Re: CDs demasiado llenos

2000-08-28 Thread Carlos Sanz Peñas

Antonio Castro ha escrito:
 Bueno esta es una lista de Debian por lo cual es apropiado tratar
 este tema aquí, y ademas (a diferencia de debian-cd) es española
 por lo tanto es apropiada para mi. Además creo que tiene repercusión
 económica y por tanto es de interes general.
 Resulta que los CDs virgenes mas normalitos del mercado son para
 650Mbytes y alguna imágenes de la potato i386 superan este límite.
 BIN1-nonus  670251008 bytes.
 BIN2672960512 bytes.
 Los CDs graban desde el centro acia la parte exterior. En la parte
 cercana al borde suelen existir defectos en el grosor del material
 Para muchos CDs vírgenes en la práctica no existe un límite limpio
 pero grabar más de 650Mbytes es como jugar a la lotería que a demás
 no toca a todos por igual.
 Un saludo
 Antonio Castro
 /\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  _|0 0|_
 |  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |  . . . . . . . . . . |
 | Más de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
 | |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En informática:

1 Kbytes = 2^10 bytes =1024 bytes
1 Mbytes = 2^20 bytes = 1048576 bytes

por lo que un CD normal tiene una capacidad de 681.574.400 bytes, aunque
la mayoria de la gente, por comodidad de transformación suele pensar de
1Kbytes es 1000 bytes.

Registre su dominio .com por solo 20 USD! Ahorre 15 dolares sobre el precio normal !!

2000-08-28 Thread Dominios . com 20 USD
Registre su dominio .com, .net o .org por solo 20 USD!=20

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Con su registraci=F3n, le colocamos una p=E1gina de bienvenida a su dominio=
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No lo dude mas, registre YA !!, el nombre que desea, y tomelo antes que lo =
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Para ser removido de la lista envie a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  este
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Este es un  proceso automatico no olvide de poner remove en asunto.

Re: problemas con el afterstep y gnome

2000-08-28 Thread Marta Pla i Castells
¿No debería el gnome-session hacer un control de si hay un window manager
ya lanzado y si no lanzarlo? ¿Solo lo lanza si lo tenía en la lista de
aplicaciones lanzadas previamente? ¿Se supone que la primera vez que se
lanza gnome-session debe ser desde dentro de un gestor de ventanas ya en
ejecución para que este pase a formar parte de las aplicaciones que deben
ser rearrancadas cuando se reentre en gnome?

Lo único que te puedo decir es que sólo me funcionó cuando lo puse en el
.xsession. De todas maneras revisa el directorio .gnome que está en tu
directorio raiz y encontrarás archivos de configuración del escritorio del

De todas maneras, yo los toqué todos y sólo me funcionó realmente cuando lo
cambié en el .xsession.

Un saludo.

¿quién dijo que las matemáticas son odiosas?

Marta Pla i Castells

(Una matemática que no lo es)

RE: script para cambiar DISPLAY

2000-08-28 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
Gracias a todos.

Ignacio García Fernández

Un matemático es un ciego, en un cuarto oscuro,
buscando un gato negro que no está allí.
  C. Darwin.
Ponga un matemático en su empresa.

RE: Dos monitores en un ordenador

2000-08-28 Thread Romón Sánchez, Enver
en hispafuentes habia un articulo sobre como configurarlo, no tengo la url,
pero seguro que no es dificil encontrarlo a partir de

hasta otra, =8-}

Re: Editar RTF

2000-08-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, ago 26, 2000 at 05:36:39 +0200, Miquel wrote:
 - rtf2html: conversor shareware para varias palataformas de rtf a html. 
   no es libre y se distribuye sin codigo fuente.  

Es el mejor de todos los que he probado. Si es código abierto, se distribuye
con las fuentes pero parte de la mismas están bajo la GPL y otras no está claro
bajo que licencia están, por ello no se incluye en Debian.

Yo es el que recomiendo dado que es el que mejor resultados me ha dado con

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:


2000-08-28 Thread pfragosom
Buenas, tengo en mi ordenador en casa tres particiones, una para Win98,
otra para win2000, otra para datos en general y un espacio libre al final
del disco donde pretendo instalar Debian. El problema es que no me deja
hacer más de 4 partriciones y necesito dosa más, una para swap y otra
principal para el linux. ¿Como podria resolver esto?. Hay alguna forma de
tener más de cuatro particiones en un disco duro?

Re: Particiones

2000-08-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, ago 28, 2000 at 12:01:30 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Buenas, tengo en mi ordenador en casa tres particiones, una para Win98,
 otra para win2000, otra para datos en general y un espacio libre al final
 del disco donde pretendo instalar Debian. El problema es que no me deja
 hacer más de 4 partriciones y necesito dosa más, una para swap y otra

Sólo puedes hacer cuatro particiones primarias pero si juegas con la
unidades lógicas puedes hacer más.

Por ejemplo, la partición dedicada a datos es tonto tenerla primaria,
construye una unidad lógica.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:


2000-08-28 Thread Carlos López
Buenas a todos.

Alguien sabe desde donde puedo descargar la útlima
release que haya más actualizada ( a ser posible con
kernel 2.2.x) de la versión 2.1 slink de debian ???
A ser posible a ver si puede ser la que dio linux
actual, que creo que era la de id-agora, pero que la
tienen agotada ...

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Re: Problema.

2000-08-28 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jordi Mallach wrote:

  Pablo, por ese motivo, esa no es la solucion ni el espiritu de los
  linuxeros. Hablando se entienden las
 Su email suena a contestame la duda o cállate.

Ese sonido, solo lo escuchas tu. De mis mensajes no se infiere tal
cosa. Ni nadie mas de la lista ha dicho que lo sea.He dado mi opinion con
espiritu constructivo para limar asperezas que a nada conducen, pero veo
que para algunos listeros estoy produciendo el efecto contrario.Lo
siento. Mejor haberme callado.
Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Linux Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

Re: Problema.

2000-08-28 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, José Esteban wrote:

 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:

  Pienso que cuando se amonesta a alguien (por parte del moderador u otro
  listero) se debe de hacer en privado, y no
 Yo no creo que la primera respuesta (31) sea irrespetuosa con nadie.
 Juraría incluso que el autor puso cuidado en ello. Tampoco se puede, en

Yo no he dicho que la primera respuesta lo sea. Sólo he dado mi
opinion,avalada por la experiencia y normas de otras listas de correo en
las que se aconseja el uso del e-mail personal.

Como consecuencia de esta amonestacion publica Pablo ha respondido,de
manera desconsiderada a Jorge, y a raiz de la peticion publica de perdon
ha echo Pablo creo que ha perdido los nervios y se ha dejado llevar por
la emocion. No conozco a ningun ser humano que aunque se le amoneste
acertadamente le guste que lo sea. 

 que sobre el energúmeno de turno que se salta todas las normas con tal
 de obtener lo que busca.

Lo siento Esteban no comparto tu opinion de que sea el energumeno de
turno, tampoco creo que lo haya en esta lista.Ni veo que se haya saltado
todas las normas de la lista.

Sólo que en el subject ha puesto un tema que no es lo sufuicientemente
descriptivo para averiguar cual es el problema que tiene. Considero que
mas que una falta grave a las normas de la lista, es una falta de
comentario de textos :-)

 No estoy seguro de que estas cosas deban tratarse en privado, puesto que
 a todos nos viene bien que nos recuerden asuntos que son útiles y que a
 veces olvidamos.

Para eso estan los mensajes periodicos que el mantenedor de la lista
nos envia.

 habría importado un pito que alguien le llamara la atención privadamente
 y, aunque probablemente le importará lo mismo todo este revuelo, a los
 demás nos habrá recordado que hay que cuidar lo que amamos. Y que
 siempre hay quien prefiere arrancar la planta para llevarsela a casa en
 lugar de esperar pacientemente a que de sus frutos.

Seguro que a Pablo si le ha importado. Se ha disculpado publicamente, como
debe de ser.

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420
E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]GNU/Linux Debian Potato-2.2.15 (Frozen)

Re: Programación puerto paralelo

2000-08-28 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Mauricio E Ruiz Font y dice ¿Programación puerto paralelo? 

 Hola, me encuentro tomando la materia de circuitos digitale y estamos
 haciendo circuitos que controlomos desde una pc utilizando el puerto
 paralelo, me podrian decir donde puedo encontrar información sobre
 progrmación del puerto paralelo...

Si la documentacion te sirve en ingles, hay un IO-programing-mini-howto
que explica lo que hay que hacer(

Tambien habia visto hace tiempo un documento en español donde lo explicaba, 
pero le perdi la pista, si alguien lo tiene agradeceria que tambien me 

Mi Windows 95 NUNCA se cuel

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
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Para obtener Llave Publica GnuPGP un mail con subject: enviar clave pub

RE: Problema (petición de disculpas).

2000-08-28 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
Toda esta polémica empezó por dos comentarios enviados por mí y por otro
listero que fueron malinterpretados por otro listero.

En cierto modo me siento culpable por el tono que está tomando la discusión,
porque creo que cometí un error. No debí de enviar el comentario utilizando
el asunto re:problema. Con esto el autor del correo se sintió aludido y se

Le pido disculpas públicamente. (un saludo, Pablo :-)  )

A su vez él ha pedido disculpas por la respuesta que envió.

Creo que a partir de aquí ha habido una serie de malentendidos.

Por favor, para que el subject 'problema' no llegue a cobrar sentido,
dejemos ya de discutir el tema. :-) . Y, si tenéis que pegar a alguien, no
lo agáis entre vosotros, pegadme a mí.  ;-D

Un saludo.

Ignacio García Fernández

Un matemático es un ciego, en un cuarto oscuro,
buscando un gato negro que no está allí.
  C. Darwin.
Ponga un matemático en su empresa.

Re: Problema.

2000-08-28 Thread Jaume Sabater
Bien. Ahora que ya todos os habeis disculpado podríamos cerrar el tema de
una vez... Creo que ya le hemos dado demasiadas vueltas, todo el mudo
entendió lo del Subject. Así que no alarguémos esas discusiones estériles,
que no nos llean a ningun sitio.

¡Nuestro enemigo no somos nosotros! ¡Es Mocosoft! :-)

¡Pues que siga el buen rollo! 

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Particiones

2000-08-28 Thread Santi Moreno
El lun, 28 de ago de 2000, a las 12:01:30 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:
 Buenas, tengo en mi ordenador en casa tres particiones, una para Win98,
 otra para win2000, otra para datos en general y un espacio libre al final
 del disco donde pretendo instalar Debian. El problema es que no me deja
 hacer más de 4 partriciones y necesito dosa más, una para swap y otra
 principal para el linux. ¿Como podria resolver esto?. Hay alguna forma de
 tener más de cuatro particiones en un disco duro?
---fin de respuesta a mensaje [EMAIL PROTECTED]---
Tendrás que crear las particiones logicas. Utiliza el fdisk de linux o el de 
DOS para ello.

Un saludo.


Re: Problema.

2000-08-28 Thread Pablo Sabatino
Al respecto... una vez mas quiero pedir disculpas y que me parece bien
lo que me han recalcado respecto de los subjects... y yo solo yo soy y fui 
por haber entendido mal el buen mensaje que(31) me hizo llegar.

Espero que nadie guarde rencor conmigo y que esto haya sido un motivo
para conocerlos y agregarlos a mi AdressBook... ya no como listeros mas... si 
no como
mis amigos... en especial aquellos que han participado de este temita.

Saludos para todos!!!

Pablo Sabatino.

Jaume Sabater wrote:

 Bien. Ahora que ya todos os habeis disculpado podríamos cerrar el tema de
 una vez... Creo que ya le hemos dado demasiadas vueltas, todo el mudo
 entendió lo del Subject. Así que no alarguémos esas discusiones estériles,
 que no nos llean a ningun sitio.

 ¡Nuestro enemigo no somos nosotros! ¡Es Mocosoft! :-)

 ¡Pues que siga el buen rollo!

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problema.

2000-08-28 Thread Miquel
El lun, ago 28, 2000 at 12:43:27 +0200 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia ha dit:

 On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Jordi Mallach wrote:
   Pablo, por ese motivo, esa no es la solucion ni el espiritu de los
   linuxeros. Hablando se entienden las
  Su email suena a contestame la duda o cállate.
 Ese sonido, solo lo escuchas tu. De mis mensajes no se infiere tal
 cosa. Ni nadie mas de la lista ha dicho que lo sea.He dado mi opinion con
 espiritu constructivo para limar asperezas que a nada conducen, pero veo
 que para algunos listeros estoy produciendo el efecto contrario.Lo
 siento. Mejor haberme callado.
 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia  User:104420

me parece que jordi no se refiere a tu respuesta, sino a la que provoco
este hilo, especialmente la segunda respuesta de pablo sabatino a la
oportuna observacion de 31 sobre los subjects generalistas tipo
problema o auxilio:

Mas constructivo seria que me de la solucion a mi problema y no como
debo escribir un subjetc, que no me aporta de nada a mi, ni aporta de
nada a nadie este mail que usted ha mandado!!!

hay que autoaplicarse esa calma y buen talante en las respuestas que le
pides a los demás ;-)



Re: Particiones

2000-08-28 Thread Miquel
El lun, ago 28, 2000 at 12:01:30 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha dit:

 Buenas, tengo en mi ordenador en casa tres particiones, una para Win98,
 otra para win2000, otra para datos en general y un espacio libre al final
 del disco donde pretendo instalar Debian. El problema es que no me deja
 hacer más de 4 partriciones y necesito dosa más, una para swap y otra
 principal para el linux. ¿Como podria resolver esto?. Hay alguna forma de
 tener más de cuatro particiones en un disco duro?

creando particiones logicas a partir de una extendida.

por limitaciones de la arquitectura intel, solo puede haber cuatro
particiones primarias. En cambio, en principio no hay limitaciones en el
numero de particiones lógicas (al menos 15 en linux, creo que este
numero varia si el disco es scsi o ide). Una de las particiones
primarias se usa solo para marcar una particion extendida (por tanto
tendras como maximo tres primarias y el resto logicas, o bien cuatro
primarias), a partir de las cuales y de modo contiguo se establecen las


Re: Al_finalizar_la_instalación_'se_fue'_la_red

2000-08-28 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Luis Cabrera Sauco wrote:

  Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
  Sigo preguntándome porqué antes (durante la instalación del sistema base)
  sí que tuve el dispositivo '/dev/eth0' y ahora no.

 Prueba a hacer un 'lsmod', a ver si tienes cargado algun módulo para
 la tarjeta de red que tengas instalada. Si no fuera así, que es lo
 que supongo, insertale el módulo adecuado utilizando el programa
 En fin, ya nos contarás ...

Pues nada, era eso. Con un simple 'modconf' añadí el módulo de mi tarjeta de 
red, y ya funciona de
las mil maravillas. Lo que yo pensaba (y desde hace años, jeje) es que los 
dispositivos 'ethXX'
residían en '/dev'. Por lo visto no es necesario que existan, deben ser algo 
así como los 'pppXX'.
Bueno, todos los días se aprende algo. Lo que sí existen son '/dev/tapXX', y 
curiosamente yo tengo
levantado un 'tap0' (lo veo al hacer 'ifconfig'). Creo que tiene algo que ver 
con el 'diald'.

  Otra cosa, en '/usr/doc/netbase/README.Debian' (es el archivo al que me 
  apuntabas ;-) habla de
  'ip(8)', pero no tengo esa página del manual. ¿No debería venir con el 
  paquete 'netbase'?

 uhmmm, tampoco tengo esa página del manual...
 ¡¡¡Felicidades, creo que has cazado un bug...!!!  :)

Supongo que será bueno comunicarselo entonces a Debian. ¿Cómo lo hago? Creo que 
hay un programa en
la distribución, de hecho lo usé hace un par de años, pero no me acuerdo de 
cómo se llama ;-)

Saludos y gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda:

Juan Carlos Muro

un detalle de apache

2000-08-28 Thread Hue-Bond
 Supongamos que esto cuelga del $HOME de un usuario:

$ ls -laR public_html
total 1069
drwxr-xr-x2 hue  cc2k 1024 jul 13 14:53 .
drwx--x--x   54 hue  cc2k 4096 ago 28 19:08 ..
-rw-r--r--1 hue  cc2k  427 ene  5  2000 index.html

 Pues resulta que  si voy a http://máquina/~usuario,  me sale un
 error en  el error.log (valga  la rebuznancia :^)) diciendo  que no
 puede leer  el .htaccess. Pero  entonces edito el /etc/passwd  y le
 cambio el  shell al usuario,  de forma  que no sea  /bin/false sino
 /bin/bash. Entonces a partir de aquí  apache ya no se queja por eso
 y sirve la página perfectamente. ¿Por qué pasa eso?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: un detalle de apache

2000-08-28 Thread Jaume Sabater
¿Y si lo pones a /dev/null?

At 19:22 28/08/00 +0200, you wrote:
 Supongamos que esto cuelga del $HOME de un usuario:

$ ls -laR public_html
total 1069
drwxr-xr-x2 hue  cc2k 1024 jul 13 14:53 .
drwx--x--x   54 hue  cc2k 4096 ago 28 19:08 ..
-rw-r--r--1 hue  cc2k  427 ene  5  2000 index.html

 Pues resulta que  si voy a http://máquina/~usuario,  me sale un
 error en  el error.log (valga  la rebuznancia :^)) diciendo  que no
 puede leer  el .htaccess. Pero  entonces edito el /etc/passwd  y le
 cambio el  shell al usuario,  de forma  que no sea  /bin/false sino
 /bin/bash. Entonces a partir de aquí  apache ya no se queja por eso
 y sirve la página perfectamente. ¿Por qué pasa eso?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me

Attachment Converted: \\servidor\mail\jaume-sabater\attach\undetall

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Administrador de sistemes
 ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
 Tel: 93 292 41 00
 Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Avgda. Marquès de Comillas s/n 08038 
 Recinte Poble Espanyol
 Barcelona - Catalunya

Log del named.

2000-08-28 Thread Pablo Sabatino

Queria consultar respecto del siguiente 
"error"(creo yo) que me da el log de named(DNS).

Aug 28 14:47:38 Linux-isp9 named-xfer[18635]: 
[] notauthoritative for, SOA query got rcode 0, aa 0, 
ancount 1,aucount 2

Alguien me podria interpretar que significa? Es un 
error? Como lo puedo solucionar?

Bueno, gracias igual desde ya!



Macintosh Pawerd Book 180

2000-08-28 Thread DrAk0
powerbook 180 
10 de RAM y 335 de HD , bueno no me importa tener entorno grafico eso lo
tengo claro.
lo de las PPC eso no lo conocia, me gustaria bajarme el DEBIAN pues soy
usuario slackware y creo que no me pegara mucho el cambio...
la power book tiene modem ya listo pero como tu dices no se si le furule,
otra cosa tengo otro problema resulta que esa powerbook se la consigui mi
hermana botada por la calle, SIN NADA! ni BOOT ni nada ,, busque y consegui
el MacOS 7.5  pero no tiene soporte para PPP asi que tengo que instalarlo
pero yo tengo PC asi que no me puedo comunicar por diskette asi que estoy
jodi... Mira Ernesto no tengo al pagina a mano pero si pones en altavista
powerbook 180 te salen bastante sobre ella aunque se descontinuo en 1994

pero para algo tiene que servir...
ya habia visto el openBSD que soportaba ese modelo en especifico pero si
esta ese debian me gustaria debian,  yasi seguir molestandolos :)
bueno mira para ver lo que pasa es que desde aqui solo puedo mandar mail y
no puedo hacer web si no mandara la dir completa pero en altavista esta
porfa una manito alli

Re: auxilio

2000-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
bueno.. eso me pasa por no saber que podia montar imagenes iso.. :(..

Al parecer el COCHINO programa de windows el que permite leer la imagen iso, 
hace 'algo' con el tamaño de los archivos, cuando los monte utilizando mount 
desde linux no presento el problema con el tamaño de los archivos, ahora todo 
el mundo feliz ya puedo hacer apt-get install elquenecesito.deb :))

Muchas gracias,

Ricardo Rodríguez

Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 21:03:16 -0500
Subject: Re: auxilio


 bueno.. no tengo quemador.. y bajar todos esos archivos por ftp me daba 
 miedo (la factura telefonica :(), bueno me baje las 3 images de la 
 susodicha 2.2. en formato *.iso cada una como de 600 megas... uff.. que 
 grande.. bueno.. pero como les comento no tengo unidad consegui un programa 
 en cochino-wink, que deja manipular su contenido y pues lo copie en una 
 carpeta... hay algun programa para linux que haga eso

Exactamente a que te refieres con eso si estas hablando de un programa para 
ver el contenido de los *.iso (en modo solo-lectura, claro esta) que 
descargaste entonces debes usar:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop imagen.iso 

y si te refieres a un programa para quemar las imagenes solo tienes que usar 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # cdrecord -v speed=?X fs=8 dev=no._de_dev -eject 

Para mas informacion (sobre todo de los valores que debes poner entre los 
'') checate en:  en el Grabadoras-COMO o en 
en CD-Writing-HOWTO

de lo demas no te puedo ayudar, pero avisanos si encuentras solucion
Un saludo.

   MC_Vai | Don't tell me how hard you've tried...
   Computer Science Eng.  |  Just show me what you got done.
   C/Assembly SC_Developer|

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Re: Al finalizar la instalación 'se fue' la red

2000-08-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 25 de agosto de 2000 a la(s) 20:29:19 +0100, Luis Cabrera Sauco 

   Si el problema es la 'no' existencia de los dispositivos en
   /dev/ethxx, pues nada, a crearlos ;)

 Nunca los he tenido. Creo que eso se lleva en otros Unixes.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Super cfg!!!!

2000-08-28 Thread Santiago Romero
El dom, 27 de ago de 2000, a las 05:56:47 -0500, Roberto Saldivar dijo:
 Hola, estoy estudiando sistemas computacionales y como tarea tengo que
 configurar en una computadora con linux Debian un servidor de correo, de ftp,
 de web y hasta de IRC pero no tengo ni una vaga idea de como hacerlo, 
 y alguien me pueda ayudar...

 para empezar podrias ir leyendote los manuales que llevan esos programas,
 ¿no? ¿o el objetivo de tu pregunta es que te digamos como se hace todo eso?
 Lo digo porque si es ese ultimo, podriamos escribir miles de paginas sobre
 el tema...

 Lo que tienes que hacer es instalar los programas apropiados y consultar su
 documentación para aprender a configurarlos.

 Correo SMTP: sendmail, postix, o qmail.
 Correo POP3: qpopper, pop3d
 FTP: wuftpd y anonftp.
 Web: apache.
 IRC: ircd.

 Y recuerda: solo sobre apache hay libros escritos de miles de paginas, asi
 que será imposible que te digamos aquí como se hace todo eso. Eres tú quien
 debes ayudarte a ti mismo.



Ley de la Garantía: Cuanto más cuesta un aparato, más lejos tienes que
mandarlo para que lo arreglen.
|  NoP / Compiler   -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |


2000-08-28 Thread JFreak
Hola lista.

Alguno de ustedes ha utilizado Interbase para manejar bases de datos ??
resulta que necesito instalar Interbase para ser servidor de base de
datos para aplicaciones hechas en Delphi para winsos, lo he instalado y
aparentemente todo esta bien (no hay errores en la instalacion) pero no
puedo levantar el servicio de Interbase, y si alguno lo ha utilizado
como cliente tambien seria de mucha ayuda.

Gracias a todos.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

He preparado una chuleta sobre imagenes ISO para Potato ¿Que os parece?

2000-08-28 Thread Manel Marin
0-cdimage: (0.04)
Información sobre imagenes ISO para tostar CDROM con Potato


Muy recomendable leer las Notas de publicación de Debian GNU/Linux 2.2,
están en castellano:

- Novedades
- Cambios al sistema en detalle desde Debian 2.1 slink
- Actualización usando apt-get desde internet, cdrom ó replica local

Hay un manual de instalación en castellano de Potato:

ATENCION: Estos documentos está en Castellano, si te salen en Inglés es
que aun no has puesto el Languages del navegador en Spanish [es]

Muy recomendable (English) es este FAQ:

- Como saber si las imagenes de tu mirror son las correctas
- Como grabar CDROMS con imagenes iso desde Linux y desde Windows
- Y otras cosas interesantes...


1) Leer info de ultima hora (errores en imagenes...)

2) Para usar rsync usar un mirror ya que del master site se puede ver el
 contenido pero hace falta contraseña para descargar imagenes.
 * rsync es muchisimo mas eficiente para actualizar imagenes que ftp *

3) Verificar MD5sum del master site con el mirror que utilices

Master site -

4) Mi mirror preferido (rsync):*


Para asegurarnos de que el lector CDROM y el cdrom están bien se le puede
hacer un md5sum al CD haciendo como root:

head --bytes=`isosize /dev/cdrom`   /dev/cdrom | md5sum

isosize está en el paquete:  cdwrite

*Gracias a Antonio Castro por el truco (leer solo los bytes necesarios)
ya que md5sum /dev/cdrom acaba dando error al leer /dev/cdrom*

Pseudo-image-kit permite descargar imagenes iso por rsync y hay versión Linux
 y para Win9x

mi chuleta rsync

Espero que os sea de ayuda...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.15

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Errores en los CDs oficiales

2000-08-28 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Antonio,

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 09:10:29AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 También pensé que podía estar mal grabado el CDROM, por eso quiero
 actualizar a potato montando directamente el fichero *.iso con la opción -o
 loop, pero estoy en ello porque no me vale entonces el procedimiento de
 multicd (porque parece que monta y desmonta CD pero no tiene en cuenta lo
 de la opción -o loop que yo necesitaría). Le tengo que decir al apt que lo
 tome de una lista de ficheros, y en eso estoy.

He descubierto que en las Notas de publicación de Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 que
están en castellano:

Te explican como actualizar usando apt-get desde internet, cdrom ó replica
local (esto último es lo que te intersa ¿no?), aparte de:
- Novedades
- Cambios al sistema en detalle desde Debian 2.1 slink

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.15

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: Errores en los CDs oficiales

2000-08-28 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

On Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 12:30:47PM +0200, Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Manel Marin wrote:
  ?Funcionar? hacer un md5sum /dev/cdrom? Pues no, acaba dando error al 
 El truco est? en leer solo los bytes necesarios. 
 head --bytes=`isosize /dev/cdrom`   /dev/cdrom | md5sum

Va de muerte :-) y los CDROM dan el md5sum clavado

Pero md5sum /dev/hdX deberia funcionar ¿no?
Si podemos copiar cp /dev/fd0 archivo-imagen ¿porque no con el CDROM?

¿Hay que reportar eso como un bug del kernel?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.15

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

X + tarjeta Intel 810. Me pide '/dev/agpgart' ¿?¿?

2000-08-28 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola de nuevo.

Estoy instalando las X, y tengo una tarjeta gráfica Intel 810. Según he
leido por ahí no debe estar soportada, pero en un archivo de
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/ que no recuerdo dice que sí.  De hecho, al hacer
'startx' la 'i810' aparece listada entre las tarjetas soportadas, aunque
también aparece luego un error tal que así:

(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Intel 810
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Dell E770p
(**) FontPath set to



(--) SVGA: PCI: Intel Unknown chipset (0x7125) rev 3, Memory @
0xf400, 0xff00
(--) SVGA: Stat failed on /dev/agpgart: No such file or directory
Fatal server error:
Couldn't get memory from gart module,

Ah, sí, el archivo es '/usr/share/doc/xserver-common/README.i810.gz', y
dice entre otras cosas lo siguiente:
In order to use most resolutions, it is necessary to install the
module which accompanies this server.  You will probably have to compile
module yourself (see the notes in the module).

He mirado en el kernel y no encuentro nada relacionado (aunque no
entiendo yo que esto tenga algo que ver con el kernel). ¿Tendré que
bajarme el CF de XF86_SVGA y compilarlo a mano? Por favor decidme que no

¿Alquien me puede dar una pista?

Saludos y gracias:

Juan Carlos Muro

Re: Particiones

2000-08-28 Thread Antonio


¿Has intentado hacerlo con el fdisk de la debian?


Un saludo.


On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Buenas, tengo en mi ordenador en casa tres particiones, una para Win98,
 otra para win2000, otra para datos en general y un espacio libre al final
 del disco donde pretendo instalar Debian. El problema es que no me deja
 hacer más de 4 partriciones y necesito dosa más, una para swap y otra
 principal para el linux. ¿Como podria resolver esto?. Hay alguna forma de
 tener más de cuatro particiones en un disco duro?

Re: Editar RTF

2000-08-28 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, ago 28, 2000 at 04:03:34 +0200, Miquel wrote:
 ¿en serio el rtf2html mezcla GPL con codigo propietario? Me parece que eso
 no se puede hacer. Rectifico con lo del codigo fuente: si que lo
 distribuyen, pero **no es utilizable publicamente** (eso tb vulneraria
 la GPL, si es que hay partes de él que lo estan bajo esa licencia)

Veamos, rtf2latex (y no rtf2html) no mezcla GPL con código propietario sino
que mezcla GPL con código abierto y carente de licencia alguna, cosa que
invalida su inlcusión en Debian... dado que es tan libre como no libre,
símplemente no se sabe qué es..

 el ted no va nada mal, y es libre.

Bien, lo volveré a probar, mi experiencia no fué buena pero cuando se ven
las cosas por segunda vez...

 sobre gustos... ;-)

... colores :)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: X + tarjeta Intel 810. Me pide '/dev/agpgart' ¿?¿?

2000-08-28 Thread Xavier Andrade
Anda a la pagina de X Strike Force en el Developers Corner de Debian.
Ahi encuentras el modulo. Siguiendolas instrucciones lo compilas, haces el
device y listo.  


Anarchy may not be a better form of government, but it's better than no 
government at all.

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

 Hola de nuevo.
 Estoy instalando las X, y tengo una tarjeta gráfica Intel 810. Según he
 leido por ahí no debe estar soportada, pero en un archivo de
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/ que no recuerdo dice que sí.  De hecho, al hacer
 'startx' la 'i810' aparece listada entre las tarjetas soportadas, aunque
 también aparece luego un error tal que así:
 (**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Intel 810
 (**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Dell E770p
 (**) FontPath set to
 (--) SVGA: PCI: Intel Unknown chipset (0x7125) rev 3, Memory @
 0xf400, 0xff00
 (--) SVGA: Stat failed on /dev/agpgart: No such file or directory
 Fatal server error:
 Couldn't get memory from gart module,
 Ah, sí, el archivo es '/usr/share/doc/xserver-common/README.i810.gz', y
 dice entre otras cosas lo siguiente:
 In order to use most resolutions, it is necessary to install the
 module which accompanies this server.  You will probably have to compile
 module yourself (see the notes in the module).
 He mirado en el kernel y no encuentro nada relacionado (aunque no
 entiendo yo que esto tenga algo que ver con el kernel). ¿Tendré que
 bajarme el CF de XF86_SVGA y compilarlo a mano? Por favor decidme que no
 ¿Alquien me puede dar una pista?
 Saludos y gracias:
 Juan Carlos Muro
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Svenskt tangentbord i X på en potatis installation

2000-08-28 Thread Martin Bergström
Hejsan allihopa! Nybliven Debian-användare här.

Har installerat Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 från binary-i386-1_NONUS CDn nu i helgen. 
Har väl gått ganska bra med tanke på att senast jag hade Linux installerat var 
för två år sen (RH4.2 eller nåt) och då pillade jag nästan inte alls med det.

Nå, min fråga är hur sjutton får man till svenskt tangentbord i X (med gnome 
och wmaker)?

Det bara måste finnas någon förgjord .Xmodmap eller liknande. Om jag får tag på 
en sådan (eller om den redan borde finnas installerad), hur och var säger jag 
åt X att använda den?

(Jag *skulle* iofs kunna läsa igenom hela ämlans X-dokumentationen, men, tja, 
det verkar vara lite väl jobbigt.)

Har försökt hitta information i HOWTOs och FAQer men inte lyckats något vidare. 
En försvårande omständighet är att jag inte har Internetförbindelse hemma och 
inte kan pröva tips på en gång. Har hittat Danish-HOWTO och ska testa tipsen i 
den när kommit hem.

/Martin (lite w*ndows-skadad, annars ganska nöjd :)

Re: Svenskt tangentbord i X på en potatis installation

2000-08-28 Thread Ingemar Fällman

Om du editerar filen /etc/X11/XF86Config med din favorit editor 
och letar dig sectionen Keyboard så ska det stå nåt sånt här där
för att svenskt tangentbord ska fungera

Section Keyboard
   AutoRepeat  500 5
   Xkbkeycodes xfree86
   XkbCompat   default
   XkbSymbols  en_US(pc104)+se
   XkbGeometry pc
   XkbLayout   se


Martin Bergström wrote:
 Hejsan allihopa! Nybliven Debian-användare här.

Ingemar Fällman  Phone: +46(0)90 786 9335
UMDAC, Umeå University   Fax:   +46(0)90 786 6762

$_ = I'n Jvtu bopuifs Pfsm ibdlfs,; y/a-z/za-y/; print $_\n;

Re: Svenskt tangentbord i X på en potatis installation

2000-08-28 Thread Emil Styrke
Hmm.. En liknande fraga.. Har en laptop med amerikanskt tangentbord, hur
ska jag gora for att fa in de svenska tecknen pa tangentbordet (i X)?

Hade tankt anvanda alt-tangenten for att skriva a, a och o :)
Har luskat ut hur man fixar till tangenterna med xmodmap, men jag lyckas
anda inte skriva tecknen, eftersom alt inte fungerar som
modifierare. (Finns ingen AltGr tangent)
Har testat RightAlt   ModeShift i XF86Config, men det hjalper inte..

Alltsa.. Amerikanska tangentbord har bara 2 symboler pa varje tangent, hur
far jag in tre? Observera att jag vill behalla amerikansk layout, men aven
trycka in svenska tecken nanstans...

Hoppas nagon forstar vad jag svamlar om..


On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Ingemar Fällman wrote:

 Om du editerar filen /etc/X11/XF86Config med din favorit editor 
 och letar dig sectionen Keyboard så ska det stå nåt sånt här där
 för att svenskt tangentbord ska fungera
 Section Keyboard
AutoRepeat  500 5
Xkbkeycodes xfree86
XkbCompat   default
XkbSymbols  en_US(pc104)+se
XkbGeometry pc
XkbLayout   se

Re: Svenskt tangentbord i X på en potatis installation

2000-08-28 Thread Ingemar Fällman

Jag brukar mappa om F5-F7, men det finns säkert nån som har en bättre


Emil Styrke wrote:
 Hmm.. En liknande fraga.. Har en laptop med amerikanskt tangentbord, hur
 ska jag gora for att fa in de svenska tecknen pa tangentbordet (i X)?

Ingemar Fällman  Phone: +46(0)90 786 9335
UMDAC, Umeå University   Fax:   +46(0)90 786 6762

$_ = I'n Jvtu bopuifs Pfsm ibdlfs,; y/a-z/za-y/; print $_\n;

Andra tangentbordstrix på en potatis/slink installation..

2000-08-28 Thread Patrik Martinson
Ingemar Fällman wrote:

 Jag brukar mappa om F5-F7

Hmm.. nu fick jag en bra ide...  kan man fixa till flera
console-terminaler på något sätt?
 typ fixa till ctrl-Alt-f* för att få F13 - F24...  vore praktiskt att
ha diverse tails på loggar och sånt undanskuffat nånstans..  *ont om
plats*  :)

Re: Mirror Debian no Brasil?

2000-08-28 Thread Taupter
Cesar Cardoso wrote: (=linusp)
 Se aceitasse alguma conexao, ne' Macan? :-)

Eu estou tentando providenciar um mirror da Debian no Nordeste (CE).
Trarei mais informações em breve.

Abraços a todos

Cláudio da Silveira Pinheiro

[Fwd: [debian-br] Reunião e outros assuntos]

2000-08-28 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

 Original Message 
Subject: [debian-br] Reunião e outros assuntos
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 10:23:43 -0700
From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira

Oi gente,
A reunião de sábado foi muito proveitosa (desde as 16:00 até ...)
Cerca de 12 pessoas compareceram. A página foi um pouco mais
reestruturada e surgiram idéias como:
1) Seção: Dicas (por exemplo, onde encontrar debs do XF4, do nautilus, 
evolution; a usar os bots do #debian pra pedir informação.
2) Logo: Ficaram de desenhar o logo da página
Além disso, Vivito pegou o debian tips para traduzir e 
spooky o debian menu system.
Sugiro que a próxima seja 16:00 do sábado que vem. 
Até mais,   PH

Re: Listagem dos novos pacotes do woody (21/08/2000 - 28/08/2000)

2000-08-28 Thread Lord KoV
Blz!! valeu a lista, vou estocar aqui e ponho na msg oficial quarta feira


Re: Mirror Debian no Brasil?

2000-08-28 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Tem algum mirror Debian no Brasil? Especialmente que fique updated com o
 A minha conexao e meu /etc/apt/sources.list agradecem :-)

Não me lembro bem, mas acho que liberei o woody.

| Hélio Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|Unix system administrator - Floripa Ilha Brasil|
|   FreeBSD,  Linux e OpenBSD wannabe   |
|Just a reminder to all OpenBSD admin types that|
|# rm -rf /usr/lib  |
|is not a very bright thing to do.  I don't know which was more amazing,|
|the things that kept running or the things that I couldn't start :-)   |
|Marco S Hyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

[Fwd: [cipsga] Atualizacao do site

2000-08-28 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

 Original Message 
Subject: [cipsga] Atualizacao do site CIPSGA
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 07:39:01 -
From: Djalma Valois Filho [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
eGroups members save at beMANY!


O Site do CIPSGA em esta atualizado com as
seguintes novidades:

-Porque a falha de segurança no PGP

-Entrevista com Murilo Langona da Linuxsecurity

-Curso em Curitiba

CIPSGA entrega cópia do Debian para a Empresa de
Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul - PROCERGS.
Durante a COMDEX, no dia 23 de agosto, as 19 horas, no
pavilhão do Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a
PROCERGS atráves do Secretário Estadual de Ciencia e
Tecnologia Adão Vilaverde (representando o Governador do
RS), entregou as mãos de Eduardo Maçan, representante do
CIPSGA em São Paulo, uma cópia do software Direto, que é o
primeiro software livre produzido por uma empresa pública no Brasil.
O programa será distribuído pelo CIPSGA dentro da General
Public License (GPL).
Em contrapartida, a comunidade GNU presenteou o Secretário de
Ciencia e Tecnologia com uma cópia dos 3 CDs do Debian 2.2 -

Projetos de Lei
Está sendo preparado em Brasília mais três projetos de lei que
envolvem diretamente o tema Software Livre. O primeiro trata do
ensino de GNU/Linux nas escolas técnicas publicas, como opção de
sistema operacional; o segundo projeto diz respeito ao
reconhecimento da GPL e da FDL como força de lei no Brasil; o
terceiro e ultimo, exigirá das entidades que trabalham com recursos do
FAT (Fundo de Amparo do Trabalhador) para cursos de formação e
requalificação, a disponibilização dos materiais de estudo dentro da
licensa FDL. O CIPSGA está preparando estes projetos de lei em
conjunto com deputados e senadores de diversos setores da

Torne-se um GNU (348 cadastrados)
Faça parte do nosso Grupo Nacional de Usuarios GNU/Linux -
BRASIL, inscreva-se já. Basta preencher o formulário de apoio, e
receba semanalmente a nossa mala direta com as informações sobre
seminários, palestras, apostilas livres, cursos e programas para
Em breve estaremos disponibilizando caixas postais ou roteamentos
com sufixo para todos os usuário cadastrado.

Inscreva-se na lista GnuPg
Os usuários que desejarem discutir sobre o GnuPg tem agora um
espaço para debates previlegiado, atraves da mais nova lista criada no
servidor Egroups, trata-se da [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Administrada por Renato Martini, a lista de discussão pretende tirar
duvidas de usuários, ensinar a utilização do GnuPg, dentre outros
temas a serem tratados sobre criptografia. Participe, inscreva-se
atraves do site, ou simplesmente enviando um
email para a lista solicitando a inscrição.

Contribua com o CIPSGA
Apoie a nossa iniciativa através de email ou doações. Estamos
arrecadando equipamentos usados (hardware) de empresas ou
pessoas físicas, que  desejem contribuir com a criação de nossa Escola
de Software Livre nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul
e São Paulo.
Duvidas ? email para [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNUser's do Brasil, uni-vos !
Comitê necessita de voluntários para tradução de textos e Home
Pages em Ingles.
O CIPSGA está mantendo aberta a campanha para tradução de todas
as páginas da Free Software Foundation para o português.
Pretendemos ainda disponibilizar as Apostilas Livres do nosso site em
Português para o Ingles, distribuindo-as atráves de links nas páginas
da FSF.

A participação de voluntários e essencial para a concretização do
projeto. Participe! Envie email para [EMAIL PROTECTED], e
coloque no Subject (assunto) HOME PAGE para ajudar na tradução
das páginas da FSF, ou APOSTILAS para ajudar na tradução das
Apostilas Livres.

Você receberá de volta um email dando as devidas instruções para a
participação no projeto.

Site atualizado em 28 de agosto de 2000

Re: Mirror Debian no Brasil?

2000-08-28 Thread Cesar Cardoso
  Tem algum mirror Debian no Brasil? Especialmente que fique updated com o
  A minha conexao e meu /etc/apt/sources.list agradecem :-)
   Não me lembro bem, mas acho que liberei o woody.
Tem o diretorio, mas nao os arquivos.

Re: Realtek 8129/8139 support

2000-08-28 Thread Vagn Scott
Paul T. McNally wrote:
 I'm running make xconfig on kernel source 2.2.17
 and the line in the subject line is an option
 in Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit section). I need this for
 my ethernet cards but I can't figure out how to
 get the option to bold (ungrey). Maybe I can't.
 I was able to get this to work using source 2.3.xx
 when I was running redhat.

Turn on prompting for experimental drivers.

   @   (vagn( /

True Type Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread Daniel E. Baumann
Hello fellow debian users. I was wondering which true type font server you
people recommend. I have all the relevant HOWTO's (e.g., the font
deuglification howto, the Debian tt font howto, etc.), but it seems that
each of them recommends different font servers, etc. Which do you find to be
the best xfsft, xfstt, redhat xfs (as if Debain users would use this one)? I
would just like to hear a few opinions before I decide to choose one to set

Also, I would like to hear people's experiences in using the Debian tt font
mini howto and if this solution was adequate for them.


Daniel E. Baumann
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (caution: dynamic DNS 

service, may bounce)

Web location:

Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code. 

  -- Dave Olson

Re: True Type Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread Nate Amsden
i use xfstt and have had good success with it..never read any of the
HOWTOs tho, before that i compiled xfstt(or xfs-tt?? forget) from
source.. xfstt works good for me tho no complaints.


Daniel E. Baumann wrote:
 Hello fellow debian users. I was wondering which true type font server you
 people recommend. I have all the relevant HOWTO's (e.g., the font
 deuglification howto, the Debian tt font howto, etc.), but it seems that
 each of them recommends different font servers, etc. Which do you find to be
 the best xfsft, xfstt, redhat xfs (as if Debain users would use this one)? I
 would just like to hear a few opinions before I decide to choose one to set
 Also, I would like to hear people's experiences in using the Debian tt font
 mini howto and if this solution was adequate for them.
 Daniel E. Baumann
 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (caution: dynamic DNS
 service, may bounce)
 Web location:
 Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.
   -- Dave Olson
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336


2000-08-28 Thread dr0asif

Re: True Type Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 11:38:31PM -0500, Daniel E. Baumann wrote:
 Hello fellow debian users. I was wondering which true type font server you
 people recommend. I have all the relevant HOWTO's (e.g., the font
 deuglification howto, the Debian tt font howto, etc.), but it seems that
 each of them recommends different font servers, etc. Which do you find to be
 the best xfsft, xfstt, redhat xfs (as if Debain users would use this one)? I
 would just like to hear a few opinions before I decide to choose one to set

xfstt, happy with it.  Haven't tried other options.

Much of this will be going away as XF86 4.x has built-in TT support.

 Also, I would like to hear people's experiences in using the Debian tt font
 mini howto and if this solution was adequate for them.

I read a few of the duglification howtos, IIRC, when I was running RH.
Otherwise, apt-get install xfstt and rock'n'roll.  I copied a set of MS
Windows TT fonts from my (now defunct) NT system.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Mailing list software.

2000-08-28 Thread Mathew Johnston
I'm wondering if anyone has reccomendations for mailing list software.
I need to maintain something like 10 lists, with maybe 10 people per
list.  Users should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe, but I wish to
limit which addresses may subscribe. If possible, maybe a list of
addresses which are permitted to subscribe to each list?  The idea is
that these are private mailing lists and I dont want just anyone
joining (security through obscurity is bad ;). The list software should
keep an archive of the list in some sort of html format with okay
navigation - threads are good.  Does such a piece of software exist?
 Thanks :)

Mathew Johnston

Re: Potato Freeze problem more clear...

2000-08-28 Thread kmself
Please set your line wrap to 72 characters.

On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 12:01:04AM -0400, Mike Hardiman wrote:
 Hello all,
 Well I've noticed that noone has yet to reply to my problem, most
 likely because of its complexity.  I've been able to narrow down the
 problem however:
 1.) The system freezes only when the network is up

 2.) Best guess is that it occurs when so much data has passed through
 the ethernet adaptor

 3.) This occasionally causes hard drive inode errors as previously
 noted, likely when the system freeze just so happens to occur at the
 same time the system is writing to disk.
 4.) This same eth adaptor (Netgear) had previously been used as eth1
 on a Slink system, and would suddenly drop out with no notice while
 handling massive data transfers on the local network.

Sounds like potentially bad hardware.

OTOH, I had problems on a system running kernel 2.2.14 and smbfs,
sounding similar to your description, though I would get a kernel OOPS
message generally several hours prior to the crash.  You look through
your logs at all?

 5.) The other eth adaptor used to be error prone on the previous
 (slink) system, and therefore was not put to use with the Potato
 system (eth0 transfer timed out 73654e0 vs (7352474) or other such
 random characters reported to syslog)
 In reference to #1- recent reboots (which previously brought the
 network back up) have stopped bringing the network back up.
 Ping/telnet/etc works only to the machine's IP address and
 'localhost' no route to host error is displayed for all others.
 With no network- the system has had over a day of uptime.
 My best bet I suppose is to buy a better (expensive) eth adaptor...
 but any thought would be appreciated before I part with 80 bucks for a

I'm very happy with my $16 10/100 Linksys card.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-08-28 Thread Nagarjuna G.
On Sun, 27 Aug 2000 wrote:

- Should be able to do formatting of text with  left and right
- justification, setting of left and right margins, text alignment
- (left, right and centre).  

You can  do all this in emacs,  text-mode in emacs will  be just right
for you.  With a few key board macros defined while you work your way,
and abbrevs mode on for frequently  typed words, it will suit all your
requirements.  It will  also do spell-check by calling  ispell.  I use
only  emacs for  all  the regular  jobs,  and for  articles and  other
serious writing I use it to generate the LaTeX code.  And while typing
this text I have used many abbrevs that I have defined for the last 12
years.  This paragraph, e.g., is  justified on both sides.  The bottom
one is justified to the right.

  Emacs also has another mode called enriched text.  This is needed if
you want to print italics, bold and so on.

 Preferentially should be able to save text in pure ASCII.

Emacs saves in pure ASCII.

Learning curve is steep, but you will never repent.


Nagarjuna G; Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai. INDIA

Re: True Type Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen writes:

 On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 11:38:31PM -0500, Daniel E. Baumann wrote:
  Hello fellow debian users. I was wondering which true type font
  server you people recommend. I have all the relevant HOWTO's
  (e.g., the font deuglification howto, the Debian tt font howto,
  etc.), but it seems that each of them recommends different font
  servers, etc. Which do you find to be the best xfsft, xfstt,
  redhat xfs (as if Debain users would use this one)? I would just
  like to hear a few opinions before I decide to choose one to set
 xfstt, happy with it.  Haven't tried other options.

xfs-xtt and happy with it. Seems everyone is happy with their choice,
but I don't think I'd be so happy with xfstt though for Japanese or
Chinese fonts as it renders a whole font at a time.

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: Mailing list software.

2000-08-28 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 01:38:15AM -0400, Mathew Johnston wrote:
 joining (security through obscurity is bad ;). The list software should
 keep an archive of the list in some sort of html format with okay
 navigation - threads are good.  Does such a piece of software exist?

For the list server take a look at Listar (, it is
already packaged for Debian.

Listar archives into two standard formats, one of which is mbox.  If you
want that available via HTTP take a look at hypermail.  It, too, is packaged.

As for your security, just make it a closed list requiring authorization
from an admin before people are actually subscribed.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-08-28 Thread Paul Huygen

 No, I'm actually looking for a word processor for small time
 jobs like letters and other odd things that I push out on my 
 DMP. This type of odd jobs actually occupies 60% of my time. 
 I am getting tired of switching to X for such small stuff.

I have to write many small letters too. However, contrary to general
opinions, I think that (Emacs and) LaTeX provides an at least as
efficient way to type letters than standard word processors or editors
do. The trick is, to make a style file
(e.g. mypersonalletterstyle.cls) that builds the letter including
header, head items, foot items, date, signature etc, and to make a
keyboard macro for the editor of choice that generates the following
frame for the letter, e.g.:

\begin{letter}{*name and address of adressee*}

*text of the letter here*

\closing{*closing sentence here*}

Then, all you have to do to create a beautyful letter, is 1) activate
the keyboard macro to generate the letter frame, 2) replace the parts
between the asterixes by the actual texts and 3) LaTeX and print
the letter.

Paul Huygen

Term colors / Logging on ttys ?

2000-08-28 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
 Montag, 28. August 2000 / 09:20 Uhr

Hey everyone,

instead of the typical gray color of my foreground I want to use a
Matrix-green foreground... I know that I can do this with the setterm
-foreground green-command, but may I enable this at boot time for all
virtual ttys ?

Besides I want to put my /var/log/messages- and /var/log/maillog-files
in style of the tail -f-command on tty11 and tty12 - also enabled at
boot time - is this possible as well ?

Any help is welcome :-) !

Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter:

Re: Mailing list software.

2000-08-28 Thread Nagarjuna G.
On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Mathew Johnston wrote:

-I'm wondering if anyone has reccomendations for mailing list software.
-I need to maintain something like 10 lists, with maybe 10 people per
-list.  Users should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe, but I wish to
-limit which addresses may subscribe. If possible, maybe a list of
-addresses which are permitted to subscribe to each list?  The idea is
-that these are private mailing lists and I dont want just anyone
-joining (security through obscurity is bad ;). The list software should
-keep an archive of the list in some sort of html format with okay
-navigation - threads are good.  Does such a piece of software exist?
- Thanks :), a python based mailing list manager with web based
administration, and archiving.  It is a feature rich list manager.
I recommend.

Nagarjuna G; Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai. INDIA

potato and slink

2000-08-28 Thread john gennard
Can one install both Potato and Slink on the same box? I've just
received CD's for Potato but would like to retain Slink for a while. 
I always boot from floppies, so Lilo is not an issue.

I've no recollection of seeing any reference to this. Any advice,
help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Regards, John.

RE: gnome install

2000-08-28 Thread SOETE Joël
Dear Nate,

As promised, here is some follow up:

  I finally reach to install gnome with Enlightenment as wm 
 with the last
  distribution package (2.2 rev0) on my linux box with a 
 Intel pentium III and
  128Mb ram.
  I met two different kind of problems:
  first with gnome-moz?-remote ... which failed because:
  /dev/dsp no such device
    exit code (-1)
 means you have not configured a sound device correctly or the sound
 device is unsupported.

I tried to remove /dev/dsp hopping that software will accept that no sound
card is available
but it fails on message: /dev/dsp no such file or directory.
  second netscape-remote (from netscape-base-4) failed because:
  could not open display :0 ?
 make sure you are running netscape as the same user you are logged in
 as, chances are you ran it as root after doing an 'su' in a terminal
 (that is a common thing to have happen)
 You CAN run apps under different userids but it takes a couple extra

I then try by launching gnome  enlightenment as a common user but netscape
still failed?
Any idea?

What is wrong? Any further help is  welcome (:^)


Re: Term colors / Logging on ttys ?

2000-08-28 Thread Kai Weber
+ Oliver Schoenknecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Besides I want to put my /var/log/messages- and /var/log/maillog-files
 in style of the tail -f-command on tty11 and tty12 - also enabled at
 boot time - is this possible as well ?

If you use potato you should have a look at /etc/syslog.conf. There is a
commented part ( I like to have ...) which shows you an example like


+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +

Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-08-28 Thread kmself
No need to cc.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 11:10:11AM +0530, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Aug 2000 wrote:

 Learning curve is steep, but you will never repent.

My prefered version of this:  foo has a steep learning curve, but a
great payoff function.

substitute for foo:  emacs, linux, vi, etc.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error)

2000-08-28 Thread Vitux
Carel Fellinger wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 05:19:29PM -0300, Rogerio Brito wrote:
  On Aug 16 2000, André Dahlqvist wrote:
   quiet a lot of people who seam to like using Netscape to handle
   their mail, and I think it's nice to give those people that option.
BTW, I also notice how much people use Netscape to handle
their mail and when I install Linux for my friends I install
it also, for the following convenience: you don't need an MTA
in your machine for the (conceptually) simple tasks of
receiving and sending e-mails -- it incorporates both a POP3
and a SMTP client in a single program.
That is the reason why I don't install mutt for other people
(that might not know how to fix the problems when they
happen).  But *if* I knew of other e-mailers with the same
functionality already packaged for Debian, I would consider
 You could use mutt's recently build in support for POP and IMAP servers
 (or you could use fetchmail:) and use ssmtp just to send the mail (seems
 a simple program to install). But I don't see how you can do without local
 mail on a linux system, local services need to be able to send reports if
 things go wrong.
I second.
As a matter of fact, cron depends on exim (IIRC) on my potato-box.
This was kind of hard to understand for me (being a newbie), since
I've never used exim for anything. Now, I think I'll have a go at
doing my mail the *nix way, since exim is there for local mail

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

RE: Realtek 8129/8139 support

2000-08-28 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
I can't recall if this option was affected by devel  option at the
beginning of the make xconfig screens. Also, I think you have to check the
main option above the Realtek 8129/8139 option to allow it to be bold
(ungrey). IIRC that was what I did when I compiled it should be
more or less the same as 2.2.17...

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul T. McNally [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 7:57 AM
 Subject:  Realtek 8129/8139 support
 I'm running make xconfig on kernel source 2.2.17
 and the line in the subject line is an option
 in Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit section). I need this for
 my ethernet cards but I can't figure out how to
 get the option to bold (ungrey). Maybe I can't.
 I was able to get this to work using source 2.3.xx
 when I was running redhat.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Is it just me or.......

2000-08-28 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
Meit was over the weekend and when I logged into my mail app this
morning..boom...I had 670 unread mail

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 From: Kerstin Hoef-Emden [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 1:07 AM
 Subject:  Re: Is it just me or...
 On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
  Is it just me or has every message posted to this Debain
  list been posted 3-4 times today?  I've had 150+ emails
  and they were just duplicates of previous postings over
  and over !!
 You are not the only one. I had 330 messages in my mailbox today.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: problems installing

2000-08-28 Thread kmself
On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 05:15:09PM -0500, George Frederick Viamontes wrote:
 I'm trying to install debian for the first time.  I've attempted booting
 up with the rescue disk and a debian cd, but both times the startup
 sequence locks up at the same point.  
 I get a line that says:
 NCR53c406a: no available ports found
 That's the point at which the startup crashes.  Someone at ndlug (notre
 dame's lug) mentioned that it may be some kind of unsupported hardware
 problem though he wasn't sure what exactly it was.  
 I have a pentium II 300, 64 megs of ram, a quantum fireball 6.4G hard
 drive, an older Toshiba DVD drive, an ATI all in wonder graphics card, and
 an old ISA 3Com 509 ethernet card.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The message looks to me as if it's coming from the ethernet card.  You
might try removing it and rebooting to see if the system still hangs.

If this is the case you may want to research the card and/or other
hardware through Google or Deja for configuration hints.

There are LILO boot options to prevent autoprobing for devices, though I
don't recall them offhand.  Check the Boot-Prompt-HOWTO.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Web browsers for Linux (was: Re: Netscape Bus Error)

2000-08-28 Thread Morten Liebach
On 26, aug, 2000 at 12:29:26 +0200, Carel Fellinger wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 05:19:29PM -0300, Rogerio Brito wrote:
  On Aug 16 2000, André Dahlqvist wrote:
   quiet a lot of people who seam to like using Netscape to handle
   their mail, and I think it's nice to give those people that option.
  BTW, I also notice how much people use Netscape to handle
  their mail and when I install Linux for my friends I install
  it also, for the following convenience: you don't need an MTA
  in your machine for the (conceptually) simple tasks of
  receiving and sending e-mails -- it incorporates both a POP3
  and a SMTP client in a single program.
  That is the reason why I don't install mutt for other people
  (that might not know how to fix the problems when they
  happen).  But *if* I knew of other e-mailers with the same
  functionality already packaged for Debian, I would consider

Spruce!? Nice GTK+-GUI based Netscape-mail'ish POP email thingy.

I don't think I would've liked using mutt as a Linux newbie, and it then
helps to have something you feel familiar with from day 1, and for me
that was KMail (I used SuSE back then, which defaulted to KDE-1.1), but
spruce is about the same in a GTK+ version.

But of course, mutt simply rocks, and I use nothing else for mail now
that I have muttzilla set up ...


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-08-28 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 28 Aug 2000, Paul Huygen wrote:
  No, I'm actually looking for a word processor for small time
  jobs like letters and other odd things that I push out on my 
  DMP. This type of odd jobs actually occupies 60% of my time. 
  I am getting tired of switching to X for such small stuff.
 I have to write many small letters too. However, contrary to general
 opinions, I think that (Emacs and) LaTeX provides an at least as
 efficient way to type letters than standard word processors or editors
 do. The trick is, to make a style file
 (e.g. mypersonalletterstyle.cls) that builds the letter including
 header, head items, foot items, date, signature etc, and to make a
 keyboard macro for the editor of choice that generates the following
 frame for the letter, e.g.:
 \begin{letter}{*name and address of adressee*}
 *text of the letter here*
 \closing{*closing sentence here*}
 Then, all you have to do to create a beautyful letter, is 1) activate
 the keyboard macro to generate the letter frame, 2) replace the parts
 between the asterixes by the actual texts and 3) LaTeX and print
 the letter.
 Paul Huygen

I agree; I've done exactly this in vim.

Another possibility is to use pr.  You can set up an alias to produce
the format you like; I have:

alias pr=pr -f -l 57 -o 5

I also agree that dependence on word processors is unnecessary. When I
used DOS I had a WP I liked a lot called Protext. I missed it at first
in Linux (because it won't run in dosemu). However, now I used vim (with
latex when necesssary) and can reproduce all the features I used to like
in Protext, plus some others.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles:

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards


2000-08-28 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
You are on the worng list unless you are running DebianI suggest you do
a query on search engines for what you are looking for.

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 1:02 PM
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

sendmail reports I/O problem

2000-08-28 Thread Sven Burgener

I have a truly annoying and urgent problem with sendmail. Particularly
bigger mails containing attachments cannot be delivered. They always end
up sitting around in the queue with I/O errors, after unsuccessful
attempt of delivery.
On the system, there are many sendmail processes up, yet there is no
activity towards the internet.

# mailq
Mail Queue (4 requests)
--Q-ID-- --Size-- -Q-Time-
LAA22085   150805 Mon Aug 28 11:18 MAILER-DAEMON
 (I/O error: Input/output error)
HAA21130   148476 Mon Aug 28 07:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8BITMIME   (Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours)
WAA17490   249014 Sat Aug 26 22:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8BITMIME   (I/O error)
QAA16860*  246703 Sat Aug 26 16:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8BITMIME   (I/O error)

I do not know what to do about this one. A fsck didn't change anything,
nor did rebooting / restarting the services. The machine has a cable
modem connection to the Internet and any other type of traffic from / to
the Internet goes smooth.

A verbose debug run shows:

~ # sendmail -vvv -q
Running LAA22085 (sequence 1 of 4)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via relay...
220 ESMTP server (Post.Office v3.5.3 release 223 ID#
U1000L100S0V35) ready Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:23:52 +0200
250 SIZE 52428800
 MAIL From: SIZE=150895
250 Sender  and extensions (SIZE=150895) Ok
250 Recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ok
354 Ok Send data ending with CRLF.CRLF

Waah! It takes ages until the final I/O error appears.
Any help *greatly* welcomed. Please *do* CC me.

Sven Burgener

Re: sendmail reports I/O problem

2000-08-28 Thread Nate Amsden
are all the mails going to different hosts? or is your isp doing relay
for you ? could be a problem with the ISP, according to the sendmail
FAQ. from the looks of what you pasted everything seems to be going thru
1 remote host, if this is the case, then i'd suggest reconfiguring
sendmail so this does not happen to see if that host is causing trouble
or not. in any case it doesn't look to be on sendmail's end.

also see:


Sven Burgener wrote:
 I have a truly annoying and urgent problem with sendmail. Particularly
 bigger mails containing attachments cannot be delivered. They always end
 up sitting around in the queue with I/O errors, after unsuccessful
 attempt of delivery.
 On the system, there are many sendmail processes up, yet there is no
 activity towards the internet.
 # mailq
 Mail Queue (4 requests)
 --Q-ID-- --Size-- -Q-Time-
 LAA22085   150805 Mon Aug 28 11:18 MAILER-DAEMON
  (I/O error: Input/output error)
 HAA21130   148476 Mon Aug 28 07:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8BITMIME   (Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours)
 WAA17490   249014 Sat Aug 26 22:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8BITMIME   (I/O error)
 QAA16860*  246703 Sat Aug 26 16:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8BITMIME   (I/O error)
 I do not know what to do about this one. A fsck didn't change anything,
 nor did rebooting / restarting the services. The machine has a cable
 modem connection to the Internet and any other type of traffic from / to
 the Internet goes smooth.
 A verbose debug run shows:
 ~ # sendmail -vvv -q
 Running LAA22085 (sequence 1 of 4)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Connecting to via relay...
 220 ESMTP server (Post.Office v3.5.3 release 223 ID#
 U1000L100S0V35) ready Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:23:52 +0200
 250 SIZE 52428800
  MAIL From: SIZE=150895
 250 Sender  and extensions (SIZE=150895) Ok
 250 Recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ok
 354 Ok Send data ending with CRLF.CRLF
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... I/O error
 Waah! It takes ages until the final I/O error appears.
 Any help *greatly* welcomed. Please *do* CC me.
 Sven Burgener
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: sendmail reports I/O problem

2000-08-28 Thread Robert Waldner
On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:40:04 +0200, Sven Burgener writes:
354 Ok Send data ending with CRLF.CRLF

This means your ISP has troubles (probably a too-full disk) on their 
mailserver. Phone them and complain. If they´re not wanting to accept 
mail bigger than $SIZE then they should complain at 
 MAIL From: SIZE=150895
where your mailserver tells them the size of the mail.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: True Type Fonts

2000-08-28 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
 Hello fellow debian users. I was wondering which true type font server you
 people recommend. I have all the relevant HOWTO's (e.g., the font

I use xfstt and quite happy. By the way I use Cyrillic fonts and xfstt does
fonts in different cyrilic encodings (well, we have a lot of them:( ) from one
unicode TTF. I like it.

Well, but I didn't try any other TTF server.

Alexey Vyskubov
(at home)
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Help: Printer Installation

2000-08-28 Thread Tim Wood
I've been battling with this for days and am now thoroughly confused.
I did a floppy/ftp install of 2.2(stable).
I then saw that LPRng was recommended and installed that - the original
LPD was removed.
Next I tried MagicFilter - the Test printed fine but nothing else would.
I then installed apsfilter and again the Test prints just fine.

I can cp file /dev/lp0 and it will print so there is no problem with
ports, cable or printer. 

The printer is a Canon BJ-10sx and I need to print from Netscape 4.72,
as a minimum.

I would like to fix this in the next day as I have to go away and my
family will force me to leave Windoze running if I cannot fix it.


Re: sendmail reports I/O problem

2000-08-28 Thread Sven Burgener
Nate Amsden wrote:
 are all the mails going to different hosts? or is your isp doing relay
 for you ? could be a problem with the ISP, according to the sendmail

Yes, just one relay.

 FAQ. from the looks of what you pasted everything seems to be going thru
 1 remote host, if this is the case, then i'd suggest reconfiguring
 sendmail so this does not happen to see if that host is causing trouble
 or not. in any case it doesn't look to be on sendmail's end.

I can't reconfig it that way as I'd then get a problem with namespace.
Trust me, I tried it.

 also see:

This applies to PPP / SLIP lines. Sorry, my fault, I forgot to mention
that this is a cable modem link.

I still can't get to the bottom of this...

Sven Burgener  Object Engineering GmbH
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Birmensdorferstr. 32
Tel: ++41 (0) 1 400 47 00  CH-8142 Uitikon-Waldegg/Zuerich
Fax: ++41 (0) 1 400 47 07

Re: sendmail reports I/O problem

2000-08-28 Thread Nate Amsden
i agree with robert, it must be a prob with your ISP.

and that FAQ is for ANY kind of connection not just slip/ppp. as for not
being able to get a new isp!! cable isps are not
friendly to servers.

another thing to try, try sending the same mails using a normal mail
client that can send *directly* to your isp's SMTP server see what

i spent quite a while hunting down a good DSL isp, i'dr ather be on a
dialup 56k modem then be on a cable isp that doesnt like unix/servers.


Sven Burgener wrote:
 Nate Amsden wrote:
  are all the mails going to different hosts? or is your isp doing relay
  for you ? could be a problem with the ISP, according to the sendmail
 Yes, just one relay.
  FAQ. from the looks of what you pasted everything seems to be going thru
  1 remote host, if this is the case, then i'd suggest reconfiguring
  sendmail so this does not happen to see if that host is causing trouble
  or not. in any case it doesn't look to be on sendmail's end.
 I can't reconfig it that way as I'd then get a problem with namespace.
 Trust me, I tried it.
  also see:
 This applies to PPP / SLIP lines. Sorry, my fault, I forgot to mention
 that this is a cable modem link.
 I still can't get to the bottom of this...
 Sven Burgener  Object Engineering GmbH
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Birmensdorferstr. 32
 Tel: ++41 (0) 1 400 47 00  CH-8142 Uitikon-Waldegg/Zuerich
 Fax: ++41 (0) 1 400 47 07
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336


2000-08-28 Thread Ranko Veselinovic
Hi folks

I have installed the potato. While I was browsing through /etc/
I saw that I have a passwd and a passwd- file. 
My question is: What's the different between this two files?


Sent through GMX FreeMail -

ppp module gone in 2.2 (potato)

2000-08-28 Thread André Wayand
I've upgraded my m68k distro 2.1 to 2.2 using dpkg -i kernel-imagexxx but
the ppp.o module did not get upgraded. There is no /lib/modules/2.2.10
folder, either. Does anyone have an idea what to do to get all my modules
from the previous 2.0.36 folder updated into the new folder so that they
can be loaded? Most importantly I'd love to get the ppp module to connect
to the internet, I tried installing modutils and ppp, but still to no
avail. Help very much appreciated, I just can't find those things.


Re: APM won't blank the screen

2000-08-28 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 07:32:51AM -0600, s. keeling wrote:

  apm: set display: Unable to enter requested state
  But APM is activated in the BIOS and the kernel recognizes it while
 Turn apm *off* in the bios.  Linux apm will handle it alone, and
 better usually than the bios would.

OK, I tried that. But the monitor wasn't totally shutdown at it used
to be. And the system wasn't turned off after shutdown.
That sucks! Guess I will contact MSI.
Thanks for your answer,

NIS trouble

2000-08-28 Thread Nathan Smith
Hello everyone,

I sent this question to the list Friday when the list was being flooded 
with multiple copies of each question.  Once I started noticing the
problem, I know I was much less careful about reading, and figure that I
was not alone.  To my knowledge there were no replies on Friday, and
since someone who may have been able to help me with this problem is
likely to have just deleted all messages posted on Friday, I'm asking
again.  Sorry for filling your (overfull) mailboxes with the same
question twice.  Here goes the question:

I'm having trouble with yppasswd in NIS.  The setup is this:  passwd, 
shadow, group, etc. files are in the /var/yp/ypfiles directory.  Of 
course there are corresponding files in /etc on the ypserver, but they 
do not contain all of the users in the /var/yp/ypfiles location.  In the 
makefile YPSRCDIR (sp?) and YPDIR are both set to /var/yp/ypfiles, so as 
I understand it NIS should not be looking in /etc at all.  

Anyone who is on the /var/yp/ypfiles list is able to log in to all of the
yp clients.  However, only those that are listed in the /etc files are
able to change their passwords using yppasswd.  Does anybody know how to
fix this?  I know that I could just use the /etc files for NIS and limit
access to the server, but I would like two different passwords to be
used, one for the NIS server and one for the NIS clients, for those who
are allowed access to both systems.



Installation os X

2000-08-28 Thread m5d4
 I don't get it...I need help installing x.The one question I
have is, When you run X what does it mean to set up a server, should I
have found a choice for a server in deselect and installed
it..Basically, should a server type be installed from deselect...I
have only three correct choices selected for x installation...The other
8 I guess are in correct...Is SVGA better than VGA, or is it better to
have all of the servers in choice 4, and what happens if your card is
not listed or does not recoginize the chip?  Linux is very hard to
learn, why is it not easier?  Please help... I have tried and tried,
read all the manuals and docs, but to no

Re: Exim and IMAP

2000-08-28 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 11:11:09AM +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:

 Sorry for simple question, 
 Does exim do IMAP and if not which MTA does?

Exim doesn't support IMAP.  On Unix systems the IMAP server and MTA are
usually separate programs, so most MTAs don't know anything about IMAP.
Try looking at the imap or courier-imap packages (or perhaps courier-imapd 
if the license is acceptable to you).

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: potato and slink

2000-08-28 Thread Vik
 Can one install both Potato and Slink on the same box? I've just
 received CD's for Potato but would like to retain Slink for a while. 
 I always boot from floppies, so Lilo is not an issue.
 I've no recollection of seeing any reference to this. Any advice,
 help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Divvying up ur harddrive into a couple of partitions would be the easy
solution, then installing potato on the new partition. Could use the same
swap partition for both. I reckon there is a way to do it on the same
partition, but it might get messy - two ideas that have just popped into
my tired head are to use a lot of symlinks, or to install all of potato
into some directory,say /potato, and ensure all possible path references
use /potato/... rather thatn /... 
No, there must be an easier way.




  Grabel's Law:
  2 is not equal to 3 --- not even for very large values of 2.

Re: passwd

2000-08-28 Thread ktb
Ranko Veselinovic wrote:
 Hi folks
 I have installed the potato. While I was browsing through /etc/
 I saw that I have a passwd and a passwd- file.
 My question is: What's the different between this two files?

I believe passwd- is a backup of passwd.

start pppd

2000-08-28 Thread Alberto Pereira

When i try to start pppd, in prompt, like root or a commun user i have this 

medusa pppd[246]: By default the remote system is required to authenticate 
medusa pppd[246]: (because this system has a default route to the internet)
medusa pppd[246]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it 
to use to do so.
pppd[246]: (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)

Someone can help me?


Alberto Pereira
Linux User: 90123

R: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-28 Thread marco frattola
 I don't think this is possible. I have installed SO 5.2 on 3 different
 machines with this switch and it always worked. Did yo download the
 all-in-one file? I have the splitted package.
i had the whole .bin on a cd with a magazine .. now i downloaded the whole
(and FWIW, the new bin is 3M bigger than the first one ...)

still have to try it .. i forgot my zip home :(

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

 On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 11:55:18AM +0200, marco frattola wrote:
  and thanks for your answer ..
On 23, aug, 2000 at 09:02:18 +0200, marco frattola wrote:
 hi all,
 this is not debian specific, but maybe somebody can help 
me. i'm trying to
 install staroffice 5.2 using
 the 'net' switch, so every user  doesn't need to install 
his/her own copy of
 i already did it successfully with so 5.1, but i'm unable 
to do that with
 5.2. sun gives you a whole .bin
 file. by executing that file you start installation .. but 
there's no way of
 passing the /net switch. without
 switch, it installs the one-user only. reading the docs 
from sun doesn't
 help much .. they refer to a setup
 script, which doesn't exist before running the .bin file, 
and that doesn't
 do anything after: it just gives you
 option to repair/uninstall/modify, but not to reinstall. so 
if anybody knows
 if there's anything i can try ..

Have you tried passing the /net switch to the *.bin file when you
execute it?

I seem to remember that's how I did it when I tried 
 StarOffice (I've
removed it as I don't really need it ...).
   i tried it .. but doesn't work.
   the script bails out saying that the switch is not correct.
   i've also tried /net and -net (since docs here and there 
   don't agree on
   switch sintax) but it doesn't work. this is what i meant (but 
   now that i 
   re-read it i realize it wasn't clearly expressed) 'there's no 
   way to pass
   the switch to the .bin file'
   thank you anyway

   Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
   Cubecom S.p.A.
   Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
   16149 GENOVA
   tel. 010 6591184
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

latex2html package:No configure-ps2img

2000-08-28 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna

 Have I done something wrong or is there some problem? In the potato
 version that I downloaded before it was made stable I could run
 latex2html without any problem.

 On my other machine, I installed the potato version after it was made
 stable, and it gives an error about No such image type: png
 /usr/bin seems to contain all the png files.
 I find that in /usr/share/latx2html there is no configure-pstoimg
 to correct this.

 Can somebody enlighten me on this.

pkzip for Debian ?

2000-08-28 Thread Petr Danek
Hi list,
exists some utilty which will work with zipped files in Debian ?


Re: pkzip for Debian ?

2000-08-28 Thread André Dahlqvist
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 04:52:45PM +0200, Petr Danek wrote:

 exists some utilty which will work with zipped files in Debian ?


// André

netscape 4.75 package has no netscape command?

2000-08-28 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Due to the vulnerability of my old netscape 4.08, I decided to
upgrade to the woody version (Version: 4.75-1).

I installed netscape-base-4, netscape-base-475 and
netscape-java-475.  The only file under a bin directory is
netscape-remote.  There is no netscape command!

Am I missing something obvious?

(I'd check the BTS, but I don't have netscape anymore! :-)

Re: pkzip for Debian ?

2000-08-28 Thread Chris Feist
You probably want the package unzip (you guessed it, to unzip files) and
zip if you want to zip them up.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 04:52:45PM +0200, Petr Danek wrote:
 Hi list,
 exists some utilty which will work with zipped files in Debian ?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sl-stormpkg: where is

2000-08-28 Thread Peter S Galbraith

The sl- version is for slink.  You could get the stormpkg package
instead, HOWEVER...  I did that and it pulled in storm's gtksu,
which in turn depends on a bunch of Helix gnome packages.  That's
fine if you wish to track Helix from then on, but not if you want
to use woody packages.  Helix uses a version number that will
always be higher than Debian's.  Sucks.


Andras Simonyi wrote:

 Dear listmembers,
 I've installed sl-stormpkg_1.0-1_i386.deb from storm's website, but
 stormpkg complains about not finding . In which package
 can I find this library?=20
  Andras Simonyi, running Debian Potato
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Re: pkzip for Debian ?

2000-08-28 Thread Jose Angel Fdez . Luengo

El d禘 Mon, 28 Aug 2000 16:52:45 +0200 hablando sobre pkzip for Debian ?, 
Petr Danek [EMAIL PROTECTED] decia:

 Hi list,
 exists some utilty which will work with zipped files in Debian ?

zip and unzip, but they're in non-free  ;)


Yours truly...
skaven at

Re: pkzip for Debian ?

2000-08-28 Thread Bob Nielsen
Install the zip and unzip packages (why they are separate eludes me).

On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 04:52:45PM +0200, Petr Danek wrote:
 Hi list,
 exists some utilty which will work with zipped files in Debian ?

Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: Mondo GNU like Norton Ghost

2000-08-28 Thread Michael Banck
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 01:54:35PM +1000, Peter Firmstone wrote:
 For those who are interested there is a package called mondo which is
 GNU and does the same thing a Norton Ghost, namely allows you to take a
 system image and use it to install other computers or backup simply by
 booting from a cdr created earlier.
 I think this should become part of debian, anyone know how I can get it
 included in unstable?

write a mail with a request for packaging to debian-devel.
Subject should be something like RFP:Mondo GNU
Give some explanations and the URL and see if somebody is interested and
wants to package it. Make sure it is not in Woody before, though.


Re: Console based Word Processor

2000-08-28 Thread hawk
bish believed,

 Surely, LaTeX (and LyX) is definitely a class apart for do-
 ing real fancy documents,  but that's not the use that I am
 envisaging. I used LyX in the past as well (a good frontend 
 for LaTex for lazy bones)!

FYI, a console version of lyx is on its way--the current move is to 
toolkint independence, and someone is working on an ncurses version in 
this regard.  As I still need to resubscribe (again) to the developers' 
list, I can't tell you any more off the cuff.


Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.   Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.

FW: installation problem

2000-08-28 Thread Anderson, James H \[IT\]
 From: Anderson, James H [IT]
 Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:06 AM
 To:   ''
 Subject:  installation problem
 Gateway Solo 9100
 I have no idea whether the following problem is laptop dependent...
 After creating the boot floppy and rebooting with it in place, instead of
 getting to the creating a root passwd part, I get a bunch of
   Usage: /sbin/getty ...
 messages, followed by
   INIT: ID S respawning too fast: disables for 5 minutes
 This recurs every 5 minutes. I apparently never get out of single user
 It appears that getty is being invoked with the wrong args.
 Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
 212 723-3244
 Salomon Smith Barney
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Installation os X

2000-08-28 Thread Esko Lehtonen
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 08:37:49AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't get it...I need help installing x.The one question I
 have is, When you run X what does it mean to set up a server, should I
 have found a choice for a server in deselect and installed
 it..Basically, should a server type be installed from deselect...I
 have only three correct choices selected for x installation...The other
 8 I guess are in correct...Is SVGA better than VGA, or is it better to
 have all of the servers in choice 4, and what happens if your card is
 not listed or does not recoginize the chip?  Linux is very hard to
 learn, why is it not easier?  Please help... I have tried and tried,
 read all the manuals and docs, but to no

List for video cards and which xserver-package they need can be found from For an example, I have S3 Trio 3D and I am using SVGA.

When you have found what server you need, you need to install corresponding
debian package. They belong to X11 category and their name begins with 
xserver- .

When you have installed correct package using dselect/apt-get, you need to 
configure it. Use xf86config or preferably XF86Setup, which is graphical. 
XF86Setup uses VGA xserver, which is included by default in every X windows
installation. (VGA is so well supported, though poor, that it works almost
everywhere and is suitable for this). When configuring, you have to select
right xserver (the one you installed) and set some values, like resolution.

XF86Setup may not be installed by default to your system, so you have to
install it from cdrom/net.

Yes, X windows is tricky to configure, but you usually need to do it only 

I hope this makes it a bit clearer to you. 

PS. Could you use some paragraphs when mailing messages? It was quite hard
to read.

Re: How to convert multiple pages html doc to other formats?

2000-08-28 Thread USM Bish
I am not quite sure why the  binaries had kernel
specific distributions, perhaps some header info
needed for compile. Never investigated the issue
further, never struck me ! Dumb bloke that I am!

USM Bish

On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 09:21:50AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 What does htmldoc do that depends on the kernel?
 USM Bish wrote:
  Since this program is version specific, it is better to
  download the one specific for ones kernel or compile
  from source. Since I am still on Slink, I have downloaded
  htmldoc-1.8.7-linux-2.0.36-intel.rpm and installed it
  with rpm. Works fine for me.
  On Fri, Aug 25, 2000 at 09:31:19AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
   USM Bish wrote:
As far as the original puspose goes, I have only this much 
to offer -  point to 
and search for an utility called htmldoc.

htmldoc-1.8.7 offers the following:
   No need to get sources from freshmeat and compile...

apt-get a trend setter ?

2000-08-28 Thread USM Bish
Placed below are two postings on
on 27 Aug 2000. May be of interest to this list.  The
apt-get team  should get the  kudos for  starting the
cloning trend.

  --- - --- -- - --- -- - - - -- -

  subject: fAPT 0.4
 added by: iMil on Aug 27th 2000, 10:45
  license: GPL
 category: Console/Packaging


fAPT is an attempt to bring an apt-get clone to the *BSD world.

Initial release.


  --- - --- -- - --- -- - - - -- -

  subject: slack liveUpdate! 0.1.1
 added by: camacho on Aug 27th 2000, 00:41
  license: freely distributable
 category: Console/Administration


slack liveUpdate! is a Slackware upgrade tool which checks for new
packages in -current directory, makes a list of them, and lets you
choose the packages to be downloaded and optionally installed.

This release contains an English translation, fixes for a bug in the
shell script, and some minor improvements.



  --- - --- -- - --- -- - - - -- -

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