Re: fetchmail no rula

1999-12-23 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Wed, Dec 22, 1999,

 En cuanto  a la  manera de  hacer del  fetchmail, yo  lo que
 tengo es un script, que cuando  lo ejecuto me pide el passwd
 (es una locura  tener el passwd en un  fichero, aunque estés
 en tu casa - también me llaman Fox Mulder ;-)-) y te

Pero eso implica estar ante el teclado siempre que te bajas el
correo. Yo tengo automatizado el  tema de correo/news/www... y
se conecta a las 4 de la mañana, mientras duermo. La comodidad
compensa de sobras (para mi)  el riesgo de tener la contraseña
en un fichero, que por otra  parte está con permisos 600, algo
bastante seguro (con una buena contraseña para tu login).

Un saludote.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Red Ethernet

1999-12-23 Thread Nitebirdz

Puesto que tu intencion es compartir una unica conexion a la red,
necesitas configurar un router tal y como queda indicado en el manual que
mencionas.  No es una pieza especial de hardware, sino que lo unico que
necesitas hacer es usar uno de los ordenadores como router (IP
Masquerading, etc.).  Eso si, ese ordenador necesita dos tarjetas de red:
una de las tarjetas para conectar al exterior, y la otra para conectar a
la red interna mediante un pequegno hub.  O al menos asi es como me lo he
montado yo siempre.  Si alguien tiene otra idea, por favor, corregidme.


On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, jcarlos wrote:

 Tengo cuatro ordenadores con los que quiero montar una red
 eternet(para compartir la conexión a internet de uno de ellos). Ya me
 leí la Guía de administración de Redes, pero me quedó una duda...
 ¿Necesito un router(apropos: ¿es un aparato especial o solo un
 ordenador configurado de otra forma?) para conectarlos o con solo las
 tarjetas de red y el cable
 me basta?
 Entonces ¿qué otro Hard y Soft necesito?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-23 Thread Manel Marin
On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 03:21:00PM +0100, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 El Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 10:55:22PM +0100, Cosme P. Cuevas contaba:

 Todo eso parece improbable, increíble, ya lo se, pero yo puedo decir
 que el día que me estaba bajando este mensaje se me cortó la
 comunicación, y mira tu... justamente había un mensaje que contenía
 la cadena de marras. 

El modem es un ingenio controlado por microprocesador que sigue las
instrucciones de un programa (EPROM o FLASH), (bueno los winmodem no... ;-)
y por tanto sigue un programa que escribió un programador.

Bueno me dejo de rollos... Yo creo que el que hizo el soft deberia
haber hecho que los comandos de escape se reconozcan solo si son
recibidos desde la linea serie Y NO desde la linea telefonica, pero
DEBERIA no quiere decir que sea asi en todos los modem...

Lo mismo pasará con los tiempos de pausa de antes y después
Esas tres cosas no deben haber sido testadas demasiado durante el
desarrollo, asi que sospecho que fallaran en muchisimos modems...

Y se me ha pasado por la cabeza que te pueden enviar un ping con datos
(la cadena de marras) y tu PC al contestarlo te cuelgue... ¿es posible?
Espero que a nadie se le ocurra hacer un escaneado con esos ping...
¡uff! me cojen escalofrios solo de pensarlo...
Definitivamente le voy a meter la cadena ATS2=255 en la iniciación del modem

¿A quien hay que e-mailear para que la incluyan como cadena
por defecto al configurar con pppconfig?


Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)

preguntas sobre bashrc. bash_profile, etc/environment, etc.

1999-12-23 Thread Oscar González
Hola de nuevo:

¿Dónde puedo encontrar información en castellano sobre la configuración y
variables de los ficheros /etc/environment /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, 
bash_profile, etc.?

Por lo que sé, los ficheros anteriores que figuran en /etc/ son de configuración
general de recursos para todos los usuarios. En cada $HOME/ se editarían los
particulares de cada uno. Lo que no sé es cómo funciona todo esto y las
variables de entorno en Debian. ¿Sería alguien tan amable de explicármelo?.


Oscar González -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Usuario Linux nº 143001/97711
Envía copia de las respuestas de las news a mi e_mail. Gracias

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-23 Thread Blu
On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 08:04:39PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 Y se me ha pasado por la cabeza que te pueden enviar un ping con datos
 (la cadena de marras) y tu PC al contestarlo te cuelgue... ¿es posible?

Pues precisamente eso fue lo que me paso a mi y por eso inicie este hilo.
Alguien me hizo un ping con la cadena y mi maquina al contestarlo me 
colgo el modem. 

Hasta donde yo se la cadena funciona solo en un sentido, de la serial 
al modem y no desde la linea al modem.

Felipe Sanchez

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-23 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Blu wrote:
 Hasta donde yo se la cadena funciona solo en un sentido, de la serial
 al modem y no desde la linea al modem.
Bueno, ante la duda me picaba la curiosidad y lo comprobé
ayer personalmente. Efectivamente una candena entrante a
través de la línea telefónica también puede colgar el modem.
El porque no soy capaz de decirlo. Aunque pensando un poco
maliciosamente se me ha ocurrido que cuando nos conectamos a
internet no solo usamos nuestro modem. Si no me equivoco
(que me corriga alguien si no es así) el proveedor de
internet también debe tener un modem al que se conecta el
nuestro. Si este proveedor no ha configurado su modem
correctamente (lo cual creo que es lo más probable) entonces
el modem que cuelga no es el nuestro, sino el de nuestro
proveedor. Que opinais? Si es así sirve de muy poco que
protegamos nuestro modem pues con el otro no podremos hacer

Hasta más bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

autentificacion con apache de RH y de Debian

1999-12-23 Thread David Charro Ripa
Estoy migrando un servidor de intranet con RedHat4.2 a Debian/potato
(si, si, nada de windows a Linux). Ya he pasado de PHP2 a PHP3. Ahora
estoy con el apache.

Y es que tiene en un directorio un control de acceso con el archivo
.htaccess que no consigo que haga lo mismo en RH4.2 que en Debian.
Debaria pedir un usuario y una clave y verificar que sea un usuario
valido de la maquina. Consigo que me lo pida pero luego siempre me falla
la autentificacion.

Mi .htaccess es asi

AuthName telefonos 
AuthType Basic
require valid-user 

Y los modulos de apache han quedado asi:

# The Debian package of Apache loads every feature as shared modules.
# Please keep this LoadModule: line here, it is needed for installation.
# LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule env_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule config_log_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule mime_magic_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule mime_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule negotiation_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule status_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule info_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule includes_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule cgi_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule asis_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule imap_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule action_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule speling_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule userdir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule access_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule anon_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule dbm_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule db_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule digest_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule cern_meta_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule expires_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule usertrack_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule unique_id_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule setenvif_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule sys_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule put_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule throttle_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule auth_ldap_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule allowdev_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule pgsql_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule cvs_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule define_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule eaccess_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
# LoadModule roaming_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

Alguien me sugiere algun camino.






1999-12-23 Thread Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez

Estoy intentando instalar el CNEWS, lo he instalado, pero intento mandar
un mensaje a la lista que tiene por defecto (news.announce.newusers) y no
me hace ni pajolero caso (con el Netscape de otro ordenata en la misma

Con el telnet (como decia la Linux Actual 7) envio el mensaje, y lo
acepto, pero al leer el grupo no tiene mensajes

Alguien sabe de que va esto

 \/_/\ \   _   __   ._. __
\ \ \ /\___ \ /\ \ /| |/\ \   \|/ 
  __ \ \ \\/| __ \\ \ \|| |\ \ \ /\V/\
 /\ \_\_\ \/\ \L\ \\ \ \| | \ \ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@/b
 \ \__/\ \/ \ \___|  \ \_\   \\_//
| Carlos Javier Sosa GonzalezIUMA / DSI Division |
|E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicacion|
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Campus Universitario de Tafira  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
|  Tel.: +34 928 451 252 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria|
|  Fax : +34 928 451 243 Canary Islands. SPAIN   |

sólo ésto...

1999-12-23 Thread TooMany





   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Configuración del frame buffer

1999-12-23 Thread Miguel A. Abarca

Hola de nuevo, en vista de la imposibilidad de encontrar soporte para mi
tarjeta gráfica (S3 Savage3D) con Xfree86 -ni siquiera la versión 3.3.5-, me
aconsejaron que lo intentara con el framebuffer; después de leer el Howto
sobre el tema y realizar lo que allí se decía sigo sin poder acceder a un
entorno gráfico. El problema concreto que se me presenta es el siguiente: al
intentar arrancar X windows con el servidor XF86_FBDev me da el error : no
existe el dispositivo /dev/fb0, sin embargo yo lo creé conforme decía el
Howto, 'mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0', me podéis decir ¿qué me falta?, o ¿qué he
hecho mal?. Gracias

laptop compaq contura 430C

1999-12-23 Thread Samuel Montosa

esto... ya se que puede sonar estupido pero... ¿alguien sabe  como  entrar 
 al setup de este ordenador?

(obviamente no dispongo de los manuales, y ya me  he  perdido  un  par  de 
 veces por la web de compaq)


| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.13 |

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-23 Thread Samuel Montosa
El Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 05:39:43PM +0100, Daniel Payno dijo:
 En la cadena de Inicialización del modem (por ejemplo  ATZ|)  metele  un 
 M0, en plan ATM0Z| (creo, si no va prueba ATZM0|)... El | es importante,  por 
 Lo que te puede variar es donde tienes la Init... o está en  un  archivo 
 de /etc/ppp o en /etc/chatoptions  (o  algo  así,  no  recuerdo...)  Si  usas 
 kppp|wppp|gppp, pues te será sencillo encontrarlo.

mi modem (un diamond supra 56k) pasa de mi  olimpicamente,  es  decir,  le 
 digo ATM0S0Z y me dice el muy cabr*n: OK
 marco y me pita al mismo volumen...

¿alguna ideilla?

| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.13 |

Re: laptop compaq contura 430C

1999-12-23 Thread Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez
On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Samuel Montosa wrote:

 esto... ya se que puede sonar estupido pero... ¿alguien sabe  como  
  al setup de este ordenador?

Yo tengo un Thoshiba y hace falta un disco para modificar la bios.

 (obviamente no dispongo de los manuales, y ya me  he  perdido  un  par  
  veces por la web de compaq)

Busca y busca pues sino lo tienes  ;)

 \/_/\ \   _   __   ._. __
\ \ \ /\___ \ /\ \ /| |/\ \   \|/ 
  __ \ \ \\/| __ \\ \ \|| |\ \ \ /\V/\
 /\ \_\_\ \/\ \L\ \\ \ \| | \ \ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@/b
 \ \__/\ \/ \ \___|  \ \_\   \\_//
| Carlos Javier Sosa GonzalezIUMA / DSI Division |
|E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicacion|
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Campus Universitario de Tafira  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
|  Tel.: +34 928 451 252 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria|
|  Fax : +34 928 451 243 Canary Islands. SPAIN   |

Re: preguntas sobre bashrc. bash_profile, etc/environment, etc.

1999-12-23 Thread Correcaminos
El Sun, Nov 28, 1999 a las 12:44:37PM +, Oscar González dijo: 
 Hola de nuevo:
 ¿Dónde puedo encontrar información en castellano sobre la configuración y
 variables de los ficheros /etc/environment /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, 
 bash_profile, etc.?
 Por lo que sé, los ficheros anteriores que figuran en /etc/ son de 
 general de recursos para todos los usuarios. En cada $HOME/ se editarían los
 particulares de cada uno. Lo que no sé es cómo funciona todo esto y las
 variables de entorno en Debian. ¿Sería alguien tan amable de explicármelo?.


Existen, a mi entender, dos grandes clases de variables:
  - Las de la Shell que utilices (suele ser Bash)
  - y la de los programas que tengas...

Las de la Shell te las encuentras bien definidas en su
correspondiente página man (man bash), que en el caso de esta shell, incluso
lo puedes leer en castellano gracias a la gente de Pameli.

El otro grupo es muy extenso, debido a que cada programador puede
poner las variables de entorno que le parezcan. La unica manera de saber las
variables de entorno adecuadas para obtener el mejor rendimiento de un
determinado programa es coger y leerse con detenimiento tanto las páginas
man que tuviera como el código fuente, siempre que tengas acceso a él.

La recomendación evidente es que te mires las generales, la de la
Shell que utilices :)

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configuración del frame buffer

1999-12-23 Thread Correcaminos
El Thu, Dec 23, 1999 a las 04:39:06PM -, Miguel A. Abarca dijo: 
   Hola de nuevo, en vista de la imposibilidad de encontrar soporte para mi
 tarjeta gráfica (S3 Savage3D) con Xfree86 -ni siquiera la versión 3.3.5-, me
 aconsejaron que lo intentara con el framebuffer; después de leer el Howto
 sobre el tema y realizar lo que allí se decía sigo sin poder acceder a un
 entorno gráfico. El problema concreto que se me presenta es el siguiente: al
 intentar arrancar X windows con el servidor XF86_FBDev me da el error : no
 existe el dispositivo /dev/fb0, sin embargo yo lo creé conforme decía el
 Howto, 'mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0', me podéis decir ¿qué me falta?, o ¿qué he
 hecho mal?. Gracias

La pregunta es tonta, pero ...

¿Has recompilado el kernel para que te soporte el framebuffer?

   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: laptop compaq contura 430C

1999-12-23 Thread drequena

Es un poco offtopic pero...

En el caso del Toshiva si mantienes pulsado ESC durante el arranque provocaras
error y tras pulsar F1 pasaras a la imagen de TSETUP que hay en rom.

Saludos cordiales,
David Requena Zabala

Information Systems and Technology
CSC Ploenzke S.A.

||  Carlos Javier|
||  Sosa Gonzalez|
||  |
||   |
||  23/12/99 |
||  19.33|
||   |
  |   To: Samuel Montosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  |   cc: Lista Debian, (bcc:   |
  |   David Requena/PLZ/CSC)   |
  |   Subject: Re: laptop compaq contura 430C  |

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Samuel Montosa wrote:

 esto... ya se que puede sonar estupido pero... ?alguien sabe  como  entrar
  al setup de este ordenador?

 Yo tengo un Thoshiba y hace falta un disco para modificar la bios.

 (obviamente no dispongo de los manuales, y ya me  he  perdido  un  par  de
  veces por la web de compaq)

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-23 Thread Jon Noble

On mié, 22 dic 1999 01:45:38 Samuel Montosa wrote:
 El Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 05:39:43PM +0100, Daniel Payno dijo:
  En la cadena de Inicialización del modem (por ejemplo  ATZ|)  metele  
  M0, en plan ATM0Z| (creo, si no va prueba ATZM0|)... El | es importante,  
 mi modem (un diamond supra 56k) pasa de mi  olimpicamente,  es  decir,  
  digo ATM0S0Z y me dice el muy cabr*n: OK
  marco y me pita al mismo volumen...

El ATZ último hace que el modem se resetee y pierda toda la configuración 
metida anteriormente.
Yo creo que lo conveniente es que lo hagas en 2 pasos. Primero envias ATZ y 
cuando recibas el OK,
mandas el ATM0.

Un saludo,


Re: IMAP not allowing access

1999-12-23 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Just a random guess: check in /etc/pam.d
I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

netdate in potato??

1999-12-23 Thread Tim Nicholas
Hello all, 

Can anyone tell me which package in potato contains 
'netdate' or some other equivalent program?? 




Tim Nicholas

Let the frantic Goddess and delerious drunk cry
together in shadow for the puppy's sad stare,
the forest and the death of the moon.

Re: Best way to be a tester

1999-12-23 Thread Shaul Karl
I believe you will get a better answer if you'll try to post it on

 I'm about ready to do an install of debian, and thought the most useful
 thing might be for me to test the new (potato?) install procedure from
 scratch.  I figure most people have been upgrading existing distributions,
 so it would be more valuable to start without one.
 Is this the best (that is, most useful to debian, yet feasible and
 reasonably safe for me) thing to do?
 If so, exactly what should I do?  There was a notice about a month ago about
 the need to test boot floppies, but it points to some alpha links, and I
 think we're past alpha.  There was also notice about a testing distribution
 at, but I can not access that site (is it down? obsolete?)
 as of 11:45 am pacific Wednesday.
 Relevant facts:
 * I have existing systems (NT and 98) and work on the computer, and don't
 want them destroyed.
 * I have CD's for Debian 2.1
 * Only a 56k modem, but would consider an overnight download.
 * Processor is AMD K6-2/400.  Asus P2B motherboard.  256Mg Ram.
 * Installation will be to a 13.6 Gg Maxtor EIDE drive.  I've reserved small
 partitions below 4Mg for root and swap, and a larger one at the end of the
 drive.  All this is in an extended partition.
 * I have installed Debian several times before, and am comfortable saving
 boot sectors and switching them around.
 If doing the whole thing is inadvisable for some reason, I'd also be willing
 to test boot floppies and the initial install procedure, and then go ahead
 with a regular 2.1 install.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: IMAP not allowing access

1999-12-23 Thread Marcin Kurc
remove /etc/cram-md5.pwd if you don't use it.

On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 06:37:55PM -0500, Matt Kopishke wrote: 
 Hi, I just did a update on my machine to get the latest potato and imap
 seem's to have broken in the process.  I get the following error in the
 log: Login failed: user-name has no CRAM-MD5 password,
 This is on a rather important machine, can you help?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |   | What Will be Will be. |
  Web Guru, Perl jocky,  |  (Accept it)  |
  Windows basher, etc... |W. Overlock|
  --Debian GNU/Linux--   | |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Odd sound issue

1999-12-23 Thread Matthew C. Thompson

I'm running a Debian 2.1r4 box with a SB 16 WavEffects (CT4171) sound
card.  It seems to work in some things but not others.  I have support for
it compiled into the kernel and I have 'PnP OS?=No' in the BIOS (Award
4.51pg, I believe).

cat  /dev/audio works fine, but xanim doesn't.
kmedia plays .wav's, but xanim doesn't.  xmcd works fine, but rvplayer 5.0

Any suggestions?

TIA :)

Matthew Thompson
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

Re: apt-get can not remount /usr ro. How to use lsof to find the offending files?

1999-12-23 Thread Ethan Benson

On 22/12/99 Shaul Karl wrote:

Let me see if I got it correctly:
mount can tell whether I have open file descriptors that are related to
removed files and there for it does not let me remount the fs ro?
What does it care? Will remounting the fs erase the data from these blocks?
Why was I allowed to remount /usr rw when apt-get was started?

the blocks have to be erased BEFORE the fs is remounted read only, 
since a read only fs cannot be modified in any way (otherwise it 
would not really be read only)  you are allowed to remount it 
read-write as long as its not read only due to hardware (ie cdrom) 
but you can only remount it read only again as long as there are no 
pending writes or a file is open with write permission.  programs do 
not open themselves with write permission however.   (only a 
braindamaged software would try and modify itself)

BTW: After I sent my previous email I tried to convince mount to let me
remount the fs ro by quitting some applications and then changing to run level
3 and then back to 2, which did not help. But then I stopped my mgetty-fax
daemon, and this enabled me the to mount the fs ro. I restarted the daemon
after wards. As far as I remember no megtty package was involved in the
upgrade, although it seems to be using some perl stuff and perl was indeed
upgraded. I wonder if others can verify that the meggty-fax daemon in
particular, or perhaps perl is responsible for not letting mount to remount
/usr ro after an upgrade. Can it be that it some how this daemon opens a file
rw but this is ignored when the fs is mounted ro?

no that is not possble, the kernel will not allow such a call to 
succeed, if mgetty-fax was overwritten when it was still running the 
old copy was not removed from disk, but its link count went to zero, 
as soon as the file descripter is released then the blocks are freed.

I got a message in private from the author or lsof, it turns out 
there is a way to show files of this nature:

At 10:14 -0500 22/12/99, Vic Abell wrote:

The +L option to lsof will help.  It tells lsof to display the link
count for open files.  A file that has been rm'd has a link count
of 0.

If you want, you can specify an integer afer +L and lsof will only
display open files whose link count is less than the integer.  So,
for example, to find all unlinked open files:

$ lsof +L1

that should work to show exactly what is being the problem and let 
you restart the offenders without the drastic telinit 1

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:


1999-12-23 Thread Oki DZ

It seems that I have a difficulty in setting up ftpd on an Intel machine. 
On a SunClassic, it was OK. I think I have followed all the steps in man
in.ftpd, but the following is what I usually get:

okidz:~$ ftp localhost
Connected to localhost.
220- hi, wassup?
220 FTP server (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
Name (localhost:okidz): okidz
550 Authentication failure
Login failed.

That's it; no prompt for entering password. 
Is this problem related to PAM?


Next codename

1999-12-23 Thread Oki DZ

What would be the name of the next Debian version after potato? Wheezy?


Re: apt-get can not remount /usr ro. How to use lsof to find the offending files?

1999-12-23 Thread Shaul Karl
 On 22/12/99 Shaul Karl wrote:
 Let me see if I got it correctly:
 mount can tell whether I have open file descriptors that are related to
 removed files and there for it does not let me remount the fs ro?
 What does it care? Will remounting the fs erase the data from these blocks?
 Why was I allowed to remount /usr rw when apt-get was started?
 the blocks have to be erased BEFORE the fs is remounted read only, 
 since a read only fs cannot be modified in any way (otherwise it 
 would not really be read only)  you are allowed to remount it 
 read-write as long as its not read only due to hardware (ie cdrom) 
 but you can only remount it read only again as long as there are no 
 pending writes or a file is open with write permission.  programs do 
 not open themselves with write permission however.   (only a 
 braindamaged software would try and modify itself)
 BTW: After I sent my previous email I tried to convince mount to let me
 remount the fs ro by quitting some applications and then changing to run 
 3 and then back to 2, which did not help. But then I stopped my mgetty-fax
 daemon, and this enabled me the to mount the fs ro. I restarted the daemon
 after wards. As far as I remember no megtty package was involved in the
 upgrade, although it seems to be using some perl stuff and perl was indeed
 upgraded. I wonder if others can verify that the meggty-fax daemon in
 particular, or perhaps perl is responsible for not letting mount to remount
 /usr ro after an upgrade. Can it be that it some how this daemon opens a file
 rw but this is ignored when the fs is mounted ro?
 no that is not possble, the kernel will not allow such a call to 
 succeed, if mgetty-fax was overwritten when it was still running the 
 old copy was not removed from disk, but its link count went to zero, 
 as soon as the file descripter is released then the blocks are freed.
 I got a message in private from the author or lsof, it turns out 
 there is a way to show files of this nature:
 At 10:14 -0500 22/12/99, Vic Abell wrote:
 The +L option to lsof will help.  It tells lsof to display the link
 count for open files.  A file that has been rm'd has a link count
 of 0.
 If you want, you can specify an integer afer +L and lsof will only
 display open files whose link count is less than the integer.  So,
 for example, to find all unlinked open files:
  $ lsof +L1
 that should work to show exactly what is being the problem and let 
 you restart the offenders without the drastic telinit 1

Can it be that the removed files are not the problem with the failure of the 

[04:17:04 /tmp]# mount -o remount,ro /usr/
mount: /usr is busy
[04:19:08 /tmp]# lsof +L1 |grep /usr/
[04:19:16 /tmp]# 


1999-12-23 Thread Oki DZ

I'm having problem in creating a script for executing shutdown from a
normal username:
okidz:~$ /sbin/shutdown -h now
shutdown: must be root.

I have tried to put a username in /etc/shutdown.allow and
executing shutdown -a -h now, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

Problem is, after logging out from Gnome, the easiest way to shut the
machine down is to press ctl-alt f4, login as root, and then type the
command. I'd like to have something like SGI machines; having a username
(with password) for doing the task. Question is, how?

Pressing ctl-alt-del seems to work; it gives you a chance to log out first
(from Gnome). Nice. But unfortunately, after you choose to log out, X
quits and then gdm restarts :-(

Thanks in advance,

Re: What happened?

1999-12-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 09:24:54AM +, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Rob Hensley wrote: come this list was so active up until the time that I sent out
  my post to it? I was hopein' to get an answer sometime soon if possible,
  could some please help. At least answer someone elses post so I know that
  I'm still on the lists and it's still going. My question again for all of
  you that didn't read Help with installed packages... is:
  I was just wondering if there was a way I could find
  out every package (all the thing's I've used apt-get to install...not the
  base packages) installed on my computer. I'm running slink on a
  486/33 with 12mb ram...with kernel 2.0.38. Please respond soon. Thanks!
   As long as dpkg is not in a broken state:  dpkg --list.
   man dpkg
Just to follow up on the rest of the question. There's no way to tell
which packages you installed with apt-get.  In the end, dpkg does the
installation and there's no differentiation between whether you used
apt-get, dselect, dftp, or bare dpkg. All you can find out is what's
installed, available, and broken.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Odd sound issue

1999-12-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 05:02:08PM -0800, Matthew C. Thompson wrote:
 I'm running a Debian 2.1r4 box with a SB 16 WavEffects (CT4171) sound
 card.  It seems to work in some things but not others.  I have support for
 it compiled into the kernel and I have 'PnP OS?=No' in the BIOS (Award
 4.51pg, I believe).
 cat  /dev/audio works fine, but xanim doesn't.
 kmedia plays .wav's, but xanim doesn't.  xmcd works fine, but rvplayer 5.0
Just guessing, but do you have /dev/dsp? and permissions? I think xanim
and realplayer both use it as opposed to /dev/audio.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: MS Intellimouse

1999-12-23 Thread Nitebirdz

I found a little program called imwheel in the site,
downloaded it and installed it.  It has been working fine for me ever
since, and it does precisely what you are looking for: wheel + third
button.  Give it a try.


On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone I know is running potato and has a MS Intellimouse (a mouse with two 
 buttons and a wheel). What we'd like to be able to do is have the 
 functionality of both the wheel and an emulated third button. However, we 
 that the Emulate3Buttons in X doesn't work if ZAxisMapping is turned on. So, 
 currently, we have ZAxisMapping on (so we can get the scrolling) but she has 
 no way of doing the third mouse-button click. What we'd like to be able to do 
 is somehow make Ctrl + Button-1 (or button-1 + button-2) send X a button-3 
 click. Is there any way to do this, either with XF86Config, xmodmap, the 
 window manager (we are using Enlightenment), or any other method?
 Colin McMillen 
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato): 1 day, 17 hours, 25 minutes without a reboot...
 The revolution will be complete when the operating system is perfect.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ftp

1999-12-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
What's /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny, /etc/ftpusers say? 
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Can't install on ThinkPad 385XD

1999-12-23 Thread Alex Bell
I am trying to install the version of Debian which came with 'Using
Linux Special Edition' by Tackett et al, Que 1999.

I have made the resc1440, drv1440, and root floppies.  When I boot with
the resc1440 floppy in drive a: the usual IBM ThinkPad logo appears,
then an initial Linux message - the one telling me to backup the hard
drive.  Then a boot prompt appears. When I press Enter two sets of
Linux files load.  Then the IBM ThinkPad logo appears again, and the
same initial Linux message, and the same boot prompt, and so on ad

What do I have to do to get  past this initial sequence?

Can someone answer this? (qt1g problem)

1999-12-23 Thread Todd Suess


I have asked this before, but either nobody saw it, or nobody knew, so I am
posting this again in the hopes someone will know the answer.

Many of the KDE apps rely on a library called qt1g, which dselect claims
To not appear available.   Checking my system, I find a library called
libqt1g which claims in the package description to replace and provide

Apparently dselect is not able to determine that it should be able to install
any program that depends on qt1g due to the fact that services provided
by that library are satisfied with libqt1g.

Is there a way to convince dpkg that it should install these programs
anyway, or would the package(s) have to be modified by the maintainer
to satisfy these dependancy problems?

Any help would be most appreciated.



Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-12-23 Thread Eric G . Miller
Well, that looks okay, maybe a problem with your PAM setup?

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 11:23:27AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 07:22:57PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  What's /etc/hosts.allow 
 in.ftpd: localhost
 and /etc/hosts.deny, 
 /etc/ftpusers say?
 I think I only added the entry in /etc/hosts.allow.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

MUD Sever.(How do I compile?)

1999-12-23 Thread Jack Sonnie


I have been using Debian for about 5-6 months, and have a fair knowledge 
about the system. I will have a small peer-to-peer network set up in a day 
or so, and want to run the Debian box as a DikuMUD Server. I have the source 
code for the program, but it just says to type make and cross your 
fingers... From what I can tell, make must be either a Unix compiler or 
was in the original Linux... Can someone gimme a hand in compiling the 
code???  If interested Email me... Also check out code available at 

Thanx a lot guys...
Get Your Private, Free Email at

dip group/dialout group?

1999-12-23 Thread David S. Jackson

I was just noticing that the groupname for /usr/sbin/pppd is dip.
But, as I look in /etc/group, there is no dip group listed, only a
dialout group.  Is this an oversight?  Should I chgrp the
/usr/sbin/pppd* stuff to the dialout group?

David S. Jackson
In theory, theory and practice are the same thing.  In practice,
they are different.-- Bruce Schnier

Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread Fish Smith
Can I quote you?

It is easier to write an incorrect program than
understand a correct
-Wayne Topa

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Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread Fish Smith
Can I quote you?

It is easier to write an incorrect program than
understand a correct
-Wayne Topa

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread Fish Smith
Can I quote you?

It is easier to write an incorrect program than
understand a correct
-Wayne Topa

Jolan Tru, 
Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: E commerce stuff for linux?

1999-12-23 Thread John Foster
aphro wrote:
 i want to know what people reccomend for an e commerce package for
 linux(free or not)  something thats stable, secure, and runs on debian 2.1
MiniVend and Minimate may be exactly what you are looking for; if you
have some skills in database managemant including SQL, perl programming,
html scripting, and a lot of cgi knowledge and PHP3 are also VERY
helpful. With these skills and about 6 months of learning and intense
effort you could master the usage and implementation of a MiniVend
e-Commerce center. They are all free and they work as well as
advertised--even exceeds in my opinion ALL of the commercial systems
available for use with a GNU/Linux system and most of the shopping
systems available for other OS. I also reccommend installation of WebMin
and the ShopAdmin modules for WebMin as additional tools to help manage
the system. The latest Stable release is rock solid but I would avoid
the alpha version unless you want to be extremely frustrated. It's
difficult to know when you have screwed up something if the software is
buggy! I have been working from a point of zero skills in all of the
above area except html for about 18 months and now have a completely
customized running test site. I expect to go online about the middle of
Jan. with our complete retail operation. 130,000 items for sale. These
folks also all maintain VERY helpful mailing lists. Good Luck!

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Debian Slink/Potato w/SMP

1999-12-23 Thread John Foster
Steve Lamb wrote:
 Does anyone have an experience with Debian on an SMP machine?  Is it
 stable?  How well does it perform?
As you can see we have no probs with them :-))

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread Bostjan JERKO
Acctualy if using default kernel for Debian 2.1 (I think 2.0.36) everything 
works fine.
I didn't even start using the port since I need to change it's IRQ to 5 I used 
setserial and
received the message about busy port.
Let me add that I don't have any additional serial cards. This port is used for 
internal modem.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 22.12.99 04:31:00 PM
Subject:Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

On 22 Dec 1999, Bostjan JERKO wrote:

Bostja When using new (compiled) kernel (e.g. 2.2.15) I receive message for 
port /dev/ttyS2  - port busy (0 and 1 working properlly). Any
Bostja ideas what might be the problem ?

is that serial port hard coded on whatever device it's on?  does the
system report the right type, I/O address and IRQ for it?  if not, use the
setserial program to manually set it..


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
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scan large files

1999-12-23 Thread Shao Zhang
How can I use 'find' together with other shell tools to scan the
directory and print the filename if it is over a certain size.




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

IMAP and disable plain passwds / APOP ?

1999-12-23 Thread Onno
When I use imap with CRAM-MD5 authentication do I have
to recompile the source to disable plain passwords?

Has anyone experiance with APOP in imap?



Re: dip group/dialout group?

1999-12-23 Thread Paul J. Keenan
David S. Jackson wrote:
 I was just noticing that the groupname for /usr/sbin/pppd is dip.
 But, as I look in /etc/group, there is no dip group listed, only a
 dialout group.  Is this an oversight?  Should I chgrp the
 /usr/sbin/pppd* stuff to the dialout group?

You should have a group dip as group number 30.  As I understood it,
if you don't have the group, you would see the numerical value of
gd, so perhaps it's there.  I skimmed past it the first time I was
looking for it, so it may be worth checking.

The dip group is sufficient to allow users to use pon / poff.
The permissions are intended that way.


I can't apt-get.. help me.

1999-12-23 Thread generoso
I installed debian packages using apt-get over
the network. I'm running debian 2.0 on i386
machine. A few weeks ago I upgraded kernel 
upto 2.2.13 and upgraded some packages in potato.
After that apt-get causes segmentation-fault.
I always get message Electric Fence 2.0.5.., 
maybe I installed kernel under debugging.
So I removed 2.2.13 and reinstalled 2.0.33

So I can't get any packages using apt-get.
How can I fix this problem. Anyone knows it?

I need help.


1999-12-23 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

Where I can find logrotate deb package for slink ?
I try to dowload logrotate sources from unstable
# apt-get --compile source logrotate
but it doesn't compile (some errors in sources *.c)



1999-12-23 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

Where I can find logrotate deb package for slink ?
I try to dowload logrotate sources from unstable
# apt-get --compile source logrotate
but it doesn't compile (some errors in sources *.c)


Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-23 Thread Ookhoi
Hi Robert,

   On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 12:04:09PM -0500, Nagilum wrote:
I had read some docs which mentioned that on SysV, you can specify a * 
the 7th field of the passwd file (thisis from memory, I may be off) and
that user's login will then be chroot()ed to his home directory.

I was hoping to find a similar functionality in Debian, so I tried the *
in the 7th field and that didn't work.  So then I grabbed the source for
login (shadow package) and grepped the source for chroot.  In
libmisc/sub.c I found it, along with some commentary:

 * subsystem - change to subsystem root
 *  A subsystem login is indicated by the presense of a * as
 *  the first character of the login shell.  The given home
 *  directory will be used as the root of a new filesystem which
 *  the user is actually logged into.

So, I tried changing a user's login shell to '*/bin/bash' to no avail.
When I attempt to login, I am asked for the username.. and then I am 
for the password twice and booted out.

I also tried replacing /bin/login with a re-compiled version from the
(slink) source but the same thing happened.
   The documentation specifies:
   1) Once the user has logged in they are chrooted and asked to login via
   that password file _in the chrooted directory_.
   2) The shell must be available in the chrooted env (as well as all needed
   So for this to work, you must have a complete working filesystem in each
   home directory (/home/foo/dev /home/foo/bin /home/foo/usr/bin 
  I have a password entry at my system like this:
  ookhoi $ grep ookhoi /etc/passwd
  Under /usr/remote I have a complete and working filesystem which I use
  for nfs boots. 
  Now I try to login:
  ookhoi $ su ookhoi
  No shell
  The first password is the password on my system, the second password is
  the password I use when I do a nfs boot, so the change root works. But
  for some reason I get the No shell. Can you help me with that please?
  The password entry at the nfs boot system is:
  ookhoi $ grep ookhoi /usr/remote/etc/passwd
  And this works:
  expanse:~# chroot /usr/remote/ su - ookhoi
  ookhoi $
  Of course bash is there:
  ookhoi $ /bin/bash 
  ookhoi $ 
 And is it in the chrooted /etc/shells?

Thanx you for your response! Yes, it is:

okhoi $ cat /usr/remote/etc/shells
# /etc/shells: valid login shells

But if not, then a normal login wouldn't work either I think?


Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-23 Thread Jan Ludewig
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 02:11:31PM +0100, Egbert Bouwman wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 10:43:05PM +0100, steve doerr wrote:
  Is there a way to change dpkg package remove tags?  I ran dselect after
  manually dpkg'ing postgresql and jdk and I somehow got almost everything
 The debian group tries to remedy this by developing a new package, 
 apt etc, which is not yet finished. For years on end we have to work 
 now with the old interface. But I have never seen a clear, readable, 
 understandable etc story about the use of these packages.
 Yes, in many texts you see something like: experiment, read the help
 pages, use the ... keys (they are your friend).
 In the meantime numerous people, often very sophisticated linux users,
 have been frustrated by dselect-dpkg. Many turned to another 
 distibution exactly for this reason.
well...though you probably don't want to read this but:

a) in the manual everything is explained..the problem is that dpkg offers nearly
   as much actions as nethack does because you can do a lot
b) apt is quite usable for daily work:
apt-get install packetname fetches the package and all dependencies 
and installs everything.
to browse through the packet tree you can use aptitude

so you sholould wait the few month for potato and use apt, IMO there is no
real need to hack dselect just to abolish it a few month later...


Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-23 Thread Ian Stuart
Egbert Bouwman wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 10:43:05PM +0100, steve doerr wrote:
  Is there a way to change dpkg package remove tags?  I ran dselect after
  manually dpkg'ing postgresql and jdk and I somehow got almost everything
Remember that the dependencies will kick in (though jdk  postgresql are
not dependent on _THAT_ many packages)..

 You are one of many, myself included, who asked similar questions
 about resetting dselect or dpkg after they created chaos.
 We only want to start all over again with the selection process.
 I have never read a helpful reply. Does nobody know ?
 Or did we ask the wrong question ?
This raises a number of issues..

When do you want to revert?

So long as you've not actually installed anythong, control-c bombs out
of dselect, without changing the package list.

you can use dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections to
specifically set the package list.

If you want the package-management system itself to keep a track of
changes, this is a huge task: how far back do you keep your records? do
you track user-requested packages seperately from dependency
installations? do you want to be able to revert packages, or just change
the installed/not-installed nature? what about distribution upgrades
(slink - potato[e]), how big a requirement is the ability to be able to
revert (1, 2, .. steps)?

I happen to agree, it would be great to be able to easily revert to a
situation (say) two updates ago.

I see two main difficulties:
1) modifying dpkg to keep data files on the packages installed and
 This shouldn't be too tricky: you need files:
user_selected_install; dependency_install; user_seleced_remove.  Each
line on the file is date:package:package:package[:package]+
2) Keeping the previously installed packages (the one that is to be
replaced during a package upgrade). 
 The Debian philosophy seems to be to keep the .debs off the
workstations (based on the question do you want to delete the
downloaded .deb files after an upgrade) - therefor I would assume that (and the mirrors) would have to retain all .deb files,
including those with bugs in them, so that customers can revert
 This, I think, is what will be killing the revert concept: it
requires just TOO MUCH disk space (a full Debian mirror needs something
like 20GB just now, so the archiving would need a huge file-system)

Hope this helps..

Ian Stuart - University computing services.
Opinions are funny things:
 Mine are mine and mine alone

Re: Can someone answer this? (qt1g problem)

1999-12-23 Thread Robert Rati
I'm pretty sure the packages would have to me modified.  To get around it,
you'll have to manually install the packages uses dpkg --force-depends.
Unfortunately, anytime you upgrade packages, dselect will want to remove
those packages because they have unmet dependencies (atleast apt will).
This is something that I think we should get on the kde people to fix.
It's a minor change.


On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Todd Suess wrote:

 I have asked this before, but either nobody saw it, or nobody knew, so I am
 posting this again in the hopes someone will know the answer.
 Many of the KDE apps rely on a library called qt1g, which dselect claims
 To not appear available.   Checking my system, I find a library called
 libqt1g which claims in the package description to replace and provide
 Apparently dselect is not able to determine that it should be able to install
 any program that depends on qt1g due to the fact that services provided
 by that library are satisfied with libqt1g.
 Is there a way to convince dpkg that it should install these programs
 anyway, or would the package(s) have to be modified by the maintainer
 to satisfy these dependancy problems?
 Any help would be most appreciated.
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Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
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Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

Re: dip group/dialout group?

1999-12-23 Thread John Hasler
David S. Jackson writes:
 I was just noticing that the groupname for /usr/sbin/pppd is dip.  But,
 as I look in /etc/group, there is no dip group listed, only a dialout
 group.  Is this an oversight?

That or a bug.  What are you running?

 Should I chgrp the /usr/sbin/pppd* stuff to the dialout group?

No.  Keeping the groups seperate allows the administrator to independently
control who can start ppp and who has access to serial ports.  The names
are lousy, though. 
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Kernel Panics

1999-12-23 Thread Peter Ludwig
Just a quick note, I'm starting to wonder about my hardware.  For the last
few months (since I reloaded the system back to running slink in fact), I
have been receiving errors similar to the following message :-

Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Oops: 
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: CPU:0
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: EIP:0010:[con_write+14/40]
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: eax: c018e670   ebx: c19cc000   ecx:
 edx: 0806596d
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: esi: c19cc000   edi: 004f   ebp:
 esp: c1515ec0
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Process iptraf (pid: 2855, process nr:
61, stackpage=c1515000)
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Stack: 004f c19cc000 c0193e33
c19cc000  c1515eec 004f 004f
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel:080658f8 c19cc000 c1514000
3b345b1b 1b483535 313b305b 6d313b30 36335b1b
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel:345b1b6d 1b386d34 4733365b
5b1b3239 313b3432 5b1b4834 30313b30 335b1b6d
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Call Trace: [opost_block+343/356]
[write_chan+339/564] [tty_write+442/524] [write_chan+0/564]
[sys_write+211/264] [system_call+52/56]
Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Code: ff 74 24 18 53 e8 28 f4 ff ff 89 c6
53 e8 f0 00 00 00 89 f0

Usually, after this happens I loose total control of the system, and the
only way to get the system back under control is to do a total reboot of
the system.

The other fun ones are things that start as :-
unable to handle kernel paging request

Then the system just dies.  I'm wondering if my hardware is faulty?

Does anyone have any idea on what might be at fault here?

The System has :-
- AMD K6/2-233
- Jetway JFE-530TX Motherboard
- Adaptec 1542CF SCSI Card
- 2xQuantum Empire 1080S (one's with the older firmware, it's baaad!)
- 1xSeagate HDD (Not sure of model, it's a full height 5.25 1.4Gig SCSI)
- 32Megabytes of RAM
- Kingston Network Card (I think it's the KFE-120TX, but can't remember
off the top of my head, it's a 10/100 PCI card...)

I have replaced the RAM once already, so I know that is not faulty (the
old RAM is running perfectly in my other system).

I have also replaced the CPU, that didn't help much.

I am running potato now (I upgraded it all the way, just in case I had old
packages that hated my system or something grin).

The only things I'm left with thinking is faulty is the Motherboard, or
SCSI card.  I have a spare CPU around the place, but I don't have spare
motherboard or SCSI card here at the moment (grin).  I plan on making
another machine, but that's not going to be for a little while yet.

Peter Ludwig

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-23 Thread Ookhoi
Hi Robert,

And this works:
expanse:~# chroot /usr/remote/ su - ookhoi
ookhoi $

Of course bash is there:
ookhoi $ /bin/bash 
ookhoi $ 
   And is it in the chrooted /etc/shells?
  Thanx you for your response! Yes, it is:
  okhoi $ cat /usr/remote/etc/shells
  # /etc/shells: valid login shells
  But if not, then a normal login wouldn't work either I think?
 I will try to reproduce it at home It seems to be quite useful for ISP
 setups... In the meantime, did you try giving 

   chroot /usr/remote /bin/bash
 as your login shell? Of course enter it into /etc/shells as well. I did
 not try it yet, but it could even work.

You mean in /usr/remote/etc/passwd ?  That wil not work, because it then
can't chroot to /usr/remote  In /etc/passwd it is not nescessary because
the chroot works already. If I do a login in stead of a su, I see the
motd from /etc/motd at the first login, and the /usr/remote/motd at the
second login (you have to type in your password twice for a chroot


/dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread Bostjan JERKO
When using new (compiled) kernel (e.g. 2.2.15) I receive message for port 
/dev/ttyS2  - port busy (0 and 1 working properlly). Any
ideas what might be the problem ?


Re: netdate in potato??

1999-12-23 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: netdate in potato??
Date: Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 07:28:45AM -0500

In reply to:Brian Servis

Quoting Brian Servis([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
|  dpkg -S netdate
|  netstd: /usr/man/man8/netdate.8.gz
|  netstd: /usr/sbin/netdate
| Um, in *potato* netstd is an empty package(except for docs in
| /usr/share/doc) and netdate is no longer available.
| Similiar functionality is obtained from ntpdate in the ntpdate package.

Woops, I was on Slink when I read, and answered that, wasn't I. :-(

Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...


1999-12-23 Thread Lindsay Allen

I can't get apt-move to co-operate.

elm:# apt-move  move
Creating Lists...
Error: makelist: No master ls file exists!

It seems to want ls-lR and I think it looks in the /debian/.apt-move
directory, but I can't get it right.  My debian mirror is in /debian.

Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445E  Debian Linux


1999-12-23 Thread Jonathan D . Proulx
How do I generate a Packages.gz file for a local distribution directory?


Re: E commerce stuff for linux?

1999-12-23 Thread aphro

jfoste ++
jfoste MiniVend and Minimate may be exactly what you are looking for; if you
jfoste have some skills in database managemant including SQL, perl programming,
jfoste html scripting, and a lot of cgi knowledge and PHP3 are also VERY
jfoste helpful. With these skills and about 6 months of learning and intense

I looked at minivend/minimate a few months back, and downloaded it again
last night to see if i can get it working..i need to get a small ecommerce
site up(only 4 products changing on a weekly basis) i hope i can figure it
out and get it going :)

thanks for the info..didnt know webmin had modules for minivend that will
help a lot im sure!


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-23 Thread aphro
do you have a soundcard?  many soundcards (esp soundblaster) use irq5, are
you sure there are no conflicts with anything on that serial port?


On 23 Dec 1999, Bostjan JERKO wrote:

Bostja Acctualy if using default kernel for Debian 2.1 (I think 2.0.36) 
everything works fine.
Bostja I didn't even start using the port since I need to change it's IRQ to 5 
I used setserial and
Bostja received the message about busy port.
Bostja Let me add that I don't have any additional serial cards. This port is 
used for internal modem.
Bostja B.
Bostja [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 22.12.99 04:31:00 PM
Bostja To: Bostjan JERKO/si/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bostja cc: 
Bostja Subject:Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible
Bostja On 22 Dec 1999, Bostjan JERKO wrote:
Bostja Bostja When using new (compiled) kernel (e.g. 2.2.15) I receive 
message for port /dev/ttyS2  - port busy (0 and 1 working properlly). Any
Bostja Bostja ideas what might be the problem ?
Bostja is that serial port hard coded on whatever device it's on?  does the
Bostja system report the right type, I/O address and IRQ for it?  if not, use 
Bostja setserial program to manually set it..
Bostja nate
Bostja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
BostjaVice President Network Operations
Bostja   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
BostjaEverett, WA 425-348-7336
Bostja Powered By:
Bostja Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
Bostja -[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Bostja 7:26am up 124 days, 19:16, 2 users, load average: 0.32, 0.28, 0.31
Bostja -- 
Bostja Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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7:06am up 125 days, 18:57, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.70, 1.71

Re: Help me POP 3

1999-12-23 Thread aphro
On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Paul J. Keenan wrote:

paul.k I accept that sendmail is not used for reading mail, but I'm fairly sure
paul.k my sendmail receives mail as well as sends it.  From /var/log/mail.log :
paul.k Dec 22 01:25:45 funkiest sendmail[4378]: BAA04378: from=gnumeric
paul.k  [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1824, class=-30, pri=85824, nrcpts=1,
paul.k, proto=SMTP, 
paul.k []

i guess i should of been more specific :) sendmail sends mail but also
receieves mail from other SMTP servers..and from email clients, but email
clients reading mail use POP3/IMAP/POP2..there is no way to login to a
SMTP server and get mail.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:06am up 125 days, 18:57, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.70, 1.71

Re: Packages.gz

1999-12-23 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 09:50:54AM -0500, Jonathan D . Proulx wrote:
 How do I generate a Packages.gz file for a local distribution directory?

dpkg-scanpackages which is from the dpkg-dev package.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Kernel Panics

1999-12-23 Thread aphro
Does it always happen when you run iptraf?  it could be a network driver
problem or a network card hardware problem.

a good way to test the board/cpu/hdd and i/o subsystems that i have found
is running 10x copies of [EMAIL PROTECTED] at the same time for 24-48 hours, if
the machine lasts 24 hours without a hitch then the problem is something
else.  also make sure the kernel your using was compiled with gcc
and not anything else(it shows you in the bootup messages, use 'dmesg' to
see the last couple hundred kernel messages)

and also make sure your using a stable well tested kernel, in my
experience the 2.0.36 kernel is rock solid, and 2.2.10 is quite solid as


On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Peter Ludwig wrote:

khan Just a quick note, I'm starting to wonder about my hardware.  For the last
khan few months (since I reloaded the system back to running slink in fact), I
khan have been receiving errors similar to the following message :-
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Oops: 
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: CPU:0
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: EIP:0010:[con_write+14/40]
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: eax: c018e670   ebx: c19cc000   ecx:
khan c1515f3b
khan  edx: 0806596d
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: esi: c19cc000   edi: 004f   ebp:
khan c1515eec
khan  esp: c1515ec0
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Process iptraf (pid: 2855, process nr:
khan 61, stackpage=c1515000)
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Stack: 004f c19cc000 c0193e33
khan c19cc000  c1515eec 004f 004f
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel:080658f8 c19cc000 c1514000
khan 3b345b1b 1b483535 313b305b 6d313b30 36335b1b
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel:345b1b6d 1b386d34 4733365b
khan 5b1b3239 313b3432 5b1b4834 30313b30 335b1b6d
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Call Trace: [opost_block+343/356]
khan [write_chan+339/564] [tty_write+442/524] [write_chan+0/564]
khan [sys_write+211/264] [system_call+52/56]
khan Dec 24 00:09:31 midnight kernel: Code: ff 74 24 18 53 e8 28 f4 ff ff 89 c6
khan 53 e8 f0 00 00 00 89 f0
khan Usually, after this happens I loose total control of the system, and the
khan only way to get the system back under control is to do a total reboot of
khan the system.
khan The other fun ones are things that start as :-
khan unable to handle kernel paging request
khan Then the system just dies.  I'm wondering if my hardware is faulty?
khan Does anyone have any idea on what might be at fault here?
khan The System has :-
khan - AMD K6/2-233
khan - Jetway JFE-530TX Motherboard
khan - Adaptec 1542CF SCSI Card
khan - 2xQuantum Empire 1080S (one's with the older firmware, it's baaad!)
khan - 1xSeagate HDD (Not sure of model, it's a full height 5.25 1.4Gig SCSI)
khan - 32Megabytes of RAM
khan - Kingston Network Card (I think it's the KFE-120TX, but can't remember
khan off the top of my head, it's a 10/100 PCI card...)
khan I have replaced the RAM once already, so I know that is not faulty (the
khan old RAM is running perfectly in my other system).
khan I have also replaced the CPU, that didn't help much.
khan I am running potato now (I upgraded it all the way, just in case I had old
khan packages that hated my system or something grin).
khan The only things I'm left with thinking is faulty is the Motherboard, or
khan SCSI card.  I have a spare CPU around the place, but I don't have spare
khan motherboard or SCSI card here at the moment (grin).  I plan on making
khan another machine, but that's not going to be for a little while yet.
khan Regards,
khan   Peter Ludwig
khan -- 
khan Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:06am up 125 days, 18:57, 4 users, load average: 1.85, 1.70, 1.71

Re: chroot()ing a user's login

1999-12-23 Thread Robert Varga

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Ookhoi wrote:
  I will try to reproduce it at home It seems to be quite useful for ISP
  setups... In the meantime, did you try giving 
chroot /usr/remote /bin/bash
  as your login shell? Of course enter it into /etc/shells as well. I did
  not try it yet, but it could even work.
 You mean in /usr/remote/etc/passwd ?  That wil not work, because it then
 can't chroot to /usr/remote  In /etc/passwd it is not nescessary because
 the chroot works already. If I do a login in stead of a su, I see the
 motd from /etc/motd at the first login, and the /usr/remote/motd at the
 second login (you have to type in your password twice for a chroot

I meant in /etc/passwd. Who knows... Murphy is always lurking around.

Robert Varga

Re: MUD Sever.(How do I compile?)

1999-12-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
Jack Sonnie said:
 I have the source 
 code for the program, but it just says to type make and cross your 

I hate (lack of) documentation like that...

 From what I can tell, make must be either a Unix compiler or 
 was in the original Linux...

Uh... No.  Make coordinates the actions of compilers so that (at least in
theory) you don't have to type in a series of complex command lines by hand
every time you want to build your code.  It also checks datestamps so that
only code which has been changed since the last compile gets recompiled
(which can save a LOT of time!).

If you don't have make installed, you're not going to be able to build
anyone's source except for trivial Hello, world!-type stuff.  You'll also
need the actual compiler(s) too, of course - which usually means gcc.

Install the make package and check out the included documentation for more

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Useless (broken?) IDE HD

1999-12-23 Thread Bob Elliott, RCS
Don't forget to refrigerate it in case it is a thermal issue...


- Original Message -
To: Guilherme Soares Zahn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian Users Mailing List; recipient
list not shown:;
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Useless (broken?) IDE HD

Let the drive sit, for a few days, maybe a week and write down all you
want to recover off of it ..

(hard to believe but it works!)

then power it up, and see if it works, one of my servers suffered a root
drive failure(after 3 years! on a 720MB ide drive..) the system ran
despite the hdd failure(no new processes would spawn) for about 2 weeks
then it went dead.  it sat there powered down for another 2 weeks, and we
powered it up and BANG it booted.  i then powered it off again to change
drives, and then i needed something off of it and tried to power it up
agian and it was a no go.

write down what you want off that drive so you can copy it as quickly as
you can, i reccomend putting that drive on a second controler of another
system so it doesnt have to go through the pains of booting a kernel and
loading services. or boot off a rescue disk.  copy everything you need as
fast as you can ..and hopefully you get it.  don't try to copy the whole
disk it would probably put too mcuh stress on the drive and it would die

of course this may not work, but there is a good chance it will, let the
drive rest some first though


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:

gzahn Hi there,
gzahn I know it's somehow OT, but you were the only guys I thought
gzahn give me some ideas...
gzahn well... at home I've got a VA34324A Samsung HD (IDE, 4.3Gb) that
gzahn decided to stop working this weekend. As I'm completely out of money
gzahn at least 2 months and short of backups for a big chunk of the data it
gzahn contains, I'd like to see if there's any way to put it back to
gzahn even if just for a short time. Here's what happens now that it's
gzahn installed as 2nd master in my work PC:
gzahn 1) When I turn on the computer, BIOS recognizes OK it and it passes
gzahn tests fine;
gzahn 2) Linux boots, kernel recognizes hdc: SAMSUNG VA34324A, 4124MB
gzahn Cache, CHS=14896/9/63, UDMA  (i.e.: fine);
gzahn 3) fdisk sees all four partitions OK and warns of no problems;
gzahn 4) When I try to mount any of the partitions, I get a lot of equal
gzahn messages:
gzahn hdc: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest
gzahn }
gzahn hdc: read_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
gzahn ide1: reset: success
gzahn The FAT32 partition mount in the end, still gives me more error
gzahn but I can at least browse through it and retrieve some files) but the
gzahn ext2 won't mount (ext2 filesystem panic, of course, because of the
gzahn errors).
gzahn When I boot Win98 (still w/ the broken HD as 2nd master), win98's
gzahn won't even notice there's a 2nd HD and Partition Resizer win warn of
gzahn error (something like ¨partition 1 out of boundaries¨) and won't
gzahn recognize anything (not even the 1st HD)...
gzahn Now, is there any chance that it's not a hardware fault? If so, how
gzahn could I try to make it work? I'm accepting mostly every possible
gzahn no matter how risky or absurd it may seem, as the worst that could
gzahn happen as losing the HD I can't use now!
gzahn TIA,
gzahn Guilherme Zahn
gzahn PS: Please c/c myself on the replies, OK? Due to the heavy traffic on
gzahn the list I had to sign it through another e-mail address, and it's
gzahn hard to check it lately!
gzahn --
gzahn Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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   Vice President Network Operations
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Re: questions about generic Ethernet drivers, DHCP

1999-12-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Salman Ahmed wrote:

 I finally got a second box to install Linux on today. Unfortunately its
 not the Compaq Deskpro EN I had hoped for. Its an older Digital 5000 PC
 with the following specs:

   PII 233
   Adaptec AHA-2940 UW SCSI Adapter
   2 Seagate 2Gb SCSI HDs
   Matrox Mystique video card (2Mb)
   Digital Semiconductor EB143 based 10/100 evaluation ethernet card

 (1) What Ethernet driver should I select for this NIC ? I got the
 details of the HW from Windows NT which the machine already has on
 it. Not sure if its a PCI or ISA NIC. Has anyone heard of this NIC ?

Dunno. Sorry.

 (2) How do I setup the system to use DHCP once the ethernet card is
 setup properly ? I never setup a machine to use DHCP but I am assuming
 that it isn't too tricky.

Just install the dhcpcd package and in your /etc/init.d/network put in a line 
to start
up this daemon with eth0 as an argument.

 I would like to get the machine up and running with slink, and then plan
 to upgrade it to potato and kernel 2.2.13 once networking is configured

 Thanks for any info.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Dialout group

1999-12-23 Thread David S. Jackson

I've added myself to the dialout group, but I still get a permission
denied when I try to run /usr/bin/pon (which works fine when I'm
root, btw).  What am I forgetting?  I want to be able to run this as
a user.

Also, could someone explain why /usr/sbin/pppd is in the dip group
and not the dialout group?

Basically, I'm trying to use pon with TkDesk, but first I need to
make sure it works just with plain old userland me.  :-)


David S. Jackson
Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must
be willing to be a bad artist.  Give yourself permission
to be a beginner.   --Julia Cameron

Re: Help me POP 3

1999-12-23 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, aphro wrote:

 : On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Paul J. Keenan wrote:
 : paul.k I accept that sendmail is not used for reading mail, but I'm fairly 
 : paul.k my sendmail receives mail as well as sends it.  From 
/var/log/mail.log :
 : paul.k 
 : paul.k Dec 22 01:25:45 funkiest sendmail[4378]: BAA04378: from=gnumeric
 : paul.k  [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1824, class=-30, pri=85824, nrcpts=1,
 : paul.k, proto=SMTP, 
 : paul.k []
 : i guess i should of been more specific :) sendmail sends mail but also
 : receieves mail from other SMTP servers..and from email clients, but email
 : clients reading mail use POP3/IMAP/POP2..there is no way to login to a
 : SMTP server and get mail.

I'm tempted to point out that the ETRN command does indeed allow you to
get mail via SMTP ... but you still need to deliver it somewhere and
then use a tool to read it.  POP is probably the most popular method
for reading mail from a non-local mailbox.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-23 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 12/23/99, Egbert Bouwman addressed Bad points for debian (was: resetting 
 In the dselect man page (dd 29th november 1995) in slink you can read:
The dselect package selection interface is confusing or even 
alarming to the new user.
 The debian group tries to remedy this by developing a new package, 
 apt etc, which is not yet finished. For years on end we have to work 
 now with the old interface. But I have never seen a clear, readable, 
 understandable etc story about the use of these packages.
 Yes, in many texts you see something like: experiment, read the help
 pages, use the ... keys (they are your friend).
 In the meantime numerous people, often very sophisticated linux users,
 have been frustrated by dselect-dpkg. Many turned to another 
 distibution exactly for this reason.

I experienced the same frustration for a while.  What ended it was a
*careful* reading of the internal dselect help.  This, combined with
my experience produced a careful respect for all the things that
dselect is showing me and is about to do at any given moment.  For
example, when you select a package and dselect enters the conflict
resolution screen, and there are 50 or so packages there, some of
which you recognize as being somewhat important for you, **now** is
the time to go back.  If you hit Enter, the status of most of those
packages will be different than when you began.  The keys you can use
to Quit, Exit, Overwrite, according to the help screen, are: (note

 Return  Confirm, quit (check dependencies)  
   Q Confirm, quit (override dep.s)  
 X, Esc  eXit, abandoning any changes made   
   R Revert to state before this list
   U set all to sUggested state  
   D set all to Directly requested state 

So the right thing to do is R - revert to state before this list.
If you accept the list as-is, you can almost guarantee you won't be
able to get that same package listing again.  Note that the opposite
of Return is Q, and apparently U and D are opposites too,
analogous to Return and Q.  X looks similar to R, but some
experimentation is in order to confirm that -- it may quit package
selection altogether.  

So experiment carefully, have patience, and respect for the fact that
there are thousands of packages managed by dselect, which manages
their real-time status on an individual basis, accounting for a
complex inter-dependency scheme.  Whatever you change and accept (even
unknowingly) is *real*, and is immediately reflected in the package
status database.

You may be able to create a kind of self-protection error recovery by
using dpkg --get-selections  somefile before running dselect.  Then
if you want to revert from your dselect-ion, run dpkg --set-selections
 somefile afterwards.  YMMV.

Happy Linuxing,


Re: logrotate

1999-12-23 Thread Paul J. Keenan
 Where I can find logrotate deb package for slink ?
 I try to dowload logrotate sources from unstable
 # apt-get --compile source logrotate
 but it doesn't compile (some errors in sources *.c)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I searched using,
and it appears that logrotate lives only in unstable.

Potato uses glibc2.1 instead of slink's glibc2.0
If logrotate uses glibc2.1 features, this may explain
your compile errors.  It would also prevent you from
using the potato .deb package, since it will be linked
to the new libc.

Your only chance is to find someone who has back-ported
it to slink, or to upgrade to potato.


Re: Dialout group

1999-12-23 Thread Jonathan Heaney
David S. Jackson wrote:


 I've added myself to the dialout group, but I still get a permission
 denied when I try to run /usr/bin/pon (which works fine when I'm
 root, btw).  What am I forgetting?  I want to be able to run this as
 a user.

 Also, could someone explain why /usr/sbin/pppd is in the dip group
 and not the dialout group?

 Basically, I'm trying to use pon with TkDesk, but first I need to
 make sure it works just with plain old userland me.  :-)


 David S. Jackson
 Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must
 be willing to be a bad artist.  Give yourself permission
 to be a beginner.   --Julia Cameron

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


You've answered your own question.

As pppd is owned by the group dip and not dialout, you need to add your 
non-root self
to the right group ie dip, not dialout.


Re: Dialout group

1999-12-23 Thread Paul J. Keenan
David S. Jackson wrote:
 I've added myself to the dialout group, but I still get a permission
 denied when I try to run /usr/bin/pon (which works fine when I'm
 root, btw).  What am I forgetting?  I want to be able to run this as
 a user.
 Also, could someone explain why /usr/sbin/pppd is in the dip group
 and not the dialout group?
 Basically, I'm trying to use pon with TkDesk, but first I need to
 make sure it works just with plain old userland me.  :-)

You need to add yourself to the dip group, not the dialout group.
The dip group is for those who dialout using pon / pppd.  The
dialout group is for those who need full access to the raw serial
port.  And yes, the group naming convention certainly does suck.

How it works :

If you are in group dip, you have read and execute permission to
the /usr/sbin/pppd script, so you can run it.  Since the program
is setuid-root, it runs with root's priviledges.  This allows it
to grap the serial port, at which point it drops the priviledges.



aha1542 kernel panics

1999-12-23 Thread Michael W. Shaffer
I have been trying to solve this problem without success for about a year

My hardware is:

- Dell NetPlex 486SX/25
- 32MB RAM
- AHA1542C SCSI Controller
- 3COM 509B Ethernet Controller
- 2-port 16550A Serial Card
- 3 x SCSI Hard Drives External
- 1 x SCSI Jaz Drive External
- 1 x SCSI Sony DDS-3 DAT Drive External

My software is:

- Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (slink)
- Glibc 2.1 added from potato
- Linux 2.2.11 kernel

My problem is:

After the system has been up for a random length of time (usually about a
week or so) it will crash in the middle of the night during a full backup
to the DAT drive using cpio. The machine hangs in either an infinite loop
or a kernel panic. I originally was running Debian 2.1 with a 2.0.36
kernel, and I would see the following scrolling endlessly off the screen
after a crash:

other scsi messages, etc...

Since installing the 2.2 kernel and associated upgraded packages as
detailed in the errata for slink, the crashes *seem* to occur less often,
but this morning I saw:

aha1542_out failed...
aha1542_out failed... failed to reset target...
Kernel panic: unable to find empty mailbox for aha1542...

and the system was locked up. Since upgrading to the 2.2 kernel, I also
notice periodic messages in the syslog (about one per day) like this:

aha1542.c: interrupt received but no mail

The system will run perfectly for a week or so, doing this same backup
routine every night, and then it will just pull this trick on some random

I have tried:

- disconnecting all devices except the tape drive hard drives
- installing the highest quality cables I can find for the external
  devices (this machine currently has about $400 US worth of Granite
  Digital cables hanging off of it).
- installing a Granite Digital active terminator on the end of the SCSI
- verifying that there are no interrupt or IO port confilicts both in the
  device jumper configurations and from the /proc filesystem

I am completely at my wits end with this. I have searched DejaNews
repeatedly for any discussions of kernel panics and crashes with Adaptec
cards, Linux, SCSI in general, etc., and all I can find is one thread
from about a year ago mentioning the same sorts of problems but no

Is this a problem that anyone else has ever had with Linux and an
AHA1542C in particular or SCSI in general? Can anyone recommend which
part of the setup I should change or eliminate? Is it a bad card? Are
Adaptec cards bad in general? Is the aha1542 scsi driver problematic? Is
Linux SCSI in general problematic? 

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Date's and info...

1999-12-23 Thread Rob Hensley
Hi, I was just wondering if a date had been set for the release of potato
being stable yet? If so, what is it? Also, I was wondering what kernel
version it would be shipping with. If 2.4 is out by then, is it gonna be
that? Thanks for your time, Bye!

Re: shutdown

1999-12-23 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Have a look at using sudo, to execute any commands you want as root.

Speaking of sudo, is there a menu/X/KDE driven way of managing the
sudoers file? I'm not having much luck with adding things in there manually
and I'd rather have something slightly more automated anyway.

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

dialout group

1999-12-23 Thread David S. Jackson
I guess I could just use sudo.  After trying that, it seems to be
easier than getting all the permissions correct for the dialout
group.  For example, the /etc/ppp/options and /etc/ppp/peers/* files
are gid dip.  That doesn't seem to jive very well with the dialout

Anyway, TkDesk seems to be fine with using sudo in .tkdesk/AppBar
instead of the usual dsk_dial and up_cmd /usr/bin/pon /usr/bin/poff.
So now I just click on the phone icon and it toggles the state
(up|down) of the pppd daemon.  Kinda cool.  

Can anyone think of any problems with running sudo instead of
pon/poff?  Isn't it safer to use the sudo setup instead of the
dialout group?
David S. Jackson
Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must
be willing to be a bad artist.  Give yourself permission
to be a beginner.   --Julia Cameron

Re: Can someone answer this? (qt1g problem)

1999-12-23 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Many of the KDE apps rely on a library called qt1g, which dselect claims
 To not appear available.   Checking my system, I find a library called
 libqt1g which claims in the package description to replace and provide
 Is there a way to convince dpkg that it should install these programs
 anyway, or would the package(s) have to be modified by the maintainer
 to satisfy these dependancy problems?

I've been wondering the exact same thing. When I install something through
apt-get that needs qt1g or compile a program that needs it, it won't go through
because I have libqt1g. Would it be possible to setup a link somewhere to
take care of this?

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread Bart Szyszka

I just thought of something. I thought the whole reason why KDE wasn't
included in the Debian download trees because of the licensing issues
with QT. If that's the case, then why is QT included in the download tree?!?
If QT is OK to put in there then what's the point of saying KDE can't be

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Dec, Bart Szyszka wrote about I thought KDE wasn't included because 
of QT?!?
 I just thought of something. I thought the whole reason why KDE wasn't
 included in the Debian download trees because of the licensing issues
 with QT. If that's the case, then why is QT included in the download tree?!?
 If QT is OK to put in there then what's the point of saying KDE can't be

QT v1 is included in the non-free section.  The problem is that KDE is
supposed to be under the GPL but is violating the GPL by linking to QT
which is non-free.  So Debian and others decided not to include KDE
until they either fixed the licensing issues or QT became free.  QT v2
is under less restrictive license and thus once KDE is built with the
new QT then it will go in main.  This is all just my rough
interpetation. See for all the details.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 12:26:43PM -0500,
Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just thought of something. I thought the whole reason why KDE wasn't
 included in the Debian download trees because of the licensing issues
 with QT. If that's the case, then why is QT included in the download tree?!?
 If QT is OK to put in there then what's the point of saying KDE can't be

QT is DFSG free, but it is not GPL. The QT license and GPL are not
compatible, but the KDE people have mixed GPL and QT licensed code. It
is illegal to redistribute this mixed code, and Debian will not do it.
The KDE guys shouldn't either, but they don't seem to care.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

Description: PGP signature

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread carlf
Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just thought of something. I thought the whole reason why KDE wasn't
 included in the Debian download trees because of the licensing issues
 with QT. If that's the case, then why is QT included in the download tree?!?
 If QT is OK to put in there then what's the point of saying KDE can't be

I believe that Troll Tech has changed their licensing terms since SPI
decided not to icnlude KDE in 2.1.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: aha1542 kernel panics

1999-12-23 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 My hardware is:
 - Dell NetPlex 486SX/25
 - 32MB RAM
 - AHA1542C SCSI Controller
 - 3COM 509B Ethernet Controller
 - 2-port 16550A Serial Card
 - 3 x SCSI Hard Drives External
 - 1 x SCSI Jaz Drive External
 - 1 x SCSI Sony DDS-3 DAT Drive External
 My software is:
 - Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (slink)
 - Glibc 2.1 added from potato
 - Linux 2.2.11 kernel


 After the system has been up for a random length of time (usually
 about a week or so) it will crash in the middle of the night during a
 full backup to the DAT drive using cpio. The machine hangs in either
 an infinite loop or a kernel panic. I originally was running Debian
 2.1 with a 2.0.36 kernel, and I would see the following scrolling
 endlessly off the screen after a crash:
 Sending SCSI DID_RESET...
 Sending SCSI DID_RESET...
 Sending SCSI DID_RESET...
 Sending SCSI DID_RESET...
 Sending SCSI DID_RESET...
 other scsi messages, etc...
 Since installing the 2.2 kernel and associated upgraded packages as
 detailed in the errata for slink, the crashes *seem* to occur less often,
 but this morning I saw:
 aha1542_out failed...
 aha1542_out failed... failed to reset target...
 Kernel panic: unable to find empty mailbox for aha1542...
 and the system was locked up. Since upgrading to the 2.2 kernel, I
 also notice periodic messages in the syslog (about one per day) like
 aha1542.c: interrupt received but no mail
 The system will run perfectly for a week or so, doing this same backup
 routine every night, and then it will just pull this trick on some random
 I have tried:
 - disconnecting all devices except the tape drive hard drives
 - installing the highest quality cables I can find for the external
   devices (this machine currently has about $400 US worth of Granite
   Digital cables hanging off of it).
 - installing a Granite Digital active terminator on the end of the SCSI
 - verifying that there are no interrupt or IO port confilicts both in the
   device jumper configurations and from the /proc filesystem

Tried a different (newer) kernel?  IIRC there have been changes to the
aha1542 driver since 2.2.11 - current is 2.2.13.

 I am completely at my wits end with this. I have searched DejaNews
 repeatedly for any discussions of kernel panics and crashes with
 Adaptec cards, Linux, SCSI in general, etc., and all I can find is one
 thread from about a year ago mentioning the same sorts of problems but
 no solution.
 Is this a problem that anyone else has ever had with Linux and an
 AHA1542C in particular or SCSI in general? Can anyone recommend which
 part of the setup I should change or eliminate?

 Is it a bad card?

It's a possibility.

 Are Adaptec cards bad in general?

Not at all - they're considered to be among the best.

 Is the aha1542 scsi driver problematic?

It's a possibility.  Try a newer kernel.  I have a different revision 1542
(I think its a 1542CF) with a small HD and a CD-ROM drive hanging off it,
and have no problems.

 Is Linux SCSI in general problematic?

Not in my experience.  I have 3 computers with running Linux and SCSI, and
none of them have this problem.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: dialout group

1999-12-23 Thread John Hasler
David S. Jackson writes:
 I guess I could just use sudo.  After trying that, it seems to be easier
 than getting all the permissions correct for the dialout group.

The dialout group has little to do with ppp.  When the device name comes
from a privileged source (as it should) pppd opens it as root.

 For example, the /etc/ppp/options and /etc/ppp/peers/* files are gid dip.
 That doesn't seem to jive very well with the dialout group.

It jives very well: it lets the administrator control ppp access and serial
port access independently.

 Can anyone think of any problems with running sudo instead of pon/poff?

It isn't necessary.

 Isn't it safer to use the sudo setup instead of the dialout group?

Forget dialout.  Put your users in dip.

'pon' is just '/usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider}' and makes pppd source
its options from /etc/ppp/peers/provider, a privileged source.  This is
the system recommended by the upstream ppp mainitainers, and it is a good
one.  'poff' is more complicated, but it boils down to 'killall pppd'.

If you must something to click on, here's a little perl-tk dohicky:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# pppon by John Hasler 1999.  You may treat this program as if
# it were in the public domain.

use Tk;
use strict;

my $main = new MainWindow;
my $filename = $main-Entry(-width = 20);
$main-Button(-text = 'Start Connection',
  -command = sub{pon($filename)}
$main-Button(-text = 'Stop Connection',
  -command = sub{poff($filename)}
$main-Button(-text = 'Help',
  -command = sub{help()}

sub pon {
my ($file) = @_;
my $file_val = $file-get;
system pon $file_val;

sub poff {
my ($file) = @_;
my $file_val = $file-get;
system poff $file_val;

sub help {
  my $top = $main-Toplevel(-title= 'Pppon Help');
  $top-Label(-text = 'Leave the entry field blank for the default
provider connection.  Enter the provider
name to connect to a specific provider.
Start Connection runs the command pon
and Stop Connection runs the command
poff, passing the contents of the entry
field to the command.  See the man pages
for pon and poff for details.')-pack;

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread Bart Szyszka
 QT v1 is included in the non-free section.  The problem is that KDE is
 supposed to be under the GPL but is violating the GPL by linking to QT
 which is non-free.  So Debian and others decided not to include KDE
 until they either fixed the licensing issues or QT became free.  QT v2
 is under less restrictive license and thus once KDE is built with the
 new QT then it will go in main.  This is all just my rough

See this I don't understand. If they're not including KDE because it has a
non-free program as a dependency, then what about Licq? In the stable
tree, it depends on qt1g:

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Dec, Bart Szyszka wrote about Re: I thought KDE wasn't included 
because of QT?!?
 QT v1 is included in the non-free section.  The problem is that KDE is
 supposed to be under the GPL but is violating the GPL by linking to QT
 which is non-free.  So Debian and others decided not to include KDE
 until they either fixed the licensing issues or QT became free.  QT v2
 is under less restrictive license and thus once KDE is built with the
 new QT then it will go in main.  This is all just my rough
 See this I don't understand. If they're not including KDE because it has a
 non-free program as a dependency, then what about Licq? In the stable
 tree, it depends on qt1g:

Licq is in the contrib tree since itself is free but depends on a
non-free package.  The licq authors have written an exception into their
license for use with Qt. This type of exception is allowed under the
GPL.  The KDE folks had/have no exception and thus were/are violating
the GPL. This is one of the solutions that was mentioned in the Debian
page in regards to the KDE issues.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.


1999-12-23 Thread Richard Dansereau

Why is it that when I use the poweroff command that my machine only
halts and does not turn off.  I know that I can poweroff my machine
when shutting down from Windows.  Is there something I have to set?
Do I need some power management daemon running?  Does the kernel
have to be compiled differently?

(I am using potato right now.)


Richard DansereauICQ:  1604133
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - The University of Manitoba - Canada

The Rules Have Changed...Get Paid to Surf the Web!

Re: poweroff

1999-12-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
Richard Dansereau said:
 Does the kernel
 have to be compiled differently?

Yep.  You need to compile your kernel with APM support.

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: poweroff

1999-12-23 Thread Richard Dansereau
 Richard Dansereau said:
  Does the kernel
  have to be compiled differently?
 Yep.  You need to compile your kernel with APM support.

Any reason why the kernel does not have APM support automatically
compiled in?  You would think it could be made smart enough to have
it in all of the time.. even if your machine does not have APM.


Richard DansereauICQ:  1604133
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - The University of Manitoba - Canada

The Rules Have Changed...Get Paid to Surf the Web!

pon problems with Potato

1999-12-23 Thread Clyde Wilson
I've just converted to potato. When I try to bring up ppp with pon
I get:

Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: CONNECT
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]:  -- got it
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: send (\d)
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Serial connection established.
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Connection terminated.
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Exit.

Any suggestions?

Re: pon problems with Potato

1999-12-23 Thread Todd Suess

I got that recently when I reinstalled potato, I cured it by using
ATF as my init string in pppconfig.  Once I did that I never
got the error again.



At 11:38 AM 12/23/99 -0800, Clyde Wilson wrote:

I've just converted to potato. When I try to bring up ppp with pon
I get:

Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: CONNECT
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]:  -- got it
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: send (\d)
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Serial connection established.
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Connection terminated.
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Exit.

Any suggestions?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: poweroff

1999-12-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
Richard Dansereau said:
 Any reason why the kernel does not have APM support automatically
 compiled in?  You would think it could be made smart enough to have
 it in all of the time.. even if your machine does not have APM.

If it's compiled with APM support, it will always be there...  (It's not
available as a module.)

The reason the default kernels don't include APM support is that there are a
lot of not-fully-compliant BIOSes floating around.  A lot of the APM
functions have notes in their help text stating that Acme Model 13 systems
won't like having them enabled.  Even the simple poweroff support that was
asked about includes the note

As with the other APM options, this option may not work reliably with some
APM BIOS implementations. 

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Achieve file-locks over NFS??

1999-12-23 Thread Luis Campos de Carvalho

Hy, list people.

I'm a brazilian sysadm with a big trouble:
I need some way to allow user-level programs to achieve file-locks
(exclusive access file locks, more specifically) over my NFS.

I need to transfer my qmail MTA from a machine to another, without
transfer the user files together. 

I've installed a package called 'libnfslock' from the standard
Debian Stable distribution, but it doesn't work as i spected.

There is some one here that can tell me how to achieve this
capability without recompilling my qmail? (It's a Debian package, and i
doesn't have time to hacking arround the source...)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Debianized Regards for all.

Luis Campos de Carvalho
   System Administrator at ECB -- Escola Paulista de Medicina

Do not expose your LaserWriter to fire or intense heat.
  -- Apple LaserWriter Manual

Re: poweroff

1999-12-23 Thread John Carline
Richard Dansereau wrote:

  Richard Dansereau said:
   Does the kernel
   have to be compiled differently?
  Yep.  You need to compile your kernel with APM support.

 Any reason why the kernel does not have APM support automatically
 compiled in?  You would think it could be made smart enough to have
 it in all of the time.. even if your machine does not have APM.


I certainly don't want it in my kernel, but I do think that all kernels should 
automaticly compiled with AWE64  and  Matrox Mystique in all of the time ... 
even if
your machine does not have them. ;-)



Powered by the Penguin

Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

1999-12-23 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 14:00:56 -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
 The KDE folks had/have no exception and thus were/are violating the GPL.

Only if they're reusing other people's GPLed code, which reportedly they

Remember, an author isn't bound by the copyright license she puts on her own
work, so it's not a case of the KDE project violating the GPL. The violation
occurs when others distribute KDE binaries.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: E commerce stuff for linux?

1999-12-23 Thread John Foster
aphro wrote:

 I looked at minivend/minimate a few months back, and downloaded it again
 last night to see if i can get it working..i need to get a small ecommerce
 site up(only 4 products changing on a weekly basis) i hope i can figure it
 out and get it going :)
 thanks for the info..didnt know webmin had modules for minivend that will
 help a lot im sure!
I suggest that you stick with a simple modification of the demo catalog
system. Feel free to ask questions as needed. The folks are very helpful
on their mailing list, but be aware they are not newbie friendly. They
expect you to learn on your on, not be taught by them. ALWAYS check the
archives before asking a question on the mailing list. I will help where
I can as the DOCS are not clear, unless you are an experienced Perl
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: pon problems with Potato

1999-12-23 Thread John Hasler
not 8-bit clean usually means that the chatscript is not succeeding in
convincing the ISP to start ppp.  Post your /etc/ppp/peers/provider and
/etc/chatscripts/provider files.  Munge any passwords.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Do Linux full-time... Hiring Linux specialists

1999-12-23 Thread Shaul Karl
Can you write the exact URL?

Thank you.
Previously Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  I have no objections to job postings here.
  I think the web page idea is a good one.

That webpage is supposed to be there already, I talked with the webteam
about that a while ago.

Can someone from the webteam comment on this?


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Java 1.2 fails to run.

1999-12-23 Thread David Teague

I have a stock Slink system running on a K6 350 100 MHZ MB 128 MB
RAM, 8G ide drive, SiS 6326 8MB video. I have jdk1.1 deb package
installed.  I need jdk1.2

I downloaded jdk1.2.2 r3 from blackdown, untarred it in /usr/local.

I set the path per install instructions from blackdown:

export PATH=/usr/bin/jdk1.2.2/bin:$PATH

Attemtping to run java from here fails:

cd /usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin

each result in the following errors:

./java: /bin/realpath: No such file or directory
./java: /bin/realpath: No such file or directory
java was not found in /bin/i386/native_threads/java

Someone, please help me determine what I need to do
to make jkd 1.2 run.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)

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