Re: reply en mutt

1998-08-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
TooManySecrets dijo:
 ¿En qué sitio debo tocar para que cuando hago un reply, me aparezca
 el mensaje que yo quiera al principio del mail?

en ~/.muttrc colocas:

set attribution=%n dijo: # how to attribute replies

NB: %n pone el nombre, lo más posible es que en la documentación de mutt
aparezcan mas variables (algo como %d para fecha y %t para hora)

Esto lo saqué de /usr/doc/mutt/no_me_acuerdo_que_archivo, talvez en el
subdirectorio de examples esta, pero no recuerdo muy bien.

Espero que te sirva...

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: modem - Rockwell

1998-08-28 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
M.G. wrote:
 me he vuelto loco intentando configurar el modem, sólo para al final
 darme cuenta, de que parece ser que no hay soporte en Linux para
 modems que usan tecnología Rockwell...  el modem es un Sitre
 Telecom Super 336-S.
 ¿Podríais indicarme si hay alguna solución para esto?
Los Supra Express ¿no llevan un chip de Rockwell? ¿Puede ser que yo haya
oido campanas sin saber de donde viene el sonido?
De todas maneras, yo uso un Supra de esos y la cosa va muy bien ;-)
Lo que no soporta Linux son los Winmodem, es decir, esos que requieren
de cierto microsoft-windows-based-software mas CPU para funcionar.

Un saludo:
Juan Carlos

Re: Re: internet

1998-08-28 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Aug 26, 1998,
Phillip Neumann...

 M.G. wrote:

   Tengo  un   grave  problema. No  puedo   conectarme  a
   internet  como   usuario  normal. Como   root  si. Uso
   pon. El  problema es  que cuando  ejecuto pon,  debian
   no  me  dice  nada,  pero al  hacer  un  plog,  debian
   dice que al  archivo /etc/chatscript/provider no tengo
   permiso. Pero ya he hecho chmod  777 a este. tambien a
   /etc/ppp/peers/provider, a pppd,  a ttyS2 a /etc/hosts
   y a  /etc/relov.conf. Que debo hacer para  que existan
   problemas de permisos a mis usuarion normales??

   Tabien he  tratado: Si ejecuto  pon como root  y luego
   abro una  consola como  usuario normal, el  usuario no
   puede acceder a internet.

  Yo  también  estoy  intentando  configurar  el  ppp  por
  primerísima  vez, y  en  parte de  la documentación  que
  he  visto  decía:Permissions:  puedes  controlar  el
  acceso a  pon, poff,  plog a través  de los  permisos en
  /etc/ppp.chatscript y /etc/ppp.options_out ¿Cómo? bueno,
  ahí todavía no he llegado.


 Bueno  ahora un  usuario puede  acceder a  internet cuando
 hago  la  conexion  como  root.  Pero,  aun  quiero  dejar
 que  sean  los usuarios  los  que  tenga la  habilidad  de
 conectarse. Revise por los archivos /etc/ppp.options_out y
 ppp.chatsript pero no lo encontre.


  yo,  en Debian  1.3.1, puedo  ejecutar `pon'  como usuario
  normal añadiendo dicho usuario al grupo `dip', que debería
  ser  el  grupo al  que  pertenecen  los archivos  que  has

  Los archivos que utilizo yo en la conexión están así:

# ls -l /etc/ppp*
-rw-r-   1 root dip   341 Aug 14 23:49 ppp.chatscript
-rw-r-   1 root dip   131 Aug 21 13:36 ppp.options_out


-rwxr--r--   1 root root 1038 Jul 31 21:40 ip-down
-rwxr--r--   1 root root 1205 Aug 25 23:37 ip-up
-rw-r-   1 root dip   131 Aug 21 13:36 options
-rw---   1 root root   32 Apr 10 11:21 pap-secrets

# ls -l /etc/resolv.conf
-rwr--   1 root root   24 May 10 14:23 /etc/resolv.conf

# ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip 76072 Mar  2  1997 /usr/sbin/pppd

# ls -l /usr/bin/p{on,log,off}

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   35 Mar  2  1997 /usr/bin/plog
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  423 Mar  2  1997 /usr/bin/poff
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  265 Mar  2  1997 /usr/bin/pon


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: Problema! No puedo instalar los ultimos paquetes

1998-08-28 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Aug 26, 1998,
Valentín Ruano Rubio...


 Tengo una  distribucion Debian (  1.3.? ) la  cual trabaja
 con el paquete libc5. No puedo instalar la libc6 .No puedo
 instalar los ultimos paquetes debian (postgresql, jdk ...)
 que trabajan con esta libreria. No he conseguido encontrar
 versiones  de  estos paquetes  para  la  libc5 en  vuestra
 web ( Me  podriais indicar  donde puedo
 conseguir esas versiones o como las puedo generar?

  Yo he instalado algún  paquete nuevo bajándome las fuentes
  de Debian  (*.tar.gz + *.diff  + *.dsc) y compilado  en mi
  Debian 1.3.1. Han funcionado.

  Si te decides  no da problemas, ya  te explicaría. Pero te
  recomiendo que te actualices a  la 2.0, que ya tendrás las
  nuevas versiones en binario, para  libc6, etc., y al final
  lo vas a hacer de todas formas, ;-)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: Inscripcion a revista

1998-08-28 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Aug 26, 1998,

 Hola Amigos
 Por lo que he visto en la lista, se habla de la revista Linux 
 Actual quisiera hacer una subscripcion a esta revista, ...

  en la revista dan una dirección para las suscripciones:
  Sandra Fernández
  Indica de que revista se trata, que publican más de una.
  PD: supongo que sabes que es desde españa.

Num lock y . o supr

1998-08-28 Thread J. Parera
 como WM uso el KDE y mi teclado es español (tipo W95) extendido y me
encuentro que al entrar en las Xs la tecla Num lock no me funciona (al
pulsarla no se enciende el led ni ocurre nada) pero si funcionan los números
y todos los simbolos menos el del punto y supr. En el XF86Config tengo el
teclado definido como español y 104 teclas.

Que debo hacer para habilitar dichas teclas?

  J. Parera

No consigo conectarme al leafnode con el cliente.

1998-08-28 Thread J. Parera
 uso el leafnode para traerme las noticias y como clientes he probado el krn
y el del Communicator; y con ninguno de los dos consigo conectarme al
servidor (osea la dirección localhost).

Que debo mirar para comprobar que lo tengo bien configurado? El hosts.allow
y el deny creo que los tengo bien.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

  Uso la Debian 2.0 e instalé el leafnode mediante el deb

El ppp no se lanza

1998-08-28 Thread J. Parera
 al he tenido que reinstalar la Debian 2.0 por un pequeño problemilla de
nada y ahora me encuantro con que al ejecutar pon, tanto como user como
root, me sale el siguiente mensaje:

Estruch:~# pon
/usr/sbin/pppd: This system lacks kernel support for PPP.  This could be
the PPP kernel module is not loaded, or because the kernel is
not configured for PPP.  See the README.linux file in the
ppp-2.3.5 distribution.

En el kernel tengo habilitado el tcp/ip y al hacer un dmesg|less veo las
lineas del tcp (las tres lineas).

Que falla?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Re: Como se cambia el tipo de letra por defecto en xterm

1998-08-28 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Aug 21, 1998 at 05:10:17PM +0200, Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
 Hola , e estado intentando cambiar el tipo de letra por defecto en las xterm
 pero no parece que lo coja.
 Estoy con Debian 2 y lo que he hecho es añadir en mi home
 el siguiente fichero
 -- .Xresources
 ! Xresources
 ! user Xresources file -- used by both xdm and xinit (startx)
  XTerm*Font: 10x20

Creo que debes usar Xterm*font (con minúsculas). Y no estoy seguro de que
te utilize el alias. A mí me funciona con el nombre completo
( -misc-fixed-medium--r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 )

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re-instalacion

1998-08-28 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Aug 10, 1998 at 10:25:17PM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 01:03:19PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
  On 24 Aug 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
   Creo que todavia no sale la version apt para X, pero falta mucho?
  No lo sé, pero yo diría que sí, que todavía falta bastante.
 Hace poco estaba pensando en iniciar un proyecto para esto, pero mis
 conocimientos en C son pocos, y mucho menores en C++ (pero hay ganas de
 aprender) como para usar GTK, Qt o XView (claro que Qt no lo debería
 utilizar, por la filosofía de Debian), y solo empecé hacer una bosquejo
 pero en Visual Basic 5 (no me miren feo que con eso me gano la vida).
 Si alguien está interesado, o sabe de un proyecto que ya haya empezado
 por favor que me avise.

El propio grupo de APT está trabajando en la interfaz para X. Si todavía
no han sacado nada es porque primero se han concentrado en el motor.
Ahora que esa parte está lista, supongo que se concentrarán en la

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuración de Smail 3.1

1998-08-28 Thread David
Es el servidor que tengo instalado, he ejecutado smailconf y he
respondido las preguntas; pero, no sé donde hay que ponerle la dirección
de mi servidor.
¿ Alguien lo tiene o sabe configurarlo ?
o ¿ sabéis dónde hay documentación de éste servidor de mail en español ?

Un saludo,

Re: El ppp no se lanza

1998-08-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
J. Parera dijo:
 En el kernel tengo habilitado el tcp/ip y al hacer un dmesg|less veo las
 lineas del tcp (las tres lineas).
Debes ver unas líneas como:

  PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
  PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
  PPP line discipline registered.

 Que falla?
Debes activar el soporte a PPP, incluido en el kernel o como módulo.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: El ppp no se lanza

1998-08-28 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Te falta, como dice, el modulo de ppp. Prueba con'modprobe ppp'
antes del pon. Y si te funciona entonces pon ppp en el fichero /etc/modules



On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 02:32:07PM +0200, J. Parera wrote:
  al he tenido que reinstalar la Debian 2.0 por un pequeño problemilla de
 nada y ahora me encuantro con que al ejecutar pon, tanto como user como
 root, me sale el siguiente mensaje:
 Estruch:~# pon
 /usr/sbin/pppd: This system lacks kernel support for PPP.  This could be
 the PPP kernel module is not loaded, or because the kernel is
 not configured for PPP.  See the README.linux file in the
 ppp-2.3.5 distribution.
 En el kernel tengo habilitado el tcp/ip y al hacer un dmesg|less veo las
 lineas del tcp (las tres lineas).
 Que falla?
 Un saludo,
   J. Parera
 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

Esto se ve divertido [Era: Re: Problema! No puedo instalar los ultimos paquetes]

1998-08-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 09:27:53AM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:

   Si te decides  no da problemas, ya  te explicaría. Pero te
   recomiendo que te actualices a  la 2.0, que ya tendrás las
   nuevas versiones en binario, para  libc6, etc., y al final
   lo vas a hacer de todas formas, ;-)
   Cosme, que editor usas con Mutt?


Re: Configuración de Smail 3.1

1998-08-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
David dijo:

 Es el servidor que tengo instalado, he ejecutado smailconf y he
 respondido las preguntas; pero, no sé donde hay que ponerle la dirección
 de mi servidor.
 ¿ Alguien lo tiene o sabe configurarlo ?
 o ¿ sabéis dónde hay documentación de éste servidor de mail en español ?
Haber, si lo que quiere es configurar el servidor SMTP para enviar tus
correos, yo tengo mi archivo /etc/smail/routers así:

   driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;
Si lo que quieres es traer tu correo, debes configurar fetchmail, en la cuenta
que uso en mi máquina, tengo mi archivo .fetchmailrc así:

   protocol pop3
   username mi_login
   password mi_password
   mda /usr/bin/procmail -d %s

La última línea es para que el correo lo procese procmail, pero todavía no
lo tengo configurado.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Imposible poner ^ en Xemacs20

1998-08-28 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

Resulta que no puedo introducir el caracter ^ en ningun buffer de
XEmacs2.0.2. Sin embargo todos los demas caracteres me funcionan,
incluso los acentos. Ah! Y si ejecuto desde un xterm el emacs con
la opcion -nw si que me sale el circumflejo. Al intentar escribirlo
me pita y dice dead-circumflex not defined. He buscado esa funcion
por el info de emacs pero no la encuentro.

Alguna idea?


P.S. Y ja que estoy. Habeis tenido que retocar variables como
LC_TYPE o LANG para poder escribir en castellano? En caso afirmativo,
donde estan los fichero para cambiarlo a todo el sistema? 


Re: modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5

1998-08-28 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
Rafael Cordones Marcos dijo:
 Desde que recompile el kernel me sale el siguiente mensaje
 durante el boot y en el syslog:
 Aug 27 23:59:19 lazlo modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
Haber, cuando hiciste el make config (o menuconfig o xconfig)
seleccionaste cuales eran las opciones que querías como módulos.
Si no te suena este módulo con ninguno de los que querías compilar
puedes ver en el archivo /etc/modules para ver cuales son los módulos
que quieres cargar. Si ahí aparece, quítalo, reinicia el sistema y 
prueba todo. Si todo funciona perfecto lo dejas así y listo.

 ?que modulo es ese? 
Mira en el .config de /usr/src/linux (así se llama el archivo donde
se guarda la configuración del kernel? no me acuerdo.) De pronto
ahí encuentras algo.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5

1998-08-28 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 12:12:24AM +0200, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 Desde que recompile el kernel me sale el siguiente mensaje
 durante el boot y en el syslog:
 Aug 27 23:59:19 lazlo modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5
 ?que modulo es ese? 
 He proba a hacer un find dentro del arbol de /usr/src/linux
 pero no he encontrado ningun net-pf-5.c

Ja esta arreglado. Era el archivo /etc/conf.modules


Soy nuevo

1998-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Me gustaria que alguien me hablase de la politica que se sigue en la
¿Es parecida a la de las news?

Re: Soy nuevo

1998-08-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sat, Aug 29, 1998 at 01:43:01AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Me gustaria que alguien me hablase de la politica que se sigue en la

No se si hay una política escrita, pero:

* La lista es de Debian; se hablan cosas que tengan que ver con Debian (por
  ejemplo, supongo que ¿cómo hago para que ls produzca colores?, está
  bien, pero en Red Hat no me sirve la biblioteca libjpeg está mal)

* La tarifa para enviar mensajes puramente comerciales a la lista es de
  US$1000 (esto es politica escrita de todas las listas de Debian).

* La lista se llama debian-user-spanish, es decir, es de usuarios de Debian,
  y es en español (opuesto a de España, aquí hay gente de Argentina,
  Colombia, España, Reino Unido, Costa Rica, y otros). La lista en inglés
  es debian-user (es órdenes de magnitud más grande).

Y por lo demás, se trata de respetar las normas de etiqueta de la red, pero
no siempre sale bien ;-)


Question about Debian FTP sites

1998-08-28 Thread htyj
Does anyone know which FTP mirror site of Debian supports resume? Please tell 
me, thanks.

Re: ping: sendto: Operation not permitted

1998-08-28 Thread Bob Bernstein
For the record, removing the debian 'ipmasq' package - which had an empty
configuration and therefore was defaulting everything to deny - solved the
ping and dns problems, solved everything in fact except how to get ipmasqing
working in 2.0.34. 

I'm suspicious of that 'IPAUTOFW' option. Does anybody have a kernel config
for 2.0.34 that produces a working ip masq?

Bob Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone ever seen the Subject: line's message before?
 I just compiled 2.0.34 to get ip masqing going, and I appear in the process
 thereof to have trashed something really basic. Ecch! I get this whether I
 ping a local host, a remote host, or the machine itself.
 The system's ifconfig and routing tables look ok. It will dial up my ISP and
 get an IP assigned which duly appears in both those tables. But it then acts
 as if there's no DNS available, which there is, as I can verify by
 connecting with another machine to the same ISP.

Bob Bernstein at Esmond, R.I.

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-28 Thread john
Martin writes:
 But this is strange. pppd is setuid root. So it should be able to
 read any file, right?

/etc/chatscripts/provider is read by chat, not pppd. pppd forks and exec's
chat via these lines:

  execl(/bin/sh, sh, -c, program, (char *)0);

Thus chat gets run with the uid of the user, not root.  More security.
Remember that the 'connect' command can be given on the command line.
Without the above precautions, I could run 'pppd connect get_root' and have
the 'get_root' script run setuid root.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Debian 2.0 last, wtmp broken

1998-08-28 Thread john
Eric Fain writes:
 Does everyone else use last? It occurs to me that maybe people who don't
 have a lot of users on their systems might not have tried last since
 upgrading to hamm.

Actually, I've never tried it before (two users).  Seems to work fine,
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1998-08-28 Thread Rick Knebel
I have been playing around with debian 1.3.1 in anticipation of getting 2.0
in a couple of days.
I have set up X on my computer many times without diffuculties.
When I try to start X It  keeps crashing with the message cannot find mouse.
My mouse is on ttyS0 and is a microsoft compatible two button serial mouse.
At least that is how I set it up in redhat and caldera.
Any suggestions.

Thanks Alot

 Rick Knebel 

Re: mouse

1998-08-28 Thread servis
*- Rick Knebel wrote about mouse
| Hi,
| I have been playing around with debian 1.3.1 in anticipation of getting 2.0
| in a couple of days.
| I have set up X on my computer many times without diffuculties.
| When I try to start X It  keeps crashing with the message cannot find mouse.
| My mouse is on ttyS0 and is a microsoft compatible two button serial mouse.
| At least that is how I set it up in redhat and caldera.
| Any suggestions.

Can you show us the Pointer section of your XF86Config and the exact
error messages from X?

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Debugging install script?

1998-08-28 Thread Jerry E. McGoveran

I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 (my first Linux experience) and I'm
having trouble with the install script.  Something to do with my 
SCSI devices seems to be causing the install script to loop endlessly.
The text scrolls by too quickly for me to identify the root problem.

Is there anyway to get loadlin to generate a log file?  I have to reset
the PC to break the loop, so DOS redirection is no help.



Certus Consulting Group   | Specializing in Integrated Circuit
Antioch, CA 94509 | Design and Verification, Logic
(925)757-0685 | Synthesis, Fault Grading, and   | Test Development

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-08-28 Thread john
Martin Bialasinski writes:
 gtop shows root as owner and still I can signal it.

You are still the real user.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: mouse

1998-08-28 Thread Rick Knebel
On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 07:24:18PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *- Rick Knebel wrote about mouse
 | Hi,
 | I have been playing around with debian 1.3.1 in anticipation of getting 2.0
 | in a couple of days.
 | I have set up X on my computer many times without diffuculties.
 | When I try to start X It  keeps crashing with the message cannot find mouse.
 | My mouse is on ttyS0 and is a microsoft compatible two button serial mouse.
 | At least that is how I set it up in redhat and caldera.
 | Any suggestions.
 Can you show us the Pointer section of your XF86Config and the exact
 error messages from X
Protocol Microsoft
Device /dev/ttyS0

Error  Cannot open mouse (No such file or directory)

 Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
  - unknown  
 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Rick Knebel 

Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Tomt
Hi everyone, 

I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine and they 
several spaces in them like
This is a Test.txt

How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
couple of other variants?

Anyone have an idea as to how?



Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Tomt
Hi everyone, 

I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine and they 
several spaces in them like
This is a Test.txt

How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
couple of other variants?

Anyone have an idea as to how?



Re: Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

   I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine 
 and they have  several spaces in them like
 This is a Test.txt
 How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
 couple of other variants?

 This\ is\ a\ Test.txt

slash works for all kinds of characters;

smithttyp1:testcat  this\ is\ a\ test
smithttyp1:testcat this\ is\ a\ test 


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Re: Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Tomt wrote:

 : Hi everyone, 
 :  I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine and they 
 : several spaces in them like
 : This is a Test.txt
 : How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
 : couple of other variants?
 : Anyone have an idea as to how?
 : Thanks
 : Tomt

Well, for example, try this command:

touch This is a Test.txt

I think you get the idea :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: ping: sendto: Operation not permitted

1998-08-28 Thread Michael B. Taylor

IP masquerading is compiled into the stock 2.0.34 hamm kernel and works
just fine for me.  Remember to install the ip masq ftp module so that
ftp works right behind the firewall.

I too installled the ipmasq package and ended up removing it.  It would 
probably be a nice, useful package if there were any docs at all for it.
You dont need this package to do ip masquerading.

Im barely knowlegable enough to get ip masqing working on my own system, 
so instead of offering specific advice, I refer you to the How-To and
the ipfwadm man page.


On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 07:31:50PM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 For the record, removing the debian 'ipmasq' package - which had an empty
 configuration and therefore was defaulting everything to deny - solved the
 ping and dns problems, solved everything in fact except how to get ipmasqing
 working in 2.0.34. 
 I'm suspicious of that 'IPAUTOFW' option. Does anybody have a kernel config
 for 2.0.34 that produces a working ip masq?
 Bob Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has anyone ever seen the Subject: line's message before?
  I just compiled 2.0.34 to get ip masqing going, and I appear in the process
  thereof to have trashed something really basic. Ecch! I get this whether I
  ping a local host, a remote host, or the machine itself.
  The system's ifconfig and routing tables look ok. It will dial up my ISP and
  get an IP assigned which duly appears in both those tables. But it then acts
  as if there's no DNS available, which there is, as I can verify by
  connecting with another machine to the same ISP.
 Bob Bernstein at Esmond, R.I.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

afio man page problem?

1998-08-28 Thread Lee Bradshaw

It looks like the -R option to afio should have an argument, but man doesn't
show it.


  .BR -R \ Disk format command string
  This is the command that is run when you enter 2 to reformat the disk after
  a failed verify...

man afio:

   -R This is the command that is run when you enter 2 to
  reformat the  disk  after  a  failed  verify.   The

Can someone verify that this is a problem?

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-08-28 Thread Ralph Winslow
I've installed it, and it looks realy cool, but it doesn't fetch
my mail.  I told it the name of the mail server at my ISP, but it
never asked for a password and I don't see anywhere in all those
bazillion configuration options where to specify it.  Also,
I've written a perl to check my maibox using pop3, but all that
the configuration mentioned was smtp.  Might this be a problem?
This message is coming to you via good old netscape.
Insert sardonic phrase here


1998-08-28 Thread Phillip Neumann

I want to start X autoatically. So i put start-xdm at the configure
file. But now the file `.xinitrc' doasent work. Obviously, now i dont
start with startx
So i make a symbolic link from .xinitrc to .xsession.  But it dosent
work. X dont read it when it starts. Should i configure another file to
get xdm start ok ??

Thanks, Phillip Neumann


1998-08-28 Thread 이준호

Re: Debian and IP Chains?

1998-08-28 Thread Frederic Breitwieser
doing some firewalling.  I'm running 2.1.104 on my gateway, and I've played
with ipfwcahins some.  

ipchains :)

2) Can someone share a recipe to allow incoming/outgoing ssh traffic.  I

First, you have to allow traffic into the firewall:

# Any packets coming from your internal network is good
ipchains -A input -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
# next allow ssh port 22 through the ppp0 port
ipchains -A input -d external-ip-of-firewall 22 -j ACCEPT

That's it.  You put both commands in your ppp-up script.  I did this
successfully.  In the ppp-in script there is a macro name for the ip
address of the ppp0 port, and you put that variable ($ipaddr ???) in place
of the external-ip-of-firewall and you are in good shape.

Then, in your ppp-down batch file, you put one command:
# kill the PPP0 port from a firewall standpoint
ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -j DENY

This ensures when you re-connect to the internet, or dial up server, the
firewall commands have been cleared and not duplicated.  Otherwise if you
dial up, lose connect, and repeat 20 times (lousy ISP G), you end up with
a giant firewall table that doesn't do much.  Just slows Linux down

Hope that helps.  I'm slowly learning, and got this far :)  I'm working on
port forwarding next.

Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport, CT 06606

Homebrew Automotive Website:

Wanted - RWD Buick Flywheel that fits the 3.8L / 4.1L!

HELP: Problems with G++

1998-08-28 Thread DMDP

I am having difficulties getting g++ to compile 

I am just testing it with a simple 
hello program.

When I type ...

g++ -g -Wall -ohello

The file - hello - is created. When I 
type, hello to execute the program. The bash shell tells me there is no 
such command.

What am I doing wrong? I need to get this 
working for my class on Monday.


Re: Question about Debian FTP sites

1998-08-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, htyj wrote:

 Does anyone know which FTP mirror site of Debian supports resume?
 Please tell me, thanks.

My local mirror '' does, but thats probably a bit far
away for you.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   The best things in life are politically incorrect.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: HELP: Problems with G++

1998-08-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, DMDP wrote:

 I am having difficulties getting g++ to compile properly.
 I am just testing it with a simple hello program.
 When I type ...
 g++ -g -Wall -ohello
 The file - hello - is created.  When I type, hello to execute the program.  
 The bash shell tells me there is no such command.
 What am I doing wrong?  I need to get this working for my class on Monday.

try `./hello` - If you are working as root (everyone says that is a Bad
Thing (tm)), the current directory is not in the path. If you are working
as your normal user (Good Thing (tm)), then I would suggest you bash (no
pun intended) me in the head and say Get outta the way! I'll ask a real
Another thing to check, make sure it has executable permissions.
(r-xr-xr-x) or the like.

Good Luck,
   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
If you don't know where you want to go, we'll make sure you get taken.
  -Japanese Microsoft ad slogan translated back into English
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: /var/log/messages

1998-08-28 Thread Stefan Frank
On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 08:29:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 *- Greg Starkes wrote about /var/log/messages
 | When I watch /var/log/messages i see the following
 | Aug 26 18:51:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | Aug 26 19:11:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | Aug 26 19:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | snip
 | Aug 26 21:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | Aug 26 22:11:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | Aug 26 22:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
 | ad nausiem
 | As you can see, this happens every 20 minutes. What is doing this? It is a
 | pain when I am tailing this file.
 It lets you know the machine is alive and kicking, especially for remote
 Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
  - unknown  
 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University

With linux i learn something new every day. I was wondering about those
strange MARK messages too. But it doesn't look very dangerous so i didn't
cared. Good to know this linux machine has a heartbeat too ;-)

BTW, does anybody know how to check in a bash script, wheter a PPP
connection is already up ? The /var/run/ file is already created
when the modem is still dialing the phone number.

bye, Stefan

Non us-ascii characters in ls

1998-08-28 Thread d1temp


am currently helping a friend install 2.0 and we came across something
I've noted before but bypassed (mainly work in english anyway), ls will
list non-us-ascii characters as '?' instead of the proper character like
å, ä, or ö (the characters specific to swedish).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/$ touch räksmörgås

I read the ls manpage, searched DejaNews, checked a webpage with alot
of tips and tricks on getting the swedish characters just about
anywhere, but haven't been able to get ls to cooperate...

Anyone with a solution, pointer to the appropriate document or just an
idea about what's happening?

|  Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out... |
| Michael Tempsch, member of Ballistic Wizards, TIP#088, POG#130, PPIG#11 |
|  Cell.Phone:+46 705487554   URL:   |

Compose-key not working any more

1998-08-28 Thread Johann Spies
My compose-key (Cntl-.) does not work anymore.  Now I get e in where
I want ë etc.  What could have caused it?  How do I correct it?

I upgraded to 2.0 a week ago.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But the end of all things is at hand; be ye therefore 
  sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things 
  have fervent love among yourselves; for love shall  
  cover the multitude of sins.  I Peter 4:7,8

Re: /var/log/messages

1998-08-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Stefan Frank wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 26, 1998 at 08:29:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *- Greg Starkes wrote about /var/log/messages
  | When I watch /var/log/messages i see the following
  | Aug 26 18:51:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | Aug 26 19:11:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | Aug 26 19:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | snip
  | Aug 26 21:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | Aug 26 22:11:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | Aug 26 22:31:45 greyhawk -- MARK --
  | ad nausiem
  | As you can see, this happens every 20 minutes. What is doing this? It is a
  | pain when I am tailing this file.
  It lets you know the machine is alive and kicking, especially for remote
 With linux i learn something new every day. I was wondering about those
 strange MARK messages too. But it doesn't look very dangerous so i didn't
 cared. Good to know this linux machine has a heartbeat too ;-)

I find it funny... On the list back when hamm started in a sort of
infancy.. there were lots of comments about these annoying '-- MARK --'
messages in their logfiles. As was said back then, it's a feature of
syslogd that has always been there, but never worked until now.. Kinda
funny how when something that finally works is complained about. Reminds
me of Windows. Ewww. I'll shut up now.
 BTW, does anybody know how to check in a bash script, wheter a PPP
 connection is already up ? The /var/run/ file is already created
 when the modem is still dialing the phone number.

I can usually tell by my HDD working... you could add a script in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ to play a sound for you or something.. I cant help

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   WinErr: 00A Promotional literature overflow - Mailbox full
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Questions about Debian 2.0

1998-08-28 Thread Remo Badii
Thank you.
I had solved the mtools problem by enabling rw for /dev/fd0 for
oug. Is this wrong?
| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at  | |

Re: Non us-ascii characters in ls

1998-08-28 Thread Tor Slettnes
 d1temp == d1temp  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

d1temp am currently helping a friend install 2.0 and we came
d1temp across something I've noted before but bypassed (mainly
d1temp work in english anyway), ls will list non-us-ascii
d1temp characters as '?' instead of the proper character like å,
d1temp ä, or ö (the characters specific to swedish).

You can use the -N (or --literal) option to 'ls', but in that case it
also prints out control characters uncooked if they appear in a

One example for your .cshrc:

alias ls '/bin/ls --color --classify --format=vertical --literal'


apt error

1998-08-28 Thread Chuck Peters

I am using the stable release and installed apt.  While upgrading
and adding some things with dselect I got the following error.  I
thought it was OK to use apt out of the unstable release.  How do I
fix it?


Setting up isapnptools (1.13-3.1) ...

dpkg: ../../../dpkg/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry =
4' failed.
E: Sub-process returned an error code
Some errors occured while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall again
Press enter to contiune.

Nedit bug

1998-08-28 Thread Akop Pogosian
I was pretty happy when I found that the mirror that I used to d/load
hamm had nedit package, so I just selected it. However, soon I found a
very annoying bug. When you go to menu: File: Open Previous, nedit
unexpectedly crashes, that is, quits with your work unsaved, etc. I
found somewhere in the bugs section on that someone was
complaining about that long time before, however, I could not find the
fix. If anyone knows how to fix this little problem, please let me know.

Re: Install lilo on new disk/new partition

1998-08-28 Thread Eugene Sevinian
 However, lilo fails still, with a message, 
  First sector of /dev/hda1 doesn't have a valid boot signature

Changing boot device from /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda hopefully will help you.

 I found this message in the lilo manual, but I cannot see how to fix it.  I
 ran liloconfig, which I hope was not a mistake.  I toggled the flag again.
 No change to this message.

Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: afio man page problem?

1998-08-28 Thread Jens Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Bradshaw) writes:

 It looks like the -R option to afio should have an argument, but man doesn't
 show it.
   .BR -R \ Disk format command string
   This is the command that is run when you enter 2 to reformat the disk after
   a failed verify...
 man afio:
-R This is the command that is run when you enter 2 to
   reformat the  disk  after  a  failed  verify.   The
 Can someone verify that this is a problem?

Yes, indeed. A problem with the man page...

man afio.1.gz:
   -T threshold


.BI -T \ threshold


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Here is a patch for one of the nastiest 2.1 (and earlier)
problems: the uptime counter wraps back to zero after 497 days. The
heartbreak of seeing that carefully-nurtured uptime go to zero is not
something that should be inflicted on anybody.
--  August 27, 1998

Geometry issues

1998-08-28 Thread Johann Spies
It took me a long time to customize my X11 settings as I want it.  Then I
upgraded tot 2.0.  Now I have to start reading all the documents again and
try to figure out why my previous settings are ignored by the new

Why doesn't X-windows respect my .Xdefaults and .xsession files anymore?

How do I get my emacs's geometry- and font settings to work again?


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Use hospitality one to another without grudging. 
   I Peter 4:9 

Re: exmh

1998-08-28 Thread David Stern
 I've installed it, and it looks realy cool, but it doesn't fetch
 my mail.  I told it the name of the mail server at my ISP, but it
 never asked for a password and I don't see anywhere in all those
 bazillion configuration options where to specify it.  Also,
 I've written a perl to check my maibox using pop3, but all that
 the configuration mentioned was smtp.  Might this be a problem?
 This message is coming to you via good old netscape.

exmh, like so many things in Linux, can be configured in many ways.  I 
think the typical way to configure exmh is to have your sendmail 
replacement (smail, exim, ..) deliver your mail if you have a direct 
internet connection, or a mail delivery agent like fetchmail retrieve 
your mail if you're using dialup internet access.  In either scenario, 
all exmh does is check your inbox.  It doesn't retrieve messages.  I 
think there are ways to get exmh to do this, but I don't think that is 
native to exmh (though I could be wrong).

You should be aware that exmh is a front end (gui) for MH (or nmh, an 
MH almost drop-in replacement).  So, you may have to configure MH a 
little bit as well, I know I did.  That was a little bit tricky (man -k 
mh, and you'll see what I mean), but I still like exmh.  You might also 
be interested to know that while MH can deliver directly to your isp's 
smarthost, if you have dialup internet access, that the typical 
configuration is to have MH pass that duty along to your sendmail 
replacement (smail, exim, ..).  So, you see that configuring exmh might 
take some time and a little effort.

Since I'm in the middle of exorcising the devil from sendmail, I'm 
probably not the best candidate to aid in this at the moment, however 
there's a lot of exmh help in the FAQ (built into the exmh menu), as 
well as at the exmh website, in the exmh mailling list archives (not as 
active as the debian-user list, much easier to peruse and search) and 
the exmh mailing list is very helpful.  As I mentioned, email isn't a 
strong area for me, but if you don't mind a delayed response and you 
have any questions, let me know.


Re: Non us-ascii characters in ls

1998-08-28 Thread jdassen
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 07:18:16AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 am currently helping a friend install 2.0 and we came across something
 I've noted before but bypassed (mainly work in english anyway), ls will
 list non-us-ascii characters as '?' instead of the proper character like
 å, ä, or ö (the characters specific to swedish).

You probably need to set up the locale information correctly, so that ls and
others know what characters can be displayed. Try setting the LC_CTYPE
environment variable to en_US.ISO-8859-1 .

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread Maarten Boekhold
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Gregory Dickinson wrote:

 This might sound silly, but does anyone know of any documentation anywhere 
 that tells one how
 to set up a Beowulf-type cluster for SMP.

A beowulf cluster does no SMP (Although there are libraries which can 
'emulate' SMP behaviour). It's better described as MPP.


| TU Delft, The Netherlands, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems  |
|   Department of Electrical Engineering|
|   Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section |

Re: SCSI peripherals?

1998-08-28 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I have an external SCSI zip drive  scanner. However, it seems that
 when I boot my machine if they aren't powered on at boot time, they don't get
 recognized. Is there any way I can get it to read them after boot time? Or do 
 have to leave them on permanently / reboot every time I want to use them?

W95 (the gam^H^H^H OS I have to use at work :(( ) actually doesn't install
the SCSI bios (or so it says) if you forget to turn the drive cage on.
Still, the reset buttons worn out already...

So I guess your linux box may be the same - should be OK as long as they
are on when you boot (and when you want to use them ;) )



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Where is stig-paren and pc-mode ?

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman at lungu

On my old hamm frozen system I used to use stig-paren.el and pc-mode.el.
Now, I do not find them anymore. 
Can anybody tell me which package they are packed in, please ?



Re: Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-28 Thread LUK ShunTim
Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
 Virtual resolution is a feature of XFree86. It allows you to work
 on a larger space than the actual resolution of your display. It
 works almost exactly as if you had a display with better resolution.
 I don't think you can really disable it, but you can avoid noticing
 it by setting the virtual resolution to be the same as your actual
 resolution. Just put Virtual xdim ydim in you Display entry in
 XF86Config. (If you don't know the actual dimension of your display
 you can use xdpyinfo to find out).
 Virtual desktops if a feature offered my many window managers to
 allow you several different workspaces with the set resolution.
 twm doesn't offer this, so I guess you must be talking about the
 virtual resoultion.
 | Now back to my problem. What I see after I started X is the desktop
 | which  is *larger* than the size of the screen and I have to move the
 | mouse a long distance to get to other parts of the desktop. I experience
 | this phenomenon in every (if I remembered correctly) window manager I
 | tried: twm, fvwm95, kwm(kde) and I have a small real desktop :)
 | What I'd like to have is a desktop that has the same size as my screen.
 Yup. Just set the virtual resolution to the same as the real. If you
 delete the virtual entry (as you did), it will be set to accomodate
 all the modelines, which may not be what you want.

Thanks. I got it. This is what I observed.  

I change the Display subsection of my XF86Config to this:

Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1024x768  800x600 640x480
Virtual  1024 768
ViewPort 0 0

I got desktop = screen (that's what I want) as I start up X but when I
change to a lower resolution mode by Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ I have a
desktop larger than my screen. I found out that while Modes can accept
several arguments, Virtual can only accept one pair. I've tried several
Display subsections but then I can no longer use
Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ to change resolution.

So we can't have the best of both worlds. Is this observation correct? 


Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Maarten Boekhold wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Gregory Dickinson wrote:
  This might sound silly, but does anyone know of any documentation anywhere 
  that tells one how
  to set up a Beowulf-type cluster for SMP.
 A beowulf cluster does no SMP (Although there are libraries which can 
 'emulate' SMP behaviour). It's better described as MPP.

Hmm - is beowulf a .deb? and if so, is it in /slink/non-free

(not that I can offord to have one right now, but maybe)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: gtk

1998-08-28 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Hi debianized...
 Someboady here knows how to make these new stuff of gtk themes work ??

What do you mean? are you referring to gnome, or what - what are you
trying to do - gnome themes, E themes...?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Exim fail to receive mails !?!

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman at lungu

We have just installed the hamm on a new PC to make it an e-mail server.
We have installed it via ftp from a local mirror.

Because of my previous experience with exim, I have chosed it as our MTA.
However, it failed to accept any SMTP connection from outside. Because of
this, no mail was received and M$ Windows clients with accounts on the
server couldn't send mails using the SMTP (service time out). The POP3
server (qpoper) worked well however. After some unsuccesfull work, we've
changed to smail and it worked out of the box. 

Any ideea ?



How to make apt to work in non-passive or passive mode ?

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman at lungu

We have installed hamm via ftp. I have also installed apt from slink.
However, we cannot use it to update packages from a local mirror because
apt wants a passive connection and the ftp server doesn't allow such
connection. Where do I set the type of connection (for ftp) apt will use ?



How to reinstall packages ?

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman at lungu

M$ introduced for their program a reinstall method. Does apt or dpkg
provide such a method ? It will be useful in the case your system crash
and some important files are trashed. Eventually a method that let you
chose if you want to reinstall the configuration files also (like when you
install an upgrade and you can choose to keep the old version or the
packager version).



Re: Non us-ascii characters in ls

1998-08-28 Thread Helge Hafting
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 08/28/98
   at 07:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


am currently helping a friend install 2.0 and we came across something
I've noted before but bypassed (mainly work in english anyway), ls will
list non-us-ascii characters as '?' instead of the proper character like
å, ä, or ö (the characters specific to swedish).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/$ touch räksmörgås

Read the danish-HOWTO.  Swedish setup should be very similiar. Looks like
you have the keyboard and consolefont working already, or is your problems
in X only?
For the vga console: make sure you use the correct unicode map
(loadunimap) for whatever font (setfont) you are using.   For everything:
Make sure LANG is setup
correctly, it isn't set up by default.  LANG=no_NO solved
a lot of ? problems for my Norwegian setup.  xterm would then display
æøåÆØÅ and other characters correctly.

Helge Hafting

Re: Exim fail to receive mails !?!

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman

I have an /var/log/exim/paniclog that says that /etc/aliases doesn't exist
! Now I do have an aliases (from smail). I will try again with exim.



On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ionut Borcoman at lungu wrote:
  server (qpoper) worked well however. After some unsuccesfull work, we've
  changed to smail and it worked out of the box. 
  Any ideea ?
 What error were you getting?
 Is there anything in /var/log/exim/mainlog or /var/log/exim/rejectlog that
 might give a clue? If not, have a look in /var/log/daemon.log and see if
 the connections are being rejected.
 George Bonser
 The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!

Re: Exim fail to receive mails !?!

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ionut Borcoman wrote:

 I have an /var/log/exim/paniclog that says that /etc/aliases doesn't exist
 ! Now I do have an aliases (from smail). I will try again with exim.

Hi again,

Now exim it works. This looks like a bug in exim installer. Nevertheless,
the computer crashed a lot during the instalation (when we have tried to
setup the X, because of SVGA card bad memory) and maybe this contributed
to the wrong instalation of exim.



Re: How to reinstall packages ?

1998-08-28 Thread Ionut Borcoman


I know this method. What I want is something to do an reisntalation for
ALL the installed packages from the system, not a specific one. When you
have tens of programms, it is no fun to make this process by hand !.



On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Helge Hafting wrote:

 dpkg -i package_filename 
 This seems to install a package no matter what.  The files already
 installed is overwritten.  If you want to reinstall config too, use
 dselect for uninstalling the package and its configuration.  Type _
 instead of - in dselect, that removes configuration too.  Then reinstall
 the package. I am not sure if there is a dedicated reinstall command, but
 uninstall+install definitely does the trick.
 Helge Hafting

RE: Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Ted Harding
On 28-Aug-98 Tomt wrote:
   I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine and
 they have several spaces in them like
 This is a Test.txt
 How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
 couple of other variants?

If such a name is read from a directory entry (e.g. you do ls on the
directory they are in) then they will be read out as they are, spaces

If you need to use the name in a command, then you must shield it from
the shell (which will treat the spaces as separating the name into
distinct arguments This is a Test.txt).

Depending on what you are doing, putting it in quotes will probably be
sufficient at the top level. The shell will strip the quotes and take
their contents as one item. If you have a shell within a shell then you
have to take extra precautions. One of the best things you can do with
such filenames is to rename them immediately:

   mv This is a Test.txt This_is_a_Test.txt

Then your worries are over.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28-Aug-98   Time: 09:51:40

Re: Installing communicator 4.06

1998-08-28 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 02:22:12PM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:
 there doesn't seem to be version of communicator 4.06 build
 for libc6. 

There is glibc2 version of Communicator 4.06. I use it.
If you have only libc5 version, install netscape4 package.
This one tells you about old libraries you have to install (from /oldlibs dir)
and puts appropriate wrapper around netscape.

Alexey Vyskubov

reading debian-user-digest with kmail

1998-08-28 Thread Chopper
Is anyone reading debian-user-digest with kmail?

I am trying to, but very often the content is dramatically cut
short.  The problem is that kmail is pretty poor at parsing messages.
The curtailment problem is because it gets confused whenever it
meets a MIME intro line and so the user doesn't get to see any of
the rest of the digest.

If anyone knows of a cheap fix then I can run a perl script to 'fix'
digests that contain MIME lines.


Re: Exim fail to receive mails !?!

1998-08-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ionut Borcoman wrote:

 On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ionut Borcoman wrote:
  I have an /var/log/exim/paniclog that says that /etc/aliases doesn't exist
  ! Now I do have an aliases (from smail). I will try again with exim.
 Hi again,
 Now exim it works. This looks like a bug in exim installer. Nevertheless,
 the computer crashed a lot during the instalation (when we have tried to
 setup the X, because of SVGA card bad memory) and maybe this contributed
 to the wrong instalation of exim.

I had this problem too a couple of times... smail's post-rm script removes
/etc/aliases. George, You use exim, is this alias file non-generation a
bug??? Isn't there a script or something there to create it for you?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

RE: Filenames with spaces in them

1998-08-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 28-Aug-98 Tomt wrote:
I have some files I've transfered from my Windows NT machine and
  they have several spaces in them like
  This is a Test.txt
  How does linux treat spaces I'm tried the filename listed above and a
  couple of other variants?
 If such a name is read from a directory entry (e.g. you do ls on the
 directory they are in) then they will be read out as they are, spaces
 If you need to use the name in a command, then you must shield it from
 the shell (which will treat the spaces as separating the name into
 distinct arguments This is a Test.txt).
 Depending on what you are doing, putting it in quotes will probably be
 sufficient at the top level. The shell will strip the quotes and take
 their contents as one item. If you have a shell within a shell then you
 have to take extra precautions. One of the best things you can do with
 such filenames is to rename them immediately:
mv This is a Test.txt This_is_a_Test.txt
 Then your worries are over.

Good old \ works too... bash filename completion uses them:

This\ is\ a\ Test.txt


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
COFFEE AND DONUTS: Unitarian communion.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: PPP via Minicom

1998-08-28 Thread David Wright
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, David Densmore wrote:

 I just installed Debian 2.0.
 Under 1.3.1 I could initiate a PPP connection by dialing and logging in
 with Minicom, quitting Minicom without resetting the modem and invoking
 pppd manually like this:
 /usr/sbin/pppd defaultroute /dev/ttyS0 38400 

Unless this have been changed gratuitously, put the parameters to
pppd in the right order: serial-line, speed, options.

If that doesn't change anything, posting the logs would certainly help.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Intel EtherExpress Pro problems

1998-08-28 Thread David Khoury

  Just installed Debian Hamm on a machine with an Intel N440BX Server
board.  This board comes with a Intel EtherExpress Pro (82558) ethernet

  Inserting the eepro100 module seems to work OK, but trying to assign an
IP address to it with ifconfig just gives the following error:

SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource temporarily unavailable

  Anyone got any ideas??
David Khoury | Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | getting out of the way before it is understood.

Re: gtk

1998-08-28 Thread Maarten Boekhold
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

  Hi debianized...
  Someboady here knows how to make these new stuff of gtk themes work ??
 What do you mean? are you referring to gnome, or what - what are you
 trying to do - gnome themes, E themes...?

No, he's refering to GTK+ themes. The fact that Gnome uses GTK doesn't 
mean that they suddenly *become* gnome themes ;)



| TU Delft, The Netherlands, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems  |
|   Department of Electrical Engineering|
|   Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section |

Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

   I'm having a problem setting up a mailing list with Smartlist. One
 of the subscribers is being held hostage to an NT system ;-) and for some
 reason it says Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Smartlist doesn't like it and 
 mails. The point is he can't change the Sender line, so I have to change
 Smartlist. The point... how?!?!?

Hi. I this this should work:

In rc.init uncomment the line saying #RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_00= rc.local.s00
and then write a rc.local.s00 file saying something like:

:0 fhw
* ^Sender:.*root@
| formail -I Sender:

(warning: I have not tested this).

However, this would perhaps encourage the bad habit of using the root
account for sending mail. Another thing you could do would be to tell the
NT user not to use the root account for sending mail ;-)

Re: Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-28 Thread David Wright
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, LUK ShunTim wrote:

 Thanks. I got it. This is what I observed.  
 I change the Display subsection of my XF86Config to this:
 Subsection Display
 Depth   8
 Modes   1024x768  800x600 640x480
   Virtual  1024 768
 ViewPort 0 0

A frequent reason for the type of question you originally asked is when
you have the modes in ascending order. X starts with the first (now
lowest) mode, and newbies may not know about C-A-+.

 I got desktop = screen (that's what I want) as I start up X but when I
 change to a lower resolution mode by Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ I have a
 desktop larger than my screen. I found out that while Modes can accept
 several arguments, Virtual can only accept one pair. I've tried several
 Display subsections but then I can no longer use
 Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ to change resolution.

What would you expect to see? If the desktop shrank, all the applications 
would have to be repainted on the smaller piece of real estate. As it
is, nothing on the desktop changes, not even the pointer position (though
the server has to choose the visible subsection in such a way that the 
pointer remains on-screen).

 So we can't have the best of both worlds. [...]

Yes you can. You just treat the size of your desktop like the colour
depth, and run an X server for each kind. (There's a package to allow
one to cut and paste between different server instances.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: which log to diagnose crash

1998-08-28 Thread David Wright
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

 my bosses machine crashed this mornging, leaving his Xsession frozen, 
 and no kernel panic message.
 Which log do I look in for this, or does a kernel panic get logged?  
 how do i figure out what happened?

When X freezes, there's no a priori reason why anything should be logged.
The rest of the machine should be running normally, and the best course
of action is to telnet in through the network or a serial line and kill
the X session (using startx it'll be an xinit process).

On the other hand, kernel panics are different and may or may not be logged,
depending on whether it's safe. It will normally tell you if the disks 
have not been synced (though I've only witnessed that on a VC, not in X),
in which case you might as well cycle the power.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1998-08-28 Thread Max Lawson

I'm running Debian GNU/Linux at home. I've overclocked my box a few days ago by 
increasing the bus frequency. 

The problem I have is the messages printed at boot time. Forgotten to 
take the messages but they're of the form status=0x.. and error=0x...
I've also noticed that the HD activity LED stays on even if no request is 
performed on the HD. 

Note that, the system have been stable for 4days and so (and I've almost 
forgotten this trouble untill I reboot today).

Thanx in advance for your help and advices,

Re: reading debian-user-digest with kmail

1998-08-28 Thread Jim Foltz
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 09:59:20AM +0100, Chopper wrote:
 Is anyone reading debian-user-digest with kmail?
 I am trying to, but very often the content is dramatically cut
 short.  The problem is that kmail is pretty poor at parsing messages.
 The curtailment problem is because it gets confused whenever it
 meets a MIME intro line and so the user doesn't get to see any of
 the rest of the digest.
 If anyone knows of a cheap fix then I can run a perl script to 'fix'
 digests that contain MIME lines.

I use fetchmail to retrieve email from my ISP's pop server, then I use
procmail, which is able to break up the digest into individual messages and
save them in a mail folder.

Procmail is easy to set up.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread Greg Vence
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Hmm - is beowulf a .deb? and if so, is it in /slink/non-free
It seems to be available as RPM's.  You can use alien to get it

 (not that I can offord to have one right now, but maybe)
Me either.  However, as a consultant I see 486's trashed from time to

Enjoy -- Greg.
What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: PPP via Minicom

1998-08-28 Thread David Densmore
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, I wrote:

I just installed Debian 2.0.

Under 1.3.1 I could initiate a PPP connection by dialing and logging in
with Minicom, quitting Minicom without resetting the modem and invoking
pppd manually like this:

/usr/sbin/pppd defaultroute /dev/ttyS0 38400 

I can't get this to work now.  After I excute this command, no connection
is established and the modem hangs up shortly thereafter.  I get the same
result as root and as normal user.

Does anyone know how to make this work?

On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, John Hasler wrote:

Try adding 'noauth' to your options.

I tried it, no luck.

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, David Wright wrote:

Unless this have been changed gratuitously, put the parameters to
pppd in the right order: serial-line, speed, options.

If that doesn't change anything, posting the logs would certainly help.

That didn't change anything, so here are the logs.
This is one from a normal (working) connection using pon:

Aug 28 06:45:44 linux pppd[950]: pppd 2.3.5 started by dden, uid 1000
connection script.
Aug 28 06:46:14 linux pppd[950]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 28 06:46:14 linux pppd[950]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Aug 28 06:46:20 linux pppd[950]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
Aug 28 06:46:20 linux pppd[950]: local  IP address
Aug 28 06:46:20 linux pppd[950]: remote IP address

And here is one from a failed attempt using Minicom to log in, quiting
Minicom without modem reset and executing this command:

/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS0 38400 defaultroute

Aug 28 07:08:51 linux pppd[1025]: pppd 2.3.5 started by dden, uid 1000
Aug 28 07:08:51 linux pppd[1025]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 28 07:08:51 linux pppd[1025]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Aug 28 07:09:12 linux pppd[1025]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Aug 28 07:09:12 linux pppd[1025]: Modem hangup
Aug 28 07:09:12 linux pppd[1025]: Connection terminated.
Aug 28 07:09:13 linux pppd[1025]: Exit.

David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HELP/ADVICES NEEDED] Problems w/ my HD

1998-08-28 Thread joost

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Max Lawson wrote:

 I'm running Debian GNU/Linux at home. I've overclocked my box a few days ago 
 increasing the bus frequency. 

One might say that you were asking for it.  If you overclock the system
bus, you'll overclock most other busses along with it (this can actually
be seen as a feature, not a bug :-) .)  The snag is, that all devices
attached to the overclocked busses must be able to cope with it.

 The problem I have is the messages printed at boot time. Forgotten to 
 take the messages but they're of the form status=0x.. and error=0x...
 I've also noticed that the HD activity LED stays on even if no request is 
 performed on the HD. 

Looks like your harddisk is misbehaving then.  Gee, I wonder why.
 Note that, the system have been stable for 4days and so (and I've almost 
 forgotten this trouble untill I reboot today).

Erm, maybe you just shouldn't reboot anymore!  Or set the system bus back
to normal speed again.  Or buy other disks, videocards etc. that can
stands the increased strain from being clocked above manufacturer

It also helps to have a very robust motherboard that keeps signals in
shape (literally, crappy boards will allow signal edges to go sloppy or
even rippled) as frequencies increase.



Re: How to reinstall packages ?

1998-08-28 Thread joost

On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ionut Borcoman wrote:

 I know this method. What I want is something to do an reisntalation for
 ALL the installed packages from the system, not a specific one. When you
 have tens of programms, it is no fun to make this process by hand !.

It is quite easy in fact:

# STEP 1:
# first mount your cdrom;
# I have an entry for it in /etc/fstab, but you may 
# have to specify the physical device here too
# (oh and _first_ insert the physical cd of course.)
mount /cdrom

# STEP 2:
# cd to the right place in the directory tree of
# your favorite debian release on the cd.
# YMMV because the layout changed a bit recently. 
cd /cdrom/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386

# STEP 3:
# make dpkg do its thing.
# read the fine dpkg manpage to learn what the 
# GREB options mean exactly.
dpkg -iGREB *

# STEP 4: 
# depending on what is on your cd, you may want to 
# reiterate steps 2 and 3, substituting contrib, 
# non-free or non-US for main in step 2. 



Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread Martin Schulze
Greg Vence wrote:
 M.C. Vernon wrote:
  Hmm - is beowulf a .deb? and if so, is it in /slink/non-free
 It seems to be available as RPM's.  You can use alien to get it

Weren't some people from the beowolf team interested in switching
to .deb or at least packaging new stuff also as .deb files?

I'm sorry, but I lost track here.



VFS: no free i-nodes, contact Linus  -- finlandia, Feb '94 

Re: [HELP/ADVICES NEEDED] Problems w/ my HD

1998-08-28 Thread Max Lawson
 On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Max Lawson wrote:
  I'm running Debian GNU/Linux at home. I've overclocked my box a few days 
  ago by 
  increasing the bus frequency. 
 One might say that you were asking for it.  If you overclock the system
 bus, you'll overclock most other busses along with it (this can actually
 be seen as a feature, not a bug :-) .)  The snag is, that all devices
 attached to the overclocked busses must be able to cope with it.
  The problem I have is the messages printed at boot time. Forgotten to 
  take the messages but they're of the form status=0x.. and error=0x...
  I've also noticed that the HD activity LED stays on even if no request is 
  performed on the HD. 
 Looks like your harddisk is misbehaving then.  Gee, I wonder why.
  Note that, the system have been stable for 4days and so (and I've almost 
  forgotten this trouble untill I reboot today).
 Erm, maybe you just shouldn't reboot anymore!  Or set the system bus back
 to normal speed again.  Or buy other disks, videocards etc. that can
 stands the increased strain from being clocked above manufacturer
 It also helps to have a very robust motherboard that keeps signals in
 shape (literally, crappy boards will allow signal edges to go sloppy or
 even rippled) as frequencies increase.

Hi Joost, 

Thanx a lot for your quick answer. 

The motherbord is an ASUS-P2B one. It should therefore be able to run with 
a bus frequency greater than 100MHz. The processor i've overcloched is a  
__protected__ PII 233 with a fixed 3.5x factor. The bus frequency is 
actually 83Mhz. So everything should be fine ? No ? 

The HD is an U/DMA HD.

Going home soon. Maybe I've disturbed some branching. Don't think so, but ..! 
Or should I change some drivers parameters ? I know about the hdparm utility 
but don't want to use it: I'm far from being familiar with hardware related 

Thanx again, 

P.S. I've overclocked cause this, as expected, improves the execution time of 
heavy numerical program I have. Ciao ! 

Re: How to reinstall packages ?

1998-08-28 Thread joost

BT!! klonk! SCRIETCH!

I  made a small brainfart^H^H^H^H^Herror, this in fact doesn't work if you
want to reinstall as it skips everything that is already installed.  And
it tries to install everything that wasn't installed before :-/

*blush*   I hope this didn't screw your system

Instead, at  step 3 do:

  dpkg -iRO *

to recurse and install only selected packages.

BTW, it never hurts to read the manpage, even if you think you know what
you're doing *blush again*  



On Fri, 28 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 # STEP 1:
 # first mount your cdrom;
 # I have an entry for it in /etc/fstab, but you may 
 # have to specify the physical device here too
 # (oh and _first_ insert the physical cd of course.)
 mount /cdrom
 # STEP 2:
 # cd to the right place in the directory tree of
 # your favorite debian release on the cd.
 # YMMV because the layout changed a bit recently. 
 cd /cdrom/debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386
 # STEP 3:
 # make dpkg do its thing.
 # read the fine dpkg manpage to learn what the 
 # GREB options mean exactly.
dpkg -iGREB *
# RHAAH! BAD! instead do:
dpkg -iRO *

 # STEP 4: 
 # depending on what is on your cd, you may want to 
 # reiterate steps 2 and 3, substituting contrib, 
 # non-free or non-US for main in step 2. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:

 Greg Vence wrote:
  M.C. Vernon wrote:
   Hmm - is beowulf a .deb? and if so, is it in /slink/non-free
  It seems to be available as RPM's.  You can use alien to get it
 Weren't some people from the beowolf team interested in switching
 to .deb or at least packaging new stuff also as .deb files?
 I'm sorry, but I lost track here.

Hmm - does one need a beowulf in order to debianise the source?

and if not then even my measly pick.sel (which approximates to the amount
of memory it has ;) ) could produce a .deb for rich people with
supercomputers everywhere?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread Martin Schulze
M.C. Vernon wrote:
  Weren't some people from the beowolf team interested in switching
  to .deb or at least packaging new stuff also as .deb files?
  I'm sorry, but I lost track here.
 Hmm - does one need a beowulf in order to debianise the source?

I thought beowulf cluster are binary compatible to regular boxes so I
don't think you'd need a beowulf cluster in order to package things.

 and if not then even my measly pick.sel (which approximates to the amount
 of memory it has ;) ) could produce a .deb for rich people with
 supercomputers everywhere?

I don't understand.



VFS: no free i-nodes, contact Linus  -- finlandia, Feb '94 

Re: Beowulf cluster

1998-08-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:

 M.C. Vernon wrote:
   Weren't some people from the beowolf team interested in switching
   to .deb or at least packaging new stuff also as .deb files?
   I'm sorry, but I lost track here.
  Hmm - does one need a beowulf in order to debianise the source?
 I thought beowulf cluster are binary compatible to regular boxes so I
 don't think you'd need a beowulf cluster in order to package things.
  and if not then even my measly pick.sel (which approximates to the amount
  of memory it has ;) ) could produce a .deb for rich people with
  supercomputers everywhere?
 I don't understand.

Sorry - in my attempts to be ironic I failed to make myself clear. I was
offering to package beowulf as .deb, for people with the money to make
beowulf clusters. I then realised the irony of doing this on pick.sel ;)



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: /var/log/messages

1998-08-28 Thread servis
*- Stefan Frank wrote about Re: /var/log/messages
| BTW, does anybody know how to check in a bash script, wheter a PPP
| connection is already up ? The /var/run/ file is already created
| when the modem is still dialing the phone number.

Check the return status of 'fping -q'

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Score: Smail 1, Bob 0

1998-08-28 Thread john
George Bonser writes:
 I have no idea why Debian ships with that piece of junk as their standard

Because we haven't been able to agree on what to replace it with.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Installing communicator 4.06

1998-08-28 Thread Dale E. Martin
Alexey Vyskubov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is glibc2 version of Communicator 4.06. I use it.
 If you have only libc5 version, install netscape4 package.
 This one tells you about old libraries you have to install (from /oldlibs dir)
 and puts appropriate wrapper around netscape.
 Alexey Vyskubov

In your experience, does the libc6 build work OK?  I'm using the 4.5b1
libc6 build, and it crashes any time you use text input on forms twice.
(like, if you do two searches in one yahoo session.)  It's pretty useless -
if the 4.06 version works, I'll definitely switch.

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

Re[2]: ping: sendto: Operation not permitted

1998-08-28 Thread Bob Bernstein
Michael B. Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 IP masquerading is compiled into the stock 2.0.34 hamm kernel and works
 just fine for me.  Remember to install the ip masq ftp module so that
 ftp works right behind the firewall.

Never mind that; what I should be sure of is that I've entered the policy
rules correctly!

-D   *without* the '/0' on the end won't work no matter how much hair
I tear out!

I need a vacation. g Mebbe go to the Vinyard and talk to Bill about my
'private problems', huh? bg

Thanks again,

Bob Bernstein at Esmond, R.I.

Re: mouse

1998-08-28 Thread servis
*- Rick Knebel wrote about Re: mouse
| On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 07:24:18PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  *- Rick Knebel wrote about mouse
|  | Hi,
|  | I have been playing around with debian 1.3.1 in anticipation of getting 
|  | in a couple of days.
|  | I have set up X on my computer many times without diffuculties.
|  | When I try to start X It  keeps crashing with the message cannot find 
|  | My mouse is on ttyS0 and is a microsoft compatible two button serial 
|  | At least that is how I set it up in redhat and caldera.
|  | Any suggestions.
|  Can you show us the Pointer section of your XF86Config and the exact
|  error messages from X
| Protocol Microsoft
| Device /dev/ttyS0
| Error  Cannot open mouse (No such file or directory)

Hmmm, does the kernel detect the serial ports at boot, is serial
support compiled in or in a module?  What does dmesg say?  I get the
following for my serial port(0) and modem(3) at boot(serial support
compiled in).

Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
tty03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

Does gpm work?

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

3com 3c905b support in Hamm

1998-08-28 Thread David Warnock

Cards recognised by Hamm?

I am about to get Hamm installed on 4 PC's. I have been checking  out the hardware for Linux compatability by starting the installation  of a RedHat 5.0 CD (my Installer arrives on Tuesday with the  Debian CD and I want to be sure everything is going to be ready).

Currently I have as many different network cards as PC's.  Two are  recognised by RH 5.0 two are not.

The ones that are NOT recognised by RH5.0 are a Intel  EtherExpress Pro 100/B and a 3Com 3c905b-tx Fast Etherlink XL  PCI 10/100base-tx.

Are these going to be recognised / work with Hamm?  What  confuses me is that a slightly older 3com 3c905 tx (ie not the b)  is recognised by RH5.0 but as a 3c59x (Vortex).



PS When I say recognised by RH5.0 is means I start the  installation, at the point of FDISK I jump to the menu and choose  network configuration. With the working PCI card the installation  just shows me it's name and goes straight to the setting of IP  address etc. With the other cards I get a menu of supported cards,  when I choose what I think is the correct one I get the change to  autoprobe but it never finds the card. 

I realise a) Hamm installation is completely different and b) it may  be possible to get these cards to work by setting some parameters  manually.

So what I really need to know is a) will Hamm support these cards  automatically or if not can I get them to work with some manual  parameter setting.

Dave Warnock
Sundayta Ltd

Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 01:42:14PM +0200, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

 However, this would perhaps encourage the bad habit of using the root
 account for sending mail. Another thing you could do would be to tell the
 NT user not to use the root account for sending mail ;-)

I have asked arround, and it's the NT MTA that's setting the Sender field to
Sender: root@. The user swears he's sending the mail from a regular
account using Netscape Mail.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it. Digging into the manual, I found

  SmartList usually does not accept submissions or subscriptions from
  daemons. If you'd like to make an exception for some, you can do this by
  tuning the daemon_bias variable. A sample template can be found in the
  rc.init file. This variable can of course be set in the rc.init, rc.custom
  or rc.local files. Instead of directly specifying a weight and a regexp,
  you can just specify a weight. You'll then have to make sure that the
  variable is set only when mail from your special daemons arrives.

The scary regexp that procmail uses to decide that something is coming from
a daemon (FROM_DAEMON) includes a test to catch Sender:.*root. I want to
keep all the tests but this one. What I can't find now is a reference to
weighting in the procmail manpages. How's the weight suppossed to work?

daemon_bias = 0 Sender:.*root
  What do I put here. A higher number to get the regexp
  recognized as a daemon or a lower number to get it NOT
  recognized as a daemon.

Thanks again,


Re: /var/log/messages (Is ppp up?)

1998-08-28 Thread Peter S Galbraith

  BTW, does anybody know how to check in a bash script, wheter a PPP
  connection is already up ? The /var/run/ file is already created
  when the modem is still dialing the phone number.
 I can usually tell by my HDD working... you could add a script in
 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ to play a sound for you or something.. I cant help

/sbin/ifconfig | grep ppp0
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

Re: Help with Smartlist + Sender: root

1998-08-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 keep all the tests but this one. What I can't find now is a reference to
 weighting in the procmail manpages. How's the weight suppossed to work?

procmailsc(5) ?

 c4f9f68ae233d0fe52be4735d04df1bf (a truly random sig)

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