Re: fuentes del ghostscript (solucionado)

2000-05-25 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Si, efectivamente era el ghostscript. Estaba pensando en el y escribi
ghostview :) (ah, y si que uso gv, me gusta mas :)

Lo que me paso fue que borre el fichero /etc/gs.Fontmap 
despues de borrar el gs6.01 y antes de instalar
el paquete deb de la 5.10 (burro que soy), y luego en
el directorio de fuentes habia un link roto, y no lo encontre.
Lo raro es que reinstalando el paquete gs-5.10 NO me vuelve a crear
el fichero gs.Fontmap, asi que lo copie directamente y ahora funciona,
porque los paquetes de fuentes los tenia instalado todos.
Gracias a todos

Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Miguel Rodriguez Penabad wrote:
  Hola a todos.
  Me ha pasado una cosa rara con el ghostview. Estuve trasteando para
  tratar de configurar mi impresora hp690 con la version 6.01 del
 Creo que estarás hablando de la versión 6.01 de ghostscript, pués
 ghostview no tiene números de versión tan altos (y en vez de usar
 ghostview es mejor usar gv que es mucho mas moderno).
  (no hay .deb que yo sepa, y usé las fuentes) y luego lo borre y volví a
  el g-5.10. Pero ahora me da siempre error en /findfont,
 Instalaste también el paquete gsfonts? Y si quieres una versión mas
 reciente del gs instala gs-aladdin que está en non-free.
 También puedes usar gs --help para ver en que directorios está
 buscando las fuentes. En uno de ellos deberían haber muchos (mas de 30)
 archivos *.pfa o *.pfb y un archivo llamado Fontmap que debe tener la
 especificación de en que archivos se encuentran Helvetica,
 Times-Roman, etc.
 Jaime Villate

Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)
Debian 2.1 [2.2.13] Usuario Linux 124962

Re: El inicio de las X y exec

2000-05-25 Thread Santiago Romero
El mié, 24 de may de 2000, a las 04:34:36 +0200, Hue-Bond dijo:
  Bien,  eso es  lo que  dice  el man  bash sobre  exec. Pero  yo
  preguntaba por las diferencias prácticas :^). ¿Ahorro de memoria?

 bueno, yo creo que es que si te piras (con el screensaver-lock) y alguien
 hace CTRL+ALT+F1, sin el exec tiene acceso a la consola y con el exec se
 encuentra el login y ya no puede hacerte nada :-)


Se busca ladron/estafador con buenas referencias para empresa
con gran proyeccion. Preguntar en [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
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Re: fuentes del ghostscript (solucionado)

2000-05-25 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad wrote:
 Lo raro es que reinstalando el paquete gs-5.10 NO me vuelve a crear
 el fichero gs.Fontmap, asi que lo copie directamente y ahora funciona,
 porque los paquetes de fuentes los tenia instalado todos.

Es que el que crea el fichero /etc/gs.Fontmap y el enlace simbólico
/usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/Fontmap es el paquete gsfonts y no el
gs-5.10. Si alteras el Fontmap y lo quieres recuperar tienes que
reinstalar gsfonts.

Re: Conexión RDSI, ¿Novacom Mix?, ¿tarjeta?...

2000-05-25 Thread aherrerm

El Wed, May 24, 2000 at 03:19:28PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez disidio 
 Holas, os voy a dar la paliza con RDSI un poco :-)
 Quiero contratar una conexión RDSI con:
 * Tarifa plana respecto a la transmisión de bytes.
 * Tarifa plana respecto a la conexión.
 * Conexión permanente con IP fija del servidor bajo Debian, como para poner
   Apache + servidor de correo para que nos entendamos.

Justo lo que tenemos en el curro.

 He consultado con Telefónica y CTV y me han dicho que:
 * El alta, instalación y contratación de la tarifa plana de conexión corre a
   cuenta de Telefónica y sale por:
Instalación de línea y alta del servicio (64Kbps)... 28000 pts.
Novacom Mix.  4300 pts.
TOTAL ALTA.. 32300 pts.
Plan Novacom (tarifa plana de conexión). 16000 pts/mes.
 * La contratación de la conexión a Internet mediante línea RDSI e IP fija
   corre a cargo de CTV (o el ISP que sea):
IP fija + Conexión Pro.. 34000 pts/año.

Si contratas un dominio, ya tienes algo mas de coste. Ademas, en ese caso,
puede que necesites que CTV te haga de DNS secundario (o primario, o los dos).
Eso tambien tiene su coste (pequeño).

 Ahora vienen las preguntas:
 1.- ¿Es conveniente el uso del Novacom Mix o es una bacalada de la Timo
 para que te gastes 4300 pts. más?. He leido en mensajes anteriores a la
 lista que funcionar funciona bajo Linux pero más bien como un módem, es
 decir que desaprovechas los 64Kbps de la conexión.

No creo que desaproveches nada. Se comporta como un modem, pero a 64 Kbps, que
es lo que has contratado. Otra cosa es como vaya ese modem en concreto.

 2.- En caso de que la recomendación sea, no, no uses el Novacom Mix, usa
 una tarjeta de conexión RDSI, ¿qué tarjeta es recomendable?.

El del curro, va con una Teles 16.3, y otro va con una Billion PCI. Otros los
tengo con unas sin marca con chip Winbond. Ninguna da problemas.

 3.- Si quiero conectar una intranet através de la conexión RDSI, ¿necesito
   un router?... esto es de principiante lo se pero ya que hay gente en la
   lista trabajando hace años con este tipo de conexiones mejor que lo pregunte
   aún cuando yo haya leido ya suficientes COMOS y mini-COMOS.

Puedes hacer que el propio servidor haga masquerading. Imagino que la
seguridad se resentira, pero puede servir perfectamente. Otra solucion seria
poner un Linux conectado a la RDSI haciendo de router y cortafuegos, con
masquerading, y meter el servidor dentro (activando portforwarding).

4.- En Telefónica me dicen que contratar una línea de más de 128Kbps con ISP no
tiene sentido ya que no vas a superar jamás los 64Kbps, ¿dicen la verda?.

La cuestion es como te vas a conectar al proveedor. Si es directamente a nodo
local, imagino que tendras que contratarlo con CTV. Si es por I+, dependera de
si I+ soporta multippp

 Bueno paro ya porque os he dado demasiado la brasa *por hoy* con el tema,
 gracias por llegar a este punto del correo, se agradece :)

Si vas por I+ y con CTV, que Dios te pille confesao. Funciona, pero en casa
con un modem a 33K voy mucho mas rapido

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
N.Reg: 66054   Firma de urgencia :-(

Quiero el probar el helix

2000-05-25 Thread the joker
Hola, quisiera probar el helix, se que alguien en la lista puso una
direccion para bajarlo, pero no la tengo, si alguien es tan amable de
postearla de nuevo, gracias anticipadas.

Ademas, tengo otra duda, tengo montado un server debian, con samba, squid,
ipmasq, para clientes linux, y quisiera configurar un servidor de fax, he
intentado leer la documentacion del hylafax, pero no pillo ni la mitad de lo
que dice, me podeis hechar una mano?.

La conexion a inet la hago a traves de una RDSI

Gracias por todo.

Viva Windows, es la mejor publicidad de linux 

Cliente Oracle

2000-05-25 Thread Amaya
Hola listeros/as, 

Estoy buscando un cliente libre para Oracle que me permita acceder
en remoto (no sé si se dice así, la DB no está en mi máquina). El sqlplus va a
acabar conmigo ;-))

Un saludazo!

  Amaya M. Rodrigo Corporation  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Orense 28, 1ºB.  28020 Madrid
  Webmistress  ;-)   Tfno - 915567357 | Fax - 915971484

Ley de confusión aplicada: Las variables varían, las constantes no existen.

Re: Virus chernobyl en linux (off-topic?)

2000-05-25 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Santiago Fernandez Lopez!

El día Wed, May 24, 2000 at 01:47:35PM +0200 decías:

 A mI no me cuela, pero estos vendedores siguen en sus trece de que
 en los sistemas *nix hay virus tanto o mAs crueles que los que hay
 en Windoze. El ordenata por supuesto me lo va a arreglar, eso estA
 mAs que claro, pero: de dOnde saco yo informaciOn de que no es
 posible su (mentira) razonamiento para restregArsela por la cara
 teniendo en cuenta que no tienen ni idea de informAtica!?? Perdonad el
 cabreo, y siento el off-topic, pero que te intenten tomar el pelo de
 esta forma ...

sencillo, dile que si eso es cierto te facilite una copia de dicho virus que
funcione en tu linux  ;)


Nos leemos...
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 Linux Registered User #158497 (  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

CDs de Potato

2000-05-25 Thread Antonio Castro

Si no estoy mal informado los CDs de Potato serán 9 para i386 y no 
debe de faltar mucho para que aparezcan.

La cuestión es que 9CDs es mucho. 

Tiene alguien posibilidad de bajarlos con rapidez y grabarlos ?

También nos podriamos poner de acuerdo los interesados de una
misma zona (yo estoy en Madrid) para bajarnos cada uno una parte
e intercambiar copias de CDs.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: CDs de Potato

2000-05-25 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Mi intención era hacerlo en cuanto estuvieran listos. Hoy, por fín,
tengo los 4 cds de la pre-release (los Cds de prueba) y en casa tengo 100
cds de la Linux Expo que no se llegaron a tostar.
Mi idea era coger la distribución final, hacer una especie de fiesta
en alguna universidad (ETSIT-UPM, RJC o Carlos III) y dar estos cds
Posiblemente haría muchas copias de los de binarios (¿20?) y algunas
de los de código (¿5?).

Yo puedo posiblemente bajar todos los CDs gracias a las conexiones
de la universidad (y repartir las imágenes en múltiples ordenadores),
grabarlos es otro problema...


On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 05:33:45PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Si no estoy mal informado los CDs de Potato ser?n 9 para i386 y no 
 debe de faltar mucho para que aparezcan.
 La cuesti?n es que 9CDs es mucho. 
 Tiene alguien posibilidad de bajarlos con rapidez y grabarlos ?
 Tambi?n nos podriamos poner de acuerdo los interesados de una
 misma zona (yo estoy en Madrid) para bajarnos cada uno una parte
 e intercambiar copias de CDs.
 /\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
_|0 0|_
 |  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! 
 |  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
 (((Donde Linux)))
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2000-05-25 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 05:33 p.m. 25/05/00 +0200, you wrote:

Si no estoy mal informado los CDs de Potato serán 9 para i386 y no 
debe de faltar mucho para que aparezcan.

9  Leñes...

La cuestión es que 9CDs es mucho. 

Eso mismo...

Tiene alguien posibilidad de bajarlos con rapidez y grabarlos ?

También nos podriamos poner de acuerdo los interesados de una
misma zona (yo estoy en Madrid) para bajarnos cada uno una parte
e intercambiar copias de CDs.

Yo me sumo a la propuesta... (Soy de Barcelona)



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
_|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email
!! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(((Donde Linux)))

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics

 El Balconet Àrea Internet
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Re: Cliente Oracle

2000-05-25 Thread David Charro Ripa
Amaya wrote:

 Estoy buscando un cliente libre para Oracle que me permita acceder
 en remoto (no sé si se dice así, la DB no está en mi máquina). El sqlplus va a
 acabar conmigo ;-))

¿Has probado con el módulo que tiene el php para oracle?
Aunque ... no lo veo en potato, pero en el manual de php vienen dos,
un oracle functions y oracle 8 functions. ¿Tendrás que instalártelos a mano?

 Un saludazo!

Lo veo y otro más


Re: Quiero el probar el helix

2000-05-25 Thread David Charro Ripa
the joker wrote:

 he intentado leer la documentacion del hylafax, pero no pillo ni la mitad de 
 que dice, me podeis hechar una mano?.

Yo he conseguido que me funcione el de potato salvo que no veo más de la 1ª 
hoja recibida.
La documentación es bastante extensa pero no te agobies.Te cuento alguna cosa 
que se me
ocurre pero sobre todo siéntate tranquilo, tómate una tarde, y lee la 
documentación.Tarde o
temprano tendrás la necesitarás.

-Los archivos se encuentran en /var/spool/fax

-Lo más tedioso es configurar el módem. ¿Cual tienes? Con el programa 
faxaddmodem ttyS0 te
configura el modem en el primer puerto serie (el COM1 de DOS). Pero guarda la 
configuracón en
un archivo llamado config.ttyS0 que puedes toquitear.

-Instálate también el mgetty. Viene recomendado en el paquete hylafax-server de 

-En el /etc/inittab tienes una línea que debes descomentar dependiendo del 
puerto donde
tengas tu modem.

-Instala el paquete tkhylafax para poder probarlo cómodamente.

 Viva Windows, es la mejor publicidad de linux 

Y parodiando la historia: Windows ha muerto, ¡viva windows!



Atencion Programadores Visual Basic

2000-05-25 Thread valp
Si Ud es programador No desaproveche esta oferta






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Re: Quiero el probar el helix

2000-05-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 25 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 16:14:20 +0200, the joker contaba:

quisiera configurar un servidor de fax, he
intentado leer la documentacion del hylafax, pero no pillo ni la mitad de lo
que dice, me podeis hechar una mano?.

 Yo puse mgetty-sendfax  pero sobre el tema de  servir para toda
 la red ya no tengo ni idea. Ah, lo puse con un módem.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

sniffing-faq y hacking-dict *ALTAMENTE RECOMENDABLES*

2000-05-25 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Robert Graham me cae cada vez mejor :-)

Primero el
Y ahora

*que son una pasada vaya*

¿quien dice que no se podia esnifar si hay un switch?
¿Y una conexión xDSL?
¿Y una red wireless (Airport)?

Que aproveche ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Conexión RDSI, ¿Novacom Mix?, ¿tarjeta?...

2000-05-25 Thread aherrerm

El Thu, May 25, 2000 at 02:11:52AM +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez disidio 
 ¿El Novacom está disponible para la conexión a internet? ¿No era solo para
 conexión entre 2 RDSIs de particulares y no contra un nodo de Infovía? ¿O
 entras a un nodo del proveedor en tu ciudad?

El Novacom comnutado puede (y muchas veces suele) ir contra Infovia. Eso si,
hay que hacer virguerias para detectar que has perdido el enganche al
proveedor porque la llamada suele quedar levantada.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
N.Reg: 66054   Firma de urgencia :-(

Re: CDs de Potato

2000-05-25 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, may 25, 2000 at 06:07:09 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Mi idea era coger la distribución final, hacer una especie de fiesta
 en alguna universidad (ETSIT-UPM, RJC o Carlos III) y dar estos cds
   Posiblemente haría muchas copias de los de binarios (¿20?) y algunas
 de los de código (¿5?).

... intentaré convencer a alguien por aquí a ver si me puedo grabar ese

Ah una cosa, eso de 9 CDs Potato... ¿?, veamos:

1. - main
2. - main
3. - main, contrib, non-us
4. - non-free

5 a 8. - fuentes de 1 a 4 respectívamente.

Y pregunto, ¿y ese noveno?, a mi no me salen las cuentas.

   Yo puedo posiblemente bajar todos los CDs gracias a las conexiones
 de la universidad (y repartir las imágenes en múltiples ordenadores),
 grabarlos es otro problema...

Para mi lo es bajarlos y poner las imágenes en algún sitio, esto es el
tercer mundo :_(

Lo malo de todo es que esta vez no es que me apetezca actualizarme es que
¡necesito Potato!.

En fin, necesitaba desahogarme :-D
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: ipfwadm

2000-05-25 Thread ulla . russell

I no expert but don't you have to enable ip forwarding 
in the kernel first by executing the following:

# echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

I assume of course that you are trying to set up 
ip masquerading. There a good article on this in the 
linux journal issue 43, available on line at

go to the frame on the left 
click magazine

Also take look through the debian mailing list archives.
There seems to be lots on ip masquerading there.

At 18:34 24.5.2000 -0700, you wrote:
   i am doing the following:   /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m  -S -D   and get the
following error: ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: protocol not  availablei
need to compile my kernel?   thankx 

print problem

2000-05-25 Thread MMRibar2
I have the Hewlett Packard 895c and every time I print out a photo I get 
lines though the whole page why? Looks like vertical blinds.  Help me fix it  
Thanks   Martha

Re: keysmoops

2000-05-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
Jim McCloskey said:
 When I upgraded from slink to frozen, though, I acquired a whole new
 directory full---/var/log/keysmoops. And it's growing frighteningly
 fast (doesn't seem to be under the control of the log rotation
 I can't understand the information that's in these files and I haven't
 been able to find any documentation that would tell me what this log
 is for. I read debian-user regularly and I've searched the archives,
 and I'm still none the wiser.

Given that the directory isn't being rotated, is contantly growing,
neither keysmoop nor keysmoops returns any hits on Google, and that
smoop looks suspiciously like snoop...

I'm inclined to suspect that your system has been invaded and a bogus log
(possibly recording all keystrokes entered, judging by the name) has been

The first thing I would do (after physically disconnecting all networks) is
`lsof | grep keysmoops` to see if any processes have the file open.  If it's
a legit log, it should be opened by syslogd (or maybe klogd).  If any other
process has it open, that process should probably be kill -9'd.  (Note that
you'll have to be root to do any of this.)

If it is opened by syslogd/klogd, take a look in /etc/syslog.conf to see
who's writing to it.  For instance, the line
lpr.*   -/var/log/lpr.log
tells me that lpr.log is fed by messages from lpr.  If /var/log/keysmoops is
getting data from a source that looks even vaguely suspicious, that source
should be eliminated.

If it looks like your system has been compromised, you must get rid of the
affected files.  Unfortunately, it's very difficult to determine after the
fact which files have been affected; the only way to ensure that all of them
have been removed is to wipe the disk and reinstall from trusted sources.

(OTOH, keysmoops could be legit.  But, barring any other Debianites telling
us where it comes from and what it does, I find it extremely unlikely.)

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

xdm/kdm two terminal problem

2000-05-25 Thread Rob Rati
I have kdm kick up two login screens on vt7 and vt8 at boot up. 
However, within 5 minutes of booting the screen switches from vt8 to vt7
and blacks out vt8.  vt8 is still working fine, but I need to refresh
the screen.  This is a minor problem except that sometimes it causes my
screen to lock causing me to either reboot, or log in remotely and kill
kdm.  Sometimes, it locks the machine entirely and I can't do that.  For
the most part, I've found a way to live with this with the lockups
occurring rarely, but does anyone know how to solve this problem?  It
doesn't appear to be a problem with *dm because it's done it with xdm
and kdm.  I have vt7 start and then vt8 start on bootup so vt8 is what
is the screen first seen.  Is this a problem with the Debian package of
kdm or xdm?  I know Red Hat does not have this problem.  Can anyone
help?  TIA.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  Those who can, do.
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

Re: WMMail.App + Mutt annoyances

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 07:05:47PM -0400, Chris Gray wrote:
 On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 04:13:23PM -0400, t.bedlam wrote:
  On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 12:23:16PM -0600, Alberto Brealey was only 
 escaped alone to tell thee:
   thing is wmmail apparently changes something in the various mailboxes it
   checks, tricking mutt into thinking they don't have any new mail, even
   when they do. i want to know if someone has a solution for this problem,
  mutt uses the file timestamps to test for newness; biff-like new mail
  checkers that do not reset time stamps confuse mutt (see manual.txt).
  Perhaps wmmail has an option you could set?
 I hacked on wmmail for a while to see if I could fix this.  No luck.  It
 does set the timestamp back, but that doesn't seem to help mutt.  Maybe
 mutt checks something else, but I didn't have the patience to find out
 what from its source.

its some sort of race condition, every so often if i go to switch
mailboxes mutt notices new mail in $MAIL before wmmail does.  its very
rare though...

i have another related problem with mutt and the mailboxes feature.  i
have /home NFS mounted (knfs kernel 2.2.15) but mutt seems to get

c to change mailboxes to say =in-debian-user 
read and delete everything
c to change to next mailbox say =in-debian-powerpc
read and delete everything
c to change mailboxes, mutt says new mail in =in-debian-user so
changes there, but the mailbox is empty, no new mail was delivered
here in reality.  the next c to change mailboxes causes mutt to go
back to =in-debian-powerpc which also has no new mail.  mutt will
continue this loop forever. 

i have verified that lockd is up and working, i can establish file
locks with a test program i found on the debian BTS.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to properly Gnomeify Storm Linux?

2000-05-25 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 07:16:38AM -0700, John McBride wrote:
 2) What is the proper way to convert a Storm Linux system to Gnome? My
 debian book says to add the following lines to the top of
 /etc/X11/Xsession (replace e with whatever):
 exit 0

/usr/bin/gnome-session is the command to run in place of a


Dare to be naive.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: keysmoops

2000-05-25 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 12:06:12AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Jim McCloskey said:
  When I upgraded from slink to frozen, though, I acquired a whole new
  directory full---/var/log/keysmoops. And it's growing frighteningly
  fast (doesn't seem to be under the control of the log rotation
  I can't understand the information that's in these files and I haven't
  been able to find any documentation that would tell me what this log
  is for. I read debian-user regularly and I've searched the archives,
  and I'm still none the wiser.
 Given that the directory isn't being rotated, is contantly growing,
 neither keysmoop nor keysmoops returns any hits on Google, and that
 smoop looks suspiciously like snoop...

Shouldn't it be /var/log/ksymoops ? and doesn't it have a bunch of files
that look like MMDDhhmmss.ksyms (and *.modules).  Apparrently a
listing of all of the kernel symbols (i.e. function calls) made by
whatever user(s) using the system at the time.  Look at oops-tracing.txt
in the Linux kernel source documentation. Guess it's handled by
klogd/syslogd.  Good if you want to file a bug report to kernel

 I'm inclined to suspect that your system has been invaded and a bogus log
 (possibly recording all keystrokes entered, judging by the name) has been

Yes, if that's a typo above.

 The first thing I would do (after physically disconnecting all networks) is
 `lsof | grep keysmoops` to see if any processes have the file open.  If it's
 a legit log, it should be opened by syslogd (or maybe klogd).  If any other
 process has it open, that process should probably be kill -9'd.  (Note that
 you'll have to be root to do any of this.)
 If it is opened by syslogd/klogd, take a look in /etc/syslog.conf to see
 who's writing to it.  For instance, the line
 lpr.*   -/var/log/lpr.log
 tells me that lpr.log is fed by messages from lpr.  If /var/log/keysmoops is
 getting data from a source that looks even vaguely suspicious, that source
 should be eliminated.
 If it looks like your system has been compromised, you must get rid of the
 affected files.  Unfortunately, it's very difficult to determine after the
 fact which files have been affected; the only way to ensure that all of them
 have been removed is to wipe the disk and reinstall from trusted sources.
 (OTOH, keysmoops could be legit.  But, barring any other Debianites telling
 us where it comes from and what it does, I find it extremely unlikely.)

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-25 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 11:22:05AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
 On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 05:08:01PM +0200, Michael Meskes wrote:
  Could anyone please tell me what I have to do to access /dev/hda10? I can
  create it easily but trying to access it I get an 'unconfigured device'
  message for instance from mke2fs. Do I need a special boot time parameter?
 Can you tell me exactly how you have 10 partitons? Even the sun disk label
 only allows for 8. And i386 can have a max of 7(?) with extended
 partitions enabled.

Here is my partition table for /dev/hdc:

Disk /dev/hdc: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 784 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
   /dev/hdc1 1   784   6297448+   5  Extended
   /dev/hdc5 126208782   83  Linux
   /dev/hdc627   154   1028128   83  Linux
   /dev/hdc7   155   164 80293   82  Linux swap
   /dev/hdc8   165   611   3590495+  83  Linux
   /dev/hdc9   612   69465+  83  Linux
   /dev/hdc10  695   784722893   83  Linux

As ou can see, /dev/hdc10 exists but there are only 7 partitions. 
The numbers 2-4 are not used (They are the four allowed primary
partitions).  I don't know anything about a limit, but it sounds

 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \


Dare to be naive.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

Re: keysmoops

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 12:06:12AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 Jim McCloskey said:
  When I upgraded from slink to frozen, though, I acquired a whole new
  directory full---/var/log/keysmoops. And it's growing frighteningly
  fast (doesn't seem to be under the control of the log rotation
  I can't understand the information that's in these files and I haven't
  been able to find any documentation that would tell me what this log
  is for. I read debian-user regularly and I've searched the archives,
  and I'm still none the wiser.
 Given that the directory isn't being rotated, is contantly growing,
 neither keysmoop nor keysmoops returns any hits on Google, and that
 smoop looks suspiciously like snoop...

i think he means /var/log/ksymoops:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ dlocate -s ksymoops
Package: ksymoops
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Installed-Size: 412
Maintainer: Joel Klecker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 2.3.4-1
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2)
Description: Linux kernel oops and error message decoder
 The Linux kernel produces error messages that contain machine
 numbers which are meaningless for debugging.  ksymoops reads machine
 specific files and the error log and converts the addresses to
 meaningful symbols and offsets.
 This is a complete replacement for the version of ksymoops in the
 kernel.  Older versions of ksymoops were in scripts/, more
 recently there was a version in the scripts/ksymoops directory.


 I'm inclined to suspect that your system has been invaded and a bogus log
 (possibly recording all keystrokes entered, judging by the name) has been

nah see above

[snip lots of uneeded steps due to typo of `keysmoops' instead of ksymoops]

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-25 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 11:22:05AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
 Can you tell me exactly how you have 10 partitons? Even the sun disk label
 only allows for 8. And i386 can have a max of 7(?) with extended
 partitions enabled.

According to kernel docs I can use up to 64. I need several operating
systems and several linux distributions on this one machine. And that won't
fit with just 7 partitions.

Michael Meskes
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-25 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 11:45:08AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
 Could be, but why would you want 10 partitions? :)

One for Windows (unfortunately), one for Stormix, one for Corel, one for
Debian (the system usually running :-)), one for testing other distros, one
/home, one swap, one to store data that all systems need to access ...

This machine is a demo machine and I don't like having to use different
machines for different demos.

Michael Meskes
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-25 Thread Michael Meskes
On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 11:39:28PM +0200, Patrick wrote:
 At the end of my fdisk I had :
 Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
 Re-read table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
 Reboot your system to ensure the partition table is updated.

Sure had this too. And thinking about it the reasoning absolutely makes

Strangely enough though it did work for some of the others that were created
on the running machine too.


Michael Meskes
Go SF 49ers! Go Rhein Fire!
Use Debian GNU/Linux! Use PostgreSQL!

Re: Building i585/i686 optimized packages?

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 06:09:55AM +0200, Mattias Sundberg wrote:
 I want to build my own packages for Debian and I want to be i586/i686
 optimized, what do I have to do? Is it enough to compile the kernel as

yes compiling an optimized kernel is the only thing worth doing.
recompiling all your other packages is a complete waste of time unless
you have a plain pentium (original, not pro, II III etc) and even then
it buys you almost nothing, except increased unreliability.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: kysmoops (was keysmoops)

2000-05-25 Thread mcclosk

| Given that the directory isn't being rotated, is contantly growing,
| neither keysmoop nor keysmoops returns any hits on Google, and
| that smoop looks suspiciously like snoop..

Forgive me; I mis-typed. The directory is actually `ksymoops' and it's
obviously not the result of a security breach.

According to, ksymoops is a program to:

 Read a kernel Oops file and make the best stab at converting the code to
  instructions and mapping stack values to kernel symbols.

At we are told:

 ksymoops - decode Linux  kernel Oops messages.  Also handles spinlock
  and showPc diagnostics.

When you poke around a bit more (in the man page for insmod for
example), you discover  that to overcome certain problems with
debugging kernel oops:

 if directory  /var/log/ksy-
   moops exists then insmod and rmmod will automatically copy
   /proc/ksyms and /proc/modules to /var/log/ksymoops with  a
   prefix  of `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.  The system administrator
   can tell ksymoops which snapshot files to use when  debug-
   ging  an  Oops.   There is no switch to disable this auto-
   matic copy, if you do not want it to occur, do not  create
   /var/log/ksymoops.  If that directory exists, it should be
   owned by root and be mode 644 or 600 and  you  should  run
   this  script  every  day  or  so.   The  script  below  is
   installed as insmod_clean_ksymoops.

Which all makes a kind of sense.

Except that I didn't create /var/log/ksymoops (I wouldn't have known
how to or why to; I had never heard of ksymoops before I noticed the
existence of the log files); it must have been created automatically
in the upgrade process from slink to frozen.

But that seems wrong, given how hard and time-consuming it turned out
to be to find out what the files were and what they are for; in the
meantime, the directory just kept growing and growing with eight new
files added each minute or so:

 .  . .
 .  . .
 .  . .
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 1842 May 24 21:58 2524215811.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root70151 May 24 21:58 2524215812.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 2671 May 24 21:58 2524215812.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root74557 May 24 21:58 2524215813.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 3285 May 24 21:58 2524215813.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root75002 May 24 21:58 2524215814.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 3369 May 24 21:58 2524215814.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root72660 May 24 21:59 2524215956.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 2681 May 24 21:59 2524215956.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root68075 May 24 21:59 2524215957.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 2129 May 24 21:59 2524215957.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root55266 May 24 21:59 2524215958.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 1501 May 24 21:59 2524215958.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root39156 May 24 22:00 2524215959.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  650 May 24 22:00 2524215959.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root22109 May 24 22:00 252422.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  108 May 24 22:00 252422.modules
  -rw-r--r--1 root root35488 May 24 22:00 2524220014.ksyms
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  408 May 24 22:00 2524220014.modules

Oh well---another Linux learning experience, I suppose.


Re: Flirting with diaster (a bad installation experience)

2000-05-25 Thread Matthew Dalton
Firstly, don't fake a new message by replying to an old one and changing
the subject. Everyone gets annoyed because it screws up threading in
their email programs. Compose a completely new message instead.

Andy Krietemeyer wrote:
 With the DOS tool, fdisk, I deleted a little used DOS partition from my 8.4
 gb hard drive to provide ~2 gb freespace 

What DOS partition did you delete?

 I rebooted the machine, thinking it would boot Win98 (and I would have to
 (temporarily) boot from the Linux boot floppy to get into Linux).  No OS
 booted.  An error message along the lines of
  'Set up cannot continue, invalid partition' appeared.

My guess is that you had partitions created out of order, which might
have confused Windows.

Can you please provide your partitioning details, including which DOS
partition you deleted, and the linux partitions you created in its

 Perhaps I overreacted, got stupid, or was lucky or unlucky, but I rebooted
 from a Win98 rescue disk I had created and used DOS fdisk to delete the two
 linux partions to which I had just installed Linux.  I then tried a reboot,
 and thankfully, my Win98 booted and seems none the worse for the experience.

Did you try booting Linux with the floppy?

PPP problem

2000-05-25 Thread Marcin Jakubowski


I have two Debian. One is Slink second is Potato. Between them is leased 
cuper line and two modems set-up for leased line. Wehen I start pppd (noauth 
persist) ppp0 starts. I have ip number, connection seems to be ok but it does 
not ping. On that Slink I have oter connection set-up the same way and they 
works. It is not problem with serial (I have multiport Cyclades). This potato 
connect with standard phone number to any RAS.


Marcin Jakubowski

system clock workaround

2000-05-25 Thread Owen G. Emry
My firewall machine (a trusty old 486 DX4) has a bios that doesn't like the 
year 2000.  It isn't a major problem but several things (e.g. make) 
complain, so is there an easy workaround?

I assume I can just set the real-time clock to, say, 1990, and have the 
internal clock set itself to the RTC + ten years on bootup.  What do I have 
to change to accomplish this, or is there a better solution altogether?

Thanks greatly,


Re: apache on debian frozen!

2000-05-25 Thread Thomas Braun

thx for your help!


cu thomas

PGP DSS Key fingerprint = B4 9F 55 F6 D4 5D 0F 31  95 8E E0 8C 1E 9F 49
E1  23 5D 8C 3D

#  #
#  Linux is like a Wigwam: Thomas Braun#
#  No Gates, no Fences and Hammer GmbH  Co. KG#
#  an Apache inside !  :-) Charlottenburger Allee 33   #
#  --- 52068 Aachen#
#  Tel: +49(0)241-9665-188 #
#  Fax: +49(0)241-9665-189 #

Re: bigots - was Emacs - was Mail/news software

2000-05-25 Thread Felix Natter
john s jacobs anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Oh, I'm with you -- I'll often use vi for small edits, even if I have
 XEmacs open on another desktop, just because doing the edit 'in-line'
 in an xterm fits my work-flow better. Again, it's all about choosing
 the right tool for the job.

you can do emacs -nw (no windowing).

Felix Natter

RE: Building i585/i686 optimized packages?

2000-05-25 Thread Dominic Blythe
so where is an optimized kernel?
is it, wonder of wonders, really 32-bit?

 -Original Message-
 From: Ethan Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 May 2000 07:25
 To: Mattias Sundberg
 Subject: Re: Building i585/i686 optimized packages?
 On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 06:09:55AM +0200, Mattias Sundberg wrote:
  I want to build my own packages for Debian and I want to be 
  optimized, what do I have to do? Is it enough to compile 
 the kernel as
 yes compiling an optimized kernel is the only thing worth doing.
 recompiling all your other packages is a complete waste of time unless
 you have a plain pentium (original, not pro, II III etc) and even then
 it buys you almost nothing, except increased unreliability.
 Ethan Benson


2000-05-25 Thread Oki DZ

I'd like to download certain URLs according to a regex. wget has a
spider mode, but this mode doesn't download the documents. What I'd like
to to is to have wget in spider mode, and then download the documents if
the URLs can be caught by the regex. So, is there any tool that can do

Thanks in advance,

Re: Building i585/i686 optimized packages?

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 09:24:30AM +0100, Dominic Blythe wrote:
 so where is an optimized kernel?

you have to compile it yourself, when you run make config it will ask
you what processor you want to optimize for.  there is no debian
package i am aware.

 is it, wonder of wonders, really 32-bit?


Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature


2000-05-25 Thread Pauline Brown

 I have just installed debian on my i386, 
with 'older' bios. I have a 170 meg hd. I am up to making the boot 
hd/floppy. It will not do either of these. On the hd, it brings up a 
message about a small 5-10mg boot sector. And on the floppy it gives a 
message about, make sure the disk is in dr1 and not wrtie protected. Could 
you please explain the small 5-10meg partition to me so i can boot linux. 


POP3 server problem

2000-05-25 Thread John Gould
Hello everyone,
   I have a very weird problem happening with our POP3 server.
All of a sudden yesterday one of the users using this service reported
that he kept getting -ERR being read already /usr/spool/mail/fred
being returned from the POP server. I have looked into this and can find
no other connection or anyone else with this file open. The users mail box
can be read with the standard unix mail program no problem. In desparation
I saved the mailbox and deleted the account and associated files, then
re-created an account with the same name. Low and behold the POP server
returns ok until you send this user a mail and then as soon as the file is
 0 bytes the POP server says that the file is already being read. I don't
understand what is going on here! Can anyone suggest what to do next? If I
create a new account with a different name all works normally.
As an aside is there anyway in Linux of finding what files are in use or
locked by a process? As I mentioned nothing shows up regarding this file
in the process table.

Best regards JohnG

32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

Re: ghostscript message

2000-05-25 Thread Agner-Nichols
forgot to mention that I installed ghostscript as a .deb; went back to the
Packages for Slink and see that I should have installed gsfonts -- thanx
Philip, that was a nice nudge

- Original Message -
From: Philip Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Agner-Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: ghostscript message

 On Wed, 24 May 2000, Agner-Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When running gv (as a replacement for ghostview), I get a
 Ghostscript message '/invalidfont in findfont' (specifically, Times
 New Roman).

 Ad you don't get that with ghostview? Both are just frontends to gs
 and this is an error message straight from gs itself.

 Any ideas about where to get additional fonts and how
 to make them available for ghostscript?  (running debian slink,
 kernel 2.0.36 on a cyrix 486 dx).

 Put the font files in a directory of your choice, add that to the
 GS_LIB environment variable,

 export GS_LIB=/path/to/the/fonts:$GS_LIB

 and create a 'Fontmap' file in this directory. Format looks like this:

 % postscript name font file

 /TimesNewRomanPSMT (times.ttf) ;
 /TimesNewRomanPS_BoldItalicMT (timesbi.ttf) ;
 /TimesNewRomanPS_BoldMT (timesb.ttf) ;
 /TimesNewRomanPS_ItalicMT (timesi.ttf);

 See /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts/Fontmap for examples.

 How to find out about the ps name depends on the type of font. For
 type1, there is 'type1inst' (this will create a Fontmap file for you).
 For truetype, the fastest way I'm aware of is using ttf2afm (in the
 freetype package) and grep the name from the afm:

 ttf2afm font.ttf | grep ^FontName

 Philip Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hostmodem - dead horse?

2000-05-25 Thread Dominic Blythe
is there even the faintest chance anybody knows
where i can find a module for my Aztech host modem?

X setup with SiS 6236

2000-05-25 Thread Tony

Has anyone had success parametrising X with an SiS 6236 AGP? I can't run 
XF86Setup without the screen hanging before it has found an appropriate 
graphical mode. Is there a script version of XF86Setup?



Installing an earlier kernel?

2000-05-25 Thread Norman Walsh
Dumb question time, I'm sure. I've been running 2.2.15 for a
while, but in a desparate effort to get a modem that works on
this laptop before next Wednesday, I've built 2.2.12 (so I can
run the damn Lucent binary winmodem driver).

I've been booting off a floppy and so far it seems ok. (I
haven't tried to figure out what was fixed between 12 and 15.)

But if I 'make install' the kernel to put it on /dev/hda5 and
then run lilo: everything seems right; /vmlinuz is a symlink
to 2.2.12 in the /boot directory; similarly, the other symlinks
point to 2.2.12 tings., but /proc/version still says 2.2.15 is
running. Huh? What'd I miss.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] | There is a road from the eye to the| heart that does not go through the
  | intellect.--G. K. Chesterton

Re: X setup with SiS 6236

2000-05-25 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Tony wrote:

 Has anyone had success parametrising X with an SiS 6236 AGP? I can't run 
 XF86Setup without the screen hanging before it has found an appropriate 
 graphical mode. Is there a script version of XF86Setup?

XF86Setup can be run out of XWin but I think it use some videomode that
are not text.
Which XFree version do you use? I found out that version 3.x before 3.3.6
can have problems with SiS chips. I suggest you to install it (I think
this version include some features of Xservers developed by Suse).
If you have XFree version before 4.0 I suggest you to try with xf86config
configuration tool, it's better.

Good luck,

swissgerman keybord

2000-05-25 Thread Lukas Walter


How can I install my swissgerman keybord for the
console in Debian slink and potato? Most keys work
without problem, but the specific german keys o,
a and u don't work. When I use shfont to
printout the whole fontlist this character where
printed out whithout problems.

I tried to change the kernel .map file and the

What is the thing that I have to do?



Re: Flirting with diaster (a bad installation experience)

2000-05-25 Thread Philip Lehman
On Wed, 24 May 2000, Andy Krietemeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With the DOS tool, fdisk, I deleted a little used DOS partition from my 8.4
gb hard drive to provide ~2 gb freespace and rebooted the Slink rescue
floppy into the installation program.  As part of the Debian installation, I
divided the hard disk free space into 70 mb linux swap (hda4) and 1843 mb
linux primary (hda3) partitions.  I then installed and configured the base
system - uneventfully.  I did not select the option 'boot linux directly
from the hard drive' -  was I under the correct impression that doing so
would prevent me from booting Win98?

No, not really. For the very first boot after installing lilo, this is
true. But all you have to do then is add a record for Windows to
/etc/lilo.conf and run lilo (to update the MBR). On the second reboot
you will be able to choose either OS (this is what lilo is for, after

I used dselect to install and configure packages, I configured X.
Everything seemed alright.  I did not (and don't how I would) install or
configure LILO.  Is that where I went wrong?  I don't recall seeing mention
of LILO in the installation dialogs.

You probably were almost there. Use lilo, really. It won't mess up
your Windows partitions and if you really panic, you can always (like
you did) boot from a rescue disk, write a plain MBR and set the
bootable flag on your Windows partition. There is no need to actually
delete the Linux partitions.

I rebooted the machine, thinking it would boot Win98 (and I would have to
(temporarily) boot from the Linux boot floppy to get into Linux).  No OS
booted.  An error message along the lines of
 'Set up cannot continue, invalid partition' appeared.

Can you provide more details of your partitioning sheme? And is your
HD set to LBA in the BIOS (should be, but double check)?

Perhaps I overreacted, got stupid, or was lucky or unlucky, but I rebooted
from a Win98 rescue disk I had created and used DOS fdisk to delete the two
linux partions to which I had just installed Linux.  I then tried a reboot,
and thankfully, my Win98 booted and seems none the worse for the experience.

I'd appreciate any insight anyone might have.  It may take a while before I
get the courage to try reinstalling Debian on a dual OS machine.

Try it again right away, good learning experience ;) But first, read
the relevant HOWTOs at; especially:
(more comprehensive than the first one)
(background and why you want to use LBA)

There might be even more, just look around.


Re: ghostscript message

2000-05-25 Thread Philip Lehman
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Agner-Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

forgot to mention that I installed ghostscript as a .deb; went back to the
Packages for Slink and see that I should have installed gsfonts -- thanx
Philip, that was a nice nudge

I was under the impression that you wanted even more additional fonts,
well, I do. Didn't mean to sound rude, either. ;)


Re: ppp connection failure - solved

2000-05-25 Thread John Gould
  I have now solved the problem with potato connecting to the remote
RAS server. It seems that the modem is at fault, which to me is not a very
satisfactory solution. The modem I was using is a US Robotics Courier Dual
standard V34 Fax with V32 Bis. this connected fine to the RAS server while
the box was running 'slink', however with 'potato' I couldn't get passed
the link control protocol stage. I put the 'potato' system and another
system running 'slink' into 'kdebug 4' mode and looked at the data
exchange in ppp.log. They were identical, the only difference apart from
the version of Debian was the modems! So I switched modems and low and
behold the USR no longer works on the 'slink' system. Also both a
Multitech and a USR Sportster both work on 'slink' and 'potato'. So it's
nothing to do with 'slink' or 'potato'; it looks very much like the USR
Courier has failed in the switch to 'potato'. So I'm feeling rather
foolish at this point. I wonder whether the modem will work in Windows?

Best regards JohnG 

32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On Wed, 24 May 2000, David Wright wrote:

 Quoting John Gould ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Thanks for your help. I think you are correct but the 2.1r4
  system has identical configuration files to the 'potato' system. I tried
  dialing into the server (NT3.51 RAS) with minicom and the server sends the
  normal '{{{' stuff. The chat scripts are identical, the log says 'serial
  connection established, just before 'Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1' so I
  would think that chat is finished. It seems the Link Configuration
  Protocols don't talk. But so far it beats me... I even down graded  ppp
  and pppconfig etc to the slink version and still they won't talk! I set
  kdebug to 2 in the options file but I see no '{{{' stuff from the server!
 Looking at your logs you posted, I wonder if there's a defaulting
 parameter that has changed. I'm no expert on this, but the one I'd
 go for is mru. I think it's been mentioned in the lists. You might
 try the value 542 commented out in the file.
 I don't think you've negotiated far enough for header compression
 to be involved.
 But probably the most valuable resource would be the peer's log file.
 Whether they exist is another matter.
  I hope you don't mind me replying directly to you but I doubt if the list
  will want to know that it still does not work.
 Not necessarily so. We're all good at ignoring stuff where we can't
 help, but someone may have seen the same problem but be waiting (like
 me) for more knowledgable people to speak first.
 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

RE: X setup with SiS 6236

2000-05-25 Thread Paul McHale
  Has anyone had success parametrising X with an SiS 6236 AGP? I

I doubt it is helpful, but I have the SiS 6326 (PCI) running under Storm.
Let me know if you want some of the configuration files and I will send

BTW Storm did not recognize it in the first step of the installation.
There is a second step where you can manually select your video card.  The
PCI version was listed.  I don't remember if the AGP version was.  The
latest storm release of 104 is supposed to be a lot better.  I installed 101
and updated.


Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Installing an earlier kernel?

2000-05-25 Thread Paul McHale
 point to 2.2.12 tings., but /proc/version still says 2.2.15 is
 running. Huh? What'd I miss.

After rearranging anything with the kernel, you must run lilo again.  Just
type lilo as root.  This may not fix it, but it probably will.  I
recommend adding the second kernel.  Edit the /etc/lilo.conf file.  It is
pretty straight forward and will allow you to specify multiple kernels.  My
lilo.conf has:




I renamed to /usr/src/v2.2.15/arch/i386/boot/bzImage to kernel-2.2.15 and
copied to /.  I should move it to /boot, but it is harmless where it is.
/vmlinuz is still a link to the original kernel in the /boot directory.
Keep in mind the first option will load by default if no other option is
specified within the time period during boot.

This only takes  a few minutes and works pretty well if you are too chicken
(like I am) to give up the old kernel.


Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: How to properly Gnomeify Storm Linux?

2000-05-25 Thread John McBride
Phillip Deackes wrote:
 John McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have been using Storm Linux, but am tired of KDE.
  I installed potato, and the helix-gnome, as well as some of the window
 On my Storm (Potato) system Helix Gnome wouldn't install because it
 demanded some more recent packages.
 I did 'apt-get update' then 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. My
 /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this:
 deb woody main contrib non-free
 deb potato main
 deb potato kde
 deb woody main contrib non-free
 deb unstable main
 The first line is a local Debian mirror - replace it with your own.
 You might need to then do 'apt-get install task-helix-core
 task-helix-gnome' - this is  normally only necessary to upgrade a system
 which currently has gnome installed on it, you would run this line
 instead of 'apt-get dist-upgrade' above.
 I would recommend moving/renaming any .gnome folders in your home
 directory so you get the default Helix-Gnome desktop rather than one you
 might have been trying to run before.


Thanks, using the task-helix... targets fixed all my problems. I
originally tried dist-upgrade, which missed a bunch of things.


Re: Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process

2000-05-25 Thread Jo Hoffmann
 ÿMessage--- Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process
 Hi:   name here is Hughie. Hope you can help me, if you will.
 I'm very new to Linux so have very little knowledge of choosing and
 organizing commands. 
 I know that  w  wipes out Dos 6 and Windows 3.1, when you are in the
 process of trying to create partitions using the cd-rom fdisk :-)
 The current Boot floppy information is:
   (Linux 2.2.12 (from kernel-image- 2.2.12_2.2.12-1)
 Pressing enter at the boot: activates
   loading root.bin
   loading Linux
   uncompressing linux
 The diagnostic seems to be o.k except for
   EATA PIO  No Bios32 extension present makes itself known
 My question - is Bios32 extension really needed at this stage of the
 game?  My two hd's are 300 mgb's and 400 mgbs which ( maybe ) by
 themselves are large enough to load the basic system  
 The install continues and installs the color and qwerty and continues
 with the install kernel and modules and asks where the rescue floppies
 will be presented? (which turns out to be /dev/fd0)
 The install then asks for the driver floppy to be placed in the first drive.

 I don't have the driver information on a separate disk or elsewhere.
 Is it possible that the needed driver information is within the loaded
 Linux program and could be tweaked to get the cd-rom information that it
 seems to be searching for? 

Don't think so. Unless you create your own rescue disk with the corresponding  
drivers. But it's easy to get the drivers disk (see below).
 Otherwisw is there a source to get the cd-rom information via a drivers
 source (Linux based) on the net. I have a disk (for Mashita CR-562) that
 used to work when I had Dos and Windows 3.1 but it won't be accepted by
 As another alternative is there a source for boot floppies that would
 better fit my present installation program. 
 My cd-rom is a Matshita CR-562 which is recognized by Debian in general
 but seems to be not recognized by the boot floppy that was created from my
 Debian 2.1 cd-rom (The boot floppy disk (one only) was made by another
 person on another machine using windows.)

You can create the driver disk as well from the 2.1 cd-rom. Look in the same
directory, where you found the rescue file, for a driver* file. Copy that
file exactly in the same way as for your rescue floppy onto a separate floppy.
Now I can't tell you whether this drive is supported or not Matshita CR-562.
If it is you'll find it during the install (after you loaded the drivers disk
onto your computer). The install program will ask you for any additional
drivers to load. In there you select cd-rom drivers and select the one you
think is the correct one. After that your cd-rom might work and you can
continue the install from cd.


 Any help anyone can give me will be much appreciated.
 Regards  and thanks for reading this far.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: POP3 server problem

2000-05-25 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 As an aside is there anyway in Linux of finding what files are in use or
 locked by a process? As I mentioned nothing shows up regarding this file
 in the process table.
lsof or fuser
looking in /proc helps also (for the hard-liners) *g*

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!


2000-05-25 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have just installed debian on my i386, with 'older' bios.  I have a 170 
 meg hd.  I am up to making the boot hd/floppy.  It will not do either of 
 these.  On the hd, it brings up a message about a small 5-10mg boot sector.  
 And on the floppy it gives a message about, make sure the disk is in dr1 and 
 not wrtie protected.  Could you please explain the small 5-10meg partition to 
 me so i can boot linux.  THANKYOU
not sure, what you are talking about, but with a 170 meg disk i would
create a swap partition (if needed) and put everything else into one
partition, so the space is used optimally.
as this disk is really tiny and has for sure less than 1024 cylinders,
lilo will have no problems, so you need no /boot partition (this is
probably meant by 5-10meg partition).

hda1: 150 meg, mounted /
hda2: 20 meg, swap (assuming 8 or 16 meg real ram).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Howto find out why a connection is opened....

2000-05-25 Thread Ron Rademaker
See subject.

I'm using a ISDN connection.

Ron Rademaker

Re: Howto find out why a connection is opened....

2000-05-25 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
look at the system logs.
*possibly* you could set up verbose ipchains rules, to see, which service
is tried to be accessed. but i have no idea, how dial on demand works, so
this idea may be useless.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Problem with installing potato on i810 based PC. (No agpgart in xserver-svga package?)

2000-05-25 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I just tried to install potato on the PC with i810 based motherboard.
The problem is with it's VGA adapter. In the documentation attached
to the xserver-svga I've read that it requires the agpgart module,
which should be included with the server. However I can't find neither
compiled model nor its source in the xserver-svga package.
Have I missed something?
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Use Linux - an OS without trojan horses inside

Re: PPP problem

2000-05-25 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have two Debian. One is Slink second is Potato. Between them is leased 
 cuper line and two modems set-up for leased line. Wehen I start pppd (noauth 
 persist) ppp0 starts. I have ip number, connection seems to be ok but it does 
 not ping. On that Slink I have oter connection set-up the same way and they 
 works. It is not problem with serial (I have multiport Cyclades). This potato 
 connect with standard phone number to any RAS.
is the routing table (on the server side) set up correctly?
only a guess ...

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Colormaps in Linux

2000-05-25 Thread Eric Hagglund
The problem I am trying to fix is that fonts and
images in Netscape have never been properly displayed
in Netscape. Instead of getting fonts, toolbars,
scrollbars and images displayed as the application
programmers and web designers intended, I get basic
Courier fonts, two dimensional images (I especially
notice this with tool bars in netscape and within web
pages) and 16-bit colors instead.

 I believe this probably has something to do with the
way I have set up my color map in X as I
intermittently get the following error: Unable to
allocate default colormap. 

Does anybody know what I need to do to fix this?

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: global undefines in kernel modules 2.2.15

2000-05-25 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I downloaded the src for 2.2.15. Ran make menuconfig, dep, bzImage, modules,
 modules_install. The installed modules have undefined symbols for
 __global_cli, __global_save_flags, and __global_restore_flags. All of these
 symbols are defined in arch/i386/kernel/irq.c.
 Anyone else seen this?
veeery strange.

 Are these supposed to end up in the kernel, or should the individual modules
 have them defined?
they should be in the kernel. they are lowest-level functions.

 Is there a way to run nm on the kernel to determine if a symbol is defined in
 the kernel?
look at the

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: PPP problem

2000-05-25 Thread Marcin Jakubowski
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 13:57:45 +0200 (CEST)
 From: Oswald Buddenhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Marcin Jakubowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: PPP problem
  I have two Debian. One is Slink second is Potato. Between them is 
  cuper line and two modems set-up for leased line. Wehen I start pppd 
  persist) ppp0 starts. I have ip number, connection seems to be ok but it 
  not ping. On that Slink I have oter connection set-up the same way and they 
  works. It is not problem with serial (I have multiport Cyclades). This 
  connect with standard phone number to any RAS.
 is the routing table (on the server side) set up correctly?
 only a guess ...
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
 If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!


Yes, I have two pools of ip numbers one for local network and second for 
dial connections, in that pool I have connecions in the same type. Maybe it is 
a problem with modem, Motorola Codex 3266 Fast.

I had problem with US Robotics under Potato.


Marcin Jakubowski

Name resolution from Windows network

2000-05-25 Thread Moore, Paul
I havd a Debian box set up connected to my office LAN. I am getting an IP
address from the site DHCP server, and am getting name resolution from the
site DNS servers.

The problem is that the site is totally Windows-based, and my Debian box is
not integrating as nicely as I would like. I have absolutely no influence
over the site network setup, and even if I did, I'd never get anything
changed for the sake of Linux :-(

My specific problems are as follows

First, the site name resolution is done by a combination of DNS and WINS.
Fixed-IP machines have DNS names, so I can resolve their names by the usual
means (ping machinename, and so on). DHCP-allocated machines have unusable
names in DNS (dhcppc-NNN-NNN, based on the IP address, defeating the point
:-( ), and sensible names are resolved using WINS. So I can successfully
resolve with Samba, but not with normal IP tools.

As the site DNS server doesn't forward requests to WINS, and as the Linux
name resolution itself can't use WINS directly, I was wondering about
setting up named on the Linux box and making it run as a simple cacheing DNS
resolver which falls back, when it can't resolve from the site DNS, to
trying WINS. I've searched the various DNS mailing lists I can find, but
there's nothing useful there. It seems to me that if I could run a hook of
some sort from named if direct resolution fails, I could do this (a trivial
Perl script could do the WINS-IP lookup via Samba, and return the result).
Is this possible at all???

Second, my Linux box gets an IP address from DHCP. However, it doesn't
(can't??) respond to the DHCP server passing its configured hostname (which
gets published to the WINS, or maybe DNS, server - not sure which). As a
result, other machines on the network can't resolve the machine name to its
IP address. Can Samba be set up to respond to WINS broadcasts requesting the
machine name - or can the Linux machine be set up to publish its name
properly (where by properly, I probably mean precisely the opposite -
suitable for a MS server, as opposed to the proper way :-( )?

Thanks in advance for any help. Could any responses be copied direct to me,
as I'll have to go off the list for a few days soon (I'm offsite and I can't
handle the backlog of traffic which will be left on my return...) I'll check
the archives as well, but personal copies would help.

Paul Moore.

Re: Building i585/i686 optimized packages?

2000-05-25 Thread ktb
There has been some discussion about this on the LFS (Linux From
Scratch) email list.  You can search their archives at --

One of the subject headings is optimization that would be a place to
start for a search.  Reading the manpages for your compilers also will
shed some light.

Mattias Sundberg wrote:
 I want to build my own packages for Debian and I want to be i586/i686
 optimized, what do I have to do? Is it enough to compile the kernel as
 //Mattias Sundberg - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: global undefines in kernel modules 2.2.15

2000-05-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michael Kevin O'Brien ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I downloaded the src for 2.2.15. Ran make menuconfig, dep, bzImage, modules,
 modules_install. The installed modules have undefined symbols for
 __global_cli, __global_save_flags, and __global_restore_flags. All of these
 symbols are defined in arch/i386/kernel/irq.c.

I'm not up to date, but 2.2.10. However, these symbols are only
exported (in arch/i386/kernel/i386_ksyms.c) if __SMP__ is
defined. So is it possible that you've somehow managed to get
a mixture of __SMP__ and non-__SMP__ compilations?


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process

2000-05-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Hugh Welwood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 The diagnostic seems to be o.k except for
   EATA PIO  No Bios32 extension present makes itself known
 My question - is Bios32 extension really needed at this stage of the

Well, they've toned down the message then! My non-PCI machines said
: No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
in hamm and
: No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.
in slink. Just ignore these messages (and they'll go away if and when
you compile your own kernel).

 My two hd's are 300 mgb's and 400 mgbs which ( maybe ) by
 themselves are large enough to load the basic system  

You'll have to be careful what you install. I'd probably put /usr
on the 400 disk, but not /usr/local.

 I don't have the driver information on a separate disk or elsewhere.
 Is it possible that the needed driver information is within the loaded
 Linux program and could be tweaked to get the cd-rom information that it
 seems to be searching for? 

You need the driver disk that someone else has posted details of.
The driver is under cdrom (naturally) and is called sbpcd.o
according to my kernel source.

 Otherwisw is there a source to get the cd-rom information via a drivers
 source (Linux based) on the net.

The disadvantage of this is that it must be compiled for the right
kernel version. The ones on the drivers disk should match.

 I have a disk (for Mashita CR-562) that
 used to work when I had Dos and Windows 3.1 but it won't be accepted by

Those drivers will not be useful here.

 As another alternative is there a source for boot floppies that would
 better fit my present installation program. 

If this is potato (frozen) I think the boot floppies may well be evolving
at the moment as release is fairly imminent, so you may find newer ones
on debian mirrors at any time. The latest are 4th May at the moment I


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Procmail is deleting mail.

2000-05-25 Thread Ron Rademaker
I'm using the following .procmailrc  (in root homedir), when I fetch my
mail, sendmail tells me it's forwarded to |exec /usr/bin/procmail, and
then all mail is gone ;-(



* ^To: bla@
-d bla

* ^To: blaa@
-d blaa

* ^To: blaat@
-d blaat

* ^To: blilp@
-d blip

--end .procmailrc---

Anybody got any ideas???

By the way: all mail is gone and I can't find a procmail.log!

Ron Rademaker

Re: Dumb X Windows Question

2000-05-25 Thread David Teague

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Ray Olszewski wrote:

 At 08:57 PM 5/22/00 -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
 Ok I have another dumb question.
 XF86Config isn't a command; it's a data file. The command is xf86config. I
 imagine it is in xserver-common.
 XF86Setup is a command, but it's from a supplemental package ... xf86setup,
 I believe ... and it requires that you have the VGA16 X server installed
 (package xf86-vga16).

This is sound advice IF your video card will run with
xf86-vga16. That was my problem with my SiS 6386. Read the
documentation, please. It indicates what cards are supported,
and in what modes. Better than when I was installing mine.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I hope this is all of the above.)

Re: /dev/hda10

2000-05-25 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 01:13:32PM +0930, John Pearson wrote:


 $ /sbin/swapon -s
 /dev/hda2   partition   128516  2108-1
 /dev/hda3   partition   128516  0   -2

You should specify a pri argument in the options field of your
/etc/fstab if you want round-robin swap balancing.  Your current setup
will fill /dev/hda2 first.

Now that I look at it there's no benefit for YOU since both swap
partitions are on the same disk!  If they were on seperate disks you'd
get some performance benefit if you added priority args:

 /dev/hda2  noneswapsw,pri=1
 /dev/hdb2  noneswapsw,pri=1


Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: Procmail is deleting mail.

2000-05-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Ron Rademaker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm using the following .procmailrc  (in root homedir), when I fetch my
   I take it you mean ~
 mail, sendmail tells me it's forwarded to |exec /usr/bin/procmail, and
 then all mail is gone ;-(

Have you checked /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME?
Does the directory exist? With the right permissions?

 * ^To: bla@
 -d bla

What are the -d bits for? Do you really want these names?

What does your .forward file look like. I use

|IFS=' '  p=/usr/local/bin/procmail  test -f $p  ex
ec $p -Yf- || exit 75 #username

(one line; exec is one word; the  quotes are present, the username
is yours (presumably not root!); the local is unnecessary in Debian.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Name resolution from Windows network

2000-05-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Moore, Paul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have absolutely no influence
 over the site network setup, and even if I did, I'd never get anything
 changed for the sake of Linux :-(
 Fixed-IP machines have DNS names, so I can resolve their names by the usual
 means (ping machinename, and so on).
 Second, my Linux box gets an IP address from DHCP.

Would they give you a fixed-IP for a linux machine if you asked/explained?
(They do that here, which is similar in that it's an all-proper site.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Decoding BinHex4.0

2000-05-25 Thread David Teague


I have a similar problem with correspondents who use a Macintosh. I
get BinHex'ed attachments too. If you have success in finding an
unBinHex-er I'd appreciate your sharing.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.

On Wed, 24 May 2000, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:

 What is the way to decode an email obtain with attachments which say
 they need to be decoded with BinHEx4.0? This originated from a Mac
 I am using metamail with elm which does not seem to be able to
 do it. mimencode -u was also unsuccessful.  Are there any specific
 programs for this?
 Sebastian Canagaratna
 Department of Chemistry
 Ohio Northern University
 Ada, OH 45810
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I hope this is all of the above.)

RE: Callback HOWTO ?

2000-05-25 Thread Moore, Paul
Oliver Schoenknecht wrote:

 Hi there,
 I am urgently searching any documentation regarding the creation
 of a callback server and the client fitting to this... Do 
 you know any location where I may obtain this documentation
 / HOWTO ?

There's a callback mini HOWTO at the Linux Documentation Project.

I don't know if it's any use to you.

Re: Simple Text Editor with Synatx highlighting?

2000-05-25 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Joey Hess wrote:
 Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  The problem I see in 5.3 is less subtle.
  It will mess up this:
  $whatever =~ /thingiem/;
  Thinks the 'm/' is the beginning of a match and colorizes it, messing up
  subsequent lines as well!
 Doesn't happen here.
 Package: vim
 Version: 5.6.012-1
That's fine, but the one currently available in frozen and unstable
(5.6.070) screws up a lot of stuff.

Is there a package anywhere for this?

Fwd: Opportunity is knocking at your door! Grab it!!

2000-05-25 Thread Steve Lamb
Anyone else get this?  [Snipped for berevity]

===Original message text===
From: Get Rich Fast Online! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000, 10:38:17 PM
Subject: Opportunity is knocking at your door!  Grab it!!


I visited this web site 
following a link from the Search Results of the Search Engine AltaVista and 
to send you a quick e-mail because I thought you will be interested in knowing 


End of original message text===

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Decoding BinHex4.0

2000-05-25 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna

   Just after posting the note I found that there was a package
   in main/otherofs called macutils. I used apt-get install macutils
   and it gave a file which I think is called hixbin. It insall
   the mime to use hexbin when it comes across The BinHex format and
   it seems to work, i.e., it writes it to a file. I was then able to
   look at it. These were word files so I was able to use word2x to
   convert them to text or latex.

I hope this helps.   
 I have a similar problem with correspondents who use a Macintosh. I
 get BinHex'ed attachments too. If you have success in finding an
 unBinHex-er I'd appreciate your sharing.
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 On Wed, 24 May 2000, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
  What is the way to decode an email obtain with attachments which say
  they need to be decoded with BinHEx4.0? This originated from a Mac
  I am using metamail with elm which does not seem to be able to
  do it. mimencode -u was also unsuccessful.  Are there any specific
  programs for this?

  Sebastian Canagaratna
  Department of Chemistry
  Ohio Northern University
  Ada, OH 45810
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  (I hope this is all of the above.)

Re: Decoding BinHex4.0

2000-05-25 Thread Tony
I usually do this (long-winded):
save attachment-name
hexbin -d attachment-name
mv attachment-name


^I have a similar problem with correspondents who use a Macintosh. I
^get BinHex'ed attachments too. If you have success in finding an
^unBinHex-er I'd appreciate your sharing.
^David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
^Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
^ useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
^On Wed, 24 May 2000, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
^ What is the way to decode an email obtain with attachments which say
^ they need to be decoded with BinHEx4.0? This originated from a Mac
^ I am using metamail with elm which does not seem to be able to
^ do it. mimencode -u was also unsuccessful.  Are there any specific
^ programs for this?
^ Thanks.
^ Sebastian Canagaratna
^ Department of Chemistry
^ Ohio Northern University
^ Ada, OH 45810
^ -- 
^ Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
^David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
^Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
^ useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
^ (I hope this is all of the above.)
^Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Howto find out why a connection is opened....

2000-05-25 Thread Pollywog
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 See subject.

 I'm using a ISDN connection.

 Ron Rademaker

Are you running a nameserver?  If you are, that could open a connection.
ipchains could do the same, if you have your packet filter starting whenever 
you reboot the machine, but it will open a connection just once at reboot 
until you do something that needs a connection.

One more thing to check is your e-mail client.  Is it set to pick up mail 
from your ISP automatically?


Re: WMMail.App + Mutt annoyances

2000-05-25 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 04:13:23PM -0400, t.bedlam wrote:
 On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 12:23:16PM -0600, Alberto Brealey was only 
  also, how can i change the initial mailbox mutt chacks? (i thought it was
  'set mbox = ~/mail/mbox', but that does not do the trick).
 set mbox sets your default mailbox for storing. When you have read msgs left
 in /var/spool/mail/yourname when you exit, mutt asks you if you want them
 moved there.

The quick and dirty:
set spoolfile=/file/you/want/mutt/start/on
 Aside from the order of the list following mailboxes=  I'm not sure there is
 a way not to open your mail spool first. Try adding a '!' into the mailboxes
 line. Bang, '!', is a symbol for /v/s/m/yourname in mutt.
 i'm determined to stand, whether god  |=|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 will deliver me or not. -- bob dylan  |=|


linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
([EMAIL PROTECTED] put this on Tshirts in '93)

Re: how do I get high uid support

2000-05-25 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Cliff Draper  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My group just recently switched to using 32-bit uids.  My
understanding was that kernel 2.4 would support that.

Will support, when it gets released in a few months. Right now the 2.3.x
series (and 2.4-test1) are still NOT suitable for production use.

I compiled
2.3.99pre8, rebooted, and tried a high uid user.  And it failed
(setuid: Invalid argument).  Further reading suggested that I'd need
to go to glibc 2.2 (I'm currently using potato), but I'd rather not do
that if I don't have to.

You can't - glibc 2.2 hasn't been released either.

Is there another way to do this?

You're a few months early. I think that woody will have 32 bit UID
support in say 6 months or so.

Our vision is to speed up time, eventually eliminating it.

Re: Simple Text Editor with Synatx highlighting?

2000-05-25 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Steve Lamb wrote:
 Wednesday, May 24, 2000, 1:27:53 PM, Keith wrote:
  One downside of vim that I just remembered, be careful the need for
  slamming the ESC key.  Windows likes to think it means shut this window 
  and if you have the confirmation turned off you lose messages in your 
  email client.  Normally I don't wack the ESC key unless I am doing code.  
  above.  ;)
  ?? Must be program-dependent.  Haven't had Windows do this.  Typically,
  I'm using vim within a Windows telnet client.
 Telnet clients are exceptions, really.  Pretty much everything /except/
 ALT keys (and even then...) are passed through unmolested.  However the
 defailt behavior of esc on base windows productivity apps is close the window.
 Try it on others.  :)
Interesting.  Not true with anything Netscape, not true with Microsoft
Word or IE.  However, it is true with the new message window in Outlook.

Traditionally escape is a shortcut for cancelling a dialog box (or a
menu).  I really think the Outlook window thing violates Microsoft's own
standards, since the window is not a modal dialog returning a status
back to the main window code (i.e., you can still do stuff in the main
Outlook window independently).  But look how it has a 'save and close'
button.  Is this thing a dialog or not?!  There actually were strict,
documented interface standards that were pretty much followed, back in
the Win 3.1 days.  :-/

Re: Howto find out why a connection is opened....

2000-05-25 Thread Philip Lehman
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

See subject.

I'm using a ISDN connection.

...with isdn in autodial mode I guess. Try setting up ipchains and log
all output over ippp0.

/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ippp0 -l

Then watch your syslog and try to guess from IP/port/protocol which
process might trigger the dialout. See the ipchains HOWTO.

Tracking this down is a science. Good luck!


Re: ksymoops

2000-05-25 Thread Jim McCloskey

| Package: ksymoops
| Status: install ok installed
| Priority: optional
| Section: utils
| Installed-Size: 412
| Maintainer: Joel Klecker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Version: 2.3.4-1
| Depends: libc6 (=3D 2.1.2)
| Description: Linux kernel oops and error message decoder
|  The Linux kernel produces error messages that contain machine
| specific
|  numbers which are meaningless for debugging.  ksymoops reads machine
|  specific files and the error log and converts the addresses to
|  meaningful symbols and offsets.
|  .
|  This is a complete replacement for the version of ksymoops in the
|  kernel.  Older versions of ksymoops were in scripts/, more
|  recently there was a version in the scripts/ksymoops directory.

Except that this package isn't installed here:

   % dpkg -s kysmoops
Package `keysmoops' is not installed and no info is available.

Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.


Re: PPP dial-up client + PPP dial-in server on same PC

2000-05-25 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Alex Kwan wrote:
 Can I setup two ppp connections (one client, one server ) on same PC
 at my office?
 One for dial-up to ISP to connect internet (I have already setup this one)
 and the other as a PPP Server to let me dial-in for remote access at home
 after the business hour.
 If can, How to set up?
Absolutely.  I do it with my machine at home.

All you have to do now is set up mgetty to let you dial in.  It should
not interfere with the dialout at all.

I'd recommend downloading the mgetty package and going as far as you can
getting that working.  You'll want to use the AutoPPP feature.  

Write back if you have problems.

Re: Fwd: Opportunity is knocking at your door! Grab it!!

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 07:29:40AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Anyone else get this?  [Snipped for berevity]

i don't know if i got this exact message or not, i delete anything
with subjects like that without even looking at them, and i usually
get about 2 or 3 like that a day...  

its so nice to know that list archives are being used for spam
harvesting :(

 ===Original message text===
 From: Get Rich Fast Online! [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Howto find out why a connection is opened....

2000-05-25 Thread Philip Lehman
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Philip Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

See subject.

I'm using a ISDN connection.

...with isdn in autodial mode I guess. Try setting up ipchains and log
all output over ippp0.

/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ippp0 -l

This should have read output, sorry.


Re: ksymoops

2000-05-25 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 07:49:41AM -0700, Jim McCloskey wrote:
 | Package: ksymoops
 Except that this package isn't installed here:
% dpkg -s kysmoops

 Package `keysmoops' is not installed and no info is available.

did you try asking dpkg about the right package? :P

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process

2000-05-25 Thread Hugh Welwood
On Thu, 25 May 2000, David Wright wrote:

Thanks a lot for the info David. I'll bring it into my hd and and try out 
some of the good things you mention.

This is my first time contacting the Linux people. You are sure a good group
thanks again.


 Quoting Hugh Welwood ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  The diagnostic seems to be o.k except for
  EATA PIO  No Bios32 extension present makes itself known
  My question - is Bios32 extension really needed at this stage of the
 Well, they've toned down the message then! My non-PCI machines said
 : No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
 in hamm and
 : No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on it.
   Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.
 in slink. Just ignore these messages (and they'll go away if and when
 you compile your own kernel).
  My two hd's are 300 mgb's and 400 mgbs which ( maybe ) by
  themselves are large enough to load the basic system  
 You'll have to be careful what you install. I'd probably put /usr
 on the 400 disk, but not /usr/local.
  I don't have the driver information on a separate disk or elsewhere.
  Is it possible that the needed driver information is within the loaded
  Linux program and could be tweaked to get the cd-rom information that it
  seems to be searching for? 
 You need the driver disk that someone else has posted details of.
 The driver is under cdrom (naturally) and is called sbpcd.o
 according to my kernel source.
  Otherwisw is there a source to get the cd-rom information via a drivers
  source (Linux based) on the net.
 The disadvantage of this is that it must be compiled for the right
 kernel version. The ones on the drivers disk should match.
  I have a disk (for Mashita CR-562) that
  used to work when I had Dos and Windows 3.1 but it won't be accepted by
 Those drivers will not be useful here.
  As another alternative is there a source for boot floppies that would
  better fit my present installation program. 
 If this is potato (frozen) I think the boot floppies may well be evolving
 at the moment as release is fairly imminent, so you may find newer ones
 on debian mirrors at any time. The latest are 4th May at the moment I
 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Procmail is deleting mail.

2000-05-25 Thread Charles Goyard

Some pointers:

1/ root does not receive mail. all mail for root is redirected to its alias
(see /etc/aliases). Check your normal user's mail.

2/ Does $HOME/mail exists? My .procmailrc writes:

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail  # You'd better make sure it exists

(I CC'ed you because I'm not sure of the mailing list @ (I'm suscribed to
the digest))


installation problems

2000-05-25 Thread Carlos Pena - Jefe Division Electrica

I?ve tried to install Debian 2.1 (like 50 times...). Everything is ok, 
until the dselect step. During the installation (after the first Linux 
boot) you?re given to choose the installation method: from profiles or pure 
dselect. I?ve chosed the profiles option (it seems like is easy...), so I 
provided the Access method, then I ran Update with the following results:
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt/l1/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz ... 
Replacing available packages information, using packages-main
Information about 1152 packages was updated
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt/l1/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz ... 
Updating available packages information, using packages-ctb
Information about 97 packages was updated
Update OK

It seems like everything is ok... right?
Now, I skip the Select step (recommended during installation) and run the 
Install option with the following poor results:
Looking for part 1 of dpkg-perl .../var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt/l1/dists/sl  
Running dpkg -iB for dpkg-perl ...
dpkg-deb: unexpected end of file in version number in 
dpkg: error processing 
l_0.1-2hamm1.deb (--install)
Subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Error were encountered while processing: 
installation script returned error exit status 1
Press RETURN to continue.

... and then... nothing happens...

Is this enough information for you to help me?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process

2000-05-25 Thread Hugh Welwood
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Jo Hoffmann wrote:

Thanks a lot for the info Jo. It's certainly great to hear from you. In as 
much as this is my first foray into the Linux territory it gives me a 
great feeling to know that there are so many helpful people on board.

Thanks again


  ÿMessage--- Missing cd-rom chokes off the install process
  Hi:   name here is Hughie. Hope you can help me, if you will.
  I'm very new to Linux so have very little knowledge of choosing and
  organizing commands. 
  I know that  w  wipes out Dos 6 and Windows 3.1, when you are in the
  process of trying to create partitions using the cd-rom fdisk :-)
  The current Boot floppy information is:
  (Linux 2.2.12 (from kernel-image- 2.2.12_2.2.12-1)
  Pressing enter at the boot: activates
  loading root.bin
  loading Linux
  uncompressing linux
  The diagnostic seems to be o.k except for
  EATA PIO  No Bios32 extension present makes itself known
  My question - is Bios32 extension really needed at this stage of the
  game?  My two hd's are 300 mgb's and 400 mgbs which ( maybe ) by
  themselves are large enough to load the basic system  
  The install continues and installs the color and qwerty and continues
  with the install kernel and modules and asks where the rescue floppies
  will be presented? (which turns out to be /dev/fd0)
  The install then asks for the driver floppy to be placed in the first drive.
  I don't have the driver information on a separate disk or elsewhere.
  Is it possible that the needed driver information is within the loaded
  Linux program and could be tweaked to get the cd-rom information that it
  seems to be searching for? 
 Don't think so. Unless you create your own rescue disk with the corresponding 
 drivers. But it's easy to get the drivers disk (see below).
  Otherwisw is there a source to get the cd-rom information via a drivers
  source (Linux based) on the net. I have a disk (for Mashita CR-562) that
  used to work when I had Dos and Windows 3.1 but it won't be accepted by
  As another alternative is there a source for boot floppies that would
  better fit my present installation program. 
  My cd-rom is a Matshita CR-562 which is recognized by Debian in general
  but seems to be not recognized by the boot floppy that was created from my
  Debian 2.1 cd-rom (The boot floppy disk (one only) was made by another
  person on another machine using windows.)
 You can create the driver disk as well from the 2.1 cd-rom. Look in the same
 directory, where you found the rescue file, for a driver* file. Copy that
 file exactly in the same way as for your rescue floppy onto a separate floppy.
 Now I can't tell you whether this drive is supported or not Matshita CR-562.
 If it is you'll find it during the install (after you loaded the drivers disk
 onto your computer). The install program will ask you for any additional
 drivers to load. In there you select cd-rom drivers and select the one you
 think is the correct one. After that your cd-rom might work and you can
 continue the install from cd.
  Any help anyone can give me will be much appreciated.
  Regards  and thanks for reading this far.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: kysmoops (was keysmoops)

2000-05-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
 Forgive me; I mis-typed. The directory is actually `ksymoops' and it's
 obviously not the result of a security breach.

 Oh well---another Linux learning experience, I suppose.

For both of us...

Glad to hear that your system's secure!

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Perhaps strange mail question

2000-05-25 Thread Dan Brosemer
I would like to accept mail for many domains and put them in separate spool
directories.  IE mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would go in /var/mail/foo/user
and mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would go in /var/mail/bar/user.

Q1:  Is this possible?
Q2:  Is this possible with exim?
Q3:  How could I authenticate that user existed at (when user
may not have an account on the system) before writing to his/her spool file?

I think I'd have to use procmail, but then I'd have no idea how to tell exim
to route _all_ mail through procmail except the mail _actually_intended_ for
the local machine.


... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Opportunity is knocking at your door! Grab it!!

2000-05-25 Thread Gary Hennigan
Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 07:29:40AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
  Anyone else get this?  [Snipped for berevity]

Just checked my Spam box and I did not receive that message.

 i don't know if i got this exact message or not, i delete anything
 with subjects like that without even looking at them, and i usually
 get about 2 or 3 like that a day...  
 its so nice to know that list archives are being used for spam
 harvesting :(

Of course we don't know that. From my perspective it doesn't appear
that that's the case.


mod_frontpage and original Debian Apache src

2000-05-25 Thread Sven Gaerner

I need a Apache webserver with Frontpage Server Extensions.
To get this binary I downloaded the FP Server Extensions from the web and
untarred the file.
I applied the patch to the reqiured files. Then I ran the debian/rules
file the the cmd option build to build the Apache binary.
Everything works fine except running the binary. When I tried to connect
to the server with a browser I get a segmentation fault.
This is the last few line of the error.log

[Thu May 25 13:03:59 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU
PHP/4.0b3 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev FrontPage/ configured -- resuming normal
[Thu May 25 13:03:59 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
[Thu May 25 13:04:05 2000] [notice] child pid 6626 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu May 25 13:04:36 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu May 25 13:04:42 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU
PHP/4.0b3 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev FrontPage/ configured -- resuming normal
[Thu May 25 13:04:42 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
[Thu May 25 13:04:47 2000] [notice] child pid 6649 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu May 25 13:04:54 2000] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu May 25 13:05:06 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU
PHP/4.0b3 mod_perl/1.21_03-dev FrontPage/ configured -- resuming normal
[Thu May 25 13:05:06 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
[Thu May 25 13:05:14 2000] [notice] child pid 6674 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu May 25 13:05:24 2000] [notice] child pid 6675 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu May 25 13:06:16 2000] [notice] child pid 6676 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)

What could be the problem? The patch is applied correctly.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve?




Sent through GMX FreeMail -

IDE CD-RW + sound

2000-05-25 Thread Vicente Torres

I have just installed a debian potato in a friend of mine's box.
He has an IDE cd-writer and he uses scsi-emulation
to record cds, but the CD player of KDE can not reproduce any
sound. This program is capable of reading CD-toc,
and after starting playing the seconds counter changes,
but no sound comes out from the speakers.
We have tried with other cd-players (like cccd or wmplay)
but no one could make it work.

Any idea?

  .'/,-Y ~-.
Vicente Torres Carot  l.Y ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia   /\   __  Doh!
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i___/   \
Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n |  /   \   o !
46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)  l ] o !__./
SPAIN \ _  _\.___./~\
   X \/ \___./
Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___.   _..--~~   ~`-.
FAX:  (96)2849309 ` Z,--   /\
 __.  (   /   __)
I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's  \   l  /-~~ /
just the way I am. -- Homer Simpson -- Y   \  /
## | x__.^
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: system clock workaround

2000-05-25 Thread Vitux
Owen G. Emry wrote:
 My firewall machine (a trusty old 486 DX4) has a bios that doesn't like the
 year 2000.  It isn't a major problem but several things (e.g. make)
 complain, so is there an easy workaround?
 I assume I can just set the real-time clock to, say, 1990, and have the
 internal clock set itself to the RTC + ten years on bootup.  What do I have
 to change to accomplish this, or is there a better solution altogether?
 Thanks greatly,
Quite a few 486'ers need a bios-upgrade to do y2k. Solved it
on my Award-based specimen...

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

tulip.o kernel module

2000-05-25 Thread Parrish M Myers
Hi all,

Has anyone been able to compile and use the tulip.c file that comes
with the Netgear FA-310TX card?

I finally got the module compiled but when I run 'depmod -a' the
command returns 

depmod: ***Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/net tulip.o

and if I run a 'insmod tulip' instead or after I get a screen full of
unmet dependencies.  Anyone have ideas?


Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: swissgerman keybord

2000-05-25 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi Lukas

How can I install my swissgerman keybord for the
console in Debian slink and potato? Most keys work
without problem, but the specific german keys o,
a and u don't work. When I use shfont to
printout the whole fontlist this character where
printed out whithout problems.

I had the wrong keyboard setting on my debian box, too (US of course).
That was after initially installing it. I used kbdconfig to change to
the keymap I needed to.

I tried to change the kernel .map file and the

At first - before knowing about kbdconfig - I symlinked
to the swissgerman pendant. That did the trick, too, although it ain't
quite so elegant. :-)

What is the thing that I have to do?


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