Re: dpkg and configuring packages

1999-02-16 Thread Stephen P. Ryan
On 16 Feb, J K wrote:
> Hello,
>  I was wondering how to configure packages that I installed with
> dpkg -i .deb. After installing a package, I got a message 
> saying package depends on another file, and that that file was not 
> installed.  I have installed the other package now, and wonder how to 
> configure the first package.  Any help would be appreciated.
Try dpkg --pending --configure

That (attempts to) configure every package that has been installed but
not configured yet.
Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College


1999-02-16 Thread Navindra Umanee
Montreal Tue Feb 16 18:22:18 1999

Does anyone know why the default TERM for xterm under Hamm is
xterm-debian?  No other remote system has this term type defined and
when I ssh from an xterm to such a remote system, I always get errors.

(I'm aware of solutions like if TERM == xterm-debian then TERM = xterm)

Please CC: me.


dpkg and configuring packages

1999-02-16 Thread J K

 I was wondering how to configure packages that I installed with
dpkg -i .deb. After installing a package, I got a message 
saying package depends on another file, and that that file was not 
installed.  I have installed the other package now, and wonder how to 
configure the first package.  Any help would be appreciated.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Tex

1999-02-16 Thread Mark Phillips
> Hate to sound stupid but just what is TeTex? What is it used for?

It provides "TeX" and "LaTeX".  This allows you to do word processing
with a difference.  They are a bit like a programming language that
allow you to program nice looking documents.  You can think about
"TeX" as a lower level language.  It allows you to do all sorts of
intricate and complicated things in a document --- but takes lots of
commands to do simple things.  "LaTeX" is the one you are more likely
to want to use.  It is like a higher level language --- it allows you
to do powerful document formating very simply.

I use latex for all my word processing needs.  It is a bit of a
learning curve at first --- but once you know it, it's very good ---
especially if you want to display mathematical formulae.  There is
also a nice package for emacs called "AUCTeX" which provides an emacs
mode perfect for composing latex documents.

If you are interested, I recommend buying a book on LaTeX (there are
several good ones available --- have a look in a good book store).

Hope this helps,



"They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

Re: loadlin...

1999-02-16 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:45:12 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Partition check:
> hda hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 >
>VFS: Cannot open root device 08:02
>Kernel panic VFS: Unable to mount root rs on 08:02
>If someone could explain the meaning of this message I'd appreciate it.
>Note: I have / partition at hda6 already configured.

Root device "08:02" means major 8 (SCSI hd), minor 2, which is equivalent to 
/dev/sda2. This is the root filesystem the kernel tries to mount.

Start loadlin like this:

  loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6

(If that doesn't work look into loadlin's docs. I'm not sure anymore whether 
you can pass the "cleartext" root filesystem name, or whether you have to 
specify major/minor 0306 for /dev/hda6.)


Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!

Re: Ejecting scsi tape

1999-02-16 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Chris Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Is there a way to have my system automatically eject a tape from my scsi
| tape drive?  I'm wanting to add this to my backup script, so I don't
| forget to change to tape and overwrite a backup.

man mt

Short answer: mt -f /dev/nst0 rewoff


Re: GUI stuff

1999-02-16 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, David Webster wrote:
> I am wanting to start some GUI development but I am having a hard time
> figuring out just what the GUI development is?  I see that the GTK
> libaraires are the base C++ GUI class libraries, but I also see stuff
> like Gnome and qt* and Glib, and other stuff.  Is there any online
> documentation that sorts all this stuff out?  What are the compliments
> in the Linux/X11 world to MFC/IOCL in the Win32 world?  What about
> resource editors and stuff like that???

Here is my take on things, somewhat different from other answers perhaps. 
I am a Gnome developer and wrote some of the Gnome library stuff (just so
you know my biases). 

Gtk+ is an object-oriented library written in C. It is a "widget set,"
which means it lets you create windows, text entries, scroll bars, etc.
See It's written in C, but works great with C++; I use
it all the time. If you prefer there are several C++ wrappers though,
which let you subclass widgets, etc. There are also wrappers in a dozen
other languages.

glib is a C utility library which deals with some code portability
concerns and fleshes out the C standard library with some data structures
and the like. Gtk uses it, as do many Gtk programs.

Gnome has two faces. From the developer's point of view it is an
application development framework. It adds a lot of useful widgets to Gtk,
adds some convenience functions, adds some things like configuration file
loading/saving, adds CORBA (analagous to DCOM), adds image file loading,
etc. This is all in the 'gnome-libs' package. 

The other face of Gnome is a desktop environment and set of applications
built using the developer's framework. However, if you use the framework
your users are not forced to use Gnome; gnome-apt, for example, runs just
fine without any of the desktop stuff installed. (The desktop environment
includes a file manager like Windows Explorer, a start-menu type thing,

If you are going to write a new GUI application you should use Gnome, IMO.
Here are the reasons:

 - Gnome is nicer than the alternatives, unless you have special needs 
   (like a cross-platform toolkit).

 - Gnome is 100% free; this means you can write applications with it 
   using the license of your choice, and paying no license fee.

 - Partially as a consequence of the above, Gnome is likely to be the 
   future "standard" environment, and well-supported

 - Debian and Red Hat are both supporting Gnome as the "standard" 
   desktop (to the extent that anything can be "standard" in the 
   free software world; really this just means "default").

 - This means Debian and Red Hat users will have Gnome installed 
   already, so they'll be able to compile your app easily.

 - Gnome is supported by 250+ developers; most other kits are supported
   by a few people. Stuff gets fixed fast, and there is a lot of stuff.

Some people advocate using only Gtk and not Gnome. If your app is at all
substantial, this is a poor idea IMO (and I have written several apps). 
It is short-term attractive because you don't have to learn and compile
the Gnome libraries. But once Gnome hits 1.0, expected this month,
this advantage disappears. Gnome offers a standard look-and-feel and a
*lot* of programming conveniences. It's a significant enhancement to plain

Again, unless you have special needs such as cross-platform development,
it's probably a poor idea to use a toolkit other than Gtk. Gtk appears to
be an emerging standard (finally), and you'll end up with an ugly legacy
dependency using other kits. And if you're using Gtk, it only makes sense
to use Gnome too.

To be fair, Qt and KDE are likely to continue to be popular for a good
long while and they may even be the most popular at the moment (hard to
say). Qt is cross-platform and commercially supported. However, you will
have to pay to use Qt for a proprietary application. And it is my guess
(only a guess) that Gtk will be longer-lasting and more popular on a
2-to-5-year timescale. But you should make your own judgment on that after
you do some research. 


Re: Tex

1999-02-16 Thread ktb
I don't really know much about it but this should tell you all you
need to know:

Take care,

Re: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 11:32:56AM -0500, Person, Roderick wrote:
> I don't think this is the case since this the drive is a Western Digital
> 26400 Caviar and it does report 6GB excatly it reports 6.14...GB

I have a 6.4Gb Caviar. It shows as about 6Gb (in 1024 byte kbs).

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Kanji characters?

1999-02-16 Thread homega

I have someone who needs to look at some web pages in Japanese.  So far,
Netscape shows some strange characters (they look nearly as strange as the
right ones to me).  Does anyone know how to do this?
He is right now trying to download some M$ modules for IE (I hope his machine
breaks down).

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

XFree86 3.3.3

1999-02-16 Thread John Welling
Anyone have any idea when XFree86 3.3.3 will
be included in the debian release?

Ejecting scsi tape

1999-02-16 Thread Chris Hoover
Is there a way to have my system automatically eject a tape from my scsi
tape drive?  I'm wanting to add this to my backup script, so I don't
forget to change to tape and overwrite a backup.


Re: Strange 'find' result

1999-02-16 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 05:31:22PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:
> > In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
> > > Can somebody explain this to me?
> > > 
> > > $ find /cdrom -iname wx*
> > > $ find /cdrom -iname wxx*
> > > /cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/libs/wxxt1_1.66d-2.deb
> > > 
> > > Why does the first 'find' query give no results?
> > 
> > Are you quoting the argument to avoid shell expansion?
> > 
> > $ find /cdrom -iname 'wx*'
> No.  I just did it as it was printed above.
> Today is another day.  I did the same thing and here is the result:
> (I was in my home directory as I was yesterday)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED](8)$ find /cdrom -iname wx*
> find: paths must precede expression
> Usage: find [path...] [expression]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED](9)$ cd /
> [EMAIL PROTECTED](10)$ find /cdrom -iname wx*
> /cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/doc/wxhelp_1.66d-2.deb
> /cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/libs/wxxt1_1.66d-2.deb
> Anyhow, it is not a problem for me.  I was just curious on why the strange
> result.  Now I am wondering why I did not get the same result today?

Eh, note that find does special optimization which does not work on CD
ROM's. It assumes that two directories are "." and "..". From the info page:

 - Option: -noleaf
 Do not optimize by assuming that directories contain 2 fewer
 subdirectories than their hard link count.  This option is needed
 when searching filesystems that do not follow the Unix
 directory-link convention, such as CD-ROM or MS-DOS filesystems or
 AFS volume mount points.  Each directory on a normal Unix
 filesystem has at least 2 hard links: its name and its `.'  entry.
 Additionally, its subdirectories (if any) each have a `..'  entry
 linked to that directory.  When `find' is examining a directory,
 after it has statted 2 fewer subdirectories than the directory's
 link count, it knows that the rest of the entries in the directory
 are non-directories ("leaf" files in the directory tree).  If only
 the files' names need to be examined, there is no need to stat
 them; this gives a significant increase in search speed.

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09


1999-02-16 Thread smarks
In an effort to avoid dealing with floppies, I tried following the install
instructions for using loadinlin after dl the appropriate file to MS DOS
partition. However, I am still having trouble, however, the trouble seems to
be different then the trouble I was having with the kernel on the 2.0 cd.

When loadlin launches linux, things seem to go along OK, until I get this

Partition check:
 hda hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 >
VFS: Cannot open root device 08:02
Kernel panic VFS: Unable to mount root rs on 08:02

If someone could explain the meaning of this message I'd appreciate it.
Note: I have / partition at hda6 already configured.


Re: hiding sterr

1999-02-16 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 02/16/99 at 16:58:42, tracheotomy bob wrote concerning "hiding sterr":
> Hi all
>   How do I hide error messages displaying on the console? I'm trying
> to set up IPX and whenever I get it wrong the screen is flooded with 
> error messages I don't know how to redirect them to either a file or
> /dev/null. Any suggestions would be helpful
> thanks

"man bash", then type "/Redirection" 

snip follows, may not be exactly the snip you're looking for:

   Redirecting Standard Output and Standard Error
   Bash  allows  both the standard output (file descriptor 1)
   and the standard error output (file descriptor  2)  to  be
   redirected to the file whose name is the expansion of word
   with this construct.

   There are two formats for redirecting standard output  and
   standard error:


   Of  the two forms, the first is preferred.  This is seman­
   tically equivalent to

  >word 2>&1

so "command &>/dev/null"  will redirect both stdout and stderr;
"command 2>/dev/null" will redirect stderr only.

Pastor Jesse Jacobsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP public key at
or through the keyserver at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Best partitioning scheme?

1999-02-16 Thread Kent West
At 02:30 PM 2/16/1999 -0600, Kent West wrote:
>I just inherited a machine with 4 SCSI drives, 2GB each. It'll be a
>Micro$oft-free zone. It'll be an a LAN with several of us technicians (7 or
>so) having access to it for storage of files mostly, so I'm thinking of
>this for the partitioning scheme.

Storage mostly needs to be shared, so I think I need Samba and Netatalk
(see below). So, after getting input from several people, this is how I'm
looking to do things:

Drive 1:
 / = 200MB
 /usr = 1 GB
 /usr/local = 500 MB (is this where stuff like StarOffice, Netscape, WP8
would go?)
 swap = 64 MB
 /var = 100 MB
 /tmp = 100 MB

Drive 2:
 /home = 2 GB less swap (personal storage space for 7 techs or so)
 swap = 64 MB

Drive 3:
 /apple = 2 GB less swap (netatalk storage space for Mac software)
 swap = 64 MB

Drive 4:
 /pc = 2GB less swap (samba storage space for PC software)
 swap = 64 MB

How does this sound? Again, thanks!


1999-02-16 Thread David Webster
Hate to sound stupid but just what is TeTex? What is it used for?

Adaptec 7770?

1999-02-16 Thread Joao Paulo Figueiredo


I'm tryng to install Debian 2.0.34 on a HP LM server with a Adaptec 7770
built-in board. When I trie to install it gives me an error like the following:

No BIOS32 Extensions. This driver depends on it...

And then he crash, dumping all the core image (if it is usefull I will post it).
I search "everywhere" for a such error but I couldn't find something similiar...

I'm using Adaptec AIC-7770 Bios v2.11 S3

Thanks for your help,

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Peter Paluch wrote:
> The problem is that there are enough office packages with very interesting
> features, but they are simply not usable everywhere. If someone is doing
> some program (like word processor) under XWindow, why doesn't he make it
> locale-compliant, as every proper program should be done? I think if someone
> is going to make something, then he should do it either perfectly (at least
> try to do it so) or not at all. A half-done work is only problematic.

Well it is not only the problem with Slovak. I have similar problems with
Polish. Most editors and drawing programs do not use locale at all.
I had to use different tricks to force them to accept Polish codes
from the keyboard, another tricks to display Polish characters, and yet
another to get them printed :-(.
  I think that the situation will not improve until more Linux developers
are interested in using characters not included in ISO-8859-1.
  So this is the job for us - people from Eastern Europe...
  The another solution could be to use Unicode (M$W95 does it!), but I'm
afraid we have to wait for it a few years (at least :-).
Wojtek Zabolotny


1999-02-16 Thread Tony Schonfeld
Hello Everybody ,

i need to found a package in Debian who can provide a solid 
firewall easy to setup.

Any idea ? 
Thanks per advance for reply

Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Phone: (33) 0610104815

Re: Best partitioning scheme?

1999-02-16 Thread Helge Hafting

> I just inherited a machine with 4 SCSI drives, 2GB each. It'll be a
> Micro$oft-free zone. It'll be an a LAN with several of us technicians (7 or
> so) having access to it for storage of files mostly, so I'm thinking of
> this for the partitioning scheme.
> Drive 1:
>   200 MB = /
I have 30M for root.  200M should definitely be enough.
>   1.8 GB  = /usr
Fine.  /usr tends to get big.
> Drive 2:
>   1.5 GB = /var
Depends on how you'll use the machine.
I have 46M /var (home machine) You may need a lot more than that if you're 
planning on big mail/news/printer spools, huge log files etc.
>64 MB = swap
With 4 scsi drives, put a little swap on each.  Swap will
then spread evenly among them, giving up to 4 times as fast swap.
Well, don't put swap partitions on a drives that you expect to
be heavily used, i.e. your storage partitions.
>the rest = /tmp
> Drive 3 and Drive 4: /home
> So here's my two questions: 
>   1) Does this sound like a reasonable paritioning scheme (I'm a newbie, so
> I really don't know).
Looks ok.  Nothing crazy there. :-)
>   2) How do I spread /home across two drives?
The easy way is to make one /home and the other /home2
Then make half of the user directories on /home
softlinks to directories on /home2 instead.  Or even
better, just give some users a home directory on /home2 instead.

The advanced way is to make a raid-0 array of the two drives.
This will give you a single 4G /home.  This will also be faster.
Experiment with different block sizes while setting up the array,
if you want maximum speed from your RAID.  Different controllers
and drives have different optimum sizes.

Helge Hafting

Re: Best partitioning scheme?

1999-02-16 Thread Michael Procario

The /var looks large unless you are running servers that keep their files 
The mail spools are in /var and the web server can be configured to keep files 
there. On my machine which is a single user desktop which does run a mail 
server I have 26 currently MB in my /var directory.  I use procmail to my mail 
out the spool and into my home directory automatically.

You cannot spread /home across two partitions unless you use raid. You could 
create /home and /home2 and then symlink all directories on /home2 to appear 
on /home.

There is no magic partitioning scheme. You have to think about what you will 
be storing and allow room for it. I like a /usr/local partition so my hand 
installed code is separate from the system installed code. I can wipe out
my /usr partition such as when I went from Redhat to Debian without harming my 
local installs.



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  "Another casualty of applied metaphysics"

Re: SCSI errors on Install

1999-02-16 Thread Kent West
At 04:02 PM 2/16/1999 -0500, Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Kent West wrote:
>> In trying to run INSTALL.BAT off the Cheapbytes hamm CD, it gets to a point
>> where it tries to scan the SCSI bus and it goes into a loop containing the
>> following:
>> This is my first experience with SCSI, so I don't know where to begin.
> First things first: what's the exact model name and number of the SCSI
>card? You need to make sure it's properly supported by Linux.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there any particular reason I was too stupid to write that down when I
had the case open? I wrote down everything else

Oh well, according to the Ctrl-A setup screen, it's an Adaptec AHA-2940
Ultra/Ultra W.

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread John Goerzen
On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 09:23:34AM +1300, David Zanetti wrote:

> That is, until it dselect comes along an upgrades the X servers :(
> Several times already my 3.3.3 SVGA server has been nuked by dselect,
> and 3.3.2 doesn't support my TNT board :(

This would imply that you're using 3.3.3 debs for X, which are not available

I would suggest that you download your own version and stick it in
/usr/local/bin, and set /etc/X11/Xserver to use that file.

> David Zanetti, Unix System Administrator, Information Technology Group
> Wellington City Council, New Zealand. Phone x3354 or 04 801 3354
> The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential
> and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not
> disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are
> asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your
> assistance is appreciated.

This doesn't make a lot of sense, considering that this list is public with
thousands of subscribers and web-based archives mirrored around the world,
with news gateways and corresponding archives there.

Re: slink=frozen still??

1999-02-16 Thread Ed Cogburn
Ken Long wrote:
> Hi there.  I'm curious about something.
> When is the target for slink to be released now??
> Looking back, I see that it was officially frozen on November 4th and the
> information on the web page states a target date of sometime in December of
> 1998 for release.  Well, it's February of 1999 now and it's been frozen
> for 3.5 months (nearly a third of a year) and I still see no mention of it
> ever being released.  Is anyone still working on this or have all the
> developers moved on to potato and forgotten about slink?
> You know, from an outside viewpoint, looking at the annouce list, it seems
> to me like people are more worried with constitutions and logos and press
> than with putting out software!   Shoot - missed deadlines and playing
> politics insteadwhat is this?  Microsoft??  ;)
> -Ken

Slink will be released when slink is ready, and no sooner.  The
developers give out an estimated guess of when a dist will be
released because otherwise everyone bugs them about it.  Its just
a guess though.

The issue of the developers moving to potato before finishing
slink may be a valid question though.  I believe this has come up
on debian-user before.

Ed C.

Re: dmesg: What file?

1999-02-16 Thread Frozen Rose

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sebastian Canagaratna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi:  I was under the impression that the command dmesg
>just typed out the contents of /var/log/kern.log. This
>does not seem to be true. What is the file which dmesg
>is displaying?

I believe the kernel keeps a circular message buffer, and dmesg prints
out that. Some of the messages that go to the ring buffer also go to
/var/log/kern.log of course, so there is some overlap. However, istr
that in the default syslog setup, debug messages aren't logged so you
will see extra ones from dmesg.

Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
almost called it today, turned to face the void along with the suffering
and the question- "Why am I?"  [queensrÿche]

Re: SCSI errors on Install

1999-02-16 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Kent West wrote:

> In trying to run INSTALL.BAT off the Cheapbytes hamm CD, it gets to a point
> where it tries to scan the SCSI bus and it goes into a loop containing the
> following:
> This is my first experience with SCSI, so I don't know where to begin.

 First things first: what's the exact model name and number of the SCSI
card? You need to make sure it's properly supported by Linux.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "Una saus victus nullam sperare salutem." - The one hope of the damned
   is not to hope for safety.

Re: running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite

1999-02-16 Thread Frozen Rose

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Kenneth F. Ryder III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[exim in inetd.conf]

>smtp   stream   tcpnowait   root   /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim -bs 

I've got:

smtp stream tcp nowait mail /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim -bs

i.e. I run exim as user "mail" rather than as root... (well, it works,
so I assume it's ok, and the less daemons running as root the

>I allowed smtp calls to port 25, fixed the problem (and I believe this is
>the secure and proper way to do this {yes/no?}) So what's the deal?  (I
>included some details about my system at the bottom of this letter that may

My /etc/hosts.allow includes:

ALL: LOCAL .sinshack

So, tcp wrappers will allow incoming connections from hostnames with
only one element (this is secure?) such as "localhost", hosts in my
local private network "sinshack", and from "" (my
Demon hostname).

Further, smtp connects are allowed from my ISP.


Everything else is a no-no :}

Sorry I can't help you with Exim's address rewriting, that's way over
my head...

Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
there's something cold in the way you touch me
it's just the feeling you'd be better without me  [mesh]

New Dual Mount Copy Holder by Rubbermaid

1999-02-16 Thread remove

Amazing new copy holder can be mounted directly on your computer monitor or it 
can be used freestanding.  Unique design is specifically engineered to increase 
your efficiency while reducing eye strain, stress, and fatigue.

Quality Rubbermaid features include adjustable viewing positions, non-glare 
surface, spring load paper clamp and detachable line guide.  Folds flat for 
easy out-of-the-way storage.

This isn't a cheap clip on, but a full platform copy holder.

Special internet savings click here and save over $20 
from comparable models.

Sender:  Robert Craig Corp.
Phone:   1-800-890-7510
  To be removed from future service notifications reply to: 

Emerge Corporate Email System for Windows 95/98/NT.
   *** Evaluation version ***
 Copyright (c) 1994-99 EOL Corporation.

Re: deb. kernel patch

1999-02-16 Thread Ed Cogburn
ktb wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for debinized kernel patches for my 2.0.34 kernel.  I've
> been looking at the Debian ftp site and can't find anything.  Maybe what
> I'm looking for isn't there.  Where can I find them?  In general how do
> you ever find anything at an ftp site?  Isn't there a list of the paths
> to what you are looking for somewhere?  Sorry if my last couple
> questions aren't Debian specific but I have never used ftp except a
> couple times, mostly because I can never find anything.
> Thanks,
> Kent

I've never seen any of the patch files in debianized form.  This
issue came up recently with a discussion of the size of 2.2.1
kernel (13meg).
I do remember using the standard patch files released by Linus,
on the debianized kernel-source packages (2.0.x).  So you should
be able to do that.  Linus is close to releasing 2.2.2 so we will
find out soon whether this can be done with the 2.2.x series as
Ed C.

Re: dmesg: What file?

1999-02-16 Thread Remco van de Meent
Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
> Hi:  I was under the impression that the command dmesg just typed out the
> contents of /var/log/kern.log. This does not seem to be true. What is the
> file which dmesg is displaying?

It uses the klogd to display the information (kernel log daemon). Try
strace/ltrace'ing dmesg for example.


Re: Installazione di Debian

1999-02-16 Thread Ed Cogburn
Marco Frattola wrote:
> Come si esegue la partizione del disco rigido, senza cancellare dati utili
> gia' residenti?
> Grazie mille,
> Un nuovo utente di Linux Debian un po' confuso.
> fabio, questa mailing list e' internzionale ed e' obbligo e cortesia
> usare l'inglese
> translation of user question for non-italian speaker:
> how do i repartition my hard disk, without losing data alerady there?
> thanks a lot
> a new debian user, a bit confused

Generally, you can't change your partition structure without
losing the data on the hard drive.  You'll need to backup your
current hard drive contents (Win95/8?), and then modify the
partition structure to add at least two new partitions (one for
Linux ext2, one for Linux swap).
If your drive currently has only one partition for
DOS/Win95/Win98, you can use a program called 'fips' to shrink the
size of your current dos/win partition and make room for Linux
partitions.  This will take a bit of work; you'll need to mess
around with Win95/8 to get it to defrag your current partition and
move some of the files that Win deliberately puts at the end of
the partition.  'fips' should be found on almost all Linux
distributions, often in a 'utility' dir on the CDROM.  You can get
it from the web too.

Ed C.

Error Installin XBase

1999-02-16 Thread Daniel . Farmer
 When i run dpkg on the xbase_3_3_2_3-2.deb file i receive the 
 following error:
 can not create symbolic link '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc' to 
 '../../../doc/X11': no such file or directory
 Any one have any guesses.  I've installed xlib6g_3_3_2_3-2.deb and 
 other required packages O.K..  
 Thanks for any help!
 Dan Farmer

SCSI errors on Install

1999-02-16 Thread Kent West
In trying to run INSTALL.BAT off the Cheapbytes hamm CD, it gets to a point
where it tries to scan the SCSI bus and it goes into a loop containing the

SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
SCSI host 0 channel 0 reset (pid 0) timed out - trying harder
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
(scsi0;-1:-1:-1) Bad scbptr 255 during SELTO.
(scsi0:-1:-1:-1) Referenced SCB 255 not valid during SELTO.
SCSISEQ = 0x0 SEQADDR = 0x0 SSTAT0 = 0x5 SSTAT1 = 0x88

The drives worked fine on the NT system that was there just an hour ago
(since wiped in favor of a DOS 6.22 install). The drives 1 & 2 (currently
formatted as FAT) seem to work in DOS (I believe 3 & 4 are still NTFS
formatted; at any rate they're not currently readable by DOS, but I believe
they would be if they were FAT formatted).

This is my first experience with SCSI, so I don't know where to begin.


RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Person, Roderick
I thought this was the case, that Linux did need the Bios. I know that my
BIOS isn't read the drive correctly. In fact it does even reach a GB when I
put the C/H/S in the setup. Which is why I assumed the the Kernal did not
read beyond 6.0GB. So Now I'm back to it's a problem with the drive

> --
> From: David Zanetti[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 3:34 PM
> To:   'Person, Roderick'
> Cc:   ''
> Subject:  RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> I've never had any such problems with both of my 6.4 Western Digital's,
> both the 36400 and the 26400. I'd check they're being picked up
> correctly by the probing (ie, C/H/S).. Other than that I'd look at BIOS
> issues, but I seem to recall Linux doesn't use the BIOSes idea of drives
> for a lot...
> David Zanetti, Unix System Administrator, Information Technology Group
> Wellington City Council, New Zealand. Phone x3354 or 04 801 3354
> The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential
> and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended
> recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not
> disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are
> asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your
> assistance is appreciated.
> > -Original Message-
> > From:   Person, Roderick [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent:   Wednesday, 17 February 1999 05:33
> > To: ''; Person, Roderick; 'Lewis, James
> > M. '
> > Cc: recipient list not shown
> > Subject:RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> > 
> > I don't think this is the case since this the drive is a Western
> > Digital
> > 26400 Caviar and it does report 6GB excatly it reports 6.14...GB
> > 
> > > --
> > > From: Lewis, James M. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:56 AM
> > > To:   ''; 'Person, Roderick'
> > > Cc:   'The recipient's address is unknown.'
> > > Subject:  RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> > > 
> > > Just a guess.  I think it sees the whole thing.  Disk drive makers
> > > sometimes use 1000bytes as 1k, whereas, most folks use 1024.  The
> > disk
> > > folks think 1,000,000,000 bytes is 1G.  Others think 1,073,741,824
> > bytes
> > > is 1G.  6 x 1G = 6,442,459,944 bytes.  Which 6.4G if you use the
> > 1000
> > > for 1k base.  It depends on which def of 1k you use.  I suspect the
> > > linux utilities use 1024=1k.  Read the fine print to see what the
> > drive
> > > manufacturer uses for 1k.
> > > 
> > > jim
> > > 
> > > >--
> > > >From:Person, Roderick[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >Sent:Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:28 AM
> > > >To:  ''
> > > >Cc:  The recipient's address is unknown.
> > > >Subject: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> > > >
> > > >I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which
> > Kernal do I
> > > >need to get the full access
> > > >
> > > >Thanks.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >-- 
> > > >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
> > > >/dev/null
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > < /dev/null

RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread David Zanetti
I've never had any such problems with both of my 6.4 Western Digital's,
both the 36400 and the 26400. I'd check they're being picked up
correctly by the probing (ie, C/H/S).. Other than that I'd look at BIOS
issues, but I seem to recall Linux doesn't use the BIOSes idea of drives
for a lot...

David Zanetti, Unix System Administrator, Information Technology Group
Wellington City Council, New Zealand. Phone x3354 or 04 801 3354

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential
and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not
disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are
asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your
assistance is appreciated.

> -Original Message-
> From: Person, Roderick [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 1999 05:33
> To:   ''; Person, Roderick; 'Lewis, James
> M. '
> Cc:   recipient list not shown
> Subject:  RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> I don't think this is the case since this the drive is a Western
> Digital
> 26400 Caviar and it does report 6GB excatly it reports 6.14...GB
> > --
> > From:   Lewis, James M. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent:   Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:56 AM
> > To: ''; 'Person, Roderick'
> > Cc: 'The recipient's address is unknown.'
> > Subject:RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> > 
> > Just a guess.  I think it sees the whole thing.  Disk drive makers
> > sometimes use 1000bytes as 1k, whereas, most folks use 1024.  The
> disk
> > folks think 1,000,000,000 bytes is 1G.  Others think 1,073,741,824
> bytes
> > is 1G.  6 x 1G = 6,442,459,944 bytes.  Which 6.4G if you use the
> 1000
> > for 1k base.  It depends on which def of 1k you use.  I suspect the
> > linux utilities use 1024=1k.  Read the fine print to see what the
> drive
> > manufacturer uses for 1k.
> > 
> > jim
> > 
> > >--
> > >From:  Person, Roderick[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Sent:  Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:28 AM
> > >To:''
> > >Cc:The recipient's address is unknown.
> > >Subject:   Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> > >
> > >I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which
> Kernal do I
> > >need to get the full access
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >
> > >-- 
> > >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
> > >/dev/null
> > >
> > >
> > 
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> < /dev/null


1999-02-16 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

KDE won't run
I'have installed:

qt 1.42
qt1g-dev(dselect, from contrib)
libjpegg-dev(dselect, from binary)
KDE (dselect, from contrib and non-free)

this is what I get (example)

kaudioserver: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object  no such file or directory

and so on, and so on.

what did I do wrong or what do I miss !


Best partitioning scheme?

1999-02-16 Thread Kent West
I just inherited a machine with 4 SCSI drives, 2GB each. It'll be a
Micro$oft-free zone. It'll be an a LAN with several of us technicians (7 or
so) having access to it for storage of files mostly, so I'm thinking of
this for the partitioning scheme.

Drive 1:
  200 MB = /
  1.8 GB  = /usr

Drive 2:
  1.5 GB = /var
   64 MB = swap
   the rest = /tmp

Drive 3 and Drive 4: /home

So here's my two questions: 
  1) Does this sound like a reasonable paritioning scheme (I'm a newbie, so
I really don't know).
  2) How do I spread /home across two drives?


Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Remco van de Meent
David Zanetti wrote:
> That is, until it dselect comes along an upgrades the X servers :(
> Several times already my 3.3.3 SVGA server has been nuked by dselect,
> and 3.3.2 doesn't support my TNT board :(

An easy fix of course is to put your new (3.3.3) server in
/usr/local/X11/bin or something like that, and have /etc/X11/Xserver point
to that location. In that case, dpkg won't overwrite it.


RE: Acroread plugin crashes Netscape-4.5-libc6

1999-02-16 Thread David Zanetti
On a related note, the normal acrobat reader dies horribly under slink
for me. Probably libraries, but as it's closed source I can't recompile
it.. *curses quietly*

David Zanetti, Unix System Administrator, Information Technology Group
Wellington City Council, New Zealand. Phone x3354 or 04 801 3354

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential
and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not
disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are
asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your
assistance is appreciated.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 1999 03:53
> To:
> Cc:   recipient list not shown
> Subject:  Acroread plugin crashes Netscape-4.5-libc6
> Has anyone had any luck getting the Acrobat reader plugin to work in
> Netscape-4.5-libc6 packages?  Without fail it crashes netscape.
> Thanks, 
> -- 
> Brian 
> -
> "Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
>  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
>  - unknown  
> Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purdue University
> -
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> < /dev/null

RE: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread David Zanetti
That is, until it dselect comes along an upgrades the X servers :(

Several times already my 3.3.3 SVGA server has been nuked by dselect,
and 3.3.2 doesn't support my TNT board :(

David Zanetti, Unix System Administrator, Information Technology Group
Wellington City Council, New Zealand. Phone x3354 or 04 801 3354

The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential
and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are asked to respect that confidentiality and not
disclose, copy or make use of its contents. If received in error you are
asked to destroy this email and contact the sender immediately. Your
assistance is appreciated.

> -Original Message-
> From: Remco van de Meent [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 1999 00:00
> To:   Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329
> Cc:   recipient list not shown
> Subject:  Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.
> Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329 wrote:
> > Does anyone know if XFree86 is 3.3.3.x is avaliable in deb format
> > anywhere?  Or when we will have one avaliable?
> It will not be in the distribution till the maintainer of the X11
> Debian
> packages feels comfortable about the current (3.3.2) packages.
> Anyways, if you need specific support for a chipset, which is
> supported in
> 3.3.3 though not in 3.3.2, you're encouraged to download just the
> binary
> X/Windows server from an mirror. Adjust /etc/X11/Xserver
> and
> your 3.3.2 X/Windows systsem will work together with your 3.3.3
> server.
> HTH,
>  -Remco
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> < /dev/null

Re: GUI stuff

1999-02-16 Thread Kirk Hogenson
David Webster wrote:
> I am wanting to start some GUI development but I am having a hard time
> figuring out just what the GUI development is?  I see that the GTK
> libaraires are the base C++ GUI class libraries, but I also see stuff
> like Gnome and qt* and Glib, and other stuff.

Gnome is based on the GTK toolkit.   Glib is a part of GTK, and
isn't related to GUI stuff, its got linked-lists and whatnot.
GTK is a GUI toolkit for C.

Qt is a C++ library.  (No wrappers that I know of -- it is much
harder to "wrap" an OO-library, unless you're wrapping in another
OO language...)

Gnome is not a GUI library, its a whole integrated desktop system.
So is KDE.  KDE uses Qt is its GUI toolkit.

> Is there any online
> documentation that sorts all this stuff out?  

You can try, which lists a dizzying
array of GUI tools.  

You will also find a huge repository of useful programming info (not 
just GUI) at  (It isn't 
organized by tool type, so you'll have to click on the language you 
like, and look for GUI tools there.)

> What are the compliments
> in the Linux/X11 world to MFC/IOCL in the Win32 world?  What about
> resource editors and stuff like that???

There is no "standard" GUI toolkit for Linux.  Motif used to be
standard (for UNIX in general), but that was only because it was the 
only one around.  Since it is a commercial product and began to stale, 
eventually alternatives began to emerge.  Now, you have many to choose 

Here is a short list, to get you started.

- GTK (C)
  - Best choice if you want to program in C.  Basis of Gnome.
Wrappers exist for many other languages, for example GTK-- is
a C++ wrapper.

- wxWindows (C++)
  - This one is my favorite.  Quite mature.
  - It's a cross-platform tool, and the one for Linux is based
on top of GTK.
  - The main page is at
  - The GTK version's page is at

- V (C++)
  - Simpler than wxWindows, easier to learn.  I've only experimented 
with it briefly, but it seems pretty nice if your needs are modest.

- Qt (C++)
  - Troll Tech's infamous library.  Basis for the KDE project.
I personally have never used it, but I gather it is very nice
(though C++ purists dislike some of their design choices!)

- There is a MFC port to Linux, I believe, though I don't know anything
  about and I do not want to know.

- Java's AWT (Java)
  - The AWT is getting better.  "Write once, debug everywhere!"

- YACL (C++)
  - I've heard good things about this, but never used it or even
read much about it.

That's only a start, though I think I got most of the "popular"
GUI toolkits for Linux.  

I'd recommend wxWindows if you will be programming in C++, or maybe V.  
Both exist as Debian packages, though a new major version of wxWindows 
(2.0) will soon be released.  I expect it will be debianized soon after.  
(If not, maybe I will do it!)  Qt is also .deb'ed, and is coincidentally 
also approaching 2.0.

I hope this clears things up rather than making it more confusing...


Re: slink=frozen still??

1999-02-16 Thread servis
*- On 16 Feb, Ken Long wrote about "slink=frozen still??"
> Hi there.  I'm curious about something.
> When is the target for slink to be released now??

> Looking back, I see that it was officially frozen on November 4th and the
> information on the web page states a target date of sometime in December of
> 1998 for release.  Well, it's February of 1999 now and it's been frozen 
> for 3.5 months (nearly a third of a year) and I still see no mention of it
> ever being released.  Is anyone still working on this or have all the
> developers moved on to potato and forgotten about slink? 
> You know, from an outside viewpoint, looking at the annouce list, it seems
> to me like people are more worried with constitutions and logos and press
> than with putting out software!   Shoot - missed deadlines and playing
> politics insteadwhat is this?  Microsoft??  ;)
> -Ken

I hope you have good quality asbestos suit.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Strange 'find' result

1999-02-16 Thread Johann Spies
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:

> In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
> > Can somebody explain this to me?
> > 
> > $ find /cdrom -iname wx*
> > $ find /cdrom -iname wxx*
> > /cdrom/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/libs/wxxt1_1.66d-2.deb
> > 
> > Why does the first 'find' query give no results?
> Are you quoting the argument to avoid shell expansion?
> $ find /cdrom -iname 'wx*'

No.  I just did it as it was printed above.

Today is another day.  I did the same thing and here is the result:
(I was in my home directory as I was yesterday)

[EMAIL PROTECTED](8)$ find /cdrom -iname wx*
find: paths must precede expression
Usage: find [path...] [expression]
[EMAIL PROTECTED](10)$ find /cdrom -iname wx*

Anyhow, it is not a problem for me.  I was just curious on why the strange
result.  Now I am wondering why I did not get the same result today?

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to 
  become the sons of God, even to them that believe on 
  his name"John 1:12 

Re: Floppy Drive Alignment Software

1999-02-16 Thread Stephen P. Ryan
On 16 Feb, Person, Roderick wrote:
> Hi All,
> My 3.5 floppy is out of alignment, I know for other OSs there is software to
> help you align your drive is there any for Debian or Linux in general.
> thanks 
> Rod
Alignment?  Are you sure?  I thought that alignment problems needed an
oscilloscope or at the least an expensive specially-made floppy. 
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've never seen such a program for Linux.
Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

Pop authentication from a Netware server?

1999-02-16 Thread Dale E. Martin

Hello.  I've almost convinced a company to use a Linux box for mail service 
on their network of 15 workstations.  They're running Novell 5 as their
main network OS.

What I've proposed to them is to install a Linux box to connect to their
dual ISDN Internet connection, and to run their mail service from the Linux 
box.  Essentially I just plan on popping mail from the Linux box to
whatever mail client they want to use.

What I would like to avoid is separate passwords for email and for logging
into the network.  Any ideas on how to achieve this?  I've noticed that
there's a pam module for Netware - is qpopper capable of using that module?

Thanks for _any_ insight,
+- pgp key available --+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

Re: "green" linux user needs CRON clarification

1999-02-16 Thread sawitt

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, William Schwartz wrote:

> There is a filed called "crontab" in the "etc" directory. That is my "system
> wide" crontab. This file I am able to edit and modify...
> then there are crontab files in the "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" directory
> that are to be edited with the crontab command...
> The "crontab" file in the "etc" directory has a parameter called "user". and
> I use it to specify "root" because I need to schedule a job as root...
> I guess my question is: what is the difference between the two? and which
> one should I use? I need a program to run every 5 minutes to do some
> polling. and I want it to happen 24/7.

I would accomplish this using the crontab command. crontab allows a user
to access cron by manipulating (creating, listing, removing) crontab
files. For example, at home I set up a crontab file to get my email from
my ISP using fetchmail. I create a file in my account that is in the
crontab format and then use the command 'crontab cronfile' (where
'cronfile' is the aformentioned crontab file) to create the crontab file
and therefore have cron operate on it.

For system wide things, I've done the same thing as root. I'm not sure
that this is "the right way" but it works just fine. This seems more
straightforward to me than modifying the crontab files in the system,
mostly because I like to set things up so that upgrading a distribution
doesn't wipe out any changes I have made to the system files. I've never
modified the system crontab files and have been able to do whatever I
wanted to cron. However, I'm less sure that this is "a bad thing" because
some packages do exactly this when they are installed.

Hope this helps a little...

slink=frozen still??

1999-02-16 Thread Ken Long

Hi there.  I'm curious about something.

When is the target for slink to be released now??

Looking back, I see that it was officially frozen on November 4th and the
information on the web page states a target date of sometime in December of
1998 for release.  Well, it's February of 1999 now and it's been frozen 
for 3.5 months (nearly a third of a year) and I still see no mention of it
ever being released.  Is anyone still working on this or have all the
developers moved on to potato and forgotten about slink? 

You know, from an outside viewpoint, looking at the annouce list, it seems
to me like people are more worried with constitutions and logos and press
than with putting out software!   Shoot - missed deadlines and playing
politics insteadwhat is this?  Microsoft??  ;)


Re: changing timezone

1999-02-16 Thread Matthew Myers
use tzconfig

Pollywog wrote:
> I must have goofed when I set my timezone during Debian installation.  Is
> there a way to change this?
> Thanks
> --
> Andrew
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Matthew D. Myers

Catch me after work, I'll buy you a beer.
- HL's Barney

Installazione di Debian

1999-02-16 Thread Marco Frattola
Come si esegue la partizione del disco rigido, senza cancellare dati utili
gia' residenti?
Grazie mille,

Un nuovo utente di Linux Debian un po' confuso.

fabio, questa mailing list e' internzionale ed e' obbligo e cortesia
usare l'inglese

translation of user question for non-italian speaker:

how do i repartition my hard disk, without losing data alerady there?
thanks a lot

a new debian user, a bit confused

|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED] "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!


1999-02-16 Thread John Greer
i have icewm and dfm running on my system at home and i am now 
trying to get DFM set up so that when I view a directory I can assign 
icons to files depending on the icon.  The man page for DFM tells 
how to do this using a .dfmext file in my home directory but when I 
do this all of the icons disappear- system ones and the ones I 
define.  Does anyone have any clues to how to do this???



changing timezone

1999-02-16 Thread Pollywog
I must have goofed when I set my timezone during Debian installation.  Is
there a way to change this? 



GUI stuff

1999-02-16 Thread David Webster
I am wanting to start some GUI development but I am having a hard time
figuring out just what the GUI development is?  I see that the GTK
libaraires are the base C++ GUI class libraries, but I also see stuff
like Gnome and qt* and Glib, and other stuff.  Is there any online
documentation that sorts all this stuff out?  What are the compliments
in the Linux/X11 world to MFC/IOCL in the Win32 world?  What about
resource editors and stuff like that???

Re: hiding sterr

1999-02-16 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, tracheotomy bob wrote:

> Hi all
>   How do I hide error messages displaying on the console? I'm trying
> to set up IPX and whenever I get it wrong the screen is flooded with 
> error messages I don't know how to redirect them to either a file or
> /dev/null. Any suggestions would be helpful

foobar 2>> /dev/null IIRC (it might be 1)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: accessing debian from an hpterm

1999-02-16 Thread Carl Johnson
Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have an HP-UX workstation where I work; if I connect to my Debian box
> using an hpterm window, the terminal emulation is appalling. 
> Arrow keys don't work for command line history (but it looks like hpterm isn't
> actually sending anything to the telnet session; and I don't use the arrow
> keys normally in an hpterm because the only decent shell on our system
> is ksh with vi editing :-)

I think that default for HP terms is that arrow keys only work locally and
don't send anything back to the computer.

> Also, ls thinks it can do colour, which doesn't work. Any program which
> sets bold ends up setting reverse video instead.
> I copied the hp-ux (10.20) terminfo definition across but it didn't help.
> Works okay if I use an xterm on HP-UX, but I prefer hpterms. Anyone?

I never found anything that properly emulated an HP terminal, outside
of HP itself and WRQ products.  The design philosophy behind HP
terminals is completely different than that of most other terminals.
My suspicion is that it is different enough that the code needs to be
specially written to handle it, even while using termcap or terminfo,
but everybody writes for vt100s instead.  I usually ended up using
xterms for the same reasons you mentioned.


deb. kernel patch

1999-02-16 Thread ktb
Hi, I'm looking for debinized kernel patches for my 2.0.34 kernel.  I've
been looking at the Debian ftp site and can't find anything.  Maybe what
I'm looking for isn't there.  Where can I find them?  In general how do
you ever find anything at an ftp site?  Isn't there a list of the paths
to what you are looking for somewhere?  Sorry if my last couple
questions aren't Debian specific but I have never used ftp except a
couple times, mostly because I can never find anything.

Re: trouble booting from CD

1999-02-16 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999 12:34:12 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>However, at this point, the machine hangs. Is there anything I can do to get
>around this problem? (I tried Loadln with the file from the cd and got the
>same results.)

Obviously you don't have a problem booting from CD, but you have a problem with 
THAT particular kernel. Try a different kernel. I *think* there is a special 
kernel for laptops (it might be on the source code CD, which is also bootable.)


Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!

Re: slink install messed up hamm partition

1999-02-16 Thread John Hasler
John Bagdanoff writes:
> That was a stock 0setserial, just with the change to irq3 as I mentioned
> before.  When I updated packages from slink, setserial (_2.14-3) was one
> that I upgraded to.  So I reverted to the hamm setserial (_2.12-6) and
> now the change to irq3 stays permanent.  I didn't upgrade the kernel, I'm
> still running Linux version 2.0.34, so maybe they're not compatable?

I don't think so.  It might be a bug in the setserial package.

I wrote:
> BTW do you really have a 16450?

John Bagdanoff writes:
> probably, but I couldn't prove it

Run 'setserial /dev/ttyS2 autoconfig ^auto_irq' and then run 
'setserial /dev/ttyS2' and see what UART the kernel thinks you  have.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

trouble booting from CD

1999-02-16 Thread smarks

I have a ThinkPad 600. I can boot from the 2.0 CD OK.
I hit return to begin install.
Loading root.bin
goes by ok.

Next I see:

Loading Linux..

That seems to complete, as the cursor moves to the next line.
However, at this point, the machine hangs. Is there anything I can do to get
around this problem? (I tried Loadln with the file from the cd and got the
same results.)

Thanks in advance.


Re: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread homega
Lewis, James M.  dixit:
> Just a guess.  I think it sees the whole thing.  Disk drive makers
> sometimes use 1000bytes as 1k, whereas, most folks use 1024.  The disk
> folks think 1,000,000,000 bytes is 1G.  Others think 1,073,741,824 bytes
> is 1G.  6 x 1G = 6,442,459,944 bytes.  Which 6.4G if you use the 1000
> for 1k base.  It depends on which def of 1k you use.  I suspect the
> linux utilities use 1024=1k.  Read the fine print to see what the drive
> manufacturer uses for 1k.

I've experienced the same with a supposedly ~4.3GB seagate, which both the
BIOS and Linux read as 4.1GB... your guess makes a lot of sense, and its
consequence is that we're being fooled by HDD manufacturers.

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: filename conversion

1999-02-16 Thread servis
*- On 16 Feb, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about "filename conversion"
> hello everyone,
>   i just uploaded some 800++ files to my debian box (from a windoze box) and 
> found out that all filenames had been transformed to their uppercase 
> equivalent ...
>   anybody knows how do i convert all these files back to their lowercase 
> equivalent while keeping the numbers and the dots intact ?
> TIA,
> chad

Install the mmv package and read the man page, then issue the command:

mmv -n '*' '#l1'

which will show you what it will do without actually doing it(-n
option). If it is doing what you want then remove the -n and run it.

As an example:

%mmv -n '*' '#l1'
AMM.M -> amm.m
PROP_IN.M -> prop_in.m
STARTP.M -> startp.m

%mmv -v '*' '#l1'
AMM.M -> amm.m : done
PROP_IN.M -> prop_in.m : done
STARTP.M -> startp.m : done

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Person, Roderick
If I get what your saying here. Linux does report the correct heads,sectors,
cylinders as the manufacture claims are on the disk. But it only reports
6.1GB FDISK  sees only this too.


> --
> From: Philippe Andersson[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 12:00 PM
> To:   Debian User mailing list
> Subject:  Re: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> Hi folks,
> I may be missing the point here, but it looks to me that if you use the
> hdparm utility (DOS utility - you'll have to put it on a DOS boot
> floppy) to check the drive geometry as reported by the BIOS, then go to
> Linux and check that fdisk uses the same geometry parameters, you can
> verify that your linux isn't missing any part of your disk. Right ?
> Hope this helps.
> Ph. A.
> -- 
>   ///\\\
>/* Scitex Europe, S.A.  | Philippe Andersson   */
>/* Dreve Richelle, 161, E-F,| PC & Network Specialist  */
>/* BELGIUM  | +32-2-352.25.93 Fax: +32-2-352.25.84 */
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

dmesg: What file?

1999-02-16 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
Hi:  I was under the impression that the command dmesg
just typed out the contents of /var/log/kern.log. This
does not seem to be true. What is the file which dmesg
is displaying?

Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry 
Ohio NOrthern University
Ada, OH 45810

Re: Problems compiling Sendmail 8.9.3

1999-02-16 Thread Richard A Nelson
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Matthew Myers wrote:

> When I try to compile Sendmail 8.9.3 with the Berkley DB routines from
>, I get two errors about unresolved externals.  Can someone
> tell me what to try?

My first suggestion (if this is for i386) would be to just get the .deb
and install it.

If you need to compile, get the Debian source package, extract it and
make whatever changes you deem necessary and then use the debian/rules 
file for the build.  If you find you do need to make changes, please
send them and a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rick Nelson

hiding sterr

1999-02-16 Thread tracheotomy bob
Hi all
How do I hide error messages displaying on the console? I'm trying
to set up IPX and whenever I get it wrong the screen is flooded with 
error messages I don't know how to redirect them to either a file or
/dev/null. Any suggestions would be helpful


Re: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Philippe Andersson
Hi folks,

I may be missing the point here, but it looks to me that if you use the
hdparm utility (DOS utility - you'll have to put it on a DOS boot
floppy) to check the drive geometry as reported by the BIOS, then go to
Linux and check that fdisk uses the same geometry parameters, you can
verify that your linux isn't missing any part of your disk. Right ?

Hope this helps.

Ph. A.

   /* Scitex Europe, S.A.  | Philippe Andersson   */
   /* Dreve Richelle, 161, E-F,| PC & Network Specialist  */
   /* BELGIUM  | +32-2-352.25.93 Fax: +32-2-352.25.84 */

Weird memory allocate problem

1999-02-16 Thread Chris Kaltwasser
Hello -

I've been running Debian 2.0 on an HP Brio, PMMX166, 16 M RAM.  This
morning I was greeted by a bizarre message when I tried to log in at the
console -- some of the messages flashed by too quickly b/c mingetty cleared
the screen, but there was a memory error for crypt, and after a few tried
the console was locked out ("respawning too fast") -- OK.  I tried
telnetting to the machine and it wouldn't come up, so I decided the only
thing I knew to do would be to note the problem and restart it and see if
it got better.  Ctrl-alt-del then gave the following errors, which I wrote

/sbin/shutdown: error in loading shared libraries cannot map zero-fill pages: Cannot allocate memory
/sbin/mingetty: error in loading shared libraries

(last two lines repeated to fill most of the screen)

So, I just now power-cycled the machine, and 

I hadn't actually logged onto this machine since last Friday, but another
user was on it yesterday, so I'm not at all sure when the problem could
have started.  I'll have to ask him if he observed any odd behavior
yesterday.  After starting the machine back up just now, it seems to be
operating normally again.  The only log entries for today seem to be from a
cron job (checkerr ran at 6:42 and su'ed to both nobody and mail,
apparently) and to my failed attempt to log onto the machine just now.

I'm left wondering a few things:

(1) Could this be a hardware problem, perhaps with the RAM?  I've had
misbehavior a couple of weeks back related to memory as well -- chmod was
SEGVing and an strace showed it dying in the low-level memory allocation.
Replacing the fileutils package got it working again, but two problems like
this make me really wonder.

(2) Could there be a memory leak or just not enough RAM/swap?  The only
software other than the basics is apache and PHP3, but that should have
been quite idle all night since it's a development machine.

So does anyone here have any ideas?


Chris Kaltwasser[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Director of Online Services   Project Vote Smart
Office: (541) 737-0747   FAX: (541) 737-3701

1-888-VOTE SMART (1-888-868-3762)

Re: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread David B. Teague
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Person, Roderick wrote:

> I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which Kernal do I
> need to get the full access


Are you sure that isn't an "Unformatted size"? I had that happen to me
just recently: My HDD was advertised as a 10.4 gig drive, (they disn't say
unformatted, but that is what it was. linux fdisk sees it as 9.5 gigs.
Formatted capacity. 

Debian Gnu/Linus: Reboots are for hardware upgrades and new kernels.

exmh broken again

1999-02-16 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

grr.  As of yestderday's updates to frozen, exmh seems to be broken
again.  It gives an error of 

invalid command name "Gpg_Init"
while executing
(procedure "Pgp_Init" line 157)
invoked from within
(procedure "Exmh" line 112)
invoked from within
("after" script)

Does anyone know what the fix is?

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Remco van de Meent
Peter Paluch wrote:
> Again - I am terribly sorry if I offended someone. I didn't mean it so,
> indeed. You maybe don't see this event to be so serious than I see it, but
> in fact the present state doesn't allow me to use my native language on
> Linux.

I didn't think you offended someone. At least you didn't offend me :)

It was just that I'm seeing an ongoing stream of rants being thrown at the
Linux community in general about this matter. And I thought this was a good
time to tell the feelings I have about such rants.

Sorry for being somewhat harsh towards you.


RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Person, Roderick
I don't think this is the case since this the drive is a Western Digital
26400 Caviar and it does report 6GB excatly it reports 6.14...GB

> --
> From: Lewis, James M. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:56 AM
> To:   ''; 'Person, Roderick'
> Cc:   'The recipient's address is unknown.'
> Subject:  RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> Just a guess.  I think it sees the whole thing.  Disk drive makers
> sometimes use 1000bytes as 1k, whereas, most folks use 1024.  The disk
> folks think 1,000,000,000 bytes is 1G.  Others think 1,073,741,824 bytes
> is 1G.  6 x 1G = 6,442,459,944 bytes.  Which 6.4G if you use the 1000
> for 1k base.  It depends on which def of 1k you use.  I suspect the
> linux utilities use 1024=1k.  Read the fine print to see what the drive
> manufacturer uses for 1k.
> jim
> >--
> >From:Person, Roderick[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent:Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:28 AM
> >To:  ''
> >Cc:  The recipient's address is unknown.
> >Subject: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
> >
> >I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which Kernal do I
> >need to get the full access
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >
> >-- 
> >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> >/dev/null
> >
> >

filename conversion

1999-02-16 Thread caa
hello everyone,
  i just uploaded some 800++ files to my debian box (from a windoze box) and 
found out that all filenames had been transformed to their uppercase equivalent 
  anybody knows how do i convert all these files back to their lowercase 
equivalent while keeping the numbers and the dots intact ?

X won't load

1999-02-16 Thread Bach, David S
I get the following messages when doing startx:

X: exec of   failed
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
giving up.
xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2) : unable to connect to X server
xinit; No such process (errno 3): Server error.

I have killed gpm and I have checked to see that all of the following are 

makedev 1.6-32
ncurses-bin 1.9.9g-8.8
ncurses3.4  1.9.9g-8.8
ncurses3.4-dev  1.9.9g-8.8
xcolors 1.5-4.1
xcolorsel   1.1a-7
xpm-bin 3.4j-0.6
xpm-4g  3.4j-0.6
xpm-4g-dev  3.4j-0.6
xserver-S3   This is the X server for my computer.
zlib1g  1.1.1-0.1

I have configured XF86Config with all the necessary parameters. The first line 
in /etc/X11/Xserver file is the complete path to the XServer 
(/usr/bin/X11/XF86_S3). I have also tried /usr/bin/X11/XF86_SVGA. SuperProbe 
identifies the video card as S3 Trio64. The monitor is a Sony 100sx and I have 
entered the correct parameters for it.

I'm at my wit's end and would appreciate some help.

Thanks in advance.
David Bach
Alternative Training
(206) 662-0265
Building 7-251, Cube: 11J2-1

"Ignorance is becoming a matter of personal choice." -- Arun-Kumar Tripathi

ATN: running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite

1999-02-16 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
A problem occurred (on my system with Exim) that made some mail bounce (now
fixed) and  caused me to be removed from the list, right after I sent my
message about Exim if anyone could forward their responses to my original
mail "running Exim with inetd / headder rewrite"  to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'd appreciate it.


Re: Libraries for Enlightenment

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch

> I haven't found
> imlib1, not even at debian's ftp site... where could I find it?  does it
> belong to some other package?

You can find imlib in slink distribution, the graphics directory.

> It is also required to have libc6 (>=2.0.7u), and I have libc6 2.0.7t-1 (hamm)
> installed instead.  Will dpkg install and replace it, or could it mess up
> any of the already programs which depend on libc6 and are already installed?

I think you can install newer libc6 without problems.

> Also, it requires xlib6g (>=3.3-5), and I just managed to get an earlier
> versions (xlib6g or is it not?

Try it - I think that your version is sufficient.

> I used `dpkg -l | less' to see the installed libraries, is there another way
> to see if one of those libraries may belong to a different package?

Maybe looking into Contents-i386.gz and searching a specific file.

All the very best,
  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto *
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * mobil: +905 16 44 32  *
  * domov: +421 826 421 2542  *

RE: Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Lewis, James M.
Just a guess.  I think it sees the whole thing.  Disk drive makers
sometimes use 1000bytes as 1k, whereas, most folks use 1024.  The disk
folks think 1,000,000,000 bytes is 1G.  Others think 1,073,741,824 bytes
is 1G.  6 x 1G = 6,442,459,944 bytes.  Which 6.4G if you use the 1000
for 1k base.  It depends on which def of 1k you use.  I suspect the
linux utilities use 1024=1k.  Read the fine print to see what the drive
manufacturer uses for 1k.


>From:  Person, Roderick[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent:  Tuesday, February 16, 1999 10:28 AM
>Cc:The recipient's address is unknown.
>Subject:   Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD
>I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which Kernal do I
>need to get the full access
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

Re: Curious Question.

1999-02-16 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Lawrence Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| I am not sure that's always true; try looking at addgroup in redhat and
| addgroup in debian. Or the different choices UID's, or file placement.
| Enough that I rather dislike distro hopping.
| /Blatant Debian plug/
| Also I almost alway agree with Debian's file placement.
| On 15 Feb 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
| > Dan Willard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > |  Just how closely does Linux match with Unix?  If I know Linux
| > | and sitdown 
| > | in front of a Unix terminal am I just going to notice a few
| > | differences (ie 
| > | file locations and a couple of commands) or am I going to be
| > | lost?  I think 
| > | I already know the answer but would like confirmation. Thanks.
| > 
| > Almost without exception Unix is Unix at the user level, especially
| > basic commands and tools, e.g., ls, df, du, awk, grep, etc. Things can
| > vary more at sys admin level though. For example, even among Linux
| > distributions there's the variation in "init", with some distros using
| > SYSV and others using BSD style init schemes. Even at this level
| > though there's usually a root commonality. For example I don't think
| > I've ever run across a Unix system that didn't use /etc/passwd.
| > 
| > Even with this variation at the sys admin level, once you've learned
| > one flavor of Unix it's much easier to become familiar with a
| > different flavor.

Of course all the things you mention are sys admin type issues, and as 
I stated, such things do vary between different Unix variants and even 
between Linux distributions. I stand by my statement that, from a user 
perspective, Unix is pretty much Unix. I've had experience with Linux, 
HP-UX, IRIX, SunOS, Solaris, DEC OSF, Paragon OSF, QNX, AIX, BSD and
probably some I've missed and never had any problem going from one to
the other as a user. As a sys admin some of them gave me HUGE
headaches they were so different, but not as a user. Still, learning
admin issues on a new variant was much easier once I learned my first
Unix system.


"green" linux user needs CRON clarification

1999-02-16 Thread William Schwartz
OK, I've been having problems understanding something. I'm new to debian,
and I still cant figure this out about cron... I have read the man pages,
but I'm still not clear.

There is a filed called "crontab" in the "etc" directory. That is my "system
wide" crontab. This file I am able to edit and modify...

then there are crontab files in the "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" directory
that are to be edited with the crontab command...

The "crontab" file in the "etc" directory has a parameter called "user". and
I use it to specify "root" because I need to schedule a job as root...

I guess my question is: what is the difference between the two? and which
one should I use? I need a program to run every 5 minutes to do some
polling. and I want it to happen 24/7.


Problems compiling Sendmail 8.9.3

1999-02-16 Thread Matthew Myers
When I try to compile Sendmail 8.9.3 with the Berkley DB routines from, I get two errors about unresolved externals.  Can someone
tell me what to try?

Matthew D. Myers

Catch me after work, I'll buy you a beer.
- HL's Barney

Re: newest ncp

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch

> I am trying to use ncpmount to mount subdirectories on a Novell 
> Netware server, but my current version of ncpfs only allows the 
> mounting of volumes - not subdirectories.  I was wondering if 
> anyone knew if there was a newer version available that DOES allow 
> you to mount a specific subdirectory?  And if so, where to get it?

I am not sure if kernels 2.0.x allow this. You should definitely try 2.2.1,
I've seen this support there.

About that ncpfs, try from Slink. And have a look at
http://www.SerNet.DE/vl/linux-lan/ .

Peter Paluch

Libraries for Enlightenment

1999-02-16 Thread homega

I downloaded enlightenment 0.14-6, enlightenment-docs,
enlightenment-theme and econfigedit .deb packages.  For the library
requirements, I managed to find libesd0, libfnlib0, libpng2, libtiff3g,
giflib3g (instead of libungif3g), and zlib1g 1.1.3-2.  I haven't found
imlib1, not even at debian's ftp site... where could I find it?  does it
belong to some other package?

It is also required to have libc6 (>=2.0.7u), and I have libc6 2.0.7t-1 (hamm)
installed instead.  Will dpkg install and replace it, or could it mess up
any of the already programs which depend on libc6 and are already installed?

Also, it requires xlib6g (>=3.3-5), and I just managed to get an earlier
versions (xlib6g or is it not?

I used `dpkg -l | less' to see the installed libraries, is there another way
to see if one of those libraries may belong to a different package?


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch
Hello again,

> > 1.) There is not even one (!) word processor which is able to export the
> > documents in MS Office97 format and is working properly with Slovak locale
> > in XWin.
> You don't need to blame, nor Debian, nor Linux in general, that M$Office is
> being used at your office. If they want you to use M$Office (and apparently,
> they do), then blame your employer if you don't agree with him.

No, no :) I do not blame anyone. I am just explaining the fact that there
are maybe more than ten pretty interesting office packages, but neither one
is suitable for me, because it is not properly prepared to work with
locales. I know very good that Debian has nothing to do with this fact. I'd
like to apologize if it seems that I am blaming Debian - I would never do

> This is nothing personal, but I see people pointing to that so-called
> disadvantage of the products current available on Linux platforms, but
> they're pointing to the wrong people. If someone wants to have a M$Office
> compatible thing on Linux, go out and write it. Don't blame others for not
> writing it.

The problem is that there are enough office packages with very interesting
features, but they are simply not usable everywhere. If someone is doing
some program (like word processor) under XWindow, why doesn't he make it
locale-compliant, as every proper program should be done? I think if someone
is going to make something, then he should do it either perfectly (at least
try to do it so) or not at all. A half-done work is only problematic.

My friends were willing to add international support to some office
packages but they haven't received any answer.

Have you seen some of those packages? They are using their own fonts, own
keyboards, own extensions - they are apparently not using all the features
and possibilities given by XWindow. I have a beautiful collection of fonts
which contain characters from my native language but I can't use them!

Look, I'd like to completely erase Win95 out of my hard disk, but I can't. I
am permanently switching between Win95 and Linux and I hope you understand
it is sometimes driving me crazy.

> > A friend of mine, using RedHat 5.2, laughed at me when I told him that we in
> > Debian do not have even 3.3.3 when there is out! I felt that time
> > very uncomfortable.
> If you
> feel better having the latest versions of software available, without caring
> about other things, I don't think Debian will suffice for you. 

I don't feel better having new things just for higher version numbers. I
feel better having new things for having things finally running. By the way,
I spoke to my RedHat-using friend just because he is very clever and I
thought he would help me. He suggested installing newer version of XServer
(that didn't help much, but showed an improvement). So I reinstalled whole
XWindow 3.3.3 and it started to work. 

> strives after other matters, like stability and security. I don't want to
> start another holy war, but Debian and RedHat just differ from each other on
> some points.

Neither do I. I agree.

> It is not a bug in 3.3.2, it is a feature in 3.3.3. So I don't agree with
> you. But I *do* see your point, and I'm sorry for you that it most likely
> won't be resolved in the upcoming (2.1, slink) Debian release.

I am not sure if Slink solves this - even in Potato there are still 3.3.2.x

> I don't know if your problem will be resolved if you put the latest X11
> server ( in place of your current X11 server, I doubt it. I think
> the 'bug' is in some library.

Well, actually, I reinstalled only the server and main libraries and it
didn't help. Now I recompiled the whole XWin and it works. I think I know
where was the problem (I forgot to install new ISO8859-2 locale from 3.3.3).

Again - I am terribly sorry if I offended someone. I didn't mean it so,
indeed. You maybe don't see this event to be so serious than I see it, but
in fact the present state doesn't allow me to use my native language on

All the very best,
  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto *
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * mobil: +905 16 44 32  *
  * domov: +421 826 421 2542  *

RE: ISP connect

1999-02-16 Thread Bill Bell
I have USED MSN untill recently.  I found that I needed to give my user 
name in the following format:

"MSN/user_name"  (including the quotes for chatscript)

This may help.

Bill Bell

>> I use the KDE window to configure dial-up settings.  I have 
reconfigured the
>> connect script to this:
>> noauth.
>Should be fine
>> That is the only line in the script.  I connect through MSN which 
requires a
>> PAP login.  I did not put a DNS number in hoping maybe it would 
>> this dynamically.  The IP is set to dynamic negotiation.
>No, you need to enter the DNS, unless they use dhcp to give out DNS.
>> When it does connect initially, I get a terminal window asking for a 
>> I send my login name and then it asks for a password.  I send that 
and it
>> comes back with "bad password".
>> Does anyone else connect their machine through MSN?  If so, how'd you 
do it?
>Cant help much beyond that.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Which Kernal supports over 6.0 GB HD

1999-02-16 Thread Person, Roderick
I just bought a 6.4GB but Linux only reads it as 6.0GB, which Kernal do I
need to get the full access


Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread David B. Teague

> > Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329 wrote:
> > > Does anyone know if XFree86 is 3.3.3.x is avaliable in deb format
> > > anywhere?  Or when we will have one avaliable?

As I understand it, you need to go to, 
find the 3.3.3 server for your card, and copy it over 
the 3.3.2 server. I had to do that to get support for
my video card, less serious than your concerns. 

I do hope this fixes your problem.

--David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux powered.

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Peter Paluch wrote:

> Hello,
> ==
> > It will not be in the distribution till the maintainer of the X11 Debian
> > packages feels comfortable about the current (3.3.2) packages.
> I think this is a problem because version 3.3.2.x is not ready for
> internationalization. I am publishing some articles in one Slovak PC
> magazine but I have to use M$ Windows when writing those articles for 3
> reasons:
> 1.) There is not even one (!) word processor which is able to export the
> documents in MS Office97 format and is working properly with Slovak locale
> in XWin.

> 2.) I can't use TeX or similar because in that PC magazine they're using
> just MS products.

> 3.) I was unable to set up Slovak keyboard properly. I downloaded XWin
> 3.3.3. sources and compiled it and it worked with the same settings and same
> keyboard flawlessly!

> A friend of mine, using RedHat 5.2, laughed at me when I told him that we in
> Debian do not have even 3.3.3 when there is out! I felt that time
> very uncomfortable.

> So until XWin 3.3.3.x appears in Debian distribution East-Europeans will
> have big problems getting their international support and locales working in
> XWin and I think it is a big pitty. I am, truly said, angry about it. Just
> explaining my feelings, please do not take it as offence. I simply can't
> stand the feeling that Linux can't do something that Windows can.

> I understand it is not so easy to administer and package such huge thing as
> XWindow, however, this disfunctionality should be at least treated as bug.

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Remco van de Meent
Peter Paluch wrote:
> 1.) There is not even one (!) word processor which is able to export the
> documents in MS Office97 format and is working properly with Slovak locale
> in XWin.

You don't need to blame, nor Debian, nor Linux in general, that M$Office is
being used at your office. If they want you to use M$Office (and apparently,
they do), then blame your employer if you don't agree with him.

This is nothing personal, but I see people pointing to that so-called
disadvantage of the products current available on Linux platforms, but
they're pointing to the wrong people. If someone wants to have a M$Office
compatible thing on Linux, go out and write it. Don't blame others for not
writing it.

> 2.) I can't use TeX or similar because in that PC magazine they're using
> just MS products.

See above.

> 3.) I was unable to set up Slovak keyboard properly. I downloaded XWin
> 3.3.3. sources and compiled it and it worked with the same settings and same
> keyboard flawlessly!
> A friend of mine, using RedHat 5.2, laughed at me when I told him that we in
> Debian do not have even 3.3.3 when there is out! I felt that time
> very uncomfortable.

There is no `competition' between RedHat and Debian on this point. If you
feel better having the latest versions of software available, without caring
about other things, I don't think Debian will suffice for you. Debian
strives after other matters, like stability and security. I don't want to
start another holy war, but Debian and RedHat just differ from each other on
some points.

> So until XWin 3.3.3.x appears in Debian distribution East-Europeans will
> have big problems getting their international support and locales working in
> XWin and I think it is a big pitty. I am, truly said, angry about it. Just
> explaining my feelings, please do not take it as offence. I simply can't
> stand the feeling that Linux can't do something that Windows can.
> I understand it is not so easy to administer and package such huge thing as
> XWindow, however, this disfunctionality should be at least treated as bug.

It is not a bug in 3.3.2, it is a feature in 3.3.3. So I don't agree with
you. But I *do* see your point, and I'm sorry for you that it most likely
won't be resolved in the upcoming (2.1, slink) Debian release.

I don't know if your problem will be resolved if you put the latest X11
server ( in place of your current X11 server, I doubt it. I think
the 'bug' is in some library.

You might want to checkout the 3.3.3.x X11 Debian packages when they are
available for testing in the `potato' Debian archive.


Acroread plugin crashes Netscape-4.5-libc6

1999-02-16 Thread servis
Has anyone had any luck getting the Acrobat reader plugin to work in
Netscape-4.5-libc6 packages?  Without fail it crashes netscape.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

[vim] :se num -> underlined numbers

1999-02-16 Thread Graham Ashton
I've got vim installed on both hamm and slink boxes, versions 5.0 and
5.3 of vim respectively, and use both from the same remote rxvt session.

When I switch line numbering on in 5.0, everything looks fine. When I
switch it on in 5.3, the line numbers themselves are underlined. It's
really annoying.

I've got syntax highlighting turned off. Can anybody suggest why line
numbers are underlined in 5.3, but not in 5.0? I think it must be an
entry in /etc/vimrc, but can't figure out which one.


newest ncp

1999-02-16 Thread Ben Frame
I am trying to use ncpmount to mount subdirectories on a Novell 
Netware server, but my current version of ncpfs only allows the 
mounting of volumes - not subdirectories.  I was wondering if 
anyone knew if there was a newer version available that DOES allow 
you to mount a specific subdirectory?  And if so, where to get it?


Floppy Drive Alignment Software

1999-02-16 Thread Person, Roderick
Hi All,

My 3.5 floppy is out of alignment, I know for other OSs there is software to
help you align your drive is there any for Debian or Linux in general.


Installazione di Debian

1999-02-16 Thread Fabio Drigani

Come si esegue la partizione del disco rigido, senza cancellare dati utili
gia' residenti?
Grazie mille,

Un nuovo utente di Linux Debian un po' confuso.


Re: CDROM trouble and Kernel message.

1999-02-16 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I saw a test patch on linux-kernel this morning, for what sounds like
the same problem you're having.  I'll take a look and see if I can find
it again.

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 10:15:26PM +0100, Björn Elwhagen wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm having some strange problems. I can't eject my CDROM even tho it's
> unmounted according to mtab and all other places that i can think of.
> The message i get is simply:
> 1 21:59:52 marwin $ cdctrl eject
> cd_doEject[CDROMEJECT]: Device or resource busy
> Pressing the eject-button on the CD doesn't help either.
> If anyone has seen this behaviour b4 please let me know what's the
> problem. I'm using kernel 2.2.1 and the SCSI-emulation code with a
> ATAPI-drive. The problem were there with the native ATAPI-driver too so
> it's not driver-specific AFAIK.
> A message that i get in my syslog that puzzles me too is this:
> Feb 10 06:29:15 arwen kernel: khm
> Why does this message show up?
> If anyoen can help solve at least the first problem i would be really
> grateful. It's kinda annoying to have to reboot the freaking computer
> every time i want to change CD...
> Regards
> // Marwin

Re: Sound configuration not in initial install

1999-02-16 Thread Richard Lyon
> David Webster wrote:
> > 
> > Well Windows and OS/2 don't seem to have a problem with letting you
> > configure your sound stuff right up front.  How hard is it to add a
> > sound item to modconf screen used in in the "Drivers Configuration"
> > phase of the install?.  Afterall, these drivers are all modules and each
> > could have it's own documentation for configuring io, irq, dma, etc...
> > if need be.  We seem to have no trouble putting dozens of ethernet card
> > configs in the "net" option.  What makes sound so different?

I disagree with this statement. Installing support for a soundblaster awe32 
card on NT is not done up-front. It has to be done after the system is 
installed and the correct drivers have been located on the internet. The NT 
boot disks do not have any support for sound cards. The NT CDROM only has a 
limited number of drivers available. I have to download drivers for my video 
card, sound card, printer and zip drive and install these manually after 
completing the initial installation. These drivers are not found on the 
Microsoft site either.

At least with hamm I have everything on a single CDROM and don't require to 
download drivers/modules/kernels. The only real pain is re-linking the kernel 
first off.

You can guess which system I find easier to install.

Re: Installing DOS and ATAPI CD probs

1999-02-16 Thread Richard Lyon

> Else, since reinstallation the CDROM driver is not working well.  It's and
> OTI-HERMES ATAPI (primary slave) and during installation gave many errors
> like:
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0
> hdb: ATAPI reset complete
> and I'm having a hard time to mount it or to run dselect with it.

I have the same error message. The computer is about 12 months old and only 
started displaying this message in the last month.

The message is displayed during boot. Running badblocks repeatablely shows 
differing bad blocks for each run.

I think there is some sort of start-up problem with the controller or hard 
disk. Currently I work around the problem by the following procedure:

1. Turn on the computer and observe the linux start-up
2. When the error is reported, push the reset button

The second time linux boots up with no problems. I run NT on a partition and 
it is very distressed during boot-up also, so it's nothing to do with any 
debian/linux code.

I have found some of the debian package setup files in /var have been 
corrupted by this problem.

This weekend I plan to pull the machine to pieces and check all the hardware. 
Then I will try another hard drive. I may also try doing a low-level HD 
preformat via bios.

The computer has a Gigabyte GA-586HX motherboard with onboard IDE controller.

Using linux on my computer is a timebomb. I don't know which files are going 
to be corrupted next. If you make some progress, I will be interested to hear 
about it.

Regard ...

Re: Can't Mount a Zip Drive

1999-02-16 Thread Richard Lyon

I have a SCSII zip installed on a hamm system. During boot with no disk in the 
drive I get the following messages:

aha152x: processing commandline: ok
aha152x: BIOS test: passed, detected 1 controller(s)
aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE=0x140, IRQ=11, SCSI ID=7, reconnect=enabled, 
parity=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=100, extended translation=disabled
aha152x: trying software interrupt, ok.
scsi0 : Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.18 $
scsi : 1 host.
  Vendor: IOMEGAModel: ZIP 100   Rev: E.08
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0
scsi : detected 1 SCSI disk total.
sda : READ CAPACITY failed.
sda : status = 0, message = 00, host = 0, driver = 28 
sda : extended sense code = 2 
sda : block size assumed to be 512 bytes, disk size 1GB.  

You have not provided any details about your system setup, so it is hard to 
give you specific directions. It does appear that something is not quite right 
with your kernel/module setup and the scsi card is not detected. The how-to 
instuctions provide details on how this should be done. You will need to 
identify some parameters like irq, i/obase addressing and id for your scsi 

For normal dos/win formatted zip disks, you have to mount /dev/sda4, as this 
is the default used by iomega.

Hope some of this helps and your not just trolling ...

Re: dselect and downloading kernel

1999-02-16 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, ktb wrote:

> Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, ktb wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there an easier way to do what I'm trying to do?  This is my first
> > > attempt at compiling a kernel.  I thought I would go ahead and try 2.2.1
> > > instead of the one I have 2.0.34.  It was my understanding that dselect
> > > would download, place the new kernel in the right directory and take
> > > care of some linkage issues.  Anyway if this can't be done I think I'll
> > > just stick to the kernel I have for the time being.
> >
> > dselect only understands Debian packages, I don't think has
> > any Debian packages. So it's just getting thoroughly confused by what
> > you're doing. You need to download one of the Debian kernel-source
> > packages from or a mirror.
> OK I took a look at and I see no kernel package.  Where
> would I find a deb 2.2.1 package?  I found a kernel package at
> but can dselect can't handle this? 
> I've looked all over the debian site, I can't believe it isn't listed
> there.  Thanks, Kent

It is in unstable (maybe frozen--it's supposed to be part of 2.1,
kernel-source only). You can just download the kernel-source package and
install it with dselect.

If you get it from (as I did), I'd recommend putting it in
/usr/local/src with 'tar xvf'.  In either case, make-kpkg will handle it.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: modem configuration..

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch

> > I've installed LINUX (debian 2.0.2) on my IBM 240 E pc. LINUX is
> > unable to sense the built in modem. PC has Rockwell HCF 56K
> > modem at IRQ 4 on COM1. It works fine with Windows. I  tried
> > editing /etc/rc.boot/0serial script with various parameters.
> > Whenever I run 'wvdialconf /dev/wvdial.conf' it is unable to 
> > find the modem.

I think it is an PnP modem, isn't it? If it is ISA modem (or a modem
internally connected to ISA bus), then try the isapnptools package - with
pnpdump command you can dump all the configuration information, save it to a
file, edit it so there will be only one setting for each resource, and then
run isapnp with that file (or put it to /etc/isapnp.conf). If you need help
with it, I'll be pleased to help (then please mail me directly, not to this

If it is PCI modem (or connected to PCI bus), then I can't help now, because
I have no information about how to start PCI PnP devices.

What works in Win, doesn't have to work in Linux. Especially devices with
logo "Designed for Windows95" are big trouble.

All the very best,
  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto *
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * mobil: +905 16 44 32  *
  * domov: +421 826 421 2542  *

pine 4.1 on debian slink

1999-02-16 Thread Matthew Cocker
There is a termcap compatibility lib in the old libraries section of
slink packages which has the termcaplib and a termcap file. I installed
that and then the downloaded the linux binaries from the pine homepage.
Pine 4.10 works on my slink system


Matt Cocker

Re: XFree86 is 3.3.3.

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch

> Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329 wrote:
> > Does anyone know if XFree86 is 3.3.3.x is avaliable in deb format
> > anywhere?  Or when we will have one avaliable?
> It will not be in the distribution till the maintainer of the X11 Debian
> packages feels comfortable about the current (3.3.2) packages.

I think this is a problem because version 3.3.2.x is not ready for
internationalization. I am publishing some articles in one Slovak PC
magazine but I have to use M$ Windows when writing those articles for 3

1.) There is not even one (!) word processor which is able to export the
documents in MS Office97 format and is working properly with Slovak locale
in XWin.

2.) I can't use TeX or similar because in that PC magazine they're using
just MS products.

3.) I was unable to set up Slovak keyboard properly. I downloaded XWin
3.3.3. sources and compiled it and it worked with the same settings and same
keyboard flawlessly!

A friend of mine, using RedHat 5.2, laughed at me when I told him that we in
Debian do not have even 3.3.3 when there is out! I felt that time
very uncomfortable.

So until XWin 3.3.3.x appears in Debian distribution East-Europeans will
have big problems getting their international support and locales working in
XWin and I think it is a big pitty. I am, truly said, angry about it. Just
explaining my feelings, please do not take it as offence. I simply can't
stand the feeling that Linux can't do something that Windows can.

I understand it is not so easy to administer and package such huge thing as
XWindow, however, this disfunctionality should be at least treated as bug.


Peter Paluch
  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto *
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * mobil: +905 16 44 32  *
  * domov: +421 826 421 2542  *

Re: xdm & kdm

1999-02-16 Thread Peter Paluch

>   I want to run xdm on vt7, and kdm on vt8. So how do I do it?

I do not remember quite exactly the process how I managed to do it, but it
worked ...

Well, you have to set up two independent directories - /etc/X11/xdm and
/etc/X11/kdm (you can copy /etc/X11/xdm to /etc/X11/kdm). Then, in each one,
in the file Xservers set the proper display for particular manager, like

/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers :

:0 frcatel local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt7

/etc/X11/kdm/Xservers :

:1 frcatel local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt8

Then rename the file xdm-config to kdm-config (in etc/X11/kdm) and edit it,
you have to change paths from /etc/X11/xdm to /etc/X11/kdm.

Then, copy /etc/init.d/xdm to /etc/init.d/kdm and edit it. In
/etc/init.d/kdm replace the contents of variables $DAEMON and $PIDFILE with
proper values (DAEMON=/usr/local/kde/bin/kdm or so,

There is a very important thing - you have to tell kdm it should read its
config files from /etc/X11/kdm. You can do it by passing the argument

-config /etc/X11/kdm config

to kdm when launching. In the /etc/X11/kdm file you'll find this line:

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON

Change it to this:

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- -config 

(carefully about line breaks)

Save the /etc/X11/kdm .

As the last thing, issue the command

update-rc.d kdm defaults 99 01

so that the kdm will be launched every time the computer starts.

>   Also, how do I force all my users to use /etc/X11/Xsession, rather
> than ~/.xsession??

Hmmm - they already use it, don't they? How do you know they aren't using

But if you want to prohibit users from using their own .xsession (although
this is not a very good idea IMHO), comment the line 


in /etc/X11/config file.

All the very best,
  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto *
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * mobil: +905 16 44 32  *
  * domov: +421 826 421 2542  *

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