Off-topic Empleo

2000-07-03 Thread Fernando
Hola, y perdon por el off-topic

En mi empresa andan buscando alguna persona con el siguiente perfil:

Residente en Madrid (España), imprescindible.
Ingeniero Técnico o superior en informática, telecomunicaciones o similar.
Con buenos conocimientos de C++, BD (SQL), Unix, conocimientos de la red
de señalización Nº 7 (SS7) (no es imprescindible, pero muy deseable).
Sin problemas para pasar alguna temporada al otro lado del charco.

Lo que se ofrece, pues lo de siempre: Un trabajo mas bien mal pagado.  :-)

Si alguno esta interesado, pues ya sabe, que contacte conmigo.

Y perdon de nuevo por el off-topic.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: PDF (subsittucion de comandos en bash)

2000-07-03 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El viernes 30 de junio de 2000 a la(s) 20:48:29 +, David Charro Ripa 
  TEMP = `tempfile`
 ¿No tendria que ser la 1ª linea asi?

Fíjate que las comillas son  inversas (graves). Es más portable
hacelo con comillas inversas que con la sintaxis $().
Pués según el manual de bash, las comillas graves es el método antiguo y
$() es el método nuevo. También hay una pequeña diferencia entre los
dos: $(comando) le pasa los caracteres \ al comando, mientras que
`comando` interpreta un \ como caracter de escape:

   Command Substitution
   Command substitution allows the output  of  a  command  to
   replace the command name.  There are two forms:


   Bash  performs  the  expansion  by  executing  command and
   replacing the command substitution with the standard  out­
   put  of  the  command, with any trailing newlines deleted.
   Embedded newlines are not deleted, but they may be removed
   during  word  splitting.   The  command substitution $(cat
   file) can be replaced by the  equivalent  but  faster  $(

   When the old-style backquote form of substitution is used,
   backslash retains its literal meaning except when followed
   by  $,  `,  or  \.   The first backquote not preceded by a
   backslash terminates the command substitution.  When using
   the  $(command) form, all characters between the parenthe­
   ses make up the command; none are treated specially.

También me parece mas fácil de recordar $(comando) por ser mas parecido 
a $variable 


Re: PDF (subsittucion de comandos en bash)

2000-07-03 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 03 de julio de 2000 a la(s) 09:43:52 +0100, Jaime E. Villate contaba:

Pués según el manual de bash, las comillas graves es el método antiguo y
$() es el método nuevo.

 Lo serán para bash, pero ¿y si usas otro shell?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: PDF (Problema con fuentes tipo 1)

2000-07-03 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Danito wrote:
 Me contesto a mi mismoPara poder escribir
 acentos y ñs utilizaba el paquete t1enc en vez del paquete inputenc con la
 opción latin1. Este paquete utiliza las fuentes european computer modern fonts
 en vez de las computer modern fonts. No existe una copia en Type1 de estas
 fuentes, por eso el pdflatex las convertía a Type3.

Exactamente. Ya leí tu fichero .log y me preparaba a responderte, cuando
ví tu mensaje diciendo que ya lo has descubierto. De todas formas te
aclaro lo siguiente:

Hay dos problemas diferentes; uno es permitir que tu fichero fuente
tenga caracteres con acento como ñ en vez de tener que usar \~n. Para
eso se usa \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}. Otro problema diferente es que
las reglas para enguionar (cortar palabras que no caben) que usa TeX no
funcionan con caracteres compuestos como \~n (que es realmente lo que
usas apesar de que escribas ñ).

Una solución que se propuso en una reunión que hubo en Cork, Irlanda,
hace varios años, consiste en definir una nueva fuente (European CM),
que tiene los mismos caracteres de la CM, mas otros adicionales que son
las letras con acentos. La forma como se codifican los caracteres
adicionales dentro de la nueva fuente se llama T1 encoding o Cork
encoding. Para usar esta fuente se usa el comando
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} y así las palabras con acentos también podran
ser cortadas cuando sea necesario. El problema, como has dicho, es que
no existe versión libre de esta fuente en formato Type1 (no confundir el
significado de Type1 en PostScript, con T1 en LaTeX); existe una versión
comercial hecha por Bakoma. 

 Pregunta: ¿Como se puede hacer un tipo Type 1 a partir de un mf?, porque lei
 por algún sitio que es posible.
Dicen que es posible, porque a primera vista mf define vectorialmente
los glyphs (si alguine sabe la traducción de glyph, por favor dígame),
pero los expertos en fonts en la lista pdftex me han explicado que el
problema es mas complicado de lo que parece. Es que para que funcione
bien en postscript, el perfil de cada caracter debe definirse como un
camino simple y cerrado; lo que hace MetaFont es definir pequeños trozos
en forma desordenada, que dan un buen aspecto visual pero no le permiten
al postscript identificar un camino cerrado simple. Es necesario hacer
algunas modificaciones manualmente.

Por el momento lo que yo hago es no usar fuentes ECM sino CM; después
tengo que ver con cuidado el fichero .log y poner unos \- en las
palabras con acentos que TeX no haya logrado cortar.


Re: PDF (subsittucion de comandos en bash)

2000-07-03 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 03 de julio de 2000 a la(s) 09:43:52 +0100, Jaime E. Villate contaba:
 Pués según el manual de bash, las comillas graves es el método antiguo y
 $() es el método nuevo.
  Lo serán para bash, pero ¿y si usas otro shell?

ah, a eso te referías con mas portable. entonces estoy de acuerdo

RE: PDF (Problema con fuentes tipo 1)

2000-07-03 Thread Matias, Enrique

  Pregunta: ¿Como se puede hacer un tipo Type 1 a partir de un mf?, porque
  por algún sitio que es posible.
 Dicen que es posible, porque a primera vista mf define vectorialmente
 los glyphs (si alguine sabe la traducción de glyph, por favor dígame),

glifo. por ejemplo los glifos mayas.


2000-07-03 Thread David Charro Ripa
Con las sugerencias ha quedado mucho más elegante este sucedáneo del
distiler de pdf.
Ahora no necesita el archivo temporal.

Como bien apuntó Jaime, ps2pdf es un script que llama a gs.
Así que copio la llamada que hace a gs con todos los parámetros.
La sustituyo en el filtro ps600-filter en el apartado ps.

Y nos queda un filtro igualito al postcript pero con los papeles
Es decir, si es pdf, no hace nada, si es ps lo convierte a pdf. Las
secciones postcript y pdf, que son las únicas que cambian, quedan así.
Le he llamado pdf-filter.

# PostScript
0   %!  fpipe /usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=- -c save pop -f $FILE 
0   \004%!  fpipe /usr/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=- -c save pop -f $FILE 

0   %PDFcat

Si es PDF ejecuta el comando cat. Vamos, que lo pasa sin tocar.
Desde aquí se podría escribir en archivo modificando la opción
He preferido mantenerlo separado por si algún día tengo una impresora
que entienda pdf.

Entonces el pequeño script bash llamado /etc/magicfilter/mifiltro para
grabar en disco duro queda así


Es fenomenal, pues con las sugerencias queda muy simple a la par que
elegante  ;-)



PD: Ahora ya tenemos destiladora, ¿para cuando la freebeer?

Re: PDF (Como traducir glyph)

2000-07-03 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Matias, Enrique wrote:
  los glyphs (si alguine sabe la traducción de glyph, por favor dígame),
 glifo. por ejemplo los glifos mayas.

Muchísimas gracias; ya lo he puesto en el glosario.



2000-07-03 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, jul 03, 2000 at 12:23:45 +0200, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 PD: Ahora ya tenemos destiladora, ¿para cuando la freebeer?

¿Y un filtro birra-filter que convierta los documentos word en botellines de
25cl.?, %-PP
... y que a su vez mientras se ejecute suene la debiand-band

PS: Tengo que dejar el pellote.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-07-03 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Julián Armando Mena Zapata wrote:

 Hola a todos:
 Podria alguien regalarme un ratico y decirme como hago para utilizar xemacs
 para hacer un programa en fortran (Lo que se puede hacer alli)

No entiendo bien la pregunta. Lo ´unico que se me ocurre es como
configurar ciertas cosas para que sea m´as c´omodo. Por ejemplo
fijar el tabulador para que te deje en la columna 8 o
configurar el 'compile' para que compile el programa con darle a un boton.
No se me ocurre otra cosa. Yo he programado en C y en Fortran con xemacs y
es lo ´unico que utilizo.

Un saludo

Ignacio García Fernández

Pon un matemático en tu empresa.

squid no autentifica

2000-07-03 Thread Hue-Bond
 Buenas. Este es mi /etc/squid.conf

cache_peer parent 8080 7 login=user:pass
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
acl purge method PURGE
acl cyberchat2000 src
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow cyberchat2000
http_access deny all
icp_access allow all
miss_access allow all
store_avg_object_size 10 KB

 Mi problema  tiene que  ver con  el cache_peer.  Cuando intento
 navegar a través  de mi squid, éste se intenta  autentificar con la
 IP especificada y tengo la ligera sospecha de que no lo hace:

Jul  3 17:17:42 genus squid[19368]: temporary disabling (Unauthorized) digest

 Sin embargo, configuro un netscape para navegar a través de ese
 proxy  por el  puerto 8080,  me sale  un diálogo  pidiendo login  y
 clave, le pongo lo mismo y sí que navega.

 La versión del  squid remoto es la 2.3.STABLE3 y  la del mío la
 2.2.STABLE5, del paquete squid_2.2.5-3_i386.deb.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.15 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Impresion de ficheros TIFF

2000-07-03 Thread Jon Noble
Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] de nuevo. A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano.

Tengo unos archivos TIFF generados con un escaner con una resolución 
de 300dpi.
Si visualizo esos archivos en la pantalla desde cualquier programa 
(xview, eeyes, gimp, ...) los veo con una resolución muy aceptable.
Para imprimirlos, suelo convertirlos a Postcript y mandarlos a la 
impresora. Sin embargo, la resolución en la impresora es paupérrima
(muy paupérrima), a pesar de que el fichero postcript se ve 
muy bien con gv. He probado a convertir con tiff2ps, convert,
tifftopnm+pnmtops, pero en todos me pasa lo mismo.

Alguien sabe cómo imprimir esos ficheros con más resolución?

Gracias y un saludo,



2000-07-03 Thread golden show





LAVALLE 345 CAPITAL  INFORMES:  43137668/8643/4323




Re: Netscape bus error

2000-07-03 Thread Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
Obrigado pela ajuda. Reinstalei as bibliotecas de que o Netscape 
agora está funcionando.

Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo wrote:
 Tenho instalado em meu notebook, um Toshiba Satellite 330CDS, o
 Communicator 473. Ao executá-lo recebo a mensagem Bus error.
 Anteriormente funcionava perfeitamente, mas de uma hora para outra 
 passou a acontecer. Alguém tem alguma idéia?
 Desde já agradeço.
 Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
 Área de Redes e Equipamentos
 Anglo: (019) 744-9867
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ# 9430018Linux user # 100500
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Carlos Emir Mantovani Macedo
Área de Redes e Equipamentos
Anglo: (019) 744-9867
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ# 9430018Linux user # 100500

Re: man pages

2000-07-03 Thread paul
Are you running Slink?  I had a similar problem after installing some 
Potato packages.  Upgrading the rest fixed the problem.

Michael wrote;

   Hey guys. I'm having some problems with my manpages. I have my MANPATH
 environment variable set to /usr/man:/usr/share/man. Now, under
 /usr/share/man/man1 I have makeindex.1.gz. However, when I type man
 makeindex, I get nothing. Normally, that'd be fine. 
   Also, I just checked my weekly cronjobs, and found this:
 # Last modification: Fri, 15 May 1998 08:06:59 +0300
 # man-db cron weekly
 # regenerate man database
 if test -x /usr/bin/mandb 
 then/usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/mandb --create 2/dev/null  /dev/null
   So, just in case, I ran it. It didn't help. 
   So, I guess I have the following questions:
 1. Why doesn't man respect my MANPATH and work?
 2. What is the man-db for and how does that work?
 3. Where does man -k look for its data and how do I rebuild that?
 - -- 
 Michael P. Soulier, 1Z22, SKY  Tel: 613-765-4699 (ESN: 39-54699)
 Optical Networks, Nortel Networks 
 ...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
 of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

miscelaneous endeavors

non-US Packages

2000-07-03 Thread Russ Pitman
I get this error running apt-get update

Hit potato/non-US/non-free Packages
Hit potato/non-US/non-free Release
Failed to fetch
  Unable to fetch file, server said
'/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
directory  '
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Couldn't stat source package list ' potato/non-US
- stat (2 No such file or directory)
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones
used instead

Tried several mirrors, has the Packages file been
removed/relocated.? Should I be asking here?

Re: X-Windows.

2000-07-03 Thread Gary Singleton
Yep, I got that - I just restarted my box but found out later that it was
something in the /tmp directory.  Restarting apparently erased it but you
can probably just go clear it out manually.


- Original Message -
To: Debian-user
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: X-Windows.

 I'm getting the following problem when starting X.

 X:  Server socket directory has suspicious ownership, aborting:

 Someone suggested reinstalling the system, but does anyone else have any
 other ideas?

 Mark Thompson
 Ihug Helpdesk Technician
 Phone 0800 438 448 ext 9557

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Accents (was: Re: Nouvelle version)

2000-07-03 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jul 02 2000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
 [And how do you type accented characters on an English keyboard?]

It's not that hard. I use an US keyboard and I've configured
Emacs to load iso-accents-mode and iso-accents-customize
portuguese for text-mode (which includes my e-mails).

Otherwise, I could enable the US International keyboard layout
in X (it is one of the predefined KBD drivers available), but
since it doesn't work the way I like (for instance, for typing
~/, I have to type the tilde, then a space and only then the
slash, rather than ~ followed by the slash) and Emacs does the
Right Thing, IMVHO, I only use accents when I'm using Emacs.

But I'd love to use accents in X in all programs, really. If
anybody could help here, I'd be grateful.

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: Nouvelle version

2000-07-03 Thread Christophe TROESTLER
On Sun, 02 Jul 2000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
 [And how do you type accented characters on an English keyboard?]

Use Emacs.  « C-x RET C-\ » and select « latin-1-prefix ».

Another solution is to redefine the keymap
(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/).  I have done it for easier access
(plus I want both hard and soft « ^ », « ¨ »,...)


RE: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Barnes
Back for more, but this should be easy.

At last postgresql 7.02 starts and runs after a boot, and I have access using 
There are 2 problems remaining:
pgaccess connects thru TCP/IP and expects to connect at port 5432.
I will probably find that true also with gASQL and bonobo.
Since this is my first serious effort in Debian I will certainly appreciate 
someone walking me thru these changes.

Thanks very much,
Bill Barnes

Re: which netscape? lynx set-up?

2000-07-03 Thread Andre Berger
Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sun, Jul 02, 2000 at 06:27:17PM -0500, Philippe wrote:
  also, do you know how to configure an X manager so that a 1 button USB
  macintosh mouse can copy and paste in xterminals? (it is able to select
  text in emacs currently but not to paste by a click of a button, and it
  doesn't work at all anywhere else.)

You can map btn2 and btn3 to keys (without modifiers). To do so, you
need to pass arguments to the kernel, eg.  


(YMMV) If you're using Xpmac, you may have to pass argument to it too. Here's
a part of my /etc/dem/gdm.conf (YMMV):

0=/usr/bin/X11/X vt7 -middlekey 135 -rightkey 60 

(snip; YMMV)

I have a PowerBook 3400, German keyboard. To find about your key
mapping, type


on the console or 


(apt-get install xcontrib) on X.


MS Proxy

2000-07-03 Thread Michal Novak

I have problem with Debian after firewall (MS Proxy 2.0).
Netscape and Lynx can use http and ftp with no problem, but
I can't configure another program (gFTP, telnet) to communicate.
Can you help me?

Thnx Michal

Re: MS Proxy

2000-07-03 Thread Davide Libenzi

 I have problem with Debian after firewall (MS Proxy 2.0).
 Netscape and Lynx can use http and ftp with no problem, but
 I can't configure another program (gFTP, telnet) to communicate.
 Can you help me?

Replace Your M$ Proxy machine with a cheap PC ( 3-486 8Mb )
running Linux+IPMasquerading+Diald and You get a valid proxy
for both WinXX and UniXX.
Look at the howto-s for configuration tips and examples.


Feel free, feel Debian !

Re: g++ ?

2000-07-03 Thread Felix Natter
erasmo perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hi people!
 where can i download the latest (unstable) g++ compiler package for debian ?

g++ is currently in the process of a big change:
gcc-2.95.2 is the stable version, but it lacks a standard-conformant
c++-library. One is being developed, and should be mostly stable:
If you want to use it, you need to get source packages for binutils,
gcc-core, gcc-g++ and libstdc++ (a snapshot) and follow the instructions
from libstdc++-v3.

If you don't need that, I suggest you use the compiler that is installed
on your system. I don't think there are very many changes in 2.95.2
(except for template-support).

Felix Natter

Re: ESS sound support ?

2000-07-03 Thread Felix Natter
Goeman Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have an ESS (Maesto-2 ?) sound card in my PC.
 From the debian web page I found out that this card is not supported.
 Does anybody knows how to get the card active ??


Felix Natter

Re: rpm's

2000-07-03 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Pete Chudykowski wrote:

 1.  For some reason the package didn't contain ftpd.  Where can I find a
 .deb binary?

This one I cannot check out right now.

 2.  Is there a way to make debian understand rpm's?  If so, where can I
 find info on how to do it?

Have a look at the package alien. With alien you can convert rpm to deb
and vice versa.





Re: X-Windows.

2000-07-03 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, voy1d wrote:

 I'm getting the following problem when starting X.
 X:  Server socket directory has suspicious ownership, aborting:
 Someone suggested reinstalling the system, but does anyone else have any
 other ideas?

I had this message after an apt-get upgrade, which involved updating
some XFree files as well. As far as I remember, the message did not show
up anymore after restarting my computer. (It is more a workstation than
a server with long uptimes.)





Re: *.deb files : installation

2000-07-03 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, S. Champ wrote:

 is dselect the only way to install a *.deb file?

No, you can always use dpkg by hand:

dpkg -i whatever.deb

Re: ESS sound support ?

2000-07-03 Thread Marcio Rosa da Silva
On 28 Jun 2000, Felix Natter wrote:

 Goeman Stefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I have an ESS (Maesto-2 ?) sound card in my PC.
  From the debian web page I found out that this card is not supported.
  Does anybody knows how to get the card active ??

% dmesg
maestro: version 0.13 time 11:34:26 Apr 25 2000
maestro: Configuring ESS Maestro 2E found at IO 0xFF00 IRQ 11
maestro:  subvendor id: 0x00011179
maestro: AC97 Codec detected: v: 0x83847609 caps: 0x6940 pwr: 0xf
maestro: 1 channels configured.

I use one in my notebook. It works since 2.2.12 (or before, I'm not sure)


-- Marcio

 * Assistant Professor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Electrical Engineering Department
 * Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS
 * Av. Unisinos, 950
 * Sao Leopoldo - RS - Brazil
 * Phone: +55 51 590- R:1781/1782
 *   FAX: +55 51 590-8172

running lilo -R as user

2000-07-03 Thread Preben Randhol
I want to be able to boot windoze by pressing ctrl-altgr-delete. I did
this in RedHat 6.2 and it worked nicely:

I put in the /etc/inittab


and contains:


   /sbin/lilo -R dos
   /sbin/shutdown -r -t3 now

The problem is that this do not work in debian potato. I guess it is
because RedHat is not so strict on what is run by root as Debian. I must
say I prefer the Debian way.

I'm therefore wondering if somebody could point me in the direction of
documentation so that I can get this to work under Debian too.

Thanks in advance.

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

X-Server configuration

2000-07-03 Thread Marcel Karras

I've a problem configuring the XF86-System or better the X-Desktop. All 
works well except the graphic. If I configure the standart VGA-Server for 
myVoodoo3-Graphic-Card then I'll only see the desktop in the resolution 
320x204. (written in the config-file)
I've got a 15 inch Monitor but I cannot work with a resolution of 800x600 
Can someone help?

Re: X-Server configuration

2000-07-03 Thread Michalowski Thierry
Try using the SVGA server, not the VGA one.

Marcel Karras wrote:

 I've a problem configuring the XF86-System or better the X-Desktop.
 All works well except the graphic. If I configure the standart
 VGA-Server for my Voodoo3-Graphic-Card then I'll only see the desktop
 in the resolution 320x204. (written in the config-file)I've got a 15
 inch Monitor but I cannot work with a resolution of 800x600 dpi.Can
 someone help?

Thierry Michalowski /
Edipresse Publications S.A \\\' ,  / //
Informatique de Production  \\\//_/ //'
33,av. de la gare\_-//' /  //'
1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE   \ ///  //'
phone: +41 21 349 46 26/ \\\`
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /,)-^  _\`
  (/   \\ / \\\
Unix is user-friendly...   //  //\\\
It is just selective about who its friends are((`

This message has been checked with GRIMEsweeper which has detected a virus
embedded in this plain text message. You should now delete your entire hard
drive and rinse your eyes with soapy water to ensure it doesn't spread.

woody: backspace and altgr broken in X

2000-07-03 Thread Andre Majorel
Since I've apt-get upgrade'd from hamm to woody last friday,
backspace and altgr are broken in X.

console + bashOK
console + Vim OK
X + xterm no-op
X + xterm + Vim   like del !
X + xterm + Mutt  no-op
X + xterm + Slrn  prints a ~
X + Netscape  no-op

According to xev, backspace (keycode 22) is mapped like del
(keycode 107) to keysym h (Delete).

altgr-2 gives é instead of ~ normally.
altgr-3 gives ¢ instead of # normally.
altgr-4 gives § instead of { normally.
altgr-5 gives ¨ instead of [ normally.
altgr-6 gives ­ instead of | normally.
altgr-7 gives è instead of ` normally.
altgr-8 gives ß instead of \ normally.
altgr-9 gives ç instead of ^ normally.
altgr-0 gives à instead of @ normally.
altgr-) gives © instead of ] normally.
altgr-= gives ½ instead of } normally.

Everything else looks OK. The problems seems to be only with
altgr and backspace. Anybody knows what's wrong ? Thanks in

(And yes, I do have xfree-common_3.3.6-8.)

André Majorel

RE: find question

2000-07-03 Thread Andrew Kae


The find's atime option seems a bit sketchy.
I've tried find dir -atime 3 -print and nothing prints out.
but when i do :
find dir -atime 2 -print
it prints stuff out.

If it's been accessed in 2 days, it's been accessed in 3 days right?

Unless it means _exactly_ 2 or 3 days, in which case, it's not a great 
feature since i have to check if directories have been accessed in 60 days!

Any suggestions or comments?


From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: find question
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:47:27 -0700 (PDT)

 dir1 and dir2 are web sites themselves.

 I want to know if anyone has accessed dir1 within the last 60 days.  

 been using find like this:
 $ find dir1 -atime 60 -print

 Is this the correct command?

looks sane, although I think atime is only set on files.  Also, some people
turn off atime writing for a speed gain.

 Is there an easier or alternative way to find this out without looking 

 the logs?

there are log analyzers out there.  They give all kinds of great stats.  


 How does find check on this anyway?

each file on the hard drive has data stored with it about its size, 

time created, etc.  This is the same data ls prints.  To see what find is
doing, read the man page for stat.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: find question

2000-07-03 Thread David Wright
Quoting Andrew Kae ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 The find's atime option seems a bit sketchy.
 I've tried find dir -atime 3 -print and nothing prints out.
 but when i do :
 find dir -atime 2 -print
 it prints stuff out.
 If it's been accessed in 2 days, it's been accessed in 3 days right?
 Unless it means _exactly_ 2 or 3 days, in which case, it's not a great 
 feature since i have to check if directories have been accessed in 60 days!
 Any suggestions or comments?

I think you need

find spectacles

man find


   Numeric arguments can be specified as

   +n for greater than n,

   -n for less than n,

   n  for exactly n.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Postgresql 7.02 and Debian

2000-07-03 Thread Johann Spies
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 03:20:58AM -0400, Bill Barnes wrote:
 There are 2 problems remaining:
 pgaccess connects thru TCP/IP and expects to connect at port 5432.
 I will probably find that true also with gASQL and bonobo.

Someone (it might have been Oliver Elphick) replied to a similar
problem about pgaccess not so long ago on this list that it will work
if you leave blank the host (take away localhost) and port
fields in pgaccess.  I have tested it and it works on postgresql 6.5.

I do not know about gASQL and bonobo.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my
  fortress; my God, in him will I trust.   
Psalms 91:2

woody-potato, woody-slink, potato-slink?

2000-07-03 Thread John Anthony Kazos Jr.
Out of sheerest curiosity, since I'm not having any problems with woody beyond
the X/gpm mouse grabbing and X-fb corruption, is there a way to downgrade from
woody to potato, from woody to slink, and from potato to slink? I would assume a
forced apt-get dist-upgrade with appropriate lines in sources.list would do the
trick, but I've no desire to install and upgrade just to test.

Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Sean
Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration) uses
about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.

Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.


Preben Randhol wrote:
 Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/06/2000 (23:37) :
  I am looking for a window manager for debian that will
  not soakup the system resources. Which one would you
 First keep well away from Enlightenment. It uses a lot of resources on
 absolutely nothing (e.i eye-candy).
 I'd recommend WindowMaker or Sawfish.

Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Jul-2000 13:53:54 Sean wrote:
 Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration)
 about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.
 Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.

You mean Sawmill?


Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah
What is this Sawfish. I have seen SAwmill but not

--- Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default
 configuration) uses
 about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.
 Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.
 Preben Randhol wrote:
  Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 30/06/2000 (23:37) :
   I am looking for a window manager for debian
 that will
   not soakup the system resources. Which one would
  First keep well away from Enlightenment. It uses a
 lot of resources on
  absolutely nothing (e.i eye-candy).
  I'd recommend WindowMaker or Sawfish.
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Jens Luedicke
hi there ...

my box is rather old (P 200, 64 Megs RAM) and I tried both WindowMaker 
and Enlightenment and compared to WindowMaker Enlightenment is SLOW ...
(the same with Gnome)

On Mon, 03 Jul 2000 09:53:54 -0400, Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration) uses
 about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.

 Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.


 Preben Randhol wrote:
 Dinesh Nadarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/06/2000 (23:37) :
  I am looking for a window manager for debian that will
  not soakup the system resources. Which one would you
 First keep well away from Enlightenment. It uses a lot of resources on
 absolutely nothing (e.i eye-candy).
 I'd recommend WindowMaker or Sawfish.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Andrew Dixon
fvwm2 has always been my favorite.  It takes signigicantly less time to load
than Gnome and I have nerver seen any lag in performance because of it.


-Original Message-
From: Dinesh Nadarajah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 5:37 PM
Subject: Which window manager

I am looking for a window manager for debian that will
not soakup the system resources. Which one would you



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RE: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Simon Jefford

 -Original Message-
 From: Pollywog [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 03 July 2000 15:04
 To: debian-user list
 Subject: Re: Which window manager
 On 03-Jul-2000 13:53:54 Sean wrote:
  Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration)
  about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.
  Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.
 You mean Sawmill?

It's been renamed to Sawfish. There is, apparently, another product called
Many of the pages still mention sawmill though, (e.g.
See (see?!) for details.

Simon Jefford.

Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Corey Popelier
No, he means Sawfish. For you and the previous poster - Sawmill was
renamed to Sawfish due to some issues regarding the use of the name
Sawmill. It's all documented on the home page.

 Corey Popelier

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 On 03-Jul-2000 13:53:54 Sean wrote:
  Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration)
  about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.
  Personally I'd reccomend Sawfish as well though.
 You mean Sawmill?
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2000-07-03 Thread Goeman Stefan

When I do an nmap on my pc, I get something like:

PortState Protocol   Service
. some services .
139 opentcp  netbios-ssn

I am a little concerned about this last line.
From a security course I took last week, I have found out
that it is not wise to have the netbios open (to the rest of the
world). I my case, it probably can't harm because I am behind our
company firewalls. But nevertheless, I would prefer to disable this 
feature. Does anybody knows how to do this ??


Stefan Goeman


2000-07-03 Thread RaiViL
I have 2 hd at hdc e hdd and my Linux is at hdd2. i was thinking if I
can install LiLo in hdc mbr, cause lilo installs itself in hdd, and I
cant boot  hdd (just with floppy os loadlin). thanks for the help, sorry
for the english :)

RaiViL (at weekends)

sawmill is a herring bone screen

2000-07-03 Thread Lindsay Allen

Hi all,

I can run windowmaker, enlightenment and icewm quite happily.  But when I
try sawmill I just get the herring bone screen.  The only sign of
intelligence is that the middle mouse button produces a set of menus.

This is on three different potato boxes, using either current sawmill or
the earlier version.  Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?



Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445E  Debian Linux

Re: man pages

2000-07-03 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Michael,

Have you checked, if makeindex.1.gz is not a link to undocumented.gz?

On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Michael Soulier wrote:

   Hey guys. I'm having some problems with my manpages. I have my MANPATH
 environment variable set to /usr/man:/usr/share/man. Now, under
 /usr/share/man/man1 I have makeindex.1.gz. However, when I type man
 makeindex, I get nothing. Normally, that'd be fine. 
   Also, I just checked my weekly cronjobs, and found this:
 # Last modification: Fri, 15 May 1998 08:06:59 +0300
 # man-db cron weekly
 # regenerate man database
 if test -x /usr/bin/mandb 
 then/usr/bin/nice /usr/bin/mandb --create 2/dev/null  /dev/null
   So, just in case, I ran it. It didn't help. 
   So, I guess I have the following questions:
 1. Why doesn't man respect my MANPATH and work?
 2. What is the man-db for and how does that work?
 3. Where does man -k look for its data and how do I rebuild that?
 - -- 
 Michael P. Soulier, 1Z22, SKY  Tel: 613-765-4699 (ESN: 39-54699)
 Optical Networks, Nortel Networks 
 ...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
 of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
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Installing TC2 disks

2000-07-03 Thread Greg Vence
Hi All,

I've got the CD's but when I get to the step of Install the Base System it
seems to get stuck in going back to that same step.  It asks me for a path
and I choose the default of /instmnt it goes out and finds the archive.
Then it returns to the same choice.


TIA -- Greg.

RE: sawmill is a herring bone screen

2000-07-03 Thread Simon Jefford

 -Original Message-
 From: Lindsay Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 03 July 2000 15:31
 Subject: sawmill is a herring bone screen
 Hi all,
 I can run windowmaker, enlightenment and icewm quite happily. 
  But when I
 try sawmill I just get the herring bone screen.  The only sign of
 intelligence is that the middle mouse button produces a set of menus.
 This is on three different potato boxes, using either current 
 sawmill or
 the earlier version.  Can anyone point me in the right 
 direction, please?

It is working. Sawmill does not supply a root window background or anything
like that. It just gets on with the job of managing windows. For background
management use GNOME or KDE. Alteratively use xv --root (I think) or
Esetroot (comes with Enlightenment).

There are many other alternatives as well, none of which I can think of
right now...)

It you want your WM do this for you without using any of this external
stuff, you'll have to stick with WindowMaker, Enlightenment et al.

From the Sawmill FAQ : 
3. I installed Sawfish but it's not working!  All I see when I start
 X is the default stipple background: no programs, no menus, no

 This is exactly what it's supposed to do. Sawfish is a _window
 manager_ and as such is not responsible for setting the background,
 starting programs or displaying a pager--these can all be done
 using separate applications (e.g. by using a desktop environment
 such as GNOME).

 The default menu binding is somewhat obscure; you must
 middle-click on the background to bring up the menus. (If you have
 a two-button mouse, try clicking both buttons simultaneously)

 If, after reading this, you still think that sawfish isn't working,
 please send mail describing the problem to the sawfish mailing list

Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-03 Thread A. Scott White
Last Friday I asked this question to little avail. I don't mean to be
redundant, but in the fear that it was deleted in the barrage of weekend
mail by the one person who knows the answer, I'm posting this again.

I have a new Compaq ProLiant ML350 server. It has a Compaq Smart Array 431
Raid Controller. It also has a NC3123 Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 Wake on
LAN card.

Is there any hope for installing Debian on this? The default 2.1 install
disks hang while trying to reset the SCSI. The TECRA boot disks detect no
drive at all.

I have installed Debian several times, but always on fairly standard
hardware. I think I will be able to follow instructions to do this if it is

Specifically, I have heard people say things like: You need to compile
support for Compaq Smart Array controllers into your kernel. I am always
perplexed by this. How do I compile a kernel if I don't have Debian
installed yet? Do I compile the kernel on another Debian machine? If I do
so, how do I get that kernel onto the install disks and ready to install?


A. Scott White
Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
ACS Healthcare Solutions Group

Re: non-US Packages

2000-07-03 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Russ Pitman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Failed to fetch
   Unable to fetch file, server said
 '/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
 directory  '

I have the following in my /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb potato/non-US main

Does this work for you?

RE: sawmill is a herring bone screen

2000-07-03 Thread Pollywog
I have the same problem with sawmill.  Nothing but that herringbone
screen.  I wanted to leave KDE only because it is getting to be a
huge memory hog.  I have tried other desktop environments/wm's
including Gnome-icewm and now Windowmaker. Enlightenment looks nice,
but I had gone back to KDE after trying it. I think I will stick with
Windowmaker, but I have to switch to gnome-icewm or icewm in order to
use XFMail.  Fortunately, switching between them is very easy and


On 03-Jul-2000 14:30:38 Lindsay Allen wrote:
 Hi all,
 I can run windowmaker, enlightenment and icewm quite happily.  But
 when I
 try sawmill I just get the herring bone screen.  The only sign of
 intelligence is that the middle mouse button produces a set of

Re: MS Proxy

2000-07-03 Thread Brian E. Ermovick
Just a note that that won't always fix the problem -- as I have
recently been offered an ethernet connection behind my
landlord's fiberoptic line -- too bad he's running MS Proxy.

Have to either choose to stick with this POS dial-up connection
and pay the $20/month, or get better bandwidth for free and
figure how to work around that evil program..

 - Talein

On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 10:59:20AM +0200, Davide Libenzi wrote:
  I have problem with Debian after firewall (MS Proxy 2.0).
  Netscape and Lynx can use http and ftp with no problem, but
  I can't configure another program (gFTP, telnet) to communicate.
  Can you help me?
 Replace Your M$ Proxy machine with a cheap PC ( 3-486 8Mb )
 running Linux+IPMasquerading+Diald and You get a valid proxy
 for both WinXX and UniXX.
 Look at the howto-s for configuration tips and examples.
 Feel free, feel Debian !
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: MS Proxy

2000-07-03 Thread Davide Libenzi

 Have to either choose to stick with this POS dial-up connection
 and pay the $20/month, or get better bandwidth for free and
 figure how to work around that evil program..

M$ Proxy offer socks4 server - You can use this support with the sockified
versions of ftp and telnet :


Feel free, feel Debian !

Re: Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-03 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 10:27:00AM -0500, A. Scott White wrote:
 I have a new Compaq ProLiant ML350 server. It has a Compaq Smart Array 431
 Raid Controller. It also has a NC3123 Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 Wake on
 LAN card.
 Is there any hope for installing Debian on this? The default 2.1 install
 disks hang while trying to reset the SCSI. The TECRA boot disks detect no
 drive at all.

Try the potato (Debian 2.2) boot disks instead.  potato is frozen
right now but it's quite stable and has lots of things you'll want (or
even need) on your server anyway.

I know Compaq Smart Array support is available in the latest 2.2.x
 Specifically, I have heard people say things like: You need to compile
 support for Compaq Smart Array controllers into your kernel. I am always
 perplexed by this. How do I compile a kernel if I don't have Debian
 installed yet? Do I compile the kernel on another Debian machine? If I do
 so, how do I get that kernel onto the install disks and ready to install?

Well, you have to have access to a linux box to compile a kernel, or
get someone to do it for you.  There are certain kernel options you
must include for the rescue disk kernel; the applicable README is in
the same dir as the images on the FTP site.

Once you have a vmlinuz and have applied the appropriate rdev
commands, you simply mount the rescue floppy (it's an msdos
filesystem) and copy vmlinuz to the file named linux on the
floppy.  This is all described in the README.

If you need someone to compile a kernel for you send me an email.


Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP)

2000-07-03 Thread hvirtane

I've got an ethercard as shown on the subject line.

Can't get it wortking.

Somebody else has got the same or knows, what is the problem.


Re: Lilo

2000-07-03 Thread Dean
Hi Raivil
  what I did was partitioned my hdc into two partitions. I made a small 50 meg
partition at the end of hdc and made it root. Then made that the bootable
   hth   Dean

RaiViL wrote:

 I have 2 hd at hdc e hdd and my Linux is at hdd2. i was thinking if I
 can install LiLo in hdc mbr, cause lilo installs itself in hdd, and I
 cant boot  hdd (just with floppy os loadlin). thanks for the help, sorry
 for the english :)

 RaiViL (at weekends)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013EP)

2000-07-03 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 07:49:58PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got an ethercard as shown on the subject line.
 Can't get it wortking.
 Somebody else has got the same or knows, what is the problem.

Hard to say since you didn't tell us what the problem is.

Please do a `modprobe wd' and tell us the output of that (if any) plus
the relavent bits from dmesg.

Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: non-US Packages

2000-07-03 Thread Jonas Birme´
Russ Pitman wrote:
 I get this error running apt-get update
 Hit potato/non-US/non-free Packages
 Hit potato/non-US/non-free Release
 Failed to fetch
   Unable to fetch file, server said
 '/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
 directory  '
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 W: Couldn't stat source package list ' potato/non-US
 - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files
 E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones
 used instead
 Tried several mirrors, has the Packages file been
 removed/relocated.? Should I be asking here?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I have this in my sources.list file:

deb unstable non-US/main non-US/contrib

You could try and see if it'll works, it does for me...

Jonas Birme, [EMAIL PROTECTED], -o)  | At work, the authority of a person is  
ICQ: 12030785,/\  | inversely proportional to the number of   _\_v | pens that person is carrying.  
Linux, the choice of a GNU generation |

list test

2000-07-03 Thread Gochenourj, Ashby
I have not received any messages from the list in the last 2 days.
Testing list.

Compability of a mother board

2000-07-03 Thread Dragon
I apology if this not the place to ask. If so please refer my question to
the right place. Thanks!

Does Debian support the mother board 'Supermicro PIIIDM3 i840 MB' with 133
external frequency? 

I'd like to plug two Intel PIII 733 S1 133Mhz CPU to test its SMP

(If I couldn't give the answer by tomorrow this expensive server will be
installed with Windows 2000 which is the last thing I'd like to see. ^^)

Please kindly help!

Tape Backup

2000-07-03 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
any one has a tape backup to share with me. I tried kbackup software and
cant backup using a tape.
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: X-Server configuration

2000-07-03 Thread Marcel Karras
I also tried using the SVGA-Server but there was the same problem. Only a
resolution of 320x204. Perhaps my graphic-card could not be detected. I
thougt it would work with the system. Could it be the case that I only have
the kernel version 2.0.x?
And could it depend on the sync rate of the monitor too?
I don't really know. I did the same configuration with a SuSE-distribution
(it's not as well and secure as the Debian one) and all worked well.
So, do you or someone else know where the problem is?

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Michalowski Thierry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An: Marcel Karras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. Juli 2000 14:37
Betreff: Re: X-Server configuration

 Try using the SVGA server, not the VGA one.

 Marcel Karras wrote:

  I've a problem configuring the XF86-System or better the X-Desktop.
  All works well except the graphic. If I configure the standart
  VGA-Server for my Voodoo3-Graphic-Card then I'll only see the desktop
  in the resolution 320x204. (written in the config-file)I've got a 15
  inch Monitor but I cannot work with a resolution of 800x600 dpi.Can
  someone help?

 Thierry Michalowski /
 Edipresse Publications S.A \\\' ,  / //
 Informatique de Production  \\\//_/ file://'
 33,av. de la gare\_-//' /  file://'
 1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE   \ ///  file://'
 phone: +41 21 349 46 26/ \\\`
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /,)-^  _\`
   (/   \\ / \\\
 Unix is user-friendly...   //  //\\\
 It is just selective about who its friends are((`

 This message has been checked with GRIMEsweeper which has detected a virus
 embedded in this plain text message. You should now delete your entire
 drive and rinse your eyes with soapy water to ensure it doesn't spread.

Re: netbios

2000-07-03 Thread Sven Burgener
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 04:16:24PM +0200, Goeman Stefan wrote:


 I am a little concerned about this last line.
 From a security course I took last week, I have found out
 that it is not wise to have the netbios open (to the rest of the
 world). I my case, it probably can't harm because I am behind our
 company firewalls. But nevertheless, I would prefer to disable this 
 feature. Does anybody knows how to do this ??

If you don't want to purge samba, yet still have those ports closed, 
you could do: (replacing ppp0 for whatever you have)

ipchains=$(which ipchains)
${ipchains} -A output -p tcp --sport 137:139 -i ppp0 -j DENY -l
${ipchains} -A output -p udp --sport 137:139 -i ppp0 -j DENY -l
${ipchains} -A input -p tcp --dport 137:139 -i ppp0 -j DENY -l
${ipchains} -A input -p udp --dport 137:139 -i ppp0 -j DENY -l

This also causes log entries to be generated upon violation of this
rule. (-l)

For more infos, see:

ipchains (8) - IP firewall administration
ipchains-restore (8) - restore IP firewall chains from stdin
ipchains-save (8)- save IP firewall chains to stdout


ipfwadm (8)  - IP firewall and accounting administration
ipfwadm-wrapper (8)  - IP firewall administration
ipfwadm.real (8) - IP firewall and accounting administration

This surely ain't the only way to do it, but it is one way of doing it. 

The better / more secure approach would be to deny all ports and to then 
selectively open up specific ports according to your needs.

HTH'n good luck! :)
S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: DHCPCD Errors

2000-07-03 Thread Mark Schiltz
On Sun, 02 Jul 2000, Jon Hughes wrote:
 I ahve downloaded and installed the DEB package for
 the DHCP client, as per according to the howto.  The
 howto isn't very helpful as it states It should fill
 all the information in automaticly.


I assume you are using Debian 2.1 (slink). I had that same trouble quite a
while ago. If I remember correctly the install of dhcpc did not create the
/etc/dhcpc directory. I think I manually created the directory, removed the
package, then re-installed the package. Your /etc/dhcpc directory should

You could also try dhcp-client-beta. The last machine I installed from slink I
used that and had no probs. It was just a base install, then I changed my
/etc/apt/sources.list to potato and performed the apt-get dist-upgrade. I then
switched to pump. In potato the network configuration (ifup/ifdown) is greatly
improved, IMHO.

Hope this helps.

I'm here to paint but I've forgotten my brush...
You got beer?

Mark Schiltz

Re: Tape Backup

2000-07-03 Thread Ron Farrer
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   any one has a tape backup to share with me. I tried kbackup software and
 cant backup using a tape.

How about dump and restore? 


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alpha Linux Organization:
Alpha News:
Bellingham Linux Users Group:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tape Backup

2000-07-03 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
where is dump and restore commands (in what package)?
Thanks, PH
PS: How I mark the tape at its end? Is it necessary?
Quoting Ron Farrer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  any one has a tape backup to share with me. I tried kbackup software and
  cant backup using a tape.
 How about dump and restore? 
 Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Alpha Linux Organization:
 Alpha News:
 Bellingham Linux Users Group:

Re: Tape Backup

2000-07-03 Thread Ron Farrer
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

   where is dump and restore commands (in what package)?

dump is the package name for both. 

   PS: How I mark the tape at its end? Is it necessary?

usage:   dump [-0123456789acMnSu] [-B records] [-b blocksize] [-d
density] [-e inode#] [-f file] [-h level] [-s feet] [-T date] 
 dump [-W | -w]

-s and -d are what you would want to use to tell dump how long the tape


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How to create console fonts from TTF, BDF, PCF

2000-07-03 Thread Dinesh Nadarajah
Is it possible to create console fonts from TTF, BDF,
and PCF fonts? How can I do that and how do I use them
in console applications?


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Re: Which window manager

2000-07-03 Thread Preben Randhol
Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/07/2000 (15:57) :
 Actually the latest Enlightenment (using the default configuration) uses
 about the same amount of resources as Window Maker.

Maybe but I find that very hard to believe.

My current WindowMaker leaves this print:

 VSZ = 3432
 RSS = 1248

Preben Randhol -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: sawmill is a herring bone screen

2000-07-03 Thread kmself
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 03:45:41PM +0100, Simon Jefford wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Lindsay Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 03 July 2000 15:31
  Subject: sawmill is a herring bone screen
  Hi all,
  I can run windowmaker, enlightenment and icewm quite happily. 
   But when I
  try sawmill I just get the herring bone screen.  The only sign of
  intelligence is that the middle mouse button produces a set of menus.
  This is on three different potato boxes, using either current 
  sawmill or
  the earlier version.  Can anyone point me in the right 
  direction, please?
 It is working. Sawmill does not supply a root window background or anything
 like that. It just gets on with the job of managing windows. For background
 management use GNOME or KDE. Alteratively use xv --root (I think) or
 Esetroot (comes with Enlightenment).

Background and slight correction.

Not sure of Sawmill's default behavior, but the herringbone is the
default X Windows background (there's a reason for it, lost in the mists
of time).  If you want to supply your own background, the usual X way
is with xsetroot, which can be used to set the root window to a solid 
color or some bitmap.  Various programs, including xv, allow setting an
arbitrary image as the desktop background.  You can also try running one
of the xscreensaver hacks as an active desktop.  Try, for kicks:

$ /usr/bin/X11/strange --root
$ nice /usr/bin/X11/xearth -nomarkers -mag 0.33 -shift '+300 -200' \
  -pos 'orbit 1.5 32' -night 20 -wait 120 -rot 14 \
  -term 10 -bigstars 5 

...other options exist.

 It you want your WM do this for you without using any of this external
 stuff, you'll have to stick with WindowMaker, Enlightenment et al.


You can add the appropriate command(s) to your user or system X session
files (/etc/X11/Xsession or ~/.Xsession).  Other window managers may
offer a menu interface for setting background.  Sawmill, AFAIK, doesn't.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
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pgp_encryptself in Mutt 1.2i and pgp5

2000-07-03 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Dear list, since I have upgraded Mutt to 1.2i, I get an error when Mutt
reads the .muttrc on the command: set pgp_encryptself.
If I comment it out, the error disappears but, surprise, I am no longer
able to read my own messages in sent-items.
I have not found a new syntax for this command in the Manual.

Any ideas?

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pgp_encryptself in Mutt 1.2i and pgp5

2000-07-03 Thread Sven Burgener
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:35:02PM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:

 Dear list, since I have upgraded Mutt to 1.2i, I get an error when Mutt
 reads the .muttrc on the command: set pgp_encryptself.

Pardon my ignorance, but does pgp_encryptself cause all mails to be encrypted?

 If I comment it out, the error disappears but, surprise, I am no longer
 able to read my own messages in sent-items.

How did you put a folder like sent-items to use? That's what I *want*,
too. :)

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Re: Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-03 Thread Lee Elliott
Hello A.

I sent this reply to your posting when you first posted it, but forgot
to change the reply to to the list (keep doing that on this list), so
I'll post it again in case it might help.

I've set up a few Compaq Smart Array controllers and the most recent was
a 431 on an ML350 - but only for NT.  The thing is though, that you need
to configure the controller before you install the OS because the
controller presents the OS with logical drives.  IIRC you can configure
the controller/drives at boot up via a rom option.

There is an option for Compaq Smart Array support when compiling
kernels, so you may need to compile a kernel with this support.  There
seems to be a catch-22 situation here though - you compile a kernel with
Smart Array support, but it's got to sit on a drive that needs Smart
Array support to be accessed.  Presumably though, if the ntloader, which
I doubt has special Smart Array support, can be found off the array,
there's no reason why a linux loader couldn't be used instead.

There's probably a HOWTO for this somewhere, and I think there'll
probably be a section in the general Installation HOWTO about installing
to SCSI disks - the way round the catch-22 situation - needing
controller support to read drives to get the controller support - will
probably be explained there.

I would consider installing the Compaq system partition and utilities -
it's independent of the OS.



A. Scott White wrote:
 I have a new Compaq ProLiant ML350 server. It has a Compaq Smart Array 431
 Raid Controller. It also has a NC3123 Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 Wake on
 LAN card.
 Is there any hope for installing this? The default 2.1 install disks hang
 while trying to reset the SCSI. The TECRA boot disks detect no drive at all.
 I have installed Debian several times, but always on fairly standard
 hardware. I think I will be able to follow instructions to this if it is
 A. Scott White
 Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
 ACS Healthcare Solutions Group
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


...or something

Sendmail and multiple domains

2000-07-03 Thread Ron Rademaker
I got something I want to do with sendmail, what I think is very easy:

I have some domains running on one server, I need to make pop boxes for
and mail aliases for all domains. E.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] has to go
to another mailbox as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
has to go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] has to go
to some mailbox.

Ron Rademaker

Installing Potato CD's

2000-07-03 Thread Greg Vence
Hi All,

I've got the Test Cycle 2 CD's but when I get to the step of Install the
Base System it
seems to get stuck in going back to that same step.  It asks me for a path
and I choose the default of /instmnt it goes out and finds the archive.
Then it returns to the same choice.


TIA -- Greg.

Re: Compability of a mother board

2000-07-03 Thread Patrick Barr

I dont see any form of problems with doing SMP. Linux isn't too chipset 
specific, you might have a problem with video (if you are having 
problems with it now, try X 4.0.1, if you've still got problems, bad 
luck, get a trio32 or something).

what is this machine going to do?? server?? workstation !?

Everything should be fine... watch out for the video... and sound!!


On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 06:42:17 Dragon wrote:
 I apology if this not the place to ask. If so please refer my question to
 the right place. Thanks!
 Does Debian support the mother board 'Supermicro PIIIDM3 i840 MB' with 133
 external frequency? 
 I'd like to plug two Intel PIII 733 S1 133Mhz CPU to test its SMP
 (If I couldn't give the answer by tomorrow this expensive server will be
 installed with Windows 2000 which is the last thing I'd like to see. ^^)
 Please kindly help!

rxvt - strange

2000-07-03 Thread Christopher Mosley

I started to use the rvxt xshell (text terminal emulator) in xwindows
because of the nicer scroll back.  I swear there is something subtly
wrong with the geometry of the rxvt window: Lines not quite straight;
slightly curved; slight convergence of lines etc.

  If I only used rxvt I would never notice it but when I switch back and
forth between xterm and rxvt, I see it.
Or am I imagining things?  

RE: Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-03 Thread A. Scott White
   NOTE: I sent this about 30 minutes ago, and didn't see it.
   Then I realized that, once again I had sent it only to the
   original author and not to the group. Is there some benefit
   to the listserv operating this way (replies go to the original
   author rather than the list). I, personally, find it annoying,
   but maybe there's some good reason that I simply cannot see.
   If there isn't, I wonder what it would take to make the list
   operate like most other lists.

   Sorry for the rant. Anyway...

 Try the potato (Debian 2.2) boot disks instead.  potato is frozen
 right now but it's quite stable and has lots of things you'll want
 (or even need) on your server anyway.
 I know Compaq Smart Array support is available in the latest 2.2.x

I have tried this now. The 2.2 install disks tell me there is no hard drive
on the machine. I looked at the LILO help screen F6 but the Compaq Smart
Array support options are not listed. Is Compaq Smart Array support included
in the default kernel for the 2.2 disks?

I suppose I will have to compile a 2.2.15 kernel with Compaq Smart Array
support on another of my Debian machines and create install floppies out of

A few questions:

1. What other options are necessary for an install floppy kernel?
2. Can I just compile the kernel and put it on the new install
   disks, or do I need to create an entirely new set of floppies?
3. If I need to create an entirely new set of floppies, how do I
   do so?

Someone earlier mentioned the boot-floppies package. What is this? Will
this help me?


A. Scott White
Director of Information Systems and Product Strategy
ACS Healthcare Solutions Group

kernel 2.2.17 boot disk prob!

2000-07-03 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi debs

I am unable to create a boot disk for my potato box. I just apt-got 
kernel-image-2.2.17. :)

Then, in the process of installing the kernel-image deb file, I said 
yes to take /etc/lilo.conf for setting up the boot disk. I also
chose to format the boot disk.

Here infos of my system:

-- /etc/lilo.conf --



#   restricted
#   alias=1
-- /etc/lilo.conf --

# ls -l /boot
total 2656
-rw-r--r--1 root root   265942 Jun  3 19:07
-rw-r--r--1 root root   265635 Jun 25 02:16
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 Jul  3 22:10 boot.0200
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 Jun  3 20:48 boot.0340
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 Jun  3 21:00 boot.0341
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 Jun 14 21:20 boot.0800
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4568 Mai 23 12:48 boot.b
-rw-r--r--1 root root 4592 Apr 13 11:04 boot.b.preserved
-rw-r--r--1 root root  612 Mai 23 12:48 chain.b
-rw-r--r--1 root root  612 Apr 13 11:04 chain.b.preserved
-rw-r--r--1 root root12294 Jun  3 19:07 config-2.2.15
-rw-r--r--1 root root20762 Jun 25 01:22 config-2.2.17
drwxr-xr-x2 root root12288 Jun  3 19:06 lost+found
-rw---1 root root14336 Jul  3 23:07 map
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 Mär  3 20:33 mbr.b
-rw-r--r--1 root root  640 Mai 23 12:48 os2_d.b
-rw-r--r--1 root root  644 Jun  3 19:37 os2_d.b.preserved
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1046612 Jun  3 19:07 vmlinuz-2.2.15
-rw-r--r--1 root root  1042807 Jun 25 02:16 vmlinuz-2.2.17

# mount
/dev/hdb3 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/hdb1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)

When booting with the new boot disk, though, I get L and then zillions 
of 0's and 1's. I then have to three-finger-salute the box. :(

I *want* kernel-image-2.2.17 to work particularly as I had no success in
building my custom 2.2.16 kernel. (The gettys got locked up and I got
lots of dumps in the logs)

Here is a snippet of that (2.2.16): (sorry for the horrid formatting)

-- /var/log/syslog --
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: 
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:  free
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:   task PCstack   pid father child 
younger older
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: init   1 S C17F9EF8  5216 1  0  2142 
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:sig: 0   : X
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: kflushd2 S C17B5FA4  6132 2  1   
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:sig: 0   : X
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: kupdate3 S C17B3FB8  6236 3  1   
  4 2
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:sig: 0  fffd : X
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: kpiod  4 S 0F00  6980 4  1   
  5 3
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:sig: 0   : X
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel: kswapd 5 S C17AFFC4  5840 5  1   
 84 4
Jun 24 20:37:41 hp kernel:sig: 0   : X


Jun 24 21:12:45 hp kernel: getty  6 S 7FFF 0  4367  1   
Jun 24 21:12:45 hp kernel:sig: 0   : X
Jun 24 21:12:53 hp init: Switching to runlevel: 0
-- /var/log/syslog --

Forgive me for reporting two problems at once here. :)

I'd _greatly_ appreciate any help!

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

Sawfish or fvwm? (was: Re: Which window manager)

2000-07-03 Thread I. Tura
Hi people,

I use fvwm... And I've heard of Sawfish, that I've read is very fast. 
which one is faster, fvwm or Sawfish? (with a ISA-16 bit video card with
the config file totally hacked I still need more speed, victim of
capitalism I am!)

Thank you.


  \__|  els fills abandonats  |___/



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RE: PPP help (bit 7 set to 0)

2000-07-03 Thread gochenourj
I did use pppconfig to configure the scripts.
I've used PAP and chat. I can get chat through the login process (ogin: and
but then it establishes a connection and sends LCP ConfReq and does not get
a reply and then I get LCP: timeout.

I will type the scripts into this message (I have no lan or ppp connection
the debian box.)

/etc/ppp/peers/provider is:

connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/vaix
user username is here
remotename vaix
ipparam vaix

my /etc/chatscript/* is:

'' ATZ
ogin: login here
ssword: \qpassword here  (should that \q be there?)
'' \d\c


Those are my chatscript files for this connection. I can actually get dialed
up, I see the remote modem ask for ogin: and ssword: and the scripts respond
to that. Then it sets up the serial connection and sends the LCP ConfReq.
Then it repeats that 9 times and gives the message:

(from /var/log/messages and /etc/ppp/log)

LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Connection terminated.
Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Problem: all had bit7 set to 0

This is the message I get rather I connect via Chat or PAP. The chat logs in
first, and the PAP will give this message right away. Any help is MUCH

Thank you kindly!


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 10:27 AM
 Subject: Re: PPP help (bit 7 set to 0)

 Ashby writes:
  Received serial link is not 8-bit clean.  Problem: all had
 bit 7 set to
  0.  Exit.

 If you did not use pppconfig to configure ppp do so.  If you did, post
 /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider (remove

 BTW the plog command will show you the ppp log, which is in
 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

need xconsole

2000-07-03 Thread Nick

i need something similar to xconsole

smething that i can monitor the process goiing on in hte machine

running 2.2 potato w/ 2.2.15 kernel

anyone know of a good app?

thankx nick


2000-07-03 Thread Patrick Dahiroc
hi all

i'm switching window managers from enlightenment to scwm (it's about
time i learn lisp).  i'm using gdm as my display manager, which -
correct me if i'm wrong - simply runs gdmchooser, gdmlogin, and
gnome-session or Xsession depending on which session i choose.
(gnome-session is called by the script /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome)

what i would like to know:
  1) how do i make scwm my default window manager?
 in /etc/gnome/default.wm if have made WM=scwm, but everytime i
 login in X i keep getting x-window-manager which is fvwm.

  2) can i continue to use /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome or do i have to
 switch to Xsession?

  3) anybody know how well gnome works with scwm?

As a general rule, if you have trouble 
 with the binary system, then probably it 
 is because you do not really understand 
 the decimal system ...
R.W. Hamming

Re: Problems installing Netscape

2000-07-03 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 29 Jun 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:
  Nitebirdz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Just one more little question, since I'm new to Debian.  How can I notice
   which packages are virtual and which other are not?  
  Hmm. There are very few virtual packages. That's the only one I've
 Everything listed when you do grep Provides: /var/lib/dpkg/status is a
 virtual package (some just happen to have the same name as real
 packages, or so it could be argued ;).

Just to add my 2 yen.

The original article was about installing netscape4 on slink (Debian
2.1).  At that time, you could not distribute binaries of netscape, so
the Debian maintainer provided an installer package.  For these, you
typically have to get the source or binary from the original site and
the installer package will then install it conforming Debian policy
and do whatever other Debian packages do (track dependencies, set up
configuration files, etc.).

This is not the same as a virtual package.  A virtual package provides
functionality that can be satisfied by several real packages.  As a
matter of fact, netscape provides the virtual package www-browser, but
it is not the only one that does.  Others that come to mind are: lynx,
emacs20, mozilla, w3m, arena, gzilla, chimera2 and links.  Note that
there is no package called www-browser.

Virtual packages need no special handling, dpkg (or dselect, apt-get)
will take care of things.  Installer packages are usually in non-free
(and maybe in contrib).

Hope that helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

lost X in woody.....

2000-07-03 Thread Bruno Boettcher

did just upgrade to latest woody, restartet my laptop and no X
gdm, or startx complain about wrong ownership of a socket

anybody else experiencing this, or any hint on how to solve it?

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing


2000-07-03 Thread Nick

hello list:

my xconsole stopped functioning properly after upgrading to potato

chit says: Couldn't open console

i have tried to remake it w/ the following

mkfifo /dev/xconsole
tells me file already exists
it can't seem to reinitailize it or whatever

any suggestions?


2000-07-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
NotePlease create a new mail when starting a new thread rather than
replying to a previous thread an then changing the topic./Note

On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 07:01:08PM -0400, Patrick Dahiroc wrote:
 hi all
 i'm switching window managers from enlightenment to scwm (it's about
 time i learn lisp).  i'm using gdm as my display manager, which -
 correct me if i'm wrong - simply runs gdmchooser, gdmlogin, and
 gnome-session or Xsession depending on which session i choose.
 (gnome-session is called by the script /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome)
 what i would like to know:
   1) how do i make scwm my default window manager?
  in /etc/gnome/default.wm if have made WM=scwm, but everytime i
  login in X i keep getting x-window-manager which is fvwm.

GDM has a special idea about session management.  Basically, there
appear to be three ways to go: GNOME -- where gnome-session handles
which window manager to start; Debian -- which runs the normal Debian X
startup scripts; Xsession -- which runs xsm (?) and skips the Xresource
settings that you get with Debian.  If you want to make
scwm your default window manager for the 'puter, as root, run
update-alternatives --config x-window-manager and select scwm.  If you
just want to change it for yourself (individual user), create a
.xsession file in your $HOME directory that has the lines:

#! /bin/sh
exec scwm

And then chmod +x ~/.xsession.  It will work both with startx and a
display manager.  Then just choose the Debian session from GDM and
everything is hunky dory.
   2) can i continue to use /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome or do i have to
  switch to Xsession?
   3) anybody know how well gnome works with scwm?

Haven't heard anything that indicates scwm is GNOME compliant.  So, I'm
guessing no.  I've personally had best luck with icewm-gnome or sawfish
(aka sawmill) with GNOME.

#! /bin/sh
echo 'Linux Must Die!' | wall
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmlinuz bs=1 \
 count=`du -Lb /vmlinuz | awk '{ /^([0-9])+/ ; print $1 }'`
shutdown -r now

Re: xconsole

2000-07-03 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 04:14:03PM -0700, Nick wrote:
 hello list:
 my xconsole stopped functioning properly after upgrading to potato
 chit says: Couldn't open console
 i have tried to remake it w/ the following
 mkfifo /dev/xconsole
 tells me file already exists
 it can't seem to reinitailize it or whatever
 any suggestions?

Add youself to the adm group and use xconsole -file /dev/xconsole  to
launch it.  It tries to open /dev/console by default, but you need to be
root to that!  The adm group change was for security considerations (I

#! /bin/sh
echo 'Linux Must Die!' | wall
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmlinuz bs=1 \
 count=`du -Lb /vmlinuz | awk '{ /^([0-9])+/ ; print $1 }'`
shutdown -r now

can't remove directories

2000-07-03 Thread Pollywog
I installed the Opera browser and it put some weird looking
directories in my user directory, and (yes I know I was stupid for
doing this) I tried removing them with rm -rf ??* (in my user

The short story is I messed up my system but I don't know how badly
yet.  How do I remove the remaining directory with the name ??\?(  ?

I am not going to be trying the Opera browser again anytime soon,
that's for sure.  I deleted my ~/bin and I don't know what else yet.



Re: lost X in woody.....

2000-07-03 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 01:26:26AM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 did just upgrade to latest woody, restartet my laptop and no X
 gdm, or startx complain about wrong ownership of a socket
 anybody else experiencing this, or any hint on how to solve it?

step 1:  read mailing list archives
step 2:  see bazillion messages about same problem
step 3:  follow advice found in replies to above bazillion messages:

chown root.root /tmp/.X11-unix
chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

RE: PPP help (bit 7 set to 0)

2000-07-03 Thread erik
On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- what version of pppd and debian are you using? This used come up on
slink with some providers... you might need the newer pppd.

 I did use pppconfig to configure the scripts.
 I've used PAP and chat. I can get chat through the login process (ogin: and
 but then it establishes a connection and sends LCP ConfReq and does not get
 a reply and then I get LCP: timeout.
 I will type the scripts into this message (I have no lan or ppp connection
 the debian box.)
 /etc/ppp/peers/provider is:
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/vaix
 user username is here
 remotename vaix
 ipparam vaix
 my /etc/chatscript/* is:
 '' ATZ
 ogin: login here
 ssword: \qpassword here  (should that \q be there?)
 '' \d\c
 Those are my chatscript files for this connection. I can actually get dialed
 up, I see the remote modem ask for ogin: and ssword: and the scripts respond
 to that. Then it sets up the serial connection and sends the LCP ConfReq.
 Then it repeats that 9 times and gives the message:
 (from /var/log/messages and /etc/ppp/log)
 LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Connection terminated.
 Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
 Problem: all had bit7 set to 0
 This is the message I get rather I connect via Chat or PAP. The chat logs in
 first, and the PAP will give this message right away. Any help is MUCH
 Thank you kindly!
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 10:27 AM
  Subject: Re: PPP help (bit 7 set to 0)
  Ashby writes:
   Received serial link is not 8-bit clean.  Problem: all had
  bit 7 set to
   0.  Exit.
  If you did not use pppconfig to configure ppp do so.  If you did, post
  /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider (remove
  BTW the plog command will show you the ppp log, which is in
  John Hasler
  Dancing Horse Hill
  Elmwood, Wisconsin
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

qpopper problmes help!

2000-07-03 Thread Nick

hi guys,

i am using qpopper as my pop-3 server and when i try to login from a remote 

i get the following error in xconsole:
in.qpopper (v2.53) Unable to get canonical name of client, err = 0

how do i configure qpopper to accept connections?


Re: qpopper problmes help!

2000-07-03 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 05:18:02PM -0700, Nick wrote:
 hi guys,
 i am using qpopper as my pop-3 server and when i try to login from a remote 
 i get the following error in xconsole:
 in.qpopper (v2.53) Unable to get canonical name of client, err = 0
 how do i configure qpopper to accept connections?

the connection is not really being rejected i don't think, that is
just a warning that it was unable to find a hostname to go with the
connecting IP address. 

i am getting those warning in my logs as well but qpopper is not
rejecting the connection.  

to get rid of the warnings you should add hostnames to your
*.in-addr-arpa files of your name server.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

RE: can't remove directories

2000-07-03 Thread Pollywog
There is one of these directories remaining, but its name depends on
how I try to list the contents of my home directory.  In Star Office,
it looks like a zero, the type with a slash through it, but when I
use 'ls -la' it looks like ??\?(

Can I delete it using its inode?  I don't recall how to do that, but
I can probably look it up if someone will tell me if that is the way
to do it.

It appears my careless attempt to delete these weird directories did
not do any damage to my system, and that it only deleted some of my
cvs stuff and my ~bin directory.



On 04-Jul-2000 00:14:19 Pollywog wrote:
 I installed the Opera browser and it put some weird looking
 directories in my user directory, and (yes I know I was stupid for
 doing this) I tried removing them with rm -rf ??* (in my user
 The short story is I messed up my system but I don't know how badly
 yet.  How do I remove the remaining directory with the name ??\?(

Re: can't remove directories

2000-07-03 Thread Chris Gray
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 12:51:40AM +, Pollywog wrote:
 There is one of these directories remaining, but its name depends on
 how I try to list the contents of my home directory.  In Star Office,
 it looks like a zero, the type with a slash through it, but when I
 use 'ls -la' it looks like ??\?(
 Can I delete it using its inode?  I don't recall how to do that, but
 I can probably look it up if someone will tell me if that is the way
 to do it.

The slow but working way would be to do a 'rm -ri *'.  I hope you
haven't got a lot of files.


pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
softly in the brimming bowl.

Re: can't remove directories

2000-07-03 Thread Joe \piman\ Wreschnig
On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 12:51:40AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 There is one of these directories remaining, but its name depends on
 how I try to list the contents of my home directory.  In Star Office,
 it looks like a zero, the type with a slash through it, but when I
 use 'ls -la' it looks like ??\?(

$ rm -ir [^A-Za-z0-9]*

Will remove all files not starting with alphanumerics, which that directory
probably doesn't start with.
 - Joe piman Wreschnig [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compaq ProLiant ML350

2000-07-03 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:03:43PM +0100, Lee Elliott wrote:
 There is an option for Compaq Smart Array support when compiling
 kernels, so you may need to compile a kernel with this support.  There
 seems to be a catch-22 situation here though - you compile a kernel with
 Smart Array support, but it's got to sit on a drive that needs Smart
 Array support to be accessed.  Presumably though, if the ntloader, which
 I doubt has special Smart Array support, can be found off the array,
 there's no reason why a linux loader couldn't be used instead.

Dunno if this applies to Compaq Smart Raid, but IBM ServeRAID didn't
work with LILO at all.  It worked fine with GRUB, which after cursing
the docs I found easier to use.


Nathan Norman Eschew Obfuscation  Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7
Key fingerprint = C5F4 A147 416C E0BF AB73  8BEF F0C8 255C 51F9 8BB7

Description: PGP signature

Re: non-US Packages

2000-07-03 Thread Russ Pitman
Chris, Yes, worked fine with both ftp:// and http:// prefixes. Thanks.


On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 04:22:33PM +0200, Christopher Splinter wrote:
 * Russ Pitman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Failed to fetch
Unable to fetch file, server said
  '/debian/dists/potato/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or
  directory  '
 I have the following in my /etc/apt/sources.list:
 deb potato/non-US main
 Does this work for you?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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