Re: Actualizando Debian con apt-get

1999-04-18 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 16 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 15:28:18 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon 

On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 04:22:05PM -0300, Hernan Alvarez wrote:

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 herny tty4
 Alguien sabe como cambiar esto para que diga 2.1?? (Como ven no es muy

edita /etc/issue y /etc/

 Al  comprobar  esto  en  mi  sistema,  me  acordé  del  archivo
 /etc/debian_version y  pensé si se podría  poner automáticamente en
 el /etc/issue. El caso es que ahora me encuentro con:

$ cat /etc/debian_version |hexdump
$ ls /etc/debian_version -l
-rw-r--r--   1 root root10240 ene 11 17:49 /etc/debian_version

 Uso Hamm y no he tocado el archivo para nada...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.6
PGP Public key at

Re: + de 64 Mb de memoria

1999-04-18 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 16 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 21:45:41 +0200, Ignacio J. Alonso 

pero el caso es que yo arranco con loadlin, ¿bastaría con añadir:
c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro mem=128M ??



 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.6
PGP Public key at

Re: smail/sendmail/qmail cual?

1999-04-18 Thread Han Solo
On Sat, Apr 17, 1999 at 08:15:21AM +0200, Manel Marin wrote:
 Agradecere que compartais vuestras opiniones y experiencia conmigo ;-)


Yo uso sendmail porque cuando empecé con redhat sólo tenía el sendmail. Con el 
paso a debian, me pasé también todos los ficheros de configuración y no me 
calenté la cabeza. Resumiendo, que instalé sendmail por no leerme la 
documentación del smail (pese a que todo el mundo que conozcon con debian de 
dijo que era bastante sencillo).
Si tienes que elegir alguno, quédate con el smail, el sendmail es un coñazo de 
configurar (todavía no conozco a nadie que sea capaz de decir que domina la 
configuración de senmail).
Sobre el qmail no conozco nada.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: smail/sendmail/qmail cual?

1999-04-18 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Manel Marin wrote:

 Hola listeros,
 Tengo una duda existencial...
 Estoy usando smail porque la Debian lo instala por defecto, pero parece que
 to er mundo usa sendmail...

Ya me corregiran si me equivoco. La seguridad en Debian es un valor que es
tenido muy encuenta en todo momento.  Debian por defecto sugiere las opciones 
más seguras y smail es mucho más seguro que sendmail. Lo que pasa es que 
sendmail es más flexible y permite hacer muchas cosas que no se pueden hacer 
con smail. 

 He leido que sendmail es mas antiguo y que es propenso (o al menos tiene un
 largo historial) de fallos de seguridad. Y el que hizo el qmail parece que
 desafia al mundo a que le encuetren un fallo de seguridad...
 Agradecere que compartais vuestras opiniones y experiencia conmigo ;-)
 Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Powered (Debian 2.0)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Solucionado Diamon SpeedStar A50

1999-04-18 Thread Dardo S Botto
Hola. Hice una pregunta sobre la SpeedStar A50, recibí respuestas
que ayudaron, y ví que otros también preguntaron cosas parecidas.
Así que cuento lo que hice para que funcionara la maldita tarjeta de
1- Instalar sí o sí el xfree 3.3.3-1. La version anterior no la
2- Crear el correspondiente XF86Config en /etc/X11.
3- Pero aún no me funcionaba correctamente, así que agregué
 los siguientes:

 Option no_accel
 Option Diamond
 Option nolinear 

Espero que sea de utilidad. Saludos.
|   Dardo Sergio Botto|
|   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  |


1999-04-18 Thread Angel Barrio


---End Message---

Re: Mas sobre GNOME

1999-04-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, abr 17, 1999 at 08:23:48 +0200, Jesus M. Gonzalez wrote:
   Me he bajado los paquetes de GNOME para Debian slink, y van de 

¡Hombr!, ¡alguien que ha hecho lo mismo que yo!... es que como pregunté unas
cuantas de cosas esta semana y ni caso... (indirecta)


 miedo. Sólo una cosa: he elegido enlightenment como gestor de
 ventanas. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que no me muestre sus iconos? Se mezclan

¿Tienes Enlightenment 0.15?, yo lo tengo instalado del directorio de Jim y
no pe ha puesto ningún icono :-/ 

 con el panel de GNOME, y con otros iconos, y el resultado queda
 bastane liado... He buscado opciones en e-config, pero no he visto

Pues a mi no.

Lo que si me mosquea es la gran inestabilidad de gmc, alcambiar un icono de
cualquier aplicación que tengas pegada al escritorio desaparece gmc y he de
volver a lanzarlo, ¿te pasa a ti?. Ya se que este gnome para slink es
unstable pero no se si lo que me pasa con gmc es culpa de esa 'unstabilidad'
o que yo he hecho algo mal.

Ya que estamos, ¿te guarda las opciones que cambies en el control-center de
gnome? (sonidos, fondo de escritorio...) a mi no :-?


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

RE: Mas sobre GNOME

1999-04-18 Thread cesar . talon
On 17-Apr-99 Jesus M. Gonzalez wrote:
   Me he bajado los paquetes de GNOME para Debian slink, y van de 
 miedo. Sólo una cosa: he elegido enlightenment como gestor de
 ventanas. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que no me muestre sus iconos? Se mezclan
 con el panel de GNOME, y con otros iconos, y el resultado queda
 bastane liado... He buscado opciones en e-config, pero no he visto

Esto es de mucha ayuda, pero la definicion de los iconos del enlightenment
depende de los themes que tengas instalados. Si quieres quitar los de abajo y
los de los lados tienes que editar los temas a mano. 

Mira en el directorio /usr/share/enlightenment/themes/ y dentro de eso en el
directorio del tema que tengas instalado. 

Espero que te sirva.


Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

It is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist.
It produces a false impression.
-- Oscar Wilde.


Re: smail/sendmail/qmail cual?

1999-04-18 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 17 Apr 1999 a las 08:15AM +0200, Manel Marin escribio:
 Hola listeros,
 Tengo una duda existencial...
 Estoy usando smail porque la Debian lo instala por defecto, pero parece que
 to er mundo usa sendmail...

Yo no. Yo uso también smail. Sendmail me parecio mas dificilillo que smail,
y al fin y al cabo, para enviar y recibir correo de un usuario (yo), tanto da.

Poco mas te puedo contar. Te respondo por si te sirve como estadistica.



04/17   An unexpected party (LOTR)
04/17   Bay of Pigs invasion crushed by Castro forces, 1961
04/18   Einstein's Death, 1955
04/18   First Laundromat opens, Fort Worth Texas, 1934
04/18   San Francisco earthquake, 1906
Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

Re: Logotipo de Debian

1999-04-18 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sat, Apr 17, 1999 at 02:18:06AM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 ¿Por que no, Hue? ¿No quieres que cambien el pollito? (es en tono cariñoso
  Noo!  Yo no quiero que lo cambien!!
  Yo quiero seguir con mi amorcito!!  ;-)

Hombre, la verdad es que podrian cambiarlo por algo con mas empaque, mas
facil de identificar.

 Eso si, por favor, cada de pinguinos al uso, que, por lo menos en España,
 ultimamente estan demado vistos.
  ¿Al uso?  Me temo que no pillo  :-/

Hombreee, que no sea el pinguino de siempre, que tenga algo diferente. A ver
si se da con algo original, pero sin pasarse.

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.5 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

Re: Mas sobre GNOME

1999-04-18 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Yo lo he instalado entre ayer y hoy. Me he bajado un montón de paquetes.
Alguno me he fijado que está con problemas de dependencias, pero bueno,
esos fallos son casi lógicos dado que están en fase unstable.
La cosa es que me funciona casi todo, pero me he fijado que muchos
textos (gtk-labels) no me salen. Por ejemplo en los menús, en opciones
de ventanas de configuración, en los label de los notebooks, etc ...
Uh, oh !! Ahora mismo estoy cayendo en la cuenta de que todas las
etiquetas que digo tienen tilde. Lo sé porque lo he comprobado con el
editor de menúes de Gnome. Es decir, en el editor de menúes veo todos
los menúes y fuera de él no los veo.
¿Alguien me puede ayudar?

Un saludo a todos y gracias.

Juan Carlos

pd.- Voy a probar el gnome-apt. ¿Creeis que será fiable usarlo tan
pronto? ;-)

Re: Mas sobre GNOME

1999-04-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, abr 18, 1999 at 04:28:54 +0200, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
 Yo lo he instalado entre ayer y hoy. Me he bajado un montón de paquetes.

¡26 Mb del ala! :-D

 Alguno me he fijado que está con problemas de dependencias, pero bueno,

Ups eso no me ha pasado a mi.

 esos fallos son casi lógicos dado que están en fase unstable.
 La cosa es que me funciona casi todo, pero me he fijado que muchos
 textos (gtk-labels) no me salen. Por ejemplo en los menús, en opciones
 de ventanas de configuración, en los label de los notebooks, etc ...

Oye eso no me ha pasado a mi... no se no se.

 Uh, oh !! Ahora mismo estoy cayendo en la cuenta de que todas las
 etiquetas que digo tienen tilde. Lo sé porque lo he comprobado con el
 editor de menúes de Gnome. Es decir, en el editor de menúes veo todos
 los menúes y fuera de él no los veo.


 ¿Alguien me puede ayudar?


 pd.- Voy a probar el gnome-apt. ¿Creeis que será fiable usarlo tan
 pronto? ;-)

Yo ya lo tengo rulando. Dado que tengo copias de seguridad de la base de
dpkg no me preocupa el tema demasiado. Tiene muy buena pinta pero desde mi
punto de vista ha de mejorarse bastante el tema de la configuración de las
fuentes (de donde se toman los paquetes).

P.D: ¿Te guarda a ti la conf realizada con el control-center de gnome?, a mi
no :-///

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Framebuffer y mis ojos

1999-04-18 Thread M. Angel Esteban

Resulta ha he añadido el soporte Vesa para la consola con un kernel 2.2.x
pero... he visto que sólo admite refrescos a 60 Hz :( El problemón es
que yo estoy acostumbrado a trabajar con un refresco de 120 Hz o más y,
caro, comprenderéis, que gastarme lo que megastao en la pantalla pa 60
parpadeantes herzios ;)

Bueno, el caso es que casi que me decantaría más hacia SVGAText, pero...
tengo una banshee y no sé hasta qué punto está soportado, estuve haciendo
pruebas y lo máximo que he consegudo son calidades de texto muy guapas pero
con basura por tos los laos. Estaría interesado en poder escribir en consola
a 132*50 a proximadamente con un refresco de unos 100Hz (eso taria bien).

¿Alguien en la lista tiene alguna experiencia similar o sabe por donde podría
disparar los tiros pa dar al blanco? ¿Quizá tengo que definir los clocks de
la bnahsee? ¿que clocks tiene la banshee?

Bua con lo wapa que era mi Mach64 bua

Ta luego!

   En un mundo sin fronteras ni murallas...
  ¿¿!! Pa quieres las Puertas y Ventanas

   'Soy un Boina Verde de la Debian' Firmado: *Dakota*

Re: ip-up /ip-down

1999-04-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, abr 18, 1999 at 12:29:22 +0100, Javier Ramirez wrote:
 Anteriormente tenía instalada le RedHat 5.2 y para automatizar la ejecución
 de programas y/o scripts al producirse la conexión a INTERNET bastaba con
 editar el archivo /etc/ppp/ip-up.local.
 Ahora tengo la debian 2.0 y veo que la cosa funciona ligeramente diferente.
 ¿Dónde puedo obtener información sobre el tema? ¿Hay algún HOWTO o FAQ? En
 caso contrario ¿algún alma caritativa me haría un sencillo resumen?

Realmente fácil:

*Para automatizar las tareas a lanzar cuando inicies la conexión con el
servidor, pon shell-scripts, perl-scripts o el ejecutable que desees en el 
directorio '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/'. Si hay varios ficheros en este directorio se
ejecutarán por orden alfabético comenzando por los números, seguido de las
mayúsculas y luego las minúsculas.
Ejemplo (mi sistema)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /etc/ppp/ip-up.d
total 6
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root35 abr  8 02:09 000jlclient  (DNS dinámica) 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root43 sep 20  1998 00wmppp  (necesario wmppp) 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   476 abr  6 16:44 01pon_correo (bajar correo)
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   536 abr  6 16:44 timofometro  (monitor gasto)
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root21 mar  5 21:17 zz_news  (bajar noticias) 

*Para automatizar las tareas a 'matar' cuando termines la conexión con tu
servidor ponlas en '/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/' y se ejecutarán siguiendo el mismo
Ejemplo (mi sistema)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /etc/ppp/ip-down.d
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root86 sep 20  1998 00wmppp  (necesario wmppp)
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   249 dic 14 17:34 correo_poff  (mato demonio)
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   267 abr 18 21:15 timofometro  (escribo log gasto)

Lógicamente el comentario entre paréntesis al final de cada línea es eso, un
comentario puesto a pelo por mi.

Un ejemplo de script de '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d' puede ser el de bajar correo:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/01pon_correo 
#   --- Coger/Enviar el correo ---

# Normalmente tardo entre 5 y 10 segundos en hacer la conexión, así que ...
#sleep 10
killall -v -9 tail  # Mato el proceso del tail anterior

/usr/sbin/sendmail -q   # Mando el correo en la cola

# Llamo a fetchmail (lo lanzo como demonio que mira el buzón del servidor)
# cada 60 segundos. Mantengo un fichero de log:
fetchmail -d 60 -k --protocol POP3 -v -L $HOME/etc/fetchmail.log
# Voy viendo el log de lo que hace fetchmail en la consola 9
(tail -f $HOME/etc/fetchmail.log /dev/tty9) 

Un ejemplo de script de '/etc/ppp/ip-down.d' puede ser el de matar el
demonio de fetchmail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/correo_poff 

# Finalizando tareas de correo al desconectarme de Internet

# Mato el proceso de fetchmail:
fetchmail -v --quit
killall -v -9 tail 

A mi con saber esto me basta y te aseguro que me resulta mucho más cómodo
gestionar las tareas en scripts independientes que en un sólo fichero.


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Printing in Color

1999-04-18 Thread Jan Muszynski
How can I get my printer to print in color? I print a page from 
Netscape and select lpr as  the printer. Everything prints fine, but 
it prints in B/W.

Printer is an Epson Stylus 850. Printcap is set up to refer to 3 
magicfilters (ie. 3 printers all pointing to same dev):
stylus800-filter   (this is default)

I assume I need the above to print in different dpi settings?

Any assistance greatly appreciated - TIA
   Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   PGP key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E  5316 B90A 93CE 6696
Thought for the day:
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.

SHELL environment variable.

1999-04-18 Thread Jan Muszynski
I was always under the impression that the SHELL envirinment variable 
was supposed to point to the _current_ shell. In my setup at least, 
it doesn't. It _always_ points to the login shell (I change to a 
different shell but the variable remains the same). Bug, feature, 
user error?  Any comments or suggestions welcome.

   Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   PGP key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E  5316 B90A 93CE 6696
Thought for the day:
Having your back scratched is not the only reason to be married,
but it is a good one, especially for those spots that are so
hard to reach by yourself.
-- Maureen Johnson, 'To Sail Beyond the Sunset'
   (Robert Heinlein)

Re: New Kernel install (II)

1999-04-18 Thread homega
Thanks everyone, I got lilo dual booting the two kernels.  I'm having some
trouble since the new kernel does not recognize hdd as a block device, and
therefore I can't mount my iomega zip drive.  I've checked both
/boot/config-2.0.35 and /boot/config-2.0.34, and this might be the cause:


I thought this kernel option was this other kernel option was the one for the
zip drive:


Also, during booting I'm getting some warnings: can't locate modules...
one of them is vfat, but I can mount a floppy with `mount -t vfat ...' ???
another is cdrom, but I can mount cdrom.

I ran lsmod and got:

homega:/boot$ lsmod
Module PagesUsed by

Are there no modules loaded???

Last, if I try to mount a DOS formatted disk, it mounts but:

homega:~# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
^^^  ???
and the same for `mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /floppy'
`mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy' is working ok.

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Where is xserver 3.3.3 or higher

1999-04-18 Thread Ke Huang
Just installed Debian 2.1 from distribution CD. Couldn't find xserver 3.3.3
anywhere (on CD or from debian mirrors). Does anyone know where I can download
the debian package for XFree86 3.3.3?

Please cc me on the reply, as I am not subscribed to the list. Thanks.

-- Ke Huang
e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (preferred)


1999-04-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, John Foster wrote:
  Michael Beattie wrote:
   Sorry, stupid question, I just decided to change to a PS/2 mouse, but I
   dont have the faintest about how to set it up. kernel recompile?
  YEP! probably a good time to upgrade to 2.2.5 :-)
 It's too late for that:
 $ uname -a
 Linux bob 2.2.6 #1 Fri Apr 16 19:57:45 MST 1999 i586 unknown

Ouch... well, Im not going that far, yet, Ive been told my VX/Pro MB wont
like the 2.2 series very much... but a simple upgrade to 2.0.36 with PS/2
enabled sorted things... My only question.. how do I increase the mouse
speed in X? gpm was easy.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  WinErr: 005 Multitasking attempted - System confused
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Pine question

1999-04-18 Thread blackie

You may want to check into the roles feature in the latest pine.  Look
for it in the first configuration menu.  

On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Bruce Sass wrote:

 Try editing /etc/{passwd,group,shadow,gshadow} manually,
 (make backups first!)
 then cd /home;mv ian iehrenwald,
 followed by 
   chown * on-every-file-with-ian-permissions
 (* == iehrenwald | .iehrenwald | iehrenwald.iehrenwald ).
 Maybe it is simpler to create a new account for iehrenwald on your
 machine, then use it to do your mail.
 - Bruce
 On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, iehrenwald wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I am using pine to read/send mail.  I am also using a dial-up connection
  for my Internet access.  My login name for my machine is 'ian'.  My
  account on my ISP is 'iehrenwald'.  How do I get pine to send mail from
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and not '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or whatever it is at now?
  I tried playing with the passwd file using chfn but that didn't seem to do
  it?  Anyone have some ideas?  Thanks.  
  --Ian Ehrenwald
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: New Kernel install

1999-04-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Apr 17, 1999 at 02:07:14PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If all this is correct so far, what's the point in running lilo to update it?

Because LILO makes reference to the absolute location on disk of the vmlinuz
file (at the far end of the symlink) in the boot code it writes out. Changing
the symlinks makes no difference on its own; LILO knows nothing about ext2fs
file systems or symlinks.

No need to copy .config over; that's just for convenience.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Pine question

1999-04-18 Thread David Densmore
Find this entry in .pinerc:

# List of features; see Pine's Setup/options menu for the current set.
# e.g. feature-list= select-without-confirm, signature-at-bottom
# Default condition for all of the features is no-.

add allow-changing-from like this:


This will allow you to use a customized header that is unrelated
to your local user account.

Next, find this entry:

# Add these customized headers (and possible default values)
# when composing

Modify it like so:

customized-hdrs=From: Any Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your copy of Pine must have been compiled to allow changing
from.  I think that is the default.

iehrenwald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on 17 April 1999 03:14:
I am using pine to read/send mail.  I am also using a dial-up connection
for my Internet access.  My login name for my machine is 'ian'.  My
account on my ISP is 'iehrenwald'.  How do I get pine to send mail from
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and not '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or whatever it is at
now?  I tried playing with the passwd file using chfn but that didn't
seem to do it?  Anyone have some ideas?  Thanks.

Re: abiword troubles: improperly installed fonts

1999-04-18 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Running an old AcceleratedX 3.1
 Mostly hamm, with slink and potato stuff mixed in, but dpkg is happy.
 abiword complains about improperly installed fonts.
 I tried the following as per the /usr/doc/abiword/unix_fonts.txt.gz file:
 xset fp+ /usr/share/abiword
 export ABIWORD_FONTPATH=/usr/share/abiword
 But still no go. Any suggestions?

Install the abiword-fonts package.


Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-18 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 09:06:38PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 02:48:00PM +0200, Ookhoi wrote:
  Cool. :-)
  So now we have:
  stty sane
  ctrl-v esc c
  to restore a messed up text interface.
  Groetjes, Ookhoi
 don't forget setfont - maybe we can start a collection :)
 But the original question referred to an svgalib messed up console which is
 quite a bit different.

In particular, it's different in that none of those did me any good

svgalib comes with a couple of utils called textmode and
savetextmode that are supposed to help in exactly my situation
... but the man page says: 

   You  do this by being a smart guy and running savetextmode
   right after booting of your machine, prior  to  any  prob

Unluckily for me, I'm not a smart guy.  these are both scripts for a
couple of restoration utils that take a previous config from a file
and reinstate it -- but I have made no such file.  My question at this
point:  is there such a file on my system?  could I create one?  Or
should I just break down and reboot again?

If it helps, running textmode at this point changes the multicolored
static pattern blinking on my textmode screens to a red static pattern
blinking on my screen.

Thanks again for the help.  Please Cc: to me at


It's computer hardware, of course it's worth having g
-- Espy on #Debian


1999-04-18 Thread chris
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:

 hi Vaidhy,
   i also got the same error as u guys did, that is, i got it after i
 upgraded from 2.0.36 to 2.2.4.  do u think that same fix'll still work fo=

I get the same error booting the 2.2.1 kernel; somehow I missed the fix,
please repost or advise.



Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread Hans van den Boogert
There doesn't seem to be a special group for Debian Newbies, so I hope
y'all don't mind me bringing up some questions here. I did a lot of reading
on Linux and Debian, but I now have a copy of Debian 2.1 and am trying to
get a system up.

Background: Dutch, teacher, location: Taiwan, 32, shortwave DXer. 
System1: Pentium 200MMX, 64 MB RAM, 3.2+6.1 GB HD, S3 Trio64, Soundblaster
System2: Twinhead Slimnote 486-33, 8 MB RAM, 305 MB HD, VGA monochrome

What I did sofar: Installed Debian 2.1 with base system on the Twinhead,
with 9 floppies.
Aim: Connect a parallel port CD-ROM (Shuttle EPIA) and install the rest of
the system.

Remarks: I cleaned the HD and reformatted it as one partition (305 MB).
However, Debian 2.1 installation couldn't get cfdisk going and thus I used
the second console to manually partition and set the swap. 

1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
/usr/bin and want to go to /usr?
2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
typing man ls for example, the system returns with command not found.
In /bin and /sbin I also can't see any man-binary. There are man pages
stored, but in .gz format. Is it normal that the man command is not
installed? How to open/read .gz files.
3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
run, or the system says command not found. Example:

#! /bin/bash
echo The time and date is..

Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
As said, when executing telltime the system returns command not found.
I know that you have to watch the path, but even when I put this script in
/ or /bin it still won't run, while installed commands like date do run
from almost every directory. What do I do wrong?
4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
with problem solving.

Thanks for the help.


I was riding on the e-train
I was whistling to the rhythm
I was thinking 'bout my livin'
I was feeling pretty fineI asked the time
.Got a poke in the eye.

(Sheryl Crow, The Globe Sessions)

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread James Mastros
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 02:34:57PM +0800, Hans van den Boogert wrote:
 There doesn't seem to be a special group for Debian Newbies, so I hope
 y'all don't mind me bringing up some questions here.
Don't worry; this is a large part of what this mailinglist is here for.  And
we're glad that you RTFMed before you got here G.

 Background: Dutch, teacher, location: Taiwan, 32, shortwave DXer. 
 System1: Pentium 200MMX, 64 MB RAM, 3.2+6.1 GB HD, S3 Trio64, Soundblaster
 System2: Twinhead Slimnote 486-33, 8 MB RAM, 305 MB HD, VGA monochrome

 1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
 /usr/bin and want to go to /usr?
Try cd ~-.

 2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
 typing man ls for example, the system returns with command not found.
 In /bin and /sbin I also can't see any man-binary. There are man pages
 stored, but in .gz format. Is it normal that the man command is not
 installed? How to open/read .gz files.
The man reader is in the package man-db; run apt-get install man-db to
install it if you are connected to the 'net.  If you just want to read some
random textual .gz file, run zless on it -- it's in the package zgip, but
you need the package less to run it.  (Install them with apt-get too.)

 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
 run, or the system says command not found. Example:
From the following (cut), it looks like it, but did you try ./telltime?

 4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
 there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
 tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
 with problem solving.
Try -- I did just look, and there isn't much with
problem solving there.  One of the few bad things about the current state of
Linux is that there aren't detailed problem-solving docs around -- perhaps
it has somthing to do with the incidance rate of such problems.

-=- James Mastros
My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us.
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.

Dayly cron job

1999-04-18 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I've set up a dayly cron job to run at 11 pm. It's supposed to gzip
some files on the system.

It seems like if the computer is turned off at 11 pm, the job never
gets done. Shouldn't it run as soon as the computer is powered on in
case that it never got to run because it was off?


p.s. Output of my crontab -l:

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.a01994 installed on Fri Apr 16 16:31:27 1999)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
1   23  *   *   *   gzip -r9 ~/Mail/mail/*/[0-9]*

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Re: misconfigured exim?

1999-04-18 Thread Steve Gore
I just started having a similar problem this weekend.  Mail delivery prior to
Friday evening had been fine, then this started happening:

 SyberSpace:/# exim -v -qf
Single queue run
  Start queue run: pid=1429
delivering message 10YYbE-00015f-00 (queue run pid 1429)
Connecting to [] ... connected
  SMTP 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3; Sun, 18 Apr 1999
01:55:24 -0500
  SMTP EHLO SyberSpace
pleased to meet you
 250-SIZE 1000
 250 HELP
  SMTP 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain must resolve
  == [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer (0): SMTP error from remote
mailer after MAIL FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1473: host
[]: 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain must resolve
delivering message 10YlQB-Lz-00 (queue run pid 1429)
Connecting to [] ... connected
  SMTP 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3; Sun, 18 Apr 1999
01:55:25 -0500
  SMTP EHLO SyberSpace
pleased to meet you
 250-SIZE 1000
 250 HELP
  SMTP 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain must resolve
  == [EMAIL PROTECTED] T=remote_smtp defer (0): SMTP error from remote
mailer after MAIL FROM: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1473: host
[]: 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain must resolve
  End queue run: pid=1429
I've run eximconfig to make sure I'm set-up to use my ISP as a smarthost
(first set of options, #2 - Internet site using smarthost),set the 'visible
name' to, and added 'localhost.  This is the result:

Mail generated on this system will have `' used
as the domain part (after the @) in the From: field and similar places.

The following domain(s) will be recognised as referring to this system:, localhost

Mail for postmaster, root, etc. will be sent to srgore.

Local mail is delivered.

Outbound remote mail is sent via
In exim.conf:

qualify_domain =
local_domains =
local_domains_include_host = true 
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
never_users = root  
host_lookup_nets =
sender_host_accept_relay = localhost
trusted_users = mail
smtp_verify = false
gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*) 
gecos_name = $1
smtp_accept_queue_per_connection = 100

(...some stuff I'm pretty sure doesn't affect delivery...)

  driver = autoreply
  driver = smtp

(...more stuff clipped...)

  driver = domainlist 
  transport = remote_smtp 
  route_list = * bydns_a
I have talked to a friend (sysadm) who claims ISP's are moving toward
requiring users to have a FQDN, is this true?  My hostname (SyberSpace) was
just a spur-of-the-moment decision at install time, and has caused no probs
till now.

What?! 02:20! I've got to get some sleep.

Steve Gore

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: Dayly cron job

1999-04-18 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 03:30:58AM -0400, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I've set up a dayly cron job to run at 11 pm. It's supposed to gzip
 some files on the system.
 It seems like if the computer is turned off at 11 pm, the job never
 gets done. Shouldn't it run as soon as the computer is powered on in
 case that it never got to run because it was off?

Install anacron package :)


Re: Printing in Color

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
I think that you may wish to use the -Pprinter option in lpr.  Note
that you may need to edit the stylus_color... filters to make them work
properly.  See /usr/doc/gs-aladdin/Devices.htm (or equivalent for gs) to
find out about the options (good luck: it looks a bit involved).  It
might be worth just trying what you have, and only trying to understand
these options if that doesn't work.

Jan Muszynski wrote:
 How can I get my printer to print in color? I print a page from
 Netscape and select lpr as  the printer. Everything prints fine, but
 it prints in B/W.
 Printer is an Epson Stylus 850. Printcap is set up to refer to 3
 magicfilters (ie. 3 printers all pointing to same dev):
 stylus800-filter   (this is default)
 I assume I need the above to print in different dpi settings?
 Any assistance greatly appreciated - TIA
Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E  5316 B90A 93CE 6696
 Thought for the day:
 I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Network problems with Vortex Adapter

1999-04-18 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård

I have had similar problems with 3c905b.
The trouble is propbably that the PCI card is in the first PCI slot, the
bios has problems reporting it to the kernel. Check the /proc/pci what irq
it has, if no irq is shown than its the PCI slot. You can either change
position of the card or turn PCI to manual in the bios, and assigning a
free irq to that card.
On thr other hand you could be lucky and have just misconfigured.
make sure that the correct module is loaded then go to
/etc/init.d/networks and check that the values are correct.

On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Karl Gordon wrote:

 I'm running Hamm on a Micron Millenia XKU 333 with a 3Com Etherlink 905B
 PCI installed.
 The kernel is configured with the correct Vortex driver but the adapter
 does not connect with or even see the other machines on the network.  It
 has the correct IP address and can 'ping' itself but no other machine
 can ping it or vice versa.
 I tried moving it around in the machine but that doesn't work either. I
 down loaded the latest version of the driver and re-compiled the kernel
 and nothing.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Shao Zhang
I was wondering how to use mutt to configure a folder called sent-mail,
and then on a monthly basis, move the sent-mail to sent-mail-date and 
a new sent mail folder, just like what pine has got.




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

How to bring a file from Windows to Debian?

1999-04-18 Thread Sebastian Lindenmüller


Yesterday I downloaded the new SVGA_Server in order to 
letwork my Diamond Viper V550. I burned the File on my RW. Who can help 
mehow to copying the file in the corresponding directory?

Thanks a lot

Sendmail - aliases problem

1999-04-18 Thread Robert-Jan \(ICQ#35262711\)

I have installed sendmail, but when I use newaliases I get (after aprox. 2 
minutes) the following warning:

WARNING: local host name (kuijf) is not qualified: fix $j in config file
/etc/aliases: 6 aliases, longest 10 bytes, 86 bytes total

Sendmail is very too. All sendmail actions (starting up, sending mail) take 
about 2 minutes each.

All help is appreciated,

Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven
Download ICQ at

From hdr in mutt

1999-04-18 Thread Shao Zhang
mutt by default displays my local username as the email
address in the From field.

I tried to change this with the alternative variable. But it still
doesn't work.

Can anyone please help??



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: From hdr in mutt

1999-04-18 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 08:16:50PM +1000,
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   mutt by default displays my local username as the email
 address in the From field.
   I tried to change this with the alternative variable. But it still
 doesn't work.
   Can anyone please help??

Straight from my .muttrc:

set realname=Eric Gillespie, Jr.
unset use_from
my_hdr From: \$realname\ \[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't you try to out-weird me! I get stranger things
than you free with my breakfast cereal!
--Zaphod Beeblebrox

Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread Stephan Goldenberg
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 11:04:53PM +0100, Matt wrote:
 Dan Nguyen wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
  : In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  : Luca Filipozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  : :It's unfortunate that the Debian install is difficult in comparison to
  : :RedHat.
 Having just switched to Debian 2.1 from RH 5.2, I think the Debian
 install is easier and more informative.

H, is it just me being too dumb ? I didn't manage to install
slink (5 CD-Set/german bookstore Lehmanns). Two hours of selecting
packages and fighting dependencies and then.
internal error - no filename at -e line 13 P chunk 14

And more informative than RH ? I didn't realize any informations
about the required diskspace.

I'm running Linux for four+ years and installed Slackware, DLD, RH
3.0.3, 4.1, 5.0, SuSE 5.1, 5.3, 6.0 but.

  Dselect is a major problem, however it's actually not that bad.  I
  have no problems with dselect.
 Its just a case of getting used to it. I prefer dselect to RH's glint.
 In fact after using Debian for about a week now I'm not changing back to
 RH (or SUSE for that matter).
 I also see that some here have trouble with Cheapbyte CD's. I must be
 lucky with mine as the install went perfectly, first time.
 My only slight grumble is that Debian does not have a detailed LILO
 setup during the install. Then again, its fun reading the docs and
 figuring it out yourself.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
vy 73,
Stephan Goldenberg  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -- DG1EES -- amprnet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Essen, Germany6°E 56.479' 51°N 28.040' [JO31LL]

Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-18 Thread ivan

If it's any good to you Rob, I could run savetextmode on my machine and
post it to you.  I'd hate to see you lose your uptime :)

Can anyone on the list see a reason why this wouldn't work ?


On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 01:58:03AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 09:06:38PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 02:48:00PM +0200, Ookhoi wrote:
   Cool. :-)
   So now we have:
   stty sane
   ctrl-v esc c
   to restore a messed up text interface.
 Groetjes, Ookhoi
  don't forget setfont - maybe we can start a collection :)
  But the original question referred to an svgalib messed up console which is
  quite a bit different.
 In particular, it's different in that none of those did me any good
 svgalib comes with a couple of utils called textmode and
 savetextmode that are supposed to help in exactly my situation
 ... but the man page says: 
You  do this by being a smart guy and running savetextmode
right after booting of your machine, prior  to  any  prob
 Unluckily for me, I'm not a smart guy.  these are both scripts for a
 couple of restoration utils that take a previous config from a file
 and reinstate it -- but I have made no such file.  My question at this
 point:  is there such a file on my system?  could I create one?  Or
 should I just break down and reboot again?
 If it helps, running textmode at this point changes the multicolored
 static pattern blinking on my textmode screens to a red static pattern
 blinking on my screen.
 Thanks again for the help.  Please Cc: to me at
 It's computer hardware, of course it's worth having g
   -- Espy on #Debian
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
Hans van den Boogert wrote:
  1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
  /usr/bin and want to go to /usr?

To go to the parent directory:
cd ..

To go to the directory you were in last:
cd ~-

  2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
  typing man ls for example, the system returns with command not found.
  In /bin and /sbin I also can't see any man-binary. There are man pages
  stored, but in .gz format. Is it normal that the man command is not
  installed? How to open/read .gz files.

man is not part of the base system, which has to fit on a few floppies;
install man-db

  3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
  run, or the system says command not found. Example:
  #! /bin/bash
  echo The time and date is..
  Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
  I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
  As said, when executing telltime the system returns command not found.
  I know that you have to watch the path, but even when I put this script in
  / or /bin it still won't run, while installed commands like date do run
  from almost every directory. What do I do wrong?

On the face of it you are doing the right thing, and it ought to run from
/bin, if your path is normal.  To see what your path is, type `echo $PATH'.
The normal place to put home-grown commands is /usr/local/bin, or ~/bin (~/
is your own home directory).  These directories should be in your path.
The command `type' will tell you where the system thinks a command is:

$ type telltime
telltime is hashed (./telltime)
$ type ar
ar is /usr/bin/ar

Sometimes you may find that the system is looking at a file you weren't 

  4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
  there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
  tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
  with problem solving.

You want the Debian Tutorial: links from documentation on

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not 
  of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, 
  lest any man should boast.   Ephesians 2:8,9 

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread Jan Muszynski
Can't help you much, but some of the smaller questions I can answer.

On 18 Apr 99, at 14:34,  Hans van den Boogert 
 wrote about Looking for trouble.:

[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
 1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
 /usr/bin and want to go to /usr?

try cd ..
This will take you to the parent directory of any directory you're in.
Another handy shortcut along these lines is
cd -
this will take you to the most recent directory you were in. For 
example - you're in /etc and you issue a cd /usr/src
you're now in /usr/src; if you issue a cd - you will end up in /etc, 
if you then issue another cd - you will be back in /usr/src

 2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
 installed? How to open/read .gz files.

you need to get the man page package installed - catch22 :) I'm not 
sure if you have gzip, gunzip installed at this point or not. if so 
you can issue a gunzip name.gz to unzip the file, then look at the 
file, then followed by a gzip name to zip it up again (don't forget 
this last step).

 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
 run, or the system says command not found. Example:
[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
 Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime.
 With cat I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is
 this normal? As said, when executing telltime the system returns
yes - it is normal
 command not found. I know that you have to watch the path, but
try - while in directory with script, issuing ./telltime
I'm not sure what your current path is. Issue an echo $PATH to find 
 even when I put this script in / or /bin it still won't run, while
 installed commands like date do run from almost every directory.
 What do I do wrong? 

try, while in the directory with the script, issuing ./telltime

 4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
 there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
 tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
 with problem solving.

That's because no-one ever has any problems to solve VBG

It appears that most of the Debian specific stuff is still in the 
process of being written, and they probably want to get all the base 
documentation down first.

 Thanks for the help.
what little it was - you're welcome.

   Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   PGP key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E  5316 B90A 93CE 6696
Thought for the day:
Only someone who understands something absolutely
can explain it so no one else can understand it.
   -- Rudnicki's Nobel Prize Principle

Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread Jan Muszynski

On 18 Apr 99, at 12:31,  Stephan Goldenberg 
 wrote about Re: Debian vs. RedHat:

 On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 11:04:53PM +0100, Matt wrote:
  Dan Nguyen wrote:
   In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
   : In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   : Luca Filipozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   : :It's unfortunate that the Debian install is difficult in comparison to
   : :RedHat.
  Having just switched to Debian 2.1 from RH 5.2, I think the Debian
  install is easier and more informative.
   H, is it just me being too dumb ? I didn't manage to install
 slink (5 CD-Set/german bookstore Lehmanns). Two hours of selecting
 packages and fighting dependencies and then.
 internal error - no filename at -e line 13 P chunk 14

This newbie found it easy just selecting one of the pre-configured 
installs. You can then fine tune the package selection after the 
initial configuration is installed (this can of course take days, 
weeks, maybe months or years :) ). This then amounts to 1 or 2 
minutes deciding which configuration to install (based on 
needs/wants), and no fighting of dependencies. You can, of course, 
take longer to decide which configuration to install by checking the 
complete list of packages installed with each configuration etc.

   And more informative than RH ? I didn't realize any informations
 about the required diskspace.

The pre-selected configurations do give information about required 
[snipped to conserve bandwidth]
   Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   PGP key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fingerprint:397D 093C E802 964E  5316 B90A 93CE 6696
Thought for the day:
Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step;
only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will
find his right road.
  -- Dag Hammarskjold

Re: How to bring a file from Windows to Debian?

1999-04-18 Thread David B.Teague
Sebastian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Yesterday I downloaded the new
SVGA_Server in order to let work my Diamond Viper V550. I burned
the File on my RW. Who can help me how to copying the file in the
corresponding directory?  

 Thanks a lot 

Hi Sebastian:

You have two choices.

One is use mtools, the other is to mount the drive, and use Linux.  If
you have mtools installed, and configured (mine was configured out
of the box):

 mcopy C:/filename .

This is a bit for bit copy, meaning, this is for binary files. If your
file is cr-lf delimited text, you need to use

 mcopy -t C:/filename .

which will convert the  cr-lf to CR. 

Conversely, you can mount the file system. On my system, Windows is on
/dev/sda1. As root, 

mount  -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt

If you don't have vfat (long file names) on your Windows system, then
use msdos instead of vfat for the file system.  Your Windows system's
files will appear under /mnt.  (NB There is no lf to cr-lf
conversion here.)

One thing: your message had a very long line, it will help those of us
who use text mailers (PINE, etc) for you to press return every 70
characters or so. Some mail composers generate local cr but don't
insert them into the file.


Debian GNU/Linux Because software support should be free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I hope this is all of the above.)

Re: Dayly cron job

1999-04-18 Thread John Galt

What you're asking for is something that's a part of anacron, a completely
different package.  cron just calls whatever when the system clock hits
the given time--if the system clock doesn't hit the time, cron doesn't do
the scheduled event.  anacron will call jobs that have been missed due to
downtime.  (anacron is in the main/hardware/admin directory)

On 18 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Hi all:
 I've set up a dayly cron job to run at 11 pm. It's supposed to gzip
 some files on the system.
 It seems like if the computer is turned off at 11 pm, the job never
 gets done. Shouldn't it run as soon as the computer is powered on in
 case that it never got to run because it was off?
 p.s. Output of my crontab -l:
 # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
 # (/tmp/crontab.a01994 installed on Fri Apr 16 16:31:27 1999)
 # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
 1   23  *   *   *   gzip -r9 ~/Mail/mail/*/[0-9]*
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Ian Peters
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 07:37:31PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Hi, I was wondering how to use mutt to configure a folder called
 sent-mail, and then on a monthly basis, move the sent-mail to
 sent-mail-date and create a new sent mail folder, just like what
 pine has got.

Regarding creating a sent-mail folder, use the record variable to
specify a folder which gets copies of outgoing mail.  For example, in
my .muttrc, I have:

set folder  =~/.mail
set mbox=~/.mail/inbox
set postponed   =~/.mail/postponed
set record  =~/.mail/outbox
set spoolfile   =~/.mail/inbox

Now, when it comes to moving it every month - mutt is constantly
fighting against mail client bloat, so if you ask about this on one of
the mutt mailing lists, the official answer is:

Use cron, it's designed to do things exactly like this, it works, and
it means we don't have to inflate the mail client anymore.

So basically, just set up a quick monthly cron job that moves your
sent-mail folder out of the way and touches a new one.

Ian Peters  I never let schooling interfere with my education.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Mark Twain

Re: How to bring a file from Windows to Debian?

1999-04-18 Thread David B.Teague

I hoped my first answer was useful and friendly.  Friendly,
perhaps, but the first answer wasn't too helpful. Sorry.

I answered this for Windows / MS DOS file systems, not for RW (I
assume CD-RW). The spirit of the answer is the same, but the
details are somewhat different. 

I assume that your RW is a read-write CD, that the file system
on the CD is iso9660, and that you have iso9660 supported by your

If these things are true, then you can read the CD by mounting it

mount  -r -t iso9660 /mnt/hdxx /cdrom

where hdxx is device for your ide cd rw. 

If your CD-RW is SCSI, I don't know. My scsi CD ROM is /dev/scd0,
I would try that device, unless it is the second CD device, where
it should be scd1.


 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support should be free, timely,
useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
   (Hoping that this is all of the above. Everybody 
else's help is certainly all of the above.)

Samba problem: can't create a valid tmp service

1999-04-18 Thread Curt Daugaard
When I run smbclient '\\[hostname]\tmp' (following the DIAGNOSIS doc) and
enter my password, I get Invalid network name in tree connect.  The smb
log reports couldn't find service tmp, yet the tmp service setup in
smb.conf is an exact match of the sample config file, and running testparm
on the config file reports no errors for the service setup.  FWIW, this is
how the service is configured:

   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /tmp
   read only = yes
   public = yes

Can anyone give me a clue about what I'm missing?



Curt Daugaard
(Please remove .NOSPAM from the above when responding)

Re: Pine question

1999-04-18 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, iehrenwald wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I am using pine to read/send mail.  I am also using a dial-up connection
 for my Internet access.  My login name for my machine is 'ian'.  My
 account on my ISP is 'iehrenwald'.  How do I get pine to send mail from
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and not '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or whatever it is at now?
 I tried playing with the passwd file using chfn but that didn't seem to do
 it?  Anyone have some ideas?  Thanks.  

Have you tried changing the 'From'-field in Pine's setup?


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his  
  righteousness; and all these things shall be added 
  unto you. Matthew 6:33 

Incorrect MD5Sum on unofficial Xfree debs

1999-04-18 Thread Guido A.J. Stevens
Hi all,

I'm going through the last stages of completely upgrading to slink.

Everything works smoothly, except for that last step. I already
installed xserver-glint from Vincent's 'unofficial' xfree-

However, when performing a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' I get the error
messages below. Is the master really corrupt, or did I screw up on my
machine, and if so, how can I remedy this? I already tried removing
the offending packages from the /var/cache/apt tree to force a new
download, but that doesn't help (no new download is triggered).

I'm running slink on a PII-350 w/128MB RAM, 8MB Permedia 2
video. Kernel 2.0.36.

wiz:/# apt-get dist-upgrade
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  twm xsm xproxy xfree86-common xlib6g-dev rstartd nmh rstart xmh xfs 
19 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 2347k/13.3M of archives. After unpacking 10.1M will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
Get xfree- xlib6 [758k]
Get xfree- xlib6g-dev [633k]
Get xfree- xlib6g [956k]
  Incorrect MD5Sum
  Incorrect MD5Sum
  Incorrect MD5Sum

***Guido A.J. Stevens  ***mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]***
***Net Facilities Group***tel:+31.43.3618933***   
***   ***fax:+31.43.3560502***   

PGP fingerprint E3 56 AA 30 44 EE 9E E9 CA 52 C5 B8 66 2F 77 21

more Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
 set folder  =~/.mail
 set mbox=~/.mail/inbox
 set postponed   =~/.mail/postponed
 set record  =~/.mail/outbox
 set spoolfile   =~/.mail/inbox
 Now, when it comes to moving it every month - mutt is constantly
 fighting against mail client bloat, so if you ask about this on one of
 the mutt mailing lists, the official answer is:
 Use cron, it's designed to do things exactly like this, it works, and
 it means we don't have to inflate the mail client anymore.
 So basically, just set up a quick monthly cron job that moves your
 sent-mail folder out of the way and touches a new one.

  thanks for the hot tip.  now how do i mark 20 files out of the 80 i just
received and move them over to some folder called debian-user ...
  presently i copy the selected emails to that folder (one by one) then i
delete them afterwards ... (im a new mutt convert)

More trouble ahead....

1999-04-18 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thank you James, March, Richard, Oliver and Jan for answering my questions.
It seems indeed that the base system doesn't come with the man command. A
bit strange, but who am I to comment on that :-)

I still haven't solved the script problem, though.

- I have used ./telltime, but still no luck.
- I have changed the mode to 0777 (or +u if you prefer).
- I have checked the PATH and put the file in /bin and /usr/local/bin, both
of which are in the path.

BTW, Oliver, $ type telltime comes back with bash: $: command not found.
Bash is installed and in /bin.

I have used a mini-Linux distribution (tomsrtbt 2.0.36 - the most Linux on
a floppy. Never leave home without it) to boot and then change the mode
according to the above. Still no result.

A wild guess of mine is that I maybe did something wrong when I cfdisked
the harddrive. As I said, when installing Debian 2.1 the installer didn't
want to execute cfdisk and so I partitioned by hand and skipped that step.
When booting now I see the following

Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Adding Swap: 20940 swap-space (priority -1)

Exqueeze me, but what is VFS and is the fact that my Mounted root (hda1) is
readonly correct?

The reason why I need this problem solved is that I want to use paride to
connect a parallel port CD-ROM and thus I need to make a /dev/pcd (which
also doesn't come standard). Once I have the CD-ROM I can install the
system in full, otherwise I will have to start thinking about buying some
extra floppies and install it via that medium :-(

I'm still having fun, though. Problem solving is the fastest way to become
smart. Maybe that is street smart, but it'll come in handy sooner or later
:-) At least I find Linux a lot more logical than MS-DOS, although I can't
wait to install Moonlight Commander, because I really miss a commander like
that. Should be standard in every distribution.

From a dark and gloomy Taipei (no wonder at 10:20 pm) greetings from,


Re: more Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Ian Peters
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:20:00PM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
   thanks for the hot tip.  now how do i mark 20 files out of the 80 i just
 received and move them over to some folder called debian-user ...
   presently i copy the selected emails to that folder (one by one) then i
 delete them afterwards ... (im a new mutt convert)

I'm not sure I completely understand what you're asking, but I'll give
it a shot.

If you're just looking to separate debian-user mail from everything
else, one suggestion is procmail.  I have the following procmail rule
in my .procmailrc:

* ^TOdebian-user@

This files away all traffic from this list into ~/.mail/debian-user
instead of my normal ~/.mail/inbox for new mail.  Then, inside
.muttrc, I define which mailboxes receive new mail like so:

mailboxes   =inbox snip =debian-user

This way, mutt will alert me when new mail has arrived in debian-user,
and when I press 'c' (for change folder), mutt will supply the name of
the next mailbox with new unread mail automatically.

Another way to go about this, if you still want all of your mail to
arrive in your inbox, but then get sorted after you read it, is to use
a mutt save-hook.  For example, for debian-user, you do

save-hook   ^debian-user-request=debian-user

Now, inside of mutt, whenever you hit 's' over a message from
debian-user, it guesses that this belongs in the debian-user folder.
You can still change this, of course, but you can save your mail by
hitting 's', enter, over and over.

To be really efficient, you use message tagging.  So you hit 't' over
all messages from debian-user as you read them, and they get a little
asterisk next to them (in the default configuration, at least).  When
you're done, press ';' (that's the tag prefix, makes the next
operation apply to all tagged messages), then 's', and the folder they
belong in (if you've set up a save-hook, you won't even have to type

So basically, there are lots of ways, either with mutt or with mutt in
combination with other tools, to do this without copying the messages
over and then deleting.

Hope I've been of some help.

Ian Peters  I never let schooling interfere with my education.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Mark Twain

Removing the Enlightenment Pager

1999-04-18 Thread Colin Telmer
I don't seem to be able to figure out how to stop the enlightenment pager
from automatically starting when enlightenment starts (and gnome-session
is controling). I don't want to use it as I use the gnome-pager. Any
ideas? I am using the most up-to-date debs as of today and I am running a
fully updated potato system. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-18 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 06:56:00PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If it's any good to you Rob, I could run savetextmode on my machine and
 post it to you.  I'd hate to see you lose your uptime :)
 Can anyone on the list see a reason why this wouldn't work ?

That would be something to try, I guess.  The only problem that I can
forsee is that I have my machine booting to something besides the
80x24 character screen and I can't remember which one it was (the vga
option in lilo.conf -- mine says 9 but I seem to remember that menu
being machine-dependent).  So unless you happened to do the same thing
then I'll have to figure out how to hot-switch that.  Shouldn't be too

If there are any dark secrets of vga incompatibility floating around
out there, this would be a very good time to air them.  I think it
says a lot about the stability and flexibility of Linux that I haven't
had a console since Wednesday and my machine is still accessible (and
would be even if I didn't have xdm running, though that would be a lot
harder), but I have no desire to make my monitor explode because I'm
too stubborn to reboot.

Please Cc: to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  And thanks for the help.
You're all pretty cool.


Were there no women, men might live like gods.
-- Thomas Dekker


1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
I did something really stupid:
#mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
(don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work. 
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.  
PS I don't think I have a rescue floppy 


Slightly Sheepish: Rich

Re: More trouble ahead....

1999-04-18 Thread Brad
 I still haven't solved the script problem, though.
 - I have used ./telltime, but still no luck.
 - I have changed the mode to 0777 (or +u if you prefer).
 - I have checked the PATH and put the file in /bin and /usr/local/bin, both
 of which are in the path.
 BTW, Oliver, $ type telltime comes back with bash: $: command not found.
 Bash is installed and in /bin.

That's a very strange error for bash to be giving... Because, unless you
changed the script from before, there is no $ in it at all! i'm stumped...
for the moment.

 When booting now I see the following
 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2
 VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
 Adding Swap: 20940 swap-space (priority -1)
 Exqueeze me, but what is VFS and is the fact that my Mounted root (hda1) is
 readonly correct?

That's completely normal. i forget exactly what VFS stands for (Virtual
File System?), but the root partition is always mounted readonly until it
can be checked. Then it's remounted read-write.

 The reason why I need this problem solved is that I want to use paride to
 connect a parallel port CD-ROM and thus I need to make a /dev/pcd (which
 also doesn't come standard). Once I have the CD-ROM I can install the
 system in full, otherwise I will have to start thinking about buying some
 extra floppies and install it via that medium :-(

Slow net connection? Or are you on a different computer emailing us?

Either way, it's a pain...

 I'm still having fun, though. Problem solving is the fastest way to become
 smart. Maybe that is street smart, but it'll come in handy sooner or later

That's the best way to learn! Just get in there and do it...

Re: Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Mutt question
Date: Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 07:37:31PM +1000

In reply to:Shao Zhang

Quoting Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I was wondering how to use mutt to configure a folder called sent-mail,
   and then on a monthly basis, move the sent-mail to sent-mail-date and 
   a new sent mail folder, just like what pine has got.

# nerxt puts mutt mail in dated monthly folders ???
save-hook mutt  +mutt.`date +%m%y`

Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

[Fwd: [Re: Whoops] Hurray]

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
Richard Harran wrote:

Got it sorted.  Copied the man for su to my home directory and unzipped
it and read it.  Used -s where-i'd-put-bash option for su.  Moved bash
back to where it belonged.  Vowed to stop mucking about and get on with
some work.
Still feeling a bit silly: Rich

  I did something really stupid:
  #mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
  (don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
  to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
  script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work.
  Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.
  PS I don't think I have a rescue floppy
  Slightly Sheepish: Rich
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Whoops

1999-04-18 Thread Leen Besselink

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Richard Harran wrote:

 I did something really stupid:
   #mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
 (don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
 to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
 script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work. 
 Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.  
 PS I don't think I have a rescue floppy 
 Slightly Sheepish: Rich

Do you have something like sudo or su installed ?

other wise... you can maybe make a tomsrtbt disk... and restore it from

(you can make those from DOS too... so)

I'm out of ideas now...

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-04-18 Thread John Foster
Michael Beattie wrote:
 On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, John Foster wrote:
   Michael Beattie wrote:
Sorry, stupid question, I just decided to change to a PS/2 mouse, but I
dont have the faintest about how to set it up. kernel recompile?
   YEP! probably a good time to upgrade to 2.2.5 :-)
  It's too late for that:
  $ uname -a
  Linux bob 2.2.6 #1 Fri Apr 16 19:57:45 MST 1999 i586 unknown
 Ouch... well, Im not going that far, yet, Ive been told my VX/Pro MB wont
 like the 2.2 series very much... but a simple upgrade to 2.0.36 with PS/2
 enabled sorted things... My only question.. how do I increase the mouse
 speed in X? gpm was easy.
run gpmconfig from the consol ( this will set it globally)
run xmseconfig from your xterminal.begin:vcard 
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:We Build Multi-Processor Computers
adr;quoted-printable:;;Stonetrail Drive=0D=0ASuite  A;Plano;Texas;75023-7223;USA
fn:John Foster

Xfree support for SiS 6316 Pro 3D?

1999-04-18 Thread Daniel Elenius
Does anyone know if there's an x server for this chip, I have a friend 
who's got it. Seems uncommon, he says it doesn't appear in xfconfig.

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Compilation problems with XEmacs

1999-04-18 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
I have the debian sources for xemacs 20.4-13 and wanted to recompile
it to remove the gpm support.  After applying a little filter to the
debian/rules file to get rid of the mule variants:

  while(STDIN) {
print unless /mule/;
next unless /nomule/;
s/[ ]mule\S*/ /g;

I compiled it as usual.  However, gcc complained about the ndbm.h file
missing.  I used locate to find it in /usr/include/db1 and changed the
rules file to point to this include locatation.  The compilation
succeeded, however xemacs crashed as soon as I started it in X11 (with
-nw or in linux console it run fine).

I was able to track the problem down to the database library.  If I
add the --with-database=berkdb option to the configure call in
debian/rules, the resulting version won't crash on my system.

Does anybody has similiar problems after stepping to glibc2.1
(currently 2.1.1-0.2 is installed)?  Is there a better way to solve
this problem without correcting the self-detection routines in
autoconf.h?  I'd like to compile unchanged debian packages on my



OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread kaynjay
Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a
C app?  I would think that the sqrt function is in one of the libraries
defined in the beginning of the code (e.g. #include math.h ).

kaynjay:/home/autodock/dist_3.0/src/autotors# cc -o autotors autotors.c
/tmp/ccc01215: In function 'check_aromatic':
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0x1b4f): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
/tmp/ccc01215: In function 'main':
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xa586): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
/tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xba83): undefined reference to 'sqrt'

The compile dies with these.

There are no directions for compiling.  I'm following the same pattern given
for another program in the distribution.

Thanks for any help!

Kenward Vaughan

1999-04-18 Thread Bill Bell
Wow!  The Debian home page, (, just suggested to my 
broswer, M$IE 5, that I install the Chinese font set.  Looks like M$ found
another way to break the standards?  I don't seem to be able to set the
default browser language so the Debian home page comes up in EN.

Any ideas?

BTW,  The site really looks cool in Chinese.

- Bill
So many good sigs out there, which one to use?

Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
You need to link to the maths library.  Add the -lm option to your
linking line eg:
gcc program -lm

 Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a
 C app?  I would think that the sqrt function is in one of the libraries
 defined in the beginning of the code (e.g. #include math.h ).
 kaynjay:/home/autodock/dist_3.0/src/autotors# cc -o autotors autotors.c
 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'check_aromatic':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0x1b4f): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'main':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xa586): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xba83): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 The compile dies with these.
 There are no directions for compiling.  I'm following the same pattern given
 for another program in the distribution.
 Thanks for any help!
 Kenward Vaughan
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sending mail with Exmh?

1999-04-18 Thread Phillip Deackes
I am trying Exmh and like it a lot. It works great on my Debian 2.1
system except for sending mail. Whenever I compose a message and click
'send' I get this error message:

post: problem initializing server; [BHST] no servers available
send: message not delivered to anyone

I understand that sending mail from a Tk app is not so straightforward.
All I want to do is put the outgoing message into my mailqueue to be
sent using sendmail when I connect to my ISP. I can do this from any
other mail client.

I do not use xdm, not have any desire to. I log on and run startx. Has
anyone managed to send mail with Exmh and Debian? If so, please tell me
how to do it.

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.1 


1999-04-18 Thread Bill Bell
It looks like this is the default I am seeing when I go to 
I can't tell for sure though.

Quoting Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   What do you mean you can see debian home page in Chinese??
 Is there acutally a Chinese version of the debian homepage??
 On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 12:35:20PM -0500, Bill Bell wrote:
  Wow!  The Debian home page, (, just suggested to my
  broswer, M$IE 5, that I install the Chinese font set.  Looks like M$
  another way to break the standards?  I don't seem to be able to set the
  default browser language so the Debian home page comes up in EN.
  Any ideas?
  BTW,  The site really looks cool in Chinese.
  - Bill
  So many good sigs out there, which one to use?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _`
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__,

- Bill
So many good sigs out there, which one to use?

- End forwarded message -

- Bill
So many good sigs out there, which one to use?


1999-04-18 Thread R.Feenstra

As a Debian newbie and was wondering if there is an HOWTO or a faq on how to
get an Creative Labs Banshee 16mb working in Debian ?


Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread kaynjay
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:36:39AM -0700, Alan Su wrote:
 sqrt is probably in the math library, so you need to link with the -lm
 argument.  try that, and if it doesn't work, i'm sure i can find out
 what the right way to do this is...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (Sun, 18 Apr 1999 10:27:19 -0700 ):
 |Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a

Thanks Alan.  That did it.  Sorry for what must be a trivial question, but I
am only on page 3 of my Ansi C programming for Scientists and Engineers


Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread ivan
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:27:19AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a
 C app?  I would think that the sqrt function is in one of the libraries
 defined in the beginning of the code (e.g. #include math.h ).
 kaynjay:/home/autodock/dist_3.0/src/autotors# cc -o autotors autotors.c
cc -lm -o ...
    don't forget to link the math library :)


 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'check_aromatic':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0x1b4f): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'main':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xa586): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xba83): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 The compile dies with these.
 There are no directions for compiling.  I'm following the same pattern given
 for another program in the distribution.
 Thanks for any help!
 Kenward Vaughan
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread Carl Fink
In linux.debian.user, Michael Schuerig wrote:

I don't think it qualifies you as dumb, but is not a good idea to
install each and every package you might need the first time around. Get
a basic system running and then selectively install packages you want.

You don't see that as a terrible indictment of dselect?  What kind of
installation system makes you select your options in *increments*?

Especially when, without apt, it makes you sit around for twenty
minutes on each cycle while pointlessly listing packages it *isn't*
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: Mutt question

1999-04-18 Thread Carl Mummert
One good way to archive files (which is the way that the files in /var/log 
are archived) is to use savelog.

Type 'crontab -e' at the prompt, and add the following line to your crontab:

0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/savelog /path/to/my/file


Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread matt
Jan Muszynski wrote:
 On 18 Apr 99, at 12:31,  Stephan Goldenberg
  wrote about Re: Debian vs. RedHat:

 This newbie found it easy just selecting one of the pre-configured
 installs. You can then fine tune the package selection after the
 initial configuration is installed (this can of course take days,
 weeks, maybe months or years :) ). This then amounts to 1 or 2
 minutes deciding which configuration to install (based on
 needs/wants), and no fighting of dependencies. You can, of course,
 take longer to decide which configuration to install by checking the
 complete list of packages installed with each configuration etc.

I just installed the workstation standard, but since then I have been
'fighting with dependencies' and learning dselect and dpkg, but I still
prefer them to glint.
The hardest part for me was partitioning. I'd just bought a new 8GB
drive, and wondered how much space to allocate for /, /usr, etc.
I have some Linux experience, with SUSE and RedHat. Debian sounded like
a challenge and I've found it to be very user friendly, although many
have not.


Re: libc6 2.1 on slink

1999-04-18 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 10:03:07PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
 A possible solution is to download the package source and build it yourself.
 [snip advice..]

 excellent!  thanks shaleh and dan.  i'm off to build Eterm-0.8.9..


-- Vincent Murphy | CompSci Undergrad, UCC | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405
  With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available.
  On Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.  --P J Schoenster

Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread ivan
I just checked (and hope to be corrected) but I couldn't find _ANY_
reference to requiring the -lm option to enable math functions.

I, like many others, was aware of this requirement but IMHO the
documentation may be deficient in this respect.

I would like to know if anyone can find the reference as it seems
not to be in the places I would look myself or expect a beginner
to look.


On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:56:32AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:36:39AM -0700, Alan Su wrote:
  sqrt is probably in the math library, so you need to link with the -lm
  argument.  try that, and if it doesn't work, i'm sure i can find out
  what the right way to do this is...
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (Sun, 18 Apr 1999 10:27:19 -0700 ):
  |Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation 
  of a
 Thanks Alan.  That did it.  Sorry for what must be a trivial question, but I
 am only on page 3 of my Ansi C programming for Scientists and Engineers
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[off topic] new apt ?

1999-04-18 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello everyone !

  i see ppl are still fighting about debian and redhat and dselect and stuff
...  anyway, would someone please try and check out  ???  i was roaming around a
while ago when i saw them ...
  any idea what they are, their package names, etc ... i really think theyre
neat ... they look so neat ... 

regards everyone,
Chad A. Adlawan

Re: [off topic] new apt ?

1999-04-18 Thread matt
Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
 hello everyone !
   i see ppl are still fighting about debian and redhat and dselect and stuff
 ...  anyway, would someone please try and check out  ???  i was roaming around a
 while ago when i saw them ...
   any idea what they are, their package names, etc ... i really think theyre
 neat ... they look so neat ...

If that is the future of package management, then we are all winners.
It does look good.
But I suppose there will always be people who swear by the command line
(I'm not saying thats a bad thing!).


Re: how to reset the console?

1999-04-18 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 If it's any good to you Rob, I could run savetextmode on my machine and
 post it to you.  I'd hate to see you lose your uptime :)
 Can anyone on the list see a reason why this wouldn't work ?

It may not work if your video cards are sufficiently dissimilar,
or if either is not very SVGA-ish; and he has to run the command 
from a textmode session so he has to login and type the command 
blind, but if he can it may work. 

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


1999-04-18 Thread Ted Harding
On 18-Apr-99 Bill Bell wrote:
 It looks like this is the default I am seeing when I go to 
 I can't tell for sure though.

This gives it away (view Doc Source):

  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
  HTML lang=zh


  In German oder English I know how to count down,
   Und I'm learning Chinese, says Werner von Braun. 

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 18-Apr-99   Time: 19:46:32
-- XFMail --

kernel question

1999-04-18 Thread Shao Zhang
If I compile something as a module rather than include
it in the kernel, will I get a performance loss?? If I
use something very often, such as ppp, should I include
it in the kernel or compile it as a module?



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Dual Boot Linux/NT and ATI Rage IIc video

1999-04-18 Thread John Gay

 I'm not quite sure what happened, but here it is. I decided that I would
try putting the original X files back in from my CD, so I ran dselect, pointed
it at my CD, and let it go. It restored alot of files, but not all of them. I
ran the install option several time, but kept getting the same dependency
problems. Then I tried using dpkg to install JUST xserver-mach64, thinking I
could just check the dep's for it, and of course it failed miserably. At this
point I figured my X directory was pretty hosed up. XF86Setup kept complaining
about xinitrc files missing. I ran xf86config, and it let me select the Rage IIC
card. But XF86Setup still wouldn't run. I rebooted it back to Windows out of
disgust with myself. Later I figured I would just delete the entire X11R6
directory and try again with dselect. Imagine my surprise when, just as I was
waiting for login at tty1, all of a sudden I got the X login screen! I logged
in, and now I've got X. About 4 time the size of my 17 monitor. The screen
scrolls with the mouse. The menu is there, I'm using fmw95, and lots of app's
seem to be installed, but most of them don't work, yet. I haven't tried running
XF86Setup yet, But I think I'll contact my friend here and see if he'll burn me
a new CD with the latest version on it and try to upgrade with that. I need to
get together with some Linux users to find out how to configure the rest of my
system, but at least I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I
just hope it doesn't turn out to be a train! As for the other prob's, My modem
is a Rockwell, I need to get that replaced, I think. My sound card is a crystal
something. I have a lexmark 3200 colour printer, and I plan to get a cheap PC
for my daughter as an X terminal, so we can stop fighting over the PC! This is
certainly going to be an interesting and, hopefully, fun, learning curve. But I
might as well jump in with both feet and take the plunge!

Wish me luck!


 John Gay

Re: kernel question

1999-04-18 Thread shaleh
   If I compile something as a module rather than include
   it in the kernel, will I get a performance loss?? If I
   use something very often, such as ppp, should I include
   it in the kernel or compile it as a module?

There should not be a difference.  If you use something the entire time the box
is on, then consider compiling it in.  Some items must be a module to allow
irq and io addresses to be configed.

Re: Banshee

1999-04-18 Thread shaleh
 As a Debian newbie and was wondering if there is an HOWTO or a faq on how to
 get an Creative Labs Banshee 16mb working in Debian ?

The steps are:

go to store
buy a new card
take out Banshee card
install new card
enjoy working Xfree

Banshee cards are not currently supported.  A coworker of mine sold his and
bought a TNT.  Cheaper and in all ways a better card.

It can be forced to work by using the frame buffer console and Xframebuffer
BUT it is non acclerated and is a waste of card.

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread William R Pentney
 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
 run, or the system says command not found. Example:
 #! /bin/bash
 echo The time and date is..
 Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
 I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
 As said, when executing telltime the system returns command not found.
 I know that you have to watch the path, but even when I put this script in
 / or /bin it still won't run, while installed commands like date do run
 from almost every directory. What do I do wrong?

Re: More trouble ahead....

1999-04-18 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Hans van den Boogert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thank you James, March, Richard, Oliver and Jan for answering my questions.
 It seems indeed that the base system doesn't come with the man command. A
 bit strange, but who am I to comment on that :-)

Lack of space.

 BTW, Oliver, $ type telltime comes back with bash: $: command not found.
 Bash is installed and in /bin.

Don't type the dollar sign. It's only used in writing to imply
that the following should be written after the shell prompt.

 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2
 VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
 Adding Swap: 20940 swap-space (priority -1)
 Exqueeze me, but what is VFS and is the fact that my Mounted root (hda1) is
 readonly correct?

VFS is the Virtual File System. It is an abstract wrapper around
the different filesystems.

root is supposed to be mounted readonly at first.

 I'm still having fun, though. Problem solving is the fastest way to become
 smart. Maybe that is street smart, but it'll come in handy sooner or later


 From a dark and gloomy Taipei (no wonder at 10:20 pm) greetings from,

The moon is up here too. Luckily it's not full, or I'd be stalking
people in the forest instead of writing this :-E

MS-DOS: Micro$oft Denial Of Service. The most popular denial of
service attack. It is commonly disguised as an operating system.
The easiest fix is to install a freenix.

Re: Whoops

1999-04-18 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Richard Harran [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I did something really stupid:
   #mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
 (don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
 to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
 script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work. 
 Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.  


su --shell=somewhere_else/bash

or, if you have shut it down:

linux -b sushell=somewhere_else/bash

at the LILO prompt.

MS-DOS: Micro$oft Denial Of Service. The most popular denial of
service attack. It is commonly disguised as an operating system.
The easiest fix is to install a freenix.

Re: [off topic] new apt ?

1999-04-18 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:

   i see ppl are still fighting about debian and redhat and dselect and stuff
 ...  anyway, would someone please try and check out  ???  i was roaming around a
 while ago when i saw them ...
   any idea what they are, their package names, etc ... i really think theyre
 neat ... they look so neat ... 

Those are very old screenshots of apt (originally named deity). I have no
idea if they still resemble the current apt.

 Parent Directory28-Mar-1999 23:36  -  
   deity1.gif  26-Nov-1997 20:2727k  
   deity2.gif  07-Dec-1997 19:0330k  
   deity3.gif  23-Mar-1998 21:1634k  


Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread William R Pentney
On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Carl Fink wrote:
 You don't see that as a terrible indictment of dselect?  What kind of
 installation system makes you select your options in *increments*?
 Especially when, without apt, it makes you sit around for twenty
 minutes on each cycle while pointlessly listing packages it *isn't*
I have to agree with this. dselect was supposed to be a user-friendly
front end, but it has a very bizarre structure. Why can't it update the
package list in the same step in which you choose a method of
installation? (I realize you may want to update the packages without
changing the method, but why can't it automatically update the packages
when you change it?) 

Furthermore, is there a method of searching by package description, rather
than name, in dselect, and if not, why not? It could be very useful. (My
apologies if I just need to RTFM more carefully. I learned the proper use
of dselect primarily through trial and error.)

- Bill

Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-18 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 09:02:30PM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:

 You don't see that as a terrible indictment of dselect?  What kind of
 installation system makes you select your options in *increments*?

It doesn't require it, it's just a sensible policy to install what you
know you need and then go wandering through looking for things you might
need (particularly given the size of the distribution - if you install
everything that looks interesting you'll end up with a whole load of
stuff sitting around on your disk that gets forgotten).

A running count of disk space used would be useful, but you also have to
worry about which partitions have how much space, caches which may be
created and so on.

 Especially when, without apt, it makes you sit around for twenty
 minutes on each cycle while pointlessly listing packages it *isn't*

That's been fixed - use dpkg-multicd, apt or some other current method.  

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Banshee

1999-04-18 Thread Shao Zhang

I think you still can get it to work in linux although it is not that
well supported. Check out all the infos at

On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 03:37:47PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As a Debian newbie and was wondering if there is an HOWTO or a faq on how to
  get an Creative Labs Banshee 16mb working in Debian ?
 The steps are:
 go to store
 buy a new card
 take out Banshee card
 install new card
 enjoy working Xfree
 Banshee cards are not currently supported.  A coworker of mine sold his and
 bought a TNT.  Cheaper and in all ways a better card.
 It can be forced to work by using the frame buffer console and Xframebuffer
 BUT it is non acclerated and is a waste of card.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

X mystery solved (sort of)

1999-04-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all:

I downloaded the X 3.3.3 files from Vincent's directory late last month.
I ran into a small problem with the installation that wouldn't let me
run XF86Setup. It kept complaining about some README file for xkb not
being installed and then it would bail.

I was able to get X working using xf86config, though. 

I tracked down the location of the file in xclients-base ad re-installed
it with out improvement. Since the file was just a README, I decided to
create it where it thought it should be. Voila! problem solved. Now it
complains about some misc READMEs, but it runs perfectly.

Has anyone else had this problem, or am I the only idiot on this list? I
thought I would ask before I emailed Vincent.


 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
I just checked (and hope to be corrected) but I couldn't find _ANY_
reference to requiring the -lm option to enable math functions.

Try KR

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread Randy Edwards
 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
 run, or the system says command not found. Example: [...]
 Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
 I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
 As said, when executing telltime the system returns command not found.

   Are you executing this as root?  If so, root only runs programs in its'
path -- you'd have to do something like a ./telltime if that were the case.

   Yes, you should be able to cat the file as a plain text file (that's what
it is).  Try doing a chmod +x telltime to give everyone executable access
and see if that works.

 Regards,  | Debian GNU/Linux - - More software than
 . | *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control,
 Randy | seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout
   | and adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE Linux!

kernels 2.0.x, 2.2.x and networking

1999-04-18 Thread Jor-el

I just shot myself in the foot, when trying to reach for the

I was trying out the 2.2.5 kernel on my Slink install. Before I
saw the page on running 2.2 by Anthony Towns (did I get the name right?),
I had noticed that when bring up my 2.2 kernel, my route using lo was not
coming up. And I couldnt bring it up manually either. The messages that I
was getting indicated some kind of syntax error - which was strange, since
I was booting off of the same rootdisk used by my 2.0.36 Slink install.

Anyway, when I discovered Anthony's page, I went and downloaded
the new netbase and installed it. This of course required the new libc6
(otherwise it wouldnt configure), and which required apt version 0.10 (and
which I couldnt find - what I found was apt version 0.3x [x = something
or the other]). Anyway, everything is installed, and now my 2.2 kernel
still doesnt produce a route for lo, but worse (oh horrors!) my 2.0.36
kernel now produces the following 'ifconfig' output :

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:78:15:E3:9E
  unix addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x1200

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  unspec addr:00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-3B-01-40-02-00
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

This is what a working 'ifconfig' setup looks like (on my Redhat
system - same machine) :

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:78:15:E3:9E
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x1200 

Save me!


Re: Telnet from M$win to Debian (newbie)

1999-04-18 Thread Igor
Well, you can login as root through telnet, but it's not recommended. I used
to do that alot on my Slackware setup, but it seems that Debian (at least
Slink) is set up to not let you do that. I'm sure you can change the
settings somehow, but it's simpler and more secure to login as a regular
user and then su. Try setting up ssh as well. It's a lot more secure and
automatically forwards your X connection (encripted, unlike simply setting
your display to the remote computer).

my $0.02


- Original Message -
From: Assad Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: Telnet from M$win to Debian (newbie)

 John, first of all you can't login as root via telnet. It is probably
 something with telnetd or the kernel as security, also never log in as
 A lot of exploits can be used and you can accidently format your whole
 drive. Use su, but only use it when you need to, since only bad system
 administrators login as root all the time.

 -Original Message-
 From: John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Harte, Tiemen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: ''
 Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: Telnet from M$win to Debian (newbie)

 First, give up on logging in as root over telnet unless you want to
 about a dozen rules of thumb for computer security and override one or
 built in safties.  As for normal users, I haven't needed any special
 to get a few dozen friends to log into my box:  you're sure that you have
 telnetd installed?  Perhaps the remote host is in hosts.deny (it sounds
 like that might be the prob, but I really don't know for sure)?  If you
 really need to use the root account, first login as a user, then su.  HTH
 On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Harte, Tiemen wrote:
  Hi Debian people,
  I'm trying to telnet to my debian PC.
  I can get the login screen but I can't log in with the ROOT account or
  other account created with adduser.
  It's like my password is wrong, i keep getting the message access
  Do I need to give the account the rights to login via telnet from
  And if that's it, what do I need to change?
  Groetjes, Tiemen
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Who is John Galt?/a
 Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
  -- Ferenc Mantfeld
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Setting up ssh

1999-04-18 Thread Igor
The man pages for ssh are pretty comprehensive. That's what I used to set up
ssh both on my (first Slackware, then Debian slink) box and the Sun Ultra's
in our computer lab. I'm able to ssh into my box, which has only a static IP
address. I use $- ssh -l username XXX.YYY.ZZz.www  (ip address)

Works fine for me


- Original Message -
From: Corey Ralph [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 9:12 PM
Subject: Setting up ssh

 Does anyone know where I can find a howto on setting up ssh?

 I have tried running the script to get the hosts using dns, but it doesn't
 find any hosts.  Is there a way to give it an IP address to try, and have
 add the host?

 Thanks in advance.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-18 Thread Jiri Baum

Arcady Genkin:
 Well, I personally don't think that *that* is the problem. My outgoing
 mail bounces from the foreign servers, not sympatico's.

Why are you trying to send mail directly to foreign servers?

Simpler to give it all to your ISP and let *them* handle it. It's their
*job* to figure out how to talk to all the SMTP hosts on the planet, and
they have the resources to do it (including their own DNS, static IP,
permanent link, full-time staff to handle problems etc).

You should only need to figure out how to talk to your own ISP's SMTP host.
Most of them only require that you be calling in from their modem pool.

(My own mail address - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - is an MX-only domain pointing to
a commercial ISP; I have no problem using that address when sending e-mail,
provided I send it to whoever I've currently phoned (ISP server when I call
the ISP, university server when I'm on the uni modem pool). The machine I'm
typing on is called

In the routers section of exim.conf, use something like:

driver = domainlist
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = * bydns_a

(Actually, since I routinely call either the ISP or the university, I have
the ip-up.d/exim script place the mailserver name in a file and then I pull
it into the exim config using the $lookup function.)


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.


1999-04-18 Thread James M . Mastros
Well, let's see.  You're looking for somthing that you know was said on this
mailing list recently.  Dosn't that suguest to you that you want to look at
the mailing list archives?  So you go to in your favorite
web browser, and find Mailing List Archives on the map to the left.  From
there, you find the April 1999 debian-user, and search for SIOCADDRT (using
alt-f in netscape or / in lynx).  You'll find it in the third page of
debian-user for this month.  You can find two specific fixes on that page,
mine (,
and Wayne Topa's

-=- James Mastros
My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us.
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.

Another pine dilemna

1999-04-18 Thread Ian Ehrenwald
Now that I've got pine working with sending mail from the right place, it
seems that it errors when I try and view any message from the list.  It
tells me: [Error: can't find body for requested message].
Anyone know why this would come up?  You'll have to cc: to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm not able to view the mailing list :/.

Ian Ehrenwald

Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread Mark Brown
On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:00:25PM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 I just checked (and hope to be corrected) but I couldn't find _ANY_
 reference to requiring the -lm option to enable math functions.

 Try KR

That's not really part of Debian, though.  It *is* documented in the
comp.lang.c FAQ, but that isn't packaged.  I guess what's being looked
for is more like writing something in the appropriate man pages or what
have we.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

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