Re: Variables de entorno para Español

1998-09-17 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 Ayer por la tarde decía yo:
  # Este fichero es leído por /etc/X11/Xsession y por /bin/login
  # para establecer las variables de ambiente comunes al xel y a
  # una sesión X Window.
 como explicas, esto no es especifico a un shell, asi que export esta de
 mas alli. El problema es que si no lo pones, no funciona. Yo tengo en
 if [ -e /etc/environment ] ; then
   . /etc/environment
   export `cut -d = -f 1 /etc/environment`

Es que ¡_no_ hace falta ponerlo en ningún profile! Porque es /bin/login
quien lee ese fichero. Lo descubrí en /etc/login.defs:
# If this file exists and is readable, login environment will be
# read from it.  Every line should be in the form name=value.
Como se ve, se le puede cambiar el nombre si se quiere. 
Para login *no* hace falta el exports, pero sí para ...

  Evite la sintaxis export PATH=nosequé NLSPATH=nosecuántos ...; login(1)
  exige una variable por línea. Y XSession exige la línea con export (creo).
 Xsession es un script de sh, asi que necesita las variables exportadas.

... Xsession:
# If /etc/environment is present, source it. It's useful to put default
# environment settings in this file, and then source it both here and in
# /etc/profile.
if [ -f /etc/environment ]; then
  . /etc/environment

Lo del source in /etc/profile está ya anticuado desde que es login mismo
quien lee el fichero.

Como esto es un guión del xel, aquí sí se necesita que /etc/environment
empiece por la línea (no sé si la puse en la carta anterior):


y que luego haya una línea con export como la que puse: 

Lo que dije y digo es que no se puede (o debe) poner el fichero en la

export VAR1=VALOR1
export VAR2=VALOR2

ni en la forma

export VAR1=VALOR1 VAR2=VALOR2 ...

ni en la forma

export VAR1 VAR2 ...

Sólo en la forma en que lo puse. Porque así es compatible tanto con la
sintaxis que requiere login como con la del xel.

Re: correo y conexión

1998-09-17 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
Horacio M.G. decía:
 para bajar el correo necesito 
 fetchmail;  para enviar smail (o sendmail, pero instalé smail); y 
 luego hay otros programas como procmail, qmail, sortmail, 
 metamail, bulkmail, premail, noséquémail... (vale, todos estos son 
 utilidades que se pueden configurar con el correo).  Y luego están 
 los programas (¿lectores, editores?) de correo como pine, elm-

Hay esencialmente dos tipos de programas que necesitas:

Agente de Transporte de Correo (MTA en inglés): Este tipo de programas
implementa el protocolo SMTP que se encarga de enviar y gestionar el correo.

Agente de Usuario de Correo (MUA en inglés): Es el programa que usas para 
leer el correo.  

Además, se ha hecho muy popular con la explosión en el uso de conexiones no
permanentes el POP(2/3)-IMAP que son protocolos de estafeta de correos.
Estos protocolos son usados para que gente que no tiene conexión permanente
pueda recoger el correo de un casillero. Es como los apartados de correos,
yo te envío una carta y correos la mantiene allí hasta que tengas un rato y
la recojas. En general *no* envías correo en el apartado de correos sino que
vas a un buzón de envío. En TCP/IP los protocolos POP-IMAP son equivalentes a
pasarse por el apartado de correos y recoger la correspondencia.

De modo esquemático:

 SMTP -   POP2/3 - IMAP ---
I  I I   II   TuI
I  I -.-.-.-.-I máquina I
  - ---

Tu máquina puede enviar el correo ISP y dejar que éste se encargue de repartirlo
por la red o enviarlo directamente a los destinatarios. En el primer caso, la
máquina a la que lo envías se llama normalmente smarthost. También el
reparto local de correo se efectúa mediante un MTA que usa SMTP para

En debian, los MTAs tienen un nombre de paquete virtual
mail-transport-agent. Hay muchos de los que los más conocidos son:
smail, exim, sendmail, ... (SMTP)

En cuanto a los programas para leer el correo, hay muchos también y están
agrupados por el nombre de paquete virtual mail-user-agent:

mutt, pine, elm-me+, ...

Por último, para bajarte el correo desde el ISP (traértelo del apartado de
correos) puedes usar fetchmail (IMAP/POP 2/3)

Además de eso hay algunas utilidades. La más importante es probablemente
procmail de procesador de correo que filtra el correo y reescribe las
cabeceras en función de las reglas que especifiques. Este programa es el que
usamos la mayoría para que el correo de debian no nos llene el casillero

 Claro, desde la 
 simplicidad de Win95, tanto nombre-mail confunde muchísimo.
Windows95 es un sistema operativo incapaz de actuar de servidor. Los programas
están pensados para que hagan el envío (SMTP) recojan el correo entrante 
(POP/IMAP) en el momento de conexión. Necesitan implementar una cola propia,
no pueden repartir correo local y tienen otra serie de limitaciones. En
general para una máquina aislada no es *tan* terrible pero a poco que tengas
varios usuarios o algo así, empieza a ser una lata. Por demás en unix, la
tradición hace que las herramientas sean pequeñas, de funcionalidad clara y
capaces de trabajar en común para dar la máxima flexibilidad. Así fetchmail,
por ejemplo, recoge el correo de tu ISP pero luego lo entrega a tu servidor
SMTP (smail o el que sea) para que sea este el que haga la entrega. De ese 
modo evita tener que repetir un montón de código que tienes en el sistema de
todos modos y que además (se supone) está depurado.

Luis Francisco Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Fingerprint = F8 B1 13 DE 22 22 94 A1  14 BE 95 8E 49 39 78 76

Re: gimptool no funciona

1998-09-17 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 08:46:28AM +0200, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 He probado a instalar un nuevo plug-in para el GIMP. En la página
 del autor dice que lo haga con 
 gimptool --install plugin.c
 pero al hacerlo me sale
 lazlo:~/gimp$ gimptool --install diff.c 
 gcc -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -o 
 /home/rafacm/.gimp/plug-ins/diff diff.c -L/usr/lib -lgimpui -lgimp -L/usr/lib 
 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lglib -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
 ld: cannot open -lXi: No such file or directory

El gimptool está intentando compilar el fichero diff.c . Como ese fichero
hace uso de las bibliotecas GTK y de las X, tendrás que tener instalados
los correspondientes paquetes dev: libgtk-dev y xlib6g-dev

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

el bash no me muestra ningun fichero

1998-09-17 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias

He instalado el Debian 2.0 y le dije que escogia el set paquetes
de server de 40Mb, le quite el nis y alguna cosa mas y cuando me di cuenta
al hacer un ls -la en /etc/init.d/ solo me mostraba el directorio .

Instale el ksh pues sabia que no habia borrado nada y con este
shell lo veo todo.

¿Que me falta? o ¿es un bug? ¿esta reportado?

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Re: el bash no me muestra ningun fichero

1998-09-17 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:

   He instalado el Debian 2.0 y le dije que escogia el set paquetes
 de server de 40Mb, le quite el nis y alguna cosa mas y cuando me di cuenta
 al hacer un ls -la en /etc/init.d/ solo me mostraba el directorio .
   Instale el ksh pues sabia que no habia borrado nada y con este
 shell lo veo todo.
   ¿Que me falta? o ¿es un bug? ¿esta reportado?

No sé, pero se me ocurre que puede ser cosa de los colores de
ls/dircolors. A veces pone tales colores que no se ven. Prueba en el bash
uno de (o ambos):

$ ls --color=none   #(¿o era never?)
$ /bin/ls

En último término, pon 

$ echo *

Comprueba qué es ls: 

$ type ls

Sospecho que te responderá:

ls is an alias for /bin/ls --color=auto

Mira dónde tienes ese alias: /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ...

¿Por qué te funciona con ksh? Porque en ksh no tienes definido ese alias
en los ficheros de arranque, supongo.

Si es eso, házmelo saber y mándame un chiste (se acabaron las ayudas
grátix, ¡modifiquen la GPL! :-)
Estación de tren: sitio donde el tren se para. Estación de trabajo: ...

Re: correo y conexión

1998-09-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
On Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 04:58:50PM +0200, Horacio M.G. wrote:
Que hubo?

 necesito aclarar un lío mental antes de poder intentar la 
 configuración de todo lo referente a la conexión a internet y del 
 correo electrónico:
A ver que se puede hacer...

 De la Debian 2.0 instalé varios paquetes:  PPP se supone que es 
 para configurar la conexión, sin más, y éste lo he configurado y sí 
 funciona... bueno, me conecta;  para bajar el correo necesito 
 fetchmail;  para enviar smail (o sendmail, pero instalé smail); y 
 luego hay otros programas como procmail, qmail, sortmail, 
 metamail, bulkmail, premail, noséquémail... (vale, todos estos son 
 utilidades que se pueden configurar con el correo).  Y luego están 
 los programas (¿lectores, editores?) de correo como pine, elm-
Ajá: ppp - conexión con internet
 fectchmail - baja el correo
 smail - servidor de correo (en una máquina solitaria, se encarga
 de enviarlo)
 pine, mutt, elm - clientes de correo
 ¿Cómo se supone que todo esto funciona junto?  Quiero decir, 
 finalmente imagino que será posible, desde un programa, conectar, 
 escribir, enviar, recibir, leer, responder,... o sea, ¿existe una 
 interacción entre las diversas utilidades?  Claro, desde la 
 simplicidad de Win95, tanto nombre-mail confunde muchísimo.
Con pppd te conectas. Puedes configurar tu equipo para que apenas
te conectes, te baje el correo (cada cierto tiempo si así lo deseas).
Después abres tu cliente de correo (mutt por ejemplo), lees, borras,
compones, y envías (aunque de esto último, realmente se encarga el
smail). Utilidades como procmail se encargar de, por ejemplo, filtrar
tu correo en diferentes carpetas, o definir visores para extensiones
MIME (o como se diga).

Realmente, no me parece tan complicado.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: El login no me gusta mucho

1998-09-17 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
  Hola a todos.
  Tengo una duda sobre algo que siempre me da la sensacion que ha ido mal
  en mi ordenador.
  Se trata de que cuando hago un login desde la consola, si el PC esta
  teniendo ya mucha carga de tareas (sobre todo cuando el HD esta
  trabajando como un cosaco), ocurre lo siguiente:
Aparece 'login:' en la pantalla.
Tecleno el nombre de usuario y pulso Enter.
Rapidamente, nada mas pulsar el Enter, introduzco el password a toda
  velocidad. Entonces, el password aparece a medida que lo tecleas (si no
  has dado tiempo a que aparezca la palabra 'Password:' en la pantalla.
  No se si me explico, pero esto mas de una vez me ha dejado al
  descubierto cuando ha venido algun amiguete a casa.
  ¿No se puede arreglar el programa de login? Supongo que habria que
  deshabilitar el teclado desde que pulsas el primer Enter hasta que
  apareciese la palabra 'Password:' o que apareciesen asteriscos en lugar
  del password.
  ¿Os a pasado lo mismo que a mi alguna vez?
 Creo que esto es un problema general en todos o en muchos Unix. Almenos
 a mi me ha pasado en varios. Se trata de que se tiene que producir un
 cambio en el modo de consola y si tecleas muy rápido y el sistema esta
 muy cargado no das tiempo a que se produzca este cambio.
 Solución 1: Teclear mas despacio.
 Solucion 2: Agilizar la máquina. (montar un raid quizas)
 Creo que el problema no es de login sino de login y getty funcionando como
 procesos separados en un sistema muy cargado.

¿De veras nunca se ha pensado en cambiar esto?
No se ... si hay que darle conexion al kernel con esto, o si hay que
integrar el login con getty, o lo que sea ... Si esto es tan comun y por
cierto tan fastidioso, ¿como es que no se ha pensado en solucionarlo?

Bueno, supongo que algun motivo habra.
Un saludo a todos y gracias:

Juan Carlos

Re: (Fwd) correo y conexión

1998-09-17 Thread Horacio M.G.

On 17 Sep 98, at 11:27,
Santiago Vila wrote:

 Si me permites un consejo: No intentes entenderlo todo de golpe.
 Pregúntate primero qué necesitas, y después qué programa necesitas para
 cubrir esa necesidad. Hacerlo al revés (tengo esta lista de programas del
 tipo xxx-mail, ¿para qué sirve cada uno?) puede ser mucho más complicado.

Bueno, intentaré atenerme a tu consejo.  Lo único que quiero, de
momento, es poder conectarme, y enviar y recibir correo en
internet vía el ISP como estoy haciendo en este momento... pero
con Debian.



El hombre-masa actual es, en efecto, un primitivo,
que por los bastidores se ha deslizado en el viejo
escenario de la civilización.
   Ortega y Gasset - La Rebelión de las Masas.

Re: correo y conexión

1998-09-17 Thread Horacio M.G.
Gracias U. E. Albarello y L. F. González, por las respuestas y por
la paciencia.  Si lo encuentro complicado, es por la ignorancia
sobre el tema, no por que realmente sea complicado.

On 17 Sep 98, at 11:05,
Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:

 Ajá: ppp - conexión con internet
  fectchmail - baja el correo
  smail - servidor de correo (en una máquina solitaria, se encarga
  de enviarlo)
  pine, mutt, elm - clientes de correo

  ¿Cómo se supone que todo esto funciona junto?  Quiero decir,
  finalmente imagino que será posible, desde un programa, conectar,
  escribir, enviar, recibir, leer, responder,... o sea, ¿existe una
  interacción entre las diversas utilidades?  Claro, desde la
  simplicidad de Win95, tanto nombre-mail confunde muchísimo.

 Con pppd te conectas. Puedes configurar tu equipo para que apenas
 te conectes, te baje el correo (cada cierto tiempo si así lo deseas).

para lo que tendría que usar el fetchmail, ¿correcto?

 Después abres tu cliente de correo (mutt por ejemplo), lees, borras,
 compones, y envías (aunque de esto último, realmente se encarga el smail).

o sea, que abrir un cliente de correo (para leer, componer,...) ya es
algo que se hace fuera de conexión.  Una vez leídos los mensajes
recibidos, y escritos los que quiero enviar, vuelvo a usar ppp para
conectar, y acto seguido, smail para enviar.

 Utilidades como procmail se encargar de, por ejemplo, filtrar tu correo en
 diferentes carpetas, o definir visores para extensiones MIME (o como se

Vale, como primer paso me conformaría con que todo el correo
estuviera en un mismo sitio.


On 17 Sep 98, at 10:54,
Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote:

 Tu máquina puede enviar el correo ISP y dejar que éste se
 encargue de repartirlo por la red o enviarlo directamente a los
 destinatarios. En el primer caso, la máquina a la que lo envías
 se llama normalmente smarthost. También el reparto local de
 correo se efectúa mediante un MTA que usa SMTP para

El primer caso es el que me interesa, lo mismo que estoy
haciendo ahora, enviar al servidor de internet (en mi caso
servicom), y éste se encarga de enviarlo al servidor del destinatario.
El segundo caso imagino que te refieres a que mi terminal
estuviera en una red local, o que tuviera más usuarios desde la
misma terminal, ¿no?

 En debian, los MTAs tienen un nombre de paquete virtual
 mail-transport-agent. Hay muchos de los que los más
 conocidos son:
 smail, exim, sendmail, ... (SMTP)

 En cuanto a los programas para leer el correo, hay muchos
 también y están agrupados por el nombre de paquete virtual
 mutt, pine, elm-me+, ...

 Por último, para bajarte el correo desde el ISP (traértelo del
 apartado de correos) puedes usar fetchmail (IMAP/POP 2/3)

Todo eso, bien, pero la cuestión es:  ¿cómo interaccionan?  ie.
imagina que abro un mail-user-agent (vg. elm-me+), ¿puedo desde
ahí activar ppp, fetchmail, smail y todo lo que necesite, o son
simples lectores-editores-compositores, y el resto funciona cada
cosa por separado?
Verás que mi problema está ahí.  En windows, uso Pegasus, y
todo lo que tengo que hacer es componer un mensaje (nuevo,
responder,...) y elegir recibir y enviar (bueno, previamente
conectar).  Todo viene configurado en Pegasus (excepto el
acceso telefónico a redes, que sería el equivalente al ppp).
¿Cómo se traduce en Linux?

 Windows95 es un sistema operativo incapaz de actuar de
 servidor. Los programas están pensados para que hagan el
 envío (SMTP) recojan el correo entrante (POP/IMAP) en el
 momento de conexión. Necesitan implementar una cola propia,
 no pueden repartir correo local y tienen otra serie de
 limitaciones. En general para una máquina aislada no es *tan*

A eso me refería, sólo es terrible cuando de ahí pasas a un
sistema totalmente diferente... reconozco que con esto me ha
entrado un poco de miedo a lo desconocido.

 pero a poco que tengas varios usuarios o algo así, empieza a
 ser una lata.

y aquí, como curiosidad, ¿qué quieres decir?  Si yo tengo una sola
cuenta de correo, ¿cómo puede servir para varios usuarios?  Si tú
envías un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED], éste me llega a mí,
y por mucho que yo cree más usuarios, los mensajes siempre me
llegarán a mí... ¿o no?  Otra cosa es que yo luego los distribuya a
diferentes usuarios.

 Por demás en unix, la tradición hace que las herramientas
 sean pequeñas, de funcionalidad clara y capaces de trabajar en
 común para dar la máxima flexibilidad. Así fetchmail, por
 ejemplo, recoge el correo de tu ISP pero luego lo entrega a tu
 servidor SMTP (smail o el que sea) para que sea este el que
 haga la entrega. De ese modo evita tener que repetir un montón
 de código que tienes en el sistema de todos modos y que
 además (se supone) está depurado.

Me temo que tendré que superar el pánico para entender cómo
funciona realmente.

Re: correo y conexión

1998-09-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 07:22:46PM +0200, Horacio M.G. wrote:

  Con pppd te conectas. Puedes configurar tu equipo para que apenas
  te conectes, te baje el correo (cada cierto tiempo si así lo deseas).
 para lo que tendría que usar el fetchmail, ¿correcto?
Exactamente, mira en /usr/doc/fetchmail los documentos...
Si no entiendes, me avisas...

 o sea, que abrir un cliente de correo (para leer, componer,...) ya es 
 algo que se hace fuera de conexión.  Una vez leídos los mensajes 
 recibidos, y escritos los que quiero enviar, vuelvo a usar ppp para 
 conectar, y acto seguido, smail para enviar.
no es necesario que ejecutes smail. Cuando mandas los correos con
el cliente, el le pasa los correos al smail. Si no hay conexión,
smail los pone en cola, y los envía tan pronto pueda. Aunque si
estás conectados, puedes usar 'smail -q' para que mande los correos
de una.

  En debian, los MTAs tienen un nombre de paquete virtual
  mail-transport-agent. Hay muchos de los que los más
  conocidos son:
  smail, exim, sendmail, ... (SMTP)
  En cuanto a los programas para leer el correo, hay muchos
  también y están agrupados por el nombre de paquete virtual
  mutt, pine, elm-me+, ...
  Por último, para bajarte el correo desde el ISP (traértelo del
  apartado de correos) puedes usar fetchmail (IMAP/POP 2/3)
 Todo eso, bien, pero la cuestión es:  ¿cómo interaccionan?  ie.  
 imagina que abro un mail-user-agent (vg. elm-me+), ¿puedo desde 
 ahí activar ppp, fetchmail, smail y todo lo que necesite, o son 
 simples lectores-editores-compositores, y el resto funciona cada 
 cosa por separado?
Puedes usar diald para que la conexión ppp se active apenas se
necesite salir a la red Internet.
Puedes configurar fetchmail como demonio, para que baje correo
cada cierto tiempo.
smail manda el correo apenas pueda (si se tiene diald y smail, y
no se está conectado, diald realiza la conexión alguna idea?)

 Verás que mi problema está ahí.  En windows, uso Pegasus, y 
 todo lo que tengo que hacer es componer un mensaje (nuevo, 
 responder,...) y elegir recibir y enviar (bueno, previamente 
 conectar).  Todo viene configurado en Pegasus (excepto el 
 acceso telefónico a redes, que sería el equivalente al ppp).
 ¿Cómo se traduce en Linux?
Yo lo hago así:
  - pon (me conecto)
  - fetchmail (bajo mi correo, todavía no lo tengo automático)
  - mutt (me pongo a leer el correo)
  - poff (me desconecto)

La diferencia con lo que hacía en Win95 no es, en absoulto,

  pero a poco que tengas varios usuarios o algo así, empieza a
  ser una lata.
 y aquí, como curiosidad, ¿qué quieres decir?  Si yo tengo una sola 
 cuenta de correo, ¿cómo puede servir para varios usuarios?  Si tú 
 envías un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED], éste me llega a mí, 
 y por mucho que yo cree más usuarios, los mensajes siempre me 
 llegarán a mí... ¿o no?  Otra cosa es que yo luego los distribuya a 
 diferentes usuarios.
Puedes tener distintas cuentas de correo (por ejemplo en hotmail, o donde
sea) y distintos usuarios en tu máquina.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa

Re: lpq no abre conexión con lp@localhost

1998-09-17 Thread J . Parera
 resultados del ping:

[~/doc]$ ping localhost
PING Estruch ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.1 ms

--- Estruch ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.2 ms

Si funciona es que el /etc/hosts está bien no?

[~/doc]$ cat /etc/hosts   Estruch localhost

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

 el demonio de impresión que uso es el LPRNG, no el lp que se instala por

Re: TCPIP stack needs work?

1998-09-17 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I'd be interested to hear about this. Can you give me information more specific 
tha freeBSD is better? For instance, is it latency, code path, reliability, 

Tod Detre wrote:

 I'm on the quake 2 server mailing list and recently they are complaining about
 linux's tcp/ip stack. A few of them said that free=bsd and ever NT work better
 than linux. This is for when there is 10 peoplæ connected.

 What I want to know is this. Is this really something in the tcpip stack or is
 more likely they have something misconfigured or even is it in id's linux port
 of q2?

 Tod Detre |If the women don't find you handsome, they should at
   | least find you handy. -Red Green
   |It is TOD not TODD! Do you see God spelling his name
   | Godd? -Me

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Q: Why Midhight Commander stopped working on text console?

1998-09-17 Thread Alvaro Reguly
Date forwarded: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 13:04:09 -0300
Date forwarded: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:03:39 +
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Sep 1998 08:03:08 -0800
Forwarded by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Forwarded by:
From:   Greg Frye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Q: Why Midhight Commander stopped working on text 
Forwarded to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Air Resources Board

 I'm having the same basic problem except I don't have X to get to
 Midnight Commander and I don't get any characters after starting MC.  I
 have to go to another virtual console find the PID with ps and then kill
 it.  I have to reboot to get MC to start working again.  I can't
 correlate MC failing to start with other events and I haven't found a
 way to get MC working again without rebooting (ouch).
 Oleksiy (alex) Bolgarov wrote:
  Who can tell my why my Midnight Commander stoped working
  on text console?
  When I type 'mc', screen goes blank and after couple of
  seconds only one character appears, in upper  right corner
  of screen - usually it is '|', but sometimes it  is '/'.
  When I'm starting Midnight Commander from under X11 (from various
  flavours of xterm), it works OK.
  I'm using Debian 2.0, but have upgraded a lot of packages from
  unstable distribution. Actually, I had upgraded Midnight
  Commander itself from unstable distribution, but that did not
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I'm having the same prob .. if you find out something,  please let 
me know.


Alvaro Reguly

Administracao da Rede
Nucleo de Desenvolvimento e Suporte em Informatica
Pro-Reitoria de Graduacao
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Voce ja prestou atencao no sucateamento da Universidade Publica?
/ \

Re: Getting Lyx up and running with Hamm

1998-09-17 Thread shaul
Lyx for Hamm needs libforms0.88

Package: lyx
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/text
Installed-Size: 4576
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: libc6, libforms0.88, libg++272 (=, xlib6g (= 3.3-5), xpm4g 
Recommends: latex, dvips, tetex-base | ltxgraph

 After upgrading to Hamm, Lyx doesn't work any more, complaining that it 
 can't load library '' . This is reported as bug #18477.
 Is there any work-around for this?

Re: into the breach^h^h^h^h^h ppp once more

1998-09-17 Thread shaul
Adding \q before the password like (\qpassword) in /etc/chatscripts/provider 
will stopped the password being displayed in the log even if the debug is set.
Or did I missed something ?

 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
  The loginid and password are correct; they're the same ones it uses to 
  what can possibly be going wrong here?  and why is the password nakedly
  displayed like that in the log?
 I found (after several phone calls) that turning off the debug option
 in /etc/ppp/peers/provider , I think) stopped the password being
 displayed in the log. All I get now are the remote messages such a s the
 IP address.

Re: Getting on the internet LCP timeout sending confige request.

1998-09-17 Thread shaul
1) I think that I had once a problem like the one you describe because the 
configuration of the mtu/mru numbers didn't fit to the ones that were 
recieved/transmitted. But I might confusing different issues.
2) I think that sending the relevant lines of the log may help solving any 
kind of PPP problems.

 After getting my earlier problems fixed or so it seems with 
 routing, gateways, domains, and DNS when trying to connect
 to the internet I get disconnected and in my log I get
 LCP: timeout sending confige request
 This message may not be exact but it is real close.
 I went to ppp options and tried to disable lcp icp negoations but
 I just got more error messages about something being disabled
 and my script still failed. I also tried through the options file
 extending how many LCP confige request my machine could send.
 I even set it to 100 and still ended up timing out.
 So it seems my machine cannot finish getting connected to
 my isp because of confige timeout request.
 Any comments about how to fix this would be appreciated.

Re: fwhois in deb package ?

1998-09-17 Thread Joe Stewart
I downloaded the rpm file from the Redhat site today and ran alien.  It
installed fine.  I don't know the real answer because I couldn't find it


On 16 Sep 1998, Eric Jacoboni wrote:

 I'm searching for the fwhois program... no found in various
 directories. Did i miss something ? (I've the tarball but, for
 convenience, i would prefer to keep an all deb system).
 Éric Jacoboni « J'ai épuisé le tout-venant, je vais me risquer dans
 le bizarre » (M. Audiard)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Star Office 5/4 in english?

1998-09-17 Thread Harold G. Stevenson
where can you get staroffice 5???

thank you,


On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:

 Can you get star office 5 in english?  I used to have star office 4 in
 english but it seems all that it is no longer available now that star
 office 5 is out.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Audio

1998-09-17 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Helge Hafting wrote:

 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 09/14/98 
at 04:56 PM,  Raymond A. Ingles [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Unfortunately, the PC ISA DMA controller can't address memory beyond the
 first 16MB. So, when a DMA buffer is requested, the kernel has to find a
 continuous chunk of memory that is physically below 16MB. If it can't
 find it, too bad.
 The kernel should then swap something below 16M out, or preferably push it
  above 16M.  Anybody know why it doesn't do that?  I find it unlikely that
 *all* memory below 16M should be locked for i/o or something.

 I don't know all the details about why the kernel can't do that, but I'm
given to understand that performance would suffer, and some programs would
break. There was a discussion on linux-kernel a while ago, maybe it's
archived somewhere.


 Ray Ingles  (248)377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Modern inductive method: 1) Devise hypothesis. 2) Apply for grant.
 3) Perform experiments. 4) Revise data to fit hypothesis. 5) Publish.

re: netscape 4 mail reader

1998-09-17 Thread dsb3
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Ralph Winslow wrote:

Shaleh wrote:

 3) click the communicator menu and chose mailbox

Thanks for your prompt replies, Shaleh.  Unfortunately, I don't seem
to have any icons at all in the lower right hand corner nor any
communicator menu.  I guess I chose the wrong package to pull from
netscape or something.

it is possible to download 'navigator only' versions of communicator which
do not include the mail or news clients.  or any of the other bits they
decide we want to use.  (personally I find that icon box in the bottom
right hand annoying as hell!).

as for the earlier questions of pop3 mail handlers, I would suggest
fetchmail.  I think it's packaged.

finally, the following works far better for me than anything netscape has
come up with yet:


- dave


   | oOOooO   /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --|oOobodoO/   We're just two lost souls, swimming in a
 --| ooOoOo   /fish bowl, year after year.  Running over
   |   II   / the same old ground, what have we found,
   |   II /  The same old fears.  Wish you were Here.

scsi hard drive

1998-09-17 Thread Rick Knebel
I have just purchased a mylex(buslogic) ultra wide scsi adapter and am in
the market for a 4.5 gig ultra wide scsi drive.

Could some give me an opinion as to the most dependable, most reasonably
priced, and exactly where to buy it.

Thanks Alot


 Rick Knebel 

Re: Debian and two more OS's

1998-09-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 07:09:43PM +0100, Adrian Bridgett wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 14, 1998 at 11:29:24PM +0200, Jan Krupa wrote:
  Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
  Syncing disks.
  Re-read table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
  Reboot your system to ensure the partition table is updated.
 Did you reboot before trying mke2fs /dev/hda3??

Every time this has happened to me, the actual changes to the
partition table have not been written. I always make sure I have no
mounted partitions on disks I am running fdisk on; that avoids the problem.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Bounce-queues with LPRng

1998-09-17 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 04:02:25PM +0300, Mika S. Marjamäki wrote:
 Does anyone here have a filtered bounce queue for remote printer set up
 with LPRng?

I could never get it running here. Call me stupid but I just couldn't
get it to work. I use lpr and messy shell scripts to achieve the same.

/etc/printcap has:

lp|lj|lj5l|HP LaserJet 5L:\

rawlj|raw laserjet on silly:\

/usr/local/bin/printall says

/usr/sbin/ljet4l-filter $* | /usr/bin/lpr -Prawlj

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: TCPIP stack needs work?

1998-09-17 Thread Tod Detre
I'm not really sure. I haven't seen it myself, but they claim that thier ping
times (where quake2 ping times are 2 things put together. One the ping between
the server and the client. Two it adds simething with the frames per second)
get worse as the more clients join. This is understandable, but the amount in
which it worsens is greater per client in linux than in free-bsd and linux.
This was experimænted on using 12 clients with the same hardware. (ie they
installed linux on the server. played a bit. then wiped the dirive and
installed free-bsd. then NT)

I was thinking that it might be that they are using a netcard that has bwtter
drivers for NT/free-bsd than linux has. 

According to Jens B. Jorgensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'd be interested to hear about this. Can you give me information more 
 specific than
 tha freeBSD is better? For instance, is it latency, code path, reliability, 
 Tod Detre wrote:
  I'm on the quake 2 server mailing list and recently they are complaining 
  linux's tcp/ip stack. A few of them said that free=bsd and ever NT work 
  than linux. This is for when there is 10 peoplæ connected.
  What I want to know is this. Is this really something in the tcpip stack or 
  more likely they have something misconfigured or even is it in id's linux 
  of q2?
  Tod Detre |If the women don't find you handsome, they should at
| least find you handy. -Red Green
|It is TOD not TODD! Do you see God spelling his name
| Godd? -Me
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Jens B. Jorgensen

Tod Detre |If the women don't find you handsome, they should at
  | least find you handy. -Red Green 
  |It is TOD not TODD! Do you see God spelling his name  
  | Godd? -Me

(forw) [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance

1998-09-17 Thread Tod Detre

Ok this is the best message I could find from the list I'm still searching for
the one that said he'd done the linux/nt check, bu theres the message

- Forwarded message from Rhomboid Goatcabin [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Received: from arthur.INS.CWRU.Edu ([EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by (8.8.8/8.8.8/Debian/GNU) with ESMTP id 
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id RAA07342; Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:23:07 -0400 (EDT) (from [EMAIL 
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Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:21:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rhomboid Goatcabin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Quake 2 Servers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance
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Do try the Intel pro/100+, I moved a news server and a web server, both
running FreeBSD, to the pro/100+ from 3Com cards (a 905A and a 905B) and
all my alignment, port, and packet requeues went away. The Intel card is a
*great* card and I plan to upgrade all my servers to use them.

If you can do a slim install of NT (no domain controller, no extra
services, no internet info. server, etc.) you will probably see a little
more performance than on Linux. Before I ran my FreeBSD vs. Linux tests on
my 233 it was running NT 4.0 server. My problem was remote administration
and the fact that I had installed all of NT's server goo mentioned
above.  I'm building another machine and when I do I'll be doing a FreeBSD
vs. NT comparison. 

I really don't want to try to start a pissing contest, but Linux's TCP/IP
stack is just a little behind, not by much, but you can tell. When I was
running it I'd get people signing off complaining about laggg or
too laggy for me or nice f*ckin lag during games and they were on ISDN
3 hops from the server. I know it's true because I have ISDN 3 hops away
from the server and my ping to my server would be 500/800 sometimes with
only about 12 people on Linux. Two nights ago I played with 15 other
people on my machine (FBSD) and my ping was 65/110, people were getting
*pissed* hehe, I was an LPB =). What am I saying? It's the *same exact
hardware* - you do the math. Maybe it's not in the TCP/IP stack but it's
in there (Linux) somewhere!

I haven't had a good chance to run NT 4.0 on this hardware so that's my
next project. Scott, you may want to try dual booting Linux and NT on your
machine and alternate days running each. Log on to the box and watch
people's pings, traceroute their IP's to weed out those bozos complaining
about lag when they're 25 hops away =), and just watch what people are
saying. It helps when you've got a router or a machine (Cisco routers can) 
that can ping using different patterns of UDP. I'd really be curious to
see your experiences with each as I myself am on the hunt for the 'perfect
platform' and FreeBSD is merely the 'best so far'. I know I'm nuts but I'm
actually thinking about trying Intel Solaris next... =) Just for sh*ts and

Good hunting,

 On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Scott wrote:

 Here's a good one for you server admins.
 I run a Weapons factory Server with the following setup:
 AMD k6-300
 Super7 MB with 1 meg cache (can do 100 mhz frontside)
 64 megs Ram (60ns EDO)
 Maxtor 3.4 gb udma HD
 Linksys etherfast 10/100 PCI net card (running 10 at half duplex)
 Redhat Linux 5.0
 My problem is that as the number of clients on the server increases so
 does everyone's ping.  For example with 10 people my ping will be about
 60-80 (isdn). With 16 people it climbs to say 100-120 and if the server
 is full (20 clients) my ping is around 150.  This happens to all who
 are on the server and it doesn't matter if they are coming through my
 ISP's T1 or direct to the box like I am (2 hops for me).  CPU
 utilization with a full server runs from 40-60%.  My questions is this.
  What is my best option for increasing people's ping times without
 choking down the number of clients.  This server should be able to hand
 at least 24 clients without any hardware induced lag.  I was thinking
 of the following options:
 1. Moving to FreeBSD given the outcome of a recent test conducted by
 Rhomboid that compared 

How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kent West
Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can help.

I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from the
floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me how
to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.

I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
(which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or anything.

Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!

Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

(forw) [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance

1998-09-17 Thread Tod Detre

Here's what I must have been thinking of. I must have confused the qw/q2
tests. I'll forward again if I here of a pure linux/NT test. 

Thanks for putting up with my  massive posts.

- Forwarded message from Carl E. Mankinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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From: Carl E. Mankinen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Quake 2 Servers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance
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At my ISP, I tried NT4, Linux, and Solaris on several hardware platforms.
NT4, Linux were run on a 200MMX.
Solaris was run on Sun Ultra's, including a 5000e.

This was just prior to Quake2 being released, so all the testing was done
with QW and not with Q2.

Heapsizes were set to fixed at 16M if I remember correctly that the version
of QW at the time no longer supported the -heapsize cmd.

Tic rates were adjusted thru a wide variety of ranges, as well as rate
and pushlatency.

We used a test group of 16 players using cablemodems with only 2 hops from
servers, and they were VERY low packetloss and low latency 50~100ms.

No matter what we tried on Solaris, it was slow.
It was a very strange sluggish feeling like you were pushing against
all the time. Nothing we tried could correct this. So we ditched the idea of
using Solaris.
Linux was better than Solaris.
However, NT4 was better than anything we tried.

NT4 was installed with a stripped down configuration and many
services were disabled. No browser, server, netbios helper, alerter,
ras, spooler, telephony, etc etc.
It was tuned pretty well, and it ran very much noticably better than any of
the unix versions we tried.
I don't know if this was the fault of the QW port on Unix, or if it was the
underlying OS that was causing the problems, and to be completely honest I
care because all that mattered in the final analysis was which one ran
for the clients.

Our Solaris guru was not able to stomach the results and so we spent
extensive time
trying to tune the solaris port to beat the NT performance.
This guy knows a LOT about Solaris too, since he used to be the regional
rep for Solaris before he was hired by our ISP.

I was able to push ticrates much higher on NT4 and produce incredibly smooth
Of course you had to have a pretty good connection to play.
You could toss a grenade and watch it arc thru the air without ANY jerkiness
missed frames or anything like that. It just looked smooth as glass.

So we went with NT4.
My current server handles about 150 players before it starts to get
This is because my cpu's are cooking, and I need to upgrade to faster

I am looking at the PentiumII Overdrive. If it can be run in a 4way SMP box
a proliant, then it might make a really good setup for running many more Q2

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rhomboid
 Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 1998 5:21 PM
 To: Quake 2 Servers
 Subject: [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance

 Do try the Intel pro/100+, I moved a news server and a web server, both
 running FreeBSD, to the pro/100+ from 3Com cards (a 905A and a 905B) and
 all my alignment, port, and packet requeues went away. The Intel card is a
 *great* card and I plan to upgrade all my servers to use them.

 If you can do a slim install of NT (no domain controller, no extra
 services, no internet info. server, etc.) you will probably see a little
 more performance than on Linux. Before I ran my FreeBSD vs. Linux tests on
 my 233 it was running NT 4.0 server. My problem was 

Re: TCPIP stack needs work?

1998-09-17 Thread A. M. Varon
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Tod Detre wrote:

 I'm not really sure. I haven't seen it myself, but they claim that their ping
 times (where quake2 ping times are 2 things put together. One the ping between
 the server and the client. Two it adds something with the frames per second)
 get worse as the more clients join. This is understandable, but the amount in
 which it worsens is greater per client in linux than in free-bsd and linux.
 This was experimænted on using 12 clients with the same hardware. (ie they
 installed linux on the server. played a bit. then wiped the drive and
 installed free-bsd. then NT)


Just a wild guess... if they have 64Mb of memory, Maybe Linux is reporting
just 16Mb or something? If that's the case, then put this in /etc/lilo.conf:

append = mem=64M


== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage :

Re: into the breach^h^h^h^h^h ppp once more

1998-09-17 Thread john
shaul writes:
 Adding \q before the password like (\qpassword) in
 /etc/chatscripts/provider will stopped the password being displayed in
 the log even if the debug is set.  Or did I missed something ?

It doesn't work with pap.  If you put \q in front of the password in
pap-secrets pppd will strip it off and send the bare password, but still
log it.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread john
Kent West writes:
 I've got a minimal Debian  2.0 system up and running (base install from
 the floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
 connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me
 how to use this connection.

'pon bub' .  This is a bug in the pon man page.

 I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
 provider connection...

This is the default, if pon is given no argument.  This is pon:

/usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider}

 But if I type pon bub (which is what I would have thought would've used
 the bub connection), all that happens is the system thinks for a couple
 of seconds and then returns me to a prompt.

Send me copies of /etc/chatscripts/bub, /etc/ppp/peers/bub,
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets if you are using PAP (munge the passwords) and the
output of the 'plog' command.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: scsi hard drive

1998-09-17 Thread servis
*- Rick Knebel wrote about scsi hard drive
| Hi,
| I have just purchased a mylex(buslogic) ultra wide scsi adapter and am in
| the market for a 4.5 gig ultra wide scsi drive.
| Could some give me an opinion as to the most dependable, most reasonably
| priced, and exactly where to buy it.

I can't comment of dependable but for the best price and where you need
to search on

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Jack Kern
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 08:11:51PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can help.
 I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from the
 floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
 connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me how
 to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
 pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.
 I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
 provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
 provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
 about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
 (which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
 all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
 returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or anything.

If you are not running pon bub as root, then the problem appears to
be related to wrong permissions on the system files and the requirement
for users using pppd to be in the proper group (/etc/group):

The ppp files permissions under Debian 2.0 should look like this:

drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/
-rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/provider
drwx--x---   5 root dip  /etc/ppp/
-rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/options
-rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
-rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/
-rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/provider
-rws--x---   1 root dip  /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/pon
-rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/poff
crw---   1 root root /dev/ttyS2

Put the users who are to bring up a ppp link in the dip group.

As shipped Debian 2.0 has /etc/chatscripts like this:

drwx--   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/

This is a known bug -- wrong permissions on /etc/chatscripts/.

(quoted from a message on debian-user)

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

support for AGP

1998-09-17 Thread AJT60

Does Linux (or, more specifically, XFree86) support AGP video boards? The
specific one in question is an ASUSTEK V3000 or something of the sort. 

Andrew Tarr

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate

Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kent West
At 11:34 PM 9/16/1998 -0300, you wrote:
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 08:11:51PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can help.
 I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from the
 floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
 connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me how
 to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
 pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.
 I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
 provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
 provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
 about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
 (which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
 all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
 returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or anything.

If you are not running pon bub as root, then the problem appears to
be related to wrong permissions on the system files and the requirement
for users using pppd to be in the proper group (/etc/group):

   The ppp files permissions under Debian 2.0 should look like this:

   drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/
   -rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/provider
   drwx--x---   5 root dip  /etc/ppp/
   -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/options
   -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
   -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
   drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/
   -rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/provider
   -rws--x---   1 root dip  /usr/sbin/pppd
   -rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/pon
   -rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/poff
   crw---   1 root root /dev/ttyS2

   Put the users who are to bring up a ppp link in the dip group.

   As shipped Debian 2.0 has /etc/chatscripts like this:

   drwx--   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/

   This is a known bug -- wrong permissions on /etc/chatscripts/.

   (quoted from a message on debian-user)

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

I am running it as root.

Since this is a new installation, I decided to wipe the drive and do
another install. I also decided to stick with the defaults and use the name
provider instead of bub. Now pon is doing the same thing; the system
thinks for a minute and then returns me to the prompt. 

When I do a ps a, it shows that /usr/bin/ppd call provider and
usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider are running on tty S1 with
a stat of S and a time of 0:00. If I wait a couple of minutes and do
another ps a, they are no longer there.

The permissions on the files (just after the new install) are as follows:
drwxr-s---  2   rootdip /etc/chatscripts/
-rw-r-  1   rootdip /etc/chatscripts/provider
drwx--  5   rootroot/etc/ppp/
-rw-r--r--  1   rootroot/etc/ppp/options
-rw---  1   rootroot/etc/ppp/pap-secrets
-rw---  1   rootroot/etc/ppp/chap-secrets
drwxr-s---  2   rootdip /etc/ppp/peers
-rw-r-  1   rootdip /etc/ppp/peers/provider
-rwsr-xr--  1   rootdip /usr/bin/pppd
-rwxr-xr-x  1   rootroot/usr/bin/pon
-rwxr-xr-x  1   rootroot/usr/bin/poff
crw-rw  1   rootdialout /dev/ttyS1

I notice the permissions aren't quite the same as what you listed, so I'll
try playing with those in a few minutes.

I can echo ATDTphonenum  /dev/ttyS1 and I can hear the modem dial and
the phone in the other room ring. Then I can echo ATZ  /dev/ttyS1 and it
hangs up, so I know the hardware is working.

I'll send another message to the list in response to John Hasler with a
listing of some of the pertinent files.


Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

Re: Q: Why Midhight Commander stopped working on text console?

1998-09-17 Thread Dave Thayer

I had a similar problem caused by having the line

eval `resize`

in my .bashrc . Apparantly it conflicted somehow whith the concurrent
subshell process (whatever that is). Starting mc with the -u switch
disables the concurrent subshell. I ended up just commenting out that
line in my .bashrc.


your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

netscape mail

1998-09-17 Thread Tod Detre
Ok I don't want to use netscape's mail program. Is there anyway to tell it to
launch mutt/pine when you click on a mail-to link?

Tod Detre |If the women don't find you handsome, they should at
  | least find you handy. -Red Green 
  |It is TOD not TODD! Do you see God spelling his name  
  | Godd? -Me

Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kent West
At 09:22 PM 9/16/1998 -0500, you wrote:
Kent West writes:
 I've got a minimal Debian  2.0 system up and running (base install from
 the floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
 connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me
 how to use this connection.

'pon bub' .  This is a bug in the pon man page.

 I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
 provider connection...

This is the default, if pon is given no argument.  This is pon:

/usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider}

 But if I type pon bub (which is what I would have thought would've used
 the bub connection), all that happens is the system thinks for a couple
 of seconds and then returns me to a prompt.

Send me copies of /etc/chatscripts/bub, /etc/ppp/peers/bub,
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets if you are using PAP (munge the passwords) and the
output of the 'plog' command.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Here are the files (I wiped the drive and reinstalled and used the default
of provider instead of bub; getting same results):

OK ATDT6871 (it's a valid number; I'm on campus)

#This file was generated by pppconfig. You can edit blah blah blah
#more blah blah
noauth  #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider   #pppconfig_connect
debug   #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS1  #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
noipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
user westk  #pppconfic_user
#End of pppconfig blah blah blah

/etc/ppp/pap-secrets (just the un-commented lines
*   molec3*
guest   molec3  * -
master  molec3  * -
rootmolec3  * -
support molec3  * -
stats   molec3  * -
molec3  *   password
westk   *   munged password

output of plog (now this is something new to me; interesting...)

date-time comp. namechat[144]:  abort on (NO CARRIER)
 abort on (VOICE)
 abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 abort on (NO ANSWER)
 send (ATZ^M)
 expect (OK)
  pppd[143]   Connect script failed
  pppd[143]   Exit.

Thanks for any help!

Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Jack Kern
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 10:13:35PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 At 11:34 PM 9/16/1998 -0300, you wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 08:11:51PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
  Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can help.
  provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
  about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
  (which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
  all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
  returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or anything.
 If you are not running pon bub as root, then the problem appears to
 be related to wrong permissions on the system files and the requirement
 for users using pppd to be in the proper group (/etc/group):
  The ppp files permissions under Debian 2.0 should look like this:
  drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/
  -rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/provider
  drwx--x---   5 root dip  /etc/ppp/
  -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/options
  -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
  -rw---   1 root root /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
  drwx--x---   2 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/
  -rw-r-   1 root dip  /etc/ppp/peers/provider
  -rws--x---   1 root dip  /usr/sbin/pppd
  -rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/pon
  -rwxr-x---   1 root dip  /usr/bin/poff
  crw---   1 root root /dev/ttyS2
  Put the users who are to bring up a ppp link in the dip group.
  As shipped Debian 2.0 has /etc/chatscripts like this:
  drwx--   2 root dip  /etc/chatscripts/
  This is a known bug -- wrong permissions on /etc/chatscripts/.
 I am running it as root.
 Since this is a new installation, I decided to wipe the drive and do
 another install. I also decided to stick with the defaults and use the name
 provider instead of bub. Now pon is doing the same thing; the system
 thinks for a minute and then returns me to the prompt. 
 When I do a ps a, it shows that /usr/bin/ppd call provider and
 usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider are running on tty S1 with
 a stat of S and a time of 0:00. If I wait a couple of minutes and do
 another ps a, they are no longer there.
 The permissions on the files (just after the new install) are as follows:
 drwxr-s---2   rootdip /etc/chatscripts/
 -rw-r-1   rootdip /etc/chatscripts/provider
 drwx--5   rootroot/etc/ppp/
 -rw-r--r--1   rootroot/etc/ppp/options
 -rw---1   rootroot/etc/ppp/pap-secrets
 -rw---1   rootroot/etc/ppp/chap-secrets
 drwxr-s---2   rootdip /etc/ppp/peers
 -rw-r-1   rootdip /etc/ppp/peers/provider
 -rwsr-xr--1   rootdip /usr/bin/pppd
 -rwxr-xr-x1   rootroot/usr/bin/pon
 -rwxr-xr-x1   rootroot/usr/bin/poff
 crw-rw1   rootdialout /dev/ttyS1
 I notice the permissions aren't quite the same as what you listed, so I'll
 try playing with those in a few minutes.

Well, maybe not.  Perhaps the packages have been updated to correct the

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

(forw) [q2servers] Re: Best option for performance

1998-09-17 Thread John Larkin
[snip everything]

In the first test, I noticed they were using intel etherexpress pro
cards.  I don't mean to start a verbal holy war, or say anything about
the cards themselves, but I've heard from many people that the linux
driver support for these cards is (much) less than optimal.

My recomendation for an excelent card at a decent price is something
supported by the tulip driver, such as the DEC 21140's.  I haven't
done any testing, but I've been very impressed with mine.


Re: support for AGP

1998-09-17 Thread LUK ShunTim
 Does Linux (or, more specifically, XFree86) support AGP video boards? The
 specific one in question is an ASUSTEK V3000 or something of the sort.
 Andrew Tarr

I don't know about V3000 but I have an Asustek V264GT AGP video card 
and it is using the ATI Rage 3D 64 bit chip. The ATI_Mach64 X-server
works fine in my Linux box. May be you can check out the V3000 card
information in the Asus site (

Hope this helps,


1998-09-17 Thread Brian Almeida
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 06:56:11AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't understand how much of these configuration things are supposed
 to work, but I got the impression that it didn't configure itself properly for
 our debian system and is still for the authors? redhat system. So I simply 
 thru the files in gtkicq-xx/support/.deps and replaced all the occurances of
 i386-redhat-linux with i486-linux. (Which is what the difference in the
 header directory is on my machine - you can check and make sure its the same 
 yours). After that it all compiles fine.
A simple 'rm -rf gtkicq-0.53/support/.deps' will do the trick.  Basically 
the author is not cleaning out the tree before making a tarball. He is
obviously developing on a redhat machine.  Simple fix, yet a PITA that should
be fixed at the source...


 _  _ _  
  __| | ___| |__ (_) __ _ _ __ 
 / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \  Debian GNU/Linux Developer
| (_| |  __/ |_) | | (_| | | | | PGP Key: 0x3A800C65
 \__,_|\___|_.__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|  
 Debian Linux: Because Size DOES Matter

Description: PGP signature

Re: are there (X)emacs20-no-mule debian packages

1998-09-17 Thread Richard Hoskins
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ole J. Tetlie) writes:

 *-Richard Hoskins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | The 20.3 Mule is better behaved than the 20.2 Mule.  You might want to
 | consider using it.
 | AFAIK, there is no Emacs 20.3 Debian package yet.
 Perhaps someone should make a emacs20-mbsk. Erik Naggum is doing
 a good job with his multibyte-survival-kit. It makes emacs20
 so much leaner.

Erik didn't make a MBSK for 20.3, because it shouldn't be needed.

Erik's patchs didn't really make emacs leaner, except that Mule
wasn't ever loaded.  20.3 in unibyte mode should have about the same
memory footprint.

If I understand correctly, a lot of Erik's changes made it into 20.3
along with a lot of other bug fixes.  Give 20.3 a chance.

party naked

Netscape Downloads

1998-09-17 Thread Default Debian Reader
Does anyone else ever have trouble when trying to download files from
hyperlinks in netscape?  When i click the link and the download window
pops up and then once the file is dloaded i look in my dir and it has
saved a file named something_different_that_what_i_dloaded??.
Has anyone seen this problem?  If so could you enlighten me?

Re: Netscape Downloads

1998-09-17 Thread Matt Garman
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 12:24:08AM -0500, Default Debian Reader wrote:
 Does anyone else ever have trouble when trying to download files from
 hyperlinks in netscape?  When i click the link and the download window
 pops up and then once the file is dloaded i look in my dir and it has
 saved a file named something_different_that_what_i_dloaded??.
 Has anyone seen this problem?  If so could you enlighten me?

I had a problem similar to what you are describing.  It was either
with Nescape 4.5b1 or the Mozilla 5.0 deb package for slink.  Either
way, it's beta/unstable software.  In general, I had difficulties with
that netscape and input fields, e.g. if I was using Deja News, my
queries would have some of what I wanted, and a bunch of random
garbage would be appended to what I entered.

I trashed both of those Netscapes eventually (4.5b1 and Mozilla 5.0),
and now I'm using Netscape 4.06 compiled for glib2 Linux, works
great (I also used/use the Debian installer/wrapper).

Good luck!


1998-09-17 Thread Default Debian Reader
I am used to Solaris boxes that log things like failed su attempts to
/var/adm/messages and other console things like that...What is the
equivalent file in debian?  Also i use icewm for a window manager, is
there a console that i can see these messages on before they get logged to
/var/adm/messages?  Thanks.

Re: /var/adm/messages

1998-09-17 Thread Steve Lamb
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 00:31:24 -0500 (CDT), Default Debian Reader wrote:

What is the equivalent file in debian?  Also i use icewm for a window manager, 

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Suck and INN

1998-09-17 Thread Azog
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Thomas Behrndt wrote:

  So it seems that INN is just rejecting the posts for some reason. Any ideas?
 Your host doesn't have permission to post news articles.  You need to give
 access for posting in /etc/nnrp.access. Add a line like:
   hostname:Read Post:::*
 at the end of the file. The hostname should be fully qualified. There is
 probably already a line like this, but I find on my setup that I need the
 hostname instead (it doesn't hurt to leave the local host).

I got that fixed, but it now marks all the newsgroups Suck tries to post
(to) as unwanted. In the daily news report, it listed all the articles as
unwanted... so how do I make them 'wanted' and get Suck to work? ideas?
Thanks to all =] 

Co-Admin of (Azog)
..and always remember...arf is god spelled funny.

Re: WMAKER...Quick how do you make icons.....

1998-09-17 Thread justin honold
open an application you want to iconify from an xterm

double-click on the nextstep icon (the yin-yang looking icon that is first
on the dock)

click 'grab' and then click on the targetted app

click 'create icon'

drag the newly created icon to the dock

hold the right mouse button over the newly docked icon, and select

tweak the command-line parameters, change the icons, make it start
automatically, etc

justin honold

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Person, Rod wrote:

 Hey Again,
 Quick, someone has to tell me how to make icons for wmaker. My wife and
 kids, are getting p##$ and don't understand why I sit and tap and
 click for hours and do nothing. (I did tell them I convert from
 Windblows to Linux!!). 
 I have read all the doc that load with wmaker (unless I missed some). I
 tried to subscribe to the mailing list that was in one of the docs but
 it isn't the right address, it comes back mailbox doesn't exist.
 Help quick!!!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ssl-telnet vs ssh

1998-09-17 Thread jdassen
+  free
-  not employed in many places
-  authentication is host-based only
-  only remote shell (there's SSL-ftp(d), but they're not packaged)
+- supports unencrypted connections by default (if you want all connections
   to use encryption, add -z secure to the telnetd line in

-  non-free (but people are working on a free implementation of the v2
+  user identity as well as host-based authentication supported
+  supports secure file transfer (scp) and forwarding of arbitrary TCP ports
   (including X11 connections).
+  identity makes single logon possible (if you set up your remote accounts
   right, you only need to remember your passphrase).
+- requires encrypted connections by default
?  more control over what type/strenght of encryption you want to allow

Luckily, it's not an either/or situation. You can run both on the same
machine (for instance, on several machines I have both sshd and ssltelnetd
(-z secure)).

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Hard mpeg?

1998-09-17 Thread Alexey Vyskubov

Is there a way to make videocard with hardware mpeg decoding work under Linux?

Alexey Vyskubov


1998-09-17 Thread BOB'S MAIL
I have installed Debian 2. four times this evening.  I am trying to install
the Office version, [not 'home' or 'development' selections] when I answered
correctly the cryptic prompt asking how I want to select the packages to
install on the CD.

After the Install of dselect, it goes to configure and things progress
appropriately UNTIL the creation of the XF configuration file.  The error
dialog says:

Do you want to create XFree86 configuration file [ I answer 'Y' ]
/usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup: error in loading shared libraries
library Xaw lib Xaw.s0.6 cannot open shared object library: no such file
or directory
the /etc.X11/XF86Config  was not created

When I am again asked:

 Do you want to create XFree86 configuration file [ I answer 'Y' ]

It loops through the above.

Two previous times it complained that:

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinitrc/xinitrc missing
the /etc/X11/XF86Config  was not created

Before configuration in the first example,
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinitrc/xinitrc , was there, but I got the shared library
error.  The other times I got the last example.

I have a Pent. 2, 300 MHz, 64 M of ram and 1,900 native and 190 swap Linux
partitions.  The CD source is Official Debian 2.0 Binary i386.

When I entered into the loop precipitated by above loop in example 1, I
executed a Control/Alt/Delete, so I can mess with the system and try dselect
Configure again.  I hope it picks it up.  If not, I will install Debian from
DOS again, but fear it will miss
something each time.  The trouble is in the creation of the XF86Config .


Bob Barth

Re: ssl-telnet vs ssh

1998-09-17 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro


Thanks for your comments!

about ssltelnet
 -  authentication is host-based only

I think users can also use certificates...



Oracle and Informix will be ported to Linux!!
- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


smail and domains

1998-09-17 Thread Max
For some reason, I can't convince smail to expand hostnames to contain
the complete host and domain name.  For example, I want to send mail
to a user on from my Debian box which is also in
the domain.  I should be able to mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it
should go through.  I thought this would be resolved by setting up an
/etc/smail/qualify file with the following line in it:


That didn't do the trick.  I added to
/etc/smail/config but that didn't do it either.  Is there anything
else I need to do?  BTW, I'm using elm if it matters.


new dosemu

1998-09-17 Thread Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella

Does anyone have an idea on when will the next version of dosemu
(0.98.1) be debianized?


Luiz Otavio L. ZorzellaComputer Engineer

fwd NetBIOS

1998-09-17 Thread Ben Jorgensen
How do I get NetBIOS through my router? I know it's not routable but needs a 
bridge. Some tunneling mechanism? What
package/software do I need to get? 


Re: SVGALib, Xpert@Play and sQuake/Quake II

1998-09-17 Thread Chris Whitworth
I forgot to mention that I'm a little new to this Linux admin business 
(as in running my own box; I've been using other ppls for ages)

I don't suppose ldconfig (as root) helps?  You are runnning the 
as root aren't you - they need direct access to the video card (OTOH 
vga probably wouldn't work either).  

I can't honestly remember - I've not been using the Linux side of my box 
in the last couple of days (windows, grr...) I'll try that and let you 
know. The reason for asking is that the docs that came with SVGALib 
suggested that the Mach64 drivers are a bit dodgy anyway...

Does ldd squake.real say anything useful?

Er, que? (spot the newbie sysadmin...)

Ah well, I'll try that.

Cheers now,

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Remote mail broken - what is wrong?

1998-09-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
Local mail works OK but I can't either send or receive mail remotely in
debian (this is sent from redhat).

The logfile says:

09/17/1998 07:46:51: remote[]:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient for sender
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' not matched: (ERR_104) security
violation: remote address not permitted

09/17/1998 07:03:02: [m0zJPP4-000m9pC] Deferred TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERROR:(ERR164) router inet_hosts: BIND server failure: : Connection

As far as I can see, hostname and aliases are correct. Can anyone tell me
what is going on?


Anthony Campbell   Using Linux - Windows-free zone

Re: changed hostname, hosed smail

1998-09-17 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 01:21:42PM -0400, Jim Foltz wrote:
 I changed my hostname recently but forgot to change my smail config file
 before using fetchmail to get my email from a pop3 server.
Use formail (in the procmail package) this way:

cat mailbox | formail -b -f -s /usr/sbin/sendmail neue addresse

if all should go to the same address. Otherwise read the formail and
sendmail manpages.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: Suck and INN

1998-09-17 Thread Thomas Behrndt
 I got that fixed, but it now marks all the newsgroups Suck tries to post
 (to) as unwanted. In the daily news report, it listed all the articles as
 unwanted... so how do I make them 'wanted' and get Suck to work? ideas?

Do you have the groups defined as active? To do this, use:
ctlinnd newgroup groupname

I can't remember if this is the reason for the unwanted message, but it's a
good place to start. If they are already defined, let me know and I'll look
at the rest of my setup.
Thomas Behrndt

Kernel questions

1998-09-17 Thread Remo Badii
Dear Debs,
I have just succeeded in compiling a new kernel using
make menuconfig
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
dpkg -i ../kernel-image...

and I have a couple of questions, just to understand things better:
in /boot, I have vmlinuz-2.0.34 and no ``old'' vmlinuz has been saved; I had
copied the original Debian 2.0.34 kernel to Debianvmlinuz-2.0.34 and made a
symbolic link to it from / (everything works with lilo).
Why does the original kernel have permissions -rwxr-xr-x, while the new one
(vmlinuz-2.0.34) has -rw-r--r--?
Now there are the two files System-map-2.0.34 and config-2.0.34: why there
were none before?
My old /lib/modules/2.0.34 had been renamed to *.save and it contained a
subdirectory pcmcia; the new /lib/modules/2.0.34 doesn't. I need to use an
ethernet PCMCIA card (ACCTON EN 2212) which has always worked well with the
original Debian kernel: have I missed anything in menuconfig? Is it created
the first time I use the card (I am presently at home and will try it only
on monday)?
Among the options I think might be relevant to this question, I have
for internal cards, by the way? In the subsequent entries for card types, I
found no mention of PCMCIAs; in the Ethernet-HOWTO there is no mention about
compiling options for the ACCTON EN 2212: hence I selected no special card
support. Should I have selected CONFIG_NET_ISA? In the PCMCIA HOWTO, it is
said that only networking support should be specified),
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDE_PCMCIA (not as a module: is that the problem?).

Thank you.

| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at  | |

Re: being dropped from the list

1998-09-17 Thread Hanno Wagner \(Debian-Listmaster-Mails\)

On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 09:37:04PM -, Darren Benham wrote

(sorry for that account, but it's the one where my
listmaster-mails are coming to me)

On 16-Sep-98 Ralph Winslow wrote:

 It seems that everytime my ISP has the slightest interrruption of
 e-mail service, I get unsubscribed to this list.  Might it be 

you should define slightest :-) Our listserver count the
bounces someone is having at (actually) at the count of 10
he unsubscribes him from the particular list. debian-user
is a high-traffic list and the count of 10 is reached

 possible to make the list distribution software a little less
 bitchy (perhaps I should say sensitive) about this?   It doesn't
 happen often, and it takes me a while to figure out what's
 happened and re-subscribe.  This is especially true because
 some of the less heavily traffic debian lists continue to work.

well - see above why the low-traffic-lists are going on.
Mostly when we (Joey and me) unsubscribe manually, we get
the person from all the lists. If smartlist does it by
itself, it does it list-per-list. But I won't make the
software less sensitive - there are enough bounces per day
we receive...

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Eine gewerbliche Nutzung meiner Email-Adressen ist nicht gestattet! |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!  |Generation @   |
#Nein, BAUD ist die Abkuerzung f|r Beauford, also die Windgeschwindigkeit in
# der Datenleitung. 3200 Baud waeren ca. 54000 km/h. Drum pfeifts auch immer 
# so... -- Alexander Aulbach

Re: fwd NetBIOS

1998-09-17 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 10:23:16AM +0200, Ben Jorgensen wrote:
 How do I get NetBIOS through my router? I know it's not routable but needs a 
 bridge. Some tunneling mechanism? What
 package/software do I need to get? 
You don't want to route NetBIOS. It's an API, not a transport protocool. It
can be realised over a variety of protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX and
NetBEUI. Of those only the latter one is not routable.

Just run your Windows clients with TCP/IP as the (preferably only) protocol.
To enable cross-subnet browsing use a WINS server. See the samba docs for
more detail.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

How to access SCSI-tape and Aiee: scheduling in interrupt 00125dd9

1998-09-17 Thread Karsten Bolding

As the subject says I have two problems.
1: I have Linux running on a ACER, with and Advansys SCSI card installed.
Now I want to connect a tape station and get access to it - how do I do
it?. This I get when I boot:
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: Version 1.42
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: Probing port 03bc
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: Probing port 0378
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: SPP port
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: ECP with
a 16 byte FIFO present
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: Failed
Intel bug check. (Phony EPP in ECP)
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: ppa: Probing port 0278
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: scsi0 : AdvanSys SCSI 3.1E: PCI Ultra
16 CDB: IO 7000/F, I
RQ 11
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: scsi : 1 host.
Sep 16 14:00:38 beluga kernel: scsi : detected total.

2: Just installed two new Siemens-Nixdorff.with a Millinium II AGP graphics
card two disks and a Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller. The installation went
smoothly and so did the first half hour or so, but then both machines went
down with this message:
Aiee: scheduling in interrupt 00125dd9
To get them up again I had to turn the power off and on. Does anybody
know what this can be?
Karsten Bolding

Karsten Bolding,
CEC - Joint Research Centre, ISPRA Direct: +39 (0)332 789314
Space Applications Institute Sec. +39 (0)332 789177
Marine Environment Unit, TP690 FAX: +39 (0)332 789034
I-21020 Ispra(VA) - Italy E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ATI Xpert-98 8MB video card

1998-09-17 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 dear all,
   anyone know if this is supported, and if so do I use the SVGA
 server, a SUSE one, or something else?

Of course I cannot garantuee that card to work, but as it features the
RagePro chipset with builtin RAMDAC just like the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and @Work it
should work fine with the mach64 XF86-Server that comes with Debian...


   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Re: anonymous ftp

1998-09-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Eric Jensen wrote:

 Ya, I can't get the uid/gid to work either.  I too copied over group.
 However, I can't find what they're talking about in the manpage for
 in.ftpd in regards to the password database.  What is pw_mkdb and where
 can I find it?

That's exactly what I want to know...

   Ya, I got mine to work just fine too.  I didn't think I was replying to
   that message...sorry.  :)
   On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Eric Jensen wrote:

 Well, I reinstalled the debs, and it didn't help..same problems.  
 else got ideas?
  Yeah, I saw that.. good you got it working though... I cant get UID/GID to
  display as their proper names, I have tried copying /etc/group..
  everything 'man ftpd' says and more.. can you help?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Emacs and ispell

1998-09-17 Thread Johann Spies
I have built a custom afrikaans dictionary with ispell.

When I try to use it with emacs20, emacs wouldn't allow me.  I could do it
with emacs19.34 on Debian 1.3.1.

When I try 'update-ispell-dicionary' it does not see all the
dictionaries in my /usr/lib/ispell eg.

[EMAIL PROTECTED](25)$ update-ispell-dictionary
Please wait while I search for ispell dictionaries...

[1] british
[2] german
[3] dutch

Select the number of the default dictionary [1]

While /usr/lib/ispell has the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED](26)$ dir *.hash
afrikaans.hashdefault.hash  english.hash
british.hash  deutsch.hash  german.hash
britishmed+.hash  dutch.hashnederlands.hash

I can use my afrikaans dictionary through Lyx.  How do I do it with


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the  
  firstfruits of all thine increase; So shall thy barns 
  be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out
  with new wine.  Proverbs 3:9,10 


1998-09-17 Thread Johann Spies
I have tried out ftape from the ftape archives without very much success
on an Iomega Ditto 2Gb.

Now I have removed that ftape from my system and want to see how the ftape
that comes with Debian 2.0 works.  I know it comes from the same source,
but I have trouble configuring debian's version.

What I have done:  I have recompiled my kernel (2.0.34) to include ftape
support and change Makefile in /usr/src/linux- 

# This enables some (most?)  2Mbps controllers:  


When I try to do a

ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status

I get 

ftmt: /dev/qft0: Operation not supported by device

I then installed the ftape module and -utils packages from the binary CD.

The same happens with the following output in /var/log/messages:
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel: ftape-2.08 960314 
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1993-1995 Bas Laarhoven ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1995-1996 Kai Harrekilde-Petersen ([EMAIL 
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1996-1997 Claus Heine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  QIC-117 driver for QIC-40/80/3010/3020 tape 
Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  Compiled for kernel version 2.0.34 with 
versioned symbols 
Sep 17 10:48:30 Johann kernel: [000]fdc-io.c (fdc_config) - Using fdc 
controller at alternate address. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [001]  fdc-io.c (fdc_reset) - missing 
interrupt after reset. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [002]fdc-io.c (fdc_reset) - missing 
interrupt after reset. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [003]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [004]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [005]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [006]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [007]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [008]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [009]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, fatal. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [010]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - result 
phase aborted. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [011] fdc-io.c (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) 
- issue_command failed. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [012]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [013]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [014]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [015]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [016]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [017]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [018]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, fatal. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [019]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - result 
phase aborted. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [020] fdc-io.c (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) 
- issue_command failed. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [021]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [022]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [023]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [024]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [025]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [026]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [027]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, fatal. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [028]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - result 
phase aborted. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [029] fdc-io.c (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) 
- issue_command failed. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [030]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [031]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [032]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [033]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [034]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, retry. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [035]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
end of result phase. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [036]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
timeout, fatal. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [037]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - result 
phase aborted. 
Sep 17 10:48:32 

Re: being dropped from the list

1998-09-17 Thread Ted Harding
On 17-Sep-98 Hanno Wagner \(Debian-Listmaster-Mails\) wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 09:37:04PM -, Darren Benham wrote
 On 16-Sep-98 Ralph Winslow wrote:
 It seems that everytime my ISP has the slightest interrruption of
 e-mail service, I get unsubscribed to this list.  Might it be 
 you should define slightest :-) Our listserver count the
 bounces someone is having at (actually) at the count of 10
 he unsubscribes him from the particular list. debian-user
 is a high-traffic list and the count of 10 is reached

I've been watching this thread. Now that you've replied, Hanno, I wish to
add my voice to support the original complaint.

A while ago, your list server wrote to me:

***Your mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been removed
***from the mailinglist.
***It generated an excessive amount of bounced mails.
***Subject: failure notice
***Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
***I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
***This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
*** does not like recipient.
***Remote host said: 550 relaying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
***prohibited by administrator
***Giving up.

On the other hand, nothing seemed to be wrong when I myself looked into
our local mail system (and specifically, which DID like me).

Why so?? I asked my local admin friend. To which the reply was:

***This was a temporary problem between 0700 and about 0930 yesterday
***morning. I had a real tantrum about it... but it won't've done any

So, as a contribution to you should define slightest :-) I offer the
above snippet of empirical evidence -- namely a temporary local
misconfiguration lasting a mere 2-1/2 hours can cause people to be
dropped from the mailing list, and have to re-subscribe.

Now I know you have a big mailing list there, which inevitably generates
many bounces because of the amount of traffic. However, the important
parameter in determining whether a user is really unmailable is not the
_number_ of bounces but the length of time, combined with the reason, for
which the remote address generates bounces.

So, therefore, a retry bounce generated say every 5 hours usually
indicates that some host on the route is temporarily down, and re-try for
at least 24 hours (and most mailers keep trying for up to 5 days) is in
order. On the other hand, an unknown-user bounce is more indicative
of genuine unmailability.

Even so, on one of the lists I run (which has several subscribers in the
FSU, Central Asia and Turkey) it is not uncommon for an address to become
unknown user for a few days at a time, and then to rise again from the
ashes when someone out there puts the system right again. So (admittedly
on a list with under 1000 members) my own policy is to check that it
remains unknown user for at least 5 days.

Similarly (but for a longer period) for mailbox full bounces.

Admittedly such an approach is far more feasible using bare hands when
there are few users. But nowadays list-server software can be prgrammed
to handle these things more automatically, and the above-mentioned
mailing list (which now runs under L-Soft LISTSERV) automatically probes
suspect addresses for a while, repeatedly, without involving the list
itself, and automatically removes persistently recalcitrant adresses,
where persistently is of course configurable and could be anything from
a few hours to a few weeks.

What is finally needed for a smooth integration with the list itself is
for the list server to set suspect addresses to no-mail or equivalent on
the list itself, so that the list does not generate bounces; meanwhile the
list server probes in the background. If the address comes back to life,
then the address is restored to mail on the list and all is well.
Otherwise, in due course the list server removes the address (or sends a
message to the list-owner requesting approval for removal).

Either way, however, junking users who become unmailable for very short
periods (such as the above) is definitely unreasonable, in my opinion.

I hope this is a helpful contribution to the discussion.

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17-Sep-98   Time: 12:06:23

COBOL for linux

1998-09-17 Thread K.Y.Lo

Does anyone know where is COBOL for the Linux?

thanks alot


[slightly OFF TOPIC] digital audio in linux?

1998-09-17 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)

Suppose I want to do the following:

1) record music with my audio DAT-recorder
2) transfer it _digitally_ to the hard disk of a debian box
3) burn audio CD's of it

I know how to do 1) and 3).  Does anyone know what hardware/software
combo would enable me to perform step 2)?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

netscape4 mail reader

1998-09-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Are you using the netscape communicator or the navigator package? 
Starting with version 4 the navigator package does NOT include the
mail reader, ONLY the browser.  The communicator package includes the
browser, mail reader (icon is a little envelope at the lower right of
screen), and a composer (fair html editor for creating web pages).


Since upgrading to 4.02 I've noticed two things.  The first is that
4.02 seems to be a lot slower than v3, and the second is that I must
run v3 to read my mail since I still haven't been able to get exmh
to putt mail from my ISP.  Could some kind soul tell me which of the
4.02 buttons is concealing the mail reader?  I'd go back to uucp/xmail
but my ISP uses some crap called NT for their mail server and they
don't have a clue about uucp and I haven't had time to write a perl
pop3 mail puller.

Get your free address at

How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf
1: the documentation for ppp is in the man pages, which you probably
have not installed?

2: the correct way to start ppp is 'pon connect-name' where
connect-name is the name of the service you gave when you ran pppconfig.

3. I seem to have a similar problem.  The mystery became clear when I
started ppp from an XTerm.  I had an xconsole open and all the 'debug'
messages from pppd were piped into the xconsole by default so I could
see what was happening.  There should be a way to get this to happen
from a tty console as well.  In my case it appears that my serial
ports sometimes don't get initialized correctly the first time.  Under
debian 1.3.1 starting pon pppd would time out after about a minute,
then be restarted and would dial out on the modem.  Under debian 2.0 I
have to start pon, then kill the process (pppd), then start pon again
to get it to work.  Using pon, poff, then pon again also works.

4. Are you using the right serial port?  /dev/ttyS0 (com1), or
/dev/ttyS1 (com2)?  /dev/modem should be a symlink to one of the
above.  DONT USE /dev/cuaX !!! 


Okay; I give up on the documentation. Maybe someone on the list can

I've got a minimal Debian 2.0 system up and running (base install from
floppies and that's it). I've run pppconfig and told it to create a
connection named bub. I haven't found any documentation that tells me
to use this connection. I've found several references to running pon, or
pppd, and references to chatscript and provider and etc etc etc.

I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
(which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or

Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!

Get your free address at

Re: Q: Why Midhight Commander stopped working on text console?

1998-09-17 Thread Oleksiy \(alex\) Bolgarov
Dave Thayer wrote:
 I had a similar problem caused by having the line
 eval `resize`
 in my .bashrc . Apparantly it conflicted somehow whith the concurrent
 subshell process (whatever that is). Starting mc with the -u switch
 disables the concurrent subshell. I ended up just commenting out that
 line in my .bashrc.

No, 'mc -u' won't start on my system also :(


Re: COBOL for linux

1998-09-17 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 12:06:14PM +0100, K.Y.Lo wrote:
 Does anyone know where is COBOL for the Linux?

I searched through Debian package lists
nothing even mentions COBOL. I personally doubt that sucha beast
exists. Ive never actually heard of anyone who actually LIKES COBOL.

If the quote Microsoft techincal Documentation has done more to retard 
the skills of programmers than anything since COBOL is true...

well ive read microsoft Techincal DOcumentation (if it can be called that!)
thats bad :)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Boot Problem

1998-09-17 Thread Michael Vanecek
Well, I loaded Debian from floppy. However, while it boots from the boot
floppy fine, when I try to boot from the hd, it doesn't appear to load
anything, and stops at a 1FA: prompt (to which nothing can be typed).

Also, do I have to load the drivers for the serial ports, or is that
automatically  included in the install with no action from my part? I
saw an entry for serial ports (with three numbers in parenthesis), and
installed it (could that be my problem?) I confirmed the request to make
the hd bootable, so logically, everything should pop right up.


Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kent West
At 05:34 AM 9/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
1: the documentation for ppp is in the man pages, which you probably
have not installed?

Correct; I don't yet have the man pages installed.

2: the correct way to start ppp is 'pon connect-name' where
connect-name is the name of the service you gave when you ran pppconfig.

I thought that seemed right. Thanks for verifying it.

3. I seem to have a similar problem.  The mystery became clear when I
started ppp from an XTerm.  I had an xconsole open and all the 'debug'
messages from pppd were piped into the xconsole by default so I could
see what was happening.  There should be a way to get this to happen
from a tty console as well.  In my case it appears that my serial
ports sometimes don't get initialized correctly the first time.  Under
debian 1.3.1 starting pon pppd would time out after about a minute,
then be restarted and would dial out on the modem.  Under debian 2.0 I
have to start pon, then kill the process (pppd), then start pon again
to get it to work.  Using pon, poff, then pon again also works.

Nope; this doesn't work for me.

4. Are you using the right serial port?  /dev/ttyS0 (com1), or
/dev/ttyS1 (com2)?  /dev/modem should be a symlink to one of the
above.  DONT USE /dev/cuaX !!! 

Yes, my /etc/ppp/peers/provider references /dev/ttyS1.(I wiped the drive
and reinstalled thinking maybe it was something with the serial support in
the kernel; I get no errors when booting and the system recognizes both
serial ports as 16550, etc. I also took the default of provider instead
of bub during pppconfig).

I can also echo ATDTphonenum  /dev/ttyS1 and get the modem to dial
(and I can hear the phone in the next room ringing). I can then echo ATH1
(or ATZ)  /dev/ttyS1 and get the modem to hang up.

The output of plog looks like:
 date-timecomp. namechat[144]:  abort on (NO CARRIER)
 abort on (VOICE)
 abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 abort on (NO ANSWER)
 send (ATZ^M)
 expect (OK)
  pppd[143]   Connect script failed
  pppd[143]   Exit.

It's almost as if the echo ATDT command at the prompt sees the
modem, but the ppp stuff does not see the modem.

I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
(which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or

Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!

Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

LPRng and banners...

1998-09-17 Thread Juha Ylitalo

I am trying to setup Linux printer spooler for our UNIX machines with
latest stable debian and its LPRng and CTI-ifhp filters, all taken from
debian packages (except 2.0.35 kernel, which I compiled myself to get
automounter work).

Basic printing appears to be working without any problems to my test
printer, which is HP's Laserjet 4Si with IP address. Only problem is
that when people are doing pretty massive printing, you need some real
banners to those print jobs. So far only banner that I've managed to
create has been 
User: jylitalo
Class: A
 in pretty standard text format regardless what I have in my printcap. 

To give you some idea about what I've been trying, here is copy of my
latest printcap:
#   :if=/usr/lib/CTI-Print/bin/ifhp
:vf=/usr/lib/CTI-Print/bin/ifhp -c
# :mx#0
# :sh

I've also tried to use instead of, but no visual
effect :(

All help would be preciated, because this would be first Linux machine
in some critical position in our department.

- --
Juha Ylitalo [EMAIL PROTECTED]work e-mail
Hiomo 5/1/Maisema work www
+358 9 511 23313 public www
  Both WWW locations have pgp.html file for public PGP keys.

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.5.3


RE: Star Office 5/4 in english?

1998-09-17 Thread harsh
I got ver 4 from the german site about a week ago

Good Luck

On 16-Sep-98 Mrpeabody wrote:
 Can you get star office 5 in english?  I used to have star office 4 in
 english but it seems all that it is no longer available now that star
 office 5 is out.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 17-Sep-98
Time: 06:55:22

This message was sent by XFMail

What DSELECT does?

1998-09-17 Thread Blazej Sawionek
I installed hamm via ftp.
Now I needed to add one package.
I added it in dselect and to my horror it downloaded some 20 packages,
among them different Xservers. Said that now the default is a
different Xserver than I in fact had as default, then it did
byte-compling for different packages and so on...

It is not a problem - I managed to restore all I needed, but what on
Earth has happened?


Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Kent West
I've just discovered the chat command (I'm a newbie). I can echo a command
from the prompt to the modem, but when I try chat  ATZ OK
ATDT(phonenum) the system sits for a while displaying ATZ and then just
returns me to the prompt. As mentioned below, apparently the echo command
from the prompt sees the modem, but chat does not. Any clues?


PS (I installed from floppies, so I don't yet have the man pages. Can
anyone send the basic syntax of the chat command, along with an example or
two? Thanks.)

At 07:47 AM 9/17/1998 -0500, you wrote:
At 05:34 AM 9/17/1998 -0700, you wrote:
1: the documentation for ppp is in the man pages, which you probably
have not installed?

Correct; I don't yet have the man pages installed.


Yes, my /etc/ppp/peers/provider references /dev/ttyS1.(I wiped the drive
and reinstalled thinking maybe it was something with the serial support in
the kernel; I get no errors when booting and the system recognizes both
serial ports as 16550, etc. I also took the default of provider instead
of bub during pppconfig).

I can also echo ATDTphonenum  /dev/ttyS1 and get the modem to dial
(and I can hear the phone in the next room ringing). I can then echo ATH1
(or ATZ)  /dev/ttyS1 and get the modem to hang up.

The output of plog looks like:
 date-time   comp. namechat[144]:  abort on (NO CARRIER)
abort on (VOICE)
abort on (NO DIALTONE)
abort on (NO ANSWER)
send (ATZ^M)
expect (OK)
 pppd[143]   Connect script failed
 pppd[143]   Exit.

It's almost as if the echo ATDT command at the prompt sees the
modem, but the ppp stuff does not see the modem.

I've figured out that if I just type pon the system tries to use the
provider connection (which doesn't work, presumably because the
provider files aren't properly configured - it gives an error message
about /dev/modem being an unrecognized option). But if I type pon bub
(which is what I would have thought would've used the bub connection),
all that happens is the system thinks for a couple of seconds and then
returns me to a prompt. There's no modem activity or messages or

Any suggestions as to what I can do different? Thanks!

Kent West   | Technology Support/   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

Re: Bounce-queues with LPRng

1998-09-17 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 04:02:25PM +0300, Mika S. Marjamäki wrote:
 Does anyone here have a filtered bounce queue for remote printer set up
 with LPRng?
 I have my HP LaserJet 5L connected to my home-server, and want to print
 to it from my workstation using magicfilter through LAN, but haven't got
 it to work...

From my printcap at my workstation:

ljt|toshiba|Toshiba PageLaser8:\

To debug your printing system touch files /var/log/lp-acct, /var/log/lp-errs
and /var/log/lpr.log

Files (as in af= and lf=) /var/log/lp-acct and /var/log/lp-errs should have
owner lp:adm and permissions 0640.

Check permissions for spool directory.

Do all above on both: client and server sides.


Re: Apache mod_ssl

1998-09-17 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 05:32:49PM +0100, Oliver Thuns wrote:
  No but there is apache-ssl, wich is also a debian package (in hamm), find
  it at - packages - search  I think it's in the non-US
 Does anyone know why it's such an old version of Apache?
 There should be 1.3.1/SSL in unstable (slink).

It's 1.2.5.


NIS Shadow problem

1998-09-17 Thread Clemens Heuberger

I' m using a NIS and Shadow. Sometimes, I cannot login to the Client, and
the syslog shows 
 login[1860]: no shadow password for `cheub' on `ttyp7' from `thue' Sep 17
 login[1860]: invalid password for `cheub' on `ttyp7' from `thue'

If I issue a yppasswd (which is possible since I am logged in under X
Windows) and change my password, I (and all other users) can login again.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Clemens Heuberger

System Information:
Debian 2.0r2
Linux 2.0.35

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# Information about this file is available in the `libc6-doc' package.

passwd: compat
group:  compat
shadow: nis files

hosts:  files dns
networks:   files

protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files

netgroup:   nis




qmailp:x:76:65534:qmail pw:/var/qmail:/bin/sh

Re: debian 2.0 install

1998-09-17 Thread Michael Below

Nathan wrote:

I don't believe Linux SMP code supports dual 486 processors (due to the
lack of standards for such machines).   Pentium and above
multi-processor systems are supported.

According to the Parallel Processing HOWTO, parallel processing is 
supported on 486DX, but not on 486SX.


Re: Boot Problem

1998-09-17 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 Well, I loaded Debian from floppy. However, while it boots from the boot
 floppy fine, when I try to boot from the hd, it doesn't appear to load
 anything, and stops at a 1FA: prompt (to which nothing can be typed).

Hm, to me it sounds like a problem with lilo. What does it say, if you
execute /sbin/lilo as root?


Configuration files?

1998-09-17 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
There seem to be two independent system.fvwm95rc on my freshly
installed Debian 2.0 system:

sos:~ ls -i /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc 
  14384 /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc
sos:~ ls -i /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc 
 149639 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc
sos:~ ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc 
-rw-r--r--   1 root root29942 May 13 18:49 

What is the file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm95/system.fvwm95rc usefull
for? After what I read, Debian keeps all its configuration files in
the /etc tree.


Re: COBOL for linux

1998-09-17 Thread Curt Daugaard
Look here:



On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 12:06:14PM +0100, K.Y.Lo wrote:
 Does anyone know where is COBOL for the Linux?
 thanks alot
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

About realplayer

1998-09-17 Thread Mario Filipe

I installed rvplayer on my machine (slink updated this morning) but everytime i
try to run welcome.rm (provided with realplayer package) it tell's me this:

File compression not supported. Cannot locate the requested RealAudio decoder.

For more information, please see Error 38 at:

I checked error 38 but it only mentions windows. I've strace'd the
thing but it find's everyfile it tryes to open, except pnconfig.cfg!

Does any of you know how to fix this...


Mario Filipe 
- | Agora bilingue (PT e EN)
-  Now bilingual (PT and EN)

Re: are there (X)emacs20-no-mule debian packages

1998-09-17 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Richard Hoskins wrote:

 AFAIK, there is no Emacs 20.3 Debian package yet.

It's in slink.

$ dpkg -s emacs20
Package: emacs20
Version: 20.3-1

Re: Boot Problem

1998-09-17 Thread Michael Vanecek
Viola! Success. That was rather strange. After booting with the floppy,
I went and executed lilo like you said (actually I went to bin rather
than sbin, but it worked anyway), rebooted sans floppy, and it booted
without hesitation. What did I miss? At the end of the install, where
you were given a chance to boot with either hard drive or floppy, I
chose HD both times - should I have chosen floppy first instead?
Everything elses loaded without a hitch - now I have to find a way to
transfer all them neat packages via floppy. Fun.

Thanks for your help,

Stef Hoesli Wiederwald wrote:
  Well, I loaded Debian from floppy. However, while it boots from the boot
  floppy fine, when I try to boot from the hd, it doesn't appear to load
  anything, and stops at a 1FA: prompt (to which nothing can be typed).
 Hm, to me it sounds like a problem with lilo. What does it say, if you
 execute /sbin/lilo as root?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Please Help me figure out this PPP - NT RAS thing?

1998-09-17 Thread Mohan Kannapareddy
Greeting Folks,
I have fresh Debian 2.0 installed with the ppp-2.35 package.
I am desperately trying for the last two days to get my
linux box dial up to our NT RAS server which has the 
domain\\username type setup.

I have the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file setup exactly as
in the README.MSCHAP80 FAQ. Also, I invoke the pppd with
the name and remotehost parameters. But for some reason
I think (maybe ppp gurus can figure this out), my linux box
rejects the CHAP authentication. Here is a snippet of my
pppd.log, (Also I know for a fact our RAS server does NOT
do the callback thingy, but it is NOT a primary domain con-

Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS3
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x180c pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 asyncmap 0x0
auth chap 80 magic 0x4597 pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 auth chap
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x180c pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x1 00 00 02 dc]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x1]
Sep 16 20:55:45 birdie pppd[8601]: Modem hangup
Sep 16 20:55:45 birdie pppd[8601]: Connection terminated.
Sep 16 20:55:46 birdie pppd[8601]: Exit.
Thanks a lot

Re: LPRng and banners...

1998-09-17 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 03:56:07PM +0300, Juha Ylitalo wrote:
 I am trying to setup Linux printer spooler for our UNIX machines with
 latest stable debian and its LPRng and CTI-ifhp filters, all taken from
 debian packages (except 2.0.35 kernel, which I compiled myself to get
 automounter work).
 Basic printing appears to be working without any problems to my test
 printer, which is HP's Laserjet 4Si with IP address. Only problem is
 that when people are doing pretty massive printing, you need some real
 banners to those print jobs. So far only banner that I've managed to
 create has been 
 User: jylitalo
 Class: A
  in pretty standard text format regardless what I have in my printcap. 
 To give you some idea about what I've been trying, here is copy of my
 latest printcap:
 #   :if=/usr/lib/CTI-Print/bin/ifhp
 :vf=/usr/lib/CTI-Print/bin/ifhp -c
 # :mx#0
 # :sh
 I've also tried to use instead of, but no visual
 effect :(

I haven't experience with CTI-ifhp and banners but I tested shortly
and my printcap:

lp|lj|hplj|toshiba|HP Laserjet:\

with /usr/sbin/lpbanner and /usr/sbin/lpf from lprng, and
/usr/sbin/ljet2p-filter from magic-filter

is working.


Reading mail with Web-Browser?

1998-09-17 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

is there a Debian tool that provides http/html access to mail?
(something like a hotmail service?).

Yes, I know that netscape can fetch mails by pop and imap;
I am looking for some utility that produces native http/html
(maybe by fetching the mails itself with pop or imap).

Thanks, Thomas


Re: Please Help me figure out this PPP - NT RAS thing?

1998-09-17 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello Mohan:

I don't know if this is going to work but you can try it.

In your /etc/ppp/options file put a line as follows:

# Set the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes
# to n.
#remotename n
name login-name

That is the name to send to login.

In your /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or chap-secrets put the following:

# OUTBOUND connections

# Here you should add your userid password to connect to your providers via
# pap. The * means that the password is to be used for ANY host you connect
# to. Thus you do not have to worry about the foreign machine name. Just
# replace password with your password.
# If you have different providers with different passwords then you better
# remove the following line.

login-name*   password

In my /etc/ppp.chatscripts file I have


It seems to work form me on a bonded ISDN line.


-Original Message-
From: Mohan Kannapareddy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User's List
Date: Thursday, September 17, 1998 9:24 AM
Subject: Please Help me figure out this PPP - NT RAS thing?

Greeting Folks,
 I have fresh Debian 2.0 installed with the ppp-2.35 package.
 I am desperately trying for the last two days to get my
 linux box dial up to our NT RAS server which has the
 domain\\username type setup.

 I have the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file setup exactly as
 in the README.MSCHAP80 FAQ. Also, I invoke the pppd with
 the name and remotehost parameters. But for some reason
 I think (maybe ppp gurus can figure this out), my linux box
 rejects the CHAP authentication. Here is a snippet of my
 pppd.log, (Also I know for a fact our RAS server does NOT
 do the callback thingy, but it is NOT a primary domain con-

Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS3
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x180c pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 asyncmap 0x0
auth chap 80 magic 0x4597 pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 auth chap
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x180c pcomp accomp]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x1 00 00 02 dc]
Sep 16 20:55:44 birdie pppd[8601]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x1]
Sep 16 20:55:45 birdie pppd[8601]: Modem hangup
Sep 16 20:55:45 birdie pppd[8601]: Connection terminated.
Sep 16 20:55:46 birdie pppd[8601]: Exit.

 Thanks a lot

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: About realplayer

1998-09-17 Thread Tim Thomas
 Date:  Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:04:31 +0100 (WEST)
 Organization:  Universidade de Evora
 From:  Mario Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   About realplayer

 I installed rvplayer on my machine (slink updated this morning) but everytime 
 try to run welcome.rm (provided with realplayer package) it tell's me this:
 File compression not supported. Cannot locate the requested RealAudio decoder.
 For more information, please see Error 38 at:
 I checked error 38 but it only mentions windows. I've strace'd the
 thing but it find's everyfile it tryes to open, except pnconfig.cfg!
 Does any of you know how to fix this...
 Mario Filipe 
 - | Agora bilingue (PT e EN)
 -  Now bilingual (PT and EN)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

one possibility-

When you upgrade your Web browser, you may lose the configuration information 
for RealAudio Player.
 Refer to
Quick Start for detailed instructions for configuring Netscape Navigator 2.0 
and 3.0. 

To restore the configuration information: 

   1.Change directories to the raplayer directory. 

  cat Mailcap  $HOME/.mailcap 

 This appends the mailcap file distributed with the RealAudio Player
 to the .mailcap file in your home directory. 

  cat Mime.types  $HOME/.mime.types 

 This appends the Mime.types file distributed with the RealAudio Player to 
the .mime.types files in your home

   4.Exit your web browser and restart it to load the new 
configuration information.  

Re: ftape

1998-09-17 Thread Bob Nielsen

The version of ftape in the 2.0.x kernels is much older than that on the
ftape archives.  3.04d is the first version to support the Ditto 2GB
drive, but I understand there are still problems.  The latest is 4.02.  As
Claus-Justus says on his web page:

 If you intend to use Iomega's Ditto 2GB then you'll need
 ftape-3.04d.tar.gz or later. But I recommend that you get the
 latest version instead.

It absolutely won't work with older versions of the driver.


On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Johann Spies wrote:

 I have tried out ftape from the ftape archives without very much success
 on an Iomega Ditto 2Gb.
 Now I have removed that ftape from my system and want to see how the ftape
 that comes with Debian 2.0 works.  I know it comes from the same source,
 but I have trouble configuring debian's version.
 What I have done:  I have recompiled my kernel (2.0.34) to include ftape
 support and change Makefile in /usr/src/linux- 
 # This enables some (most?)  2Mbps controllers:  
 When I try to do a
 ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status
 I get 
 ftmt: /dev/qft0: Operation not supported by device
 I then installed the ftape module and -utils packages from the binary CD.
 The same happens with the following output in /var/log/messages:
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel: ftape-2.08 960314 
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1993-1995 Bas Laarhoven ([EMAIL 
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1995-1996 Kai Harrekilde-Petersen ([EMAIL 
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  (c) 1996-1997 Claus Heine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  QIC-117 driver for QIC-40/80/3010/3020 tape 
 Sep 17 10:48:29 Johann kernel:  Compiled for kernel version 2.0.34 with 
 versioned symbols 
 Sep 17 10:48:30 Johann kernel: [000]fdc-io.c (fdc_config) - Using fdc 
 controller at alternate address. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [001]  fdc-io.c (fdc_reset) - missing 
 interrupt after reset. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [002]fdc-io.c (fdc_reset) - missing 
 interrupt after reset. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [003]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [004]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [005]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [006]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [007]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [008]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [009]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, fatal. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [010]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - 
 result phase aborted. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [011] fdc-io.c 
 (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) - issue_command failed. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [012]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [013]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [014]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [015]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [016]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [017]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [018]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, fatal. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [019]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - 
 result phase aborted. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [020] fdc-io.c 
 (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) - issue_command failed. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [021]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [022]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [023]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [024]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [025]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [026]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - premature 
 end of result phase. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [027]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, fatal. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [028]  fdc-io.c (fdc_issue_command) - 
 result phase aborted. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [029] fdc-io.c 
 (fdc_sense_interrupt_status) - issue_command failed. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [030]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - fdc_read 
 timeout, retry. 
 Sep 17 10:48:32 Johann kernel: [031]   fdc-io.c (fdc_result) - 

Kernel(-package) mysteries

1998-09-17 Thread Remo Badii
Dear Debs,
this is my second list of questions about kernel compilation and modules
mysteries. I apologize for repeating part of the content of the previous
message, but I prefer to leave it for clarity.

I have just succeeded in compiling a new kernel using
make menuconfig
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
dpkg -i ../kernel-image...

My old /lib/modules/2.0.34 had previously been renamed to *.save and it
contained a subdirectory pcmcia; the new /lib/modules/2.0.34 doesn't:

drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 cdrom
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 fs
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 ipv4
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 ipv6
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 misc
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  133 Sep 17 12:41 modules.dep
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:37 net
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 17 10:35 scsi

Moreover, some of these directories are empty, while the corresponding ones
for the original Debian-2.0.34 modules were not: e.g.,  ./cdrom is empty;
the old one had 12 files (I have an IBM Thinkpad 760 CD, usually with the
floppy drive in it, not the CD drive: is cdrom.o the file I should have
here?). Even worse: fs is empty, the old one had lots of files (I have
selected only a few with make menuconfig, e.g., nls_cp850 and nls_iso8859_1,
but they are not there). Finally, ./net contains
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 5364 Sep 17 10:35 bsd_comp.o
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 2064 Sep 17 10:35 dummy.o
-rw-r--r--   1 root root25620 Sep 17 10:35 ppp.o

Hence, something has been written into these directories, after all: by
which program?
Do I need to do some ``make modules'', ``make install_modules'' or is
make-kpkg followed by dpkg -i newkernel.deb enough?
I left the original Debian kernel in /boot and I can indeed boot with
it using lilo: how does this kernel find (make use of) its
/lib/modules/whatever if this directory has been renamed to
If the kernel does not need to read /lib/modules/2.0.34 in order to work,
who uses it?

All I need is
1) an ethernet PCMCIA card (ACCTON EN 2212) once a week while at my institute;
2) ISDN from home (not tried yet);
3) the cdrom drive (very rarely, hopefully not for a full reinstall);
4) a dos directory (which works);
5) dosemu (not yet tried).

I have selected the necessary compiler options for all of these, I think.
My /etc/modules contains the following:


This is my /boot/config-2.0.34 file: is it all right for my needs?
Please notice that
right (neither the PCMCIA, nor the CD are usually in the machine)?

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_MAX_16M is not set
# CONFIG_PCI is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set

# Floppy, IDE, and other block devices

# Please see Documentation/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
# CONFIG_NET_ALIAS is not set
# CONFIG_IP_FORWARD is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ACCT is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set

# (it is safe to leave these untouched)
# CONFIG_INET_PCTCP is not set
# CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set
# CONFIG_AX25 is not set
# CONFIG_NETLINK is not set

# SCSI support
# CONFIG_SCSI is not set

# Network device support
# CONFIG_PLIP is not set

# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.
# CONFIG_SLIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_RADIO is not set
# CONFIG_NET_PCI is not 

Network tracing software

1998-09-17 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite

Are there any network tracing packages available for Debian?  What I'm looking
for is something that will keep track of network activity and keep a log of what
connections are being made to my system (as well as where my systems are calling
out to).  I have a ISDN router that was activating itself when nobody was
talking to the internet.  After a ton of searching, I discovered that one of the
win95 PC's had Real Player G2 installed and it was calling home from time to
time...  Pretty expensive on the ole phone bill...



Re: How to start PPP?

1998-09-17 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 08:19:08AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 I've just discovered the chat command (I'm a newbie). I can echo a command
 from the prompt to the modem, but when I try chat  ATZ OK
 ATDT(phonenum) the system sits for a while displaying ATZ and then just
 returns me to the prompt.

A lot of modems need a lot of time after a ATZ command and get confused when
they receive anything in this period of time. Try to let chat wait a while
after issuing the ATZ. Such effects did puzzle me for a long time.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel(-package) mysteries

1998-09-17 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Remo Badii wrote:

 : Dear Debs,
 : this is my second list of questions about kernel compilation and modules
 : mysteries. I apologize for repeating part of the content of the previous
 : message, but I prefer to leave it for clarity.
 : I have just succeeded in compiling a new kernel using
 : make menuconfig
 : make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
 : dpkg -i ../kernel-image...

[ snip ]

 : -rw-r--r--   1 root root 5364 Sep 17 10:35 bsd_comp.o

corresponds to

 : # CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.


 : -rw-r--r--   1 root root 2064 Sep 17 10:35 dummy.o
corresponds to



 : -rw-r--r--   1 root root25620 Sep 17 10:35 ppp.o

corresponds to

 : Hence, something has been written into these directories, after all: by
 : which program?

dpkg put them there because your package contained them.  Those are the
only modules you wanted built.

 : Do I need to do some ``make modules'', ``make install_modules'' or is
 : make-kpkg followed by dpkg -i newkernel.deb enough?
dpkg -i newkernel.deb is good enough, assuming you did `make config'
correctly :)

 : I left the original Debian kernel in /boot and I can indeed boot with
 : it using lilo: how does this kernel find (make use of) its
 : /lib/modules/whatever if this directory has been renamed to
 : /lib/modules/

I think this is the big problem with multiple kernels of the same
version (but with different modules).  I don't know of a solution,
though I'm sure someone's working on it.

 : If the kernel does not need to read /lib/modules/2.0.34 in order to work,
 : who uses it?

These directories are only used when a module needs to be loaded AFAIK.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

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