1999-06-23 Thread Hit The Cellular
este mensaje se envia por unica vez.




INCLUYE: VibraCall(TM); discreet alert; VoiceNote(TM) contestadora y grabadora 
digital; doble dispaly, bateria lithium, cargador y mucho mas

Oferta por tiempo limitado

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: [486]

1999-06-23 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
Jorge Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Si me pasa especificaciones de nuevo (borre
mensaje anterior) tengo cuatro manuales. Per tenes
que darme la mayor cantidad de datos posibles. Te

Manual de Manejo (o de Jumper Settings que llaman) para una Mainboard con chip
bios de AMERICAN MEGATRENDS y con chipset UMC 8886BF y UMC 8881F. El número de
bios reference que me aparece en pantalla es 
# 41-P400-001437-0010-101094-486AVIP-H. (Confieso que tuve que darle
copiar y pegar, que numerito! :-DDD.) Según la página de fabricantes que
identifica la AMIBIOS, la board fue fabricada por una compañía de nombre HSING
TECH ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (También tuve que darle copiar y pegar, ;-)) 

Esta compañía al parecer, no tiene página en Internet y el único enlace que
encontré me llevo a www.pcchips.com pero allí no hay ni la foto del dichoso
manual. Así que me ví en la necesidad de consultarles a ustedes; si alguien
tiene el manual escaneado o algo así, le agradecería muchísimo que me lo
enviara via e-mail. 

Gracias por adelantado, 

ICQ UIN # 39552908

P. D.

Disculpa que no te haya enviado la información antes, pero mis compromisos
laborales me tenían bastante ocupado. De cualquier manera agradezco
inmensamente tu colaboración .

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: [RE: [web-ar] Re: [486]]

1999-06-23 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
Sergio Estefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hola !

Si queres puedo escanear algun manual de 486 que tengo, no se exactamente la
marca.Si te parece te envio escaneada la parte donde tenes la ubicacion en
la placa, si es alguna de ella, te mando los demas datos.
Un cordial saludo!.

Sergio Estefan

Me interesa ver la información, me puede ser de utilidad. Gracias por tu

ICQ UIN # 39552908

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: [Re: [RE: [web-ar] Re: [486]]]

1999-06-23 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
J Horacio MG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
~ Sergio Estefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
~ Saludos colisteros!
( ... )
~ ICQ UIN # 39552908

No sé si te estás dando cuenta, pero estás enviando a la lista de Debian
tu correspondencia con otra(s) lista(s).

No te lo tomes a mal, sólo ten un poquito de cuidado y piensa que si
todos hicieran como tú, con subscribirnos a sólo un par de listas
recibiríamos montones de mensajes provenientes de tropecientas listas.


Valencia - ESPAÑA

Envío mis mensajes a varias listas es con el fin de que si en una no encuentro
la solución, tal vez en otra sí . . . 

ICQ UIN # 39552908

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: [486]

1999-06-23 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
Jorge Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Repito y espero hasta las 08 hs del 23-06. Si no
tengo respuestas, deme por no consultado

Creo tener el manual. Por lo menos los dos chipset
mencionados estan en plaqueta. Espero
instrucciones por privado.
Saludos. Jorge

Puedes enviarme la información de manejo de jumpers o el manual escaneado a
los siguientes e-mails: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ó [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No te había respondido antes por mis compromisos laborales.

ICQ UIN # 39552908

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Discos gemelos

1999-06-23 Thread Ximo Nadal
Tenemos dos HDs iguales uno de los cuales es una copia del otro. La
copia la hacemos con un dd, previamente hacemos un init 1. ¿Es
necesario pasar a init 1?, ¿Es esta la mejor forma de crear un disco

Lo que pretendemos es sustituir uno por el otro en caso de averia de
la forma mas sencilla y mas rapida posible.

Funciona con Debian GNU/Linux.

Re: Discos gemelos

1999-06-23 Thread Saxa Egea
Has pensado en montar un RAID?

Te lo hace automaticamente y creo que es la mejor manera...

Pq no te miras el Root-RAID Howto?


At 08.33 23/6/99 +0200, Ximo Nadal wrote:
Tenemos dos HDs iguales uno de los cuales es una copia del otro. La 
copia la hacemos con un dd, previamente hacemos un init 1. ¿Es 
necesario pasar a init 1?, ¿Es esta la mejor forma de crear un disco 

Lo que pretendemos es sustituir uno por el otro en caso de averia de 
la forma mas sencilla y mas rapida posible.

Funciona con Debian GNU/Linux.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bug report

1999-06-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Hola chicos.

Muy genial el sistema de Bugs de Debian. 

Hoy acabo de recibir mi primera respuesta sobre un bug. Tardó meses
(creo que 2), pero me han enviado un mensaje personal confirmando la
solución del error y me han dicho donde puedo bajarme el paquete.

Muy potito.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

06/22   Todd Rundgren is born in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, 1948

[continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Hola chicos.

Bueno, el kernel parece funcionar bastante bien, de momento la hora
de mi sistema parece estar más o menos en punto, y no hay variaciones
extrañas como me pasaba hasta ahora.

Ya me parecía raro que el kernel hiciese cosas raras, sobre todo
teniendo en cuenta que sigo usando el mismo Kernel que cuando tenía
instalado Hamm.

La culpa debe de ser atribuida a el `hwclock'. El nuevo script te
configuración de `hwclock' incluye los siguientes comandos:

   (mirar el script /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh)

  Al arrancar
   hwclock --adjust $GMT

   hwclock --hctosys $GMT

  Al salir

   hwclock --systohc $GMT

Una pequeña explicación a los comandos.

  hwclock --hctosys 

  Este lo que hace es leer el valor del reloj de la CMOS y se lo
  asigna a nuestro sistema.

  hwclock --systohc

  Pues hace al reves, guarda en el CMOS la hora que esté marcando el

Esta última opción es bastante peligrosilla. Si por alguna razón
nuestra hora del sistema ha cambiado, pues cambiará la CMOS. Muchos
creo que os apetecerá desactivar esta opción. Teóricamente la hora
del sistema tiene que ser la correcta y coincidente con la CMOS, pero
a muchos nos gusta tener la hora de la CMOS fija y que nadie la

Pero bueno, la parte más peligrosa es la primera de todas:

  hwclock --adjust

Esta opción lo que hace es intentar mantener a hora la CMOS. El
reloj de la CMOS no es muy bueno (según dicen). Va acumulando
retrasos de manera periódica (ya sabeis, esto de que cada hora va
atrasando x milisegundos).

Bueno, pues el programa intenta pasarse de listo y sabiendo que
retrasa tanto tiempo, pues añado X milisegundos a la hora y ahora
todo va perfecto.

Para esta cosa tan sofisticada, pues crea un fichero llamado
/etc/adjtime. Cada vez que ejecutais un hwclock --set pues se
actualiza este fichero y se compara la hora del CMOS con la hora real
(suponiendo, que ya es mucho suponer, que la hora que tiene ahora tu
sistema es correcta de verdad). Esta diferencia será usada por el
hwclock cuando ejecutes el comando `hwclock --adjust'.

La hora del sistema no se fija con el `hwclock'. Se usa el ya clásico
`date' o el `adjtimex'. 

Bueno, esta opción que suena tan ciripitiflautica, pues a mi me
parece poco convincente. Porque dudo que sea capaz de tener el
sistema en hora exacta (no se si con un time server).

Bueno, pues yo tambien la he desactivado hasta nueva orden.

Luego de todo este rollo Dirigidos a usuarios de Slink (2.1)

¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora vuestro sistema?

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

06/22   Todd Rundgren is born in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, 1948

Squid 2.1.2 y usuarios

1999-06-23 Thread Eladio A. Maqueda
Quiero actualizar un squid 1.1.21 (debian 2.0) a squid 2.1.2 (debian 
2.1). Tengo un pequeño problema. Antes tenía un fichero de 
usuarios (/etc/squid.auth) generado con htpasswd. Así los 
usuarios accedían o no según tenían pasword.

El problema es que no encuentro cómo hacerlo con squid 2.1.2. 
Dice que debo usar esta línea: 
 authenticate_program /usr/bin/htpasswd /etc/squid.auth  

Pero eso no funciona.

Puede alguien ayudarme. Gracias.
Eladio A. Maqueda Gil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informática Municipal  Tlfno: +34 924246611
Diputación de Badajoz  Fax: +34 924255843
Avda. Tomás Romero de Castilla 4
06011 Badajoz  Registered user linux  52335

instalar debian en 15 ordenadores

1999-06-23 Thread Pablo Martin

Se puede instalar la Debian 2.0/2.1 teniendo este 
en un servidor Novell? o si no como instalo el Linux en 15 ordenadores? Solo uno 
de ellos tiene cd-rom y estan conectados en red, hay tambien un servidor NT 4.0 
y los demas tienen widows 95
una ayudita gracias

apt y timezones

1999-06-23 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estoy probando por primera vez el apt. Hago apt-get update, y me recoge una
serie de ficheros, pero cuando termina, me da un error relativo a timezone.
He utilizado http y ftp con los mismos resultados. Dado que los ficheros
packages, los recoge, supongo que no sera de configuracion.


Actualizar a libc6 2.1.

1999-06-23 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

he compilado el kernel 2.2.9, instalado, y después me he leído
el `../kernel-source-2.2.9/Documentation/Changes', O:-)

He  bajado los  paquetes que  necesito actualizar,  y aparecen
dependencias para libc6 2.1, entre otros.

¿Puedo actualizar libc6 con `dpkg -i' y ya está?

Lo  digo por  si algún  programa  de Hamm  me va  ha dejar  de


Por cierto, he  activado las opciones de  Framebuffer, pero el
pingüino  sigue  bajo  el  agua, aunque  con  `vga=ask'  puedo
seleccionar  80x34. Y   el  sevidor  X  para   framebuffer  no
rula. Hago  `startx' (he  modificado el  `/etc/X11/Xserver') y
hay se  queda, pero con  `ps' veo  que ha landado  las Xwindow
(xterm, xclock, etc.). Ya cree los `/dev/fb*', pero nada.

He bajado el fbset 2.0.1, que no tengo instalado. ¿Es por eso?
(pues también pide libc6 2.1...)


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
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http://lucas.hispalinux.es/   Documentación en Castellano
http://www.openresources.com/es/   Revista Open Resources
http://www.es.linuxfocus.org/Castellano/   LinuxFocus

Re: instalar debian en 15 ordenadores

1999-06-23 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
 Pablo Martin wrote:
 Se puede instalar la Debian 2.0/2.1 teniendo este en un
 servidor Novell? o si no como instalo el Linux en 15
 ordenadores? Solo uno de ellos tiene cd-rom y estan
 conectados en red, hay tambien un servidor NT 4.0 y los
 demas tienen widows 95
 una ayudita gracias
No creo que funcione lo del servidor Novell, pero si puedes
instalar linux en un ordenador con CDROM y despues exportar
ese cdrom por nfs. Eso seria suficiente. En el resto de los
equipos solo tendrias que instalar el sistema base desde
disquette (unod 4 o 5 discos creo) y terminar de instalar el
sistema a traves de nfs.
Otra posibilidad es utilizar el sistema de actualizacion de
paquetes por ftp de dselect, pero no estoy muy seguro de
como hacerlo.

Hasta mas bits,

P.D. Otra idea que se me ocurre es (si todos los equipos
tienen un disco duro similar) instalarlo en un disco duro y
copiarlo a todos los demas.

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316 
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida


1999-06-23 Thread Hit The Cellular
este mensaje se envia por unica vez.




INCLUYE: VibraCall(TM); discreet alert; VoiceNote(TM) contestadora y grabadora 
digital; doble dispaly, bateria lithium, cargador y mucho mas

Oferta por tiempo limitado

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink

1999-06-23 Thread Paco Brufal
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:

 Luego de todo este rollo Dirigidos a usuarios de Slink (2.1)
 ¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora vuestro 

El mio si, nunca he tenido problemas con eso...

Fidonet 2:346/3.68

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Fidonet, la red de correo con más
preguntame como.

...In Control, In Effect. The Controllers. 1995
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: http://www.linuxfreak.com/~r34_linux (2:346/3.68)

ipchains vs. ipfwadm (fwd)

1999-06-23 Thread Ely J. Alvarado

   Acabo de hacer un upgrade a mi kernel de 2.0.34 a 2.2.39, pero todavia
tengo que bootear usando mi viejo kernel, debido a que no se como usar
ipchains para habilitar ip masquerade, la instruccion anterior decia:

ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

podria alguien ayudarme?

Ely Alvarado

apt-cdrom de Citius Slink

1999-06-23 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva


 He actualizado mi Debian a Citius Slink pero en dselect no me aparece el
apt-cdrom. Tengo todas las demas opciones y tb. el multiple-cd o
multiple-cdrom, el cual no se si es el apt-cdrom ese pero con otro
 Me he olvidado de instalar algun paquete o simplemente la Citius no tiene
ningun apt-cdrom.


Re: apt-cdrom de Citius Slink

1999-06-23 Thread Jon Noble

On mié, 23 jun 1999 20:28:36 Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
  He actualizado mi Debian a Citius Slink pero en dselect no me aparece el
 apt-cdrom. Tengo todas las demas opciones y tb. el multiple-cd o
 multiple-cdrom, el cual no se si es el apt-cdrom ese pero con otro
  Me he olvidado de instalar algun paquete o simplemente la Citius no tiene
 ningun apt-cdrom.

Es curioso, yo he instalado la Citius en 2 ordenadores. En uno de ellos partí 
de cero y en las opciones de dselect me aparece aptcdrom. Sin embargo, en otro 
actualicé de hamm a slink y me pasaba lo mismo que a tí. Ni idea de porqué (nos 
faltará algun paquete?). De todos modos, ejecutando fuera de dselect un 
apt-cdrom se crea correctamente el sources.list y luego, dentro del dselect y 
escogiendo como método apt todo va ok.

Un saludo,


Re: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink (fwd)

1999-06-23 Thread Luis Colorado
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 13:06:07 +0200 (CEST)
 From: Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink (fwd)
 Te mando esto aunque probablemente a ti no te afecte porque uses una
 versión anterior de Debian.

No me afecta... pero no por esa razón (hace tiempo que cambié todos los
scripts de debian por los míos) sino porque si este usuario empleara
xntpd y un servidor de hora, no tendría estos problemas.  Además, parece
no conocer muy bien los entresijos del funcionamiento del reloj en el kernel
de Linux, ya que si no, sabría que la hora en Linux/Intel se puede mantener
con un error de algunos microsegundos, típicamente.

Por otro lado, la fuente de hora que yo tengo me da esa precisión en casa,
así que no tengo por que hacer caso de la hora que marque la bios (salvo desde
que apago el ordenador, hasta que lo vuelvo a encender, por lo que la escribo
en la BIOS cada vez que se apaga el sistema)

 La verdad es que la precision de la hora en mi sistema no es algo que
 me preocupe mucho pero intentaré mejorarlo.
 Imagino que el servicio de hora de Slug continua funcionando correctamente 

Si, aunque aún no tenemos la nueva antena del GPS montada, y somos stratum-2
(error de algunos milisegundos, en lugar de los microsegundos de antes)

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 22:00:08 +0200
 From: Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Xose Manoel Ramos [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: [continuacion] Reloj del sistema en Slink
 Hola chicos.
 Bueno, el kernel parece funcionar bastante bien, de momento la hora
 de mi sistema parece estar más o menos en punto, y no hay variaciones
 extrañas como me pasaba hasta ahora.
 Ya me parecía raro que el kernel hiciese cosas raras, sobre todo
 teniendo en cuenta que sigo usando el mismo Kernel que cuando tenía
 instalado Hamm.
 La culpa debe de ser atribuida a el `hwclock'. El nuevo script te
 configuración de `hwclock' incluye los siguientes comandos:
(mirar el script /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh)
   Al arrancar

hwclock --adjust $GMT
hwclock --hctosys $GMT
   Al salir
hwclock --systohc $GMT
 Una pequeña explicación a los comandos.
   hwclock --hctosys 
   Este lo que hace es leer el valor del reloj de la CMOS y se lo
   asigna a nuestro sistema.
   hwclock --systohc
   Pues hace al reves, guarda en el CMOS la hora que esté marcando el
 Esta última opción es bastante peligrosilla. Si por alguna razón
 nuestra hora del sistema ha cambiado, pues cambiará la CMOS. Muchos
 creo que os apetecerá desactivar esta opción. Teóricamente la hora
 del sistema tiene que ser la correcta y coincidente con la CMOS, pero
 a muchos nos gusta tener la hora de la CMOS fija y que nadie la
 Pero bueno, la parte más peligrosa es la primera de todas:
   hwclock --adjust
 Esta opción lo que hace es intentar mantener a hora la CMOS. El
 reloj de la CMOS no es muy bueno (según dicen). Va acumulando
 retrasos de manera periódica (ya sabeis, esto de que cada hora va
 atrasando x milisegundos).
 Bueno, pues el programa intenta pasarse de listo y sabiendo que
 retrasa tanto tiempo, pues añado X milisegundos a la hora y ahora
 todo va perfecto.
 Para esta cosa tan sofisticada, pues crea un fichero llamado
 /etc/adjtime. Cada vez que ejecutais un hwclock --set pues se
 actualiza este fichero y se compara la hora del CMOS con la hora real
 (suponiendo, que ya es mucho suponer, que la hora que tiene ahora tu
 sistema es correcta de verdad). Esta diferencia será usada por el
 hwclock cuando ejecutes el comando `hwclock --adjust'.
 La hora del sistema no se fija con el `hwclock'. Se usa el ya clásico
 `date' o el `adjtimex'. 
 Bueno, esta opción que suena tan ciripitiflautica, pues a mi me
 parece poco convincente. Porque dudo que sea capaz de tener el
 sistema en hora exacta (no se si con un time server).
 Bueno, pues yo tambien la he desactivado hasta nueva orden.
 Luego de todo este rollo Dirigidos a usuarios de Slink (2.1)
 ¿Que os pasa a vosotros? ¿Os funciona todo bien? ¿Está en hora vuestro 
 ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)
 06/22 Todd Rundgren is born in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, 1948
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Luis Colorado Urcola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spanish Linux Users Group. http://slug.ctv.es/

Re: Sobre Sendmail.

1999-06-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 22 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 16:23:49 +0200, Manuel Trujillo contaba:

Desde las estaciones winnt puedo recoger el correo

 De eso se encarga el pop daemon, no sendmail.

pero cuando digo de enviar algún emilio al server Debian, no hay
manera de que entre.

 ¿Y qué pasa si haces un telnet?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069
 http://come.to/Hue-Bond.worldIn love with TuX - Linux 2.2.10
PGP Public key at http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_pubkey.asc

Description: PGP signature

Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-23 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 21 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 21:45:23 +0200, Juan Ignacio Llona contaba:
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

  Yo una vez  arranqué uno a 1024x768 (16 bits)  y otro a 800x600
  (32 bits) y las X me petaron estrepitosamente.

Curiosamente, alguien ha comentado en la lista que con otro gestor de
ventanas (fvwm* ¿?) arrancaba dos gestores correctamente.
Problema propio del WindowMaker? :?¿

 No sé, pero mi  experimento fue con icewm y KDE.  Y no creo que
 debería dar fallos, puesto que se ejecutan en servidores distintos.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069
 http://come.to/Hue-Bond.worldIn love with TuX - Linux 2.2.10
PGP Public key at http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_pubkey.asc

Description: PGP signature

emacs sgml

1999-06-23 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos

Curioseando con sgml (ya era hora que me pusiera desde hace casi dos años)
he instalado varios paquetes referentes al tema, pero al llegar al psgml (An
Emacs major mode for editing SGML documents.) resulta que el dselect me pide
el emacs 19 o 20. Tengo instalada el xemacs20, por lo que me ha sorprendido
que no le bastara con eso. Por probar, decidí instalar el emacs20, pero dió
un error al configurarlo y al final lo borré. La pregunta del millón ¿por
qué demonios no le vale con el xemacs? Desde luego no me haría gracia
instalar los 20MB que ocupa el emacs sólo por lo del sgml. ¿merece la pena?
¿algún editor bueno de sgml?

Otra cosa. Convirtiendo un documento sgml a html no tuve ningún problema,
pero pasándolo a postscript, me dio unos errores y al final sólo hizo la
paginación y las líneas horizontales. Creo que me falta algun tipo de fichero
de tipos de letra, pero soy absolutamente novato con LaTeX y no sé lo que
falta exactamente.

Transcript written on Mutt-PGP-GnuPG-Como.log.
dvips: Font cmss17 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmtt10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmr10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmss10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmbx12 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmbx10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmtt9 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmbx12 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmsy10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmmi10 not found, characters will be left blank.
dvips: Font cmtt12 not found, characters will be left blank.

he comprobado que estos ficheros pertenecen al paquete tetex-base, que tengo
instalado, pero como digo, no conozco mucho LaTeX y no sé lo que estpy
haciendo mal. La orden que utilizo es:

sgml2latex --output=ps Mutt-PGP-GnuPG-Como.sgml

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Na instalacao do Potato ainda nao tem os teclados pt_BR us e/ou ABNT

1999-06-23 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Alguem sabe dizer porque ainda nao exitem na instalacao do potato as
opcoes para teclados brasileiros? O que precisa fazer para que seja



Re: Na instalacao do Potato ainda nao tem os teclados pt_BR us e/ou ABNT

1999-06-23 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:06:35AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
 Alguem sabe dizer porque ainda nao exitem na instalacao do potato as
 opcoes para teclados brasileiros? O que precisa fazer para que seja

Eu fiquei de pegar os mapas de teclado que a conectiva incluiu
na distribuicao deles para mandar para o mantenedor do boot-floppies
e do kbdtools , mas nao tenho tido acesso a um Conectiva ultimamente...

em principio basta isso.


Re: Na instalacao do Potato ainda nao tem os teclados pt_BR us e/ou ABNT

1999-06-23 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Entao eh tranquilo, quando ficar estavel jah estarah com a console com
teclado e fonte para portugues brasileiro! Eu tenho que andar um pouco
para pegar um CD da Connectiva, mas se for o caso pode dizer quais os
arquivos e te envio por e-mail!



On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:06:35AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
  Alguem sabe dizer porque ainda nao exitem na instalacao do potato as
  opcoes para teclados brasileiros? O que precisa fazer para que seja
   Eu fiquei de pegar os mapas de teclado que a conectiva incluiu
 na distribuicao deles para mandar para o mantenedor do boot-floppies
 e do kbdtools , mas nao tenho tido acesso a um Conectiva ultimamente...
 em principio basta isso.

Re: Na instalacao do Potato ainda nao tem os teclados pt_BR us e/ou ABNT

1999-06-23 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:52:29AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
 Entao eh tranquilo, quando ficar estavel jah estarah com a console com
 teclado e fonte para portugues brasileiro! Eu tenho que andar um pouco
 para pegar um CD da Connectiva, mas se for o caso pode dizer quais os
 arquivos e te envio por e-mail!

Bem, nao sei onde eles estao no Red Hat, mas no Debian eles ficam
em /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/  deve ter um us-acentos.map.gz , um
abnt*.map.gz e um abnt2*.map.gz ...


--macan, (que finalmente passou a usar group reply no mutt para mensagens
desta lista :)

 On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:06:35AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
   Alguem sabe dizer porque ainda nao exitem na instalacao do potato as
   opcoes para teclados brasileiros? O que precisa fazer para que seja
  Eu fiquei de pegar os mapas de teclado que a conectiva incluiu
  na distribuicao deles para mandar para o mantenedor do boot-floppies
  e do kbdtools , mas nao tenho tido acesso a um Conectiva ultimamente...
  em principio basta isso.


1999-06-23 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Eduardo Marcel Macan writes:
 --macan, (que finalmente passou a usar group reply no mutt para mensagens
 desta lista :)

Como eu já recebi várias mensagens (inclusive suas :-)) que eram pra ser
enviadas para a lista toda, pedi para [EMAIL PROTECTED] definir
o reply-to: nos cabeçalhos das msgs da lista. 

Como provavelmente eu serei ignorado :-), talvez seja uma boa idéia que
os usuários dessa lista que concordem com isso também enviem mail para
listmaster -- pedindo educadamente, é claro.  
Minha intenção não é inundar o Mailbox dos caras :-), mas que eles vejam
que isso atrapalha.

Por enquanto, por favor usem o group reply no Mutt ('g'), ou respondam 'y'
para Reply to all recipients? (é isso mesmo?) no Pine, falou?

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Na instalacao do Potato ainda nao tem os teclados pt_BR us e/ou ABNT

1999-06-23 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:52:29AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 10:06:35AM -0300, Leonardo Ruoso wrote:
   Alguem sabe dizer porque ainda nao exitem na instalacao do potato as
   opcoes para teclados brasileiros? O que precisa fazer para que seja
  Eu fiquei de pegar os mapas de teclado que a conectiva incluiu
  na distribuicao deles para mandar para o mantenedor do boot-floppies
  e do kbdtools , mas nao tenho tido acesso a um Conectiva ultimamente...
  em principio basta isso.

eu não recebi a original, mas aí vai pitaco :-)

como trabalho aqui na Utah com suporte ao Conectiva, tenho esse
arquivo com muita facilidade - na verdade estou usando o dito na
minha máquina.

Tb fiz um pro console-tools (usa um formato diferente, .kmap)
mas tá em casa, preciso lembrar de trazer amanhã.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: Reply-to

1999-06-23 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 12:52:08PM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
 Como eu já recebi várias mensagens (inclusive suas :-)) que eram pra ser
 enviadas para a lista toda, pedi para [EMAIL PROTECTED] definir
 o reply-to: nos cabeçalhos das msgs da lista. 
 Como provavelmente eu serei ignorado :-), talvez seja uma boa idéia que
 os usuários dessa lista que concordem com isso também enviem mail para
 listmaster -- pedindo educadamente, é claro.  
 Minha intenção não é inundar o Mailbox dos caras :-), mas que eles vejam
 que isso atrapalha.

Se bem me lembro é política do Debian não setar o reply-to.
Segundo o listmaster, não é a maneira correta de se fazer, pq
reply é pro autor, e se for pra lista seria followup. Na
verdade existe um header followup-to ou coisa parecida que é
usado nas listas do Debian (e no comando 'L' do mutt).

 Por enquanto, por favor usem o group reply no Mutt ('g'), ou respondam 'y'
 para Reply to all recipients? (é isso mesmo?) no Pine, falou?

Não não não... no mutt usem o list reply ('L'). Por favor. Eu
_odeio_ receber a mesma mensagem duas vezes, uma no inbox e
outra na pasta da lista.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

boot-floppies traduzido

1999-06-23 Thread Lalo Martins
Pra tentar compilar o boot-floppies com as mensagens traduzidas,
eu vejo esses erros que eu nao vejo com o original:

cc -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE  -DARCH=i386 -DARCHNAME='i386'  -DKVER='2.0.36'  
-DLINGUA='pt' -DINCLINGUA='messages/lang_pt.h' -Wall -g -DINCLUDE_DINSTALL  
 -c main_menu.c -o main_menu.o
main_menu.c: In function `main_menu':
main_menu.c:246: parse error before `MSG'
main_menu.c:247: warning: unknown escape sequence `\ '
main_menu.c:263: warning: unknown escape sequence `\ '
main_menu.c:264: parse error before `MSG'
main_menu.c:96: warning: `bufT' might be used uninitialized in this function
make[3]: *** [main_menu.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lalo/boot-floppies/utilities/dinstall'

Tentei baixar o boot-floppies mais recente do potato e copiar as
mensagens em cima dele, deu na mesma. Alguém faz idéia? Alguém
conseguiu compilar?

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: Linux MP3 streamers?

1999-06-23 Thread Fitsch
Ramesh Natarajan wrote:

 This message was sent from Geocrawler.com by Ramesh Natarajan [EMAIL 

 Hi, Does anyone know of any good MP3 streamers (not players) out there for 
 Linux? Players like x11amp and freeamp require that the mp3s be downloaded to 
 local machine.

 Thanks much,
 Ramesh Natarajan

 Geocrawler.com - The Knowledge Archive

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hi Ramesh !

With the current version of X11amp you are able to listen to MP3 Streaming 
Servers. Just hit STRG-L and enter the URL and port number, like;
(My own radio, spam, spam :)

The official Linux project can be found under www.icecast.org   Icecast is a 
MP3 Streaming Server fully compatible to the Shoutcast-Server ( 
www.shoutcast.com ).
The tarball includes the source for 'shout', an MP3-streamer and 'listen', an 
program to listen to streaming servers.
I don't know, if there is a deb-package out there, but with all information 
provided it should be no problem to compile.
You can also find a list of broadcasting channels with genre and bitrate 
information there too.

Enjoy !



1999-06-23 Thread jimsmith


hamm dist sites

1999-06-23 Thread Robert Rati
Are there any ftp sites with the hamm dist still on them?  All ther ones
I've found only have slink and potato.  Thanks.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: SB Live Linux drivers?? Creative DVD??

1999-06-23 Thread kerkhoff
I have a SoundBlaster Live! value as well.  The drivers are compiled for
2.2.5, but I used 'insmod -f sblive.o' to force them to load, and they
loaded fine.  Of course there is nothing to adjust Enviromental Audio,
etc, but better than nothing.

Creative is just terrible with drivers.  The no source code doesn't
bother me too much, but if they would only support *all* their
hardware.  I would love to get DVD's too work.  I have managed to play
VCD's using the binary shareware player called mtv from mpegtv, but that
only plays audio for 60 seconds.  Quality is good, has full-screen
capability, but you gotta pay.

I would LOVE to get DVD to work under Linux, if you no of anyway of
getting them to work, please let me KNOW!!

J.W. Jones wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been looking around recently for SoundBlaster Live! drivers for Linux. 
 Creative has drivers precompiled for kernel versions 2.0.36 and 2.2.5, 
 (stinky buggers won't release the sources so you can compile your own) but I 
 use kernel 2.2.9 and soon to be kernel version 2.2.10
 Has anyone gotten the Creative drivers to work with a version other than 
 those listed as OK by Creative, or is there another driver that I can try? 
 Experimental drivers would be fine by me, but it's getting stinky to have to 
 boot windoze just to futz with my mp3s, and Creative is notoriously slow 
 about updating their drivers (waited 6 months for the new EVA 2.0 for 
 windoze, meanwhile 98 crashed even more than usual. *sarcasm* windoze 
 crashing, nah, I must just have been hallucinating, that never happens, 
 Microsoft makes the best, fastest software on earth, all that nice slim code, 
 superior memory management, It's all that!  *end sarcasm* Bill Gates should 
 be shot. 
 Anyway, if you know anything on SBLive Linux drivers drop me a line :)
 J.W. Jones
 Confucious Say: Man who kicked in testicles left holding bag.

Wim Kerkhoff
adr:;;43810 Chilliwack Mountain Road;Chilliwack;BC;V2R 4A1;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Wim Kerkhoff

Re: hamm dist sites

1999-06-23 Thread Phil Dyer
Robert Rati wrote:

 Are there any ftp sites with the hamm dist still on them?  All ther ones
 I've found only have slink and potato.  Thanks.





does anybody use apt-find ?

1999-06-23 Thread Serge Gavrilov

I'v install new apt-find (0.6.0p1-1) on my slink box. But it does not work.
The transcript is: 

galileo# apt-find 
Parsing apt sources list...
It is an absolute dist thingy...
Boy they suck major ass.
It is an absolute dist thingy...
Boy they suck major ass.
Segmentation fault

Does anybody works with apt-find without problems? And why I have this?


Serge Gavrilov 

[wtopa@mindspring.com: Re: New windows]

1999-06-23 Thread Wayne Topa
- Forwarded message from Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 17:02:36 -0400
From: Wayne Topa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: New windows
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i

Subject: Re: New windows
Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 07:18:34PM +0100

In reply to:Anthony Campbell

Quoting Anthony Campbell([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On 22 Jun 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
  Subject: Re: New windows
  Date: Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 08:35:44AM +0100
  In reply to:Anthony Campbell
   Could some Windowmaker enthusiast tell me what else is needed please?
  What version are you running?  I have Version: 0.53.0-2 and it is
  running fine.  Take a look in /usr/doc/wmaker-usersguide-ps/guide.ps.gz
  That should help you get on your way.  The orhewr docs are in
 My version is 0.20.3-5, which perhaps explains my problem. Where did you
 find the later version, and does it work with slink?
I am also running Slink and I believe I picked it up from potato some
time ago.  I just checked and the version in potato is now 0.60.0-2.
Don't know if that will be able to run on slink without a glib2 update
or  not.  You could try it and if it says you need glib2.1 'I' would
say no, and cancel the update.

Sorry about that, I should have checked the Slink packages before I
mentioned it. 

Forget trying the install of 0.60.0-2.  It 'does' require an update of 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1-dev libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1
So that would break a lot of stuff in Slink.  I just checked my
system and I don't have the 0.53.0-2 deb either.  I would have sent it
to you if I did.

Jeez, I wish i would have kept my mouth shut now!

Sorry Anthony

Real computer scientists don't comment their code.  The identifiers are
so long they can't afford the disk space.

- End forwarded message -

Pascal Users:
 To show respect for the 313th anniversary (tomorrow) of the
 death of Blaise Pascal, your programs will be run at half speed.

Hardware support in Debian ?

1999-06-23 Thread Rolf Edlund
Hi, all you Linux users out there!

I'm wondering, is there any info of what hardware support there is in
Debian (like thare are for SuSE) ?


Re: hamm dist sites

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Robert Rati wrote about hamm dist sites
 Are there any ftp sites with the hamm dist still on them?  All ther ones
 I've found only have slink and potato.  Thanks.

Scroll down to the bottom of http://www.debian.org and you will find:

Old versions of Debian

Debian 1.3 (codenamed Bo) and 2.0 (codenamed Hamm) can be found at
ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian-archive/, ftp://debian.midco.net/debian-archive/,
ftp://ftp.infodrom.north.de/pub/debian/dists/ or 

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis


1999-06-23 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

I want to fax with my debian 2.1 system.
Everything went well, fax queued successfully, bla, bla, bla.

But then I've got the following message.
Warning: faxrunq hasn't been run in the last 24 hours.

How can I run faxrunq.
I think when I fixed this problem I can fax with my Linux system.

But how can I solve this problem, does anybody know.



smail: either wait or run runq manually

1999-06-23 Thread mh
I upgraded libc6_2.1, libwraster1, xlib6g from potato so I could upgrade
to wmaker_0.60. While I was at it I upgraded gnome to the latest in potato.
After that, I ran fetchmail, then tried to get my mail using Netscape.
Netscape told me I didn't have any new messages. After 5 or 10 minutes, 
the mail appeared. I didn't have this problem prior to the upgrade.

I can get my mail right away if I run runq, so I think the problem is
that smail is queing the mail instead of running in foreground, but I
can't find where the delivery_modes is set. I looked at the
/etc/smail/config file but didn't see it there. Tried adding it but that
didn't help. Looked at /etc/smail/crontab, I don't want to screw with

Hmmm. What am I doing wrong? 


xterm window hangs system

1999-06-23 Thread eric k. wolven
I'm new to Debian.

When I open xterm (or any x-shell) in wmaker my system hangs.  Can't
switch consoles, ctrl-alt-delete or ctrl-alt-bksp gets no response.  I
have to manually re-boot (re-set).

have slink installed from Official Debian CD

What am I missing?



[THANKS} Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-23 Thread Peter Ludwig
I would like to thank everyone for their help here...  I've been trying to
find this file for a while (as I do not have a permanent internet
connection and would have to download the file before I ran the

The URL given by AG has been very helpful, and I've finally got the file.
I would recommend that instead of people sending emails to those of us who
cannot find these things which go along the idea of just install the
installer, it'll tell you! that they actually bother to just say thr URL.
This would have stopped this thread (possibly) a long time ago, instead of
wasting bandwidth.

For those who missed the URL the first time (mailing lists can be a little
slow sometimes filtering through to people...), it's listed below, along
with a little warning (hey, no-one bothered to mention to me before this
person that r-player g2 was alpha!).

Again, thanx for the information,
Peter Ludwig

BTW - I can RTFM as some people have suggested... why do you think I asked
for extra information?

On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:
 On 21 Jun 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:
  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
 Technically, it's only an alpha version, which is probably why it isn't
 announced on the public site anywhere i can find. As has been
 mentioned, when you try to install the realplayer package it will tell you
 to go to the following URL to download the proper file:

switched ppp to ethernet and lost web connectivity

1999-06-23 Thread mctech

This message was sent using Galaxy's Mailman server.

Unsupported Cards (was Re: X-Server for AGP-7410 )

1999-06-23 Thread Mark Mackenzie
Just thought I'd let people know that if your card is unsupported, (or
if you have trouble with Redhats XBF...) then I have found that
compiling frame buffer support into 2.2.x kernels and using
vserver-fbdev_foo.deb works well for me (unnacelerated of course, but I
just wanted to get a motherboard with a built in video card to work).

Check out the VesaFB mini HOWTO and make sure you remember to put the
following in XF86Config

Section Screen
   Driver  FBDev
   Device  Primary Card
   Monitor Primary Monitor
   SubSection Display
  Modes default
  Depth 32  --- Important

This may be slower on older machines (but then you wouldn't have a new
card). Setting the window manager configuration to only show outlines
when moving / resizing helps.


Mark M

Re: [ss@cse.unsw.edu.au: Re: [disconnect@unsw.edu.au: Re: network problem]]

1999-06-23 Thread Mark Mackenzie
Hi Shao,

I have been using [EMAIL PROTECTED] since Bo (installed the 5
disks, then minicom.deb, setup ppp, and then got the rest of the
distro) and have not had a problem.

I do *not* set mtu or mru in /etc/ppp/options

What kernel are you using? I am currently using 2.2.10 (but had no
problems under 2.0.x) and
have  the option

IP: always defragment (required for masquerading)

set as I am using masquerading for a win95 box.

Apols if I have misunderstood the problem. I can sent my options et al
files if you still hav problems.


Mark M.

switched ppp to ethernet and lost web connectivity (again)

1999-06-23 Thread mctech
(let me try that again)

I am having problems converting my Debian box from ppp dial-up web access to 
access via a windows proxy (Winproxy 2.1) on ethernet.

The Linux box is Debian v2.0 with kernel 2.0.34 running the consoles, no X 

The ethernet hardware is all Linksys 10baseT, and uses the NE2000 drivers on 
debian, with Int 3 and address 300. is the proxy  DNS and the Debian 
box is at  PnP was disabled on the ether card for the Debian box.

I can't get BitchX IRC V74p4+Deb1an to connect on the ether  proxy, nor Lnyx 
V2.8rel2. When I use ftp and the proxy command, I can see a connection to the 
ftp site in the proxy log. (I know nothing about linux ftp via proxy either, so 
that is as far as I get)

After working through the NET-3 HOWTO, the Ethernet HOWTO and various usenets  
the debian list archives, I am beginning to wonder if lynx and BitchX are just 
not capable of making the connection without some kind of SOCKS client.

To date, I have re-installed the debian system, and changed the PPP connection 
to ethernet. I'm new to LANs, but this part seems to be fine. Any of the 3 
boxes can can ping any other computer on the LAN, and pinging a host on the web 
by name returns the numeric IP, indicating that DNS works. The proxy log never 
indicates any attempt to connect by the Linux browswer or IRC clients, but the 
hub does show activity on its LEDs. The other Win machine on the LAN works 
fine, but of course the proxy came with detailed config instructions for Win.

I've tried the various testing and troubleshooting hints in the 2 HOWTOs and 
they seem to check out fine.

I hope someone can give me a direction to go - is it lynx and BitchX that are 
incapable of working without a SOCKS client, or should I go deeper into the 
ethernet setup?



This message was sent using Galaxy's Mailman server.

Magicfilter from potato

1999-06-23 Thread Didi Damian
Hello !

I'm trying to print to my stupid HP DeskJet 722c [EMAIL PROTECTED] printer using
the pbm2ppa conversion program (in short it takes PS and converts into
PPA,poor man's PCL). I've been printing successfully in RH and SuSE
before but can't get it to work since I switched to potato.I'm only able
to print PS from command prompt with this script:

cat $1 | gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \
pbm2ppa - - /dev/lp0

Thanks to Michael Merten I can print ascii too but i would like to setup
magic or apsfilter. These are the two filters I tried: (very lengthy,
skip to the end for errors)

 #! /usr/sbin/magicfilter
 # Magic filter setup file for HP DeskJet 720c
 # Save as /etc/magicfilter/dj720c-filter, then 
 # run magicfilterconfig. Ignore the warning message about
 # how to handle text!
 # This file has been hacked together by gs 10/5/99
 # set everything to convert output to PBM using 'pipe' rather than
 # then catch pbm files and forward to pbm2ppa for printing
 # Note: pbm files have magic number P4; all other anymap files are
 # converted to postscript first, then to pbm.
 #! /bin/sh

 # PostScript
 0   %!  fpipe   /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600
-sDEVICE=pbmraw -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=- - 
 0   \004%!  fpipe   /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600
-sDEVICE=pbmraw -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=- - 

 # PDF
 0   %PDFfpipe   /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600
-sDEVICE=pbmraw -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=- - 

 # TeX DVI
 0   \367\002fpipe   /usr/bin/dvips  -D 300  -R -q -f 

 # compress'd data
 0   \037\235pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

 # packed, gzipped, frozen and SCO LZH data
 0   \037\036pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
 0   \037\213pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
 0   \037\236pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
 0   \037\240pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

 # troff documents
 0   .\?\?\040   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
 0   .\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
 0   '\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
 0   '.\\\  fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
 0   \\\fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

 # ditroff
 0   x T pspipe/usr/bin/grops 
 0   x T dvi   pipe/usr/bin/grodvi 
 0   x T ascii pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
 0   x T latin1pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
 0   x T lj4   reject  Cannot print LaserJet 4 ditroff files.

 # Portable bit-, grey- and pixmaps
 0   P1\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300 
 0   P2\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300 
 0   P3\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300 
 0   P4\nfilter /usr/local/bin/pbm2ppa -s a4 - - 
 0   P5\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300 
 0   P6\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300 

 # HP Printer Control Language (PCL) -- assume start with reset code
 0   \033E\033   reject  sniff This printer can't handle PCL 

 # HP Printer Job Language (PJL)
 0   \033%-12345Xreject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
 0   @PJL  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
 0   @PJL\t  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
 0   @PJL\r  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
 0   @PJL\n  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 

 # GIF files
 0   GIF87a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null
 0   GIF89a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null

 # JFIF (JPEG) files
 0   \377\330\377\340\?\?JFIF\0  pipe/usr/bin/djpeg  -pnm

 # TIFF files (the last two bytes of the magic is really a version
 # but the magic is really lame and as far as I have understood the
 # number has never changed and never will, so we include it.)
 0   MM\0\x2afpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE
 0   II\x2a\0fpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE 

 # BMP files (even lousier magic -- Microsoft strikes again!)
 0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x0c  pipe\
 /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
 0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x40  pipe\
 /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
 0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x28  pipe\
 /usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null

 # Sun rasterfiles
 0   \x59\xa6\x6a\x95 pipe   /usr/bin/rasttopnm  2/dev/null

 # SGI Imagelib (IRIS RGB) files
 0   \x1\xda pipe/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2/dev/null
 0   \xda\x1 pipe/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2/dev/null

 # FIG files; reported by Steven P. Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 0   #FIGpipe/usr/bin/X11/fig2dev  -Lps -P -l dummy

 # Standard rejects... things we don't want to print

Re: A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-23 Thread Jason Loll
Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On 22 Jun, Tom Pfeifer wrote about Re: A little confused with Netscape 
  Arcady Genkin wrote:
  Hi all:
  Could someone tell me which .debs I should install to have Netscape
  browser-only on a Slink machine? Is it the netscape-base package?
  As far as I found out, versions =4.5 can be found in unstable, right?
  Can there be any problem because Slink has glibc-2.0, and potato --
  Also, is there a browser-only 4.6?
 [good apt-get advice]
  The 4.6 version of Netscape is only in potato (unstable) and requires
  the 2.1 version of libc6, which is also only in potato. If you're not
  otherwise planning on upgrading to potato at this time, you would
  probably be best off to stick with Netscape 4.5 for now. I've had them
  both installed and didn't notice much, if any, difference in
  functionality - and version 4.5 running on slink is likely to be more

 There are packages for netscape 4.6 at http://ftp.netgod.net/x built
 against slink.  I think you still have to get the netscape-base-4_14
 from the contrib/web section of unstable(it is not dependent on
 libc6=2.1).  Just install that package by hand with dpkg and then add
 'deb http://ftp.netgod.net/ x/' to your sources.list file and do as Tom

 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University  http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I tried to install netscape-base4_14 to slink and this is what I got:
ollollo:/home/jason# dpkg -i netscape-base-4_14.deb
(Reading database ... 46865 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace netscape-base-4 5 (using netscape-base-4_14.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement netscape-base-4 ...
Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of netscape-base-4:
 netscape-base-4 depends on libc6 (= 2.1); however:
  Version of libc6 on system is
 netscape-base-4 depends on liburi-perl; however:
  Package liburi-perl is not installed.
dpkg: error processing netscape-base-4 (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Re: Magicfilter from potato

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Didi Damian wrote about Magicfilter from potato
 Hello !
 I'm trying to print to my stupid HP DeskJet 722c [EMAIL PROTECTED] printer 
 the pbm2ppa conversion program (in short it takes PS and converts into
 PPA,poor man's PCL). I've been printing successfully in RH and SuSE
 before but can't get it to work since I switched to potato.I'm only able
 to print PS from command prompt with this script:
 cat $1 | gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \
 pbm2ppa - - /dev/lp0
 Thanks to Michael Merten I can print ascii too but i would like to setup
 magic or apsfilter. These are the two filters I tried: (very lengthy,
 skip to the end for errors)

The fpipe facility you were using writes the input to a file(whos
location is set to $FILE in the filter)and then the command line would
use that as its source.  Then the magicfilter filter would then pass it
back to the magicfilter filter(because it is defined as a pipe) until it
matches a filter or ffilter facility. So you should do,

# PostScript
0   %!  fpipe gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 
-sOutputFile=- $FILE
0   \004%!  fpipe gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 
-sOutputFile=- $FILE 
Or just use the pipe facility since gs doesn't need to seek the input

# PostScript
0   %!  pipe gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 
-sOutputFile=- -
0   \004%!  pipe gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 
-sOutputFile=- - 

Then your ppm filter facilty will catch these as they are fed back into
the filter as pbm

 0   P4\nfilter /usr/local/bin/pbm2ppa -s a4 - - 

I can't test this but it looks good to me. =)

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

Re: A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Jason Loll wrote about Re: A little confused with Netscape 
 I tried to install netscape-base4_14 to slink and this is what I got:
 ollollo:/home/jason# dpkg -i netscape-base-4_14.deb
 (Reading database ... 46865 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace netscape-base-4 5 (using netscape-base-4_14.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement netscape-base-4 ...
 Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
 Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of netscape-base-4:
  netscape-base-4 depends on libc6 (= 2.1); however:
   Version of libc6 on system is
  netscape-base-4 depends on liburi-perl; however:
   Package liburi-perl is not installed.
 dpkg: error processing netscape-base-4 (--install):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
 Errors were encountered while processing:

Ack!  I keep forgetting.  You *also* need to install the liburi-perl
and libwww-perl packages from unstable.  Install them at the same time
with dpkg because they have interdependencies on each other and
conflict with the versions in slink.

dpkg -i liburi-perl*.deb libwww-perl*.deb


Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

Re: A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Brian Servis wrote about Re: A little confused with Netscape 
 *- On 22 Jun, Jason Loll wrote about Re: A little confused with Netscape 
 I tried to install netscape-base4_14 to slink and this is what I got:
 ollollo:/home/jason# dpkg -i netscape-base-4_14.deb
 (Reading database ... 46865 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace netscape-base-4 5 (using netscape-base-4_14.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement netscape-base-4 ...
 Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
 Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of netscape-base-4:
  netscape-base-4 depends on libc6 (= 2.1); however:
   Version of libc6 on system is
  netscape-base-4 depends on liburi-perl; however:
   Package liburi-perl is not installed.
 dpkg: error processing netscape-base-4 (--install):
  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 Ack!  I keep forgetting.  You *also* need to install the liburi-perl
 and libwww-perl packages from unstable.  Install them at the same time
 with dpkg because they have interdependencies on each other and
 conflict with the versions in slink.
 dpkg -i liburi-perl*.deb libwww-perl*.deb

Ack again!!! Missed the fact that the netscape-base-4_14 in unstable
depends on libc6(=2.1).  I have a copy built against lib6(2.1) at
So install the liburi-perl and libwww-perl and this netscape-base-4
package all at once and then proceed with the rest.

That *should* do it,
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

ircii will not install

1999-06-23 Thread Monte Copeland

Today I tried to install gnupg using deselect, but it would not run giving me 
error messages to the one stated below. I then decided to forget it and 
gnupg using dselect. I thought everything was just find. Then tonight, when I 
tried to  use
the man ircii, I get the same type of error message. I used deselect to 
ircii and then re-install it, but the same error message appears. I uninstalled 
again using dselect, and then downloaded the ircii .deb package from 
ftp.debian.org and
tried to install it again using dpkg -i ircii_4.4.3.deb, but the same error 
When I try to remove ircii, I get another error. The error output is attached 
I have a debian slink system. 

Anyone HELP!!

Monte Copeland

ICQ# 2586902

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: ddCT7t1D8PRhrVt5RLlwbwPzjP83u/WF


Updating index cache for path `/usr/man'. Wait...man: can't open 
/usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnudoit.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' 
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuclient.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' 
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuattach.xemacs20.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' 
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuclient.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnuattach.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/gnuserv.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/gnudoit.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/pstogif.1.gz is a dangling symlink
man: can't open /usr/man/man1/pstogif.1: No such file or directory
man: warning: /usr/man/man1/pstogif.1.gz: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request
No manual entry for ircii
dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of ircii:
 tkirc depends on ircii (= 2.8-1); however:
  Package ircii is to be removed.
dpkg: error processing ircii (--remove):
 dependency problems - not removing
Errors were encountered while processing:

can't get ircii to run (part2)

1999-06-23 Thread Monte Copeland
Sorry, but I failed to mention that the previous error message was the result 
of trying
to man ircii. When I try and run ircii, I get 

ircii: Command not found. 

That error message is printed right after I install the deb package for the 
2nd, 3rd,.etc.

Monte Copeland

ICQ# 2586902
Linux - Where Do You Want To Go Tomorrow?

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: ddCT7t1D8PRhrVt5RLlwbwPzjP83u/WF


SVGA/NVidia patches (Re: Text cursor disappears in Emacs)

1999-06-23 Thread Paul D. Smith
Andreas Voegele [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Since the last update of my systems the text cursor disappears in GNU
 Emacs 20.3-8 under X11.  The problem maybe has something to do with the
 syntax highlighting.  Above colored parts of the text the cursor is

I see this as well, since at least the xserver-svga version (4
June), on my Diamond Viper 550 AGP card... it's truly, truly annoying;
it may sound apocolyptic but I haven't been able to do any local work on
this system--Emacs is pretty much unusable if you can't see the cursor!
I've tried updating to each new server version, including the latest, but nothing helps.

There were no followups to this note; does anyone have a solution?

Alternatively, is there any way, using apt or dpkg, to downgrade to an
earlier version of the .deb that worked?  I can't go back to the stable
dist because I must have to support this system :-/.  I couldn't
find the earlier binaries stored on the ftp sites anywhere; is there an
historical archive site or s'thing?

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.


1999-06-23 Thread Mark M

Mark Mathson
icq# 2806647

Configuring PPP

1999-06-23 Thread Isabelle Poueriet
Hello List. 

Please excuseme if this questions has popped up recently.  I'm new to the

I'm trying to configure PPP for Debian 2.1.  My base system has been
installed.  I run pppconfig as root and answer the questions there and
then make sure that the files specified in the PPP section 7.25 of the
manual do have the informatin needed(according to the instructions).

I then type:

pon enter
plog enter 

I get the error: 
pppd:Connection failed

Please advice. 

Thanks in advance.

\_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_ 
\_ http://www.bway.net \_
Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.

Re: Flushing the slink question cache

1999-06-23 Thread Brad
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Enrico Zini wrote:

 I've come up with a bunch of practical questions around the Debian Slink

Well, i'll answer the ones i can figure out...

  1) There isn't a group 'shutdown' to whom add people allowed to shutdown,
 while I often find a need for it in many environments: is there
 another way (i.e. The Debian Right Way) to do it?

Well, anyone who has access to the console can shutdown with the
Ctrl-Alt-Del, if you add their names to /etc/shutdown.allow (or possibly
anyone, depends if shutdown has the -a option in inittab)

If you wanted to make a shutdown group, i guess you _could_ chmod the
shutdown binary to 550, owned by root.shutdown, and make it suid root? Not
sure of the security implications here, though.

  3) make-kpkg rebuilds all of the kernel after every single change: if
 I just compiled a kernel and wanted to add, say, a module,
 everything gets recompiled instead of just the few required files:
 is there a clean way to allow this? Can I just set do_clean := NO in

Looks like do_clean := NO will do it for you.

  6) SSH came with unencrypted communcation disabled at compile time; I
 run a network in a secure environment and want to use ssh for its
 cryptographical authentication, but allow it to operate unencrypted
 when connecting to local hosts, since there's no risk of network
 snooping and I want to avoid unnecessary computation. Couldn't the
 option be disallowed by default in a system wide configuration file
 instead of compile time? This isn't an important issue, however,
 because one can suppose that if I'm smart enough to tell when an
 environment is secure, then I'm smart enough to download the source
 package and recompile it. I just wanted to point it out.

Couldn't you just plain telnet if the connection is secure?

  8) I've never been able to use the multi_cd access method of dselect:
 I always happen to see only the contents of the first cd, while with
 apt I need every cd mounted to see them both. For the former, I know
 it's my fault, for the latter I understood I have to wait for potato
 to be able to use apt with multiple cd: am I right? And for
 multi_cd, what's the right way of operation? I have never been asked
 for the second CD.

You don't have to wait for potato, i hear netgod has slink-ized debs of
the latest apt.

As for using CDs, i can't help because i've done everything over the net,
even the initial install...

 10) Debian is a beautiful thing.

I agree, although that's technically not a question... ;)

SOLUTION: can't get ircii to run

1999-06-23 Thread Monte Copeland
Well everyone, I'm embarrassed. I just figured out my problem. When ircii is 
it will run under the following command:

% irc

also the man irc and man ircII work also. I just made a sim link for ircii 
to irc.
Simple! Sorry everyone. I should have tinkered a little bit more. Will do 
better next

Monte Copeland

ICQ# 2586902
Linux - Where Do You Want To Go Tomorrow?

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: ddCT7t1D8PRhrVt5RLlwbwPzjP83u/WF


Hardware support

1999-06-23 Thread Rolf Edlund
Hi, all you Linux users out there!

I'm wondering, is there any info of what hardware support there is in
Debian (like thare are for SuSE) ?


Re: Configuring PPP

1999-06-23 Thread Michael Fox
I thought one should do pon providername..

Ie when you create your scripts with pon, you give them a name.. ie isp1 or
ffx etc.

So then I would use the following command to invoke it.

pon ffx

pon isp1


Try using the pon ispname(name you used when using pppconfig to create them)

-Original Message-
From: Isabelle Poueriet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Wednesday, 23 June 1999 15:19
Subject: Configuring PPP

Hello List.

Please excuseme if this questions has popped up recently.  I'm new to the

I'm trying to configure PPP for Debian 2.1.  My base system has been
installed.  I run pppconfig as root and answer the questions there and
then make sure that the files specified in the PPP section 7.25 of the
manual do have the informatin needed(according to the instructions).

I then type:

pon enter
plog enter

I get the error:
pppd:Connection failed

Please advice.

Thanks in advance.

\_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_
\_ http://www.bway.net \_
Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Install questions etc

1999-06-23 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 04:06:02AM -0500, Joakim Svensson wrote
 This message was sent from Geocrawler.com by Joakim Svensson [EMAIL 
   Hi debian users,
 I am a very new user of Linux. I do have some 10+ year users experience
 with different unixes though so It feels pretty good.
 I am awaiting a new high spec pc and while waiting I picked up an old
 used P75 with 32M and 1G hd. Without almost any knowledge about the
 hardware (used borrowed 14 monitor) I installed slink and slack 4.0
 without any real problems.
 I installed slink from a cd set and it worked pretty well.
 So now I have some things I do wonder about.
 First. On my new system I plan to set up a pretty much complete slink
and I also will setup a potato wich I would like to have
very configured.
Slink will be no problems I think but I could need some advice
on what tactics to use when installing potato.
 I want to have a system (potato) that ofcourse have all the basic stuff 
 but I don't want to have 10 different text editors (if I can avoid it) I
 really don't want emacs (sorry all emacs users, vi rules *smile*)
 I don't want all the games etc etc.
 So how will I acomplish this ?  Should I install some very very basic
 task or profile and then add on using ftp ?
 Should I install a somewhat more complete system and then remove
 things I don't need and build from that ? Any other ideas ?
 Also could anyone update me on the use of dselect versus apt and dpkg ?
 I think I read something like Is anyone really using dselect anymore?
 a while ago and would really like to know the current usability.

I haven't installed Potato myself, but I'll assume that it's not entirely
unlike slink (as seems to be the case from your message).

I always select the 'basic' system profile, and then use dselect to add
the extra packages I want.  There's no problem doing this that I can see;
choosing a profile simply pre-selects a bunch of packages, that you can
then fine-tune using dselect.

Dselect is just a front end for dpkg, and has the virtue of listing
*everything* available for installation.  It's not fast and it's not
particularly pretty, but a new user who reads the help should make it out
alive.  It has the great advantage of ensuring that dependencies will be
met.  It can *only* be used with suites of packages that are accessible
through one of dselect's access methods, and you can only use one access
method at a time.  The speed with which dselect does the back-end work has a
lot to do with the access method you use - multi-cd and apt seem to be the

Apt is really cute and is what I'd use every time for installing regular
packages.  It's very flexible in terms of where packages come from and
handles dependencies well, but you do have to set it up (not exactly
difficult), and it relies on the package management system working correctly
(e.g., if you have unmet dependencies you have to use '-f' or fix things
with dpkg first).  Underneath it all, it is still just a front end to dpkg.
Apt is what I'd normally use to add or remove 'regular' packages on an
existing system.

Dpkg does all the work whatever front end you use, and may be required
to fix dependency problems.  If you've downloaded or built a single .deb,
dpkg -i some*.deb is quick and easy, and won't louse up other stuff for 

In summary, I'd use dselect when first installing the system, apt for
regular maintenance, and dpkg for when I can't be bothered configuring and
running apt to install or remove a single package.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-23 Thread John Pearson

It may not be pretty, but this will be faster:
ifconfig | \
awk '/inet addr:/ {sub(.*:,,$2) ; if ($2 !~ /^127/) { print $2 }}'

On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 10:34:23PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote
 What about this one??
 ifconfig | \
 grep inet addr | \
 grep -v | \
 awk '{print $2;}' | \
 awk -F':' '{print $2;}'
 On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:23:29PM -0500, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
  scratch wrote:
   On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
 /sbin/ifconfig | grep P-t-P | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d  -f1
nice, now can you do that with a perl one-liner? :)
   Something like this?
   perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s/);'
  oohh nifty. Now let's see if I can figure out how it works. :)
  (no don't tell me now! I took the usenix perl tutorials... I should know... 

Each command in the pipeline requires a fork and exec, so the fewer commands
the better.  Since I'm bored, some stats:

Time for a null command (:) in a subshell:
sys 0m0.010s

Time for running ifconfig in a subshell:
sys 0m0.030s

Time for Shao Zang's pipeline, in a subshell:
sys 0m0.020s

Time for my pipeline, in a subshell:
sys 0m0.000s

Time for lunch,

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

3C905B 10/100 card falls back to 10MB

1999-06-23 Thread Patrick Colbeck

My job is networks and I can give you a major piece of advice,
autonegotiation sucks !

You can run into all sorts of problems especially if both end of a
link try and autonegotiate. I would ask your network manager to hard
set the port on the switch you are connecting  to to 100Mb full duplex 
and that should fix the problem (I am running Debian Potato on a
laptop with an autonegotiating card set to auto and it works fine like 
this also RedHat 6.0 with a 3c509 set to auto and its fine). If you
can't persuade the network manager to make the change the hard set
your card tp 100Mb using the utils that come with the card.


Bill Von Elm writes:
  Hello All,
I recently had to move a system from a 10MB ethernet segment to a
  100MB segment.  I edited /etc/init.d/network to re-assign the IP
  parameters and that worked just fine, but I can't seem to get the card
  (a 3Com 3c905B 10/100) to run at 100MB.  During system boot-up the
  100MB LED on the card is lit, but as soon as the filesystems are
  mounted the 100MB LED goes out and the 10MB LED comes on.  Everything
  else works OK except the speed is wrong.  I'm running the Debian 2.1
  distribution and the 2.0.36 kernel.
I'm kind of at a loss as to what to look at here- ifconfig does not
  address the speed of the interface and I can't find anything that looks
  like it might (I thought this speed negotiation stuff was done in
  hardware). If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd sure
  appreciate it!

Re: /etc/environment

1999-06-23 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What if /etc/environment comprised of a series of variable=value statements
 that each shell would read and use to set the environment?  Doing it that
 way would require each shell maintainer to modify some of their scripts once
 and only once and for someone to write a reasonable default /etc/environment.
 We could quite easily expand it to allow for ~/.env[ironment] in order to
 make user specific changes centralized as well.  Of course someone would have
 to write a policy guideline to issure that any new shells would conform to
 this new standard, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal, IMO.

I would like to add that ssh also reads /etc/environment and expects
name=value pairs there only. So if you have lines like:

export PAGER

in /etc/environment, ssh complains about a bad syntax with this:

Bad line in /etc/environment:  export PAGER

So even though I only use bash on my system, I can't easiliy keep
environment-vars in  /etc/environment without getting ugly warnings by ssh.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: /etc/environment

1999-06-23 Thread Gilbert Laycock
 Frank Barknecht writes:

  I would like to add that ssh also reads /etc/environment and expects
  name=value pairs there only. So if you have lines like:

  export PAGER

  in /etc/environment, ssh complains about a bad syntax with this:

  Bad line in /etc/environment:  export PAGER

  So even though I only use bash on my system, I can't easiliy keep
  environment-vars in  /etc/environment without getting ugly warnings by ssh.

However, it appears that lines like:

export PAGER=less

will at least be accepted without error messages by ssh; you just end
up with export PAGER=less in your environment, which seems to be
harmless. After a very superficial test, it appears that you can have
an /etc/environment that contains BOTH forms, and get the best of both
worlds with only minor side effects: 

export PAGER=less

This is as close as I have come to getting /etc/environment to work as 
advertised as a single location for global environment settings.


  Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science, http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  Leicester Universityphone: (+44) 116 252 3902

Re: WindowMaker and GNOME

1999-06-23 Thread Heinrich Rebehn
Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 I've installed GNOME and the wmaker-gnome package (using apt and a
 mirror of ftp.gnome.org). I can switch between IceWM and Enlightenment
 without any problem, but if I try to switch to WindowMaker using the
 GNOME Control Panel, it times out while trying to start.
 I'm running GNOME by using an .xsession with exec gnome-session in it.
 Any ideas about what's going wrong or what I can do to diagnose the
 - Kris

Did you install libwraster2 ? It is needed by WindowMaker-gnome but is
not automatically installed.


Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :-3341

Re: Recompiling openldap for kerberos and slink...

1999-06-23 Thread Brian May
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 09:10:59PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
 Everything works OK until it tries to build the package. I don't have
 any time right now to look into the segmentation fault (will do so
 ASAP). Apart from openldap source which is from potato and kerberos
 which is also from potato, everything else (including libtricks) is
 If I try to run the install Makefile manually it works. When I run
 dpkg-buildpackage, it was followed by extra errors (no file list for
 package or something), but I doubt there is much point in doing anything
 until I get past the problem.

 Thanks in advance.
 PS: I hope debian-user is the correct mailing list - this involves
 a package openldap from potato though - so maybe I should post in
 [546] [snoopy:bam] ~/source/notmine/openldap-1.2.3 fakeroot debian/rules 
 dh_testdir -i
 dh_testroot -i
 dh_installdirs -i
 dh_installdocs -i
 dh_installchangelogs -i
 dh_compress -i
 dh_fixperms -i
 dh_installdeb -i
 dh_gencontrol -i
 dh_builddeb -i
 dpkg-deb: building package `ldap-rfc' in `../ldap-rfc_1.2.3-1_all.deb'.
 dh_clean -k
 cd builddir  make TMPROOT=`pwd`/../debian/tmp install
 make[1]: Entering directory 
 make[1]: *** [all-common] Segmentation fault
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/homes/bam/source/notmine/openldap-1.2.3/builddir'
 make: *** [pre-binary-stamp] Error 2

Just to follow up - it seems the problem is with libtricks. I thought
libtricks was OK on slink??? Anyway:

I won't bother posting this in debian-devel, as libtricks is completely
broken under potato (or so I have heard).

[523] [snoopy:bam] ~/source/notmine/openldap-1.2.3 gdb /bin/sh builddir/core
GNU gdb 4.17.m68k.objc.threads.hwwp.fpu.gnat
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i486-pc-linux-gnu...
(no debugging symbols found)...
Core was generated by `/bin/sh -c echo Making all in `pwd`'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libtricks/libtricks.so.0...
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/libreadline.so.2...(no debugging symbols found)...
Reading symbols from /lib/libncurses.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...
Reading symbols from /lib/libdl.so.2...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.6...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.2...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
#0  0x40012a6f in vpath_findpath ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x40012a6f in vpath_findpath ()
#1  0x4000f785 in wrapped_xstat ()
#2  0x4000f83b in   ()
#3  0x400e416c in opendir ()
#4  0x40010c0b in vpath_getcwd ()
#5  0x400104dd in getcwd ()
#6  0x40012714 in vpath_readfunc ()
#7  0x400129dc in vpath_findpath ()
#8  0x4000f2e4 in wrapped_open ()
#9  0x4000f35b in open ()
#10 0x805dc45 in check_dev_tty ()
#11 0x80539c5 in main ()

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  libtricks   0.2-5  Tricks with shared libs: transparent VPATH a
ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries


Description: PGP signature

xroastcd fails to verify

1999-06-23 Thread Brian May
Hello all,

When I write a cdrom using xcdroast, everything works Ok, until
the verification.

The verification goes up to 99% (always!) and then complains of errors.

This only occurs for some CD-ROM images (possibly  500Mb, but
I am not really sure).

Any ideas? What is so bad about the last 1% of the CD-writing process

(no - I can't even test my CD-ROM software with the original commercial
software, as I have lost the required registration code, and the
manufacture has said I am sorry, but we can't help you).


pluto# cdrecord -checkdrive -dev 0,6,0
Cdrecord release 1.6 Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jörg Schilling
scsidev: '0,6,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 6 lun: 0
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 2
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   : SYNC LINKED 
Vendor_info: 'MATSHITA'
Identifikation : 'CD-R   CW-7502  '
Revision   : '4.10'
Device seems to be: Matsushita CW-7502.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO

My system is fully slink (well as far as this problem goes).

Linux snoopy 2.2.6 #2 Fri Apr 23 21:35:43 EST 1999 i486 unknown

If I have missed any important details, please let me know!

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  xcdroast0.96e-3X based CD-writer software
ii  cdrecord1.6final-0.2   CD writing tool

Oh - BTW, this computer is a diskless NFS-Root system. I really doubt
that is a relevant. The computer seems to be able to write to the CD
fast enough (ie the buffer is always 100% - 99% full).

Thanks in advance,


Description: PGP signature

Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-23 Thread Revenant
I managed to accidentally delete the files mouse and psaux in
the /dev directory.

How do I get these back, please?

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: X-Server for AGP-7410 (Intel740 chipset)?

1999-06-23 Thread Revenant
I've downloaded this package and installed it using alien.

I tried modifying XF86Config as suggested by the README but when I do,
startx won't run.  XF86Setup doesn't seem to detect the driver.

How do I get startx to use the i740 driver, please?

Thank you.

 Redhat has one, check their ftp server.  I found it in the XBF*
 folder, it eventually will be included in X version 4.  I used it
 last year, works quite well.
 Revenant wrote:
  Well, after lengthy stuffing about I got X running.  Yay!
  Unfortunately, I had to enter my VGA card as an unsupported VGA card
  and it's not happy with higher than 640x480, 8-bit colour.
  Does anyone know if there's an X-Server compatible with an AGP-7410
  card (with Intel740 chipset) or conversely if there's another way to
  improve my resolution?
  -- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
  Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
  awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak.
  http://members.xoom.com/Aggie97/DVORAK.HTML for more information.
  http://www.dvorakint.org/ for lotsa links.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Wim Kerkhoff
   Wim Kerkhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Wim Kerkhoff
   43810 Chilliwack Mountain Road  Fax: 604-795-2935
   Chilliwack  Home: 604-795-7419
   BC  Netscape Conference Address
   V2R 4A1
   Additional Information:
   Last NameKerkhoff
   First Name   Wim
   Version  2.1

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Configuring PPP

1999-06-23 Thread Tim Nicholas
Unless the setup went in the default file (ie provider) which means that it 
will be invoked by 'pon' if nothing else is provided. 

On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 04:00:02PM +1000, Michael Fox wrote:
 I thought one should do pon providername..
 Ie when you create your scripts with pon, you give them a name.. ie isp1 or
 ffx etc.
 So then I would use the following command to invoke it.
 pon ffx
 pon isp1
 Try using the pon ispname(name you used when using pppconfig to create them)
 -Original Message-
 From: Isabelle Poueriet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Date: Wednesday, 23 June 1999 15:19
 Subject: Configuring PPP
 Hello List.
 Please excuseme if this questions has popped up recently.  I'm new to the
 I'm trying to configure PPP for Debian 2.1.  My base system has been
 installed.  I run pppconfig as root and answer the questions there and
 then make sure that the files specified in the PPP section 7.25 of the
 manual do have the informatin needed(according to the instructions).
 I then type:
 pon enter
 plog enter
 I get the error:
 pppd:Connection failed
 Please advice.
 Thanks in advance.
 \_ Isabelle Poueriet   \_
 \_ http://www.bway.net \_
 Q. How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
 A. None.  They declare darkness, the standard.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Tim Nicholas

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.  And
I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
  -- Jack Handey

Re: Configuring PPP

1999-06-23 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

pon issued by itself will execute the connection provider.

pon provider
do the same thing.

Is this a permissions problem? pppd may only be run by root or a member of the 
group dip:

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105884 Jun 18  1998 /usr/sbin/pppd

Does your ppp log have any more information?

ICQ:   39679408

Re: Accidentally deleted mouse! Please help!

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Jun, Revenant wrote about Accidentally deleted mouse!  Please help!
 I managed to accidentally delete the files mouse and psaux in
 the /dev directory.
 How do I get these back, please?

As root:

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV busmice
ln -s psaux mouse

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

SV: Getting there

1999-06-23 Thread vw
Hi C.D.
Let's try to keep Debian/Linux free. It's probably an illusion to keep it
that way, but I think it's worth trying. I'm a Debian newbie, and I switched
to Linux for exactly the same reasons; I was tired of breakdowns, sick of
seeing Microsoft. document every time I looked at a file-heading, and
exasperated with not being able to remove IE from my system (f.ex.). I think
a part of the point with Linux is that you can build exactly the right
system for your needs, which of course also makes it harder to install, but
I think it's an advantage in the long run.
On the other hand; I think you're (at least in part) right. The future for
Linux must be somewhere between getting a lot more userfriendly, so that
people like your girlfriend (and mine too...) will be able to install and
use it, and still facilitating all the tweaking that's going on (just look
at this list!). This is why: to enable it to spread and become popular among
every-day-users, Linux will _need_ more userfriendliness, (idiot-safe-ness,
we call it in Denmark), and to develop and grow and become better, faster,
easier, it needs the tweaking and all the nerds and programmers and that
sort of folks, who are making things work.
Why not have several (f.ex.) mail-systems? There could be idiot-proof,
userfriendly systems, and tweaky, sophisticated ones, to suit every persons
need. My girlfriend could be running a supersafe (but slower) system and not
see a line of code or a conf in her life, and I could be sitting there
tweaking and programming and running bleeding-edge potato...
Wish I knew how to program... 

Best Regards
Viggo Wichmann

Error is human; complete disaster takes a computer

If a train stops at a trainstation, what happens at a workstation?
 -Oprindelig meddelelse-
 Fra:  Christian Dysthe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sendt:18. juni 1999 22:00
 Til:  Stephen Pitts
 Cc:   recipient list not shown
 Emne: Re: Getting there
 On 18-Jun-99 Stephen Pitts wrote:
  That's the point. Exim sends mail/sorts incoming mail, and fetchmail
  provides a bridge from POP3/IMAP and who knows what else. If a new
  protocol came out tommorow, then fetchmail would be the only program
  that needed to be modified. MUA means just that - the user's interface
  to his/her mail files. I've tried a half dozen email programs, and I'm
  safe in the fact that 33 MB worth of email is safe inside of the 
  mbox-format files. A combo gives you a tremendous amount of flexibilty.
  While you are checking out X mail programs, look at empath, 
  and mahogany,
  Both are in the early stages of development. I just sent an email
  to the author of empath, offering to help with development. 
 I am not a dedicated Linux lover. I chose Debian becuase I was tired of
 pissing me off by crashing and loosing my data. Some of the Windows
 applications are brilliant pieces of software, and simple and stable to
 Especially some of the email clients are. I miss them! I ran mutt for a
 It's not that I haven't tried. I am doing fine now with my combo, but I
 not see any reason why easy to use/configure software should not be
 My girlfirend wants Debian on her machine, but she says she doesnt have
 for all those conf files she sees me editing all the time. 
 I have gotten off list mailings that suggest I reconsider using Linux
 since I
 feel like I do! I knew it was coming, and it did. Something never changes.
 am just hoping that one  change is was the availability of more
 great software on a great platform. I am not able to code, but I am
 willing to
 pay! :) 
 Christian Dysthe
 ICQ 3945810
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
Clones are people two
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[Linux] where is tip or cu?

1999-06-23 Thread Nico De Ranter


I need to talk to my serial port.  On other Unices I would 
use tip or cu.  Any idea which package contains these tools?
(I know they both exist for Linux since I used them before, 
unfortunately I reinstalled Debian and I can't find them anymore)

Thanks in advance,



How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Distributed computing

1999-06-23 Thread Norris Preyer
You might want to check out the Beowulf project
and the many links from there.  

There is a *very* useful beowulf maillist: send subscribe beowulf to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  There is also a debian-beowulf list,
but it's pretty inactive, perhaps because there's nothing really
different about setting a Debian cluster (like I have) from setting up
a RedHat cluster (like most clusters are).


 Lazar == Lazar Fleysher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi everyone, Could some one point me to resources available on
 distributed computing.  What it is, how it works and who to make
 it work under linux, etc...

 Thank you,


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424   http://galaxy.cofc.edu/

Re: [Linux] where is tip or cu?

1999-06-23 Thread Peter Iannarelli

uucp package for cu.


Nico De Ranter wrote:


 I need to talk to my serial port.  On other Unices I would
 use tip or cu.  Any idea which package contains these tools?
 (I know they both exist for Linux since I used them before,
 unfortunately I reinstalled Debian and I can't find them anymore)

 Thanks in advance,


 How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
 Nico De Ranter
 Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
 Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
 1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
 Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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adr:;;238a Gerrard St. East	;Toronto;Ontario;M5A 2E8;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Engineer
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: Hardware support

1999-06-23 Thread ktb
Take a look at the install manual for your architecture at,



Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Hi, all you Linux users out there!
 I'm wondering, is there any info of what hardware support there is in
 Debian (like thare are for SuSE) ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

dselect and contrib/non-free - DWN-6/22

1999-06-23 Thread Hugo van der Merwe
 Wichert Akkerman has proposed splitting non-free and contrib out to a
 new server, nonfree.debian.org. The impetus for this is to emphasize
 that they are not part of Debian, since the distinction isn't as
 visible as it used to be; advances in searching in the distribution
 and tools like apt make it very hard to see when something is in main
 and when not. The proposal will come up for a vote soon and is
 generating lots of discussion.

One thing that might help is if dselect does not sort purely alphabetical
when sorting by section. contrib/* should not be between comm and devel,
but rather be apart from main. Same thing for non-free.

Just another thought,
Hugo van der Merwe

Problem with Netscape dependencies in .deb packages

1999-06-23 Thread Qux Foobar


I have a problem getting Netscape off the ftp.debian.org site. I'm using 
dselect and have both stable and unstable distributions as sources. 
Basically, all Netscape stuff depends on netscape-base-4, but there is no 
such thing (as dselect is so nice to point out). There is netscape-base-4_5, 
netscape-base-407 and the like, but the dependencies seems to have been 
written for -base-4 and that's what dselect wants. The end result is that I 
can't get any version of Netscape downloaded and/or installed. Is this a 
bug, a feature, or I don't have a clue? I would appreciate bits of

enlightenment thrown in my direction.


Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com

Re: [Linux] where is tip or cu?

1999-06-23 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 01:49:19PM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:
 I need to talk to my serial port.  On other Unices I would 
 use tip or cu.  Any idea which package contains these tools?
 (I know they both exist for Linux since I used them before, 
 unfortunately I reinstalled Debian and I can't find them anymore)
 Thanks in advance,

I've been using minicom for some time. It is atleast as good as tip or cu.

apt-get vs. xemacs20-support problem

1999-06-23 Thread Debian Mail
Every time I use apt-get to install packages, it stops while configuring 
xemacs20-support with the following error message:

(Reading database ... 68943 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xemacs20-support 20.4-5 (using 
xemacs20-support_20.4-13.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement xemacs20-support ...
E: Sub-process returned an error code

After that I have to resume installation with 
dpkg --configure --pending

Whats wrong with xemacs20-support?


Debian Installation

1999-06-23 Thread Pete Vanderburgh
Hello all.
I must admit that I'm a newbie at this.  I've been trying to install
Debian (base 14) onto a Compaq P133.  Since I don't want to bog down the
list with rudimentary questions, can anyone recommend a FAQ, mailing
list, or archive that touches on system configurations for Debian

Thanks in advance!

--  Pete

Pete Vanderburgh
Verio Web Hosting, Vienna, VA.
(703)749-7955 x1306

Unidentified subject!

1999-06-23 Thread Steven Colby

Steven Colby
voice: (407)384-8614

How to pronouce Debian?

1999-06-23 Thread tboy
Hi all,

I'm not a native english speaker so i don't know how to pronouce Debian --- 
it seems somewhat strange to me.
When i introduce Debian to my friends i have to spell it out letter by letter. 
Any help from native english speakers?

Re: SVGA/NVidia patches (Re: Text cursor disappears in Emacs)

1999-06-23 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

   Andreas Voegele [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Since the last update of my systems the text cursor disappears in GNU
Emacs 20.3-8 under X11.  The problem maybe has something to do with the
syntax highlighting.  Above colored parts of the text the cursor is

   I see this as well, since at least the xserver-svga version (4
   June), on my Diamond Viper 550 AGP card... it's truly, truly annoying;
   it may sound apocolyptic but I haven't been able to do any local work on
   this system--Emacs is pretty much unusable if you can't see the cursor!
   I've tried updating to each new server version, including the latest, but nothing helps.

   There were no followups to this note; does anyone have a solution?


downloaded compiled server from ftp.xfree86.org and replaced XF86_SVGA which
came with .deb. Now it works just fine


Re: Debian Installation

1999-06-23 Thread mctech
I installed mine via the instructions on 
http://www.debian.org/releases/slink/i386/install and it worked great.

 Hello all.
 I must admit that I'm a newbie at this.  I've been trying to install
 Debian (base 14) onto a Compaq P133.  Since I don't want to bog down the
 list with rudimentary questions, can anyone recommend a FAQ, mailing
 list, or archive that touches on system configurations for Debian
 Thanks in advance!
 --  Pete

This message was sent using Galaxy's Mailman server.

Re: How to pronouce Debian?

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Jun, tboy wrote about How to pronouce Debian?
 Hi all,
 I'm not a native english speaker so i don't know how to pronouce Debian --- 
 it seems somewhat strange to me.
 When i introduce Debian to my friends i have to spell it out letter by 
 letter. Any help from native english speakers?

At the bottom of http://www.debian.org/intro/about you can find the

Since many people have asked, Debian is pronounced 'deb ee n'. It comes 
from the names of the creator of Debian, Ian Murdock, and his wife, Debra. 

Other words that start the same are:

debonair deb-onair
debutant deb-utant

Other words that sound the same on the end, not the best but all I
could think of,

european   europ-ean
mediterranean  mediterran-ean

Hope this helps,
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

Re: How to pronouce Debian?

1999-06-23 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, tboy wrote:

 I'm not a native english speaker so i don't know how to pronouce
 Debian --- it seems somewhat strange to me. When i introduce Debian
 to my friends i have to spell it out letter by letter. Any help from
 native english speakers?

The name comes from two peoples names: Debbie (Debra?) and Ian. So, Deb
rhymes with web and ian rhymes with the first two words of we in the
Linux community, or, the ending of words like indian, endian, canadian,
etc.  Sorry, I don't recall the proper dictionary syntax for


POP3 server

1999-06-23 Thread Algernon NG

I want to set up a mail server. Can you tell me where can I find a good
POP3 server?
(Source or Debian Package preferred)

Algernon NG of The MadHouse Project

Re: xroastcd fails to verify

1999-06-23 Thread Arcady Genkin
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Vendor_info: 'MATSHITA'
 Identifikation : 'CD-R   CW-7502  '
 Revision   : '4.10'

Cdrecord's website (as well as cdrdao's) states that it won't work with
the drive if it has firmware 4.14, because it isn't compliant with
SCSI standards or smth to that effect. You have 4.10. If I were you,
I'd upgrade the firmware to start with.

OTOH, I have the same CDR with 4.17, and it doesn't work under
Linux. I'm quite desperate at this point -- have been trying for 3
months, and no luck -- cdrecord (and cdrdao) both crap out at the very 
beginning of the burning process, saying threre's some SCSI retryable
error. Have to boot into Win every time I want to burn a CD. :(

So, my advice for you is to first try 4.14, and only if it doesn't
work, then try the 4.17. AFAIK 4.17 doesn't have any significant
improvements. See http://homepages.tig.com.au/~cdysan/cw-7502/

Oh well, I won't whine any more -- this doesn't help *your*
problem. At least your drive starts recording.

I'm considering downgrading firmware to 4.14 just to try -- maybe it
will work... [sigh]

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

Re: SVGA/NVidia patches (Re: Text cursor disappears in Emacs)

1999-06-23 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Oleg Krivosheev [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ok downloaded compiled server from ftp.xfree86.org and replaced
  ok XF86_SVGA which came with .deb. Now it works just fine

Doh!  *smacks self*.  I actually thought of this about an hour ago as I
was doing a Google search for old xserver-svga Debian packages.

How stupid of me not to think of it before.  I even did this with the
entire tree (grabbed and installed the XFree86 tarballs) on my
Debian 2.0 system back in Jan. before the Debian packages for it were
released, so I have no excuse.

I guess APT is making me soft... ;).

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Re: switched ppp to ethernet and lost web connectivity (again)

1999-06-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
This almost certainly does not have to do with your ethernet setup if you can 
ping the
windows box. What sort of proxy is the Winproxy? Are you sure the things you're 
to run are capable of using this proxy?


 (let me try that again)

 I am having problems converting my Debian box from ppp dial-up web access to
 access via a windows proxy (Winproxy 2.1) on ethernet.

 The Linux box is Debian v2.0 with kernel 2.0.34 running the consoles, no X

 The ethernet hardware is all Linksys 10baseT, and uses the NE2000 drivers on
 debian, with Int 3 and address 300. is the proxy  DNS and the Debian
 box is at  PnP was disabled on the ether card for the Debian box.

 I can't get BitchX IRC V74p4+Deb1an to connect on the ether  proxy, nor Lnyx
 V2.8rel2. When I use ftp and the proxy command, I can see a connection to the
 ftp site in the proxy log. (I know nothing about linux ftp via proxy either, 
 that is as far as I get)

 After working through the NET-3 HOWTO, the Ethernet HOWTO and various usenets 
 the debian list archives, I am beginning to wonder if lynx and BitchX are just
 not capable of making the connection without some kind of SOCKS client.

 To date, I have re-installed the debian system, and changed the PPP connection
 to ethernet. I'm new to LANs, but this part seems to be fine. Any of the 3
 boxes can can ping any other computer on the LAN, and pinging a host on the 
 by name returns the numeric IP, indicating that DNS works. The proxy log never
 indicates any attempt to connect by the Linux browswer or IRC clients, but the
 hub does show activity on its LEDs. The other Win machine on the LAN works
 fine, but of course the proxy came with detailed config instructions for Win.

 I've tried the various testing and troubleshooting hints in the 2 HOWTOs and
 they seem to check out fine.

 I hope someone can give me a direction to go - is it lynx and BitchX that are
 incapable of working without a SOCKS client, or should I go deeper into the
 ethernet setup?



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Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: How to pronouce Debian?

1999-06-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Many native english speakers aren't sure at first either because this is a 
made-up word. debian's founder Ian Murdock
named it thus because his wife's name is Debbie. So, if you know how to 
pronounce Debbie (short e as in 'bed') and Ian
then you can say Deb-Ian.

tboy wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm not a native english speaker so i don't know how to pronouce Debian --- 
 it seems somewhat strange to me.
 When i introduce Debian to my friends i have to spell it out letter by 
 letter. Any help from native english speakers?

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: POP3 server

1999-06-23 Thread Varga Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Algernon NG wrote:

 I want to set up a mail server. Can you tell me where can I find a good
 POP3 server?
 (Source or Debian Package preferred)

qpopper 2.53 is a good enough option, I think there is a debian package of
it in unstable.

or if you use qmail with maildirs (best solution :-), then use

if you use qmail without maildirs, then you can use qpopper, or change to
maildirs (suggested if reliability is needed)

don't use qpopper version 2.51 since it has security holes in it.

there is a qpopper 2.3 debian package in stable, contact the maintainer to
know whether it has fixes to close the sechole, if it is not fixed, then
try to use the unstable.

however qmail has only a source debian package, and I don't know whether
it contains qmail-pop3d. If it does not, then adding it to the debianized
qmail can be quite a task (I don't know), since it has altered deployment
structure from the original version.

Robert Varga

Re: Hardware support in Debian ?

1999-06-23 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Hi, all you Linux users out there!
 I'm wondering, is there any info of what hardware support there is in
 Debian (like thare are for SuSE) ?
This is more a function of the Linux kernel than a distribution per se. 
I can't think of any exceptions.  Since Linux folks generally rebuild
their kernels at some point, it's not generally really important what
the distributed kernels support.

That having been said, what's supported on the install diskette set does
vary between distributions and versions of distributions, which can be
very important: if your installation kernel doesn't support that SCSI
controller that your CD drive hangs off of, you've got finagling to do
to use that CD-ROM set in your install.  You haven't lived until you've
had to download the whole kernel source over a modem line so you can
build a kernel so you can load every else off of your CD-ROM.

It would be kind of nice if Debian documented what devices their
*install* kernels support, and even provided more install sets. 
(Correct me if I'm wrong and they do this somewhere).  I believe the
Slackware site might offer more alternatives on prebuilt kernels; it
might even have saved me that download time...  :-/
Out, damned spot!
Out, spot, out!
  -- Shakespeare for First Grade

Diamond SupraExpress 56i V PRO Modem and Debian

1999-06-23 Thread Dan Hatton

I seem to be having some difficulty setting up my modem under Debian;
wvdial gives an input/output error and dies, and ppp, which I've set up
with all the appropriate parameters, doesn't do much at all.  Any ideas,


Dan Hatton

Re: POP3 server

1999-06-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Jun, Algernon NG wrote about POP3 server
 I want to set up a mail server. Can you tell me where can I find a good
 POP3 server?
 (Source or Debian Package preferred)

Use the package search at http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages.html

Package: qpopper
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: mail
Installed-Size: 110
Maintainer: Miquel van Smoorenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 2.3-4
Depends: libc6, libgdbmg1, liblockfile0 (= 0.1-1)
Description: Enhanced Post Office Protocol server (POP3).
 This is The Qualcomm enhanced version of the Post Office Protocol Daemon
 (POP3 daemon), based on the latest BSD version. The QualComm popper has
 some extensions to the normal pop3 daemon, such as UIDL and bulletin support.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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