Re: Alguna impresora laser pa Linux?

1999-10-13 Thread tomas

On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:21:25PM +0200, M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 Resulta que querría ponerme una buena impresora láser que rule 
 bajo Linux al 100% de sus posibilidades.
 ¿Alguna Sugerencia?

Yo tengo una LaserJet 6L y no me puedo quejar, cuando mire era de
lo mas baratito que habia.


Un saludo.
 Tomas Güemes Sánchez

Enmascaramiento del correo con SEndmail

1999-10-13 Thread carlosv

Hola a todos.

Como últimamente habréis observado todos, los servidores de correo se 
están poniendo cada vez más duros con el tema del spam. A resultas de
esto, me he encontrado con que parte del correo que mando no llega
nunca a sus destinatarios, ya que aparece como proveniente de, mi máquina (bueno, lo de es el dominio
de mi ISP, lo puse para evitar ciertos problemillas, la máquina se
llama alderaan a secas), y muchos servidores lo rechazan al ser una
máquina inexistente (evidentemente, no aparece en ningún DNS). Lo se
porque tengo acceso como administrador a alguna de las máquinas a las
que envío correo y veo en los log's del correo que mis mensajes son
rechazados. Además, no mandan el manseje devuelto, con lo que muchas
veces no se si ha llegado o no.

En el sendmail tengo puesta la opción de que enmascare todo el correo
como y que use como smarthost, pero aún así
hay servidores que rechazan mis mensajes.

... ergo, la pregunta del millón es ¿hay alguna manera de que el
sendmail reescriba las cabeceras de manera que el mensaje venga de una 
máquina conocida, o que no ponga que viene de alderaan?

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.


1999-10-13 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
Hola a todos.

Una pregunta, supongo que facilita: ¿qué es exactamente el CLASSPATH y
como lo puedo definir para incluir en él un directorio X? Lo he intentado en
.bashrc y en .profile (donde tengo el PATH) pero no sé si lo habré hecho
bien (supongo que no) porque unos programas no se me ejecutan porque, en
teoría, no lo tengo bien definido (según me han dicho).

Muchísimas gracias por vuestra ayuda y vuestro tiempo.

Un saludo.


Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-13 Thread tomas
Hola ! 

He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la 
hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde conseguir
informacion, gracias.

 Tomas Güemes Sánchez


1999-10-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Emilio Hernández Martín [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   miércoles 13 de octubre de 1999 5:19
 Para: Debian
 Asunto:   CLASSPATH
 Hola a todos.
 Una pregunta, supongo que facilita: ¿qué es exactamente el CLASSPATH y
 como lo puedo definir para incluir en él un directorio X? Lo he intentado
 .bashrc y en .profile (donde tengo el PATH) pero no sé si lo habré hecho
 bien (supongo que no) porque unos programas no se me ejecutan porque, en
 teoría, no lo tengo bien definido (según me han dicho).
El CLASSPATH es el conjunto de directorios donde el Java busca sus librerías
de clases (.class o .zip/.jar/.cab si están empaquetadas).
Uséase, que sólo es necesario para aplicaciones Java. Lo normal es tener
algo así como /usr/local/jdkM.m/lib:. donde jdkM.m es el jdk que tienes
instalado (la versión de Java que tienes instalada) o si no,
/usr/local/netscape/java, que es el directorio (creo, si no es ese es otro
parecido) donde suele estar el del Netscape, para que los
applets se ejecuten bien.

 Un saludo.
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: Bajo consumo de energía

1999-10-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   martes 12 de octubre de 1999 15:20
 Asunto:   Re: Bajo consumo de energía
 Ahh, alguien sabe donde se puede conseguir mas info sobre las opciones de
 APM que tiene el kernel?
prueba man apm, man apmd, y man suspend

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: Voodoo

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Si lo único que quieres es usar las X con tu tarjeta (porque la distro de
 Xfree de Hamm no la soporta), pienso que es mejor que vayas a un mirror de
 XFree y te bajes el binario de SVGA precompilado de XF86 3.3.5
 para glibc2.

O mejor aún... Ves a cualquier site ftp de Debian, entras en Potato, y te lo
bajas directamente en formato deb, ya que es la versión que se distribuye
con ella. Eso sí, te recomiendo que le eches un vistazo a las
dependencias... por si las moscas...

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Enmascaramiento del correo con SEndmail

1999-10-13 Thread Ricard P.G.
Para usar un servidor de correo saliente efectivamente debes utilizar
smarthost. Estas seguro que es el servidor de correo saliente?
parece que solo sea un servidor de pop ... mira a ver si existe algo tal que o algo parecidoy ponlo como smarthost

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Programas para impresoras HP

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Buenos días a todos, estoy buscando algún programa que permita
configurar automáticamente impresoras HP. Tengo una HPLaserjet 4L, y
me gustaría poder controlar por ejemplo el modo ECONOMODE que me
aparece en güindos.
Por otro lado, el fin de semana estuve configurando linux para mi
impresora, y conseguí que me imprimiera. Otra cosa que intenté fue
imprimir archivos PostScript en mi impresora no-PostScript. Para ello
utilicé el filtro de entrada que aparece en la documentación de ayuda
para la configuración de impresoras en linux. Este filtro se supone
que es capaz de detectar al comienzo de un archivo los caracteres
%!. Si detecta estos caracteres es un archivo PostScript, y
entonces hace uso del ghostscript para imprimirlo, sino lo trata como
texto normal. El caso es que utilicé ese filtro y cuando era un
archivo normal funcionaba perfectamente, pero cuando era PostScript
me salía impresa una sola línea tal que así:


¿Alguién sabe que ocurre?

Gracias y un saludo.


RE: Programas para impresoras HP

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo
   Por otro lado, el fin de semana estuve configurando linux para mi
 impresora, y conseguí que me imprimiera. Otra cosa que intenté fue
 imprimir archivos PostScript en mi impresora no-PostScript. Para ello
 utilicé el filtro de entrada que aparece en la documentación de ayuda
 para la configuración de impresoras en linux. Este filtro se supone
 que es capaz de detectar al comienzo de un archivo los caracteres
 %!. Si detecta estos caracteres es un archivo PostScript, y
 entonces hace uso del ghostscript para imprimirlo, sino lo trata como
 texto normal. El caso es que utilicé ese filtro y cuando era un
 archivo normal funcionaba perfectamente, pero cuando era PostScript
 me salía impresa una sola línea tal que así:

¿Por qué no pruebas a utilizar el programa MagicFilter?

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Re: Programas para impresoras HP

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Gracias por la información Manuel pero ¿dónde puedo encontrar ese

Buen día.

Re: Enmascaramiento del correo con SEndmail

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

¿Como os las ingeniais con sendmail si teneis dos cuentas de correo? Si
cada vez que quiero mandar un correo desde una dirección tengo que poner un
smarthost diferente (servidor smtp) o se puede poner de alguna forma en el
sendmail? Por ejemplo, para el correo tengo fetchmail para recogerlo, sin
problemas, mutt (más lioso para usar dos cuentas a la vez, vamos no se
como...) y el sendmail.


Un saludo

OFFTOPIC. Re: Iddeo que ha cambiado?

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

Yo tengo conexión a Iddeo y todo me funciona perfectamente, aunque dices
que estás conectado por Alehop, Iddeo y Alehop no son lo mismo... según
tengo entendido la conexión de Alehop está bastante limitada y a la mayoría
de las cosas solo tienes acceso con el navegador.


Daniel con fecha 09/10/99 14:12:00

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Iddeo que ha cambiado?

Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Perdon por el offtopic, pero estoy conectando
a Inet por alehop y escribiendo via web.

Pues eso, algo han cambiado que solo me deja
coger correo, no me deja conectar.

Antes me dejaba enviar, (tengo un mensaje a esta
lista preguntando esto en la cola, pero no lo
pudeo enviar), pero ahora no.

Me da error de validacion del password. Ellos
dicen que no dan soporte Linux y que todo lo
mantienen igual.

A alguien mas le pasa.

Gracias y perdon!!!


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Enmascaramiento del correo con SEndmail

1999-10-13 Thread guile
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 06:27:19PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Como últimamente habréis observado todos, los servidores de correo se 
 están poniendo cada vez más duros con el tema del spam. A resultas de
 esto, me he encontrado con que parte del correo que mando no llega
 nunca a sus destinatarios, ya que aparece como proveniente de, mi máquina (bueno, lo de es el dominio
 de mi ISP, lo puse para evitar ciertos problemillas, la máquina se
 llama alderaan a secas), y muchos servidores lo rechazan al ser una
 máquina inexistente (evidentemente, no aparece en ningún DNS). Lo se
 porque tengo acceso como administrador a alguna de las máquinas a las
 que envío correo y veo en los log's del correo que mis mensajes son
 rechazados. Además, no mandan el manseje devuelto, con lo que muchas
 veces no se si ha llegado o no.
 En el sendmail tengo puesta la opción de que enmascare todo el correo
 como y que use como smarthost, pero aún así
 hay servidores que rechazan mis mensajes.
 ... ergo, la pregunta del millón es ¿hay alguna manera de que el
 sendmail reescriba las cabeceras de manera que el mensaje venga de una 
 máquina conocida, o que no ponga que viene de alderaan?
Prueba con FEATURE(`masquerade_envelope') en el
Supongo que tendras el MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(otherhost.domain) y comprueba
que el tu usuario y el de tu prooveedor sea el mismo, si no pon el
FEATURE(`genericstable') y crea el fichero genericstable tal y como pone
en /usr/doc/sendmail/cf.README.gz
De todas formas si tienes todo bien puesto con el masquerade_envelope no
deberia salir tu host por ningun lado.
Felix Ortega:  (\^/) Avoid the Gates of Hell.  Use Linux
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   Administrador del LATUV
This message was brought to you by Linux, the free unix.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

mira a ver si te interesa el paquete chronyc


Daniel con fecha 13/10/99 05:26:09

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Hola !

He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar =
hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde
conseguir informacion, gracias.


 Tomas G=FCemes S=E1nchez

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


RE: Re: Programas para impresoras HP

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo
   Gracias por la información Manuel pero ¿dónde puedo encontrar ese

Te viene en cualquier distribución de la Debian... Si entras en el programa
dselect, ves a la opción Select, y cuando te aparezca la lista de
programas, pulsa mayúsculas+7 (para conseguir la barra /), escribe
magicfilter y te irá directamente al paquete. Lo marcas con el signo +
y... bueno, creo que conoces el resto. Si tienes cualquier tipo de problema
ya sabes, aquí estamos ciento y la madre ;-)

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 13 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 05:34:43 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la 
hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde conseguir
informacion, gracias.

$ grep rdate /etc/crontab 
0 */6   * * *   rootrdate -s

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069


1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Como habreis podido comprobar (los subscritos), en el Linux Journal ya
vienen anunciadas empresas que te montan el Linux en una máquina con el
micro de AMD Athlon.
¿Alguien ha podido comprobar el funcionamiento de Linux en el mismo? Yo no
hago más que leer comparativas de revistas, y todas lo ponen por las nubes.
Pero claro, la duda siempre está ahí: A la hora de actualizarse, siempre
puedes re-vender tus componentes Intel mejor que los AMD's (al menos hasta
ahora). Los conjuntos de chips de AMD también son muy nuevos, por lo que el
soporte para Linux debe ser precario o nulo (nótese el entrecomillado).

No sé... ¿Alguien con información acerca de todo ésto?

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Re: Programas para impresoras HP

1999-10-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 13 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 10:25:32 +, Manuel Jerez 
Cßrdenes contaba:

   Gracias por la información Manuel pero ¿dónde puedo encontrar ese 

 En tu mirror de Debian más cercano.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Athlon

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

Hola Toomany...

Yo también he leido sobre el Athlon y todo son elogios sobre lo bien que
va, eso si, sobre el soporte en linux es verdad que no dicen todavía nada
de nada, quizás haya que esperar un un mes o dos. Por cierto, ¿lo venden ya
en España en algún sitio conocido? Estoy pensando en comprarme un nuevo
equipo y...


Daniel con fecha 13/10/99 12:27:32

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Athlon


Como habreis podido comprobar (los subscritos), en el Linux Journal ya
vienen anunciadas empresas que te montan el Linux en una máquina con el
micro de AMD Athlon.
¿Alguien ha podido comprobar el funcionamiento de Linux en el mismo? Yo no
hago más que leer comparativas de revistas, y todas lo ponen por las nubes.
Pero claro, la duda siempre está ahí: A la hora de actualizarse, siempre
puedes re-vender tus componentes Intel mejor que los AMD's (al menos hasta
ahora). Los conjuntos de chips de AMD también son muy nuevos, por lo que el
soporte para Linux debe ser precario o nulo (nótese el entrecomillado).

No sé... ¿Alguien con información acerca de todo ésto?

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, oct 13, 1999 at 05:34:43 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la 
 hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde conseguir
 informacion, gracias.

Crea un shell-script en '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/' de nombre p.e. 'sincro_hora' y 
cuyo contenido sea:

# Sincronizar reloj.

# Sincronizar el reloj con 'SLUG'

# Sincronizar la hora con 'pitopito'

Y elige un site para la actualización, en mi caso uso SLUG.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Debian 2.1 + SCSI

1999-10-13 Thread Barbwired
Os envío un mensaje de un amigo mío que tiene problemas con la instalación de
Debian debido al SCSI. 
Si podéis, incluid su dirección en la respuesta, ya que no está suscrito a la
lista de correo.

Muchas gracias por las ideas que podáis aportar.

-Forwarded message from Jose Angel Barroso Corroto [EMAIL PROTECTED]-

 Tengo una máquina (Netserver E 40 de Hewlett Packard) con red hat 5.2)
 y la instalación se hizo sin problemas.
 Ahora quiero mudarme a debian 2.1 y al arrancar con el primer cd se me 
 queda frito con el scsi.. :
 (scsi0)  Adaptec AIC-7859 SCSI host adapter foud at PCI 7/0
 (scsi0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7 31255 SCBS
 (scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 412 instruction downladed.. 
 Creo que hay que pasarle parametros al kernel o algo asi.. 
 Si sirve de algo.. esta es la salida de dmesg:
 (scsi0) Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI host adapter found at PCI 7/0
 (scsi0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 3/255 SCBs
 (scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 406 instructions downloaded
 scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast SCSI) 5.1.15/3.2.4
Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI host adapter
 scsi : 1 host.
 (scsi0:0:0:0) Synchronous at 10.0 Mbyte/sec, offset 15.
   Vendor: HPModel: 2.13GB A 50-300U  Rev: VCOD
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
 (scsi0:0:6:0) Synchronous at 10.0 Mbyte/sec, offset 15.
   Vendor: HPModel: 4.26GB A 50-S65A  Rev: S65A
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 Detected scsi disk sdb at scsi0, channel 0, id 6, lun 0
 SCSI device sda: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 4165272 [2033 MB] [2.0
  sda: sda1 sda2  sda5 
 SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors= 8330543 [4067 MB] [4.1
  sdb: sdb1 sdb2  sdb5 

- End forwarded message -

   I love computing because it's the most logical thing in my world.

Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-13 Thread eloy
On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola ! 
 He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la 
 hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde conseguir
 informacion, gracias.

  Tomas Güemes Sánchez


Yo tengo el siguiente script:

#! /bin/sh
# Ajusta la hora con lucano

logger -i Ajustando hora con lucano...
hwclock --systohc
logger -i ... ajustada: `date`

La máquina lucano( es un servidor de hora que tenemos por
aquí en la Universidad. De todas formas, en casa el que suelo usar es 

-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- --
-- Clave GPG: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Córdoba _ España __ Debian 2.1 GNU/Linux 2.2.12 verne

RE: Athlon

1999-10-13 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Hola Toomany...


 Yo también he leido sobre el Athlon y todo son elogios sobre lo bien que
 va, eso si, sobre el soporte en linux es verdad que no dicen todavía nada
 de nada, quizás haya que esperar un un mes o dos. Por cierto, ¿lo
 venden ya
 en España en algún sitio conocido? Estoy pensando en comprarme un nuevo
 equipo y...

Pues en el PC Actual de éste mes (Octubre-99) ya he visto varias
tiendas/cadenas de informática que te montan desde el modelo a 500 hasta el
600, y la placa con el chipset de AMD (hoy por hoy, y según deduzco de lo
leído hasta ahora, la opción más fiable, y no sólo por que todavía no hayan
sacado sus chipsets gente como Via o Ali...).
Aparte de que, tal y comentaba antes, en el Linux Journal de éste mes
también, ya vienen anunciados equipos dotados con el Athlon, y presentados
directamente para su uso como servidores (con SCSI, etc).

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: librerias faltantes?

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

Si has hecho movimientos de paquetes ultimamente yo he detectado que pasa
cuando quito algún paquete con librerías y se han quedado enlaces
simbólicos apuntando a estos archivos pero los archivos a los que apuntan
estos enlaces ya no están... se borran los enlaces y punto...


Daniel con fecha 12/10/99 02:04:47

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Re: librerias faltantes?

El Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 06:37:13PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:

 Al instalar las xlib6g y svgalib me tira estas warnings

 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or
directory), skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/
(No such file or directory), skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open
/usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), skipping  ldconfig:
warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory),
skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such
file or directory), skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open
/usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), skipping  ldconfig:
warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory),
skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such
file or directory), skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open
/usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), skipping  ldconfig:
warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory),
skipping  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file
or directory), skipping

 entre otras, no las tiro todas para ahorrar ancho de banda.

 De donde son estas librerias?. Con svgalib no he tenido problemas hasta
 ahora, a pesar de las advertencias.

me da en la nariz que tienes que instalas la libc6-dev para que no  te
 dé esos warnings

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora - Creo que no me expliqu ? lo suficientemente bien

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

En el mensaje que mandé antes referente al paquete chronyc o chronyd (no
recuerdo bien), este paquete solo tienes que instalarlo y el solito te pone
un script en /etc/ppp/ip_up-- (o como sea este archivo no tengo aquí la
maquina) el cual se ejecuta cuando conectaras a Internet, una vez que te
conectas hace que tu máquina se conecte con otra que tiene la hora
actualizada con un rejoj atómico ( de esos que tienen un margen de
retraso/adelanto de +/- 0.000etc, 2 segundos). Supongo
que cuando cambie la hora en cuanto te conectes actualizará tu hora.


Daniel con fecha 13/10/99 13:19:29

CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

On mié, oct 13, 1999 at 05:34:43 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He visto en varios mensajes referentes a ip-up que se puede actualizar la
 hora del sistema en internet, podeis indicarme como se hace o donde
conseguir  informacion, gracias.

Crea un shell-script en '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/' de nombre p.e. 'sincro_hora' y
cuyo contenido sea:

# Sincronizar reloj.

# Sincronizar el reloj con 'SLUG'

# Sincronizar la hora con 'pitopito'

Y elige un site para la actualización, en mi caso uso SLUG.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-10-13 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Estimados amigos.

Por fin he conseguido, tras un no corto fin de semana, hacer que mi
equipo pueda usar la tarjata de sonido bajo Linux. Sin embargo he encontrado
un par de problemas que os quiero comentar para, como siempre, tener
vuestras sugerencias y comentarios.

Para entrar en situación os diré que tenía el Kernel 2.0.36, bajo el que
no conseguía sonido.

Actualicé al 2.2.4 que ya traía soporte para la tarjeta que como bien
me habeis dicho es la es1370.

Ahora puedo escuchar CD musicales desde el CD-Rom, pero solo si
soy el root, y este es el primer problema que tengo que comentaros. Desde
cualquier otro usuario me dice que no puede acceder al dispositivo cdrom.
Además no puedo montarlo pues el sistema de ficheros no es el iso9960.

Por otro lado oigo un ruido en los altavoces que se produce cuando
muevo el ratón. ¿Conoceis solución para esto?

Tampoco puedo escuchar ficheros mp3. Los programas parece que
funcionan pues no dan señales de error, sin embargo no se oye nada. Los
programas que uso son amp, freeamp, ... que ya tenía instalados hace tiempo.

Por último os quiero comentar que bajo X he dejado de poder correr
Xemacs. En la consola 1 da algunas indicaciones de que tengo que tener
instalado unos programas pero antes de compilar el 2.2.4 esto no ocurria.

Os agradezco la ayuda.

Bueno, saludos y hasta la próxima.

Diego Bote

Re: SB-PCI-64

1999-10-13 Thread dfm

Tu problema con el CD-ROM es obviamente de permisos, date los permisos
Tu problema con los altavoces... comprueba las conexiones, si realment
tienes bien enchufada la clavija donde corresponde, se por experiencia que
los agujeritos de la SB-PCI pueden liarte. Comprueba con un mixer que
tienes el sonido a un volumen audible... lo de los mp3, será por tu
problema con los altavoces...


Daniel con fecha 13/10/99 17:11:22

Destinatarios:, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
CC:  (cci: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: SB-PCI-64

 Estimados amigos.

 Por fin he conseguido, tras un no corto fin de semana, hacer que mi
equipo pueda usar la tarjata de sonido bajo Linux. Sin embargo he
encontrado un par de problemas que os quiero comentar para, como siempre,
tener vuestras sugerencias y comentarios.

 Para entrar en situación os diré que tenía el Kernel 2.0.36, bajo el que
no conseguía sonido.

 Actualicé al 2.2.4 que ya traía soporte para la tarjeta que como bien
me habeis dicho es la es1370.

 Ahora puedo escuchar CD musicales desde el CD-Rom, pero solo si
soy el root, y este es el primer problema que tengo que comentaros. Desde
cualquier otro usuario me dice que no puede acceder al dispositivo cdrom.
Además no puedo montarlo pues el sistema de ficheros no es el iso9960.

 Por otro lado oigo un ruido en los altavoces que se produce cuando
muevo el ratón. ¿Conoceis solución para esto?

 Tampoco puedo escuchar ficheros mp3. Los programas parece que
funcionan pues no dan señales de error, sin embargo no se oye nada. Los
programas que uso son amp, freeamp, ... que ya tenía instalados hace

 Por último os quiero comentar que bajo X he dejado de poder correr
Xemacs. En la consola 1 da algunas indicaciones de que tengo que tener
instalado unos programas pero antes de compilar el 2.2.4 esto no ocurria.

 Os agradezco la ayuda.

 Bueno, saludos y hasta la próxima.

  Diego Bote

Re: inicio de X con xdm

1999-10-13 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Ignacio J. Alonso wrote:



 Desde que actualicé a slink se me instaló el arranque en X con xdm y lo he
 dejado así, pero me a cabo de dar cuenta de una cosa si entro
 directamente en X al arrancar linux esto ¿significa que no se ejecuta ni el
 profile, ni el .bashrc, ni el environment, ni ningún otro script de
 configuración de este tipo que se ejecutan al arrancar en consola?

A ver, si abres una xterm se ejecutará tu .bash_profile o .profile (según el 
shell que
utilices esto puede cambiar) en esa xterm. En mi caso el .bash_profile se 
limita a cargar el
.bashrc. En las X (que es lo que entiendo que quieres decir) no se ejecuta 
ninguno de estos

 Si esto
 es cierto, ¿que debo hacer? ponerlo en el .xsession de la forma
 exec /etc/profile
 exec /etc/environment

¡Ah!, vale. Luego te refieres a los ficheros generales de configuración en el 
/etc. El
/etc/profile NO se ejecuta (es sólo para los login shells como los que se 
ejecutan al abrir
una xterm o conectarse) tal como dice en la cabecera del propio fichero: # 
system-wide .profile file for bash(1).

En lo que concierne al /etc/environment, don't worry. Dicho fichero SÍ se 
carga al arrancar
las X, aunque sea desde el xdm. Ahí configuras variables de entorno que te 
gustaría que
leyesen todos los programas que ejecutes en las X, como la impresora por 
defecto del sistema
(variable PRINTER), etc.. Si te sirve de algo, te envío mi /etc/environment:



Por otra parte, si quieres ejecutar el /etc/profile en tu sesión X, sí, puedes 
poner en tu

source /etc/profile. Creo que es lo mismo que exec, pero no sé porqué me 
parece que la
gente suele poner source ... al menos es lo que he visto yo más 
frecuentemente y si haces
man source aparece:

source filename [arguments]
  Read and execute commands from filename in the cur­
  rent  shell  environment and return the exit status
  of the last command  executed  from  filename 

De todas formas, si editas adecuadamente el /etc/environment (aunque dupliques 
del /etc/profile), no hace falta que hagas esto último. Es una cuestión de 
filosofía ...
/etc/profile para shells y /etc/environment para entornos (como las X).


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -


1999-10-13 Thread Jon
tengo una tarjeta de sonido yamaha
en el kernel,en las opciones de sonido,que opcion tengo que activar???

Web del GLUB / /  (_)__  __   __ / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
   //_/_//_// /_/\_\


Re: Voodoo

1999-10-13 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 11:03:27AM +0200, Manuel Trujillo wrote:
  Si lo único que quieres es usar las X con tu tarjeta (porque la distro de
  Xfree de Hamm no la soporta), pienso que es mejor que vayas a un mirror de
  XFree y te bajes el binario de SVGA precompilado de XF86 3.3.5
  para glibc2.
 O mejor aún... Ves a cualquier site ftp de Debian, entras en Potato, y te lo
 bajas directamente en formato deb, ya que es la versión que se distribuye
 con ella. Eso sí, te recomiendo que le eches un vistazo a las
 dependencias... por si las moscas...

Si no recuerdo mal, la instalación era Debian 2.0, así que bajando el .deb
tendria problemas de dependencias (glibc2.1, aunque también le pedirá que
actualice toda la distro de XF86, entre otros). Por eso decía lo de los ftps 
de XF86.


Description: PGP signature

No recibo mensajes de la lista

1999-10-13 Thread IJAS
Pues eso que llevo 3 o 4 dias sin recibir un solo mensaje de la lista y
ya me mosquea ;-)
_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O  
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ 

Re: OFFTOPIC. Re: Iddeo que ha cambiado?

1999-10-13 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona


No s'e en que sentido estar'a limitada la conexi'on por
Alehop. Yo he usado telnet, HTTP, SMTP y CVS sobre ssh (si no recuerdo 
mal). A velocidades razonables, contra m'aquinas en RedIris y fuera de 


Yo tengo conexi=F3n a Iddeo y todo me funciona perfectamente, aunque di=
que est=E1s conectado por Alehop, Iddeo y Alehop no son lo mismo... seg=
tengo entendido la conexi=F3n de Alehop est=E1 bastante limitada y a la=
de las cosas solo tienes acceso con el navegador.




Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Re: StarOffice

1999-10-13 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Adriano Freitas writes:
   Alias, vocês estão instalando o StarOffice em /opt??

   Segundo as novas normas, a sugestão é colocar esses tipos de pacotes em
 /opt, alguém me corrija se eu estiver enganado...

Na Debian, o local usual pra coisas que não vem em pacotes Debian é
/usr/local.  Isso está de acordo com o FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy System). 
Mas não sei se usar /opt também está.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: StarOffice

1999-10-13 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Helio Loureiro writes:
   Quanto a instalacao, nao peguei o Star Office em RPM, mas em TGZ,
 daih eu instalei em /usr/local.  Na verdade gostaria de instalar tudo em
 /usr/share para compartilhar com outras maquinas na rede (daih era soh
 exportar um diretorio), mas todas as distribuicoes de Linux insistem em
 instalar tudo em /usr/lib... 

Que eu saiba, /usr/share é pra coisas independentes de arquitetura.
Provavelmente vai funcionar pra você, mas não é o correto.  
Aqui a gente exporta o /usr/local mesmo, e dá certo. 

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: StarOffice

1999-10-13 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Que eu saiba, /usr/share é pra coisas independentes de arquitetura.
 Provavelmente vai funcionar pra você, mas não é o correto.  
 Aqui a gente exporta o /usr/local mesmo, e dá certo. 
O /usr/local *eh* para programas que rodam localmente na
maquina.  O diretorio sugerido para ser compartilhado na rede (via nfs,
coda, etc) eh /usr/share.  O que eu quiz dizer eh o Linux (nao somente
Debian) insiste em instalar a aplicacoes, por default, em /usr/lib.
Isto eh um problema se vc tem uma maquina nfs-client que soh tem o basico
e monta tudo pela rede.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: StarOffice

1999-10-13 Thread Thiago Jung Bauermann
On Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 12:36:21PM -0300, Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:

   O /usr/local *eh* para programas que rodam localmente na
 maquina.  O diretorio sugerido para ser compartilhado na rede (via nfs,

Sem querer botar lenha na fogueira, apenas para ver o q é teoricamente

4.6  /usr/local : Local hierarchy

The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
installing software locally.  It needs to be safe from being overwritten
when the system software is updated.  It may be used for programs and
data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not found in /usr.

4.8  /usr/share : Architecture-independent data

The /usr/share hierarchy is for all read-only architecture independent
data files. [...] This hierarchy is intended to be shareable among all
architecture platforms of a given OS; thus, for example, a site with
i386, Alpha, and PPC platforms might maintain a single /usr/share
directory that is centrally-mounted. 

Trechos extraídos do Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - Version 2.0, de
26 de outubro de 1997. Não é muito recente, mas não deve ter mudado
muito e eu estou com preguiça de procurar um mais novo agora. :-)

PS: Claro, se vc não quiser seguir nada disso, o mundo não vai acabar :-)

 coda, etc) eh /usr/share.  O que eu quiz dizer eh o Linux (nao somente
 Debian) insiste em instalar a aplicacoes, por default, em /usr/lib.
 Isto eh um problema se vc tem uma maquina nfs-client que soh tem o basico
 e monta tudo pela rede.

Não vejo problemas em exportar direto o /usr inteiro. Os sistemas Unix foram
projetados de tal forma q o essencial para a inicialização/manutenção do
sistema está no diretório raiz (/bin, /lib, /etc).
  Thiago Jung Bauermann  Encrypted mail preferred
 Fingerprint = B015 5564 7EAB 6501 72E7  7FE2 A767 6DDA 7ECE 4E0F

Description: PGP signature

Re: Guia DebianDoc SGML

1999-10-13 Thread Clovis Sena

eu ja coloquei o guia online, e esta disponivel em 

para simplificar, vou colocar um link e uns comentarios em , mas vou fazer so anoite, de casa.

vou tentar colocar tambem no ftp, embora ache desnecessario, mas nao
prometo, pq nao tenho acesso a gravar no /pub do ftp, tenho que pedir p
mais alguem.


Clovis Sena

 De: Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Assunto: Re: Guia DebianDoc SGML
 Data: Terça-feira, 12 de Outubro de 1999 11:03
 Clovis Sena wrote:
 se vc poder me informar onde eu os posso pegar eu os coloco no
 Estou enviando diretamente a você, este documento não
 está ainda disponível em nenhuma parte da Net, este
 site vai divulgar de primeira mão :).
 Já acertei com Ardo a organização das traduções
 do manual do DebianDoc SGML para outros idiomas. 
 Provavelmente será colocado em um pacote chamado 
 'debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-BR' junto com outros documentos 
 complementares a esteque ainda não traduzi.
 MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
 Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

fora de escopo, porem nao sei onde perguntar

1999-10-13 Thread mroberto

ALLguem sabe como faco para obter os codigos de conversacao para POP3 e SMTP  ?

Re: nosuid option for '/'?

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 And if nosuid is
 a good thing for this system, can it be implemented for the
 /home directories only, without doing it for the whole / directory? 

Being that nosuid is a mount option, this would be quite easy to do if
your /home was a separate partition, which I assume it is not.

Somewhere in your startup files, there will be a line that remounts your
root filesystem read-write, like:

 mount / -o remount,rw

try changing it to:

 mount / -o remount,rw,nosuid

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature


1999-10-13 Thread Colin Marquardt
* Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can I heck the web-site with LINUX OS ?
 Send me information abaout that ..

 Oh please..Linux does not crack computers. People do. You can crack a
 site with Windows, if you know how to. You actually don't need to know

uhm, I think he meant to write check. The transitions heck --
hack -- crack are farther away (especially the last one) I´d

Colin Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread iehrenwald
 I just installed the new Netscape 4.71 version on my Debian Linux
 server. Just a report- It installs nicely with the Netscape4 installer
 from Debian if you rename it to the proper convention. It seems MUCH
 faster and more stable that all of the previous versions I have used.

Does it fix the problems that make me hate Netscape so?  The Java that
crashes/freezes NS, the DNS lookups that freeze NS, the random crashes if
you don't close windows in the correct order, etc.

--Ian Ehrenwald

1999-10-13 Thread Pablo De Napoli

I think that Debian is the best Linux distribution , since it suports free
software , and it is easy to install and upgrade , and higly stable and
secure. Is the linux distribution that better reflects the spirit of free

But I think that there is something that we should care about. Some
packages are rather old and should be updated more frequently.

Some examples:

The current version of Xfree is 3.3.5 ( from but the
xfree in the stable release is 3.3.3 (I think) . This is crucial since
some video cards (like Sis 620) are only supported by the new version.

The same happens with gnome (I was able to get from debian
packages for slink that are newer than the ones from , but
they are not there any more).

I think that we should consider:

1) Create some easy-to-use tools for making debian packages ( not for
experts I mean) in order that everybody can make a debian package and
so debian is updated faster (or perhaps we could get debian packages
from elsewhere , if someone want to make a program freely avaliable it
would be nice that he could make easy a debian package).

2) Try to agree with the other linux distributions in a uniform package
format . I think we should consider use the rpm format for debian.
The are excelent tools from red-hat (under GPL) for installing rpm
( glint is more intuitive than dselect ) , and let me say that is easy to
find rpm packages than deb.

Greets from Buenos Aires (Argentina) and thank you!

Pablo De Napoli

help.. your search is not running yet and need help

1999-10-13 Thread chris_weadick
I am installing Debian on a Compaq SystemPro/LT (arrrg Compaq!!!) and having
a couple of problems (probably provoked by a lack of a CDROM). I have the
software 'all installed' and configured except the proxy server. I am in the
process of trying to install the 2nd card. I have gone through the FAQ and
installs and etc etc.

I first tried with 2 NE2000 but had no luck and realized I really need to
have one of the cards as UTP. The promary card works fine. If I plug the LAN
cable into the other NE2000 it too works fine but I cant seem to configure 2
cards running at once.

What I want is to have the NE2000 as my side of the gateway and running a
network with:


and a Compaq 32 bit NetFlex UTP on my ISP side (which is permitted):

I tried using the append command with the options with no luck and I tried
some other options in the lilo.conf.

A lot of the info on the web is Red Hat oriented so they all use the
ifconfig command or something. Your search engine is down so not sure where
to get info other then in your FAQ and install notes (which I have printed


I currently have the BNC set up with the 10... IP so I was able to dselect
my Linux through the web but need to change it around.

I am sure it is really simple to set the module for the NIC but I cant find
it other then the append which doesnt seem to work although the cards work
individually. How can I verify what Linux thinks the IRQ/mem settings are
for NICs? I tried the modprobe ethN commands as well but could not find
eth1. eth0 shows up as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry this is long but not sure what info will help.

need help pleasee!
thanks in advance

Get FREE voicemail, fax and email at
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Where was that modelines generator site?

1999-10-13 Thread Curt Daugaard
A couple of months ago someone posted the URL for a site that
allowed you to put in your monitor and graphics card specs and
get back a list of modelines suitable for use in the XF86Config
file.  I've misplaced the address.

Would someone who has it please post it on this list again?


Curt Daugaard


1999-10-13 Thread Andrei Ivanov
  Oh please..Linux does not crack computers. People do. You can crack a
  site with Windows, if you know how to. You actually don't need to know
 uhm, I think he meant to write check. The transitions heck --
 hack -- crack are farther away (especially the last one) I?d

WHat is the meaning of check a website with Linux OS?
I think it was hack, and for script-kiddies hack is as good as crack, but
sounds better(or they just dont know hte difference). (Thats why they call
themselves hackers)
 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354 the pages bundled together.
Version: 2.6.2


Re: DHCP problem....

1999-10-13 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I would add: if you want to be able to ping the machine just like you can 
boxes then you'll need the Linux version of the software which makes this 
(Lan Manager a.k.a. Windows Networking) work. This package is called samba and 
available as a couple different debian packages. Doing 'apt-get install samba' 
get you there. Note that you may need a script which will update /etc/hosts. 
I'm not
sure if the current dhcp package will do this and samba will not work otherwise.

Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

  I just installed DHCP client on Debian slink machine. It works almost
  fine it just does not pick up the host name :(. It is seen on the
  network by its IP address only. If I ping it by the name from the local
  console it responds that the host name is not known (I removed its static
  IP entry from the hosts file).
  Any suggestions will be appreciated :)

 This is how I read your message:
 1) A computer running slink called elvis (for example) uses DHCP to get
it's IP# and related information.
 2) Someone else on the network tries to ping elvis, and fails
 3) Someone on elvis tries to ping elvis, and fails

 If this is the case, welcome to DHCP :)  The reason #2 and #3 fails is
 because there is no way for another system to find out elvis' IP#, either
 because the name 'elvis' wasn't found in /etc/hosts (or the equivalent),
 or in DNS, as you found out.  Your solutions are:
 1) convince the local system administrator(s) to use Dynamic DNS.  This
allows the DHCP server to update the DNS server's IP# database
 2) convince the local system administrator(s) to give you a static IP#
somehow, either through DHCP by MAC address or an outright static IP#
(no DHCP involved)
 3) use one of the free dynamic hosting services available on the internet;
an example is

 Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
 universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Linux Web developers wanted for the Bay Area by Capital Technologies

1999-10-13 Thread Christoph Lameter
Capital Technologies is using Debian/Linux extensively and is looking to
increase its team of people working with Debian/Linux to design an
eCommerce monitoring system. We are looking for a Senior person and one or
two junior positions.

The emotional center of our offering is our customer web site.  This is the
vehicle our customers use to configure and change their information, such as
assets monitored and notification schedules. It is also where they go to get
current status information for their eBusiness and to get reports on
performance and availability.  It is the control panel for our customers,
and we are committed to expanding its functionality, and delighting our
customers with its usefulness.  We are looking for a Senior Web Developer
who can be passionate about this mission and lead a team of web developers
to realize it.

Position Requirements:

Candidate needs to have prior experience designing and building
large-scale web sites.

Required Skills: 
 *  Experience with leveraging Open Source tools including Linux, 
Apache, Perl, PHP, Mod Perl, Perl's DB Library BBD::DBI
 *  Expertise with HTML, JavaScript, XML, HTTP
 *  Experience with Java and SQL
 *  Comfort with Rapid Development methods used within the framework
of  a defined architecture.
 *  Past experience and a current commitment to using engineering best  
practices in the development process.
 *  Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 *  Must be able to work well in a team environment

About Us: 

Join Capital Technologies (CapTech), the 8th fastest growing privately held
company in the Bay Area. CapTech is pioneering the field of remote,
facilities-independent monitoring and management of eBusinesses. We help our
customers save money and increase the availability and correct operation of
their co-located eBusiness Systems. We combine sophisticated, web-based
customer interaction, advanced help desk and workflow software, a 24 by 7
fully staffed network operations center, and Internet-oriented monitoring
and management software.
CapTech has grown to over $6.5M in revenues, has a Japanese subsidiary, and
has been ranked as one of the Top 25 Fastest Growing Private Companies in
the San Francisco Bay Area for the last three consecutive years. CapTech's
investors include two well-known venture capital firms: Mohr, Davidow
Ventures and Weiss, Peck  Greer.
CapTech offers full medical / dental / vision benefits and a 401K Plan. We
are seeking outstanding individuals with excellent communication and written
skills. Find a Career with a well funded, pre-IPO, fast rising organization
and a great working environment. 

More information at

Contact me directly for any questions. We are always open for people with
other useful talents.

Re: Enlightenment .16 segfaults.

1999-10-13 Thread A. M. Varon
On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Without having tried anything on my own system, I would suggest
 that you remove the .enlightenment directory in your home directory
 and try to load it again.
 It is very likely that an old configuration file is incompatible with
 the new version.  This has happened in previous E releases.

Have done that. I have even deleted /etc/X11/enlightenment. I removed
enlightenment 0.16 and it's configs. Then I installed it again. no go.


= == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
= =   == Lasaltech, Inc. -
= === =
=   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
= =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread Adam Shand

 I just installed the new Netscape 4.71 version on my Debian Linux
 server. Just a report- It installs nicely with the Netscape4 installer
 from Debian if you rename it to the proper convention. It seems MUCH
 faster and more stable that all of the previous versions I have used.

are you running glibc2.1?  which version of netscape is it?  libc5 or glibc?

i tried to install the glibc 4.7 netscape using the netscape4 installer and
started getting netscape crashes again on authentication and window closes
so i reverted back to libc5.


Re: mcedit?

1999-10-13 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Sun, 10 Oct, 1999 à 11:04:53AM +0300, tf wrote:
 Hey guys,
 before I installed gnome, I could call up mcedit independently of
 Midnight commander.  It will no longer come up.  This is a drag, since I
 would like to use mcedit as my primary editor for a while.  
 I don't suppose anyone knows how I can get it back?

mc -e filename

Doesn't seem to work without providing a filename alas.
(It's not in manpages but mc -h does give this trick)

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: Squid (suddenly) does not resolv local hostnames

1999-10-13 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 12:53:06AM +0200, Laurent Martelli wrote:
 I'm having a strange problem with squid. It suddenly does not resolv
 local hostnames which are not in /etc/hosts.
 For instance, if I try to browse www with lynx http://www/;, it says:
 The requested URL could not be retrieved

two options in /etc/squid.conf may be useful to you here:

#  TAG: dns_defnameson|off
#   Normally the 'dnsserver' disables the RES_DEFNAMES resolver
#   option (see res_init(3)).  This prevents caches in a hierarchy
#   from interpreting single-component hostnames locally.  To allow
#   dnsserver to handle single-component names, enable this
#   option.
#dns_defnames off


#  TAG: append_domain
#   Appends local domain name to hostnames without any dots in
#   them.  append_domain must begin with a period.


craig sanders

Re: Where was that modelines generator site?

1999-10-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 Oct, Curt Daugaard wrote about Where was that modelines generator 
 A couple of months ago someone posted the URL for a site that
 allowed you to put in your monitor and graphics card specs and
 get back a list of modelines suitable for use in the XF86Config
 file.  I've misplaced the address.
 Would someone who has it please post it on this list again?

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Drunken Master 2

1999-10-13 Thread Fuhngsdv
What happened to your first copy, grasshopper?

Re: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-13 Thread Greg Wooledge
  This is slightly offtopic, but I just downloaded Real Player and I was
  wondering if there was a way to save real audio file locally so I
  don't have to fire up my  ppp connection just to listen to .ram files.

One way is to install squid and then force the realplayer to use your
squid HTTP proxy.  With any luck, squid will save the offending files
on disk (check the cache logs).

I can't give any detailed help here, though -- I only use realplayer on
rare occasions.  Good luck.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Anyone using Sound Blaster PCI64?

1999-10-13 Thread Greg Wooledge
Joop Stakenborg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 At the moment I am using a Sound Blaster vibra16x pnp card, 
 this card is not really supported by OSSFree (kernel)
 or ALSA.

I have this card.  It works fine for me, but it took some hacking.

It's an ISA PnP card, so you'll need isapnptools.  Use pnpdump to generate
a template config file, then edit it to produce /etc/isapnp.conf.  I'll
attach mine at the end of this message.

I'm using the OSS/free driver from the stock 2.2.12 kernel.  I have the
following options in /etc/modutils/options (and thus /etc/conf.modules
after running update-modules):

  options opl3 io=0x388 
  options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=3 mpu_io=0x330 

I use automatic module loading (kmod).  It loads when I play sound files,
and works as I would expect (/dev/audio, sox's play, xmms, mpg123,
realplayer all work).

I do get one warning message:

  Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
  SB 4.16 detected OK (220)
  SB16: Bad or missing 16 bit DMA channel

But I'm definitely getting 16-bit stereo output.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |
# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1.16 1998/10/09 22:19:06 fox Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 6d ff ff ff ff f0 00 8c 0e

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 6d ff ff ff ff f0 00 8c 0e)
# Vendor Id CTL00f0, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x6D.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string --Creative ViBRA16X PnP--
# Logical device id CTL0043
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# ANSI string --Audio--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
#   Next DMA channel 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0220
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
(IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0330
# Maximum IO base address 0x0330
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
(IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
(IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   IRQ 5, 7, 9 or 10.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))
#   Next DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 0))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0280
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
#   Logical device decodes 16 

Re: LILO won't load win95, but no error...??

1999-10-13 Thread Brad

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Martin Waller wrote:

 Oops - you're quite right.
 fdisk /MBR from a dos boot disk...?

Doesn't lilo make a backup of some sort when it installs itself in the
mbr? Perhaps lilo -u /dev/hda1 could help. Although i've never tried
this, it looks like it could help.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: nosuid option for '/'?

1999-10-13 Thread Brad

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:

  Do any of you see any potential problem with putting the 'nosuid'
 option for the '/' directory in /etc/fstab?

Yes. Various essential apps that should be in / (/bin actually, which
should be on /) require suid. Unless you don't mind not being able to
login as anyone besides root ;)

 And if nosuid is a good thing for this system, can it be implemented
 for the /home directories only, without doing it for the whole /

If /home is a separate partition, certainly. Just make the modification
the the /home line of fstab. If not, then no.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Pent. III

1999-10-13 Thread Gareth
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:
 Is there any possibility of problems that would arise if Linux is
 installed on Intel Pentium IIIs?

I haven't found any yet I have a potato/slink system running on a PIII
450 with 256M RAM (kernel 2.2.12) and its very smooth and stable

Its runs samba, apache with mod_include, mod_jserv and mod_php, proftpd
and netatalk as its main tasks.


gnome removal, and mcedit

1999-10-13 Thread tf
hey guys,

I want mcedit back, and decided to experiment.  If I reinstall midnight

apt-get install mc
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  task-gnome-desktop task-gnome-apps gmc task-gnome-net task-gnome-wm 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 5 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 455kB of archives. After unpacking 1522kB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

I also get rid of the gnome stuff (and it looks like all of the gnome
stuff) that I installed.  This is a cool thing.  is there anything wrong
with killing two birds with one stone this way?


Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 07:13:31PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does it fix the problems that make me hate Netscape so?  The Java that
 crashes/freezes NS, the DNS lookups that freeze NS, the random crashes if
 you don't close windows in the correct order, etc.

I am using the latest .deb packages (4.7) and I _never_ have any of these
things happens. Perhaps your problems lie elsewhere. No offense intended. 


1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 WHat is the meaning of check a website with Linux OS?

I think it means can I connect to the internet with Linux?.

Answer: Yes, you can.
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cleaning out dselect

1999-10-13 Thread Brad

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, David J. Kanter wrote:

 While using dselect when I really didn't know what I was doing, I'd select
 packages and in the heat of the moment, wind up putting some things on hold,
 flagging others for deletion, and eventually quitting out of confusion.

Seems to happen to almost everyone when they first see dselect ;)

 But now that I know how to use dselect better, I'd like to update some of my
 Slink packages to Potato. The problem is, dselect remembers all those
 screw ups I made; it still has a list of all those packages that I'd put on
 hold or flag for deletion.
 Is there any way to wipe the slate clean and get rid of this mystery cache
 list? What do I have to delete?

There should be a line --- Up to date installed packages --- near the
top of the dselect display. Highlight that, and press '+'. That should
reset everything that you currently have installed to its installed state.

Next, you should find the line --- Available packages (not currently
installed) ---. Press '_' on this line, to mark all uninstalled packages
to stay uninstalled.

If there is a section for new | updated packages, you may need to go
through this section and clean up by hand.

At any point in the process, if you see a conflict resolution screen take
care of it using your best judgement.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


3D acceleration for ATI Xpert@Play (Rage Pro chipset)

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
I have an ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] AGP video card (which basically has Rage Pro 3d
acceleration), and I'd like to know if there are 3d libraries for it.
XF86_Mach64 works great on it, if that helps.  I'd like to get the Quake 3
demo, but it don't work unless I can get 3d accel working on my box.  Any

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread iehrenwald
 I am using the latest .deb packages (4.7) and I _never_ have any of these
 things happens. Perhaps your problems lie elsewhere. No offense

I dunno.  Ever since I started using Netscape 4.0x and everything later it
always would exhibit those problems on certain sites.  I know others have
these problems, I see messages about them every now and then.  Maybe
you're just lucky.

--Ian Ehrenwald

Re: smail misconfigured?

1999-10-13 Thread Paul Miller
Markus Reuscher wrote:
 Hi all!
 I want to receive mails on my server with the addresse
 or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] everything is allright.
 But when I send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I get this
- Transcript of session follows -
 ... while talking to
  550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 'markus' exists as user on this machine. What must I
 write in the config file to be able to receive mails
 on all 3 domain names?
 This is a cut from my smail/config:
Its not totally a matter of config for smail. DNS also needs to be set
up. You need to contact whomever administers DNS for the domain
and ask them to put in a mail exchange line for the domain This
will only work if the domain belongs to you. Meaning no one else
but you can use the domain with their computers.

Hope this helps,

Paul Miller

Where do all the bits go when the computer is done with them?

Re: satan - Anyone Else Using It?

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Yep.  I tried to scan some other boxen on my home network, but it wouldn't

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 11:33:23AM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
  While trying to run satan here, I received a _compilation_
 error message.  Have any of you tried satan in potato (as I have)
 and received the same message (or not)?
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: latest version of kernel package is broken in potato

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
By the way, has anyone else had the problem when installing kernel
packages with dpkg, it freezes up on Setting up kernel-image-blah  I
have to open up another terminal and kill dd (something to do with
/dev/ptmx).  Anyone know a fix to this?  I use the Unix98 ptys, and I
think that's the problem, but how do I fix it?

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Install /usr/bin files

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Ouch!  Accidentally did rm *?

You pretty much have to re-install everything, though there *might* be a
way to make dpkg check and re-install packages that don't check out
properly (I know RPM did it).  Don't know how, though.

On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 12:05:01PM -0700, j way wrote:
 Hi, is there an easy way to reinstall the contents of /usr/bin from
 (Slink) startup floppies or some such?  Tnx.

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT - How to save real audio files?

1999-10-13 Thread Brad

On 12 Oct 1999, Paul Seelig wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyrus Patel) writes:
  This is slightly offtopic, but I just downloaded Real Player and I was 
  if there was a way to save real audio file locally so I don't have to fire 
  up my 
  ppp connection just to listen to .ram files.
 You might want to consider this:
[[[SNIP description of an audio loopback module]]]

This is also available with the standard ALSA modules (at least, with ALSA
version 0.41b). /proc/asound/card/pcmloopD0S0p should be it, but it may
vary depending on your exact card. I haven't done an in-depth study, but
the audio quality is good enough that i don't notice much difference.

The only bad part is that you have to figure out the number of channels,
sample rate, bit format, and size to pass to play/sox.

It seems this will even work with the ALSA dummy audio device.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Asking to delete downloaded debs

1999-10-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
I have two potato systems.  On the one I most recently upgraded,
running dselect with the apt method, I get asked Do you want to erase
the downloaded .deb files (Y/n)? On the other system, I am not asked,
but I would like to change that.  I have been unable to find what
configuration setting affects this.  Can anyone point me to the correct


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Asking to delete downloaded debs

1999-10-13 Thread Art Lemasters
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 06:24:50PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I have two potato systems.  On the one I most recently upgraded,
 running dselect with the apt method, I get asked Do you want to erase
 the downloaded .deb files (Y/n)? On the other system, I am not asked,
 but I would like to change that.  I have been unable to find what
 configuration setting affects this.  Can anyone point me to the correct

 I don't know anything about that, Bob, but if one package is
not completely installed, that question will not appear.  Could that
be the case with what you are seeing?


 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it ?

1999-10-13 Thread shaul
I can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it. What am 
I doing wrong ?

[03:41:08 shaul]# cfdisk -P s /dev/hda
Partition Table for /dev/hda

 # Type Sector   Sector   Offset  Length   Filesystem Type (ID)   Flags
-- ---  - -- - -- -
 1 Primary0  1024127  63  1024128  FAT16 (06) Boot (80)
 2 Primary  1024128  2503871   0  1479744  Linux (83)

[03:43:11 shaul]# mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda2
mke2fs 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
92544 inodes, 184968 blocks
9248 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
6 block groups
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
15424 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
32768, 98304, 163840

Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

[03:44:35 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt
EXT2-fs: 03:02: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features.
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
   or too many mounted file systems

[03:50:37 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o ro /dev/hda2 /mnt

[03:50:42 shaul]# mount | grep /mnt
/dev/hda2 on /mnt type ext2 (ro)

[03:50:52 shaul]# ls /mnt

[03:51:44 shaul]# umount /mnt

[03:53:39 shaul]# fsck.ext2 /dev/hda2
e2fsck 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hda2: clean, 11/92544 files, 2917/184968 blocks

Package: e2fsprogs
Version: 1.15-3
Severity: normal

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 

Versions of the packages e2fsprogs depends on:
ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone

Package: mount
Version: 2.9w-3
Severity: normal

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 

Versions of the packages mount depends on:
ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone

messed up dselect?

1999-10-13 Thread Aaron Solochek
I was trying to get some x10 and some samba stuff working and I did a
force install.  Now I get errors when I run dselect.  I can't install
things since it can't find the packages for these things that I forced.
Oh, I suppose it is worth noting that I did a force-depends to see how
well they'd work with the older libs.  Anyways how do I fix this?

-Aaron Solochek

wine dependencies

1999-10-13 Thread Robert Rati
Has anyone else noticed that wine depends on libgl1, but that package is
no longer available?  What happened here?  Is libgl1 no longer needed for
some reason?  Does anyone still have this package because it's not on the
debian site anywhere.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread Art Lemasters
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 08:17:25PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
 Its been a while since I've used the debs. I install netscape into
 /usr/local and get the same annoyances that Ian complains of. Maybe the
 netscape installer fixes things. Who knows?

 ...could be.  I installed 4.61 with the debs, and it worked better
than those before it.  Now, I'm installing 4.7.


 Paul Miller
 Where do all the bits go when the computer is done with them?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: satan - other scanners

1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 what are you guys trying to scan for ???
 nmap seems to be the one most people use

Yes, but I want to make sure that someone ELSE using satan can't get into
my sister's box (she wouldn't like that).  I've already used nmap.

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread John Foster

 Does it fix the problems that make me hate Netscape so?  The Java that
 crashes/freezes NS, the DNS lookups that freeze NS, the random crashes if
 you don't close windows in the correct order, etc.
 --Ian Ehrenwald
I tried it out using several of the java demos at the sun website in
particular the solidworks site. I also was runing a shockwave and a
flash website at the same time. It did finally bog down and freeze up
with 5 windows open running shockwave, flash, realvideoG2, and java
demos at the same time. I'm pretty impressed.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread John Foster
Adam Shand wrote:
 are you running glibc2.1?  which version of netscape is it?  libc5 or glibc?
 i tried to install the glibc 4.7 netscape using the netscape4 installer and
 started getting netscape crashes again on authentication and window closes
 so i reverted back to libc5.

I am using A stable Debian Slink production system. Netscape version
4.71 glibc2.0 from
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-13 Thread Adam Shand

 I am using A stable Debian Slink production system. Netscape version
 4.71 glibc2.0 from

okay that makes sense then.  i suggest that if you like that version of
netscape you don't upgrade to potato.  netscapes glibc 2.1 code sucks hard.


 Internet Alaska 
 4050 Lake Otis Pkwy   Adam  Shand   (v) +1 907 562 4636
 Anchorage, AK 99508 Technical  Lead (f) +1 907 562 1677
- -

Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.
- Pablo Picasso -


1999-10-13 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 1) Create some easy-to-use tools for making debian packages ( not for
 experts I mean) in order that everybody can make a debian package and
 so debian is updated faster (or perhaps we could get debian packages
 from elsewhere , if someone want to make a program freely avaliable it
 would be nice that he could make easy a debian package).

That is a big no-no.  A non-expert just can't live up to the quality one
should expect from Debian.  Making it easy-to-use would just let more
ignorant people make packages that possibly break other things.  Package
maintainers should know what is going on with their packages, so they can
fix bugs, etc.

 2) Try to agree with the other linux distributions in a uniform package
 format . I think we should consider use the rpm format for debian.
 The are excelent tools from red-hat (under GPL) for installing rpm
 ( glint is more intuitive than dselect ) , and let me say that is easy to
 find rpm packages than deb.

Maybe, but does rpm support Suggests, Recommends, Provides, Hold,
Section, Priority, package-based Depends, or even text-based
databases that you can grep? No. The Debian motto has sort of always been
to do things the right way, even if it means being different.  If it
weren't for the speed issues of dpkg (IMHO, the database should still be
text, but binary cached), I suspect most other distros would be using it
as well, as it really displays the quality and intelligence that is Linux.

Conformance and ease of use have never been high priorities of the Debian
community.  The reason there are multiple distributions of Linux is so you
can choose which ones you like.  If you don't like Debian, I suggest you
get another distro.  (No offence)

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5  695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Weird SO5.1 problem

1999-10-13 Thread Robert Rati
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

 Robert Rati wrote:
  I've been stumped on why SO5.1 hasn't been working on my machine and on a
  whim, I did a ps aux | grep soffice while it was loaded.  What I found was
  over 10 instances of soffice.bin running.  When SO quits, those all die.
  Is this Star Office's normal behavior?  It seems kinda odd to me that that
  many soffice.bin programs would be open at once.
   Yes, that appears normal.  As the other poster said, I also have 7
 instances of soffice.bin running.  What exactly isn't working?

Well, star office isn't working.  When I load it, I get an unrecoverable
error about 5-10 seconds after I load it and it quits.  I have no idea
what has caused this or how to fix it.  The Star Office site hasn't been
much help in figuring this out.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
 forever.  I'm outta here. |


1999-10-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 Oct, Pablo De Napoli wrote about;
 2) Try to agree with the other linux distributions in a uniform package
 format . I think we should consider use the rpm format for debian.
 The are excelent tools from red-hat (under GPL) for installing rpm
 ( glint is more intuitive than dselect ) , and let me say that is easy to
 find rpm packages than deb.

This will probably never happen.  For a comparison of package formats
take a look at  And if I am not
mistaken the .deb format was around before .rpm was. You can also use
the 'alien' package to install rpm's on debian or vice versa. It is
packaged for Debian or you can find it on

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: satan - other scanners

1999-10-13 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya dwayne

  what are you guys trying to scan for ???
  nmap seems to be the one most people use=20
 Yes, but I want to make sure that someone ELSE using satan can't get into
 my sister's box (she wouldn't like that).  I've already used nmap.

have you looked into portsentry ?? ( same folks as logcheck )...
- on my todo list

   anybody know the name do the NT s/w package that checks for incoming
   port scan into the NT ?

have fun

Answer: re: cron.daily looks for emacs and movemail:not registered

1999-10-13 Thread Pollywog
Someone asked about an entry which appears in his logs, informing him that
emacs and movemail are not registered.

I found the fix to this problem, and I don't know how I missed it before. 
Just remove the lines pertaining to movemail and emacs from your /etc/suid.conf


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681

Re: Can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it ?

1999-10-13 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya 

 I can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it. What am 
 I doing wrong ?

try to put data ont your new disk partitions...

shaul# mkdir /mnt/test_hda2
shaul# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/test_hda2
- should work... if not, reformat /dev/hda2 again...
mke2fs /dev/hda2
- if it still fails...
- fdisk /dev/hda
- check for overlapping boundries...
- also if linux's fdisk did NOT create hda2...than delete it and
  let linux recreate /dev/hda2 with the same starting/ending 
- if you used fdisk...reformat it first
- now try remounting

shaul#  ls -la /  /mnt/test_hda2/root.test.lst
shaul#  ls -la /mnt/test_hda2


 [03:44:35 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt

how about trying:
mount /dev/hda2 /mnt -t ext2  ???

have fun
 [03:41:08 shaul]# cfdisk -P s /dev/hda
 Partition Table for /dev/hda
  # Type Sector   Sector   Offset  Length   Filesystem Type (ID)   Flags
 -- ---  - -- - -- 
  1 Primary0  1024127  63  1024128  FAT16 (06) Boot 
  2 Primary  1024128  2503871   0  1479744  Linux (83)
 [03:43:11 shaul]# mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda2
 mke2fs 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
 Filesystem label=
 OS type: Linux
 Block size=4096 (log=2)
 Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
 92544 inodes, 184968 blocks
 9248 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
 First data block=0
 6 block groups
 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
 15424 inodes per group
 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
 32768, 98304, 163840
 Writing inode tables: done
 Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
 [03:44:35 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt
 EXT2-fs: 03:02: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features.
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
or too many mounted file systems
 [03:50:37 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o ro /dev/hda2 /mnt
 [03:50:42 shaul]# mount | grep /mnt
 /dev/hda2 on /mnt type ext2 (ro)
 [03:50:52 shaul]# ls /mnt
 [03:51:44 shaul]# umount /mnt
 [03:53:39 shaul]# fsck.ext2 /dev/hda2
 e2fsck 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
 /dev/hda2: clean, 11/92544 files, 2917/184968 blocks
 Package: e2fsprogs
 Version: 1.15-3
 Severity: normal
 -- System Information
 Debian Release: potato
 Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 
 Versions of the packages e2fsprogs depends on:
 ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and 
 Package: mount
 Version: 2.9w-3
 Severity: normal
 -- System Information
 Debian Release: potato
 Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 
 Versions of the packages mount depends on:
 ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: wine dependencies

1999-10-13 Thread Frank Copeland

Has anyone else noticed that wine depends on libgl1, but that package is
no longer available?  What happened here?  Is libgl1 no longer needed for
some reason?  Does anyone still have this package because it's not on the
debian site anywhere.

I found a .deb for this package at As
far as I can tell it has never been in the archive.

Home Page: URL: 
Not the Scientology Home Page: URL:


1999-10-13 Thread Brad

Uh oh... you may have sparked a flame war here ;)

These topics seem to come up frequently, please check the archives for
much more discussion.

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Pablo De Napoli wrote:

 The current version of Xfree is 3.3.5 ( from but the
 xfree in the stable release is 3.3.3 (I think) . This is crucial since
 some video cards (like Sis 620) are only supported by the new version.
 The same happens with gnome (I was able to get from debian
 packages for slink that are newer than the ones from , but
 they are not there any more).

For a good discussion of the reasons stable is mildly out-of-date, check
this thread:

 I think that we should consider:
 1) Create some easy-to-use tools for making debian packages ( not for
 experts I mean) in order that everybody can make a debian package and
 so debian is updated faster (or perhaps we could get debian packages
 from elsewhere , if someone want to make a program freely avaliable it
 would be nice that he could make easy a debian package).

Making a _good_ package isn't something you can make extremely simple. The
tools the actual developers use are available, and they are pretty easy to
use as long as you can follow a few HOWTOs (look in the Developer's
section of the website).

If you really want the new stuff that badly, and you don't mind a little
risk if instability, check out unstable. And remember to file bug reports
if you find any bugs!

 2) Try to agree with the other linux distributions in a uniform package
 format . I think we should consider use the rpm format for debian.
 The are excelent tools from red-hat (under GPL) for installing rpm
 ( glint is more intuitive than dselect ) , and let me say that is easy to
 find rpm packages than deb.

Why? Debs actually have quite a few advantages over rpms. Other people
don't share this opinion. I'll stop now lest i provoke an even greater
flamewar. Check the archives, other replies to your post, and the web for
discussions of the matter.

Oddly enough, a few people (me for one) find dselect very easy to use. If
you don't, check out console-apt or gnome-apt.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


debian-security: another new mailing list

1999-10-13 Thread Keith Harbaugh
This is to announce the establishment of a new debian mailing list:


for the discussion of all aspects of security
significant to the Debian system, including cryptography.

Why have a list dedicated to security?

The primary reason is to facilitate future reference and research.
When, in the future, questions arise about security issues,
e.g., what was the rationale for establishing
the security policies that will be developed,
it will be far easier to research those issues
if the discussion is brought together in one place,
rather than being intermixed with all the usability and developmental
issues that necessarily dominate debian-user and debian-devel.
Why have to wade through the masses of, say, release-oriented posts on
debian-devel if one is only interested in a security-related matter?

Conversely, by removing some of the traffic from debian-user and debian-devel,
it should make those lists a little more compact.

As to the invited inclusion of both users and developers on this list,
it is hoped that that may make the list a better learning vehicle and
communication channel for all parties.

Your cooperation in subscribing to and using the list for its stated purpose
will enable those goals to be achieved.

To subscribe, please visit the Debian mailing list subscription page or send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single word
'subscribe' in the message body.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Keith Harbaugh

Need advice about WingzPro Script.

1999-10-13 Thread John Foster
I have just dowloaded and installed the WingzPro Spredsheet program. I
did follow all of the instructions but I'm not sure what to do next. I
wil post the pertinent instructions, but I do not know exactly how to
implement them.

Launching Instructions
The following example shell script includes commands for
launching both the Wingz and WingzPro products.
Select the appropriate line for the product you want to launch.

   setenv WINGZ3 /path_to_install_directory
   ${WINGZ3}/bin/WingzPro   # Wingz Professional
   ${WINGZ3}/bin/Wingz  # Wingz 
Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am sure this is probably very
simple, but it is likely a little more Unixey than I can deal with. BTW
I use a bash shell as my default but have csh available. Thanks!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it ?

1999-10-13 Thread shaul
Thank you for your help but I am getting the same results as before.

 hi ya 
  I can not mount an ext2 file system rw immediately after creating it. What 
  I doing wrong ?
 try to put data ont your new disk partitions...
 shaul# mkdir /mnt/test_hda2
 shaul# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/test_hda2
   - should work... if not, reformat /dev/hda2 again...
   mke2fs /dev/hda2
   - if it still fails...
   - fdisk /dev/hda
   - check for overlapping boundries...
   - also if linux's fdisk did NOT create hda2...than delete it and
 let linux recreate /dev/hda2 with the same starting/ending 
   - if you used fdisk...reformat it first
   - now try remounting
 shaul#  ls -la /  /mnt/test_hda2/root.test.lst
 shaul#  ls -la /mnt/test_hda2
  [03:44:35 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt
 how about trying:
   mount /dev/hda2 /mnt -t ext2  ???
 have fun
  [03:41:08 shaul]# cfdisk -P s /dev/hda
  Partition Table for /dev/hda
   # Type Sector   Sector   Offset  Length   Filesystem Type (ID)   Flags
  -- ---  - -- - -- 
   1 Primary0  1024127  63  1024128  FAT16 (06) Boot 
   2 Primary  1024128  2503871   0  1479744  Linux (83)
  [03:43:11 shaul]# mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda2
  mke2fs 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  Filesystem label=
  OS type: Linux
  Block size=4096 (log=2)
  Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
  92544 inodes, 184968 blocks
  9248 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
  First data block=0
  6 block groups
  32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
  15424 inodes per group
  Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
  32768, 98304, 163840
  Writing inode tables: done
  Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
  [03:44:35 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/hda2 /mnt
  EXT2-fs: 03:02: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional 
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,
 or too many mounted file systems
  [03:50:37 shaul]# mount -t ext2 -o ro /dev/hda2 /mnt
  [03:50:42 shaul]# mount | grep /mnt
  /dev/hda2 on /mnt type ext2 (ro)
  [03:50:52 shaul]# ls /mnt
  [03:51:44 shaul]# umount /mnt
  [03:53:39 shaul]# fsck.ext2 /dev/hda2
  e2fsck 1.15, 18-Jul-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
  /dev/hda2: clean, 11/92544 files, 2917/184968 blocks
  Package: e2fsprogs
  Version: 1.15-3
  Severity: normal
  -- System Information
  Debian Release: potato
  Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 
  Versions of the packages e2fsprogs depends on:
  ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and 
  Package: mount
  Version: 2.9w-3
  Severity: normal
  -- System Information
  Debian Release: potato
  Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i586 
  Versions of the packages mount depends on:
  ii  libc6   2.1.2-5GNU C Library: Shared libraries and 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: satan - other scanners

1999-10-13 Thread David Coe
Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is a Debian package (stable or unstable) available for portsentry ? I
 haven't been able to find one as yet.

Someone is packaging it (for potato); check the debian-devel archive
if you want to know who that is (I don't remember);  I've been using
port sentry for many months on debian slink and potato systems,
without having packaged them -- it can be installed pretty cleanly 
into /usr/local/etc ... as distributed.

(Yes, I too am looking forward to a packaged version, but just because
I'm tired of keeping track of whether the upstream source has been
updated (and have been too lazy to set up an automated check.))

cannot route after adding more interfaces

1999-10-13 Thread Shao Zhang
At one of our servers here, we have about 11 ip adresses
allocated to it.

However, when I try to add an additonal interface, the server
cannot traceroute to anywhere anymore.

In particular,  the last couple of entries in the routing table
look strange: *   U 0  0 26201 
eth0:11 *   U 0  0 2233 
eth0 *   U 0  0 0 lo
default   our.gate.way.ip UG1  0 13866 

where is our entire network. eth0:11 is the last
interface we added in /etc/init.d/network. With this, everything
still works fine.

Now, when I add an additional interface, eth0:7 which isn't used
before, the routing tables change to the following: *   U 0  0 0 
eth0:7 *   U 0  0 26251 
eth0:11 *   U 0  0 2233 
eth0 *   U 0  0 0 lo
default   our.gate.way.ip UG1  0 16 

And the machine can no longer traceroute to anywhere.

Could anyone please tell me how to change it to use eth0 for
default instead of 11 or 7.

Thanks in advance.




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Congradulations Debian - Comercial product coming ! [Long]

1999-10-13 Thread Paul McHale

Just got this from pointcast !



VA Linux, SGI, fund retail version of Debian GNU/Linux
October 12, 1999 3:55 PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO, (Reuters) - Three companies have teamed up to fund the
packaging of another version of the upstart Linux operating system called
Debian GNU/Linux, which was developed by a group of about 500 independent

VA Linux Systems Inc., a maker of systems that run the upstart Linux
operating system, workstation maker SGI (SGI.N) and book publisher O'Reilly
 Associates are sponsoring the packaging of Debian GNU/Linux for sale at

Until now, Debian GNU/Linux, which was created by a group of developers
called the Debian Project, has been available over the Internet for free.
The Debian Project is an open source project, where developers access a
product's source code for free and share their work over the Internet, in
order to create better, bug-free software.

In retail stores, Debian GNU/Linux will compete with Red Hat Linux and a few
other retail versions of the software, which has become increasingly popular
in the past year as a competitor to Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT.O) Windows NT
for some applications.

Linux is a version of the UNIX operating system that was developed by Linus
Torvalds, a Finnish programmer. Torvalds manages the updates and additions
to Linux.

VA Linux Systems said Debian GNU/Linux is the second most popular version of
Linux among hardware customers after Red Hat Linux, which is distributed by
Red Hat Inc. (RHAT.O), the first company in the Linux space to go public.

``Debian has a few qualities that make it interesting,'' said Brian Biles,
vice president of marketing at VA Linux Systems. ''It's our second most
requested distribution.''

O'Reilly  Associates, a publisher of books on the Internet and open source
software in Sebastopol, Calif., will include its new book, ``Learning to use
Debian GNU/Linux,'' in the Debian package, which will retail at an
introductory $19.95.

The Debian CD package will also include 1440 open source software packages
and a demo of Loki Entertainment's ``Myth II: Soulblighter'' game software,
which runs on Linux.

One of the most popular features in Debian GNU/Linux is ''apt-get,'' which
automates free network downloads of all software package updates, making the
Debian CD the last CD a user may need to keep their system up-to-date with

SGI, based in Mountain View, Calif., is helping to sponsor the project by
helping VA Linux with the cost. Sales for Debian GNU/Linux will be donated
to Software in the Public Interest, a nonprofit group for open source
projects, including Debian.

VA Linux Systems, based in Sunnyvale, has two Debian programmers who work on
Debian full time while at VA Linux. Last week, VA Linux Systems filed a
registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to raise
$70 million in an initial public offering. Chip giant Intel Corp. (INTC.O)
is among the investors of VA Linux Systems.

``We want to give back to the community,'' said Biles. ''(Debian) has been a
cornerstone of the open source community. It's a way for them to give back
to their audience.''

The Debian Project, which started in the mid-1990s, is central to the open
source community.

   Double E Solutions Attn: Paul McHale
   4912 Effingham Dayton, Ohio 45431

   Work:   937-253-7610
   Mobile: 937-371-2828
   Home:   937-253-6260 (anytime)


1999-10-13 Thread Marshal Wong
has anyone tried to use this command?  I'm trying to build a
personalized distribution and need this command so set things up.  I
think I need it anyways.  Whenever I try to us it, I get

chroot: cannot execute /bin/bash: No such file or directory

I put bash in $NEWROOT/bin/ but no go either.  documentation's a bit
sparce also.

Any help would be appreciated.


Thinkpad 560 - suspend/resume wierdness, tried MANY things...

1999-10-13 Thread John Miskinis


I've been quiet, as I got sound and my ppa (imm) zip drive working!

For the past couple days, I've tried everything I could find on
the web the Thinkpad 560, and it's APM problems.  I even downgraded
my BIOS to the 1.1 version.  I built many kernels, even 2.2.0 on
the slink CD. (Which has the new ignore multiple sus/res cycles)
I went back to 2.0.36 as everything else (CDROM,etc.) works OK
with that kernel.

The machine will suspend/resume OK (multiple times) when plugged
in, but when running off battery, it always logs can't enter
requested state when I close the display.

The APM patch posted on one site appears to be already included
in the 2.0.36 version of apm_bios.c from what I can determine by
comparing the (old?) patch with the source.

As it works PERFECTLY when on AC, I am still persuing this.  I
am wondering if perhaps there are other variables in this picture
that I am overlooking.  In other words, is apm_bios.c the only
thing that I should have to muck with to fix this?  Or could
the apmd daemon be at fault possibly?

I really want to get this working.  ANY help or advise is welcome!


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: no /dev/dsp

1999-10-13 Thread John Miskinis

Hello Lance,

- I also get the error when trying to start ViaVoice.  I have
- a SoundBlaster PNP16.  What is dsp?  Is there a way I can
- get the device /dsp on my system.

I just went through this.  Assuming that you have (made) a kernel
with sound support, login as root and perform:

 cd /dev
 MAKEDEV audio

That will create the audio devices for you, which include the
dsp, mixer, etc.

The dsp device is the Digital Signal Processor or
Digital Sound Processor I believe.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: cannot route after adding more interfaces

1999-10-13 Thread David Coe
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Now, when I add an additional interface, eth0:7 which isn't used
   before, the routing tables change to the following: *   U 0  0 0 
 eth0:7 *   U 0  0 26251 
 eth0:11 *   U 0  0 2233 
 eth0 *   U 0  0 0 lo
   default   our.gate.way.ip UG1  0 16 
   And the machine can no longer traceroute to anywhere.

I'm no IP expert, but eth0, eth0:7, eth0:11, etc. are all the same
device, so (as I understand and am doing on at least two multihosting
linux systems) I always just specify eth0 in the ``route add''
commands.  Maybe you should try that and see if it helps?

Re: Multiple accesses to /dev/dsp

1999-10-13 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 07:21:06PM -0600, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
 Anyone know of a kernel patch that basically lets any number of processes
 open /dev/dsp any number of times?
 Basically, a microphone splitter and a speaker mixer in one?  I know this
 would take CPU time, but I'd like to be able to play a RealAudio stream,
 while hearing the superfluous sounds of KDE, while talking to a friend via
 I know it should be possible, but I've never seen it done.

I've heard that esound or something like that (from enlightenment) can
do that, but I've not played with it myself.  Anybody else?


Never go to bed mad.  Stay up and fight.
-- Phyllis Diller, Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints


1999-10-13 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 10:22:45PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 you don't, check out console-apt or gnome-apt.

Yes, what with apt, console-apt I rarely need to use dselect. Even though I
have no problem using it.

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