1998-11-13 Thread Agustín Martín

¿Tienes correctamente instalado ghostscript? Es decir, desde gv o
ghostview ¿puedes ver correctamente alguno de los archivos postscript
que vienen de ejemplo?

¿Que impresora has seleccionado en el magicfilter? ¿no se te habrá
colado seleccionar una impresora postscript como impresora por omisión?
¿puedes mandar una copia de tu /etc/printcap para ir acotando


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Problemas con el jdk1.1.3 en Debian 2.0

1998-11-13 Thread TooManySecrets
Gomez Rubio Virgilio el día Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 06:16:57PM +0100 expuso lo 
  utilidades que es el comando javac seguido del fichero .java, me 
  canta un SEGMENTATION FAULT. Y sin embargo dicho Kit va bien con 
  otras distribuciones de Linux. 
   Creo que el problema se encuentra en las bibliotecas que tengas
 instaladas. A m'i me ocurr'ia lo mismo (con el Netscape y el JDK1.1.3).
 El Netscape ahora me funciona porque en los mensajes de eeror pod'ia leer
 los nombres de las bibliotecas que no encontraba el programa. Las instal'e
 del directorio oldlibs de la hamm y me va de maravilla.
   Con el JDK el problema es que se para, pero no te dice la biblioteca que
 falla... Una soluci'on ser'ia instalar todas las bibliotecas que pueden
 considerarse b'asicas (libm, libc, libdl, ...) que vienen en oldlibs...
   POr cierto, has probado el Kaffe y el guavac? La m4aquina virtual del
 primero es m'as r'apida que la de SUn y el compilador guavac tambi'en es
 m'as r'apido que el de Sun. Si quieres te puedo pasar el Kaffe(versi'on 1,
 beta 2).

¿Ya no vienen ninguno de los dos en la distribución Debian?

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-13 Thread Fernando

Hace algun tiempo estuve tratando de configurar la ipresion a traves de
una maquina remota (hp UNIX) utilizando el magicfilter.

Para hacerlo utilice el siguiente /etc/printcap

 lp|lj|hplj3|HP Laserjet III:\
rlp|Remote printer entry  
con /etc/filtro.remoto.fer =

#! /bin/sh
/etc/magicfilter/ljet3-filter | lpr -P rlp

Si imprimo un archivo de texto funciona, (me sale un banner LP)
Pero cuando intento imprimir desde netscape que usa ps me sale
basura y muchisimas hojas en blanco.

¿ Es problema de que este mal definido el filtro ? 

Alguna idea. (no puedo tocar la maquina hp )

Otra cosa, Hay por ahi varias impresoras conectadas directamene 
a la red local (la red tiene un servidor win NT)

¿ podria utilizar estas impresoras utilizando samba, que datos
necesitaria ?


Re: Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-13 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 11:05:45AM +, Fernando wrote:

 Para hacerlo utilice el siguiente /etc/printcap
 [ interesante idea pero no funciona por que magicfilter no esta hecho
   para trabajar en esa forma ]
 Si imprimo un archivo de texto funciona, (me sale un banner LP)
 Pero cuando intento imprimir desde netscape que usa ps me sale
 basura y muchisimas hojas en blanco.

Te respondo las dos cosas de una vez:

lp|lj|hpljiii|LaserJet III:\

lj-remota|LaserJet III Remota:\

La impresora lp corre el filtro, y solo se lo pasa a lj-remota cuando todos
los filtros han sido aplicados (el filtro puede necesitarse mas de una vez
-- ademas claro que el filtro ocupa parametros). En el caso de arriba, la
segunda impresora es una que esta compartida por un servidor NT. Notaras que
debido a las bellezas de NT necesitas una comfiguracion bastante particular
para lograr imprimir alla. /usr/local/sbin/smbprint va como esto:

#!/bin/sh -e


. $config_file

echo server $server, service $service  $logfile

  echo print -
) | /usr/bin/smbclient \
$server\\$service $password -U $user -N -P  $logfile

(El $7 es algo muy particular de lprng, y es probable que exista una
variable en el entorno que contenga ese valor, pero revisando la
documentacion muy rapidamente eso fue lo que encontre)

Una impresora remota se ve asi:


 Alguna idea. (no puedo tocar la maquina hp )

Eso siempre es un problema (pues quiere decir que estas haciendo algo sin
hablar con el administrador de la HP)


Cambio a 486

1998-11-13 Thread José Antonio Pozo Pinilla

Hola, quisiera hacer una consulta. Tengo una máquina LINUX 
basada en un 386 y quisiera meterle un 486 que tengo 
disponible (sólo cmabio de placa base). ¿Implica alguna 
modificación en el kernel?, y si es así ¿qué pasos he de 
seguir?. Grácias
José Antonio Pozo Pinilla
Obtenga GRATIS su E-Mail permanente en

Re: Impresora de agujas

1998-11-13 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Virgilio_Gómez_Rubio wrote:

   Resulta que tengo una impresora de agujas Citizen 124D y no consigo
 imprimir ficheros PostScript, DVI, etc. Tengo instalado el Magicfilter,
 pero el problema es que no s´e muy bien que filtro utilizar...

Hola.Yo tengo una Epson LX400 (solo vista en museos ;-) y me imprime los
PS, DVI, etc a las mil maravillas. Para ello utilizo 'magicfilter'. Lo que
ocurre, es que la mayoria de estas impresoras no entienden el postscript,
y para eso 'magicfiler' utiliza el GS (ghostscript). No se ... no soy muy
bueno en cuestiones teoricas, pero algo asi creo que es. La cosa es que
eso es lo que yo tengo (magicfilter y gs) y me va bien.
Juan Carlos

grupos de dispositivos y comandos de shell.

1998-11-13 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Unas preguntitas:
el otro dia sin darme cuenta, hice un chgrp users * en el directorio
/dev. ¿Que consecuencias puede acarrear eso? ¿Lo puedo solucionar de
alguna maneras?
Todo fue para que un usuario pudiese utilizar fte en consola. Resulta
que fte accede a no se que dispositivo, y necesitaba permisos.

Otra cosa, ahora que estamos de comandos.
A la cuenta root le tengo creado un alias para 'rm' y en lugar de rm
ejecuta 'rm -i'. Pero ahora cada vez que hago un rm -r para borrar un
directorio me pregunta archivo por archivo del directorio, lo cual es
engorroso. ¿Conoceis alguna alternativa? Es decir, que me pregunte
cuando el parametro sea un archivo, pero que pregunte una sola vez
cuando sea un directorio.

Y ultima:
¿Como demonios se hace para mandar un proceso a segundo plano una vez lo
has iniciado? Me dijeron que Ctrl + Z, pero si hago eso, se queda ahi en
stop, y no puedo recuperarlo. ¿Cual es la combinacion de teclas para que
un proceso me devuelva la linea de comandos?

Muy agradecido por la atencion:
Juan Carlos

Re: Problemas con el jdk1.1.3 en Debian 2.0

1998-11-13 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
POr cierto, has probado el Kaffe y el guavac? La m4aquina virtual del
  primero es m'as r'apida que la de SUn y el compilador guavac tambi'en es
  m'as r'apido que el de Sun. Si quieres te puedo pasar el Kaffe(versi'on 1,
  beta 2).
 ¿Ya no vienen ninguno de los dos en la distribución Debian?
  Que yo sepa el guavac viene en la hamm. El kaffe creo que en la vida ha
venido en una Debian, pero no estoy seguro.

  Comno digo, si a alguien le interesa le puedo pasar el Kaffe... es más
de mega y medio.


Re: grupos de dispositivos y comandos de shell.

1998-11-13 Thread Felipe Sanchez

On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

 Y ultima:
 ?Como demonios se hace para mandar un proceso a segundo plano una vez lo
 has iniciado? Me dijeron que Ctrl + Z, pero si hago eso, se queda ahi en
 stop, y no puedo recuperarlo. ?Cual es la combinacion de teclas para que
 un proceso me devuelva la linea de comandos?

Hola Juan Carlos,

Al fin alguien pregunta algo que puedo responder :)

Efectivamente para pasar un proceso al background tecleas ctrl-z e
inmediatamente das el comando bg (por background me imagino). Esto hace
que el proceso continue corriendo, pero te deja el terminal libre. Si por
alguna razon quieres devolver el proceso al foreground (no se como
traducir eso ;) tecleas fg y eso te devuelve el ultimo proceso que
mandaste al background adelante.

Si estoy equivocado que alguien me corrija, esto lo estoy probando en un
hp-ux, pero me imagino que es lo mismo. Tengo entendido eso si que para
que funcione tu shell tiene que soportar manejo de jobs, lo que la mayoria
del los shell actuales hacen me parece.

Saludos y suerte.

Felipe Sanchez


1998-11-13 Thread Juan Ramón Larrea

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Despues de configurar Xwindows sin ningun problema, cuando intento
 arrancar mediante la orden X no arranca y me da el siguiente mensaje:
 None of the configured devices were detected
 Fatal error:
 no screens found

Prueba a hacer startx o startx -- -bpp 16 para una profundidad
de color de 16 bits por pixel, sin las comilla claro.

No se, a lo mejor te estoy diciendo una burrada, en esto nunca se
sabe a ciencia cierta.
 Arranco de nuevo xf86setup y a pesar de que le digo que utilice el
 xf86config existente como default veo que la tarjeta grafica pone
 ninguna en vez de la  S3 que configure y que monitor pone el que le da
 la gana. Hago los cambios vuelvo a salvar la configuración y el problema
 Tengo el Debian 2.0 Hamm.

Hasta otra.

Re: dselect listing

1998-11-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 12 Nov 1998, Daniel E. Hollis wrote:

   I mucked up my package list.  I'm trying to install kde and xfree86, the
 stable versions.  One of the 2 required, so I thought, a xlibc _unstable_
 version.  I connected to the local debian distribution ftp site and got the
 unstable directory listings.  Now, dselect wants to upgrade _everything_ to 
 unstable versions.  And to install new software, I can only get dselect to
 choose unstable versions.  I'd ideally love to chose something like
 install/upgrade stable only but no such choice exists.  I'm willing to go
 back and build a new package list form the ftp site, but I don't want to go 
 delete something that conceivably could be keeping track of currently 
 packages.  What should I do?


a) use dpkg to install the programs you want from slink by hand
b) place all the other packages on hold.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: star office 5 hangs my system ...

1998-11-13 Thread Randy Edwards
Daniel Mashao wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Nov 1998, Adam Shand wrote:
   I runs fine here. I am running slink and have tried three different
   kernels, 2.0.32, 2.0.35, and 2.1.127, all work fine. Maybe you need
   more video RAM? That thing is a resource pig.
 I am running on a Pentium 233 with 64 Meg and installing StarOffice
 crashes my machine too. It crashes everytime I try.

   Strange.  I installed StarOffice5 several times on this machine, a
combination of root and user installs, net and non-net installs, before
finally deciding I wanted to install it as a regular user in my ~
subdirectory.  I had no problems at all with any of those installs.

   This is on a slink system; a Celeron CPU overclocked to 338mhz with
128MB of RAM and a Diamond Viper 330 (4MB) video card.  SO5 is *not*
snappy loading, but once up and running it works great and I haven't had
any problems with it.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/ failed

1998-11-13 Thread Adam Shand


i while back upgraded all my x stuff and unfortunately timed it just as
the packages had been split up.  i managed to figure out what was wrong
and patch things back together but now i'm getting this error when i tried
to change my xserver from s3v to svga.  

i'm trying to get work done on my linux box (i don't have a windows box)
so if anyone has seen this before help would be *much* appreciated.



ps. also as an aside it appears that the package kbd-data-0.96a-7.deb has
disappeared and doesn't exist anywhere.  apt says that it's in base but
it's not on *any* of the mirrors i've checked (about five).  and also, it
appears that things have changed between -6 and -7 and xf86setup won't run
because it thinks files are missing and so kbd isn't installed.


1998-11-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Where is that page that explaines why we use xterm-debian instead
of xterm? Searching for xterm-debian on the debian site only produces the
FAQumatic. I have seen this somewhere before (Branden's pages?), and need
it RSN, as someone has decided to flame me



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: /dev/cdrom problem

1998-11-13 Thread James Dietrich
On Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 11:39:26PM +, Vincent Murphy wrote:
 i can't use xplaycd or any other cd playing program as a normal user.
 the message i get from xplaycd is that permission is denied to use /dev/cdrom.
 i can make the program work using sudo though.
 any way i can fix this?

See if adding yourself to group disk helps, as in

adduser username disk



Re: ssh and X11 question: tcp_wrappers?

1998-11-13 Thread Adam Shand

 Hi, when I ssh to another sshd machine, I can't forward X11
 connections back to the machine where I am logged into the console. I
 always get the following error message:

this means (surprise, surprise) that tcp_wrappers is denying the forwarded
x session.  what i do is restrict ssh via tcp_wrappers and then add this
line (using the logic that if they can ssh to my box and log in i'm happy
for them to forward x sessions back to their box).

in your hosts.allow file you need to add this line (on the box you are
ssh'd *into*) if you are using tcp_wrappers in advanced mode:

sshdfwd-X11: ALL : ALLOW

or if you are in normal mode (standard debian i believe):

sshdfwd-X11: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Internet Alaska 
 4050 Lake Otis Pkwy   Adam  Shand   (v) +1 907 562 4636
 Anchorage, AK 99508 Technical  Lead (f) +1 907 562 4807
- -

Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.
- Pablo Picasso -

Re: xterm-debian

1998-11-13 Thread James Dietrich
On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 12:10:31AM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
   Where is that page that explaines why we use xterm-debian instead
 of xterm? Searching for xterm-debian on the debian site only produces the
 FAQumatic. I have seen this somewhere before (Branden's pages?), and need
 it RSN, as someone has decided to flame me



Re: Problems with StarOffice 5.0 Registration

1998-11-13 Thread Steve Beitzel
No, it's still unregistered, because it says so on the title bar, and I've
tried reinstalling like 5 times already.  That's why I asked the list in
the first place -- I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem
is with it, and it dosen't seem to bother anyone else.  Thanks for trying
though.  Anyone else have an idea???



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\  \___/ /
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On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, [iso-8859-1] Åsmund Ødegård wrote:

 Hi, Steve!
 If the registration button is ghosted, I think the registration is OK. Maybe
 this is doen automagically if you do an online registration. You get the reg.
 key by email in fact you need to reinstall for some reason. Maybe?
 just my 2¢...
 Wed, 11 Nov Steve Beitzel wrote:
  Hello all,
  I know that people are always asking questions about how to
  install StarOffice, but I couldn't find an answer in the archives about
  this.  I recently downloaded and successfully installed StarOffice 5.0,
  except when I try to do the online registration, it fails for some
  reason.  The failure is odd, because I see the webpage that says Thank
  you for joining StarDivision and whatever, and I get the Registration key
  by email, but I am not allowed to activate the key -- the program keeps
  that button ghosted.  It seems that the online part of the registration
  process was successful and there is something wrong with the program.  Any
 Åsmund Ødegård
 Stipendiat Teknisk programvare
 Inst. for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- url:
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Notebook for Debian

1998-11-13 Thread Eric House
 David Welton wrote:
  Don't want to spend a fortune
  Don't need anything fantastic
  Do want something that works well with Debian
  Don't want to have to use proprietary X servers.

I picked up an HP OmniBook 800 a few weeks ago specifically to run
Debian.  So far I'm delighted.  It has only an 800x600 screen, but for
$1000 it's sub-4 lbs, tiny, has a full-size keyboard and TFT display,
2+ gig drive, 2 meg VRAM, 2 PCMCIA slots, and detatchable floppy and
CDRom (not counted in the weight).  Only 16meg of RAM, with another 32
about $70 and $64 $160.  1 year warranty.

For battery life I'm getting about 3 hours running in console mode and
about 1 hour running X.  The server is the NeoMagic one just moved from
binary-only to a free part of XF86.

It's done everything I've asked of it so far.

--Eric House

|from the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|The instructions said 'Win98 or better' -- so I installed Linux|

Re: bogomips

1998-11-13 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: bogomips
Date: Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 12:56:21AM +0100

In reply to:Martin Bialasinski

Quoting Martin Bialasinski([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  w == wtopa  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 w Yes that would seem about right. The problem I have is that my
 w 166MMX gives me 149.9 BogoMips on my Slackware partition and only
 w 130.6 on my Debian partition.  Same hardware (same box).
 Same kernelversion? The bogomips implementation changes sometimes.

Yes.  2.0.34/35 on Slackware 149.9. On debian 2.0.34 120 Bogomips and
on 2.0.35 130.6.  The .config's on both dists are the same as well.
Interesting, isn't it.  NOT!  I am confused by the change in Debian
kernels.  On Slackware I have gone from 2.0.30 - 35 with no change at
all, allways 149.9.  I did note that on Slackware 3.5 (just installed) 
on a scsi drive on sba1, kernel 2.1.127 gets 149.5.  This is the first 
run on that kernel and I have a bunch of new stuff compiled into the
kernel, so that _may_ account for the change.

Would appreciate it if anyone could give me some reason for the
difference in the Debian kernel.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.

Sendmail 8.9 on hamm?

1998-11-13 Thread William R Ward
I'm running a 'stable' (hamm) system and want to have Sendmail 8.9 for
its spam-blocking abilities.  Hamm comes with 8.8.8 which I am not
happy with.

Is there an 8.9 .deb file that will work with hamm?


William R Ward  Bay View Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1803 Mission St. #339voicemail +1 831/479-4072
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Santa Cruz CA 95060 USA   pager +1 831/458-8862
 PGP Key 0x2BD331E5; Public key at
Paradise is exactly like where you are right now, only much, much better.
--Laurie Anderson (Language Is a Virus / Home of the Brave)

Re: Debian and Win32?

1998-11-13 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Chang, FKK wrote:

 As I am forced to work with Dos 95 at work here - after a fruitless crusade
 to be at least *allowed* to use Debian/TeX, I stumbled upon the Cygnus 
 win32 - GNU - thing. 
 This cygnus-win32 base seems an ideal base for distribution of free software
 a la Debian, using the cygnus lib instead of the linux kernel. Am I right? 
 If so, why don't I hear anything of it? If not, why not? Copyright issues?
 Money? Fear of M$ lawyers?

 Others have pointed to Cygnus (and other companies) as a promising route
for linux advocacy. I'll see if I can find the URL for a paper advocating
just that.
 PS The same goes for XFree. Why no X server for 95/NT machines?

 That's a little easier to explain. XFree86 needs a real Unix to run on,
not the pseudo-unix that the cygnus libraries provide. It just can't be
ported to Windows easily.

 However, there is at least one free X server for Windows called MI/X.
It's not the fastest one out there, but it's free. (I think it might not
be free for commercial use, though.)

 It might be possible to make a 'Winux' distribution of sorts. It would
lack a lot of things (Windows has no named pipes, doesn't do shared memory
the same, etc.) but it might be promising enough to lead someone on to
better things, and it would be a good training tool. Having graphical
programs through X would be necessary, I'd think, to make it a good
evangelical tool.

 There's a replacement shell for Windows that looks very Afterstep-like.
Again, I've got a URL somewhere. Put it all together and you could have
tricycle that gives people a taste of what it's like to ride the Linux
motorcycle. :-


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
  in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila.
   Mitch Radcliffe

Unresolved symbols on networking modules

1998-11-13 Thread Curt Daugaard
I've seen posts to this list about this problem before, but I
can't recall the solution.  I'm trying to revive an ip
masquerading setup I had in the past, but when I try to start it
up a get a long list of unresolved symbols on the net modules.
The modules were made and installed after the last kernel compile.
Can anyone give me any clues about how to fix this?


Curt Daugaard

Re: Setting gateway

1998-11-13 Thread Michael Beattie
On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Tomas Petersson wrote:

 Hello, I have just reinstalled debian 2.0 on my 
 computer. For some reason the network has not been
 configured correctly.
 The netcard seems to work ok, and have a ipaddress assigned.
 Which commands do I have to issue to set up an default route
 so I can access the Internet or other computers on my LAN?
 I need to use route, or?
 /Tomas Petersson

route add default gw IP_OF_GATEWAY

(can use hostname too, if you have it entered into /etc/hosts)

If you want to configure this on boot, put it in /etc/init.d/network

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   If at first you don't succeed, you must be using Windows.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

speech recognition

1998-11-13 Thread Gossamer

Having looked around, I'm pretty sure there's no decent speech
recognition for Linux around.  Please please correct me if I'm

But am I also right in thinking that running one of the windoze
speech rec packages under Wine wouldn't work?

What I -really- want is to be able to work in my virtual consoles,
using the speech rec to feed keystrokes - so just having it pretend
to be the keyboard.


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak
: at a lot of different places, just write a Unix operating
: system.  -- Linus Torvalds

Re: dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-13 Thread Stefan Nobis
Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Cant say I have seen this one, but I imagine that dselect is wise to only
 delete _installed_ packages.. so there is no need to keep them anyway.
 (Unless you actually need them)

apt is very *bad* in this place - if you use apt as method in dselect, 
*all* downloaded and installed packages are deleted without any
further question.

I live in german and once i upgraded to slink (about 80 megs of
download) - this had cost me about 10 DM (i think about 6,5 US-$). All 
downloads with dselect till now are about 30-40 DM. I'm not very
pleased that in the case my harddisk will fail or something else
happens and i'm in need to reinstall, i have to download all this
again and so once again to invest the all the money.

USA people seem to forget that in other contries download may be very

And in each case it always costs time to download the deleted files
once again - hey, time is money.

I don't understand why an install tool is so dumb to delete packages
after they are intalled. If something is to be deleted, *I* decide so, 
not any tool without questioning me.

That's the main cause why i still use method ftp instead of method

Until the next mail...,

RE: /dev/cdrom problem

1998-11-13 Thread Shaleh
Please include the program's output and the result of: ls -al on the
/dev device that /dev/cdrom is linked to.

On 12-Nov-98 Vincent Murphy wrote:
 i can't use xplaycd or any other cd playing program as a normal user.
 the message i get from xplaycd is that permission is denied to use
 i can make the program work using sudo though.
 any way i can fix this?
 i will supply diagnostics if someone shows me how to get them.

Re: Problems with StarOffice 5.0 Registration

1998-11-13 Thread Kevin
Mine worked.  Make sure that you are typing a zero and not an oh when
you are puting in your reg #.  Also check to make sure that your first
and last name and e-mail address are exactly the same as the ones you
typed on the web page.  You may want to direct any furher queries to the 

Steve Beitzel wrote:
 No, it's still unregistered, because it says so on the title bar, and I've
 tried reinstalling like 5 times already.  That's why I asked the list in
 the first place -- I can't for the life of me figure out what the problem
 is with it, and it dosen't seem to bother anyone else.  Thanks for trying
 though.  Anyone else have an idea???
/  \
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  \  \/  /
   \ ___/
\   /___\  /
 \  \___/ /
  \  /
\  /
 On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, [iso-8859-1] Åsmund Ødegård wrote:
  Hi, Steve!
  If the registration button is ghosted, I think the registration is OK. Maybe
  this is doen automagically if you do an online registration. You get the 
  key by email in fact you need to reinstall for some reason. Maybe?
  just my 2¢...
  Wed, 11 Nov Steve Beitzel wrote:
   Hello all,
   I know that people are always asking questions about how to
   install StarOffice, but I couldn't find an answer in the archives about
   this.  I recently downloaded and successfully installed StarOffice 5.0,
   except when I try to do the online registration, it fails for some
   reason.  The failure is odd, because I see the webpage that says Thank
   you for joining StarDivision and whatever, and I get the Registration key
   by email, but I am not allowed to activate the key -- the program keeps
   that button ghosted.  It seems that the online part of the registration
   process was successful and there is something wrong with the program.  Any
  Åsmund Ødegård
  Stipendiat Teknisk programvare
  Inst. for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- url:
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** UN*X ** Live free or die!

Re: dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-13 Thread Michael Beattie
On 12 Nov 1998, Stefan Nobis wrote:

 Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Cant say I have seen this one, but I imagine that dselect is wise to only
  delete _installed_ packages.. so there is no need to keep them anyway.
  (Unless you actually need them)
 apt is very *bad* in this place - if you use apt as method in dselect, 
 *all* downloaded and installed packages are deleted without any
 further question.
 I live in german and once i upgraded to slink (about 80 megs of
 download) - this had cost me about 10 DM (i think about 6,5 US-$). All 
 downloads with dselect till now are about 30-40 DM. I'm not very
 pleased that in the case my harddisk will fail or something else
 happens and i'm in need to reinstall, i have to download all this
 again and so once again to invest the all the money.
 USA people seem to forget that in other contries download may be very
 And in each case it always costs time to download the deleted files
 once again - hey, time is money.
 I don't understand why an install tool is so dumb to delete packages
 after they are intalled. If something is to be deleted, *I* decide so, 
 not any tool without questioning me.
 That's the main cause why i still use method ftp instead of method

Easy... as suggested, change the `apt-get clean  ...` line from
/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install to something thus - `true  ...`


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
OFFLINE 1.50  Virus check complete.  All viruses functioning normally
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
On 12 Nov 1998, Stefan Nobis wrote:

 Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Cant say I have seen this one, but I imagine that dselect is wise to only
  delete _installed_ packages.. so there is no need to keep them anyway.
  (Unless you actually need them)
 apt is very *bad* in this place - if you use apt as method in dselect, 
 *all* downloaded and installed packages are deleted without any
 further question.
 I live in german and once i upgraded to slink (about 80 megs of
 download) - this had cost me about 10 DM (i think about 6,5 US-$). All 
 downloads with dselect till now are about 30-40 DM. I'm not very
 pleased that in the case my harddisk will fail or something else
 happens and i'm in need to reinstall, i have to download all this
 again and so once again to invest the all the money.
 USA people seem to forget that in other contries download may be very
 And in each case it always costs time to download the deleted files
 once again - hey, time is money.
 I don't understand why an install tool is so dumb to delete packages
 after they are intalled. If something is to be deleted, *I* decide so, 
 not any tool without questioning me.
 That's the main cause why i still use method ftp instead of method

Doesn't dselect delete them after installation regardless of the method?
apt-get WITHOUT dselect won't delete the files until you tell it to with
'apt-get clean'.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SIOCADDRT error message

1998-11-13 Thread Lindsay Allen

Are you running a 2.1.x kernel?  If so comment out the route commands in
/etc/init.d/network and read linux/Documentation/Changes in the kernel

Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 316 2486modem +61 8 364-9832  32S, 116E vk6lj

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I also get this error message on boot. The route command seems to be
 broken, as the route manpage syntax will not add the loopback route
 and generates this message. Don't know enough about it to tell exactly
 what is broken (package-wise).
 Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
 PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: bogomips

1998-11-13 Thread fantomas
-  w Yes that would seem about right. The problem I have is that my
-  w 166MMX gives me 149.9 BogoMips on my Slackware partition and only
-  w 130.6 on my Debian partition.  Same hardware (same box).
-  Same kernelversion? The bogomips implementation changes sometimes.
- Yes.  2.0.34/35 on Slackware 149.9. On debian 2.0.34 120 Bogomips and
- on 2.0.35 130.6.  The .config's on both dists are the same as well.
- Interesting, isn't it.  NOT!  I am confused by the change in Debian
- kernels.  On Slackware I have gone from 2.0.30 - 35 with no change at
- all, allways 149.9.  I did note that on Slackware 3.5 (just installed) 
- on a scsi drive on sba1, kernel 2.1.127 gets 149.5.  This is the first 
- run on that kernel and I have a bunch of new stuff compiled into the
- kernel, so that _may_ account for the change.

get kernel source and recompile it; do kernels say other number by booting
or by runnning bogomips command ?

does someone apply any patches to kernels used by debian ?
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

Re: XEmacs shell garbage

1998-11-13 Thread Marcus Geiger
Thank Thorsten,

I will read the documentation to term-mode, hope this will help me !


Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
 On: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 20:09:20 +0100 Marcus Geiger writes:
  XEmacs-Shell-mode doesn't seem to work correctly. I get some
  [ldksjf] - control-codes in braces. My machine is setup for
  german-keymaps and I installed the german-package.
 I have no strange output while executing normal command line command
 from within shell mode.  However, don't expect any application using
 terminal capacities to work correctly (to name a few, vi, less).
  Does any has an idea. Is it possible that the terminal mode irritates
  Xemacs-shell-mode ?
 Yes.  The Shell mode is quite simple, it does not provide any terminal
 capacities.  XEmacs sets the TERM variable to emacs, so you should
 make special features such as colored ls output dependend on the
 terminal variable.  If you want to use a full-featured terminal try
 the M-x term command and read the help on terminal-emulator before to
 know how to leave this buffer.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Problems with StarOffice 5.0 Registration

1998-11-13 Thread David Lutz

  I am having the same problem registering StarOffice 5.0 that you
explained.  When I try to do an online registration I get the HTML page
and email with my Customer Number and Registration Key, but there is a
failure.  When I try to enter the Customer Number and Registration Key by
hand the Enable Key button is greyed out.  If you manage to get past this
problem can forward on your solution.  Thanks.


/  David Lutz  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---  \
|  Those of you who think you know everything : KD6GNS   Portland, OR  |
\  are annoying those of us who really do.: '97 Toyota Tacoma SR5  /

Re: X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/ failed

1998-11-13 Thread Mika Fischer
Hi, Adam!

On Thu, Nov 12, 1998 at 03:06:52PM -0900, Adam Shand wrote :
 i while back upgraded all my x stuff and unfortunately timed it just as
 the packages had been split up.  i managed to figure out what was wrong
 and patch things back together but now i'm getting this error when i tried
 to change my xserver from s3v to svga.  

The first line of the file '/etc/X11/Xserver' tells X where to find
the server.
I think your line looks something like this:


set it to '/usr/bin/X11/XF86_S3V' after you hav installed the server
and it should work.

I have still got the 'old' X11 packages but I think it should work
with the slink ones the same way.




xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel Mashao
How can I solve the problems of colors on my system. I installed gnome and
it always comes up with pepper noise. Apps such as xearth cannot run as
they do not have enough colors.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: star office 5 hangs my system ...

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Adam Shand wrote:

  I am running on a Pentium 233 with 64 Meg and installing StarOffice
  crashes my machine too. It crashes everytime I try. I think it damaged
  my partition somehow. Now its time to get gwp working.
 which x server are you using?  i'm in the process of converting from s3v
 to svga, and if it still gives me problems i'll probably try accelerated x
 cause i need this to work.
I use s3v  for s3_Virge card. I do not think the problem is with the video
Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469


1998-11-13 Thread Damon Muller

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998 16:51:32 -0800 (PST)
Lazar Fleysher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could some one tell me how to set up an ISP on Linux. I remember seeing a
 howto on the subject, but can  not seem to find it. How to apply for

I seem to recall having seen one once as well, but it seems to have
fallen out of distribution. It was called the Linux-ISP-HOWTO (or
something along those lines). I do, however, suggest that if you don't
already know how to do this, and you are thinking of setting up a
commercial ISP, then you are definately biting off more than you can

However, if you want to set up a box to have a few friends log into,
have a look at IPMasq and mgetty. That should allow you to have ppl.
connect via PPP.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Problems with kdelibs and other libs

1998-11-13 Thread Cesare Tagliaferri
Hi all,
I have the following problem with kde and debian 2.0: I have installed 
the required deb packages (kdebase, kdelibs0g, qt1g) without any problems. All 
the packages are correctly installed and configured; when I try to start kde 
(or kdm) I get the following message:

kaudioserver: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kfm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kcontrol: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kbgndwm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
krootwm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kwmsound: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
kpanel: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/X11/kde: krdb: command not found
kwm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

But all the libs are actually in /usr/X11R6/lib!!
I've already had a similar problem with libg++ and libstdc++: some apps says 
they cannot find the libs while the libs are presents. Any ideas?

Thank you!

Cesare Tagliaferri

Strange encoding official CD from Linuxpress

1998-11-13 Thread gustaf . erikson
Hi all,

I shelled out good money (Swedish) to purchase the official 2.0
distribution from Linuxpress. However, as soon as I mounted the CD to begin
the upgrade, strange things appeared when I did this:

[root]:~# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom
mount: block device /dev/hdb is write-protected, mounting read-only
[root]:~# ls -l /cdrom/
total 14
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  263 Jul 24 04:14 translation
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2596 Jul 24 04:14 README
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 boot
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:13 debian
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 install
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 tools
dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 17 17:33 upgrade

The permissions are whacked! And the file README is a symlink to something,
yet it appears to be an executable. All symlinks had this feature, making
upgrading a potential disaster.

The source CD had the same problem, but the Extras CD was OK.

I've compiled the kernel with FAT32 support, but the CD should be Rock
Ridge. I tried mounting it without the RR support (mount -t iso9660 -o
norock) but it didn't change anything.

Has anyone had the same problem? I tried searching the archives, the
websites for Debian and Linuxpress, and Dejanews, but couldn't find



P.S. If any cruft is attached to this message, blame Lotus Notes -- I'm
posting from work.

Re: Strange encoding official CD from Linuxpress

1998-11-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 [root]:~# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom
 mount: block device /dev/hdb is write-protected, mounting read-only

This is entirely correct. CDROMS are write-protected by definition (unless
you have a burner)

 [root]:~# ls -l /cdrom/
 total 14
 -r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  263 Jul 24 04:14 translation
 -r-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2596 Jul 24 04:14 README
 dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 boot
 dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:13 debian
 dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 install
 dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 24 04:14 tools
 dr-xr-xr-x   1 root root 2048 Jul 17 17:33 upgrade
 The permissions are whacked! And the file README is a symlink to something,
 yet it appears to be an executable. All symlinks had this feature, making
 upgrading a potential disaster.

HmmmI doubt this matters that much.

What happens when you try to install?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: star office 5 hangs my system ...

1998-11-13 Thread Peter Berlau
On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 11:48:08AM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
 On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Adam Shand wrote:
   I am running on a Pentium 233 with 64 Meg and installing StarOffice
   crashes my machine too. It crashes everytime I try. I think it damaged
   my partition somehow. Now its time to get gwp working.
  which x server are you using?  i'm in the process of converting from s3v
  to svga, and if it still gives me problems i'll probably try accelerated x
  cause i need this to work.
 I use s3v  for s3_Virge card. I do not think the problem is with the video
there is not a problem with:
my so 5.0 hangs up also but can't not repro the same hangup.
Therefore I think it's simply is a bug ;-)
my system:
board SOYO EHM 5   128 mb Ram 6ns
hdscsi 2x 4.1 GB
video millenium mystique 4 mb
printer djet 500
test-printing is ok from so but printing a edited text - so hangs up
after changing font-size or font or unaspected also
I've removed so waiting for so 5.1 ma be solved the problems ;-)

apt, or a good http source

1998-11-13 Thread Andrew
Well, I haven't had much joy with apt. It works fine, unfortunately, I can't
find a decent http server to connect to. (I can't use ftp because I'm behind a
firewall and have to proxy). I've tried a couple from the mirror sites
listing, but they seem to have problems finding packages. Can anyone recommend
an http debian mirror? 


Andrew Tarr
We were so close to heaven --- Peter came out and gave us badges, 
proclaiming us `The Nicest of the Damned' 
-- They Might Be Giants

Re: Problems with kdelibs and other libs

1998-11-13 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Cesare Tagliaferri wrote:

 Hi all,
   I have the following problem with kde and debian 2.0: I have installed 
 the required deb packages (kdebase, kdelibs0g, qt1g) without any problems. 
 the packages are correctly installed and configured; when I try to start kde 
 (or kdm) I get the following message:

Well, try running ldconfig as root.  That should fix the problems with
existing libraries not being seen at runtime.  Also be aware that due to a
bug in the KDE packages, you need to install kdelibs0g-dev in addition to
the rest of the runtime packages.

This should fix your problem.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Debian and Win32?

1998-11-13 Thread Rodrigo Moya
Sorry, I forgot another site which lists all alternatives to Windows


1998-11-13 Thread John Leget
HI all,

Any mirror users out there, how do i force it to download the files that
symlink's on a remote site point to, ive had no success, it just ignores


Re: star office 5 hangs my system ...

1998-11-13 Thread John Stevenson
To all in Debian Land,

I have successful installed and run Star Office 5, the only problem I had was
downloading it in the first place

I am using a fairly standard 'Hamm' install and running an external Xserver for 
Neomagic videocard in my laptop.

I have not had any real problems yet, but have not Star Office for anything 
more than
loading and editing a few (non-fast save) word97 documents.

I also found the installation easy to do, just followed the instructions.  
However I
had the feeling that the registration had not worked, until I realised that you 
to register twice (a little strange but there you go).  You need to register 
when you
first install Star Office and then when you first run Star Office you can either
register On-line or by printing and sending a registration form.  I used the 
registration and it worked first time...

Hope this helps in some way.


Jens Ritter wrote:

 Adam Shand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  has anyone else managed to get star office 5 to work?  i've been eagerly
  awaiting the official release of star office 5 because everytime i ran the
  pre-release it would get to the welcome screen and then lock my entire X
  display and i had to reboot to get things back under control (i could
  telnet in and start x that way and i would work okay but as soon as i
  exited X it would go back to the original frozen display).
  has anyone else had this problem and solved it?  i would love to run star
  office but am a little disappointed in the 'ease of install' :-)

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind

Re: Problems with StarOffice 5.0 Registration

1998-11-13 Thread John Stevenson
Hello All,

Reading these emails has reminded me of something strange about the registration
process.  When registering On-line I was prompted for my customer number and my 
The problem was I was not aware of having a customer number, so simply entered 
email address, then the key from the web page.

This allowed me to continue the On-line registration and successfully compelete 
Then I was given my customer number both by the document and then later by 

Does anyone else find this a little 'counter-intuative' or as we say in England 
'a bit


David Lutz wrote:

   I am having the same problem registering StarOffice 5.0 that you
 explained.  When I try to do an online registration I get the HTML page
 and email with my Customer Number and Registration Key, but there is a
 failure.  When I try to enter the Customer Number and Registration Key by
 hand the Enable Key button is greyed out.  If you manage to get past this
 problem can forward on your solution.  Thanks.


 /  David Lutz  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---  \
 |  Those of you who think you know everything : KD6GNS   Portland, OR  |
 \  are annoying those of us who really do.: '97 Toyota Tacoma SR5  /

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind

boot from CD ?

1998-11-13 Thread Christian Hammers
 Is the 2.0_r1 CD image bootable ? I have to burn it here on work and
 I don't know how to make a bootable CD out of it.
 As far as I understand, I need to make an El-Torento(?) CD-Rom, i.e. 
 one .raw file which contains a bootable HD partition and one .raw
 file that will be the normal CD content.
 How to make this boot .raw file ?
 (Seems to me that there must be some README, but I can't find it.)
 read you,
Christian Hammers   Westend Informatik und Netzwerke GbR   Tel 0241/701333-0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  DPN Verbund-Partner Aachen u. Dueren   Fax 0241/911879

Re: apt, or a good http source

1998-11-13 Thread Frock

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Andrew wrote:

 Well, I haven't had much joy with apt. It works fine, unfortunately, I can't
 find a decent http server to connect to. (I can't use ftp because I'm behind a
 firewall and have to proxy). I've tried a couple from the mirror sites
 listing, but they seem to have problems finding packages. Can anyone recommend
 an http debian mirror?

(it's actually more than one server, so if a problem exists - just retry,
and it'll probably try another of those servers)


Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


Re: xterm-debian

1998-11-13 Thread servis
*- James Dietrich wrote about Re: xterm-debian
 On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 12:10:31AM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
  Where is that page that explaines why we use xterm-debian instead
 of xterm? Searching for xterm-debian on the debian site only produces the
 FAQumatic. I have seen this somewhere before (Branden's pages?), and need
 it RSN, as someone has decided to flame me

Also look in /usr/doc/xbase/README.Debian, which has a lot of the same

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

RE: xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Shaleh
The pepper noise is esound loading.  The color map issue is probably caused
by some programs in GNOME eating colors.  Try loading xearth w/o GNOME running
and see if that helps.

You failed to mention what window manager you are using.  it is the window
managers job to control the color palette.  So you could also try switching
window managers.

On 13-Nov-98 Daniel Mashao wrote:
 How can I solve the problems of colors on my system. I installed gnome and
 it always comes up with pepper noise. Apps such as xearth cannot run as
 they do not have enough colors.


1998-11-13 Thread John Colvin
Dear People,

if I did not do this right it is probably based in this being my first 
email having just joined the list.

I am currently using Stacker for DOS (PCDOS 7.0). I would like to 
experiment with Linux on a 170Meg removable harddisk (from my 750C with 
20Meg DRAM).

With PCDOS I use win 3.1, a PC card (II), as well as parallel port 
connected (manual swap) Calcomp drawing slate with pressure pen, Logitec 
scanner, and Lexmark laser printer. The PC Card (PCMCIA) is my modem 

Suggestions as to both 'submission' and content?



John  Mary Lill Colvin

compile error with a source package

1998-11-13 Thread Paul McDermott
Hello there, I got a source package for my hp scanjet scanner and tried to
compile it.  I'm new at programming or fixing code.  I was wondering if
you could give me some pointers where to look to fix the error,  I am also
going to give you the lsm of the package that I am trying to compile.
LSM file
Title:  hpscan - HP ScanJet (Plus) low level device driver
Entered-date:   09OCT95
Description:This is a low level driver for the HP ScanJet and (hopefully)
HP ScanJet Plus scanners. This driver should behave mostly
like the HPSCAN device for DOS.
Keywords:   HP ScanJet HPSCAN
Author: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christer Weinigel)
Primary-site: /unix/linux/wingel 
Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/scanners
Platforms:  Linux, HP ScanJet (Plus)
Copying-policy: Freely distributable

Error file of output of the make file.
cc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE 
-DCONFIG_MODVERSIONS -DKERNEL_VERSION=\2.1.125\   -c hpscan.c -o hpscan.o
hpscan.c: In function `hpsj_detect':
hpscan.c:127: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of 
hpscan.c: At top level:
hpscan.c:511: redefinition of `kernel_version'
/usr/include/linux/module.h:95: `kernel_version' previously defined here
make: *** [hpscan.o] Error 1

Thanks again.

Re: Strange encoding official CD from Linuxpress

1998-11-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ snip ]

 : The permissions are whacked! And the file README is a symlink to something,
 : yet it appears to be an executable. All symlinks had this feature, making
 : upgrading a potential disaster.
 : The source CD had the same problem, but the Extras CD was OK.
 : I've compiled the kernel with FAT32 support, but the CD should be Rock
 : Ridge. I tried mounting it without the RR support (mount -t iso9660 -o
 : norock) but it didn't change anything.

mount -t iso9660 -o nojoliet /dev/hbd /cdrom

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Unresolved symbols on networking modules

1998-11-13 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Curt Daugaard wrote:

 I've seen posts to this list about this problem before, but I
 can't recall the solution.  I'm trying to revive an ip
 masquerading setup I had in the past, but when I try to start it
 up a get a long list of unresolved symbols on the net modules.
 The modules were made and installed after the last kernel compile.
 Can anyone give me any clues about how to fix this?

Did you rerun depmod -a?

I tend to solve these problems by recompiling the kernel and modules,
removing the old /lib/modules/ver directory, installing the new
kernel and modules, running depmod -a, rebooting, and rerunning depmod

Jean Pierre

Starting out trouble

1998-11-13 Thread Bill
 Hello, I'm just starting out with Linux and am not fairing all too
well. The system seems to be up and running even though it took almost
ten hours for it to load. Not a good start.

 The computer is an old (1996) Intergraph dual P133 w/128m RAM, SB16,
Adaptec SCSI, a SCSI CDROM and two SCSI HDs. The Linux version was
recently acquired through Cheap Bytes.

 The program xdm says it's loaded, but there is no gui visible, just the
prompt. Perhaps I misunderstood what xdm is, at least I have a prompt. I
tried startx and it said no such file or directory. Whatever, I'll
eventually figure it out.

 The reason I'm writing is because it has this penguin come on the
screen during the boot sequence. It also has system info depicted
alongside it. This info states the Linux version is 2.0.34 the cpu is
75+ with 65 megs of RAM and it's got or is doing 4.61 bogomips.

 All of the above should not be except the Linux version. How do I go
about getting Linux to recognize the system correctly? The boot sees it
all correctly including the correct ID of the SCSI drives. I screwed up
somewhere, big time.

[no subject]

1998-11-13 Thread William Temple
After searching the web for information I am now more confused than 
ever.  Maybe you can help.  I want to develop a Community FreeNet,but
I am unhappy with what I have seen in other cities.  When members/guests 
sign on I would like them to experience an AOL type of community.  My 
quandary is with Web, Mail, Chat, FTP,  News server applications which 
will I need to add to Debian and which are compatible and how should 
they interlink ie: separate boxes?  Your assistance in this matter will 
be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Starting out trouble

1998-11-13 Thread David Z. Maze
Bill  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Bill The program xdm says it's loaded, but there is no gui visible,
Bill just the prompt. Perhaps I misunderstood what xdm is, at least I
Bill have a prompt. I tried startx and it said no such file or
Bill directory. Whatever, I'll eventually figure it out.

Hmm...have you installed the X packages?  Have you set up your X
server via xf86config or XF86Setup?

Bill The reason I'm writing is because it has this penguin come on
Bill the screen during the boot sequence. It also has system info
Bill depicted alongside it. This info states the Linux version is
Bill 2.0.34 the cpu is 75+ with 65 megs of RAM and it's got or is
Bill doing 4.61 bogomips.

This is probably the work of the linuxlogo package.  :-)  But the
information it gets comes from the kernel.  This information is:

Kernel version: 2.0.34, which is correct.
CPU type: Pentium 75+ Processor, which is technically correct (your
  133 MHz CPU is 75 MHz or faster).  The kernel doesn't differentiate
  any more than that.
Memory: 64M RAM, which is all the kernel sees by default.  See
  /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.0.34/Documentation/memory.txt.gz for details and 
  some workarounds.  (You may need to install the kernel-doc-2.0.34
  package first.)

Bill All of the above should not be except the Linux version. How do
Bill I go about getting Linux to recognize the system correctly? The
Bill boot sees it all correctly including the correct ID of the SCSI
Bill drives. I screwed up somewhere, big time.

Well, not really: it sounds like you have some X problems, and X is
notoriously hard to configure, and you need to do a bit of work to get 
from 64MB of RAM to 128MB.  Besides that, your system is in pretty
decent shape, it sounds like.

/ \   Dad was reading a book called
|  David Maze | _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box.
| |   -- Abra Mitchell

Re: boot from CD ?

1998-11-13 Thread John B. Fink

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Christian Hammers wrote:

  Is the 2.0_r1 CD image bootable ? I have to burn it here on work and
  I don't know how to make a bootable CD out of it.
  As far as I understand, I need to make an El-Torento(?) CD-Rom, i.e. 
  one .raw file which contains a bootable HD partition and one .raw
  file that will be the normal CD content.
  How to make this boot .raw file ?

You should just be able to burn the raw Debian image onto the disc and
boot it.  I've burned about twenty Debian 2.0 CDs and, as far as I know,
they've all been bootable from CD-ROM on systems that support CD-ROM

I use a Macintosh CD burning program (Adaptec Toast), so I'm not sure what
you'd do on any other system, but on the Mac I just tell it to burn that
file as an image (as opposed to a ISO-9660 disc (which will just burn
the file onto the disc, pretty useless)) and away it goes.

Also -- 2.0R3 has been released in image form -- you might want to go for
that one as it is (presumably) more up to date.

-- adr

Netscape 4.0x - segfault ; Netscape 4.5 - bus error.

1998-11-13 Thread caine
Ok...I have a interesting problem.
Since changing from stampede 0.86 to a fresh
debian 2.0 installation, I am having some problems with netscape. 

First of all..all the latest versions (4.06, 4.07, 4.08 and so on)
crashes with a seg fault, without apparent reasons. The crashing line
seems to contain a strncmp. 

Secondly the old glibc 4.5 version, instead gets a bus error.

(Full ltrace, strace and ldd logs excluded due to size. If you think they'll 
 help, mail me and I'll mail them to you.)
Grateful for any help/guesses/hints/rambles ;)
//Anders Holmquist  

Soul  Mind


1998-11-13 Thread Greg Frye
Here are a couple:

A nice background with a lot of info
So you wanna be an Internet Service Provider ISP) -

A lot of links with 'The Linux-ISP-HOWTO' as the first link (a good link
as of this morning)
Linux ISP -

These should get you started.

Damon Muller wrote:
 On Fri, 6 Nov 1998 16:51:32 -0800 (PST)
 Lazar Fleysher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could some one tell me how to set up an ISP on Linux. I remember seeing a
  howto on the subject, but can  not seem to find it. How to apply for
 I seem to recall having seen one once as well, but it seems to have
 fallen out of distribution. It was called the Linux-ISP-HOWTO (or
 something along those lines). I do, however, suggest that if you don't
 already know how to do this, and you are thinking of setting up a
 commercial ISP, then you are definately biting off more than you can
 However, if you want to set up a box to have a few friends log into,
 have a look at IPMasq and mgetty. That should allow you to have ppl.
 connect via PPP.
 Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
 Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
 EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Greg Frye, APS
California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Monitoring and Laboratory Division
1927 13th Street
P. O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA  95812-2815
voice: 916-324-8892
fax: 916-327-8217

Re: bogomips

1998-11-13 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: bogomips
Date: Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 07:27:12AM -0600

 I remember back in '98 when [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes.  2.0.34/35 on Slackware 149.9. On debian 2.0.34 120 Bogomips and
  on 2.0.35 130.6.  The .config's on both dists are the same as well.
  Interesting, isn't it.  NOT!  
  Would appreciate it if anyone could give me some reason for the
  difference in the Debian kernel.
 As someone mentioned, it could be that there are some patches in the
 Debian kernel, not in the slackware.  Realize that Bogomips are
 really sensative to alignment in memory, if the loop is in the wrong
 place it could change the numbers.  Also you could be using
 different versions of the C compiler on the different machines.
 try typing gcc --version on both.  
 gcc 2.7.2.x is the official compiler for the linux kernel, at least in
 Linus' mind.  There have been on-and-off report of breakage with
 gcc 2.8.x and (especially) egcc.  Go look on linux-kernel for 
 anything by Linux with egcc in the subject line for more info..

Matt may have found the link.  I just went to the 3 dists and got the

Debian slink  %gcc --version gcc   
Slackware 3.3 %gcc --version gcc-   
Slackware 3.5 %gcc --version egcs-2.9.29 980515 egcs 1.0.3 

NOTE: Debian uses glibc while Slackware is still using libc.

So I got the source for gcc- and compiled it for the Slack3.3 dist.
(Yea, I know, I have too much spare time!) I installed the new version
(%gcc --version gcc- ), and recompilied linux-2.0.35. and

Slackware _again_ reports BogoMips at 149.91, now with kernel compiled
with gcc-  So that doesn't look like it is/was the cause.

Now I will take the kernel source from for 2.0.35 and
compile it on Debian with make dep,clean and zImage, make a boot
floppy and see if that changes anything.

No, it didn't.  Debian still says that BogoMips = 130.66. So that
leads me to believe the kernel-source.deb files are ok, so is
gcc-  Leaves glibc.  That I will not change!

OK, someone said that the BogoMips are meaningless.  It just might be
that he is correct.  I have just noticed something I hadn't found
before.  I have saytime running in cron and it reports the time on the
hour.  On Slackware (149.91 Bogomips) the time is the hour and 1
sec, on Debian (130.66 BogoMips) the time is the hour exactly!

Well I had fun tracking this down but, to me anyway, BogoMips is a
nice number but I won't lose any sleep over differences between

Hope this answers my question? Or does it???

 /* Matt Sayler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- atwork?astronomy:cs   -- (512)471-7450
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */

If you put garbage in a computer nothing comes out but garbage.  But
this garbage, having passed through a very expensive machine, is
somehow enobled and none dare criticize it.

Re: comuunity FreeNet front end

1998-11-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Here's something which may get you started: This 
provides all kinds of interesting things users can do, including administration 
your server!

William Temple wrote:

 After searching the web for information I am now more confused than
 ever.  Maybe you can help.  I want to develop a Community FreeNet,but
 I am unhappy with what I have seen in other cities.  When members/guests
 sign on I would like them to experience an AOL type of community.  My
 quandary is with Web, Mail, Chat, FTP,  News server applications which
 will I need to add to Debian and which are compatible and how should
 they interlink ie: separate boxes?  Your assistance in this matter will
 be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

 Get Your Private, Free Email at

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

remote printing problems

1998-11-13 Thread Carmen Correia

I work at a public hospital in Portugal. The hospital has a LAN of
almost 300 personal computers. The vertical distribution is made
through a FDDI ring and the horizontal distribution is made through

You have a Novell Netware 4.11 server with a software installed called
“Unix to Netware Print Services” and its function is mainly as a print

Recently I got a system with Debian Linux 2.0.34 and I was trying to
define a remote printer. I edited the /etc/printcap file and put the
following lines:

info_dj01|rlp|Remote printer entry

When I print the file /etc/hosts with the command “lp –d info_dj01
/etc/hosts” I receive the following error:

 info_dj01: Link_send: PROTOCOL ERROR - pending input from ´Netware´
after ACK received.

Question: How can I eliminate this error ?

Although the file is printed in my HP Deskjet printer, it seems that
is missing a carriage return and my printed file looks like this: localhost

Question: How can I get my file printed correctly in my deskjet
printer ?

I got a banner for every file I print. I try to use the command “lp –d
info_dj01 –o nobanner /etc/hosts”, and the result is only a form feed,
a white sheet of paper, with no banner and no file.

Question: How can I eliminate the banner ?

Thank you for your help.

Get your free address at

Qt .deb files

1998-11-13 Thread Marc van der Vossen

I am thinking of installing debian again, but I am wondering were I can find
the Qt free stuff as a .deb file. I do not have much Linux knowledge, but
would like to run KDE if possible.

Thanks for your help.


Re: Qt .deb files

1998-11-13 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Marc van der Vossen wrote:

 I am thinking of installing debian again, but I am wondering were I can find
 the Qt free stuff as a .deb file. I do not have much Linux knowledge, but
 would like to run KDE if possible.
 Thanks for your help.

KDE is already packaged for Debian, I just installed it a couple of days
ago to check it out.  kdebase is the basic package. There are other
KDE-related packages too, I would just search on 'kde' in dselect and see
what you might want.  KDE worked easily for me, seems well documented and
didn't crash (it is beta software I believe).  

RE: xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Shaleh wrote:

 The pepper noise is esound loading.  The color map issue is probably caused
 by some programs in GNOME eating colors.  Try loading xearth w/o GNOME running
 and see if that helps.
 You failed to mention what window manager you are using.  it is the window
 managers job to control the color palette.  So you could also try switching
 window managers.

I have recently switched to fvwm2.  

Does anyone know how many colors I have if the depth is set at 8. Do not
say 256 because I am not using that many colors to have 256 colors

Thanks for you response.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: dselect listing

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel E. Hollis
--- M.C. Vernon wrote: ---
On 12 Nov 1998, Daniel E. Hollis wrote:
   I mucked up my package list.  I'm trying to install kde and xfree86, the
 stable versions.  One of the 2 required, so I thought, a xlibc _unstable_
 version.  I connected to the local debian distribution ftp site and got the
 unstable directory listings.  Now, dselect wants to upgrade _everything_ to
 unstable versions.  And to install new software, I can only get dselect to
 choose unstable versions.  I'd ideally love to chose something like
 install/upgrade stable only but no such choice exists.  I'm willing to go
 back and build a new package list form the ftp site, but I don't want to go
 delete something that conceivably could be keeping track of currently
 packages.  What should I do?


a) use dpkg to install the programs you want from slink by hand
b) place all the other packages on hold.
--- End of Quoted Text ---

  This almost answers my question.  I have tried to put the unstable packages
on hold, but I need to install other packages that x depends on.  dselect won't
let me install the stable verisons of currently uninstalled packages, because
the unstable versions have higher version numbers.  dselect only gives me the
choice of keeping the package uninstalled or installing the slink version. I
would, if this were a single package, d/l the stable release and dpkg it
individually.  However, I'm trying to install xfree and kde, and my system is
2/3 installed, so I really want to avoid installing the remaining 1/3 via
individual packages.
  My question is, how do I get my package list of stable packages back?  I
image what I want to do is delete the local list of available packages.  I'm
leary of deleting any dpkg list, since that could be a quick way into breaking
the system.  And I certainly don't want to delete the list of packages I have
already installed.
Thanks again,

RE: xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Shaleh
 Does anyone know how many colors I have if the depth is set at 8. Do not
 say 256 because I am not using that many colors to have 256 colors

8bpp == 256 color
16bpp == 16million
32bpp == 32million

The problem w/ colormaps is that some programs were not written well and use
way more colors than they should.

Bad primary partition

1998-11-13 Thread Richard Hall
After doing a low-level format of the hard drive and running a
verification check without complaint, I am unable to install Debain
because when the installation program runs fdisk to set up the swap
partition, it immediately chokes, saying FATAL ERROR: Bad primary
partition.  I can't believe that the hard drive is bad, as it worked fine
under NT before the formatting, and the SCSI disk utilities detect no
problems.  What can I do?

It's a Seagate ST34371W with an Adaptec 2940 Ultra controller.

Richard Hall
Network Services
University of Tennessee

RE: xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Shaleh wrote:

  Does anyone know how many colors I have if the depth is set at 8. Do not
  say 256 because I am not using that many colors to have 256 colors
 8bpp == 256 color
 16bpp == 16million
 32bpp == 32million
 The problem w/ colormaps is that some programs were not written well and use
 way more colors than they should.
I have the same problems even if the only thing I have running is gnome
panel. I wish this issue can be investigated thouroughly because the
colormap problem is not so rife on Windows and it seem sto be a huge thing
on Linux. The same applies to fonts by the way. Does this has anything to
do with Linux or is it the video card problem? 

Secondly how can I reclaim lost colormaps or how can I query programs to
find how many color maps they are using? By the way in my latest test I
removed .Xdefaults file to make sure that there are no colors used.

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

voice modem

1998-11-13 Thread Ferenc Kiraly


Lightning killed my modem, so now I need a new one. I'd like
a modem, with voice capabilities that can be used under Debian.
Does anybody have a working setup and if so, with what modem.


Re: dselect listing

1998-11-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello M.C. Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 On 12 Nov 1998, Daniel E. Hollis wrote:
I mucked up my package list.  
 b) place all the other packages on hold.

Which would be nice if it could be done easily...

Open the file /var/lib/dpkg/status and replace:
  s/^Status: install ok/Status: hold ok/

Somebody add this to the wish list?


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Where is makeinfo?

1998-11-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Is makeinfo available in the unstable tree yet?  If so, what package is it
| in?  I couldn't find one.

It should be in tetex-bin. I don't know if it's in unstable.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Qt .deb files

1998-11-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Marc van der Vossen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I am thinking of installing debian again, but I am wondering were I can find
| the Qt free stuff as a .deb file. I do not have much Linux knowledge, but
| would like to run KDE if possible.

The runtime files are in:


You should find packages with kde on, I believe.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

RE: xearth 1.0: fatal - unable to allocate enough colors

1998-11-13 Thread Shaleh
You seem to be answering your own question.  Stop running GNOME panel and see
if the problem goes away.  If it does, complain to the authors of GNOME panel.

In X Windows programming, each app asks for a colormap.  If one app asks for a
large colormap, the window manager doles out whatever is left to everyone else.
 Netscape is also a big offender here.

You reclaim colormaps by closing the offending apps.  It is an issue of X
programming that is rather mytical.  Most people simply accept the colormap
given them by X.  Apparently the GNOME panel is not one of them.

 I have the same problems even if the only thing I have running is gnome
 panel. I wish this issue can be investigated thouroughly because the
 colormap problem is not so rife on Windows and it seem sto be a huge thing
 on Linux. The same applies to fonts by the way. Does this has anything to
 do with Linux or is it the video card problem? 
 Secondly how can I reclaim lost colormaps or how can I query programs to
 find how many color maps they are using? By the way in my latest test I
 removed .Xdefaults file to make sure that there are no colors used.

Re: Bad primary partition

1998-11-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Richard Hall wrote:

 : After doing a low-level format of the hard drive and running a
 : verification check without complaint, I am unable to install Debain
 : because when the installation program runs fdisk to set up the swap
 : partition, it immediately chokes, saying FATAL ERROR: Bad primary
 : partition.  I can't believe that the hard drive is bad, as it worked fine
 : under NT before the formatting, and the SCSI disk utilities detect no
 : problems.  What can I do?

Use alt-f2 to get the cli and use fdisk rather than cfdisk.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

slink breaks

1998-11-13 Thread Robert Rati
I upgraded my system from hamm to slink (not entirely by choice) and
encountered a number of problems.  I seem to have fixed most of them,
except Netscape appears to be broken.  When I try to run netscape, I get
this error:

netscape: locale `C' not supported.

along with a long description about $XNLSPATH.  Anyone have any idea what
has caused this and how to fix it?  tia.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re-installed xserver-common and now X is broken?

1998-11-13 Thread Daniel R. Allen

I previously installed and had Xwindows working.  Then I messed with
upgrading my 'bo' system from libc5 to libc6; it broke a lot of things. 
Including X.  I re-installed xserver-common, which had been un-installed
by apt; all the other X packages seem to be present, and dpkg and apt both
say there aren't any conflicting packages.  But now: 

jane# startx
/usr/bin/X11/startx: /usr/bin/X11/xinit: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/X11/startx: /usr/bin/X11/xinit: No such file or directory
jane# ls -l /usr/bin/X11/xinit
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 9020 Nov  2 02:37 /usr/bin/X11/xinit

How do I fix this?


Pre beginner

1998-11-13 Thread Rombalski, Emmanuel
Title: Pre beginner

I am trying to install Debian Linux on a PC clone with a genuine Intel 166MMX processor, 64MB SDRAM, a Western Digital 2.5GB IDE hard drive, a Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro PCI video card, and a generic NE2000 compatible NIC. I created a 400 MB DOS 6.22 bootable partition and left the rest of the drive raw. I downloaded all the files (via HTTP) from Debian that were specified in the download portion of the getting started guide. When I run the install.bat from the DOS prompt Linux begins booting (uncompressing), flashes some unreadable messages and then my computer reboots. What am I doing wrong?


g++272 libs, revisited.

1998-11-13 Thread Bob Bernstein
As part of a homework assignment I've written a little program to do
arithmetic with fractions and mixed numbers, and I wanted to benchmark the
speed of various algorithms for finding 'gcd,' the greatest common divisor.
Not knowing how to do the timing piece, I started playing with gettimeofday.
Here's what I came up with:

#include iomanip.h
#include sys/time.h

int main()
 struct timeval *ThisTime;
 struct timezone *huh = 0;
 int i;
 long int k;
 i = gettimeofday(ThisTime, huh);
 cout  i  endl;
 k = ThisTime-tv_sec;
 cout  k;

On my basically stock model, off-the-shelf Debian 2.0 machine this builds with
the 'c++' call to egcs but seg faults on execution. Moving the snippet over to
a (yes) Win95 machine on which I've installed the GNU (DJGPP) gcc, it
not only builds but runs a DOS executable.

Aha sez I; I'll just whip the g++272 package onto the Debian box and be home
free. Did that, but it won't compile, complaining of many errors in the
headers, eg:

/usr/include/g++/iostream.h:91: parse error before `__extension__' and
/usr/include/g++/iostream.h:208: parse error before `__extension__'.

Aha sez I; I don't have the libg++272-dev package on board - I'll just whip
that onto the Debian machine and be home free. Tried that, but I can't install
this package, just produce an dpkg error stating I already have libg++-2.8-dev
and that there's a conflict wrt libg++-dev that's provided by the latter.

I am most curious about:

1) How to write a little timing routine for benchmarking.
2) Why egcs can't build a working version of that piece of code.
3) How to get g++272 happily cohabiting with egcs on my Debian installation.

not necessarily (but pretty much) in that order.

TIA for any light shed on these or any other arcana! 

Bob Bernstein

Re: Future of Linux

1998-11-13 Thread BadlandZ
On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Andy Tai wrote:

  Compilers are also an issue I feel strongly about.  I think gcc and egcs
  are awsome, but no match (yet) for commercial compilers.
 Don't even think of trying making some commerical compilers part of the Linux
 standard, if they's what you are thinking.   Linux is a GNU system and as 
 gcc/egcs has to be the standard.

No, I simply ment that gcc should be a link to cc, not assuming that all
people use gcc.  Whatever compiler the users chooses should be linked to
cc, and the standard for packaged software should look to use cc to
compile and install, not look for gcc by default.

Robert W. Current [EMAIL PROTECTED] - email personal web site
Hey mister, turn it on, turn it up, and turn me loose. - Dwight Yoakam

Re: Future of Linux (.so contracts)

1998-11-13 Thread Bruce Stephens
Davide Bolcioni [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If we say a library is a collection of functions which have a
 signature and an implementation, the notion of change becomes: 1 -
 an implementation change which preserves the signature; 2 - a
 signature change (which may be construed as a deletion followed by
 an addition, so anybody expecting to find the old function should
 not find it) which almost always implies an implementation change;
 The problem, of course, is that we check the signature but care
 about the implementation (in the sense that we call a function for
 what it does, although we should not rely on the exact means it uses
 to get the job done). The implementation includes considerations
 such as efficiency, i.e. application chose a function with more
 limited functionality because it was more efficient, so
 implementation goes into the contract in multiple ways (which is

I'm probably going off at a bit of a tangent, but it strikes me that a
potentially useful tool is parts of TenDRA
URL:  TenDRA as a practical compiler
probably isn't interesting---I suspect egcs beats it (although
compiling with more than one compiler is useful for checking
portability beyond gcc, of course)---from the point of view of
checking portability, or checking signature of APIs, TenDRA provides
some features which look nice, however.

With the TenDRA compiler, I can compile the etags.c from XEmacs, and
be pretty sure that it requires only features (as in headers, types,
macros, functions) provided by ISO C and POSIX:

% tcc -Yposix -c etags.c

Even if the compiler itself is ignored, TenDRA provides a language a
little more subtle than C header files for specifying what an API
provides.  For example, you can specify that a struct typedef has
certain elements, but does not say which order they'll come in (and
the compiler can check that a program does not try to assume an

In a sense, perhaps this is too much subtlety for programs to be
shipped in binary: if my glibc implements some important struct
differently to yours, then no amount of fiddling is going to get your
binary to work on my machine.  But for checking (syntactic
only---there's nothing about semantics involved) portability of
source, this strikes me as useful.

Indeed, just writing down (in this already defined language) suitable
definitions of APIs would surely be handy for a number of uses.  The
formalism strikes me as a little clearer to read than header files, in
that it strips out implementation details, making the interface that
I'm supposed to use more visible.

Here's a few excerpts for apis/ansi/stdio.h, the definition of what
ANSI C stdio.h provides:

+SUBSET file := { +TYPE FILE ; } ;

+EXP FILE *stdin, *stdout, *stderr ;
+SUBSET eof := { +CONST int EOF ; } ;

This says that FILE is a type, but says nothing else about it.
Similarly, EOF is a constant int.  The SUBSET things indicate that
other APIs and other header files may reference these subsets of
stdio.h without importing the whole lot, I think.

+TYPE fpos_t ;
+FUNC int fgetpos ( FILE *, fpos_t * ) ;
+FUNC int fsetpos ( FILE *, const fpos_t * ) ;
+FUNC int setvbuf ( FILE *, char *, int, size_t ) ;
+FUNC int vfprintf ( FILE *, const char *, ~va_list ) ;
+FUNC int vprintf ( const char *, ~va_list ) ;
+FUNC int vsprintf ( char *, const char *, ~va_list ) ;

Declarations of functions.  Fairly obvious, I suspect.  (~va_list is
declared elsewhere.)

Does this kind of writing down of APIs strike anybody else as useful,
or am I just insane?