Re: Muchas gracias a todos

1999-06-03 Thread Luis M. Garcia
On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 12:42:09AM +0200, Daniel wrote:
 Bueno, más que nada, daros las gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda.
 Ya tengo un sistema de correo bastante decentemente configurado y no
 dependo de la kk del Netscape ;P (menos mal)


 En el mutt he visto en la ayuda que si pulsas L puedes responder a una lista 
 de correo previamente especificada.. emmm.. supongo que se especifican en el 
 .muttrc , pero... ¿como?

Efectivamente, en el .muttrc pones:
lists debian-user debian-user-spanish
(por ejemplo)

Y por el mismo precio, otro truquillo: se puede contestar a una lista pulsando
'g' (por group-reply) en lugar de 'L'. De esta manera, el mensaje se envía
al autor, con cc a la lista. ('L' responde únicamente a la lista)

HTH :-)

Re: Tar y gzip enlazados est?ticamente

1999-06-03 Thread Ignasi Modolell
Rafael Cordones Marcos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 RCM han de ir a buscar estas funciones (enlace dinámico). Una de las
 RCM ventajas es que tienes ejecutables más pequeños. No caigo en que
 RCM desventajas puede tener...

Si tienes espacio reducido, y necesitas toda una librería con un montón
de funciones para ejecutar un programa simple, que sólo necesita una de
esas funciones... maldita la gracia que te hará gastar disco en la librería
de marras (por ejemplo, en un disco de arranque).

 RCM bueno, en Mierdous9X la desventaja clara es que acabas teniendo todo
 RCM el disco duro de DLL's que nunca se utilizan pero que el programa
 RCM desinstalador no elimina. ;)

Para ser justos, ni dselect, ni apt, ni dpkg eliminan las librerías que
instalaste para probar aquél paquete que hoy estás desinstalando y ni te
acuerdas de las librerías que pusiste con él; eso sí, si eres cuidadoso y
miras las dependencias de un paquete que desinstalas, sí podrás comprobar
si los otros paquetes de los que depende son o no prescindibles ya en tu
Con esto quiero decir que el sistema de paquetes y dependencias es
mucho mejor que lo que hacen los programas Windows (cada juego lleva las
DirectX, y algunos hasta las instalan sin preguntar ni nada...); pero
tampoco estamos en una situación ideal.

Ignasi Modolell - Barcelona   TeamOS/2
... Lunes: Una forma muy dura de pasar 1/7 parte de la vida.

Re: Lio con dosemu

1999-06-03 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Jun 01, 1999,
Ricardo Villalba...

 Estoy tratando de configurar el  dosemu de la hamm, pero no
 hay  manera porque  el lredir  no funciona,  siempre da  un
 error (3e, o algún otro número).

 y bla, bla, bla

 ¡Lo he conseguido! Al final le  instalé el DOS de windows 95
 y ya funciona

El OpenDos de Caldera también es  una buena opción, al menos a
mí me solucionó el tema de lredir automáticamente.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Description: PGP signature

Re: No me tira wget en /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

1999-06-03 Thread Netman
On Sat, May 22, 1999 at 04:35:09PM +0200, Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 Thanks for using NetForward!
 El siguiente script situado en '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/' no me arranca al
 conectarme a Internet
 su -l vigu -c cd $HOME/DATOS/downloads/MIRRORS; wget -r -c -a \
$HOME/DATOS/downloads/MIRRORS/wget.log -i $WGET 
 donde WGET está definido en el .bash_profile del usuario vigu
 ¿Alguiene sabe por qué no es lanzado?.
 Creo que el pppd no le pasa las variables de entorno a los programas que se
 ejecutan en el /etc/ppp/ip-up.d, por lo que tu script no sabe lo que es
 $HOME y por tanto intentará usar el directorio /DATOS (en la raiz) que
 seguramente no existirá.

Si pones su - , se entra directamente en el directorio $HOME del usuario,
por lo que no necesitarás hacer cd $HOME/DATOS... sino cd DATOS/...
Te recomiendo que uses esta línea:

su - vigu -c cd DATOS/downloads/MIRRORS; wget -r -c -a \
DATOS/downloads/MIRRORS/wget.log -i $WGET 

y por si acaso no usar $WGET sino su expansión.

Salu2, netman.

Windows98: a 32 bit graphical front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8
bit operating system written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company
without 1 bit of decency...
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.9

Description: PGP signature

Re: Pregunta Sendmail o procmail o Mutt

1999-06-03 Thread daniel

Y eso de las genericstable como se hace¿? ;P

 image moved   fserrano @  
 to file:  02/06/99 19:48 

Destinatarios: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO, debian-user-spanish @
Asunto: Re: Pregunta Sendmail o procmail o Mutt

El miércoles 02 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 15:54:48 +0200,

Mi usuario de Linux es daniel . Sin embargo mi dirección de correo en
casa es [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Me gustaría saber como me las ingenio para
que no solo en el Reply-to salga esa dirección sino que también salga mi
verdadera dirección en el From...

 A ver,  que eso ya  ha salido tantas veces  que hasta me  lo he
 aprendido de memoria (y eso que no lo uso). Pon esto en .muttrc:

my_hdr From: Daniel Apellido [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Otra cosa es poner genericstable en sendmail... lo que yo hice.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Problemas con smbmount en kernel 2.2.5

1999-06-03 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Estoy usando el kernel de la serie 2.2.x (concretamente el 2.2.5), y el
comando smbmount (para montar unidades compartidas con Windows 95) no me
funciona (argumento no valido, me dice). Sin embargo, con el kernel
2.0.36 me funciona perfectamente.  Al parecer se va a un fichero llamado
lmhost que no tengo. Pero aun especificande la IP del ordenador remoto
no consigo que lo monte.

¿Alguna idea?


Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia  SPAIN

Re: Problemas con smbmount en kernel 2.2.5

1999-06-03 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Jose Rodriguez wrote:
 Estoy usando el kernel de la serie 2.2.x (concretamente el 2.2.5), y el
 comando smbmount (para montar unidades compartidas con Windows 95) no me
 funciona (argumento no valido, me dice). Sin embargo, con el kernel
 2.0.36 me funciona perfectamente.  Al parecer se va a un fichero llamado
 lmhost que no tengo. Pero aun especificande la IP del ordenador remoto
 no consigo que lo monte.

Yo tuve problemas para conectarme a maquinas WNT con el kernel 2.2.x
pero lo solucione con el smbmount-2.1.x o similar. 
Comprueba para saber si estas en la misma situacion sy en el syslog te
aparece un mensaje como 'SMB need versio 6'


Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  

Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Problemas con smbmount en kernel 2.2.5

1999-06-03 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Jose Rodriguez wrote:
 Estoy usando el kernel de la serie 2.2.x (concretamente el 2.2.5), y el
 comando smbmount (para montar unidades compartidas con Windows 95) no me
 funciona (argumento no valido, me dice). Sin embargo, con el kernel
 2.0.36 me funciona perfectamente.  Al parecer se va a un fichero llamado
 lmhost que no tengo. Pero aun especificande la IP del ordenador remoto
 no consigo que lo monte.
 ¿Alguna idea?
Mirate los ficheros de log (el syslog me parece) y si dice
algo como :'
... kernel: SMBFS: need mount version 6'

instalate el paquete smbfsx y monta los discos como a
smbmount-2.1.x //maquina/recurso $1 -U usuario -c mount

El problema, si no me equivoco, viene por un cambio en el
kernel por lo
de los passwords encriptados.

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Pregunta Sendmail o procmail o Mutt

1999-06-03 Thread Asociacion Universitaria GPUL
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Y eso de las genericstable como se hace¿? ;P

En principio, un poco de RTFM:

cd /usr/doc/sendmail
zless cf.README.gz (y buscas genericstable)

La explicación: tienes que compilar un fichero mc con la opción
FEATURE(genericstable). Esto lo que hace es crear un fichero en el que le
dices a sendmail que el correo que mande un usuario determinado debe
aparecer como enviado por la dirección que tú le dices.

En tienes el fichero
fetchmail+sendmail-COMO.sgml.gz, en el que se explica cómo usar esta opción
de sendmail. Debería estar también en la versión que hay en LuCAS, pero creo
que todavía no lo han actualizado.

De todos modos, también es buena idea lo que te han dicho de poner
un my_hdr en el muttrc. Es lo más sencillo, y además si te lo curras un poco
podrías poner una dirección de origen diferente según a dónde mandas el

Roberto Suárez Soto

Grupo de Programadores y Usuarios de Linux

otra de fetchmail

1999-06-03 Thread jon
otro error del fetchmail

me dice:

fetchmail:1 message for usuario at
reading message 1 of 1 (643 bytes)
fetchmail:SMTP listener doesn't like recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail:can't even send to calling user.SMTP transaction error
while fetching from

  que tengo que cambiar?utilizo smail (ejecuto smail -bd -q1h)

   gracias por anticipado

bug en man mutt

1999-06-03 Thread Fernando

Es esto un bug? 

$ apropos mutt 
mutt (1) - (unknown)

$ man mutt

Mutt(1)   Mutt(1)

   mutt - The Mutt Mail User Agent



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Problema con el xscreensaver

1999-06-03 Thread Tomas Bautista

Tengo un problema con el `xscreensaver', versión de paquete 2.34-1, de
GNU/Debian 2.1, y es que tras arrancarlo, al cabo de un rato, cuando se
supone que va a lanzar el salvapantalla, se queja con

xlock, could not grab keyboard! (1)
xscreensaver: child pid 627 (xlock) xited abnormally (code 1).

Quisiera saber si a alguien más le sucede o si alguien ha oído de este
problema y su solución.

Muchas gracias de antemano,


  | |  Tomas Bautista. Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
  | |  E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |#|  Home page URL:
   - Applied Microelectronics Research Institute, CAD Division.
   #   University of Las Palmas de G.C.
I.U.M.A   Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Law of Generalizations:
All generalizations are false.

Re: De repente me he quedado sin teclado en espa~nol

1999-06-03 Thread RESET

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Barbwired

Barbwired Hola a todos/as,

Barbwired Antes de ayer instal'e Slink en un disco duro
Barbwired nuevo. Durante la instalaci'on indiqu'e correctamente
Barbwired el tipo de teclado y esas zarandajas.  Copi'e a los
Barbwired homes de mis usuarios los antiguos .bash_profile y
Barbwired similares.  Todo funcionaba a la perfecci'on.

Barbwired Hoy he reiniciado para comprobar la configuraci'on de
Barbwired LiLo y para mi sorpresa el teclado est'a en
Barbwired ingl'es. C'omo puede ser posible esto!!!  Ruego una
Barbwired ayudita. Estoy completamente despistada.  Muchas
Barbwired gracias por vuestra atenci'on.

Prueba a establecer las locales con:

   localedef -f ISO-8859-1 es_ES es

como root, por supuesto.

RESET   | ``El espíritu preciso para derrotar a un hombre es el
|   mismo, en esencia, que el necesario para derrotar a
N. F. Pardo |   diez mil hombres.''
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Go Rin No Sho, Musashi Miyamoto

Wmaker: 2 comandos en un mismo menu

1999-06-03 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
¿Sabe alguien si hay alguna manera de asignar 2 comandos a una opción
del menú del WindowMaker?

Es que si estoy usando el Login.App (o el xdm) me interesa tener la
opción de resetear y apagar el sistema en el menú. 

Bueno con ejecutar `halt' y `reboot' no pasa nada.

Pero es que antes quería que se ejecutase el comando `EXIT' para que
me grabase el estado de la sesión.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Unidentified subject!

1999-06-03 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
¿Alguien sabe que quieren decir estas dos cosas?

  dpkg --print-architecture
  dpkg --print-gnu-build-architecture

Porque creo que los paquetes siempre están construidos con código

No se como está el soporte en el GCC y el EGCS para el 486 o el 586.

¿Se podrían crear paquetes para `i486' o `i586'?

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: otra de fetchmail

1999-06-03 Thread Barbwired
Esto mismo me pasó con Exim:

jon escribió:
fetchmail:1 message for usuario at 
 reading message 1 of 1 (643 bytes)
 fetchmail:SMTP listener doesn't like recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fetchmail:can't even send to calling user.SMTP transaction error 
 while fetching from
 que tengo que cambiar?utilizo smail (ejecuto smail -bd -q1h)

Yo lo que hice fué esto:
.fetchmailrc antiguo
poll proto POP3
user usuario
pass contraseña
is usuariolocal here

.fetchmailrc nuevo--
poll proto POP3
user usuario
pass contraseña
~ nombre de tu máquina

Es un poco rudimentario, pero me funcionó. Ni que decir tiene que ahora uso
sendmail, menos pijadas.

Coméntame si te ha funcionado

Free Software: the Software by the People, of the People and for the People.
Develop! Share! Enhance! and Enjoy! (Andy Tai)
Barbwired {The TranslatriX} U.Complutense de Madrid - Filología Inglesa
Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.8 since Oct98  PGP ID 0x03C87C81 
Web de aenima, personal y Linux:
Revista Open Resources:
Web de Vigulinux:
Firma para pedir Drivers para Linux:

Me cambio a linux...

1999-06-03 Thread jvicente

Me parece que voy a probar de configurar linux para leer los mails desde
Ahora: como se hace??

Primero debería configurar el acceso a mi proveedor, no?
Qué paquete tengo en la distribución de Debian?

Luego, vi que hablan de fetchmail, sendmail, smail y mutt. ¿Una breve
reseña de cada uno?
Es algo así como un procesador de mensajes y un editor?
Sino, con que editan, generan o leen los mails que envian/reciben?

Cualquier ayuda será de agrado, gracias.

RE: Lio con dosemu

1999-06-03 Thread Ricardo Villalba

Ricardo Villalba wrote:

 Estoy tratando de configurar el dosemu de la hamm, pero no hay manera
 el lredir no funciona, siempre da un error (3e, o algún otro número).
 No puedes utilizar el DOS que trae el paquete (FreeDOS)
porque el lredir no funciona con el FreeDOS. Lo que tienes
que hacer es crearte una nueva imagen de DOS con un dos
normal y corriente de microblando

Pues podían haberlo indicado en algún README o algún otro sitio, porque me
tiré todo el domingo pasado intentando configurarlo y creía que era por un
error mío...

Ahora ya funciona correctamente con el DOS de Windows, pero tengo otra duda.
En la versión X-Window (xdos) algunas teclas no funcionan correctamente (no
funciona el símbolo ; ni / y supongo que alguno más). ¿Habeis conseguido que

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Me cambio a linux...

1999-06-03 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 04:51:58PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Me parece que voy a probar de configurar linux para leer los mails desde
 Ahora: como se hace??
 Primero debería configurar el acceso a mi proveedor, no?
 Qué paquete tengo en la distribución de Debian?

Tienes el pppconfig, que te evitará tener que hacerlo a mano. 

 Luego, vi que hablan de fetchmail, sendmail, smail y mutt. ¿Una breve
 reseña de cada uno?

fetchmail - para bajarte el correo (POP3,IMAP...)

sendmail,smail - MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) Agente de Transporte de correo.
Lo que hace es dispensar el correo que le baja el fetchmail entre los
usuarios locales, o a ti solo si solo te llega a ti. Tambien envia los
mensajes a tu servidor de correo externo (el mio o a otro
usuario local.
Yo utilizo smail, sendmail me parece demasiado grande para repartir 60
mensajes por dia. Para configurarlo nada más fácil:
$ dpkg -i (smail).deb
Y te pide la configuración:

Elige internet site, puesto que te comunicaras con el exterior y como
smarthost tu servidor de correo (smtp). y a funcionar.

mutt, emacs(RMAIL,MH...), pine, xmail... - MUA. Tipico lector de correo. Para 
leer tus

Una vez bien configurado, te olvidas de todo, transparentemente, envias los
mensajes cuando te conectas, aunque los hayas escrito sin conexión a
internet. Te filtra los mensajes automaticamente... y todo super rápido.
Por cierto, pon la variable de entorno asi:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (bueno, tu cuenta, claro esta)
export REPLYTO

Asi te podran responder automaticamente.

Re: A Debian em Portugues!

1999-06-03 Thread Andre Leao Macedo
Olá todos,

É a primeira vez que eu participo da lista mas acompanho já há algum 
tempo. Essa idéia é do Cristiano é muito boa. Temos que criar um guia rápido 
para aqueles que não conhecem GNU/Linux ou conhecem apenas outras 
distribuições. Sou usuário do Debian há pouco tempo, mas realmente é a melhor 
que eu já usei. Quando o tutorial oficial do Debian estiver mais adiantado, 
poderemos traduzi-lo e adaptá-lo à realidade brasileira/portuguesa. Uma coisa 
que devemos observar também é a posição da Corel quanto ao GNU/Linux. A sua 
distribuição vai se basear no Debian, e segundo eles, o que eles desenvolverem 
eles vão ceder para a Debian em GPL. Às vezes a documentação vem junto.

André Leão Macedo

On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 01:40:45PM -0300, Christiano Anderson wrote:
 Pois eh.. A ideia em traduzir o documento seria otima! Eu estava lendo o
 Debian user's guide em e
 legalmente falando *NAO* podemos reproduzir o documento, exceto para uso
 Que tal reunir todos os nossos conhecimentos e produzir nosso proprio
 User's Guide, mas em portugues?? Creio que cada um assinante desta lista
 tem seus conhecimentos mais especificos em determinadas partes do
 sistema, uns conhecem mais particionamento, swap, etc; tipos de
 instalacoes (Ftp, CD-ROM, disquetes, NFS, etc); outros conhecem bem a
 parte grafica (GNOME, KDE, WindowMaker, etc)... Desta forma estaremos
 criando uma documentacao independente e totalmente em portugues, feita
 por 'cabecas' brasileiras. 

| History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once  |
|  they have exhausted all other alternatives.|
|-- Abba Eban  |
| Andre Leao Macedo  | |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  PGP Public Key in Home Page|

Offer for apt improvements at the Free Software Bazaar

1999-06-03 Thread Laurent Martelli
Dear Debian lovers,

I've just made an offer on the Free Software Bazaar
( for improvements to
apt. So I invite all of you would like to have those improvements to
increase my offer.

The request is :

apt-get should try the various FTP sites listed in
/etc/apt/sources.list for fastest download, not only the first
one. Several packages could be downloaded in parallel from
different sites. If the current download rate for a given FTP
sites falls below a customizable threshold, apt-get should try
to download the package in parallel from another site.

Add a command line option so that every package will be
installed right after download and the .deb file will be
removed before the next package is downloaded. This is useful
if there isn't enough space in /var.

It should be possible to install one package and download
another one in parallel.

The ID of my request is 990528A.

Laurent Martelli

mouse button in java

1999-06-03 Thread moron
Does any java programmer out there have the same problem as I have with jdk
1.1.1?  It recognises a mousePressed() but doesn't return the correct value
in getModifiers() for the left button - for the right button it works all


Re: PPP problems

1999-06-03 Thread John Hasler
 I have configured the CHAP/PAP chatscript to connect ISP with dynamic ip.

Which are you using? PAP or CHAP?

 dont have no clue what does 'last messge repeated 11 times' mean?

Just what it says: the message  sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 552
asyncmap 0x0 auth chap md5 magic 0x9df3beb5 pcomp accomp] has
been repeated 11 times.

If you are using pppconfig to set up ppp send copies of your
/etc/ppp/peers/provider and /etc/chatscripts/provider files.  If you are
not using pppconfig try doing so.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Is there a PPPoE client for Linux?

1999-06-03 Thread John Hasler
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 My ISP is going to implement that crap for my ADSL connection. They'll 
 of course be only supporting WinXX. Should I start looking for another 

I just researched PPPoE a bit.  Looks like a bad idea whose time has come.
It should be possible to write a PPPoE client for Linux, but it will be a
non-trivial task best undertaken by someone who has had this monstrosity
inflicted upon him.

Unless you are prepared to undertake this task, I suggest you find another
ISP.   Be sure and tell this one why you are leaving.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-06-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Daniel González Gasull wrote:
 Yep, I know.  This is a old flame war.  But I don't
 want your personal opinions.  What I want is some
 links about comparisons between GNOME and KDE.
 Please send me some links about this comparisons.
 And do not begin a flame war.  Thank you in advance.

Ed C.

Can't read /floppy/type.txt

1999-06-03 Thread ktb
I'm trying to install on an IBM ps/2 model 70.  I'm using an MCA Slink
rescue disk.  The computer reads the floppy fine until I get to the
point in the install that says, Install operating system kernel and
modules.  I then get an error that reads,
Cannot read /floppy/type.txt : Invalid argument

I have a floppy directory with . .. in it and a file called type.txt
with the word root in it.  They are both in the / directory.  Is the
error telling me to move the file type.txt to the floppy directory? 
How can I get the installation program to read my floppy drive?

Re: Firewall's and Real*

1999-06-03 Thread vandeveb
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 04:33:57PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 With kernel 2.0.x and ipfwadm it was necessary to compile something into
 the kernel so that it would allow real* traffic to go by. Is the same
 still valid for kernel 2.2.x with ipchains?

I assume by real* you are talking about real-audio and real-video.  
By default, you should not need to do anything to allow these to go by.
But, if you have firewalled off most everything, something like this 
should let these work:
   ipchains -A input -p udp -s 0/0 6969:7171 -d 0/0 1024: -j ACCEPT
   ipchains -A input -p tcp -s 0/0 554   -d 0/0 1024: -j ACCEPT
   ipchains -A input -p tcp -s 0/0 7070  -d 0/0 1024: -j ACCEPT

   ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 554  -j ACCEPT
   ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 7070 -j ACCEPT

Note this is only for the 2.2.x with ipchains.

This info can be obtained from their website under the support sec.

Bill Van Devender


1999-06-03 Thread debian
I am running a PC100 128mb SDRAM dimm on a 300a Celeron machine which is
only at 66mhz bus speed by normal. And it runs fine.

-Original Message-
From: Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian user list
Date: Thursday, 3 June 1999 5:05

Sorry for the offtopic question:
I need to upgrade ram on one of the computers. It's a 3 year old Gateway,
and it's got only SDRAM slots. The bus speed is up to 66 only. I've been
looking at the ram prices, and everywhere I see only SDRAM PC100. As far
as I understood from the docs, it's for computers with bus speed of
100Mhz. The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Death of a 2nd WD hard drive

1999-06-03 Thread John
Douglas Federman wrote:

 I have experienced the death of 2 new WD Caviar drives after installing and 
 running Debian Linux.  Each drive started with a clicking noise, several 
 weeks later read errors appeared and now completely dead.  WD replaced the 
 first drive without question.  Before I replace the second, could Linux be 
 causing this?  The machine is a Gateway P-II 350.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

These disks wouldn't by any chance be 8.4gig DMA33 disks would they. My windows 
disk (which I had planned to change to linux) failed the same way - a fairly 
loud click every now and then. It even got so bad that it caused the computer 
to reboot a few times. The WD web page indicates that these drives have been 
having problems, but the problems have
been the drive itself - not the OS. For what it's worth, my 1.6 and 3.1 Western 
Digital drives are working fine with Linux.

John Carline


Powered by the Penguin

help! install with DOS-lost HD on boot

1999-06-03 Thread kaynjay
Home with the school computer for summer... I wanted to redo my drive layout
due to very limited space, squeezing out OS/2 and Windows for Linux.  I've
lost my Linux drives, though.  I am hoping someone could point out where I
screwed up, and suggest a way to avoid reinstalling (or doing it right ;).

After backing up critical files to a new-but-old 430 Mb HD (hdb), I wiped all
partitions on hda, created a 100 Mb fat DOS partition, 2 primaries for root
and swap, then 3 logicals on the rest of hda for /var, /home, and /usr. 
Install of 2.1 went well from CD.  Set up LILO as my boot manager.  

Rebooted to a DOS floppy to check, and then format C (it saw the partition as
90 Mb instead of 100--did I choose the wrong fs type?).  Booted into Linux.
Untarred the old DOS system onto the C partition, modified lilo.conf, and
ran lilo.  This led to the inability to boot DOS (non-system disk or disk
error ... or whatever it was).  

Using cfdisk I reset both hda1 and hda2 as bootable (1st--DOS, 2nd--Debian)
and wrote to disk.  Re-read error reported by cfdisk.  Reboot led to an
inability to boot LILO at all.  

An old Linux rescue disk taught me to make a new one at some future point :(
I didn't realize it was set to another partition, and I don't know how to
change that.. ).

A DOS floppy allowed me to again reformat the C drive, install DOS/Win31 for
my kids' games, and boot directly to DOS.  But I'd like to get the drive back
to Linux control without a reinstall, if possible.

Can I make a rescue floppy from the DOS partition, using the CD and skipping
all other installation steps?  Can someone let me know what step I would take
to get this working afterwards?  

Thanks for any help!!

Kenward Vaughan

(currently on my other machine :)

ipchains and firewalls

1999-06-03 Thread debian
Anyone prepared to give me a hand with my ipchains firewall, or show me an
example of one of there firewalls. I have an old ipfwadm firewall I wrote,
but I think it needs work, and plus it stops dns zone xfers to my secondary
dns server on the net, when I lock it down tight.

Thanks in advance, also got to say, since I started using Debian on the
weekend a few days back, I have been impressed. apt-get is so cool. The
author has to be proud, it is the best form of util I have seen. Dselect was
tricky, but I managed to figure it out with help from friends. Thought
Dselect was a pain when uninstalling smail to use qmail. :)


Re: Ability to read MS Word files

1999-06-03 Thread Robert . King
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, adasoft wrote:

 I need to read the text content in a  MS Word file on NT from outside of
 MS-Word in a batch program to create a list of all the words contained in
 the document. Any suggestions ?
 Supriyo Sircar

Assuming that the files are MSWord 8 files, try to WordToTxt script that
is included in the mswordview package (probably not the most efficient way
of getting there, but it works.


Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This library is open one hour each fortnight.  No book shall leave these 
 premises. We have sworn it with an oath!
 -- Library of King Ashurbanipal, Babylon, ca. 3000 BC. 


1999-06-03 Thread debian
How do I configure dselect to use ftp downloading of files via proxy, the
proxy doesn't use or require a logon. And is *cough* MS proxy, which my
company uses.


Re: ipchains and firewalls

1999-06-03 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: ipchains and firewalls
Date: Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 09:47:38AM +1000

In reply to:debian

Quoting debian([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Anyone prepared to give me a hand with my ipchains firewall, or show me an
 example of one of there firewalls. I have an old ipfwadm firewall I wrote,
 but I think it needs work, and plus it stops dns zone xfers to my secondary
 dns server on the net, when I lock it down tight.
 Thanks in advance, also got to say, since I started using Debian on the
 weekend a few days back, I have been impressed. apt-get is so cool. The
 author has to be proud, it is the best form of util I have seen. Dselect was
 tricky, but I managed to figure it out with help from friends. Thought
 Dselect was a pain when uninstalling smail to use qmail. :)

  GREAT INFO Site for ipfwadm  ipchains

Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

SV: Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-03 Thread vw
Hi Gancho
A friend of mine (IBM-expert, former dealer) tells me you can download the
setup disks from IBM's homepage. I dunno the adress, but it can't be hard to
find. I'm gonna do this myself as I seem to have lost the disks for my old
Good Luck

 -Oprindelig meddelelse-
 Fra:  Peter Allen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sendt:2. juni 1999 22:15
 Til:  debian-user
 Cc:   recipient list not shown
 Emne: Re: Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(
 I think I have read somewhere it is ctrl-alt-del then possibly 
 some other ctrl-alt combination.  If all else feels, disconect
 the keyboard, and something in the bios definatly comes up then.
 (I'm not sure whether you can get in the bios itself from
 that though, but its worth a try.)
   Peter Allen
 Gancho Tenev Tenev wrote:
  Hi !!!
  I did not speak about Debian Linux Instalation ! :)
  ( nor for rescue nor bootup diskette !!! )
  Some IBM computers ( may be all ) have got setup ( for their hardware )
  their HDD
  ( on separate hdd partition ).
  On other computers I press DEL and enter in setup program to configure
  time, IRQ,
  memory, power management etc... I don't know how to do this on IBM PC
  ... There is
  a diskette for this  I am not sure ... :((
  If I install Linux on sertain partition ( remove DOS FAT16 partition )
 and put
  MBR Lilo things  I AM AFRAID I WILL DESTROY something !!!
  If Linux instalation destroys something , I haven't got such diskette so
  I CANNOT configure hdd, time , IRQ ... etc. (
  This is my problem !!
  Anybody knows what I should do !!!
  Sorry for I cannot explane this at first time !!!
  ( may be because of my bad english !:)
  Thanks for help !!!
   Don't need no ibm-setup-diskette. Get an installation cd from Debian
   RedHat or whatever, should be fairly easy, or download the thing from There's also a very helpful installation
   in Debian's ftp-site, else try this:
   If you're using diskettes, be prepared for hell of a job. I did it
 once, and
   I'm not doing it again. CD is by far the easiest, lots less trouble,
   keeping track of files and no bad diskettes. You can also do a
   part-diskette, part-net installation, but I have no experience with
   A tiny program called FIPS will repartition your hd w/out any trouble.
   Worked great for me. Available on most linux-ftp's.
   Can't kill your computer, but might make it usable...
   Good Luck!
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra:  Gancho Tenev Tenev [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt:31. maj 1999 15:40
Cc:   recipient list not shown
Emne: Help!!! Linux plus IBM!
I have IBM 386 , 16 MB RAM , and 200 MB HDD.
I have DOS (fat16) partition on HDD...
I want to run linux on ext2 partition...
But I don't know anything about IBM SETUP partition on HDD...
I know that there is a setup-diskette . It runs setup-program that
configure IBM hardware things :)... But I haven`t got such
I am going to remove DOS-partition ... and replace it with ext2
I will use LILO boot loader ...
Will I have a problem of some kind if I do this way!!!
I am afraid that I will kill this IBM computer because of my
Any Ideas!!!
Gancho. #;o)
P.S. Sorry for my bad english ... I hope You understand me ... and
me :)))
 Fil: Card for Gancho Tenev Tenev
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

apt-get proxy

1999-06-03 Thread debian
Also once I have downloaded/upgraded using dselect to apt-get how do I
configure apt-get to use the MS-proxy on company lan, which doesn't require

Thanks once more

Re: Mail Relay for Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I guess this depends on how you want it to work. Are you looking for 
store/forward per

Anthony Landreneau wrote:

 I host several domains and would like to have my DNSs get and hold 
 when remote WAN host  drop off line.  I had been using sendmail, but it has
 become MUCH to complicated for this task.  I am looking for a simple, yet
 controllable, program that will relay mail for my hosted domains.


 Anthony Landreneau
 DoD Network Security Administrator
 Infinity Data Systems
 New Orleans Louisiana

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Mozilla installation

1999-06-03 Thread Andrew J Fortune

I am running Debian v2.0, and I am attempting to install Mozilla via
dselect. I got the following list of dependencies :

mozilla depends on lesstifg (= 0.85.2)
mozilla depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
mozilla depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u-6)
mozilla depends on libstdc++2.9
libstdc++2.9 does not appear to be available
mozilla depends on zlib1g (= 1.1.3)
mozilla suggests postscript-viewer
mozilla suggests pdf-viewer
mozilla suggests xanim or ucmbmpeg-play
mozilla suggests freeamp, amp, splay, maplay or mpg123

So I went to the website at, and searched the packages
for these other files. For starters, I searched on lesstifg, and got the
following search results :

Release   Quality  Package (size)
stable  100%  lesstifg-dbg 1:0.86.9-2   (3915.5k)
   Static library with debugging symbols for LessTif.
stable  100%  lesstifg-dev 1:0.86.9-2   (96.3k)
   Development library and header files for LessTif.
stable  33%  lesstifg 1:0.86.9-2   (549.8k)
   OSF/Motif implementation released under LGPL.
Responses 1-3 of 3 responses shown. 

Obviously, the version is the one that I want, seeing as Mozilla requires
v0.85.2 of lesstifg or later (the version that was available on my machine
was 0.83.7 - I guess that this is why it was complaining).

Basically, my question is ... which of these three downloads do I need ? All
of them ? The problem is that I dont know what the purpose of these files
are and if someone could enlighten me in general on this situation, I would
be grateful.

Also, in the case of libstdc++, the version that is available via dselect on
my machine is v2.8. It seems to me that some of the files available for
installation are out of sync with each other. Could anyone suggest to me why
this might be the case ?

Thanks in advance for any help !

Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread David N. Welton
[ please cc replies to me ]

Surprisingly, I wasn't able to turn up any results when searching
Debian's lists for this, but, to sum it up, my query is this:

Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
exactly what, if the person preferred not to disclose that
information, but might include a company name, at least.

Anything like that out there?  Because I know there are a lot of
people using Debian for important things.

David N. Welton, Web Engineer, Linuxcare, Inc.
415.354.4878 x241 tel, 415.701.7457 fax
Linuxcare. At the center of Linux.


1999-06-03 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Ed Cogburn wrote:

 Daniel González Gasull wrote:

What I want is some
  links about comparisons between GNOME and KDE.

Huh?  Read the question again.
It's not about package formats.


1999-06-03 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
  computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ? 

I bought 2 128MB PC100 for my 66MHz ASUS, hoping that the dimms would
still be usable when I get a new motherboard someday.

I ran memtest86 for about 24 hours, no problems, and have been running
fine ever since (several months).

I started having problems recently (filesystem errors and signal 11) so I
ran memtest86 again and one of the dimms has gone bad. I took it out and
put back in an old regular 32MB dimm, and the two mixed togeter (160MB)
ran memtest86 fine overnight, and seems OK after about a week.

I don't know why the dimm went bad. I wouldn't think it's because the
100/66MHz issue.

Please explain why you think PC100 shouldn't be in a 66MHz board. Do you
have any ponters to info on the web?


Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, David N. Welton wrote:

 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
 applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
 exactly what, if the person preferred not to disclose that
 information, but might include a company name, at least.

Well.. In 4 days a mobile robot will enter a robot competition for
autonomous visual guidance. It's control system runs Debian on a cute
little mini PC. The thing is big (moves fast too) and for the application
it can be considered mission critical. (

In perhaps 4 months an Argicultural tractor guidance system will be
deployed that uses Linux for it's kernel. Although the system itself does
not run Debian (in 2 meg of flash? Heh) all development is done on Debian
systems and it uses the Debian libc-pic packages. Failure of the system
will result in expensive wasted time and chemicals/seed and even possibly
crop damage ( 

There is a slight chance that in the future a Linux based Mobile Data
Terminal [various applications] will be developed that sports a radio
modem, LCD display, card reader, and a printer, although the system will
likely run windows CE : (, but no information
about the custom 486 controller or the MTD, shows
the companion taxi meter)

I have more details of course if you are interested :


Re: SVGA server

1999-06-03 Thread Paul Nesbit

Kent West wrote:

  Configure XF86
  Configure PPP
  Rebuild and customize Kernel
  Upgrade to most recent dist.
  Does this order of ops sound good?

 Personally, I would probably configure ppp before XF86; it's easier to do
 (less prone to error), and it'll allow you to download more recent
 packages than what may be on your CD. Just run (as root) pppconfig

No such file (binary or otherwise) named pppconfig on my system (slink).  Is
there a package I need to install for that?  I installed all recommended

Paul Nesbit
Algonquin College
Computing Science / Computer Technology

Re: ssh and (potato)

1999-06-03 Thread A. M. Varon
  I'm trying to install ssh (not ssh2) on potato.  It can't find
  That sounds suspiciously like something that should be in the
  libgmp2 package, but that package is installed.
 I'm not sure if it's a bug in ssh or in libgmp2, but creating a symlink in
 /usr/lib fixes it.
   # cd /usr/lib
   # ln -s
 If anyone knows which package is at fault, a bug report would be a Good

Yep, I encountered the same problem with Potato too. I think there is a
problem somewhere with libgmp2 somewhere.

My fix was to install libgmp2, and then install libgmp2-dev afterwards. So
far, it works fine here.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :


1999-06-03 Thread Andrew J Fortune

I am interested in installing GNOME on my machine. I have gone to the site
at, and I notice that the installation is for slink.
However, I am currently running with Debian 2.0, and I am wondering if
someone could please advise this newbie as to whether or not this
installation would work for me ?

Thanks !

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-03 Thread moron
Sorry, I forgat to attach the files.  Here they are.

Description: Binary data
 text/html;	name="debian.html": Unrecognized 

Re: SVGA server

1999-06-03 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  2 Jun, Paul Nesbit wrote about Re: SVGA server
 Kent West wrote:
 Personally, I would probably configure ppp before XF86; it's easier to do
 (less prone to error), and it'll allow you to download more recent
 packages than what may be on your CD. Just run (as root) pppconfig
 No such file (binary or otherwise) named pppconfig on my system (slink).  Is
 there a package I need to install for that?  I installed all recommended

Install the pppconfig package.  It is in the base section of the
archive so I am suprised it is not installed.  To search for the
location of a file in the Debian packages go to and enter you search item
in the Search the Contents of the Latest Release search box.

For an input of pppconfig you get the following back:

usr/doc/pppconfig/README.debian base/pppconfig
usr/doc/pppconfig/buildinfo.Debian  base/pppconfig
usr/doc/pppconfig/changelog.gz  base/pppconfig
usr/doc/pppconfig/copyright base/pppconfig
usr/man/man8/pppconfig.8.gz base/pppconfig
usr/sbin/pppconfig  base/pppconfig

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread KaHa
David N. Welton wrote:
 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
 applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
 exactly what, if the person preferred not to disclose that
 information, but might include a company name, at least.

Don't know what they're doing now, or if this example counts as
mission critical, but Debian was chosen to monitor some zero-G
experiments on a space shuttle mission back in the summer of '97.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Why doesn't DIRCOLORS work?

1999-06-03 Thread W. Paul Mills

I am still running an old version of debian, but I have to
use ls --color to get colors to work. The use of an alias
can keep you from having to type this every time.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorne Williams) writes:

 I'm just trying to do something simple. I want to
 change the color of listed directories from bright blue to bright white.
 I'm running slink. I've created my own config file,  ~/.dircolorsrc, and
 changed one item - dir color -  from 01;34 to 01;37. This is the result:
 # eval dircolors .dircolorsrc
 LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;37: etc...
 export LS_COLORS
 # echo $LS_COLORS
 no=00:fi=00:di=01;34: etc...
 The net result - no change! Using 'eval' on the command line is optional,
 the output is the same either way. I think I am following the docs to the
 letter... what am I missing?
 TIA, Lorne.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Death of a 2nd WD hard drive

1999-06-03 Thread W. Paul Mills

I lost 1 Seagate, and one Western Digital on a machine running
linux some time ago. Started having problems with a third drive. 
All this within a few weeks. Running a Cyrix processor. Swaped 
the no name board out for another, but kept the same processor, 
no more problems.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Ability to read MS Word files

1999-06-03 Thread Supriyo Sircar

Thanks for the earlier reply from Robert.

IS there something similar to convert from PDF to text or to HTML.


Subject: Re: Ability to read MS Word files
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:55:30 +1000 (EST)

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, adasoft wrote:

 I need to read the text content in a  MS Word file on NT from outside of
 MS-Word in a batch program to create a list of all the words contained 

 the document. Any suggestions ?

 Supriyo Sircar

Assuming that the files are MSWord 8 files, try to WordToTxt script that
is included in the mswordview package (probably not the most efficient way
of getting there, but it works.


Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, 
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This library is open one hour each fortnight.  No book shall leave these
 premises. We have sworn it with an oath!
 -- Library of King Ashurbanipal, Babylon, ca. 3000 BC.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Ability to read MS Word files

1999-06-03 Thread Hartmut Figge
Supriyo Sircar wrote:
 IS there something similar to convert from PDF to text or to HTML.

well, let´s see:

$ locate pdf2 | grep bin

$ locate ps2 | grep bin

don´t remember, if i have used some of them. also you should search with
´to´ instead of ´2´.


Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Well, my company uses it for their email server, web server, firewall/internet
gateway. Our home office has about 100 client computers and two satellite 
offices use
a small number more. We also run Oracle in linux for our corporate intranet.

David N. Welton wrote:

 [ please cc replies to me ]

 Surprisingly, I wasn't able to turn up any results when searching
 Debian's lists for this, but, to sum it up, my query is this:

 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
 applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
 exactly what, if the person preferred not to disclose that
 information, but might include a company name, at least.

 Anything like that out there?  Because I know there are a lot of
 people using Debian for important things.

 David N. Welton, Web Engineer, Linuxcare, Inc.
 415.354.4878 x241 tel, 415.701.7457 fax
 Linuxcare. At the center of Linux.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: SVGA server

1999-06-03 Thread Paul Nesbit

Brian Servis wrote:

  No such file (binary or otherwise) named pppconfig on my system (slink).  Is
  there a package I need to install for that?  I installed all recommended

 Install the pppconfig package.  It is in the base section of the
 archive so I am suprised it is not installed.

So sorry, I've installed Debian 2.0 (hamm, ! slink ).  Don't know how I figured
that.  I'll upgrade to 2.1 when I get PPP going. I'll get to the howto on that.
Of course suggestions and tips are always welcome.

Paul Nesbit
Algonquin College
Computing Science / Computer Technology

I worry...

1999-06-03 Thread Christian Dysthe

I do not really know if this belongs here, but I could not find anywhere else
seeming more appropriate for this than among Debian users.

I have chosen Debian for my personal use, lately my company has chosen Debian
on several servers (including our web server), and we have suddenly become very
dependent on all these people out there making Debian so damn good (mostly for

Then I keep reading and seeing the commercial distributions, especially RH
rushing forward trying to position themselves in a market where they obviously
see the opportunity to make big bucks. And with the big bucks comes all the
nastiness of high finance business, and I am afraid one of these will win and
leave the ones that chose quality and versatile over hype in a jam because all
the talented people in the Linux world suddenly see the possiblilty to make
money, and a lot of it.

We had a hard time finding someone willing to do our Debian server. All
of the ones we contaced to get our web server built told us they felt more
confident doing a RH install or they said: RH is pretty strong in this ares,
and some of them even had some nifty deals for us if we chose RH. How will the
Debian community be able to fight in a market like this in the future? 

I dread a situation where Debian becomes a distribuion based on what RH
employees contribute on their spare time.

Please tell me I am wrong! :) 

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 02-Jun-99
Time: 22:44:57
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

RE: Laplink and DOS?

1999-06-03 Thread David Karlin
I recall reading something in the plip mini-howto about a dos-linux
plip connection using a Crynwr driver called plip.exe on the dos



 -Original Message-
 From: John Pearson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 8:30 PM
 To: virtanen;
 Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Subject: Re: Laplink and DOS?

 On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 09:45:49PM +0300, virtanen wrote
  I've got a Debian-box, a small laptop with DOS, and a Laplink cable.
  What is an easy method to connet the Debian-box and DOS-box with the
  Laplink-cable so that I could easily at least copy files from the othe
  machine to the other?
  (The Debian box hasn't got any DOS-partition, so that I need
 some kind of
  Debian program there, but which kind of program?)

 Running Laplink on your Debian box under dosemu is the most obvious way to
 go (although, I haven't tried it); you may also be able to create a PPP or
 SL/IP link using a null modem cable, although you would have to find a DOS
 ppp or SL/IP program (there may be something suitable amongst the Crynwyr
 (?sp) packet drivers).  I'm not sure if the LapLink cable is a
 'proper' null
 modem cable, but it may be...

 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates
 in Denmark

Confused package database

1999-06-03 Thread Brendon Baumgartner
I somewhat screwed up my package database and had to revert to an old one.
Now it thinks I have some stuff that is installed which isn't and some that
it thinks is installed and is not. WHen I run install in dselect, I get a
lot of these. I guess i'm saying, how do I reinitialize the package

dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `wdiff' missing, assuming
package has no files currently installed.

dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `cftp' missing, assuming
package has no files currently installed.


Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, David N. Welton wrote:

 Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:34:33 -0700
 From: David N. Welton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Mission critical Debian
 Resent-Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 01:35:56 +
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 [ please cc replies to me ]
 Surprisingly, I wasn't able to turn up any results when searching
 Debian's lists for this, but, to sum it up, my query is this:
 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical

i believe Debian was used on one of the shuttle mission
to control bio experiment (?).



1999-06-03 Thread Damon Muller

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 01:59:00 +0200
Daniel González Gasull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yep, I know.  This is a old flame war.  But I don't
 want your personal opinions.  What I want is some
 links about comparisons between GNOME and KDE.

Hope I'm not just being trolled...

IMHO KDE is a little more stable at the moment, and all the parts seem
to work together better. It's not exactly speedy, but it's not too bad.
It has documentation for just about everything, and isn't too bad a way
of hiding all the cli stuff of linux. The themes are pretty easy to
install now too, and some of them are approaching the coolness of some e

GNOME, I think, looks much better, but it's still pretty slow and buggy.
You have a little more choice of which WM to use, but it seems to look
most impressive with e. You have lots of e and GTK themes, which can
make the whole system look really amazing. But I think the best
difference is that the GNOME panel is actually useful, whereas the KDE
panel is pretty much just an app launcher. Many more GNOME apps will
embed themselves in the panel and live there, providing useful (and
useless) information. Few KDE apps seem to use the panel for anything
more than a button to launch them.

Debian GNOME (in slink at least) is prolly stable enuf for day-to-day
use, but despite the versioning, GNOME really doesn't deserve to be
1.0x, more like 0.5, I would think (it's political, so I'm told). It's a
lot more useable on debian than it was a few weeks ago tho.

With a decent DM, there is no reason you can't have both on your system
and change between them (WDM does this really well). Provided you have
the disk space, i guess (yes, disk space is cheep, but some of us are
still poor students.

KDE 2.0 may change things a little - i don't really know how much. QT
2.0 looks like it will be as configurable as GTK, and they claim it wont
be as slow (GTK with a pixmap theme is *very* slow!)

Don't know how much more I can say. I started with KDE, then installed
GNOME, and tend to swap between them. GNOME is more fun if you are a
compulsive tweaker - but expect to break things. Both of them are much
more bloated than a standalone WM like Afterstep. Neither of them look
great at 800x600 (something about linux hackers is they always seem to
have much bigger monitors (or better eyesight) than us mere mortals with
15in screens!).



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: emusic

1999-06-03 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 10:38:50AM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 I'm trying to use emusic on my half slink, half potato
 system (I've upgraded glibc to 2.1 and lots of other
 stuff too).
 I ran `apt-get install emusic', and all was well. However,
 when I run emusic, I simply get a standard help message
 (`This is eMusic DR0.9' and so on) and no window appears.
 If I use a filename of an mp3 as an input to the command
 `emusic', the file is played, but still no window appears.
 Am I doing something incredibly stupid, is emusic broken
 or am I just asking in the wrong place?

I'm pretty sure the gui part of emusic was broken. It's fixed now, though.
Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469

Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Will Lowe
  Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical
  applications?  Such a list wouldn't necessarily have to include
 Not that I have seen. There is the general linux-biz website and

Ummm ... (and most (all?) of the other boxes)
run Debian,  methinks. runs Debian and handles _all_ of our
mailing lists. runs debian  most developers would
probably call these (and master) mission critical.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
| And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

Debain and FAT32/UMSDOS

1999-06-03 Thread Sean

Can I install Debain/GNU linux on a FAT32/UMSDOS 
partition like Zip Slackware?

GNOME installation screw-up

1999-06-03 Thread Matthew Myers Davis

I downloaded the GNOME 1.0 distribution with apt, installed, put the

exec gnome-session

line in my .xsession file, and quit X to try out what I had done.  Oops.

I could have done the smart thing and logged out as Root before I put
any GNOME startup stuff in a .xsession, but NOOO.  I was too eager for
that.  Now, I can't get out of xdm at all if I try to log in as Root;  if
I try to log in with one of the user accounts, Enlightenment breaks --
possibly because they had existing .enlightenment directories from the
0.14 that came with Slink.

I wouldn't have a problem, except that I can't figure out how to get out
of XDM and into another virtual console so that I could fix stuff (well,
maybe I'd still have a problem, but I wouldn't be completely stuck in XDM
where I can't do anything)

So, any ideas about 

a) why X won't start as root (the account with  exec gnome-session in
the .xsession file)

b) why Enlightenment isn't working on user accounts with no GNOME startup


c) how to get out of XDM so that I can start fixing the above two problems

would be very helpful.

matthew myers davis

Weird su problems

1999-06-03 Thread Chris
Well, living on the blleding edge seems to have finally bitten me in the ass
;-)  I normally do an apt-get update;apt-get upgrade every week or so unless
I hear about major fixes.  I did such an upgrade earlier today, upgrading
nearly everything that could be upgraded.  The only immediate abnormality
was that X seemed to freeze (I could move the mouse, but clicking did
nothing) soon after I upgraded some Gnome packages.  

When I got back to my machine later, I found that ppp had reset some
permissions on the ppp directory (it took dip off of the group, for some
reason).  I went to su to root, and I got a bad password error.  Of course,
I totally panicked.  I quit X and restarted it, but the problem remained.
As a desperate measure, I switched to another console and tried to log in as
root and... it worked.  

It looks like some element relating to su has been broken.  I apologize for
not knowing which package contains su, but I have the latest version for
Potato (x86) as of Wednesday (yesterday).  I've just discovered that 
su fails to work on the console, too.  Should I downgrade some packages (and
if so, how is that done?) or wait until the next version of package x(y,z)
to come out?  Is anyone else having this problem?



Re: GNOME installation screw-up

1999-06-03 Thread Venu
dear matthew

:c) how to get out of XDM so that I can start fixing the above two problems

try Ctrl + Alt + F1  to F6

will switch to vitual consoles where u can log in...


:I downloaded the GNOME 1.0 distribution with apt, installed, put the
:exec gnome-session
:line in my .xsession file, and quit X to try out what I had done.  Oops.
:I could have done the smart thing and logged out as Root before I put
:any GNOME startup stuff in a .xsession, but NOOO.  I was too eager for
:that.  Now, I can't get out of xdm at all if I try to log in as Root;  if
:I try to log in with one of the user accounts, Enlightenment breaks --
:possibly because they had existing .enlightenment directories from the
:0.14 that came with Slink.
:I wouldn't have a problem, except that I can't figure out how to get out
:of XDM and into another virtual console so that I could fix stuff (well,
:maybe I'd still have a problem, but I wouldn't be completely stuck in XDM
:where I can't do anything)
:So, any ideas about 
:a) why X won't start as root (the account with  exec gnome-session in
:the .xsession file)
:b) why Enlightenment isn't working on user accounts with no GNOME startup

RE: Weird su problems

1999-06-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Jun-99 Chris wrote:
 It looks like some element relating to su has been broken.  I apologize for
 not knowing which package contains su, but I have the latest version for
 Potato (x86) as of Wednesday (yesterday).  I've just discovered that 
 su fails to work on the console, too.  Should I downgrade some packages (and
 if so, how is that done?) or wait until the next version of package x(y,z)
 to come out?  Is anyone else having this problem?

Yes, it is shellutils package, and to fix it, just make /bin/su suid root.


Re: Removing a pid

1999-06-03 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Clyde Wilson wrote:

 ps auxw | grep gtt

bash-2.02$ ps auxw | grep gtt
jhspies462  0.0  0.7  1196   492  ?  S20:05   0:00 grep gtt 

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that 
  giveth to all men liberally without finding fault, and
  it will be given to him.  James 1:5 

Re: Changing IP address

1999-06-03 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite

Dan Willard wrote:

  You are correct that your ISP is clueless.  Going by the numbers that you
 sent, your home network and theirs are one network with the same network
 number and broadcast number.  And why your router calls out whenever a
 broadcast packet is sent.

Dan, Thanks for the information.  I was kind of thinking that they had a
problem with
what they gave me.  (see below).

   Now, provided that the numbers for your range are correct, your linux box
 is trying to take the broadcast number for your home network.  And yes, the
 first number in a range is the network number (even) and the last is the
 broadcast number (odd), your reasoning looks good to me.  Gonna take a
 little work to straighten it out.
   You should call your ISP and varify your home network numbers.  Yell at
 'em if they give you a wrong subnet, its a major security hole for both you
 and them. (Unless you are using your office's network, then different rules
  Both your win95 and linux boxes need the same subnetmask number.  You'll
 need to change you linux box's ip to something other than 103 (100 looks
 good).  You should also change your router's subnet to match
 ( if the router doen't like it try /21, some routers drop
 the first 8 bits) and change its network and broadcast numbers.  You will
 also probably have to change the route in the router to point to the new
   I hope I haven't forgoten anything.  Now, don't you just love computers
 and networks?


Basically, my ISP gave me three IP addresses (I had to twist his arm as
normally he changes A LOT more for static IP addresses.  I have .101,
.102, and .103 on his network with .253 being his system.  His
suggestion is to use for the netmask, with .0 for the
network and .255 for the broadcast address.  I have asked him a few
question on this issue and I think he is already getting tired of me! :O

Oh, one more piece of information If I pull the power on my router, my
pc can't connect to the samba on the linux at all!

I have the feeling that if I push to much, I am going to become a
internet orphan again.  In my location, I am having a very hard time
trying to get ISDN service within my local calling area.  I am basically
waiting for DSL to arrive later this summer.  This said...

Is there any way for me to use the three IP addresses they assigned to
me?  I know the router (pipeline 50) has some fancy features and maybe
they can help.  I tried the following this morning after your last


on my linux system.  The thought was that I could use 4 bits to define
my network (FF.FF.FF.F0) and with the number 101, 102, 103, it would
define the block between .96 and .111

Unfortunately, after I changed each system to these settings, the
network still behaved in the same way.

Can I know the pipeline 50 has filters, DHCP, NAT, and other fancy
features.  Unfortunately, I do not have a manual for the device.

Thanks for the help,


Re: I worry...

1999-06-03 Thread Brad
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 I do not really know if this belongs here, but I could not find anywhere else
 seeming more appropriate for this than among Debian users.

It's not that bad a place for it... Let's just hope no one decides to
escalate this to holy war status ;)

I'd like to ask anyone reading, please don't turn this into a Debian
versus RedHat flamefest. We're not competitors.

 I have chosen Debian for my personal use, lately my company has chosen Debian
 on several servers (including our web server), and we have suddenly become 
 dependent on all these people out there making Debian so damn good (mostly for

Personally, i can't think of a group i'd rather depend on. All the Debian
people i've spoken with have been extremely nice (not that RedHat people
aren't). i especially like the way Debian keeps the stable distribution as
stable as humanly possible, and not breaking unstable too frequently
either (i have heard a bit about many broken rpms)

 nastiness of high finance business, and I am afraid one of these will win 
 leave the ones that chose quality and versatile over hype in a jam because all
 the talented people in the Linux world suddenly see the possiblilty to make
 money, and a lot of it.

Personally, i don't see it happening. Yes, there will be some commercial
aspects in some areas, but a big part of Linux in general is the community
and the hacker ethic
( if you don't
already know). Debian has the strongest sense of community i've yet seen.

 We had a hard time finding someone willing to do our Debian server. All
 of the ones we contaced to get our web server built told us they felt more
 confident doing a RH install or they said: RH is pretty strong in this 
 and some of them even had some nifty deals for us if we chose RH. How will the
 Debian community be able to fight in a market like this in the future? 

A lot of management-type people don't understand Debian because it's
completely unlike anything they've ever seen before. RedHat they can
relate to, because it's a for-profit company. Debian is a non-profit
organization maintained by people volunteering their time.

So, the people installing the servers get to know RedHat, because it's
what all the managers think of when they hear Linux. i have the feeling
that those sufficiently clueful manage to install their own servers.

 I dread a situation where Debian becomes a distribuion based on what RH
 employees contribute on their spare time.

Unless the state of the world seriously changes, it would be what RedHat
employees contribute on their work time. Open Source is one of the
foundations of the Linux community; if RedHat went against that, a good
number would choose another distro. (and yes, a good number would stay as

 Please tell me I am wrong! :) 

You're wrong (:

Leased line (Part II). Relations.

1999-06-03 Thread Alexey G. Khramkov

I am establishing the leased line on Debian HAMM with kernel 2.0.36 with
pppd 2.3.5 (posted 2 days ago). And I have new ideas about relatiions.

This server was preconfigured by another engineer. It was configured for
dial-up connect via diald. I knew that diald uses slip driver into
kernel. But I don't know about its tricks with ppp. Do I have to
recompile the kernel with native ppp driver?...

My server is configured with IPmasq and ipfw riles... I don't sure, I
guess that IP rules works on established IP... But... May be relations
on LCP-ConfReq packets on pppd?...

Note: Some from previous letter...
I'm configuring leased line to my ISP. ISP has a Cisco router. When I
try to connect the pppd hangs up the line after 10 (by default) sended
LCP ConfReq packets. No other messages in /var/log/ppp.log with debug
and kdebug 7 options in /etc/ppp/options.
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0xbb31 pcomp
(doesn't matter. I try and exclude all attributes from list above)
last message repeated 9 times
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated.


Alexey G. Khramkov

Re: Weird su problems

1999-06-03 Thread Brad
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Chris wrote:

 It looks like some element relating to su has been broken.  I apologize for
 not knowing which package contains su, but I have the latest version for
 Potato (x86) as of Wednesday (yesterday).  I've just discovered that 
 su fails to work on the console, too.  Should I downgrade some packages (and
 if so, how is that done?) or wait until the next version of package x(y,z)
 to come out?  Is anyone else having this problem?

The easiest way to find out which package an installed file comes from is
to use the dpkg -S option. For example:
  $ dpkg -S /bin/su
  shellutils: /bin/su

The su problem has beed fixed as of a few hours ago: a new shellutils
package was uploaded as soon as they confirmed the bug reports and rebuilt
the package with the suid bit properly set. After that, it takes a few
hours to propagate to the mirrors.

i believe the ppp problem has beed discussed on the list as well, check
the archives for more info and probably fixes.

???RealPlayer installation???

1999-06-03 Thread rich
Howdy all,

I'm trying to install RealPlayer 5.0 on slink (no .deb package, right?)
- I downloaded the tarball from the RealPlayer site and installed it...
trying to run it, I got:

./rvplayer: can't load library '

So I tried to install the libg++27 package, but got this message from

Checking system integrity...ok
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0b/236k of archives. After unpacking 523k will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

(Reading database ... E: Sub-process returned an error code
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

When I tried to re-install, I get the same message - any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Re: Changing IP address

1999-06-03 Thread debian
As discussed sounds like that ISP has no ideas about subnetting like all us
do :)

-Original Message-
From: Doug Thistlethwaite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 3 June 1999 15:23
Subject: Re: Changing IP address

Dan Willard wrote:

  You are correct that your ISP is clueless.  Going by the numbers that
 sent, your home network and theirs are one network with the same network
 number and broadcast number.  And why your router calls out whenever a
 broadcast packet is sent.

Dan, Thanks for the information.  I was kind of thinking that they had a
problem with
what they gave me.  (see below).

   Now, provided that the numbers for your range are correct, your linux
 is trying to take the broadcast number for your home network.  And yes,
 first number in a range is the network number (even) and the last is the
 broadcast number (odd), your reasoning looks good to me.  Gonna take a
 little work to straighten it out.
   You should call your ISP and varify your home network numbers.  Yell at
 'em if they give you a wrong subnet, its a major security hole for both
 and them. (Unless you are using your office's network, then different
  Both your win95 and linux boxes need the same subnetmask number.  You'll
 need to change you linux box's ip to something other than 103 (100 looks
 good).  You should also change your router's subnet to match
 ( if the router doen't like it try /21, some routers
 the first 8 bits) and change its network and broadcast numbers.  You will
 also probably have to change the route in the router to point to the new
   I hope I haven't forgoten anything.  Now, don't you just love computers
 and networks?


Basically, my ISP gave me three IP addresses (I had to twist his arm as
normally he changes A LOT more for static IP addresses.  I have .101,
.102, and .103 on his network with .253 being his system.  His
suggestion is to use for the netmask, with .0 for the
network and .255 for the broadcast address.  I have asked him a few
question on this issue and I think he is already getting tired of me! :O

Oh, one more piece of information If I pull the power on my router, my
pc can't connect to the samba on the linux at all!

I have the feeling that if I push to much, I am going to become a
internet orphan again.  In my location, I am having a very hard time
trying to get ISDN service within my local calling area.  I am basically
waiting for DSL to arrive later this summer.  This said...

Is there any way for me to use the three IP addresses they assigned to
me?  I know the router (pipeline 50) has some fancy features and maybe
they can help.  I tried the following this morning after your last


on my linux system.  The thought was that I could use 4 bits to define
my network (FF.FF.FF.F0) and with the number 101, 102, 103, it would
define the block between .96 and .111

Unfortunately, after I changed each system to these settings, the
network still behaved in the same way.

Can I know the pipeline 50 has filters, DHCP, NAT, and other fancy
features.  Unfortunately, I do not have a manual for the device.

Thanks for the help,


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Changing IP address

1999-06-03 Thread Dan Willard
'k you are using a special case :).  Normally ISPs like to seperate networks
into subnets, guess they think that its too much of a hassle.  Pipeline does
have a configuration program that makes it easer to play with the router.
With only getting three ip addresses you're kinda screwed, and have only two
options that I can think of.  Option #1 - use the settings that he gave you
and live with the router dialing out.  Option #2 - drop a second network
card in your linux box and use ipmasq for an internal network. Sorry that
this has been such a pain.


RE: Laplink and DOS?

1999-06-03 Thread joop . vson

  I've got a Debian-box, a small laptop with DOS, and a Laplink cable.
  What is an easy method to connet the Debian-box and DOS-box with the
  Laplink-cable so that I could easily at least copy files from the othe
  machine to the other?
  (The Debian box hasn't got any DOS-partition, so that I need
 some kind of
  Debian program there, but which kind of program?)

 Running Laplink on your Debian box under dosemu is the most obvious way to
 go (although, I haven't tried it); you may also be able to create a PPP or
 SL/IP link using a null modem cable, although you would have to find a DOS
 ppp or SL/IP program (there may be something suitable amongst the Crynwyr
 (?sp) packet drivers).  I'm not sure if the LapLink cable is a
 'proper' null
 modem cable, but it may be...

A bit old fashioned but I am using kermit (doskermit, ckermit, there was a .deb
for this).
I have a DOS-laptop (8086, without floppy drive) connected with a null modem
cable to my Debian box.
It works OK for transferring files between the systems.



1999-06-03 Thread segyetrading

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we look forward to receiving your good news in the near future.

faithfully yours

Re: apt-get proxy

1999-06-03 Thread Laurent Martelli
 Michael == debian  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Michael Also once I have downloaded/upgraded using dselect to
  Michael apt-get how do I configure apt-get to use the MS-proxy on
  Michael company lan, which doesn't require authentication

You can either set the ftp_proxy and http_proxy environment variables,
or configure /etc/apt/apt.conf. Using a proxy for FTP won't work
unless you use a little trick : go into /usr/lib/apt/methods, and link
ftp to http. It works for me.

Laurent Martelli

Re: Mission critical Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Rene Mayrhofer

 Surprisingly, I wasn't able to turn up any results when searching
 Debian's lists for this, but, to sum it up, my query is this:
 Is there any list of people using Debian for mission critical

I am using it for building firewalls. One of the firewalls is running for a
company that is working for the government.

Rene Mayrhofer, ViaNova KEG NIC-HDL: RM1677-RIPE
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail: Penz 217, A-4441 Behamberg

PGP(DSS): E661 2E45 9B7F B239 D422  0A90 A4C2 DA09 F72F 6EC5
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PGP(RSA): 5D D4 FD A6 CE AF 4B 82  67 7F 59 89 58 CA 61 0D
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MessageID: NaCeb4ibDGtBLoleO73W1w6TmLryVj7a


modprobe problem in potato

1999-06-03 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
I have problem with modprobe in potato. When I run 
#modprobe sound

it returns
 conf:73: missing module argument

but insmod soundcore; insmod sound workfine.

This use to work before I upgrade packages today!


 Chanop Silpa-Anan 

 Australian National University.

 Tel. +61 2 6279 8826, +61 2 6279 8837 (office hour)
  +61 2 6249 5240 (home no/voice mail)

 ICQ uin 11366301


1999-06-03 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
   computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ? 
 I bought 2 128MB PC100 for my 66MHz ASUS, hoping that the dimms would
 still be usable when I get a new motherboard someday.
 I ran memtest86 for about 24 hours, no problems, and have been running
 fine ever since (several months).
 I started having problems recently (filesystem errors and signal 11) so I
 ran memtest86 again and one of the dimms has gone bad. I took it out and
 put back in an old regular 32MB dimm, and the two mixed togeter (160MB)
 ran memtest86 fine overnight, and seems OK after about a week.
 I don't know why the dimm went bad. I wouldn't think it's because the
 100/66MHz issue.

I would surprise me too.  I also run PC100 memory at 66 MHz with future
upgrades in mind.

 Please explain why you think PC100 shouldn't be in a 66MHz board. Do you
 have any ponters to info on the web?

One thing that may be important to watch out for is that some older
motherboards need physically different dimms.  We have a dual PPro with
an Intel mobo, which apparently needed special (read: rare) dimms with
the `nudges' in different places than where they are in the current
dimms.  The current dimms simply don't fit in the mobo.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)


1999-06-03 Thread cipo
Udv. mindenkinek.
Teljesen uj felhasznalo vagyok, illetve lennek, ha sikerulne
beuzemelni a debiant.
A Chip magazin 14.szamanak CD lemezeit hasznaltam.
Pentium II Celeron 300 128 RAM 4Mb VGA Voodoo2 CD radios
Soudblaster 2 floppy
Ket merevlemez.
Az elson van a mostani Win 98.
Az uj vincsire szeretnem a debiant.

A problema leirasa:
A particionalasnal az egyesz lemezt Linuxra tudom csak allitani,
nem lehet swap particiot letrehozni.
Lehet, hogy 128 Mb RAM-nal nem kell neki?
Ugyanis maximum 128 Mb-t fog hasznalni, annyi meg van.
Swap nelkul befejezve(?) a telepitest a rendszer nem jon fel.
Ennyi es reset.
Ploppyrol indul.
Ujrainditas elott hibauzenet, hogy lehet, hogy a BIOS nem
Elkepzelheto, hogy a boot az 1023-as cilinder folott van?

Ha az emlitett CD-ket valaki sikeresen vegigcsinalta, segitsen !!
Halas koszonet.
Eggyel megint tobben vannak a linuxosok :))


MS keyboard

1999-06-03 Thread Dalfini Silvio
ho installato Debian v2.0r2 con kernel-2.2.9, ma non riesco a
configurare la mia MS Natural Keyboard USB. Ho letto il file HOWTO-USB-KBD
nel kernel-2.2.9.tgz ed ho eseguito il file mkmap, ma poi non sono piu' in
grado di andare avanti...
Grazie per l'ascolto.

I've installed Debian v2.0r2 with kernel-2.2.9, but I can't
configure my MS Natural Keybord USB. I've read HOWTO-USB-KBD in
kernel-2.2.9.tgz and I've execute mkmap, but then I can't continue...
Thanks a lot for the attention.

  Dalfini Silvio 

DDD  ll   hh ..
 D D  lh
 D D  lh   
 D Do lpp  h iin  
 D D   o ol ppphhhinnn   s 
 D D   o ol p ph hin n 
 D D   o ol p ph hin ns
DDD olllpphh h   iii   n n   s

E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh and (potato)

1999-06-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 12:43:47 -0400, David Gaudine wrote:
 I'm trying to install ssh (not ssh2) on potato.  It can't find
 That sounds suspiciously like something that should be in the
 libgmp2 package, but that package is installed.

This is a known bug in libgmp2 which is in the process of being fixed. For
now, you can do
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Removing a pid

1999-06-03 Thread Johann Spies at Johann
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Ares wrote:

 Either that or look under /var/run for a file like

bash-2.02$ l /var/run
total 17
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 1024 Jun  2 19:58 ./
drwxr-xr-x  18 root root 1024 May 25 23:16 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:16
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:16
drwxr-xr-x   2 mail mail 1024 May  5 22:59 exim/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:16
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:15
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:15
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:16
-rw---   1 root root  512 Jun  2 18:15 random-seed
drwx--   2 root root 1024 Aug 21  1998 sudo/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root4 Jun  2 18:15
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 4224 Jun  2 20:05 utmp

I have tried this before.  I still get the same message.  There must be a
file lying somewhere - but I do not know where.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that 
  giveth to all men liberally without finding fault, and
  it will be given to him.  James 1:5 

Weird PPP problem

1999-06-03 Thread Patrick Colbeck

I have just installed Slink on my laptop with KDE 1.1.1 debs on top of 
that. I am having a weird problem with KPPP. If I run as root it works 
fine but if I run a a user it fires up the modem OK connects to the
access router and starts the ppp deamon. The weird thing is that then
it NAKs the access routers request to ue CHAP authentication and then
the link drops so I get a pppd died unexpctdly error.
Why should the user affect whether or not I can use CHAP ?

Yours puzzled


Apache web server

1999-06-03 Thread José
Hi all,

Which module support XBitHack full?

José Luis Rivas López
Area Ingenieria de los Procesos de Fabricación
Dpto. de Diseño en Ingenieria
E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales. UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
Campus Universitario s/n, 36200 Vigo, ESPAÑA

Teléfono: +34 986 812 602
Fax: +34 986 812 180

Visite nuestras páginas:

quake under debian ?

1999-06-03 Thread Alan
hello people, 
I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me how to fix a problem with
quake under debian 2.1.  When i execute qwcl.x11  , i get a message that says
Segmentation fault .. what have i done wrong ?

thanks Alan.

Re: Mail Relay for Debian

1999-06-03 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Anthony Landreneau wrote:

   I host several domains and would like to have my DNSs get and hold mail
 when remote WAN host  drop off line.  I had been using sendmail, but it has
 become MUCH to complicated for this task.  I am looking for a simple, yet
 controllable, program that will relay mail for my hosted domains.  

S'funny, I thought sendmail had become simpler with the improvements in
the M4 config.

But if that is what you are doing the MTA is pretty irrelevant, IMHO. 
There should be nothing you need to do, because if the host is not
answering the mail will be queued.  That is how SMTP works.  Unless you
are serving the remote WAN hosts with dynamic IP addresses.  And then the
problem is not with the MTA, but with the name server.  What you need is
dynamic updating of your name server config, giving the host, when it is
off line, an IP address (in the DNS config) that will never be used.  And
when it connects, adjusting named.hosts (e.g. with an include file) and
running named.reload. 

Incidentally, I notice that smail is the MTA favoured by Debian.


ssh problems after kernel upgrade

1999-06-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I'm having some strange ssh problems after a kernel upgrade. I
installed 2.2.9 and now I can't connect to my server with ssh. It refuses
my connection. 
What could be happening? Where should I look for info? Where is
the logs of ssh? What have ssh that relates with kernel?
I even updated my public key (.ssh/ on both machines
with no success...

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: ssh problems after kernel upgrade

1999-06-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 08:38:39 -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
   I'm having some strange ssh problems after a kernel upgrade. I
 installed 2.2.9 and now I can't connect to my server with ssh. It refuses
 my connection. 

You don't give the output of 'ssh -v server', so it's difficult to provide
you with useful advice.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: ssh problems after kernel upgrade

1999-06-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 08:38:39 -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
  I'm having some strange ssh problems after a kernel upgrade. I
  installed 2.2.9 and now I can't connect to my server with ssh. It refuses
  my connection. 
 You don't give the output of 'ssh -v server', so it's difficult to provide
 you with useful advice.


(server box):
SSH Version 1.2.25 [i486-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.

(client box):
SSH Version 1.2.26 [i586-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: ssh problems after kernel upgrade

1999-06-03 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 08:53:19 -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
  You don't give the output of 'ssh -v server', so it's difficult to provide
  you with useful advice.

 (server box):
 SSH Version 1.2.25 [i486-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
 Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.

Is that all the output you get when you execute 
ssh -v serverbox -l accountname

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.


1999-06-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf

 The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
 computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ? 


Really?  I thought that the ONLY difference between SDRAM for 66mhz and
PC100 SDRAM for 100mhz was the access time (8ns vs 10ns).  If they are
both 72pin dimms, SDRAM (NOT ECC), and 3.3v why won't the faster one
work in the slower computer?  Faster EDO dram works in a slower
computer (that also takes EDO), it is only a waste of money (unless you
plan on upgrading to a faster cpu and the mother board can be strapped
to go faster).
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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1999-06-03 Thread Kenneth Scharf
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The question is: if I buy a SDRAM PC100 chip, will it work on a
  computer with bus speed of 66Mhz ? 

I bought 2 128MB PC100 for my 66MHz ASUS, hoping that the dimms would
still be usable when I get a new motherboard someday.

I ran memtest86 for about 24 hours, no problems, and have been running
fine ever since (several months).

I started having problems recently (filesystem errors and signal 11) so
ran memtest86 again and one of the dimms has gone bad. I took it out
put back in an old regular 32MB dimm, and the two mixed togeter (160MB)
ran memtest86 fine overnight, and seems OK after about a week.

I don't know why the dimm went bad. I wouldn't think it's because the
100/66MHz issue.

Please explain why you think PC100 shouldn't be in a 66MHz board. Do
have any ponters to info on the web?
Dimms were made in two flavors EDO and SDRAM.  They are also made in
two voltages 3.3 and 5.  If your computer is strapped for 5 volts you
might be able to run a 3.3v dimm for a while, before it overheated and
died.  I don't think you can mix sdrams and edo's.  
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Changing IP address

1999-06-03 Thread David Coe
Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
 Dan Willard wrote:
   You are correct that your ISP is clueless.  Going by the numbers that you
  sent, your home network and theirs are one network with the same network
  number and broadcast number.  And why your router calls out whenever a
  broadcast packet is sent.
 Dan, Thanks for the information.  I was kind of thinking that they had a
 problem with
 what they gave me.  (see below).
Now, provided that the numbers for your range are correct, your linux box
  is trying to take the broadcast number for your home network.  And yes, the
  first number in a range is the network number (even) and the last is the
  broadcast number (odd), your reasoning looks good to me.  Gonna take a
  little work to straighten it out.
You should call your ISP and varify your home network numbers.  Yell at
  'em if they give you a wrong subnet, its a major security hole for both you
  and them. (Unless you are using your office's network, then different rules
   Both your win95 and linux boxes need the same subnetmask number.  You'll
  need to change you linux box's ip to something other than 103 (100 looks
  good).  You should also change your router's subnet to match
  ( if the router doen't like it try /21, some routers drop
  the first 8 bits) and change its network and broadcast numbers.  You will
  also probably have to change the route in the router to point to the new
I hope I haven't forgoten anything.  Now, don't you just love computers
  and networks?
 Basically, my ISP gave me three IP addresses (I had to twist his arm as
 normally he changes A LOT more for static IP addresses.  I have .101,
 .102, and .103 on his network with .253 being his system.  His
 suggestion is to use for the netmask, with .0 for the
 network and .255 for the broadcast address.  I have asked him a few
 question on this issue and I think he is already getting tired of me! :O
 Oh, one more piece of information If I pull the power on my router, my
 pc can't connect to the samba on the linux at all!
 I have the feeling that if I push to much, I am going to become a
 internet orphan again.  In my location, I am having a very hard time
 trying to get ISDN service within my local calling area.  I am basically
 waiting for DSL to arrive later this summer.  This said...
 Is there any way for me to use the three IP addresses they assigned to
 me?  I know the router (pipeline 50) has some fancy features and maybe
 they can help.  I tried the following this morning after your last
 IPADDR .103
 Can I know the pipeline 50 has filters, DHCP, NAT, and other fancy
 features.  Unfortunately, I do not have a manual for the device.

This is probably not your real problem, but you can download the
Pipeline manuals from

Solved: Re: ssh problems after kernel upgrade

1999-06-03 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

mea culpa! I found the problem. (sshd on server was down :-( )
Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: ???RealPlayer installation???

1999-06-03 Thread scratch
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, rich wrote:

 I'm trying to install RealPlayer 5.0 on slink (no .deb package, right?)

If you mean Realplayer G2, there's a deb in unstable. Just check out The package has been renamed to realplayer (the older
version is still rvplayer in stable i guess).

-- scratch

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

potato probs...

1999-06-03 Thread Bruno Boettcher

migration to potato went fine with a little prob:
Setting up slib (2c5-3) ...
ERROR: In procedure gsubr-apply in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error) #f
ERROR: Could not find slib/require.scm in  (/usr/share/guile/site
/usr/share/guile/1.3 /usr/share/guile .)
dpkg: error processing slib (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of guile1.3:
 guile1.3 depends on slib (= 2c3); however:
  Package slib is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing guile1.3 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

else good job!

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Deb v2.1 vs. potato question

1999-06-03 Thread Gregory Wood

I have one server on 'bo' (I think) for about 18 months. I decided it
was time to update and build a small server to load the new (maybe just
newer) version of Debian. I ordered the cd and got Deb v2.1

The install was very smooth. I installed with the Web server plus
option. I am close to having the base system operational. I have been
working on my IP Masq commands and it seems a lot of the discussions on
IP Masq are on 'ipchains', which is in the 2.2.x kernels.

Should I go ahead to potato now? Is there an upgrade script?

Gregory Wood
Farsight Computer
1219 W University Blvd
Odessa TX  79764
Voice: 1-915-335-0879
CT Pioneers Board Member
Novell CNE
Appgen VAR

Re: help! install with DOS-lost HD on boot

1999-06-03 Thread David Coe
 Home with the school computer for summer... I wanted to redo my drive layout
 due to very limited space, squeezing out OS/2 and Windows for Linux.  I've
 lost my Linux drives, though.  I am hoping someone could point out where I
 screwed up, and suggest a way to avoid reinstalling (or doing it right ;).

If you haven't written to those ext2 partitions since the screw-up, you
*should* be able to recover...

 After backing up critical files to a new-but-old 430 Mb HD (hdb), I wiped all
 partitions on hda, created a 100 Mb fat DOS partition, 2 primaries for root
 and swap, then 3 logicals on the rest of hda for /var, /home, and /usr.
 Install of 2.1 went well from CD.  Set up LILO as my boot manager.
 Rebooted to a DOS floppy to check, and then format C (it saw the partition as
 90 Mb instead of 100--did I choose the wrong fs type?)...

Probably not, we'll see soon... more likely the FORMAT program counts 
differently or measures its usable space.  Also remember that 
100,000,000 is really about 95 megabytes (where a megabyte is 1024*1024 

 ...Booted into Linux.
 Untarred the old DOS system onto the C partition, modified lilo.conf, and
 ran lilo.  This led to the inability to boot DOS (non-system disk or disk
 error ... or whatever it was).

So LILO was able to boot at this point, right?  But when you told LILO to
start the DOS partiton DOS didn't see it as a system disk, correct?
I think there's a DOS command sys  (sorry, it's been a 
long time) that copies (from a bootable floppy) the necessary stuff to
a hard drive partition -- so you could boot from a DOS A: drive, be
sure you can see C:, and then say sys C: -- it should say system
files transferred or something to that effect .   Someone else more
familiar with (recent versions of) DOS can probably offer advice here.

 Using cfdisk I reset both hda1 and hda2 as bootable (1st--DOS, 2nd--Debian)
 and wrote to disk.  Re-read error reported by cfdisk.  Reboot led to an
 inability to boot LILO at all.

AFAIK the bootable flag isn't used by LILO or by Linux -- I wonder whether 
DOS is confused if you more than one bootable partition at the same time?
I seem to recall switching the bootable partition from one partition to 
another back in my pre-Linux days, but never having more than one bootable
at the same time.  Maybe someone else knows whether that's part of your mistake.

 An old Linux rescue disk taught me to make a new one at some future point :(
 I didn't realize it was set to another partition, and I don't know how to
 change that.. ).
 A DOS floppy allowed me to again reformat the C drive, install DOS/Win31 for
 my kids' games, and boot directly to DOS.  But I'd like to get the drive back
 to Linux control without a reinstall, if possible.
 Can I make a rescue floppy from the DOS partition, using the CD and skipping
 all other installation steps?  Can someone let me know what step I would take
 to get this working afterwards?

If your old Linux rescue disk is a Debian rescue disk, you should be able to 
bring up a command shell (with alt-F2, for example) after you tell it whether
you have a color monitor or not (maybe even before)...certainly before it
does anything to your hard drive.  If you don't have a debian rescue disk,
create one from the CD or download and create one from ...
you probably just need resc1440.bin and a working linux/unix system (to
run the 'dd' command) or the DOS rawrite.exe from the same ftp site
to create the bootable debian rescue disk under DOS.

In either case, boot from a recent debian rescue disk, and get yourself
to the shell prompt.  Run 'fdisk /dev/hda' and use (ONLY!) the p (print)
command to see what your partition table looks like.  Post that output here
(if necessary, you can mount a scratch floppy drive (the debian rescue disk
can be removed) and copy the fdisk output to the floppy to transfer it to
your working system ).

IF all your partitions are still correctly allocated, skip the next paragraph.

If you find that not all your partitions are listed by the p command, 
there's a nice tool called 'gpart' that guesses the partitions on your 
hard disk, by reading the raw disk and looking for various fingerprints,
and tells you what it thinks it found.  I have recently debianized that 
tool, but have not been able to upload it (still waiting for maintainer
status).  If you need it, call or write and I'll help you get it and use it.

So now your partition table is correct, right?  All you should have to do
is edit your lilo.conf and run lilo to install it.  *Something* like the 
following is probably what you need.  Post your previous lilo.conf here
and maybe we can figure out what you did wrong the first time.




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