Re: No puedo entar como usuario.

2000-09-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 13 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 21:54:06 +0200, root contaba:

sadacia login: jcmuro
System bootup in progress - please wait

 Si no  me equivoco, ese mensaje  aparece porque hay por  ahí un
 /etc/nologin. Si lo hay, es que falla el /etc/init.d/rmnologin.

pd.- Decidme si hace falta que mande algún dato más ...

 Si no  puedes copiar ni  pegar, esto se  te hará un  poco duro,
 pero a ver si puedes mandarnos lo que sale al arrancar, a partir de
 cuando dice INIT version x.xx booting o como sea.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: usar el scroll lateral para leer los mensajes

2000-09-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 15 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 15:09:52 +0200, 31 contaba:

a veces llegan a la lista mensajes que son una sola linea interminable o
eso me hace ver mi netscape, ¿sabeis porque pasa esto? ¿sabeis como

 Diciéndole  a su  remitente que  por favor  no haga  las líneas
 mayores de 80 caracteres :^).

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jeje, he aquí un ejemplo :^DDD.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Marcar mensajes en mutt

2000-09-16 Thread Lluís Vilanova
El 11-Sep-00 Santi Moreno dijo:
 Utilizando la tecla N cambias el estado de Nuevo a Leido y viceversa.
Bueno, lo que pasa es que no entiendo pq si antes de salir de mutt el mensaje
esta marcado como nuevo (se ve de color rojo), al salir y volver a entrar, el
mensaje esta marcado como viejo (con la letra O) y no como nuevo, aunque aun no
lo haya leido.

Es esto normal? Lo puedo cambiar? ya que me gustaria tener siempre marcados
como nuevos los mensajes no leidos o poderlos poner de color rojo como los
nuevos, para asi verlos mas facilmente.

 Un Saludo

Para alla va otro

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Get your free address at

bitchx y cambio de ventana

2000-09-16 Thread Carles Pina i Estany

Pues me presento, soy estudiante de informática y ayer me instalé debian
(ya he usado redhats y suses... pero le tenia ganas a debian)

Y me está gustando demasiado, y encima todo funciona a la primera :-)
(meno un lio queme hice con el navigator...)

Y tengo un problemilla menor con el bitchx: no puedo cambiar de ventana.
Uso el BitchX de la potato, hago el /window new hide y con alt+2 intento
cambiar pero no puedo, se me escribe el 2 en pantalla

haciendo un /bind veo algo de swap windows, pero no sé qué es

he puesto algo en el .bitchxrc que ponia en un doc de bitchx:
/bind meta3-1 chelp
/bind meta3-2 CHANNEL_CHOPS
/bind meta3-3 CHANNEL_NONOPS   
/bind meta3-4 CDCC_PLIST   
/bind meta3-5 DCC_PLIST
/bind meta3-6 DCC_STATS

creo que no tiene nada que ver por lo que pone, pero no sé muy bien qué es

muchas gracias

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   Faltaz de hortografia yo? Que ba, mi moden tiene corezion de herorres

Re: bitchx y cambio de ventana

2000-09-16 Thread Carles Pina i Estany
Hola de nuevo

pues nada, que en lugar de cambiar de ventana con alt+2 en debian tengo
que cambiar con esc+2 vaya parida


Problema con el sonido

2000-09-16 Thread EasyTech Consulting


Tengo debian woody con helix y todas esas 

Mi problema es q no me rula el sonido cuando entro 
sin root.

Tengo alsa para el sonido.

Supongo q es por los permisos, pero nolo 

Alguien me puede hechar un calbe.

Uso Alsa 5.9 o 5.7 es un Live! el caso es q rula 
con root osea q???

Re: códigos de error de wget

2000-09-16 Thread David Muriel
Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 El jueves 14 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 01:48:43 +0200, David Muriel 
 Mi problema está en
 que quiero que para cada fichero que se intente bajar lo ponga en una
 lista si lo baja bien, y en otra si da algún error.  Me he mirado la
 página de manual y el info de wget y no he encontrado nada (o no he
 sido capaz de encontrarlo) referente a códigos de error.  ¿Hay alguna
 forma de averiguar el estado de terminación sin tener que revisar los
 logs que genera el wget?
  Con  el típico  $?  de bash.  Si  usas otro  shell,  no sé.  $?
  devuelve el código de error del último programa ejecutado.
 $ true; echo $?; false; echo $?
  wget devuelve 0 si  se ha bajado el tema bien, y 1  si no (o al
  menos si el error es un 404).

Esto es lo que yo suponía cuando lo probé, pero parece que no es así,
porque si pruebo:

$ wget;
   = `fichero'
Connecting to Host not found.
$ echo $?

sin embargo:

$ wget;
   = `.listing'
Connecting to Host not found
unlink: No such file or directory
   = `fichero'
== CWD not required.
== PORT ... Host not found
$ echo $?

Por lo tanto no funciona como se supone que debería funcionar. :-(
Seguiré buscando una solución.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

  'Si no sale bueno, hagamoslo bonito' Gates.
  'Si sale bueno, para que hacerlo bonito ?' Thompson.
  'Bueno, bonito y barato' Torvalds.

Re: Problemas con la reescritura de cabeceras con exim

2000-09-16 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:07:52PM +0200, Lluís Vilanova contaba:

valhalla:~$ exim -brw [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perfecto. Funciona bien.

Pues yo tengo puesto 
xxx: Lluis Vilanova [EMAIL PROTECTED]
y me funciona, lo acabo de probar.

Funciona, pero no tiene ningún sentido. Veamos por qué:

  - Es chapucero: Si quieres cambiar tus nombre tienes que editar el
  fichero /etc/emails, que no es accesible a tu usuario. Tendría que
  hacerlo el administrador del sistema (aunque en este caso seas tu

  - Es una perdida de tiempo. Tu mismo configuraste el mutt para que
  ponga 'Lluìs Vilanova'. Tampoco haría falta porque normalmente se
  coje el nombre del usuario de /etc/passwd. No tiene ningún sentido
  cambiar algo 3 veces.

  - Es  peligroso: Si se te  da por poner palabras  acentuadas (Lluìs,
  por ejemplo) o  algo así, puede que tus mensajes  no llegen a ningún
  lado. Y mejor no arriesgarse.

Por tanto si quieres lo dejas. Yo tiendo a dejar todo lo más claro 
posible para  evitar posibles errores en un futuro.  

Por ahora parece que ya no me da los errores esos :?, eso si, siempre y cuando
me baje el correo antes de enviar.

Empezáramos, lo que pasa es que Yahoo! utiliza autorización a través
de POP3. Lo que hace es que primero te obliga a contectarte con POP3
para confirmar que tu dirección IP es de un usuario de Yahoo!. Luego
ya puedes utilizar su servidor SMTP.

¿Que hacer? Arrancar siempre el 'fetchmail' antes de enviar el

A ver... Tendrías que cambiar la siguiente cosa:

  - editar el fichero: /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/exim

  - añadir antes de los comandos:

 fetchmail -f /home/usuario/.fetchmailrc

Siendo 'usuario' tu usuario con una cuenta 'Yahoo'.

Esto es bastante chapucero. A mi no me gusta que un script que se
debe ejecutar como 'root' llame al fetchmail de tu usuario.

Creo que para cuentas como estas de Yahoo, con estos sistemas tan
poco fáciles de conexión sería mejor que usases algún programa Linux
que soporte POP3. 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Sobre GRUB, no puedo arrancar Hurd

2000-09-16 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 07:20:49PM +0200, Santiago Vila contaba:

Ahora Linux ya no se cuelga nunca, funciona siempre, qué rollo...
vámonos a por el Hurd.

Tenía entendido que el Hurd es un proyecto anterior al Linux. Lo que
pasa es que su desarrollo es mucho más lento. De hecho, es un sistema
operativo muchísimo más innovador y supone más complicaciones su
desarrollo. Y no tiene ningún apoyo comercial (y dudo que lo tenga).

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Marcar mensajes en mutt

2000-09-16 Thread Andres Herrera

El Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:08:54PM +0200, Lluís Vilanova disidio iscribir:
 Bueno, lo que pasa es que no entiendo pq si antes de salir de mutt el mensaje
 esta marcado como nuevo (se ve de color rojo), al salir y volver a entrar, el
mensaje esta marcado como viejo (con la letra O) y no como nuevo, aunque aun no
 lo haya leido.

Claro, lo marca como Old (viejo, aunque no leido). Los Nuevos son los que han
llegado pero aun no han sido listados por el mutt

 Es esto normal? 


Lo puedo cambiar? 

Sip, set nomark_old

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test4
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD. 
Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

Futura lista de Hurd en español

2000-09-16 Thread Kilian Pérez González

Leyendo anteriores correos que tratan sobre el microkernel Hurd,
me pregunto si hay la suficiente masa critica como para crear una lista de
usuarios ( y ojala futuros desarrolladores ) del sistema Gnu / Hurd en
español. Un sitio donde intercambiar información sobre nuestras andanzas
en el innovador aunque veterano Hurd ( la documentación sobre su
instalación que encontre en la pagina oficial del GNU es bastante
anticuada ). Estoy seguro que el intercambio de información en nuestro
propio idioma facilitaria bastante nuestra toma de contacto con el y
ademas servira como catalizador de nuevos usuarios que, como la esperiecia
con Linux a demostrado, es la base de un desarrollo mas rapido. 
(Tengo entendio que el portar aplicaciones a Hurd no es muy
complicado, el problema esta, hay es nada, en perfeccionar el

P.D: La cuestión sobre donde y como crearla creo que es evidente, me
refiero a si capta el suficiente interes.

Kilian Pérez González.

ayuda para arreglar filesystem

2000-09-16 Thread rrclinux
Hola amigos.

El problema es que al iniciar linux me dice que hay un erroe en el filesystem y 
que utlice fsck.

lo he hechoen repetidas ocaciones y nada el cuento es que alli se encuentra 
informacion importante.

me gustaria me indicaran que otros programas o ayudas puedo utilizar que no sea 
el fsck.

por sy ayuda de verdad muchas gracias.

Ing. Rodrigo
Usuario Regiastrado linux #159992
Te va Linux? :)
Consigue gratis tu dirección email en:   

Re: Sobre GRUB, no puedo arrancar Hurd

2000-09-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, sep 16, 2000 at 08:35:20 +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 desarrollo. Y no tiene ningún apoyo comercial (y dudo que lo tenga).
  Yo no haría afirmaciones como estas así por las buenas, corres
grave riesgo de entrar en la lista de frases desacertadas de la historia,
por ahí tenía una url sobre ello :)

Sobre GNU, Hurd y su relación con Linux, en tienes la explicación más
sucinta y clara de las que he leido, de la mano de RMS.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Futura lista de Hurd en español

2000-09-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, sep 16, 2000 at 11:05:36 +0200, Kilian Pérez González wrote:
 P.D: La cuestión sobre donde y como crearla creo que es evidente, me
 refiero a si capta el suficiente interes.

Hombre, interés tengo todo el del mundo pero no se yo si se puede crear una
lista así por las buenas en con tan poca masa crítica.

Si por doc en español se refiere, estoy traduciendo la Guiá Fácil de
Instalación de Debian GNU/Hurd y espero seguir con más. Mi intención es
potenciar Hurd desde La Espiral dado que es un proyecto anexo (y no oficial) 
al Proyecto Debian en el que todo esto en habla hispana tiene cabida directa.
La documentación está un poco dispersa y en español... cero cartón (o casi, yo 
lo encontré).

Ánimo, y sobre todo como bien dejaba caer Santiago Vila: a probar,
experimentar y desarrollar, este terreno de Hurd, si bien no es para el
usuario final, es estupendo para el desarrollador avanzado, medio y curioso
empedernido dentro de cuyo grupo me incluyo :) 

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Futura lista de Hurd en español

2000-09-16 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 11:05:36PM +0200, Kilian Pérez González wrote:
   Leyendo anteriores correos que tratan sobre el microkernel Hurd,
 me pregunto si hay la suficiente masa critica como para crear una lista de
 usuarios ( y ojala futuros desarrolladores ) del sistema Gnu / Hurd en

Creo que uno de los problemas del desarrollo de GNU/HURD es el desorden que
hay con todo. He contabilizado unas 4 guías de instalación diferentes. Hay
otros tantos sitios con documentación, hay listas de correo tanto en como en Hay paquetes aquí y allá. Aparte de que no
creo que realmente haya gente como para hacer una lista de usuarios de hurd,
no se si es lo más conveniente. Aunque si tienes mucho problema con el
inglés, entiendo tu interés perfectamente.

   (Tengo entendio que el portar aplicaciones a Hurd no es muy
 complicado, el problema esta, hay es nada, en perfeccionar el

Cualquier aplicación debería compilar y funcionar en gnu si está escrita
siguiendo los estandares y tal. Luego están los problemas como la falta de
random device, etc, pero eso es cosa de gnumach.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

qmail, es cierta tanta maravilla?

2000-09-16 Thread Blu

Actualmente uso el smail de slink y en realidad su procesamiento 
secuencial de la cola deja bastante que desear, sobre todo cuando se
le atragantan mensajes para un host temporalmente muerto.

Asi que, en anticipacion de un aumento explosivo en el trafico de email
en mi sitio me he puesto a buscar un MTAde alto rendimiento. Zmailer
parece tener buena pinta, pero me pase por un sitio de qmail donde
se asegura que es mas rapido que Zmailer, aparte de ser mas 
liviano y mas seguro. Es cierta tanta maravilla?. Alguien que
tenga experiencia en la practica con qmail me podria contar?



Re: No puedo entar como usuario.

2000-09-16 Thread Alejandro David Yashan
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, root wrote:
 Hola listeros.


 Hasta ahí todo bien. Lo malo es que no me deja entrar como usuario. Sólo
 como root, y para convertirme en el usuario luego tengo que hacer un

A mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo, con los mismos errores y todo, alguien 
sabe que puede ser? esto empezo a ocurrir cuando actualize a de Potato a 
Woody, es raro por que cuando tenia Slink y Potato entro a frozen actualize a 
Potato y me anduvo de maravilla, luego cuando Potato salio oficial actualize 
a Woody , todo esto a traves de APT.
por lo menos tengo el consuelo de no ser el unico con este problema :-)


Shalom ve Leitrahot

Alejandro David Yashan (GNU-Rex en IRC)

La contribucion mas grande y peligrosa que Micro$oft ha hecho a
la industria del software podria ser el nivel al que ha bajado las 
expectativas de los usuarios.

Acentos y e#es omitidas deliberadamente para evitar problemas de lectura con 
algunos clientes de e-mail
Linux Registered User #120401
LUGAr Miembro #409
POWERED BY GNU/Debian Woody Kernel 2.2.17
Linux is userfriendly, but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [debian-br] prós e contras

2000-09-16 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Caro Alexandre,
meu primeiro linux foi slack.
As vantagens do Debian sobre Slack são:
. Atualização diária da distribuição;
. Fácil atualização pela Internet;
. Muito maior número de pacotes;
. Listas de discussão boas;
. Grande modularização;
. Preocupação constante com segurança.
Quoting Alexandre Ribeiro da Silva ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Olá, amigos.
 Sou um linuxer meio anômalo. Já usei algumas distribuições, a grande
 maioria baseada no rpm, mas não me fixei em nenhuma talvez pela
 vontade de saber algo mais sobre o linux.
 O fato é que até o ano passado eu utilizava o slack 7.0 e participei
 de algumas listas sérias, tendo como exemplo a da linusp, que alguns
 dos participantes da debian-br faziam parte.
 Por pura falta de tempo tive que largar o slack, o linux
 e tudo o que dizia respeito a vida particular. Inclusive apaguei o meu
 slack do computador, ficando à mercê do windows.
 Sempre respeitei muito a Debian, mas infelizmente nunca a conheci
 muito, e agora que estou voltando ao linux, estou sinceramente
 dividido entre o slack, que está na 7.1 e o debian, que saiu de uma
 versão estacionada há três anos e evoluiu para a 2.2.
 Gostaria que vocês me ajudassem nessa dúvida, expondo as vantagens
 práticas da debian sobre o slack, tendo em vista que tenho um
 conhecimento intermediário/avançado sobre o sistema, mas a preguiça de
 um usuário windows para configurar o sistema.
 Desculpem pela carta quilométrica.
 Um abraço.

VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kupdate...

2000-09-16 Thread Leonardo Thozo
Salve pessoal,
Venho até vocês pedir ajuda em um problema que começou quando dei o
`apt-get dist-upgrade' hoje (atualmente uso a versão woody, mas não tem nada a
ver pois meu amigo PH usa também e no sistema dele nada ocoreu), Depois de
atualizar o sistema fechei minha interface ppp0 e reiniciei o sistema. Mas
quando voltei recebi a seguinte msg de erro que segue:

lissa login: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kupdate...
VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kupdate...
VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kupdate...
VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kupdate...
Last login: Sun Jul 16 18:08:02 2000 on tty1
Linux lissa 2.2.16 #1 Wed Jul 5 09:54:17 BRT 2000 i686 unknown
( leotho - ~ )

Como podem ver deu para eu efetuar o logim mas a msg de erro persiste, já
formatei a partição swap, reiniciei o sistema com ela desligada e nda..Espero a
ajuda de vocês.

Leonardo Thozo Vieira (leotho)
--- = #debian-br

Re: advanced power management and linux?

2000-09-16 Thread Krzys Majewski
  Hm, the chopstick is starting to  smell bad, gotta let the fan run for
  a bit..
 the fan motor will probably burn out like this.  

Hm, really? I don't think the motor is running; the P/S makes
absolutely no sound at all. Still going strong. Do mean that
the motor will burn out because it isn't running, but should be?
In this case, can I replace the (hard-wired) fan with some
component from Radio Shack (a resistor??) which fools the
circuit into thinking that it's a fan? What sort of component
would I need? The fan is 12V, 0.15A. 

 well you could always buy Apple's powerpc hardware, Steve Jobs
 apparently loathes fan noise and macs are rather quiet.  most of them
 run debian quite nicely too ;-)
 (the negative side to this is the rather high prices)

There it is..


Re: advanced power management and linux?

2000-09-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 09:06:18PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
   Hm, the chopstick is starting to  smell bad, gotta let the fan run for
   a bit..
  the fan motor will probably burn out like this.  
 Hm, really? I don't think the motor is running; the P/S makes
 absolutely no sound at all. Still going strong. Do mean that
 the motor will burn out because it isn't running, but should be?

the fan IS running but you just jam a chopstick in to prevent it from
moving right? so the motor is still trying to run but is stuck, so the
motor will eventually burn out in this condition.  

a better way to stop the fan is to unplug it. 

 In this case, can I replace the (hard-wired) fan with some
 component from Radio Shack (a resistor??) which fools the
 circuit into thinking that it's a fan? What sort of component
 would I need? The fan is 12V, 0.15A. 

you mean the powersupply can tell that the fan is removed and refuses
to work without it?  in that case i am not sure, a resister may very
well do the job but you could short things out if its the wrong size.  

im not though ive never needed to disable a powersuppy fan before.
(mine are not that noisy) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: corruption during power loss

2000-09-16 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 10:13:53PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:

 if you want your linux filesystems to be safer and are willing to
 accept the significant performance hit change defaults to
 defaults,sync in /etc/fstab for your ext2 filesystems.  be prepared
 for things like tar -x and rm -rf to take eons though.  (dpkg upgrades
 take much longer too)  

Nice to know that I have the option. So far, as I said, I haven't seen any
major problems under Debian. 


Kernel questions

2000-09-16 Thread Aaron Brashears
I have a few basic questions about building the kernel from source for
debian. I've read the documentation, but there are a few things that are
unclear to me. 

Why is the kernel-image-* package compiled with APM turned off? Almost
any computer bios made in the last couple of years supports apm
features, so it would make sense for debian to distribute the default
kernel image or at least offer a kernel image with apm enabled.

Why does the kernel-source-* package ship with a change from upstream
source with apm turned off? I would also think it would be cool to have
the kernel source package ship with the 'debian official config' saved
off in an external configuration file so that I could rebuild
*everything* that ships in the kernel image. Any easy place to get that
configuration? Should I file a wish-list bug for the kernel-source to
have that config packaged with it?


2000-09-16 Thread russell
I am in the middle of a hard drive melt down and a hardware upgrade via
a clean install.  I have lousy bandwidth and hence, prefer a cd for
installation.  (I do have a base install of slink on a 486 that I
downloaded via floppies however)  

I've been reading a bit about Libranet, which is based on potato
(2.2.17). Does anyone have experience with this?  Would I be better off
getting a burnt potato cd?  Any thoughts?  



Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser

Using kernel 2.4-pre8

I can not access or yet can access many other
sites without problem. If I reboot into 2.2.17, I can access the sites
just fine.

My reason for asking here is to do a quick poll of other Linux users who
MIGHT be using the 2.4-pre kernels before I say anything on the kernel
list. Maybe it is something goofy I did in my config but I don't think so.

Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 10:00:05PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 Using kernel 2.4-pre8
 I can not access or yet can access many other
 sites without problem. If I reboot into 2.2.17, I can access the sites
 just fine.
 My reason for asking here is to do a quick poll of other Linux users
 who MIGHT be using the 2.4-pre kernels before I say anything on the
 kernel list. Maybe it is something goofy I did in my config but I
 don't think so.

There was a report at about a newly support IP header bit
that indicates a congested network.  Anyway, turns out if this bit is
set, many prominent web sites will drop the IP packets.  The idea is,
the system can throttle packet sending to reduce drops/resends.  I
forgot the name of the bit, but you might want to make sure it's turned
off. IBM was among the sites listed as dropping packets...

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser

 There was a report at about a newly support IP header bit
 that indicates a congested network.  Anyway, turns out if this bit is
 set, many prominent web sites will drop the IP packets.  The idea is,
 the system can throttle packet sending to reduce drops/resends.  I
 forgot the name of the bit, but you might want to make sure it's turned
 off. IBM was among the sites listed as dropping packets...

Interesting. BTW, the failure differs between the two sites ... IBM times
out while CDW returns immdediately with Not Accepting Connections
.. server might be busy blah blah blah 

Re: Kernel questions

2000-09-16 Thread ktb
Aaron Brashears wrote:
 I have a few basic questions about building the kernel from source for
 debian. I've read the documentation, but there are a few things that are
 unclear to me.
 Why is the kernel-image-* package compiled with APM turned off? Almost
 any computer bios made in the last couple of years supports apm
 features, so it would make sense for debian to distribute the default
 kernel image or at least offer a kernel image with apm enabled.
 Why does the kernel-source-* package ship with a change from upstream
 source with apm turned off? I would also think it would be cool to have
 the kernel source package ship with the 'debian official config' saved
 off in an external configuration file so that I could rebuild
 *everything* that ships in the kernel image. Any easy place to get that
 configuration? Should I file a wish-list bug for the kernel-source to
 have that config packaged with it?

I have never used apm and don't plan on it, unless I get a laptop. As
far as I can tell from reading on linux lists it is a testy thing to
configure at times. It would probably cause more problems that it is
worth to have built into a kernel by default.  When you build your
kernel you are given the chance to select any option the kernel supports
when you make config or make menuconfig or go the kpkg route.

Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being. 
- Paul Tillich, American theologian (1886-1965).

Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya george...

from level3 or pacbell dsl...i can't get to, etc
am not sure if its your box ( kernel ) cause my older linux boxes
( thru pacbell dsl ) and new 2.2.16 boxes also have problems getting to
it... and similarly goin

c ya

pacbell get stuck at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# /usr/sbin/traceroute
 3 (  13.467 ms  12.708 ms
13.490 ms
 4  * * *
 5  * * *
and is stuck

level3 gets stuck at...
 4 (  6.539 ms  6.368 ms  6.351 ms
 5 (  6.374 ms  6.516 ms  6.317 ms
 6  * * *
 7  * * *
and is stuck

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, George Bonser wrote:

 Using kernel 2.4-pre8
 I can not access or yet can access many other
 sites without problem. If I reboot into 2.2.17, I can access the sites
 just fine.
 My reason for asking here is to do a quick poll of other Linux users who
 MIGHT be using the 2.4-pre kernels before I say anything on the kernel
 list. Maybe it is something goofy I did in my config but I don't think so.

Re: Kernel questions

2000-09-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 09:39:35PM -0700, Aaron Brashears wrote:
 I have a few basic questions about building the kernel from source for
 debian. I've read the documentation, but there are a few things that
 are unclear to me. 
 Why is the kernel-image-* package compiled with APM turned off? Almost
 any computer bios made in the last couple of years supports apm
 features, so it would make sense for debian to distribute the default
 kernel image or at least offer a kernel image with apm enabled.

Debian supports many older computers too.  They might not support APM,
or be broken.  It's one thing to not have your computer go to sleep, and
another for it to randomly crash and corrupt the filesystem.

 Why does the kernel-source-* package ship with a change from upstream
 source with apm turned off? I would also think it would be cool to
 have the kernel source package ship with the 'debian official config'
 saved off in an external configuration file so that I could rebuild
 *everything* that ships in the kernel image. Any easy place to get
 that configuration? Should I file a wish-list bug for the
 kernel-source to have that config packaged with it?

Debian kernels are pretty much stock AFAIK.  You can download kernels
from (or one of it's mirrors) just as easily.  Anyway, just
move .config to .config.old and you should get the default kernel
configuration.  I suggest building kernels with make-kpkg
(kernel-package).  It simplifies the installation and lets dpkg know
about your kernel changes.

$ make menuconfig
$ make-kpkg clean
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=5:foo.1.0 kernel_image
$ su -c 'dpkg -i ../kernel-image*.deb'

Simple, no?

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found


2000-09-16 Thread Mike


I've been trying to install kde from but 
it never works. Can someone give give me a line to add to my sources list the 



Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser
 Well, I just quickly checked both sites you mentioned.  No problem from
 my little ol' dial-up account.
 Anyway, how the firewall responds to what it believes to be a malformed
 packet is specific to the config.  One just out 'n out drops it, while
 another says 'Screw that junk, you're out of here!' (i.e. rejects).
 'Course I don't know that's the problem.  I think it's called ECN, you
 might check your system.

echo 0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn fixes the problem, thanks.

of Xservers and XSetup, of sabotage and kinks...

2000-09-16 Thread S.J. Black
Hi All -

Just downloaded 2.2 - verrry sweet ftp install! I've run into a small
problem with getting/finding/installing the XServer, though, and was
wondering if someone could help with this.

I did grab the XFree 4.0 stuff, as XF86Setup was quite insistent that I
did not have the required server for my Diamond Viper 770. Looked at
the documentation for NVidia, and came out of the 2 hour doc-search no
wiser than before. Again, was surprised to find setup telling me the
required server didn't exist. 

Any suggestions? 

Thanks in advance -


can anyone explain why ??

2000-09-16 Thread Simeon Simes
When I'm ripping a CD with cdparanoia my dialup ppp connection doesn't work.  I 
don't seem to be able to transfer at all.  The link stays up but no or very 
 data  seems to be able to flow.  But if I stop cdparanoia everthing is fine.
This is on a debian woody system running 2.2.17 kernel



Re: hostname/netname

2000-09-16 Thread Gregg C

how about
search lan
?  is bad compared to for lan-wise dns?
or does it not make any difference? is mainly for the loopback. using will work. I just tend 
to use the 192.168.x.x because that is what I use in the resolv.conf in 
other boxes. But I can't think of a reason not to use 127.

 This will allow you to work locally for telnet, bubb1, etc but will 

 to the outside world with

 /etc/hosts:  server.whatever.lan   server

and loopback

also, doesn't the sequencing mean something? server
makes display apps (ipfwadm -l for example)
show 'server' instead of trying to use the
full name '', yes?

mine also has the 'new style' gunk:
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00:: ip6-localnet

Which I have little understanding of, currently. The order I use it above is 
because foreign hosts will almost certainly be using FQDN, otherwise how to 
they get to you as apposed to, etc.

But it still allows your other local systems to use just the machine name 
and not get confused. When I first set up my lan, I had problems whenever my 
ppp link was down, because my local systems knew the gateway as, (didn't use .lan then) and that resolved to the 
non-working interface.

In the /etc/hosts file, the order on the same line, doesn't really matter. 
When you are looking for say an

You would generally want the ip look up to get the FQDN, so having it first 
is a good idea.

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Which Netscape to use?

2000-09-16 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Sorry Group, this must be very FAQ.
I would like some advice to which Netscape to get for my 2.2 Helix-gnome
laptop. If I check the stable files, I find numerous installers with
different numbers. I am a bit lost. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: using sudo (was Re: bash login for root)

2000-09-16 Thread kmself
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 04:38:11PM -0800, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 03:47:48PM -0700, wrote:
  But you've got zero control of commands available, and no logging of
  what commands are being run as root.
 true, but this goes back to my original comment that allowing a user
 account to run anything as sudo does nothing but turn it into another
 root account, if you want the granularity, loging and control you
 mention you have to take GREAT care in what you let a `sudoer' do,
 otherwise he can just run `sudo bash' and there goes your loging, and
 granularity right there.  or something more insidious like this:
 sudo emacs
 M-x shell
 the same works with vi and loads of other editors. 

I'm aware of these limitations.  You've got to work out acceptible
policies and risks while providing the tools to get the job done.  The
problem I've had with direct root access is that users come on as root
fromsome random IP (say, a dialup connection), and your accounting
goes all to shit.

With just a couple of users on a box (typical of servers I'm running),
it's pretty straightforward to check to see who's doing a bunch of sudo
vis or sudo bashs (and you'll find my name in both sets of greps).
The question is whether or not the servers are getting fscked up in the

Basically, it comes down to a matter of trust -- do you trust your
people or don't you.  The mix of sudo and full shell access means you
can restrict access (barring gross malfeasance), but also track, at
least to a resonable level of detail, what's going on.  root's own
.bash_history file is another useful resource, and when it turns up
unexpectedly truncated, there are other issues at hand.  Logging (root
commands, logs, etc.) to a third-party box with write-once, persistant
media is yet another option.

It's easy to cover up tracks.  It's a bit harder to cover up covering up

  Without the granularity of control by user and command, and logging.
 yes but see above.  (i think we are talking about different things, i
 am talking about giving another admin full root privileges, where your
 talking about giving a admin or assistent just very partial restricted

We're only talking partial cross-purposes.  I'm looking for a tool to
let me know at least when my admins are going full admin privileges, and
possibly to offer limited administrative powers to more restricted
users.  I'm finding that the combination of prohibited root logins and
sudo gives me more control than direct root logins and su.  Though su is
still used.  Hmmm...  Any way to prohibit su to root, I wonder.  I think
so, have to look into it.

Got any ideas for systems allowing for both a fine-grained level of
control *and* reasonable and flexibility for admins?

Also, as this started off as a Debian thread somewhere/somehow, do you
have any suggestions for auditing a box through dpkg / apt, including
verification of packages (including checksum or signature tests where
possible), detecting binaries *not* associated with packages, and/or
possibly reinstalling a package over an existing instance?  I believe
RPM has at least some of these capabilities, not sure that DEBs do.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: using sudo (was Re: bash login for root)

2000-09-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 11:55:23PM -0700, wrote:
 I'm aware of these limitations.  You've got to work out acceptible
 policies and risks while providing the tools to get the job done.  The
 problem I've had with direct root access is that users come on as root
 fromsome random IP (say, a dialup connection), and your accounting
 goes all to shit.

yes of course, that is why all my machines have this line in thier

PermitRootLogin no

then there is no more direct root login except on the console.  as it
should be. 

 With just a couple of users on a box (typical of servers I'm running),
 it's pretty straightforward to check to see who's doing a bunch of sudo
 vis or sudo bashs (and you'll find my name in both sets of greps).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ tail -1 /var/log/sulog
SU 09/15 03:09 + tty2 eb-root

 The question is whether or not the servers are getting fscked up in the

quite true.

 Basically, it comes down to a matter of trust -- do you trust your
 people or don't you.  The mix of sudo and full shell access means you
 can restrict access (barring gross malfeasance), but also track, at
 least to a resonable level of detail, what's going on.  root's own
 .bash_history file is another useful resource, and when it turns up
 unexpectedly truncated, there are other issues at hand.  Logging (root
 commands, logs, etc.) to a third-party box with write-once, persistant
 media is yet another option.

yes but not really trivial to implement.  sudo does nice logging, but
its totally defeated when someone runs sudo bash.  (you still have
.bash_history but its hard to track things there to an individual)

 It's easy to cover up tracks.  It's a bit harder to cover up covering up


 We're only talking partial cross-purposes.  I'm looking for a tool to
 let me know at least when my admins are going full admin privileges, and
 possibly to offer limited administrative powers to more restricted
 users.  I'm finding that the combination of prohibited root logins and
 sudo gives me more control than direct root logins and su.  Though su is
 still used.  Hmmm...  Any way to prohibit su to root, I wonder.  I think
 so, have to look into it.

add this line to your /etc/pam.d/su file:

authrequisite group=wheel debug

uid=1002(erb) gid=1002(erb) groups=1002(erb)
su: Permission denied

 Got any ideas for systems allowing for both a fine-grained level of
 control *and* reasonable and flexibility for admins?


 Also, as this started off as a Debian thread somewhere/somehow, do you
 have any suggestions for auditing a box through dpkg / apt, including
 verification of packages (including checksum or signature tests where
 possible), detecting binaries *not* associated with packages, and/or
 possibly reinstalling a package over an existing instance?  I believe
 RPM has at least some of these capabilities, not sure that DEBs do.

look at the packages, debsums and cruft, debsums can check md5sums on
all files (if the package came with such a list, and not all do) cruft
alegedly finds files unexplained by the packaging system, i have not
quite figured out how to make cruft work though, it always starts
spewing off every file and directory starting from /

the problem with debsums is its trivial for a root to tamper with
/var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.md5sums.  a root can also just install a custom
.deb, though this will be rather apparent the way dselect/apt
operate. (apt will always replace a custom package with the real one
if the versions are the same, dselect shows packages not listed in the
Packages.gz file as `obsolete')

ideally what is needed is some tripwire like functionality integrated
into dpkg.  tripwire is impossibly inconvenient if you install
packages often or track unstable.  

really though if you have a hostile (or incompetant) root you can't
get rid of your 120% screwed from the starting gate and there is not a
damn thing you can do about it.  (especially if your not the one who
can get rid of them rather the oposite) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with the modules

2000-09-16 Thread Leen Besselink
On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Aaron Brashears wrote:

 My machine developed the same problem after a kernel recompilation. I
 was never able to figure it out, and eventually *gasp* re-installed the
 entire system, which fixed everything. At least these days it's
 reinstall rather than reformat, reinstall...

Your kidding me right ? Ooh your a former windows user ? ;) Just kidding.
I personally would never do that, but yes I can understand it.

You probably ran update-modules or an other similair tool.

Well, I looked around and I found the bad line in /etc/modutils/patchs
(first line):
I changed mine to:
although maybe I should do boot per kernelversion, but I use the
/etc/modules anyway. Also I needed to change more in that file to point to
the right modules. I think they changed it because with kernel 2.4 they
completly turned the modules directory structure around. What I don't
understand is, how come it works, when you reinstall. Maybe there's a bug
in the upgrade script (is there such a thing ?).

OK, I think it's time to bug report about this. Although I've also seen a
year and a half old bugreport, which is about the same as this would be.

If anything has the errors writen down or something like that. Maybe it
could be helpfull, let me know. Or has other more usefull information, do
tell me/the list.

Hope this helps and tia,

Re: OT: shell prompt tip

2000-09-16 Thread Simon Hales
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, J.P. Larocque wrote:

On an unrelated note, I'm *fairly* new to Linux (or UNIX in general), only
having been using it for about a year.  In the DOS command-interpreter 4DOS,
I could refer to parent directories as . and .. as is the norm in DOS and UNIX.
But I could also type, say, cd , which would be equivalent of typing
cd ..\..\..\.  It could be thought of as going up the directory tree, one dot
per level, the first representing the CWD.  Is there any practical way I could
make bash expand multiple dots like it would wildcards, passing the full
expanded form onto the program being called, without hacking up the source to

One reason this would not scale well from DOS to Unix, is that
...  ., etc are in fact perfectly legal filenames under
Unix/Linux.  In MS DOS, the . is a special character used by the
FAT filesystem, and cannot be used in the filename, so ... etc are
free to be interpreted by shells and commands such as 4DOS, and various
replacements for CD

One Debian package I have come across so far that actually does create
files called ... is the Crypto Filesystem Daemon, cfsd.



My ICQ Number is:- 89224228

Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 (

Re: Kernel questions

2000-09-16 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Aaron == Aaron Brashears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Aaron I would also think it would be cool to have the kernel source
 Aaron package ship with the 'debian official config' saved off in an
 Aaron external configuration file so that I could rebuild
 Aaron *everything* that ships in the kernel image. Any easy place to
 Aaron get that configuration? Should I file a wish-list bug for the
 Aaron kernel-source to have that config packaged with it?

It ships with the kernel-image-* packages. Look into your
 /boot/ directory for config-* files.

 The bank called to tell me that I'm overdrawn, Some freaks are
 burning crosses out on my front lawn, And I *can't*believe* it, all
 the Cheetos are gone, It's just ONE OF THOSE DAYS! Weird Al Yankovic,
 One of Those Days
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Port 118

2000-09-16 Thread Sven Burgener

What's port 118 for? I can't find it in /etc/services though I have it
in my logs as a denied (outgoing) packet (destination port is 118).

I can't be wrong, my modem's got error-correction.

apt-move and helix

2000-09-16 Thread Lindsay Allen

Hello World,

I like to keep a partial mirror and I use apt-move (woody) to good effect.

Now I'd like to mirror helixcode as well.  But I can't figure out a way to
arrange things so that apt-move will handle it gracefully.  Has anyone got
this working?  

At the moment I am keeping my helixcode files under
.../debian/projects/helix but there must be a better way.


Lindsay Allen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486, 0403 272 564   32.0125S 115.8445E   Debian Linux

preparing to install debian

2000-09-16 Thread Bob Edwards
Good morning!

I ordered a three CD set of debian cds and am preparing to install
debian. I have some specific questions:

(1) how do i configure debian for dsl ?

(2) What do I have to do to get debian to recognize all three of my hard
drives ?

(3) what do I have to do to be able to dual boot to either debian (yea)
or windows 98 (boo!!) ?

(4) what is this potato that I keep reading about?

I am very new to Linux, but have chosen it as the primary os for my
computer because of its stability and reliability. I have a lot to
learn, but I have to start somewhere.

Bob Edwards
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Re: can anyone explain why ??

2000-09-16 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 05:27:14PM +1100, Simeon Simes wrote:
 When I'm ripping a CD with cdparanoia my dialup ppp connection doesn't work.  
 I don't seem to be able to transfer at all.  The link stays up but no or very 
  data  seems to be able to flow.  But if I stop cdparanoia everthing is fine.
 This is on a debian woody system running 2.2.17 kernel
exactly the same problem with my brother's dial-up.
my guess is, that the cdrom driver has some ugly kernel lock, which blocks
everything else while data is read from the cdrom.
the problem can be worked around by letting cdparanoia read data in 
small chunks. i achived this by piping it's output through a named pipe
directly into an mp3 encoder (anybody wants my script?). 
if you want only ripping, then something like this might be a workaround:
(this is untested!)

dev=/dev/cdrom  #adjust!
for trk in `list_audio_tracks -D $dev|cut -f1`; do
cdparanoina -q -d $dev $trk - | while dd count=128; do sleep 1; done $i.wav

adjust the count= to something reasonable (i have no verified value; the 128
gives 64k, which is the buffer size of a pipe (afaik)).
note, that this will be slooow, but should not interfere with the modem 
_too_ much.


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: Port 118

2000-09-16 Thread Robert Waldner
according to ist some kind of SQL Services.


On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 12:05:36 +0200, Sven Burgener writes:
What's port 118 for? I can't find it in /etc/services though I have it
in my logs as a denied (outgoing) packet (destination port is 118).

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Port 118

2000-09-16 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 What's port 118 for? I can't find it in /etc/services though I have it
 in my logs as a denied (outgoing) packet (destination port is 118).
nmap-services says sqlserv #SQL Services


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Real programmers don't comment their code.
It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
Become part of the world's biggest computer cluster - 

Re: Which Netscape to use?

2000-09-16 Thread Kjetil Ødegaard
* Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry Group, this must be very FAQ.
 I would like some advice to which Netscape to get for my 2.2 Helix-gnome
 laptop. If I check the stable files, I find numerous installers with
 different numbers. I am a bit lost. Any suggestions?

My advice would be to install the 4.75 version, which has a fix for the
`Brown Orifice' vulnerability.  You might have to add

deb potato/updates main contrib non-free 

to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.  See also


Re: KDE 2

2000-09-16 Thread Kjetil Ødegaard

 I've been trying to install kde from but it never works. Can
 someone give give me a line to add to my sources list the works.

Woody has a lot of KDE2 packages if you are willing to upgrade.


Unidentified subject!

2000-09-16 Thread Michael Norman

Re: OT: shell prompt tip

2000-09-16 Thread Sven Gaerner
If your shell is bash then zou can create aliases. Write in .bashrc something
 alias cd='cd ../../..'
This allows you to type cd on the command line to go 3 directories up.


At Sat, 16 Sep 2000 09:40:07 +0100 (BST),
Simon Hales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, J.P. Larocque wrote:
 On an unrelated note, I'm *fairly* new to Linux (or UNIX in general), only
 having been using it for about a year.  In the DOS command-interpreter 4DOS,
 I could refer to parent directories as . and .. as is the norm in DOS and 
 But I could also type, say, cd , which would be equivalent of typing
 cd ..\..\..\.  It could be thought of as going up the directory tree, one 
 per level, the first representing the CWD.  Is there any practical way I 
 make bash expand multiple dots like it would wildcards, passing the full
 expanded form onto the program being called, without hacking up the source to
 One reason this would not scale well from DOS to Unix, is that
 ...  ., etc are in fact perfectly legal filenames under
 Unix/Linux.  In MS DOS, the . is a special character used by the
 FAT filesystem, and cannot be used in the filename, so ... etc are
 free to be interpreted by shells and commands such as 4DOS, and various
 replacements for CD
 One Debian package I have come across so far that actually does create
 files called ... is the Crypto Filesystem Daemon, cfsd.
 My ICQ Number is:- 89224228
 Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 (
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: pgp vs. mutt

2000-09-16 Thread Tom Gilbert
* will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 i don't give a whit about signing my messages; unless we're passing
 munitions details during a war, i don't see the importance (at least
 none of my ramblings are even CLOSE to needing any certification or
 verification). i just wanna get rid of the 
   gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
 message... i guess i should learn to live with it.

You could either:
a) live with it
b) see if the person has put their key on a webpage for you to grab
c) use a keyserver

(c) is preferable, it works great. Add something like:


To your ~/.gnupg/options file.

   /V\| Tom Gilbert, London, England |   |
 /(   )\  | ID-Pro - | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  ^^-^^   '-'

Description: PGP signature

Re: advanced power management and linux?

2000-09-16 Thread Dean

There is a purpose for the power supply fan you know. I
had one going on the fritz ( running slow and stopping at
times). I ran it this way for 6mo or so. Then all at once
my hd started going haywire. Short story: I had to replace
the hd and power supply. Dean
Krzys Majewski wrote:
   Hm, the chopstick is starting to  smell bad, gotta let the fan run for
   a bit..
  the fan motor will probably burn out like this.
 Hm, really? I don't think the motor is running; the P/S makes
 absolutely no sound at all. Still going strong. Do mean that
 the motor will burn out because it isn't running, but should be?
 In this case, can I replace the (hard-wired) fan with some
 component from Radio Shack (a resistor??) which fools the
 circuit into thinking that it's a fan? What sort of component
 would I need? The fan is 12V, 0.15A.
  well you could always buy Apple's powerpc hardware, Steve Jobs
  apparently loathes fan noise and macs are rather quiet.  most of them
  run debian quite nicely too ;-)
  (the negative side to this is the rather high prices)
 There it is..
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: of Xservers and XSetup, of sabotage and kinks...

2000-09-16 Thread Andy Bastien
There are those who would have you believe that S.J. Black wrote:
 Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 23:23:36 -0700
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i586)
 Subject: of Xservers and XSetup, of sabotage and kinks...
 Hi All -
 Just downloaded 2.2 - verrry sweet ftp install! I've run into a small
 problem with getting/finding/installing the XServer, though, and was
 wondering if someone could help with this.
 I did grab the XFree 4.0 stuff, as XF86Setup was quite insistent that I
 did not have the required server for my Diamond Viper 770. Looked at
 the documentation for NVidia, and came out of the 2 hour doc-search no
 wiser than before. Again, was surprised to find setup telling me the
 required server didn't exist. 
 Any suggestions? 

The Diamond Viper 770 is based on the NVidia TNT2 chip.  It's
supported by the SVGA server in X 3.3.6.  For 4.0.1, you can use the
nv driver, or you can go to NVidia's website (
to download their accelerated server.

using /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb

2000-09-16 Thread Neil L. Roeth
cd /var/cache/apt/archives
apt-get install `ls|cut -d_ -f1`

You might want to do an apt-get autoclean first.

On Sep 14, cls-colo spgs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  i need to reinstall  potato (after losing my pcmcia
  modem to a custom kernel).
  w/o having to dselect or apt-get over and over, is
  there a way for the system,  with one apt-get
  command, to get and install the *.deb files in
  ia, t.
  bentley taylor
   (potato on 2.2.17)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Neil L. Roeth

Re: e-conf for enlightenment

2000-09-16 Thread Frederik
   Can anyone tell me where I can find a debian package with e-conf
 for enlightenment in it? I installed enlightenment, and I've scoured the
 Debian ftp site, and I can't find it. I'm kind of curious as to why
 enlightenment would be available without it. 

AFAIK, e-conf is no longer in Enlightenment. You might check #e on EFNet
to be sure, but I seem to recall having read something like this

Re: Netscape http://wierdness on startup

2000-09-16 Thread John Foster
Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Not by chance launching that from a GNOME laucher?  I found replacing
 gnome-moz-remote with communicator (or netscape), made it go away.
 On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 04:47:07PM -0400, Kent Pirkle wrote:
  I've been having the same problem. No clue how to fix it.
  I'm running woody btw.
Yep; that took care of it. Thanks! The other replies are most likely
correct as to why but I just wanted it to stop.

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

Debian on 16mb ram intels

2000-09-16 Thread Tomasz Wegrzanowski
How can I use dpkg on 16mb box with much software installed ?
'(Reading database' step takes awfully lot of time.
Nicing -20 doesn't help much.
Is there any low-RAM-usage version of dpkg or
some other technique can be used to lower its memory needs ?

Please CC: me.

OT: signal and pipeline

2000-09-16 Thread Andreas Huggel

This one is for UNIX shell gurus. Pointers to a better forum for the 
question are most welcome. This is what is giving me a headache:

I have a small program that only installs a signal handler for SIGHUP, 
SIGINT and SIGPIPE and then just loops over sleep(1); printf(hi\n); 
fflush(stdout) forever.
If I start the program from the shell and interrupt it with CTRL-C from the 
keyboard, the signal handler is called as expected.
If I start it in a pipeline, e.g., myprog | tee myprog.log and press CTRL-C, 
then tee gets SIGINT and exits. myprog also terminates but the signal 
handler is not called.

Why is the signal handler not invoked? What signal does myprog need to look 
out for and is there a particular trick needed to catch it?


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Re: /tmp directory

2000-09-16 Thread QBA
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 10:45:02PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 these are socket files created by programs that make use of so-called
 unix domain sockets -- nothing to worry about :) MC identifies this file
 type with a leading = and color black (at least in its default
 configuration). The s at the beginning of the permissions-string also
 stands for socket.

Could you tell me what these unix domain sockets are for. What is their
job in the system?
 If you wonder which program created them, you might try to deduce it
 from the file name (e.g. =mysql.sock would hint you to the Mysql-deamon).
 As to whether you can delete them: this depends on whether they are still
 in use by some program. You can usually delete socket files older than
 the last reboot of the machine -- if you feel better then ;-)
 these were left over by processes that can no longer be running...
  And returning to the second part of my earlier message. I don't use emacs.
  So where do these files come from?
 Not only emacs, but also many other editors, have the file naming convention
 of appending a ~ for backup files.
So can I say that all file that end with '~' are backup files.
Are these files sililar to temporary files that winshit creats?
Thanks for your explanations,


Re: e-conf for enlightenment

2000-09-16 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:09:57PM +0200, Frederik wrote:
 AFAIK, e-conf is no longer in Enlightenment. You might check #e on EFNet
 to be sure, but I seem to recall having read something like this

Yeah, I noticed that you can access all of the configuration options with
a right click on the desktop, it's just not pretty. No problems. 



Adding a Drive Icon [newbie]

2000-09-16 Thread Shel Johnson
I have an IDE internal ZipDrive.. When I boot my machine, I know Linux
sees it as hdd.. My question is: how do I add an icon on the desktop like
the floppy and cdrom??.. Thanks!!

ICQ- 23454126
AIM- CacheMonet

Trying to master Storm Linux 2000

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Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: /tmp directory

2000-09-16 Thread Colin Watson wrote:
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 10:45:02PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 these are socket files created by programs that make use of so-called
 unix domain sockets -- nothing to worry about :) MC identifies this file
 type with a leading = and color black (at least in its default
 configuration). The s at the beginning of the permissions-string also
 stands for socket.

Could you tell me what these unix domain sockets are for. What is their
job in the system?

They are used for various kinds of inter-process communication, and act
in much the same way on the local machine as TCP/IP sockets do on the
wider Internet. For instance, the system logging daemon (syslogd)
listens on /dev/log, and any program can connect to that socket and
write a log message.

 Not only emacs, but also many other editors, have the file naming convention
 of appending a ~ for backup files.

So can I say that all file that end with '~' are backup files.

There's no rule about it, but it's a useful rule of thumb.

Are these files sililar to temporary files that winshit creats?

Only in the sense that they normally contain data that already exists
elsewhere. In the Unix world they're mostly plain text, and thus
generally more useful to somebody who doesn't know which program they
came from.


Re: Debian Gnome vs. Helix Gnome

2000-09-16 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 06:45:58PM -0400, Andy Bastien wrote:

 They hope to eventually make money off of services:
 Plus, you have to trust them in that the sources that they put up are
 the ones that they use to build the binaries.  I do, but there are
 some people who insist on compiling everything themselves.

A valid worry once commercial interests appear, I'd say. 


RE: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread Pollywog
I have Pacific Bell DSL and I am using the 2.4.0-test7 kernel.
I can access both websites just fine.

On 16-Sep-2000 George Bonser wrote:
 Using kernel 2.4-pre8
 I can not access or yet can access many other
 sites without problem. If I reboot into 2.2.17, I can access the sites
 just fine.

Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread Jose Marin
Hi all,

A home user typically receives e-mail with a pop program (fetchmail), and
therefore he has no use for his MTA _listening_ for incoming mail on inet
port 25, am I right?  Because I assume fetchmail passes its load on to the
MTA via the local interface,, isn't it so? 

Therefore it seems reasonable to have an MTA configured to _not_ listen on
the ppp0 interface, while still having the stmp transport enabled for
outgoing mail through ppp0 or any other interface besides lo.  Can I do
this with exim?  I've looked but I really couldn't find anything... help! 

Yes, I know I could firewall incoming traffic for port 25, but first I'm
looking for a simple config for exim, if it exists.  Would I have more
luck with postfix instead?


PS: Is there any inetd replacement which can listen selectively on the
various interfaces?  Maybe this could be a solution for having both exim
and leafnode not listening on the inet ports for home users, what do you

Dept of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 451 3717
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Re: e-conf for enlightenment

2000-09-16 Thread Bruce Richardson
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 10:12:45AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:09:57PM +0200, Frederik wrote:
  AFAIK, e-conf is no longer in Enlightenment. You might check #e on EFNet
  to be sure, but I seem to recall having read something like this
 Yeah, I noticed that you can access all of the configuration options with
 a right click on the desktop, it's just not pretty. No problems. 

Not all the configuration options, at least not on the version I have at
work.  I kept e-conf from the older enlightenment because there seemed
to be no way to set preferences for keypresses and no equivalent to
e-conf's background image organiser.

If you have/install e-conf, it appears on the enlightenment menu as
Legacy admin tool.


Wisdom is not the purchase of a day.
-- Thomas Paine

Re: OT: signal and pipeline

2000-09-16 Thread Andreas Fuchs

Today, Andreas Huggel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why is the signal handler not invoked? What signal does myprog need to
 look out for and is there a particular trick needed to catch it?



Andreas Stefan Fuchs in Real Life aka
antifuchsin IRCNet and
Relf Herbstfresser, Male 1/2 Elf Priest  in ADD

RE: Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread Pollywog
What about local_interfaces in your exim.conf?
local_interfaces = for example.
Just remove the IP address of your ppp interface from the option.


On 16-Sep-2000 Jose Marin wrote:
 Hi all,
 A home user typically receives e-mail with a pop program (fetchmail), and
 therefore he has no use for his MTA _listening_ for incoming mail on inet
 port 25, am I right?  Because I assume fetchmail passes its load on to the
 MTA via the local interface,, isn't it so? 

Re: e-conf for enlightenment

2000-09-16 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 04:18:28PM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:

 Not all the configuration options, at least not on the version I have at
 work.  I kept e-conf from the older enlightenment because there seemed
 to be no way to set preferences for keypresses and no equivalent to
 e-conf's background image organiser.
 If you have/install e-conf, it appears on the enlightenment menu as
 Legacy admin tool.

There would seem to be  alot of options in the text files in the
.enlightenment directory as well, so maybe you can set all these options by
hand. E might overwrite them after it exits though...


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: e-conf for enlightenment

2000-09-16 Thread Tom Gilbert
* Bruce Richardson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 10:12:45AM -0400, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
  On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 03:09:57PM +0200, Frederik wrote:

   AFAIK, e-conf is no longer in Enlightenment. You might check #e on EFNet
   to be sure, but I seem to recall having read something like this
  Yeah, I noticed that you can access all of the configuration options 
  a right click on the desktop, it's just not pretty. No problems. 
 Not all the configuration options, at least not on the version I have at
 work.  I kept e-conf from the older enlightenment because there seemed
 to be no way to set preferences for keypresses and no equivalent to

This is the new method.

 e-conf's background image organiser.

You could probably use
to edit the Backgrounds menu. Dunno, not tried it ;-)

   /V\| Tom Gilbert, London, England |   |
 /(   )\  | ID-Pro - | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  ^^-^^   '-'

Description: PGP signature

Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread Stan Kaufman
Pollywog wrote:
 I have Pacific Bell DSL and I am using the 2.4.0-test7 kernel.
 I can access both websites just fine.

How about and These won't come through for me
though the and sites work fine. Something weird

 On 16-Sep-2000 George Bonser wrote:
  Using kernel 2.4-pre8
  I can not access or yet can access many other
  sites without problem. If I reboot into 2.2.17, I can access the sites
  just fine.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: corruption during power loss

2000-09-16 Thread Saran
You can also get more information regarding JFS from the following site :

Go to the site and select JFS for Linux.  The FAQ may be of interest to you

Saranjit Singh.

-Original Message-
From: Ethan Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 8:25 AM
To: Debian Users List
Subject: Re: corruption during power loss

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 10:58:57PM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 10:13:53PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
  your other option is using a Journeling filesystem such as Reiser or
  ext3 (reiser i think is more mature at this point but still has some
  serious limitations such as being unsuitable for use on /)

 It's time for Linux to integrate a journaling FS.  Will this be
 happening with the upcoming 2.4? I mean 'integrated by default'.

probably not, from my readings of linux-kernel it appears that the
people in charge (Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox)* do not yet feel Reiser
is quite ready to be merged into the main kernel tree.  i think
Alexander Viro the VFS guy also has some issues.   The other problem
is Linus is getting more conservative about allowing new stuff into
2.4 since the more that is added the longer it will take to finish.

 Also, which of the journaling FS projects will be the one integrated
 into the main kernel source tree (sometime)?

most likely Reiser will be first since its a bit further along then
ext3.  But iirc Alan Cox wants to see the Reiser and ext3 journaling
layers merged before either goes in.

read linux kernel archives or past issues of kernel-cousin on
linuxcare.  if your interested in the details.

* i don't presume to speak for anyone, this is just what i remember
reading in the past couple months.

Ethan Benson

Re: using /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb

2000-09-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting cls-colo spgs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 i need to reinstall  potato (after losing my pcmcia
 modem to a custom kernel).
 w/o having to dselect or apt-get over and over, is
 there a way for the system,  with one apt-get
 command, to get and install the *.deb files in

What, do you mean the debs are on the machine already?

Then just dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*deb


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: superformat?

2000-09-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michael Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

   I guess floppies aren't all that important in a world of the
 internet, but they're still valuable in the form of boot disks, and small
 transfers to zero-connectivity machines. Floppies are the only format not
 keeping pace it would seem. They've been 1.4M for how long now, while
 harddrives go from 500M - 13Gig standard? 

There's no point: they're a legacy system. And they *did* raise the
capacity to 2.88MB, but I guess their sales proved that it's a
wasted effort for such a small gain. OTOH you could argue that
superfloppies have pushed their capacity to 120MB: that's a bigger
factor than 0.5 to 13.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: superformat?

2000-09-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting William T Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On 14 Sep 2000, John Hasler wrote:
   floppy. Just seems a little wierd seeing DOS as the default on a Linux
  FAT16 is a pretty good format for floppies (that's what it was designed
  for).  Ext2 isn't.
 ext2 does fine with floppies, it has a little more overhead than DOS, but
 it also has proper filenames.  The problem is that hardly anybody uses
 ext2 as a floppy format, everyone uses DOS, so that is the default :}

With respect, that is not the problem. If you want long filenames
on a floppy, you can just mount it vfat instead of msdos.

The problem is that PC drives don't have any protection against
removing the floppy disk. With a DOS format, this does not matter
too much. After a few seconds, you can remove the disk and even
replace it with another one (as long as you then type umount and
mount before using it). That's because when you umount a DOS format,
nothing happens (watch the light).

Now try it with an Ext2 format: remove the disk and then umount.
You'll get a stream of error messages.

 Linux systems have networking, whereas many DOS systems do not; if a
 network is available, why use a floppy?

Err, I expect there are plenty of people like me who keep a machine
at home in sync with work by using a floppy. (OK, I used to, but now
I uses a zip disk in the same manner.) I'm not going to do this over
the phone even if I own shares in BT!


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: superformat?

2000-09-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting Immanuel Yap ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Thu Sep 14, 2000, Michael Soulier wrote:
  On 14 Sep 2000, John Hasler wrote:
  Yeah, I suppose. Out of curiousity, what format is used on zip
  drives running under Linux? I've never used one. Do they have their own
  format, ala CDROMS with iso9660?

I don't think John Hasler wrote that.

 ZIP drives are treated as hard drives: /dev/hd[a-d]4, if you have the
 IDE version.  Most (all?) ZIP disks come preformatted for PC (vfat) or

FAT16 I believe. The vfat module will use long filenames on them.

 Mac (HPFS?).  You're perfectly free, of course, to reformat the disk
 as ext2.

Do remember that the tools disks arrive in a very strange format
which should be regularised with the reclaim utility before you
try and reformat them.

I must admit that I find the most satisfactory compromise with floppies
and zip disks is to use them entirely with zip files. This (1) preserves
all the ownerships/permissions and so on, (2) increases their capacity,
(3) insures against unnoticed file corruption, (4) allows one to
extract the odd file on foreign OSes (DOS/Mac) and (5) means that users
of aforesaid OSes recognise the disk as unbroken if they happen to insert
it into their machine.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Sep-2000 Stan Kaufman wrote:
 Pollywog wrote:
 I have Pacific Bell DSL and I am using the 2.4.0-test7 kernel.
 I can access both websites just fine.
 How about and These won't come through for me
 though the and sites work fine. Something weird

Yep, those work for me too.  The site is rather amusing.


Re: advanced power management and linux?

2000-09-16 Thread Krzys Majewski
Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is a purpose for the power supply fan you know. I
 had one going on the fritz ( running slow and stopping at
 times). I ran it this way for 6mo or so. Then all at once
 my hd started going haywire. Short story: I had to replace
 the hd and power supply.  Dean

6 months is  a long time.. sounds to me like  you either didn't notice
it was stopping,  or else you enjoyed the peace and  quiet too much to
do anything about it! Also it's not clear from the context that the hd
failure was related to the fan problem. 
Right now I've moved the P/S  outside the case. This leaves a hole for
hot air to escape from the case, and keeps the red-hot,glowing,smoking
P/S from heating the other components. lm-sensors says:

temp: +33.62 C
fan2: 3901 RPM

Not sure what this means but  it doesn't sound too dramatic, we'll see
how my P/S takes it. Sticking some heat sinks on it today. -chris

Re: Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread Terry Boon
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 04:11:52PM +0100, Jose Marin wrote:

 PS: Is there any inetd replacement which can listen selectively on the
 various interfaces?  Maybe this could be a solution for having both exim
 and leafnode not listening on the inet ports for home users, what do you

There is tcpserver, which I think does this. suggests using
tcpserver instead of inetd for this reason, but I've no personal
experience of the software.  It's available from

(You actually specify the IP address at which you want to listen
rather than the interface name, but in the scenario you describe I
think that this should suffice.)

Best wishes,
Terry Boon

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5


Re: Can anyone else verify this ???

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser
 Yep, those work for me too.  The site is rather amusing.

I found the source of the problem ... I had turned on the 

Explicit Congestion Notification

option in the networking options of the 2.4-test8 kernel. There was no
help available on this option to explain more completely what it does or
what the programmer THINKS it should do. What it does is break TCP
connections to quite a few places on the net.

more than 64 megs ram?

2000-09-16 Thread Debian Ghost
Hey Guys,
I've totally forgotten what to do if you have more than 64 megs ram in a
machine. I have 128 megs in one of my machines, but it is not coming up
for me. I was also wondering another way to identify how much ram is in a
mcahine other than using 'top'.


D. Ghost

'space ghost flying to M33 using debian auto pilot.'

RE: Staroffice on Debian Potato

2000-09-16 Thread I. Tura
At 09.22 15/9/00 +0800, CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] ha escrit:
Yup...installed 5.2 over the far no problemshowever, the
Starwriter files saved as Word 5, Word 9X and Word 2000 was not
compatible..i.e. when I tried opening these files in Word 97, it said
something about file Windoze 95!!!

It can happen that the guilty one is M$ Word. I've heard from a reliable
person that even Word 97 can convert in a bad manner another Word document
from another Word 97 program.


P.S. M$  /dev/null

This one is good!

 From  Barcelona...  \   \\___
 /   / ___\_'_\
 Still nationalizing the LAN!   /\¬___/

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Re: Which Netscape to use?

2000-09-16 Thread I. Tura
At 12.38 16/9/00 +0200, Kjetil Ødegaard ha escrit:
* Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry Group, this must be very FAQ.
 I would like some advice to which Netscape to get for my 2.2 Helix-gnome
 laptop. If I check the stable files, I find numerous installers with
 different numbers. I am a bit lost. Any suggestions?

My advice would be to install the 4.75 version, which has a fix for the
`Brown Orifice' vulnerability.  

In order to deal with the lots of different packages... Take the biggest
one, and dselect will annoy about dependencies. Follow its demands and
there will be no problems. But it's not this way if you just want Navigator
instead of  Communicator :)

I also adhere to 4.75 choose.

 Sorry Group, this must be very FAQ.

Actually I think that you will can always solve that kind of problems
reading 'Packages' text files. I always have them copied in the HDD. They
are very helpful. When I had Debian Hamm and dselect was quite slow, I did
manual dselect with dpkg and the Packages files (which is the same as slow,
but it's more funny) :)



 From  Barcelona...  \   \\___
 /   / ___\_'_\
 Still nationalizing the LAN!   /\¬___/

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Re: more than 64 megs ram?

2000-09-16 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
hi ghost,

to tell linux you have 999MB of ram, put the following in the append line
of your lilo.conf:


then run lilo, of course.  :-)   you can find this information and more in

you can see how much memory linux sees by:

cat /proc/meminfo

i'm pretty sure that anything that reports memory stats uses the /proc
interface.  any hardware related information that you possibly may want is
in /proc including interrupts, PCI devices, CPU information, memory usage,

my girlfriend and i just watched 'the island of dr. moreau' with marlon
brando and val kilmer.  damn, is that a great movie!!  i now understand the
joke on south park with the genetic engineer and his litle sidekick..  ;)


One world, one web, one program. -- Microsoft Ad Campaign_
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer. -- Nazi Ad Campaign._.
=+/\/-=Prevent world domination, Install Linux today!=-\/\+=/v\
website coming soon as I get DSL[EMAIL PROTECTED]   // \\
   ^^ ^^
  The best way to accelerate a win95 system is at 9.81 m/s^2   rules

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Debian Ghost wrote:

 Hey Guys,
 I've totally forgotten what to do if you have more than 64 megs ram in a
 machine. I have 128 megs in one of my machines, but it is not coming up
 for me. I was also wondering another way to identify how much ram is in a
 mcahine other than using 'top'.
 D. Ghost
 'space ghost flying to M33 using debian auto pilot.'
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: preparing to install debian

2000-09-16 Thread David Z. Maze
Bob Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
BE (1) how do i configure debian for dsl ?

It depends on the sort of DSL modem you have.  I think there's a
generic sort that connects with an RJ45 patch cable to a normal
Ethernet card; in this case, the problem reduces to one of setting up
an Ethernet card (and possibly DHCP).

BE (2) What do I have to do to get debian to recognize all three of my hard
BE drives ?

Probably nothing, especially if all three are IDE.  You can use fdisk
or cfdisk to partition the other drives, mke2fs to create filesystems
on other partitions, and add those other filesystems to /etc/fstab.
Alternatively, you can leave those hard drives with FAT partitions
(assuming that's what they have now), and Linux can read those
directly, again with an appropriate line in /etc/fstab.

BE (3) what do I have to do to be able to dual boot to either debian (yea)
BE or windows 98 (boo!!) ?

You'd need to configure your boot loader appropriately.  LILO is the
most popular one; I use and like GRUB.  In either case, you'll kind of 
need to read the documentation.  This is a pretty common set-up, though.

BE (4) what is this potato that I keep reading about?

Potato is the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux, also
sometimes known as Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell


2000-09-16 Thread Michael P. Soulier
So, I install the gnome-help package, which in turn installs the
gnome-help-data package, both from helixcode. However, when I try to do
anything with the help browser, it tells me that I'm missing things like the
Now, I can find that on the Debian site, but why isn't there a debian
package for it on the Helixcode site? Unless I've missed it. 

Their Debian support is nice, considering how rpms are ruling the world of
Linux lately, but it seems lacking. The icons on the webpages of their package
listings are broken too. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser

Maybe the correct answer for this user is not to use exim at all but to
use ssmtp which is, I think, the tool designed for this job.

From the package description:

A secure, effective and simple way of getting mail off a system to your 
mailhub. It contains no suid-binaries or other dangerous things - no mail 
spool to poke around in, and no daemons running in the background. Mail is
simply forwarded to the configured mailhost. Extremely easy configuration.

WARNING: the above is all it does - it does not receive mail, expand
aliases or manage a queue. That belongs on a mailhub with a system

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Jose Marin wrote:

 Hi all,
 A home user typically receives e-mail with a pop program (fetchmail), and
 therefore he has no use for his MTA _listening_ for incoming mail on inet
 port 25, am I right?  Because I assume fetchmail passes its load on to the
 MTA via the local interface,, isn't it so? 
 Therefore it seems reasonable to have an MTA configured to _not_ listen on
 the ppp0 interface, while still having the stmp transport enabled for
 outgoing mail through ppp0 or any other interface besides lo.  Can I do
 this with exim?  I've looked but I really couldn't find anything... help! 
 Yes, I know I could firewall incoming traffic for port 25, but first I'm
 looking for a simple config for exim, if it exists.  Would I have more
 luck with postfix instead?
 PS: Is there any inetd replacement which can listen selectively on the
 various interfaces?  Maybe this could be a solution for having both exim
 and leafnode not listening on the inet ports for home users, what do you
 Dept of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Heriot-Watt University
 Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
 Phone: +44 131 451 3717
 Fax: +44 131 451 3249
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[ Re: XF86Setup: how are the Modelines generated?]

2000-09-16 Thread Branden Robinson
I forwarded the initial question to debian-user, I might as well send this
as well.

- Forwarded message from Hugo van der Merwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Hugo van der Merwe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: XF86Setup: how are the Modelines generated?
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:07:48 +0200
In-reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from hugo on
 Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:37:48PM +0200
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:37:48PM +0200, hugo wrote:
 XF86Setup generates invalid modelines on my machine. They all (all
 resolutions up to 1024x768) have dotclocks of 65.15, which is only valid
 for 1024x768. The test performed just before saving the config file,
 works perfectly - why does the config file not match this test?

To sort-of answer my own question: I think this is related to the fact
that I have a laptop, and the way an LCD screen works. I'm trying to
find out more about it now. (It would help to know how XF86Setup gets
its modelines - I think xvidtune does the same, it also gets invalid
mode lines...)

Maybe laptops do not use hsync or vsync at all - and the lct always
expects 65.15 dotclock, and the card always gives this - the only
problem is that the modes appear invalid because of hsync or vsync
settings? I am speculating, and have too little knowledge on the matter
to know whether I am uttering rubbish.

I'll continue my quest for better laptop support on the debian-laptop
mailing list. Thanks,
Hugo van der Merwe

- End forwarded message -

G. Branden Robinson| I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Debian GNU/Linux   | for malicious intent is nothing more
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | than sheer incompetence! | -- J. L. Rizzo II

Description: PGP signature

Re: cron.daily and slrnpull

2000-09-16 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 07:43:15AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I configured slrnpull to run only on demand, but cron.daily keeps trying
 to run it every morning. As I am only connected to my ISP intermittently
 this is wrong. 
 How do I change this (apart from deleting the entry in cron.daily, which
 doesn't seem to be right)?

I deleted the entry in cron.daily and haven't had any side effects that
I can see. (yet...?)


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

mirror web server

2000-09-16 Thread QBA

I'm looking for a program (fast and reliable with recursive grabbing)
that will mirror any URL with all files and links. Something like 
teleport pro for windows.
Any suggestions?
Thanks 4 help,


Re: mirror web server

2000-09-16 Thread Mike Werner
QBA wrote:
 I'm looking for a program (fast and reliable with recursive grabbing)
 that will mirror any URL with all files and links. Something like 
 teleport pro for windows.
 Any suggestions?

Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

How I make imp package run

2000-09-16 Thread juliano
I install the package imp with 2.2 version end not run. Why?

Re: System sees only 65M of memory

2000-09-16 Thread Floods
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 09:33:11PM +0200, Floods wrote:

 Grub has own memory detection metod 

Then it doesn't work...My system sees only 64M if I don't specify

 but lilo doesn't has any.
 Your append-mem exaples are bad, it should be mem=192M (not mem=192m).

This is not true. From the BootPrompt-HOWTO:

The `mem=' Argument
Note that the argument does not have to be in hex, and the suffixes `k'
and `M' (case insensitive) can be used to specify kilobytes and Megabytes,
respectively. (A `k' will cause a 10 bit shift on your value, and a `M'
will cause a 20 bit shift.) A typical example for a 128MB machine would be



awe 64 gold sound card - help!

2000-09-16 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
i have an awe64 gold sound card, and i'm having a heck of a time configuring
it.   part of the problem is that the instructions given in the debian
package seem to be out of date, and isapnp is a subject i know very little

i followed the instructions to the letter, but am on shaky ground for:

   7b. Edit isapnp.conf file.  Comment out the appropriate
   lines containing desirable I/O ports, DMA and IRQs.
   Don't forget to enable (ACT Y) line.

   7c. Add two i/o ports (0xA20 and 0xE20) in WaveTable part.
  (CONFIGURE CTL0048/58128 (LD 2
  # ANSI string --WaveTable--
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
(IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
(IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))

   7d. Load the config file.
   CAUTION: This will reset all PnP cards!

first, it seems like EVERYTHING is commented out in the dump of pnpdump, so
i simply added the lines given in step 7c.  unfortunately, isapnp didn't
like them.  it complained:

Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0048/58128 (LD 2 on or around 
342 /etc/isapnp.conf:342 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file 
--- no
action taken

i can get the soundcard to work using the OSS commercial sound drivers, but
for some reason, they seem to be incompatible with quake 3, and the kernel
sound drivers work fine with it (this was when i was using the creative
PCI-128 sound card).

is there anyone out there with an awe64/awe32 who got it to work?  can
someone hold my hand through the configuration?


One world, one web, one program. -- Microsoft Ad Campaign_
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer. -- Nazi Ad Campaign._.
=+/\/-=Prevent world domination, Install Linux today!=-\/\+=/v\
website coming soon as I get DSL[EMAIL PROTECTED]   // \\
   ^^ ^^
  The best way to accelerate a win95 system is at 9.81 m/s^2   rules

rsync trouble

2000-09-16 Thread Swoop

I'm using rsync to make a mirror of Debian - for a long time
it had worked very well, but suddenly this error appears:

Resource temporarily unavailable

I'm using a command similar to this:

rsync -avr

If I'll try it on my other box it works fine (they are both Debian

Does anyone have a clue why this is happing ?


Ps, sorry if this message have been showed before, but the last time
I posted it - it returned with an error.

Re: finding a tarball on a fat-less fat partition--disk editor? (fwd)

2000-09-16 Thread dochawk
to: du
reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: finding a tarball on a fat-less fat partition--disk editor?
In-reply-to: Your message of Fri, 15 Sep 2000 19:28:34 EDT.
Mime-Version: 1.0

 A tar file comes in blocks of 512 bytes.  First is the filename and
 then comes other things including the word ustar.  After this header
 comes the file and then comes many more header/file combinations.  So
 you should see ustar as many times as there are files in your tar

 If you want all the gory details, download the tar source package and
 read tar.h.  

yikes, I can do without the gory details :)  does this mean that once I 
find a block of a tar, I can start extracting, even if it wasn't the 

And now that I think of it, someone mentioned that there are bad disk 
editors available for linux. I just realized that I can't use the same 
method I sed on an ext2 on a fat (unless it grew inodes while I wasn't 
looking :)

Or should I just start using dd if=/dev/hda7 skip=1| tar -tvf - and 
incrementing the skip until I hit something (I think these two files 
would be the only ones ever to be created on that partition).




Re: Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread Jose Marin
On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, George Bonser wrote:

 Maybe the correct answer for this user is not to use exim at all but to
 use ssmtp which is, I think, the tool designed for this job.

Thanks, I didn't know this existed.

 WARNING: the above is all it does - it does not receive mail, expand
 aliases or manage a queue. That belongs on a mailhub with a system

Mmmm... I still think it's useful to have a queue, so that you can write
e-mail off-line, and have it all sent off next time you connect.

And anyway, would fetchmail be able to deliver the mail to the user if one
replaces exim with this?


Dept of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 451 3717
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Re: rsync trouble

2000-09-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 20:33:56 +0200, Swoop wrote:
 I'm using rsync to make a mirror of Debian - for a long time it had worked
 very well, but suddenly this error appears:
 Resource temporarily unavailable

 Does anyone have a clue why this is happing ?

Your system is running out of some of its resources (e.g. memory,
processes/threads). You could try running strace -f -o /tmp/strace.log on
the rsync command and studying the log file this generates.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Howto make exim not listen on port inet 25

2000-09-16 Thread George Bonser

Probably not. What you probably should do in your case is to tell exim to
listen only to

ssmtp is not designed to store mail locally on the system. It moves
responsiblity for storing local mail to the MUA.

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Jose Marin wrote:

 On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, George Bonser wrote:
  Maybe the correct answer for this user is not to use exim at all but to
  use ssmtp which is, I think, the tool designed for this job.
 Thanks, I didn't know this existed.
  WARNING: the above is all it does - it does not receive mail, expand
  aliases or manage a queue. That belongs on a mailhub with a system
 Mmmm... I still think it's useful to have a queue, so that you can write
 e-mail off-line, and have it all sent off next time you connect.
 And anyway, would fetchmail be able to deliver the mail to the user if one
 replaces exim with this?
 Dept of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Heriot-Watt University
 Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
 Phone: +44 131 451 3717
 Fax: +44 131 451 3249

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