Re: ayuda con el mail por favor

1999-01-01 Thread Felipe Antonio Sanchez Varas
Gracias por la ayuda, ya sospechaba yo que estaba tratando de meter un
tornillo con un martillo :)

Otra cosa... existe algun sitio que soporte Bo todavia?. Es que con las
historias de terror que han circulado por aqui, y teniendo en cuenta que
tengo trabajo pendiente (y atrasado) no me atrevo a lanzarme con el
upgrade, no me haria gracia quedar con el pc cojo o invalido en este
momento, lo voy a hacer cuando este un poco mas liviano de trabajo. Pero
me gustaria instalar algunos paquetes extras (como los de mail que han
mencionado), asi que si alguien sabe de algun sitio con paquetes Bo, o
de algun procedimiento para instalar paquetes hamm en bo, se lo
agradaceria mucho.

Saludos y que tengan un prospero 1999

Felipe Sanchez

Re: ayuda con el mail por favor

1999-01-01 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Thu, Dec 31, 1998 at 04:45:45PM +0100, Andres Herrera wrote:
 Finalmente, si quieres filtrar el correo al recibirlo, o clasificarlo en
 distintas carpetas, te vendra bien procmail, aunque aqui me paro porque
 no lo he usado (lo tengo pendiente).

Sólo tienes que crear un fichero llamado .forward en tu $HOME que
contenga: |exec /usr/bin/procmail

Luego creas el fichero $HOME/.procmail
* ^X-Mailing-List.*debian-user-spanish

Claro que también tendrás que indicarle a Mutt (en $HOME/.muttrc) de
dónde tiene que leer los emails:

set editor=emacs -nw

set sort=threads
set sort_aux=date-received

my_hdr X-Operating-System: `uname -a`

fcc-hook . +Enviados
mbox-hook Inbox +Leidos

source ~/.mail_aliases
set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases

mailboxes = Mail/Inbox \
`echo ~/Mail/Listas/*` \
`echo ~/Mail/Archivadores/*`

Por cierto, yo he tenido que poner 

export MAIL='/home/rafacm/Mail/Inbox'

en mi .bashrc para que al arrancar Mutt este se coloque en Mail/Inbox


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

trio3d accelerated-X

1999-01-01 Thread MadBit
Acabo de leer en la página de suse que efectivamente no esta
soportada la Trio3D por Xfree pero si por Accelerated-X desde la
versión 4.1, alguien sabe que es esto y como conseguirlo?

Feliz Año!

LLave PGP publica en:
ICQ#: 22515593

Saludos.... y alguna pregunta.

1999-01-01 Thread centrena

Este es mi primer mensaje a esta lista de correo. Quisiera saludar a todos
los usuarios de Debian.

También hago una preguntilla: Estoy usando Debian 2.0 y Postgresql. Me 
gustaría saber cómo puedo usar acentos y caracteres similares en los
campos dentro de una tabla. He probado a poner LANG=es_ES en
/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init, y los acentos me funcionan en los nombres
de los campos, pero no en los contenidos. Al editar los nombres de los
campos se ven secuencias de escape, pero luego al ver la tabla se ven bien
los acentos. Con los contenidos no se ven los acentos ni al editarlos ni
al visualizarlos.

Carlos Entrena

A vueltas con Perl

1999-01-01 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos


Tengo este pequeño script en perl:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use IO::Socket;

$document = /index.html;
$host =;
$remote = IO::Socket::INET-new( Proto = tcp,
 PeerAddr = 
 PeerPort = 
print $remote GET $document HTTP/1.0\n\n;

while ( $remote ) { 
print $1\n if /mailto:([^\]*)\/;


Y me funciona de coña cuando lo ejecuto desde la linea de
comandos con ./ Entonces me saca la salida por la
Pero si lo quiero ejecutar en background redireccionando la salida a
un fichero con ./  email.out. El programa se ejuta porque
veo que hay tráfico en el módem *PERO* el fichero se queda siempre con
0 bytes. ¿¿¿guat japens???


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Upgrade con apt

1999-01-01 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

Hay alguien que haya upgradeado una 2.0 al frozen de ahora a saco con
el apt de dselect. 

Tengo malos recuerdos del upgrade de Bo a Hamm que acabó en un
reinstall a lo Güindows. ;)

Hay problemas con el nuevo formato de las X-Windows, con eso de que ha
cambiado la gestión de ls fuentes (de pantalla). Creo que si actualizo
el servidor X tengo que actualizar TODOS los paquetes X. ¿es esto


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: No comprendo los mensajes de cron.

1999-01-01 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 02:46:58PM +0100, Cron Daemon wrote:
  File /usr/bin/htpasswd registered but not installed
  File /usr/lib/emacs/19.34/i386-debian-linux/movemail registered but not 
  /usr/bin/mail PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.mail 777 changed to root.mail 
No es cosa de cron sino del paquete suidmanager 
El paquete suidmanager gestiona permisos especiales para ficheros
mirate las manpages, pero en principio lo que pasa es que 
a) el fichero htpasswd aparece en el fichero de configuracion suid.conf
pero no esta instalado
b) movemail idem de idem
c) mail que esta controlado por suidmanager ha cambiado sus permisos 

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

Tecla ^ en emacs

1999-01-01 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Alguien sabe por que en xemacs la tecla ^ da dead-circumflex not
La instalacion es la standard de hamm no he tocado nada.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

Re: Interfaz dpkgweb

1999-01-01 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 No he sabido resolverlo, pero te mando un paquete deb, deb2html_0.1-1.deb
 que al instalarlo y ejecutar deb2html nombre_pagina  te crea una
 bonita pagina con los paquetes deb instalados con la rutina que tu hiciste,
 y un enlace a un fichero de texto que crea automáticamente deb2html y que
 contiene una lista ordenada de mayor a menor espacio ocupado en disco por el

Muchas gracias por el paquete que me enviaste. 
He seguido comiendome la cabeza y finalmente he conseguido algo que
(adjunto el codigo)
Va lento, ( 5 minutos en un K6-300 ) pero dado que pienso correrlo en un
cron de madrugada no me importa. 
Habra que aprender C :-).
Muchas gracias a todos.
Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
--#! /bin/bash
# Program   : deb2web [lista Detallada de DEB]
# Written   : jue 31 dic 1998 21:43:16 CET
# Copyright : (c) Antonio Calvo Rodriguez ( 1998 )
# $Id: deb2web,v 1.5 1999/01/01 20:47:27 antonio Exp antonio $



# functions

cat -EOF
Deb 2 Web  (deb2web)
Generate tables of Debian packages to stdout
Usage: deb2web [options]
where options are:
 -h help 


function indice()
echo tabletrthPaquete/ththVersion/ththComentario/th/tr
dpkg -l |grep ^ii | while read basura paquete version resto
echo tr
echo tda href=\#${paquete}\$paquete/a/td
echo td$version/td
echo td$resto/td
echo /table

function debians()
echo tablehrthDescripciones de los paquetes/th/hrtrtd
cat $PAQFILE| while read linea ; do
linea=`echo $linea | sed s//\gt\;/g| sed s//\lt\;/g`
if [ `echo $linea|grep Package` !=  ]; then
read linea
if [ `echo $linea|grep install ok installed` !=  ]; then
if [ $switch -eq 1 ]; then
echo $lineabr
echo /td/tr/table

while getopts :h OPT; do
case $OPT in
exit 0
echo usage: ${0##*/} [+-h] [--] [file]...
exit 2
shift $[ OPTIND - 1 ]



1999-01-01 Thread Raul Hernandez

prueba a usar pppconfig con la siguiente información.

Provider:   infobia+
user:   infoviaplus
password:   infoviaplus
protocolo:  PAP
Numero: 917529000 (Madrid capital, o el número adecuado)

¡Ah! Edita también /etc/resolv.conf e introduce nameserver

Prueba tu conexión con pon infobia+ y de modo sorprendente podrás
conectar a internet (sin ni siquiera meter el usuario/password de tu
ISP :) Aunque supongo que con esa información también funcionará, aún
no he probado.

¿Es esto normal? ¿Sabe alguien lo que está pasando? En el 900505055 me
dieron esa información, y en teoría era para conectar a la red IP
sólo, no a Internet. ¿Me he perdido o es que se les ha pasado algún
detalle a los de Timofónica?
Un saludo
Raúl Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A vueltas con Perl

1999-01-01 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Fri, Jan 01, 1999 at 08:08:48PM +0100, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 Tengo este pequeño script en perl:
 Y me funciona de coña cuando lo ejecuto desde la linea de
 comandos con ./ Entonces me saca la salida por la
 Pero si lo quiero ejecutar en background redireccionando la salida a
 un fichero con ./  email.out. El programa se ejuta porque
 veo que hay tráfico en el módem *PERO* el fichero se queda siempre con
 0 bytes. ¿¿¿guat japens???

Creo que lo que pasa es que hasta que no se acaba de ejecutar el
script no se realiza la salida. Perl debe montarse algún buffer
interno y al acabar lo expulsa todo.

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Unidentified subject!

1999-01-01 Thread centrena

File that reads commands file?

1999-01-01 Thread ktb
Hi, I was wondering does each distribution of Linux have slightly
different commands, in say bash?  I was thinking if they are different,
then the books I am looking at  are off because most of them are based
on Red Hat.  So if that is the case I think it would be a good idea  to
find the files in my personal distribution that execute commands if
there are such things?  Then if  something I read doesn't work I don't
have to always assume it is me and I can look and see if the command is
supported.  Well, I could learn to do so.  If so what are some of the
names?   I am quite new to this so I hope I don't have to look at some
of them in root:)

Suck/INN Configuration Problem: Can't Post

1999-01-01 Thread Jerry Gardner
I'm running Debian 2.0 and am using suck/inn to pull a small newsfeed from my
ISP's news server. Fetching articles works fine, posting doesn't.

If I don't include a line in /etc/news/newsfeeds for my remote ISP, nothing
gets posted remotely. If I do include a line in newsfeeds, everything that
gets fetched by suck is reposted by rpost (called from
/usr/sbin/get-news.inn) back to my ISP resulting in my ISP's news server
rejecting them as duplicates.

How do I get inn to stop putting references to every article it receives from
suck (via innxmit) in /var/spool/news/out.going so that rpost won't try to
post it back to my ISP?

Obviously, attempting to repost every article I receive isn't going to make me
any friends at my ISP!

Here's the line from /etc/news/newsfeeds:*,!control,!junk,!local.*/!local::

Any help will be appreciated.

Jerry Gardner| Bill Clinton has all the steely resolve resolve
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | of a kamakaze pilot on his 37th mission.

Re: How to establish a semi-permanent dial-up connection?

1999-01-01 Thread jpjevans
Thanks, John! That did the trick!! :-)

On 31 Dec, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'm trying to setup is this: When I boot-up my system, I want to get
 a dial-up ppp connection to my ISP and grab mail.  I want this to happen
 without having to manually run pon after I log in.
 Rename /etc/ppp/no_ppp_on_boot to /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot .  Ppp will then
 come up when you boot.
 I also want to be able to detect if the line has gone down and re-connect
 in that event.
 Add 'persist' to /etc/ppp/peers/provider .  Pppd will then attempt to
 recconnect when the link goes down.
 Where do I put the fetchmail-up script to make this happen properly?
 If it is in ip-up.d it will get run whenever ppp comes up regardless of

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

RE: bash/sh scripting tutorial?

1999-01-01 Thread Evgeny Roubinchtein
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Shaleh wrote:

On 31-Dec-98 Gary Singleton wrote:
 Hi everyone, I'm starting to find a lot of things that could be made
 easier on my system if I could write better scripts.  Are there any
 tutorials available?  I know about the O'Reilly bash book but just
 need something to get started and explain to me what the heck stuff
 like 'if [ -x /bin/blah ]' means.  I have gathered that it checks for
 the existance of a command before trying to execute it but would like
 to be certain.  Thanks in advance for any assistance.

There is a great book called Learning UNIX shells or some such, I have it at
home and can provide more info if desired.  Covers the three biggies (sh, ksh,
csh) as well as awk, sed and friends.  Lots of examples and ideas.

Unix Shell Programming by Lowel Jay Arthur and Ted Burns?  Sounds like
what you mean, from the description you give.

Evgeny Roubinchtein, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.  - Leonard Brandwein

System lock ups

1999-01-01 Thread wax_man
I'm having a rather strange problem with my system and was wondering if
anyone has an idea on what might be going on.  Every so often, the load
on the system will go balistic, and basically lock the system up.  If I
have top running during this time, it will show loads 3; however,
there is never a program running with more than a few % of the

During this time, there is nothing I can do, other than switch consoles.
 I can type in one command per console/xterm, but then it will just sit.
 Eventually the system will come back, and be normal.

Does anyone have an idea on what is happening?  Also, is there a way to
get a running log of the load and processor hogging programs (kind of
like top - syslog type thing)?



Re: System lock ups

1999-01-01 Thread wax_man
On 31 Dec, To: wrote:
 I'm having a rather strange problem with my system and was wondering if
 anyone has an idea on what might be going on.  Every so often, the load
 on the system will go balistic, and basically lock the system up.  If I
 have top running during this time, it will show loads 3; however,
 there is never a program running with more than a few % of the
 During this time, there is nothing I can do, other than switch consoles.
  I can type in one command per console/xterm, but then it will just sit.
  Eventually the system will come back, and be normal.
 Does anyone have an idea on what is happening?  Also, is there a way to
 get a running log of the load and processor hogging programs (kind of
 like top - syslog type thing)?
More information for you:

I just noticed that this seems to happen most when I've let the system
be idle for a while.  Attached is a portion from the syslog with some
hda problems. But I'm not sure what they mean.

Also, I'm running 2.1.131

Dec 31 17:24:56 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:24:56 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:25:26 debian kernel: ide0: reset timed-out, status=0x80 
Dec 31 17:25:27 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:25:27 debian kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:01 (hda), sector 
Dec 31 17:25:27 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:25:27 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:25:27 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:25:57 debian kernel: ide0: reset timed-out, status=0x80 
Dec 31 17:25:57 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:25:57 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: ide0: reset timed-out, status=0x80 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:04 (hda), sector 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:26:27 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:26:57 debian kernel: ide0: reset timed-out, status=0x80 
Dec 31 17:26:57 debian kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0x80 { Busy } 
Dec 31 17:26:57 debian kernel: hda: drive not ready for command 
Dec 31 17:27:08 debian kernel: ide0: reset: success 
Dec 31 17:26:22 debian in.smtpd[9115]: connect from
Dec 31 17:26:22 debian tcplogd: smtp connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Dec 31 17:26:22 debian tcplogd: auth connection attempt from debian []
Dec 31 17:26:22 debian tcplogd: auth connection attempt from debian []

Re: Can't send mail from my machine:

1999-01-01 Thread matt
On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 10:43:53PM -0900, Britton wrote:
 I would try exim instead of smail, I've found it easier to set up with
 nice docs.  I'm trying to get address re-writing working now, but at least
 I can send messages (albeit with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a
 From: address).  The rewrite stuff has fairly good instructions.  I think
 I got errors something like yours also, I think it turned out to be a
 question of picking the right response when asked for a hostname at some
 point in there and restarting inetd or some deamon like that (helpful
 huh?).   Anyway, good luck, and let me know if you get rewriting working
 logically for a ppp connected machine :)

I replaced smail with exim, and had basically the same problem.  However, 
exim's error email was formatted slightly better - just enough to point me in a 
direction that allowed me to get to the point you were.  i.e., I can send 
messages (albeit with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a From: address.

I will let you know if I improve this situation.



Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None.  They just define Darkness(tm) as the new industry standard.

Re: Defragging large filesystems

1999-01-01 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

 Are you sure? ext2 is quite good to keep files allocated continiously.
 AFAIK, fragmentation percentage is not what you're
 probably thinking. ext2 allocates space for file
 in continious blocks which has some size limit (few megs?).
 I believe fragmentation percentage means that more than
 one continious block is allocated for file(s), but that
 blocks might be as well following each other !
 What does that mean? Real fragmentation percentage
 always less than or equal to reported one, and i don't
 know how to get the real one reported.
 I might be very wrong though...

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about here. Seems to me
fragmentation percentage would mean how much my files are fragmented. On
all my other filesystems, the percentage is between 1 and 3. I can
understand how the mp3 filesystem may have become so fragmented, with the
constant deleting and moving around of files. And my question still hasn't
been answered. How can I defragment it?

| pretzelgod | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| That's the problem with going from a soldier to a   |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot.   |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5|

Re: Debian install failure on laptop. Please help ...

1999-01-01 Thread Robert Alexander
Tried resc1440 from 2.1.4 (with 2.0.36 kernel) and the laptop DOES NOT
boot succesfully !!

I know the machine can be booted to linux OK because of tomsrtbt doing
so !!!

The A20 Gating failed problem was fixed BUT the boot hangs with no
message whatsoever after the Loading linux . dots (cursor
blinking uselessly on the following line).

NOW ... what can I do to EMERGENCY install a Debian system with the
box ipled with tomsrtbt (which gives me the system up and running, with
my HD partitions ready for ext2 and swap, the network and the CD) plus
the 2.0 CD 

Thank you and have an happy 1999.

Robert Alexander - IBM Italy
work e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: multiple xservers on one machine?

1999-01-01 Thread Kent West
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Martin Wheeler wrote:

 On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Vincent Murphy wrote:
  I and a colleague share a PC.  We would like to each run our own Xserver,
  which can be switched to using Ctrl-Alt-F7 and F8
 First user logs on, starts Xserver with startx
 (available via Ctrl-Alt-F7)
 Second user logs on, starts Xserver withstartx -- :1
 (available via Ctrl-Alt-F8)
 I have a 486 100 with 16Mb of RAM and 2Mb graphics on which I *always* run
 *three* Xservers simultaneously in this way.


 Martin Wheeler   -StarTEXT, Glastonbury, Somerset, England - BA6 9PH

So does this tell X to display on the second display (0=first,
1=second)? And would the third session be started with startx -- :2? And
the fourth with startx -- :3? What's the limit on number of sessions?

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Rundown on Netscape .deb packages?

1999-01-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
Craig P. McDaniel wrote:
 Can someone give a quick rundown on the various Netscape packages out
 there? I think knowing what to download and what is needed will clear up a
 lot of confusion (at least for me :)
 Here are some examples from the [frozen] list:
 communicator-base-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (base support)
 communicator-dmotif-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (full dynamic Motif version)
 communicator-nethelp-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (runtime help files)
 communicator-smotif-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (full static Motif version)
 communicator-spellchk-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (spelling dictionary)
 navigator-base-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (base support)
 navigator-dmotif-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (full dynamic Motif version)
 navigator-nethelp-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (runtime help files)
 navigator-smotif-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (full static Motif version)
 netscape-base-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (base support)
 netscape-java-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (java runtime files)
 netscape4 4.0-15 [contrib]
 Popular World-Wide-Web browser software (installer)
 Hmmm...this may be why so many people have questions about installing
 netscape, it's confusing to begin with. It would be helpful to get
 explainations of what each package actually is. Everything I've found on
 them has been insufficient, except for the dependencies. (I know some of
 the packages are obvious, but I included them for those who would like to
 There ia also a .tar.gz file that has to be downloaded from, but there are two versions: libc5(supported) and
 glibc2(unsupported). Which one?

First, if you are running slink (now frozen), you don't need to get 
anything from

The netscape-xxx are the base files for both communicator and 
navigator.  The navigator-xxx files are for the stand alone browser. 
Communicator is the browser/mail/newsgroup version.  I'm running 
communicator-4.5, and have the following packages loaded:

netscape-java-45For Java capability (I'd get it)
communicator-nethelp-45 help file (optional)
communicator-spellchk-45if you want the spelling checker
communicator-smotif-45  This is the statically linked NS binary

Ed C.

Re: Can't send mail from my machine:

1999-01-01 Thread Britton

Hi Matt, 

I have gotten rewriting working correctly now, though I don't understand
exactly why what I ended up having to do worked.

My rewrite configuration in /etc/exim.conf looks like this:


# There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration

# This is an example of a useful rewriting rule---it looks up the real
# address of all local users in a file

[EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
{$value}fail} bcfrF

# End of Exim configuration file

Any the file /etc/email-addresses (which I created) looks like this:


where `gandalf' is my username on my home linux box, `fsblk' my username
on my isp, and `' my isp's host name.  The $1 in the
exim.conf expands to the contents of the first * (username part of addr),
which exim then `lookup's via an `lsearch' in `/etc/email-addresses'. 
$value is then set to the second element in the colon-deliminated list in
/etc/email-addresses.  The wierd part is that if I use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in exim.conf, the rewrite doesn't happen, even when I send to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Also, I've been told that this [EMAIL PROTECTED] rule is
horrible, since it rewrite local mail on my machine with the wrong
address.  I havn't managed to ferret a solution to this out of the docs
though :)   

GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always. 

Britton Kerin

On Thu, 31 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 10:43:53PM -0900, Britton wrote:
  I would try exim instead of smail, I've found it easier to set up with
  nice docs.  I'm trying to get address re-writing working now, but at least
  I can send messages (albeit with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a
  From: address).  The rewrite stuff has fairly good instructions.  I think
  I got errors something like yours also, I think it turned out to be a
  question of picking the right response when asked for a hostname at some
  point in there and restarting inetd or some deamon like that (helpful
  huh?).   Anyway, good luck, and let me know if you get rewriting working
  logically for a ppp connected machine :)
 I replaced smail with exim, and had basically the same problem.  However, 
 exim's error email was formatted slightly better - just enough to point me in 
 a direction that allowed me to get to the point you were.  i.e., I can send 
 messages (albeit with [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a From: address.
 I will let you know if I improve this situation.
 Matt Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
 A: None.  They just define Darkness(tm) as the new industry standard.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

OFF TOPIC: mh-e MIME inclusion == pine attachment?

1999-01-01 Thread Britton

Are these the same thing?  If not, is there any way to do simple
attachments with mh-e?

GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always.

Britton Kerin

HP deskjet 710C problems

1999-01-01 Thread Joop Stakenborg

I am trying to use a HP deskjet 710C printer with my debian
box. I previously had a star matrix printer hooked up, which
used to work fine, so the cable and driver (lp.o) seems OK.

Now, with the deskjet, if I do a 'cat document /dev/lp0',
the printer remains silent. Shouldn't this always work,
independent of which filter package I am using?

When I use lpr (from the LPRng package) the file status.lp, from
the spool directory, says that the document is printed OK, but
nothing coming out of the printer. I use magicfilter with the
dj550c filter.

Any help would be appreciated



 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1539

1999-01-01 Thread John Galt
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Laurie Leinow wrote:

 I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

congratulationsnow read the sig 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a

(forw) gtk thinking it's older than it is?

1999-01-01 Thread Damo
hi. i've been having some problems with gtk and some libraries. i asked the
gtk list but i was directed here for hope that someone here might
understand/known what's going on.

if anything could help that would be great :)

- damo

- Forwarded message from Damo [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 13:09:02 +1100

hey there,

i've been browsing thru the archives of this list, and of the documentation i
could find on the development versions of gtk+glib. my problem is more of a
'it shouldn't do that', than a show stopper. glib compiles and installs fine.
gtk compiles and installs fine, too, as far as i can tell. i generally compile
all my applications again with a new version of gtk, so before i install gtk i
remove all the old libraries, having no need for them anymore. that is:


maybe there's more but those are the ones i know :)

anyway, when i compile a new application with my brand new gtk (current cvs
version atm, so 1.11 is a rough estimate), it compiles, and links.. fine. but
when i go to run it.. i get this:

$ pwd./testgtk

Gtk-ERROR **: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

as you can see, not even the example programs will run.

if i link the current versions back to 9, doing something along the lines of

ln -sf /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

then everything appears to work fine.

but should i have to do that? and if not, what have i done wrong?

anything that could open my eyes to this would be great.

thank you,

- End forwarded message -

Re: Suck/INN Configuration Problem: Can't Post

1999-01-01 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Jerry Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How do I get inn to stop putting references to every article it receives from
suck (via innxmit) in /var/spool/news/out.going so that rpost won't try to
post it back to my ISP?

You need to put the Path: header element of your ISP in the newsfeeds
file. Just take a random article and see what your ISP puts in the
Path: header (it's the 2nd element, you'd be the first).*,!control,!junk,!local.*/!local::

Need to change this in:*,!control,!junk,!local.*/!local::

Where ALIAS is that Path: element I was talking about.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: File that reads commands file?

1999-01-01 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, ktb wrote:

 Hi, I was wondering does each distribution of Linux have slightly
 different commands, in say bash?  I was thinking if they are different,
 then the books I am looking at  are off because most of them are based
 on Red Hat.  So if that is the case I think it would be a good idea  to
 find the files in my personal distribution that execute commands if
 there are such things?  Then if  something I read doesn't work I don't
 have to always assume it is me and I can look and see if the command is
 supported.  Well, I could learn to do so.  If so what are some of the
 names?   I am quite new to this so I hope I don't have to look at some
 of them in root:)

The way I understand it, and I'm no expert by any means, different distros
do indeed have different commands (and different file structure
arrangements, etc). Bash, however, is bash is bash is bash. It can be
installed on Redhat or Debian or slackware, etc, but it's still bash
(although I suppose a distributor could make mods to their bash, but then
they'd have to make mods again when the next version of bash comes out if
they wanted to keep their mods in the current version).

Rather than change the commands in a standard tool such as bash, the
different commands between distros are more likely to be non-standard (in
the sense of not a standard tool that all distros use). Such things might
be Redhat's control panel vs Debian's lack of one (although I've heard
rumors of a similar tool for Debian being in development). I'm sure there
are others, but I'm not familiar with RH enuff to say.

As a general rule, if a RH book mentions a command that doesn't work on
your system, I think it's safe to assume that it's not you, but rather the
differences between distros. In most cases though, you'll probably find a
similar command/tool in the other distro.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1543

1999-01-01 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1543

1999-01-01 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Laurie Leinow wrote:
 You might want to filter out list messages from your auto-replies in the
future. You're spamming the Debian-User list.

Happy new year :-) !

 I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

serial mouse problem

1999-01-01 Thread Vincent Murphy
I'm having a problem with my serial mouse.  I left my machine last night
in X, and when I returned this morning, the mouse was dead.  So, I killed
the Xserver, restarted it.  Nothing.  Rebooted in Win95, which didn't pick
up the mouse either.  When I rebooted into Linux, gpm started as normal,
but it doesn't work either.

I will provide diagnostics on request, as I don't know what to include at
this point.


Vincent Murphy | UCC CompSci Student | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405
   NT = Not Today

Re: serial mouse problem

1999-01-01 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Vincent Murphy wrote:

 I'm having a problem with my serial mouse.  I left my machine last night
 in X, and when I returned this morning, the mouse was dead.  So, I killed
 the Xserver, restarted it.  Nothing.  Rebooted in Win95, which didn't pick
 up the mouse either.  When I rebooted into Linux, gpm started as normal,
 but it doesn't work either.
 I will provide diagnostics on request, as I don't know what to include at
 this point.
 Vincent Murphy | UCC CompSci Student | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405
NT = Not Today

You might try switching your mouse to the other serial port and see if
Win95 finds it, but when I've seen this behavior before, it was a dead
mouse, so you may have to replace it.

Also, if your CMOS battery is weak/dead, your BIOS may have reverted to
turning off your serial port, although that doesn't really make sense
since the box was powered up when the mouse died. But maybe some glitch
turned off the port in CMOS, so I'd at least check it out.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Problems with drive usage (Debian 1.3.1)

1999-01-01 Thread Alexander Koch
Hello Debian Users..

This mail was caught in a prevention script before going to the
list. If someone could please answer this mail this would be
fine. The Reply-To: is set accordingly.


Alexander Koch -  - aka Efraim - PGP - 0xE7694969 - Hannover - Germany

My problem: Debian Linux 1.3.1 (Linux kernel 2.0.29) does not install properly
on my system. I got the Linux version together with a book on Linux-databases,
which recommends to install the following partitions:
- prim 83 /  60 (within the 1024 cylinder boundary)
- prim 82  130
- log   83 /usr600
- log   83 /home 200
- log   83 /var200
- log   83 /tmp   100  
- log   83 /adabas  400
- log   83 /httpd  200
I already have 5 FAT16 (1 primary) and 4 HPFS partitions on my IBM DGHS09UW
SCSI-drive but there is sufficient free space left. The block size seems to be
512. Error messages upon booting the kernel during istallation:
- Warning: Unknown PCI device (104c:3d07).
- Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card.
- PPA: unable to initialize controller at 0x378, eror 2.

The error messages upon partitioning/initialization:
When I try to add the new partitions to the begin of the empty space, cfdisk
0.8i labels the remainder unusable, after I add the two primary partitions
(/ and swap). 
When I try to add the new partitions to the end of the unused space, or all of
them as logical partitions, cfdisk installs all of them. But as soon as I try
to initialize the new partitions, the system fails to work properly when I
arrive at /dev/sda16 (is the entire device, not just one partition).
Initializing the partitions in the reversed order yields: Could not stat
/dev/sda18 - no such file or directory although cfdisk shows the correct
entry in the partition table.

What can I do to work around that problem?

My system:
- DOS/Win3.1
- OS/2 Warp 4 (dual boot)
- hopefully soon Debian Linux 1.3.1 (Linux kernel 2.0.29) 

- Maxtor 72004 (2 GB, EIDE)
- IBM DGHS09  (9.1 GB UW-SCSI)
- Plextor PX-6XCS 2.05 (CD-ROM, SCSI)

Grafics-adapter: ELSA winner 2000 office, 4 MB (BIOS: 7.03.04; Bus: PCI)
Colordepth: 8 bpp
Resolution: 1280*1024
Refreshrate: 75 Hz

Mainboard: Tyan Tomcat II, Revision: 3.02, BIOS: Award 4.51 PG 1996, Chipset:

Processor: AMD K5, 90 MHz
RAM: 48 MB
Soundcard: CreativeLabs Soundblaster 16
SCSI-board: Adaptec 2940UW

Screen: IBM P70

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best wishes and  Happy New Year to all Linux experts out there!

Martin Guttenberger

---End Message---

Re: File that reads commands file?

1999-01-01 Thread D'jinnie
 Hi, I was wondering does each distribution of Linux have slightly
 different commands, in say bash?  I was thinking if they are different,
 then the books I am looking at  are off because most of them are based
 on Red Hat.  So if that is the case I think it would be a good idea  to
 find the files in my personal distribution that execute commands if
 there are such things?  Then if  something I read doesn't work I don't
 have to always assume it is me and I can look and see if the command is
 supported.  Well, I could learn to do so.  If so what are some of the
 names?   I am quite new to this so I hope I don't have to look at some
 of them in root:)

Not sure I understood the question correctly, but I'll try to answer
anyway...shells are the same across distros, they are generally compiled
from the same sources. Most common commands such as ls are supported, 
however stuff like adduser is implemented differently in each distribution
(and I have to say I really dislike Redhat's way). To see if there is such
a command just try to run it, or try which command.

The chief cause of problems is solutions.
-- Eric Sevareid



1999-01-01 Thread Brent Hueth

I've just installed the base Debian system, and haven't been able to get
my modem to respond so I can install the rest. I found a description of
the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering
if anything has changed since that description was written. Am I really


Brent Michael Hueth
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
(515) 294-1085
(515) 294-6644 fax

Re: Winmodem?

1999-01-01 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Winmodems and windows printers only work with M$ windoze.  The drivers
are proprietary and written only for m$ stuff.


Brent Hueth wrote:
 I've just installed the base Debian system, and haven't been able to get
 my modem to respond so I can install the rest. I found a description of
 the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
 WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering
 if anything has changed since that description was written. Am I really
 Brent Michael Hueth
 Assistant Professor
 Department of Economics
 Iowa State University
 Ames, Iowa 50011
 (515) 294-1085
 (515) 294-6644 fax
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

SVGALib and S3 Virge DX (375)

1999-01-01 Thread Jason Dawe
Hello again :)

I am using a S3 Virge DX (375) and SVGALib. I have removed the # in
front of the line chipset s3 in /etc/vga/vgalib.config but SVGALib
can't ID my s3 card, so it forces VGA. Is there any thing I can do to
fix that?

Re: Winmodem?

1999-01-01 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Brent Hueth wrote:

 the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
 WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering

As in Gateway 2000? I wanted to be sure before I fired off a message
telling them they just moved down a notch on my list of acceptable

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Winmodem?

1999-01-01 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Unfortunately, you are.

 I've just installed the base Debian system, and haven't been able to get
 my modem to respond so I can install the rest. I found a description of
 the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
 WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering
 if anything has changed since that description was written. Am I really
 Brent Michael Hueth
 Assistant Professor
 Department of Economics
 Iowa State University
 Ames, Iowa 50011
 (515) 294-1085
 (515) 294-6644 fax
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: Winmodem?

1999-01-01 Thread ktb
I'm one of the lucky ones that had a winmodem and presently have a winprinter.  
I read
there is a driver for winprinters.  That's my nest big project trying to get the
printer working.  The driver info is at:

John C. Ellingboe wrote:

 Winmodems and windows printers only work with M$ windoze.  The drivers
 are proprietary and written only for m$ stuff.


 Brent Hueth wrote:
  I've just installed the base Debian system, and haven't been able to get
  my modem to respond so I can install the rest. I found a description of
  the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
  WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering
  if anything has changed since that description was written. Am I really
  Brent Michael Hueth
  Assistant Professor
  Department of Economics
  Iowa State University
  Ames, Iowa 50011
  (515) 294-1085
  (515) 294-6644 fax
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Switching X managers

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic

I see that some of you have a problem with switcing between several window
managers, so I decided to help you :)
At you can download a program
XwmChooser 0.5 which is in graphical form and help you switch from one wm
to another.

AMD K6-2 3D Now 300 MHz

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Are there any problems about using the processor from the subject with
Debian linux ? I'm buying a new processor and I think I'll buy that one.

Thanx !

during linux boot

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

When I'm booting linux (from hda2 cause hda1 is swap) sometimes I get
message something like '/dev/hda2 was not unmounted .' and then it's
'fixed' I supose. What am I doing wrong? When I'm shuting down or rebooting
I enter halt or reboot.

Thanx !

sound card

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I have Yamaha OPL3-SAx sound card (SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster PRO and
Windows Sound System compatible) and I have a problem installing/using it.
After the Debian installation I manualy installed a newer kernel (from 1.3
to 2.0.33) and for it's configuration I used 'make menuconfig' where I
choosed to install SounBlaster drivers or so, and as I'm booting linux from
diskette I'm not sure if I'm booting with newer kernel cause I didn't make
a new boot diskette (I don't know how) with newer kernel. So when I tried
to play an MP3 file with splay program I get message 'segmentation fault'
or something.

Thanx !

Re: AMD K6-2 3D Now 300 MHz

1999-01-01 Thread wax_man
On  1 Jan, Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 Are there any problems about using the processor from the subject with
 Debian linux ? I'm buying a new processor and I think I'll buy that one.
 Thanx !
This processor works like a charm for me, and really flys.

RE: bash/sh scripting tutorial?

1999-01-01 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Evgeny Roubinchtein wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Shaleh wrote:
 On 31-Dec-98 Gary Singleton wrote:
  Hi everyone, I'm starting to find a lot of things that could be made
  easier on my system if I could write better scripts.  Are there any

_The UNIX Programming Environment_, Kernighan and Pike (Prentice Hall),
covers sh in great detail, along with filters (sed, awk and friends).

It's a great book.

  Vincent Murphy | 2nd CompSci Student, UCC | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405
   NT = Not Today

RE: Winmodem?

1999-01-01 Thread eferen1
Hi. I had that problem too. If it's a winmodem, forget it!

Get yourself a real modem. Debian people won't write a driver for it. MS has
a closed door policy on their code, and probably locks their developers in
it too.



-Original Message-
From:   Brent Hueth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Friday, January 01, 1999 17:05

I've just installed the base Debian system, and haven't been able to get
my modem to respond so I can install the rest. I found a description of
the problem with Winmodems (my new gateway has a US Robotics 56K
WinModem) in the Debian installation instructions, and am just wondering
if anything has changed since that description was written. Am I really


Brent Michael Hueth
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
(515) 294-1085
(515) 294-6644 fax

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: HP deskjet 710C problems

1999-01-01 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Fri, Jan 01, 1999 at 01:29:01PM -0500, Allan M. Wind wrote:
 On 1999-01-01 11:28, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
  I am trying to use a HP deskjet 710C printer with my debian
  box. I previously had a star matrix printer hooked up, which
  used to work fine, so the cable and driver (lp.o) seems OK.
 Have you checked that the 710c is not a windows printer?  I know that
 the 722c is a windows printer and will need special drivers to do
 anything.  I know someone was looking into to this a while ago, but
 don't know if they succeded in producing working drivers.  At that
 time, HP was tight lipped about their protocol.
 I bought a 722c (returned and) replaced it with a 890c when I found

It is indeed a windows printer, but thanks to the good
work of Tim Norman at
you can use it with linux.

He wrote a nice utility called pbm2ppa which converts
postscript and ascii to the ppa language, used by HP
deskjet 710, 720, 820 and 1000 series.

I just found this out today. It works just great!

 Allan M. Wind Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
 687 Main St., 2nd fl. Fax:781.938.6641 (home)
 Woburn, MA 01801  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Joop (will do a cc to debian-user)

 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

WM comfig files

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic

If you think that your configuration file of aftrestep or windowmaker is
cool I would appreciate if you send it to me.

Thanx !

modem cua1

1999-01-01 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I just make stupid thing. While I was playing with EzPPP, couse I couldn't
install xisp, I delete /dev/modem and then crete 'ls -s cua1 modem' and now
I can't use EzPPP so what should I do ? Could someone send origial
/dev/modem file or tell me how to create one ?

Thanx !

About Gnome Panel and KDE applications

1999-01-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I installed gnome-panel and gnome-session in my home computer (a mix
of hamm and slink) and the panel has n menus with all the applications
of KDE. Very ugly. Anyone know how to fix this?
Have a nice happy new year,Paulo Henrique

Re: modem cua1

1999-01-01 Thread Andrew Ivanov
/dev/modem is just a link to the actual device, which is 
so just find out which COM the modem is on, and make a link to it named


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: Switching X managers

1999-01-01 Thread David Natkins
This works only if you are running TCL 7.5 and TK4.0.  How hard would it
be to upgrade to tcl 8.0 tk 8.0?

David Natkins
fax  : (609) 896-2239

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Darko Martic wrote:

 I see that some of you have a problem with switcing between several window
 managers, so I decided to help you :)
 At you can download a program
 XwmChooser 0.5 which is in graphical form and help you switch from one wm
 to another.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

mgetty and callback

1999-01-01 Thread Dan Pomohaci


I have a Debian mail server. The clients are Debian and Windows 95
computers who can contact it through phone. How can I configure  the
computers to use mgetty with the callback option?


| Dan N. Pomohaci  | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Lecturer - Faculty of Biotechnology  |   |  
| University of Agricultural Sciences  |   |
| 59 Marasti Ave, code 71331,  | tel:  40-1-2223700/324|
| Bucharest, Romania   | fax:  40-1-22232693   |

Re: Mwave Support?

1999-01-01 Thread Michele Bini
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 12:50:21AM -0600, Nils wrote:
 The title pretty much explains this one. But is Mwave at all supported
 in Linux or is it pretty much in vain to install?

It seems to be (partially) supported.
Please read Documentation/sound/mwave from the Linux kernel source


Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #1

1999-01-01 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

Re: linux window manager

1999-01-01 Thread Peter Bartosch

 Hi !
 Which window manager is the best? I meen, which one has graphical
 configurations, which one users prefer (za one koji znaju hrvatski: koji je
 najzastupljeniji) and software is specialy created for, like KPPP, and such

well, i´m using fvwm2 which is very configurable, but if you´ve used
wintendo before you´ll prefer kde which would take the best of all worlds
(win, unix, mac) or fvwm2-95 another adaption from wintendo

sure, there are more wm´s - icewm, enlightment, blackbox, twm, mwm (motif), olwm
(open look - sun like), to name a few

oh, there are windowmaker and gnome too, which are used from many guys here
at the list ;-)

until next mail ;) . ___ ---___  .--.  
./  -   /\ 
  ___  ( DEBIAN   `-|O O | 
 |   |;  --.||
 |___|:  GNU/Linux  _-  |_) \.
 | __  eter|  -/  |
 ||  | `.  / '  .\.  
 ||__|   ` --- . ___  ..   '  |  ..|  
  |   | artosch  |   ...\. 
  |___|  /   . ..| 
/,\   .__\ 
 ~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   | o|   |
  |   |O(|   /
   student of technical computer science   \.. \\   / 
  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  \__/ \_/

Re: Trying to install gide

1999-01-01 Thread Peter Bartosch

 Hi Debian users,
 I'm trying to install gide using apt-get and ocurrs an error:
 phantasy:/home/paulo# apt-get install gide
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...ok
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 627 not
 Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they
 unmet dependencies:
 gide: Depends:libgtk1.1
 But, when I try to install libgtk1.1:
 phantasy:/home/paulo# apt-get install libgtk1.1
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...ok
 Sorry, libgtk1.1 is already the newest version
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 627 not
 What I have to do? I have a mix of Hamm, with some packages
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

did you try apt-get -f install -- this will deinstall the deb´s with the
unmet dependencies in most cases


Re: Xfree86 instalation problems

1999-01-01 Thread Peter Bartosch

 Pozdrav !
 I have some problems during the configuration of Xfree86. I'm guessing that
 problem is in video card and monitor configuration. I have ATI 3D
 Xpression+PC2TV 4MB and ADI ProVista E44 15 monitor. I chooseright video
 card prom the card list and enter the right horizontal and vertical
 frequencies numbers and when I click on DONE then when he tries to do
 whatever he needs to, I wait for a minute or so, and all I get is black
 screen, then I do alt+f1 and it says something like 'unable to connect to x
 server' and then he tries one more time but with the same results. What
 should I do?
 I installed xserver-mach64, vga and svga xservers with dselect.
 /etc/X11/Xserver exist line with /usr/bin/X11/XF86_Mach64. What is debian
 distro? Could anyone send me a copy of his own XF86Config file if has the
 same or so card as I have? I tried to copy XF86Config file in /etc/, which
 I created a long time ago with MiniLinux and it worked there, but I just

the configs for X11 are in /etc/X11/ - so it is for the XF86Config, too

 couldn't, like I haven't even write cp ... Yes, I'm logged as root. Where
 can I, if neccessery, downoad newer version of Xfree86, and how do I know
 which version do I have?

dpkg -l packagename will show the version

newer XFree-packages can be found at - i suppose you´ve
hamm (debian 2.0) installed - so you´ll find a newer in /debian/dists/slink 
(frozen) but be careful some packages are possibly broken (because of frozen 
- pre release - stadium of slink (debian 2.1))

 Thanx a lot !
 P.S. another question. I had kernel version 1.3 and I succesfully upgrade
 it to 2.0.33, but as I am booting linux from floppy disk on which is old
 kernel, how do I create a new floppy disk with the new kernel?

try mkboot - it creates a new boot-disk based on the actual kernel

until next mail ;) . ___ ---___  .--.  
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  ___  ( DEBIAN   `-|O O | 
 |   |;  --.||
 |___|:  GNU/Linux  _-  |_) \.
 | __  eter|  -/  |
 ||  | `.  / '  .\.  
 ||__|   ` --- . ___  ..   '  |  ..|  
  |   | artosch  |   ...\. 
  |___|  /   . ..| 
/,\   .__\ 
 ~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   | o|   |
  |   |O(|   /
   student of technical computer science   \.. \\   / 
  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  \__/ \_/

Re: during linux boot

1999-01-01 Thread Robert J. Alexander
shutdown -h 0when you want to shutdown
shutdown -r 0when you want to reboot

Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 When I'm booting linux (from hda2 cause hda1 is swap) sometimes I get
 message something like '/dev/hda2 was not unmounted .' and then it's
 'fixed' I supose. What am I doing wrong? When I'm shuting down or rebooting
 I enter halt or reboot.
 Thanx !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: modprobe: Cannot locate module char-major-10

1999-01-01 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
Jeroen N. Witmond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The problem appeared on my box when I upgraded from the Debian hamm
 kernel 2.0.34 to a 2.0.36 kernel straight from linux. The only
 relevent difference in the configuration of these kernels seems to
 diff -u /boot/config-2.0.34 /usr/src/linux-2.0.36/.config
  # Character devices
 In human language: The Debian 2.0.34 configured the serial support
 as a module, whereas I included it into the 2.0.36 kernel itself.
 It seems that, even when the serial support is included into the
 kernel, 'somebody' still wants to access it as a module, but I can't
 find who, where and why.
 Can somebody explain what is going on?  Thanks in advance.

Please check the contents of your /etc/modules file (the comments at
the begin should explain its purpose).



Re: About Gnome Panel and KDE applications

1999-01-01 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 I installed gnome-panel and gnome-session in my home computer (a mix
 of hamm and slink) and the panel has n menus with all the applications
 of KDE. Very ugly. Anyone know how to fix this?

In the new Gnome .99 (which isn't packaged) there's a menu editor (gmenu). 
Don't know about .30.


help the guys at linux-kernel-digest, please :)

1999-01-01 Thread Leon Breedt
the people at linux-kernel-digest really can learn from you people:

- they need to make attachments real attachments, not inline in the
- they need layout tips from you :)

great work!


Leon Breedt  |  Developer, Obsidian Systems  |  Debian 2.0  |  Linux 2.2.0pre1

If a Microsoft product fails, who do you sue?

Re: AMD K6-2 3D Now 300 MHz

1999-01-01 Thread Phillip Deackes
Darko Martic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi !
 Are there any problems about using the processor from the subject with
 Debian linux ? I'm buying a new processor and I think I'll buy that

Hi. I have a K6-2 3D Now 350 MHz and have overclocked it to 400 MHz.
Works great - I have compiled the kernel a few times because,
apparently, this will show up an unstable configuration re. CPU speed

Just make sure you get a good super socket 7 motherboard and 128 pin
memory which runs at 100 MHz. I have a GigaByte GA-5SG100 with the SiS

Take care.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.0 

Q: dpkg-ftp and socks

1999-01-01 Thread Stephan Witoszynskyj


I've got following question:

I' would like to keep my system uptodate using dselect with ftp as
installation source. The problem is that I have to use a Socks proxy. Is
there a socksified version of dpkg-ftp? Or can anyone tell me on how to
socksify dpkg-ftp?


- -- 
Stephan Witoszynskyj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   # public pgp key available from:
  gescheit # 
  gescheiter   # or by mail to
  gescheitert  #   [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
   #   PGP-Key Request as subject

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: sound card

1999-01-01 Thread Michele Bini
On Fri, Jan 01, 1999 at 06:39:59PM +0100, Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 I have Yamaha OPL3-SAx sound card (SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster PRO and
 Windows Sound System compatible) and I have a problem installing/using it.
 After the Debian installation I manualy installed a newer kernel (from 1.3
 to 2.0.33) and for it's configuration I used 'make menuconfig' where I
 choosed to install SounBlaster drivers or so, and as I'm booting linux from
 diskette I'm not sure if I'm booting with newer kernel cause I didn't make
 a new boot diskette (I don't know how) with newer kernel. So when I tried
 to play an MP3 file with splay program I get message 'segmentation fault'
 or something.

It seems the 2.1 series kernels have specific support for Yamaha OPL3-SAx

Hope this helps.