Re: Impresora conectada a través de unidad zip

1998-12-23 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 10:38:01PM +, Miquel Escarrà dijo:
 ¿Alguien sabe si me va a dar problemas una impresora que esta
 conectada al puerto a través de la unidad zip? 

Creo que tendrás problemas si tienes el kernel 2.0.x. No puedes
tener cargados ambos módulos al mismo tiempo (lp y el del zip que no
recuerdo como se llama).

Tranquilo, no te tires de los cabellos. En la 2.1.x (próxima 2.2) funciona
a las mil maravillas (o por lo menos como funciona en Windows).

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux


1998-12-23 Thread Fernando

Sabe alguien como hacer que un programa arrancado en .xsession utilice
opcion Stick que aparece en el menu del boton izquierdo de la ventana
para que se quede clavado en el escritorio.

Saludos y felices fiestas.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Consulta sobre una tarjeta grafica

1998-12-23 Thread Daniel García Magariños

Pues mira, de momento te puedo decir que NO UTILICES la Intel AGP 740
porque no hay manera de hacer que funcione a más resolución que a 800x600
con 16 colores.


At 14.12 22/12/98 , you wrote:
Hola a todos, quiero comprarme una buena tarjeta grafica pero no 
se cual. Las mejores ahora mismo son las AGP, segun me han dicho, pero 
me han comentado que Debian 2.0 o mejor dicho las XFree86 no las 
soportan muy bien por ahora. Un companero me ha dicho que tiene una 
Matrox Millenium y le va bien. Alguien podria confirmarme esto y 
decirme otras marcas de tarjetas AGP que pueda soportar Debian 2.0.

Un saludo y gracias.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Consulta sobre una tarjeta grafica

1998-12-23 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 01:12:06PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos, quiero comprarme una buena tarjeta grafica pero no 
 se cual. Las mejores ahora mismo son las AGP, segun me han dicho, pero 
 me han comentado que Debian 2.0 o mejor dicho las XFree86 no las 
 soportan muy bien por ahora. Un companero me ha dicho que tiene una 
 Matrox Millenium y le va bien. Alguien podria confirmarme esto y 
 decirme otras marcas de tarjetas AGP que pueda soportar Debian 2.0.

 Respecto a las AGP i740 y Linux---
Para que no quepa duda de que las AGP i740 funcionan de maravilla (no todas
¿eh?) envío el fichero README que viene con el servidor XBF_i740 que tengo yo
en uso (no es GNU y es beta 3 pero a mi me funciona). Dos cosas:

a) Se ha dicho en esta lista que las AGP no soportan mas que 800x600 8bpp,
   pues bien yo trabajo a 1152x864 24bpp con una Asus AGP V2740TV y va de

b) Para el que pidió consejo sobre una AGP a comprar, pues la verdad que yo
   con la mia estoy muy contento, hace virgerías y no es cara. Además puedo
   asegurar que funcionan las XWindows a la perfección. Envío adjunto el
   fichero /usr/lib/X11/Cards para que le eches un ojo a las AGP que vienen
   listadas y soportadas por el XBF. SUSE ha desarrollado también servidores
   para otras tarjetas AGP a las que XBF no da soporte y no tengan i740, 
   respecto a esto no se demasiado. El servidor para tarjetas con i740 único
   que hay hasta la fecha es el XBF_i740. Para cualquier consulta: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escríbeme!

Fichero README de XBF_i740---

  Information for i740 Users
  i740 Driver Version 0.9.10

1. Supported Hardware

   * Intel 740 based cards (Beta 3 release)

2. Features

   * Full support for 8, 15, 16, 24 and 32 bit per pixel depths.
   * Hardware cursor support to reduce sprite flicker.
   * Hardware accelerated 2D drawing engine support for 8, 15, 16 and
 24 bit per pixel depths.
   * Support for high resolution video modes up to 1600x1200.
   * Support for doublescan video modes (e.g., 320x200 and 320x240).
   * Fully programmable clock supported.
   * Robust text mode restore for VT switching.

3. Technical Notes

   * Hardware acceleration is not possible in 32 bit per pixel depth.
   * Interlace modes cannot be supported.

4. Reported Working Video Cards

   * Real3D Starfighter AGP
   * Diamond Stealth II/G460 AGP
   * ASUS AGP-V2740
   * Chaintech AGP-740D
   * EONtronics Van Gogh
   * Intel Express 3D
   * Jaton Video-740 AGP 3D
   * Joymedia Apollo 7400
   * Leadtek Winfast S900
   * QDI Amazing I

5. Configuration

   The driver auto-detects all device information necessary to
   initialize the card.  The only lines you need in the Device
   section of your XF86Config file are:

   Section Device
   Identifier i740

   or let xf86config or XF86Setup do this for you.

   However, if you have problems with auto-detection, you can specify:

   VideoRam - in kilobytes
   DacSpeed - in MHz
   MemBase  - physical address of the linear framebuffer
   IOBase   - physical address of the memory mapped IO registers

6. Driver Options

   hw_cursor - request hardware cursor (default)
   sw_cursor - software cursor only
   no_accel  - software rendering only
   sgram - force the use of SGRAM timing info
   sdram - force the use of SDRAM timing info

   Note: the i740 X server should automatically detect whether your
 card has SGRAM or SDRAM.  Use the sgram and sdram options
 if it is incorrectly detected.

7. Known Limitations

   * Some people have reported that the 2.3X BIOS does not work
 properly with this server.  The solution is to use an earlier
 BIOS (e.g., 2.20 or earlier).  We are looking into a resolution
 to this problem.

8. Author

   Kevin E. Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   Precision Insight, Inc.
   Cedar Park, TX


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Description: Lista de tarjetas

Version de java en debian

1998-12-23 Thread Humberto . Morell
Disculpen si en parte este mensaje esta fuera de lugar.
Estoy comenzando a estudiar un poco de Java, para tener una version 
en Win me estoy bajando el JDK 1.2 de Sun, en el sitio se dice que 
tienen version para Solaris.
La version de java que tengo en Debian 2.0 equivalente a que Kit de 
Sun es?
Leyendo un poco de Java me encontre con los API de JDBC y Servlet y 
estos me han llamado mucho la atencion, las class correspondiente a 
ellos se encuentran en Debian.
Disculpen mi desconocimiento
En caso que mi java debian no contenga lo que el free de Sun me puede 
dar para Win se puede de alguna forma adaptar la version de Solaris 
para Debian ?
O que otra forma tendria de mantener actualizadas las dos 
Otra preguntica conocen alguna direccion en espanol de listas sobre 
Feliz 1999
Humberto Morell 


1998-12-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Alguien ha menionado la posibilidad de crear un fichero
/etc/enviroment (o algo por el estilo) en el que definir variables
comunes para cualquier shell. Lo que pasa es que por gilipollas me he
cargado el mensaje y no soy capaz de hacerlo funcionar.

Un ejemplo vendría muy bien. Gracias anticipadamente.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED](Vigo/Galicia/España)

12/23   First GS collaboration, Thespis, 1871
12/23   (12/23/1617) 1st penal colony in US established (VA). 
12/23   (12/23/1947) Bill Rogers, marathon runner. 

LILO y fat32 ¿suele dar problemas?

1998-12-23 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Primero FELIZ  NAVIDAD para todos los de la lista.

Bueno, ahora una pregunta que tengo por ahi.
Resulta que el otro dia me fui a instalar Debian a un amigo y tuve un
problema serio al instalar LILO. Parece ser que este muchacho tenia
FAT32 en la primera particion.  Al instalar LILO, e intentar rearrancar
el ordenador, no hubo manera de entrar en la particion de windows. Linux
arrancaba perfecto (para mi habria valido con eso, pero mi amigo no sabe
todavia prescindir de windows).
La pregunta es ¿sera que LILO no funciona todavia con FAT32? O puede ser
que el kernel generico que viene con la Debian nada mas instalarla no
tiene incluido todavia la vfat y por eso me da problemas?
El fichero /etc/lilo.conf, yo creo que estara bien, porque es
practicamente igual al de mi ordenador. Las particiones estan asi:
hda1 --- fat32
hda4 --- fat32
hda5 --- ext2
hda6 --- swap
Eso vistas con fdisk de Linux. Parece ser que si bajo fdisk de DOS haces
hda1 como particion primaria, y quieres mas particiones, necesitas crear
una particion extendida (lo que seria hda2) y dentro de ella poner las
particiones logicas hda4, 5, 6 ... (¿o es al reves?) ¿Puede ser eso lo
que de problemas?

Bueno, a ver si alguien me puede orientar un poco con esto.
La cosa es que tengo que instalar Debian a otro amigo estas navidades y
me da miedo porque si no le puedo poner el LILO (la solucion de disco de
rescate no mola mucho, si siempre tienes que arrancar Linux con
disquete) entonces estoy perdido. Lo digo porque con el otro amigo tuve
muchos problemas para recuperarle los datos de hda1, ya que al
instalarse el LILO, no solo no arrancaba esa particion sino que al
quitar LILO habia acceso a esa particion ni desde disquete. Menudas

Nota fuera de asunto, pero que no me puedo contener de comentar: desde
que arrranque la instalacion base, no tuve que reiniciar el ordenador ni
una sola vez. Resulta increible, ya que le isntale unas X windows, se
las configure, le puse programas para trabajar con Linux, configure la
shell, cree cuentas, el LILO, ... en fin. Lo que es dejar un sistema a
punto. Hombre, me falto recompilar el kernel (que creo que es de las
pocas veces en las que si hace falta rearrancar Linux, y ni siquiera,
porque puedes seguir trabajando). Esto cada dia me enamora mas.

Un saludo a todos y gracias:
Juan Carlos

CVS tras firewall

1998-12-23 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Me gustaría saber si es posible utilizar el CVS tras un cortafuegos
(firewall) con un servidor que está en internet (como el
que sólo admite conexiones con el exterior mediante HTTP:80 y FTP:21 (y
creo que Telnet, pero algo más enrevesado). He estado buscando y no he
visto nada...

Alguna idea?


Re: RV: Traspasar el sistema a lo bestia

1998-12-23 Thread Paco Brufal
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, 32 Toni Castillo Girona wrote:

   En un principio, deberías hacer esto:
   conectas los dos discos duros.
   Particionas el /dev/hd2 con fdisk o cfdisk (o cualquier otra
   utilidad) creando las particiones -linux native, y swap-

En está el FAQ de R34.LINUX de
Fidonet. Precisamente sale una pregunta de cómo cambiar Linux de
partición/disco. Viene todo muy detallado y funciona de perlas.

Fidonet 2:346/3.68  

...Cold Turkey. The Vegetarians. 1994

Advansys SCSI Iomega Jaz drives

1998-12-23 Thread Tom_Persons
 I am trying to install Debian on a 2 GB Jaz disk but when the rescue 
 disk looks for my SCSI devices it does not find my Jaz drive. It has 
 no problem identifying both of my SCSI CD-ROM's (a player and a 
 re-writable) and my IBM SCSI hard drive. My Jaz drive is an external 
 drive connected to the external SCSI port on ID 4. Does anyone have 
 any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
 Tom Persons

Re: killing off the *)@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Jeff Katcher

Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
 yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
 dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
 to use . . .
 It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.


Re: Has dpkg been ported

1998-12-23 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 05:07:19PM -0500, Wayne Cuddy wrote:
 Has anyone ported dpkg to different architectures?  If so what is involved in
 doing so?  If not... why?

Yeah, I did the hurd port. It is not finished actually.

It is not much involved, depending on the progress of the linux port in general.
However, one should add the architecture to it.


Re: can't run editor when su... why?

1998-12-23 Thread Jesse Evans
Hi, folks

Thanks for the info... so far, the method (for root) described
below from TA seems to be the simplest.

Now, is there a way to automate this? I tried adding the
follwing lines to root's .bashrc:


but this only works if I su from the original user's home
directory. (Otherwise, './' does not point to the right place.)

What I need to know is how to determine the home directory of
the user who ran startx so that information can be built into the 'XAUTHORITY='

Also, I just want to say that over the past couple of months I've been
getting some great answers from this list to my questions. Thanks to all of
you have have been of help so far!

And, TIA for this one.

'til next we type
HAVE FUN!! -=- Jesse

 The problem is that you own the X session, root doesn't.
 The easiest way to get this to work is to type
xhost + localhost
 before you do your su.  This means that you'll let anyone
 from the host localhost (ie, your computer) connect to your
 However, I recall there were some security risks associated with
 using xhost like this... maybe someone else will point them out.

Ok, I will.  If you do that, ANYONE on the hosts added can capture keys, 
dump your window, and virtually hijack your computer completely.

 If you aren't connected to a network (or just dial up occasionally
 using, eg, ppp) then you should have no problems.  (Using
 xhost + localhost helps, lots of people just use xhost +,
 which allows *anyone* from *anywhere* access -- bad idea.)

I really think there is no reason to *ever* do xhost + anything.

First, Tcl's send command will not operate if xhost security is
allowed at all.  That would break things like exmh which use send to
talk to a background process.  Tcl disables send when xhost + is
used because it would otherwise allow simple control of *everything*
(send combined with exec).

While send is not a security issue when xhost + is used, you lose
functionality, even if you never ever connect to any other computer.

The other reason not to ever run xhost + is because there are better
ways to share your X session.  For root, it is extremely easy.  For
other users, it's a little more tricky:

For root:

root# XAUTHORITY=/home/your_id/.Xauthority
root# DISPLAY=:0.0

your_id is the id of whoever ran startx.

For NON-root users:

You can use xauth to extract the key from one user and to add the key
to the other.  The tricky part is in keeping it secure in the meantime.
Encrypting with pgp is one possibility.

To extract a key:

user1% xauth extract my_key $DISPLAY

The file my_key has your key in it (xauth SHOULD create it with user rw
permissions only).  Do whatever you need to to securely transfer it to
the other user, and then have that user run:

user2% xauth merge my_key
user2% DISPLAY=:0.0
user2% export DISPLAY

Note that user2 now has complete control to your X session until you end
it and start a new one (at which time a new key will be generated).  If
user1 is running any Tcl application which has send enabled (default),
user2 can tell that Tcl application to exec arbitrary commands and
return the results to user2.  There is also nothing prohibiting user2
from giving the key to user3!  You wouldn't want to do this to someone
you didn't trust.

As far as I know, you can't change the xauth key during a session.
Still, this is far better than giving unlimited users access to your X

Finally, your keys are stored in ~/.Xauthority, so make sure you don't
give global access to it.

I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.

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'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Analog Modem Channel Bonding

1998-12-23 Thread Kevin Traas
Is there anyone here who is using and/or has experience with bonding analog
modem channels for increased bandwidth?  I have someone who's out in the
sticks with no (inexpensive) options beyond analog.

I understand EQL is one option; however, is not well supported (for
connecting to ISPs, etc.)

It looks like the prevalent standard is MPP; which is used to bond ISDN
channels.  Is there any way to use MPP on analog modems?

I'm also interested in implementing bandwidth-on-demand using 1-4 modems.

Are there any manufacturers out there providing more than one modem per
ISA/PCI card?  i.e. multi-port modems?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Kevin Traas

Re: installing libpcap

1998-12-23 Thread wtopa


  cc and gcc are the c  c++ compiliers which are needed to compile
most of the software on Linux.

  I _thought_ that they were part of the base install of deselect
altho you may have de-selected them.  Go back into dselect and look
for the compiliers and select them.  The install  config steps should
take care of setting up the paths so that your ./configure problem.


Subject: installing libpcap
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 05:32:59PM -0500

In reply to:Rich McHie

Quoting Rich McHie([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm new to Linux.  I installed a Debian base system (2.0.34).
 I installed MAKE, LIBG++272, and other deb packages
 with dpkg.  I haven't yet used MAKE.
 I'm trying to install libpcap.tar.z as a prerequisite
 to ipgrab.  When I run the libpcap CONFIGURE script it says:
 Checking host system type... i486-pc-linux-gnuoldld
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
 Any ideas?
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All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.

Re: suspend mode

1998-12-23 Thread Joey Hess
Joel N. Weber II wrote:
 The FSF has a Toshiba Satellite 310 CDT, and we need to be able to
 turn suspend mode on and off.  If you know of a program that can do
 this, please send mail to both myself and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well I can only give you a partial solution.

There's a program named hotkey
( that is GPL'd and will work
with the toshiba 310.

It doesn't actually turn resume mode on and off, instead, it catches the
fn-f5 key sequence that toggles resume mode (at least that's the key
sequence on my toshiba 445cdx), and looks at the appropriate place in memory
to tell if resume mode is on or off, and pops up a window with that

However, it has a file ( that describes all about where the
toshiba's store this in memory. Unfortunatly, according to that file,
changing the info in memory doesn't actually change the laptop's settings
until you reboot.

I think you should get in touch with the author, [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
I think he's working on a more ambitious toshiba control center for linux,
as yet unreleased, and he may have figured out how to actually change the
settings since when hotkey was written.

see shy jo

Re: can't run editor when su... why?

1998-12-23 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko
Hi, Jesse!

Unless you really want to use xauth, you may want to use slogin instead, which 
is more secure and will do the job.


mycomputer# xemacs

Will work just fine.
 Hi, folks
   Thanks for the info... so far, the method (for root) described
 below from TA seems to be the simplest.
   Now, is there a way to automate this? I tried adding the
 follwing lines to root's .bashrc:

Re: can't run editor when su... why?

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JE == Jesse Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JE Now, is there a way to automate this? I tried adding the
JE follwing lines to root's .bashrc:

JE XAUTHORITY=./.Xauthority

JE but this only works if I su from the original user's home
JE directory. (Otherwise, './' does not point to the right place.)

My proposal is: install ssh from non-us. ssh is the secure shell. It
will connect to a box using encription and compression and will also
do the Right Thing(tm) wrt to X.

You just do ssh -l root localhost


Re: Compiling apt 0.1.9 in Hamm

1998-12-23 Thread wtopa

IIRC the version of apt for hamm is 0.1.7.  0.1.9 is for slink.
Check the archives as I seem to remember that being posted her a while


Subject: Compiling apt 0.1.9 in Hamm
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 10:07:33PM -0600


 I am trying to compile apt 0.1.9 in Hamm. The corresponding debian
 package depends on libstdc++2.9, while on my system, libstdc++2.8 is
 present (which is why I want to compile). I understand that libstdc++2.9
 is the std library on Slink.
 Anyway, while compiling, I get the following error:
 Making all in contrib
 make[2]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/apt-0.1.9/contrib'
 c++ -bi486-linux -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I../include -I.. -I.. \
  -I. -I. -I../include -I../include -I../intl -I../intl  -g -O2 -c
 ../include/pkglib/dpointer.h: In method `void DPointer::malloc(unsigned int)':
 In file included from
 ../include/pkglib/dpointer.h:52: Internal compiler error.
 ../include/pkglib/dpointer.h:52: Please submit a full bug report to \
 make[2]: *** [pointer.o] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/apt-0.1.9/contrib'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/apt-0.1.9'
 make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
 I am using gcc and g++ 2.90.29-0.6. The latter is from the egcs
 suite. Should I:
 1. Change to libstdc++2.9 (Do not know what packages if any will break)?
Although the error is in program compilation and not linking.
 2. Install egcc and g++ from slink and then try compiling apt? As far
as I can tell, all dependencies are satisfied in my current Hamm
 I will of course file a bug report, if this is a valid bug. Could
 somebody tell me if this is one? Any RTFM pointers are also appreciated.
 One last question. It appears that egcc and gcc do not conflict. How
 does one decide which one to use for compiling programs? Any pros/cons
 of using one over the other?
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C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
-- Ray Simard


1998-12-23 Thread timothy
Does anyone know how far we are from a debianized package of GNUcash? (I
couldn't find it on the package search on
Or even any other debianized alternative?


Date: 22-Dec-98
Time: 19:22:38

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Powered by GNU/Linux 2.0.

Re: can't run editor when su... why?

1998-12-23 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
   but this only works if I su from the original user's home
 directory. (Otherwise, './' does not point to the right place.)

I have 

export XAUTHORITY=/home/hawk/.Xauthority

in my .xsession, which seems to do the trick.  That could probably be ~/
.Xauthority, I suppose . . .

On the other hand, I have 
export TERM=xterm

and still end up with xterm-debian when i telnet  ssh to digital unix.



Re: Analog Modem Channel Bonding

1998-12-23 Thread Damon Buckwalter
Kevin Traas wrote:
 Is there anyone here who is using and/or has experience with bonding analog
 modem channels for increased bandwidth?  I have someone who's out in the
 sticks with no (inexpensive) options beyond analog.
 I understand EQL is one option; however, is not well supported (for
 connecting to ISPs, etc.)
 It looks like the prevalent standard is MPP; which is used to bond ISDN
 channels.  Is there any way to use MPP on analog modems?

There is an [old] patch to the kernel and to pppd to support

 I'm also interested in implementing bandwidth-on-demand using 1-4 modems.
 Are there any manufacturers out there providing more than one modem per
 ISA/PCI card?  i.e. multi-port modems?

The stuff at looks promising, and from
what I've read, 'Shotgun' is just two modems on one card using MPP.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP and GPG public keys at

Re: Is frozen currently broken?

1998-12-23 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: Is frozen currently broken?
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 02:44:43AM -0500

In reply to:Ed Cogburn

Quoting Ed Cogburn([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Ian Setford wrote:
  I would like to run several packages that require library versions on ly
  available in frozen.  Are there any known problems with that tree right
   Talking about slink?  No, I'm not aware of any problems with it now,
 but it was a mess about 1.5 weeks ago.
 Ed C.

Oh?  Well I have one problem, gnome apps are looking for a gtk library
that isn't on slink.  I have libgtk 1.1 and 1.3 and gnome wants 1.2.
It has been that way for at least a month IIRC.

... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that,
lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of
their C programs.   -- Robert Firth

Harddiskrecorder for Debian 2.1 libc6

1998-12-23 Thread Peter Berlau
Im looking for a harddiskrecorder
e.g. :Broadcoast, Multitrack or slab 
does one of the above do exist as debian-package 
and, if so, can You tell me where i can get it.
I preffer a harddiskrecorder which is compatibel with
libc6   2.0.7v-1 
I not will install the older libc5,

Thanx for help

merry Xmas,
good luck in 1999

Re: killing off the *)@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Sean Johnson
An easier solution is to open Disk Administrator {Start-Programs-Administrative
Tools-Disk Administrator} and mark the Linux partition as active.


Jeff Katcher wrote:

 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
  yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
  dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
  to use . . .
  It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
 Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
 add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
 some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
 howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: xterm-debian

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 06:45:42PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
 On the other hand, I have 
 export TERM=xterm
 and still end up with xterm-debian when i telnet  ssh to digital unix.

See for 
workarounds/solutions/rationale etc.

Rafael Kitover

Re: killing off the *)@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
I use the NT bootloader to boot between NT/dos|95/linux, the
Linux+NT+Win95 or whatever it was called HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini was
very helpful, basically I have an entry for c:\bootsect.lnx in my
c:\boot.ini. And updated it with a new kernel or whatever. So basically
after a new kernel I do:

dd if=/dev/sda5 of=/win95/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

where /dev/sda5 is my linux partition and /win95 is my win95 (primary dos
or whatever the hell) partition.

Also, the howto says you have to copy the bootsect file to a floppy and
reboot or whatever, but using something like the above this step is not

On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 08:13:01PM -0500, Sean Johnson wrote:
 An easier solution is to open Disk Administrator 
 Tools-Disk Administrator} and mark the Linux partition as active.
 Jeff Katcher wrote:
  Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
   yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
   dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
   to use . . .
   It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
  Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
  add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
  some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
  howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.

Rafael Kitover

quantex laptops, any good/debian compatible?

1998-12-23 Thread Adam Shand

i've been looking at the quantex laptops ( and they look
too good to be true.  very reasonable prices, decent looking hardware and
a pretty cool web site (though slow ...).

has anyone had any experiences with them?  i'd love to hear anything about
them, especially if debian works well with them (graphics card, sound
card etc).


mail filtering

1998-12-23 Thread Rick Knebel

I have now got my debian slick distro working pretty well.
This was my first exposure to debain.
I have done previous installs of caldera, redhat, and suse.

I am very impressed.
Everything is put together very nicely and I could find few things that did 
not work as advertized.

One question I have though.
This is my first exposure to smail which seems to be the default in Debian.
I had no trouble setting it up.

Alot of the filtering programs mention only using sendmail.

What is everyone using for mail filtering that is using smail.

Thanks Alot


Rick Knebel

Communicator installation again

1998-12-23 Thread KTB
OK, I think I came fairly close this time:)  I copied the file to /tmp
ran dselect (the netscape set up program)  here is where it ended:

Setting up netscape 4 (4.0-12)
-Found ' /tmp/communicatortar.gz'...(valid)
-Extracting from /tmp/communicatortar.gz

gzip:stdin:unexpected end of file
tar: unexpected EOF on archive file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
ERROR: cannot extract netscape archivee--No such file or directory
dpkg:error processing netscape4 (--configure):
 subprocess posted-installation script returned error exit
status 2
   Errors were encountered while processing:
  netscape 4
dpkg--configure returned error exit status 1.

Press return to continue

What now?

upgrade broke DNS

1998-12-23 Thread Darxus

35 darxus:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

35 darxus:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ ping
ping: unknown host

I recall seeing this problem long ago on a friend's Sun box, but have no
idea how to fix it.  

My resolv.conf looks like:

domain localdomain
search localdomain,

PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
You do not exist.

How to use scp through a crontab

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Schulze

one of my crontabs contains a job:

scp foo:/where/is/bar /my/own/

but with hamm/slink ssh/scp this only results in the following error:

  You have no controlling tty and no DISPLAY.  Cannot read passphrase.

This was fine with Debian bo which came with a different version of

What do I need to change in order to make this job work again.



*** Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows], repartitioning Disk for Linux ...

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: ftpd

1998-12-23 Thread john
Rick Knebel wrote:
 I then upgraded to slink and everytime I try to ftp into my home machine from 
 work i get connection refused.

Rafael Kitover writes:
 Hrm, try apt-get install ftp;apt-get install ftpd.

And file a bug against netstd.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Communicator installation again

1998-12-23 Thread Jesse Evans

Here's what worked for me (I recently upgraded to slink; this
may not all be available otherwise... AFAIK):

I used apt-get to install the following:


There were some dependencies, which apt-get took care of, and I
was off and running!  :-)

On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 07:50:05PM -0600, KTB wrote:
 OK, I think I came fairly close this time:)  I copied the file to /tmp
 ran dselect (the netscape set up program)  here is where it ended:
 Setting up netscape 4 (4.0-12)
 -Found ' /tmp/communicatortar.gz'...(valid)
 -Extracting from /tmp/communicatortar.gz
 gzip:stdin:unexpected end of file
 tar: unexpected EOF on archive file
 tar: Child returned status 1
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 ERROR: cannot extract netscape archivee--No such file or directory
 dpkg:error processing netscape4 (--configure):
  subprocess posted-installation script returned error exit
 status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
   netscape 4
 dpkg--configure returned error exit status 1.
 Press return to continue
 What now?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

From: name in email

1998-12-23 Thread Rick Knebel

I thought I had smail configured the right way to put From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in the from line of the emails I send.
All I get now is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I changed my hostname in /etc to but it still does not work.

Any suggestions.

Thanks Alot


p.s. watch out because my from a\adress is not correct

Rick Knebel

Re: Install Debian 2 on My ThinkPad

1998-12-23 Thread Ed Slocomb
I had a similar problem putting the hamm (2.0) beta on a Thinkpad 600.

I remember 2 boot-related problems:

1)  I started the install from a floppy, and I remember that I had to go and 
find a floppy image that would boot-- I think I found it in Japan.  The tecra 
image did not work, but this was during the hamm freeze, and things may work 

2)  The stock kernel would not boot on the thinkpad.  From what I've read, some 
thinkpads can't handle the  bzimage type of compressed kernel, and you have 
to roll your own zimage.  (Install kernel-source package, install debian 
kernel tools (kernel-package), zless the README.gz in /usr/doc/kernel-package, 
build your kernel, make changes to /etc/kernel-pkg.conf to taste).  Don't 
forget to, er, install your nice new kernel...( I forgot that part once).

But you still need to figure out how to get from where you are into your 
current installation, right?  I don't know what boot method you used for the 
install, but you should be able to boot the same way, mount your partitions,  
and then cancel out or switch virtual consoles to get a command line, from 
whence you should be able to do your kernel construction and installation.

There's a lot of info to be had at the linux laptop page, and DejaNews has been 
very good to me in all things linux and thinkpad.


PS  I'm still waiting for the day that IBM releases drivers or programming info 
for that DSP-based modem+sound card thingy that lives in the 600 series...

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 10:06 AM
Subject: Install Debian 2 on My ThinkPad 

To anyone who can help me,
I am new to Linux and Debian, now I try to install Debian linux on my IBM
ThinkPad 560E, and config is : Pentium MMX 233, 40M memory, Floppy Driver,
and IBM Token Ring Auto 16/4 PCMCIA Net Card.(Windows 95 already installed)
I installed Debian from My Harddisk, and there are four partition in my HD,
for : Windows95, Boot manager, Linux, Linux Swap. During the installation ,
I did not find any error message or recommondation, it seemed that the
system was installing smoothly. But when I reboot the ThinkPad, and select
to boot from Linux, there is message on the screen LILO  and  Loading
Linux..., then the computer reboot itself.
I tried three times to install it, no error message . So I am very confuse
what happend, if you have such experience or know the reason, I appreciate
for your kindly help in advanced.

Thx and hv a nice day.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Matrox Xserver on Debian

1998-12-23 Thread Sean M Hollingsworth
I am (hopefully) putting a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP in my linux box
next month.  I know that S.u.S.E has an Xserver for this card, but I can
only find tarballs and RPMs for it.  I now have two questions:

1) Is there a deb of the Matrox Xserver?

2) In the event I can't find a deb, would installing the xserver from a
tarball or an RPM cause any problems with compatibility?  Say with
updates, other libs, etc...

Cron's timing - using GMT?

1998-12-23 Thread Sergey Imennov


I was under the impression that cron used 'local'
time for timing events, however, I was surprised,
when, I started seeing the 'updatedb' at
something like 6am.

Is using GMT for cron normal for UNIX, or is this
something new?


Re: From: name in email

1998-12-23 Thread Mitch Blevins
Rick Knebel wrote:
 I thought I had smail configured the right way to put From: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the from line of the emails I send.
 All I get now is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why don't you post you /etc/smail/config?

From: amil adress

1998-12-23 Thread Rick Knebel

I just sent out an email to this list requesting help about getting the from 
line of my email right.

I figured it out so please don't spend anytime replying to me.

Thanks alot


Rick Knebel

Gnome Not working in Slink upgrade

1998-12-23 Thread wtopa

Just tried a new slink upgrade, again.  I must have something wrong
because I can't get gnome to upgrade correctly.

when I run panel or eeyes I get the message: cannot open shared object file: no such file or

I do have but no

Everything _but_ gnome and its apps _seem_ to be running.

Does 'anyone' have gnome running on slink?  If so, I wonder what is
wrong with the depends (and on What?).


Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

Re: upgrade broke DNS

1998-12-23 Thread john
Darxus writes:
 My resolv.conf looks like:

 domain localdomain
 search localdomain,

domain localdomain
search localdomain

I suggest you lose the 'domain' and 'search' lines.  I doubt you need
them.  man resolv.conf . 
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: upgrade broke DNS

1998-12-23 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Upgrade of what?

Did you upgrade libc6?  Which version of libc6 are you using?
There was a problem earlier, solved in version 2.0.7u-7.1, and I
hear it may be broken again in 2.0.7v-1   :-(

To find out what version you're using:  $ dpkg -s libc6

Darxus wrote:

 35 darxus:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ ping
 ping: unknown host

(I may be away for a week by the time you respond to this...)
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Re: upgrade broke DNS

1998-12-23 Thread Darxus
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 Upgrade of what?
 Did you upgrade libc6?  Which version of libc6 are you using?
 There was a problem earlier, solved in version 2.0.7u-7.1, and I
 hear it may be broken again in 2.0.7v-1   :-(
 To find out what version you're using:  $ dpkg -s libc6

up to date unstable, so, yeah --

Version: 2.0.7v-1

PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
You do not exist.

Re: upgrade broke DNS

1998-12-23 Thread Darxus
On 22 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



that worked, thanks a lot... guess something I upgraded was just a bit
more picky ?  (doing regular apt upgrades to debian unstable)
PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
You do not exist.

Re: Cron's timing - using GMT?

1998-12-23 Thread john
Sergey Imennov writes:
 I was under the impression that cron used 'local'
 time for timing events, however, I was surprised,
 when, I started seeing the 'updatedb' at
 something like 6am

The tasks in /etc/cron.daily start running at 5AM local time.  To change
that edit /etc/crontab.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: ftpd

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
Rick Knebel wrote:
 I then upgraded to slink and everytime I try to ftp into my home machine from 
 work i get connection refused.
I wrote:
 Hrm, try apt-get install ftp;apt-get install ftpd.

Sorry, I was writing that from work and didn't check. Both ftp and in.ftpd
are still in netstd:

% dpkg -S /usr/bin/ftp;dpkg -S /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
netstd: /usr/bin/ftp
netstd: /usr/sbin/in.ftpd

If you are getting a connection refused, maybe you don't have in.ftp
enabled in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.conf (depending on if you use
inetd or xinetd respectively). Search for the line with the word in.ftpd
and make sure it doesn't have a # in front of it, if it does remove it and

/etc/init.d/netbase reload

(as root)

Hope that helps.

references: man services, man inetd.conf

Rafael Kitover

RE: Matrox Xserver on Debian

1998-12-23 Thread Shaleh

On 23-Dec-98 Sean M Hollingsworth wrote:
 I am (hopefully) putting a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP in my linux box
 next month.  I know that S.u.S.E has an Xserver for this card, but I can
 only find tarballs and RPMs for it.  I now have two questions:
 1) Is there a deb of the Matrox Xserver?
 2) In the event I can't find a deb, would installing the xserver from a
 tarball or an RPM cause any problems with compatibility?  Say with
 updates, other libs, etc...

SuSE just gives you a server, nothing else, simply place their binary with the
other xservers (like vga16) and add a line to your /etc/Xserver for it.  No big
deal.  Once we have a 3.3.3 package you wont need the SuSE supplied server.

Re: Matrox Xserver on Debian

1998-12-23 Thread Jameson Burt
I know a couple people who have installed this card, including myself.
Here is what I did.
1. From, I got the following 
   for my Matrox G200 video card,
2. I ran
alien xmatrox-2.2-0.i386.rpm
   which created the debian file
   I install this xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb file,
  dpkg -i xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb

3. I uncompressed and installed
   This has the program xf86config, which will recognize your matrox G200 
   card.  Specifically this tar file has two files,
These two files replace those belonging to the xbase package.
4. Backup /etc/X11/XF86Config, then run
4. You probably don't even need to run xf86config.
   If you don't mind using your old resolutions (eg, 1024x768)
   and the old amounts for video memory, 
   then you need only change the first line of Xserver to
This surprised and delighted me that I didn't need to run xf86config
or alter XF86Config when going from an NEC C500 monitor and a 
Number 9 S3V video card to a newer Nokia 445Xpro monitor and
a Matrox G200 video card.
I eventually did run xf86config, though, with no real problems.
This xf86config seemed to know I had 8192 KB memory.

The package xmatrox_2.2-0.i386.rpm has the files
All these are uniquely matrox so present no conflicts with other files.

When you upgrade packages with dselect, dselect won't know the location
of xmatrox (for all practical purposes, I removed my created  matrox debian 
package), though it knows you installed it and what its files are.  When you 
eventually do upgrade to a version of debian with
the Matrox G200 driver (maybe in March, 1999?), then you can of course
purge this xmatrox package.

Any upgrade of xbase will replace your two new files from suse.

In the past I could more easily get my video card's driver, 
but once I got the xmatrox package, I found installation much simpler.
For example, I did not need to do an X --probeonly to get the clocks.

 I am (hopefully) putting a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP in my linux box
 next month.  I know that S.u.S.E has an Xserver for this card, but I can
 only find tarballs and RPMs for it.  I now have two questions:
 1) Is there a deb of the Matrox Xserver?
 2) In the event I can't find a deb, would installing the xserver from a
 tarball or an RPM cause any problems with compatibility?  Say with
 updates, other libs, etc...
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Re: FAQ (i guess): how to set up screen saver under X?

1998-12-23 Thread Jameson Burt
Consider the option power_saver.
This largely turns your monitor off, so you save a few electrons a rest
from their frantic day.
Monitors and I believe video cards produced in the last three years mostly
support the DPMS (Display Power Management System).
Both my NEC C500 and my Nokia 445Xpro supported DPMS.
Your operating system, Linux, can then work with DPMS, telling the video
card to tell the monitor to turn itself off -- in about 15 minutes my 
monitor's light goes yellow and blank, in 30 minutes red and my monitor
shuts off, getting physically cool.
With DPMS, the search for a screen saver becomes mis-directed.

I make use of DPMS through X in the file /etc/X11/XF86Config with the line
   Option  power_saver
Here is some context,
   Section Device
   Identifier  Jims Matrox
   VendorName  Matrox
   BoardName   Millennium G200 8MB
   VideoRam 8192
   #Option  power_saver   #Added by Jim Burt
   Option  power_saver
   # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

 On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 12:58:39AM -0800, Martin Waller wrote:
  I guess this is a bit of a newbie question, but how do I get a 
  screensaver to come up under X instaed of the screen just blanking?

RE: Eterm 0.8.7 problems.

1998-12-23 Thread A. M. Varon
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Shaleh wrote:

 How did this happen?  Debian provides several tools to do updates that
 insure you get everything you need to have a working system.  Dselect,
 apt, or a combination thereof can prevent problems like this. 

The reason is I updated my Eterm manually. Download some .debs here and
there... dependancies seems to accept it. Next time... I'll just use apt
to update my Eterm.

It does'nt really bother me... I'll just wait for 2.1 to be released and
just update my Debian 2.0.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Re: X help

1998-12-23 Thread WuArMy490
Ok I try all that I edit xf86config and all that

but it still doesnt change my resolution
you have any other suggestions on how to do this?

Re: Violence: Lethal StarOffice...

1998-12-23 Thread Adam Shand

just as a follow up note here.  don't even bother with the patch from
stardivision, it's a waste of time (imho of course).  star office still
crashes and behaves erratically even with the patch, and if the problems
are as bad as mine were (the install crashed on the welcome screen) you
can't even apply the patch because the patch has to be applied *after* the
installation.  neat eh?

just change to the svga server.  as best as i can tell it makes no
difference and seems more stable (thought that's gut rather then hard

i'm still not that happy with so5 and am going to install wp8 tomorrow and
see which i like better.  all i really want is the ability to read word
and excell 97 files and i can do without excel if i have to.


On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, dyer wrote:

 At they have a patch for the S3V server. (This _is_ the 
 problem) Go to support, download. (at least it used to be there). Switch to 
 SVGA server on your machine, install SO5, install the patch, switch back to 
 S3V. You should be OK.
 I have a Stealth 3D 2000 and I'm using the S3V server too.  The question, 
 then, is what to do?
 Jeff Miller
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: New IBM sendmail replacement will be free and open source

1998-12-23 Thread Adam Shand

 that is none other than Vmailer from Wietse Venema, which other than
 having a truely scary name fit for a vampire, has something personal
 against Dan Bernstein and Qmail. He's very active on BugTraq, and
 seems to know what he's doing most of the time, but his attitude and
 few errors I have seen him get caught in, pushed me away from trying

for what it's worth i've been watching wietse and djb have it out on
bugtraq (and other places) for quite a couple years.  in general i think
wietse has shown immense self control and reasonableness under fairly
extreme attack.  i've avoided using qmail because i think djb is *such* an
unpleasant person to deal with (note: i've never dealt with him personally
just watched him deal with other people on lists etc) and he is fairly
widely recognised for being a little overly opinionated, though no one
doubts he technical abilities.

as best as i have been able to tell the story is this.  djb and wietse
both did a lot of the initial coding on qmail and then had a falling out
due to differing opinions on how unix security should be implemented.  djb
has now taken it to be is life long mission to publicly fault wietse for
any and everything that can be.  i've seen him publicly slammed for being
a jerk almost everytime by nearly everyone.

i really like what i've seen of wietse and vmailer/postfix and am very
hopefull that it will mature into my replacement for sendmail (i
especially like the queuing philosopy, it's great and fills a gaping hole
in what sendmail provides).


ps. i make no claim to know the full story but the above is how i've
interpreted what i've seen.

Re: PCMCIA help!!!

1998-12-23 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Patrice Bertrand wrote:

 Hi, I have installed Linux on a Winbook laptop. Everything works but my 
 PCMCIA modem and I dont' understand why... My PCMCIA card is a made by 
 Creative Labs and is fax-modem 28,800 bauds. I've tried to read the 
 HOWTO-PCMCIA. It doesn't help and it is too complicated anyway...
 What I've done till now :
 I have installed the Linux base system from scratch with floppies
 I understand that the PCMCIA, if I follow the steps during installation, is 
 normally done.
 I have set up a PPP connection
 But when i type pon, nothing happens and i go back to the prompt.
  Just one thing : my sound card is dead, i don't want to replace it so when i 
 place the card in it's drive, i cannot hear the beep sound... But this 
 shouldn't have any king influence.
 So what am I supposed to do? To i have to run something like : mount 
 /dev/modem /moden or what? 
 Thanks for your help...

Two things:
 1) /dev/modem is usually a symlink to the actual tty port being used. If
your setup is looking to /dev/modem and /dev/modem isn't pointing to the
correct tty, that's your problem. BTW, you might be better off using the
actual port (ie /dev/ttyS1, etc), because if an app accesses (and
therefore puts a lock on) /dev/modem and another app accesses the actual
port, the second app won't see the lock and then you've got two apps
trying to use the modem at the same time and one or both will start
coughing up blood.

 2) If you've got minicom installed, try using it to verify that your
modem is working. If you don't have minicom, try
   echo ATDTsome_phone_num_you_can_hear_ring 
If you hear the phone ring, pick it up and see if it sounds like a modem.
If it doesn't ring, you know you're still not dialing out.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Advansys SCSI Iomega Jaz drives

1998-12-23 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to install Debian on a 2 GB Jaz disk but when the rescue 
  disk looks for my SCSI devices it does not find my Jaz drive. It has 
  no problem identifying both of my SCSI CD-ROM's (a player and a 
  re-writable) and my IBM SCSI hard drive. My Jaz drive is an external 
  drive connected to the external SCSI port on ID 4. Does anyone have 
  any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
  Tom Persons

I've read other posts that said something to the effect of zips or jaz's
showing up as the fourth partition even though it's on the first, or
something (As you can tell, I'm really hazy on it.) You might check
the list archives within the last three months.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Communicator installation again

1998-12-23 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, KTB wrote:

 OK, I think I came fairly close this time:)  I copied the file to /tmp
 ran dselect (the netscape set up program)  here is where it ended:
 Setting up netscape 4 (4.0-12)
 -Found ' /tmp/communicatortar.gz'...(valid)
 -Extracting from /tmp/communicatortar.gz
 gzip:stdin:unexpected end of file
 tar: unexpected EOF on archive file
 tar: Child returned status 1
 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
 ERROR: cannot extract netscape archivee--No such file or directory
 dpkg:error processing netscape4 (--configure):
  subprocess posted-installation script returned error exit
 status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
   netscape 4
 dpkg--configure returned error exit status 1.
 Press return to continue
 What now?

I'm certainly no expert, but this sounds like a corrupt Communicator file.
I know you've downloaded it at least twice, but you might do well to
download it again.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Communicator installation again

1998-12-23 Thread Kent West
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Jesse Evans wrote:

   Here's what worked for me (I recently upgraded to slink; this
 may not all be available otherwise... AFAIK):
 I used apt-get to install the following:
 There were some dependencies, which apt-get took care of, and I
 was off and running!  :-)

IIRC, Kent is using hamm, and therefore probably doesn't have apt-get yet.
And, last I heard, he doesn't have his dial-up working on the Linux side

Kent, once you get a bit more grounded in Linux, this apt-get method that
Jesse suggests will become your friend. However, for now, I think I'd
recommend sticking to the dselect method. No use in adding yet another
learning task to your already quite-full plate :-)

 On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 07:50:05PM -0600, KTB wrote:
  OK, I think I came fairly close this time:)  I copied the file to /tmp
  ran dselect (the netscape set up program)  here is where it ended:
  Setting up netscape 4 (4.0-12)
  -Found ' /tmp/communicatortar.gz'...(valid)
  -Extracting from /tmp/communicatortar.gz
  gzip:stdin:unexpected end of file
  tar: unexpected EOF on archive file
  tar: Child returned status 1
  tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
  ERROR: cannot extract netscape archivee--No such file or directory
  dpkg:error processing netscape4 (--configure):
   subprocess posted-installation script returned error exit
  status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
netscape 4
  dpkg--configure returned error exit status 1.
  Press return to continue
  What now?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: X help

1998-12-23 Thread Kent West
On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok I try all that I edit xf86config and all that
 but it still doesnt change my resolution
 you have any other suggestions on how to do this?

I may be getting in late on this thread; at any rate, I don't recall what
your specific problem is or what things you've tried. However, from your
post I take it that you'd like to change your video resolution. You might
try running XF86Setup and try to change your settings there. If that
doesn't work, you might repost with a brief summary to remind us (or at
least me) of your problem/attempted_solutions.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: X help

1998-12-23 Thread WuArMy490
ok I recently installed Debian on my computer and when I set up X I set the
resolution and everything right in xf86config and I did the xf86setup also

But then I do startx and my resolution is way to big for my screen
I tried changing the resolution about 10 times then I finally gave up and
asked you guys

canot startx as user/libpcap/libnet problems

1998-12-23 Thread pjintel
Error msg when i startx as normal user, however startx as root has no

Fatal server error:
xf86OpenConsole: Server must be running with root permissions
You should be using Xwrapper to start the server or xdm.
We strongly advise against making the server SUID root!

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

libpcap erros:

make , make install had no troubles but:
debian:~/libpcap-0.4# make install-incl
/usr/bin/install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin ./pcap.h \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin ./pcap-namedb.h \
/usr/bin/install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin ./net/bpf.h \
/usr/bin/install: /usr/local/include/net/bpf.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [install-incl] Error 1

libnet errors:
debian:~/Libnet# make
cc -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -Wall   -DHAVE_STRERROR=1
src/checksum.c -o src/checksum.o
src/checksum.c: In function `do_checksum':
src/checksum.c:109: structure has no member named `uh_sum'
src/checksum.c:111: structure has no member named `uh_sum'
make: *** [src/checksum.o] Error 1

can anyone pls help?


Re: Gnome Not working in Slink upgrade

1998-12-23 Thread Sean M Hollingsworth
I have Gnome from slink working.  I did an upgrade to 2.2 last night,
however, and that broke Gnome.  Since, at this time, the newer versions of
gtk are incompatible with many progs compiled with the older versions,
letting apt/deselect update gtk to 1.1.5 is a very bad idea; I had the same
error that you are getting.  I had to uninstall all the Gnome debs and
re-update (downdate ?) back to slink today to get it to work again.

-Original Message-
To: debian-user
Date: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 6:55 PM
Subject: Gnome Not working in Slink upgrade

Just tried a new slink upgrade, again.  I must have something wrong
because I can't get gnome to upgrade correctly.

when I run panel or eeyes I get the message: cannot open shared object file: no such file or

I do have but no

Everything _but_ gnome and its apps _seem_ to be running.

Does 'anyone' have gnome running on slink?  If so, I wonder what is
wrong with the depends (and on What?).



Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Why?! [way offtopic]

1998-12-23 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 03:29:37PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
   Considering what I hear from this group and the 'debates' in c.o.l.a., 
 and elsewhere on the Net, WinNT isn't that stable as it is now.  If they
 really are going to break compatibility with their predecessor OSs then
 that will change things, but I'm astonished that they would actually do
 that.  After all, the whole world didn't rush out and upgrade from Win95
 to Win98, and this upgrade was supposed to be compatible.  A lot of
 people have decided Win95 is enough.  If they leave compatibility out,
 M$ runs a risk of having Win2k not being a big seller.  Its the
 compatibility issue that has allowed them to drag everybody along the
 upgrade path, a real money maker, all this time.

Windows NT 4 is reasonably stable in that the whole operating
system rarely crashes; it's still more often than Linux,
but a lot less often than 95. The GUI still crashes on occasion.

To me, the main reason for not upgrading to 98 is that there aren't
any new features which I want. You can get the new desktop
by putting IE 4 on 95 (and I don't want it anyway). I don't use USB
and you can get that on 95 anyway (my notebook has it). So there's no reason
to upgrade, since I rarely use 95 anyway.

NT could do with some upgrades, though -- it needs to become more
mainstream to get better driver support. It needs DirectX 5 or better
(then I'd never need to use 95 at all on my desktop).

   Finally, one the important things about Linux is its configurability,
 especially being able to trim the kernel to just what is needed.  The
 idea that they can build an OS that is not only good at being a
 mainstream desktop OS while at the same time as being a strong
 enterprise server, all from the same shrink-wrapped box, smells real
 funny to me.

Isn't that what we do too?
And RedHat?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Matrox Xserver on Debian

1998-12-23 Thread Sean M Hollingsworth
Thanks ... I had forgotten all about alien; I usually do.

Re: GNUcash

1998-12-23 Thread Adam Klein
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 07:23:37PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know how far we are from a debianized package of GNUcash? (I
 couldn't find it on the package search on
 Or even any other debianized alternative?

Take a look at the 'xacc' package.


Re: Violence: Lethal StarOffice...

1998-12-23 Thread A. M. Varon
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Adam Shand wrote:

 just as a follow up note here.  don't even bother with the patch from
 stardivision, it's a waste of time (imho of course).  star office still
 crashes and behaves erratically even with the patch, and if the problems
 are as bad as mine were (the install crashed on the welcome screen) you
 can't even apply the patch because the patch has to be applied *after* the
 installation.  neat eh?
 just change to the svga server.  as best as i can tell it makes no
 difference and seems more stable (thought that's gut rather then hard

Well, the patch seems to work for me. StarOffice 5.0 Has not crashed on
me yet.

 i'm still not that happy with so5 and am going to install wp8 tomorrow and
 see which i like better.  all i really want is the ability to read word
 and excell 97 files and i can do without excel if i have to.

I have tried Wordperfect 8 for Linux and it can read/save word97 files but
connot read/write excel97 formats.

Fortunately, SO5 can read do the above.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Re: Gnome Not working in Slink upgrade

1998-12-23 Thread Peter Berlau
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 09:53:32PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just tried a new slink upgrade, again.  I must have something wrong
 because I can't get gnome to upgrade correctly.
 when I run panel or eeyes I get the message: cannot open shared object file: no such file or
 I do have but no

 Everything _but_ gnome and its apps _seem_ to be running.
 Does 'anyone' have gnome running on slink?  If so, I wonder what is
 wrong with the depends (and on What?).
yo, look below, I'm not sure if it's depend on this,
I'm new gnome user, no expirience

||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  libgtk-doc  1.0.6-2Documentation and example code for the GIMP 
ii  libgtk-perl 0.3-3  Perl module for the gtk+ library
ii  libgtk1 1.0.6-2The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X
ii  libgtk1.1   1.1.2-2The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X, unsta
ii  libgtk1.1-dev   1.1.2-2Development files for the GIMP Toolkit, unst
ii  libgtk1.1.6 1.1.6-1The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X, unsta
ii  libgtkmm0.9.15-1   shared library of gtk--, a C++ wrapper for G
ii  libgtkxmhtml0   0.30.1-5   The Gnome gtkxmhtml (HTML) widget
ii  gnome-admin 0.30-3 Gnome Admin Utilities (gulp and logview)
ii  gnome-control-c 0.30-2 The Gnome Control Center
ii  gnome-core  0.30-2 Common files for Gnome core apps and help br
ii  gnome-gxsnmp0.30-3 A network management tool that uses SNMP
ii  gnome-hello 0.30.1-5   The Gnome Hello World examples
ii  gnome-media 0.30-2 Gnome Media Utilities (gmix, gtcd)
ii  gnome-panel 0.30-2 Launch and/or dock Gnome applications
ii  gnome-session   0.30-2 The Gnome Session Manager
ii  gnome-terminal  0.30-2 The Gnome terminal emulator application

thats the packages I have installed, hope it gives You a idea,

very X-mas
good 1999

Re: Why?! [way offtopic]

1998-12-23 Thread Ed Cogburn
Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 03:29:37PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
Considering what I hear from this group and the 'debates' in c.o.l.a.,
  and elsewhere on the Net, WinNT isn't that stable as it is now.  If they
  really are going to break compatibility with their predecessor OSs then
  that will change things, but I'm astonished that they would actually do
  that.  After all, the whole world didn't rush out and upgrade from Win95
  to Win98, and this upgrade was supposed to be compatible.  A lot of
  people have decided Win95 is enough.  If they leave compatibility out,
  M$ runs a risk of having Win2k not being a big seller.  Its the
  compatibility issue that has allowed them to drag everybody along the
  upgrade path, a real money maker, all this time.
 Windows NT 4 is reasonably stable in that the whole operating
 system rarely crashes; it's still more often than Linux,
 but a lot less often than 95. The GUI still crashes on occasion.
 To me, the main reason for not upgrading to 98 is that there aren't
 any new features which I want. You can get the new desktop
 by putting IE 4 on 95 (and I don't want it anyway). I don't use USB
 and you can get that on 95 anyway (my notebook has it). So there's no reason
 to upgrade, since I rarely use 95 anyway.
 NT could do with some upgrades, though -- it needs to become more
 mainstream to get better driver support. It needs DirectX 5 or better
 (then I'd never need to use 95 at all on my desktop).

Not having used NT, I don't have any first hand knowledge about the 
of crashes.  There seems to be a wide diversity of opinion about this.  Its
probably depends on a number of things, like hardware, and maybe more
importantly, how many apps are installed and used (and perhaps whether the
apps are MS or not?).  With a small number of well behaved apps, with
'approved' hardware you could get NT to appear stable.

Finally, one the important things about Linux is its configurability,
  especially being able to trim the kernel to just what is needed.  The
  idea that they can build an OS that is not only good at being a
  mainstream desktop OS while at the same time as being a strong
  enterprise server, all from the same shrink-wrapped box, smells real
  funny to me.
 Isn't that what we do too?
 And RedHat?

In a sense, you got me here; I didn't explain myself very well.  Part 
of the
problem is my personal tendency to think of Linux as a server-type OS, that
just happens to have a significant number of people using it as a desktop OS. 
Sure, Redhat is trying to make Linux easier to install and use for the
non-tech crowd.  The difference is what we will and won't do to make Linux
work for the masses.
Nothing is wrong with GUI type programs that make installing and Linux 
for the uninitiated, and I won't argue against some additions into the kernel
to provide support for graphics like the fb code in the development kernel,
and kernel additions suggested by the GGI project.  However, the developers of
Linux are not going to try shoe-horning the Mozilla code into the linux kernel
the way MS shoe-horned IE into Win98 just to destroy a competitor.
Linux is also much more modular than W2K will ever be (IMHO, of 
With Linux, you can strip both the distribution and the kernel of unnecessary
software leaving only the server software installed, for a server type job. 
Linux also doesn't force a particular interface on you.  If you like the CLI,
then you aren't forced to live with X.  This won't happen with W2K, you'll
have a GUI, and software like IE forced on you.  Because these things are
integrated into the OS, the OS will become even more complex and bloated than
either NT or 98 is now.
I think MS is about to hit the point of diminishing returns with W2K.  
is only so much you can stuff into an OS before the OS loses the most
important characteristic an OS should have:  rock solid stability.  The
growing concern over W2K's delay seems to suggest that they now have an OS so
complex that stability is almost impossible.

 Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
 CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ed C.

RE: killing off the *)@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Chang, FKK
Once the c:\bootsect.lnx file exists, you can put in /etc/lilo.conf:


(assuming c:\ is mounted on /win95, which in my case always is)

and you won't have to do the dd thing ever again. Saves a lot of trouble
*especially* when you forget the dd thing!


 Felix Chang
 Hoogovens Research  Development
 P.O. Box 10.000
 1970 CA  IJmuiden
 tel (+31) 251 492927
 fax (+31) 251 470114
 From: Rafael Kitover[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: woensdag 23 december 1998 2:22
 Cc:   recipient.list.not.shown
 Subject:  Re: killing off the *)@ NT bootloader
 I use the NT bootloader to boot between NT/dos|95/linux, the
 Linux+NT+Win95 or whatever it was called HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini was
 very helpful, basically I have an entry for c:\bootsect.lnx in my
 c:\boot.ini. And updated it with a new kernel or whatever. So basically
 after a new kernel I do:
 dd if=/dev/sda5 of=/win95/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
 where /dev/sda5 is my linux partition and /win95 is my win95 (primary dos
 or whatever the hell) partition.
 Also, the howto says you have to copy the bootsect file to a floppy and
 reboot or whatever, but using something like the above this step is not
 On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 08:13:01PM -0500, Sean Johnson wrote:
  An easier solution is to open Disk Administrator
  Tools-Disk Administrator} and mark the Linux partition as active.
  Jeff Katcher wrote:
   Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half
dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT
to use . . .
It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
   Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able
   add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux
   some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
   howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.
 Rafael Kitover
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: mail filtering

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RK == Rick Knebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RK What is everyone using for mail filtering that is using smail.


You can set it up either as the MDA (so it is caled automaticaly for
every user), or you can call it in a user's .forward file.


Re: How to use scp through a crontab

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MS == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS You have no controlling tty and no DISPLAY.  Cannot read passphrase.

MS This was fine with Debian bo which came with a different version of
MS ssh.

MS What do I need to change in order to make this job work again.

This is a release critical bug reported by Manoj.


Re: xbase- installation problems

1998-12-23 Thread Conrado Badenas
Gary Singleton wrote:
 I check dependencies myself and install necessary files and it works
 pretty good.  I have only had one problem doing it this way and that
 is when I try to install xbase after installing xlib6g and all the
 other dependencies I get the error:
 ln: cannot symbolic link '../../../doc/X11' to
 '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc': no such file or directory

Why don't you try with xbase-

It was released with Debian 2.0 by july 1998. Current stable versions
( and --this last 21 oct 1998--) say that
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc is a link to ../../../doc/X11 (i.e., to
/usr/doc/X11) and they also provide /usr/doc/X11. I don't know how
version works.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: Postgres and php3 don't like each other

1998-12-23 Thread Frank Barknecht
Shaleh hat gesagt: // Shaleh wrote:

 On 21-Dec-98 Frank Barknecht wrote:
  I am playing around with Postgresql and php3 and I cannot make a database
  connection this way. The most simple script fails:
  $database = pg_Connect (, , , , template);
 Pass user and password in the pg_connect function.  Look at's
 online docs for an example.

The docs just say:

[ ]
A connection can also established with the following command: $conn = 
pg_connect(dbname=marliese port=5432);
Other parameters besides dbname and port are host, tty and options.

But I found the (not so good documented) solution with trial and error:
$database = pg_Connect (dbname=template user=username);

Obviously user and password are also other parameters.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Why?!

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Wheeler

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Christian Lavoie wrote:

  Guys, don't worry. In the next 5 years, will see the fall of Microsoft's

M.  So you don't think that the total absence of Open Source Software
products in the palmtop market (a la CE) -- not to mention the fact that
not a single Smart Card as yet runs an OSS OS -- is significant in any

What will you do the day that you can't unlock the front door to your own
house without an M$-powered smartcard device; or for that matter, even
activate your workstation's keyboard without swiping an M$-manufactured 
card through the security slot?  Hein?

Now -- if you were to tell me that a bunch of bright young things in the
Linux world were only too eager to emulate Linus' achievements, and do an
Open Source version of _everything_ The Evil Empire is attempting to gain
control of, well then . . .
 . . . aw, hell, I'm dreamin' agin!

Martin Wheeler   -StarTEXT, Glastonbury, Somerset, England - BA6 9PH

Re: Matrox Xserver on Debian

1998-12-23 Thread Gianluca Della Vedova
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Sean M Hollingsworth wrote:

 I am (hopefully) putting a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP in my linux box
 next month.  I know that S.u.S.E has an Xserver for this card, but I can
 only find tarballs and RPMs for it.  I now have two questions:
 1) Is there a deb of the Matrox Xserver?
I think no 
 2) In the event I can't find a deb, would installing the xserver from a
 tarball or an RPM cause any problems with compatibility?  Say with
 updates, other libs, etc...
I have installed it from .rpm through alie, I neede to save the
configutration file XF86Config in root's home and then move it to its
default location. Also I made X to be a simbolic link to Matrx server.
It is working fine for me (on 3 machines).
If I don't fail there will be supported for Millennium G200 in svga
server in Xfree86 3.3.3 It may be an option for you to wait until then.

Unidentified subject!

1998-12-23 Thread Helen_J_Lawrence
Does anyone know how I can load Linux onto a Toshiba Prestege 300CT??  I
created a copy of the bost disks from the web site (along with the base
files on disk) yet I cannot get Linux to start.  Everytime I try to boot,
the computer restarts.  I tried the other Toshiba boot files and got the
same problem.



Quick fix + reliable editor?

1998-12-23 Thread Martin Wheeler

Can anyone help me with a quick fix?

For various inane reasons, I'm demonstrating the possibility of using
multiple, mutually-inclusive mail-readers under Linux -- mail, mailx, elm,
pine, mutt, tkmail, exmh, etc.

So far, so good; except that yesterday I demonstrated exmh without first
making a copy of my mailbox file (/var/spool/mail/user). So exmh has now
taken 2500+ mail messages and converted them into separate files, which I
somehow very quickly have to get back into a monobloc form in mailbox
readable format (i.e chained together with an extra cr added between
each -- and I don't know of any way to do this using cat or more/less).
Anyome got a handy sed/awk/perl script to do this; or any any other
quick-fix suggestion?

Second query (related; but not urgent): does anyone know of a _known_
reliable large-file text editor?  One which will handle 10, 15, 25 Mb text
files without hiccup, doing search--replace on the whole file without
barfing, screwing up the file, etc.?  (Something like Programmer's File
Editor, but running under Linux).  It must be known to be reliable -- i.e.
tried and trusted in real-life experience, not just this should do the
job.  (I've been caught like that before! :(


Martin Wheeler   -StarTEXT, Glastonbury, Somerset, England - BA6 9PH

RE: Advansys SCSI Iomega Jaz drives

1998-12-23 Thread Lewis, James M.
I have one of those advansys controllers sold by iomega.  I only have
an external zip on it so this may be off base.

Try using ctrl-A during boot to go into the board bios setup.  Then
look at the termination.  It should be under adaptor setup (I think).
It's the first option.  If you have both external and internal devices,
the controller should not be terminated since it is in the middle.

This may or may not be your problem.  Let me know what you find...


Sent:  Tuesday, December 22, 1998 2:12 PM
Cc:The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:   Advansys SCSI  Iomega Jaz drives

 I am trying to install Debian on a 2 GB Jaz disk but when the rescue 
 disk looks for my SCSI devices it does not find my Jaz drive. It has 
 no problem identifying both of my SCSI CD-ROM's (a player and a 
 re-writable) and my IBM SCSI hard drive. My Jaz drive is an external 
 drive connected to the external SCSI port on ID 4. Does anyone have 
 any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
 Tom Persons

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: truncated inode numbers in cpio

1998-12-23 Thread Paul Slootman
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
When creating a cpio archive, cpio sometimes gives the message inode nuber

Do I need to be concerned about this?

It means that the default output format (the old c format) can't
handle those inode numbers. Cpio uses the inode number info to restore
hard links when reading an archive back.

 or is there a way around the inode

Use -Hnewc when writing (or -Hcrc). See the man page for more info.

Paul Slootman
home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: Why does 16 bpp look the same as 24 bpp?

1998-12-23 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On 21 Dec 1998, Stefan Nobis wrote:

 Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I can't tell the difference between 16bpp and 24bpp 24 colour JPEG
  files, viewed with xv.

 Hmmm. I seem to recall that xv defaults to some kind of color dithering
and only displays 256 colors (8bit color). I generally use ImageMagick's
'display' or the GIMP, so I'm not exactly a power xv user.

 You could try displaying such images in the GIMP or with display and see
if you notice a difference between 16bpp and 24bpp...


 Raymond Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 They said there'd be snow at Christmas; they said there'd be peace on Earth.
Halelujah Noel, be it Heaven or Hell; the Christmas we get we deserve.
  -ELP, I Believe in Father Christmas

question about ip-up

1998-12-23 Thread Peter Kovacs
I've got a quick question...

Do the scripts in ip-up.d run whenever the network goes up (say on boot 
with ethernet, or when I dial in) or only when I dial in.  I'm trying to 
make the transition from campus ethernet to dial in over break.


Peter D. Kovacs  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operator, perl programmer, computer guy.

Re: [offtopic] Dont't ECHO

1998-12-23 Thread Daniel Martin
Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I'm trying to, using socket programming, ask the remote user for login 
 and password. I would like that password won't appears on remote machine 
 when user is typing it. I already saw RFC's but it doesn't worked ! :(((
  Could someone send me such part of code !? 
  Should IAC + DONT + TELOPT_ECHO sent to socket or client descriptor !? 

You're misunderstanding the RFCs.  In terms of telnet options, the
ECHO refers to whether the local or remote end of the connection
should handle echoing the characters back to the user.  The way telnet
does what it does is by having the server send IAC WILL ECHO and
then having the server only echo those characters that should be
echoed.  I have attached below a transcript of a simple telnet session
to show you what's going on.  You may also need to send the telnet
option that means one character at a time transmission and not
line-by-line mode.  I'm not quite certain how to do this; I believe
it has something to do with manipulating the go-ahead option, and
supressing it.  I'd try to do the following:

Server present login prompt
Client send username
Server present password prompt
Client send password

I'm not certain what you should get if the client isn't willing to do
the supress-go-ahead stuff; if the client responds with a don't
echo, then there's really no way to prevent the password from being

Looking at your mail again, it appears that you are writing both the
client and the server part of this application - if so, then you
shouldn't be touching telnet options at all - you should only deal
with the telnet options if you expect people to be using telnet to
connect to your server.  If you are writing the client as well as the
server, look at the getpass function that someone else mentioned, or
look at the termios(3) manpage for how to turn terminal echoing off.

Here's the transcript of a telnet session to my machine - the CLIENT
or SERVER refers to the machine which sent each bunch of data.  Note
that this transcript is complicated by many other options, but I think
that only the echo and supress-go-ahead options are relevant.  (These
begin around record number 5, below).

Record number 1 (SERVER), length 12

 FFFD18FF FD20FFFD 23FFFD27  .ý..ý .ý#.ý' 01

Record number 2 (CLIENT), length 12

 FFFB18FF FB20FFFC 23FFFB27  .û..û .ü#.û' 01

Record number 3 (SERVER), length 18

 FFFA2001 FFF0FFFA 2701FFF0 FFFA1801 .ú ..ð.ú'..ð.ú.. 01
 FFF0    .ð   02

Record number 4 (CLIENT), length 38

 FFFA2000 33383430 302C3338 343030FF .ú .38400,38400. 01
 F0FFFA27 00FFF0FF FA180068 79706572 ð.ú'..ð.ú..hyper 02
 7465726D FFF0   term.ð   03

Record number 5 (SERVER), length 15

 FFFB03FF FD01FFFD 1B05 FFFD21xx .û..ý..ý..û..ý!  01

Record number 6 (CLIENT), length 24

 FFFD03FF FC01FFFB 1A1F 00500018 .ý..ü..û..ú..P.. 01
 FFF0FFFD 05FFFB21   .ð.ý..û! 02

Record number 7 (SERVER), length 43

 FFFB0144 65626961 6E20474E 552F4C69 .û.Debian GNU/Li 01
 6E757820 736C696E 6B206375 73682E64 nux slink cush.d 02
 796E2E6D 6C2E6F72 670D0Axx  03

Record number 8 (CLIENT), length 3

 FFFD01xx    .ý.  01

Record number 9 (SERVER), length 14

 0D0A6375 7368206C 6F67696E 3A20 ..cush login:01

Record number 10 (CLIENT), length 1

 75xx    u01

Record number 11 (SERVER), length 1

 75xx    u01

Record number 12 (CLIENT), length 1

 73xx    s01

Record number 13 (SERVER), length 1

 73xx    s01

Record number 14 (CLIENT), length 1

 65xx    e01

Record number 15 (SERVER), length 1

 65xx    e01

Record number 16 (CLIENT), length 1

 72xx    r01

Record number 17 (SERVER), length 1

 72xx    r01

Record number 18 (CLIENT), length 1

 6Exx    n01

Record number 19 (SERVER), length 1

 6Exx    n01

Record number 20 (CLIENT), length 1

 61xx    a01

Record number 21 (SERVER), length 1

 61xx    a01

Record number 22 (CLIENT), length 1

 6Dxx    m01

Record number 23 (SERVER), length 1

 6Dxx    m01


Re: Advansys SCSI Iomega Jaz drives

1998-12-23 Thread Brandon Mitchell
I believe the previous solution was something like:
mkdir jaz; mount /dev/sd? jaz

With ? being where linux finds your drive.  See the output of dmesg for
more help.


On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Kent West wrote:

 On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am trying to install Debian on a 2 GB Jaz disk but when the rescue 
   disk looks for my SCSI devices it does not find my Jaz drive. It has 
   no problem identifying both of my SCSI CD-ROM's (a player and a 
   re-writable) and my IBM SCSI hard drive. My Jaz drive is an external 
   drive connected to the external SCSI port on ID 4. Does anyone have 
   any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
   Tom Persons
 I've read other posts that said something to the effect of zips or jaz's
 showing up as the fourth partition even though it's on the first, or
 something (As you can tell, I'm really hazy on it.) You might check
 the list archives within the last three months.
 Kent West
 KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
 Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
 Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought
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Web mirroring software

1998-12-23 Thread Cagdas Ogut
Hi all,

Can anybody suggest me a tiny web mirroring software to run on debian,
preferebly in *.deb format? I don't expect much, only the basic

Thanks already,

Cagdas Ogut

RE:Picture display in netscape

1998-12-23 Thread John Greer
I have a Debian 2.0 system with KDE 1.0 installed my video card 
uses the clgd5428 chipset so I am stuck with running the system in 
8-bit color mode for the time being.  The question i have is that it 
seems that when I am using Netscape (4.5b2) for web browsing the 
images that it displays do not look correct.  The images seem to be 
very pixilated yet if I look at the same site using kfm the images look 
fine.  I have tried open just an image in Netscape and it also does 
not look right.  I only have 16M of memory in this machine (486-
100) at the present but am increasing that this weekend.  Does  
anyone have a clue as to a way to make Netscape work 
properly  TIA


Networking on/off-line.

1998-12-23 Thread jd?

Greetings all,

Here's the scenario

five machines, 

1 - dedicated debian box
2 - dual boot (one laptop w/debianwin95, 1 box w/debianwin98)
1 - win nt 4 workstation box
1 - win 98 box

this is the desired mode of operation:

i would like to setup an intranet of sorts.  I've gone through most of the
networking mini-HOWTOs...ip-masq, intranet, etc. but i'm a bit confused.
i would like to connect all of the machines together (already done) with
samba but i would also like to setup an internet connection via a modem on
a debian box with ip masq but the ip that this box obtains is dynamic from
my dialup.  This is where my confusion ariseshow do i need to setup
the other non-deb boxes so that they may surf the net also?  DHCP?

On the other hand , when off-line hand i would also like to be able to let
users on the non-deb boxes to
telnet to the deb boxes when off-line.  (Can you tell i'm new to this
networking thingy? ;))  Is this possible?
if so just point me in the right direction!!!



BitchX: Scripts

1998-12-23 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
I try to load and use the autoop script in BitchX. Si within BitchX I say:

/load autoop

Then I say:

/addchan #channel

But BitchX tellx me: Unknown command. What do I do wrong?


machine seems to pause for a few seconds

1998-12-23 Thread Geoffrey Deasey
I have a dual PII 333 running debian 2.0 and it seems to just stop
for about 2-3 seconds, randomly.  Anyone have any idea what this is ?

 Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o
 .| R L  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Jeff | E I / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 (FidoNet 1:3644/9)   | D N// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   | H U...because lockups are for convicts...

Re: machine seems to pause for a few seconds

1998-12-23 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Geoffrey Deasey wrote:

 : I have a dual PII 333 running debian 2.0 and it seems to just stop
 : for about 2-3 seconds, randomly.  Anyone have any idea what this is ?
 :  Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o
 :  .| R L  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 :  Jeff | E I / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 :  (FidoNet 1:3644/9)   | D N// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 :  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   | H U...because lockups are for convicts...

What kernel are you running?  If it's not a 2.1.x kernel you may be
experiencing difficulty in the SMP code.

I run 2.1.125 on my dual PII ... it runs great.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

How do I set up process on login?

1998-12-23 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
I have a script file that I want to run whenever someone logs in.  It
reads an anniversaru file and lists any anniversarys for the month.  If
I put  'exec anniversary' in the .bashrc or .bash_profile file the
script will run but then the login process stops and goes back to
login: .  How do I set this up so that this program runs everytime
someone logs in.  Also, how could I set this up in 'anacrontab' so that
it prints the results of this script file to the screen of all users,
including root, instead of mailing the results out?



Re: machine seems to pause for a few seconds

1998-12-23 Thread Geoffrey Deasey
What else do I have to change to move to the 2.1.12x kernels ?

 Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o
 .| R L  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Jeff | E I / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 (FidoNet 1:3644/9)   | D N// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   | H U...because lockups are for convicts...

On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Geoffrey Deasey wrote:
  : I have a dual PII 333 running debian 2.0 and it seems to just stop
  : for about 2-3 seconds, randomly.  Anyone have any idea what this is ?
  :  Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o
  :  .| R L  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
  :  Jeff | E I / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
  :  (FidoNet 1:3644/9)   | D N// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
  :  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   | H U...because lockups are for convicts...
 What kernel are you running?  If it's not a 2.1.x kernel you may be
 experiencing difficulty in the SMP code.
 I run 2.1.125 on my dual PII ... it runs great.
 Nathan Norman
 MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: How do I set up process on login?

1998-12-23 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 09:55:11AM +, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I have a script file that I want to run whenever someone logs in.  It
 reads an anniversaru file and lists any anniversarys for the month.  If
 I put  'exec anniversary' in the .bashrc or .bash_profile file the
 script will run but then the login process stops and goes back to
 login: .  How do I set this up so that this program runs everytime
 someone logs in.
Just omit the 'exec '

 Also, how could I set this up in 'anacrontab' so that
 it prints the results of this script file to the screen of all users,
 including root, instead of mailing the results out?
Print it to the screen when they are working there? It's a bit rude but try


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

diald and pon

1998-12-23 Thread Marcus Geiger

I'm trying to get diald running. The diald example configuration comes with a 
connect script. But isn't it a better idea to use pon as the program to 
establish a connection from within diald ? Does this work ? And when how ?
 Also can't the ip-up scripts shared between diald and pon.. ? This would save 
some redundancys.


Re: turning off X accelleration [wasRe: that hp kayak/CLG5465 again

1998-12-23 Thread Stefan Hueneburg
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 01:08:47PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

  Simply add ´Option noaccel´ into Section Device in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
 yep, it's stable after this, at least at 8 bit.  32 crashed, though it 
 took a while.  But it's slow as molasses . . .

Take a look at /usr/doc/xserver-svga/README.cirrus, there are very useful
information for Cirrus User.

  Btw, try also the XF86_SVGA XServer from XFree86 3.3.3.
  This Xserver works quite well with my Cirrus Logic GD7548 card.
 I've been meaning to do this on my own machine, hoping to deal with 
 apmsync() crashes from rvplayer.  I've downloaded the binaries already. 
 Is it really just a matter of unzipping the tarball, or do I 
 need to put things in their debian places?

No, just ftp the XSVGA.tgz and install the XF86_SVGA to /usr/X11R6/bin.
Perhaps you should hold a copy of the old XF86_SVGA.
I use this Xserver since 3 days and have no problems.

Re: How to boot single user with loadlin?

1998-12-23 Thread Jim Lynch
-  Received message begins Here  -

 Perhaps you used the wrong way to go to single user mode. The only
 correct way to switch to single user from multi user is:
   shutdown now

I used init s.  I thought that was the same.  Thanks for the tip, I'll try that.


To see my .signature file, go to

Re: GNUcash

1998-12-23 Thread Will Lowe
 Does anyone know how far we are from a debianized package of GNUcash? (I
 couldn't find it on the package search on
 Or even any other debianized alternative?

You can use xacc.  I was going to debianize gnucash a few months back,
but at the time it didn't build with our gtk packages.  I'll try again
after the break.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

sending mail : how does it work ???

1998-12-23 Thread frleg


I would like to know : How my mail are sent 

On my system, I have sendmail and fetchmail installed. procmail package is 
installed but
I am not sure that it run (I can't see procmail when I do a ps -a). 

If I am offline and I send mail, they are save in /var/save/mqueue. 

What soft have to send them when I am on-line ? (procmail ?) How does it know 
if it can send 
the messages ? Can I lost the message if I disconnect while this mysterious 
software is
sending the messages ?

As you can see, I am far away from being a linux guru !!! So, any help would be 
(You can point me to clear and simple documentation).


Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

ASCP package

1998-12-23 Thread frleg


Is there any ASCP (AfterStep Control Panel) package for debian or plan to do 
 I am unable to compile it from sources...


Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

Re: Moving partition

1998-12-23 Thread root
I already have different partitions for / , /var , /home , /usr.
In fact, my problem is : How do I move files from an old parttion to a new one 
ensure all links (and things like that) are kept ?

What is the command to format (initialise ?) a partition ?


 On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 09:16:37AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have no more space left on my /dev/hda2 partition which is mounted on /
  I have a swap partition /dev/hda3
  I can create a bigger partition (say /dev/hdb7) to temporary move my root 
  directory. I also can 
  create a new swap partition (/dev/hdb5)
 You could also make a new partition and mount it as /home, or /usr, or some 
 Rafael Kitover
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

mount -r -t iso9660...-fs not supp by kernal

1998-12-23 Thread Eric Drayer
I recompiled my kernal to support two chips. When I went through
the make config i did not see any thing that looked like it might belong
to the iso9660 file system. I need this fs to mount my cdrom.
I looked in /proc/filesystem and sure enough iso9660 was not there. Also
looked at the modules file and found cdrom.

given: the bios and the kernal see the cdrom and identifi it
correctly.before I compiled I made a single change to the kernal, which
was to uncoment the line SMP=1. I read(past tense) from the cdrom using
mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom
just fine before the compile 

hypothosis 1)I need to say yes to one of these in make config..and make


I may have missed one but I know I did not see anything close to iso9660

2)this has somthing to do with modules
I need to know how to load the correct module..point me to some docs or a
book or give me the ans if you have time.

while I was in make config and again in make zImage i selected these
options pertaining to modules though I only think these are related to
modules because thay say module in there disc some where ...there are
probably more vars for modules, let me know if this is T.


PENTIUM 200 no mmx two chips on the board

if you could give me a doc that talks about these options in more detail 

  1   2   >