Re: tcpdump

2000-06-30 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Hue,

On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 07:28:03PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Anda, esto no  lo sabía pero de todas formas,  mi máquina nunca
  aparece en el lado izquierdo. Pongo  a esnifar el puerto de POP, me
  pillo el  correo y sólo aparece  lo que recibo, pero  nada de user,
  pass, retr, dele...

¿No será que usas enmascaramiento de IP?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)


2000-06-30 Thread infos

Los telefonos de RDSI

2000-06-30 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estamos utilizando una linea RDSI para conectar a Internet, y el numero que
utilizamos como REMOTEMSN es normal, 91xxx, pero ahora me gustaria pasar
ese numero a otra compañia de telefonia, para lo cual tengo que agregar un
prefijo mas. Bueno, pues cuando se lo agrego, me pasa la conexion a
incoming, en vez de outgoing, es decir como si la llamada fuera recibida.

¿Alguien sabe como hacer esto?


Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 También es posible ver las páginas info en un navegador web (hay
 que instalar un programa cuyo nombre no recuerdo ahora mismo),
Quien quiera ver como funciona, puede ver el que tengo instalado en
mi máquina:

Jaime Villate

Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
 Me podrías indicar de que manera cambias la fecha a través del

Creo, que Julián se refería a entrar en el menú del BIOS y cambiar la
fecha allí. Pero si estoy equivocado ya nos lo aclarará (cuando
despierte, pues en este momento duermen en Colombia).

Jaime Villate

Re: Ampliar particion

2000-06-30 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 29 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 00:19:53 +0200, Lluís Vilanova contaba:

Tengo un disco con Linux y me gustaria ampliar la particion de swap quitandole
un poco a la particion raiz
¿Como lo hago, con el partition magic quizas?

 Con gnu  parted, aunque  tiene alguna  limitación y  no sé  si podrás
 hacer exactamente lo que quieres.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: tcpdump

2000-06-30 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 29 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 22:44:05 +0200, Manel Marin contaba:

  pillo el  correo y sólo aparece  lo que recibo, pero  nada de user,
  pass, retr, dele...

¿No será que usas enmascaramiento de IP?

 Lo uso, pero  el tcpdump lo hago desde esta  misma máquina, por
 lo que no creo que tenga nada que ver, no?


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-30 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 Pues yo debo ser un bicho raro porque no me parece tan complicado el
 info (sólo hay que aprenderse 4 o 5 teclas). De todas formas prueba el
 tkinfo. También es posible ver las páginas info en un navegador web (hay
 que instalar un programa cuyo nombre no recuerdo ahora mismo), y el
 kdehelp del kde me parece que también puede hacerlo.

y si no tienes X, puedes usar pinfo, que permite ver info y man con
hiperenlaces, con colorines y con unas teclas más tipo lynx. De hecho yo
he quitado info y tengo un enlace de info a pinfo. Lo que yo he probado
va de maravilla

$ dpkg -s pinfo
Package: pinfo
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: doc
Installed-Size: 143
Maintainer: Christian Kurz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.5.9-3
Provides: info-browser
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), libncurses5
 /etc/pinforc 51dbac9205d005e37e861eb2d3c758c9
Description: An alternative info-file viewer
 pinfo is an viewer for Info documents, which is based on ncurses.
 The key-commands are in the style of lynx.

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 


2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Manel Marin wrote:
 Y como se escribe algo en SGML ¿A pelo?
 ¿No hay alguna solución mas visual que vaya bien?
 Por ejemplos:
 - Escribir HTML con el Netscape y convertir con ...
 - Escribir con el Lyx y luego convertir con ...
 - Escribir con el abiword y exportar como ... y convertir con...

No soy amigo de las soluciones visuales en este caso (a pesar de que mi
pasión son las aplicaciones gráficas) y por eso no me he preocupado en
buscar herramientas de ese tipo para SGML. Para escribir html o latex ya
lo intenté con Netscape y Lyx y me pareció que en los dos casos
complican el problema en vez de facilitarlo; me parece mucho mejor
trabajar con el fichero fuente y pulsar un botón en el navegador o en el
visualizador de dvi/ps cada vez que quiera ver como va quedando.
De sgml no sé mucho, pero en xml que es parecido uso cocoon que me
permite ver inmediatamente en el navegador lo que acabo de escribir en
emacs (el docbook también se puede usar con xml).

Jaime Villate


2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Haces un pequeño filtro de impresion asi:
 ps2pdf /tmp/ /tmp/archivo.pdf
 rm /tmp/
 Llamalo /etc/magicfilter/mifiltro y guardalo
 ¿Y todo esto para que?. Pues para que desde el dichoso word, o desde el 
 pagemaker, o
 desde cualquier programa de cualquier ordenador, se pueda obtener la 
 documentacion en
 un formato unico de gran calidad. (pdf)

Impresionante, David! te has inventado nada menos que un substituto
livre para el distiller. Los puristas dirán que esto no es ni sombra
del distiller, pero de todas formas me parece una solución muy ingeniosa
y una muestra de como linux puede resolverle los problemas a alguien que
trabaja en windows.

Yo solo propondría un cambio. Como lo tienes en este momento si te
envian algo que ya está en pdf, el ps600-filter lo convertirá en ps y
mifiltro lo volvera a convertir en pdf (posiblemente quedando
diferente del original). Sería mas eficiente y compacto si en vez de
crear mifiltro como lo has hecho, creas mifiltro igual a ps600-filter y
inviertes el papel de las secciones Postscript y PDF: en el original
no se hace nada cuando es postscript y se ejecuta el ghostscript cuando
sea pdf; en tu filtro tu quieres que no haga nada en el caso de pdf y
que ejecute al ghostscript con opciones de salida en pdf y gravando el
resultado en /tmp/archivo.pdf (si no sabes como ejecutar gs con salida
pdf, mirate el script ps2pdf y si no sabes como hacer que gs grave en
/tmp/archivo.pdf preguntame).

Si quieres que ignore todo lo que no sea postscript o pdf, también
puedes tratar de eso dentro del filtro modificando el ps600-filter.



2000-06-30 Thread Diego Mariani
Hola gente.

Como se instala las xfree86 con el apt-get?


Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Manuel Jerez Cárdenes

Hola amigos,

Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede 
indicar, en Debian, como se puede averiguarlos puertos que tengo 



2000-06-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, jun 30, 2000 at 12:29:34 +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Impresionante, David! te has inventado nada menos que un substituto
 livre para el distiller. Los puristas dirán que esto no es ni sombra
 del distiller, pero de todas formas me parece una solución muy ingeniosa
 y una muestra de como linux puede resolverle los problemas a alguien que
 trabaja en windows.

Eso es que David a empezado la FreeBeer por su cuenta ya y le afloran las
ideas :-D

En serio, me parece ingenioso y súmamente interesante pero no acierto a
comprender cómo funcionaría si yo mando algo que no sea formato comestible
por magicfilter: dícese de word, wordperfect y demás animales propietarios.

¿Explicación para un torpín? 0:-)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, jun 30, 2000 at 01:24:03 -, Manuel Jerez Cárdenes wrote:
 Hola amigos,
 Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede indicar, en Debian, como se 
 puede averiguar los puertos que tengo abiertos.

Véase '/etc/services'
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-30 Thread Julián
Hola a todos:
Respecto a la maquina del tiempo efectivamente usaba el menu del BIOS en la
arrancada (no se otra manera de meterme a ese menú), ahora con todas los
Re:¿latex.fmt? he aprendido un resto de cosas y entre ellas el comando

maquina:~#: date -s 1999-06-27

mando ahora a viajar en el tiempo a la maquina. Eso si lo meti mientras
corria el entorno X y al dar enter me escupio, me dijo que lo trataba mal y
el X se fue, dejandome en 


De dormir ahora en Colombia digo que más bien poco, pués ahora estoy de
vacaciones de la U y no tengo camello (¿alguien necesita un cacharrero por
estos dias?) asi que me le he dedicado a instalar el sonido en linux (cosa que
hasta ahora ha resultado imposiblemente imposible).

Con lo del Re:¿latex.fmt)? hemos hablado de bastantes cosas interesantes:

y eso que empezo la cosa asi:

  Hola a todos.
No sé si será este el sitio adecuado para preguntar esto pero probaré:

Suerte a todos.

El vie, 30 jun 2000, Jaime E. Villate escribió:
 Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
  Me podrías indicar de que manera cambias la fecha a través del
 Creo, que Julián se refería a entrar en el menú del BIOS y cambiar la
 fecha allí. Pero si estoy equivocado ya nos lo aclarará (cuando
 despierte, pues en este momento duermen en Colombia).
 Jaime Villate
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get

2000-06-30 Thread Julián
Eso es mejor que lo hagas desde dselect.
Respondo a tu pregunta partiendo del punto que no manejas muy bien la instalada
de paquetes.
Así pues, ¿porque tienes que usar dselect?-Resp: Por las dependencias. Si
utilizas dselect sabrás que paquetes deben de ir con las xfree, cual xserver
vas a utilizar, el xf86config imprescindible, el svga-xserver si tienes
pantalla superVGA y un resto de cosas más.
Si quieres no usar dselect solamente instalas el paquete de más alta jerarquía
quien te arrastrara las demas dependencias, ese paquete seria el manejador de
ventanas (twm es uno de ellos), el xf86config y listo (¿Si?).
Pero eso si te recomiendo el uso de dselect, el es un excelente programa (en la
selección de programas, corriendo dselect, con / puedes buscar una cadena
especifica y con \ repites la busqueda al siguiente)

Suerte a todos.

El vie, 30 jun 2000, Diego Mariani escribió:
 Hola gente.
   Como se instala las xfree86 con el apt-get?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-06-30 Thread David Charro Ripa
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Eso es que David a empezado la FreeBeer por su cuenta ya y le afloran las
 ideas :-D


 En serio, me parece ingenioso y súmamente interesante pero no acierto a
 comprender cómo funcionaría si yo mando algo que no sea formato comestible
 por magicfilter: dícese de word, wordperfect y demás animales propietarios.

El truco está en ponerle al windows el driver de una impresora
postcript. Lo que genera esta impresora es precisamente postcript.
Es decir, cuando llega a la impresora compartida por samba, ya llega en
postcript. En este caso al pasar por el filtro ps600 no le hace nada,
solo lo graba en un fichero temporal. Después lo convierte a pdf con el
Esto es un poco engorroso porque no soy capaz de meterle el archivo
postcript al ps2pdf por la entrada estándar. Tengo que escribir un
archivo intermedio.

Pero con la explicación de Jaime creo que se puede hacer más sencillo
adaptando un filtro del magicfilter. Estas son las ventajas del software
libre. Cuando lo prueba os paso el filtro adaptado.

Un saludo


Re: ¿latex.fmt?

2000-06-30 Thread benalb
 Cuando: vie, 30 de jun de 2000, a las 12:31:17 +0200
 Quien: Ricardo Villalba
 Que: RE: ¿latex.fmt?

 Pues yo debo ser un bicho raro porque no me parece tan complicado el
 info (sólo hay que aprenderse 4 o 5 teclas). De todas formas prueba el

Si no quieres aprender esas 4 ó 5 teclas puedes usar pinfo. Permite
navegar por man e info al estilo lynx. Bastante curioso. 

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Clave pública: wget 
Son muy pocos los problemas personales que no pueden arreglarse con
la adecuada cantidad de explosivos.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Humberto . Morell
Para aclarar un poquito esto y aclararme yo de paso.
Es cierto lo que dice Javier en /etc/services estan los puertos
servicios principales que puede usar debian y por /etc/inetd.conf
usted debe escoger los servicios que trabajan con estos puertos
Ahora hay otros puertos que se pueden abrir en un sistema que no
estan reflejados aqui por ejemplo si usas squid y defines un puerto
para la entrada este se abrira ante una solicitud foranea y de esta
misma forma programas que no son activados por inetd. Ahora con
netstat -n
Puedes obtener una lista de tu ip:puerto abierto y de
ipforaneo:puerto abierto, pero esto es los que estan abiertos en ese
El comando para saber cuales se pueden abrir debe existir pero no lo
conozco, digo que debe existir porque revisando el log vi hace dias
que de una direccion hicieron pruebas con todos los puertos de mi
firewall supongo para ver por donde se metian.
 On vie, jun 30, 2000 at 01:24:03 -, Manuel Jerez Cárdenes wrote:
  Hola amigos,
  Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede indicar,
 en Debian, como se puede averiguar los puertos que tengo abiertos.

 Véase '/etc/services'
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Compilando el Kernel para obtener sonido con alsa

2000-06-30 Thread Julián
Amigos, hola a todos.

Aún sin sonido aqui envio el .config de la ultima compilada del núcleo.
en la arrancada del sistema obtuve

  es1370: version v0.31 time 23:47:13 Jun 29 2000
  es1370: found adapter at io 0xf700 irq 11
  es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0

Sigo sin sonido. ¿Ahora que hago?

Valen las preguntas ¿Seguro que ya hiciste ? ¿O sera que tenes un modem
interno y no una tarjeta de sonido? ¿Sera que estas en w$ y compilaste el
nucleo con VisualC++? etcerera

Gracias a todos

El jue, 29 jun 2000, JFA escribió:
  +Aparece libc5 y libc6 ¿Debo tener las dos?
 Si. Es que aún hay programas que funcionan en libc5.
  +Los unicos cambios mayores en el nucleo seran pentium, puerto de 
  impresora, soporte a sonido,
  vfat, fat, no bus mouse. No tengo PCMCIA y otras cosas (ISDN por ejemplo). 
  Supongo que si me
  sugieren lo minimo es lo que TENGO que tener o sera lo que debo tener.
 El config que viene con el kernel es standar, y está configurado para que
 funcione en la mayoría de los ordenadore. Claro que si tienes en cuenta, por
 ejemplo que estos funcionan en inglés, pues a lo mejor te interesa cambiar
 los modepages por defecto - versiones para inglés - y poner las Españolas.
 En general yo te aconsejaría que le echases un vistazo a la ayuda que viene
 co cada opción. Suelen acabar con algo así como: si no estás seguro pon Y, y
 le haces caso y te ahorras problemas.
  *Ya compile el nucleo y se supone que funciona. Estoy tratando de rehacer 
  los pasos pues no
  puedo compilar alsa-utils-0.5.8 que me podria ayudar a tener sonido.
  Podrian decirme como voy hasta ahora.
 Para eso tendría que ver el .config, aunque si no da ningún error de bulto,
 pues será que vas bien. Es el sistema que utilizo yo :)
 Saludos a tos tos
 Javier Fafián Alvarez | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
 en un AMD-K6II a 350  | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
 RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16   | propios planes ...
 Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)  | -- JFA --
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

disculpa por error en comando netstat

2000-06-30 Thread Humberto . Morell
Mande un mensaje anterior donde decia
netstat -n aunque este existe tenia que decir -a 
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Juan Luis Martínez
 Manuel Jerez Cárdenes wrote:
 Hola amigos,
 Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede indicar, en Debian,
 como se puede averiguar los puertos que tengo abiertos.

nmap -t localhost

Saludos CubikIce | Linux Debian 2.1 (slink)
LUG Comunidad Valenciana | Kernel 2.2.14 | KDE 1.1.2
BOFH excuse #11: magnetic interferance from money/credit cards


2000-06-30 Thread Danito
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 03:49:06PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 El pdf no es un formato editable. Si quieres producir un manual de
 alta calidad en pdf, te recomiendo que uses pdflatex (instala tetex).

He estado mirando el pdflatex y me han gustado mucho los resultados.
Lo único es que si utilizo las computer modern fonts el resultado es mediocre
en el acrobat reader porque las convierte a Type 3. Y las fuentes times
por defecto de Adobe que se pueden utilizar con el paquete times en
mi humilde opinión son un poco burdas (opinión totalmente discutible).

Al mirar en el manual del pdftex encontré en la sección Setting up fonts
que se recomienda no usar Metafonts, ya que existe la versión en Type 1
de las computer modern fonts.

He estado buscando y las encontré en /usr/share/texmf/type1/bluesky/cm.
No soy un experto y no se como utilizarlas en mis documentos para producir
pdf decentes. Alguien podría decirme como utilizarlas.

Re: Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Xavier Andrade
Usa un programa llamado nmap, lo que hace es escanar todos los puertos
abiertos de una maquina. No necesariamente de ella misma, pero igual te
puede servir.


 Para aclarar un poquito esto y aclararme yo de paso.
 Es cierto lo que dice Javier en /etc/services estan los puertos 
 servicios principales que puede usar debian y por /etc/inetd.conf  
 usted debe escoger los servicios que trabajan con estos puertos 
 Ahora hay otros puertos que se pueden abrir en un sistema que no 
 estan reflejados aqui por ejemplo si usas squid y defines un puerto 
 para la entrada este se abrira ante una solicitud foranea y de esta 
 misma forma programas que no son activados por inetd. Ahora con 
 netstat -n 
 Puedes obtener una lista de tu ip:puerto abierto y de 
 ipforaneo:puerto abierto, pero esto es los que estan abiertos en ese 
 El comando para saber cuales se pueden abrir debe existir pero no lo 
 conozco, digo que debe existir porque revisando el log vi hace dias 
 que de una direccion hicieron pruebas con todos los puertos de mi 
 firewall supongo para ver por donde se metian.
  On vie, jun 30, 2000 at 01:24:03 -, Manuel Jerez Cárdenes wrote:
   Hola amigos,
   Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede indicar,
  en Debian, como se puede averiguar los puertos que tengo abiertos.
  Véase '/etc/services'
 Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Danito wrote:
 He estado mirando el pdflatex y me han gustado mucho los resultados.
 Lo único es que si utilizo las computer modern fonts el resultado es mediocre
 en el acrobat reader porque las convierte a Type 3. Y las fuentes times
 por defecto de Adobe que se pueden utilizar con el paquete times en
 mi humilde opinión son un poco burdas (opinión totalmente discutible).
¿Seguro que usaste pdflatex fichero.tex? ¿No habras usado dvips+gs?
Es que me parece estraño,
pues el pdftex normalmente viene configurado para usar T1 y no hay que
hacer nada. Si quieres mándame el fichero .log que te crea el pdflatex y
yo intento descubrir donde está el problema.


Re: postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-30 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

No necesariamente
! sql connect localhost nobody 

Otra cosa es que www-data se pueda crear en PostgreSQL, en realidad
este problema estaba en no estaba esto documentado. Yo lo informé como error
y recibí la respuesta de www-data. Espero que ahora hayan documentado esto
conveniemente en los README's


On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 02:16:52PM -0100, Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide wrote:
 Si en php3 es así pues ya está solucionado, pero en www-pgsql, él lanza las
 consultas como www-data y el postgres se queja, pero, de momento, con los
 apaños que he hecho pues me conformo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get

2000-06-30 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Diego Mariani:
 Como se instala las xfree86 con el apt-get?

Julián Armando Mena Zapata:
 Eso es mejor que lo hagas desde dselect.
 vas a utilizar, el xf86config imprescindible, el svga-xserver si tienes
 pantalla superVGA y un resto de cosas más.
 Pero eso si te recomiendo el uso de dselect, el es un excelente programa (en 
 selección de programas, corriendo dselect, con / puedes buscar una cadena
 especifica y con \ repites la busqueda al siguiente)

Me parece mucho mejor usar apt y no dselect (el apt substituyó al
dselect). Y en vez de xf86config creo que es mejor xf86setup (que
también es mas reciente y es lo que se aconseja hoy en día).
Necesitas hacer:
   apt-get install xserver-el_de_tu_placa
   apt-get install xf86setup
   apt-get install gestor_de_ventanas_preferido
para instalar todo lo que necesitas (puedes querer después otras cosas
como xdm, wdm, etc).

El apt también permite hacer búsquedas (y mejores que las de dselect)
como hemos discutido en mensajes anteriores
   apt-cache search lo-que-sea
   apt-cache --full search lo-que-sea

Jaime Villate

libre software meeting 5-9 julio bordeos

2000-06-30 Thread Jaume Teixi
me gustaría contactar con alguien que asista para compartir costes y

aún no lo tengo decidido, pero casi...



2000-06-30 Thread Danito
On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 05:46:51PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate wrote:
 Danito wrote:
  He estado mirando el pdflatex y me han gustado mucho los resultados.
  Lo único es que si utilizo las computer modern fonts el resultado es 
  en el acrobat reader porque las convierte a Type 3. Y las fuentes times
  por defecto de Adobe que se pueden utilizar con el paquete times en
  mi humilde opinión son un poco burdas (opinión totalmente discutible).
 ¿Seguro que usaste pdflatex fichero.tex? ¿No habras usado dvips+gs?
 Es que me parece estraño,
 pues el pdftex normalmente viene configurado para usar T1 y no hay que
 hacer nada. Si quieres mándame el fichero .log que te crea el pdflatex y
 yo intento descubrir donde está el problema.

He estado mirando el archivo pdf de salida y me he encontrado que las fuentes
del modo matemático si que son type uno, mientras que las del texto no.

¿Como se elige el tipo de fuente que quieras que te meta en el documento pk o
type1, si tienes ambas versiones de la misma fuente?


2000-06-30 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 05:59:27PM +0200, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 El truco está en ponerle al windows el driver de una impresora
 postcript. Lo que genera esta impresora es precisamente postcript.
 Es decir, cuando llega a la impresora compartida por samba, ya llega en
 postcript. En este caso al pasar por el filtro ps600 no le hace nada,
 solo lo graba en un fichero temporal. Después lo convierte a pdf con el
 Esto es un poco engorroso porque no soy capaz de meterle el archivo
 postcript al ps2pdf por la entrada estándar. Tengo que escribir un
 archivo intermedio.

Y por qué no 
cat /tmp/
en lugar de 
cat | loquesea

Hay un problema, sin embargo, con este filtro, y es el uso del
archivo temporal, lo cual es susceptible de ser usado para tener efectos
indeseados. Yo sugeriría el uso del programa 'tempfile' de esta forma

TEMP = `tempfile`
cat $TEMP
ps2df $TEMP -o $TEMP.pdf

 Pero con la explicación de Jaime creo que se puede hacer más sencillo
 adaptando un filtro del magicfilter. Estas son las ventajas del software
 libre. Cuando lo prueba os paso el filtro adaptado.
 Un saludo

Un saludo


Re:Puertos abiertos en Debian

2000-06-30 Thread antioco

On vie, jun 30, 2000 at 01:24:03 -, Manuel Jerez Cárdenes wrote:
 Hola amigos,
 Me dirijo a vosotros a ver si alguien me puede indicar, en Debian, como se 
averiguar los puertos que tengo abiertos.

Véase '/etc/services'

El /etc/services te dice los puertos asociados a determinados
servicios:Si lo que quieres es ver los puertos
abiertos en cada momento utiliza

#netstat -an 

o bien #lsof -i -r2 
Que te los saca cada dos segundos 


Re: Compilando el Kernel para obtener sonido con alsa

2000-06-30 Thread Julián
Se me olvido colocar el .config, hay va.

El vie, 30 jun 2000, Julián Armando Mena Zapata escribió:
 Amigos, hola a todos.
 Aún sin sonido aqui envio el .config de la ultima compilada del núcleo.
 en la arrancada del sistema obtuve
   es1370: version v0.31 time 23:47:13 Jun 29 2000
   es1370: found adapter at io 0xf700 irq 11
   es1370: features: joystick off, line in, mic impedance 0
 Sigo sin sonido. ¿Ahora que hago?
 Valen las preguntas ¿Seguro que ya hiciste ? ¿O sera que tenes un modem
 interno y no una tarjeta de sonido? ¿Sera que estas en w$ y compilaste el
 nucleo con VisualC++? etcerera
 Gracias a todos
 El jue, 29 jun 2000, JFA escribió:
   +Aparece libc5 y libc6 ¿Debo tener las dos?
  Si. Es que aún hay programas que funcionan en libc5.
   +Los unicos cambios mayores en el nucleo seran pentium, puerto de 
   impresora, soporte a sonido,
   vfat, fat, no bus mouse. No tengo PCMCIA y otras cosas (ISDN por 
   ejemplo). Supongo que si me
   sugieren lo minimo es lo que TENGO que tener o sera lo que debo tener.
  El config que viene con el kernel es standar, y está configurado para que
  funcione en la mayoría de los ordenadore. Claro que si tienes en cuenta, por
  ejemplo que estos funcionan en inglés, pues a lo mejor te interesa cambiar
  los modepages por defecto - versiones para inglés - y poner las Españolas.
  En general yo te aconsejaría que le echases un vistazo a la ayuda que viene
  co cada opción. Suelen acabar con algo así como: si no estás seguro pon Y, y
  le haces caso y te ahorras problemas.
   *Ya compile el nucleo y se supone que funciona. Estoy tratando de rehacer 
   los pasos pues no
   puedo compilar alsa-utils-0.5.8 que me podria ayudar a tener sonido.
   Podrian decirme como voy hasta ahora.
  Para eso tendría que ver el .config, aunque si no da ningún error de bulto,
  pues será que vas bien. Es el sistema que utilizo yo :)
  Saludos a tos tos
  Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo 
  en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
  RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
  Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --
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# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_2GB is not set
# CONFIG_MTRR is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_APM is not set

# Plug and Play support

# Block devices

# Please see Documentation/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_OPTI621 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_TRM290 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NS87415 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_VIA82C586 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CMD646 is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CS5530 is not set

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_NETLINK is not set
# CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set

Re: apt-get

2000-06-30 Thread Julián
Hola a todos:

Personalmente he tenido muchos problemas con XF86Setup pues muchas veces el no
me escribio mi configuración nueva contrario a lo que me ha brindado
xf86config. Eso si aclaro que no ensayo XF86Setup desde cuando usaba RH 4, pero
recuerdo bien que debido al entorno grafico de la metida de datos siempre le
puse lo que no era o no sabia como cambiarle un rango a la resolución o
extrañamente mi CL5436 era soportada pero nunca me funcionaba. Igual recuerdo
la cantidad de cosas que se pueden elegir y que me confundian (y me confunden
aún pero en menor medida). Creo yo que para empezar seria bueno xf86config que
le da poquitas opciones y lo guia a uno de la mano (eso si el genera el esquema
igual que el XF86Setup), ademas tenemos 653 tarjetas de video de donde elegir
(acabo de contarlas). Yo uso solamente la 3.3.5 todavia no me he bajado la 4.

Cabe notar que una vez realizado la configuración de las X-w podemos afinarla
con XF86Setup (eso dice en dselect) y cosa que intentare más rato

De lo de dselect y apt, en estos dias he tenido muchos problemas con apt.
dselect no me ha dado la oportunidad de escudriñar mas en apt pues dselect me
permite una cosa o la otra, asi por ejemplo, en el uso de lpr y lprng, o con
xno se que y gpm, o con xemacs y los mule y no mule, y con otra candidad de
cosas que no recuerdo ahora. apt es formidable indudablemente pero cuando
conoces el programa que instalaras y además yo a duras penas uso 2 dedos para
escribir en el teclado. Pero entre gustos no hay disgustos y todos somos amigos.

Ademas, quien soy yo para opinar si solo llevo 2 meses con debian.

Suerte a todos.

El vie, 30 jun 2000, Jaime E. Villate escribió:
 Me parece mucho mejor usar apt y no dselect (el apt substituyó al
 dselect). Y en vez de xf86config creo que es mejor xf86setup (que
 también es mas reciente y es lo que se aconseja hoy en día).
 Necesitas hacer:
apt-get install xserver-el_de_tu_placa
apt-get install xf86setup
apt-get install gestor_de_ventanas_preferido
 para instalar todo lo que necesitas (puedes querer después otras cosas
 como xdm, wdm, etc).
 El apt también permite hacer búsquedas (y mejores que las de dselect)
 como hemos discutido en mensajes anteriores
apt-cache search lo-que-sea
apt-cache --full search lo-que-sea
 Jaime Villate
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migrar usuarios

2000-06-30 Thread Flavio Alberto
Eu possuo um servidor redhatlinux 6.0 e gostaria de migrar todos os seus
usuarios para um servidor debian, alguem aqui conhece uma ferramenta que faz
isso sem prejudicar o /etc/passwd, /etc/groups, etc... da maquina debian?
isso e uma tarefa segura? quais sao as chanches de tudo ir para o espaco? se
a maquina debian ja tiver alguns usuarios cadastrados eles permaneceram ou
ele sobrescrevera? desculpe pelas perguntas idiotas mas e que sou marinheiro
de primeira viagem nesse tipo de coisa...

...Mutt / GnuPG...

2000-06-30 Thread Jeff Gordon
Since some recent updates, GPG reports it isn't allowed to handle the
already-open temp file Mutt points it to...?

Anybody else experiencing this; anyone got an answer to it?


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

1024-char block ll_rw error...?

2000-06-30 Thread Jeff Gordon
(Forgive me if this is a repost; I subscribed this morning, confirming
-after- I'd sent this to the list, and never saw it appear, so...)

I'm trying to run a little program, 'pxcsvdump', that extracts the
contents of Paradox tables -- but I'm seeing this error:

  ll_rw error: only 1024-char blocks implemented
The author of 'pxcsvdump' doesn't know what to make of it, and says I'm
the first to report such an error -- so I'm guessing it's more about
the state of my Debian system than about his program.

(It's a mix of potato and woody, at this point.)

Any ideas, clues, about how I could fix this...?


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: Cheap printer?

2000-06-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
Jeff Noxon said:
 I would personally suggest a used laser printer.  I see HP laserjets at
 garage sales all the time (although I am sure the situation may be very
 different where you are.)  Toner costs a LOT less than ink.

Not just garage sales - do a search on printer postscript on eBay and
you'll turn up all kinds of 'em.

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: need help with ip-forwarding

2000-06-30 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

1- Recompile de kernel for supporting additional MASQ-modules
2- add the module port-forwarding (as module or part of the kernel) and 
recompile (reset etc)

3- add a ipchains ACCEPT entry for the port 80 on your firewall box
4- add the rule for redirecting the port.

IMPORTANT: u will not can test the instalation, i mean, if u try to connect 
to the extip:80 u will no be redirected, ONLY packets from which becoming 
from the external interface will be redirected. It's a fail (or not, i dont 
know) of port-redirect. Just try it from a external system or tell to a boy 
about for cheking your redirection.


   # Initial Conf
   extip=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 

   PORTFW=/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw
   # accept rule for port-forw
   $IPCHAINS -A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -i $extint -d $extip 80 -j ACCEPT
   # Place for ACCEPT rules (add ACCEPT for ftp ... etc , all services u 
want opened)

   # Place for DENY/REJECT rules (just cut :1023 ;) and some uppers (nfs 
etc) if u have)

   #Place for MASQ/Forwd rules
   # port-forwd rules
   $PORTFW -a -P tcp -L $extip 80 -R $wwwip 80

At 21.53 28/6/00 -0700, Nick wrote:

this is my situation:

i have a linux box running 2.1, 2.2.15 with a dhcp service and ipmasq 
through ipchains

i wanna setup a webserver inside the network and have the http port 
forwarded through my firewall.

if i have ipchains i just need ipportfw right?  but dselect insists that i 
install ipmasq too?

how can i do this another way, or is this the only way???

outside ip - linux box (need to forward IP traffic for port 80) -- 
webserver (

thankx in advance

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Re: telnet vs ^Z

2000-06-30 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hi Will,

At 13.23 29/6/00 -0500, Will Trillich wrote:

i've got linux in the basement, cranking and serving
like a dream. to administer, i'm upstairs and i get
in via telnet on my local 192.168.*.* intranet.

on the console (linux keyboard/mouse/monitor) i can
use ^Z to suspend a foreground job, just like in the

but ^Z seems to be ignored when i get in via telnet
even tho stty shows 'susp = ^Z'.

i'm a bit lost,
   r u trying to sup the telnet or just a aplication on the server where u 
are connected via telnet?

Have u cheked the binding at the remote server?
Are u using 'screen'? If u r using a aplication which is getting al your 
keyboard controled (up the the shell) take care with that.

now in know that tcsh has command-line settings that
can override stty items, such as '^W = werase' but
there's nothing i can see (perhaps i'm blind) that
would alter ^Z for suspend.

what's interfering?

% bindkey | grep Z
^Z   -  tty-sigtsusp
^[^Z - run-fg-editor

% stty -a
speed 9600 baud; rows 32; columns 132; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^D; eol = undef; eol2 = undef;
start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr
-igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill
-ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh
-xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke

% printenv
LESSEDIT=%E ?lt+%lt. %f
LESSOPEN=| lesspipe %s

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Re: FTP server and security

2000-06-30 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

I dont wanna create a discution which this, but proftpd is better at 
security and all that ftpd.

I would like (personality) too more than wu-ftpd, anyway that is only my point.

1- Well, using ftpd u need add a entry on /etc/inetd.conf, check if u have 
already one comented there.
2- proftpd works (ussualy) as a daemon standalone. Anyway u can change the 
base instalation for getting this one controled via inetd


At 12.27 29/6/00 -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:

Hello Group,
I want to enable my potato box as a ftp server, I have removed proftpd
and installed ftpd. I remember when install debian I said no to
start the FTP server. Where do I enable this to start the server at
boot time? Also is it true the enabling the ftp server will open
up my server for attacks? How much security will be lost doing this?
I want to enable anonymous login so I link my web to the ftp server.
I read the man pages anf there is very little on setting this up.
Thanks Guys for all your help.

If Windows is the answer, then I want the problems back!

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

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Sound (AD 1881)

2000-06-30 Thread Patrick Barr

Ok, now, I've just upgraded my machine (ASUS CUV4X-M with a celeron 
500) and find that I cant get sound to work no matter what I try.

It has a built-in AD (ADI??) 1881 chipset. should I use ALSA for this 
one??? has anyone had any luck with these motherboards or these chips?

ALSO. someone told me (on #linux @ that it was a Crystal 
CS4299. both chips dont have support on kernel 2.2.15

can anyone help me on this??


Re: telnet vs ^Z

2000-06-30 Thread Will Trillich
On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 09:17:46AM +0200, Alberto Rodríguez Ortega wrote:
 Hi Will,
 At 13.23 29/6/00 -0500, Will Trillich wrote:
 i've got linux in the basement, cranking and serving
 like a dream. to administer, i'm upstairs and i get
 in via telnet on my local 192.168.*.* intranet.
 on the console (linux keyboard/mouse/monitor) i can
 use ^Z to suspend a foreground job, just like in the
 but ^Z seems to be ignored when i get in via telnet
 even tho stty shows 'susp = ^Z'.
 i'm a bit lost,
 r u trying to sup the telnet or just a aplication on the server where u 
 are connected via telnet?

yes, i was a bit unclear on that point. blushheh./blush

i'm trying to get my telnet session to behave as if
i was at the console: if i'm in VI i wanna be able to ^Z
to get to the shell prompt.

my telnet client is running on a mac, which has no
clue about suspend/fg/bg. :)

i want the remote (linux server) full-screen process
(mutt, vi, etc) to suspend when i send ^Z, despite the
fact that i'm using telnet, and not sitting at the

hell, i just tried it from the perl debugger, which
doesn't even use curses/ncurses for its dialogue,
and ^Z blinks the screen there, too, with no
suspend signal being sent to the job.

i want my control-Z! (waaah!)

 Have u cheked the binding at the remote server?
 Are u using 'screen'? If u r using a aplication which is getting al your 
 keyboard controled (up the the shell) take care with that.

so, yes, all the settings below are from the server.
(ask a mac what an environmental variable is, and
you get deaf silence. comes from being a single-user

 now i know that tcsh has command-line settings that
 can override stty items, such as '^W = werase' but
 there's nothing i can see (perhaps i'm blind) that
 would alter ^Z for suspend.
 what's interfering?
 % bindkey | grep Z
 ^Z   -  tty-sigtsusp
 ^[^Z - run-fg-editor
 % stty -a
 speed 9600 baud; rows 32; columns 132; line = 0;
 intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^D; eol = undef; eol2 = undef;
 start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
 werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
 -parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
 -ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr
 -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
 opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill
 -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
 isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh
 -xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke
 % printenv
 LESSEDIT=%E ?lt+%lt. %f
 LESSOPEN=| lesspipe %s
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Re: free Internet access

2000-06-30 Thread Michalowski Thierry
did you ever notice that you don't give us at least a clue of where you live?
Even your mail address is a .net, which doensn't help either.
So, I might say there is one cool ISP in Australia or in Switzerland and that
probably won't help you if you live in Argentina...

Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:


 I recall many months ago that there was an ISP allowing linux users to
 use the free internet access as long as we set our home to there
 main page What was that provider? I need temporary access until
 I can find an affordabe DSL provider willing to provide a static IP.

 Thank you


 M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p 12741145
 This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
 If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

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Thierry Michalowski /
Edipresse Publications S.A \\\' ,  / //
Informatique de Production  \\\//_/ //'
33,av. de la gare\_-//' /  //'
1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE   \ ///  //'
phone: +41 21 349 46 26/ \\\`
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /,)-^  _\`
  (/   \\ / \\\
Unix is user-friendly...   //  //\\\
It is just selective about who its friends are((`

This message has been checked with GRIMEsweeper which has detected a virus
embedded in this plain text message. You should now delete your entire hard
drive and rinse your eyes with soapy water to ensure it doesn't spread.

Changing SU's password ?

2000-06-30 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hey everyone,

although this questions seems to be quite dumb : How may I 
change the password of the Super User (su) under Linux ?

Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter:

Re: Sound (AD 1881)

2000-06-30 Thread Patrick Barr

On Sat, 01 Jul 2000 04:25:27 Patrick Barr wrote:
 Ok, now, I've just upgraded my machine (ASUS CUV4X-M with a celeron 
 500) and find that I cant get sound to work no matter what I try.
 It has a built-in AD (ADI??) 1881 chipset. should I use ALSA for this 
 one??? has anyone had any luck with these motherboards or these chips?
 ALSO. someone told me (on #linux @ that it was a Crystal 
 CS4299. both chips dont have support on kernel 2.2.15
 can anyone help me on this??

oh yea. just something from /proc/pci :-

  Bus  0, device   4, function  5:
Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Unknown device (rev 
  Vendor id=1106. Device id=3058.
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 5.  
  I/O at 0xa800 [0xa801].
  I/O at 0xa400 [0xa401].
  I/O at 0xa000 [0xa001].

hope that helps


Re: Changing SU's password ?

2000-06-30 Thread Michalowski Thierry
fast answer:

passwd root

longer answer:


even longer answer:
su is the name of the program that stands for Swap User . You can use it to 
your current user to whatever other user that is defined on your system (check 
The SuperUser on a Unix system is named root . Yeah, the most initial part of 
filesystem is, too.
Note you can create as many superusers on your system as you do want, by adding 
with UID=0 in your passwd database. But that's probably something you would 
want to
do for 2 reasons only:
1. Changing the default shell of your interactive superuser sessions without
interfering with programs which want a special standard shell as the root's 
2. Having a rescue superuser account at hand in case of problems with the first 


Oliver Schoenknecht wrote:

 Hey everyone,

 although this questions seems to be quite dumb : How may I
 change the password of the Super User (su) under Linux ?

 Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

 KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA!
 Teilnahme unter:

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thierry Michalowski /
Edipresse Publications S.A \\\' ,  / //
Informatique de Production  \\\//_/ //'
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1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE   \ ///  //'
phone: +41 21 349 46 26/ \\\`
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /,)-^  _\`
  (/   \\ / \\\
Unix is user-friendly...   //  //\\\
It is just selective about who its friends are((`

This message has been checked with GRIMEsweeper which has detected a virus
embedded in this plain text message. You should now delete your entire hard
drive and rinse your eyes with soapy water to ensure it doesn't spread.

Re: free books on C in Unix and X programming using Athena widget

2000-06-30 Thread Preben Randhol
David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 29/06/2000 (18:02) :
 a  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 a Do you know any web site that has free books on C programming in
 a Linix and X programming using Athena widget?
 I'd recommend against using the so-called Athena Widget Kit; it looks
 ugly and it's hard to program in.  Many Linux developers these days
 use the GIMP Toolkit, Gtk+, for GUI programming; details on it can be
 found at

And a free book on GTK+ is here

But I would also recommend against C. I would recommend that you instead
look at Ada 95. It is a much better and safer language. More information
can be found here:

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: REPOST: ypserv consumes giant amounts of memory???

2000-06-30 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:41:04 -0500, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

 Since I installed a NIS master server a few days ago my system often 
 to a crawl by excessive memory use of the NIS server (ypserv.)

 I can (sort of) reproduce it by issuing ypwhich -m from the box itself 
 another machine in my LAN which is just a NIS client. Suddenly there are
 several copies of ypserv in the process list which consume ridiculous
 amounts of memory and cause the machine to start swapping excessively,
 bringing it to a crawl.

I haven't seen this problem with NIS under debian before (I have set up an 
NIS server
in debian as well as in SunOS 4.1.3). Is there perhaps something wrong with 
your data?

I don't think so. The configuration of a NIS server is a rather trivial 
thing. I think both my configuration files and my maps are sane. And even if 
there WAS a problem within the files, ypserv shouldn't run amok, should it?

I don't know why so many servers would be spawned. That's really weird so 
ypserv's are being started. If you wanted you could run ypserv under strace 
perhaps to
see what it's doing before it forks.

Ok, this is something that I could at least *try*, altho I doubt that it 
will help

Let's see, should I find the cause for my problem I will report them here. 
Of course further suggestions as to what the problem could be are still 
welcome up to this point. :-)

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Re: Newbie: How to get XFree... to work on my Compaq PC Ver. OF15; Model 1200-XL119

2000-06-30 Thread Darlock
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Steve Voelkel wrote:

  I'd really appreciate some help: can't get X (graphics) to work on the
  above machine.
  Struggled through and finally got a largish set of packages installed
  but can't get my graphics to work.  I guess it's because it doesn't
  recognize my chipset.  Here are data the manual (O'Reilly) asks for on
  pp. 3-4:
  Hard drive: 6007MB; Toshiba MK6014MAP; IDE; Set for LBA Mode? (Large
  Access Mode= DOS... guess answer is NO.)
  ATAPI CD-ROM; IDE Nec CD-Rom DRive: 282 CDROM; Firmware Rev. 5.12
  Mouse: Snynaptics PS/2 TouchPad with IBM Model 001 M-L plugged into
  mouse port; 2 buttons
  Video Adapter (= Graphics Controller?): Trident CyberBlade i7 with 4MB
  video RAM
  I don't mind further reading of docs. if you can point to help (I've
  been reading for about four wees now);  Problem seems associated with
  configuring XFree... but I don't know how/whether the chipset is
  Thanks a million for any help.

I think the first step is to execute SuperProve, that checks the current
video graphics adapter and give you a lot of usefull information.

Second you can send to the list the logs of X:

$ X  logfile.log 21
With the X logs and the SuperProbe results I'm sure you'll configure the X
or will help us to help you.
Josep Llauradó Selvas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Registered User #153481
The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
After that, it's all learned.
(in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
FP: 199E 7539 13B7 AA30 0B0C  263E 5991 03A7 625F B24F

Any FREE tool to display pdflatex created PDF slides in debian?

2000-06-30 Thread Wojtek Zabolotny
Hi All,

I'm used to prepare my presentations in LaTeX. The pdflatex is a very good
tool to prepare slides for both - projection monitors and traditional
photographic slides. There is however one problem, although I can use
to display my slides almost any platform supporting the Acrobat Reader,
I'd rather prefere to use a free tool. Unfortunately both xpdf and 
ghostscript (even with gv) fail to display full screen slides
Does anybody know if there is such free tool (or a particular version of
mentioned above) able to display PDF slides in full screen mode?

PS. I use pdfslide package, slightly modified do remove the navigation 
pannel on the right.
TIA  Greetings
Wojtek Zabolotny
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Use GPG, Echelon is watching...

Re: Exim and an annoyong person

2000-06-30 Thread Chuan-kai Lin
Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But can named individuals be barred?

If you believe that the individual in question will always use the
same email address in the sender line, then you can do it:

sender_reject = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Chuan-kai Lin

kdm User List ?

2000-06-30 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hey everyone,

in my KDM-login-screen I've got two users available, let's call them 
root and test. Well then, how may I add and / or delete users 
on this list ?

Thanks in advance !

Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter:

RE: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian

2000-06-30 Thread Bill Barnes
= Original Message From jpb [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Try apt-get update again.  It looks like you had network congestion when
you tried before. Or you can just use ftp and go to
and manually grab the postgresql source files (the .diff.gz, .dsc 
.orig.tar.gz) and use dbuild to extract them.


Finally got a clean run.  Had to do it in the wee hours.
Fetched postgresql okay.

Missing files in the compile.
The log follows.  Snipped out all the good makes.  This was a second run.

Script started on Fri Jun 30 04:54:05 2000
kgb10:/home/billb/postgresql-7.0.2# ./debian/rules binary
cd src/interfaces/perl5  \

POSTGRES_HOME=/home/billb/postgresql-7.0.2/debian/tmp/usr/lib/postgresql \
-MConfig -e 'print $Config{installarchlib}'` \
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL  \
touch perl-config
Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '-fpic'
Writing Makefile for Pg
echo doctmp is
doctmp is
cd src   make all 21 |\
tee -a /tmp/postgresql.JMYmQP

make -C libpgtcl all
make[3]: Entering directory 
gcc -I../../include -I../../backend   -O2 -g -g3 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
-Wmissing-declarations -I../../backend -I../../include
-I../../interfaces/libpq -fpic   -c -o pgtcl.o pgtcl.c
In file included from pgtcl.c:19:
libpgtcl.h:19: tcl.h: No such file or directory
In file included from pgtcl.c:20:
pgtclCmds.h:17: tcl.h: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [pgtcl.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/billb/postgresql-7.0.2/src/interfaces'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/billb/postgresql-7.0.2/src'
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1
kgb10:/home/billb/postgresql-7.0.2# exit

Script done on Fri Jun 30 04:54:32 2000

Hope that I didn't cut out something significant.

Very much appreciate the feedback.  Looking forward to the day I will be in a
position to offer support instead of questions.

Bill Barnes

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: kdm User List ?

2000-06-30 Thread dyer
Oliver Schoenknecht wrote:

 Hey everyone,

 in my KDM-login-screen I've got two users available, let's call them
 root and test. Well then, how may I add and / or delete users
 on this list ?

 Thanks in advance !

Log in to kde as root. Open the KDE Control Center. Go to Applications, then 


Re: X Fonts

2000-06-30 Thread dyer
Marcio Rosa da Silva wrote:


 I installed debian on my laptop (yes, I know that there is a laptop list,
 but I think the topic is more general) and I had a problem.

 The default font in X (used in netscape and jpilot) are too big. It's good
 when you use 1024x768 resolution, but my laptop only supports 800x600.

 I looked for the file to change this behavior, but couldn't solve the

 So, how can I change this?

In your XF86Config file, swap the 75dpi and 100dpi lines so that 75dpi comes 

FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled
FontPath   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled


RE: free Internet access

2000-06-30 Thread Jonathan Markevich
However, we were discussing freewwweb before.  I'm using it now... for 
temporary use, it's fine, other than that it's trash.  I haven't been able to 
send out mail using SMTP for about two months now.

NetZero has a Linux client now, though.  I'm tempted to try it.

Oh, and you might be interested in Freexdsl -- I don't know if it's Wingdings 
based or not...

= Original Message From Michalowski Thierry 
did you ever notice that you don't give us at least a clue of where you live?
Even your mail address is a .net, which doensn't help either.
So, I might say there is one cool ISP in Australia or in Switzerland and that
probably won't help you if you live in Argentina...

Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:


 I recall many months ago that there was an ISP allowing linux users to
 use the free internet access as long as we set our home to there
 main page What was that provider? I need temporary access until
 I can find an affordabe DSL provider willing to provide a static IP.

 Thank you

FREE e-mail at!

Re: free Internet access

2000-06-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michalowski Thierry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 did you ever notice that you don't give us at least a clue of where you live?
 Even your mail address is a .net, which doensn't help either.
 So, I might say there is one cool ISP in Australia or in Switzerland and that
 probably won't help you if you live in Argentina...

Well here's one clue:

  M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p

Eureka! The person is probably from Northern California and doesn't know
the country's dialling code, or hasn't realised that these posts travel
to readers in other countries.

What the h/m and p mean, I have no idea.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Preben Randhol
I'm now going to install debian on a third machine. So far everything
has gone nice, but the third machine is a bit troublesome.

It is a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716. The problem is that this machine shows a
big red Q at startup and no BIOS info. I therefore do not know which
keys to press to access the BIOS in order to turn on CD-ROM booting. It
currently boots from floppy first before hard disc. 

So is it possible to make one or perhaps two floppy boot discs that
could boot it up and the switch to do the rest of the installation from
the CDs I have of Potato TC 2 ?

I don't want to install RedHat as it is my fathers machine and he is no
computer expert. apt-get/dselect is much easier to use than rpm.

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: Cheap printer?

2000-06-30 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Same happenned to me, I have a HP Deskjet 540, whenever I've tried other 
than the HP, I get into deep trouble. Wht laser printers do you guys recomend?

Bill Barnes wrote:

 Got into a tangle on another mailing list regarding inks, but here goes

 I buy Amazon inks for my Epson Stylus 800 and had no problems until I tried
 bulk ink and refilling cartridges.  Print quality went south and is recovering
 with a return to new cartridges, but still not up to snuff.

 Ditto for a friend of mine with a Canon.

 Bill Barnes

 = Original Message From Harald Thingelstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Vicente Torres wrote:
  So, I must return it and buy another printer.
  Wich one would you recommend to me?
  It must be cheap; I do not want to use color on my printings
  and it must work fine with linux.
 First: What kind of a cheap printer do you want?
 The inkjet printers are known to be cheap to buy, but they charge a leg
 and an arm for the ink.
 Some manufacturers are known to sell their printers with a net *loss*,
 earning their money on ink alone. Let's say you have to change the
 cartridges twice a year, for keeping them from drying out alone, and I
 guess you have paid the printer over again in two years!
 Nope, if you're not interested in colors, buy a laser. The cartridges are
 perhaps even more expensive, but they last many times longer.
 You can, of course, get refiller ink for both types, and this makes inkjet
 printers look a little brighter. Be sure to find a place where you
 actually can *buy* this sort of stuff, as I'm sure original ink pays the
 shops better and the printer manufacturers shun no means of telling you
 unoriginal ink might destroy your printer. (Fat chance!, in many cases.)
 Buy the next cheapest you can get, the absolute cheapest ones tend to be
 money out your window.
 What type of printer?
 Check the compatibility lists.
 This means, the Hardware HOWTO in your HOWTO archive. If you don't have
 any, install the necessary package(s).
 Philosophy, law, medicine and even theology, alas! I studied everything with
 an ardent will and here I am, poor fool, just as far behind as ever.
 No more advanced than before.
 Goethe - Faust
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

rank newbie - no mouse

2000-06-30 Thread sido

I installed Debian Linux and everything works great except for X which
looks fine except the mouse doesn't move.  I've re-installed the OS 3
times now and searched for help on the mouse but not come up with much.  I
tried to run mouseconfig but couldn't find it.  

The mouse is a 3-button mouse, manufacturer Digital.  

ls -l  /dev/mouse

/dev/mouse  - ttyS0

That doesn't seem right to me but I can't figure out how to change it

Thank-you for any assistance.


Re: rank newbie - no mouse

2000-06-30 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, sido wrote:

 The mouse is a 3-button mouse, manufacturer Digital.  
 ls -l  /dev/mouse
 /dev/mouse- ttyS0
 That doesn't seem right to me but I can't figure out how to change it

The following informations would be useful: 

Debian version
How is the mouse connected - serial or psaux? 
Do you have gpm installed? (Under Debian 2.2 alias potato gpm
configuration is sometimes causing trouble.)

Perhaps you have a look at /etc/gpm.conf and /etc/X11/XF86Config and
tell us the settings. In XF86Config search for Section Pointer.

Besides that: If your mouse is not a serial mouse, ttyS0 would be wrong.
To change a link (as in /dev/mouse - ttyS0) you need the command ln
for link. With ln -s target linkname you can create softlinks. Have a
look at the apropriate manpages.





Re: rank newbie - no mouse

2000-06-30 Thread Christophe.Jasiak
Maybe you'd better run the XFree setup progam?

Is your mouse a serial one or a ps/2 one (maybe usb?)?

Just run  the Xfree config program and select the right mouse... then it
will work.

Why re-installing 3 times for a mouse problem?

Christophe Mettez un pingouin dans votre PC Jasiak

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject: rank newbie - no mouse

 I installed Debian Linux and everything works great except for X which
 looks fine except the mouse doesn't move.  I've re-installed the OS 3
 times now and searched for help on the mouse but not come up with much.  I
 tried to run mouseconfig but couldn't find it.

 The mouse is a 3-button mouse, manufacturer Digital.

 ls -l  /dev/mouse

 /dev/mouse - ttyS0

 That doesn't seem right to me but I can't figure out how to change it

 Thank-you for any assistance.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Sound (AD 1881)

2000-06-30 Thread David Z Maze
Patrick Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
PB Ok, now, I've just upgraded my machine (ASUS CUV4X-M with a celeron 
PB 500) and find that I cant get sound to work no matter what I try.
PB It has a built-in AD (ADI??) 1881 chipset. should I use ALSA for this 
PB one??? has anyone had any luck with these motherboards or these chips?

I just got one (Athlon 750...mmm...), and it seems to work fine under
ALSA.  I'm using the ALSA VIA 686a driver for it; everything got
autodetected fine.

The one thing that doesn't work (that annoys me a little): has anyone
gotten the external MIDI interface to work on this hardware?  I'm
assuming that, like every other sound card since the Sound Blaster,
the on-board joystick port uses two pins for a TTL MIDI interface.  I
have a box to connect two joysticks, a MIDI IN, and a MIDI OUT to the
port, but it doesn't seem to be working on the new machine.  (I should 
test that I didn't break the box recently, but that doesn't seem
likely.)  Any hints?

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: free Internet access

2000-06-30 Thread Pollywog

On 30-Jun-2000 11:32:35 David Wright wrote:
 Quoting Michalowski Thierry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 did you ever notice that you don't give us at least a clue of
 where you live?
 Even your mail address is a .net, which doensn't help either.
 So, I might say there is one cool ISP in Australia or in
 Switzerland and that
 probably won't help you if you live in Argentina...
 Well here's one clue:
  M.J. Inabnit, KE6SLS e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p
 Eureka! The person is probably from Northern California and doesn't
 the country's dialling code, or hasn't realised that these posts
 to readers in other countries.

This phone number is from Eureka, California.  I live in the same
area and I know there is one free provider with an access number in
Blue Lake, a local call for Eureka.  The problem is that they do not
yet offer Linux versions of their software.  The one service that
does offer Linux software has no access number in this area.


 What the h/m and p mean, I have no idea.
 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908
 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England,
 MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

gnuclient vs emacsclient

2000-06-30 Thread Timothy C. Phan

  What is the diff between the two?  I could not get
  gnuclient to work!

  Secondly,  How can I bring a file in as readonly from
  emacsclient or gnuclient?



Re: Helix sawfish and minimizing

2000-06-30 Thread Stuart Ballard
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Perhaps, the group windows option is set in your sawfish
 configuration?  I forget the title of the option exactly, but it sets a
 variable for sawfish telling it to iconify all windows in a group (same
 application).  I've always had that turned off when using saw{mill|fish}
 so I don't know if that's the culprit.

This was it - thanks! It wasn't even confusingly named - it said
Iconifying a window that is a member of a group iconifies the whole
group - duh. I guess when I configured that I assumed that a group
was a single running application, and didn't mean all running terminal

Thanks for the tip :)

wmaker 0.62 deb package?

2000-06-30 Thread Michael Perry
Anbyody made a deb package for windowmaker 0.62?  I noticed its been out
awhile but the stuff does not show it whatsoever.


Michael Perry   

Re: wmaker 0.62 deb package?

2000-06-30 Thread pseelig
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Michael Perry wrote:

 Anbyody made a deb package for windowmaker 0.62?  I noticed its been out
 awhile but the stuff does not show it whatsoever.
I've made some unofficial debs of the CVS version as of 2000-05-01.  They
are in; and
are based on the debification of the latest official Debian versions. This
is the entry for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unofficial/

I've actually made far more recent debs of the CVS tree from this weekend,
but have had no chance so far to transfer them to the above mentioned
site. You might as well want to check out the extensive list of unofficial
apt-sources at;.  
Maybe someone else has already made available more current WMaker debs.

Cheers, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany

free c compiler 8051

2000-06-30 Thread A.M
dear friend 

do u have any free c compiler 8051  to send me or know about it

Best regards 

Re: Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Colin Watson
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So is it possible to make one or perhaps two floppy boot discs that
could boot it up and the switch to do the rest of the installation from
the CDs I have of Potato TC 2 ?

Yes, this is possible. See the installation manual, for instance the
following sections (recombining each URL onto one line):


Re: Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Gregory Guthrie

look at the compaq web site, it has online manuals for almost all machines.

Typically for compaq, it boots, tests memory, beeps twice, puts the cursor 
into the upper right hand corner, and at that time you should press F10 to 
enter BIOS.

Also, most compaqs w/in the last 5 years will boot to CDrom, so just put a 
bootable debian disk in and try it, it is an effortless way to install!


At 01:49 PM 06/30/2000 +0200, you wrote:

It is a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716. The problem is that this machine shows a
big red Q at startup and no BIOS info. I therefore do not know which
keys to press to access the BIOS in order to turn on CD-ROM booting. It
currently boots from floppy first before hard disc.

Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103

linux + wan (frame relay)

2000-06-30 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I would like to know if Linux (Debian/GNU) can work with wan
protocols, especifically frame-relay? 
That's, if I buy a wan card, can I route with Linux? Should I
expect some troubles? Some limitation? Can I safely substitute a Cisco
router with a linux+wan card?
Any kind of info is welcome; better if it's quick! :-)) 

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Trident giving me migraine

2000-06-30 Thread jpb
Tom von Schwerdtner wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 09:38:52PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
  Mark Marburger wrote:
   HELP!  my old video card sucked, so my friend gave me his Trident card.  I
   put it in the box and now when i boot, the screen is friggin black  
   do I get into xf86config to change the settings??
 I had what could be a similar problem when I was trying to get my voodoo 3 to
 work.  I had foolishly set my box to runlevel 5 so it kept trying to fire up
 gdm on boot, and it would keep trying, failing, retrying without givimg me
 enough time to even hig ctrl-alt-backspace or switch to another tty to shut
 things down.
 I eventually fixed it by booting via the Mandrake CD (which is what's on that 
 and when I got to the installation part, I switched over to another tty (F4 I 
 which was set up in single user mode (could be a nasty security flaw, 
 but).  From
 there I could get to the main drive and alter the init files to change to 
 runlevel 3,

ctrl-alt-f1 should put you in a text mode console.  Log in as root and
do XF86Setup

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

Re: How to get dependencies also ...

2000-06-30 Thread Colin Watson
Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also, how do I browse through the contents of a *.deb
package? (dpkg -I *.deb ???).

'dpkg -I' displays control information about the package; 'dpkg -c'
lists the files it contains. If you want anything more detailed than
that, 'dpkg --fsys-tarfile package.deb  package.tar' will give you a
tar file you can browse through at will.


Re: Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/06/2000 (17:03) :
 look at the compaq web site, it has online manuals for almost all machines.
 Typically for compaq, it boots, tests memory, beeps twice, puts the cursor 
 into the upper right hand corner, and at that time you should press F10 to 
 enter BIOS.

Ah thanks.

 Also, most compaqs w/in the last 5 years will boot to CDrom, so just put a 
 bootable debian disk in and try it, it is an effortless way to install!

Hmm. I was lead to believe it booted floppy before hard disc, but I'll

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: free c compiler 8051

2000-06-30 Thread Vicente

A.M wrote:

 dear friend

 do u have any free c compiler 8051  to send me or know about it

 Best regards

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: FTP server and security

2000-06-30 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 12:27:04PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:

 I want to enable anonymous login so I link my web to the ftp server.

Bad decision imho, but if you must:

Seriously consider NOT having upload capability, but if you must make
uploaded files invisible to an ls command, and seriously consider a
separate partition for ftp. Use quotas.

Again, have you thought about the risks of hardwiring an anon ftp server
into the 'Net? It's not for amateurs. No you *really* need this?

Read and heed that faq! If you get into warez I will disown you.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, R.I., USA


2000-06-30 Thread chunjiang fu
Install Package question:
Hi! all, I finally got installation of the
debian/linux 2.1 on my old 486 machine. But I still
have a problem: I could not install the basic package
from the CD(2 CD set). I selected the basic package
and use the access method as fellow: 
1). Multi-CD, It asked me the CD device like: enter
the name of the device [/dev/cdrom]: I entered:
/dev/cdrom, not work. /cdrom, not work. /dev/cdu31a(my
CD driver), not work.
2). apt: did like the instruction. Like change source
list? [Y]. File: /cdrom enter. stable  enter. main
contrib enter. add other packages [N]
Alt F2: mddir /cdrom enter: can not make cdrom: file
mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/hdc /cdrom enter
the kernel does not reconize the it as block device
(maybe insmod device)
Back to dselect menu: Upgrade..
get file: .
error can not get: /cdrom/./packages.gz
error staus 1
I tried the two CDs. not work.
I can reach the CD by cd /cdrom command.
debian ~#/cdrom and ls -al the top file.
Could some one help me solve these problems
thank you.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: linux + wan (frame relay)

2000-06-30 Thread Bolan Meek
Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 I would like to know if Linux (Debian/GNU) can work with wan
 protocols, especifically frame-relay?

Linux has drivers for the frame relay protocol, and drivers
for WAN cards.  Stock Linux kernels do not have these drivers
compiled, neither in the kernel, nor as modules.  One must
recompile the kernel himself for WAN support.  It is a fairly
simple matter to add that support: merely selecting in the
X or curses configuration menus, typically, for it.

 That's, if I buy a wan card, can I route with Linux?


 Should I expect some troubles?

Troubles are pretty relative to expectations; expect
some work.

 Some limitation?

Open source = no limitation.

 Can I safely substitute a Cisco router with a linux+wan card?

It really depends on what features you need.  I had a momentary
reaction remembering an need of OSPF routing using Cisco equipment
in a past life, but I recover knowing that OSPF has been
recently added to Linux.

For simple IP routing, yes, you can.  For routing with filtering
(firewalling), yes, you can.  For routing with  protocol,
maybe:  we'd have to look more closely.

Re: linux + wan (frame relay)

2000-06-30 Thread Pollywog
I used a WAN card (a csu/dsu) with Linux.  It was a card that was not
supported by the Linux kernel, so I had to obtain the driver source
for the card and compile the drivers.  The problem I had with that
card was that I could not compile the drivers with any kernel newer
than 2.0.29. The card was a RISCom n2csu/dsu and I used it
successfully with frame relay.


creating debs

2000-06-30 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

Given a source tarball, how to best install that into the system?

My suggestion would be to create a .deb archive and to then install that
using dpkg -i. Now, I have never created my own .deb apart from doing this 
with make-kpkg and apt-get source -b, so I am not familiar with the 
internals or much more the necessary contents of a debian archive for
it to be one.

I know though that dpkg-deb has the capability to build .deb archives.
As I know *nothing* more than that, I don't know what to do next to get
my source tarball (LAME) compiled and installed...?

Any help appreciated. :)
S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: ibm thinkpad 380Z serial port trouble

2000-06-30 Thread Thomas Hood

 I've recieved a thinkpad 380Z :-)
 I've partitioned disk and installed w2000 on a partition with Thinkpad
 On the other partition I've installed debian from a cd with kernel
 Problem is I can't connect throught PPP in order to update debian from
 the internet
 Linux doesn't see my serial port on /dev/ttyS1 only sees IR at ttyS0
 -on w2000 serial is located at COM2, 0x02F8 and irq 3
 in Thinkpad Configuration I've serial port enabled and IR disabled.

Make sure the serial port is powered on, too.  See my web page: for more info.

 -on linux I run setserial (v 2.14) doesn't happens anything, I type:
 setserial /dev/ttyS1 auto_irq autoconfig
 and on /proc/tty/driver/serial stills is only ttyS0

Make sure that the ioport for /dev/ttyS1 is set to 0x2F8

 -On my debian cd there isn't tpctl and I haven't any PCMCIA in order to
 get connected to the net, the only way is PPP

tpctl is available in potato archive under misc.


Where to set defaults???

2000-06-30 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah
Where do I set defaults for the window manager and X
applications. Things like:

Xterm*Font : jsdhkjdfkvkjv


Usually it was .Xdefaults under RedHat. where does
Debian keep them?



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Helix's gimp1.1 deb's and aalib1 out of date

2000-06-30 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Trying to install gimp1.1 from the helix'es DEBs, I've run in a
problem that it depends on aalib1 =1.2-29, but the aalib1 which is
available is version 1.2-25.

Any ideas where this package is available from for potato?

Here's what I have for my sources.list:
,[ sources.list ]
| deb potato main contrib non-free
| deb potato/non-US contrib main non-free
| deb x/
| #deb potato updates
| deb potato/non-US contrib main 
| # deb potato contrib main non-free
| deb unstable main

Arcady Genkin
Thanks God I'm still an atheist! -- Luis Bunuel

Re: creating debs

2000-06-30 Thread Peter Palfrader
Hi Sven!

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Given a source tarball, how to best install that into the system?
 My suggestion would be to create a .deb archive and to then install that
 using dpkg -i. Now, I have never created my own .deb apart from doing this 
 with make-kpkg and apt-get source -b, so I am not familiar with the 
 internals or much more the necessary contents of a debian archive for
 it to be one.

Check out

[ not signed since this is an untrusted box ]

Re: s06241001121894 (Installation prob.)

2000-06-30 Thread Esko Lehtonen
chunjiang fu wrote:
 Install Package question:
 Hi! all, I finally got installation of the
 debian/linux 2.1 on my old 486 machine. But I still
 have a problem: I could not install the basic package
 from the CD(2 CD set). I selected the basic package
 and use the access method as fellow:
 1). Multi-CD, It asked me the CD device like: enter
 the name of the device [/dev/cdrom]: I entered:
 /dev/cdrom, not work. /cdrom, not work. /dev/cdu31a(my
 CD driver), not work.
 2). apt: did like the instruction. Like change source
 list? [Y]. File: /cdrom enter. stable  enter. main
 contrib enter. add other packages [N]
 Alt F2: mddir /cdrom enter: can not make cdrom: file
 mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/hdc /cdrom enter
 the kernel does not reconize the it as block device
 (maybe insmod device)
 Back to dselect menu: Upgrade..
 get file: .
 error can not get: /cdrom/./packages.gz
 error staus 1
 I tried the two CDs. not work.
 I can reach the CD by cd /cdrom command.
 debian ~#/cdrom and ls -al the top file.
 Could some one help me solve these problems
 thank you.

Well, I understood that you have got the first phase of installation ok
(=your machine boots), and you are trying to install rest of the system
using dselect (aren't you?)

That multi-cd problem in dselect sounds familiar, and I DON'T exactly
know what is the problem here. When I bought a slink distribution, I got
a set of two cds. The first one had all binaries you need when
installing, the other one had sources and so on. My installation worked
well just using only the first CD and just CDROM as method.

Anyway, in my opinion dselect is quite horrible tool. Take a look at
apt, apt-get, apt-cdrom and dpkg when you have got your debian running.

Hope this helps

 Esko Lehtonen   WYSINWYG -  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] What You See Is Never What You Get

rescure floppy prob

2000-06-30 Thread charles s zivancev
I'm trying to boot from a Resuce Floppy I created. It seems to be o.k.
until it tries to uncompress the kernel.  The sequence is:

Loading root.bin..
Loading linux.
Uncompressing Linux..

invalid compressed format (err=2)

Did I go wrong somewhere while creating the resuce floppy??


Charles Zivancev

Re: FTP server and security

2000-06-30 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Bob Bernstein wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 12:27:04PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
  I want to enable anonymous login so I link my web to the ftp server.
 Bad decision imho, but if you must:

in mine too. That's the way was hacked. see:



 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172

Re: Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Preben Randhol wrote:

 Marcio Rosa da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/06/2000 (16:19) :
  There is a explanation about the methods of installing Debian. Do you
  have a win/dos partition? The way I like more is to install the base
  system from hard disk and the other packages from CD.
 OK so I have to install slink first. I just got a tip that F10 is the
 key I should try to access the BIOS, but now I have this method as
 backup if it should not work.

This method is for potato too. Just get the images from the CDs you have.


 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172

Re: Need help with installing Debian on a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716

2000-06-30 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Preben Randhol wrote:

 I'm now going to install debian on a third machine. So far everything
 has gone nice, but the third machine is a bit troublesome.
 It is a COMPAC PRESARIO 5716. The problem is that this machine shows a
 big red Q at startup and no BIOS info. I therefore do not know which
 keys to press to access the BIOS in order to turn on CD-ROM booting. It
 currently boots from floppy first before hard disc. 
 So is it possible to make one or perhaps two floppy boot discs that
 could boot it up and the switch to do the rest of the installation from
 the CDs I have of Potato TC 2 ?

Take a look at:

There is a explanation about the methods of installing Debian. Do you
have a win/dos partition? The way I like more is to install the base
system from hard disk and the other packages from CD.

If you don't have the dos partition, I think drv1440.bin and root.bin are
the disks you need.



 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172

Re: iMac: boot Debian Linux from CD-ROM

2000-06-30 Thread Philippe
Hello Ethan and everyone!

potato is up and running on my iMac G3! Ethan's webpages were immensely
useful. especially the detailed file on using mac-fdisk for partitioning.
(It took about 6 hours of fussing around, so that's not too bad, is it?)
What follows might be just an esthetic question (since I'm able to boot to
either Debian or MAC OS with the option key reboot), and perhaps not
(should I want something cleaner???): 
(1) I'm using yaboot version 6. This
is what was on the vendor CDs. I'm afraid to use the menu_ofboot.b file,
even though the bug looks like it's been fixed (actually I tried it, and I
couldn't reboot onto linux, which is no fun!!!). So via MAC OS, I put
ybin-0.16.tar.gz on a
floppy. But, I'm unable to mount the floppy from linux. What's the command
line??? (mount is telling me to use insmod, but that's not working either)
(2) in any event, should I install ybin-0.16 to avoid eventual problems?
... I'm still writing to you from MAC OS, I have no clue how to get
started with PPP (e.g. to download ybin), emacs is running, but I don't
know how to get X11 working.

thanks a lot!


Re: Screen Capture

2000-06-30 Thread Andras BALI
On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 03:23:12PM +0200, Michal Novak wrote:

 I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as is.

The simpliest solution is to use xwd from the x11/xbase-clients
package. Enter the following command in an xterm:

 $ xwd -root -out shot.xwd

The .xwd file you get can be converted into other formats using 
convert from the graphics/imagemagick package:

 $ convert -quality 80 shot.xwd shot.jpg

(Use the -quality option to affect the compression level of the JPEG
file. 75% is a reasonable compromise).


mpich -- Help!

2000-06-30 Thread Christopher S. Swingley
I'm looking for some help with mpich (parallel processing).  I've 
got task-parallel-computing-node installed on two connected machines 
(ivan and alexi), and task-parallel-computing-dev installed on 
one of them (ivan).  rsh-server is set up on both, and I've got 
a ~/.rhosts file on each that allows me into both machines.  I have 
also set up the /etc/mpich/machines.LINUX with the fully qualified 
domain names for the two machines.  Finally, my home directory is 
cross-mounted on both machines.  The whole thing is on a private
network behind a firewall machine.

Here's what I've tried (from the front-end machine):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ tstmachines -v
Trying true on ...
Trying true on ...
Trying ls on ...
Trying ls on ...
Trying user program on ...
Trying user program on ...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cp /usr/share/doc/mpich/examples/code/ ~/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cp /usr/share/doc/mpich/examples/code/cpi.c ~/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mpireconfig Makefile
creating Makefile

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ make cpi
/usr/lib/mpich/build/LINUX/ch_p4/bin/mpicc -O2 -c cpi.c
/usr/lib/mpich/build/LINUX/ch_p4/bin/mpicc -O2 -o cpi cpi.o -lm

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mpirun -np 2 cpi

At this point top shows on my front-end (ivan):

  634 cswingle  16   0   676  668   580 R   0 99.6  0.5   1:18 mpirun

It never seems to run cpi, and there are no rshd connections on my 
other machine (alexi), nor does mpirun or cpi every show up on alexi.  
mpirun just seems to hang.  Looking at the source code leads me to 
suspect that the program should immediately be asking me for the 
number of intervals to use in the calculation, but I never get that far.

I've tried several of the other programs in the examples/code directory,
but they either don't compile correctly, or exhibit the same freeze when
I do mpirun.

Does anyone have any hints on what I'm doing wrong, or what I should
try next?


Christopher S. Swingley   tel: 907-474-2689 cell: 322-1889
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK  99775 ~cswingle

PGP2 key:
GNUPG key:

Re: FTP server and security

2000-06-30 Thread Jay Kelly
On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 11:23:37AM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 12:27:04PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
  I want to enable anonymous login so I link my web to the ftp server.
 Bad decision imho, but if you must:
 Seriously consider NOT having upload capability, but if you must make
 uploaded files invisible to an ls command, and seriously consider a
 separate partition for ftp. Use quotas.
 Again, have you thought about the risks of hardwiring an anon ftp server
 into the 'Net? It's not for amateurs. No you *really* need this?
 Read and heed that faq! If you get into warez I will disown you.
 Bob Bernstein
 Esmond, R.I., USA
Well thats everybody for your help. I have decided just to run Apache. Looks 
like for the discussion that ftp is a bad idea. 
Thanks again
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


If Windows is the answer, then I want the problems back!  

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

FW: telnet vs ^Z

2000-06-30 Thread Wesley A. Wannemacher

You can easily start a shell within VI with
ESC :!

This will spawn a shell. When the shell is done
(logout, exit, etc.) you will be put right back
into vi.


Wesley A. Wannemacher
Instructor, Network Administrator
Northwestern College

-Original Message-
From: Will Trillich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 4:23 AM
To: Alberto Rodríguez Ortega
Subject: Re: telnet vs ^Z

On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 09:17:46AM +0200, Alberto Rodríguez Ortega wrote:
 Hi Will,

 At 13.23 29/6/00 -0500, Will Trillich wrote:
 i've got linux in the basement, cranking and serving
 like a dream. to administer, i'm upstairs and i get
 in via telnet on my local 192.168.*.* intranet.
 on the console (linux keyboard/mouse/monitor) i can
 use ^Z to suspend a foreground job, just like in the
 but ^Z seems to be ignored when i get in via telnet
 even tho stty shows 'susp = ^Z'.

 i'm a bit lost,
 r u trying to sup the telnet or just a aplication on the server where
 are connected via telnet?

yes, i was a bit unclear on that point. blushheh./blush

i'm trying to get my telnet session to behave as if
i was at the console: if i'm in VI i wanna be able to ^Z
to get to the shell prompt.

my telnet client is running on a mac, which has no
clue about suspend/fg/bg. :)

i want the remote (linux server) full-screen process
(mutt, vi, etc) to suspend when i send ^Z, despite the
fact that i'm using telnet, and not sitting at the

hell, i just tried it from the perl debugger, which
doesn't even use curses/ncurses for its dialogue,
and ^Z blinks the screen there, too, with no
suspend signal being sent to the job.

i want my control-Z! (waaah!)

 Have u cheked the binding at the remote server?
 Are u using 'screen'? If u r using a aplication which is getting al your
 keyboard controled (up the the shell) take care with that.

so, yes, all the settings below are from the server.
(ask a mac what an environmental variable is, and
you get deaf silence. comes from being a single-user

 now i know that tcsh has command-line settings that
 can override stty items, such as '^W = werase' but
 there's nothing i can see (perhaps i'm blind) that
 would alter ^Z for suspend.
 what's interfering?
 % bindkey | grep Z
 ^Z   -  tty-sigtsusp
 ^[^Z - run-fg-editor
 % stty -a
 speed 9600 baud; rows 32; columns 132; line = 0;
 intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^D; eol = undef; eol2 = undef;
 start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
 werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
 -parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
 -ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr
 -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
 opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill
 -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
 isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh
 -xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke
 % printenv

 LESSEDIT=%E ?lt+%lt. %f
 LESSOPEN=| lesspipe %s
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Re: creating debs

2000-06-30 Thread Colin Watson
Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know though that dpkg-deb has the capability to build .deb archives.
As I know *nothing* more than that, I don't know what to do next to get
my source tarball (LAME) compiled and installed...?

dpkg-deb is lower-level than you probably want.

Install the devscripts, packaging-manual, maint-guide, debhelper, and
dh-make packages (together with their dependencies), and preferably get
the source for the hello-debhelper package too and examine it. Read the
Packaging Manual and New Maintainer's Guide that you've just installed.

You should find that the following will get you most of the way there:

* Untar the upstream tarball;

* Rename the directory to be of the form packagename-upstreamversion
  (e.g. lame-1.0 or whatever version LAME is at);

* Type 'dh_make' and follow the prompts (single binary means a single
  binary package, by the way, not there is only one binary executable
  in this package);

* Edit the files in the debian/ subdirectory. The New Maintainer's Guide
  has information on what most of them mean.

Further questions should probably go on the debian-mentors mailing list.



Re: creating debs

2000-06-30 Thread Sven Burgener
On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 07:27:20PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

 dpkg-deb is lower-level than you probably want.

At this point it looks to be so, yes. :)

[snipped steps]

Thanks tons for the useful infos.

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: linux + wan (frame relay)

2000-06-30 Thread F. Fernández

Two years ago I had the same doubt and evaluated some options. I finally
decided to go for a small cisco router for the following reasons:
- At that time the linux kernel didn't do traffic shaping
- WAN boards were expensive and did'n have direct support
  in my country (Portugal)
- Cisco hardware is probably more reliable than a PC with one board
  in it (I confirmed this since we still use Linux for the internal router
  and firewall all along with the cisco router for the Internet
  connection - PC's do fail a lot and the cisco router never failed)

What we lost with this decision was:
- Traffic logging and statistics
- Efficient line monitoring
- Free software upgrades

If you are serious about this connection, spend a little bit more
and buy a dedicated router or be prepared to switch PC's very fast when the
the CPU hangs, the RAM fails or motherboard burns.

Hope this helps!


- Original Message -
From: Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User List
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: linux + wan (frame relay)


 I would like to know if Linux (Debian/GNU) can work with wan
 protocols, especifically frame-relay?
 That's, if I buy a wan card, can I route with Linux? Should I
 expect some troubles? Some limitation? Can I safely substitute a Cisco
 router with a linux+wan card?
 Any kind of info is welcome; better if it's quick! :-))

 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Filtering Email in Pine

2000-06-30 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

 UW wants it to be really dumbed down for the novice users so they turn
 most features off by default.  Maybe it'd be a good idea for our
 unofficial Pine maintainer to create a better default pine.conf.

Sounds like a good idea.  I'd make it a example though and leave the
default  configuration restricted.  Less rope to hang yourself and that
sort of thing.  so anyone want to send me the perfect pine.conf?


Experiences with Winbond w89c840f

2000-06-30 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Hello list,

I am looking for an ethernet card that is not very big.  I found a nice
card in a store, that uses the Winbond w89c840f chipset.  The SuSE
support page lists the driver for this card as experimental and says
it's supported by an external program and not by the kernel directly.

Any experiences with that chipset?

Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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