1999-03-10 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Alejandro Jose Jerez y dice ¿Re: SOUND BLASTER 64 PCI EN LINUX? 

 Según tengo entendido, las SBXXX PCI emulan la wavetable por software, no?
 En Linux, como se come eso? porque los de Creative no están muy por la labor
 de liberar las especificaciones, no?

Exactamente no se como se comera lo de la SB, pero no obstante en los 
nucleos 2.2.x tienes la opcion de activar un sintetizador midi por software, 
que se comporta como si tubieses una GUS, y que aparte de necesitar mas micro 
del que yo tengo, tiene muy buena pinta. 

3.000.000 de lemmings no pueden equivocarse, ­COMPRA WINDOWS 95!

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: LI 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101...

1999-03-10 Thread Han Solo
M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 llevo varios días intentando instalar Debian 2.0 en mi máquina, pero al
 instalar LILO aparece el mensaje del topic hasta el infinito (vaya, u
 nscroll del cpon llenito de 0 y 1).


Manda el 7etc/lilo.conf así como la configuración exacta de tus discos
(contando en que cilindro comienza y acaba cada partición). Por cierto
¿en qué partición tienes Debian?¿y lilo?

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Sintonizadora TV BestBuy

1999-03-10 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 03:02:35PM +0100, Area Tecnica, Externo17 dijo:
 ___ _ _Recorte de publicidad del Web de Best Buy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
   El Kit Easy TV reproduce TV (y teletexto) a pantalla completa, con
 una capacidad de programación de hasta 181 canales y 16 canales en modo
 previsualización. Soportando además la entrada de un magnetoscopio, con el
 que grabar y reproducir cintas de video en el monitor del PC, a partir de
 una ventana redimensionable desde un pequeño icono hasta pantalla completa.
 Gracias a su poderoso Chipset BT-878 (última evolución del anterior BT-848.)
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
   Pregunta facilita:  ¿Tenemos software adecuado para Linux?

El kernel 2.2.x tiene soporte para Video4Linux que incluye soporte para
chips BT-??? (no recuerdo que modelos). Mira la documentación de Video4Linux,
creo que encontrarás algo. Además, ya hay software basado en este API.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Sound Blaster PCI 128

1999-03-10 Thread Pablo Martín
Como puedo usar esta tarjeta en linux. Tengo la Debian 2.0 y desde que
la puse no puedo recompilar el Kernel. Gracias por la ayuda

Re: Freebsd

1999-03-10 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez


  Conocen de donde sacar informacion y aplicaciones.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

cual es la velocidad para video conferencias

1999-03-10 Thread Ing. Jose Luis Vega
Desearia saber cuales son las velocidades recomendadas para una video
conferencia pura o a traves de protocolo IP.

Re: LI 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101...

1999-03-10 Thread M. Angel Esteban
At 22:51 09/03/99 +0100, you wrote:
M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 llevo varios días intentando instalar Debian 2.0 en mi máquina, pero al
 instalar LILO aparece el mensaje del topic hasta el infinito (vaya, u
 nscroll del cpon llenito de 0 y 1).


Manda el 7etc/lilo.conf así como la configuración exacta de tus discos
(contando en que cilindro comienza y acaba cada partición). Por cierto
¿en qué partición tienes Debian?¿y lilo?

Fale, voy plicando:

En /etc/lilo.conf tengo lo siguiente:

image=/vmlinuz  #(havia un enlace simbolico a /boot/vmnoseque pero he
mandao el fichero de verda a /)

COmo discos tengo lo siguiente:


1 particion (/dev/hda1) con el windoze ocupando sus 6 gigas y medio.
Se trata de un Seagate


Lector CDRom ASUS de 40x


Esta es la grabadora.

/dev/hdd particionato tal que:

/dev/hdd1  Boot - Primary - Linux ext2 - 401.63 Mb - 822528 sect - 102 cil
/dev/hdd2   - Primary - Linux ext2 - 3299.63 Mb - 6757632 sect - 838 cil
/dev/hdd3   - Primary - Linux Swap - 129.94 Mb - 266112 sect - 33 cil

hdd1 está montado como /
hdd2 está montado como /usr
Se trata de un Quantum Bigfoot TX4

Cuando ejecuto Lilo me aparece lo siguiente:

Warning /dev/hdd1 is not the first disk
Bios drive 0x82 may not be accesible
Bios drive 0x82 may not be accesible
Bios drive 0x82 may not be accesible
Bios drive 0x82 may not be accesible
Added Linux*

Si desconecto el disco duro de Windoze (aparte de seguir sin ir) obtengo lo
mismo al ejecutar Lilo pero sin la parafernalia del 0x82

BUAA Quiero mi disco de 1 Gb!!! (ese nunca me falló ;)

Ta luego y gracias.

Ta luego y gracias. 

RE: modems

1999-03-10 Thread bt

Yo no se mucho de modems, pero tengo entendido de que cualquiera
exerterno no da problemas porque como van por el puerto serie (rs-232c)y
eso es muy estandar funcionan todos bien.

De los modems internos no te puedo decir nada.


On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Pablo Cernadas wrote:

 Queridos amigos:
 quiero elegir un modem para el debian
 me ayudan?
 cual funciona mejor?
 un saludo
 de argentina
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: modems

1999-03-10 Thread homega
   Yo no se mucho de modems, pero tengo entendido de que cualquiera
 exerterno no da problemas porque como van por el puerto serie (rs-232c)y
 eso es muy estandar funcionan todos bien.

Yo no he pillado ninguno, pero entre los externos he leído una y mil veces
que están los winmodem, y que éstos NO FUNCIONAN con Linux.  Lo que no
creo es que en la cajita ponga winmodem, así que no sé cómo se puede

Mi módem es un Diamond SupraExpress 56e Pro, no te puedo decir que sea mejor
ni peor que otros pero sí que a mí me funciona muy bien.  Otra cosa sería
comprar uno que fuera ampiable a más de 56Ks... si tenés la plata.

Un saludo,


alguien sabe? -local host name (debian1) is not qualified; fix $j in config file

1999-03-10 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, cuando trato de usar sendmail, me sale:

WARNING: local host name (debian1) is not qualified; fix $j in config file

Tambien me sale esto mismo al usar mail entre usuarios de mi máquina, aunque
luego lo envia bien.
Alguien sabe dónde tengo que corregir $j?

Un saludo

tty con caracteres extranos

1999-03-10 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
A veces, cuando hago un cat de un fichero por error que no contiene
texto (esto es, un ejecutable o algo asi) se me queda el terminal hecho
una fiesta, como si el juego de caracteres hubiera cambiado. Desde
otro terminal mato con kill -9 los procesos que tenga en esa consola e
incluso el getty, pero continua saliendo mal.
¿Qué hago para que vuelva a estar decente? ademas de reiniciar el

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Re: Instalar .deb con dselect de fuera del CD de distribucion

1999-03-10 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Hola Santiago.

El 08 Mar 1999 a las 05:20PM +0100, Santiago Vila escribio:
 Puedes usar el método dpkg-multicd que trae la Debian 2.1 (no lo he
 probado, pero puesto que Debian 2.1 necesita 2 CD-ROMs, puede que te

Use varias veces en mis primeras instalaciones el dpkg-multicd de Datom
y tuve problemas (corrupcion de ficheros de estado de paquetes de dpkg,
problemas borrando y configurando desde el menu de dselect, y algunos
otros), y decidi no volverlo a usar (de momento). Igual con la 2.1
lo pruebo otra vez.

 O bien puedes usar dpkg a mano:
 dpkg -i paquete1.deb paquete2.deb paquete3.deb ...

Esto es lo que hago ahora, pero me parece que es perder la funcionalidad
de dselect, que debe ser mas potente de lo que me ha parecido (hasta ahora
solo lo he usado para los paquetes de la distribución). Todas esas
opciones de acceso tienen que ser utiles (digo yo).

  a771bba08ef1b6042b86b9909097b6e5 (a truly random sig)

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Re: Como instalar GNOME

1999-03-10 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Pero Gnome no necesita otro gestor de ventanas por debajo de el
para correr? (como wm o kde?)

El 08 Mar 1998 a las 09:51PM +0100, Lucky escribio:
 Me han dicho que GNOME es un buen gestor de ventanas y ahora lo tengo, pero 
 son muchos arxivos y no se en que orden van para instalarlos.
 Me podeis ayudar?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Re: New

1999-03-10 Thread ktb
Addition one is at
for $5.99, I don't know if you get support though and maybe the instillation 
has changed
a lot in version two.

You might try finding a local Linux user's group in your area and ask someone 
to come
over and help with your installation.
I thought it sounded like you had the base already installed from your previous 
Good Luck,

David B. Teague wrote:

 On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Joe wrote:

  I'm trying to install Debian-Linux, and I don't know what I'm doing. I
  need someone I can call on the phone to walk me through the installation

 Hi Joe

 Dale Scheetz has a book published by Linux Press that is just your tcket.
 It costs about $40 US and comes with 3 CDs of Hamm. If you buy the book
 Dale provides email support for installation. See

 The book itself can be downloaded in html format from the web site, but
 the email hand-holding and the book to gether are easily worth the $40.

 I used the 1.3.1 version. It made a world of difference in the ease of
 installation. I have not used the 2.0 version. I installed the Frozen
 2.1 (Slink) version.

 The Hamm (2.0) version is on now.

 Debian GNU/Linux Because software should not be expected to crash.
  Rebooting should not be necesary to reboot when
  something changes in the system configuration.

 On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Joe wrote:

  I'm trying to install Debian-Linux, and I don't know what I'm doing. I
  need someone I can call on the phone to walk me through the installation
  and get Debian working. E-Mail me at
 to give me
  your phone # so I can call you for help
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

mp3 encoder packaged for debian?

1999-03-10 Thread Frankie
I've had a look through dselect and I can't seem to find an mp3 encoder.
(any number of players, but no recorders).

Is there one, or do I have to go to sunsite, find one and roll it


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

System locks on boot!

1999-03-10 Thread Corey Ralph
My system has been running Debian 2.0 fine for several weeks now, but now
locks up on boot.

It first happened when I was in X and was changing routing, IP addresses
etc.  The machine locked up solid and I had to power reset it.  When it
rebooted, it fixed several errors on the drive. It locked up after a few
'cannot find module net_phf5' or something like that, again only a hard
reset did anything.  I can boot fine from the rescue cd, using:
rescue root=/dev/sda1
It starts up and works OK.

The hard drive boots a 2.2 kernel, which I need to get X to work, as i use
the framebuffer device.

How is the simplest way to fix it?

Python Development Files?

1999-03-10 Thread Russell Rademacher
Hello guys.

Now I ran into a little problem which is a real bummer.  Is there
supposed to be an development package for python for debian for I sure cannot
find it anywhere.

Reason I am asking is that I am installing Gnome 1.0 version from
tarballs since no deb are made yetbut when I ran the configure for
gnome-python-1.0.0, it returns this errors.  So I hope someone can answer that
one since that one bummed me out.  I usually find the answers myself and such
but this one is beyond me.. and frankly... I not sure if I want to grab a new
tarball of python to do what what I need to make this installation work when I
already installed python in it in the first place from Slink distrib.

Here is what it says as I ran it.

bash-2.01# ./configure --prefix=/usr
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking for python... python
checking where .py files should go... /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages
checking where python extensions should go... /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages
checking for python headers... found
checking definitions from Python makefile... configure: error: [Couldn't find
the python config makefile.  Maybe you are
missing the development portion of the python installation]

Fear installing this gnome on slow 486 100Mhz system which works great but
seems to take forever when you are busy running other stuff under X-Windows
while it is running the background. :)

Anyhow... any help is appreciated. :)

Date: 09-Mar-99  Time:18:56:54
Russell Rademacher
Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
Pager: 800-480-9498 #1041
Phone: 716-214-5644
Fax: 716-214-5642
TDD: 716-214-5643
ICQ: 10663810
AIM: ElikCyber

How to get Debian and (argh!) Windows 95 machines linked through null modem?

1999-03-10 Thread Pablo Longhi Lorenzzoni
Hi Debianers!!

I have a big problem and little time to solve. Can anyone help me?
I have to get a Debian (hamm) machine and a (argh!) Windows 95 one
linked through a null modem cable using PPP protocol. The Debian machine can be
able to connect Internet through ppp0.
I already tryed everything I know. Does anyone have any ideas?



Pablo (Spectra)

Re: Broken package requires installation of already installedpackage

1999-03-10 Thread Kent West
At 10:56 AM 3/10/1999 +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
Kent West wrote:

 I've got a hamm system: my /etc/apt/sources.list is pointing to stable main contrib non-free

 I've recently run apt-get upgrade, and now when I go to dselect and do the
 Install option, I get the error:

 Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
   libc6-dev: Depends:libc6

 When I try to install libc6-dev, I get the same error message. When I try
 to install libc6, I get the message: Sorry, libc6 is already the newest

 I had to do some manual downloading of libs, etc in order to get apt
 installed on this hamm system; I suspect that's what's causing the problem.
 But how do I fix it?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

apt-get -f install should be able to handle this

Thanks, but nope. apt-get -f install just says 0 upgraded, 0 newly
installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded, 3 packages not fully installed
or removed.

apt-get -f install libc6 says the same sorry, depends libc6 message as

Re: Problem with dselect

1999-03-10 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JC == Jean-Georges Carbonnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JC - Somebody told me that probably the iso9660 file system is
JC configured as a module but I couldn't do anything wiyh the insmod
JC command. May be I don't do it well.

First check /var/log/messages, if /dev/hdb really is your CDROM

Then do a cat /proc/filesystems
If there is no iso9660 line, you have to load the module first.

Either use modconf to install the module (this will insert the module
in /etc/modules, so it will be loaded on next reboot as well) or
modprobe iso9660 or modprobe isofs

If you have the auto entry in /etc/modules enabled, the kernel
should automatically load the module.


Package available: xmeter (rstat display for X)

1999-03-10 Thread Bo Branten

The program xmeter (rstat display for X) is available as a Debian
package for slink and older dists.

Until it gets included officially it is available from:

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 19780 bytes: control archive= 809 bytes.
 635 bytes,17 lines  control  
 380 bytes, 6 lines  md5sums  
 Package: xmeter
 Version: 1.15-1
 Section: x11
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, xlib6g (=
 Installed-Size: 48
 Maintainer: Bo Branten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Description: rstat display for X.
  Xmeter displays a periodically updating histogram of the
  system statistics gathered by rstat(3) for the specified
  hosts. Meters can be displayed in a vertical, horizontal
  or rectangular arrangement. As statistics range between
  4 user defineable levels (OK, WARN, ERROR or FATAL), the
  background, foreground, highlight, border and internal
  border colors, and the background bitmap of each meter
  can be changed.

Package available: minfo (GNU Info file browser for X)

1999-03-10 Thread Bo Branten

The program minfo (GNU Info file browser for X) is available as a Debian
package for slink and older dists.

Until it gets included officially it is available from:

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 37500 bytes: control archive= 1157 bytes.
 853 bytes,22 lines  control  
 462 bytes, 8 lines  md5sums  
 296 bytes,11 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 144 bytes, 4 lines   *  postrm   #!/bin/sh
  75 bytes, 7 lines   *  prerm#!/bin/sh
 Package: minfo
 Version: 1.7.19-1
 Section: x11
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: lesstifg (= 1:0.85.2), libc6, xlib6g (=, xpm4g (=
 Conflicts: minfo-dmotif, minfo-smotif
 Replaces: minfo-dmotif, minfo-smotif
 Installed-Size: 90
 Maintainer: Bo Branten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Description: GNU Info file browser for X.
  Minfo is a graphical browser for GNU Info files. It is inspired by
  WWW browsers and present the Info files with clickable hyperlinks
  and an navigation toolbar.
  This package is dynamically linked against Lesstif.
  Note: Due to limitations in Lesstif hyperlinks are not coloured or
  underlined though still recognizable for those familiar with GNU Info
  files, if you are unsatisfied with this consider using the versions
  linked against Motif (minfo-dmotif and minfo-smotif) in the contrib

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 37384 bytes: control archive= 1021 bytes.
 568 bytes,18 lines  control  
 504 bytes, 8 lines  md5sums  
 296 bytes,11 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 144 bytes, 4 lines   *  postrm   #!/bin/sh
  75 bytes, 7 lines   *  prerm#!/bin/sh
 Package: minfo-dmotif
 Version: 1.7.19-1
 Section: contrib/x11
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, xlib6g (=, xpm4g (= 3.4j-0)
 Conflicts: minfo, minfo-smotif
 Replaces: minfo, minfo-smotif
 Provides: minfo
 Installed-Size: 90
 Maintainer: Bo Branten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Source: minfo
 Description: GNU Info file browser for X.
  Minfo is a graphical browser for GNU Info files. It is inspired by
  WWW browsers and present the Info files with clickable hyperlinks
  and an navigation toolbar.
  This package is dynamically linked against Motif.

 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 512718 bytes: control archive= 1017 bytes.
 569 bytes,18 lines  control  
 504 bytes, 8 lines  md5sums  
 296 bytes,11 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 144 bytes, 4 lines   *  postrm   #!/bin/sh
  75 bytes, 7 lines   *  prerm#!/bin/sh
 Package: minfo-smotif
 Version: 1.7.19-1
 Section: contrib/x11
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, xlib6g (=, xpm4g (= 3.4j-0)
 Conflicts: minfo, minfo-dmotif
 Replaces: minfo, minfo-dmotif
 Provides: minfo
 Installed-Size: 1114
 Maintainer: Bo Branten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Source: minfo
 Description: GNU Info file browser for X.
  Minfo is a graphical browser for GNU Info files. It is inspired by
  WWW browsers and present the Info files with clickable hyperlinks
  and an navigation toolbar.
  This package is statically linked against Motif.

Re: IRC stuff (was: bitchx (sucks!))

1999-03-10 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 03:40:22PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 I would try talking to them, inviting them to participate in whatever the
 channels mission is, what else could I do?
 Then you don't understand the nature of these people.  It is like going
 into alt.nuke-the-usa (I think that is it) and trying to rationally discuss
 topics with anyone there.

No, it is not the same. In the one case, the other one is making the effort
to come to you, in the latter case you are making an effort. Such a
discussion is obviously not welcome on this newsgroup, why should I annoy
 For reference, antu is a newsgroup dedicated to going into other
 newsgroups and starting flamewars just to do it.

There are always (at least) two parties participating in a flamewar.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

nfs private/non-private ips permission denied problem

1999-03-10 Thread Martin Anderberg


I have the following setup:

box1: eth0:

box2: eth0:

box1 and box is connected via the eth1 interfaces. box1 acts as nfs-server
and box2 should be the client. The private lan works.

NFS sofware installed is the knfs-package .dev in project/experimental.
box1's kernel loads the nfsd as a module (2.2.3). box2 has NFS filesystem
support compiled into the kernel (2.2.2ac7).

My mission is to mount a partition via the private-ip-'lan'. 

This is what happens;

untrusted:~# mount -t nfs /mnt/test
mount: failed, reason given by server: Permission

If i mount the partition via the non-private ips it works fine.

hosts.allow/deny is empty, ipchains is set to ACCEPT everything on both
machines. /etc/exports (on box1) looks like: 

/home 194.47.XXX.XX3(rw)

The problem occurs both if i use the kernel based nfs with it's tools or
the ordinary nfs-package. It appears to me as if mountd gets confused
about having one non-private ip and one private ip on the server-machine
(debugging mountd suggests that).

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? 



Martin Anderberg - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Time exists so that not everything happens at once. - Unknown

Re: IRC stuff (was: bitchx (sucks!))

1999-03-10 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 01:16:08 +0100, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

 Then you don't understand the nature of these people.  It is like going
 into alt.nuke-the-usa (I think that is it) and trying to rationally discuss
 topics with anyone there.

No, it is not the same. In the one case, the other one is making the effort
to come to you, in the latter case you are making an effort. Such a
discussion is obviously not welcome on this newsgroup, why should I annoy

Right, but my point was the following...

 For reference, antu is a newsgroup dedicated to going into other
 newsgroups and starting flamewars just to do it.

There are always (at least) two parties participating in a flamewar.

But it only takes one group to go into a newsgroup and *start* a
flamewar.  Go into rec.martial-arts and say that BJJ is the lamest martial
art there is, that TKD is the absolute best, and that Van Damme could kick
Gracie's ass twice every day and 20 times on Sunday.  Even though you might
not have a clue about any of that, you'll start a flame war.  Now, if you
were a member of antu, you'd've achieved your goal, the distruption of the

For the people we eventually banned through a country ban, that was
their objective, to disrupt the channel.  But instead of doing it with a
flamewar, they did it with clone bots, spamming the channel, etc.  

In both cases, you cannot just discuss it with them.  There is no
discussing it with them because it is a game to them and trying to discuss
it with them will get your channel (newsgroup) targetted again.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Quake 2 - not a perl script?

1999-03-10 Thread Peter Ludwig
I've just gotten Quake 2, and the startup script in /usr/games returns the
following error message :-

Not a perl script at /usr/games/quake2 line 1.

Anyone know what's going on here?  I've just upgraded most of my sytsem to
slink, and I waited to install Quake 2 until after I did the upgrade...

I really would like to run the linux version as the Windows version is too
slow on my machine (all those graphics under a GUI with no 3D accelerator
card frown).

Peter Ludwig

Re: rc.local - What is the Debian Eqivalent

1999-03-10 Thread servis
*- On  9 Mar, George Bonser wrote about Re: rc.local - What is the Debian 
 On 9 Mar 1999, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 /etc/rc.boot is wrong, /etc/rcS.d is wrong and /sbin/ is definitely
 very very wrong. Programs in thoise places will be executed way too early, 
 the system has been properly initialized.
 Uhm, I think in this case you are wrong. /sbin/ is the LAST thing
 done so it is guaranteed to run AFTER everything is set up.

George, why would Miquel be wrong about this?  He and Bruce Perens are
the ones the wrote the boot scripts for Debian.

/etc/init.d/rcS is the FIRST thing that is run. It call runs the links
in /etc/rcS.d then calls rc.boot(for backwards compatibility) and then
/sbin/  Then control is passed onto the appropriate run-level
scripts in rc[2-5].d.  So the appropriate place for local setup scripts
is in /etc/init.d with links in the rc[2-5].d directores made by using

From /usr/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz
1. Boot.

   When the systems boots, the /etc/init.d/rcS script is executed. It
   in turn executes all the S* scripts in /etc/rcS.d in alphabetical
   (and thus numerical) order. The first argument passed to the
   executed scripts is start. The runlevel at this point is N (none).

   Only things that need to be run once to get the system in a consistent
   state are to be run. The rcS.d directory is NOT ment to replace rc.local.
   One should not start daemons in this runlevel unless absolutely
   nessecary. Eg, NFS might need the portmapper, so it is OK to start it
   early in the bootprocess. But this is not the time to start the
   squid proxy server.

2. Going multiuser.

   After the rcS.d scripts have been executed, init switches to the
   default runlevel as specified in /etc/inittab, usually 2.

   Init then executes the /etc/init.d/rc script which takes care of
   starting the services in /etc/rc2.d.

From /etc/init.d/rcS:
#   For compatibility, run the files in /etc/rc.boot too.
[ -d /etc/rc.boot ]  run-parts /etc/rc.boot

#   Finish setup if needed.
if [ -x /sbin/ ]

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: IP_ALIAS (kernel 2.2.1)

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I'd like to know more about this too.

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Oz Dror wrote:

 I amgoing to have SDSL connected to my private network (192.168.0.x)
 I have 3com (3905b Net card). I would like to connect the SDSL to my local
 ethernet HUb. I will be assigned a fixe IP to comunicate with the world.
 I compiled the kernel to support IP aliasing so that I could use the same
 ethernet card for the local network and the Global network having different
 IP for each network.
 But when I type 
 ifconfig eth0:0 netmask broadcast
 I get the following error
 SIOCSIFADDR: Operation not supported by device
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not supported by device
 SIOCSIFNETMASK: Operation not supported by device
 SIOCSIFBRDADDR: Operation not supported by device
 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not supported by device
 When I type 
 ifconfig eth0:0
 I get
 eth0:0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:5A:26:04:F1  
   unspec addr:[NONE SET]  Bcast:[NONE SET]  Mask:[NONE SET]
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xa800 
 this tels me that the card is recognized.
 NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
 EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
 PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
The main partition of my laptop is at 96%.

It is a 1gig partition.  I have two others on this same machine.

What can I do to move stuff to these other partitions so that my 1st
partition will not be so loaded down.  I would like to install more
software there?

What directory trees can safely be moved to another partition?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread servis
*- On  9 Mar, Paul Nathan Puri wrote about Maximal Mount Count
 The main partition of my laptop is at 96%.
 It is a 1gig partition.  I have two others on this same machine.
 What can I do to move stuff to these other partitions so that my 1st
 partition will not be so loaded down.  I would like to install more
 software there?
 What directory trees can safely be moved to another partition?

Most commonly /usr, /var, /home and /opt(not really used yet in 
Debian) are each on their own partitions.  Do a 'du -sm /usr', etc. to
see how many megs each tree is taking up so you can judge how much
space to give the new partion, with room to grow of course.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: kdm

1999-03-10 Thread Alec Smith
Difference is kdm is for starting the KDE environment only. xdm starts a
more traditional setup using fvwm2, windowmaker, or whichever you prefer.

At 03:31 PM 3/9/99 -0600, Craig T. Hancock wrote:
What eactly is the difference between kdm and xdm is it eaiser to
configure or better security anything

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

lock user account after 3 bad logins?

1999-03-10 Thread Eliezer Figueroa
how do I can specify how many times a user can write a bad password 
before the system disonect that account. And of course after the account 
is lock, how do I unlock it.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 It is a 1gig partition.  I have two others on this same machine.

Ok, make your partitions ready for linux (ext2 fs, etc).
 What can I do to move stuff to these other partitions so that my 1st
 partition will not be so loaded down.  I would like to install more
 software there?

Then what you can do is split your major directories into separate
partitions. Like, /usr can have it's own partition,
/home can have it's own partition. All you do for it is copy the files
over to those new partitions from old directories, and then edit
/etc/fstab to indicate where to mount those partitions to.
For example, if you are creating a new partition /dev/hda2
and you want to put /usr on it, you copy the files from your old /usr onto
the /dev/hda2, and add a line to /etc/fstab to tell that /usr is to
mounted to /dev/hda2

 What directory trees can safely be moved to another partition?


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Puri
What is the command that I use to mv /usr to /dev/hda2?  

I tried 'mv /usr /hda2/usr', but that gave me the error, 'mv:  cannot 
move '/usr' across filesystems:  Not a regular file.

Thank you...

 Original Message 

On 3/9/99, 5:52:08 PM, Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: Maximal Mount Count:

  It is a 1gig partition.  I have two others on this same machine.

 Ok, make your partitions ready for linux (ext2 fs, etc).
  What can I do to move stuff to these other partitions so that my 1st
  partition will not be so loaded down.  I would like to install more
  software there?

 Then what you can do is split your major directories into separate
 partitions. Like, /usr can have it's own partition,
 /home can have it's own partition. All you do for it is copy the files
 over to those new partitions from old directories, and then edit
 /etc/fstab to indicate where to mount those partitions to.
 For example, if you are creating a new partition /dev/hda2
 and you want to put /usr on it, you copy the files from your old /usr 
 the /dev/hda2, and add a line to /etc/fstab to tell that /usr is to
 mounted to /dev/hda2

  What directory trees can safely be moved to another partition?



  Andrei S. Ivanov
  UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: kdm

1999-03-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Alec Smith wrote:

 Difference is kdm is for starting the KDE environment only. xdm starts a
 more traditional setup using fvwm2, windowmaker, or whichever you prefer.

Actually, that is quite untrue. Kdm provides a menu from which you can
select the session that you wish to run (KDE, Window Maker, FVWM, etc).
Kdm also provides the ability to shutdown or reboot your system from the
login screen.  It can also provide icons for the available usernames on
the system (like the SGI login).

I actually prefer wdm, the WINGS Desktop Manager to either.  It has about
the same functionality as KDM, but it is built with WINGS, the Window
Maker interface, so it looks quite nice.  It's included with slink.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


weird dependency error; please help...

1999-03-10 Thread Jesse Evans

I'm running KDE 1.1 on a Debian slink system. I recently tried to
install kpilot, a very nicely done desktop application for the Palm Pilot PDA.

The installation failed, claiming a dependency error:

dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of kpilot:
 kpilot depends on qt1g (= 1.42-2); however:
  Version of qt1g on system is 1.42-1.
dpkg: error processing kpilot (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Ok, I've encountered this sort of thing before, so I snoop around the
Debian potato directories, ftp qt1g_1.42-2.deb and install it. Now I can
install kpilot with no problems.

root:/home/jesse/.kpackage# dpkg -i qt1*
(Reading database ... 56364 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace qt1g 1.42-1 (using qt1g_1.42-2.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement qt1g ...
Setting up qt1g (1.42-2) ...

root:/home/jesse/.kpackage# dpkg -i kpilot*
(Reading database ... 56364 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace kpilot 3.1.8-3 (using kpilot_3.1.8-3_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement kpilot ...
Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
Setting up kpilot (3.1.8-3) ...
Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)

Installation of KPilot is now complete!!!

So far, so good. Now I'm able to successfully
install kpilot and I'm a very happy camper, except...

Now, several other kapps no longer work. When I try to run kedit or
kpakage, I get the following error:

kpackage: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

Mmmm... Ok, this seems quite odd, but as the only thing I did was
upgrade qt1g, I figured that must be the source of my problem. So, I uninstall
it and go back to qt1g_1.42-1.

Everything now works, even kpilot, except that now I get a dependancy
error re: kpilot whenever I perform a dist-upgrade.

Do any of you fine people out there know how I can get this thing
straightened out?

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Re: lock user account after 3 bad logins?

1999-03-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:

 how do I can specify how many times a user can write a bad password 
 before the system disonect that account. And of course after the account 
 is lock, how do I unlock it.

I'm not certain, but I bet shadow passwords would work for you.  In
addition to keeping your system secure by allowing the password to not be
world-readable, it allows you to specify many additional properties such
as passwords that expire after a certain amount of time, requiring the
user to change their password.  I'd bet that it provides the functionality
you want, too.  I'm not sure where you need to look in order to find the
docs, but hopefully I've at least pointed you in a direction to begin


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: IP_ALIAS (kernel 2.2.1)

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Miller
Ian Keith Setford wrote:
 I will assume that you are running slink because you did not say.  I also
 assume that the version of netbase you are running is 3.11-xx.  Download
 the netbase package from unstable/Potato (v. 3.12) and your IP aliasing
 should work normally.  For some reason the slink/3.11 version of netbase
 doesn't work correctly with the 2.2.x series kernels.
Hmmm, netbase v3.11-1.2 works fine on one of my 2.2.1 machines with IP

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller


1999-03-10 Thread Craig T. Hancock
I noticed something , but  I ma interested in upgrade to 2.1 but haven't
found the time. But today I wanted to get the ytalk package and I left
my machine while it was downloading it and when I cam back I noticed
that I ma running 2.1 and not 2.0 and I want to know how did this

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Puri

 Original Message 

On 3/9/99, 6:32:06 PM, Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
Maximal Mount Count:

 Paul Puri wrote:

  What is the command that I use to mv /usr to /dev/hda2?
  I tried 'mv /usr /hda2/usr', but that gave me the error, 'mv:  cannot
  move '/usr' across filesystems:  Not a regular file.
  Thank you...

   did you mount your /dev/hda2 on /hda2?? If you did, you may try cp 
-R after that,
 you can then delete the /usr

I typed, 'cp -R /usr /hda2/usr

It is in the process of copying

When it done, what can I do to make /hda2/usr, just plain /usr?

   Original Message 
  On 3/9/99, 5:52:08 PM, Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  regarding Re: Maximal Mount Count:
It is a 1gig partition.  I have two others on this same machine.
   Ok, make your partitions ready for linux (ext2 fs, etc).
What can I do to move stuff to these other partitions so that my 1st
partition will not be so loaded down.  I would like to install more
software there?
   Then what you can do is split your major directories into separate
   partitions. Like, /usr can have it's own partition,
   /home can have it's own partition. All you do for it is copy the files
   over to those new partitions from old directories, and then edit
   /etc/fstab to indicate where to mount those partitions to.
   For example, if you are creating a new partition /dev/hda2
   and you want to put /usr on it, you copy the files from your old /usr
   the /dev/hda2, and add a line to /etc/fstab to tell that /usr is to
   mounted to /dev/hda2
What directory trees can safely be moved to another partition?
Andrei S. Ivanov
UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _ 
 __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' 
\/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ 
/___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |

1999-03-10 Thread Pollywog
I found  what it was that cannot be started from /sbin/
I put the commands:

/usr/local/abacus/sentry -tcp
/usr/local/abacus/sentry -udp

in and sentry will not start.  I had to put the commands in netbase
instead, and I know that they will be overwritten when I upgrade.

I was able to start my ipfwadm rules and OSS-Linux from, however :)


PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

Re: IP_ALIAS (kernel 2.2.1)

1999-03-10 Thread Oz Dror
 I will assume that you are running slink because you did not say.  I also
 assume that the version of netbase you are running is 3.11-xx.  Download
 the netbase package from unstable/Potato (v. 3.12) and your IP aliasing
 should work normally.  For some reason the slink/3.11 version of netbase
 doesn't work correctly with the 2.2.x series kernels.  

I have sloved the problem by rebooting and upgrading netbase to
version 3.11-1.2



NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

EQL question

1999-03-10 Thread Froilan C. Mendoza


Would like to ask if it's possible to have two or more EQL connections to
a server? .. we have one existing EQL connection to our server (using two
modems) and we are intending to put up a couple of connections using EQL.

Thanks in advanced.


Froilan C. Mendoza  
Systems Administrator
Network Tracking and Implementation
Tridel Technologies, Inc.

Re: More than 5 SCSI disks? (/dev/sdf: ENXIO)

1999-03-10 Thread Jameson Burt
  There are 5 SCSI disks happily running at sda - sde.  The 6th
 disk is accepted as /dev/sdf, as the kernel output after lilo
 says.  But fdisk /dev/sdf fails with Unable to open /dev/sdf.
 strace fdisk /dev/sdf gives
open(/dev/sdf, O_RDWR)= -1 ENXIO (Device not configured)
open(/dev/sdf, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENXIO (Device not configured)
  What is missing here?  Other details follow, thank you.
  Andreas Wehler
 Debian 2.0
 # uname -a
 Linux classix 2.0.34 #3 Thu Jan 14 10:38:59 CET 1999 i686 unknown
 # cat /proc/scsi/scsi
 Attached devices: 
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00   (- sda)
   Vendor: IBM  Model: DDRS-39130W  Rev: S92A
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00   (- sdb)
   Vendor: IBM  Model: DDRS-39130W  Rev: S92A
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00   (- sdc)
   Vendor: IBM  Model: DDRS-39130W  Rev: S92A
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
   Vendor: HP   Model: C1533A   Rev: A708
   Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
   Vendor: TEAC Model: CD-ROM CD-532S   Rev: 1.0A
   Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00
   Vendor: YAMAHA   Model: CRW4260  Rev: 1.0j
   Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00   (- sdd)
   Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST19171N Rev: 0024
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00   (- sde)
   Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST19171N Rev: 0024
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00   (- sdf)
   Vendor: SEAGATE  Model: ST39140N Rev: 1281
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

You've probably already checked it, but I have often exceeded 
acceptable scsi cable lengths with unusual results (eg, my tape drive
would mistakenly think it had reached an end of tape).
These acceptable lengths can be seen at
When I let a scanner at the end of a scsi chain do termination rather
than attaching a terminator plug, I would have problems on 3 meters of
scsi-I devices.

My biggest problem has been with Ultra-Scsi (all Ultra2 would work wonderfully,
but Ultra is dangerous).  I had four devices on an Adaptec 2940UW,
with a cable length of about 1.4 meters.  Such a short length caused 
problems I never saw until weeks had passed and so many files had been ruined
that I needed to reinstall Debian Linux.  

Even if you don't run Ultra scsi, if you run fast scsi, 
the recommendation as I recall was no more than 3 meters
(though another source indicated 6 meters, and one cable manufacturer
told me their cables would give me 9 meters).

Jim Burt, NJ9L, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (703) 235-5213 ext. 132  (work)

A poor man associating with a rich man will soon be too poor 
to buy even a pair of breeches.   --Chinese Proverb

v2.0.10, insmod /dev/scd0

1999-03-10 Thread Elaina Tillinghast
When I boot from the resc1440.bin that came with v1.3.1, my /dev/scd0
can be mounted iso9660. I have now installed v2.0.10 or 2.0r3, the
same thing by labeling, from floppy.  I keep getting a hint to `insmod
driver`. Someone suggested sr_mod which isn't found. I picked scsi
cdrom during module selection. What next?

Juice --have fun --harm none

RE: set root execution permission for normal users

1999-03-10 Thread Shaleh

On 09-Mar-99 Conrado Badenas wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have just compiled a kernel for parport ZIP drive support, and now I
 would want to get an automatic way to mount and umount the drive. I have
 created the next script (/usr/local/bin/mtzip):

A better solution is to install the 'sudo' package.  Lets you specify who can
run what as root.  So say group zip can run mntzip.

RE: cvs

1999-03-10 Thread Shaleh

On 09-Mar-99 Craig T. Hancock wrote:
 What are the advantages of using CVS instead of your own complied
 versions of software

cvs is a means of sharing software.  By using 'cvs update' you always have the
latest version of the code.  So in projects were development goes fast and
furious, you can be sure to have the absolute latest code.

Packages we compile may be a little out of date (compared to cvs) but they do
work and you do not have to ask do have the right version of library a so I
can compile program one.

It boils down to how much free time do you have.

RE: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-10 Thread Shaleh

On 09-Mar-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Hi Debian users,
 In my country (Brazil) I only have to pay one tax between 0:00 and
 6:00 AM independent of call time.
 I'm start thinking to get my home machine live at night and set crontab
 to use pon or wvdial (I have two account, one with pon and other with
 wvdial) and use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/script_to_upgrade.
 Am I following the right path to solution?
 The script will be only:
 apt-get update
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Yes, except for the fact that the install needs you there to hit enter a few
times.  Apt says is this correct [Y/n], press enter to continue.  The
packages scripts may ask you for info as well.

A better solution may be to try and setup a mirror program and just grab
packages you are interested in (X, libc, dpkg, other essentials).

NIS and passwd

1999-03-10 Thread Shao Zhang
Could anyone please tell me how secure it is when using NIS to share
the /etc/passwd file?

I have two machines on the network, and due to security reasons, all
my passwd files are on one machine(A) only. The other machine is running
a ftp server, and I need to get the passwd from machine A. I am thinking
to use NIS to share
the passwd. But I am not sure if it is secure as there are many people
trying to hack in our machine everyday.

I would really like to write a little server myself. I don't know
how hard it would be and where to start. Can someone please point me to
some directions??

Also, is there a debian package that contains md5 encryption




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

RE: Python Development Files?

1999-03-10 Thread Shaleh

On 10-Mar-99 Russell Rademacher wrote:
 Hello guys.
 Now I ran into a little problem which is a real bummer.  Is there
 supposed to be an development package for python for debian for I sure cannot
 find it anywhere.

python-devel.  all python packages are python-foo.


1999-03-10 Thread Alec Smith
I just installed RealPlayer 5 on my Debian 2.1 system.  If I start Real
manually, I can open and play various clips. However, I have been able to
make Netscape open RealPlayer, however it doesn't seem to be passing the
URL info from the link. I want to click a RealAudio link, and have
RealPlayer load and play the clip automatically as Winblows dose.

I'm currently using Communicator 4.51.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Re: RealPlayer

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Puri
2nd that... I wanna now too

 Original Message 

On 3/9/99, 9:15:26 PM, Alec Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding RealPlayer:

 I just installed RealPlayer 5 on my Debian 2.1 system.  If I start 
 manually, I can open and play various clips. However, I have been able 
 make Netscape open RealPlayer, however it doesn't seem to be passing 
 URL info from the link. I want to click a RealAudio link, and have
 RealPlayer load and play the clip automatically as Winblows dose.

 I'm currently using Communicator 4.51.

 Any assistance is appreciated.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: kdm

1999-03-10 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

 On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Alec Smith wrote:
  Difference is kdm is for starting the KDE environment only. xdm starts a
  more traditional setup using fvwm2, windowmaker, or whichever you prefer.
 Actually, that is quite untrue. Kdm provides a menu from which you can
 select the session that you wish to run (KDE, Window Maker, FVWM, etc).
 Kdm also provides the ability to shutdown or reboot your system from the
 login screen.  It can also provide icons for the available usernames on
 the system (like the SGI login).
 I actually prefer wdm, the WINGS Desktop Manager to either.  It has about
 the same functionality as KDM, but it is built with WINGS, the Window
 Maker interface, so it looks quite nice.  It's included with slink.
There is one very nice feature in kdm in 1.1 that is unfortunately absent
in wdm: kdm remembers your last session, when you type your username it
switches the menue to the last used session, so that you don't have to
click every time you login (if you prefere non-default one). Of course, it
is not importain for a single user.


Re: cvs

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
 What are the advantages of using CVS instead of your own complied
 versions of software

sometimes you still need to compile CVS, so that's not what CVS means. It
means the software you are downloading is in a VERY developmental stage.
Usually new versions of the developer's source is uploaded to a public
ftp/web server on a daily/hourly basis, so the developer cannot even
guarantee that this software will be functional :)

Sarel Botha

apt error upgrading to 2.1

1999-03-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
When upgrading Debian 2.0 to 2.1 here with apt, I got

Unpacking replacement mime-support ...
Preparing to replace mtools 3.8-1 (using mtools_3.9.1-2.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement mtools ...
Preparing to replace ncurses-term 1.9.9g-8.10 (using ncurses-term_4.2-3.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement ncurses-term ...
Preparing to replace procmail 3.10.7-6 (using procmail_3.10.7-7.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement procmail ...
Preparing to replace rcs 5.7-9 (using rcs_5.7-11.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement rcs ...
Preparing to replace sharutils 1:4.2-6 (using sharutils_4.2-8.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement sharutils ...
Preparing to replace strace 3.1-13 (using strace_3.1.0.1-8.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement strace ...
E: Sub-process returned an error code

I ran dpkg --pending --configure, which worked perfectly.
Now I'm running apt-get dist-upgrade again; this time it's decided
it can upgrade ytalk [previously it said it was held] but otherwise
seems ok. Weird.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Help on writing a server

1999-03-10 Thread Shao Zhang
I need to write a server program that can do the following:
when user ftps to our server, this program will take their
inputed passwd, encrypt it using md5, send it to another machine which
has a file /etc/passwd, then on the other machine, it will compare the
encrypted passwd, and send over
the relevant information such as home directory, group id and so on.

I cannot use NIS as my boss does not want me to.

Can someone please point me to some places to start with? Any good
web pages or books that have got this kind of thing??

Thanks very much!



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: apt error upgrading to 2.1

1999-03-10 Thread oneiros
Thus spake Hamish Moffatt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 When upgrading Debian 2.0 to 2.1 here with apt, I got
 Preparing to replace strace 3.1-13 (using strace_3.1.0.1-8.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement strace ...
 E: Sub-process returned an error code
 I ran dpkg --pending --configure, which worked perfectly.
 Now I'm running apt-get dist-upgrade again; this time it's decided
 it can upgrade ytalk [previously it said it was held] but otherwise
 seems ok. Weird.

Same exact thing happened to me.  It appears to be a mis-handled dependency /
package-order because re-running apt-get dist-upgrade did grab the remaining
packages and configure the pending packages as it should.

Everything should be ok.  ;)

 .oO,.. oneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ..,Oo.
... and the `fortune -s` for this e-mail is ...
   ... bleakness ... desolation ... plastic forks ...

Re: More than 5 SCSI disks? (/dev/sdf: ENXIO)

1999-03-10 Thread Dr. Andreas Wehler
Jameson Burt wrote:
   There are 5 SCSI disks happily running at sda - sde.  The 6th
  disk is accepted as /dev/sdf, as the kernel output after lilo
  says.  But fdisk /dev/sdf fails with Unable to open /dev/sdf.

 You've probably already checked it, but I have often exceeded
 acceptable scsi cable lengths with unusual results (eg, my tape drive
 would mistakenly think it had reached an end of tape).
 These acceptable lengths can be seen at

 Thank you for the reply.  I'quadruple let check it again (the
machine in question is running at another location 450km away from
my office and I'm doing remote support).

 I know there are only these 3 ultra wide SCSI disks on the
Advansys controller in an external HP-SCSI-box with external bus
termination.  With the internal drives on the first SCSI bus on
Adaptec 2940UW we have no problems at all, after we had put one of
the ultra disks at the end for termination the wide bus.  This bus
is 1.6m long.

 I really don't know where to search further, HW? driver?

 Below is the output from dmesg.  Thanks.

 Andreas Wehler

# dmesg
(scsi0) Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter found at PCI 9/0
(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
(scsi0) BIOS enabled, IO Port 0xd000, IRQ 15
(scsi0) IO Memory at 0xe300, MMAP Memory at 0x8805000
(scsi0) Resetting channel
(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 413 instructions downloaded
scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.0.14/3.2.4
   Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter
scsi : 1 host.
(scsi0:0:-1:-1) Scanning channel for devices.
(scsi0:0:0:0) Using wide (16 bit) transfers.
(scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 20.0MHz, offset 8.
  Vendor: IBM   Model: DDRS-39130W   Rev: S92A
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
(scsi0:0:1:0) Using wide (16 bit) transfers.
(scsi0:0:1:0) Synchronous at 20.0MHz, offset 8.
  Vendor: IBM   Model: DDRS-39130W   Rev: S92A
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sdb at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
(scsi0:0:2:0) Using wide (16 bit) transfers.
(scsi0:0:2:0) Synchronous at 20.0MHz, offset 8.
  Vendor: IBM   Model: DDRS-39130W   Rev: S92A
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sdc at scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
(scsi0:0:4:0) Synchronous at 10.0MHz, offset 8.
  Vendor: HPModel: C1533ARev: A708
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 4, lun 0
  Vendor: TEAC  Model: CD-ROM CD-532SRev: 1.0A
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0
(scsi0:0:6:0) Refusing synchronous negotiation; using asynchronous transfers.
  Vendor: YAMAHAModel: CRW4260   Rev: 1.0j
  Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
scsi : detected 1 SCSI tape 2 SCSI cdroms 3 SCSI disks total.
SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 1785 [8715 MB] [8.7 GB]
SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 1785 [8715 MB] [8.7 GB]
SCSI device sdc: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 1785 [8715 MB] [8.7 GB]
Partition check:
 sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4  sda5 sda6 sda7 sda8 
 sdb: sdb1
 sdc: sdc1 sdc2
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
3c59x.c:v0.99E 5/12/98 Donald Becker
loading device 'eth0'...
eth0: 3Com 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xb400, 00:10:4b:b7:bd:7e, IRQ 10
  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/NWay Autonegotiation interface.
  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.
scsi1 : AdvanSys SCSI 3.1D: PCI Ultra 16 CDB: IO B000/F, IRQ 11
scsi : 2 hosts.
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST19171N  Rev: 0024
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sdd at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST19171N  Rev: 0024
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sde at scsi1, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
  Vendor: SEAGATE   Model: ST39140N  Rev: 1281
  Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi disk sdf at scsi1, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
SCSI device sdd: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 17783112 [8683 MB] [8.7 GB]
 sdd: sdd1 sdd2 sdd3  sdd5 sdd6 sdd7 sdd8 
SCSI device sde: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 17783112 [8683 MB] [8.7 GB]
 sde: sde1 sde2  sde5 sde6 sde7 sde8 
Adding Swap: 119996k swap-space (priority -1)
Adding Swap: 114996k swap-space (priority -2)
Disc change detected.

Re: apt error upgrading to 2.1

1999-03-10 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 When upgrading Debian 2.0 to 2.1 here with apt, I got
 Unpacking replacement mime-support ...
 Preparing to replace mtools 3.8-1 (using mtools_3.9.1-2.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement mtools ...
 Preparing to replace ncurses-term 1.9.9g-8.10 (using ncurses-term_4.2-3.deb) 
 Unpacking replacement ncurses-term ...
 Preparing to replace procmail 3.10.7-6 (using procmail_3.10.7-7.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement procmail ...
 Preparing to replace rcs 5.7-9 (using rcs_5.7-11.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement rcs ...
 Preparing to replace sharutils 1:4.2-6 (using sharutils_4.2-8.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement sharutils ...
 Preparing to replace strace 3.1-13 (using strace_3.1.0.1-8.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement strace ...
 E: Sub-process returned an error code
 I ran dpkg --pending --configure, which worked perfectly.
 Now I'm running apt-get dist-upgrade again; this time it's decided
 it can upgrade ytalk [previously it said it was held] but otherwise
 seems ok. Weird.

Yes, this has been determined to -most likely- be dpkg seg faulting or for
the example you gave it may be a delayed error exit but it usually says


what's the best html wordprocessor?

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Puri
I've used netscape composer, amaya, emacs (which is more of an html 
code editor), I'm looking for wysiwyg (word processor type).

Now I think soffice's StarWriter is the best around.  It acts just 
like a word processor, it has footnotes, doublespace, etc.  It also 
uses good html.  I checked my docs in lynx and they were quite 
viewable, and the double spacing etc looked great.

I'm interested in this because my goal is to write all documents in an 
open file type that can be easily indexed and searchable in htdig.  
That way I can have a permanent and growing personal (searchable) 
library (one that would also be searchable over the network).  

I know there are lots of great word processors, but .wpd, .doc, .dvi, 
etc. are not acceptable.  I hear gnome will have an xml word 
processor, that is something to look forward to.

StarWriter is the best I've seen so far for Linux.  The memory needs 
for this thing can be a bit too high for most users though.  I can't 
wait to check out what the gnome word processor will do.

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread homega
Paul Puri dixit:
  Original Message 
 On 3/9/99, 6:32:06 PM, Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
 Maximal Mount Count:
  Paul Puri wrote:
   What is the command that I use to mv /usr to /dev/hda2?
   I tried 'mv /usr /hda2/usr', but that gave me the error, 'mv:  cannot
   move '/usr' across filesystems:  Not a regular file.
   Thank you...
did you mount your /dev/hda2 on /hda2?? If you did, you may try cp 
 -R after that,
  you can then delete the /usr
 I typed, 'cp -R /usr /hda2/usr
 It is in the process of copying

I also passed the -a option to the `cp' command, it preserves files and
directory permissions, quite important I believe.

 When it done, what can I do to make /hda2/usr, just plain /usr?

add the following line to /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
/dev/hda2   /usrext2defaults0   2

Make sure you just copied the contents inside /usr to the new location, not
/usr as well.  Then, you should have an empty /usr directory.  When you
reboot, /dev/hda2 will be mounted in /usr.  Last time I did this, I copied
/usr as well, and I ended up having /usr/usr...


... you might also make a new directory called /opt, in a separate
partition, and install there new *big* programs instead of /usr/local



Re: Gnome install using apt - error logging in

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
 but when I do an apt-get update the update does fine with the debian
 site, but it gives me an error on the gnome sight. The error is:
 Error: dists/released/ Packages
 process_uri_pair: couldn't log in

The site is VERY busy, try one of the mirrors you see when
logging in with netscape or an ftp client.

Sarel Botha

Re: More than 5 SCSI disks? (/dev/sdf: ENXIO)

1999-03-10 Thread Dr. Andreas Wehler

 Is it possible to run 2 Adaptec 2940UW simultaneously?  Then
we would consider to change Advansys by Adaptec.


 Andreas Wehler

CAD/CAM straessle GmbHTel.: (+49)  211 - 52740 - 228
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wehler   Fax.: (+49)  211 - 52740 - 280

Re: How to get Debian and (argh!) Windows 95 machines linked through null modem?

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Huygen
Pablo (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a big problem and little time to solve. Can anyone help me?
I have to get a Debian (hamm) machine and a (argh!) Windows 95 one
linked through a null modem cable using PPP protocol. The Debian machine can be
able to connect Internet through ppp0.

Try Samba. Debian supports Samba. Samba supports the Windows
networking style via TCP-IP. Alas, I can't help you with the lack of
time you have. Recently I have set up a network with Samba and it has
cost me much time and many questions on a local dutch Linux mailing
list to get it going.

Paul Huygen

Re: what's the best html wordprocessor?

1999-03-10 Thread Paul Puri

 Original Message 

On 3/9/99, 11:55:42 PM, George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: what's the best html wordprocessor?:

 On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Paul Puri wrote:

  StarWriter is the best I've seen so far for Linux.  The memory needs
  for this thing can be a bit too high for most users though.  I can't
  wait to check out what the gnome word processor will do.

 Word perfect also has an html composer mode and I think LyX will allow 
 to save as html.

I'm aware of this.  However, I'm a little disappointed in wp8's use of 
X screen fonts.  They are very blurry, and on my lcd on my laptop, 
sometimes word's or letters disappear.  This can be very frustrating 
when one's editing documents.

Even though soffice is bloated as hell, they do a good job overall 
with their product.  It's pretty well polished.

I'm still excited about what gnome will come up with.  And Corel's 
Office 2000 (WP9, etc.) will be out at the end of this year.  Until 
then, I'm afraid WP8 will only get attention from me when I need to 
print docs with the pleading lines...

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

compiling a new kernel ....

1999-03-10 Thread Bruno Boettcher

i did just upgrade my laptop to potato, noticed that an old 2.2.1 kernel was
running and launched compile...

but it aborted with the message:
erm7:/usr/src/linux# make-kpkg binary
(cd debian/tmp-source/usr/src/; tar zcf kernel-source-2.2.3.tar.gz
rm -rf kernel-source-2.2.3;)
dpkg-gencontrol -isp -pkernel-source-2.2.3 -Pdebian/tmp-source/
dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-source-2.2.3 not in control info
make: *** [stamp-source] Error 29

strange enough on my workstation beneath (which has exactly the same
sources.list, and was updated at the very same time) the 'make-kpkg binary'
still runs...

Workstation is a PPro200, Laptop is a PII-233...

any hint on what's going wronf and how to resolve? (meaning using the debian 
kernel package...)

acount at earthling net
Unsolicited commercial email is NOT welcome at this email address
To contact me replace acount by bboett in above addresses


1999-03-10 Thread LOMBARDO MARCO
hi! i'm marco from italy, and i have a question on the linux os.
i need to create a new user with the same privilage of root user, i tried
to do these command :

adduser --system --group marco
passwd marco

the system create a new user marco and set the password, but when  i tried
to login with this user, the system don't login and return back to the
login shell, it apparently work because i see the standard message : you
have no mail etc..
how can i do?
please help me!

thanks for support


Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread Mike Merten
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 02:12:48AM +, Paul Puri wrote:
 What is the command that I use to mv /usr to /dev/hda2?  
 I tried 'mv /usr /hda2/usr', but that gave me the error, 'mv:  cannot 
 move '/usr' across filesystems:  Not a regular file.
 Thank you...

Actually, what I did was something more like this:

# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
# cp -a /usr/* /mnt
# umount /mnt
# rm -r /usr/*
# mount /dev/hda2 /usr

Then edited /etc/fstab to add a line

/dev/hda2   /usr   ext2   defaults   0  2

Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Re: set root execution permission for normal users

1999-03-10 Thread Jiri Baum

Conrado Badenas:
 I have just compiled a kernel for parport ZIP drive support, and now I
 would want to get an automatic way to mount and umount the drive. I have
 created the next script (/usr/local/bin/mtzip):
 /sbin/modprobe ppa.o
 /bin/mount /mnt/zip

Shell scripts can't be setuid. Use the sudo package instead.

 and added the next line in /etc/fstab:
 /dev/sda4   /mnt/zip   msdos   rw,user,noauto,umask=007,gid=25   0   2

So it's only modprobe that needs to be run as root. One possibility would
be to run the modprobe on bootup (if that would do what you need).

Yes, there is a good reason why shell scripts can't be suid. Ask me if

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.


1999-03-10 Thread Jiri Baum
 I had to put the commands in netbase instead, and I know that they will
 be overwritten when I upgrade.

No, they won't - netbase is a `conffile', which means if you change it dpkg
will ask you what to do.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: How to get Debian and (argh!) Windows 95 machines linked through null modem?

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
   I have a big problem and little time to solve. Can anyone help me?
   I have to get a Debian (hamm) machine and a (argh!) Windows 95 one
 linked through a null modem cable using PPP protocol. The Debian machine can 
 able to connect Internet through ppp0.
   I already tryed everything I know. Does anyone have any ideas?

You should probably use getty/mgetty on the linux side. I'm not sure if
win95 has a serial line modem driver. I'm pretty sure win98 has though.

Good Luck

Sarel Botha

Re: dvisvga (tmview) can't do resolution more than -d320x200!

1999-03-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 05:41:01PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
 I've just installed dvisvga and discovered that it can't seem to
 handle resolutions higher than 320x200.  Now I have a SVGA card that
 should be capable of handling 1024x768 --- certainly, this is the
 resolution of X.  When I try I get the following error:
 fatal error: display: no such vga-mode on this machine
 How can this be?  How can I fix it?

Does it use svgalib, and if so is there some configuration files for
svgalib which you need to edit to tell it what video card you have?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Broken package requires installation of already installedpackage

1999-03-10 Thread sjb
 Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
   libc6-dev: Depends:libc6
You probably downloaded and installed libc6, but not libc6-dev, so just
download and install libc6-dev and make sure it's the same version as
libc6 (dpkg -s libc6).

Sarel Botha

Re: New Install

1999-03-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 09:28:14AM -0600, ktb wrote:
 If your prompt is a $ you are not logged in as root.  This is the regular 

Not necessarily true.

[8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ su -
/local/home/root$ logout
[8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 

My prompt is set in ~root/.profile to

From the bash manual page:

  \$ if  the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a

Goodness knows why this doesn't work.


Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.


1999-03-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 03:12:37AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 I found  what it was that cannot be started from /sbin/
 I put the commands:
 /usr/local/abacus/sentry -tcp
 /usr/local/abacus/sentry -udp
 in and sentry will not start.  I had to put the commands in netbase
 instead, and I know that they will be overwritten when I upgrade.
 I was able to start my ipfwadm rules and OSS-Linux from, however :)

It's like Miquel says: it might work, but it's wrong. Don't do it.

Just create a file in /etc/init.d; call it anything you want. 
/etc/init.d/local would be appropriate. Put in it the stuff you want
to start during boot. Then run update-rc.d to set up the links
in /etc/rc2.d.

Don't edit /etc/init.d/netbase -- that's wrong too. You're free to do
whatever you want with your own system of course, but you will make it
harder for yourself later.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Using crontab to update Debian

1999-03-10 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
A mirror is much bandwith for me.
I didnt test yesterday.
I will test tonight when I was at home.
Thank you,  Paulo Henrique
Quoting Shaleh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On 09-Mar-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Hi Debian users,
  In my country (Brazil) I only have to pay one tax between 0:00 and
  6:00 AM independent of call time.
  I'm start thinking to get my home machine live at night and set crontab
  to use pon or wvdial (I have two account, one with pon and other with
  wvdial) and use /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/script_to_upgrade.
  Am I following the right path to solution?
  The script will be only:
  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade
  Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
 Yes, except for the fact that the install needs you there to hit enter a few
 times.  Apt says is this correct [Y/n], press enter to continue.  The
 packages scripts may ask you for info as well.
 A better solution may be to try and setup a mirror program and just grab
 packages you are interested in (X, libc, dpkg, other essentials).

Kernel Compile #4 - Success!

1999-03-10 Thread Doug Dine
After 3 unsuccessful attempts I have finally succeeded in compiling
my new kernel. The sound still doesn't work though. I have an Acer
FX 3D sound card in this machine which in it's manual claims to be
Sound Blaster compatible and Microsoft sound compatible so I 
chose those options in the sound configuration. Does anyone else
use one of these sound cards?


Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: what's the best html wordprocessor?

1999-03-10 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 07:55:56 GMT, Paul Puri wrote:

In all honesty, on all platforms, Macromedia's DreamWeaver is the best
HTML WYSIWYG editor I've seen, hands down.  Of course, it is Windows and
~$300 so I don't think that is exactly what you were looking for.  :/

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


installation problems

1999-03-10 Thread Andi Monari
hello everybody!

i've got some problems installing debian 2.0 booting from cd rom:

boot: (enter)
Loading root.bin.
Loading linux..
Uncompressing Linux...

ran out of data

-- System halted

What does it mean? My mashine is a k6 233 with 32 MB edo ram, with a seagate
4,3 gb Harddisk 

( 1st partition win98 all 8 other (2 other primary rest on extended partition)
linux ext2.

I solved the problem booting from a win95 disk with cd rom support and started

d:\install\boot.bat and linux started without any problems so i could install
it. But i want 

to install linux either from the bootable cd or from a boot disk.

Thank you for your support,


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

network help

1999-03-10 Thread G. Kapetanios


I am trying to set up thi computer at work with Debian. All works 
fine apart from the network. This is a novell environment. I have set 
up one computer in a novell environment before and it was fine. 
however here I have problems. The newtwork card is working OK as 
far as  I can tell. On boot the kernel finds it and although some 
mention of the eth1 interface is made at that stage, ifconfig states 
that eth0 is used. I can ping myself either using localhost or the IP 
address or the name of the machine. Ifconfig reports that lo and 
eth0 is up. But any attempt to ftp ping telnet  anything outside of 
the machine does not work. route reports the localnet and and then hangs. No gateway seems to be available as * 
is in place of the gateway. However I am using the same number 
as the other Win98 computers report in the TCP/IP installed 
gateways in network in control panel. I have not seen this problem 
before and I am at a loss for solving. Any help will be appreciated. 


George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DSE-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U.K.  WWW:


Re: RealPlayer

1999-03-10 Thread Frankie
Paul Puri wrote:
 2nd that... I wanna now too
  Original Message 
 On 3/9/99, 9:15:26 PM, Alec Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 regarding RealPlayer:
  I just installed RealPlayer 5 on my Debian 2.1 system.  If I start
  manually, I can open and play various clips. However, I have been able
  make Netscape open RealPlayer, however it doesn't seem to be passing
  URL info from the link. I want to click a RealAudio link, and have
  RealPlayer load and play the clip automatically as Winblows dose.
  I'm currently using Communicator 4.51.
  Any assistance is appreciated.
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I don't know, but I imagine that you want to check this:
in Edit-Preferences-Applications, find the entries for Realaudio (*.rm
*.ram etc) and make sure that the command line includes %s.

Just  a suggestion,

Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to get Debian and (argh!) Windows 95 machines linked through null modem?

1999-03-10 Thread Frankie
Paul Huygen wrote:
 Pablo (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a big problem and little time to solve. Can anyone help me?
 I have to get a Debian (hamm) machine and a (argh!) Windows 95 one
 linked through a null modem cable using PPP protocol. The Debian machine can 
 able to connect Internet through ppp0.
 Try Samba. Debian supports Samba. Samba supports the Windows
 networking style via TCP-IP. Alas, I can't help you with the lack of
 time you have. Recently I have set up a network with Samba and it has
 cost me much time and many questions on a local dutch Linux mailing
 list to get it going.
 Paul Huygen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

if you have installed one of the doc-linux packages, then look at the
PPP-HOWTO (on my system, doing zless /usr/doc/HOWTO/PPP-HOWTO works)

This has a section about using ppp over a nullmodem cable to connect to
other OSs

Samba is jumping the gun a bit at this stage : - you need to have ppp
connectivity working first, then you might want to think about
file/printer sharing.


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xterm, xhost

1999-03-10 Thread David Wright
Quoting Alec Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Thanks for the info. You wouldn't happen to know what the default
 XTerm*font: setting is would you?

AIUI it is called fixed which is an alias and is translated through
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias where I find
fixed -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
but YMMV.

To change the default, and indeed any of the six alternatives, you
need to put the following in ~/.Xresources (for yourself only):

XTerm*VT100*Font:   9x15
XTerm*VT100*Font5:  10x20
XTerm*VT100*Font6:  12x24

(those are my own, for hamm). Remember xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
for immediate effect.

I would also not recommend using xhost. Install ssh on both machines
(and its dependencies, from the non-US part of the distribution) and
then login to machine paladin by typing

ssh paladin

and you'll have a securer system. The connection will encrypt itself
and also any X programs you run remotely. It should work out of the box.
You may also find it will work on other machines that you connect to,
but if not, it will warn you and fall back to an ordinary unencrypted

 On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
   1. Is there a way to make xterm default to the large or huge font
   sizes? Right now I have to press control and right click on the xterm
   window to switch. As I'm legally blind, the default size is too small for
   my use.
  One way to do that would be editing your window manager config file and
  where it calls for xterm, use xterm -font * option, where under -font
  you can specify any font you need. Including sizes. 
  Another is to add a line to /etc/X11/Xresources that says something like
  XTerm*font: specify your font here.
   2. I've got two systems I routinely use X apps on, paladin and discover. 
   order to use these machines at the moment, I have to use xhost +paladin
   locally before I login to them. Where can I put something similar so these
   machines are always authorized to open the X server on my machine?
  Edit the /etc/X11/Xsession file and insert line
  xhost +paladin 
  in the beginning of it.
  Same can be done for discover as well.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: I can't believe this

1999-03-10 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to admit, there were several times even *I*
 was ready to delete everything Linux on my PC - but my continual displeasure
 with everything MicroSoft kept me going.

Hear Hear I was the same.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
I couldn't shoot a game of pool with a shotgun. -- Sam Beckett
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: New Install

1999-03-10 Thread Thomas Köhler
Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 09:28:14AM -0600, ktb wrote:
  If your prompt is a $ you are not logged in as root.  This is the regular 
 Not necessarily true.
 [8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ su -
 /local/home/root$ logout
 [8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ 
 My prompt is set in ~root/.profile to
 From the bash manual page:
   \$ if  the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a
 Goodness knows why this doesn't work.

You have to escape the $ - try this:
or this
PS1='\w\$ '



Thomas KöhlerEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  IRC:   jeanluc
  LCARS --- Linux for Computers on All Real Starships

SVGA server for Debian 1.3?

1999-03-10 Thread Olof Oberg

where can I find the SVGA server for Debian 1.3? I have only 
found libc6 based binaries.

Would be very happy if I could get hold of the old binaries.


# S-mail: Olof Oberg #  [EMAIL PROTECTED] #
# Pedagoggr. 7A  #  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
# S-907 30 Umea  #  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
# Phone:  090-197395 # #

Re: Linux and Partition Magic

1999-03-10 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I have used Partition Magic 4.0 to expand and move a Linux partition and
 it worked fine.  After doing this, I had to boot from a floppy and run
 LILO before I could boot Linux from LILO, however.

I have also had this happen to me. I have contacted PowerQuest about it,
demonstrated it to them, and they have acknowledged that it's a bug.

I use another boot manager in the MBR (Bootit Direct), so I have Lilo
installed in the Linux partition boot sector. I have found that when I
use PM 4.0 to resize/move a bootable Linux *logical* drive (inside the
extended partition) I almost always have the lilo problem afterwards.
When I do a similar operation on a bootable Linux *primary* partition,
the Lilo problem doesn't happen.

PM 4.0 attempts to do the equivalent of running the lilo command when it
works on a partition - but doesn't always get it right. It also makes
appropriate changes to /etc/fstab automatically - and so far it looks
like it does that right.


Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

Re: Maximal Mount Count

1999-03-10 Thread homega
Mike Merten dixit:
 Actually, what I did was something more like this:
 # mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
 # cp -a /usr/* /mnt

right, /usr/* tells to copy everything inside /usr/, but not the /usr
directory name itself.  I think a different way to achieve this is:

# cp -ax /usr

 # umount /mnt
 # rm -r /usr/*
 # mount /dev/hda2 /usr
 Then edited /etc/fstab to add a line
 /dev/hda2   /usr   ext2   defaults   0  2

I believe you then mount /dev/hda2 to be able to edit /etc/fstab and add the
line... ah, I see now, the mount command does exist in /bin.  Instead, I
edited /etc/fstab and added the line first, then I removed the contents
inside /usr... and rebooted.  Many different ways to achieve the same goal.

I just wonder if I /lost+found subdirs created in new ext2 partitions can be
deleted or they have to stay there for any reason... they do take some



 Mike Merten
 ICQ# 28460680
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Gnome 1.0 debs?

1999-03-10 Thread Rick Macdonald

Are there Gnome 1.0 debs yet?

I haven't tried Gnome yet. 1.0 seems like the place to start.


Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-03-10 Thread fockface dickmeat
   Your thinking of the personal user, which isn't Linux's
strongsuit right now.  Corporate customers are looking at the
Calderas and RedHatters of the Linux distributions.  Without
commercial support, they won't even bother to *look* at Debian. 
Without the attention of the corporate world, Debian won't get
enough advertising, or word of mouth, to become a player in the
end user market (whenever it develops).

Ed C.

I don't think that is such a bad thing for debian to remain 
non-commercial. What happens when RH or caldera becomes 50.0001% owned 
by a company like Sun, HP or Novell? Do these companies act any 
different than M$? Would such a redhat CEO consider the ideas of the 
Linux Developers as important as the marketing strategies of his new 
parent company? Will RH Linux become secondary to the success of a 
proprietary version of unix? Maybe. Hopefully Debian won't.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Outgoing port 53 redirected to special port.

1999-03-10 Thread Björn Elwhagen
Thanks for your input on my problem. I've solved the problem by setting
up a local DNS that sends querys on port 53. It works well enough and
keeps my firewall tight and neat.

I could ofcourse use an external DNS as suggested in a private mail, but
i think i for some reasons like this solution the better. I would prefer
to be able to send all requests to ourside port 53 to a special one but
that seems a bit harder than the solution i've chosen.

Well...i might change the setup in the future but until then i just say
thank you all for your help.


// Marwin

| Björn Elwhagen aka Marwin Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| Student at Wexio University   for PGP public key. (broken) |
| SwedenICQ: 356095  | 

killing all processes on a tty

1999-03-10 Thread Pere Camps

What can I use in order to kill all the processes on a tty using
only one command?

Something like: killall /dev/ttyS1 ?


-- p.

Re: virtual private network?

1999-03-10 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 11:29:18AM -0600, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 Lee Bradshaw wrote:
  I need some software to allow laptop users to connect to machines on
  our private network (192.168.x.x) from anywhere on the internet. Has
  anyone used FreeS/WAN, Mobile IP or similar programs to set up a virtual
  private network on debian? Does anyone know the development status? Some
  of the Mobile IP projects seem to have last been released two years ago.
  I see a package called Tunnel Vision, but it looks like it requires a
  newer kernel than is currently supported on debian.

I use IP over IP tunnel - both machines are Slink

 Client setup (kernel 2.2.2)
insmod ipip
ip tunnel add test mode ipip remote $ServerIP local $ClientIP
ip link set test up
ip addr add $ClientIPpriv dev test
ip ro add $ServerIPpriv dev test src $ClientIPpriv
ip ro add $PrivateNet dev test src $ClientIPpriv

--- Server setup (kernel 2.0.34)
insmod ipip
insmod new_tunnel
ifconfig  tunl0 $ServerIP pointopoint $ClientIP up
route add $ClientIPpriv gw $ClientIP dev tunl0
arp  -Ds $ClientIPpriv eth0 pub

$ServerIP and $ClientIP are real IP's (from Internet side)

$ServerIPpriv, $ClientIPpriv and $PrivateNet are local, for example



Re: killing all processes on a tty

1999-03-10 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 01:04:19PM +, Pere Camps wrote:
   What can I use in order to kill all the processes on a tty using
 only one command?
   Something like: killall /dev/ttyS1 ?

   skill [-signal] [-ivfwn] {tty user command pid}


Corrupt utmp entries - how to clean up utmp?

1999-03-10 Thread Olaf Rogalsky
For some unknown reason I have a corrupt /var/run/utmp. Running 'who' gives
the following output:

einstein:rogalsky who
joerg:3   Feb 11 16:09
schuetz  ttyp2Mar 10 09:52 (:0.0)
schuetz  :0   Mar 10 09:52
schuetz  ttyp3Mar 10 09:52 (:0.0)
schuetz  :2   Feb 25 14:04
rogalsky ttyp6Mar 10 14:03 (

But the two entries 
joerg:3   Feb 11 16:09
schuetz  :2   Feb 25 14:04
are outdated and no one is logged in on :2 or :3.

How can I get rid of them without rebooting the system?

Olaf Rogalsky

  (. .)
I Dipl. Phys. Olaf Rogalsky Institut f. Theo. Physik I I
I Tel.: 09131 8528440   Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg   I
I Fax.: 09131 8528444   Staudtstrasse 7 B3 I
I [EMAIL PROTECTED]  D-91058 Erlangen   I

installation problems

1999-03-10 Thread Andi Monari
hello everybody!

i've got some problems installing debian 2.0 booting from cd rom:

boot: (enter)
Loading root.bin.
Loading linux..
Uncompressing Linux...

ran out of data

-- System halted

What does it mean? My mashine is a k6 233 with 32 MB edo ram, with a seagate
4,3 gb Harddisk ( 1st partition win98 all 8 other (2 other primary rest on
extended partition) linux ext2.

I solved the problem booting from a win95 disk with cd rom support and started
d:\install\boot.bat and linux started without any problems so i could install
it. But i want to install linux either from the bootable cd or from a boot

Thank you for your support,


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German NFS-Server

1999-03-10 Thread Florian 'Papa Flo' Streck

Does anybody know a debian-mirror in Germany that I can access via NFS?
I already tried the ftp-mirrors but always got a time-out message.
Could it be that I just tried the wrong Paths? Or do those servers
( not support
NFS? I don't think that a real time-out is the reason, because all those
machines are directly connected to the german research network (DFN)
(which is quite fast).

 Florian Streck 

Re: New Install

1999-03-10 Thread ktb
As far as I could gather Joe was attempting to install for the first time.  I 
doubt he
has messed around with his prompt symbol.  Just posting this so Joe doesn't get

Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 09:28:14AM -0600, ktb wrote:
  If your prompt is a $ you are not logged in as root.  This is the regular 

 Not necessarily true.

 [8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ su -
 /local/home/root$ logout
 [8:46pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~

 My prompt is set in ~root/.profile to

 From the bash manual page:

   \$ if  the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a

 Goodness knows why this doesn't work.


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Re: kdm

1999-03-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:

 There is one very nice feature in kdm in 1.1 that is unfortunately absent
 in wdm: kdm remembers your last session, when you type your username it
 switches the menue to the last used session, so that you don't have to
 click every time you login (if you prefere non-default one). Of course, it
 is not importain for a single user.

I agree, that feature is VERY nice.  I wish I could figure out how it does
it, 'cause I'd love it if I could fix wdm to work the same way.


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Version: 2.6.2


Re: help! (root user)

1999-03-10 Thread David Wright
 hi! i'm marco from italy, and i have a question on the linux os.
 i need to create a new user with the same privilage of root user, i tried
 to do these command :

AIUI the privileges of root are not a function of the four letters r o o t
but of having UID = 0. So just set the UID of that user in the passwd file
to 0. I don't know what advantages that confers on your system. I find
/bin/su -
just as easy to type as logging in as root or anybody else.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

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