Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Miquel wrote:

 El lun, sep 11, 2000 at 01:57:38 +0200 Hue-Bond ha dit:
  El miércoles 06 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:12:57 +0200, TooMany 
  ¿Existe algún paquete que trabaje en conjunción con el adduser, y que
  genere automáticamente una password para el usuario que se cree?
  Lógicamente, al crearla deberá mostrarla (un poco estúpido el comentario,
  pero por si las fly's)... ;)
   No trabaja con adduser, pero  como generador de claves creo que
   no tiene ningún desperdicio:
  $ head -10c /dev/random | md5sum | head -8c
   Poblema: no genera letras mayúsculas ni caracteres especiales.
 mmm, no poder mezclar mayusculas y minusculas o caracteres especiales, no es
 solo un poblema: es la frontera entre una password fuerte de otra que no
 lo es.

El programita en C que yo propuse permitía generar claves usando un
conjunto de 92 caracteres. Es decir que para una longitud de 8 tendríamos.
92^8= 5132188731375616 combinaciones distintas. 

La solución de md5sum proporciona un conjunto de 16 caracteres. Es decir
que para una longitud de 8 tendríamos:
16^8= 4294967296 combinaciones distintas.

Tampoco está tan mal. Sobre todo si se trata de proporcionar una password
provisional y el ambiente no es demasiado hostil.

 Lo que hace una herramienta como pwgen es garantizarte siempre passwords
 fuertes, pero no totalmente aleatorias para que no resulten imposibles
 de recordar sin apuntarlas: puedes decidir su longitud, si hay o no
 numerales, e incluso su grado de **legibilidad** (lo cual tiene mas
 importancia de lo que parece): es decir, puedes generar si lo deseas

En realidad lo importante es que son más fáciles de recordar y no
son faciles de averiguar por fuerza bruta.

 passwords pronunciables (con vocales intercaladas en sitios precisos),
 con las mayusculas y los numerales situados en sitios faciles de
 recordar, todo lo cual facilita muchisimo su memorizacion. Por supuesto,
 con pwgen tambien tienes la opcion de solo minusculas o de generarlas
 totalmente aleatorias e impronunciables. 
Como passwords especialmente faciles de recordar y razonablemente segura
se podría usar un generador que creara claves concatenando palabras y 
separadores de palabras. Una palabra podría ser una palabra cualquiera en
mayusculas con una longitud entre dos y cinco carácteres. Un separador
podría ser cualquier cosa excepto una mayúscula. Yo supongo que con una
coleccion de varios miles de palabras las claves saldrían muy legibles
muy faciles de memorizar y bastante seguras. Eso si necesitarían más
longitud que otras. Lo razonable sería usar no menos de cuatro palabras
con sus separadores.

Por ejemplo:


Quien puede olvidar una clave así.
Quien puede averigüar una clave así.

De momento para un diccionario de solo 2000 palabras tendríamos
2000^4 = 16 sin contar con los separadores.

 un saludo,
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Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
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2000-09-12 Thread Carlos López
Voy a intentar explicártelo lo mejor que sé. El
portmap es un programa que guarda el registro de
versión de programas rpc como es el caso del servidor
nfs. Para comprobar si está levantado tienes que
ejecutar la siguiente orden:

ps xa |grep portmap
Si te devuelve un valor parecido a esto:

23453 -- -- -- /usr/sbin/portmap
26544 -- -- -- ps xa|grep portmap

está levantado. Las -- son parámetros de estado,tty ..
Sino te sale nada que se le parezca mira en
/etc/init.d y veras un ejecutable que se llama portamp
y ejecutas: ./portmap start. A partir de aquí levantas
todos los servicios que veas como nfs. A parte de
mirar el archivo exports.

Después bien en el archivo hosts o bien con un
servidor dns levantado tienes que tener dados de alta
todas las ip de las máquinas de la red. Sino tendrás
que saberte de memoria todas las ip cada vez que
quieras montar algún dispositivo.

lo del hosts.allow con que únicamente tengas la
siguiente linea:


ya servirá, a menos que tengas que activar

Hasta luego.
--- JFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  
 Carlos López ha escrito:
  Vamos a ver me he perdido un poco. Creo que el
  problema lo tienes en la estación en la que
  montar el sistema de archivos. En esa máquina
  activado el servicio de portmap ??...
 Sinceramente no tengo ni idea de esto :(  ¿como
 puedo saber si lo tengo
 ?? por otro lado recibi el siguiente correo que es
 lo que voy a
 intentar, si me puedes explicar un poco lo del
 portmap te lo
 Alexis Roda ha escrito:
 Las veces que me paso esto era por que los archivos
 /etc/hosts.allow y
 deny del servidor NFS eran demasiado restrictivos.
 El cliente debe tener
 permiso para acceder al mountd y al nfsd en el
 servidor. No estoy
 seguro, pero probablemente tambien necesite acceder
 al portmap.
 Resumiendo, el /etc/hosts.allow debe contener algo
 portmap: ip_cliente
 rpc.mountd: ip_cliente
 rpc.nfsd: ip_cliente
 Utiliza IPs, no nombres.
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Re: tar y tape

2000-09-12 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Tengo una cinta igual o similar y básicamente lo hago igual que con el
SCO ( cpio -ocB -O$CINTA ) donde $CINTA es /dev/cinta, un enlace a
/dev/st0.  Tengo algunos script en sh que me permiten automatizar la
copia de seguridad diaria, realizándose de noche.
Un problema que tengo al hacer cpio -o  con Debian 2.1 (uso la Citius)
es que me de un mensaje de error (por stderr) indicándome que trunca el
número de i-nodos o algo así.  Sin embargo la copia se realiza bien.

TooMany escribió:

 Tengo una unidad tape de HP SCSI. En otros sistemas (sobretodo SCO), hacía
 backups del sistema a golpe de cpio redireccionando al tape, y me iba de coña.

Jaime Fernández Martínez
Area de Informática y Estadística

Ayuntamiento de Lucena (Córdoba)
Plaza Nueva, S/N - 14900 Lucena
Tfno.: 957 50 04 10  -  Fax: 957 59 11 19

RE: Publicación 'profesional'

2000-09-12 Thread Arregui-García, Javier

Yo hace poco escribí una mini-novela con LaTeX, y haciendo lo mismo que
quieres hacer tú. Me enfrenté al mismo problema de ilegibilidad. Si te
interesa, te puedo mandar lo que yo hice (no me lo sé de memoria, lo tengo
en casa) para dejarlo con una presentación impecable. Hasta me adapté la
página de título del manual de latex (ldesc2e), que me gustó mucho más que
la estándar que obtenía con el estilo book.

Pues eso, 


 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el: lunes 11 de septiembre de 2000 13:50
 Para: Usuarios Debian
 Asunto: Publicación 'profesional'

 La idea es hacer un librillo (A4 doblados por la mitad y grapados)
 con la numeración de páginas correcta. Escribo con lyx -pero con
 cualquier otro editor que genere .ps el problema es el mismo- 
 la documentclass scrbook (una variante de la clase book). 
 Exporto el fichero 
 a postscript y corro lo siguiente:
 cat | psbook | psnup -2
 Realmente la cosa sale bien, y debo ser un perfeccionista 
 maniático pero
 me parece que psnup lo que hace es reducir la 'imagen' (sic; no me
 regañéis los expertos) para encajarla en la página y el 
 resultado es un 
 tipo de letra prácticamente ilegible (por pequeño).
 La solución elemental sería: bueno, amplía la fuente original. Pero
 aquí nos encontramos con las 'pegas' de latex: el estilo sólo 
 admite letra
 de 11 a 13 puntos. ¿Qué hago mal? ¿Hay otra manera de hacerlo?
 Idea: linux triunfará si hace las cosas mejor.

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 11 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 21:24:29 +0200, Antonio Castro 

Como passwords especialmente faciles de recordar y razonablemente segura
se podr?a usar un generador que creara claves concatenando palabras y 
separadores de palabras.

 A  mí  se  me  ha  ocurrido  hacer  dibujitos  en  el  teclado.
 Por  ejemplo, algo  tan sencillo  como qazxcdew.  Tiene el  pequeño
 inconveniente de que  alguien te puede mirar por  encima del hombro
 y  es  muy fácil  de  pillar,  pero  hay  muchos dibujitos  que  se
 pueden hacer  en una matriz  de teclas. Luego resta  cambiar alguna
 mayúscula, meter algún numerito por ahí y listos :^).


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Gestionar las colas de impresión en X

2000-09-12 Thread Hue-Bond

 Me apetecía  tener un  programa para  Xwindow que  mostrase los
 trabajos de impresión que le llegan al lpd, tal como hace lpq, pero
 en una  ventanita, actualizada en  tiempo real (con un  refresco de
 algunos segundos me llega) y algo así como lo que hace el güindons.
 Si  es posible  que  permita cambiar  el orden  de  los trabajos  y
 cancelarlos, ya sería genial.

 Le he preguntado al señor apt-cache por printer y job, pero
 no  he encontrado  nada.  En Freshmeat  vi el  CLPQ,  pero es  para
 consola.  En,  sección
 Printer utils  encontré un tal  bscxlpr que no tiene  mala pinta,
 aunque no refresca. ¿Sabéis de algo por el estilo?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gestionar las colas de impresión en X

2000-09-12 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 02:05:29PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Me apetecía  tener un  programa para  Xwindow que  mostrase los
  trabajos de impresión que le llegan al lpd, tal como hace lpq, pero
  en una  ventanita, actualizada en  tiempo real (con un  refresco de
  algunos segundos me llega) y algo así como lo que hace el güindons.
  Si  es posible  que  permita cambiar  el orden  de  los trabajos  y
  cancelarlos, ya sería genial.

En GNOME hay un applet de impresoras. Nunca he llegado a ejecutarlo, pero a
lo mejor hasta te llevas una sorpresa :)

Re: sai y software

2000-09-12 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
TooMany wrote:
 ¿Alguien sabe de algún software para atender la conexión serie con un sai
 marca X? (de los que vengan con Potato o Woody)

¿Marca X quiere decir marca desconocida? Por favor da más detalles.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Dos opciones:
1.- parchaera passwd para que no sea interactivo (no es muy dificil) y
poderle pasar cosas así:
echo passowrd |passwd kk

2.- utilizar mkpasswd (paquete whois no me preguntes por qué)



On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 01:29:57AM +0100, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
 El problema es que no lo quiero hacer de manera interactiva. passwd
 funciona de manera interactiva, y yo tengo que crear unas 1500 cuentas
 de correo...
 Sabe alguien una manera de realizar esto de forma que no utilize passwd,
 o bien utilizando passwd pero de forma no interactiva
 Gracias otra vez.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problemas con la instalaci_n de Potato

2000-09-12 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

¿Qué módulo? ¿Qué tarjeta? Si no das más información no se puede


On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 04:16:28PM +0200, Jose Angel Fdez. Luengo wrote:
 El día Tue, 12 Sep 2000 08:53:45 -0500 (CDT), Carlos L_pez [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] escribió:
  Sí. Durante la instalación cargaste el módulo de tu
  tarjeta de red cuando te pidió la instalación de la
  imagen de los módulos ??
 no me lo carga bien. Es una tarjeta PCI y en el /proc veo que la detecta bien
 pero no consigue cargar el módulo
 Nos leemos...
   skaven at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Problemas con la instalaci_n de Potato

2000-09-12 Thread Jose Angel Fdez . Luengo
(BEl día Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:12:39 +0200, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a [EMAIL 
(BPROTECTED] escribió:
(B   ¿Qué módulo? ¿Qué tarjeta? Si no das más información no se puede
(B ayudar..
(B--- /proc/pci ---
(BEthernet controller: DEC DC21040 (rev 35).
(BMedium devsel. Fast Back-to-back capable. IRQ 11. Master Capable. Latency=32
(BI/0 at 0x6100 [0x6101]
(BNon-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe000].
(B---fin   ---
(B--- insmod ne2k-pci.o ---
(BUsing /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/net2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
(BUsing /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/net2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
(BUsing /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/net2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
(BUsing /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/net2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
(BUsing /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/net2k-pci.o: unresolved symbol ei_close
(B---   fin   ---
(Bnecesitais algo mas?
(Bla tarjeta funciona bien puesto que ha estado funcionando hasta hoy mismo sin
(Bproblemas con la RedHat 6.1
(BNos leemos...
(Bskaven at

Re: Paquetes corregidos.

2000-09-12 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
El 10 Sep 2000 a las 09:24PM +0200, Jon Noble escribio:
 El dom, 10 sep 2000 17:16:05 Andres Seco Hernandez escribió:
   # Seguridad para Debian Potato
   deb potato updates/main updates/contrib
   deb potato/non-US main contrib
  Me da error. El servidor dice que no hay
  /debian-non-US/dists/potato/non-US/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz ( y
  tambien lo dice para main y non-free.
 Yo las lineas que uso, sin problemas hasta ahora, son:
 deb potato/updates main contrib
 deb potato/non-US main contrib

Vaya, pues ahora si, me ha funcionado. Gracias, Jon.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mi pagina - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.2 (potato), kernel 2.2.17 - Linux Registered User no. 113867
09/12   German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity in Rome, 1943
09/12   Germany annexes Sudentenland, 1938
09/13   136.4 F at el Azizia, Libya, 1922
09/13   British defeat the French at Abraham near Quebec City, 1788
09/13   Building of Hadrian's Wall begun, 122
09/13   Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China, 1943

Description: PGP signature

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Antonio Castro wrote:
 Un sencillisimo programita C sería mas eficiente no ?
 La verdad con la de estupendos programas para generar claves que
 tiene que haber me siento un poco ridículo haciendo esto pero como
 parece que se insiste en el tema voy a aportar mi granito de arena.

Perl es mucho mas eficiente para este tipo de tareas. Por ejemplo tu
programa C se puede resumir a una línea de código perl:

perl -e print join '',
(0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z','@','#','$','%','','-','=')[rand 69, rand 69,
rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69]; print qq{\n} 

(seguro que no es necesario escribir rand 69 ocho veces, pero no
descubrí como abreviarlo mas).
Como perl también tiene la función cript, es fácil generar contraseñas
aleatorias y encriptarlas.

Jaime Villate

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 05:27:55PM +0200, Miquel contaba:

mmm, no poder mezclar mayusculas y minusculas o caracteres especiales, no es
solo un poblema: es la frontera entre una password fuerte de otra que no
lo es.

No creo que lo sea demasiado en Linux. Normalmente los únicos
sistemas que han dado resultados son los de usar un diccionario de
palabras comunes. Por tanto, si la clave contiene palabras sin ningún
significado (adfadfq), ya da seguridad de sobra.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: generador de passwords

2000-09-12 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
 El problema es que no lo quiero hacer de manera interactiva. passwd
 funciona de manera interactiva, y yo tengo que crear unas 1500 cuentas
 de correo...

Se me ocurre lo siguiente: si ya creaste las 1500 cuentas (o sea ya
tienes un renglón /etc/passwd por cada usuario) usa el siguiente
progrrama en perl:

open PWD, '/etc/passwd';
open USERS, 'usuarios.txt';
open ENCR, 'passwd.txt';
while (PWD) {
($user, $old, $info) = /^([^:]*):([^:]*)(.*)$/;
$salt = join '', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z','a'..'z')[rand 64, rand
$pwd  = join '',(0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z',';',':','.',',','+','-','=')
[rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69, rand 69,
 rand 69, rand 69];
$encr = crypt $pwd, $salt;
print USERS $user\t$pwd\n;
print ENCR $user:$encr$info\n;

Este programa te va a crear dos ficheros: psswd.txt, semejante a
/etc/passwd, pero con las contraseñas modificadas (ya encriptadas,
claro); el otro fichero es usuarios.txt, que te dice cual es la nueva
contraseña de cada uno (no encriptadas, claro).

Después tendrás que ver que partes de passwd.txt substituyes en
/etc/passwd (en tu caso solo te interesará sobstituir las líneas de los
1500 usuarios de e-mail), y les puedes informar su nueva contraseña
usando usuarios.txt.

Espero que esto te ayude.

Re: Gestionar las colas de impresión en X

2000-09-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 12 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:39:23 +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias 

Podrias probar el printop, esta bastante bien

$ printop
Error in startup script: can't read printcap_list: no such variable
while executing
foreach i $printcap_list {
lappend [... bla bla bla ...]

 Uso lpd... quizá eso tenga que ver.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Error en latex

2000-09-12 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona


Ojo, que creo que no puede haber espacio entre \begin y {

Si sigue sin funcarte, envíame un fichero sencillo que no te
funione, junto con los errores que te da, y veo si puedo hacer algo...



Camilo Alejandro Arboleda writes:
  He probado cambiando \abstract {} por \begin {abstract}  \end {abstract} 
  y nada.
  Probé apt-get check y no generó ningún error.
  Corrí nuevamente la configuración de latex y nada.
  ¿Alguna otra idea?
  Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 67 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Publicación 'profesional'

2000-09-12 Thread Santiago Calvo Ramos
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 01:49:32PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cat | psbook | psnup -2
En primer lugar, te he de dar las gracias, porque yo tambien
andaba barruntando, el como hacer lo que dices. La herremienta
que yo conocía, era mpage, con la que usando las opciones -O y
-E junto con la posibilidad de referenciar un subconjunto de páginas.
Subconjunto que sería formado por aquellas página a ir en el
mismo cuadernillo. Pero todo ello engorroso y con el inconveniente
del achicamiento del original.

En mis sistema la utilidad psnup no tiene página de manual, no obstante
hay dos opciones, -pTamaño -PTamaño, que son la solución de tus
quebraderos de cabeza y de los mios. Estas opciones tienen el mismo
significado que en psbook, que si tiene página de manual y te aconsejo
su lectura.

De nuevo te doy las gracias por hacerme conocer psbook y psnup y colmar
asi mis ansias de conseguir encuadernar, como se merece, mi
transcripción mecanográfica de El rey de Sierra Morena, por la que ya
he aporreado unas 870.000 veces mi teclado.

Re: Gestionar las colas de impresión en X

2000-09-12 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El martes 12 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:39:23 +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias 
 Podrias probar el printop, esta bastante bien
 $ printop
 Error in startup script: can't read printcap_list: no such variable
 while executing
 foreach i $printcap_list {
 lappend [... bla bla bla ...]
  Uso lpd... quizá eso tenga que ver.

Lo que usas es lpr, y el printop de debian funciona sólo con lprng.
Prueba el antiguo que tengo en mi página,

Trae menos cosas que el actual, pero para hacerte una idea vale.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: sai y software

2000-09-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 12 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 15:37:25 +0200, TooMany contaba:

¿Alguien sabe de algún software para atender la conexión serie con un sai
marca X? (de los que vengan con Potato o Woody).

 if (X == Merlin Gerin) {

 En la web tienen unos megas para bajarse. Yo los
 tengo por aquí, pero a decir verdad  aún no me puse con el tema
 desde  que mandé  aquel mail  aquí mismo.  Supongo que  lo haré
 cuando  se vaya  la luz  durante  un buen  rato y  se acabe  la
 batería del SAI.

 } else {

 No tengo ni idea O:^)

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gestionar las colas de impresión en X

2000-09-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 12 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 19:30:34 +0200, Agustín Martín 
Domingo contaba:

Lo que usas es lpr

 Ok, tomo nota :^).

Prueba el antiguo que tengo en mi página,

Trae menos cosas que el actual, pero para hacerte una idea vale.

 Mola un montón. Graciaxxx :^).


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Error en latex

2000-09-12 Thread Rodolfo García
Estaria bien que encontrara un error al LaTeX, por si no lo sabes el autor te 
paga muucho dinero por ello, lo compartirás con Barahona y con el nene ;)

Un saludo.

On mar, 12 sep 2000, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona escribió:

   Ojo, que creo que no puede haber espacio entre \begin y {
 Si sigue sin funcarte, envíame un fichero sencillo que no te
 funione, junto con los errores que te da, y veo si puedo hacer algo...
 Camilo Alejandro Arboleda writes:
   He probado cambiando \abstract {} por \begin {abstract}  \end {abstract} 
   y nada.
   Probé apt-get check y no generó ningún error.
   Corrí nuevamente la configuración de latex y nada.
   ¿Alguna otra idea?
   Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
 tel: +34 91 664 74 67 | c/ Tulipan s/n
 fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

___ __  __  __
| |/ / / /\/ /  Rodolfo García Peñas
| / / / /\  /
| \ \/ / /  \
   - - -
Register Linux User 62951. Debian 2.2 Kernel 2.4.0-test7
... Pensamos demasiado y sentimos muy poco ...
 Charlie Chaplin, 1940

Debian: Mudo?¿?¿?¿?¿

2000-09-12 Thread Roberto Saldivar

Esta pregunta no esta muy relacionada con Debian, 
pero mi sistema se quedó mudo
por que perdi la configuracion de los jumpers de la 
tarjeta de sonido.

Si alguien tiene el manual de instalacion con el 
diagrama de la tarjeta asi como las configuraciones
por favor envieme una copia o expliquenme como 
configurar los jumpers (Se me habian perdido pero
ya los encontré, pero lo malo es que no se en que 
posicion van)

La tarjeta es una: 
REVEAL SC400 Rev. 2 Chipset AZTECH Sound Galaxy PRO 
16 Extra 
FCC ID: 138-MMSN812

P.D. Es una verdadera emergencia. 
O quieren 
que mi Debian quede mudo para 

Re: Error en latex

2000-09-12 Thread Miquel
El mar, sep 12, 2000 at 11:46:15 +0200 Rodolfo García ha dit:

 Estaria bien que encontrara un error al LaTeX, por si no lo sabes el autor te 
 paga muucho dinero por ello, lo compartirás con Barahona y con el nene ;)

jeje, bueno, en realidad no es el autor de LaTeX, sino Donald Knuth, el
creador de TeX, quien hizo ese ofrecimiento. Creo que ya dejó de ofrecer
dinero cuando dio por definitivamente finalizada su maravillosa
herramienta hace ya algunos años...


Comportamiento extraño de traceroute

2000-09-12 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Holas, veamos, desde que estoy con mi conexión ADSL no paro de jugar... dado
que entre otras cosas no me fio de la configuración que me han dejado, aún
habiendo cambiado muchas cosas según el famoso COMO de

No me fio de:
-. Conf del router.
-. Conf de la interacción kernel - interfaz red - router.
-. Y sobre todo y lo peor, de la puerta de enlace de telefónica data.

No me fio de la gestión de los datagramas, ni de como salen, ni como me
vienen. Como muestra un botón, con la configuración antigua de acceso via
módem, si hacía un 'traceroute' me aparecía la enumeración de host trazados
por la ruta hasta el destino y *a veces* alguna secuencia de * * * tal
como en las páginas man viene bien explicado.

De 'man traceroute':
   13 (  259 ms  499 ms  279 ms
   14  * * *
   15  * * *
   16  * * *
   17  * * *
   18  ALLSPICE.LCS.MIT.EDU (  339 ms  279 ms  279 ms

   Note that the gateways 12, 14,  15,  1617  hops  away
   either  don't  send  ICMP time exceeded messages or send
   them with a ttl too small to reach us.  14 - 17  are  run­
   ning  the  MIT  C  Gateway  code  that  doesn't send time
   exceededs.  God only knows what's going on with 12.

El caso es que ahora **siempre** aparecen * * * desde el hsot inicial
hasta el host final, todos los intermedios, y además tarda mucho en trazarse
la ruta. ¿Todos van a enviar ttl's demasiado pequeños?, mucha casualidad.

¿Alguien puede arrojar alguna luz sobre el particular?.

No sólo tengo este problema con la conexión, sigo sin poder conectar de
golpe como hacía antes por módem con el IRC-Hispano, tarda bastante
mientras autentifica no se qué. Esto me huelo que no tiene nada que ver con
lo anterior y es de fácil resolución pero me tiene un poco perdido.

¿Alguien me puede indicar alguna herramienta potente de análisis de tráfico
de una red que venga en Potaro?, bueno y si no viene la descargo de donde
sea... eso si, que sea software libre por supuesto ;-)

Muchas gracia y un saludo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

RE: Script para execução de aplicações remotas

2000-09-12 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Alessandro Fernandes Martins wrote:

 On 12-Sep-2000 André Luís Lopes wrote:
  Oi pessoal
 Tentei com shh e o mesmo ocorre (não dá - ou não sei como - para
  passar a senha como parâmetro). Alguém saberia como fazer para passar a
  senha ? Ou alguém teria uma opção melhor ao uso do telnet ou shh ?
 IMHO, utilize o ssh, compile o daemon (sshd) com suporte a X11
 Forwarding, e habilite o cliente (ssh). Tudo isso encontra-se na pagina de 
 man e
 os arquivos de configuracao sao /etc/ssh_config e /etc/sshd_config para a
 versao 1 do ssh e /etc/ssh2/ssh2_config e /etc/ssh2/ssh2d_config para a versao
 2 do ssh.
 Sobre a senha, gere uma chave RSA (ssh-keygen) sem passphrase e copie 
 o da maquina destino para o $USER/.ssh/authorized_keys para a
 maquina origem.
 No mais, tem tudo nas paginas de man. :)
 PS: Sobre o uso xhost, para automatizar coloque o host da maquina
 origem no arquivo /etc/Xn.hosts da maquina destino. Lembando que n, eh o
 DISPLAY do X local, geralmente /etc/X0.hosts... ao menos que voce tenha aberto
 varias sessoes do X localmente, mais isso eh outra historia... :) 

realmente o ssh é a melhor opção.
Para automatizar o export do DISPLAY, utilize a opção -X ao chamar o ssh
ou então configure isto no /etc/ssh/ssh_config com as opções
ForwardAgent e ForwardX11

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21


2000-09-12 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Gostaria, se fosse possível, que vocês me enviassem o nome 
de todos os mirrors da Debian que funcionam para que possa 
montar uma lista e disponibilizar a todos. 

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: 
 Oi Macan,
 por enquanto vamos colocar um mirror da debian tambem aqui na LS 
 Enquanto isso vamos tocando o debian-br
 Quoting Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Gostaria de receber comentários quanto à disponibilidade de
   mais mirrors nacionais do projeto (www ou ftp ou ambos) e da idéia
   de criarmos um site para unirmos nossos esforços (e legitimá-los
   através do domínio * desvinculados de qualquer
   interesse ou nome comercial, que aliás pode muito bem nascer do
   atual debian-br.
Enquanto ninguém cortar minha conta na UFSC, nem formatar o
  servidor, pode contar com  Na empresa que estou
  atualmente também vamos colocar um link.  Daí também vou colocar outro
  mirror Debian.
  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
  Unix system engineer

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva


2000-09-12 Thread Alessandro Fernandes Martins

On 12-Sep-2000 Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:

 Gostaria, se fosse possível, que vocês me enviassem o nome 
 de todos os mirrors da Debian que funcionam para que possa 
 montar uma lista e disponibilizar a todos. 

Por falar em mirror, voces tem ideia de quanto espaco eh necessario
para por um funcionando?
Tenho o mirror do Slackware -current e o mesmo ocupa 1.2Gb (fazendo uma
triagem ainda :)). 
BTW, posso disponibilizar 1Gb de espaco em um link de 513Kb.

Alessandro Martins  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Niteroi/RJ/Brazil

Re: Another Poll (Update)

2000-09-12 Thread Pat Mahoney
I apologize, it was an immature thing to do, but I've never seen a poll that
lets you vote many times.  In my defense, I had the choice of either
inflating a poll or memorizing the names of unpronounceable Hindu (should
that be Hindi?) gods for my Asian Mythology class.

Also, debian is now much further ahead than it was when I left it...


Savor the sun; when the clouds come, make animals.
-- Nick Hexum

Re: please help updating calendar

2000-09-12 Thread ferret

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Julian Gilbey wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 03:54:13AM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
   If there are no fixed events then everything should go in the yearly
  The events are fixed. The main point is that the Jewish calendar is based 
  the motion of the moon, so that a regular Jewish year is 354 days long (Yet 
  there are years with an extra month and maybe other mechanisms to 
  for that). But as far as I know every Jewish event could be calculated in 
 In this context, fixed = have a set Gregorian date.  So there are
 no fixed events in the Jewish calendar.

And events in the Wicca 'calendar' are based on the solstices and
equinoxes and would not be fixed either.

Printing w/Epson SC800

2000-09-12 Thread John Gilger
I feel like a total mental case. I have potato up and running fine, but
even though I've read a pile of f'ing manuals I can't get my epson sc800
printer to listen when debian talks!

I have installed apsfilter, lprng, and aladdin-ghostscript as
recommended in the PRINTING-HOWTO, but for some unknown reason my brain
has failed me in its ability to figure out what I have to to to get
everything working in sync.

The embarassing part is this is not the first go round with linux or
debian and I am sure that I'm overlooking something blatantly obvious
and simple. :(

Anybody willing to lend some intelligence to an antique geek with bad
memory banks?




2000-09-12 Thread ktb
Stephen Hupman wrote:
 Hi I am attempting to configure X. I can make the blank screen appear and that
 is about it. Help. The information required to configure this software is very
 specific. I don't know how to find some of the information, ie video card,
 clockchip, RAMDAC, can you help? Stephen Hupman

Do you have documentation for this computer or the monitor?  You can
open up the box and look at the video card to find out what type it is. 
It may be integrated into the board so that will make it more
difficult.  If you have windows installed on this computer you can right
click on my computer and select properties, device manager and
look at what type of display adapter your using.  Most of the RAMDAC and
clockchip info you don't need to know.  At least I never have worried
about it much.  XF86Setup is an easy setup program to use.  Just make
sure you're vertical and horizontal sync lines are modest if you don't
know exactly what they are.  

PS you might want to use a subject heading next time.


Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being. 
- Paul Tillich, American theologian (1886-1965).

Re: laptop

2000-09-12 Thread Rino Mardo
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 09:38:25PM +0100 or thereabouts, Bruce Richardson wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 09:01:30AM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
  debian is the most laptop-friendly distro i've encountered.
 I'd have to question that, even in my recent-Debian-convert fervour.
 Slackware comes with a whole range of kernels - low power, apm etc.
 When I installed Debian on my work laptop I had to compile a new kernel
 with APM and then compile pcmcia from source to match.  Nothing taxing
 but I wouldn't choose Debian to install on the old laptops I get hold of
 for personal use - definitely not on the 4mb RAM/170mb disk/pcmcia
 floppy machine I spooned Slackware into.

that's sad.  i've never recompiled anything just to get pcmcia to work.
they just work!


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: keyboard setting? (debian hates me part II)

2000-09-12 Thread Vee-Eye
Sie schrieben:
 Hi all.
 I can not set the keyboard map in my debian 2.2
 Symbols do not corespond with keyboard!.
 I try to 'loadkeys es' it responds 'Loading es.kmap'
 but it seems to do nothing (yes I have a spanish
 And the 'Ctrl-C' sequence does not send an interrupt
 (I dont now if it sends it but it sure doesnt stop
 programs from running) is this related with the keymap
 problem ?
 Thanks a lot for your knowledge and time!.
 Byee, Mark.

We discussed an analogous problem with the german keymap before.
Have a look above or/and look at the Spanish-Howto at

PD No creo que te odie debian, ¡vamos! 

(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518

Description: PGP signature

gnome/wm strangness

2000-09-12 Thread Aaron Solochek
I have two systems.  One woody, xfree 4.0.1, woody windowmaker and
gnome.  The other is potato, acceleratedX, potato windowmaker and
gnome.  Both have identical windowmaker setups, for the most part.  Now,
until recently I had been simply envoking windowmaker with exec
windowmaker in .xinitrc. A week or so ago I decided to try out
gnome-session on both machines.  Everything seemed really cool (esp.
potato) but I am having problems with my windowmaker buttons.  I have
the typical set of application buttons, including netscape.  This
perticular button (I haven't seen this happen to anything else) likes to
screw up.  100% of the time I've clicked on netscape, the string for the
application to run is filled in with garbage.  Sometimes its nonsense,
sometimes it is a program name, or partial one.  I can't for the life of
me figure out what is causing this, other than gnome-session.  Both
machines worked fine before that, and are screwing up now.  If anyone
has dealt with this, or has comments/suggestions, I would be glad to
hear them, this is a major annoyance.


-Aaron Solochek

P.S. please cc to me, since I am not on the list.

Re: Another Poll (Update)

2000-09-12 Thread Will Trillich
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:05:28PM -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 I apologize, it was an immature thing to do, but I've never seen a poll that
 lets you vote many times.  In my defense, I had the choice of either
 inflating a poll or memorizing the names of unpronounceable Hindu (should
 that be Hindi?) gods for my Asian Mythology class.
 Also, debian is now much further ahead than it was when I left it...

you betcha. it's still just as unfair, but now it's
in our favor[*], so we'll not complain quite so loudly.


if you like debian (and haven't voted) go tell 'm.


[*] corel is based on debian, i hear.

btw -- for a first-time install, which debian variant
is simplest to get up  running? corel? storm? libranet?

i've got a friend who's tried installing debian twice from
cd (slink, i bet) but runs into serious snags.


Re: Deleted /dev/hda (MBR)

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 08:37:29PM +0200, Moritz Schulte ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 04:39:24PM +0100, Dominik Bittl wrote:
  I deleted /dev/hda as root and now i cant boot anymore (without
  disc) !!


  What can i do ??
 if i am right, and you really have only deleted this device file, then
 you could try the following: boot a GNU/Linux system. if you don't
 have another working one on your harddisk, get a one of those
 floppy-distributions. for example 'Toms RtBt' from then, mount your root partition, and recreate
 /dev/hda. if your rescue system, has the MAKEDEV script, use this. if
 not, use mknod. /dev/hda is a block device, with the major number 3
 and minor number 0. so, 'mknod /path/to/your/root/partition/dev/hda b
 3 0' should work. if not, see the manpage.

Overkill.  Way overkill.


Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

gnome/wm strangeness

2000-09-12 Thread Aaron Solochek
I have two systems.  One woody, xfree 4.0.1, woody windowmaker and
gnome.  The other is potato, acceleratedX, potato windowmaker and
gnome.  Both have identical windowmaker setups, for the most part.  Now,

until recently I had been simply envoking windowmaker with exec
windowmaker in .xinitrc. A week or so ago I decided to try out
gnome-session on both machines.  Everything seemed really cool (esp.
potato) but I am having problems with my windowmaker buttons.  I have
the typical set of application buttons, including netscape.  This
perticular button (I haven't seen this happen to anything else) likes to

screw up.  100% of the time I've clicked on netscape, the string for the

application to run is filled in with garbage.  Sometimes its nonsense,
sometimes it is a program name, or partial one.  I can't for the life of

me figure out what is causing this, other than gnome-session.  Both
machines worked fine before that, and are screwing up now.  If anyone
has dealt with this, or has comments/suggestions, I would be glad to
hear them, this is a major annoyance.


-Aaron Solochek

P.S. please cc to me, since I am not on the list.

Re: hostname/netname

2000-09-12 Thread Will Trillich
thanks for your info! now i've got some fine-tune questions--

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:21:40PM -0400, Gregg C wrote:
 If you want people to be able to surf, email 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], telnet to,  etc then you need 
 DNS. Your ISP could do it, but its generally better/easier just to do it 
 your resolv.conf would be:
 search whatever.lan

how about
search lan
?  is bad compared to for lan-wise dns?
or does it not make any difference?

 This will allow you to work locally for telnet, bubb1, etc but will respond 
 to the outside world with
 /etc/hosts:  server.whatever.lan  server

and loopback

also, doesn't the sequencing mean something? server
makes display apps (ipfwadm -l for example)
show 'server' instead of trying to use the
full name '', yes?

mine also has the 'new style' gunk:
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00:: ip6-localnet

Re: hdparm

2000-09-12 Thread Will Trillich
On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 07:18:31PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 How do I know if I need any of these options for my hard
 drive? Are the kernel/ide driver defaults reasonable? Do these flags improve  
 performance? (Right now I'm just using hdparm -y to spin down the 
 disk)  -chris

i've tried using hdparm to STOP my disk from spinning down,
to no avail. after a bit of inactivity (it's a secondary/clone
backup drive, for now) any accesses to it freeze just about
everything for a good five seconds while the drive spins up.
then i get a log message, and all is well for a while...

Sep 11 07:38:54 server kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Sep 11 07:38:54 server kernel: ide1: reset: success

# hdparm -S 244 /dev/hda

 setting standby to 244 (2 hours)
# hdparm -i /dev/hdd


 Model=ST32531A, FwRev=0.75, SerialNo=VE799551
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs RotSpdTol.5% }
 RawCHS=4956/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=4
 BuffType=0(?), BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 DblWordIO=no, OldPIO=1, DMA=yes, OldDMA=2
 CurCHS=4956/16/63, CurSects=4996476, LBA=yes, LBAsects=4996476
 tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 *mword2
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:383,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4

Network Configuration

2000-09-12 Thread Saran
Hi Guys,

I just subscribed to this list to get more information regarding the Debian
Linux, which kind of lacks a lot of information resources.  Most sites are
about RedHat Linux and as much as Debian is giving me problems, I still like
to stick to this distribution instead of moving to RedHat.  I have several
questions that I'd like to ask namely :
1.  Does Debian have any administrative tools akin to IBM AIX smitty, 
wsm (Web System Management) whereby it allows me to administer and manage
the system without having to edit files and typing in complex commands every
time ?

2. This is critical and I am about to start banging my head on the wall,
except that I still holding on to the hope that you guys can help me out
here.  Well, currently there is a system within my environment which is
running RedHat 6.x and it has two ethernet adapter (3Com) installed on the
system.  This system is running Masquarading (Sp ???), whereby there are two
networks, one is running on 100.100.100.x and the other is running on
255.255.255.x.  This system is also acting as the gateway.
A colleague of mine also runs his system on Redhat 6.x and is able to view
two networks on his system also having two ethernet adapters (Generic, dunno
what brand they are).
What I can't understand and which is giving me pain is that my system
configured with Debian 2.1 cannot view the two networks.  I have two
ethernet adapters (3Com) installed and if I configure both the cards with
one pointing to the 100.100.100.x network and the other with the
255.255.255.x network, the system will not be able to ping any host out
there (I have already configured the ifconfig and route similar to the RH
6.x systems).  But if I disable the 255.255.255.x network, I can ping and
view the other systems.  If I do it the other way round, the system cannot
detect any host whatever (Disable 100.100.100.x and enable 255.255.255.x).

I have checked the connections to the ethernet adapters and they are

I have updated my kernel to the 2.2.16 enabling masquarading but am still
unable to detect any host when both the ethernet adapters are enabled.

What could be the problem here ?

I've included the ifconfig and route info for the gateway system and also my
colleague's system for your info.  My system route and ifconfig information
is as the ones below, but I still can't detect both networks.

$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:C4:FB:97
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:12722 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:12388 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:1 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:91:B1:C5
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:16211 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:17041 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:712 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:2494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

$ /sbin/route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface * UH0  00 eth0 * UH0  00 eth1 * U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 eth1   *   U 0  00 lo
default UG0  00 eth0

--- Colleague's system

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jeffrey]$ /sbin/ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:C8:FB:17:4B
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:30323 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:4938 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0xec80

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:C2:D3:DA
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  RX packets:69983 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:11276 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:6 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:11 Base 

Re: cvs over ssh

2000-09-12 Thread Holger Rauch

Try out the following:

setenv CVS_RSH absolute_path_to_ssh or
export CVS_RSH=absolute_path_to_ssh

Then set your CVSROOT variable accordingly:

setenv CVSROOT :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot or
export CVSROOT=:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot

The :ext: determines the access method, which is external in this
case. The most common that is used is :pserver:, being short for
password authenticated server. You might want to try that, too.

Then do your cvs checkout, but omit the -d switch this time. You
could use the -d switch instead of CVSROOT, but please try the settings
suggested above. This should work.



On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Aaron Brashears wrote:

 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  cvs -t -d :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co project
  is the proper command with options.
 First, your suggestion:
 $ cvs -t -d :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co project
 cvs checkout: unknown method in CVSroot: :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot
 cvs [checkout aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.
 Next, I take out the leading colon:
 $ cvs -t -d [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co project
 cvs checkout: notice: main loop with [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot
  - Starting server: rsh ritalin -l aaron cvs server 
 permission denied
 cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
 if any)
 But neither work to launch ssh. I used the launch commands on a
 sparc/sol box, and the starting server line correctly specified that it
 was using ssh. Is there something that cvs is doing to fall back to rsh
 for some reason?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Own boot scripts

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 10:21:53PM +0200, Julio Merino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi all,
 I would like to know where should I put my own boot up scripts. For
 example, I write one to restore my mixer setup on boot up and save it
 in shutdown. I saved it in /etc/init.d and then I made the appropiate

/etc/init.d/ is where generic stuff gets run at startup.
There is no specific local configuration file per se, particularly for
shutdown operations, which I'm aware of.

 I think that /etc/init.d is not the proper place because it could
 interfer with deb packages. So, where should be the proper place?
 Maybe a /usr/local/etc/init.d and /usr/local/etc/rc?.d directories?

No.  /etc/init.d is the place.  init doesn't look elsewhere.  I steer to
others for guidance in filename conventions.

 Do you really think win is easy to use?
 Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Running Debian GNU/Linux woody
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: your mail

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:58:05PM -0400, Stephen Hupman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi I am attempting to configure X. I can make the blank screen appear
 and that is about it. Help. The information required to configure this
 software is very specific. I don't know how to find some of the
 information, ie video card, clockchip, RAMDAC, can you help? Stephen

If that's a blank screen with a checkered or herringbone pattern, and a
black X (which may or may not move when you wiggle your mouse), you're
well on your way.

How about you tell us what you see, and maybe report the output of:

startx 1 startx.log 21

...which will dump a bunch of text to the file 'startx.log'.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: your mail

2000-09-12 Thread Rino Mardo
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:15:41PM -0700 or thereabouts, 
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:58:05PM -0400, Stephen Hupman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Hi I am attempting to configure X. I can make the blank screen appear
  and that is about it. Help. The information required to configure this
  software is very specific. I don't know how to find some of the
  information, ie video card, clockchip, RAMDAC, can you help? Stephen

you could also do a

X -probeonly  filex

and append the contents of filex here.  that'll tell you what you require.


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

RE: Network Configuration

2000-09-12 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
See below

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:05 PM
 Subject:  Network Configuration
 Importance:   High
 Hi Guys,
 I just subscribed to this list to get more information regarding the
 Linux, which kind of lacks a lot of information resources.  Most sites are
 about RedHat Linux and as much as Debian is giving me problems, I still
 to stick to this distribution instead of moving to RedHat.  I have several
 questions that I'd like to ask namely :
   1.  Does Debian have any administrative tools akin to IBM AIX
 smitty, smit,
 wsm (Web System Management) whereby it allows me to administer and manage
 the system without having to edit files and typing in complex commands
 time ?
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Have you tried linuxconf?

   2. This is critical and I am about to start banging my head on the
 except that I still holding on to the hope that you guys can help me out
 here.  Well, currently there is a system within my environment which is
 running RedHat 6.x and it has two ethernet adapter (3Com) installed on the
 system.  This system is running Masquarading (Sp ???), whereby there are
 networks, one is running on 100.100.100.x and the other is running on
 255.255.255.x.  This system is also acting as the gateway.
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Is the RH box acting as a gateway,
 A colleague of mine also runs his system on Redhat 6.x and is able to view
 two networks on his system also having two ethernet adapters (Generic,
 what brand they are).
 What I can't understand and which is giving me pain is that my system
 configured with Debian 2.1 cannot view the two networks.  I have two
 ethernet adapters (3Com) installed and if I configure both the cards with
 one pointing to the 100.100.100.x network and the other with the
 255.255.255.x network, the system will not be able to ping any host out
 there (I have already configured the ifconfig and route similar to the RH
 6.x systems).  But if I disable the 255.255.255.x network, I can ping and
 view the other systems.  If I do it the other way round, the system cannot
 detect any host whatever (Disable 100.100.100.x and enable 255.255.255.x).
 I have checked the connections to the ethernet adapters and they are
 I have updated my kernel to the 2.2.16 enabling masquarading but am still
 unable to detect any host when both the ethernet adapters are enabled.
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  I suggest you use the 2.2.17 kernel
instead (even the 2.2.17-preX-X which includes Alan Cox's patches) as IICR,
there were problems with the 2.2.16 kernel. Can't reccall whether the
problem was in relation to security or some other issue.

 What could be the problem here ?
 I've included the ifconfig and route info for the gateway system and also
 colleague's system for your info.  My system route and ifconfig
 is as the ones below, but I still can't detect both networks.
 $ /sbin/ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:C4:FB:97
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:12722 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:12388 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:1 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400
 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:91:B1:C5
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:16211 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:17041 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:712 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe800
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Something wrong here...there are too
many collisions. Have you checked to ensure there are no boxes on network
sharing the same ip address? Also you mentioned that you can see one
network if you disable the other?! This could mean that there is a conflict
between the ethernet cards...

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:2494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:2494 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 $ /sbin/route
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface * UH0  00
 eth0 * UH0  0   

[no subject]

2000-09-12 Thread ben . konrath

i have been trying to get 2.2 (i386) working with 
rogers @home cable modem service. the problem that i 
keep encountering is that i can only get on-line when i 
am using a NIC that has been used with the cable modem 
in windows. if the card is used elsewhere or the cable 
modem is used with another card then i get the 
following results:

-eth0 configured correctly with all the static info i 
put in correct (ip, gateway, netmask etc.) and correct 
-when i try to ping an ip (my gateway or any other 
active ip) i can see the send and receive lights on the 
cable modem active, but i get 100% packet lose

my assumption under this situation is that the ping 
gets out and back in to the modem (hense the send AND 
receive lights) but doesn't actually make it to my 

i have tried this set up with 3 separate computers and 
5 different NICs (SMC, dlink, 3c900b, 2 sohoware) but 
all have the same results.

i have tried to power cycle the modem but that did 
not work as well.

i'm stumped. does anybody know anything about how i can 
get around this?


Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
How does noflushd compare with the noatime,sync mount options?
I looked at the package description but it doesn't say much,
and I'm a little scared to install the deb lest it do
something intense. -chris

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Thomas Hood wrote:

 I suggest that you check out the noflushd daemon
 in the woody archive.
 Thomas Hood
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Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Debian install docs do say something about disabling all
memory holes in the bios. -chris

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Julio Merino wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 07:09:08PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
  Does your bios have the setting memory hole at 64M activated?  I'm not sure 
  that's the exact option.  I only vaguely remember something like that as I 
  haven't rebooted for such a long time - and sorry - I refuse to for
  this!  ;-)
 Wrong... the option is Memory hole at 15-16 Mb ;-)
 So, I think this can't be the problem.
 Have you configured your kernel to support Athlon and MMTR ?
  --On Monday, September 11, 2000 9:20 -0700 Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:56:52PM -0600, Art Edwards wrote:
   I just purchased two Athalon-based systems, each with 768M of ram.
   However, under debian (potato runnin kernel 2.2.17) the OS sees only 65
   M of memory. I have tried to use the append command
   but it still sees only 65 M?
   Does anyone have any ideas?
   Arthur H. Edwards
   712 Valencia Dr. NE
   Abq. NM 87108
   (505) 256-0834
   I haven't tried on my athlon, but i've heard that grub will autodetect
   your ram correctly, and pass the info to the kernel.  Still doesn't help
   with the fact that mem= isn't working for you, but its a start :)
   Erik Bernhardson
   It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and
   remove all doubt.
  -- Abraham Lincoln
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Another Poll (Update)

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 12:26:07AM -0500, Will Trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

 btw -- for a first-time install, which debian variant
 is simplest to get up  running? corel? storm? libranet?

LinuxCare Bootable Business Card   ;-)

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-12 Thread Joey Hess
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 How does noflushd compare with the noatime,sync mount options?

Noflushd is a daemon that spins down disks that have not been read from
after a certain amount of time, and then prevents disk writes from
spinning them back up.

see shy jo

RE: Network Configuration

2000-09-12 Thread Saran

I thought linuxconf is only available on RedHat ?

Yes, the RH box is acting as the gateway for the network also.

Dunno about the kernel version, but I'll try it later.

As for the collisions, I'm not sure, but there has been no problems.  Could
this be the issue ?  Both the RH server and my colleague's RH PC can connect
to the network, but my Debian can't.  When I boot up my PC, there are no
conflict errors generated.  How do I check whether there are any conflicts
other than this method ?

Note that I have not included the ifconfig and route info of my Debian PC
here.  But basically, I configured as the ones below, with the IP address
being the only difference.

Thanks in advance
Saranjit Singh.

-Original Message-
From: CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: Network Configuration

See below

Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:05 PM
 Subject:  Network Configuration
 Importance:   High

 Hi Guys,

 I just subscribed to this list to get more information regarding the
 Linux, which kind of lacks a lot of information resources.  Most sites are
 about RedHat Linux and as much as Debian is giving me problems, I still
 to stick to this distribution instead of moving to RedHat.  I have several
 questions that I'd like to ask namely :
   1.  Does Debian have any administrative tools akin to IBM AIX
 smitty, smit,
 wsm (Web System Management) whereby it allows me to administer and manage
 the system without having to edit files and typing in complex commands
 time ?
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Have you tried linuxconf?

   2. This is critical and I am about to start banging my head on the
 except that I still holding on to the hope that you guys can help me out
 here.  Well, currently there is a system within my environment which is
 running RedHat 6.x and it has two ethernet adapter (3Com) installed on the
 system.  This system is running Masquarading (Sp ???), whereby there are
 networks, one is running on 100.100.100.x and the other is running on
 255.255.255.x.  This system is also acting as the gateway.
[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Is the RH box acting as a gateway,
 A colleague of mine also runs his system on Redhat 6.x and is able to view
 two networks on his system also having two ethernet adapters (Generic,
 what brand they are).
 What I can't understand and which is giving me pain is that my system
 configured with Debian 2.1 cannot view the two networks.  I have two
 ethernet adapters (3Com) installed and if I configure both the cards with
 one pointing to the 100.100.100.x network and the other with the
 255.255.255.x network, the system will not be able to ping any host out
 there (I have already configured the ifconfig and route similar to the RH
 6.x systems).  But if I disable the 255.255.255.x network, I can ping and
 view the other systems.  If I do it the other way round, the system cannot
 detect any host whatever (Disable 100.100.100.x and enable 255.255.255.x).

 I have checked the connections to the ethernet adapters and they are

 I have updated my kernel to the 2.2.16 enabling masquarading but am still
 unable to detect any host when both the ethernet adapters are enabled.

[CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  I suggest you use the 2.2.17 kernel
instead (even the 2.2.17-preX-X which includes Alan Cox's patches) as IICR,
there were problems with the 2.2.16 kernel. Can't reccall whether the
problem was in relation to security or some other issue.

 What could be the problem here ?

 I've included the ifconfig and route info for the gateway system and also
 colleague's system for your info.  My system route and ifconfig
 is as the ones below, but I still can't detect both networks.

 $ /sbin/ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:C4:FB:97
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:12722 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:12388 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:1 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xe400

 eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:91:B1:C5
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   RX packets:16211 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:17041 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:712 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe800

Re: hdparm

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
I can get my drive to spin down now with hdparm -y. It then
spins up right away again unless I mount my filesystems with
the noatime option. I throw in the sync option for good
measure. -chris

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Will Trillich wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 07:18:31PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
  How do I know if I need any of these options for my hard
  drive? Are the kernel/ide driver defaults reasonable? Do these flags 
  performance? (Right now I'm just using hdparm -y to spin down the 
  disk)  -chris
 i've tried using hdparm to STOP my disk from spinning down,
 to no avail. after a bit of inactivity (it's a secondary/clone
 backup drive, for now) any accesses to it freeze just about
 everything for a good five seconds while the drive spins up.
 then i get a log message, and all is well for a while...
   Sep 11 07:38:54 server kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
   Sep 11 07:38:54 server kernel: ide1: reset: success
 # hdparm -S 244 /dev/hda
  setting standby to 244 (2 hours)
 # hdparm -i /dev/hdd
  Model=ST32531A, FwRev=0.75, SerialNo=VE799551
  Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs RotSpdTol.5% }
  RawCHS=4956/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=4
  BuffType=0(?), BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
  DblWordIO=no, OldPIO=1, DMA=yes, OldDMA=2
  CurCHS=4956/16/63, CurSects=4996476, LBA=yes, LBAsects=4996476
  tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 *mword2
  IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:383,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: your mail

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Uh ok this is a braindead reply but did you try turning off
the modem for a few minutes. I had a hard time getting my new
machine to work with cable, it suddenly worked on the third
network card (a 3c905b). -chris

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i have been trying to get 2.2 (i386) working with 
 rogers @home cable modem service. the problem that i 
 keep encountering is that i can only get on-line when i 
 am using a NIC that has been used with the cable modem 
 in windows. if the card is used elsewhere or the cable 
 modem is used with another card then i get the 
 following results:

 i have tried to power cycle the modem but that did 
 not work as well.

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Uh yeah that's what the package webpage says, but I'm a bit
perplexed about the last part. Surely they have to spin up
the hd again *eventually*. Maybe I can just install it, kill
the daemon, and read the manpage..

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Joey Hess wrote:

 Krzys Majewski wrote:
  How does noflushd compare with the noatime,sync mount options?
 Noflushd is a daemon that spins down disks that have not been read from
 after a certain amount of time, and then prevents disk writes from
 spinning them back up.
 see shy jo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: X won't start

2000-09-12 Thread Adrian Nims
Thaks to all who helped me to solve this problem. I succesfully working out.
Thank you,
Adrian Nims

RE: Network Configuration

2000-09-12 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \[Patrick\]
1.  Linuxconf is a Linux administration/configuration such any
Linux distribution can run it (see

2.  Whoa...2 (I repeat 2) gateways...and 2 routersso which box acts
as gateway for which network..confusing isn't it andit may be the cause
of those collisions you see on the Debian box .I suggest one box be used as
a router and anotherbe used as the gateway (and firewall) to the
external network..



Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:50 PM
 To:   CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick];
 Subject:  RE: Network Configuration
 I thought linuxconf is only available on RedHat ?
 Yes, the RH box is acting as the gateway for the network also.
 Dunno about the kernel version, but I'll try it later.
 As for the collisions, I'm not sure, but there has been no problems.
 this be the issue ?  Both the RH server and my colleague's RH PC can
 to the network, but my Debian can't.  When I boot up my PC, there are no
 conflict errors generated.  How do I check whether there are any conflicts
 other than this method ?
 Note that I have not included the ifconfig and route info of my Debian PC
 here.  But basically, I configured as the ones below, with the IP address
 being the only difference.
 Thanks in advance
 Saranjit Singh.
 -Original Message-
 From: CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:41 PM
 Subject: RE: Network Configuration
 See below
 Patrick Cheong
 Information Systems Assurance
 Measat Broadcast Network Systems
 e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Visit us at:
  -Original Message-
  Sent:   Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:05 PM
  Subject:Network Configuration
  Importance: High
  Hi Guys,
  I just subscribed to this list to get more information regarding the
  Linux, which kind of lacks a lot of information resources.  Most sites
  about RedHat Linux and as much as Debian is giving me problems, I still
  to stick to this distribution instead of moving to RedHat.  I have
  questions that I'd like to ask namely :
  1.  Does Debian have any administrative tools akin to IBM AIX
  smitty, smit,
  wsm (Web System Management) whereby it allows me to administer and
  the system without having to edit files and typing in complex commands
  time ?
   [CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Have you tried linuxconf?
  2. This is critical and I am about to start banging my head on the
  except that I still holding on to the hope that you guys can help me out
  here.  Well, currently there is a system within my environment which is
  running RedHat 6.x and it has two ethernet adapter (3Com) installed on
  system.  This system is running Masquarading (Sp ???), whereby there are
  networks, one is running on 100.100.100.x and the other is running on
  255.255.255.x.  This system is also acting as the gateway.
   [CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Is the RH box acting as a gateway,
  A colleague of mine also runs his system on Redhat 6.x and is able to
  two networks on his system also having two ethernet adapters (Generic,
  what brand they are).
  What I can't understand and which is giving me pain is that my system
  configured with Debian 2.1 cannot view the two networks.  I have two
  ethernet adapters (3Com) installed and if I configure both the cards
  one pointing to the 100.100.100.x network and the other with the
  255.255.255.x network, the system will not be able to ping any host out
  there (I have already configured the ifconfig and route similar to the
  6.x systems).  But if I disable the 255.255.255.x network, I can ping
  view the other systems.  If I do it the other way round, the system
  detect any host whatever (Disable 100.100.100.x and enable
  I have checked the connections to the ethernet adapters and they are
  I have updated my kernel to the 2.2.16 enabling masquarading but am
  unable to detect any host when both the ethernet adapters are enabled.
   [CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  I suggest you use the 2.2.17 kernel
 instead (even the 2.2.17-preX-X which includes Alan Cox's patches) as
 there were problems with the 2.2.16 kernel. Can't reccall whether the
 problem was in relation to security or some other issue.
  What could be the problem here ?
  I've included the ifconfig and route info for the gateway system and
  colleague's system for your 

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-12 Thread Joey Hess
Krzys Majewski wrote:
 Uh yeah that's what the package webpage says, but I'm a bit
 perplexed about the last part. Surely they have to spin up
 the hd again *eventually*. Maybe I can just install it, kill
 the daemon, and read the manpage..

Writes don't spin it up; reads continue to do so. (As does sync).

see shy jo

anybody got everybuddy running?

2000-09-12 Thread Bruno Boettcher

normally i use gnome-ICQ but since at least one of my friends uses
AIM... i needed a client for that
now i installed everybuddy onto my woody and all that happens after
the windows pops up are tons of messages like this one:
LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
followed by a segfault.

so extremely unusable :D
i created on AIM an account and i used my existing ICQ account
BTW in ICQ the UIN is more important than the scrren-name, but i didn't
found a way to specify it

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

OT: good DNS server

2000-09-12 Thread Rino Mardo
Just want to get a feedback on as we seem to be having
problems with them all the time.  I heard others say it's because of
granitecanyon's own reliability to maintain DNS.  Is that true?


Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: booting with lilo win2k

2000-09-12 Thread Arcady Genkin
Bob McGowan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is just a guess on my part, but you may actually need to have
 other= pointing somewhere else.  If you have support in your kernel
 for NTFS and/or FAT/VFAT, you could try mounting the Windows/DOS
 filesystems you have and look for the one which has NTLDR on it.

Bob, thanks a lot!  Your guess was absolutely correct.  I had a fat16
partition at hda3 prior to installing w2k in a brand-new NTFS
partition at hda1.  It did install its installer into hda3 for
whatever reason (without prompting).  Pointing other to hda3 resolved
the situation!

Thanks again,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: /etc/rc?.d question

2000-09-12 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
According to Christian Pernegger:
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:19:23PM +, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
  There is a README in /etc/init.d for a reason, you know ..
 I fully understand that you as the Grand Master of the Debian init system
 might be annoyed by such a question, but why reply, then?

I am not the Grand Master of the Debian init system. I didn't invent it.
It existed before I became a Debian maintainer. But I did my best to
improve and document it.

 That said, I usually appreciate RTFM pointers - in this case however I have
 read the FM in question. (policy manual, sec 3.3)

Yes but the README _also_ says:

Some more detailed info can also be found in /usr/share/doc/sysvinit

.. and in that directory we find:

% cd /usr/share/doc/sysvinit 
% ls
README.runlevels.gz  changelog.gz  copyright  examples/

README.runlevels.gz will answer all your questions

Deadlock, n.:
Deceased rastaman.

RE: Network Configuration

2000-09-12 Thread Saran
Well, the way my company network is configured is that the RH box acts as
router and gateway and firewall both for internal and external network;
internal here being the 100.100.100.x network and external being
I suppose that the same goes for my colleague's PC as it is configured
exactly as the RH box.  My guess would be that the collisions is due to my
colleague's PC and the RH box acting as router and gateway on the same
network ???

Okay, the reason for my wanting to do the above is to be able to connect to
my Debian PC via the 100.100.100.x internal to the LAN when I am in the
office and also to connect to my Debian PC from an external dialup via the network when outside the office.  Right now, I am unable to
connect directly to my Debian PC by telnetting directly to it.  I have to
telnet to the RH box first and then connect to my Debian PC via the
100.100.100.x address.  Internal LAN has false addresses and the external
network with netmask has real addresses (registered

Any ideas ?
Thank you in advance.

Saranjit Singh.

-Original Message-
From: CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 3:16 PM
To: 'Saran'
Cc: ''
Subject: RE: Network Configuration

1.  Linuxconf is a Linux administration/configuration such any
Linux distribution can run it (see

2.  Whoa...2 (I repeat 2) gateways...and 2 routersso which box acts
as gateway for which network..confusing isn't it andit may be the cause
of those collisions you see on the Debian box .I suggest one box be used as
a router and anotherbe used as the gateway (and firewall) to the
external network..



Patrick Cheong
Information Systems Assurance
Measat Broadcast Network Systems
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit us at:

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:50 PM
 To:   CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick];
 Subject:  RE: Network Configuration


 I thought linuxconf is only available on RedHat ?

 Yes, the RH box is acting as the gateway for the network also.

 Dunno about the kernel version, but I'll try it later.

 As for the collisions, I'm not sure, but there has been no problems.
 this be the issue ?  Both the RH server and my colleague's RH PC can
 to the network, but my Debian can't.  When I boot up my PC, there are no
 conflict errors generated.  How do I check whether there are any conflicts
 other than this method ?

 Note that I have not included the ifconfig and route info of my Debian PC
 here.  But basically, I configured as the ones below, with the IP address
 being the only difference.

 Thanks in advance
 Saranjit Singh.

 -Original Message-
 From: CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:41 PM
 Subject: RE: Network Configuration

 See below

 Patrick Cheong
 Information Systems Assurance
 Measat Broadcast Network Systems
 e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Visit us at:

  -Original Message-
  Sent:   Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:05 PM
  Subject:Network Configuration
  Importance: High
  Hi Guys,
  I just subscribed to this list to get more information regarding the
  Linux, which kind of lacks a lot of information resources.  Most sites
  about RedHat Linux and as much as Debian is giving me problems, I still
  to stick to this distribution instead of moving to RedHat.  I have
  questions that I'd like to ask namely :
  1.  Does Debian have any administrative tools akin to IBM AIX
  smitty, smit,
  wsm (Web System Management) whereby it allows me to administer and
  the system without having to edit files and typing in complex commands
  time ?
   [CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Have you tried linuxconf?

  2. This is critical and I am about to start banging my head on the
  except that I still holding on to the hope that you guys can help me out
  here.  Well, currently there is a system within my environment which is
  running RedHat 6.x and it has two ethernet adapter (3Com) installed on
  system.  This system is running Masquarading (Sp ???), whereby there are
  networks, one is running on 100.100.100.x and the other is running on
  255.255.255.x.  This system is also acting as the gateway.
   [CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick)]  Is the RH box acting as a gateway,
  A colleague of mine also runs his system on Redhat 6.x and is able to
  two networks on his system also having two ethernet adapters (Generic,
  what brand they are).
  What I can't understand and which 

Re: /etc/rc?.d question

2000-09-12 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Oh well.

According to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 15:49:41 +0800
 Dear Sir/Madam
 Your message cannot be delivered to the recipient because his/her mail box 
 storage limit has exceeded.
 The summary of your previous message:
 Sent Date:2000/9/12 PM 03:49:10
 Subject:  Re: /etc/rc?.d question
 According to Christian Pernegger:
  I fully understand that you as the Grand Master of the Debian init system
  might be annoyed by such a question, but why reply, then?

Deadlock, n.:
Deceased rastaman.

ssh, gethostbyname, and hosts.deny, oh my!

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
I've got a little problem here involving ssh, gethostbyname, and
/etc/hosts.deny, which by curious coincidence strongly resembles the
subject line of this post.

The setup:  I'm connecting via ssh to a server on our DMZ, proxied
through a masquerading firewall.  Like this:


   /  \
  Masq-FW --- Server

Sometimes ssh works.  Sometimes it doesn't:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:karsten]$ ssh lists
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

...maybe 1 of 4 attempts succeeds.

On the host, in /var/auth.log, I see:

Sep 12 01:10:32 lists sshd[1884]: warning: /etc/hosts.deny, line 15:
can't verify hostname: gethostbyname(
Sep 12 01:10:32 lists sshd[1884]: refused connect from

...and looking at /etc/hosts.deny, we find at line 15:


(the only non-comment line in the file).

There are no entries in /etc/hosts.allow.


- Can I fix this by allowing SSH access in /etc/hosts.allow.  I'm
  assuming yes and will try this.

- Why the periodic failure.  If my address cannot be resolved, why
  should it appear to be resolving some of the time, but not always?

- Doesn this indicate a problem with the masquerading configuration
  (I'm not responsible for this)?  Any further diagnostics to test
  this out?


Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

no PPP support

2000-09-12 Thread john gennard
I'm not sure if this is a KDE or a Debian issue. 

Have recently installed Debian 2.2 (already run 2.1), and use 
KDE 1.1.2.  When I launch Kppp the following message appears:-   

   This kernel has no PPP support neither compiled in nor via the
kernel module loader.
   To solve this problem:-
* contact your system administator
* install a kernel with PPP support

At this point, I click 'connect', download my mail and send any
outgoing messages, (this is one).

After installing Potato, I recompiled the kernel to my normal
requirements - these include PPP support.

Any ideas why the error message appears, and how to 
eradicate it?


Re: OT: good DNS server

2000-09-12 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya,...

yeahgranitecanyon is creating headaches for me
as my customers think its my stuff when i am not their
primary/secondary dns. yet they park the server here...
- maybe time to instituteya gotta have primary
dns on the machine you park here

- if you donno howwe'll fix it in 5 minutes...
but networksolutions might be a day or month...
just depends on the phase of the moon

oh welll...
have fun linuxing
alvin - 1u raid5 - 1u fw

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Rino Mardo wrote:

 Just want to get a feedback on as we seem to be having
 problems with them all the time.  I heard others say it's because of
 granitecanyon's own reliability to maintain DNS.  Is that true?

Re: Freezing during boot-up for installation

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 01:53:37PM -0700, Rosa Edwards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I need help getting Debian installed. I bought a book, learning
 Debian/GNU Linux by McCarty (O'Reilly Pub.) which included a
 CD with debian. In the instructions it told me to create a boot
 disk. I followed the instructions and created a boot disk. I
 booted the computer using the boot disk and it recognizes all
 3 of my hard drives and my CD Rom and the floppy, and then I
 get these lines of text on the screen before I get error messages
 and my system freezes: 

   IP protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP 


   MD Driver 0.36.6 Max_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
 After the above lines telling what it recognizes about my system,
  I get the following message:
 NCR53c406a: No available ports found
 At this point, my system freezes. My system specs are as follows:

 AMD Aflon 750 Mh CPU
 MSI Mainboard motherboard (AMD Aflon chips at base - designed
 for AMD Aflon processor)
 128 Mg Ram
 3 hard drives
   #1 Fujitsu 10.2G (This is going to be Linux HD #1)
   #2 Fujitsu 10.2G (Linux HD #2)
   #3 Maxtor 15G (Windows 98)
 48x IDE CD-Rom
 PCI 128 16-bit 128 voice-wave table sound card
 SP-619 280 WT dot 3d AC/DC
 Video card = ATI XP 2000 32MB SDRAM Rage
 Modem = Gitan 56k vdot 90 ISA with voice INT R rockwell
 Mouse = Microsoft elite PS2
 Ethernet card = FA310 TX 10/100 PCI
 Monitor = AOC 7GLR 17 inch .25 dot pitch 1600 x 1200
 External DSL modem

 Any help or guidance in getting Debian installed will be greatly
 Bob Edwards
 PS - I don't know if I'm right, but I get the idea that my system
 is hanging up during the auto-probe process. I would very much
 appreciate any input from anyone who has the time to help. Thanks,

Your suspiciouns regarding autoprobing sound on the mark to me.

I'd start by pulling any cards you don't immediately need, I suspect
your ethernet card, you might as well pull the sound card as well, just
to keep things simple.  If the system boots, it's one or the other.

The BootPrompt HOWTO includes a section on autoprobing (find it at  For your card, you might try something like:


...appended to your boot prompt.  I forget exactly how to do that on the
install disk though -- does it use LILO?  If so:


...may do the trick.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: hibernation on a desktop? Suspend-to-RAM on a desktop?

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Hm, not convinced, man page doesn't help, runs nice though,
think I'll keep it. Is there anything like this for spinning
down the cpu fan? (Like an apm --standby that runs whenever the
system is idle, or does that make sense? I tried the doze
feature in my bios but this seems to try to put the machine
to sleep regardless of what it's doing: it interrupts those
tasks briefly and then fails.) What I'm looking for is
basically a screensaver that saves not the screen but my ears
and power bill. Noflushd is a good start. -chris

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Joey Hess wrote:

 Krzys Majewski wrote:
  Uh yeah that's what the package webpage says, but I'm a bit
  perplexed about the last part. Surely they have to spin up
  the hd again *eventually*. Maybe I can just install it, kill
  the daemon, and read the manpage..
 Writes don't spin it up; reads continue to do so. (As does sync).
 see shy jo
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at command?

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Where do I find the at command, or equivalent, which is like
a command-line crontab that says: execute such-and-such
command and such-and-such date and time. A search for at, as
you can imagine, is not very helpful. -chris

Freezing during boot-up

2000-09-12 Thread Heil
Booting the system stops after starting

   statd lockd

 I got the message:

 wait_on_irq CPU 0
 irq: 1 [0 1]
 bh:  0 [0 0]
 [c0109bc5] [c0128c7e] [c0128e12]

If I disable statd and lockd, I got a problem with snort

 snortstuck on TLB IPI wait (CPU #0)

and again

 wait_on_irq CPU 0 

The computer runs without problems with NT. Both CPU's are working.

What's wrong ?

E. Heil

Re: at command?

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 01:55:37AM -0700, Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Where do I find the at command, or equivalent, which is like
 a command-line crontab that says: execute such-and-such
 command and such-and-such date and time. A search for at, as
 you can imagine, is not very helpful. -chris


$ apt-get install at

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: freeware windoze client that will do ssh?

2000-09-12 Thread Matthew Vernon
William Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My bad, I meant to say freeware windoze client that will do FTP with ssh
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 09:41:22PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 14:35:58 -0500, William Jensen wrote:
   Any ideas?

Do you mean an scp-alike? If so, then from that page you can download
pscp, which does scp...


At least you know where you are with Microsoft.
True. I just wish I'd brought a paddle.

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-12 Thread Jason Quigley

Lucky I didn't shut my server down then ;-)

--On Monday, September 11, 2000 22:19 +0200 Julio Merino [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 07:09:08PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:

Does your bios have the setting memory hole at 64M activated?  I'm not sure
if  that's the exact option.  I only vaguely remember something like that as
I  haven't rebooted for such a long time - and sorry - I refuse to for this!

Wrong... the option is Memory hole at 15-16 Mb ;-)
So, I think this can't be the problem.

Have you configured your kernel to support Athlon and MMTR ?



--On Monday, September 11, 2000 9:20 -0700 Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:56:52PM -0600, Art Edwards wrote:
 I just purchased two Athalon-based systems, each with 768M of ram.
 However, under debian (potato runnin kernel 2.2.17) the OS sees only 65
 M of memory. I have tried to use the append command


 but it still sees only 65 M?

 Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:44:41PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 Debian install docs do say something about disabling all
 memory holes in the bios. -chris

I have these options disabled... but why are they useful?


 On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Julio Merino wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 07:09:08PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
   Does your bios have the setting memory hole at 64M activated?  I'm not 
   sure if 
   that's the exact option.  I only vaguely remember something like that as 
   haven't rebooted for such a long time - and sorry - I refuse to for
   this!  ;-)
  Wrong... the option is Memory hole at 15-16 Mb ;-)
  So, I think this can't be the problem.
  Have you configured your kernel to support Athlon and MMTR ?
   --On Monday, September 11, 2000 9:20 -0700 Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:56:52PM -0600, Art Edwards wrote:
I just purchased two Athalon-based systems, each with 768M of ram.
However, under debian (potato runnin kernel 2.2.17) the OS sees only 65
M of memory. I have tried to use the append command
but it still sees only 65 M?
Does anyone have any ideas?
Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108
(505) 256-0834
I haven't tried on my athlon, but i've heard that grub will autodetect
your ram correctly, and pass the info to the kernel.  Still doesn't help
with the fact that mem= isn't working for you, but its a start :)
Erik Bernhardson
It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak 
remove all doubt.
 -- Abraham Lincoln
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  Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
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Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


Re: Own boot scripts

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:13:57PM -0700, wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 10:21:53PM +0200, Julio Merino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Hi all,
  I would like to know where should I put my own boot up scripts. For
  example, I write one to restore my mixer setup on boot up and save it
  in shutdown. I saved it in /etc/init.d and then I made the appropiate
 /etc/init.d/ is where generic stuff gets run at startup.
 There is no specific local configuration file per se, particularly for
 shutdown operations, which I'm aware of.

But could be replaced with new installations of packages,
isn't it ?

  I think that /etc/init.d is not the proper place because it could
  interfer with deb packages. So, where should be the proper place?
  Maybe a /usr/local/etc/init.d and /usr/local/etc/rc?.d directories?
 No.  /etc/init.d is the place.  init doesn't look elsewhere.  I steer to
 others for guidance in filename conventions.

It could be interesting creating some /usr/local/etc/... as said


  Do you really think win is easy to use?
  Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Running Debian GNU/Linux woody
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


Re: anybody got everybuddy running?

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
I've setup everybuddy with an ICQ, AIM and Yahoo Messenger accounts,
each of these working right. But I noticed that the Yahoo one was
going really bad.

In everybuddy, where it expects you to put the screen name for ICQ,
you should put the UIN, and that should be enought.

And about AIM, I guess it is a missconfiguration error. I had some
problems with Yahoo about authentication, and everybuddy was completly
unusable with it.

Everybuddy is useful, but it lacks several things... don't compare to
gnomeicu (still).


On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 09:49:12AM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

 normally i use gnome-ICQ but since at least one of my friends uses
 AIM... i needed a client for that
 now i installed everybuddy onto my woody and all that happens after
 the windows pops up are tons of messages like this one:
 LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
 LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
 followed by a segfault.
 so extremely unusable :D
 i created on AIM an account and i used my existing ICQ account
 BTW in ICQ the UIN is more important than the scrren-name, but i didn't
 found a way to specify it
 ciao bboett
 the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
 human population is growing
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Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


Re: your mail

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:58:05PM -0400, Stephen Hupman wrote:

 Hi I am attempting to configure X. I can make the blank screen appear and that
 is about it. Help. The information required to configure this software is very
 specific. I don't know how to find some of the information, ie video card,
 clockchip, RAMDAC, can you help? Stephen Hupman

Run SuperProbe (yes, two capital letters!), that will tell you all
this info about your card.

Then, edit your .xinitrc file to exec your preferred window
manager. If you don't know which one to use, try Window Maker ;-)


 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


How do I adust the Gamma(brightness) level?

2000-09-12 Thread Wong TM \(Huang Deming\)

Please help me. How do I adust the Gamma(brightness) level for X? I using
xfree 4.0.0, kde and I have a Creative TNT.

What/Where are the settings I should change?

Any help is appreciated.

|  __||  ||  _  ||  _  |

Re: anybody got everybuddy running?

2000-09-12 Thread Robert Lazzurs
On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

 normally i use gnome-ICQ but since at least one of my friends uses
 AIM... i needed a client for that
 now i installed everybuddy onto my woody and all that happens after
 the windows pops up are tons of messages like this one:
 LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
 LIBICQ ICQ_SetDebug(3)Server told us to go away.
 followed by a segfault.

This is because of a problem with your username/password
 so extremely unusable :D
 i created on AIM an account and i used my existing ICQ account
 BTW in ICQ the UIN is more important than the scrren-name, but i didn't
 found a way to specify it

You enter the UIN in the username/password box, that is what is causing
your problem.

|Robert Lazzurs  |  You can't stop me you 
know who I am  |
|The Lazzurs Administration  |  This justifies now just 
what I am |
|+44 7092 157408 |  You crucify me, won't 
lay by my side  |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  And know you'll need me until I 
die  |
|AIM:lazzurs ICQ:66324927 Yahoo:arl666_uk MSN:arl666 |  -=Coal Chamber=-  

Xfree86 keyboard extensions and Emacs META Key

2000-09-12 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

just tried to finetune my XF86Config file.

I found the following effects:

1. When I use the keyboard extensions:

LeftAlt Meta
#ScrollLock  ModeLock   

then the Alt Key works as META in Gnu/Emacs (fine!). But the Backspace
Key does not work in several applications (Star-Office,
kdm login screen, ...)

2. When I use the keyboard extensions:

LeftAlt Meta
#ScrollLock  ModeLock   
# XkbDisable
XkbKeymap   xfree86(de)

(or XkbKeymap   xfree86(de)

then it is just vice verca: Backspace works, META does not.

Is there a chance to get both keys working?
Thanks for any hint!
Kind regards, Thomas

Re: Own boot scripts

2000-09-12 Thread kmself
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 11:56:30AM +0200, Julio Merino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:13:57PM -0700, wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 10:21:53PM +0200, Julio Merino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
   Hi all,
   I would like to know where should I put my own boot up scripts. For
   example, I write one to restore my mixer setup on boot up and save it
   in shutdown. I saved it in /etc/init.d and then I made the appropiate
  /etc/init.d/ is where generic stuff gets run at startup.
  There is no specific local configuration file per se, particularly for
  shutdown operations, which I'm aware of.
 But could be replaced with new installations of packages,
 isn't it ?

Not if the package is written according to the Debian Policy:

_Do not_ include the `/etc/rcn.d/*' symbolic links in `dpkg''s
conffiles list!  _This will cause problems!_ You should, however,
treat the `/etc/init.d' scripts as configuration files, either by
marking them as conffiles or managing them correctly in the
maintainer scripts (see Section 4.7, `Configuration files').  (This
is important since we want to give the local system administrator
the chance to adapt the scripts to the local system--e.g., to
disable a service without de-installing the package, or to specify
some special command line options when starting a service--while
making sure her changes aren't lost during the next package



 It could be interesting creating some /usr/local/etc/... as said

It would be a bad idea.  You'd have to modify the entire init.d process
to do this.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

CD-writing on USB-connected CD writers

2000-09-12 Thread Robert Varga

Does anyone have any experience with writing CDs on a USB connected CD
writer in Linux? Is there a way to do it?


Robert Varga

Re: /etc/rc?.d question

2000-09-12 Thread Christian Pernegger
 Well, had you done the full RTFM routine (it means read ALL of them until
 you find what you want...)

Point taken.

 see /usr/share/doc/sysvinit.

Thanks very much, that's all I wanted to know.

 So don't get too surprised that someone was a bit harsh in his reply.

Oh, I wasn't. I knew I was posting a newbie question :) I _really_
did not expect him to answer...

 Make sure you read the last paragraph, too.

At least someone admits it's confusing :)

I read the mans of init, inittab  update-rc.d  the section of the policy
manual, where I didn't see an indication of this exception. I honestly
thought I'd read enough to try the list.

My apologies


Description: PGP signature

eps to pdf

2000-09-12 Thread stefan goeman

I have a postscript figure made with gnuplot. Actually, this is a .eps 
file since I have chosen
the option set terminal postscript eps enhanced in gnuplot to create 
the figure.

I want to convert this figure to a pdf figure. 
1) However, when I do this with ps2pdf (or convert ...), I get a pdf 
figure on a complere A4 page. So,
the bounding box information is not preserved.
2) When I do convert -verbose fig.eps fig.epdf, the bounding box 
information seems to be preserved but 
something is happening with my lettertypes. They seem to get fuzzy (I 
have the impression that they
are being converted to bitmap lettertypes). Important: this does not 
happer in case 1.

Anybody any ideas to get this OK, i.e. a pdf figure with a good bounding 
box and good lettertypes !!



 (. .)
 Atealaan 34
Ir. Stefan GoemanB-2200 Herentals
Tel: +32 14 253020   (Belgium)

P.S.: Linux is great !!

starting isdnutils by script

2000-09-12 Thread rene_schrader-boelsche

Hi there,

after reading and understanding the doc-files about ISDNUTILS  I can now enter
the WWW. But a little problem
is left. In the Lehmann-Distribution of Debian 2.2 I found the hint to use a
script (chapter 7 of dahb.txt) to start and stop the services.
But I can only start as root the script. Otherwise I get the message
/dev/isdinfo permission denied. chmod 755 /dev/isdninfo don't work. What can I



René Schrader-Bölsche
WestLB Panmure Tel.: +49 211 826 - 2410
001-36921 Information Technology DüsseldorfFax: +49 211 826 - 8884
Herzogstr. 15, D - 40217 DüsseldorfeMail:

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Old packages between upgrades

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
Hi all,

I have a question about upgrading the system.

When I upgraded some time ago from slink to potato and then woody, I
had a package, ncurses3.4 installed on the system... This package is
really old, but it's not replaced with libncurses4 or
libncurses5. So, I simply erased it without any dependency problem.

My question is that how can all packages with the same problem as this
be removed between upgrades ? Some are old or obsolete and the system
doesn't requires them any more, but when you have -a lot- of packages
installed, it is impossible to find which of this are.


Do you really think win is easy to use?

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Running Debian GNU/Linux woody

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, Julio Merino wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 11:44:41PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
  Debian install docs do say something about disabling all
  memory holes in the bios. -chris
 I have these options disabled... but why are they useful?

No idea.. I just do like the man says. -chris

How do I adust the Gamma(brightness) level?

2000-09-12 Thread Wong TM \(Huang Deming\)

Please help me. How do I adust the Gamma(brightness) level for X? I using
xfree 4.0.0, kde and I have a Creative TNT.

What/Where are the settings I should change?

Any help is appreciated.

|  __||  ||  _  ||  _  |

Help!! No more processes left in runlevel

2000-09-12 Thread Krzys Majewski
Shit shit shit I've broken my machine again. 
Won't halt, won't boot. When booting it claims it's going into
runlevel 3 but none of the rc3.d scripts are run, and it
won't let me login (except as root), saying system bootup in
progress. If I try to change runlevel it sends TERM, sends
KILL, and then says no processes left in runlevel, and
I've had this before, I vaguely remember fixing it by
deinstalling something and reinstalling an older version, but
I could be wrong. The last packages I installed, afaik, since
everything last worked, are acroread and noflushd. To get
noflushd working I had to add the lines for unstable sources
into /etc/apt/sources.list, suck suck suck (please tell me if
you know a better way to install just one unstable package). 
I've commented out the unstable lines, done apt-get update.
Now here's something I don't understand: versions of libc6 and
xlib6g given by apt-cache show and dpkg -s are the same
(2.2.1-13 and 3.3.6-9, respectively), and get apt-get -s
install wants to reinstall them both, instead of saying
already the newest version. 
Anyway, WTF? -chris

Stupid... Stupid...

2000-09-12 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
I'm so ashamed...  I stress to my wife and kids
backup, backup, backup. And what do I do?? I screwed
my lilo.conf file up royally w/o making a backup :(
Now I CAN boot Debian 2.1 but can NOT boot W98 with
my wife's stuff.  I have W98 on hda1 and Debian on hda5
Would someone be kind enough to email me the piece
of lilo.conf that I need to boot my W98.

Thanks Stupid... Stupid... Blond :(

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,

Re: Stupid... Stupid...

2000-09-12 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 08:16:28AM -0400, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
 I'm so ashamed...  I stress to my wife and kids
 backup, backup, backup. And what do I do?? I screwed
 my lilo.conf file up royally w/o making a backup :(
 Now I CAN boot Debian 2.1 but can NOT boot W98 with
 my wife's stuff.  I have W98 on hda1 and Debian on hda5
 Would someone be kind enough to email me the piece
 of lilo.conf that I need to boot my W98.
 Thanks Stupid... Stupid... Blond :(

take a chill pill man ;-)

table=/dev/hda  ## probably not needed but don't hurt

see not so bad ;-)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Stupid... Stupid...

2000-09-12 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Chris,
there is a script at /usr/doc/lilo/examples
that mounts a lilo.conf.
Give it a try.

Quoting Christopher W. Aiken ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm so ashamed...  I stress to my wife and kids
 backup, backup, backup. And what do I do?? I screwed
 my lilo.conf file up royally w/o making a backup :(
 Now I CAN boot Debian 2.1 but can NOT boot W98 with
 my wife's stuff.  I have W98 on hda1 and Debian on hda5
 Would someone be kind enough to email me the piece
 of lilo.conf that I need to boot my W98.
 Thanks Stupid... Stupid... Blond :(
 Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
 chris at cwaiken dot com,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Stupid... Stupid...

2000-09-12 Thread Julio Merino
On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 08:16:28AM -0400, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:

 I'm so ashamed...  I stress to my wife and kids
 backup, backup, backup. And what do I do?? I screwed
 my lilo.conf file up royally w/o making a backup :(
 Now I CAN boot Debian 2.1 but can NOT boot W98 with
 my wife's stuff.  I have W98 on hda1 and Debian on hda5
 Would someone be kind enough to email me the piece
 of lilo.conf that I need to boot my W98.


But... what about man lilo.conf ???


 Thanks Stupid... Stupid... Blond :(
 Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
 chris at cwaiken dot com,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal


RE: Help!! No more processes left in runlevel

2000-09-12 Thread Christian Pernegger
 -Original Message-
 From: Krzys Majewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:10 PM
 To: Debian user list (undigested)
 Subject: Help!! No more processes left in runlevel
 Shit shit shit I've broken my machine again. 
 Won't halt, won't boot. When booting it claims it's going into
 runlevel 3 but none of the rc3.d scripts are run, and it
 won't let me login (except as root), saying system bootup in
 progress. If I try to change runlevel it sends TERM, sends
 KILL, and then says no processes left in runlevel, and

I had exactly this behavior yesterday, although probably not for
the same reason.

I had uncommented the echo entry at the beginning of
/etc/init.d/rc, because I thought that would additionally print the
executed commands. However this switches rc to only print while
init itself sends real TERMs and KILLs.

So I ended up with no processes left in runlevel (and a crash)


But I can't imagine what would change this entry if you didn't...


How can I enable network scanning?

2000-09-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
Can anyone help with this problem, please?

  sane   1.0.2-1 

I am trying to access a scanner through the network.

The scanner is an HP ScanJet on 'sarah' (  It works on
that machine:

sarah $ scanimage --help
List of available devices:
hp:/dev/sg1 hp:/dev/scanner

(these are the same device).


(I tried adding the IP number in case the problem is in name lookup.)

On linda (, I cannot get access to the scanner
linda $ scanimage --help
scanimage: no SANE devices found

though I can connect to saned on sarah:
linda $ telnet sarah sane
Connected to

Config on linda:



I tried running `saned -d 128' on sarah, rather than using inetd, but in
that case I cannot connect even with telnet (connection refused) and
saned does not appear to see the connection attempt (using strace to
monitor it).

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous 
  man his thoughts; and let him return unto the LORD, 
  and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for 
  he will abundantly pardon.  Isaiah 55:7 

Unidentified subject!

2000-09-12 Thread stefan goeman

I have a postscript figure made with gnuplot. Actually, this is a .eps 
file since I have chosen the option set terminal postscript eps 
enhanced in gnuplot to create the figure.

I want to convert this figure to a pdf figure.
1) However, when I do this with ps2pdf (or convert ...), I get a pdf 
figure on a complete A4 page. So, the bounding box information is not 
2) When I do convert -verbose fig.eps fig.epdf, the bounding box 
information seems to be preserved but something is happening with my 
lettertypes. They seem to get fuzzy (I get the impression that they are 
being converted to bitmap lettertypes). This does not happen in 1) .

Anybody any ideas to get this good, i.e. a pdf figure with the correct 
bounding box and good readable lettertypes !!??



 (. .)
 Atealaan 34
Ir. Stefan GoemanB-2200 Herentals
Tel: +32 14 253020   (Belgium)

P.S.: Linux is great !!

Re: Scsh (Was: Re: My orphaned packages.)

2000-09-12 Thread Daniel Kobras
On 11 Sep 2000, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

  Daniel == Daniel Kobras [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Daniel On 10 Sep 2000, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
  `scsh' ought to be taken over by someone who actually uses it.  I've
  not even looked at it in over a year.
 Daniel If nobody objects I'd like to do this together with Martin
 Daniel Gasbichler who wrote a fair part of scsh 0.6. But me
 Daniel having just applied for Debian maintainership this will
 Daniel take some time...
  I also have an adoption offer from Georg Bauer (Cc'd), who I
  responded to on the attached message, telling him that if he contacts
  the new maintainer team and has a working `scsh' package, he can have
  Since you are teaming with Martin Gasbichler, and since Martin is a
  co-author of Scsh, I'd say that puts you two in as most qualified to
  handle the package.  (Daniel?  Please forward this mail to Martin.)
  Perhaps the three of you could team?  What do you all think?

Sounds good to me. Martin is on vacation for a couple of days but I'm sure
we can work out a scheme everyone's confident with as soon as he's
back. The big problem IMHO however being that neither of us is registered
as a developer so far. I'd be happy to work on debs for a recent version
of scsh but we'd really need some maintainer to adopt the package until my
appliance gets through.



GNU/Linux Audio Mechanics -
  Cutting Edge Office -
  GPG Key ID 89BF7E2B -

starting isdnutils by script

2000-09-12 Thread rene_schrader-boelsche

Hi there,

after reading and understanding the doc-files about ISDNUTILS  I can now enter
the WWW. But a little problem
is left. In the Lehmann-Distribution of Debian 2.2 I found the hint to use a
script (chapter 7 of dahb.txt) to start and stop the services.
But I can only start as root the script. Otherwise I get the message
/dev/isdinfo permission denied. chmod 755 /dev/isdninfo don't work. What can I


   René Schrader-Bölsche


René Schrader-Bölsche
WestLB Panmure Tel.: +49 211 826 - 2410
001-36921 Information Technology DüsseldorfFax: +49 211 826 - 8884
Herzogstr. 15, D - 40217 DüsseldorfeMail:

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eps to pdf

2000-09-12 Thread stefan goeman


I have a postscript figure made with gnuplot. Actually, this is a .eps 
file since I have chosen the option set terminal postscript eps 
enhanced in gnuplot to create the figure.

I want to convert this figure to a pdf figure.
1) However, when I do this with ps2pdf (or convert ...), I get a pdf 
figure on a complete A4 page. So, the bounding box information is not 
2) When I do convert -verbose fig.eps fig.epdf, the bounding box 
information seems to be preserved but something is happening with my 
lettertypes. They seem to get fuzzy (I get the impression that they are 
being converted to bitmap lettertypes). This does not happen in 1) .

Anybody any ideas to get this good, i.e. a pdf figure with the correct 
bounding box and good readable lettertypes !!??



 (. .)
 Atealaan 34
Ir. Stefan GoemanB-2200 Herentals
Tel: +32 14 253020   (Belgium)

P.S.: Linux is great !!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
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 (. .)
 Atealaan 34
Ir. Stefan GoemanB-2200 Herentals
Tel: +32 14 253020   (Belgium)

P.S.: Linux is great !!

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