
2000-08-30 Thread DrAk0
Hola como estan
quisiera saber la difeencia entre
i386 i 586 i686 porque en algunos casos veo al bajar si la quiero para una
de esas

RE: (no) Voy a Madrid, incipiente quedada debianera

2000-08-30 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 12:44:42AM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  estupendo, me apunto a esas birras.
 ¡¡Oee!!, esto va para gran evento :-DD

Bah, debían prohibir eventos Debianeros en los que no esté yo.

Jordi :)


Nosotros lo que tenemos que hacer es nuestro Burjassot-Kampus Party.. (y si
hay alguien del Poli... pues que coja el tranvía). Además creo que todos los
listeros de Valencia estamos en Brujas.

Ignacio García Fernández

Un matemático es un ciego, en un cuarto oscuro,
buscando un gato negro que no está allí.
  C. Darwin.
Ponga un matemático en su empresa.

longitud del nombre de un fuente en Gnu assembler

2000-08-30 Thread MC_Vai
Existe algun bug (o algo por el estilo) en as (GNU Assembler) que impida
que un archivo fuente cuyo nombre sea de longitud = 3 caracteres sea

Lo que pasa es que no puedo ensamblar con la tabla de simbolos activa
(para el depurador), archivos cuya longitus de nombre sean = 3
caracteres. p.e. si tengo un archivo fuente llamado foo.S y lo quiero
ensamblar asi:
% as --gstabs -o foo.o foo.S
me genera el siguiente mensaje de error:
foo.S: Assembler messages:
foo.S:43: Error: local label 0 (instance number 0 of a dollar label)
is not defined
El mensaje de error no se genera si omito el flag --gstabs o si renombro
el fuente a un nombre cuya longitud sea != 3 (p.e foo1.S funciona bien).

Es normal esto? o es que tengo una instalacion rara y/o buggienta en
mi sistema.
De antemano gracias por cualquier ayuda y un saludo.

PD La version de as que tengo instalada en mi sistema (woody) es la

dpkg -l

2000-08-30 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Hola a todos,

Al hacer dpkg -l, no consigo ver los nombres completos de muchos paquetes,
pues la longitud fija reservada para el nombre se queda corta. ¿Hay alguna
manera de evitar esto? Es algo que me pregunto desde hace un montón de


Configurar DNS en casa

2000-08-30 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Primero de todo, guenas a [EMAIL PROTECTED] :D

La cosa es que me enredado a instalar un DNS en casa
(en parte por culpa de qmail y del aburrimiento que me
provocan las muchas horas que tiene un dia de
vacaciones :) y me he estado mirando el DNS-Como, pero
resulta que la mitad, por no decir mas, de los valores
que salen para los archivos de configuracion no
coinciden con los que tengo en mi slink (dentro de
poco potato) en /var/named/, y como tampoco no me
entero mucho del tema, pues no se si debo cambiar algo
de tal como viene, o ponerlo todo segun el Howto, que
es de julio de 1997, pues al hacer nslookup tal como
dice el como en su apartado 4.2:

valhalla:/var/named# nslookup
Default Server:  localhost
Server:  localhost


 set q=any
Server:  localhost

*** localhost can't find localhost: No response from

En fin, que si alguien me podria echar un cable con
una direccion con el tema, o que preferentemente me
enviara sus archivos de configuracion, a los que haria
los pertinentes cambios para adaptarlos a mi sistema.

Nos leemos

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Re: Conseguir la POTATO

2000-08-30 Thread Enrique

  Envio este mensaje para preguntar si, tal como me
  parecio entender, se distribuiran los 4 CDs oficiales
  de potato con la revista Solo Programadores Linux
  pero sin los errores que se han comentado sobre
  imagenes defectuosas o, si no, de donde puedo bajar
  esas imagenes sin los susodichos errores.
 Que yo sepa (según mi último soplo :D ), en el numero siguiente o en el
 posterior saldrá potato, lo que no está claro es cuantos CD's ni si será en
 dos entregas o en una... pero será :)

Po favó, que sea en éste, y que sean tos los CDs, que ya no puedo más!!!

Re: conseguir DEBIAN 2.2 en Baires

2000-08-30 Thread jvicente
Averigua en www.interar.com.ar. Son los distribuidores de Debian en
Creo que te cobran 5 mangos cada CD.

Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 29/08/2000 23:32:40

Por favor, responda a Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Destinatarios: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Asunto:   conseguir DEBIAN 2.2 en Baires

   Algún debianero en Buenos Aires que me pueda hacer copias de los
   4 CDs de DEBIAN 2.2 
mailto: Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux registered user #185003

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[Quedada Universidad de Valencia] ERA: Re: Voy a Madrid

2000-08-30 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Bah, debían prohibir eventos Debianeros en los que no esté yo.
 Jordi :)

¿Y por qué no montamos una quedada debianera en la Universidad de
Valencia, Campus de Burjassot? Que yo sepa hay, por lo menos, 5 debianeros

 Y así Jordi, nos cuentas tus experiencias como desarrollador, que a
algunos sí que nos gustaría aporender, por lo menos, a hacer paquetes
debian :-).

 Además, así chinchamos a los de Madrid :-P

  Un saludo.


P.S: ¿Qué tal a mediados de Octubre?


2000-08-30 Thread Yesid Garay

Deseo compartir con ustede un problema que tuve 
en el momento de ingresar al mundo de linux.Instale el redhat en un pc 
com procesador pentium, pero en donde realmente deseo trabajarlo es en un 
equipo con procesador 486, y al instalar el disco duro alli existe un 
problema con el Kernel. Necesito que me colaboren, en darmen una solución 
diferente a reinstalar el Linux, no se si exista una herramienta que me 
permita compilar de nuevol el kernel desde DOS, por este 486 no posee unidad 
de CD-rom.


Puedo poner ADSL en casa?

2000-08-30 Thread Lluis Vilanova
La cosa esta en que puede que me ponga ADSL en casa,
pero primero querria saber si el modem que da
telefonica es compatible con Linux, o si hay que hacer
algo (se que hace un tiempo se hablo de esto en la
lista, pero no le preste mucha atencion pq lo vi como
una opcion muy lejos)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: Puedo poner ADSL en casa?

2000-08-30 Thread Jaume Sabater
Si puedes. Almenos tal y como lo tengo en el curro si:

Vinieron los de timofonika (después de meses de esperar y esperar...) y nos
pusieron un modem externo adsl, que se comunica con el ordenata con una
ethernet. En principio ellos te explican lo que debes hacer para configurar
el güindougs, aunque le digas que tienes linux:

- Hola, güenas tardes. ¿Me podria explicar que debo hacer para configurar
el router ADSL con LINUX?
- Porsupuesto: Vaya a Menú Inicio, configuración, red, propiedades...

Total, que los de la timo no tienen ni idea. Así que yo le metí el ADSL a
un güindoze, hice tal y como me explicó el, miré los IPs que me daba el
dhcp y configuré el LINUX según estos. Lo hice así porque el dhcpd del
LINUX tenia un bug conocido. No sé ahora si tiene el bug o no, pero seguro
que con el dhcpd-client puedes hacer-lo rular igualmente.

En cuanto a los módems adsl internos, no lo se... Aligual se configuran
como una ethernet, pero aligual lleba algun driver especial que el linux no

At 08:03 30/08/00 -0700, you wrote:
La cosa esta en que puede que me ponga ADSL en casa,
pero primero querria saber si el modem que da
telefonica es compatible con Linux, o si hay que hacer
algo (se que hace un tiempo se hablo de esto en la
lista, pero no le preste mucha atencion pq lo vi como
una opcion muy lejos)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Podre copiarme la potato por fin?

2000-08-30 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Quiero bajarme la potato de internet, pero no me
aclaro con lo del Make Pseudo Image, estoy bajando las
imagenes de
desde el cyber de un amigo, pero una vez bajadas, le
meto el rsync? con que servidor? o ya las tuesto?

Lo que pasa es que he leido que hay imagenes con
errores en unos bits (ya se hablo en esta lista),
tiene esta direccion errores?

En fins, que si alguien me puede ayudar con estas
preguntas, o, aun mejor, decirme si hay alguna guia
del palo ahora enciende el ordenador, pon tu nombre de
usuario, pulsa intro... pues mejor :D

Gracias y estare esperando vuestras respuestas con candeletas

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: Podre copiarme la potato por fin?

2000-08-30 Thread Jaume Sabater
At 09:56 30/08/00 -0700, you wrote:
Quiero bajarme la potato de internet, pero no me
aclaro con lo del Make Pseudo Image, estoy bajando las
imagenes de
desde el cyber de un amigo, pero una vez bajadas, le
meto el rsync? con que servidor? o ya las tuesto?

Tostaditas estan riquisimas :-)

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Ultimos drivers sound blaster 1024 live

2000-08-30 Thread ANGEL TORRES

Me gustaría saber cuales son los problemas que suele dar esta 
tarjeta en su instalación en un pentium III.
Necesito los ultimos drivers de dicha tarjeta, por favor si 
supierais donde localizarlos o si vosotros mismos me los pudieseis mandar os 
estaría muy agradecido.
Mi dirección: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ultimos drivers sound blaster 1024 live

2000-08-30 Thread Rodolfo García
Los drivers los tienes en developer.soundblaster.com (no se si es developer o 
developers, pero vamos, eso)

Un saludo.

On dom, 27 ago 2000, ANGEL TORRES escribió:

 Me gustaría saber cuales son los problemas que suele dar esta tarjeta en su 
 instalación en un pentium III.
 Necesito los ultimos drivers de dicha tarjeta, por favor si supierais donde 
 localizarlos o si vosotros mismos me los pudieseis mandar os estaría muy 
 Mi dirección: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

___ __  __  __
| |/ / / /\/ /  Rodolfo García Peñas
| / / / /\  /   http://www.hispalinux.es/~kix
| \ \/ / /  \   http://www.thekix.com
   - - -
Register Linux User 62951. Debian 2.2 Kernel 2.4.0-test7
Harás cualquier cosa por la persona que amas ...
... excepto volver a amarla.

Re: Voy a Madrid, incipiente quedada debianera

2000-08-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, ago 30, 2000 at 01:04:34 +0200, Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:
 Vaya, me hubiera apetecido. Soy de Guadalajara, pero salgo de viaje para
 Oviedo justamente la tarde del Jueves.
 Otra vez será. Que lo paseis bien.

J :(

¿En el congreso quizás? :)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: Voy a Madrid, incipiente quedada debianera

2000-08-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, ago 30, 2000 at 02:43:11 +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 12:44:42AM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
   estupendo, me apunto a esas birras.
  ¡¡Oee!!, esto va para gran evento :-DD
 Bah, debían prohibir eventos Debianeros en los que no esté yo.

Mamoncete ya nos veremos las caras :-P
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Quedada Universidad de Valencia] ERA: Re: Voy a Madrid

2000-08-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, ago 30, 2000 at 09:56:29 -0400, Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:
  Además, así chinchamos a los de Madrid :-P

Que conste que si voy a Valencia próximamente instigaré juerga flamenca
también :D

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey


2000-08-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Ya hay sitio y hora de quedada, léase:

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Resent-Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 08:08:36 -0400
X-Authentication-Warning: host.digitalvalley.com: vigu set sender to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] using -f
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 14:04:27 +0200
Subject: Quedada
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.85e
Resent-Message-ID: 0EoZFC.A.ylH.7kPr5@host.digitalvalley.com
X-Mailing-List: [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive/latest/415
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-UIDL: 91172d4dcfcb82aab82baa55b1fac042

Bueno pues ahi va

Sitio: Metro Prosperidad (solo tiene una salida no hay problema)
Hora: 19:30 se daran 15 minutos (o mas depende de lo que nos enrrollemos a 
hablar :-P ) de cortesia.

Si alguno llega mas tarde que llame al movil de alguno de los que ha dicho que 
va seguro, yo no uso de esas cosas.
Un posible sitio (sino esta cerrado) es un bar que se llama Vinaroz y que esta 
en la calle vinaroz, que es la que queda justo enfrente de la salida del metro.
La otra posibilidad (en caso de cierre del primero) no se como se llama, aunque 
tambien esta en la plaza (no le conozco, este es el que me ha dicho Juantomas).


- End forwarded message -

Nos vemos mañana :)

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Re: Particiones, propietarios y permisos

2000-08-30 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 08:37 a.m. 2000-08-29 +0200, Luis Taboada wrote:
Hola a todos,

 Despues de formatearla para ext2, he añadido una entrada en fstab
 con la opción 'auto' para que la monte automáticamente en ese
 directorio 'Trabajo'.

 Mis dudas:
 - Estuve probando el compilador FreePascsal, compilando desde
 ese directorio; y aunque le cambié los permisos al directorio
 para que todo el mundo pueda hacer todo, me es imposible ejecutar
 ninguno de los programas compilados, ni siquiera como 'root':
mensaje: 'bash: permiso denegado'.
 ¿Qué pasa?

La partición está montada como 'noexec', agregale la opción 'exec' (o algo
así) a tu /etc/fstab

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User
http://members.xoom.com/ugo_linux/   Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: Puedo poner ADSL en casa?

2000-08-30 Thread Toni Moreno
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:03:10AM -0700, Lluis Vilanova wrote:
 La cosa esta en que puede que me ponga ADSL en casa,
 pero primero querria saber si el modem que da
 telefonica es compatible con Linux, o si hay que hacer
 algo (se que hace un tiempo se hablo de esto en la
 lista, pero no le preste mucha atencion pq lo vi como
 una opcion muy lejos)

Si, puedes hacer algo, lo primero es que sepas con que
te puedes (no a todo el mundo le pasa) enfrentarte:


Si tienes suerte será todo perfecto. Si no es así ...
conocerás los límites de tu paciencia y sabrás lo que
es sentirte absolutamente impotente y pasando por el 
tubo (te hablo con conocimiento de causa, te lo 
aseguro ...).

En cualquier caso suerte, y perdonad el off-topic.


Re: Puedo poner ADSL en casa?

2000-08-30 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Yo tengo instalada una internet inalambrica que funciona con un modem adsl que 
se conecta a la
placa de red y lo pude configurar facil, se hace con una conexion pppoe y 
tienes que tener el
driver de la placa de red funcionando.
Lo que tengo entendido es que los modems adsl internos todavia no tienen 
soporte en linux.

Toni Moreno wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:03:10AM -0700, Lluis Vilanova wrote:
  La cosa esta en que puede que me ponga ADSL en casa,
  pero primero querria saber si el modem que da
  telefonica es compatible con Linux, o si hay que hacer
  algo (se que hace un tiempo se hablo de esto en la
  lista, pero no le preste mucha atencion pq lo vi como
  una opcion muy lejos)

 Si, puedes hacer algo, lo primero es que sepas con que
 te puedes (no a todo el mundo le pasa) enfrentarte:


 Si tienes suerte será todo perfecto. Si no es así ...
 conocerás los límites de tu paciencia y sabrás lo que
 es sentirte absolutamente impotente y pasando por el
 tubo (te hablo con conocimiento de causa, te lo
 aseguro ...).

 En cualquier caso suerte, y perdonad el off-topic.


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Re: Puedo poner ADSL en casa?

2000-08-30 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Si queres te mando por mail la ultima version del pppoe para compilarla, cuando 
termina de
compilar solo arranca un script que te pide los datos y configura todo 
A tambien hay que tener el pppd instalado y el kernel tiene que tener soporte 
para ppp.

Toni Moreno wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:03:10AM -0700, Lluis Vilanova wrote:
  La cosa esta en que puede que me ponga ADSL en casa,
  pero primero querria saber si el modem que da
  telefonica es compatible con Linux, o si hay que hacer
  algo (se que hace un tiempo se hablo de esto en la
  lista, pero no le preste mucha atencion pq lo vi como
  una opcion muy lejos)

 Si, puedes hacer algo, lo primero es que sepas con que
 te puedes (no a todo el mundo le pasa) enfrentarte:


 Si tienes suerte será todo perfecto. Si no es así ...
 conocerás los límites de tu paciencia y sabrás lo que
 es sentirte absolutamente impotente y pasando por el
 tubo (te hablo con conocimiento de causa, te lo
 aseguro ...).

 En cualquier caso suerte, y perdonad el off-topic.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Svenskt tangentbord i X på en potatisinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Ingemar Fällman
För att få min Debian installation svensk
så valde jag bara se-latin1 med kbdconfig,
sedan la jag till följande rader i /etc/profile
för att kunna skriva svenska tecken i konsollen
och för att få felmeddelanden och sånt på

LC_ALL='sv_SE.ISO-8859-1';  export LC_ALL
LC_CTYPE=sv_SE;  export LC_CTYPE


Karl Hammar wrote:
   Kolla i din inputrc-fil.
 $ cat /etc/inputrc
 # /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
 # See readline(3readline) and `info readline' for more information.
 # Be 8 bit clean.
 set input-meta on
 set output-meta on
 # To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, comment out
 # the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta key,
 # which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit characters.
 set convert-meta off

Ingemar Fällman  Phone: +46(0)90 786 9335
UMDAC, Umeå University   Fax:   +46(0)90 786 6762

$_ = I'n Jvtu bopuifs Pfsm ibdlfs,; y/a-z/za-y/; print $_\n;

Re: doc-linux-pt

2000-08-30 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Hehe, foi justamente o que escolhi empacotar :-)

Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 Olá Paulo,
 Sua msg foi para a debian-user.
 Estou dando um Cc para a debian-user-portuguese, e aproveitando
 para incentivá-lo na sua decisão!d
 On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
estava observando hoje no dselect e notei que existem vários pacotes
  chamados doc-linux-país. que são HOWTOs, FAQs traduzidos para a língua de 
Está faltando um doc-linux-pt que seriam os documentos da LDP-BR. 
  uma boa desculpa para virar Debian Developer.
Alguém concorda com essa idéia?
Um abraço,  PH
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
 http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: doc-linux-pt

2000-08-30 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Ja Empacotou?
Mesmo assim, estamos pensando em quando forem acontecendo as traduções 
dos documentos. Por exemplo, o maint guide traduzido viraria maint_guide-pt
Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hehe, foi justamente o que escolhi empacotar :-)
 Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
  Olá Paulo,
  Sua msg foi para a debian-user.
  Estou dando um Cc para a debian-user-portuguese, e aproveitando
  para incentivá-lo na sua decisão!d
  On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 estava observando hoje no dselect e notei que existem vários pacotes
   chamados doc-linux-país. que são HOWTOs, FAQs traduzidos para a língua de 
 Está faltando um doc-linux-pt que seriam os documentos da LDP-BR. 
   uma boa desculpa para virar Debian Developer.
 Alguém concorda com essa idéia?
 Um abraço,  PH
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
  IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
  http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

servidor NT

2000-08-30 Thread lelinux
Instalei o linux a algumas semanas e estou tendo dificuldades para fazer com 
que linux reconheça um servidor NT. Se alguem souber o que devo fazer por 
favor envie-me um e-mail. 

Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito?
Então clique aqui: http://registro.ig.com.br/

Re: doc-linux-pt

2000-08-30 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Ja Empacotou?

Ainda não, tem muitos HOWTO's traduzidos que ainda não entraram na
do LDP-BR (eu mesmo traduzi 3 que ainda não apareceram por lá). 

 Mesmo assim, estamos pensando em quando forem acontecendo as traduções
 dos documentos. Por exemplo, o maint guide traduzido viraria maint_guide-pt
 Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hehe, foi justamente o que escolhi empacotar :-)
  Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
   Olá Paulo,
   Sua msg foi para a debian-user.
   Estou dando um Cc para a debian-user-portuguese, e aproveitando
   para incentivá-lo na sua decisão!d
   On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  estava observando hoje no dselect e notei que existem vários 
chamados doc-linux-país. que são HOWTOs, FAQs traduzidos para a língua 
de cada
  Está faltando um doc-linux-pt que seriam os documentos da LDP-BR. 
uma boa desculpa para virar Debian Developer.
  Alguém concorda com essa idéia?
  Um abraço,  PH
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
   Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
   IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
   http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: doc-linux-pt

2000-08-30 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
se eles emperram o serviço, não podemos depender disso.
Pega-se o que tem, empacota e pede o resto todos os dias.
Voce ja é developer? Acho q só o Macan atualmente é developer.
Me confirmem isso.
Um abraço,  PH
Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Ja Empacotou?
 Ainda não, tem muitos HOWTO's traduzidos que ainda não entraram na
 do LDP-BR (eu mesmo traduzi 3 que ainda não apareceram por lá). 
  Mesmo assim, estamos pensando em quando forem acontecendo as 
  dos documentos. Por exemplo, o maint guide traduzido viraria maint_guide-pt
  Quoting Gleydson Mazioli da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Hehe, foi justamente o que escolhi empacotar :-)
   Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
Olá Paulo,
Sua msg foi para a debian-user.
Estou dando um Cc para a debian-user-portuguese, e aproveitando
para incentivá-lo na sua decisão!d
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   estava observando hoje no dselect e notei que existem vários 
 chamados doc-linux-país. que são HOWTOs, FAQs traduzidos para a 
 língua de cada
   Está faltando um doc-linux-pt que seriam os documentos da 
 LDP-BR. Seria
 uma boa desculpa para virar Debian Developer.
   Alguém concorda com essa idéia?
   Um abraço,  PH

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Gleyson Mazioli da Silva
 Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Mirror Debian no Brasil?

2000-08-30 Thread krogerlistas
On 29 Aug 2000, Cesar Cardoso wrote:

   Tem algum mirror Debian no Brasil? Especialmente que fique updated com o
   A minha conexao e meu /etc/apt/sources.list agradecem :-)
Não me lembro bem, mas acho que liberei o woody.
 Tem o diretorio, mas nao os arquivos.

Falando em mirror da debian no brasil, vocês devem ter visto que
infelizmente o linusp será desativado, e consequentemente, o mirror
oficial da Debian no brasil.

Será que teria alguem disposto a pegar essa tarefa?


Pedro Króger

Re: emacs color

2000-08-30 Thread Dale L . Morris
I may have solved this problem, sorta: I rebooted back into my old
2.2.16 kernel and everything works fine. I must have not included some
module in 2.2.17. ..hmmm.. wonder which one?

Dale L . Morris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 When I upgraded to 2.2.17 I got a message that nvi had saved the file
 .Xresources and it could be recovered with the -r switch. Which I did,
 problem being that it wiped out the old config for emacs:
 emacs*cursorColor: orangered
 Now when I try to start emacs I get an error: 'undefined color
 What do I do to fix this?
 Know thyself..


Know thyself..

auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread John Anderson
I was wondering if there is anyway in Debian, when I use the halt command
the computer will shut off automatically if equpped with an electronic
power switch.  Distributions such as SuSE and Redhat would shut down my
computer in that manner.  Is there anyway to do this with Debian?

John Kerr Anderson 
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   

Re: ncr53c406a

2000-08-30 Thread Jason Christensen
On 29 Aug 2000, jess wrote:

 Hi Maybe someone can help me. When i try to boot up from the debian 2.1 cd fo
 rthe first times to install the program. I hit enter at the boot prompt like
 it says and it spits out a whole bunch of stuff and freezes up with the las
 tline being 
 ncr53c406a :no avalible ports found
 what can i do to get past this point?
 How can i prevent this?
 what do i type in at the boot prompt?

I would recommend that you try booting from one of the floppy disk sets
that are available for installing Debian. Take a look at:


Specifically, section 5.2. There you will find a discussion of available
installation sets.


Jason Christensen  Ideas won't keep;
[EMAIL PROTECTED] something must be done about them.
http://www.jasonchristensen.net/ - Alfred North Whitehead

Re: auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 12:10:24AM -0400, John Anderson wrote:
 I was wondering if there is anyway in Debian, when I use the halt command
 the computer will shut off automatically if equpped with an electronic
 power switch.  Distributions such as SuSE and Redhat would shut down my
 computer in that manner.  Is there anyway to do this with Debian?

No.  (Just kidding).

_If_ APM support is compiled into the stock kernel (and it used to
be), add this line to your /etc/lilo.conf


Run lilo, and reboot.

If that doesn't work, you need to build your own kernel.  You should
do this anyway to get rid of all the drivers you don't need.

Some tips:

1) Get the kernel source wherever you want.  You don't _have_ to use
   the debian kernel-source package if you'd rather download from
   www.kernel.org ...

2) Use Debian's kernel-package.  it makes things a lot easier and is
   well documented.  For the RTFM impaired, here's a _brief_ synopsis:

   a) make menuconfig
   b) make-kpkg clean
   c) make-kpkg --revision=custom.2.2.17-0 kernel_image

3) Make sure you enable APM support, and enable the power off at
   shutdown option.


Nathan E Norman   Eschew Obfuscation
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://incanus.net/~nnorman

Description: PGP signature

Re: block pings

2000-08-30 Thread Sebastian Ritter
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Danny Pansters wrote:

 On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Nick wrote:
  how do you stop linux from replying to pings like
  microsoft does.  you can't ping www.microsoft.com or www.msn.com
  thankx nick
 OK, I got curious since it involves icmp, so it's not done in 
 /etc/inetd.conf, and I didn't know how to do it. 
 All I can say is RTFM, it's right there in the icpm man page that 
 I tried first.
 Just put this in /etc/sysctl.conf to turn ping replies off:
 Then run
 # sysctl -p
 But after that you should really go back to /etc/sysctl.conf and get rid of 
 it again (hint: it involves running sysctrl again :-).

Another fine hack would be this:

 ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -j DENY
 ipchains -A output -i ppp0 -p icmp --icmp-type 0 -j REJECT

ICMP type 8 is echo-request. type 0 is echo-reply.
Replace ppp0 by whatever you use to connect to the internet.

 Just my $0.02



Re: chroot ssh on debian

2000-08-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 11:02:09AM +, Alexander Koch wrote:
 Does anyone of you have a howto or some hints on setting up
 a chrooted ssh-in-a-box on debian system?

i tinkered with this once and got it sorta working, it involved using
a pam module called pam_chroot that is floating around (i don't
remember where sorry, try searching for it, if you fail mail me
privately and i can send you the source tarball)  

just adding the pam_module was not really enough to make it really
work, i also had to mount a second copy of devpts in the chroot jail,
some libraries, it was a pain, and i had alot of problems making it
all work right (and it was exceedingly ugly too) so i ended up doing
what i wanted differently.  which was write a couple wrapper scripts
and use rbash.  all the user is allowed to do is scp files from thier
~/ and use ls inside the ~/.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Packages I Don't want to upgrade

2000-08-30 Thread Troy Telford
OK, this should be simple...

There are a number of packages (XF86 3.3.6) that are 'installed' in my
system - but are not really installed.  In fact, they are only in the
dpkg database.  I did a manual install of XF86 4.0.1 from tarballs quite
a while ago.

However, I have no desire to 'upgrade' the XF83 3.3.6 debs, since they
overwrite the tarball installation.

I'm sure there is a way in Debian to flag certain packages to not
upgrade, and I would appreciate any instructions on this.

Also - I know there is a XF4 deb packaging project, and it's rather...
alpha.  Is there at least a meta-package that will meet all the XF86
dependancies, and not be overwritten by XF86 3 debs?  (Meaning, it meets
the deps for it, but it'll let me use the existing tarball installation
from XF86.org?)



Pinky, are you pondering what I am pondering?

I think so brain, but if we were meant to fly, wouldn't we have been born
with a bag of peanuts?

Potato on a laptop

2000-08-30 Thread Triggs; Ian
Hi, I recently succesfully installed potato on my Toshiba Satellite
2100CDS laptop.  All is working fine, in fact, it was the easiest install
of Linux I have ever done, out of any distributions, plus I was
installing it over ftp, with a PCMCIA card, through a wingate proxy.

Now I want to configure the sound card in the laptop, I was wondering if
anyone could tell me if they knew what sound card the laptop uses?  I have
looked in the manuals but cannot find anything in there.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Potato on a laptop

2000-08-30 Thread John Griffiths
i got sndconfig out of woody and it worked ok

used dpkg to install it without doing the full upgrade...

At 04:38 PM 8/30/2000 +1100, Triggs; Ian wrote:
Hi, I recently succesfully installed potato on my Toshiba Satellite
2100CDS laptop.  All is working fine, in fact, it was the easiest install
of Linux I have ever done, out of any distributions, plus I was
installing it over ftp, with a PCMCIA card, through a wingate proxy.

Now I want to configure the sound card in the laptop, I was wondering if
anyone could tell me if they knew what sound card the laptop uses?  I have
looked in the manuals but cannot find anything in there.

Thanks in advance,


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Packages I Don't want to upgrade

2000-08-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
Troy Telford said:
 Also - I know there is a XF4 deb packaging project, and it's rather...
 alpha.  Is there at least a meta-package that will meet all the XF86
 dependancies, and not be overwritten by XF86 3 debs?  (Meaning, it meets
 the deps for it, but it'll let me use the existing tarball installation
 from XF86.org?)

Check out the equivs package.  It lets you create dummy packages that say
various dependencies are provided/required to handle situations like this.

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Potato on a laptop

2000-08-30 Thread Triggs; Ian
ok, so I installed sndconfig out of woody and ran it.  Firstly the PCI
probe said: A PCI sound card was found in your system.  The details are:
   Model: Unknown vendor|unknown device 125d:1978
After pressing OK: The Unknown vendor|unknown device 125d:1978 is not
supported  Then exists, would it help if I recompiled the kernel and
added some different form of sound support?  If I do, what sort of support
should I compile into the kernel?

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, John Griffiths wrote:

 i got sndconfig out of woody and it worked ok
 used dpkg to install it without doing the full upgrade...
 At 04:38 PM 8/30/2000 +1100, Triggs; Ian wrote:
 Hi, I recently succesfully installed potato on my Toshiba Satellite
 2100CDS laptop.  All is working fine, in fact, it was the easiest install
 of Linux I have ever done, out of any distributions, plus I was
 installing it over ftp, with a PCMCIA card, through a wingate proxy.
 Now I want to configure the sound card in the laptop, I was wondering if
 anyone could tell me if they knew what sound card the laptop uses?  I have
 looked in the manuals but cannot find anything in there.
 Thanks in advance,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Potato on a laptop

2000-08-30 Thread John Griffiths
actually sndconfig will add the kernal modules IF its supported...

so i'm afraid all i can recommend is getting OSS its closed source but it works 
with most things

At 05:08 PM 8/30/2000 +1100, Triggs; Ian wrote:
ok, so I installed sndconfig out of woody and ran it.  Firstly the PCI
probe said: A PCI sound card was found in your system.  The details are:
   Model: Unknown vendor|unknown device 125d:1978
After pressing OK: The Unknown vendor|unknown device 125d:1978 is not
supported  Then exists, would it help if I recompiled the kernel and
added some different form of sound support?  If I do, what sort of support
should I compile into the kernel?

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, John Griffiths wrote:

 i got sndconfig out of woody and it worked ok
 used dpkg to install it without doing the full upgrade...
 At 04:38 PM 8/30/2000 +1100, Triggs; Ian wrote:
 Hi, I recently succesfully installed potato on my Toshiba Satellite
 2100CDS laptop.  All is working fine, in fact, it was the easiest install
 of Linux I have ever done, out of any distributions, plus I was
 installing it over ftp, with a PCMCIA card, through a wingate proxy.
 Now I want to configure the sound card in the laptop, I was wondering if
 anyone could tell me if they knew what sound card the laptop uses?  I have
 looked in the manuals but cannot find anything in there.
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: Packages I Don't want to upgrade

2000-08-30 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Troy Telford said:
  Also - I know there is a XF4 deb packaging project, and it's rather...
  alpha.  Is there at least a meta-package that will meet all the XF86
  dependancies, and not be overwritten by XF86 3 debs?  (Meaning, it meets
  the deps for it, but it'll let me use the existing tarball installation
  from XF86.org?)
 Check out the equivs package.  It lets you create dummy packages that say
 various dependencies are provided/required to handle situations like this.

You could also put them on hold with dselect.

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: net install of staroffice 5.2

2000-08-30 Thread Justin Fletcher

Text inserted in quotes below


R: net install of staroffice 5.2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (marco frattola)

25 Aug 2000 19:16:02 +0800


hi sergio,
thank you for your answer

 One or two days ago I had the same problem.
 First I installed SO *without* the /net switch. It generated 

you mean you ran the so52-..-xx.bin file, right?

When I installed I used the /net switch when installing the so52.bin

 two files in the home directory of every user that started 
 the setup program, the files being .sversionrc and .user52.rdb.

uhm, i'm almost sure i've never found those 2 files you mention ..
but i'll check it.

 Having encountered the problem you mentioned, I removed all 
 of SO's installation
 (/usr/local/office52 in my case), as well as the mentioned files. 
 Then I installed it again with the /net switch. From that 
 moment on, every user could do a workstation installation.
 To sum it up:
 1) do a clean install with the /net switch

this is my problem .. how do i do this? the so52-..-xx.bin file doesn't
accept switch .. and after it's done, the setup script will not allow me
to use the net switch. how do you do this? using the bin file or the

i have the impression we don't have the same staroffice archive .. where
did you get yours?

I think I've installed the so52 bin file you have.  I used the /net 
switch and it installed fine.
It defaulted to root's home directory.  I changed this to the dir I 
installed so51 in.

 o - /usr/local/Office51
 o - set to install in /usr/local
 o - install created subdir and installed in:
  o - /usr/local/office52
  o - (note case difference)

 2) remove any existing configuration files in the home 
 directories of the users

that tried to install SO
 3) run setup as user
 I did this without looking at existing doc, so my explanation 
 may not be 100% accurate. If you do have another explanation 
 just tell me.
 Anyway, hope the above mentioned will help you. 
i hope so. the procedure you outline is exactly the procedure i followed

so51. but i can't do that with so52

i hope you don't mind if i cc the list, just in case somebody is interested
in this

thanks for your help

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.

Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

Upon install goto the /usr/local/office52/program (the program dir under 
where you installed office52) and run : ./setup
as a user rather than the root account (unless you are setting up the so 
called 'workstation' for the root user as well, of course)

This will detect your Office51 install and upgrade blah blah

I am replying from the digest and am rather a few days behind so I 
appologize if the question has been answered already.  If not then I 
hope I helped.

Feel free to email me or reply to this list if I was not as clear as I 
hoped to be,


*SOLVED* problems with staroffice 5.2 /net install

2000-08-30 Thread marco frattola
hi all,
first of all, i want to thank all the people who answered me.
what i did was download the .bin file again (the english version)
and follow debian users' and sun's instruction.

so52-ga-linux-en.bin /net

worked perfectly. i still don't know why the italian version i was 
using the 1st time didn't work, but now i don't care.

thank you very much to all of you.

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

RE: auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
The stock kernel which comes with Debian (2.2) has the auto power off
function disabled! To enable this feature, you need to recompile the
kernel...which is suggested anyway.

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at: http://www.astro.com.my

 -Original Message-
 From: John Anderson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 12:10 PM
 To:   Debian list
 Subject:  auto power off
 I was wondering if there is anyway in Debian, when I use the halt command
 the computer will shut off automatically if equpped with an electronic
 power switch.  Distributions such as SuSE and Redhat would shut down my
 computer in that manner.  Is there anyway to do this with Debian?
 John Kerr Anderson 
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

kernel-package concept question

2000-08-30 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Dear group, I am not sure about the concept of the kernel-package
system. From the documentation I have learned that if I compile my
custom kernel, I also need to rebuild my pcmcia modules to match the
kernel. I use a laptop with pcmcia cards. I have managed to do so, 
creating both:


Also, I have assumed that if I make modifications to the kernel
configuration, I should use the revision scheme to make a next kernel.
This is the point where I assumed that again the pcmcia modules should
be rebuild to accompany the new kernel module. So I went ahead and made:


It has been suggested in a previous post that the pcmcia should have
been left alone. Now my question is, when is it required to rebuild that?
Only if I compile a kernel from a different source?
At this point, I am left in a situation where I am unable to install the
0.2 kernel.deb because (as it seems to me) I also did the pcmcia. The
message reads:

   eme_lap:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.17_dell.0.2_i386.deb 
   dpkg: regarding kernel-image-2.2.17_dell.0.2_i386.deb containing
   pcmcia-modules-2.2.17 conflicts with kernel-image-2.2.17 ( dell.0.1)
   kernel-image-2.2.17 (version dell.0.2) is to be installed.
   dpkg: error processing kernel-image-2.2.17_dell.0.2_i386.deb
   conflicting packages - not installing kernel-image-2.2.17
   Errors were encountered while processing:

Does anyone have an idea how to get around this? I have considered to go
back and install the first kernel.deb, but am a bit worried to mess up
the system at all...

Any suggestions most welcome!

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Potato on a laptop

2000-08-30 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

When I bought my laptop, determined to install (Debian) Linux on it, I looked 
at the page 


which contains links to pages of people running Linux on a lot of different 
laptops. Two pages describe installations on Toshiba Satellite 2100CDS. None of 
them is a Debian Linux, but it seems the sound card is an EES Maestro.

May be this is helpful (note: I am far from being an expert...).



   Hi, I recently succesfully installed potato on my Toshiba Satellite
   2100CDS laptop.  All is working fine, in fact, it was the easiest install
   of Linux I have ever done, out of any distributions, plus I was
   installing it over ftp, with a PCMCIA card, through a wingate proxy.

   Now I want to configure the sound card in the laptop, I was wondering if
   anyone could tell me if they knew what sound card the laptop uses?  I have
   looked in the manuals but cannot find anything in there.

   Thanks in advance,


   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Enabling Serial Port Console Login

2000-08-30 Thread Peter Kim
I need to be able to login to my Linux web server, via a communications
server (Portmaster).  The communications server will be connected to web
server with a serial cable.

I've connected my PC to my web server's serial port (COM1) and (COM2)  with
a cross cable and tried to login with Tera Term.  Tera Term cannot connect.
Nothing shows on the terminal and anything I type does not appear on the

I have heard that I have to recompile the kernel with some options set to
make COM1 AND COM2 come alive.

0. Is it possible to have COM1, COM2, or BOTH come alive?
1. What options do I have to set when I compile my kernel?  I am running
make xconfig and I can't seem to find any option that turns this feature
on on the GUI.



Dselect file list generation

2000-08-30 Thread Douglas Eck
I ran dselect on my home box last night and it wanted
to download 70Mb of files. This is ok given that I've
been using potato for a while without downloading.

Can I ask dselect (or dpkg) to generate a file list of
required files and then use that file list to
download the 70Mb at work, where we're on a fast connection? 

I can burn a cd at work and bring it home. Then I'll just 
do dpkg -i on the .deb files on the CDROM.

Doug Eck

mkinitrd ? kernel image problem !!

2000-08-30 Thread Tommy Wu

  I've found that there is no mkinitrd commnad in Debian.
  Is there any tools or package can do the same thing like mkinitrd in RedHat ?
  In RedHat:

Use mkinitrd I can give a new pathname for new kernel's modules.
Like /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17-1 with /lib/modules/2.2.17-1
and /boot/vmliniz-2.2.17-2 with /lib/modules/2.2.17-2 ... etc.

So I can just only add a new entry in /etc/lilo.conf, then reboot for test
new kernel. If failed, I can easy to switch back the old kernel, because
they are use the different modules path.

  But in Debian:

I can't find mkinitrd program. So everytime I need to test new kernel, I
must to move the modules path /lib/modules/2.2.17 to /lib/modules/2.2.17.old
and move the /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17 to /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.old, then install
the new kernel and modules, then reboot it.
If this new kernel can't work. I found there is no easy way to switch back.
Because the /lib/modules/2.2.17 is for new kernel, so the old kernel image
can't find some modules in the path contain new modules.

So I must boot from a floopy or CD-ROM to mount the disk, then move the
/lib/modules/2.2.17.old back to /lib/modules/2.2.17 to let old kernel image

  Is there any suggest for testing new kernel and modules easy like I do it in
  a RedHat box ?


Tommy Wu
ICQ: 22766091
Mobile Phone: +886 936 909490
TeaTime BBS +886 2 31515964 24Hrs V.Everything

Re: Enabling Serial Port Console Login

2000-08-30 Thread Nate Amsden
don't think you need to recompile the kernel

what did you do to try to connect?
take a look at  /etc/inittab if you haven't already it shows some
examples for setting up a console on a serial port. make sure its the
right kind of cable too, you mentioned using a cross cable ?? shouldn't
it be just straight through..(not sure) worth a try though.


Peter Kim wrote:
 I need to be able to login to my Linux web server, via a communications
 server (Portmaster).  The communications server will be connected to web
 server with a serial cable.
 I've connected my PC to my web server's serial port (COM1) and (COM2)  with
 a cross cable and tried to login with Tera Term.  Tera Term cannot connect.
 Nothing shows on the terminal and anything I type does not appear on the
 I have heard that I have to recompile the kernel with some options set to
 make COM1 AND COM2 come alive.
 0. Is it possible to have COM1, COM2, or BOTH come alive?
 1. What options do I have to set when I compile my kernel?  I am running
 make xconfig and I can't seem to find any option that turns this feature
 on on the GUI.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: Squid trouble with yahoo.com yimg.com

2000-08-30 Thread kmself
On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 09:58:02AM -0700, Account for Debian group mail wrote:
 We're having a slight problem with Squid (non-transparent) and Yahoo. When
 a browser (either one) is configured for the proxy server, the
 photographic images from the news pages on Yahoo do not load. Other GIF
 and JPG graphics are loaded normally, but the photographic images aren't
 coming through. Once you take out the proxy settings, all is fine. I've
 tried putting in yahoo and yimg for the stop list and no_cache ACL, but no
 We've tried Squid 2.2.STABLE2 and have now updated the box to Debian 2.2
 (kernel 2.2.17) and put Squid 2.2.STABLE5 on this system, it still seems
 to be doing the same thing...
 Anyone else having this problem? The store.log and access.log seem to show
 the right info. This one has me puzzled.

Are you running a Junkbuster proxy, by any chance?

I happened to notice a few weeks back that Yahoo had taken to serving
its news images off of yimg, as well as their advertising content.  The
following are my yahoo/yimg Junkbuster rules.  May help you with your
problem.  I'm not sure all the paths are used, but only p appears to
be used for press.

# yimg.com -- everything but 'p'
#  ***  The missing 'p'  ***

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dselect file list generation

2000-08-30 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

May be you should try with

apt-get -s dselect-upgrade.

This should list both the new packages to be installed from scratch and the 
ones that need to be upgraded (together with the promise of configuring all of 



   I ran dselect on my home box last night and it wanted
   to download 70Mb of files. This is ok given that I've
   been using potato for a while without downloading.

   Can I ask dselect (or dpkg) to generate a file list of
   required files and then use that file list to
   download the 70Mb at work, where we're on a fast connection? 

   I can burn a cd at work and bring it home. Then I'll just 
   do dpkg -i on the .deb files on the CDROM.

   Doug Eck

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Re: Dselect file list generation

2000-08-30 Thread Douglas Eck
Alessandro Ghigi wrote:
 May be you should try with
 apt-get -s dselect-upgrade.
 This should list both the new packages to be installed from scratch and the 
 ones that need to be upgraded  (together with the promise of configuring all 
 of them).

Thanks Alessandro. 

Is it also possible to feed that generated list back into apt-get on
my work linux box so that the packages can be automatically
downloaded to disk for burning on CD-ROM (but *not* installed 
on the work Linux box?

Re: Dselect file list generation

2000-08-30 Thread Tal Danzig

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:04:34 +0200, Douglas Eck said:


  Thanks Alessandro. 
  Is it also possible to feed that generated list back into apt-get on
  my work linux box so that the packages can be automatically
  downloaded to disk for burning on CD-ROM (but *not* installed 
  on the work Linux box?

Yes you can:

apt-get -d install [files]
will download, but not install.


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|   Tal Danzig | Join #libranet on the |
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | openprojects IRC network  |

|   http://www.libranet.com|   Tal Danzig  |
|   The TOP Desktop!   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Install Errors

2000-08-30 Thread Jack Morgan
I put a computer with some old parts and a new 20GB HDD. I down loaded
rescue.bin and root.bin from Debian ftp site with Netscape. While trying to
install I got this error message:

end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector O
 (repeated 4 times)
RAMDISK: couldn't find valid RAMDISK image starting at 0
VFS: insert root floopy and press enter
 (repeat first error 3 times)
EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
 (repeat first error 2 times)
MINIX-fs: unable to read superblock
 (repeat first error 2 times)
FAT bread failed
attempt to access beyond end of device
02:00: rm=0, want=33, limit=4
dev 02:00 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=02:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00

What is dev 02:00? How can I continue with the install?

Jack Morgan Debian GNU/Linux Enthusiast
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.mandinka.org

Q: Pop3 demon with SSL support

2000-08-30 Thread Dirk Schreiber

i am looking for a free pop3 server which supports ssl. Are there any free
demons which support ssl??? I haven't found any until yet!

Any ideas???

CU Dirk
Dirk Schreiber   \|/  That's one small step for a man, one
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (o o)  giant leap for mankind. - Apollo 11

Re: Dselect file list generation

2000-08-30 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

   Is it also possible to feed that generated list back into apt-get on
   my work linux box so that the packages can be automatically
   downloaded to disk for burning on CD-ROM (but *not* installed 
   on the work Linux box?

What Tal says

apt-get -d install [files]
will download, but not install.

is perfect. But you need to put 70 files in the [ ... ]. 
I would use

apt-get -s dselect-upgrade  list

to put the write the output of the command in the file list.
Then you have to edit the file list in such a way that it looks like this


apt-get -d  install 1st new package to install

 this for all such packages

apt-get -d  upgrade 1st old package to be upgraded

 the same for all such packages.

You can do this editing job quite quickly if you use emacs.

Then you save all this text in a file called tentative-script in a directory 
where you  have  space enough for all the packages.
Go in this directory and do

source tentative-scripte.

This should download the files .deb in the directory.

There is probably some much better way of doing it, but I am just a newbie.

Good luck


Re: Q: Pop3 demon with SSL support

2000-08-30 Thread Nate Amsden
dont need one.

apt-get install sslwrap

sslwrap is a really cool prog you can use it to SSL-enable telnet,
smtp, pop3, imap, to name a few. i use it to ssl IMAP.  where did u find
a pop client that supports ssl ?(linux client i assume?)


Dirk Schreiber wrote:
 i am looking for a free pop3 server which supports ssl. Are there any free
 demons which support ssl??? I haven't found any until yet!
 Any ideas???
 CU Dirk
 Dirk Schreiber   \|/  That's one small step for a man, one
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (o o)  giant leap for mankind. - Apollo 11
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ICQ: 75132336

3 off. cds = mirror - non free ?

2000-08-30 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
 Are all the files of the distribution (except non- free) contained in
the (three official cds+ the non_us cd)?

Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article

2000-08-30 Thread Leszek Gerwatowski
On SecurityPortal there is an article about Debian 2.2 security:


Just read it and tell me what you think about it.

Leszek Gerwatowski

Selection of installation kind

2000-08-30 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I noticed that while installing from first official cd (2.2rev_0), after
deciding for one of the predefined selections, I was prompted to a few
options, which supposedly I could have change -for example, selection of
windows manager was preselected as twm-, but there was no way of doing
it No matter how much I tried pressing enter, * (since it was the
indicative symbol), y, Y, etc, I could not make any changes in the
I suppose this is some kind of anomaly, or bug. Any ideas?

Re: Enabling Serial Port Console Login

2000-08-30 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 04:13:38PM +0900, Peter Kim wrote:

 I need to be able to login to my Linux web server, via a communications
 server (Portmaster).  The communications server will be connected to web
 server with a serial cable.

I guess you can use SLIP or also PPP for this.
#zless /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/PPP-HOWTO.txt.gz

 I have heard that I have to recompile the kernel with some options set to
 make COM1 AND COM2 come alive.

You should have compiled the kernel with PPP-support already ;)

Re: auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 11:20:14PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 3) Make sure you enable APM support, and enable the power off at
shutdown option.

The option is calld something like Use real APM mode ... and I have
seen a system, where the system would *not* power off if this option
was enabled. It had to be disabled.
I think this is one of those options made for buggy BIOS and if it
works without (like it dies here) you don't need it.

CAPS-CTRL in console

2000-08-30 Thread Renald Buter

I have the CAPS-LOCK mapped as a CTRL under X11. I'd like to
have this also when using an ordinary virtual console. Is this possible?


ippl-listfiles vs logrotate

2000-08-30 Thread Thomas Guettler
It think the way ippl handles logfiles is confusing.
I searched very long to find out why my logfiles get
rotated although they are not mentioned in logrotate.conf.
(The get rotated by script which calls ippl-listfiles)

What do you think? 
Should I do send a bug with category request for feature?

Thomas Guettler
Office: guettli_NoSpam_interface-business.de www.interface-business.de
Private:guettli_NoSpam_gmx.de  http://yi.org/guettli
(Replace _NoSpam_ with @)

Re: auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread Yannick Jestin
 The stock kernel which comes with Debian (2.2) has the auto power off
 function disabled! To enable this feature, you need to recompile the
 kernel...which is suggested anyway.

  In fact, it is disabled but compiled into the kernel:

$ grep APM /boot/config-2.2.15
# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
# CONFIG_APM_RTC_IS_GMT is not set

  To enable the Power off on shutdown, with ATX boxes, add append=apm=on
in your /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo, reboot !


Re: mkinitrd ? kernel image problem !!

2000-08-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
See kernel-package.  It's the Debian way to build an install kernels.
Takes care of all that stuff...

$ cd $HOME/src/kernel-source-X.X.X
$ make menuconfig
$ make-kpkg clean
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --revision 5:myhost.1.0 kernel_image
$ su 
$ dpkg -i ../kernel-image*.deb
$ reboot

You might edit lilo.conf before the install. dpkg will run lilo for you.

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:19:01PM +0800, Tommy Wu wrote:
   I've found that there is no mkinitrd commnad in Debian.  Is there
   any tools or package can do the same thing like mkinitrd in RedHat ?
   In RedHat:
 Use mkinitrd I can give a new pathname for new kernel's modules.
 Like /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17-1 with /lib/modules/2.2.17-1 and
 /boot/vmliniz-2.2.17-2 with /lib/modules/2.2.17-2 ... etc.
 So I can just only add a new entry in /etc/lilo.conf, then reboot
 for test new kernel. If failed, I can easy to switch back the old
 kernel, because they are use the different modules path.
   But in Debian:
 I can't find mkinitrd program. So everytime I need to test new
 kernel, I must to move the modules path /lib/modules/2.2.17 to
 /lib/modules/2.2.17.old and move the /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17 to
 /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17.old, then install the new kernel and modules,
 then reboot it.
 If this new kernel can't work. I found there is no easy way to
 switch back.  Because the /lib/modules/2.2.17 is for new kernel,
 so the old kernel image can't find some modules in the path
 contain new modules.
 So I must boot from a floopy or CD-ROM to mount the disk, then
 move the /lib/modules/2.2.17.old back to /lib/modules/2.2.17 to
 let old kernel image work.
   Is there any suggest for testing new kernel and modules easy like I
   do it in a RedHat box ?
 Tommy Wu mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://www.teatime.com.tw/~tommy ICQ: 22766091 Mobile Phone: +886
 936 909490 TeaTime BBS +886 2 31515964 24Hrs V.Everything
 -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Copyright © 2000 Megalomania Industries, Inc.

util. for users of dual-boot systems: ms-windows linux

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

i came across this tonight, hoping it won't seem spam-ish to mention it, and
that it might be of use to those who are running a dual-boot system with
ms-windows 95,98, or NT installed alongside debian:


's for reading an ex2fs partition from a boot-to-ms-w.


Re: Selection of installation kind

2000-08-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 06:06:04AM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I noticed that while installing from first official cd (2.2rev_0), after
 deciding for one of the predefined selections, I was prompted to a few
 options, which supposedly I could have change -for example, selection of
 windows manager was preselected as twm-, but there was no way of doing
 it No matter how much I tried pressing enter, * (since it was the
 indicative symbol), y, Y, etc, I could not make any changes in the
 I suppose this is some kind of anomaly, or bug. Any ideas?

Presumably you didn't select any other window manager to install, so you
couldn't change the default (which is what is appears you are
describing).  Just 'apt-get install [windowmaker | icewm | enlightenment
| ... ]' .  You should then be prompted if you want to make it your
default Window Manager.  If you're not prompted, run
'update-alternatives --config x-window-manager' to select the default.

/bin/sh: ~/.signature: command not found

Re: Q: Pop3 demon with SSL support

2000-08-30 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

doesn't netscape's email client have the SSL button to enable
SSL when sending/receiving email ???
- netscape-mailedit-preferences-server-SSL

c ya

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:

 dont need one.
 apt-get install sslwrap
 sslwrap is a really cool prog you can use it to SSL-enable telnet,
 smtp, pop3, imap, to name a few. i use it to ssl IMAP.  where did u find
 a pop client that supports ssl ?(linux client i assume?)
 Dirk Schreiber wrote:
  i am looking for a free pop3 server which supports ssl. Are there any free
  demons which support ssl??? I haven't found any until yet!
  Any ideas???
  CU Dirk
  Dirk Schreiber   \|/  That's one small step for a man, one
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (o o)  giant leap for mankind. - Apollo 11
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.*? still greedy (perl,python)?

2000-08-30 Thread joost witteveen

I noticed that .*? in perl and phython, if used at the beginning
of an unanchored (without ^) regular expression still behaves half-greedy:

  hello =~ /(.*?)l/;
  print \$1 = $1\n;

  import re
  print $1=,r.group(1)

In both cases, he is printed, while the real minimal match obviously
would result in an emtpy $1 or r.group(1). This is the behavour
if I put the (.*?) at the end (ex.: /h(.*?)/)

Is this a bug in perl/python itself, or maybe in the documentation?

Or am I misunderstanding something?

Should I file bugs?

(notice that, when replacing .*? with .*, both perl and python find
hel, so it seems the greedyness to the right-hand-side is controled
OK by the ?, but not to the left-hand-side).

(Yes, I know I can `fix' it by adding .* to the beginning of the reg-expr).

$ dpkg -l python\* perl\*|grep ^i
ii  python-base1.5.1-3An interactive object-oriented scripting lan
ii  python-doc 1.5.2p1-4  Documentation for the scripting language Pyt
ii  python-gtk 0.6.5-1GTK support module for Python.
ii  python-net 1.5.1-3TCP/IP and various Internet support modules 
ii  python-tk  1.5.1-3Tk support module for Python (Tkinter).
ii  perl-5.004 5.004.05-6 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
ii  perl-5.004-bas 5.004.05-6 The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-5.004-sui 5.004.05-6 Runs setuid Perl scripts.
ii  perl-5.005 5.005.03-7.1   Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report
ii  perl-5.005-bas 5.005.03-7.1   The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-5.005-doc 5.005.03-6 Man pages and pod docs for Perl
ii  perl-base  5.004.05-1.1   Fake package assuring that one of the -base 


RE: Apps Crashing a Lot

2000-08-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use Debian/GNU Linux instead!

Ahem . . . Storm Linux *is* Debian (with extras). There is no effective
difference between Debian Potato and Storm Hail or between Debian Slink
and Storm Rain.

I have my /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to Debian and Storm as well as
Helix. Only the Strom apps are upgraded from the Storm site, everything
else comes from Debian's ftp sites.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: NIC driver for Intel D815EEAAL

2000-08-30 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya

okay did more tests...

linux-2.2.16 fails to compile the lastest eepro100.c v1.10a 04/15

linux-2.4.0-test7 still fails to recognize the nic on D815EEAAL
comes w/ eepro100.c v1.09j-t

compiling  eepro100-v1.10a with either kernel has incompatibilities w/
pci-scan.h, and other silly pcmcia stuff ( even though its turned
off in the kernel options...
- oh well

and did email becker a while back...but no replies...
( maybe time to go poke around in the eepro mailing list/archives )

have fun linux'ing

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:

 the eepro100 driver does support 82559.
 BUT the driver in 2.2.17pre18 (probably the same as 2.2.16) is older
 then what is newest:
 eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 - in the kernel, contains some updates from
 people other then donald
 eepro100.c:v1.10a 4/15/00 - latest
 try replacing your eepro100.c with this one:
 see if it works. it does say it supports that chipset so it _should_
 work, if not i'd email donald and tell him(or the mailing list if there
 is one)
 Alvin Oga wrote:
  hi ya nate...
  intel D815EEAAL mb and intel is bad about which chips
  just says intel pro100...
  Intel CA810EAL uses 82559 series lan controllers..
  oh well
  have fun linuxing
  On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:
   what exact motherboard do you have ? a search on intel's site for
   D815EAAL returns nothing. i see 815e drivers for the svga chip on
   intel's site but without more info on the motherboard and exactly what
   kind of nic chip its hard to find a driver for the nic.
   Alvin Oga wrote:
hi ya...
does anybody have a NIC driver for the new Intel motherboard ( 
onboard NIC onboard svga...
- replaces the older Intel CA810EAL
onboard NIC is not recognized by intel pro/100 driver that comes w/
yes...i tried searching goofle and beckers site tooo...
( dont thinki missed it but... )
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Re: .*? still greedy (perl,python)?

2000-08-30 Thread Marco Pantaleoni
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 02:16:36PM +0300, joost witteveen wrote:
 I noticed that .*? in perl and phython, if used at the beginning
 of an unanchored (without ^) regular expression still behaves half-greedy:
   hello =~ /(.*?)l/;
   print \$1 = $1\n;
   import re
   print $1=,r.group(1)
 In both cases, he is printed, while the real minimal match obviously
 would result in an emtpy $1 or r.group(1). This is the behavour
 if I put the (.*?) at the end (ex.: /h(.*?)/)

Why ? The regexp you are using impose the constraint of having an 'l'
following the parentesized subexpression. Only he satisfies this


Marco Pantaleoni, Open Source Developer, Linuxcare Italia spa
+39.049.8043411 tel, +39.049.8043412 fax
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.linuxcare.com/
Linuxcare. Support for the revolution.

Re: Install Errors

2000-08-30 Thread Morten Liebach
On 30, aug, 2000 at 05:20:21 +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
 I put a computer with some old parts and a new 20GB HDD. I down loaded
 rescue.bin and root.bin from Debian ftp site with Netscape. While trying to
 install I got this error message:
 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector O
  (repeated 4 times)
 RAMDISK: couldn't find valid RAMDISK image starting at 0
 VFS: insert root floopy and press enter
  (repeat first error 3 times)
 EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
  (repeat first error 2 times)
 MINIX-fs: unable to read superblock
  (repeat first error 2 times)
 FAT bread failed
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 02:00: rm=0, want=33, limit=4
 dev 02:00 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=02:00, iso_blknum=16, block=32
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 02:00
 What is dev 02:00? How can I continue with the install?

Looks like a bad floppy. You should try checking a floppy again, write
the image to it, and then check it again with `cmp image_file /dev/fd0'
(which will only work in Linux of course, don't know what to do down in

I've seen similar errors, and formating, checking and rewriting the bad
disk allways helped, if not the first time around, then the second time

Pesky floppies!

HTH and Good luck.

UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article

2000-08-30 Thread iehrenwald
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:

 Just read it and tell me what you think about it.

I think it has some valid points.  He brings up issues that make sense and
should of been taken care of a long time ago (eg: commenting out archaic
services in inetd.conf, default homedir perms, etc).  Maybe Debian
maintainers should go over 2.2 with a fine-tooth comb and release a 2.2.1
security/system update?

Ian Ehrenwald

Security Flaws on Slashdot

2000-08-30 Thread Peter Firmstone
Hey Fellas,

I noticed this posted on slashdot, this bloke seems to make some valid points, 
In my mind Debian is
still the best distro however I consider this constructive criticism.


Peter Firmstone

N.B. Please don't flame the guy, he's got balls to post this but if its true 
he's doing us a favour
in the long term. If we as users can get in and assist the developers in any 
way we can it should
help make their job's easier, remembering they volunteer their time, and do a 
damn fine job too!

(taken from http://securityportal.com/closet/ )

August 30, 2000 - I wanted to write a really
 positive article about Debian 2.2, which was
 just released a few weeks ago.
 Unfortunately, I can't. While Debian itself is a
 reasonably well-done Linux distribution, it
 has some major security issues.

 Before you flame me, please read the entire
 article. I realize there are a lot of nice things
 about Debian, but I've also found a lot of
 problems. The odd thing is that Debian seems
 to have gotten the niggly little details right, but there 
are major issues
they haven't

 Default Installation

 I did several installations, and I can safely say I don't 
terribly like the
defaults Debian
 uses. The first thing I noticed was that while formatting 
the disk, Debian
defaults to
 an enormous / partition and a swap partition. Unless you 
use quotas, a user
can easily
 fill up the disk (/home/username, /tmp, 
/var/spool/mail/username, etc.). While
 certain percentage is reserved for root, that doesn't help 
other users much.
 Admittedly, most distributions (or operating systems in 
general, for that
fact) don't do
 a great job of this. But there are a few, like Red Hat, 
that do.

 The next default that really ticks me off is the password 
encryption scheme -
 default is to use crypt. You can also use MD5, but there 
is a warning about
 compatibility. crypt passwords are trivial to brute-force 
when compared to
 ones. Debian now uses PAM. Causing problems is relatively 
rare, unless you
 some truly ancient software with no PAM support.

 Moving on. Once the basic install is done, you will 
discover that several
services are
 enabled in inetd that shouldn't be. Discard, daytime, 
time, shell, login, and
exec (r
 services) are all enabled by default, few of which (none, 
in my opinion) are
 on modern systems. You definitely want to disable these by 
commenting them out
 inetd and restarting inetd or rebooting the system. If you 
need to test
 use ping; to synchronize clocks, xntp; to use r services, 
install OpenSSH or
SSH and
 use the secure replacements.

 Some minor points of light: gnuplot needs to be installed 
setuid root for
users to use
 console SVGA - the default is no. This is good, since any 
users that need SVGA
 local and can probably be trusted (they have physical 
access, after all).
 users do not need it.

 Exim (if configured during install) gives you the option 
to use the RBL
 Blackhole List). Unfortunately, it looks like RBL has not 
been working
properly since
 August 10th. The config also prompts you to set the user 
account that root's
 will be sent to, generally a good idea.

 General Problems

 dpkg - My main beef with dpkg is the lack of package 
signing support. Unlike
 dpkg does not support the signing of packages with GnuPG 
or PGP. This is
 important, since verifying the software you are installing 
prevents people
 getting you to install Trojan horses.

 As an example, the ftp site ftp.win.tue.nl was cracked 
into some time ago, and

 several packages were replaced with Trojaned versions. 
 compromised, among other things. Over 50 people downloaded 
these packages
 before someone noticed they were not properly signed with 
PGP, and raised the

 MD5 signatures can be used, but the attacker will modify 
those if possible, so
 must somehow get the MD5 sums from a 

Re: Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article

2000-08-30 Thread Thomas Guettler
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:55:57AM +0200, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
 On SecurityPortal there is an article about Debian 2.2 security:
 Just read it and tell me what you think about it.

The Author (Kurt Seifried) makes the newbie believe Debian2.2
is not secure, but you should look at it more close.

quote: The next default that really ticks me off is the password encryption 
scheme - 
the default is to use crypt. 

A half year ago I installed debian-potato and I newer heard of MD5 before, 
but the displayed text informed me very well on what to choose. If you are
too lazy to read these lines, you shouldn't try to set up a secure system.
BTW, potato stores passwords in /etc/shadow, so that you need to be root
to read the encrypted passwords (except you use NIS)

quote: Discard, daytime, time, shell, login, and exec (r services) are all 
enabled by default

The first three are enabled, but I think that is no security problem.
But shell, login, exec are not enabled on my system, at least on my system.
Has someone a fresh installation to tell us what the default is?

gnuplot and exim paragraph can be ignored.

dpkg  pgp: Can say something about this. 

Home-directories by default world-readable: I have nothing to hide.
If I would have something to hide I would use encryption and not
chmod. I work together with the other users, I want them to see my 
work and I want to see theirs.

LILO-problem: If you have physical access to the machine, you can
boot from a rescue disk and get root everytime. (Except you use
a encrypted filesystem).

Complain about old Apache, ProFTP: If you always want the latest
fixes, you need to get the stuff from the sources (Eg www.apache.org)

Debian's goal of a bug free-release hasn't been met. 
But to be fair, it's not like any software vendor will ever release
bug-free software. Debian has done a particularly bad job in my opinion, 
shipping out-of-date software and
especially publicly available network daemons that have root hacks in them.

Bug-free can mean both: Security-bug-free and Stability-bug-free. 
Install OpenBSD if you are paranoid about security.

Thomas Guettler
Office: guettli_NoSpam_interface-business.de www.interface-business.de
Private:guettli_NoSpam_gmx.de  http://yi.org/guettli
(Replace _NoSpam_ with @)

RE: Security Flaws on Slashdot

2000-08-30 Thread Peter Firmstone
Before the list gets clogged with replies, I must state that in my
opinion an administrator or user responsible for a system must also be
responsible for its desired security level, creating a fully secure
distro (if it were possible) may create complacency.

Also this article fails to recognize that older versions of software
which run on debian are used for stability and have most likely already
been patched for security flaws.

Perhaps on my second look this bloke's article made too many assumptions
without fully doing his homework. Don't mind the suggestion on a
signature in dpkg though.

Out of curiosity has anyone ever broken into a debian site or mirror and
inserted a trojan horse.


Peter Firmstone.

Re: Install Errors

2000-08-30 Thread Jack Morgan
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Morten Liebach wrote:
Looks like a bad floppy. You should try checking a floppy again, write
the image to it, and then check it again with `cmp image_file /dev/fd0'
(which will only work in Linux of course, don't know what to do down in

cmp thingy didn't produce any output. I tried the -l --verbose option
and nothing? I think the root.bin file isn't getting written to /dev/fd0?

I've seen similar errors, and formating, checking and rewriting the bad
disk allways helped, if not the first time around, then the second time

Jack Morgan Debian GNU/Linux Enthusiast
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.mandinka.org

'menu' package : question : console support ? ; mailing-lists

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

if the debian 'menu' package [
http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ ] does offer
console-support , this email can probably be disregarded.

( having a need to stay booted to ms-w right now, i can't check this myself,
yet. also, the following )

if it ('menu') doesn't offer console-only support:

 this email will hopefully be taken as a request for that feature, and as a
presentation to the forum for the opening of discussion about how some
console-support could be implemented.

( on a tangent is a question that has been pending for a while, here.

would people like|support a (probably, very minor) degree of regulated
parliamentary procedure, on the mailing-lists?

, and i'm not meaning anything like what might be used by the 
freemasons or
congress or the UN, by that.  but it seems like there would be a few general
classifications of mailing-list traffic:

- request-for-feature
- intent-to-package ( to be directed to debian-devel , no?)
- bug-report ( debian-bugs ? )
- usage-question
- general question
- others?

... and certain ways that a list-post of each type would be handled.

( and the option to develop some software-ish things to handle the posting and
managing of such list-posts )

and this should maybe be stated in a seperate email, but i like to present it
when there's an example of something that it seems relevant to.  namely, the
intent of this email . also, kind of like pinging people with the idea, to see
what comes back in-reply.


if 'menu' does not have console-support yet, here are some initial ideas about
how this might be implemented. 

feel free to disregard the following if your time is short and|or if you're not
a developer and|or if you're not interested in it, but i'm still working my way
into development, and would like to hear what some experienced people would have
to say about the following, time-allowing . 

( ... 'community'  . )

1)  i'd installed the 'screen' package. it seems like this might be used as a
route towards implementing a console-based menu system. 

a) problem-issues:

1) something about the way the screen would flash at times.
(ech and a feeling of something that might be
fishy in or about the code or 
method-of-implementation . )

2)  i don't know how to rate 'screen' on resource-usage,
or if it might have any other problems that i'm
not yet aware of.

2) i know that there are already some console-based menu systems that have been
developed. saw one of them somewhere in the debian package-tree. ( as well as
suggestions on what their names are ... it was a while ago that i saw them ) any
help with deciding about which is the better of the options, would be

3)  the following tasks would seem to be worth inclusion 
as functions accessible via a menu-system:

-- mailing-list posting, 
categorized by the purpose of the post

-- package-management, probably just something
to start-up dselect, but maybe otherwise.

-- system-management. 

(e.g.: easy access to config-files,
   as a means for the new user to get acquainted
   with what's where and which files
   and paths are for what purposes )

-- help-doc access. maybe just an interface to
dhelp. maybe otherwise.

( when 'otherwise' is meant kind of like a stub-code
for some pending reports, proposals, 
and work  )

-- debian-tips , when that finally gets developed
and released.

-- maybe something for new-users. sort of an (interactive)
walk-through, towards familiarizing someone with the 
Linux environment.

and a 'debian-devel' module to handle things like:

-- debian-rules 

-- CVS-functions

-- (insert-[helpful|time-saving]-thing-here)

(  I still haven't made it throughly
   into debian-devel, packaging, and updating
   of out-of-date packages. ( pppoe , for example ) .
   i don't know what's out there for development-tools, 
   yet. )

...and that might be enough, for now.

hoping that the statement, feel free to disregard the following, was enough to
keep this from seeming like some excessive text,


RE: easy numlock question

2000-08-30 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
 The next script will turn numlock on for the first six consoles.

 for tty in $INITTY; do
 setleds -D +num  $tty

 When you save it as /etc/rc2.d/S20setleds numlock will be set at
 the system

I haven't read everything Debian yet, but wouldn't you want to save the
above scripts as something more like /etc/init.d/setleds, then:

#chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/setleds
#ln -s /etc/init.d/setleds /etc/rc2.d/S20setleds

This woudl keep things in what seems to be the Debian way.


I need help.

2000-08-30 Thread Bardia

Dear sir or madam:
I need a telnet server address in Tehran cxapital 
of Iran.I am not a hacker I want this because the Internet server in Iran are 
too slow and I want it because telnet has not graphic and you can use it 
thanks for your 

RE: Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article

2000-08-30 Thread Lewis, James M.

 From: Thomas Guettler[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply To: Thomas Guettler
 Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 8:47 AM
 To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject:  Re: Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article
 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:55:57AM +0200, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
  On SecurityPortal there is an article about Debian 2.2 security:
  Just read it and tell me what you think about it.
 The Author (Kurt Seifried) makes the newbie believe Debian2.2
 is not secure, but you should look at it more close.
 quote: The next default that really ticks me off is the password
 encryption scheme - 
 the default is to use crypt. 
 A half year ago I installed debian-potato and I newer heard of MD5 before,
 but the displayed text informed me very well on what to choose. If you are
 too lazy to read these lines, you shouldn't try to set up a secure system.
 BTW, potato stores passwords in /etc/shadow, so that you need to be root
 to read the encrypted passwords (except you use NIS)
 quote: Discard, daytime, time, shell, login, and exec (r services) are
 enabled by default
 The first three are enabled, but I think that is no security problem.
 But shell, login, exec are not enabled on my system, at least on my
 Has someone a fresh installation to tell us what the default is?
I did an install a few days ago.  The r utilities were
not even installed.  You have to go after them specifically
to get them.  If you install them, they are enabled...
I forget which profile I used.  I'm not sure if the r
utilities are in any of them.  Debian strongly suggests
ssh instead...


 gnuplot and exim paragraph can be ignored.
 dpkg  pgp: Can say something about this. 
 Home-directories by default world-readable: I have nothing to hide.
 If I would have something to hide I would use encryption and not
 chmod. I work together with the other users, I want them to see my 
 work and I want to see theirs.
 LILO-problem: If you have physical access to the machine, you can
 boot from a rescue disk and get root everytime. (Except you use
 a encrypted filesystem).
 Complain about old Apache, ProFTP: If you always want the latest
 fixes, you need to get the stuff from the sources (Eg www.apache.org)
 Debian's goal of a bug free-release hasn't been met. 
 But to be fair, it's not like any software vendor will ever release
 bug-free software. Debian has done a particularly bad job in my opinion, 
 shipping out-of-date software and
 especially publicly available network daemons that have root hacks in
 Bug-free can mean both: Security-bug-free and Stability-bug-free. 
 Install OpenBSD if you are paranoid about security.
 Thomas Guettler
 Office: guettli_NoSpam_interface-business.de www.interface-business.de
 Private:guettli_NoSpam_gmx.de  http://yi.org/guettli
 (Replace _NoSpam_ with @)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2000-08-30 Thread maxwell
I have just installed potato.  Having finally got the video card and 
mouse configured, and I think the monitor as well, I am having real 
probelms with the Window Manager.

This has defaulted to TWM.   I get a nice login and passed entry 
form but then get a blank screen.

I can select Icons, but only get an Icon manager.  Nothing else.
I've tried to follow the manual on twm and the Dedian ReadMe file 
but haven't yet discovered what I am doing wrong or missing.

The README file refers to /etc/X11/twm/system.twmrc.  I can't find 
this file although the /etc/X11/twm/system.twmrc-menu file is there.

Do I have to compile this and if so how?  If not, how can I get a 
Window Manager with Icons to work?

Thanks Maxwell

Re: auto power off

2000-08-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 11:40:50AM +0200, Philipp Schulte wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 11:20:14PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
  3) Make sure you enable APM support, and enable the power off at
 shutdown option.
 The option is calld something like Use real APM mode ... and I have
 seen a system, where the system would *not* power off if this option
 was enabled. It had to be disabled.
 I think this is one of those options made for buggy BIOS and if it
 works without (like it dies here) you don't need it.

Bah; you're absolutely correct.  Sorry for the bad advice (that'll
teach me to send email instead of going to bed :)

Nathan E Norman   Eschew Obfuscation
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://incanus.net/~nnorman

Description: PGP signature


2000-08-30 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
In previous flavors of Linux and Freebsd, I had sendmail
running.  I would do a fetchmail to get my email from
my ISP, and I had a .forward file that would send my
mail to procmail for sorting/filtering.

I now have Debian 2.2 Potato set up and it uses exim.
I do NOT have a .forward file, but I do have my
.procmailrc recipe file.  When I do a fetchmail my
incoming mail is sorted/filtered using my .procmailrc
recipe file.  Is this normal behavior for exim?  Can I
get rid of my .forward file?

Christopher W. Aiken
chris at cwaiken dot com
Preferred O/S: FreeBSD 4.0

Re: proftpd won't allow me to connect

2000-08-30 Thread Nico De Ranter
ServerType is standalone and the deamon is running

ps -ef 
ftpd   288 1  0 Aug29 ?00:00:00 proftpd (accepting connections)

according to netstat -a there is indeed something listening on the ftp

tcp0  0 *:ftp   *:* LISTEN  


On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 03:50:35PM +, Pollywog wrote:
 Make sure /etc/proftpd.conf has the correct ServerType for your setup, either
 standalone or inetd and if the latter, make sure /etc/inetd.conf knows
 about it.
 On 29-Aug-2000 Nico De Ranter wrote:
  I'm trying to setup proftpd 1.2.0pre10 on my Debian 2.2 box.
  However whenever I try to connect I get a 
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
  message on the client and

- ProFTPD terminating (signal 11) 
 It has been said that there are only two businesses
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SDCE/DME-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: Install Errors

2000-08-30 Thread Morten Liebach
On 30, aug, 2000 at 10:13:43 +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Morten Liebach wrote:
 Looks like a bad floppy. You should try checking a floppy again, write
 the image to it, and then check it again with `cmp image_file /dev/fd0'
 (which will only work in Linux of course, don't know what to do down in
 cmp thingy didn't produce any output. I tried the -l --verbose option
 and nothing? I think the root.bin file isn't getting written to /dev/fd0?

`cmp' shouldn't produce any output, if it did it would be the first
difference between the two files.

You should do a `cmp' for each floppy image you write to floppies.

Try to start over with freshformatted floppies, check that they have no
bad blocks (all of them), dd the images onto them, then `cmp' them with
the original file.

There's some very good docs in the doc dir with the images-1.44 etc. dirs
on the ftp where you got the images. Read the section on how to do it,
it has the exact syntax to use with `dd' and `cmp', and read the
manpages on those programs too.

It is quite easy to do, and if it doesn't work you might have some bad
images, try and do a fresh download off another ftp.

If none of the above doesn't work I'm fresh out of ideas.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Sean Champ

i've come across a need to reinstall some packages, a few times so far.

( yeah, this probably shouldn't need to be done, by someone who knows
what they're doing. that's why i'm trying to learn. )

( and most recently, this reinstall-need is a result of kluding up some things
xFree-related, while trying to install x 4.0.1 from the un-debianized

( now, xemacs works from root, but for non-root attempts at use it (xemacs)
complains about libXaw.6.so , or something like that, and does not start. ) )

so, a proposal:

maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?

( even reinstalling xfree86-common and xlib6g hasn't seemed to fix the emacs
problem, and it looks like )


using the '--force-yes' arg on apt-get 
still didn't accomplish the desired effect
( which was: remove xlib6g and _only_ xlib6g )

and, restating the request:

something to remove a package, without removing _any_ of the packages 
depend upon it ( with the intended purpose of an immediate re-install of that
package )

( and a final comment: this should be helpful for any case of a mistake that
breaks some things that were installed by package-z )

ready for comments,


Re: feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Jaume Teixi

 so, a proposal:

 maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?

hi Steve,

you allways can do:

apt-get --reinstall install _pkgname_

and if you really want a completelly sane reinstall, previously you can do:

apt-get --purge remove _pkgname_


Re: feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 07:09:54AM -0700, Sean Champ wrote:
 i've come across a need to reinstall some packages, a few times so far.
 ( yeah, this probably shouldn't need to be done, by someone who knows
   what they're doing. that's why i'm trying to learn. )
 ( and most recently, this reinstall-need is a result of kluding up some things
 xFree-related, while trying to install x 4.0.1 from the un-debianized
 ( now, xemacs works from root, but for non-root attempts at use it (xemacs)
 complains about libXaw.6.so , or something like that, and does not start. ) )
 so, a proposal:
   maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?

apt-get --reinstall install pkg

IOW, it's been done already, man apt-get will show this :)

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

modconf with kernel 2.4.0-test7

2000-08-30 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

I have installed the latest 2.4 test kernel on a couple of my potato
systems, which seems to run just fine.  After upgrading modutils via an
apt-get source from woody I can load the modules using modprobe without
any trouble.

However, modconf isn't finding all the module categories.  On the desktop
it is finding the 'misc' catagory, containing all my ALSA modules, while
on the notebook it finds the PCMCIA category.  Those are both top
level modules categories, in that they are immediate subdirectories of
/lib/modules/2.4.0-test7.  However, many of the modules have been
relocated with kernel 2.4 and now live in subdirectories of
/lib/modules/2.4.0-test7/kernel.  Has anybody solved this problem?

If modconf doesn't work yet with kernel 2.4 then should I just use
/etc/modules to define which modules are loaded at boot time?


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Charset: noconv


Re: .*? still greedy (perl,python)?

2000-08-30 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Marco Pantaleoni wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 02:16:36PM +0300, joost witteveen wrote:
  I noticed that .*? in perl and phython, if used at the beginning
  of an unanchored (without ^) regular expression still behaves half-greedy:
hello =~ /(.*?)l/;
print \$1 = $1\n;
import re
print $1=,r.group(1)
  In both cases, he is printed, while the real minimal match obviously
  would result in an emtpy $1 or r.group(1). This is the behavour
  if I put the (.*?) at the end (ex.: /h(.*?)/)
 Why ? The regexp you are using impose the constraint of having an 'l'
 following the parentesized subexpression. Only he satisfies this
I was going to say that as well, but I can see where he's coming from. 
Actually, matching against just the 'l' *would* satisfy the constraint,
since '*' can match zero characters.

Here's perldoc perlre:

By default, a quantified subpattern is ``greedy'', that is, it will
match as
many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while
still allowing

the rest of the pattern to match. If you want it to match the minimum
number of times possible, follow the quantifier with a ``?''. 

And that's the answer: non-greediness doesn't mean the search is going
to try different *starting* locations to get a more minimal match, once
it finds a match that satisfies.  I.e., greediness (or lack thereof)
goes rightward, not leftward.

Re: feature-proposal: apt-get : single-package reinstallation

2000-08-30 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Sean Champ wrote:

 so, a proposal:
   maybe a 'reinstall' option for apt-get ?
It's already there.  Just RTFM the man page:

- from apt-get(8) ---
  Re-Install  packages that are already installed and
  at the newest version.
- from apt-get(8) ---

   Cheers, P. *8^)

potato and truetype

2000-08-30 Thread Rainer Haape
I am new to this list, but not to debian. My question:
Is ther a (simple, documented) debian way to enable X11 / xfs-xtt 
to use true-type fonts? I cannot find any documentation that seems 
to usable within debian.

Thank you
Rainer Haape

Odp: Re: Debian 2.2 and security - SecurityPortal article

2000-08-30 Thread Leszek . Gerwatowski
  Just read it and tell me what you think about it.
 I think it has some valid points.  He brings up issues that make sense 
 should of been taken care of a long time ago (eg: commenting out archaic
 services in inetd.conf, default homedir perms, etc).  Maybe Debian
 maintainers should go over 2.2 with a fine-tooth comb and release a 
 security/system update?

But this guy talks about security holes just by checking package version 
numbers! He dosn't look what has been done with package (debian specific 
changes including backported fixes for security holes). I often wrote 
maintainers that Debian should implement right package versions. For 
example: package in Debian has number 1.4-1. Security hole is discovered 
and it's fixed in normal 1.5 version. But when this package (1.4-1) is in 
frozen state there is no posibility to generate package 1.5-1 and put it 
into frozen. So maintainer backports security fix and makes package 1.4-2 
which has no security hole. But for guy like this writer (and for many 
normal users) this package has security hole. Not so many look at the 
changelogs or try exploits - they just look at package version (it's 1.4) 
and look at the advisory, in which they read that hole has been fixed in 
version 1.5 so they think that Debian is insecure. And I think this is big 
problem for most people.

Leszek Gerwatowski

Re: potato and truetype

2000-08-30 Thread Tal Danzig

I myself use the xfstt font server from the Debian package.
Works great.  There is also a package for xfs-tt in Debian.  
I don't know which is better because I've only tried the one, but I did have a
look at xfs-tt in another machine and it looked more difficult to setup.
Setting up xfstt was rather easy.
Put you fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype
run xfstt --sync
add unix/:7101 to your fontpath.


On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 16:58:13 +0200, Rainer Haape said:

  I am new to this list, but not to debian. My question:
  Is ther a (simple, documented) debian way to enable X11 / xfs-xtt 
  to use true-type fonts? I cannot find any documentation that seems 
  to usable within debian.
  Thank you
  Rainer Haape
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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