Re: Cuenta pelas

1999-10-29 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, oct 29, 1999 at 12:45:48 +0200, Rafael Martín Candial wrote:
   Un programa que contabilice las llamadas que he hecho Internet y que me
 indique a cuanto asciende cada llamada
 Si alguien conoce alg?n programa similar para  Linux le agradecer?a que me
 indicara cual es. 

Está claro que lo que buscas es lo que hace Ricardo Villalba: timofómetro.
Mira '' e
instalatelo, va de miedo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Instalacion Potato

1999-10-29 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 07:40:52PM +0200, Alexandre Maneu i Victòria wrote:
 Bueno, lo veo dificil. La verdad es que potato es MUY unstable...
 Un amigo que tiene la suerte de conectar por cable con tarifa plana se bajo
 los 3 cds de potato el fin de semana pasado, y un asco. Al instalar, dselect
 daba problemas de dependencias por todos lados (slang, libc6 y apt estaban
 en conflicto). Incluso de algunos programas requeria versiones anteriores!

Tu amigo fue a bajarse la distribución durante los 4 dias que se estaba
llevando a cabo el upgrade de slang. Hay muchos paquetes que lo requieren, y
no es posible actualizarlos todos a la vez, se tarda algunos días en
actualizarlo. La culpa no es de Potato, es difícil hacer este tipo de
upgrades en vivo. Más bien diría que es una gran idea probar el estado de
Potato en el mismo instante en el que te propones a bajarlo.
Y si no la tienes instalada, en esta lista, por ejemplo, muchas personas te
podrían haber dicho Eh, quieto, que ahora esta un poco liada la cosa!.



Description: PGP signature

Foro LDP-es en II Congreso Hispalinux

1999-10-29 Thread Ismael Olea

Estimados y caros amigos:

Espero que estéis al tanto del II Congreso Hispalinux que va a
celebrarse en Madrid los días 5 y 6 de noviembre. En caso de que no os
aviso de que estáis todos invitados y que encontraréis cumplida
información en

En cualquier caso el motivo de la presente es invitar a la comunidad
LDP-es a participar en el «Foro LDP-es» que tendrá lugar dentro del
mismo el día 5 a las 20:15 aproximadamente.

La única aspiración de este evento es, por primera vez, reunir a todos
los que con su esfuerzo hacen posible la documentación libre en español
en general y los que lo hacen para GNU/Linux en particular. Al menos a
todos los que físicamente puedan asistir.

Esto quiere decir que no existe un programa prefijado, sino que
improvisaremos en función de las peticiones de los asistentes y de las
inquietudes que aparezcan a lo largo del acto.

Por favor: haced llegad copias de esta invitación a todos aquellos que
penséis que merecen estar aquí. No queremos que nadie se sienta
discriminado. Más al contrario. 

Con enorme ilusión: la organización.

Un spammer menos

1999-10-29 Thread Daniel H. Perez
No es la intencion de este mail comentar lo enojado que estoy por el spam y
molestar con la tipica respuesta al mail spamero, sino comentarles que justo
se dio el caso de que trabajo en el proveedor del cual este pobre hombre es
Por lo tanto les aviso que casi con toda seguridad habra un spammer menos,
ya le mande un mail notificandole que de seguir jodiendo le vamos a cortar
las cuentas, por eso les pediria que si a alguno de ustedes le llega un mail
de esta persona mande un mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dicho sea de paso si reciben *cualquier* spam en cuyos headers figure por favor tambien reportenlo al mail que les comente.
Y de paso que tenga un CC al autor jejeje

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.13 Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread TooMany
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 05:40:33PM +0100, Correcaminos wrote:
   Yo me apunto a la movida, aunque puntualizo que tengo que estar el
 viernes por la tarde en la mesa redonda de los grupos locales. Despues de
 eso, lo que se tercie :)
 Nota: ¿Alguna tienda en Madriz que venga camisetas con logos de Debian ...? 

je je je... Nosotros nos estamos haciendo camisetas. Queríamos ponernos el
logo de Debian (el guapo), pero resulta que sólo se lo pueden poner los
desarrolladores y peña del equipo, etc :(
Pero ya las vereis las susodichas ya... Feas no quedarán ;-)

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Estamos de Fiesta!

1999-10-29 Thread PartyTime!
Pedimos disculpas por las molestias que pueda ocasionarte este mensaje, si
deseas ser eliminado de nuestra lista, por favor , envianos un mensaje a :


y seras inmediatamente dado de baja.

Muchas Gracias

Estamos de Fiesta!

Y si, estamos dando los primeros pasos con PartyTime!, el sitio donde se
juntan los gestores de la noche, el arte,  y quienes estamos dispuestos a
disfrutarla a pleno.

En PartyTime! encontraras lugar para difundir tus eventos y aptitudes
artísticas o profesionales.

Si como nosotros, disfrutas de los buenos espectáculos y de la noche y
quieres mantenerte informado de lo que pasa, subscríbete a PartyTimeNet,
nuestro exclusivo servicio de lista de correo, que llevará hasta tu e-mail
el mejor resumen de lo que esta por suceder.

Si tu perfil artístico/profesional coincide con alguna de nuestras
secciones, déjanos tus datos y la tarea que desarrollas (algo así como tu
curriculum y los datos necesarios para que te puedan contactar ;-) y a la
brevedad serás incorporado en nuestra guía. Respetaremos el orden de
inscripción de cada sección, sí te interesa asegúrate una posición de
privilegio dentro de tu especialidad.

Si tu negocio esta relacionado con el arte o con la noche, es decir: Pubs,
Restaurantes, Discos Bailables, Teatros, Cines, Confiterías, Café Concert,
Salones De Fiestas, Hoteles, Albergues, Salas de Grabación, Centros
Culturales, Salas de Ensayos o cualquier otro negocio relacionado que se nos
haya escapado, déjanos tus datos y tipo de negocio y serás incorporado a la
brevedad. Nuevamente, en nuestra Guía de Lugares, respetaremos el orden de
inscripción ...  no te quedes dormido ... las primeras posiciones de tu
negocio están disponibles.

Se Buscan: corresponsales dispuestos a informar de la movida, no importa la
ciudad, provincia, distrito o país que se trate, estamos esperando tu
sugerencia y si te gusta escribir, podes hacerlo bajo tu nombre o seudónimo,
la elección es tuya. Ponte en contacto con PartyTime!


Para subscribirte a PartyTimeNet, puedes enviarnos un email a


con tus datos completos, o llena el formulario directamente en nuestro sitio


Si deseas difundir tu evento, puedes hacerlo completando el formulario en
nuestro sitio en


Si deseas difundir tu Negocio, puedes hacerlo completando el formulario en
nuestro sitio en


Si deseas difundir tu actividad Artistica / Profesional, puedes hacerlo
completando el formulario en nuestro sitio en


Cartelera de la semana:

Estos son nuestros recomendados para este fin de semana

Sabado 30 de Octubre, COCO BAIANO
( ),  Bar Brasilero en Balcarce N*
958 Capital y mencionando esta convocatoria de PARTYTIME, te ofrecen una
Caipirinha sin cargo y si llegas antes de medianoche, no abonas tu ingreso.

23:00 a 01:00 Bossa Nova, Bossa Samba (Conjunto Bossa do Beco)

01:00 a 03:00 Bailable Brasilero (DiscJockey)

03:00 a 05:00 Samba Reggae, Pagode (Conjunto Bossa do Beco)


Naná Molina Producciones Artisticas ( ),
presenta el Domingo 31 de Octubre a partir de las 22:00 hs , Hallowen Night
(Noche de Brujas) en La Imprenta, Migueletes y Maure, con el Grupo Mae Terra
Música Brasilera y muchas sorpresas


Nuevamente pedimos disculpas por las molestias que pueda ocasionarte este me
nsaje, si deseas ser eliminado de nuestra lista, por favor, envianos un
mensaje a :


y seras inmediatamente dado de baja.

Muchas Gracias


Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Jaime E. Villate
TooMany escribió:
 je je je... Nosotros nos estamos haciendo camisetas. Queríamos ponernos el
 logo de Debian (el guapo), pero resulta que sólo se lo pueden poner los
 desarrolladores y peña del equipo, etc :(
 Pero ya las vereis las susodichas ya... Feas no quedarán ;-)

Te refieres a la espiral o a la botella con la espiral encima?
De todas formas me parece ridículo que solo permitan a los
desarrolladores usar alguno de los dos, especialmente cuando
actualmente es casi imposible convertirse en desarrollador.
Por lo visto tendré que ir con un pinguino y un gnu en el pecho.


Re: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices...¿qué hago?

1999-10-29 Thread Sergio Rael
El viernes 29 de octubre, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz escribió:

A mí me pasó lo mismo, a ver si puedo ayudarte.

 El disco duro parece estar bien, ya que un fsck no indica nada anómalo.

Sí, el disco duro debe estar perfectamente.

 Por lo tanto, o hay mucho fichero y los programas entran en un bucle
 cuasi-infinito, o realmente tengo un grave problema con ese directorio.

Lo que está pasando es que hay muuuchos ficheros. Yo cuando me digné
a mirar me encontré con más de 1500 ficheros gz creados por logrotate.

A ver si me explico, es como el cuento ese del grano de arroz y el tablero
de ajedrez. El primer día logrotate multiplica los ficheros por dos, el
segundo también (incluidos los ya comprimidos), y el tercero, y el cuarto
... así que en unos días la cosa al multiplicarse exponencialmente va
tendiendo a infinito a poco que te descuides ;-)

Acabas teniendo tantos ficheros que los comandos normales como ls o rm no
pueden manejarlos, literalmente se atragantan. La única forma que encontré
de hacerlo fue con mc pero esperando un rato bastante largo.

 ¿Podría alguien mirar que tiene en su /var/log/news? En caso de que sean
 _solamente_ ficheros de log del leafnode, pues borro el directorio. Pero
 si hay enlaces a otras cosas... uf, mal rollo.

Lo único que debe haber en /var/log/news son tres ficheros:


Te puedes cargar el directorio tranquilamente pero estos tres ficheros los
tienes que volver a crear porque Leafnode presupone que ya existen. Basta
hacerlo con un touch, no hay ningún problema.

Si no quieres que te vuelva a pasar esto ve a /etc/logrotate.d/ y haz los
cambios que consideres oportunos en el fichero leafnode (man 8 logrotate).
Yo solamente cambié daily por weekly y le dí un valor de 2 en vez de 5 a
rotate y ya no me he preocupado desde entonces.


Sergio Rael Gutiérrez

·.· Simulations are like miniskirts, they show a lot and hide the
essentials. [Hubert Kirrman]

Re: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread Virgilio Sanz

Esto normalmente se debe a la inestabilidad del netscape con paginas que
utilizan java (que no javascript), deshabilita java y comprueba si
sigues teniendo los mismos problemas.

Un saludo,

Virgilio Sanz
Tecnico de Sistemas
Diario el Mundo en Internet

El vie, 29 de oct de 1999, a las 01:55:28 +0200, Rafael Martín Candial dijo:
 He instalado Netscape en mi distribuci?n de Linux y de vez en cuando se
 produce un core y no se a que es debido. Realmente Linux es m?s estable que
 g?indous. Si kaska alg?n programa no me tira el sistema abajo. Pero por muy
 estable que sea Linux ?porqu? kaska tanto el netscape? ?Tengo algo mal
 configurado? ?Hay alg?n secreto?
 Si alguien me puede decir c?mo estabilizar el netscape
 Get free email and a permanent address at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Description: PGP signature

[no subject]

1999-10-29 Thread Martín

He instalado Netscape en mi distribución de Linux y de vez en cuando se
produce un core y no se a que es debido. Realmente Linux es más estable que
güindous. Si kaska algún programa no me tira el sistema abajo. Pero por muy
estable que sea Linux ¿porqué kaska tanto el netscape? ¿Tengo algo mal
configurado? ¿Hay algún secreto?

Si alguien me puede decir cómo estabilizar el netscape

Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Virgilio Sanz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 29 de octubre de 1999 14:18
 Para: Rafael Martín Candial
 Asunto:   Re: your mail
 Esto normalmente se debe a la inestabilidad del netscape con paginas que
 utilizan java (que no javascript), deshabilita java y comprueba si
 sigues teniendo los mismos problemas.
Con las de javascript también pasa. Creo que uno de los problemas es
el parser DHMTL que tiene el Netscape, es bastante malo en lo que a
tolerancia a errores se refiere.

Por ejemplo: El otro día me enseñaron un caso en que si tienes
código javascript, el hecho de tener un /FONT sin un FONT que lo
preceda, puede hacer colgarse el netscape (y en NT generar un Dr. Watson)
... y en esa página no había nada de Java, sólo javascript.

 Un saludo,
 Virgilio Sanz
 Tecnico de Sistemas
 Diario el Mundo en Internet
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: ALSA drivers

1999-10-29 Thread Barbwired
Samuel Montosa decía:
 El Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 08:32:50PM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez dijo:
  si tengo el kernel 2.2.12 y una tarjeta Crystal CS 4232, ¿deberia instalar
  todas estas cosas?

que son todas esas cosas?,si te refieres a todos los  modulos,  obviamente 
  no, solamente los de la tarjeta
mirate tambien el script de configuracion que viene en otro  paquete,  que 
  te lo hace todo casi automaticamente...
  Realmente es que no se que es ALSA
 son unos driver de sonido, y por cierto... son la caña...

Pues confesaré (sin que sirva de precedente) que mi experiencia con ALSA ha sido
un auténtico fracaso. Serán mejores, pero yo me apaño mejor con OSS. Y mira que
le he metido caña... 

 The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
  concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Barbwired
Manuel Trujillo decía:
  Definitívamente creo que no voy a poder ir al SIMO pero si al II Congreso
  Hispalinux así que estaré en Madrid el sábado, no se, se me ocurre una
  quedada por la noche para los que no podamos ir al SIMO. Un buen
  sitio puede
  ser el Aenima (más señas del garito en
  si le parece bien a Barbwired :-)
 Yo le eché un vistazo a su webopeich y tiene muy buena pinta el Aenima... y
 parece ser que ponen buena música ;-) Pero creo que, a final de cuentas,
 podríamos decidir un sitio (éste me parece bien), una hora, y luego dar un
 margen para que llegue la peña mientras tomamos algo...

¡Pero bueno!¿Me quedo dos días off-line y ya me montáis una fiesta en mi garito?
¡Pues genial! Os cuento un poco mi vida:
- viernes: Cojo el día (o sea la noche) libre. Iré a todas las charlas y os veré
a todos :-) Luego podemos retirarnos todos temprano (jejeje) para madrugar el 
sábado. O no.
- sábado: voy a las charlas y luego salgo escopetada al garito. Me toca abrir a 
mí, mi primer día de encargada, qué ataque de responsabilidad, qué nervios, (y 
con lo que me gusta mangonear, pobres pincha y portero XD ) pero aunque esté 
en la barra, trabajando, os podéis pasar.

¿Quién en todo Madrid os va a atender mejor que yo? Prometo precios más 
populares todavía para aquellos que se suelten la melena y se 
pongan una de esas camisetas reivindicativas que tanto nos gustan a las 
linuxeras. ¡Que el free-as-free-beer se equipare al free-as-free-speech! 

Bueno, quedáos con la dirección: 
Aenima - San Vicente Ferrer, 27 (Metro Tribunal salida a Fuencarral). 

Si de verdad os apetece (comprendo que la música puede ser ciertamente 
estridente para según quién) me curro unos carteles y reúno a todos los 
linuxeros que pueda. Carteles tipo: II Congreso Hispalinux tal y tal y fiesta 
linuxera en Aenima. Los pongo por el bar y así seguro que los que no puedan ir 
al congreso por curro o lo que sea, pueden respirar el ambiente nocturno 
GNUdista :-) Mi ilusión hecha realidad, llenar el bar de linuxeros que canten 
a coro la canción del Stallman. Bueno, pues entonces se lo digo a las niñas
de [EMAIL PROTECTED] para no ser yo la única ;-)

La web está de reforma así que perdonad si la visitáis ahora y la 
encontráis un poco manga por hombro.

Por cierto, mucha gente me pregunta por alojamiento barato y decente para la 
ocasión. Si alguno de vosotros ha encontrado ya algo o conoce un sitio majo,
que me lo comente, por favor, ya que jamás he dormido en un hostal madrileño
y desconozco esta información. Molaría reservar todo un hostal o pensión e 
incluso me alojaría yo en él para vivir las 24h linuxeras más intensas :-)

Si alguno se queda tb el domingo, podemos organizar algo (se me ocurren 
diabluras en las paredes de la sede de la Timo, pero mejor algo constructivo).

Un saludo emocionado (mola-mola-mola)

 The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
  concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Problemas con es teclado en espanol...:-)

1999-10-29 Thread Barbwired
KebleR decía:
 Puedo escribir enes, en el prompt del login, pero cuando entro, si entro
 como root, en la ene me aparece un q.
 si entro como usuario normal, cuando intento escribir la ene, me pita...

Eso va a ser algo del .bash_profile, /etc/profile o similar...

 nadie tiene un .bash_profile, .profile, o nada parecido, todo el mundo
 coge lo que hay escrito en /etc/profile

Pues qué rarito...

 Alguien me puede ayudar...???

Mira a ver si poniendo esto...

-- Para root
export LANG=es_ES
export LC_ALL='C'   
export LC_CTYPE='C'
export LC_MESSAGES=es
export LESSCHARSET=latin1

-- Para el resto

export LANG=es_ES
export LC_ALL=es_ES
export LC_CTYPE=es_ES.ISO-8859-1
export LC_MESSAGES=es
export LESSCHARSET=latin1

¿Has probado kbdconfig?
Un saludo!

 The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
  concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Cuenta pelas

1999-10-29 Thread Barbwired
Rafael Martín Candial decía:
   Un programa que contabilice las llamadas que he hecho Internet y que me
 indique a cuanto asciende cada llamada

Con soporte para bonos, versión consola y X, en formato .deb, .rpm y tgz
 The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
  concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread Virgilio Sanz
No se yo te pued decir que llevo usandolo un monton de tiempo 
sin ningun problema desde que desactive el java. Obviamente tiene fallso
de seguridad, salen todos los dias... por los sitios que navego no he
encontrado ningun problema, ademas de media suelo tener unos 4 o 5
sitios abiertos.

Tengo la version 4.6 en un RedHat 6.0.

El vie, 29 de oct de 1999, a las 02:29:46 +0200, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio dijo:
   Con las de javascript también pasa. Creo que uno de los problemas es
 el parser DHMTL que tiene el Netscape, es bastante malo en lo que a
 tolerancia a errores se refiere.
   Por ejemplo: El otro día me enseñaron un caso en que si tienes
 código javascript, el hecho de tener un /FONT sin un FONT que lo
 preceda, puede hacer colgarse el netscape (y en NT generar un Dr. Watson)
 ... y en esa página no había nada de Java, sólo javascript.
 Antonio Tejada Lacaci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Depto. Análisis y Programación
 Banca March S.A.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tengo un logrotate tocando las narices...¿qué hago?

1999-10-29 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Sergio Rael wrote:
  Por lo tanto, o hay mucho fichero y los programas entran en un bucle
  cuasi-infinito, o realmente tengo un grave problema con ese directorio.
 Lo que está pasando es que hay muuuchos ficheros. Yo cuando me digné
 a mirar me encontré con más de 1500 ficheros gz creados por logrotate.
 A ver si me explico, es como el cuento ese del grano de arroz y el tablero
 de ajedrez. El primer día logrotate multiplica los ficheros por dos, el
 segundo también (incluidos los ya comprimidos), y el tercero, y el cuarto
 ... así que en unos días la cosa al multiplicarse exponencialmente va
 tendiendo a infinito a poco que te descuides ;-)

Madre mía, pues sí que es eso.

 La única forma que encontré de hacerlo fue con mc pero esperando un rato
 bastante largo. 

El MC lo dejé unas horas y tampoco hacía nada. Buff, debo tener 2 a la
2334558235 niveles de recursión en los archivos esos.

 Lo único que debe haber en /var/log/news son tres ficheros:

Hmmm... genial. Con esta información, me he escrito un programilla en C
que abre el directorio, se salta los 10 primeros ficheros (por si acaso) y
el resto los borra. Joer, y ya está ejecutándose varios minutos... y
duran, y duran :-) Que suerte que Linux sea multitarea real. Por ahora, ha
llegado a la traca de ficheros de 8 niveles recursivos de gzip (sin

Lo mando atacheado por si a alguien más le pasa. Como veréis, en el código
se ve también que antes lo había puesto para preguntar si borrar o nó el
fichero, pero es que me erniaba...

NOTA: Use that code at your own risk. Vamos, que si tu ordenador peta,
mala suerte, no me heches las culpas.

 Si no quieres que te vuelva a pasar esto ve a /etc/logrotate.d/ y haz los
 cambios que consideres oportunos en el fichero leafnode (man 8 logrotate).
 Yo solamente cambié daily por weekly y le dí un valor de 2 en vez de 5 a
 rotate y ya no me he preocupado desde entonces.

Buena idea. Probaré con eso. Gracias.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Windows NT - Nearly Tuneless.

Description: Binary data

Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, oct 29, 1999 at 03:55:04 +0200, Barbwired wrote:
 ¡Pero bueno!¿Me quedo dos días off-line y ya me montáis una fiesta en mi 

Mea culpa Barb, pero ya me conoces ;-)

 ¡Pues genial! Os cuento un poco mi vida:

Bien, sorry (era un pullazo de amigo).

 - viernes: Cojo el día (o sea la noche) libre. Iré a todas las charlas y os 
 a todos :-) Luego podemos retirarnos todos temprano (jejeje) para madrugar el 
 sábado. O no.

Okis... pero eso de dormir bdaggg %-PP

 - sábado: voy a las charlas y luego salgo escopetada al garito. Me toca abrir 
 mí, mi primer día de encargada, qué ataque de responsabilidad, qué nervios, 
 con lo que me gusta mangonear, pobres pincha y portero XD ) pero aunque esté 
 en la barra, trabajando, os podéis pasar.

Arde troya, tu de encargada... se va a cagar la perra, perdón por la
expresión si a alguien no le guste pero no encuentro otra que lo defina
mejor jeje.

 ¿Quién en todo Madrid os va a atender mejor que yo? Prometo precios más 
 populares todavía para aquellos que se suelten la melena y se 
 pongan una de esas camisetas reivindicativas que tanto nos gustan a las 
 linuxeras. ¡Que el free-as-free-beer se equipare al free-as-free-speech! 

Se hará lo que se pueda, aunque de ese atuendo no dispongo, ya me la pinto
yo bisbo a boli :)

 Bueno, quedáos con la dirección: 
 Aenima - San Vicente Ferrer, 27 (Metro Tribunal salida a Fuencarral). 

Apuntada... estaba ya, o te creías que te ibas a librar del menda.

 Si de verdad os apetece (comprendo que la música puede ser ciertamente 
 estridente para según quién) me curro unos carteles y reúno a todos los 
 linuxeros que pueda. Carteles tipo: II Congreso Hispalinux tal y tal y fiesta 
 linuxera en Aenima. Los pongo por el bar y así seguro que los que no puedan 
 al congreso por curro o lo que sea, pueden respirar el ambiente nocturno 
 GNUdista :-) Mi ilusión hecha realidad, llenar el bar de linuxeros que canten 
 a coro la canción del Stallman. Bueno, pues entonces se lo digo a las niñas
 de [EMAIL PROTECTED] para no ser yo la única ;-)

En dos palabras: IM PREZIONANTE, la cosa puede estar bien, si señor.

 La web está de reforma así que perdonad si la visitáis ahora y la 
 encontráis un poco manga por hombro.

Peor está mi cuarto, menos mal que a ese grado de interactividad no hemos
llegado aún en la Web que si no a más de uno se le pondrían lo cachetes

 Si alguno se queda tb el domingo, podemos organizar algo (se me ocurren 
 diabluras en las paredes de la sede de la Timo, pero mejor algo constructivo).

Alli me tienes hasta el domingo por la tarde.

 Un saludo emocionado (mola-mola-mola)

Otro igual.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

RE: Instalacion Potato

1999-10-29 Thread Alexandre Maneu i Victòria
Tu amigo fue a bajarse la distribución durante los 4 dias que se estaba
llevando a cabo el upgrade de slang. Hay muchos paquetes que lo requieren,
no es posible actualizarlos todos a la vez, se tarda algunos días en
actualizarlo. La culpa no es de Potato, es difícil hacer este tipo de
upgrades en vivo. Más bien diría que es una gran idea probar el estado de
Potato en el mismo instante en el que te propones a bajarlo.
Y si no la tienes instalada, en esta lista, por ejemplo, muchas personas te
podrían haber dicho Eh, quieto, que ahora esta un poco liada la cosa!.

No estoy criticando a potato, sino explicando lo que pasó :-)

Re: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread dfm

No es por hacer crítica destructiva, pero creo que en cuanto a estabilidad
es conocido por todos que el Netscape a veces es un poco una mierda,
principalmente es cierto que suele pasar con las páginas que tienen java,
en la página de retevision por ejemplo, a mí a veces me la carga, otra
veces se queda pillado y otras veces se cierra directamente... en
definitiva... p

En cualquier caso, para aquel que se preguntaba sobre la estabilidad de
linux frente a windows... netscape no es Linux, es un software no
especialmente bien hecho para Linux... Yo tengo debian 2.2 (inestable) y no
se me ha quedado la máquina cuajada NUNCA, excepto cuando he tenido un
problema gordo de hardware... No digo que el Linux no pueda cascar, nada es
perfecto, de hecho hay bugs, pero a nivel general, Linux resulta mucho más
estable que windows según mis cuentas habré reinstalado windows 95 más
de 50 veces, linux solo lo instalé una y a chutar...

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 29/10/99 14:37:24

Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: your mail

 No se yo te pued decir que llevo usandolo un monton de tiempo
sin ningun problema desde que desactive el java. Obviamente tiene fallso
de seguridad, salen todos los dias... por los sitios que navego no he
encontrado ningun problema, ademas de media suelo tener unos 4 o 5
sitios abiertos.

Tengo la version 4.6 en un RedHat 6.0.

El vie, 29 de oct de 1999, a las 02:29:46 +0200, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
Con las de javascript también pasa. Creo que uno de los problemas es
 el parser DHMTL que tiene el Netscape, es bastante malo en lo que a
 tolerancia a errores se refiere.

Por ejemplo: El otro día me enseñaron un caso en que si tienes
 código javascript, el hecho de tener un /FONT sin un FONT que lo
 preceda, puede hacer colgarse el netscape (y en NT generar un Dr. Watson)
 ... y en esa página no había nada de Java, sólo javascript.

 Antonio Tejada Lacaci  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Depto. Análisis y Programación
 Banca March S.A.

Description: Binary data

Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Correcaminos
El Fri, Oct 29, 1999 a las 11:04:28AM +0100, Jaime E. Villate dijo: 
 TooMany escribió:
  je je je... Nosotros nos estamos haciendo camisetas. Queríamos ponernos el
  logo de Debian (el guapo), pero resulta que sólo se lo pueden poner los
  desarrolladores y peña del equipo, etc :(
  Pero ya las vereis las susodichas ya... Feas no quedarán ;-)
 Te refieres a la espiral o a la botella con la espiral encima?
 De todas formas me parece ridículo que solo permitan a los
 desarrolladores usar alguno de los dos, especialmente cuando
 actualmente es casi imposible convertirse en desarrollador.
 Por lo visto tendré que ir con un pinguino y un gnu en el pecho.

¡¡¡ Comor  :(

Tendré que hablarme con alguno de los desarrolladores que conozco
para tirarles de los pelos ...

En fin, mi gozo en un pozo  :(

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread Tomas Bautista
On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 04:48:12PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No es por hacer crítica destructiva, pero creo que en cuanto a estabilidad
 es conocido por todos que el Netscape a veces es un poco una mierda,
 principalmente es cierto que suele pasar con las páginas que tienen java,
 en la página de retevision por ejemplo, a mí a veces me la carga, otra
 veces se queda pillado y otras veces se cierra directamente... en
 definitiva... p

Si lo sabrán los de Netscape, que lo ponen en sus servidores bajo un
directorio llamado unsupported...


  | |  Tomas Bautista. Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
  | |  E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |#|  Home page URL:
   - Applied Microelectronics Research Institute, CAD Division.
   #   University of Las Palmas de G.C.
I.U.M.A   Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Law of Superstition:
It's bad luck to be superstititious.

modem 3com

1999-10-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
Con el minicom (y con el terminal de windows) consigo mandarle comandos
Y marca.
Con el pppconfig lo configuro. Pon establecer una comunicacion, o sea,
Pero con el hylafax no chuta. Dice

Oct 29 18:18:01 mimon FaxGetty[1705]: STATE CHANGE: BASE - MODEMWAIT
(timeout 30)
Oct 29 18:19:08 mimon FaxGetty[1705]: Unable to setup modem on
/dev/ttyS1; giving up after 2 attempts
Oct 29 18:19:08 mimon FaxGetty[1705]: CLOSE /dev/ttyS1
Oct 29 18:19:08 mimon FaxQueuer[1537]: MODEM WEDGED: bin/wedged ttyS1
Oct 29 18:19:08 mimon FaxGetty[1712]: OPEN /dev/ttyS1
Oct 29 18:19:11 mimon FaxGetty[1712]: /dev/ttyS1: Can not initialize
Oct 29 18:19:11 mimon FaxGetty[1712]: STATE CHANGE: BASE - MODEMWAIT
(timeout 30)

No puede inicializarlo. ¡Pero si yo puedo decirle directamente ATZ!
Bueno, pruebo en windows a preparar una conexion a infovia, y ..
no funciona. No marca, no puederr.

¿Que falla? ¿El modem? Con algunos programas va (minicom, pon, terminal
de windows) pero con otros no (hylafax, conexion telefonica a redes de

Saludos y gracias


Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Javier Cantero
   Yo me apunto a la movida, aunque puntualizo que tengo que estar el
 viernes por la tarde en la mesa redonda de los grupos locales. Despues de
 eso, lo que se tercie :)

Luis, el Foro es el sábado a las 18:00. Ha aparecido algunos días
como el viernes por una reestructuración de horarios, pero en cuanto me he
dado cuenta les he avisado. La mayoría de la gente me ha confirmado sobre
la base de esa fecha y no he querido que se cambie. Ya está corregida en el
horario si echas un vistazo. Espero que no te impida que puedas ir. De todas
formas el de Debian pasa a ser el viernes, así que igual estás en las mismas
si pensabas ir también a ese foro (con respecto a la movida).

¡¡A todo no se puede ir!! El año pasado fue todo seguido, como el
pasodoble, por no solapar nada, y acabamos agotados... (por lo menos yo).

Saludos de Javier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Que los wrappers te acompañen (Wietse Venema)

Re: =??Q?Tengo_un_logrotate_tocando_las_narices=2E=2E=2E=BFqu=E9_hago=3F?=

1999-10-29 Thread Jon Noble

On vie, 29 oct 1999 00:26:31 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
 ¿Podría alguien mirar que tiene en su /var/log/news? En caso de que sean
 _solamente_ ficheros de log del leafnode, pues borro el directorio. Pero
 si hay enlaces a otras cosas... uf, mal rollo.

no parece que haya nada muy importante

bash-2.02$ ls -l /var/log/news
total 15
-rw-r--r--   1 root news0 Oct 29 18:42 news.crit
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   32 Oct 28 23:26 news.crit.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   32 Oct 27 20:25 news.crit.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   32 Oct 26 20:04 news.crit.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   32 Oct 25 19:21 news.crit.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   32 Oct 24 00:06 news.crit.5.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news0 Oct 29 18:42 news.err
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   31 Oct 28 23:26 news.err.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   31 Oct 27 20:25 news.err.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   31 Oct 26 20:04 news.err.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   31 Oct 25 19:21 news.err.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   31 Oct 24 00:06 news.err.5.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news0 Oct 29 18:42 news.notice
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   34 Oct 28 23:26 news.notice.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   34 Oct 27 20:25 news.notice.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   34 Oct 26 20:04 news.notice.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   34 Oct 25 19:21 news.notice.4.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root news   34 Oct 24 00:06 news.notice.5.gz

Un saludo,


Problemas con el manual.

1999-10-29 Thread Rafael Eduardo Martín Candial
Cuando ejecuto el man con un usuario distinto de root se produce el
siguient error:
man: can't set effective uid: Operation not permitted.

El man si puede ser accedido por estos usuarios porque si lo pueden
ejecutar sin parámetros.
El error ocurre cuando acceden alas páginas pero paraece que todos los
directorios a los que debe acceder al man tienen permisos para todos los
usuarios. ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

Re: II Congreso

1999-10-29 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Se espera que el contenido de todas las ponencias acabe en el


  Muchas gracias a todos, y especialmente a David
  Lamentablemente me sucede como a ti David con el problema de que no
  estan anunciadas las ponencias , aunque estoy casi convencido que no
  voy a poder ir pues aunque saguen ahora la programacion, estoy un poco
  lejos y a la fecha en que estamos,no me da tiempo ni para 
  obtener la visa. 
  Vi en el Web que van a trasmitir en vivo las ponencias.
  Quisiera preguntar 
  No tienen previsto crear algunas paginas con el desarrollo de las 
  ponencias,para aquellos que tenemos interes pero no tenemos la 
  posibilidad de participar.
  Jesus M. Gonzalez escribio:
  Lo habr'a en breve (hoy mismo estoy redactando el informe de
   David Charro Ripa writes:
  Hola a todos
  Por favor alguien me pudiera dar la direccion donde pueda ver
  detalles de II Congreso de Linux.
 Aunque no la veo muy actualizada. Estoy esperando que salgan las 
   ponencias para
 presentarselas a mi jefe y que me deje ir. Pero no veo por ningun lado 
   unresumen de lo que se
 va a exponer.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
   Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
  | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
   Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

Re: Presentacion en la lista...

1999-10-29 Thread Paco Brufal
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Daniel Payno wrote:

 Hola a todos... he leido por ahi algun que otro nombre conocido de 
 R34.LINUX... nos vemos..

Hola Dani :D como nuevo que eres te recomiendo el FAQ del area, que
esta en... X'D

La costumbre y tal :P

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Thunderdome 9 The Megamix. Various Artists. 1995
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: quedada

1999-10-29 Thread Correcaminos
El Fri, Oct 29, 1999 a las 05:33:06PM +0200, Javier Cantero dijo: 
  Yo me apunto a la movida, aunque puntualizo que tengo que estar el
  viernes por la tarde en la mesa redonda de los grupos locales. Despues de
  eso, lo que se tercie :)
   Luis, el Foro es el sábado a las 18:00. Ha aparecido algunos días
 como el viernes por una reestructuración de horarios, pero en cuanto me he
 dado cuenta les he avisado. La mayoría de la gente me ha confirmado sobre
 la base de esa fecha y no he querido que se cambie. Ya está corregida en el
 horario si echas un vistazo. Espero que no te impida que puedas ir. De todas
 formas el de Debian pasa a ser el viernes, así que igual estás en las mismas
 si pensabas ir también a ese foro (con respecto a la movida).
   ¡¡A todo no se puede ir!! El año pasado fue todo seguido, como el
 pasodoble, por no solapar nada, y acabamos agotados... (por lo menos yo).
   Saludos de Javier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok, no hay problema. Cuenta conmigo :)

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave PGP en las paginas de Gulic

Re: Debian Athlon

1999-10-29 Thread Rolf Edlund
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Per Lundberg wrote:

  Ok, SuSE (som jag kör för tillfället) har en patch, för att kunna köras på
  ett K7 system. Därför undrade jag, om Debian har fixat något liknande.
 Den där patchen är nog ivfsh inte till för att kunna köras på K7, utan
 för att fullt kunna dra nytta av alla funktioner.

Linux _är_ fantastiskt. Synd bara, att man inte äger en Athlon idag.. :-).

 - * Linux - a more stable way to live * -

Mvh Rolf Edlund

Re: Egen kärna ?

1999-10-29 Thread Joel Rosdahl
Rolf Edlund [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 SuSE har en kärna, som har vidareutvecklats från standardkärnan (på både
 ont och gott). Hur är det med Debian ? Har den en 'egen' kärna ?

Nope, väldigt oegen.


Joel Rosdahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (PGP and GPG keys available)

Re: is debian eating my memory?

1999-10-29 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude wrote:

 I've got 32 mb in this p166 mmx system. The problem is that I have
 32mb and at the shell prompt, 31mb is used up when I type free. Is
 debian really eating all that memory or is it something else?? There's
 dos/win on this pc too so I'm wondering if the tech person didn't
 enable shadow ram or something?

It's really using all that memory.  Don't worry though, most of it is used
by disk cache and other such miscellany.  When a program needs to use it,
the kernel will let the program have it.  Believe me, you can tell when
you're out of memory.

Shadow ram is totally irrelevant to Linux.

Re: is debian eating my memory?

1999-10-29 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I've got 32 mb in this p166 mmx system. The problem is that I have
 32mb and at the shell prompt, 31mb is used up when I type free. Is
 debian really eating all that memory or is it something else??

Very likely that 31MB is being used up by the file system cache.  This is
what I get when I type 'free' on my workstation:

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:128476 120848   7628  66024   2984  59472
-/+ buffers/cache:  58392  70084
Swap:83012   4108  78904

I sure as hell don't have 120MB of stuff in memory.  As you can see, about
half of that is 'cached'.  In other words, the file system cache.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: 3com 3c905b

1999-10-29 Thread David Punsalan
The installation program that comes with the debian base disks shows that
3c59X is for the 3c509 I guess it's okay to use the driver for

 3c59x, 3c9xx, something like that (I think it says both).  It's
 in the custom kernel compile config.  Someone here will correct
 me if I'm wrong.  ;-)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-29 Thread Peter Ross
On 28-Oct-1999, Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PR == Peter Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 PR Yes it does, but it lacks some of the advanced features of apt.
 What advanced features of apt are you referring to ??
Some of the points I listed at the start of the email message.


starting named

1999-10-29 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
where is the script to start tha named?(if exists one)

RE: starting named

1999-10-29 Thread Pollywog

On 28-Oct-99 Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
 where is the script to start tha named?(if exists one)

It should be /etc/init.d/bind if you installed a Debian package of BIND.


Re: Sun goes fully open source!

1999-10-29 Thread Oki DZ

Ed Cogburn wrote:
 They won't release SO source under GPL, they have their own version
 called the Sun Community License.  From a few comments I've heard
 elsewhere, its not free in the freedom sense.  

SO now is basically Sun's product; so the company needs to make sure
that any developments made into the product would still be conforming to
Sun's specification. I think it's understandable. Take a look at Sun's
JDK; nobody is allowed to change Java spec without permission from Sun,
but I
believe that anybody can freely _implement_ the spec anyway he/she

Look at Netscape's
 Mozilla and the Mozilla Public Lincense.  If Netscape couldn't generate
 a lot of interest and energy for Mozilla, what makes you think Sun can
 get the attention of the free software community?

If Sun Community License lacks the appeal, why don't you ask Sun to
release SO's source under GPL? At least, the codes for Linux (strip all
the supporting codes for any other platforms except for Linux).

What's so ugly about SCL? If the freedom you mean is the freedom to
tweak SO anyway you want and still label it SO, how would you know
the product, in the long run, would still be compatible with the SO
that's backed by Sun? 

I think even if Sun is willing to release SO codes under GPL, Sun would
need to create somekind of SO Specification; which has to be free,
money wise. 
 Disclaimer:  I am aware that Mozilla isn't 'dead', its progressing
 slowly, but its clear Netscape didn't get the reaction it wanted from
 the programmers of the free software world.

If the programmers of the free software world are not interested to
develop Mozilla, well, I believe that Netscape never listens to what
say (or, the programmers might have never said anything to Netscape).


Re: is debian eating my memory?

1999-10-29 Thread Peter Ross
On 28-Oct-1999, Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got 32 mb in this p166 mmx system. The problem is that I have
 32mb and at the shell prompt, 31mb is used up when I type free. Is
 debian really eating all that memory or is it something else?? There's
 dos/win on this pc too so I'm wondering if the tech person didn't
 enable shadow ram or something?

Whenever you access a file, linux tries to keep that file in memory.
Hence your memory is full of data from the disk that is placed in the
file cache/buffers.  Of course if a program needs memory the first thing
thrown out of memory is the file cache.


RE: is debian eating my memory?

1999-10-29 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Sounds about right.  If you have 32Mb of ram, and your
apps are only using, say 10Mb, Linux is smart enough
to use the free memory as disk-cache, rather than have it
going to waste.  As soon as this disk-cache memory is needed
by some other application, Linux will free it.


On 28-Oct-99 Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude wrote:
 I've got 32 mb in this p166 mmx system. The problem is that I have 32mb and
 at the shell prompt, 31mb is used up when I type free. Is debian really
 eating all that memory or is it something else?? There's dos/win on this pc
 too so I'm wondering if the tech person didn't enable shadow ram or
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: 3com 3c905b

1999-10-29 Thread Art Lemasters
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 06:25:54PM -0500, David Punsalan wrote:
 The installation program that comes with the debian base disks shows that
 3c59X is for the 3c509 I guess it's okay to use the driver for

 Those darned model numbers are confusing, aren't they?  ;-)
I'm running the same driver for my 3c905tx, though.  The config
for the 2.2.12 kernel said it was good for both the 3c59x series
and the 3c90x series ethernet cards, IIRC.


  3c59x, 3c9xx, something like that (I think it says both).  It's
  in the custom kernel compile config.  Someone here will correct
  me if I'm wrong.  ;-)

Re: Utilities for keeping time sync for a machine behind a firewall ?

1999-10-29 Thread Greg Wooledge
Shaul Karl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I am behind a firewall.
 What utilities are there that will let me keep the time synchronized with 
 another machine on the Internet ?

Ouch.  Your best bet would be to ask your firewall administrator to
synchronize the firewall with NTP, and then to synchronize your machine
to the firewall.

If, as is often the case, your firewall admin is too boneheaded (or has
his/her hands tied by management), then you're out of luck.  Maybe some
other machine inside the firewall could be used as a time source.

If time synchronization is really important (e.g., if you want to sync
a server, not just your desktop box), then you might be able to put
pressure on the firewall admins from above by presenting a business
case for implementing time synchronization on the server.  Or if you
can actually get a (*gasp*) budget, then you might be able to invest in
a radio clock, GPS or similar hardware to bypass the firewall.

I think the Usenet group for all of this is comp.protocols.time.ntp.

Paul McHale ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I added the following command to my root crontab (type: crontab -e):
 1  0   * * *   /usr/sbin/rdate  $HOME/tmp/out 21

Which is great if you can *talk to*

Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 xntp3 is excellent.  Just type apt-get install xntp3 and it will take you
 through configuration.  If you need a server, try and

Which is great if you can *talk to* or 

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-10-29 Thread Greg Wooledge

 I own a Compaq Qvision videocard

That's unfortunate.

 and I would like to know which accelerated server I can use, so I can get a 
 bet colordepth than 8 bit and a better resolution than 640x480 (my monitor 
 can handle that).

You actually got the VGA16 X server to work?  I couldn't even get *that*!

I was stuck with a Compaq QVision 1280 video card at work for a while.
I ended up buying the Xi Graphics Accelerated X Server, which worked
for me.  It's a bit expensive, though (US $100), and it's quite non-free
(in the free speech, DFSG sense); you'd be better off buying a better
graphics card if that's at all possible -- you'd not only save money,
but you'd get better performance.

Greg Wooledge| Truth belongs to everybody.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

Description: PGP signature

Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I am currently in the process of evaluating a new ISP. The problem I am
 having is with the nameserver settings in /etc/resolv.conf.


 Currently there are two entries in /etc/resolv.conf for my present ISP
 Should I just add the nameserver entries for the new ISP to this
 /etc/resolv.conf file ? Will it take longer for hostnames to be resolved
 since there are now 4 entries in the /etc/resolv.conf but only two of them
 are valid depending on which ISP I am connecting to/from ??

it shouldn't take any longer, but there is a program on Freshmeat
( if you don't know what it is) called DNRD that does
exactly what you're looking for.

 On a related note: I am using XEmacs+VM as my mail reader. Is there any
 emacs package to handle multiple email profiles ?

 I need to switch between different smtp servers

Simple: be your own SMTP server.  I've been doing for a year (with my ISP,
and, now that I've moved on-campus to the university, right now) with no
ill effects.  You don't necessariy need to set it up to deliver mail to
your machine, just to deliver to other machines.

 different POP login IDs, and user/reply-to addresses and was wondering
 if either XEmacs or VM can somehow handle this for me ?

I haven't a clue is VM can do that (I don't use VM), but the latest Pine
certainly does.  Pine, however, isn't an option for some people.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread John Hasler
Salman Ahmed writes:
 Should I just add the nameserver entries for the new ISP to this
 /etc/resolv.conf file ? Will it take longer for hostnames to be resolved
 since there are now 4 entries in the /etc/resolv.conf but only two of
 them are valid depending on which ISP I am connecting to/from ??

Just leave your resolv.conf as it is while you evaluate the new ISP.  Only
the first nameserver that works will be used, and the resolver won't pay
any attention to any after the first three in any case.

 I am wondering if there are other people who have had to keep two (or
 more ISPs) and what other things they have had to configure, setup,
 etc. for the different ISPs ??

The pppconfig in potato will set up scripts that arrange for the proper
nameservers to be used with each ISP.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Firewall hinders access for IRC

1999-10-29 Thread zdrysdal

What needs to be done to allow my windows MIRC software to connect to the
internet.  I can access the Web via our debian proxy server via port
3128...but i am not too sure how to set up Mirc.  I take it i have to have
a connection straight to the firewall as apposed to the proxy server?  Will
there be any security issues ie. will a mad IRC'er be able to gain access
to my network through my careless connection?


YourDomain setup

1999-10-29 Thread Daniel Yang

I just set up my apache web server. I am 
thinking if I could register my own domain name and connect my web server to 
Internet, that would be nice. What do I need to do to make it happen? I have only one computer and some one 
told me that I need at least two to be qualified for domain name registration. 
Your suggestions?

RE: YourDomain setup

1999-10-29 Thread Pollywog

On 29-Oct-99 Daniel Yang wrote:
 I just set up my apache web server. I am thinking if I could register my own
 domain name and connect my web server to Internet, that would be nice. What
 do I need to  do to make it happen? I have only one computer and some one
 told me that I need at least two to be qualified for domain name
 registration. Your suggestions?

You can use the free service at for your primary
and secondary DNS.  Or get a friend to do secondary for you and you do your
own primary if you have a static IP address and are connected 24/7.


RE: YourDomain setup

1999-10-29 Thread Paul McHale

don't need more than one computer for domain name registration. As 
cyber-#$#$# have shown, you don't need any computer to register a domain. 
If you are going to run your own DNS server, you may want to have a backup 
server or secondary server. When I registered mine, I went to 
see if the domain I wanted was available. If it is, register it. 
Call your ISP for information about their DNS servers with IP numbers. 
This will save you money when registering. If you register without ISP 
information, the cost is higher.

call your ISP and ask him to make entries in his DNS tables to point to the 
static IP of your web server. I would recommend arranging this with your 
ISP ahead of time so they can give you any pointers you may 


  -Original Message-From: Daniel Yang 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, October 28, 
  1999 10:14 PMTo: debian-user@lists.debian.orgSubject: 
  YourDomain setup
  I just set up my apache web server. I am 
  thinking if I could register my own domain name and connect my web server to 
  Internet, that would be nice. What do I need to do to make it happen? I have only one computer and some one 
  told me that I need at least two to be qualified for domain name registration. 
  Your suggestions?

Re: installation disaster (well maybe not complete disaster) (fwd)

1999-10-29 Thread Dean
 Hi David, One quick question, If hda1 was win98  you where 
planning to boot to win98, why did you initialize this partition?
On the install I think you should only initialize the various
linux partitions  leave your win  other os's alone. Dean

David Punsalan wrote:
 Dear Debian Group,
 I am a newbie trying to install Linux on my AMDK6-2 350Mhz 92MB RAM 6GB
 HD Win 98 PC.
 Progress to date:
 - partitioned HD: hda1- ~ 2GB - Win98 Partition
   hda2- ~ 72MB - Swap Drive Partition
   hda3- ~ 3.3 GB - Linux Native Partition
 - initialized and activated swap drive (hda2)
 - initialized, activated and mounted hda3 to /target
 - initialized, activated and mounted hda1 to /target/usr
 - Completely installed base system from floppy disks: resc1440.bin,
 drv1440.bin, base1440-1...7.bin (extracts base2_1.tgz) (I retrieved files
 - installed numberous modules (some failed to install: e.g. - misc/psaux,
 misc/ PS-2 mouse)
 Settings for 'Making Linux bootable from hard drive' -
 - Do you want to install boot record? - NO
 - Do you want to to boot linux as default? - NO
 made boot disk
 The above installation was successfully completed after numerous previous
 attempts.  It is believed that 1st set of floppy disks were somehow
 corrupt (Evidence - file size of some .bin files didn't match up with what
 I saw at the ftp site) So I carefully made new ones and they worked.
 Installation system FAILED to make boot disk UNLESS I answered 'NO' to
 'Do you want to install boot record?'
 I would at least think that it should allow me to make to floppy disk if I
 answered YES to 'install boot record' and 'NO' to 'boot linux as default'.
 1. System boots to Linux as default despite answering 'NO' to both 'boot'
 2.  In booting Linux - my AntiVirus program detects a virus.  I am able to
 continue booting but it says virus will be left on hard disk if I
 continue to boot.
 3. Can't establish PPP connection.  Error message complains about
 '/etc/ppp/peers/provider' and '/dev/modem.'
 4. If I try running 'dselect' now, all options (A) Accept, (I) etc...
 refuse to run.
 So I'm stuck b/c I can't run Win98 since the boot disk for Win98 doesn't
 actually install necessary drivers to run it (it just loads and runs and you get a:\ prompt).  Typing 'win' and c:\ prompt doesn't
 do anything.
 I can't install any Debian packages since I can't establish a 'PPP'
 Pls. respond if you can tell me what to do.
 At the very least - I would like to me able to boot to Win98 as default
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

apt-get not updating

1999-10-29 Thread Paul McHale
Looking at the debian security page, I see the cron utility has been upgrade
to fix a security problem.  This was in august.  When I run apt-get update
it appears to run correctly.  When I run apt-get dist-upgrade, nothing

Here is the /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US

Should I have other paths?


   Double E Solutions Attn: Paul McHale
   4912 Effingham Dayton, Ohio 45431

   Work:   937-253-7610
   Mobile: 937-371-2828
   Home:   937-253-6260 (anytime)

how to make Packages file and set sources.list for misc. downloaded .deb files

1999-10-29 Thread Daniel Barclay

I want to do something that should be simple, but apparently isn't.

I have a local collection of miscellaneous .deb files.  I want to be
able to use apt-get on then.

It is quite unclear how the various pieces of the system (the directory
name, the sources.list entry, the dpkg-scanpackages command arguments,
etc.) fit together.

(Besides being is out of sync with the software, the documentation (at
least in slink (apt version 0.3.10slink11) ) is missing some crucial 
information).  I can't figure out how various tools expect to be run.)

Can someone tell me exactly what I need to do to generates a Packages.gz
file and set up apt's source.list file to work with a local collection 
of miscellaneous Debian package files?

I want to know how to make this work in general, but here's the current

- I have used mirror to get KDE Debian package files from

- that FTP directory contains:

- that pre-built Packages.gz file contains Filename entries like
  Filename: /i386/qt1g-doc_1.44-6_all.deb.

- Mirroring that FTP directory to a similarly-named local directory 


  yielded a Packages.gz file at


  and *.deb files in the same directory, such as


Is it true that that directory hierarchy cannot be used by apt?

(It seems that apt always inserts dists when processing an entry
in sources.list.  However, man sources.list says absolutely nothing
about inserting dists, and one example seemingly contradicts that:

   deb dists/stable-updates

Also, it seems that apt always appends its own architecture suffix 

So what exactly must I do to use apt?

It seems that I must structure my directories to include 
.../dists/.../binary-i386 in the pathname.  Is that correct?

To have dists and binary-i386 in the directory pathname, I
copied my directory




With a sources.list entry of 

  deb file:/root/mirror/other/kde/mirror/stable/1.1.2/ . .

that seemed to work with apt-get.

However, when I tried to install a package (with either apt-get install 
xxx or using dselect), I got this error:

  Err file:/root/mirror/other/kde/mirror/stable/1.1.2/ ./. kdebase-doc 
File not found
  Failed to fetch 
File not found

That makes some sense.  Evidently, apt uses file names from the Filename 
entries in the Packages.gz file, and they listed a directory of /i386,
(and didn't list dists/ or binary-i386).

So how do I name the directory so that apt can find the Packages.gz file
(e.g, containing dists and ending in binary-386), AND so that apt
can find the *.deb files (ending with i386)?

Is there some directory pathname that will work with that pre-built 
Packages.gz file, or is it screwed up to start with?

Well, never mind the pre-built Packages.gz file; I want to know how to
create it myself (for when I assemble a miscellaneous collection of *.deb

Before generating a Packages.gz file I think I need to know what the
requirements are on the directory pathname.  

None of the documentation seems to address that.  Will any directory
pathname containing .../dists/... and ending in .../binary-i386/
be usuable, or are there further restrictions?

My copied directory seemed to work before, so I kept it, and deleted
the copied original packages file


I do know about dpkg-scanpackages.  (There's not anything else I
should be using, is there?)

Okay, so which directory do I want to specify to dpkg-scanpackages?

man dpkg-scanpackages says:

 binarydir is the name of the binary tree to  process  (for
   example,  contrib/binary-i386).   It  is best to make this
   relative to the root of the Debian archive, because  every
   Filename  field  in  the new Packages file will start with
   this string.

First of all, which directory do I want to specify?

Do I want to specify just the bottom directory 
.../kde/mirror/stable/1.1.2/dists/binary-i386 or might I want 
.../kde/mirror/stable/1.1.2/dists (or possibly 

Second, how exactly do I want to specify the directory?  

Specifically, which directory counts as the root of the Debian 
archive?  For a Debian directory like


accessed by a sources.list entry of


Re: Netscape memory hoarding

1999-10-29 Thread Daniel Barclay


 Daniel Barclay wrote:
  Oh yeah, another thing:  In non-Java 90% CPU mode, I could quit,
  but the netscape process would keep running, using 90% CPU.
  I didn't seem to be only temporary (e.g., to update the history
  or bookmarks files or something).
 I get exactly the same problem fairly frequently, resulting in a reboot
 as the only way to free the memory that I know of.

Didn't killing the process (e.g., killall -9 netscape) work? 
(That always has for me.)


Re: Installing Linux (RedHat) on NT 4.0

1999-10-29 Thread David J. Kanter
Just use the program bootpart for NT; you'll be up and running in about 5

On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 03:26:08PM +1000, Wallentin, Henrik wrote:
 Hi all!
 I know this has been brought up a couple of times, but I would really be
 happy if any of you could help me with this.
 Last week a had a really good URL for how to set up Linux on a machine which
 already has NT on it.
 The URL was, and if you take a look now
 it has disappeared.
 I've seen a couples of MINI HOWTOs but those aren't as good as the above
 Any suggestions are welcomed!
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---end quoted text---

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-10-29 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Thu, 28 Oct, 1999 à 02:42:18PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I own a Compaq Qvision videocard and I would like to know which accelerated 
 server I can use, so I can get a bet colordepth than 8 bit and a better 
 resolution than 640x480 (my monitor can handle that).
 I always boot my kernel from a floppy (because somehow lilo isn't installed 
 correctly, gives a 1AF: (anybody know how I can solve that??)) and I would 
 like to know how I can give boot parameters, I need to be able to send boot 
 parameters to get my extern SCSI CD-rom working. I'm using the 2.2.10 kernel 
 and Debian 2.1
Yes : hit 1 and you'll get lilo (wich is installed in /dev/hda1). This is the 
prompt of mbr.

BTW does *anybody* still use mbr ? I think it's time to remove the recommends 
dependency of
lilo to mbr or at least to change it to suggest...

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread John Hasler
Salman Ahmed writes:
 /usr/bin/pon: line 2:  1890 Segmentation fault /usr/sbin/pppd call 
 Exit 139

You should file a bug against ppp.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

RE: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
i would suggest the ami megaraid controller, it works good, is cheap,
supports onboard cache and has decent drivers in both 2.0 and 2.2  i hear
that mylex makes some damn good drivers for linux too ..but from what i've
read their stuff is real high end and prob $$$


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Adam Greene wrote:

 I have to set up a RAID 5 Tower and I want to run Linux (it's a dual Xeon,
 Intel GX computer) and I was wondering which company currently offered RAID
 5 solutions with source code drivers (or included in the latest stable
 -Original Message-
 From: aphro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: October 27, 1999 3:16 PM
 To: William T Wilson
 Subject: Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat
 On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, William T Wilson wrote:
  DPT raid controller drivers, I know, are distributed in source form.  I
  cannot think of any reason they would work with a RedHat kernel and not a
  Debian kernel, as RedHat doesn't (AFAIK) currently modify the kernel.
 they got boot and root disks for redhat 5.2/6.0, and binary modules
 (dpt_i2o.o dpt_i2o_smp.o) ..i havent checked their other
 controllers(yet) just those caught my attention when a friend of mine said
 he was having problems with that DPT card under redhat.
  Even if you do use a binary driver, it ought to work with any kernel of
  the version range it was designed to work with, RedHat or otherwise.
 it should, but it doesn't always.  my recent install of vmware (the
 latest) had modules for my kernel version but they failed to
 load.  luckily the program was able to successfully compile modules and
 load em.  and it also is bad because take the DPT raid drivers for linux
 2.2.5.  chances are not that great that it will work on 2.2.10 ..2.2.13 may be possible, but not nearly as good as having the source to
 recompile for another kernel rev.
  I don't agree here either.  Someone has to adopt glibc first.  If no one
  adopts it, no one will work the bugs out and it will never be ready for
 it just seemed they adopted it WAY in advance of anyone else, be it debian
 or slackware (or suse?? i dont remember) and it caused me a lot of
 trouble, just my opinon though.
  RedHat always maintains the current and previous major version of their
  release, at least for security and major bugfixes.  If you aren't ready to
  move up to the new version, just use the previous one.
 my problems was more related to 3rd party stuff that people developed
 around the new libc. (same with glibc2.1) mostly with binary
 distributions.  i try to compile most everything but some stuff just won't
 compile and using a binary is the last resort option...
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Re: installation disaster (well maybe not complete disaster) (fwd)

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
to be able to boot win98 as 'default' again try running the command fdisk

you should install a boot record on the partition where linux installed if
you wish to boot off of it(either directly or indirectly via some boot
manager like lilo, system commander nt boot manager etc) you don't need
this if you boot off a boot disk(not reccomended, booting from floppy is
DAMN SLOW) or you use loadlin (much faster!! although not as 'clean' as a
boot from the partition itself, as there may be a DOS TSR or 2 in there..)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, David Punsalan wrote:

 Dear Debian Group,
 I am a newbie trying to install Linux on my AMDK6-2 350Mhz 92MB RAM 6GB
 HD Win 98 PC.
 Progress to date:
 - partitioned HD: hda1- ~ 2GB - Win98 Partition
 hda2- ~ 72MB - Swap Drive Partition
 hda3- ~ 3.3 GB - Linux Native Partition
 - initialized and activated swap drive (hda2)
 - initialized, activated and mounted hda3 to /target
 - initialized, activated and mounted hda1 to /target/usr
 - Completely installed base system from floppy disks: resc1440.bin,
 drv1440.bin, base1440-1...7.bin (extracts base2_1.tgz) (I retrieved files
 - installed numberous modules (some failed to install: e.g. - misc/psaux, 
 misc/ PS-2 mouse)
 Settings for 'Making Linux bootable from hard drive' - 
 - Do you want to install boot record? - NO
 - Do you want to to boot linux as default? - NO
 made boot disk 
 The above installation was successfully completed after numerous previous
 attempts.  It is believed that 1st set of floppy disks were somehow
 corrupt (Evidence - file size of some .bin files didn't match up with what
 I saw at the ftp site) So I carefully made new ones and they worked.  
 Installation system FAILED to make boot disk UNLESS I answered 'NO' to
 'Do you want to install boot record?'  
 I would at least think that it should allow me to make to floppy disk if I
 answered YES to 'install boot record' and 'NO' to 'boot linux as default'.
 1. System boots to Linux as default despite answering 'NO' to both 'boot'
 2.  In booting Linux - my AntiVirus program detects a virus.  I am able to
 continue booting but it says virus will be left on hard disk if I
 continue to boot.
 3. Can't establish PPP connection.  Error message complains about
 '/etc/ppp/peers/provider' and '/dev/modem.'
 4. If I try running 'dselect' now, all options (A) Accept, (I) etc...
 refuse to run.
 So I'm stuck b/c I can't run Win98 since the boot disk for Win98 doesn't
 actually install necessary drivers to run it (it just loads and runs and you get a:\ prompt).  Typing 'win' and c:\ prompt doesn't
 do anything.
 I can't install any Debian packages since I can't establish a 'PPP'
 Pls. respond if you can tell me what to do.
 At the very least - I would like to me able to boot to Win98 as default
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ipchains

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
you can't compile ip forwarding into the kernel in 2.2.x, you gotta enable
it manually by 

echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

that should allow you to add forwarding rules, you may not be able to to
ipmasq unless you got all the right kernel configs set.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  I am running 2.2.12 kernel with ipforwarding compiled into the kernel.
  I want to masq but when I used ipchains command:
  /sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s
  it returned: no chain by that name.
  why? what is the problem?
 Did you compile in IP masquerading as well?  IP forwarding only makes the
 system a router, not a router+NAT.
 Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
 universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein
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Re: 270Mb xdm.log file and keeps growing :(

1999-10-29 Thread aphro

i know this isnt a real fix but you could make xdm.log a pointer to
/dev/null (link it) so the log messages go to hell and never come back ..

saves least right?


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

 Just noticed that my xdm.log file is filled with lines like:
 X internal error: trying to rotate odd-sized pixmap.
 and the file is already about 270 Mb and it's keep growing :(
 This problem was mentioned on this list (may 1999):
 Unfortunately it seems there were no solution mentioned.
 Any ideas?
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Re: is debian eating my memory?

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
pay attention to what the memory is being used for.

take this for example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/games/quake2] free 
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:253224 250956   2268  79044  72144  77588
-/+ buffers/cache: 101224 152000
Swap:   267108268 266840

there are over 100megs in buffers there ..i only have 2megs free..but its
not a big deal.  don't worry about it, unless your close to running o ut
of swap.  that is a good sign you don't have enough memory.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Jacob Schmude Your Jacob Schmude wrote:

 I've got 32 mb in this p166 mmx system. The problem is that I have 32mb and 
 at the shell prompt, 31mb is used up when I type free. Is debian really 
 eating all that memory or is it something else?? There's dos/win on this pc 
 too so I'm wondering if the tech person didn't enable shadow ram or something?
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Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
you can add the other ips, i think you can have a max of 4.

but unless the isps are controlling access to their DNS (most don't for
normal queries) there's no need to add the other ips if your just using as
a temp measure.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

 I am currently in the process of evaluating a new ISP. The problem I am
 having is with the nameserver settings in /etc/resolv.conf.
 Currently there are two entries in /etc/resolv.conf for my present ISP
 Should I just add the nameserver entries for the new ISP to this
 /etc/resolv.conf file ? Will it take longer for hostnames to be resolved
 since there are now 4 entries in the /etc/resolv.conf but only two of them
 are valid depending on which ISP I am connecting to/from ??
 I am wondering if there are other people who have had to keep two (or more
 ISPs) and what other things they have had to configure, setup, etc. for the
 different ISPs ??
 On a related note: I am using XEmacs+VM as my mail reader. Is there any
 emacs package to handle multiple email profiles ? I need to switch between
 different smtp servers, different POP login IDs, and user/reply-to
 addresses and was wondering if either XEmacs or VM can somehow handle this
 for me ?
 PS : What does the following message from /var/log/syslog mean:
   Remote message: upap: authenticated
 What is upap ?? I thought the only authentication methods were PAP and CHAP
 for dialup ppp connections.
 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT interlog DOT com
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Re: YourDomain setup

1999-10-29 Thread aphro
you need someone to host the domain, you can host it, even on a dialup,
although i wouldn't reccomend it.  then you can have the domain point to
your ip..and off you go ..don't need 2 computers..i run an isp and for
almost a year we had about 40 domains with only 1 machine :)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Daniel Yang wrote:

 I just set up my apache web server. I am thinking if I could register my own 
 domain name and connect my web server to Internet, that would be nice. What 
 do I need to  do to make it happen? I have only one computer and some one 
 told me that I need at least two to be qualified for domain name 
 registration. Your suggestions?

fvwm: Am I missing something or is it a bug ?

1999-10-29 Thread Shaul Karl
Package: fvwm
Version: 2.2.2-3
Severity: wishlist

[06:48:47 shaul]$ cat .xsession-errors 
[FVWM][Read]: ERROR file '.fvwm2rc' not found in $HOME or /etc/X11/fvwm
[FVWM][Read]:  trying to read system rc file
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/update.warn: line 8: unexpected EOF while looking for 
matching `''
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/update.warn: line 13: syntax error: unexpected end of 
[06:49:46 shaul]$ cat -n /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/update.warn
 1  #!/bin/sh
 3  if [ -d $HOME/.fvwm2 -a ! -e $HOME/.fvwm2/.nowarn ]
 4  then
 5   FvwmCommand 'Module FvwmForm OldFvwm2Dir'
 6  elif [ ! -d $HOME/.fvwm -a ! -e '$HOME/.fvwm.nowarn ]
 7  then
 8   FvwmCommand 'Module FvwmForm NoFvwmDir'
 9  fi
11  # Just for good measure
12  exit 0

- -- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.2.13 #1 Tue Oct 26 14:00:17 EST 1999 i586 

Versions of the packages fvwm depends on:
ii  libc6   2.1.2-6GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone
ii  libstdc++2.10   2.95.2-1   The GNU stdc++ library
ii  rplay   3.3.2-1A feature-rich network audio system.
ii  xlib6g  3.3.5-1shared libraries required by X clients
ii  xpm4g   3.4k-3 the X PixMap library
^^^ (Provides virtual package libxpm4)

Just a Question

1999-10-29 Thread Mason

I have recently installed the Super Disk onto my 
computer. Recently, I have gone to download items onto it and it hasn't 
been and option in the files that I can download into. So I wnt to the "My 
Computer" icon on my screen and it isn't in there anymore. It is still in 
my Windows Explorer, but I can't access it anymore. I have repeatedly 
downloaded the driver onto to my computer just for it to tell me that it already 
exists. I download it anyway just to get the icon where I can download 
info onto it. If U could please tell me what the problem is or simply that 
it isn't a problem with the Super Disk so I can find someone who knows more 
about computers thanI do to make it accessible for me. Thanks a lot if U 
have the answer for me!

Re: 3com 3c905b

1999-10-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:21:49 MDT, Art Lemasters writes:
 Those darned model numbers are confusing, aren't they?  ;-)
I'm running the same driver for my 3c905tx, though.  The config
for the 2.2.12 kernel said it was good for both the 3c59x series
and the 3c90x series ethernet cards, IIRC.

the driver will work with the 3x509b, just use the disk that comes with the 
card and disable plug'n pray if you don't want to mess around with isapnp...

- ___   - Robert Waldner  Junior Network Engineer
 //   /  ___   _/_ -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] RW960-RIPE
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_  Diefenbachgasse 35  A-1150 Wien
-   - Tel: +43 1 89933 0 Fax: +43 1 89933 533

Re: Just a Question

1999-10-29 Thread Matthew Dalton
Well, now I've seen it all... never mind newbie questions about Debian,
but newbie questions about Windows? On a Linux mailing list?

Not to mention the liberal use of the word 'download' :/

Where do these people even get the debian-user mailing list email
address from?

 Mason wrote:
 I have recently installed the Super Disk onto my computer.  Recently,
 I have gone to download items onto it and it hasn't been and option in
 the files that I can download into.  So I wnt to the My Computer
 icon on my screen and it isn't in there anymore.  It is still in my
 Windows Explorer, but I can't access it anymore.  I have repeatedly
 downloaded the driver onto to my computer just for it to tell me that
 it already exists.  I download it anyway just to get the icon where I
 can download info onto it.  If U could please tell me what the problem
 is or simply that it isn't a problem with the Super Disk so I can find
 someone who knows more about computers thanI do to make it accessible
 for me.  Thanks a lot if U have the answer for me!

Smaller icons for Gnome?

1999-10-29 Thread Dylan Thurston
I just recently got a new Twinhead Powerslim laptop and installed Debian
on it.  Works great so far--I haven't bothered to get the sound working yet,
but there was no problem with anything else.  I'm especially happy that I
got it without Windows installed.

But the laptop only has a 12 800x600 screen, and the default Gnome setup
takes a really inordinate amount of that, mostly due to the large icons.
This is helped by making the panel a hidden corner panel, but smaller
icons would be better.  How can I change Gnome to use smaller icons?

(I'm using up-to-the-minute potato.)

Thanks in advance,
Dylan Thurston

Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 10:38:11PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Salman Ahmed writes:
  /usr/bin/pon: line 2:  1890 Segmentation fault /usr/sbin/pppd call 
  Exit 139
 You should file a bug against ppp.
  Before filing a bug, make sure one of the two ISP configurations is
  named provider.  Otherwise the proper command is 
  'pon provider_name'.  It may simply be, he named both configs
  according to ISP names.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

RE: Debian Linux vs BSD

1999-10-29 Thread Onno

You have a healthy attitude in trying other OS's.
Linux is good but there are OS's that suit some people
better in a particular setup. I never tried BSD because
I don't have the time to fully test such an install.

But hey, let us all know what your findings are,
maybe its an eye opener, maybe its a disappointment...
We would like to know ;-)

About ProFTP, the only thing I know is that OpenBSD
is VERY security aware and it wouldn't surprise me that
they hacked it quite a bit around before they even
packaged it...

Good luck,


At 01:30 PM 10/28/99 -0400, Paul McHale wrote:


Thanks for the links.  Pretty awesome.  Doesn't appear there is a clear cut
advantage of BSD over Debian Linux.  It does appear to be a great
alternative.  Maybe I will install it later to see if it is as much fun as
Linux.  At this point Linux is a key internet server for me so I can't use
that PC.

It looks pretty nice with the exception of the differences between command
operations.  I.e. killall.  I am not saying either one does it correctly,
simply they are different.

There is one question.  They announce openBSD ships with a secure version of
ProFTP.  The version appears to be older than the bug version(s).  Is there
something inherently different about BSD that it was not affected by the bug

thanks again,


-Original Message-
From: Onno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 7:58 AM
To: Paul McHale
Cc: debian-user
Subject: Re: Debian Linux vs BSD

Anyone know any differences between FreeBSD and (debian) Linux?  I
am using debian and am pretty happy with it.  My ISP uses FreeBSD.  The
Linux newsletter mentioned the super secure version of BSD called OpenBSD.
Has anyone worked with either of these ?  Are they comparable to Debian ?

In order:

Let me know what you think of it,



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Firewall hinders access for IRC

1999-10-29 Thread Onno

At 01:56 PM 10/29/99 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What needs to be done to allow my windows MIRC software to connect to the
internet.  I can access the Web via our debian proxy server via port
3128...but i am not too sure how to set up Mirc.  I take it i have to have
a connection straight to the firewall as apposed to the proxy server?  Will
there be any security issues ie. will a mad IRC'er be able to gain access
to my network through my careless connection?


What is your setup???

If you compiled IP-MASQ into the kernel, you could enable IP
forwarding and load de ip_masq_irc module. Be sure
to check your security though (ipchains).


Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread David Punsalan

A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal 
win98 life: 

1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command
2. completely erased linux native and swap partitions

Yet...after restarting the computer...low and behold - lilo kicks in,
and proceeds to attempt to boot debian.

Could there be a virus here?

I'd really appreciate a reply.


- David

Re: 3com 3c905b

1999-10-29 Thread F.P. Groeneveld
Michael Hammonds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: what driver do I use to install a 3com 3c905B Network card

Download the latest version of 3c59xx - works better than the 3c90x ones,
for me.



ld problem

1999-10-29 Thread Liu Chung Him
Dear All,

I comply a problem which need libX11 . The gcc command line is :
gcc -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R/lib -lX11 -lXexr -lXmu -lXt -lVi -o Scan

However, there is some error :
/usr/bin/ld:cannot find -lX11
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Scan] Error 1

I have checked that there is under /usr/X11R6/lib.

What is the problem ??? How to solve this ???

Thank you !


Re: ld problem

1999-10-29 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Liu Chung Him wrote:

 I comply a problem which need libX11 . The gcc command line is :
 gcc -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R/lib -lX11 -lXexr -lXmu -lXt -lVi -o Scan
 However, there is some error :
 /usr/bin/ld:cannot find -lX11
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [Scan] Error 1
 I have checked that there is under /usr/X11R6/lib.

Have you installed the developer package (lib6g-dev)?


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ld problem

1999-10-29 Thread Ingo Reimann
On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 04:25:52PM +0800, Liu Chung Him wrote:
 Dear All,
 I comply a problem which need libX11 . The gcc command line is :
 gcc -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R/lib -lX11 -lXexr -lXmu -lXt -lVi -o Scan

Hmm, is this only a misspelling for that mail?

what do you think about:
 gcc -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R/lib -lX11 -lXexr -lXmu -lXt -lVi -o Scan
^   ^
 gcc -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXext -lXmu -lXt -lVi -o Scan

 However, there is some error :
 /usr/bin/ld:cannot find -lX11
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [Scan] Error 1
 I have checked that there is under /usr/X11R6/lib.

 What is the problem ??? How to solve this ???

try that, and the -dev library as it has been suggested


Inst. fuer Angew. Physik +49 251 83-33527 (fon)
Correnstr. 2-4   +49 251 83-33513 (fax)
D-48149 Muenster

Re: Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread David Punsalan

By the way - are there any known Linux Boot Viruses out there?
symptom: lilo won't go away.

it's phenomenal.  I've completely gotten rid of linux (to my knowledge)
off the hard drive - and lilo STILL shows up!
Where is it coming from?!?!

 A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
 that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
 tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal 
 win98 life: 
 1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command
 2. completely erased linux native and swap partitions
 Yet...after restarting the computer...low and behold - lilo kicks in,
 and proceeds to attempt to boot debian.
 Could there be a virus here?
 I'd really appreciate a reply.
 - David

Wvdial and non-root access

1999-10-29 Thread David J. Kanter
Only root is able to use wvdial, even though I thought wvdial has been set
up for use by non-root users.

When I, as user david, type wvdial, I get an error that david cannot have
access to /dev/ttyS1. That's better than before, when david couldn't access
the wvdial.conf file.

david has been added to both the dip and dialout groups. Any idea why root
still is only able to use wvdial?
David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

Kernel-Panic : freeing cache, WAS K6-3 / E+gnome

1999-10-29 Thread Ingo Reimann

ok, things changed

the machine ran stable over night, doing nothing but setiathome. Getting
back to the office, i started 

apt-get update  apt-get upgrade

and suffenly the system stopped:

 Kernel panic: Freeing swap cache page

kern.log says:

Oct 29 11:03:01 convert kernel: VM: read_swap_page: page already in page
Oct 29 11:03:01 convert kernel: Kernel panic: Freeing swap cache page

What does this mean? What can i do?

I have this K6-3 400 on an an Asus XP55T2P4 mainboard with 128MB and an
additional Tag-ram to cache everything. Should i disable the on board cache?

any help would be phantastic!



Inst. fuer Angew. Physik +49 251 83-33527 (fon)
Correnstr. 2-4   +49 251 83-33513 (fax)
D-48149 Muenster

Re: Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread Aaron Solochek
Rerun the win98 installation program.  That will overwrite the mbr, and kill 
It won't mess with your normal life win98 setttings either, except for maybe 
a few
very small things.

-Aaron Solochek

David Punsalan wrote:

 By the way - are there any known Linux Boot Viruses out there?
 symptom: lilo won't go away.

 it's phenomenal.  I've completely gotten rid of linux (to my knowledge)
 off the hard drive - and lilo STILL shows up!
 Where is it coming from?!?!

  A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
  that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
  tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal
  win98 life:
  1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command
  2. completely erased linux native and swap partitions
  Yet...after restarting the computer...low and behold - lilo kicks in,
  and proceeds to attempt to boot debian.
  Could there be a virus here?
  I'd really appreciate a reply.
  - David

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Onno


At 03:59 AM 10/29/99 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

On 29/10/99 Onno wrote:

I can't find one on the net...

Can somebody help me?

do you mean do manage the /etc/rc?.d symlinks?

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread Nico De Ranter

If you ever need to remove Linux from a friend's PC again :-), run lilo -u
before removing the linux partition.  That should uninstall lilo from the mbr.


On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, David Punsalan wrote:

 A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
 that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
 tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal 
 win98 life: 
 1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command
 2. completely erased linux native and swap partitions
 Yet...after restarting the computer...low and behold - lilo kicks in,
 and proceeds to attempt to boot debian.
 Could there be a virus here?
 I'd really appreciate a reply.
 - David
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data.  
 Guess which has occurred.

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Wvdial and non-root access

1999-10-29 Thread Dave Baker

 Only root is able to use wvdial, even though I thought wvdial has been set
 up for use by non-root users.

was wvdial set up for this by yourself, or by the wvdial install program?
 When I, as user david, type wvdial, I get an error that david cannot have
 access to /dev/ttyS1. That's better than before, when david couldn't access
 the wvdial.conf file.

My solution to this is to restrict the access to the wvdial executable and
make it suid.  This isn't technically the safest way of doing it but I'd
rather have a simple solution I can keep track of, rather than a
complicated solution that I can't.

I also have a suid wrapper to 'kill pidofwvdial' available so that any
user in the appropriate groups can take the modem offline no matter who
put it online.

I'm running a very restricted access computer, so it's a problem if one
person dials up and walks away ... 


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

Re: apt-get not updating

1999-10-29 Thread Dave Baker
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Paul McHale wrote:

 Looking at the debian security page, I see the cron utility has been upgrade
 to fix a security problem.  This was in august.  When I run apt-get update
 it appears to run correctly.  When I run apt-get dist-upgrade, nothing
 Here is the /etc/apt/sources.list file:
 deb stable main contrib non-free
 deb stable non-US
 Should I have other paths?

deb dists/proposed-updates/


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

windowmaker and gnome

1999-10-29 Thread T.V.Gnanasekaran
I want to use windowmaker with gnome panel.
can anybody share their configs with me?
I would like to use gnone panel for all my buttons and windowmaker as
windowmanager instead of enlightenment.


Re: Calling in on my server

1999-10-29 Thread John Pearson
On Thu, Oct 28, 1999 at 07:55:49AM -0700, aphro wrote
 read this
 i didn't use it to make my PPP server (i wish i knew about it and i
 wouldof)  the only way i can get mgetty/auto_ppp to work is
 1) without authentication([EMAIL PROTECTED]@$@) and it auto assigns an ip
 2) with authentication and it seems the client has to specify the
 IP.  auto assignment worked fine in win98se, but failed in nt and
 for those that may know how to FIX my problem, this is my config for
 /AutoPPP/ -a_ppp   /usr/sbin/pppd auth login debug crtscts modem
 ms-dns lock proxyarp
 if i remove the auth and login, auto assignment works fine in win95osr2
 and nt (and 98se) -- and it lets any user login doesn't matter waht
 login/pass is used, if auth and login is there assignment of an IP
 doesnt appear to work for nt4/win95osr2.

What does your /etc/ppp/pap-secrets look like?  Remeber to conceal any
passwords if you post or mail it.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Cuenta pelas para Internet

1999-10-29 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 29 Oct 1999, Rafael Martn Candial wrote:
 Hola, hasta ahora me he conectado a Internet desde Windows, pero he conseguido
 configurar mi modem en Linux y he descubierto que todo funciona mejor y es mas
 estable (era de suponer). He decidido navegar desde Linux pero hecho en falta
 una utilidad que tenia en Windows:
   Un programa que contabilice las llamadas que he hecho Internet y que me
 indique a cuanto asciende cada llamada
 Si alguien conoce alg?n programa similar para  Linux le agradecer?a que me
 indicara cual es. 
 Muchas gracias.

He's looking for a program that keeps track of the calls he's made and
how much they cost. I don't know of one but perhaps someone does?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Alternative email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's no go the Yogi Man, it's no go Blavatsky. - Louis MacNeice

Re: Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On 29/10/99 Onno wrote:


At 03:59 AM 10/29/99 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

On 29/10/99 Onno wrote:

I can't find one on the net...

Can somebody help me?

do you mean do manage the /etc/rc?.d symlinks?

I asked about this earlier too, the answer was `mv' :-)

redhat has 2 console runlevel editors chkconfig and ntsysv, the 
latter is ncurses based...

they are not too bad except for one serious problem (IMO) they 
require that the initscripts have a header with description info and 
what the default runlevels it should be started or stopped at, if the 
script lacks this header they just pretend it does not exist...

if it was not for that I would probably get the source code and fix 
the /etc/rc.d - /etc/rc?.d paths and see if they worked on debian 
but I am not enough of a programmer to try and fix that description 
header stuff and I don't want to fix every damn initscript I have...

chkconfig works sorta like so:

# chkconfig --levels 2345 giverootd off

redhat's tools are a wee bit buggy though, they do not always do what 
you expect them too, ntsysv is worse about this.  the main flaw 
though is that header thing.

I was thinking about writing a script to make management of runlevels 
easier but I have been overcome with laziness^W^W^Wdistracted with 
other things etc etc...

not to start any flamewars but using mv to manage multiple runlevels 
is pretty archaic...

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: Cuenta pelas para Internet

1999-10-29 Thread Jonathan McDowell

On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 11:51:20AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 29 Oct 1999, Rafael Martn Candial wrote:
  Hola, hasta ahora me he conectado a Internet desde Windows, pero he
  conseguido configurar mi modem en Linux y he descubierto que todo
  funciona mejor y es mas estable (era de suponer). He decidido
  navegar desde Linux pero hecho en falta una utilidad que tenia en
  Windows: Un programa que contabilice las llamadas que he hecho
  Internet y que me indique a cuanto asciende cada llamada  Si
  alguien conoce alg?n programa similar para  Linux le agradecer?a que
  me indicara cual es. 
  Muchas gracias.
 He's looking for a program that keeps track of the calls he's made and
 how much they cost. I don't know of one but perhaps someone does?

pppcosts (
Has cost files for various countries already.
pppctl (
By me. :) Very ropey, no cost files yet so the data for
BT (in UK) is hard coded in. Next version will have costing
files though.
pppsum (
No idea, haven't looked at it. Found it on freshmeat.


Never test for an error unless you're ready to handle it.   
This .sig was brought to you by the letter G and the numbers 5  20
Product of the Republic of HuggieTag

Bash Aliases problem

1999-10-29 Thread prabhakar chaganti
This message was sent from by prabhakar chaganti [EMAIL 
Be sure to reply to that address.

Hi everyone:

I am trying to set up some aliases for frequently used commands. I have tried 
adding them to ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc,but have not had any 
luck in getting bash to recognize the aliases.Would there be any reason at all 
that my ~/.bashrc would not get read by bash. After making the changes, I have 
tried both logging out and logging back in, and sourcing the .bashrc file to 
try to get bash to see the aliases. I checked to see if there is any syntax 
error by trying out each alias from the commandline. All of them seem to work. 
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here??

prabhakar - The Knowledge Archive

Re: Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread Martyn Pearce

|  A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
|  that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
|  tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal 
|  win98 life: 
|  1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command

Curious that fdisk didn't do it.  Might be worth checking the BIOS
settings --- some M/Bs have a virus protection mechanism that, when
enabled, prevents anything writing to the first sector of the hard disk.


boot sequence

1999-10-29 Thread Lyno Sullivan
I seek info showing the sequence that Debian uses when starting its devices.

What URL's have such a list?

If I had gotten my machine to boot and completed the install, where would I
look to study (and perhaps modify) the boot sequence?

RE: Bash Aliases problem

1999-10-29 Thread Pollywog

On 29-Oct-99 prabhakar chaganti wrote:
 This message was sent from by prabhakar chaganti
 Be sure to reply to that address.
 Hi everyone:
 I am trying to set up some aliases for frequently used commands. I have
 tried adding them to ~/.bashrc and /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc,but have not
 had any luck in getting bash to recognize the aliases.Would there be any
 reason at all that my ~/.bashrc would not get read by bash. After making the
 changes, I have tried both logging out and logging back in, and sourcing the
 .bashrc file to try to get bash to see the aliases. I checked to see if
 there is any syntax error by trying out each alias from the comma
 ndline. All of them seem to work. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am
 doing wrong here??

~/.bashrc is for non-login shells.  Have you tried adding them to ~/.profile
or ~/.bash_profile ?

I put my aliases in ~/.bashrc BUT I have in my ~/.bash_profile the line:

source $HOME/.bashrc

This is so that when I use a non-login shell or a login shell, my aliases will
still be read.  .bashrc takes care of the non-login shells, whereas if I am on
a login shell, .bash_profile will source the .bashrc file.

I don't know if that is *the right way*, but that is how I do it.


 - The Knowledge Archive
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Ethan Benson wrote:

 On 29/10/99 Onno wrote:
 At 03:59 AM 10/29/99 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 29/10/99 Onno wrote:
 I can't find one on the net...
 Can somebody help me?
 do you mean do manage the /etc/rc?.d symlinks?
 I asked about this earlier too, the answer was `mv' :-)

Ther is a script called update-rc.d ...


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Do I have a virus?

1999-10-29 Thread Nico De Ranter
On 29 Oct 1999, Martyn Pearce wrote:

 |  A friend of mine (not me...I'm just writing this e-mail for him - yeah,
 |  that's it) decided to remove debian from my...uh...I mean his PC and he's
 |  tried several things to make lilo go away so he can go back to his normal 
 |  win98 life: 
 |  1. typed 'fdisk /mbr' at both c:\ and c:\windows\command
 Curious that fdisk didn't do it.  Might be worth checking the BIOS
 settings --- some M/Bs have a virus protection mechanism that, when
 enabled, prevents anything writing to the first sector of the hard disk.

Nope, I've had the same problem.  Can it be that lilo changes something in the 
bootable partition and not only in the mbr?  In that case fdisk /mbr won't be 
to help.


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Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
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Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Ethan Benson

On 29/10/99 Martin Fluch wrote:

Ther is a script called update-rc.d ...

no this is not what we are looking for, update-rc.d only works if 
there is no symlinks at all for a given script, so to use it to 
change a runlevel you must first rm all the symlinks then use 
update-rc.d to recreate them in the configuration you want, not that 
much more convenient then using mv...

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
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Re: Kernel-Panic : freeing cache, WAS K6-3 / E+gnome

1999-10-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Ingo Reimann wrote:

  Kernel panic: Freeing swap cache page
 kern.log says:
 Oct 29 11:03:01 convert kernel: VM: read_swap_page: page already in page
 Oct 29 11:03:01 convert kernel: Kernel panic: Freeing swap cache page
 What does this mean? What can i do?

Well, the kernel hackers will probably tell me that this is insane and
that it could never possibly make a difference, but I swear it worked for
me before when I had similar problems!  Destroy and re-create your swap
partitions.  Remember to run swapoff on them before you delete them.
Maybe you don't actually need to delete the partitions; mkswap might be
enough.  But anyway, re-create the swap partition and run swapon...see
what happens.

I can't imagine why it would work.  I don't think it should.  But a couple
years ago I ran into major stability problems and got similar messages to
when you found in kern.log.  Re-creating the swap partition fixed
everything.  I have no idea what inspired me to try that, but...


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Re: managing multiple ISPs

1999-10-29 Thread John Hasler
Eric G . Miller writes:
 Before filing a bug, make sure one of the two ISP configurations is named

That would not cause a segfault.  If it did it would still be a bug.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-10-29 Thread HCI


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Re: boot sequence

1999-10-29 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Lyno Sullivan wrote:

 I seek info showing the sequence that Debian uses when starting its devices.
 What URL's have such a list?




 If I had gotten my machine to boot and completed the install, where would I
 look to study (and perhaps modify) the boot sequence?


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

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