Re: jed y mutt

1998-08-26 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Sat, Aug 22, 1998 at 12:09:18PM +0100, Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote:
 Cosme Perea Cuevas decía:
  El Thu, Aug 20, 1998,
   Por más que he mirado (a lo mejor lo he tenido delante mismo), no 
   la manera de hacer que el mutt, cuando hago un reply, me pregunte si 
   hacerlo a todos, o usar el CC.
Hay una tecla para responder al 'grupo' de direcciones
(g), y otra para reesponder a la lista (L), aunque a mi
con esta lista no me funciona, me dice que no hay.
 Tienes que decirle que listas son. Lo que haces es separar con procmail los
 mensajes de una lista a un fichero independiente. Luego le dices a mutt que
 ese fichero es un casillero de entrada y que es una lista y el se encarga
 del resto.
 Por ejemplo para esta lista, puedes poner en el .muttrc
 folder-hook debian-user-spanish  'set attribution=%n decía:'
 folder-hook debian-.* set sort=threads
 lists debian-user-spanish
 mailboxes /var/spool/mail/luisgh =Lists/debian-user-spanish


Podrias explicarte un poco mejor con eso del procmail. Utilizas algun script 



Re: jed y mutt

1998-08-26 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
  Podrias explicarte un poco mejor con eso del procmail. Utilizas
  algun script especial?

 El procmail es un MDA (Mail Delivery Agent, Agente de Entrega de
 Correo). Los componentes en un sistema decente de correo (con
 intención de insulto ;-) son:

 * MTA: Mail Transport Agent, Agente de Transporte de Correo. Es el
que se encarga en mover el correo de un lado a otro. El
Smail o el Sendmail por ejemplo.

 * MDA: Mail Delivery Agent, Agente de Entrega de Correo. Es el
encargado de entregar el correo al usuario. El Deliver o el

 * MUA: Mail User Agent, hmmm... ¿Agente de Correo del Usuario? El
programa que el usuario usa para leer el correo. El Pine,
mail, Mutt, etc.

 En mi caso concreto, yo uso el smail en casa para hacer una cola que,
 cuando se realiza una conexión a la red, es despachada por ese
 programa. Para jalar el correo de mi servidor a mi casa uso el
 fetchmail leyendo cuentas POP e IMAP. Aquí el Smail y el fetchmail
 son mis MTA's.

 Al fetchmail le digo:

   user mmagallo is mmagallo here
   limit 32768
   mda formail -s procmail

 Así le indico que el procmail es el MDA. El procmail usa un archivo
 ~/.procmailrc(5) que dice en parte:


 * ^X-Mailing-List.*debian-user-spanish

 * ^Sender.*wmaker

 * ^TO.*debian-user

 Esas líneas le indican al procmail donde colocar el correo. En orden

 * Si en los encabezados del mensaje hay una línea que comienza con
   X-Mailing-List y luego en esa línea dice debian-user-spanish,
   entonces ponga ese mensaje en listas/DEBIAN/SP, que es relativo a

 * Si en los encabezados hay una línea que inicia con Sender y luego
   dice wmaker, ponga los mensajes en listas/WMaker

 * Si hay un mensaje dirijido a debian-user (pero no
   debian-user-spanish, pues eso ya fue procesado), entonces colóquelo
   en listas/DEBIAN/i386. Es dirijido (entre comillas) pues puede
   ser Cc:, directamente, reenviado, y otras posibilidades.

 Se pueden hacer cosas más complicadas (descartar mensajes,
 responderlos, o ejecutar cosas según su contenido), pero en realidad
 lo básico es lo que pongo arriba.

 El Mutt es capaz de leer correo de varios casilleros, así yo le

mailboxes = INBOX \
`echo ~/mail/listas/DEBIAN/*` \

 y tengo g 'pegado' a 'change-folder', así que le puedo decir g,
 [Tab], y seleccionar la carpeta a leer.

 Todo esto lo inventó alguien para lidiar con la total insanidad que
 representa *tratar* de leer el correo diario...



¿Algún usuario de WindowMaker?

1998-08-26 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Hola gente,

  algún usuario de WindowMaker por aquí... Alfredo Kojima está
 pidiendo ayuda para traducir los pot's de WindowMaker 0.19.0 de
 inglés a varios idiomas. Por lo que yo entiendo todavía nadie ha
 pedido la traducción al español. Yo lo haría, pero a) no creo tener
 el tiempo (no es mucho, para alguien bueno digitando, no debería
 llevar más de una o dos horas); b) no hablo español... o mejor dicho,
 el español que yo hablo (en particular en computación) es distinto al
 español que se habla en España, y por algún extraño motivo creo que
 sería mejor si la traducción se hace en español español.

 Al que le interese por favor escríbame ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) o
 escriba a Alfredo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


RE: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-26 Thread Manuel Paz Flores

 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a decia:
  Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) con
  - 1500?
  - 1995 ?
  - 2250 ?
  - otra cifra?

Por qué no hacer un especial Debian 2.0 aparte por 1995 pts? no tendría que
ser en Septiembre (pero prontito, por favor) que las prisas son malas ...

Un saludo


Re: urge: DEBIAN 2.0

1998-08-26 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Hola muchacho, como ya comente en la lista me estoy encargando de
hacer los CDs para LA de Debian 2.0, ayer mismo grabe el binary-i386
(main) y las fuentes, aunque es posible que no sea el CD que se entregue
en la revista porque se van a hacer unos pequeños cambios en las imagenes
de los CDs de Debian y espero poder coger estos cambios para los CDs que
vayan en la revista.
Asi pues, y si los comentarios de Antonio Castro no te frenan :)
te podria pasar una copia del CD de binary-i386, para que instalaras al
menos los componentes 'main' de Debian-2.0, los paquetes de contrib, y
non-free tendrias que obtenerlos de la red (lo cual supongo que no sera
ningun problema ya que lo paga la empresa :) 
No te puedo asegurar la fiabilidad del CD porque aun no lo he
probado, pero lo grabe de la imagen oficial y la grabacion no tuvo ningun
problema (salvo por el hecho de cargarme dos CDs previamente, y es que la
grabacion a 2x en un Win95 es poco menos que imposible).

Un saludo


On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 08:21:57AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Trabajo en una empresa donde necesitamos unas listas de distribucion. Yo
 he propuesto usar Linux (en nuestro entorno de trabajo usamos AIX,
 SOLARIS y WINDOWS NT) aprovechando que tenemos unas maquinas 486. Para
 sorpresa mia han aceptado...Linux ya comienza a ser conocido en algunos
 El problema es que yo, en mi casa, uso Debian 1.3...pero en el trabajo
 quiero instalar la 2.0 (hay gente que quiere instalar RedHat...pero mi
 opinion prevalece puesto que yo me encargare del asunto), y por tanto:
 NECESITO UNA DEBIAN 2.0 esta semana (el viernes tiene que funcionar)
 Hay alguien que la tenga, me la copie o me la deje copiar?
 Es bastante importante, puesto que si el asunto funciona estoy seguro
 que usariamos Linux para otras cosas.
 Soy de Madrid capital.
 Si no me hago con la Debian 2.0 tendre que instalar la RedHat, por lo
 que os ruego que si hay alguien que me pueda suministrar la Debian 2.0
 se ponga en contacto conmigo.
 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

Problema! No puedo instalar los ultimos paquetes

1998-08-26 Thread Valentín Ruano Rubio


Tengo una distribucion Debian ( 1.3.? ) la cual 
trabaja con el paquete libc5. No puedo instalar la libc6 .No puedo instalar los 
ultimos paquetes debian (postgresql, 
jdk ...) que trabajan con esta libreria. No he conseguido encontrar versiones de 
estos paquetes para la libc5 en vuestra web ( Me podriais indicar 
donde puedo conseguir esas versiones 
o como las puedo generar?
PD: Perdonad mi pesimo 

CD de HAMM detectado de forma diferente

1998-08-26 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias

Hola, buenas que tal van las vacaciones.

Bueno voy a ir por faena.

Esta semana me baje la imagen ISO del cd de HAMM y la tosté en una
maquina W3.11. Le eche un vistazo por encima y boté el CD y todo parecia

Lo lleve a mi casa y lo puse en una maquina que arranca de diskete
y tiene configurado el NFS-ROOT y sorpresa al montarlo lo detecta como un
cd ISO 9660 Microsoft Jolliet Extension y me da la impresion de que no se
ven los links. el CD en un clonico de un panasonic SCSI 24x

Me llevo el mismo cd a la uni y lo monto en una maquina con debian
1.3.1 y CD Mitsumi con tarjeta propietaria y sorpresa lo detecta como una
imagen ISO 9660 RRIP y si se ven los links 

y la pregunta es ¿tengo el CD mal o tengo el ordenador mal o el
lector de CD's es raro?

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Re: Problema! No puedo instalar los ultimos paquetes

1998-08-26 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Valentín Ruano Rubio wrote:

 Tengo una distribucion Debian ( 1.3.? ) la cual trabaja con el paquete
 libc5. No puedo instalar la libc6 .No puedo instalar los ultimos
 debian (postgresql, jdk ...) que trabajan con esta libreria. No he
 conseguido encontrar versiones de estos paquetes para la libc5 en
 web ( Me podriais indicar donde puedo conseguir esas
 versiones o como las puedo generar?

Consejo: Actualízate a Debian 2.0.

Alternativa: Si no sigues el consejo 1, necesitarás instalar la libc5 Y la
libc6 de Debian 2.0 al mismo tiempo.

Nota casi obvia: Encontrarás la Debian 2.0 en cualquier espejo de Debian.

Información: Hay una lista de todos los espejos de Debian en:

Súplica: No escribas líneas de más de 80 caracteres.

 PD: Perdonad mi pésimo inglés.

Ruego: Si te refieres al HTML, yo te perdono si lo desactivas
ahora mismo ;-)

 4e31f8d37256bef564960f5bd94cff4b (a truly random sig)

PPP - comienzo

1998-08-26 Thread M.G.
Para configurar el acceso a internet, ya he leído varias veces que
es más fácil usando el pppconfig pero no me aparece por
ninguna parte.

Todo (o casi todo) lo que instalé con el dselect fue (creo):  ppp,
bind, dip, smail, fetchmail, procmail,...

Ahora bien, en la documentación me aparece lo siguiente:

  -Outbound Setup
  Editar fichero /etc/ppp.chatscript y asegurarse de que contiene lo
  necesario para llamar a tu servidor, y eventualmente empezar ppp.
  Editar fichero /etc/ppp.options_out ... si necesitas usar
  autentificación PAP-Password, añadirle user username.
  Editar fichero /etc/ppp/pap-secrets y añadir contraseña.
¿Tiene algo que ver el PAP-Password con la contraseña que tengo
para acceder a mi proveedor de internet?  Si es así, ¿sólo debo
añadir una línea con user identificador a /etc/ppp.options_out,
y luego la contraseña en /etc/ppp/pap_secrets?

  -Inbound Setup (asume que mgetty0.99 está instalado)
  Editar /etc/ppp/options y descomentar las líneas del nameserver.
  Poner la dirección IP que desees que los usuarios utilicen para
  sus name services.
no entiendo lo de mgetty, pero bueno, lo instalaré.  La dirección IP
imagino que se refiere a algo como:;  lo que no
sé es qué es eso de name services.

  Copiar el fichero /etc/ppp/options.XX de modo que tengas un
  fichero de opciones para cada puerto de serie en el que corras
  mgetty.  Dale a cada puerto de serie una dirección IP en esos
Aquí me pierdo totalmente.

  Inbound dialup using dialup scripts:
  Una sesión ppp se puede establecer desde el prompt
  (¿castellano?) ejecutando /usr/sbin/pppd.  El usuario está limitado
  al uso de la dirección IP asignada en /etc/ppp/options.ttyname

¿Significa esto que puedo prescindir de lo anterior y no instalar

  Puedes controlar el acceso a pon, poff y plog, mediante los
  permisos en /etc/ppp.chatscript y /etc/ppp.options_out... 


Disculpadme por lo simple de las preguntas, pero no tengo ni idea
de cómo ni por dónde empezar.  En principio, la configuración de
ppp está claro que me permitirá la conexión, pero luego necesitaré
configurar los distintos programas (smail, ...) para poder usar la
conexión.  A parte, tengo dos cuentas de correo, una la normal por
mi servidor (servicom), y otra que utiliza un POP3 propio para
enviar correo ( y como SMTP el de servicom
(  Todo esto no sé cómo traducirlo para Linux,
ni siquiera las DNS (bueno, eso creo que estaba claro en
/etc/ppp/options).  Ah, y el modem, ¿se configura?  ¿cómo?  ¿o
es eso mentalidad DOS/Win?

Os agradezco cualquier ayuda para comenzar (y para continuar),


Re: CD de HAMM detectado de forma diferente

1998-08-26 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

No tienes el CD ni el ordenador mal, ni tampoco es raro el CD. Como
bien has visto el cd es ISO 9660 Joliet, para que pueda botarse de el (las
BIOS que tiene soporte para arranque de CD). Sin embargo Linux te va a decir
que la imagen es ISO 9660 (que lo es) pero no mucho mas. Vamos, que tu mismo
te has contestado a tu pregunta :)

La razon de porque no ves los links en casa es porque en Windows..
no hay links.. (lo ves con Windows no?) simplemente, y no es capaz de 
utilizarlos, Linux sin embargo
si. No soy un experto en CDs, asi que me podeis corregir si me equivoco...
Lo de NFS-ROOT y el diskete no he llegado a entenderlo, que tienes montado
en casa?

Un saludo


On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 10:28:24AM +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
   Lo lleve a mi casa y lo puse en una maquina que arranca de diskete
 y tiene configurado el NFS-ROOT y sorpresa al montarlo lo detecta como un
 cd ISO 9660 Microsoft Jolliet Extension y me da la impresion de que no se
 ven los links. el CD en un clonico de un panasonic SCSI 24x
   Me llevo el mismo cd a la uni y lo monto en una maquina con debian
 1.3.1 y CD Mitsumi con tarjeta propietaria y sorpresa lo detecta como una
 imagen ISO 9660 RRIP y si se ven los links 
   y la pregunta es ¿tengo el CD mal o tengo el ordenador mal o el
 lector de CD's es raro?

Debian 2.0 y Linux Actual (era RE: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 ...)

1998-08-26 Thread Ignacio Torres Masdeu
Creo que este thread esta un poco de mas, teniendo en cuenta que
septiembre esta a la vuelta de la esquina y la revista ya debe haber
salido a imprenta (a no ser que el numero de septiembre salga en octubre
o se incluya una hoja/folleto aparte sobre el deb 2.0)



Enviado con Linux (Redhat 5.0)
Ignacio Torres Masdeu

Suplica (anexo al ruego de Re: Problema! No puedo...)

1998-08-26 Thread Ignacio Torres Masdeu
 Ruego: Si te refieres al HTML, yo te perdono si lo desactivas
 ahora mismo ;-)

A la lista llegan bastantes mensajes en texto/html que deduzco estan
enviados con el communicator.

Me apunto al ruego del colega de que la gente que lo tenga activado
desactive la opcion Enviar mensajes HTML por defecto de las preferencias
del communicator.

un saludo y gracias


PS: perdon a quien le parezca que esto es una chorrada, pero creo que la
lista se agilizara bastante si no llegan mensajes mixtos

Enviado con Linux (Redhat 5.0)
Ignacio Torres Masdeu


1998-08-26 Thread Phillip Neumann

Tengo un grave problema. No puedo conectarme a internet como usuario 
normal. Como root si. Uso pon. El problema es que cuando ejecuto pon, 
debian no me dice nada, pero al hacer un plog, debian dice que al 
archivo /etc/chatscript/provider no tengo permiso. Pero ya he hecho 
chmod 777 a este. tambien a /etc/ppp/peers/provider, a pppd, a ttyS2 a 
/etc/hosts y a /etc/relov.conf. Que debo hacer para que existan 
problemas de permisos a mis usuarion normales??

Tabien he tratado: Si ejecuto pon como root y luego abro una consola 
como usuario normal, el usuario no puede acceder a internet.

Aprecio sus ayudas
Phillip Neumann

PD: favor resonder a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuve que crear una cuante en 
hotmail,. porque si mando un mensaje a la lista como root, el servidos 
me lo borra

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: NS Communicator 4.05, hamm y las oldlibs

1998-08-26 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
El sáb, 15 ago 1998, J.Parera escribió:
 al instalar el NS me pide las siguientes librerías:

He ido a y en el buscador que allí hay he
comprobado que varias de las librerías que me faltan pertenecen a las oldlibs.
Si las instalo tendré algún tipo de problema?
Instalaste desde cero verdad??
Si hubieras actualizado una version anterior te las habria instalado 
Yo tengo el netscape misma version funcionando sin ningun problema.
Hay alguna versión del NS (no beta) que funcione con las nuevas bibliotecas?
No se si alguna de las nuevas de, pero netscape sigue con libc5

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian cumple 5 años

1998-08-26 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
El dom, 16 ago 1998, Luis Francisco Gonzalez escribió:
para aquellos que no lo sepan. Hoy domingo se cumplen cinco años desde el
nacimiento de Debian.

Vaya 5 añitos ya...

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghostscript

1998-08-26 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
El lun, 17 ago 1998, J.Parera escribió:

Usage: xfstt [--sync][--port portno][--unstrap]
--sync  put ttf-fonts in /var/ttfonts in font database

Ahora viene la duda, para instalar las fuentes (*.ttf) que debo hacer? Meter 
fuentes en /var/ttfonts o ejecutar xfstt --sync nombrefuente.ttf?
meter las fuentes ( o enlaces simbolicos )

Tambien puedes convertir var/ttfonts en un enlace a windows\fonts y te ahorras
tenerlas en dos sitios.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dotfiles

1998-08-26 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
El mié, 19 ago 1998, TooManySecrets escribió:

¿Para qué sirven exactamente las utilidades Dotfile que vienen en la nueva
Debian 2.0?
Es un programa para generar los tipicos ficheros de configuracion tipo
..bashrc .bash_profile, etc etc ...
esta sobre Xwindows.

Saludos. Antonio

Como se cambia el tipo de letra por defecto en xterm

1998-08-26 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

Hola , e estado intentando cambiar el tipo de letra por defecto en las xterm
pero no parece que lo coja.
Estoy con Debian 2 y lo que he hecho es añadir en mi home
el siguiente fichero
-- .Xresources
! Xresources
! user Xresources file -- used by both xdm and xinit (startx)

 XTerm*Font: 10x20
Pero no consigo que carge la fuente. 
¿ Que estoy haciendo mal?

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Email ¿masquerading?

1998-08-26 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

Tengo un dominio y todos los mails que llegan a son redirigidos a 

Lo que me interesa es poder redirigir el correo que llega y dejarlo
en varias cuentas. Por ahora lo hago con esto en el .fetchmailrc:

envelope To:
protocol POP3
set daemon 60

no dns, aka lazlo
user bcnartdirecte 
to rafacm info root cmarcos rdraper euroart webmaster * here

Tengo que usar el envelope To: porque en la cabecera del e-mail, en
el campo Received: pone la direccion de redestb y acaba enviandolo todo
a la cuenta root.

Ejemplo de cabecera de e-mail:

#From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Aug 20 13:53:58 1998
#Received: from (really []) by
#   via in.smtpd with esmtp (ident root using rfc1413)
#   id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
#   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Aug 1998 13:53:57 +0200 (CEST) 
#Received: from ([]) by
#  ( MTA v2.0 0813 ID# 0-12342) with ESMTP id AAA307
#  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Aug 1998 11:57:43 +0200
#Received: from ([]) by
#  (Post.Office MTA v3.1.2 release (PO205-101c) ID# 0-0U10L2S100)
#  with ESMTP id AAA133 for [EMAIL PROTECTED];
#  Thu, 20 Aug 1998 11:55:45 +0200
#Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED]) by (8.8.5/8.6.9) id FAA0
6329 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Aug 1998 05:57:22 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from ( []) b
y (8.8.5/8.6.9) with ESMTP id FAA06326 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Aug 1998 05:57:21 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from ([]) by
  (Netscape Messaging Server 3.54)  with SMTP id 365
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Thu, 20 Aug 1998 05:56:31 -0400
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 98 05:59:36 -0400
Subject: solo para rafacm
X-Mailer: LatinMail v3.0 --
Status: RO
Content-Length: 126
Lines: 6

asdfasdf Tu correo gratuito en espaF1ol.


Asi es que creo que deberia cargarme todos los Received: marcados con
#. Hay alguna manera mas... no se... limpia de hacer esto. procmail, 
mailagent? comor!



Re: kppp

1998-08-26 Thread David Requena
On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 19:29:52 +0200, Emilio Tejedor wrote:

Otro problema es que no consigo imprimir bien (no imprime acentos ni ññ).
Tengo un hp deskjet 600, el lprng y magicfilter. Alguna idea de cómo
configurarlo bien. El filtro elegido es dj500 creo (perdón pero estoy en

Tienes que seleccionar la pagina de codigos ECMA ISO-8859-1 (o latin1)
en la impresora. Puedes hacerlo con los jumpers de la propia impresora o
bien enviando la secuencia de escape adecuada desde un filtro de impresion

Ahora mismo no me acuerdo de cual era pero la tienes en el manual.
Si no te aclaras dimelo y ya te lo buscare.


David Requena   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fido:   2:343/302.2
RedBBS: 757:1102/1.2

 ** TagIt/2 v1.2 **

+++ Dios mio! Esta lleno de estrellas... (D.Bowman)

Re: Segunda beta de

1998-08-26 Thread David Requena
On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 18:30:07 +0200, Jose Marin wrote:

* caracteres no se acentua, es llana... o no? (e.g., régimen, regímenes)

Tu y yo tenemos caracteres diferentes -- Sin acento.
Carácteres impresos -- Con acento.

* autenticado, autentificado...  Which one?

Autentificado -- Correcto.
Autenticado -- Correcto, en España algo arcaico.

* embedded: empotrados o inmersos? Como sé que quizá nadie se ponga de
  acuerdo en esta, al traducir secciones de la opté por no
  usar ninguna de las dos, y usar una palabra de la calle: incluidos en
  el hardware (ver seccion Hardware específico de Windows).

A mi me gusta mas embebido, como el SQL :-)

Las que no respondo no estoy seguro.


David Requena   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fido:   2:343/302.2
RedBBS: 757:1102/1.2

 ** TagIt/2 v1.2 **

+++ DOS never says EXCELLENT command or filename...

Servidores de chat

1998-08-26 Thread Humberto . Morell


Deseo instalar un servicio supongo que sea de chat
Tengo referencia de servicios que se ofertan en Internet que 
1. Intercambio de mensajes online
2. Conversar con empleo de multimedia punto a punto
3. LLamadas a numeros telefonicos por un servidor permitiendo una 

Del 1 y 2 hasta lo que conosco se puede lograr con software 
NetMeeting de Microsoft y existen sitios chat web que aparentemente 
con Java permiten esto.
Del 3 existe al menos un servicio pagado en USA el Net2Phon que lo 

Por lo que quisiera saber:
Existe para linux algun software que me permita estas posibilidades?
Conocen algun apple de Java que se pueda obtener para ello?
En caso de no existir nada, me pueden dar alguna idea de como 
acometer la programacion, al menos con referencia a que 
lenguaje de programacion tendria mas herramientas para poder dar 
solucion al caso 3 que considero es el mas complicado.

Agradecido de antemano. 
Humberto Morell (sysadm net infocex)

Re: internet

1998-08-26 Thread M.G.
 Tengo un grave problema. No puedo conectarme a internet como usuario
 normal. Como root si. Uso pon. El problema es que cuando ejecuto pon,
 debian no me dice nada, pero al hacer un plog, debian dice que al archivo
 /etc/chatscript/provider no tengo permiso. Pero ya he hecho chmod 777 a
 este. tambien a /etc/ppp/peers/provider, a pppd, a ttyS2 a /etc/hosts y a
 /etc/relov.conf. Que debo hacer para que existan problemas de permisos a
 mis usuarion normales??

 Tabien he tratado: Si ejecuto pon como root y luego abro una consola como
 usuario normal, el usuario no puede acceder a internet.

Yo también estoy intentando configurar el ppp por primerísima vez,
y en parte de la documentación que he visto decía:
Permissions:  puedes controlar el acceso a pon, poff, plog a través
de los permisos en /etc/ppp.chatscript y /etc/ppp.options_out
¿Cómo?  bueno, ahí todavía no he llegado.

Un saludo,


Re: Más sobre: En el NS Communicator 4.05 an dejado de funcionarme los acentos!!!

1998-08-26 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
¿Como lo has hecho?
Yo NUNCA he conseguido mandar un e-mail con tildes bajo Linux. Y la
verdad que me gustaria que fuese con Netscape.
Tengo Netscape 4.05 y una pseudo bo-hamm. Esperare a ver lo que ocurre
con Linux Actual para meter de lleno la hamm.

Un saludo:
Juan Carlos.

Re: Re: internet

1998-08-26 Thread Phillip Neumann
M.G. wrote:

  Tengo un grave problema. No puedo conectarme a internet como usuario
  normal. Como root si. Uso pon. El problema es que cuando ejecuto pon,
  debian no me dice nada, pero al hacer un plog, debian dice que al archivo
  /etc/chatscript/provider no tengo permiso. Pero ya he hecho chmod 777 a
  este. tambien a /etc/ppp/peers/provider, a pppd, a ttyS2 a /etc/hosts y a
  /etc/relov.conf. Que debo hacer para que existan problemas de permisos a
  mis usuarion normales??
  Tabien he tratado: Si ejecuto pon como root y luego abro una consola como
  usuario normal, el usuario no puede acceder a internet.

 Yo también estoy intentando configurar el ppp por primerísima vez,
 y en parte de la documentación que he visto decía:
 Permissions:  puedes controlar el acceso a pon, poff, plog a través
 de los permisos en /etc/ppp.chatscript y /etc/ppp.options_out
 ¿Cómo?  bueno, ahí todavía no he llegado.


Bueno ahora un usuario puede acceder a internet cuando hago la conexion como 
Pero, aun quiero dejar que sean los usuarios los que tenga la habilidad de
conectarse. Revise por los archivos /etc/ppp.options_out y ppp.chatsript pero no
lo encontre.

Como me conecte a intenet?
No use pppconfig . Simplemente edite los archivos:
admeas de tener ppp instalado en el kernel y haber configuradi mi modem.

Bueno cualquier ayuda es bienvenida...

Phillip Neumann

Inscripcion a revista

1998-08-26 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola Amigos

Por lo que he visto en la lista, se habla de la revista Linux 
Actual quisiera hacer una subscripcion a esta revista, no es para 
los CDs ya lo encargue a
Alguien me pudiera dar los datos de la editora, si le es sencillo ya 
que buscando AltaVista Revista Linux Actual me aparecen mach 5
articulos 3 de la lista l-linux y dos que tampoco es el Web de ellos
Es posible que pierda menos tiempo si le echan una miradita a su 
referencia y me lo dicen.
Muchas gracias y disculpen la molestia
Humberto Morell (sysadm net infocex)

Re: old 1.3 directories

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  : *- Nathan E Norman wrote about Re: old 1.3 directories
  : | On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
  : | 
  : [snip]
  : |  :[15]
  : | 
  : | Minor nitpick - I think this should read:
  : | 
  : [snip]
  : | [15]
  : The http works for me! Hence they both are right. Give it a try.
 Yeah, I know ... but there were TWO http links to!  One
 of them should have read ftp :)

Of course, that's how it's named on the web page, I'm just too lame to write
the link content correct.  It's fixed btw.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Stone wrote:

 Quoting Ruud Janssen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  This doesn't seem to work for me. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
  deb stable-updates/
  deb stable main contrib
 Try deb dists/stable-updates/

shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  If it can't be fixed with Vise-Grips  duct tape, it can't be fixed.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: getting fqdn from gethostname on a hamm box

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Alan Su wrote:
 when i call gethostname() on my hamm, it returns only the name of the
 machine, rather than a fqdn.  i distinctly remember that when i was
 running bo, i got a fqdn.  does anyone know how i can make it return
 the fqdn?  or is there another function i should be using?  thanks.
 (btw, getdomainname() returns (none), which suggests to me that
 something else is going on here.  am i right?)

check /etc/hostname
check /usr/bin/hostname

If you want to write portable programs then you use gethostname() to
determine the hostname, check for a '.' and if it's not included you
use gethostbyname() to get the fqdn.  For an example, take a look at
the syslogd source.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: Debian 1.3.1 instal on a 386/40

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Hi, I'm new at this list.
 Thinking on install 1.3.1 on a old AMD386DX/40 with 20Mb ram, a Mitsumi
 LU005S cd-rom (non-ide), an ET4000 graphic chip and no 387 processor.

Looks like my ftp/irc server.  However it crashed after 250 days of uptime.

 Any problem ?

No.  Only little bit slow... but perfect for a router, ftpserver, irc server
etc.  We also have a 386sx20 in our network acting as web and ftp server.
Yeah, I love these machines.  It's much more fun to revive them than new
regular boxes with lots of power.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: CVS 1.10 is out...hamm?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Ossama Othman wrote:
 Will CVS 1.10 be available in hamm?

No.  Hamm is released.  It will be available in slink, it's successor.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: /var/log cleanout

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Mark Panzer wrote:
 Are system maintainers (su's) supposed to clean out the /var/log
 directory after a while?  Mine is up to 15MB and I don't think I really
 need to see if I connected to the internet on June 2nd.  Also is there a
 program which cleans this for you, or what is the correct way?  Thanks.

Normally this should be done by the system itself.  Please check out the
scripts in /etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}.  They contain several
savelog entries.

If you find spurious logfiles that aren't connected to a package
anymore, report it as a bug.  Logfiles are ought to be removed within
the postinst if a package got --purge'd.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: /var/log cleanout

1998-08-26 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Mark Panzer wrote:

 Are system maintainers (su's) supposed to clean out the /var/log
 directory after a while?  Mine is up to 15MB and I don't think I really
 need to see if I connected to the internet on June 2nd.  Also is there a
 program which cleans this for you, or what is the correct way?  Thanks.

Your logfiles are getting rotated arent they? Is your box on 24/7? if not,
then It's probably not catching the 6:45am-ish cron job. try installing
anacron if that is the case.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 00D Keyboard locked - Try anything you can think of.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Sending via SMAIL from dialup connection and private network

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Jay Barbee wrote:
 [Second Time Posted, I thought the Subject was not very informative]
 I recently upgraded several of my Bo systems to Hamm.  All went fine.  I
 am currently struggling with some of the minor changes that the new
 packages have.
 My home system is setup on a dummy network (, and I do
 typically email myself at my work Debian box which is on the net with a
 legit IP address.  Now (after the hamm upgrade, I assume) I cannot send
 mail, and port 25 will not open if I telnet in from home.

What's the behaviour?

a) telnet to the port, no connection.
   -- no smtp daemon connected to it
   -- check /etc/inetd.conf

b) telnet to the port, connection, but aborted
   -- check syslog, smail logfile
   -- check smail configuration.

c) telnet to the port, connection, mail not accepted
   -- check smail config allow_remote_*

 So I assume Smail does this, and I would like to know how I can setup my
 home system to send mail to not just my work box, but other legit domains

You have to find out which program is responsible for it inetd, tcpd or smail?



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

 On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Stone wrote:
  Quoting Ruud Janssen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   This doesn't seem to work for me. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
   deb stable-updates/
   deb stable main contrib
  Try deb dists/stable-updates/
 shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???

My apologies... I was wrong... .../debian dists/stable-updates/ works :)

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
WinErr: 00F User error - Not our fault. Is Not! Is Not!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread servis
*- Michael Beattie wrote about Re: apt  dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK
| On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Stone wrote:
|  Quoting Ruud Janssen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
|   This doesn't seem to work for me. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
|   deb stable-updates/
|   deb stable main contrib
|   non-us
|  Try deb dists/stable-updates/
| shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???

For whatever reason, no.  That is the only way I could get it to work
for me.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University


1998-08-26 Thread Michele Bini
The issue 30 of Linux Gazette, July 1998, has an article in which a
user tell the experience he had with an experimental product called
LinuxCad ( ).

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Michele Bini [EMAIL PROTECTED], Linux programmer
  Membro Pluto

Re: Can somebody help met to get pygres working on Debian 2.0?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
It would be a good idea if you would describe your problem so others are
able to help.



Johann Spies wrote:
 I have sent email about this previously to the list, but since
 upgrading to Debian 2.0 my system is in such a mess that it seems the
 email got lost.
 If somebody have pygres running with postgresql 6.3.2 and debian 1.5.1
 on Debian 2.0 I would like to know how they did it.
 If I cannot solve this problem, I will have to remove Debian 2.0 from
 my machine and reinstall 1.3.1. I do not know how to do that but I am
 so desperate that I will even do a new installation if necessary.
 | Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
 | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310   Suid-Afrika (South 
 Africa)  |
  But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the 
   night. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise,
   and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the
   earth and the works that are therein shall be burned
   up. II Peter 3:10 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: Package installation templates?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Mark Burgess wrote:
 A good topic for the debain FAQ would be the answer to the following
 question. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to mail me their answer
 to this also.
 I want to create a standard list of packages which I will then install
 on 50 machines  without having to go into dselect and choose them
 by hand.  i.e. I want to to make a bunch of clones from the the sources.
 I need a template list for the packages in my set-up.
 How can I do this? Is is obvious?

Quite easy.

Install one system.

dpkg --get-selections  file

On the remaining 49 machines you type

cat file |dpkg --set-selections

before you call dselect.

After that, just install.

I believe you can easily integrate this list into the pre-selection
list of distributions at the end of the initial installation.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: install hamm from CD

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Tony Schonfeld wrote:
 i've just receive my DEBIAN 2.0 distribution (linux central) today.
 i need to upgrade 1.3.1 to hamm, after reading instructions to upgrade
 correctly, i've mount my cdrom and type:
 cd /cdrom/upgrade/ /tmp
 cd /tmp
 chmod 555
 script /tmp/debian.upgrade
 cd /cdrom
 i've together this message error !
 gate1# /tmp/
 Can't find ../debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base/ldso_*.deb!
 aborting upgrade.

Looks like your path needs to be adjusted.  Please enter again with 
a different path.

m - for local mirror
path - /pub/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/

or similar.  Sorry, I don't have the correct path in mind.



 the script used is revision : 0.5
 thank you for help !
 Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
 WWW: -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: Smail in hamm checking DNS lookups?

1998-08-26 Thread rir
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Jay Barbee wrote:

 I recently upgraded several of my Bo systems to Hamm.  All went fine.  I
 am currently struggling with some of the minor changes that the new
 packages have.

delete use_bind in your /etc/smail/transports file's smarthost clause and 
probably anywhere else under /etc/smail


Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Stone wrote:
  Try deb dists/stable-updates/
 shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???

Logically, yes. Ask the apt developers why dists/stable-updates/ works
consistently and the other doesn't. :)

Mike Stone

Re: WARNING : libc6 Version: 2.0.7t-1 breaks resolv routines

1998-08-26 Thread john
I wrote:
 This implies that 'host' deals only in names and would therefor make 'host' undocumented behavior.  However, the man page also says:
 This, on the other hand, implies that 'host' does deal in IP addresses.
 Looks like a bug in the man page.

Adam Shand writes:
 this is a little old (i've been lazy with the email), but host does most
 certainly work with ip#'s.

The man page, however, does not: it contradicts itself on the subject.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: getting fqdn from gethostname on a hamm box

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
 Martin Schulze wrote (Wed, 26 Aug 1998 01:04:36 +0200 ):
 |If you want to write portable programs then you use gethostname() to
 |determine the hostname, check for a '.' and if it's not included you
 |use gethostbyname() to get the fqdn.  For an example, take a look at
 |the syslogd source.

This doesn't work on Solaris?  Why, you should tell us why it fails.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: getting fqdn from gethostname on a hamm box

1998-08-26 Thread Alan Su
Martin Schulze wrote (Wed, 26 Aug 1998 02:12:58 +0200 ):
| Martin Schulze wrote (Wed, 26 Aug 1998 01:04:36 +0200 ):
| |If you want to write portable programs then you use gethostname() to
| |determine the hostname, check for a '.' and if it's not included you
| |use gethostbyname() to get the fqdn.  For an example, take a look at
| |the syslogd source.
|This doesn't work on Solaris?  Why, you should tell us why it fails.

ok, i've found one case where neither gethostname() nor the method
Joey descibed worked in getting the fqdn.  on that particular machine,
i found that the h_name field still had the simple name, but that
h_aliases[0] contained the fqdn.  so, it's in there somewhere, it's
just not always in the h_name field of the struct hostent.

now my question is this:  how does one tell how many aliases are in
the h_aliases vector?  do i just keep examining the elements of the
vector until one of them is null?

thanks everyone...


Re: getting fqdn from gethostname on a hamm box

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Alan Su wrote:
 now my question is this:  how does one tell how many aliases are in
 the h_aliases vector?  do i just keep examining the elements of the
 vector until one of them is null?

I believe the same rule like simple strings apply here, too.  The
last element is NULL.  You have to test for it.



A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-26 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 10:51:56PM +0800, Richard L. Alhama wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:
  Imagine Debian GNU/FreeBSD ... that would send some people straight
  over the edge.
 Uhhmmm why not.  So that we can all multiple boot to these OS's ( Linux
 /HURD/FreeBSD/Win32/fooOS) without learning any other packaging systems.
 I love OS's!

Well, FreeBSD is not just as kernel, it's the whole OS, unlike Linux 
Hurd, which are just kernels (the distribution is the OS). You could do it,
but then you could do Debian GNU/Solaris too if you wanted.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: [pppd] error: link not 8-bit clean

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SC == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[.. failed dial-in attempts ..]

 OK ATDT2230101
 ogin: \d\q'us,ppp,thaths'
 ssword: \qpassword
 netcom login: thaths
 Username or Password incorrect.
 netcom login: us,ppp,thaths
 PPP session from ( to beginning~ }#À!}!}!} 
 }$}%Ü}}} } } } }%}@œ…Œ}'}}(}á}$~~ }#À!}!}} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} } } } 

OK, terminal login looks like the way to go.

The ISP starts PPP immediately, so your chatscript looks all right.

I am a bit puzzled. 

Pleas etry to remove all lines after  ssword: \qpassword in the

Or change the line ' \d\c' to '...  '.


Re: [Help] resc1440.bin (kernel) crash

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JC == Jimen Ching [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JC 1.  How do I set my hostname?  Everywhere the hostname should appear, the
JC string (none) is placed there instead, no qoutes.

Check /etc/hostname.

It should be the hostname without the domain part (like mybox. 
Then in /etc/hosts you should have a line like   mybox.mynet.home mybox

JC 2.  Two files, fstab and resolv.conf were not created.  I had to manually
JC create these myself.  What did I do wrong that they weren't created?

fstab should be created after the base system has been created, I
believe. This is why you have tell which fs to mount where in the tree.

resolv.conf should be created if you answer the questions about
nameservers during installation.

JC 3.  When I first got my system up, before installing a lot of optional
JC package, the nfsd and mountd were started.  I do not remember it asking me
JC whether I want these services started.  After I installed everything I
JC wanted, it didn't start these services anymore.  nfsiod is still a process
JC though.  Is this normal?

They are started in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs, but only if you export
some directories in /etc/exports. Otherwise they are not needed.

JC 4.  I get this error in my /var/log/xdm-errors

JC System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm 
-m us -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml 
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server keymap/xfree86 

JC What is causing this?  How can I stop it from writing this to xdm-errors?

Don't know about these. Maybe some typo in the keymap file? Try the
xbase/xserver from slink.

JC corner and it is sometimes a long distance to move the cursor.  How do I
JC setup fvwm2 so I can use ctrl-[arrow] to move between the virtual screens?

Key Left  A C Scroll -100 0
Key UpA C Scroll +0 -100
Key Right A C Scroll +100 +0
Key Down  A C Scroll +0 +100

Should do it. Be sure you don't use numlock, as it is another

JC I should mention that I'm using the XKB extension for my keymap handling.
JC I was having problems with my delete and backspace key with the older
JC version of Debian.  I thought maybe this new extension in XFree 3.2.2
JC would help.  It didn't.  Or maybe I did something wrong?  I have the
JC 101key keyboards.

This is most likely a result of the error you mention in 4.

JC 6.  One more thing with fvwm2.  I added the following to .fvwm2/post.hook.

JC PixmapPath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps

JC But I still do not see any of the pixmaps on the popup menu.  How do I
JC setup the configuration files so the pixmaps show up in the popup menus?

Maybe because the application don't specify a icon for the menu. I
have a miniicon for gv (Apps/Viewers/GV). If you also have it, then
everything is OK. Check /usr/doc/menu for infos how to provide your
own entries for the menu, in which you can enable miniicons. 


Re: Why hurd ? was (What is hurd?)

1998-08-26 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 : On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 10:51:56PM +0800, Richard L. Alhama wrote:
 :  On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 :  snip
 :   Imagine Debian GNU/FreeBSD ... that would send some people straight
 :   over the edge.
 :  Uhhmmm why not.  So that we can all multiple boot to these OS's ( Linux
 :  /HURD/FreeBSD/Win32/fooOS) without learning any other packaging systems.
 :  I love OS's!
 : Well, FreeBSD is not just as kernel, it's the whole OS, unlike Linux 
 : Hurd, which are just kernels (the distribution is the OS). You could do it,
 : but then you could do Debian GNU/Solaris too if you wanted.

True ... I don't iamgine we'll ever see a Debian/GNU FreeBSD, cos that
would imply a BSD kernel with GNU utilities and dpkg, dselect, etc ...
purists would hate it and it might not be as extensible as a Linux
kernel-based system ... although I'm told BSD kernels are superior for
firewalling, and the can actually do NAT, whereas Linux does IP-Masq.
However, since FreeBSD development is not as open as Linux development
many would feel stifled in this environment.

Then again, someone mentioned Debian FreeBSD, which would be BSD, the
Debian packaging/admin tools, and no GNU stuff - the purists would hate
that too :)

Oh well, back to real work :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Smail in hamm checking DNS lookups?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jay Barbee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JB My home system is setup on a dummy network (, and I do
JB typically email myself at my work Debian box which is on the net with a
JB legit IP address.  Now (after the hamm upgrade, I assume) I cannot send
JB mail, and port 25 will not open if I telnet in from home.

Check /etc/hosts.deny and allow for a paranoid line and disable
it. Also check in /etc/inetd.conf that the smtp line is still active.


Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

 shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???


deb dists/stable-updates/

Is correct.


Re: New SMB Timeout...

1998-08-26 Thread peloy

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

 Another package that I could not get my Bo configuration to work with the 
 setup is SAMBA.  Shares seem to be fine, but when I use SMBCLIENT I get an 
 error such as:
 startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file or 

Uhhmmm... I am not sure I understand. You say that you had a working
Samba setup but when you upgraded to Hamm Samba stopped working?

 ...Then it simply hangs!

The error about inexistant /etc/lmhosts file isn't a big deal if
smbclient is able to find the IP address of the host you are trying to
connect to.

Also, wha do you mean by it simply hangs?

 It is true, I do not have a lmhosts file.  I was hoping it to resolve via 
 DNS.  So I added name resolve order = hosts and I get the same error as 
 above and also it tells me that port 134 on the machine I am tring to connect 
 has timed-out?

What version of Samba are you using, by the way?

 All Win95 clients connect to this same WinNT box just fine.  Connections 
 worked a-okay with my Bo setup.  I currently run smbd and nmbd as daemons. 
 Any ideas on the hangup?  Encrypted passwords?  This NT box getting to my 
 Linux server works fine (printers, apps, shares, etc.).

OK, so Win95 - WinNT is OK, WinNT - Samba is OK, smbclient - WinNT
is not OK. Is this OK? And what about Win95 - Samba?

Can you try connecting to the NT box with smbclient using the IP
address instead of the host name?

smbclient ntbox\\share_to_connect_to -I

Please let me know if that works...

Good luck.



1998-08-26 Thread Michele Bini

On Sun, 23 Aug 1998, Georgios Dimitriadis wrote:

 I recently tried to install debian on my laptop, 386sx. I have 5M of free
 RAM and acording to the installation guide it is enough. The problem is
 that when i try to boot from the disk the error message cant find
 coprossesor or math emulation appears and the boot stops. The manual says
 that an FPU is not needet to run Debian.
This is true, but you should choose a kernel with FPU emulation
compiled-in or.


Re: What is hurd?

1998-08-26 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
 The Hurd uses the Mach microkernel: microkernels are supposedly more
 efficient, but somewhere I read (I vaguely think it was by Linus, arguing
 with Tanenbaum about whether Minix was superior to Linux) that in the Real
 World, microkernels aren't as superior to monolithic kernels as they are
 theoretically supposed to be. Also, loadable modules give Linux some of
 the flexibility of microkernels. 

A very interesting and important difference as far as I understand it,
is that _users_ may write, compile and install there own drivers into
the kernel, without becoming root or rebooting, and without affecting
the drivers used by others on the system.  This goes as far as
giving the possibility to provide different OS environments to
different users, so in theory you could have `windows98' and `linux'
running at the same time on the same machine without the kind of
overhead you'd expect from an emulator.

Also, unlike most kernels (even microkernel), Hurd is very modular.
Every operating system service can be implemented as a seperate
Mach process. That would mean

 - As explained above, modules can be written and customized by
 any user, without rebooting, and without affecting the security
 of the computer.

 - If a module, eg NFS client system fails, it can be restarted,
 without doing any damage to the rest of the system, as it would
 run as a seperate Mach process.

 - Any user can mount extra filesystems (aka translators), not just

 - In theory (mine at least) the amount of code running
 as root code can be minimized.  A process can give extra user privileges
 to any other process (within security limits of course, I am not sure
 how these are defined).

 For instance, a telnet daemon would not have to run as root, but
 instead could run as the special user nobody (that means the
 process has no UIDs). As soon as it gets the password from the
 user, it can send it to a password process, which changes the
 priviliges of the telnet process to that user after checking that
 the password matches. This password process is the only process
 running on the system that would need access to the shadow password

 I believe the same concept could be applied to most other processes
 that need to run as root, as typically only a small amount of code
 actually needs to be root.

Of course, it is important not to let the terminology get confusing.
For instance, the above poster said drivers can be customized
without being root or rebooting. I don't think this includes
low level drivers though, such as physical ethernet, harddisk, SCSI,
CD-ROM access, which must be compiled in to the MACH kernel
(I might be wrong). Instead it applies to high-level support, such
as filesystems, program execution, shared-library support and
distributed program execution.

Memory problems

1998-08-26 Thread Simon Holgate
I'm using a laptop which only has 4Mb of RAM (640k standard, 3Mb
extended). Despite this I've been having lot's of fun with it. It swaps
a lot, and then today I noticed that top and free only show 2Mb of RAM!
The BIOS check is fine and it used to run Windoze 3.1 ok. Any idea why
the extra memory isn't found by linux?




Simon Holgate,Tel: (+1) (250) 721 6080
Centre for Earth and Ocean Research,(FAX) 721 6200 
University of Victoria,
P.O. Box 3055,   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Victoria, B.C.  

Unidentified subject!

1998-08-26 Thread tim
At 10:34 PM 8/23/98 -0200, you wrote: 
Trying to use a machine thats is running Win95 and Wingate(Proxy Software) 
for a proxy server for my Debian Linux Machine. The Win95 machine is 
connect to the net via cable modem. I can already get from net to the 
linux box but not from linux box to the net. Anyone have an Idea how this 
can be done? 
I just did this the other day with the exact same setup - make sure you're
dns line is pointed to you're ISP. BTW, Wingate is a gateway server, not a
proxy server.

I owe everyone an apology for the above message, the server we set up at
work was Sygate, not Wingate...Sygate *IS* a gateway server and required me
to enter the ISP's DNS IP # on the Linux box.  I just took a look at
Wingate's readme file and they make no mention of gateways but numerous
mention of proxies.  Again, I apologize for providing erroneous information
to this list and to Mr. Bouzane.


Re: CVS 1.10 is out...hamm?

1998-08-26 Thread Ossama Othman

  Will CVS 1.10 be available in hamm?
 No.  Hamm is released.  It will be available in slink, it's successor.

Doh!  I didn't realize that released distributions (e.g. hamm) don't get
periodic updates to packages.  Does this mean that only big fixes go into


Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades DOESN'T WORK

1998-08-26 Thread Ralph Winslow
When Michael Beattie wrote, I replied:
 On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Michael Stone wrote:
  Quoting Ruud Janssen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   This doesn't seem to work for me. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list:
   deb stable-updates/
   deb stable main contrib
  Try deb dists/stable-updates/
 shouldn't it be deb stable-updates/ ???

neither one worked for me???
Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   If it can't be fixed with Vise-Grips  duct tape, it can't be fixed.
 Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Insert sardonic phrase here

Making Xemacs remember font and faces changes.

1998-08-26 Thread Christopher Barry
Hi guys,

I'm slowly moving from vim to xemacs I got xemacs to remember my
options for editing *.c files, but I can't get it to remember to use
size 14 instead of 12 fonts and to change the default foreground to
white and background to black.

Also, is there a way to run plain old console emacs under X instead of
always getting a X-windowy version of it started?

apt and multi-CD distributions

1998-08-26 Thread Christian Lynbech
Is there a way to install via apt from multiple CD's, but from a
single drive?

And how about mounting the CD. With dselects CDROM method, dselect
will take cae of the necessary mounting and unmounting, whereas I have
sofar done this by hand with apt.

Christian Lynbech  | Telebit Communications A/S   
Fax:   +45 8628 8186   | Fabrik 11, DK-8260 Viby J
Phone: +45 8628 8177 + 28  | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- URL:
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

Re: Making Xemacs remember font and faces changes.

1998-08-26 Thread AJT60
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Christopher Barry wrote:

 Also, is there a way to run plain old console emacs under X instead of

If memory serves:
xemacs -nw

(nw= no window, not surprisingly)

Andrew Tarr

Re: Making Xemacs remember font and faces changes.

1998-08-26 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Christopher Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Also, is there a way to run plain old console emacs under X instead of
| always getting a X-windowy version of it started?

(x)emacs -nw


Found out how to get Xemacs to remember font and color changes....

1998-08-26 Thread Christopher Barry
After A LOT of Altavista searching and reading through quite a few
different emacs FAQs, I found out you need to put:
(setq options-save-faces t)

in your .emacs file for those changes to be saved.

-DSYSV causes clash between X11/Xosdefs.h and stddef.h ???

1998-08-26 Thread Rene Hogendoorn

When compiling a file with g++ (egcs-2.90.29), I get different typedefs for
wchar_t, i.e.

X11/Xosdefs.h : typedef long wchar_t
stddef.h  : typedef int wchar_t

The source file includes stdlib.h and X11/Xlib.h, which is not unusual.
In X11/Xosdefs.h there is

#ifdef i386
#ifdef SYSV
#if !(defined(ISC)  defined(_POSIX_SOURCE))
#ifndef SCO
#ifndef _SCO_DS /* SCO 5.0 has SVR4 header files */
#define X_NOT_POSIX
#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
#endif /* !(defined(ISC)  defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)) */

In X11/Xlib.h, X_NOT_STDC_ENV causes X_WCHAR to be defined and, consequently,
the typedef.

My question is, is this a bug in the X header files, i.e. should debian(linux)
be treated like SCO? -DSYSV is needed to compile some other files correctly;
at least, I assume that linux is SYSV-like.



R. A. Hogendoorn   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informatics Division   Tel. +31-527-24-8367 
National Aerospace Laboratory, The Netherlands Fax. +31-527-24-8210 

PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread David Densmore
I just installed Debian 2.0.

Can someone tell me how to establish a PPP connection from my normal
user account?  I have no problem as root.

I tried chmod u+s pppd but that doesn't work.

Thank You
David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to receive mail under WIN95 from another Debian PC ?

1998-08-26 Thread Mike Schmitz
On Sun, Aug 23, 1998 at 04:44:42PM +0200, Michael Grimm wrote:
   If not, what package do you recommend ? qpopper ?

I would recommend IMAP.  That way a user on PC1, if (s)he uses both Linux
and '95, could have the same mail in both.

  Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Don't blame me - I voted libertarian! 
  Use Debian Linux - the free Gnu/Linux
 If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption 

Re: telnet break-in

1998-08-26 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Ossama Othman wrote:
  Hence the One-Time Password suggestion.  Either way, better to have/use
  SSH than use telnet/ftp/r{login,sh,exec}.
 I have both SSL-Telnet and SSH installed. I don't type root passwords over
 clear connections unless it is an emergency.

Hmm - why is it that emergencies always happen when I'm away from
Cambridge? ;(


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Making Xemacs remember font and faces changes.

1998-08-26 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Also, is there a way to run plain old console emacs under X instead of
 always getting a X-windowy version of it started?

You should be able to run it from an Xterm. I would recommend simply using

where n=1-7 (usually - mine's setup to have 11 function keys as consoles)



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Can somebody help met to get pygres working on Debian 2.0?

1998-08-26 Thread Johann Spies
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 01:41:42AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 It would be a good idea if you would describe your problem so others are
 able to help.

Thanks for your reply.  The background and present state of the
problem is this:

I have recompiled pygres 2.1 to use with postgresql 6.3.2-8.  Trying
to use it results in:
from pg import *
ImportError: /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ undefined
symbol: lo_creat

I have the standard Debian 2.0 installation of postgresql and python
1.5.1.  Previously I did not use debian packages on these programs
because the debian packages were not up to date on my 1.3.1 CD's.

All the libpq libraries are in the right places.  I have used the following 
makefile to compile pygres:


blddir=/usr/lib/python1.5/config# This dir includes the config.h file for 
#  the Debianized Python distribution.

srcdir=/usr/include/python1.5/ # Here is the Python include directory.

OPT=-O  # This is the standard optimization flag.

INCLUDES=   -I$(blddir) -I$(srcdir) -I/usr/include/postgresql \
-L/usr/lib# This line includes
  #  the specific pgsql
  #  directories which are
  #  needed.

DEFINES=   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  # Tell the compiler that a config.h file exists.


pgmodule.o: pgmodule.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pgmodule.c
ld -G pgmodule.o \
ldd /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/
statically linked

Wayne suggested that I change the line beginning with to
$(GCC) -shared -o pgmodule.o -lpq

However, the compiler complained about a missing separator when I do that.

I then tried
ld -G -shared pgmodule.o \
-o -lpq

It compiled successfully and the result of ldd was:

ldd /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ = /usr/lib/ (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x40015000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x)

When I tried to run it:

from pg import *
ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: crypt

At least I am having some progress.

Thanks for your interest.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, 
  what manner of persons ought ye to be? You ought to
  live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the
  day of God and speed its coming. 
II Peter 3:11,12 

Pine and smail not cooperating

1998-08-26 Thread Johann Spies
Since I upgraded to Debian 2.0, I cannot use pine to send messages
other than local messages.  As soon as I try to do it, I get an error
message about pine deferring the message.

I have tried exim.  Pine does not have problems to deliver the
outbound messages to exim. My problem there is that I cannot get exim
to deliver any mail whether outbound or local mail.  I do not
understand the configuration of exim.

I have a dialup ppp connection with my ISP.  In the past I have used
smail and pine with Debian 1.3.1 because smail was the only mail-agent
I could get configured.  With Debian 2.0 however, it took me a long
time to get smail to work in a way.  Now pine would not cooperate...

Some information from my .pinerc:

personal-name=Johann Spies
feature-list=   compose-rejects-unqualified-addrs,
sendmail-path=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -t -oi -odb

Can somebody help me please


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, 
  what manner of persons ought ye to be? You ought to
  live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the
  day of God and speed its coming. 
II Peter 3:11,12 

Copy entire filesystem

1998-08-26 Thread adavis
I have gotten a new, larger harddisk, and wish to use it to expand my
existing linux box.  I would like to copy the filesystems off the old hard
disk, and replace it with this one.  

So far I haven't succeeded.  I haven't been able to confine tar's action to
a single filesystem (so that directories linked to directories on other
filesystems, on the other system drive, will not be copied.  Included is the
linux boot filesystem, /dev/hda2.  I basically want the current drive
duplicated to the new drive, with larger partitions, and another partition.  

When I thought I had it right, and edited /etc/fstab using a rescue disk,
the disk failed somehow.

 My questions are, again, how to copy a filesystem but not it's linked
directories from other drives, and, second, how to do this whole job

I don't want to reinstall debian, since there is so much software on the
system that I would have to reinstall.  Is there a clean way to do that
whole job, though?

Thanks again.  (By the way, we now have slackware 3.4 running on the gateway
2K 486 machine that was donated to our department.  I plan to get this going
right, now, and start working on the department LAN.  Thanks to list
members, six of whom showed strong support within hours of my earlier


Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)   
AAA196, Box 10001[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

Re: chfs equivalent?

1998-08-26 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Simon wrote:

 I've filled up my /usr file system and I want to expand it (I've moved
 my other file system off that disk). Under UNIX there is a chfs command
 which allows me to extend the size of the file system without wiping it
 out. I can't find anything equivalent in any linux manual. Can you tell
 me if something exists and where to look?

As far as I know it is not currently possible.  What you can do is move
certain directories in /usr to their own partition.  Be sure to maintain
all the right permissions.  I guess a good (large) candidate for a
separate partion would be /usr/lib.  You would then do something like:

0) back up all you want to keep
1) make a new partition
2) mount it under, e.g., /mnt
3) cd /usr/lib; cp -a * /mnt
4) boot with the rescue floppy, rewrite /etc/fstab to reflect the new
   situation, don't delete the contents of /usr yet
5) boot, see if everything works (run X w some apps)
6) boot again w the rescue floppy and remove the stuff in /usr/lib on
   the /usr partition

Wait until our fellow debian-user readers shot their holes in this
procedure of mine :)

OK, start firing...


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DD == David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DD I just installed Debian 2.0.
DD Can someone tell me how to establish a PPP connection from my normal
DD user account?  I have no problem as root.

DD I tried chmod u+s pppd but that doesn't work.

You have to add the user to the dip (or was it dialout? better to both 
:-) group.

adduser theuser dialout
adduser theuser dip

And check the permissions of pppd:

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 19 02:59 /usr/sbin/pppd*

(Looks like dip is the right group.)


DE-220 Ethernet Card

1998-08-26 Thread Nicholas Humfrey

   Has anyone got the DE-220 EtherNet Card to work with Linux ? It is a
popular and very available card which is supposed to be ne2000 compatible
but is obviously not 100% compatible. It has PnP support and jumperless
configuration. The HOWTO says that a lot of the ne2000 clones are not
likely to work. But I thought seeing as this was so popular and widespread
that it might.

In my 486 it set it up as IRQ=10 and IO=340 but the device installer told
me that the resource was busy or missing. I also borrowed a sn2000 from a
friend without any luck either.

I would welcome any info or help,



ppp - no response to LCP ConfReq

1998-08-26 Thread JonesMB

I have been having a terrible time fixing a PPP connection on my linux system. 

Everything was working fine till 2 days ago.  Win95 can still connect so I 
looked at the ppplog.txt file there and comparing it to previous connects, it 
looks like the authentication procedure on the server has changed from PAP to 
CHAP.  I have setup the chap-secrets file accordingly as well as set the name 
and remotename options.  After the call comes up and chat hands over to pppd, 
I get these messages

Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 magic 
0x9001 pcomp accomp]
Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx last message repeated 10 times
Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Modem hangup
Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Connection terminated.
Aug 26 03:36:08 nsx pppd[9455]: Exit.

It looks like I send the LCP ConfReq for 30 secs then the modem hangs up.  
There appears to be no response from the server at all.
I also noticed that the option lcp-max-configure has no effect on the number 
of requests I send, contrary to what is in the man page.  What does work is 
the lcp-restart option.  With this I can control the interval between the LCP 
requests but still after 30 secs LCP configure requests stop and the modem 
hangs up.  Is there a setting for controlling the time for which LCP requests 
are sent.
Right now I am lost.  I have RTFM but if I have missed anything please point 
it out.

I have kernel v2.0.34 on a hamm system with ppp 2.3.5.


Re: CVS 1.10 is out...hamm?

1998-08-26 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 25-Aug-1998, Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Will CVS 1.10 be available in hamm?
  No.  Hamm is released.  It will be available in slink, it's successor.
 Doh!  I didn't realize that released distributions (e.g. hamm) don't get
 periodic updates to packages.  Does this mean that only big fixes go into


But, because hamm - slink is not such a big transition as bo -- hamm,
chances are you can pretty easily install a slink CVS 1.10 package onto
your otherwise hamm system.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


Re: CVS 1.10 is out...hamm?

1998-08-26 Thread Jens Ritter
Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Will CVS 1.10 be available in hamm?
  No.  Hamm is released.  It will be available in slink, it's successor.
 Doh!  I didn't realize that released distributions (e.g. hamm) don't get
 periodic updates to packages.  Does this mean that only big fixes go into

That is true. Only (security) fixes will get into Debian 2.0r*

But slink will be release in Oktober/November this year.


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn.
-- Earl Warren

Re: How do I prevent Ctrl+Alt+Q from killing my X server?

1998-08-26 Thread Jens Ritter
Eric Hanchrow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've installed Debian 2.0 from the official Debian 2.0 binary.  Things
 are working well, but while using Emacs, I discovered that Ctrl+Alt+Q
 immediately kills my X server.  This is annoying, because that key
 sequence has meaning to Emacs.  I'd like to tell the server not to die
 when I type that sequence, but I don't know how.  For what it's worth,
 I've uncommented `DontZap' in /etc/X11/XF86COnfig; that prevents
 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace from killing the server ...

Which Server/Windowmanager do you use?
My S3 server is not killed by ctrl+alt+Q.


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Global War[m|n|p|r]ing?
-- Peter G. Neumann (Comp.Risks 19.91)

Re: X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect

1998-08-26 Thread David Wright
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to Hamish Moffatt:
  On Sun, Aug 23, 1998 at 07:36:13PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I had a perfectly working X environment. After a routinely e2fsck
   (done by the boot scripts) with a few error reports for my root partition
   (/usr, /var/ home are separate), I get the following messages and X 
   then dies:
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   (... a very lot of them)
   I re-installed xbase and the xserver - no success.
   Anybody has a clue? Where to find the error message?
   What to do?
  Hmmm. What are the permissions on /tmp? Should be drwxrwxrwxt; if
  not, this can break it. It could be anything, but this is one I know can be
  a problem. In the Debian 1.1  1.2 days I would find the permissions
  on /tmp were reset regularly but fortunately this has not
  happened in 1.3 or 2.0!
 Thank you for you reply. /tmp is just a link to /arch/tmp/ (/arch is my
 local Debian mirror) and the permissions are just as you told above.
 It's really strange (BTW, accidentally I have just replaced my K5-PR166
 by a K6-233 - but I can't believe that to be a reason for error. I have
 a W95 partition (which I really only use to just test wine ;-) and there
 seem to be no hardware problems with the Hercules Terminator graphics card.)
 Anybody knows where to find the error messages?

Error 111 is just a socket error: Connection refused. I get them in my
own software if I run a client that connects to a socket before I run
the server that creates the socket.

See ECONNREFUSED in the man page for connect(2).

Wrong permission for /tmp is a very likely candidate for X problems as
X revolves around /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 which is a socket. But there are
plenty of other errors that will result in the same symptom, 111.

I run startx as a bash function:
function startx
echo Starting X
/usr/bin/X11/startx 2 ~/.startx.stderr
which has the great advantage that you can study .startx.stderr at your
leisure. Typically the real error message precedes the 111 error in that
file, and sod's law dictates that the former will have scrolled off the


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1998-08-26 Thread BG Lim
I have a dialup connection to my ISP. On the Windows side of things, I use
Eudora to download my mail. I gather that on Linux, the standard is
Fetchmail. I've read through the man page; is there an option to set so
that fetchmaiil will delete messages after a certain number of days, like
in Eudora?

And what exactly is UIDL? Does it allow me to control what messages is
download to my computer according to what is already download, instead of
what is marked as new on the server? This would be very handy, because I
read mail from several machines.


Re: ppp - no response to LCP ConfReq

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 J == JonesMB  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

J Everything was working fine till 2 days ago.  Win95 can still
J connect so I looked at the ppplog.txt file there and comparing it
J to previous connects, it looks like the authentication procedure on
J the server has changed from PAP to CHAP.  I have setup the
J chap-secrets file accordingly as well as set the name and
J remotename options.  After the call comes up and chat hands over to
J pppd, I get these messages

J Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
J Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
0x0 magic 0x9001 pcomp accomp]
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx last message repeated 10 times
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Modem hangup
J Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Connection terminated.
J Aug 26 03:36:08 nsx pppd[9455]: Exit.

What makes you think they have changed to CHAP? The logfile snipplet
above doesn't indicate anything like this (as authentication is part
of LCP).


Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-26 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 01:57:08AM -0500, David Densmore wrote:
 I just installed Debian 2.0.
 Can someone tell me how to establish a PPP connection from my normal
 user account?  I have no problem as root.
 I tried chmod u+s pppd but that doesn't work.
 Thank You
 David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

My permissions are:

lazlo:~$ ll /usr/sbin/ppp*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root27309 Jun 12 22:40 
-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105884 Jun 19 02:59 /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 19 02:59 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 8688 Jun 19 02:59 

lazlo:~$ ll /usr/bin/pon
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root dip45 Jun 19 02:58 /usr/bin/pon
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root dip  1511 Jun 19 02:58 /usr/bin/poff

What I did was (as root):

1.- chgrp dip /usr/bin/pon
chgrp dip /usr/bin/poff

2.- adduser rafacm dip

Hope it helps!


Re: Making Xemacs remember font and faces changes.

1998-08-26 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 08:58:06PM -0700, Christopher Barry wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I'm slowly moving from vim to xemacs I got xemacs to remember my
 options for editing *.c files, but I can't get it to remember to use
 size 14 instead of 12 fonts and to change the default foreground to
 white and background to black.
Under XEmacs from Deb2.0 I had to configure it on the options menu.
I also created a file called .Xresources on my $HOME dir with this:

Emacs*Font: -*-Courier-Bold-R-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*
Emacs*EmacsFrame.geometry: =80x60-0+0
Emacs*Background: WhiteSmoke

 Also, is there a way to run plain old console emacs under X instead of
 always getting a X-windowy version of it started?
I use emacs -nw.


Re: Start X problem

1998-08-26 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Fri, Aug 21, 1998 at 02:23:58AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having problems starting X windows. After installing
 Debian 2.0 and entering 'startx' I get the following error;
(--) VGA16: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 90 MHz
(--) VGA16: There is no defined dot-clock matching mode 1024 x 
Fatal server error:
No valid modes found.
When reporting a problem related to server crash,
please send the full server output, not just the last messages.
_X11 TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit: Connecton refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X 
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.
 What needs to be done to start up the X server?

Do you want to use the VGA16_Server? If not check out the file 
/etc/X11/Xserver adn make sure your server is there instead of
XF86_VGA16. This may be the problem but I am not sure.


Re: wfwg 3.11 trashed my partition table

1998-08-26 Thread David Wright
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

 Brian wrote,
  *- Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote about wfwg 3.11 trashed my 
partition table  
  | thanks, bill.
  | I tried to install windows for workgroups from diskette on my 
thinkpad, on the   | existing dos partition.
  | regardless of what it put on /dev/hda2, it trashed my partition tables.
  | If I reenter the same valued for the partititons, will my e2fs partition 
  | survive?  or do I have to reinstall.
  See if
  provides any help.  The topic of this discussion is Corrupted Hard Drive.
 thanks; this helped greadly.  The answer is, yes, if you remember 
the partition information, for the e2fs  file system.  THe dos fat 
sectors didn't seem to make it, though :(  But i only tried this on the 
harrd drive, not the zip; i'm still waiting for an answer there  

1) Can you please not write paragraphs all on one line. Your composer
   might be wrapping the text for your eyes, but it's not wrapping it
   for the rest of us.

2) regardless of what it put on /dev/hda2. Is that why your
   dos fat sectors didn't make it?

3) AIUI zip disks are partitioned just like ordinary ones, with one
   exception: they are supplied with a single partition, but it's
   partition number 4.
   You should be able to recreate this effect with fdisk, though not
   with cfdisk.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: ppp - no response to LCP ConfReq

1998-08-26 Thread JonesMB
 What makes you think they have changed to CHAP? The logfile snipplet
 above doesn't indicate anything like this (as authentication is part
 of LCP).

*** apologies for the length of this message ***

I think they changed to CHAP because of these 2 Win95 PPP log files

start ppplog.txt from June
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - Remote access driver log opened.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - Installable CP VxD SPAP is loaded
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - Server type is  PPP (Point to Point Protocol).
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol 80fd (CCP) to control 
protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Protocol disabled by user - skipping control 
protocol 803f (NBFCP).
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Protocol not bound - skipping control protocol 
8021 (IPCP).
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Protocol not bound - skipping control protocol 
802b (IPXCP).
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c029 (CallbackCP) to 
control protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c027 (no description) 
to control protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c023 (PAP) to control 
protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c223 (CHAP) to control 
protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c021 (LCP) to control 
protocol chain.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - LCP : Callback negotiation enabled.
06-02-1998 19:38:58.82 - LCP : Layer started.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted MRU of 1500.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of 0.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted magic number 4a79d0e9.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted protocol field 
compression option.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted address+control field 
compression option.
06-02-1998 19:39:02.04 - LCP : Received and accepted authentication protocol 
c023 (PAP).
06-02-1998 19:39:04.91 - LCP : Received configure reject for callback control 
protocol option.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.04 - LCP : Layer up.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.04 - PAP : Layer started.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.28 - PAP : Login was successful.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.28 - PAP : Layer up.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.28 - CCP : Layer started.
06-02-1998 19:39:05.33 - FSA : Sending protocol reject for control protocol 
06-02-1998 19:39:05.49 - FSA : Sending protocol reject for control protocol 
06-02-1998 19:39:10.08 - Remote access driver is shutting down.
end ppplog.txt from June

start ppplog.txt from yesterday
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - Microsoft Dial Up Agapter log opened.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - Installable CP VxD SPAP is loaded
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - Installable CP VxD SPAP is loaded
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - Server type is  PPP (Point to Point Protocol).
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol 80fd (CCP) to control 
protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Protocol disabled by user - skipping control 
protocol 803f (NBFCP).
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol 8021 (IPCP) to control 
protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Protocol not bound - skipping control protocol 
802b (IPXCP).
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c029 (CallbackCP) to 
control protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c027 (no description) 
to control protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c023 (PAP) to control 
protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c223 (CHAP) to control 
protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - FSA : Adding Control Protocol c021 (LCP) to control 
protocol chain.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - LCP : Callback negotiation enabled.
08-25-1998 02:51:08.19 - LCP : Layer started.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted MRU of 1514.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of 0.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted authentication protocol 
c223 (CHAP).
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted magic number 7745af2c.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted protocol field 
compression option.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.34 - LCP : Received and accepted address+control field 
compression option.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted MRU of 1514.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of 0.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted authentication protocol 
c223 (CHAP).
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted magic number 7745af2c.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted protocol field 
compression option.
08-25-1998 02:51:11.45 - LCP : Received and accepted address+control field 
compression option.
08-25-1998 02:51:14.30 - LCP : Received configure reject for callback control 
protocol option.
08-25-1998 02:51:14.40 - LCP : Layer up.
08-25-1998 02:51:14.40 - CHAP : Layer started.
08-25-1998 02:51:14.63 - 

Re: Can somebody help met to get pygres working on Debian 2.0?

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
Johann Spies wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 01:41:42AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
  It would be a good idea if you would describe your problem so others are
  able to help.
 Thanks for your reply.  The background and present state of the
 problem is this:
 I have recompiled pygres 2.1 to use with postgresql 6.3.2-8.  Trying
 to use it results in:
 from pg import *
 ImportError: /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ undefined
 symbol: lo_creat

This looks like the program isn't linked against the correct library.
Since you say that you've compiled them on your own, did you make sure
that no former binaries were there and weren't re-compiled?

 ldd /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/
   statically linked

Huh?  Since when are dynamic libraries statically linked?  Somehting's
wrong in this place.

 Wayne suggested that I change the line beginning with to
 $(GCC) -shared -o pgmodule.o -lpq
 This *must* be *one* tabulator

 It compiled successfully and the result of ldd was:
 ldd /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/ = /usr/lib/ (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x40015000)
   /lib/ = /lib/ (0x)
 When I tried to run it:
 from pg import *
 ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: crypt

Crypt is either part of libc or libcrypt.

 Thanks for your interest.

Well, only trying to help our users. :-)



Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop or in front of a mirror.

Re: Can somebody help met to get pygres working on Debian 2.0?

1998-08-26 Thread jdassen
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 12:54:56PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
  ldd /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/
  statically linked
 Huh?  Since when are dynamic libraries statically linked?  Somehting's
 wrong in this place.
  Wayne suggested that I change the line beginning with to
  $(GCC) -shared -o pgmodule.o -lpq
  This *must* be *one* tabulator

This link line really should have a -lc added to give the dynamic loader
more clues against which libc to load. Adding this will also make the ldd

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Pine and smail not cooperating

1998-08-26 Thread Mike Nachlinger
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Johann Spies wrote:

 Since I upgraded to Debian 2.0, I cannot use pine to send messages
 other than local messages.  As soon as I try to do it, I get an error
 message about pine deferring the message.
 I have tried exim.  Pine does not have problems to deliver the
 outbound messages to exim. My problem there is that I cannot get exim
 to deliver any mail whether outbound or local mail.  I do not
 understand the configuration of exim.
 I have a dialup ppp connection with my ISP.  In the past I have used
 smail and pine with Debian 1.3.1 because smail was the only mail-agent
 I could get configured.  With Debian 2.0 however, it took me a long
 time to get smail to work in a way.  Now pine would not cooperate...
 Some information from my .pinerc:
 personal-name=Johann Spies
 feature-list= compose-rejects-unqualified-addrs,
 sendmail-path=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -t -oi -odb
 Can somebody help me please
 | Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
 | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310   Suid-Afrika (South 
 Africa)  |
  Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, 
   what manner of persons ought ye to be? You ought to
   live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the
   day of God and speed its coming. 
 II Peter 3:11,12 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


I think your smtp-server  news-server need to be something like;

substitude your isp's requirements here.

Using localhost would be a problem for an outgoing ppp conection.
(of course this is fine for your local mail!)


| Mike Nachlinger  (408) 446-9914  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Apres Ski Club   1-888-APRESGO   |

RE: Copy entire filesystem

1998-08-26 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 So far I haven't succeeded.  I haven't been able to confine tar's action to
 a single filesystem (so that directories linked to directories on other
 filesystems, on the other system drive, will not be copied.  Included is the
 linux boot filesystem, /dev/hda2.  I basically want the current drive
 duplicated to the new drive, with larger partitions, and another partition.


I do this lastweek:

Mount new partition
mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd2 /mnt

List a directory
find /bin -depth  file.bin

cpio -p -v -d -u /mnt  file.bin

Doing find / -depth  file and cpio -p -v -d -u /mnt  file seems not work at 
all: I get file /mnt/bin/bash : data.

Sorry for the bad english.

Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informática
Tfno.   +34-1-6070-311
Fax +34-1-6070-331

[ Help: Upgrade to 2.0, slang conflicts?]

1998-08-26 Thread Martin Schulze
debian-user: This is for you.

esoteric: Don't send mail as root.  Please create a regular user account



Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop or in front of a mirror.

mail to root won't reach me,
Please reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm using to upgrade from 1.3.1 to 2.0
I'm using custom kernel 2.0.33 with Solar Designer's
buffer overflow patches. grabbed the files by ftp cleanly. played nicely until it got to slang,
where it segfaulted.

I noticed that it couldn't install because of failed
removal of slang0.99.34, reinstall recommended.
So I used dpkg --force-remove-reinsreq. This still doesn't
help, slang doesn't install with script or dpkg -i.

What should I do?
Can I get slang to install ?
Alternately is slang necessary to upgrade?

While the shells I have open work fine, I can't
login futher.

--- error messages

Setting up dpkg-dev ( ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/dpkg/shlibs.default ...
(Reading database ... 23768 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace slang0.99.34 0.99.38-2 (using
.../slang0.99.34_0.99.38-6.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement slang0.99.34 ...
/home/jon/ line 407:  1065 Segmentation fault  (core dumped)

# dpkg -i /tmp/base/slang0.99.38_0.99.38-6.deb
dpkg: regarding .../slang0.99.38_0.99.38-6.deb containing slang0.99.38:
 slang0.99.38 conflicts with slang0.99.34 ( 0.99.38-2.3)
  slang0.99.34 (version 0.99.38-2) is broken due to failed removal.
dpkg: error processing /tmp/base/slang0.99.38_0.99.38-6.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing slang0.99.38
Errors were encountered while processing:

# dpkg -i -D2000 slang0.99.38_0.99.38-6.deb
(Reading database ...
dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `slang0.99.38' missing,
assuming package has no files currently installed.
23470 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace slang0.99.38 0.99.38-6 (using
slang0.99.38_0.99.38-6.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement slang0.99.38 ...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
# dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)

mail to root won't reach me,
Please reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---

How to set the LAN up automatically

1998-08-26 Thread Alex Kwan
Every time I want to make my LAN up, I need to config as follow:
# ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
#route add -net eth0

I have try to added these two line on /etc/init.d/network and reboot,
but still failure, If I want to use the eth0 I need to config as above
How to set my LAN up automatically when the machine is boot?

Best regards,

Problem! I can't install last packages

1998-08-26 Thread Valentín Ruano Rubio

--- English ---


I have a Debian distribution ( 1.3.? ) which 
works with libc5 package. I can't install libc6 and
the last debian packages (postgresql,jdk ...) 
which work with this library. I didn't found version
for libc5 for them on your web ( Could You tell me where 
this versions are available or how I can generate them?

Thank You
Forgive my bad english

--- Spanish ---


Tengo una distribucion Debian ( 1.3.? ) la cual 
trabaja con el paquete libc5. No puedo instalar la libc6 .No puedo instalar los 
ultimos paquetes debian (postgresql, 
jdk ...) que trabajan con esta libreria. No he conseguido encontrar versiones de 
estos paquetes para la libc5 en vuestra web ( Me podriais indicar 
donde puedo conseguir esas versiones 
o como las puedo generar?
PD: Perdonad mi pesimo 

error message at booting time

1998-08-26 Thread htyj

When my linux boot up, the following message make me uncomfortable.

1. Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
I don't have a SCSI card. How can I get rid of this line?

2. Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2
 hdc:hdc: set_multmode: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: set_multmode: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
 [PTBL] [523/255/63] hdc1 hdc2  hdc5 

Does the above lines indicate an error? What do these mean? Why I have a hdc5(I 
only have 1 FAT32 primary partition and 1 FAT 16 extended partition with 1 
logical drive on my 2nd harddisk)?

Any help will be appreciated.

Newbie's question: how to sendreceive mail

1998-08-26 Thread htyj
I use PPP connection to access Internet. I don't know what I have to do to send 
mail using my SMTP server and receive mail using my POP3 server. Please help 
me, thanks.

What is a magic number?

1998-08-26 Thread htyj
I've seen the term magic number in many documents, I wonder what it is, and 
how to get it(calculate it?)? TIA.

Help: Boot windows95 using LILO

1998-08-26 Thread htyj
My old configuration:
1st IDE Master: Windows 95 OSR2
1st IDE Slave: CD-ROM

A few days ago I bought a new harddisk and changed the configuration to:

1st IDE Master: new harddisk
2nd IDE Master: Windows 95 OSR2
2nd IDE Slave: CD-ROM

Then I installed Linux on the new harddisk.

Everything is OK but I can't boot my Windows 95 again. Now, to boot Windows 95, 
I have to enter CMOS setup and set 1st IDE Master to NONE then reboot. To 
boot Linux again, I have to change back. What a pain!

I've tried to add the following lines to lilo.conf:


But it doesn't work. When I enter 'win' at Boot: prompt, the system hangs up.

Could anyone tell me what's wrong and what to do? Lots of thx!

Re: Problem! I can't install last packages

1998-08-26 Thread jdassen
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 01:15:31PM +0200, Valentín Ruano Rubio wrote:
 I have a Debian distribution ( 1.3.? ) which works with libc5 package. I
 can't install libc6 and the last debian packages (postgresql,jdk ...)
 which work with this library. I didn't found version for libc5 for them on
 your web ( Could You tell me where this versions are
 available or how I can generate them?

The upgrade howto ( explains how you
can safely upgrade from a 1.3.x system to 2.0 . Both the automatic methods
it describes will upgrade libc5 to a suitable version for you.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: What is a magic number?

1998-08-26 Thread jdassen
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 07:54:24PM +0800, htyj wrote:
 I've seen the term magic number in many documents, I wonder what it is,
 and how to get it(calculate it?)? TIA.

Courtesy of dict:
:  magic number /n./  [Unix/C] 1. In source code, some
: non-obvious constant whose value is significant to the operation of a
: program and that is inserted inconspicuously in-line ({hardcoded}),
: rather than expanded in by a symbol set by a commented `#define'.
: Magic numbers in this sense are bad style.  2. A number that encodes
: critical information used in an algorithm in some opaque way.  The
: classic examples of these are the numbers used in hash or CRC
: functions, or the coefficients in a linear congruential generator for
: pseudo-random numbers.  This sense actually predates and was ancestral
: to the more commonsense 1.  3. Special data located at the beginning
: of a binary data file to indicate its type to a utility.  Under Unix,
: the system and various applications programs (especially the linker)
: distinguish between types of executable file by looking for a magic
: number. Once upon a time, these magic numbers were PDP-11 branch
: instructions that skipped over header data to the start of executable
: code; 0407, for example, was octal for `branch 16 bytes relative'.
: Many other kinds of files now have magic numbers somewhere; some magic
: numbers are, in fact, strings, like the `!arch' at the beginning of
: a Unix archive file or the `%!' leading PostScript files.  Nowadays
: only a {wizard} knows the spells to create magic numbers.  How do you
: choose a fresh magic number of your own?  Simple -- you pick one at
: random. See?  It's magic!
: *The* magic number, on the other hand, is 7+/-2.  See The magical
: number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for
: processing information by George Miller, in the Psychological
: Review 63:81-97 (1956).  This classic paper established the number of
: distinct items (such as numeric digits) that humans can hold in
: short-term memory.  Among other things, this strongly influenced the
: interface design of the phone system.

Sense #3 is likely to be the one you're looking for. See also file(1) and

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

  1   2   3   >