Imágenes CDs *no oficiales* de Potato... y mucho más

1999-12-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Mando a la lista un directorio ftp donde se encuantran imágenes listas para
quemar en CDs de las distribuciones más conocidas.

Hay unas imágenes de Potato evidentemente no oficiales puesto que ni está
congelada pero me parece una buena cosa.

De todas formas, que disfruten el enlace aquellos que dispongan de conexión
permanente puesto que yo con mi módem 33.6K no creo que me baje los cuatro
CDs de binarios de Potato ;-)

P.D: Si alguien anda buscando un mirror medio rápido de non-US lo puede
encontrar en el mismo sitio en:
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Problema con `df'.

1999-12-13 Thread Ismael Canales
Yo no veo nada raro, parece que falla el df.
Podrias enviar el archivo traza.gz, generado de la siguiente forma...

strace df -h  traza  gzip traza

A ver si el fallo es del df.

 ______ _ ___
/  /\  /  //  __//  /\
   /  /_/_/  //  /\ /  / /
  /     //  /_/___ /  /_/__
 /_ /\__/_ ////___/\
 \__\/  \__\\\\___\/
  Powered by Debian GNU/linux
Kernel 2.2.13 + ...

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-13 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Blu wrote:
 Revisando logs por ahi me di cuenta de que alguien me habia botado con
 un metodo sumamente basico, pero en el cual no habia pensado. Lo que
 hizo fue mandarle un ctcp a mi cliente con el strig \+\+\+ATH0. Mi
 cliente al no saber que hacer le devolvio un mensaje de error, con el
 string maldito que todos sabemos lo que hace. Resultado, el modem colgo.
Lo que me sorprende es tu irresponsabilidad enviando la
cadena en este mensaje sin escaparla (como yo he hecho). Yo
dispongo de una conexion permanente a internet y esto no me
afecta, pero estoy seguro de que muchos de los que leen esta
lista se conectan a internet por modem y esta 'cadenita'
puede ser tan destructiva en un comando chat como en un
mensaje de correo electronico.

Para que no te vuelvan a hacer esta jugada tienes que
cambiar el codigo que produce el salto de modo datos a modo
comando en el modem. Esto se hace asignando un valor al
registro S2 del modem:
Si pones un valor mayor de 127 desactivas el codigo. Yo en
tu lugar pondría la siguiente cadena en la inicialización
del modem:

Hasta más bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-13 Thread Blu
Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
 Lo que me sorprende es tu irresponsabilidad enviando la
 cadena en este mensaje sin escaparla (como yo he hecho). Yo

Pues si, tienes toda la razon y pido disculpas al que pueda haber
afectado. La diferencia es que un programa de mail no responde
automaticamente, y la cadena funciona solo de salida.

Mil perdones en todo caso y los que hayan sido afectados tiene todo el
derecho de mandarme sus descargos (en privado por favor).

Gracias por la informacion.

Felipe Sanchez

Problemas con Apache

1999-12-13 Thread Tomas Garijo

Sabeis porque cuando yo mando paginas htm  a un directorio de mi 
servidor, y entro con mi navegador desde un pc
me ensena paginas de hace un mes y no las actualizadas.

Estan en el explorador las opciones de cache desahabilitadas.

Es mas yo me traigo ya desde el servidor la pagina en cuestion, la abre 
directamente y me da el resultado correcto.

Re: Problema con `df'.

1999-12-13 Thread Jaime E. Villate
  /dev/hdc5  /usr/libext2 defaults  0   2
  /dev/hdc6  /usrext2 defaults  0   2
 Tienes que cambiar el orden de estas dos lineas y reiniciar el sistema
 (tienes que montar primero /usr para después poder montar /usr/lib)

Ah espera un momento!. Antes de corregir tu fstab vas a tener que
preparar tu sistema de ficheros. Me parece que hasta ahora lo que has
hecho es usar unicamente hdc6 tanto para /usr como /usr/lib. Esto lo
puedes comprobar haciendo:
umount /dev/hdc5
que no te debe alterar nada. Después haz lo siguiente:
   mount /dev/hdc5 /mnt
y copia el usr/lib allí:
cp -av /usr/lib/ /mnt
(la opción v es para que compruebes que realmente te copia como debe
ser; por ejemplo: /usr/lib/dpkg --- /mnt/dpkg  ...)

A continuación borra todo lo que tienes en /usr/lib (tienes copia en
/dev/hdc5, pero vale la pena comprobar con du /mnt y du /usr/lib que
deben dar valores bastante pareecidos):
rm -r /usr/lib/*
(piensa bien antes de oprimir el enter, y si algo va mal, no me culpes
a mi :-)
Finalmente monta la /dev/hdc5 en /usr/lib y modifica el /etc/fstab
poniendo la linea que tenias para el hdc5:
  /dev/hdc5  /usr/libext2 defaults  0   2
por debajo de la linea de hdc6. Ya deberá estar todo bien y continuar
asi la próxima vez que hagas reset.

Espero que esto te ayude.
Jaime Villate

Re: Problema con `df'.

1999-12-13 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Cosme P. Cuevas aclaró:
 $ cat /etc/fstab
 #  fs mount point typeoptions  dump pass
 /dev/hdc5  /usr/libext2 defaults  0   2
 /dev/hdc6  /usrext2 defaults  0   2

Tienes que cambiar el orden de estas dos lineas y reiniciar el sistema
(tienes que montar primero /usr para después poder montar /usr/lib)

De man fstab:
   ...The  order  of  records  in
   fstab   is   important   because  fsck(8),  mount(8),  and
   umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstab  doing  their
Un cordial saludo,
Jaime Villate

Samba no me baila

1999-12-13 Thread Diego Bote Barco
Hola amigos.

El otro día instalé SAMBA en el ordenador de mi despacho pues
compartimos recursos, archivos, impresoras  El caso es que desde los
otros ordenadores veo el mio pero al intentar conectar me pide una contraseña
del recurso, MI-ORDENADOR\IPC$, y no me funciona nada de lo que le doy
como contraseña. ¿Se os ocurre algo?



RE: Problemas con Apache

1999-12-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Tomas Garijo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 13 de diciembre de 1999 9:50
 Para: ''
 Asunto:   Problemas con Apache
   Sabeis porque cuando yo mando paginas htm  a un directorio de mi
 servidor, y entro con mi navegador desde un pc
   me ensena paginas de hace un mes y no las actualizadas.
Personalmente creo que es problema del navegador, y no del apache,
prueba esto: si usas netscape, pulsa SHIFT+Botón Reload (actualizar), si
usas iexplorer, pulsa CTRL+Botón Refresh

   Estan en el explorador las opciones de cache desahabilitadas.
   Es mas yo me traigo ya desde el servidor la pagina en cuestion, la
 abre directamente y me da el resultado correcto.
Prueba a coger una página con un telnet, haciendo un telnet al
puerto de http (80) y pidiéndole una página o, más fácil aún, prueba a usar
el lynx a ver si te sigue pasando lo mismo.

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: Turbo Vision !!!

1999-12-13 Thread ADnoctum
GRACIAS A TODOS!!! Me ha servido de mucho

 Mira el CDK (curses development kit) en:

Ya han contestado (vaya rapidez), aqui os pongo lo que me han

Modem ruidoso

1999-12-13 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
Hola a todos/as:
Tengo un pequeño problema: Cuando me conecto a internet con el modem,
éste hace un ruido tremendo cuando marca y en los primeros segundos.Creo
que en debido a que tiene funciones de voz y lleva algún altavoz. Creo
que el volumen de ese altavoz se puede controlar con algún comando AT en
el script de conexión , pero no se cuál. ¿Podríais aclararme un poco el
asunto? Gracias de antemano

Consulta sobre XEmacs

1999-12-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, me he mirado la doc y no doy con la tecla, debe ser una
chorrada pero soy así de torpe O:-)
¿Cómo hago con XEmacs para?:
 1.- Imprimir varias páginas en una.
 2.- Imprimir los buffers con los colores que presentan.
 3.- Anular el banner del nombre del fichero y fecha o bien disponer otro.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Offtopic: Trabajo fin de Bachillerato

1999-12-13 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 07:48 PM 1999-12-12 +0100, xxx wrote:
Estoy haciendo un trabajo de fin de Bachillerato sobre Linux, que cuenta
Conceptos previos
Crear los discos de instalacion
Particionar el disco duro
Programa de instalacion de Linux Debian (alguien podria decirme
 su nombre?)
El programa en si (quiero decir, el archivo ejecutable) se llama dinstall
en slink, y dbootstrap en potato, AFAIK.

Por ahora, es lo único en que te puedo ayudar.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-13 Thread braineater
Simplemente pon M0 en el script donde estan los comandos que envias al modem. 
En debian es en /etc/chatscripts/. Modifica el ATDTnumero_de_telefono, y pon 
Carlos (Matheu) Secretario de Bash

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-13 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 04:51:44PM +, Fco Javier Monge Alonso 
 Tengo un pequeño problema: Cuando me conecto a internet con el modem,
 éste hace un ruido tremendo cuando marca y en los primeros segundos.Creo
El ruido es normal... el día que no lo oigas, no te conectas ;))
En la cadena de Inicialización del modem (por ejemplo ATZ|) metele un M0, en 
plan ATM0Z| (creo, si no va prueba ATZM0|)... El | es importante, por cierto...
Lo que te puede variar es donde tienes la Init... o está en un archivo de 
/etc/ppp o en /etc/chatoptions (o algo así, no recuerdo...) Si usas 
kppp|wppp|gppp, pues te será sencillo encontrarlo.

Daniel Payno

Re: Archivos de preferencias

1999-12-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 07:50:57PM +0100, xxx contaba:

Que diferencia hay entre /etc/environment /etc/profile y $HOME/.bashrc??
Lo digo pq no se donde debo poner los alias, los export $XXX=xxx y set

Yo haría lo siguiente:


 Todas las variables necesarias para cualquier programa del sistema.
 Entre estas se me ocurren:


 Esto para opciones comunes a todos los usuarios del sistema usuarios del 


 Las opciones de la bash que vas a usar


 Y el Profile

 Dejalo que se muera de hambre, total no vale para nada es una
 poltraca. Bueno, corrijo, haz que jecute el 'bashrc':

   source ~/.bashrc

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

12/13   Ted Nugent, the motor city madman, born in Detroit, 1949
12/13   (12/13/1759) 1st music store in America opened. 
12/13   (12/13/1818) Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham. 


1999-12-13 Thread Jesús Lera Delgado

Re: Digital cameras and Linux

1999-12-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 Dec, Mike Werner wrote about Re: Digital cameras and Linux
 (Ted Harding) wrote:
 It is worth considering a camera that can record the JPEG file directly
 to a floppy disk -- either natively (the Sony Mavica was probably the
 earliest to do it this way) or using a bit of clip-on kit which you
 (The floppies used are in all cases -- as far as I know -- standard
 DOS-formatted floppies straight out of the box).
 FWIW I have grabbed pics from a Mavica floppy with a Linux system.  I
 mounted the floppy as a regular DOS type floppy and just grabbed the
 .jpg's like any other.  The Mavica also creates a second file for every
 pic it makes - I don't remember the extension but that file has no use
 I've been able to figure out (probably something the camera uses
 And the floppy that I had fed into the Mavica was a brand new never-used
 one straight out of the box.

They are the index files that it uses to display on the on-camera
screen.  The Mavica's also create an html file that lists the files so
that someone can open the list up in a web browser and view the

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Copy the CDs to a HD

1999-12-13 Thread Jonathan Markevich
I got a large hard drive and it would be well worth copying the Slink
CDs to a location on one partition.  My question is how I can set up my
sources.list.  I tried this...

deb file:/data/slink1/debian slink main contrib
deb file:/data/slink2/debian slink main contrib

but it complains about stable not being available.  If I replace slink
with stable, it complains slink is not available.  Any ideas, or is
there something else I need to do?

Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rudimentary network questions.

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
I've read through the Networking-HOWTO several times and much of it
still baffles me.  What I'm trying to do is connect two computers, using
one as a print server for my windows only printer.  One thing I'm
confused about is the assignment of and 
I've read that is the loopback route. for what I
can gather is the top of the stack.  I can ping both successfully on
my computer.  What I'm confused about is which to set my eth0 to?  In
/etc/init.d/network I have this,
ifconfig lo
route add -net

/etc/hosts is xyf localhost


When I run,
~# netstat -nr
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
Iface UH 3584 0  0
lo   U  3584 0  0

This is showing that I have two loopback routes.  Is this correct?  When
I assign a route to my nic do I set it at or or
neither?  The computer that I'm going to connect to do I assign it  I know you can assign it anything (since this won't be
connected to the net) but is this following convention?  

The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.  It came with a card and at
one time was on a network.  There is a pop up when it boots that says,
The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.  All network functions will me
disabled.  ...load the software and restart.  Of course I don't have
the Novell NetWare disk to do that.  Can I set that box up from my Slink
side in some way?  I assume I have to setup all the things I'm doing in
Slink on the other computer?  Is there any resources anyone knows that
would help me learn how to do this in Windows 3.11?

Re: Files in /var/lib/dpkg/

1999-12-13 Thread Todd Suess
/var/lib/dpkg/available is the file that keeps track of all packages currently
available to be installed, based on the package info retrieved by apt-get update
and your sources.list file.

/var/lib/dpkg/status is the database file that contains information about the
state of all packages currently install, removed, etc from your system.

As a side note, never delete the status file by mistake, I did, and now I have
to reinstall my entire system to get things back to normal.  If you are going to
do any manipulation or modification of these files, make SURE you make
backups.  I wish I had.



On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 What is the difference b/w /var/lib/dpkg/status and
 /var/lib/dpkg/available ?
 I am experimenting with a Java application to list/display detailed
 information on all installed packages on a Debian system but can't be
 sure which file to start with - /var/lib/dpkg/status or
 /var/lib/dpkg/available ?
 Also, where can I find detailed documentation on the files (and their
 format) in /var/lib/dpkg ?
 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Two hard discs

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
Yes you can install Debian on one disk and have Windows 98 on the
other.  During the installation program if both disks are recognized you
will be given a choice to install on one or the other.  The first disk
will be labeled 'hda' and the second 'hdb'.  Make sure you understand
which disk is which and pick that one to install Debian on.  I've also
seen on the list here that to make this even safer you can unhook your
Windows drive during installation to insure that you don't make a

Robert Thrall wrote:
 I am at present using the Microsoft Windows 98 OS.  I have two hard
 discs. If I transfer everything to one hard disc and then format the
 empty disc, can I install the Debian System: i386 to this formatted
 hard disc without causing any problems to the Windows 98 OS?  In other
 words can I use both systems on the computer?  Having read through much
 of the material you have presented on you web site,  I see that you
 caution anyone from installing your OS proceeding very  system without
 making backups or without proceeding very delicately.  You say I could
 lose everything on my hard disc.  But that is may question.  What if I
 put your system on the formatted hard disc.  Will that cause problems
 anyway?  I also have direct access to the internet via a cable company
 and am using Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Explorer 5.0.  Am I
 overloading myself? The reason I am asking these questions is that I
 really like what I have read about the Debian System, but do not want to
 crash.  I have already lost everything once and would not like to repeat
 that fiasco.  Your help would be appreciated.
 Robert Thrall
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: PPP...and boot problem

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
 David Johnstone wrote:
 Im running win95 on harddisk 1 (primary ide master). it has 2
 partitions, but used by windows.  On harddisk 2 (secondary ide
 master), I have just installed linux.  I can boot using the boot disk
 - however for some reason it takes about 10 minutes when it says
 Loading linux...  I have installed LILO and because my BIOS just
 booted win, I assumed I have to change the default boot IDE drive.  I
 changed it to harddisk 2 and I get:

You need to change your /etc/lilo.conf file so that you boot off your
primary disk, '/dev/hda' or run 'liloconfig' again and select '/dev/hda'
as the place for your master boot record.  Your boot line should read
boot=/dev/hda without the quotes.

Re: Files in /var/lib/dpkg/

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
Salman Ahmed wrote:
 What is the difference b/w /var/lib/dpkg/status and

If you run 'dpkg -s package you will see the output.  It basically
gives you a description and tells you the status (installed or not
installed) in regards to your system.

 /var/lib/dpkg/available ?

Will show you what is a possibility if updated.

 I am experimenting with a Java application to list/display detailed
 information on all installed packages on a Debian system but can't be
 sure which file to start with - /var/lib/dpkg/status or
 /var/lib/dpkg/available ?
 Also, where can I find detailed documentation on the files (and their
 format) in /var/lib/dpkg ?

Look at the manpage 'man dpkg' some mention is noted on formatting,
better yet just look at the file yourself with 'less

Re: PPP...and boot problem

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
ktb wrote:
  David Johnstone wrote:
  Im running win95 on harddisk 1 (primary ide master). it has 2
  partitions, but used by windows.  On harddisk 2 (secondary ide
  master), I have just installed linux.  I can boot using the boot disk
  - however for some reason it takes about 10 minutes when it says
  Loading linux...  I have installed LILO and because my BIOS just
  booted win, I assumed I have to change the default boot IDE drive.  I
  changed it to harddisk 2 and I get:
 You need to change your /etc/lilo.conf file so that you boot off your
 primary disk, '/dev/hda' or run 'liloconfig' again and select '/dev/hda'
 as the place for your master boot record.  Your boot line should read
 boot=/dev/hda without the quotes.

...and of course run /sbin/lilo again if you just edit the file:)  
Sorry I forgot that,

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-13 Thread William T Wilson
On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Nagilum wrote:

 So, I tried changing a user's login shell to '*/bin/bash' to no avail.
 When I attempt to login, I am asked for the username.. and then I am
 asked for the password twice and booted out.

Giving a user a chrooted home won't be an easy task.  You need to have a
fully functional system under there - that means the shell, libc, and all
that jazz.  Are you sure you can't do what you want to do with a
restricted shell?

Re: Copy the CDs to a HD

1999-12-13 Thread Matthew Dalton
Uhh simlink stable to slink?

cd to the debian directory and type:
ln -s slink stable

Jonathan Markevich wrote:
 I got a large hard drive and it would be well worth copying the Slink
 CDs to a location on one partition.  My question is how I can set up my
 sources.list.  I tried this...
 deb file:/data/slink1/debian slink main contrib
 deb file:/data/slink2/debian slink main contrib
 but it complains about stable not being available.  If I replace slink
 with stable, it complains slink is not available.  Any ideas, or is
 there something else I need to do?
 Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Rudimentary network questions.

1999-12-13 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, ktb wrote:

 : I've read through the Networking-HOWTO several times and much of it
 : still baffles me.  What I'm trying to do is connect two computers, using
 : one as a print server for my windows only printer.  One thing I'm
 : confused about is the assignment of and 
 : I've read that is the loopback route. for what I
 : can gather is the top of the stack.  I can ping both successfully on
 : my computer.  What I'm confused about is which to set my eth0 to?  In
 : /etc/init.d/network I have this,
 : ifconfig lo
 : route add -net

Comment out the route statement if you're running a kernel 2.2.x

 : /etc/hosts is
 : xyf localhost
Remove this.

 : /etc/networks
 : localnet

Remove this line - you don't want it (localnet refers to a local network
that is local to a real interface; the loopback doesn't qualify).

 : When I run,
 : ~# netstat -nr
 : Kernel IP routing table
 : Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
 : Iface
 : UH 3584 0  0
 : lo
 :   U  3584 0  0
 : lo

Eww :)  This is AFU - I think you've got your /etc/init.d/network hosed.

 : This is showing that I have two loopback routes.  Is this correct?  When
 : I assign a route to my nic do I set it at or or
 : neither?  The computer that I'm going to connect to do I assign it
 :  I know you can assign it anything (since this won't be
 : connected to the net) but is this following convention?  

Well, I think I see your confusion - people talk about private
networks and you've crossed that with the loopback interface ...

The loopback interface exists (among other reasons) so the OS can talk
to itself without handing the packet to a hardware driver.  This keeps
un-needed traffic off the network.

So-called private networks use IPs reserved for this use by RFC 1918. is a common choice.  These IP addresses are not supposed
to be routed on the Internet, and no BGP routes exist for them (though
you'll find that many routers on the Internet *will* attempt to route
these addresses rather than refuse them outright, but that's another
topic altogether).

You need to assign your private network IPs from RFC1918.  I recommend
using (netmask since most HOWTOs assume
that anyway.  Assign to one PC and to the other.
The command `ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast' should do this.

Later, you can configure a linux box to provide IP masquerading services
for this private network - all machines will be able to access the

 : The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
 : a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.  It came with a card and at
 : one time was on a network.  There is a pop up when it boots that says,
 : The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.  All network functions will me
 : disabled.  ...load the software and restart.  Of course I don't have
 : the Novell NetWare disk to do that.  Can I set that box up from my Slink
 : side in some way?  I assume I have to setup all the things I'm doing in
 : Slink on the other computer?  Is there any resources anyone knows that
 : would help me learn how to do this in Windows 3.11?

Well, Netware runs IPX by default, not IP, so it's of little value to
you.  You say your printer is Windows only - you plan on driving it from
this 386?

If you can set up Windows 3.11 using a slink bootdisk I'm sure others
would like to know how :)

I hope this helps, though I think you will have to do some reading and
ask a few more questions!  Good luck ...

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-13 Thread Jim Breton
On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, William T Wilson wrote:

 Giving a user a chrooted home won't be an easy task.  You need to have a
 fully functional system under there - that means the shell, libc, and all
 that jazz.  Are you sure you can't do what you want to do with a
 restricted shell?

I primarily want to learn how to do it for the knowledge, and I would
indeed like to chroot a couple of daemons that don't provide any built-in
means of chrooting themselves.  I did named but that was easy, it does
most of the work for me.

So far I'd created the dirs I thought I would need (dev, etc, bin, home,
var) and put what files in them I thought would be necessary... such as
passwd, group, and a shell (sash).  Now I'm prompted for my password twice
and then I'm booted out.

I can tell that the chroot is actually taking place because after I give
the first password -- if I check /proc/pid#/root for that login process,
it does list all the files I expect to see in that user's home dir.  But I
can't seem to get past the second password prompt. 

Restricted shell is ok but too easy to get out of, just run a different
shell and bam, you're free.  ;P

Stupid question regarding foreign characters and how to output them?

1999-12-13 Thread Nathan E Norman

For some reason I decided I needed to compose a document with an `n'
with a tilde over it - reading through the kbd package docs it seems I
can do this using the compose key.  So, what is the compose key?

Hints, angry suggestions to RTFM all appreciated :) 

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

help on zsh command completion

1999-12-13 Thread Shao Zhang
I put the following lines in my .zshrc

compctl -k hosts telnet ssh
compctl -k ftphosts lftp ftp

But after typed telnet and press TAB, zsh auto completes the
hosts from /etc/hosts.

Can anyone help me on this please?




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Digital cameras and Linux

1999-12-13 Thread Wade Curry
Neil Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm considering buying a digital camera or videocam, but am concerned
 about being able to download the JPEG images to Linux.  Of course, the
 cameras come with a serial cable and software for downloading the
 images to Windows.
 Does anyone know if these cameras simply pass the JPEG data down the
 serial line, or is there some special camera-specific protocol they
 use (rendering it useless without special software)?  In the former
 case, how would I capture the data coming down the serial line?
 Thanks for any information or advice,
Hi Neil,

I do competitive analysis of digital cameras for my company.  I will
not tell you which camera to buy :-)  *but* I will emphatically insist
that you *not* get a Sony Mavica.  I will try to explain a few things
that will help you.

First, connectivity.  I would recommend going to the gphoto site to see
what their software supports.  Their software is intended to allow
image downloads from a tethered camera (serial, USB).  This method usually
uses a protocol called Twain.  There is a site, I haven't
visited it yet.  The driver for the digital camera most likely uses
Twain, as does Photoshop and some other apps that can get images
directly from the camera.  I haven't been able to bring cameras home
to test which ones use a proper implementation of Twain or which ones
gphoto works with -- yet.  Experimentation and asking around, as you are,
is your best bet for specific information about any particular model.

Second, storage.  This is related to the first point.  Unless you are using
a camera that allows scripting on the host to control it ( via Digita OS
from FlashPoint technologies ), then you are simply transferring images.
This is all that 99 percent of the people want anyway.  So you just
need a reader for the storage media, then the camera driver isn't really
an issue.  This is what the person was getting at when he suggested the
Sony Mavica with floppy disks.  Unfortunately, the images the Mavica
produces lose a great deal of information when being stored to the disk.
There just isn't enough room an a puny little floppy for all the data,
so the camera compresses the hell out of the image.  This isn't just a 
problem for Sony, but I don't know of any other cameras that come with
less than a 4MB card for storage.  Most now come with min. 8MB.
There are PCMCIA card adapters for both SmartMedia and CompactFlash.
This may be the way to go.  I'm not sure what you'd have to do to mount
the card, haven't experimented that far.

Good starter cameras ($300 range)  check out the Olympus D-340R, HP C-200,
Fuji MX-1200.  All of the cameras in this range are a little slow between pics.
They are 1MegaPixel cameras, so the image quality is just OK for web and 4X6
prints.  The Olympus can save an uncompressed TIFF, but that means a 4-5MB
file gets generated. Adds to the image quality, but you'll want
more storage.

Beyond this, remember that digital zoom is just for advertizing.  I mean
to say that digital zoom is worthless.  If you use the digital zoom,
it drastically reduces the resolution of the image.  You can do
this stuff with Photoshop or the Gimp anyway, so you won't miss not
using it in the camera.  Optical zoom is valuable for taking good
pics.  You will pay for it, as well as a high resolution CCD.

I mention the starter cameras because they were already brought up
by way of the Mavicas and the D-340R.  If you want to know about
the other offerings (like Nikon 950 or Olympus C-2000 which are highly
respected), I suggest you look at the following sites:

Also, prices are much lower on the Net than in the retail stores.
Check out for price lists.  If you buy it retail,
you're nuts.

Wade Curry
I am not speaking for Hewlett Packard.

MySQL from Netgod hoses DBI???

1999-12-13 Thread Pann McCuaig
I recently upgraded MySQL from and now my DBI stuff
doesn't work. Here are the relevant (I think) packages:

ii  libmysqlclient6 3.22.25-1  mysql database client library
ii  libmysqlclient6 3.22.25-1  mysql database development files
ii  mysql-client3.22.22-2  mysql database client binaries
ii  mysql-doc   3.22.22-2  mysql database documentation
ii  mysql-server3.22.22-2  mysql database server binaries

ii  libdbi-perl 1.02-1 The Perl5 Database Interface by Tim Bunce
ii  libdbd-mysql-pe 1.2005-1   mySQL database interface for Perl

ii  perl5.004.04-7 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
ii  perl-base   5.004.04-7 The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries

And here is the error:

install_driver(mysql) failed:
[Sun Dec 12 17:50:00 1999]
Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/auto/DBD/mysql/'
for module DBD::mysql:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/ line 166.

And here is the library I have:

$ locate

The potato versions of libdbi-perl and libdbd-mysql-perl both want libc6
2.1 and perl 5.005.

Is there any hope or should I just downgrade MySQL and wait until I move
to a potato system?

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Digital cameras and Linux

1999-12-13 Thread Alexis Maldonado

On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 08:10:34AM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
 I now have an Olympus.  It's the second one.  The first one died
 mysteriously (I think my son dropped it in the toilet).  My wife
 was due with my second child any minute.  I called them, told them
 it died and I needed it ASAP.  They told me as soon as I gave them
 some sort of tracking # (I used USPS) they would ship me a new one.
 I had bought a D340-L refurbished off pricewatch.  They were out
 of refurbished 340L's and out of 340L's all together.  They sent
 me a brand spanking New D340-R.  1280x1024, etc and even has a
 2x digital zoom.  At any rate. I shipped out my old one that day,

I have an Olympus C840L, it was brought directly from Japan. I think that in
the US the same cammera has a different model, I think it is the D340L.

It came with a serial cable. I download the pictures in Linux using gphoto
or some other software I got from freshmeat.

I don't have any complaints, it has worked fine, and I can download my
pictures in Linux, so it is perfect!


Alexis Maldonado
Engineering College
University of Costa Rica

SSH deb for slink

1999-12-13 Thread M.K.Pai


I can't find a deb for the slink ssh on the debian site.

Any pointers ?



1999-12-13 Thread Oki DZ

Last week I compiled a driver for a NIC. I have kernel-source-2.2.13.deb
installed. Unfortunately, the distro still have version.h for kernel
2.2.12, so the driver couldn't be loaded by insmod.

Is there any link to the kernel source so that I don't have to download
the whole thing? ie: *2.2.13.deb with the right version.h.


sgmltools-2 and texinfo

1999-12-13 Thread Jor-el

Does anyone know if there is a conversion path for converting a
docbook sgml document to texinfo format?


If all the world's economists were laid end to end, we wouldn't reach a
-- William Baumol

JAVA 2 debs for slink? Anyone? (CORRECTED SUBJECT)

1999-12-13 Thread John Miskinis


I'm very sorry for the repost.  The title should have read
JAVA 2 (not 2.0).  I am not looking for some pre-release
past the 1.2 JDK.  I wanted to avoid any confusion, as I
have been corrected in the past by folks for mentioning
JAVA 2.0 which appears to be very incorrect!


I was curious if anyone had a pointer to JAVA 2 deb packages
for slink.  As I suspect this will be a very big download, and
I'm using a modem, I want to make sure I get the right stuff.

I also heard there is an emacs-based JDE, which I also would like
to get, if this is separate from the main package(s).

Any links, information, caveats, good/bad experiences welcome.  I'm
hoping others have walked this path before...

Many Thanks,

John Miskinis

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Re: Digital cameras and Linux (fwd)

1999-12-13 Thread Nathan York
i was wondering if any of you have had any experience with the camediaplay
program, i got it while upgrading to potato.  i have an olympus D-340R and
was wondering about it, or is gplay the way to go.

-- Nathan York

Re: SSH deb for slink

1999-12-13 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, M.K.Pai wrote:

 I can't find a deb for the slink ssh on the debian site.
 Any pointers ?

Point to:

Since ssh implements strong crypto, it cannot be distributed from inside
the US.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Thinkpad 570 XF86Config file?

1999-12-13 Thread Henry Kingman
If you could mail me one, I'd be grateful!

Re: Digital cameras and Linux

1999-12-13 Thread William Burrow
On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 06:19:25PM -0800, Wade Curry wrote:
 Good starter cameras ($300 range)  check out the Olympus D-340R, HP C-200,
 Fuji MX-1200.  All of the cameras in this range are a little slow between 
 They are 1MegaPixel cameras, so the image quality is just OK for web and 4X6
 prints.  The Olympus can save an uncompressed TIFF, but that means a 4-5MB
 file gets generated. Adds to the image quality, but you'll want
 more storage.

All good points.  People might also consider consulting the and newsgroups for info.  The
dejanews site might be handy for this.

 Also, prices are much lower on the Net than in the retail stores.
 Check out for price lists.  If you buy it retail,
 you're nuts.

Interesting point. :)

William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
A 'box' is something that accomplishes a task -- you feed in input and
out comes the output, just as God and Larry Wall intended.
 -- brian moore

Re: Rudimentary network questions.

1999-12-13 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I've read through the Networking-HOWTO several times and much of it
 still baffles me.  What I'm trying to do is connect two computers, using
 one as a print server for my windows only printer.  One thing I'm
 confused about is the assignment of and 
 I've read that is the loopback route.

That's correct; if one service needs to contact another on the same
computer it's possible to do this through the loopback device.  Many
things (ie NFS) won't work if it's not set up.

For that matter, networking in general won't work :) for what I can gather is the top of the stack.  I can ping
 both successfully on my computer.  What I'm confused about is which to
 set my eth0 to?

You set eth0 to neither; is reserved for the device lo (the
loopback network device)

 In /etc/init.d/network I have this,
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net
 /etc/hosts is xyf localhost

All of that is correct.

 When I run,
 ~# netstat -nr
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
 Iface UH 3584 0  0
 lo   U  3584 0  0

? Only the first should be there.  The other is redundant.

 This is showing that I have two loopback routes.  Is this correct?

Yes, you're reading that right.

 When I assign a route to my nic do I set it at or
 or neither?


 The computer that I'm going to connect to do I assign it

AFAIK not a good idea.

 I know you can assign it anything (since this won't be connected to
 the net) but is this following convention?

You have the right idea, but are using the wrong numbers.  There are a
large number of IP#s (literally millions!) that have been set aside by the
internet RFCs, IIRC RFC1918 lists them.

These are the IP#s I'm currently using for my private network:

This is essentially the range  Since they've
been set aside for private use, you can use them every bit as easily as I
do without having to worry about whether or not they'll conflict with
someone else.  I strongly recommend that you use this range; it makes so
many things much easier to debug :)

 The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
 a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.

Win3.11?  As a server?

 It came with a card and at one time was on a network.  There is a pop
 up when it boots that says, The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.  
 All network functions will me disabled.  ...load the software and
 restart.  Of course I don't have the Novell NetWare disk to do that.  
 Can I set that box up from my Slink side in some way?

As in make the slink system a NetWare compatible server?

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Alsa and 2.2.13

1999-12-13 Thread hservoma

Frank Barknecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Debian packages of alsa-modules depend on a specific revision number of
your debian package of the kernel-image. You should just recompile the
alsa modules when you recompile the kernel. If you're using make-kpkg
(preferred), make sure that you use the same revision number for the

Are there docs for this kernel-related stuff ?

I find the debian way annoying with respect to kernel versions, modules
and so on.
I had the same problem as the original writer with alsa, and reverted
to compiling everything myself. I have no kernel-related
packages installed that dpkg knows of, and all is fine that way.

Give me Debian or give me a typewriter.

Re: Rudimentary network questions.

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
Phil Brutsche wrote:
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...


  The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
  a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.
 Win3.11?  As a server?

I was reading that I could set up Samba and run a Windows only printer
through Windows 3.11.

  It came with a card and at one time was on a network.  There is a pop
  up when it boots that says, The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.
  All network functions will me disabled.  ...load the software and
  restart.  Of course I don't have the Novell NetWare disk to do that.
  Can I set that box up from my Slink side in some way?
 As in make the slink system a NetWare compatible server?

I guess I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that had a
link or something to 'how to configure a network in Windows 3.11.'  I've
looked on the net and haven't seen one.  I may be hosed if I can't get
config files and stuff set up on the Windows box.
Thanks for your reply,

Re: Problem forwarding X over ssh

1999-12-13 Thread hservoma

Mark Santaniello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Right now, if I ssh to the machine, and attempt to run an X app...say gives this error:

_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 110
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: progression:10.0

1) From what machine to what machine (ssh versions etc) are you trying to
   connect ?
2) Do you have access to /var/log/syslog or similar on both ends ?
   See what gets written there when you try to connect.
3) Run ssh with the -v switch to get some more details and post them here.

I had similar problems that were related to pam on RH6.1 boxes. I didn't
get the above error message though...

Give me Debian or give me pencil and paper

Re: Rudimentary network questions.

1999-12-13 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 10:52:09PM -0600, ktb wrote:
 Phil Brutsche wrote:
  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
   The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
   a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.
  Win3.11?  As a server?
 I was reading that I could set up Samba and run a Windows only printer
 through Windows 3.11.

IIRC, the printer redirect utility that you will have to use only works in
32-bit windows stuff (Win32 extensions on 3.x won't work).  I had a 386
running 95 for a while doing just this (god was it slow... but it got my
printer working).  You might try NT 3.51 if you have it kicking around, that
will work as well, but I'm quite sure Win3.11 won't.

   It came with a card and at one time was on a network.  There is a pop
   up when it boots that says, The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.
   All network functions will me disabled.  ...load the software and
   restart.  Of course I don't have the Novell NetWare disk to do that.
   Can I set that box up from my Slink side in some way?
  As in make the slink system a NetWare compatible server?
 I guess I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that had a
 link or something to 'how to configure a network in Windows 3.11.'  I've
 looked on the net and haven't seen one.  I may be hosed if I can't get
 config files and stuff set up on the Windows box.
 Thanks for your reply,

TCP/IP in Win3.11 is more than a pain in the butt.  If you do decide to go
with 3.11, you will need to get a TCP/IP stack from a 3rd party.  One does
not ship with Windows 3.11.  Then you can set up NetBEUI to go over the
TCP/IP stack (pointclick, should be simple to find).  Samba on your
GNU/Linux box will then allow the two to communicate.


Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams
himself your master.

Description: PGP signature

Re: WordPerfect 8 Floating Point Exception

1999-12-13 Thread virtanen
On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, David Blackman wrote:

I didi more or less the same:

all the xpm* (for lid5 and lib6) it works with me as well.

 I ahve all of these xpm packages installed and my wp8 works just fine, so
 for simplicity, do what I do, grab everything with xpm in the name


DocBook Tools?

1999-12-13 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
Where can I get the tools db2html, db2ps, db2rtf, etc.? They are used in
generating documentation for Gnome, but I can't find them. I've grepped
the Contents file for slink and potato, but don't see them.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

Description: PGP signature

X11 Forwarding over SSH problem solved...

1999-12-13 Thread Mark Santaniello
Ok I figured out my problem and now I feel stupid...

However in the interest of making the list archive complete so that other,
perhaps also stupid people, can fix this problem (should they be so stupid
as to create it), I will post the details (in the process revealing my
stupidity)  :)

Turns out that there was an old entry in /etc/hosts for my machine name.  It
listed a 192.160.x.x IP that used to be correct (when the box was on my
LAN).  Apparently sshd fires up xauth, which checks the /etc/hosts
file...and in my case, added authorization for the wrong ip.

I tracked down this problem by running my sshd with the -d option, which
caused the client to spew a lot more info, one line being the offending
xauth command.

Thanks to everyone who offered help, especially
[EMAIL PROTECTED], who suggested the debugging


Fwd: FRN Fwd: Linux on RS6000 F40

1999-12-13 Thread Art Lemasters
 Someone recently asked this list about whether or not Debian/GNU
Linux can be run on the IBM RS6000, but I cannot find the original post.
...from a friend of a friend (below), and thanks to Albert (who is an
excellent UNIX systems admin.).  Now we know.


- Forwarded message from Albert E. Whale [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Organization: ABS Computer Technology, Inc.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9-19mdk i686)


Is this the info you were looking for?

Jeff Gentry wrote:

 Alexei Kakhno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 : Who has experience in LINUX installation under RS6000 F40?

 Not sure, but according to a teleconference yesterday from IBM
 (on AIX4.3.3), Linux is officially supported now on RS/6000 43P-150,
 E50 and F50 models.

 Not sure how well that bodes for a F40 though.

 You're one of those condescending UNIX users! 
 Here's a nickel kid ... get yourself a real computer.

Albert E. Whale   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Database, Internet and Unix Systems Consultant

Pennsylvania Parenthood Initiative - It takes two people to become parents, the 
children need both of them!
Parents without Partners - Past President
Co-Founder of The Purple Heart Foundation

Fathers' Rights Network

- End forwarded message -

Re: Digital cameras and Linux

1999-12-13 Thread Neil Booth
Hi all,

Thanks for the very useful info.  With this, and having found and noticing gphoto comes with Debian, I have everything I
need to buy a camera that works with Linux.




1999-12-13 Thread mcclosk

I'm reluctant to re-open what I know is an old discussion, but
... I've looked in the list archives, and I've searched on the web.

All I want is a simple spreadsheet program---very basic arithmetic
functions, the ability to save the worksheet as a PS file for
previewing and printing, and a semi-reasonable user interface.

I've tried Siag and found it very frustrating---erratic and
unpredictable behavior combined with impenetrable documentation. 

I've tried Abacus and that seemed better except that the functions
which produce PS files seem to be very hard to control and the
documentation is minimalist and not well organized.

I've tried Xspread, but the user-interface is not exactly slick.

I've downloaded WingZ but (i) I've had trouble getting it to run
without segmentation faults and (ii) I'd prefer to use a GPL-ed

I could install the Staroffice behemoth, but talk about overkill ...

Are there options (maybe new options since this was last discussed?)
that I'm forgetting or that I don't know about?

Thanks very much,

Jim McCloskey

Re: vmware

1999-12-13 Thread Onno
At 11:00 AM 12/11/99 -0700, Jianbo Wang wrote:

Does anybody know where I can find demo license for vmware? Thanks!

You could try



xntpd not functioning anymore...

1999-12-13 Thread Dan Hugo

I have been using xntpd to keep some machines on time.

I recently switched to a different machine (PPro, Debian 2.1+updates,
kernel 2.2.1) to handle masquerading and xntpd (etc...), but I just
noticed that xntpd doesn't do anything any longer (okay, I changed the
machine from ppc to ppro and from redhat to debian, so any longer is
probably the wrong phrase).

An exerpt from /var/log/xntpd:

12 Dec 06:49:25 xntpd[14702]: read drift of 46.257 from
13 Dec 00:20:57 xntpd[14702]: xntpd exiting on signal 15

One server I have in ntp.conf is

tock.CS.UNLV.EDU: stratum 2, offset 0.853196, synch distance 0.04726 stratum 1, offset 0.842812, synch distance 0.02371,
refid 'USNO'

but (having stopped xntpd3)

13 Dec 00:55:08 ntpdate[16494]: no server suitable for synchronization

I am not sure where to look now.  I believe that ipchains is configured
to allow ntp to communicate, but I could be wrong.  I am suspicious of
my ipchains config.

However, I have that machine serve machines inside my network, and I get

$ntpdate internal address of this server machine
13 Dec 00:57:38 ntpdate[25953]: no server suitable for synchronization

(again, from a machine within the internal net, and after I restarted
xntpd3 on the server machine)

I am reading through the xntpd-doc stuff, but if anyone has any
suggestions, I would appreciate the hint.

Dan Hugo

Re: Two hard discs

1999-12-13 Thread Dean

 Hi Robert:
Yes you can use more than one os on a computer. The reason 
for the warnings is to give you a chance to return your 
present system in case of trouble. The warning is com-
parable to the warning you get when you need to go into
the registry to fix or tweak windows, the advice to back 
up the registry is always given.  When you install debian 
on the empty disc, you will need to reformat  the 
hard drive as per instructions, the worse case scenario 
is if you format the wrong drive :).
 As to  overloading your system, since you are installing
a new os only one system will be operating at a time.
So you will either run windows or debian. Since your 
computer can handle windows, it should also handle

Robert Thrall wrote:
 I am at present using the Microsoft Windows 98 OS.  I have two hard
 discs. If I transfer everything to one hard disc and then format the
 empty disc, can I install the Debian System: i386 to this formatted
 hard disc without causing any problems to the Windows 98 OS?  In other
 words can I use both systems on the computer?  Having read through much
 of the material you have presented on you web site,  I see that you
 caution anyone from installing your OS proceeding very  system without
 making backups or without proceeding very delicately.  You say I could
 lose everything on my hard disc.  But that is may question.  What if I
 put your system on the formatted hard disc.  Will that cause problems
 anyway?  I also have direct access to the internet via a cable company
 and am using Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Explorer 5.0.  Am I
 overloading myself? The reason I am asking these questions is that I
 really like what I have read about the Debian System, but do not want to
 crash.  I have already lost everything once and would not like to repeat
 that fiasco.  Your help would be appreciated.
 Robert Thrall
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

PAM and Others Problem

1999-12-13 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas

Hi!, I'm a suffered potato user (happy ofcourse ;-) ), but this morning,
my computer tells me that it doesn't wanna work today. The messages it
tells me are:

Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 36k freed
Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Adding Swap: 60472k swap-space (priority 
Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Adding Swap: 65528k swap-space (priority 
Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs,
running e2fsck is recommended
Jan 14 05:05:47 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:05:49 koko last message repeated 3 times
Jan 14 05:08:52 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:08:58 koko last message repeated 10 times
Jan 14 05:09:25 koko kernel: NET: 145 messages suppressed.
Jan 14 05:09:25 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:15:24 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:20:50 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:21:44 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:36:39 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
Jan 14 05:43:29 koko kernel: portmap: server localhost not responding,
timed out

Well, the first anoying thing is the df command (I don't know if it's
usual in the latest version) cos' I get only the mounted fs, no-swap, but
the /var/log/messages, as you can see, tells me that the swap is on. I
can't use the NFS server and client getting:

Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to send; errno= No buffer
space available

My second problem is the PAM system. I've the latests releases from potato
of libpam0g, libpam-modules and login, and I can't login, only as root
using the gdm. In the console, after entering the username, I get a login
incorrect without any password prompt after!!. Using the gdm, If I try to
login as any other user than root I get an Unknow PAM Error, the same
message I get when I try to su to any user.

Anybody know what can I do to solve the two problems??? 


Josep Llaurado Selvas   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Registered User #153481

only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-13 Thread Hey Tom I Changed My Name!
i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:

pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
athlon 550mhz processor
gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM

the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
problem is or what i can do to fix it?

thanks is advance for any help

matt kunze

only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-13 Thread Hey Tom I Changed My Name!
i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is
showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:

pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
athlon 550mhz processor
gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM

the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the
problem is or what i can do to fix it?

thanks is advance for any help

matt kunze

Re: xntpd not functioning anymore...

1999-12-13 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Dan Hugo wrote:
 tock.CS.UNLV.EDU: stratum 2, offset 0.853196, synch distance 0.04726 stratum 1, offset 0.842812, synch distance 0.02371,
 refid 'USNO'

Those offset lines are worrisome. NTP does not deal well with large offsets
and delay (round-trip time) by design (it would be pointless, you can't sync
over such a link), and will promptly exit if it gets worse than 1s. You're
at 0.8s already, and that's way too high.

One thing you -must- do when you have such a bad sync is to run ntpdate in
the same server-set you will run ntp against right before you start ntp.
Debia potato gets this right, don't know about slink.

I'd guess you need a better set of servers as well. A higher stratum (3 or
even 4) closer to you will work much better than a stratum 1 server that is
too distant, you know.

 13 Dec 00:55:08 ntpdate[16494]: no server suitable for synchronization

Network path to tock down?  Ntp uses UDP, and doesn't like lossy network
paths. Find a server closer to you, and use more than one. Anything above
200ms for round-trip time is not good, and above 400ms it just won't work
right in my experience.

 I am not sure where to look now.  I believe that ipchains is configured
 to allow ntp to communicate, but I could be wrong.  I am suspicious of
 my ipchains config.

Don't kill tcp or udp packets from/to the ntp service port, nor delay them.
When in doubt, try ntpq -p host to ping the servers.

Also, just to be sure... you did notice debian potato packages ntp V4 (don't
know about slink), and used the proper version 3 strings after the servers
in /etc/ntp.conf for any debian potato machines, didn't you?

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh 

Re: arithmetic

1999-12-13 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

Have you tried teapot?  

It's rudimentary; outputs ok latex, not sure about ps.  

I'm not sure where to get it.  I had problems compiling it on debian
systems over the last year and a half, but my older binaries are still

If you cannot find the source, I may be able to get a URL for you.



An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt),
 or else his son)nn.

kernel compile stops with fatal signal

1999-12-13 Thread David Densmore
make bzImage keeps stopping with fatal signals.  I have tried this
many times with and without doing make mrproper first.  I always do
make dep and make clean before make bzImage.

I am trying to compile kernel 2.2.13 (the last one I compiled
successfully was 2.0.35 more than a year ago).

It will process fine for a while, sometimes getting near the very end
before the fatal signal.  If I start it again it will some times proceed
further before stopping again.  I even made it all the way through
to the end once by starting it over and over, but the kernel it produced
wouldn't boot.

Here is the ouput from one of the errors:

make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/autofs'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/autofs'
make -C devpts
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/devpts'
make all_targets
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/devpts'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer  -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2
-malign-jumps=2 - malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586   -c -o root.o root.c
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer  -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2
-malign-jumps=2 - malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586   -c -o inode.o inode.c
gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
make[3]: *** [inode.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/devpts'
make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/fs/devpts'
make[1]: *** [_subdir_devpts] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/fs'
make: *** [_dir_fs] Error 2

There are lots of these and it never seems to happen in the same place.
Sometimes I get fatal signal 6.

I'd be very grateful if someone could tell be what to do (about this
problem, that is).

Thank you,
David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Alsa and 2.2.13

1999-12-13 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Frank Barknecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Debian packages of alsa-modules depend on a specific revision number of
 your debian package of the kernel-image. You should just recompile the
 alsa modules when you recompile the kernel. If you're using make-kpkg
 (preferred), make sure that you use the same revision number for the
 Are there docs for this kernel-related stuff ?
 I find the debian way annoying with respect to kernel versions, modules
 and so on.
 I had the same problem as the original writer with alsa, and reverted
 to compiling everything myself. I have no kernel-related
 packages installed that dpkg knows of, and all is fine that way.

/usr/[share/]doc/kernel-package has an extensive README and alsa-source
also has /usr/src/modules/alsadriver[-unstable]/debian/README , that
explains all, that is to do for compiling and running debian packages
of the kernel and the alsa-modules. Kernel modules do depend on a
specific kernel, unless you have CONFIG_MODVERSIONS set in the kernel
configuration, but how can dpkg or the package maintainer know, if you
have this set? So a depend or conflict on a kernel revision seems
resonable. You can always force an installation over this, if you want
and you know what you're doing...

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-13 Thread Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! wrote:

 i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
 showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:
 pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
 athlon 550mhz processor
 gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
 1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?

 Add to your lilo.conf file the following line:

   append = mem=128M


   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra

Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-13 Thread Peter Ross
On 13-Dec-1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?

add the line

to your lilo.conf file, and then rerun lilo

Or upgrade to 2.2.x series of kernels which will detect 64Mb of memory.

see /usr/doc/BootPrompt-HOWTO.gz for more information.


Re: PAM and Others Problem

1999-12-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 10:25:45AM +0100, Josep Llauradó Selvas wrote:
   Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 36k freed
   Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Adding Swap: 60472k swap-space (priority 
   Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: Adding Swap: 65528k swap-space (priority 
   Jan 14 05:04:43 koko kernel: EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs,
   running e2fsck is recommended
   Jan 14 05:05:47 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:05:49 koko last message repeated 3 times
   Jan 14 05:08:52 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:08:58 koko last message repeated 10 times
   Jan 14 05:09:25 koko kernel: NET: 145 messages suppressed.
   Jan 14 05:09:25 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:15:24 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:20:50 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:21:44 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:36:39 koko kernel: neighbour table overflow
   Jan 14 05:43:29 koko kernel: portmap: server localhost not responding,
   timed out

Doesn't appear to me that any of these problems are caused by potato or
PAM. You have an unchecked fs mounted (maybe even file system corruption)
and tons of kernel errors. What kernel version are you running? Did your
system crash recently? And why is your date Jan 14? Crap, why does it
say localhost isn't responding?

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: problem compiling a KDE app

1999-12-13 Thread dspiljar
Cyrus Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to compile a kde app 'kover' and when I do the ./configure
 I get the error:
 checking for QT... configure: error: QT-1.3 (libraries) not found. Please 
 check your installation!
 I have the following debian packages installed on my computer:
 libqt1g   1:1.45-0.2 
 libqt1g-dev   1:1.45-0.2 

Try setting the QTDIR variable to point to the QT top-level directory
(on my system it is /usr/lib/qt).

RE: FRN Fwd: Linux on RS6000 F40

1999-12-13 Thread Lewis, James M.

  Someone recently asked this list about whether or not Debian/GNU
 Linux can be run on the IBM RS6000, but I cannot find the original post.
 ...from a friend of a friend (below), and thanks to Albert (who is an
 excellent UNIX systems admin.).  Now we know.
That was me.  I was looking for info on a rs6000/7013.
That system was bought in mid '92 (or maybe '93).
I fear that it is an mca system...


 - Forwarded message from Albert E. Whale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: ABS Computer Technology, Inc.
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9-19mdk i686)
 Is this the info you were looking for?
 Jeff Gentry wrote:
  Alexei Kakhno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  : Who has experience in LINUX installation under RS6000 F40?
  Not sure, but according to a teleconference yesterday from IBM
  (on AIX4.3.3), Linux is officially supported now on RS/6000 43P-150,
  E50 and F50 models.
  Not sure how well that bodes for a F40 though.
  You're one of those condescending UNIX users! 
  Here's a nickel kid ... get yourself a real computer.
 Albert E. Whale   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sr. Database, Internet and Unix Systems Consultant
 Pennsylvania Parenthood Initiative - It takes two people to become
 parents, the children need both of them!
 Parents without Partners - Past President
 Co-Founder of The Purple Heart Foundation
 Fathers' Rights Network
 - End forwarded message -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

PPPD problems! Please Help!

1999-12-13 Thread TH

Can someone tell me what I have setup incorrectly given this 
PS: Where is the documentation as to what these codes each 
Dec 14 00:25:19 frontier pppd[218]: Serial connection established.
Dec 14 00:25:19 frontier pppd[218]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 14 00:25:19 frontier pppd[218]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 14 00:25:20 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:20 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:20 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:21 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:21 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:23 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:24 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:24 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x3  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:26 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:27 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:27 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x4  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:29 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:30 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x5 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:30 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x5  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:32 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:33 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x6 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:33 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x6  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:35 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:36 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:36 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x7  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:38 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:39 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x8 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:39 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x8  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:41 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:42 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x9 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:42 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x9  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:44 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:45 frontier pppd[218]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xa mru 1500 
asyncmap 0x magic 0x1fb5f927 pcomp 
accomp  11 04 05 dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:45 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0xa  11 04 05 
dc  13 03 00]
Dec 14 00:25:47 frontier pppd[218]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x47c1fb12 pcomp accomp]
Dec 14 00:25:49 frontier pppd[218]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 14 00:25:49 frontier pppd[218]: Modem hangup
Dec 14 00:25:49 frontier pppd[218]: Connection terminated.
Dec 14 00:25:50 frontier pppd[218]: Exit.

previous thread

1999-12-13 Thread Nathan York
i have lost the message that tell how to fix the problem with apt-get
displaying a bogus error about anyone remember how to get this
to go away.  i am running potato continually upgraded.

-- Nathan York

Re: previous thread

1999-12-13 Thread ktb
Nathan York wrote:
 i have lost the message that tell how to fix the problem with apt-get
 displaying a bogus error about anyone remember how to get this
 to go away.  i am running potato continually upgraded.

I don't remember the post but if it isn't too recent it will be at,

Have you done a search there for the message in question?

Re: previous thread

1999-12-13 Thread hservoma

Nathan York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have lost the message that tell how to fix the problem with apt-get
displaying a bogus error about anyone remember how to get this
to go away.  i am running potato continually upgraded.

apt-get install libterm-readline-gnu-perl

Give me Debian or give me pencil and paper

etc/lilo.config thinkpad

1999-12-13 Thread Darryl Röthering
I gather that I need to add a boot parm of thinkpad=floppy into my 
etc/lilo.conf. Where should I do this? I have to get the inverted DCL sorted 
out for everyday use, I just got the dbootstrap part finished.



Get Your Private, Free Email at

ssh pam

1999-12-13 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I rarely access my box other than by telnet and I'm 
told that I should use a more secure setup.

What is the Debian recommended approach?  ssh?  PAM?
Are they hard to implement?  I often use a different PC
so I need a sloution that does not require a secure client.

Thanks in advance.

Patrick Kirk

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-13 Thread Robert Varga

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Ben Collins wrote:
 2) The shell must be available in the chrooted env (as well as all needed
 So for this to work, you must have a complete working filesystem in each
 home directory (/home/foo/dev /home/foo/bin /home/foo/usr/bin /home/foo/etc
 This is not usually what you want for normal users (I've pondered doing
 this for the auto builder, but haven't gotten around to it yet).

Can this be carried out by copying the necessary binaries to somewhere in
the home filesystem and providing hardlinks for the /usr, /etc, /...
directories from each user's homedir?

This would greatly reduce the amount of problem a hacker can cause, does
it not?

Robert Varga

Re: Netscape time (was: Netscape time == GMT (UTC)

1999-12-13 Thread mheyes

I included the mail headings below sending mail using Communicator 4.7, elm and
mutt. You can see the time is ok until Netscape gets hold of it. Elm and mutt
are fine. I uninstalled Netscape 4.7 and left version 4.08 on and the time stamp
was correct. I downloaded and installed 4.7 again and the time stamp was set to
GMT again.

So, it looks like it related to Netscape 4.7 (though I noticed your 4.7 version
worked ok. Did you use the potato binaries or download from Netscape?).

Michael Heyes


From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Dec 11 10:42:27 1999
Received: from localhost (really []) by
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Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 15:39:26 +
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this is sent with netscape

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Dec 11 10:42:27 1999
Received: from localhost (really []) by
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this is sent with elm

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Dec 11 10:42:27 1999
Received: from localhost (really []) by
 via in.smtpd with esmtp
 id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.102)
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Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 10:38:54 -0500
Subject: mutt
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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this is sent with mutt

aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/10/99 10:32:07 AM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:,  recipient list not shown: ;

Subject:  Re: Netscape time

when you use pine, mutt and elm you configured them to use the remote
host?  Show the headings of the mail(s).  i have not had netscape do that

i just sent a test mail from netscape 4.7/IRIX6.2 to my main
account(pine) and it worked fine.. :


HP Laserjet 1100

1999-12-13 Thread Pere Camps

I'm in the process of buying a new printer, and as I can not
afford a Postscript one, I was wondering if the HP Laserjet 1100 is well
supported by magicfilter.

Has anybody used it? Does it work allright? What printer do you
choose on the magicfilter config?

Thanks for your help!

ps: please reply by email as I'm not subscribed to the list due to its
high volume. Thank you.

-- p.

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-13 Thread Stuart Ballard
Jim Breton wrote:
 Restricted shell is ok but too easy to get out of, just run a different
 shell and bam, you're free.  ;P

But with a restricted shell you can't run anything that isn't in your
path, so just take all shells out of the path and bam, you're restricted
again! :)


Re: mirroring?

1999-12-13 Thread Gary Hennigan
Aaron Solochek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Does anyone know either of the following.  1)If there are potato
 cd-images around, and if so, where?  2)Where the documentation for
 setting up a debain mirror is?
 I want to be able to bring the entire distro home with me over
 christmas, where I will have a slow connection.  I need to install on a
 few machines there.

Can't help with the cd images.

I assume you're only interested in potato, and then only the 386
stuff, and not the alpha, sparc, m68k, etc.? It's not especially easy
to get a mirror set up for just potato and just binary-i386. The
problem is that there are still a few packages in potato that are
merely links back to slink, and there are some things in
potato/binary-i386 that are links to potato/binary-all. To add to the
difficulty many of the mirrors use ftp daemons that don't allow
logical links to be treated as normal files.

My solution was to use an http mirroring tool, specifically
w3mir. Even then it wasn't easy. I had to write a script to mirror the
directories necessary, plus there was a bug in w3mir that made it
necessary to modify the perl script (w3mir is a perl script). I did
finally get a good mirror going though.

Once you solve how to do it then you have to worry about space. How
much disk space do you have? At my last count you'll need about 2.5G
of free disk space to mirror potato/binary-i386 (US and non US). Some
people would have a difficult time coming up with that amount of

If you're not discouraged yet then send me email and perhaps I can
help you get started.


Openssh 1.2pre17-1 broken?

1999-12-13 Thread Ethan Benson


has anyone else had problems with OpenSSH 1.2pre17-1 recently 
uploaded to potato?  OpenSSH was working perfectly now i cannot 
login, the logs say the account is expired (its not)

just trying to figure out if something is misconfigured or if a new 
bug crawled in..


Re: HP Laserjet 1100

1999-12-13 Thread Cyrus Patel

Hi Pere,

Yes, the HP1100 is very well supported by magicfilter. I use 
the hp4l filter and it has so far handled everything I have
thrown at it.

Hope this helps

Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm in the process of buying a new printer, and as I can not
 afford a Postscript one, I was wondering if the HP Laserjet 1100 is well
 supported by magicfilter.
   Has anybody used it? Does it work allright? What printer do you
 choose on the magicfilter config?
   Thanks for your help!
 ps: please reply by email as I'm not subscribed to the list due to its
 high volume. Thank you.
 -- p.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Dept. of Computer Engineering   Debian GNU/Linux 
University of New South Wales   (Potato)
Sydney, Australia.  ICQ: 50738541

Re: HP Laserjet 1100

1999-12-13 Thread Pere Camps

 Yes, the HP1100 is very well supported by magicfilter. I use 
 the hp4l filter and it has so far handled everything I have
 thrown at it.

Ok. Thanks for the info.

-- p.

Problems with IRQ

1999-12-13 Thread paulo.lagrotta
I´m having problems with instalation by CD.
I have a mother board, model TXPRO II, with 34M that has sound, video and
ide on board.
The video on board isn´t hability because I´m using a video card with S3
I have a HD of 8.4G where the linux partion is instaled in second particion.
I´m using version 2.1 of Debian distribution.
The problem is when I try install a comercial program by CD and some times
some programs of debian distribution, by CD, show the following message:
hda:irq timeout:status=0xd0{busy}
Then I need power off the machine.
My questions are:
These problem is because the hardware, like configuration of BIOS ?
What´s the mean status=0Xd0?
How can I solve these problem?

Thank´s for help.


Re: Problem forwarding X over ssh

1999-12-13 Thread Gary Hennigan
 Mark Santaniello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Right now, if I ssh to the machine, and attempt to run an X app...say gives this error:

 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 110
 xterm Xt error: Can't open display: progression:10.0

 1) From what machine to what machine (ssh versions etc) are you trying to
connect ?
 2) Do you have access to /var/log/syslog or similar on both ends ?
See what gets written there when you try to connect.
 3) Run ssh with the -v switch to get some more details and post them here.

 I had similar problems that were related to pam on RH6.1 boxes. I didn't
 get the above error message though...

I can't answer for Mark but I can say that I'm having the exact same
problem and haven't been able to track it down, and I had tried all of
your suggestions. I'm running ssh 1.2.27 (non-free in Debian) on both
the local machine (an SGI running IRIX 6.5) and my potato laptop.

There's nothing in the syslogs on either machine, that I can find.

Here's the output of ssh -v laptop:
% ssh -v laptop

SSH Version 1.2.27 [mips-sgi-irix6.5], protocol version 1.5.
Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.
workstation: Reading configuration data /usr/people/glhenni/.ssh/config
workstation: ssh_connect: getuid 16202 geteuid 16202 anon 1
workstation: Connecting to saix3449 [] port 22.
workstation: Connection established.
workstation: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version 1.2.27
workstation: Waiting for server public key.
workstation: Received server public key (768 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
workstation: Host 'saix3449' is known and matches the host key.
workstation: Initializing random; seed file /usr/people/glhenni/.ssh/random_seed
workstation: Encryption type: idea
workstation: Sent encrypted session key.
workstation: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
workstation: Received encrypted confirmation.
workstation: Connection to authentication agent opened.
workstation: Trying RSA authentication via agent with '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
workstation: Received RSA challenge from server.
workstation: Sending response to RSA challenge.
workstation: Remote: RSA authentication accepted.
workstation: RSA authentication accepted by server.
workstation: Requesting pty.
workstation: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
workstation: Requesting authentication agent forwarding.
workstation: Requesting shell.
workstation: Entering interactive session.
Last login: Mon Dec 13 09:18:52 1999 from
Linux laptop 2.2.13 #1 Fri Nov 12 18:13:21 /etc/localtime 1999 i686 unknown

And here's what happens when I try to start up an X application:

laptop% xclock
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 113
Error: Can't open display: laptop:11.0

That's it. From my workstation to other machines things work fine. It
seems only the Debian box is having problems.


Re: Openssh 1.2pre17-1 broken?

1999-12-13 Thread Ethan Benson

On 13/12/99 I wrote:

has anyone else had problems with OpenSSH 1.2pre17-1 recently 
uploaded to potato?  OpenSSH was working perfectly now i cannot 
login, the logs say the account is expired (its not)

just trying to figure out if something is misconfigured or if a new 
bug crawled in..

ok I found it, seems that both are true ...

the /etc/pam.d/ssh file is supposed to be named ssh but a previous 
bug i reported appears to have came back requiring it to be 
/etc/pam.d/sshd since i have made my `other' config a deny default 
this broke ssh completely.

guess i will just keep pam.d/ssh hardlinked to sshd.


Re: problem compiling a KDE app

1999-12-13 Thread dspiljar
Cyrus Patel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try setting the QTDIR variable to point to the QT top-level directory
  (on my system it is /usr/lib/qt).
 Thanks alot, that worked, my QT directories are /usr/lib/qt1g and 

Good! :)

 However, now the configure script is complaining :
 checking for KDE... configure: error: 
 in the prefix, you've chosen, are no kde headers installed. This will fail.
 So, check this please and use another prefix!

It was a long time ago when I last time compiled KDE, but I think you
should set the KDEDIR variable. KDE has its own include files and 
libraries, residing in $KDEDIR/include and $KDEDIR/lib. I think that 
should do the trick. If not, you can give adequate arguments to the
configure script (if any), something like `--with-kde=/usr/local/kde'
or something like that.



Re: X11 Forwarding over SSH problem solved...

1999-12-13 Thread Gary Hennigan
Mark Santaniello [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ok I figured out my problem and now I feel stupid...
 However in the interest of making the list archive complete so that other,
 perhaps also stupid people, can fix this problem (should they be so stupid
 as to create it), I will post the details (in the process revealing my
 stupidity)  :)
 Turns out that there was an old entry in /etc/hosts for my machine name.  It
 listed a 192.160.x.x IP that used to be correct (when the box was on my
 LAN).  Apparently sshd fires up xauth, which checks the /etc/hosts
 file...and in my case, added authorization for the wrong ip.
 I tracked down this problem by running my sshd with the -d option, which
 caused the client to spew a lot more info, one line being the offending
 xauth command.
 Thanks to everyone who offered help, especially
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], who suggested the debugging

Thanks Mark, this does help. Nothing stupid about it. Seems like a
pretty subtle, tought to find problem.

Mine's a bit more complex, but related. The remote machine in my case
is a laptop that can live on any of 3 networks (only one at a
time). On each network it has a different name. Locally it always has
the name laptop, but it's network name can be any of 3 different
things. Unfortunately it tries to use whatever network machine has the
name laptop instead of using it's own network name. I'll have to
figure out a way around this, but you solved the what was causing the
problem and now I can try and solve it. Thanks!!


Re: Mailing list headers [Was Re: ssh vs telnet - which is faster?]

1999-12-13 Thread Steve Lamb
Saturday, December 11, 1999, 7:41:18 AM, Jor-el wrote:
 However, I couldnt help but notice a reply from Steve Lamb to your
 link on debian-devel (dont know why he did that since the Reply-To is set
 to this list). Here is the link that he mentions :

Because of a lack of reply-to and I forgot which list the message was in.

 I must say that this represents the usual attitude I've seen from
 close-minded admins (who thankfully are few and far between) : if the
 behaviour that I dislike is allowed by the RFC's, the hell with the

*laugh*  Oh, thank you.  Thank you so much for pointing this out!

 Subpoint 1 : Just because you havent had experience with such behaviour
 doesnt give you a mandate to wipe out such RFC allowed behaviour. As I've
 said in another email : if you dont like it, write up another RFC and get
 it approved.

I don't wipe out such behavior.  In fact, as one of the *OPEN* minded
admins out there I don't throw away the RFC just because I don't like it.
In fact, let me quote to you the 2nd paragraph of my message which you
obviously skipped.

First off, as pointed out in another part of this forum one of the intended
uses of the reply-to field is mailing lists (called discussion lists) and is a
part of 822. Keep this in mind.

For those playing along at home, that is section 4.4.3 of RFC822.

A somewhat different use may be of some help to text message
teleconferencing groups equipped with automatic distribution services:
include the address of that service in the Reply- To field of all messages
submitted to the teleconference; then participants can reply to conference
submissions to guarantee the correct distribution of any submission of their

   In short, administrators who do not set the reply-to on their lists and, in
fact, falsely claim that such a thing is disallowed are the ones who are close
minded and are saying to hell with the RFC's [sic]!

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Mailing list headers [Was Re: ssh vs telnet - which is faster?]

1999-12-13 Thread Steve Lamb
Friday, December 10, 1999, 4:19:19 PM, Kenneth wrote:
 It is a perfectly valid address as per the mail server running on
 my unconnected domain. RFC822 states that it should be authenticated, but
 does not state who by.

Then it is your own fault that mail would fail.  Again, I ask, what
prevents you from putting a valid email in your from header?

 Correct. But reread RFC822. This is only one of the intended uses
 of the Reply-To header.

The fact stands that it is an intended use, despite what MANY mail
administrators might think.

 The use of the Reply-To header to indicate that a reply should goto another
 address because the From header address cannot receive a reply is another

Right, and neither are given priority.

 In fact, given such an option, setting up a mailing list to rewrite the
 Reply-To header is broken behaviour - unless the intent of the list admin is
 to put such subscribers at a disadvantage.

No, it is not.  It is an alternate use of the Reply-To.  It is an
acceptable use under RFC822.  Considering what you wrote about the Sender
field having the Sender, in this case, the mailing list, set the Reply-To, is
perfectly valid and not broken behavior.

Any user who has an address in their from field which isn't routable (a
highly unlikely event in today's day and age unless people are willfully being
a pain) they have other alternatives to get the information to the people.  A
signature, for example.

 You may personally not like such use of headers. But if you want
 to get the world to follow in your footsteps, write up a new RFC and get
 it approved as a standard.

Why, the RFC which is out there is quite clear that Reply-To is perfectly
acceptable.  I'm tired of the rest of the world ignoring this RFC because of
their own personal preference.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Openssh 1.2pre17-1 broken?

1999-12-13 Thread hservoma

Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the /etc/pam.d/ssh file is supposed to be named ssh but a previous 
bug i reported appears to have came back requiring it to be 
/etc/pam.d/sshd since i have made my `other' config a deny default 
this broke ssh completely.

This is interesting, where did you read about /etc/pam.d/ssh - sshd ?

The only way I'm able to get ssh to forward X connections on RH6.1
is to add 

sshdfwd-X11: :severity auth.notice : ALLOW

to /etc/hosts.allow
Otherwise pam refuses the connection. I didn't see anything wrong
with /etc/pam.d/ssh
Will try hardlinking next ;)


Give me Debian or pencil and paper

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-13 Thread Jim Breton
I would if they weren't all in the same dir  Plus lots of other useful
things like chmod.

OTOH, anyone who did manage to hack an account with a restricted shell
wouldn't have any business running chmod, so I suppose you could get away
with just taking /bin out of his path.  But then I imagine you might run
into problems where the uid has to run shell scripts, then you're screwed
again.  :P hmmm.  I guess then you would have to put a copy of a shell
back in his path somewhere. 

At any rate I still haven't figured out why that account can't log in.

On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Stuart Ballard wrote:

 But with a restricted shell you can't run anything that isn't in your
 path, so just take all shells out of the path and bam, you're restricted
 again! :)

Re: ssh pam

1999-12-13 Thread Wouter Hanegraaff
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 03:12:46PM +, Patrick Kirk wrote:
 What is the Debian recommended approach?  ssh?  PAM?
 Are they hard to implement?  I often use a different PC
 so I need a sloution that does not require a secure client.
ssh is very easy, but you need a secure client.
Use of ssh is very common in the unix world.
Putty is a free (I believe as in speech) ssh client for windows, and
it's  200k so you can bring it on a floppy disk.

It used to be on, but the owner sold that domain to another
company, so you'll have to search the web.


Re: HELP: babel and french produce strange things in potato....

1999-12-13 Thread Bruno Boettcher
  i just recompiled a latex file (big mistake as it seems...) that uses the 
  system and the setting french. now on compilation i get 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] among others and following this :
  ! Undefined control sequence.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...l \mathchardef [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
\spacefactor }\accent #1
  l.19 \begin{document}
  nevetheless this produces a result, but everwhere where i used accentuated
  chararctrs, now i have a strange greek sign (think it is capital theta...)
  so what's going wrong
 I'm just guessing, but did you set the input encoding? (i.e.
 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} ). Using whatever iso-8859-NN is
 appropriate for french.
hop i understood correctly, i added the same line as you told into my source
and got exactly the same effect the same file compiled under a SUSE-tetex
compiled flawlessly.

ok perhaps it is clearer if i add the complete header:

\title{Projet de fin d'études}
\author{Nassim Ziai ITC5}

follows the rest of the document removing the usepackage babel removes
also the problem since it compiles under SUSE i do not see why it
shouldn´t under debian

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: ssh pam

1999-12-13 Thread hservoma

Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I rarely access my box other than by telnet and I'm 
told that I should use a more secure setup.

What is the Debian recommended approach?  ssh?  PAM?
Are they hard to implement?  I often use a different PC
so I need a sloution that does not require a secure client.

Heh, no secure client - no security. But seriously:

Ssh is a more secure replacement to telnet if you operate on
public networks. There is both the daemon and the client, just
as in telnet.
See the ssh homepage for more details:

Now, if you are on a trusted network (behind a firewall or standalone etc)
and you trust the other users, telnet's fine.

Ssh (or openssh) is very, or at least relatively easy to install on almost
every flavor of *nix.

Pam is an abstraction layer that is meant to ease the enforcement
of stronger authentication etc. I understand that Potato packages
are mostly (all?) pam-enabled. So is RH6.1 . Unless you are a sysadmin
you shouldn't have to worry about pam. For details check out

However, AFAIK, you'll have to hand out some $$ if you want
a Windoze (95/98/NT) ssh client.

Hope this clears it a bit,


Give me Debian or pencil and paper

Re: Openssh 1.2pre17-1 broken?

1999-12-13 Thread Ethan Benson

On 14/12/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is interesting, where did you read about /etc/pam.d/ssh - sshd ?

normally a pam service will look for a file with the name name as the 
binary, so sshd will load pam.d/sshd, this can be overridden in the 
service program by changing the call to PAM_INIT (or someting like 
that) the debian maintainer does this himself as he wishes to keep 
the pam file called ssh not sshd.

The only way I'm able to get ssh to forward X connections on RH6.1
is to add

sshdfwd-X11: :severity auth.notice : ALLOW

to /etc/hosts.allow

I think this is normal at least i read you had to add sshdfwd-X11 
entries for non-free ssh in the man page.

Otherwise pam refuses the connection. I didn't see anything wrong
with /etc/pam.d/ssh

the current version is not using it at all, instead its using 
/etc/pam.d/other   (on debian anyway, i think redhat just calls the 
pam.d file sshd)

Will try hardlinking next ;)

since i already reported this bug once and had it fixed I think i may 
just leave a hard link there permanently, thats much better then 
being locked out whenever the maintainer forgets that mod on a new 
upstream version..

I just need something to put in pam.d/other that is more obvious that 
the service is misconfigured then what pam_warn throws in..

(i don't like the idea of unconfigured pam services mostly working 
off of the other configuration without my knowing it, that is why i 
set it to deny)


partition table recovery

1999-12-13 Thread Jonathan D . Proulx
I had a hosed partition table (mixed Linux Windows)that I succesfully
recovered using gpart.

AFAIK this is not debianized yet, and unfortunately I forget wher I
got it from :(

If a search doesn't turn it up, I do still have the source and will
send on request.


Re: Mailing list headers [Was Re: ssh vs telnet - which is faster?]

1999-12-13 Thread David Wright
Quoting Steve Lamb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Saturday, December 11, 1999, 7:41:18 AM, Jor-el wrote:
  Subpoint 1 : Just because you havent had experience with such behaviour
  doesnt give you a mandate to wipe out such RFC allowed behaviour. As I've
  said in another email : if you dont like it, write up another RFC and get
  it approved.
 I don't wipe out such behavior.  In fact, as one of the *OPEN* minded
 admins out there I don't throw away the RFC just because I don't like it.
 In fact, let me quote to you the 2nd paragraph of my message which you
 obviously skipped.
 First off, as pointed out in another part of this forum one of the intended
 uses of the reply-to field is mailing lists (called discussion lists) and is a
 part of 822. Keep this in mind.
 For those playing along at home, that is section 4.4.3 of RFC822.
 A somewhat different use may be of some help to text message
 teleconferencing groups equipped with automatic distribution services:
 include the address of that service in the Reply- To field of all messages
 submitted to the teleconference; then participants can reply to conference
 submissions to guarantee the correct distribution of any submission of their
In short, administrators who do not set the reply-to on their lists and, in
 fact, falsely claim that such a thing is disallowed are the ones who are close
 minded and are saying to hell with the RFC's [sic]!

You claim to quote section 4.4.3 of RFC822, yet you left most of it
out, removing the context. Who exactly is to include the address?

Here's the whole section (indented) with my refs in the margin:


This field provides a general  mechanism  for  indicating  any
mailbox(es)  to which responses are to be sent.  Three typical
uses for this feature can  be  distinguished.   In  the  first
case,  the  author(s) may not have regular machine-based mail- 1
boxes and therefore wish(es) to indicate an alternate  machine
address.   In  the  second case, an author may wish additional 2
persons to be made aware of, or responsible for,  replies.   A
somewhat  different  use  may be of some help to text message
teleconferencing groups equipped with automatic  distribution
services:   include the address of that service in the Reply- 3
To field of all messages  submitted  to  the  teleconference; 4
then  participants  can  reply  to conference submissions to
guarantee the correct distribution of any submission of  their

Note:  The Return-Path field is added by the mail  transport
   service,  at the time of final deliver.  It is intended
   to identify a path back to the orginator  of  the  mes-
   sage.   The  Reply-To  field  is added by the message 5
   originator and is intended to direct replies.

I don't see anything that allows a mailing-list to change the
Reply-To field, for three reasons:

a) The uses marked 1 and 2 above would be trampled on.

b) It is quite clear from references to the author at 1 and 2, and
message originator at 5, that include (ref 3) is also directed
at the author.

c) In case you're not convinced of (b), it says submitted *to* the
teleconference at ref 4, i.e. the originator still has to set this
field when submitting to the mailing-list.

It appears that you yourself have used this feature (ref 3/4) and set
Reply-To to the list, so that you don't get a personal copy of my reply
(even if I had replied rather than group-replied).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Kernel panic during kernel compile?

1999-12-13 Thread Rob Rati
Ok, I'm having some SERIOUSLY weird issues when trying to compile a
kernel on my SMP machine.  I have a dual PIII-450 with 256 meg of ram
running all SCSI hardware with the 2.2.13 kernel.  Here's the problem.
Sometimes when I trey to compile a kernel with -j 4, it compiles along
until it appears to hit a kernel panic of some kind.  I get this

Unable to handle kernel derefence of pointer at address 00
Kernel Dump
Waiting on processor #0.

And then the entire system hangs, obviously.  When my system hangs
(either this problem or hang in general) everything shuts down.  I can't
even telnet or ssh into my box to kill off X, if that was the problem.
I've been having intermitant hanging problems for a long time, and am
currently checking all my hardware, but this kernel issue has me
stumped.  It only happens when i use a -j 4.  Does anyone know anything
about this or can point me in the right direction for some answers?
Anyone know of any lockup problems with smp machines with the 2.2.x
kernels?  I'd appreciate any help on this as I'm pulling my hair out
trying to solve this locking problem.  TIA.


Re: Openssh 1.2pre17-1 broken?

1999-12-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 08:16:13AM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 14/12/99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is interesting, where did you read about /etc/pam.d/ssh - sshd ?
 normally a pam service will look for a file with the name name as the 
 binary, so sshd will load pam.d/sshd, this can be overridden in the 
 service program by changing the call to PAM_INIT (or someting like 
 that) the debian maintainer does this himself as he wishes to keep 
 the pam file called ssh not sshd.

No, it uses the first arg of the pam_start() function in the source.
Usually this is the name of the service, and most programs use the same
name that would be found it /etc/services for their program. In the case
of sshd it should be ssh.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Stupid question regarding foreign characters and how to output them?

1999-12-13 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nathan Hi, For some reason I decided I needed to compose a document
Nathan with an `n' with a tilde over it - reading through the kbd
Nathan package docs it seems I can do this using the compose key.
Nathan So, what is the compose key?

Usually Ctrl-. , so to get the character you want you type the
sequence Ctrl-. ~ n.  But it depends on your keytable, I am not sure
where Debian puts keytables - anyone? 

Ian Zimmerman
Lightbinders, Inc.
2325 3rd Street #324, San Francisco, California 94107

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