kdvi: error in loading shared libraries

2000-07-12 Thread Julián
Hola a todos.
Algunos paquetes cuando los intento cargar en x-windows sale el siguiente

  kolmogorov:~# kdvi
  kdvi: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

  kolmogorov:~# kmedia
  kmedia: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

  kolmogorov:~# kedit
  kedit: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual 

  kolmogorov:~# kplayaudio
  kplayaudio: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

  kolmogorov:~# kpager
  kpager: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual 

  kolmogorov:~# kpaint
  kpaint: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/libkfile.so.2: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

Utilizo Citius Lite Debian GNU_Linux slink

¿Como puedo resolver este problema?

Gracias de antemano por la ayuda

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-12 Thread Darlock
On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, JFreak wrote:

  LISTO ! eso era lo que pasaba, las tarjetas son ISA le puse el drive 
  y le pase como parametro io=0x300 y funciono. ahoda cuando le doy un
  ifconfig -a ya me muestra el eth0 en dmesg puedo ver que pone la tarjeta 
  el IRQ 3, ahora las tarjetas estan bien, pero no se porque aun no puedo
  darles ping a las pc (la mia y el servidor) las dos tienen la misma
  configuracion solo cambian la direccion IP de cada host, creen que olvide

Seguramente no tienes configurado el routing... para ver como lo tienes

# route

Te han de salir una salida del tipo:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
intranet.essi   *   U 0  00 eth0
intranet.essi   *   U 0  00 eth0
intranet.koko   *   U 0  00 lo
default UG0  00 eth0

Para configurarlo edita el fichero /etc/init.d/networking y añade lineas
del tipo:

# route -add [-host|-net] [HOST_IP|NETWORK_IP] [gw GATEWAY] [netmask 

Por ejemplo, para una ip, con un GATEWAY (salida hacia
internet) en tienes que escribir:

# route add -net netmask eth0
# route add -net default gw lo 

Que lo que hace es dar de alta tu red, y a continuación dar de alta una
salida por defecto de tu red (en este caso a internet)

PD: Si utilizas un modem en algun ordenador, este es tu gateway hacia
internet, así que los otros ordenadores tienes que configurarlos así. Sino
la segunda linea no hace falta.
A partir de aqui tienes que seguir los pasos que se te han comentado en
anteriores mails, o sea que la cosa ya está hecha
Josep Llauradó Selvas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Registered User #153481
The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
After that, it's all learned.
(in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
FP: 199E 7539 13B7 AA30 0B0C  263E 5991 03A7 625F B24F

RE: Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-12 Thread larocha

--- Original Message ---
JFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 14:13:58 -0500

En mi distribucion si funciona el NFS (Debian, Slink 2.0.36)
edite el fichero /etc/exports
para compartir el cd-rom, floppy y un directorio publico. pero
tengo el problema que creo que
en el servidor que tiene la distibucion de Corel (kernel 2.2.12)
no tiene instalo el NFS
porque no existe el fichero /etc/exports y cuando intento montar
un recurso (mount
maquinaremota:/cdrom /micdrom) recibo el siguiente error:

mount: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: unable to receive

   El fichero exports tienes que crearlo tu, indicando
   los directorios que va a compartir la máquina y
   las máquinas (o red) que van a poder acceder a ese
   directorio. Una vez que el fichero haya sido creado
   tienes que inicializar dos demonios, creo que eran
   el nfsd y el inetd. No estoy seguro, en cuanto 
   llegue a casa te envio el scrip que tengo para ello.

La distribucion de Corel trae el Samba, ahora lo bajo y lo instalo
en mi distribucion, creo
que con esto puedo crear un entorno de red.

   Samba es interesante si estas máquinas van a dar 
   servicio de disco a maquinas con Windows. Si no es
   así el NFS y/o el CODA son sistemas de compartir
   archivos más apropiados para entornos sólo


1.- Para poder accesar a los recursos en winsos tengo que conectarme
a un servidor con un
usuario y contraseña. ¿para conectarme al servidor de Linux tengo
que hacer eso ?, ¿tengo que
crear usuarios en el servidor, un grupo que contenga a esos usuarios
y darle derechos a ese
grupo para las diferentes aplicaciones a las que los usurios
tendran acceso ?

  AFAIK. En el samba tienes que definir usuarios -no
  máquinas- que compartiran los recursos del servidor.
  En el NFS defines máquinas.
  En ambos casos das acceso a un directorio y sus
  subdirectorios en la máquina servidor, nada más.

2- Samba puede utilizarse como un servidor para clientes winsos.
¿que tengo que configurar
para esto ?

  Siento no poder ayudarte.

3- ¿Como me conecto a otra maquina?

  Usando samba no tengo ni idea.
  Usando NFS es con el comando que ya te comenté.
  Existen otras maneras de conectarse al servidor:
  - Abriendo una sesión de shell, con telnet o
  - Abriendo una sesión de ftp.
  - Conectarse para bajarse el correo.
  - Conectarse a un servidor Web.
  Cada una de ellas tiene sus propias historias. 
  ¿Cual o cuales vas a usar?

Eso es todo por ahora, gracias por la ayuda y seguimos en contacto.

  Luis Arocha, -Data-

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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-12 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
El driver es el ne.o, instalalo y yata!!! Si te pide rango de E/S
como parámetro:
Buena suerte, ahora seguro que te funciona... no te dije nada de las
pq ya están un poco obsoletas, pero veo que tu eres de los de la
escuela... ;-) (igual que yo...)
 LISTO ! eso era lo que pasaba, las tarjetas son ISA le puse el drive ne
 y le pase como parametro io=0x300 y funciono. ahoda cuando le doy un
 ifconfig -a ya me muestra el eth0 en dmesg puedo ver que pone la tarjeta en
 el IRQ 3, ahora las tarjetas estan bien, pero no se porque aun no puedo
 darles ping a las pc (la mia y el servidor) las dos tienen la misma
 configuracion solo cambian la direccion IP de cada host, creen que olvide

Ojo!! la IRQ 3 me parece que esta asignada a un puerto serie yo le 
asignaria (usando los discos de la tarjeta, autoconfiguracion) otra
interrupción, la 10 o la 11

Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-12 Thread Enzo Dari
JFreak wrote:
 En mi distribucion si funciona el NFS (Debian, Slink 2.0.36) edite el fichero 
 para compartir el cd-rom, floppy y un directorio publico. pero tengo el 
 problema que creo que
 en el servidor que tiene la distibucion de Corel (kernel 2.2.12) no tiene 
 instalo el NFS
 porque no existe el fichero /etc/exports y cuando intento montar un recurso 
 maquinaremota:/cdrom /micdrom) recibo el siguiente error:
 mount: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: unable to receive
Sería extraño que no esté instalado el NFS, en linux es de lo más estándar.
Lo que puede pasar es que es script encargado de arrancar los daemons
con nfs detecte que el exports está vacío y no los dispare. Así es como
en Debian Slink si no me equivoco. Tendrías que crear el archivo exports y
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs stop
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs start
cada vez que modifiques el archivo exports, para que los cambios tengan efecto
deberías hacer:
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs reload

En Debian Potato las cosas parece que cambiaron. No existe  sino que
están: nfs-common y nfs-server. Supongo que el método de arriba funciona,
cambiando netstd_nfs, por nfs-server.

 La distribucion de Corel trae el Samba, ahora lo bajo y lo instalo en mi 
 distribucion, creo
 que con esto puedo crear un entorno de red.
 1.- Para poder accesar a los recursos en winsos tengo que conectarme a un 
 servidor con un
 usuario y contraseña. ¿para conectarme al servidor de Linux tengo que hacer 
 eso ?, ¿tengo que
 crear usuarios en el servidor, un grupo que contenga a esos usuarios y darle 
 derechos a ese
 grupo para las diferentes aplicaciones a las que los usurios tendran acceso ?
Sí, mas o menos. En unix todo el control se hace a través de usuario, mientras
que en
el protocolo smb (de windows) el control de acceso suele hacerse por recursos.
compatibilizar el asunto el samba tiene que hacer malabares. Recomiendo
la lectura del SMB-HOWTO.

 2- Samba puede utilizarse como un servidor para clientes winsos. ¿que tengo 
 que configurar
 para esto ?
Los recursos exportados (o compartidos), todo se define en el archivo de
de samba: /etc/samba/smb.conf.

 3- ¿Como me conecto a otra maquina?
Conozco un par de clientes del protocolo smb:
- smbclient: muy útil para hacer debugging, lo podés usar para ver los
disponibles en alguna máquina o para conectarte a algún recurso y poner/sacar
archivos, imprimir files, etc.
- smbmount: para realmente montar un directorio de la máquina remota en algún
punto del árbol de directorios local.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page: http://cabmec1.cnea.gov.ar/darie/darie.htm


2000-07-12 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
Cuando hago dmesg | less me dice: lp: no encuentra el dispositivo. Lo
mismo si hago cat /dev/lp0.Me imagino que si no existe el dispositivo amen
de no poder imprimir tendre que crearlo. cd /dev y despues ./MAKEDEV lp0 y
y me dice que no sabe como crear el dispositivo.Sabeis como debo de
crearlo? Y depues como se configura? En el kernel le he dado soporte al
puerto paralelo. En definitiva lo que pretendo es poder imprimir.El
/etc/printcap lo tengo bien configurado. Mi distribucion es la de la
firma.Con la Mandraque me funciona perfectamente la impresion. Gracias
espero vuestra ayuda para poder resolver este problema.

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.airtel.net/personal/califa11 
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Hurd Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

Re: conflicto de hardware?

2000-07-12 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 05:32:50PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  En mi /proc/interrupts vemos esta línea:
   9:   69759179  XT-PIC  eth0, cmpci
  Sin embargo,  me funcionan perfectamente  tanto la red  como el
  sonido. ¿Cómo es posible?

Irq compartida. O algo así leí en mi manual.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

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Re: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian

2000-07-12 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 07:57:09PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Tengo entendido de que últimamente se está discutiendo mucho
 a nivel interno sobre la propia organización de Debian.
 No digo que estás no ocurran normalmente desde hace mucho
 tiempo pero da la impresión de que algo está cambiando o
 de que algo quiere cambiar.

Alguna referencia? Hay muchas discusiones cada semana.

 La pregunta es.  Realmente existe inquietud en Debian por estos temas ?
 Se está proponiendo algún cambio en la organización de Debian ?

Los `package pools' de Anthony Towns son la gran esperanza de los que ven en
los largos releases de potato un problema. Si no leíste ese thread, deberías
encontrarlo en los archivos de debian-devel de hace unos meses (busca eso,

Lo que preguntas sobre los cambios en la organización, no se a que te
refieres. Ha habido mucho eco con el tema de la propuesta de erradicar
non-free (asombrosamente no ha sido así en esta lista), y hay gente que
discute que se pueda modificar la Constitución y el Social Contract con una
simple votación (dicen que desvirtúa los pilares de Debian, pero esa es
otra historia). A parte de cambios como el de los package pools y la
distribución `testing', no veo que cambios no-técnicos se están discutiendo.
Aunque también tengo una facilidad enorme para olvidar hilos viejos.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

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telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: .tar.gz

2000-07-12 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 01:22:01PM +0200, Jose Angel Fdez.Luengo wrote:
   Cual es la manera correcta de instalar un paquete que viene en el formato
   .tar.gz en Debian?
  Ese formato probáblemente venga asociado a un código fuente luego el lugar
  correcto EMHO es:
 si el lugar oficial es ese entonces, ¿para que se usa /usr/src?

Para fuentes empaquetadas, claro.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: /dev/lp0

2000-07-12 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Ummm... MAKEDEV lp? Me extraña que no lo tengas ya creado con la
distribución básica...


On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 05:29:39PM +0200, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
 Cuando hago dmesg | less me dice: lp: no encuentra el dispositivo. Lo
 mismo si hago cat /dev/lp0.Me imagino que si no existe el dispositivo amen
 de no poder imprimir tendre que crearlo. cd /dev y despues ./MAKEDEV lp0 y

Monitorear las conexiones de red

2000-07-12 Thread jvicente
Saben cuales son las herramientas que vienen con Debian para monitorear si
dos equipos estan correctamente configurados en una red? (además de ping,
Estoy por armar una minired en casa y quería comprobar que todo este bien

Versiones de kernel

2000-07-12 Thread antioco


 Tengo un problemilla con lsof 2.4.48
La cuestion es que me compila correctamente pero al arrancar me 
da un problema con el System.map.

lsof: can't determine system map file path
lsof: (See 00FAQ for more information.)

#locate System.map

#uname -a 
Linux antioco 2.0.36

#kerneld -v
Starting kerneld, version 2.1.121 (pid 2798) 

Deberia tener un System.map-2.1.121 ??
 Podria alguien explicarme o decirme donde informarme de 
como va el tema de las versiones de las distribuciones Slink,Citius,
Potato etc y sus correspondencias con las distintas versiones de 
kernels ?

Gracias anticipadas.


Re: /dev/lp0

2000-07-12 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 12 de julio del 2000, a las 05:29, 
  Qué:  /dev/lp0 

 Cuando hago dmesg | less me dice: lp: no encuentra el dispositivo. Lo
 mismo si hago cat /dev/lp0.Me imagino que si no existe el dispositivo amen
 de no poder imprimir tendre que crearlo. cd /dev y despues ./MAKEDEV lp0 y
 y me dice que no sabe como crear el dispositivo.Sabeis como debo de
 crearlo? Y depues como se configura? En el kernel le he dado soporte al
 puerto paralelo. En definitiva lo que pretendo es poder imprimir.El
 /etc/printcap lo tengo bien configurado. Mi distribucion es la de la
 firma.Con la Mandraque me funciona perfectamente la impresion. Gracias
 espero vuestra ayuda para poder resolver este problema.

¿Has recompilado el kernel...? Por lo que comentas, sobreentiendo que
asi es...

Dentro del apartado de dispositivos de caracteres, asegurate de que esté
activada la siguiente opción:

# Character devices

Como puedes ver, yo la tengo como módulo, asi que la cargo solo cuando
hace falta.

Revisa tu configuración, y si pones el dispositivo lp como módulo,
arranca el programa 'modconf' y aseguraté de cargarlo...

Suerte ...

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
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Re: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian

2000-07-12 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jordi Mallach 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 12 de julio del 2000, a las 06:28, 
  Qué:  Re: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian 

 On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 07:57:09PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Tengo entendido de que últimamente se está discutiendo mucho
  a nivel interno sobre la propia organización de Debian.
  No digo que estás no ocurran normalmente desde hace mucho
  tiempo pero da la impresión de que algo está cambiando o
  de que algo quiere cambiar.
 Alguna referencia? Hay muchas discusiones cada semana.

En las listas generales de Debian, uno se queda asombrado de la
vitalidad de las mismas. Para aquel que quiera conocer las interioridades de
Debian, le sugiero que se apunte a debian-devel :)
 Lo que preguntas sobre los cambios en la organización, no se a que te
 refieres. Ha habido mucho eco con el tema de la propuesta de erradicar
 non-free (asombrosamente no ha sido así en esta lista), y hay gente que
 discute que se pueda modificar la Constitución y el Social Contract con una
 simple votación (dicen que desvirtúa los pilares de Debian, pero esa es
 otra historia). A parte de cambios como el de los package pools y la
 distribución `testing', no veo que cambios no-técnicos se están discutiendo.
 Aunque también tengo una facilidad enorme para olvidar hilos viejos.

je :)

Hay un toque a nivel técnico que hay que contar. Se llama auto-apt y
tiene como misión, la siguiente (si yo no lo entendí mal):

Supongamos que vamos a instalar, por poner un ejemplo, el WP 8.0, que es
una anticualla de cuidado. Al instalarlo, nos pedirá cosas como el paquete
xpm4.7 y otros por el estilo. Estos están en la sección oldlib. Hasta ahora,
el comportamiento normal era ver que te iba pidiendo el WP y buscar las
los paquetes en donde venian esas librerias, para luego instalar el paquete
y seguir con el proceso de instalacion del WP. 

Por lo visto, con el auto-apt se pretende que en esta situación (y otras
por el estilo), el sistema detecte que se le está solicitando un determinado 
software y sea capaz de instalar aquellos paquetes que hagan falta para que
todo funcione de forma correcta. Todo esto de forma automatica. Es decir, una 
virgueria ;)

Espero haber entendido bien lo básico del auto-apt y que esta
explicación no sea una enome metedura de pata }:-)

Un saludo ...

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
 | |_| | |_| | | | (__  http://www.gulic.org/
  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
Clave GPG en search.keyserver.net
  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

xfree86 3.3.6 ya funciona

2000-07-12 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Era lo que vos decias nomas instale la version para glibc 2.0 y andubo 
fenomeno, lo unico que la instale
de una version .tgz que tenia en una revista hay alguna forma de transformar un 
tgz por un .deb para
mantener la estructura de los paquetes.
Ahora tengo la xfree 4.0 en glibc 2.0 (en formato .tgz) me conviene instalarla 
o tiene algun problema de
dependencias (acuerdate que tengo slink)
Bueno gracias y hasta la proxima.

Darlock wrote:

 On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez wrote:

   Alguien sabe que librerias hacen falta para el xfree86 3.3.6 tengo una 
 slink y me baje del ftp
   del xfree la version 3.3.6 que viene en formato tgz y la instale como 
 venia haciendo con los
   anteriores xfree los cuales siempre me funcionaron, pero despues de 
 instalarlo cuando pongo
   XF86Setup para configurarlo me da el mensaje segmentation fault y la 
 verdad no se que puede
   llegar a ser.
   Gracias por adelantado y saludos.

 Podria ser que hayas instalado una version con glibc-2.1?
 Slink utiliza la 2.0, y entre ellas no son compatibles... el 90% de
 segmentation faults que he tenido (con programas no hechos por mi
 :-) ) han sido por culpa de las glibc.

 Te recomiendo que utilices los paquetes debian, ya que así no tendras
 problemas de dependencias al intentar instalar cualquier aplicación X, ya
 que si lo haces con los tgz la debian te dirá que las X no están

 Josep Llauradó Selvas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Linux Registered User #153481
 The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
 After that, it's all learned.
 (in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
 FP: 199E 7539 13B7 AA30 0B0C  263E 5991 03A7 625F B24F

apt-get y apt-move

2000-07-12 Thread jrfern
Saludos. Resulta que, después de años de actualizarme a pelo con
ftp y dpkg (y mc para leer las dependencias, y más ftp para 
traérmelas), me decido a pasarme a apt (cosas de la vida).
Bien, todo estupendo. Sólo una pequeña duda: apt-move crea ficheros
Packages.gz y en cambio apt-get me parece que busca los ficheros
Packages sin comprimir (al menos eso me ha parecido cuando he
intentado añadir a sources.list mi pequeño mirror local). ¿Es un
bug? ¿hay algo que no he visto? En los man no dice nada.
Hasta otra
PGP 2.6.3ia  GnuPG keys available

apt y auto-apt (era: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian)

2000-07-12 Thread Enzo Dari
Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
 Hay un toque a nivel técnico que hay que contar. Se llama auto-apt y
 tiene como misión, la siguiente (si yo no lo entendí mal):
No sé si no entendí bien el funcionamiento del auto-apt o no entendí bien
tu explicación :)

Lo que tengo entendido es lo siguiente:
el apt trabaja con paquetes Debian, resolviendo todo el tema de las
dependencias: si uno trata de instalar un paquete que depende de
otro, el que a su vez depende de un tercero, etc... El apt se encarga
de instalar todo lo que hace falta (paquetes requeridos, ver thread
Paquetes sugeridos que deberían ser exigidos de fin de mayo en
esta lista). Como decía, el apt actual se encarga de todo.

Hay algunos casos en que la dependencia de un paquete con otro no es tan
clara, por ejemplo: no tiene sentido hacer que el paquete conteniendo
el kernel dependa de tener X-windows instalado. Sin embargo, si
intentamos hacer make xconfig, necesitaremos tener instaladas varias
bibliotecas (tcl. tk, ...). El método actual es fijarse en el mensaje de
error, que seguramente será: falta tal fichero , ir al
Contents-arch.gz (archivo gigante que enumera todos los ficheros de
la distribución y qué paquete los provee) e instalar el paquete
necesario. Esta es la función que cumpliría el auto-apt. También
serviría cuando uno instala un paquete extraño (no-Debian), que
no tiene información de dependencias y comienza a fallar porque
le faltan ficheros: auto-apt buscaría entre los paquetes conocidos
a ver si alguno provee dicho fichero y lo instalaría.

Dos cuestiones más acerca del tema de los paquetes, la primera es una

De vez en cuando instalo algún paquete para probarlo, decidir que
no me gusta e inmediatamente desinstalarlo. Todo bien con los ficheros
propios del paquete, una vez desinstalado (purge) no quedan rastros
del mismo. Pero qué sucede con las bibliotecas de las cuales dependía
el paquete original y que tuve que instalar para probarlo ?
Hay alguna forma de decirle al gestor de paquetes que un dado paquete
está en el sistema al sólo efecto de satisfacer una dependencia y que
al desinstalar el paquete que lo necesitaba, también lo elimine del
sistema ?

La segunda es un puntero interesante: una charla de Wichert Akkerman
sobre un nuevo gestor de paquetes que unifique rpm y deb:

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page: http://cabmec1.cnea.gov.ar/darie/darie.htm

Actualización de Perl

2000-07-12 Thread Miguel A. CALERO
Hola, mu buenas. Es la primera vez que participo en la lista y va a ser, 
como no diran algunos, para preguntar.
Seguro que alguien tiene la stable de Debian, que trae perl 5.004, y ha 
tenido que actualizar a perl 5.005 built 03 (un standard). Pues bien, ya 
instalé perl-5.005-base (dpkg --force-conflicts -i perl-5.005-base*) y 
perl-5.005 (normal). Me reconce que la version es esa (5.005), pero tengo 
otro problema.
La historia real es que necesito cargar algunos modulos por la via 
tradicional (fichero .tar.gz, perl Makefile.PL, make, make install). Son 
modulos que ya probe en RedHat y van bien, pero al hacer el make me da 
multitud de errores de que no encuentra muchos archivos .o

Pues bien, cómo puedo instalar esos modulos (quizá esos .deb que vienen en 
la distribución pudieran serlo, pero MiniVend no los reconoce) por la vía 
dura. Me falta algo? Quiza las cabeceras o algo así?

Muchisimas gracias.

Telf.:  +34 (9)57 329 122
+34  654 456 434

escribiendo con Linux-Mandrake 7.0
enviando con tarifa búho de Retevision

Este texto está escrito con acentos y eñes
para que actualices a software que respete
la comunidad hispano-hablante si quieres leerlo
en condiciones, que ya toca.

Re: apt y auto-apt (era: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian)

2000-07-12 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Enzo Dari 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 12 de julio del 2000, a las 08:02, 
  Qué:  apt y auto-apt (era: Rumbo de la distribucion Debian) 

 Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:
  Hay un toque a nivel técnico que hay que contar. Se llama auto-apt y
  tiene como misión, la siguiente (si yo no lo entendí mal):
 No sé si no entendí bien el funcionamiento del auto-apt o no entendí bien
 tu explicación :)

no me extrañaria: no me suelo explicar muy bien :)
 Lo que tengo entendido es lo siguiente:
 el apt trabaja con paquetes Debian, resolviendo todo el tema de las
 dependencias: si uno trata de instalar un paquete que depende de
 otro, el que a su vez depende de un tercero, etc... El apt se encarga
 de instalar todo lo que hace falta (paquetes requeridos, ver thread
 Paquetes sugeridos que deberían ser exigidos de fin de mayo en
 esta lista). Como decía, el apt actual se encarga de todo.

Mas o menos de acuerdo: El apt se encarga de todo, pero eres tú el que
tiene que dar el primer paso, es decir, desde la linea de ordenes, decirle
que instale tal o cual paquete.

Con el auto-apt, tu no tendrías que decirle nada, sencillamente el
auto-apt se lanzaria solo para buscar lo que hiciera falta. Esa es la idea.
 Hay algunos casos en que la dependencia de un paquete con otro no es tan
 clara, por ejemplo: no tiene sentido hacer que el paquete conteniendo
 el kernel dependa de tener X-windows instalado. Sin embargo, si
 intentamos hacer make xconfig, necesitaremos tener instaladas varias
 bibliotecas (tcl. tk, ...). El método actual es fijarse en el mensaje de
 error, que seguramente será: falta tal fichero , ir al
 Contents-arch.gz (archivo gigante que enumera todos los ficheros de
 la distribución y qué paquete los provee) e instalar el paquete
 necesario. Esta es la función que cumpliría el auto-apt. También
 serviría cuando uno instala un paquete extraño (no-Debian), que
 no tiene información de dependencias y comienza a fallar porque
 le faltan ficheros: auto-apt buscaría entre los paquetes conocidos
 a ver si alguno provee dicho fichero y lo instalaría.

Si, esa es mas o menos la idea.
 Dos cuestiones más acerca del tema de los paquetes, la primera es una
 De vez en cuando instalo algún paquete para probarlo, decidir que
 no me gusta e inmediatamente desinstalarlo. Todo bien con los ficheros
 propios del paquete, una vez desinstalado (purge) no quedan rastros
 del mismo. Pero qué sucede con las bibliotecas de las cuales dependía
 el paquete original y que tuve que instalar para probarlo ?
 Hay alguna forma de decirle al gestor de paquetes que un dado paquete
 está en el sistema al sólo efecto de satisfacer una dependencia y que
 al desinstalar el paquete que lo necesitaba, también lo elimine del
 sistema ?

Me temo que no, o por lo menos yo no la conozco. De todas formas, 
el sistema de paquetes de debian es lo suficientemente robusto como para que
estas cosas no sucedan, ya que el apartado 'Depends' dentro de la definición
del paquete está ahí precisamente para que eso no ocurra. 
Si intentaras desinstalar todos los paquetes que tienes instalados y que
tienen definida su 'Section' como 'lib', saltarian las dependencias,
diciendote precisamente lo que buscas: ¡¡¡ No quite este programa porque
aquel otro dejará de funcionar !!!
Todo lo que no proteste en ese proceso, simplemente es que no era
necesario :)

(¡Ojo!, que nunca lo he probado :)
 La segunda es un puntero interesante: una charla de Wichert Akkerman
 sobre un nuevo gestor de paquetes que unifique rpm y deb:

A ver si lo veo :)



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Re: Synkfrekvenser

2000-07-12 Thread Johan Bergström
Prova programmet mode3, det ingår i svgalib-bin packetet. Det återställer
given vesamode eller standardmode om du kör det utan argument.

Johan Bergström  Phone: +46 (0)13  247963  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BOFH Mobil: +46 (0)708 247963  Web  : www.frontec.se
Frontec AB   Fax  : +46 (0)13  247450

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, peter karlsson wrote:

  skriv reset bara efter du har använt zgv klart.
 Om det hade fungerat hade jag inte postat en fråga här... Det fungerar
 alltså inte.
 (PS. Du behöver lära dig hur man citerar ordentligt)
 peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
   Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Synkfrekvenser

2000-07-12 Thread peter karlsson
Johan Bergström:

 Prova programmet mode3, det ingår i svgalib-bin packetet. Det återställer
 given vesamode eller standardmode om du kör det utan argument.

Om jag kör mode3 utan parametrar så kommer jag över i ett av de
ogiltiga lägena... :-/

peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

Re: net-help needed : adsl + dyn-IP (? + dhcp ?) . (re-)starting fromscratch

2000-07-12 Thread Stan Kaufman
S. Champ wrote:
 -- -- -- --
 an excerpt from the text, below, which may be the root of the issue:
 2) crucial question:
do i need to have dhcpcd up-and-running before or after i start-up the 
 client-daemon ?  and why do i need to have dhcpcd running, at all? ( shouldn't
 the pppoe software be handling this? )

Some suggestions:

1. Get right with your ISP. If your account is severely delinquent
(whatever that means), it doesn't matter how you configure Debian,
you're not going to connect to the Internet.

2. Make sure your NIC is properly installed and configured. This is not
necessarily easy.

3. Install the pppoe.deb package. Read the README in the pppoe.deb
package. It will tell you exactly how to configure all necessary files
in /etc and how to start and stop pppd to connect via your DSL line. Do
exactly what the README tells you; it works just fine with PacBell's
flavor of DSL.

4. Read the info at the PacBell site about system settings to connect
via DSL. What you mostly need from there are the ip addresses for the
DNS servers at PacBell. You add those nameserver addresses to
/etc/resolv.conf. If your account at PacBell is delinquent, you won't be
able to get to this information. See step 1.

5. That's all there is to it to get connected via a PacBell DSL line.
PacBell certainly doesn't make it easy, but they don't prevent it
either. They just leave everything as an exercise for the student but
that's the way Linux folk like it, eh?


Oh yeah, you definitely do *not* need DHCP to connect via pppoe to
PacBell's DSL.


 -- -- -- --
 and, if you might have the time, i would appreciate some comments and
 suggestions regarding the following.  i have a number of unanswered questions
 about the net-setup here. ( and will continue to make sure they are answered,
 eventually. i.e.: by posting them more clearly. maybe now will be the when,
 for some of them. )
 i've marked each section of this email, as per the topics which i am having 
 problems with.
 -- -- -- --
 the current situation, and the previous work:
 i've tried to get an installation of debian (potato) working with an adsl
 connection, and have been failing completely.
 i'd like to start from square zero, to see what learning that i might miss-out
 on if i was otherwise able to use a plug and play solution.
 ( instant gratification, and no lessons-learned ... the ms-w method?)
 i've looked through howtos (ethernet, pppoe? , * ), and other documents, to no
 avail.  maybe i'm missing something.
 i've tried, in various combinations: the deb package of pppoe ; dhcpcd ; pump 
 none of these combinations have worked.
 i tried something like pppoe -d with whatever argument is used to send the
 debug output to a file, and got a command-line full of odd-looking characters,
 and a file full of hexadecimal values that i have no idea about the meaning 
 this file
 i chose the IPv6 module, when installing debian, because it seemed like a neat
 thing (value-added for my impression of the installed OS).  i'm wondering if
 this might be the cause of any problems.
 i cannot currently contact the DSL provider for assistance, as my account is
 severely delinquent, and one note to them about this could spoil the 
 furthermore, i'm very unsure about their ability to be a help with this.  ( 
 microsoft marketing-program, while far from stamping-out the usage of Linux [
 and foolish of them, if they thought that otherwise might happen ]  has left a
 blank-spot where linux should be, in the collective public knowledge-set .  
 find it to be a personal goal to remedy this, to provide a better system if, 
 can.  we darn well should be able to, with the wealth of (free!) available
 tools. )
 -- -- -- --
 'route-add's, and the general dynamic-ip-assigning process:
 i've looked through the log-file of the connection-client (?) that was 
 by Pacific Bell, for connecting to the DSL service from ms-windows.
 i'd found two route add commands, each with the same gateway and netmask, 
 each with a different metric.  for some reason, the log-file, today, is only
 showing one route add, with metric 2.
 i'm wanting to know how this is (?supposed to be?) handled with the tools on
 excerpts from the (ms-w dsl-connection client) log-file:
  Connect: Tap IPAddress:  
  Dest:fea9 mask: Gate:3783fea9 If:304 Metric:2 
  route add MASK METRIC 2 
  Setting IP Address through DHCP
 ( in the older log-file, there was a line after that which read something 
  route add MASK  $ipAddress METRIC 1 
 where $ipAddress = , which is different than what's in the
 log-file today.
 ...and how can the address have a zero in it, like that?
 ... and looking at the log-file again, the METRIC 1 is used /on _disconnect_/.
 why is it not just a 

Re: Mutt and IMAP - Specifying server

2000-07-12 Thread Brian May
 Damon == Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Damon One was in which to specify an imap server is to use `c'
Damon (change folder) and tell it to change folder to:

Damon {your.imap.server}INBOX

Damon (or whatever). While that works well, I've never worked out
Damon what one needs to put in the .muttrc to make it easier.

I have:

mailboxes {your.imap.server/ssl}INBOX

of course, I am using mutt from woody, which has support (complete
with bugs) for ssl.

Now I can access the mailbox quickly with the following keystrokes: c
[tab] [tab]

Ouch, no kerneld for message

2000-07-12 Thread Madarasz Karoly
Hello all!

What is Ouch, no kerneld for message 2147418946 in syslog?

The story:
I configured my first linux server to provide ppp connections via
modems, and samba services.
Now everithing work fine, but in few days the system is overloaded and
finally die for the users. The server itself is working make a super
intens disk activity.

The syslog:
Jul  7 10:24:40 comunic icmplogd: destination unreachable from
Jul  7 10:24:41 comunic icmplogd: destination unreachable from
localhost []
Jul  7 10:24:41 comunic icmplogd: destination unreachable from
localhost []
Jul  7 10:24:43 comunic kernel: Ouch, no kerneld for message
Jul  7 10:24:44 comunic kernel: Ouch, no kerneld for message
Jul  7 11:26:11 comunic kernel: Ouch, no kerneld for message
Jul  7 11:26:23 comunic icmplogd: destination unreachable from
Jul  7 11:27:06 comunic pppd[14886]: Script /etc/ppp/ip-down started
(pid 14950)
Jul  7 11:27:07 comunic icmplogd: destination unreachable from
localhost []
Jul  7 11:27:19 comunic pppd[14886]: Connection terminated.
Jul  7 11:27:26 comunic pppd[14886]: Connect time 4.2 minutes.
Jul  7 11:27:31 comunic pppd[14886]: Sent 0 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Jul  7 11:27:27 comunic kernel: Ouch, no kerneld for message
Jul  7 11:26:13 comunic tcplogd: netbios-ssn connection attempt from

My system:
slink 2.0.28 kernel, pppd 2.3.11, mgetty 1.1.18-1, genpower 1.0.1-8,
samba 2.0.5a running as daemon, ncpfs


Building PHP 4.0.1pl2(woody) on potato

2000-07-12 Thread Shane Wegner

As the subject suggests, I am attempting to build the php 4.0.1pl2 from
woody on a potato system.  After satisfying all build-depends, debian/rules
binary failed with a strange error.  All supporting libraries are taken
from potato and therefore may be older than those in woody and that could be
it.  If anyone has had success in this area, I would appreciate hearing from

/bin/sh /home/staff/shane/outgoing/php4/php4-4.0.1pl2/apache-build/libtool
--silent --mode=link gcc -g -O2   -o libphp4.la -rpath
-avoid-version -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -R /usr/X11R6/lib stub.lo Zend/libZend.la
sapi/apache/libsapi.la main/libmain.la  ext/db/libdb.la
ext/filepro/libfilepro.la ext/ftp/libftp.la ext/gettext/libgettext.la
ext/pcre/libpcre.la ext/posix/libposix.la ext/session/libsession.la
ext/standard/libstandard.la ext/sysvsem/libsysvsem.la
ext/sysvshm/libsysvshm.la ext/zlib/libzlib.la  -ldb -lpam -ldl -lz -lmm
-lpcre -lX11 -lXpm -ljpeg -lresolv -lbind -lm -ldl -lcrypt -lnsl -lresolv
-L/usr/lib -ljpeg -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXpm -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: .libs/libphp4.so: undefined versioned symbol name
/usr/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [libphp4.la] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [build-apache-stamp] Error 2


Personal website: http://www.cm.nu/~shane/

Stopping Portmap

2000-07-12 Thread Chris Cameron
I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me stop the portmapping
services on my computer. I was going through the Security Focus'
Securing Linux article, and it's reference to how to stop the
portmapping service was all for Slackware.

Thanks for any help,

Re: Lilo-problem: linux on the 'second' hd

2000-07-12 Thread virtanen


I did it according to Your advice. It worked fine. 

So I can recommend this lilo.conf file to the others who have got 

dos on the 'first' (=C in dos) hardisk 
linux on the 'second' harddisk.


On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 virtanen wrote:
  My machine has got the following OS's and hd's:
  On the hda there is win98 and on the hdb there is 'debian' slink.
  The machine bios cannot boot from hdb.
  2) Is it possible and safe to install 'lilo' so that I can boot both the
  OS directly from the hard disks?
  How should the lilo.conf file be written?
  Is it possible to get lilo 'out from the mbr' (the previous situation
  restored) just by 'lilo -u' command if something goes wrong?
 Yes, no problem. You can use essentially the same /etc/lilo.conf as
 Johann did, with a couple of possible changes:
 1) His root partition is /dev/hdb2. Just substitute yours in the root=
 2) If you're running slink, you have the old Lilo, so the lba32 line
 is not valid. You don't need that anyway if your root partition is below
 1024 cylinders.
 Here's a start: (I added a couple of minor things)
 boot=/dev/hda (install Lilo in MBR)
 image=/vmlinuz(assumes this is where your kernel is)
 Look at the file /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt for explanations of options,
 or to find others you may want to use.
 Lilo automatically backs up the sector that it replaces when you run the
 'lilo' command. 'lilo -u' will reverse that process, and put back
 whatever was there before. However, unless you specify otherwise, it
 will only make the backup the FIRST time you install lilo to any
 particular location such as /dev/hda. It names the backup file according
 to where Lilo was installed and keeps that file in /boot.
 So in your case where you're installing to the MBR (boot=/dev/hda), the
 original MBR that you replace will be the one that 'lilo -u' will put
 back. In other words, you can install Lilo a 2nd or 3rd or 4th time to
 the MBR if you want to tweak things, but still be able to restore the
 original MBR with 'lilo -u'. 
 Again, see /usr/doc/Manual.txt or 'man lilo' for more info.

some basic unix commands and mswordview?

2000-07-12 Thread virtanen


I started using mswordview just today. (My system is Debian/GNU linux
It works fine and good. (I've used latex2html as well to make good
html-documents earlier, but when starting from msword docs it is too much
trouble to convert them first to latex and then to html...)

Mswordview will generate html documents form msword documents. The output
is written on the screen as default. 

But how is it possible convert with a single command many docs into html?

For example I've got: 

about twenty word documents starting with 'a'.


And I wanted to get them each into html, if possible with a single

I've tried something like:

mswordview as*.doc  as*.html 

But that gives me only one html document: 

What to do?
(Some people who know linux/unix well will surely know an easy answer how
to do it.) 


Re: some basic unix commands and mswordview?

2000-07-12 Thread Matthew Dalton
virtanen wrote:
 For example I've got:
 about twenty word documents starting with 'a'.
 And I wanted to get them each into html, if possible with a single
 I've tried something like:
 mswordview as*.doc  as*.html
 But that gives me only one html document:
 What to do?
 (Some people who know linux/unix well will surely know an easy answer how
 to do it.)

I'm sure you'll get heaps of answers for this.


$ for file in *.doc; do mswordview $file  ${file%.doc}.html; done

Change *.doc to a*.doc for all the ones starting with a.


Re: Stopping Portmap

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
what i do is rename /sbin/portmap to something else, that prevents it from
starting, be sure other things start up though i use xinetd and it fails
to start w/o 

1) having portmap start
2) modifying the xinetd startup script to have it ignore portmap(what i


On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Chris Cameron wrote:

chris I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me stop the portmapping
chris services on my computer. I was going through the Security Focus'
chris Securing Linux article, and it's reference to how to stop the
chris portmapping service was all for Slackware.
chris Thanks for any help,
chris Chris
chris -- 
chris Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

1:03am up 32 days, 11:38, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

Forcing X to use 100dpi fonts?

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anyone know how to force X to use 100dpi ? i got a new monitor and am
using 1600x1200 (as opposed to 1024x768 before) and the fonts are kinda
small, i took the 75dpi font paths out but seems they are still bein
used..would i have to recompile the fonts database(?) via mkfontdir or


1:03am up 32 days, 11:38, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

potato netscape - doesnt install?

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have many potato machines, all of which are slink machines that were
apt-get'd upgraded to potato, all work fine.  i finally found and
downloaded and burned a copy of potato test cycle 2 from
ftp.debian.org(all 3 cds) and installed it today.

must say im impressed with the new installer full dhcp support and
everything, kicks ass.

BUT i cant get netscape to install.  in the past i downloaded the netscape
tar.gz file to /tmp and did an apt-get install netscape4 which then
scanned /tmp and tried to find a valid archive to install from, this
doesn't happen for some reason, it doesnt even seem to try(doesnt give any
errors) i have tried about 6 different netscape packages and none provide
a working copuy of netscape. so i had to do it the old fashioned way via
the ns-install script inside the netscape archive.  is there a way around
this or is this a known bug ? i did download the latest netscape packages
from the ftp site with the same results. i have 4 other machines in the
same room(all identical hardware) using the netscape4 package just
fine(but again they were all dist upgraded from slink BUT i did not
install netscape until potato was completly installed)

im really at a loss as to why it doesnt want to install.

any ideas?



1:03am up 32 days, 11:38, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

Re: Stopping Portmap

2000-07-12 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 12:41:24AM -0700, Chris Cameron wrote:
 I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me stop the portmapping
 services on my computer. I was going through the Security Focus'
 Securing Linux article, and it's reference to how to stop the
 portmapping service was all for Slackware.

1. run /etc/init.d/portmapper stop
2. put exit 0 (without quotes) as the first uncommented line in
3. If apt/dselect/dpkg every ask you to update that script, keep the one
you modified (the new one will be /etc/init.d/portmapper.dpkg-dist)

Can't say I run any applications that use RPC.  If you do, you'll need
to run portmapper.  You can also restrict portmap access in
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny (see man portmap, hosts_allow,
hosts_access) since it should be protected with the tcp_wrapper

According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Re: some basic unix commands and mswordview?

2000-07-12 Thread virtanen
On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

  about twenty word documents starting with 'a'.
  And I wanted to get them each into html, if possible with a single
  What to do?
  (Some people who know linux/unix well will surely know an easy answer how
  to do it.)
 I'm sure you'll get heaps of answers for this.
 $ for file in *.doc; do mswordview $file  ${file%.doc}.html; done
 Change *.doc to a*.doc for all the ones starting with a.

I did this and this seems to work. 
Thank you a lot. 

(Actually one of the things I'm trying to do is to proof to my
fellow-workers that linux is a very effective and cheap tool for our work. 

I'm a teacher and a designer. I'm working at an open university planning
and teaching courses using internet-based environments. My friend has
used msword to write his documents and we want to use them to be put in
the Net and they have to be in html-format.

We have here often problems when students are sending their documents
formatted using many different word-processing programs, too.)  


Re: potato netscape - doesnt install?

2000-07-12 Thread Eric G . Miller
Think you want the netscape4 package (which is an installer for 4.x
series netscape that you've downloaded).

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 01:11:13AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have many potato machines, all of which are slink machines that were
 apt-get'd upgraded to potato, all work fine.  i finally found and
 downloaded and burned a copy of potato test cycle 2 from
 ftp.debian.org(all 3 cds) and installed it today.
 must say im impressed with the new installer full dhcp support and
 everything, kicks ass.
 BUT i cant get netscape to install.  in the past i downloaded the netscape
 tar.gz file to /tmp and did an apt-get install netscape4 which then
 scanned /tmp and tried to find a valid archive to install from, this
 doesn't happen for some reason, it doesnt even seem to try(doesnt give any
 errors) i have tried about 6 different netscape packages and none provide
 a working copuy of netscape. so i had to do it the old fashioned way via
 the ns-install script inside the netscape archive.  is there a way around
 this or is this a known bug ? i did download the latest netscape packages
 from the ftp site with the same results. i have 4 other machines in the
 same room(all identical hardware) using the netscape4 package just
 fine(but again they were all dist upgraded from slink BUT i did not
 install netscape until potato was completly installed)
 im really at a loss as to why it doesnt want to install.
 any ideas?
 1:03am up 32 days, 11:38, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
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According to MegaHAL:
The emu is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace.

Exim and Cyrus IMAP...

2000-07-12 Thread Jason Quigley


Has anybody managed to get exim to work with Cyrus IMAP server?
I have added the following to exim.conf but messages still go to
my system inbox:

   driver = pipe
   command = /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver ${local_part}
   prefix = 
   user = cyrus

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Exim and Cyrus IMAP...

2000-07-12 Thread Jason Quigley


Has anybody managed to get exim to work with Cyrus IMAP server?
I have added the following to exim.conf but messages still go to
my system inbox:

   driver = pipe
   command = /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver ${local_part}
   prefix = 
   user = cyrus

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

ProFTPd and NIS problems in Woody

2000-07-12 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

ProFTPd doesn't recognize NIS accounts and says (Login failed): Can't
find user in the log file. It works fine with local (non NIS) accounts.
This has been reported as bug #62197 which is over 90 days old already.
Does anyone know of a workaround (other than scraping ProFTpd which is
what I am about to do)?

Thank you,


IMAP (Netscape?) hiccups in Woody

2000-07-12 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez

I upgraded from Potato to Woody and now I'm experiencing problems (non
fatal fortunately) with the IMAP server when using the Netscape mail

1. 9 out of 10 times, when I try to delete a message from the INBOX I
get an error window saying something like IMAP message copy failed. I
close the error window and then retry the delete operation again and it
works well. So, at the end, I need to click twice on the delete icon
to get the thing done.

2. 6 out of 10 times, when I click on a message to read it I get a blank
screen in the viewing section of Netscape and I get the message
Document: Done in the status bar at the bottom. I have to click on
some other message (viewing always works at this point) and then click
back on the original message; then I can read it.

I'm using IMAP version 4.7c-1 and netscape 4.73 running on a Woody box.
Any ideas?

Thank you,


Re: Lilo-problem: linux on the 'second' hd

2000-07-12 Thread virtanen
On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, virtanen wrote:

 I did it according to Your advice. It worked fine. 
 So I can recommend this lilo.conf file to the others who have got 
 dos on the 'first' (=C in dos) hardisk 
 linux on the 'second' harddisk.


Command back:
Still there are some problems:
Windows is not starting. But Linux is.
When I did 'lilo -u' windows starts working... 
Where is the problem?

Should it be 
instead of



  Here's a start: (I added a couple of minor things)
  boot=/dev/hda (install Lilo in MBR)
  image=/vmlinuz(assumes this is where your kernel is)


Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 09:30:50PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:

 Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to use in
 mutt? If not, can any other mail client do this? (I dont want / have X
 on this box here)

yes, you can do it with mutt. if you set the signature like this:

  set signature = foo|

then, mutt will take the _output_ from the program 'foo' as signature
and not the file 'foo' itself.

i've written a small perl script 'randsig.pl' for this, get it at


ps: i know, that this job can also be done with a shell 3-liner ;)

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Sven!

  Sven Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to use in
  Sven mutt? If not, can any other mail client do this? (I dont want / have X
  Sven on this box here)

Yes, check out signify it can do everything with your signature(s) you can
imagine! :) (You can use it w/ any mailers with its FIFO mechanism, see
the README for details)

I have my old .muttrc (now I use gnus), put this into your .muttrc:

set signature=signify|


Re: imp

2000-07-12 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

Hi Matthew,

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Matthew Thompson wrote:

 The only thing I'm wondering about now is whether to switch from qpopper
 over to an IMAP-based mail system.  Part of the reason for this is that
 IMP still wants to display IMAP as the default Server, even though I
 changed the value in defaults.php3.in to 'pop3'  '110' (port) and ran
 update-imp.  I also want users to have access to their mail folders, which
 I believe becomes possible with an IMAP-based system, correct?
 Are there any issues to consider when converting from POP3 to IMAP?  Any
 recommendations as to which package is easiest to set up for a small
 system? (fewer than 20 users)  Anything else to consider? Anyone? Bueller?

The system I setup is using IMAP; I didn't receive any complains from my
users, so I assume it's working fine. Most of them use webmail as well
as pine (when locally logged in). I'm using imap (4.7-7) and didn't have
troubles with it. 


Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

Re: dhcpcd segfault

2000-07-12 Thread Michael Soulier
On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 09:08:47PM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:

  Now, I have to boot into single user mode, because otherwise the boot
  process stops after segfaulting dhcpcd, doing a little more, and then
  hangs on trying to bring up sendmail. The segfault looks like:
 Sendmail 'hangs' because it's trying to access the network (which it
 can't) to do a lookup on it's IP #.  If you wait a minute or so everything
 should continue booting.

I waited 20 minutes and finally gave up on it. I don't know what its
timeout is set to, but it's high. 

  Unable to handle kernel NULL point dereference at virtual address 
  +current-tss.cr3 = 03d63000, %cr3 = 03d63000
 That's not a segmentation fault - that's a kernel oops (the Linux
 equivalent to a Windows Blue Screen of Death).
 What's the output of the command 'uname -a'?

I'll tell you when I get home, but it's kernel 2.2.12. It's off of the VA
Linux Systems CD that comes with the Learning Debian book by O'Reilly. I was
considering unpacking the 2.2.12 source (or maybe 2.2.17, since that's in
potato) and rebuilding. 


Michael P. Soulier, 1Z22, SKY  Tel: 613-765-4699 (ESN: 39-54699)
Optical Networks, Nortel Networks, SDE Pegasus
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
Nortel Linux User's Group Ottawa: (internal) http://nlug.ca.nortel.com:8080

exim bewilderment

2000-07-12 Thread balayo
exim bewilderment


it was with mild suprise that I realized that I have *no clue*
how to use exim especially with regard to .forward files.  I
used exim, too, before I upgraded (tho without .forward)

can someone direct me to good info, and/or fill me in on how
exim forwards mail from different addresses to my mailboxes?
I'm going to use an alternative to procmail, btw.



[no subject]

2000-07-12 Thread Walter Williams

Re: Lilo-problem

2000-07-12 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 06:33:59PM -0400, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 Johann Spies wrote:
  Thanks Tom and others who replied.  I am learning (although sometimes
  the hard way) ;)
  I have now also installed NT booting from /dev/hda.  Can I still use
  Lilo or is it saver to use NT's bootloader, going to Dos and use loadlin?
  I do not want to learn the hard way again.
 Yes, you could still use Lilo for that. 
 Did you install NT to a separate primary partition, or did you install
 it so that  you can now choose DOS or NT from the NT boot menu? 

Yes, I can choose dos or NT form the NT boot menu.

 If the
 latter, that means both DOS and NT actually boot from /dev/hda1, so you
 can just keep the same /etc/lilo.conf and, of course, install Lilo in


J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082 898 1528(Johann) 082 255 2388(Hester)
 Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which 
  thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are for us... 
 Psalms 40:5 

apt-get problems

2000-07-12 Thread Jens Luedicke
Hi there ...

I messed up some files on my system and needed to
reinstall everything again. When I was finished with
all my packages I wanted to run apt-get update.

apt-get fetched all the lists but when it was reading/parsing
the lists, I got an error message:

E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room!

What wrong here?


Re: Our Information We offer PE-AL (plastic-aluminum)composite pipe from China

2000-07-12 Thread Jason Wong
Dear Sir,

We are glad to have learned your e-mail address from the  http://www.untpdc.org 
BBS and we are writing to you with the hope of  establishing a long-term 

We, Foshan Rifeng Enterprise Co., Ltd. are a new  Hi-tech enterprise  in 
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Rifeng Unipipe. Up to now it has  been built into the largest manufacturing 
of PE-AL composite pipe  in China.

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Unipipe's quality meets completely or even better  than that of USA and 
Similar products. With tests by the  national authoritative institutes, Rifeng 
Unipipe has been granted the  fames of: National New product, National 
Achievement Key  Promotion Project, National Torch Planning Project, National 
Hi-living  Standard Dwelling Construction Recommended Product, China 
 Construction Recommended Product.

Satisfying customers and fine quality are vital to Rifeng Company, with  
technology innovations, the company wishes to make friends  all over the world, 
to a bright future.

For more information, please kindly contact us.

We are looking forward to your favorable reply.

Best regards,

Jason Wong

Foshan Rifeng Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-757-3982 666
Fax: +86-757-2283 667

Re: exim bewilderment

2000-07-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/12/00 08:12:43 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exim bewilderment
 it was with mild suprise that I realized that I have *no clue*
 how to use exim especially with regard to .forward files.  I
 used exim, too, before I upgraded (tho without .forward)
 can someone direct me to good info, and/or fill me in on how
 exim forwards mail from different addresses to my mailboxes?
 I'm going to use an alternative to procmail, btw.


For exim to treat the .forward file as special and not as a regular
.forward file, you need to have the first line like so:

  #   Exim filter   == do not edit or remove this line!

The rest is pretty easy. You can check out the
/usr/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz file for more in depth info. Here's mine
though to get you started:

  #   Exim filter   == do not edit or remove this line!
  if error_message then finish endif

  if $h_Reply-to: contains kplug-newbie
then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG-Newbie

  elif $h_Resent-From: contains debian-user
then save $home/Mail/IN.Debian-User

  elif $h_Reply-to: contains kplug-list
then save $home/Mail/IN.KPLUG

  elif $h_From: contains [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
$h_Subject: contains Fwd:
then save $home/Mail/IN.SBUSD

  elif $h_Subject: contains [Lockergnome]
then save $home/Mail/IN.Lockergnome

  elif $h_From: contains Linux news daily mailing list
then save $home/Mail/IN.Linux-News

  else save $home/Mail/IN.BOX


I use mutt as my mail reader, so your mail directory my be different.

Hope that helps,


Help with installing unstable packages?

2000-07-12 Thread Romulo Velasquez
I have found some debian packages on debian's ftp site
that I would like to install.  I tried to install it
and it had some dependency problems.  I did not have
the other debian packages to satisfy the dependencies
so the package didn't install correctly.  The package
that I wanted to install was an unstable package and
so were the packages that it depended upon.  Is there
a way for me to add all unstable packages (without
removing all the stable packages) to the list
presented when I run run dselect?



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Re: Toshiba Satellite T1910CS notebook - preferred version?

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Tony Laszlo wrote:

 I am trying to install Debian on a Toshiba 
 Satellite T1910CS, 486, 110M HD, 8MB ram . 
 I won't be running X and will just need to 
 use: vim, pine (+fetchmail/sendmail), 
 lynx, ftp, telnet and pcmcia and parallel 
 port modules. 
 Have gone through the installation steps from 
 floppy to the point where the system boots 
 from the hard disk. Next, I need to get an 
 Corega EtherII PCC-T ethernet card working 

I've heard that pcmcia stuff is hard to get going under these


 in order to point dselect to the Packages.gz 
 on the debian ftp or www site. 
 My questions: 
 * In accordance with advice from someone who 
 had installed Linux on one of these beasts, 
 I chose Debian 2.0 distribution (/dists/Debian-2.0/). 
 Is this the preferred version for this machine and 
 these needs? 
 * while uname -a shows that the kernel running 
 is 2.0.36, somehow modules are 2.0.34 . I tried 
 to insmod pcmcia.o , etc. and got an error message 
 that the modules don't machine the kernel. 
 How could this happen and what's the best way to 
 reinstall so it doesn't happen or fix the problem 
 without reinstalling? 
 * To see what would happen, I downloaded the 
 pcmcia-modules deb file (2.0.36) from the Debian-2.0 
 site (copying it over to the Toshiba via floppies). 
 This I was able to install with dpkg -i ; so, while 
 the modules are 2.0.34, there are two sets of pcmcia 
 modules, 2.0.34 and 2.0.36 . 
 The Ethernet card requires pcnet_cs.0 so I entered 
 the necessary lines in /etc/pcmcia/config and started 
 pcmcia with /etc/init.d/pcmcia start (I have this 
 card working on a Linux box that runs with Turbolinux 
 [quite similar to Redhat]). On the Toshiba w/ Debian 
 it's not perfect yet, but the card is being recognized, 
 at least partially. 
 Anything else I need to do? Does the network need to 
 be configured before the card will be recognized 
 * Finally, I downloaded the kernel source from 
 /Debian-2.0/ and tried dpkg -i. It seems that I 
 need to install binutils first, or at the same time. 
 Anything else needed before I can recompile the 
 kernel? bin86, maybe? kernel headers of some kind? 
 Tony Laszlo
 Jiyugaoka, Tokyo
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Re: apt files to CD?

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Pat Mahoney wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 09:41:00AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Users,
  Is there a way to download all the apt files, burn them to CD and install
  off of that?
  I have a fast connection at work to d/l the files, but only a modem at home
  on my debian machine.
Download the ISO image and burn that to CD.


  This would make it a lot easier and faster if I could apt install off a CD.
  Any help is much appriciated!
  Thanks kindly,
 Have a look at apt-move.
 Savor the sun; when the clouds come, make animals.
 -- Nicholas Hexum
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DVD-ROM suggestions

2000-07-12 Thread Dan Hutchinson
I was hoping to get a DVD-ROM for Debian Potato.  Does anyone on this
list have a good suggest of which DVD and decoder card I should get?
 Does DVD work with Linux yet?  I want it primary for DVD movies and
as a CDROM/CD-R reader.


To get your own FREE ZDNet Onebox - FREE voicemail, email, and fax,
all in one place - sign up today at http://www.zdnetonebox.com

Re: Stopping Portmap

2000-07-12 Thread mcclosk

| 1. run /etc/init.d/portmapper stop
| 2. put exit 0 (without quotes) as the first uncommented line in
| /etc/init.d/portmapper
| 3. If apt/dselect/dpkg every ask you to update that script, keep
| the one you modified (the new one will be
| /etc/init.d/portmapper.dpkg-dist)  

This will work for potato (but is there any reason not to use
update-rc.d?). In slink, though, there is no separate script to start
portmapper, so you have to comment out the relevant lines in
/etc/init.d/netbase. This has worked fine for me.


Re: smbmount

2000-07-12 Thread Keith G. Murphy
 thanx for the replies, it is all working now...
 it is weird how a redhat Samba rpm package would have smbmount/smbclient
 included whereas a Debian Samba package doesn't.
Not everyone who uses samba needs both of those.  For instance, I use
samba, and smbmount, but almost never have occasion to use smbclient.


A network with a bunch of Win clients using samba for their file server
(samba only)
A network with mixed Linux and Win clients using samba for their file
server (smbclient  samba)
A network where samba is only used to back up Win clients (smbfs and

I'd be upset if Debian forced me to install all of them when I didn't
need them all.

Re: smbmount

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

  thanx for the replies, it is all working now...
  it is weird how a redhat Samba rpm package would have smbmount/smbclient
  included whereas a Debian Samba package doesn't.
 Not everyone who uses samba needs both of those.  For instance, I use
 samba, and smbmount, but almost never have occasion to use smbclient.
 A network with a bunch of Win clients using samba for their file server
 (samba only)
 A network with mixed Linux and Win clients using samba for their file
 server (smbclient  samba)
 A network where samba is only used to back up Win clients (smbfs and
 I'd be upset if Debian forced me to install all of them when I didn't
 need them all.
h yes reminds me of the `finger' package. A small package all on its
own. That is what makes Debian so good...the fact that it gives the user a
lot of scope when installing their system.

smbclient is good for testing out stuff quickly while on the Linux

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Re: How to print? (Xerox DocuPrint C15)

2000-07-12 Thread Bjoern Brill
On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Horacio MG wrote:

  Personally, I prefer magicfilter, but the important question is not
  taste but whether one of the packages contains a filter that will
  translate into a language your Xerox DocuPrint knows. Have a look at
 I just tried apsfilter, went through the apsfilterconfig script and when
 I try to test print I got an error.  You can see the error in the
 apsfilter.log attached file (where it says tubería rota it translates
 to broken pipe).
 Anyway, I purged apsfilter and tried magicfilter.  Ran magicfilterconfig
 Printer name  Short name Spool dirDevice Input filter
 XeroX DocuPri xerox  /var/spool/lpd/xerox /dev/lp0   ljet4l   *
 I created the xerox/ directory for spooling (shouldn't I change the
 group owner to lp instead of root?);

Perhaps, but I think it should work as it is.

 From the list of filters it gave me, I chose the default one (ljet4l).
 I know this is not a laserjet, but I don't know which one to try, as
 there was none close to cdj550, which is the one I found supports these
 xerox models:
  Xerox Document Homecentre
  Xerox DocuPrint C5  C6
  Xerox Workcentre 450cp
  Xerox xj6c

it is called dj550c in magicfilter. ljet4l probably won't work.

 The resulting /etc/printcap looks like:
 lp|xerox|XeroX DocuPrint C15:\
 This is not woking the same now:
 $ lpq
 lpq: lp0: unknown printer
 $ lpc status
 queuing is enabled
 printing is enabled
 no entries
 no daemon present
 which should mean that the lpd daemon is not active?
 $ ps aux
 root  2548  0.0  0.4  1444   596  ?  S12:21   0:00 /usr/sbin/lpd

from the unknown printer error above I suspect you have set the
PRINTER environment variable to lp0 ?. With your printcap entry, this is
wrong. One of

export PRINTER=lp
export PRINTER=xerox
export PRINTER=XeroX DocuPrint C15

or, since lp is the default anyway,


would work. Noone except lpd ever wants to know to which interface
(say: kernel device) your printer is attached, and lpd can read it off
from printcap. Everyone else just needs to know the name (or one of the
names) of the correct printcap entry and this name is what lpr's -P option

This may have been the problem with apsfilter, too, but the error message
isn't very informative. broken pipe usually means that one of the
(many) programs in the chain in which the printer data is passed on has
died unexpectedly.

  Does that mean your Xerox is HP DeskJet compatible? If so, both
  magicfilter and apsfilter will work.
 I don't know.  I just called to the customer service and asked them what
 driver they use.  They couldn't tell me and they'll have a tech to call
 me back.

If the dj550c/cdj550 driver works then it is compatible to a DeskJet 550

As to your question about ghostscript: yes, the Aladdin version should be
newer. Aladdin releases older versions under the GPL after some time,
these become GNU ghostscript.

On the other hand, GNU ghostscript is free software, and (therefore :) the
GNU release may contain bugfixes and additions committed by third
parties and not found in Aladdin releases.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Re: potato netscape - doesnt install?

2000-07-12 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 01:11:13AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BUT i cant get netscape to install.  in the past i downloaded the netscape
 tar.gz file to /tmp and did an apt-get install netscape4 which then
 scanned /tmp and tried to find a valid archive to install from, this
 doesn't happen for some reason, it doesnt even seem to try(doesnt give any
 errors) i have tried about 6 different netscape packages and none provide
 a working copuy of netscape. so i had to do it the old fashioned way via
 the ns-install script inside the netscape archive.  is there a way around
 this or is this a known bug ? i did download the latest netscape packages
 from the ftp site with the same results. i have 4 other machines in the
 same room(all identical hardware) using the netscape4 package just
 fine(but again they were all dist upgraded from slink BUT i did not
 install netscape until potato was completly installed)
 im really at a loss as to why it doesnt want to install.
 any ideas?

Install either the communicator or navigator meta-package (with apt-get
or dselect) which will install the various other packages you need.  I
installed 4.73 this way last week and it worked fine.

The binary does not include 128-bit encryption, however, but if you
have a copy of that from your download, you can copy it over the
installed version.


Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

ThinkPad 600, kernel 2.2.17pre6, and hibernation

2000-07-12 Thread Thomas Hood
This is just to inform ThinkPad 600 users that I
have tested the latest kernel, 2.2.17pre6, and can
report that SFAICT the hibernation problem has been

With kernel 2.2.15, when one would request hibernation
the machine would hang up for a few seconds, beep, and
then hibernate.  But the problem was more serious than
there being a delay: at the time of the beep the APM
software was also falsely carrying out a resume
sequence, with the result that the machine was not
properly prepared for hibernation.  The ThinkPad 600
needs to be prepared for sedation by stopping all
programs generating sounds, so that on resume they
will not attempt to make sounds before the ALSA
cs4236 driver has had a chance to restore the sound
chip register contents which are lost during a
sedation.  (Since release 0.5.8 the ALSA cs4236 driver
restores sound chip registers on resume.  The current
Debian alsa-base package includes the script
/etc/apm/event.d/alsa which  STOPs and CONTs sound
processes before and after sedate and resume.  I like

The release notes for Alan Cox's Linux 2.2.16pre5
describe changes to the APM driver designed to handle
an IBM ThinkPad BIOS bug.  The bug is that Thinkpads
keep sending SUSPEND events until something else happens.
A quick look at the patch reveals that the 
APM_IGNORE_MULTIPLE_SUSPEND configuration option has been
removed and the driver will now reject multiple suspends
all the time.  This, we may presume, is what has fixed
the problem described above.

Thomas Hood

Potato install won't let me set root password.

2000-07-12 Thread Stephen Starling
Had to use potato because I have an Athlon (tried
slink, it hangs, did research here and found that the
kernal was too old). So Potato installs fine up to and
including The Moment of Truth

Then it asks to set MD5? then Shadow? then root

That's where I set it, it asks to confirm by retyping.
 then it sends me back to set root password again.

I've tried all kinds of passwords, long, short, Caps
and lower and punctuation.  I've tried this without
MD5 and without Shadow.

Can anyone help me out?

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Sorry for the incovience

2000-07-12 Thread Walter_L._Williams
I have changed E-mail addresses so I can better manage
my E-mail. I was having difficulty sorting out the 
important job related stuff. So I unscribed and 
re-subscribed under a new address. I realized I did it
wrong the first time.

Again, sorry for the inconvience.


in Beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado

dselect and Packages.gz

2000-07-12 Thread Tony Laszlo
I have installed Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) from 
floppies and have booted from the hard disk 
after installing all the base.tgz. Do I need 
to install the rest of the packages from the 
old 2.0 archives, or from the current files? 
I searched for 2.0 files and found the following. 


Dselect, however, says it cannot find Packages.gz 
when I instruct it to access the site and directories 
below (or anything other than the current version's 
What can I do? 


Tony Laszlo

Re: dselect and Packages.gz

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Tony Laszlo wrote:

 I have installed Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) from 
 floppies and have booted from the hard disk 
 after installing all the base.tgz. Do I need 
 to install the rest of the packages from the 
 old 2.0 archives, or from the current files? 
 I searched for 2.0 files and found the following. 
hmm why debian 2.0? Why not debian 2.2? 
2.0 goes ok..but there is SO much more stuff in 2.2! 

 Dselect, however, says it cannot find Packages.gz 
 when I instruct it to access the site and directories 
 below (or anything other than the current version's 
 What can I do? 
 Tony Laszlo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

problem with installation of kernel modules

2000-07-12 Thread Christian Mathes
Hi all,

I currently install Debian 2.1 from an ATAPI (IDE) CD-ROM drive.
I have problems to execute the step install kernel modules. The setup
software refuses to mount my CD-ROM drive. I get a list with entries from
/dev/hda/ to /dev/hdh/. I tried all alternatives but in all cases I
recieved the error message: could not mount CD-ROM drive.

What is wrong here? As I successfully booted the Linux kernel from Cd-ROM
at the beginning of the install procedure it is a big surprise for me that
suddenly Linux refuses to mount my CD-ROM drive. 

How can I fix this problem?

With kind regards


Re: Forcing X to use 100dpi fonts?

2000-07-12 Thread David Z Maze
Nate anyone know how to force X to use 100dpi ?

Try adding '-dpi 100' to your X command line, either by modifying your 
display manager's configuration file or by tacking it on to the end of 
a startx line (startx :0 -- -dpi 100).  Also, make sure 100dpi fonts
are listed before 75dpi fonts in your XF86Config/xfs configuration.

Keep in mind that scalable (e.g. Type 1) fonts can be scaled to any
size at any resolution, so if the X server (or font server) believes
that you should be using 75dpi fonts, it'll synthesize scalable fonts
at 75dpi sizes.  This can cause some of the mixed-point-size lossage.

(It also seems to me that, in the specific case of 12 pt. Helvetica,
an exception line in the gsfonts package forces 75dpi fonts.  It'd
help if someone else could confirm this, though.  The easiest
workaround is to comment out the broken line in
/etc/X11/fonts/gsfonts.alias, IIRC.  Not in front of a Debian box
right now... :-/)

David Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to
 use in mutt?


# Version: let's call it 0.9.9, date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 21:03:36 +0200
# Version: 0.9.9a, date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 17:54:44 +0200
# Written by Eduard Bloch, Licence: GPL Installation is simple: copy
# this somewhere, in your home directory for example, make it executable
# (chmod +x) and start it. You may want it be started at boot time, just
# put a command like this in a init-script:
# su -c '/usr/bin/sigrot' user

# WARNING: First created the .signature fifo, don't forget to run
# sigrotate before using the client program. Otherwise you will wonder
# what the program is waiting for.

# file where the signatures are stored in
# The format is simple: many signatures separated by lines containing -- 
# or --Return

# file to be used by news/mail agents as the signature source. If
# exists, the file will be renamed and a fifo will be created in its place

# specify a file for personal stuff like /me is Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

# specify a file for personal stuff like /me is Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$parm = $ARGV[0];
if($parm =~/^-help/)
#print Usage: sigrotate [-ps|-sp leftwidth separator rightwidth]\n; 
exit 0;

if(-f $signatur)
{rename($signatur,$signatur..sr.(time)) || die Old signature found and 
couldn't be renamed\n }

if(!-p $signatur){system mkfifo $signatur || die couldn't create fifo file};

sub spalten {
($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\n|\r/ /gi;
return $text;
# Wenn nicht gelockt, dann locken
print STDERR Starting sigrotate using $signaturedb, forking to 
background. if($ARGV[0] ne -q);
print STDERR Signature Rotator is already running...(exiting)\n 
if($ARGV[0] ne -q);
exit 1;

$i = 0;
#   chdir($ENV{HOME}./testing);
#   fifo geöffnet, warten bis ein Programm liest
$sigs[$i].=$_ if(!/^--(\n| )/);
$i++ if(/^--(\n| )/); 

# uncomment the following line to add --  if the client program 
doesn't do
# this automaticaly - not needed by the the most user agents
# print fifo -- \n;

# now, use this construction below to import the personal stuff from a
# file (~/.psig)
while(person){print fifo $_};


#   if($parm =~/^-/)
#   {
#   print fifo test.spalten($sigraw);
#   # in entw.: Spalten mit Trennzeichen, Breite fest über Parameter
#   # oder variabel (so breit das der text die gleiche Länge hat)
#   }
#   else
#   {
print fifo $sigraw;
#   };

  close fifo;
sleep 1;
print ..done.\n  if($ARGV[0] ne -q);

Re: Installation of .tgz files

2000-07-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Suresh Kumar. R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When we install some package using .tgz files, the debian
 package mechanism is not aware that the particular package is
 installed. For ex. I installed postfix*.tgz but apt is unaware
 of it. Therefore, when I use apt-get for installilng something
 else, it would say, MTA not installed and it would try to
 install one.
 Is there any way to fix it so that I can still enjoy apt-get

There is a package called equivs that does what you

apt-get install equivs  man equivs-build

Pb installing Mozilla

2000-07-12 Thread Benoit NOSS
I have a debian 2.1 (stable version)
In the stable tree of the debian ftp server, I haven't found mozilla, so
I decided to download it from unstable tree.
I had to update lots of libraries to make it work, and I'm not sure I
did all well because ./mozilla-installer send me an error about
libstd++-libc6.so not available or something like that (I downloaded the
right libstdc++*.deb package) .
Is there a simplier way to get it work? (it's hard for me cause I'm new
to Linux)

Benoit NOSS - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (Bureau 226)
IAURIF, Service MSI, 15 rue Falguiere, 75740 PARIS Cedex 15 FRANCE
Tel : (+33) 1 53 85 78 04  Fax : (+33) 1 53 85 76 36

Re: problem with installation of kernel modules

2000-07-12 Thread Ricardo Gabriel Herdt
   Hi Christian,

try to open another shell by pressing ALT + F2 and mount the cdrom by
yourself.   Just an idea.

  Ricardo Gabriel Herdt

Em qua, 12 jul 2000, Christian Mathes escreveu:
 Hi all,
 I currently install Debian 2.1 from an ATAPI (IDE) CD-ROM drive.
 I have problems to execute the step install kernel modules. The setup
 software refuses to mount my CD-ROM drive. I get a list with entries from
 /dev/hda/ to /dev/hdh/. I tried all alternatives but in all cases I
 recieved the error message: could not mount CD-ROM drive.

Re: ProFTPd and NIS problems in Woody

2000-07-12 Thread Ernest Johanson
Not sure about woody since I'm not running it, but one thing to check is
whether the proftpd.conf fine contains the PersistentPassword
directive. It needs to be set to off to recognize NIS accounts.

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

 Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 10:37:55 +
 From: Pedro I. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: ProFTPd and NIS problems in Woody
 ProFTPd doesn't recognize NIS accounts and says (Login failed): Can't
 find user in the log file. It works fine with local (non NIS) accounts.
 This has been reported as bug #62197 which is over 90 days old already.
 Does anyone know of a workaround (other than scraping ProFTpd which is
 what I am about to do)?
 Thank you,

Re: problem with installation of kernel modules

2000-07-12 Thread Ricardo Gabriel Herdt
   mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom

  but I'm not a indicated person to say how to make this things for you, I'm
a bit new in Linux.  

Ricardo Gabriel Herdt

Em qua, 12 jul 2000, you wrote:
 At 13:12 12.07.00 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Christian,
 Hi too,
 try to open another shell by pressing ALT + F2 and mount the cdrom by
 yourself.   Just an idea.
 Thank you for this idea. Can you please tell me the mount command?
 However, as I already tried all alternatives, ranging from cda to cdh, I am
 afraid that your idea won't work. But I want to give it a try.
 With kind regards

Re: Tekram DC310U? Re: Advansys 3940UA Ultra-SCSI controller recommended?

2000-07-12 Thread Dean Allen Provins

 Hi again,
 I can get a Tekram DC310U PCI Ultra-SCSI controller (based on the
 Symbios Logic SYM53C860 SCSI-3 Chip) for the same price as
 the Advansys 3940UA.  It uses the sym53c8xx.o driver.
 Should I go for that instead?
 Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
 P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546

I've used two Tekram cards and find them quite reliable.  I cannot
comment on your alternative, but they are certainly much cheaper than
the Adaptec which was the only alternative for me.

Dean Provins

Re: problem with installation of kernel modules

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Ricardo Gabriel Herdt wrote:

mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom

Why not..open your computer up...find out what it is on (i.e. master,
slave, prim/secon) and then you know WHAT the device is :)


   but I'm not a indicated person to say how to make this things for you, I'm
 a bit new in Linux.  
 Ricardo Gabriel Herdt
 Em qua, 12 jul 2000, you wrote:
  At 13:12 12.07.00 -0300, you wrote:
 Hi Christian,
  Hi too,
  try to open another shell by pressing ALT + F2 and mount the cdrom by
  yourself.   Just an idea.
  Thank you for this idea. Can you please tell me the mount command?
  However, as I already tried all alternatives, ranging from cda to cdh, I am
  afraid that your idea won't work. But I want to give it a try.
  With kind regards
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: FTP, MASQ, certian hosts timeout

2000-07-12 Thread Chris Wood

In researching this it looks like the servers that lag 5 minutes were
failing to do a reverse lookup for the ftp connection because of a bad DNS
setting with ATT (they had a typo).  This turned out to be the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 11:16 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: FTP, MASQ, certian hosts timeout

For some reason, with some ftp hosts my FTPs will timeout when I try to go
to them, every single time.  Other hosts work perfectly fast every single

I've got two particular hosts that I work with all the time.  A Sun OS box
with one ISP that works perfect.  The second is a Linux box with a
different ISP that is slow.

Traceroutes to both ISPs actually show a closer and faster connection to
the linux box.

My gateway is a Debian 2.2 masq'd firewall (kernel 2.2.14).

From my PC behind the masq, my pc will timeout going to the ISP with the
linux box. If I go to the linux box from a unix machine behind the masq,
it will say it connected to the ISP but it will wait about 5 minutes
before it prompts for a username.  Once I'm connected, transfers are as
fast as they should be.

When I access both of these ISPs from home (DSL) I can connect immediately
without any hesitation from either of them.

I can ssh to both ISPs without this 5 min delay.  It is specific to FTP.
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?


Chris Wood Kitco, Inc.
801-489-2097   Wencor West, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Durham Aircraft Services

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: newusers command

2000-07-12 Thread Suresh Kumar. R

Does adduser support reading data from a file? For large number
of users like in our case (around 500) interactive entry for each
user is not a desirable option.


On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 11:40:32AM -0600, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Suresh Kumar. R [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I used newusers command to create large numbers of users. I find that
  1. it doesnot copy files from /etc/skel to the home directory. 
  Should it be enabled in some way ?
  2. Also, it creates users with ids greater that what is 
  existing already. (As I understand from the source code)
  By default in debian, thereis the nobody account with 65534 
  as userid and all accounts created with newusers were not working 
  with reference to file permisions. (Precisely speaking, the new 
  home directories created were not having the userid ownership.)
  I had to change the nobody user id to some value like 200 to make
  the newusers command work. Is there any other alternative?
  3. Is it possible to use newusers command to execute some defaults
  script after creating users (For ex. to run smbpasswd) ?
 I'm not sure what the difference is but you might try the adduser
 command instead (man adduser). I've never used newusers so I can't say
 how it compares, but certainly adduser does almost everything you
 mentioned above. I don't know if it can handle #3, but you could
 certainly easily write your own script to call adduser and then
 execute smbpasswd I would think.

Suresh Kumar.R,   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics  Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016, INDIA
Phone: (O) 91 471 414634/418379, (R) 91 471 443496

Re: problem with installation of kernel modules

2000-07-12 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Debian User wrote:

 On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Ricardo Gabriel Herdt wrote:
 mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom
 Why not..open your computer up...find out what it is on (i.e. master,
 slave, prim/secon) and then you know WHAT the device is :)

Yuck.  Easier to try all four devices:

# mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom
# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
# mount /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom
# mount /dev/hda /mnt/cdrom

Also, see output of

# dmesg

to check for a CDROM detection line that would tell you, e.g.

hdc: COMPAQ PD-1 LF-1195C, ATAPI CDROM drive

This tells me it's on /dev/hdc


standard large memory question

2000-07-12 Thread Richard E. Hawkins

Ack.  I've seen the answer to this dozens of times, but can't find it
in the archives.

I *thought* that large memory was now automatically detected, but my 
system on a nice fresh frozen is still only finding 64M (out of 160M)

So I've used


at lilo, but the kernel panics trying to create caches.  Even mem=65 
does this.

Am I missing something obvious?


Re: standard large memory question

2000-07-12 Thread Debian User

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Richard E. Hawkins wrote:

 Ack.  I've seen the answer to this dozens of times, but can't find it
 in the archives.
 I *thought* that large memory was now automatically detected, but my 
 system on a nice fresh frozen is still only finding 64M (out of 160M)
 So I've used
 at lilo, but the kernel panics trying to create caches.  Even mem=65 
 does this.
 Am I missing something obvious?
Yes. The units i.e. mem=160M

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

pacbell DSL

2000-07-12 Thread M.J. Inabnit


Has ANYONE in California (united States Of America) Been able to
order and use Pacific Bells Basic DSL service? According to the Web
site (http://www.pacbell.com) the only OS's supported are new Macintosh and 
Windoz. I plan to order ASAP Cuz I am without an ISP

and figure the time is right to move to larger bandwidth.

Please advise.
Send reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] cuz I am not subscribed with
this address.

Thanks so much

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

error messages from dpkg

2000-07-12 Thread Michael Soulier
Hey guys. Is there a place where error messages from pre and post install 
scripts used by dpkg are stored? I have a postinstall script failing for
dhcpcd, and it doesn't actually tell me why. 


Michael P. Soulier, 1Z22, SKY  Tel: 613-765-4699 (ESN: 39-54699)
Optical Networks, Nortel Networks, SDE Pegasus
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
Nortel Linux User's Group Ottawa: (internal) http://nlug.ca.nortel.com:8080

Re: standard large memory question

2000-07-12 Thread Jeff Green
It did automatically detect until the last couple of kernels (progress?)
what you want is append=mem=160M somewhere in lilo.conf

Richard E. Hawkins wrote:
 Ack.  I've seen the answer to this dozens of times, but can't find it
 in the archives.
 I *thought* that large memory was now automatically detected, but my
 system on a nice fresh frozen is still only finding 64M (out of 160M)
 So I've used
 at lilo, but the kernel panics trying to create caches.  Even mem=65
 does this.
 Am I missing something obvious?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: standard large memory question

2000-07-12 Thread Richard E. Hawkins

  So I've used


  Am I missing something obvious?

 Yes. The units i.e. mem=160M

ahh.  That did it.  

gee, if it won't run in 160 bytes of ram, the port to the 8051 is 
doomed :)


from Gopakumar Regarding Executable-java

2000-07-12 Thread gopa kumar

  I am Gopakumar from India-Chennai ...
  I am working in java field ,i have task to
convert the java program into executable(exe
--file)File.Please Let me know the details about that

  This exe--file should be platform
independent--O/s independent..

   Please send the details as early as possible

   thanking you

with regards 


Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: error messages from dpkg

2000-07-12 Thread Michael Soulier
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 11:22:59AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Go to /var/lib/dpkg/info and run the script by hand
 (it should be called something like dhcpcd.postinst).
 If it's a sh script (starts with #!/bin/sh) you can put a
   set -x
 on the line after the #!/bin/sh and then run the script.
 This will print every command as it is executed.

Cool, I'll try that. Thanks. 


IMAP-aware anymail/frm ?

2000-07-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Is there a command-line tool in the style of anymail or frm or from
which understands IMAP and prints out a very short list of the 
new messages in my INBOX or else something like You have no new mail?
Oh yeah, it should be faster than running the anymail command remotely
over ssh..

Re: standard large memory question

2000-07-12 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 07:02:25PM +0100, Jeff Green wrote:
 It did automatically detect until the last couple of kernels (progress?)
 what you want is append=mem=160M somewhere in lilo.conf

Actually, the BIOS makers started changing the API again.  Reverting to
an older BIOS will make it work again.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

automated data distribution

2000-07-12 Thread Ashley Clark
I'm trying to find some software that will work with Linux to
facilitate automatic data distribution across a Win9x/NT network. Does
anything like this exist for Linux? Preferably Free (speech, not beer)
but I'll take any suggestions. It's for distributing a custom warranty
application at a networked office I help out at.

I'd really like something clean, am I just going to have do something
with logon scripts under Samba? or is there another way?

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL$ P L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public keyhttp://ghoti.org/

Description: PGP signature

XFree86 server for ATI Rage 128 Pro

2000-07-12 Thread Carlo U. Segre

Hello All:

Has anyone found a working driver for an ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP card?
I have tried the SVGA and it does not recognize the card, but tries to
operate it and I get a blank display which can be terminated with
Ctl-Alt-Backspace.  A dump of the xserver's output is below as is the
/proc/pci dump for this device.  I am using version 3.3.6 of XFree86.

Any help would be appreciated.


- xserver_SVGA output -

XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: January 8 2000
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.14 i586 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 1):
-- snip --
(--) SVGA: PCI: ATI Rage 128 PF rev 0, Memory @ 0xe000, MMIO @ 0xefefc000, 
I/O @ 0xac00
Using XFree86 ATI driver version 4.7.
Unknown graphics controller detected.
Unknown chip descriptor in BIOS:  0x3F3F.
Unknown video adapter detected.
Brooktree 476 or similar RAMDAC detected.
Support for this video adapter is highly experimental!

- /proc/pci dump -

  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: ATI Unknown device (rev 0).
  Vendor id=1002. Device id=5046.
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  
Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe008].
  I/O at 0xac00 [0xac01].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xefefc000 [0xefefc000].

Carlo U. Segre -- Associate Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498Fax: 312.567.3494
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.iit.edu/~segre

Re: XFree86 server for ATI Rage 128 Pro

2000-07-12 Thread thomas huber
on suse6.3 you found a special file for this
or take it from server


On Mit, 12 Jul 2000, Carlo U. Segre wrote:
 Hello All:
 Has anyone found a working driver for an ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP card?
 I have tried the SVGA and it does not recognize the card, but tries to
 operate it and I get a blank display which can be terminated with
 Ctl-Alt-Backspace.  A dump of the xserver's output is below as is the
 /proc/pci dump for this device.  I am using version 3.3.6 of XFree86.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 - xserver_SVGA output -
 XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: January 8 2000
   If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
   than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
   problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Operating System: Linux 2.2.14 i586 [ELF] 
 Configured drivers:
   SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 1):
 --- snip --
 ((--) SVGA: PCI: ATI Rage 128 PF rev 0, Memory @ 0xe000, MMIO @ 
 0xefefc000, I/O @ 0xac00
 Using XFree86 ATI driver version 4.7.
 Unknown graphics controller detected.
 Unknown chip descriptor in BIOS:  0x3F3F.
 Unknown video adapter detected.
 Brooktree 476 or similar RAMDAC detected.
 Support for this video adapter is highly experimental!
 - /proc/pci dump -
   Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: ATI Unknown device (rev 0).
   Vendor id=1002. Device id=5046.
   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  
 Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe008].
   I/O at 0xac00 [0xac01].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xefefc000 [0xefefc000].
 Carlo U. Segre -- Associate Professor of Physics
 Illinois Institute of Technology
 Voice: 312.567.3498Fax: 312.567.3494
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.iit.edu/~segre
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

  Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to
  use in mutt?

[Useful answers / code from various ppl]

Thanks a lot to all who answered. I am now using sigrot in combination 
with an alias which calles sigrot prior to mutt.

I assume mutt isn't able to handle multiple signatures or is there a way 
to rot' the sigs for every mail I compose? :)

Again thanks, nice list this is.

Enjoy your job, make lots of money, work within the law. Choose any two.

Re: potato netscape - doesnt install?

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
there are several packages with navigator in them can u be more
specific? can u do something like

dpkg -l | grep netscape

and paste the output..


On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Nate Bargmann wrote:

n0nb Netscape is now included in the dslect archive so you don't have to do
n0nb the .tar.gz download and then all the additional trouble.  Start
n0nb dselect and use the / key from the listing display and do a search for
n0nb navigator.  You'll find it and when you select it you'll get the
n0nb normal dependency checking and all.
n0nb - Nate 
n0nb -- 
n0nb  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | None can love freedom
n0nb  Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
n0nb  Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
n0nbWichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license.
n0nb  http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/   | -- John Milton

1:48pm up 33 days, 22 min, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.09, 0.03

Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Christopher Splinter
* Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to
   use in mutt?
 I assume mutt isn't able to handle multiple signatures or is
 there a way to rot' the sigs for every mail I compose? :)


The perlscript I posted does nothing but that.

Re: Forcing X to use 100dpi fonts?

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
great, i'll try that out, thanks!!


On 12 Jul 2000, David Z Maze wrote:

dmaze Try adding '-dpi 100' to your X command line, either by modifying your 
dmaze display manager's configuration file or by tacking it on to the end of 
dmaze a startx line (startx :0 -- -dpi 100).  Also, make sure 100dpi fonts
dmaze are listed before 75dpi fonts in your XF86Config/xfs configuration.
dmaze Keep in mind that scalable (e.g. Type 1) fonts can be scaled to any
dmaze size at any resolution, so if the X server (or font server) believes
dmaze that you should be using 75dpi fonts, it'll synthesize scalable fonts
dmaze at 75dpi sizes.  This can cause some of the mixed-point-size lossage.
dmaze (It also seems to me that, in the specific case of 12 pt. Helvetica,
dmaze an exception line in the gsfonts package forces 75dpi fonts.  It'd
dmaze help if someone else could confirm this, though.  The easiest
dmaze workaround is to comment out the broken line in
dmaze /etc/X11/fonts/gsfonts.alias, IIRC.  Not in front of a Debian box
dmaze right now... :-/)
dmaze -- 
dmaze David Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
dmaze Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
dmaze  -- Abra Mitchell
dmaze -- 
dmaze Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

1:48pm up 33 days, 22 min, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.09, 0.03

Re: pacbell DSL

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yup i setup a vpn between 2 linux boxes last year over pacbell
DSL(384k) in stockton CA.

works fine.


On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, M.J. Inabnit wrote:

ke6sls HELP!
ke6sls Has ANYONE in California (united States Of America) Been able to
ke6sls order and use Pacific Bells Basic DSL service? According to the Web
ke6sls site (http://www.pacbell.com) the only OS's supported are new Macintosh 
ke6sls Windoz. I plan to order ASAP Cuz I am without an ISP
ke6sls and figure the time is right to move to larger bandwidth.
ke6sls Please advise.
ke6sls Send reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] cuz I am not subscribed with
ke6sls this address.
ke6sls Thanks so much
ke6sls Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
ke6sls -- 
ke6sls Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

1:48pm up 33 days, 22 min, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.09, 0.03

Re: random signature

2000-07-12 Thread Sven Burgener
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 10:48:22PM +0200, Christopher Splinter wrote:
 * Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way to put some sort of random signature system to
use in mutt?
  I assume mutt isn't able to handle multiple signatures or is
  there a way to rot' the sigs for every mail I compose? :)
 The perlscript I posted does nothing but that.

I have not looked at your perl script due to the fact that I got
to a quick solution with logrot and the alias. I'll do that then.

Forgive me. :)

All generalizations are false.

potato - afterstep themes

2000-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Since there is no themes submenu in afterstep w/potato how would 1 go
about installina theme? everywhere i look seems it depends on this theme
menu to change themes ..


2:04pm up 33 days, 38 min, 3 users, load average: 0.05, 0.08, 0.02

Re: newusers command

2000-07-12 Thread Gary Hennigan
Suresh Kumar. R [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Does adduser support reading data from a file? For large number
 of users like in our case (around 500) interactive entry for each
 user is not a desirable option.

I don't believe adduser will read from a file, not directly anyway,
but it is a perl script, as someone pointed out, so you could copy it
and modify a version to do as you please, or you could write a shell
script to read in the users from that file and call adduser from the
shell script with the appropriate arguments.


Re: XFree86 server for ATI Rage 128 Pro

2000-07-12 Thread Carlo U. Segre

Thanks but the card is a Rage Fury Pro, not a Rage Fury.  There is a
different chipset and the usual Rage128 drivers which are in the SVGA
server of 3.3.6 do not seem to work with this set.


On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, thomas huber wrote:

on suse6.3 you found a special file for this
or take it from server


On Mit, 12 Jul 2000, Carlo U. Segre wrote:
 Hello All:
 Has anyone found a working driver for an ATI Rage 128 Pro AGP card?
 I have tried the SVGA and it does not recognize the card, but tries to
 operate it and I get a blank display which can be terminated with
 Ctl-Alt-Backspace.  A dump of the xserver's output is below as is the
 /proc/pci dump for this device.  I am using version 3.3.6 of XFree86.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 - xserver_SVGA output -
 XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: January 8 2000
  If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
  than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
  problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Operating System: Linux 2.2.14 i586 [ELF] 
 Configured drivers:
   SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 1):
 --- snip --
 ((--) SVGA: PCI: ATI Rage 128 PF rev 0, Memory @ 0xe000, MMIO @ 
 0xefefc000, I/O @ 0xac00
 Using XFree86 ATI driver version 4.7.
 Unknown graphics controller detected.
 Unknown chip descriptor in BIOS:  0x3F3F.
 Unknown video adapter detected.
 Brooktree 476 or similar RAMDAC detected.
 Support for this video adapter is highly experimental!
 - /proc/pci dump -
   Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: ATI Unknown device (rev 0).
   Vendor id=1002. Device id=5046.
   Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  
 Latency=64.  Min Gnt=8.
   Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe008].
   I/O at 0xac00 [0xac01].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xefefc000 [0xefefc000].
 Carlo U. Segre -- Associate Professor of Physics
 Illinois Institute of Technology
 Voice: 312.567.3498Fax: 312.567.3494
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.iit.edu/~segre
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Carlo U. Segre -- Associate Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498Fax: 312.567.3494
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.iit.edu/~segre

Re: potato netscape - doesnt install?

2000-07-12 Thread Bob Nielsen
But there is only one which is just navigator and one which is just
communicator with nothing else in the name.  Installing one of these
with dselect or apt-get will cause all the dependencies to be
installed, so you will get all the needed files.  By themselves, they
only contain documentation.

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 01:51:25PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there are several packages with navigator in them can u be more
 specific? can u do something like
 dpkg -l | grep netscape
 and paste the output..
 On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 n0nb Netscape is now included in the dslect archive so you don't have to do
 n0nb the .tar.gz download and then all the additional trouble.  Start
 n0nb dselect and use the / key from the listing display and do a search for
 n0nb navigator.  You'll find it and when you select it you'll get the
 n0nb normal dependency checking and all.
 n0nb - Nate 
 n0nb -- 
 n0nb  Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  | None can love freedom
 n0nb  Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 n0nb  Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
 n0nbWichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license.
 n0nb  http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/   | -- John Milton
 1:48pm up 33 days, 22 min, 3 users, load average: 0.20, 0.09, 0.03
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Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

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