RE: Mi disco duro esta frito ...y sin tomate

1998-10-16 Thread Víctor

-Mensaje original-De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Ennombre de Jose Luis 
TrivinoEnviado el: jueves 15 de octubre de 1998 10:28Para: 'Lista de 
Debian'Asunto: Mi disco duro esta frito ...y sin 
tomateHola, Tengo un 
ordenador con debian 1.3.1 instalado. El caso esque, tras un corte de luz 
hace unas semanas, cuando arrancoel sistema y comienza la comprobacion del 
HD empieza a darmeerrores como IO request error y Short 
read en sector Despues se para y me dice que entre como root 
yejecute fsck a mano sin opciones -p ni -a. Tras hacer esto ydespues de 
tragarme de nuevo todos los mensajes de errorconsigo arrancar el sistema. 
Sin embargo, parece que loserrores no se han corregido puesto que en la 
siguienteverificacion vuelven a 
aparecer. Alguien sabria decirme a 
que se deben estos errores y comocorregirlos (a ser posible sin tener que 
reformatear oreinstalar)? 
Luis Trivintilde;o RodriguezLAB. 
2.3.4 Tlf.: (95) 2132863 
medida de programar es programar sin medidaEl error puede se por 2 causas:
1) Linux usa los discos de manera diferente a los 
Windows, en uno de stos si tu le mandas escribir algo, 
automticamente lo hace, pero Linux utiliza bferes del disco, 
(que para algo estn), y por ello, si le mandas copiar algo, el 
decidir cuando lo hace. Si en el momento en el que se te fu la 
luz tena algo que no haba copiado en buffer, eso se pierde y un 
archivo corrompido es lo que el encuentra.(De ah el messaje I/O request 
error, que significa error de entrada y salida y te dice el n de cluster 
con datos defectuosos).
El archivo daado no se cual es, ya 
que no especificas si aparece cuando accede al disco o si es cuando te dice que 
tu sistema de archivos est limpio.
2) Podra ser un problema ms grave, ya 
que si se te fue la luz y justo estaba escribiendo, entonces se pueden haber 
daado varios clsteres y aparte de estar daado el 
software, tambien estarlo el hardware, (no me mola ser pesimista, pero es la 
otra opcin), ya que las cabezas en un disco duro, estn 
suspendidas a muy poco espacio sobre la superficie del disco, mantenidas por el 
aire que producen los platos del disco al girar, si se corta la corriente y las 
cabezas estn en la zona de los platos, porque justo estaba escribiendo 
en ese momento, estas pueden caer y daar fsicamente el 
Espero que este no sea tu 
Saludos :))

Re: Una reflexión sobre locales y documentación traducida

1998-10-16 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 08:29:50AM +0200, Jose Luis Trivino dijo:
 Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 No sería más fácil que cuando se instale el paquete locales, este borre
 todos los subdirectorios de otros lenguajes, excluyendo el inglés y 
 cualquier otro idioma que hayamos seleccionado?
   Esto si que no. De ninguna manera! Puede darse el caso que
 un ordenador lo use mas de una persona con diferentes
 idiomas. En este caso interesaria tener mas de un local
 instalado y definir la variable LANG de forma personal para
 cada usuario. De esta forma un usuario podria trabajar en
 ingles, otro en español y otro en japones con el mismo

Claro... tal vez no me expliqué bien, en pocas palabras el cuento es
definir el idioma (o claro... LOS idiomas) que se quieran instalar.

Pero está el problema cuando llegue un ruso a una empresa franco-italiana.

Me inclino por lo que dijeron de separar los locales (por ej. locales-es),
y realizar un sub-programa para dselect (o dpkg) para que el los
instale automágicamente.


 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

RV: De nuevo sobre mi unidad scsi...

1998-10-16 Thread Víctor

Enviado el: viernes 16 de octubre de 1998 0:42Para: 
debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.orgAsunto: RE: De nuevo sobre mi 
unidad scsi...

-Mensaje original-De: Miguel Angel 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Enviado el: jueves 15 de 
octubre de 1998 23:22Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.orgAsunto: 
De nuevo sobre mi unidad scsi...
Pues, perdona el lapsus, pero s que tiene arranque desde la 
bios, hasta tal punto que sale LI y ah se queda el sistema (reseteo 
y arranco desde CD, que funciona perfectamente).


Si efectivamente puedes ver slo LI en el 
arranque, es que efectivamente tu BIOS puede arrancar por SCSI, (vaya 
suerte, la mia slo es A,C y ah se queda), entonces el 
problema est en tu contoladora SCSI o en tu JAZ. 

 1) Si por algn 
casual posees Windows, preferiblemente 9X, mira si no posee ningn 
conflicto de asignacin de recursos, esto se mira en PANEL DE CONTROL\SISTEMA, una vez dentro pincha sobre 
ADMINISTRADOR DE DISPOSITIVOS, y vete a SCSI pincha sobre tu tarjeta y dale a PROPIEDADES, entonces mira la asignacin de recursos 
pinchando sobre ellos y viendo si alguno entra en conflicto con otra 
tarjeta, si es as tendras que consultar en el manual de tu 
controladora y mirar como se cambian las 

 2) Puede ser 
que el MBR(master boot record) donde se aloja LILO est 
corrompido, ya que si slo te aparece LI entonces puede ser que 
tenga algna parte de LILO corrompido, entonces, tu nica 
solucin es utilizar un disquete de arranque (siempre protegido 
contra escritura, claro) que sepa que tu Linux est en el JAZ, 
arracar y teclear la orden para borrar LILO lilo -u sin comillas 
y luego para restaurar LILO tecleando lilo tambin sin 
Si esto falla significa que tu disco JAZ esta estropeado 
(creeme, he visto fallar muchos discos JAZ, ya que si levantas la tapa y 
miras al fondo vers unos cabezales de escritura\lectura iguales a 
los de los discos duros, ya que el JAZ y estos utilizan la misma 
tecnologa, WINCHESTER* , pero el JAZ tiene el 
inconveniente que al ser un cartucho extraible nunca va a quedar tan 
calibrado como un disco fijo, entonces las cabezas pueden golpear contra la 
superficie, dandola, y si esa zona es el MBR, entonces te 
inutiliza el cartucho para 
 3) Si ves que todo lo 
anterior est bien, cosa que dudo, me sentir un poco 
insatisfecho por no poder ayudarte, pero estos son mis conocimientos que 
espero ampliar poco a poco. No se me ocurren ms cosas que puedan 
provocar dicho cuelgue.

Saludos :))

*Un fallo lo tiene cualquiera. 

Re: Problemas con send mail

1998-10-16 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Oct 15, 1998,
Octavio Rodriguez Perez...

 Antonio Castro wrote:

  Despues de la última actualización  a Debian 2.0 me quedan
  algunas cosas por arreglar. Una de ellas es el sendmail.

  ... La recepción la hace  normalmente pero tanto mailq con
  sendmail -q  esperan exactamente un minuto  antes de hacer

 A mi  tambien me  ocurre algo  raro. Al arrancar  el sistema
 operativo, al llegar al punto:

   Activando el Agente de Trasporte de Correo: sendmail

 se queda ahi  unos 20 segundos (no los he  contado), y luego
 sigue. Mi  ordenador es  un Pentium  II  a 333  MHz y  tiene
 instalado la Debian 2.0

  Y no será que, al actualizaros la Debian, cuando configuráis
  el host, que solo admite  nombre *sin puntos* (!?), luego no
  lo arregláis para disponer de un full qualified... ??

  Si  tenéis un  `hostname' formado  por una  palabra añadidle
  `.net', por ejemplo, a ver que pasa.


  PD: yo  estoy en el  siguiente paso del  Sendmail, conseguir
  que salga la dirección correcta, ;-)



Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-16 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Oct 15, 1998,
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a...

 ...También parece que, para  rebajar costes las estampadoras
 bajan  la calidad  y resulta  que los  CDs se  leen bien  en
 lectores  de baja  velocidad  (hasta 12x)  pero  a más  alta
 empiezan a fallar.

  Yo con un lector 1x el  único problema que he tenido ha sido
  el que la instalación se alargue horas y horas... ;-)

  Funcionaron a la primera.



1998-10-16 Thread jrivas
Necesito los drives para la tarjeta de red DFE-530TX (D-LINK) para
linux. Si alguien sabe donde poder conseguirlos que lo diga.

Un saludo,


Re: Problemas con send mail

1998-10-16 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 06:24:31PM +, Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
  A mi tambien me ocurre algo raro. Al arrancar el sistema operativo, al
  llegar al punto:
Activando el Agente de Trasporte de Correo: sendmail
  se queda ahi unos 20 segundos (no los he contado), y luego sigue. Mi
  ordenador es un Pentium II a 333 MHz y tiene instalado la Debian 2.0
 Me atrevo a apostar que tienes xntp3 instalado... y que no tienes una
 conexion directa a la red... es eso.


He cronometrado el tiempo y no son 20 sino 60 SEGUNDOS!! Asi que me
temo que mi problema es el mismo de Antonio.

¿Alguna sugerencia?


Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-16 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
 Debian 2 ha cambiado el formato de /etc/ppp

 . . .

He puesto todo como nos indicaste. Y cuando arranco pon, al poner
plog me salen los siguientes mensajes:

send (ATDT055^M)
Serial connection established
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
Serial line is looped back
Connection terminated

¿Donde se configura esto de que el modem haga loopback a mi maquina?

En /etc/hosts tengo:   debianlocalhost

siendo debian el nombre de mi maquina.

No consigo conectarme a internet, ¿que puede ser?



RE: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 El Thu, Oct 15, 1998,
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a...

  ...También parece que, para  rebajar costes las estampadoras
  bajan  la calidad  y resulta  que los  CDs se  leen bien  en
  lectores  de baja  velocidad  (hasta 12x)  pero  a más  alta
  empiezan a fallar.

   Yo con un lector 1x el  único problema que he tenido ha sido
   el que la instalación se alargue horas y horas... ;-)

   Funcionaron a la primera.

Yo los he probado en 12x y han ido bien. Lo que si he comprobado comparando con 
CDs de hace 3 o 4 años, es que ahora pesan menos, creo que deben llevar menos 
material. Tambien he oido de lectores de CD averiados, porque los CD se mueven 
dentro, no solo girando, sino botando.


Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informatica
Tfno. +34-1-6070-311
Fax  +34-1-6070-331

Problemas de instalacion

1998-10-16 Thread MJerez.EET

Hola, mi nombre es Manolo y estoy teniendo problemas para 
instalar la Debian 2.0 alias hamm en un PC. El PC es un Pentium II 
a 266 MHz con 32 Mb de memoria Ram. Tiene una tarjeta de video S3 
Virge GX2 con 4Mb de memoria en PCI, un disco duro Western Digital de 
3 Gb,una grabadora Philips 3610, una tarjeta de red compatible NE2000 
en PCI, un teclado y un raton PS/2 y una placa madre QDI Legend V. Lo 
que me ocurre en la instalacion es que al ponerle que me instale los 
paquetes correspondientes a un perfil de Workstation Standard se 
queda colgado en la instalacion. Exactamente se queda en el paquete 
make-doc, y tengo que resetear el PC. Un companero me sugirio que 
podia ser un problema de hardware, y le he estado cambiando todo el 
hardware, es decir, teclado, raton, tarjeta de video y tarjeta de 
red. Lo unico que me faltaria seria la placa madre.Si le digo que me 
instale otro perfil como el de Workstation Cientifica me canta un 
Segmentation Default. Sin embargo al ponerle una instalacion minima 
de unos 50Mb si me la hace.

Me gustaria que me sugirieran alguna posible solucion.

Un Saludo.


Manuel Jerez Cardenes

Dpto. Electronica Telematica y Automatica
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicaciones
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-16 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
   bajan  la calidad  y resulta  que los  CDs se  leen bien  en
   lectores  de baja  velocidad  (hasta 12x)  pero  a más  alta
   empiezan a fallar.
 Yo los he probado en 12x y han ido bien. Lo que si he comprobado comparando 
 CDs de hace 3 o 4 años, es que ahora pesan menos, creo que deben llevar menos
 material. Tambien he oido de lectores de CD averiados, porque los CD se mueven
 dentro, no solo girando, sino botando.
Yo lo he probado con dos lectoras de 24x y tambien funcionan bien.
En cuanto a que los CD's botan debe ser cierto ya que las nuevas
lectoras llevan unas pestañitas para agarrar los CD's

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-16 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Ejem, creo que el Serial line is looped back es un problema común
de Infovía (corregidme si me equivoco). Lo que está pasando es que los
paquetes que envía el Linux para la negociación PPP (sube el debug level
del ppp a 3 para verlo, creo) le son enviados tal cual.
Por eso es mejor no utilizar el servicio de Infovía, muchas veces
falla lo que pasa es que en Linux ves por qué. Puedes probar varias
veces y en algún momento llegará a conectarse, mientras tanto todos los
errores que sepas que los pagas (en todos los sentidos).

Un saludete


On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 01:21:18PM +, Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
 Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
  Debian 2 ha cambiado el formato de /etc/ppp
  . . .
 He puesto todo como nos indicaste. Y cuando arranco pon, al poner
 plog me salen los siguientes mensajes:
 send (ATDT055^M)
 Serial connection established
 Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
 Serial line is looped back
 Connection terminated
 ¿Donde se configura esto de que el modem haga loopback a mi maquina?
 En /etc/hosts tengo:   debianlocalhost
 siendo debian el nombre de mi maquina.
 No consigo conectarme a internet, ¿que puede ser?

Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-16 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  Ejem, creo que el Serial line is looped back es un problema común
 de Infovía (corregidme si me equivoco). Lo que está pasando es que los
 paquetes que envía el Linux para la negociación PPP (sube el debug level
 del ppp a 3 para verlo, creo) le son enviados tal cual.

¿Y por que con la Debian 1.3.1 esto no me pasaba? Perdon, me explico, si
que unas veces se conectaba y otras no, pero es que ahora nunca consigo
conectarme. Tengo la opcion debug activada y efectivamente hay una
negociacion que no entiendo muy bien donde entra en juego el valor del
parametro asyncmap que he probado a poner a 0 y a a, siempre
con el mismo resultado.

Por cierto, en el mensaje de Antonio Calvo donde ponia como ejemplo sus
ficheros de configuracion del PPP, no incluye el /etc/ppp/options. Las
opciones de este fichero no se modifican con el programa pppconfig. ¿Es
que este fichero no se usa con el nuevo formato del PPP? Yo las he
modificado a mano, al fin y al cabo no es mas que descomentar dos o tres

Otra cosa que queria preguntar es que si cada vez que hay que incluir en
algun fichero el nombre de usuario hay que omitir el .es (p.e.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] en vez de [EMAIL PROTECTED]) y por que la clave ahora
se pone como \qMiClave en vez de \qMiClave\q que es como se ponia antes.

  Por eso es mejor no utilizar el servicio de Infovía, muchas veces
 falla lo que pasa es que en Linux ves por qué. Puedes probar varias
 veces y en algún momento llegará a conectarse, mientras tanto todos los
 errores que sepas que los pagas (en todos los sentidos).

Y si no me conecto por medio de infovia, ¿como lo hago? ¿Sabes cuando
estara operativa la nueva red IP de Telefonica, o si Retevision tiene
algun servicio alternativo?

 Un saludete

Gracias Javi. Por cierto, los CD´s me funcionaron a la primera y con lo
que me quede mas sorprendido fue con la instalacion de X Windows, que se
instalaron sin problemas (la primera vez que me pasa).



Re: linux actual 4 falla (fwd)

1998-10-16 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
 Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
bajan  la calidad  y resulta  que los  CDs se  leen bien  en
lectores  de baja  velocidad  (hasta 12x)  pero  a más  alta
empiezan a fallar.
  Yo los he probado en 12x y han ido bien. Lo que si he comprobado comparando 
  CDs de hace 3 o 4 años, es que ahora pesan menos, creo que deben llevar 
  material. Tambien he oido de lectores de CD averiados, porque los CD se 
  dentro, no solo girando, sino botando.
 Yo lo he probado con dos lectoras de 24x y tambien funcionan bien.
 En cuanto a que los CD's botan debe ser cierto ya que las nuevas
 lectoras llevan unas pestañitas para agarrar los CD's

Pues yo los he probado con un lector de 32x y todo funciono a la



Re: problemas con infovia en Debian2

1998-10-16 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 05:19:12PM +, Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
 Por cierto, en el mensaje de Antonio Calvo donde ponia como ejemplo sus
 ficheros de configuracion del PPP, no incluye el /etc/ppp/options. Las
 opciones de este fichero no se modifican con el programa pppconfig. ¿Es
 que este fichero no se usa con el nuevo formato del PPP? Yo las he
 modificado a mano, al fin y al cabo no es mas que descomentar dos o tres

En realidad no hay nuevo formato de PPP. El PPP es un protocolo
(especificado en un RFC), si algo ha cambiado es el programa encargado de
implementarlo, que es el demonio pppd.
Lo que se modifica al tocar el options es el *comportamiento* de
este demonio.

 Otra cosa que queria preguntar es que si cada vez que hay que incluir en
 algun fichero el nombre de usuario hay que omitir el .es (p.e.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] en vez de [EMAIL PROTECTED]) y por que la clave ahora
 se pone como \qMiClave en vez de \qMiClave\q que es como se ponia antes.

Bueno, esto en realidad no es problema del demonio, cuando tu
accedes al modem de Infovia. Llamando al 055, y te autentificas (primero
acuerdas el sistema, que suele ser PAP creo), mandas una cadena con tu login
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) y tu password. El @ y lo que sigue es necesario para que
te autentifique él a su vez con tu proveedor, identificado por lo que sigue
a la arroba. Pero si te conectas diréctamente al nodo de tu proveedor, como
usuario utilizaras solo octavio.

 Y si no me conecto por medio de infovia, ¿como lo hago? ¿Sabes cuando
 estara operativa la nueva red IP de Telefonica, o si Retevision tiene
 algun servicio alternativo?
La nueva red IP de Telefonica, según he oído de gente que ya la está
usando (algunos proveedores) es aún peor. La implementación de PPP que han
hecho no es la correcta y no funciona con Linux (esto son rumores, no los he
probado y no puedo verificarlo).
Retevisión ofrecerá un servicio alternativo, aunque aún está por ver
cuando (preguntaré a mi novia que trabaja con ellos :)
Aunque lo último que hoy yo era finales de este año (por Noviembre).

La alternativa a utilizar Infovia es conectar directamente con tu
proveedor vía su nodo, si tiene uno en tu ciudad te costará menos que
Infovía, que es un número de teléfono determinado. Los proveedores suelen
tener nodos en ciudades importantes (Madrid, Barcelona..) o donde tienen su

  Un saludete
 Gracias Javi. Por cierto, los CD´s me funcionaron a la primera y con lo
 que me quede mas sorprendido fue con la instalacion de X Windows, que se
 instalaron sin problemas (la primera vez que me pasa).

Pues me alegro que a alguien le funcionara, ya estaba yo un poco
depre :(

Un saludo


ZIP IDE/ATAPI mal configurado

1998-10-16 Thread Miguel Barrio Orsikowsky
Tengo una unidad ZIP 100 IDE/ATAPI interna y al arrancar Linux los parámetros
Cilindros/Cabezas/Sectores salen mal configurados.
¿Alguien puede decirme cuales son los verdaderos? Por más que busco en ZIP
HOWTOs no encuentro NI UNA referencia a unidades ZIP IDE.

Gracias anticipadas.

Re: Sobre el leafnode

1998-10-16 Thread J . Parera
No exactamente, el leafnode te baja las noticias de los grupos a los que
has accedido -o eso es lo que tiene que hacer. Es decir, tú intenta leer
un grupo, y ya verás cómo a la próxima te lo baja.

lo hago y me sale el fichero del grupo en los grupos interesantes del leafnode
pero la próxima vez que ejecuto fetch -v no me baja dicho grupo. Solo me baja
los grupos suscritos si previamente envio yo algún mensaje a un grupo

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Un cambio en Senmail (quizas no muy reciente)

1998-10-16 Thread Antonio Castro
Bueno pues por fin he resuelto el problema con sendmail.

Puesto que nadie de la lista ha sabido darme ninguna
pista sobre el particular mando esto para resaltar que
efectivamente parece que hay un comportamiento distinto
de sendmail con versiones anteriores. El problema quizas
venga por una mala configuración mía que anteriormente no
me daba problemas. Recuerdo que el problema consistía en 
que sendmail tardaba un minuto exacto en empezar a hacer 
cualquier cosa. Incluso mailq tardaba un minuto.
/etc/resolv.conf parecía no tener que ver.

Así las cosas decidí investigar el tema por mi mismo hasta
donde pudiera y luego con el máximo de dátos llamar a
Luis Ignacio para que me ayudara.

Empiezo por ejecutar mailq con el strace.

# strace mailq
connect(3, {sun_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path=/dev/log}, 16) = -1 EPROTOTYPE 
(Protocol wrong type for socket)
close(3)= 0
socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 3
fcntl(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
connect(3, {sun_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path=/dev/log}, 16) = 0
send(3, 18Oct 16 19:54:10 sendmail[961..., 101, 0) = 101
sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN}, NULL) = 0
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [ALRM], [])  = 0
time([908560450])   = 908560450
getpid()= 9618
sigaction(SIGALRM, {0x804c2a0, [], 0}, {SIG_DFL}) = 0
alarm(60)   = 0
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ALRM], [ALRM]) = 0
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ALRM], [])= 0

Después busco en los fuentes de sendmail. (8.8.6)
En clock.c localizo lo que parece una implementación de sleep con ala
Y en otro fuente buscosleep(60)

 **  If _still_ no dot, wait for a while and try again -- it is
 **  possible that some service is starting up.  This can result
 **  in excessive delays if the system is badly configured, but
 **  there really isn't a way around that, particularly given that
 **  the config file hasn't been read at this point.
 **  All in all, a bit of a mess.

 if (strchr(hostbuf, '.') == NULL  !getcanonname(hostbuf, size, TRUE))
 sm_syslog(LOG_CRIT, NOQID,
   My unqualified host name (%s) unknown; sleeping for retry,
 message(My unqualified host name (%s) unknown; sleeping for retry,
if (!getcanonname(hostbuf, size, TRUE))
sm_syslog(LOG_ALERT, NOQID, unable to qualify my own
 domain name (%s) -- using short name, hostbuf);
message(WARNING: unable to qualify my own domain
  name (%s) -- using short name,

Llegado aquí se me ocurre repetir mailq y buscar el mensaje en 
/var/log/... y Bingo. 

nknown; sleeping for retry
Oct 16 19:38:29 localhost sendmail[9571]: My unqualified host name (localhost) 
unknown; sleeping for retry
Oct 16 19:50:00 localhost sendmail[9607]: My unqualified host name (localhost) 
unknown; sleeping for retry
Oct 16 19:51:00 localhost sendmail[9607]: unable to qualify my own domain name 
(localhost) -- using short name

Bueno seguro que llegado a este punto alguíen se preguntará porque en 
lugar de dar tantas vueltas no empecé mirando directamente /var/log/mail.log
La respuesta es que no lo vi. Busque en el lugar equivocado /var/log/messages
En este punto fué cuando recurro a Luis Ignacio.

===/etc/hosts==   localhostmidas midas robin

Por indicación de Luis Ignacio elimino el último campo (alias=midas) de 
la primera linea y todo vuelve a funcionar perfectamente.

A mi no me pregunteis porque funciona ahora. Luis solo me ha podido
decir que esa práctica de poner un alias a localhost no es buena
pero tampoco él sabe con exactitud la razón de este comportamiento
de sendmail. Parece que intenta averiguar el dominio de la máquina
y la configuración de /etc/hosts no se como terminaba despistandole.
Esto no pasaba en la versión de sendmail que yo usaba antes.

No es un bug pero creo interesante lanzar este aviso porque es
facil que alguien más tenga ese mismo problema ya que poner un
alias a locahost es algo que creo haber visto como práctica recomendable
en algún sitio aunque no recuerdo donde. Bueno ahora creo que no lo es.
Puede que alguno me diga que no me entero y que este cambio ya es 

Re: Debian 2.[01] -- Only rudimentary support for Laptops?

1998-10-16 Thread John Lapeyre
On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

kushniIf there were some Debian oriented database, where one could
kushniadd his experience about installation of Debian on some
kushniunusual hardware, I would add mine about ThinkPad 380XD.

(Excuse my yelling, I just wanted to advertise ;) )
Why don't you put an entry in this nice, underutilized tool.
 And reward Mr. Grobman for his effort.



RE: Hiding a Linux computer

1998-10-16 Thread Hogland, Thomas E.

 On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 12:01:59PM +0200, Rainer Clasen wrote:
= try putting a send host-name statement in your dhclient.conf (see man 5
= dhclient.conf for details)
=  I'd like to not even use the dhcp server but I think that would mean
=  have to setup the Linux machine to be a DNS server wouldn't it?  
= No! Not using dhcp means guessing a free IP - or better getting a real
= one.
=  I don't

=  know what that would do to the rest of the machines on our network, I 
=  can't be messing them up or else I'll be in hot water.  
= You can mess at least one box on your net - if you use the same IP as it.
=Well if your network works like oursno problem :)
=Someone takes an IP no problem
=DHCP server gives out that IP...and the unsuspecting user gets an IP
=adress conflict.
=They call the helpdesk...helpdesk calls net eng... that adress is
=taken out of the DHCP pool and put on the exclude list.

...Or it works like the helpdesk I work on: Someone grabs an IP address,
DHCP gives out that address, user gets an IP conflict. User calls us, we
call net eng, who bounces the static address and leases it to the DHCP user.
Static user calls us, we ask them why they're screwing up the network. They
complain, we offer to remove the computer from their desk and give it to
someone who has a little less free time on their hands :-)...

(Being on the Win95/MSOffice support team can really give you a crappy
outlook on life...)

(Another person in a shop that keeps saying, We can't use Linux - there's
no company to hold responsible if there's problems.)

 /* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL 
 E-mail Bumper Stickers:
 A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
 honk if you Love Linux

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Debian Distribution/Web Page

1998-10-16 Thread Todd Morris
[Well, I fowarded one negative comment.  Here is a positive comment that
webmaster recieved - Darren]

I thought Debian was a rag-tag kludge loosely gopped together on the
Internet.  After reading reviews of Debian 2.0
and visiting your website, I have to say that I am extremely impressed.
The information and instructions on your
website are very thorough and well-written.  I haven't seen or touched
Debian Linux before, but, now I am scheming
as to how I can scrounge another machine up to put Debian on  I have
experience with Slackware, Red Hat, and Caldera...
now I just gotta try Debian out!  I have watched as the various popular
distributions have matured and am very excited about
the direction and pace of Linux (straight up, fast).  I wrote this just
to let you know that Linux is kewl and I appreciate your
fine efforts at making Linux better and more digestible to the unwashed
masses (Windoze users)  :-)

Re: Hiding a Linux computer

1998-10-16 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Hogland, Thomas E. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 =Someone takes an IP no problem
 =DHCP server gives out that IP...and the unsuspecting user gets an IP
 =adress conflict.
 =They call the helpdesk...helpdesk calls net eng... that adress is
 =taken out of the DHCP pool and put on the exclude list.
 ...Or it works like the helpdesk I work on: Someone grabs an IP address,
 DHCP gives out that address, user gets an IP conflict. User calls us, we
 call net eng, who bounces the static address and leases it to the DHCP user.
 Static user calls us, we ask them why they're screwing up the network. They
 complain, we offer to remove the computer from their desk and give it to
 someone who has a little less free time on their hands :-)...

Or you could use the debian dhcp daemon, so if someone grabs an ip,
the dhcp server marks it as unavailable and doesn't hand it out. Makes
sense to me...

Mike Stone

Re: Hiding a Linux computer

1998-10-16 Thread Greg Frye
Hogland, Thomas E. wrote:
 (Being on the Win95/MSOffice support team can really give you a crappy
 outlook on life...)
 (Another person in a shop that keeps saying, We can't use Linux - there's
 no company to hold responsible if there's problems.)
Like Microsoft would be held responsible?  There aren't enough lawyers
to go after M$.

Sorry for the off-topic comment

Greg Frye, APS
California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Monitoring and Laboratory Division
1927 13th Street
P. O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA  95812-2815
voice: 916-324-8892
fax: 916-327-8217

Re: Debian 2.[01] -- Only rudimentary support for Laptops?

1998-10-16 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko
Hi, John!

Thanks for reminding me about that.  Part of the reason I forgot is that there 
is no direct link to it from main Web page.  Perhaps FAQ-O-Matic deserved it's 
place on Main page.


 kushniIf there were some Debian oriented database, where one could
 kushniadd his experience about installation of Debian on some
 kushniunusual hardware, I would add mine about ThinkPad 380XD.
   (Excuse my yelling, I just wanted to advertise ;) )
   Why don't you put an entry in this nice, underutilized tool.
  And reward Mr. Grobman for his effort.

Re: Star Office

1998-10-16 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Dave Swegen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 10:39 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So star office 4/5 can be downloaded for free for non-commercial use? well
  thats very nice of them, but how many people are going to be prepared to 
  through a 50Mb download?
  Has anybody broken it up into 1MB pieces that can be downloaded gradually, 
  has anybody got it on CD that they can lend me? (UK address)
 One alternative is to use ncftp's forced continuation function. Start
 dowloading huge file, press CTRL-C when you want to stop, and whenever you
 want to continue the download just use 'get -C filename'. Just make
 sure you don't delete the semi-downloaded file.

From the ftp man page (the one in netstd, not ncftp):

 reget remote-file [local-file]
 Reget acts like get, except that if local-file exists and is
 smaller than remote-file, local-file is presumed to be a par-
 tially transferred copy of remote-file and the transfer is
 continued from the apparent point of failure.  If local-file
 does not exist ftp won't fetch the file.  This command is
 useful when transferring very large files over networks that
 are prone to dropping connections.

David Zelinsky

Re: Kde Problem...

1998-10-16 Thread Greg Norris
I had to run ldconfig as root... kde didn't have any difficulties
locating it's shared-libraries after that.

On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 01:30:52PM -0500, Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Hrrm, ok now this is interesting...  kfm _is_ running.  xterm runs(via
 Ctrl-F2 and running it) but kvt does not.  I got netscape up(had to write a
 script that killed the /usr/X11R6/lib from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH since it
 uses libc5 stuff)  However, kvt still does not run...  when I run it
 from w/in an xterm it says that it can't find  although it
 A) exists and B) is pointed to in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  This is, obviously,
 a problem.  :  Any suggestions?

tetex-bin package removal problem -- FIX!!

1998-10-16 Thread Darxus
On Wed, 14 Oct 1998, Darxus wrote:

 Okay, I was getting this...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-get -f install
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...dependency error
 Correcting dependencies...ok
 The following extra packages will be installed:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 24 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0b/3498k of archives. After unpacking 15.9M will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
 (Reading database ... 56061 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking tetex-base (from tetex-base_0.9.981008-1.deb) ...
  checking for old tex packages ... none.
 ** purging old tex files **
 dpkg: error processing tetex-base_0.9.981008-1.deb (--unpack):
  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/texmf/doc', which is also in package
 dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
 Preparing to replace tetex-bin 0.9.981008-1 (using
 tetex-bin_0.9.981008-1.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement tetex-bin ...
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: warning - old post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: error processing tetex-bin_0.9.981008-1.deb (--unpack):
  subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: error while cleaning up:
  subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process returned an error code

Okay, Greg_W on #debian on said this:

Greg_W darxus: a while ago someone mentioned moving the contents of
 /usr/lib/texmf/web2c to /var/lib/texmf/web2c and making a sym

So I tried it.  I had already downloaded the tetex-bin_0.9.981008-1.deb
file from my favorite debian archive, and typed the following:

  mv /usr/lib/texmf/web2c /tmp
  ln -s /tmp/web2c//usr/lib/texmf/
  dpkg -i --force-overwrite-dir tetex-bin_0.9.981008-1.deb
  dpkg -r tetex-bin

and it WORKED!!  I was able to remove tetex-bin.  

I then went through a few cycles of apt-get -f upgrade's  dpkg -r's, but
Greg_W's suggestion got me past the main problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-get -f upgrade
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

sooo nice to see again :)

***PGP fingerprint = D5 EB F8 E7 64 55 CF 91  C2 4F E0 4D 18 B6 7C 27***
  Chaos reigns.

Re: replacment for quick books

1998-10-16 Thread Keith Beattie
Carl Vilbrandt wrote:

 Is there a replacement for Quicken/Quickbooks ?
 . . .  for ACT, a contact management software  ?
 without creating one in linux.

gnucash -


http apt source

1998-10-16 Thread wb4mle
Anyone have a source for dselect/apt http option other than the source for a USA user? has been start/stopping
frequently and the thruput often is very slow. I use the slink
distribution. Thanks!
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: http apt source

1998-10-16 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 12:51:13AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone have a source for dselect/apt http option other than the source for a USA user? has been start/stopping
 frequently and the thruput often is very slow. I use the slink
 distribution. Thanks!

deb stable main contrib non-free

These are the folks (in Seattle) that publish _Linux Journal_.
(and I'm sure they mirror slink as well as hamm)

 What's All the Buzz About Linux?

Re: http apt source

1998-10-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : Anyone have a source for dselect/apt http option other than the
 : source for a USA user? has been start/stopping
 : frequently and the thruput often is very slow. I use the slink
 : distribution. Thanks! ought to be (more or less) up to date.

It's also available via ftp and rsync.

There may be a few nits with the setup - let me know as work's been
kicking my ass and I've been a bit tardy with all the maintenance.

(However, a lot more space coming soon :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: http apt source

1998-10-16 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone have a source for dselect/apt http option other than the source for a USA user? has been start/stopping
 frequently and the thruput often is very slow. I use the slink
 distribution. Thanks!

It was down for much of today, but is working now.  I tried several hours ago and timed out on the update.  It's
used to be pretty fast.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: http apt source

1998-10-16 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone have a source for dselect/apt http option other than the source for a USA user? has been start/stopping
  frequently and the thruput often is very slow. I use the slink
  distribution. Thanks!

There is a list of about 30 mirrors at
Additions welcome at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


slink and netstd package(s) question

1998-10-16 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi, all --

sorry for being slow but I have noticed that slink now hosts netstd package
and a whole pile of separate daemon and client networking packages ( for
example, telnet and telnetd). Can someone point me in the general direction of
the html or somesuch document hwere I can learn about what these changes mean
to my upgrading the packages between hamm and slink? And why did debian do
I am sorry if I am just wasting your time, but it seems to me that I'll need
to d/l about 5 or 10 packages instead of netstd only. *nix seemed much more
friendlier before.


How big is Complete Debian install from LSL?

1998-10-16 Thread fasf dsaf
I want a distro with everything.
i have about 3.7 gigs to spare.

the lsl has the official, binary, source, non-free us 
non us non free.

if i install EVERYTHING on these discs, how big will 
everything be?

Get your free address at

Re: replacment for quick books

1998-10-16 Thread Randy Edwards
 Is there a replacement for Quicken/Quickbooks ?

   Good question.  I still use NT for two purposes: QuickBooks and a voice-mail
system.  I could live without the voice mail system but until I find a decent
accounting program I'm still in the dual-boot mode.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

config printer.

1998-10-16 Thread Zheng Wang
I have a HP 5L printer, but when I print something, the paper is running
but nothing is printed. Could you help me figure out the problem? 

Zheng Wang, Ph. D
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability 
University of California, Santa Barbara

On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, W. Paul Mills wrote:

 Sounds like an irq problem.
  X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:14:17 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Zheng Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
  X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/21434
  Precedence: list
  Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  X-UIDL: 03a0a4e87fe9d857fd8dd623b3c9da57
  When I install the Debian base, the network is working. But when I choose
  to install all package from the CD. The network is disconnected. Could I
  get some help to solve this problem? Thanks.
 /*** Running Debian Linux ***
 *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
 *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
 * W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
 * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
  pgp public key emailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] */

CD encyclopedias

1998-10-16 Thread D'jinnie
There are quite a few encyclopedias on CDs nowadays and I was wondering if
there was some way of reading them with Linux? Or, alternately, if there
was a Linux version for any of them? I know this seems a bit off-the-wall
but I thought I'd ask :)

Just call me a sugar vampire

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key


1998-10-16 Thread D'jinnie
There seems to be a growing proliferation of cheap Win-only stuff. Do
any of you think that this would negatively impact Linux new user base? I
imagine most people start out dual-booting their existent machines, and I
would guess that finding out a lot of your stuff won't work is quite a
turnoff. I get the impression this trend won't stop - and I'm not even
saying this is the work of evil M$ empire :)

Just call me a sugar vampire

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Rsync push mirrors

1998-10-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
Anyone know why there's a control file in the root of the debian site?
There's one present on my mirror, at any rate.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: win-stuff

1998-10-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, D'jinnie wrote:

 : There seems to be a growing proliferation of cheap Win-only stuff. Do
 : any of you think that this would negatively impact Linux new user base? I
 : imagine most people start out dual-booting their existent machines, and I
 : would guess that finding out a lot of your stuff won't work is quite a
 : turnoff. I get the impression this trend won't stop - and I'm not even
 : saying this is the work of evil M$ empire :)
 : comments?

It's certainly disheartening to learn that your new system from Gateway
has a WinModem that won't work with any OS other than 95/98 (it won't
even work with NT!), and that the snazzy WinPrinter won't work either.

I blame media like PC Magazine who seem to believe that Winhardware is a
good thing, and needed!  The thought process goes like this:  Well, the
OS doesn't use 90% of the processor power so we might as well use it for
something.  Rubbish, of course, but there you have it.  If the average
user isn't educated, there's little hope that manufacturers will cease
building this crap into their systems.

I've helped some friends order Gateways (we're in serious Gateway
country here, and they do make nice home machines), and I usually
confuse the salesperson when I rant against the WinModem :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: High points of debian

1998-10-16 Thread Martin Schulze
Plelase read

Chris Frost wrote:
 I've got a few questions re: debian, coming from a longtime redhat user...
 I've been using redhat since around v4, and while I definately like
 it, sometimes things are a little unstable, I wish rpm were more powerful
 (I normally end up building my own and making rpm's, so that they register
 in the rpm database), really like the idea of a near-completly gpl'd os,
 and of course I like to toy :)
 So, what are some of the main reasons everyone here uses debian instead of
 something else (linux wise)? Are there any big drawbacks? (I'm experienced
 enough that building from tar balls isn't really a concern, so if the
 number of .deb's premade is small, that's fine.)
 thanks for the info,
 - Visit Me At -
 - Public PGP Key: -

The MS-DOS filesystem is nice for removable media.  -- H. Peter Anvin

APT 0.1.7 released!

1998-10-16 Thread Ben Gertzfield
The APT team is proud to announce release 0.1.7 of the next-generation
packaging tool, APT, which enables users to easily upgrade their whole
system of Debian GNU/Linux packages to the latest versions on the
world-wide network of Debian HTTP and FTP mirrors.

This release covers a few issues with linking with the newest versions
of the stdc++ library (2.9) and fixes a glitch in file URI handling
with mismatched sizes. 

To experience all the other improvements for yourself, why not install
APT on your Debian system and make sure your system is in synch with
the latest and greatest security updates today?

Ben Gertzfield [EMAIL PROTECTED], Debian GNU/Linux APT Package Maintainer

Brought to you by the letters J and C and the number 14.
I wanna be Twist Barbie! -- Shonen Knife
Debian GNU/Linux -- where do you want to go tomorrow?
I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

Re: CD encyclopedias

1998-10-16 Thread Bill Wohler
D'jinnie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There are quite a few encyclopedias on CDs nowadays and I was wondering if
 there was some way of reading them with Linux?

  The alternative I go for is to sign up with Encyclopedia Britannica
  on-line.  One of the features I like is that they have the top of
  the news for the week with background references into the
  encyclopedia.  They just lowered their price to a very affordable

Say it with MIME.  Maintainer of and FAQs.
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

Chap w/o Chap?

1998-10-16 Thread Darren Benham
I just got off the phone with tech-support for my ISP.  He (tried) to tell me
that they've had CHAP for the last year and a half... and I never set it up.  I
thought it would be impossible for me to login that way...???

Where the system-admins incomp and unable to implement the security they
*   *
*Darren Benham * Version: 3.1   *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * GCS d+(-) s:+ a29 C++$ UL++ P+++$ L++*
*  * E? W+++$ N+(-) o? K- w+++$(--) O M-- V- PS--   *
*   Debian Developer   * PE++ Y++ PGP++ t+ 5 X R+ !tv b DI+++ D++   *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * G++G+++ e h+ r* y+*
*  * --END GEEK CODE BLOCK-- ---*

ppp server gone?

1998-10-16 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

There isn't a server process for ppp, is there?  It just relies
on the client telling the server to start uup?

I couldn't use ppp for a few days, when the changes to libpam
came out of sequence.  I upgraded again today, and got the4 rest.

I was able to make a single connection.  When it flaked out, I
was unable to create another.  It ends with

Oct 15 16:47:23 hawkins pppd[980]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x3919]
Oct 15 16:47:53 hawkins pppd[980]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0x3919]
Oct 15 16:48:23 hawkins pppd[980]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x3 magic=0x3919]
Oct 15 16:48:53 hawkins pppd[980]: No response to 4 echo-requests
Oct 15 16:48:53 hawkins pppd[980]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
Oct 15 16:48:53 hawkins pppd[980]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0xb Peer not 
Oct 15 16:48:56 hawkins pppd[980]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0xc Peer not 
Oct 15 16:48:59 hawkins pppd[980]: Connection terminated.

on this end

No log exists on the host end. oddly, not even for the earlier connection:


eyryttyp1:hawkls -ls /var/log/ppp*
   0 -rw-r-   1 root adm 0 Oct 11 06:51 /var/log/ppp.log
  12 -rw-r-   1 root adm 11768 Oct 10 17:54 /var/log/ppp.log.0

   2 -rw-r-   1 root adm  1781 Oct  3 09:51 
   2 -rw-r-   1 root adm  1140 Sep 26 21:34 
   2 -rw-r-   1 root adm  1085 Sep 19 21:48 
   1 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   59 Sep 17 12:20 /var/log/pppupd.log

Help with getting my mail

1998-10-16 Thread Benjamin White
Hello all,

I have had a fetchmail setup working for some time.  However, today I
started getting funny errors when I try to get my mail:

reading message 9 of 19 (1710 bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost 
failed: Connection refused
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from

I can, however, telnet to port 25 of localhost:

whitehouse$ telnet localhost 25

and hook up to the popserver manually.  And interestingly after I
telnet to port 25 of my machine, the next time (and only the next
time) I use fetchmail, it seems to work.

So what gives.  I have an up-to-date Debian 2.0, 40meg RAM, etc..

Thanks in advance,


   __oBenjamin White, MD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] or see my home page
Key fingerprint = DB0F124D 477EA116 3113F306 DC1D4858

Is Supra 336i a Winmodem?

1998-10-16 Thread Andrew Ivanov
I have been trying to get my modem to work in debian, and unfortunately,
I have 486DX4, it's got SupraExpress 336i Sp modem installed in it. My
primary boot right now is Win95, until I can get debian setup. Modem works
perfectly with Windows.
In debian what happens is:
Modem is on COM3, at least this is what Windows tells me.
setserial /dev/ttyS2 gives me output :
UART unknown, IRQ 4, Port 0x03e8

When I run wvdialconf, it tells me that modem was not detected, asks if
it's in use by any other programs, etc.

Any idea why is this not working? How can I check if this is a Winmodem?
Any suggestions, please?

*  Andrew Ivanov  *
*  email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* *
*  ICQ: 12402354  *

Re: Chap w/o Chap?

1998-10-16 Thread Mitch Blevins
Darren Benham wrote:
 I just got off the phone with tech-support for my ISP.  He (tried) to tell me
 that they've had CHAP for the last year and a half... and I never set it up.  
 thought it would be impossible for me to login that way...???
 Where the system-admins incomp and unable to implement the security they

The tech guy at my ISP (Mindspring) told me they were using PAP, but
not until I asked if they were using CHAP or PAP.
I then find out for myself that they use neither.
I think the guy was just used to multiple choice questions and didn't
like the 'none of the above' choice.


Re: Chap w/o Chap?

1998-10-16 Thread john
Darren Benham writes:
 I just got off the phone with tech-support for my ISP.  He (tried) to
 tell me that they've had CHAP for the last year and a half... and I never
 set it up.  I thought it would be impossible for me to login that

Many ISP's support both PAP/CHAP and scripted logins.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: ? WinModem

1998-10-16 Thread Shaleh
I believe it is called isapnptools.

On 15-Oct-98 David Sherow wrote:
 Where can I get isapnp?
 Shaleh wrote:
 Win modems are almost always made by US Robotics.  You should only need to
 pon.  You also need to ensure that you have told ppp to use the right com
 port.  If the modem is a plug and play modem, you need to install the isapnp
 tools and follow their instructions.

 On 15-Oct-98 David Sherow wrote:
  How can a person tell if they have a WinModem.
  Or I'm doing something wrong, because I can't connect to my ISP using
  pon providername
  it is acting like it is on but it doesn't dial.
 Best regards
  /***/ David Sherow \**\
 /*/ President,  Sherow Enterprises  \***\
  \*\ /**/

Date: 16-Oct-98
Time: 00:14:17

This message was sent by XFMail

How to change Timezone...

1998-10-16 Thread Evan Van Dyke
WOuld someone knowledgable about linux tell me how to change the
timezone info?  The computer was set up in EST5EDT, but is now in
CST6CDT.  I have chanted /etc/timezone to referance the new zone, but
'date' still shows EDT even after reboot...  Im sure this is a simple
little fix, but it would be very helpful to have!


Any Debian aware folks in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA?

1998-10-16 Thread stick

Howdy all.

I have a user in Myrtle Beach/Seaside area of South Carolina, USA
who needs some help.  System disconnected while downloading packages,
ppp-pam is installed, but not libpam.

Now they can't get connected to their ISP so I can finish the install.

Need someone familiar w/ Debian who can help.  Anyone?
Just need ppp and/or libpam on a diskette for them to get back in shape.
CD won't do any good for them - old laptop w/o PCMCIA or CD-ROM drive...


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: How to change Timezone...

1998-10-16 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Evan Van Dyke wrote:

 WOuld someone knowledgable about linux tell me how to change the
 timezone info?  The computer was set up in EST5EDT, but is now in
 CST6CDT.  I have chanted /etc/timezone to referance the new zone, but
 'date' still shows EDT even after reboot...  Im sure this is a simple
 little fix, but it would be very helpful to have!

Run tzconfig

Re: -URGENT- exim:incoming message frozen

1998-10-16 Thread ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana
Ok. The problem was that in hosts file I find the next line:
After I switch the plce of  the router word with
everything goes to normal.

  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for RD of Materials Physics*
* Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7   *
* Romania*
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   phone :401-7805385 int.1380  *
*[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  401-7806925   *
*   |  401-7804573   *
  oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana wrote:
   for receiveing
   1998-10-15 09:20:57 0zTq92-pr-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] [] P=smtp S=1313
   1998-10-15 09:20:57 0zTq92-pr-00 remote host address for is the local host
   1998-10-15 09:20:57 0zTq92-pr-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=lookuphost
   defer (-1): remote host address is the local host
   1998-10-15 09:20:57 0zTq92-pr-00 Frozen
 You need to add to the local_domains entry if you want to
 accept mail as that domain. Exim sees that the MX or A record points to
 the local machine but the local config file is not set up to accept mail
 for that domain.
 George Bonser
 The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!

Re: SATAN .deb?

1998-10-16 Thread Thomas Adams
At 14:16 Uhr +0100 15.10.1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:

it's an essential admin tool for checking your  setup.

This is the reason why it shouldn't be prepackaged. I really can't imagine
anybody concerned about security trusting a prepackaged security scanner.

Personally, I wouldn't. That's perhaps because two vital parts of my Debian
2.0 system were broken the way the *.deb files installed them. (cnews and
UUCP) I think I'll steer clear of *.deb files in the future and go the
*.tar.gz route. YMMV, though.

Re: Hiding a Linux computer

1998-10-16 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 01:35:49PM -0800, Hogland, Thomas E. wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 12:01:59PM +0200, Rainer Clasen wrote:
 = try putting a send host-name statement in your dhclient.conf (see man 5
 = dhclient.conf for details)
 =  I'd like to not even use the dhcp server but I think that would mean
 =  have to setup the Linux machine to be a DNS server wouldn't it?  
 = No! Not using dhcp means guessing a free IP - or better getting a real
 = one.
 =  I don't
 =  know what that would do to the rest of the machines on our network, I 
 =  can't be messing them up or else I'll be in hot water.  
 = You can mess at least one box on your net - if you use the same IP as it.
 =Well if your network works like oursno problem :)
 =Someone takes an IP no problem
 =DHCP server gives out that IP...and the unsuspecting user gets an IP
 =adress conflict.
 =They call the helpdesk...helpdesk calls net eng... that adress is
 =taken out of the DHCP pool and put on the exclude list.
 ...Or it works like the helpdesk I work on: Someone grabs an IP address,
 DHCP gives out that address, user gets an IP conflict. User calls us, we
 call net eng, who bounces the static address and leases it to the DHCP user.
 Static user calls us, we ask them why they're screwing up the network. They
 complain, we offer to remove the computer from their desk and give it to
 someone who has a little less free time on their hands :-)...

I work at a hospital... ther eis no telling what the person using the IP
was doing (plus...its always possible they don't even know what an IP is
and it may not even be their fault). 

Someone migh thave to answer for something if Net Eng compromised 
patient care just to smite a user and teach someone a lesson.

besides... half the machines are Macs using dynamic adressing in
MacTCP (which is NOT dhcp) they get an error...then it steals a new
IP...90% of the time they wont even call the Help Desk

SOon everyone will be on Catalyst 5000 Switches... then we can really
track them down :)

 (Being on the Win95/MSOffice support team can really give you a crappy
 outlook on life...)

esp when Outlook sucks as much as it does! (I had a user specifically
ask me to have their new Outlook acount removed and to put them back
on Helix (unix) e-mail)

In any case..thats why I (the only Macintosh Tech Supporter in our
team) am hopeing to get out of this line of work and into one where I
can use Unix systems all day long.

 (Another person in a shop that keeps saying, We can't use Linux - there's
 no company to hold responsible if there's problems.)

Bah...Chances are its your own fault anyway...
besides...just blame it all on Network VooDoo
and those Gremlins in the closet!

who is amazed that anyone thinks the ability to get support for an OS is
more important than having the OS actually work

/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

I can't compile anymore

1998-10-16 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

I've trashed something. I've installed gcc from the 2.0 disks, it
doesn't compile the linux kernel. Tried installing egcc, nope. It
doesn't find some files. Tried downloading egcc from the slink
directory. Same error.

So this is the error I get when compiling kernel 2.1.125 with egcc:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
egcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o 
scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from scripts/split-include.c:26:
/usr/include/errnos.h:24: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # 

What shall I reinstall to get that file at his place ?



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.1.122 #7 Thu Sep 17 13:56:01 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

Exchange root and swap partitions?

1998-10-16 Thread kaynjay
Problem.  Not enough space for my root partition on hdb.  At 100% use, I
can't even send messages.  I'd like to shrink a DOS partition on hda, expand
the adjacent Linux swap partition into the freed space, then switch the root
and swap partitions.  One additional issue:  I'll be redoing OS/2's Boot
Manager in the middle to get the new partition on the menu.  This will need
a format of the swap partition to something OS/2 recognizes.  Afterwards,
I'll redo the fs for that partition.

Is this possible??  Is the resizing/formatting a problem?? I saw an earlier
post about moving root to a new partition but that didn't seem to cover this
problem.  I'll have sufficient swap afterwards, FWIW.

Thanks for any help!


X and keyboard layouts

1998-10-16 Thread Bek Oberin

I've just switched from RedHat (ohh, it's a convert!  :)) and
I've -nealry- got the hang of this all, now.  Finally.

One of the last remaining annoyances:  I use a modified dvorak
keyboard layout (ie: not-quite-dvorak, but close) and do most of
my work in text-mode consoles.  But sometimes I have to boot up
X to run Netscape or PilotManager.  

RedHad's X setup had -something- that automatically pulled my
keyboard layout out of loadkeys and put it into X so I -didn't-
have to figure out a xmodmap file (which I don't have made
up) and all that stuff.

I figure Debian can prob'ly do anything RedHat can do ... is there
a way for this?


: --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: No rational argument will have a rational effect on a man who
: does not want to adopt a rational attitude.  -- Karl Popper

Re: debian latest version?

1998-10-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 04:14:33PM -0600, Jason Herring Dale Davis wrote:
 what is debian's lattest version

At the moment, 2.0 .

 I keep hearing about debian 2.1...

We've just entered a code freeze for 2.1, meaning that we hope to release
2.1 in the not too distant future.

 and where can I find a list of supported hardware and package version

Start at the website: .

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: debian latest version?

1998-10-16 Thread Alan Tam
4. Compatibility issues
and you may find your answer there.

J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 04:14:33PM -0600, Jason Herring Dale Davis wrote:
  what is debian's lattest version

 At the moment, 2.0 .

  I keep hearing about debian 2.1...

 We've just entered a code freeze for 2.1, meaning that we hope to release
 2.1 in the not too distant future.

  and where can I find a list of supported hardware and package version

 Start at the website: .

 ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old.
 I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking
 his name in vain.
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

exim: never stop Mail delivery failed

1998-10-16 Thread Bubulac Angela Tatiana
I think the problems never stops. This is one of the sense of life.
Although the message I sent arrive to its destination (in my case a user
in doamin continuouslyI receive messages like this
(even from messages that was send yesterday):
Please tell me what is wrong or what is happen.

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:23:02 -0700
From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients.
following address(es) failed:

Permission denied:
failed to chdir to /root:
retry timeout exceeded

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from [] 
by with smtp (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0zUCC9-0004Yw-00; Fri, 16 Oct 1998 08:53:37 -0700
Received: from localhost by;
id AA04147; Fri, 16 Oct 1998 07:54:00 +0200
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 07:54:00 +0200 (EET)
From: ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: your mail
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Au fost doua probleme. Fara ici nu puteam rezolva si a doua problema.

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, maric wrote:

 Buna dimineata. Multumesc pt. rezolvare. Ai gasit ceva, sau ne-au
conectat cei de la ici?

P.S. Before the exim starts to function normal I had a lot of frozen

Re: Exchange root and swap partitions?

1998-10-16 Thread Helge Hafting
In BwTCcC.A.87D.CLvJ2@murphy, on 10/16/98 
   at 12:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Problem.  Not enough space for my root partition on hdb.  At 100% use, I
can't even send messages.  I'd like to shrink a DOS partition on hda,
expand the adjacent Linux swap partition into the freed space, then
switch the root and swap partitions.  One additional issue:  I'll be
You don't really have to move everything around unless you have other
reasons too.  Consider this alternative:
Just shrink that dos partition, and create an extra partition in the  free
space.  Then use 'du' and find a subdirectory on the existing root that is
approximately that size, and move that subdirectory only to the new
partition.  (Change the directory to a mount point for the new partition) 
Less data to move around, less work.  Moving the root can be tricky at

redoing OS/2's Boot Manager in the middle to get the new partition on the
menu.  This will need a format of the swap partition to something OS/2
recognizes.  Afterwards, I'll redo the fs for that partition.
Os/2's boot manager does not need to understand the partition it boots!
You can run os/2's fdisk and add anything to the menu, even linux
partitions.  OS/2's fdisk will display a linux partition as type 83, a
linux swap partition will show up as type 82
There is no need to temporarily format the partition for os/2, it does not
need a drive letter for this to work.
If os/2 won't add linux to the boot menu then it may be some other
problem, such as the infamous 1024 cylinder limit.  If this bothers you,
put the kernel in a small partition of its own below cyl 1024, and install
lilo in that partition's boot sector.  You don't have to move root for

Is this possible??  Is the resizing/formatting a problem?? I saw an
earlier post about moving root to a new partition but that didn't seem to
cover this problem.  I'll have sufficient swap afterwards, FWIW.
Resizing and formatting should work fine.  If you want to move root like
this, change the partition type, run mkfs, and then do the copying. Use
the correct parameters so that links, mount points and the files in /dev
are copied correctly.  
You do have enough RAM to run without swapping while making the transfer?

Helge Hafting

Re: I can't compile anymore

1998-10-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I've trashed something. I've installed gcc from the 2.0 disks, it
 doesn't compile the linux kernel. Tried installing egcc, nope. It
 doesn't find some files. Tried downloading egcc from the slink
 directory. Same error.
 So this is the error I get when compiling kernel 2.1.125 with egcc:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make xconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 egcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o 
 scripts/split-include scripts/split-include.c
 In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
  from scripts/split-include.c:26:
 /usr/include/errnos.h:24: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # 
 What shall I reinstall to get that file at his place ?

linux/errno.h is in libc6-dev.  You also should not try to compile 2.0
kernels with egcc, use gcc2.7.2 instead.  The problem is that the 2.0
kernels contain some bugs that are exposed only by the more agressive
optimization techniques present in egcc.  The 2.2 kernel-to-be will not
have these bugs anymore (well, it is supposed not to have them).


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: How big is Complete Debian install from LSL?

1998-10-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I want a distro with everything.
 i have about 3.7 gigs to spare.
 the lsl has the official, binary, source, non-free us 
 non us non free.
 if i install EVERYTHING on these discs, how big will 
 everything be?

If you install EVERYTHING, you will be screwed.  There are many packages
in debian that contain equivalent or comparable functionality and
conflict with each other.  Besides this, I'd guess that 3.7 gigs should
be able to hold the biggest debian that can be had consistently.
However, think twice about installing everything.  Chances for problems
and conflicts to turn up grow exponentially with the number of packages
installed.  It is usually much nicer to install just the stuff you need.
Packages can be added and removed as your interests and needs change.
This is a point where debian really shines:  once it is installed it is
very easy to maintain.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Lilo/MBR boot problem: 1FA:

1998-10-16 Thread Duncan Thomson
I'm hoping to run a course including the installation towards the end of next 
week, but the machines I'll be using have a problem.  When debian is installed 
to boot off the hard disk, a prompt:


comes up.  According to the docs, this should mean that I can boot off 
partition 1 of the hard disk, or a floppy, but booting off partition one 
doesn't work.

Any solutions to this problem?  I know other people have had it, but haven't 
yet seen a solution on the lists.

The disk controller is a AHA-2940 (SCSI), but booting NT from the BIOS is no 

I know the problem is tied in some way to Lilo and the MBR, but don't know what 
to do to fix it...

Please respond to my email as well as the list, since I read the list only 
through the web pages, and need an answer fairly soon (since we may need to 
cancel the course...).



Re: X and keyboard layouts

1998-10-16 Thread Frank Barknecht
Bek Oberin hat gesagt: // Bek Oberin wrote:

 One of the last remaining annoyances:  I use a modified dvorak
 keyboard layout (ie: not-quite-dvorak, but close) and do most of
 my work in text-mode consoles.  But sometimes I have to boot up
 X to run Netscape or PilotManager.  
 RedHad's X setup had -something- that automatically pulled my
 keyboard layout out of loadkeys and put it into X so I -didn't-
 have to figure out a xmodmap file (which I don't have made
 up) and all that stuff.
 I figure Debian can prob'ly do anything RedHat can do ... is there
 a way for this?

I don't know if debian has this automatized like Redhat somewhere, but you
can use xkeycaps to generate a xmodmap file for your layout. 
But maybe you can setup your keyboard with the basic X configuration tool 
/usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup or /usr/sbin/xbase-configure. 
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: exim: never stop Mail delivery failed

1998-10-16 Thread ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana
Ok. It work but now I receive in that user a lot of messages like that:
Cron[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /usr/sbin/exim -q  false with the next contnBet
1998-10-16 12:09:01 queue run: process 23976 crashed with signal 11 while
delivering 0zUD7c-0004xc-00
1998-10-16 12:09:02 queue run: process 23981 crashed with signal 11 while
delivering 0zUDM9-00055V-00
1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23986 crashed with signal 11 while
delivering 0zUDaf-0005Cy-00
1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23991 crashed with signal 11 while
delivering 0zUE3h-0005TT-00
1998-10-16 12:09:04 queue run: process 23996 crashed with signal 11 while
delivering 0zUElF-0005qr-00

The paniclog and mainlog files increase rapidly. I installed exim when I
installed debian with dselect and I was root.

this is a sample from mainlog file:
6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 Completed
6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 Completed
6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
[EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 Completed
1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay 
(host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=
1998-10-16 12:53:01 Start queue run: pid=24401
1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 ** root@: unrouteable mail domain 
1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zUFwG-0006Lb-00 Error while handling error message:
at least one malformed recipient
1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 Process failed (1) when writing error
message to root@
1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTtRH-us-00 Message is frozen
1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTq92-pr-00 Message is frozen

rejectlog file:
1998-10-16 12:14:57 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
from [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=(maric) []
1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
from [EMAIL PROTECTED]H=(maric) []

Any suggestion?

TIA   \\\___///
  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for RD of Materials Physics*
* Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7   *
* Romania*
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   phone :401-7805385 int.1380  *
*[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  401-7806925   *
*   |  401-7804573   *
  oooO   (   )
 (   )) /
  \ ((_/

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Bubulac Angela Tatiana wrote:
  I think the problems never stops. This is one of the sense of life.
  Although the message I sent arrive to its destination (in my case a user
  in doamin continuouslyI receive messages like this
  (even from messages that was send yesterday):
  Please tell me what is wrong or what is happen.
 Create an alias in the /etc/alias file for root that points to your user
 account, for example:
 root: tatia
 Root mail will then be delivered to a suer account and you will not have
 problems will attempting to read anything in /root. I wonder what the real
 problem is ... I think it is because exim does not run as root so when it
 looks for a .forward or filter file for the root user, it fails to gain
 access to that directory.
 George Bonser
 The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!

Re: Hiding a linux computer

1998-10-16 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 12:01:59PM +0200, Rainer Clasen wrote:
 No! Not using dhcp means guessing a free IP - or better getting a real staic

There are other reasons for using dhcp. I have a notebook and it's very
handy for getting a relevant IP wherever I happen to be. At home
I have a static IP registered in the DNS, but I get a dynamic one at
the other places I use it.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Description: PGP signature

cdrom device not there

1998-10-16 Thread G. Kapetanios

After reinstalling my system (hamm) from scratch I have no /dev/cdrom 
Is this obselete ? If yes then what is the name of the new device ?
I have tried ./MAKEDEV cdrom and got an error 
Any ideas ?

George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:

eterm broken dependancies?

1998-10-16 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

The new eterm depends on eterm-backgrounds, which is a package I
can't seem to find - the backgrounds packages are eterm-bg and eterm-bg-ok

Is this a bug, or am I being stupid again?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: cdrom device not there

1998-10-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 After reinstalling my system (hamm) from scratch I have no /dev/cdrom 
 Is this obselete ? If yes then what is the name of the new device ?
 I have tried ./MAKEDEV cdrom and got an error 
 Any ideas ?

/dev/cdrom is not a device, but a symbolic link to the cdrom device.
If you have an ide cdrom, it will usually point to something like
/dev/hdb (slave on primary port), /dev/hdc (master on secondary port)
or /dev/hdd (slave on secondary port).  You probably need to do
something like

cd /dev
ln -s hdb cdrom

as root.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread Moore, Paul
I am trying to get to grips with Debian, and I'd like to browse through
the documentation. The problem I have is that my Debian PC is at one
home, whereas the PC where I have the most chance to read documentation,
print things out, follow up references, etc, is at work. My current work
PC is Windows only [:-(] but it does have a CD drive and I have the
Debian CDs.

My question is, basically, can I extract files from .deb format packages
on a Windows box? Presumably, .deb files are internally some form of
tar/cpio archive - can I get at the tar so that I can unpack it (I have
Windows gzip, tar, etc utilities).

If not, is there any other way I can browse the documentation (/usr/doc,
/usr/man, /usr/info) for debian while not actually at a PC with debian
running? Is it available on the web?

Thanks in advance for any help...

Paul Moore.

Re: Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 My question is, basically, can I extract files from .deb format packages
 on a Windows box? Presumably, .deb files are internally some form of
 tar/cpio archive - can I get at the tar so that I can unpack it (I have
 Windows gzip, tar, etc utilities).

deb files are `ar' archives, they contain gzipped tar files, one of
which contains the data, and another one contains the control scripts.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 12:06:25PM +0100, Moore, Paul wrote:
 My question is, basically, can I extract files from .deb format packages
 on a Windows box?

Probably, though I don't know how much work is involved.

 Presumably, .deb files are internally some form of tar/cpio archive - can
 I get at the tar so that I can unpack it (I have Windows gzip, tar, etc

deb(5) documents the format. Basically, it's an ar(1) archive containing
tar.gz archives.

 If not, is there any other way I can browse the documentation (/usr/doc,
 /usr/man, /usr/info) for debian while not actually at a PC with debian

Perhaps setting up a dwww server is an option. (see

 Is it available on the web?

See for a demo.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

RE: Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread Moore, Paul
From:  J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Presumably, .deb files are internally some form of tar/cpio archive - can
 I get at the tar so that I can unpack it (I have Windows gzip, tar, etc

deb(5) documents the format. Basically, it's an ar(1) archive containing
tar.gz archives.

Great. I'll pick up man 5 deb tonight and I can start hacking...

 If not, is there any other way I can browse the documentation (/usr/doc,
 /usr/man, /usr/info) for debian while not actually at a PC with debian

Perhaps setting up a dwww server is an option. (see

 Is it available on the web?

See for a demo.

Actually, this gives me 90% of what I need directly. Brilliant!

Thanks for the help. I think that's the record for the fastest ever help
I've ever had with a problem - your reply was back in a few minutes
after I posted!!!


Re: Safe rm available?

1998-10-16 Thread Andy Spiegl
According to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am using a program called safedelete that you alias to rm.  It is not
 a Debian package but is found on Sunsite.  It saves the files in a
 directory in your home directory for a configurable amount of days.

I still like it very much, but I just recently ran into a problem:
The size of the trashcan.  It filled up my partition, so that I had
to manually remove some of the files.  So I started looking for some
method of restricting the maximum total size or the maximum size of
files to be put in the .Safedelete dir, but couldn't find anything.

How did you guys solve this?  Or do you have infinite harddisks? :-)

A quick second question:
When I run undelete without arguments I can't read anything because
the screen switches away.  Anybody have a solution to this?


 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_


1998-10-16 Thread jrivas
Anybody knows where i can get DFE-530TX (D-Link) drivers?

Thank you for you time,

Necesito los drives para la tarjeta de red DFE-530TX (D-LINK) para
linux. Si alguien sabe donde poder conseguirlos que lo diga.

Un saludo,


---End Message---

Re: High points of debian

1998-10-16 Thread Anthony Campbell
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 04:37:31AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
 Plelase read
 Chris Frost wrote:
  I've got a few questions re: debian, coming from a longtime redhat user...
  I've been using redhat since around v4, and while I definately like
  it, sometimes things are a little unstable, I wish rpm were more powerful
  (I normally end up building my own and making rpm's, so that they register
  in the rpm database), really like the idea of a near-completly gpl'd os,
  and of course I like to toy :)
  So, what are some of the main reasons everyone here uses debian instead of
  something else (linux wise)? Are there any big drawbacks? (I'm experienced
  enough that building from tar balls isn't really a concern, so if the
  number of .deb's premade is small, that's fine.)

I installed Debian about 2 months ago, after using Redhat for about 18 months
(I still have it installed as well). So far I prefer Debian, although not by
a huge amount; Redhat is a very good installation.  As everyone says,
upgrading seems to be more problem-free. What I 've particularly appreciated
in Debian is getting immediate helpful replies from the maintainers of
packages. On at least two occasions these have enabled me to get programs
working that I would otherwise have given up on. This is a very big plus.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

netscape4.x cannot read debian-user list archives

1998-10-16 Thread Jan Krupa
I have installed netscape4.5b2 under debian2.0.
 When I try to read debian-user mailing list archives 
(e.g. from September, august) first
time it's O.K. but next times on the same month archives
netscape just hangs I have to kill it (the archives are very big).

 When I try to read much smaller archives (e.g. debian-changes,
September) it's all right.

I had the same behavior using netscape4.x, but netscape3.x
reads the archives well. 
Does anybody have any idea  what causes such behavior of netscape ?
 May be I have configured netscape wrong. 
 My be I some hint what change in preferences?

Jan Krupa

Re: cdrom device not there

1998-10-16 Thread Dominik Rothert
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 11:08:17AM +0100,
G. Kapetanios wrote ...

 After reinstalling my system (hamm) from scratch I have no /dev/cdrom 
 Is this obselete ? If yes then what is the name of the new device ?

/dev/cdrom is just a link to another device. Is your CDROM Drive
Atapi or SCSI ? 

If Atapi,

and 1st controller, master: /dev/hda
or  1st controller, slave: /dev/hdb (most cases)
or  2nd controller, master: /dev/hdc 
or  2nd controller, slave: /dev/hdd


Dominik Rothert

GPG Fingerprint: BB8F 7348 18AE 565F 6ABA  453F A964 3160 B20A 5726
PGP Fingerprint: 70 1C 59 75 D8 30 65 3F  FE 1E D8 B5 89 EA 4B 5A


1998-10-16 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 01:48:27PM +0100, jrivas wrote:
 Anybody knows where i can get DFE-530TX (D-Link) drivers?

Isn't that one using a DEC chipset?  If so, try the tulip driver.



It's time to close windows and open source.
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Re: netscape4.x cannot read debian-user list archives

1998-10-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
[ netscape 4 chokes on mailing list archives ]

I recognize this behaviour.  I suppose what is wrong is the netscape has
some, er, `shortcommings' (i.e. bugs).  I always use lynx to access the
debian mailing list archives or bug-track system.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

slink :i386 : net :netstd_3.07-5.deb

1998-10-16 Thread John Leget
Just updated my system and things came apart around the above with the
following error messages using APT

##Preparing to replace
netstd 3.07-4 (using .../net/netstd_3.07-5.deb) ...
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.005 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
/usr/sbin/update-inetd line 23.
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.005 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
/usr/sbin/update-inetd line 23.
dpkg: error processing
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.005 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
/var/lib/dpkg/info/netstd.postinst line 4.
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

as a result my networking ie ppp fails after disconnects, stays up sort
off :). I used ifconfig to bring it down and restarted pppd. Hence im
able to post this.

I did a search for and found this in /usr/lib/perl5
so i created a link in /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 to it which seemed to
allow the package to install.( i remember perl 5.005?? running into
probs when it upgraded last time but it fixed itself or so i thougth ?).
Now was this safe to do ???.
I couldnt uninstall it because of numerous sigh dependencies.

Thanx all.


Re: I can't compile anymore

1998-10-16 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 linux/errno.h is in libc6-dev.  You also should not try to compile 2.0

Ok, reinstalled libc6-dev, I get these messages further on in the compilation:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make bzImage  make modules  make 
modules_installegcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/scratch/usr/src/linux/include -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586  -c -o 
init/main.o init/main.c
/usr/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy':
In file included from /usr/include/linux/string.h:39,
 from /usr/include/asm/termios.h:58,
 from /usr/include/linux/termios.h:5,
 from /usr/include/linux/tty.h:20,
 from /usr/include/linux/sched.h:26,
 from init/main.c:17:
/usr/include/asm/string.h:443: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
/usr/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_c_and_count_memset':
/usr/include/asm/string.h:594: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
/scratch/usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h: At top level:
In file included from init/main.c:31:
/scratch/usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:59: conflicting types for `kfree'
/usr/include/linux/malloc.h:7: previous declaration of `kfree'
init/main.c: In function `get_options':
init/main.c:379: warning: subscript has type `char'
init/main.c: At top level:
init/main.c:857: `pci_setup' undeclared here (not in a function)
init/main.c:857: initializer element for `raw_params[1].setup_func' is not 
init/main.c: In function `start_kernel':
init/main.c:1154: warning: implicit declaration of function `dcache_init'
init/main.c:1155: warning: implicit declaration of function `vma_init'
init/main.c:1158: too few arguments to function `inode_init'
init/main.c:1159: too few arguments to function `file_table_init'
init/main.c: In function `do_basic_setup':
init/main.c:1229: too few arguments to function `pci_init'
init/main.c: In function `init':
init/main.c:1325: warning: implicit declaration of function `lock_kernel'
init/main.c:1334: warning: implicit declaration of function `unlock_kernel'
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # 

again, linux kernel to compile is 2.1.125

I would like to know if someone else is having these problems or if I
just trashed the system somehow (how? :-)



 Pierfrancesco Caci  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  Firenze - Italia   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.1.122 #7 Thu Sep 17 13:56:01 CEST 1998 i586 unknown

Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread me
Hi all---

I'm new to Linux, and in the process of hacking cluelessly with my
hard-drive setup I've managed to trash some vital part of my hard drive.
Here's the general setup: 

/dev/hda1  (~100MB)  Win95, formerly bootable, formerly DOS
/dev/hda2  (~16MB)   linux swap
/dev/hda3  (~200mb)   linux main: bootable, mounted as /
/dev/hda4  (0)
/dev/hda5  (~75mb)   linux /var
/dev/hda6  (~250mb)  linux /usr

a few days ago, i was hacking on something (LILO?), and flipped the
bootable flag on /dev/hda1 to OFF. I also changed /dev/hda1 from a DOS
partition to a Win95 FAT16 LBA partition, not thinking that this might
pose a problem. (/dev/hda1 has win95 loaded on it, but I corrupted all the
long filenames when I was repartitioning it. when it was labeled as a DOS
partition, I could get into it using linux.) cfdisk returned an error as
it was trying to write; silly me, i didn't write down what it said, but i
figured nothing was seriously wrong. I rebooted. when I rebooted, I got an

Kernel Panic: [something to the effect of, this drive's f*ed up] 03:01

I looked around and found a rootboot disk on the net (tomsrtbt), dutifully
created it using another computer, and booted from a floppy. (My Debian
rootboot disk wasn't working, still isn't, dunno why. sigh) Using a boot
floppy, I can mount and read /dev/hda3 just fine, but I can't seem to run
any of the binaries on it. (for example, cfdisk). I can't get into
/dev/hda1 at all.

So: is there a way to fix the hard drive, and /dev/hda1, without losing
significant amounts of data? If so, what is it? 

Thanks in advance. 

-Renee Landrum
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (main) - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (forwarding)

Re: slink :i386 : net :netstd_3.07-5.deb

1998-10-16 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, John Leget wrote:

 Just updated my system and things came apart around the above with the
 following error messages using APT

downgrade to perl5.004. perl5.005 has some problems and was removed from
slink.(checked yesterday, though).

Mario Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

HELP:pgp5 doesn't work

1998-10-16 Thread Bruno Boettcher

i am still trying to get pgp5 to work
the selftests work, i can encrypt a file with pgp, i can decrypt it using my
key, i can list the available keys etc.

now i added the key of a friend, receivend an encrypted attachmet to a mail,
when trying to decrypt i get the message couldn#t decrypt key with ID x not
found, now when i lsit keys i see that the key with that ID exists so why
does pgpv doesn't take it?

acount at earthling net
Unsolicited commercial email is NOT welcome at this email address
To contact me replace acount by bboett in above addresses

Debian on Notebooks

1998-10-16 Thread Lukas Eppler
Hi there,

I am looking for a new laptop for debian. If you run debian nicely, please
let me know. I had some problems installing and running debian on my
current laptop, and if I can avoid these on my next buy, I would be very

So please drop a note if you are happy with your installation.

I would like to buy one with TFT screen 1024x789 w 32k colors in X, if
possible with a nice resolution with SVGATextMode.

Most information I get is on 'how can I run X on my laptop', I look for
information the other way 'round.

On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Infomed wrote:

 Acabo de comprar un notebook (ayer) y quisiera instalar
 Linux en él. Podriais aclararme cosas ???.

Even tough I did not understand everything (Julián, please try to write
english, even if it is difficult for you, people will understand better)
it seems the same question.

Lukas Eppler (godot)

Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 09:07:14AM -0400, me wrote:
 Hi all---
 I'm new to Linux, and in the process of hacking cluelessly with my
 hard-drive setup I've managed to trash some vital part of my hard drive.
 Here's the general setup: 
 /dev/hda1  (~100MB)  Win95, formerly bootable, formerly DOS
 /dev/hda2  (~16MB)   linux swap
 /dev/hda3  (~200mb)   linux main: bootable, mounted as /
 /dev/hda4  (0)
 /dev/hda5  (~75mb)   linux /var
 /dev/hda6  (~250mb)  linux /usr
 a few days ago, i was hacking on something (LILO?), and flipped the
 bootable flag on /dev/hda1 to OFF. I also changed /dev/hda1 from a DOS
 partition to a Win95 FAT16 LBA partition, not thinking that this might
 pose a problem. (/dev/hda1 has win95 loaded on it, but I corrupted all the
 long filenames when I was repartitioning it. when it was labeled as a DOS
 partition, I could get into it using linux.) cfdisk returned an error as
 it was trying to write; silly me, i didn't write down what it said, but i
 figured nothing was seriously wrong. I rebooted. when I rebooted, I got an
 Kernel Panic: [something to the effect of, this drive's f*ed up] 03:01

MORAL NEVER play with the partitions on a system without making a
backup! /MORAL
MORAL2 Always mount a scratch monkey /MORAL2 (yes I read the jargon
file too much)

Have you tried looking at it in normal fdisk?
How AFU is the partition table? 

 I looked around and found a rootboot disk on the net (tomsrtbt), dutifully
 created it using another computer, and booted from a floppy. (My Debian
 rootboot disk wasn't working, still isn't, dunno why. sigh) Using a boot
 floppy, I can mount and read /dev/hda3 just fine, but I can't seem to run
 any of the binaries on it. (for example, cfdisk). I can't get into
 /dev/hda1 at all.

tomsrtbt is a GREAT disk but...alas it is libc5 and thusly can't run 
glibc binaries (libc6).

try cd'ing to the directory where /dev/hda3 is mounted and
chroot . bash 

this SHOULD give you a shell that can run those binaries. 
(and its bash too ;))

 So: is there a way to fix the hard drive, and /dev/hda1, without losing
 significant amounts of data? If so, what is it? 

have you tried fsck?
I would recommend trying fdisk and seeing what it says...also writting down
every error message ;)

(btw tomsrtbt should have fdisk)

As for the Win95 system... 
you will probablky need to re-install


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux


1998-10-16 Thread Lukas Eppler
On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, count zero wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Oct 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
  Im searching for graphicals internet browsers...
  What can you people recomend me?? (currently im using netscape)
 why u want to change? netscape it's not so ugly !


You might try kfm, the filemanager of the kde package. However, it's not
totally free (like netscape up to now) and has some problems displaying
forms. You might try lynx and configure it with zgv as graphical viewer
(runs in the console, but is quick as hell). Both have no java, so keep
netscape installed. Other browsers I only know the name: amaya, mozilla
(from netscape), qtscape (mozilla port on qt-libraries).

Lukas Eppler (godot)

Re: Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 12:06:25PM +0100, Moore, Paul wrote:
 I am trying to get to grips with Debian, and I'd like to browse through
 the documentation. The problem I have is that my Debian PC is at one
 home, whereas the PC where I have the most chance to read documentation,
 print things out, follow up references, etc, is at work. My current work
 PC is Windows only [:-(] but it does have a CD drive and I have the
 Debian CDs.

I guess your home PC can't be acessed from work (ie having it online)
too bad...I need to set mine up (one of these days) to let me tell it
to conenct remotely.

 My question is, basically, can I extract files from .deb format packages
 on a Windows box? Presumably, .deb files are internally some form of
 tar/cpio archive - can I get at the tar so that I can unpack it (I have
 Windows gzip, tar, etc utilities).

thay are...

ar is the top level used...
user ar to extract that and there will be a couple of control files and
a .tar.gz 

Winzip should be able to take it from there.

 If not, is there any other way I can browse the documentation (/usr/doc,
 /usr/man, /usr/info) for debian while not actually at a PC with debian
 running? Is it available on the web?

hmm well... with dwww there is an entire web interface to documentation
I don't know if anyone has dww publicly available for browseing

/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

New Install... pon not working

1998-10-16 Thread Bob Eidt


I Have installed Linux 2.0 from floppy disk to a unit without any non-
linux partitions and have tried both using pppconfig and manually
editing the provider files as indicated in install.txt. FTP is the only
method to my disposal of enhancing my installation.

It would seem the best I can do is with the configuration files I had
after running pppconfig.

Using pon and plog I get an OK in response to ATZ, I get a 
CONNECT in response to the ATDT1231234. But then a string 
of some sort of PPP negotiation talk is sent and after a while I get 
a message it has been sent 9 times without a response and I 

I have two remote access numbers with valid account ID to my 
disposal, both of which will accept a Windows95 connection.

My modem is a 56KFlex AOPEN FM56-RS with the latest firmware 

Any suggestions would be appreciated,

Robert Abbott-Eidt
ADI Group Inc.
1133 Regent St., Suite 300
Fredericton N.B.
E3B 3Z2

Ph. (506) 452-9000
Fax (506) 459-3954
To obtain the direct dial in prefix to a known extension send any message to:

Re: exim: never stop Mail delivery failed

1998-10-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana wrote:

 : Ok. It work but now I receive in that user a lot of messages like that:
 : Cron[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /usr/sbin/exim -q  false with the next contnBet
 : 1998-10-16 12:09:01 queue run: process 23976 crashed with signal 11 while
 : delivering 0zUD7c-0004xc-00
 : 1998-10-16 12:09:02 queue run: process 23981 crashed with signal 11 while
 : delivering 0zUDM9-00055V-00
 : 1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23986 crashed with signal 11 while
 : delivering 0zUDaf-0005Cy-00
 : 1998-10-16 12:09:03 queue run: process 23991 crashed with signal 11 while
 : delivering 0zUE3h-0005TT-00
 : 1998-10-16 12:09:04 queue run: process 23996 crashed with signal 11 while
 : delivering 0zUElF-0005qr-00
 : The paniclog and mainlog files increase rapidly. I installed exim when I
 : installed debian with dselect and I was root.
 : this is a sample from mainlog file:
 : 6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
 : 6 12:23:10 0zTurN-98-00 Completed
 : 6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
 : 6 12:23:11 0zTucu-8t-00 Completed
 : 6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 = maric ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser T=local_del
 : 6 12:23:11 0zTvKP-AT-00 Completed
 : ...
 : 1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay 
 : (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:01 Start queue run: pid=24401
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 ** root@: unrouteable mail domain 
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zUFwG-0006Lb-00 Error while handling error message:
 : at least one malformed recipient
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTnfQ-4E-00 Process failed (1) when writing error
 : message to root@
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTtRH-us-00 Message is frozen
 : 1998-10-16 12:53:28 0zTq92-pr-00 Message is frozen
 : rejectlog file:
 : 1998-10-16 12:14:57 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 : from [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=(maric) []
 : 1998-10-16 12:46:51 refused relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 : from [EMAIL PROTECTED]H=(maric) []
 : Any suggestion?

Last time I saw this I had not set up an alias for the root account.
Exim seems to dislike selivering mail to the root account.

Edit /etc/aliases and make sure that ONE alias exists for the user
root, and that it refers to a real mail account somewhere.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Is Supra 336i a Winmodem?

1998-10-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Andrew Ivanov wrote:

 : I have been trying to get my modem to work in debian, and unfortunately,
 : unsuccessfully.
 : I have 486DX4, it's got SupraExpress 336i Sp modem installed in it. My
 : primary boot right now is Win95, until I can get debian setup. Modem works
 : perfectly with Windows.
 : In debian what happens is:
 : Modem is on COM3, at least this is what Windows tells me.
 : setserial /dev/ttyS2 gives me output :
 : UART unknown, IRQ 4, Port 0x03e8
 : When I run wvdialconf, it tells me that modem was not detected, asks if
 : it's in use by any other programs, etc.
 : Any idea why is this not working? How can I check if this is a Winmodem?
 : Any suggestions, please?

Well, due to old habits I usually round up a DOS boot disk and try
something like this:

  ECHO ATDT123456789  COM3

If a modem actually exists at COM3 these two commands will make the
modem go off-hook, ignore dialtone, and dial 123456789.  You probably
don't want a phone line connected for this test :)

I suppose you could do the same test within linux:

  echo atx0  /dev/ttyS2
  echo atdt123456789  /dev/ttyS2

However, since setserial didn't do much for you I'd guess you're

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

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