Re: informacion

1999-12-14 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Thu, Dec 09, 1999,
Werner Markus C

 Las aplicaciones que tengo  actualmente en servicio son para
 el desarrollo de  aplicaciones gráficas tanto en  2D como en
 3D. y creacion de paginas Web.

Se  que  existen  aplicaciones  de este  tipo  en  Linux  pero
no  he  probado ninguna  lo  suficiente  como para  darte  una
opinión. Puedes  navegar  por  algunos  sitios  donde  recogen
información sobre software disponible:

 Este es un listado del equipo que tengo por el momento...

Tienes  una página  web  que intenta  mantener actualizada  la
información sobre el hardware que trabaja con Linux:

 -Procesador pentium 200 Mhz
 -Motherboard Award (con arranque del CD ROM)
 -72 MB ram
 -Disco duro 4.03 GB particionado asi:
 -2.05 GB FAT 32
 -1.00 GB FAT 32
 -640 MB FAT 32
 -305 MB FAT 16
 -Tarjeta de video S3 Virge 4MB

Hasta aquí seguro que no  hay problemas. A partir de aquí mira
la dirección de arriba a ver que tal.

 -Modem Zoltrix 28.800
 -Multimedia Generica Compatible SB
 y lo mas importante:
 -Scanner Genius Colorpage SP2  (24 bits en profundidad de color y 300x600Dpi
 en resolución estandar)
 -Impresora Fargo Foto Fun! de tono continuo para impresion de fotografias.
 -impresora Canon BJC-210 color.

Saludos y suerte.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Imágenes CDs *no oficiales* de Potato... y mucho más

1999-12-14 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Hay unas imágenes de Potato evidentemente no oficiales puesto que ni está
 congelada pero me parece una buena cosa.

No sé si tendrías noticia ya; en su momento al menos lo avisé en esta lista
también. En hay también
imágenes apócrifas :-) de Potato, que llevan haciéndose regularmente desde
hace meses. Están accesibles por http, ftp o rsync. Por cierto, que en el
mismo sitio también hay mirror de Debian y non-US completos y actualizados
diariamente (al igual que en unos cuantos sitios más en España, incluido, claro), así que probablemente no sea necesario irse a
Hungría a por todas esas cosas :-))

RE: Tarda mucho Telnet y ftp

1999-12-14 Thread Manuel Trujillo
   Sabeis el motivo de porque cuando hago un telnet o un ftp a
 mi servidor Debian, me tarda mucho en darme login y pedirme el
 usuario en ftp.

Prueba a poner la máquina desde donde haces el telnet o el ftp en el
/etc/hosts de la máquina receptora.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

RE: Tarda mucho Telnet y ftp

1999-12-14 Thread César Morillas
Suele pasar cuando o bien el rutado o bien el dns de alguna de las máquinas
no está bien configurado.

- Mensaje original -
De: Tomas Garijo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Debian-User-Spanish (Correo electronico)
Enviado: martes 14 de diciembre de 1999 9:12
Asunto: Tarda mucho Telnet y ftp

 Hola a todos.

 Sabeis el motivo de porque cuando hago un telnet o un ftp a mi servidor
Debian, me tarda mucho en darme login y pedirme el usuario en ftp.


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Re: Samba no me baila

1999-12-14 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Diego Bote Barco wrote:

Hola amigos.
El otro día instalé SAMBA en el ordenador de mi despacho pues 
  compartimos recursos, archivos, impresoras  El caso es que desde los 
  otros ordenadores veo el mio pero al intentar conectar me pide una 
  del recurso, MI-ORDENADOR\IPC$, y no me funciona nada de lo que le doy 
  como contraseña. ¿Se os ocurre algo?
Creo que no has configurado correctamente (o no lo has hecho) el servidor
samba. El recurso IPC se usa internamente por Windows y por los programas
corriendo bajo este sistema operativo, por lo que no se puede acceder a
este recurso como si fuera un directorio mas. Te sugiero que mires el man
de smb.conf, que es muy detallado y autoexplicativo (con zonas de
copy-paste ;-), que van de muerte); tambien en el /usr/doc/samba tienes
algunos ejemplos, si no me equivoco, y el fichero de configuración
tambien está bastante comentado. 
Lo que tienes que hacer es indicar en este fichero (/etc/samba/smb.conf)
es un directorio a compartir (como en Guindous), darle un nombre para
compartirlo, e indicarle los permisos que ha de tener. 

Espero que te sea de ayuda. 

PD: Yo he tocado un poco el fichero este, o sea que si te puedo ayudar en
alguna otra cosa sobre esto ya sabes...


Josep Llaurado Selvas   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Registered User #153481

RE: Imágenes CDs *no oficiales* de Potato... y mucho más

1999-12-14 Thread jarregui
Por cierto, el mirror de es [EMAIL PROTECTED]udo. Gracias a los 
que lo
hacen posible.


-Mensaje original-
De: Fernando Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes 13 de diciembre de 1999 20:37
Para: Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Asunto: Re: Imágenes CDs *no oficiales* de Potato... y mucho más

No sé si tendrías noticia ya; en su momento al menos lo avisé en esta lista
también. En hay también
imágenes apócrifas :-) de Potato, que llevan haciéndose regularmente desde
hace meses. Están accesibles por http, ftp o rsync. Por cierto, que en el
mismo sitio también hay mirror de Debian y non-US completos y actualizados
diariamente (al igual que en unos cuantos sitios más en España, incluido, claro), así que probablemente no sea necesario irse a
Hungría a por todas esas cosas :-))

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Tarda mucho Telnet y ftp

1999-12-14 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
A mí eso me ha pasado cuando tenía configurada mi red con una máscara
muy grande. Me explico.

Si mi dirección IP es por ejemplo y la máscara debería ser, es decir una red creo que del tipo C para 255 host. Si le
ponía una máscara del estilo, entonces me pasaba exactamente
lo que tú nos dices. Pero no encuentro explicación a este modo de
duncionar, porque si al final responde durante todo ese tiempo ¿Qué ha
estado haciendo el equipo?. Teniendo en cuenta además que a los ping
respondía inmediatamente. Con el tcpdump intentaba ver si el equipo
enviaba paquetes a otros sitios y no ví nada. En fin, espero que te
ayuden los síntomas de mi avería.


RE: Offtopic: Trabajo fin de Bachillerato

1999-12-14 Thread jet
Podrias bajarte el manual de instalacion en castellano xDD!!
- Original Message -
To: Lista Debian
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 7:48 PM
Subject: Offtopic: Trabajo fin de Bachillerato

 Estoy haciendo un trabajo de fin de Bachillerato sobre Linux, que cuenta
 un 10%
 de la nota global de 1º y 2º de Bachillerato (que burrada!!), que a su
 vez es un
 60% de la nota para entrar a la Universidad (el otro 40% es la nota de

 Este trabajo he decidido hacerlo sobre Debian (una introduccion al uso
 de Linux
 Debian en casa), pero como tampoco domino mucho el tema (por eso es un
 de busqueda de informacion), estoy un poco perdido con lo que poner en
 trabajo (mejor dicho, muy perdido).

 Por el momento, lo poco que tengo esta casi totalmente basado en el
 Facil, sacado de LUCAS, y me gustaria que alguien pudiera recomendarme
 texto, a ser posible basado en Debian y en español o catalan, sobre
 algun tema
 del uso cuotidiano que se le puede dar a un ordenador en casa.

 Ahi va un esbozo de Indice:

 ¿Que es linux? Caracteristicas
 Breve historia
 Como obtener linux. Distribuciones
 Fuentes de Informacion
 Conceptos previos
 Crear los discos de instalacion
 Particionar el disco duro
 Programa de instalacion de Linux Debian (alguien podria decirme
 Reiniciando el ordenador (descripcion de la instalacion de
 paquetes con
 Primeros pasos???
 XWindows (diferentes wm, aplicaciones mas comunes?)
 Administracion del sistema(añadir/quitar usuarios, passwds,
 instalacion de paquetes, en caso de catastrofe...)
 Seguridad en Linux (shadow passwds, cuentas, invitados,su, sudo,
 Internet y otras redes

 Estos ultimos 5 apartados aun estan muy verdes, por lo que no tengo
 exactamente que contendran; se aceptan todo tipo de criticas,
 nuevos indices, proposiciones, dinero,...

 Muchas gracias por adelantado
 [..] Para él, un amor geométrico de la simetría y el orden era el
 un interés infatigable y febril por las más insignificantes facetas de
 burocracia cotidiana era la laboriosidad, la indecisión calculada
 era la
 cautela, y la terquedad ciega en continuar por un camino erróneo era
 determinación [..]

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 Yahoo! Shopping:

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Re: Imágenes CDs *no oficiales* de Potato... y mucho más

1999-12-14 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, dic 13, 1999 at 08:36:56 +0100, Fernando Sanchez wrote:
 No sé si tendrías noticia ya; en su momento al menos lo avisé en esta lista
 también. En hay también
 imágenes apócrifas :-) de Potato, que llevan haciéndose regularmente desde
 hace meses. Están accesibles por http, ftp o rsync. Por cierto, que en el
 mismo sitio también hay mirror de Debian y non-US completos y actualizados
 diariamente (al igual que en unos cuantos sitios más en España, incluido, claro), así que probablemente no sea necesario irse a
 Hungría a por todas esas cosas :-))

Muchas gracias por reenviar a la lista la información, con lo despistado que
soy seguro que se me pasó por alto ese sitio tan *brutalmente genial*,
gracias a los que lo hacen posible y perdón por enviar a la peña a Hungría

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread jvicente
Existe algún comando en linux que me permita saber cuales son los arhcivos
que tiene abierto un proceso/usuario determinado?

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread eloy
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Existe algún comando en linux que me permita saber cuales son los arhcivos
 que tiene abierto un proceso/usuario determinado?

Échale un ojo a fuser(1) y a lsof(8). Son de miedo.


-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- --
--- Clave GPG: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Córdoba _ España ___ Debian 2.1 GNU/Linux 2.2.13 rabinf50

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
 Existe algún comando en linux que me permita saber cuales son los arhcivos
 que tiene abierto un proceso/usuario determinado?

Si no es esto lo que buscas, voy a tener que ir a clase de lengua
otra vez :)
Te mando el resultado de la busqueda en debian, estable e inestable,
del paquete lsof:

Package: lsof-2.0.36 4.37-4
List open files.

Lsof is a Unix-specific diagnostic tool. It's name stands 
for LiSt Open Files, and it does just that. It lists information 
about any files that are open by processes current running on
the system. Only work on kernel version 2.0.36 

Package: lsof-2.2 4.43-1

List open files.

Lsof is a Unix-specific diagnostic tool. 
It's name stands for LiSt Open Files, and it does just that. 
It lists information about any files that are open by processes 
current running on the system. The
binary is specific to kernel version 2.2 

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Miguel Rodriguez Penabadpenabad @
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

RE: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Perdona, me he confundido... Esta orden es para cualquier sistema System V

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Manuel Trujillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 14 de diciembre de 1999 16:34
 Asunto: RE: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

 Prueba con whodo usuario...

\|/  \|/
 Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
 TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

  -Mensaje original-
  Enviado el: martes 14 de diciembre de 1999 17:08
  Asunto: Archivos tomados por un proceso...
  Existe algún comando en linux que me permita saber cuales son
 los arhcivos
  que tiene abierto un proceso/usuario determinado?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread jvicente
Gracias por la velocidad de la respuesta!
Estoy teniendo un problemita con el file system montado en /var. En
realidad, el comando que funciono fue fuser, porque no estoy con linux,
sino con HP-UX en el trabajo.

Ahora quisiera saber si se puede listar los files que tiene un abierto un
proceso. Denme todos los comandos que conozcan, yo los pruebo aca y les

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread eloy
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gracias por la velocidad de la respuesta!
 Estoy teniendo un problemita con el file system montado en /var. En
 realidad, el comando que funciono fue fuser, porque no estoy con linux,
 sino con HP-UX en el trabajo.
 Ahora quisiera saber si se puede listar los files que tiene un abierto un
 proceso. Denme todos los comandos que conozcan, yo los pruebo aca y les

La verdad es que no sé si HP-UX tendrá el procfs. Pero si tienes
el directorio /proc, puedes intentar entrar en /proc/xxx/fd (siendo xxx el
PID del proceso) y ahí tienes enlaces simbólicos (¿o son duros?) a los
ficheros abiertos por ese proceso (más en general: los descriptores, ya
sean ficheros, tuberías, sockets...).

Cuéntanos si funciona.

(oye: esto del apoyo en línea a alguien que _en_ese_momento_ está
usando los consejos es fa-bu-lo-so).

-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- --
--- Clave GPG: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Córdoba _ España ___ Debian 2.1 GNU/Linux 2.2.13 rabinf50

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread Netman
On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 03:35:10PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ahora quisiera saber si se puede listar los files que tiene un abierto un
 proceso. Denme todos los comandos que conozcan, yo los pruebo aca y les


Creo que ya lo ha respondido alguien antes.

Salu2, Netman.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Once I finally figured out all of life's answers, they changed the questions.

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 - Kernel 2.2.9

Description: PGP signature

Re: Archivos tomados por un proceso...

1999-12-14 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gracias por la velocidad de la respuesta!
 Estoy teniendo un problemita con el file system montado en /var. En
 realidad, el comando que funciono fue fuser, porque no estoy con linux,
 sino con HP-UX en el trabajo.
 Ahora quisiera saber si se puede listar los files que tiene un abierto un
 proceso. Denme todos los comandos que conozcan, yo los pruebo aca y les

En ese caso mira en /proc/num_pid/fd

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/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Linux no se fragmenta

1999-12-14 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Seguramente será debido a que mi partición de linux es muy pequeña y
siempre ando instalando y desinstalando cosas, pero mirad lo que me ha
salido esta tarde:

Parallelizing fsck version 1.12 (9-Jul-98)
/dev/hda3 has reached maximal mount count, check forced.
/dev/hda3: 27532/93472 files (8.1% non-contiguous), 312247/372960 blocks

Un ¡8% de fragmentación, mi record! mientras que la unidad D: de windows
sólo está un 5% fragmentada.

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Me ha vuelto ha pasar

1999-12-14 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Lista Debian
Fecha: jueves 9 de diciembre de 1999 19:28
Asunto: RE: Me ha vuelto ha pasar

 Pero creo haber leido que formatear a bajo nivel debe ser lo último que
 debe hacerse para salvar un disco y que es bastante arriesgado.

Arriesgado ? Pero si tienes el disco destrozado, pero en fin si a ti te
vale como está tu mismo.

Vamos a ver, las particiones de windows me funcionan perfectamente, la de
linux pues casi también, al menos yo no he visto ningún fichero corrupto.
El único problema que he tenido es que en tres ocasiones linux (o mejor
dicho el programa init) no ha arrancado correctamente. Creo que calificarlo
como disco destrozado es algo exagerado, yo más bien diría disco más o
menos en buen estado con quizás algún sector defectuoso.

Ricardo Villalba

Kernel 2.2.10

1999-12-14 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Perdonad el semi-offtopic pero como las news van tan mal últimamente
prefiero preguntarlo en la lista.

Me encontré en el CD de una revista el kernel 2.2.10 y lo compilé. Mi
anterior kernel era el 2.2.1 que había compilado en el mes de marzo (ya ha
La pregunta es si este kernel tiene algún bug importante que desaconseje su
uso, o puedo estar tranquilamente con el 2.2.10 otros nueve meses.

Además lo compilé con el egcc mientras que la documentación del kernel
aconseja el gcc. Me imagino que sería una recomendación para versiones
anteriores porque no he tenido ningún problema.

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Linux no se fragmenta

1999-12-14 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 07:36 p.m. 14/12/99 +0100, Ricardo Villalba wrote:
Seguramente será debido a que mi partición de linux es muy pequeña y
siempre ando instalando y desinstalando cosas, pero mirad lo que me ha
salido esta tarde:

Parallelizing fsck version 1.12 (9-Jul-98)
/dev/hda3 has reached maximal mount count, check forced.
/dev/hda3: 27532/93472 files (8.1% non-contiguous), 312247/372960 blocks

Un ¡8% de fragmentación, mi record! mientras que la unidad D: de windows
sólo está un 5% fragmentada.

5% según quien? MS-Defrag? JA!

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-14 Thread Fco Javier Monge Alonso
Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote:
  -Mensaje original-
  De:   Fco Javier Monge Alonso [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el:   domingo 12 de diciembre de 1999 17:52
  Asunto:   Modem ruidoso
  Hola a todos/as:
  Tengo un pequeño problema: Cuando me conecto a internet con el modem,
  éste hace un ruido tremendo cuando marca y en los primeros segundos.Creo
  que en debido a que tiene funciones de voz y lleva algún altavoz. Creo
  que el volumen de ese altavoz se puede controlar con algún comando AT en
  el script de conexión , pero no se cuál. ¿Podríais aclararme un poco el
  asunto? Gracias de antemano
 (es ateeleceroemecero, no son oes, sino ceros!!!).
 Le dices que volumen (L0) y que na de sonidos (M0). Busca Hayes.txt
 en internet, te saldrá la lista de comandos hayes ... por cierto ¿es que ya
 no vienen los comandos Hayes con los módems nuevos o qué? :-?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Depto. Análisis y Programación
 Banca March S.A.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Funcionó cojonudamente. En la documentación del modem no mencionan
siquiera los comandos AT. Gracias por la precisa respuesta.

¿Qué hay que hacer para meter paquetes en potato?

1999-12-14 Thread Gorka Olaizola
Uso SDL ,una librería muy buena para hacer juegos, para programar un cutre 
juego y estoy al tanto de su desarrollo.
Ya ha salido la versión 1.0 y le he hecho un paquete Debian para Slink al autor
pero preferiría que en vez de uno hecho por mí tuviera uno oficial en Debian,
y como Potato todavía no se ha congelado quiero saber si se puede meter el
paquete en Potato.

la dirección de la librería es
(- -)
|   Smile... tomorrow will be worse. Murphy  |
| |
|  |

Description: PGP signature

Re: lo on potato

1999-12-14 Thread Marcin Kurc
kernel 2.2.x does route add -net automatically. You dont need to specify it.
The route can be changed by giving full syntax like you said.

- /usr/src/linux/Documentation

On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 12:33:57AM +0100, Svante Signell wrote: 
 I had the same problem. The solution was to add netmask to the route
 command in /etc/init.d/network:
 /sbin/route add -net netmask dev lo
 Also netmask had to be added to my eth0 interface:
 /sbin/route add -net 192.168.x.y netmask dev eth0
 Maybe the new version of route is more picky regarding syntax?
 However, correcting the eth0 entry resulted in TWO eth0-entries!! I don't
 know where the other one is set up. Anybody has a clue??
 Evan Moore writes:
   i have potato running on two boxes, but the lo interface will not come up,
   it complains about SIOCADDRT: invalid argument ?? The error is not showing
   up in syslog. Any1 else have this prob?
   thanks evan

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

file systems...

1999-12-14 Thread Aaron Solochek
I had my harddrive crash, so I had to do a fresh installiation of
potato.  Before when I issued the command mount /dev/scd0 /ultraplex
my cd would be mounted on ultraplex, and I had long file names.
However, now the same command gives me those annoying truncated
filenames.  What could have changed?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: partition table recovery

1999-12-14 Thread Tom Pfeifer
gpart is packaged for Debian and is in the unstable (potato)
distribution in the admin section:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dpkg -s gpart
Package: gpart
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 62
Maintainer: David L. Coe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.1e-1
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1)
Description: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions
 Gpart is a tool which tries to guess the primary partition table of a
 PC-type disk in case the primary partition table in sector 0 is
 damaged, incorrect or deleted.
 It is also good at finding and listing the types, locations, and
 sizes of inadvertently-deleted partitions, both primary and logical.
 It gives you the information you need to manually re-create them
 (using fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, etc.).
 The guessed table can also be written to a file or (if you firmly
 believe the guessed table is entirely correct) directly to a disk
 Supported (guessable) filesystem or partition types:
  DOS/Windows FAT (FAT 12/16/32)
  Linux ext2
  Linux swap partitions versions 0 and 1 (Linux = v2.2.X)
  Windows NTFS
  *BSD disklabels
  Solaris/x86 disklabels
  Minix FS
  Reiser FS
  LVM physical volumes
 Other types may be added relatively easily, as separately compiled

Jonathan D . Proulx wrote:
 I had a hosed partition table (mixed Linux Windows)that I succesfully
 recovered using gpart.
 AFAIK this is not debianized yet, and unfortunately I forget wher I
 got it from :(
 If a search doesn't turn it up, I do still have the source and will
 send on request.

Re: HELP: Netscape fonts

1999-12-14 Thread Roy Pluschke
Albert Hurd wrote:
 Roy Pluschke wrote:
  Albert Hurd wrote:
   Changing the font size in Preferences does not seem to affect the
   size on the toolbars and, more importantly, the fonts in the
   listing in the mail program. Anyone know to get these to be
   Albert Hurd
  I have put the following in my .xresources file -- you may need to
  use .xsession depending on how you start X.  Found the info
  on netscape's site but remember that it was well hidden.
  Good Luck,
  Roy Pluschke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 I have just noticed another problem.  In the message lists, the new
 messages appeared bold and normal (actually, washed out) when read.
 Now they are all washed out. Any ideas?  It would be nice if NS was a
 little more informative.
 Albert Hurd

I found the url where I got the information again

it says there that you have to make sure that there is no white
space in the resource setting.  It looks to me like you may have
some in there and its ignorining the last 2 lines.


Re: sgmltools-2 and texinfo

1999-12-14 Thread Jor-el
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Steve George wrote:

 This should do the trick:
 jade -t tex -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/nwalsh-modular/print/docbook.dsl 
 myfile.sgml  myfile.tex
 where myfile.sgml is the DocBook SGML file you want to convert and myfile.tex 
 is the output filename you want to use.
 On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 08:52:34PM -0600, Jor-el wrote:
  Does anyone know if there is a conversion path for converting a
  docbook sgml document to texinfo format?


Thanks. The path you specified was not quite correct on my
semi-slink and semi-potato system, but the idea worked.


If all the world's economists were laid end to end, we wouldn't reach a
-- William Baumol

Re: DocBook Tools?

1999-12-14 Thread Jor-el
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:

 Where can I get the tools db2html, db2ps, db2rtf, etc.? They are used in
 generating documentation for Gnome, but I can't find them. I've grepped
 the Contents file for slink and potato, but don't see them.

These sound remarkably like the programs packaged in the unstable
sgmltools-2 package. Except, instead of the 'db' prefix, they have an
'sgml' prefix. Perhaps, you would prefer an unstable Debian package to an


If all the world's economists were laid end to end, we wouldn't reach a
-- William Baumol

Re: Problem forwarding X over ssh

1999-12-14 Thread William Burrow
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 01:49:55PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 what network it was attached to. This local name doesn't necessarily
 correspond to its real name on the network and thus ssh was setting
 the display to this local name instead of the laptops real network
 name. Obviously this disallows a functional forward of X11.
 In my case I need to figure out how to set the host name to the real
 name of the laptop depending on what network it resides (maybe PCMCIA
 has some provision for this?). For now I can set it's host name
 manually via the hostname command to it's real network name and that
 fixes the problem.

You might be able to get around it by generating a cookie for the host name
as it is seen from the network:

xauth generate .

Dunno if that will work or not.

William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
A 'box' is something that accomplishes a task -- you feed in input and
out comes the output, just as God and Larry Wall intended.
 -- brian moore

RE: LogCheck and it's rules

1999-12-14 Thread Ethan Benson

On 13/12/99 Pollywog wrote:

  and i still get in logcheck mails:
 Dec 13 23:46:53 plukwa named[159]: USAGE 945125213 945085613

named.*: USAGE .*

 CPU=61.74u/56.5s CHILDCPU=0u/0s
 Dec 13 23:04:55 plukwa PAM_unix[17035]: (ssh) session opened for user root

PAM_unix.*: (ssh) session opened for user root .*

i had the same problems with logcheck, even worse it sent ALL of the 
kernel boot up messages to root as `unusual activity' at every boot. 
along with ALL postfix logging as unusal, pam logins etc etc etc.

I spent over 4 hours writing new information into the ignore files 
,trying different variations including the same syntax you show and 
it only disabled one or 2 lines from the logs from being reported, 
most of the rules simply did not work. that is when i just purged the 
damn thing, if its going to send the entire contents of my logs every 
2 hours i might as well just read them myself.

i like the idea of logcheck but when it sends so much crap it defeats 
its purpose.

since i see its not just me having problems with it perhaps a bug 
should be filed, this package is useless out of the box on standard 
debian systems.


Re: DocBook Tools?

1999-12-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 08:28:33PM +0100,
 J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  They are packaged. 'cygnus-stylesheets'. Contents.gz is your friend.
 As I said in my original message, I grepped the Contents.gz for potato
 and slink, and came up with nothing.
 ~$ grep db2html Contents-i386.gz

% zgrep db2html Contents-alpha 
usr/bin/db2html text/cygnus-stylesheets
usr/lib/debbugs/db2html misc/debbugs
usr/man/man1/db2html.1.gz   text/cygnus-stylesheets


1999-12-14 Thread Bob Nielsen
For the past several days, pppd hasn't written anything to
var/log/ppp.log on my potato system.  /etc/syslog.conf still shows


/var/log/syslog is showing the ppp information. Has something changed here?


Bob Nielsen, W6SWE  (RN2)Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QRP-L #1985

Re: arithmetic

1999-12-14 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 12:37:24AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are there options (maybe new options since this was last discussed?)
 that I'm forgetting or that I don't know about?

There's Gnumeric.  I haven't tried it recently, but for simple things
it's been doing quite well for a while now.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Scwm, anyone?

1999-12-14 Thread David J. Kanter
I'm intrigued by scwm, and wonder if anyone else isn't able to use the
configuration tool. When I select Preference-Scwm options... nothing
happens. Pretty much the only thing that works in the Preferences menu is
the themes.

Does anyone have any pointers?

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

RE: LogCheck and it's rules

1999-12-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-Dec-1999 Ethan Benson wrote:
 i like the idea of logcheck but when it sends so much crap it defeats 
 its purpose.
 since i see its not just me having problems with it perhaps a bug 
 should be filed, this package is useless out of the box on standard 
 debian systems.

I did not know a Debian package was available.  I had to get help from the
author but after I did, I was able to get it to work correctly.


Re: SSH .deb files

1999-12-14 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glen S Mehn) wrote:
Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb stable non-US

and then type apt-get install ssh. Ssh uses cryptography that you
technically have to license in the US to use, so it's a non-US

With the slink version that's true, but that really makes it non-free
rather than non-US. potato now has OpenSSH, which doesn't suffer from
this problem.

The non-US problem is that US law prohibits software containing strong
encryption from being exported from the United States; it therefore has
to be placed on a mirror outside the United States for people to
download. (Importing it into the US is OK.)

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science []

Re: SSH pam

1999-12-14 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glen S Mehn) wrote:
With ssh you have to connect with a secure client, which you can get on
any unix, and there's a free one for win32, called putty, which is very
nice. Supports telnet, too.

The problem with telnet is that nayone who wants to sniff your network
can get every packet decrypted from plain old text. So they watch you
type username: pass and get it. Or if they're really great they watch
for you to type su: pass and then they've got your root.

Bad thing. And really easy to do. Putty is ~200k to d/l, so it's pretty
easy to get anywhere-- I* think you can even run it off of a floppy...

The URL for PuTTY is:

I agree, it's an extremely nice program.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science []

CLASS1 FAX receive monitor

1999-12-14 Thread minxu
Hi, there:

Anyone has a good hint to use class 1 fax to receive fax? I am currently using 
efax but it wound be much better if the receiving status can be shown on the 

Have any such kind of monitor out there ?

Min Xu  
City College of NY, CUNY
Tel:(O) (212) 650-6865
(O) (212) 650-5046
(H) (212) 690-2119  

Re: DocBook Tools?

1999-12-14 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 10:07:24PM -0500,
Peter S Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 % zgrep db2html Contents-alpha 
 usr/bin/db2html text/cygnus-stylesheets
 usr/lib/debbugs/db2html misc/debbugs
 usr/man/man1/db2html.1.gz   text/cygnus-stylesheets

Please excuse my stupidity. Apparently, temporary insanity led me to use
grep instead of zgrep. I feel like a newbie.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

Description: PGP signature


1999-12-14 Thread Robert L. Harris

  Where the heck do I get exportfs from?  I've done a apt-cache search nfs
and apt-cache search *nfs* but nothing that would point to any exportfs
type functionality.


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: exportfs?

1999-12-14 Thread hservoma

Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Where the heck do I get exportfs from?  I've done a apt-cache search nfs
 and apt-cache search *nfs* but nothing that would point to any exportfs
 type functionality.

You mean you want to export some parts of your filesystem using nfs ?

You need the package nfs-server (in potato). This is the userland
daemon. There is also knfs which is the kernel-level version, which is
a tad more difficult to get working (and maybe still unstable..)

Package: nfs-server
Depends: netbase, nfs-common, libc6 (= 2.1), libwrap0


Give me Debian or pencil and paper

Re: exportfs?

1999-12-14 Thread Sean Johnson
From the NFS-HOWTO:

 Many Linux distributions lack a exportfs program.  If
  you're exportfs-less you can install this script on your machine:

  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd
  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd
  echo re-exported file systems

  Save it in, say, /usr/sbin/exportfs, and don't forget to chmod a+rx
  it.  Now, whenever you change your exports file, you run exportfs
  after, as root.

This works fine for me.


Robert L. Harris wrote:
   Where the heck do I get exportfs from?  I've done a apt-cache search nfs
 and apt-cache search *nfs* but nothing that would point to any exportfs
 type functionality.

Re: Monochrome XFIG

1999-12-14 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 10:39:08PM +, Pedro Sanchez wrote:
 Why is xfig monochrome-only for menus? I can add colors to my drawings
 but the panels and menus are plain black and white as if I had started
 xfig -monochorome. 
I have the same effect in one of my boxes, which was continuously upgraded
(without reinstallation) since debian 1.2. Probably I have preserved the old
config files for xfig. However I never had time to solve this problem
(it is not very important for me and my users).
Please let me know if you discover the reason.
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Free DOS for free people!

Re: ssh pam

1999-12-14 Thread Onno
However, AFAIK, you'll have to hand out some $$ if you want
a Windoze (95/98/NT) ssh client.

Nope, try TerraTerm with the SSH plugin. It is free and quite good!



Re: lo on potato

1999-12-14 Thread Svante Signell
For me eth0 route seems to be set automatically by the kernel, but not
lo. I'm using kernel 2.2.12.

Marcin Kurc writes:
  kernel 2.2.x does route add -net automatically. You dont need to specify 
  The route can be changed by giving full syntax like you said.
  - /usr/src/linux/Documentation
  On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 12:33:57AM +0100, Svante Signell wrote: 
   I had the same problem. The solution was to add netmask to the route
   command in /etc/init.d/network:
   /sbin/route add -net netmask dev lo
   Also netmask had to be added to my eth0 interface:
   /sbin/route add -net 192.168.x.y netmask dev eth0
   Maybe the new version of route is more picky regarding syntax?
   However, correcting the eth0 entry resulted in TWO eth0-entries!! I don't
   know where the other one is set up. Anybody has a clue??
   Evan Moore writes:
 i have potato running on two boxes, but the lo interface will not come 
 it complains about SIOCADDRT: invalid argument ?? The error is not 
 up in syslog. Any1 else have this prob?
 thanks evan
  Marcin Kurc
  Indiana Institute of Technology
  System Administrator
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt does not get...

1999-12-14 Thread Shaul Karl
I am only guessing:
1) Perhaps you should try one or two other sites in order to verify if this is 
a persistent problem.
2) I am behind a firewall/proxy server as well. You might want to customize my 

/* In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default
   directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative
   paths within the sub scope.
   The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating
   a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify
   a subscope using scope notation eg,
 APT::Architecture i386;
   This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used
   if an option is specified on the command line with -o.

// Options for the downloading routines
  // HTTP method configuration
Timeout 120;

  // FTP method configuration

/* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work
   for tisfwtk */

Timeout 120;

/* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
   is prefered if possible */
Passive true;

   // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
   Pre-Invoke {mount -o remount,rw /usr;};
   Post-Invoke {mount -o remount,ro /usr;};
// Pre-configure all packages before they are installed.
// (Automatically added by debconf.)
DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {dpkg-preconfig --apt;};

 Dear Sir, 
 Thanks for responding to my plight :-) The configuration files look as
 /etc/apt/apt.conf contains two lines:
 // Pre-configure all packages before they are installed.
 DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {dpkg-preconfig --apt;};
 /etc/apt/sources.list contains the expected one line:
 deb unstable main contrib non-free
 Please note that I have also tried directly as well as
 http, which was set originally but might be expected to fail after the
 proxy installation on our system. Also I know the parameters and read the
 manpages for sources.list, I am not shure that I would handle the proxy
 correctly :-( .
 Here is the screen dump of my last dselect initiated update session; the
 interrupt was my Ctrl-C that was sent before the last hanging ftp got
 timed out (let me re-emphasize that ftping things manually from the same
 sites ( does work): 
 Get:1 unstable/main Packages [820kB]
 Err unstable/main Packages
   Connection timeout
 Get:2 unstable/main Release [95B]
 Err unstable/main Release
   Connection timeout
 Get:3 unstable/contrib Packages [34.7kB]
 Err unstable/contrib Packages
   Connection timeout
 Get:4 unstable/contrib Release [98B]
 Err unstable/contrib Release
   Connection timeout
 Get:5 unstable/non-free Packages [79.8kB]
 Err unstable/non-free Packages
   Connection timeout
 Get:6 unstable/non-free Release [99B]
 0% [6 unstable/non-free 0/99B 0%]
 update available list script was interrupted.
 Press RETURN to continue.
 If I interpret that correctly, it does find the files and starts out with
 the good intention to retrieve them, but then gets locked up somehow... 
 Thanks again; any help appreciated! 
 Regards, Kai
   Kai Martens State University of New York at Stony Brook
   Department of Physics and Astronomy
   Kamioka Observatory
   456 Higashi-Mozumi  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Kamioka-cho FAX:+81-578-5-2121
   Yoshiki-gun Tel:+81-578-5-9617
   506-1205 Gifu-ken
 On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Shaul Karl wrote:
  What is the contents of your apt configuration files (/etc/apt/apt.conf and 

Summary: logout/halt/reboot as ordinary user, gnome logout button?

1999-12-14 Thread Svante Signell

Below are my motivations for bringing this issue up:

- The intended use of the computers are for desktop applications.

- I don't want to give the root password away to other users on my
  machines, in this case my family members. 

- Mainly the kids use the computers for games, especially networked.

- I want to enable my family to use Linux instead of the other
  OS. Therefore it is important that they can start the computer, run
  it and shut down in a CONTROLLED  way. Restart/shutdown are menu
  entries in the other OS!! 

- Since the user has direct access to the computer, he/she can turn
  off the power switch. This is NOT a preferred way to shut down, you
  know the possible consequences of this. 

- GDM, XDM or KDM are not interesting, since then ALL users have to use the
  graphical login. I prefer to go to X with startx, for other users
  startx can be put in their login scripts. I know you can always go to
  a virtual console with CTRL-ALT-Fx, x = 1,...,6. I dont prefer this
  solution. It is much nicer to start X from the console, from there enabling
  logging of errors etc. 

- Sudo, super etc can be used but I would prefer logout/halt/reboot as a default
  behavior IF you have CHOSEN to enable it during OS-install.

- I'm running Redhat 6.1, RawHide 19991210, Mandrake 6.1, SuSE 6.3 and
  Debian 2.2 on four different machines. Unfortunately also the other
  OS is present on three of them!!

Here is a short summary of the replies obtained on this issue and my comments.

- In rawhide/redhat 6.1 one can in the gnome panel either choose logout
  (from X, halt or reboot as an ordinary user by just giving the user
  password). As described by Owen Taylor at Redhat the commands halt and
  reboot (located at /usr/bin not /sbin) are links to the program
  consolehelper, which is part of the usermode package. Authentication
  is using PAM. Full message is included last in this mail.

- According to the man page, the program consolehelper is a wrapper to
  userhelper. Consolehelper is not suid root, userhelper is.

- The RedHat solution seem to be a very handy one. What about
  implementing it also for other distributions, such as Debian, SuSe,
  Mandrake etc. Or more conveniently, what about building it into gnome/kde.
- Some users want the opposite, only selected users should be able to
  shutdown. What about just uninstalling the package enabling this
  behavior? Also disabling CTRL-ALT-DELETE is possible by editing
  /etc/inittab. But the problem remains: If the user has access to the
  power-on button he/she can just turn off the power!!!

Thank you to the people who replied:

Sean Middleditch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jens Lautenbacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,


Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have been running redhat rawhide with enlightenment and gnome for
 some time now. Recently another machine got debian slink installed,
 upgraded to potato. In rawhide an ordinary user can log out of X,
 reboot or halt the computer, just by supplying the user password. How
 to enable this also in potato? (In potato the logout button in the
 gnome panel only enable you to exit from X!)

The shutdown/reboot functionality in the logout dialog
is based on a package called 'usermode' which build on top of
the PAM authentication system. usermode is a bit like
sudo in concept - it allows users to run certain commands
that they wouldn't normally have access to, based on 
authentication through PAM. Usermode, however, is more useable in
GUI environments, more configurable in some ways (PAM is
almost infinitely configurable), and more transparent
to the user.

Potato does use PAM, at least in part, so it would be 
possible to port usermode, though it wouldn't be 
trivial, as Debian doesn't seem to be currently using the
pam-console part of PAM which is used to give special
privileges to users logged in at the console.

Actually, the dependence between gnome-session and usermode
for this facility is small - all gnome-session does is make
some simple checks to see if the facility is there, and
if it is there, adds the extra options and exec()'s a 
given command upon logout instead of exiting. So it wouldn't
be at all hard to adapt to some other method of user


Re: exportfs?

1999-12-14 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Robert L. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Where the heck do I get exportfs from?  I've done a apt-cache search nfs
 and apt-cache search *nfs* but nothing that would point to any exportfs
 type functionality.

$ dlocate exportfs
  knfs: /usr/sbin/exportfs
  knfs: /usr/man/man8/exportfs.8.gz

(In other words: it's in the knfs package:
$ apt-cache show knfs
  Package: knfs
  Version: 1.4.7-2
  Priority: extra
  Section: net
  Maintainer: Anders Hammarquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Depends: netbase, nfs-common, libc6 (= 2.1)
  Conflicts: netstd ( 3.07-4), nfs-server
  Replaces: nfs-server, nfs-client, nfs-common ( 1.4.7-1)
  Architecture: i386
  Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/net/knfs_1.4.7-2.deb
  Size: 73090
  MD5sum: d3798f7e2db846a1fd6c06791016a0f4
  Description: Kernel NFS Server Tools
   This package contains the necessary tools to use the Kernel NFS Daemon in
   Linux 2.2
   You should apply the appropriate kernel patches in /usr/doc/knfs and
   recompile, at least for kernels = 2.2.11. See the file NEW for
  installed-size: 140

Here, the package is even showing up in the output of apt-cache
search nfs -- maybe it's potato only.)


Re: Re: PAM and Others Problem

1999-12-14 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas

Hi Ben, first thank you for the answer. Sometimes I fell I'm alone in the
net, I don't know if you fell the same... 

  Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 07:04:54 -0500
  From: Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Josep Llauradó Selvas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: PAM and Others Problem
  Doesn't appear to me that any of these problems are caused by potato or
  PAM. You have an unchecked fs mounted (maybe even file systemcorruption)
  and tons of kernel errors. What kernel version are you running? Did your
  system crash recently? And why is your date Jan 14? Crap, why does it
  say localhost isn't responding?

I send the mail first for the PAM problem. I think it can be for the
potato dist, I'm not sure, but su, gdm and login don't run. The symptoms
login: Before prompting for the login (writing it and pressing
enter) I get a login incorrect message and I can't write the
password in any moment 

gdm: If I acces with root gdm tells me that koko (my host name)
isn't into the /etc/hosts file, but it is on the file!, but start 
the session. If I log using any other user I get a Unknown PAM Error
message in the gdmgreeter and I can log in

su: When I try to su from root I get a 
su: Unknown Linux-PAM error
but I can change to any user, but when I do the same from any
other user than root to any other user I get the same message
without suing
My second problem is the neighbour table overflow. All the TCP/IP
connections runs well except the RPC services (getting the
portmap: localhost not responding message, that seems to be related
with the neighbour table overflow problem. I'm using the 2.2.12 kernel
two month ago, and I never had any problem with it. My system don't crash
recently, and the only thing I did the Friday was upgrade the old potato
packages using apt-get.

PD: The Jan 14 date is my BIOS clock that don't runs well (I have a K6-200
but the computer tells me I have a 486DX2/66, anyway the Linux detect
correctly the CPU type and speed), and every day the computer counts a
few hours more. I wanna install xntpd to set the clock in the start of the
computer, but I don't know any ntp server accesed publicly (Do you know

I know these problems are a little strange (like a lot of things in the
Computers World), but If anybody can tell me anything related with this
problems, help me please. 

  /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux  
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Josep Llaurado Selvas   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Registered User #153481

Re: LogCheck and it's rules

1999-12-14 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 05:55:57PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 13/12/99 Pollywog wrote:
and i still get in logcheck mails:
   Dec 13 23:46:53 plukwa named[159]: USAGE 945125213 945085613
 named.*: USAGE .*
 umm i'm not sure if i tried this, but will check it ASAP
   Dec 13 23:04:55 plukwa PAM_unix[17035]: (ssh) session opened for user root
 PAM_unix.*: (ssh) session opened for user root .*
 Tried that. No effect
 i had the same problems with logcheck, even worse it sent ALL of the 
 kernel boot up messages to root as `unusual activity' at every boot. 
 along with ALL postfix logging as unusal, pam logins etc etc etc.
 I can only shout out: Same here! Same here!
 I can live with boot messages (this machine doesn't reboot every now and
then. But i hate to see 10KB long messages about me succesfully ssh'ing into
my machine =o(((

 Robert Ramiega | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 UIN: 13201047  |  | the power of Source

Re: SSH pam

1999-12-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
Thanks for the link to putty. Tried it.  It works well.  And fits on a
floppy.  What I'll do is have it on my web-site so I can download it

BTW, is a great resource.
Many thanks.


Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-14 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Note that the modem is NOT one of those windows-specific modems. I use it
 and works fine for connecting to my ISP. 
 It is an Internal or external modem? I have bought an Supra Max 56i
 Voice PCI modem I cant put it to work under Linux :(

It may yet work with Linux.  Does it use the Lucent chipset?

 I have spezifications of around a dotzend Win-Modems 
 which are working properly with Dos and Linux.
 Do you have any web-page with those specifications?
 I would like to see if I can put my PCI modem to work under Linux.

One thing that needs to be realized is that 3Com's legal department might
not like that too much - many companies like to hide the fact that they're
ripping customers off on their hardware behind protecting intellecutal

I strongly recommend that a lawyer be consulted before anyone puts any
kind of web page up.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Solved: Boot off non-BIOS SCSI drive - can I use LILO or SysLinux?

1999-12-14 Thread Brian Boonstra

Well, Her Majesty's empire really came through for me!  Thank you to  
David and Frank for your help.

Frank was right about booting off the non-BIOS SCSI disk...for some  
reason, it does work (and, as he hinted, the magic incantation to LILO seems  
to be linear).  I did not end up needing to try loadlin, though that looks  
like a fine solution.

Incidentally, because I share this box with others (hence my  
hesitation to touch the IDE drive), I wanted something a little more  
user-friendly in the boot loader.  I had an old copy of System Commander  
around, so I tried installing it.
It would not see the second drive even though LILO did, but it has  
an option to boot from a MBR saved to a file.  So I used dd to save the  
LILO MBR to a file on the Dos/Win partition. System Commander was then able  
to boot Win98 directly, and to chain-boot LILO.

Thanks, guys,


Re: Error installing Emacs20 in Potato

1999-12-14 Thread John R. Sheets
Marshal Wong wrote:
 For the emacs20 error, I think you need to make the directory
 /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dpkg-dev and copy debian-changelog-mode.el
 into it from /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dpkg.  I though that this
 problem was fixed already.  Anyways, see if that helps.

Hey, thanks!  That worked.  I'd previously tried copying the dpkg-dev
directory from /usr/share/emacs/20.4/site-lisp, but it had the .elc
file, not the .el file, and I didn't notice the different file
extensions.  Oh well.


FW: Slink and Trouble compiling bttvgrab 0.15.4

1999-12-14 Thread Antonio Rodriguez

Has anyone successfully installed the bttv driver and bttv grab? I tried to
install the bttv 0.6.4 driver which installed like a dream, but when I tried
installing bttvgrab version 0.15.4, I get all sorts of errors.
When I run the configure script it fails to discover KDE and Qt libraries
(which should be ok because I don't care about the KDE frontend that much)
but also can't find a library called

Then when I run make, it fails to compile a bunch of files, even though the
Makefile has these files in its dependencies. Even if I hand compile these
files, the process quickly fails in the linking step.

If you have gotten bttvgrab to work, please let me know!



Config.log follows:

This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

configure:536: checking for gcc
configure:613: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works
configure:627: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  15
configure:647: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler
configure:652: checking whether we are using GNU C
configure:661: gcc -E conftest.c
configure:676: checking whether gcc accepts -g
configure:704: checking how to run the C preprocessor
configure:725: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:794: checking for a BSD compatible install
configure:844: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}
configure:875: checking for wish8.0
configure:908: checking for g++
configure:940: checking for fdatasync
configure:968: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c  15
configure:997: checking for X
configure:1227: checking for XCreateGC in -lX11
configure:1246: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lX11   15
ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:
#line 1235 configure
#include confdefs.h
/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
char XCreateGC();

int main() {
; return 0; }
configure:1274: checking for XShmCreateImage in -lXext
configure:1293: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lXext   15
ld: cannot open -lXext: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:
#line 1282 configure
#include confdefs.h
/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
char XShmCreateImage();

int main() {
; return 0; }
configure:1321: checking for jpeg_set_defaults in -ljpeg
configure:1340: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -ljpeg   15
configure:1368: checking for initscr in -lncurses
configure:1387: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lncurses  -ljpeg  15
configure:1415: checking for aa_flush in -laa
configure:1434: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -laa  -lncurses -ljpeg
ld: cannot open -laa: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:
#line 1423 configure
#include confdefs.h
/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
char aa_flush();

int main() {
; return 0; }
configure:1462: checking for EGifOpenFileName in -lgif
configure:1481: gcc -o conftest -g -O2   conftest.c -lgif  -lncurses -ljpeg
configure:1509: checking for pthread_create in -lpthread
configure:1528: gcc -o conftest -g -O2
  conftest.c -lpthread  -lgif -lncurses -ljpeg  15
configure:1557: checking for X
configure:1790: checking for QT
configure:1832: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:1828: qtstream.h: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:
#line 1827 configure
#include confdefs.h
#include qtstream.h
configure:1910: g++ -o conftest  -INO  -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
conftest.C -lqt -lXext -lX11  15
conftest.C:2: qmovie.h: No such file or directory
configure: failed program was:
#include confdefs.h
#include qmovie.h
int main() {
  QMovie m;
  return 0;
configure:1981: checking for moc
configure:2015: checking for KDE
configure:2146: checking for kgrab
configure:2164: checking for ANSI C header files
configure:2177: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:2244: gcc -o conftest -g -O2
  conftest.c -lpthread -lgif -lncurses -ljpeg  15
configure:2268: checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible
configure:2289: gcc -c -g -O2  conftest.c 15
configure:2313: checking for linux/videodev.h
configure:2323: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:2313: checking for fcntl.h
configure:2323: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:2313: checking for limits.h
configure:2323: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:2313: checking for sys/ioctl.h
configure:2323: gcc -E  conftest.c /dev/null 2conftest.out
configure:2313: checking for 

journaling filesystem

1999-12-14 Thread Jan Ludewig

does anyone have experience with installing ReiserFS? (or any other
journaling filesystems?)

what i'd like to do is 
a) booting from a disk
b) dd my / to a free partition
c) reformat my root-partition with ReiserFS
d) dd the root-backup back to my root-partition

as of which kernel-version is RFS supported?

thx in advance


Re: Files in /var/lib/dpkg/

1999-12-14 Thread Shaul Karl
 /var/lib/dpkg/available is the file that keeps track of all packages currently
 available to be installed, based on the package info retrieved by apt-get 
 and your sources.list file.
 /var/lib/dpkg/status is the database file that contains information about the
 state of all packages currently install, removed, etc from your system.
 As a side note, never delete the status file by mistake, I did, and now I have
 to reinstall my entire system to get things back to normal.  If you are going 
 do any manipulation or modification of these files, make SURE you make
 backups.  I wish I had.

Is not /var/lib/dpkg/status automatically backed up?

[15:15:53 /tmp]$ ls /var/lib/dpkg/status
status status.yesterday.1.gz  status.yesterday.4.gz
status-old status.yesterday.2.gz  status.yesterday.5.gz
status.yesterday.0 status.yesterday.3.gz  status.yesterday.6.gz

 On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
  What is the difference b/w /var/lib/dpkg/status and
  /var/lib/dpkg/available ?
  I am experimenting with a Java application to list/display detailed
  information on all installed packages on a Debian system but can't be
  sure which file to start with - /var/lib/dpkg/status or
  /var/lib/dpkg/available ?
  Also, where can I find detailed documentation on the files (and their
  format) in /var/lib/dpkg ?
  Salman Ahmed
  ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-12-14 Thread Arne
Can someone point me to the bootdisk-image from the debian ftp-site.

IRC troubles

1999-12-14 Thread Christian Dysthe

since I usually use the #debian channel on to get
help and currently not able to log on there I ask here:

I use X-Chat 1.2.1 on my Debian potato system for IRC. Since yesterday
when I log on to and join the #debian channel the
IRC client crashes. It does not crash when I go to channels on Undernet
or Efnet or if I log on and do not join the channel.

What might be wrong?



Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: Xterm and function keys

1999-12-14 Thread Andy Spiegl
Hi again!

Sorry to bother you again with this, but unfortunately noone replied.  Must 
have chosen a bad time for my posting. :-)

I discovered a strange thing:
In an xterm the function keys produce the following:
 F1 - ^[OP
 F2 - ^[OQ
 F3 - ^[OR
 F4 - ^[OS
 F5 - ^[[15~
 F6 - ^[[16~

On a different system (I tried SuSE) they produce:
 F1 - ^[[11~
 F2 - ^[[12~
 F3 - ^[[13~
 F4 - ^[[14~
 F5 - ^[[15~
 F6 - ^[[16~
which seems more correct.  I also get this behaviour on my Debian (potato)
box when I use rxvt or konsole.

I don't think I misconfigured anything, because I confirmed this behavior
with a newly added user, too.  Do you have any idea where the problem is?

Thanks a lot,

 PGP/GPG: see headers
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_
 New Win98 error message:
   Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.

Webalizer and Apache

1999-12-14 Thread Christian Dysthe

I have webalizer and apache running fine on a potato box. I have added
the following to /etc/apache/cron.conf:

# Pre-rotation script to run (leave blank if none).

It works fine but I get a report mail on Webalizers doings every day
from cron. I have tried to add a -Q but then Webalizer won't run.

How do I make webalizer shut up in this case?



Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: bootdisk

1999-12-14 Thread Fitsch
Arne wrote:
 Can someone point me to the bootdisk-image from the debian ftp-site.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

go to and chose a mirror site.

On that site go to the directory 
/debian/dists/stable/main/disks-i386/current/ ( I hope this will fit
your needs and architecture )

The boot disk image for 1,44M floppies is `resc1440.bin` for a complete
installation you will need some more disks, plz read `install.html` in
the same directory.


xserver for 3dlabs Permedia

1999-12-14 Thread David Teague

One of my students has a 3dlabs permedia AGP 8Meg video card.
He has managed to get Xwindows up with SVGA, but wants to better
use the cards features. We found xf86 server for this card in

Am I right to assume that Potato binaries won't work directly with
Slink? Does he have to recompile from source to use this Potato
Xserver with Slink?

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

Re: SSH .deb files

1999-12-14 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 02:19:35PM +, David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glen S Mehn) wrote:
 If ssh were non-free, and I were to download it from a site in the US,
 then I would've broken the law, wouldn't I? Whereas, because it's non-US,
 I can't find it on any US site, so I can't accidently break the law.

Not quite.  The non-free section is non-free as in speech, not beer, so you
don't have to buy a license for it.

However, you are breaking the law if you attempt to:

1.  Sell it (ssh1)
2.  Make money with it in any way, no matter how indirectly (like
remote-admining a system) (ssh2)
3.  Export it _from_ the US to a country other than Canada or export it
_from_ Canada to a country other than the US if the original source was
inside the US.

 Does OpenSSH not suffer from this problem as well? Does it contain
 strong encryption or not?

OpenSSH contains all the strong encryption of nonfree-ssh except IDEA.  IDEA
is a patented algorythm (Really quite an amazing algorythm actually) but
developed outside the US (International Data Encryption Algorythm) and is in
my opinion more interesting than anything developed in the US.

IDEA (and actually no algorythm) was removed from OpenSSH due to export
restrictions.  There are known ways around that problem.  IDEA was removed
because it is non-free.

But OpenSSH still supports 3DES, Blowfish, RSA (with add-on) and few people
have been stung by the removal of IDEA.

Please see for more information.


Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams
himself your master.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-14 Thread Alberto Bigazzi

Hi there. 
just received from Torsten Uhlmann 
the following interesting infos: 

A) There exist (he made it, as I understand) what looks like a pretty cool
   application under
   KDE,  KMsgModem, which handles the capability of the Independent Mode
   of the 3Com Message modem analogously (well,  I'm sure much better...)
   to what  Winphone does.
   and search for it. 
   You may need to download gsm libraries for wav
   conversion from Torsten's site, also indicated in Freshmeat. 

B)  Also, a console-based program, mepl, exists. 
or, again, see under  Freshmeat. 

--Michelle  Konzack said
 can you give me more details about your Modem ???

Sure. Here they are (Hope they won't be totally irrelevant):

My USR Message Modem is an external modem. It is NOT
a Win-Modem. Just a pretty normal one.

Thanks to everybody. 

 Specifications ---

(1).Modem model 
56K Message Modem

(2).Serial number of the modem ( usually a bar code )
5 391216 000782

(3).Modem configuration ( i.e. the comport and IRQ setting )
   cat /proc/interrupts
 0:4139685   timer
 1:  54321   keyboard
 2:  0   cascade
 3: 234499 + serial
 4:  4 + serial
 8:  2 + rtc
12: 807265   PS/2 Mouse
13:  1   math error
14: 206208 + ide0

(4).ATI1, ATI4, ATI6 and ATI7 results 


U.S. Robotics 56K Message Settings...
B0  E0  F1  L2  M1  Q0  V1  X4  Y0

A3  B1  C1  D0  H1  I0  K1
M4  N0  R2  S0  T5  U0  Y1

S00_0  S01_0  S02_3  S03_3  S04_0  S05_8  S06_3
S07_0  S08_4  S09_6  S10_4  S11_5  S12_0  S13_0
S15_0  S16_0  S18_0  S19_5  S21_0  S22_7  S23_9
S25_5  S27_1  S28_8  S29_0  S30_0  S31_8  S32_2
S33_0  S34_0  S35_0  S36_4  S38_0  S39_2  S40_0
S41_4  S42_0  S43_2
U.S. Robotics 56K Message Link Diagnostics...
Chars sent0  Chars Received0
Chars lost0
Octets sent   0  Octets Received   0
Blocks sent   0  Blocks Received   0
Blocks resent 0

Retrains Requested0  Retrains Granted  0
Line Reversals0  Blers 0
Link Timeouts 0  Link Naks 0

Data Compression   NONE
Equalization   Long
Fallback   Enabled
Last Call  00:00:00

Disconnect Reason is Keypress Abort
Configuration Profile...
Product type   Italy External
Product ID:13566800
Fax OptionsClass 1/Class 2.0
Voice Options  Speaker Phone, TAD
Clock Freq 92.0Mhz
EPROM  256k

FLASH date 2/13/98
FLASH rev  12.1.12

DSP date   2/13/98
DSP rev12.1.12

Alberto Bigazzi, PhD. 
Dept. of Mathematics,   
Politecnico di Milano,   

Re: xserver for 3dlabs Permedia

1999-12-14 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 11:31:54AM -0500, David Teague wrote:
 Am I right to assume that Potato binaries won't work directly with
 Slink? Does he have to recompile from source to use this Potato
 Xserver with Slink?

Answers in order are Yes and He would have if nice people hadn't already
done it first.


deb xfree-update main

to /etc/apt/sources.list,

apt-get update
apt-get install xserver-3dlabs

Enjoy the beautiful card that the Permedia II is!


Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams
himself your master.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-14 Thread ferret

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Alberto Bigazzi wrote:

 Hi everybody. 
 I've got a 3Com USR 56K Message Modem. 
 This modem  is capable of receiving fax and voice messages 
 WHEN YOUR PC IS OFF (Independent Mode). 
 Very nice feature! ( makes the modem  fairly expensive, too). 
 I can't use it with my Debian (hamm) !
 The 3com package includes a Windows software  (Winphone) to deal with the
 Independent  mode.  But it does not include any Linux script for enabling
 that mode.
 I wrote to them and asked for a Linux script. They told me they haven't
 got such a thing...! I complained to them and I'm still waiting for an
 Note that the modem is NOT one of those windows-specific modems. I use it
 and works fine for connecting to my ISP. 
 Now, how is it possible that it there exist something that Windows can
 handle and Linux cannot ??!
 1) Has anybody a solution to this? 
 2) What information do I need about the Independent mode in order to
write down a script myself and make the modem work? 
Would that be possible, anyway? (how?)

It's probably something they want to keep hidden to boost use of that
other OS, I'm guessing. I recently had a run-through with them regarding a
firmware update for my USR Sportster over a non-intel machine.

My suggestions:
Ask for a telephone number and call tech support. I ended up repeating
myself in email because each email was answered by a different support
droid, only one of which seemed to have any intelligence. One of them
suggested I install Windows 98 on my Sparc IPX. ; I spoke to a droid on
the phone who was actually helpful, aparantly had called the hardware
people to find out if they could do anything. I'm still stuck on the
so-called `free' firmware upgrade but at least the guy was nice about it.
Perhaps if enough people request support from 3com they'll start offering
support. :

If you have access to a Wintel anywhere, you can connect it to your
machine with a null-modem cable, run minicom (and expect) on the Linux
side and set up the Wintel side so it thinks the null-modem is your modem.
I had successfully done this with my USR and their Windows-based software
(borrowed a friend's computer) and learned the undocumented AT codes for
flashing the Sportster. Oh, and aparantly you can change the modem's
internal serial number too.

What's up with these people, anyway? They give you explicit instructions
to use their modem on your Sparc, then turn around and say you
Ican't/I have your free upgrade unless you purchase from Redmond?
Couldn't that be considered breach of contract?

Hope this helps

-- Ferret no baka

Re: SSH .deb files

1999-12-14 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Wright) wrote:
Quoting Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glen S Mehn) wrote:
  ... Ssh uses cryptography that you
 technically have to license in the US to use, so it's a non-US
 With the slink version that's true, but that really makes it non-free
 rather than non-US. potato now has OpenSSH, which doesn't suffer from
 this problem.
 The non-US problem is that US law prohibits software containing strong
 encryption from being exported from the United States; it therefore has
 to be placed on a mirror outside the United States for people to
 download. (Importing it into the US is OK.)

If ssh were non-free, and I were to download it from a site in the US,
then I would've broken the law, wouldn't I? Whereas, because it's non-US,
I can't find it on any US site, so I can't accidently break the law.

Does OpenSSH not suffer from this problem as well? Does it contain
strong encryption or not?

I'm sorry, that was bad phrasing on my part. What I was trying to say is
that OpenSSH doesn't suffer from the licensing problem, so it's no
longer non-free. However, the old ssh package was non-US/non-free, and
OpenSSH is still a non-US package, as it still contains strong

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science []

df is reading wrongly

1999-12-14 Thread Patrick Kirk
As part of securing my server, I moved /var and /home to seperate partitions 
from /  All seems to work but df is giving strange results.  When I type df, I 
find a partition which I know to be 88 MB to show as 1.7 Gigs.

Should I worry?  The usage info for the / partition is also 500 MB or so out.

Thanks in advance.

Patrick Kirk

PS - df as follows with hda1 overstuffed and hda4 oversized

/dev/hda1 1.9G  714M  1.1G  38% /
/dev/hda3  15M  1.2M   13M   8% /boot
/dev/hda4 1.7G  1.2G  471M  72% /home/debian
/dev/hda5 1.7G  1.2G  471M  72% /home
/dev/hda9 7.6M   11k  7.2M   0% /home/tele2
/dev/hda10387M  281M   86M  76% /var

gpm and X

1999-12-14 Thread GECOS
I have two pointing devices, and I like to use them both with X.  I can
do this using gpm with the following command

gpm -t ps2 -m /dev/psaux -M -t ms -m /dev/ttyS1 -R

and by putting the following lines in the Pointer section of

Device  /dev/gpmdata

It works great.  So what's my problem?  Just that the initscripts
somewhere insist on rewriting XF86Config when I restart the system.

The only reliable way I have found to prevent it from doing this is to
delete /sbin/buildxconf.  But this is an ugly solution.  Where are the
defaults stored?  I thought I had found them in /etc/devices.  But it
turns out that file gets rewritten too!  Does the system recheck the
hardware on every reboot and write these files in accordance with what
it thinks they should be?  How do I stop it from doing this?

(BTW, I'm using the Corel variant of debian.  So maybe this is a problem
unique to that variant?)

Any help would be appreciated.


jde paket won't install properly

1999-12-14 Thread Thomas Keusch

Hello fellow users of Debian,

I think I've got a small problem here.

For university I need to develop in java, and so far I've done so using
XEmacs on the boxes provided, which run on solaris.

As I had XEmacs installed on my part slink, part potato system anyway,
I installed the 'jde' package from unstable yesterday, hoping it would
provide the 'JDE' menu in XEmacs I got used to on the solaris boxes.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out as I expected, having given me an error
in the configuration phase of the install.

Here is the situation:

dante:~ $ dpkg -l | grep -e emacs -e jde
ii  emacs20 20.3-7 The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacsen-common  1.4.8  Common facilities for all emacsen.
iF  jde 2.1.5-2.1.6bet Java Development Environment for Emacs or XE
ii  xemacs20-bin20.4-14Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs20-nomule 20.4-14Editor and kitchen sink -- Non-mule binary
ii  xemacs20-suppor 20.4-14Editor and kitchen sink -- architecture inde
dante:~ $ dpkg --configure --pending
Setting up jde (2.1.5-2.1.6beta13-1) ...
jde: Skipping installation for emacsen flavor emacs
jde: Installing byte-compiled files for emacsen flavor emacs20
emacs-package-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/jde \
emacs20 emacs20 xemacs20 failed at  \
/usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install line 30.
dpkg: error processing jde (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
Errors were encountered while processing:
dante:~ $

Anyone out there who had the same problem but got it to a working state

I tried running /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/jde xemacs20
manually, but there still is no 'JDE' entry in XEmacs menues.

I'm lost right now.


unidentified TCP connections

1999-12-14 Thread Robert Varga

How can I determine the process belonging to a tcp connection on my
machine? I have a couple of connection which I find very unnerving:

netstat -a | grep aiesec produces the output:

tcp0  0 mymachine:27567aiesecplanet.satim:auth
tcp0  0 mymachine:27434aiesecplanet.satim:auth
tcp0  0 mymachine:27426aiesecplanet.satim:auth
tcp0  0 mymachine:27389aiesecplanet.satim:auth
tcp0  0 mymachine:26779aiesecplanet.satim:auth
tcp0  0 mymachine:1097 aiesecplanet.satim:auth

These connections mostly persist, so the port numbers are always the same 
for a long time, until the connection dies. 
There tend to be other connection attempts but they die quickly

The connection to my port 1097 seems to be constant.

I have nothing to do with the mentioned machine

I have nothing listening on any of these ports (that I know of), and
nothing is listening there according to netstat -a.

I had a misterious machine breakdown two days ago, when all services
(SMTP, TELNET, SQUID, FTP, POP3,...) refused connections, except for DNS.
To be more exact, the only tcp port under 4000 (I scanned to this number)
which was open was 53 (domain). 

I suspect a break-in occured. 

How can I find what communication is taking place on these connections?

Robert Varga

Re: SSH .deb files

1999-12-14 Thread David Wright
Quoting Dan Brosemer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 02:19:35PM +, David Wright wrote:
  Quoting Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glen S Mehn) wrote:
  If ssh were non-free, and I were to download it from a site in the US,
  then I would've broken the law, wouldn't I? Whereas, because it's non-US,
  I can't find it on any US site, so I can't accidently break the law.
 Not quite.  The non-free section is non-free as in speech, not beer, so you
 don't have to buy a license for it.

Although this thread had got onto licensing, that wasn't my point.
But Colin has explained what he meant.

 However, you are breaking the law if you attempt to:
 1.  Sell it (ssh1)
 2.  Make money with it in any way, no matter how indirectly (like
 remote-admining a system) (ssh2)
 3.  Export it _from_ the US to a country other than Canada or export it
 _from_ Canada to a country other than the US if the original source was
 inside the US.
I don't think I'd like to debate this point with US immigration.
If I take linux on a laptop to the US, all the non-US stuff will
be coming off it first, whatever its original source.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: MySQL from Netgod hoses DBI???

1999-12-14 Thread Christian Hammers

 I recently upgraded MySQL from and now my DBI stuff
 doesn't work. Here are the relevant (I think) packages:
 Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/auto/DBD/mysql/'
 for module DBD::mysql:

The recent MySQL package depends on libmysqlclient6. Your DBI seems to be
quite old and from the slink distribution. 
Since the former mysql maintainer did not seperate the library to an
extra package you now only have two choices:
a) downgrade mysql to the one that's shipped with slink (3.20.23 I think)
b) upgrade Perl DBI. You can use the most recent one thats available on
   CPAN or as Debian Package. If you use the Debian package you should
   get the source and compile it yourself since you have an older perl 
   version than me. You probably have to kill the depends out of the
   debian/control file, too, to get dpkg to install it.

Mail me if you have further problems.


 -christian- / MySQL and PerlDBI maintainer.

P.S.: I will harden the depends on a more recent Perl-DBI in my MySQL package
  to prevent such failures from now on. So thanks for making this
  problem public :-)
Linux - the choice of the GNU generation.  Join the Debian Project 
Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
50 3C 52 26 3E 52 E7 20  D2 A1 F5 16 C4 C9 D4 D3  1024/925BCB55 1997/11/01

sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread Ron Farrer

Hello all,

Sound works great on my potato system as root, but I have permission
problems as a normal user. Is there a way I can make it so a normal user
can play sounds/music? 


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread mheyes

add :rbf, without the quotes

Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/99 01:05:33 PM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: sound as non-root?


 Add users to the audio group in /etc/group

Ok, thanks! Hmm.. What would I put in there for the user 'rbf'?


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Re: df is reading wrongly

1999-12-14 Thread David Wright
Quoting Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 As part of securing my server, I moved /var and /home to seperate partitions 
 from /  All seems to work but df is giving strange results.  When I type df, 
 I find a partition which I know to be 88 MB to show as 1.7 Gigs.
 Should I worry?  The usage info for the / partition is also 500 MB or so out.

I wouldn't mind seeing how you've mounted these partitions,
i.e. your /etc/fstab file. It's interesting that hda4 and hda5
say the same thing. I suppose the output of [c]fdisk would be
helpful too.

Is it possible that the 500MB extra in / is a deleted file(s) that's
still open, so df shows it in use but du can't see it.

Is it too much of a coincidence that 500MB is about what you've moved
from / to the /home partitions.

 PS - df as follows with hda1 overstuffed and hda4 oversized
 /dev/hda1 1.9G  714M  1.1G  38% /
 /dev/hda3  15M  1.2M   13M   8% /boot
 /dev/hda4 1.7G  1.2G  471M  72% /home/debian
 /dev/hda5 1.7G  1.2G  471M  72% /home
 /dev/hda9 7.6M   11k  7.2M   0% /home/tele2
 /dev/hda10387M  281M   86M  76% /var


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: unidentified TCP connections

1999-12-14 Thread Jan Ludewig
On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 06:34:07PM +0100, Robert Varga wrote:
 tcp0  0 mymachine:1097 aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 These connections mostly persist, so the port numbers are always the same 
 for a long time, until the connection dies. 
 There tend to be other connection attempts but they die quickly

if you deliver mails directly switch that off and try it again.


Re: unidentified TCP connections

1999-12-14 Thread David Wright
Quoting Robert Varga ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 How can I determine the process belonging to a tcp connection on my
 machine? I have a couple of connection which I find very unnerving:
 netstat -a | grep aiesec produces the output:
 tcp0  0 mymachine:27567aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 tcp0  0 mymachine:27434aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 tcp0  0 mymachine:27426aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 tcp0  0 mymachine:27389aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 tcp0  0 mymachine:26779aiesecplanet.satim:auth
 tcp0  0 mymachine:1097 aiesecplanet.satim:auth
fuser -n tcp -u n
prints the pid, then
ps auxwww | grep pid
tells you the process commandline.

 How can I find what communication is taking place on these connections?

tcpdump -l -n -i interface [host host] | tee somefile
to watch the traffic.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread Gary Hennigan
Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sound works great on my potato system as root, but I have permission
 problems as a normal user. Is there a way I can make it so a normal user
 can play sounds/music? 

Yes, add them to the audio group. You can see what group a particular
device is in by long-listing the device, for example:

% ls -l /dev/audio
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   4 Nov 19 08:43 /dev/audio

So, anyone in the audio group can write to the audio device. Just
add the user to the audio group, eg.,

% adduser blahblah audio

would add the user blahblah to the audio group.


Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread Ron Farrer

 add :rbf, without the quotes

Ok, now I get a little futher: Can't open /dev/dsp!

Any ideas?


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Re: journaling filesystem

1999-12-14 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 does anyone have experience with installing ReiserFS? (or any other
 journaling filesystems?)

I don't, but the installation process is the same if you're going to
replace the HD that provided the root fs.

 what i'd like to do is 
   a) booting from a disk
   b) dd my / to a free partition
   c) reformat my root-partition with ReiserFS
   d) dd the root-backup back to my root-partition

Sorry, won't work - dd makes an image of the entire disk, including file
system information.  The restore operation would wipe out the nice, new
ReiserFS file system and put your old root back in it's place, ext2 and

This is what you need to do; I'm assuming you use lilo:
 a) tar / to a free partition
 b) reboot; at the lilo prompt boot your kernel, specifiying the backup
file system as the root fs
 c) make the ReiserFS file system  restore the backup via tar
 d) reboot and instant ReiserFS.

If you don't use lilo or don't have a lilo boot prompt, DO NOT DO ANYTHING
until you know 200% what you're doing - you could royally screw up your
system if you're not careful.

 as of which kernel-version is RFS supported?

It's not in any of the standard kernels - you need to patch a kernel
2.2.12 yourself.  2.3.x is not supported at this time.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

RE: problems forwarding X over SSH...

1999-12-14 Thread Glen S Mehn

You could do it a little kludge-ily by adding the laptop's IP or actual
hostname in /etc/X0.hosts (you might possibly even be able to add

If you have to add it each time, you'll have to, obviously, restart xdm.
But it's certainly doable. Hope it helps?



 Subject: Re: Problem forwarding X over ssh
 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:17:58 -0400
 From: William Burrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gary Hennigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 01:49:55PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
  what network it was attached to. This local name doesn't necessarily
  correspond to its real name on the network and thus ssh was setting
  the display to this local name instead of the laptops real network
  name. Obviously this disallows a functional forward of X11.
  In my case I need to figure out how to set the host name to the real
  name of the laptop depending on what network it resides (maybe PCMCIA
  has some provision for this?). For now I can set it's host name
  manually via the hostname command to it's real network name and that
  fixes the problem.
 You might be able to get around it by generating a cookie for the host name
 as it is seen from the network:
 xauth generate .
 Dunno if that will work or not.
 William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
 A 'box' is something that accomplishes a task -- you feed in input and
 out comes the output, just as God and Larry Wall intended.
  -- brian moore
Glen S Mehn Systems Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can your email do this?

Re: PA-2013, K6-2 and AGP TNT2: Windoze runs, but Linux crashes

1999-12-14 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko
Hi, Noah!

Thanks for your comment.  I went to the closet and took old VGA card 
out.  Unfortunately it did not help.  Swapping cables, moving cards 
around does not help either.  I can reproduce the problem if I try to 
move 1Gb of data from one place into another.  Windoze does it, but 
Linux gets stuck somewhere in the beginning.

Strange thing that I found a couple of messages blaming PA-2013, and 
people switch to Tyan, and it seemed to help, despite the fact that 
both motherboards carry exactly the same VIA chipset.

It smells like bad motherboard.

Thanks again,
 On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
  MB: FIC PA-2013 (revision 2.0)
  CPU   : K6-2-450 with huge fan on top of it.
  HD: IBM 15 Gb
  CD: CD-DVD Toshiba
  Sound : SB live (value)
  Video : AGP Diamond V770 TNT2
  Modem : Actiontech PCI
  Linux : Debian Slink installation
 I've got many of these same components...PA2013 board, K6-II 450.  The
 notable difference is the video board (mine is a 3dfx voodoo3).  All this
 hardware is supported fine by Linux, with only possible exceptions being
 the modem (PCI modems are usually not compatible) and the video board (I'm
 just saying that as a disclaimer, since I don't know anything at all about
 I am inclined to believe that you are in fact facing some kind of hardware
 problem that windows is able to ignore for some reason.  Nothing on your
 hardware list should be crashing Linux if it's working properly.  I would
 try swapping some stuff out with different, similar hardware.  Try
 different HD cables, a different disk, a different video board.  It might
 even be the motherboard.  
 You might also want to try running your hard drive on your secondary IDE
 controller, and disabling the primary controller in the BIOS.  It could be
 that one of the controllers is bad but the other is OK.
 I had to RMA my PA2013 after experiencing some strange crashes in
 Linux.  Disk IO would stop working completely.  If i left procmeter
 running, I could try to run a program and watch the system load increment
 by one with each new process I tried to start.  The only way out of this
 state was to reboot.  I still don't know what caused it, but replacing the
 motherboard fixed the problem...
 Hope this helps you.
   PGP Public Key available at 
   or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Version: 2.6.3a
 Charset: noconv

RE: Summary: logout/halt/reboot as ordinary user, gnome logout b

1999-12-14 Thread Craig Orsinger

On 14-Dec-99 Svante Signell wrote:
 - GDM, XDM or KDM are not interesting, since then ALL users have to use the
   graphical login. I prefer to go to X with startx, for other users
   startx can be put in their login scripts. I know you can always go to
   a virtual console with CTRL-ALT-Fx, x = 1,...,6. I dont prefer this
   solution. It is much nicer to start X from the console, from there enabling
   logging of errors etc. 

Since at least part of your objection to an all-graphical 
environment, would an option to log such errors to a special 
console window an acceptable alternative? Those errors do get 
written to a log in most cases, it's just not convenient to get
to, and it gets overwritten on each new login.

I used to do things the way you do, and still use terminal
windows an awful lot. The only other disadvantage of the all-graphical
approach that I can see is that if something goes wrong with your
login manager, you may not be able to regain control of your system
unless you can login through the serial port or the network. BTW,
I've used Xdm/X, GNOME, and CDE in this way, they all can do this
if you fiddle with them often enough. But they're also very convenient
when you have to create a system that non-programmers will be using.

Date: 14-Dec-99  Time: 10:46:34

Craig Orsinger  (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Logicon RDA
Bldg. 8B28  Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th  F Streets station. The Universe is full of them.
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433   - The Doctor

Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread mheyes

what are the permissions on /dev/dsp?

Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/99 01:40:26 PM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   Debian User

Subject:  Re: sound as non-root?


 add :rbf, without the quotes

Ok, now I get a little futher: Can't open /dev/dsp!

Any ideas?


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Off Topic - Journalist Slams Linux

1999-12-14 Thread Art Lemasters
 Dwight Silverman, who writes about high technology for the
Houston Chronicle, (Denver Rocky Mountain News, 12-13-99) called
Linux the geek fad du jour.  He said quite a few negative and
inaccurate things about Linux...seems to be on a crusade to increase
MS profits at the expense of the reputation of Linux.

 Silverman said that he writes about mainstream computing, of
which Linux is not a part. and went on with a few inaccuracies about
the OS, including describing it as only being an inadequate workstation
(nothing about its capabilities as a server).

 Well, there's the high tech news from the Denver Rocky Mountain
News (and possibly the Houston Chronicle, since Silverman writes for it,
too).  ...makes me want to write about idiots who slam Linux in ignorance.
I think I will.  ...sorry I could not find the nasty column mentioned 
above on the Net.  The hits get in the way these days (on the
Metacrawler), and the Rocky Mountains News archives are a pay-per-use
service.  It was in yesterday's (12-13-99) Mile Hightech section. 



Re: journaling filesystem

1999-12-14 Thread Martin Fluch

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Phil Brutsche wrote:

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  does anyone have experience with installing ReiserFS? (or any other
  journaling filesystems?)
 I don't, but the installation process is the same if you're going to
 replace the HD that provided the root fs.
  what i'd like to do is 
  a) booting from a disk
  b) dd my / to a free partition
  c) reformat my root-partition with ReiserFS
  d) dd the root-backup back to my root-partition

AFAIK the ReiserFS is not mountable (e.g. not even read only) when it is
corrupted (which might happen after a system crash). The only way to
rescue such a system would be with the help of the rescue disk, which
gives you much less tools than a small root partition. Therefore you don't
want a ReiserFS root partition. 


- -- 
Where do you want to go today? - As far from Redmond as possible!

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


MS Intellimouse

1999-12-14 Thread mcmi0037
Someone I know is running potato and has a MS Intellimouse (a mouse with two 
buttons and a wheel). What we'd like to be able to do is have the 
functionality of both the wheel and an emulated third button. However, we read 
that the Emulate3Buttons in X doesn't work if ZAxisMapping is turned on. So, 
currently, we have ZAxisMapping on (so we can get the scrolling) but she has 
no way of doing the third mouse-button click. What we'd like to be able to do 
is somehow make Ctrl + Button-1 (or button-1 + button-2) send X a button-3 
click. Is there any way to do this, either with XF86Config, xmodmap, the 
window manager (we are using Enlightenment), or any other method?


Colin McMillen 
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato): 1 day, 17 hours, 25 minutes without a reboot...
The revolution will be complete when the operating system is perfect.

Re: file systems...

1999-12-14 Thread Steve George

From what you are typing there you aren't specifying the type of filesystem 
being mounted, iso9660 is the CD system which I think tries to auto-work out 
the rock ridge extensions for long filenames.


On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 07:14:29PM -0500, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 I had my harddrive crash, so I had to do a fresh installiation of
 potato.  Before when I issued the command mount /dev/scd0 /ultraplex
 my cd would be mounted on ultraplex, and I had long file names.
 However, now the same command gives me those annoying truncated
 filenames.  What could have changed?
 -Aaron Solochek
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Off Topic - Journalist Slams Linux

1999-12-14 Thread Paul J. Keenan
Art Lemasters wrote:
  Dwight Silverman, who writes about high technology for the
 Houston Chronicle, (Denver Rocky Mountain News, 12-13-99) called
 Linux the geek fad du jour.  He said quite a few negative and
 inaccurate things about Linux...seems to be on a crusade to increase
 MS profits at the expense of the reputation of Linux.



From what you say, I'm reminded by that great saying never attribute
to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.  Sure, he
doesn't know what he's talking about.  He still won't know what he's
talking about when he's preaching about the benefits of Linux after
world domination   :)


Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread Ron Farrer

 what are the permissions on /dev/dsp?

$ l d*
   0 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Oct 22 12:02 dsp
   0 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  19 Oct 22 12:02 dsp1

Any ideas?


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Re: SSH .deb files

1999-12-14 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Just a nit...

David Wright wrote:

 Quoting Dan Brosemer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  However, you are breaking the law if you attempt to:
  3.  Export it _from_ the US to a country other than Canada or export it
  _from_ Canada to a country other than the US if the original source was
  inside the US.
 I don't think I'd like to debate this point with US immigration.

You quoted `original source'.  Let me quote the rebuilt sentence
that comes from:

`you are breaking the law if you attempt to export it _from_
 Canada to a country other than the US, if the original source
 [comes from] inside the US.'

So you'd be talking with Canadian immigration about the export,
not US immigration.

 If I take linux on a laptop to the US, all the non-US stuff will
 be coming off it first, whatever its original source.

Of course, that's the law.  If you take XTEA from the UK into the
US, it's illegal to export it later.

However, I'm perfectly happer having XTEA on a Canadian ftp
server, since it's crypto code that _doesn't_ come from the US.


slink newbie tries to dpkg

1999-12-14 Thread Darryl Röthering
I'm the newbie who just got slink base up on a floppy only system. I am 
trying to get some packages installed, and must be missing something.

I tried to start installing the admin packages, so I picked cron from the 
following URL:

I downloaded this from an NT box (hiss hiss, its my mandatory desktop at 
work). Then I tried issued the command:

dpkg --install cron_3.0pl1-50.2.deb

After which I received this error:

dpkg-split: error reading cron_3.0pl1-50.2.deb: Input/output error
dpkg: error processing cron_3.0pl1-50.2.deb (--install):
subprocess dpkg-split returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

From my attempts to RTFM, it seems that this file is split into pieces and 
needs to be joined. But, if that is correct, why cant I find another piece 
in that directory.

I would appreciate help if anyone has been through this before.



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3c905c wierd troubles

1999-12-14 Thread Ronald Tin
Hi all ..

 I have 2 3c905c on a Debian potato and have configured
one to have $IP1, the other $IP2. When I ping $IP1 or $IP2
I get an error like neighbour table overflow. But ping'ing
other hosts work just fine. I was wondering if anyone else
have similar problems?

Is it a mis-configuraton of mine, a kernel bug, or is it a
debian-related bug?

The machine has an ATX board with wake-on-lan features,
but I think I have it disabled. (I may have forgotten to
save the BIOS changes... though unlikely)
The CPU is some PII or PIII, with 64/128MB RAM..
Having 2 IDE harddisks and an IDE CD-ROM. (I think they don't matter?)

And then. on another machine I keep seeing doesn't
match kernel data. Are there anything I can do?
It's one of the Compaq Proliant servers (I think 1600).
I compile the kernel with
   make-kpkg clean ; make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

It doesn't seem to hurt anything up to now, but it's ugly when
you see such errors when you do ps...

Re: sound as non-root?

1999-12-14 Thread mheyes

Hmm. If rbf is added to /dev/audio group, it looks like this should work. There
may be a better way to do this, and maybe this won't work at all, but I wonder
if you need to reboot? I'm not sure if /etc/group is only read at boot or not.

Michael Heyes

Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/99 03:00:16 PM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: sound as non-root?


 what are the permissions on /dev/dsp?

$ l d*
   0 crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Oct 22 12:02 dsp
   0 crw-rw1 root audio 14,  19 Oct 22 12:02 dsp1

Any ideas?


=  Ronald Burnett Farrer  =
= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] =
= =
|Alpha Linux Powered! |
| |

Re: HELP: Netscape fonts

1999-12-14 Thread Roy Pluschke
Albert Hurd wrote:
 Roy Pluschke wrote:
  Albert Hurd wrote:
   Changing the font size in Preferences does not seem to affect the
   size on the toolbars and, more importantly, the fonts in the
   listing in the mail program. Anyone know to get these to be
   Albert Hurd
  I have put the following in my .xresources file -- you may need to
  use .xsession depending on how you start X.  Found the info
  on netscape's site but remember that it was well hidden.
  Good Luck,
  Roy Pluschke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Could I bother you with a (hopefully last) question.  I have now got
 the messages and message lists fonts working well, thanks to you.  The
 font size choice also affected the bookmarks font, which is great, but
 I would like it to be darker (bold), which it is not.  Do you have any
 idea how I could achieve this. I did a web search but didn't find
 anything.  Thanks again.
 Albert Hurd

I don't know if this is possible but -- If were to try I would start
by using the editres program that comes standard with X.  It's
a handy tool to find out which resources belong to a particular
Widget and to edit them. 



1999-12-14 Thread Tom Bebee
Does anyone know what tqueue_lock is and what it's function is?   I am trying 
to run:
modprobe ppa -- results in /lib/modules/2.2.12/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol 

Any info on what tqueue_lock is or what it is part of would be appreciated.

Tom Bebee
Welch Allyn Inc.

library Problem ?

1999-12-14 Thread McBain

a lot of x apps only come with the following message after startup und
terminate !

MCBAINS:~# kfind 
kfind: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/X11R6/lib/
undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

dpkg -C comes with no message about broken packages !

i have slink installed.

Where is the problem ?


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