postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-29 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
He instalado postgresql sobre debian slink y funciona perfectamente. Los
problemas los estoy teniendo cuando quiero acceder a la base de datos a través
de Apache, ya sea con www-pgsql o PHP3 (esto último no lo he probado , pero
supongo que el problema es común).
 En Postgresql se definen permisos para acceder a la base de datos.
Apache cuando accede lo hace con el usuario www-data (predefinido por defecto,
se puede cambiar). Supongo que PHP3 también lo hace de la misma forma.
WWW-PGSQL también tiene definido el usuario como www-data. Este usuario está
definido en la máquina Linux. Con el comando de posgresql createuser intento
definir ese usuario para darle acceso a la base de datos y me contesta lo
Enter name of user to add --- www-data
createuser: invalid characters in username 'www-data'
Parece que lo que le molesta es el guión.
He solucionado el problema creando un usuario www y cambiando el usuario de
Apache por www y el de www-pgsql también por www. En apache se hace en el
fichero de configuración Apache y en www-pgsql lo he hecho editando el binario
y donde he visto www-data lo he cambiado por www (cutre pero efectivo en este
 La  pregunta es si alguien ha tenido este problema y como lo ha
solucionado pero de una manera un poco más elegante que la mía.


Debian, Samba y... MacOs?

2000-06-29 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Tengo una bonita red local cuyo servidor de ficheros e impresoras corre
Samba 2.05 sobre Debian Slink.  Todo funciona bien y mis usuarios de
Windoze son felices, pero necesito conectar un Apple G4 que,
seguramente, correrá un MacOs 9.  
En la documentación de Samba y mis libros de Samba no encuentro nada de
Macintosh y en la web de hace referencia a un producto
propietario de una tercera parte (Dave).
Mi duda consiste en saber si este software sigue siendo necesario en
MacOs 9, o si existe alguna otra forma de conectar el Mac a mi Samba.
Gracias y saludos
Jaime Fernández Martínez
Area de Informática y Estadística

Ayuntamiento de Lucena (Córdoba)
Plaza Nueva, S/N - 14900 Lucena
Tfno.: 957 50 04 10  -  Fax: 957 59 11 19

configuracion adaptadores de red

2000-06-29 Thread Pablo Vazquez

en que archivo se configuran los adaptador , ip 
,etc en potato

en slink era en /etc/init.d/network?

Clave publica

Re: Debian, Samba y... MacOs?

2000-06-29 Thread Jaume Teixi
el samba se basa en el protocolo SMB que utilizan las redes windoze...

en el caso de un mac, mediante modconf puedes añadir los siguientes módulos 
para la
comunicación linux-mac:

misc - appletalk
   Soporte Appletalk: para ver la red mac
net - ipddp
   Soporte Appletalk-IP: para ver la red mac con appletalk ip
fs - hfs
Soporte HFS: para montar volumenes macintosh en tu linux


Jaime Fernández Martínez wrote:

 Tengo una bonita red local cuyo servidor de ficheros e impresoras corre
 Samba 2.05 sobre Debian Slink.  Todo funciona bien y mis usuarios de
 Windoze son felices, pero necesito conectar un Apple G4 que,
 seguramente, correrá un MacOs 9.
 En la documentación de Samba y mis libros de Samba no encuentro nada 
 Macintosh y en la web de hace referencia a un producto
 propietario de una tercera parte (Dave).
 Mi duda consiste en saber si este software sigue siendo necesario en
 MacOs 9, o si existe alguna otra forma de conectar el Mac a mi Samba.
 Gracias y saludos
 Jaime Fernández Martínez
 Area de Informática y Estadística

 Ayuntamiento de Lucena (Córdoba)
 Plaza Nueva, S/N - 14900 Lucena
 Tfno.: 957 50 04 10  -  Fax: 957 59 11 19

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Debian, Samba y... MacOs?

2000-06-29 Thread Jaume Sabater
Creo que no

Para MacOS creo que debes habilitar el servicio talk y ntalk. No lo he 
hecho en mi vida,
por lo que no creo que pueda ayudarte a configurarlo... Pero creo que será + o 
- como el

En/Na Jaime Fernández Martínez ha escrit:

 Tengo una bonita red local cuyo servidor de ficheros e impresoras corre
 Samba 2.05 sobre Debian Slink.  Todo funciona bien y mis usuarios de
 Windoze son felices, pero necesito conectar un Apple G4 que,
 seguramente, correrá un MacOs 9.
 En la documentación de Samba y mis libros de Samba no encuentro nada 
 Macintosh y en la web de hace referencia a un producto
 propietario de una tercera parte (Dave).
 Mi duda consiste en saber si este software sigue siendo necesario en
 MacOs 9, o si existe alguna otra forma de conectar el Mac a mi Samba.
 Gracias y saludos
 Jaime Fernández Martínez
 Area de Informática y Estadística

 Ayuntamiento de Lucena (Córdoba)
 Plaza Nueva, S/N - 14900 Lucena
 Tfno.: 957 50 04 10  -  Fax: 957 59 11 19

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond

# tcpdump -x -s 65000 -i ippp0 src or dst port 53

 Esto debería  mostrarme todo el  tráfico cuyo origen  o destino
 sea el puerto  53, y parece que  lo hace bien excepto  que sólo veo
 paquetes entrantes. ¿Hago algo mal?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: tcpdump

2000-06-29 Thread Jaume Teixi

 # tcpdump -x -s 65000 -i ippp0 src or dst port 53

es correcto, sólo el formato que usa es:

mi_maquina_puerto  maquina_remota_puerto

luego no usa
mi_maquina_puerto  maquina_remota_puerto
sino que lo escribe

maquina_remota_puerto  mi_maquina_puerto

sólo question de nomenclatura ;-)



2000-06-29 Thread Sergio Mu~noz Venegas
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, David Charro Ripa wrote:


 En mi caso, tengo una impresora compartida con samba (es ficiticia y no
 hace falta imprimir por ninguna impresora real) y cualquier puesto de la
 red convierte sus documentos en pdf al imprimir por ella. Si a alguien
 le interesa puedo escribir una miniexplicación.

Definitivamente me interesa una miniexplicacio'n, y te lo agradeceri'a

 Un saludo


Acentos y e~ne modificados por compatibilidad.

Sergio Mu~noz Venegas
Programa de Doctorado en Matema'ticas.
P. Universidad Cato'lica de Chile


2000-06-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Si a alguien
 le interesa puedo escribir una miniexplicación.
   Lo haces con print command, no?

Pues no. ¿Como lo harias con print command? Asi supongo que solo te valdra para
hacerlo en local. A mi me interesaba para que desde cualquier programa windows 
y desde
la red pudieran convertir a pdf y dejarlo en el servidor de intranet.

Aqui va una explicacion de como lo tengo hecho. Si te sirve, usalo, pero los 
corren de tu parte. Tengo poquisimo nivel con el bash y estoy segurisimo de que 
mejorarse. Es mas me interesan sugerencias. Yo lo cocine asi:

demonio de impresion (lprng)
1 pizca de bash

Haces un pequeño filtro de impresion asi:

ps2pdf /tmp/ /tmp/archivo.pdf
rm /tmp/

Llamalo /etc/magicfilter/mifiltro y guardalo. Lo que hace es guardarte el 
archivo en
el directorio temporal. Pero puedes decirle que lo grabe en algun directorio 
que por
ejemplo tengas compartido en la red.

En el servidor (supongamos que es se configura una impresora 
en el
Podemos ayudarnos del magicfilterconfig. Luego rectificamos el campo if para que
señale a nuestro filtro de impresion, es decir,

Tenemos que ser muy limpios y mandar todo lo que no necesitemos a la basura, por
ejemplo del modo siguiente


De este modo todo lo que intente imprimir realmente, se pierde por el 
dispositivo nulo
y no malgastamos papel.

Reiniciamos el demonio de impresion. En mi caso
/etc/init.d/lprng restart

Ahora ya tenemos una cola de impresion (y sin viagra) que nos convierte ps a 
Vamos a suponer que le hemos llamado pdf.

Compartimos nuestra impresora con samba. Es muy comodo disponer del swat pero 
si no lo
tenemos se puede hacer a mano editando el smb.conf.

Desde otro puesto linux en la red. Podemos instalar una impresora con el 
poniendo un filtro de impresion postcript y le decimos que imprima sobre la 
cola de
impresion del servidor. En el printcap aparecera el campo del servidor remoto
rellenado con el nombre o direccion ip, por ejemplo


Y el campo con el nombre de la impresora remota, se llamara en nuestro ejemplo 
pdf. Es


Asi conseguimos que mande los trabajos a la impresora llamada pdf del servidor 
cuya ip

Desde un puesto con windows instalaremos esta impresora poniendole el driver de 
impresora postcript (por ejemplo la laserwriter de apple).

¿Y todo esto para que?. Pues para que desde el dichoso word, o desde el 
pagemaker, o
desde cualquier programa de cualquier ordenador, se pueda obtener la 
documentacion en
un formato unico de gran calidad.

Añadidos. Si pones la informacion en una intranet, la combinacion
acrobatreader+netscape sobre windows, te permite ver los pdf en la misma 
ventana del
navegador. Algo que para mi es muy util.

Espero que os sirva

Un saludo


Re: postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
Prueba entrecomillando



 He instalado postgresql sobre debian slink y funciona perfectamente. Los
 problemas los estoy teniendo cuando quiero acceder a la base de datos a través
 de Apache, ya sea con www-pgsql o PHP3 (esto último no lo he probado , pero
 supongo que el problema es común).
  En Postgresql se definen permisos para acceder a la base de datos.
 Apache cuando accede lo hace con el usuario www-data (predefinido por defecto,
 se puede cambiar). Supongo que PHP3 también lo hace de la misma forma.
 WWW-PGSQL también tiene definido el usuario como www-data. Este usuario está
 definido en la máquina Linux. Con el comando de posgresql createuser intento
 definir ese usuario para darle acceso a la base de datos y me contesta lo
 Enter name of user to add --- www-data
 createuser: invalid characters in username 'www-data'
 Parece que lo que le molesta es el guión.
 He solucionado el problema creando un usuario www y cambiando el usuario de
 Apache por www y el de www-pgsql también por www. En apache se hace en el
 fichero de configuración Apache y en www-pgsql lo he hecho editando el binario
 y donde he visto www-data lo he cambiado por www (cutre pero efectivo en este
  La  pregunta es si alguien ha tenido este problema y como lo ha
 solucionado pero de una manera un poco más elegante que la mía.


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Re: configuracion adaptadores de red

2000-06-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
Prueba editando /etc/network/interfaces

Pablo Vazquez wrote:

  en que archivo se configuran los adaptador , ip ,etc en potato en
 slink era en /etc/init.d/network? Clave publica

Re: Compilando el Kernel para obtener sonido con alsa

2000-06-29 Thread JFA
 +Aparece libc5 y libc6 ¿Debo tener las dos?
Si. Es que aún hay programas que funcionan en libc5.

 +Los unicos cambios mayores en el nucleo seran pentium, puerto de impresora, 
 soporte a sonido,
 vfat, fat, no bus mouse. No tengo PCMCIA y otras cosas (ISDN por ejemplo). 
 Supongo que si me
 sugieren lo minimo es lo que TENGO que tener o sera lo que debo tener.
El config que viene con el kernel es standar, y está configurado para que
funcione en la mayoría de los ordenadore. Claro que si tienes en cuenta, por
ejemplo que estos funcionan en inglés, pues a lo mejor te interesa cambiar
los modepages por defecto - versiones para inglés - y poner las Españolas.
En general yo te aconsejaría que le echases un vistazo a la ayuda que viene
co cada opción. Suelen acabar con algo así como: si no estás seguro pon Y, y
le haces caso y te ahorras problemas.

 *Ya compile el nucleo y se supone que funciona. Estoy tratando de rehacer los 
 pasos pues no
 puedo compilar alsa-utils-0.5.8 que me podria ayudar a tener sonido.
 Podrian decirme como voy hasta ahora.
Para eso tendría que ver el .config, aunque si no da ningún error de bulto,
pues será que vas bien. Es el sistema que utilizo yo :)

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

Re: tcpdump

2000-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 29 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 17:43:22 +0200, Jaume Teixi contaba:

luego no usa
mi_maquina_puerto  maquina_remota_puerto
sino que lo escribe

maquina_remota_puerto  mi_maquina_puerto

 Anda, esto no  lo sabía pero de todas formas,  mi máquina nunca
 aparece en el lado izquierdo. Pongo  a esnifar el puerto de POP, me
 pillo el  correo y sólo aparece  lo que recibo, pero  nada de user,
 pass, retr, dele...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Instalando un rpm

2000-06-29 Thread Santiago Romero
El lun, 26 de jun de 2000, a las 07:25:31 +0200, Jordi dijo:
 On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 06:11:58PM +0200, Santiago Romero wrote:
  El vie, 23 de jun de 2000, a las 02:31:40 -0500, JFreak dijo:
   Me pueden decir como se hace para instalar un paquete rpm ??
   rpm -i fichero.rpm
 En un sistema Debian esto no es muy recomendable.

 bueno, yo ni entro ni salgo en eso, solo contesto a lo que

 Y que cadena no manipula?

 si, el problema es cuando de cada 10 palabras que se dicen,
 4 son telefonica y otras 4 terra. Y las 2 restantes son, como
 no, VIVA VILLALONGA. Cuando telefonica baja (en las acciones)
 entonces siempre dicen que telefonica es la que menos ha perdido
 y con unos valores mucho mas estables que las demas compañias
 mientras en todas las restantes cadenas se habla de grandes
 perdidas de telefonica...

 manipulacion sutil? en caso de A3 no.


1º Ley de la electrónica:
Sea x(t) un condensador electrolítico. No importa cuánto te esmeres en
la corroboración analítica y geométrica de cuál de las dos patas es más
larga: al final se pondrá con la polarización inversa y explotará.
|  NoP / Compiler   -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Ampliar particion

2000-06-29 Thread Lluís Vilanova
Tengo un disco con Linux y me gustaria ampliar la particion de swap quitandole
un poco a la particion raiz
¿Como lo hago, con el partition magic quizas?
¿De donde lo puedo bajar?


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Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


2000-06-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 03:49:06PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 El pdf no es un formato editable. Si quieres producir un manual de
 alta calidad en pdf, te recomiendo que uses pdflatex (instala tetex).
 O mejor aún, usa sgml (docbook o debiandoc), después produces latex a

Y como se escribe algo en SGML ¿A pelo?
¿No hay alguna solución mas visual que vaya bien?

Por ejemplos:
- Escribir HTML con el Netscape y convertir con ...
- Escribir con el Lyx y luego convertir con ...
- Escribir con el abiword y exportar como ... y convertir con...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-29 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino

En realidad no hay que hacer todas esas acrobacias (aunque te confieso
que cuando me enfrente a exactamente ese mismo problema hice exactamente
lo que tu describes).

No se como sea en www-pgsql (debe ser igual) pero en php3 cuando intentes
acceder a una base de datos usas el comando

$bd = pg_connect ( dbname=nombre_base_datos user=postgres ); y listo, el
accede con usuario postgres y no hay problema, no hay necedidad de dar
perimosos a www-data.

 He instalado postgresql sobre debian slink y funciona perfectamente. Los
 problemas los estoy teniendo cuando quiero acceder a la base de datos a través
 de Apache, ya sea con www-pgsql o PHP3 (esto último no lo he probado , pero
 supongo que el problema es común).
  En Postgresql se definen permisos para acceder a la base de datos.
 Apache cuando accede lo hace con el usuario www-data (predefinido por defecto,
 se puede cambiar). Supongo que PHP3 también lo hace de la misma forma.
 WWW-PGSQL también tiene definido el usuario como www-data. Este usuario está
 definido en la máquina Linux. Con el comando de posgresql createuser intento
 definir ese usuario para darle acceso a la base de datos y me contesta lo
 Enter name of user to add --- www-data
 createuser: invalid characters in username 'www-data'
 Parece que lo que le molesta es el guión.
 He solucionado el problema creando un usuario www y cambiando el usuario de
 Apache por www y el de www-pgsql también por www. En apache se hace en el
 fichero de configuración Apache y en www-pgsql lo he hecho editando el binario
 y donde he visto www-data lo he cambiado por www (cutre pero efectivo en este
  La  pregunta es si alguien ha tenido este problema y como lo ha
 solucionado pero de una manera un poco más elegante que la mía.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
DTI - Programa Hermes
Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Re: ¿se pueden lanzar simultaneamente dos Xwindow?

2000-06-29 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Thu,29/Jun/2000 a las 16:19:25+0200, Miguel Rodriguez Penabad escribió:
 Por lo que pude leer de una revista y probar algo:
 Si arrancas las X
 $ startx
 estas toman por defecto el display :0 (el VT7, para ir a el Alt+F7)
 Si luego, desde un xterm o una consola haces
 $ startx -- [-bpp num_bits_color] :1 
 Ojo que el -- es importante antes del bpp y el display

¡Ojo! en Potato parece que el display tiene que estar antes que nada, es decir, 
que el 
comando tiene que ser algo como:

$ startx -- :1 [-bpp num_bits_color]  

 Espero que os funcione, yo no he tenido hoy demasiado tiempo para

!Está requetecomprobado :-) !


  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-29 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Juan Leseduarte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: martes 27 de junio de 2000 19:01
Asunto: Re: ¿latex.fmt?

Con todo eso creo que hay más que suficiente. No obstante, creo que la
debería cambiar su política de documentación de programas. Si el man es
obsoleto, que remita sin más a info y suprima la información obsoleta.
otro lado, cierto es que el formato info, al ser hipertextual, es más
que el man clásico de UNIX, pero es que desde que se inventó el info
aparecido cosas más adecuadas, como el HTML. Preferiría navegar por la
información con algo como lynx antes que el info, un tanto incómodo
para mi
gusto (aunque desde XEmacs tampoco está tan mal).

Pues yo debo ser un bicho raro porque no me parece tan complicado el
info (sólo hay que aprenderse 4 o 5 teclas). De todas formas prueba el
tkinfo. También es posible ver las páginas info en un navegador web (hay
que instalar un programa cuyo nombre no recuerdo ahora mismo), y el
kdehelp del kde me parece que también puede hacerlo.

Ricardo Villalba

Ampliar particion

2000-06-29 Thread Lluís Vilanova
Tengo un disco con Linux y me gustaria ampliar la particion de swap quitandole
un poco a la particion raiz
¿Como lo hago, con el partition magic quizas?
¿De donde lo puedo bajar?


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino wrote:

 En realidad no hay que hacer todas esas acrobacias (aunque te confieso
 que cuando me enfrente a exactamente ese mismo problema hice exactamente
 lo que tu describes).
 No se como sea en www-pgsql (debe ser igual) pero en php3 cuando intentes
 acceder a una base de datos usas el comando
 $bd = pg_connect ( dbname=nombre_base_datos user=postgres ); y listo, el
 accede con usuario postgres y no hay problema, no hay necedidad de dar
 perimosos a www-data.

Por cierto, que si alguna vez deseas usar Perl-DBI para manejar datos de
una base de datos tambien puedes hacer exactamente lo mismo y soluciona el
problem que mencionas.  Lo digo en caso de que tu o alguien mas que lea la
lista se lo este planteando...   :-)

Tips, articles, news, links...

[Solución] Errores en la instalación de paquetes

2000-06-29 Thread David
La solución me la dado Jaime. Me faltaba en el directorio /usr/info el
archivo dir. Según me ha explicado Jaime, el programa intenta crear un
enlace con este archivo y por eso fallaba.

Un saludo,

* * * Quitar sobra de la dirección para responderme * * *

Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-29 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Me podrías indicar de que manera cambias la fecha a través del sistema?

Gracias y saludos.

Julián Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
 Yo utilizo lo burdo. Me meto al sistema y le cambio la fecha. ese man tampoco
 yo lo entiendo. Tengo configurado el sistema con hora local.
 El dom, 25 jun 2000, Emilio Hernández Martín escribió:
  Muchas gracias. Siento haber preguntado algo de lo que se ha hablado
  hace poco pero es que hace unos meses que no he podido prestar demasiada
  atención la lista.
  He aplicado la solución que decíais y ha resultado. Aunque la verdad es
  que el comando 'date' no he sabido utilizarlo: ¿qué cadena hay que poner
  tras date --set= ?  para que sea válida? Es que el man no me ha aclarado
  gran cosa al respecto.
  Bueno, de todas formas ya funciona.
  Muchísimas gracias y un saludo.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ampliar particion

2000-06-29 Thread Lluís Vilanova
Tengo un disco con Linux y me gustaria ampliar la particion de swap quitandole
un poco a la particion raiz
¿Como lo hago, con el partition magic quizas?
¿De donde lo puedo bajar?


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Unidentified subject!

2000-06-29 Thread Rodrigo Renza
Get your free email from 

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Netscape bus error

2000-06-29 Thread Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo

Tenho instalado em meu notebook, um Toshiba Satellite 330CDS, o
Communicator 473. Ao executá-lo recebo a mensagem Bus error.
Anteriormente funcionava perfeitamente, mas de uma hora para outra isso
passou a acontecer. Alguém tem alguma idéia?
Desde já agradeço.

Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
Área de Redes e Equipamentos
Anglo: (019) 744-9867
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ# 9430018Linux user # 100500

netbase fucked

2000-06-29 Thread Flavio Alberto
Eu estou com alguns problemas, eu estou utilizando Debian 2.2 (potato)
atualizado apartir do Debian 2.1 (slink), apesar do netbase estar instalado
quando digito netbase em uma shell ele me diss que nao pode encontrar o
comando, apesar dele estar devidamente instalado, que outra boa ferramenta
posso utilizar para configurar nome, dominio, ip, etc... de minha maquina
sem ser o linuxconf pois eu detesto o linuxconf.

Re: Netscape bus error

2000-06-29 Thread Helio Loureiro
   Tenho instalado em meu notebook, um Toshiba Satellite 330CDS, o
 Communicator 473. Ao executá-lo recebo a mensagem Bus error.
   Anteriormente funcionava perfeitamente, mas de uma hora para outra isso
 passou a acontecer. Alguém tem alguma idéia?
O netscape usa a biblioteca  Vc por acaso
não a removeu do sistema ou fez um upgrade (que pode estar gerando o

| Hélio Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  FreeBSD e Linux wannabe.  |

Re: netbase fucked

2000-06-29 Thread Helio Loureiro
 Eu estou com alguns problemas, eu estou utilizando Debian 2.2 (potato)
 atualizado apartir do Debian 2.1 (slink), apesar do netbase estar instalado
 quando digito netbase em uma shell ele me diss que nao pode encontrar o
 comando, apesar dele estar devidamente instalado, que outra boa ferramenta
 posso utilizar para configurar nome, dominio, ip, etc... de minha maquina
 sem ser o linuxconf pois eu detesto o linuxconf.

vygotski:/tmp cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/netbase.list | grep bin | grep net

Tem certeza que existe este binário?  Use um dpkg -L netbase |
grep bin e verifique se o mesmo foi instalado.

| Hélio Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  FreeBSD e Linux wannabe.  |

netbase fucked 2

2000-06-29 Thread Flavio Alberto
Eu devo ser um lerdo mesmo... bem qual o programa que configura a rede
durante a instalacao do debian eu acho aquele programa otimo mas como sou um
lerdo na vida nao sei que programa e este e como chama-lo...


RE: Screen Capture

2000-06-29 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \(Patrick\)
Try imagemagick with screenshot...I think or something like that ...its part
of the Gnome desktop environment

 -Original Message-
 From: Michal Novak [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 9:23 PM
 Subject:  Screen Capture
 I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as
 Thn for your tips.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

dselect behaves differently in 2 similar situations?

2000-06-29 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini


  I have a woody box here... A few days ago, I did an upgrade from
  within dselect, and had ssh installed, but not with libssl09 (on
  which it depends). I installed libssl09a, and forced the install
  with the Q key when prompted to solve the dependency/conflict
  problem... Things worked well, and I actually used ssh with no
  problems (as far as I could see). (I wanted libssl09a because I also
  installed openssl)

  But today the ssh package was upgraded... So I tried to upgrade
  using dselect... There was the same problem, and I tried to force
  the same thing as before (keep libssl09a installed and don't install
  libssl09), hit Q... And all right, I was in the main menu
  again. Then, when I asked dselect to [I]nstall, it said the only
  thing it'd do was to remove ssh!!!

  I also tried apt-get with all relevant options I saw in the manpage,
  but it also refused to do anything but removing ssh. Both ssh
  packages have the very same dependencies, and the only difference is
  that the installed version Provides: rsh-server:

Version: 1:1.2.3-6
Provides: rsh-server
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), libpam0g, libssl09, libwrap0, libz1, libpam-modules, 
libwrap0 (= 7.6-1.1)
Suggests: ssh-askpass, debconf
Conflicts: ssh-nonfree, ssh-socks, ssh2, debconf ( 0.2.17), debconf-tiny ( 

Version: 1:1.2.3-8
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), libpam0g, libssl09, libwrap0, libz1, libpam-modules, 
libwrap0 (= 7.6-1.1)
Suggests: ssh-askpass, debconf
Conflicts: ssh-nonfree, ssh-socks, ssh2, debconf ( 0.2.17), debconf-tiny ( 

Well.. Is there any way to upgrade ssh only, other than ftping to, getting the .deb file and then using dpkg manually?

And -- this is what's puzzling me -- why would dselect now refuse to
do something it did just a few days ago? As far as I remember, it was
not even upgraded (so I'd have the same dselect program behaving
differently in 2 similar situations)...


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

need help with ip-forwarding

2000-06-29 Thread Nick

this is my situation:

i have a linux box running 2.1, 2.2.15 with a dhcp service and ipmasq 
through ipchains

i wanna setup a webserver inside the network and have the http port 
forwarded through my firewall.

if i have ipchains i just need ipportfw right?  but dselect insists that i 
install ipmasq too?

how can i do this another way, or is this the only way???

outside ip - linux box (need to forward IP traffic for port 80) -- 
webserver (

thankx in advance

apt-get sources.list error

2000-06-29 Thread Russ Pitman
In /etc/apt/sources.list I have,

  deb potato main contrib non-free non-US

Running apt-get update gives the following,

--start here

Hit potato/non-free Packages
Hit potato/non-free Release
Get:1 potato/non-US Packages
Err potato/non-US Packages
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
directory  '
Get:2 potato/non-US Release
Ign potato/non-US Release
Failed to fetch
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
directory  '
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Couldn't stat source package list ' potato/non-US
- stat (2 No such file or directory)

--end here---

Tried local mirror and got similiar results. Could someone advise a
correct URL line to access the non-US directories.


Re: wu-ftpd (2000-06-23 security-fixed frozen version) constantly crashes

2000-06-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 02:56:39PM -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
 Use ProFTPD.  It has a MUCH better security record, is fast,

i don't know if i would go that far... it is much younger then
wu-root^H^H^H^Hftpd  but it has quite an abysmal record from when it
started.  it however has been ok lately (as in i don't recall seeing a
BugTraq post about it in a few monthes).  

Dan Jacobowitz scored Debian a PowerMac box by way of a Proftpd root
hole ;-)

i prefer OpenBSD's given its older and well audited. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

dynamic IP addressing

2000-06-29 Thread S. Champ

i have an ethernet card attatched to a DSL modem.

i'll provide more hardware details, if requested, but for now i'm just wondering
if there's a quick way to setting-up the dynammic ip-addressing. (preferrably:
without having to go through the DynIP howto in order to get a net-connection,
though it is very neat that a person can learn about networking by installing
this system.)

i've already tried to install debian, and need to re-check to see if there are
any tulip ethernet-card drives available in the standard distribution, but
figured i'd send this question for now. (hopefully to get encouraged about
giving it another shot)

thank you.

-- s.c

Re: apt-get sources.list error

2000-06-29 Thread Corey Popelier
You need a separate line in sources.list for non-US, usually of the
mirror of choice/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib non-free

 Corey Popelier

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Russ Pitman wrote:

   In /etc/apt/sources.list I have,
   deb potato main contrib non-free non-US
   Running apt-get update gives the following,
 --start here
 Hit potato/non-free Packages
 Hit potato/non-free Release
 Get:1 potato/non-US Packages
 Err potato/non-US Packages
   Unable to fetch file, server said
 '/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
 directory  '
 Get:2 potato/non-US Release
 Ign potato/non-US Release
 Failed to fetch
   Unable to fetch file, server said
 '/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
 directory  '
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 W: Couldn't stat source package list ' potato/non-US
 - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 --end here---
   Tried local mirror and got similiar results. Could someone advise a
 correct URL line to access the non-US directories.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

re: Postfix Help + Dynamic-IP

2000-06-29 Thread S. Champ

joachim wrote:

 What about poor guys who don't have a valid hostname (dynamic IP)

try : The Open Domain Service 

( )

a UNIX binary and a PERL script are available for logging onto the ODS service.

[ maybe it would help for the main Debain distribution to include the binary?
and maybe some collaboration with the ODS folks. a to-do item, there?]

-- s.c.

Re: 2.1 or 2.2 help - correction

2000-06-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:09:59 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 My question is:
  Should I Install 2.1 and upgrade the packages waiting until 2.2 become 
stable; or install potato and upgrade for the 2.2 stable version when it 
be released? 

I´ve installed potato yesterday and have yet to run into a real problem
(ok, I haven´t configured X yet ;-), but I´d suggest going right for potato
if you´re installing from scratch. The new features would be worth some
problems and the more people are helping to test the sooner it´ll get the
stable release ;-) .

just my 2 cents,
/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: enlightenment themes?

2000-06-29 Thread Tom Dominico
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 09:57:01PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
   I've found 2 themes for enlightenment in debian packages.  I'm looking 
 for any more I can apt-install.  Anyone know if there are any more in 
 .deb formats?


Just head over to, and find the themes you like.  Download
them, and put them in ~/.enlightenment/themes.  Then, restart
Enlightenment (use the left-click menu).  Now, you can choose your new
themes from the middle-click menu.  It's really pretty simple...  I
wouldn't worry about apt-getting that sort of thing (if you even can).
There is supposed to be a tool that will automatically update your
themes, but last time I checked, it was in the alpha stages.  Can't
recall what it was called, sorry...


Re: apt-get sources.list error

2000-06-29 Thread russ @ tasman . net . au
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 01:09:31PM +0800, Corey Popelier wrote:
 You need a separate line in sources.list for non-US, usually of the
 mirror of choice/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib non-free
  Corey Popelier
 On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Russ Pitman wrote:
  In /etc/apt/sources.list I have,
deb potato main contrib non-free non-US
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
SHHh-- No wonder it didn,t go.. Works fine now Thanks a lot.

*.deb files : installation

2000-06-29 Thread S. Champ

is dselect the only way to install a *.deb file?

thank you.

-- s.c.

Re: *.deb files : installation

2000-06-29 Thread Colin Watson
is dselect the only way to install a *.deb file?

dpkg -i


Re: need help with ip-forwarding

2000-06-29 Thread Lee Revell
Ipchains alone won't do portforwarding.  You need ipmasqadm as well.  I 
know it's braindead but that's how it is, hopefully in 2.4 there will be a 
unified interface to all those nifty ip forwarding features.



At 12:53 AM 6/29/2000, Nick wrote:

this is my situation:

i have a linux box running 2.1, 2.2.15 with a dhcp service and ipmasq 
through ipchains

i wanna setup a webserver inside the network and have the http port 
forwarded through my firewall.

if i have ipchains i just need ipportfw right?  but dselect insists that i 
install ipmasq too?

how can i do this another way, or is this the only way???

outside ip - linux box (need to forward IP traffic for port 80) -- 
webserver (

thankx in advance

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Re: Help me mount Chorus/Mix partision on linux

2000-06-29 Thread kmself
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:42:23PM -0500, Joe piman Wreschnig wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 08:36:04PM -0700, wrote:
  On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 04:57:01AM +0400, Valera wrote:
May i mount drive with operating system Chorus/mix on linux ?
  I have no idea what Chorus/mix is.  Please provide additional
  information and/or context.
 It's, like he said, an operating system. CHORUS/MiX is the CHORUS operating
 system developed for communication technologies (phone, etc), MiX varient,
 meaning it's based on UNIX SysVr4. Now, it might use the standard UNIX SysV
 filesystem, which I think Linux supports. You might try that. I don't use
 CHORUS myself (Nor SysVr4), so I'm not sure.

It appears (offline mail) that Valera's using a BSD variant OS anyway.

Isn't Mix what Knuth used as his hypothetical OS in TAOP?

 (BTW, a search for chorus/mix operating system on google returns a *lot*
 of information, including the FAQ for comp.os.chorus. Don't be afraid of
 looking around a bit.)

Huh?  What's google?


Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help me mount Chorus/Mix partision on linux

2000-06-29 Thread kmself
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 09:39:17AM +0400, Valera wrote:
 Hello ,
 Thursday, June 29, 2000, 7:36:04 AM, you wrote:
 kinc On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 04:57:01AM +0400, Valera wrote:
  Thanks, it for some trial program :)
 kinc Please fix your system clock.
   May i mount drive with operating system Chorus/mix on linux ?
 kinc I have no idea what Chorus/mix is.  Please provide additional
 kinc information and/or context.
 if use telnet then:
 4.3 BSD UNIX (xa00) (ttyp0)
It appears you are using a BSD Unix system, not Linux.  If so, you
are better off posting your problem to an appropriate BSD list, not

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: netscape 4.73 su -

2000-06-29 Thread kmself
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 12:22:42PM +0200, Marc O. Sandlus wrote:
 Christophe TROESTLER wrote:
  I have a strange experience on my box.  Here it goes: suppose you have
  two accounts prem and sec.  Do
  everything is fine.  If somebody know why this happens and a
  workaround, I will be glad to hear them.
 Hi Christophe,
 Yes, I experience the same. In fact, netscape is just a wrapper script
 which tries to connect to a running netscape instance, and if it exists,
 just opens a new window.  Unfortunately, this wrapper script doesn't
 seem to distinguish between different user's instances of netscape.

This sound suspiciously familiar from RedHat and related systems, but
not Debian AFAIK.  The commonality is that the wrapper looks for an
existing Netscape instance on the same display.  Drives me *buggy* when
I'm logged in to multiple systems and I want to launch (or *have* to
launch) a Netscape session on a remote system, say, to use help files on
some fscking broken proprietary database install instructions

Don't recall having the problem with Debian though.

 Try netscape --no-remote to disable this behaviour.

I'll try to remember this myself.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Boot kernel in order to test hardware?

2000-06-29 Thread kmself
On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 06:29:15PM +0300, M. Tavasti wrote:
 I. Tura [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Due to the fact that I don't know if the hardware still runs well, is it a
  good idea to run a floppy kernel ten times consecutively, for example, to
  take an initial (or decent) idea of the health of the hardware? 
 Maybe that's not telling you much, but how about booting it up with
 some floppy-linux, and running badblocks? 

I missed the initial post.

For hardware testing, it depends on what (you think) is wrong with the
hardware (that is -- what is wrong, *or* what you suspect).

If you want to know if the system will boot, try booting it.

For memory, there are a number of memory testers out there, try
searching Freshmeat.

For disk, badblocks.  The destructive write test should be reasonably
thorough, and it's always viscerally satisfying to me to know that I'm
running a destructive test

For CPU -- build a kernel.  I've been known to get a system I know is
flaky, but that I don't know *how* it's flaky, and run an infinite loop
of kernel builds for a day or so.  Figure that's as good a smoke test as

   while :; do make bzimage; done

...though if you've got a smokin' hot system, you may want to build
something larger.  The KDE build was a fun one for me.  You can also use
the -j (jobs) option to make to run multiple processes simultaneously.

Of course, if you really want to stress a system, try the following
magic phrase:

   Rent's due, you're going to be fired tomorrow, girlfriend ran off
   with your best buddy, dog got hit by a truck, and the IRS is knocking
   at your door.

...if it can take that, it can take anything.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help me mount Chorus/Mix partision on linux

2000-06-29 Thread Joe \piman\ Wreschnig

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 11:56:30PM -0700, wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:42:23PM -0500, Joe piman Wreschnig wrote:
 It appears (offline mail) that Valera's using a BSD variant OS anyway.
 Isn't Mix what Knuth used as his hypothetical OS in TAOP?

The subtle difference between MiX and MIX :) The MIX 1009 (and the
upcoming MMIX 2009) are in The Art of Computer Prgramming. MiX probably
stands for other things, but placed after CHORUS implies the MiX varient.

  (BTW, a search for chorus/mix operating system on google returns a *lot*
  of information, including the FAQ for comp.os.chorus. Don't be afraid of
  looking around a bit.)
 Huh?  What's google?, one of the better search engines. Among other things,
it caches pages in case of link rot, runs 2000 (soon 4000) linux computers,
and (best of all) has no banner ads :)

 - Joe piman Wreschnig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firewall

2000-06-29 Thread Marc Dubrowski
If it can help, here is the scheme of our network. There are of course three
NICS on the packet filter.

Network 193.x.x.0/30 

(= 193.x.x.0/24 for the internet, static routing table setup by
our ISP: the rest of the world knows that the trafic must pass through x.x.x.2
to reach our network)

  gateway x.x.x.1 (don't know the other IP 
of the 
 |router )
| x.x.x.2 |
Packet filter---|=|
|   x.x.x.9  |   x.x.x.33 |
|   (Gateway)|(Gateway)   |
   / |
  /  |
 /   |
Subnet 1:x.x.x.8/29/ |   Subnet 
  /  |
+-+  |
|   Bastion Host: |  |
|   x.x.x.10(BH out)  |  |  
|   x.x.x.11(BH in)   |  |--| Server1 
+-+  |  
 |--| server2 
 |--| server3 
   |   x.x.x.42 (gateway to private 
net) |
   | 192.168.x.1 (Private Gateways) 
   | 172.16.x.1  (Private Gateways) 

Of course, every machine in subnet x.x.x.0/30 has a netmask of;
every machine in subnet x.x.x.8/29 has a netmask of;
every machine in subnet x.x.x.32/27 has a netmask of

There are no possible contacts through hubs or cables except the packet-filter.
The packet filter is configured to route the IP packets (of course :-)

The routing table of the packet filter is (it's OpenBSD, but the principle is
the same)

DestinationGatewayFlags Refs UseMtu  Interface
defaultx.x.x.1UGS 0  9300794   1500  de0
127/8  UGRS00  32972  lo0  UH  2   97  32972  lo0
172.16/16  x.x.x.51   UGS 0   80   1500  de2
192.168/16 x.x.x.51   UGS 0   124529   1500  de2
x.x.x.0/30 link#1 UC  00   1500  de0
x.x.x.8/29 link#2 UC  00   1500  de1
x.x.x.32/27link#3 UC  00   1500  de2
I'm not sure that arp could manage to proxy three differents subnets, but with
two, there are no problems at all:

Let's say the subnet 2 (x.x.x.8) is still in x.x.x.0/24 for the net: all I have
to do is to publish the MAC address of the router for all IPs inside x.x.x.8.
All the machines in subnet x.x.x.8 would know thy are in that subnet, and their
gateway would be x.x.x.9.

(in fact, I think linux's arp can manage to proxy complete subnets, which Obsd
can't: it need to be checked)

By the way, asking your ISP to change his routing tables once the disgn of your
network is made would be a beter solution.

Marc Dubrowski  
Kind of a Network Administrator 
29 rue Vautier B-1040 Brussels, 

corel linux cable hookup

2000-06-29 Thread Eric Hall

 I have 
just purchased a cable modem from comcast out of Indiana.They have no idea of 
how to install it so I can run linux as my OS on the internet.How do I go about 
hooking upto the internet using a cable modem.They have a lan 

Compiling a new kernel and dselect problems

2000-06-29 Thread Luca De Giorgi

I'm a new entry in the worderful Debian world.
Previously i'd used Red Hat 6.x ad Mandrake but i thought i' was time to 
make a jump in the real Linux world and started using a potato release

Well, my problem arise when i want to build a custom kernel the Debian-way.
When i built it i found a .deb package ready to install. I dpkg -i the 
kernel image.
My system warns me that there is a kernel image with the same name 
installed yet (my version has a revision of my own) but i proceed.
All goes well but whe i try to install a new package using dselect, in 
the Install session, dselect tells me he wants to upgrade my custom 
kernel with the standard kernel having the same name kernel so i've to 
interrupt the installation of my packages.

Can somebody tell me ho to solve this problem ? Can i build the custom 
kernel with a different name (not only the revision name) ?

Thanks in advance

Luca De Giorgi

Confused Descriptions *and* Dependencies

2000-06-29 Thread Meme Engineer
   The descriptions *and* dependencies need very badly to be to be cleaned up. 
I can't make head or tails of these:

   --- [libvx1.22 1.22-1]

   V - a C++ GUI Framework (Athena).
   This version is based on the Athena widget set. [libvx-dev 1.22-1]

   V - a C++ GUI Framework (Motif development files).
   This version is based on the Motif widget set. [libvx-dbg 1.22-1]

   V - a C++ GUI Framework (Motif library debugging files).
   This version is based on the Athena widget set.


   These descriptions (and the dependencies, not shown here) are so fucked up 
that I just deleted the whole mess. Geez 

- Live Long In Liberty
- The Meme Engineer

Re: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian

2000-06-29 Thread Stefan Nobis
Bill Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 2% [2 potato/main 4344/821kB 0%] [1 unstable/main 27145/380kB 7%]
 Err potato/main Packages
   Data socket timed out

apt could not get the new list from the server so you can't do
anything with apt for this server. First get a *complete* list
(apt-get update with no errors) and then everything else works fine.

Until the next mail...,

Re: wu-ftpd (2000-06-23 security-fixed frozen version) constantly crashes

2000-06-29 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 14:56:39 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:

 my wu-ftpd is constantly crashing. :-(
Use ProFTPD.  It has a MUCH better security record, is fast,

That's true, but it *also* has its security leaks.

lightweight, and configuration is a breeze if you have ever configured
Apache.  I made the switch several months ago and would never go back.

I'm already running a server with ProFTPD, so I know it already. ProFTPD 
surely has its advantages over WU-FTPD, but I don't consider them that 
important that I absolutely *have* to switch.

Anyway, I don't want to start a discussion on which is the best FTP server. 
It's just not my thing to evade problems as soon as I face them. Instead I'd 
like to cure them.

So, is there anyone who can help me stopping these crashes?



Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Connection terminated after 481.1 minutes

2000-06-29 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Can someone help me fix this annoying feature? No matter at what time I
connect, after 481.1 minutes I get disconnected. Is it the script, or is
it the ATT server? Here is my plog:
Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Modem hangup
Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid
Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Connection terminated.
Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Connect time 481.1 minutes.
Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Sent 8673069 bytes, received 72974652
Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]:   script /etc/ppp/ip-down, pid 384
Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down finished (pid
384), status = 0x0
Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Exit.


Re: Connection terminated after 481.1 minutes

2000-06-29 Thread dyer
Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

 Can someone help me fix this annoying feature? No matter at what time I
 connect, after 481.1 minutes I get disconnected. Is it the script, or is
 it the ATT server? Here is my plog:
 Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Modem hangup
 Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started (pid
 Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Connection terminated.
 Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Connect time 481.1 minutes.
 Jun 29 05:46:17 debian pppd[241]: Sent 8673069 bytes, received 72974652
 Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Waiting for 1 child processes...
 Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]:   script /etc/ppp/ip-down, pid 384
 Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down finished (pid
 384), status = 0x0
 Jun 29 05:46:18 debian pppd[241]: Exit.

I've had ISP's before with the 'feature' of disconnecting you after a certain 
of time. Since the time is very close to 8 hours, (nice round number) I suspect 
to be the case.


Which PGP?

2000-06-29 Thread Wilson Yau
A quick question:

Could anyone please (from your experience) suggest to me the best PGP
plug-ins for mail clients like Netscape (both on Linux  Windows),
outlook  outlook express?

Many thanks.


Cheap printer?

2000-06-29 Thread Vicente Torres

I have recently bought an EPSON Stylus color 480
for my home use.

It was a surprise for me to note that this printer has 
no button to push and everything must be controlled from
Windows (including changing or installing the ink cartridge!).

So, I must return it and buy another printer.
Wich one would you recommend to me?
It must be cheap; I do not want to use color on my printings
and it must work fine with linux.


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

truetype fonts and xfree86 4

2000-06-29 Thread Vincent Murphy
 i installed the pre-compiled xfree86 4 binaries from on
a woody system, and have a

   Load freetype

line in my /etc/X11/XF86Setup.  it all works perfectly except xlsfonts
doesn't load Truetype fonts, and so i can't use them in gimp/netscape
etc either.

 what do i have to do to get truetype fonts working?  i presume i have
to put a directory in XF86Config (maybe another FontPath?), have the
fonts in the directory, and do something to create some sort of index.

 (please cc me privately as well as the list, i'm just reading the archives
this week.)



Re: apt-get kernel question

2000-06-29 Thread Ian Stuart
Dean wrote:
 Hi Eric:
  Thanks for the reply. I checked and there is no ppp.o
 in /lib/modules/2.2.15/net, but there is in my old
 kernel at /lib/modules/2.0.36/net. Can I just
 copy that to my 2.2.15 file? Or do I need to
 make up a module?  Dean
You need to make a module (and tell the kernel to use it, etc..)

New kernel time ;-)

Ian Stuart - University computing services.
Truth is what you believe it to be.
  I cannot force my facts on you, only make you believe my beliefs.

xterm cannot execute xterm

2000-06-29 Thread Roy John Little
Dear list:
While upgrading my glib-gtk libraries, I tried to first uninstall the
originals using dselect.  When I realized that my whole x-windows system
was being uninstalled, I did a ^C.  What I notice now is that xterm, the
window I use for most of my work, will not execute x-type commands: xterm,
xvidtune, xlock, xdvi, etc.  If I call up a Bash window, using the Debian
menu, this has no trouble with respect to executing x-commands.  What
could have gone wrong?

Thank you,
Prof. Roy J. Little
Dept. Chem.
Universidad de los Andes
Merida, Venezuela

Re: Postfix troubles

2000-06-29 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 01:19:06AM -0400, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:

 But then how come sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] sends it correctly
 to my local user account ? Why should [EMAIL PROTECTED] be treated/relayed
 any differently than [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Postfix does alias database rewrites at the local delivery stage.  What
is happening is that Postfix sees [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tries to deliver
it locally.  If the account is just an account (as for your user
account) all is well.  If the account is an alias then Postfix replaces
the destination address with the address or addresses on the right hand
side of the alias and starts delivering them.  The problem is that your
aliases have no domain part so Postfix puts a default in but isn't
configured to deliver this default locally.

What are the values of mydestination, myorigin, myhostname and mydomain?  
What is the output of hostname?

A quick hack that should work around the problem would be to change your 
alias database to have right hand sides in [EMAIL PROTECTED] form.

 But if I remove the relayhost line from /etc/, how will I be able
 to send email to any other internet users e.g. this list, etc. ?

Removing the relayhost won't help at all.  By the time Postfix looks at
the relayhost it has already decided to try to deliver the mail

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

quick directory question

2000-06-29 Thread Andrew Kae


I am trying to list all the directories in a directory and put it into a 

So far I have :
$ ls -all -F | grep /$ | awk '{print $8}'

which almost gives me what i want but i need to get rid of that / at the 
end, can someone help me out?

If anyone has an easier way, can you let me know?


PS. I feel a little embarrased asking such a simple question but o well =)

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

RE: quick directory question

2000-06-29 Thread Wesley A. Wannemacher
you could use find:

find ./ type d  some.file


Wesley A. Wannemacher
Instructor, Network Administrator
Northwestern College

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Kae [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 9:45 AM
Subject: quick directory question


I am trying to list all the directories in a directory and put it into a

So far I have :
$ ls -all -F | grep /$ | awk '{print $8}'

which almost gives me what i want but i need to get rid of that / at the
end, can someone help me out?

If anyone has an easier way, can you let me know?


PS. I feel a little embarrased asking such a simple question but o well =)

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: quick directory question

2000-06-29 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

Well, to answer your first question, remove '-F' from the options list to

Regarding your second question, do a 'find . -type d'.  Read the man page
for find.


On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Andrew Kae wrote:

 I am trying to list all the directories in a directory and put it into a 
 So far I have :
 $ ls -all -F | grep /$ | awk '{print $8}'
 which almost gives me what i want but i need to get rid of that / at the 
 end, can someone help me out?
 If anyone has an easier way, can you let me know?
 PS. I feel a little embarrased asking such a simple question but o well =)
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  PGP Public Key available at 
  or by `finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
Charset: noconv



2000-06-29 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  I've recently install a lot of themes for the WindowMaker
  and really enjoy.  I'm wondering if the wallpaper images
  can also be installed in the console/tty (non-XWindow) 


Re: problems with options in modules.conf

2000-06-29 Thread Oreste Salerno
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 07:11:00PM +0100, David Wright wrote:

 then my reaction would be to put an
 extra printk or two into the kernel source and see what it's actually
 2.2.10 has:
   printk(ide-cd: will ignore %s\n, ignore);   -
   while ((drive = ide_scan_devices (ide_cdrom,, NULL, 
 failed++)) != NULL) {
 /* skip drives that we were told to ignore */
 if (ignore != NULL)
   printk(ide-cd: checking drive %s\n, drive-name);   -
   if (strstr(ignore, drive-name)) {
 printk(ide-cd: ignoring drive %s\n, drive-name);

2.2.15 code is the same as the 2.2.10, as what regards this part. Adding
these extra printk showed me that the string ignore is composed only by the
first word, even if actually there are more than one. i.e if i put:

options ignore='aa hdb hdc'
it will just appear:
ide-cd: will ignore aa

I tried to find where does ignore come from and I found that it's determined
by a function called MODULE_PARM(), which does not belong to ide-cd.c so I
think the problem does not belong to the ide-cd module. But I couldn't do
anything more 'cause my programming knowhow is very limited. anyway, thanks
again for your hints.

Re: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian

2000-06-29 Thread jpb
Bill Barnes wrote:
 Thanks for the quick responses!
 If you built postgresql on your own, you may find it easier in the long
 run to build the 7.0.2 debian packages from source, especially if you're
 planning on running it on more than one machine.
 Sounds like the right thing to do.
 1) add deb-src unstable main contrib
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
 Here's the modified file:
[ snip ok sources.list]

 2) apt-get update
 Here's the log:
 kgb10:/tmp# apt-get update
[ snip ]
   Connection timed out

Try apt-get update again.  It looks like you had network congestion when
you tried before. Or you can just use ftp and go to
and manually grab the postgresql source files (the .diff.gz, .dsc 
.orig.tar.gz) and use dbuild to extract them.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: quick directory question

2000-06-29 Thread Andrew Kae

Hello again

A co-worker just helped me out and I think i found a quicker solution.  I 
noticed find can take some time.

It's just:
ls -all | grep ^d | awk '{print $8}'

Thanks again

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Compiling a new kernel and dselect problems

2000-06-29 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 10:28:12AM +0200, Luca De Giorgi wrote:
 I'm a new entry in the worderful Debian world.
 Previously i'd used Red Hat 6.x ad Mandrake but i thought i' was time to 
 make a jump in the real Linux world and started using a potato release
 Well, my problem arise when i want to build a custom kernel the Debian-way.
 When i built it i found a .deb package ready to install. I dpkg -i the 
 kernel image.
 My system warns me that there is a kernel image with the same name 
 installed yet (my version has a revision of my own) but i proceed.
 All goes well but whe i try to install a new package using dselect, in 
 the Install session, dselect tells me he wants to upgrade my custom 
 kernel with the standard kernel having the same name kernel so i've to 
 interrupt the installation of my packages.
 Can somebody tell me ho to solve this problem ? Can i build the custom 
 kernel with a different name (not only the revision name) ?

What is happening is that Debian has a version of the same kernel with
a revision number higher than what you are using for your custom
kernel.  To prevent an upgrade, you need to specify an epoch on the
make-kpkg command line, such as:

make-kpkg --revision=3:custom.1.0 kernel_image

This is discussed in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz.

Bainbridge Island, WA

Problem setting up Dialin PPP server

2000-06-29 Thread Nagarjuna G.
After setting up the ppp server, when I try to connect to the server
ppp starts and immediately stops with the following error: peer refused to
authenticate.  Any clues?

Jun 29 20:10:32 hbcse pppd[31618]: rcvd [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x1d8b13a]
Jun 29 20:10:32 hbcse pppd[31618]: sent [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x2afb0af]
Jun 29 20:10:32 hbcse pppd[31618]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x3 peer refused to
Jun 29 20:10:32 hbcse pppd[31618]: LCP terminated by peer (peer refused to
Jun 29 20:10:32 hbcse pppd[31618]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x3]
Jun 29 20:10:33 hbcse pppd[31618]: Modem hangup
Jun 29 20:10:33 hbcse pppd[31618]: Connection terminated.
Jun 29 20:10:34 hbcse pppd[31618]: Exit.
Jun 29 20:12:00 hbcse /USR/SBIN/CRON[316

Nagarjuna G; Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai. INDIA

Re: dynamic IP addressing

2000-06-29 Thread Esko Lehtonen
S. Champ wrote:
 i have an ethernet card attatched to a DSL modem.

 i'll provide more hardware details, if requested, but for now i'm just 
 if there's a quick way to setting-up the dynammic ip-addressing. (preferrably:
 without having to go through the DynIP howto in order to get a 
 though it is very neat that a person can learn about networking by installing
 this system.)
 i've already tried to install debian, and need to re-check to see if there are
 any tulip ethernet-card drives available in the standard distribution, but
 figured i'd send this question for now. (hopefully to get encouraged about
 giving it another shot)

See Ethernet-HOWTO if you have problems with your card.

When you have got your ethernet card ok, then take a look at this:

You need to get dhcpcd client software working. If you don't already
have it, download the debian package. (You need it because you want to
get that dynamic ip from server). When you have the software, working
ethernet card and the document, rest is very simple.

First read the document. Make sure your ethernet card is working, then
install the software and reboot. You may need to change some
configuration options, but everything is hopefully explained in the

 Esko Lehtonen   WYSINWYG -  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   What You See Is Never What You Get


2000-06-29 Thread The Luklinski Clinic

The Luklinski Back 
Pain Clinic92Harley Street, London W1 England.Tel: London 0207- 
487- 5492


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  Some 400,000 back operations are 
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  If most of these operations are 
  ineffective, why are they performed?
  They are carried out because a great 
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  Whether you are a patient or a medical 
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  consider physical therapy. In 30 years of practice, we have only had to 
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  For information on non-surgical 
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  The average cost of curing a herniated 
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  Yours faithfully,
  http://www.back-pain.home.plPS: Please pass on this information if you know of somebody who has 
  a back 

Re: logrotate

2000-06-29 Thread Sven Burgener
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 06:33:57PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:

 Read the debian policy document.  Debian has additional crontabs
 (apart from user crontabs and the root crontab) in
 The logrotate thing is (not surprising) in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.

Thanks for the infos!
S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Debian Installation -Simplest method

2000-06-29 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah
I want to install debian 2.2. Is there a simple way to
install the system using a couple of floppies and a
network connection. For e.g. I can install FreeBSD
with 2 floppies and a network connection (the floppies
contain the network card drivers, basic boot kernel, a
dhcp client, etc.). There must be a way to do this in
debian without having to download 12 floppies worth of
data or 650MB iso image (and wait for 5 days for a CD
to arrive; this is the easiest). Any
recommendations/advice? :)



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Re: free books on C in Unix and X programming using Athena widget

2000-06-29 Thread David Z Maze
a  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
a Do you know any web site that has free books on C programming in
a Linix and X programming using Athena widget?

I'd recommend against using the so-called Athena Widget Kit; it looks
ugly and it's hard to program in.  Many Linux developers these days
use the GIMP Toolkit, Gtk+, for GUI programming; details on it can be
found at

If you really want to use Xt and Xaw, documentation for them is
included (in *roff and Postscript form) in the X source tarball (in
xc/docs/hardcopy, IIRC).

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Debian Installation -Simplest method

2000-06-29 Thread Derek Wueppelmann
 I want to install debian 2.2. Is there a simple way to
 install the system using a couple of floppies and a
 network connection. For e.g. I can install FreeBSD
 with 2 floppies and a network connection (the floppies
 contain the network card drivers, basic boot kernel, a
 dhcp client, etc.). There must be a way to do this in
 debian without having to download 12 floppies worth of
 data or 650MB iso image (and wait for 5 days for a CD
 to arrive; this is the easiest). Any
 recommendations/advice? :)

Unfortunately, I think the only way to install using a network connection
and not waiting for a CD to arrive is to grab all the disks and install it
that way. I would also be very interested in an alternative way, but as of
yet have not found one.
 0 /  Derek Wueppelmann
(D   Libraxus Inc.

Re: quick directory question

2000-06-29 Thread Michalowski Thierry
your find is taking long time because find is recursive.
Add -prune to the list of its arguments and you will probably get what you want 

Andrew Kae wrote:

 Hello again

 A co-worker just helped me out and I think i found a quicker solution.  I
 noticed find can take some time.

 It's just:
 ls -all | grep ^d | awk '{print $8}'

 Thanks again
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thierry Michalowski /
Edipresse Publications S.A \\\' ,  / //
Informatique de Production  \\\//_/ //'
33,av. de la gare\_-//' /  //'
1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE   \ ///  //'
phone: +41 21 349 46 26/ \\\`
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /,)-^  _\`
  (/   \\ / \\\
Unix is user-friendly...   //  //\\\
It is just selective about who its friends are((`

This message has been checked with GRIMEsweeper which has detected a virus
embedded in this plain text message. You should now delete your entire hard
drive and rinse your eyes with soapy water to ensure it doesn't spread.

Pb installing Debian 2.1

2000-06-29 Thread Benoit NOSS
In the installation process of the Debian 2.1 distribution, I missed an
important step : I did something wrong and I could not choose an
installation profile. I have a base system working. Can I use dselect
with an option or something equivalent to install with a profile or do I
have to install the rest of my system package by package with deselect?
Thank you in advance

Benoit NOSS

Re: Debian Installation -Simplest method

2000-06-29 Thread brian moore
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 08:53:51AM -0700, Dinesh Nadarajah wrote:
 I want to install debian 2.2. Is there a simple way to
 install the system using a couple of floppies and a
 network connection. For e.g. I can install FreeBSD
 with 2 floppies and a network connection (the floppies
 contain the network card drivers, basic boot kernel, a
 dhcp client, etc.). There must be a way to do this in
 debian without having to download 12 floppies worth of
 data or 650MB iso image (and wait for 5 days for a CD
 to arrive; this is the easiest). Any
 recommendations/advice? :)

Yes.  See the 'compact' install disks.  Basically, you grab the rescue
disk and the root disk (ignore the 'drivers').  Boot from the rescue,
give it the root when it asks, and tell it you want to get the drivers
and base system from the network.

Two floppies.

I don't think it includes a DHCP client, though, so you may need to note
your assigned IP number and such instead of relying on DHCP to assign

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: dictd cannot access localhost

2000-06-29 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 07:04:10AM -0400, Valdemir Melechco Carvalho wrote:
 Even if I restart dictd, it still doesn't work - it dies quickly, really 
 weird. It seens to be a dictd problem, I've already tried slink, potato
 and woody dictd versions but it's all the same...

Check your /var/log/{messages,syslog,...} for any relevant info on why it's
exiting/crashing.  There's bound to be some info.  You also might want to do
ldd `which dictd` to see whether all the required libraries are there.

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 


2000-06-29 Thread S. Champ

does anyone have a URL for rpm2deb ?

thank you.

-- s.c.

Re: rpm2deb

2000-06-29 Thread Sven Burgener
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 09:34:08AM -0700, S. Champ wrote:

 does anyone have a URL for rpm2deb ?

Why not use alien for this?

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

RE: xterm cannot execute xterm

2000-06-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 29-Jun-2000 Roy John Little wrote:
 Dear list:
 While upgrading my glib-gtk libraries, I tried to first uninstall the
 originals using dselect.  When I realized that my whole x-windows system
 was being uninstalled, I did a ^C.  What I notice now is that xterm, the
 window I use for most of my work, will not execute x-type commands: xterm,
 xvidtune, xlock, xdvi, etc.  If I call up a Bash window, using the Debian
 menu, this has no trouble with respect to executing x-commands.  What
 could have gone wrong?

possibly the path is not getting set when you launch the xterm.  echo $PATH and
see if the X bins are in there.

RE: wallpaper/background

2000-06-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 29-Jun-2000 Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   I've recently install a lot of themes for the WindowMaker
   and really enjoy.  I'm wondering if the wallpaper images
   can also be installed in the console/tty (non-XWindow) 

no, sorry.  console does not work that way.  GGI has succeeded here a bit, but
it requires heavy mods to practically all of the console subsystem.

Re: rpm2deb

2000-06-29 Thread Christopher Splinter
* S. Champ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does anyone have a URL for rpm2deb ?

Use alien.

Helix sawfish and minimizing

2000-06-29 Thread Stuart Ballard
Has anyone else noticed that it's impossible to minimize just one window
if others have the same title? I frequently have lots of terminal
windows up and if I try to minimize one, they all disappear.

I'm using up-to-the-second helix GNOME on woody - so I guess I should
technically take it up with helix. Just wondering if anyone else has
been seeing the same thing, though...


GDM don't load keyboard map.

2000-06-29 Thread Paulo J. da Silva e Silva

I am running potato+last minute helix gnome.

The gdm login screen seems not configured to handle foreign
keyboards. Although I have a valid /etc/X11/Xmodmap for my Brazilian keyboard
(abnt2), gdm don't load till the beginning of a gnome session.

To solve this I have add a line to /etc/gdm/Init/Default that looks like

/usr/X11/bin/xmodmap /etc/X11/Xmodmap

Shouldn't gdm read the default keyboard map to make it available to the login

Take care,


Paulo José da Silva e Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aluno de doutorado em Matemática Aplicada (Ph.D. Student in Applied Math.)
Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil

Teoria é o que não entendemos o   (Theory is something we don't)
suficiente para chamar de prática.(understand well enough to call practice)

Re: problems with options in modules.conf

2000-06-29 Thread David Wright
Quoting Oreste Salerno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 2.2.15 code is the same as the 2.2.10, as what regards this part. Adding
 these extra printk showed me that the string ignore is composed only by the
 first word, even if actually there are more than one. i.e if i put:
 options ignore='aa hdb hdc'
 it will just appear:
 ide-cd: will ignore aa
 I tried to find where does ignore come from and I found that it's determined
 by a function called MODULE_PARM(), which does not belong to ide-cd.c so I
 think the problem does not belong to the ide-cd module. But I couldn't do
 anything more 'cause my programming knowhow is very limited. anyway, thanks
 again for your hints.

In which case, I would try the effect of
a) playing with the quotation marks, i.e. try   instead of ' '
b) playing with the separator, i.e. try hdb,hdc hdb-hdc or even hdbhdc.
   strstr() only looks for the first occurrence of a substring,
   and has no concept of separators.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

...error: only 1024-char blocks implemented...?

2000-06-29 Thread Jeff Gordon
I'm trying to install a little utility program suite, that extracts
information from Paradox database tables.

All goes well when I run 'pxcsvdump' to stdout -- but when I try:

  pxcsvdump my_file.db  my_file.txt
...linux produces an error like so:

 'll_rw error: only 1024-char blocks implemented'
I've been in touch with the programmer of 'pxcsvdump'; he doesn't quite
know what to make of it, and says mine is the first report of this sort
he's received.

Any ideas what's up with this, and how I might go about fixing it?

Thanks kindly,


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

autofs and nis

2000-06-29 Thread Suresh Kumar. R

How do we know that the auto.master and other autofs files are available
on the client machine via nis ? What I mean is , on a client machine
we can check for the availability of  the passwd files by typing 
ypcat passwd. What is auto*.* equivalent. Should we do anything on the
nis server to make them(autofs files) shareable via nis ?

Pl sent a cc of your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also.

Suresh Kumar.R,   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics  Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016, INDIA
Phone: (O) 91 471 414634/418379, (R) 91 471 443496

...error: only 1024-char blocks implemented...?

2000-06-29 Thread Jeff Gordon
I'm trying to install a little utility program suite, that extracts
information from Paradox database tables.

All goes well when I run 'pxcsvdump' to stdout -- but when I try:

  pxcsvdump my_file.db  my_file.txt
...linux produces an error like so:

 'll_rw error: only 1024-char blocks implemented'
I've been in touch with the programmer of 'pxcsvdump'; he doesn't quite
know what to make of it, and says mine is the first report of this sort
he's received.

Any ideas what's up with this, and how I might go about fixing it?

Thanks kindly,


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: terminal programming

2000-06-29 Thread Riku Saikkonen
Atila Nemet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Are there some good texts (tutorials, faqs, anything?) on web about
how to write terminal independent programs? I need to a make a very

See /usr/share/doc/libncurses5-dev/ncurses-intro.html on your Debian
system (in the package libncurses5-dev, which you need for compiling
applications that use this library). Ncurses is the standard library
for text-mode terminal control.


Problems installing Netscape

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz

I just installed Debian for the first time.  It is Debian 2.1 slink.  When
I try to install Netscape via apt-get I get the following error message:

Setting up netscape4 (4.0-15) ...

ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp, owned by root,
   and under a name matching one of the following:

   Archive files can be found on and its mirrors.

dpkg: error processing netscape4 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

It happens with both netscap3 and netscape4.  Any suggestions?

Tips, articles, news, links...

telnet vs ^Z

2000-06-29 Thread Will Trillich
i've got linux in the basement, cranking and serving
like a dream. to administer, i'm upstairs and i get
in via telnet on my local 192.168.*.* intranet.

on the console (linux keyboard/mouse/monitor) i can
use ^Z to suspend a foreground job, just like in the

but ^Z seems to be ignored when i get in via telnet
even tho stty shows 'susp = ^Z'.

now in know that tcsh has command-line settings that
can override stty items, such as '^W = werase' but
there's nothing i can see (perhaps i'm blind) that
would alter ^Z for suspend.

what's interfering?

% bindkey | grep Z
^Z   -  tty-sigtsusp
^[^Z - run-fg-editor

% stty -a
speed 9600 baud; rows 32; columns 132; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^D; eol = undef; eol2 = undef;
start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr
-igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill
-ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh
-xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke

% printenv
LESSEDIT=%E ?lt+%lt. %f
LESSOPEN=| lesspipe %s

Re: Problems installing Netscape

2000-06-29 Thread Gary Hennigan
Nitebirdz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I just installed Debian for the first time.  It is Debian 2.1 slink.  When
 I try to install Netscape via apt-get I get the following error message:
 Setting up netscape4 (4.0-15) ...
 ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp, owned by root,
and under a name matching one of the following:
Archive files can be found on and its mirrors.
 dpkg: error processing netscape4 (--install):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:

The package in slink is a virtual package, meaning it doesn't actually
contain any netscape programs, it just knows where to install
them. You must manually download the *.tar.gz file from and make sure you get a version with a file name that
matches the pattern you got above, eg.,


Once you download the file from netscape simply copy it to /tmp and
rerun the installation via apt-get.


Password Comlexity

2000-06-29 Thread Sajjad Haider

I am a graduate student, just started working on the area of computer security. 
Few months ago, when I used Debian OS, I remembered when you create a new 
account and enter password for it, the kernel warns you if it categorize the 
password as simple. 
I want to learn about the procedure with which the kernel decides that whether 
a particular password string is complex or simple.

Thanks in advance

What are you N2?  Choose from 150 free e-mail addresses.

RE: Password Comlexity

2000-06-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 29-Jun-2000 Sajjad Haider wrote:
 I am a graduate student, just started working on the area of computer
 security. Few months ago, when I used Debian OS, I remembered when you create
 a new account and enter password for it, the kernel warns you if it
 categorize the password as simple. 
 I want to learn about the procedure with which the kernel decides that
 whether a particular password string is complex or simple.

all chars and less than 6 characters
a word in the dictionary is also commonly tested.

In PAM there is a cracklib module which checks passwords constantly, you should
look there as well.

Re: Postfix troubles

2000-06-29 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 10:25:25AM -0400, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:

 I'll give that a try to see if that fixes the problem. Is there a
 problem with my myorigin/mydestination variables above ?

That looks reasonable, but according to the bounce you posted earlier on
mail is actually being given a domain part of phoenix.phoenix.  Try
adding that to mydestination and see where that gets you.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

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