.Xautority devora RAM?

1999-10-06 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

nada más arrancar las X este es el consumo de RAM que parece
hacer `~/.Xauthority':

$ ps aux |grep .Xau

cosme29935  0.0  1.0  1916   668   2 S23:39   0:00 xinit /usr/X11R6/lib/
root 29940  3.7  5.2  8644  3336  ?  R23:39   0:10 X :0 -auth /home/cosm

pero  a  medida que  transcurre  el  tiempo aumenta  el  campo
SIZE. ¿És esto normal? ¿Y és un consumo real?

Con 3 Xterm en W. Maker (wmmixer+asclock):

$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 63444  35692  27752  18632   4048  17512
-/+ buffers/cache:  14132  49312
Swap:   102496   8472  94024



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Re: xmame

1999-10-06 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Oct 04, 1999,
Manuel Fonseca...

 Hola, una curiosidad, alguien a instalado el xmame? tengo la
 citius slink  2.1 con el  kernel 2.2.12 y cuando  arranco el
 xmame me da un  error de rom me dice que  no puede cargar la
 rom galturbo.u alguien sabe de esto?

Mira que no  sea un problema del PATH, creo  que `xmame' busca
las ROMs en un sitio y el paquete deb lo configura en otro.

Yo las tengo en `/var/lib/games/mame/juego/'.


 P.D.:Para cuando Linux 2000? ;-)



  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
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LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Alguna impresora laser pa Linux?

1999-10-06 Thread Ricard P.G.
 -- M. Angel Esteban [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Resulta que querría ponerme una buena impresora láser que rule
 bajo Linux al 100% de sus posibilidades.
 ¿Alguna Sugerencia?

Si, mira en las especificaciones tecnicas que acepte postcript y ya te puedes
olvidar de los problemas.

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M   http://www.doneval.speedhost.com  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
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  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: Problemas para imprimir

1999-10-06 Thread Ricard P.G.
El kernel no reconoce que haya concectada ninguna impresora a esos puertos.
Comprueba que el kernel tenga soporte para puertos de impresora, seguramente
sea eso.

--- daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mis problemas para imprimir son de lo más extraños... cuando intento hacer un
 cat archivo  /dev/lpx cuando x es el numero que sea, aunque es el 1 donde
 esta la impresora, siempre me sale el error /dev/lp1 no such device ein??
 ¿pero qué leches pasa? ¿Alguna idea?
 Grax de antemano
Daniel Ferradal
 Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M   http://www.doneval.speedhost.com  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: Alguna impresora laser pa Linux?

1999-10-06 Thread TooMany
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:21:25PM +0200, M. Angel Esteban wrote:

 Resulta que querría ponerme una buena impresora láser que rule 
 bajo Linux al 100% de sus posibilidades.
 ¿Alguna Sugerencia?

Hombre... Yo tengo una HP 8100N con ethernet incluida y me va de futísima
madre con el Linux... Pero bueno... tú mismo... ;-)

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

RE: Una sobre puertos.

1999-10-06 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   martes 5 de octubre de 1999 20:35
 Para: Lista de Debian
 Asunto:   Una sobre puertos.
 Gracias a las news he descubierto como ver qué puertos estan a la escucha 
 (netstat -a), y claro aquí es donde han empezado mis dudas. He logado
 identificar todos los puertos habiertos... salvo uno, un tal sunrpc que
 habre el demonio portmap, sin embargo, su pagina man es un tanto criptica:
  Portmap is a server that converts RPC program numbers into DARPA 
  protocol port numbers.  It must be running in order to make RPC
 Y claro, la cuestiones son: ¿Qué son 'números de programa RPC'? ¿Qué son 
 los 'números de puerto del protocolo DARPA'? Vale, esto ultimo intuyo lo 
 que es, son los números de puerto: 21 - telnet, 25 - smtp,... ¿no?. Lo de 
 DARPA no me suena nada.
Yyyy nop! ;)

El RPC o Remote Procedure Call es un sistema de Sun para llamar a
procedimientos remotos, es decir, para que tú te hagas un programa que se
ejecute en tu máquina local y pueda llamar a un procedimiento/función que se
ejecute en la máquina remota.
El Portmapper es el encargado de resolver los números de
procedimientos remotos y devolver los puertos asociados a esos números
(bastante del estilo de un DNS), es decir, permite iniciar la conexión entre
tu programa local y el programa remoto que almacena los procedimientos (una
especie de servidor de funciones).

La cosa es algo así:
1. El programa remoto se registra a sí mismo y los procedimientos
que tiene en la máquina remota, llamando al portmapper remoto. En ese
momento, el portmapper le adjudica puertos en los que quedarse a la escucha
para cada procedimiento o para cada programa, no recuerdo bien.
2. El programa remoto se queda a la espera de peticiones (es un
servidor de funciones, lo que sirve son funciones).
3. El programa local  empieza la ejecución.
4. El programa local llama al portmapper de la máquina remota para
que le establezca una comunicación con cierto programa remoto y, de ese
programa remoto, cierto procedimiento (de ahí el nombre, mapeador de
puertos, te mapea un puerto y un programa/procedimiento remoto).
5. El programa local convierte los parámetros del procedimiento
remoto al que quiere llamar a parámetros desreferenciados (marshalling,
i.e. convierte punteros en datos absolutos) y llama al procedimiento remoto
con el identificador que obtuvo del portmapper.

Los parámetros del procedimiento se pasan por la red empleando XDR
(eXternal Data Representation, otro protocolo de Sun para enviar datos).

Creo que el RPC se emplea en el NFS, pero no estoy muy seguro (te lo
digo más que nada por si no arrancas el RPC y de repente notas que te falla
el NFS).
En realidad, el RPC es el inicio de la programación distribuída, que
se ha quedado más o menos obsoleto con la aparición de sistemas de objetos
remotos (CORBA, SOM, COM...).

 En el listado de puertos abiertos hay dos entradas que me intrigan:
 raw0  0 *:1 *:*
 raw0  0 *:6 *:*
 ¿Me podeis explicar cual es su función?  ¿Qué tipo de protocolo es raw?
De esto ni idea, pero el protocolo raw es el protocolo que va
directamente sobre IP (ni UDP ni TCP).

 Raúl González [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX Slink
 Linux User #99718
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.


1999-10-06 Thread TooMany

He instalado el vmware-1.0.3 (o algo así) en mi sistema Debian. Mi idea es
la de poder acceder al NoTepares 4.0 que hay en el disco para no tener que
salir del Linux ya para nada... ;-)
Todo lo tengo bien, cargo con el insmod el módulo vmmon-up-2.2.5-22 (pero
tengo un kernel 2.2.12), etc, etc. Pero a pesar de cargarlo, me dice que no
encuentra el /dev/vmmon (lógico, no lo tengo). He hecho, con el módulo
cargado, un MAKEDEV update, pero no me lo ha creado...

¿Alguien puede orientarme un poco para poder ver cómo va ésto?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: Necesito ayuda con el exim.

1999-10-06 Thread dfm

¿usas sendmail? En caso afirmativo probablemente sea este quien esté
haciendote lo del enmascaramiento de las direcciones de correo,

Espero haber sido ayuda.


debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 05/10/99 23:57:53

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Necesito ayuda con el exim.


Ya me he montado un mini-servidor http/ftp/pop3, y claro, ahora estoy
peleándome con lo de los emails que vienen de otras partes de la red
local. La situación es que hay un ordenador que tiene conexión con
internet, y tiene cuentas de email. El resto de los ordenadores lo usan
como servidor pop3 local, y smtp también.

El invento funciona, y puedo mandar para fuera y para dentro de la red sin
problemas. Sin embargo, en el exim tengo configurado, que siempre que
pilla una dirección [EMAIL PROTECTED], me la reescribe a [EMAIL PROTECTED], dado
que sólo tengo una dirección de email.

Pues bueno, me reescribe el from, pero ¡de todos los emails! Es decir,
los mails locales también son reescritos a [EMAIL PROTECTED], por lo que un
reply no funciona, teniendo que cambiar manualmente la dirección a donde
se va a responder, por la dirección local de email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

He intentado usar el flag q de las rewritting-rules, pero sólo se aplica
si el resto de las rewritting rules para una determinada dirección
_también_ cumplen los mismos flaqs.

Es decir, que algo como:


no funciona, porque la segunda línea no tiene los flags tT.

¿Se ve lo que quiero hacer? He releído el manual del exim, y no parece ser
que haya forma alguna de hacer una especie de if/else con las
rewritting-rules :-(

¿Alguien tiene una idea de qué puedo hacer?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware - http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

Error: Windows could not find error message.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

(Urgente) Hyalafax

1999-10-06 Thread TooMany

Tengo el server Hylafax rulando a las mil maravillas (si alguien necesita
apoyo logístico que me lo diga), pero tan sólo me queda una pequeña
arista por limar:
Cuando recibo un fax, sea de dónde sea, me sale 3/4 de página en blanco (más
o menos), y luego el mensaje, el cual se corta a final de página y se acabó...

¿Alguna ayudita, por favor? Es muy urgente ya que es para el curro... :(

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

ITI - Informacion de Tecnologia Informatica de ZMA

1999-10-06 Thread Zampatti Maida Asoc
El envio de este ITI se vio afectado por el corte de suministro electrico del 
fin de semana, razon por la cual estamos haciendo este reenvio sin adjuntar el 
archivo .pdf. Si usted ya recibio esta comunicacion le pedimos disculpas.

Si no la ha recibido y desea acceder a ella, puede hacerlo en 




1) Firma electrónica  fue utilizado para firmar documentacion remitida por el 
Congreso de Estados Unidos a Bill Clinton.
2) F Prot Professional y las eleccciones  en la Prov. de Santa Fe:
3) Nueva version de Baby 36 y Baby 400
4) El problema del milenio también ataca a las PCs
5) BO2K: Herramienta de los hackers o Software de soporte remoto?
6) Espionaje industrial mediante troyano
7) Antivirus de NAI (exMcAfee) causo graves daños a sistemas de correo 
8) Microsoft se somete a un hacker test
9) IBM Solution provider para cubrir holes del OS/400


ZMA-ITI y ZMA-CSA (Computer Security Alert) son Informes sobre temas de 
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A efectos de calificar para recibir los ITIs,  debe completar el formulario de 
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Las ediciones anteriores pueden ser consultadas en nuestro WebSite.

La tecnologia informatica se caracteriza por la velocidad de cambio, siendo 
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Re: Problemas para imprimir

1999-10-06 Thread dfm

No... Tengo activada la opcion de soporte para paralell printer port en
el kernel, y me dice que no reconoce el dispositivo /dev/lpx, sea lp0, o
lp1 o lo que sea.



debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 06/10/99 09:21:08

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: Problemas para imprimir

El kernel no reconoce que haya concectada ninguna impresora a esos puertos.
Comprueba que el kernel tenga soporte para puertos de impresora,
seguramente sea eso.

--- daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mis problemas para imprimir son de lo m?s extra?os... cuando intento
hacer un  cat archivo  /dev/lpx cuando x es el numero que sea, aunque es
el 1 donde  esta la impresora, siempre me sale el error /dev/lp1 no such
device ein??
 ?pero qu? leches pasa? ?Alguna idea?

 Grax de antemano

Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
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Problemas con router IBM

1999-10-06 Thread Joan Cirer
Hola a todos!

Tengo un instalado una maquina con Debian Slink y no hay manera de que
pueda comunicaar a través del router del Frame Relay que tenemos...

Puedo hacerle telnets y pings en la misma subred pero no puedo salir, ni
es accesible desde el exterior, tampoco puedo hacerle ping al router
desde linux, pero si desde otras maquinas de la subred

El router es propiedad de IBM Global Network, por lo que no podemos
echarle mano por si falla algun parametro de configuración...

He probado de cambiarle la dirección IP y el Gateway para que salga a
traves del router RDSI que disponemos y si que funciona :-?

El kernel que tiene instalado es 2.0.36

Nuestra red tiene una mascara, por eso sale el valor ese
no es ningun error

Y esto son los valores de route e ifconfig:

clown:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
localnet* U 0  06
eth0   *   U 0  03
default UG1  0   14
clown:~# ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:0E:9F:1D
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:2469 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:528 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:12 Base address:0xe400

Y lo que mas me mosquea es que con los servidores NT no tenemos
problemas para que salgan a traves del router ese... y encima en el
helpdesk de 

Alguien tiene alguna idea de porque se debe?

Saludos y gracias por adelantado

Re: Problemas con router IBM

1999-10-06 Thread dfm

¿En el helpdesk qué?

debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org con fecha 06/10/99 13:05:28

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org,
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Problemas con router IBM

Hola a todos!

Tengo un instalado una maquina con Debian Slink y no hay manera de que
pueda comunicaar a través del router del Frame Relay que tenemos...

Puedo hacerle telnets y pings en la misma subred pero no puedo salir, ni
es accesible desde el exterior, tampoco puedo hacerle ping al router
desde linux, pero si desde otras maquinas de la subred

El router es propiedad de IBM Global Network, por lo que no podemos
echarle mano por si falla algun parametro de configuración...

He probado de cambiarle la dirección IP y el Gateway para que salga a
traves del router RDSI que disponemos y si que funciona :-?

El kernel que tiene instalado es 2.0.36

Nuestra red tiene una mascara, por eso sale el valor ese
no es ningun error

Y esto son los valores de route e ifconfig:

clown:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
localnet* U 0  06
eth0   *   U 0  03
default UG1  0   14
clown:~# ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:0E:9F:1D
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:2469 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:528 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:12 Base address:0xe400

Y lo que mas me mosquea es que con los servidores NT no tenemos
problemas para que salgan a traves del router ese... y encima en el
helpdesk de

Alguien tiene alguna idea de porque se debe?

Saludos y gracias por adelantado

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Off Topic: IPDS y PostScript

1999-10-06 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos

¿Conoce alguien IPDS?, creo que es algo similar a PostScript (no en la
forma, pero si en la funcion), que se genera en AS/400, una impresora Laser
con IPDS cuesta un h..vo (minimo 8 Mb, mas el modulo IPDS, mas tarjeta de
red para la impresora cerca de 500.000).

Me vendria muy bien disponer de algun programa de filtro para poder
transformar esta corriente de datos (o lo que sea), en PostScript, para
poder utilizar impresoras convencionales, por supuesto que funcione bajo

Gracias de antemano y saludos.

Re: (Urgente) Hyalafax

1999-10-06 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- TooMany [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tengo el server Hylafax rulando a las mil maravillas (si alguien necesita
 apoyo logístico que me lo diga), pero tan sólo me queda una pequeña
 arista por limar:
 Cuando recibo un fax, sea de dónde sea, me sale 3/4 de página en blanco (más
 o menos), y luego el mensaje, el cual se corta a final de página y se

Puf! yo tengo un hylafax rulando y eso no me pasa. A  ver, especifica, el
mensaje te sale mas pequnyo de lo normal? eso te pasa al imprimi o con la
imagen en si? No falta nada del mensaje que te envian?

Quiza sea porque has puesto el hylafax que esp`ere envios de fax de alta
resolucion y casi todos la envian con resolucion normal...

Sea como sea recuerda que siempre puedes cortar partes de una imagen con el

 ¿Alguna ayudita, por favor? Es muy urgente ya que es para el curro... :(
 Muchas gracias por todo.

Suerte, pa eso estamos 8^)

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M   http://www.doneval.speedhost.com  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: printtool ya es oficial (Aviso para los que usan elmío)

1999-10-06 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 He visto hace unos días que Rafael Kitover [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha decidido
 mantener oficialmente el paquete printtool, con las utilidades de redhat
 para impresora, y que éste ya está disponible para potato.

Es muy impresionante y util, pero a mi no me acaba de funcionar con
smbprinters ya que no tiene (o no lo he encontrado) el script smbprint,
con lo que no puedo dialogar con impresoras de Windows. He cogido un
smbprint que he encontrado en /usr/doc/samba... o similar, pero tampoco
me funciona.

Tampoco he conseguido que me imprima varias paginas en una cara a pesar
de que la impresora soporta postscript (es una hp lj4 plus PS) y esta
configurada como postscript

Alguien mas puede confirmar estos problemillas? o es un problema de mi

Muchas gracias a todos


Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Problemas con router IBM

1999-10-06 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Has probado a hacer un route y un ipconfig en los NT para ver como estan
configurados, probablemente te ilumine 

Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

1999-10-06 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Sin ánimo de fastidiar :-)
Miquel:  no, no fastidies ;-)
tengo muy claro a qué nos referimos con versión estable/inestable y
también sé que una inestable no es una beta, aunque en algunos aspectos
se parezca o alguien nos podamos confundir.  Es necesario que existan la
versiones inestables, que se difundan y que se publique sobre ellas.  Y
no es malo, al contrario pienso yo, que alguien gane dinero escribiendo
libros, personalizandos sistemas, dando soporte a los demás o cualquier
otra actividad que no comprometan la finalidad o las ideas de la gente
que hace Debian (que es de lo que hablamos).
Sin embargo, creo que el software libre a diferencia del comercial (me
meto ya en terreno de Sobre más que de la debian-user-spanish) no
evoluciona por necesidad económica.  Nadie se forra creando en los demás
la falsa necesidad de actualizar a RedHat 3.11 ó Debian 2000, por sus
grandes ventajas y virtudes tecnológicas. 
Por eso me extraña la prisa en publicar algo comercial sobre una versión
aún inestable.  No sé cuántas diferencias podrá haber entre la versión
congelada para publicar el citado CD-ROM y la potato estable, pero
seguro que haberlas, haylas.
En cualquier caso, mi pregunta sobre la versión actual de la Debian
se motivaba por ignorancia y curiosidad, no con ánimo inquisitorial. 
¡Bienvenidos todos los libros sobre Debian, GNU/Linuxes y software libre
en general!  A este respecto, en español no hay mucho (podéis buscar en
Diaz de Santos http://www.diazdesantos.es, entre otros sitios), pero
en Inglés casi de todo (éste lo encontré en Amazon
http://www.amazon.com).  No sólo de man y how-tos se alimenta el
Un saludo de un abonado a las versiones estables y al software libre en
otras plataformas (léase Windows y SCO Openserver).
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: printtool ya es oficial (Aviso para los que usanelmío)

1999-10-06 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
 Es muy impresionante y util, pero a mi no me acaba de funcionar con
 smbprinters ya que no tiene (o no lo he encontrado) el script smbprint,
 con lo que no puedo dialogar con impresoras de Windows. He cogido un
 smbprint que he encontrado en /usr/doc/samba... o similar, pero tampoco
 me funciona.

$ dpkg -S smbprint
printtool: /usr/share/printtool/smbprint

con la versión de Kitover. A ver si lo que te falta es smbclient que es
un paquete debian

 Tampoco he conseguido que me imprima varias paginas en una cara a 
 de que la impresora soporta postscript (es una hp lj4 plus PS) y esta
 configurada como postscript

Es un bug de mpage, lo siento. Lo único que puedo sugerirte es usar las


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-10-06 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Oct 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
No creo que sea problema del lastlog. Al fin y alcabo du proporciona una
información correcta y otra erronea dependiendo de las opciones. Lo más
lógico es que sea un bug del du. Por ejemplo que no cuente los 
'\0' o algo parecido. En resumen un mal tratamiento de ciertos datos.
Se podría ir troceando el fichero lastlog y aplicando du para intentar 
localizar el fallo. El mío funciona correctamente. 
 Script started on Mon Oct  4 20:41:14 1999
 rainman/var/log/prueba# ls -l
 total 301
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm293168 oct  4 20:38 lastlog
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 10240 oct  4 20:39 xaa
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 10240 oct  4 20:39 xab
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 10240 oct  4 20:39 xba
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm 10240 oct  4 20:39 xbb
 -rw-r--r--   1 root adm  6448 oct  4 20:39 xbc
 rainman/var/log/prueba# du -k *
 7 xbc
 rainman/var/log/prueba# du -h *
 286K  lastlog
 10K   xaa
 10K   xab
 10K   xba
 10K   xbb
 6,3K  xbc
 rainman/var/log/prueba# exit
 Script done on Mon Oct  4 20:41:50 1999
 Tócate las narices!

Pues como ves mis sospechas no van por mal camino. Es una parte de los
datos que parece se encuentra en el último bloque de información y que
tiene algo que no le gusta a 'du -h' un bug como una casa según parece.
No he visto en el man la opcion -h.

Prueba a mirar el ultimo trozo 'xbc' con od, quizas veas muchos nulos o
algo así. Parece que hay algo que no le gusta al 'du -h' o al 'du -k'

 Alguien lo entiende? :?¿
 Perdón por la longitud del mensaje O:)
 Iñaki Llona
 http://web.jet.es/jillona/   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
 Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
| http://slug.ctv.es/~acastro.[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html

Re: vmware

1999-10-06 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, oct 06, 1999 at 12:12:19 +0200, TooMany wrote:
 He instalado el vmware-1.0.3 (o algo así) en mi sistema Debian. Mi idea es
 la de poder acceder al NoTepares 4.0 que hay en el disco para no tener que
 salir del Linux ya para nada... ;-)
 Todo lo tengo bien, cargo con el insmod el módulo vmmon-up-2.2.5-22 (pero
 tengo un kernel 2.2.12), etc, etc. Pero a pesar de cargarlo, me dice que no
 encuentra el /dev/vmmon (lógico, no lo tengo). He hecho, con el módulo
 cargado, un MAKEDEV update, pero no me lo ha creado...
 ¿Alguien puede orientarme un poco para poder ver cómo va ésto?

_Creo_ que se lo que te pasa. Al instalar vmware, el mismo detecta la versión
y revisión del kernel para ver si tiene o no que recompilar los módulos
cargables de los que hace uso. El problema es que intenta acceder al
directorio 'include' del *kernel* buscándolo en '/usr/include' y en Debian eso
es *libc6* así que hay que chapucear un poco como root:

1) mv /usr/include /usr/include_libc6
2) ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/ /usr/include
3) Reinstala vmware diciendo que no quieres actualizar sino instalar desde
4) mv /usr/include_libc6 /usr/include
Cada vez que recompiles el kernel haz la mismo operación de arriba, ¿que es
una chapuza?, **SI** pero es que como no hay 'vmware_1.0.3.deb' ;-)

Saludos y suerte.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/linux/ ViguLinux
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Controladora SCSI Adaptec 2904

1999-10-06 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos.

Como ya os podeis imaginar soy otra vez el de la grabadora TEAC que después
de ver precios he encontrado el sitio más barato pero la cosa es que la
oferta es con una controladora SCSI Adaptec 2904 y no una 1520 o 2930 que
son las que por aquí me habeis dicho alguno que es sobre la que teneis
pinchada la grabadora.

He estado en el Linux Hardware Database y un tipo cuenta que la 2904
funciona nada más enchufarla y recompilar el kernel adecuadamente pero sobre
SuSE, querría saber si alguien tiene alguna noticia de que sobre Debian no
tire... o mejor: lo contrario :-)

... no vaya a ser que la 2904 sea una wincontroladora SCSI jeje XDDD (no me
extrañaría que las fabricasen, eso ya sería la releche).

Este es el último paso para convertirme en un grabador compulsivo, ¿alguien
me puede ayudar?. Cuando la tenga no me importará grabarle a quien lo desee
potato cuando salga (con que me pague el disco virgen, yo no quiero sacar
absolútamente nada lo digo de verdad, pretendo echar un cable y ya está).

Saludos y gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/linux/ ViguLinux
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: Alguna impresora laser pa Linux?

1999-10-06 Thread Jon Noble

On mar, 05 oct 1999 21:21:25 M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 Resulta que querría ponerme una buena impresora láser que rule 
 bajo Linux al 100% de sus posibilidades.
 ¿Alguna Sugerencia?

Yo no he tenido ningun problema con mi HP Laserjet 6L.

Un saludo,


Re: Necesito ayuda con el exim.

1999-10-06 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Wed, 6 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿usas sendmail? En caso afirmativo probablemente sea este quien esté
 haciendote lo del enmascaramiento de las direcciones de correo,

Pues hombre, yo no suelo ser de esos que piden peras al olmo:

Last login: Wed Oct  6 23:03:07 on tty2.
No mail.
[root:1] [~]# dpkg -l | grep sendmail
[root:2] [~]# dpkg -l | grep mail
ii  biff0.10-1 a mail notification tool
ii  elm-me+ 2.4pl25ME+48-2 MIME  PGP-aware interactive mail reader [en
ii  fetchmail   4.6.4-1.1  POP2/3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
ii  mailx   8.1.1-10   A simple mail user agent.
ii  metamail2.7-31 An implementation of MIME.
ii  mime-support3.5-1  MIME files 'mime.types'  'mailcap', and sup
ii  mutt0.95.3-0.2 Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG,
ii  pine3.96M-2An e-mail reader with MIME and IMAP support.
[root:3] [~]# dpkg -l | grep exim
ii  exim2.05-1 Exim Mailer
ii  exim-doc2.00-1 Exim MTA info documentation
[root:4] [~]#

Como puedes ver, el problema lo tengo con el exim, porque _uso_ el exim, y
ningún otro. Seguramente es posible hacer algo al respecto, pero en el
manual no lo he encontrado (es tan extenso... y denso...).

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware - http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

WinError 032: Multitasking attempted: system confused.

Re: vmware

1999-10-06 Thread Netman
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:12:19PM +0200, TooMany wrote:
 He instalado el vmware-1.0.3 (o algo así) en mi sistema Debian. Mi idea es
 la de poder acceder al NoTepares 4.0 que hay en el disco para no tener que
 salir del Linux ya para nada... ;-)
 Todo lo tengo bien, cargo con el insmod el módulo vmmon-up-2.2.5-22 (pero
 tengo un kernel 2.2.12), etc, etc. Pero a pesar de cargarlo, me dice que no
 encuentra el /dev/vmmon (lógico, no lo tengo). He hecho, con el módulo
 cargado, un MAKEDEV update, pero no me lo ha creado...
 ¿Alguien puede orientarme un poco para poder ver cómo va ésto?

Creo que tienes que compilar tus propios módulos vm* usando las fuentes que 
trae el vmware. A mí por lo menos no me funcionaba directamente el 
vmmon-up-2.2.5 en mi kernel 2.2.12.

Salu2, Netman.

 Muchas gracias por todo.
\|/  \|/
 Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
 TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Kent's Heuristic:
Look for it first where you'd most like to find it.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.12

Description: PGP signature

Re: boot-floppies (Sugestões)

1999-10-06 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Ruben Leote Mendes wrote:

Se ainda não arranjou esta informação eu posso enviar-lha.

Então manda! :-)

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Re: boot-floppies (Sugestões)

1999-10-06 Thread Ruben Leote Mendes

On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:17:55AM +0400, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Leandro Dutra escreveu:
  Portugal tem um teclado específico português, cujo 
 layout só conheço pelos mapas de teclado no final do manual 
 de MS-DOS 5...
 Humm, algum usuário de Portugal pode me passar mais detalhes sobre isto?

Se ainda não arranjou esta informação eu posso enviar-lha.

Um abraço.
Ruben Leote Mendes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Read-only file system on /dev/fd0?

1999-10-06 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 12:59:06PM -0400, Yifang Dai wrote:
 I hit this strange problem today, on my potato machine:
 /boot# dd if=bzImage-2.2.12 of=/dev/fd0
 dd: /dev/fd0: Read-only file system
 Here is the permission for /dev/fd0
 /boot# ls -l /dev/fd0
 brw-rw-r--   1 root floppy 2,   0 Oct  4 17:41 /dev/fd0
 Questions: Are you trying to do this as a normal user? If so, are you a
 member of the group floppy. BTW, the perms for my /dev/fdo are:
 brw-rw   1 rootfloppy  2, ..


| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/egm2.gpg |


1999-10-06 Thread Adam Shand

 2. How can I prevent anybody from changing virtual consoles and
killing my X session when I am away and locked it with xlock?

it's actually easier then that, all the need to do is hit ctrl-alt-backspace
and they'll be dumped back to the virtual console which you started it on.

run startx.  once X is up and running, switch back to the virtual console
where you started X and hit ctrl-z, then type bg and then logout.  now
swap back to your X session.

under tcsh you could make all this happen on one line with a command like:

# startx ; clear; logout

but in bash this doesn't work and i haven't figured out why yet.



1999-10-06 Thread Terry Katz
2.1.3-2 is one that does it ...

It doesn't totally kill the system .. It seems to start up the various wm's,
and they run at about 95% cpu and 88%+ memory for about 2-5 mins (each), but
they do die (or finish?) and everything is fine (my worst case, I saw
gnome-panel running at 95% for about 3 mins, then wmaker running at that for
3 mins.. (in console mode))... Its an annoyance, but it doesn't kill the
system .. (at least on 3 of mine it didn't)


  Adam == Adam Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adam I just did an upgrade.  The menu pkg ate memory like no
 Adam tomorrow.
 Adam Cease and desist at all costs.

 Adam I have just been informed on irc that a fixed menu is in
 Adam incoming.  So, it should all be fixed tomorrow.

 Adam, thanks.  What are the menu package versions (broken and fixed)?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


1999-10-06 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Adam Shand wrote:

 # startx ; clear; logout
 but in bash this doesn't work and i haven't figured out why yet.

startx  clear ; logout 



1999-10-06 Thread Adam Shand

 startx  clear ; logout

ah!  that makes sense, thanks, i'll try it.


can't resolve...

1999-10-06 Thread tf
Hey guys,

I seem to have lost my ablity to resolve.  I attempted without
success to install the web server xitami.  Don't know if that had
anything to do with it, but now, when I connect, neither netscape
nor lynx can find any site unless I specify the ip address.

Don't suppose anyone knows what I can look at to fix this?



Re: Clock is loosing time

1999-10-06 Thread John Hasler
David Kanter wrote:
 Is there a way to sync the time with a server when I start a PPP, so I
 won't have to worry about this in the future? I vaguely remember a
 mention of this when installing Slink.

Take a look at chrony.  It does everything xntp does and its default
configuration works fine with dial-up ppp out of the box.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.


1999-10-06 Thread A. M. Varon
 It doesn't totally kill the system .. It seems to start up the various wm's,
 and they run at about 95% cpu and 88%+ memory for about 2-5 mins (each), but
 they do die (or finish?) and everything is fine (my worst case, I saw
 gnome-panel running at 95% for about 3 mins, then wmaker running at that for
 3 mins.. (in console mode))... Its an annoyance, but it doesn't kill the
 system .. (at least on 3 of mine it didn't)

Could we have a potato mailing lists? 

It would be really nice to e-mail fellow potato users and check for the
latest bugs, features, etc. 

Also... someone commented to me about how unstable debian is. After some
clarifications... I realized that he was talking about the potato debian
release which was always discussed on the debian-user mailing lists.


= == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
= =   == Lasaltech, Inc. - http://andre.lasaltech.com
= === =
=   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
= =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

RE: can't resolve...

1999-10-06 Thread Pollywog

On 05-Oct-99 tf wrote:
 Hey guys,
 I seem to have lost my ablity to resolve.  I attempted without
 success to install the web server xitami.  Don't know if that had
 anything to do with it, but now, when I connect, neither netscape
 nor lynx can find any site unless I specify the ip address.
 Don't suppose anyone knows what I can look at to fix this?

What happens when you issue 'nslookup'?
I had a similar problem a few days ago after I ran apt.  I believe it was some
problem related to netbase.


Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-06 Thread Miles Bader
Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Because of the developments such as glibc2.1, perl, and probably
 numerous other things, you can't take something out of Potato and put it
 on a Slink system and expect it to work. It's an all-or-nothing
 arrangement. They may both be `GNU/Linux', but they are essential

This is simply not true.

As I have mentioned in several other posts recently, I've been
incrementally upgrading my slink system with packages from potato, using
no particular care, simply depending on dselect/apt to keep me safe.

I _have_ upgraded to glibc2.1 and the new perl, but these upgrades were
quite painless, and had no obvious negative repercussions -- the great
majority of stuff on my system is still slink (from a japanese cdrom
set, BTW, which had all sorts of wacky-ass versions of things...) and it
all works together quite happily.

In case you hadn't notice, dselect/apt/c do their job quite well.
I suggest you take a deep breath and give them a try (instead of getting
all freaked out by what you read on mailing lists and crying doom).

The beauty of debian is that the package maintainers do the worrying and
the awful kluges (and they've done a wonderul job), meaning *you* don't
have to!


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

RE: dual celeron m/b

1999-10-06 Thread George Bonser
I have a BP6 running dual Celeron 366's overclocked to 550. no problems so far.
The trouble I have seen is that people get tempted to fiddle in the BIOS with
CPU voltages and the like and end up causing themselves a lot of problems.

The Abit cup voltage and clock settings are in BIOS and not jumpers, leads
people to want to tinker with it a lot and crash their boxes. It is possible to
get it into a state where it will not even.

On 05-Oct-99 Kam Yee Lo wrote:
 Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
 thinking of  installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
 500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
 cheap dual celeron :)
 Anyone have dual celeron AbIT motherboard?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05-Oct-99
Time: 19:28:47

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

RE: hd (?) light (red) always on

1999-10-06 Thread George Bonser

I have a machine that does this until I mount the CDROM. Then I unmount it and
the lamp behaves itself.

On 05-Oct-99 Peter Mickle wrote:
 does anyone know why the harddrive light (red) might always be illuminated
 while running under slink? on the same machine, i also have winNT installed,
 and whenever it is running, the light comes on only periodically, while
 opening an application for example.
 any opinion as to whether this might be hazardous to the machine?
 thanks - 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05-Oct-99
Time: 19:32:18

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

mutt, signitures, and ^M

1999-10-06 Thread Jonathan Lupa
Hi all, I'm having a stupid problem with mutt or emacs... don't know

I have a sig setup (which looks normal when I edit it regularly using
vim or emacs), but when I go to send the a mail in mutt, it fires up
my default editor (emacs), and puts the signiture in there.  At the
end of every signiture line is a ^M.  If I delete the ^M, the sig will
look ok (hopefully like it is below).  If I don't, all the lines of
the sig will be glommed together.

I'm not setting any funky charset that I know of, and I'm sure I'm
just on the clueless boat with this one, so any help will be greatly


GPG public key available from http://www.jamdata.net/~jjlupa/gpg.asc

Description: PGP signature

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-06 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Miles Bader; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Because of the developments such as glibc2.1, perl, and probably
  numerous other things, you can't take something out of Potato and put it
  on a Slink system and expect it to work. It's an all-or-nothing
  arrangement. They may both be `GNU/Linux', but they are essential
 This is simply not true.
 As I have mentioned in several other posts recently, I've been
 incrementally upgrading my slink system with packages from potato, using
 no particular care, simply depending on dselect/apt to keep me safe.
 I _have_ upgraded to glibc2.1 and the new perl, but these upgrades were
 quite painless, and had no obvious negative repercussions -- the great
 majority of stuff on my system is still slink (from a japanese cdrom
 set, BTW, which had all sorts of wacky-ass versions of things...) and it
 all works together quite happily.
 In case you hadn't notice, dselect/apt/c do their job quite well.
 I suggest you take a deep breath and give them a try (instead of getting
 all freaked out by what you read on mailing lists and crying doom).
 The beauty of debian is that the package maintainers do the worrying and
 the awful kluges (and they've done a wonderul job), meaning *you* don't
 have to!

I have been in this thread way too long :-), but ... I have to agree
with Damon's post. And I have been told that glibc2.1 and glibc2.0 are
binary compatible. Why, then, do we have _all_ the packages in the
potato _dependant_ on libc6 _=2.1_ and not just libc6 period. And why
do I get Navigator 4.7 giving me all sorts of errors when I do
ignore-depends on libc6 =2.1 if I have libc6 2.0 installed (the one
from netgod- navigator,that is)? You have mixed enviroment,
apparently. But, if you didn't have glibc2.1, _none_ of the potato
packages would have installed in the first place, because of the missing
dependancies (if you used dpkg). And if upgrading libc6 2.0 to 2.1 is
going to be anything like upgrading from libc5 to libc6 I shudder at the
idea of sitting in front of the screen waiting to crash it to the point
of no return. Can anyone of the Debian management find some time in the
near future to write up a definitive migration guide (ie. what needs to
be updated as a very minimum, in which order and such- like the one we
had for libc5-libc6 thing)?
And I agree with Damon also in the point that I'm _extremly_ grateful to
Debian management and developers for their work, and my posts should not
be taken as a criticism, but practical concerns from the end-user
standpoint. I have no Windows on my machine, and if I crap out this box
trying to upgrade, I can't even post for help once the machine is
down... Occasional instability or insecurity is not as much of a concern
as that.


Re: Read-only file system on /dev/fd0?

1999-10-06 Thread Yifang Dai
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 04:11:00PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 12:59:06PM -0400, Yifang Dai wrote:
  I hit this strange problem today, on my potato machine:
  /boot# dd if=bzImage-2.2.12 of=/dev/fd0
  dd: /dev/fd0: Read-only file system
  Here is the permission for /dev/fd0
  /boot# ls -l /dev/fd0
  brw-rw-r--   1 root floppy 2,   0 Oct  4 17:41 /dev/fd0
  Questions: Are you trying to do this as a normal user? If so, are you a
  member of the group floppy. BTW, the perms for my /dev/fdo are:
  brw-rw   1 root  floppy  2, ..
I did it as root. First the permission was the same as yours, but then I
changed it to what's there now. I've even removed the device files and
use MAKEDEV to recreate them, but no luck...
 | Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
 | GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/egm2.gpg |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yifang Dai

Fax: (847)628-0255

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-06 Thread Miles Bader
Damir J. Naden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I have been told that glibc2.1 and glibc2.0 are binary compatible.

For most purposes, they are.  Of course this is software, and software
has bugs, so there are almost certainly odd cases where things don't
work; but they appear to be quite the exception.

 Why, then, do we have _all_ the packages in the potato _dependant_ on
 libc6 _=2.1_ and not just libc6 period.

I do not know.  I assume it's probably because they use features that
are in 2.1 but not 2.0 (note that `binary compatible' doesn't mean that
they present *exactly* the same interface, merely that 2.1 should
present *at least* the same interface as 2.0).

 And why do I get Navigator 4.7 giving me all sorts of errors when I do
 ignore-depends on libc6 =2.1 if I have libc6 2.0 installed (the one
 from netgod- navigator,that is)?

I do not know; you'd have to post the errors.

 You have mixed enviroment, apparently. But, if you didn't have
 glibc2.1, _none_ of the potato packages would have installed in the
 first place, because of the missing dependancies (if you used dpkg).

This is not true; much depends on glibc = 2.1, but quite a bit doesn't
care at all (note that I didn't upgrade to glibc2.1 immediately, only
when I wanted to check out a recent version of enlightenment).

 And if upgrading libc6 2.0 to 2.1 is going to be anything like
 upgrading from libc5 to libc6 I shudder at the idea of sitting in
 front of the screen waiting to crash it to the point of no return.

That was supposed to be the point of my message -- In my experience,
upgrading from glibc 2.0 to 2.1 is *trivial*, and needs no special
consideration, migration guides, hand-holding sessions, or support

Stop whining and just do it.


p.s.  The `stop whining' bit was for dramatic effect only.
Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Splitting debian-user (was Re: DO NOT UPGRADE TO POTATO...)

1999-10-06 Thread David Coe
Ben Pfaff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A. M. Varon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Could we have a potato mailing lists? 
 That's part of what debian-devel *is* for.  Why would we want another
 list for it?

Ben answered on _debian-devel_, but not on _debian-user_; I hope he
doesn't mind my posting in both places (this discussion has been going
on in both places).

A.M. said (I'm paraphrasing) that casual readers of debian-user may
come away thinking Debian has lots of problems, when in fact the
problems discussed are mostly in the unstable (currently potato)

A.M's suggestion may have merit: a new _debian-user-unstable_ list
could separate the user bleeding edge discussions from the stable
user discussions.

As Ben said, _debian-devel_ is already a place to discuss problems
with unstable -- but there's lots of cruft there that's uninteresting
to unstable users unless they're considering becoming developers.

But if we create _debian-user-unstable_, the _debian-user_ readers
would miss (would they care?) the discussions -- some of them
interesting -- about changes, and might therefore be less well
prepared to handle the upgrade to potato when it becomes stable.

So I obviously can't make up my mind; I think we should let the 
_debian-user_ population decide: would you like to split the group?  

Here (from the http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe page)
is how the above-mentioned lists are currently described:


 This is the main mailing list for all users and developers of
 Debian GNU/Linux systems. Many developers also follow the threads
 and step in to help every now and then.


 This is the main discussion list for development topics. All
 developers should be subscribed to this list. As it is open to
 the public anyone can join the discussion.

Re: Read-only file system on /dev/fd0?

1999-10-06 Thread David Coe
Yifang Dai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I hit this strange problem today, on my potato machine:
 /boot# dd if=bzImage-2.2.12 of=/dev/fd0
 dd: /dev/fd0: Read-only file system

do you have it mounted?  try umount /dev/fd0 and see if
that lets it work.

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-06 Thread markzimm
 That was supposed to be the point of my message -- In my experience,
 upgrading from glibc 2.0 to 2.1 is *trivial*, and needs no special
 consideration, migration guides, hand-holding sessions, or support
 Stop whining and just do it.
 p.s.  The `stop whining' bit was for dramatic effect only.

I've got to agree with Miles here. Once I stopped shaking in fear of a
possible instability, I started doing it one step at a time and I haven't
had any serious problems. The few problems I did have generally had solutions
in the mailing list archives and were easily dealt with.

The important thing is: take small steps and test them out before going on.

-- Mark

Re: HELP: getting rid of replace kernel-image-2.2.12 conflict...

1999-10-06 Thread David Coe

 On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 11:06:16PM +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:46:22PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
  Instead of traditionnal compilation, use 'make-kpkg', which will build
  a package from your new kernel; install this package, dselect should
  not complain any more.
 Well I did the make-kpkg but apt-get dist-upgrade tried to 'upgrade' it, so i
 put it on hold. Any step I missed? the make-kpkg was made on another comp but
 I suppose it has nothing to do.

The kernel-package readme file explains how to prevent that, near the end
of a lengthy discussion under Versions and revisions: 

  So, try using an epoch for your custom packages: 
$Get_Root make-kpkg --revision=3:custom.1.0 kernel_image
(Get_Root is whatever you need to become root -- fakeroot or
sudo are examples that come to mind).

The trick is that 3:custom.whatever will always be higher than
any debian-provided kernel package, so apt and dselect won't try
to upgrade it for you.

Re: DHCP client

1999-10-06 Thread Dpk
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 12:05:00AM -0400, Bryan Scaringe wrote:

   Just out of curiosity, are there plans to include dhcpcd in the base
   system for Potato?  

There has been mention of including *a* dhcp client package, but I
don't think anything is being done on it right now.  I don't read the
political threads much, but I believe the boot-floppy group is in need
of help before anything like dhcp support is added. (something I may
be able to help with shortly)  Right now I'm just attempting to
make the dhcpcd as bug free as possible (without writing my own dhcp
software) and hope to include added features from requesting users. 

Dennis Kellyemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator
College of Engineering
Michigan State University

Re: mutt, signitures, and ^M

1999-10-06 Thread Dpk
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:27:52PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:

   Hi all, I'm having a stupid problem with mutt or emacs... don't
   know which.
   I have a sig setup (which looks normal when I edit it regularly
   using vim or emacs), but when I go to send the a mail in mutt, it
   fires up my default editor (emacs), and puts the signiture in
   there.  At the end of every signiture line is a ^M.  If I delete
   the ^M, the sig will look ok (hopefully like it is below).  If I
   don't, all the lines of the sig will be glommed together.
   I'm not setting any funky charset that I know of, and I'm sure I'm
   just on the clueless boat with this one, so any help will be
   greatly appreciated!

Your sig is in DOS format, try the following:

  prompt$ perl -pi -e 's/\r//;' ~/.signature

(You may need to replace ~/.signature to your corresponding sig file
if it differs from my example)

Dennis Kellyemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator
College of Engineering
Michigan State University

Re: Slink to Potato

1999-10-06 Thread Brad

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Damir J. Naden wrote:

 I have been in this thread way too long :-), but ... I have to agree
 with Damon's post. And I have been told that glibc2.1 and glibc2.0 are
 binary compatible.

Glibc 2.1 is binary compatible with glibc 2.0. That means that any glibc
2.0 app should work with 2.1 (unless the developer was stupid). It doesn't
mean that any 2.1 apps will work with 2.0, though.

Socrates is a man and All men are mortal. Therefore, Socrates is
mortal, but not All men are Socrates ;)

 But, if you didn't have glibc2.1, _none_ of the potato packages would
 have installed in the first place, because of the missing dependancies
 (if you used dpkg).

Some few could be satisfied, if the package were to be altered to depend
on perl instead of perl5. Or the slink perl package were altered to
provide perl5 as well as perl.

There are a few others that don't depend on libc6 at all, but they aren't
all that common.

 And if upgrading libc6 2.0 to 2.1 is going to be anything like
 upgrading from libc5 to libc6 I shudder at the idea of sitting in
 front of the screen waiting to crash it to the point of no return. Can
 anyone of the Debian management find some time in the near future to
 write up a definitive migration guide (ie. what needs to be updated as
 a very minimum, in which order and such- like the one we had for
 libc5-libc6 thing)?

Although i'm not completely sure, i believe the upgrade is nowhere near as
problematic as the libc5-libc6 upgrade. Unless you upgrade at the same
time a major bug shows itself ;)

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: dual celeron m/b

1999-10-06 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
At work, we have a BP6 with dual 433's and it's run for months without any
problems. I can't help but wonder if it's not simply an overheating issue?
After hearing of problems with BP6's, we went kept recompiling a kernel to
keep the load over 5 for an extended period of time and haven't seen any
problems. Of course, this machine is in a rack-mount case filled with fans
and in a heavily air conditioned computer room. Since this machine has been
slated for a server, I haven't overclocked it or messed with the voltage,
etc. I just wanted to mention my experience. I also have a buddy that uses
his BP6 to create MP3's and he hasn't had any troubles.

* George Bonser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [991005 20:27] penned:
 I have a BP6 running dual Celeron 366's overclocked to 550. no problems so 
 The trouble I have seen is that people get tempted to fiddle in the BIOS with
 CPU voltages and the like and end up causing themselves a lot of problems.
 The Abit cup voltage and clock settings are in BIOS and not jumpers, leads
 people to want to tinker with it a lot and crash their boxes. It is possible 
 get it into a state where it will not even.
 On 05-Oct-99 Kam Yee Lo wrote:
  Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
  thinking of  installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
  500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
  cheap dual celeron :)
  Anyone have dual celeron AbIT motherboard?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 05-Oct-99
 Time: 19:28:47
 If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 They do not apprehend how being at variance it agrees with itself.

Re: mutt, signitures, and ^M

1999-10-06 Thread Jonathan Lupa
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:01:22AM -0400, Dpk wrote:
 Your sig is in DOS format, try the following:
   prompt$ perl -pi -e 's/\r//;' ~/.signature

Yep. Exactly.  I think I may have been using a bad charset in emacs at
the time I created it.  vim and emacs were smart enough not to display
the ^M's usually, so it only showed up when I was actually mailing.
Also for the record...

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:11:19PM -0500, Dave Baker wrote:
 sounds like you have the signature saved in 'dos' format.
 the way I normally fix this is to do the following:

 $  vim -b filename
 the -b puts it in binary mode

 enter command :%s/^V^M//
 enter command :wq

This worked too! That -b is very handy and I'll make sure to use that
in the future.

Thank you both!


GPG public key available from http://www.jamdata.net/~jjlupa/gpg.asc

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt, signitures, and ^M

1999-10-06 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:18:29AM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:11:19PM -0500, Dave Baker wrote:
  sounds like you have the signature saved in 'dos' format.
  the way I normally fix this is to do the following:
  $  vim -b filename
  the -b puts it in binary mode
  enter command :%s/^V^M//
  enter command :wq
  Easier than that, with VIM:

  :set fileformat=unix

  will convert your dos files to unix...

| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/egm2.gpg |

Re: Sun classic

1999-10-06 Thread Oki DZ

Ben Collins wrote:
 IMO, the Debian install is a lot simpler. As I said Debian supports what the
 kernel supports, which is any sun4c, sun4m, and sun4d (we also support sun4u,
 ultrasparc, with the proper kernel). SPARC Classic is a sun4c, the same cpu

Excellent, so basically I can install Debian on my Sun.
BTW, uname -a says that the machine is sun4m; what kind of Sun is that?
LX? There's no letter printed at the front panel of the machine. I said
classic, but actually it was a wild guess.

 type of the SPARC Station 1 that I have been running Debian on succesfully
 (including the latest unstable version of Debian, potato).

Is there any ftp site that I can download the Debian for Sun kernel
file? I don't have the CDs yet, but I'd like to boot the machine using
Debian and see how the procedure goes.


Re: Dial UP networking

1999-10-06 Thread Oki DZ

Martin Fields wrote:
 I am new to linux, and I had previously had MSN.  Is there anyway for me to
 use msn through linux?

If MSN uses PAP for authenticating the users, I think all you need is
appending :

in your /etc/ppp/options and putting your MSN username/password pair in


Re: fax page size

1999-10-06 Thread Andrew Hately
 i am using mgetty/sendfax to send faxes but unfortunately it sends the
 faxes in a stretched format... Where abouts can i change it so that it
 faxes as A5?

I think there's a howto somewhere that explains the tif format used for
faxes has a different scales in x and y.
Each pixel is twice as high as it is wide; which could bring about the
stretching you mention.
This odd pixel shape is a form of data compression that is based on the
premise that faxed mesages usually contain printed text. 



Re: latex french.sty

1999-10-06 Thread peter karlsson

 when i compil a file.tex this message happen: french.sty file not found
 where can i find this one?

Are you using \usepackage{french} instead of \usepackage[french]{babel} ?

Have you run texconfig?

peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread Enrico Zini

In order to improve reliability, reduce fsck times, increase foolproofness,
preserve the wildlife and so on (on a Debian Slink server with a
Very Interruptible Power Supply (tm)), I wish to mount read only as many
partitions as I can.

My goal would be to have everything read only except /var, /home and /tmp.

It's trivial to have /usr read-only, but I have problems with the root

 - It has to contain /etc since it's required at early boot time to run rc
 - /etc has to be read-write since you have to be able to change passwords, add
   and remove users, configure samba shares via swat, update adjtime, mtab and
   so on.

What's The Right Way (tm) to have / mounted read-only?

TIA, Enrico

GPG public key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-10-06 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 08:13:41PM -0400, Terry Katz wrote:
 2.1.3-2 is one that does it ...

Seems to behave itself here. But then I only have fvwm2 installed,
none of these fancy new wms.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 09:51:56AM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
 In order to improve reliability, reduce fsck times, increase foolproofness,
 preserve the wildlife and so on (on a Debian Slink server with a
 Very Interruptible Power Supply (tm)), I wish to mount read only as many
 partitions as I can.
 What's The Right Way (tm) to have / mounted read-only?

I did mount / with the sync option on a server of mine. So the danger
of data loss is reduced a bit. Since / is not that big a fsck is quite

Peter Palfrader
It's a simple task to make things complex -
  but a complex task to make them simple.

Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread bwarsing

I know this is a long one but, after spending months  without sound for
Debian, I have
decided to tackle this problem.  However, I am at a loss as to why
it won't go.  I think its something I am doing incorrectly.

Card is...
ISA PnP Yamaha OPL3-SAx


cat some .au file  /dev/audio

Nothing happens.  Can't figure out if its isapnp or some other
config i have not completed yet. 

Did the neccessary configs in 'isapnptools'
Here is a portion of /etc/isapnp.conf

# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy


# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0220
# IO base alignment 16 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
 (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0530
# Maximum IO base address 0x0530
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
 (IO 1 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0530))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
 (IO 2 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0388))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0330
# Maximum IO base address 0x0330
# IO base alignment 2 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
 (IO 3 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0370
# Maximum IO base address 0x0370
# IO base alignment 2 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
 (IO 4 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0370))
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
 (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type F
 (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))
#   Next DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed type F
 (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 1))
#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0240
# Maximum IO base address 0x0240
# IO base alignment 16 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# End dependent functions
 (ACT Y)
# Logical device id YMH0022
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# Compatible device id PNPb02f

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0201
# Maximum IO base address 0x0201
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 1
 (IO 0 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x0201))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0202
# Maximum IO base address 0x0202
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 1
# (IO 0 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x0202))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0203
# Maximum IO base address 0x0203
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 1
# (IO 0 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x0203))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0204
# Maximum IO base address 0x020f
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 1
# (IO 0 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x0204))
(NAME YMH0800/-1[1]{OPL3-SA3 Sound Board})

# End dependent functions
 (ACT Y)
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)


# Returns all cards to the Wait for Key state


I don't know, perhaps I have missed something here.  Butit would
seem to me that there should be another step I am as of yet unaware
of that will tell '/dev/audio' where the soundcard is.

Re: Sun classic

1999-10-06 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:26:11PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 Ben Collins wrote:
  IMO, the Debian install is a lot simpler. As I said Debian supports what the
  kernel supports, which is any sun4c, sun4m, and sun4d (we also support 
  ultrasparc, with the proper kernel). SPARC Classic is a sun4c, the same cpu
 Excellent, so basically I can install Debian on my Sun.
 BTW, uname -a says that the machine is sun4m; what kind of Sun is that?
 LX? There's no letter printed at the front panel of the machine. I said
 classic, but actually it was a wild guess.

Sounds like it, and my LX is actually running very well (I suggest you upgrade
to a  2.2.7 kernel after installing with the 2.2.1 slink boot disks). Right
now it's serving as my web/ftp server, and the central database for the Debian
SPARC autobuilder.

  type of the SPARC Station 1 that I have been running Debian on succesfully
  (including the latest unstable version of Debian, potato).
 Is there any ftp site that I can download the Debian for Sun kernel
 file? I don't have the CDs yet, but I'd like to boot the machine using
 Debian and see how the procedure goes.


You will need the resc1440-2.2.1.bin, drv1440-2.2.1.bin, root-2.2.1.bin, and
base21.tgz files (if you can't serve base21.tgz over nfs, then get the seperate
pieces and put them on floppies). There's also an install.txt(.html?) file if
you need some extra help.

Once you get the base system installed and booted, I strongly suggest upgrading
it to potato. Debian's SPARC dist has seen great improvements since slink


Re: latex french.sty

1999-10-06 Thread Dr. Paul E.M. Huygen

 where can i find [french.sty]?

Many TeX-related files can be found on CTAN, the Comprehensive TeX Archive 
Network. A dutch mirror of this archive can e.g. be found in 

A search engine can search the contents of this archive. Look at :

A search with this engine reveals that french.sty resides in directory
(don't ask me why it resides on that particular place.


Paul Huygen

Easy lilo question (win95 on /dev/hda, deb. on /dev/hdb)

1999-10-06 Thread Martin Waller


Having had to installk win95, I did (on the first hard drive /dev/hda) and 
then installed debian (on second ide drive /dev/hdb).

When it came to the lilo bit, it asked me if wanted to install lilo on on 
/dev/hdb - well, I wanted it on /dev/hda so I said no but it didn;t give me 
the option.

Evreything's installed Ok except I need to use f loppy to boot it.

How can I install lilo on /dev/hda so i can chose between winb95 anf debian?

The docs. I'm afraid have confused me as they are about multiple OS's and 
I'm not really quite sure about installing lilo on /dev/hda - I daren't 
experiment lest I balls things up.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

XFree Cirrus 5430

1999-10-06 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

I'm trying to get 8bpp on my Cirrus Logic GD5430 (AcerEntra 486DX4
onboard video I belive it's using VLB???), but I can't seem to
identify the correct MemBase.  I've tried:

# Device section for Cirrus Logic GD5430/34-based cards.
#MemBase 0x000a # What Windoze95 Reports (I think)
#MemBase 0x00e0 # ISA card that maps to 14Mb
#MemBase 0x0400 # VLB card that maps to 64Mb
#MemBase 0x8000 # VLB card that maps to 2048Mb
#MemBase 0x0200 # VLB card that maps to 32Mb
#Option linear

Any ideas on how to get this info (I dual boot Win95 on this box which
uses 24bpp color depth if that's useful it'll be a first :^), or what
I'm doing wrong here?


ps I do realize these otions are currently commented out...

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://users.ids.net/~tuan/

Mail won't leave system

1999-10-06 Thread Anthony Campbell
In the last couple of days I'v suddenly been unable to send out mail
(I'm sending this from a different machine). 

I'm using Slink, with smail. I have two ISPs (Freeserve and Demon); it
happens with both. I get an error message BIND server failure.

I've been over all the config files I can find and have reinstalled and
reconfigured smail; no joy.

Incoming mail and news are OK.

Any suggestions about what I should check?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews: www.achc.demon.co.uk/bookreviews/

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Splitting debian-user (was Re: DO NOT UPGRADE TO POTATO...)

1999-10-06 Thread Art Lemasters
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 05:16:59AM -0400, Ed Cogburn wrote:

   I'm not strongly for or against.  I could certainly live with another
 mailing list, but whatever we do, lets leave debian-devel to the

 I agree, Ed.  ...developers and future developers.  :-)  Hmmm.  A
new list called debian-unstable or even debian-test (which might be a
little more appealing for Web surfers who see the list info) might not be a
bad idea, though.


Re: fatal error in SO 5.1

1999-10-06 Thread John
Been following potato, and have downloaded the latest 5.1a version, bombs out 
also using kernel 2.2.13pre14.
Guess ill keep trying things :)

Brad wrote:


 On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

  Brad wrote:
   2) Are you _sure_ is wasn't the problem with threaded system(3) calls in
  one of the 2.1.2 prereleases? Given the information you give below, it
  distinctly sounds like you ran into this bug and not a bug in SO 5.1.
  Especially since i have SO 5.1 from StarDivision before Sun bought
  them, and it works fine (although it is a memory hog...)
I don't know the details about the system(3) call problem.  Your last
  sentence here is very different from my experience.  See below.

 Check the debian-user mailing list archives, as well as bug report number
 43549 http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/43/43549.html. Basically, using the
 system(3) call [man 3 system, if you have manpages-dev installed] was
 doing something non-thread-safe in version glibc 2.1.2-0pre10. This caused
 any threaded program that used that call to fail.

The first version I downloaded from the Star Division web site failed
after an upgrade of glibc2.1 of the potato distribution.  I made an
attempt to have both glibc2.07 and glibc2.1 on the system to get SO to
work, but the instructions failed for me.  For me the solution was
solved (not exactly sure) when I downloaded the new SO tarball
(so51a_lnx_01.tar, note the a) from Sun's website (stardivision.com
will now redirect to sun.com).  This one worked without problems with
glibc2.1.x.  There were however later upgrades to glibc in that time,
but I think it wasn't glibc, they did something with the new version
   Why? Circumstances point more towards the glibc problem mentioned above.
Ok, let me try to explain my experience.  I've been upgrading against
  potato since its beginning.  When glibc was 2.0.x I downloaded SO5.1
  from stardivision.com (before Sun).

 This is impossible, since 5.1 was released only after potato was into 2.1.
 Are you SURE you're not confusing 5.01 and 5.1 (BTW, that is the stupidest
 numbering system i've ever seen. Who at StarDivision came up with it? ...
 Then again, Netscape has 4.05 and 4.5 as well...)

 The reason i know this is because of the intense discussion and
 workaround-hunting that went on during that period, for version 5.01. Just
 after a fully functional solution was found, StarDivision released 5.1
 which worked with glibc 2.1. You can check the debian-user archives (try
 around May 1999, which is when 5.1 was released IIRC) for more

  I installed it and it worked.  As the weeks went by I upgraded my
  potato sys several times a week.  When the glibc version went to
  2.1.x, SO broke.  A message on deb.usr gave a list of instructions to
  try, but the instructions failed for me.  I left SO broke, waiting for
  a solution, either an update to glibc (2.1), or a message on deb.usr
  explaining how to fix it.  No message showed up, and after several
  subsequent upgrades of glibc2.1.x, SO remained broke.

 The directions posted to the list worked flawlessly for me (as well as a
 few others i was in contact with at the time), and 5.1 when it was
 released it worked without any modification.

  At this point Sun had taken Stardivision over, and put SO
  (so51a_lnx_01.tar) up on sun.com for download.  I thought this may be
  an updated version (same name as early version but with the addition
  of the a).  I downloaded it, installed it, and it worked.

 i'm not debating that this works, just that the earlier version worked
 too. Is a less of a memory hog than previous versions?

 - --
   finger for PGP public key.

 Version: 2.6.3ia
 Charset: noconv


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
It's trivial to have /usr read-only, but I have problems with the root

 - It has to contain /etc since it's required at early boot time to run rc
 - /etc has to be read-write since you have to be able to change passwords, add
   and remove users, configure samba shares via swat, update adjtime, mtab and
   so on.

What's The Right Way (tm) to have / mounted read-only?

My diskless package (I just uploaded 0.3.2 to master today) does what
you want (but for diskless systems).

It diverts /sbin/init to /sbin/init.orig, and installs a shell script in
place of /sbin/init. This shell script mounts /etc from an NFS server.

The only file that might be required beforehand is /etc/resolv.conf, but
this is not even required if you give the IP address of the NFS server.

Other solutions, such as booting from a ramdisk may also be possible,
but I haven't personally tried this.

Re: nfs boot off of a kernel on a floppy

1999-10-06 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
If you'd like to save some spaces, you can select several directories to
be exported. Of course, the server and the clients have to be running
the same version of the OS. If I remember correctly, /lib, /bin, /sbin,
/usr can be exported safely.

You have to be careful with /lib, /bin, and /sbin, as files in these
directories are required on boot...

My diskless package (latest version 0.3.2) mounts /etc from a NFS
server, but this cannot be shared with other clients.

Selecting directories that can be exported is a bit tricky, so I think
the easisest way is to instal a new system on the server machine.
Since bootp would boot from /tftpboot/x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the IP
number you assign for the client machine; defined in /etc/bootptab),
just create x.x.x.x directory in /tftpboot, then export it (in
/etc/exports). On the other machine, mount that directory somewhere, and
then install a new system using the mount point as the root directory.

I use a symlink from /tftpboot/x.x.x.x to /the/real/dir. In fact,
I do not even need /tftpboot/x.x.x.x in my exports file! All that
is required is an entry for /the/real/dir. Weird.

Hardware Clock to GMT instead of local time

1999-10-06 Thread Ali Onur UYAR
I had been using Debian since July of 1998. It had been a dual boot
NT/Debian Box. At the time of installation I remember selecting
something like 'Set HW Clock to Local Time'. Now that I've dumped NT
completely and I want to change it to 'HW Clock set to GMT' as I believe
that is the way UNIXish machines should be configured.
The question is: what configuration, startup scripts am I supposed to
modify so that everthing will work correctly.

Secure rdist?

1999-10-06 Thread Julian Gilbey
[Please Cc: me with replies!]

I know it must be an FAQ, but does there exist a secure replacement
for rdist, one which would not require having a /root/.rhosts file?
Those things make me understandably paranoid.  I'm not quite sure what
a secure replacement would look like though; would it perhaps use the
SSH protocol with some more secure automatic authentication?




  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://www.debian.org/~jdg

Re: Easy lilo question (win95 on /dev/hda, deb. on /dev/hdb)

1999-10-06 Thread Ingo Reimann
Hi Martin
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 02:52:09AM -0700, Martin Waller wrote:
 Having had to installk win95, I did (on the first hard drive /dev/hda) and 
 then installed debian (on second ide drive /dev/hdb).
Take a /etc/lilo.conf like that:

# LILO Konfigurations-Datei
# Start LILO global Section
#compact   # faster, but won't work on all systems.
vga = normal# force sane state
# End LILO global section
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /boot/vmlinuz
#   ^ Martin, where is Your kernel?

root = /dev/hdb1

#   ^ Martin, where sits your debian ?
label = linux
# Linux bootable partition config ends
# DOS bootable partition config begins
other = /dev/hda1

#^^ Martin, what is your Primary Dos Partition?
label = Win95
table = /dev/hda
# DOS bootable partition config ends

Try that.

You have to put the correct values for your partitions of that so called OS
from Redmont and for your debian.
Where is your kernel located? 
put that in the line
i suppose either
image =/vmlinuz

then run lilo as root. that should work


Re: Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread Mark Buda
 bwarsing == bwarsing  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

bwarsing Did:

bwarsing cat some .au file  /dev/audio

bwarsing Nothing happens.  Can't figure out if its isapnp or some
bwarsing other config i have not completed yet.

Um... did you recompile the kernel with sound support?
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

Re: Splitting debian-user (was Re: DO NOT UPGRADE TO POTATO...)

1999-10-06 Thread Tom Pfeifer
 But if we create _debian-user-unstable_, the _debian-user_ readers
 would miss (would they care?) the discussions -- some of them
 interesting -- about changes, and might therefore be less well
 prepared to handle the upgrade to potato when it becomes stable.
 So I obviously can't make up my mind; I think we should let the
 _debian-user_ population decide: would you like to split the group?

I don't think it's a good idea to split them up. Many issues discussed
in debian-user apply to both stable and unstable, not to mention Linux
in general. I like the idea of reading one list and being able to
beneift from the experiences of people running both distributions. 

Occasionally when I want to know more about the bleeding edge, I'll
subscribe to debian-devel for a while and see what's going on.


Re: So whos going to ALS

1999-10-06 Thread Greg Heather Vence
I could haul my printer in again.  Also, I've got a real machine this
year...  AMD K6-III 450MHz Viper 770, NetGear 10/100 NIC...  19 Optiquest

Who's coordinating?

TIA -- Greg.

- Original Message -
From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user@lists.debian.org;
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: So whos going to ALS

 On 05-Oct-99 Johnie Ingram wrote:
  ... and would be willing to help at the Debian booth (#503, community
  pavillion, check it out), or who knows good places to stay at in
  Atlanta?  Or who wants to planepool with the Novare team from Dallas?

 Joey Hess and myself are going.  We have one extra space in the hotel
 Preferably for a Debian developer, preferably one who needs to save the

 We have two double beds and currently three people, a fourth is welcome.
 you want a spot on the floor, well that can be arranged as well (-:

 We arrive Wednesday night at 7:30pm, so room is available from Wednesday
 on thru Saturday night.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread Debian Mail
I use Debian with kernel 2.0.36. All information I can get from the
BIOS of my Intel PC about the parallel port ist, that io is 0x278 and
that the mode is normal (other possible modes: ECP, EPP 1.9 and EPP
1.7). So I say modprobe lp io=0x278. The printer is a HP LaserJet 4P
connected trough a bidirectional parallel cable. Since printing trough
magicfilter does not work, I tried to generate a file using gslj and
send that directly to /dev/lp0: 
cat file.lj  /dev/lp0
This takes about 4 seconds and produces no error. But nothing is
printed and there is no error message on the printer.
tunelp /dev/lp0 -s gives the following:
/dev/lp0 status is 240, out of paper, on-line, error
but the printer is not out of paper and displays no error. Also
printing works if the printer is connected to a Windows NT machine.
tunelp /dev/lp0 tells me that lp0 is using polling. lp1 and lp2 are
not configured. cat /proc/interrupts gives:

 0:8290233   timer
 1:  35309   keyboard
 2:  0   cascade
 3:188 + serial
 4:  73807 + serial
 8:  2 + rtc
 9: 116284   NE2000
13:  1   math error
14:4628478 + ide0

Why does printing not work?

Any comments welcome!


bootpd: ioctl SIOCSARP: invalid argument

1999-10-06 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
I am trying to set up a boot server in order to boot and install
debian-ppc in a 43P I have here, but I am failing miserably to set up 
bootpd. I've never set one of these before. And it is saying:

ioctl SIOCSARP: Invalid argument

Anyone has an Idea of what is happening? 

This kernel is compiled with RARP suport, I have an entry in
my /etc/hosts with the name and adress of the host Im trying to configure,


and the .default entry has


dns is the name of our dns server , /boot-ppc is where I put the boot image
and bootprep.bin is the name of the boot image that resides inside /boot-ppc .

If anyone has some clue on what is wrong/what to do, please
include me in the reply, since I am not currently subscribed to debian-user,

Thank you very much for your help!


Re: New HD, DMA, errors...

1999-10-06 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Sun, Oct 03, 1999 at 09:16:20PM -0300, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
  Hi! I've bought a new HD and I'm having troubles with it. It's a Seagate
 ST310232A (10 Gb).
 PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1020-0x1027, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1028-0x102f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
Most of mother boards don't like  to manage both UDMA  PIO MODES upon the
same IDE interface, so the setting is usuallly downgraded to the lowest mode
, which is the PIO one.

First, check the BIOS setup to see if you can manage differents modes
on a same interface, by setting it on the *real* modes (not auto).
(but even with that you have the risk to become stuck unpredictably)

If you MB can't do that, You can avoid the errors you've got by a well 
done setup of the line hdparm in /etc/rc.boot/hwtools (with the 
hwtools parckage installed, of course :)
See man hdparm, and set the both of your HDz on IDE 1 to the PIO mode.

Of course, it could be much more insteresting, in terms of rapidity,
to put the CD-ROM drive and the PIO mode HD on the SAME interface.
And to keep them in PIO mode.

its up to you...


Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oh, I've seen copies [of Linux Journal] around the terminal room at The
(By Dennis Ritchie)

silly consoles question

1999-10-06 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
Hi all,

I'm actually making many modifications of my system,
so I'm used to open two consoles in root, and 3 as user.

Is there a possibility, as soon as I open the first console
as root, to automagically open the others

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oh, I've seen copies [of Linux Journal] around the terminal room at The
(By Dennis Ritchie)

Re: Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread iehrenwald

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

 I have compiled the sound support into my kernel for a
 SB16 card also using isapnp.  A few points which I
 1. you MUST not compile INTO the kernel, make sound
 drivers a module.  After installing your new kernel


Not always true.  I have a Creative Labs AWE64 ISA PNP.  I use kernel
2.3.18ac10 and the built in isapnp routines.  I also compiled sound
support INTO the kernel and it works fine.  The kernel iaspnp inits the
card at bootup and then a few processes later the kernel sound finds the
card and it works fine.  

Then again, not everyone likes using bleeding edge kernels.

--Ian Ehrenwald

printing through samba with Windows

1999-10-06 Thread Ken Long

Hi there!

I'm having a rather difficult problem with printing through samba from
Windows machines.  What happens is there are a bunch of big Word documents
(with pictures in there from digital cameras) that need to be printed out in
batches.  Normally a user can pick a bunch from explorer and right-click on
them and print them.  Problem is, when I do that to the color printer
through the linux server, I start getting bunches of errors from the windows
machine about it taking too long and needing to cancel the jobs because the
printer's not responding, etc, etc, etc.  (usually I can still get all the 
prints after responding to all the timeout messages and such)  Now, I can
print these things to file and copy it to the linux box and send them out
through lpr and it spools them all up and sends 'em on out.  So, I'm
thinking there must be something to do with the samba config.  Has anyone
ever heard of this problem before?  Is there a simple config parameter I
need to change and that will take care of it?   It seems to me that the
samba server ought to spool these jobs up to print and let the workstation
go on it's merry way doing something else, but that doesn't seem to be
happening. I have never noticed this problem before when printing through our
old Netware server.

I've tried multiple linux boxes - one running slink and one running potato,
so different iterations of software versions.  Running samba and lprng for
the printing.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


|   | |
|   |   E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|Ken Long   |   Voice:(757)543-6801 x 392 |
|   |   FAX:  (757)494-0733   |
|   | |
|The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of  |
|  Metro Machine Corp.|

RE: problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread Paul McHale
I believe it is /dev/lp1=lpt1:.  Are you sure you are using the correct
device ?

-Original Message-
From: Debian Mail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 10:11 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: problem with /dev/lp0

I use Debian with kernel 2.0.36. All information I can get from the
BIOS of my Intel PC about the parallel port ist, that io is 0x278 and
that the mode is normal (other possible modes: ECP, EPP 1.9 and EPP
1.7). So I say modprobe lp io=0x278. The printer is a HP LaserJet 4P
connected trough a bidirectional parallel cable. Since printing trough
magicfilter does not work, I tried to generate a file using gslj and
send that directly to /dev/lp0:
cat file.lj  /dev/lp0
This takes about 4 seconds and produces no error. But nothing is
printed and there is no error message on the printer.
tunelp /dev/lp0 -s gives the following:
/dev/lp0 status is 240, out of paper, on-line, error
but the printer is not out of paper and displays no error. Also
printing works if the printer is connected to a Windows NT machine.
tunelp /dev/lp0 tells me that lp0 is using polling. lp1 and lp2 are
not configured. cat /proc/interrupts gives:

 0:8290233   timer
 1:  35309   keyboard
 2:  0   cascade
 3:188 + serial
 4:  73807 + serial
 8:  2 + rtc
 9: 116284   NE2000
13:  1   math error
14:4628478 + ide0

Why does printing not work?

Any comments welcome!


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: So whos going to ALS

1999-10-06 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
Woohoo.. Just got the permission to skip two days from office for ALS. Will be 
there with my machine.. Dual celeron (300 oc'd 450) with a 19' monitor. Who's 
co ordinating...


On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 07:30:30AM -0700, Greg  Heather Vence wrote:
 I could haul my printer in again.  Also, I've got a real machine this
 year...  AMD K6-III 450MHz Viper 770, NetGear 10/100 NIC...  19 Optiquest
 Who's coordinating?
 TIA -- Greg.
 - Original Message -
 From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user@lists.debian.org;
 Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 2:12 PM
 Subject: RE: So whos going to ALS
  On 05-Oct-99 Johnie Ingram wrote:
   ... and would be willing to help at the Debian booth (#503, community
   pavillion, check it out), or who knows good places to stay at in
   Atlanta?  Or who wants to planepool with the Novare team from Dallas?
  Joey Hess and myself are going.  We have one extra space in the hotel
  Preferably for a Debian developer, preferably one who needs to save the
  We have two double beds and currently three people, a fourth is welcome.
  you want a spot on the floor, well that can be arranged as well (-:
  We arrive Wednesday night at 7:30pm, so room is available from Wednesday
  on thru Saturday night.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-10-06 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 10/06/99 
   at 06:28 PM, Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 08:13:41PM -0400, Terry Katz wrote:
 2.1.3-2 is one that does it ...

Seems to behave itself here. But then I only have fvwm2 installed, none of
these fancy new wms.

I had individual ones start up on menu's invocation with some upgraded
packages.  First olvwm, then wmaker, then I finally got the thread killed
(thought I had it the first time, but another was somehow spawned).  Menu's
been removed now.

My upgrade came before the warning... yech.  And I had the usual (?)
assortment of wm's.  That's now been trimmed.


Linux/GDI printers/Samba

1999-10-06 Thread Paul McHale

I would like to use my Linux server as a print server.  I have a Xerox Xe80
combined copier /printer.  The problem is it follows the GDI initiative.
This is where they design a printer that is so dumb you can't pipe text to
it and have it print.  They moved a good bit of intelligence from the
printer to the PC driver.  For this reason, the external print servers (I.e.
Intel netport, Netgear print server) will not work with this printer.

My question is regarding Samba sharing.  I don't have an urgent need to
print from the Linux server.  I was going to set up a raw print device to be
shared across the network.

Has anyone had any success setting up GDI printers through Linux?  I get the
impression the intelligence in the Xerox print driver must be directly
connected to the parallel port !  I called Xerox and they don't directly
support Linux.  Does anyone directly support Xerox ?

BTW  Warning to all, these GDI printers are becomming more and more popular
as software (driver) is cheap when compared to manufacturing smarter
hardware.  Networking can only be done via a PC/Windows with a printer
share.  (unless we hear differently ...)

thanks in advance,


   Double E Solutions Attn: Paul McHale
   4912 Effingham Dayton, Ohio 45431

   Work:   937-253-7610
   Mobile: 937-371-2828
   Home:   937-253-6260 (anytime)

Re: Sound Config Probs

1999-10-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I guess the post 2.0 kernels handle this differently. 
I know that if you use 2.0.3x the isapnp runs AFTER
the kernel inits built-in's but BEFORE modules are
loaded.  The best thing would be for the driver to do
the pnp stuff itself which is how (I think) it happens
in windows.  I'll have to revist this sound config
stuff when I move to 2.2.1x (I'm waiting for 2.2.13
since 2.2.12 STILL has some bad bugs in it.  Come on

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
  I have compiled the sound support into my kernel
 for a
  SB16 card also using isapnp.  A few points which I
  1. you MUST not compile INTO the kernel, make
  drivers a module.  After installing your new
 Not always true.  I have a Creative Labs AWE64 ISA
 PNP.  I use kernel
 2.3.18ac10 and the built in isapnp routines.  I also
 compiled sound
 support INTO the kernel and it works fine.  The
 kernel iaspnp inits the
 card at bootup and then a few processes later the
 kernel sound finds the
 card and it works fine.  
 Then again, not everyone likes using bleeding edge
   --Ian Ehrenwald

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: silly consoles question

1999-10-06 Thread Martin Fluch
On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm actually making many modifications of my system,
 so I'm used to open two consoles in root, and 3 as user.
 Is there a possibility, as soon as I open the first console
 as root, to automagically open the others



If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread Debian Mail
 I believe it is /dev/lp1=lpt1:.  Are you sure you are using the correct
 device ?

Yes, /dev/lp0 should be the correct device. Also I can see the printer
in a way, since tunelp /dev/lp0 only gives specific output if the
printer is connected.


Toshiba 220 CS - notebook

1999-10-06 Thread ESCORT

Whitch files should I download to install Debian 
2.1 on notebook in title of message ?

Marek Chojnacki (Poland)

my e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hardware Clock to GMT instead of local time

1999-10-06 Thread Bob Nielsen
Run tzconfig.

On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 12:47:50PM +0300, Ali Onur UYAR wrote:
 I had been using Debian since July of 1998. It had been a dual boot
 NT/Debian Box. At the time of installation I remember selecting
 something like 'Set HW Clock to Local Time'. Now that I've dumped NT
 completely and I want to change it to 'HW Clock set to GMT' as I believe
 that is the way UNIXish machines should be configured.
 The question is: what configuration, startup scripts am I supposed to
 modify so that everthing will work correctly.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

Re: Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread William T Wilson
On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Enrico Zini wrote:

 What's The Right Way (tm) to have / mounted read-only?

You're not really supposed to.  / has to be read-write because it contains
/etc.  /etc has to be on / because it wants to be consistent both before
and after the non-root partitions are mounted.

You aren't really gaining much by making / read-only.  If you're really
paranoid, sync after you mount, unmount, passwd, etc.  In practice, / is
rarely corrupted by crashes.

Re: silly consoles question

1999-10-06 Thread lexchive
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 04:19:49PM +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm actually making many modifications of my system,
 so I'm used to open two consoles in root, and 3 as user.
 Is there a possibility, as soon as I open the first console
 as root, to automagically open the others

It can be done using openvt, see openvt(1) (openvt is in kbd package, and also
console-tools maybe).


Description: PGP signature

Where is open?

1999-10-06 Thread Serge Gavrilov

I cannot find open package in potato. Does anybody know where is it? May be
open binary moved into some package? 

Serge Gavrilov 

Re: Apache segfaulting upon perl module load

1999-10-06 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Thank you, Doug.  This turned out to be the solution.  A complicating
factor was that I was building from .deb files, since I run Debian, and
the mod_perl source .deb blows up.  I wanted to do things in such a way
that I ended up with good .debs, to make it easier to deinstall,
replace, etc.

I did manage to build an Apache deb file with statically linked
mod_perl.  This works.

If anyone is interested in the deb, let me know.  If there is a good
common place to post it, let me know that, too.  Otherwise, I can stick
it up on my web site.

I'd like to make a source deb, too, with the extra stuff needed for
static mod_perl, but I'm not too sure about how to go about that.

By the way, I've noticed that folks are having the same problem with
RPMs from RedHat.

I hope the developers just get it all fixed soon.  ;-)  (I have filed a
bug report with Debian).

Doug MacEachern wrote:
 one solution is to build Apache and mod_perl from source, and linking
 mod_perl static instead of a dso.
 On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  I'm having a strange problem where apache is segfaulting when I start
  it.  The only time I get the segfault is when DynaLoader.pm loads an
  .so file, for example, DBI.so, resulting from use DBI or use
  Apache::DBI in startup.pl.  But use Apache::Status, resulting in
  loads of Request.so, et al, also causes the segfault.
  I'm running Debian Linux, Slink, kernel 2.0.36.
  The relevant Debian packages are:
  libdbi-perl_1.12-1 (that's where the DBI.so comes from)
  I've tried compiling and using the packages from CPAN also, but get the
  same thing.  I don't feel at this point it's the .so files themselves,
  but a problem with apache or mod-perl.
  I should mention, though, that this problem seemed to go away Friday
  upon an Apache reinstall, only to start recurring, which made me suspect
  hardware problems.  Memory tests show nothing, though, and the problem
  is consistent and isolated to this situation.
  Anyone else have problems with this configuration or have any clue where
  to look next?

Re: Where is open?

1999-10-06 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  6 Oct, Serge Gavrilov wrote about Where is open?
 I cannot find open package in potato. Does anybody know where is it? May be
 open binary moved into some package? 

A search for bin/open on http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages.html
under 'Search the Contents of the Latest Release' with unstable
selected returns:

./usr/bin/open  base/console-tools
./usr/sbin/openldapconfig   net/openldapd
usr/bin/openvt  utils/kbd
usr/sbin/openfw admin/tcpquota

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: problem with /dev/lp0

1999-10-06 Thread David Wright
Quoting Debian Mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I believe it is /dev/lp1=lpt1:.  Are you sure you are using the correct
  device ?
 Yes, /dev/lp0 should be the correct device. Also I can see the printer
 in a way, since tunelp /dev/lp0 only gives specific output if the
 printer is connected.

Should it? My machines running 2.0.36 are all printing on /dev/lp1
and that's to LPT1 and 0x378. I'm not sure why you're using 0x278
in the BIOS (conventionally LPT2).

OTOH my machines running 2.2.10 all print on /dev/lp0 (but that's
still LPT1 and 0x378).

This is similar to many other people who have reported their
configurations when surprised by the change from /dev/lp1 to
/dev/lp0 caused by migration to 2.2.x kernels.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

brokenness somewhere in netbase or dpkg (or apt?)

1999-10-06 Thread Ari Heitner

  A couple of days ago when I apt-get upgraded, it gave me a new version
of netbase, 3.16-3. When it got to the install part, it ran its setup
script and started asking me questions about my networking config (which
surprised me -- why didn't it just use the config that was already

  I answered the questions and continued. It gave me an error and quit. I
put a hold on my previous version of netbase, 2.16-2, and retried to
apt-get upgrade. Now I get:

templestowe:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages have been kept back
  librpm1 lyx netbase rpm 
68 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/21.2MB of archives. After unpacking 10.3MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
Can't use string (ARRAY(0x8231354)) as an ARRAY ref while strict refs
in use at /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/Element/Dialog/Select.pm line 46,
GEN0 chunk 5.
E: Sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (29)
E: Failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt

Not that I know any perl, but that line is in this file:

# If it is more than will fit on the screen, just display the prompt
# first in a series of message boxes.
if ($lines  $screen_lines - 2) {
# Now make sure the short description is displayed in the
# dialog they actually enter info into.
($text, $lines, $columns)=$this-frontend-sizetext(

my $default=$this-question-value;
my @params=();
#-the below is line #46
my @[EMAIL PROTECTED]question-choices};

I don't know if netbase is actually the problem at all -- it also gave me
a new version of dpkg,, and the error seems more likely to be
coming from there.

Any ideas/suggestions/comments/snide remarks?

Please cc: me on any list posts.


Ari Heitner
DC: 703/5733512 CMU: 412/8622699
You know how your whole life flashes in front of your eyes before you die?
That's just gdb unwinding the call stack . . .   

Re: Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread Enrico Zini
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 08:15:14PM +1000, Brian May wrote:

 What's The Right Way (tm) to have / mounted read-only?
 My diskless package (I just uploaded 0.3.2 to master today) does what
 you want (but for diskless systems).

Sadly, my system is the network server: the one and only system that cannot be

 It diverts /sbin/init to /sbin/init.orig, and installs a shell script in
 place of /sbin/init. This shell script mounts /etc from an NFS server.

This can prove to be a good idea, mounting /etc from a rw partition.

It will indeed require some work to make it a robust script, since
the etc partition will have to be fscked, action should be taken if
fsck fails, etc. ( :) ), just like in checkroot.sh

I thought this was an old question with an obvious solution, but it's turning
out to be nontrivial. We have a policy allowing /usr to be mounted read-only,
have we nothing for / ?

The quick-and-easy solution seems to be the sync mount option suggested by
Peter, and if this is a new issue I'll file a wishlist bug agains

Bye and thanks! Enrico

GPG public key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mount as many partitions as possible read only (what do I do with /etc?)

1999-10-06 Thread Enrico Zini
On Wed, Oct 06, 1999 at 11:07:33AM +0200, Peter Palfrader wrote:

 I did mount / with the sync option on a server of mine. So the danger
 of data loss is reduced a bit. Since / is not that big a fsck is quite

Thanks!  This seems the best available solution for my system.

Bye! Enrico

GPG public key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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