warnings al hacer ldconfig -v

2000-06-19 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
  Hola a toda la lista.

Llevo intentando mandar este mensaje desde el viernes pero no me llega
de nuevo así que no sé si llegará a la lista o no. Bueno, de todas formas,
ahí va de nuevo:

He instalado un nuevo CLIPS y con él unas librerías (libclips, y
libclips-dev) y después, al ejecutar '/sbin/ldconfig -v' como root, que creo
que hay que ejecutarlo tras instalar algo, pero no estoy del todo seguro pq
no controlo demasiado el tema este de las shared libraries o librerías
compartidas y a veces hay cosas que ya tenía instaladas que luego no me
funcionan tras instalar otras y tal, y tal... En fin, que al hacer el
susodicho 'ldconfig -v', me he dado cuenta que me salían unos warnings que
no se muy bien a que se deben y tampoco si ya existían antes de instalar
esto de CLIPS. Son estos:
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libBrokenLocale.so (No existe
el fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libcrypt.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libdb.so (No existe el fichero
o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libdl.so (No existe el fichero
o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libm.so (No existe el fichero o
el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libndbm.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnsl.so (No existe el fichero
o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnss_compat.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnss_db.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnss_dns.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnss_files.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libnss_nis.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libpthread.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libresolv.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libutil.so (No existe el
fichero o el directorio), skipping
/sbin/ldconfig: warning: /usr/lib/libclips.so.6 is not a symlink
libclips.so.6 = libclips.so.6.0 (SKIPPED)

¿Alguien sabe qué son y me puede ayudar a solucionarlos?

Muchísimas gracias por adelantado y un saludo.



2000-06-19 Thread Alvaro Trujillo Roales

Perdón por gritar así pero 
estoy*absolutamente desesperado*. Os cuento:

Desde hace dos meses no hago copias de seguridad de 
misistema debido a un fallo en el funcionamiento de mi grabadora bajo Linux. 
Luego de resistirme mucho decido dado que dispongo de espacio más que suficiente 
a instalar mínimamente Windows 98 para comprobar si la grabadora realmente es 
fallo de software o de hardware.

Al reiniciar e indicarle al bicho que se instale en 
el espacio que tengo libre, decide que no le gusta y sin avisar arrasa el disco 
duro primario del canal IDE 1 en el que tenía nada más y nada menos 

/dev/hda (6500Mb)
/dev/hda1 - 
 /dev/hda2 - 
 /dev/hda3 - 
 /dev/hda4 - swap de 96 

El espacio físico no ha sido sobreescrito, ha 
eliminado las particiones y hecho una única partición de 6500Mb. ¿Sería posible 
recuperar la información de alguna manera? :_(

El caso es que en /home/vigu tenía proyectos de 
Ingeniería a entregar esta semana y documentos internos, logotipos, etc de una 
empresa que estamos creando entre varios.

Resumiendo, en milésimas de segundo he 
* Los proyectos de ingeniería con los que gano el 
pan los dos meses que viene.
* El trabajo de un mes de desarrollo de ideas para 
la nueva empresa.

FAVOR, es sumamente URGENTE. Si no sabeis como hacerlo y conoceis a alguien que 
pudiese saberlo hacedle llegar este mensaje os ruego.

Muchas gracias de alguien asolutamente 
P.D: Perdón por la longitud de las líneas pero me 
encuentro escribiendo el mensaje desde casa de un amigo y el Outlook (hace dos 
años y pico que no lo tocaba) es así.


2000-06-19 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Alvaro Trujillo Roales [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 El espacio físico no ha sido sobreescrito, ha eliminado las particiones y 
 hecho una única partición de 6500Mb. ¿Sería posible recuperar la información 
 de alguna manera? :_(

Has probado con lde (Linux Disk Editor) podrás recuperar gran
parte con un poquitin de trabajillo...

Si tus proyectos están en texto plano, puedes buscar alguna
cadena que te suene con:

$lde -S cadena /dev/hdaX

O puedes buscar por el dia que lo has borrado

$lde --recoverable -I 1 -a /dev/hdaX | grep Dec  3 (Fecha
con 2 espacios);

A partir del número de i-nodo que hemos encontrado:

$lde -i num_i-nodo /dev/hdaX
Nos muestra la información y con:

$lde -d bloque /dev/hdaX
Nos muestra el contenido del bloque, lo unico que tienes que
hacer es redireccionar la salida a otra partición...

 Espero que te sirva de ayuda, a nosotros nos salvo de tener que
 repetir un codigo en Lisp que le llevo a mi compañero casi un mes...

 (Mira la ayuda, tiene muchas más posibilidades.)

Saludos. Antonio.


2000-06-19 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos.

El tipo que gritaba tanto de forma desesperada porque había perdido los
datos de un disco duro de 6.5Gb por culpa del buen hacer de Windows 98
ers yo :-)

El software libre, Linux y la gente que programa genialidades me deja cada
vez más estupefacto, os cuento como lo resolví (no es información exlusiva
Debian pero creo que es de sumo interés):

-- Desde el ordenador de un amigo (el mio está malito) --
1) Google: rescue partition linux
   Resultado de la búsqueda un montón de enlaces pero uno se repite, el
   que hace referencia The Linux Partition-Rescue mini-HOWTO, lo leo
   de forma compulsiva en dos minutos y doy con la referencia a una pieza
   de software enigmática: gpart. No hay enlaces, don't worry be happy.
2) Freshmeat: gpart
   ¡Je!, ¡te pillé!. Me lo descargo y copio el binario existente en el sitio
   a un disquete.
-- Desde mi ordenador --
3) Arranco Linux.
   Dado que /dev/hda ha variado, la tabla de sistemas de ficheros (/etc/fstab)
   no sirve y paso a entrar como root en modo Debug.
4) Chequeo el estado de /dev/hda: gpart /dev/hda
   ¡¡SORPRESA!!, todo, absolútamente toda la información de mi sistema de
   particiones anterior intacto, me salgo de contento.
5) Reestablezco la tabla de partición anterior: gpart -W /dev/hda /fev/hda 
-- Desde la ventana de mi cuarto --
6) Grito: ¡¡¡Oeeoooeeeeoe!!!

En fin: 
  Debian/GNU Linux 1 - Windows 98 0
Saludos y gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/linux/ ViguLinux
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey


2000-06-19 Thread Luis Zuccolo

Hola a todos:

He reinstalado potato y a surgido un problema cuando quiero
activar el modulo que carga el modem.
Anteriormente no tenia ningun inconveniente pero ahora cuando ejecuto
modprobe y el nombre del modulo, aparece un mensaje que dice que
no pude encontrar dicho modulo
Puede alguien ayudarme?


2000-06-19 Thread Luis Zuccolo
Hola a todos

Hace bastante que estoy buscando informacion en los faqs y grupos de
noticias, pero no he encontrado nada, asi que los voy a molestar.
Cada vez que ejecuto una aplicacion en X, cualquiera sea el manejador de
ventanas que utilice, esta demora entre 15 y 20 segundos como minimo en
He probado con otras distribuciones tales como suse o red hat y no tenia
dicho inconveniente.
Por si e relevante, estoy utilizando potato en pentium III con 128mb
Podria alguien orientarme para solucionar mi problema

Muchas gracias

Re: Debian diz nao ao software nao livre. (fwd)

2000-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Por que vc acha correto não incluir? É tão comodo atualizar o debian
pelo dselect... Se não tivermos mais esses softwares, o debian perderá
uma de suas maiores vantagens como distribuição.

Helio Loureiro wrote:
  Naum gostei da ideia, a ideologia eh bonita mas acredito que,
  como distribuicao o Debian falha em naum dar a opcao a seus
  usuarios de usar programas semi-proprietarios
 Como a Debian eh uma distribuicao sem fins lucrativos, nao existe
 motivo para incluir software proprietario.  Quem gosta de netscape,
 staroffice e outros, eh soh pegar o pacote em tar.gz e incluir, assim como
 eu fiz.
 Veja que eu nao discrimino o uso de software nao livre, apenas
 acho correto nao incluir na distribuicao.
 |  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
 |  http://www.lcmi.ufsc.br/~helio  | http://www.engnux.ufsc.br |   by|
 | http://www.engnux.ufsc.br/~helio | http://www.aikido.ufsc.br | FreeBSD |
 Just a reminder to all OpenBSD admin types that
 # rm -rf /usr/lib
 is not a very bright thing to do.  I don't know which was more amazing,
 the things that kept running or the things that I couldn't start :-)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian diz nao ao software nao livre. (fwd)

2000-06-19 Thread Helio Loureiro
 Por que vc acha correto não incluir? É tão comodo atualizar o debian
 pelo dselect... Se não tivermos mais esses softwares, o debian perderá
 uma de suas maiores vantagens como distribuição.
Só acho correto não incluir na distribuição padrão, o que não quer
dizer que vc não possa pegar os aplicativos de outros lugares ou
distribuições, como a Corel.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
|  http://www.lcmi.ufsc.br/~helio  | http://www.engnux.ufsc.br |   by|
| http://www.engnux.ufsc.br/~helio | http://www.aikido.ufsc.br | FreeBSD |
Just a reminder to all OpenBSD admin types that
# rm -rf /usr/lib
is not a very bright thing to do.  I don't know which was more amazing,
the things that kept running or the things that I couldn't start :-)

Re: Arquivos de inicializacao

2000-06-19 Thread Leandro Dutra
 De: praciano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 que o meu debian (2.1) inicialize? Alguns programas, tais 
 como o junkbuster,
 apache, etc,... nao sao desejaveis em meu sistema 
 stand-alone, sem nenhuma

Por que você não simplesmente os remove com o dselect ou o dpkg?

 / \  Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra  +55 (11) 246 96 07 resl
 \ /  Amdocs Brasil Ltda, Sao Paulo  +55 (11) 3040 4724 coml
  X   http://www.terravista.pt/Enseada/1989/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / \  Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTML    BRASIL

Re: Display Card problem

2000-06-19 Thread Kent West
MUS wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Want to know, does Debian support my display card Sis 620,
 which is integrated into motherboard, sharing memory with

 Thank you.

I'm assuming you're asking if X supports your card. If the kernel supports it, 
and if
X supports it, it'll work in Debian.

From http://www.xfree86.org/FAQ/#SiS530:

 Q.F20- Is a server for SiS 530 or SiS 620 based motherboards with integrated 

 Boards based on those two chipsets are now supported in the current XFree86 
 release 3.3.5.

 For an improved server for those see below the question regarding newer SiS 

help! ... doin' the samba

2000-06-19 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi, I've had this problem for a while and can't seem to get around it ...

When a normal user tries to change his/her passwd using smbpasswd or SWAT,
they get the following error:

machine rejected the session setup. Error was : ERRSRV - ERRbadpw
(Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or
Session Setup are invalid.).
Failed to change password for mcrobert

... but the users are contained in the smbpasswd file  the /etc/passwd
file. What's happenin' here???!!? I'm using a bare bones smb.conf file:
shown below:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from [my machine]
# Date: 2000/06/19 12:43:05

# Global parameters
workgroup =
interfaces = [machine's IP]/22
encrypt passwords = Yes
debug level = 2
guest account =

browseable = No

path = /home/mcrobert
writeable = Yes

path = /home/temp

... the relevant lines from the /var/log/smb file (at log-level 2) are:

[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [homes]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [mcrobert]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [jlange]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(83)
  added interface ip= bcast=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:main(746)
  Changed root to /
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(97)
  netbios connect: name1=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/connection.c:utmp_claim(560)
  utmp_claim: conn NULL
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(988)
  Username  is invalid on this system
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(408)
  Closing connections

thanks a lot for any help!!

Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
The lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math

Re: pgp setup

2000-06-19 Thread Tom Furie
On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 10:48:09AM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Anyone that's got gnupg / pgp5 installed, could they be so generous as
 to assist me in setting it up?
I have gpg with the following in .muttrc

   set pgp_default_version=gpg
   set pgp_receive_version=default
   set pgp_send_version=default
   set pgp_key_version=default

There should be some links from http://www.mutt.org that might be of


Everyone is entitled to an *informed* opinion.
-- Harlan Ellison

Description: PGP signature

Re: files/dirs under /var/www/

2000-06-19 Thread Brian May
 Ethan == Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ethan On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 08:04:07AM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen
Ethan wrote:
  Thanks.  I thought the same thing, but then noticed dwww in
 there so I started to wonder.  Should I file that as a bug?
 It's only a symlink to /var/lib/dwww/html though ...

Ethan i don't know what dwww is, if its one of those
Ethan documentation type of things that really is only meant to
Ethan be used by local users, it really should not be in the
Ethan document root.  instead apache should be configured with a
Ethan localhost only entry for /var/lib/dwww like you would do
Ethan for /usr/share/doc or such.

dwww is only one such program. Another program is latex2html:


(I suspect that usr/lib is old, but remains on my system).

The problem here (as far is I am aware), is that the maintainer of
latex2html wants the files to be viewable via file: and http:.

See /usr/doc/latex2html/README.debian.gz for details.

Re: Upgrading Storm (slink) to Potato

2000-06-19 Thread Phillip Deackes
voy1d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was using Storm for a while, and I just got so pissed off with the
 the packages were all wrong that I gave up and went back to Debian. 
 yeah, they don't really look after the updates etc, so I wouldn't
 with it.

Huh? Which packages are all wrong? The current version of Storm is Slink
with a few extra value-added packages like the Storm Package Manager, a
front-end to apt. I installed Storm and have upgraded all the way to
Woody without any problems. Storm uses a slightly customised kernel
which gives frame-buffer support and provides the graphical boot screen,
and a slightly customised lilo to give the graphical boot-manager
screen. You are not forced to use these, and indeed as soon as you
upgrade you lose both features unless you use a new Storm-patched kernel
and put Storm's lilo on hold.

So, you can upgrade your Storm installation exactly as if were plain
Debian, without any problems, and can, if you wish, retain any Storm
features along the way. I really don't see why you have a problem.
Perhaps you could explain more.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: Upgrading Storm (slink) to Potato

2000-06-19 Thread Phillip Deackes
Paul McHale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone done this yet?  Could you give details including
 lines used?  I want to run potato due to increased apps support.  I
 just wait for Storm to release a new distro based on potato.

No problem. My /etc/apt/sources.list for Potato looked like this (I say
'looked' because I have since upgraded to Woody):

deb ftp://ftp.stormix.com/storm potato main
deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato kde
deb http://ftp1.us.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free

Hope this helps.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: Upgrading Storm (slink) to Potato

2000-06-19 Thread voy1d
The fact that the commands are different, for example bitchx instead of
BitchX and everything I foudn was out of date.

Faith No More summed up life well,
You Can't Always Get What You Want
- Original Message -
From: Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Upgrading Storm (slink) to Potato

 voy1d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was using Storm for a while, and I just got so pissed off with the
  the packages were all wrong that I gave up and went back to Debian.
  yeah, they don't really look after the updates etc, so I wouldn't
  with it.

 Huh? Which packages are all wrong? The current version of Storm is Slink
 with a few extra value-added packages like the Storm Package Manager, a
 front-end to apt. I installed Storm and have upgraded all the way to
 Woody without any problems. Storm uses a slightly customised kernel
 which gives frame-buffer support and provides the graphical boot screen,
 and a slightly customised lilo to give the graphical boot-manager
 screen. You are not forced to use these, and indeed as soon as you
 upgrade you lose both features unless you use a new Storm-patched kernel
 and put Storm's lilo on hold.

 So, you can upgrade your Storm installation exactly as if were plain
 Debian, without any problems, and can, if you wish, retain any Storm
 features along the way. I really don't see why you have a problem.
 Perhaps you could explain more.

 Phillip Deackes
 Using Storm Linux 2000

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-6 ?

2000-06-19 Thread Ian Zimmerman
 Colin == Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [23:32:47 /tmp]$ wc /var/log/syslog -l 1316 /var/log/syslog
 [23:32:50 /tmp]$ grep modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-6
 /var/log/syslog | wc -l 214 [23:32:53 /tmp]$

Shaul Why 15% of my syslog is filled with the error message about
Shaul that module? What does it do?

Colin char-major-6 is an alias for the set of kernel character
Colin devices on major number 6;
Colin /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt says that this is
Colin parallel printer support, so presumably you've got a printer
Colin daemon installed or something.

Shaul I am using a kernel-image as is and have not compiled
Shaul anything. Why is it all of a sudden gives me messages about it?
Shaul Is it a bug in some package? How can I fix it?

Colin That kernel-image package *does* have parallel printer support
Colin enabled as a module. Have you modified anything in
Colin /etc/modutils/ in any way?

I don't think so.  Rather, the lp module is loaded at boot time, as it
is listed in /etc/modules.  That would be the place to check for
modifications, and the boot script that reads it which is

If Shaul wants the driver loaded the non-Debian way, on demand, he
needs to add this line to /etc/modutils/aliases:

alias char-major-6 lp

then run update-modules.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
In his own soul a man bears the source
from which he draws all his sorrows and his joys.

Scan frequencies on exit from X

2000-06-19 Thread John Gould
Hello everyone,
   I have a small problem when switching from X back to a
virtual terminal or leaving X completely. The machine boots fine and the
monitor frequencies are normal, if I start X, X runs fine, again with
expected horizontal and vertical refresh frequencies to the monitor. The
problem occurs when switching from X to a virtual terminal or exiting X
completely. The horizontal and vertical scan frequencies get set way too
high for the monitor and I can't read the display. Does anyone know what X
uses to set the card up for a virtual terminal switch or when exiting X?
Apart from this everything works fine. This only occured after replacing
the motherboard and processor with a much faster one. I was wondering if X
read the rdev vga value from the kernel or used the vga line in LILO.
Any help would be most appreciated.

Best Regards JohnG

32865e97b5342e762ab140e00f3da23b - Just 'Debian'

AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?

I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
problem was also present with previous kernels I think.

Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Tom Lancaster
IMHO, you're lucky to have that soundcard working at all. If it makes a
loud noise during bootup, may I suggest cotton balls in the ears? ;-)

No, really, congratulations on getting it to work. I gave up and just
got a $20 ensonic. which works like a charm.


Maciej Kalisiak, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
 clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
 I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
 problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
 Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)
 Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
 PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
 GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
 PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 04:08:51AM -0400, Tom Lancaster wrote:
 IMHO, you're lucky to have that soundcard working at all. If it makes a
 loud noise during bootup, may I suggest cotton balls in the ears? ;-)


It really wasn't too bad.  Come to think of it I didn't encounter any other
problems, I just followed the AWE32/64 FAQ.  Mind you that PnP stuff was not

 No, really, congratulations on getting it to work. I gave up and just
 got a $20 ensonic. which works like a charm.

How is it?  It's a wavetable synthesis card too, right?  How's the MIDI on it?

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: mouse in X again

2000-06-19 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
In the XF86Setup session, did you specify a three-button mouse?

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:

 obviously, I was too fast when saying, that the mouse works under X now.
 The problem I am facing: The second mouse button does not work. I
 cannot cut and paste. Is this perhaps caused by the entry Microsoft in
 section pointer of XF86Config so that XF86 thinks, I have got a 2
 button mouse?
 Since this is a Logitech 3 button mouse. Should I perhaps choose another
 protocol instead of Microsoft? 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: your mail

2000-06-19 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
What version of windows?

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Tom Lancaster
There is an AWE64 soundcard gathering dust in the mess of wires behind
my computer. I've never tried to do anything fancy with my Ensoniq
ES3771, but it playes music nicely. I got it because it is one of the
named cards in the kernel config, and because it's only $20.

I happen to be a musician, but if I'm going to use my computer for stuff
related to that, it'll have to be Pro-Tools on a Mac: specialized pretty
hardware, and software that'll work. Almost as good as a 4-track...

Incidentally, I got my AWE-64 to work once. *ONCE*. I have no idea how,
as I'd lost count of the number of kernel compiles I'd done by then, and
the ISAPNP stuff..? Normally cryptic stuff like that interests me, but
not in this case.


Have a good evening.

Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 04:08:51AM -0400, Tom Lancaster wrote:
  IMHO, you're lucky to have that soundcard working at all. If it makes a
  loud noise during bootup, may I suggest cotton balls in the ears? ;-)
 It really wasn't too bad.  Come to think of it I didn't encounter any other
 problems, I just followed the AWE32/64 FAQ.  Mind you that PnP stuff was not
  No, really, congratulations on getting it to work. I gave up and just
  got a $20 ensonic. which works like a charm.
 How is it?  It's a wavetable synthesis card too, right?  How's the MIDI on it?
 Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
 PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
 GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
 PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y?
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ibm thinkpad 380Z serial port trouble

2000-06-19 Thread Jaume Teixidor
I've recieved a thinkpad 380Z :-)
I've partitioned disk and installed w2000 on a partition with Thinkpad
On the other partition I've installed debian from a cd with kernel
Problem is I can't connect throught PPP in order to update debian from
the internet
Linux doesn't see my serial port on /dev/ttyS1 only sees IR at ttyS0

-on w2000 serial is located at COM2, 0x02F8 and irq 3
in Thinkpad Configuration I've serial port enabled and IR disabled.

-on linux I run setserial (v 2.14) doesn't happens anything, I type:
setserial /dev/ttyS1 auto_irq autoconfig
and on /proc/tty/driver/serial stills is only ttyS0

-On my debian cd there isn't tpctl and I haven't any PCMCIA in order to
get connected to the net, the only way is PPP

help appreciated,
tel;fax:972 463114
tel;work:972 463050
org:6TEMS;Ducform, SA
adr:;;Pla de l'Estany, s/n;CASSÀ DE LA SELVA;Girona;17244;Spain
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Administrador de Sistemes
fn:Jaume Teixidor

How to make iso8859-2 fonts the default ones in X? (and the dirty solution...)

2000-06-19 Thread Wojtek Zabolotny
Hi All,

In the old good slink, there was xfntil2 package (or something like this)
which installed the iso-8859-2 fonts in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/*-il2 dirs.
So I could just add this dirs on the begining of the FontPath in the XF86Config,
so that these fonts were defaults. It was very usefull for such i18n-dumb
applications like xfig, siag and many others.
Unfortunately in potato the xfonts-intl-european package, places all fonts
in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/* dirs, so it is impossible to use the old good trick.

I have one idea how can it be done, but this is very dirty trick.
I'm going to create the /usr/local/xfonts-il2/* directories (* stands for
75dpi 100dpi and so on...) and symlink all iso-8859-2 fonts into the appropriate
directories (probably it can be done with a perl script, maybe someone knows
about such a beast ready for use? otherwise I'll have to write it by my own).
Then of course I'll call the mkfontdir for these new dirs.
In the XF86Config I'll add these new dirs on the begining of the FontPath.

Does anybody knows the better solution?


Wojtek Zabolotny

ogonkify does not process correctly the XFig files in potato?

2000-06-19 Thread Wojtek Zabolotny
Hi All,

It seems to me that ogonkify does not process correctly the xfig files in 

If I have a myfile.fig and process it with:
fig2dev -L eps myfile.fig | ogonkify -F -ATH  myfile.eps
The resulting eps still contains the iso-8859-1 characters instaed of 
Has anybody solved it?

Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: your mail

2000-06-19 Thread Andre Berger
Please: Avoid mails with subjects like Re: your mail and responses
like What version of windows. Respect the public character of this
mailing list.


Arthur H. Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What version of windows?
 Arthur H. Edwards
 712 Valencia Dr. NE
 Abq. NM 87108
 (505) 256-0834
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Funny format CD's...

2000-06-19 Thread Armin Wegner
On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 05:35:55PM +0200, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
 Is it possible to mount the 7th track of a CD? The first 6 being audio
 tracks, and the seventh the first and only data track?

 I believe it is possible to write another track to a CD-R device later, as
 long as the disk hasn't been fixated. I was just wondering if it was
 possible to add a data track after adding audio tracks...
 Is it otherwise possible to rip a specific track, but not making it an
 audio track? i.e. suppose I write a data track to track 7, I'd like to rip
 it back to the CD image it was... I'd guess cdparanoia won't work, 'cause
 it extracts audio tracks to wave files... the last thing I can think of,
 is dumping the whole CD, and then cutting off the first part and possibly
 the last part, so that you'll only be left with track 7...
 Any ideas?

Yes. There is a kernel module called cdfs. Find it on the Web and compile it and
copy it to /lib/modules/kernel version/fs.
It's easy to compile. You can do it. Just type make.

Once installed, you can mount a cd with

mount -t cdfs /dev/cdrom device target

Take a look in target and you will see all tracks of the cd as files. You can
copy them like files.
That's nice for copying cd images.
In addition, you can mount one of these files as a loop filesystem.
Then you have the same effect as mounting conventionelly, but can choose your


Re: mouse in X again

2000-06-19 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Arthur H. Edwards wrote:

 In the XF86Setup session, did you specify a three-button mouse?

I can not remember it did ask for it specifically, but I decided against
Emulate-3-Buttons. I tried now several things in exchanging the entries
in section Pointer and nothing worked. After changing back to the first
entries (PS/2 and /dev/psaux), and downgrading to an older gpm-version,
it works. So I doubt that the problem was a 2-button-mouse setting. 





Re: please help test debian frozen

2000-06-19 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden



Should all problems which arise now be reported to Debian-testing
instead of to the bug list?

At the moment the gpm/X11 problem with PS/2 /dev/psaux mice and an
unreliable ppp dialout come to mind.





/dev/snd is symlinked to nonexistant file

2000-06-19 Thread adam.edgar
My sound mysteriously quit working the other day and I believe I found the
problem.  /dev/snd is symlinked to a some sort of ALSA dev file which
doesn't even exist. I think I can get sound working again if I delete it
and replace it with a device file. How is that to be done. I don't know
the command to make a device. Oh and if you don't think simply replacing
it will work then please shed some light on me.
Adam S Edgar

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Frank Barknecht
Maciej Kalisiak hat gesagt: // Maciej Kalisiak wrote:

 Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
 clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
 I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
 problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
 Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)

Just a wild guess: Could it be that you have esd installed an that esd makes
this noise on start up? I sometimes get an explosion-like sound from my
AWE, too, but I have normally disabled esd. And normally if I use esd, it
just beeps, which is bad enough...

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

R: MS Access and Linux

2000-06-19 Thread marco frattola
last week, there was a discussion about samba and access on the samba
mailing list (www.samba.org for their archives)
i've been using samba with debian box for 5 years, with very few problems.
what are you exactly looking for?

Marco Frattola (S3 - Sviluppo Software e Sistemi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Jed Shepardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Inviato: domenica 18 giugno 2000 2.08
 A: Dabian-User List
 Oggetto: MS Access and Linux
 MS Access Applications on Linux/Samba Network.
 Are you using this kind of system?
 Are there any News Groups or Web Pages on this Subject?
 Would you like join one if we can set this up?
 Please Contact:
 Jed Shepardson
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: this is an unsecure session

2000-06-19 Thread F.P. Groeneveld
Roy John Little [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I decided to reinitiate the session.  The login prompt with the banner
: background appeared, with the disturbing difference that, instead of
: saying Debian GNU/Linux I got This is an unsecure session, and I
: cannot login now as root or as anyone else.  I have booted from the rescue

I have (sorta) the same problem. It ONLY occurs when I log in with my
techtronix xterminal; logins on the linux box themselves are fine. Also, I
_can_ log in as a regular user, then. Not sure about root, haven't tried.

Any suggestions as to what is the case / how to fix?




2000-06-19 Thread Goeman Stefan

Hello Everybody,

I have downloaded WingZ (a spreadsheet) and I tried to install this.
When I won't to start the program I get a message in the style of: can't
or can't start library libXpm.so.4.

Indeed, this library is not on my system. I tried to install it with dselect
but I came to
the conclusion that it is not available on potato.

Any ideas ??



majordomo gone?

2000-06-19 Thread Robert Waldner


It seems that the majordomo-package is no more on the mirrors, neither in
the stable/unstable/frozen hierarchies...it gets listed if you do a search
via www.debian.org, though.

Any hints?


Re: Compiling the Kernel.

2000-06-19 Thread dyer
Marc Miron wrote:

 Hi Everybody!!

 I'm trying to build a new kernel that has IP masqing/port forwarding
 abilities and I've followed all the directions in the How-TOs and I just
 can't seem to get it to work as after runing make config and setting it all
 up, I run make clean;make install; make and after it has been working for
 probably over an hour it just stops saying there is a file not found error.
 I do not understand this because I would have thought that all the files
 would have been included in the original .tar.gz file.  If there is some
 other way of doing this, I'd be very gratefull of knowing about it.
 Otherwise, If someone knows of a site with a decent selection of pre-build
 kernels I'd also be grateful.  Otherwise, if anyone is interested in
 building such a site, I've got plenty of room on my machine to host it.

Please post the error about what file it cannot find.  Also, you should not be
running 'make install'. Take a look at the README in the /usr/src/linux 
You should be running:
make mrproper
make config (or menuconfig or xconfig)
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

Again, look at the readme.


Re: majordomo gone?

2000-06-19 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 01:52:39PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:
 It seems that the majordomo-package is no more on the mirrors, neither in
 the stable/unstable/frozen hierarchies...it gets listed if you do a search
 via www.debian.org, though.

Majordomo had a security gig, and due to its license a patched copy
couldn't be distributed.  It's been removed from the distribution.

Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: Best way to copy Linux from one drive to another

2000-06-19 Thread mheyes

Apparently this was a Partition Magic problem after all. Upgraded 4.0 to current
5.0 and PM now correctly reports the partition sizes.

Michael Heyes

Andrew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/14/2000 08:46:21 AM

To:   Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: Best way to copy Linux from one drive to another

On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 08:35:40AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks to all for your suggestions!  My new 10G disk is now working fine. Now,
 if I can just figure out why PartitionMagic won't recognize anything beyond
 first 8G . . .

That's probably a BIOS/ Windows (depending on where you're running PM)

Re: majordomo gone?

2000-06-19 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:
 It seems that the majordomo-package is no more on the mirrors, neither in
 the stable/unstable/frozen hierarchies...it gets listed if you do a search
 via www.debian.org, though.
 Any hints?

You should probably subscribe to debian-security-announce :-) 
majordomo was removed from Debian due to its licensing making it impossible
to fix security bugs.

I don't know why www.debian.org didn't refresh the package listings, though.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Description: PGP signature

Re: libXpm.so.4

2000-06-19 Thread ktb
Goeman Stefan wrote:
 Hello Everybody,
 I have downloaded WingZ (a spreadsheet) and I tried to install this.
 When I won't to start the program I get a message in the style of: can't
 or can't start library libXpm.so.4.
 Indeed, this library is not on my system. I tried to install it with dselect
 but I came to
 the conclusion that it is not available on potato.
 Any ideas ??

I just did a search at --


Under --

Search the Contents of the Latest Release

and it shows it is in package x11/xpm4g

device permisions to non root users ?$@?

2000-06-19 Thread Mark Sanchez

I want a non root to be able to use the CDROM (to
listen to NIN while programming!:), after reading an
answer to this list to a similar question I did:

addgroup mark cdrom

to add user mark to the CDROM group but still cant

/dev/cdrom is a link to /dev/hda and this shows:
rwx r-x ---  root cdrom /dev/hda (group cdrom rx

I checked that user mark is actually added to group
cdrom (in /etc/group you read cdrom: mark)

Any ideas ?, ( root can listen to NIN:( )

Regards to all and thanks, Mark

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

RE: serial config

2000-06-19 Thread C. Falconer
Two possibilities...

1) you plugged the serial header cables into the motherboard backward, or 
off-by-one, or you're using different ones from before which are wired 

2) shorting the motherboard to the case has fritzed the serial controller. 
 Can you plug in an ISA IO card?  I nuked the FDC on a P75 once - the only 
way to get a floppy was to install a MFM / FDC controller :)
From:   I am alone in a world of weirdos.[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply To:   I am alone in a world of weirdos.
Sent:   Monday, 19 June 2000 4:36 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject:serial config


i have a serial mouse which i am trying to get to talk to my debian
system.  thre isn't anything complicated about it, just a mouse on ttyS0.

it used to work with the motherboard i am using, but i moved my system to
a bigger case, and for various reasons when i did that i reinstalled the
OS.  since then it has not worked.

its not just the mouse either, i try connecting my Palm III to ttyS1 and
the palm claims i am trying to talk to a modem.  needless to say the palm
also used to work with this motherboard, and works on my ol' 486.

my com ports are turned on in the bios, my /dev/ttyS* are all set to
world rwx (i am not particularly concerned with security at the moment.)
my serial.conf looks fine, and i am stumped.

i edited the serial.conf in order to get my modem working on ttyS3, which
it did.  i have commented and commented that bunches of times, and even
tried reinstalling the setserial package.

when i first moved the motherboard to the new case i had some problems
with the motherboard shorting out, but i have since insulated and fixed
that and everything else except the com ports are working now.

it seems like this is something stupid that has continued to slip past me,
but i cannot figure it out.

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Copyright (C) 2000 Mark A. Torrey Esq.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: device permisions to non root users ?$@?

2000-06-19 Thread Ron Flory
Mark Sanchez wrote:
 I want a non root to be able to use the CDROM (to
 listen to NIN while programming!:), after reading an
 answer to this list to a similar question I did:
 addgroup mark cdrom
 to add user mark to the CDROM group but still cant
 /dev/cdrom is a link to /dev/hda and this shows:
 rwx r-x ---  root cdrom /dev/hda (group cdrom rx
 I checked that user mark is actually added to group
 cdrom (in /etc/group you read cdrom: mark)
 Any ideas ?, ( root can listen to NIN:( )

 /dev/hda needs to have non-root read access.

 append ',user' to the cdrom entry in /etc/fstab

 works for me


mailing-list managers (Re: majordomo gone?)

2000-06-19 Thread Robert Waldner

I'd be grateful if some people on the list would share their opinions
on other mailinglist-managers.

I've only used majordomo until now and don't know anything about others.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: mailing-list managers (Re: majordomo gone?)

2000-06-19 Thread Steve Lamb
Monday, June 19, 2000, 6:27:33 AM, Robert wrote:
 I'd be grateful if some people on the list would share their opinions
 on other mailinglist-managers.

 I've only used majordomo until now and don't know anything about others.

IMHO there is no better manager than Listar.  In all ways I detest
Majordomo Listar is a dream.

Security is cookie based.  Sounds bad but it is quite nice.  You send it
an admin message and it sends it back to you with a unique string embedded in
the message.  You then forward that message back to Listar and it completes
the request.  Why is this better?  Any request is sent to you for completion.
Unless someone can intercept your email it is pretty hard to get around that

Listar (as of the latest version) has a web-based interface for users and,
IIRC, the administrators as well.  I've not played with it yet from the admin
side but the user side lets people do pretty much anything they are allowed to

It also does all modes in one run.  Digests are not a separate list, they
are just a flag on each user.  This was a major point on Majordomo, the
hellish mail loop for digesting to work.

Listar has flags on the user.  Some the user can set, some he cannot.  All
are controllable from the email and web interface.  No need for a list for
that permission and a list for this permission.

Listar is also quite fast in its execution.  It will sort the userlist so
mailers which will do batch sends will have all of the addresses in one area.
For example, Listar with Exim on this machine absolutely loves sending to some
domains where it pushes 20-30 addresses and then one single body.  Sure saves
on my limited bandwidth.

I've not heard of a list so large that Listar cannot handle it.  IIRC one
person on the Listar support list has 50,000 or so users on one list.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: mailing-list managers (Re: majordomo gone?)

2000-06-19 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd be grateful if some people on the list would share their
 opinions on other mailinglist-managers.

Mailman http://www.list.org/ is pretty good, IMHO.

RE: problem reading vim online dox

2000-06-19 Thread Moore, Paul
From: Nate Bargmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm not sure as I've seen the reference to the $VIMRUNTIME 
 env variable
 in the vim docs.  Since it seems vim is hardwired to look in
 /usr/share/vim, perhaps /usr/share/vim should be a sim-link to a real 
 directory of /usr/share/vim56 or whatever the prefered 
 installed version.

Vim should be set up with two relevant directories - the first is $VIM,
which falls back to /usr/share/vim if not defined (at least on the version
of vim which comes with Potato - it's a compile-time option if you build vim
yourself). The second is $VIMRUNTIME, which defaults to $VIM/vimNN where NN
is Vim's version number (56 for 5.6).

So you should have the system vimrc in /usr/share/vim/vimrc, and the runtime
files in /usr/share/vim/vim56/, and then everything should work with NO
environment variables needed. This is what you get if you do apt-get install
vim vim-rt. You need vim-rt, as that contains the runtime stuff (the docs,
syntax files, etc). I'm forever installing vim but forgetting vim-rt - was
that the original poster's problem?

You shouldn't need to set environment variables or move files. If you do,
there's a big bug in the vim packages (and I know there isn't in the
versions I'm using - 5.6.070-1)

Hope this helps,

apt-get kernel question

2000-06-19 Thread Dean
   I recently upgraded to potato and decided to upgrade kernel to 2.2.15

same time. Everything went smoothly except I no longer have ppp
in the kernel. I still have the old kernel to boot to which has ppp.
My question is if I use the old kernel to apt-get something, will
this put whatever I install in the wrong place or doesn't the kernel
matter as far as where the packages go?  TiaDean

RE: help! ... doin' the samba

2000-06-19 Thread James Sasitorn
So in the excerpt:
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/connection.c:utmp_claim(560)
  utmp_claim: conn NULL
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(988)
  Username  is invalid on this system
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(408)
  Closing connections
It seems that the username from the win machine is null.
the message says Username [insert here] is invalid on this system.

what name are you logining in your windows box with? you can change that
name and/or map user names for your samba account.

under global username map = /etc/samba/users.map
and in users.map [unix name]  = my name


-Original Message-
From: Andrew McRobert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 11:43 PM
To: Debian-Users (E-mail)
Subject: help! ... doin' the samba

hi, I've had this problem for a while and can't seem to get around it ...

When a normal user tries to change his/her passwd using smbpasswd or SWAT,
they get the following error:

machine rejected the session setup. Error was : ERRSRV - ERRbadpw
(Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or
Session Setup are invalid.).
Failed to change password for mcrobert

... but the users are contained in the smbpasswd file  the /etc/passwd
file. What's happenin' here???!!? I'm using a bare bones smb.conf file:
shown below:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from [my machine]
# Date: 2000/06/19 12:43:05

# Global parameters
workgroup =
interfaces = [machine's IP]/22
encrypt passwords = Yes
debug level = 2
guest account =

browseable = No

path = /home/mcrobert
writeable = Yes

path = /home/temp

... the relevant lines from the /var/log/smb file (at log-level 2) are:

[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [homes]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [mcrobert]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [jlange]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(83)
  added interface ip= bcast=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:main(746)
  Changed root to /
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(97)
  netbios connect: name1=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/connection.c:utmp_claim(560)
  utmp_claim: conn NULL
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(988)
  Username  is invalid on this system
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(408)
  Closing connections

thanks a lot for any help!!

Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
The lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: apt-get kernel question

2000-06-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
The kernel doesn't matter AT ALL where the packages install, this is
specified in the debian package.

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Dean wrote:

I recently upgraded to potato and decided to upgrade kernel to 2.2.15
 same time. Everything went smoothly except I no longer have ppp
 in the kernel. I still have the old kernel to boot to which has ppp.
 My question is if I use the old kernel to apt-get something, will
 this put whatever I install in the wrong place or doesn't the kernel
 matter as far as where the packages go?  TiaDean
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Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Félix Almeida
Maciej Kalisiak, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
 clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?

  I've got an AWE 64 Value (ISA) and everything is working fine but
sometimes it makes this horrible sound too. I've tried a lot of things
but nothing worked... If you find any explanation about this please let
me know, ok?

 Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)

  Hehe. :)

 Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]

Good luck.
 Félix Almeida   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-get kernel question

2000-06-19 Thread Dean
Thanks Ron  Dean

anyone using xosview?

2000-06-19 Thread m_shapiro
I have just installed xosview and can not get it to work.

I am running slink with some packages upgraded to potato (but I have not
upgraded glibc).  The install seemed to go fine using apt-get.  The messages say
that it was downloaded, unpacked and configured.  When I try to run the
program, however, using:


from an xterm I get nothing.  If I run top it shows that xosview is running
(stat 'R') but nothing shows on the display.  The menu of active applications
in fvwm does not show xosview, either.  I get the exact same results if I try
to start xosview from fvwm's GoodStuff.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Any help appreciated.

Marc Shapiro http://www.bigfoot.com/~m_shapiro/
 -- Linux IS user-friendly.  It is just picky about who its friends are.

Re: Upgrading Storm (slink) to Potato

2000-06-19 Thread Phillip Deackes
voy1d [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fact that the commands are different, for example bitchx instead
 BitchX and everything I foudn was out of date.

Have you used Debian? Storm *is* Debian with a few extras. Someone who
is used to Debian could use a Storm system and not be aware he/she was
using Storm as opposed to Linux. All the apps, apart from a few extras,
are *Debian* apps and come from the same sources you'd go to if you had
a Debian system.

The commands may be different to, say, RedHat, but they are certainly
the same in Storm as they are in Debian. No difference.

You say 'everything was out of date' - Storm is Debian Slink. Slink is
the current Debian version. Debian tends to not release a new
distribution until the developers are convinced there are no bugs. Hence
it tends to lag behing other distributions. BUT you have the option at
the moment of upgrading Storm (or Debian) to the frozen distribution
(Potato) which will soon be released, or to the bleeding-edge, very
up-to-date Woody. I am using Woody and all the apps I use are very up to
date. So there we are, a bleeding edge Storm Linux. The choice is yours.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

ddns.cron.pl ndc.cron.pl

2000-06-19 Thread Mike Nachlinger

After doing an apt-get upgrade I'm getting mail stating;

/bin/sh: /usr/sbin/ddns.cron.pl: No such file or directory
/bin/sh: /usr/sbin/ndc.cron.pl: No such file or directory

The ddns message occurs every 5 minutes, ndc once a day.
I've reinstalled bind and dnsutils, no help.
Can anyone tell me what package these perl scripts come from?


| Mike Nachlinger BAC Travel Director |
| (408) 446-9914[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 07:06:57AM -0400, Frank Barknecht wrote:
 Maciej Kalisiak hat gesagt: // Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
  Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
  clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
  I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
  problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
  Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)
 Just a wild guess: Could it be that you have esd installed an that esd makes
 this noise on start up? I sometimes get an explosion-like sound from my
 AWE, too, but I have normally disabled esd. And normally if I use esd, it
 just beeps, which is bad enough...

No, I don't run esound (although it is installed on my system).  The noise
usually comes as the Sound Blaster module is getting loaded, just before the
joystick module, or somewhere near there.

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: port scan logger

2000-06-19 Thread Sven Gaerner

try the program snort for detecting intrusions or install the iplogger package 
that logs all ip connections to your machine.


Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 12:24:32PM -0400, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 07:06:57AM -0400, Frank Barknecht wrote:
  Maciej Kalisiak hat gesagt: // Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
   Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
   clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
   I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
   problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
   Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)
  Just a wild guess: Could it be that you have esd installed an that esd makes
  this noise on start up? I sometimes get an explosion-like sound from my
  AWE, too, but I have normally disabled esd. And normally if I use esd, it
  just beeps, which is bad enough...
 No, I don't run esound (although it is installed on my system).  The noise
 usually comes as the Sound Blaster module is getting loaded, just before the
 joystick module, or somewhere near there.

Sure it's not when the midi stuff gets loaded?  As I recall, that's
where it was for me.  I fixed it by dropping the midi crap (if I want
midis, I'll use timidity anyway and midis suck anyway).

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 12:51:11PM -0400, brian moore wrote:
 Sure it's not when the midi stuff gets loaded?  As I recall, that's
 where it was for me.  I fixed it by dropping the midi crap (if I want
 midis, I'll use timidity anyway and midis suck anyway).

Maybe, maybe.  What exactly do you mean by dropping the midi?  Not loading
MIDI support in the kernel?  

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

whiteboard software?

2000-06-19 Thread Michael A. Miller
Can anyone recommend whiteboard software (for networked
conferencing) that will work well on a Debian system?  How about
in a mixed Debian/Mac/MS group?


Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread brian moore
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 01:00:23PM -0400, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 12:51:11PM -0400, brian moore wrote:
  Sure it's not when the midi stuff gets loaded?  As I recall, that's
  where it was for me.  I fixed it by dropping the midi crap (if I want
  midis, I'll use timidity anyway and midis suck anyway).
 Maybe, maybe.  What exactly do you mean by dropping the midi?  Not loading
 MIDI support in the kernel?  

Yep.  (Well, not loading the module anyway, since my AWE64 is PnP and
needs to be kicked by isapnp before it wakes up.)

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: whiteboard software?

2000-06-19 Thread John Foster
Michael A. Miller wrote:
 Can anyone recommend whiteboard software (for networked
 conferencing) that will work well on a Debian system?  How about
 in a mixed Debian/Mac/MS group?
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Amaya has that capability,
though I have never tried it. Best wishes!
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Sound Config Problem

2000-06-19 Thread Alex Kwan
I used my new compiled kernel to bootup the system,
I checked the dmesg found that my sound card was detected:
SB3.01 detected ok (220)
SB DSP versions is just 3.01..
YM3812 and OPL-3 driver
when I try to test the driver as follows:
(1) # cat english.au /dev/audio
/dev/audio No such device
(2) # cat /dev/sndstat
/dev/sndstat: No such device
but I ls /dev I can found the sndstat and audio, what is going wrong? 

boot error

2000-06-19 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

Anyone know why do I get the following error upon bootup:

insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/unix.o cannot create
/var/log/ksymoops/2619212757.ksyms Read Only Filesystem

Indeed that file doesn't exist. Should I create it using /dev/null 
or what?

If I should post more infos, please let me know. Oh yes, almost forgot: 
running up-to-date potato here.

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: Non-OpenGL online games for Linux?

2000-06-19 Thread Riku Saikkonen
Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/06/2000 (18:36) :
 I'm having trouble finding some action/adventure games for
 Linux that don't require an OpenGL-able graphics card where
 I could play against at least one other person online. Can
 anyone recommend any?

Browse through the games sections in dselect's list of packages.
Most of the games don't require much graphics hardware, and some are
multiplayer in one way or another.

Some real-time multiplayer games are xpilot, xevil, xarchon and
spellcast. xpilot has very good support for online play, but I'm not
sure about the others. Many older Unix games are multiplayer by
opening windows on multiple X displays; but this isn't very safe and
probably generates too much network traffic for a dialup connection.

Try xpilot, if you like that kind of game...


Re: folders and mutt

2000-06-19 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 11:25:43PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

 Put all your mail somewhere like a ~/mail directory; then tell procmail
 (or an exim filter) to put inbox mail in ~/mail/inbox, and your other
 folders are stored as files in ~/mail. You can subdivide folders into
 groups by using subdirectories.

Done so. I also added the following to my .procmailrc:


This way, my $MAIL file is never greater than 0 bytes - all mail gets
moved out of there. Now, as mutt reads $MAIL by default, I would like 
to know how to change this behaviour. I tried zgrep'ing /usr/dox/mutt 
for this, but have not found anything. ($MAIL is /var/spool/mail/svn)

I dont want to *not* use procmail's DEFAULT as my default inbox is
~/Mail/mbox and not ~/mbox as mutt suggests. (Even if I did use ~/mbox, 
I'd still have to press 'y' instead of just hitting Enter which 
is annoying :))

 'c' in mutt changes from one folder to another. Have a look at the
 'mailboxes' .muttrc command to designate several folders as ones in
 which you expect to receive incoming mail, then hitting 'c' will select
 the next folder with new mail by default.

For this, I have the following in my .muttrc:

mailboxes $HOME/Mail/mbox
mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user
mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-isp
mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-firewall
mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user-de

Funnily tho, when hitting TAB, I get a listing of the _directory_ 
~/Mail. This way I also see my procmail logfile which I don't want to 
see when I browse through my mails; besides I didn't add it to my 
mailboxes in .muttrc...
Isn't this weird or am I just doing something fundamentally wrong here? :)

I get to like mutt more and more every day.

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

glibc libs

2000-06-19 Thread Wesley A. Wannemacher

I am trying to compile and install the glibc libraries
on my Linux machine. I am including threads and crypt
libs. I get past the configure script w/o problems, but
when compiling i get the following:

connections.c: In function `handle_request':
connections.c:353: `SO_PEERCRED' undeclared (first use in this function)
connections.c:353: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
connections.c:353: for each function it appears in.)
connections.c: In function `nscd_run':
connections.c:442: `SO_PEERCRED' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [connections.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/glibc-2.1.3/nscd'
make: *** [nscd/others] Error 2

has anyone seen this or know what to do? I am installing
it so that MySQL will work. BTW it is glibc v2.1.3 



Wesley A. Wannemacher
Instructor, Network Administrator
Northwestern College

Re: AWE64 making loud noise on bootup

2000-06-19 Thread ferret

I'm using alsa 0.5.7 (from Woody) and an awe64 on one of my machines. The
only problem I have like that is a pop when the computer powers on.

I have had problems with OSS emulation under 2.2.15 and 2.2.16 though, not
specific to that particular computer. I'd reccomend using the new alsa
packages if you aren't already, and trying kernel 2.2.14 if you have any
problems with OSS.

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Tom Lancaster wrote:

 IMHO, you're lucky to have that soundcard working at all. If it makes a
 loud noise during bootup, may I suggest cotton balls in the ears? ;-)
 No, really, congratulations on getting it to work. I gave up and just
 got a $20 ensonic. which works like a charm.
 Maciej Kalisiak, Maciej Kalisiak wrote:
  Has anyone experienced their AWE64 soundcard making a loud
  clash/crash/explosion noise during bootup?  Is there a fix?
  I'm using a mix of potato/woody, with a hand-rolled 2.2.16 kernel.  The
  problem was also present with previous kernels I think.
  Help!  It's going to give me a heart attach one of these mornings... :)
  Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac 
  PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 
  GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- 
  PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y?
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Need FrontPage Extension .debs for apache-perl 1.3.9-13.1-1.21.20000309-1

2000-06-19 Thread John Foster
I need debianized frontpage extensions for:
apache-perl 1.3.9-13.1-1.21.2309-1 
If anyone knows where to obtain these please advise. I want to install
Frontpage extensions on my currently running Potato system. A; of the
info available on Microsoft, RTR software, freshmeat, etc. is for older
versions of apache. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Re: glibc libs

2000-06-19 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 14:42:18 -0400, Wesley A. Wannemacher wrote:
 I am trying to compile and install the glibc libraries on my Linux
 machine. I am including threads and crypt libs. I get past the configure
 script w/o problems, but when compiling i get the following:

 I am installing it so that MySQL will work. BTW it is glibc v2.1.3 

Is there a particular reason you're trying to compile glibc from source
rather than using the 'libc6' package and friends in potato?

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: glibc libs

2000-06-19 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 02:42:18PM -0400, Wesley A. Wannemacher wrote:
 I am trying to compile and install the glibc libraries
 on my Linux machine. I am including threads and crypt
 libs. I get past the configure script w/o problems, but
 when compiling i get the following:
 connections.c: In function `handle_request':
 connections.c:353: `SO_PEERCRED' undeclared (first use in this function)
 connections.c:353: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 connections.c:353: for each function it appears in.)
 connections.c: In function `nscd_run':
 connections.c:442: `SO_PEERCRED' undeclared (first use in this function)
 make[1]: *** [connections.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/glibc-2.1.3/nscd'
 make: *** [nscd/others] Error 2
 has anyone seen this or know what to do? I am installing
 it so that MySQL will work. BTW it is glibc v2.1.3 

install the libc6-dev package and save yourself a lot of heartache.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \


2000-06-19 Thread Johann Spies
I have sent this message under a different subject line and did not
get any response.  At the moment I cannot use Postgresql and it is a
frustration.  It seems that my system is an unstable linux system.

I got this message when my computer rebooted.

FATAL: StreamServerPort: bind() failed: Permission denied
Is another postmaster already running on that port?
If not, remove socket node (/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432) and retry.
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: cannot create UNIX stream port

But there is no /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432

Trying to start postgresql as root gives the same message.

Postgresql 6.5.3 on a mixed slink/potato machine.

I hope somebody can help me to get it going again.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 
   Proverbs 1:10

speakfreely in tm5300 notebook

2000-06-19 Thread erasmo perez
hello everybody

hi guys! long time not seeing you

i have a small problem, that turned out to be important

i have a notebook travelmate 5300 (texas inst.) which works
fine under linux, it has a sounblaster sound card, i guess that
integrated to the mainboard

the problem that interest me now is the reception of sound using

this machine can reproduce sound, can record sound, can play mp3
files, can record using sound-recorder, and can send sound using
speakfreely, and in fact, it can also receive sound using speakfreely (sf)

the problem is that when it is reproducing sound using sf, after some
moments of paceful reproduction of sound, the machine hangs, stops and
i need tu turn off the power button, as in an interruption request

but when i check /proc/interrupts there is no interruption collision,
and, by the way, i could install the module of sound without interrupt
collision problems

so, it is interesting because this problem only arises after some
seconds of paceful reproduction, since it starts playing the sound of
sf, *last* some seconds and after that the machines hangs :-(

which could be the reason for this problem, and how could i overcome
this situation ?

thanks a lot


Re: speakfreely in tm5300 notebook

2000-06-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
I guess it could be something with resources that run out, or perhaps a
buffer overflow that writes some instructions in memory it shouldn't write
in which causes wrong instructions to be executed (you could imagine that
if a program is writing data in the wrong place of memory where at that
moment is a proces that is being executed ( worse case the kernel ), it's
going to contain wrong instructions, which are going to be executed). 

I got no idea how go can check these thing, I know about libsafe, a
library that sends a SIGKILL to a proces when a buffer overflow occurs ( I
made a debian package, you can get it at: ftp://rademaker.dhs.org in
pub/linux/debian/packages/binary-i386/ ). However, this buffer overflow is
only something that I think could be it, I'm not saying it is the problem!

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, erasmo perez wrote:

 hello everybody
 hi guys! long time not seeing you
 i have a small problem, that turned out to be important
 i have a notebook travelmate 5300 (texas inst.) which works
 fine under linux, it has a sounblaster sound card, i guess that
 integrated to the mainboard
 the problem that interest me now is the reception of sound using
 this machine can reproduce sound, can record sound, can play mp3
 files, can record using sound-recorder, and can send sound using
 speakfreely, and in fact, it can also receive sound using speakfreely (sf)
 the problem is that when it is reproducing sound using sf, after some
 moments of paceful reproduction of sound, the machine hangs, stops and
 i need tu turn off the power button, as in an interruption request
 but when i check /proc/interrupts there is no interruption collision,
 and, by the way, i could install the module of sound without interrupt
 collision problems
 so, it is interesting because this problem only arises after some
 seconds of paceful reproduction, since it starts playing the sound of
 sf, *last* some seconds and after that the machines hangs :-(
 which could be the reason for this problem, and how could i overcome
 this situation ?
 thanks a lot
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Re: Postgresql-problem

2000-06-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
Johann Spies wrote:
  I got this message when my computer rebooted.
  FATAL: StreamServerPort: bind() failed: Permission denied
  Is another postmaster already running on that port?
  If not, remove socket node (/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432) and retry.
  /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: cannot create UNIX stream port
  But there is no /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
  Trying to start postgresql as root gives the same message.

...so it is presumably not a permissions problem with /tmp.

Please run postmaster through strace (add it to the command
in postgresql-startup) and post the output for a little while before
the failure (perhaps from the socket() call); that might give some

Please try also `lsof | grep 5432' and see what you get.  (That should
report any existing use of port 5432.)

lsof is (for me) in package lsof-2.2.  I think you have to install the
correct version for your kernel.

Isle of Wight  http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 
   Proverbs 1:10

Re: boot error

2000-06-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
Looks like your root file system is mounted read only, try to do (as
root): touch /a (if no error occurs, don't forget to do rm /a). If it's
mounted read only, you can remount it read-write, but you better check out
your /etc/fstab.

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Hi all
 Anyone know why do I get the following error upon bootup:
 insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/unix.o cannot create
 /var/log/ksymoops/2619212757.ksyms Read Only Filesystem
 Indeed that file doesn't exist. Should I create it using /dev/null 
 or what?
 If I should post more infos, please let me know. Oh yes, almost forgot: 
 running up-to-date potato here.
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
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Re: Setting up an internal mirror with custom debs

2000-06-19 Thread Matt Ray
Brad wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 03:10:06PM -0500, Matt Ray wrote:
  I've setup an internal anonymous FTP mirror for potato, but now I need
  to add a custom .deb to it.  I can't seem to get my sources.list and the
  location of the .debs to work together.
  but I'm banging my head against a wall.  Any suggestions for setting
  where to place files in an ftp directory?
 I'll assume you know how to use dpkg-scanpackages to create a Packages
 file, with the proper paths in the 'Filename:' fields. All you need then
 is to understand how apt interprets sources.list. Back in February i
 wrote up an explanation, check
 Hope this helps!

That kinda helped, got me on the right path at least.  Everything was
working just fine, the real problem was that I didn't realize the
Packages file had to be gzip'ed (Packages.gz).  This was not the case
when I used the Packages file off of a floppy, I'm not really sure why
this is inconsistent between transfer methods and I don't recall seeing
it officially documented.

Matthew H. Ray
Programmer, Coral Technologies, Inc.

Re: stupid question: eterm transparancy and xinitrc

2000-06-19 Thread Jonathan Lupa
To commit my solution to public record...

I solved this problem by moving the window invocation out of xinitrc
and into windowmaker's domain.  This was trivially difficult since the
commandline (Eterm -M  ) didn't translate well and those quotes got
mixed up. It turns out that if you run (Eterm -M) it will give an
error and not startup with wmaker.  But if you run (Term -M blah),
notice no quotes, where blah is a filename that doesn't exist,
everything works fine.

And in the grand tradition of net caveats: YMMV.

Thanks for all the email suggestions...


On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 06:01:59PM -0400, Jonathan Lupa wrote:
 I tried to dig an answer out of deja but failed.  Basicly, my xinitrc
 has the following...
 # I'm a fat lazy slob (but I'm also unaddressable)
 xhost + 
 # It would be nice to use coral all the time...
 # xscreensaver -no-splash 
 # Setup the bottom window
 Eterm -M  --name Messages --title Messages --watch-desktop --trans --shade 
 --no-cursor --geometry 120x10+278+634 --exec /usr/bin/tail --lines 200 
 --follow /var/log/messages 2/dev/null 
 But the background loaded from wmaker isn't up in time for eterm to do
 the transparency so it defaults to some default background *blech*.
 Ideas? (I'm sure this has been solved a million times).

GPG public key available from http://lupavista.jamdata.net/gpg.asc
Lament 1750: If I only had a radioactive decay source and a fast 
free-running oscillator...

Description: PGP signature

Re: whiteboard software?

2000-06-19 Thread ferret

There is something called CVW which was reccomended to me some time ago.
I've not actually used it, and I don't seem to have an URL for it any

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, John Foster wrote:

 Michael A. Miller wrote:
  Can anyone recommend whiteboard software (for networked
  conferencing) that will work well on a Debian system?  How about
  in a mixed Debian/Mac/MS group?
 I seem to remember reading somewhere that Amaya has that capability,
 though I have never tried it. Best wishes!
 AdVance-Computing Systems
 We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
 We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
 We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!
 John Foster
 ICQ# 19460173
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hurd anyone ?

2000-06-19 Thread Mark Sanchez

Is there anybody out there ?

sorry, too much pink floyd!,

Is there anybody out there using HURD ??

Im curious about this kernel(?), has anyone got it

Is it compatible with Linux executables?.

Bye for now. Mark.

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: folders and mutt

2000-06-19 Thread Ashley Clark
* Sven Burgener in Re: folders and mutt dated 2000/06/19 20:33 wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 11:25:43PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
  Put all your mail somewhere like a ~/mail directory; then tell
  procmail (or an exim filter) to put inbox mail in ~/mail/inbox, and
  your other folders are stored as files in ~/mail. You can subdivide
  folders into groups by using subdirectories.
 Done so. I also added the following to my .procmailrc:
 Now, as mutt reads $MAIL by default, I would like to know how to
 change this behaviour.

* man 5 muttrc
| spoolfile
|  Type: path
|  Default: 
|  If your spool mailbox is  in  a  non-default  place where Mutt
|  cannot find it, you can specify its location with this variable. 
|  Mutt will automatically set this variable to the value of the
|  environment variable MAIL if it is not set.

  'c' in mutt changes from one folder to another. Have a look at the
  'mailboxes' .muttrc command to designate several folders as ones in
  which you expect to receive incoming mail, then hitting 'c' will
  select the next folder with new mail by default.
 For this, I have the following in my .muttrc:
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/mbox
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-isp
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-firewall
 mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user-de

You can also specify this in your .muttrc:
set folder=~/Mail
mailboxes ! +mbox +debian-user +debian-isp +debian-etc ...

 Funnily tho, when hitting TAB, I get a listing of the _directory_ 
 ~/Mail. This way I also see my procmail logfile which I don't want to 
 see when I browse through my mails; besides I didn't add it to my
 mailboxes in .muttrc... Isn't this weird or am I just doing something
 fundamentally wrong here? :)

You can save your procmail logfile into a .procmail directory off your


You can also do this little trick in your .procmailrc:


* ^X-Loop: debian-\/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

To automatically split any [EMAIL PROTECTED] emails to

Procmail has a lot of flexibility and if you want I'll send you my
procmail rules which do neat things like eliminating duplicate messages
based on Message-ID headers and fix archaic PGP message formats
(---BEGIN PGP MESSAGE--- ... ---END ...---)

 I get to like mutt more and more every day.

Me too.

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL$ P L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public keyhttp://ghoti.org/

Description: PGP signature

Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

2000-06-19 Thread Cody Cutrer
I can get all the different ways to boot into the install program to work,
but once there, it says I have no hard drive. My partition table is (Not

1st DOS FAT32 vol: Windows98 Size: about 25 GB
2nd DOS FAT32 vol: Linux Size: 2176 MB
3rd and 4th empty

I used fips to shrink Windows98 and am going to change Linux partition into
a 2048 MB Linux Native and a 128 MB Linux Swap during setup. It is a 27 GB
HD. It's really weird because when I go to BIOS setup it isn't in there
either. In System properties in windows it says my HD controller is a Intel
82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller. Under disk drives in the same
place It has a non-removable disk IBM-DPTA -372730. I think this is my hard
drive. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.

Kernel oops.

2000-06-19 Thread Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva

I have sent a question concerning some problems I was having
with my machine. As I suspected, the reason was the IDE patch I got
from :


It contains an old version of the ALI V driver (beta2). I got a newer
one (beta3) from:

http://www.ali.com.tw   (look at the drivers section)

and my machine is running happily for five days now.

Therefore I would suggest for all of you who have ALI V boards and
applied the IDE patch from


to consider to upgrade to the beta3 version.

I'll be sending a message to Headrick from kernel.org. So, maybe he'll
also have the newest version in the next kernel release.

Take care,


Paulo Jose da Silva e Silva writes:
  Hi all,
  I seem to have a kernel error here.
  It usually happens when cron.daily is running. The screen sometimes
  freezes (if I in X) and my keyboard dies. So I have to reboot using the reset
  button (argh!).
  I am using 2.2.15 with ide patch applied. I have an ALI V system. At
  the end I'll show my boot messages and the kernel erro log.
  Hope someone can help. I have the feeling that I'll have to give up
  the ide patch (bye, bye UDMA).
  Thanks for any help and/or suggestions.

RE: serial config

2000-06-19 Thread Mark A. Torrey Esq.

yeah i also tried plugging and unplugging all my ports from the
motherboard a bunch of times.

anyone know where i can get a good I/O card cheap?  and is it fairly easy
to get linux to talk to a card with serial ports on it?  (just a matter of
messing with setserial right?)

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, C. Falconer wrote:

 Two possibilities...
 1) you plugged the serial header cables into the motherboard backward, or 
 off-by-one, or you're using different ones from before which are wired 
 2) shorting the motherboard to the case has fritzed the serial controller. 
  Can you plug in an ISA IO card?  I nuked the FDC on a P75 once - the only 
 way to get a floppy was to install a MFM / FDC controller :)
 From: I am alone in a world of weirdos.[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply To: I am alone in a world of weirdos.
 Sent: Monday, 19 June 2000 4:36 AM
 To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject:  serial config
 i have a serial mouse which i am trying to get to talk to my debian
 system.  thre isn't anything complicated about it, just a mouse on ttyS0.
 it used to work with the motherboard i am using, but i moved my system to
 a bigger case, and for various reasons when i did that i reinstalled the
 OS.  since then it has not worked.
 its not just the mouse either, i try connecting my Palm III to ttyS1 and
 the palm claims i am trying to talk to a modem.  needless to say the palm
 also used to work with this motherboard, and works on my ol' 486.
 my com ports are turned on in the bios, my /dev/ttyS* are all set to
 world rwx (i am not particularly concerned with security at the moment.)
 my serial.conf looks fine, and i am stumped.
 i edited the serial.conf in order to get my modem working on ttyS3, which
 it did.  i have commented and commented that bunches of times, and even
 tried reinstalling the setserial package.
 when i first moved the motherboard to the new case i had some problems
 with the motherboard shorting out, but i have since insulated and fixed
 that and everything else except the com ports are working now.
 it seems like this is something stupid that has continued to slip past me,
 but i cannot figure it out.
 This email is free email, and may be
 modified and/or distributed under the
 terms of the GNU General Public
 License available at:
 Copyright (C) 2000 Mark A. Torrey Esq.
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Re: Hurd anyone ?

2000-06-19 Thread ktb
Mark Sanchez wrote:
 Is there anybody out there ?
 sorry, too much pink floyd!,
 Is there anybody out there using HURD ??
 Im curious about this kernel(?), has anyone got it
 Is it compatible with Linux executables?.
 Bye for now. Mark.

Have you seen this?



Loading X w/only netscape

2000-06-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I would like to setup an account on my system..

but when a user logs in (via KDM) if possible i don't want it to load a
windowmanager and all i want it to load is netscape, also i want it to log
back out when netscape exits.. is this possible?  

right now i have a user that logs in using afterstep (i can't seem to get
.xinitrc to override kdm's settings) and modified the autoexec to load
netscape on the special page it should be on but i can't get it to logout
afterwards i just put big text in the background that says hit
CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to logout. i also chsh'd the user to /dev/null so they
can't get a shell(not that security is really an issue right now).

this is basically so someone can enter a generic login and have the
machine show this website when im not around to do it for them.

any ideas?



7:13pm up 10 days, 5:15, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

is the potato apache built using dso?

2000-06-19 Thread John F. Davis

I am interested in testing jserv.  The installation instructions say
you do not need to rebuild apache if it was built with DSO support.
Is the potato apache deb built using DSO?  How can I tell if it supports


RE: help! ... doin' the samba

2000-06-19 Thread Andrew McRobert
... that's what's really weird. The log file is for a smbpasswd session on
the Samba box (ie. typing 'smbpasswd' at the terminal).

If I map a network drive in WinNT, and give the same username and password,
it connects to the Samba box just fine!?!?!?

I'm using mcrobert as the username on both the NT and Samba box ...


ps. I'm on the samba mailing list, but no-one seems to have an answer to
this there ...

-Original Message-
From: James Sasitorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:30 PM
To: Andrew McRobert; Debian-Users (E-mail)
Subject: RE: help! ... doin' the samba

So in the excerpt:
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/connection.c:utmp_claim(560)
  utmp_claim: conn NULL
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(988)
  Username  is invalid on this system
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(408)
  Closing connections
It seems that the username from the win machine is null.
the message says Username [insert here] is invalid on this system.

what name are you logining in your windows box with? you can change that
name and/or map user names for your samba account.

under global username map = /etc/samba/users.map
and in users.map [unix name]  = my name


-Original Message-
From: Andrew McRobert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 11:43 PM
To: Debian-Users (E-mail)
Subject: help! ... doin' the samba

hi, I've had this problem for a while and can't seem to get around it ...

When a normal user tries to change his/her passwd using smbpasswd or SWAT,
they get the following error:

machine rejected the session setup. Error was : ERRSRV - ERRbadpw
(Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or
Session Setup are invalid.).
Failed to change password for mcrobert

... but the users are contained in the smbpasswd file  the /etc/passwd
file. What's happenin' here???!!? I'm using a bare bones smb.conf file:
shown below:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from [my machine]
# Date: 2000/06/19 12:43:05

# Global parameters
workgroup =
interfaces = [machine's IP]/22
encrypt passwords = Yes
debug level = 2
guest account =

browseable = No

path = /home/mcrobert
writeable = Yes

path = /home/temp

... the relevant lines from the /var/log/smb file (at log-level 2) are:

[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [homes]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [mcrobert]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] param/loadparm.c:do_section(2481)
  Processing section [jlange]
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(83)
  added interface ip= bcast=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:main(746)
  Changed root to /
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(97)
  netbios connect: name1=
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/connection.c:utmp_claim(560)
  utmp_claim: conn NULL
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 1] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(988)
  Username  is invalid on this system
[2000/06/19 12:37:01, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(408)
  Closing connections

thanks a lot for any help!!

Andrew McRobert LLB B.Sc(Comp. Sci)
IT Officer, School of Law
Perth, Western Australia
Ph: [+61 8 9360 6479]
Fax: [+61 8 9310 6671]
The lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

2000-06-19 Thread Andrew McRobert
... is your BIOS set to auto-detect your HDDs ... and do they show up at


-Original Message-
From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:07 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

I can get all the different ways to boot into the install program to work,
but once there, it says I have no hard drive. My partition table is (Not

1st DOS FAT32 vol: Windows98 Size: about 25 GB
2nd DOS FAT32 vol: Linux Size: 2176 MB
3rd and 4th empty

I used fips to shrink Windows98 and am going to change Linux partition into
a 2048 MB Linux Native and a 128 MB Linux Swap during setup. It is a 27 GB
HD. It's really weird because when I go to BIOS setup it isn't in there
either. In System properties in windows it says my HD controller is a Intel
82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller. Under disk drives in the same
place It has a non-removable disk IBM-DPTA -372730. I think this is my hard
drive. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: problem reading vim online dox

2000-06-19 Thread Nate Bargmann
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 03:17:32PM +0100, Moore, Paul wrote:
 You shouldn't need to set environment variables or move files. If you do,
 there's a big bug in the vim packages (and I know there isn't in the
 versions I'm using - 5.6.070-1)

That's interesting, Paul.

I've done 3 Potato installs, two were fresh and one is an upgrade over
Slink.  I've wound up setting the $VIMRUNTIME variable after each install.
However, I think this may be more of a secondary shell issue than a vim
issue.  I noticed that after a clean setup, when vim is called from mutt,
it complains that it is unable to locate the syntax files.  Setting the
variable fixes that problem here.  I do recall vim being able to find
the syntax files if started from an XTerm.  I also recall the problem
existing if mutt calls vim at the console as well, so it may well be
that the problem is how my ~/.bashrc file is configured as the trouble
occurs in a secondary shell.  I start all my XTerms as login shells.


- Nate 

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license.
 http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/   | -- John Milton

Re: apt-get kernel question

2000-06-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 09:08:29AM -0500, Dean wrote:
I recently upgraded to potato and decided to upgrade kernel to 2.2.15
 same time. Everything went smoothly except I no longer have ppp
 in the kernel. I still have the old kernel to boot to which has ppp.
  You sure it's not available? Look for /lib/modules/2.2.15/net/ppp.o .
  I'm thinking ppp should be available with the stock kernel (since you
  can install Debian with 5 floppies and a dialup line).
 My question is if I use the old kernel to apt-get something, will
 this put whatever I install in the wrong place or doesn't the kernel
 matter as far as where the packages go?  TiaDean

  Matters not a whit.  However, a few packages may care which series of
  kernel you're running.

#! /bin/sh
echo 'Linux Must Die!' | wall
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmlinuz bs=1 \
 count=`du -Lb /vmlinuz | awk '{ /^([0-9])+/ ; print $1 }'`
shutdown -r now

Re: please help test debian frozen

2000-06-19 Thread Nate Bargmann
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 12:25:19PM +0200, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
 At the moment the gpm/X11 problem with PS/2 /dev/psaux mice and an
 unreliable ppp dialout come to mind.

Hi Kerstin.

I managed to solve the gpm/X11 problem by discovering that the gpm
install defaults the repeat mode to ms3button emulation (if I recall
correctly).  Setting the repeat to null in the config file allowed
X to work with /dev/mouse on an IBM TP760ED laptop with the /dev/psaux
ps2 mouse.

Regarding ppp dialout, are you refering to pcmcia?  If so, pcmcia 3.1.8
discovered a serial driver bug in the kernel code.  Later versions should
fix it.  I'm running pcmcia 3.1.14 from Woody here (compiled locally).

- Nate 

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license.
 http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/   | -- John Milton

Re: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

2000-06-19 Thread Cody Cutrer
Yes the BIOS is set to auto-detect my HD. It is weird though. When I go to
setup IDE devices, my DVD and CD-RW show up when in auto-mode, yet the
primary master says none when in auto mode (I left it in auto mode like it
was before.) When I boot up I get the GeForce ROM screen, then Phoenix BIOS,
RAM check, keyboard/mouse check and DVD and CD-RW OK in one screen. Then in
a screen that flashes by really fast that I could barely see in the top
section was an Ultra66 Controller ROM or something like that. Then in
another section I see four lines, and in the top line I made out LBA before
it disappeared. I can't remember what was below. Just so you know, Windows
98 does boot up and detects the hard drive just fine. I don't know.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew McRobert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-Users (E-mail) debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 8:20 PM
Subject: RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 ... is your BIOS set to auto-detect your HDDs ... and do they show up at


 -Original Message-
 From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:07 AM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 I can get all the different ways to boot into the install program to work,
 but once there, it says I have no hard drive. My partition table is (Not

 1st DOS FAT32 vol: Windows98 Size: about 25 GB
 2nd DOS FAT32 vol: Linux Size: 2176 MB
 3rd and 4th empty

 I used fips to shrink Windows98 and am going to change Linux partition
 a 2048 MB Linux Native and a 128 MB Linux Swap during setup. It is a 27 GB
 HD. It's really weird because when I go to BIOS setup it isn't in there
 either. In System properties in windows it says my HD controller is a
 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller. Under disk drives in the same
 place It has a non-removable disk IBM-DPTA -372730. I think this is my
 drive. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.

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RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

2000-06-19 Thread Andrew McRobert
the information at start up may be useful, during the startup sequence, hit
the Pause button ... usually next to your Scroll Lock ...


-Original Message-
From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 11:00 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

Yes the BIOS is set to auto-detect my HD. It is weird though. When I go to
setup IDE devices, my DVD and CD-RW show up when in auto-mode, yet the
primary master says none when in auto mode (I left it in auto mode like it
was before.) When I boot up I get the GeForce ROM screen, then Phoenix BIOS,
RAM check, keyboard/mouse check and DVD and CD-RW OK in one screen. Then in
a screen that flashes by really fast that I could barely see in the top
section was an Ultra66 Controller ROM or something like that. Then in
another section I see four lines, and in the top line I made out LBA before
it disappeared. I can't remember what was below. Just so you know, Windows
98 does boot up and detects the hard drive just fine. I don't know.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew McRobert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-Users (E-mail) debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 8:20 PM
Subject: RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 ... is your BIOS set to auto-detect your HDDs ... and do they show up at


 -Original Message-
 From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:07 AM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 I can get all the different ways to boot into the install program to work,
 but once there, it says I have no hard drive. My partition table is (Not

 1st DOS FAT32 vol: Windows98 Size: about 25 GB
 2nd DOS FAT32 vol: Linux Size: 2176 MB
 3rd and 4th empty

 I used fips to shrink Windows98 and am going to change Linux partition
 a 2048 MB Linux Native and a 128 MB Linux Swap during setup. It is a 27 GB
 HD. It's really weird because when I go to BIOS setup it isn't in there
 either. In System properties in windows it says my HD controller is a
 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller. Under disk drives in the same
 place It has a non-removable disk IBM-DPTA -372730. I think this is my
 drive. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.

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Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: please help test debian frozen

2000-06-19 Thread G. Del Merritt

At 05:40 PM 6/17/00 -0700, Joey Hess wrote:

debian-testing@lists.debian.org. Describe how you upgraded or installed.
If everything went perfectly, say so; If there were some problems, do your
best to describe them, and any relevant information about your system.

I started with slink on CD (The O'Reilly CD) and have been in the process 
of upgrading my systems to/through potato first as unstable and then as 
frozen.  My early problems were attributable (usually) to using the 
then-unstable potato.

My recent problems were a result of running apt-get in an Emacs20 shell 
buffer.  This confused debconf greatly and meant that netbase and some 
other packages.  More specifically, I was running Emacs20 on the 
/dev/console (aka, glass TTY) device, not under an X11 window 
manager.  My debconf.db was corrupted and (with Mr. Hess's aid) I cleaned 
it out.

My current minor frustration comes from trying to apply X11r5 experience to 
the current state of things.  XF86Setup seems to work fine for me - the 
display and mouse look like what I would expect - but when I restart I get 
an odd login display wherein the mouse moves erratically and the display 
seems zoomed so that it wants to scroll.  I.e., the login/password box, 
normally centered, is in the lower right portion of the screen.  I presume 
this is an artifact of my stumbling (and failing) to properly configure X 
under slink.  Since this is how things looked with slink as well, I figure 
I unwittingly did myself in, but it's no less annoying.

The base system, however, appears to work just dandy - a fine piece of 
work by all!

-Del * PGP key: http://lincoln.midcoast.com/~del/pgp.html
Yesterday it worked / Today it is not working / Windows is like that

Re: Loading X w/only netscape

2000-06-19 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 07:16:27PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 I would like to setup an account on my system..
 but when a user logs in (via KDM) if possible i don't want it to load a
 windowmanager and all i want it to load is netscape, also i want it to log
 back out when netscape exits.. is this possible?  
 right now i have a user that logs in using afterstep (i can't seem to get
 .xinitrc to override kdm's settings) and modified the autoexec to load
 netscape on the special page it should be on but i can't get it to logout
 afterwards i just put big text in the background that says hit
 CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to logout. i also chsh'd the user to /dev/null so they
 can't get a shell(not that security is really an issue right now).
 this is basically so someone can enter a generic login and have the
 machine show this website when im not around to do it for them.

This is basically a bit of a security hole, unless you can and
do nail down Netscape's configuration pretty tight.

Users who want to escape Netscape can probably (e.g.) fiddle with mime
types/helper applications to give themselves an xterm or window manager,
so it's probably not a good idea unless you trust your users.

If you want to stop people mucking about in that way, you
may want to consider using Mosaic (after ensuring that it renders your
pages satisfactorily), as it has a 'kiosk' mode that is intended
for this kind of application.

As for *how*, if you can get KDM to use ~/.xsession it should just
be a question of using an xsession like
/path/to/netscape http://my.host/url

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Strange network behavior after reboot

2000-06-19 Thread Carl Fink
I rebooted my system after noticing that the power supply fan wasn't
turning.  (I have a big fan pointed at the open system right now.)  

After rebooting, I found unfixable errors on a FAT partition, but no
problems with the e2fs ones.  However, now certain functions don't
work correctly.  Notably:

-innxmit can't connect to innd, although innd is running

-fetchmail can connect to external POP servers, but after
 downloading a few bytes, it freezes and eventually times

-Local browsers can't connect to my local web proxy 

Oddly, although telnet (ssh) to a particular machine works,
connections to that same machine with fetchmail fail.

What could cause this?

Re: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

2000-06-19 Thread Cody Cutrer
Did not know there was any use for that pause key. Now I know. Here is that
last screen I couldn't see:

Ultra66 (tm) BIOS Version 1.12 (Build 0518)
(c) 1998-1999 Promise Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

D0  IBM-DPTA-372730   LBA 26105MB  Ultra DMA 4
D1  Not Detected
D2  Not Detected
D3  Not Detected

IDE BUS Master Enabled

That is the third screen, character-for-character, space-for-space. Now
maybe you can help me some more. Thanks.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew McRobert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Cody Cutrer' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian-Users (E-mail) debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 9:03 PM
Subject: RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 the information at start up may be useful, during the startup sequence,
 the Pause button ... usually next to your Scroll Lock ...


 -Original Message-
 From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 11:00 AM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

 Yes the BIOS is set to auto-detect my HD. It is weird though. When I go to
 setup IDE devices, my DVD and CD-RW show up when in auto-mode, yet the
 primary master says none when in auto mode (I left it in auto mode like it
 was before.) When I boot up I get the GeForce ROM screen, then Phoenix
 RAM check, keyboard/mouse check and DVD and CD-RW OK in one screen. Then
 a screen that flashes by really fast that I could barely see in the top
 section was an Ultra66 Controller ROM or something like that. Then in
 another section I see four lines, and in the top line I made out LBA
 it disappeared. I can't remember what was below. Just so you know, Windows
 98 does boot up and detects the hard drive just fine. I don't know.

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew McRobert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian-Users (E-mail) debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 8:20 PM
 Subject: RE: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive

  ... is your BIOS set to auto-detect your HDDs ... and do they show up at
  -Original Message-
  From: Cody Cutrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:07 AM
  To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Subject: Get install to Recognize Hard Drive
  I can get all the different ways to boot into the install program to
  but once there, it says I have no hard drive. My partition table is (Not
  1st DOS FAT32 vol: Windows98 Size: about 25 GB
  2nd DOS FAT32 vol: Linux Size: 2176 MB
  3rd and 4th empty
  I used fips to shrink Windows98 and am going to change Linux partition
  a 2048 MB Linux Native and a 128 MB Linux Swap during setup. It is a 27
  HD. It's really weird because when I go to BIOS setup it isn't in there
  either. In System properties in windows it says my HD controller is a
  82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller. Under disk drives in the same
  place It has a non-removable disk IBM-DPTA -372730. I think this is my
  drive. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
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