RedHat, por lo
 que os ruego que si hay alguien que me pueda suministrar la Debian 2.0
 se ponga en contacto conmigo.
 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

Directorio /var/cache/apt

1998-08-25 Thread José Illescas
¿Alguien sabe si sirve para algo el directorio /var/cache/apt despues de
realizar una actualización de la 1.3.1 a la 2.0?.

He notado que contiene un grupo de paquetes de la 2.0 ya actualizados y me
está ocupando mucho espacio en el filesystem /.
/\  _`\/\  _`\ /\__  _\ José Illescas Pérez
\ \ \/\_\  \ \ \L\ \   \/_/\ \/ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \ \ \/_/_  \ \ ,  /  \ \ \ ICQ# 12553232
  \ \ \L\ \__\ \ \\ \   __ \_\ \__  __  El Webteam de
   \ \/\_\\ \_\ \_\/\_\/\_\/\_\ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\/___/\/_/ \/_/\/ /\/_/\/_/\/_/ Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.

Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-25 Thread David Leal Valmana
Pedro F. Pareja:
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) 
  con CUATRO
  - 1500?
  - 1995 ?
  - 2250 ?
  - otra cifra?
  Quizas pueda convencer a la editorial si hay mucha gente que acepta 
  que salgan
  4 CDs con un incremento en el precio, que lo va a tener que haber con 
  tantos CDs.
  Un saludo a todos
   Pienso que la cifra de 1995 es muy razonable, e incluso se podría 
 considerar 2250, como
 propones. Yo mismo pagaría ésta última si viene la distribución completa (3 
 CDs + 1 CD de la
 revista). Sería un número extraordinario que iría en la línea de ofrecer lo 
 último que vale la
 pena (¿qué mejor que la última versión?) de Debian, que parece ser la 
 distribución preferida por
 la revista, y al mismo tiempo evitaría que numerosos linuxeros tengamos que 
 echar mano de
 direcciones foráneas para hacernos con el paquete. Visto de este modo, creo 
 que tendría bastante
 aceptación pues, creo, Linux Actual no es una revista demasiado generalista y 
 los que la
 seguimos estamos muy interesados en ofertas como la que nos ocupa.
 Pedro F. Pareja
 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a
Estoy de acuerdo con lo que plantea Pedro F. Pareja.

Un saludo y por cierto cuando saldra la revista con el debian
completo ya que si se demora mucho igual compensa comprarlo

Un saludo,


 David LealDespacho: 10.1.02
 Dpto. de Estadística y EconometríaTfno: (34-1)-624 9314
 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid  Fax: 34-1-6249648
 C/Madrid, 126. 28903 Getafe (Madrid)  e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

No puedo conectarme a internet!!

1998-08-25 Thread David
He seguido los pasos que decia en la revista de Programación Actual,
pero a la hora de conectar dice que no puede determinar la IP remota,
en el fichero options he probado la opción icp-accept-ip-remote, he
puesto la dirección del servidor : y me dice ahora que que
no puede determinar la IP local, le he puesto la opción
icp-accept-ip-local pero no funciona.

Me hechais un cable, llevo varias semanas intentando conectarme a
internet con Linux y aún estoy por hacerlo.


Re: urge: DEBIAN 2.0

1998-08-25 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trabajo en una empresa donde necesitamos unas listas de distribucion. Yo
 he propuesto usar Linux (en nuestro entorno de trabajo usamos AIX,
 SOLARIS y WINDOWS NT) aprovechando que tenemos unas maquinas 486. Para
 sorpresa mia han aceptado...Linux ya comienza a ser conocido en algunos
 El problema es que yo, en mi casa, uso Debian 1.3...pero en el trabajo
 quiero instalar la 2.0 (hay gente que quiere instalar RedHat...pero mi
 opinion prevalece puesto que yo me encargare del asunto), y por tanto:
 NECESITO UNA DEBIAN 2.0 esta semana (el viernes tiene que funcionar)
 Hay alguien que la tenga, me la copie o me la deje copiar?
 Es bastante importante, puesto que si el asunto funciona estoy seguro
 que usariamos Linux para otras cosas.
 Soy de Madrid capital.
 Si no me hago con la Debian 2.0 tendre que instalar la RedHat, por lo
 que os ruego que si hay alguien que me pueda suministrar la Debian 2.0
 se ponga en contacto conmigo.

Tal como lo expones yo instalaría la distribicion 1.3 porque ya la
estas usando y la conoces bien. Para temas de trabajo y con prisas
yo no instalaría la 2.0. Me esperaría a tener noticias que confirmaran
la buena calidad de los CD's. Ya se que hay mucha gente que ya la ha 
instalado y va bastante bien, pero no todo el mundo distribuye las
cosas correctamente. Tambien lo digo porque creo que actualizar de
versión es sencillísimo aunque si alguien no está de acuerdo con mi
punto de vista que lo diga. Lo que no me gustaría es que tuvieras un
mal resultado por las prisas. Lo de las prisas se te nota mucho.

 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\   No confies en un sistema operativo que se base en el
  \\W// secreto de sus fuentes. La NASA esta utilizando Linux.
 _|0 0|_Si Linux es bueno para la NASA, tambien lo será para ti.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |Se me olvidaba. Linux 
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] |además es gratuito. 
(*) Faq de Slug en
(*) Top Ten Linux Comercial en

Re: Re-instalacion

1998-08-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 01:03:19PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
 On 24 Aug 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
  Creo que todavia no sale la version apt para X, pero falta mucho?
 No lo sé, pero yo diría que sí, que todavía falta bastante.
Hace poco estaba pensando en iniciar un proyecto para esto, pero mis
conocimientos en C son pocos, y mucho menores en C++ (pero hay ganas de
aprender) como para usar GTK, Qt o XView (claro que Qt no lo debería
utilizar, por la filosofía de Debian), y solo empecé hacer una bosquejo
pero en Visual Basic 5 (no me miren feo que con eso me gano la vida).

Si alguien está interesado, o sabe de un proyecto que ya haya empezado
por favor que me avise.


Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: dudas

1998-08-25 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Aug 24, 1998,

 a.  el primero es que algunos programas, como el Acrobat Reader, 
 al abrirlo ocupa más espacio que el de la pantalla, y no hay 
 manera de cambiar el tamaño;  no puedo acceder al tope de la 
 ventana, y creo que lo he intentado todo.

  Muchos programas están diseñados para 800x600, y a mi que
  estoy en modo VGA me pasa a menudo ésto que comentas. A
  parte de la orden geometry que te han explicado, algunos
  programas aceptan Alt+F10, y automáticamente se te ajusta
  al tamaño de la pantalla. Al menos eso pasa con Netscape
  y el gestor fwmn2, por ejemplo.

Re: problema con dselect multi-cd

1998-08-25 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Aug 24, 1998,

 Me he animado a instalar con dselect los paquetes por defecto para ir 
 aprendiendo de que va esto. :-) Y me he encontrado con un error en el 
 proceso, dada mi total inexperiencia no soy capaz de evaluar su relevancia.. 
 Puede que no sea nada pero... os cuento que me pasa haber si me lo 
 podeis aclarar.
 Tengo la distribución de DATOM y he instalado la opción de multi-cd. Al 
 ejecutar dselect me pide el metodo de acceso y elijo multi-CD. 

  Tengo entendido que había que actualizar el paquete
  'dpkg-multicd' porque da algún error.
  Te lo paso por e-mail, :-)

RE: problema con dselect multi-cd

1998-08-25 Thread Burning Ice
Que tal meu:

En primer lugar no te preocupes, no es un problema grave. Como muy
bien dices , el dselect te pregunta por la ubicación del Packages.gz de
local-i386. Sin duda te habrás fijado que dicho fichero no existe, no así el
directorio local-i386 que contiene el gnome, el kde, y el mozilla.
Según creo esto es así porque los paquetes local- no
corresponden a la distribución oficial, sinó que son paquetes que se añaden
a esta por parte del distribuidor local (no se si me explico, tu tambien
puedes desarrollar o modificar paquetes que tendrias que distribuir
incluidos en el directorio local- pues no pertenecen a la distribución
La solución :
- indicarle a dselect que no tienes los paquetes local-i386
  (contestando none) de esta forma no te da ningún mensage de
  y continua el proceso de instalación y configuración de los

Si quieres instalar alguno de los paquetes que se incluyen en el
local-i386, puedes hacerlo directamente con dpkg:

dpkg -i /dev/hdc/local-i386/xxx/yyy.deb

donde xxx es el directorio donde esté el paquete que quieras
instalar e yyy.deb
el paquete en cuestion.

KA, Burning Ice

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: lunes, 24 de agosto de 1998 20:47
Asunto: problema con dselect multi-cd


Me he animado a instalar con dselect los paquetes por defecto para ir
aprendiendo de que va esto. :-) Y me he encontrado con un error en el
proceso, dada mi total inexperiencia no soy capaz de evaluar su relevancia.
Puede que no sea nada pero... os cuento que me pasa haber si me lo
podeis aclarar.

Tengo la distribución de DATOM y he instalado la opción de multi-cd. Al
ejecutar dselect me pide el metodo de acceso y elijo multi-CD.

Lo primero que me pregunta es el dispositivo y le digo /dev/hdc (tengo el
CD como primer disco del segundo canal).

Me pregunta por el top level de la distribución y le digo /debian. Y
entonces me dice que le parece que estoy instalando desde un multi-CD
set y me propone [yes] que acepto.

Empieza a buscar la información de paquetes y cuando llega al local me
dice lo siguiente:

I can`t find the local 'Packages' file
Were is de _local_ 'Packages' file

?Que paquetes son estos de local? ?son importantes? Parece que no
vienen en los CD de DATOM. En el segundo disco veo un directorio que dice
local-i3 ?es esto con otro nombre?

Luego en el proceso Updates da un par de errores. Me dice esto:

Running dpkg --record-avail -R

find: /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt/debian/dists/local/local/binary-i386
no such file or directory

dpkg: subprocess find returned error exit status 1

update available list script returned error exit status 1.

?Que me podeis decir?


Un aprendiz NOVATO de Debian GNU/Linux 2.0

Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a
que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

RE: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

1998-08-25 Thread Burning Ice
Hola de novo meu:

de nada, ha mandar que para eso estamos ;-) (hoy por ti mañana por

Tambien decirte que la version 3.3.2 de la XFree86 salio en el CD nº
23 de la revista PC ACTUAL de mayo junto con el StarOffice 4 (que es el que
yo tengo instalado)
y el Mozilla Comunicator 4.05 [que tambien tengo instalado, aunque no
configurado (me falta tiempo)]

-Mensaje original-
De: Pedro F. Pareja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Burning Ice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: lista de Correo Debian Linux
Fecha: martes, 25 de agosto de 1998 1:12
Asunto: Re: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

Burning Ice wrote:

 Que tal meu:

 Una solucion parcial  :(  para tu problema es que instales las
 3.3.2, pues estas ofrecen soporte para el puerto AGP, así como para
 tarjetas Leadtek (aunque me parece que no la Winfast 3D S900).

 Otra opcion sería un driver comercial (Xi Graphics, Metro-X) que si
 tienen soporte para el i740 de intel. Lo malo de esta segunda opción es
 atenta contra tu bolsillo :O

 KA, Burning Ice

Gracias por responderme. Supongo que la versión 3.3.2 de las XFree86 a que
refieres será la última que acompaña a la Debian 2, ¿no? Por otro lado,
paso de
gastarme dinerito en comprarme algún controlador comercial. Así, pues,
a que Linux Actual me provea de los CDs correspondientes.


Pedro F. Pareja

Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-25 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a decia:

   Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) con 
   - 1500?
   - 1995 ?
   - 2250 ?
   - otra cifra?
Tengo entendido que (al menos en revistas de mayor tirada) el coste de la
inclusión de un CD adicional viene a ser 100 pts, según esto la cifra de
1500 pts me parecerçía adecuada, por otra parte yo personalmente estaría
dispuesto a pagar en torno a 2000 pts por la revista y los 4 CDs. En
cualquier caso una solución como la ya apuntada de poder comprar la revista
con o sin la distribución debian podría ser la solución perfecta ;-)
 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ )
_/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+
   _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|   |
  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+

Re: Netscape Navigator

1998-08-25 Thread Peter Granroth
On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 05:02:18PM -0500, the lone gunman shared with us the 
following words of wisdom:
 On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 02:52:26PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:
  The netscape license (until this past january,  and no releases have been
  made since then) didn't allow us to redistribute the netscape binaries.
  You have to download them from  Put them in /tmp,
  download the installer .deb,  and dpkg -i it.  It'll take care of setting
  up netscape and putting it in the right parts of the file tree,  etc. ..
 What is the file name of the Netscape installer deb file?


+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Re: Netscape Navigator

1998-08-25 Thread the lone gunman
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 01:05:42AM +0200, Peter Granroth wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 05:02:18PM -0500, the lone gunman shared with us the 
 following words of wisdom:
  On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 02:52:26PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:
   The netscape license (until this past january,  and no releases have been
   made since then) didn't allow us to redistribute the netscape binaries.
   You have to download them from  Put them in /tmp,
   download the installer .deb,  and dpkg -i it.  It'll take care of setting
   up netscape and putting it in the right parts of the file tree,  etc. ..
  What is the file name of the Netscape installer deb file?

Is that for the hamm system?  I got that file, and it said I need to
install libc5, among other things associated with bo.

Plus, does that install the latest Navigator, 4.5pr1, compiled for
linux with libc6?

New Maintainer submission Jason C. Locke

1998-08-25 Thread Jason C. Locke

Here is a re-send of my earlier email.  In the time between the first one I
downloaded and installed PGP 2.6 and sent my 2.6 keys to public key servers
(as listed below).

I have also been doing quite a but of C++ on Solaris lately, which is good
prep work for Linux C programming.  Anyway, I won't duplicate any
information in this email.

What kind of work will I be doing for Debian?  I am not really sure.  I
intend to lurk around IRC and the Listservs first before taking on any real
work.  Eventually I'd like to be on the Linux Kernel Dev Team as well.

My work phone number is: 212-358-8220 extension 273.  I work from around
9:30 through 6:30 (GMT-0500 Eastern US) Monday through Friday.

Well, what follows is my previous email along with the corrected
information (pgp 2.6.2 keys instead of version 5.x).

- --

My name is Jason Locke.  I have been programming for 13 years,
professionally for about 3.  My strengths are in C (but not really C++),
Pascal and Delphi (I do know OOP in Delphi well) and Java.  I am currently
working as an Internet developer (JSP, ASP, Perl.. all back end stuff) for

I would like... an account on master and to be subscribed to
debian-private (the developers-only mailing list.  I have read and
understand the Debian social contract.

PGP Public Key:

Version: 2.6.2


Preferred Login Name: jclocke
(alternates... jlocke, jcl)

I would like the email address I would be known by to be my new account on (ie [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Attached is my drivers license, PGP signed by me.

Version: 2.6.2


Description: Binary data
Jason C. Locke   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : *- Thomas Malloy wrote about Why hurd ? was  (What is hurd?) 
 : |ALPHA   SPARC   i386HURD
 : |Which one of these things is not like the other?
 : | 
 : | Since hurd is an operating system and not an architecture why does debian 
release packages for it. 
 : | I thought DEBIAN was a distribution of linux, which runs on various 
hardware platforms.  I have no 
 : | objection to the hurd project.  It is quite worth while on its own merits, 
but  what does it have to do
 : |  with linux or debian?
 : | 
 : The Hurd is a kernel not an OS. My take on this is that Debian is a
 : collection of apps and their philosophy of package managment and the
 : DFSG.  The real name of Debian is 'Debian GNU/Linux', with the Hurd
 : kernel it will just be 'Debian GNU/Hurd' but all the top level will be
 : the same.  The package managment the DFSG, etc will be identical.  

In fact, it's conceivable that there could be a Debian GNU/blah release
for any system blah, though the non-freeness of many of those systems
makes that unlikely.

Imagine Debian GNU/FreeBSD ... that would send some people straight
over the edge.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: boot probs with aic7xxx driver... urgent...

1998-08-25 Thread Michael B. Taylor
Check your cables.  A similar problem on one of my systems was caused by
a bent pin on an external scsi cable.


On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 12:47:08PM +0200, Alexander Koch wrote:
 Hi folks.
 We've a shiny new server and the resc1440 image from the current
 diskset is freezing on boot while downloading sequencer code ...
 413 instructions loaded ...
 It's an Adaptec AIC 7880...
 Please, if anyone has an idea, please tell me.
 Please always cc me on replies...


1998-08-25 Thread Dimas Franco


sendmail / .forward / executables ???

1998-08-25 Thread Darren Benham
I've got an aliase setup ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that's supposed to filter all mail
through a custom filter.  

I have a one-line .forward file:
/home/vote/bin/ consists of two lines
cat  test

sendmail uses /bin/sh as it's mail shell and -r is NOT turned on... so...

why does the mail get bounced with the following respone:?

550 /home/debian-vote/.forward: line 2: /home/vote/bin/ Can't
create output: Executable files not allowed

Version: 3.1
GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++ P+++$ L++ E? W+++$ N+(-) o? K- w+++$(--)
O M-- V- PS-- PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b DI+++ D++ G++G+++ e h+ r* y+

Re: Netscape Navigator

1998-08-25 Thread servis
*- the lone gunman wrote about Re: Netscape Navigator
| On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 01:05:42AM +0200, Peter Granroth wrote:
|  On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 05:02:18PM -0500, the lone gunman shared with us 
the following words of wisdom:
|   On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 02:52:26PM -0400, Will Lowe wrote:
|The netscape license (until this past january,  and no releases have 
|made since then) didn't allow us to redistribute the netscape binaries.
|You have to download them from  Put them in /tmp,
|download the installer .deb,  and dpkg -i it.  It'll take care of 
|up netscape and putting it in the right parts of the file tree,  etc. ..
|   What is the file name of the Netscape installer deb file?
|  netscape4_4.0-12.deb
| Is that for the hamm system?  I got that file, and it said I need to
| install libc5, among other things associated with bo.

Yes it is for hamm. It actually wants the following:

Depends: motifnls, ldso (= 1.9.7-0), libc5 (= 5.4.0-0), libc6, 
libg++27 (=, xlib6 (= 3.3-0), xpm4.7 (= 3.4j-0)

| Plus, does that install the latest Navigator, 4.5pr1, compiled for
| linux with libc6?

I installed 4.5pr1 with the installer and it worked without a hitch.

It matches the tarball against the wildcards of 

communicator-v4*.x86-*-linux*.tar*, and 

So any valid netscape tarball that fits those shell expansions will
install. That is if the tarball's file structure is as expected.

Note that libc5 plugins will crash 4.5pr1 when called!

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University


1998-08-25 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 04:47:30PM -0700, Dimas Franco wrote:

Hmm okthe short answer is NO...but fear not :)

There is a DOS emulator for DOS programs and there is WINE 
(Wine Is Not and Emulator ;) ) which impliments the Windows API
for Linux AND has the ability to run Windows executables.

Many Windows programs work under WINE many don'tI don't know if Autocad
does or not but...
It is possible to get CAD programs for Linux. You have to look
aroundwho knows...maybe someday...
AutoCad for Linux? maybe? :) 

hmm what company puts out AutoCAD?


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

Re: telnet break-in

1998-08-25 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sun, 23 Aug 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:

 shell get the idea...
  And dont forget the r services ... rlogin, rsh, rexec, etc.
 Yep, the r services are covered by login, exec and shell.  Here is what
 inetd.conf has to say:
 shell  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd 
 login  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd
 exec   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd

Interesting ... after reading the above messages, I decided to check out
my /var/log files and found a whole suite of in.telnetd[XXX]: connect


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman
 she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.
   - TV listing for the Wizard of Oz in the Marin Independent Journal

where is NNTPSERVER variable set?

1998-08-25 Thread the lone gunman

I moved back to school, and now must use a different news server than
the one I used at home.  Where do I change where the NNTPSERVER
environment variable is originally initialized?  Changing
/etc/nntpserver doesn't seem to do it.


Re: Fetchmail.

1998-08-25 Thread john
*- Tony Schonfeld wrote about Fetchmail.
| Please can i have an example to use fetchmail running from root
| to retrieve a mail from a pop server and forward it to my 
| local smtp server ?

I run fetchmail out of ip-up as the unprivileged user 'postman', and then
feed it to mailagent for sorting and delivery.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: [pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

1998-08-25 Thread john
Martin writes:
 You should ask their tech support. This is an important issue to know
 when setting up a dial-in connection.

Yes, but if they offer you a set of scripts for Linux, don't install them:
just use them for reference.  Some isp's are passing out wacky
Slackware-style scripts that will work only with old versions of pppd, if
at all.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Xterm color

1998-08-25 Thread Chris


I'm having trouble with color support in xterm.

At the moment I am running xterm with the terminfo as xterm, which seems
to disable all color support (although ls --color still works ?).  When I
mean color support I'm talking about programs such as mutt and dselect.

When I change terminfo to xterm-debian I get color support on my local
machine, but when I connect to another machine (also debian 2.0) color
still doesn't work in mutt (although I now does in dselect).  I am
connecting via ssh (although I tried with telnet as well).

Is anyone able to explain this behaviour?   Can anyone tell me how to make
it work properly??

Also, I'd prefer not to use xterm-debian, as whenever I connect to uni
machines I get the message Sorry, I don't know anything about your
xterm-debian terminal whenever I try and run anything like vi, etc.  Is
there any advantage to xterm-debian (and anyway to make it more seamless?)

Thanks for any assistance,

Chris Leishman

  Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!
Reply with subject 'key' for PGP public key.  KeyID A9E087D5

pine pgp?

1998-08-25 Thread Chris

Hi again,

Does anyone know if pinepgp can recognise mutt style pgp signatures?



  Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!
Reply with subject 'key' for PGP public key.  KeyID A9E087D5

Re: where is NNTPSERVER variable set?

1998-08-25 Thread Peter Granroth
On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 07:50:22PM -0500, the lone gunman shared with us the 
following words of wisdom:
 I moved back to school, and now must use a different news server than
 the one I used at home.  Where do I change where the NNTPSERVER
 environment variable is originally initialized?  Changing
 /etc/nntpserver doesn't seem to do it.

since you didn't tell what shell you use, I'll assume bash. the global
configuration files are /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc, and personal config
files are ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc. For more info on how bash uses
these files, chek out the Invocation section in the bash man page.
In your casse, simply put the following line in /etc/profile:


+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Re: where is NNTPSERVER variable set?

1998-08-25 Thread Colin Telmer
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Peter Granroth wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 07:50:22PM -0500, the lone gunman shared with us the 
 following words of wisdom:
  I moved back to school, and now must use a different news server than
  the one I used at home.  Where do I change where the NNTPSERVER
  environment variable is originally initialized?  Changing
  /etc/nntpserver doesn't seem to do it.
 since you didn't tell what shell you use, I'll assume bash. the global
 configuration files are /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc, and personal config
 files are ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc. For more info on how bash uses
 these files, chek out the Invocation section in the bash man page.
 In your casse, simply put the following line in /etc/profile:

I thought it was read from /etc/news/server? Unless that is trn specific,
that is where mine is set. Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


1998-08-25 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Picked up some reading material for a flight to New Brunswick.  Found a
great article on Linux.  This really demonstrates the power of knowledge
sharing.  Should have been a case study at the big knowledge management
summit in San Diego earlier this year.


FN:Peter Iannarelli
ORG:GenX Internet Laboratories
TEL;WORK;VOICE:1+ 416-929-1885
ADR;WORK:;Madison;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;Ontario;;Canada
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Madison=0D=0A20 Madison Ave.=0D=0AToronto, Ontario=0D=0ACanada

HP Vectra/HP LAN adapter problem

1998-08-25 Thread Art Sackett
Greetings, all:

Here's the scenario:

Intalled an older (ISA) HP LAN adapter in an HP Vectra 5/133, then
installed Debian 2.0 from CD. During setup, when I went install the hp.o
module into the kernel during drivers setup, it barked at me device
or resource busy. Neither the I/O range (0x300 - 0x31f) nor the
interrupt (irq5) is in use by anything else in the box, and the adapter
is the only card in any expansion slot.

I went on and finished the installation, then modified /etc/conf.modules
by adding:

alias eth0 hp
options eth0 io=0x300 irq=5

then tried: modprobe eth0 which barked device or resource busy. dmesg
says there is no card at 0x300, but scanport says there is.
/proc/interrupts doesn't indicate anyone on IRQ5, and nothing appears
hung as though there is an IRQ contention -- but I tried changing it to
9 just in case... same thing.

The hpncset utility shows the configuration I had in mind, and both card
test and link test indicate that the thing is functioning. I tried
running modconf again after checking this, still device or resource

I had the same problem with an Intel EtherExpress PRO/10+ card and the
eepro100.o driver.

Has anyone been down this road before who can tell me how to either work
around a Vectra-ism or pull my head out? (I'd rather trash the Vectra,
but since it's destined to be an intranet web server at an HP site, I
don't have much choice!)

Thanks in advance!

-- Art
Welcome to Planet Earth. Enter at your own risk.
This product comes with absolutely no warranty!

HELP: Problems Installing Cheap*Bytes CD

1998-08-25 Thread DMDP
I am attempting to install Debian onto a 600mb hard drive, which is the
third drive on my system.  I am running Windows 98 on drive C:

A:\   floppy
C:\   hard drive
D:\   secondary
E:\   cd
F:\   tertiary

I boot the pc into DOS mode to run the install.bat file off the CD.

It allows me to partition the hard drive.

However, when I get to the point to install the system I get the following

/floppy/type.txt: Invalid Arguement

I am booting the PC with a minimum autoexec and config.  Just enough to
allow the CD device driver to install.

I am not installing an upgrade. This is a new install of Debian 2.0 onto its
own hard drive.  I plan to use a boot menu, if I ever get this installed.

Please help,


Denis dePierro


1998-08-25 Thread servis
*- Stephen J. Carpenter wrote about Re: QUESTION
| On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 04:47:30PM -0700, Dimas Franco wrote:
| Hmm okthe short answer is NO...but fear not :)
| There is a DOS emulator for DOS programs and there is WINE 
| (Wine Is Not and Emulator ;) ) which impliments the Windows API
| for Linux AND has the ability to run Windows executables.
| Many Windows programs work under WINE many don'tI don't know if Autocad
| does or not but...
| It is possible to get CAD programs for Linux. You have to look
| aroundwho knows...maybe someday...
| AutoCad for Linux? maybe? :) 

Not likely. A quote from, 
While Autodesk no longer develops Unix applications  Booo! 
Previously they had versions on AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, and SOLARIS.

| hmm what company puts out AutoCAD?

See above.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: help w/ ethernet (with a dash of ppp)

1998-08-25 Thread Shaleh
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
 Did you also add a routing entry for the subnet?
 route add -net netmask
 route -n should show a line like   U 0  00 eth0

I was told that 2.1.x adds route entries for you.  I did add one on the
2.0.x machine.


1998-08-25 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 09:55:10PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *- Stephen J. Carpenter wrote about Re: QUESTION
 | On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 04:47:30PM -0700, Dimas Franco wrote:
 | Hmm okthe short answer is NO...but fear not :)
 | There is a DOS emulator for DOS programs and there is WINE 
 | (Wine Is Not and Emulator ;) ) which impliments the Windows API
 | for Linux AND has the ability to run Windows executables.
 | Many Windows programs work under WINE many don'tI don't know if Autocad
 | does or not but...
 | It is possible to get CAD programs for Linux. You have to look
 | aroundwho knows...maybe someday...
 | AutoCad for Linux? maybe? :) 
 Not likely. A quote from, 
 While Autodesk no longer develops Unix applications  Booo! 
 Previously they had versions on AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, and SOLARIS.

Well...they can always change their minds and change that to:
While Autodesk no longer develops Windows applications :)

They will develop where the money is ;)
and who knows...with all the press Linux is starting to get and all...
maybe? hey it could happen

CourseI wouldn't hold my breath 
Then again...I don't need CAD...tho I could use something better than 
xcircuit for drawing circuits


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux


1998-08-25 Thread David Stern
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 20:19:29 EDT, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 04:47:30PM -0700, Dimas Franco wrote:
 It is possible to get CAD programs for Linux.

I don't know if all these links are current, and also please be warned 
that some are $hareware, some are commercial, at least one is only in 
the concept stage of development, and one or two are just toolkits 
and not full-fledged apps.  The open source (free) contender to autocad 
will probably be FreeDesigner, however it is still pre-alpha.  I think 
MicroStation, BRL and one or both of the V's are commercial autocad 
contenders for Linux.

  angela! Graphs, Diagrams

  BRL-CAD® modeling

  daVinci Graph Vis. Sys.

  EnvDraw Prog. Diagrams  http://www.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/~jmacd/envdraw.htm

  ivtools frameworks for drawing ed.

  FreeDesigner (OpenDesigner)




  Scientific Applications on Linux  http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM/

  Sunsite Graphics Apps!

  Tgif Drawing Tool

  Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling




Running program at boot time

1998-08-25 Thread Xiaolin Wang
I try to run some program at the machine boot up, and put the program 
lines in rc.local. But it doesn't work. Hope anyone can help

Re: Running program at boot time

1998-08-25 Thread Shaleh
Xiaolin Wang wrote:
 I try to run some program at the machine boot up, and put the program
 lines in rc.local. But it doesn't work. Hope anyone can help
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

rc.local is used on BSD style boots.  Debian uses a sysv style boot
process.  Where to put it depends on what it is.  /etc/rc.boot is a good
start.  Any script in here is ran at boot.  Another option is to put a
script in /etc/init.d.  You then put a symlink to this script in rc?.d
where ? is the runlevel.  2-5 is the user run levels.  2 is the
default.  So a link in rc2.d will be run right before you get a login

Re: [pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

1998-08-25 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
 Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:
  This usually means that the chat script is exiting without having provided
  the other end with everything it needs.  Dial in with minicom and work
  through the login until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has
  started on the other end.  Then use your notes to answer pppconfig's
  Send me the error messages (they are in /var/log/ppp.log) and copies of
  /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider and I will try to
  help you.
 Attaching 3 files to this email.
 1. pap (the log and various scripts)
 2. chat (the log and various scripts)
 3. hyper-term (What happens when I actually dial in using hyperterminal)
 So what is happening?  Help would be greatly appreciated.
 Aug 24 18:58:54 cabrio pppd[1253]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: abort on (BUSY)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: abort on (VOICE)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: send (ATZ^M)
 Aug 24 18:58:55 cabrio chat[1254]: expect (OK)
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]: ATZ^M^M
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]: OK
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]: send (ATDT5321000^M)
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]: expect (CONNECT)
 Aug 24 18:59:14 cabrio chat[1254]: ^M
 Aug 24 18:59:44 cabrio chat[1254]: ATDT5321000^M
 Aug 24 18:59:44 cabrio chat[1254]: CONNECT
 Aug 24 18:59:44 cabrio chat[1254]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 18:59:44 cabrio chat[1254]: send (\d)
 Aug 24 18:59:45 cabrio pppd[1253]: Serial connection established.
 Aug 24 18:59:46 cabrio pppd[1253]: Using interface ppp0
 Aug 24 18:59:46 cabrio pppd[1253]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 Aug 24 19:00:16 cabrio pppd[1253]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Aug 24 19:00:16 cabrio pppd[1253]: Connection terminated.
 Aug 24 19:00:16 cabrio pppd[1253]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
 Aug 24 19:00:16 cabrio pppd[1253]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
 Aug 24 19:00:34 cabrio pppd[1253]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Aug 24 19:00:35 cabrio pppd[1253]: Exit.
 noauth #pppconfig_noauth
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/netcom  #pppconfig_connect
 debug  #pppconfig_debug
 /dev/ttyS2   #pppconfig_dev
 115200  #pppconfig_speed
 defaultroute #pppconfig_route
 noipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
 user 'us,ppp,thaths'  #pppconfig_user
 'us,ppp,thaths' * password
 OK ATDT5321000
 Aug 24 19:09:05 cabrio pppd[1412]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: abort on (BUSY)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: abort on (VOICE)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: send (ATZ^M)
 Aug 24 19:09:06 cabrio chat[1413]: expect (OK)
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]: ATZ^M^M
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]: OK
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]: send (ATDT2230101^M)
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]: expect (CONNECT)
 Aug 24 19:09:25 cabrio chat[1413]: ^M
 Aug 24 19:10:05 cabrio chat[1413]: ATDT2230101^M
 Aug 24 19:10:05 cabrio chat[1413]: CONNECT
 Aug 24 19:10:05 cabrio chat[1413]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 19:10:05 cabrio chat[1413]: send (^M)
 Aug 24 19:10:05 cabrio chat[1413]: expect (ogin:)
 Aug 24 19:10:15 cabrio chat[1413]:  115200^M
 Aug 24 19:10:15 cabrio chat[1413]: netcom login:
 Aug 24 19:10:15 cabrio chat[1413]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 19:10:15 cabrio chat[1413]: send (??)
 Aug 24 19:10:16 cabrio chat[1413]: expect (ssword:)
 Aug 24 19:10:25 cabrio chat[1413]:  ^M
 Aug 24 19:10:45 cabrio chat[1413]: netcom login: 'us,ppp,thaths'^M
 Aug 24 19:10:45 cabrio chat[1413]: Password:
 Aug 24 19:10:45 cabrio chat[1413]:  -- got it
 Aug 24 19:10:45 cabrio chat[1413]: send (??)
 Aug 24 19:10:45 cabrio chat[1413]: send (\d)
 Aug 24 19:10:46 cabrio pppd[1412]: Serial connection established.
 Aug 24 19:10:55 cabrio pppd[1412]: Using interface ppp0
 Aug 24 19:10:55 cabrio pppd[1412]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 Aug 24 19:11:25 cabrio pppd[1412]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Aug 24 19:11:25 cabrio pppd[1412]: Connection terminated.
 Aug 24 19:11:25 cabrio pppd[1412]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
 Aug 24 

Running program at boot time

1998-08-25 Thread Xiaolin Wang
Thanks for all the reply. I am using a quite old Linux 1.2.13. So 
according to the start up scripts, anything you want to run at boot 
time, it should put in the rc.local file under /etc/rc.d. I put the 
program path in the rc.S file, and put the whole path for the program 
in rc.local. But still it dosn't work.

How to install modules after finished the installation

1998-08-25 Thread Alex Kwan

After I completed the installation of the Base System
of Hamm, I found that I need some modules which
have not selected from Step Install Operation Kernel 
and the Device Driver of Installation Program, How do
I install these modules? In dont' want to re-install the 
Base System.

Thanks  Regards,

Getting pine to send internet messages.

1998-08-25 Thread Johann Spies


In installed pine 3.96 on my Debian 2.0 system yesterday.  With the
older pine on Debian 1.3.1 I had a lot of pleasure.  So far I could
not get pine to send messages other than those to the localhost.

When I try to send messages to somebody outside this machine, I get
the error message:

[Message not sent: defer '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' the email.address]

I see no updated .pine-debug files.

Does anyone know what the problem is?


PS As my pine is not working, I sent this message using xemacs.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the 
  night. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
  and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the
  earth and the works that are therein shall be burned
  up. II Peter 3:10 


1998-08-25 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

 hmm what company puts out AutoCAD?
AutoDesk I think.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   WinErr: 00A Promotional literature overflow - Mailbox full
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: correct procedure for make-kpkg

1998-08-25 Thread Manoj Srivastava
the == the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the What is the correct procedure for building a home-grown custom kernel
 the with make-kpkg?  What are the steps from installing the kernal source
 the package to installing the new, roll-your-own kernel?

Please read /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz. I had hoped
 that this document would be reasonably detailed; however, if you find
 it deficient, I would appreciate feedback so that I may improve it.

 Why was I born with such contemporaries? Oscar Wilde
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: correct procedure for make-kpkg

1998-08-25 Thread the lone gunman
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 02:17:50AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 the == the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  the What is the correct procedure for building a home-grown custom kernel
  the with make-kpkg?  What are the steps from installing the kernal source
  the package to installing the new, roll-your-own kernel?
   Please read /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz. I had hoped
  that this document would be reasonably detailed; however, if you find
  it deficient, I would appreciate feedback so that I may improve it.

Yes, yes.  I apologize -- after posting the message, I realized the
/usr/doc/ hierarchy.  My fault entirely.  Your document spells out
everything perfectly.

Sometimes it's just easier to ask rather than look myself.

Thanks again!

Re: What is hurd?

1998-08-25 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I've browsed through the Hurd faq, but I'm still not clear exactly what
 advantages Hurd has over the Linux kernel. The FSF say that when they
 decided to continue Hurd development in 1990 once they heard about Linux,
 Linux was not portable and didn't scale well (esp. to multiprocessor
 machines). That's not true anymore (although maybe the Hurd can do it

I guess if you had been busy with such a project for years, you might
want to finish it too.  Besides that, I'd say that diversity is a Good
Thing.  There may be a point in the future you'd like to do something
for which the hurd is better suited.  Also, since both linux and hurd
are GPL-ed, they can interchange code and learn from each other.

 The Hurd uses the Mach microkernel: microkernels are supposedly more
 efficient, but somewhere I read (I vaguely think it was by Linus, arguing
 with Tanenbaum about whether Minix was superior to Linux) that in the Real
 World, microkernels aren't as superior to monolithic kernels as they are
 theoretically supposed to be. Also, loadable modules give Linux some of
 the flexibility of microkernels. 

A very interesting and important difference as far as I understand it,
is that _users_ may write, compile and install there own drivers into
the kernel, without becoming root or rebooting, and without affecting
the drivers used by others on the system.  This goes as far as
giving the possibility to provide different OS environments to
different users, so in theory you could have `windows98' and `linux'
running at the same time on the same machine without the kind of
overhead you'd expect from an emulator.

 If anyone's keen to enlighten me/us on the intracacies of operating system
 kernels, they might like to comment on cached microkernels, like what the
 freedows project uses (, or what the essential
 differences are between the Linux and BSD kernels. 

Some time ago there was a discussion on slashdot about freedows.
Apparently at the time no actual coding had happened, and many people
who entered the project had left it again already.  From the discussion
I gathered it is mostly vaporware.  Since the hurd is now actually
running, it may provide a more realistic route towards the goals of the
freedows project.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Hardware monitoring software?

1998-08-25 Thread Philippe_Andersson

Have a look at wmlm78.
Homepage :
Or search Freshmeat.

Hope this is what you were looking for...

Cheers. Bye.

Ph. A.

__ Reply Separator 
Subject: Hardware monitoring software?
Author:  Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED] at SCITEX
Date:8/24/98 8:38 PM

Is there such a thing as software that will check environmental conditions
on a motherboard, CPU fan, etc?  My motherboard has a hardware monitor on
it but I don't always want to go to the BIOS to check the conditions.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Peter Makholm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Malloy) writes:

  It is quite worth while on its own merits, but  what does it have to do
  with linux or debian?

Debian, the multi kernel/multi arch distribution. I like the sound of

I don't need hurd right now. but when I'm going to make some programs
my self it would be nice not to use any linuxism. (Instead I will be
using gnuisms)

And by that time hurd will fille my spare 1/2 Gb which is now used by
the OS of whom shall not be spoken. And it would be nice to work on a
packages system I already knows.  

Makholm d.y.

Movie player

1998-08-25 Thread BG Lim
Is there a wprogram to play QuickTime movies in linux?


Re: telnet break-in

1998-08-25 Thread Ben Lyall
On Mon 08 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: 
 Ok; granted - there are not free versions of ssh for Win95/NT (I thought
 there was one, but I don't have a URL so I'll concede the point).

There is a sorta free implementation of SSH for Win95/NT.

Source code is available, but modified versions may not be distributed
without the permission of the author.  The full copyright is available in
the source code package.

TeraTerm Pro is the actual software, and there is TTSSH, which is an
extension to it, does a pretty nice job actually.

Information available, including link to the TTSSH page at

It's only good for interactive sessions, and there is no ssh-keygen, but
for secure connections from Win95/NT machines, it's a good alternative.

Of course there is the standard ssh implementation for Win32 console mode,
but terminal emulation is dodgy at the very best.

 There are two very good commercial implementations of ssh that I know of
 - the ssh from datafellows, and SecureCRT.

SecureCRT is very nice... only available in the US, unless you visit

Benjamin Lyall, perpetual slacker[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] -= crappy homepage plug thingy
4th year student  computer systems engineering and computer science  RMIT city
Oh my god! They killed Kenny! Those bastards! -- Kyle from South Park

Re: Movie player

1998-08-25 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 07:43:45PM +1000, BG Lim wrote:
 Is there a wprogram to play QuickTime movies in linux?

Try xanim :)


Pygres not working on Debian 2.0

1998-08-25 Thread Johann Spies

I cannot get pygres running on Debian 2.0 with postgresql 6.3.2.

The error message is this:

from pg import *

ImportError: /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ undefined
symbol: lo_creat

I had no problems on Debian 1.3.1 with libc5.

Is anyone using pygres on libc6 on Linux?  I would like to here from them. 

This problem is causing serous trouble for me.  I cannot use my python
database programs.  If I cannot solve this, I will have to try going
back to Debian 1.3.1 or perl or C++ to program all this over again.
My problem is that I am very much a newbie C or C++ programmer and did
never use perl before.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the 
  night. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
  and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the
  earth and the works that are therein shall be burned
  up. II Peter 3:10 


1998-08-25 Thread BG Lim
is there a program that can talk to netmeeting?


Re: Fetchmail.

1998-08-25 Thread Tony Schonfeld
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Doesn't have to run as root, mine looks like this:
   ~ more .fetchmailrc 
   defaults proto pop3 smtphost localhost
   poll mailhost1 user jesse password password1
   poll mailhost2 user jesse password password2
 I make it poll every 10 minutes like this:
   fetchmail -d 600 

thank you for reply , yes it work well but the trafic go to the root
account not all recipients write in each messages headers
??? comments are welcome
tks tony

 On Mon, Aug 24, 1998 at 09:48:29PM +0200, Tony Schonfeld wrote:
  Please can i have an example to use fetchmail running from root
  to retrieve a mail from a pop server and forward it to my 
  local smtp server ?
  Many thanks per advance,
  Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
  WWW: -
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
WWW: -

install hamm from CD

1998-08-25 Thread Tony Schonfeld
i've just receive my DEBIAN 2.0 distribution (linux central) today.
i need to upgrade 1.3.1 to hamm, after reading instructions to upgrade
correctly, i've mount my cdrom and type:
cd /cdrom/upgrade/ /tmp
cd /tmp
chmod 555
script /tmp/debian.upgrade
cd /cdrom

i've together this message error !
gate1# /tmp/
Can't find ../debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base/ldso_*.deb!
aborting upgrade.

the script used is revision : 0.5

thank you for help !

Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
WWW: -

Problem with apt

1998-08-25 Thread Constantin Bora

I've just installed on some computer debian hamm via ftp method. I've
also installed apt, but, when I give it update, it doesn't work ! It
says that it cannot open passive conenctions.

425 Can't open passive connection: Permission denied.

Any ideas ?



Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Thomas Malloy wrote:

 I thought DEBIAN was a distribution of linux, which runs on various
 hardware platforms.

As you will know, Linux is two things at the same time. On one side,
it is the name people usually call the complete OS, on the other
side, it is just a Unix-like kernel. From this point of view, Debian is
more a big collection of Debian packages than a distribution of Linux.

The FSF people wanted a packaging system for the GNU operating system. 
They first planned to use rpm, but after we talked with them, they decided
to use dpkg. To avoid unneeded duplication of efforts, it was decided to
use the Debian source packages as a base, making it to be, in fact, some
kind of Debian GNU/Hurd (there are some important differences, for
example, we don't have a sysvinit-like boot system).  Since they are
Debian packages, and Debian has collaborated with other free software
projects in the past, the logical place for these hurd-i386 packages is
in the Debian FTP hierarchy, as if it were just another architecture.

Hope this answer your question.


 d693efbf1e22707739c131efa5315a8f (a truly random sig)

Package installation templates?

1998-08-25 Thread Mark Burgess
A good topic for the debain FAQ would be the answer to the following
question. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to mail me their answer
to this also.

I want to create a standard list of packages which I will then install
on 50 machines  without having to go into dselect and choose them
by hand.  i.e. I want to to make a bunch of clones from the the sources.

I need a template list for the packages in my set-up.

How can I do this? Is is obvious?

Thanks for any help,


Work: +47 22453272Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax : +47 22453205WWW  :

Can somebody help met to get pygres working on Debian 2.0?

1998-08-25 Thread Johann Spies
I have sent email about this previously to the list, but since
upgrading to Debian 2.0 my system is in such a mess that it seems the
email got lost.

If somebody have pygres running with postgresql 6.3.2 and debian 1.5.1
on Debian 2.0 I would like to know how they did it.

If I cannot solve this problem, I will have to remove Debian 2.0 from
my machine and reinstall 1.3.1. I do not know how to do that but I am
so desperate that I will even do a new installation if necessary.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the 
  night. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
  and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the
  earth and the works that are therein shall be burned
  up. II Peter 3:10 

Re: MouseSystem optical mouse doesn't work on hamm

1998-08-25 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Opps!  My /dev/mouse link was pointing to /dev/ttys0 and not /dev/ttyS0 !
Works now.
 After an upgrade from Slackware 96 (!) to hamm, my mouse doesn't work using
 the old XF86Config file and the old kernel.  Attempts to reconfigure with
 XF86Setup were not successful.
 The mouse used to be at /dev/ttyS0 (not even a busmouse!)


mail -s

1998-08-25 Thread John Conley

Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-25 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Ruud Janssen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 This doesn't seem to work for me. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
 deb stable-updates/
 deb stable main contrib

Try deb dists/stable-updates/

Mike Stone

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Hurd is a kernel not an OS. My take on this is that Debian is a
 collection of apps and their philosophy of package managment and the
 DFSG.  The real name of Debian is 'Debian GNU/Linux', with the Hurd
 kernel it will just be 'Debian GNU/Hurd' but all the top level will be
 the same.  The package managment the DFSG, etc will be identical.  
 I may be wrong but that's what I have gathered.


What's the major difference between Linux and HURD then?  Is HURD stable
enough for daily use?

Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood --The Jargon File V4.0.0

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

Nathan wrote,

 Imagine Debian GNU/FreeBSD ... that would send some people straight
 over the edge.

Actually, what I want is a Debian BSD/linux, using the BSD stuff rather than 
GNU.  Maybe someday when i have a few hundred spare hours :)


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-25 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 Imagine Debian GNU/FreeBSD ... that would send some people straight
 over the edge.

Uhhmmm why not.  So that we can all multiple boot to these OS's ( Linux
/HURD/FreeBSD/Win32/fooOS) without learning any other packaging systems.

I love OS's!


Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood --The Jargon File V4.0.0

Smail in hamm checking DNS lookups?

1998-08-25 Thread Jay Barbee

I recently upgraded several of my Bo systems to Hamm.  All went fine.  I
am currently struggling with some of the minor changes that the new
packages have.

My home system is setup on a dummy network (, and I do
typically email myself at my work Debian box which is on the net with a
legit IP address.  Now (after the hamm upgrade, I assume) I cannot send
mail, and port 25 will not open if I telnet in from home.

I never have a problem receiving mail from legit domains.

So I assume Smail does this, and I would like to know how I can setup my
home system to send mail to not just my work box, but other legit domains
without a problem.  I could even configure my work box so that it acted as
the smarthost or relay or something along those lines.

--Jay Barbee

New SMB Timeout...

1998-08-25 Thread Jay Barbee
Another package that I could not get my Bo configuration to work with the Hamm 
setup is SAMBA.  Shares seem to be fine, but when I use SMBCLIENT I get an 
error such as:

startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file or 

...Then it simply hangs!

It is true, I do not have a lmhosts file.  I was hoping it to resolve via 
DNS.  So I added name resolve order = hosts and I get the same error as 
above and also it tells me that port 134 on the machine I am tring to connect 
has timed-out?

All Win95 clients connect to this same WinNT box just fine.  Connections 
worked a-okay with my Bo setup.  I currently run smbd and nmbd as daemons. 

Any ideas on the hangup?  Encrypted passwords?  This NT box getting to my 
Linux server works fine (printers, apps, shares, etc.).

--Jay Barbee

Re: netMeeting

1998-08-25 Thread Greg Vence
I'd have to guess NO.  There are too many possible proprietary
(non-free) interfaces.  General API, Compression etc.  Of couse you
could write M$ and ask them when they're going to port it. :)

You'd be much more likely to find a GNU project that is available on all
your intereted platforms, instead of waiting for M$.

L8r -- Greg.

BG Lim wrote:
 is there a program that can talk to netmeeting?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: telnet break-in

1998-08-25 Thread Ossama Othman

 Interesting ... after reading the above messages, I decided to check out
 my /var/log files and found a whole suite of in.telnetd[XXX]: connect

Bummer!  It appears that it is time for you disable all of those incoming
services we mentioned.  Have you considered using Secure Shell?  If you
can't use Secure Shell, you might want to try One-Time Password packages,
such as OPIE.  I believe that even WU-FTP is starting to support one time
passwords, too.


Re: New SMB Timeout...

1998-08-25 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Jay Barbee wrote:

 : Another package that I could not get my Bo configuration to work with the 
 : setup is SAMBA.  Shares seem to be fine, but when I use SMBCLIENT I get an 
 : error such as:
 : startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file 
 : directory
 : ...Then it simply hangs!

I had this problem when I was setting up Samba ... I'm sure it was the
wrong thing to do but I did `touch /etc/lmhosts' and it's been working
since ...

Perhaps Eloy will have the real fix :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

ifconfig failure.

1998-08-25 Thread C. R. Oldham

I sent this yesterday but never saw it appear on the list or in the
archive, so I'm assuming something went wrong.

I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on an old 486dx4/100 with 32 MB of RAM,
2 GB of scsi disk, and a tulip-based PCI ethernet card.  This is an Asus
SP3g-based machine.

Installing from the base disk set went fine.  When the system rebooted
after the base install the network was not visible.  I noticed that the
light on the back of the ethernet card was out.  Upon investigating some
more I noticed that the light is on when the tulip driver is loaded, and
goes out when the first 'ifconfig' is done.  Ifconfig returns
SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable.  If I remove and
re-'insmod' the tulip driver the link integrity light reappears. but the
first 'ifconfig eth0' does the same thing.  I even tried downloading and
installing the latest tulip driver.

I'm pretty sure the card is not dead because I swapped it with a known
good card and I see the same symptoms.

Any suggestions appreciated.

| Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham | NCA Commission on Schools|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Arizona St. Univ., PO Box 873011,|
| V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ 85287-3011   _ |
| I like it!--Citizen G'Kar   | #include disclaimer.h   X_|

pine installation

1998-08-25 Thread Paul McDermott
Hi everybody, I have downloaded the pine packages and don't know how to
install the packages.  Please help me.
thanks in advance.

proper permissions group for /dev/audio

1998-08-25 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

I noticed exmh stopped beeping over new messages.  I've found the reason:

 0 crw-rw   1 root 2914,   4 Jun 23 17:57 /dev/audio

It's lost whatever group it was attached to.  Could someone who still has this 
tell me what the correct group  permissions are?



These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Re: proper permissions group for /dev/audio

1998-08-25 Thread Shaleh
should be group audio.  The rest of what you showed is correct.

Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
 I noticed exmh stopped beeping over new messages.  I've found the reason:
  0 crw-rw   1 root 2914,   4 Jun 23 17:57 /dev/audio
 It's lost whatever group it was attached to.  Could someone who still has this
 tell me what the correct group  permissions are?
 These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: proper permissions group for /dev/audio

1998-08-25 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
 should be group audio.  The rest of what you showed is correct.

Thanks, that did it


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Re: proper permissions group for /dev/audio

1998-08-25 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

I said,
  should be group audio.  The rest of what you showed is correct.

 Thanks, that did it

but it didn't.  It worked for a few minutes, and now I find that /dev/audio is 
owned by bin.  looking at /etc/group, it seems that audio and bin both fancy 
themself group 2.  By it's position, audio should be 28 or 29, so i assume 
this is an editing error on my part.  but which FM do I R to find what it 
should be, and what group i'm missing?


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

How do I prevent Ctrl+Alt+Q from killing my X server?

1998-08-25 Thread Eric Hanchrow
I've installed Debian 2.0 from the official Debian 2.0 binary.  Things
are working well, but while using Emacs, I discovered that Ctrl+Alt+Q
immediately kills my X server.  This is annoying, because that key
sequence has meaning to Emacs.  I'd like to tell the server not to die
when I type that sequence, but I don't know how.  For what it's worth,
I've uncommented `DontZap' in /etc/X11/XF86COnfig; that prevents
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace from killing the server ...

Please respond by email, as I don't regularly read this group.

Eric Hanchrow -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pgp fingerprint: c6 c7 de 59 1d e3 95 44  bc 40 25 61 af b1 90 b7

Re: pine installation

1998-08-25 Thread Ehren Wilson
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

 Hi everybody, I have downloaded the pine packages and don't know how to
 install the packages.  Please help me.
 thanks in advance.

A description of what you need to do to complete the installation of pine
is in /usr/src/pine/README is you installed the pine-diff package.  You
need that and the source package to install pine.  Hope this helps, if you
need more help, I have done this several times.

Cooperative Education Student [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Chemical  Materials Engineering   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alberta  PGP key ID 7841CB11

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat
and wrong. -- H. L. Mencken

Re: proper permissions group for /dev/audio

1998-08-25 Thread Shaleh
Here is my /etc/group file.  So not edit this file (much) (-:


Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
 I said,
   should be group audio.  The rest of what you showed is correct.
  Thanks, that did it
 but it didn't.  It worked for a few minutes, and now I find that /dev/audio is
 owned by bin.  looking at /etc/group, it seems that audio and bin both fancy
 themself group 2.  By it's position, audio should be 28 or 29, so i assume
 this is an editing error on my part.  but which FM do I R to find what it
 should be, and what group i'm missing?
 These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Installation/Loadlin LINUX ...

1998-08-25 Thread Michael Rudmin

   I have a 486 system, and am installing from a HD.

   When I try to run the autoexec.bat program, I find that I get an error=
 Not an image file.  When I go thorugh the
   Machine code, it looks to me like Loadlin opens LINUX, reads 4096 =
bytes (0x1000), and yet never actually looks
  at the contents.

   So much for figuring out how to find out what is going wrong, on my =

   Can you tell me what is going wrong here, or alternatively what it is =
that LOADLIN is looking for?

   LINUX is approximately a 700-k file, with no extension.

   - Michael Rudmin

/var/log cleanout

1998-08-25 Thread Mark Panzer
Are system maintainers (su's) supposed to clean out the /var/log
directory after a while?  Mine is up to 15MB and I don't think I really
need to see if I connected to the internet on June 2nd.  Also is there a
program which cleans this for you, or what is the correct way?  Thanks.

Mark Panzer

Re: telnet break-in

1998-08-25 Thread Ossama Othman
  can't use Secure Shell, you might want to try One-Time Password packages,
  such as OPIE.  I believe that even WU-FTP is starting to support one time
  passwords, too.
 Uhm, secure shell is not the answer to all problems. It WILL revert to an
 unsecure protocol if the other end can not establish an encrypted session.

The idea is to make sure all machines use Secure Shell.  I know this isn't
always possible, but we don't live in an ideal world.  :)

 Also, it is still just as easy to log in with a cracked password. About
 the only thing it is really great at is making sure that the other machine
 really has permission for a password-less login. Still, even THIS can be
 hacked if someone has gotten onto the machine in the past and snarfed a
 copy of your public ssh key.

Hence the One-Time Password suggestion.  Either way, better to have/use
SSH than use telnet/ftp/r{login,sh,exec}.


Help installing Debian on UMSDOS file system?

1998-08-25 Thread Steve Byrne
I'm trying to install Debian on my wife's laptop that's currently
running Windows 95.  She's afraid that if I repartition it to make space
for Linux, that she won't be able to reinstall all the Win95 software
that's on the disk (it's a Compaq, and they don't ship Win95 installation
CDs with their boxes).

So, I'm trying to make a UMSDOS partition and set up Debian using that.
The Debian installation system doesn't seem to support UMSDOS based 
installation directly, although I've managed to put a UMSDOS-aware kernel
on the rescue disk and get it to boot.  I  untarred the base_2.0.tgz file
into a top level target directory that I'vecalled linux, as that's
what loadlin and the UMSDOS-aware kernels seem to want for their root file

The Debian installation system wants to mount a partition itself; I tried
mounting my UMSDOS partition by hand, but Debian didn't like it (though 
I don't know the magic to get /dev/hda1/linux mounted directly as a 
UMSDOS partition; so this may be why Debian doesn't see it).  Debian said
your system is unconfigured and maybe 
you need to install your rescue disk into the floppy drive and reboot.

I've been using Debian since late '93, and have it installed on all my
other computers, but this one has me stumped.

Hopefully, someone can tell me:

a) what the Debian does when configuring the base system so that I can 
   do that by hand?
b) how and where to mount the /linux directory UMSDOS partition so that
   the Debian installation system recognizes it as a valid Debian system
   that I can then complete the configuration on?
c) is there some other way to install onto a UMSDOS paritition?
d) there used to be dpkg.tar that you could use to bootstrap the installation
   process with; I can't find it it still in existence?

I tried installing the IronWing distribution which does run out of the
box in a UMSDOS partition and then upgrading it to Debian, but I got 
stuck when trying to install the Debian glibc (IronWing is Slackware 
based, and is somewhat behind the times in the versions of software that
are available for it; also, its /etc files use the different rc.d setup 
(no init.d), so installing .deb packages tends to lose
when they try to set up their rc files).

I appreciate any help that you can provide.



Wow! apt-get is great!

1998-08-25 Thread Peter S Galbraith
After a year of using Debian 1.3 without ever upgrading packages via ftp, I
got my 2.0 CDs and upgarded via apt.  It went great.

Now, a few weeks later, I decide to try to upgrade packages via ftp.

I edit /etc/apt/sources.list and run

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get upgrade

Wow!  It's great!  Super upgrade with hardly any interaction!
Thanks for such a great tool!

[Q] What would I do differently if I only wanted to upgarde certain
packages?  Could I still use apt-get?
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

Re: Wow! apt-get is great!

1998-08-25 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Hey, /usr/doc/apt/guide.text answered my question!
I could still use apt-get to upgrade only a few packages using

$ apt-get install package1 package2

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

Re: Wow! apt-get is great!

1998-08-25 Thread servis
*- Peter S Galbraith wrote about Wow! apt-get is great!
| [Q] What would I do differently if I only wanted to upgarde certain
| packages?  Could I still use apt-get?

Use dselect with the apt access method or just download the individual
files and the dpkg -i them.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

apache configuration

1998-08-25 Thread Behan Webster
I'm not sure what happened, but during one of the upgrades of the apache
package gzipped files no longer were sent with the correct
Content-Type anymore.

My understanding is that (for instance) if you get NEWS.gz that it
will be sent back with a Content-Type: of text/plain and a
Content-Encoding: of x-gzip.  Instead  it seems that the content
type is sent as application/x-gzip.  See the example below.

Anyone know what I have to do to get apache to send back the correct
Content-Type again?



Behan Webster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

griffon:/tmp wget -Y off -S http://localhost/doc/wget/NEWS.gz 
--14:45:20--  http://localhost:80/doc/wget/NEWS.gz
   = `NEWS.gz'
Connecting to localhost:80... connected!
HTTP request sent, fetching headers... 
1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:45:20 GMT
3 Server: Apache/1.3.1 (Unix) Debian/GNU PHP/3.0.3
4 Last-Modified: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 04:52:56 GMT
5 ETag: a7a1-8cf-331f9f28
6 Accept-Ranges: bytes
7 Content-Length: 2255
8 Connection: close
9 Content-Type: application/x-gzip
10 Content-Encoding: 

0K - ..

14:45:20 (2.15 MB/s) - `NEWS.gz' saved [2255/2255]


Re: Netscape xpm-problems solved.. next problem :-)

1998-08-25 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Kris Van Hulle ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I see. Indeed, I get the right colors in 32 bpp mode. Unfortunately, my 
 card/monitor doesn't seem able to handle 1024*768 in 32 bpp mode.
 And I'm certainly not gonna work in 800*600 mode.
 So, any other options ? 

Try 16bpp?

Mike Stone

CVS 1.10 is out...hamm?

1998-08-25 Thread Ossama Othman

Will CVS 1.10 be available in hamm?


IPX not compiled in Hamm distribution?

1998-08-25 Thread Paul Marxhausen
OK, new user here.  I've searched through as many resources as I can
to find an answer for this question but I must be overlooking it.
My local Linux hand-holders are not able to answer my question.

I recently did two installations of Debian Linux 2.0.34, the Hamm
distribution.  BTW, many congrats to all Debian participants for
the slick installation methods - since I was attempting to put
Linux on an old '386 with a very small hard drive and no CD, the
handful-of-floppies install followed by the ftp-connected dselect
was very impressive.  

At some point, I wanted to attempt to use the ncpfs utilities to
try mounting Netware servers.  When I had problems, at some point
I of course needed to try using ipx_configure, but regardless of
the arguments I used with it I generally got:
ipx_configure: socket: Invalid argument
My Linux hand-holder, who uses ncpfs a lot, took me through 
a bunch of directories and concluded that IPX support was not
included in whatever kernel I had.

I recalled that there were a number of optional modules that
could be installed in the kernel by the Debian installation
routines, and assumed I missed requesting IPX.  So I did a clean
re-install, and saw that indeed, ncpfs support was an optional
module for inclusion in the kernel.  I requested it and when
I later got to the dselect selections, I requested the ncpfs
and ipx packages.  But even early on in the Debian installation
routine, I saw times when the scripts called ipx_configure themselves
and the same error appeared.

Am i using the wrong distribution, or missing something in installation,
etc. etc.  Any pointers on this?  Thanks!

paul marxhausen  ``` `   `
 `` ` `  ` ` ` university of nebraska - lincoln `  ` ` `` ` `  `` ` `  ` ` ` `
 `   ``  `   ` `   `  ``   `  `   ``   `  grace `   ``  ` 
   ` `   `  ```  ``   happens `

Second drive for DOSEmu?

1998-08-25 Thread Paul Marxhausen
After reading through all the DOSEmu info, I'm sorta-kinda-nearly
grasping this issue, but I still want to ask:

I'll be converting a utility PC from MS-DOS over to Hamm soon,
and will be running at least one DOS program under DOSEmu.
I've already tested it and it's happy, if slow.

I thought a handy way and safe way to migrate would be to
take my existing DOS IDE drive (80 Mb), and make it the second
drive in the system.  Another 80 Mb drive would become the main
drive with Debian Linux installed.  (Yes, it'll fit.)  

I hope to be able to have two options:
1) have LILO give an option to boot either disk at startup, so
we can have real pure MS-DOS if things go awry; and/or
2) use LREDIR or some other mechanism to have the whole second
drive accessible as the DOSEMu drive.  

Now, am I right . . . is that second drive simply called /dev/hda2
in things like the fstab?  I mean, when installing Debian, I've
seen it make the main partition hda1 and the swap hda2 or hda6 . . .
will that second drive appear in the Linux partitioning program?

Am i on the right track here?  I suspect this is an obvious
application that's been done often.

paul marxhausen  ``` `   `
 `` ` `  ` ` ` university of nebraska - lincoln `  ` ` `` ` `  `` ` `  ` ` ` `
 `   ``  `   ` `   `  ``   `  `   ``   `  grace `   ``  ` 
   ` `   `  ```  ``   happens `

Re: WARNING : libc6 Version: 2.0.7t-1 breaks resolv routines

1998-08-25 Thread Adam Shand

 This implies that 'host' deals only in names and would therefor make 'host' undocumented behavior.  However, the man page also says:


 This, on the other hand, implies that 'host' does deal in IP addresses.
 Looks like a bug in the man page.

this is a little old (i've been lazy with the email), but host does most
certainly work with ip#'s.

eg. [11:23am] badger(larry) host

the reason that it worked with and not with localhost that you
have a 'search' or 'domain' parameter setup in your '/etc/resolv.conf'
file so it appended '' to localhost... and failed.  you'll
notice that if you look for 'localhost.' (where the trailing dot means
don't cannonify this addresses) it will resolve from your '/etc/hosts'
file (assuming you have /etc/nsswitch.conf setup to use files for the
hosts entry).


[11:25am] badger(larry) host
Name: localhost

[11:25am] badger(larry) host localhost does not exist (Authoritative answer)

[11:25am] badger(larry) host localhost.
localhost   A

some people have a setup, in which case all
three of the above would work, but obviously you don't :-)


 Internet Alaska 
 4050 Lake Otis Pkwy   Adam  Shand   (v) +1 907 562 4636
 Anchorage, AK 99508  Systems Administrator  (f) +1 907 562 4807
--- ---

Sending via SMAIL from dialup connection and private network

1998-08-25 Thread Jay Barbee
[Second Time Posted, I thought the Subject was not very informative]

I recently upgraded several of my Bo systems to Hamm.  All went fine.  I
am currently struggling with some of the minor changes that the new
packages have.

My home system is setup on a dummy network (, and I do
typically email myself at my work Debian box which is on the net with a
legit IP address.  Now (after the hamm upgrade, I assume) I cannot send
mail, and port 25 will not open if I telnet in from home.

I never have a problem receiving mail from legit domains.

So I assume Smail does this, and I would like to know how I can setup my
home system to send mail to not just my work box, but other legit domains
without a problem.  I could even configure my work box so that it acted as
the smarthost or relay or something along those lines.

--Jay Barbee

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Second drive for DOSEmu?

1998-08-25 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 01:34:24PM -0700, Paul Marxhausen wrote:
 After reading through all the DOSEmu info, I'm sorta-kinda-nearly
 grasping this issue, but I still want to ask:
 I'll be converting a utility PC from MS-DOS over to Hamm soon,
 and will be running at least one DOS program under DOSEmu.
 I've already tested it and it's happy, if slow.
 I thought a handy way and safe way to migrate would be to
 take my existing DOS IDE drive (80 Mb), and make it the second
 drive in the system.  Another 80 Mb drive would become the main
 drive with Debian Linux installed.  (Yes, it'll fit.)  
 I hope to be able to have two options:
 1) have LILO give an option to boot either disk at startup, so
 we can have real pure MS-DOS if things go awry; and/or
 2) use LREDIR or some other mechanism to have the whole second
 drive accessible as the DOSEMu drive.  
 Now, am I right . . . is that second drive simply called /dev/hda2
 in things like the fstab?  I mean, when installing Debian, I've
 seen it make the main partition hda1 and the swap hda2 or hda6 . . .
 will that second drive appear in the Linux partitioning program?

you can read the Hard Drive devcice numbers for IDE like:
a = physocal drive
1 = partition number
it goes like this:

/dev/hda = primary IDE controler Master drive
/dev/hdb = primary IDE controller Slave drive
/dev/hdc = secondary (if you have one) Master 
so you probably want /dev/hdb1

 Am i on the right track here?  I suspect this is an obvious
 application that's been done often.

Well I have managed to stay wawy from DOS...not much there I want


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Debian 1.3.1 instal on a 386/40

1998-08-25 Thread Rolf Edlund
Hi, I'm new at this list.

Thinking on install 1.3.1 on a old AMD386DX/40 with 20Mb ram, a Mitsumi
LU005S cd-rom (non-ide), an ET4000 graphic chip and no 387 processor.

Any problem ?

Btw.. do anyone knew the scanning frequency (H  V) on a Victor color
monitor BV243490 ?


 -Attachment #1, (17353826353873614 bytes), multipart/text 7bit-

Re: How do I prevent Ctrl+Alt+Q from killing my X server?

1998-08-25 Thread Allan K. Neal
Check your XF86Config file in /etc/X11.  Look for an option that is
commented out called Dontzap.  Uncomment this line.  The sequence is
usually Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill x but who knows it might work.


On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Eric Hanchrow wrote:

- I've installed Debian 2.0 from the official Debian 2.0 binary.  Things
- are working well, but while using Emacs, I discovered that Ctrl+Alt+Q
- immediately kills my X server.  This is annoying, because that key
- sequence has meaning to Emacs.  I'd like to tell the server not to die
- when I type that sequence, but I don't know how.  For what it's worth,
- I've uncommented `DontZap' in /etc/X11/XF86COnfig; that prevents
- Ctrl+Alt+Backspace from killing the server ...
- Please respond by email, as I don't regularly read this group.
- Thanks!
- -- 

|   Allan K. Neal   |  Electronics and Computer Technology   |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |Utah State University   |
| |  ASTE Network Administrator|
|The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it's open. |

Re: ifconfig failure.

1998-08-25 Thread C. R. Oldham

C. R. Oldham wrote:


 Ifconfig returns SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable.

Sorry for the false alarm.  I checked by BIOS setup and the card was not being
assigned an interrupt.  Forcing the interrupt to 12 has fixed the problem.

| Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham | NCA Commission on Schools|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Arizona St. Univ., PO Box 873011,|
| V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ 85287-3011   _ |
| I like it!--Citizen G'Kar   | #include disclaimer.h   X_|

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