Re: Una de unix

2000-02-26 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 12:20:22PM +0100, Xose Manoel Ramos contaba:

   tail -f /dev/xconsole

Me corrijo a mi mismo. Esto no funciona. No entiendo el porqué, pues
he trabajado con FIFOs usando el 'dd' y el 'cat' y creía que el
funcionamiento era igual al de un fichero normal sólo que con tamaño

El comando que sí funciona es el siguiente:

   # less -f /dev/xconsole

Pruebalo y dime si te ha servido de solución. 

\/ _  _ _ (Vigo/Galicia/España) 
/\(_)_\(/_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Una de unix

2000-02-26 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 08:49:01AM +0100, Fernando contaba:

Pero yo busco algo al estilo xconsole pero sin x, quiero decir
que sin interferir con el funcionamiento normal me permita capturar
los mensajes dirigidos a la consola.
( Si xconsole puede hacerlo, es que se puede hacer :-)

Pues nada más sencillo:

   tail -f /dev/xconsole

Te digo que utilices 'xconsole' porque este dispositivo está tratado
especialmente por el syslogd. Es un FIFO y por tanto mucho más
adecuado para que apliques un TAIL.

Vas a tener que modificar los permisos de 'xconsole' para que tu
usuario pueda acceder a el.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Linux por satelit

2000-02-26 Thread Blu
Nestor A. Diaz wrote:
 Yo estoy en Colombia, me consigo los equipos para conectarme a un satelite, 
 no cierto? y  me 
 Pero me surge la idea : yo podria entonces afiliarme a un servicio de estos 
 por decir algo en Estados Unidos, pagar mi afiliacion y la mensualidad con 
 tarjeta de credito y gozar de este servicio en mi pais?

Hola Nestor,

Yo, que vivo en Chile, estaba pensando exactamente lo mismo, y creo que
tecnicamente es posible. Solo necesitamos que determinado satelite sea
visible desde nuestras coordenadas. Para ti sera mas factible que para
mi que estoy mucho mas al sur. Lo otro es saber la ubicacion exacta del
satelite y si transmite la su se~al codificada (en cuyo caso seria
necesario un decodificador, supongo que proporcionado por la misma
compa~ia que prestaria el servicio), y alguien que tenga idea de como
orientar la antena y los demas detalles tecnicos.

En fin, me voy a poner a investigar a ver si encuentro algo.


Re: Hay en linux un programa parecido al autocad?

2000-02-26 Thread Han Solo
   Existe una versión para estudiantes del MicroStation 95, que tiene una
 calidad como mínimo similar a la del AutoCad. Pasate por

¿Similar? Es mucho mejor que el AutoCad. para más info ...

En Madrid (y creo que para toda España), el distribuidor es 

Aula Técnica Ingenieros
Av. Reina Victoria 15
Tel. 91 456 20 70

A mí me costó 13000 pesetas. Venían dos CDs, uno con el programa y varios
módulos y otro con toda la documentación en PDF, la misma que los manuales
en papel.

   Aparte de esto, hay unos cuantos proyectos libres, aunque no han
 alcanzado todavía su madurez...

Sip. Yo creo que el Qcad tiene bastante futuro, aunque estma muy muy verde.
Por otro lado, el Grass parece la leche (no lo he probado).

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dudas sobre Potato

2000-02-26 Thread Joan Cirer


On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tengo instalada la slink.
 Como la conexión a internet que tengo en casa no es muy catolica, tambien
 había pensado en bajarme la Potato desde el trabajo y meterla a un CD y
 actualizar mi slink con los paquetes del CD. ¿Me iria bien?

Te cuento como lo hago yo...

Desde casa hago un apt-get update para actualizar las listas de paquetes
de potato, luego ejecuto el siguiente shell script segun dice la
documentacion del apt-get que se encuentra en:


el script me saca una lista de paquetes para actualizar y me la envia por
e-mail al trabajo comprimida con gzip


apt-get -f -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade |\ 
   awk '{print wget -O  $2  $1}' |\
   gzip -c9 | uuenpipe | sed -e 's/UUPIPEOUT/wget-script.gz/' |\ 
   mail -s Wget Script de `date +%x` $EMAIL 


Esta lista que me envia es un shell script que se baja los paquetes con el
programa wget
Como en el trabajo no tengo maquina unix para jugar, utilizo el cygwin y
el wget para cygwin para bajarme los paquetes, luego me los grabo en un CD
regrabable y los copio al directorio /var/cache/apt/archive y luego
simplemente con un apt-get -m -u dist-upgrade se van actualizando...

Si tienes alguna duda o problema, dilo a ver si encontramos solución


China prefiere LINUX

2000-02-26 Thread Blu

China prefiere LINUX



2000-02-26 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
Alguien sabe donde se consiguen los drivers para impresoras HP del
Staroffice (deskjet 660C y deskjet 810C)
Y si alguien sabe como se usa el pconfig por que me cuelga la maquina
tal ves me falte una libreria o no se que puede ser.


Herramienta de configuración de sawmill

2000-02-26 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Tengo un sistema Debian slink, con XFree 3.3.3, October Gnome y Sawmill

Pues bien, cuando intento arrancar la herramienta de configuración de
sawmill, el sawmill-capplet se come toda la CPU disponible en lo que
aparentemente es un bucle sin fin (mirado con el strace). Además se queja
de que no encuentra el fichero o directorio gtk :?¿?¿?¿

La misma queja la muestra el sawmill-ui.

Alguien sabe qué es lo que ocurre? He usado los paquetes de sawmill para
slink a los que se apunta desde la homepage de sawmill.

Agradeceré cualquier ayuda. 


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: 2 particiones Swap?

2000-02-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:

 At 08:40 PM 2000-02-24 +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín wrote:
 Mi pregunta es: si al instalar Linux sólo te pide (creo) una partición
 para el Swap, ¿cómo se hace para poder tener el Swap en dos particiones y
 encima en distintos discos duros?
 Una vez que termines de instalar el sistema, creas la nueva partición swap,
 la creas (con mkswap) y la activas (a mano es swapon, si mal no recuerdo,
 pero si la metes en /etc/fstab, debería cargarla al inicio)
 Que sea más rápido... lo dudo mucho, al menos con un solo swap en otro disco
 que esté en otra controladora (es decir, que no compartan el cable) debe
 andar algo mejor. Lo de los dos swap... no sé, supongo que primero usa
 uno hasta que se acabe, y después usa el otro, así que la ventaja no sería

Supones mal los accesos terminan por realizarse de forma bastante 

Cuando un sistema está muy cargado la swap se convierte en un cuello de
botella y limita la eficiencia de todo el sistema. Si Linux no optimizara
el uso de la swap los de Windows tendrían poderosas razones para reirse
de nosotros. 

Un saludo


/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, SKaVeN wrote:

 Hell-o Roberto Meyer!
 El día Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 04:17:41PM CET
  Me da la impresion que hasta el infinito y mas alla viene
  de alguna serie de ciencia-ficcion o algo asi, que yo
  desconozco, perdon por la ignorancia.
 esa frase viene de la película Toy Story de donde tambien salen los
 nombres de las distintas distribuciones de Debian (Hamm, Slink, Potato,
 ). Ademas, creo que es un buen eslogan que resume la fuerza de Linux

Yo también aunque es muy largo.

En versión internacional reducida podría quedar así:

   Debian - oo  + ^ 

ooel infinito
+ más
^ allá

Creo que esta propuesta puede despertar posturas encontradas pero en un
eslogan eso suele ser una buena señal porque luego a fuerza de verlo no
choca tanto y queda original.  Si se le pregunta a alguien que diga el 
nombre de una mascota de campeonato de futbol o de unas olimipiadas 
probablemente dirá Cobi que no gustó a casi nadie al principio.

Bueno es una idea más y reconozco que queda raro pero podría funcionar.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-26 Thread Antonio Castro
Hay gente que me pregunta que cuando puede estar la 
Debian Potato.

Si no he entendido mal parece que hay problemas. 
Se comenta de eliminar 100 paquetes que presentan
problemas y entre ellos tenemos nada menos que:

Lo más sensato sería volver a retrasar la Potato no ?

Se que pido algo muy dificil pero si alguien puede 
orientarme sobre fechas lo agradecería.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-26 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Antonio Castro wrote:
 Hay gente que me pregunta que cuando puede estar la
 Debian Potato.
 Se que pido algo muy dificil pero si alguien puede
 orientarme sobre fechas lo agradecería.
Según las últimas Debian weekly news 
se ha intimado a todos los desarrolladores para que respondan
sobre los Release critical bugs(RCB) antes del 28 de febrero,
so pena de eliminar el paquete con el bug de potato.
Parece ser que ha dado algún resultado, el número de RCB
ha bajado de ~300 a ~200 en la última semana.
O también:

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Linux por satelit

2000-02-26 Thread Joan Cirer


Si contratais un servicio de Internet a través de satelite, teneis que
tener en cuenta que la comunicación entre vosotros y el ISP se hace a
traves de linea telefonica como siempre, el retorno no es a traves del
satelite, por lo que habriais de contactar con un numero de telefono en
USA ni hay nodo de acceso local, y no creo que salga muy economico...


 On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Blu wrote:

 Nestor A. Diaz wrote:
  Yo estoy en Colombia, me consigo los equipos para conectarme a un satelite, 
  no cierto? y  me 
  Pero me surge la idea : yo podria entonces afiliarme a un servicio de estos 
  por decir algo en Estados Unidos, pagar mi afiliacion y la mensualidad con 
  tarjeta de credito y gozar de este servicio en mi pais?
 Hola Nestor,
 Yo, que vivo en Chile, estaba pensando exactamente lo mismo, y creo que
 tecnicamente es posible. Solo necesitamos que determinado satelite sea
 visible desde nuestras coordenadas. Para ti sera mas factible que para
 mi que estoy mucho mas al sur. Lo otro es saber la ubicacion exacta del
 satelite y si transmite la su se~al codificada (en cuyo caso seria
 necesario un decodificador, supongo que proporcionado por la misma
 compa~ia que prestaria el servicio), y alguien que tenga idea de como
 orientar la antena y los demas detalles tecnicos.
 En fin, me voy a poner a investigar a ver si encuentro algo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Para cuando la Potato

2000-02-26 Thread Jordi
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 10:37:07AM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Hay gente que me pregunta que cuando puede estar la 
 Debian Potato.
 Si no he entendido mal parece que hay problemas. 
 Se comenta de eliminar 100 paquetes que presentan
 problemas y entre ellos tenemos nada menos que:
 Lo m?s sensato ser?a volver a retrasar la Potato no ?

Bueno, que estos paquetes tengan bugs no quiere decir que no los vayan a

El tema de los bug horizons lo puso en marcha Richard Braakman para
deshacerse automáticamente de los paquetes mal mantenidos (si un
desarrollador no responde a un bug critico en un tiempo prudente, está mal
mantenido, *creo*). Si se cae de potato tu paquete favorito... hey, mantenlo
tu, y estará al día :)

 Se que pido algo muy dificil pero si alguien puede 
 orientarme sobre fechas lo agradecer?a.

Si todo va como esta previsto (sólo 2 test cycles, la primera quincena de
marzo en la calle). Personalmente yo haría un tercer test cycle para tener
claras bastantes cosas raras que le pasa a algunas personas. Si hubiese un
3ro, serían 2 semanas más de freeze.


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Error de compilacion kernel 2.0.36

2000-02-26 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Roberto Meyer!

El día Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 06:26:45PM CET

 Es cierto que este compilador no lo tengo, slink instala
 'nas', pregunta: es el problema la falta de 'as86'?  Si asi
 fuera... creE un link 'as86' a 'nas' y no reconocio la
 primera opcion... = conseguir as86?  xq no viene con slink
 si el mismisimo kernel lo necesita?

si no me equivoco ese programa debe estar dentro del paquete bin86  ;)


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
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 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

Reset al instalar en portátil ¿?¿?

2000-02-26 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos.

Al intentar instalar desde CD (Citius Debian 2.1), desde disquete con
resc1440.bin, resc1440-safe.bin, resc1440tecra.bin o resc1440tecra-safe.bin
ocurre siempre lo mismo: la máquina no termina de cargar el núcleo y se
resetea, ¿alguien me puede decir qué es lo que pasa?. Yo creía que era cosa
de bzImage versus zImage y el famoso a20 pero ya que me ocurre con los 
'boot-floppies' tecra la cosa no debe ir por ahí.

Muchas gracias y saludos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Hay en linux un programa parecido al autocad?

2000-02-26 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 04:00:19PM +, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Hola Han Solo:
  Sip. Yo creo que el Qcad tiene bastante
 futuro, aunque estma muy muy verde.
  Por otro lado, el Grass parece la leche (no
 lo he probado).
 No veo paquete del Grass en potato, ni en
 woody. Creia haberlo visto. ¿Lo han
 quitado? ¿Nunca estuvo y tengo alucinaciones?

Que yo sepa no ha estado.. estoy en tramites de hacer el paquete yo
mismo aunque aún no lo tengo preparado. Me parece un programa muy
intersante... el problema.. son 20Mbs de programa :)

 De todos modos, el Grass es un GIS (Sistema de
 Informacion Geografica) Se suelen
 apoyar en algun programa de CAD para la parte
 de visualizacion pero no es
 propiamente un programa de CAD. Es decir, esta
 orientado a la gestion y el manejo
 de informacion geografica. Utilizarlo para
 diseñar en general... no se ... igual
 se podria aprovechar.

Pues yo creo que no, un GIS es distinto a un programa CAD... que yo
sepa al menos


Re: Reset al instalar en portátil ¿?¿?

2000-02-26 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, feb 26, 2000 at 07:13:08 +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Hola a todos.

Hola compañero %-PP ¿he sido rápido eh? X'D

Bueno, pues ya lo he resuelto. Era un error en los boot-floppies de la
Citius. Me he bajado el resc1440.bin de Slink2.1r4 y se acabó el problema.

Gracias de todos modos.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

ppp0 y eth0 se dan de leches?

2000-02-26 Thread Daniel

Acabo de adquirir una tarjeta ethernet y ya la tengo configurada y chutando
para la red local que tengo en casa, el problema es que en uno de los
equipos tengo un modem, el caso es que desde que la he puesto cuando intento
conectar me desconecta en cuanto me va a asignar la ip el ISP, si la quito,
ya no me pasa. Supongo que es porque no tengo bien configurado todo para que
cuando haga llamada interprete correctamente que debe usar ppp0 para ciertas
direcciones y eth0 para las locales.

la pregunta es, ¿cómo lo hago? o, ¿dónde encuentro la info que necesito?

Un saludo


Re: Hay en linux un programa parecido al autocad?

2000-02-26 Thread Han Solo
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 04:00:19PM +, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Hola Han Solo:
 No veo paquete del Grass en potato, ni en
 woody. Creia haberlo visto. ¿Lo han
 quitado? ¿Nunca estuvo y tengo alucinaciones?

A mi no me suena haberlo visto nunca en ninguna distribución, y seguro que
es GPL.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature

sobre la conesion( modem okupao )

2000-02-26 Thread webmaster

pos intento conestar con el 
linux y me dice ke el modem ta okupao. He provado de todo entre pppd, ppp0, 
kppp... fajo mierdas y creo ke el puerto com1 el ttyS0 deve estar lockado i en 
/var/lock no ta el file lck..ttyS0 alguien sabe ke koo pasa o me pueden 
decir como deslockeo el puerto o komo koo puedo hacer pa 


Re: WindowMaker menus are all gone!

2000-02-26 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
Le 2000-02-25 12:54:25 -0500, Jonathan Markevich écrivait :
 I installed potato's windowmaker last night, and it worked fine until I
 stepped through the configuration boxes.  When it got to the menu one, it
 complained that all of the applications were wrong, or something like
 that... so it promptly deleted the menus.
 I have purged and reinstalled it a few times and can't get the menus back! 
 How do I do so???  Thanks.

If I remember well, replace the content of your
~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu file by :


Hope it helps.

Jean-Philippe Guérard

Re: Support to UNIX Termcap system.

2000-02-26 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
I would like know if the version Debian 2.1 include support for the common
UNIX Termcap system.

Debian uses the even more common Unix terminfo system.

The terminfo libraries (included in the ncurses library) have a
termcap compatibility mode built in for programs that want to use
the termcap interface.

How can I provide this support?

You don't have to provide it. Debian provides it.

dhbgr zr ba guvf bar - biretnna bc Rkpunatr vf rra jvwf orfyhvg -- ZnepbU.
The From: and Reply-To: addresses are internal news2mail gateway addresses.
Reply to the list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg)

Re: fstab vs. mtab

2000-02-26 Thread John Pearson
On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 03:19:47PM -0800, Alex McCool wrote
 Could someone explain the diff between fstab and mtab?

In a nutshell:
  fstab is created and maintained by the superuser, and 
  describes/provides defaults for filesystems to be mounted.

  mtab is created and maintained by the system, and describes
  filesystems which are currently mounted.

Fstab usually includes all your regular partitions that are
mounted automatically, plus (on Linux) entries for /proc, swap
and /dev/ptys.  It can also contain any other mounts that may
be useful (/cdrom, /fd0) with the noauto option (so that they
won'tbe mounted automatically), so that you can say, e.g.,
 # mount /cdrom
to pick up the mount options from /etc/fstab, instead of
 # mount -t iso9660 -o ro,nodev,nosuid /dev/hdb /cdrom

You should never edit /etc/mtab yourself.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: fstab vs. mtab

2000-02-26 Thread Alex McCool
Thanks for the quick info on fstab and mtab

Eterm -C

2000-02-26 Thread Parrish M Myers
Hi all,

Does anyone know how to use Eterm as a console window for grabbing
messages from /dev/console.  I know I am suppose to use the -C option
when starting Eterm... but it never works!
BTW, I am using enlightenment w/ gnome-session (if this helps?)


Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: ssh keys keep changing.

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

  On one machine, I get this message everytime I connect to it.  I have 
  tried to reinstall ssh via apt-get remove/install ssh,
  and I still get the error message everytime.
 Reinstalling ssh won't solve the problem as some simple reading would
 make clear.  See below.

actually if you are using potato then apt-get'ing ssh will get you openssh
not the older version which is now ssh-nonfree.

 Try following the directions given here.  Take a look at your
 ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and make sure the key for mrfan listed in the
 file matches the key on mrfan.

i had this exact same problem when i tried upgrading to openssh a week
ago.  i thought at first that it was just that openssh must store the keys
in a different format then the old ssh program so i blew away my known_hosts
file... but no.  after i'd deleted the known_hosts file i could connect to
any given host once, but after that i would get the above error ... no
matter what i tried.  

since i use ssh a lot for work i quickly reverted back to ssh-nonfree.


Re: Eterm -C

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

 Does anyone know how to use Eterm as a console window for grabbing
 messages from /dev/console.  I know I am suppose to use the -C option
 when starting Eterm... but it never works! BTW, I am using enlightenment
 w/ gnome-session (if this helps?)

this is the command i used to run from my ~/.xinitrc for windowmaker (i
don't use eterm anymore, now i use wterm though cause i can get rid of the 
scroll bars).

(sleep 10; Eterm -O -W 
-F-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal-*-*-80-*-*-c-*-iso646.1991-irv -M 
/dev/null -S black -f yellow --unfocused-scrollbar-color black -L 512 -C -x -g 

the sleep was there because i use transparent terms and if the eterm started
up before the background image was set it wouldn't work right.  the font
stuff can all be removed if you just want the standard font but that was the
nicest looking small font i could find.


installation prob

2000-02-26 Thread sheri cregger
I've been trying to install Debian on a 486 laptop
with floppies copied from the Debian site onto my
desktop computer(I have no cdrom drive on the laptop).

Installing the base system went really well, but when
I try to use dselect to add more packages, I run into
trouble. Dselect prompts for the packages file from
the main folder at the Debian site, but that file is
too big to fit on a floppy (I think it's 1.6 megs).

I've tried the packages.gz file and that doesn't work.
I've also tried decompressing the packages.gz file on
the laptop hard drive and getting dselect to read it
from there, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.

I know I must be missing a really obvious solution,
but I'm stumped. I've read every applicable FAQ and
saw no reference to this problem, so maybe you guys
can help. My question is: how can I install more
packages from the floppy drive?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Rethinking system set-up, would like some feedback

2000-02-26 Thread Lee Elliott
Hello Olaf,

On 25-Feb-00, you wrote:

OM Dear all,
OM Now that I've got two brand new external SCSI drives to play with I
OM am rethinking my system set-up. If you have got some advice, I'd
OM love to hear it. Here is the scoop.
OM The system in question is an IBM PC 300PL with an internal 8.3GB IDE
OM drive and 2 external SCSI drives (20GB and 27GB).  It also has an MO
OM drive and CDRW connected to it.

General rules:  Put the swap, s/w and data on different spindles.  Put
database journals/logs on different spindles to the databases. 
Consider mirroring on different spindles for s/w  and 'flat' data
partitions.  Splitting swap, s/w and data across different spindles
will give a performance benefit.  Splitting databases and journals
across different spindles gives recovery.  Mirroring across different
spindles gives resilience, but if done in s/w results in a performance

Think about what data you are dealing with and try to balance/reconcile
the above, then leave yourself enough scratch space so that you can
reorganise it all again in the light of experience.

Set up at least two installations of each version of Linux that you run
i.e. stable  unstable (three is better - total six - your system should
never be down and you can be right up to date ;-/ ;-)) - you can update
one and test it, and if there are problems, you can boot a
back-up/fall-back system.

If you have frequently used CDs, put them on HD, in 'scratch' space.

Depending on your data, and MO capacity, archive to these devices.  The
RW capability of CDRW can be a 'double edged blade' - I wouldn't want
to RW it too many times, but it's ok for getting it wrong a few times.

Consider putting the SCSI HDs on separate controllers - performance+,
Resilience+- not h/w mirroring though :-(.

If I were running journalised databases, I would put duplicate Linux 
s/w partitions on each of the SCSI HDs with corresponding swap
partitions on the 'other/opposite' HD.  I would put db journals/logs/db
backups on the internal HD.  I wouldn't mirror the system, s/w  db
partitions but would update the second db from the journal/log from the
first (dirty fingers bit).  If I were setting up a workstation I would
put the swap and backups on the internal HD and mirror everything else
- it would be worth getting a second controller - still not h/w
mirroring though :-(.

And then, in the light of experience, I'd probably 'revise' it ;-)

Summary: multi-spindle disk systems can give benefits in:
1.  Performance.
2.  Recovery (in the event of h/w, s/w  user errors)
3.  Resilience (in the event of h/w failure)

Unless you have 50GB+ of data, you should be able to archive at least
two out of three of these.



...or something.

Video support for Tecra 8100 (S3 Savage MX)??

2000-02-26 Thread Ian Setford
I know these laptops are new but has anyone had any luck installing
Debian on it? As the subject suggests, I suspect problems with the video



p.s. Please include me on the reply as this account isn't on the mailing

Upgrading my kernel

2000-02-26 Thread Cameron Matheson
Hey everyone,

I found out that if I upgrade my kernel to 2.1 (right now I'm using
Debian Slink with the 2.0.36 kernel) I can use my HP 3100c scanner.  Is
it safe/possible to upgrade my kernel, and if I can, would I get the
kernel source off the debian website or what?

Cameron Matheson

Re: Problelm with mounting of partitions

2000-02-26 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 08:44:14PM +0100, Thomas Delaet wrote:
 Therefore I had to add the line /dev/hdc2 /var ext2 rw 0 0 in my
 /etc/mtab file again. Otherwise this operation won't have any effect on
 the /var filesystem

Don't edit /etc/mtab. Your edits for mount points should only be in
/etc/fstab. It should probably look like:

/dev/hdc2   /varext2defaults0 2

You may want to change the options from defaults...

  $ mount -t ext2 /dev/hdc2 /var  # mount /dev/hdc2 on /var
 This worked ;-)
  $ ls /var # list the contents of var
 I can list the contents of my filesytem.
  $ mount   # another way to get a list of what's mounted
 The /var partition isn't in the list of mounted partitions

Well, that is a problem. If mount doesn't know it's mounted, how can it
umount -a at system shutdown? (Rhetorical question)

So, you do have an empty directory on the root partition called 'var'?
And, you have an entry to mount it in /etc/fstab?

If both of those are the case, then I'm at a loss why when you mount it,
it doesn't show up in /etc/mtab. Anyone?

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Unable to load lp module

2000-02-26 Thread fairfax

I just wiped out my system and reloaded with Potato and a 2.2.14 kernel.  When 
I tried configuring modules, I got this error on the lp module:

/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: invalid parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed

Installation failed.

When I try insmod lp.o, I get this:

lp.o: unresolved symbol parport_enumerate_Rd3cb4efd
lp.o: unresolved symbol parport_claim_or_block_R21556569
lp.o: unresolved symbol parport_release_R139844a3
lp.o: unresolved symbol parport_unregister_device_R60d23b61
lp.o: unresolved symbol parport_register_device_Rb152ec85

I have none of the parport modules loaded.

lp was working fine before I did the switch.  What is causing this error?

Steve Martin

ppp: error in VJ decompression

2000-02-26 Thread fairfax
I have a potato system, with a 2.2.14 kernel.

I keep getting a message in syslog saying ppp: error in VJ decompression.  As 
far as I can tell, VJ decompression is handled by a utility in the PPP package. 
 Is there any way I can debug this?  Are there any bugs in PPP that might cause 

Something is slowing my ppp sessions down to a crawl, I'm wondering if this 
might be the cause?

When I log on with my Windows 95 laptop, I have no problems downloading from 
the same sites.  So I believe it is something in the Potato setup of PPP, but I 
haven't been able to determine what.

Steve Martin

Mutt, mailing lists, and senders

2000-02-26 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

I've got a nagging little problem with Mutt, and I was wondering if
anyone had a way around it.

The `lists' option in the .muttrc file is very handy with mailing lists,
mainly because it lets you use `L' to reply to the list. It also makes
the `from' field in the message list show the name of the mailing list.
What I want is to be able to use the L key to reply, but not have the
name of the mailing list (leaving the name of the actually sender) in
the message list.

I hope that makes sense. Anyone have any clue as to how to do this?


Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

Re: ppp: error in VJ decompression

2000-02-26 Thread John Hasler
Steve Martin writes:
 I keep getting a message in syslog saying ppp: error in VJ decompression.

Try adding the pppd option 'novj' to turn off VJ compression.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Can't click links in Netscape??

2000-02-26 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Thanks to all who replied.

I always used to start X using wdm, but the last time I started X I used
'startx'.  I just quit X now, and restarted wdm, and netscape behaved

I think it may have been some bad /etc/X11/Xsession settings.  I had changed
/etc/X11/wdm/Xsession to allow netscape to make use of the wheel button on my
mouse (for line scrolling, Alt+wheel allows me to scroll pages now, all very
cool).  It would be nice to get netscape to behave when using startx, but it
isn't a high priority


On 24-Feb-2000 Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 Netscape seems to exit and start cleanly...
 Could it be that the mapping for the mouse buttons are messed up?  Do you
 where those settings are stored?
 On 24-Feb-2000 aphro wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 wim Nope, restarting Netscape doesn't resolve the issue, and this happens
 wim link on every site I go to...
 when you exit netscape make sure there is no netscape process still
 sitting there, many times netscape may exit(or the user quits it) and the
 netscape process is still running.
 if it is, kill it (try -1 then -12 then -9 or just do -9 if you like)
 Wim Kerkhoff  


Wim Kerkhoff  

Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
-- motto of the Christopher Society

Re: installation prob

2000-02-26 Thread Marshal Wong
try decompressing the file on to your hard disk and then using the
command dpkg --merge-avail wherever you uncompressed the

I couldn't get dselect to work either, but this is a work around.
Apperently dpkg can't read compressed files.


 sheri == sheri cregger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been trying to install Debian on a 486 laptop with floppies
 copied from the Debian site onto my desktop computer(I have no
 cdrom drive on the laptop).

 Installing the base system went really well, but when I try to
 use dselect to add more packages, I run into trouble. Dselect
 prompts for the packages file from the main folder at the Debian
 site, but that file is too big to fit on a floppy (I think it's
 1.6 megs).

 I've tried the packages.gz file and that doesn't work.  I've
 also tried decompressing the packages.gz file on the laptop hard
 drive and getting dselect to read it from there, but I couldn't
 figure out how to do it.

 I know I must be missing a really obvious solution, but I'm
 stumped. I've read every applicable FAQ and saw no reference to
 this problem, so maybe you guys can help. My question is: how
 can I install more packages from the floppy drive?

 Thanks, Sheri __
 Do You Yahoo!?  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo!

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problems getting 100bTx with 3c59x drivers and 3c905B-Tx card

2000-02-26 Thread aphro
i strongly suggest upgrading the driver, i run 1.0.0e on all my
systems. the older one has some problems on the newer cards.


On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Patrick Hamel wrote:

phamel Hi,
phamel I recently bought a new 10/100Mb hub and I have problem running my
phamel 3c905B-Tx to 100bTx.
phamel What happens is this:
phamel [WinNT, Win98]
phamel - All fine, link comes up at 100/full as per EEPROM autoselection.
phamel [Linux (Debian potato (Dec 99) with 2.2.13 kernel)]
phamel During boot and before modules are loaded, link shows up at 100/full
phamel Module 3c59x is loaded, link goes down (fraction of second)
phamel Media type is overided (i have options 3c59x options=12 in my
phamel /etc/modules.conf)
phamel Link comes back up at 10btx/half
phamel when trying this with debug=6 in the options, it says something about
phamel not finding a link beat at 100b-Tx / full, then 100b-Tx / half
phamel as per my recollection of IEEE auto neg it is normal to go down to 10bTx
phamel /Half as it is the next step in auto neg.
phamel 3c59x is version 0.99H
phamel Both machines use 3c905B-Tx card, one is from Q2 1998 the other is on an
phamel SMP machine and was bought in Q4 1999.
phamel Same problem on both PC.
phamel I also tried the 3com 3c90x.c driver (1.0.0) the result is even worse
phamel (link goes down and never comes back up).
phamel I will be playing with the 3c59x Version 0.99L sometime tonight.
phamel Anyone got this solve before???
phamel Thanks
phamel Patrick H.
phamel -- 
phamel Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: Upgrading my kernel

2000-02-26 Thread Marshal Wong
You can download the 2.2 kernel-image, or you can download the
kernel-source.  I suggest using kernel-package to make kernel
packages if you want to roll your own.  Nice and simple, and you can
uninstall, etc...

Good Luck.

 Cameron == Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hey everyone, I found out that if I upgrade my kernel to 2.1
 (right now I'm using Debian Slink with the 2.0.36 kernel) I can
 use my HP 3100c scanner.  Is it safe/possible to upgrade my
 kernel, and if I can, would I get the kernel source off the
 debian website or what?

 Thanks, Cameron Matheson

 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

My Server Time gains too fast.

2000-02-26 Thread cZ

My server time seems to gain about 9 hours per a week.
Time Locale (JST) is correct,I confirmed.
Date command execution is below.
# date
Sun Feb 27 00:25:36 JST 2000

Are there persons who had a same experience?

-- Katsumi

tif/jpg conversion to postscript

2000-02-26 Thread Hamish Moffatt

I have a whole lot of old magazine articles in a mix of TIF and JPG format
-- one file per page. The provided viewer software for this is an awful
Windows program, so I want to convert them to PDF.

I'm using imagemagick; given the whole set of TIF and JPG files in
order on the command line, it converts the whole lot to one postscript
file just fine.. [*] The only problem is that it reads the entire set
of tif/jpg files into memory and it's using roughly 248Mb of RAM
for 30 pages. Unfortunately I only have 128Mb of RAM, so it spends
the whole time swapping! It's taking roughly 13 minutes per set
as a result; the generated postscript files are about 191Mb.

[*] I convert the PS files to PDF with ghostscript's ps2pdf; imagemagick
can convert direct to PDF but the resulting files are larger.

Anyone know a better way? I've tried converting page by page and
then merging them using either psmerge (which generates no output
except postscript headers), and another run of convert (which works
but ruins the quality in the process -- don't know why).

tiff2ps does a quicker job of converting the TIFF files, but only does
one at a time and doesn't do JPG. Does anyone know a quicker way of
doing this conversion? How about how to make 'convert' merge postscript
files without ruining the quality? Unfortunately it's still likely
to read the whole lot into RAM (ie swap).

Perhaps I should use the crap Windows software along with Acrobat
PDF Writer on Windows to do it..

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

mutt's index and From: =?iso-... headers (was: My Server Time gains too fast.)

2000-02-26 Thread Peter Palfrader

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, ^°cZü wrote:
hehe ^^^

mutt's index gets totally screwed up when scrolling over this message
with a From: like this:

From: =?iso-8859-1?B?XrAiY41aIvw=?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did this happen to others too or did I screw up while configuring mutt?

Peter Palfrader

PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Mark!

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 Hi all,
 I changed my umask for root to 077. I'm not certain if that was
I can have advantages. If you know what you're doing I see no problem.

 I'm also not certain if it's the cause of my headache with my
 attempt to install StarOffice.
 I do a net installation and am able to install as root, but I can't
 install as a normal user. It turns out that the permissions on the
 SO directories are whacked. I can't get into most of them as a
 normal user.

Perhaps you don't know about chmod. it allows you to change file
permissions. have a look at the manpage and/or the info pages.

You might want to try to fix the permissions of you SOffice install:

in /usr/local as root assuming the StarOffice net stuff is located there:

chmod -R go+r SOffice
find SOffice -perm -100 -exec chmod go+x {} \;

Peter Palfrader

PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 01:01:53AM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all,
 I changed my umask for root to 077. I'm not certain if that was
 wise. I'm also not certain if it's the cause of my headache with my
 attempt to install StarOffice.

I once changed root's umask to 077 (or maybe it was 027) and found it
to be far more trouble then it was worth.  this was before i had much
experience with linux and as I became more experienced this umask
became more annoying... 

when you look at a standard unix[y] system over 95% of all
files/directories is world readable/executable.  there really is not
all that much that needs to be read protected so setting root's umask
to 077 or similar will result in alot more use of chmod then a 022
umask will.  also many people who suggest a 077 umask for root also
suggest silly things like changing permissions on programs like lilo
or adduser to 700, even though they have no setuid bits set. (any user
can easily download binaries or source of these programs to regain
access but it does them no more good then running the copies in
/usr/sbin would as they don't have the underlying permissions those
programs need to function)

I am sure there are some cases where different umask's for root may be
useful but i have found that 022 is most convenient.  I just make sure
i chmod files before adding sensitive information to them. for example
lilo.conf chmod 600 before adding a password= line to it.

 I do a net installation and am able to install as root, but I can't
 install as a normal user. It turns out that the permissions on the
 SO directories are whacked. I can't get into most of them as a
 normal user.

im not much familier with SO... one thing to consider if it was
distributed as a tarball you should use the -p switch to tar at all
times, this ensures that the embedded permissions are used instead of
just masking against your current umask. (in some cases of bogus tar
archives this is actually worse but not usually...)

 Now I'm not sure if the problem is with the umask for root, or if
 it's because I've left the /usr/local partition alone during my
 flings with of flavors of Linux. The /usr/local and all subdirs
 seemed to be owned by root.staff. I chown -R'd them to root.root,
 and attempted to reinstall SO, but no luck.

nah i always get rid that that root.staff thing too along with the
group writability. it should not cause any problems. (that's a
debianism there never seen that one other linux dists)

 Anyway, all this ranting brings me to the point of this post: what's
 the default umask for the root account?

default on most systems ive seen is 022, IMO as long as it does not
have any more then 1 zero its safe. but 022 is most convenient for
everyone all around generally.

Ethan Benson

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 01:20:32PM +0100, Peter Palfrader wrote:
 Perhaps you don't know about chmod. it allows you to change file
 permissions. have a look at the manpage and/or the info pages.
 You might want to try to fix the permissions of you SOffice install:
 in /usr/local as root assuming the StarOffice net stuff is located there:
 chmod -R go+r SOffice
 find SOffice -perm -100 -exec chmod go+x {} \;

or you could use chmod -R go+rX SOffice and dispense with the annoying
find command ;-)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Ethan!

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

  chmod -R go+r SOffice
  find SOffice -perm -100 -exec chmod go+x {} \;
 or you could use chmod -R go+rX SOffice and dispense with the annoying
 find command ;-)

And I was so proud of my find ;)
Tnx, I did not know this one.

Peter Palfrader
PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: My Server Time gains too fast.

2000-02-26 Thread Michael Zielinski
If you can rule out software causing the time change, you could have a
bad crystal oscillator, which keeps track of time.  This is a chip on
your motherboard and comes in various shapes and sizes.  More than
likely a motherboard replacement would be called for unless you can get
the manufacturer to change the chip, but that's doubtful.  Otherwise
Nate's suggestion should keep you pretty close to being on time.

--- aphro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if its a server, its probably best to keep it synched with NTP.   my
 servers are never off by more then 0.05 seconds or so .. see the
 galactica:/users/admin/aphro# /etc/init.d/xntp3 stop ; ntpdate ; /etc/init.d/xntp3 start
 26 Feb 01:55:48 ntpdate[19453]: adjust time server offset
 0.003506 sec
 Starting /usr/sbin/xntpd...
 off my 0.003 seconds..
 On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, [iso-8859-1] ^°cZü wrote:
 ashida Hi,All
 ashida My server time seems to gain about 9 hours per a week.
 ashida Time Locale (JST) is correct,I confirmed.
 ashida Date command execution is below.
 ashida # date
 ashida Sun Feb 27 00:25:36 JST 2000
 ashida Are there persons who had a same experience?
 ashida -- Katsumi

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Varga

  One important point about cgiwrap - the current debian package puts the
  user cgis in ~user/public_html/cgi-bin instead of ~user/cgi-bin. I've
  filed a bug about it.  It's bad security for cgis and their associated
  datafiles to be web-readable.  Yes, I know security through obscurity
  isn't really security, but we should at least make the black hats work a
  little to get at the cgi source.
And how can you set up /home/user/cgi-bin to be web-executable if you
cannot describe it with a web url?

And another thing I have been running circles around is:

-  how can I protect data files from being read from the filesystem,
which should be readable from the web, but only after authentication?
Since they should be http-served, they should be world-readable... Then
how can I prevent anyone from reading them on the webserver system itself?

Robert Varga


putting ipchains rules in /etc/diald/ip-up ?

2000-02-26 Thread Pollywog
The latest netbase messed up my system so that I cannot do anything on the net
until I do a '/etc/ipchains.rules stop' followed by '/etc/ipchains.rules start'

I removed just the IP Masq rules and put them in /etc/diald/ip-up in order to
fix this but that did not work, so what I did then was not start the rules
when the machine reboots.  I put '/etc/init.d/ipchains.rules start' 
in my /etc/diald/ip-up  and things seem to work now.

Was that a good fix or a bad one?  I can post my ipchains rules but I did not
want to make for a very long post to the entire list.



broken libraries?

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Waldner


Running a (almost) potato system, I just noticed that there is a problem with 

/usr/sbin/in.qpopper: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/sbin/in.qpopper: 
undefined symbol: allow_severity

Also some other packages show this error. Anyone on the list who could point me 
in the right direction to fix this error?

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Reconfiguring dpkg's options

2000-02-26 Thread Christian Rishøj

Hi. When I installed Debian/Potato I was asked how critical configuration
options had to be before thay were presented to me (low/medium/high). Now I
would like to change my choice. How can I do this?

Also, how can I change the look of package configuration? I would like to
use the menu interface enstead of the text interface.


can't activate swap

2000-02-26 Thread FreeMan

I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on an old Compaq-computer, but I 
can't even activate the swap partition. I always get the error 
message can't activate swap - device or ressource busy.
What am I doing wrong or is it probably a problem with the chipset?
(I'm using a Compaq ProLinea 3/25zs with a WDC-chipset, i386/25 
Processor and 4MB RAM - I tried various harddisks)

Marco Goebel

o Goebel

Re: Mutt, mailing lists, and senders

2000-02-26 Thread David J. Kanter
Do you just want the sender to get the message? If so, then just hit r.
Otherwise I guess you could re-bind L to something else.

On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 01:40:48PM +1100, Damon Muller wrote:
 What I want is to be able to use the L key to reply, but not have the
 name of the mailing list (leaving the name of the actually sender) in
 the message list.
---end quoted text---

David J. Kanter

Re: Reconfiguring dpkg's options

2000-02-26 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 07:02:45PM +0100, Christian Rishøj wrote:
 Hi. When I installed Debian/Potato I was asked how critical configuration
 options had to be before thay were presented to me (low/medium/high). Now I
 would like to change my choice. How can I do this?
 Also, how can I change the look of package configuration? I would like to
 use the menu interface enstead of the text interface.

$ dpkg-reconfigure debconf

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Running serial prog under DOSEMU as normal user

2000-02-26 Thread Curt Daugaard
How can I access serial ports under DOSEMU?  Even with c_all
permissions in /etc/dosemu/users I still can't dial out.  Running
as root, all is fine.

I've read the docs, Debian and upstream, and it seems like I
should be able to run.  Can anyone clue me in?


Re: Reconfiguring dpkg's options

2000-02-26 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Christian!

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Christian Rishøj wrote:

 Hi. When I installed Debian/Potato I was asked how critical configuration
 options had to be before thay were presented to me (low/medium/high). Now I
 would like to change my choice. How can I do this?
 Also, how can I change the look of package configuration? I would like to
 use the menu interface enstead of the text interface.


dpkg-reconfigure debconf

it will ask you all the questions you want :)

Peter Palfrader

PGP/GPG encrypted messages prefered. See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
  Yes means No and No means Yes. Delete all files [Y]?

Description: PGP signature

Re: umask for root

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
Thanks guys! I figured it was umask that was giving me the problems.
I'm taking a UNIX course (but it's being taught on a Linux system)
and the book discussed umask. I never knew what umask was so I
thought that it would make my system more secure. It did :)

Thanks for the more valuable tip about chmod. I was wondering how I
might recursively change the permissions a certain way and you guys
had the answer.

Can you believe that I'm going through all this trouble cuz I need
to view a Powerpoint slide?

Thanks again. I promiss to read the man page on chmod thouroughly
(printing it out as I write this).
 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread Chirag
Dear debian users

I would like to draw your attention to certain ugly an unlinuxy comment
on the web site of a
 Linux distribution about other distribution(s).

Quoting from

Improved best-of-class package selection, with each Linux application
carefully chosen to be more useful and refined than the everything but the
kitchen sink products from some Linux packagers


This is an obvious reference to debian if not for others, which is the
largest distribution and include
most freely available packages.  I strongly feel that this kind of comments
is very bad for Linux and
should be ripped in the bud itself and what is justfication for this when
the company seems to benefitting
from the works of millions of developers who test and 'robust'fy
applications that may have been called
toilet bowl applications in the near past.

Those Linux distributions should find a dramatic change of policy in
marketing rather than continuing
the Microsoft tradition, like what Linus D. Torvalds has done to the Open
Source movement.

Here customer is not King but an intimate friend. You would not try to
impress a friend by
accomplishments that are actually someone else's!

By the way, I would like you persuade fellow debian users/develepors who has
some connection with
India to actively promote the distribution in this country.

Thanking you

 A red hat user

Re: Reconfiguring dpkg´s options

2000-02-26 Thread Christian Rishøj


 dpkg-reconfigure debconf
 it will ask you all the questions you want :)

I tried that, and it just returns my prompt. If this is because the
configuration options for debconf is not critical enough for me to see them
- this is quite a funny situation.

There must be some way to override this.

Can anyone clue me in?


Re: Reconfiguring dpkg´s options

2000-02-26 Thread Christian Rishøj

Sorry folks! 

I tried man dpkg-reconfigure and found that dpkg-reconfigure 
--priority=medium debconf does the trick.


Christian Rishøj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  dpkg-reconfigure debconf
  it will ask you all the questions you want :)
 I tried that, and it just returns my prompt. If this is because the
 configuration options for debconf is not critical enough for me to see
 - this is quite a funny situation.
 There must be some way to override this.
 Can anyone clue me in?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Reconfiguring dpkg´s options

2000-02-26 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 07:57:54PM +0100, Christian Rishøj wrote:
  dpkg-reconfigure debconf
  it will ask you all the questions you want :)
 I tried that, and it just returns my prompt. If this is because the
 configuration options for debconf is not critical enough for me to see them
 - this is quite a funny situation.
 There must be some way to override this.
 Can anyone clue me in?

`man dpkg-reconfigure' shows:

   -pvalue, --priority=value
  Set the lowest priority of questions you are inter-
  ested  in.  Valid  priorities  are  currently  low,
  medium,  high,  and  critical. The default priority
  can be permanently changed by:

   dpkg-reconfigure --priority=medium debconf

  Any questions with a priority  below  the  selected
  priority  will be ignored and their default answers
  will be used.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Varga

On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Chirag wrote:

 Dear debian users
 I would like to draw your attention to certain ugly an unlinuxy comment
 on the web site of a
  Linux distribution about other distribution(s).
 Quoting from
 Improved best-of-class package selection, with each Linux application
 carefully chosen to be more useful and refined than the everything but the
 kitchen sink products from some Linux packagers
 This is an obvious reference to debian if not for others, which is the
 largest distribution and include
 most freely available packages.  I strongly feel that this kind of comments
 is very bad for Linux and
 should be ripped in the bud itself and what is justfication for this when
 the company seems to benefitting
 from the works of millions of developers who test and 'robust'fy
 applications that may have been called
 toilet bowl applications in the near past.

I may be unaware of some implications that you know of, but I don't feel
that it would refer on debian.

I think rather it refers on the individuals doing the packaging. And I
don't think that debian has so bad reputation concerning the quality of
packaging the softwares...

Redhat is a totally different quality however (kitchen sink quality does
apply for redhat).

Robert Varga

RE: Potato and /etc/apt/sources.list

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Varga

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Ross Boylan wrote:

 Replace unstable with potato.  If you prefer, I think frozen will
 work, but using potato is likely to produce fewer unpleasant surprises as
 things evolve.

For one such surprise, I think you should remember that frozen will go
away after the release... There will be only stable and unstable for a

Robert Varga

Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread Ben Collins
 Redhat is a totally different quality however (kitchen sink quality does
 apply for redhat).

The phrase kitchen sink does not apply to quality. It applies to the
amount of software. Debian does include everything _and_ then kitchen sink

Some people can argue this is bad, others (mostly Debian folks :) can
argue it is a good thing. I really don't think we should bother with
things like this. They are concerned about marketing, we aren't. Our users
are our best marketers, not quotes and phrases we put on a website.


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Boot up graphics screen corruption

2000-02-26 Thread Phillip Deackes
I am trying out Storm Linux, which is basically Debian Slink. I have
upgraded to Potato and all is running well, apart from a screen
corruption problem.

Storm has a graphical boot up which uses the frame-buffer options
compiled into the kernel to display a nice graphic around a central text
area which shows the boot-up messages - a nice compromise I think
between no messages and a full-blown text-mode boot-up. The relevant
part of my kernel config file is:

# Console drivers
# CONFIG_FB_PM2 is not set
# CONFIG_FB_VESA is not set
# CONFIG_FB_MATROX is not set
# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_MFB is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_CFB2 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_CFB8 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_CFB24 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_AFB is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_ILBM is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_IPLAN2P2 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_IPLAN2P4 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_IPLAN2P8 is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_MAC is not set
# CONFIG_FBCON_VGA is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_8x16 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_SUN8x16 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_SUN12x22 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_6x11 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set

I have an ATI Xpert98 graphics card which uses the Mach 64 driver in X.

My problem is that when I go to shutdown my system from KDM as soon as I
get to the text screen there is screen corruption wherever the boot-up
graphic was on boot up. It is a mess of colours. If I do ctrl-alt F2
then ctrl-alt F1 the corruption disappears.

Is there a way to ensure I get a clean text screen after exiting X? I
have a feeling this is not specifically a Storm Linux issue.


Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 

VMware problems

2000-02-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
I am running an up-to-date potato system with 2.2.14 and find that when
I try to install vmware, I am able to create and install the vmmon.o
module, but not the vmnet.o module.  This previously worked fine.  I
suspect it is because something (library or ??) has changed since the
previous installation I did.  This has happened both on version 1.1 and
2.0beta. Has anyone else seen this problem?

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread kmself
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 02:06:55PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
  Redhat is a totally different quality however (kitchen sink quality does
  apply for redhat).
 The phrase kitchen sink does not apply to quality. It applies to the
 amount of software. Debian does include everything _and_ then kitchen sink

This is *not* true!

Debian includes everything, the kitchen sink, the factory it was made
in, the ore pit providing the porcelain, and raw ingredients for
constructing the sun the planet on which the sink is orbiting around,
though the Sun-Assembly-Mini-HOWTO is three revs out of date.

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

SAS for Linux:
Mailing list:  subscribe sas-linux to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: VMware problems

2000-02-26 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 12:53:13PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I am running an up-to-date potato system with 2.2.14 and find that when
 I try to install vmware, I am able to create and install the vmmon.o
 module, but not the vmnet.o module.  This previously worked fine.  I
 suspect it is because something (library or ??) has changed since the
 previous installation I did.  This has happened both on version 1.1 and
 2.0beta. Has anyone else seen this problem?

More than likely you need to have vmware recompile the kernel modules.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

ATI Video Card Support

2000-02-26 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
Hi Everyone,

What ATI Video cards are best supported by Linux and X Windows?  I was thinking
 ATI Xpert 98
 XTI Xpert 99
 ATI Xpert 128
 ATI Rage Fury
 ATI All-in-Wonder 128

What experiences does anyone else have with these cards?

I am getting a new system (Intel Celeron 466), and want a card that will work
well with that and a 17 monitor.  It should be good for normal X usage at
resolutions at and over 1280x1024x32, games, etc.


Wim Kerkhoff  

Imagemagick: Can't read jpeg's here

2000-02-26 Thread Paul Check
Hi:  When I try to look at a jpeg using display I get the following
(note: gif's working fine):

bash-2.03$ display test.jpg
display: no delegate for this image format (test.jpg).

I see in bug report #43424 that someone had a similar problem and the
issue was versioning.  Here are my current versions:

Debian: potato
kernel: 2.2.14

...and from dpkg:

ii  dpsclient
ii  freetype21.3.1-1
ii  gs   5.10-9
ii  imagemagick  4.2.8-7
ii  libbz2  0.9.5d-2
ii  libc62.1.3-4
ii  libhdf4g   4.1r3-4
ii  libjpeg62 6b-1.2
ii  libmagick4-lzw-dev   4.2.8-2
ii  libmagick4g-lzw 4.2.8-2
ii  libpng21.0.5-0.1
ii  libtiff3g 3.5.4-4
ii  xlib6g  3.3.6-3
ii  zlib1g  1.1.3-5

I also get the same error if I use the non-lzw packages.

What's wrong?


Re: cdrecord

2000-02-26 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Worked good for me, thanks a lot! Just burned my first one.


 Try for a kernel-image. These may not support your net
 card but can be used. The ones with scsiemul in the name are what you
 want. The 2.2.13 was built only for recovering an NTFS partition to CD.
 The 2.0.36 is used on some CD replication machines here. It works well
 with hp 4x and 8x IDE recorders. These run slink.

 When you install the kernel-image create a boot floppy and don't make it
 bootable from the hard disk.

 Boot it and try the cdrecord scanbus option. Hope it sees your drive.

 If the kernel meets all your needs you can make it bootable from the hard
 disk. Otherwise tell me what I should consider putting into the next
 build. The updated tulip driver is already on the todo list because it
 supports $20 linksys cards with the PNIC chip.

 On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

  Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 17:58:08 -0500
  From: Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: cdrecord
  Resent-Date: 23 Feb 2000 22:58:38 -
  Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
  Please don't flame me!
  Does anybody know if the binaries for cdrecord for windows work fine?
  What happens is that a long time ago I gave up trying to upgrade my
  slink to potato (before the freeze) because of lib conflicts and so on,
  with kernel problems etc. So I am eagerly waiting for the new release
  (when is it supposed to be out?), with the slink that I have -half
  upgraded and a little broken- my kernel does not have what it needs for
  xcdroast. And I want to roast some cds! Any way, I thought I could use
  the one out for win in the mean time...
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 + Paul Wade Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
 + mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: VMware problems

2000-02-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 02:47:08PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
 On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 12:53:13PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  I am running an up-to-date potato system with 2.2.14 and find that when
  I try to install vmware, I am able to create and install the vmmon.o
  module, but not the vmnet.o module.  This previously worked fine.  I
  suspect it is because something (library or ??) has changed since the
  previous installation I did.  This has happened both on version 1.1 and
  2.0beta. Has anyone else seen this problem?
 More than likely you need to have vmware recompile the kernel modules.

That would work.  For some reason the only 2.2.14 modules they included
in 2.0beta are for a patched Mandrake kernel.  In the past, the program
would create and install the modules without problems (actually for the
earliest versions, I had to edit the Makefile a bit).  The module was
created, but the installation process aborts with a message that
possibly the headers in /usr/src/linux/include are different than those
with which the kernel was compiled, which is not the case. I've posted the
problem to their newsgroup, but have not had any response.  I'm still
able to run vmware, but without any networking support.

Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77

Re: WindowMaker menus are all gone!

2000-02-26 Thread Brad
On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 04:29:27PM -0500, Mike Werner wrote:
 I had the same problem a couple of times.  What I found to work
 1) Drop to a shell, exiting X completely
 2) Run update-menus as root
 3) Run update-menus as your regular user

Note that this step will mean that you have to run update-menus as your
user every time new packages are installed, the automatic mechanism
won't work for that user anymore.

The normal configuration refers to global files that are updated when
the package postinst runs update-menus (as root). Running update-menus
as the user creates these files in the user's directory, so the global
ones aren't used anymore.

 4) Restart X and your menus should be back

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/26/00 11:48AM, wrote:
 Debian includes everything, the kitchen sink, the factory it was made
 in, the ore pit providing the porcelain, and raw ingredients for
 constructing the sun the planet on which the sink is orbiting around,
 though the Sun-Assembly-Mini-HOWTO is three revs out of date.

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: Boot up graphics screen corruption

2000-02-26 Thread Christian Rishøj
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Storm has a graphical boot up which uses the frame-buffer options 
 compiled into the kernel to display a nice graphic around a central text 
 area which shows the boot-up messages - a nice compromise I think 
 between no messages and a full-blown text-mode boot-up. 

I am afraid I can´t help you with this, I was just courious if anybody
an easy way to set up console graphics as mentioned in this message in 
Debian/Potato - perhaps there´s a .deb that does the job? 


Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

2000-02-26 Thread aphro
while the comment may look like it rips debian, I believe that caldera is
not trying to compare itself against other distributions but other
operating systems. being a linux user for about 4 years(and being very
strongly opiniated(sp?) about it and open source) i dont take offense to
the comment.  while debian clearly includes the largest selection of free
and open source software(nobody disputes that) caldera includes a wide
variety of non free/commercial software.  although i think that SuSe and
Mandrake with their 4-5-6 CD distributions do a much better job at
including Everything but the kitchen sink then caldera does :)


On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Chirag wrote:

mannan Dear debian users
mannan I would like to draw your attention to certain ugly an unlinuxy 
mannan on the web site of a
mannan  Linux distribution about other distribution(s).
mannan Quoting from
mannan Improved best-of-class package selection, with each Linux application
mannan carefully chosen to be more useful and refined than the everything but 
mannan kitchen sink products from some Linux packagers
mannan Unquote.
mannan This is an obvious reference to debian if not for others, which is the
mannan largest distribution and include
mannan most freely available packages.  I strongly feel that this kind of 
mannan is very bad for Linux and
mannan should be ripped in the bud itself and what is justfication for this 
mannan the company seems to benefitting
mannan from the works of millions of developers who test and 'robust'fy
mannan applications that may have been called
mannan toilet bowl applications in the near past.
mannan Those Linux distributions should find a dramatic change of policy in
mannan marketing rather than continuing
mannan the Microsoft tradition, like what Linus D. Torvalds has done to the 
mannan Source movement.
mannan Here customer is not King but an intimate friend. You would not try to
mannan impress a friend by
mannan accomplishments that are actually someone else's!
mannan By the way, I would like you persuade fellow debian users/develepors 
who has
mannan some connection with
mannan India to actively promote the distribution in this country.
mannan Thanking you
mannan previ
mannan  A red hat user
mannan -- 
mannan Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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12:55pm up 191 days, 1:16, 1 user, load average: 1.16, 1.05, 1.01

Re: can't activate swap

2000-02-26 Thread aphro
On 27 Feb 2000, FreeMan wrote:

c-3 Hi,
c-3 I'm trying to install Debian 2.0 on an old Compaq-computer, but I 
c-3 can't even activate the swap partition. I always get the error 
c-3 message can't activate swap - device or ressource busy.
c-3 What am I doing wrong or is it probably a problem with the chipset?
c-3 (I'm using a Compaq ProLinea 3/25zs with a WDC-chipset, i386/25 
c-3 Processor and 4MB RAM - I tried various harddisks)

login as root, run fdisk, find the swap partition 

then quit fdisk

type mkswap /dev/

where  is the device name for the swap partition

then swapon /dev/

to turn it on, see what happens.  some systems you have to reboot after
you change the partition table (before you even format the partition), if
it still doesn't work include a listing of fdisk -l device where
device is the name of your hdd (/dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:55pm up 191 days, 1:16, 1 user, load average: 1.16, 1.05, 1.01

Re: VMware problems

2000-02-26 Thread aphro
what is the error(s) you get? and do you have the complete kernel source
installed? i never really understood how
'pacakged'(deb/rpm/whatever) kernel source trees were laid out, if you
can't get it working i suggest grabbing the 2.2.14 source(tgz
format) extracting it into /usr/src then run a 'make depend' on it before
trying to compile anything.

i've been running VMWare for some time with the only problem being when i
went from single CPU to dual CPU i had to recompile the modules. I'm
running slink btw. you also may want to make sure vmware is using gcc to compile the modules rather then 2.95 (edit makefiles or
something)that may improve your chances of a successful compilation.


On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Bob Nielsen wrote:

nielse I am running an up-to-date potato system with 2.2.14 and find that when
nielse I try to install vmware, I am able to create and install the vmmon.o
nielse module, but not the vmnet.o module.  This previously worked fine.  I
nielse suspect it is because something (library or ??) has changed since the
nielse previous installation I did.  This has happened both on version 1.1 and
nielse 2.0beta. Has anyone else seen this problem?
nielse -- 
nielse Bob Nielsen, N7XY (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nielse Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985  SOC #77
nielse -- 
nielse Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:55pm up 191 days, 1:16, 1 user, load average: 1.16, 1.05, 1.01

Re: ATI Video Card Support

2000-02-26 Thread aphro
i believe all of those cards are fully supported in the latest X release
(3.3.6) and ATI recently released a new SDK for linux so ATI will probably
be the first to have hardware accelerated/assistend video playback! its
gonna be a tough choice, voodoo5 or whatever ATI has to offer when vd5
comes out..ack.

things were easier when i had less choices :)


On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

wim Hi Everyone,
wim What ATI Video cards are best supported by Linux and X Windows?  I was 
wim of:
wim  ATI Xpert 98
wim  XTI Xpert 99
wim  ATI Xpert 128
wim  ATI Rage Fury
wim  ATI All-in-Wonder 128
wim What experiences does anyone else have with these cards?
wim I am getting a new system (Intel Celeron 466), and want a card that will 
wim well with that and a 17 monitor.  It should be good for normal X usage at
wim resolutions at and over 1280x1024x32, games, etc.
wim Thanks,
wim Wim Kerkhoff  
wim -- 
wim Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:55pm up 191 days, 1:16, 1 user, load average: 1.16, 1.05, 1.01

Re: WindowMaker menus are all gone!

2000-02-26 Thread Mike Werner
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 02:56:08PM -0600, Brad wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 04:29:27PM -0500, Mike Werner wrote:
  I had the same problem a couple of times.  What I found to work
  1) Drop to a shell, exiting X completely
  2) Run update-menus as root
  3) Run update-menus as your regular user
 Note that this step will mean that you have to run update-menus as your
 user every time new packages are installed, the automatic mechanism
 won't work for that user anymore.

Urk.  So *that's* what happened.  I was wondering about that.

 The normal configuration refers to global files that are updated when
 the package postinst runs update-menus (as root). Running update-menus
 as the user creates these files in the user's directory, so the global
 ones aren't used anymore.

How can I fix that now that I've screwed it up?  I've looked around
in my home directory and the only menu file I can find is a file
for a menu entry that is specific to this specific username.  And
it was because of that particular entry that I started doing the
update-menus as a user.  But I use that package so rarely that I can
do without the menu entry. (It was a /net install of Star Office)
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

xstart or startx?

2000-02-26 Thread LordStormCrow
Hello everyone, I'm new to LINUX. So for I have one question. How do I 
install X?


2000-02-26 Thread Fish Smith
Where do they comeup with the names for the versions
of the debian distro?  I mean, slink and potato I
kinda never questioned, but /woody/?  I guess they're
pretty cool names, I just would like to have some idea
where they come from.

Does anybody know how long till the Caldera Systems

Can C++ programs use header files with C code?  That's
probably a stupid question.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web! 
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

 And how can you set up /home/user/cgi-bin to be web-executable if you
 cannot describe it with a web url?

that's what aliases and scriptaliases are for.  you would put in their
virtualhost config (or just change the pathing cgiwrap's source) something
like this:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/user/cgi-bin/

think about it, debian's default cgi-bin isn't describable with a url.  the
doc root is /var/www and the default cgi-bin is /usr/lib/cgi-bin.

 - how can I protect data files from being read from the filesystem,
 which should be readable from the web, but only after authentication?
 Since they should be http-served, they should be world-readable... Then
 how can I prevent anyone from reading them on the webserver system

what we do is have the doc root setup like this:

ryumin(larry)$ ls -ld /var/www
drwxr-s---  22 root wwwroot 28672 Dec 27 11:25 /var/www

and have the user the web server runs as setup like this:

ryumin(larry)$ groups www-data
www-data wwwroot

that way the web server can read files from inside /var/www but no one else
can unless they are in the wwwroot group.  


Re: xstart or startx?

2000-02-26 Thread Christian Rishøj

 Hello everyone, I'm new to LINUX. So for I have one question. How do I 
 install X?

Assuming you are using Debian and have access to an archive with software (a
set of CD's or an ftp connection to a server) it should be fairly easy to
get X up and running.

First of all you got to be root (su and enter password).

Then you want to install the task-x-window-system pseudo package which
installs a set of packages essential to X. So

apt-get install task-x-window-system-core

...or use dselect (select, find the package with /, type + to mark it for
install, enter to proceed).

During the install you will probably be prompted to configure your X-server
(which handles making X show on your screen). For an easier to use
configuration tool you could try XF86Setup, which can be installed as
mentioned above as well.

Once X is up and running you would like a window manager. I suggest
WindowMaker (issue this command to install it : apt-get install wmaker).

Good luck!


Re: Names?

2000-02-26 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
 Where do they comeup with the names for the versions
 of the debian distro?  I mean, slink and potato I
 kinda never questioned, but /woody/?  I guess they're
 pretty cool names, I just would like to have some idea
 where they come from.

The home page says the namen come from characters in the movie
Toy Story. 

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Description: PGP signature

Network Security / SRP

2000-02-26 Thread Patrick Dahiroc
hi all

i'm trying to make my system as secure as possible, in light of recent news of 
networks getting broken.  the first thing i did was to turn off services 
spawned by the inet daemon that i don't use.  currently the following are the 
only ones running - i didn't turn them off since i don't know exactly what they 
saft?? What is this used for? is this like ftp?
cvspserver  ?? is this safe to turn off?

i dont quite know what discard, daytime, and time do is it safe to turn these 
guys off?  i run nntp - does nntp rely on daytime and time?

in general is it better to use tcpserver than the inet daemon.  i run qmail 
which uses tcpserver and i'm planning to have sshd be spawned by tcpserver.  
i've read the tcpserver is better than inet - does anyone have any opinion on 
this?  are there any draw backs to removing the inet daemon completely?  if i 
can turn off the services i've listed above i would not have any use for inet.

has anyone have any experience with SRP - Secure Remote Password.  is this 
similar to ssh.  i've also looked at FreeS/WAN and it looks like a very good 
solution to network security.  is anyone using this now and how is it working 
for you?  while reading about FreeS/WAN i also came across DNSSEC - DNS 
Security - featured in Bind-8.2.2p5, which i am using.  exactly what is this 
feature and how do i take advantage of it?


Re: Names?

2000-02-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

Check the archives.  Woody is from ToyStory.  I don't
remember who's next, but they were going to run that 
theme for a bit.


Thus spake Fish Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Where do they comeup with the names for the versions
 of the debian distro?  I mean, slink and potato I
 kinda never questioned, but /woody/?  I guess they're
 pretty cool names, I just would like to have some idea
 where they come from.
 Does anybody know how long till the Caldera Systems
 Can C++ programs use header files with C code?  That's
 probably a stupid question.
 Fish of Borg
 Visit me on the web! 
 ///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a 
 missing page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in 
 Bonn.  If genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to 
 read To my Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are 
 fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely 
 coincidental.///Red Dwarf
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting |  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Varga

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Adam Shand wrote:

  And how can you set up /home/user/cgi-bin to be web-executable if you
  cannot describe it with a web url?
 that's what aliases and scriptaliases are for.  you would put in their
 virtualhost config (or just change the pathing cgiwrap's source) something
 like this:
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/user/cgi-bin/
 think about it, debian's default cgi-bin isn't describable with a url.  the
 doc root is /var/www and the default cgi-bin is /usr/lib/cgi-bin.

That involves creating a virtual host for every user.

I was asking whether ~user/cgi-bin can be made to be not under
/home/user/public_html/cgi-bin but /home/user/cgi-bin.

  - how can I protect data files from being read from the filesystem,
  which should be readable from the web, but only after authentication?
  Since they should be http-served, they should be world-readable... Then
  how can I prevent anyone from reading them on the webserver system
 what we do is have the doc root setup like this:
 ryumin(larry)$ ls -ld /var/www
 drwxr-s---  22 root wwwroot 28672 Dec 27 11:25 /var/www
 and have the user the web server runs as setup like this:
 ryumin(larry)$ groups www-data
 www-data wwwroot
 that way the web server can read files from inside /var/www but no one else
 can unless they are in the wwwroot group.  

The problem with this is that this way the users can't do this themselves,
but they need me to chown and chgrp their files needing protection. They
can't create files with www-data.wwwroot, and apache won't serve files
for which it has only group access rights. 

Or maybe I only need to restart apache after adding www-data to the user's
group? (Adding www-data to the user's group pose no problems if every cgi
is run under the owner's id). 

Robert Varga

Re: Network Security / SRP

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

 i'm trying to make my system as secure as possible, in light of recent
 news of networks getting broken.  the first thing i did was to turn off
 services spawned by the inet daemon that i don't use.  currently the
 following are the only ones running - i didn't turn them off since i
 don't know exactly what they do:



turn both of these off, they are useless and potentially dangerous.


unless something is using rdate to set it's time off of your computer, turn
this off.

   saft?? What is this used for? is this like ftp?

i have no idea what this is, and it isn't even in my debian inetd.conf so
i'm not sure where it came from.  look for what the daemon is called (the
last argument on the line from inetd.conf which starts with saft) and read
the man page.  if there is no man page for it do this:

# dpkg -S daemonname

that will tell you which package it came from, then go into
/usr/share/doc/package name and decide if you need it or not.  most likely
you do not.

   cvspserver  ?? is this safe to turn off?

you don't need this unless you are doing source code work on your box and
allowing other people to download that source via cvs (you would know if you
were :-).

 i dont quite know what discard, daytime, and time do is it safe to turn
 these guys off?  i run nntp - does nntp rely on daytime and time?

you run a news server?  are you sure you don't mean a news
client?  regardless it doesn't rely on either daytime, discard or time.

 in general is it better to use tcpserver than the inet daemon.  i run

i've stayed away from qmail in general so i'm not really sure.  my
inclination would be to say stick with inetd until there is a feature in
tcpserver that you really need, since inetd is pretty simple and more people
will be able to help you with it ... but there may be compelling reasons to
use tcpserver that i'm not aware of.

 qmail which uses tcpserver and i'm planning to have sshd be spawned by
 tcpserver.  i've read the tcpserver is better than inet - does anyone
 have any opinion on this?  are there any draw backs to removing the inet
 daemon completely?  if i can turn off the services i've listed above i
 would not have any use for inet.

if nothing is running from inetd (common if you don't run telnet or ftp).

 has anyone have any experience with SRP - Secure Remote Password.  is

i assume you read the slashdot article to hear abou srp?  if not go look it
up there (it was a few days ago, it should still be in the older
stuff section).  i've never used srp so no comment.

 this similar to ssh.  i've also looked at FreeS/WAN and it looks like a
 very good solution to network security.  is anyone using this now and
 how is it working for you?  while reading about FreeS/WAN i also came
 across DNSSEC - DNS Security - featured in Bind-8.2.2p5, which i am
 using.  exactly what is this feature and how do i take advantage of it?

frees/wan is a great solution if you need to have secure encrypted
*IP* tunnles between computers (like what a vpn does).  if all you want to
do is ssh between boxes, you have no need of it.  i talked to the frees/wan
guys at the BOF at LISA this year and it seemed quite impressive and there
were a lot of very positive and large scale testimonials from people.  i'm
quite excited about playing with it... but unless you have a need for it,
don't bother.

as far as dnssec goes, don't worry about it.  so long as you are running the
latest bind you should be safe from the vast majority of attacks.  dnssec is
at this point still mostly a theoritical solution to a problem which hasn't
been implemented by many people.


it sounds to me like you're doing an admirable thing, trying to secure your
box and learn how it all works.  but don't be mislead, just because
something is a security product, doesn't mean installing it will make your
system more secure.  in fact a badly installed or maintained security
product can actually seriously degrade your performance.

what you need to do is learn about the system you have.  that will probably
mean breaking things every once in a while.  look at the processes running
on your box, make sure that you know what they all do.  if you don't need
them find out where they start and turn them off one by one (and be ready
for things to break if you guess wrong about needing them with a tested boot
floppy).  go through your /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin directories
look at all the programs there, find out what they do by reading the man
pages.  go through the /etc directory and figure out what all the files in
there do.  remember that dpkg -S filename will tell you which package a
file came from so you can figure out where the docs for it are.

the most secure system will be the simplest one.  the more complexity you
add the more room for holes and config mistakes there will be.

read.  read.  read.


Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

 That involves creating a virtual host for every user.

 I was asking whether ~user/cgi-bin can be made to be not under
 /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin but /home/user/cgi-bin.

with ~username urls it's even easier.  i'm not sure how you do it with
suexec cause i've never tried but with cgiwrap it's trival.  a user would
run a cgi via cgiwrap like this:

and the path to user cgi's is hard coded into the cgiwrap program.  so when
the above is called it knows to look in ~username/public_html/cgi-bin for
the script.  hence joe's complaint about the cgi-wrap program.  it could
just as easily look in ~username/cgi-bin and that would mean that there was
no way for someone to poke around in the users cgi-bin directory by going

and viewing the cgi's.

 The problem with this is that this way the users can't do this
 themselves, but they need me to chown and chgrp their files needing
 protection. They can't create files with www-data.wwwroot, and apache
 won't serve files for which it has only group access rights.

if it's the users stuff you want to protect you should figure out how to run
~username accounts via suexec (i'm fairly sure it's possible).  that way
they can simply chown all their web pages to them, and chmod 600 all the web
pages.  the web server will be able to read them because it runs as the
user, and no one else will be able to read them because they are only
readable by the owner.

 Or maybe I only need to restart apache after adding www-data to the
 user's group? (Adding www-data to the user's group pose no problems if
 every cgi is run under the owner's id).

i don't understand this.  i wouldn't add your users to the www-data group.


Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Robert Varga

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Adam Shand wrote:

  That involves creating a virtual host for every user.
  I was asking whether ~user/cgi-bin can be made to be not under
  /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin but /home/user/cgi-bin.
 with ~username urls it's even easier.  i'm not sure how you do it with

It is automatic with suexec. Only you have to enable suexec by setting
suexec setuid.

 cause i've never tried but with cgiwrap it's trival.  a user would
 run a cgi via cgiwrap like this:
 and the path to user cgi's is hard coded into the cgiwrap program.  so when
 the above is called it knows to look in ~username/public_html/cgi-bin for
 the script.  hence joe's complaint about the cgi-wrap program.  it could
 just as easily look in ~username/cgi-bin and that would mean that there was
 no way for someone to poke around in the users cgi-bin directory by going
 and viewing the cgi's.
  The problem with this is that this way the users can't do this
  themselves, but they need me to chown and chgrp their files needing
  protection. They can't create files with www-data.wwwroot, and apache
  won't serve files for which it has only group access rights.
 if it's the users stuff you want to protect you should figure out how to run
 ~username accounts via suexec (i'm fairly sure it's possible).  that way
 they can simply chown all their web pages to them, and chmod 600 all the web
 pages.  the web server will be able to read them because it runs as the
 user, and no one else will be able to read them because they are only
 readable by the owner.

Unfortunately with apache, data is always served as www-data.www-data or
whatever it is set to in httpd.conf. It does not change uids to serve
normal files, since that would need running as root. It does that for
cgi-s since that inherently needs a program execution itself...

  Or maybe I only need to restart apache after adding www-data to the
  user's group? (Adding www-data to the user's group pose no problems if
  every cgi is run under the owner's id).
 i don't understand this.  i wouldn't add your users to the www-data group.

No. I would add www-data to the user's group. That way it can see the
user's file, and it need not be world-readable. However it did not work.
But maybe only because I did not restart apache, and it did not have the
user's group among its groups.


xfs-xtt HELP!

2000-02-26 Thread Parrish M Myers
Hi all,

Has anyone got xfs-xtt to recognize and use TrueType fonts... As far as
I can tell I have everything configured right, and it serves all fonts
except for the ones in TrueType. (I'm checking what fonts are served by
using the command fslsfonts -server unix/:7100) What's up with that?
Here is my configs:


# /etc/X11/xfs/config
# X font server configuration file

# allow a maximum of 10 clients to connect to this font server
client-limit = 10
# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
clone-self = on
# log errors using syslog
use-syslog = on
# turn off TCP port listening (Unix domain connections are still
no-listen = tcp
# paths to search for fonts
catalogue =
# in decipoints
default-point-size = 120
deferglyphs = all
port = 7100
# font cache control, specified in KB
cache-hi-mark = 2048
cache-low-mark = 1433

And my fonts.dir in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
# font cache control, specified in KB
ARIAL.TTF -Monotype-Arial-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
ARIALBD.TTF -Monotype-Arial-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
ARIALBI.TTF -Monotype-Arial-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
ARIALI.TTF -Monotype-Arial-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Alger.ttf -URW-Algerian-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Bragga.ttf -Monotype-Braggadocio-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Britanic.ttf -URW-Britannic Bold-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Brushsci.ttf -Monotype-Brush Script
COMIC.TTF -Microsoft-Comic Sans
COMICBD.TTF -Microsoft-Comic Sans
COUR.TTF -Monotype-Courier New-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
COURBD.TTF -Monotype-Courier New-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
COURBI.TTF -Monotype-Courier New-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
COURI.TTF -Monotype-Courier New-medium-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Colonna.ttf -Monotype-Colonna MT-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
DIABLO_H.TTF -misc-Diablo-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
DIABLO_L.TTF -misc-Diablo-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
Desdemon.ttf -The Font Bureau 
Ftltlt.ttf -Monotype-Footlight MT
[etc... and it goes on for 76 entries]

Can anyone help please?


Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: enabling suexec with debian apache [solved]

2000-02-26 Thread Adam Shand

 It is automatic with suexec. Only you have to enable suexec by setting
 suexec setuid.

hrm, i thought i tried that and it didn't work.  regardless, if you know how
then that's the main thing :)

 Unfortunately with apache, data is always served as www-data.www-data or
 whatever it is set to in httpd.conf. It does not change uids to serve
 normal files, since that would need running as root. It does that for
 cgi-s since that inherently needs a program execution itself...

hrm, that probably makes sense.

 No. I would add www-data to the user's group. That way it can see the
 user's file, and it need not be world-readable. However it did not work.
 But maybe only because I did not restart apache, and it did not have the
 user's group among its groups.

yes, you would probably need to restart apache for the new group ownership
to take effect.


Re: xfs-xtt HELP!

2000-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 02/26/00 02:34PM, Parrish M Myers wrote:
 Has anyone got xfs-xtt to recognize and use TrueType fonts... As far as
 I can tell I have everything configured right, and it serves all fonts
 except for the ones in TrueType. (I'm checking what fonts are served by
 using the command fslsfonts -server unix/:7100) What's up with that?
 Here is my configs:

I did using the instructions in the Font Deuglification Mini HOWTO
( I had to download the
ttmkfdir thing (I think I found it on Freshmeat) and then it worked
okay. I still had problems with Netscape (which was the whole reason
for my actions) so I ended up trying xfstt (also described in said
HOWTO) which worked fine right off the bat.


 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Re: ATI Video Card Support

2000-02-26 Thread Wim Kerkhoff
How are some of the other brands, like Matrox?  I was reading through the
documentation and mailing list archives at,
and noticed that it supports the MGA G200 and G400, as well as the NVIDIA Riva
series.  Has anybody set up Utah GLX with any of these cards?  What is it like?
What is the speed increase noticed with the most?  


On 26-Feb-2000 aphro wrote:
 i believe all of those cards are fully supported in the latest X release
 (3.3.6) and ATI recently released a new SDK for linux so ATI will probably
 be the first to have hardware accelerated/assistend video playback! its
 gonna be a tough choice, voodoo5 or whatever ATI has to offer when vd5
 comes out..ack.
 things were easier when i had less choices :)
 On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 wim Hi Everyone,
 wim What ATI Video cards are best supported by Linux and X Windows?  I was
 wim of:
 wim  ATI Xpert 98
 wim  XTI Xpert 99
 wim  ATI Xpert 128
 wim  ATI Rage Fury
 wim  ATI All-in-Wonder 128
 wim What experiences does anyone else have with these cards?
 wim I am getting a new system (Intel Celeron 466), and want a card that will
 wim well with that and a 17 monitor.  It should be good for normal X usage
 wim resolutions at and over 1280x1024x32, games, etc.


Wim Kerkhoff  

Re: VMware problems

2000-02-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
I have the source from installed and configured/compiled
it (with make-kpkg) to create my kernel.  I had an older version of
vmware which was running fine.  When I had the problem, I tried
downgrading to build 364 and it wouldn't install the networking module
either (the error message was different).  I've tried both gcc 2.95.2
and 2.72 with the same results. Here's what I get with running on build 468 (2.0 beta):

Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.

None of VMware's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your running kernel. Do
you want this script to try to build the vmmon module for your system (you need 
to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] 

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running 
kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 

Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.

Building the vmmon module.

make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only'
make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.14'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.14'
make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.14'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.14'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only'
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmmon-only'
The module loads perfectly in the running kernel.

Making sure that both the parport and parport_pc kernel services are available.

Unable to load the parport_pc module that is required by the vmppuser module. 
You may want to load it manually before re-running this script.

Without this support, VMware will run flawlessly, but will lack the ability to 
use parallel ports in a bidirectional way. This means that it is possible that 
some parallel port devices (scanners, dongles, ...) will not work inside a 
Virtual Machine.

Hit enter to continue. 

Do you want this script to automatically configure your system to allow your 
Virtual Machines to access the host filesystem? (yes/no/help) [no] 

Do you want to be able to use the network in your Virtual Machines? [yes] 

Trying to find a suitable vmnet module for your running kernel.

None of VMware's pre-built vmnet modules is suitable for your running kernel. Do
you want this script to try to build the vmnet module for your system (you need 
to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] 

Extracting the sources of the vmnet module.

Building the vmnet module.

make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet-only'
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet-only'
Unable to make a vmnet module that can be loaded in the running kernel:
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol dev_queue_xmit_R1d2b7833
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol skb_under_panic_Rf30b8107
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol dev_get_Rd550890d
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol eth_type_trans_R2f92a656
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol skb_over_panic_R83c017f3
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol skb_clone_R06345f4e
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol dev_remove_pack_R57069407
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol sk_free_R7a5e376d
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol __kfree_skb_Rd7ca36ac
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol alloc_skb_R762d4944
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol sk_alloc_R0837fb50
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol dev_add_pack_R3bb61145
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol unregister_netdev_Rc758f216
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol netif_rx_R0f9bc702
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol register_netdev_R91db5789
/tmp/vmware-config6/vmnet.o: unresolved symbol ether_setup_R1f4671d9
There is probably a light difference of kernel configuration between the set of 
C header files you specified and your running kernel. You may want to rebuild a 
kernel based on that directory, or specify another directory.

Execution aborted.

As you can see, vmmon (which is the one I had trouble with in the early
versions of vmware) compiles and installs fine.  vmnet.o actually got
compiled, but didn't get installed.  I tried manually adding it to
/lib/modules/2.2.14/misc, but it wouldn't run.  Build 364 installed
without problems a few months ago (potato with kernel 2.2.14 in both
cases).  vmware runs fine if I configure without networking.


On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 01:08:29PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 what is the error(s) you get? and do you have the complete kernel source
 installed? i never really understood how
 'pacakged'(deb/rpm/whatever) kernel source trees were laid out, if you
 can't get it working i suggest grabbing the 2.2.14 source(tgz
 format) extracting it into /usr/src then run a 'make depend' on it before
 trying to compile anything.
 i've been running VMWare for some 

netscape on potato

2000-02-26 Thread Robert L. Harris

I have been upgrading to potato and patching daily.  I'm current
against potato right now.  I installed communicator-smotif-47 and
when I run netscape I get a memory fault.  I tried netscape-smotif-47
as well as 461.  All 3 do it.  This is a laptop running 2.2.14.  I
haven't had any problems previously.  Anyone seen this or know how
to fix it?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting |  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: ATI Video Card Support

2000-02-26 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 03:51:46PM -0800, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
 How are some of the other brands, like Matrox?  I was reading through the
 documentation and mailing list archives at,
 and noticed that it supports the MGA G200 and G400, as well as the NVIDIA Riva
 series.  Has anybody set up Utah GLX with any of these cards?  What is it 
 What is the speed increase noticed with the most?  

Don't get Riva cards, as sufficient specs have *NOT* been released (token
effort only).  The Matrox cards are currently best supported under
Utah-GLX.  I'd get a G400 if I could afford one. 
Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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