Re: Noticia del día...

1999-10-01 Thread TooMany
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 07:55:42PM +0200, AVILA BERMEJO FRANCISCO JOSE wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Creo que ésto puede ser muy muy interesante:
  Inprise y Corel han juntado sus esfuerzos en potenciar Linux, reflejándose
  más que nada en el tema del Office de Corel, y lógicamente, herramientas de
  desarrollo de Borland/Inprise y demás progs de Corel... (a grosso modo). Así
  compartirán todo lo referente a temas de marketing y distribución en cuanto
  a Linux se refiere.
 Entonces supongo que dejarán a GTK+ de lado y harán las cosas para las 
 Qt. Lo contentos que se van a poner los de Troll. Como esto siga así 
 cualquier dia nos daremos cuanta de que las Qt valen 10.000 ptas. y todo 
 el mundo a rascarse el bolsillo. No me fio de la licencia de las Qt. 
 Mirad lo que pasó hace unos años con las XFree...

Bueno... no eres la primera persona que me lo dice... pero yo creo que,
simplemente, se basaran en la Xlib. Osea, en la librería X. Con ésto
conseguirían una estandarización total, y los programas podrían compilarse
en cualquier plataforma con XFree86...
Desde luego, como se basen en las Qt, y como opinión mía personal, creo que
harán una de las mayores cagadas de la historia... windows aparte ;-)

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: squid

1999-10-01 Thread TooMany
On Tue, Mar 30, 1999 at 03:22:30PM -0500, Ruben Dario Rojas Perez wrote:
 necesito aprender a configurar el squid lo tengo montado en linux red had 6.0 
 por favor cualquier ayuda es buena gracias espero respuesta

Por mi parte, en ésto y lo que buenamente pueda, recibirás toda la ayuda que
pueda y más... Pero chacho... estás en una lista de Debian, y NO de Red Hat...

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-10-01 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date:  Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)
  From:  Ricard P.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:   Dominios virtuales en el sendmail
  To:Lista de Debian
  A ver, ando algo loco buscando documentacion para crear los dominios
  en sendmail (o sea, que un mismo ordenador lleve y y
  recibir correo a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y [EMAIL PROTECTED] diferenciandolos y 
  todo eso)
 Si te entiendo bien creo que debes resolver declarando en 
 estos dominios, solo tendria que editarlo y poner
 Y el sedmail de esa maquina aceptara todo lo que envien para esos 

Nop, eso es para que tu maquina los reciba, efectivamente, pero la cuenta de
correo (siguiendo el ejemplo anterior) info que? es un mismo usuario pero en
dos dominios diferentes. Logicamente no vamos bien si yo envio correo a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] y lo pueden leer y Tampoco vamos bien si le
digo al cliente que quiere poner perdone, pero no puedo darle un
correo que se llame info, otro usuario lo tiene.

Creo que he conseguido explicarme un poquito mejor, no?  sea como sea todo
esto ocurre con una maquina con una IP.

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Lista de Correos solo para mujeres

1999-10-01 Thread Ines
Si eres mujer Les, Bi o con inquietudes te invito
a formar parte de mi lista de contactos exclusiva
para mujeres de habla hispana.

La lista se llama Contactos-Les-Bi y no se
permiten los mensajes de hombres.

Esta lista de correo es TOTALMENTE GRATUITA Y ES

Puedes enviarme un mail a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] para suscribirte.

Las espero a TODAS.

Un beso, Inés.

Sobre XFIG

1999-10-01 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola a todos, escribo para saber si alguién ha utilizado el XFIG. Me
interesa exactamente el código que genera, ya que yo tengo que hacer
el proceso inverso al que normalmente se sigue. Me explico, tengo que
generar el dibujo de XFIG a partir de un archivo .fig que tengo que
generar yo. Por ello me gustaría saber si alguién ha hecho algo así,
o sabe dónde podría conseguir información sobre el código que utiliza
XFIG para realizar los dibujos.

Un saludo y gracias.

Re: gmc

1999-10-01 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 06:36:10PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 Bien, probaré gmc entonces  :^)

¿No te vale el simple y comun filerunner?

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.12| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q|

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sobre XFIG

1999-10-01 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes wrote:
 ... me gustaría saber si alguién ha hecho algo así,
 o sabe dónde podría conseguir información sobre el código que utiliza
 XFIG para realizar los dibujos.

Pues la información que necesitas está en el manual de xfig, que viene
en un paquete debian (graphics/xfig-doc). Si no lo has instalado o
quieres ir rápido a lo que te interesa, visita:
o si quieres ver el manual completo, usa el enlace en la página:

(Disculpame que está toda en portugues, pero
solo necesitas encontrar el enlace para xfig).

Espero que eso te ayude. Yo trabajo mucho haciendo mas o menos lo que
quieres (generar los comandos en un editor de texto, para producir
una gráfica) pero en vez del formato .fig uso directamente PostScript.

Un cordial saludo,
Jaime Villate

Re: Sobre XFIG

1999-10-01 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes wrote:
 Hola a todos, escribo para saber si alguién ha utilizado el XFIG. Me
 interesa exactamente el código que genera, ya que yo tengo que hacer
 el proceso inverso al que normalmente se sigue. Me explico, tengo que
 generar el dibujo de XFIG a partir de un archivo .fig que tengo que
 generar yo. Por ello me gustaría saber si alguién ha hecho algo así,
 o sabe dónde podría conseguir información sobre el código que utiliza
 XFIG para realizar los dibujos.

Alguna vez lo hice. La información del formato está en el paquete
xfig-doc (al igual que el xfig está en la sección main/graphics).
Una vez instalado, en el directorio /usr/doc/xfig-doc vas a encontrar
documentación bastante completa.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Lista de Correos solo para mujeres

1999-10-01 Thread Ricard P.G.
No tengo nada en contra de las mujeres con inquietudes ni de las empresas
argentinas, pero esta lista no podria ser moderada?

--- Ines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Si eres mujer Les, Bi o con inquietudes te invito
 a formar parte de mi lista de contactos exclusiva
 para mujeres de habla hispana.
 La lista se llama Contactos-Les-Bi y no se
 permiten los mensajes de hombres.
 Esta lista de correo es TOTALMENTE GRATUITA Y ES
 Puedes enviarme un mail a
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] para suscribirte.
 Las espero a TODAS.
 Un beso, Inés.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-10-01 Thread Humberto . Morell

  Si te entiendo bien creo que debes resolver declarando en
  estos dominios, solo tendria que editarlo y poner
  Y el sedmail de esa maquina aceptara todo lo que envien para esos

 Nop, eso es para que tu maquina los reciba, efectivamente, pero la cuenta de
 correo (siguiendo el ejemplo anterior) info que? es un mismo usuario pero en
 dos dominios diferentes. Logicamente no vamos bien si yo envio correo a
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] y lo pueden leer y Tampoco vamos bien si 
 digo al cliente que quiere poner perdone, pero no puedo darle un
 correo que se llame info, otro usuario lo tiene.

 Creo que he conseguido explicarme un poquito mejor, no?
Si Ahora te entendi.
Pero creo que adicionalmente al problema que tienes con el Sendmail
para calificar distintos ID con diferentes dominios virtuales, se
presenta tambien el problema que como ese ID es una cuenta real no la
podras tener definida doblemente en un ip o pc.
Se me ocurre que lo que puedes hacer es lo que te dije para el .cw y
en virtusertable poner

Declarando dos usuarios diferentes pero que para el que le escribe
tienen el mismo id con diferentes dominios, supongo no te haga falta
acompañar los id de
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Mini Debian sobre Zip

1999-10-01 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos.

Estoy intentando implementar una reducción de Debian para Zip (posíblemente
Jaz... no se) y me gustaría saber si alguien tiene hecho algo sobre los que
me pueda basar (el ZIP-Install mini-HOWTO del LDP es lo único que he
encontrado y no es muy fino en lo que a Debian se refiere). 
Es algo que a mi me resultaría de utilidad y como pienso que a bastante 
gente igual también pues ahí queda eso por si alguien quiere echar un cable.

El primer escollo que me encuentro es la modificación de boot-floppies para
que tome los paquetes del CD y se vaya la Zip a grabarlos. Uso un rescue
disk con núcleo 2.2.12 con soporte ppa 'built-in'.

¿Alguien puede orientarme un poco?, con la doc de boot-floppies no me aclaro
ni a la de tres.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-10-01 Thread IJAS
Yo una vez leí un par de ellas de un chaval que trabajaba en un servicio
técnico de ordenadores:

Llama un cliente por teléfono algo enojado diciendo que hace una semana
que compro el ordenador y ya se le ha roto...
- ¿Que se le ha roto?
- la repisa donde se pone la cocacola
- ¿Perdón, que dice que se le ha roto?
- Si, esa bandejita que sale al apretar un botón y que sirve para dejar
las bebidas

Sin comentarios... x-DDD

Una señora llama por teléfono diciendo que tiene un CD que no le
funcionadespués de casi una hora al teléfono, en la que aplicó todos
sus conocimientos e incluso hizo lavar a la señora el CD 2 veces con
mistol, se le enciende una lucecita y pregunta a la señora:
- ¿Como mete el CD en la disquetera?
- Pues con la parte brillante para arriba naturalmente.

Esta la presencie yo personalmente aunque no es de ordenadores sino de
CDs de músicaNos invita un amigo a mi mujer y a mi a cenar a su
casa, después de la cena nos tomamos unas copitas oyendo música en su
nuevo equipo estereo (lo normal vamos ;-) ), cuando se acaba el CD va la
mujer de mi amigo y dice. Anda Javier levantate y pon la otra cara
del CD (me dio la risa y espurree el viski en la pared de enfrente)

Para terminar, si os gustan las historias veridicas en clave de humor os
recomiendo que vayais a la web que aparece en mi firma y desde allí a la
página del Oso Gracioso, en ella hay una historia sobre las
tribulaciones de un profesor particular de ingles para directivos que es
para troncharse de risa... (el profesor lo fue mio y el alumno se que es
un alto directivo de Unilevel)

 Me gustaría saber donde encontrar más de estas... están muy bien en general
 aunque a algunas juraría que le faltan palabras o el que las escribio
 tambien es medio suagili... ¿Sabeis donde ver una web con más anécdotas de
 estas o dónde sacarlas?

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O  
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ 

Re: ipchains

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 29 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 20:00:19 +0200, Fernando Sanchez 

Igual tienes alguna regla antes que permite acceso a los puertos  1024 o
algo así, y añadiendo (con -A) esta que dices no arreglas nada porque la
pones después de alguna que ya lo deja pasar. Si es esto, deberías sustituir
el -A por -I para insertarla al principio (ipchains -I input -s -j DENY  debería hacer bien eso que quieres, digo)

 Sí, también lo he probado pero nada.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

HP9000/300 cambio a Debian

1999-10-01 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos,

Como veo que lo de la reparación del HP 9000 y su fabuloso disco duro es un
dolor de muelas por motivos de sistema operativo HP 8.0. He pensado en
instalar un sistema operativo GNU LINUX para motorola 68040. He pensado en
Debian porque me va muy bien en plataforma x86.

Os comento entonces el problema de mi equipo.

Es un equipo que posee dos discos duros (gruesos) SCSI. Pero carece por
completo de disketera. Se ve que por aquel entonces no las debian necesitar.
Lo que si está es conectado a una red.

Dos son equipos debian para x86 (y con cdrom y acceso a internet) y un

¿Cómo puedo hacer para instalar este debian?
¿Algún consejo?

Un saludo y muchas gracias por todo.

Angel Carrasco

Version: PGPfreeware 6.0.2i


Re: ipchains

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 29 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 11:55:23 +0200, RESET contaba:

Si la dirección de destino es correcta (y tienes una RSDI) debería
estar funcionando.  Eso sí, el scan te va a llegar igual, tengas o no
tengas firewall.

 ¿Comor? Si le pongo un DENY, el paquete entrante que cumple con
 la regla se  descarta. O sea, no se acepta.  Sólo resta saber quién
 ve antes al paquete, si el firewall o el iplog. Pero yo creo que lo
 ve antes  el fw  no?, que  para eso  está en  el núcleo.  Por tanto
 deduzco que si el iplog lo ve, es  que el fw lo ha permitido. Y eso
 es lo que me mosquea.

Claro que si lo que quieres es j***r... ;-).

 Quien me hace  un port scan me  intenta joder a mí,  así que le
 planto un DENY alegremente :^).

De todos modos, es una IP dinámica, de modo que no te
vale de nada tenerla en un firewall.

 Ya sé, pero contengo el scan  y luego de noche hago una pequeña
 limpieza de rules jeje.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: gmc

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 01 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 00:34:47 +0200, Andres Herrera contaba:

On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 06:36:10PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 Bien, probaré gmc entonces  :^)

¿No te vale el simple y comun filerunner?

 Plis hazme un 'dpkg -S bin/filerunner'  ;^)


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 29 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 23:39:10 +0200, Han Solo contaba:

Hola a todos, os mando una cosilla que seguro que os gusta. Más de uno
se habrá visto en una de estas.

 :^DDD  Jo, qué sanos son a veces los off-topic  :^D

 [esto es *retro-computación*, y lo demntos] 

 [confieso que me costó recuperarme de  

 [¿por qu no hablarllas?] 

 Pero parece haber algún pequeño problema con los tildes.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: por favor solicito informacion

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 30 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 00:29:56 +, JUAN CARLOS 
CONTRERAS contaba:

seria posible por favor que me ofrecieran informacion completa sobre el 
shell de linux, interpretes de lineas y la rutas de busqueda, le agradeceria 
mucho su servicio prestado..!

 No  existe el  shell de  Linux, pero  el más  usado es  bash.
 ¿Información sobre bash? Sí, mucha; en 'man bash'.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-10-01 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 01 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 00:12:36 -0700, Ricard P.G. contaba:

Creo que he conseguido explicarme un poquito mejor, no?  sea como sea todo
esto ocurre con una maquina con una IP.

 O sea,  en un ordenata con  una IP quieres que  [EMAIL PROTECTED] y
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sean dos personas distintas... te veo un poco chungo.
 Algo se podrá hacer, imagino, pero buf.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Imprimir

1999-10-01 Thread Pedro A . Vizcaíno

Bueno pues uno de los problemas lo he resuelto instalando el paquete html2ps, 
creo, y ya imprime ficheros .html .gif .jpg, pero de texto llano aún no puedo.

Joder, como me gusta la Debian y eso que vengo de SuSE, pero la Debian se deja 
de hacer siempre y cuando aciertes :-).

Bueno pues eso una mano
Powered by GNU/Linux Debian 2.1 Slink
Linux Register User: 90717
Linux Register Machine: 81353

Re: ($BL5Bj(B)

1999-10-01 Thread Daniel H. Perez
Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.11  Usuario Reg. N. 85920
PGP Public Key 0x4A2036B5

Re: Cron root@debian run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily

1999-10-01 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
 Hola a todos. Duda existencial.
 Antes de nada, quiero mostrar mi asombro, porque sin hacer yo nada
 especial, habro mi inbox y descubro que _el sistema_ me ha mandado un
 mensaje a _mí_ :-) Jeje, resulta gracioso... bueno al grano:
 On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Cron Daemon wrote:
  error: /etc/logrotate.conf:23 unkown group 'utmp'
  run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1
  /usr/X11R6/bin/X PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.root 777 changed to root.root 
  File /usr/lib/emacs/19.34/i386-debian-linux/movemail registered but not 
 Obviamente me informa de algún error raro oscuro del que no tengo ni idea
 qué significa. ¿Alguien podría decirme qué es lo que he hecho mal, cómo lo
 harreglo, cómo hago para evitar que vuelva a suceder, y alguna referencia
 a manuales o URLs para que me informe más sobre el tema antes de preguntar
 en la lista? (gatillo rápido, que se dice).
 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gogosoftware -
 WinError 01E: Timing error - Please wait. And wait. And wait. And...

Re: Cron root@debian run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily

1999-10-01 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
  especial, habro mi inbox y descubro que _el sistema_ me ha mandado un

No me torturéis, ¿fale? :-) Ya se sabe, uno que todavía no ha configurado
el ispell...

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Do you mean you don't see those montains?

Marvin 1.2 - AYUDA

1999-10-01 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Hola a todos,

si alguien ha conseguido compilar el programa Marvin 1.2, por favor que
contacte conmigo en privado. Necesito ayuda.


Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Error al compilar kernel 2.0.37

1999-10-01 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Hola a todos,

He intentado compilar el kernel 2.0.37 pero me da el siguiente error al
ejecutar make bzImage (tambien con make zImage). Alguien sabe que ocurre?
He realizado los mismos pasos que al compilar el kernel 2.2.10. No lo entiendo.

/usr/src/linux-2.0.37/include/asm/string.h:443: warning: control reaches end of
non-void function
/usr/src/linux-2.0.37/include/asm/string.h: In function 
/usr/src/linux-2.0.37/include/asm/string.h:594: warning: control reaches end of
non-void function
init/main.c: In function `get_options':
init/main.c:269: warning: subscript has type `char'
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1


Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-10-01 Thread Paco Brufal
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Agustin MuNoz wrote:

 PD: please la próxima vez evita enviar otra vez el *todo* el msg original,
 ten en cuenta que YA lo habiamos leido, gracias :)

No sé porqué te molestas en decirselo, no te van a hacer caso
X'D Tienes que intentar convencerle de que si escribe menos, nos sale
más barato a todos, como en Fido X'

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...D-Leria. Buzz Fuzz. 1993
--- Pine 4.10 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-10-01 Thread Roberto Claassen
 Paco Brufal  dijo:
   No sé porqué te molestas en decirselo, no te van a hacer caso
 X'D Tienes que intentar convencerle de que si escribe menos, nos sale
 más barato a todos, como en Fido X'

¡Ché Paco!

Lo tuyo es una suposición, mira que si no lo sabía y ahora cae en la cuenta

Por cierto las meigas de los taglines esta vez no han funcionado ya que
tengo uno que dice:

... Ecología en la Red: No mandes ni un byte de más

y no lo ha elegido ;-(

Roberto Claassen

... Nueva news [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ados (dedicada al güindozer 2000)

Re: Imprimir

1999-10-01 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Pedro A . Vizcaíno wrote:
 Bueno pues uno de los problemas lo he resuelto instalando el paquete html2ps, 
 creo, y ya imprime ficheros .html .gif .jpg, pero de texto llano aún no puedo.

Si puedes imprimir postscript ya tienes el 99% listo. La mayoría de
las aplicaciones con algún soporte para imprimir suponen que
tu impresora es postscript.
Para convertir texto común a postscript hay muchas alternativas,
que recuerde:

-Abrir el archivo con emacs y hacer tools-Postscriptprintbuffer.

-enscript (del paquete enscript, sección text).

-mpage (del paquete mpage, sección text).

Yo suelo usar el último, además de convertir a postscript te
permite poner más de una página virtual en una página física.
Lo podés usar para convertir un archivo en otro, o como pipe
para mandar derecho a la impresora, por ejemplo:

mpage -2 mi_file.txt | lpr

genera un archivo postscript con el texto que saca del archivo
ascii mi_file.txt, poniendo 2 páginas en una y lo envía a la
Bonus: también acepta como input archivos postscript.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: squid

1999-10-01 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Ruben Dario Rojas Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 necesito aprender a configurar el squid lo tengo montado en linux red had 6.0
 por favor cualquier ayuda es buena gracias espero respuesta

La verdad es que el mismo archivo /etc/squid.conf biene ya muy comentado. Sino
prueba en y sino pues en /usr/doc/squid/* hay de todo y

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Justera timingparametrar för 2.2-framebuffert

1999-10-01 Thread peter karlsson
 Jag tror det finns ett program som heter fbtune eller något sådant. 

fbset verkar det som.

 (Har inte 2.2 själv)

Och du klagar på att jag fortfarande körde 2.0 :-)

Nu om jag kunde komma på varför X inte fungerar ordentligt från 2.2... :-(

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Re: Justera timingparametrar för 2.2-framebuffert

1999-10-01 Thread peter karlsson
  Nu om jag kunde komma på varför X inte fungerar ordentligt från 2.2... :-(
 Borde väl inte vara några problem? Uppgraderade du till glibc 2.1 också?

När jag kör med fb för ATI Mach64 (vilket är vad jag har) så blir X-skärmen
trasig när jag startar den. När jag kör med fb för VESA så fungerar det,
men å andra sidan får jag en monstermarkör (block) som ser hemsk ut.

Sen har jag inte riktigt luskat ut hur fbset fungerar, speciellt som
manualsidan säger sig själv vara hemskt utdaterad :-/

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Re: Justera timingparametrar för 2.2-framebuffert

1999-10-01 Thread Per Lundberg
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, peter karlsson wrote:

  Vilken version av XFree86 kör du?
 Den som finns i potato. 3.3.5.

Då borde det ju fungera. Vilken version av 2.2 kör du? Har du kompilerat
den själv, eller kör du med ett debianpaket?

Re: Justera timingparametrar för 2.2-framebuffert

1999-10-01 Thread Per Lundberg
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, peter karlsson wrote:

  Då borde det ju fungera. Vilken version av 2.2 kör du? 

Fungerar bra för mig hemma med samma X-version. Fast med ett annat
grafikkort iofs (RIVA TNT2).

  Har du kompilerat den själv, eller kör du med ett debianpaket?
 Både och :-) (make-kpkg)

Borde ju inte vara några problem.

Re: Justera timingparametrar för 2.2-framebuffert

1999-10-01 Thread peter karlsson
 Fungerar bra för mig hemma med samma X-version. Fast med ett annat
 grafikkort iofs (RIVA TNT2).

Med det kortet kör du knappast Mach64-fb :-)

Peter -

 When answering to mailing list or news posting, please do not Cc me
 personally. Thanks.

Re: Install with floppies and NFS

1999-10-01 Thread Jordan Howarth

Seth Are you using rawrite or dd, or just a straight copy? A straight copy
Seth will never work, but a rawrite (from dos) or dd (under a unix) will do
Seth the job nicely. :)

Sorry! Read the #$%! manual, right? :)

Jordan Howarth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences Ph:  (07) 3214 2465  
Fax: (07) 3214 2480

Re: make-kpkg questions

1999-10-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
You should be able to achieve what you want by editing
/usr/share/kernel-package/rules and the various preinst, postinst,
prerm and postrm scripts.  Also see 'man kernel-pkg.conf' for
a way to put vmlinuz in /boot instead of /.

It sounds like it may be easier to let it install per the defaults and
then run a script which renames the files (and edits lilo.conf).

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 11:24:10PM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
 Just learned to use make-kpkg, *but*, I want to do some things differently:
 1. How do I tell it not to create a /vmlinuz symlink in the root directory?
I want my root directory clean (i.e no files at all)
(Also, it complained when there wasn't a /vmlinuz already, thought I
was doing a new install)
 2. How do I tell it to use another name for my kernels image file (I've
never really liked vmlinuz anyway)?
 peter -
   - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cyclades install / kernel config

1999-10-01 Thread zdrysdal

i am about to install the cyclades cyclom-y driver but after reading the
README file it refers to the install program pointing to the
/usr/src/linux directory.  I have installed slink with kernel 2.0.36 from
the cheapbytes CD and I appear to have no /usr/src/linux directory.  After
running the install script I have to configure the kernel with the make
config  command executed from the /usr/src/linux...

My concern is that i do not think the install script will work because i do
not have the kernel files in the /usr/src/linux directory.  What shall I


Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Kristopher Johnson
John Hasler wrote:
 Mario Menezes writes:
  That is, in Brazil, unfortunately, our daylight saving day changes from
  year to year, and as a consequence, some times my date is wrong for 1 or
  2 days till it changes.
 I suppose this is a dumb question, but why would anyone bother with
 daylight savings time in a tropical country?
 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
 Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Why should anyone bother with daylight savings time in ANY

- Kris

Re: Problems with lilo?

1999-10-01 Thread Brad

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, RESET wrote:

 : In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jason Murray
 Jason:: I think this problem is with lilo. I am riding the
 Jason:: bleeding edge upgrading roughly every night. Well
 Jason:: yesterday when I upgraded there was an update for
 Jason:: lilo. Now I can't boot from the HD. It tells me this:
 Jason:: LILO boot:
 Jason:: Lodaing Linux
 Jason:: Uncompressing Linux...
 Jason:: crc error
 Jason:: -- system halted
 I had the same error, but solved it compiling a new kernel using
 `make bzlilo'.

Just out of curiousity, did you happen to do an apt-get upgrade about the
same time? The old version of lilo that Brian Servis mentioned is now
available on the mirrors; if you installed it then that solved the
problem, not rebuilding the kernel.

Quick check: dpkg -l lilo. If the version installed is not 22, then you
have the old version.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Kernel question: From bootdisk to hard drive

1999-10-01 Thread Brad

Please try to keep lines to 76 chars in length.

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, David Kanter wrote:

 I've got a custom bootdisk that works fine. I moved the kernel to my
 home directory using dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/home/david/vmlinuz. (I also
 used cat /dev/fd0  /home/david/vmlinuz and it did the same thing.)
 Everything is OK, except the file size of this new kernel looks like
 its the size of an unformatted disk, i.e. 1.47 Mb. The past kernel was
 about 350Kb, but had extraneous stuff.

Probably it is exactly the size of an unformatted disk, since it's
basically an exact copy of the floppy.

Likely only a part of that file is the actual kernel, while the rest is
boot information or empty space.

 I reran lilo and booted off the hard drive, and the new kernel works
 fine. Should the fact that this custom/slimmer kernel is larger in
 size than the stock Debian kernel (by about 4X) worry me?

Just out of curiousity, why can't you install the kernel normally, using
make-kpkg (from the kernel-package package) or the directions in the
kernel docs?

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Problems with printing

1999-10-01 Thread brian . ross
I have two, not unconnected problems I suspect, with printing.

The first is directly from linux, in that when it comes out the printer,
its stepped across the page and is unreadable.  Is there an easy method
to fix that?

The second is via samba.  At the present moment the server is not
visible on the network from windows boxes but directories can be
mounted.  At the same time though, printing returns the network name
cannot be found when attempted from a windows box.

Any ideas?



Brian Ross, Network Manager Voice +61-1-2-6279-8336
John Curtin School of Medical Research  Fax   +61-1-2-6247-4823
Australian National University

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread John Hasler
Kristopher Johnson writes:
 Why should anyone bother with daylight savings time in ANY country?

If there is anything dumber that daylight savings time, it is daylight
savings time in the tropics.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

[OT] thanks

1999-10-01 Thread Seth R Arnold
Well, 100+ messages a day finally swamped me. I want to thank all of you for
bringing me into the debian fold so quickly and nicely.

I am unsubbing from the list; I am sure I will be back.

Thanks for all the help. :)

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Bye Seth, thanx for the help

1999-10-01 Thread zdrysdal

Re: trivial egcc question...

1999-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:29:00PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:

 Is there a way to set an environment variable with the args I want for the
 egcc line?

The traditional approach is to use a Makefile.  However...

 For example, I like STL, and am always typing `egcc -Wall -lstdc++ foo.cpp`.
 It seems to me (from my DOS experience g) that I should be able to do
 something like:

 bash:~$ export cl=-Wall -lstdc++
 bash:~$ egcc foo.cpp

The command g++ (also known as c++) exists to do exactly this job -
it will do all the magic required to link C++ code.  There's also a
command g77 for Fortran 77 and so on for the other languages gcc
supports.  Any gcc command will compile any supported language: one of
the main reasons for having these front ends is that they do things like
linking in required libraries.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cron: daemon.log grep mail to root

1999-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 04:03:33PM -0700, bwarsing wrote:

[Please wrap your lines at 80 columns and put a blank line between
paragraphs - it makes your mail much more legible and easier to reply to]

 I'm a newbie, but I need to set up cron to grep the auth attempts from 
 /var/log/daemon.log and mail me (root) the results daily.  Can anyone suggest 
 a means of doing this?  As it stands, it only logs weekly.  As well, if there 
 is anyone who can point me to some good info on using cron effectively, I 
 would appreciate it.

The logcheck program contains a utility that does the appropriate magic
and is pretty neat itself.  Unfortunately it's not packaged (although
someone said they would make a package just recently), I don't know the
web site and the author has neglected to include it in the distribution.
Searching on will turn it up, though -
look at free tools then intrusion detection IIRC.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: What's this in my daemon.log

1999-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 04:01:10PM +0200, Patrik Magnusson wrote:
 This has been popping up for a couple of days now. Anyone know
 what it means?

 Sep 27 15:58:10 pedgr634 identd[26739]: started
 Sep 27 15:58:10 pedgr634 identd[26746]: request_thread: read(10, ..., 1023) 
 failed: Connection reset by peer  

Apparently, a remote machine tried to connect to your ident server but
for whatever reason it closed the connection permaturely.  I probably
wouldn't worry about it.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

A travelogue installing Debian 2.1 on a laptop

1999-10-01 Thread Graham Williams
I was updating my page on installing Debian GNU/Linux on the Dell
Latitude CPi D300XT when it occurred to me that a lot of the material
there might be of interest in general. It's a log of how to install
Debian on this laptop (and maybe installing Debian in general) and
aims to be fairly descriptive.

In case anyone is interested in it

Warning: I've been a silent user of Debian for many years but would
not claim to be a Debian expert

Of course, updates are welcome!


Unidentified subject!

1999-10-01 Thread pollywog

why no package status feature for dpkg?

1999-10-01 Thread Russell Nelson
Why does dpkg not have a way to check the cksum's of the package's
contents.  I deleted a bunch of man pages, and now I find myself
having to write perl scripts to coerce dpkg into releasing the
information about missing files.  And even then, I won't know if a
file is really undamaged.

It wouldn't be such a problem except that I did an FTP install, and a
gnome upgrade, which needed some other things from potatoe
(fortunately Quayl has givene up the ghoste).  Plus I upgraded to the
current kernel from potato because my new hardware runs Linux
unreliably and I wanted to make sure it wasn't due to old drivers.
Plus I needed some gnome things out of CVS to get the latest version,
because gnome developers have this nasty habit of writing their
applications to the current libraries, not the stable libraries.

So who *knows* what I'm running now, and whether it corresponds to
anything remotely resembling Official Debian 2.0.  Somebody remind me
again how .deb is the perfect packaging format, sublime in all the
details of its creation, without flaw in its every detail, and how all
others (should) bow low to it.  I still haven't found an explanation
of why RPM sucks so badly that Debian developers cannot fix it.  I
mean, xterm sucked so badly that somebody had to create xterm-debian
and break everybody's termcap, so why not RPM-debian and break
everybody else's RPM manipulators?

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Government schools are so
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | bad that any rank amateur
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | can outdo them. Homeschool!

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Carl Johnson
John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Kristopher Johnson writes:
  Why should anyone bother with daylight savings time in ANY country?
 If there is anything dumber that daylight savings time, it is daylight
 savings time in the tropics.

It isn't much better in the north, where daylight savings time may
shift sunrise from 1AM to 2AM, and sunset from 11PM to midnight.  Of
course, it never really gets dark during that time, so you don't even
notice it.


Re: Any FAQ's on setting up a news server?

1999-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 06:19:19PM -0500, Charles Lewis wrote:

 What are all the components I need in order to setup a news server so that I
 can connect from a remote computer. I currently have the nntp and cnews
 packages installed, although don't know what else to do to configure them or

This depends on what you want to do.  Do you want to provide a news
server to a large number of people or are you only interested in reading
news?  In the former case you want to set up a large news server
package, but in the latter case you can get away with a much simpler
program like Leafnode.  If you're on a dialup connection you're almost
certainly in the latter group.

The standard full news server these days is INN - cnews/nntp is an older
system.  I haven't used it in a while, but from what I remember the
documentation supplied is pretty complete.  It can be a bit tricky to
find everything you need, but all the information is in there.  When
using this sort of system you normally agree with several other systems
that you will send each other news, and your servers push the news at
each other whenever they get new news.

As well as INN and cnews there's also Diablo and some commercial packages, 
but Diablo isn't packaged for Debian and the commercial packages are 
commercial and often not for Linux.  Diablo does have a nice reputation
for configurability, though.

 setup newsgroups. Do I also need suck? I can't seem to find any FAQ or HOWTO

You need suck if you're not running a full news server but want to use
INN or nntp/cnews.  It (or an equivalent package such as newsx) talks to
another news server like a client, downloads news and then feeds it into
your own news server and also does the reverse translation.

OTOH, it is very much easier to use Leafnode.  This will do all the work
of inn and suck that is needed to support a small userbase, but doesn't
scale very well to large numbers of users and groups.

 on this topic. Also, where would I get my newsfeed from?

 Charles Lewis, Director of Administrative Computing
 Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX

Does your university LAN have a news server on it already?  If you're on
the LAN and there is one you probably don't want to use a server at all
but to simply point your client at it.  If there is no server then one
or more of your IP providers (redundancy is good) will probably provide
a feed.  They should be able give you quite a bit of help with setting up.
Otherwise, places like are good places to look.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mathematica

1999-10-01 Thread Sean
It works just fine on my potato system. I suspect this is because the whole 
thing is
statically linked to its own libraries, etc.  The only gripe I have with it is 
I have
a dual processor system, but as it was compiled under a 2.0.x environment, 
there is
no SMP support. I really like the package, but SMP support would be cool.


Nathan Smith wrote:

 Hello all,

 We're (I'm) setting up a computer lab here at Univ. Texas at Tyler
 (nevermind the address above), and I'd like to run Debian as the OS in the
 lab.  We're going to need to have Mathematica on the computers in the lab,
 and according to the Wolfram web page Mathematica will run on any ELF
 Linux system, but it's my understanding that Debian is not ELF but glibc6.
 Is there a way to make this work?  Does anybody have Mathematica running
 on a Debian system?  I have Debian on my machine here at work and would
 like to not have to switch to Red Hat or something else since I'm already
 somewhat familiar with what I have, but if it's not possible to run
 Mathematica I'll have to - or if it's too much work I'll have to as well
 since I have other duties.  Anyone able to answer my questions?

 Thanks for your time,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Why am I getting ? instead of apostrophe in Netscape?

1999-10-01 Thread Sean
You can thank Microsoft for that one.  If you have a webpage and use a 
Microsoft tool
to edit it, it exends and ebraces the font scheme into one that only renders
correctly under Windows. All it really means, though, is that some MS editing 
was used sometime in the document's editing history.


Phillip Deackes wrote:

 Recently I have noticed I am getting a question mark instead of an
 apostrophe on web pages. The apostrophe works fine everywhere else (')

 Any ideas what is wrong?

 Phillip Deackes
 Debian Linux (Potato)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

g32pbm - gs - pbm2g3 - newslock

1999-10-01 Thread zdrysdal

where can i find the above files??  are they part of a utils package??
they are used for fax conversion etc.


Re: g32pbm - gs - pbm2g3 - newslock

1999-10-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  1 Oct, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about g32pbm - gs - pbm2g3 - newslock
 where can i find the above files??  are they part of a utils package??
 they are used for fax conversion etc.

Use the 'Search the Contents ...' search at the bottom of

As an example a search for g32pbm returned
usr/bin/g32pbm  comm/mgetty-fax

So you would need to install the mgetty-fax package.

This search just greps the Contents-arch.gz file that is found on
your favorite mirror.  I keep a local copy on hand and search that.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: eth0: unknown interface...

1999-10-01 Thread Matthew Dalton
It may not help, but I installed debian on my laptop using a laplink
cable and it was not too difficult to set up. I was planning on using an
ethernet card, but I couldn't get one right away... so I spent $10 on a
laplink cable instead.

Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
 I have installed the debian base system on a laptop, but now I need to
 install the rest over a network (from another brilliant working Debian
 machine). For this to work, I must get the pcmcia network card working...
 I installed the same kernel package I installed on anther laptop, and the
 pcmcia-modules package that was compiled with it, and am using the same
 network card. However, even with this kernel, eth0 is still an unknown
 device. How does Debian Linux get to know eth0? I though it was only in
 the kernel, but clearly it isn't. Or what modules must I load with
 Thanks in advance,
 Hugo van der Merwe
 ps. Please ensure replies are also sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I do not
 subscribe to the mailing list, and I mistrust the news server I read
 the list through.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

pgcc compiler for slink?

1999-10-01 Thread ferret
Has anyone successfully patched and compiled a pgcc/egcs package for
Slink? I was able to patch for Potato using the gcc source package and a
slightly older gcc source tarball patched with the pgcc patches.
I recently updated one of my testing machines to Potato, and the patched
gcc seems to be working fine. Unfortunately, the Potato gcc source package
requires the Potato debhelper, which won't compile without versioned perl,
and the slink egcs package doesn't patch with any pgcc patch files. :/

Is there any documentation on compiling for glibc 2.0 on a glibc 2.1

And how could I verify that the patched compiler is actually producing
optimised code? (In my case for AMD K6 with MMX)

-- Ferret no baka

Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread longship

I know that the basic issues of my question have been asked many times
here previously.  But, time goes on and things change.  Maybe this all
too important issue needs to be addressed again.

When I talked with some Debian folks at Linux World, they indicated
that Potato was fairly stable and that I could safely upgrade a Slink
installation to Potato without problems.  However, when looking at the
mailing list archives, it seems that it isn't so.  For one, perl and
everything it depends on is broken.  Ooops!

There was some talk about putting out an interim release with updated
packages.  That talk seems to have died out.

There was also some talk about bringing the latest applications from
Unstable to Stable so that Stable remains up to date, which is kind of
what they do with the Linux kernel.  Without some mechanism to do
this, Debian is badly outdated.  Slink still ships with Enlightenment
0.14, Gnome 0.30 and LyX 0.12--my favorite tools are hopelessly

I need a 2.2 kernel before I can use Debian on my main box.  But, I am
experimenting with Slink on a small Pentium box.  I must say that
everything works wonderfully.  I can apt-get through my big box's
ip-chains.  Everything is cool except for the legacy major
components, like the windows managers.

I want to upgrade the packages to the latest.  I know that many Debian
users do this because nobody could remain happy with standard Slink
for long.  Is there a standard place for updated packages?  If there
isn't, there should be.  At least I want the latest released Gnome,
Enlightenment, LyX and GIMP--all the major packages which take so much
effort to compile and install from tarballs.  Somebody has done this.

Where do I start?

What can we do to help others with this common problem?

Thank you ahead of time.


Arne Flones

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread Miles Bader
 When I talked with some Debian folks at Linux World, they indicated
 that Potato was fairly stable and that I could safely upgrade a Slink
 installation to Potato without problems.  However, when looking at the
 mailing list archives, it seems that it isn't so.  For one, perl and
 everything it depends on is broken.  Ooops!

I've been slowly upgrading my packages from slink to potato, and
frankly, have never had a single problem.  I was nervous about upgrading
perl, because I've seen all sorts of veiled references to possible
hosage (although I've never seen a concise statement of the actual
problem), but eventually I just did it, and removed the old perl.
Result?  No problems, everything seems to work perfectly.  Perhaps there
are a few packages that crash and burn, but I apparently don't use any
of them.

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Upgradeing to 2.2 kernel broke X

1999-10-01 Thread peter karlsson

I just upgraded to a 2.2 kernel (from 2.0.38), running a virtual framebuffer
(ATI Mach64), and now my X Windows doesn't work, the picture is *extremely*
distorted. Console mode (which also is graphics now) works just fine.

I'm running on a PC, and my card is, according to SuperProbe:

First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: ATI 264GT-IIc (3D Rage IIc) (Port Probed)
Memory:  4096 Kbytes
RAMDAC:  ATI Mach64 integrated 15/16/24/32-bit DAC w/clock
 (with 8-bit wide lookup tables)
 (programmable for 6/8-bit wide lookup tables)
Attached graphics coprocessor:
Chipset: ATI Mach64
Memory:  4096 Kbytes

I like the framebuffer and stuff, but it seems like if I should switch back
to 2.0.38 :-/

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread longship
 I've been slowly upgrading my packages from slink to potato, and
 frankly, have never had a single problem.  I was nervous about upgrading
 perl, because I've seen all sorts of veiled references to possible
 hosage (although I've never seen a concise statement of the actual
 problem), but eventually I just did it, and removed the old perl.
 Result?  No problems, everything seems to work perfectly.  Perhaps there
 are a few packages that crash and burn, but I apparently don't use any
 of them.

That's great.

This is what I've heard, but not what I see in the mailing list archive
where people ask about problems with Potato and they are answered only
That's what unstable means.  In other words, you're on your own, pal.

Some people just don't have the luxury of working with Unstable. However, much
of the software released, like Gnome, GIMP, LyX and such *is* stable.
Enlightenment 0.15.x is quite stable, albeit incomplete. It is no less stable
than the 0.14.6 that ships on the Slink CDs. So what I'd like to see is a
collection of upgrades to the current Stable from the Unstable chain, just the
way its done in the Linux kernel. This will keep everybody happy and will delay
the obsolescense of Stable. Right now, I wouldn't recommend Slink to anybody.
It's just too out of date.  I'm only playing around with it because I have
a need for it in the future.

What can we do to get this accomplished?

I'm willing to put in some work to get this ball going.  Does anybody
else see this as worthwhile?



fvwm 2.2 and missing menu items

1999-10-01 Thread Alec Smith
I just installed Debian 2.2 after reformatting my old Slink partition. I
noticed that as root I had my fvwm 2.2 menus as I always had them with the
old version (2.0.46-BETA I believe) in Slink. However, if I ran fvwm 2.2
as a normal user, I got a menu that basically let me exit and nothing
else. The .fvwm2rc file in my home directory does nothing but start xterm
and use xv to put a background on my screen.

Is there some change I need to make so that fvwm 2.2 will operate


Re: Upgradeing to 2.2 kernel broke X

1999-10-01 Thread peter karlsson
 I just upgraded to a 2.2 kernel (from 2.0.38), running a virtual framebuffer
 (ATI Mach64), and now my X Windows doesn't work, the picture is *extremely*
 distorted. Console mode (which also is graphics now) works just fine.

I switched to the VESA framebuffer, and now it works. But does anyone know
why the heck the cursor suddenly became a block instead of just an
underscore, and how I change that?

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

installation of potato doesn't work...

1999-10-01 Thread Rainer Hubovsky
hello everyone!

i set up a debian mirror and want to install potato using the nfs
exported files from my mirror.

but when selecting install within dselect there are several problems:

1.) the first time dselect aborts when installing libc6. it complains
about apt which is already installed but with a too low version
number. i could fix this with removing apt before invoking dselect.

maybe the problem is that potato uses the same file for the base system
as slink, base2_1.tgz. probably the packages from potato need newer
base packages than are contained in base2_1.tgz.

2.) the second time dselect aborts when installing libpam0g because
libpam-runtime isn't installed yet. but the deb file for
libpam-runtime is available. i fixed this by installing libpam-runtime
by hand berfore starting dselect.

i gave up at the third error.

i'm nut sure, if this is a problem with my mirror or with the unstable
potato release.

did you have the same or similar problems?
are these bugs in the potato release?
can someone send me a control file for his debian mirror?

i tried a test installation of slink from my mirrored files an it
worked without problems. to me it looks like the potato installation
doesn't work right now.

any hints?
thank you!


   @ Rainer Hubovsky
   @ Ferdinandstr. 29/15, A-1020 Vienna
   @ Tel/Fax: +43 1 214 24 48

Re: How to filter this list?

1999-10-01 Thread Stefan Blum
 *- On 30 Sep, Stefan Blum wrote about How to filter this list?
  how can I filter the incoming stuff from this list by using ''elm''?
  My $HOME/.elm/filter-rules contains the following entries:
  if (from = then save 
  if (sender = then save 
  Because some of the mails to the lists are sent by using ``CC'', the
  mechanism does not work correctly. 
  Is there a way out? I _have_to_ use elm and filter ;-(
 When I was using elm's filter I used
 if (to contains debian) then save ...
Thanks.. that seems to work!

 The 'to' should catch the To and Cc lines. Just curious, why do you
 _have_to_ to use filter? 

I am not a system admin. The only way (that I know) to configure elm-filter 
remains in $HOME/.elm/filter-rules :(


 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Taupter
John Hasler wrote:
 I suppose this is a dumb question, but why would anyone bother with
 daylight savings time in a tropical country?

Despite some opinions, we have a large industrial park, 180 million
people, a high energy comsumption. There is no outdoors with Coming
soon... Coca Cola!. Brazil is not one immense rain forest, as some
people would think.


organizing pptp network over Internet with Win98 and linux

1999-10-01 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

Has anyone tried to make subj. with win98 comps acting as pptp-client
and linux-box as pptp server?

The problem is: 
we have private ip LAN in one office. Another comp (win98) is
located in another far away office. It has it's own Internet connection.
The first office also has Internet connection (with static ip address).

We need the comp in the second office to be available on our private ip

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.


Re: How to filter this list?

1999-10-01 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva

I am interrested in filtering the incoming mail. On my opinion, my situation is 
different from the explained in this thread. I am the administrator of a PC K6-3
400MHz running Debian Linux. I use a mail server ( to 
send and
receive mails.

[mercurio:/home/des/becarios/arenaz]$ uname -a
SunOS mercurio 5.7 Generic sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCclassic

My question is: What do I need in order to filter the incomming mail received 
in the
server? Can I manage using elm?

I am currently using netscape messenger to filter the mail, but, first, I 
have to
download the mail to my machine and, second, perform the filtering action by 
hand. You
can imagine that this a tedious and embarrasing task.

I would be very grateful if you could help me.

Thanks in advance,

   Manuel Arenaz

anacron read out

1999-10-01 Thread eric k. wolven

Newbie here

I'm getting this read-out from my daily cron but haven't a clue what is wrong 
or more importantly, how to fix it.  Any ideas?

/usr/sbin/crack_mdict: tr: command not found
/usr/sbin/crack_mdict: tr: command not found
/usr/sbin/crack_mdict: line 23: 645 Boken pipe zcat -f $*
646 Done(127)   | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
647 Done(127)   | tr -cd '\012[a-z][0-9]'
648 Done| $Sort
649 Done| uniq
650 Done| grep -v '^#'
651 Done| grep -v '^$'
/usr/sbin/checksecurity: wc: command not found
/usr/sbin/checksecurity: [: -gt: unary operator expected

Thanks in advance

Re: anacron read out

1999-10-01 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 05:44:06 -0500, eric k. wolven wrote:
 I'm getting this read-out from my daily cron but haven't a clue what is wrong 
 or more importantly, how to fix it.  Any ideas?

Your system doesn't have the textutils package installed, which is weird
as it's a required/essential package.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Using of parity bit in RS232 in Linux

1999-10-01 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!

I need to detect the corrupted serial data in my program.
I have set the c_lflag to ISIG in termios structure, but no signals are
being sent to my program.
What signal does the serial driver send when parity or overrun error occurs?
How to manage these signals?
Where can I find more info? (I've already checked the
HOWTO/Serial-Programming, but it didn't help).
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gnu Privacy Guard - protect your mail  data
  with the FREE cryptographic system

Strange Behaviour of apt-get update

1999-10-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
today I'm trying to update my machines with apt and there is a strange
Hit unstable/main Packages
Hit unstable/main Release
Hit unstable/contrib Packages
Hit unstable/contrib Release
Hit unstable/non-free Packages
Hit unstable/non-free Release
Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Malformed Priority line
E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
update available list script returned error exit status 100.
Press RETURN to continue.

What is this?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I was able to find some info about daylight savings setting in
other Linux list.
Thanks for your concerns about Brazil. BTW, I think we'll have
daylight savings for while :-))
BTW again, zic(8) is the program which compiles the time zone and
somebody provided an updated file with correct daylight savings beginning
and end for this year.

thanks again
Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: trivial egcc question...

1999-10-01 Thread Jonathan Lupa
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 03:04:56AM +0100, Mark Brown wrote:
 The command g++ (also known as c++) exists to do exactly this job -

Thanks! This is what I was looking for.  For whatever reason,
I was still laboring under the misconception that egcs and g++ were
not one and the same.

I agree that makefiles are the way to go, but I often like to
prototype unfamilliar language features before I use them in
production code.  I guess I'm still screwed if I need to specify
unweildly include paths or such since all of the responses I have
gotten are along the lines of you should do this instead which is
leading me to the conclusion that the gnu compiler doesn't support the
environment variable schlotz that I want to do.

Thanks to you and Ian for the pointers.

Jonathan Lupa

Description: PGP signature

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread markzimm
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 03:52:47PM +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
 I've been slowly upgrading my packages from slink to potato, and
 frankly, have never had a single problem.  I was nervous about upgrading
 perl, because I've seen all sorts of veiled references to possible
 hosage (although I've never seen a concise statement of the actual
 problem), but eventually I just did it, and removed the old perl.
 Result?  No problems, everything seems to work perfectly.  Perhaps there
 are a few packages that crash and burn, but I apparently don't use any
 of them.

How are you doing this?  Do you just go get the packages and 'dpkg -i' them
or do you use apt?  There are a bunch of things I want to upgrade on my
system but I assumed that all of the potato packages would have dependencies
to library versions I don't have and that updating my libraries would
break slink packages that I do have.

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 12:54:24AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is what I've heard, but not what I see in the mailing list archive
 where people ask about problems with Potato and they are answered only
 That's what unstable means.  In other words, you're on your own, pal.

Well, it's a bit better than that - particularly if you keep up with the
various lists (mostly -user and -devel) you should be all right.  It's
more a case of pay attention and be prepared to fix things if they
break than anything else.  I'd guess that a fair proportion of
developers are running at least some unstable, and we like our machines
to continue to work.

 Some people just don't have the luxury of working with Unstable. However, much
 of the software released, like Gnome, GIMP, LyX and such *is* stable.

Sure, but which software and how does it play together :-) .  I can
actually imagine this being a more serious problem these days with
things like GNOME having so many librarie to get right.

 So what I'd like to see is
 collection of upgrades to the current Stable from the Unstable chain, just the
 way its done in the Linux kernel. This will keep everybody happy and will 

 the obsolescense of Stable. Right now, I wouldn't recommend Slink to anybody.
 It's just too out of date.  I'm only playing around with it because I have
 a need for it in the future.

I think that's a bit extreme - this machine is running a vanilla Slink
system plus kernel 2.2 and the GNOME panel (and it's not as though I
couldn't do without the GNOME panel) and it does everything I would want
in a Unix system.  There isn't much visible difference between it and
the potato systems I run.

Then again, the potato boxes are pretty much solid - my router/server
box here at home runs unstable updated every weekend, and I can't recall 
any reboots other than for kernel upgrades or when it's been powered down 
while I've out of town for more than a day or two.  The machine which
currently acts as smarthost for tardis' outbound mail is running
unstable updated approximately daily and hasn't done anything
particularly nasty to me.

If you really want to run an up-to-date system and can't tolerate any
breakage at all then you probably want to have a test box sitting by
which you can try out the new versions on before your production system
falls over.

Otherwise, giving it a day or two before installing new packages and 
paying attention to bug reports and the lists should help you steer
clear of anything really serious.  Using apt, you can track just the
list of packages you need rather than the entire distribution.

 What can we do to get this accomplished?

 I'm willing to put in some work to get this ball going.  Does anybody
 else see this as worthwhile?

Check out the extensive existing discussion in the -devel archives.  There 
are several proposals, some of which would require code to be written.
IMHO it's probably enough to get the release cycle down to six months,
though a semi-stable distribution may be one way to achieve that.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: why no package status feature for dpkg?

1999-10-01 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:

 : So who *knows* what I'm running now, and whether it corresponds to
 : anything remotely resembling Official Debian 2.0.  Somebody remind me
 : again how .deb is the perfect packaging format, sublime in all the
 : details of its creation, without flaw in its every detail, and how all
 : others (should) bow low to it.  I still haven't found an explanation
 : of why RPM sucks so badly that Debian developers cannot fix it.  I
 : mean, xterm sucked so badly that somebody had to create xterm-debian
 : and break everybody's termcap, so why not RPM-debian and break
 : everybody else's RPM manipulators?

Sounds like you need to run RedHat.

People who post I'm pissed off and Debian sucks so help me now
messages probably don't get it.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

ppp refusing connections due to pam

1999-10-01 Thread Lindsay Allen


I used apt yesterday to upgrade some packages including some libpam
packages and now an incoming ppp connection fails with entries like this
in the log: 

Oct  1 21:17:08 elm PAM_unix[25488]: check pass; user unknown
Oct  1 21:17:08 elm PAM_unix[25488]: authentication failure; LOGIN(uid=0)
- CONNECT 57600 for login service
Oct  1 21:17:10 elm login[25488]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM  FOR CONNECT 57600,
Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.

Connections worked yesterday morning.  I use mgetty with this line:

/AutoPPP/ - au_ppp  /usr/sbin/pppd debug

My box is potato with some slink packages still installed.  

elm:# dpkg -l login libc6 libpam\* ppp\*
ii  login   19990827-4  System login tools
ii  libc6   2.1.2-2 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libpam-modules  0.69-7  Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM
ii  libpam-runtime  0.69-7  Runtime support for the PAM library
ii  libpam0g0.69-7  Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii  ppp 2.3.9-1 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
pn  ppp-pam none (no description available)

I have no idea at all what PAM_unix is or how to go about fixing this
problem.  I would just like to ppp working again which will buy me time 
to research all this properly.  Any help would be most appreciated. 

Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445E  Debian Linux

GNU Emacs-20.4 debs

1999-10-01 Thread Alexander Zhuckov

Tell me, ple-e-e-e-ase, where I can find
GNU Emacs 20.4 Debian packages?
Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

tar help (excluding files)

1999-10-01 Thread Chrisopher D. Judd
Hi, All,

 I tried to back up my home directory today for the first time in 
a month or so (I back it up to zip drvie which was dead;  I got a new
one yesterday).  I used the same command which I always do:

 tar -cPvzf /zip/cdj.tgz --exclude-from=.tar_exclude .

 .tar_exclude is a short file:

 This time it didn't exclude the files.  I tried specifying patterns
on the command line but this didn't work either.  I checked the timestamp
on /bin/tar and it says Sep 14, so it must have been updated since my 
last backup.  Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong now? 


|   Christopher D. Judd, Ph.D.   |
|   NYS Dept. of Health [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP   |
|   P.O. Box 509   518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509|

download problem in potato version

1999-10-01 Thread yfang
Dear Dr. Benham or to whom may concern:

I tried to download binary source through ftp on

However, every time the transfer process will stoped at devel folder and
gave me the error message.

would you please have a look at it?



Re: GNU Emacs-20.4 debs

1999-10-01 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On 1 Oct 1999, Alexander Zhuckov wrote:

 Tell me, ple-e-e-e-ase, where I can find
 GNU Emacs 20.4 Debian packages?

In unstable distribution in the packages xemacs20-*.

Jean Pierre

Re: ppp refusing connections due to pam

1999-10-01 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 10:42:54PM +0800, Lindsay Allen wrote:
 I used apt yesterday to upgrade some packages including some libpam
 packages and now an incoming ppp connection fails with entries like this
 in the log: 
 Oct  1 21:17:08 elm PAM_unix[25488]: check pass; user unknown
 Oct  1 21:17:08 elm PAM_unix[25488]: authentication failure; LOGIN(uid=0)
 - CONNECT 57600 for login service
 Oct  1 21:17:10 elm login[25488]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM  FOR CONNECT 57600,
 Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
 Connections worked yesterday morning.  I use mgetty with this line:
 /AutoPPP/ - au_ppp  /usr/sbin/pppd debug

Where are your ppp users coming from (NIS, /etc/passwd)? It seems that it
cannot find the user that is logging in.


Re: How to filter this list?

1999-10-01 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 12:39:54PM +0200, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
 I am interrested in filtering the incoming mail. On my opinion, my situation 
 is quite
 different from the explained in this thread. I am the administrator of a PC 
 400MHz running Debian Linux. I use a mail server ( to 
 send and
 receive mails.
 [mercurio:/home/des/becarios/arenaz]$ uname -a
 SunOS mercurio 5.7 Generic sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCclassic
 My question is: What do I need in order to filter the incomming mail received 
 in the
 server? Can I manage using elm?

You sound like a candidate for procmail.  IIRC, one of the examples in
the procmail docs is how to filter debian-user.


I fill MY industrial waste containers with old copies of the WATCHTOWER
and then add HAWAIIAN PUNCH to the top ...  They look NICE in the yard ...

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread Carl Fink
In linux.debian.user, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some people just don't have the luxury of working with Unstable. However, much
of the software released, like Gnome, GIMP, LyX and such *is* stable.
Enlightenment 0.15.x is quite stable, albeit incomplete. It is no less stable
than the 0.14.6 that ships on the Slink CDs. So what I'd like to see is a
collection of upgrades to the current Stable from the Unstable chain, just the
way its done in the Linux kernel. This will keep everybody happy and will delay
the obsolescense of Stable. Right now, I wouldn't recommend Slink to anybody.
It's just too out of date.  I'm only playing around with it because I have
a need for it in the future.

When I asked a similar question a long time ago (but still when slink
was stable!) it was explained to me thusly:  if you start modifying
stable, then you might break it.  That means that if one permitted
regular modifications/upgrades to stable packages, one would have to
go through the entire beta-test cycle ON THE ENTIRE RELEASE each time
a package was upgraded.  This is impractical.

The problem, of course, is that potato is taking a very long time to
be released.  (Is it even frozen yet?  I haven't kept track.)  I,
too, am waiting for some of the newer software with metaphorically
bated breath.  So, since you offered to help, the thing you could do
is help test potato and get it released.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread John Hasler
I wrote: 
 I suppose this is a dumb question, but why would anyone bother with
 daylight savings time in a tropical country?

Taupter writes:
 Brazil is not one immense rain forest, as some people would think.

What's that got to do with it seasonal variation in daylight?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.


1999-10-01 Thread Juha Pesonen

When smbmount fails to mount a NT-share, the mount entry exists in
/etc/mount after failed mount anyway. This prevents mounting anything
else to that mount point. Is this a so-called bug or what? I'm using the
latest stable version (at least apt-get told me so...) on debian 2.1. df
doesn't know anything about the mount but I just umount it, and
everything is just fine.

Another thing: is it possible to give passwd on command line to


Re: why no package status feature for dpkg?

1999-10-01 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 11:31:25PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
 Why does dpkg not have a way to check the cksum's of the package's
 contents.  I deleted a bunch of man pages, and now I find myself
 having to write perl scripts to coerce dpkg into releasing the
 information about missing files.  And even then, I won't know if a
 file is really undamaged.

Good idea --- maybe a dpkg --check-corrupted to see if a supposedly
installed package has been damaged or had components removed.  I'm not
a coder at all, but maybe somebody else who reads this post is.

A temporary hack would be, when you have a man page go missing, do a
dpkg --remove package; apt-get install package.  Until you need the
page, don't worry about it.

 So who *knows* what I'm running now, and whether it corresponds to
 anything remotely resembling Official Debian 2.0.

Yeah, I was running probably 1/3 unstable for a while.  I went to
glibc2.1 to use the new kernel and that kept breaking little things,
and I finally said screw it and went to a full potato box.  Unstable
for Debian is pretty stable, though; I figure as long as I don't
follow the bleeding edge and only upgrade what's broken I'll be fine.

 Somebody remind me again how .deb is the perfect packaging format,
sublime in all the details of its creation, without flaw in its every
detail, and how all others (should) bow low to it.  I still haven't
found an explanation of why RPM sucks so badly that Debian developers
cannot fix it.  I mean, xterm sucked so badly that somebody had to
create xterm-debian and break everybody's termcap, so why not
RPM-debian and break everybody else's RPM manipulators?

I bet you'd feel a lot better if you hadn't just been beating this to
death for several hours.  Get a good night's sleep and a warm meal.


America: born free and taxed to death.

Re: why no package status feature for dpkg?

1999-10-01 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 11:38:22AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 11:31:25PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
  Why does dpkg not have a way to check the cksum's of the package's
  contents.  I deleted a bunch of man pages, and now I find myself
  having to write perl scripts to coerce dpkg into releasing the
  information about missing files.  And even then, I won't know if a
  file is really undamaged.
 Good idea --- maybe a dpkg --check-corrupted to see if a supposedly
 installed package has been damaged or had components removed.  I'm not
 a coder at all, but maybe somebody else who reads this post is.
 A temporary hack would be, when you have a man page go missing, do a
 dpkg --remove package; apt-get install package.  Until you need the
 page, don't worry about it.

Umm, how about installing debsums and read the manpage.


Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 08:17:41AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 03:52:47PM +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
  I've been slowly upgrading my packages from slink to potato, and
  frankly, have never had a single problem.  I was nervous about upgrading
  perl, because I've seen all sorts of veiled references to possible
  hosage (although I've never seen a concise statement of the actual
  problem), but eventually I just did it, and removed the old perl.
  Result?  No problems, everything seems to work perfectly.  Perhaps there
  are a few packages that crash and burn, but I apparently don't use any
  of them.
 How are you doing this?  Do you just go get the packages and 'dpkg -i' them
 or do you use apt?  There are a bunch of things I want to upgrade on my
 system but I assumed that all of the potato packages would have dependencies
 to library versions I don't have and that updating my libraries would
 break slink packages that I do have.

This is exactly what apt is for.  Even dpkg -i will say something like
package depends on lib2.0 but you only have lib0.2, you loser.

As far as hearing horror stories on the list, that's because this is
largely a help list.  The people who upgrade from slink to potato and
don't have any problems don't ask for help.   I did it last week and
it's very nice, thank you.


If you wish to succeed, consult three old people.

Re: GNU Emacs-20.4 debs

1999-10-01 Thread Alexander Zhuckov
Jean Pierre LeJacq [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1 Oct 1999, Alexander Zhuckov wrote:
  Tell me, ple-e-e-e-ase, where I can find
  GNU Emacs 20.4 Debian packages?
 In unstable distribution in the packages xemacs20-*.

No, thanks. I want GNU Emacs, not XEmacs.

Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

Perl dependency problems in unstable

1999-10-01 Thread John R. Sheets

I just did an upgrade of the latest unstable branch, and ran into a
rather perplexing problem with the perl-5.005-doc package.  Dselect
won't let me change the upgrade status of that package.  In fact, it
won't even let me hold it!  When I hold it and the main perl package, it
comes back with a dependency conflict, and tries to set it back to
Install.  The only way I can get out of the dependency conflict screen
is to agree to upgrade both perl and perl-doc packages.


When I try to go through with it, I get this error, which bails out the
upgrade process prematurely, leaving me with a handful of non-installed

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
(Reading database ... 52339 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace perl-5.005-doc 5.005.03-3 (using
/var/cache/apt/archives/perl-5.005-doc_5.005.03-4_all.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement perl-5.005-doc ...
dpkg: error processing
/var/cache/apt/archives/perl-5.005-doc_5.005.03-4_all.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man3/CGI::Carp.3pm.gz', which is
also in package libcgi-perl
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)
Some errors occurred while unpacking. I'm going to configure the
packages that were installed. This may result in duplicate errors
or errors caused by missing dependencies. This is OK, only the errors
above this message are important. Please fix them and run [I]nstall
Press enter to continue.

What's going on?  I tried uninstalling libcgi-perl, and that didn't work


Re: GNU Emacs-20.4 debs

1999-10-01 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Alexander Zhuckov wrote:

 Tell me, ple-e-e-e-ase, where I can find
 GNU Emacs 20.4 Debian packages?
 Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

search the mail list archive(s) - someone announced unofficial
20.4 debs about a week ago


debconf back from gtk to text, how

1999-10-01 Thread Ingo Reimann
Hi guys,

a maybe silly question:

when i installed debconf, i was happy, when he asked my, whether to use some
nice gtk-interface or not.
I thought, this was a good idea, and so during apt-get update/upgrade, some
windows pops up an vanishes, but I only see a black box. How do i get rid of
this an switch to a text-based output

Thanks alot,

Ingo Reimann

Remote Managed Debian Servers

1999-10-01 Thread Martin Oldfield

Does anyone on the list know of companies offering remote servers
running Debian ?  People like Verio,, Concentric, and
Exodus seem besotted with Red Hat boxes.

Martin Oldfield.

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread longship
 Well, it's a bit better than that - particularly if you keep up with the
 various lists (mostly -user and -devel) you should be all right.  It's
 more a case of pay attention and be prepared to fix things if they
 break than anything else.  I'd guess that a fair proportion of
 developers are running at least some unstable, and we like our machines
 to continue to work.

Wouldn't it be nice is this information was collated at one location so
that people could build on what's already been done and not have to try
everything new every time.  That's what open source is about--sharing.

What I am proposing is to help collate the information, do the research
so that people coming after me don't have to keep up with the various
lists.   This is a no-brainer.  It needs to be done and it needs to be
done now.

  Some people just don't have the luxury of working with Unstable. However,=
  of the software released, like Gnome, GIMP, LyX and such *is* stable.
 Sure, but which software and how does it play together :-) .  I can
 actually imagine this being a more serious problem these days with
 things like GNOME having so many librarie to get right.

Those are a nightmare.  That's why it's important for somebody who's already 
got things working with Slink to document it and share with others so that
everybody doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.

  So what I'd like to see is
  collection of upgrades to the current Stable from the Unstable chain, jus=
 t the
  way its done in the Linux kernel. This will keep everybody happy and will=
  the obsolescense of Stable. Right now, I wouldn't recommend Slink to anyb=
  It's just too out of date.  I'm only playing around with it because I have
  a need for it in the future.
 I think that's a bit extreme - this machine is running a vanilla Slink
 system plus kernel 2.2 and the GNOME panel (and it's not as though I
 couldn't do without the GNOME panel) and it does everything I would want
 in a Unix system.  There isn't much visible difference between it and
 the potato systems I run.

What's extreme is that hundreds of Debian users have stable upgraded systems
and nobody has bothered to document it and post a How-To.

And yes, I could go without GIMP and Enlightenment and even X Windows, too.
What your telling me is that when using Debian, I have to get used to using
out of date stuff.  I won't buy that when the solution is so easy--document
what you've done and put it up on a damn Web site so others can benefit
from your experience.

 Then again, the potato boxes are pretty much solid - my router/server
 box here at home runs unstable updated every weekend, and I can't recall=20
 any reboots other than for kernel upgrades or when it's been powered down=
 while I've out of town for more than a day or two.  The machine which
 currently acts as smarthost for tardis' outbound mail is running
 unstable updated approximately daily and hasn't done anything
 particularly nasty to me.

 If you really want to run an up-to-date system and can't tolerate any
 breakage at all then you probably want to have a test box sitting by
 which you can try out the new versions on before your production system
 falls over.

I have one system for this very purpose.  I will use it as a test base
before updating my S.u.S.E. machines to Debian.  My server will remain
S.u.S.E. until potato is Stable--hopefully before the end of the year.

 Otherwise, giving it a day or two before installing new packages and=20
 paying attention to bug reports and the lists should help you steer
 clear of anything really serious.  Using apt, you can track just the
 list of packages you need rather than the entire distribution.
  What can we do to get this accomplished?
  I'm willing to put in some work to get this ball going.  Does anybody
  else see this as worthwhile?
 Check out the extensive existing discussion in the -devel archives.  There=
 are several proposals, some of which would require code to be written.
 IMHO it's probably enough to get the release cycle down to six months,
 though a semi-stable distribution may be one way to achieve that.

I will do that.  I will also see what kind of interest there is on this.

I, too, was thinking that this would result in what may be called a
semi-stable distribution.  Basically it means having another chain of
programs with updated contributions which include instructions on integration
with Slink.  Dependencies would have to be worked out to build .deb packages,
but that will work itself out in testing, which can be a simple go/no-go.

I welcome other ideas on this.  Please chime in.


Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Taupter wrote:
 John Hasler wrote:
  I suppose this is a dumb question, but why would anyone bother with
  daylight savings time in a tropical country?
 Despite some opinions, we have a large industrial park, 180 million
 people, a high energy comsumption. There is no outdoors with Coming
 soon... Coca Cola!. Brazil is not one immense rain forest, as some
 people would think.
Hey, settle down there, guy!  If I may be so presumptuous, I think
John's point was that there's so little difference in the tropics in
amount of daylight between summer and winter.

True story, not even tangentially on-topic:

In high school I was in a car with 3 other guys going to play tennis
doubles.  I knew two of the other guys, but the 3rd, a friend of one of
the others, was unknown to me (he looked kind of dark; I thought he was

Someone mentioned South America, and I said, Aw, all they do in South
America is blow darts.  (Yes, it was a lousy, bigoted attempt at

The dark guy piped up and said, I assure you, we do not just blow

I was so embarrassed, I didn't even say anything.  I just looked at the

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread longship
 When I asked a similar question a long time ago (but still when slink
 was stable!) it was explained to me thusly:  if you start modifying
 stable, then you might break it.  That means that if one permitted
 regular modifications/upgrades to stable packages, one would have to
 go through the entire beta-test cycle ON THE ENTIRE RELEASE each time
 a package was upgraded.  This is impractical.

Stability with stagnation in a rapidly evolving world is not practical.

Forcing the hundreds or thousands of people who have updated their
Debian releases to do so without the assistance of others who have
already done so is most impractical.

 The problem, of course, is that potato is taking a very long time to
 be released.  (Is it even frozen yet?  I haven't kept track.)  I,
 too, am waiting for some of the newer software with metaphorically
 bated breath.  So, since you offered to help, the thing you could do
 is help test potato and get it released.

I have no desire to test potato at this time.  I have other projects which
consume my time.  I will, however, write up a Debian Update HowTo which
lists those Unstable modules which people have ported to Slink so that
every other person who wants to do this doesn't have to go through the
agony of researching everything anew.

I know of no other distribution which provides this information.  Debian
could be the first.  Of course, with Slink being so out of date, it just
so happens that Debian needs this more than the others.  At this point,
it needs it very badly.



Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-01 Thread longship
 On Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 08:17:41AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How are you doing this?  Do you just go get the packages and 'dpkg -i' them
  or do you use apt?  There are a bunch of things I want to upgrade on my
  system but I assumed that all of the potato packages would have dependencie
  to library versions I don't have and that updating my libraries would
  break slink packages that I do have.
 This is exactly what apt is for.  Even dpkg -i will say something like
 package depends on lib2.0 but you only have lib0.2, you loser.
 As far as hearing horror stories on the list, that's because this is
 largely a help list.  The people who upgrade from slink to potato and
 don't have any problems don't ask for help.   I did it last week and
 it's very nice, thank you.


I'm no apt expert.  Would you write up a section on Apt for a Debian
Update HowTo?  I will voluteer to edit and put it together as well
as providing content.  If need be, I will even host it on my server.

The HowTo would include lists of packages and the techniques
on how to bring the latest version of applications to the current
Stable Debian release.



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