Re: Fichero de gasto para pppcost

1999-01-04 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

El pppcosts tiene el coste telefónico integrado dentro del binario
(de hecho en función de cómo lo compiles tienes el gasto para uno u otro

Yo llevo utilizándolo un tiempo y más a título orientativo, tenía en
proyecto hacer para él un paquete Debian y actualizar la información
referente a España porque:

a) Telefónica factura ahora por segundos (salvo en Infovía creo,
aunque aquí corregidme si me equivoco) y entonces ya no vale lo de los
pasos de antes. 
b) Las festividades (cuota reducida de teléfono esos días) son las
del año 98, con lo que no se ajusta a la realidad.

Te animo a coger (si sabes C) las fuentes originales y arreglarlas
para todo esto, yo aún no he encontrado tiempo para hacerlo (estoy haciendo
y manteniendo otros paquetes en Debian, a la par que escribo algunos
artículos variados ;)

Un saludo


PD: Se me olvidaba, para ver el coste no mires el fichero sino que debes
ejecutar pppcosts, indicará el tiempo totoal de conexión y el coste que
llevas. El fichero creo que indica el coste total (3324) y los pasos (25)...

On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 04:44:49PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 recientemente he instalado pppcost para que monitoree el gasto telefónico en
 mis conexiones vía módem a Internet pero el fichero ~./pppcosts no refleja
 nada coherente, después de tres conexiónes de menos de 20 minutos cada una,
 este es su contenido:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat .pppcosts 
 ¿Hay que ponerle alguna opción a pppcosts para que vuelque información a
 ~./pppcosts?, ¿qué significa lo contiene mi ~/.pppcosts?.

Una sobre los fuentes que se distribuyen

1999-01-04 Thread Correcaminos

La pregunta es simple:

¿COMO se debe hacer este proceso? {
- Coger un fuente de la distribución
- Recompilarlo
- Dejarlo empaquetado como .deb

Lo he intentado hacer según la doc de la distribución, pero me he
armado un pequeño lio.

Existe documentación sobre esto en castellano. ¿Donde...? 
¿Existe algún HowTo al respecto...?

Si no existe y me echan una mano, me comprometo a hacerlo.


Salu2 del Correcaminos

==  LUIS CABRERA SAUCO, miembro del Grupo GULIC
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias, España

Re: Una sobre los fuentes que se distribuyen

1999-01-04 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Correcaminos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   ¿COMO se debe hacer este proceso? {
   - Coger un fuente de la distribución
   - Recompilarlo
   - Dejarlo empaquetado como .deb

 $ dpkg-source -x paquete_version-release.dsc
 $ cd paquete-version
 $ algo debian/rules binary
 $ cd ..
 $ dpkg -i paquete_version-release_arch.deb

 Funciona como que existen versiones de Debian para máquinas que no
 son i386, y TODAS dependen de que esto funcione.  La pequeña
 trampa: dpkg no tiene dependencias a nivel de fuentes, es decir, no
 hay forma de decir que para compilar wmaker necesitas... a ver si me
 acuerdo (los nombres no están bien)... libtiff-dev, libgif-dev,
 libpng-dev, xpm-dev, xlib6g-dev, libc6-dev, libproplist-dev,
 zlib-dev, debhelper (una versión particular), perl (creo, era cierto
 en algún momento), make, gcc, automake, autoconf, libtool, ... mejor
 no sigo, ya entiendes la idea. 

 algo arriba es algo que de dé acceso a 'root'... fakeroot, su,
 sudo, etc.


Varias preguntas de X-Windows

1999-01-04 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Estube configurandole a un amigo las X y tuve un problemilla. Trato de
configurarlo con el XF86Setup y no me funciona. Luego de varios intentos,
agarro el archivo de configuacion (el XF86Config) y meto mano en el.El
botija tiene una S3ViRGE con 4Mb de RAM. El monitor es un valla qa saber
que. Seteo frecuencias de reloj, colores, modos, etc. Lo puedo llevarhasta
640x480 en 24bpp. El problema llega cuando le cambio la frecuencia del
relojdel monitor para alguno de los modos SVGA. No arranca. Me parece que lo
que le falta es, para el modo 800x600 la linea ModeLine (o algo asi, no
recuerdo bien). Ahora, como se deeducen los  valores? En mi caso, que tengo
un Sony, pude sacar esos valores del archivo VideoModes.doc , pero en este
caso no puedo. Si alguien me da una manito para poder deducir los valores de
esas lineas se lo agradezco. Si hay algun site donde haya infrmacion,
cualquier cosa. 

Saludos y espero que el 99 haya comenzado con todo

[ Script awk para el gasto telefónico...]

1999-01-04 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

A ver, el fichero que he enviado funciona perfectamente, pero
necesitas utilizar el GNUawk (paquete gawk en vez del mawk, que viene
por defecto en Debian).  

Lo segundo es que hay que decirle al programa el fichero que hay que

   coste_telefonico /var/log/ppp.log

Y lo tercero, que si bien el ppp.log es muy buen fichero para llevar
el control de las llamadas tiene 2 problemas: no guarda el año de la
conexión (putada) y el sistema debian lo cambia cada semana, con lo
que es muy incómodo para llevar la contabilidad de los 2 últimos
meses. Yo lo que hago es crearme un fichero de resumen con las
llamadas que luego proceso con una versión modificada de este script.
(Si a alguien le interesa lo pongo aquí).

Ya para terminar, no es que lo haya hecho yo, pero mi script es
bastante más util que el pppcost (que tengo instalado en mi sistema
tambien) porque te especifica las diferentes llamadas y el coste para
cada una.

Pero bueno, no es un programa perfecto, para mí vale para salir del
paso. Si alguien está interesado aquí va una versión light (sin
comentarios, para ahorrar sitio).

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED](Vigo/Galicia/España)

01/04   Jazz great Charlie Mingus dies at 57 in Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1979

tipo =local

iva = 0.16
coste = 5.7






/Serial connection established\./ {

/Connection terminated\./ {
  dia_semana_v=dia_semana(dia, mes, ano)
  duracion_v = duracion(hora, minuto, x[1], x[2])
  duracion_minutos=duracion_v / 60  
  printf  D­a %6s Hora %6s Llamada a %10s   %5d min:  %3d pasos 
%-5.6g ptas\n\

function duracion(hora_ini, minuto_ini, hora_fin, minuto_fin, horas, 
minutos) {
  if ( hora_ini  hora_fin ) { horas = 24-hora_ini + hora_fin }
  else { horas = hora_fin - hora_ini }
  if ( minuto_ini  minuto_fin ) { minutos = 
60-minuto_ini+minuto_fin  }
  else { minutos = minuto_fin - minuto_ini }
  return horas*60*60+minutos*60
function pesetas(pasos) {
 return ( pasos * coste * (1+iva) )

function pasos(dia_semana,hora,duracion,tipo,  tmp,pasos_v) {
  if (dia_semana == 6) {tmp=reducida}
  else if (dia_semana == 5) {
 if (hora  14  hora = 8 ) {tmp=punta}
 else   {tmp=reducida}
  else { 
 if (hora  17  hora = 8) {tmp=punta}
 else if (hora = 17  hora  22)  {tmp=normal}
 else {tmp=reducida}
  if (duracion%tarifa[tipo,tmp]  0) {pasos_v++}
  return pasos_v

function bisiesto(ano) {

  return (ano % 4 == 0)  (ano % 100 != 0) || (ano % 400 == 0)

function dia_semana(dia, mes, ano,  ndias,i) {

ndias = 0
for (i=1970; i = ano -1 ; i++){
 if (bisiesto(i)==1)   { ndias = ndias + (366 % 7)}
else { ndias = ndias + (365 % 7)}
for (i=1; i = mes -1 ; i++)  {
if (i==4||i==6||i==9||i==11) { ndias = ndias + 30 }
else if (i==2)   { ndias = ndias + 28 }
else { ndias = ndias + 31 }
if (bisiesto(ano) == 1) {
  if  (mes 2)  { ndias = ndias +1 }
ndias = ndias + (dia - 1)
return (ndias + 3) % 7
---End Message---

Script awk para el gasto telefónico...

1999-01-04 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

A ver, el fichero que he enviado funciona perfectamente, pero
necesitas utilizar el GNUawk (paquete gawk en vez del mawk, que viene
por defecto en Debian).  

Lo segundo es que hay que decirle al programa el fichero que hay que

   coste_telefonico /var/log/ppp.log

Y lo tercero, que si bien el ppp.log es muy buen fichero para llevar
el control de las llamadas tiene 2 problemas: no guarda el año de la
conexión (putada) y el sistema debian lo cambia cada semana, con lo
que es muy incómodo para llevar la contabilidad de los 2 últimos
meses. Yo lo que hago es crearme un fichero de resumen con las
llamadas que luego proceso con una versión modificada de este script.
(Si a alguien le interesa lo pongo aquí).

Ya para terminar, no es que lo haya hecho yo, pero mi script es
bastante más util que el pppcost (que tengo instalado en mi sistema
tambien) porque te especifica las diferentes llamadas y el coste para
cada una.

Pero bueno, no es un programa perfecto, para mí vale para salir del
paso. Si alguien está interesado aquí va una versión light (sin
comentarios, para ahorrar sitio).

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED](Vigo/Galicia/España)

01/04   Jazz great Charlie Mingus dies at 57 in Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1979

tipo =local

iva = 0.16
coste = 5.7






/Serial connection established\./ {

/Connection terminated\./ {
  dia_semana_v=dia_semana(dia, mes, ano)
  duracion_v = duracion(hora, minuto, x[1], x[2])
  duracion_minutos=duracion_v / 60  
  printf  D­a %6s Hora %6s Llamada a %10s   %5d min:  %3d pasos 
%-5.6g ptas\n\

function duracion(hora_ini, minuto_ini, hora_fin, minuto_fin, horas, 
minutos) {
  if ( hora_ini  hora_fin ) { horas = 24-hora_ini + hora_fin }
  else { horas = hora_fin - hora_ini }
  if ( minuto_ini  minuto_fin ) { minutos = 
60-minuto_ini+minuto_fin  }
  else { minutos = minuto_fin - minuto_ini }
  return horas*60*60+minutos*60
function pesetas(pasos) {
 return ( pasos * coste * (1+iva) )

function pasos(dia_semana,hora,duracion,tipo,  tmp,pasos_v) {
  if (dia_semana == 6) {tmp=reducida}
  else if (dia_semana == 5) {
 if (hora  14  hora = 8 ) {tmp=punta}
 else   {tmp=reducida}
  else { 
 if (hora  17  hora = 8) {tmp=punta}
 else if (hora = 17  hora  22)  {tmp=normal}
 else {tmp=reducida}
  if (duracion%tarifa[tipo,tmp]  0) {pasos_v++}
  return pasos_v

function bisiesto(ano) {

  return (ano % 4 == 0)  (ano % 100 != 0) || (ano % 400 == 0)

function dia_semana(dia, mes, ano,  ndias,i) {

ndias = 0
for (i=1970; i = ano -1 ; i++){
 if (bisiesto(i)==1)   { ndias = ndias + (366 % 7)}
else { ndias = ndias + (365 % 7)}
for (i=1; i = mes -1 ; i++)  {
if (i==4||i==6||i==9||i==11) { ndias = ndias + 30 }
else if (i==2)   { ndias = ndias + 28 }
else { ndias = ndias + 31 }
if (bisiesto(ano) == 1) {
  if  (mes 2)  { ndias = ndias +1 }
ndias = ndias + (dia - 1)
return (ndias + 3) % 7

Consultas sobre wmaker.

1999-01-04 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Varias cosas sobre el wmaker (la versión de la Debian 2.0):

- Parece que tal como viene configurado por defecto, no permite cambiar el
tamaño de las ventanas. Cómo puedo cambiar este comportamiento?
- Al poner el wmload como 'Autolaunch', lo que hace es arrancarme el que
está en el dock y otro que aparece por ahí como ventana normal,
estorbando. Esto es así o hay algo que no he hecho?
- Ya van dos veces que al salir del wmaker ('Exit') me encuentro el mapa
de caracteres de la consola cambiado (símbolos extraños). **No** se
arregla con 'reset'. Le pasa a alguien más?
- Dónde hay información, manual o lo que sea sobre el wmaker?

Agradeceré cualquier respuesta ;-)


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: Anyone know a program to read HP690C printer status?

1999-01-04 Thread servis
*- Stan Brown wrote about Anyone know a program to read HP690C printer status?
   I have an HP 690C printer which I use. This printer
   supportbi-directional communications under windoze, to tell when ink
   cartrdiges are empty etc. Has anyone rverse engineerd this?

I get messages like this from the kernel and my HP660C in my

/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:37:55 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:38:05 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:38:15 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:39:03 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.0:Dec 27 18:39:44 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.1.gz:Dec 14 21:43:42 brian kernel: lp1 off-line 
/var/log/messages.2.gz:Dec 11 15:40:46 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 
/var/log/messages.2.gz:Dec 11 15:40:56 brian kernel: lp1 out of paper 

There is a program(sorry can't recall the name of it) that watches the
logs and can run whatever you want when it catches something.  I.e
launch an xmessage or send a mail.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: nas-lib

1999-01-04 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  3 Jan, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:
 Þann 03. janúar 1999 reit Stephen Pitts svohljóðandi:
 I've already got it installed, don't remember having any problems with
 it. Perhaps try a different floppy disk? Debian packages can be
 copied. What error message are you getting? What does dpkg-deb -i
 packagefilename say?
 I tried it on two different disks and download it from two different 
 servers and nothing worked :(
 I dont quite remember what error message i got but i couldnt access the 
 disks, the error messages just kept on coming untill they quit and put me 
 back to my home folder.
 * Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
 * Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
 * Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *
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Try it again. Whats the exact error message?
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

netscape, slink problem :-(

1999-01-04 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
I still have problem with natscape 45.
I have installed Debian 2.0r3.
I have used apt-get to download netscape-base-45 from slink, but I have the

/usr/local/home/paolop$ netscape
ERROR: /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/ undefined
symbol: FE_GetToplevelWidget
Cant load plugin /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/
Name: openOrBringUpBrowser
Class: XfeButton
Creating an active drop site with no drop proc.

Error: Cannot perform malloc

in /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/ there is:
/usr/local/home/paolop$ dir /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/
total 748
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root57089 ott 13 22:25 cpPack1.jar*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   702372 ott 27 19:39

if I chmod +x, the error still exists.



Paolo Pedaletti, Como

new kernel not installing

1999-01-04 Thread Tom
I am trying to upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.1.125.  After configuring with
make xconfig  I run make install. At the end I run lilo.  Everything
seems fine, but when I reboot I am still in 2.0.36.  I tried some
variations.  I ran make dep, and saw no error messages. I tried
compiling a 486 kernel as well as pentium. My board  is a AMD 586 133. 
The only unusual thing is this.  Prior to installing the 2.1.125 package
I had accidently deleted everything in /usr/src.  I untared the source
there and created /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.1.124.  But I am not having trouble compiling
so I don't think this is a problem.   I am not sure how to track down
what the problem is.  Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. 

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #6

1999-01-04 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

RE: About Gnome Panel and KDE applications

1999-01-04 Thread Paulo J. da Silva e Silva
Here is the answer of Jim Pick, gnome mantainer for this question.

 I'm aware of this behaviour.  I had talked to the Gnome guys, and was
 hoping that they would fix it upstream, but they didn't.

Take a look in the Gnome 0.30 x KDE thread in debian-devel (October)

The point is that the Gnome guys didn't fix it. So it is a bug. I really hope
this will be fixed in Gnome 0.99 (or 1.0) when it is packaged.



PS: Meio estranho responder em Ingles, mas queria uma resposta util para
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira writes:
  Hi Debian users,
  I installed gnome-panel and gnome-session in my home computer (a mix
  of hamm and slink) and the panel has n menus with all the applications
  of KDE. Very ugly. Anyone know how to fix this?
  Have a nice happy new year,Paulo Henrique
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Re: new kernel not installing

1999-01-04 Thread Bob Nielsen
Does 'make install' put vmlinuz where lilo expects it to be?  You might
install kernel-package and use 'make-kpkg' to compile the kernel and
create a .deb which you can install.  This works quite nicely.


On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Tom wrote:

 I am trying to upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.1.125.  After configuring with
 make xconfig  I run make install. At the end I run lilo.  Everything
 seems fine, but when I reboot I am still in 2.0.36.  I tried some
 variations.  I ran make dep, and saw no error messages. I tried
 compiling a 486 kernel as well as pentium. My board  is a AMD 586 133. 
 The only unusual thing is this.  Prior to installing the 2.1.125 package
 I had accidently deleted everything in /usr/src.  I untared the source
 there and created /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to
 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.1.124.  But I am not having trouble compiling
 so I don't think this is a problem.   I am not sure how to track down
 what the problem is.  Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. 
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Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new kernel not installing

1999-01-04 Thread Art Lemasters

 Tom, take a look at vmlinuz in the / directory.  Then look
at /boot/vmlinuz-2.1.125.  See what I mean?  You might try symlinking
from /vmlinuz (after renaming or removing it) to /boot/vmlinuz-2.1.125,
if it's there as my 2.1.132 kernel is.  ...not sure about 2.1.125, but it
might be a good guess.  g

 Good luck, and make sure you have the rescue disk to go into a
shell, should you need it.

 Whack me with the rhetorical ruler if I'm wrong, gurus.  :-)


On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 08:17:28PM -0500, Tom wrote:
 I am trying to upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.1.125.  After configuring with
 make xconfig  I run make install. At the end I run lilo.  Everything
 seems fine, but when I reboot I am still in 2.0.36.  I tried some
 variations.  I ran make dep, and saw no error messages. I tried
 compiling a 486 kernel as well as pentium. My board  is a AMD 586 133. 
 The only unusual thing is this.  Prior to installing the 2.1.125 package
 I had accidently deleted everything in /usr/src.  I untared the source
 there and created /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to
 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.1.124.  But I am not having trouble compiling
 so I don't think this is a problem.   I am not sure how to track down
 what the problem is.  Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. 
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Re: new kernel not installing

1999-01-04 Thread Art Lemasters
Actually, kernel-package and make-kpkg did a good job of getting
kernel 2.1.132 installed here.  The way these kernels are going into
/boot is a good thing, too, IMO, although I needed to make link 
afterward ( but maybe I only had to do that because I made a mistake
with this system in the past?). 

Bob, you've guided me well with your suggestions since I first
joined this list.  Thanks for being there.  g


On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 06:26:07PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 Does 'make install' put vmlinuz where lilo expects it to be?  You might
 install kernel-package and use 'make-kpkg' to compile the kernel and
 create a .deb which you can install.  This works quite nicely.
 On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Tom wrote:
  I am trying to upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.1.125.  After configuring with
  make xconfig  I run make install. At the end I run lilo.  Everything
  seems fine, but when I reboot I am still in 2.0.36.  I tried some
  variations.  I ran make dep, and saw no error messages. I tried
  compiling a 486 kernel as well as pentium. My board  is a AMD 586 133. 
  The only unusual thing is this.  Prior to installing the 2.1.125 package
  I had accidently deleted everything in /usr/src.  I untared the source
  there and created /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to
  /usr/src/kernel-source-2.1.124.  But I am not having trouble compiling
  so I don't think this is a problem.   I am not sure how to track down
  what the problem is.  Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Slink/Kernel Upgrade

1999-01-04 Thread Craig P. McDaniel
Does upgrading to slink merely involve installing the packages from the
frozen directory? Does this upograde the kernel? I have kernel version
2.0.34 with hamm right now, what is the latest kernel that would be
recommended for slink?

_) Craig McDaniel

Communicator 4.5 Bus Errors Again (libs?)

1999-01-04 Thread Art Lemasters
 The Netscape that comes with the Communicator 4.5 packages
is disappearing from the X Windows root window again with the
following X Windows error message.

/usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 64:364 bus error
LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ $netscape  $@

 Is there some way to fix this problem on this system for now?


Mutt Package Messed up?

1999-01-04 Thread Strid3r
I noticed that man mutt does nothing. It says there is no page. I did
a dpkg -L mutt and saw this:

-- snip --

Isn't that wrong? 

I'm running Debian slink and:
ii  mutt0.95-1 Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG,

Rahsheen Porter

Re: Slink/Kernel Upgrade

1999-01-04 Thread Strid3r
On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 10:00:31PM -0500, Craig P. McDaniel wrote:
 Does upgrading to slink merely involve installing the packages from the
 frozen directory? Does this upograde the kernel? I have kernel version
 2.0.34 with hamm right now, what is the latest kernel that would be
 recommended for slink?

I don't think it really matters what kernel you run. I'm using slink
with 2.0.36 right now

Gamma correction

1999-01-04 Thread Christopher S. Swingley
This may not be the best place to ask this, but does anyone out there know
of a way to adjust the gamma value in X Windows?  I seem to recall seeing
something like this (although it didn't work) in gnome, but I've since
removed gnome.  I looked at all the manual pages I could think of, and the
only obvious way from those is to change the color maps (which seems like
more work than it would be worth).  The reason I'm interested is that
X Windows seems to be darker and higher contrast than Windoze or Mac
computers, and I'd like to be able to try out a web page with a Mac-like

Thanks much.

 Christopher S. Swingley
 International Arctic Research Center
 University of Alaska Fairbanks

Re: smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-04 Thread Eloy A. Paris
What kernel version are you using???


 I can't figure how to mount SMB shares...
 smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago works just fine but I would like to 
 mount this share to /mnt/servif3.

smbclient works with _any_ kernel version (2.0.x, 2.1.x, and

 Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service password [-p port] [-d debuglevel]
 [-l log] it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point?

smbmount does not!!!

If you use a 2.0.x kernel or a 2.1.x (x  70), you need the smbfs
package (version 2.0.2, IIRC).

If you use a 2.1.x (x = 70) or later, you need the smbfsx package.

smbmount from package smbfs and smbmount-2.1.x from package smbfsx
have different syntax. Check the man pages.


Re: Mutt Package Messed up?

1999-01-04 Thread john
Rahsheen Porter writes:
 I noticed that man mutt does nothing.
 Isn't that wrong?

File a bug.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Request for help. CONTEC ethernet support.

1999-01-04 Thread Jens K. Olsen
I have installed Debian GNU/Linux several times, but have not yet been
able to get network support. I have a SONY VAIO PCG-505G with a CONTEC
C-NET card. According to the documentation on, I must use the
driver pcnet_cs or fmvj18_cs. I expect these drivers to be included on
the driver disk image, but when I go to configure my device drivers, I
can't find neither of them

RE: Eterm

1999-01-04 Thread Shaleh
libIm is *WAY OLD*.  There is a current Eterm package in slink/potato -- please
use it or at least grab the source and compile your own.

On 03-Jan-99 Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 I just install Eterm and I can't start it because it keep saying something
 like: can't open Yes, I have installed all those library but
 again that message.
 Thank you !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: help(*_*)

1999-01-04 Thread Ed Cogburn
Harold G. Stevenson wrote:
 help..on a couple major areas for me. some
 of it has too do with permission issues on my machine. i had to
 reconfigure x. i can bring it up a root or as tempuser, but not as user
 zorro. would like very much to be zorro when i bring up x.

X should be setup for this by default, unless you are using an older
version of Debain.  What version are you using?
On my system, Debian 2.1 [slink], there are two files in
/usr/X11R6/bin.  One will be your Xserver, like 'XF86_SVGA'.  The other
will be 'X'.  'X' is a wrapper which runs your Xserver.  'X' is setuid
root, so you should have no problem running it as a normal user.

 the other is my printer. went thru alot with it and now that it seems as
 if it wants to print i get a message that lp0 is not configured. so how do
 you configure /dev/lp0.

2 guesses:

1) Maybe lp0 isn't the port your printer is attached too?  Does lp1
2) Have you built a custom kernel yet?  Does the kernel have support
for the parallel ports (used mainly by printers)?

Ed C.

Re: Gamma correction

1999-01-04 Thread Dave Thayer
On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 06:15:25PM -0900, Christopher S. Swingley wrote:
 This may not be the best place to ask this, but does anyone out there know
 of a way to adjust the gamma value in X Windows?  I seem to recall seeing
 something like this (although it didn't work) in gnome, but I've since
 removed gnome.  I looked at all the manual pages I could think of, and the

It's in Manual page XF86Config(5x) line 548:
  Gamma gamma-value(s)
  This  is  an  optional  entry  that can be used to
  specify the gamma correction for the monitor.   It
  may  be  specified  as either a single value or as
  three separate RGB values.  Not all X servers  are
  capable of using this information.

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

exmh - presort inc sometimes fails

1999-01-04 Thread Mark Phillips

There have been a number of reports from people recently that doing a
presort inc sometimes fails from within exmh.  The same thing has
happened to me several times.  It seems to be something to do with
certain mail files which cause the problem.  I can do a manual inc
from the command line, and this works though sometimes it pauses for a
long time before incorporating.

I have looked at the log for exmh and this is what it says:

BgAction Inc IncInner
BackgroundPending Inc
exmh-bg {Inc_Presort +MyIncTmp: {child killed: segmentation violation}}
presort inc ...
1: How do I kill the scree blank timeout in text mode?
2: Re: Communicator Installation
3: SOLVED:Re: NFS problems, cannot mount-permission denied
4: WP 8.0
5: Re: WP 8.0
6: Re: xfstt
7: How are routine tasks run , if not from cron?
8: Re: How are routine tasks run , if not from cron?
exmh-bg {FlistFindUnseen reset=0}
FlistFindStart reset=0 active=0
98 unread msgs in 5 folders
exec {/usr/lib/mime/playaudio /usr/lib/exmh/}
{Sound_Feedback: /usr/lib/mime/playaudio: /dev/audio: Permission denied}
exec {/usr/lib/mime/playaudio /usr/lib/exmh/}
{Sound_Feedback: /usr/lib/mime/playaudio: /dev/audio: Permission denied}
exmh-bg {Flist_FindUnseen end {196752 microseconds per iteration}}
BackgroundComplete Inc
background actions complete

So it seems to bomb out with a sementation violation, so that it doesn't
incorporate beyond the 8th message.  Maybe there's something wrong with
the 9th email?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

what happened to xvidtune?

1999-01-04 Thread Ian Eure
I'm just wondering where xvidtune has got to- I don't see it on any of my slink
systems (all current) and I have no hamm boxes left. I seem to recall that it
was available in bo when I first started using Debian, and I see my old kvidtune
package on one of my systems, but there is no xvidtune to be found. Can someone
help me out here?

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Re: exmh - presort inc sometimes fails

1999-01-04 Thread Mark Phillips
 There have been a number of reports from people recently that doing
 a presort inc sometimes fails from within exmh.  

I have been doing some further experiments.  

The output from exmh is as follows:

BgAction Inc IncInner
BackgroundPending Inc
exmh-bg {Inc_Presort +MyIncTmp: {child killed: segmentation violation}}
presort inc ...
1: How do I kill the scree blank timeout in text mode?
2: Re: Communicator Installation
3: SOLVED:Re: NFS problems, cannot mount-permission denied
4: WP 8.0
5: Re: WP 8.0
6: Re: xfstt
7: How are routine tasks run , if not from cron?
8: Re: How are routine tasks run , if not from cron?
exmh-bg {FlistFindUnseen reset=0}

etc etc...

It only does the first 8 messages.  So the problem occurs, it would
seem, at the 9th message.  I edited the mail file, removing messages from
the tail of the file.  Sure enough, it was when I removed the 9th message
that the problem stopped.  However there is a twist.  When I left the 9th
message there and removed the first message, the problem stopped.

So it seems the problem is not with the 9th message per se, but rather,
with the complete set of the first 9 messages.

I enclose the 9 messages which cause the problem, here:

From Sat Dec 26 08:18:09 1998
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:09 +1030
Received: from localhost [] (root)
by localhost with esmtp (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0ztf5c-Gp-00; Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:08 +1030
Received: from
by localhost (fetchmail-4.3.9 POP3)
for mark/localhost (single-drop); Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:08 CST
Received: from ( [])
by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id BAA20991
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 26 Dec 1998 01:31:22 +1030 (CST)
Received: (qmail 31800 invoked by uid 38); 25 Dec 1998 15:00:48 -
Resent-Date: 25 Dec 1998 15:00:48 -
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How do I kill the scree blank timeout in text mode?
To: (Debian User List)
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 10:00:42 -0500 (EST)
From: Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: Fn-YgD.A.hwH.fi6g2@murphy
Resent-Message-ID: Fn-YgD.B.hwH.fi6g2@murphy
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/30642
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-UIDL: 027e5c386efa4f6af8e90f58567f43f1

I just installed 2.0, and I am anoyed by my screen blanking out. How do
I change this configuration to not blank?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]770-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Windows 98: n.
minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a
16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit
microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit
of competition.
(c) 1998 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

From Sat Dec 26 08:18:10 1998
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:10 +1030
Received: from localhost [] (root)
by localhost with esmtp (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0ztf5d-Gp-00; Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:09 +1030
Received: from
by localhost (fetchmail-4.3.9 POP3)
for mark/localhost (single-drop); Sat, 26 Dec 1998 08:18:09 CST
Received: from ( [])
by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id BAA21093
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 26 Dec 1998 01:53:49 +1030 (CST)
Received: (qmail 3676 invoked by uid 38); 25 Dec 1998 15:23:05 -
Resent-Date: 25 Dec 1998 15:23:05 -
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Originating-IP: []
Subject: Re: Communicator Installation
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 07:22:32 PST
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Resent-Message-ID: PxYboD.A.N5.Y36g2@murphy
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/30643
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-UIDL: 0966a614f7169d8c710471827d3f37cb

Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 00:21:40 -0600 (CST)

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #7

1999-01-04 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

Re: Mail - Sending (smail)

1999-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MB == Mitch Blevins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MB Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:
 I know this question has been asked before but i've looked in the archives
 and cannot find much. HOWTO not much help either. I'm using fetchmail to
 recieve mail from my isp and Mutt to read.Which files do i need to change
 (smail) to send mail to my isp (

MB In general, change the files in /etc/smail/*

You can also use smailconfig as root.


need various libs ... ??

1999-01-04 Thread kaynjay
I am setting up a program called MOPAC7 for use in one of my chemistry
classes and need several libraries.  I am not sure which I should be using
(version #),
or if they are even available/compatible.  ???

need = I see linked to

need = have

need = have

I get a seg. fault when the program is run.  I presume this is due to these
libs.  The program is from an rpm, and alien noted the non-existence of the
f2c lib.  Originally tried linking the libf2c to mine, but alien still 

I have searched around unsuccessfully for the f2c libs, but admit to tiring
from chasing dead-end links.  Being new to the system doesn't help much

Can anyone help me with the existence and/or compatibility (when found) of
these with my Deb. 2.0 package?  Thanks!

Kenward Vaughan

btw.  address is  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  if it doesn't come up properly (I
reinstalled/reconfigured onto a new HD).

Re: need various libs ... ??

1999-01-04 Thread Mitch Blevins
 I am setting up a program called MOPAC7 for use in one of my chemistry
 classes and need several libraries.  I am not sure which I should be using
 (version #),
 or if they are even available/compatible.  ???
 need = I see linked to
 need = have
 need = have
 I get a seg. fault when the program is run.  I presume this is due to these
 libs.  The program is from an rpm, and alien noted the non-existence of the
 f2c lib.  Originally tried linking the libf2c to mine, but alien still 
 I have searched around unsuccessfully for the f2c libs, but admit to tiring
 from chasing dead-end links.  Being new to the system doesn't help much
 Can anyone help me with the existence and/or compatibility (when found) of
 these with my Deb. 2.0 package?  Thanks!

Sounds like your program uses the old libc5 libraries that you don't
have installed.  Try installing the 'libc5' package in the 'oldlibs'


Re: need various libs ... ??

1999-01-04 Thread kaynjay
  I am setting up a program called MOPAC7 for use in one of my chemistry
  classes and need several libraries.  I am not sure which I should be using
  Can anyone help me with the existence and/or compatibility (when found) of
  these with my Deb. 2.0 package?  Thanks!
 Sounds like your program uses the old libc5 libraries that you don't
 have installed.  Try installing the 'libc5' package in the 'oldlibs'

Thought about that, but I have libc5 installed.


Problems with procmail/sendmail

1999-01-04 Thread Stevie Strickland
|IFS=' 'exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #sstrickl

Sendmail responds to messages filtered by procmail through this .forward
with Address [EMAIL PROTECTED] is unsafe for mailing to programs.
I'm not an expert at .forwards or Sendmail (yes, I plan to work on it
soon!), but this worked fine for me under Redhat...  can someone tell me
what may be causing the error, if it lies within the Sendmail
configuration (my guess), or another .forward file that might help?

Stevie Strickland   325912 Georgia Tech Station
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Georgia Institute of Technology, GA 30332

Re: qmail/serialmail help

1999-01-04 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 01:07:59AM +0800, Richard Alhama wrote:
 Well, I finally decided to use qmail for my MTA.
 Now I can't send mail except logging into my shell account (slooowww).
 Any1 here knows how to configure qmail/serialmail on a dynip address?

Yes, install exim :-)

Sorry, but qmail is non-free and arrogant.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re:debian-user-digest Digest V99 #8

1999-01-04 Thread Laurie Leinow
I will be out of the office on Dec. 31, 1998.  

Re: Non US, PGP and slink

1999-01-04 Thread Georg Bauer
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Randy Edwards

   I get the same thing about several non-existent files in non-us/slink. 
This was discussed a week or two ago and I had hoped that it'd soon be cleared
up, but it hasn't been.

I currently think that is unuseable, since there are far
too much broken entries in the packages lists (packages that are only
available in older versions than listed in the list). I don't know what
they do, but for now I use a local mirror of slink in my neighbourhood
instead of the official de debian mirror (that happens to be the non-us
site, too).

bye, Georg


Re: Slink/Kernel Upgrade

1999-01-04 Thread Wolfgang Gernot Bauer
 Does upgrading to slink merely involve installing the packages from the
 frozen directory? Does this upograde the kernel? I have kernel version
 2.0.34 with hamm right now, what is the latest kernel that would be
 recommended for slink?
Im using slink with 2.0.34 and 2.0.36 - both work very well (installed
the kernel-source and the headers, then compiled it and made

Wolfgang Gernot Bauer
SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
Sterneckstrasse 5, A-5024 Salzburg
Tel.:  ++43-662-8684-364
Fax.:  ++43-662-8684-44364

Re: smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-04 Thread Carey Evans
Jérôme Zago [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago works just fine but I would like to 
 mount this share to /mnt/servif3.
 Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service password [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]
 it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point ?

smbmount-2.1.x //servif3/user4if -U jzago -c 'mount /mnt/servif3'

There's an example like this right at the top of the smbmount-2.1.x
man page here.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: what happened to xvidtune?

1999-01-04 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
Ian Eure wrote:

 I'm just wondering where xvidtune has got to- I don't see it on any of my
 slink systems (all current) and I have no hamm boxes left. I seem to recall
 that it was available in bo when I first started using Debian, and I see my
 old kvidtune package on one of my systems, but there is no xvidtune to be
 found. Can someone help me out here?

Looks like xvidtune in slink is part of xf86setup package. Had to look
for it myself a while too.

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: AWE 64 Value

1999-01-04 Thread Didier Verna
Andrea Novara writes:

Andrea The problem is the MIDI system. I've installed the awe32 patch on a
Andrea 2.0.35 kernel. make xconfig, dep, clean, zImage, modules and
Andrea modules_install configured lilo ad reinstalled it! I have a recursive
Andrea line:

Andrea Jan 3 04:28:50 gromit kernel: AWE32: not detected

I had this problem just two weeks ago. First, it is normal to see a
SB16 message. The normal audio devices are SB16. SB32 is only used for the
wavetable synthesis.

Make sure you have compiled the sound support as a module, and put it
in /etc/modules. Otherwise, it will not work (this is true for all pnp cards).
Secondly, check out if you don't have installed any other sound drivers (like
NAS). Otherwise, you might see always busy audio devices.

/ /   _   _   Didier Verna
 - / / - / / /_/ /  E.N.S.T. INF C201.1  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/ / /_/ / /__ /46 rue BarraultTel.   (33) 01 45 81 73 46
  75634 Paris  cedex 13 Fax.   (33) 01 45 81 31 19

Modem stopped working when I upgraded to hamm

1999-01-04 Thread Jim Lynch
I'm tearing my hair out.  Here's the story.  I upgraded to hamm vi the
autosh script and grabbed the 2.0.34 kernel and recompiled it.  As far
as I can tell, the modem worked OK after those steps.  I then reviewed
my installed packages and upgraded a bunch of them.  I also installed
diald and tried to configure it.  I couldn't get it to talk to the
modem, so I tried to run pppd manually.  It didn't work.  I then tried
to talk to the modem via minicom.  No response.  Minicom stays
off-line.  It never talks.  I wrote a specialized comm program some time
ago for another purpose and set it up to try to talk to the modem. 
I've got a pretty full machine and have some problems with IRQs.  I've
got a SB16 PNP card which isn't working on Linux yet, so it may be that
it is interfering somehow, but that doesn't explain why it stopped
The IRQ line  up is:
IRQ used by
3   PCI ethernet card
4   ttyS0   (on-board serial port)
4   ttyS3  (us robotics ISA modem)
5   SB16
7   lpt
9/2 Dunno, when I boot it says unknown pci device
10  SCSI card

Now I know that sometimes having the same IRQ for two devices can cause
problems, but it used to work.  Besides, I went into the bios and
disabled the ttyS0 (COM1) port to eliminate the possibility.  Nope.  

I have a Cisco IDSN serial control port hooked to ttyS0 and I can talk
to it OK with minicom, so I know serial ports in general are working.  I
also know that there isn't a serious hardware conflict with the IRQ 4
being shared since I can run Win95 and use both serial ports at the same
time with no problems.  If there is a conflict, it's a Linux problem not
a hardware problem.  Besides, when I disabled COM1, COM3 (ttyS2) should
have started working.  \

I've run out of ideas.  I thought it might be setserial so I disabled it
entirely.  Setserial sees the port and correctly identifies it, but I
thought maybe it was putting it in a unusable state, so I did a chmod
000 /bin/setserial (or whatever the path was).  I removed the diald
package so it wouldn't try to diddle the port.  I did a grep for ttyS?
in /etc/ and /etc/init.d to see if something was messing with the port,
but not that I could see.  

The machine is at home and I'm at work, so I can't get a list of
installed packages right now, but there aren't any installed that I can
identify that would affect serial operation.  Does anyone have any
ideas?  What can I try next?  What packages might affect the serial
port?  As far as I can tell, I upgraded most of the base packages (at
least the ones that I had installed) a few admin packages and some in
the libs since some of the packages I installed were dependent on them.

Thanks for any ideas.  


To see my .signature file, go to

libodbc PostGres SQL

1999-01-04 Thread Jose Rodriguez

I'm using the Postgres SQL database under Debian, and would like to
convert my machine in a Database server. I would like to serve other
machines which run under Win9x .  One solution for this is via odbc.
However, is not installed in my system (I couldnt't find it),
but I know it does exits for Linux. Is the ODBC library packaged for
Debian? Wich package contains it?


Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia  SPAIN

Re: smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-04 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
I have used the command:

  smbmount //HS03/scanagar /mnt -U scanagaratna

to mount a filesystem scanagar on maching HS03 on /mnt on my harddrive.
So I do not understand the problem. HS04 runs NT, and run Debian Linux 2.1

Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry
Ohio Northern University
Ada, OH 45810

upgrade from 14.4 to 56.6 modem - what settings to change?

1999-01-04 Thread Martin Waller
I've been a lucky boy and have got a new 56.6k modem for xams to replace 
my old 14.4.

An old linux book I have (from kernel 1.2.13, and for slackware...) says 
to get fast modem speeds I have to run setserial ttys1 115200 to get 
higher modem speeds.

The modem works OK, but I'm only getting a 28.8k connection (could be my 

Regradless, do I need to change the 38400 bit in the connect string 
thing to 115200? Or change some script somehwre to gurantee fastest 
possible connection speeds?

Ta for any info (hamm by the way)


Get Your Private, Free Email at

while loading

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

While loading a get a line where says 'ppp can't locate module ppp', and
the same thing for slip. Could that be a reason why EzPPP after calling and
when I have to enter username always says 'The pppd daemon died
unexpectedly' ? and why is he saying that ?

Thanx !

Re: libodbc PostGres SQL

1999-01-04 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using the Postgres SQL database under Debian, and would like to
convert my machine in a Database server. I would like to serve other
machines which run under Win9x .  One solution for this is via odbc.
However, is not installed in my system (I couldnt't find it),
but I know it does exits for Linux. Is the ODBC library packaged for
Debian? Wich package contains it?

ODBC is a client-side thing. You need an ODBC library on your Windows
station that can talk to the Postgres server.

Check out the postgres homepage for
pointers to Windows ODBC libs for Postgres.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: Communicator 4.5 Bus Errors Again (libs?)

1999-01-04 Thread Rick Venable
I'm having similar problems on my 'slink' system with all of the
versions of netscape I've downloaded from Netscape, including the
unsupported one for libc6.  In addition to the bus error, I also get a
message about

locale `C' not supported

If I knew how, I'd consider backing off to 'hamm', just so I could get
netscape installed and working.  

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:
  The Netscape that comes with the Communicator 4.5 packages
 is disappearing from the X Windows root window again with the
 following X Windows error message.
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 64:364 bus error  
 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ $netscape$@
  Is there some way to fix this problem on this system for now?

Rick Venable  =\ |=|Eschew Obfuscation
FDA/CBER Biophysics Lab   |/ |=|
Bethesda, MD  U.S.A.  |   \/ |=|  ( Not an official statement or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |\  /  |=|position of the FDA; for that,   \/   |=|see  )

Slink hosed?

1999-01-04 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi debian users,
today I run dselect to upgrade my box and there was a conflict between
modutils and util-linux and it sayed that it is going to remove a lot of 
I didn't upgrade of course. Anyone know if there is a problem in 
current slink?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: procmail

1999-01-04 Thread Stevie Strickland
On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Jeff Beley wrote:

 If memory serves, most of the recent versions of sendmail use
 procmail as their default delivery agent.

After I got your message, I looked and noticed that my mail was being
sorted without the .forward, just as you said... I probably wouldn't have
noticed otherwise... ;)

Thanks! :)


Stevie Strickland 325912 Georgia Tech Station [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332

RE: Slink hosed?

1999-01-04 Thread Shaleh
util-linux conflicts with mount.  It is getting fixed.

On 04-Jan-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   Hi debian users,
   today I run dselect to upgrade my box and there was a conflict between
 modutils and util-linux and it sayed that it is going to remove a lot of
   I didn't upgrade of course. Anyone know if there is a problem in current
   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[OFF-TOPIC] qvirtual option in fetchmail

1999-01-04 Thread Richard Alhama
any1 here who know what to put on the qvirtual option of fetchmail

I've read the docs, manpages and tried different parameters but fetchmail

fetchmail:/home/keyoz/.fetchmailrc:8 server option after user options at
Deliver-To (or any other text after qvirtual)

I can't fetchmail when I switched to qmail.

I can send using qmail/serialmail now but this is the only problem I have.

And to Hamish regarding the non-freeness and arrogance of qmail,

I don't really think qmail is non-free, even if SPI or debian views it
that way.  To me, it is still open-sourceware.

as for being arrogant, well the copyright says binary distributions can be
arranged =8^P.  And on qmail's homepage there's a precompiled binary for
linux (debian was mentioned).


k e c h i e

Problems with X

1999-01-04 Thread Robert Rati
I had X running fine with one little problem before getting a Monster 3D
II card a little while back.  One small problem was that I have xdm kick
up two X windows.  Well, about five minutes after boot, I would get kicked
over to the second X window for no reason.  I could switch back to the
first one, clear and screen, and everything was fine.  It didn't do it
again unless I rebooted.  I don't know what was causing this, but I could
live with it and I figured it was a small bug in X.  Now, however, when
this happens, the screen goes black and I can't get to a screen at all.
Console or otherwise.  I saw on here someone mentioned something about
video cards not being able to handle switching modes to well, and wonder
if that's the problem.  Anyone have any ideas or things to try?  Would an
acceleracted X server solve the problem?  TIA.



1999-01-04 Thread Robert Rati
I just moved my system from one HD to another, and have been able to
re-make all the devs in /dev but xconsole.  I can't seem to find anything
in MAKEDEV that will make that.  Anyone know how I can get /dev/xconsole?


Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Mike Rae
Can anyone recommend a Win95/WinNT like file manager for X ? 

Mike Rae

RE: xconsole

1999-01-04 Thread Shaleh

On 04-Jan-99 Robert Rati wrote:
 I just moved my system from one HD to another, and have been able to
 re-make all the devs in /dev but xconsole.  I can't seem to find anything
 in MAKEDEV that will make that.  Anyone know how I can get /dev/xconsole?

it is a named pipe (fifo) so the mkfifo command should do it.

xterm-debian info

1999-01-04 Thread tony mollica
Hi.  Can someone point me towards information 
on the 'xterm' vs. 'xterm-debian' configuration
and any other documentation?


tony mollica

Re: xconsole

1999-01-04 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 01:31:38PM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
 I just moved my system from one HD to another, and have been able to
 re-make all the devs in /dev but xconsole.  I can't seem to find anything
 in MAKEDEV that will make that.  Anyone know how I can get /dev/xconsole?

It's just named pipe, not device. Use mkfifo.

mkfifo /dev/xconsole

Alexey Vyskubov

Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Jeff Miller

 Mike Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/99 1:42:47 PM 
Can anyone recommend a Win95/WinNT like file manager for X ? 

Mike Rae

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[no subject]

1999-01-04 Thread Peter Merl at AVO


Re: xterm-debian info

1999-01-04 Thread Brandon Mitchell
The reasoning is at the bottom of


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, tony mollica wrote:

 Hi.  Can someone point me towards information 
 on the 'xterm' vs. 'xterm-debian' configuration
 and any other documentation?

Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Mike Rae
Thanks for the reply. However, I tried that one first via dselect prior
to posting, and a dependancy exists as follows 
qt1g does not appear to be available.

Any ideas ?

Jeff Miller wrote:
  Mike Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/99 1:42:47 PM 
 Can anyone recommend a Win95/WinNT like file manager for X ?
 Mike Rae
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Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Jeff Miller

 Mike Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/99 2:30:29 PM 
Thanks for the reply. However, I tried that one first via dselect prior
to posting, and a dependancy exists as follows 
qt1g does not appear to be available.

Any ideas ?

Jeff Miller wrote:
  Mike Rae [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/99 1:42:47 PM 
 Can anyone recommend a Win95/WinNT like file manager for X ?
 Mike Rae
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Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Mike Rae wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. However, I tried that one first via dselect prior
 to posting, and a dependancy exists as follows 
 qt1g does not appear to be available.

qt1g is in non-free.  At some point, Qt 2.0 will be released under a DFSG
compliant license and will be included in the Debian distro.  You can
download the package at:


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Try filerunner. Its a file manager and a ftp client

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: XFree86 and Dell Dimension/OptiPlex?

1999-01-04 Thread Michael E. Touloumtzis
On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 02:22:09PM -0800, Evgeny Roubinchtein wrote:
 Does anyone have information/experience using XFree86 with the video
 controller that comes in Dell OptiPlex or Dimension series PCs?
 Dimensions XPS/V or OptiPlex G(X)1(P)?  It looks like they use an ATI
 controller (built into the motherboard?).  How well is that supported by
 the ATI X server?

This question has been out on the list for a while now, but I don't see
a posted reply so (after a long holiday absense) here goes ...

I have a Dell OptiPlex GX1, and X runs great on the supplied controller,
with 16-bit color and 1024x786 resolution.  X startup reports:

(--) SVGA: PCI: ATI Mach64 GT rev 92, Memory @ 0xfd00, MMIO @ 0xfcfff000, 
I/ O @ 0xec00
Using XFree86 ATI driver version 4.3.
ATI 3D Rage Pro graphics controller detected.
Chip type 4742 GB, version 4, foundry UMC, class 0, revision 0x01.
AGP interface detected;  Block I/O base is 0xEC00.
ATI Mach64 video adapter detected.
Internal RAMDAC (subtype 1) detected.
Using 8MB linear aperture at 0xFD00.
4096 kB of SGRAM detected.
Internal programmable clock generator detected.
Reference clock 157.5/11 (14.318) MHz.
(--) SVGA: chipset:  ati
(--) SVGA: videoram: 4096k
(**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 230.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode 1024x768: mode clock =  84.980
(**) SVGA: Mode 800x600: mode clock =  69.650
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 1024x768

I'm running hamm, BTW.  Do you have specific questions or problems?

Happy New Year (to one and all) - MikeT

Michael E. Touloumtzis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Offtopic] SSH X problems.

1999-01-04 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko

One user on our computer can not start X windows one's she uses SSH to login.

Message is like:
 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication at Mon Jan  4 
14:10:40 1999.
Rejected connection at Mon Jan  4 14:10:40 1999: X11 connection from port 1171

X connection to pc781b:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

Other users are running happily.  Any ideas what should one check?


My PC's internal (built-in) speaker.

1999-01-04 Thread shaul
I suspect that my PC's internal speaker is not working (I have no sound card).
I am trying to avoid replacing it.
Is there a way that can convinced me that it is not working ? Is there a 
possibility that some other device (my modem, for example, which is capable 
of using it with WIN3.11 software) takes control over it ? Where the kernel is 
referring the speaker ? What about a /dev/speaker ?

[21:19:22 shaul]$ grep -A4 speaker /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt
 13 charPC speaker
  0 = /dev/pcmixer  Emulates /dev/mixer
  1 = /dev/pcsp Emulates /dev/dsp (8-bit)
  4 = /dev/pcaudio  Emulates /dev/audio
  5 = /dev/pcsp16   Emulates /dev/dsp (16-bit)
[21:19:28 shaul]$ ls /dev/pcsp*
ls: /dev/pcsp*: No such file or directory
[21:20:06 shaul]$ 

Are these devices refer to the PC's internal speaker ? What are the programs 
that can work with it ?

Re: My PC's internal (built-in) speaker.

1999-01-04 Thread Rich Harran.

When you turn on your computer, it should make a beep noise through the
internal speaker as the BIOS initialises (POST).  This is so you know it
has started correctly, for example if your monitor fails.  If you do not
get any sort of sound at start up, the speaker may be broken, or
disconnected.  If you don't mind doing this, take the case off your
computer, and check the connection between the speaker and the motherboard
- there should probably be a pair of thin plastic-coated wires going via a
little plastic plug to two metal prongs somewhere around the edge of the
motherboard: check nothing has come loose or is broken.  

It is possible (unlikely?) that your Bios doesn't beep to say everything
is ok on start-up, but it definitely should if something is wrong.  You
could try taking out your graphics card (if you haven't turned the
computer off by now, do so, and take precautions against static dischage),
and then re-starting your computer.  If the speaker is working, there will
be loads of beeps, as the bios tells you it can't find the primary video
(I've heard the knew ACME bios avoids all this noise by printing an
informative error message on the screen!).

If your speaker isn't working, I wouldn't worry about the cost of
replacing it, as the ones supplied with PC's are invariably cheap crappy
ones, and you should be able to get one for around a fiver (english
money).  The one I have in my computer was bastardised from a broken
cheap radio.

Hope some of this helps, or at least makes sense.  If the speaker is
working physically, I can't think of any debian stuff which would use it,
but if you've got dos installed, most games will use it.


Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-04 Thread Marc Haber
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:56:15 -0500 (EST), you wrote:
Marc Haber said
 So I seem to be in a circular situation: I can't install equiv package
 just made because I have smail installed. I can't uninstall smail
 because I have numerous packages that require mail-transport-agent.
 How do I get out of this circle?
How about this:
dpkg --auto-deconfigure -r smail

|=ROOT[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/maindisk/home/mh # dpkg --auto-deconfigure -r 
|dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of smail:
| mailagent depends on sendmail | smail | mail-transport-agent; however:
|  Package sendmail is not installed.
|  Package smail is to be removed.
|  Package mail-transport-agent is not installed.
|  Package smail which provides mail-transport-agent is to be removed.
|dpkg: error processing smail (--remove):
| dependency problems - not removing
|Errors were encountered while processing:
| smail
|=ROOT[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/maindisk/home/mh #


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: nas-lib

1999-01-04 Thread Steve McIntyre
Has anyone been able to install this package and if so, where did they 
get it from, couse i downloaded it from two different debian mirrors.

I got it fine, but I should. I'm the package maintainer... :-) Try running
an md5sum on the package, and compare it against the one on the ftp site.
My local copy is currently:

hammer:~/debian/nas$ md5sum nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb 
d3d548d5a4da01ddb4f9278ee6cef5d1  nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb
hammer:~/debian/nas$ ls -al nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb 
-rw-r--r--   1 steveusers   54818 Aug 28 00:15 nas-lib_1.2p5-7_i386.deb

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I sent ten dollars to and all I got was... well, nothing.
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, +--
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...  |Finger for PGP key

System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-04 Thread CJ

I really need some (PLEASE). After I successfully installed the base 
system, I configured the /etc/lilo.conf file and when I reboot, my sytem 
displays this : 
and then freezes. Hopefully someone can help me. 

Now I will give you a description of what I am trying to do so you can 
understand my problem better.

I have two hard drives and I'll call them /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. 
/dev/hda is a master on the first IDE chain and /dev/hdc is also a master 
but on the second IDE chain. I have DOS/win95 on /dev/hda and just 
installed the base of Linux on /dev/hdc (dedicate only to Linux). 
***When I make the /root partition on /dev/hdc, I make it bootable***

This is what I want to do:
I want to have a choice to of DOS/win95 or Linux when I boot my system

This is what I did, I not sure if it is right or not:
-run liloconfig
-said YES to the first question to install a partition boot 
record on /dev/hdc. 
-said NO to making a master boot record on my second drive /dev/hdc
cuz to want to boot from /dev/hda and I assume that it is 
right not making a mbr on /dev/hdc.
-said NO to the third question, not making my /dev/hdc active.

Now I go in /etc/lilo.conf and fix it by hand and this is what 
it looks like: (I delete the original data that lilo provided such as 
compact, install=/boot/boot.b, etc)


  root=/dev/hdc2   #hdc2 is my root partition

This is the exact data in this file.
I save this file and type the command lilo and I get this :
Added windows *
Added Linux
Then I reboot
and I system freezes atLI 

Now I can't even boot DOS/win95 because I can't get my /etc/lilo.conf to 
work. I tried to remove the file boot.0300 in the /boot dir on 
/dev/hdc2 but that doesn't work . I also  have the file boot.0613 or 
something like that in my /boot dir but I didn't delete(I am not sure 
what it is).

If you have the time, please help, THANKS! 
Linux Rules!

MP3 to WAV converter???

1999-01-04 Thread Daniel Elenius
Does anyone know of a MP3 to WAV converter?

/daniel elenius

[OFFTOPIC] Eterm 0.8.7 with color tint

1999-01-04 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I can't use Eterm 0.8.7 from Slink with the color tint option.
Anyone too?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

(no subject)

1999-01-04 Thread Walter Kotorynski

activate with mouse over

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

How to configure WindowMaker to activate some window when mouse goes over
it, without a click?

Thanx !


1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

Well, I still have a problem using EzPPP. As EzPPP use pppd program, I try
to run it manualy, and all I get was something like:
/$%(%$/%$( /%(%)/(%)#/T C#N/)N )(/$#)BC$#)BC/($#(//(
and such things, and it couldn't stop, so I had to kill that process.

Any ideas ?

Thanx !


1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

I created 'lilo.conf' but when I enter command 'lilo' I get message
something with LOADER and BIOS ???

Thanx !

Will slink ship with 2.2.0

1999-01-04 Thread Sergey Imennov

Description: PGP message

Re: lilo

1999-01-04 Thread Andrew Ivanov
What exactly you enter and what exactly you get?
The command to run lilo is
lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf

considering that you have /etc/lilo.conf

 Hi !
 I created 'lilo.conf' but when I enter command 'lilo' I get message
 something with LOADER and BIOS ???
 Thanx !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: smbmount-2.1.x: how does it work ?

1999-01-04 Thread David Coe
here's another working example.  in my case, the 
Win95 host is not on the same ethernet subnet as my
debian (slink) host, so I use a command like:

smbmount //spunk/E spunk-e -I -U spazwit

(host and user names changed to protect the innocent)

Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
 I have used the command:
   smbmount //HS03/scanagar /mnt -U scanagaratna
 to mount a filesystem scanagar on maching HS03 on /mnt on my harddrive.
 So I do not understand the problem. HS04 runs NT, and run Debian Linux 2.1
 Sebastian Canagaratna
 Department of Chemistry
 Ohio Northern University
 Ada, OH 45810
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

David Coe  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
R  D and Support  +1-410-489-9521
Overlord, Inc.

Re: System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-04 Thread Kent West
At 09:20 AM 1/4/1999 -0500, CJ wrote:

   I really need some (PLEASE). After I successfully installed the base 
system, I configured the /etc/lilo.conf file and when I reboot, my sytem 
displays this : 
and then freezes. Hopefully someone can help me. 

Now I will give you a description of what I am trying to do so you can 
understand my problem better.

   I have two hard drives and I'll call them /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. 
/dev/hda is a master on the first IDE chain and /dev/hdc is also a master 
but on the second IDE chain. I have DOS/win95 on /dev/hda and just 
installed the base of Linux on /dev/hdc (dedicate only to Linux). 
***When I make the /root partition on /dev/hdc, I make it bootable***
This is what I want to do:
   I want to have a choice to of DOS/win95 or Linux when I boot my system

This is what I did, I not sure if it is right or not:
   -run liloconfig
-said YES to the first question to install a partition boot 
   record on /dev/hdc. 
-said NO to making a master boot record on my second drive /dev/hdc
   cuz to want to boot from /dev/hda and I assume that it is 
   right not making a mbr on /dev/hdc.
   -said NO to the third question, not making my /dev/hdc active.

Now I go in /etc/lilo.conf and fix it by hand and this is what 
it looks like: (I delete the original data that lilo provided such as 
compact, install=/boot/boot.b, etc)
  root=/dev/hdc2   #hdc2 is my root partition

This is the exact data in this file.
I save this file and type the command lilo and I get this :
   Added windows *
   Added Linux
Then I reboot
and I system freezes atLI 

Now I can't even boot DOS/win95 because I can't get my /etc/lilo.conf to 
work. I tried to remove the file boot.0300 in the /boot dir on 
/dev/hdc2 but that doesn't work . I also  have the file boot.0613 or 
something like that in my /boot dir but I didn't delete(I am not sure 
what it is).

If you have the time, please help, THANKS! 
Linux Rules!

I *think* you need to add back in the install=/boot/boot.b line, and that
your boot= line should be boot=/dev/hda1, not just boot=/dev/hda.

Re: lilo

1999-01-04 Thread Kent West
At 11:31 PM 1/4/1999 +0100, Darko Martic wrote:
Hi !

I created 'lilo.conf' but when I enter command 'lilo' I get message
something with LOADER and BIOS ???

Thanx !

Where is lilo.conf and what does it look like?

Re: My PC's internal (built-in) speaker.

1999-01-04 Thread Mitch Blevins
Rich Harran. wrote:
 When you turn on your computer, it should make a beep noise through the
 internal speaker as the BIOS initialises (POST).  This is so you know it
 has started correctly, for example if your monitor fails.  If you do not
 get any sort of sound at start up, the speaker may be broken, or
 disconnected.  If you don't mind doing this, take the case off your
 computer, and check the connection between the speaker and the motherboard
 - there should probably be a pair of thin plastic-coated wires going via a
 little plastic plug to two metal prongs somewhere around the edge of the
 motherboard: check nothing has come loose or is broken.  
 It is possible (unlikely?) that your Bios doesn't beep to say everything
 is ok on start-up, but it definitely should if something is wrong.  You
 could try taking out your graphics card (if you haven't turned the
 computer off by now, do so, and take precautions against static dischage),
 and then re-starting your computer.  If the speaker is working, there will
 be loads of beeps, as the bios tells you it can't find the primary video
 (I've heard the knew ACME bios avoids all this noise by printing an
 informative error message on the screen!).

I would suggest just unplugging the keyboard to force a bios failure.

 If your speaker isn't working, I wouldn't worry about the cost of
 replacing it, as the ones supplied with PC's are invariably cheap crappy
 ones, and you should be able to get one for around a fiver (english
 money).  The one I have in my computer was bastardised from a broken
 cheap radio.
 Hope some of this helps, or at least makes sense.  If the speaker is
 working physically, I can't think of any debian stuff which would use it,
 but if you've got dos installed, most games will use it.

Re: activate with mouse over

1999-01-04 Thread David Coe
Change the 'FocusMode' setting in your
WindowMaker file (which is probably in ~/GNUstep/Defaults).

You probably want 'FocusMode=Auto' or 'FocusMode=SemiAuto'.

Darko Martic wrote:
 Hi !
 How to configure WindowMaker to activate some window when mouse goes over
 it, without a click?
 Thanx !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

David Coe  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
R  D and Support  +1-410-489-9521
Overlord, Inc.

Re: Will slink ship with 2.2.0

1999-01-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SI == Sergey Imennov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SI Just wondering, if 2.2.0 is out before slink is 
SI officially released, will the new kernel be
SI shipped with slink?

No. It is not a drop-in replacement for 2.0 series. (Changes with lpt, 
routing etc.)

SI P.s.  When will slink be out?  ( Approximately... )

Real Soon Now... (I don't believe anyone can be more specific).


Re: System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-04 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Ok, this is from the manual on lilo:

LI   The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot 
loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a 
geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map 

Not sure how to help you, but maybe this explains a little bit what the
problem could be.
Could send the whole file if you need it.
In the mean time, use a Windows start disk to 
fdisk /mbr
(Hope your BIOS does a A: C: boot procedure and searches for A: on a boot,
if not, set it up like that)

WHich will restore the original master boot record on the C drive so you
can boot Windows. Use Linux rescue floppy which you should have to get
in and perhaps rerun lilo, just make sure that all your compinents are in
place, like boot=/boot/.


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: libodbc PostGres SQL

1999-01-04 Thread Alexis Maldonado

I am using a Debian machine as a Database Server. I am using 
PostgreSQL and I am connecting to it with several Win9x 
machines running access and VB50.

I installed the ODBC drivers on the win machines from:

I had to change the configuration for postgreSQL in 
/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init :


After that, it worked fine. I haven't installed, or anything. 
I just installed postgreSQL from dselect.

I hope this helps,


 I'm using the Postgres SQL database under Debian, and would like to
 convert my machine in a Database server. I would like to serve other
 machines which run under Win9x .  One solution for this is via odbc.
 However, is not installed in my system (I couldnt't find it),
 but I know it does exits for Linux. Is the ODBC library packaged for
 Debian? Wich package contains it?
 Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia  SPAIN
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: upgrade from 14.4 to 56.6 modem - what settings to change?

1999-01-04 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Martin Waller wrote:
 I've been a lucky boy and have got a new 56.6k modem for xams to replace 
 my old 14.4.
 An old linux book I have (from kernel 1.2.13, and for slackware...) says 
 to get fast modem speeds I have to run setserial ttys1 115200 to get 
 higher modem speeds.
 The modem works OK, but I'm only getting a 28.8k connection (could be my 
 Regradless, do I need to change the 38400 bit in the connect string 
 thing to 115200? Or change some script somehwre to gurantee fastest 
 possible connection speeds?

You'll want to either

 (a) Call setserial with the spd_vhi option (in /etc/rc.boot/0setserial)
 for the port that your modem sits on.  You can then use the 38400
 speed setting in your ppp script which the kernel will interpret as
 115200 bps.


 (b) Leave /etc/rc.boot/setserial alone and use 115200 in your connect

Option (a) is a relic from the pre-kernel-2.0 days and is deprecated today
(but will still work).
   /'`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   |
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

852 code page

1999-01-04 Thread Darko Martic
Hi !

With new kernel (2.0.36) I installed a support for 852 code page, how do I
use it ?

Thanx !

Re: Graphical File Manager

1999-01-04 Thread Peter Berlau
On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 02:32:56PM -0500, Mike Rae wrote:

 qt1g does not appear to be available.
the qt1g is the shared library from `Troll Tech' Qt-library
the actual version is 1.42. 
You can take it from
in the non-free categorie

ii  qt1g1.42-1 Shared Library used by applications linked w
ii  qt1g-dev1.42-1 Environment for QT GUI development.

Slink Upgrade Benefits

1999-01-04 Thread Nils
Right now I'm running Hamm. I'm pretty much a newbie to this. But what
good would it do to upgrade to slink? I had installation problems with
Hamm, like on the rescue disk when it would boot the kernel, it'd 
automatically repartition my hard drive. And put 4 bogus partitions on
it that weren't there origianally. Now this is on a Toshiba T4400C laptop
with a 120 MB this also a problem in Slink or is it just that 
I am doing something wrong?

Merry Christmas!
Nils =O)
You could trouble me for a big glass of shutup!

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