Re: Mi Packages.gz

1999-12-21 Thread Barbwired
Ricardo Villalba decía:
 He estado probando el dpkg-scanpackages y finalmente he conseguido crear
 un Packages.gz (casi por casualidad, la verdad) que voy a subir a mi
 página web para que el que quiera pueda instalar los paquetes que tengo
 allí con el apt (son para Slink).

Somos muchos los que te agradecemos el esfuerzo. Muchas gracias!!!

 Je suis petit voleur, grand faussaire, flambeur, vitriolé, dépresif, pesimiste
forcené, fier, tricard, indélébile, maladroit, addict et violent - S. Gainsbourg
 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.13) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: [offtopic] La publicidad _cuesta_ en las listas Debian

1999-12-21 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Virgilio_G=F3mez_Rubio?= wrote:

 Hola de nuevo:
  El pobrecito principiante no va a sufrir tanto como dicen Jordi y
  Virgilio, pues lo que le va a pasar es que recibe una respuesta
  explicandole con lujo de detalles que tiene que volver a escribir con
  subscribe en el asunto y después repetir su pregunta (creo que hasta
  se le dice la dirección del archivo público de debian-user-spanish).
  Vaya, no sabía eso. Entonces no parece tan mala la idea de cerrar la
 lista. De todas formas, ¿se acabará el spam? ¿Qué

Seguro que como mínimo se reduciría notablemente. Los spamers que 
envian e-mail anónimo o con remitente falso a un montón de 
direcciones usando procedimientos automáticos son los peores.

Si un spammer tiene que suscribirse primero con una dirección válida
se lo pensará dos veces antes de hacerlo.

Desde mi punto de vista se trata de poner almenos alguna dificultad.

 pasa si se subscribe el mismo que realiza el spam? Se elimina de la lista,
 pero entonces estamos en las mismas. ¿No se podría simplemente filtrar el
   POr cierto Jaime, me ha encantado tu simil. ;-) 
  Un saludo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

xfte. Castellano, tamaño de fuentes.

1999-12-21 Thread J. Carlos Muro
Hace tiempo, con hamm, usaba fte (xfte) y los caracteres me salían más pequeños,
y me admitía correctamente las tildes.
Ahora, con la slink que tengo (del verano o por ahí), las letras son más
grandes, y tengo auténticos problemas con las palabras que llevan tilde. Por
ejemplo, de la palabra 'distribución', sólo me sacaría 'distribuci' y se comería
la última parte, o algo por el estilo.
¿Alguien ha experimentado los mismos problemas que yo? ¿Alguien me puede dar una
No sé si tendrá que ver  con los 'locales'. De hecho, si inicio fte en una
consola de las X, me da un error diciendo que el locale no está soportado.
Supongo que se refiere a que no soporta el Castellano, pero, digo yo, si lo
soportaba en hamm, ¿cómo no lo va a soportar en slink?
¿Que cómo tengo los locales? Pues no lo sé de memoria, puesto que ahora me
encuentro en el curro, pero sí sé que las aplicaciones Gnome por ejemplo me
sacan los menús y demás textos en castellano (cierto día, recuerdo haber
configurado eso, lo que no sé es si lo hice bien o no :D).

Sé que se puede cambiar la configuración de fte editando unos archivos y
compilandolos con cfte. Lo intenté, pero no funcionó. Si alguien a quien le
funcione todo bien me puede pasar su ~/.fte ...

Saludos y felicices navidades para todos:

Juan Carlos

Might and Magik

1999-12-21 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Para los jugadores:
Ya ha salido el Might and Magik III, también denominado HEROES III. Pasaros
por y podreis darle un vistazo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Es Debian Y2K (2 y fin)

1999-12-21 Thread Ximo Nadal

No me gusta entrar en polémicas que lo único que generan es spam.
Pero ya que yo inicie lo de Es Debian Y2K aclararé que mi intención
no es por supuesto pedir responsabilidades a nadie, sino que alguien
me hechase una mano para encontrar datos sobre el tema.

Gracias a los que me han dado alguna pista. A los que me han hechado
la bronca gracias también, pero les recomendaria que aplicaran su
tiempo en cosas mas útiles para Debian.

Feliz Navidad a todos y que el año 2000, en lugar de malos efectos,
nos traiga buen rollete.

Mecanizados, s. a.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA.
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Sobre .deb

1999-12-21 Thread Raúl González

¿Hay alguna forma de saber si un paquete esta dañado tras bajarlo de
Internet o transportarlo en disquete?.

Creo que los paquetes de Debian vienen firmados ¿Como se hace para
verificar su firma?

Gracias y un saludo para todos.

acentos en X

1999-12-21 Thread Jose Mari Mor i Fabregat
Hace tiempo pusisteis por aqu´i que pasaba con slink y los
acentos. Aunque tengo puesto lo de nodeadkeys contin´uan sin
funcionar bi´en (´a´e¨i´I`O...), aunque en consola si que lo hagan.

¿Teneis alguna idea? 

megaserver:~# rm -rf /
megaserver:~# ^C
megaserver:~# ^C ^C


RE: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-21 Thread Jon Noble

On lun, 20 dic 1999 21:46:37 Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 Es decir que para que reconozca los tres + como código de escape es
 necesario que se produzca una pausa de 1 segundo antes y después del
 código, y sería mucha casualidad de que se diera el caso al recibirlo en

Ese tiempo suele ser configurable. En mi modem creo recordar que era S12 (en 
1/50 de segundos).
No vaya a ser que lo tengas a 0 por defecto y por eso se produzca el problema. 
Prueba a poner ATS12=200
(nada menos que 4 segundos) en la inicialización.

Un saludo,


Acentos en Netscape

1999-12-21 Thread Pookie

no me van los acentos con netscape en las X a pesar 
de que otras aplicaciones como StarOffice y editores si que me 

alguien que me pueda ayudar?
creo que es cosa del archivo pero a 
pesar de que lo sustiuti por uno que tenia antes y que iba bien no consegui 
ah, por si sirve de algo es la version 4.7 que 
viene con los paquetes de Debian y seguro que es la ultima version pq actualizo 
casi cada diapor apt ;)

gracias por adelantado

Configuracion de EQL

1999-12-21 Thread Maximiliano Kolus

En la empresa donde trabajo actualmente pusimos un proxy con un debian
2.1, kernel 2.2.13, contamos con dos lineas telefonicas y dos modems
Motorola ModemSurfr 56k externos, ambos configurados y andando.

Lo que quiero hacer es aprovechar ambos modems para de alguna forma
sumar el ancho de banda, para eso estoy viendo de utilizar EQL. Al
hacerlo me he encontrado con los siguientes problemas:

* Mi ISP es *casi seguro* que no soporta EQL, y la documentacion me
confunde, he visto documentacion que dice que es un requerimiento que el
ISP soporte EQL, y otros documentos que dicen que si el ISP no tiene EQL no
se tiene la 'maxima performance'.

* En la documentacion hablan de levantar una interface 'eql', pero en mi
caso necesito saber si la direccion de IP de dicha interfaz tiene que ser
de la intranet ( o de internet... En caso de que sea la
ultima opcion, esta direccion de IP tienen que ser alguna de las que se
asignaron a ppp0 y ppp1 o una completamente diferente?

Aca mando como se ven las conexiones:

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:25793 errors:13 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:13
  TX packets:27440 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10

ppp1  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:41 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10

Y la tabla de ruteo actual:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 ppp0 UH0  00 ppp1   UG0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0 U 0  00 ppp0

Alguien lo uso alguna vez? que resultados obtuvo?

Maximiliano Kolus
Webmaster / Programmer
Not Lumber Cartel Unit 1994 (TINLC)
ICQ: 21902432

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-21 Thread Blu
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 08:24:51PM +0100, Jon Noble wrote:
 Ese tiempo suele ser configurable. En mi modem creo recordar que era S12 (en 
 1/50 de segundos).
 No vaya a ser que lo tengas a 0 por defecto y por eso se produzca el 
 problema. Prueba a poner ATS12=200
 (nada menos que 4 segundos) en la inicialización.

Pues en mi modem dice lo mismo, pero hice la prueba de mandar la cadena y 
me lo corta de todas maneras. Sin embargo cambiando el registro S2 si que se
evita el problema.

Felipe Sanchez

1999-12-21 Thread Paco Brufal

Desde que actualicé a potato, me sale este mensaje de vez en cuando:

18:42:phucksys:root# ps
Warning: / not parseable as a
  217 tty2 00:00:00 bash
 5517 tty2 00:00:00 ps

He recompilado el kernel, pero sigue saliendo lo mismo...

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Rofo's Theme. Ultimate Buzz. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Problem with Mutt - GPG cooperation

1999-12-21 Thread Paul J. Keenan
 On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 11:41:52PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 1.0 appears to be in unstable according to a search on
  Is it able to handle automatically multipart/splitted messages (eg.
  generated by mpack)?

Mutt has very sophsticated handling of attachments.  You can
receive them, view them if text, play them if soundclips and
save others if unknown type.  Press the 'v' key when viewing
a mail with attachments.  It can probably do a lot more
besides, I'm just a user.

You don't need to mess about with mpack since you can attach
files with the 'a' key prior to sending the message.  This
will automatically generate all that Multipart-Encoding



Re: Installing Debian-2.1 on a Compaq DeskPro EN Series Workstation

1999-12-21 Thread Peter Ross
On 20-Dec-1999, Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone tried installing Debian-2.1 on a Compaq DeskPro EN Series
 Workstation ? I am trying to get a workstation at the office so that I
 can install Debian on it, and there's an offchance it might be a Compaq
 workstation. This machine might be a PIII 500MHz with an Intel(R)
 PRO/100+ Management Adapter ethernet card.
You will also need to find out what graphics card it comes with, as not
all cards are supported by Xfree86 (


Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-21 Thread Nitebirdz

Add this to the lilo.conf file:


I believe it shows somewhere in the documentation.  In any case,
if you do a search on the Web you will find this and many other tips for


On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! wrote:

 i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
 showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:
 pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
 athlon 550mhz processor
 gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
 1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?
 thanks is advance for any help
 matt kunze
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: sendmail

1999-12-21 Thread Paul J. Keenan
luis wrote:
 sorry, my problem with sendmail is that all the messages are deferred
 how can i disable this behaviour ?
 thanks a lot
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

deferred means that delivery has been put off until
later, when it will try again.  This happens when 
it was unable to deliver the mail successfully to
your mail service provider's machine.

Sendmail's log information is sent to


The messages there should pinpoint the problem.
If they don't tell you the answer, you could
post them to the list, along with your config
file, and I'm sure there'll be an expert lurking
out there.

Have you correcly sprecified your upstream mail server
in your config file /etc/  You need to
specify it as follows


(my upstream is

I think that this file is generated initially by
the debian configuration system.

Once you have edited this file, run sendmailconfig
as root, log on to the network and do

/etc/init.d/sendmail restart



Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-21 Thread Nitebirdz
Ooops.  I forgot the mem part in my previous message.  This is what you
should add to the lilo.conf:


Sorry for the little mistake.


On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! wrote:

 i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
 showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:
 pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
 athlon 550mhz processor
 gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
 1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?
 thanks is advance for any help
 matt kunze
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: compiling from debian source package

1999-12-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 20-Dec-1999 Matt Garman wrote:
 I want to recompile several Debian source packages with pgcc.  What do I
 edit within the debian source tree to change which compiler the build
 uses, and also which CFLAGS it uses?
 Is this something that is package specific?
 For starters, I am recompiling the xfree86 package.  How do I make sure
 it uses the compiler and compiler flags I want it to when it builds?  I
 probed around some random files within the source tree, but can't find
 out where it sets the compiler and compiler flags.

Compiling Xfree w/ pgcc results in two things: a waste of time and a possibly
broken binary.  SuSE tells customers who report bugs against X compiled with
pgcc to recompile before they will look at the problem.

pgcc is known to cause broken code at times.  It is not trustworthy, which is
why Debian chose not to use it.  You will find that using gcc w/ machine
specific options more useful.

Also note that CPU opts do not help X much, it is not horribly CPU bound for
most things.

vacation week?

1999-12-21 Thread pplaw

i haven't gotten any threads since last friday.  is the list taking
the holiday week off or is there a problem on my end?


bentley taylor.


RE: vacation week?

1999-12-21 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 21-Dec-1999 pplaw wrote:
 i haven't gotten any threads since last friday.  is the list taking
 the holiday week off or is there a problem on my end?

definitately on your end

Re: Troubles with moving /var

1999-12-21 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/12/99 aphro wrote:

cp -a doesn't work on more obscure platforms like irix..there is a tar
command..that acts like cp -a i saw it posted in a magazine(Maximum
Linux) but i forgot what it was, if its linux its safe to use cp -a

probably something like (cd / ; tar -cvpf - var) | (cd /home ; tar -xvpf -)

quite a bit more obnoxious then cp -a for sure, but iirc it seemed to 
deal with symlinks a bit better.  there is a cpio way too but i'll 
leave that to someone else.

the key is when using tar use the -p switch !!  :-)

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: Troubles with moving /var

1999-12-21 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 20 Dec, Ethan Benson wrote about Re: Troubles with moving /var
 On 20/12/99 aphro wrote:

cp -a doesn't work on more obscure platforms like irix..there is a tar
command..that acts like cp -a i saw it posted in a magazine(Maximum
Linux) but i forgot what it was, if its linux its safe to use cp -a
 probably something like (cd / ; tar -cvpf - var) | (cd /home ; tar -xvpf -)
 quite a bit more obnoxious then cp -a for sure, but iirc it seemed to 
 deal with symlinks a bit better.  there is a cpio way too but i'll 
 leave that to someone else.
 the key is when using tar use the -p switch !!  :-)

cd /var; find . -mount | cpio -dumpv /home/var

has done the trick for me several times.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

es1370 installs but doesn't work

1999-12-21 Thread Chris Baker
I'm trying to get a sb128 to work.  At startup, whether compiled in or as a 
module, I get

es1370: version v0.24 time 19:13:34 Dec 20 1999
es1370: found adapter at io 0xdc00 irq 11
es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0

# cat /proc/devices

Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 cua
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 14 sound
128 ptm
136 pts

Block devices:
  2 fd
  3 ide0
 22 ide1

So it's at char-major-14 right?

# ls -l /dev/sndstat'

crw-rw1 root audio 14,   6 Dec 20 18:13 /dev/sndstat

but then,

# cat /dev/sndstat

cat: /dev/sndstat: No such device

The Sound-HOWTO doesn't really have a lot of information to help here,
and I don't really understand how devices work very well.  I'm really
at a loss.  Can anyone point me towards relevant documentation?



Kernel 2.2.13 dumps AX/BX/CX/DX booting

1999-12-21 Thread John Dalbec
I thought I remembered seeing something about this problem before.
When I boot from floppy to Kernel 2.2.13 I get
over and over again.
I tried searching the list archives but I kept getting no articles found.
What's the problem here?

Re: Bootable MSDOS filesystem from Linux

1999-12-21 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 07:23:34PM +0100, Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.0i
 In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, Dec 20, 1999 
 at 06:56:42PM +0100
 Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/76022
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-UIDL: 20408
 Status: U
 On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 06:56:42PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
  MK get IO.SYS to take up the first few sectors of the disk. 
  MK  ^^^
  MK  This was needed in pre MS DOS 6.0 (or even 5.0) time.
  MKNow you need a proper boot (and maybe master boot) sector and (I'm not
  MKshure) not fragmented IO.SYS ...
  IO.SYS is needed for WinSuck95.
 Yes it's needed but you said first few sectors of the disk,
 no just copy it into partition.

If I format a floppy in DOS, then just copy IO.SYS A:\ (and then, it boots.  When I do the same under Linux, it won't.  What I
need is to get a win9x hard drive partition bootable while running off a
Linux boot disk.  It has been mentioned that I need a proper boot sector. 
How exactly do I get it (i.e. what do I put in the bs= and count= fields
in dd, and do I use raw disk (sda) or partition(sda1), etc, etc?)

Sorry for being so dumb in this field... :)

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Non-freeness

1999-12-21 Thread Joey Hess
J.H.M. Dassen Ray wrote:
 dnsutils is built from the bind source, which contains non-free code from
 RSA labs dealing with secure DNS. I believe arrangements have been made with
 the ISC that will make / have made it possible for bind's source to go in
 main again.

Actually, bind and dnsutils have been back in main for months now.

see shy jo

Re: Bootable MSDOS filesystem from Linux

1999-12-21 Thread Yassen Roussev
 If I format a floppy in DOS, then just copy IO.SYS A:\ (and then, it boots.  When I do the same under Linux, it won't.  What I
 need is to get a win9x hard drive partition bootable while running off a
 Linux boot disk.  It has been mentioned that I need a proper boot sector. 
 How exactly do I get it (i.e. what do I put in the bs= and count= fields
 in dd, and do I use raw disk (sda) or partition(sda1), etc, etc?)

I would try:

mkfs -t msdos /dev/name_of_device

And then copy the windoze files to the partition and make it bootable from

Please, anyone let know if that was utter nonsense


Bluestream The Flying Elephant. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts
in a nightclub is potentially dangerous.' Zappa

Re: es1370 installs but doesn't work

1999-12-21 Thread Chris Baker
Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  CB == Chris Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 CB  I'm trying to get a sb128 to work.  At startup, whether
 CB compiled in or as a module, I get es1370: version v0.24 time
 CB 19:13:34 Dec 20 1999 es1370: found adapter at io 0xdc00 irq 11
 CB es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
 That looks about right.
 CB crw-rw 1 root audio 14, 6 Dec 20 18:13 /dev/sndstat
 CB but then,
 CB # cat /dev/sndstat
 CB cat: /dev/sndstat: No such device
 that happens on my system too, but why are you trying to do this ?

I'm following the Sound-HOWTO :-(

 CB The Sound-HOWTO doesn't really have a lot of information to help
 CB here, and I don't really understand how devices work very well.
 CB I'm really at a loss.  Can anyone point me towards relevant
 CB documentation?
 I haven't read the Sound-HOWTO so I don't know what steps are mentioned
 in there. 

Well, it's a good thing you didn't--you might have gotten stuck too!

 To get the SB PCI128 to work, I compiled in support for the es1370 into
 the kernel. Then I added myself (non-root) to the audio group, and
 that was all. After that, I was able to play Audio CDs and mp3s.

O.K.  I tried it, and it works.  Thanks for pointing out the stuff
about the audio group.  I would have gotten stuck there next.

 The only strange thing I remember having to do was to give o+r
 permissions to the CDROM device which appears as /dev/hdc so that
 non-root users could play Audio CDs.
 Other than that, the SB PCI128 was a breeze to setup (using the kernel

Many thanks for your help,


Re: Troubles with newer IMAP binaries

1999-12-21 Thread A. M. Varon
On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Timm Gleason wrote:

 I have been having problems with the newer versions of the IMAP daemon. The
 last version the works, somewhat is the 4.4 package from BO. After upgrading
 a bunch of packages to the Potato versions, I noticed that Outlook would not
 connect to my IMAP server anymore.

I've seen the solution while scanning the Debian-user mailing lists.
Basically try this:

cd /etc ; mv cram-md5.pwd cram-md5.pwd.bak


= == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
= =   == Lasaltech, Inc. -
= === =
=   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
= =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

Re: Kernel 2.2.13 dumps AX/BX/CX/DX booting

1999-12-21 Thread John Carline
John Dalbec wrote:

 I thought I remembered seeing something about this problem before.
 When I boot from floppy to Kernel 2.2.13 I get
 over and over again.
 I tried searching the list archives but I kept getting no articles found.
 What's the problem here?

Hi John,

I believe that's a dump of the CPU's accumulators, but what really matters is 
that it
normally means that your floppy disk is bad. It's happened to me several times 
and in
all but one case recreating the floppy fixed it. The one case that recreating 
floppy didn't fix it turned out to be a loose connection on the floppy drive 
If you've compiled your own kernel you should be able to cd to /usr/src/linux 
do a make bzdisk to recreate your floppy.



Powered by the Penguin

Re: Kernel 2.2.13 dumps AX/BX/CX/DX booting

1999-12-21 Thread aphro
it would be helpful to know

1) where you got that kernel
2) if you did compile it yourself what compiler did you use
3) if you know what processor is it optmized for
4) what kind of CPU is in the system


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, John Dalbec wrote:

jdalbe I thought I remembered seeing something about this problem before.
jdalbe When I boot from floppy to Kernel 2.2.13 I get
jdalbe 0400
jdalbe AX:0212
jdalbe BX:7000
jdalbe CX:5001
jdalbe DX:.
jdalbe over and over again.
jdalbe I tried searching the list archives but I kept getting no articles 
jdalbe What's the problem here?
jdalbe Thanks,
jdalbe John
jdalbe -- 
jdalbe Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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SCSI ttyS2

1999-12-21 Thread Bostjan JERKO
When running with new kernel 2.2.15 compiled with SCSI support for Initio's 
9100 I see (using setserial /dev/ttyS2) that
serial port  ttyS2 is busy (actually device or port is busy). What is the 
reason for that ? How to resolve the problem since
I'm using this port for modem ? Will usage of modules help (SCSI support as 


Re: Installing Debian-2.1 on a Compaq DeskPro EN Series Workstation

1999-12-21 Thread Nico De Ranter

I have a number of Compaq Deskpro EN's and EP's. Everything works fine except
for one major problem: about 1 out of 3 times I boot the keyboard will go 
dead (you can still logon through the network however).  I'm not the only one 
had this problem, at the time I started working with these Compaqs I posted a 
messages on the web and got replies from other people reporting the same kind
of problems.  We never figured out what was the reason.  This was one of the 
why I finaly switched to buying Dell in stead of Compaq.
Anyway, I installed potato on a Deskpro EP 6350 and after some keyboard trouble
during installation it seems to run stable with kernel 2.2.13.  However I'm not 
whether this is coincidence or whether it realy got fixed.

Personaly I wouldn't go for Compaq.


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

 Has anyone tried installing Debian-2.1 on a Compaq DeskPro EN Series
 Workstation ? I am trying to get a workstation at the office so that I
 can install Debian on it, and there's an offchance it might be a Compaq
 workstation. This machine might be a PIII 500MHz with an Intel(R)
 PRO/100+ Management Adapter ethernet card.
 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 It has been said that there are only two businesses
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-21 Thread Nate Duehr
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 01:43:42PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
  I kind of like the suggestion from a previous post that this ignorant net
  admin of yours be brought to task over his administrative decisions. Isn't
  his job ultimately to provide a network infrastructure that makes end-users
  more productive?  Seems to me that his draconic nothing but NT stance 
  counter to this.  And this at an institute for higher learning and
  enlightened thinking... what a shame.
  Well, I _am_ the original instigator of the bias, as I inadvertently
  brought the system to its knees with a kernel upgrade.  I can't (and don't
  try to) back out of that responsibility.
 We've got this unofficial consensus that we'd rather have our
 people breaking the network with Linux before the students do it
 from their dorm rooms. This way we can learn from the experiences
 and yet still have some control. Otherwise, when the students do
 it, we'll be caught with our pants down.

It sounds like these network admins at the school in Bakersfield already have
their pants tied around their necks cutting off oxygen to the brain anyway.

I sent a long-winded reply direct to the professor himself, but I coudn't
resist pointing out in a public forum that if memory serves me correctly, 
Bakersfield is a public-funded college.  And they're pushing a commercial
product via their unwillingness to allow the good Dr. to use his Linux system
due to their poor network design and lack of troubleshooting skills for when
it's broken.  Politically this could put the school in some hot water if
enough people were upset about it...

Anyway, sorry about the rant.  Just annoyed at these so-called professionals
who boot various types of systems off their networks because they don't 
understand them.  It's even more annoying when they work for an institution 
that claims to foster higher learning. 


Re: Bootable MSDOS filesystem from Linux

1999-12-21 Thread Michelle Konzack
MKIf I format a floppy in DOS, then just copy IO.SYS A:\ (and then, it boots.  When I do the same under Linux, it won't.  What I
MKneed is to get a win9x hard drive partition bootable while running off a
MKLinux boot disk.  It has been mentioned that I need a proper boot sector. 
MKHow exactly do I get it (i.e. what do I put in the bs= and count= fields
MKin dd, and do I use raw disk (sda) or partition(sda1), etc, etc?)
MKSorry for being so dumb in this field... :)

If you make bootable floppy from Linux, you have MS-Dos 6.22 Bootable floppys.

If you are in Win95 and make a bootable floppy it loads IO.SYS from the c: 
root to the floppy, which is the MS-Dos 7.0/7.1 version.

Linux can not write the MS-Dos 7.0/7.1 IO.SYS.



1999-12-21 Thread luis

when i connect using ppp and get a dynamic IP as i can
not make a telnet to me from another machine

from another machine (cenected using eth0) i can ping to the machine
using ppp, but when i try to make a telnet to the ppp machine i always
get the following:

telnet: unable to conect to remote host: no route to host

my IP always gives me a dynamic IP as

the gateway is:

i can make outbound services: web, ftp, email (out and in), etc

but i need inbound access to that machine with ppp

where is the failure? in my end? with my ISP?

i believe that the IP of the gateway is reserved, and that the IP
given to me are C class, does this have some influence?

is possible to make a telnet to my machine using these IPs ?

thanks a lot


What are glibc2.X, libc5 and 6?

1999-12-21 Thread David J. Kanter
What's the purpose of these files? And is the older version of glibc
(version 2.0, right?) synonymous with libc5, and the newer version of glibc
(2.2?) synonymous with libc6?

I'm a little confused because I thought my system was pretty up-to-date, but
when I tried to remove libc5, dselect wanted to blow away Netscape, which is
a relatively new program.

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

How do I install Netscape with Debian?

1999-12-21 Thread David J. Kanter
I'm confused on how to install Netscape using the available Debian packages.
From what I've read, it sounds like all I need to do is: download the
tarball from Netscape (Linux 2.0 glibc version); put it into the /tmp
directory; and then apt-get install netscape4, a package which should
automagically install the tarball for me.

Is this off base?

Why are there so many netscape/navigator/communicator packages listed when I
run dselect --- smotif, dmotif, base, java, etc.? Do I need any of these, too?

Information overload...

David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

Virus scanner

1999-12-21 Thread Michael Meskes
Is there a virus scanner available for linux that I can use to scan mails,
downloads etc. before they even reach M$ systems?

Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!

plextor cd-r trouble

1999-12-21 Thread Matt Garman

I've been struggling with getting my Plextor Plexwriter 412 to work for
quite some time now.  I think I have nearly exhausted every possible
trouble shooting option, and the drive still does not work.  Also this
is my second drive of the same model, I sent the first one back to the
factory on warranty.

The following lengthy message is a description of my system, software
errors, etc., hopefully enough relevant information to make some

My scsi system consists of the following internal components:

- Adaptec 2940UW pcsi scsi controller
- Plextor PlexWriter 412c SCSI cd-r
- Seagate ST34371W Barracuda 4.3 gig scsi hard drive

The Adaptec 2940uw controller has two internal connectors, a 50-pin
narrow connector and a 68-pin wide connector.  I have separate cables
for my two drives (the cd-r and harddrive).  I have termination enabled
on all components (because the card and two drives are each at their
physical ends of the scsi cable, i.e. there is no chain).

In terms of software, I've tried the following: Linux kernel version
2.2.13 with the stock sg (scsi generic) drivers, and cdrecord 1.6
(installed from Debian package).

Next I tried the same version of cdrecord, but with the Linux kernel
2.2.13 patched with the enhanced sg drivers written by the author of

Then I tried the latest alpha of cdrecord 1.8 (alpha 34 at the time)
still with my patched linux kernel 2.2.13 (i.e. with the other sg

The output of two typical dummy burns that fail, using cdrecord 1.6:

burn one:

Starting new track at sector: 0 
cdrecord: Success. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 03 74 00 00 0D 00 
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)   
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 04 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 07 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0  
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x07 (write error - recovery needed) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 1034 (valid)   
cmd finished after 0.005s timeout 40s   

write track data: error after
2079168 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
cdrecord: Success. flush cache: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)   
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 02 1C 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0  
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 540 (valid)
cmd finished after 3.501s timeout 120s  
Trouble flushing the cache  
Writing  time:   28.151s

burn two:

Starting new track at sector: 0
cdrecord: Success. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x02 Qual 0x00 (no seek complete) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 18.032s timeout 40s
write track data: error after 0 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:   23.050s
cdrecord: Success. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 2C 04 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x2C Qual 0x04 (current program area is empty) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 480s
Fixating time:0.002s
cdrecord: fifo had 128 puts and 1 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.

dmesg output:

Linux version 2.2.13 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version pgcc-2.95.2 19991024 \
(release)) #1 Wed Dec 8 01:01:07 CST 1999 
Detected 265911474 Hz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 265.42 BogoMIPS
Memory: 95632k/98304k available (964k kernel code, 412k reserved, 1232k \
data, 64k init) 
CPU: Intel Pentium II (Klamath) stepping 03
Checking 386/387 coupling... OK, FPU using exception 16 error reporting.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.35a (19990819) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd921
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: 00:00 [8086/1237]: Passive release enable (00)
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.2
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd v 1.5 
matroxfb: Matrox Millennium (PCI) detected
matroxfb: MTRR's turned on
matroxfb: 1024x768x24bpp (virtual: 1024x1365)
matroxfb: framebuffer at 0xFF00, mapped to 0xc6805000, size 4194304
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48
fb0: MATROX VGA frame buffer device
vesafb: framebuffer at 

Re: What are glibc2.X, libc5 and 6?

1999-12-21 Thread aphro
its all libc ..

glibc i believe is just GNU Libc (but i could be wrong)

libc5 = obsolete, but still used by many programs like netscape, real
audio/video, star office, xview ..and many more..most of them either not
maintained very well or not maintained at all. the authors find it easier
to just recompile to libc5 rather then make the changes to support glibc

glibc2.0 =  libc6 most open source stuff runs best on this

glibc2.1 = pretty major update to libc, some programs like mozilla (recent
builds) and lotus notes require glibc2.1 to work.

at least thats how i understand it ..


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, David J. Kanter wrote:

djkant What's the purpose of these files? And is the older version of glibc
djkant (version 2.0, right?) synonymous with libc5, and the newer version of 
djkant (2.2?) synonymous with libc6?
djkant I'm a little confused because I thought my system was pretty 
up-to-date, but
djkant when I tried to remove libc5, dselect wanted to blow away Netscape, 
which is
djkant a relatively new program.
djkant -- 
djkant David J. Kanter
djkant Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
djkant and coincidences.
djkant   -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University
djkant -- 
djkant Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:45am up 123 days, 12:35, 2 users, load average: 0.45, 0.39, 0.31

Re: How do I install Netscape with Debian?

1999-12-21 Thread aphro
if you use netscape 3 you should be able to:

apt-get install netscape3

if you use v4 then

apt-get install netscape4

i ignore the rest of the stuff, looks like netscape that is linked with
motif(either statically or dynamically) motif from what i read is about as
non free as one can get(although there is a lesstif free
alternative..) you should get a full install using either the netscape3 or
netscape4 packages.

im not a new debian user but i am for sure a new apt running
apt-get install netscape it showed me everything that was a netscape

i dont use the .deb though i just run the netscape installer..or if i do
use the deb i make sure to comment out the stuff that prevents it running
as root :) im not that paranoid.


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, David J. Kanter wrote:

djkant I'm confused on how to install Netscape using the available Debian 
djkant From what I've read, it sounds like all I need to do is: download the
djkant tarball from Netscape (Linux 2.0 glibc version); put it into the /tmp
djkant directory; and then apt-get install netscape4, a package which should
djkant automagically install the tarball for me.
djkant Is this off base?
djkant Why are there so many netscape/navigator/communicator packages listed 
when I
djkant run dselect --- smotif, dmotif, base, java, etc.? Do I need any of 
these, too?
djkant Information overload...
djkant -- 
djkant David J. Kanter
djkant Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
djkant and coincidences.
djkant   -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University
djkant -- 
djkant Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:45am up 123 days, 12:35, 2 users, load average: 0.45, 0.39, 0.31

Re: What are glibc2.X, libc5 and 6?

1999-12-21 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 02:09:20AM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
 What's the purpose of these files? And is the older version of glibc
 (version 2.0, right?) synonymous with libc5, and the newer version of glibc
 (2.2?) synonymous with libc6?

2.0 == libc5, 2.1 == glibc , 2.2 == ¿

 I'm a little confused because I thought my system was pretty up-to-date, but
 when I tried to remove libc5, dselect wanted to blow away Netscape, which is
 a relatively new program.

Yes, but Netscape is built against the older C library. That's why you
need it. Mozilla is built against the new C library, but it's not fully
functional yet :-(

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Can't find a valid termcap

1999-12-21 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: Can't find a valid termcap
Date: Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 02:25:56PM -0800

In reply to:Joey Hess

Quoting Joey Hess([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| Patrick Kirk wrote:
|  This is still bugging me.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve
|  this termcap question?
|  Cannot find termcap: Can't find a valid termcap file at
|  /usr/lib/perl5/5.004/Term/ line 305
| Simply install libterm-readline-gnu-perl, or ignore the warning, or wait
| until perl finally gets fixed to not output this warning.

I had already updated before I reported my problem so I hope that
Joey's suggestion works for you Patrick.

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

SoundBlaster 16 PCI configuration?

1999-12-21 Thread Dave Whiteley
Seasons greetings to all...

I am trying to configure Soundblaster 16 PCI cards to run in Dell Optiplex 

If I use lspci it tells me that the card is an ensoniq es1371 device with 
address dcc0 and
IRQ 11, but no other information

I am trying to compile a kernel for this. 

Do I include PnP support?
Do I configure for  the 1370 and/or 1371 drivers, or the Soundblaster drivers.

If the Soundblaster, what values do I use for the DMAs, and the other IO 
addresses and 

Should I compile them into the kernel, or leave them as modules?

I am trying to use the v2.2.1 kernel under slink.

With the time I have spent messing with this, this cheap card is turning out to 
be *very* 

Thanks in advance for any help,
 Dave Whiteley

Re: SoundBlaster 16 PCI configuration?

1999-12-21 Thread Tom Pfeifer
If lspci lists the card as ES1371, this should be quite simple. I
believe all you need to do in the kernel config is to:

1) enable sound card support
2) enable support for the ES1371

Plug and play doesn't matter in this case, nor should it matter whether
you compile the driver into the kernel or as a module. I have an ES1370
card (Sound Blaster PCI64) and, for what it's worth, I compiled it into
the kernel.

For PCI cards you don't have to be concerned with specifying the IRQ,
DMA etc.

Good luck,

Dave Whiteley wrote:
 Seasons greetings to all...
 I am trying to configure Soundblaster 16 PCI cards to run in Dell Optiplex 
 If I use lspci it tells me that the card is an ensoniq es1371 device with 
 address dcc0 and
 IRQ 11, but no other information
 I am trying to compile a kernel for this.
 Do I include PnP support?
 Do I configure for  the 1370 and/or 1371 drivers, or the Soundblaster drivers.
 If the Soundblaster, what values do I use for the DMAs, and the other IO 
 addresses and
 Should I compile them into the kernel, or leave them as modules?
 I am trying to use the v2.2.1 kernel under slink.
 With the time I have spent messing with this, this cheap card is turning out 
 to be *very*
 Thanks in advance for any help,
  Dave Whiteley

Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

1999-12-21 Thread Onno
I kind of like the suggestion from a previous post that this ignorant net
admin of yours be brought to task over his administrative decisions. Isn't
his job ultimately to provide a network infrastructure that makes end-users
more productive?  Seems to me that his draconic nothing but NT stance runs
counter to this.  And this at an institute for higher learning and
enlightened thinking... what a shame.

Well, I _am_ the original instigator of the bias, as I inadvertently
brought the system to its knees with a kernel upgrade.  I can't (and don't
try to) back out of that responsibility.  

But I still feel that the problems they had tracking down Me as the culprit
of the packet broadcasting issue indicates a flaw in their
abilities/available tools to manage serious problems.  There was no general
communication about the problem with the general college community at all,
and I can't help but feel that I could have quickly isolated the problem (at
least) by sequentially chopping off various parts of the LAN from one another
(were I in his shoes).  (And Linux worked so WELL in the system, too.  Damn.)

You are right when you say that -they- should be able to manage such problems.
You are only a user that did something wrong, they should have informed you 
about the problem and asked you to correct it. Nothing more, nothing less...

I shudder to think what would happen if a serious hacker went into the
system.  (A local fellow was crackling at the sides as he told me about the
state of their firewall.  But they may have tidied it up a bit since then.)

But I may be all wet about that (I know nothing about LAN

If I was de sysadmin I would be worried that a simple problem as this would 
bring the LAN to its knees. I would try to fix the problem -and- do what you 
did all over again in a test setup to insure myself that the LAN can handle
the problem... 

Anyway, IMHO a sysadmin that fixes problems like this is not capable to 
administer a LAN and should be replaced.




Re: IP

1999-12-21 Thread Paul J. Keenan
luis wrote:
 when i connect using ppp and get a dynamic IP as i can
 not make a telnet to me from another machine
 from another machine (cenected using eth0) i can ping to the machine
 using ppp, but when i try to make a telnet to the ppp machine i always
 get the following:
 telnet: unable to conect to remote host: no route to host
 my IP always gives me a dynamic IP as
 the gateway is:
 i can make outbound services: web, ftp, email (out and in), etc
 but i need inbound access to that machine with ppp
 where is the failure? in my end? with my ISP?
 i believe that the IP of the gateway is reserved, and that the IP
 given to me are C class, does this have some influence?
 is possible to make a telnet to my machine using these IPs ?
 thanks a lot

telnet seems to have a -d option for debug, did you try that ?
Otherwise, general hints are :

   tail -f /var/log/messages on one terminal while you
execute telnet on another to see if any helpful messages
arrive there.

   Sometimes doing an strace your command 2log.file will
   show the problem.  The tricky part is in interpreting the
   file.  The best bet is to start at the end of the file,
   where you should see the error message being printed out.
   Of course, you need the strace package, and it's entirely
   possible that the answer won't be here.

   Dare I say it ... try connecting with a telnet prog on
   another operating system in case there is a setup prob on
   Linux causing the effect.

It possible that your ISP blocks all telnet traffic.  Why not
phone and ask them ?  If that's the cause, you need an ISP
upgrade ...


APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Alberto Maurizi

Does anybody out there use this UPS to protect
Linux boxes from power failure?
I'm trying to figure out what is the best among
all the available packages (apcd, pacupsd, genpower,
...), to manage such a kind of UPS.
I'm getting more and more confused reading all the 
documentation (HOWTO etc ...) about cables, signals,
and so on.

Any suggestion?


Re: cannot open '/dev/lp0' - 'No such device'

1999-12-21 Thread Frank Barknecht
aphro hat gesagt: // aphro wrote:

 i had a hellva time getting printing to this day i still cannot
 'lpr filename' or 'lp filename' but printing through samba, or through
 netscape or wordperfect or staroffice works fine.. odd too because
 netscape shows the command it's using as lpr filename, and it works fine,
 but it wont do shit at the command prompt ..ohwell

We will get this fixed, too! 

But we need some more info:
What printer do you use? What's your printing filter setup, do you use
magicfilter? I had some problems printing text files from the command line
until I found out, that my printer can only do postscript, not pure text.
So I had to convert every text file to PS with mpage or enscript. Maybe
yours can also only do PS.
What happens when you do cat textfile.txt  /dev/lp0 and 
cat  /dev/lp0 ?

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

How do I install Netscape with Debian? (fwd)

1999-12-21 Thread 2

I'm confused on how to install Netscape using the available Debian packages.
From what I've read, it sounds like all I need to do is: download the
tarball from Netscape (Linux 2.0 glibc version); put it into the /tmp
directory; and then apt-get install netscape4, a package which should
automagically install the tarball for me.

yup, just download the netscape glibc tarbal and chuck it into /tmp. make sure
it's owned by root and that you have the packages netscape depends on (in 
particular motifnls often needs to be newly installed). then dpkg -i ur 
netscape deb and ahoy, nutscrape is yours.


da Bobstopper

Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:27:21 + (/etc/localtime), Alberto Maurizi wrote:

   I'm getting more and more confused reading all the 
   documentation (HOWTO etc ...) about cables, signals,
   and so on.

So do I. Even worse: NONE of the ups daemons seem to work.

We use the apcupsd to drive a SmartUPS 2200. Shutting the machine down DOES 
work, but the daemon doesn't shut down the UPS?!

Hints anyone?!

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^


1999-12-21 Thread peter karlsson

I'll be moving and will lose my direct Internet connection, and will have to
resort to dial-up. To prepare for this, I am switching over to doing mail
and news offline (slrnpull, fetchmail), but I need some ideas on what to use
for outgoing mail. I've had sendmail die on me when I'm not connected to a
network (not in Debian, though, haven't tried sendmail in Debian), so I
wonder what the best setup is for outgoing mail when it is only to send mail
when I connect to the ISP (and directly when I do that, preferrably without
manual intervention).

peter -

Re: Is this really true?

1999-12-21 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 12/20/99, Henry Kingman addressed Is this really true?:
 are only reliable on Windows machines. Joining the
 conference from the iMac and Linux platforms produced
 slide shows that wouldn't advance, consoles that were
 corrupted or frozen, and even a few hard crashes.

This doesn't say on which platform(s) the problems were manifested.
DR-DOS?  Hmmm.  What if one tried it without any Windows machines?


Debianized Mutt-i 1.0 for slink! (WAS: Problem with Mutt - GPG cooperation)

1999-12-21 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 10:50:21PM +, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 11:41:52PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
   I had this problem too and upgraded to mutt 1.0i and it's gone away, so
   I guess it was a known bug that got fixed.
  Is the mutt 1.0i available somewhere as a debian package?
 1.0 appears to be in unstable according to a search on

I have successfully debianized mutt.1.0i downloaded from

All I had to do was:
1. unpack the tar.gz in the ~/tmp directory
2. enter the mutt-1.0 directory
3. modify the charsets/parse_i18n.c (otherwise the compile error occured), 
adding the
   STATE struct definition
   Below is the part of my mutt_1.0-1.diff.gz file:

--- mutt-1.0.orig/charsets/parse_i18n.c
+++ mutt-1.0/charsets/parse_i18n.c
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
 #include string.h
 #include ctype.h

+typedef struct
+  FILE *fpin;
+  FILE *fpout;
+  char *prefix;
+  int flags;
 #include ../charset.h

4. run the dpkg-buildpackage

That's all. Now my mutt works excellent with GnuPG!
Thanks for all who helped.

  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gnu Privacy Guard - protect your mail  data
  with the FREE cryptographic system

Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Alberto Maurizi

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

 So do I. Even worse: NONE of the ups daemons seem to work.
 We use the apcupsd to drive a SmartUPS 2200. Shutting the machine down DOES 
 work, but the daemon doesn't shut down the UPS?!
 Hints anyone?!

apcupsd seems to see all the settings of my UPS but 
through httpaccess but I'm unable to change
EPROM setting (as can I do using windoze PowerChute).

Further, the daemon seems unable to shut down even the machine!

I've also noticed that my cable is 940-0095B rather than 95A,
as claimed by APC. Do you think this can be the cause of 
my problems?

I obtained some random behaviour (with some succsessful
shutdown on power failure) using genpower (shutting
down through the init process). But I couldn't reproduce
it regularly.

None of the other packages seems so attactive.

I also sent a query for information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Still waiting for reply.

Re: How do I install Netscape with Debian?

1999-12-21 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
What works for me is downloading the netscape from the netscape site (for linux
version) and installing it according to their instructions.

David J. Kanter wrote:

 I'm confused on how to install Netscape using the available Debian packages.
 From what I've read, it sounds like all I need to do is: download the
 tarball from Netscape (Linux 2.0 glibc version); put it into the /tmp
 directory; and then apt-get install netscape4, a package which should
 automagically install the tarball for me.

 Is this off base?

 Why are there so many netscape/navigator/communicator packages listed when I
 run dselect --- smotif, dmotif, base, java, etc.? Do I need any of these, too?

 Information overload...

 David J. Kanter

 Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
 and coincidences.
   -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-12-21 Thread Paul J. Keenan
peter karlsson wrote:
 I'll be moving and will lose my direct Internet connection, and will have to
 resort to dial-up. To prepare for this, I am switching over to doing mail
 and news offline (slrnpull, fetchmail), but I need some ideas on what to use
 for outgoing mail. I've had sendmail die on me when I'm not connected to a
 network (not in Debian, though, haven't tried sendmail in Debian), so I
 wonder what the best setup is for outgoing mail when it is only to send mail
 when I connect to the ISP (and directly when I do that, preferrably without
 manual intervention).
 peter -

I've had no problems with Debian packaged sendmail.  The script in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/sendmail restarts the daemon when you connect to
your ISP, and you can have a different set-up for each ISP by
putting the config info in /etc/mail/peers/provider.  There should
be no manual intervention reqd.


Re: IP

1999-12-21 Thread Marc Mongeon

It looks like some gateway between you and the host you're trying to telnet to 
is acting as a firewall and blocking the telnet port (23). I believe the
no route to host error is consistent with that situation.  It might also
be possible that you're not running telnetd on that host, or that you've 
disabled access through /etc/hosts.deny or through firewalling rules on the
host itself.  Some things to try:

1.  Verify that the telnet daemon is enabled.  In /etc/inetd.conf, this
line should not be commented out:

telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  

2.  At least temporarily, set /etc/hosts.allow like this to allow access
from any machine:


3.  Check your firewalling rules:

$ ipfwadm -Il
$ ipfwadm -Ol

Look for deny rules on the telnet port.

Post your results to the list.  Good luck.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/21 2:11 AM 

when i connect using ppp and get a dynamic IP as i can
not make a telnet to me from another machine

from another machine (cenected using eth0) i can ping to the machine
using ppp, but when i try to make a telnet to the ppp machine i always
get the following:

telnet: unable to conect to remote host: no route to host

my IP always gives me a dynamic IP as

the gateway is:

i can make outbound services: web, ftp, email (out and in), etc

but i need inbound access to that machine with ppp

where is the failure? in my end? with my ISP?

i believe that the IP of the gateway is reserved, and that the IP
given to me are C class, does this have some influence?

is possible to make a telnet to my machine using these IPs ?

thanks a lot


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Re: DNS slow?

1999-12-21 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 11:55:33AM +0100, Onno wrote:
 My experiance with older versions of netscape under
 windows is the same, so this -could- be a netsacpe issue...

Thanks Onno, I checked with lynx, which does not give the
error, so it is really a nestcape issue :(

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You have junk mail.

Re: ??? :undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

1999-12-21 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 07:27:45PM -0500, Bob Brown wrote:
 Here is my problem:  My end goal is to install StarOffice 51.  I loaded hamm 
 from my cd, upgraded to slink using apt-get from, then pulled 
 down XFree86 3.3.5 (current) for glibc.  When I run startx I get this:
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X: error in loading shared libraries
 : undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

This primitive can be found @, look up
for XServers page, at the bottom, you'll find the regframe.rpm.

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You have junk mail.

Re: Troubles with moving /var

1999-12-21 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Alberto Bigazzi,

  I actually did it by hand, by tar-ing /var, copying it under /home and
  untaring it there. Then deleting /var and symlinking /home/var to /var.
  But I guess this is something VERY BAD as I ended up with lots of problems
  with PERMISSIONS. Now normal users CANNOT write into directories under
  /var,  like /var/log or /var/lock, so I get lots of troubles of any

I have done the same things, with the same errors... :-)
I think that the problems are all that daemons that don't want to recognize
the changes.

shutdown now

should fix all (or stop  restart all daemons).



Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa
paolo . pedaletti @ flashnet . it

Installation on Dell Dimension 486's

1999-12-21 Thread Graham Woodruff
Hi all

Has anyone got any ideas about installing on the above ? I have a couple of
486/66DL's 16Mb, one with and one without ATAPI cdrom, both run Dell/Phoenix
Bios v.A00/A03 - installing using either rescue or rescue-safe fails on both
at the:

Loading root.bin... (one gives 3 dots, the other 4 !)

Have used the same disks to install successfully on both Dell Dimension 466i
(similar bios) and Dell NetPlex 450DX

Graham Woodruff

Re: FrameMaker 5.5.6 for LINUX

1999-12-21 Thread Harald Weidner

Phillip Deackes  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Syrus, could you please tell us how you got FrameMaker running? I have a
potato system, upgraded weekely using apt-get. FrameMaker will not run
at all, I get no error messages, I just get the $ prompt back again. Am
I perhaps missing some vital library? I added my license OK as described
in the text which came back with the license number.

Framemaker runs fine on my potato system.

Those who registered with a correct e-mail address, got the appended
mail from Adobe this morning.



Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 17:15:23 -0800
From: FM Linux Admin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FrameMaker on Linux Update

Late-Breaking FrameMaker Linux News

This email is being sent to registered users of FrameMaker on Linux,
based on feedback received through [EMAIL PROTECTED] It contains
information about three issues that prevent FrameMaker from launching or
running on some Linux installations. Details and possible workarounds are
noted below.

We apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused, and
appreciate the time you've spent downloading and trying FrameMaker on
Linux. As before, please continue sending comments to our feedback address:


As before, we cannot respond to individual emails. Thanks for trying this
beta of FrameMaker on Linux!

Lee Richardson
FrameMaker Development Manager

(1) C library incompatibiliy with some distributions of Linux, including
Red Hat 5.2 and Debian 2.1.

Users will typically see the following message in this case:

./maker: error in loading shared libraries
: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

The FrameMaker executable is incompatible with certain releases
of version 2.0.7 of the GNU C Library, which are included with
some distributions noted above.

FrameMaker will not run on systems with this incompatibility,
unless access to a different version of the C Library is provided.

(2) Lack of portmap/rpcbind services leads to FrameMaker crashing or hanging

When 'maker' is started, the following alert appears: No
licenses available. Run in demo mode?. Answering Yes
may trigger a crash or other undesirable behavior.

When running 'demomaker', the application may crash or hang with
no alert.

As described in the System Requirements, portmap/rpcbind services
must be enabled on the local workstation. Otherwise unpredictable
behavior may occur including crashes and hangs.

Starting a portmap/rpcbind service on the local workstation
should fix this problem.

(3) FrameMaker crashes trying to display splash screen on 16-bit X servers.

When 'maker' or 'demomaker' are started on an X server set to
16-bit depth, the application will generally crash just after
displaying a blue window in the middle of the screen.

FrameMaker does not currently support 16-bit (or 15-bit)
display depth, and is failing to recognize the situation
in time to exit gracefully.

If the splash screen display is disabled, FrameMaker does not
halt immediately, but will eventually crash or corrupt
internal data. Running at 16-bit depth is not safe in the
current release, even if it seems to be working.

Displaying to a server running with a depth of 8, 24, or 32
should work fine.



Re: Still Can't Print

1999-12-21 Thread Pavel V. Epifanov
David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 I upgraded from kernel 2.0.35 to 2.2.13 and can no longer print.  I

As temporary solution for such situation I have created a simple Bash file with
the call of GhostScript (gs) 
with direct output (output file) assigned to the /dev/lp1 . 

 changed /dev/lp1 to /dev/lp0 in /etc/printcap but that didn't fix it.

If you just cat _one-text-file_  /dev/lp1 you will be sure which one to use.
And you have to check it to be sure about printer still operate.

 The print spooler appears to be starting normally, and everything else
 is set up as it was with the old kernel.
 When I try to print something I get no error messages, nothing.
 Files do appear in the spool directory as before.

Your log of LPD start up should be checked very carefully.
For me it was a security issue when LPD can't start.


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Adding a second NIC

1999-12-21 Thread mhammonds
Hi all,
How would I add a 2nd NIC (linksys 10/100 PCI)to my debian 2.1 apache

Re: Adding a second NIC

1999-12-21 Thread Onno
At 10:01 AM 12/21/99 -0500, mhammonds wrote:
Hi all,
How would I add a 2nd NIC (linksys 10/100 PCI)to my debian 2.1 apache

For loadbalancing ?



Re: Installing Debian-2.1 on a Compaq DeskPro EN Series Workstation

1999-12-21 Thread Nico De Ranter
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

  NDR == Nico De Ranter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 NDR  I have a number of Compaq Deskpro EN's and EP's. Everything
 NDR works fine except for one major problem: about 1 out of 3 times
 NDR I boot the keyboard will go completely dead (you can still
 NDR logon through the network however).  
 Does this also happen when you boot NT workstation ? So far, I have
 (re)booted my DeskPro EN system a number of times and the keyboard (and
 other HW) has been fine.

Nope, Windows NT/9X runs fine :-(.  I had this problem with a lot of Compaqs
(actualy all of the new-model EN en EP's that I have.)  Note however: I bought
my last Compaq somewhere around June I think, so perhaps it has been solved
in newer models.

Note2: that Compaq I installed last week (running kernel 2.2.13) still runs fine
so I guess that solves it too.

 NDR Personaly I wouldn't go for Compaq.
 Neither would I. I prefer either a PC clone with components individually
 spec-ed out, or one of the newer Dell systems. But, frankly, I'll take
 whatever I can get to run Debian on ;)

My users started complaining that there are no old systems available anymore.
We used to sell the old systems, however now I'm turning all of them into 
running Debian -)


 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 It has been said that there are only two businesses
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86


1999-12-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
peter karlsson said:
 I'll be moving and will lose my direct Internet connection, and will have to
 resort to dial-up. To prepare for this, I am switching over to doing mail
 and news offline (slrnpull, fetchmail), but I need some ideas on what to use
 for outgoing mail. I've had sendmail die on me when I'm not connected to a
 network (not in Debian, though, haven't tried sendmail in Debian), so I
 wonder what the best setup is for outgoing mail when it is only to send mail
 when I connect to the ISP (and directly when I do that, preferrably without
 manual intervention).

I use exim and diald.  They handle mail for me without any problems, although
exim (by default, at least) wants to send out all mail immediately.  I'm sure
you can change that so it only tries to send when the link is already up, but
I like it the way it is.  (When mail is sent, exim tries to pass it on, which
causes diald to bring the link up.  exim sends, fetchmail pulls incoming
mail, and the link goes back down, usually in less than a minute.  If the
link can't be brought up right away, exim keeps trying until it can.)

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+


1999-12-21 Thread graham . lillico

I have just recently upgraded from debian 2.1 to potato and I cannot send any
email at all (either internal or external) i keep getting the following error

1999-12-21 14:34:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: procmail director deferred:
file existence defer in procmail director: Permission denied

Does anyone know what is going on and how to get it working?  I have run
eximconfig again and i select option 1 (internet mail) but that still doesn't



dpkg/apt getting Section line wrong

1999-12-21 Thread Stuart Ballard
I think this is a bug and I'm wondering whether I should file it in the
BTS. The problem is, looking at the current bug lists for dpkg and apt,
filing bugs against them seems to be more or less a waste of time. Also,
I don't know which one has the problem. But the problem is:

I use apt more-or-less exclusively to keep my system up to date (which
invokes dpkg, obviously). However, /var/lib/dpkg/status (and hence dpkg
-s) disagrees with /var/state/apt/lists/* about the Section line of some
packages. Apt is correct. It appears that dpkg is using *old* sections
and not updating the section line when the package is upgraded. The
examples I have found were identified by vrms; the following entries are
in error:

ssh: dpkg says non-US/non-free, but apt knows that it's really just in
dnsutils: dpkg says non-free/net, apt says just net

Is it legal to hand-modify /var/lib/dpkg/status? I'd like to get these
packages out of my vrms output, if nothing else. Is there some other way
to do this?

Better yet: What should I do about getting this fixed? I don't even know
what package the bug should be against, and either of the likely
candidates seem to more-or-less ignore bug reports. I don't mind looking
through source code to try to figure out the problem, but I don't want
to have to download 100 -dev packages before I can even try. Any


PS I discussed this already in the thread Non-freeness, but I didn't
discover the actual problem until very deep in the thread.

Fritz!X PC and Linux

1999-12-21 Thread Robert Kasunic

I recently bought a Fritz!X PC with an integrated
ISDN-Controller. This box connect to the serial port.
Is there a possibility to use it with Linux. If so,
Any hints?



PS: Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I'm not on
this list. Thanks!
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Yahoo! Shopping:


1999-12-21 Thread peter karlsson
Dave Sherohman:

 I use exim and diald.  They handle mail for me without any problems, although
 exim (by default, at least) wants to send out all mail immediately.  

That's what I don't want, since I'll be running dial-up.

It'd be nice if I could have it call and send/receive mail at pre-determined
times of day, though.

Peter -

Re: es1370 installs but doesn't work

1999-12-21 Thread Kent West
Chris Baker wrote:
 Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   CB == Chris Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  CB  I'm trying to get a sb128 to work.  At startup, whether
  CB compiled in or as a module, I get es1370: version v0.24 time
  CB 19:13:34 Dec 20 1999 es1370: found adapter at io 0xdc00 irq 11
  CB es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
  That looks about right.
  CB crw-rw 1 root audio 14, 6 Dec 20 18:13 /dev/sndstat
  CB but then,
  CB # cat /dev/sndstat
  CB cat: /dev/sndstat: No such device
  that happens on my system too, but why are you trying to do this ?
 I'm following the Sound-HOWTO :-(
  CB The Sound-HOWTO doesn't really have a lot of information to help
  CB here, and I don't really understand how devices work very well.
  CB I'm really at a loss.  Can anyone point me towards relevant
  CB documentation?
  I haven't read the Sound-HOWTO so I don't know what steps are mentioned
  in there.
 Well, it's a good thing you didn't--you might have gotten stuck too!
  To get the SB PCI128 to work, I compiled in support for the es1370 into
  the kernel. Then I added myself (non-root) to the audio group, and
  that was all. After that, I was able to play Audio CDs and mp3s.
 O.K.  I tried it, and it works.  Thanks for pointing out the stuff
 about the audio group.  I would have gotten stuck there next.
  The only strange thing I remember having to do was to give o+r
  permissions to the CDROM device which appears as /dev/hdc so that
  non-root users could play Audio CDs.
  Other than that, the SB PCI128 was a breeze to setup (using the kernel
 Many thanks for your help,

So Chris, your ES1370 works properly now? Can you do a cat

I've got an ES1371 that I've been wrestling off-and-on for months
with. It's not important enough to buckle down and fix it, but it
really bothers me that some of the HOWTO information seems to be
so irrelevant concerning this card, like the inability to do a
cat /dev/sndstat. I just don't have confidence in the HOWTO
because of this, and the troubleshooting information just isn't
there in enough detail to figure out what's going wrong. So
anyway, after ranting here, my only question is, again, can you
do a cat /dev/sndstat or does it still fail even though your
sound card is working?



1999-12-21 Thread Matt Garman
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 01:42:27PM +0100, peter karlsson wrote:
 I'll be moving and will lose my direct Internet connection, and will have to
 resort to dial-up. To prepare for this, I am switching over to doing mail
 and news offline (slrnpull, fetchmail), but I need some ideas on what to use
 for outgoing mail. I've had sendmail die on me when I'm not connected to a
 network (not in Debian, though, haven't tried sendmail in Debian), so I
 wonder what the best setup is for outgoing mail when it is only to send mail
 when I connect to the ISP (and directly when I do that, preferrably without
 manual intervention).

I've found postfix to be my favorite mta thus far.  It's configuration
is very easy.  There is now a debian package of postfix.  I did a
/usr/local install, though, because I was previously unaware of the Deb

I have postfix setup to defer messages until I explicitly flush the
outgoing mail queue.  I have a simple script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ that
flushes the queue automatically whenever I make a ppp connection.

I never liked smail or exim, and sendmail seems like overkill for a
small site.


And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Re: plextor cd-r trouble

1999-12-21 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 12/21/99, Matt Garman addressed plextor cd-r trouble:
 My scsi system consists of the following internal components:
 - Adaptec 2940UW pcsi scsi controller
 - Plextor PlexWriter 412c SCSI cd-r
 - Seagate ST34371W Barracuda 4.3 gig scsi hard drive
 The Adaptec 2940uw controller has two internal connectors, a 50-pin
 narrow connector and a 68-pin wide connector.  I have separate cables
 for my two drives (the cd-r and harddrive).  I have termination enabled
 on all components (because the card and two drives are each at their
 physical ends of the scsi cable, i.e. there is no chain).

From this description and your dmesg output below, I take it you have no
external devices?  If you did, it would be a factor, since it lengthens
one of the SCSI chains.  At least with a BusLogic BT-958.

On a similar note, I wonder if your two internal SCSI cables together
form a single logical chain.  That would also impose length
limitations, and possibly change your termination configuration.

Good luck!


Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13


1999-12-21 Thread Joe Block
Matt Garman wrote: 
 I've found postfix to be my favorite mta thus far.  It's configuration
 is very easy.  There is now a debian package of postfix.  I did a
 /usr/local install, though, because I was previously unaware of the Deb
 I have postfix setup to defer messages until I explicitly flush the
 outgoing mail queue.  I have a simple script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ that
 flushes the queue automatically whenever I make a ppp connection.
 I never liked smail or exim, and sendmail seems like overkill for a
 small site.

Count me in as another vote for postfix.  I used to run qmail back when
I still ran RedHat, but switched to postfix a few months before I
switched to Debian.

postfix is a lot easier to configure and has the advantage of being
designed from the beginning for security.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Installing Potato with dselect apt

1999-12-21 Thread Clyde Wilson
I reformated my disks and loaded the base potato floppies.
When I run apt under dselect I end up with so many missing
programs that deselect refuses to continue...

I have selected nothing during dselect, I just want to install
the default 50 or so.

Has anyone done this lately?  This is not an upgrade, but a fresh

Re: plextor cd-r trouble

1999-12-21 Thread Matt Garman
On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 08:11:29AM -0600, Jesse Jacobsen wrote:
 From this description and your dmesg output below, I take it you have no
 external devices?  If you did, it would be a factor, since it lengthens
 one of the SCSI chains.  At least with a BusLogic BT-958.

Nope, I don't have any external devices.

 On a similar note, I wonder if your two internal SCSI cables together
 form a single logical chain.  That would also impose length
 limitations, and possibly change your termination configuration.

Well, the dual cable setup was not my original setup.  I used to have
the cd-r and harddrive on the same ribbon, and used a 68-to-50 pin
adapter for the burner.  That setup was also unsuccessful.


And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread aphro

i use powerchute plus for linux ( click on software downloads)

since its a back ups pro make sure u got the black cable, my back ups pro
came with a grey cable and i spent hours trying to get it to work to no
avail, APC sent me a black cable free of charge which was cool of them i


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Alberto Maurizi wrote:

albert Does anybody out there use this UPS to protect
albert Linux boxes from power failure?
albert I'm trying to figure out what is the best among
albert all the available packages (apcd, pacupsd, genpower,
albert ...), to manage such a kind of UPS.
albert I'm getting more and more confused reading all the 
albert documentation (HOWTO etc ...) about cables, signals,
albert and so on.
albert Any suggestion?
albert Thanx,
albert Alberto
albert -- 
albert Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread aphro
you try powerchute plus for linux yet ?  its been out for a few months
now..kinda nice..make sure you got trhe black cable and not a grey cable


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

rabe On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:27:21 + (/etc/localtime), Alberto Maurizi 
rabe  I'm getting more and more confused reading all the 
rabe  documentation (HOWTO etc ...) about cables, signals,
rabe  and so on.
rabe So do I. Even worse: NONE of the ups daemons seem to work.
rabe We use the apcupsd to drive a SmartUPS 2200. Shutting the machine down 
rabe work, but the daemon doesn't shut down the UPS?!
rabe Hints anyone?!
rabe -- 
rabe Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.
rabe  Choice  /V\
rabe of a  GNU  /( )\
rabeGeneration  ^^-^^
rabe -- 
rabe Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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1999-12-21 Thread Steve Lamb
Tuesday, December 21, 1999, 9:14:31 AM, Joe wrote:
 I never liked smail or exim, and sendmail seems like overkill for a
 small site.

 Count me in as another vote for postfix.  I used to run qmail back when
 I still ran RedHat, but switched to postfix a few months before I
 switched to Debian.

 postfix is a lot easier to configure and has the advantage of being
 designed from the beginning for security.

Personally I think any MTA is too much of an overkill for off-line
reading/replying of email.  Personally I think the MUA should have an option
to defer the mail and then have a command-line option to have it deliver to a
configured SMTP server, supplied by the ISP, who then performs delivery from
there.  But, hey, what do I know.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.


1999-12-21 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 21 Dec, Steve Lamb wrote about Re: MTA
 Tuesday, December 21, 1999, 9:14:31 AM, Joe wrote:
 I never liked smail or exim, and sendmail seems like overkill for a
 small site.
 Count me in as another vote for postfix.  I used to run qmail back when
 I still ran RedHat, but switched to postfix a few months before I
 switched to Debian.
 postfix is a lot easier to configure and has the advantage of being
 designed from the beginning for security.
 Personally I think any MTA is too much of an overkill for off-line
 reading/replying of email.  Personally I think the MUA should have an option
 to defer the mail and then have a command-line option to have it deliver to a
 configured SMTP server, supplied by the ISP, who then performs delivery from
 there.  But, hey, what do I know.

The MUA Tkrat does this.  It is tcl/tk based and does allow you to defer
all messages and then send them out(via a menu selection) whenever you
want to a smtp host.  I personally don't use this feature but it is
there. Version 1.2 is currently packaged for Debian and 2.0 beta5 is
available from

There are also several MTA's designed for dial-up accounts that don't
have all the advanced features of sendmail, smail, exim, qmail, etc.
Masqmail being one that I am curious about which is packaged for potato.
Haven't tried it as I don't have time to deal with a change in MTA
config right now.  But it does look interesting as it is meant to work
with ppp and the ip-up scripts.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Modem does not work

1999-12-21 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Pedro == Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pedro It is an internal PCI modem, Windows says that it is on COM3,
Pedro IRQ10, so it should be in /dev/ttyS3, but I only have two
Pedro serial connections working,

No, COM3 == ttyS2 !

Ian Zimmerman
Lightbinders, Inc.
2325 3rd Street #324, San Francisco, California 94107

Re: Virus scanner

1999-12-21 Thread Sven Esbjerg
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 06:37:18PM +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
 Is there a virus scanner available for linux that I can use to scan mails,
 downloads etc. before they even reach M$ systems?

Check out or
They both sell linux-versions that are able to scan microsoft-files. If you
decide to try them out please post your experience in this list or directly to

Good luck.
Sven Esbjerg

Re: es1370 installs but doesn't work

1999-12-21 Thread Chris Baker
Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[...discussion of diagnosing sound card snipped...]

 So Chris, your ES1370 works properly now? Can you do a cat
 I've got an ES1371 that I've been wrestling off-and-on for months
 with. It's not important enough to buckle down and fix it, but it
 really bothers me that some of the HOWTO information seems to be
 so irrelevant concerning this card, like the inability to do a
 cat /dev/sndstat. I just don't have confidence in the HOWTO
 because of this, and the troubleshooting information just isn't
 there in enough detail to figure out what's going wrong. So
 anyway, after ranting here, my only question is, again, can you
 do a cat /dev/sndstat or does it still fail even though your
 sound card is working?

The `cat /dev/sndstat' stuff appears to be something of a red herring
here (with this hardware atleast).  Just launch freeamp and play
something.  Does anyone here know why this is?

The Sound-HOWTO seems out of date, and the kernel documentation is
less than clear, so I sympathize with your frustration.

Best wishes,


Question on wmaker, startup does not really work

1999-12-21 Thread Alexander Koch
Hi there.

I have a rather typical setup here, when I do startx as a
user I have the basic X Server running with nothing on it.

The startx on the console tells me that WindowMaker could
not be started because of an invalid argument -- '-clientId'

Is that error known? How do I get around it?
This box is running bleeding edge potato from today.


(Cc welcome...)

Alexander Koch -  - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Peter S Galbraith

If you can stand to use dumb-mode, try powstatd.


Alberto Maurizi wrote:

   Does anybody out there use this UPS to protect
   Linux boxes from power failure?
   I'm trying to figure out what is the best among
   all the available packages (apcd, pacupsd, genpower,
   ...), to manage such a kind of UPS.
   I'm getting more and more confused reading all the 
   documentation (HOWTO etc ...) about cables, signals,
   and so on.
   Any suggestion?
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Re: Virus scanner

1999-12-21 Thread Andy Spiegl
Hi Michael,

 Is there a virus scanner available for linux that I can use to scan mails,
 downloads etc. before they even reach M$ systems?
I am using AntiVir ( which is free for private use, but
there are Linux versions of McAfee, Sophos, KasperskyLab and more.  A good
overview (only in German) is here:

I also use AMaVIS to scan my incoming mails:

Also take a look at:

Good luck,

 PGP/GPG: see headers
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_
 Windoze: For the one it is an operating system, for the others
  it is the longest virus of the world.

Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 09:21:42 -0800 (PST), aphro wrote:

you try powerchute plus for linux yet ?  its been out for a few months

Nope, but it seems as if I *should* give it a try

now..kinda nice..make sure you got trhe black cable and not a grey cable

I don't know which cable we got -- since I've set up the machine remotely. 
I've never seen it... :-)

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Re: Potato inconsistency

1999-12-21 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, peter karlsson wrote:

 Got this during today's apt-get dist-upgrade:
 Preparing to replace base-files 2.1.10 (using .../base-files_2.1.11_all.deb)
 ...Unpacking replacement base-files ...
 dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_2.1.11_all.deb 
  trying to overwrite `/etc/inputrc', which is also in package libreadlineg2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)
 Known problem?

Yes, it has been reported 14 times(!).

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. base-files_2.1.12 fixes it.


Re: APC UPS (Back-UPS Pro 650)

1999-12-21 Thread Aaron Solochek
I just went though all this with a smartups 620.   If the cable came with the 
ups, it
should have a part number on it.  The documentation of apcupsd mentioned the
different type and their numbers.  I tried apcd without success, but apcupsd 
great.  And it also seems to be more powerful than apcd... is this the case?  
anyone tried powerchute for linux yet?

-Aaron Solochek

Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 09:21:42 -0800 (PST), aphro wrote:

 you try powerchute plus for linux yet ?  its been out for a few months

 Nope, but it seems as if I *should* give it a try

 now..kinda nice..make sure you got trhe black cable and not a grey cable

 I don't know which cable we got -- since I've set up the machine remotely.
 I've never seen it... :-)

 Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
 of a  GNU  /( )\
Generation  ^^-^^

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1999-12-21 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,

We're trying to find an easy-to-use, cross-platform help system generator
that will do on-line, hypertext, searchable documentation, as well as
being able to print out the hardcopy.  It there such a thing?
We'd like to be able to use it on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Dec Tru64-Unix,



Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0441 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

pppd died

1999-12-21 Thread Jacob Smith

I have just installed the Corel Linux, I have gotten everything to run
pretty smoothly on it however when I try to connect to the internet it
returns an error message every time saying pppd daemon died unexpectedly.
All the setting dial up setting in there dial up program are correct as I
have checked them against the ISP.  Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Re: pppd died

1999-12-21 Thread Paul J. Keenan
Jacob Smith wrote:
 I have just installed the Corel Linux, I have gotten everything to run
 pretty smoothly on it however when I try to connect to the internet it
 returns an error message every time saying pppd daemon died unexpectedly.
 All the setting dial up setting in there dial up program are correct as I
 have checked them against the ISP.  Any suggestion would be appreciated.

This is a Debian user list, so you'll find most of the readers
(including me) have no experience of Corel.  So you may find
some of the suggestions vary from your setup.  But, it's worth
looking in /var/log as a rule when things break down.  In this
case the files you want to check are :


If you can't get the answer from this and the system documentation,
ask again, enclosing the log extracts.


new email address

1999-12-21 Thread Scott Stanford

officially retiredmy modem in favor of a cable modem and all I can say 
is "It's about (^%*()( time!"


Re: Startup-scripts

1999-12-21 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 21 Dec, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Startup-scripts
 *please CC all replies to me, as I am not subscribed to this list. thanks*
 Hello all,
 I am using Debian GNU/Linux potato i386. I have written a ipchains
 firewall script that I would like to be executed automatically during
 Where would I put this (shell) script? I know that Debian has rules
 Where would I put this (shell) script? I know that Debian has rules
 about the proper way to do certain system config things - what is
 the proper way to do this?

Put your script in /etc/init.d.  Try and make it accept 'start' and
'stop' arguments if appropriate.  See /etc/init.d/README and
/etc/init.d/skeleton for an example and pointers to more documentation.

Then run the command:

update-rc.d ipmasq start 41 S .

This will place the appropriate links in the /etc/rcS.d and other
directories, you need to at least start it after the network is

If you want, install the ipmasq package and look at its startup script
for an example that is probably more in line with what you want(it does
not use the start-stop-daemon program).

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  | Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   | have walked a mile in thei shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | because by that time you will be a   | mile away and have their shoes.

Re: Setting Path ENV variable

1999-12-21 Thread Andy Thomas
ok.. I've found the .bashrc in /root and put the path statement into there.
 Yet is still gives only the standard path (login and type: set).  Are
there multiple places where this needs to be set?

The syntax is:


TIA for any help.

 To: Debian Users
 Subject: Re: Setting Path ENV variable
 Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:44 PM
 Andy Thomas wrote:
   Running Linux from O'Reilly says that the search path can be set in
   file, but the only .bashrc I'm finding is for a user I created, not
   Is there a bash configuration file for root?  
 To get to that file you have to be signed in as root or su to root and
 cd to the /root directory.  
 I'm trying to add some
   directories to the search path.
   I found a file named /etc/profile with a PATH statement in it, but
   to add to that don't work.   The comment at the top says it's the
   system-wide profile for bash(1)
 I'm by no means an expert on this but I've found that /etc/profile
 effects my console sessions and not my 'X' sessions.
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Re: custom colors for 'ls'

1999-12-21 Thread Andy Thomas
uh... what's in the .dircolors file?


 From: John Bagdanoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: custom colors for 'ls'
 Date: Friday, December 17, 1999 1:16 AM
 Hey, great tip Aaron.  It's , err colorful :)
 Aaron Solochek wrote:
  I set up colors using the following lines. in my .bashrc or
  alias ls=ls --color=auto
  eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
  and I've attached my .dircolors
  -Aaron Solochek
 * Window users:  Move up to Linux  * 
 * Linux users:   Move up to Debian *
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: pppd died

1999-12-21 Thread Greg Madden
The new Corellinux is based on Debian, Kernel 2.2.12, so there may be a
few Corel users, (me) out there. Corel has done new deb packages.

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