Re: Pregunta Sendmail... (PIC01613.PCX ¿?)

1999-06-05 Thread daniel
Jejejeje... no.. no es eso.. es que desde el curro uso la dirección de correo 
que tengo [EMAIL PROTECTED] y allí no tengo Linux, tenemos Lotus Notes bajo 
OS/2, el Lotus Notes incluye una especie de cabecera gráfica... así los correos 
son más vistosos.. si no tienes Lotus Notes ves la imagen esa como attachment, 
si lo tienes ves esa imagen en la cabecera del correo... te parecerá una 
tontería pero funciona así y no hay forma de evitarlo, lo siento :)

Un saludete


On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 09:43:05AM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
 El Fri, Jun 04, 1999,
   image moved   fserrano @  
   to file:  02/06/99 19:48 
   ¿Qué es esto?
 Creo que  el lector  de correo de  Daniel está  trabajando con
 alguna versión de  PGP que ha supuesto que en  tu firma PGP va
 incluida una imagen (me parece que ha partir de la `6.algo' se
 puede), y al hacer un reply lo ha puesto como una parte MIME
 (pulsa `v' desde su mensaje).
 Fíjate que el primer attachment es tu firma.
  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano Revista Open Resources LinuxFocus

Re: Mmm.. el mutt me vuelve medio loco

1999-06-05 Thread daniel

 Ya lo tenia casi todo perfectamente configuradocon el mutt, pero cambie los 
archivos donde recibia los correos por directorios y ahora cuando veo las 
listas de 
 los correos, excepto en el archivo de correo principal, veo en la lista de 
todos los correos, en lugar de ver de quien viene, veo la fecha, el To o el CC, 
depende del mensaje... por si fuera poco el teclado se me ha vuelto ingles.
 como puedo ver la lista con todos los correos pudiendo ver las cabeceras de 
quien los manda y no de a quien van dirigidos?

Re: Muchas gracias a todos

1999-06-05 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  HTH :-)
   Oscuas... yo tengo una lista  con este tipo de abreviaturas; el
   caso es que HTH no viene pero creo que significa Hope that helps,
   no?  ¿Y dónde lo habré visto entonces?  ;-)

 Sip, AFAIK, `HTH' quiere decir Hope That Helps (espero que esto
 sirva de algo, espero que esto ayude).  IIRC, todo esto está en el
 `Jargon File'.  BTW, el `Jargon File' en Debian está disponible en el
 paquete `jargon'.  Si lo tienes instalado pones:

 $ jargon talk mode

 y allí vas a encontrar todo esto.



  quien piensa que en español ocupamos cosas de estas... :-)

Re: Tar y gzip enlazados est?ticamente

1999-06-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 02 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 23:40:19 +0100, Ignasi Modolell 

Para ser justos, ni dselect, ni apt, ni dpkg eliminan las librerías que
instalaste para probar aquél paquete que hoy estás desinstalando y ni te
acuerdas de las librerías que pusiste con él; eso sí, si eres cuidadoso y
miras las dependencias de un paquete que desinstalas, sí podrás comprobar
si los otros paquetes de los que depende son o no prescindibles ya en tu

 A  veces se  echa en  falta  una opción  de dpkg  que mire  qué
 paquetes dependen de uno dado.

$ dpkg --what-depends-on libc6 por ejemplo  ;-)


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Wmaker: 2 comandos en un mismo menu

1999-06-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 03 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 11:27:38 +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos contaba:

¿Sabe alguien si hay alguna manera de asignar 2 comandos a una opción
del menú del WindowMaker?

 No tengo ni idea de lo que hablas pero...

comando1; comando2
comando1  comando2

 Quizá te refieras a una de estas dos cosas.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: PGP signature

grabar cds

1999-06-05 Thread zyklon - -

hola estoy intentando grabar cds de musica con cdrdao.

al ejecutar me dice que no /dev/cdrecorder es de solo lectura.

 en /dev/sr0 tengo el lector y en /dev/sr1 la grabadora(una philips)
 que tengo que hacer??

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Wmaker: 2 comandos en un mismo menu

1999-06-05 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   No tengo ni idea de lo que hablas pero...
  comando1; comando2
  comando1  comando2

 Creo que quiere hacer esto:

  EXEC algo

 pero eso no se puede hacer.


Re: registrarse

1999-06-05 Thread daniel
De off-topic nada, yo también quiero saberlo!! ;P

On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 02:08:30AM +0200, Miquel wrote:
 hola a todos
 he visto que alguna gente pone en su firma que es usuario registrado de linux.
 ¿qué sentido tiene registrarse?
 Igual la pregunta es un poco off-topic. Si es así, pido disculpas.
 un saludo,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-06-05 Thread daniel
Hace tiempo pregunté algo sobre Windowmaker y nadie me contestó, a ver si esta 

Desde que actualicé ciertos paquetes, para cada workspace de WindowMaker me 
asigna un fondo gráfico que yo no he especificado ni configurado para que salga 
en ninguna parte..., el wmsetbg lo hace, pero no se por qué ni donde 
deshabilitarlo, alguien me puede echar una manita?



Re: ¿Utilidad para desinstalar librerías sin usar?

1999-06-05 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 12:42:32PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:
¿Ya existe algo así? En caso de que no exista, estoy convencido de que
alguien ya ha pensado en esto, y no pretendo reinventar la rueda. 

Existir, existe el `pkg-order'. Está hecho, como puedes imaginar en
PERL ;-) Permite hacer investigaciones en las dependencias. 

Hay una utilidad que se llama `pkg-nodep' que busca paquetes que no
sean necesarios para otros. Pero te va a incluir paquetes muy
recomendables para el sistema, y no sólo van a ser librerías. 

Puede ser muy util. Tambien las otras utilidades para comprobar la
lista de dependencias, como por ejemplo, `pkg-deptree':

pkg-deptree libjpeg62

Pero yo creo que si bien esto es muy interesante, no es muy útil.
Para mi el mejor sistema de limpieza es el propio `dselect':

Pillas el `dselect' y vas paseando por el. Todos los programas y
librerías que no sepas para que valen, eliminalos. El ya te avisará de
las dependencias (muy rápido) y ahí descubrirás si realmente te era
necesario o no. Tambien, los programas que utilices de año en año,
sacalos. Siempre tendrás 2 minutos para reinstalar el paquete. En 5
minutos tendrás más o menos una buena limpieza preparada.

Ejecuta la desinstalación y voilá. Funciona muy, muy bien.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

A Debian em Portugues! Avancos

1999-06-05 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi gente,
revisei a traducao do manual de instalacao da Debian que o Gleydson
traduziu e mandei para ele.
Espero a resposta... :)
Vou atualizar a pagina com os e-mails das pessoas envolvidas.
Quero colocar links tambem para outros projetos de traducao de
portugues. Qual e' a URL do LIE-BR? Alias, esse nome e' horrivel...
Vou melhorar o visual da pagina aos poucos...

A Debian em portugues:

A Debian em Portugues! Avancos

1999-06-05 Thread gleydson
Oi gente,
revisei a traducao do manual de instalacao da 
Debian que o Gleydson traduziu e mandei para ele.
Espero a resposta... :)
Ola Paulo

Já recebi suas correções! Vou analisalas assim que tiver um tempo (amanhã 
provavelmente). Em pouco tempo o manual de instalação da Debian pt_BR estará 


MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

Re: A Debian em Portugues! Avancos

1999-06-05 Thread Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Oi gente,
 revisei a traducao do manual de instalacao da Debian que o Gleydson
 traduziu e mandei para ele.
 Espero a resposta... :)
 Vou atualizar a pagina com os e-mails das pessoas envolvidas.
 Quero colocar links tambem para outros projetos de traducao de
 portugues. Qual e' a URL do LIE-BR? Alias, esse nome e' horrivel...

 LIE = Linux Internationalization Effort (e sim, foi uma
brincadeira de um dos fundadores do projeto).

Agora o lie-br voltou ao que deveria ser desde o início:
internacionalização de pacotes. A tradução está sendo feita no projeto
ldp-br, que agora é coordenado pela Conectiva.

- Arnaldo

Make better tools that are better to use, not ``easier''.
 Easy is a fallacy.

Upgrade of sp and sgml packages breaks validation

1999-06-05 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
My recent upgrade of potato's sgml and sp packages broke the
validation of HTML 4.0 documents.  When I try validating a
file known to be valid:

   nsgmls -s -c /usr/lib/sgml/catalog index.html

I receive many errors along the line:

   nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/entities/HTMLsymbol:24:27:E: 402
   is not a character number in the document character set

Any ideas what I may be doing incorrectly?

Jean Pierre

Re: TCP wrapper telnet breakage?

1999-06-05 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On 4 Jun 1999, Christopher R. Barry wrote:

 Ever since I did some major upgrading of my Debian box to potato,
 telnet seems to be screwed, though it is configured properly and
 worked before. It's the classic problem:
 In /etc/hosts.allow (redundant, but just making sure)
 ALL: localhost 

This seems to indicate that you can only connect from your
local host.

Do you get any output from syslog.  Check your files in

Jean Pierre

Re: Kernel too big

1999-06-05 Thread Carl Fink
[This message has also been posted.]
On 4 Jun 99 14:31:06 GMT Camilo Alejandro Arboleda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My name is Camilo. I am trying to compile the Linux kernel 2.1. 

 . . . why?  2.2 is the current stable version.  2.1 is the
previous development version, but all the features of 2.1 should be
in 2.2, only more stable.

When I compile the kernel with the command 'make bzImage' the image
generated has a size of about 800.000 bytes, and when I try to install the
image using 'liloconfig' I get the error 'kernel too big', but I cannot
remove more drivers from the kernel without lose features that I really

What is the maximum size of the kernel? Is possible to increase this size?

The max size on Intel boxes is supposed to be 512MB or slightly more. 
This still goes back to the ancient 640K barrier in real mode.

Don't remove any drivers, but compile them as modules instead of
static parts of the kernel.  For instance, if you need vfat support
for Windows disks, or ISO9660 for CDs, or sound support, or PPP for a
modem, you can compile all of those as modules and they won't
increase the size of the kernel at all.  See the Kernel-HOWTO.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Kerneld guilty of module descrimination

1999-06-05 Thread iehrenwald
Good [morning|afternoon|evening],
Can someone give me a little help with kerneld and my sound modules?
kerneld loads every module automagicly when needed, but not my sound
modules.  It was working fine then just broke one day.  Probably when
I got the new modutils.  I have modutils 2.1.121-23 installed on a
bleeding edge potato box.  When I take a peek in my system logs I see:

solvent modprobe: can't locate module sound-service-0-3
solvent modprobe: can't locate module sound-slot-0

But if I manually 'modprobe sound' everything works fine.  Anyone have
expirence with this?  If you reply, please CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
because I am not subscribed to debian-user anymore.  

Ian Ehrenwald

Mmm.. el mutt me vuelve medio loco

1999-06-05 Thread daniel
Ya lo tenia casi todo perfectamente configuradocon el mutt, pero cambie los 
archivos donde recibia los correos por directorios y ahora cuando veo las 
listas de 
los correos, excepto en el archivo de correo principal, veo en la lista de 
todos los correos, en lugar de ver de quien viene, veo la fecha, el To o el CC, 
depende del mensaje... por si fuera poco el teclado se me ha vuelto ingles.
como puedo ver la lista con todos los correos pudiendo ver las cabeceras de 
quien los manda y no de a quien van dirigidos?

Network Card Complication in Kernel Compliation - Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 +

1999-06-05 Thread Russell Rademacher
Okay... I got a really annoying problem here.  I have two Intel EtherExpress
Pro/10+ ISA LAN Adapters.  I basically wanted to have both activated and
running in Linux.  But I need to set it up so that I can use both at the same
time.  Right now... it seems that it only activates one, not two.

So..where exactly do I have to do to complie the kernel to get both
working?  I have complied it as built into the kernel which I complied and ran
fine.  But it only detects one... not two as it supposed to be.  Any
suggestions on this?  Someone mentioned support but what exact is support do I
need in the Kernel setup?

I preferred to complie the kernel with no modules for speed and
reliablity with no extra junk in it. :)

Any help is appreciated.  The info of the Network Card is as follows:
Network Card #1 - io=280, irq=7
Network Card #2 - io=300, irq=3

Any help to make them running is appreciated.
Date: 04-Jun-99  Time:19:38:21
Russell Rademacher
Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
   System Adminstrator
Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
Phone: 716-214-5644
Fax: 716-214-5642
TDD: 716-214-5643
ICQ: 10663810
AIM: ElikCyber

Sorry.. wrong list...

1999-06-05 Thread daniel
About my last e-mail sorry, I was sick and didnt know well what I was 
writting... I had mistaken the address

Sorry to all

RE: Network Card Complication in Kernel Compliation - Intel Ethe

1999-06-05 Thread Russell Rademacher
OKay Just ignore this one.

After reading a little hint from the Ethernet How-To and a quick lookup
of the Lilo.conf man pages... I finally got it working.  And here is a quirk
sidesince it finally worked... I added in the 3rd Network Card in it and it
works beautifully now.

Sometimes... when I asked a questionthe answers usually pops up
before someone answered it. :)

BTW...have anyone checked out the site?  It is
really nice and very useful tool there.  That where I found my answers. :)

Anyway... got everything running as it supposed to and I am very happy.

On 05-Jun-99 Russell Rademacher wrote:
 Okay... I got a really annoying problem here.  I have two Intel EtherExpress
 Pro/10+ ISA LAN Adapters.  I basically wanted to have both activated and
 running in Linux.  But I need to set it up so that I can use both at the same
 time.  Right now... it seems that it only activates one, not two.
 So..where exactly do I have to do to complie the kernel to get both
 working?  I have complied it as built into the kernel which I complied and
 fine.  But it only detects one... not two as it supposed to be.  Any
 suggestions on this?  Someone mentioned support but what exact is support do
 need in the Kernel setup?
 I preferred to complie the kernel with no modules for speed and
 reliablity with no extra junk in it. :)
 Any help is appreciated.  The info of the Network Card is as follows:
 Network Card #1 - io=280, irq=7
 Network Card #2 - io=300, irq=3
 Any help to make them running is appreciated.
 Date: 04-Jun-99  Time:19:38:21
 Russell Rademacher
 Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
System Adminstrator
 Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
 Phone: 716-214-5644
 Fax: 716-214-5642
 TDD: 716-214-5643
 ICQ: 10663810
 AIM: ElikCyber
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Date: 04-Jun-99  Time:20:20:41
Russell Rademacher
Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
   System Adminstrator
Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
Phone: 716-214-5644
Fax: 716-214-5642
TDD: 716-214-5643
ICQ: 10663810
AIM: ElikCyber

ATI rage 128 GL (rage fury) VESA modes compatibles w/existing servers

1999-06-05 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Hi all,

I had some emails with ATI, and they supplied a spreadsheet containing the
compatibles VESA modes with existing X-server in Linux.
I think it could be interesting for people who experienced problem with this

BTW, I asked ATI when they will give information to the xfree86 staff, in order
to make a X-server, and they answered me to ask them... (?)

Mode Number Resolution  Colour rs   Memory  Memory modelRemarks

6 ah800x600 16  256 KB  4 plane planar  all except V3
100h640x400 256 512KB   packed pixel
101h640x480 256 512KB   packed pixel
102h800x600 16  256KB   4 plane planar  
103h800x600 256 512KB   packed pixel
104h1024x76816  512KB   4 plane planar  all except V3
105h1024x768256 1MB packed pixel
107h1280x1024   256 2MB packed pixelmach32
108h80x60   16  256KB   Textmode
109h132x25  16  512KB   TextmodeV3,[EMAIL 
10Ah132x43  16  512Kb   Textmode256K
110h640x480 32K 1MB packed pixelXL/XL24/mach32
111h640x480 64K 1MB packed pixelmach 32
112h640x480 16.7M   1MB packed pixelXL24/mach32
113h800x600 32K 1MB packed pixelXL24/mach32
114h800x600 64K 1MB packed pixelmach32
115h800x600 16.7M   2MB packed pixelmach32
116h1024x76832K 2MB packed pixelmach32
117h1024x76864K 2MB packed pixelmach32

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
L'établissement de l'ordre par la force est souvent un établissement de dernier
ordre. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:


1999-06-05 Thread slayer
Hi!!!,I am a boy of the age 15and I have just bought a new
computer...and the reason why I am mailing you is that I want the DEBIAN
LINUX.and when I went to some page to download it (the page where I got
your e-mail adress), I could just find readme-files...and I would like
you to tell me if I can download it anywhere...for free.mail me
back please

(the reason why I want LINUX is that I want to learn as much as possible
about computers and I heard on the internet that LINUX is great if I want
to learn alot)


Free email with personality! Over 200 domains!

Linux and my APC

1999-06-05 Thread Aaron Solochek
Anyone know of some monitoring software for my APC Smart-ups 620net?
I'd prefer something X11 and pretty, but I'll settle for anything.


-Aaron Solochek

PPP server wont work - I have R all TFMs + the FAQs

1999-06-05 Thread Frankie
2 debian boxes, 2.2.9, almost identical config.
Box A is on a 2 PC LAN,  Box B is a standalone PC.

Box A can dial in with PPP to Box B OK, however when Box B dials in to
Box A, no connection or anything is made - cannot ping etc.

Box A uses ip masquerdading. Whether it is turned on or off Box B cannot
dial into Box A.

I have attached the options and options.ttySx files as well.

I would be really grateful if someone might be able to tell me the
[Box A is on ethernet i/f, on ttyS3 (well thats  the
idea), Box B is on ttyS0)

I have read the manual, FAQ, HOWTO etc. I am not having any success.
This is a very mysterious problem, and has bothered me for about a week.

Please can someone tell me how stupid I am please :-)


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and links.


# /etc/ppp/options
# $Id: options,v 1.4 1996/05/01 18:57:04 alvar Exp $
# Originally created by Jim Knoble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Modified for Debian by alvar Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Modified for PPP Server setup by Christoph Lameter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Use the command  egrep -v '#|^ *$' /etc/ppp/options to quickly see what 
# options are active in this file.

# Specify which DNS Servers the incoming Win95 or WinNT Connection should use
# Two Servers can be remotely configured
# ms-dns
# ms-dns

# Specify which WINS Servers the incoming connection Win95 or WinNT should use
# ms-wins
# ms-wins

# Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has
# terminated the link.  This script could, for example, issue commands
# to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals
# were not available.
#disconnect chat -- \d+++\d\c OK ath0 OK

# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character
# that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it.  0x0001
# represents '\x01', and 0x8000 represents '\x1f'.
asyncmap 0

# Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network
# packets to be sent or received.
# Please do not disable this setting. It is expected to be standard in
# future releases of pppd. Use the call option (see manpage) to disable
# authentication for specific peers.

# Use hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Use software flow control (i.e. XON/XOFF) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission
# (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its
# async control character map).  The characters to be escaped are
# specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas.  Note that
# almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike
# the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be
# specified.  The characters which may not be escaped are those with hex
# values 0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
#escape 11,13,ff

# Don't use the modem control lines.

# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device
# to ensure exclusive access to the device.

# Use the modem control lines.  On Ultrix, this option implies hardware
# flow control, as for the crtscts option.  (This option is not fully
# implemented.)

# Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] value to n for negotiation.  pppd
# will ask the peer to send packets of no more than n bytes. The
# minimum MRU value is 128.  The default MRU value is 1500.  A value of
# 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256
# bytes of data).
#mru 542

# Set the interface netmask to n, a 32 bit netmask in decimal dot
# notation (e.g.

# Disables the default behaviour when no local IP address is specified,
# which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the
# hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP
# address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified explicitly on the
# command line or in an options file).

# Enables the passive option in the LCP.  With this option, pppd will
# attempt to initiate a connection; if no reply is received from the
# peer, pppd will then just wait passively for a valid LCP packet from
# the peer (instead of exiting, as it does without this option).

# With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a
# connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the peer (as for
# the passive option with old versions of pppd).

# Don't request or allow negotiation of any options for LCP and IPCP
# (use default values).

# Disable Address/Control compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# address/control field disabled).

# Disable asyncmap negotiation (use the default asyncmap, i.e. 


1999-06-05 Thread Ted Harding
On 04-Jun-99 Bob Brown wrote:
 Hey, this is a good one {grin} .  Why can't I think up a scam like
 - Original Message -
 From: some one [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 9:43 AM
 Subject: HELLO

What scam? I didn't see anything devious there.

Seriously, there are people in such a situation as described and in their
case it's not funny. People do get tracked down and killed.

If (as is probably the case) it's a genuine cry from the wilderness,
there's probably not much anyone can do except maybe (and discreetly)
offer some comfort. Even email messages can be risky though, in such
cases, since there is a possibility of tracing them to the recipient.

In any case, even if it's possible that it's a scam, it should not be
laughed at thoughtlessly; the other possibilities are too serious and too

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05-Jun-99   Time: 00:04:53
-- XFMail --


1999-06-05 Thread Ben Cranston
One of the reasons this seems somewhat spammish to me is that
JC (the major prophet of xianity) is himself deemed a minor
prophet in Islam.  I suppose there is some amount of
the heretic is more dangerous than the infidel in some of the
less-enlightened arabic countries, however, most of the current
persecution of xians seems to be happening in China and Russia
(or FSU or whatever...)

Charles B. (Ben) Cranston

Re: Enlightenment's mini-desktop windows

1999-06-05 Thread Stuart Ballard
Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 I'm using Enlightenment 0.15.5 with GNOME, and
 every time I start up four mini-desktop windows
 appear at the top left of the screen (I have four
 desktops configured in E). I can't find any way
 of stopping these appearing, and closing them
 every time is becoming tedious.

I would love to know the answer to this too, but here's a cheat that I
found - instead of closing the windows, size them very small and hide
them under the panel. They'll then reappear in that position, and you
won't see them.

If anyone knows the RIGHT way to do this, add me to the list of people
who'd love to know.

Hope this helps,

select tty an incoming connection comes to depending on their address?

1999-06-05 Thread Frankie
Is it possible to set up ttysnoop on an incoming telnet connection? I
thought the best way would be to redirect telnet con from a certain ip
range to a certain ttyp device, and snoop that,?

Any better ideas?


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and links.


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Trainee Linux Guru

Re: Enlightenment's mini-desktop windows

1999-06-05 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 10:38:45PM -0400, Stuart Ballard wrote:
 Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
  I'm using Enlightenment 0.15.5 with GNOME, and
  every time I start up four mini-desktop windows
  appear at the top left of the screen (I have four
  desktops configured in E). I can't find any way
  of stopping these appearing, and closing them
  every time is becoming tedious.
 I would love to know the answer to this too, but here's a cheat that I
 found - instead of closing the windows, size them very small and hide
 them under the panel. They'll then reappear in that position, and you
 won't see them.
 If anyone knows the RIGHT way to do this, add me to the list of people
 who'd love to know.
There is no Right Way(TM) to do this in 0.15.5. For some odd reason, mandrake
had the code that would allow you to do:
eesh -e 'pager off'

commented out :)
Rahsheen Porter -- cipher
UIN: 2464469

libc 6.1

1999-06-05 Thread Algernon NG
Hi there!

This is algernon. I'm quite new to Debian, and somehow managed to
some packages that require libc 6.1. Where can I find one? I looked on, but the newest I found was 6.0.7 or something, but
surely 6.1.

Algernon NG of The MadHouse Project

org:The MadHouse Project
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Head Designer  Webmaster
fn:Gergely Nagy

Re: Death of a 2nd WD hard drive

1999-06-05 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 02:18:50PM -0400, David B.Teague wrote:
 I had a 1.6 GB Caviar drive to die with that horrible clicking
 prior to its death.The computer was at 1992 vintage 486-33.
 The WD Caviar 1.6 GB drives are reputed to be flakey. It was a
 design flaw of some kind. They apparently rectivied the problem. 

Was that the 21600, or the 31600? I have a 31600 here which I've had
for a few years and it's just fine. 

I've had/have lots of WDs.. 340, 420, 730, 1.6, 6.4, with no problems.
The 730 is a bit flakey, but they didn't make that one for long.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Kernel with APM support.

1999-06-05 Thread Jens K. Olsen
I have Debian running on my SONY VAIO and it works like a dream. Only thing I am
missing is the APM support. I downloaded the kernel source package, etc. and I 
getting ready to compile the kernel with APM support.

I would like to keep my system as it but with APM support. Since I have never
compiled the kernel before, I have no idea what to select and what to leave out 
runing make config. Is there a way I can use the default settings of the Debian
package and just add APM support so I end up with the exact same kernel, but 
with APM

How to create mailing list like debian-user?

1999-06-05 Thread Jens K. Olsen
Could someone please advise how to set up a mailing list like the debian-user?
I assume all the software is available in debian, but which packages will be

Re: dselect problem - can't install stuff

1999-06-05 Thread Barry Kauler
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999, Erik Sandblom wrote:
 If you wish to use the multicd installation method, as is the default for
 CD-based installs, you should be careful to insert the LAST BINARY CD of
 your set when you start
 I have the 4-cd set but I put in CD 1. Did I break something in doing so?
 Can I fix it?
I chuckled when I read this, as it's exactly what I did.
I gave up at that point and used the apt access method, as my PC has a
network card and Internet acess was working after the base install.
I very successfully downloaded everything from the default site.

However, I would very much like to know how the multi-CD install is supposed
to work. There's not much documentation as yet on dselect.

Barry Kauler

Re: apt-get proxy

1999-06-05 Thread Barry Kauler
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999, debian wrote:
 Also once I have downloaded/upgraded using dselect to apt-get how do I
 configure apt-get to use the MS-proxy on company lan, which doesn't require

It's in the documentation somewhere.
# export ftp_proxy=ftp://your ftp address here:port/
ditto for http_proxy

Barry Kauler

Re: libc 6.1

1999-06-05 Thread Adilson dos Santos Dantas
On 5 Jun 99, at 5:01, Algernon NG wrote:

 Hi there!

 This is algernon. I'm quite new to Debian, and somehow managed to
 some packages that require libc 6.1. Where can I find one? I looked on, but the newest I found was 6.0.7 or something, but
 surely 6.1.

 Algernon NG of The MadHouse Project

Maybe you searched libc 6.1 in stable section. Try to look on the
unstable section. But there´s a more simple way to find your package.

run this command: apt-get update
and then: apt-get install libc

But, if apt says that this version is the most recent. Edit
/etc/apt/source.list and chang the word stable to unstable.

Repeat the two first command for donwloading and installing libc 6.1
or higher.



|Adilson dos Santos Dantas - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil  |
|URL:  ICQ UIN# : 4542346|
| |

Wethern's Law:
Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

netscape 4.6

1999-06-05 Thread Serge Gavrilov

Does anybody know: is (unoffficical) netscape 4.6 packed for Slink system 
exists somewhere?


Please, make CC for me, because I not subscribe debian-user mailing list.

Serge Gavrilov 

Code-Crusader Code-Medic Installation Problem

1999-06-05 Thread John Foster
I recently installed a Code-Crusader.rpm package via alien conversion to
.deb. It went OK and the application seems to work well. Next I
attempted the same thing with Code-Medic.rpm, which failed. It said
there was a warning, but finished making the .deb file and I went ahead
and installed it. When I tried to open the application, I got a message
saying it could not open the library file I
tried using symlinks to a couple of the existing libs, to no avail.
Anyone got any suggestions for fixing this. These are supposed to run on
Debian Linux, according to the instructions.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

Re: Confused package database

1999-06-05 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
I somewhat screwed up my package database and had to revert to an old one.
Now it thinks I have some stuff that is installed which isn't and some that
it thinks is installed and is not. WHen I run install in dselect, I get a
lot of these. I guess i'm saying, how do I reinitialize the package

I think somebody else once said you could set the package list based
on directories under /usr/doc/, but I am afraid I cannot remember the

dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `wdiff' missing, assuming
package has no files currently installed.

dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `cftp' missing, assuming
package has no files currently installed.

Try reinstalling these packages.


linking X11 libs with automake - standard way?

1999-06-05 Thread Martin Waller


I'm trying to learn automake/autoconf and was wondering if there's a 
standard way to link in various X11 libraries (X11, Xt, lesstif, etc.).

I can't find any info on that in the docs I've got.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: getting around a firewall?

1999-06-05 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], adam  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a little dilemma.  My work PC (windoze) is on a (gov't) network. 
The firewall blocks all ports save http, ftp, telnet, and maybe a few
others  -- ssh is most certainly blocked.   I want to be able to
securely connect to a remote server (Debian based) in shell.  I'm told
one way to do this is to tunnel ssh proxy through other port like http. 
What are other ways to achieve the end result?  I think I heard tell
that there is something in java that allows secure connections from
httpd (right from a web page).

Ofcourse the firewall is there for a reason, and if your employers find out
you're cirumventing it they won't be happy.

If they allow telnet, they will most certainly allow ssh. Why don't
you just talk to the firewall administrator to see if the ssh port (22)
can be opened up ?

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

PS/2 vs Serial mouse.

1999-06-05 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou

I have a question regarding using a Logitech cordless MouseMan Pro PS/2 
mouse on a Compaq LTE 5200 notebook.  Although it is a PS/2 mouse, I can 
only hook it up to COM1 to get it to work in X.  If I plug it into PS/2 
port, the cursor won't move.  I assume it's because ttyS0 is taken by 
COM1 and not PS/2 port.  Can anyone tell me if this is the case, and 
which one is for PS/2, or will the mouse work as a PS/2 mouse?  I am 
using MouseMan as the mouse protocal.  Thanks!

Best wishes,

Re: Amiga Harddrives

1999-06-05 Thread Martyn Bampton
Hi again, 

I solved it last night, it's AFFS as you say and it works a treat now, thanks 
anyway :)

 It's in the kernel docs, Documentation/filesystems/affs.txt tells all
 about the Amiga Fast File System.
 Note that you may have to recompile the kernel, i don't know if that
 filesystem is included in the Debian default.
 On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Martyn Bampton wrote:
 Hey all,
 I've just got Debian working on my A1200 and would like to know how to
 mount the Amiga partions so the Linux side can access them.  I've
 mount -t ffs /dev/hda1 /amigadrive 
 This doesn't work, well it can't as I have no clue what filesystem to
 use, I tried ffs to indicate the Amiga's Fast File System.
 Any ideas?
 Thanks, Martyn.


telnet 3232

X windows manager?

1999-06-05 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou

I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) that 
is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the window 
cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.

Also, I am using an external monitor for a notebook.  Every time I quit 
from X windows, the monitor will blink every few seconds.  Did I do 
anything wrong to cause this?

Lastly, I seem to have a virtual desktop in X.  Is there a way to change 
the setting so that I can fit everything within the full screen?  Thanks 
in advance!

Best wishes,


1999-06-05 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou

Where and how can I modify which file so that every time I use the force 
reboot key-combo, it actually send out the command shutdown -r now?  

Best wishes,


1999-06-05 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou

After moving the HD from a broken CTX notebook to a Compaq LTE 5200 
notebook, I found that the audio is gone.  Can anyone tell me how I can 
get the sound back to work?  Thanks!x

Best wishes,

Re: AMD K6 2 - 350. New install. Some doubts...

1999-06-05 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira

I found that it is a M598 PCChips mother board.
Anyone has the same model? Or a similar?
I'm trying to configure video and sound on board with no sucess :(
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
Quoting Oleg Krivosheev ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:18:42 -0300
  From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Oleg Krivosheev [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Subject: Re: AMD K6 2 - 350. New install. Some doubts...
  first thanks for your time.
  Oleg Krivosheev wrote:
  Hi all.
  I bought an AMD K6 250 and it seems to come with a lot of hardware
  within it:
  a sound board, modem, video, ...
  but the software is for Windows and with few documentation...
   that's well-known PCChips m571 board (sold by amptron and other),
   otherwise known as TX-Pro II board.
   check to be sure
  Yes, I'm checking now...
  I have some doubts:
  1) My old modem worked only with isapnp and then setserial.
  How to automate on boot setserial settings given by isapnp?
   as usual, create isapnp.conf in /etc where you set
   io/irq for modem and then in startup script
   calll setserial with above io/irq
  I got this with 0setserial...
 yep, that's what i meant...
  2) The sound board seems to be PCI Sound PRO? Is there support in
  Linux for this?
   yes, the chip is called CMI8330. Search the net for
   CMI8330 mini HOWTO or ask me again - i'll forward you the docs
  I got it...
  3) The video board is a Sis.
   this is SiS 5597/5598 chipset and it is supported by
  How do you know this?
 i guess... ;)
 well, that's the chip used in m571 mobo
   Also check
   for IDE controller SiS 5513 support - you'll have
   (U)DMA and other fancy stuff
  What is this? Is it related to HDs?
 yes, you can use UDMA33 hard drives and such...
  Thanks for your help,Paulo Henrique

Re: PS/2 vs Serial mouse.

1999-06-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:
  I have a question regarding using a Logitech cordless MouseMan Pro PS/2 
  mouse on a Compaq LTE 5200 notebook.  Although it is a PS/2 mouse, I can 
  only hook it up to COM1 to get it to work in X.  If I plug it into PS/2 
  port, the cursor won't move.  I assume it's because ttyS0 is taken by 
  COM1 and not PS/2 port.  Can anyone tell me if this is the case, and 
  which one is for PS/2, or will the mouse work as a PS/2 mouse?  I am 
  using MouseMan as the mouse protocal.  Thanks!
The device to use for PS/2 is /dev/psaux, not ttyS0.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be 
  content with such things as ye have. For he hath said,
  I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  
 Hebrews 13:5 

Unwanted package downloaded

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
Hi.  I didn't select doc-linux-text.  How come it is downloaded?

Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  tetex-base kernel-source-2.2.9 tetex-bin xmanpages xserver-svga emacs20
5 packages upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 47.5Mb/48.0Mb of archives. After unpacking 97.1Mb will be
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 unstable/main tetex-base 0.9.990510-2
Err unstable/main tetex-base 0.9.990510-2
  Unable to fetch file, server said
No such file or directory.  '
Get:2 unstable/main tetex-bin 0.9.990510-2
Err unstable/main tetex-bin 0.9.990510-2
  Unable to fetch file, server said
No such file or directory.  '
Get:3 unstable/main doc-linux-text 1999.04-1
3% [3 doc-linux-text 1747184/3721kb 46%]   1944b/s

Re: CD-writing with IDE CD-RW

1999-06-05 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 09:10:42PM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 10:07:29PM +0200, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
  On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 06:10:52PM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
   I'm trying to get my HP8100i CD-RW to function in
   Linux (it works okay in Windows), and I'm having
   problems with IDE-SCSI emulation.
   [root%letdown /home/alisdair] # cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd cdimage.iso
  I use the Mitsumi IDE CD R/W drive with ATAPI SCSI emulation.
  It's connected as /dev/hdc (secondary/master) and works fine, but
  i have to use the dev=0,0 option in cdrecord.
 oh. right. i've tried dev=0,0 (and dev=1,0 and
 dev=0,1 because it's secondary slave) but it still
 doesn't work:
 [root%letdown /home/alisdair/development/c] # cdrecord dev=0,1
 Cdrecord release 1.8a20 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
 scsidev: '0,1'
 scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 1
 cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg0'.
 is there a HOWTO on this that i've missed? what
 is /dev/pg0?

AFAIR /dev/pg0 is a device used for IDE devices connected via the parallel
port (I had to use it to connect my second CD-ROM writer HP8100e).
Have you installed the paride driver? It is not required for internal IDE
AT the moment I have no access to my box with CD-writer, I can check
the details of configuration on monday and send you the message.
But what I remember:
The ATAPI/SCSI emulation should be enabled (read the help for this option,
AFAIR it requires disabling some IDE functions).
In the SCSI section of kernel configuration I have:
  * SCSI support  
  --- SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
  * SCSI disk support 
  M SCSI tape support 
  * SCSI CD-ROM support   
  * SCSI generic support 

Your CD-Writer should work as CD-ROM drive and be available as /dev/scd0
 (or /dev/scd1 and so on, depending on how many SCSI devices have you installed
in your box). Are you able to mount the CD_ROM? Try to do it as root:
mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom -t iso9660
AFAIR the IDE CD-Writers are serviced as Generic SCSI devices, so you should 
created /dev/sg0, /dev/sg1 and so on (use /dev/MAKEDEV for this purpose, or 
create them manually. Below are their attributes:
crw---   1 root root  21,   9 lip 29  1998 sg9
crw---   1 root root  21,   8 lip 29  1998 sg8
crw---   1 root root  21,   7 lip 29  1998 sg7
crw---   1 root root  21,   6 lip 29  1998 sg6
crw---   1 root root  21,   5 lip 29  1998 sg5
crw---   1 root root  21,   4 lip 29  1998 sg4
crw---   1 root root  21,   3 lip 29  1998 sg3
crw---   1 root root  21,   2 lip 29  1998 sg2
crw---   1 root root  21,  16 lip 29  1998 sg16
crw---   1 root root  21,  15 lip 29  1998 sg15
crw---   1 root root  21,  14 lip 29  1998 sg14
crw---   1 root root  21,  13 lip 29  1998 sg13
crw---   1 root root  21,  12 lip 29  1998 sg12
crw---   1 root root  21,  11 lip 29  1998 sg11
crw---   1 root root  21,  10 lip 29  1998 sg10
crw---   1 root root  21,   1 lip 29  1998 sg1
crw---   1 root root  21,   0 lip 29  1998 sg0

I'm very surprised, that your cdrecord complains about /dev/pg0
it should complain about /dev/sg0 (or similar)...
Run the cdrecord as root, or create a group cdrecord, change the ownership
of /dev/sg* devices too the group cdrecord, allow RW access for group and
add yourself to the cdrecord group.

  AFAIK cdrecord does
  not understand /dev/hdd. 
 oops. that's my fault for not reading the man
 pages. sorry.
I'll forward this message back to the group, maybe if I've said somthing wrong
somebody will correct it before you blow up your machine :-).

Wojciech Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

anacron doesn't send mail anymore

1999-06-05 Thread Frederic Dumont
I'm using anacron to process cron jobs as soon as my computer starts. It used
to send an email at the end with the output of each job. It doesn't anymore.
The mail.log shows no sign of it, so it's not related to the mail delivery.

Does anyone have a similar problem? Is it a known issue?


Frederic Dumont   / /  (_)__  __   __
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
PGP key 0711F125//_/_//_// /_/\_\  forever!!!
Linux? It's an OS, Jim, but not as we know it.

Correction Re: anacron doesn't send mail anymore

1999-06-05 Thread Frederic Dumont
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 12:37:39PM +0200, Frederic Dumont wrote:
 I'm using anacron to process cron jobs as soon as my computer starts. It used
 to send an email at the end with the output of each job. It doesn't anymore.
 The mail.log shows no sign of it, so it's not related to the mail delivery.

It seems it's only the cron.daily that doesn't generate any output anymore. It
used to. Is that normal?


Frederic Dumont   / /  (_)__  __   __
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
PGP key 0711F125//_/_//_// /_/\_\  forever!!!
Linux? It's an OS, Jim, but not as we know it.

Re: PPP server wont work - I have R all TFMs + the FAQs

1999-06-05 Thread John Hasler
Frankie writes:
 Please can someone tell me how stupid I am please

Let's see some logs.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

password protect postgresql databases?

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Legart

I'm having some problems understanding postgresql access system.
I read the manual, but cannot find anything about how to put passwords
on the users i create, and how to tell it, that this database can 
*ONLY* be read by this or these users. Etc..

Maybe someone can point me to some good docs?


michael legart, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [stop spam,]

Unidentified subject!

1999-06-05 Thread Shawn Koons


1999-06-05 Thread J Horacio MG
 Where and how can I modify which file so that every time I use the force
 reboot key-combo, it actually send out the command shutdown -r now?


# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Re: Kernel with APM support.

1999-06-05 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Jens K. Olsen wrote:

 I have Debian running on my SONY VAIO and it works like a
 dream. Only thing I am missing is the APM support. I downloaded
 the kernel source package, etc. and I am getting ready to
 compile the kernel with APM support.
 I would like to keep my system as it but with APM
 support. Since I have never compiled the kernel before, I have
 no idea what to select and what to leave out when runing make
 config. Is there a way I can use the default settings of the
 Debian package and just add APM support so I end up with the
 exact same kernel, but with APM support?

If this a standard Debian distribution you should see a file


which describes the configuration of the kernel you are
running.  You can use this file during the configuration
phase of building a new kernel

   make menuconfig

Just look for the entry for loading an existing
configuration.  You can then modify only the APM settings
and leave the rest as is.  Then save the configuration and
compile the kernel.  I recommend using the kernel-package
package which creates a debian package file.

   make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1 clean
   make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1 kernel_image
   make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1 modules_image

Make sure your /etc/lilo.conf is correct and then install the new 

Jean Pierre

Getting rid of vi color

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
For some reason, vi (elvis) has started to display colors and behave in a
generally unpredictable way.  I first (just now) noticed this in a .h file
in which it is also disallowing things I want to do, e.g. it beeps when I
try to delete (with 'x') the first character of a commented-out line,
although the file is world-writable.  It works sometimes, but not after I
have done a search with '/' to get to the line I want to amend. 

It turns out that sane behavior can be obtained by deleting or renaming
the directory /etc/elvis.  That directory contains 10 files containing
program code in a language unknown to me.  Well, I see from the man
page that they are EX commands.

I would like to make a mild protest against the unnecessary complexity
of this setup.  I would like to be able to run the program without
interference due to the maintainer's over-elaborate configuration.  If
I have to delete the Debian configuration to make the system work, that
tends to defeat much of the rationale for using Debian.  And makes the
KISS approach of another distribution appear brilliant, inspired, and
a great time-saver.

The problem with the color is that dark blue against a black screen is
not, for me, very readable.  The file is mostly commented out and I
guess the blue signifies that and some people may like it.  But I
should think the onus should be on those who want the elaboration
to configure it, rather than for the rest of us to have to learn
more than we wanted to know about vi in order to defeat it.

It is a very good idea to provide full configuration files for
a program if it is configurable; but the default configuration should
produce the default configuration.  I.e. /etc/elvis/ should contain
files which explicitly require the default vi behavior.  That way,
they serve as documentation for those who might want to investigate


Getting Netscape to use my mailer

1999-06-05 Thread Christian Dysthe

I am not able to make Netscape open and use my email program when I click on an
email link. I have tried all kinds of commands, but no go. I use XFmail, but it
should be a standard way to do this?

Help needed please.


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 05-Jun-99
Time: 08:46:50
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two


1999-06-05 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
I guess this is because I installed bo, upgraded to slink and then
potato, but...

There is a /usr/lib/elvis directory that contains documentation and
trash (MS-DOS stuff).  There is also a /usr/doc/elvis directory.

There are directories /usr/lib/developers-reference,
/usr/doc/developers-reference and /usr/share/developers-reference. 

Re: libc 6.1

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Adilson dos Santos Dantas wrote:

 Try to look on the unstable section.

Here's the obligatory warning: unstable is called unstable for a reason.
If you can deal with things possibly breaking, go ahead and use it (and
file bug reports!). If you can't handle things possibly breaking, stay
with slink.

As an example, did you read the threads on su failing in potato? That's
just a small example of possible breakage...

In particular, you can't really upgrade only the libc6 package to
unstable, you have to upgrade a good number of your other packages as

Re: linking X11 libs with automake - standard way?

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Martin Waller wrote:

 I'm trying to learn automake/autoconf and was wondering if there's a 
 standard way to link in various X11 libraries (X11, Xt, lesstif, etc.).
 I can't find any info on that in the docs I've got.

i'm trying to learn those too. i sort of have it working, but then again
i'm not doing X yet.

Looking in the autoconf info page, it looks like AC_PATH_XTRA in your might be what you need. It defines X_CFLAGS, X_LIBS,
X_EXTRA_LIBS, and X_PRE_LIBS to the appropriate values, which you can then
insert in CFLAGS, etc.

Re: Code-Crusader Code-Medic Installation Problem

1999-06-05 Thread Brad is in potato, in the libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1
package. Slink has (in the libstdc++2.9 package),
which may not be compatible.

On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, John Foster wrote:

 I recently installed a Code-Crusader.rpm package via alien conversion to
 .deb. It went OK and the application seems to work well. Next I
 attempted the same thing with Code-Medic.rpm, which failed. It said
 there was a warning, but finished making the .deb file and I went ahead
 and installed it. When I tried to open the application, I got a message
 saying it could not open the library file I
 tried using symlinks to a couple of the existing libs, to no avail.
 Anyone got any suggestions for fixing this. These are supposed to run on
 Debian Linux, according to the instructions.

International Business Opportunities

1999-06-05 Thread Ecotech Technologies, L.L.C.

4001 E., Broadway Road, Suite 7, Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA
Tel: (602) 437 8000, Fax: (602) 437 4033

Dear Sir,
Sub: Your Partner for Development of International Business

Ecotech Technologies, L.L.C., Phoenix, USA is a subsidiary of principal company 
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It promotes technologies, projects, products and equipments/machinery. Our 
business network covers India, Oman, UAE and Egypt.

To promote your products we developed a team of professionals. The team is 
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industries. Whether you are interested in licensing your technology or looking 
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We provide services like market research and opportunity assessment study, 
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We have been trying to promote more and more sustainable and eco-friendly 
technologies and we are committed to it. 

India is one of the fastest growing and largest economy, a democratic country 
with very optimistic program to implement sustainable manufacturing projects 
and one of the leading countries who has implemented largest number of projects.

You have a concept, technology or product, and we have the professional 
experiences to take you to international.

Bimal Das

lib termcap problems...

1999-06-05 Thread vmlinuz

I have trying to compiling Pine 4.10 on slink and I get this error:

ld: cannot open -ltermcap: No such file or directory

debian:/# ls -l /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   19 Jun  5 11:10 /lib/

Anyone can help me ?


autofs for all users

1999-06-05 Thread Stefan Baums
Hi all,

I am using autofs. My /etc/auto.master is:

/mnt/amnt   /etc/auto.amnt  --timeout 1

and my /etc/auto.amnt is:

cdrom   -fstype=iso9660,ro,user :/dev/hdc
floppy  -fstype=auto,rw,user:/dev/fd0

If I access /mnt/amnt/floppy for reading, everything is fine. If I try to write
something to the disk as ordinary user, I get:

cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/amnt/floppy/test': Permission 

The problem seems to be: If Joe User accesses /mnt/amnt/floppy, the automount
daemon, _running as root_, calls mount _as root_ so that root is the owner of
/mnt/amnt/floppy and the only one allowed to write there.

How can I let ordinary users access the floppy for writing?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sound?

1999-06-05 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 After moving the HD from a broken CTX notebook to a Compaq LTE 5200 
 notebook, I found that the audio is gone.  Can anyone tell me how I can 
 get the sound back to work?  Thanks!x
 Best wishes,

Recompile the kernel with sound settings that are valid for your new
Also, since you moved onto a completely new motherboard, you might want to
recompile the kernel anyway. Last time I installed new mboard without
recompilation, I had a headache for a week afterwards from all the

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
   My work in progress.

Re: X windows manager?

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:

 I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
 out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) that 
 is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the window 
 cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
 directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
 didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.

Edit the file /etc/X11window-managers. The first one in the list is the
one started by default, so just add /usr/bin/X11/fvwm95 to the top of the
list and fvwm95 will start automagically.

There's also a way to set it for your individual login using a .xsession
file in your home directory, but i don't know the details of that offhand.

GPM 1.17.8-1/Midnite Commander problem

1999-06-05 Thread wb4mle
Did the latest gpm (1.17.8-1) break the mouse in Midnite Commander for
anyone else? Mouse quit  in MC with latest potato gpm update- Has been
a few updates ago it quit in aumix also. Seems to cut-and-paste ok but
no click-on works. Works normally in XFree.
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: X windows manager?

1999-06-05 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
 out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) that 
 is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the window 
 cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
 directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
 didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.

Well, depending upon what system you are using: Here is how I have it in
There is a file called window-managers , it's in /etc/X11
Install the desired wm and enter a path to it into that file.

That ought to take care of that.

 Also, I am using an external monitor for a notebook.  Every time I quit 
 from X windows, the monitor will blink every few seconds.  Did I do 
 anything wrong to cause this?

No, it should be ok. Thats X shutting down.

 Lastly, I seem to have a virtual desktop in X.  Is there a way to change 
 the setting so that I can fit everything within the full screen?  Thanks 
 in advance!

You can turn the virtual desktop off in a number of ways:
1. Run xf86config and turn it off there. When you get to modes section,
just change the order to what you want, and answer no to the question
whether you want virtual desktop or not.
2. Edit XF86Config directly.
Scroll down to Display subsections and comment out the Virtual Dektop


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
   My work in progress.


1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Fu-Dong Chiou wrote:

 Where and how can I modify which file so that every time I use the force 
 reboot key-combo, it actually send out the command shutdown -r now?  

It's in /etc/inittab, a line something like this:
# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

The -a flag might be a good idea; read the manpage for shutdown under
Access Control for more info.

Re: Unwanted package downloaded

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

 Hi.  I didn't select doc-linux-text.  How come it is downloaded?
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   tetex-base kernel-source-2.2.9 tetex-bin xmanpages xserver-svga emacs20
 5 packages upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
It's one of the 5 packages that were upgraded. Since doc-linux-text is
standard priority, it's installed by default when you first install

It's extremely useful, i'd recommend keeping at least one of
doc-linux-text or doc-linux-html.

Smail hosed.

1999-06-05 Thread Dan Willard
 I've apparently hosed smail.  Mail still comes in, but doesn't get put into
my mailbox, it just sits in /var/spool/smail/input.  I must have killed it
while getting a Wascom tablet to work last weekend, played with libs.  Can
anyone point me in the right direction? Should I just kill smail and use a
different mta? I've reinstalled it with no luck, found my old smail config
files and set them up.


Re: Getting rid of vi color

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
Did you file a bug report? At the least, it would let the maintainer know
that someone doesn't like the default setup.

Also, you could easily install a different vi. nvi, for example, comes
with a rather basic default configuration. i believe elvis is intended to
be more featured than a 'standard' vi. You can even keep both, and if
necessary modify the symlinks in /etc/alternatives to select whichever you
want activated when you type vi

On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

 For some reason, vi (elvis) has started to display colors and behave in a
 generally unpredictable way.  I first (just now) noticed this in a .h file
 in which it is also disallowing things I want to do, e.g. it beeps when I
 try to delete (with 'x') the first character of a commented-out line,
 although the file is world-writable.  It works sometimes, but not after I
 have done a search with '/' to get to the line I want to amend. 
 It turns out that sane behavior can be obtained by deleting or renaming
 the directory /etc/elvis.  That directory contains 10 files containing
 program code in a language unknown to me.  Well, I see from the man
 page that they are EX commands.
 I would like to make a mild protest against the unnecessary complexity
 of this setup. 

s/make a mild protest/file a bug report/ and you have a good course of
action. for more info.

 I would like to be able to run the program without
 interference due to the maintainer's over-elaborate configuration.  If
 I have to delete the Debian configuration to make the system work, that
 tends to defeat much of the rationale for using Debian.  And makes the
 KISS approach of another distribution appear brilliant, inspired, and
 a great time-saver.
 The problem with the color is that dark blue against a black screen is
 not, for me, very readable.  The file is mostly commented out and I
 guess the blue signifies that and some people may like it.  But I
 should think the onus should be on those who want the elaboration
 to configure it, rather than for the rest of us to have to learn
 more than we wanted to know about vi in order to defeat it.
 It is a very good idea to provide full configuration files for
 a program if it is configurable; but the default configuration should
 produce the default configuration.  I.e. /etc/elvis/ should contain
 files which explicitly require the default vi behavior.  That way,
 they serve as documentation for those who might want to investigate

Re: Junk?

1999-06-05 Thread Brad
On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

 There is a /usr/lib/elvis directory that contains documentation and
 trash (MS-DOS stuff).  There is also a /usr/doc/elvis directory.

That comes from the elvis package. The MS-DOS stuff is probably because
Debian tends to distribute all the documentation, even stuff pertaining to
MS-DOS ports of various programs. Probably that's so packages don't have
to be massively changed if they ever make a Debian MS-DOS distro ;)

 There are directories /usr/lib/developers-reference,
 /usr/doc/developers-reference and /usr/share/developers-reference. 

That comes from the developers-reference package.

Every package makes a directory in /usr/doc that contains at least the
changelogs and copyright information for the package. Any other random
documentation (READMEs. FAQs, sample configurations, etc) for the package
usually goes in there as well.

Re: autofs for all users

1999-06-05 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  5 Jun, Stefan Baums wrote about autofs for all users
 Hi all,
 I am using autofs. My /etc/auto.master is:
   /mnt/amnt   /etc/auto.amnt  --timeout 1
 and my /etc/auto.amnt is:
   cdrom   -fstype=iso9660,ro,user :/dev/hdc
   floppy  -fstype=auto,rw,user:/dev/fd0
 If I access /mnt/amnt/floppy for reading, everything is fine. If I try to 
 something to the disk as ordinary user, I get:
   cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/amnt/floppy/test': Permission 
 The problem seems to be: If Joe User accesses /mnt/amnt/floppy, the automount
 daemon, _running as root_, calls mount _as root_ so that root is the owner of
 /mnt/amnt/floppy and the only one allowed to write there.
 How can I let ordinary users access the floppy for writing?

You need to set the permissions so that ordinary users can write to the
device.  This is my setup:

/rmd/etc/auto.rmd   -t 30

a   -fstype=auto,rw,uid=0,gid=35,umask=007,unhide,sync,quite  :/dev/fd0
z   -fstype=iso9660,ro,uid=0,gid=35 :/dev/hdd

Notice the user and group id's as well as the umask. I then have all
users that I want to be able to access the drives in group GID=35(I
call it group dos, but it can be anything you want).  When autofs mounts
the drives it mounts them with permissions root.dos rwxrwx---.   I also
have identical lines in my /etc/fstab so that the user can unmount them
manually with umount if they wish.

/dev/hdd  /rmd/ziso9660 noauto,user,ro,uid=0,gid=35  0   0
/dev/fd0  /rmd/aauto
noauto,user,rw,uid=0,gid=35,umask=007,unhide,sync,quite 0   0

The same can be done for other filesystem type partitions if you want,
say a win95 partition that you don't want to have mounted all the time.

This works for me, YMMV.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: GPM 1.17.8-1/Midnite Commander problem

1999-06-05 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 02:53:26PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did the latest gpm (1.17.8-1) break the mouse in Midnite Commander for
 anyone else? Mouse quit  in MC with latest potato gpm update- Has been
 a few updates ago it quit in aumix also. Seems to cut-and-paste ok but
 no click-on works. Works normally in XFree.
 Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
 PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

It doesn't work with mc for me either and I don't know if it is related,
but I had some other gpm problems a few days ago. Cut and paste acted
very strange. A reboot seemed to fix it. 

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mozilla is..errm..slow?

1999-06-05 Thread Jason Willoughby
 I installed Mozilla today on my potato system. It was very slow. I don't
 know how to say this, but if this is how it is supposed to perform it is
 no better than it's dad Netscape. In fact, it is worse. 

This is a known issue, and from what I've heard, the problem lies in gtk,
not Mozilla.  The widgets are being constantly redrawn, even when they
don't need to. 

If you really want to run it, you could try fiddling with different
versions of gtk (I don't know if that will help), but otherwise just sit
tight.  They're working on it.

Re: GPM 1.17.8-1/Midnite Commander problem

1999-06-05 Thread wb4mle
On Sat, 05 Jun 1999 08:24:50 -0700, you wrote:

If you delete the .mc dir in your home/user directory, which is a user config 
the next time you start mc a new config file and dir will be created. It seems 
system is trying to use an old config for new utility in the new mc and not 
At least that worked for me
No change. All started with potato update to gpm (mc wasn't changed)
so I think something is amiss with the new gpm.
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: autofs for all users

1999-06-05 Thread Stefan Baums
Thanks, Brian! That worked.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting rid of vi color

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Merten
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 10:36:11AM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Did you file a bug report? At the least, it would let the maintainer know
 that someone doesn't like the default setup.
 Also, you could easily install a different vi. nvi, for example, comes
 with a rather basic default configuration. i believe elvis is intended to
 be more featured than a 'standard' vi. You can even keep both, and if
 necessary modify the symlinks in /etc/alternatives to select whichever you
 want activated when you type vi
 On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
  For some reason, vi (elvis) has started to display colors and behave in a
  generally unpredictable way.  I first (just now) noticed this in a .h file
  in which it is also disallowing things I want to do, e.g. it beeps when I
  try to delete (with 'x') the first character of a commented-out line,
  although the file is world-writable.  It works sometimes, but not after I
  have done a search with '/' to get to the line I want to amend. 
  It turns out that sane behavior can be obtained by deleting or renaming
  the directory /etc/elvis.  That directory contains 10 files containing
  program code in a language unknown to me.  Well, I see from the man
  page that they are EX commands.
  I would like to make a mild protest against the unnecessary complexity
  of this setup. 
 s/make a mild protest/file a bug report/ and you have a good course of
 action. for more info.
  I would like to be able to run the program without
  interference due to the maintainer's over-elaborate configuration.  If
  I have to delete the Debian configuration to make the system work, that
  tends to defeat much of the rationale for using Debian.  And makes the
  KISS approach of another distribution appear brilliant, inspired, and
  a great time-saver.
  The problem with the color is that dark blue against a black screen is
  not, for me, very readable.  The file is mostly commented out and I
  guess the blue signifies that and some people may like it.  But I
  should think the onus should be on those who want the elaboration
  to configure it, rather than for the rest of us to have to learn
  more than we wanted to know about vi in order to defeat it.
  It is a very good idea to provide full configuration files for
  a program if it is configurable; but the default configuration should
  produce the default configuration.  I.e. /etc/elvis/ should contain
  files which explicitly require the default vi behavior.  That way,
  they serve as documentation for those who might want to investigate

I also found that the blue/black was particularly unreadable on
my screen.  However, I had no problem at all changing it to something
more to my liking.  Other than that one minor problem, I'm very
satisifed with the default elvis config.  As you say, there ARE other
vi clones out there, including one IIRC claiming to be bug-for-bug
compatible with the original...


Michael Merten[EMAIL PROTECTED] NRA Life Member
Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Congress have no power
to disarm the militia. Their swords and every other terrible
implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American ... The
unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the
federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever
remain, in the hands of the people. -- Tench Coxe -- The
Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788
This signature was automatically generated with Signify v1.05.
For this and other cool products, check out

Re: Junk?

1999-06-05 Thread Michael Merten
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 10:45:25AM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:
 That comes from the elvis package. The MS-DOS stuff is probably because
 Debian tends to distribute all the documentation, even stuff pertaining to
 MS-DOS ports of various programs. Probably that's so packages don't have
 to be massively changed if they ever make a Debian MS-DOS distro ;)

Hey!  Now there's a thought!  DebDOS!!!   ;)


Michael Merten[EMAIL PROTECTED] NRA Life Member
To this day, it is 1999, isn't the male primarily responsible for
the physical defense of the American home?  If you hear a creak on
the floor downstairs in the middle of the night, the woman never
says, 'Let me check.' You have to check. ... I mean, give me a break!
The reason men are more pro-gun is because they are responsible for
the physical protection of the American home.  --CNBC's Chris
Matthews on the gun control gender gap.
[The Federalist (]
This signature was automatically generated with Signify v1.05.
For this and other cool products, check out

VI keyboard problems..

1999-06-05 Thread Allen B. Riddell

I can't seem to get backspace to work with gvim (or vim in an Eterm window).

I've tried putting

:fixdel in .vimrc

but that doesn't seem to work..

help me :)


Re: hello!!! (install source)

1999-06-05 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 06:49:52PM -0600, slayer wrote:
, I could just find readme-files...and I would like
 you to tell me if I can download it anywhere...for free.mail me
 back please

Installation files are available via http or ftp from:

so typing the address:
in your web browser will give a listing of files available.

install.txt should explain what files you'll need where to get them
and what you need to do with them.

If you're still stuck, I've got installation floppies for Hamm
(Debian release 2.0 current release is Slink or 2.1).  I'll 
send them for the cost of postage (what ever that is ???)

Good Luck!

Re: lib termcap problems...

1999-06-05 Thread Chris Flipse
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 11:35:19AM -0300, vmlinuz wrote:
  ld: cannot open -ltermcap: No such file or directory
  debian:/# ls -l /lib/
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   19 Jun  5 11:10 /lib/

Have you checked that the file that this links to
(/lib/ exists?

Sometimes a package sets up symlinks in it's configation scripts,
instead of including those links as a part of the package.  When the
package is removed, the links are left beghind.  

This is, as I understand it, a bug in the package.  It is certainly an
undersireable behavior.

 - flip

Learn from your parents mistakes -- use birth control.

Linux and 3DFX (prolly off-topic)

1999-06-05 Thread Junior System Administrator

Hi.  I've just installed a Monster3D pass-through for my Diamond Stealth 64.
I installed GLIDE 2.x, Mesa 2.6 (Quake doesn't seem to like 3.0) and a 3dfx
module (which creates a '/dev/3dfx' device) -- my kernel is 2.0.  I can run
programs compiled with libc6 (not with libc5 however, I just get a seg fault).
The various 3dfx test programs run OK, and so does Quake II running it's GL
renderer.  The only problem I have is that the card will only work at the
640x480 resolution -- nothing higher, nothing lower.  The 3dfx test programs
simply crash, and Quake II reverts back to 640x480 if I try and change.  I
know that there's nothing wrong with the card because I can switch properly
in Win95.  Any ideas ?  Thanks in advance,

Pete =:-)

PS: Please mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm not on the list any more.
/*** [burdock] /
/* /|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  */
/* \ o.O|*/
/*  =(_)= */
/*U   */

/*** [Windoze 98] /
/* Windows 98: n.(Alex Satrapa). */
/*   64 bits (and pieces) of bugs (and fixes) and featuritis tacked on to 32 */
/*   bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit */
/*   operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written   */
/*   by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition, and has not a */
/*   bit of respect for their customers. */

communicator-dmotif-45 4.5-1: Error at first start

1999-06-05 Thread Stefan Möller
After installing the communicator-dmotif-45 4.5-1 and all depending
packages, I received the following message at the first start: 
ERROR: /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/
undefined symbol: FE_GetToplevelwidget
Can't load plugin
/usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/ Ignored
Name: openOrBringUpBrowser 
Class: XfeButton
Creating an active drop site with no drop proc.
Error: Cannot perform malloc 
Somebody have a solution to this?


Stefan Möller, Kiel 

Re: How to create mailing list like debian-user?

1999-06-05 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Jens K Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Could someone please advise how to set up a mailing list like the debian-user?
 I assume all the software is available in debian, but which packages will be

A few I found with dselect (search with /, search again with \):

majordomo (probably the most used)
ezmlm-src (+xezmlm)



Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel with APM support.

1999-06-05 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Jens K Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I would like to keep my system as it but with APM support. Since
 I have never compiled the kernel before, I have no idea what to
 select and what to leave out when runing make config. Is there a
 way I can use the default settings of the Debian package and just
 add APM support so I end up with the exact same kernel, but with
 APM support?

Have you already tried make menuconfig or make xconfig? Here,
you just go to ´General Setup´ and switch on the APM stuff (after
reading the help provided there, of course). You won´t accidently
change other settings as may be with make config.

If you set up lilo to be able to choose the old kernel, nothing should
go wrong (but I have never set up APM myself, so who knows :-).


Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X windows manager?

1999-06-05 Thread Fu-Dong Chiou
Thanks for your help.  I am now using fvwm as the windows manager.  I do 
have some more questions.

1. Regarding the screen blink.  It blinks every 2-3 secs (sometimes 
longer), forever, unless I reboot.  I am not sure if it's normally, since 
I never have the same problem on other machines.  I do notice that 
there's an error message starting X (host unknown) as well as closing X 
(don't know what it really mean).

2. Which file should I edit to let fvwm start xclock and xearth etc. for 
me when X starts?  Also, is there a way to add a scrollbar and to reverse 
the background color of the xterminal by default, so that I don't have to 
do it manually each time I open an xterminal?



Andrei Ivanov wrote:
  I finally get an X server to run, but still seem to have a lot to work 
  out.  It seems that I am assigned a windows manager (or none at all) that 
  is not so desirable.  The xterminal in X has no title bar, so the window 
  cannot be dragged and moved.  I tried to copy .xinitrc under the home 
  directory, and tried to assign fvwm95 as the windows manager, but it 
  didn't seem to work.  Would appreciate any help.
 Well, depending upon what system you are using: Here is how I have it in
 There is a file called window-managers , it's in /etc/X11
 Install the desired wm and enter a path to it into that file.
 That ought to take care of that.
  Also, I am using an external monitor for a notebook.  Every time I quit 
  from X windows, the monitor will blink every few seconds.  Did I do 
  anything wrong to cause this?
 No, it should be ok. Thats X shutting down.
  Lastly, I seem to have a virtual desktop in X.  Is there a way to change 
  the setting so that I can fit everything within the full screen?  Thanks 
  in advance!
 You can turn the virtual desktop off in a number of ways:
 1. Run xf86config and turn it off there. When you get to modes section,
 just change the order to what you want, and answer no to the question
 whether you want virtual desktop or not.
 2. Edit XF86Config directly.
 Scroll down to Display subsections and comment out the Virtual Dektop
  Andrei S. Ivanov  
  UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
My work in progress.

Best wishes,

Re: How to create mailing list like debian-user?

1999-06-05 Thread David Coe
I suggest you also look at mailman (packaged for slink and potato).

Colin Marquardt wrote:
 * Jens K Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Could someone please advise how to set up a mailing list like the 
  I assume all the software is available in debian, but which packages will be
 A few I found with dselect (search with /, search again with \):
 majordomo (probably the most used)
 ezmlm-src (+xezmlm)
 Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

XDM problems

1999-06-05 Thread Chris Flipse
I've got an issue with the *dm programs
I had thought it was just an issue with xdm, but this just happened with
kdm as well...

I can log in through *dm, and everything works fine while I'm working in
X.  However, occasionally, when I log out, instead of bringing up the
login app again, I get a series of red and black vertical stripes on my
monitor, and my machine is hardlocked.  Have to reboot it from the
hardware, which is a bad thing.  

Does anyone have ANY idea about this?

 - flip

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.
 My words but a whisper -- your deafness a shout.
-- Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick

Re: Kernel with APM support.

1999-06-05 Thread Raphael Alla
On Sat, 05 Jun 1999, Jens K. Olsen wrote:
 I have Debian running on my SONY VAIO and it works like a dream. Only thing I 
 missing is the APM support. I downloaded the kernel source package, etc. and 
 I am
 getting ready to compile the kernel with APM support.
 I would like to keep my system as it but with APM support. Since I have 
 compiled the kernel before, I have no idea what to select and what to leave 
 out when
 runing make config. Is there a way I can use the default settings of the 
 package and just add APM support so I end up with the exact same kernel, but 
 with APM

I am not sure you will get the same kernel after a recompilation, as as far as
I remember most of the options are un-selected in the debian source package.
As an example here are the settings I took in the APM section. It may be of
some help as a starting point. I think it should work with most laptops. Don't
forget to read the help carefully :)

[*] Advanced Power Management BIOS support
[*]Enable PM at boot time  
[*]Make CPU Idle calls when idle   
[*]Enable console blanking using APM  
[*]Power off on shutdown 
[ ]Ignore multiple suspend 
[ ]Ignore multiple suspend/resume cycles 

What is ELF?

1999-06-05 Thread Thomas Ruedas
Maybe it's a silly question, but here it goes:
I've sometimes seens things like ELF Linux binaries, or - right now,
passing by the xanim web site - an ELF and Linux-aout version of a DLL
file. I wonder what the difference is and what might be the right one
for my box (Debian 2.0.34 running on a P100 w/Intel board).
Can somebody please enlighten me?

Thomas Ruedas
Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, 
J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Feldbergstrasse 47  D-60323 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Phone:+49-(0)69-798-24949   Fax:+49-(0)69-798-23280

Re: XDM problems

1999-06-05 Thread Philip Armstrong
On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 03:06:52PM -0400, Chris Flipse wrote:
 I can log in through *dm, and everything works fine while I'm working in
 X.  However, occasionally, when I log out, instead of bringing up the
 login app again, I get a series of red and black vertical stripes on my
 monitor, and my machine is hardlocked.  Have to reboot it from the
 hardware, which is a bad thing.  
 Does anyone have ANY idea about this?

I used to get this with a buggy Xserver. Are there XFree86
packages available for slink yet? Maybe an upgrade would help




Re: How to create mailing list like debian-user?

1999-06-05 Thread Gregory Wood
Colin Marquardt wrote:

 * Jens K Olsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Could someone please advise how to set up a mailing list like the 
  I assume all the software is available in debian, but which packages will be

 A few I found with dselect (search with /, search again with \):

 majordomo (probably the most used)
 ezmlm-src (+xezmlm)



 Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I would add Phorum. It's web based but looks good.

Gregory Wood
Farsight Computer
1219 W University Blvd
Odessa TX  79764
Voice: 1-915-335-0879
CT Pioneers Board Member
Novell CNE
Appgen VAR

Re: What is ELF?

1999-06-05 Thread Carl Mummert
ELF and a.out are two different ways of arraning data in a
compiled program or library.

a.out is older; ELF has more features.

Most of the linux world switched to ELF several years ago,
and new a.out binaries are uncommon on linux. (Although,
for historical reasons, the compiler will still CALL your
compiled file a.out).  The kernel runs ELF binaries natively,
and runs a.out binaries if you have support compiled in for
them (or in a module - called binfmt_aout or something like that).

Use the 'file' command to see what sort of file an executable is.


Exim problem -- maybe

1999-06-05 Thread Gregory Wood
I did a fresh install of Deb v2.1 using the 'Web Server plus' option.

It loaded a couple of things different from v1.3.

I have successfully run email between two computers in the office.
However, when I try to email to this group I get an error message. Not
surprisingly, I didn't write it down. The error message implied that I
didn't have access to

This could be a DNS (ypbind) problem. I could turn ypbind off but I
would still have to get DNS from somewhere.

I'm printing off the documentation for exim (277 pages) as I enter this
but I wonder if I'm going the wrong direction.

Gregory Wood
Farsight Computer
1219 W University Blvd
Odessa TX  79764
Voice: 1-915-335-0879
CT Pioneers Board Member
Novell CNE
Appgen VAR

Invalidfont in Ghostscript

1999-06-05 Thread Valdemir Melechco Carvalho
I am not able to print or view postscript documents. In both cases, it has
been displayed (or printed) a message like this: 
   Error: /invalidfont in findfont Operand stack:
   F0 Times-Roman Font Times-Roman 14740 Times-Roman --nostringval
I tried to uninstall and install gs (and gs-aladdin) and related packages 
but I did not fix the problem.
Does somebody have a sugestion to this?

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