1998-11-15 Thread Anxo Gómez Cao

Tengo un problema con mi lector CD-ROM PIONEER DR-A24X. Soy incapaz de
montarlo en Linux. Es más, la instalación de varias distribuciones
distintas de Linux desde el CD-ROM se quedaban colgadas una vez cargado
el kernel y a la hora de comenzar la transferencia de archivos desde el
CDROM. He probado de todo (cambiar canal IDE, ponerlo como esclavo, ...)
y todo ha sido un verdadero fracaso. Desesperado, conseguí prestado otro
lector CDROM (concretamente un TEAC), y comprobé al sustituírlo por el
mío que todo funcionaba perfectamente, lo que implica que el problema es
el lector CDROM. El caso es que el PIONEER funciona perfectamente en DOS
y W95.

Hago una llamada de auxilio por si alguien se ha encontrado con este
problema, y si alguien lo ha solucionado sin cambiar el lector, le
agradecería mucho que me dijese como, pues no me apetece tirarlo y
comprarme otro.

Muchas gracias y un saludo

Re: memorandum

1998-11-15 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Lo primero pedir disculpas, pues estos mensaje se sale de la temática
(off-topic), y lo he reenviado a esta lista por error. De hecho iba para

Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 Ay, ay, ay! Quiero apuntar una cosa... los Latinoamericanos constituimos la
 fraccion mas grande de Hispanohablantes, y te garantizo que si comienzas a
 decir consola, fichero, raton, ordenador y no se que otro monton de
 cosas, no todos te va(n|mos) a entender... En eso consiste la localizacion!
 Es por eso que es es_ES y no es a secas.

Eso mismo es lo que estaba intentando decirle a esa persona. Pero ni por
esas :(. Yo soy de canarias, y aqui se habla un español ligeramente
distinto al de la peninsula. El problema es que algunas personas no
saben (desconocen) la amplitud del español y creen que o bien se habla
igual en todas partes, o bien ellos son los que lo hablan correctamente
por ser el centro del mundo y el resto no. Bueno, esa es mi impresion.
 PS: Que esta haciendo esto en esta lista?

¡Mea culpa! Ya me he dado cuenta y no deberia estar. :( Es evidente que
o tengo mal configurado el netscape o me he equivocado de lista. El caso
es que iba para debian-l10-spanish. Es mas, algunos mensajes eran
privados, y los he reenviado a esta lista, o algo asi. No se... tendre
que revisar mis configuraciones. Mis disculpas nuevamente.


Insertar nueva tarjeta de RED despues de la instalacion

1998-11-15 Thread Correcaminos
Despues de instalar una Hamm, tuve que añadirle una tarjeta de red,
en concreto una ne2000 PCI. En otras ocasiones, con Bo, me iba a
'/etc/modules' (si no recuerdo mal) y le ponia algo asi como:

ne irq=XX io=0x

Con esto, conseguia que me reconociera fisicamente una tarjeta ISA.

Sin embargo, para la PCI, al añadir una linea equivalente en hamm,
no me la reconoce:

ne2k-pci irq=XX io=0x

Tambien he probado con:

options ne2k-pci irq=XX io=0x

* Ahora las preguntas:
¿Es este el metodo adecuado...?
¿Me voy al LILO y hago que me la cargue desde alli...?
Si quisiera cargarla a mano, ¿En que script del '/etc/init.d'
deberia meterla...?

COMENTARIO: Hago las preguntas de esta forma para intentar comprender
mejor la 'filosofia' que hay detras de la forma de hacer las cosas en
Debian. Hasta ahora, he personalizado en exceso la forma de hacer estas
cosas, de manera que, si alguien se ha entretenido en hacer las cosas de
una determinada manera, me gustaria saber 'los porques'...


Salu2 del Correcaminos

==  LUIS CABRERA SAUCO, miembro del Grupo GULIC
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, España

Re: Linux vs. CD-ROM PIONEER DR-A24X

1998-11-15 Thread Correcaminos
Anxo Gómez Cao wrote:


 Tengo un problema con mi lector CD-ROM PIONEER DR-A24X. Soy incapaz de
 montarlo en Linux. Es más, la instalación de varias distribuciones ...


 Hago una llamada de auxilio por si alguien se ha encontrado con este
 problema, y si alguien lo ha solucionado sin cambiar el lector, le
 agradecería mucho que me dijese como, pues no me apetece tirarlo y
 comprarme otro.

 Muchas gracias y un saludo

Por si a alguien mas le es de ayuda, sepan que los del Gulic hemos montado 
un buscador
especifico de LiNUX en el que se pueden encontrar las respuestas a este tipo de 
preguntas. La
direccion la tienen en la .signature

Salu2 del Correcaminos

==  LUIS CABRERA SAUCO, miembro del Grupo GULIC
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, España

Encuentro cercano con Debian hamm

1998-11-15 Thread Lord of Hell
Acabo de medio instalar debian 2.0.? en mi maquina
Pedi por internet los cd oficiales de debian 2.0.?
creo el boot disk , entro al programa de instalacio ( dinstall )
El dinstall me parecio muy bueno solo tenia una pequena deficiencia le faltaba 
el boton cancel
cuando te pregunta select media to install debian ( directly to hardisk , 
floopy )
El problema viene con dselect   aunque es poderoso le falta mucho pero mucho 
por depurar !!
No ofrece unos buenos menu, la falla mas grave es cuando ocurre un error al 
momento de unpack
o configurar, dice algo asi Error 1  . Script Termited. presiona Return
No ofrece opcion de reintentar o alguna opcion para analizar el fallo
Termino de instalar el debian y me encuentro que el Xfree86 no trabaja

Que es lo que pasa , como hago para solucionarlo, donde puedo conseguir la 
ultima version )

Donde averiguo la version exacta de mi cd 2.0.???

Como instalo los paquetes manualmente

dpkg -i *.deb ?

Hasta luego
Lord of hell

Impresion con Netscape

1998-11-15 Thread Salvatore Sasegui

Comento un problema que tengo tratando de imprimir con Netscape por si
alguien tambien lo tiene y/o seria tan amable de ayudarme:

Resulta que cuando quiero imprimir una pagina web lo que me sale por la
impresora no es la pagina web en si sino el codigo fuente de la pagina web
convertida a PostScript-Adobe-3.0

Al principio pensaba que podia ser por tener instalado el Netscape 3.0 
el que algun que otro detalle, como el Find, tampoco funcionaba) pero acabo
de instalar el Communicator 4.07 (en el que si funciona ya el Find) y me
siguen saliendo las paginas web como código fuente PostScript.

Saludos y gracias adelantadas a quien pueda ayudarme.

Salvatore Sasegui.
ICQ-UIN: 3435499

Re: memorandum

1998-11-15 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 11:27:06PM +, Oscar González wrote:
  decir consola, fichero, raton, ordenador y no se que otro monton 
 ¿Cómo llaman en latinoamérica a los ratones?

 102% de las personas aquí dicen 'mouse', y estoy seguro que más de
 uno no te va a entender que te refieres al ladrillo ese cerca del
 teclado si dices 'ratón'. Mis primos en Chile también me hablan de
 'mouse' pero allá 'ratón' si es más común.
 y, ¿Qué dicen en lugar de consola?

 Si me explicas a que le llamas consola entonces te digo.

 De la lista he entendido que es ó una terminal (terminal virtual o
 una terminal de X) ó el monitor ó el conjunto del monitor con el
 teclado ó la comp^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hel ordenador ;-) [De pasada, la
 consola *es* la pantalla junto con el teclado]

 Aquí dices 'consola' y nadie te entiende. Lo más común que yo he
 escuchado es 'terminal'...

 Y si tienen la impresión de que nuestros términos informáticos pecan
 de barbarismos, sí, están en lo correcto: computadora, teclado,
 monitor, 'floppy', tarjeta madre, 'mouse', 'scanner', 'pad', cursor y
 no sé que otra chorrera de cosas... y los mexicanos tienen términos
 diferentes a los suyos y a los nuestros...


Infovía Plus. Tenle miedo, mucho miedo.

1998-11-15 Thread Ismael Valladolid
A partir del 1 de diciembre, Infovía Plus! (sic) estará `operativa' ;-) en
España, con lo que aquellos a quienes nuestro proveedor nos lo permita desde
ya tendremos que ir iniciando el `tinglado' de cambiar nuestra configuración
para la conexión a internet.

El cambio `gordo', aparte del número de teléfono del nodo local, consiste en
que a partir de ahora las contraseñas de la conexión telefónica se envían

¿Sigue siendo PAP el protocolo de autentificación utilizado? en ese caso
¿cómo cambio el options de pppd para que envíe las contraseñas encriptadas?
¿o bien hay que pasarse a CHAP? Por otro lado ¿va a permitir conexiones
a 56K?

Personalmente, ya he probado (en güin95) la conexión a internet a mi mismo
proveedor con Infovía Plus! (sic) y no he notado un mejoría significativa
en las prestaciones. Sin embargo, he probado el proveedor de Retevisión
Iddeo, vía Retenet, y la verdad es que no hay color. Yo creo que merece la
pena, aunque hoy por hoy las llamadas haya que seguir haciéndolas por
Telefónica (sic) :')

¿Alguien más ha hecho la prueba? ¿Cual es su opinión?
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'


1998-11-15 Thread Ismael Valladolid
¿En qué afectan estos parámetros a la velocidad de la conexión a internet?
¿Cuáles son los valores apropiados para una conexión telefónica?

Gracias y un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~

'I gotta tell you my tale, Of how I loved and how I failed
 I hope you understand, These feelings should not be in a man'

Off-topic: lista cplusplus

1998-11-15 Thread Jose Agustin Lopez Bueno
Hola a todos!

Alguien me podria recomendar una lista de programacion de
A ser posible en castellano.

Muchas gracias,

  |  Jose Agustin Lopez Bueno   |
  | |
  |  |  
  | |
  | Tel: +34-6-3864310  |
  | Fax: +34-6-3864200  |
  |   Servicio de Informatica   |
  |   Universidad de Valencia   |

Re: Adaptec SCSI Controller?

1998-11-15 Thread SEGV
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 The 2.0.xx kernels won't support the 2940U2W by default, but if you
 patch in the newer version of the aic7xxx drivers then it will.
 I have a SCSI controller based on the AIC7890 chip(same as the 2940U2W)
 and it works fine.  Alternatevly, if you install the latest 2.1.x kernel
 (2.1.128) the aic7xxx driver is already updated.

Sounds great. I'm running 2.1.125 now, so a latest recompile when my new
hardware arrives should do the trick then. I always get my kernels straight from
the source.

Some web research reveals the Quantum Viking II series to be a moderate
performer, but a bargain at the price. So it's still my main choice.



1998-11-15 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Hello all.
I am trying to write my lilo.conf file, since when I was installing Linux,
I decided not to use Lilo, and just boot it from a floppy.
Right now I need to make use of Lilo, so here is my problem:
I got 2 IDE HD's , C and D, hda and hdb respectively

C contains win95
D has a small 20M DOS partition, hdb1, and the rest,
about 480M, is a linux partition, hdb2 and hdb4.

I need to write lilo.conf so that I get a prompt of which OS I want to
load, and make Linux a default one.
I am currently going through all the documentation on the subject, but I
still would like to get some help from those who have done it already.

Any suggestions?


Re: Lilo.conf

1998-11-15 Thread Marc Barnett
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 06:23:56PM -0600, Andrew Ivanov wrote:
 Hello all.
 I am trying to write my lilo.conf file, since when I was installing Linux,
 I decided not to use Lilo, and just boot it from a floppy.
 Right now I need to make use of Lilo, so here is my problem:
 I got 2 IDE HD's , C and D, hda and hdb respectively
 C contains win95
 D has a small 20M DOS partition, hdb1, and the rest,
 about 480M, is a linux partition, hdb2 and hdb4.
 I need to write lilo.conf so that I get a prompt of which OS I want to
 load, and make Linux a default one.
 I am currently going through all the documentation on the subject, but I
 still would like to get some help from those who have done it already.

Try this:

boot = /dev/hda
root = /dev/hdb2
vga = normal
delay = 50
ramdisk = 0


image = /boot/vmlinuz
  label = debian
  alias = linux
image = /boot/vmlinuz.backup
  label = backup
other = /dev/hda1
  label = win
  table = /dev/hda

This overwrites DOS's boot loader. The documentation (still) suggests to let
DOS load lilo, but I've never had a bit of problem.

installation on older Toshiba laptop?

1998-11-15 Thread Dan Williams
I am starting to look into installing Linux on an old Toshiba 4400C
laptop.  I have the InfoMagic CDs, but no CD rom on the laptop but I've
got one on my desktop and can make floppies.  

So any particular things to keep in mind in attempting this?  Is it
possible to install linux on this at all?

   Web Home URL-
   Unsolicited email sent to this address construes acceptance of my  
proofreading service, and all fees charged for this service. 
 He avenges the innocent, upholds justice and makes a unique fashion
-- Detroit Free Press Fashion columnist on Batman

Re: X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/ failed

1998-11-15 Thread Adam Shand

 /usr/bin/X11 is a directory - no wonder it won't exec.

doh.  yeah, silly me.  it didn't occur to me for some reason that the
problem would be that simple.  heh heh...

 I got this when upgrading too.  Somewhere along the upgrade I was
 asked if I wanted to change the xserver to something, and said yes. It
 messed up somehow and set the default xserver to  

yep same here.

 You can probably fix it a lot faster by deinstalling your favourite
 xserver package and reinstalling it.  Or even better - just change the
 default to the server you want to use.  I don't know how to do that

i tried that several times and it didn't seem to help...

 By the way, why do you want to change from s3v to svga?  I use s3v
 without problems, is svga faster or do you have a stability problem?

from recent talks here it seems that the s3v server stuff is being
incorporated into the svga server and that the support is better.  this
all came to light when i tried to install star office 5 and my machine
locked up.  people using the same hardware as me said that it wasn't
happening with the svga server.

it appears that star office has a patch on their site to fix this problem
(good for them) but unfornately the file it points to is currently
missing (bad for them).  so i'm still waiting to print out my word file :(



Re: X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/ failed

1998-11-15 Thread Adam Shand

 set it to '/usr/bin/X11/XF86_S3V' after you hav installed the server
 and it should work.

that helps a lot thanks.  one question it appears that the debian setup
actually has a wrapper installed for security reasons so that you aren't
supposed to run them directly.

do you know, is the Xserver file what the wrapper uses to determine what
to exec?  or does this mean that i'm exec'ing the s3v server directly.

thanks for the help,


A new Debian user's initial questions

1998-11-15 Thread Chris Mayes
Hello, everyone.  While I am not particualrly new to Linux in general
(June '98 RH 5.0/1, SuSE 5.2/3), i am totally new to Debian.  As such, I
have a few questons.

My frst question actually pertains more to System Commander than Debian
itself, though it's involved ;-)  Here it is: when I modify lilo.conf and
run lilo, all goes smoothly:

   Linux *

or its equivalent.  However, when I reboot and select the root partition,
it still boots directly into Deban, as if I hadn't changed the
configuration.  Here's my lilo.conf:



image = /vmlinuz
root = /dev/hdd1
label = suse

It looks okay to me...  Anyway, on with the questions.

What's the easiest way to configure everything to use my HP DeskJet 520
printer properly?  I saw some printcap and DeskJet tool packages whiz by,
so I thought it might be okay.  Well, when I tried to print somethng, all
that happened was the carriage nailed itslef to the other end of the rail
witha loud thwack.  In fact, it continued to do that after every
power-off, even in the pereviously-working SuSE until I unplugged the
printer cable.  Related?  Possibly...

Finaaly, a question of inclusion.  I understand that Debian strictly
adheres to the GPL, so I was wondering about the exclusion of the U. of
Washington stuff (pine, pico, etc).  I rilly love pine, and I use pico
'cuz I'm used to it for quick file reads.  It's no bg deal, really.  Ther
are a ton of great mail readers and text editors (probably better than the
previous), I was just curious.  You can be certain that I will have more
questons, but I will leave y'all alone for now.  Thanks in advance!


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 

Re: A new Debian user's initial questions

1998-11-15 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 09:57:42PM -0500, Chris Mayes wrote:
 I understand that Debian strictly
 adheres to the GPL,

No.  Debian adheres strictly to the Debian Free Software Guidelines
(DFSG) [1], which allow other things than GPL, too.  For example, X is
not GPL but it is DFSG-free, so we include it.  The DFSG is the basis
of the Open Source definition and roughly equivalent with it.

 so I was wondering about the exclusion of the U. of Washington stuff
 (pine, pico, etc).

They are available in the non-free section.  They fail the DFSG,
because they don't allow modified binaries (IIRC).


Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho A7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** URL: 

   The FAQ is your friend.
Trust the FAQ.

Re: dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-15 Thread Stefan Nobis
Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Easy... as suggested, change the `apt-get clean  ...` line from
 /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install to something thus - `true  ...`

OK - i know how to change it now, but nevertheless i think the default 
should be to ask the user when something is to be deleted.

Until the next mail...,

Re: A new Debian user's initial questions

1998-11-15 Thread Jim Foltz
Welcome Chris,

On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 09:57:42PM -0500, Chris Mayes wrote:
 Hello, everyone.  While I am not particualrly new to Linux in general
 (June '98 RH 5.0/1, SuSE 5.2/3), i am totally new to Debian.  As such, I
 have a few questons.
 My frst question actually pertains more to System Commander than Debian
 itself, though it's involved ;-)  Here it is: when I modify lilo.conf and
 run lilo, all goes smoothly:
Linux *
 or its equivalent.  However, when I reboot and select the root partition,
 it still boots directly into Deban, as if I hadn't changed the
 configuration.  Here's my lilo.conf:

What do you want it to do? The first image section will be the default image
to load, unless you use the 'default' parameter. Prss the shift key when you
see the boot: prompt, then press the tab key to see what images are

 image = /vmlinuz
 root = /dev/hdd1
 label = suse
 It looks okay to me...  Anyway, on with the questions.
 What's the easiest way to configure everything to use my HP DeskJet 520
 printer properly?  I saw some printcap and DeskJet tool packages whiz by,
 so I thought it might be okay.  Well, when I tried to print somethng, all
 that happened was the carriage nailed itslef to the other end of the rail
 witha loud thwack.  In fact, it continued to do that after every
 power-off, even in the pereviously-working SuSE until I unplugged the
 printer cable.  Related?  Possibly...

Try the magicfilter package. 

 Finaaly, a question of inclusion.  I understand that Debian strictly
 adheres to the GPL, so I was wondering about the exclusion of the U. of
 Washington stuff (pine, pico, etc).  I rilly love pine, and I use pico
 'cuz I'm used to it for quick file reads.  It's no bg deal, really.  Ther
 are a ton of great mail readers and text editors (probably better than the
 previous), I was just curious.  You can be certain that I will have more
 questons, but I will leave y'all alone for now.  Thanks in advance!

Pine is available as source code only. You can get the pine package and
compile it yourself, it's quite simple. Then you just install the .deb's
yourself with dpkg.

 Version: 3.1
 GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
 PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


dpkg Packages.gz: not a plain file error?

1998-11-15 Thread Randy Edwards
I'm tracking slink and have a local mirror of it.  However, when upgrading a
machine on my local network with the latest apt, I get the following error

Get slink/contrib Packages
Error slink/contrib Packages
 550 /pub/debian/debian-non-US/dists/slink/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz:
not a plain file. 

   Well, I'd hate to disagree with apt ;-), but the Packages.gz file is a
regular file and the filesize and permissions match exactly with what's on the
ftp site.  This happens on main, non-free, and contrib.  To make things more
interesting, if I run apt from the machine where the local mirror is, it has
no problems at all.  And I can use the FTP method fine -- just not apt.

   Anyone have a clue of what's going on?  My entry in /etc/apt/sources.list
for the above reads:
deb slink main contrib non-free

 .   | For those old-timers like me who remember
 Randy   | with nostalgia the days of 4.77mhz 8088 PCs;
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | get that old time feeling back any time you | want -- just run Windows on your Pentium!

kernel 2.1.128 sound

1998-11-15 Thread Paul McDermott
Hello everyone, I just got kernel 2.1.128 up and running.  I am loading
sound as a module.  When I try to cat something to the device I get this
error message:

[paul:~/multimedia/next-gen]$ cat  /dev/audio
bash: /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device

tail of /var/log/kern.log shows:
Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by
Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: sb: dsp reset failed.

lsmod shows:
Module  Size  Used by
uart401 5696   0
sound  58064   0  (autoclean) [uart401]
soundcore   2120   3  (autoclean) [sound]
I know that sb.o is not loaded.  If I try to load it it say the the device
or resource is busy.

I took a look at the modules.def file and saw this:
/lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/soundcore.o
/lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/uart401.o /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sound.o

Can somone tell me what is going on.  I would really appriciate any
insight in to this particular problem.

X and KDE

1998-11-15 Thread ds

I got my server up and running 
with xserver-svga. Then I
decided to add KDE as a 
X-Windows manager. Now I've
got it all messed up. 
There were multiple problems in
installing KDE, but I finally 
got it installed, but I can not
find the startkde script on the 
system any place. Also,
when I check my directory, 
there is no .xinitrc file either.

Any one have an idea what went 
wrong? I installed the
KDE files from the hamm dists, 
then went to KDE and
installed the 980701 



Re: system hang on boot

1998-11-15 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 12:14:43 +0800
   From: Sibuyas Bombay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/25323
   Content-Type: text
   Content-Length: 879

   hi all !
 I 81Mb of RAM but had no idea that i was using only the 64Mb of it until 


that's 81*10^6 bytes or so, but only 80M

   post by Mark Phillips.  Anyway, i added the 'append' line to my 
   then run #lilo ... 
 When i tried restarting my box it would completely halt/hang at the part 
   Linux does partition checks on hda 1, 2  3 ... 
 Heres part of my lilo.conf.  I'd really appreciate it if there's someone 
   can tell me what i did wrong here ...

   #Start Linux bootable partition
image = /vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hda3
  append = mem=81M #this is what i added

put here 80M

  label = Linux
   #End Linux bootable partition



Re: Installtion of xserver for debian 2.0

1998-11-15 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 10:52:14 -0800 (PST)
   From: Rakesh Mohan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Originating-IP: []
   X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/25362
   Content-Type: text/plain
   Content-Length: 4072

   I have installed debian 2.0, but having problems installing X Window 

   I have i740 vedio card, and it is VGA compatible. I think server for 
   i740 chipset is still not avaible for Debian, so i selected Unsupported 

i740 bin only server is on


lowmem install

1998-11-15 Thread wtb

 Two general areas of puzzlement related to lowmem debian installation:  
 After the keyboard config during the installation vi was called
 to amend fstab to add /dev/hda3 none swap sw 0 0 .   All went well and
 fstab looked properly modified but then I could not get out of vi and
 back to the shell prompt to go on with mkswap and swapon.  :q and :wq
 could not be used  esc did not seem to change modes of vi???   
 What is the proper sequence of vi commands to save the latest changes
 and return to the shell prompt??
Having failed at fixing the swap partition problem I went ahead
 and installed without a swap partition.  Went all the way through the
 making of a boot disk and arrived at no mail and a # prompt.  Various
 attempts at using vi to fix fstab and to call mkawap and swapon
 resulted in: bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory.
# cat bash resulted in:
 :cat:error inloading shared libraries to map segment from shared object: Cannot
 allocate  memory
# /sbin/halt resulted in bash:fork:cannot allocate memory and then
 automatically called /sbin shutdown:error in loading shared
 libraries map zero-fill pages:cannot allocate
Has anyone been able to install the lowmem version of debian
 linux on a 386 with 4meg ram??  If so, what procedure was used.
 Is there no hope of adding a swap partition after installation??
How can I get the man pages before I have linux installed??
Guidance will be appreciated. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Starting out trouble

1998-11-15 Thread Jiri Baum

  The program xdm says it's loaded, but there is no gui visible, just the
 prompt. Perhaps I misunderstood what xdm is, at least I have a prompt. I

You can have the computer start with either the text prompt or xdm
even if you have both installed. This is set by changing the
runlevel, but don't do it until you have X running from startx.

 tried startx and it said no such file or directory. Whatever, I'll
 eventually figure it out.

Then some other bits of X are missing. startx should come with the
xbase package (at least in hamm, ie Debian 2.0). You'll also need one 
of the xserver- packages (depending on what video card you have).


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: A new Debian user's initial questions

1998-11-15 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Chris Mayes wrote:

 Hello, everyone.  While I am not particualrly new to Linux in general
 (June '98 RH 5.0/1, SuSE 5.2/3), i am totally new to Debian.  As such, I
 have a few questons.
 My frst question actually pertains more to System Commander than Debian
 itself, though it's involved ;-)  Here it is: when I modify lilo.conf and
 run lilo, all goes smoothly:
Linux *
 or its equivalent.  However, when I reboot and select the root partition,
 it still boots directly into Deban, as if I hadn't changed the
 configuration.  Here's my lilo.conf:
 image = /vmlinuz
 root = /dev/hdd1
 label = suse
 It looks okay to me...  Anyway, on with the questions.

I think you are trying to start suse with your debian kernel. what you
should do, is mount the suse partition, and have
'image = /suse_root/vmlinuz' in the suse section.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Are the noises in my head bothering you?
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: No manual entry for lpc

1998-11-15 Thread Alan Tam
Hi Vernon,

Thanks for you hints. I've solved my problems now.
I issued the command dpkg -C to check for broken packages. Yes, it is.
There are a few incomplete installations. So I reinstalled the system and now
all the man lpc, lpd, lpq, lpr and printcap pages works fine.

Thank you.
Alan Tam

M.C. Vernon wrote:

 On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Alan Tam wrote:

  Hi all,
  I am trying to read the manual pages on printer concerned
  I have installed man-db and  lpr package from Debian
  Typing ls /usr/man /man1/lpc.1.gz as root the file is there, but when I
  man lpc it responded with No manual entry for lpc. Why is it ? Any ideas
  Same as lpd, lpr, lpq etc...

 Something is broken. These should all be in section 8.


 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Can't start windowmaker

1998-11-15 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:24:36 -0500 Mario Bertrand writes:
 I can't start windowmaker from login with startx command, it open a
 few seconds and then it crash. All other WM are ok. Is there
 something missing?

You should start a plain X11 (e.g., with a single xterm in .xinitrc)
and call wmaker manually.  You will probably get an error message,
please tell us this message including the output of ldd
/usr/X11R6/bin/wmaker and dpkg -l wmaker.


BTW: Current wmaker package is 0.20.2-1.


1998-11-15 Thread Rainer Clasen

 The motherboard is an AMI Titan 3 - w/ two 166MHz Pentums - 64MB RAM.
 Here's what I know:

 Linux version 2.1.123 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #3 SMP Fri 
 Oct 16 10:22:12 EDT 1998
 oSo I know I've got SMP support compiled in...

Hmm, IIRC a friend of mine had an option in his Gigabyte BIOS to switch of
SMP support in a way. Maybe this board has this, too? 


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/ failed

1998-11-15 Thread Mika Fischer
Hi, Adam!

On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 05:23:22PM -0900, Adam Shand wrote:

 one question it appears that the debian setup
 actually has a wrapper installed for security reasons so that you aren't
 supposed to run them directly.
 do you know, is the Xserver file what the wrapper uses to determine what
 to exec?  or does this mean that i'm exec'ing the s3v server directly.

I think what you search is /usr/doc/X11/README.Debain

You can find there:
* The X server to be used by default is not selected by changing a
Instead a small wrapper program (/usr/X11R6/bin/X) reads a
file (/etc/X11/Xserver) to find out which server to run and who is
allowed to run it.
I hope this helps.




1998-11-15 Thread Marcus Geiger

I want install the communicator 4.5 package(s) from the slink
distribution. I found out that:
 |-depends on: netscape-base-45
|-depends on: netscape-base-4
So far so good, but I cannot find the netscape-base-4 package. Is the
name mispselled or what I am doing wrong ?

Please Help


More questions (hardware-related)

1998-11-15 Thread Chris Mayes
Hi, all.  Okay, I am having serious troubles with my printer, now.  The
first time I ran Debian and it probed lp1, my printer proceeded to test
itself by slamming the cartridge carriage against the far side of the
track.  After many tries, I finally got it behaving again by pulling the
printer cable from the back of the printer.  I printed a couple of things
in SuSE just fine.  When I rebooted into Debian again, the same thing
happened.  Now, however, no amount of fiddling seems to make a difference.
I don't know what the probe did, but now each probe from any OS (SuSE,
Debian, Win95) results in the same horrible crash and grinding noise as my
printer punishes itself.  It's an HP 520, BTW.  I don't know if it's an
unfortunate coincidence of a hardware failure at the same time of the
installation of a new distro or something different in the wat Debian
probes the lp1 port, but my printer is not operational ATM, which is bad.

I'll go reply to the lilo post, now ;-)  TIA!


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 

Re: A new Debian user's initial questions

1998-11-15 Thread Chris Mayes
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
 I think you are trying to start suse with your debian kernel. what you
 should do, is mount the suse partition, and have
 'image = /suse_root/vmlinuz' in the suse section.
Ah, so I need to tell it which mount point on the Debian kerel contains
the SuSE kernel?  I thought that specifying the root partition (root =
/dev/hdd1) would have been sufficient.  I haven't actually (successfully)
set up my own lilo.conf, I don't believe.  The config programs have been
babying me ;-)  I'll give it a try when I get home.  Thanks!


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 

more X in slink stuff...

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
I'm using slink. When I run startx, I get the following errors:

xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
xinit: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Aside from the fact that X is broken in slink, is there any way around this?
What deb file is the library available?


problems after upgrading libc6

1998-11-15 Thread lead
hi debians

i´ve got a problem after upgrading hamm-libc to 2.0.7u-4:

i installed libc6_2.0.7u-4 manually which is required by staroffice 5
but after upgrading my apt (0.1.6) couldn´t install anything further
it says:

Checking system integrity...dependency error
You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
  apt: Depends:libc6
and apt-get -f install want´s to downgrade libc6 back to hamm´s version
and with this so5 won´t run

i´ve tried to install so5 on my notebook which is already upgraded to slink
-- and there are no problems except memory problems (so5 is overkill on a 
little slight notebook especially with 16mb ram ,-)

do i have to install slink´s version of apt (0.1.7) or did i miss any library?
or - which isn´t common in the moment - upgrade my pc to slink, too?

any hint is welcome;)

until next mail ;) . ___ ---___  .--.  
./  -   /\ 
  ___  ( DEBIAN   `-|O O | 
 |   |;  --.||
 |___|:  GNU/Linux  _-  |_) \.
 | __  eter|  -/  |
 ||  | `.  / '  .\.  
 ||__|   ` --- . ___  ..   '  |  ..|  
  |   | artosch  |   ...\. 
  |___|  /   . ..| 
/,\   .__\ 
 ~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   | o|   |
  |   |O(|   /
   student of technical computer science   \.. \\   / 
  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  \__/ \_/

How to make your kernel detect 64MB RAM

1998-11-15 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 12:31:40PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:

Hi Mark!

 My friend's laptop has 96M of RAM installed.  When it boots, it has a
 message saying that 96M is installed and BIOS setup shows the same thing,
 but when I run free under Debian it comes up with:
 # free
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem: 63384  61728   1656  25776  30420  16084
 -/+ buffers/cache:  15224  48160
 Swap:64508344  64164

My suggestion: Get a 2.0.36(pre)-Kernel! It has a patch to detect memory using
a new BIOS-Call which support more than 64MB. 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bad primary partition

1998-11-15 Thread Torsten Landschoff
Hi Richard, 

On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 02:34:35PM -0500, Richard Hall wrote:
 After doing a low-level format of the hard drive and running a
 verification check without complaint, I am unable to install Debain
 because when the installation program runs fdisk to set up the swap
 partition, it immediately chokes, saying FATAL ERROR: Bad primary
 partition.  I can't believe that the hard drive is bad, as it worked fine
 under NT before the formatting, and the SCSI disk utilities detect no
 problems.  What can I do?

Uhm, I had a similar problem with a new computer a few days before. I
installed Linux over a Windows-System. After I was ready an rebooted the BIOS
told me there are no bootable partition on hdd... - unable to boot.

Genius! I had to toggle the bootable flag of the Linux partition. Perhaps your
BIOS thinks the partition is bad because it is not flagged as bootable?

Just an idea...

Tell me if it works!


Description: PGP signature


1998-11-15 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 08:12:41PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howdy All!!

Hi Chuck!

 From /proc/version:
 Linux version 2.1.123 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #3 SMP Fri 
 Oct 16 10:22:12 EDT 1998
 oSo I know I've got SMP support compiled in...
 Yet /proc/cpuinfo sure makes it look like I only have one CPU spinning...!?

Uhm, would you mind posting the dmesg-Output (after a boot)?

BTW: Is there a copy of the boot-messages saved by startup in Debian? I was
just searching for something like that and did not find anything...


Description: PGP signature

Re: Can't start windowmaker

1998-11-15 Thread Sourcerer

 On: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 01:24:36 -0500 Mario Bertrand writes:
  I can't start windowmaker from login with startx command, it open a
  few seconds and then it crash. All other WM are ok. Is there
  something missing?

I've seen this behavior in some versions. In others it crashes
only the first time it's called.  Do you have a GNUstep dir in
your home dir?

/()\ O|O|O|O||O||O  Bred out of cheap elective surgery
 \../  |OO|||O|||O|O  and the relentless Darwinism of
  ||   OO|||OO||O||O  fashion.-- C0

Re: Need help with ppp conection.

1998-11-15 Thread Michele Bini
On Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 10:06:00AM -0600, Lloyd Burris wrote:
 When ever I hook up to the internet from linux I seem to have trouble 
 connecting to websights, ftp, and news servers. Can anyone tell me how
 to tune up Linux for a faster connection. When I am in windows my
 system flys but in linux I am lucky to get a webpage to come up.

I need some more detail about how you set up your connection.
Also please send me the log you get (with plog -f).
If you have a noisy line you should reduce your MTU MRU values.

Re: Does Sound even work for Java-Linux?

1998-11-15 Thread Michele Bini
On Fri, Nov 13, 1998 at 10:24:12PM -0700, Chip Grandits wrote:
 P.S. Is ADPCM the super-evil microsoft format that no opensource enthusiast
 deigns to support?
 How come I can't find a single Linux app to play ADPCM WAV files?!

I know of two linux applications which are able to play ADPCM
compressed wavfiles: 
 - the SDL library (Gpl'd)
 - xanim (non-free), available as a Debian package.


1998-11-15 Thread Rx

Hello, my HD CHS=16838,255,63 is recognized by
my computer : 2,34,56 or something like that, which is very different 
from the original.

the BIOS  recognize it in the good way,
BUT the kernel doesn't.
and M$ Windozs recognize it in the good way too.

What could I do ?




Re: Need help with ppp conection.

1998-11-15 Thread Piotr Wachowiak
 On Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 10:06:00AM -0600, Lloyd Burris wrote:
  When ever I hook up to the internet from linux I seem to have trouble 
  connecting to websights, ftp, and news servers. Can anyone tell me how
  to tune up Linux for a faster connection. When I am in windows my
  system flys but in linux I am lucky to get a webpage to come up.
 I need some more detail about how you set up your connection.
 Also please send me the log you get (with plog -f).
 If you have a noisy line you should reduce your MTU MRU values.

and check your kernel configuration - i think that some options in tcp/ip
networking can slow down connection /like filtering or accounting/
 - i am not sure about it
send your pppconfig or log - and i'll try to tell you what's wrong

 sorry if this message was not helpful
Piotr Wachowiak

Re: ide

1998-11-15 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Rx wrote:
 Hello, my HD CHS=16838,255,63 is recognized by
 my computer : 2,34,56 or something like that, which is very different 
 from the original.
 the BIOS  recognize it in the good way,
 BUT the kernel doesn't.
 and M$ Windozs recognize it in the good way too.
 What could I do ?

 Nothing, i think! :-)
 Don't worry about that  linux show always with 255 cylinders and 64
sectors ... 

 Best regards,

AMD K6-2 kernel compile ?

1998-11-15 Thread Marc van der Vossen
Hi group readers,

I was wondering what CPU I should select for compiling the kernel. I have a
AMD K6-2 300MHz. Should I compile for a regular pentium, or do the newer
kernels have K6 as a selectable CPU ?

Wowie, just a bit of time and my PC won't have any Intel, nor Microshit on
it. ;-)))


Marc van der Vossen,

trn trouble on slink

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
When I try to run trn, I get the following error:

Warning: Couldn't open /etc/news/whoami to determine hostname!

Caught an internal error--.newsrc restored


Re: lowmem install

1998-11-15 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 11:28:20PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone been able to install the lowmem version of debian
  linux on a 386 with 4meg ram??  If so, what procedure was used.
  Is there no hope of adding a swap partition after installation??

The workaround is described at the URL in my sig. Look for Low Memory
Intallation under Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.0

 What's All the Buzz About Linux?

Re: Adaptec SCSI Controller?

1998-11-15 Thread Robert Claeson
Nathan E Norman wrote:

 IMO, Quantum SCSI drives suck.  I tolerate Adaptec and I really like IBM
 Ultrastar drives.

I second that. I have an Adaptec 3940UW board (essentially two 2940UW
cards in one) and two IBM Ultrastar 9ES 9.1 GB drives in the server.
They're excellent performers.

Re: dselect (or apt) wish list

1998-11-15 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 10 Nov 98 21:51:40 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zack Brown) wrote:
[lots of ideas for dselect, which I snipped]

Some good ideas there, Zack.  A couple have already been done (the
skipping of installed packages and the selections-from-file ones), but
here's my wishlist for those that might care to listen.

I'd also like the option to have downloaded debs automatically copied
to a local mirror.  It would take up a lot of space, but I'd like to
be able to keep perhaps the last two versions of each package
installed, so that a downgrade could be performed without having to
download the previous version again (assuming that one can find it).

Getting rid of that help screen when entering the select phase would
be good, as an option.

Hmm, how about an automatic method for downloading source packages,
recompiling them and repackaging for use in the install phase?  Useful
if you want to specify compiler options other than the defaults, read
from a config file.  Oh, and they'd want to be stored in that local
mirror first, of course!  Perhaps two source and two binary
directories is overdoing it somewhat...

Whilst I'm here, could someone please clarify for me exactly what the
Installed size field in dselect is measured in?  I think that it's
in kilobytes, but it would be strange to show it in a different format
to the download size with no explanation.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Adaptect2940UW and Decchip21041 share the same interrupt

1998-11-15 Thread Oz Dror

I have P1-MMX 200MHZ a Kingston network card based on 21041
and a scsi controller AHA2940UW.

Both share the same irq (11). Both are PnP. Is this a problem.
id So How can I fix it.

Oz Dror

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

slink gives errors installing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
I've downloaded gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb three times, and each time it failed
to install due to errors. At least the last two time, the download gave the
same file, which leads me to believe it's not ftp corruption. Here's a
couple samples:

# dpkg -D1 -i gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb
(Reading database ... 48701 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking gimp-manual (from gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb) ...
D01: process_archive oldversionstatus=not installed conflictor=none
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
dpkg: error processing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

# dpkg -D2 -i gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb
D02: maintainer_script_new nonexistent preinst 
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
dpkg: error processing gimp-manual_1.0.0-1.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
D02: maintainer_script_new nonexistent postrm `/var/lib/dpkg/'
Errors were encountered while processing:


Re: kernel 2.1.128 sound

1998-11-15 Thread mwb
On Sat, 14 Nov 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

 Hello everyone, I just got kernel 2.1.128 up and running.  I am loading
 sound as a module.  When I try to cat something to the device I get this
 error message:
 [paul:~/multimedia/next-gen]$ cat  /dev/audio
 bash: /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device
 tail of /var/log/kern.log shows:
 Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by
 Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
 Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: sb: dsp reset failed.
 lsmod shows:
 Module  Size  Used by
 uart401 5696   0
 sound  58064   0  (autoclean) [uart401]
 soundcore   2120   3  (autoclean) [sound]
 I know that sb.o is not loaded.  If I try to load it it say the the device
 or resource is busy.
You need to specify the options to sb

Here's what I use to get mine loaded (after running isapnp

insmod soundcore
insmod sound
insmod opl3
insmod uart401
insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330
insmod adlib_card io=0x388


Re: more X in slink stuff...

1998-11-15 Thread Daniel Martin
Zack Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm using slink. When I run startx, I get the following errors:
 xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 xauth: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 xinit: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 Aside from the fact that X is broken in slink, is there any way around this?
 What deb file is the library available?

I think this may be another case of the two xlib6g packages
causing problems.  The basic story (as I understand it) is that there
was a broken xlib6g that got released accidentally -
although it was very soon replaced with a working one, some people got 
bitten by the bad one.

At least, I think that's what happened.  I've also heard things to the 
effect that the problem is caused by a bad pre- or post-rm script in
the -6 xlib6g.

In any case, go get xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-7.deb again from your local
mirror, make certain that it has md5sum
276d3782f9be91508241592902146e49.  Reinstall it and this error should
clear up.

Description: PGP signature

pcmcia cardmgr doing the right thing after resuming?

1998-11-15 Thread Alan Su

i have a laptop here that does not see the pcmcia cards after
resuming.  basically, suspending the machine goes fine, and after
resuming, i can do most everything.  however, the network is not
there.  bouncing the card manager with '/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart'
gets things back to normal.  what am i missing here?  is there a
script that gets run on a resume where i can do this?  thanks...and be
gentle; this is my first attempt at a laptop installation.  =)


Problem installing jdk1.1.6

1998-11-15 Thread Gernot Bauer
I tried to install jdk1.1.6v4a-3.deb from the slink distribution to my
hamm-system but some errors occured:

mother# dpkg -i /home/gbauer/jdk1.1_1.1.6v4a-3.deb 
(Reading database ... 31523 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace jdk1.1 1.1.6v4a-3 (using
.../gbauer/jdk1.1_1.1.6v4a-3.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement jdk1.1 ...
Setting up jdk1.1 (1.1.6v4a-3) ...
Checking available versions of java, updating links in /etc/alternatives
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
update-alternatives: slave link name /usr/man/man1/java.1.gz duplicated
dpkg: error processing jdk1.1 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

Could anybody tell me WHAT went wrong?

Thanx, Gernot
Gernot Bauer   Salzburger Kredit- und Wechsel-Bank AG
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Office)   Makartplatz 3, 5020 Salzburg
Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Austria/Europe
 Phone: ++43-662-8684-364
The answer is yes, me. Fax:  ++43-662-8684-23

emacs problems

1998-11-15 Thread Matthew Vernon
Dear all,

Getting emacs19 and emacs20 to coexist is still proving impossible
(and VM doesn't work with 20). I have emacs20 20-el and gnus installed,
but when I  try to install 19, I get the following:

Cannot open load file: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/custom-init.el

and then it fails. Sure enough this file doesn' exist :(

What can I do, please?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward-elect of the Cambridge Tolkien Society

emacs -- (Not X) Hexl-mode C-M does not work

1998-11-15 Thread Joseph Hartmann
My info on emacs tells me after I do a M-x hexl-mode enter
C-M-x should be the way to insert a character in hex.  Does C-M-x
mean Control m (or Control M) followed by an x ?  Control-m or
Control M gives me a Carriage Return, not a prefix to a further
command.  This is emacs from the cheapbytes four-disk set of
debian; the emacs is version 19.34

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Re: emacs -- (Not X) Hexl-mode C-M does not work

1998-11-15 Thread Chris Mayes
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Joseph Hartmann wrote:

 My info on emacs tells me after I do a M-x hexl-mode enter
 C-M-x should be the way to insert a character in hex.  Does C-M-x
 mean Control m (or Control M) followed by an x ?  Control-m or
 Control M gives me a Carriage Return, not a prefix to a further
 command.  This is emacs from the cheapbytes four-disk set of
 debian; the emacs is version 19.34

The M-x is Meta-x or escape-x.  In order to access the meta functions
you type escape (alt might work too, IIRC) and x.  There are a _ton_ of
meta functions on emacs.  I use M-x compile for my C++ stuff all the time.
For a hoot, try M-x font-lock-mode.  That will bring up syntax
highlighting for whatever mode you might be in, assuming that mode
supports syntax highlighting.  Although emacs can usually guess what mode
it should be in by the extension, sometimes you need to tell it
specifically(i.e. .template is not detected as c++).  To do this, type M-x
whatever-mode.  There's a tutorial in emacs that will walk you through
many of the major keybindings, btw.  I think it will appear automatically
if you bring up emacs with no arguments...  But I digress.  M-x is
escape-x.  Thank you.


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Re: StarOffice 5 - S3 fix available

1998-11-15 Thread Will Lowe
 Those of you who have an S3V video card might like to know that while
 looking at the StarDivision web site yesterday I notice they have posted
 a fix ..

Has anyone sucessfully gotten this patch?  If you visit the website,
click Support and then Download,  you get a link for the patch to

but following this link gives a 404 file not found error.

Help!  I need the fix ...

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|And if you on tight to what you think is your thing |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

Re: pcmcia cardmgr doing the right thing after resuming?

1998-11-15 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Alan Su wrote:

 i have a laptop here that does not see the pcmcia cards after
 resuming.  basically, suspending the machine goes fine, and after
 resuming, i can do most everything.  however, the network is not
 there.  bouncing the card manager with '/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart'
 gets things back to normal.  what am i missing here?  is there a
 script that gets run on a resume where i can do this?  thanks...and be
 gentle; this is my first attempt at a laptop installation.  =)

Is your kernel configured with APM?  Even if it is, your laptop may be
nonstandard or doesn't implement the apm standard at all.

Supposedly, the pcmcia package should work properly with apm.
However, there are enough broken apm laptops that I notice that the
pcmcia maintainers have added hooks to the latest release.  These are
scripts that get invoked on resume.

Try downloading the latest debian pcmcia package and read the

Jean Pierre

Re: emacs -- (Not X) Hexl-mode C-M does not work

1998-11-15 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 15:19:11 -0500 (EST)
 From: Chris Mayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

 On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Joseph Hartmann wrote:

  My info on emacs tells me after I do a M-x hexl-mode enter
  C-M-x should be the way to insert a character in hex.  Does C-M-x
  mean Control m (or Control M) followed by an x ?  Control-m or
  Control M gives me a Carriage Return, not a prefix to a further
  command.  This is emacs from the cheapbytes four-disk set of
  debian; the emacs is version 19.34

 The M-x is Meta-x or escape-x.  In order to access the meta functions
 you type escape (alt might work too, IIRC) and x.  There are a _ton_ of
 meta functions on emacs.  I use M-x compile for my C++ stuff all the 
 For a hoot, try M-x font-lock-mode.  That will bring up syntax
 highlighting for whatever mode you might be in, assuming that mode
 supports syntax highlighting.  Although emacs can usually guess what 
 it should be in by the extension, sometimes you need to tell it
 specifically(i.e. .template is not detected as c++).  To do this, type 
 whatever-mode.  There's a tutorial in emacs that will walk you 
 many of the major keybindings, btw.  I think it will appear 
 if you bring up emacs with no arguments...  But I digress.  M-x is
 escape-x.  Thank you.


Thank you for your discussion.  I am familiar with the M-x
meaning, but it is the C-m-x where I am stuck.  As soon as I type
C-m I get the same result as if i hit the enter key.  Yet the
info on hexl mode indicates the command to edit point with a
hex value is C-m-x.

thanks for your input.


  Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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AMD K6-2 kernel

1998-11-15 Thread Marc van der Vossen
Hi group,

Sorry if this appeared earlier, but I didn't see it within about 3 hours, so
I just posted it again.

I was wondering what CPU I should select for compiling the kernel. I have a
AMD K6-2 300MHz. Should I compile for a regular pentium, or do the newer
kernels have K6 as a selectable CPU ?

Wowie, just a bit of time and my PC won't have any Intel, nor Microshit on
it. ;-)))


Marc van der Vossen,

Re: chrony sets your clock from the net

1998-11-15 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

 I have just uploaded chrony to unstable.  chrony is an 'atomic clock'
 package similar to xntp3 but easier to install and administer and more
 suitable for use with intermittent dialup connections.  If you have a
 dialup connection to the Net it should work out of the box with no

Are there any advantages over using `netdate' (part of the


suggestion: transparent .deb files revealing logical structure

1998-11-15 Thread Zack Brown
Here's an idea.

Many packages have a logical structure in which certain parts of the
structure change nearly independently from other parts. I suggest breaking
these into independent .deb files, while having package managers like apt
and dselect optionally only be aware of them as single packages. That way we
don't have to be bombarded by lots of packages with virtually the same name
(packa, packa-doc, and so on), but at the same time it would allow package
maintainers to actually split their packages into even more little pieces,
according to the logical structure of their package. This would allow apt
and dselect to downloaded only the changed elements of a package.

So it would be a double winner: (1) since only the changed parts are
downloaded, the total download time is brought down. (2) Since apt (or
dselect) would ignore the multitude of .deb files, and only list the logical
packages by default, package listings would be a lot shorter and easier to

And of course, anyone who wanted to could just tell apt or dselect to show
all .debs regardless of logical connection. They could even have their own
internal dependencies, so we'd be able to choose which parts of a package we
wanted to install, without fear of unknowingly breaking the package.

Taking this a step further (although I haven't thought about this part of
the idea until now), it might be possible to layer this idea, so that
depending on an option given to apt (or dselect), more and more packages
could be logically linked, shortening the visible list of packages and
making it easier to choose what you want to install. At the most extreme,
this would result in something like what happens right before the debian
installation runs dselect: it asks if you want to choose an umbrella-type
set-up, including a lot of logically related packages. So this idea would
allow a finer grain control over that kind of thing.

As a further detail, it could be possible to specify that in general you
want to see a particular level of logical abstraction, but that for certain
packages you want to see a different level of logical abstraction, or even
the individual .deb files themselves.

I see a lot of ups but no downs for this idea. Am I missing something?


Screw it! (Printer recommendations)

1998-11-15 Thread Chris Mayes
Well, I've wrestled with the ol' HP 520 for the last time.  The problem
was that it would not see where it was supposed to stop, or so it would
seem as it would slam itself against the stop whenever I would run a check
on it.  Anyway, I tried cleaning the little plastic strip as thoroughly as
possible, stuck it back on, and *wham* Nothng changed.  So, I've decided
it's time to get a good(low-priced) laser printer.  So, who has
recommendations?  I'd like to stay below 400, around 300 if possible.  It
should work well under Linux (obviously) and BeOS(if possible).  Quality
is important, but I am a poor college student begging my parents for a
Chrstmas gift, remember ;-)  So, any/all recommendations welcome.  Thanks!


Version: 3.1
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Re: installation on older Toshiba laptop?

1998-11-15 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko

You may want to check Linux on Laptop page:

though you laptop is not listed explicitly, but there are close models.

 I am starting to look into installing Linux on an old Toshiba 4400C
 laptop.  I have the InfoMagic CDs, but no CD rom on the laptop but I've
 got one on my desktop and can make floppies.  
 So any particular things to keep in mind in attempting this?  Is it
 possible to install linux on this at all?

Re: Screw it! (Printer recommendations)

1998-11-15 Thread mwb
On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Chris Mayes wrote:

 possible, stuck it back on, and *wham* Nothng changed.  So, I've decided
 it's time to get a good(low-priced) laser printer.  So, who has
 recommendations?  I'd like to stay below 400, around 300 if possible.  It
 should work well under Linux (obviously) and BeOS(if possible).  Quality
 is important, but I am a poor college student begging my parents for a
 Chrstmas gift, remember ;-)  So, any/all recommendations welcome.  Thanks!

I've been looking for a printer for about 3 months.  Most of the posts
suggest that the HP Laserjet 6L is a good solution.  With that in mind,
I've been pricing them for about 3 months as well. the 6L is $399.  The
only place I've seen it cheaper is at Sam's club a couple of months ago,
for $385.  Fortunately for me, I found one someone return to Best Buy, and
it was knocked down to $340.  It works great.
