Re: Tarjetas graficas y de TV

2000-02-14 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 11 Feb 2000 a las 03:05AM +0100, Alfredo Casademunt escribio:
 Tarjeta gráfica he pensado en una 3Dfx voodoo3 3000 AGP que
 tiene salida de TV, descompresión por hardware de MPEG-2 y
 esta soportada por Xfree desde la versión 3.3.4
 ¿ alguien la esta usando ?
 ¿ que tal va ?
 ¿ me recomendáis alguna otra (que tenga salida de TV) por un precio parecido ?

Hace unos dias he probado una Savage 3D con salida de TV y no hay dios que
vea el correo en modo texto ni la pantalla a 640 x 480. ¿es así en todas
las tarjetas con salida de televisión o solo en esta? La tele se ve muy
bien, pero ¿se ve mejor si tu tele es mejor? la clavija RCA no saca
diferentes  frecuencias de rastreo ¿no? Siempre lo mismo, 50  o 60 según
uses NTSC o PAL ¿no?

Saludos y gracias.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
02/14   Bombing of Dresden, 1945
02/14   First micro-on-a-chip patented (TI), 1978

Description: PGP signature

RE: Tarjetas graficas y de TV

2000-02-14 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   domingo 13 de febrero de 2000 23:14
 Para: Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 Asunto:   Re: Tarjetas graficas y de TV
 El viernes 11 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 13:48:56 +0100, Tejada Lacaci,
 Antonio contaba:
  En el propio site de nVidia tienes los servidores X y las GLX para
 todas las tarjetas de nVidia.
  ¿Qué  es GLX?  Yo estuve  buscando información  sobre esto  por
  sites de nvidia y tal, pero acabé haciéndome un lío entre X, glide,
  mesa, opengl y glx.
X - Bueno, esto ya lo sabrás, es el sistema de ventanas de los Unix
basado en la especificación X11r6 y soportado por XFree86 (XFree para x86).

Glide - Es un API propietaria de 3dfx para programación gráfica 3D.
Hay unos hackers de por ahí que han hecho glides para otras tarjetas y así
poder jugar a los juegos 3dfx-only (los que usan glide), pero creo que a
3dfx no le sentó nada bien y les oblgigaron a retirarla o algo así.

GLX - Es el protocolo cliente-servidor de OpenGL, embebido en el
protocolo de comunicación de X.

OpenGL -, es un estándar abierto de programación
gráfica 2d y 3d (Open Graphics Library). El estándar es abierto (mediante la
OpenGL ARB o Architecture Review Board), pero creo que el copyright es de
Silicon Graphics

Mesa - Es una implementación abierta (opensource) y no certificada
por Silicon Graphics de OpenGL en principio para Linux, pero creo que
también está para Windows y puede que para otros unices. Hay otras
implementaciones de OpenGL como la de Micros~1 (que tiene fama de lenteja),
la OS de Silicon Graphics que acaba de hacer disponible y otra más de SGI
que está muy optimizada para MMX y tiene muy buena fama.

  Just do it.
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User
 lynx -dump | gpg
 --import -
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: WMaker y startx

2000-02-14 Thread jarregui

Lo que puedes hacer es configurar en wm esos programas para que arranquen
siempre en el mismo workspace. Para hacerlo, una vez arrancado el programa,
pincha en la barra de arriba de la ventana con el botón derecho y busca por
un menú que se llama Settings (creo, te lo digo de memoria). 


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Cesar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: domingo 13 de febrero de 2000 12:56
 Para: lista-linux; debian-user
 Asunto: WMaker y startx
Saludos colisteros
  Estoy intentando que mi X-Win de Debian Hamm 
 abra una serie
de ventanas de inicio en mi flamante WindowMaker
por medio del archivo~/.xinitrc .
  Mi pregunta  es la siguiente ¿ Es posible que
algunos de los programas y/o ventanas se abran en un
 Workspace diferente del 1º.

Re: [Re: resucitando un viejo 486 (svgalib)]

2000-02-14 Thread Andres Herrera

On Fri, Mar 21, 2036 at 01:54:45AM +, Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga wrote:
Si, la svgalib esta (como bien has dicho) excesivamente infrautilizada. Yo soy
programador, aunque no muy ducho en linux (soy de la epoca de assembler, c,
pascal y DOS) 

:-) Yo estoy igual pero si quitas el C y el Assembler (vamos, Pascal pelao y

pero puedo leer y comenzar a hacer algo asi como un browser /
gestor de ventanas. Los mecanismos internos serian ultrasimples, pero si vos
sabes de javascript y html tal vez podamos hacer algo con un resultado mas
decente que el netscape (como imaginaras me veo obligado ausarlo por este
maldito webmail).

Pues es una gran idea, aunque no se valorar el tamaño de semejante proyecto.
De buenas a primeras no se me ocurre como meterle mano a la renderizacion
del codigo HTML, y no digamos ya del Javascript. Lo bueno es que la parte mas
interna podria verse en el codigo de alguno de los navegadores existentes.

Por similitud he ido a buscar Arachne por la red, pero, aunque anuncian que se
esta portando a Linux (y lanzan ciertos guiños a nuestro OS), ni el port
aparece terminado, ni veo fuentes por ninguna parte.

Por otro lado, todo lo que he leido sobre los fuentes del Netscape hablan de
un gigante con un gran desorden, asi que quizas los navegadores mas
interesantes de investigar serian mozilla, gzilla y cosas asi.

Con un poco de ingenio y analisis tal vez hasta pueda con ayuda hacer algo asi
como un gestor de ventanas. Voy a leer el RFC del protocolo X para ver si se
puede apuntar a la portabilidad de paso...

Todo lo que fuese portar seria un ahorro de trabajo tremendo. ¿Conoces
programas para svgalib minimamente parecidos a un gestor de ventanas? (al
menos algun programa que trabaje con varias ventanas en pantalla o algo asi)

En fin, si interesa se puede empezar a nadar contra la corriente.

La idea es estupenda. De C ando bastante escasito, pero tampoco estoy a cero
total. El HTML y el Javascript lo tengo que utilizar todos los dias, asi que
cualquier cosa la puedo 'mirar/probar/lo que sea' con facilidad.

Yo me pringo en el proyecto.

 POWERED BY Debian 2.1 - Kernel 2.2.14| Andres Herrera
 User Reg. N.66054 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Grupo LIMA

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
El vie, 11 feb 2000, David Charro Ripa escribió:
  Está disponible en:
 Una critica: ¡¡¡Hay que ver como se lo curran algunos!!!  :-
 Un temor: Me temo lo peor, el dibujo de la ORCA, ¿lo has hecho en 
 postcript?  ;-)
 Un comentario: Del diccionario i2e aparece Alfredo Casademunt como autor. ¿No 
 lo hizo tambien
 Jose Luis Triviño?

Sin el programa eidict.tcl que se curró Jose Luis Triviño el i2e no existiría.

El eidict.tcl esta escrito en tcl/tk, yo miré un poco el código fuente
(apenas se tcl/tk), tomé la base de datos de palabras y escribí el i2e en C.
En el apartado de agradecimientos de la pagina man del i2e creo
que menciono algo parecido.

¿ soy yo el autor del i2e ?, sin duda todo el merito lo tiene Jose Luis,
así que si además de trabajo el i2e me va a hacer quedar de oportunista
lo mejor sera cesar inmediatamente su desarrollo.
Paso a retirarlo de Internet.

 Una pregunta: ¿Hay alguna relacion entre el dict e ispell? ¿Los podria usar 
 ¿Es un barbaridad lo que pregunto?
 Un saludo:

Linux registered user #98432
Running Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 with kernel 2.2.14
Homepage at

RE: ACPI Dual Monitor....

2000-02-14 Thread Romón Sánchez, Enver
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Cosme P. Cuevas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: domingo, 13 de febrero de 2000 7:54
 Asunto: Re: ACPI  Dual Monitor

 Lo  único  que  te  puedo   comentar  es  que  en  la  próxima
 versión  3.4   de  las  Xfree   se  podrá  utilizar   dos  (¿o

es en la version 4 de las Xfree

Un saludo,

Enver Romon Sanchez
Analista Programador

Dep. I+D Nuevas Tecnologias
Telf: 91.589.44.63


Adicto a Linux registrado #74692

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Jaime E. Villate
David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Una critica: ¡¡¡Hay que ver como se lo curran algunos!!!  :-
No entendí; si te refieres al url tan complicado, estoy de acuerdo; si
este proyecto gana alguna fuerza será necesario obtener algo como, pero no tengo ni idea como hacerlo.

 Un temor: Me temo lo peor, el dibujo de la ORCA, ¿lo has hecho en 
 postcript?  ;-)
Claro David, tu ya me conoces. La fuente postscript está en:


Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 Enhorabuena por el glosario... no estaría mal que, ya que se va a
 tener un glosario vivo se puedan descargar copias del mismo en diversos
 formatos ... para, por ejemplo, añadir el fichero a i2e cuando tenga
 suficientes términos.
Gracias. La última versión está siempre disponible en
El fichero glosario es un fichero de texto ascii con el glosario. Si
introduces un nuevo término, inmediatamente glosario se actualiza.
Tengo que ver cual será el formato que usaq i2e (o ppedir ayuda a
Alfredo) para incluir ahí también un fichero actualizado para i2e.

 Un sólo error, y es que el proyecto de traducción de Debian al
 español oficial es
gracias por la información, lo acabé de corregir.

 Yo puedo ayudar incluyendo términos que encuentre, prometo hacerlo
Por favor hazlo. El principal objetivo es que tu y los collaboradores de
la traducciión de debian lo usen.

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Alfredo Casademunt wrote:
 ¿ soy yo el autor del i2e ?, sin duda todo el merito lo tiene Jose Luis,
 así que si además de trabajo el i2e me va a hacer quedar de oportunista
 lo mejor sera cesar inmediatamente su desarrollo.
 Paso a retirarlo de Internet.

No, por favor no lo retires. Has hecho un trabajo muy bueno, e indicaste
claramente que te has basado en el trabajo de Jose Lus Triviño, por eso
nadie te puede llamar oportunista. David solo preguntaba inocentemente
de donde fué que surgió el glosario. Espero que tampocco me consideres
oportunista por bsarme en tu trabajo y en vez de eso podamos combinar
esfuerzos: por ejemplo tendremos que modificar el script cgi para que
cada vez que se actualiza el glosario de orca, se cree una versión que
pueda ser utilizada por i2e.

Jaime Villate

Re: Problemas para compartir archivos en NFS

2000-02-14 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Lucky [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quiero compartir el directorio /usr de un PC con otro y he hecho lo
 En PC1:   /etc/exports/usr (rw)
 En PC2:mount -t nfs /mnt/PC1
 I me da el siguiente error: directory to mount not in host:dir format
 Sabeis que hago mal?Gracias

   mount -t nfs /mnt/PC1

Suponiendo que das permisos a esa máquina (host.allow) y todos los
demonios necesarios corriendo (portmap...). Mirate opciones de montaje
interesantes como hard, intr, etc.
Espero que sirva de ayuda.

Saludos. Antonio.


2000-02-14 Thread Ricard Pillosu
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 11:21:25PM +0100, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El sábado 12 de febrero de 2000 a la(s) 00:07:15 +0100, Andres Herrera 
 Me parece que la svgalib esta muy infrautilizada, eclipsada por las X y por 
 proliferacion de aplicaciones en modo grafico (para las X).
  A mí lo que me mosquea de  svgalib es que los programas que las
  utilizan  tienen que  ser setuid  root, cosa  que no  pasa con  los
  programas de X. Y sencillamente, paso.
  Soy un  forofo de consola,  pero me molesta bastante  tener que
  arrancar las X  sólo para ver una  fotito o navegar, así  que me he
  pasado a  las X, no por  gusto, sino por comodidad.  De hecho, sigo
  con mi mutt y mi joe.

Veo que hay bastante gente que usa consola como yo pero tiene que instalarse
un montón de paquetes de X para poder navegar por la web decentemente, ya
que lynx sólo sirve para algunas páginas ... Lo que si estoy pensando es
utilizar alguna combinación de html2ps + algun visor de ps por svgalib
(ghost). Como visor de imágenes ya tenemos el zgv ... La lástima es,
logicamente, que un archivo ps no tiene ni links ni gifs animados ni nada
de todo eso.

Sea como sea, un navegador bajo svgalib sería una maravilla! 

un Saludo.

Ricard Pillosu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BcnInedita - Aribau 70 3º 2ª - 08011 Barcelona
Tel:934540099 - Fax:934541979 -

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Alfredo Casademunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 El vie, 11 feb 2000, David Charro Ripa escribió:
   Está disponible en:
  Una critica: ¡¡¡Hay que ver como se lo curran algunos!!!  :-
  Un temor: Me temo lo peor, el dibujo de la ORCA, ¿lo has hecho en 
  postcript?  ;-)
  Un comentario: Del diccionario i2e aparece Alfredo Casademunt como autor. 
  ¿No lo hizo tambien
  Jose Luis Triviño?
 Sin el programa eidict.tcl que se curró Jose Luis Triviño el i2e no existiría.
 El eidict.tcl esta escrito en tcl/tk, yo miré un poco el código fuente
 (apenas se tcl/tk), tomé la base de datos de palabras y escribí el i2e en C.
 En el apartado de agradecimientos de la pagina man del i2e creo
 que menciono algo parecido.

  Exactamente, en el LEEME, aparece ese reconocimiento, para eso estan
  los README, en ningun caso Alfredo ha negado un reconocimiento a
  Jose Luis.
 ¿ soy yo el autor del i2e ?, sin duda todo el merito lo tiene Jose Luis,
 así que si además de trabajo el i2e me va a hacer quedar de oportunista
 lo mejor sera cesar inmediatamente su desarrollo.
 Paso a retirarlo de Internet.

  Por Dios, esto es lo grande del Software Libre, ni se te ocurra
  retirarlo de internet, yo lo uso y me parece fenomenal, en el
  momento que tenga tiempo, se le podrian hacer algunas modificaciones
  y adaptarlo a las nuevas tecnologías (que nadie me interprete mal,
  yo ya hablé con Alfredo sobre eso, (Gnome/bonono, etc)).

Saludos. Antonio.

[Re: resucitando un viejo 486 (svgalib)]

2000-02-14 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
Estimado Andres:

Bien... en lo que a mi respecta mas que lo de html (no es lo mas mortuorio) lo
interesante sera el tema de javascript. De todos modos promero y principal
sera ver como leer imagenes y como usar las svgalib. El entorno del browser se
llevara el 70% del esfuerzo, a no ser que querramos algo inutilizable. Por lo
pronto me hablaban de que se necesitan programas con el uid de root... cosa
que voy a probar esta misma noche.

Por lo pronto ya que ha prosperado la idea sugiero una interiorizacion en el
magico mundo de c (es como un pascal primitivo con miles de librerias) y ver
que nos ofrece el sistema para desarrollo. Lo mas importante seria el tema de
manejo de graficos y de formatos graficos (jpeg, etc)

En fin, si asi sigue los proximos mails iran ya sin copia a la lista.



Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [Re: resucitando un viejo 486 (GGI?)]

2000-02-14 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
Estimado SKaVeN:

 Ademas, si la gente usara GGI se podría elegir sobre como ejecutar las
 segun las preferencias del usuario y no por imposicion

GGI? Que es, Graphic Gateway Interface? para que sirve, y donde esta la



Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at

RV: ...pues por aqu peleando con el mdem.

2000-02-14 Thread ADnoctum
Necesitamos ayuda por aqu. Le estoy ayudando a un amigo con su Debian por
que est teniendo problemas con su mdem(interno nowinmdem por si se estn
preguntando). Su PC, con el innombrable y Debian instalados, funcionaba
perfectamente... hasta antes de ayer, cuando su mdem dej de funcionar. En
mbos SO's.

Por algna razn que aun desconocemos comenz a molestar el puerto
COM4(ttyS3), as que lo pasamos al COM3(ttyS2), pero como el IRQ 4 ya estaba
ocupado por el mouse lo cambiamos al IRQ 5.

Con setserial cambiamos el IRQ a 5 y kppp report el mdem, pero ahora
cuando intenta marcar nos dice( no dial-up tone ) que no hay tono de
marcado. Ya probamos a poner X0(responses/blind dialing) en la cadena de
arranque del mdem pero aun nos reporta que no hay tono de marcado...

Nos estamos quedando sin ideas porque en Guindos funciona perfectamente...
Nos pueden ayudar?



Re: Los genios de esta lista

2000-02-14 Thread Diego Bote
 Los novatos que quieran hacer consultas tienen su derecho a hacerlas
 inmediatamente después de haberse suscripto.

 Si se lee sólo el primer párrafo puede interpretarse que Antonio
 sugería que sólo se permita enviar mensajes a quienes hace algún
 tiempo que están suscriptos.


 Desde luego que esto va en contra de
 los novatos, de los que de-suscriben temporariamente y de los que
 no quieren estar permanentemente suscriptos.
 Volviendo a la propuesta original que espero haya quedado clara
 ahora: es técnicamente practicable?
 Me refiero a que el servidor de la lista debería mantener dos listas
 de usuarios: la de los suscriptores y la de los habilitados a enviar.
 Cuando alguien se suscribe se lo agrega a ambas listas. Cuando
 alguien se desuscribe se lo elimina de la lista de suscriptores y
 se pone a correr un timer antes de eliminarlo de la lista de

Esto no está tan mal si a quien intenta filtrarse siempre se le
manda una respuesta con el método de suscripción bien clarito. No
olvidemos que muchos serán, y perdón por volver con el tema, novatos. Creo
que cuanta más gente use Debian mejor, para nosotros y para ellos, y no
debemos desaprovechar la oportunidad de abrir la puerta a quien llame en
ella.( No soy teólogo pero esta frase viene al pelo, después de todo
muchos nos llegan de manos del mismo demonio. ¿No?)

Enfin que creo que todo está aclarado y debemos, si no os importa,
centrarnos en nuestro querido Debian y dejar estos politiqueos apartados.

Ala, vamos a aprender Debian.

Hasta pronto.

Diego Bote.

Re: Impresiones desde Mutt

2000-02-14 Thread Diego Bote

Seguramente me equivoque pues no imprimo con Mutt pero voy a
comentar un poco esto.

  Llevo ya tiempo usando Mutt, pero nunca habia hecho ninguna impresion, y
  estoy probando a imprimir adjuntos. Estos parece que son procesados por
  a2ps, y quedan muy majos, en apaisado y en dos caras por hoja y tal,

¿Eso que dices es imprimir dos hojas lógicas en una física por una
cára? Si es así lo que se está usando es mpage, este programa me

  pero al
  final de la hoja siempre me corta un poquito, estoy buscando donde se
  configura la longitud de pagina para este tipo de impresion, pero no doy con

A mí me pasó lo del márgen cortado. Léete el man de mpage que no
es muy largo y verás exactamente como solucionarlo. No es que no te quiera
decir cómo sino que no lo recuerdo exáctamente. Espero que te sirva.

Hasta pronto.

Diego Bote.

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 La última versión está siempre disponible en
perdón; la dirección no es esa la dirección correcta es:

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread trivino

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Alfredo Casademunt wrote:

 El vie, 11 feb 2000, David Charro Ripa escribió:
   Está disponible en:
  Una critica: ¡¡¡Hay que ver como se lo curran algunos!!!  :-
  Un temor: Me temo lo peor, el dibujo de la ORCA, ¿lo has hecho en 
  postcript?  ;-)
  Un comentario: Del diccionario i2e aparece Alfredo Casademunt como autor. 
  ¿No lo hizo tambien
  Jose Luis Triviño?
 Sin el programa eidict.tcl que se curró Jose Luis Triviño el i2e no existiría.
 El eidict.tcl esta escrito en tcl/tk, yo miré un poco el código fuente
 (apenas se tcl/tk), tomé la base de datos de palabras y escribí el i2e en C.
 En el apartado de agradecimientos de la pagina man del i2e creo
 que menciono algo parecido.
 ¿ soy yo el autor del i2e ?, sin duda todo el merito lo tiene Jose Luis,
 así que si además de trabajo el i2e me va a hacer quedar de oportunista
 lo mejor sera cesar inmediatamente su desarrollo.
 Paso a retirarlo de Internet.
Por favor, por mi no lo quites de la red. No pretendo ser el autor del
idioma ingles y reconozco que todo el trabajo de la version en C es tuyo.
De hecho ya creo demasiado incluso aparecer en los agradecimientos. Por
ello quiero que quede bien claro que en ningun momento he pensado que
tengo algun merito sobre el i2e, programa que considero de mayor calidad
que el mio (al menos hasta que algun dia me decida a mejorarlo).
Espero haber disipado con esto cualquier suspicacia de otra
persona sobre la autoria de tu programa. De hecho, si quieres, estoy
dispuesto a poner un enlace en mi pagina a tu programa indicando que son
dos programas similares pero de desarrollo completamente independiente.


Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-14 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
Estimado Ricard:

 Veo que hay bastante gente que usa consola como yo pero tiene que
 un montón de paquetes de X para poder navegar por la web decentemente, ya
 que lynx sólo sirve para algunas páginas ... Lo que si estoy pensando es
 utilizar alguna combinación de html2ps + algun visor de ps por svgalib
 (ghost). Como visor de imágenes ya tenemos el zgv ... La lástima es,
 logicamente, que un archivo ps no tiene ni links ni gifs animados ni nada
 de todo eso.
 Sea como sea, un navegador bajo svgalib sería una maravilla! 

Es lo que estamos en vistas de comenzar. Para comenzar habra que leer las
RFC's sobre http 1.0 y 1.1

editados por la

asi como la recomendacion de la w3c de html 4.01

Claro que en un principio solo se implementaria lo mas usado, y que ademas
habra que focalizarse en una interfaz amena y lo mas inteligente posible (no
para mutantes).

De momento las definiciones del X Window Protocol son un tanto lejanas a mis
fines inmediatos, por lo que un pseudo X en svgalib sera para otro proyecto.
Si alguien quiere mirar:

En fin, no se donde encontrar documentacion sobre los estandares de
javascript. Si alguien sabe algo por favor envieme la direccion

muchas gracias


Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: ¡No veo nada!

2000-02-14 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Juanjo Martinez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Lista Debian
Fecha: jueves 10 de febrero de 2000 7:33
Asunto: Re: ¡No veo nada!

Hola a todos/as:

El Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 01:15:09AM +0100, Ricardo Villalba escribió:
 El día Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 07:46:24PM +0100 decías:
  Desde hace unos días no me funciona el servidor de correo de
  así que no recibo ningún mensaje de esta lista, aunque sí puedo
  (por wanadoo).
 revisa tu soft porque yo uso el mismo servidor y me funciona sin

 Bueno ya está solucionado. El problema era que ahora ya no se puede
 acceder a si no se conecta a través de jazzfree.

Primero disculparme por el retraso en contestar, pero he querido
antes. Yo si puedo bajarme el correo de desde mi

Efectivamente, parece que los de jazzfree lo han solucionado y ya se
puede acceder de nuevo desde otros servidores.
No sé, me imagino que habrán recibido un montón de quejas, y con toda la
razón del mundo, porque el que no pueda conectarse con jazzfree, sea por
la razón que sea, ¿qué hace? ¿se queda sin su correo?

el que me da mas problemas es el de Uni2, que a veces el fetchmail se
'encana' y lo tengo que cortar.

Eso a mi me pasa mucho, pero con el de teleline...

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Ha nacido ORCA (voten por su eslogan favorito)

2000-02-14 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
El lun, 14 feb 2000, Jaime E. Villate escribió:
 Alfredo Casademunt wrote:
  ¿ soy yo el autor del i2e ?, sin duda todo el merito lo tiene Jose Luis,
  así que si además de trabajo el i2e me va a hacer quedar de oportunista
  lo mejor sera cesar inmediatamente su desarrollo.
  Paso a retirarlo de Internet.
 No, por favor no lo retires. Has hecho un trabajo muy bueno, e indicaste
 claramente que te has basado en el trabajo de Jose Lus Triviño, por eso
 nadie te puede llamar oportunista. David solo preguntaba inocentemente
 de donde fué que surgió el glosario. Espero que tampocco me consideres
 oportunista por bsarme en tu trabajo y en vez de eso podamos combinar
 esfuerzos: por ejemplo tendremos que modificar el script cgi para que
 cada vez que se actualiza el glosario de orca, se cree una versión que
 pueda ser utilizada por i2e.

Estooo, la verdad es que llevo un temporada atacado de los nervios, disculpad
mi pataleta :-(
He visitado ORCA y me ha parecido un trabajo magnifico. Por otra otra parte
considero muy halagador el que hayas pensado en poder incluir el glosario
en el i2e, ya me he descargado los ficheros en cuestión y en cuanto pueda
les hecho un vistazo.

 Jaime Villate

Suerte. Un saludo.

Linux registered user #98432
Running Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 with kernel 2.2.14
Homepage at

Re: [Web Browser Svgalib]

2000-02-14 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On 14 Feb 2000, Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga wrote:
  Sea como sea, un navegador bajo svgalib sería una maravilla! 
 Es lo que estamos en vistas de comenzar... Claro que en un principio
 solo se implementaria lo mas usado, y que ademas habra que focalizarse
 en una interfaz amena y lo mas inteligente posible (no para mutantes). 

Mataría por un programa así. Por fín podría liberarme del yugo de las

¿grupos, gente, listas de correo? Más información, please.

Incluso podría intentar colaborar con si se trata de un programa en C.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Have you reinstalled your Windows today?

[Solucion] Oracle 815

2000-02-14 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Netman!

El Thu, 10 de Feb de 2000 a las 11:47 PM, Netman escribió:

 Yo he detectado ese problema en los kernels 2.2.13 y 2.2.14 usando Debian
 Potato. No me funciona ni un sólo programa compilado con javacc a menos
 que use la versión de kernel 2.2.12 o inferior.
 Parece ser que gente que usa otras distribuciones no tienen este problema.

Estuve probando con el kernel 2.3.44 --  NADA

Luego probé un script de la documentación del kernel
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/proc.txt  -- NADA
cd /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
echo ':Java:M::\xca\xfe\xba\xbe::/usr/local/java/bin/javawrapper:'  register
echo ':HTML:E::html::/usr/local/java/bin/appletviewer:'  register
echo ':Applet:M::!--applet::/usr/local/java/bin/appletviewer:'  register
echo ':DEXE:M::\x0eDEX::/usr/bin/dosexec:'  register

Volví a meter el 2.2.14 e insistí en el script de proc.txt  -- NADA

Siguiendo tu consejo instalé el kernel 2.2.12 y ...
Sigue saliendo: 'Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class
java/lang/Thread' pero ya no sale 'Cannot open /proc/02253 for GC'

Le casque otra vez el script de proc.txt (será por cabezón)  -- NADA

Ya mosqueado del todo me bajo TODOS los fuentes

me pongo a comparar, me faltan dos archivos (que anteriormente he visto citados 
en los wrappers de java):  i18n.jar y rt.jar

los copio en /usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib y ¡¡¡ FUNCIONA !!!  :-D

En los .deb no vienen esos archivos  :-?

Por si hay alguien que lo quiere instalar, tengo, además de los .jar anteriores:

kernel 2.2.12
java-virtual-m 0.2
jdk1.1 1.1.7v3-2
jdk1.1-dev 1.1.7v3-2
jdk1.1-native  1.1.7v3-2
jdk1.1-native- 1.1.7v3-2

Además hay que hacer un link en /usr/local/jre que apunte a

 ##  ##  
   # ## #[EMAIL PROTECTED]2:346/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   # ## #
   ## ICQ UIN 1523792   Usuario Linux 94909##
 ##   Debian GNU/Linux   ##  

Description: PGP signature

Re: Off Topic: Protocolo en la lista

2000-02-14 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Raul Hernandez wrote:
 Yo quería dar mi opinión sobre lo que entiendo que debe ser una lista
 de correo...
Estoy de acuerdo contigo.

 Yo propongo algunas líneas de actuación:
 a.- Eliminar de la lista todo SPAM tomando las medidas necesarias para
 ello (obligar a la suscripción para enviar mensajes a la lista, o
 cualquier otra opción)
Sobre este punto, que creo es el único sobre el que podemos tomar
alguna acción concreta, podría aportar lo siguiente:

- Según las páginas de debian (, 
el programa que se encarga de la gestión de lista es el
smartlist. Si hay alguien que lo conozca, nos vendría muy bien
saber si es posible restringir el envío de mensajes de alguna

- La persona encargada de las listas de correo está accesible
en: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Se le podría consultar también
sobre este tema, pero creo que sería mejor si le llevamos una
propuesta concreta.

- Parece ser que existe algo así como un Spam Fighting Team
accesible en: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (lo de sorg será un error de
tipeo o estará a propósito para evitar el spam :) ?).
Supongo que esta gente nos puede aconsejar sobre medidas
anti-spam, pero habría que escribirles en inglés (voluntarios?).

PD: sobre el resto de los puntos, que podrían resumirse como
normas de comportamiento correcto en la red hay un listado
más completo en:
es sobre las news, pero el 90% de las recomendaciones se
aplican a las listas de correo.

Saludos, O__
Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web page:


2000-02-14 Thread jobs


Exciting opportunities have just opened up in Austin, Texas.  
If you are thinking of making  a career change or know of 
anyone else who might be interested, please forward these 
excellent opportunities to them.

Web Developers are needed with strong knowledge of  HTML, 
JAVAscript, Perl, CGI methodology, Unix, and Sun Solaris.

Salaries up to $90,000
No contractors accepted on this position. 


Several JAVA Programmers also needed to develop  deploy 
a web-based integrated work flow management  sales tool 
for mid range products.  

Salaries up to $90,000.  
Contractors will be paid $48.00 per hour.

Sr. JAVA Developer needed to work on  fast growing web 
enabled private line networking products.  Will work as 
part of a highly skilled team.  JAVA plus solid development 
methodology, Enterprise JAVA Beans (EJB), and BEA's Web 
Logic EJB Server needed. 

Salaries up to $90,000 or $48.00 per hour.

C++/JAVA Programmers needed to work on 8-10 member team within 
a Linux environment.  Expert knowledge of Linux/Unix/AIX needed.

Salaries up to $68,000.  
Contractors paid up to $38.00 per hour. 


AIX Support Delivery Technical Specialists needed. 
Shell scripting/programming in an AIX/UNIX environment 
(Perl or C) needed. 


OS/2 Technical Support.  Must be able to travel to 
client sites when needed.  
Must also have some OS/2 LAN Manager.

Salaries up to $78,338.  
Contractors will be paid $45.00 per hour.

Instructional Designer/Developer needed to design and 
help with course development.  Will
develop and coordinate training and develop course 
material on the company's products and sales.  Any 
experience with JAVA, JAVA Beans will be a plus. 

This is a contractor postion only and will pay up to 
$30.00 per hour.

Visual C++ Developers needed as part of a development 
team for a telecommunications company.  Will perform 
all phases of the development life cycle.  Must have 
Visual C++,  MFC,  Object Oriented Design and SQL.  

Salaries up to $50,000 or $26.00 per hour.

Software Test Engineers needed to help design, develop, 
code and execute functional test plans.  
Salaries are open.

Disk Drive Engineer needed to provide world wide product 
engineering support for a variety of disk drivers on the 

Salary up to $50,000 or $30.00 per hour.


Device Driver Developers needed to perform new 
development and technical Level 2.5/3.0 support of 
the AIX operating system.  

Salary up to $73,000 or $40.00 per hour.


AIX Kernel Developers to perform support and 
serviceability using  AIX, Virtual Memory Manager, 
Unix Configuration, Unix Security, Printer Device 

Will pay up to $68,000 or $38.00 per hour.  
AIX Performance Testers also needed.

SQL Server DBA's  needed for three projects. 

Salaries up to $47,000 or $26.00 per hour.

DB2 Database Manager needed to develop and manage a 
database for partner commerce/servers. Will be responsible 
for database backup and recovery procedures.  Will access 
security and database integrity. 

Salary up to $93,596 or $51.00 per hour.

ADABAS DBA needed for a short term contract.  
Must have ADASMP.  

Will pay top dollar to find the right person.

QA Manager needed to Manage Test group.  

Salary up to $72,000 or $40.00 per hour.

No internet connection with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel...

2000-02-14 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

Someone had a similar problem, with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel not recognizing
the internet connection but the internet connection works with the 2.0.36 

the internet connection doesn't work with 2.2.12 kernel either..

Any suggestions other than going to slink.

RE: No internet connection with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel...

2000-02-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-Feb-2000 Rajesh Radhakrishnan wrote:
 Someone had a similar problem, with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel not
 the internet connection but the internet connection works with the 2.0.36
 the internet connection doesn't work with 2.2.12 kernel either..
I am using ppp with kernel 2.2.14 and never had a problem with that.
I did notice yesterday that ppp was about to be upgraded, with the removal of
ppp-pam or some such thing.  I stopped the upgrade for that reason.

Are you using pcmcia?


Re: Debian logo et al.

2000-02-14 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
At 06:10 PM 2/13/00 -0500, t.bedlam wrote:

Slink's default behavior leaves all the text from the previous user's
session on the screen, and writes /etc/issue to the screen at the 
bottom, with all this old session text above it. Red Hat prints /etc/issue
(I assume that's the file) on a blank screen at the screen's top. How?

Put /bin/clear (or whatever the path) in your .bash_logout file.  I have
an alias in my .bash_profile... alias logout='clear ; logout' that does
about the same thing.

Jeremy Gaddis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What sends IGMP packets?

2000-02-14 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
Le 2000-02-11 21:16:20 +0100, Anton Emmerfors écrivait :
 Since a few days something is sending out IGMP packages to
 and this is bad for several reasons. First, is in the
 private range of multicast addresses[1] (IIRC) so something must be
 incorrectly configured. Second, I can't find the program responsible
 for sending these packages.
 BTW: IGMP is Internet Group Management Protocol according to
 [1] Weird thing is, the address resolves to
 ALL-SYSTEMS.MCAST.NET according to nslookup. Is that really correct?

As far as I know, there is nothing wrong. Your kernel must have
been compiled with multicast support, and it is trying to subscribe
to the general multicast group.

I believe the multicast RFC(s) mandates this. Win9x clients do this

To get rid of these packets, just compile your kernel without
the multicast option.

Hope it helps.

Jean-Philippe Guérard

Palm/Visor handheld support from Debian?

2000-02-14 Thread Bart Szyszka

I was wondering if anyone has come up with any tools for Debian to
be able to sync with a Palm or Handspring Visor handheld. Are
there any handhelds that Linux is able to work with?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Fashion Photographer's portfolio-Paris

2000-02-14 Thread Anne Perrin

I would like to invite 
you to visit Karim's photographic website at
Karim Ramzi is a 
professional fashion and portrait photographer based in Paris, France where he 
has his studio. 

This is his official 
online portfolio and contacts.
You can contact karim 
directlyvia his e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or should you want more 
information, feel free to get in touch with me. I will be at your disposal and 
be glad to help you.
Hoping to hear from you 

Anne Perrin 

Tel: (33) 1 40 40 78 
Fax: (33) 1 40 40 78 

Re: Palm/Visor handheld support from Debian?

2000-02-14 Thread Mike Werner
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 08:20:48PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone has come up with any tools for Debian to
 be able to sync with a Palm or Handspring Visor handheld. Are
 there any handhelds that Linux is able to work with?

I've got a Palm IIIe that I sync with a couple of different tools
on my Linux box.  The primary tool I use is one called jpilot.
You'll also want a package called pilot-link - that's what provides
the basic linking capability.  There are a few other various tools
out there as well.

So, yes there are tools out there for the Palm.  I don't know
about the Visor or any others.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Palm/Visor handheld support from Debian?

2000-02-14 Thread Adam Shand

 I was wondering if anyone has come up with any tools for Debian to be
 able to sync with a Palm or Handspring Visor handheld. Are there any
 handhelds that Linux is able to work with?

there are lots.  the command line tools and libraries in the pilot-link
package are what most of them are based on and there are conduits for ical,
netplan, korganizer etc.  my favorite one is jpilot (there is a debian
package), i don't like the interface very much (it's a near clone of the
windows software) but it works properly and doesn't crash.  other options
are pilot-manager and kpilot (both have debian packages) ... hell there's a
lot of them.  here are some urls i've colected which you might find useful.

- gnome pilot:
- pilot howto:
- pilot-ldif:
- sync-cal:
- pi-address:
- palmsync:

that should get you started anyway.  there's lots of half done stuff out
there which is mostly useless.  jpilot is pretty good though.


RE: Fashion Photographer's portfolio-Paris

2000-02-14 Thread Pollywog
These spammers must think we are fashion geeks.


On 14-Feb-2000 Anne Perrin wrote:
 I would like to invite you to visit Karim's photographic website at

Re: Printing with GW?

2000-02-14 Thread Jeremy Gaddis
At 03:25 PM 2/13/00 -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:

  Is anyone using Ghostscript (aladin, etc) to print to an HP printer?
Can you send me a listing of the gs packages installed and a copy of
your printcap?

I've got an HP Deskjet 500 here, hooked up to a Debian 2.1 machine.
I believe ghostscript is used when printing pages from Netscape.  I
also have apsfilter installed which (I believe) takes care of all
that.  I didn't have to mess with an /etc/printcap file.  Actually,
I did, but after I installed apsfilter, I haven't had to change it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp0:~] cat /etc/printcap
## /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
## You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
## your own filters. See the printcap(5) manual page for further 
## details.
## HP Deskjet 500
#   :sd=/var/spool/lpd/deskjet:\
#   :mx#0:\
#   :lp=/dev/lp0:\
#   :if=/var/spool/lpd/deskjet/filter:\
#   :sh:
# LABEL apsfilter
# apsfilter setup Wed Jan 26 03:50:07 EST 2000
# APS_BASEDIR:/usr/lib/apsfilter
ascii|lp1|djet500-letter-ascii-mono|djet500 ascii mono:\
lp|lp2|djet500-letter-auto-mono|djet500 auto mono:\
raw|lp3|djet500-letter-raw|djet500 auto raw:\

From the looks of this next one, it seems the only related
packages installed are gs and gsfonts.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ttyp0:~] dpkg -S ghostscript
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/kanji/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/a010015l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/p052004l.pfb
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n022004l.pfb
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/cdj550.upp
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/z003034l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc800pl.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/bjc610a4.upp
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/b018035l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc800ih.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/c059013l.afm
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/kanji/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/a010013l.pfb
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stcany.upp
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/b018032l.pfb
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/bjc610b4.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/necp2x6.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc2.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc600pl.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n019004l.afm
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n019063l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/necp2x.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc_l.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/ras3.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc600ih.upp
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n019064l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/kanji/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/a010015l.pfb
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/z003034l.pfb
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/p052023l.afm
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n022023l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/c059016l.afm
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/stc2s_h.upp
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/b018035l.pfb
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/c059013l.pfb
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
gsfonts: /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb

Re: Palm/Visor handheld support from Debian?

2000-02-14 Thread Bart Szyszka
 So, yes there are tools out there for the Palm.  I don't know
 about the Visor or any others.

Handspring Visor (Deluxe is the one I want to get) has PalmOS
on it and I even think that the same people who made the original
Palm Pilot where the ones to make the Handspring Visor, so I'm
assuming that they work in the same way. I'm pretty sure most of
the software in the Visor is the same too.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

logfile names

2000-02-14 Thread David S. Jackson

I'm trying to write a script for parsing log files on a Debian
Slink system, and I have a few questions:

1. When someone su's to root, where is that event logged?

2. What exactly is the purpose of the debug file?  They look like
error messages, but what makes them different from the ones in
other *.err files?

3. Is there anything like the PAM_pwdb type info on a RHL system?
Something that tracks failed logins, successful su's, remote
sessions, and so forth?  Is this already logged to someplace

4. Where do the identd requests show up?  

Thanks much!!

David S. Jackson
Mary had a little key (It's all she could export), and all the email
 that she sent was opened at the Fort.-- Ron Rivest (?)

RE: Fashion Photographer's portfolio-Paris

2000-02-14 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 These spammers must think we are fashion geeks.
 On 14-Feb-2000 Anne Perrin wrote:
  I would like to invite you to visit Karim's photographic website at

Yes, that particular spam gets my vote for furthest off-topic spam ever!

As an aside, does the policy regarding commercial mail on the lists ever
get enforced?  Has it ever *been* enforced?  How enforcable is it, from a
legal POV?  I only ask because I'm under the impression that nobody's ever
actually been billed for posting commercial mail.


  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


Happy Valintines Day!!!

2000-02-14 Thread Mike Loveland



 If you are not interested please reply with remove in the subject line
 and you will not be contacted again.

 Kind Regards . . .


Incredible $0 to $50,000 in 90 days!!

You can earn $50,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail.  Seem
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The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal.  Their
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The results of this show have been truly remarkable.  So many people are
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you to come into contact with people, do any hard work, and best of all, you
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E-mail is the sales tool of the future.  Take advantage of this
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MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) has finally gained respectability. It is being
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This is a Multi-Billion Dollar industry and of the 500,000 millionaires
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You may have heard this story before, but over the summer Donald Trump made
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hesitating, Trump said he would find a good network marketing company and
get to work. The audience started to hoot and boo him. He looked out at the
audience and dead-panned his response: That's why I'm sitting up here and
you are all sitting out there! 

The enclosed information is something I almost let slip through my fingers.
Fortunately, sometime later I re-read everything and gave somethought and
study to it. My name is Johnathon Rourke. Two years ago, the corporation I
worked at for the past twelve years down-sized and my position was
eliminated. After unproductive job interviews, I decided to open my own
business. Over the past year, I incurred many unforeseen financial problems.
I owed my family, friends and creditors over $35,000. The economy was taking
a toll on my business and I just couldn't seem to make ends meet. I had to
refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling
business. AT THAT MOMENT something significant happened in my life and I am
writing to share the experience in hopes that this will change your life

In mid December, I received this program via e-mail. Six month's prior to
receiving this program I had been sending away for information on various
business opportunities. All of the programs I received, in my opinion, were
not cost effective. They were either too difficult for me to comprehend or
the initial investment was too much for me to risk to see if they would work
or not. One claimed that I would make a million dollars in one
didn't tell me I'd have to 

fvwm95 message

2000-02-14 Thread Jacob Schmude


I get this fvwm95 message every time I start X. It doesn't seem to be a
fatal error. 

the eror is:
 *FvwmTaskBar: Failed
request: B
adPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)
   *FvwmTaskBar: Major opcode: 0x38,
resource id
: 0x800105
  *FvwmTaskBar: Failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or
Window pa
*FvwmTaskBar: Major opcode: 0x3e, resource id: 0x800103

*FvwmTaskBar: Fai
led request: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)
 *FvwmTaskBar: Major
opcode: 0x3
8, resource id: 0x800105
*FvwmTaskBar: Failed request: BadDrawable (invalid
p or Window parameter)
  *FvwmTaskBar: Major opcode: 0x3e, resource
id: 0x800103

wmTaskBar: Failed request: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)

*FvwmTaskBar: Maj
or opcode: 0x38, resource id: 0x800105
  *FvwmTaskBar: Failed
request: BadDrawable
(invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
*FvwmTaskBar: Major opcode: 0x3e,
resource i
d: 0x800103
   *FvwmTaskBar: Received SIGPIPE signal, exiting...

Anyone know what this means? thanks.

Jacob Schmude
ICQ: 53401220
email for public PGP key

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Made with pgp4pine


Out of control tcplogd

2000-02-14 Thread Mark Lynn
I have two machines running Corel Linux 1.0 (not sure which debain
release this corresponds to) and am having difficulty with
one or possibly both of them. The one machine, named kovu,
started responding with Resource temporarily unavailable messages
when I tried to perform most any task from a shell. Upon further
investigation, I noticed that it was swamped with sleeping tcplogd
processes. The daemon log was full of messages of the form

tcplogd: port 832 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and also

tcplogd: port 832 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where meeko is my other linux box.

Inspection of meeko's logs showed tons of messages of the form

tcplogd: auth connection attempt from

On kovu, I restarted iplogger and all the sleeping tcplogd's went away.
However, every 5-15 minutes a new one is added and I assume they will
eventually chew up all available processes. There are no extra instances
of tcplogd on meeko.

Obviously, I've screwed something up somewhere, but don't know what.
Any guess as to what's going on? Is there any particular significance
to port 832? I didn't see it listed in the services. What on meeko could
be attempting to open this port? Further, why does tcplogd keep spawning
new processes that don't go away?

I realize that iplogger is being replaced, but would really like to
this problem before I explore upgrading packages.

Thanks for any help.

Mark Lynn
Sabado Technologies

RE: No internet connection with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel...

2000-02-14 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

I have an ethernet connection. I have a 3Com 595 card and use the 
3Com59x.o driver module in linux.

After I installed 'frozen' over the net, I downloaded 2.2.14 and
compiled it.

During bootup, it recognises eth0 and prints out the message regd
the 3c59x card but then it gives me 'depmod' errors with all the 
'.o files' in the /lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia/ directory.

Any suggestions.

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 On 14-Feb-2000 Rajesh Radhakrishnan wrote:
  Someone had a similar problem, with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel not
  the internet connection but the internet connection works with the 2.0.36
  the internet connection doesn't work with 2.2.12 kernel either..
 I am using ppp with kernel 2.2.14 and never had a problem with that.
 I did notice yesterday that ppp was about to be upgraded, with the removal of
 ppp-pam or some such thing.  I stopped the upgrade for that reason.
 Are you using pcmcia?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Slowdown on bootup

2000-02-14 Thread Howard Mann

I'm suddenly experiencing a weird slowdown on bootup.
Things proceed normally until:

Starting system log daemon :  syslogd

Then, it hangs for a long time until I get syslogd klogd

The test of the bootup process then proceeds at a _glacial_ pace until
I get the login prompt. I then login O.K.

I have an alias   alias x='startx -dpi 100'  When I type x it
takes a while to start up X, which is something new. Thereafter,
things seem O.K.

The only  major things I've done recently involve editing
/etc/init.d/network and /etc/nsswitch.conf.

/etc/hosts has a line for my hostname/domain name.

? any ideas what this is all about.

I use Slink; sysklogd 1.3-31 ; kernel 2.2.12


Howard Mann.

Re: Out of control tcplogd

2000-02-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 11:07:17PM -0500, Mark Lynn wrote:
 Obviously, I've screwed something up somewhere, but don't know what.
 Any guess as to what's going on? Is there any particular significance
 to port 832? I didn't see it listed in the services. What on meeko could
 be attempting to open this port? Further, why does tcplogd keep spawning
 new processes that don't go away?
 I realize that iplogger is being replaced, but would really like to
 this problem before I explore upgrading packages.

that is the problem with iplogger, run the following:

apt-get install ippl
apt-get --purge remove iplogger

that will solve the problem

Ethan Benson

Slowdown on bootup:additional info

2000-02-14 Thread Howard Mann

Here is additional info concerning my recent post.

Here is an excerpt from /var/log/messages that I've not seen before :

Feb 13 19:51:52 howardm kernel: Serial driver version 4.27 with no
serial options enabled 
Feb 13 19:51:52 howardm kernel: ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A 
Feb 13 19:51:52 howardm kernel: ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A 
Feb 13 20:11:52 howardm -- MARK --
Feb 13 20:31:52 howardm -- MARK --
Feb 13 20:44:17 howardm Font Server[146]: terminating 
Feb 13 20:44:17 howardm kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
Feb 13 20:44:17 howardm kernel: Kernel log daemon terminating.
Feb 13 20:44:17 howardm exiting on signal 15
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm syslogd 1.3-3#31: restart.
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm kernel: klogd 1.3-3#31, log source =
/proc/kmsg started.
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm kernel: Cannot find map file.
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm kernel: Loaded 7 symbols from 3 modules.
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm kernel: Linux version 2.2.12 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(gcc version #2 Thu Aug 26 11:46:26 PDT 1999 
Feb 13 20:48:25 howardm kernel: Detected 233291885 Hz processor. 


I have not rebuilt my kernel.


Howard Mann.

RE: No internet connection with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel...

2000-02-14 Thread Pollywog

On 14-Feb-2000 Rajesh Radhakrishnan wrote:
 I have an ethernet connection. I have a 3Com 595 card and use the 
 3Com59x.o driver module in linux.
 After I installed 'frozen' over the net, I downloaded 2.2.14 and
 compiled it.
 During bootup, it recognises eth0 and prints out the message regd
 the 3c59x card but then it gives me 'depmod' errors with all the 
 '.o files' in the /lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia/ directory.

This has happened to me also, and I just recompiled the pcmcia modules.
I keep a copy of the package I built, so the next time it happens, I am ready.
Of course, it is necessary to compile a new modules package each time the
kernel is upgraded.

I believe you will find instructions in /usr/doc/pcmcia


Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread Darrington, John

OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide that my
next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the philosophy
and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so difficult to
install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they are.

Not knowing much about Debian I look on the web site for advice.  I find
`It is recommended that first time installers buy the CD set as the
installation is more straightforward. Many of the vendors sell the
distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see
if they ship internationally). '
Fine I think US$5 == AUD8 plus let's say $10 for postage, I should be able
to get going for $18.  Well I don't want to wait weeks for a shipment from
the US, so I phone my local  software shop and ask them if they stock Debian
2.1 .  Yes, they have a 2 CD set for $25.  Great says I .  I don't really
mind paying an extra $7. The shop's got to make an honest profit, and I
don't have to wait.  So I take home the  2 CDs, and one by one I put them in
my machine, and switch on.  neither  CD will boot.  So I mount the CD and
take a look at them.   After a while I figure that I've bought the source
CDs not the binarys.  I have a look at the front and sure enough in tiny
writing I see that it does include the word `source'.  Damn I say.  Perhaps
it was my fault.  I shouldn't have rushed in.  Perhaps I need to be  a
little more patient. I should have read up about it first.
I take another look at the Debian Web Site.  I see that the words `Official'
are reserved for the set that the Debian team produce so I decide that I
ought to be getting these.  I phone around my home town, but no-one has a
set of Debian CDs with the word `official' on the cover. Indeed the guy on
the phone seems to think I'm a bit wierd for insisting on this.  After about
an hour of acute embarrassement I give up and have another look at the
Debian web site. 
There's a list of recommened books which come with CDs.   That's what I
really need thinks I.  So I phone around the technical bookshops and low and
behold one of them has a product that I think will get me going:
Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
Author: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
Publisher: New Riders Publishing
CD Included: one CD

It's recommended on the web site and the title encourages me to think that
it should be easy to use.  So, for $40 I buy this book.  Take it home, read
through the first couple of chapters and am much more confident. I bung the
disk into the drive, and switch on.  Hooray!  it boots.  A kernel runs and a
pretty menu of options appears.  So, I step thought setting the colour,
selecting a keyboard, partitioning the disk .  I set up a filesystem and
swap file everything appears to be fine.  Then I come to the Install bit.
I choose to install off the CD (seems sensible to me).   I see the following
Choose Debian archive path.  Please choose the path inside the CD-ROM where
the Debian archive resides  
and the default appears to be /debian.  I choose the default, not having any
other information.  Then comes:  
Pleae select the directory containing the file resc1440tecra.bin  
This stumps me. How the hell should I know where that is?   Being a
resourcefull character I back out of the menu wait until the CD is
unmounted, and place it in another machine and search for this file.  It's
located at /debian/boot  So back into the install procedure I go, enter
/debian/boot at the appropriate place.   It seems to be denying the
existence of this file. --- but wait it's actually wanting the location of a
file with a similar name drv1440tecra.bin.
I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  Back to
my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   What do I
do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing happens.  I
turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and trying
every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD manually and
pointing the install process to the archives.  It still wants this
non-existent file.
It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny configuration
which this CD doesn't support. So, I borrow a machine and try again. Exactly
the same symptoms.

So after 2 days and $65 I have not managed to get even a  login prompt.  For
that price I could have got RedHat 6.1.
It's quite a demoralising experience.  Are these problems common in Debian
installation or is it just me ??

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread Eric G . Miller
Unfortunately, you got bit by the New Riders bug. They screwed up with
the CD that comes with that book.  I hear they'll ship you another CD if
you contact them.

My first experience with Debian was a little less than a year ago. I got
the 4CD set (2 binary, 2 source) from CheapBytes for a little under $10
US.  It took me about three tries to get through the initial install,
and then a couple of redos to get it configured the way I wanted.  Then
I moved to potato for an X that supported my video card (didn't know
about Slink versions). Been a satisfied customer ever since.

If you've got a decent internet connection, I'd say try the boot-floppy
install for Potato (they need some willing souls to help them get the
floppies ready for the next release). You'll probably want to move to it
anyway, unless you need ultra stability for a critical server.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread Shao Zhang
Darrington, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide that my
 next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the philosophy
 and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so difficult to
 install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they are.

Good. You made the right move. I switched from redhat two years ago, and
never regret.

 Not knowing much about Debian I look on the web site for advice.  I find
   `It is recommended that first time installers buy the CD set as the
 installation is more straightforward. Many of the vendors sell the
 distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see
 if they ship internationally). '
 Fine I think US$5 == AUD8 plus let's say $10 for postage, I should be able
 to get going for $18.  Well I don't want to wait weeks for a shipment from
 the US, so I phone my local  software shop and ask them if they stock Debian
 2.1 .  Yes, they have a 2 CD set for $25.  Great says I .  I don't really
 mind paying an extra $7. The shop's got to make an honest profit, and I

Hmm, that is a bit expensive. I spent $11.00 to get my first Debian Hamm
2.0 CD from LSL, but that was including the postage fee. Now in sydney,
there is a shop called everythingLinux(, and
I think you can get it for about $5.00.

 Choose Debian archive path.  Please choose the path inside the CD-ROM where
 the Debian archive resides  
 and the default appears to be /debian.  I choose the default, not having any
 other information.  Then comes:  
 Pleae select the directory containing the file resc1440tecra.bin  

I agree this is something that debian should be improved. It is a bit
confusing. But from memory, press ENTER should just do it.

 This stumps me. How the hell should I know where that is?   Being a
 resourcefull character I back out of the menu wait until the CD is
 unmounted, and place it in another machine and search for this file.  It's
 located at /debian/boot  So back into the install procedure I go, enter
 /debian/boot at the appropriate place.   It seems to be denying the
 existence of this file. --- but wait it's actually wanting the location of a
 file with a similar name drv1440tecra.bin.
 I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
 automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  Back to
 my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   What do I
 do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing happens.  I
 turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and trying
 every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD manually and
 pointing the install process to the archives.  It still wants this
 non-existent file.

Once again, you should be able to just press ENTER.

 It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny configuration
 which this CD doesn't support. So, I borrow a machine and try again. Exactly
 the same symptoms.

Well, I don't think it is the hardware problem. Even if you have passed
the above two steps, you will still have to face dselect, which a lot of
people had trouble with it.

 So after 2 days and $65 I have not managed to get even a  login prompt.  For
 that price I could have got RedHat 6.1.
 It's quite a demoralising experience.  Are these problems common in Debian
 installation or is it just me ??

Keep trying! You will eventually get there. Once you get your box up
and running, you will never have to go thru this process again, the
powerfull apt-get will fix up everything for you in the future.


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread davidturetsky

I crashed my disk repartitioning it for Debian Linux so I don't have all the
details, but I believe I paid $19.95 plus shipping. I ordered online and the
order fulfillment was provided by Brandon Carter, 714-505-8915, Loki
Entertainment Software, 250 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA 92780. They shipped
by FedEx. The price included a single very comprehensive CD plus Learning
Debian GNU/Linux by McCarty, published by O'Reilly

Those resources, a lot of pointers from this list, HOWTO files (web and CD)
brought it all together


- Original Message -
From: Darrington, John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

 OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide that
 next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the philosophy
 and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so difficult
 install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they are.

 Not knowing much about Debian I look on the web site for advice.  I find
 `It is recommended that first time installers buy the CD set as the
 installation is more straightforward. Many of the vendors sell the
 distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see
 if they ship internationally). '
 Fine I think US$5 == AUD8 plus let's say $10 for postage, I should be able
 to get going for $18.  Well I don't want to wait weeks for a shipment from
 the US, so I phone my local  software shop and ask them if they stock
 2.1 .  Yes, they have a 2 CD set for $25.  Great says I .  I don't really
 mind paying an extra $7. The shop's got to make an honest profit, and I
 don't have to wait.  So I take home the  2 CDs, and one by one I put them
 my machine, and switch on.  neither  CD will boot.  So I mount the CD and
 take a look at them.   After a while I figure that I've bought the source
 CDs not the binarys.  I have a look at the front and sure enough in tiny
 writing I see that it does include the word `source'.  Damn I say.
 it was my fault.  I shouldn't have rushed in.  Perhaps I need to be  a
 little more patient. I should have read up about it first.
 I take another look at the Debian Web Site.  I see that the words
 are reserved for the set that the Debian team produce so I decide that I
 ought to be getting these.  I phone around my home town, but no-one has a
 set of Debian CDs with the word `official' on the cover. Indeed the guy on
 the phone seems to think I'm a bit wierd for insisting on this.  After
 an hour of acute embarrassement I give up and have another look at the
 Debian web site.
 There's a list of recommened books which come with CDs.   That's what I
 really need thinks I.  So I phone around the technical bookshops and low
 behold one of them has a product that I think will get me going:
 Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
 Author: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
 Publisher: New Riders Publishing
 CD Included: one CD

 It's recommended on the web site and the title encourages me to think that
 it should be easy to use.  So, for $40 I buy this book.  Take it home,
 through the first couple of chapters and am much more confident. I bung
 disk into the drive, and switch on.  Hooray!  it boots.  A kernel runs and
 pretty menu of options appears.  So, I step thought setting the colour,
 selecting a keyboard, partitioning the disk .  I set up a filesystem and
 swap file everything appears to be fine.  Then I come to the Install bit.
 I choose to install off the CD (seems sensible to me).   I see the
 Choose Debian archive path.  Please choose the path inside the CD-ROM
 the Debian archive resides
 and the default appears to be /debian.  I choose the default, not having
 other information.  Then comes:
 Pleae select the directory containing the file resc1440tecra.bin
 This stumps me. How the hell should I know where that is?   Being a
 resourcefull character I back out of the menu wait until the CD is
 unmounted, and place it in another machine and search for this file.  It's
 located at /debian/boot  So back into the install procedure I go, enter
 /debian/boot at the appropriate place.   It seems to be denying the
 existence of this file. --- but wait it's actually wanting the location of
 file with a similar name drv1440tecra.bin.
 I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
 automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  Back
 my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   What do
 do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing happens.
 turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and trying
 every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD manually
 pointing the install process to the 

Re: Primary and Secondary DNS one 1 server...

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:03:16AM +0100, Onno Ebbinge wrote:
 Because of an upgrade of our computer network I must
 run the primary and secondary DNS one 1 server with 
 two NIC's for a while...
 Has anyone experiance with this?
 My guess would be to run named twice and
 point to two config dirs and edit the 
 named.conf seperatly to run each named on 
 the right interface... 
 But thats just a guess!

I've had to do this in a pinch, but you don't need two NIC's.  Just two
IP addresses assigned to the same NIC.  

ifconfig eth0 blah blah
ifconfig eth0:0 blah blah

Run ONE copy of BIND on this setup... works fine.  Instant
primary/secondary nameservers!  :)

Not recommended for long-term service about domains you care about (or
worse, customer domains) though!


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Transparent network bridge+filter?

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 09:05:14AM +0100, Onno Ebbinge wrote:
 At 08:49 AM 1/19/00 -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
 You have an interesting idea, but it won't work in my case.  I have to
 put this between a pair of Cisco routers running EIGRP.  They won't see
 each other if the router discovery packets (etc.) aren't forwarded by
 a bridge.  I also can't guarantee that the address of the router on one
 side won't change -- it is not under my control.
 As far as I know Linux doesn't understand EIGRP. 
 I can't even find it in /etc/protocols...

Two questions: 

1. Why not do the filtering in the routers with access lists?  Too much
CPU overhead?  Neither IPCHAINS nor router access lists really do
anything that's state-based monitoring, so either's about the same.

2. If you just want to LOOK at the packets going by, a hub between the
routers works nicely.  (Great for running ethereal, etc... to watch for
various security issues.

3. If you have Cisco switches (and most 3Com's) you can set a port to
get all traffic from the other ports with the VLAN stuff... great way to
set up a looking glass where you can stick a linux laptop in and see
what's going on in promiscuous mode.  

As a side-note, the network stack on the typical Linux box doing
promiscuous mode and heavy logging typically dies around 80MB/s of
traffic (Kernel OOPS or worse...) and I've found that the BSD variants
don't do this.  (At least on my laptop/pcmcia stack/hardware combo)
Don't know why, don't really care... have tried to track it down to a
particular piece of code with traces and can't find it (I'm not much of
a C programmer at all...)  I just use the BSD's now for this type of
work.  :)


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: V2.2.14 and X

2000-02-14 Thread aphro

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, j way wrote:

jlw948 Hi, my compiled kernel 2.2.14 runs fine except can't find X anymore.  
The old kernel
jlw948 2.2.14 from dists still runs X ok still.  What should I read or do?
jlw948 TIA, John W.

make sure you got networkign support in the new kernel.

X is a networkable system i dont think it works without network support.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:43pm up 178 days, 10:59, 1 user, load average: 1.01, 1.06, 1.02


2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 10:22:58AM +0100, Alberto Maurizi wrote:
   I accidentally pushed the reset button!
   This resulted in a lot of errors in the disk and
   several files lost.
   Could anybody tell me how to check the system consistency?

Linux distros typically all run fsck to check the integrity of the
filesystem on boot/mount-up.  If the machine came back online and acts
normally and you didn't see any messages during the boot about
recovering files, etc... you're probably fine.  The gentleman who
mentioned lost+found is correct also.  You can look in there for
recovered files.

Meanwhile, the real reason I replied is that this is a typical example
of why one should keep BACKUPS!  :)


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
* Eric G . Miller ( [000213 23:01] penned:
 Unfortunately, you got bit by the New Riders bug. They screwed up with
 the CD that comes with that book.  I hear they'll ship you another CD if
 you contact them.
Although we've been doing a non-official debian mirror where I work (an
ISP in Utah) for almost 2 years now, I got the New Riders book/cd set when
it came out to try to support the debian community and see if there were
some useful things in the book. Well, I didn't waste much time with the cd
as it became apparent that it was screwed but the book really didn't hit
the mark either, IMHO. 

For the same reasons, I picked up the O'reilly Debian book a few months
ago. I just want to say that, like always, O'Reilly hit the mark with that
one. The CD is a good version of Slink with some Gnome updates, it install
easily and, most importantly, browsing through the book I've learned some
things. I rarely feel like buying anything but O'Reilly books for my *NIX
needs and their Debian book is no exception. I recommend it to beginners
and intermediate Debian users alike.

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Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread aphro
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Darrington, John wrote:

john.d OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide 
that my
john.d next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the 
john.d and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so 
difficult to
john.d install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they are.

if it makes ya feel any better my first debian install took 3 long days, 1
day was wasted because of a broken CD(curropted files i will never order
from again) the second day was wasted because of a broken
FTP mirror(at the time, i think since the debian mirror
there was removed it was missing at least half of the distribution) the
last day was successful because of a good CD :)

john.d I take another look at the Debian Web Site.  I see that the words 
john.d are reserved for the set that the Debian team produce so I decide that I
john.d ought to be getting these.  I phone around my home town, but no-one has 
john.d set of Debian CDs with the word `official' on the cover. Indeed the guy 
john.d the phone seems to think I'm a bit wierd for insisting on this.  After 
john.d an hour of acute embarrassement I give up and have another look at the
john.d Debian web site. 

yeah... i think even cheapbytes may be an official distributor, but their
CDs were so broken, and they never replied to my emails or
phonecalls. bastards.. has good stuff, sofar anyways.

john.d There's a list of recommened books which come with CDs.   That's what I
john.d really need thinks I.  So I phone around the technical bookshops and 
low and
john.d behold one of them has a product that I think will get me going:
john.d Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
john.d Author: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
john.d Publisher: New Riders Publishing
john.d CD Included: one CD

haven't tried that one, but the one from O'reilley (sp) is
good, step-by-step instrucitons, even an online version available. very
good quality cd.

john.d I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
john.d automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  
Back to
john.d my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   What 
do I
john.d do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing 
happens.  I
john.d turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and 
john.d every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD manually 
john.d pointing the install process to the archives.  It still wants this
john.d non-existent file.
john.d It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny 
john.d which this CD doesn't support. So, I borrow a machine and try again. 
john.d the same symptoms.

bad cd. since debian is non commercial theres no gaurantee made that there
are all good CDs out there, which is too bad at times, it happened to me,
it happened to sure it happens to a lot of people.

john.d So after 2 days and $65 I have not managed to get even a  login prompt. 
john.d that price I could have got RedHat 6.1.
john.d It's quite a demoralising experience.  Are these problems common in 
john.d installation or is it just me ??

i wouldn't go so far as to say its a problem with debian, their ISO images
are freely available to download and there are scripts to build an ISO
based on specific packages.  clearly some vendors download curropted files
and/or burn bad cds, or burn incomplete CDs.  It can cause a major
headache.  I have downloaded many debian ISOs since i had access to a fast
net connection and every single one burned perfectly. vendors don't take
enough care(some do, seems linuxmall does) in ensuring that their CDs are
of good quality.

i have bought 2 copies of the book from and highly reccomend
it.  i have done many many installations with those CDs and it goes great
everytime.  it is backed by both ORA and VA Linux, and the profits go to
the debian project(it runs about $40) or you can get a good cd from
linuxmall(it was good last time i ordered) for about $2. i dont know if
they ship overseas.


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Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread John Leget
Unfortunately the install side of things i have found to be rather rough at the 
Installed debian over a year ago. And dumped the other OS.

Ive been trying to create potato cd's from a copy on my HDD using debian-cd 
Finally mamaged to get it to a state where it creates images. They boot ok but 
install seems to
have some problems ( may be due to my modifying debian-cd trying to get it to 
Anyway ive given up. Which is unfortunate as ive got 3 mates who now have 
redhat /
mandrake installed.

sigh and ive got a copy of potato on my HDD bugger. I dont see much point 
giving them
my slink CD's :(.

Anyway DEBIAN rocks :) keep up the great work guys.


aphro wrote:

 On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Darrington, John wrote:

 john.d OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide 
 that my
 john.d next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the 
 john.d and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so 
 difficult to
 john.d install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they 

 if it makes ya feel any better my first debian install took 3 long days, 1
 day was wasted because of a broken CD(curropted files i will never order
 from again) the second day was wasted because of a broken
 FTP mirror(at the time, i think since the debian mirror
 there was removed it was missing at least half of the distribution) the
 last day was successful because of a good CD :)

 john.d I take another look at the Debian Web Site.  I see that the words 
 john.d are reserved for the set that the Debian team produce so I decide 
 that I
 john.d ought to be getting these.  I phone around my home town, but no-one 
 has a
 john.d set of Debian CDs with the word `official' on the cover. Indeed the 
 guy on
 john.d the phone seems to think I'm a bit wierd for insisting on this.  
 After about
 john.d an hour of acute embarrassement I give up and have another look at the
 john.d Debian web site.

 yeah... i think even cheapbytes may be an official distributor, but their
 CDs were so broken, and they never replied to my emails or
 phonecalls. bastards.. has good stuff, sofar anyways.

 john.d There's a list of recommened books which come with CDs.   That's what 
 john.d really need thinks I.  So I phone around the technical bookshops and 
 low and
 john.d behold one of them has a product that I think will get me going:
 john.d Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
 john.d Author: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
 john.d Publisher: New Riders Publishing
 john.d CD Included: one CD

 haven't tried that one, but the one from O'reilley (sp) is
 good, step-by-step instrucitons, even an online version available. very
 good quality cd.

 john.d I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
 john.d automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  
 Back to
 john.d my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   
 What do I
 john.d do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing 
 happens.  I
 john.d turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and 
 john.d every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD 
 manually and
 john.d pointing the install process to the archives.  It still wants this
 john.d non-existent file.
 john.d It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny 
 john.d which this CD doesn't support. So, I borrow a machine and try again. 
 john.d the same symptoms.

 bad cd. since debian is non commercial theres no gaurantee made that there
 are all good CDs out there, which is too bad at times, it happened to me,
 it happened to sure it happens to a lot of people.

 john.d So after 2 days and $65 I have not managed to get even a  login 
 prompt.  For
 john.d that price I could have got RedHat 6.1.
 john.d It's quite a demoralising experience.  Are these problems common in 
 john.d installation or is it just me ??

 i wouldn't go so far as to say its a problem with debian, their ISO images
 are freely available to download and there are scripts to build an ISO
 based on specific packages.  clearly some vendors download curropted files
 and/or burn bad cds, or burn incomplete CDs.  It can cause a major
 headache.  I have downloaded many debian ISOs since i had access to a fast
 net connection and every single one burned perfectly. vendors don't take
 enough care(some do, seems linuxmall does) in ensuring that their CDs are
 of good quality.

 i have bought 2 copies of the book from and highly reccomend
 it.  i have done many many installations with those CDs and it goes great
 everytime.  it is backed by both ORA and VA Linux, and the profits go to
 the debian project(it runs about $40) or you can get a good cd from
 linuxmall(it was good last time i 

Re: LinuxConfig

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:12:22AM -0800, aphro wrote:
 linuxconf is in debian 2.2 (in beta testing now to be released soon) otehr
 then that i dunno what to reccomend..after using windows for so many years
 i learned not to trust GUIs whenever possible and go straight for the text
 editing.. vi has never failed me :)

Make sure to read the README in the linuxconf docs after installing.
It was VERY VERY broken and many of the features didn't work correctly
in Debian a few weeks ago.


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modules.dep is older than modules.conf

2000-02-14 Thread Roy Pluschke
Since my last apt-get upgrade today (potatoe) I keep getting this
error message when I boot and modules are loaded.  I 'touched'
modules.dep to give it a newer time stamp but when I reboot it is
changed back to 8 hours earlier than my boot time.

This is probably happening because the boot scripts don't set the
my system to local time (pst) before depmod is run.

Should this be considered a bug and reported?? As a temp solution
I set the time stamp for modules.conf to a earlier date.


Re: Firewall question

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 09:26:46AM -0500, Bill White wrote:
 Hi.  I have a question about how powerful my firewall computer should
 I want to make a firewall for a small constellation of computers
 in my living room.  Behind the firewall I will have two Win98 computers,
 one computer which boots Win98 or several flavors of Unix/Linux, and
 one Hurd box.  This system will be entirely single user at any one
 time, though there may be different users.  The network application
 will mostly be using VPN software to use Outlook and downloading
 source files through a CM system.  Think of it as using CVS on a
 1.0e6 line SW project, with 10 or so engineers making changes.  I
 will need to fetch changed files from the internal network.
 I have an old 486DX120 machine which needs memory.  I was planning
 to put 32Mb in it and letting it be the firewall.  The two Win98
 machines are on one subnet, and one hub, and everything else is
 on a second hub and subnet, so the firewall box will handle
 routing between the two subnets.  I need this to work this way for
 the VPN on the Win98 machines.  The other machines are not involved
 in the VPN at all.
 Does this computer seem reasonably powerful?

I found (via some testing with a friend) that various
denial-of-service attacks sent in high-volume to ANY linux server
running tcplogd and/or icmplogd typically would cause the machine to
keel over dead fairly rapidly -- and not recover -- if the machine was
RAM hungry and had the added disadvantage of being disk IO bound via
slow IDE, whatever...  We played around with a few different machines I
own -- 486 w/32M RAM, K6-2/350 w/96MB RAM, and PIII450 w/128MB RAM.

Machines NOT logging every darn packet that came by typically faired
MUCH better and recovered nicely.

Of course, if you have all the logging stuff on, and someone does this, 
if that machine is the firewall machine, your network's then off-line.  

Of course, such attacks are very indiscreet and most folks have no
reason to do them against people (other than recent strangeness at
Yahoo, and other large companies), and inevitably the attacker makes a
mistake and evidence of their true source is left somewhere... forensics
and syslogd become good friends at that point... :)

So the answer is, Yes... the 486 will work. -- but it could be taken
off-line fairly easily if you run the logging deamons.  

Other things to consider running on the firewall are port-scan 
detection programs like snort and portsentry.  These can be 
configured to drop network connections from machines doing casual 
port-scanning easily, and if the person doing the scanning is spoofing 
IP addresses... (when will ISP's learn to only route their ASSIGNED
address ranges Damn...) then you could end up with a bunch of things
you can't get to on the net until you figure out what happened.  
Depending on the time you have available to play with it, it's very
interesting stuff. 

One friend has portsentry doing a fun thing... every time his firewall
is port-scanned, it pages him on his text pager.  He then gets to log in
via SSH and see what all the fuss is about.  :) :)


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gcc OK

2000-02-14 Thread davidturetsky

To my gcc correspondents and all

I've been trying to port some code from Visual c to 
gcc with the usual newbie difficulties

I rewrote some code to deal with library routines 
not provided by glibc and converted the c style i/o to c++ stream i/o but still 
ran into difficulties getting a clean compile til it suddenly occurred to me 
thata warning in Tom Swan's book (GNU C++ for Linux) about namespace not 
implemented at the time of his writing might stillbe the case

Lo and behold I took the namespace reference out 
and the code took off like a bat out of hell, generating good output and a 
correct solution to a linear programming problem, needing only some further 
reworking to format the output

I tried to print the output with a "lpr 
progout.dat" and got "parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable 
interrupt-driven operation

Would appreciate any enlightenment on how to 
proceed in response


Re: what is ginstall?

2000-02-14 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I have had this experience with two machines running Debian.  While compiling
 some apps, during 'make install', I get an error about not
 finding ginstall.  I solved this by making a symlink:
 ln -s install ginstall
 Has anyone else had this problem?  

I take it this is not a debianized source?  Often if GNU utilities are
installed on non-GNU unices, they get a `g' prepended to their name, so
on an SGI machine, you may find gmake (GNU make) together with make
(IRIX make), and gtar (GNU tar) together with tar (IRIX tar).  I suppose
the app you were trying to compile has been developed on a platform that
both had a native install and a GNU install.  I personally would edit
the makefile instead of adding links on my system, but that probably is
a matter of taste.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: Out of control tcplogd

2000-02-14 Thread Onno
Wasn't tcplogd itself a security risk?

I think it was on the debian-security mailing list...



At 11:07 PM 2/13/00 -0500, Mark Lynn wrote:
I have two machines running Corel Linux 1.0 (not sure which debain
release this corresponds to) and am having difficulty with
one or possibly both of them. The one machine, named kovu,
started responding with Resource temporarily unavailable messages
when I tried to perform most any task from a shell. Upon further
investigation, I noticed that it was swamped with sleeping tcplogd
processes. The daemon log was full of messages of the form

tcplogd: port 832 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and also

tcplogd: port 832 connection attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

where meeko is my other linux box.

Inspection of meeko's logs showed tons of messages of the form

tcplogd: auth connection attempt from

On kovu, I restarted iplogger and all the sleeping tcplogd's went away.
However, every 5-15 minutes a new one is added and I assume they will
eventually chew up all available processes. There are no extra instances
of tcplogd on meeko.

Obviously, I've screwed something up somewhere, but don't know what.
Any guess as to what's going on? Is there any particular significance
to port 832? I didn't see it listed in the services. What on meeko could
be attempting to open this port? Further, why does tcplogd keep spawning
new processes that don't go away?

I realize that iplogger is being replaced, but would really like to
this problem before I explore upgrading packages.

Thanks for any help.

Mark Lynn
Sabado Technologies

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Re: gcc OK

2000-02-14 Thread aphro
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, davidturetsky wrote:

davidt I tried to print the output with a lpr progout.dat and got parport0: 
detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven operation
davidt Would appreciate any enlightenment on how to proceed in response

I believe that is a normal/standard message.  Make sure you have a printer
setup in /etc/printcap with the right filter(s) etc.  you can test the
printer directly by writing directly to the port (cat filename /dev/lp0)

i can't help much beyond that, i only setup priting in linux once, and
ever since my lpr has never wroked, and yet i can print from some apps
like netscape staroffice and kEDIT (but lpr, gnome-notepad and others fail
silently) *shrug*


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Re: ZIP drives

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 12:02:08PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  Do I have to be careful when buying a ZIP drive or does it just work? I
  was thinking about a parallel port ZIP with 250MB cartridges.
 For all intents and purposes they just work - you just need to make sure
 you have the right driver loaded.  Since it's a recent device it'll
 probably be the imm driver - it's listed as a SCSI driver.

I have an ATAPI Zip I'm pretty happy with... no messing with anything to
get it working... latest kernels even know it's a Zip! 


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Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread dan

Hmm, seems like only you. It might take me 2 hours because I use
download-base-put-on-future-swap-partition-install-make-swap approach,
but shouldn't be impossible.

If I have a clean drive in front of me, I just use ANY CD distro to
quickly install it's base into a partition, download Debian base, and proceed.
Debian installation process is really more fun because you only need
base. Setting the future system packages, and let it rip is great to watch too, 
it doesn't require any CDs if you are on a broadband, ubercool.

Get the truth or risk frying your brains! -- --

Re: Squid Proxy server-

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
You may also want to try to do the SHIFT-RELOAD thing.  Netscape will
dump its local cache of the page and also ask the proxy to force-reload
the page, if I remember correctly.

On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 11:01:38AM +1100, Frank Copeland wrote:
 Tom wrote:
 Okay i have done this before but cant remember what i typed to get it to
 work.  I need to clear out the cache on my proxy server so that it wont keep
 showing some items that i have changed.  how do i do this?  Basicaly I think
 what im looking to do is clear out my proxy cache, but i cant remember how
 to do that for the life of me.  I am running a squid proxy server.
 $ squidclient -m PURGE url
 However, this shouldn't be necessary. Shift-clicking the reload button in
 Netscape should force a reload regardless of what's cached. If the pages are
 local, try adding your own hostname to the No Proxy settings of your
 browser. You can do the same thing with squid using the always_direct config
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Re: gcc OK

2000-02-14 Thread dan
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 03:15:19AM -0800, davidturetsky generated a stream of 
1s and 0s:

 Would appreciate any enlightenment on how to proceed in response

That message means your printer port is in ECP or EPP or EPP/ECP mode,
i.e. the newer kind than the prehistorical 'Normal' type. Most printers
work with 'Normal' OK. So you can safely disregard that message, unless
your printer requires ECP or EPP mode. Consult Linux Printing HOWTO for
general info. APSFilter is nice BTW if you have an inkjet supported by
Ghostscript. BUT, you'll have to manually edit /etc/printcap after you
are done setting it up to make it all work. 
Get the truth or risk frying your brains! -- --

Re: Display adapters: Graphics Blaster Exxtreme

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
Actually, some variants of this card used the Permedia 2 chipset.

On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 08:30:47AM -0700, Howard Mann wrote:
 sudheesh wrote:
   I have  a display adapters Graphics Blaster Exxtreme, and I do not know
  how to configure my system to use the server specifically for my card. I
  have the server installed and Xwindows installed as well, but I don't know
  how to configure to use the installed server.
  K. Sudheesh
 If you mean the  Creative Blaster Exxtreme, it is supported by the 
  XF86_3DLabs x- server (
 You may want to upgrade your XFree86 and get the x- server with
 apt-get via
 Then configure X with  xf86config
 Howard Mann   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO
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Re: Slowdown on bootup

2000-02-14 Thread Joey Hess
You have a dns or network problem.

Howard Mann wrote:
 I'm suddenly experiencing a weird slowdown on bootup.
 Things proceed normally until:
 Starting system log daemon :  syslogd
 Then, it hangs for a long time until I get syslogd klogd
 The test of the bootup process then proceeds at a _glacial_ pace until
 I get the login prompt. I then login O.K.
 I have an alias   alias x='startx -dpi 100'  When I type x it
 takes a while to start up X, which is something new. Thereafter,
 things seem O.K.
 The only  major things I've done recently involve editing
 /etc/init.d/network and /etc/nsswitch.conf.
 /etc/hosts has a line for my hostname/domain name.
 ? any ideas what this is all about.
 I use Slink; sysklogd 1.3-31 ; kernel 2.2.12
 Howard Mann.
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see shy jo

Re: PHP3 and MySQL

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
I know this sounds vague, but it's late, and I can't find it on my
server box for some reason... but if it's any consolation:

There *is* a way to get apache/php3/mysql to play nicely without having
to use the dl() for it in every script... I just can't for the life of
me, remember where I made the changes so it would work.  But I *know* I
found it in the configs for apache somewhere, and after changing it and
restarting apache, all was well... no having to do the dl() at the top
of every page.

Good luck, if I find it, I'll try to remember to send you a message with
the exact location where I changed things.  (It was frustrating for me

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 07:02:56PM +, Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
 I'm trying to get PHP3 and MySQL to play nice, but they refuse. I want
 to load the extension, so in the /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini I
 put `extension =' and checked that extension_dir was correct.
 This didn't work: php3 scripts without dl('') in them fail to
 Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect()
 in /home/alisdair/public_html/test.php3 on line 4
 Why isn't it working? Do I have to recompile PHP3 with MySQL support
 Alisdair McDiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Description: PGP signature

Proper location for StarOffice

2000-02-14 Thread Erik van der Meulen
I would like to give Staroffice a try. I downloaded the tar and tried to
install in /usr/local/bin as root. Hoping this would allow for shared
It seems that the installation script is user-dependable, and I can only
run SO as root now. Do I need an installation for each user in their
respective home directories? It does work, but seems a lot of overhead.

Thanks a lot.

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Out of control tcplogd

2000-02-14 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 09:21:04AM +0100, Onno wrote:
 Wasn't tcplogd itself a security risk?
 I think it was on the debian-security mailing list...

yes, the problem is actually Denial of Service, all you had to do was
portscan a target a couple times at once causing iplogger to go out of
control consuming all system resources... exactly what the original
poster is experiencing.

Ethan Benson

HELP: removed /var/lib/dpkg...

2000-02-14 Thread Debian Linux User


due to an damn' typo i removed my complete /var tree, including the dpkg
I created /var/lib/dpkg/status by hand and did a deselect update to
recreate the dpkg database.
But when i do a 'dpkg -l' it shows nothing although lots of packages are
Is there any way to recreate the list of installed packages?


Heinrich Rebehn
Have disk - will travel
University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :-3341

How to set LANG variable for X windows sessions started by XDM?

2000-02-14 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,
I need to set the LANG, LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE variables for X sessions started
by xdm in my system. How to do it?
When I set it in the /etc/profile, it is set in the xterm's but not in other
programs started eg. by menu.
Should it be set in the /etc/X11/xdm/Xstartup ? (or Xstartup_0 ?), I've 
checked it, but without success...
Setting in /etc/init.d/xdm doesn't work either :-(.

Is there any place where I could set IN ONE PLACE the correct default
i18n values for both X and console applications?
Wojciech Zabolotny

Build your free Data Acquisition System:

RE: PHP3 and MySQL

2000-02-14 Thread Barry Platt
Nate Duehr wrote: 
 There *is* a way to get apache/php3/mysql to play nicely without having
 to use the dl() for it in every script... I just can't for the life of
 me, remember where I made the changes so it would work.  But I *know* I
 found it in the configs for apache somewhere, and after changing it and
 restarting apache, all was well... no having to do the dl() at the top
 of every page.

You need to add: 

to /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini


Barry Platt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Systems Administrator
Molecular Simulations Inc (
230/250 The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8RE, UK
tel: +44 1223 507562, fax: +44 1223 413301

Freeze due to video card?

2000-02-14 Thread Alberto Bigazzi


I'm experiencing a very nasty freezing of my computer, connected to video
I've got an S3 Virge/DX, chipset 86C375 with 4Mb memory. 
I use the SVGA driver. 
No problem at all as long as  I run @ 800X600 8bpp.

But if I use 16bpp or 24bpp that should be well supported by the 4 Mb
memory, my system will eventually freeze at some point, on opening some
menu or similar operations. 

The freeze is complete. No action at all would be possible, but tu push
the RESET button on the cabinet. 

NOTE that exactly the SAME thing happens using Win NT, also available on
my computer. 

So, could it be a hardware failure? 
Is there anything I can do to try and understand what's going on? 


Alberto Bigazzi, PhD. 
Research Associate,  
Dept. of Mathematics,   
Politecnico di Milano,   
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32,
20133 Milano (ITALY)   
Phone: +39-02-2399 4508
Fax:   +39-02-2399 4568

Install problem on laptop Toshiba T4400sxc

2000-02-14 Thread hgh ghgh
Would you know what is going on and how I could successfully install the

Additional Information:

- I tried booting from the RESC1440 but got a computer freeze on the
following message :
RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0
Couldn't get a free page
Out of memory VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem)

- so I used the LOWMEM.bin floppy and I was able to boot and partition the
hard disk: 16MB swap (type 82 from block 1 to 121) - 2MB temporary root
(type 81 from block 122 to 137) - 108MB for / (type 83 from block 138 to
934). The whole disk being used for Linux only.

- First strange message after initializing the 16MB swap and 2MB root and
typing 4 (exit), I got SWAP ON... failed. But the install program load

- I then configure the keyboard without problem but during the Configure
Device Driver Modules, I get a can't open /lib/2.0.86/modules and another
can't open something (too fast to read it). The install program then goes
to exit, finished with the modules (I don't get to select any module and
then go back to main menu and start install base system and get terminal
problem described in the opening of this message.

Well that's it. I sure hope you can help me out.

Thank you,

FREE Personalized Email at
Sign up at

Install problem on laptop Toshiba T4400sxc

2000-02-14 Thread hgh ghgh
Would you know what is going on and how I could successfully install the

Additional Information:

- I tried booting from the RESC1440 but got a computer freeze on the
following message :
RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0
Couldn't get a free page
Out of memory VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem)

- so I used the LOWMEM.bin floppy and I was able to boot and partition the
hard disk: 16MB swap (type 82 from block 1 to 121) - 2MB temporary root
(type 81 from block 122 to 137) - 108MB for / (type 83 from block 138 to
934). The whole disk being used for Linux only.

- First strange message after initializing the 16MB swap and 2MB root and
typing 4 (exit), I got SWAP ON... failed. But the install program load

- I then configure the keyboard without problem but during the Configure
Device Driver Modules, I get a can't open /lib/2.0.86/modules and another
can't open something (too fast to read it). The install program then goes
to exit, finished with the modules (I don't get to select any module and
then go back to main menu and start install base system and get terminal
problem described in the opening of this message.

Well that's it. I sure hope you can help me out.

Thank you,

FREE Personalized Email at
Sign up at

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Gary Hennigan
Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:22:11AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
I'm in the middle of rebuild the 2.2.13 kernel for potato
to include IP-MASQ plus some other modules.  I'd like to 
know after the kernel and some modules were built, how would 
I go about install the modules.  
I learned that I can re-install the new kernel by simply
dpkg -i.  But, for module, what is the command to install 
or unstall.
 After you do something like:
   make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
   make-kpkg modules_image
 Install both the kernel-image and pcmcia-modules .deb files.
 See /usr/share/kernel-package/README.modules for more info.

First, it seems that Timothy is not using the kernel-package
package. You'll want to use this Timothy since it makes life a lot
easier on our Debian systems, and it is the Debian Way (TM).

Now, what Lee said only applies to extra modules, like PCMCIA. The
modules that are part of the kernel source tree are included in the
kernel image file that is generated by make-kpkg. Read the docs for
the kernel-package package to learn how to use it. It's pretty
straightforward. An example session for building a kernel:

% cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13
% make menuconfig
% make-kpkg --revision homePC.1 --bzimage kernel_image
% cd ..
% dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.14_homePC.1_i386.deb

and you're done.


Re: PHP3 and MySQL

2000-02-14 Thread J C Lawrence
On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 01:59:28 -0700 
Nate Duehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There *is* a way to get apache/php3/mysql to play nicely without
 having to use the dl() for it in every script... 

Add to /etc/php/apache/php.ini

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Re: PHP3 and MySQL

2000-02-14 Thread Nate Duehr
Ahh.. that's it!

On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:51:35AM -, Barry Platt wrote:
 Nate Duehr wrote: 
  There *is* a way to get apache/php3/mysql to play nicely without having
  to use the dl() for it in every script... I just can't for the life of
  me, remember where I made the changes so it would work.  But I *know* I
  found it in the configs for apache somewhere, and after changing it and
  restarting apache, all was well... no having to do the dl() at the top
  of every page.
 You need to add: 
 to /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini
 Barry Platt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Systems Administrator
 Molecular Simulations Inc (
 230/250 The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8RE, UK
 tel: +44 1223 507562, fax: +44 1223 413301


GPG Key fingerprint = DCAF 2B9D CC9B 96FA 7A6D AAF4 2D61 77C5 7ECE C1D2
Public Key available upon request, or at and others.

Description: PGP signature

Guru challenge: hosts/networking

2000-02-14 Thread Howard Mann

I have a weird problem with my DSL setup, using the DSL router in
ppp mode. The router incorporates NAT, changing the router's IP
address into a Class A private network address.

The problem seems to be associated, at least in part, with my
/etc/nsswitch.conf file :

passwd: compat
group:  compat
shadow: compat

#hosts:  files dns
hosts:dns  files
#networks:   files 
networks:  nis files

protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files

netgroup:   nis

With the file like this, bootup hangs for a _very_ long time at the

Starting system log daemon :  syslogdstage.
and also at the Starting print spooler : lpd   stage

It then proceeds very slowly to the login prompt.

If I use the line : hosts :   files  dns  instead, this does
not happen, but I cannot then get to my ISP's nameservers or do a

These are other pertinent files :

howardm:~$cat /etc/hosts   localhost

howardm:~$cat /etc/networks


howardm:~$cat /etc/init.d/network

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

howardm:~$uname -a

Linux howardm 2.2.12 #2 Thu Aug 26 11:46:26 PDT 1999 i686 unknown

I'd appreciate any thoughts about this weird situation.


Howard Mann.

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread Clyde Wilson

Your disk is bad.  All disks are bad that came with the first edition
of the book!  New Riders feels badly about this...

Go to  The home page tells you how to get your 
free upgrade.

Next time go to

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Darrington, John wrote:

 OK, so after 5 years of playing with slackware and Red Hat, I decide that my
 next OS will be Debian --- I've seen the web page, and like the philosophy
 and want to get started.  The usenet reports that Debian is so difficult to
 install can't all be true can they?  Unfortunately I've found they are.
 Not knowing much about Debian I look on the web site for advice.  I find
   `It is recommended that first time installers buy the CD set as the
 installation is more straightforward. Many of the vendors sell the
 distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see
 if they ship internationally). '
 Fine I think US$5 == AUD8 plus let's say $10 for postage, I should be able
 to get going for $18.  Well I don't want to wait weeks for a shipment from
 the US, so I phone my local  software shop and ask them if they stock Debian
 2.1 .  Yes, they have a 2 CD set for $25.  Great says I .  I don't really
 mind paying an extra $7. The shop's got to make an honest profit, and I
 don't have to wait.  So I take home the  2 CDs, and one by one I put them in
 my machine, and switch on.  neither  CD will boot.  So I mount the CD and
 take a look at them.   After a while I figure that I've bought the source
 CDs not the binarys.  I have a look at the front and sure enough in tiny
 writing I see that it does include the word `source'.  Damn I say.  Perhaps
 it was my fault.  I shouldn't have rushed in.  Perhaps I need to be  a
 little more patient. I should have read up about it first.
 I take another look at the Debian Web Site.  I see that the words `Official'
 are reserved for the set that the Debian team produce so I decide that I
 ought to be getting these.  I phone around my home town, but no-one has a
 set of Debian CDs with the word `official' on the cover. Indeed the guy on
 the phone seems to think I'm a bit wierd for insisting on this.  After about
 an hour of acute embarrassement I give up and have another look at the
 Debian web site. 
 There's a list of recommened books which come with CDs.   That's what I
 really need thinks I.  So I phone around the technical bookshops and low and
 behold one of them has a product that I think will get me going:
 Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage
 Author: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman
 Publisher: New Riders Publishing
 CD Included: one CD
 It's recommended on the web site and the title encourages me to think that
 it should be easy to use.  So, for $40 I buy this book.  Take it home, read
 through the first couple of chapters and am much more confident. I bung the
 disk into the drive, and switch on.  Hooray!  it boots.  A kernel runs and a
 pretty menu of options appears.  So, I step thought setting the colour,
 selecting a keyboard, partitioning the disk .  I set up a filesystem and
 swap file everything appears to be fine.  Then I come to the Install bit.
 I choose to install off the CD (seems sensible to me).   I see the following
 Choose Debian archive path.  Please choose the path inside the CD-ROM where
 the Debian archive resides  
 and the default appears to be /debian.  I choose the default, not having any
 other information.  Then comes:  
 Pleae select the directory containing the file resc1440tecra.bin  
 This stumps me. How the hell should I know where that is?   Being a
 resourcefull character I back out of the menu wait until the CD is
 unmounted, and place it in another machine and search for this file.  It's
 located at /debian/boot  So back into the install procedure I go, enter
 /debian/boot at the appropriate place.   It seems to be denying the
 existence of this file. --- but wait it's actually wanting the location of a
 file with a similar name drv1440tecra.bin.
 I don't know where that is?  I see there is an option `list' which
 automatically detects it so I try that.  Apparently it's not there.  Back to
 my other machine, and do a find .  Sure enough it's not there.   What do I
 do now?  I press F1 like the start up screen told me.  nothing happens.  I
 turn to the book. No hints.  I spend the next 2 hours rebooting and trying
 every possible path though the menu. including mounting the CD manually and
 pointing the install process to the archives.  It still wants this
 non-existent file.
 It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny configuration
 which this CD doesn't support. So, I borrow a machine and try again. Exactly
 the same symptoms.
 So after 2 days and $65 I have not managed to get even a  login prompt.  For
 that price I could have got RedHat 6.1.
 It's quite a demoralising experience.  Are these problems common in Debian
 installation or is it just me ??

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 09:57:32AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:22:11AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   I'm in the middle of rebuild the 2.2.13 kernel for potato
   to include IP-MASQ plus some other modules.  I'd like to 
   know after the kernel and some modules were built, how would 
   I go about install the modules.  
   I learned that I can re-install the new kernel by simply
   dpkg -i.  But, for module, what is the command to install 
   or unstall.
 After you do something like:
   make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
   make-kpkg modules_image
 Install both the kernel-image and pcmcia-modules .deb files.
 See /usr/share/kernel-package/README.modules for more info.
 First, it seems that Timothy is not using the kernel-package
 package. You'll want to use this Timothy since it makes life a lot
 easier on our Debian systems, and it is the Debian Way (TM).

Timothy was using dpkg -i to install his new kernel. I assumed he was
asking about extra modules since the .deb he installed would have the
standard modules. Maybe he just didn't realize the modules were in the
.deb file.

 Now, what Lee said only applies to extra modules, like PCMCIA. The
 modules that are part of the kernel source tree are included in the
 kernel image file that is generated by make-kpkg. Read the docs for
 the kernel-package package to learn how to use it. It's pretty
 straightforward. An example session for building a kernel:
 % cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13
 % make menuconfig
 % make-kpkg --revision homePC.1 --bzimage kernel_image
 % cd ..
 % dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.14_homePC.1_i386.deb
 and you're done.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi All,

  Thank you for the replies.

  I'll use the kernel-package since it will make my life easier :)
  Could someone send me the kernel-package/README.modules since
  I do not have my potato-box with me :)


Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:22:11AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
 I'm in the middle of rebuild the 2.2.13 kernel for potato
 to include IP-MASQ plus some other modules.  I'd like to
 know after the kernel and some modules were built, how would
 I go about install the modules.
 I learned that I can re-install the new kernel by simply
 dpkg -i.  But, for module, what is the command to install
 or unstall.
  After you do something like:
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
make-kpkg modules_image
  Install both the kernel-image and pcmcia-modules .deb files.
  See /usr/share/kernel-package/README.modules for more info.
 First, it seems that Timothy is not using the kernel-package
 package. You'll want to use this Timothy since it makes life a lot
 easier on our Debian systems, and it is the Debian Way (TM).
 Now, what Lee said only applies to extra modules, like PCMCIA. The
 modules that are part of the kernel source tree are included in the
 kernel image file that is generated by make-kpkg. Read the docs for
 the kernel-package package to learn how to use it. It's pretty
 straightforward. An example session for building a kernel:
 % cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13
 % make menuconfig
 % make-kpkg --revision homePC.1 --bzimage kernel_image
 % cd ..
 % dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.14_homePC.1_i386.deb
 and you're done.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi Lee,

  So, when I do a dpkg -i kernel_image,  would this allowed
  me to install the modules one by one or it would just
  install all the modules that I configure to build before
  rebuilding the kernel?

  Secondly,  when I installed the module during the fresh
  installation, I selected a several modules and the system
  would prompt me for some command line options to the modules
  that I selected,  what are the available options?

  I believe at the same time, it also display some warning
  message about unavailable of some document...


Lee Bradshaw wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 09:57:32AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
  Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:22:11AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
I'm in the middle of rebuild the 2.2.13 kernel for potato
to include IP-MASQ plus some other modules.  I'd like to
know after the kernel and some modules were built, how would
I go about install the modules.
I learned that I can re-install the new kernel by simply
dpkg -i.  But, for module, what is the command to install
or unstall.
  After you do something like:
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
make-kpkg modules_image
  Install both the kernel-image and pcmcia-modules .deb files.
  See /usr/share/kernel-package/README.modules for more info.
  First, it seems that Timothy is not using the kernel-package
  package. You'll want to use this Timothy since it makes life a lot
  easier on our Debian systems, and it is the Debian Way (TM).
 Timothy was using dpkg -i to install his new kernel. I assumed he was
 asking about extra modules since the .deb he installed would have the
 standard modules. Maybe he just didn't realize the modules were in the
 .deb file.
  Now, what Lee said only applies to extra modules, like PCMCIA. The
  modules that are part of the kernel source tree are included in the
  kernel image file that is generated by make-kpkg. Read the docs for
  the kernel-package package to learn how to use it. It's pretty
  straightforward. An example session for building a kernel:
  % cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13
  % make menuconfig
  % make-kpkg --revision homePC.1 --bzimage kernel_image
  % cd ..
  % dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.14_homePC.1_i386.deb
  and you're done.
 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
 Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

pcmcia and nfs

2000-02-14 Thread Markus Fischer
Hi all,

I'm running unstable on my Toshiba Satellite with pcmcia support,
works very good. I'm now trying to move to nfs mounted homedirs
from my server. Mounting works without problem, but at boot up from /etc/init.d/ always gets executed before the
pcmcia network is up. Manually adding a link in my runlevel
directory /etc/rc2.d/ after pcmcia is called works.

But I was not able to figure out _where_ gets
executed before pcmcia support. I tried 
find /etc -type f|xargs grep mountnfs
but no file except /etc/init.d/ showed the mountnfs
string. I'm a little confused about this.

kind regards,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Description: PGP signature

Re: What sends IGMP packets?

2000-02-14 Thread Anton Emmerfors
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 01:10:50AM +, Jean-Philippe Guérard wrote:

 As far as I know, there is nothing wrong. Your kernel must have
 been compiled with multicast support, and it is trying to subscribe
 to the general multicast group.
 I believe the multicast RFC(s) mandates this. Win9x clients do this
 To get rid of these packets, just compile your kernel without
 the multicast option.

No, my kernels isn't -- nor has it ever been -- configured with
multicast on. And I never noticed this until about a week ago when I
started to investigate why the PPP link wasn't idling. Can anyone
confirm that their machines are doing the same thing? Can anyone
suggest what service or application would generate these packets?

/regards Anton
Crime wouldn't pay if the Government ran it!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie's experience Installing Debian

2000-02-14 Thread John Foster
 Pleae select the directory containing the file resc1440tecra.bin
 This stumps me. How the hell should I know where that is?


 --- but wait it's actually wanting the location of a
 file with a similar name drv1440tecra.bin.

 It's time to conclude that perhaps my hardware has some funny configuration
 which this CD doesn't support.

Are you trying to install to a laptop??

 AdVance-Computing Systems

 We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
 We specialize in multiprocessor units.
 We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

 John Foster
 ICQ# 19460173

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
How are you guys compiling your kernel???
Why don't you 'just' config the thing and do:
make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make

After that, simply edit your /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo and add your modules
using modprobe or insmod (you could also use modconf) and done.

No package needed (except of course for gcc and all that)





On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:

 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 10:22:11AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
 I'm in the middle of rebuild the 2.2.13 kernel for potato
 to include IP-MASQ plus some other modules.  I'd like to 
 know after the kernel and some modules were built, how would 
 I go about install the modules.  
 I learned that I can re-install the new kernel by simply
 dpkg -i.  But, for module, what is the command to install 
 or unstall.
  After you do something like:
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
make-kpkg modules_image
  Install both the kernel-image and pcmcia-modules .deb files.
  See /usr/share/kernel-package/README.modules for more info.
 First, it seems that Timothy is not using the kernel-package
 package. You'll want to use this Timothy since it makes life a lot
 easier on our Debian systems, and it is the Debian Way (TM).
 Now, what Lee said only applies to extra modules, like PCMCIA. The
 modules that are part of the kernel source tree are included in the
 kernel image file that is generated by make-kpkg. Read the docs for
 the kernel-package package to learn how to use it. It's pretty
 straightforward. An example session for building a kernel:
 % cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.13
 % make menuconfig
 % make-kpkg --revision homePC.1 --bzimage kernel_image
 % cd ..
 % dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.14_homePC.1_i386.deb
 and you're done.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Debian logo et al.

2000-02-14 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Sun, 13 Feb, 2000 à 10:13:23PM +0100, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  Speaking of logons, what control character may I write in the
  /etc/issue file so the screen is cleared and text writing begins in
  the upper left of the vc screen? I tried Ctl-L but it didn't work;
  I looked in the archives, no good, man pages getty and issue also
 clear  file
An other way is to use mingetty instead of getty.

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

postscript printing through magicfilter fails

2000-02-14 Thread Wolfgang Hlawatsch

Still fairly new on Linux, I installed a NEC P6 printer on my Debian
Linux machine. Then I used the magicfilterconfig program to install this

The printer works fine using: lpr (filename); if the file is a
postscript file I get only the description of the postscript as a ASCII
but no Postscript picture.

What is my mistake?


Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Gary Hennigan
Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 How are you guys compiling your kernel???
 Why don't you 'just' config the thing and do:
 make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
 After that, simply edit your /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo and add your modules
 using modprobe or insmod (you could also use modconf) and done.
 No package needed (except of course for gcc and all that)

The main reason NOT to do that is that it confuses Debian package
management. For example, suppose you install kernel-image-2.2.13-2
from your favorite Debian mirror, but then decide you want to
customize it so you use your method. You install it, as you stated,
and you're off to the races. Now suppose the kernel maintainer finds a
bug and decides to install a patch and releases
kernel-image-2.2.13-3. 'apt-get upgrade' dutifully notices this and
upgrades your kernel-image. BAM! Your custom kernel and all the
changes are wiped in one fell swoop. Of course you could manually put
the kernel-image-2.2.13-2 on hold, but that's not really what's
installed on your system, since you bypassed Debian's package

This is one of the reasons for the kernel-package package. With it you
assign your own version number for the kernel image and it can live
quite nicely with any of the stock kernel-image files you wish to
keep and won't be overwritten when the stock kernel-image gets

In addition, make-kpkg automates many, if not all, of the steps you
give above. I simply do a 'make menuconfig', 'make-kpkg ...', 
'dpkg -i kernel-image-whatever' and it prompts me for the necessary
changes to /etc/lilo.conf and asks me if I want to run lilo, etc.

make-kpkg is a nice piece of software, and IMHO, well worth looking
into if you're using Debian and like keeping up your own kernels.


RE: No internet connection with 'frozen' and 2.2.14 kernel...

2000-02-14 Thread Rajesh Radhakrishnan

I compiled the pcmcia modules and still my internet connection 
is down. 

Are there any error messages/howto files/faq  that I can look at
that tell me about what programs have to work for the internet 
connection to work ie what is so different about 2.2.14 than 
2.0.36 with respect to internet connection.


On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 On 14-Feb-2000 Rajesh Radhakrishnan wrote:
  I have an ethernet connection. I have a 3Com 595 card and use the 
  3Com59x.o driver module in linux.
  After I installed 'frozen' over the net, I downloaded 2.2.14 and
  compiled it.
  During bootup, it recognises eth0 and prints out the message regd
  the 3c59x card but then it gives me 'depmod' errors with all the 
  '.o files' in the /lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia/ directory.
 This has happened to me also, and I just recompiled the pcmcia modules.
 I keep a copy of the package I built, so the next time it happens, I am ready.
 Of course, it is necessary to compile a new modules package each time the
 kernel is upgraded.
 I believe you will find instructions in /usr/doc/pcmcia
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Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Ron Rademaker
Your story is right if you install kernel-images, not if, like I always
do, download source code untar and gunzip it and ...

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:

 Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  How are you guys compiling your kernel???
  Why don't you 'just' config the thing and do:
  make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
  After that, simply edit your /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo and add your modules
  using modprobe or insmod (you could also use modconf) and done.
  No package needed (except of course for gcc and all that)
 The main reason NOT to do that is that it confuses Debian package
 management. For example, suppose you install kernel-image-2.2.13-2
 from your favorite Debian mirror, but then decide you want to
 customize it so you use your method. You install it, as you stated,
 and you're off to the races. Now suppose the kernel maintainer finds a
 bug and decides to install a patch and releases
 kernel-image-2.2.13-3. 'apt-get upgrade' dutifully notices this and
 upgrades your kernel-image. BAM! Your custom kernel and all the
 changes are wiped in one fell swoop. Of course you could manually put
 the kernel-image-2.2.13-2 on hold, but that's not really what's
 installed on your system, since you bypassed Debian's package
 This is one of the reasons for the kernel-package package. With it you
 assign your own version number for the kernel image and it can live
 quite nicely with any of the stock kernel-image files you wish to
 keep and won't be overwritten when the stock kernel-image gets
 In addition, make-kpkg automates many, if not all, of the steps you
 give above. I simply do a 'make menuconfig', 'make-kpkg ...', 
 'dpkg -i kernel-image-whatever' and it prompts me for the necessary
 changes to /etc/lilo.conf and asks me if I want to run lilo, etc.
 make-kpkg is a nice piece of software, and IMHO, well worth looking
 into if you're using Debian and like keeping up your own kernels.
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Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 12:13:53PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 make-kpkg is a nice piece of software, and IMHO, well worth looking
 into if you're using Debian and like keeping up your own kernels.

Indeed, after avoiding it for months, I finally actually built a kernel
'the debian way' and found it a breeze.  No more 'make bzImage  make
modules  make modules_install' and then digging the kernel out of
arch/i386/boot, etc.  It just worked.

I'll try to behave myself in the future and use make-kpkg on future
kernel builds.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.


2000-02-14 Thread jobs


Exciting opportunities have just opened up in Austin, Texas.  
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Several JAVA Programmers also needed to develop  deploy 
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Contractors will be paid $48.00 per hour.

Sr. JAVA Developer needed to work on  fast growing web 
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Contractors paid up to $38.00 per hour. 


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OS/2 Technical Support.  Must be able to travel to 
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Salaries up to $78,338.  
Contractors will be paid $45.00 per hour.

Instructional Designer/Developer needed to design and 
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This is a contractor postion only and will pay up to 
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Salaries up to $50,000 or $26.00 per hour.

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Salary up to $50,000 or $30.00 per hour.


Device Driver Developers needed to perform new 
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Salary up to $73,000 or $40.00 per hour.


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AIX Performance Testers also needed.

SQL Server DBA's  needed for three projects. 

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DB2 Database Manager needed to develop and manage a 
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Salary up to $93,596 or $51.00 per hour.

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Must have ADASMP.  

Will pay top dollar to find the right person.

QA Manager needed to Manage Test group.  

Salary up to $72,000 or $40.00 per hour.

Re: rebuild kernel and modules

2000-02-14 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 12:13:53PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
[ snip]
: make-kpkg is a nice piece of software, and IMHO, well worth looking
: into if you're using Debian and like keeping up your own kernels.

Besides, kernel-package lets you leverage your (or your friend's) fast
machine for building kernels ... no more waiting around for that 486
to build a kernel!  Once you've got the kernel deb you just scp it
over and install it ...

Nathan NormanNetwork Magician, Eclectic Engineer
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