
2000-06-12 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez

Vaje los drivers da la aureal vortex 2 del sitio que 
vienen precompilados
viene el modulo y las instrucciones para instalarlo, segui las instricciones y 
lo instale y
andubo perfecto pero tambien viene el codigo fuente y cuando hago el make lo 
empieza a
compilar hasta que me dice el siguiente error

base_address is not a member sound_proc_get_info
y no lo puedo compilar para otro nucleo pues el que viene es para el nucleo 

Y otra cosa hay forma de hacer que el driver se compile con el nucleo y me 
aparezca como una
opcion mas con el make menuconfig

Gracias y hasta la proxima.

Re: programa tipo fetchamil

2000-06-12 Thread yashan
Hash: SHA1


On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 12:46:30PM -0500, Mauricio E Ruiz Font wrote:
 Hola, necesito sabes si hay programas bajo windows y linux que hagan lo
 que el fethcmail, pero que puedan bajar correo de web, como de las cuentas
 de hotmail etc...

Si mal no recuerdo vi algo en freshmeat para eso, creo era un script escrito en
perl que se conectaba a la pagina y bajaba los mail en formato mbox para que vos
depues los puedas leer con cualquier cliente de mail.
Creo que se llamaban gotmail y hotmole.
=mente entra  a y busca por hotmail o webmail  que
seguro algo encontraras, no te puedo asegurar que andan por que no he probado
ninguno pero con probar no pierdas nada :-)


Alejandro David Yashan (GNU-Rex en IRC)

WinError 01F: Reserved for future mistakes of our developers. ;-)))

Acentos y e#es omitidas deliberadamente para evitar problemas de lectura  con
algunos clientes de e-mail

Linux Registered User #120401
POWERED BY GNU/Debian Slink  2.1  Kernel 2.2.16
Linux is userfriendly, but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Re: cambio de nucleo

2000-06-12 Thread shireta
Bueno probe lo que me dijiste i funciono.
Mirando por que me habia fallado, vi que el nucleo que yo
copiaba era el no comprimido... y por eso no arrancaba.
Volvi a hacer un make zImage i vi que el zImage que tenia que copiar 
a /(o /boot) era el mismo que el de  /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/compressed.
Borre el directorio /usr/src/linux i lo volvi a descomprimir con el 
mismo .tgz y funciono todo a las mil maravillas.

Gracias y hasta otra

Mensaje enviado por MARCA Mail
¡Mucho más que un correo electrónico!

Sobre spam

2000-06-12 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez
On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Mejor de otra manera :^)
 # echo '   550 Spammers not welcome here!'  /etc/mail/access
 # makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db  /etc/mail/access
  Entre la r y el 5 hay un tabulador, por cierto.

Como funciona exactamente esto? Puedo ejecutarlo como usuario normal?

Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

¡Hay un pingüino en mi ordenador!

Re: Sobre spam

2000-06-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 12 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 10:03:20 +0200, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez 

 # echo '   550 Spammers not welcome here!'  /etc/mail/access
 # makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db  /etc/mail/access

Como funciona exactamente esto? Puedo ejecutarlo como usuario normal?

 Hay que  hacerlo como root y  sólo sirve para sendmail  (que yo
 sepa). Cualquiera que tenga un dominio  y use sendmail en Debian se
 habrá  visto obligado  a añadir  ahí su  propio dominio  para poder
 enviar mensajes, ya que la  configuración por defecto no hace relay
 a nadie, cosa que yo veo muy bien.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

postgresql y www-pgsql

2000-06-12 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
He instalado postgresql y la librería libpgtcl (para gestionar la base de datos
por TCL/TK)
y la librería libpgperl (para scrip cgi en web) y el www-pgsql para gestionar
la base de datos por web.

El postgresql y el pgaccess (que viene ocn libpgtcl) lo he probado y va bien.
No he usado todavía la libpgperl.

El problema lo tengo con www-pgsql. No sé como hacer para que Apache interprete
los ficheros .sql y arranque www-pgsql.
Debian me deja el ejecutable www-pgsql en /usr/lib/cgi-bin. En apache hay un
alias de tal forma que los cgi-bin va a buscarlos a /usr/lib/cgi-bin. De hecho
los .cgi de perl me corren perfectamente en Apache. En la ayuda de www-pgsql me
dice lo siguiente:
# cat srm.conf
#-- www-sql begin
# The following configures Apache to treat .sql files as
# to be interpreted by www-sql. This means that you can retrieve
# these directly as http://server/file.sql, instead of as
# http://server/cgi-bin/www-sql/file.sql.
# Change www-mysql to www-pgsql as appropriate.

AddHandler www-sql sql
Action www-sql /cgi-bin/www-mysql

#-- www-sql end

Yo he metido estas lineas en apache modificando www-mysql por www-pgsql que es
el fichero generado por Debian.
AddHandler www-pgsql .sql
Action www-pgsql /cgi-bin/www-pgsql

Pero con estas modificaciones, no me arranca apache diciendo lo siguiente:
Syntax error on line 169 of /etc/apache/srm.conf:
Invalid command 'Action', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

La línea 169 es la correspondiente a Action

Si borro la linea Action y ejecuto un fichero llamado example.sql, el error.log
de apache me dice
[Mon Jun 12 10:41:58 2000] [warn] [client] handler www-pgsql not
found for: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/example.sql
pero el fichero www-pgsql se encuentra en /usr/lib/cgi-bin donde lo
ha instalado dpkg
y el apache me muestra el fichero sin interpretar de example.sql

headtitleTelephone Numbers/title/head
H1Telephone Numbers/H1

Quisiera saber qué estoy haciendo mal, o es preciso cargar en apache algún
módulo para que me entienda el www-pgsql. El Apache lo he instalado por defecto
y sé que tiene muchos módulos comentados y no cargados.

Saludos y gracias

Te reenvio esto: [kriptopolis] Curso de PGP ...

2000-06-12 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco
- Forwarded message from Cubati [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

To: Lista Kriptopolis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 10:09:27 +0200
Subject: [kriptopolis] Curso de PGP

Hash: SHA1

RedIRIS pondrá en marcha el próximo dia 12 de Junio del 2000 el 
 I Tele curso básico sobre PGP gracias a la colaboración voluntaria

D. Arturo Quirantes Sierra, docente de la Universidad de Granada y
experto en criptografía. que actuará como profesor de dicho curso.

El curso es completamente público aunque   está enfocado a los
usuarios de la Comunidad académica española y es deseable su
participación. Se acaba de abrir el plazo de inscripción y no hay
número máximo de asistentes. Disponeis de información de completa
sobre este Curso en:

donde se encontrará con información completa sobre el evento,
incluido el temario.

El plazo de inscripción finaliza el dia 12 de Junio de 2000.

 Este I Curso básico sobre PGP se engloba dentro de las
actividades de la Iniciativa para
promover y proveeer un correo electrónico seguro en la Comunidad
RedIRIS. El objetivo es
difundir el uso de PGP para que los usuarios que no lo usan  empiecen
a perder el miedo a esta
aplicación que actualmente es la única que nos puede dar ciertos
niveles de seguridad en el correo-e.
Es un Curso básico para personas que no sabe nada de PGP.

Un SaludoCubati

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use


[Se han eliminado las partes que no son de texto de este mensaje]

- End forwarded message -

Creo que por su interes, este mensaje merece ser difundido. 

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  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Como hacer un paquete con los fuentes?

2000-06-12 Thread jvicente
Tiene alguien una receta rapida para hacer el paquete de los fuentes del
kernel y de pcmcia?

sobre la respuesta de cdrw

2000-06-12 Thread c d
Mi lector es capaz de leerlos en w95/98 con los drivers adecuados. Lo que pasa 
es que no sé como hacer que linux me monte undades de este tipo. Uso la debian 
2.1 r3 con el núcleo 2.2.14.
Ahora mismo no me acuerdo del nombre del sistema de archivos de los 
regrabables, pero no es el mismo que el de los cdr.

_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

Actualizacion de mi editor

2000-06-12 Thread Unholy


Acabo de lanzar la nueva version de mi editor de textos para Linux,la
0.3 ...
Usa Gnome y Gtk...
vayan a:



Instalando un rpm

2000-06-12 Thread ADnoctum
Hola, navegando por ahí encontré un juego 3D que parece ser muy bueno, el
problema es que no hay paquete deb, solo rpm's, así que me lo bajé, instalé
el alien pero al convertirlo me sale el siguiente mensaje de error:

~# alien dumb-0.13.2-1.i386.rpm
Examining dumb-0.13.2-1.i386.rpm
Uncompressing dumb-0.13.2-1.i386.rpm
822-date did not return a valid result

y se sale allí. Despues de leer la documentación y no sacar nada en claro,
intenté instalarlo a las malas con rpm, pero ni con --force me lo instala,
segun él porque faltan unas librerías(Entre ellas libc, libm, X11... :-).
De la lista que me mandó las únicas que me faltan son:

... que no se en qué paquete están!.

En resumen, ¿Cómo convierto el rpm en un deb? y ¿En qué paquete están esas


Re: eco..

2000-06-12 Thread Santiago Romero
El dom, 11 de jun de 2000, a las 06:10:38 +0200, JFA dijo:
  ¿Verdad? Yo no me canso de dar la vara en ecol.* acerca del apt. 
 ¿ Qué es ecol.*?, si no es mucho preguntar ...

 es.comp.os.linux.* = .instalacion, .redes, .misc, .programacion 

 ¡Las news en castellano de Linux! :-)
 Y estan geniales :-)



La contribución más grande y peligrosa que Micro$oft ha hecho a
la industria del software podría ser el nivel al que ha bajado las
expectativas de los usuarios. (Esther Schindler, OS/2 Magazine)
|  NoP / Compiler   -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Re: Instalando un rpm

2000-06-12 Thread Carlos
ADnoctum decía:

 De la lista que me mandó las únicas que me faltan son:
 ... que no se en qué paquete están!.

Son enlaces a y respectivamente (en mi
sistema con la versión xlibg-3.3.5-1slink). Las instala el paquete 
xlib6g. Comprueba si tienes instalado dicho paquete. Si es así, 
vuelve a crear los enlaces. Si no lo tienes instalado, lo instalas. 

carlos saldaña

Re: Errores en la instalación de paquetes

2000-06-12 Thread JFA
On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 03:31:36AM +0200, David wrote:
 Hola, cuando intento instalar algo; ya sea desde dpkg o apt-get, me el
 install-info: failed to lock dir for editing! No such file or directory.
 Luego que había encontrado warnings en los scripts preborrado y
 No tenia el directorio /usr/share/info , lo cree y tampoco funciona.
 En cambio si tenia el /usr/info .
 ¿ A alguién se le ocurre una solución ? ( porque es que no puedo hacer
 ninguna actualización, instalación, ... Eso si el sistema parece
Prueba a contarnos qué warnings te da en concreto ...
Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.15 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

Re: configurar servicio smtp

2000-06-12 Thread ijuanes
El dia Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 08:20:14AM -0500, Camilo Alejandro
Arboleda tuvo a bien escribir: 

 Pablo Faundez wrote:
  Hola, Necesito configurar el servicio smtp en mi PC de la manera mas rápida 
  menos engorrosa posible. Es decir puedo utilizar otra herramienta
  o programa aparte de sendmail?.
 Tanto el exim como el smail se configuran fácilmente y comen menos
 recursos que sendmail.

Mira también

En potato:

apt-get install ucspi-tcp-src
apt-get install qmail-src
dpkg -i ucspi*.deb
dpkg -i qmail*.deb
echo nombremaquina.dominio  /var/qmail/control/me
/etc/init.d/qmail stop
/etc/init.d/qmail start

Y ya tienes un MTA fiable y con licencia BSD :)
panic(esp: detected penguin phase.);
(Panic message in the kernel.)
J. Ivan Juanes Prieto  -- Greek and Latin Teacher
Canary Islands (Spain) -- Linux Debian 2.1

Description: PGP signature

Re: wildcards en vim

2000-06-12 Thread ijuanes
El dia Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:40:06PM +0200, Danito tuvo a bien
 He buscado paginas en el man que fueran *exp* pero no he encontrado
 nada. En el info tampoco he encontrado nada. ¿Me podrías mandar esa
 página si es que existe?. Si no existe ¿Alguien conoce donde estén
 documentadas las expresiones regulares?

Prueba con «man perlre» para las expresiones regulares de Perl 
y con «info gawk» para las de awk, y buscas el menú *
Regexp::. También en la documentación del maildrop (eficiente
sustituto de procmail) hallarás ejemplos.  

panic(esp: penguin didn't enter cmd phase.);
(Panic message in the kernel.)
J. Ivan Juanes Prieto  -- Greek and Latin Teacher
Canary Islands (Spain) -- Linux Debian 2.1

Description: PGP signature

Re: Acentos no Netscape.

2000-06-12 Thread Helio Loureiro
 alguem sabe como fazer acentuacao no Netscape. Jah dei uma, duas, tres,
 olhadas e nada  o X estah acentuando mas o Netscape nao  tinha
 deixado de lado ... mas jah tah hora colocar isso pra funcionar ..
Atualize o netscape para uma versão mais recente como a 4.72.  Uma
versão anterior, acho que a 4.6, tinha problema com o recebimento de
acentuação.  Também descomente o parâmetro XkbDisable no

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Just a reminder to all OpenBSD admin types that
# rm -rf /usr/lib
is not a very bright thing to do.  I don't know which was more amazing,
the things that kept running or the things that I couldn't start :-)

Re: Install problem with AHA 2940 SCSI (older PC)

2000-06-12 Thread t.bedlam
On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 10:48:18PM -0500, Robert C. Ramsdell was only 
   escaped alone to tell thee:

 It correctly identitifes /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 as the Linux and swap
 partitions.  However, it will initialize, but hangs if I try to do a
 bad-block scan of either partition.  After establishing this fact I
 ignored the scan step and moved on (why does it hang?  I know there are no
 bad blocks)

Hmm. This is new. I believe the install page (and perhaps the FAQ-omatic)
give 2 sets of boot fd images. (The DebianHP is busy.) Perhaps you could try
the other set.

 Mount /dev/fd0  (type msdos) on /floppy: wrong filesystem type, or bad
 superblock on /dev/fd0
 Mount /dev/fd0  (type ext2) on /floppy: wrong filesystem type, or bad
 superblock on /dev/fd0

Wow. Also new. Yes, try the other set and see what happens.

i'm determined to stand, whether god  |=|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
will deliver me or not. -- bob dylan  |=|

Re: kernel2.3.99pre3 to pre9

2000-06-12 Thread Joseph de los Santos
I wanted to test the 4.0-test ones but I did'nt see them over at
or kernelnotes.orgwhere did you see them?
- Original Message -
From: Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: kernel2.3.99pre3 to pre9

 :: On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 12:50:31 +, Joseph de los Santos

  Has anyone ever used the development kernels 2.3.99pre3 to pre9?.
Currently I
  am using kernel 2.3.99pre3 and it works great. I have a soundcard that
  automatically autodetected by isapnp and that's what I like most with
  kernel. Now when I tried upgrading to the pre9 release..sadly, isapnp is
  longer automatic :(. I Tried to look for some reasons why they scrapped
  somehow but I could'nt find any.

 I think I heard something about sound cards not workin in some of
 those kernels. Did you try the newest ones (the 4.0-test ones)?


 Jeronimo Pellegrini
 Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: kernel2.3.99pre3 to pre9

2000-06-12 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 22:39:13 -0700, Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL 

 I wanted to test the 4.0-test ones but I did'nt see them over at
 or kernelnotes.orgwhere did you see them?

In the ftp directory with the kernels, there's a 4.0 directory. You
need the 4.0-test1 kernel there.

Then, in Alan's directory (people/alan) there's some directory like
4.0-test, or something similar... you'll find patches there. All
patches are against the first 4.0-test1 kernel (so you'll want to keep
an unpatched  copy of it to make things easier)


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

Re: kernel2.3.99pre3 to pre9

2000-06-12 Thread Joseph de los Santos
- Original Message -
From: Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Joseph de los Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: kernel2.3.99pre3 to pre9

 :: On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 22:39:13 -0700, Joseph de los Santos

  I wanted to test the 4.0-test ones but I did'nt see them over at
  or kernelnotes.orgwhere did you see them?

 In the ftp directory with the kernels, there's a 4.0 directory. You
 need the 4.0-test1 kernel there.

 Then, in Alan's directory (people/alan) there's some directory like
 4.0-test, or something similar... you'll find patches there. All
 patches are against the first 4.0-test1 kernel (so you'll want to keep
 an unpatched  copy of it to make things easier)


 Jeronimo Pellegrini
 Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Wheel mouse not working...oy.

2000-06-12 Thread Tim Jump
Yep, another cheesebag who can't get his stupid M$ Wheel Mouse to work
with Debian.  I'm stumped...after consulting all the messages and info
about getting it to work, it just refuses to.  Maybe after the breakup
it will?  Sarcasm...

Anyway, I've got a basic M$ Wheel Mouse(tm) connected to my PS/2 port. 
I'm running slink (with some random bits from unstable when I needed
them), 2.0.36 and XFree86 3.3.5-1 using the SVGA server.  Here's the
relevant bit from my XF86Config just to make sure I didn't miss

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/psaux
   Resolution  200
   Buttons 3
   ZAxisMapping4 5

My .Xresources is exactly what's listed on Colas Nahaboo's mouse wheel
scroll page (
for Netscape (that's the only thing I'm worrying about right now), so I
won't spam it here - trust me, I copied  pasted it to make sure.

From everything I've seen, it SHOULD work.  I know the wheel works, as
it performs just fine in that OTHER OS that I don't wanna mention.  It
works great in X as a middle mouse button...but that damned wheel won't
do a thing for me.  And I HAVE tried messing around with imwheel to a
small degree but couldn't get it to do anything for me either.

If anyone can at least point me in the right direction, please let me
know.  All things considered, it's a minor problem...but once you get
used to using the stupid wheel, you go nuts without it.  It's the crack
of pointing devices, methinks.  At any rate, thanks in advance...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   []   Bababooey Dragon   []  -==UDIC==-
The stupider it looks, the more important it probably is.
 -- J. R. Bob Dobbs --
Babylon Five Addict [] DEVOlved [] Dirty old man in training

Need help w/proper syntax for Netscape in .Xdefaults

2000-06-12 Thread John Foster
netscape*Navagation ToolBar.Shop.isEnabled:false 
below is my pieced together file to control netscape. I have found the
all of the colors seem OK but the real reason that I want to get this
correct is to get rid of the Shop button and add a search button. I have
had no luck and none of the examples I have found seem to work. I saw
that there is supposed to be a .Xresources file but I have only
/etc/X11/Xresources directory with several control files. Should I try
to set up a netscape control file there. I am using Debian pure potato
and Netscape 4.72 downloaded and installed from tarball using the Debian
Netscape4 wrapper installer.

netscape*Navagation ToolBar.Shop.isEnabled:false 
netscape*Navagation ToolBar.userCommand1.commandName:findInObject 
netscape*Navagation ToolBar.userCommand1.labelString:Find 
netscape*Navagation ToolBar.userCommand1.commandIcon:Search
# netscape*backgroundPixmap: \
# netscape*toolBarFrame*backgroundPixmap: \
# netscape*toolBarFrame.?.?.backgroundPixmap: \
# netscape*backgroundPixmap: \
Thanks for any tips.
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: Compiling kernels

2000-06-12 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
  This seems to work ok - SMP is enabled and the SCSI controller works -
  but during the load process, immediately after Calculating module
  dependencies I get a lot of insmod *** unresolved symbols in
  lib/modules/x.x.x/misc/abcde messages displayed.  I haven't been able to
 This is some crap with the timestamps and limitiations of depmod, I think.
 Run depmod -a as root to fix. Or just ignore it.

I wonder what I was thinking when I wrote that. Bleargh, need more coffee.

Of course, the answer is: before installing a new kernel, move the old
modules dir somewhere else (or erase it).

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh 

Re: The Thrill of Debian Gnu/Linux

2000-06-12 Thread John Gould
Hello John, sounds like you've had lots of problems? Well here's my
two pennyworth... What I like to do when installing Debian on a new system
is to follow all the prompts until it asks whether I would like to install
one of the specified package sets or a custom install. Then select
'custom', but don't select any packages with deselect. Re-boot and run
deselect install, configure, remove, quit. You will end up with a system
will all of the base packages installed but nothing else, you can then
re-run dselect and 'cherry pick' exactly what you want installed on your
system. After the initial install dselect should go through the select,
install, configure, remove cycle without any complaints about anything
missing or any unmet dependencies.


32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, John McBride wrote:

 Yes, you too can experience the thrill of installing and upgrading the
 Debian distro!
 You'll impress your neighbors with your buff pinky muscles, built after
 hours of banging the living bejeesus out of the enter key to accept the
 default configurations for a plethora of programs you never use or asked
 to install! You're provided with about 5 base configurations -- which
 give you a machine with 40 mb. of packages, 120 mb. of packages, or 400+
 mb. of packages! The essence of flexibility! Of course, you *could*
 choose custom...go right ahead...
 You'll ohh and ahhh as apt-get fails on package name lengths that are
 too long!
 You'll quiver as apt-get begins returning E: pre depends messages!
 You'll dance as gdmconfig refuses to save a custom append line, forcing
 you to edit /etc/gpm.conf by hand!
 You'll writhe as gdmconfig tries to test your mouse and locks up the
 You'll telnet in from other machines repeatedly to kill gdmtest!
 You'll install xf86setup and find the actual command name is XF86Setup!
 Of course, when you install xf86config, the name is xf86config (this is
 an xfree thing, I know).
 You'll visit the site approximately 3,596,391 times finding
 out what package provides a command you need...since apt-get doesn't
 have what-provides or query options.
 Sigh. I know it's good stuff, but the initial and post-installation
 configuration details are mind-numbing. Somehow, someway, people need to
 be able to pick from more base installs, and there needs to be a higher
 quality post-installation configuration system.
 I'm almost there, but this is heinous. Maybe after installing SVGA16
 XF86Setup will start working right. Main problem now is that when I log
 in through gdm/helix gnome, there is no wm started -- just a gray
 stipple and a single button 2 menu. sawfish is installed and configured,
 but not launching I guess. Any help is appreciated.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Latex and Foiltex

2000-06-12 Thread Mithrandir
Hi All ;)

I got a simlpe question, does anybody known wheter there is a Foiltex-Package
for Latex as debian package??
I don't find it, and it would be very important for me. The standard Latex
don't seems to include this package but it exists.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot, greetings


  A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee into theorems.

   Timo Berkus
 Erwin-Rommel-Strasse 59
App. 5229
  91058 Erlangen
Tel: 09131 303992 Fax: 09841 1619
 0171  9743440
 09131 8528456

Description: PGP signature

Re: sound problems

2000-06-12 Thread M. Tavasti
Dietmar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 After installing helix-gnome onto potato I realized that everything
 freezes whenever I play mp3s. After deactivating soundeffects for
 sawfish(probably using libesd) that did not happen any more. Until now,
 I didn't try gnome-audio.deb.
 Anybody had that problem before? What could it be?

Same problem with gnome-1.0. When ypu are playing mp3's, and
gnome/windowmanager/whoever tries to use sound, it's getting jammed
for waiting to get sound writen to sound driver. Only solution for me
is disable sounds from all programs. 

My soundcard is some es1370-based SB. 

M. Tavasti /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /   +358-40-5078254
 Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
 Remove x-letters from my e-mail address

Re: Debian i386 mirror

2000-06-12 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Nathan,
and what about a mirror config file to mirror this. Can you (or other) 
send it for me?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique
Quoting Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sat, Jun 10, 2000 at 03:05:04AM -0700, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
  Hi all,
  I'm planning to make a mirror of debian i-386 (slink, potato, woody) at 
  my lab and want to know to measure how big it will be and if someone could 
  me provide an rsync line or mirror config file for this.
  Thanks, Paulo Henrique
 [check yer line wrap ...]
 A complete mirror (stable, frozen, unstable looks to be 16094910
 blocks as of right now.
 Mirroring binary-all and binary-i386 only seems to save quite a bit of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/spool/ftp/pub/debian $ du -s --total \
 16024 dists/potato/contrib/binary-all
 54286 dists/potato/contrib/binary-i386
 30501 dists/slink/contrib/binary-all
 68699 dists/slink/non-free/binary-all
 62384 dists/slink/contrib/binary-i386
 5172  dists/woody/contrib/binary-all
 61587 dists/woody/non-free/binary-all
 46343 dists/woody/contrib/binary-i386
 42095 dists/woody/non-free/binary-i386
 4034870   total
 Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
 GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
 Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

RE: mouse gpm/xwindow conflict revisited

2000-06-12 Thread Mark

Sorry but I mist the thread of this one!.

I also have a  gpm / xwindows conflict. I have tried various protocols and
types of mouse (I tried a serial bus mouse and a ps2 trackman), but the
mouse never works in X if I had gpm previously working.

Can this be fixed? or do you have to make a workaround ?

Thanks, Mark.
Unable to mount root file system 'Kernel Picnic', Please try again later
after lunch

- Original Message -
From: Kerstin Hoef-Emden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: mouse gpm/xwindow conflict


 On 6 Jun 2000, Eric Hanchrow wrote:

  Are you sure that MouseSystems is the correct choice?  I always use
  Microsoft here.

 I put Microsoft in there and it worked. Thanks for helping!

 But I would anyway like to know, where this Microsoft comes from. Is
 it mentioned somewhere in the gpm files?





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Re: Wheel mouse not working...oy.

2000-06-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Tim Jump [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Section Pointer
Buttons 3

This should read Buttons   5.

Compaq b520 and trident blade 3d

2000-06-12 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I installed slink and then upgraded for potato a Compaq 520 with a
Trident Blade 3D video card. My X is very small in horizontal mode. Anyone
knows a good modeline or a place to find one for this machine?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: mouse gpm/xwindow conflict revisited

2000-06-12 Thread Preben Randhol
Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/06/2000 (12:28) :
 Sorry but I mist the thread of this one!.
 I also have a  gpm / xwindows conflict. I have tried various protocols and
 types of mouse (I tried a serial bus mouse and a ps2 trackman), but the
 mouse never works in X if I had gpm previously working.
 Can this be fixed? or do you have to make a workaround ?

I have to turn off gpm every time I start the machine. I don't
understand why gpm starts as I'm sure I deleted the S20gpm link in

Anyhow I haven't figured the problem out yet, but there seem to be
something different with the linking of /dev/mouse when comparing to the
RedHat system I had earlier. On that system I didn't have problem with
gpm and X.

My mouse is a 3 button Logitech PS/2.

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
 Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling.
  -- Athol Fugard

SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Mark
On boot up, when my system executes the network init script, it gives the

SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

the network script contains:

ifconfig lo
route add -net lo

It's crashing on the route add bit. Shouldn't it be route add -host
instead of -net?

Mark  Herrick - Liverpool - England
mark at blacksky dot co dot uk
Pick two: Good, Fast, Cheap

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet delivered 
through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit-

Re: Install problem with AHA 2940 SCSI (older PC)

2000-06-12 Thread Jason Quigley

 I partitioned the HD into a 925 MB linux partition (type 83) and an 80 MB
 Linux swap partition (type 82).  I tried this setup because the install
 manual suggested as much swap space as you have memory.

IIRC, and this is for all you people who used to run NT Server on the box
and therefore probably had lots of memory just to get it to boot (:-), swap
only uses the first 128MB of a swap partition, so don't waste disk space on
large swap partitions, create multiple partitions of 128MB.


Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Corey Popelier
Umm, two aspects I can think of:

(1) in kernel 2.2.x -net isn't required at all iirc, so route add lo should be enough.
(2) I would have thought the route should be not
... my /etc/init.d/network says but don't take that for gospel.

 Corey Popelier

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Mark wrote:

 On boot up, when my system executes the network init script, it gives the
 SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters
 the network script contains:
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net lo
 It's crashing on the route add bit. Shouldn't it be route add -host
 instead of -net?
 Mark  Herrick - Liverpool - England
 mark at blacksky dot co dot uk
 Pick two: Good, Fast, Cheap
 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet 
 through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit-
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

new Debian user

2000-06-12 Thread Anthony Durity
Hi all,

I am new to the Debian fold and I am afraid that I am having trouble
adjusting from my RedHat/Mandrake familiarity. Some of these questions may
not be so Debian related so sorry in advance.

I am in the process of setting up a potato test-cycle 1 system that I
bought from some very nice people at the Linux Conference in London
recently for £7 including source. A good deal I would say :) Can anybody
recommend a Debian specific users guide (for the not so newbie)? 

I have an advansys scsi controller and 4GB IBM scsi hard drive. I also
have a brand new Maxtor Ultra ATA 66 29GB drive with promise controller. I
installed the system to the scsi drive without a hitch. The boot up script
system is similar enough but where is chkconfig? I get a really strange
NFS timeout error complaining about AF_INET not being set, any ideas? I
would like to install Debian to the ATA66 drive but I can't find a kernel
compile option to do this. The prebuilt IDE kernel image recognizes this
but cannot mount it as there is no filesystem on it. Do I have to download
a patch to the kernel sources provided?

I cannot get X to play nicely with my Creative Labs Geforce DDR. Is there
some utility besides the horrendous xf86config that I can use?

I really like the attention to detail that is apparent in Debian. I like
the package system, I just need to read up on it more, I guess that's what
the FAQ is for.

thanks in advance, Anthony

Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Mark
On 12/06/00 at 19:37 Corey Popelier spake the following magic words:
Umm, two aspects I can think of:

(1) in kernel 2.2.x -net isn't required at all iirc, so route add lo should be enough.
(2) I would have thought the route should be not
... my /etc/init.d/network says but don't take that for gospel.

 Corey Popelier

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Mark wrote:

 On boot up, when my system executes the network init script, it gives
 SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters
 the network script contains:
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net lo
 It's crashing on the route add bit. Shouldn't it be route add -host
 instead of -net?

Hmm, ok, but the networks file is stock, set up by the debian install. I
have upgraded the kernel from 2.0.38 to 2.2.15 - would this be the route
of the problem?
Mark  Herrick - Liverpool - England
mark at blacksky dot co dot uk
Pick two: Good, Fast, Cheap

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet delivered 
through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit-

Kernel Panic!..VFS.....

2000-06-12 Thread Wilson Yau
Could anyone give me a brief on the general procedure of troubleshooting
the following problem?

When my machine boots up, Linux is auto-probing the hardware, then it
stops and pops up an error message Kernel Panic..VFS

I tried to use a 'rescue' disk and did the e2fsck, but it said the '/'
partition was clean.
I could mount the '/' partition and navigate the directories, but just
can't boot up?
What could be wrong?

Many thanks for your help!

Re: Kernel Panic!..VFS.....

2000-06-12 Thread Mark Suter
Hash: SHA1


 When my machine boots up, Linux is auto-probing the hardware, then it
 stops and pops up an error message Kernel Panic..VFS
 I tried to use a 'rescue' disk and did the e2fsck, but it said the '/'
 partition was clean.
 I could mount the '/' partition and navigate the directories, but just
 can't boot up?
 What could be wrong?

It is probable that the filesystem you tested is not the same one
the kernel is trying to mount as the root filesystem.  The error
message should include the filesystem that was being tested, as
in the following example.

VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3:05

These numbers, 3 and 5, are the major and minor device
numbers, that is /dev/hda5, as follows

$ ls -l /dev/hda?   
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   1 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda1
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   2 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda2
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   3 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda3
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   4 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda4
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   5 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda5
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   6 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda6
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   7 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda7
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   8 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda8
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   9 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda9
Yours sincerely,

- -- Mark John Suter | I know that you  believe  you understand
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | what you think I said, but I am not sure
GPG key id F2FEBB36  | you realise that what you  heard  is not
Ph: +61 4 1126 2316  | what I meant.  anonymous

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Public key available from Keyservers or


HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Kevin Cobb

My debian Linux box is recently throwing numerous 
hda errors. I apologize for my obvious "newby question".

Can anyone tell me how I can place another hard 
drive into the Linux 2.1 box, copy everything from drive 1 to drive 2 and then 
come up on drive 2? I've looked for tools such as Ghost and doesn't 
seem to be applicable. Are there any Linux tools or procedures to 
accomplish this? Unfortunately this is a mission critical box and I am not 
a Linux pro.yet! Any help any of you might be able to provide 
would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

Kevin Cobb

Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Mark wrote:

 Hmm, ok, but the networks file is stock, set up by the debian install. I
 have upgraded the kernel from 2.0.38 to 2.2.15 - would this be the route
 of the problem?

:) Yup.

If I am not entirely mistaken, the 2.2.x kernel doesn't need the route
entry as it sets routes automatically.  It should be save to leave that
line out.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Need help w/proper syntax for Netscape in .Xdefaults

2000-06-12 Thread ktb
John Foster wrote:
 netscape*Navagation ToolBar.Shop.isEnabled:false
 below is my pieced together file to control netscape. I have found the
 all of the colors seem OK but the real reason that I want to get this
 correct is to get rid of the Shop button and add a search button. I have
 had no luck and none of the examples I have found seem to work. I saw
 that there is supposed to be a .Xresources file but I have only
 /etc/X11/Xresources directory with several control files. Should I try
 to set up a netscape control file there. I am using Debian pure potato
 and Netscape 4.72 downloaded and installed from tarball using the Debian
 Netscape4 wrapper installer.
 netscape*Navagation ToolBar.Shop.isEnabled:false


Go here --

The line should be --

Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled: false 

Type the line in exactly as shown making sure there is no space at the
end of the line.

setting up multi boot system

2000-06-12 Thread David Dodson

I've never run any kind of other operating system besides windows and I was 
considering setting up debian on one of my workstations at the office since 
its the only place I have computer and internet access.  I still need to 
keep windows and absolutely under no circumstances can I have one of these 
machines out of order.  It'll be my job.  So my question is, is it realistic 
to partition my drive and set up debian and what not and still expect to be 
able to use windows even if something weird is going on with debian?  I 
would think that you would get an option on which drive to boot from before 
either operating system is being used right?  Probably a stupid question but 
I couldn't find an answer anywhere else.

Kindest Regards

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Kernel Panic!..VFS.....

2000-06-12 Thread Wilson Yau

Yes, thank you for reminding me the missing bits (The machine with broken O/S is
not with me at the moment, I'm sorry that I have not jotted them down properly).
  Now, presuming what you said is right and once I've checked out the number,x
in the error message VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3:0x.  What command
should I do to fix the problem and get the O/S back to live?



Mark Suter wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


  When my machine boots up, Linux is auto-probing the hardware, then it
  stops and pops up an error message Kernel Panic..VFS
  I tried to use a 'rescue' disk and did the e2fsck, but it said the '/'
  partition was clean.
  I could mount the '/' partition and navigate the directories, but just
  can't boot up?
  What could be wrong?

 It is probable that the filesystem you tested is not the same one
 the kernel is trying to mount as the root filesystem.  The error
 message should include the filesystem that was being tested, as
 in the following example.

 VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3:05

 These numbers, 3 and 5, are the major and minor device
 numbers, that is /dev/hda5, as follows

 $ ls -l /dev/hda?
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   1 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda1
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   2 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda2
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   3 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda3
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   4 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda4
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   5 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda5
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   6 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda6
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   7 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda7
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   8 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda8
 brw-rw1 root disk   3,   9 Mar 29 15:25 /dev/hda9
 Yours sincerely,

 - -- Mark John Suter | I know that you  believe  you understand
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | what you think I said, but I am not sure
 GPG key id F2FEBB36  | you realise that what you  heard  is not
 Ph: +61 4 1126 2316  | what I meant.  anonymous

 Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Public key available from Keyservers or


Re: The Thrill of Debian Gnu/Linux

2000-06-12 Thread John Hasler
John Gould writes:
 What I like to do when installing Debian on a new system is to follow all
 the prompts until it asks whether I would like to install one of the
 specified package sets or a custom install. Then select 'custom', but
 don't select any packages with deselect. Re-boot and run deselect
 install, configure, remove, quit.


 You will end up with a system will all of the base packages installed but
 nothing else,...

No, you end up with all the standard packages.  The base packages were what
you had before you ran dselect.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Setting hwclock time

2000-06-12 Thread Shaul Karl
 I just did a clean install of debian potato on my Toshiba 2100cds. My bios
 clock reads Thu Jan 4 23:17:51 JST 1990. So when I use dselect to install
 numerous packages it stalls due to tar archive error that says ...future
 time stamp..etc This is very frustrating since any info, e.g. man pages,
 haven't been installed yet. I believe that hwclock and date commands should
 help but I haven't got them to work. and no man pages :-(
 Question: how can I set my bios clock to this century? or a workaround for
 the future time stamp error from tar?
 Thanks for any help
 Jack Morgan

Useful search interfaces to the man pages can be found at: and 


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Thrill of Debian Gnu/Linux

2000-06-12 Thread John Gould
Yes, agreed my miskake sorry.

Regards JohnG

32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

On 12 Jun 2000, John Hasler wrote:

 John Gould writes:
  What I like to do when installing Debian on a new system is to follow all
  the prompts until it asks whether I would like to install one of the
  specified package sets or a custom install. Then select 'custom', but
  don't select any packages with deselect. Re-boot and run deselect
  install, configure, remove, quit.
  You will end up with a system will all of the base packages installed but
  nothing else,...
 No, you end up with all the standard packages.  The base packages were what
 you had before you ran dselect.
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: setting up multi boot system

2000-06-12 Thread ktb
David Dodson wrote:
 I've never run any kind of other operating system besides windows and I was
 considering setting up debian on one of my workstations at the office since
 its the only place I have computer and internet access.  I still need to
 keep windows and absolutely under no circumstances can I have one of these
 machines out of order.  It'll be my job.  So my question is, is it realistic
 to partition my drive and set up debian and what not and still expect to be
 able to use windows even if something weird is going on with debian?  I
 would think that you would get an option on which drive to boot from before
 either operating system is being used right?  Probably a stupid question but
 I couldn't find an answer anywhere else.
 Kindest Regards

It sounds like you will have Debian on one drive and Windows on
another.  You can use 'lilo' to boot one or the other.  There shouldn't
be any trouble with one OS messing with the other in this circumstance.
During the initial installation you might want to unplug your HD with
Windows on it just to make sure no mistakes are made and you partition
that drive accidentally.  One other thing you might consider is vmware.
I've never used it but from what I understand if you have enough memory
it works pretty well.  You can install vmware on either windows or linux
and then run other operating systems from within that operating system
so you don't have to reboot each time to switch.  

Re: Daemons that use the serial ports

2000-06-12 Thread Shaul Karl
 How do you know what daemons that currently using the serial ports?
 My system behaves strangely; when it was init'ed to single user, the
 serial ports (/dev/ttyS0 and S1) can be probed using setserial -a. But
 when it was other than single user, setserial -a said that the devices
 were busy. Used by whom? Well, that's the question.

Perhaps lock files in /var/lock/ can help?


--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
 Kevin Cobb wrote:

 Can anyone tell me how I can place another hard drive into the Linux
 2.1 box, copy everything from drive 1 to drive 2 and then come up on
 drive 2?

How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting
the old drive under /old, the new one under /new and then issuing as
% cd /old
% tar cvf /new/backup.tar *
% cd /new
% tar xvf backup.tar

IIRC that should preserve file ownerships, file permissions, and
symlinks ... but than again, I've never done it myself.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: setting up multi boot system

2000-06-12 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
I have set up several dual-boot systems (linux-windows3.1, linux-NT, and
linux-w98). If you have partition magic, I have had success shrinking the
vfat partition and creating linux partitions. However, if the linux
partition is far from the master boot-block, then you will, I think, need
to use a boot-floppy that points to the linux partition. There is an
option for this during the Debian install. The same is true if you choose
to put linux on a separate disk. Understand that you cannot run the two
OS's simultanesously without something like vm-ware. 

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, David Dodson wrote:

 I've never run any kind of other operating system besides windows and I was 
 considering setting up debian on one of my workstations at the office since 
 its the only place I have computer and internet access.  I still need to 
 keep windows and absolutely under no circumstances can I have one of these 
 machines out of order.  It'll be my job.  So my question is, is it realistic 
 to partition my drive and set up debian and what not and still expect to be 
 able to use windows even if something weird is going on with debian?  I 
 would think that you would get an option on which drive to boot from before 
 either operating system is being used right?  Probably a stupid question but 
 I couldn't find an answer anywhere else.
 Kindest Regards
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread servicom
You could also instead of using tar, which will create a large backup file,
just use cp -Rdp /old /new


 From: Viktor Rosenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:10:09 +0200
 Subject: Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?
 Resent-Date: 12 Jun 2000 13:10:59 -
 Kevin Cobb wrote:
 Can anyone tell me how I can place another hard drive into the Linux
 2.1 box, copy everything from drive 1 to drive 2 and then come up on
 drive 2?
 How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting
 the old drive under /old, the new one under /new and then issuing as
 % cd /old
 % tar cvf /new/backup.tar *
 % cd /new
 % tar xvf backup.tar
 IIRC that should preserve file ownerships, file permissions, and
 symlinks ... but than again, I've never done it myself.
 MfG Viktor
 Viktor Rosenfeld
 E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Best way to copy Linux from one drive to another

2000-06-12 Thread mheyes

What is the best way to copy my Debian installation from one disk to another?

I am trying to do transfer my current install from a smaller drive to a larger
one. I installed, partitioned and formatted the new drive with the same
partitions as the smaller one. Then, I copied each partition in turn (/, /root,
/home, /opt, /var, /usr) to the appropriate partition on the new drive with cp
-a small-drive-partition /mnt/new-drive-partition.

When I boot (from floppy) to the new drive, I am told that /var/lock,
/var/run/utmp don't exist. urandom start: fails. Then, when system switches to
run level 2, syslogd hangs. But, all the /var files and directories did get

Is there a problem with my approach, and a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance.


Re: setting up multi boot system

2000-06-12 Thread David Dodson
I have one hard drive that ive already partitioned.  I was going to setup 
debian on the un used half.  So you see I can't unpulg my hard disk.  Will 
this be a problem?

It sounds like you will have Debian on one drive and Windows on
another.  You can use 'lilo' to boot one or the other.  There shouldn't
be any trouble with one OS messing with the other in this circumstance.
During the initial installation you might want to unplug your HD with
Windows on it just to make sure no mistakes are made and you partition
that drive accidentally.  One other thing you might consider is vmware.
I've never used it but from what I understand if you have enough memory
it works pretty well.  You can install vmware on either windows or linux
and then run other operating systems from within that operating system
so you don't have to reboot each time to switch.

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Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Sven Burgener
How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting

Where to get / how to create such a floppy? (Like a
mini-debug-admin-system on floppy; that'd be neat)

the old drive under /old, the new one under /new and then issuing as
 % cd /old
 % tar cvf /new/backup.tar *
 % cd /new
 % tar xvf backup.tar

Or you could use cp -av /old /new 2/cp-err 1/cp-msgs after having
mkfs'd and mounted the new drive. Then check cp-err and cp-msgs after
it's done. You could probably also use rsync if you have that installed.


Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Sven Burgener wrote:

 How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting
 Where to get / how to create such a floppy? (Like a
 mini-debug-admin-system on floppy; that'd be neat)

My first try would be booting from the slink CDs.  If that is too
limited you can check the rescue disks from Debian
(/cdrom/debian/dists/slink/main/{root,resc1440}.bin, see the textfiles
in that directory), the the Bootdisk-HOWTO
(, or the
various mini Linuxen (µLinux and the like).

 Or you could use cp -av /old /new 2/cp-err 1/cp-msgs after having
 mkfs'd and mounted the new drive. Then check cp-err and cp-msgs after
 it's done. You could probably also use rsync if you have that installed.

It's definatelly better to use cp because it won't create that large
file, but I've forgotten the switches to cp.

MfG Viktro
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

xisp and kppp and gnome-ppp and ...

2000-06-12 Thread Alberto Meroni
I am trying to make these packages working for a non root user.
I added the user to the group dialout and dip and the user
can log to the provider with pon and logout with poff but...
He cannot read the log file fo a problem of permissions.
Is there a clean way to solve the situation?
And if the same user tries to use xisp or kppp or gnome-ppp
it does not work apparently pppd get a modem hangup. I installed
the peer file and so on but I have no idea for the solution
(of course I could do it as root but...)
Thank you very much

Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Jason Quigley
BTW, somebody mentioned problems with disk performance under 2.2.15 and that
I should stay with 2.2.14.

I am interested in getting LVM working on my system and the only 2.2.x
system that will be patched will be 2.2.15+.

Does anybody know if this person was using the wrong orifice to communicate?

Many thanks,

 Hmm, ok, but the networks file is stock, set up by the debian install. I
 have upgraded the kernel from 2.0.38 to 2.2.15 - would this be the route
 of the problem?

Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Sven Burgener

 My first try would be booting from the slink CDs.  If that is too
 limited you can check the rescue disks from Debian
 (/cdrom/debian/dists/slink/main/{root,resc1440}.bin, see the
 in that directory), the the Bootdisk-HOWTO
 (, or the
 various mini Linuxen (µLinux and the like).

Thanks I'll look into that.

 Or you could use cp -av /old /new 2/cp-err 1/cp-msgs after
 mkfs'd and mounted the new drive. Then check cp-err and cp-msgs after
 it's done. You could probably also use rsync if you have that

It's definatelly better to use cp because it won't create that large
file, but I've forgotten the switches to cp.

Do it as I suggested above. FYI:

hp:~# cp --help
  -a, --archivesame as -dpR
  --backup[=CONTROL]   make a backup of each existing
destination file
  -b   like --backup but does not accept an
  -d, --no-dereference preserve links
  -f, --force  remove existing destinations, never
  -i, --interactiveprompt before overwrite
  -l, --link   link files instead of copying
  -p, --preserve   preserve file attributes if possible
  -P, --parentsappend source path to DIRECTORY
  -r   copy recursively, non-directories as
 WARNING: use -R instead when you might
 special files like FIFOs or /dev/zero
  --sparse=WHENcontrol creation of sparse files
  -R, --recursive  copy directories recursively
  -s, --symbolic-link  make symbolic links instead of copying
  -S, --suffix=SUFFIX  override the usual backup suffix
  --target-directory=DIR   move all SOURCE arguments into directory
  -u, --update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer
 than the destination file or when the
 destination file is missing
  -v, --verboseexplain what is being done
  -x, --one-file-systemstay on this file system
  --help   display this help and exit
  --versionoutput version information and exit

HTH  best of luck

Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Kevin Cobb
One of the newgroups I read contained the following, does anyone know if
this works with 2.1.  I believe it was for potato but being a very new linux
person, I couldn't tell you the differences.
 install new hd in the system
  1.. 2. partition it and mke2fs
  2.. 3. mount it to /mnt
  3.. 4. execute find / -xdev | cpio -vdump /mnt
  4.. 5. repeat 2,3,4 for any other partition you want to copy - say if you
have separate /var /home ...
  5.. 6. make rescue/root disks from .bin files. Note that if you use modern
e2fs tools they would create ext2 with sparse superblock on and you will not
be able to use slink rescue. I used potato rescue...
  6.. 7. put new disk into permanent position
  7.. 8. reboot, load with rescue disk and tell where the root is: rescue
root=/dev/hda1 for example
  8.. 9. edit /etc/lilo.conf and rerun lilo
10. remove floppy and reboot - you should be able to boot from new HD now
good luck OK PS: backup !!! 

As a serious newbie, where can I find documentation or something on mke2fs,
e2fs, etc?   Also, being this box was up prior to my arrival, and those that
build are now gone, can you create a rescue disk to do the above from the
command line?
I'm sorry for the fledgling questions, I'm an MS guy who's trying to cross

- Original Message -
From: servicom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

 You could also instead of using tar, which will create a large backup
 just use cp -Rdp /old /new


  From: Viktor Rosenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:10:09 +0200
  To: Kevin Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?
  Resent-Date: 12 Jun 2000 13:10:59 -
  Kevin Cobb wrote:
  Can anyone tell me how I can place another hard drive into the Linux
  2.1 box, copy everything from drive 1 to drive 2 and then come up on
  drive 2?
  How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting
  the old drive under /old, the new one under /new and then issuing as
  % cd /old
  % tar cvf /new/backup.tar *
  % cd /new
  % tar xvf backup.tar
  IIRC that should preserve file ownerships, file permissions, and
  symlinks ... but than again, I've never done it myself.
  MfG Viktor
  Viktor Rosenfeld
  E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Best way to copy Linux from one drive to another

2000-06-12 Thread Mark Suter
Hash: SHA1


 What is the best way to copy my Debian installation from one disk to another?

I suggest dump(8) and restore(8), as in the following example.
As dump(8) and restore(8) are filesystem oriented, you will need
to repeat this for each filesystem.

dump 0f - / | ( cd /new ; restore rf - )

Dump and restore are the traditional Unix utilities for copying
entire filesystems and can be used for backup.  I'm surprised how
often they are overlooked.

Yours sincerely,

- -- Mark John Suter | I know that you  believe  you understand
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | what you think I said, but I am not sure
GPG key id F2FEBB36  | you realise that what you  heard  is not
Ph: +61 4 1126 2316  | what I meant.  anonymous
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Public key available from Keyservers or


Re: mouse gpm/xwindow conflict revisited

2000-06-12 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi all,

  I had the similar problem and I found out if I remove the
  symbolic link /dev/mouse - /dev/gmdata resolved the problem.

Preben Randhol wrote:
 Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/06/2000 (12:28) :
  Sorry but I mist the thread of this one!.
  I also have a  gpm / xwindows conflict. I have tried various protocols and
  types of mouse (I tried a serial bus mouse and a ps2 trackman), but the
  mouse never works in X if I had gpm previously working.
  Can this be fixed? or do you have to make a workaround ?
 I have to turn off gpm every time I start the machine. I don't
 understand why gpm starts as I'm sure I deleted the S20gpm link in
 Anyhow I haven't figured the problem out yet, but there seem to be
 something different with the linking of /dev/mouse when comparing to the
 RedHat system I had earlier. On that system I didn't have problem with
 gpm and X.
 My mouse is a 3 button Logitech PS/2.
 Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
  Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling.
   -- Athol Fugard
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Kernel Panic!..VFS.....

2000-06-12 Thread Mark Suter
Hash: SHA1


 Yes, thank you for reminding me the missing bits (The machine with broken O/S 
 not with me at the moment, I'm sorry that I have not jotted them down 
   Now, presuming what you said is right and once I've checked out the number,x
 in the error message VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3:0x.  What command
 should I do to fix the problem and get the O/S back to live?

The basic procedure to fix most boot problems is easy to
describe.  The devil is in the details ;)

1) Boot the system by manually specifying the root fs.

2) Reconfigure your boot method with correct the root fs.

3) Reboot to be certain that you have fixed the problem.

Based on what you wrote about using the rescue disk, I believe
you are able to boot this system manually.  Step 2 is should be
editing /etc/lilo.conf and running /sbin/lilo - you should
ensure the boot= and root= lines are correct.

Yours sincerely,

- -- Mark John Suter | I know that you  believe  you understand
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | what you think I said, but I am not sure
GPG key id F2FEBB36  | you realise that what you  heard  is not
Ph: +61 4 1126 2316  | what I meant.  anonymous

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Public key available from Keyservers or


use second hard drive to boot from?

2000-06-12 Thread Joe Smith


I use Debian 2.1.  I have recently run out of space on my hard drive and am 
considering buying an additional one but am unsure if I can install it into 
my box to boot from.

Is it possible to install a second hard drive into something like the floppy 
drive bay?


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

error in make menuconfig

2000-06-12 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all,

   ive never seen this before, ive been compiling kernels on this since 2.0.34.

archangel:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:22: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:23: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:24: unistd.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:25: ctype.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:26: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:27: string.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
lxdialog.c:53: locale.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

anyone have any idea whats wrong ?


telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  I've constantly login to my debian/linux box from windows/nt
  using telnet.

  Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
  have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would
  I do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
  the ssh. 

  Would someone shed some light on this, please.  Thanks!


Re: error in make menuconfig

2000-06-12 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hi again,

  i meant, ive been compiling kernels on this same machine since 2.0.34
  how could those files have dissapeared ?


On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 10:27:38PM +0800, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
 hello all,
ive never seen this before, ive been compiling kernels on this since 
 archangel:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
 gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  
 -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:22: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:23: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:24: unistd.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:25: ctype.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:26: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:27: string.h: No such file or directory
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 lxdialog.c:53: locale.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 anyone have any idea whats wrong ?
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Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Jim Ray
   Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
   have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would
   I do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
   the ssh. 

There are two ssh clients for NT that are freely available.

Putty -

On the Linux box I would recommend using OpenSSH wich is available for


Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Sven Burgener
  Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
  have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would
  I do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
  the ssh.

You need to use TeraTerm with the SSH extension or something of that
kind. I use TeraTerm with the SSH ext. myself.
I dont know the URL right now, but a search on will help

  Would someone shed some light on this, please.  Thanks!


Anyone have kernel-source-2.2.14.deb

2000-06-12 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
For reasons not yet explained, kernel-source-2.2.14.deb is
not at the DEB respositories though its Package WWW page is
still up at  I need to do a compile with
2.2.14 source, to support both OSS sound  and the ltmodem.o 
winmodem binary, which doesn't (yet work) with 2.2.15.  Does
anyone have a kernel-source-2.2.14.deb that I could FTP in.


Re: Anyone have kernel-source-2.2.14.deb

2000-06-12 Thread Ron Rademaker
Why do you want a .deb for kernel sources?? (Is there such a thing as a
debian package for kernel sources anyway??) Why don't you just download
the tar.gz (or tar.bz2) from one of many... many mirrors in this
world. For example:

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

 For reasons not yet explained, kernel-source-2.2.14.deb is
 not at the DEB respositories though its Package WWW page is
 still up at  I need to do a compile with
 2.2.14 source, to support both OSS sound  and the ltmodem.o 
 winmodem binary, which doesn't (yet work) with 2.2.15.  Does
 anyone have a kernel-source-2.2.14.deb that I could FTP in.
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Re: use second hard drive to boot from?

2000-06-12 Thread Ron Rademaker
You can boot from it, perhaps you bios doesn't support it, but don't worry
the are more ways to get where you want to be:

- Install MBR with LILO onto your hda, with a lilo.conf that has something 
that looks like this:


- Install a MBR with LILO on you hdb as well

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Joe Smith wrote:

 I use Debian 2.1.  I have recently run out of space on my hard drive and am 
 considering buying an additional one but am unsure if I can install it into 
 my box to boot from.
 Is it possible to install a second hard drive into something like the floppy 
 drive bay?
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Re: Anyone have kernel-source-2.2.14.deb

2000-06-12 Thread Colin Watson
Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
 For reasons not yet explained, kernel-source-2.2.14.deb is
 not at the DEB respositories though its Package WWW page is
 still up at  I need to do a compile with
 2.2.14 source, to support both OSS sound  and the ltmodem.o 
 winmodem binary, which doesn't (yet work) with 2.2.15.  Does
 anyone have a kernel-source-2.2.14.deb that I could FTP in.

Why do you want a .deb for kernel sources?? (Is there such a thing as a
debian package for kernel sources anyway??)

It's a perfectly reasonable thing to want, since that way you get
Debianized kernel-image packages with any settings that the Debian
kernel maintainers consider useful (i.e. the settings in the distributed
kernel-image packages). Such packages exist, as you would see if you did
a simple 'apt-cache search kernel-source'.

I believe 2.2.14 may have been removed due to security holes, but I'm
not sure. You might try using make-kpkg (in kernel-package) on the
normal kernel source, which will give you a Debian package. If you want
the Debian default configuration, try getting the 2.2.15 source package
and copying its config.h.


Re: Debian i386 mirror

2000-06-12 Thread Gary Hennigan
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi all,
I'm planning to make a mirror of debian i-386 (slink, potato,
woody) at my lab and want to know to measure how big it will be and if
someone could me provide an rsync line or mirror config file for

I only mirror the 386 portions of potato, US and non-US, and my
archive is about 2G.

I had a major problem setting up a potato mirror using any type of
ftp-mirroring utility (like mirror). When I first started there were
a lot of links in potato to slink and the ftp server on most of the
debian mirror sites refused to flatten these symbolic links. If I had
continued trying to use mirror I would've had to copy both potato
and slink, both binary-all and binary-i386, in order to have a
functional mirror. 

Instead I started using a http mirroring utility. I use w3mir but
there are quite a few around that will do the job. The advantage is
that there aren't any symbolic links and I can mirror just the
binary-i386 directory structure and not worry about.

I imagine most, if not all the links from potato to slink are gone
now, but if you, for example, wanted to mirror just woody I suspect
you'd be in the same situation, ie., having to ftp mirror both woody
and potato, with the binary-i386 and binary-all subdirectories. Plus
http has it's other advantages like still being easily accessible for
those of us behind firewalls.

Good luck,

Re: Install problem with AHA 2940 SCSI (older PC)

2000-06-12 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 01:34:08PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
  I partitioned the HD into a 925 MB linux partition (type 83) and an 80 MB
  Linux swap partition (type 82).  I tried this setup because the install
  manual suggested as much swap space as you have memory.
 IIRC, and this is for all you people who used to run NT Server on the box
 and therefore probably had lots of memory just to get it to boot (:-), swap
 only uses the first 128MB of a swap partition, so don't waste disk space on
 large swap partitions, create multiple partitions of 128MB.

Um, no, that changed with 2.2.  (Of course, if performance is a concern,
it would be best to have one swap partition per physical drive to spread
the load.)  The current limit on x86 is 2G.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: esound (woody) broken?

2000-06-12 Thread Thomas Hood
Dietmar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As already postet twice, I have problems with sound after installing potato. 
 using just the same sound card. (Creative PCI 128-Ensoniq 1371) Whenever I 
 use gnome
 or sawfish with sound-support everything on my X-server freezes while I play 
 I still didn't found any solution

Use the esound output plugin on your player.


Re: setting up multi boot system

2000-06-12 Thread Ron Rademaker
You can get multiboot using lilo, that'll give you what you want, here's a
little example (my own lilo.conf) (I removed uninteresting things):



I got linux on hda1, freebsd on hda2 and windows on hda3.

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, David Dodson wrote:

 I've never run any kind of other operating system besides windows and I was 
 considering setting up debian on one of my workstations at the office since 
 its the only place I have computer and internet access.  I still need to 
 keep windows and absolutely under no circumstances can I have one of these 
 machines out of order.  It'll be my job.  So my question is, is it realistic 
 to partition my drive and set up debian and what not and still expect to be 
 able to use windows even if something weird is going on with debian?  I 
 would think that you would get an option on which drive to boot from before 
 either operating system is being used right?  Probably a stupid question but 
 I couldn't find an answer anywhere else.
 Kindest Regards
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Re: Debian i386 mirror

2000-06-12 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 12:20:19AM -0700, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   Hi Nathan,
   and what about a mirror config file to mirror this. Can you (or other) 
 send it for me?

I use rsync.  However, I don't have a 386 only rsync config handy ...
sorry.  Perhaps someone could enlighten us?

You'll find that many mirrors support anonymous rsync.

Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian i386 mirror

2000-06-12 Thread Allan Andersen
Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi all,
 I'm planning to make a mirror of debian i-386 (slink, potato,
 woody) at my lab and want to know to measure how big it will be and if
 someone could me provide an rsync line or mirror config file for
 I only mirror the 386 portions of potato, US and non-US, and my
 archive is about 2G.
 I had a major problem setting up a potato mirror using any type of
 ftp-mirroring utility (like mirror). When I first started there were
 a lot of links in potato to slink and the ftp server on most of the
 debian mirror sites refused to flatten these symbolic links. If I had
 continued trying to use mirror I would've had to copy both potato
 and slink, both binary-all and binary-i386, in order to have a
 functional mirror.

I mirror the slink, potato and woody dists with all the packages
(main, contrib, non-free, non-US and sources). I'm not finish yet
but now the archive is about 5.6GB, and my guess is about 9GB.


Re: Debian i386 mirror

2000-06-12 Thread Allan Andersen
Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 12:20:19AM -0700, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
Hi Nathan,
and what about a mirror config file to mirror this. Can you (or other)
  send it for me?
 I use rsync.  However, I don't have a 386 only rsync config handy ...
 sorry.  Perhaps someone could enlighten us?
 You'll find that many mirrors support anonymous rsync.

I mirror from, and
I've enclosed my rsync file. It's a bit long, because I only
want the i386 files. Hope you can use it.


#rsync -av 

#debian potato dists
#rsync -av 

rsync -avr

rsync -avr

rsync -avr 

rsync -rav 

rsync -rav 

rsync -avr 

rsync -rav

rsync -rav

rsync -avr 

#debian sid dists
rsync -avr 

rsync -avr

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr

rsync -avr 

#debian slink dists
#rsync -av 

rsync -avr

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr 

#rsync -av 

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr 

rsync -avr

rsync -avr

rsync -avr 

Re: esound (woody) broken?

2000-06-12 Thread Thomas Hood
 Oh, well... I can play mp3s here. What are you using to play them? In
 xmms, try chosing the OSS driver instead of esound.
 The only thing that's not working here is esound.
 BTW, I'm running woody.

GNOME plays sounds through esd.  If esd is not running,
and sound is enabled in GNOME, and an app issues a sound, then
GNOME pauses or hangs up.  So one wants esd to be running.

I had a problem getting esd running.  After a day of tinkering
I discovered that the problem was that my loopback device was
not configured.  The solution was to do ifconfig lo

esd accesses the sound hardware through the special device files.
(I guess the exact file depends upon whether you are using the
esound or the esound-alsa package.)  I found that when I
ran xmms with the OSS or ALSA output plugin, so that it was
accessing the sound hardware directly through these files, 
esd and in turn GNOME would be blocked.  But when I selected
the esound output plug for xmms the problem went away.  The
purpose of esd, after all, is to allow multiple processes to
access the sound hardware simultaneously without blocking one

Thomas Hood

Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid Parameters

2000-06-12 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 12 Jun 2000, Jason Quigley wrote:
 BTW, somebody mentioned problems with disk performance under 2.2.15 and that
 I should stay with 2.2.14.
 I am interested in getting LVM working on my system and the only 2.2.x
 system that will be patched will be 2.2.15+.
 Does anybody know if this person was using the wrong orifice to communicate?
 Many thanks,

I'm using 2.2.15 with no problems. I seem to remember that there was
some report recently that 2.2.14 had trashed some people's file systems,
but don't take this as gospel. I installed 2.2.14 on my son's computer
and the file system *was* trashed when he tried to boot after several
weeks on The Other System, but I don't know if the kernel was


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles:

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Unidentified subject!

2000-06-12 Thread mcclosk

| Hmm, ok, but the networks file is stock, set up by the debian
| install. I have upgraded the kernel from 2.0.38 to 2.2.15 - would
| this be the route of the problem?

Yes, this is why you're getting the SIOCADDRT error messages.

Actually, one of the changes between slink and potato that's not that
easy to find out about (it seems to me anyway) is that the use of the
/etc/initd./networking script is deprecated in favour of a new system
in which the commands ifup and ifdown (run at boot time) bring the
necessary interfaces up or down and do the necessary
configuration. The behaviour of those commands is controlled in turn
by files in the directory /etc/network/ the most relevant one being
the file `interfaces'.

The default settings in this file seem to assume a 2.2.x series
kernel.  Editing the file in a minimal way (uncommenting the line for
the loopback interface, putting in the relevant local numbers) and
deleting or re-naming the old /etc/init.d/networking script should
take care of the error messages as well as bringing you to the happy
state of not using any `deprecated' mechanisms.

The advantages of this system are discussed briefly in the man page
for ifup/ifdown,


Re: error in make menuconfig

2000-06-12 Thread Mark
On 12/06/00 at 22:27 Chad A. Adlawan spake the following magic words:
hello all,

   ive never seen this before, ive been compiling kernels on this since

archangel:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:22: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:23: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:24: unistd.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:25: ctype.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:26: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:27: string.h: No such file or directory
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
lxdialog.c:53: locale.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

anyone have any idea whats wrong ?


I had the same problem - you need to upgrade your libncurses5-dev as far as
I remember (must start writing these things down!)
Mark  Herrick - Liverpool - England
mark at blacksky dot co dot uk
Pick two: Good, Fast, Cheap

This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet delivered 
through the MessageLabs Virus Control Centre. For further information visit-


2000-06-12 Thread Nuno Almeida

I would like to know if this is simply a 
singularity of Debian, or if it's a bug of mine.

When I'm programming in C/C++ to other 
linuxdistr. and Imake a signal trap I can't, and that's absolutly 
normal, trap the signals 9 and 17, for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP. On Debian I can 
catch the SIGSTOP signal is this normal? Why the diference?

Waiting for someones explanation,

Nuno Almeida

@lwais at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: error in make menuconfig

2000-06-12 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 08:51:41AM -0700, Rick Younie wrote:
 loki:/rexxscripts$ dlocate -S string.h
 libc6-dev: /usr/include/bits/string.h
 Looks like at least libc6-dev is missing.  Lemme know how it goes.

   it worked !  libc6-dev was the missing package (along with libncurses5-dev). 
 thanks a lot man :-)

   dlocate, thats interesting, ive never seen that before.  what package is 
taht from?

thanks again,

Fw: Signals SIGSTOP

2000-06-12 Thread Nuno Almeida

I would like to know if this is simply a 
singularity of Debian, or if it's a bug of mine.

When I'm programming in C/C++ to other 
linuxdistr. and Imake a signal trap I can't, and that's absolutly 
normal, trap the signals 9 and 17, for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP. On Debian I can 
catch the SIGSTOP signal is this normal? Why the diference?

Waiting for someones explanation,

Nuno Almeida

@lwais at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

2000-06-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
Please do not use HTML since many mailclients cannot display it
properly. Thank you.

* Kevin Cobb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone tell me how I can place another hard drive into the
 Linux 2.1 box, copy everything from drive 1 to drive 2 and then
 come up on drive 2?

If there are no partitions on drive 2, you can boot from an
emergency system (like tomsrtbt and
use dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdX. This way your
old drive will be copied sector-by-sector which means that
partitions are created automatically.

If there are partitions on drive 2, I'd suggest the use of tar;
mount every partition on drive 1 and do a tar czvf *
/a/partition/on/drive2.tar.gz in the root directory of drive 1.

Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Timothy C Phan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
   have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would I
   do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
   the ssh.

You could use PuTTY or TeraTerm Pro (haven't got an URL, but I'm
sure that you can find it at or any
other search engine of your choice).

Re: masqmail - really a good safe solution for DIP connected box?

2000-06-12 Thread Davide Marchignoli

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Wojtek Zabolotny wrote:

 Hi All,
 Therefore I need to forge the mail headers, to make them reasonable
 for different DIPs. I've heard that masqmail is suitable for such purpose,
 but its version number (0.0.12) makes me a little afraid of it ;-).
 Does anybody has any experiences with this beast?
   Wojciech Zabolotny

Yes I used it for a while with no problems (from a sinle user machine 
so with few or none messages leaving the system); btw I compiled the tgz
since the deb package was an old version that did not deliver mail
locally. I do not know if it has been fixed now.

It is really simple to configure so it is worth a try.


Davide Marchignoli

Non-OpenGL online games for Linux?

2000-06-12 Thread Bart Szyszka

I'm having trouble finding some action/adventure games for
Linux that don't require an OpenGL-able graphics card where
I could play against at least one other person online. Can
anyone recommend any?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive
PayPal - Securely send money to an e-mail user![EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Dan Brosemer
On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 04:51:58PM +0200, Christopher Splinter wrote:
 * Timothy C Phan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would I
do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
the ssh.
 You could use PuTTY or TeraTerm Pro (haven't got an URL, but I'm
 sure that you can find it at or any
 other search engine of your choice).

If you're adverturous, Corinna Vinschen has released a patch for Portable
OpenSSH 2.1.0p3 to Cygwin.

Cygwin is a GPLed POSIX layer for Windows OSes.  You can download a copy at

Portable OpenSSH is available from

The patch can be found in the mailing list archives at

Be sure and read her message and changelog (aux.c was renamed to aux_funcs.c
because NT does silly things with files named aux.anything -- that couldn't
be included in the patch).  The message is also in the archives:

I haven't tried this, I don't have an NT machine to test it on, but
apparently, it will allow you to even run the ssh server on your NT machine.

If you decide to try this, let me know if you have any success (better yet,
let the list know:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] success or failure)


... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 1.2.2

Description: PGP signature

Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  Thanks for all the replies I got.  

  One more question, does Debian offer the sshd and ssh client
  in debianized package?  I could not seem to find them anywhere.


Christopher Splinter wrote:
 * Timothy C Phan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would I
do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
the ssh.
 You could use PuTTY or TeraTerm Pro (haven't got an URL, but I'm
 sure that you can find it at or any
 other search engine of your choice).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

How to copy a HDD with all Partitons and Datas?

2000-06-12 Thread Thomas Wild

I have to install 6 machines with Debian. All the machines have the
same hardware.
So I´m looking for a chance to install it the easiest way.

Is it possible, that I install it on one machine and copy the HDD to
all other HDDs and then to built in the HDDs in the new machines ?

Thanks !

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Wild
InTeCoFix GbR
Kirchhofstrasse 107 Technischer Support:
42327 Wuppertal
Phone: +49 (0) 202 - 74 89 301  Phone:  +49 (0) 202 - 74 89 304
Fax: +49 (0) 202 - 74 89 302Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Chris Mason
I sue SecureCRT to ssh to my Linux boxes. I tried others but they looked

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

-Original Message-
From: Dan Brosemer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: telnet replacement

On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 04:51:58PM +0200, Christopher Splinter wrote:
 * Timothy C Phan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Recently, I have learned that telnet is not a good idea and
have seen so many suggestion on ssh and wondering how would I
do this from windows/NT?  I did not seen windows/NT provide
the ssh.

 You could use PuTTY or TeraTerm Pro (haven't got an URL, but I'm
 sure that you can find it at or any
 other search engine of your choice).

If you're adverturous, Corinna Vinschen has released a patch for Portable
OpenSSH 2.1.0p3 to Cygwin.

Cygwin is a GPLed POSIX layer for Windows OSes.  You can download a copy at

Portable OpenSSH is available from

The patch can be found in the mailing list archives at

Be sure and read her message and changelog (aux.c was renamed to aux_funcs.c
because NT does silly things with files named aux.anything -- that couldn't
be included in the patch).  The message is also in the archives:

I haven't tried this, I don't have an NT machine to test it on, but
apparently, it will allow you to even run the ssh server on your NT machine.

If you decide to try this, let me know if you have any success (better yet,
let the list know:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] success or failure)


... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122 section 1.2.2

Getting X to work with a Diamond Viper v770 and slink

2000-06-12 Thread jpb
Ivan Vukosav wrote:
 How do I get Debian 2.1 to work with a Diamond Viper v770(NOT Ultra) card?

deb xfree-update main
to /etc/apt/sources.list

#apt-get update;apt-get upgrade;XF86Setup

Thats how I got my 770 working.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Brian Stults
Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   One more question, does Debian offer the sshd and ssh client
   in debianized package?  I could not seem to find them anywhere.

You have to get it from the non-US section.  For example, you could add
this line to your sources.list in /etc/apt:

deb woody/non-US main

Of course, you'll have to change it according to whether you have slink,
potato, woody, etc. (a.k.a. stable, frozen, or unstable).


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: (xterm or rxvt) and VIM

2000-06-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
t.bedlam wrote:

 Is this a KDE problem? Does KDE use termcap and not terminfo? Termcap very
 likely does not support color; a termcap.gz is in /usr/share/doc, but Debian
 doesn't use it; it's just there for reference.  My xterm/rxvt work great,
 2.1 and 2.2. I'm composing this mail in vim 5.6 under xterm 3.3.6-7 and the
 highlighting works fine. In HTML the links are underlined, yadda yadda.

Nope, the xterm works fine here to, it's just that VIM won't do color
highlighting, when it's term variable is xterm.  However, setting it to
xterm-debian, as somebody else suggested, works perfectly.  I get colors
and the xterm-specific options in VIM (mouse, title, etc.).

 The GVim buttons aren't pretty, but most of GVim looks like Vim anyway, so
 you won't know the difference. GVim also has has great X support. Especially
 when you specify in ~/.gvimrc :

 if version = 500
   syntax on
 set guifont=10x20
 hi Normal guibg=black guifg=grey

Ah, that works perfectly!  I also read that you can get rid of those
menu buttons by setting some options.  

Can you give me some examples of valid guifonts?  Or can you tell me,
where I have to look for them?
MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to copy a HDD with all Partitons and Datas?

2000-06-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Thomas Wild wrote:
 I have to install 6 machines with Debian. All the machines have the
 same hardware.
 So I´m looking for a chance to install it the easiest way.
 Is it possible, that I install it on one machine and copy the HDD to
 all other HDDs and then to built in the HDDs in the new machines ?

Well, supposing that /dev/hda is the HD you've built your Debian system
on.  Put in the next HD and do `dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb` with the
other 5 HDs.

Use at your own risk, though!

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: telnet replacement

2000-06-12 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  I think that I need some document on the ssh.

  I thought ssh and sshd are the client and server that would
  replace telnet and telnetd respective.  Why is ssh only available
  for non-us distribution?

  Secondly,  I log on to the site below and found:



  what are all these and which should I use to replace
  telnet/telnetd on the Debian and yet allow windows/NT
  user to login securely.

  Thanks in advance!

Brian Stults wrote:
 Timothy C. Phan wrote:
One more question, does Debian offer the sshd and ssh client
in debianized package?  I could not seem to find them anywhere.
 You have to get it from the non-US section.  For example, you could add
 this line to your sources.list in /etc/apt:
 deb woody/non-US main
 Of course, you'll have to change it according to whether you have slink,
 potato, woody, etc. (a.k.a. stable, frozen, or unstable).
 Brian J. Stults
 Doctoral Candidate
 Department of Sociology
 University at Albany - SUNY
 Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

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