RE: lyx y caracteres

1998-09-29 Thread Cesar Talon

On 28-Sep-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tengo un pequeño problema. Estoy empezando a usar Lyx. Me reconoce todos
 los caracteres españoles, pero cuando veo el archivo con GV o con DIPS,
 la apertura de interrogación ¿ y la de admiración ¡, me las convierte
 en una L rota y en una a cedilla respectivamente (no se como se llaman
 los tipos)

Busca la opcion de encoding y selecciona latin1


Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth
to a child.  She must be found and stopped.
-- Sam Levenson



1998-09-29 Thread Valentín Ruano Rubio

Hola, ¿cómo se si tengo en mi máquina instalado el protocolo TCP/IP?, y
¿qué tengo que hacer para activarlo?. Gracias

Los kernels de las distribuciones por defecto lleban soporte TCP/IP lo cual
no implica
soporte para dispositivos de RED (son dos cosas muy diferentes).

Hay un documento en LuCas que explica muy bien todo el tema de la puesta en
marcha de redes TCP/IP en linux:

Tambien hay algun HOWTO en castellano que te explica como conectarte a

La pagina oficial de LuCAS no me la se. Lo siento.


LaTex y latex2html

1998-09-29 Thread Fernando Sainz Munoz
Estaba probando latex2html con un archivo .tex como:


\renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{T1} %% para el comando hyphenation



\begin{center} {\Large CURRICULUM VITAE} \end{center}


 APELLIDOS:Sainz Muñoz.\\
 NOMBRE:   Fernando José.
%% etc... 

\section {ESTUDIOS}

%% etc..


y al hacer el latex2html la parte del tabular no la creaba por que
faltaba el programa giftrans (que no existe en mi distribucion).
Lo busque en internet y lo instale pero sigue sin funcionar por
algun otro motivo.
(genera un img1.gif vacio)

¿Alguien ha utilizado esto y le funciona?
(Todavia tengo la 1.3.1)

Otra cosa; intente partiendo de un archivo latex como este
convertirlo a lyx con latex2lyx y me daba errores.
¿Es que este programa solo sirve para el código LaTeX generado por
el propio Lyx (con sus preambulos) o falla alguna cosa?


pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread cmartinezch
Aupa gente,

como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un
puñao) a mayúsculas?

Supongo que con un find . -patatín -patatán -exec algo me vale,
pero no se que poner en algo para que a partir de un nombre me lo saque
en mayúsculas...

Alguna idea?

Se que no debería preguntar a la lista, pero es que me corre mucha


Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread David R. Leal Valmana

 Aupa gente,

 como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un
 puñao) a mayúsculas?

Mira yo no soy un experto, pero en su momento necesit'e algo similary me lo
hice con un fichero bach(con la ayuda de uno  que si controlaba).
Yo lo que queria era lo inverso, pero en cualquier caso te ser'a facil
hacer lo contrario a partir de mi fichero. Simplemente lo que
tienes que hacer es darle permiso de ejecuci'on y ejecutarlo dentro
del subdirectorio donde quieras hacer un cambio. Creo que tal y
como esta es intercambiar la palabras upper y lower. El condicional
que aparece es para considerar los ficheros que tienen extensiones
y los que no lo tienen. En este caso convierte tambi'en la extension
del fichero.

nota: Creo que esta en csh, si no la tienes por defecto haces: csh
y luego lo ejecutas.

Espero que te sirva. Si alguien te envia una soluci'on m'as eficiente
hazmela saber.

Un saludo,


 Supongo que con un find . -patatín -patatán -exec algo me vale,
 pero no se que poner en algo para que a partir de un nombre me lo saque
 en mayúsculas...

 Alguna idea?

 Se que no debería preguntar a la lista, pero es que me corre mucha


David R. Leal Valmana| Office: 10.1.02
Tel: (34)-916.24.93.14   | Fax: (34)-916.24.98.49
E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Dpto. de Estadistica y Econometria

Description: Binary data

Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 01:03:35PM +, CARLOS MARTINEZ.CHACARTEGUI wrote:
 Aupa gente,
   como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un 
 puñao) a mayúsculas?

Si tu shell es bash, prueba con:

for i in * ; do j=`echo $i |tr [:lower:] [:upper:]` ; echo Moviendo $i a
$j ; mv $i $j ; done

(Una herramienta interesante, el tr).

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

mas pistas sobre mi problema con NFS

1998-09-29 Thread Jose Rodriguez


Me acabo de dar cuenta de que ha aparecido el siguiente error con el
nfsd (demonio de NFS):

Sep 29 12:43:15 nostromo nfsd[4]: Could not bind name to socket Address already in use
Sep 29 12:43:15 nostromo nfsd[4]: could not make a tcp socket

Alguna pista?
Por que me sale este error(normalmente al inciar el nfs)?
Jose Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia SPAIN

Re: LaTex y latex2html

1998-09-29 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Hola Fernando.
Pues yo logro transfomar tu CV en html sin problemas, usando latex2html.
Te recomiendo que desinstales el giftrans que copiaste y instales el que viene
con debian que está en la seccion non-free/graphics.
tambien asegurate que tienes instalado netpbm y que la version de gs que tienes
fué compilada com soporte para pnm ( si escribes: gs -h, deben aparecer entre
la lista de Available Devices pnm y pnmraw)

Si todavia no te funciona, usa el comando:
configure-pstoimg -h
Para ver que versiones de gs e netpbm recomienda tu version de latex2html.

Con respecto a los problemas con lyx, te aconsejo que cambies la línea


por:  \usepackage{T1}{fontenc}
y intenta otra vez. Si no te funciona, dinos exactamente que mensajes de error
da el latex2lyx.

Espero que esto te sirva.

Jaime Villate

RE: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread Luís M. Arocha Hernández
Te incluyo un programita perl que quizas te ayude.
Lo que tienes que hacer es find . -patatin -patatan fichero
perl RENAME.PL fichero  fichero_con_renames

Despues lo que tienes que hacer es revisar fichero_con_renames, 
convertirlo en ejecutable y ejecutarlo.
Si el fichero de entrada tiene algo como:

Generara algo como
mv aaa 
mv bbb 
mv // //=== Esto ultimo no se si te
 Si lo que quieres es
 ponte en contacto conmigo y lo

# Para obtener ayuda:   /h /H /? -h -? -H
if (@ARGV  1 or $ARGV[0] =~ /^[\/-][hH?]/) {
   die Sintaxis: RENAME FileIn \n;
open FILE1, $ARGV[0];
while ($l = FILE1) {
  chop $l;
  $LINE = $l;
  $LINE =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
  print mv \$l\ \$LINE\\n;
- FIN PERL ---

\ | / |  
-( )-/|\   Luis Arocha Hernandez
/ | \   /_|_\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   /__|__\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-\ o  o  o  )--


Aupa gente,

como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un
puñao) a mayúsculas?
Supongo que con un find . -patatín -patatán -exec algo me vale,
pero no se que poner en algo para que a partir de un nombre me lo saque
en mayúsculas...

re:Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread cmartinezch
muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda... sabía que tenía que haber algún
comando que lo hiciera, pero no tenía ni idea de cuál.

Cada día me sorprendo más de la flexibilidad de UNIX y sus shell scripts

un saludo

Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Pues como tu pregunta ha tenido tanto éxito, te mando una tercera solución en 
perl, la cual puedes modificar facilmente para decidir si quieres modificar 
tambien los ficheros ocultos o no (en este caso te modifique los ficheros 
ocultos y cualquier nombre de subdirectorio). guarda el programa con qualquier 
nombre (ejecutable) y despues lo usas asi:  nombre  directorio

scalar(@ARGV) == 1 or die Dame el nombre de un directorio.\n;
$dir = $ARGV[0];
if (-d $dir){
opendir(DIR,$dir) or die No puedo abrir el directorio:$!\n;
@files = grep(!/^\.\.?$/,readdir(DIR));
foreach (@files) {
$FILE = $dir/\U$_;
$file = $dir/$_;
} else {
die $dir no parece ser un directorio: $!\n;

Jaime Villate

Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 01:03:35PM +, CARLOS MARTINEZ.CHACARTEGUI wrote:
   como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un 
 puñao) a mayúsculas?

ls | awk '{ system(mv  $0   toupper($0)) }'

Es el peligro que tienen estas preguntas, que cada uno te da una respuesta
distinta, y para colmo todas funcionan y tienes que elegir...

 0238bbdd71c6475b86da806ecfcdb03c (a truly random sig)

Re: pregunta pelín off-topic

1998-09-29 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 04:27:43PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 01:03:35PM +, CARLOS MARTINEZ.CHACARTEGUI wrote:
  como puedo pasar los nombres de ficheros de un directorio (un 
  puñao) a mayúsculas?
 ls | awk '{ system(mv  $0   toupper($0)) }'

Si awk lo hace en una línea, perl también:

$ find -print0 | perl -n0e 'chop; rename $_, uc $_'

(Esto es recursivo... renombra archivos y directorios, cuidado)



1998-09-29 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
¡Hola a todos!

Desde que me he pasado de bo a hamm, tengo este error al arrancar en uno
de mis ordenadores (en el que _uso_):

aragorn[~]% telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.0
configuration error - unknown item 'ISSUE_FILE_ENAB' (notify

aragorn login: 

¿Alguna idea?.

Gracias por adelantado,

C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a--
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:
  Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.


1998-09-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Este es un error comun y que yo tambien me encontre. El problema
viene de que al instalar la nueva version de los paquetes base, no has dicho
que sobreescriba un archivo de configuracion, que corresponde al
Este archivo es leido por el programa login para configurar ciertas
cosas en el sistema, y al encontrar errores en el no deja que nadie entre.
Solo puede entrar el administrador (si no me equivoco) o sea root.

Para arreglarlo tienes que copiar el *nuevo* login.defs que provee
el paquete debian correspondiente, y que se ha quedado en
/etc/login.defs.dpkg-dist, dado que no le indicaste que sobreescribiera el
viejo. Haz un 'cp' y todo arreglado :)

Por cierto, problemas similares surgen al actualizar de bo a hamm
debido a que muchos archivos de configuracion no estaban marcados como tales
en bo y si en hamm, si no me equivoco, y el sistema de paquetes no acierta
al instalar los paquetes con lo que hay que contestar a un trillon de
preguntas de The configuration file XXX was modified by you or by a



On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 02:34:40PM +0200, Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
 ¡Hola a todos!
 Desde que me he pasado de bo a hamm, tengo este error al arrancar en uno
 de mis ordenadores (en el que _uso_):
 aragorn[~]% telnet localhost
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.0
 configuration error - unknown item 'ISSUE_FILE_ENAB' (notify
 aragorn login: 
 ¿Alguna idea?.
 Gracias por adelantado,
 C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a--
 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:
   Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.
 Para DARSE de BAJA, enviar un mensaje que diga unsubscribe en el Subject
 a [EMAIL PROTECTED] En caso de problema,
 escribir a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian 2.0 Kernel y Signal 11

1998-09-29 Thread TooManySecrets
Creo que el tema de los SIGNAL's 11 venía dado por alguna incompatibilidad,
o error, de hardware.

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: WindowMaker: gradient.c:66: RRenderMultiGradient: Assertion `0' failed.

1998-09-29 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 12:47:00AM +0200, Juanmi Mora wrote:
  Cómo puedo arrancar las famosas aplicaciones que corren dentro del
  dock (creo que así se llama).
 Haciendo doble click en ellas? Cuando tienen tres puntos en la parte
 inferior izquierda, quiere decir que no estan corriendo...

Me refería a hacer correr la aplicación dentro del cuadradito del icono
que le pertenece en la aplicación, creo que el wmload así lo hace con la
opción -v, creo :-? De todas formas no he conseguido que el wmload se
mueva de la posición original que ocupa al arrancarlo.

  Cómo puedo arrancar más de una instancia de una aplicación dockeada?
 ... y cuando no hay nada, quiere decir que si estan corriendo. Haciendo
 doble click en un AppIcon (que es el nombre del cuadrito sin los tres
 puntos) levanta la instancia que esta corriendo. Haciendo C-dClick
 (control + doble click) crea una instancia nueva de la aplicacion.

Perfecto, entendía que esto era imprescindible para que el gestor pudiese
ser considerado usable.

 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España


 - Powered by Linux -

Re: WindowMaker: gradient.c:66: RRenderMultiGradient: Assertion `0' failed.

1998-09-29 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 11:12:33PM +0200, Juanmi Mora wrote:

 Me refería a hacer correr la aplicación dentro del cuadradito del icono
 que le pertenece en la aplicación, creo que el wmload así lo hace con la
 opción -v, creo :-?

-w creo.

En general los docklets tienen diferentes formas para pegarse al Dock,
aunque la mayoria usan -w. Cuando tienen la aplicacion corriendo en ese
estado (withdrawn), puedes hacer click con el puntero del mouse en el borde
de la ventana y llevarla hasta el dock. Le das click con el boton derecho, y
aparece un menu. Alli una de las opciones (Settings) hace que aparezca un
panel donde puedes indicarle que quieres que esa aplicacion arranque con
Window Maker.

 De todas formas no he conseguido que el wmload se mueva de la posición
 original que ocupa al arrancarlo.

tienes que tomarlo por el borde. El borde es de Window Maker, el resto es de
la aplicacion (mira por ejemplo wmmon, usa los click en su espacion para
cambiar la informacion que pone)

 Perfecto, entendía que esto era imprescindible para que el gestor pudiese
 ser considerado usable.

Por aquello que quieras preguntar luego... ;-) en la barra del titulo, una
de las opciones te deja configurar diferentes cosas para la aplicacion. Si
estas usando 0.14.1, muchos programas no van a tener ese menu; con 0.20.x la
situacion ha cambiado y ahora tiene que ser un programa REALMENTE mal
escrito para que no aparezca esa informacion. De cualquier modo, una de las
opciones te permite hacer que no aparezcan el AppIcon y el MiniWindow
(AppIcon es una representacion de la aplicacion, el MiniWindow es la ventana
minimizada -- mucha gente considera eso redundante)


cheapbytes debian 2.0 installation

1998-09-29 Thread Joe Smith
I am having some problems installing debian 2.0 with 
3 archive CDS from Cheapbytes.

I installed base packages off the debian binary cd.

Basically, now what?
i have to say : /dev/hdc as my cdrom
then, i have to say that /debian is my top directory
it finds .../binary-i386/Packages.gz 
and something else
but cannot find contrib, non-us, non-free, and local.
how do i tell it to use the other cds.
I cannot tell it to use the /RedHat/contrib on the 
Archive CD1.

by the way, i can find contrib, but i cannot find non-us,
non-free, or local.  where on the other cds are they?

Get your free address at

Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-09-29 Thread servis
*- Mrpeabody wrote about Moniter screen is wavy.
| My moniter screen has become wavy.  When you look at it it seems to
| move.  I have a 21 inch dell moniter and a stb nvidia video card.  My
| moniter used to be fine but I recently moved it and now it is wavy like
| a day after I moved it.  Has perment damage been done?
| -jeff

Well, check to make sure your monitor is not near any unshielded power
supplies or transformers.  I recently bought a scanner that used a
transformer for its power. When I plugged it into my power switch that
the monitor sits on the display began to wiggle and wave.  Are there
any other crt tubes near by?  A TV or monitor on the other side of the

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

gnome 0.30.

1998-09-29 Thread Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva

Yes, I do like gnome and so I was waiting 0.30. It was uploaded do
slink today (thanks Jim Pick, man, you are preatty fast) and I already
have it home.

Only a little problem. Gnome and KDE conflict. They write information
about their packges (to each panel menu) in the same directory. The
result is that if you have both you'll get messy menus (from gnome
panel at least). I thought I've read sometime ago that this bug
would be fixed in the this gnome release (it was introduced in
0.27). Have plans changed?  When is it going to be fixed?

Thank you all.


Another PPP newbie.

1998-09-29 Thread Monte Copeland
After having trouble using PPP to connect my new Linux O.S. so that I 
could ftp the Debian packages, I sent an email to my ISP provider 
asking what type of conncection they have, thinking that it might use 
chap or pap. But the ISP tech supporter replied that it was a 
standard text login that asks for username: then Password:. I 
added those exact same words to /etc/chatscripts/provider file and I 
finally managed to connect my linux o.s. to isp using the ppp 
program. This program is the one that uses pon and poff. But  
about 30 seconds after the connection has been established, I am 
disconected. Using plog to observe what was happening It seems that a 
connection is istablished because DNS numbers and hexa decimal jargon 
is being tranffered back forth. Then the connection is terminated. I 
wish I could send you text copy of the output of plog, but being a 
newbie to Linux I do not know how to tranfer files to my other hard 
drive, which has Win95 installed on it. I need to know is it Linux 
that is disconnecting me from my ISP or is it the ISP that is having 
trouble recognizing Linux's ppp program. If it is a Linux problem 
does anyone have a solution. 

Monte Copeland  Knoxville TN 

Re: Redirect printer output to email?

1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 23, 1998 at 09:58:35AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
  This isn't specifically Debian-related, but if I can get this done it'll be
  a major score on campus for Linux in general and Debian specifically.
  Can I print from a Win95 box to a Debian queue and route that output to an
  email message as well as to a printer?
 Easy. Use lprng. It can daisychain filters. Read stdin, pass the data to
 stdout and at the same time pass the relevant data to a pine to mail. Use
 the second filter to talk to samba to get the file printed.
 BTW, sounds really interesting.

This sounds like a method I'd like to try, but I'm too new at Linux/Unix
to have much of a clue. Could you possibly give me a snippet of example
of what my /etc/printcap should look like for this, as well as a general
idea of what the email filter would look like, and how to daisychain
them together? Thanks.

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-09-29 Thread Britton

I have problems starting ppp as a normal user also that I have not been
able to cure by mucking with permissiont in /etc and elsewhere.  Mind
firing off a quick ls -l /etc/ppp*?  I'd really appreciate it.

GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always.

Britton Kerin

On 27 Aug 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

  s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 s | /etc/chatscripts/provider:
 s | -rw-r-   1 root dip   512 Aug 14 22:29 provider
 s BINGO!  I found that the group read bit was not on on this file. 
 s Changed that and I am a happy camper now.  In fact I just dialed in to
 s send this mail using my user account.
 But this is strange. pppd is setuid root. So it should be able to
 read any file, right?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

XEmacs/VM with procmail

1998-09-29 Thread Paul Kunysch


Procmail writes some of my mails into seperate files when they arrive.
VM sometimes complains, that my Digest-Mailboxes were changed in
background, and so I have to overwrite them with the old version
or I'll lose my changes.
What's the official solution to this problem?

[ PS: Is the X-Face-Header [X]Emacs-specific? ]


Re: Login from a Terminal

1998-09-29 Thread G. Crimp

I've a friend who just installed Debian 2.0 on a 486.  He reads
through a talking terminal.  Under a Slackware (don't know what version) he
used to type agetty 9600 ttyS0 vt100.  He says this doesn't work with the
new installation.  I don't know anything about getty.  A look at the man
page suggests that this is an appropriate command.

Does anyone know what he needs to do to get this to work ?



unable to connect to ttyS1

1998-09-29 Thread Packy Anderson
Hi.  I'm currently running a Debian 1.3 system, and I'm working on putting
together a Hamm system to replace it.  I'm trying to get a ppp connection
running on an external modem plugged into COM2 of the Hamm system and I'm
having no luck.

First, I defined the connection and then 'pon' to start the connection.  
No dice.  /var/log/ppp.log contained the following lines:

pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
tcgetattr: input/output error (5)

Ok, I went back a few steps.  I pulled down the PPP-HowTo and slog
through the advice it has (which isn't 100% the same as the default Hamm
setup).  I discovered that using Minicom, I didn't get any response to AT
commands sent to /dev/ttyS1.

I rebooted the system and use Lilo to boot MS-Dog.  Kermit saw a modem on
COM2 and I was even able to use it to dial my ISP and transfer some more
stuff to my new system.  So the modem/serial port/phone line *do* work.

Back to Linux (stopping by the BIOS setup on the way to note COM2's I/O
address and IRQ: 2f8, IRQ 3).  I did a 'setserial /dev/ttyS1':

/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3

I searched the mailing lists, and everybody else who was having similar
problems was using Plug-n-Pray internal modems.  No responses seemed to
apply to a built-in serial port.

So I'm stumped.  I'm guessing it's a conflict of some kind, but it's a
little too subtle for my experience level.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Packy AndersonDardan Web Assoc. 518/266-1226
CEO/Webmaster PO Box 94
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Troy, NY 12181-0094
   Localized advertising solutions for a World-Wide Web.


1998-09-29 Thread Bostjan JERKO
Hello !

When I want to print *.eps files my printer (HP 4L) doesn't eject at the end of 
Is this normal or should I add something to printcap ? I use magicfilter and 
print with lpr command (on local printer).


Re: Segmentation Faults

1998-09-29 Thread Mike Acklin
On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 01:53:48AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
  This can indeed be the case.  If you have more than one dimm, or more
  than two simms, you can test this by removing half of your memory, see
  if you get the same errors, then install the other half, and check
  again.  It could also be the processor.  If you are overclocking, stop
  doing that.  If it only occurs after some time, it may be a heating
  problem.  Have a look at the processor and power supply fans.
  You don't happen to run some development kernel I suppose?

For some reason I never received this message. But I downloaded memtest86
and ran it over night and did not find any errors. It ran for about 12 hours
and about 180 reps. 

And no, I not running any of the development kernels. I am running Slink
with linux 2.0.35 kernel images from the slink distribution. 

But I am afraid that George has hit the nail on the head.

 In addition: If you are running a Cyrix 6x86 chip, install the set6x86
 package and reboot. Check the CPU fan, if there is one to make sure it is
 turning. If there is only one system fan that blows air over a CPU
 heatsink, make sure ALL covers and panels are in place and any unused
 slots on the rear panel are covered. Systems such as Gateway and AST
 depend on proper airflow through the box to cool the CPU and missing
 covers and access plates will allow air to escape before taking the proper
 path over the heatsink.

I do have a fan on the cpu and in the PS, but I have always suspected that
the 6x86 is the problem. I am running the PR200+ version and am not running
it overspeed. I just have problems with Winbloze and now it is starting with
Linux. I am going to get some heat sink as you suggested and have already
downloaded the set6x86 and have set the auto-suspend mode on the chip. As
the doc said, if nothing else will set the idle speed to .03 watts verses
the 24 watts that it normally runs. 

Thanks again for everyone's help, esp. George. 

Mike Acklin
Debian User

Adaptec AIC-7890 SCSI under Debian?

1998-09-29 Thread James Brown \(Ender/Gcc\)
Hi All,
I've been trying to install Debian on a P-II, with a ASUS P2B-LS
Motherboard, and a Adaptec AIC-7890 Ultra2 SCSI chipset.

My problem is that Debian's installation program doesnt seem to detect

Has anyone else used a similar setup?
Could someone PLEASE tell me how to get is to work!


X server problems

1998-09-29 Thread Braden N. McDaniel
I've just installed Debian 2.0. While I have some rather superficial
familiarity with Linux in general (have played with a few distributions),
this is my first crack at Debian.

This is what I get when I run startx:

X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE failed
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
giving up
xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2)
xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error

I'm using a board with a Permedia2 chip, so I know I need to get the X
server from SuSE eventually, but right now I'm just trying to get X up and
running with the generic VGA X server. I gather from the messages that
something didn't get installed or configured properly, but I don't know
where to go from there.

Any assistance appreciated. Thanks...


Re: encrypted passwords with pop3/imap/...?

1998-09-29 Thread Dale E. Martin
Ulisses Alonso Camaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I know that one possibility is to use ssh to forward this connections...
 but I can't be sure that users will make use of it...

You can be sure if your firewall disables connections to your mail server,
and then provide directions on how to use ssh to forward the port through
the firewall.  The second method of using ssh in the fetchmail FAQ is
working extremely well for me.  (I _do_ only have two users fetching mail,
though :-))

+  finger for pgp public key  -+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|


1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
I'm wondering if I've been dropped from the list. I haven't seen any
messages in a while, even those I've posted. Could someone reply to to
this message (to me) if this message makes it to the list?


Re: viewing ansi graphics

1998-09-29 Thread Paul Kunysch

  I don't know how to display the higher-ascii characters in the text-mode
  console, but if under X you start an xterm or rxvt or whatever and load
  it with an ansi font (eg xterm -font vga or rxvt -fn vga, you'll need to
  download the font first) then you can properly display all those colored
  blocks and funky characters. If anyone knows how to display these
  characters in text mode, please let me know.

The vga font is included in the dosemu-Package.
A vga13x19 (or something like this) comes with bitchx,
but is too big for most peoples needs.

To change the font for Eterm, use Eterm -F fontname.
( IIRC it's documented as -fn somewhere?!? )

In the console you can use setfont to change to some of the fonts
installed in /usr/share/consolefonts/*. I don't know where to get
a cp437... from, but cp850... is at least a bit better for ANSIs
than my default iso-fonts.

Disabling setfont in the startup-scripts might help. (I didn't try.)


Re: Segmentation Faults

1998-09-29 Thread FRANCK . LEGALL

My experience :

Some time ago I bought 2*16 Mo of 60ns memory. I had them to my 2*8 Mo of 60ns
Memory.  After reboot, the system send me error messages, especially concerning
the harddisk. I tried a lot of thing as inverting memories, asking for
new ones at my
vendor, installing the setx86 package (I am using a cyrix P166+)...The problem
always appeared as soon as I was using the 2*16Mo memories.

I tried the memtest package. It didn't notice anything, all things
seemed to be ok, even
if the system showed problems at boot.

I resolved my problem by saying my bios it was 70ns memories. Now, all
the things
go right...


On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 01:53:48AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  This can indeed be the case.  If you have more than one dimm, or more
  than two simms, you can test this by removing half of your memory, see
  if you get the same errors, then install the other half, and check
  again.  It could also be the processor.  If you are overclocking, stop
  doing that.  If it only occurs after some time, it may be a heating
  problem.  Have a look at the processor and power supply fans.
  You don't happen to run some development kernel I suppose?

For some reason I never received this message. But I downloaded memtest86
and ran it over night and did not find any errors. It ran for about 12 hours
and about 180 reps.

And no, I not running any of the development kernels. I am running Slink
with linux 2.0.35 kernel images from the slink distribution.

But I am afraid that George has hit the nail on the head.

 In addition: If you are running a Cyrix 6x86 chip, install the set6x86
 package and reboot. Check the CPU fan, if there is one to make sure it is
 turning. If there is only one system fan that blows air over a CPU
 heatsink, make sure ALL covers and panels are in place and any unused
 slots on the rear panel are covered. Systems such as Gateway and AST
 depend on proper airflow through the box to cool the CPU and missing
 covers and access plates will allow air to escape before taking the proper
 path over the heatsink.

I do have a fan on the cpu and in the PS, but I have always suspected that
the 6x86 is the problem. I am running the PR200+ version and am not running
it overspeed. I just have problems with Winbloze and now it is starting with
Linux. I am going to get some heat sink as you suggested and have already
downloaded the set6x86 and have set the auto-suspend mode on the chip. As
the doc said, if nothing else will set the idle speed to .03 watts verses
the 24 watts that it normally runs.

Thanks again for everyone's help, esp. George.

Mike Acklin
Debian User

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Routing a print job to a temp file

1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
I asked this earlier, and got a few hints, but after trying everything I
could think of (yes, including RTM), I'm not much closer than I was when
I started.

I need some way to capture a print job and reroute a copy of it to an
email message. I would appreciate specific examples if you can provide


There is necesary libc5-altdev to compile

1998-09-29 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Dear Debian users :

I am having problems with the and/or with the libc6. I released 
my bo

linux to hamm 2 week ago. I used the program.

The upgrading was fine and without big problems. However the myself 

programs, after the upgrading, do not run anymore. The programs stop with 
SIGSEGV signal

after calling to getpid(). So, I decided compile the library

For compile the library the Makefile call to the program


and need the sharedlib.h header. These files are provided by the libc5-altd*.

It is right? I am thing the hamm release depend in libc6 nor in libc5.

Thank in advances.



   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Re: LPC error: Can't open connection

1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:
 I'm new to Linux/Unix; don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying to set up a
 printer/beeper combo (see earlier messages), but I seem to have broken
 my printing capability. To eliminate complications, I've commented out
 everything except the following from my /etc/printcap file.
 lp|Nimrod|HPNimrod|HP LaserJet 4SiMX:\
 Now, whenever I do lpc reread all, I get the error message cannot
 open connection to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection refused. I can however
 do an lpc reread lp or lp reread HPNimrod, etc. The same situation
 happens when I try lpc printcap all vs lpc printcap HPNimrod The
 first command gives the error. The second command does not appear to do
 In case it's relevant, here's the permissions on my /var/spool/lpd
 drwxr-sr-x  2   rootlp  1024 Sep 28 10:54 HPNimrod
 drwxr_xr_x  2   rootlp  1024 Sep 23 08:52 beeper
 Also, in case it's relevant, contrary to what I've read in Running
 Linux, a ps ax command does not show me any lpd daemon.I have been
 able to print before to this printer from this box, and I think even
 then I never saw an lpd daemon when I did a ps ax command.
 Back in the Windows world, I'd reboot and expect things to start working
 again, but I'm trying to prove to myself that's not needed in Linux.
 I hope someone can point me to a solution.
 Kent West

Never mind; I'm an idiot. Just for kicks, I typed in lpd and it acted
like it started. Then my printing started working properly again.
Apparently my eyes just never would let me see the lpd daemon when I'd
do a ps ax.

SLIP6 connects byt does nothihg

1998-09-29 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
After some diddling, I'm trying SLIP in addition to PPP (hardware
flow control is killing me).

I seem to be successfully making a SLIP6 connection, but it doesn't

Given the troubles with my hardware flow control  PPP, I've tried
SLIP.  I've installed sliplogin  slirp at both ends, and both
kernels have a module for slip with 6 bit.

The cnnection claims to start:

CONNECTED to with address
 mode SLIP6
Found protocol SLIP6  returning 3
Got protonr = 3
hawkins:/home/hawk# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
eyry.econ.iasta * UH0  00 sl0   *   U 0  00 lo
default eyry.econ.iasta UG1  00 sl0

but I can't get any life from the connection: 

hawkins:/home/hawk# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes

will sit forever without a response.

Am I missing something that's necessary to make the connection usable?


Re: Diamond 3D 2000 with S3V to display 24 bit color

1998-09-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Paul M. Foster wrote:

  I have a Diamond 3D 2000 video card. The chip is S3 Virge. The
  memory of the videocard is 4 meg. 
 I have an identical setup, and am running the XF86_SVGA server with 32 bit
 color. I had some difficulty getting this set up, but it runs fine now. I
 used XF86Setup to tweak everything, and then when I was done there was a
 little program (can't remember the name) which allowed you to adjust the
 image on the monitor (left, right, up, down, etc.)

According to /usr/doc/X11/README.S3V:

o 32bpp is limited to a width of  1024 pixels.  (1024x768 is not possible,
  even if you have the memory.)  This is a hardware limit of ViRGE chips.
Are you running at a lower resolution, or are the docs out of date?  I
have a Stealth 3D 2000 (4MB), and I was never able to get it to run in
1024x768/32bpp, and I assumed based on the docs that I wouldn't be able
to.  When I tried running X in this configuration, I got an error
message that seemed to confirm the problem that was mentioned in the 
docs.  Please email me the appropriate sections of you XF86Config, if
you could, so I could try getting 32bpp working on my system.  Thanks in

BTW, the program you mention is named xvidtune.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


lost dir in /usr/info

1998-09-29 Thread Obi
Hi all,

sometimes ago I had a crash and I ended up loosing the dir file in the
/usr/info directory. How can I recreate it? 


Linux in the _near_ future

1998-09-29 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi all

Mozilla Free, X-Designer port, Oracle port, Informix port, IBM's DB2 port,
Sybase port, X11 free again, Netscape and Intel joins to Redhat...

Seems that Linux in last monts is getting lot of respect from major
vendors, and the next step seems to be more commercial applications for

I'm a Debian GNU/Linux active fan and so I will becuase I do not depend on
commercial applications, at least I don't think it will happen to me in
the near future...

But... these major vendors, and future commercial developpers seems to be
making support for some distributions, sometimes they are bundled as CDE
for Redhat Linux, etc...

I think this is no good for Linux, I would like to know if Debian will can
adress this, does the Linux standarization effort (Linux Standard
Base, etc...) will adress this? What does think companies and Linux

I think this is a good theme for an article these days

Any comment will be greatly appreciated,

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


Re: SAMBA: Help!!

1998-09-29 Thread Fredrik Ax
On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, bmorgan wrote:

 This is a reposting of a previous message.  I'm starting to get
 desperate.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
 I'm having trouble connecting to my debian machine from my windows
 machine using samba.  I've successfully done this before, but now I've
 got several users connecting to the samba server for IP printing to
 jet-direct boxes.  Right now, I've got my SMB.CONF file set so that it
 uses the workgroup linux and security = user.  All my users should
 be able to connect with the same login name (student), and no password.
 Is it possible for multiple users to connect to the samba server all
 using the same login name?  Or do I need to have a separate account for
 everyone who connects (the latter would NOT be a good scenario, if I can
 avoid it).  Is there something else I need to set in the smb.conf file
 to allow multiple users with the same login name?  Perhaps the security
 = parameter?

If you use security = share no user/password information at all is
needed to access the public shares on the machine. But if you like to
restrict the access you will have to do it for each and every share in

shares example:

  comment = Public read only
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  public = yes
  path = /public_readable_path

  comment = Read/write for all
  browseable = yes
  writable = yes
  public = yes
  path = /public_writable_path

  comment = Read/write for user student
  browseable = yes
  writable = yes
  public = no
  path = /student_path
  valid users = student

Good luck

can't get smartlist working under Debian

1998-09-29 Thread slist
I tried sending this to the smartlist list but have had no response.
Anyone here got smartlist working and can help?



- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Sep 28 18:02:59 1998
Resent-Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 15:24:31 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: can't get smartlist working under Debian
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:17:58 + (GMT)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL39 (25)]
Resent-Message-ID: Ai_M-C.A.f8B.d24D2@campino
X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive/latest/5736
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have installed smartlist and procmail under Debian (Hamm).  I seem to have
made the necessary changes in sendmail.rc and (I think).  

I can use createlist successfully and have put the aliases in /etc/aliases
and run newaliases which counts them in.  Trouble is that if I email the new
list request ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I get nothing back.  Copying
to other accounts on the same machine and elsewhere shows general delivery 
going O.K.

After the line showing that the message was passed to
|/var/list/.bin/flist test  /var/log/mail.log shows a complaint:
Sep 28 13:02:10 psyctc1 procmail[9053]: Error while writing to log

I assume that I've managed to get a permission wrong on a log file that
procmail wants to log its actions to or that I've failed to create
the file.  Trouble is that I can't find any documentation mentioning
logging when procmail is being invoked directly by sendmail.

Can someone help me?  I'm no unix wizard or programmer but I have a
lot of experience of running lists on mailbase and NTmail and I'd like
to transfer to smartlist and Debian but I'm stuck now.  Advice 
gratefully received.


- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

instructions for setting up Wacom ArtPad

1998-09-29 Thread Ernest G Austin

Eric House wrote:-

 I've borrowed a Wacom Artpad for use with the Gimp (1.0) on bo.  But
 all the searches I've tried for information on configuring my system
 to use the tablet have turned up nothing.

I found the following url useful:-


Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
I used magicfilter to generate a printcap.  
when I tried to print something out, it gives me the following

connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused   
job 'cfA468virge' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Could anyone tell me where I did wrong??



Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: Another PPP newbie.

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang

check out /var/log/messages, see what is the error.
My guess is that you have to set the option noauth.

try change the line from auth to noauth in your /etc/ppp/options.

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Monte Copeland wrote:

 After having trouble using PPP to connect my new Linux O.S. so that I 
 could ftp the Debian packages, I sent an email to my ISP provider 
 asking what type of conncection they have, thinking that it might use 
 chap or pap. But the ISP tech supporter replied that it was a 
 standard text login that asks for username: then Password:. I 
 added those exact same words to /etc/chatscripts/provider file and I 
 finally managed to connect my linux o.s. to isp using the ppp 
 program. This program is the one that uses pon and poff. But  
 about 30 seconds after the connection has been established, I am 
 disconected. Using plog to observe what was happening It seems that a 
 connection is istablished because DNS numbers and hexa decimal jargon 
 is being tranffered back forth. Then the connection is terminated. I 
 wish I could send you text copy of the output of plog, but being a 
 newbie to Linux I do not know how to tranfer files to my other hard 
 drive, which has Win95 installed on it. I need to know is it Linux 
 that is disconnecting me from my ISP or is it the ISP that is having 
 trouble recognizing Linux's ppp program. If it is a Linux problem 
 does anyone have a solution. 
 Monte Copeland  Knoxville TN 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: viewing ansi graphics

1998-09-29 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Christopher Barry wrote:

 Heh heh, I remember the days of DOS and BBSing and The Draw and DOOM II
 and MODs and demos

Oh, I miss those days.
 I don't know how to display the higher-ascii characters in the text-mode
 console, but if under X you start an xterm or rxvt or whatever and load
 it with an ansi font (eg xterm -font vga or rxvt -fn vga, you'll need to
 download the font first) then you can properly display all those colored
 blocks and funky characters. If anyone knows how to display these
 characters in text mode, please let me know.

Me Too.
 I'm thinking it might be possible with the 2.1.x kernels, because they
 let you display all kinds of weird things in text mode like yellow
 prompts and graphical penguins, IIRC. But I may be wrong.

If anyone finds out about this... :) I want to know..

BTW: Thedraw was the best program... Aciddraw was good too.. 

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 00D Keyboard locked - Try anything you can think of.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Question about installing the non-free pakages

1998-09-29 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Chan Min Wai wrote:

 I want to install Kde from my contribe CD and the dselece said iit
 need the qtd1 so I look for it in the non-free site and then downloaded
 Now I have one question.
 How to install this pakages and all the other pakages with .deb
 Thank you.

dpkg -i package file.deb

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 012 System crash - We are unable to figure out our own code.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Vi problem!

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
Does anyone aware of this situation:
When you run vi, if you are in the command
mode, and then resize your xterm, the text will not
be redisplayed unless you hit some keys..

When you in the input mode, it will give you the
message: Window resize interrupted the input mode...

I have used vi for a long time, and this is the first   
time I met this problem.


Anyone knows how to fix it??




Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi Shao!

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:

 Hi all,
 I used magicfilter to generate a printcap.
 when I tried to print something out, it gives me the following
 connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused 
 job 'cfA468virge' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed
 Could anyone tell me where I did wrong??  

You didn't do anything wrong

Instead you should check:

What printer daemon does I have? (lpr or lprng) -- I suggest lprng
To check this: dpkg -i | grep lpr

Does it is running?
To check this: ps ax | more
You should see a process like lpd or LPD

Does it is run at startup?
To check this: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*lp*

Check /var/log/ and /var/spool/lpd files for error message diagnostics

Show us all this and the output of the lpc status command


- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at



1998-09-29 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
I upgraded from Slackware to Debian 2.0. Now vacation does not work
correctly anymre, and I get an e-mail from the MAILER-DAEMON telling

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 |/usr/bin/vacation alpenr ... failed: transport pipe: child returned status
EX_1 (1)

What could be wrong?


Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-09-29 Thread Johann Spies
Thanks George,

I nearly got exim to work. But after waisting another 6 hours I do not
know how further.

I can now receive messages from the ISP into the /var/spool/exim/input
directory and read them there with emacs.  Mail rarely gets through to
/var/spool/mail/jhspies and when that happens, I cannot tell why the next
does not do the same.

Nothing was received by procmail although there was a ~/.forward file.

Sometimes it seems as if exim just sends the mail back to the ISP to be
received again when I dial up again.

I do not understand all the questions of the configuration script and do
not know what to answer.

After two years of using linux it seems to become more user unfriendly as
far as setting up mail is concerned.

My .fetchmailrc also have to change for exim but I do not know how.  At
one stage the following setting seemed to work, but not in all cases:

poll protocol pop3:
no dns
user jhspies\
password xx   
#   smtphost localhost
mda exim -bm %s

I had to uninstall exim and reinstall smail to send this mail.

Isn't there a howto on how to set up a single pc with a dialup connection
to an ISP  using exim, fetchmail and procmail?  I know I do not need
procmail if I use exim, but then I have to understand how exim works and I
cannot get it working for a basic system.

Sorry if I sound a bit grumpy, but I am a bit frustrated.  The reason why
I wanted to try out exim was because I get problems with a Sender field
when I use smail.  Some mail servers reject my mail as the following
message illustrates (irrelevant lines removed):

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 550 relaying mail to is not allowed |- 


I have tried to prevent that by the following in my /etc/smail/transports:

smtp:   driver=tcpsmtp,
max_addrs=100,  # limit on number of addresses
inet,  # use route-addr addresses for routing
use_bind,   # resolve MX and multiple A records
defer_no_connect,   # try again if the nameserver is down
-local_mx_okay, # fail an MX to the local host
defnames# use standard domain searching

but that obviously did not work.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.  John 14:1 

Q: FTP install behind Netscape-proxy firewall

1998-09-29 Thread WERNER Péter

I tried FTP install beind a firewall. dselect can't connect to but I can do it by hand. Does anyone have any
experience? I have to use
with our firewall.


PPP Connection Speed

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
Could anyone please help me with this?  

Somehow, I cannot get a fast ppp connection anymore.

In redhat, my ppp connection is normally around 3K/sec. 
But in debian, my ppp connection is around 800bytes/sec.

I had this ppp problem once in RedHat. I initialised my ppp 
when system redhat booted up. The system will keep calling pppd to  
check if my modem is available. so when I turn on my modem, it will 
start dialing. With this configuration, my ppp connection is always 
below 1K/sec. Once I disabled it, it went up to 3K/sec on average.  

So, my guess is there is a similar situation in debian. But 
this time I don't have any idea at all. Could some ppp experts give me  
some tips to work around.   

Thank you in advance.   





Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

OffTopic: PC BIOS Errors

1998-09-29 Thread timothy
Can anyone direct me to an online listing of what all of the PC BIOS
error messages mean?

Date: 29-Sep-98
Time: 07:02:22

This message was sent by XFMail.
Powered by GNU/Linux 2.0.

Debian Troubleshooting Disk

1998-09-29 Thread timothy
Hi again,
Can someone give me an overview of what I would have to do to
make a debian bootdisk with Memtest and e2fsck etc. Just a general overview, so
I can know which Manuals to RTFM.

Date: 29-Sep-98
Time: 07:03:33

This message was sent by XFMail.
Powered by GNU/Linux 2.0.

Re: lost dir in /usr/info

1998-09-29 Thread John Forest
 Obi wrote:
 Hi all,
 sometimes ago I had a crash and I ended up loosing the dir file in the
 /usr/info directory. How can I recreate it? 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Check for /usr/info/dir.old
This might save some time.

Otherwise: man install-info


Re: modem problems

1998-09-29 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sun, 27 Sep 1998, Tracheotomy Bob wrote:

 I am damned if I can get my modem to work under linux. Here's the
 general situation.

 From your symptoms, it seems *very* doubtful that it's a Winmodem, but
*just* for the sake of paranoia, are you sure it's not? Does it work under

 Poking around found wvdial, but according to that I do not have a modem
 installed. I have /dev/ttyS0, S1 and S2 but no modem. It appears that
 /dev/ttyS2 (com3 irq4 jumpered) is configured to be just another com

 No, no, the com port is just the place where Linux will send
information. If there's a modem there, it will receive it and send back
appropriate answers.

 UNLESS... there's an IRQ problem. The symptoms you describe are just
classic IRQ issues. What you need to do is tell Linux that /dev/ttyS2
(COM3 in DOS-speak) is using IRQ 4 instead of IRQ3. Take a look at
/etc/rc.boot/0setserial. In there, you can set ttyS2 to be any IRQ you
like. Try man setserial and the comments in the 0setserial file to see


 Ray Ingles(248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ...Windows - which is often referred to as 'the French labor union
 of software'... - Dave Barry

Re: Novell and Linux (pam_ncp again)

1998-09-29 Thread Christoph Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira) writes:

   Hi Debian users,
 In pratical terms, I have to do this until friday to my users login 
   Linux using Novell account.
 I downloaded, 
 compile, put into /etc/pam_ncp.conf the Novell Server and the README tells 
 about this that I don't understand. What is starred password? The pam_ncp is 
 very RedHat centric.
 The user must be in the password file to allow the user to login.
 If the user hasn't a starred password the password in the file
 will work,
 If the user has a starred password it will go to the Netware server.
   Thanks a lot for any pointers.
   Have a good day,Paulo Henrique

A starred password means there is a * instead of the encrypted
password in the /etc/passwd file.



Christoph Martin, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can't get smartlist working under Debian

1998-09-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == slist  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s I assume that I've managed to get a permission wrong on a log file that
s procmail wants to log its actions to or that I've failed to create
s the file.  Trouble is that I can't find any documentation mentioning
s logging when procmail is being invoked directly by sendmail.

Most likely permissions. One of my lists is called users:

ls -ld /var/list/users/
drwxrws--x   4 list list 1024 Jun 19 00:26 /var/list/users/

ls -l /var/list/users/
total 23
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list4 Nov 15  1997 accept - dist
drwxrws---   3 list list 1024 Jan 13  1998 archive
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   19 Nov 15  1997 archive.txt - 
drwxrws---   2 list list 1024 Feb  2  1998 bounces
-rw-rw   1 list list  433 Apr 28 11:30 dist
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   16 Nov 15  1997 help.txt - 
-rw-rw   1 list list 9580 Apr 28 11:30 log
-rw-rw   1 list list  652 Jun 19 00:26 msgid.cache
-rw-rw   1 list list 4537 Nov 15  1997 rc.custom
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   15 Nov 15  1997 rc.init - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   18 Nov 15  1997 rc.request - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   17 Nov 15  1997 rc.submit - 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   14 Nov 15  1997 reject - ../.etc/reject
-rw-rw   1 list list   16 Nov 15  1997 subscribe.files
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   21 Nov 15  1997 subscribe.txt - 
-rw-rw   1 list list  178 Apr 28 11:30 tmp.from
-rw-rw   1 list list  315 Apr 28 11:30 tmp.request
lrwxrwxrwx   1 list list   23 Nov 15  1997 unsubscribe.txt - 

Maybe it is refering to the log file in this directory.


dpkg --root

1998-09-29 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi all again,

using a directory as a test dir for installing some applications... I
coppied /var/lib/dpkg into it in order to avoid dpkg complains... and then
I install applications using the --root option of dpkg

But this silly trick is not really right, dpkg complains about missing
files of the pre* post* installation scripts

How to setup a clean /var/lib/dpkg, etc.. environment to be used with
dpkg --root?


- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


Re: Login from a Terminal

1998-09-29 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, G. Crimp wrote:

   I've a friend who just installed Debian 2.0 on a 486.  He reads
 through a talking terminal.  Under a Slackware (don't know what version) he
 used to type agetty 9600 ttyS0 vt100.  He says this doesn't work with the
 new installation.  I don't know anything about getty.  A look at the man
 page suggests that this is an appropriate command.
   Does anyone know what he needs to do to get this to work ?

I think that should be 'getty ttyS1 9600 vt100'

To make it start on boot up, try adding the line to /etc/inittab in the
appropriate format. I have my (non-talking) terminal set up as follows in

T1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -L -w ttyS1 19200 vt220

Have a look at 'man getty' and 'man inittab' for more info.

Your friend could use:

T1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS1 9600 vt100


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Jump through hoops? I don't think so. Crawl through Windows? *HELL NO*!!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Recompile Kernel Sound

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
I just recompiled my kernel. Probably, I missed out
an option, or select the wrong option.

My sound module can no longer be inserted properly 
when boots up.

Before I had a line sound in my /etc/modules, and
everything is fine. Now I will have to do insmod sound 
after boot up.

So, anyone can help me??

Regards, Shao.  

Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Shao Ying Zhang

OK! Here is an update on my system with regards to my printing problem:

bash-2.01$ dpkg --list | grep lprng
ii  lprng   3.4.2-5lpr/lpd printer spooling system
ii  lprng-doc   3.4.1-3lpr/lpd printer spooli

bash-2.01$ ps ax | grep LPD
  419  p1 S0:00 grep LPD
bash-2.01$ ps ax | grep lpd
  421  p1 S0:00 grep lpd

*** Oops, how come no lpd is running!!

bash-2.01$ find /etc/rc2.d -name *lp*

bash-2.01$ lpc status
cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection refused

In the file /var/spool/lpd/lp/status.lp, it contains:
opening '/dev/lp1' at 00:32:52, attempt 1, timeout 10, grace 0 at 00:32:52
cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1, sleeping 10
at 00:32:53

But I am sure that Parallel support is compiled in my kernel!!!

But i also have the feeling that it has something to do with the
because I have compiled it for many times

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:
 Hi Shao!
 On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:
  Hi all,
  I used magicfilter to generate a printcap.  
  when I tried to print something out, it gives me the following
  connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused   
  job 'cfA468virge' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed
  Could anyone tell me where I did wrong??
 You didn't do anything wrong
 Instead you should check:
 What printer daemon does I have? (lpr or lprng) -- I suggest lprng
 To check this: dpkg -i | grep lpr
 Does it is running?
 To check this: ps ax | more
 You should see a process like lpd or LPD
 Does it is run at startup?
 To check this: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*lp*
 Check /var/log/ and /var/spool/lpd files for error message diagnostics
 Show us all this and the output of the lpc status command
 Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso
 Version: 2.6.3a
 Charset: latin1
 Comment: PGP public key avaliable at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: X server problems

1998-09-29 Thread Fredrik Ax
On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Braden N. McDaniel wrote:

 I've just installed Debian 2.0. While I have some rather superficial
 familiarity with Linux in general (have played with a few distributions),
 this is my first crack at Debian.
 This is what I get when I run startx:
 X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE failed

You are not using the VGA server. In fact you aren't using any server
at all (/usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE is used when there is no default X

 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 giving up
 xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2)
 xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error
 I'm using a board with a Permedia2 chip, so I know I need to get the X
 server from SuSE eventually, but right now I'm just trying to get X up and
 running with the generic VGA X server. I gather from the messages that
 something didn't get installed or configured properly, but I don't know
 where to go from there.

You must install the VGA server in order to use it.

dpkg -i dists/stable/main/binary-i386/x11/xserver-vga16_3.3.2.3-1.deb

from the root of your Debian distribution.
(substitute binary-i386 with correct binary-folder if not Intel) 
or use dselect to selecet the xserver-vga16 package.

If you have another xserver installed you will, when the package is
configured, be asked if you want to use VGA16 as default instead. 
Answer Yes. If you want to change the default xserver by hand,
edit the file /etc/X11/Xserver.

Good luck

Re: X server problems

1998-09-29 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 29 Sep 98 07:12:15 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:

I've just installed Debian 2.0. While I have some rather superficial
familiarity with Linux in general (have played with a few distributions),
this is my first crack at Debian.

This is what I get when I run startx:

X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_NONE failed

Here's the problem.  You haven't specified which server to run, hence
the XF86_NONE string.  Edit to first line of /etc/X11/Xserver to point
to your desired server (XF86_VGA16).

I'm using a board with a Permedia2 chip, so I know I need to get the X
server from SuSE eventually, but right now I'm just trying to get X up and
running with the generic VGA X server. I gather from the messages that
something didn't get installed or configured properly, but I don't know
where to go from there.

When you've got it going, have a poke around in /etc/X11 for more
files to configure.  Let us know how you get on.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro

Hi again!

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:

 OK! Here is an update on my system with regards to my printing problem:
 bash-2.01$ lpc status
 cannot open connection to [EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Connection refused
 In the file /var/spool/lpd/lp/status.lp, it contains:
 opening '/dev/lp1' at 00:32:52, attempt 1, timeout 10, grace 0 at 00:32:52
 cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1, sleeping 10
 at 00:32:53
 But I am sure that Parallel support is compiled in my kernel!!!

As module or within the kernel?

Check the parallel driver is available dmesg | less

Also make sure it is really lp1, usually in PCs LPT1 = /dev/lp0
I think this will change in new 2.2 kernels when LPT1 will be
/dev/lp1  (I do not know why)

Tell me If you can't solve this



Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Antal Ritter

On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 10:23:50PM +1000, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:
 OK! Here is an update on my system with regards to my printing problem:
 bash-2.01$ dpkg --list | grep lprng
 ii  lprng   3.4.2-5lpr/lpd printer spooling system
 ii  lprng-doc   3.4.1-3lpr/lpd printer spooli

I had a similar problem yesterday. It seems to me that lprng is 
realy quite compatible with the old lpr, except that it cannot 
read the printcap file... Magicfilter generates a printcap file 
that is good for lpr, but not for lprng. I re-installed lpr and 
now I can print.



1998-09-29 Thread Felix E. Klee

I am trying to install Debian 2 on my computer.

However when I select Next: Partition a Hard Disk
from the installation menu I get a message that
no hard disks where found.

I have a DAWICONTROL DC-2975 U SCSI Controler with a CDROM
and an IBM UW HD connected to it. The HD is connected via 
an U to UW adapter.

Below is more information to the problem.

Any clues what is causing this?

Thanks for any advice,


The file boot.bat which I call from DOS:
 @echo off
 smartdrv /c
 loadlin.exe linux ro ncr53c8xx=wide:0 initrd=root.bin root=/dev/ram

The startup messages I get in LINUX:
 ncr53c8xx: at PCI bus 0, device 12, function 0
 ncr53c8xx: 53c875 detected
 ncr53c875-0: rev=0x04, base=0xdd80, io_port=0xd400, irq=11
 ncr53c875-0: ID 6, Fast-20, Paritiy Checking
 ncr53c875-0: on-board RAM at 0xdd00
 ncr53c875-0: restart (scsi reset).
 ncr53c875-0: copying script fragments into the on-board RAM ...
 scsi0 : ncr53c8xx - revision 2.4a
 scsi : 1 host.
   Vendor: PIONEER   Model: CD-ROM DR-U16SREV: 1.01
   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision:  02
 Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0
 scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom total.

Re: Installation Issues

1998-09-29 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Brian Armstrong wrote:

 I recently installed Debian Linux, the most recent version, and have had
 difficulty installing Netscape and Staroffice.  It seems to need Motif
 or something similiar.  Man pages and readme files have helped my setup
 of Debian Linux and xwindows.  However, I need help learning what files
 are necessary for Netscape and Staroffice to work (manual links might
 have to be done).  I already know that Libc5 files are needed for
 Netscape (4.05) and Staroffice (4).  Perhaps the best work around is
 download the latest release of Netscape and Staroffice.  However, I
 can't do this until I have a working internet connection (it dails but
 cannot establish handshaking).
The solution MAY be to install libc5-compat files. i think this means
files in oldlibs/ directory of Hamm.
Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: MSS/WSS Recording?

1998-09-29 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
I have done it for my Aztech's WaveRider card. It required a change in
driver's source:
I have modified the dev_table.h file to define the second DMA channel for
MSS compatible cards the patch follows:

 #define MSS_DMA2 (0)

Of course you may modify the MSS_DMA2 value adjusting it according to
your needs.
I hope this will help...
Wojtek Zabolotny

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Joe Lillibridge wrote:

 I've been trying for a long long time to record with my CS4231 MSS/WSS
 sound card.
 My BIOS says that WSS Capture DMA is 1.  Play is 0.  On boot,
 I get this message.
 MSS audio codec (CS4231) at 0x534 irq 11 dma 0,0
 I assume it should read: MSS audio codec (CS4231) at 0x534 irq 11 dma 0,1
 There's only one entry for MSS DMA though.  How can I fix this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: slink release date?

1998-09-29 Thread C. R. Oldham

E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

 If there is anything in particular you need from slink, you can just download 
 it and

 install it on a hamm system most of the time.

How can I do this with dselect/apt?  I tried, and I think I've really messed up 
list that tells dpkg what's installed on my system.  Now, no matter what I type 
in the
directory list in the Access method dselect always tells me that there are later
versions of everything available, but it won't install any of them.

  /-Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham   | NCA Commission on Schools -\
 /[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Arizona State University  _-\
/-V:602/965-8700 F:602/965-9423 | Tempe, AZ  USA   X_-\

Re: wrong From: and/or Return-Path:

1998-09-29 Thread Russ Cook
I need help with smail.  I tried following the advice given below to
Debian user.  It got me close, but not quite there.
My Debian account (home pc) is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My full name is (Russell Cook).

Here is the result of my attempt to send mail from my home machine
to my office machine.
 test message follows
From: russcook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  test message
Create Date:  Monday, September 28, 1998 8:09 PM
Send Date:Wednesday, December 31, 1969 7:00 PM
Certify:  N
This is a test message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] after reconfiguring smail.

End test message

In the file /etc/smail/maps/from I put my Debian account names in the left
and my account name in the right hand column.  Did I do this
or backwards?  For example,
russ[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Russell Cook)

If someone would like to see my config files, I'd be happy to post them. 
I'm not at my
home machine right now.
Is there a web site where I can read smail docs and FAQs? The documentation
on my
machine is in info format or some such, and I don't know how to format it
for reading.

Also, I use fetchmail and Pine to read my mail.  Fetchmail connects, and
retrieves my mail - 
I have verbose set, so I know it connects and transfers messages, and I
have the keep option
active.  However, no messages are saved on my machine. 
/var/spool/mail/russ is a zero length
file.  The mail does not seem to be in my home directory either.  Can
anyone suggest things
to check?

This is a long post.  I hope someone can help.


Russell Cook, Engineering Branch
WSR-88D Operational Support Facility
(405)366-6520 x4237

 From: Martin Bialasinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian Userslist
 Subject: Re: wrong From: and/or Return-Path:
 Date: Sunday, September 27, 1998 10:53 AM
  HMG == Horacio Menezo Ganau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 [Headerrewriting with smail]
 HMG Please, send any answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I don't
think a
 HMG reply to this message will work (in fact, if I try to make a reply
to any of
 Well, I send it to the list. Shouldn't be a problem, right?
 Try this (I got it from someone else some time ago):
   driver=smarthost, transport=smtp-remap;
 - -[/etc/smail/transports]-
   driver=tcpsmtp, max_addrs=100, -max_chars, inet,
${lookup:from:lsearch{maps/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ($from:
   insert_header=Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
${lookup:from:lsearch{maps/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ($from:
   use_bind, defer_no_connect, -local_mx_okay, defnames
 - -[/etc/smail/maps/from]-
 root  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
 martinb   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Bialasinski)
 robot [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Testuser)
 - -[end]-
 So, smail will use the address on the right for the user on the
 left. If the user is not found in the file, the default address in the 
 transports file will be used.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
 What printer daemon does I have? (lpr or lprng) -- I suggest lprng
 To check this: dpkg -i | grep lpr

This question is from Kent, not Shao.

So, can I understand this to mean that lprng is a newer/better version
of lpr?

When I tried the above command as a normal user, I got the following:
dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `start-stop-deamon' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and

So I figured the problem was that I wasn't logged in as root. So I su'd,
and tried the command again. This time I got:

dpkg: --install needs at least one package archive file argument

and then some help information. I double-checked the command and I had
the syntax the way you specified. Do I have something wrong with my


Re: Vi problem!

1998-09-29 Thread Steve Tremblett
On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:

 Hi all,
 Does anyone aware of this situation:
 When you run vi, if you are in the command
 mode, and then resize your xterm, the text will not
 be redisplayed unless you hit some keys..
 When you in the input mode, it will give you the
 message: Window resize interrupted the input mode...
 I have used vi for a long time, and this is the first
 time I met this problem. 

It isn't a problem - it is a warning not to do that.  Generally, apps
that rely on screen geometry (ie ncurses based etc) take their settings
upon initialization, and resizes afterward can confuse the software, if
not properly written.  I always stick to 25-35 lines  80 columns because
if you get comfortable with some weird maximized xterm everything you
type will look bizarre to anyone else who reads it.

Steve Tremblett
QNX Technical Support

junkbuster busting *everything* not in cache

1998-09-29 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

hmm, junkbuster worked for a while, happily blocked the ads, but after 
a few minutess, *everything* gets blocked.  If I click on a page I 
haven't opened before, i get a message saying that netscape's 
connection was refused by the server, and that i should try back later .

all i've found to stop this is to turn the proxy off.

rick, who'd find shutting off animated gifs more useful anyway


Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread M.C. Vernon

  What printer daemon does I have? (lpr or lprng) -- I suggest lprng
  To check this: dpkg -i | grep lpr

This is an error - it should be 

dpkg -l |grep lpr

(that is a lower case L)

 and then some help information. I double-checked the command and I had
 the syntax the way you specified. Do I have something wrong with my



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Printing Problem

1998-09-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 KW == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What printer daemon does I have? (lpr or lprng) -- I suggest lprng
 To check this: dpkg -i | grep lpr

KW So, can I understand this to mean that lprng is a newer/better version
KW of lpr?

I think it is rather another printdaemon. But ng is New Generation
IIRC, so...

KW When I tried the above command as a normal user, I got the following:
KW dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
KW dpkg: `start-stop-deamon' not found on PATH.
KW dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
KW dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
KW dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
KW NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and
KW /sbin.

The correct option to dpkg is -l, not -i
So try dpkg -l lpr*


HP Laserjet 6L for Linux?

1998-09-29 Thread Mrpeabody
I'm looking to get a printer for my linux box.  I was wondering if the
HP Laserjet 6L would work with my linux machine?  Most of the hardware
compatability lists seem kinda out to date and its hard to find out what
newer stuff is supported.

Re: HP Laserjet 6L for Linux?

1998-09-29 Thread John Kloss

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:
 I'm looking to get a printer for my linux box.  I was wondering if the
 HP Laserjet 6L would work with my linux machine?  Most of the hardware
 compatability lists seem kinda out to date and its hard to find out what
 newer stuff is supported.

I use an HP Laserjet 6L with my linux box. It works well. I set up
apsfilter and chose the hpljet4 postscript interpreter (?) for ghostscript
and everything works great. at any rate, it's really easy to set up using
either magicfilter or apsfilter.


- John Kloss

Re: dpkg(install in /usr/local)

1998-09-29 Thread Ed Cogburn
Shao Ying Zhang wrote:
 Hi all,
 Could anyone teach me how to use dpkg to install in a specific
 directory, such as /usr/local/.

That would defeat the purpose of dpkg.  The maintainers of the deb
packages decide (based on File System Standard and Debian policy) where
the files should go so you don't have worry about manually installing
software.  Additionally, /usr/local/ is offlimits to dpkg/Debian,
because policy says this is reserved for local users (you) to install
software not available as a deb package.
The bottom line is that deb packages can only be installed in the
locations specified in the deb package.

Ed C.

Re: simple password

1998-09-29 Thread Ed Cogburn
Phillip Neumann wrote:
 Ed Cogburn wrote:
   I have now my password as `password123`. I still want to put it as 
  If you are really unconcerned with security, then why use a 
  password at
  all?  Just hit Enter for the password (it will complain; just confirm
  it) and from then on just hit enter for the password.
  On the other hand, if security is somewhat of an issue, then *don't*
  use password.  This is one of the first things a cracker would try.
  Ed C.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Dont be so innocent ;-), of course i have not put my password as ``password'' 
 , it was just
 an example...

???  And how was I supposed to know that was an example?  Its not
unheard of to find a new computer user using 'password' as their
password.  Nothing 'innocent' about it.

Ed C.

Re: [980928.0004] Re: june 1998 CDrom disk set - Debian

1998-09-29 Thread Tech Support Staff
The reason that we shipped the LDR with Debian 1.3 instead of 
waiting for 2.0 was that we were already a month past our estimated 
release date and the Debian guys told us that 2.0 wouldn't be released 
until the end of July.  It had already been pushed back several times 
and we had no promise that it would REALLY be available at the end of July.  
Also, we had been asked not to distribute a beta version of debian 2.0. 
The CD jackets had been printed and we did inform our distributors of 
this distribution. 

 InfoMagic tech support. 

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 07:55:38AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Infomagic labelled Debian 2.0 containing 1.3.1]
  Hum. Wonder what they had in mind? I thought I purchased the 2.0
  release, but it is clearly an error.
 It is. This is the umpteenth mistake wrt Debian Infomagic have made with
 their CD set. I cannot currently in good conscience recommend their CD set
 to anyone interested in Debian .
 They've put unstable versions on CD (ever wonder why there was never a
 Debian 1.0?), put broken packages and broken hierarchies on CD, etc. We
 started producing official ISO 9660 CD images specifically so that these
 types of problem would no longer occur, but IIRC, they chose to ignore the
 official CD images.
 To Infomagic: your track record wrt Debian is very bad, and frankly, I think
 that you're doing a disservice to the Linux community in general, and the
 Debian community specifically by distributing broken Debian CDs.
 Unfortunately, in many places outside the US, yours is the only CD set that
 is easily available. As such, I'd hate to see you drop Debian. Please use up
 to date official Debian CD images, or, if for some reason that's not an
 option for you, ask people on the list to help
 you in producing working up to date, properly working Debian CDs.
 Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
 on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
 where no data has gone before. 

Please include all previous correspondence when replying to email from
us.  This allows us to assist you faster.

Also check for additional online support:

Tech Support Desk   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
InfoMagic, Inc 
11950 N. Highway 89   +1-520-526-9852 
Flagstaff, AZ  86004  +1-520-526-9573   (FAX)

... We're Simply The Best !

Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-09-29 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:

 My moniter screen has become wavy.  When you look at it it seems to
 move.  I have a 21 inch dell moniter and a stb nvidia video card.  My
 moniter used to be fine but I recently moved it and now it is wavy like
 a day after I moved it.  Has perment damage been done?

 First thing to check is interference. If you have changed any cards, 
did you put in all the metal covers for the slots on the back of the
computer? Is the case sealed? Check the cable to the monitor, move it away
from other cables and see if the screen improves. Move the monitor around
a bit, see if the picture gets worse or better in different places.

 If none of that works, start looking at actual hardware problems.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If all the muscles in your body pulled in the same direction, you
 could lift over twenty tons. But you'd walk funny. - L. M. Boyd

Re: PPP Connection Speed

1998-09-29 Thread dsb3
On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Shao Ying Zhang wrote:

Somehow, I cannot get a fast ppp connection anymore. 
In redhat, my ppp connection is normally around 3K/sec. 
But in debian, my ppp connection is around 800bytes/sec. 
I had this ppp problem once in RedHat. I initialised my ppp when
system redhat booted up. The system will keep calling pppd to check if my
modem is available. so when I turn on my modem, it will start dialing.
With this configuration, my ppp connection is always below 1K/sec. Once I
disabled it, it went up to 3K/sec on average. 
So, my guess is there is a similar situation in debian. But this
time I don't have any idea at all. Could some ppp experts give me some
tips to work around. 

two things you might check:

does redhat have bsdcompression turned on, and debian not?
does redhat have a mru/mtu set, and debian not?

you don't say what speed modem you have.  also, don't forget with
compression the throughput depends a lot on the type of data being
transferred (text compresses more), plus if you're calling during peak
times your ISP may not have the bandwidth to support everyone at full

- dave


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / Rocky Road, croaked the toad.
   |   II /  


1998-09-29 Thread Tomas Petersson
Hello, I'm trying to set up Majordomo, but get the error below.
How do I set up which uid, Majordomo runs as?

/Tomas Petersson

MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!

While running with an effective uid of 65534 and an effective gid of 65534,
ran into the following problems:
Unable to write to log file, check permissions on /var/log/majordomo/log
Unable to write to list directory $listdir, check permissions on


Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-09-29 Thread Matthew Tebbens

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:
  My moniter screen has become wavy.  When you look at it it seems to
  move.  I have a 21 inch dell moniter and a stb nvidia video card.  My
  moniter used to be fine but I recently moved it and now it is wavy like
  a day after I moved it.  Has perment damage been done?
  First thing to check is interference. If you have changed any cards, 
 did you put in all the metal covers for the slots on the back of the
 computer? Is the case sealed? Check the cable to the monitor, move it away
 from other cables and see if the screen improves. Move the monitor around
 a bit, see if the picture gets worse or better in different places.
  If none of that works, start looking at actual hardware problems.

Make sure its not close to any transformers.
Just unplug everything except the system and monitor and see what happens.


some WindowMaker questions ...

1998-09-29 Thread Nuno Carvalho
 Every time I start X (with windowmaker) it opens a xterm session ! ;(
 How can I disable it !?
 I didn't found any file such as startup neitheir any line on
configuration files refering to it !

 Everytime I install a program, windowmaker menu is updated and I like it.
 My problem is that I would like to change some option on windowmaker menu
and I don't find the menu file! :(
 It's not on GNUStep directory and theirs subdirectories nor in
/etc/X11/WindowMaker directory ! Well, there's the menu file on that
directory but it doesn't correspond to my windowmaker menu !:(


 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-09-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Stupid answer try moving the monitor and see if anything changes. 
You can get a video cable extension cord if necessary.  Try plugging
the monitor into a different outlet, could be a power problem (like
having the monitor on the same line as a motorized appliance for
example).  If there is a degauss button on the monitor try that.  I
doubt you damaged your monitor, it sounds like magnetic field
interferance, or powerline crud.

My moniter screen has become wavy.  When you look at it it seems to
move.  I have a 21 inch dell moniter and a stb nvidia video card.  My
moniter used to be fine but I recently moved it and now it is wavy like
a day after I moved it.  Has perment damage been done?

Get your free address at

Re: lost dir in /usr/info

1998-09-29 Thread Obi
Well I got a dir from another machine (I didn't have the dir.old either) and I
tried to manully add the node I have that wasn't already in there. And now I
can't look into the libc nodes. I mean, it shows up in the dir (so if I do
info it shows up) but the libc menu page is without any link! I reinstalle
twice the libc6-doc, but I can't access the pages! 

What can I do?


On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 07:09:30AM -0400, John Forest wrote:
  Obi wrote:
  Hi all,
  sometimes ago I had a crash and I ended up loosing the dir file in the
  /usr/info directory. How can I recreate it? 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Check for /usr/info/dir.old
 This might save some time.
 Otherwise: man install-info

Nella solitudine l'individuo si divora da solo, nella moltitudine lo divorano
i molti. Ora scegli.-- Nietzsche

Re: PPP as normal user

1998-09-29 Thread john
Britton writes:
 I have problems starting ppp as a normal user also that I have not been
 able to cure by mucking with permissiont in /etc and elsewhere.

Put your users in the 'dip' group and set the permissions and ownership of
/etc/chatscripts thusly:

drwx--x---   root dip   /etc/chatscripts/

The other ppp files are correct as installed.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Redirect printer output to email?

1998-09-29 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 06:33:55PM +, Kent West wrote:

 This sounds like a method I'd like to try, but I'm too new at Linux/Unix
 to have much of a clue. Could you possibly give me a snippet of example of
 what my /etc/printcap should look like for this, as well as a general idea
 of what the email filter would look like, and how to daisychain them
 together? Thanks.

Ok. First install lprng. The default configuration allows for bounce queues,
so you should have that. I think you want something like this:

:[some other options]:


/usr/local/sbin/pager-filter could be something like this:


my $MAIL;

open MAIL, '|mail -s Some subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]';

while () {
print MAIL;

close MAIL;

Of course, you might need something more fancy to accomodate your pager's
needs. Also, the second filter could bounce to something else, ie, it could
just filter stuff and pass it to another printer (which is what I do
locally to do proper filtering before sending the jobs to a Windows NT



umask / permission problems with FTP

1998-09-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
I'm having problems with setting the correct umask for files.

All my users belong to the groups users.  I am using hamm.
I need their files to be 644 and directories 755.
Their home directories are in /var/www and are serving virtual domains.
Here's what I know:

A. /var/www is umask 022
B. /var/www/user is umask 022
C. When into the shell in their home directory (/var/www/user) directory
and file permissions are created fine but not from and FTP client - I have
tried several and always permissions are 750/640.

I don't understand umask very well but I know 022 is what I want.  What
file needs to be changed so that FTP clients will see the right mask?

Thanks in advance.

P.S.  I am a Slackware convert and find it hard to leave some of my old
ways (one group for users).  Is this going to cause me problems down the
road since it is not Debian's default?

*   Fraser M. Campbell - available for employment*
*  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone: (519) 364-6115  *
*  *


1998-09-29 Thread Felix E. Klee
Sorry, if this was posted twice!


I am trying to install Debian 2 on my computer.

However when I select Next: Partition a Hard Disk
from the installation menu I get a message that
no hard disks where found.

I have a DAWICONTROL DC-2975 U SCSI Controler with a CDROM
and an IBM UW HD connected to it. The HD is connected via
an U to UW adapter.

Below is more information to the problem.

Any clues what is causing this?

Thanks for any advice,


The file boot.bat which I call from DOS:
 @echo off
 smartdrv /c
 loadlin.exe linux ro ncr53c8xx=wide:0 initrd=root.bin root=/dev/ram

The startup messages I get in LINUX:
 ncr53c8xx: at PCI bus 0, device 12, function 0
 ncr53c8xx: 53c875 detected
 ncr53c875-0: rev=0x04, base=0xdd80, io_port=0xd400, irq=11
 ncr53c875-0: ID 6, Fast-20, Paritiy Checking
 ncr53c875-0: on-board RAM at 0xdd00
 ncr53c875-0: restart (scsi reset).
 ncr53c875-0: copying script fragments into the on-board RAM ...
 scsi0 : ncr53c8xx - revision 2.4a
 scsi : 1 host.
   Vendor: PIONEER   Model: CD-ROM DR-U16SREV: 1.01
   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0
 scsi : detected 1 SCSI cdrom total.

Re: Redirect printer output to email?

1998-09-29 Thread Kent West
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 my $MAIL;
 open MAIL, '|mail -s Some subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
 while () {
 print MAIL;
 close MAIL;
 Of course, you might need something more fancy to accomodate your pager's
 needs. Also, the second filter could bounce to something else, ie, it could
 just filter stuff and pass it to another printer (which is what I do
 locally to do proper filtering before sending the jobs to a Windows NT

Yes, it does help. The test message I sent to the pager (actually
beeper) printer bounced to my real printer, so that part works (it
needs some clean-up, but that's for another day).

However, I did not get a mail notification.

I sent a test message by typing at the command prompt:
 mail -s 911 Test [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and typed in short message and Ctrl-D'd it and the message arrived in my
email client.

But I don't get anything if I type at the command prompt:
 ls -l | lpr -Pbeeper

I don't know enough about scripting yet to know how the script works.
What does the 
  my $MAIL
command do? I can sortta understand the rest of it; while the input is
not , print a line to MAIL. Finally, print a blank line to MAIL (to
account for the CC: option?) and then shut down mail.


1998-09-29 Thread Collin Rose
Is there a way to route external TCP/IP requests to my Win98 machine to my
Linux machine?

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-09-29 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 Isn't there a howto on how to set up a single pc with a dialup connection
 to an ISP  using exim, fetchmail and procmail?  I know I do not need
 procmail if I use exim, but then I have to understand how exim works and I
 cannot get it working for a basic system.

 I have fetchmail feeding straight to procmail like:

 mda formail -s /usr/bin/procmail

 procmail then sorts and delivers it to to my homedir.

 Sorry if I sound a bit grumpy, but I am a bit frustrated. 

 No wonder - you seem to be taking the hard road on this,
 I remember your mails about this ages a go.

 The reason why
 I wanted to try out exim was because I get problems with a Sender field
 when I use smail.  Some mail servers reject my mail as the following
 message illustrates (irrelevant lines removed):

 Hrmm. I use the following in my exim.conf:

qualify_domain =
local_domains =

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

 that get's the host part right for me.


nfs mount: RPC: Program not registered

1998-09-29 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

When I try to mount an nfs export, I get the message:

  mount: RPC: Program not registered

for example, something like

 mount mountpoint -t nfs

yields this result.

I don't see anything in the manpages or /usr/doc that's useful here.



Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-09-29 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
 Stupid answer try moving the monitor and see if anything changes. 
 You can get a video cable extension cord if necessary.  Try plugging
 the monitor into a different outlet, could be a power problem (like
 having the monitor on the same line as a motorized appliance for
 example).  If there is a degauss button on the monitor try that.  I
 doubt you damaged your monitor, it sounds like magnetic field
 interferance, or powerline crud.

similarly, try a lower resolution and see if you still get it.

Then again, there's some weired ones . . . at some points, I get a few 
horizontal lines jiggles


across the entire screen --but fixed at a point *relative* to the top 
of a staroffice or netscape window, and also dependant upon which 
window has focus . . .


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