Utilidad para grabar sesiones?

2000-11-29 Thread Emilio
Hola a todos.

¿Existe en Debian algún programa/aplicación/utilidad para grabar lo que
estás haciendo durante un tiempo determinado (por ejemplo abrir ventanas,
ejecutar ciertos programas, etc.) y que lo almacene en algún tipo de
ejecutable ,o algo así, que luego puedas lanzar y simule todo lo que ha
grabado pero sin hacerlo realmente?

Muchas gracias y un saludo.


Re: Buen servidor para apt

2000-11-29 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez

Bye ;)
Javier Coso Gutierrez  Correo Electronico Para Alumnos
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Servicio de Informatica
Tlf: 916.249.986   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Re: Utilidad para grabar sesiones?

2000-11-29 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

Pero script sólo funciona (que yo sepa) en modo texto. Es decir, guarda
todo lo que aparece en pantalla mientras se ejecuta. Me da la impresión de
que Emilio busca algo parar X.

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Fernando wrote:

 Emilio wrote:
  Hola a todos.
  ¿Existe en Debian algún programa/aplicación/utilidad para grabar lo que
  estás haciendo durante un tiempo determinado (por ejemplo abrir ventanas,
  ejecutar ciertos programas, etc.) y que lo almacene en algún tipo de
  ejecutable ,o algo así, que luego puedas lanzar y simule todo lo que ha
  grabado pero sin hacerlo realmente?
  Muchas gracias y un saludo.
Hackers do it with fewer instructions.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

server enrackable

2000-11-29 Thread Jaume Sabater

tengo un cliente que me ha pedido un server enrackable, i me imagino que
será uno de esos que se mete en un armario de 19...

Bueno, el caso es que me han comentado que los que son de Digital son 100%
compatibles con LINUX. ¿Cierto? 

También me estoy mirando catálogos de IBM y de COMPAQ, pero no dice nada de
la arquitectura interna de la máquina, ni que ethernets lleba ni nada dde
eso... ¿Alguien tiene algun server de esos? ¿Cual me recomendais?


Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Nuevo tcpdump

2000-11-29 Thread Hue-Bond
 Hoy, tras el 'apt-get upgrade' de ayer:

# tcpdump -s 65000 -x -i ippp0 src or dst port 6667
tcpdump: Symbol `pcap_version' has different size in shared object, consider
tcpdump: unknown data link type 0xc

 Ahora tengo tcpdump_3.4a6-5 y libpcap0_0.4a6-3, y se supone que
 no hay ninguna versión más reciente... ¿toca re-linkar?

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
No consigo conectar con postgresql 7

Tengo de LaEspiral:
postgresql 7

De potato:

El error:

Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php4/apache/pgsql.so'
- libpq.so.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory in /home/httpd/index.php on line 16

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in
/home/httpd/index.php on line 17

Las líneas 16 y 17 del script php son:

pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=template1 user=postgres);

Gracias por las ayudas



Re: php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread Jaume Teixi

en /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
tienes la línea
extension=pgsql.so ?
sino incluyela

espero que te sirva !

David Charro Ripa wrote:

 No consigo conectar con postgresql 7

 Tengo de LaEspiral:
 postgresql 7

 De potato:

 El error:

 Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php4/apache/pgsql.so'
 - libpq.so.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 directory in /home/httpd/index.php on line 16

 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in
 /home/httpd/index.php on line 17

 Las líneas 16 y 17 del script php son:

 pg_connect(host=localhost dbname=template1 user=postgres);

 Gracias por las ayudas



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
 en /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
 tienes la línea
 extension=pgsql.so ?
 sino incluyela

Está puesta.
De todos modos y por si acaso, en el script php he puesto también


Y me dice lo mismo.
 espero que te sirva !




Re:OT: Debian 2.2r2

2000-11-29 Thread c d
Las cosas de palacio van despacio. Y debian es más que palacio, palacete (con 
todos mis respetos y admiración hacia debian). Con eso te lo digo todo.

--- Mensaje Original ---
De: =?iso-8859-1?q?Carlos=20L=F3pez?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tema: OT: Debian 2.2r2
Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Alguien sabe para que fecha está prevista la salida de
Debian 2.2r2 ??


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http://www.latinmail.com.  Gratuito, latino y en español.

isdnutils y /var/lock

2000-11-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo instaladas las isdnutils de woody, y funcionan bastante bien, pero a
pesar de tener activada la opcion lock en ipppd.ippp0, no me crea ningun
fichero de lock en /var/lock.

¿Puede ser esto un bug, o hay que activar esta opcion en algun otro sitio?

Con la version anterior, si me creaba este bloqueo.


Re: modulos

2000-11-29 Thread Jaume Teixi
  los modulos se compilan a parte y tambien se instalan a parte,
  o sea instala el modulo y automáticamente te aparecerá en modconf.
   ¿como puedo accesar los nuevos modulos y que me aparezcan con la
   herramienta modconf para poder jugar con ellos?
 Entiendo, pero como lo hago?¿como compilo solo los modulos?¿como los


apt-get -b source pcmcia-modules-2.2.17

espero q t sirva,

Re: php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Es un error conocido y solucionado (en parte), el php4-pgsql de potato
 usa libpg2.0 y
 el postgres7 de 'La espiral' libpg2.1. Tienes dos soluciones si
 quieres usar postgres7 te haces un link a pelo;
 libpq.so.2.0-libpq.so.2.1 (es una chapuza pero te puede servir para
 salir del paso) o recompilas php4-pgsql para que use libpg2.1.

Esto es un fallo grave de libpgsql2, que inexplicablemente no ha sido
resuelto, a pesar de que ya alguien lo informó en bugs.debian.org el 14
de junio (#65650 libpgsql2 should be libpgsql2.1 or something).

Cuando aparece una nueva versión de una librería, si es compatible con
las versiones anteriores, el paquete donde viene la librería se debería
encargar de hacer el enlace que dice unai. Si la librería es
incompatible, se debe crear un nuevo paquete (en este caso libpgsql2.1);
si las dos librerías pueden convivir amigablemente, se puede tener los
dos paquetes instalados; si no, el nuevo paquete indicará a dpkg que es
necesario desinstalar el paquete antiguo y apt se dará cuenta que es
necesario instalar nuevas versiones de todos los paquetes que dependían
de la librería antigua.
En este caso como le han dejado el mismo nombre al paquete, apt no se ha
preocupado de actualizar a php4-pgsql (y el pobre desgraciado que empacó
el CD de La Espiral tampoco se ha enterado de que tenía que meter una
actualización del php4-pgsql :-).

 Existe ya un paquete deb con esto ultimo hecho. (Se lo cogí a Jordi en
 sindominio, les paso esto mismo, como a nosotros). Pero veo que lo ha
 quitado. Tiene un problema es la misma versión que el de potato y a
 nuestro apt no le gusta e intenta reemplazarlo, pero supongo que en
 brebes estara esto solucionado.
 Si quieres te lo paso son 14Ks
Mándamelo también a mí por favor, para ponerlo entre la lista de erratas
del CD de La Espiral.



Re: Utilidad para grabar sesiones?

2000-11-29 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 11:39:31AM +0100, Fernando wrote:
  ¿Existe en Debian algún programa/aplicación/utilidad para grabar lo que
  estás haciendo durante un tiempo determinado (por ejemplo abrir ventanas,

Emilio busca algo como el Grabadora de Eventos (o como se llamase) de una
plataforma de juegos. Script solo guarda el output de tu consola.

(urgente) mirar Autoritativo

2000-11-29 Thread TooMany

Perdonad la pregunta (por lo estúpida que le pueda parecer a alguien), pero
necesitaría saber con urgencia, como mirar, con el nslookup, si un
dominio/dns es autoritativo o nop. Es muy urgente, por favor.

Gracias por todo.

Manuel Trujillo Albarral - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Administrador de Sistemas
ATILON INET S.L. - http://www.atilon.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Qué paquetes instalar.

2000-11-29 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Andres Herrera wrote:
 Lo de llevarse la configuración, dpkg-repack tiene buena pinta a juzgar
 por la descripción.
Si, el dpkg-repack es tan bueno como promete la descripción; y muy fácil
de usar. Si por ejemplo tienes que instalar un paquete en 20 máquinas y
configurarlas todas igual, solo tienes que configurarlo en la primera,
después reempacar el paquete, que quedará con los ficheros de
configuración ya modificados, e instalarlo en las otras máquinas.

O sea que por ejemplo en vez de explicarle a 19 amigos como configurar
el ppp para lograr conectar usando la compañia xxx, les podrías
distribuir un paquete que ya instale los ficheros de configuracion para
la compañia xxx.


Re: php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread Jordi
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:44:02PM +0100, David Charro Ripa wrote:
 No consigo conectar con postgresql 7
 Tengo de LaEspiral:
   postgresql 7
 De potato:

Jaime, se me olvidó comentar esto en la lista de La Espiral. Tenemos
paquetes de PostgreSQL7 y otros de PHP enlazados con libpg de postgres6.5.
Si se supone que nuestro CD es para actualizar Potato, deberíamos arreglar
esas dependecias. Es una putada que sólo por querer usar Pg7 tengas que
guarrear con PHP también, pero así son las dependencias...
Cuando hicimos la movida en SinDominio, linkando la lib nueva a la vieja
tragaba, pero mejor recompilar porque no se si las 2 libs son compatibles
100% hacia atrás.

David: recompila php :)

limitador de ancho de banda

2000-11-29 Thread Martínez
hola de nuevo a todas y todos:

Quería saber si hay software que limite el ancho de banda. Hace tiempo leí algo 
parecido, pero no recuerdo ni el qué, ni donde :).

gracias por adelantado y saludos

Eñes en sesiones telnet

2000-11-29 Thread Kilian Pérez González


Desde hace algun tiempo vengo utilizando el cliente telnet para
acceder a la cuenta de la facultad desde casa. El problema es que aun no
he conseguido que me escriba los caracteres españoles aunque si que puedo
verlos. El servidor corre debian Potato y tiene la localización española (
desde clientes telnet no GNU/Linux ademas de ver los caracteres soy capaz
de escribirlos ). He mirado la escasa documentación del cliente telnet y 
ninguna de las opciones me funciona. ¿ Alguien me puede hechar una mano ?

Kilian Pérez González. 

Re: php4, apache y postgresl 7 de LaEspiral

2000-11-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Cuando hicimos la movida en SinDominio, linkando la lib nueva a la vieja
 tragaba, pero mejor recompilar porque no se si las 2 libs son compatibles
 100% hacia atrás.

Con el enlace me funciona pero tengo que poner dl(pgsql.so) en los
No se porqué, pero php.ini no se entera de la línea extension=pgsql.so



Re: tarjeta de red smc ultrachip 8446 o algo asi

2000-11-29 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 03:48:37AM +0100
Sujeto: HellOnEarth00
Comunicaba sobre: tarjeta de red smc ultrachip 8446 o algo asi

 Buenas, tengo unos equipos viejos reciclados con tarjetas de red SMC 
 Ultrachip 8446 o algo asi,

 En el kernel he visto un driver para EtherExpress, pero creo q esas son 
 las nuevas de SMC...

En la sección de Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) y dentro de Western
Digital/SMC cards, marca la opción para SMC Ultra Support. A mi me
cogió sin problemas dos tarjetas antiguas ISA de SMC


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.

Description: PGP signature

RE: Utilidad para grabar sesiones?

2000-11-29 Thread Emilio
   ¿Existe en Debian algún programa/aplicación/utilidad para grabar
lo que
   estás haciendo durante un tiempo determinado (por ejemplo abrir

 Emilio busca algo como el Grabadora de Eventos (o como se llamase) de
 plataforma de juegos. Script solo guarda el output de tu consola.

Efectivamente, eso busco, algo para las X. ¿Existe algo?

Muchas gracias y salU2.


RE: cron.daily

2000-11-29 Thread Emilio
 Todos los días me sale este mensaje cuando entro en Linux como
usuario, ¿a qué puede deberse?
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 10:40:39 +0100
Subject: Output of Anacron job 'cron.daily'
45375 45375
   Se debe al demonio cron, en este caso anacron. mira en
   allí tienes todos los programas a ejecutar cada día, según tu
   Por defecto, toda la salida de cada script se envía al propietario de
   la entrada en el crontab, que en este caso es root.
  ¿Y qué puedo hacer para que me deje de enviar esos mensajes o para
  desactivar ese demonio 'cron'?, ¿es muy importante?

 mira la /etc/crontab y añade un 21 /dev/null a cada entrada, creo
 o pone el MAILTO=/dev/null

Muchas gracias. Añadí el 21 /dev/null y ya no me han vuelto a
aparecer los mensajes. Por cierto que era el 'cracklib' el que los generaba.



RE: cron.daily

2000-11-29 Thread Emilio
 Todos los días me sale este mensaje cuando entro en Linux como
usuario, ¿a qué puede deberse?
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 10:40:39 +0100
Subject: Output of Anacron job 'cron.daily'
45375 45375
   Se debe al demonio cron, en este caso anacron. mira en
   allí tienes todos los programas a ejecutar cada día, según tu
   Por defecto, toda la salida de cada script se envía al propietario de
   la entrada en el crontab, que en este caso es root.
  ¿Y qué puedo hacer para que me deje de enviar esos mensajes o para
  desactivar ese demonio 'cron'?, ¿es muy importante?

 mira la /etc/crontab y añade un 21 /dev/null a cada entrada, creo
 o pone el MAILTO=/dev/null

Muchas gracias. Añadí el 21 /dev/null y ya no me han vuelto a
aparecer los mensajes. Por cierto que era el 'cracklib' el que los generaba.




2000-11-29 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


No sé si ya se habia comentado por aquí, si es así decidme si recordais el
subject y ya lo buscaré en la web...

Era el tema de que instalo paquete A, necesita lib1. Actualizo A a B y me
instala lib2. Y entonces lib1 queda en el sistema pero nadie la usa. Como
se detecta?

Más que nada es si pasamos de una Debian 2.0 a una 2.2 pasaría mucho, no?


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux / Pine
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   ¿Que es la duda?, pues no sé.

seguimos en la gravis ultrasound

2000-11-29 Thread victor

He probado hacerla funcionar 
con modprobe -a gus io=0x320 irq=11 
dma=5 Y da un mensaje tal que GUS MAX found, not 
compiled in Pero no rula, he probado a reproducir con el xmms y no 
suena, alguien sabe algo?Sorry por lo repetitivo, pero es que una 
persona me mando una contestación y la he perdido : )

Un saludo y gracias por 

Re: buscar cadena

2000-11-29 Thread MC_Vai

O prueba con:

% find / -name '*' | xargs grep -i texto_a_buscar

Ojala y te sirva.
Un saludo.

Si la memoria no me es infiel, eran aproximadamente:
Las 15 horas con 35 minutos y 29 segundos del 28 de Nov del 2000
Cuando Fernando osó irrumpir mi descanso para decir:
 Javier Coso Gutierrez wrote:
  El 28 de nov de 2000, a las 02:08 +, Sergio Valdivielso Gomez escribio:
   muy buenas a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ¿como se puede buscar una cadena de texto, dentro de un fichero
   recursivamente desde / ?
   muchas gracias
   Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
   Usuario Linux Registrado : 150750
   Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
   Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  -- Fin de mensaje original --
  Prueba con:
  $rgrep cadena path
  o bien
  $grep cadena ./*/*...
 Prueba con:
  find / -name * -exec grep -l cadena {} \;
  ( o sin el -l )

Un asunto de red

2000-11-29 Thread Hue-Bond
 Desde hace unas semanas no  para de aparecerme este mensaje, en
 bloques de 10-15 veces cada cuarto de hora:

Nov 29 18:24:31 genus ippl: ICMP message type time exceeded from 
trunk.dc.zyan.com []

 Cogí el ethereal y, dado  que no veo los paquetes salientes[1],
 capturé dicho  ICMP. Como en  los ICMPs  hay parte del  paquete que
 genera el  error, mi  esperanza era  encontrar algo  de información
 ahí. Bueno, veo  la IP destino, la origen (que  evidentemente es la
 del router), veo que es un UDP y veo 8 bytes de datos, pero ningnua
 pista que me diga qué programa está enviando eso.

 Si a algún voluntario le apetece echar un ojo:



[1] En el ethereal sí que vi paquetes salientes, pero los interpretaba mal
ya que hay 10 bytes antes del comienzo del encabezado IP. En:


hay una muestra. El segundo de los tres paquetes salió de aquí.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y ya.

 Era el tema de que instalo paquete A, necesita lib1. Actualizo A a B y me
 instala lib2. Y entonces lib1 queda en el sistema pero nadie la usa. Como
 se detecta?
 Más que nada es si pasamos de una Debian 2.0 a una 2.2 pasaría mucho, no?

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 02:06:33PM -0500, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
 Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y ya.

¿Existe alguna forma de automatizar esto? Por ejemplo, pongamos
que instalo lyx, que depende de libforms. Como me canso de lyx, lo
desinstalo, pero libforms sigue instalada. En este caso, sólo lyx
dependería de libforms. ¿Existe alguna manera de desinstalar un paquete
y sus dependencias, si estas últimas no son usadas por nadie? De vez en
cuando despulgo el sistema, pero estaría bien poder tener alguna
manera automática de hacerlo.

José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Tel: +44 114 222 5582   Radar  Communications Group
FAX; +44 870 132 2990   Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: librerias y dependencias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Ni idea Carles, yo particularmente viajo por el arbol de dselect y coloco
los respectivos _ en los archivos que ni idea para que sirven si me sale
que alguien depende de el le doy R y esto corrige.

De pronto.
Alguien puede decirnos como puedo hacer esto que no sea a pie?

La idea seria hacer un script que trabaje con dpkg, el script deberia
decirnos los paquetes de los cuales no depende nadie y preguntarnos si
queremmos borrarlos, ayudaria mucho si se nos entrega la descripcion del
paquete mientras se nos pregunta y al final entregar un resumen de cabezas
de archivos y borrados

  Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y ya.
 ok, así apt no lo hace automático

 y hay algo que lo haga automático? (paquete buscador de paqeutes

   Era el tema de que instalo paquete A, necesita lib1. Actualizo A a B y me
   instala lib2. Y entonces lib1 queda en el sistema pero nadie la usa. Como
   se detecta?
   Más que nada es si pasamos de una Debian 2.0 a una 2.2 pasaría mucho, no?

Re: Babel me da problemas.

2000-11-29 Thread dbote
On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 12:20:33PM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
 Creo que esto se arregla volviendo a crear los formatos:
 fmtutil --all

Quizás yo tenga algo mal configurado pero esto no me tocó los fichero 
de cada uno de los idiomas en Babel.

De todos modos como lo tengo ya parece funcionar.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Eso, un despulgador. Que tome las dependencias de paquetes eliminados y
las elimine, eso si instalamos dos paquetes con dependencias similares que
elimine las que no se necesitan ya.

Imagino que la gente de apt esta trabajando en eso y en la lista de apt
deben informar de primera mano.

Sigo pensando que un script seria una solucion rapida y facil, eso lo
pueden verificar los gurus, semi-gurus y aficionados de dpkg. Cierto
amigos? __je, je, espero sugerencias si es el caso_

   ¿Existe alguna forma de automatizar esto? Por ejemplo,
 que instalo lyx, que depende de libforms. Como me canso de lyx, lo
 desinstalo, pero libforms sigue instalada. En este caso, sólo lyx
 dependería de libforms. ¿Existe alguna manera de desinstalar un paquete
 y sus dependencias, si estas últimas no son usadas por nadie? De vez en
 cuando despulgo el sistema, pero estaría bien poder tener alguna
 manera automática de hacerlo.

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread dbote
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 02:06:33PM -0500, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
 Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y ya.
¿Y cómo sabes que ese el el último paquete en una línea de 
dependencias? Sin el método de prueba y error por favor.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Por eso, me explico:
-lo elimino con _ y le doy enter
-si muestra que alguien depende de el 
entonces desago eliminar con R

Nota: R actuara sobre la pantalla que se esta viendo (rango de paquetes

de otra manera se queda eliminado y sigo con la siguiente victima.

Me di a entender?

  Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y ya.
   ¿Y cómo sabes que ese el el último paquete en una línea de 
 dependencias? Sin el método de prueba y error por favor.

Administrar ancho de banda

2000-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hola! tengo un firewall debian conectando una red local a internet.
Me gustaria dividir el ancho de banda disponible entre los usuarios 
de la red local ¿cómo se hace? Estoy intentandolo con las utilidades del 
paquete iproute, pero no me entero de nada. Alguien puede echarme una mano?


# Powered by: Debian 2.2 Potato (kernel 2.2.17)

Re: OT: lista gtk espan~ol ????

2000-11-29 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 29 Nov 2000 15:17:00 -0600, ESTEBAN P OSSES ANGUITA wrote:
 hola ...
 alguien sabe d'onde puedo encontrar una lista de desarrollo gtk en
 espan~ol ???
 en egroups he encontrado listas en ingl'es, franc'es, portugu'es y otro
 idioma q' no logr'e reconocer ...
pues yo creo que no hay ninguna, pero dentro de poco la habrá, pues en poco

tiempo se va a abrir GNOME Espanna (http://www.es.gnome.org) y una de
las primeras cosas
va a ser abrir listas de correo en castellano


Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 29 de noviembre de 2000 a la(s) 14:24:28 -0500, Julian Armando 
Mena Zapata contaba:

Eso, un despulgador. Que tome las dependencias de paquetes eliminados y
las elimine, eso si instalamos dos paquetes con dependencias similares que
elimine las que no se necesitan ya.

 No elimina, pero sí informa:

$ pkg-deptree apache
External tsort invocation returned an error:
tsort: -: la entrada contiene un bucle:

tsort: END

 info2www y squid-cgi  se pueden eliminar sin  problemas, ya que
 nadie depende de ellos.  Poniendo 'pkg-deptree libc6' probablemente
 nos  saldrán  todos  los  paquetes del  sistema  y  podremos  mirar
 aquellos de los que no cuelga ningún otro.

 Para automatizarlo, algún gurú de perl sabrá hacer un scriptito
 que cuente  los espacios  que hay  al principio  y borre  los leaf
 nodes (me se  entiende?). O quizá el mismo gurú  de perl, en lugar
 de hacer un scriptito nuevo, edite el pkg-deptree :^).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Caitoo, KDE2 y red local, autofs

2000-11-29 Thread Mario Teijeiro Otero
Hash: SHA1

El Mié 29 Nov 2000 09:55, Gerard escribió:
 Mario Teijeiro Otero escribió:
  Hash: SHA1
  El Vie 24 Nov 2000 17:45, Hue-Bond escribió:
 Bueenas. Tres preguntitas.
Quiero meter Caitoo (antes KGet) en un ordenata con KDE2. En
   el mirror no aparece...
  Es que de momento no hay para kde2.

 No es del todo correcto... 
Tienes razón, mirando en el cvs en la sección nonbeta parece que ya hay un
port para kde2, yo lo uso ahora, aunque tiene algunos problemillas cuando 
está de forma dock.
 parece que hace un tiempo que abandonaron a
 Caitoo, pero si vas a la seccion de proyectos de la pagina de kde, hay un
 substituto, se llama Kmago  que es un frontend para el wget.
KMago es solo un frontend al wget. el caitoo no usa el wget, maneja él 
directamente la red, y se puede poner kbs máximos etc...

- -- 
 Debian es *apt*a para cualquiera 
Yo uso software libre (declaración a petición de Richard M. Stallman)

Mario Teijeiro Otero   mailto:asimovi at teleline dot es 
clave: correo con Asunto: [PGPKEY] Usr. Reg. 122438   

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: A vueltas con DHCP, NFS y demás gaitas

2000-11-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 12:40:07PM +0100, Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez wrote:
 On dom, nov 26, 2000 at 05:02:11 +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  Vale ya lo entiendo usas el DHCP del router ADSL para _TODOS_ los sistemas
  y luegos entre ellos no se conocen por el nombre...

Se me ha ocurrido otra forma, es tan sencillo que se me pasó por alto...
Asignas IP por DHCP en todos los sistemas como ahora
Levantas una IP alias en cada sistema, siempre la misma
Accedes de unos sistemas a los otros con la IP alias

Hombre es mas seguro lo del doble interface y el bastion host, pero esto igual
te vale...

El problema es la maquina virtual... pero si es un win y usas netbios no
importa que IP tiene (resuelve por broadcast o servidor WINS)

Deberias hacer cosas para aumentar la seguridad ya que tus maquinas
se acceden entre ellas por el mismo cable que las conecta a Internet...

Mejor usar una red (IP/mascara) diferente para los IP alias, creo que así es
mas dificil entrar desde Internet a tus IP locales (ya que el ARP se resuelve
por el broadcast de la red) y el router no sabrá hablar con esas IP
(Si me equivoco que alguien me lo diga por favor ;-)

Restringe tus servicios locales a las IP alias locales (que no esten
disponibles en Internet)

Comunica tus maquinas y copia archivos con Openssh

Cuidadin con el portmapper y NFS, creo que han habido muchos agujeros de
seguridad relacionados con ellos (no me hagas mucho caso yo no los he usado

Si usas netbios usa contraseñas de verdad y asegurate de que pasan

Asegura todas las maquinas

Espero que te sirva, y uno se alegra de ser util ;-)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en  http://perso.wanadoo.es/manel3
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html ;-)

Re: server enrackable

2000-11-29 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Jaume Sabater 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 29 de noviembre del 2000, a las 12:01, 
  Qué:  server enrackable 

 tengo un cliente que me ha pedido un server enrackable, i me imagino que
 será uno de esos que se mete en un armario de 19...
 Bueno, el caso es que me han comentado que los que son de Digital son 100%
 compatibles con LINUX. ¿Cierto? 
 También me estoy mirando catálogos de IBM y de COMPAQ, pero no dice nada de
 la arquitectura interna de la máquina, ni que ethernets lleba ni nada dde
 eso... ¿Alguien tiene algun server de esos? ¿Cual me recomendais?

¿Te has pasado por http://www.valinux.com/syatems/ ...?

No son tan caros y están de miedo ;) 100x100 Linux

Saludos ...


Mi frase del dia:

Todo está compuesto de sufrimiento.
-- Francisco Arrabal. 

Linux elsa 2.2.17correcaminos #1 Sat Nov 4 18:05:28 WET 2000 i686 unknown

Description: PGP signature

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread J. Carlos Romero
 Dans == mez Dans Jos writes:

Dans On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 02:06:33PM -0500, Julian Armando
Dans Mena Zapata wrote:
 Yo simplemente elimino el paquete si ninguno depende de el y

Dans   ¿Existe alguna forma de automatizar esto? Por ejemplo,

Instala el paquete deborphan.


J. Carlos

Reenvío:[payno@gul.uc3m.es: Re: server enrackable]

2000-11-29 Thread Daniel Payno
siempre igual... se me olvida usar la l en el mutt... ;)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ man woman
No manual entry for woman
Hola Luis...

decías, el 29 de nov de 2000, a las 09:17 +:
   ¿Te has pasado por http://www.valinux.com/syatems/ ...?
   No son tan caros y están de miedo ;) 100x100 Linux
Y además ya tienen un distribuidor español:

Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Tu mujer es encantadora. La tuya también, me la acabo de follar en el coche
-- familia

Description: PGP signature
---End Message---

Description: PGP signature

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
No lo tengo a la mano. De donde lo puedo obtener?

 Instala el paquete deborphan.


Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
  No elimina, pero sí informa:

 $ pkg-deptree apache

Me podrias decir donde esta este paquete _Ole, ni deporphan ni pkg-deptree
los tengo, que distribucion es que tengo en mi PC_

Nuevamente Gracias

Re: librerias

2000-11-29 Thread J. Carlos Romero
 Julian == Julian Armando Mena Zapata [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Julian No lo tengo a la mano. De donde lo puedo obtener?

Es un paquete debian oficial. Bájatelo de cualquier mirror de debian.

J. Carlos

Re: utilidad de escaneo puertos pci e isa

2000-11-29 Thread HellOnEarth00
lo siento tio, pero me parece q es cosa del hotmail...xD xD

pido disculpas a la listayo los envio en formato texto normal

como os ha llegado ???

gracias...ah! y gracias por lo del /proc y  las utilidades lspci.!


- Original Message -
From: Juan C. Amengual [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: utilidad de escaneo puertos pci e isa

HellOnEarth00 wrote:

 hay algún modo en linux de saber q irq o io están ocupados por
 tarjetas en el pc si no sabesque tarjetas tienes pinchadas o en
 que puertos están??? Mirando la doc he visto las isapnp, incluso
 utilidades para testear las tarjetas de red 3com, perome estoy
 perdiendo a ver si podeis echarme un cable Ah, por cierto,
 thx por la respuesta de la smc, ¡¡me ha tiradobien!!! xD xD

Para isa: pnpdump (se ha de ejecutar como root)
Para pci: lspci (lo puede ejecutar cualquier usuario)

Estooo ... y si no te importa, please, no envíes correo en HTML, ¿ok? A
mí no me molesta (uso el Notescapes), pero me consta que hay un montón
de gente en la lista que usa programas en modo texto y les puedes crear
algunas *incomodidades*. Mejor ASCII puro (con MIME a 8 bits, por los
acentos, ñ's y esas cosas tan propias del castellano).


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I You are my faith,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  and when there's darkness all around
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.you shine bright for me,
Phone: +34 964 728361   you are the guiding light.
Fax: +34 964 728435 To me, to me, to me,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   you are a tower of strength to me.
Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
- Tower of Strength, Children, 1988,
Phonogram -


2000-11-29 Thread Nonamed01
Cuando lanzo el ls -l, veo los permisos, el propietariopero q es el
numero q aparece
despues de los permisos

por ej:

rw-rw-r 2 root root .

seguro q os parece algo básico, pero es q hasta hace poco no habia caido
en esoxD


Sobre el 4 CD de Instalacion

2000-11-29 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola a todos Me podeis decir en q consiste el 4 CD binario de
Un saludo


2000-11-29 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
 Cuando lanzo el ls -l, veo los permisos, el propietariopero q es el
 numero q aparece
 despues de los permisos
info ls

What information is listed

   These options affect the information that `ls' displays.  By
default, only file names are shown.

 With the long listing (`-l') format, print an additional line after
 the main output:

  //DIRED// BEG1 END1 BEG2 END2 ...

 The BEGN and ENDN are unsigned integers that record the byte
 position of the beginning and end of each file name in the output.
 This makes it easy for Emacs to find the names, even when they
 contain unusual characters such as space or newline, without fancy

 If directories are being listed recursively (`-R'), output a
 similar line after each subdirectory:

etcetera, etcetera



2000-11-29 Thread Enzo Alberto Dari
Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
  Cuando lanzo el ls -l, veo los permisos, el propietariopero q es el
  numero q aparece
  despues de los permisos
 info ls
Efectivamente, en el info ls explica qué cosas muestra, aunque no
exactamente se trata de la opción -D (--dired).
Mientras explica la opción -l aclara que el número que aparece es
el número de hard links del archivo (Más datos: (man | info) ln)

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page: http://cabmec1.cnea.gov.ar/darie/darie.htm

Re: A vueltas con DHCP, NFS y demás gaitas

2000-11-29 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On mié, nov 29, 2000 at 10:01:56 +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 Se me ha ocurrido otra forma, es tan sencillo que se me pasó por alto...
 Asignas IP por DHCP en todos los sistemas como ahora
 Levantas una IP alias en cada sistema, siempre la misma
 Accedes de unos sistemas a los otros con la IP alias

Oops, pues es verdad, así si sirve... con los sistemas Linux, pero no con
los Windows u otros.

 Hombre es mas seguro lo del doble interface y el bastion host, pero esto igual
 te vale...
 El problema es la maquina virtual... pero si es un win y usas netbios no
 importa que IP tiene (resuelve por broadcast o servidor WINS)

..., probaré...

 Deberias hacer cosas para aumentar la seguridad ya que tus maquinas
 se acceden entre ellas por el mismo cable que las conecta a Internet...

Si, pero dado que el router mapea las IP's de fuera a dentro y viceversa
mediante NAT no hay manera de que alguien acceda a un host que no lo permita
el router, si me explicas cómo me lo creo :)

 Mejor usar una red (IP/mascara) diferente para los IP alias, creo que así es
 mas dificil entrar desde Internet a tus IP locales (ya que el ARP se resuelve
 por el broadcast de la red) y el router no sabrá hablar con esas IP
 (Si me equivoco que alguien me lo diga por favor ;-)

Creo que no te equivoca no.

 Restringe tus servicios locales a las IP alias locales (que no esten
 disponibles en Internet)

Si, puede ser importante si.

 Comunica tus maquinas y copia archivos con Openssh

¿Localmente?, me parece una pasada ¿no?.

 Cuidadin con el portmapper y NFS, creo que han habido muchos agujeros de
 seguridad relacionados con ellos (no me hagas mucho caso yo no los he usado

Yo lo uso y si ha tenido muchos problemas pero creo que la cosa se está
estabilizando y con el 2.4 va a ser infinítamente mejor según he leido en el
último The Wonderfull... 2.4.

 Si usas netbios usa contraseñas de verdad y asegurate de que pasan

¿Qué me quieres decir con esto?.

 Asegura todas las maquinas

Con Mafre... perdón, no lo he podido evitar :-D
Tienes razón, seguridad ante todo que hay mucho graciosillo suelto y los
que estamos en red como otro medio o el medio de ganarnos la vida, eso de
llegar y encontrarte el sistema hecho unos zorros o tus datos en polvorosa la
verdad es que no hace nada de gracias, pero nada.

 Espero que te sirva, y uno se alegra de ser util ;-)

¡Claro que me sirve!, muchas gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sobre el 4 CD de Instalacion

2000-11-29 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 12:11:09AM +0100, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano wrote:
 Hola a todos Me podeis decir en q consiste el 4 CD binario de

No existe. Hay no oficiales, cada uno llevará lo que le hayan metido.
Normalmente meten non-free (netscape, realplayer y basurilla del calibre :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature


2000-11-29 Thread quique
Qué hay:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mkdir test
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cd test/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ touch test
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   1 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ln test test2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ mkdir testdir
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls -l
total 1
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test2
drwxr-xr-x   2 quique   users1024 Nov 30 03:22 testdir
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ cd testdir/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test/testdir]$ mkdir testdir2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test/testdir]$ cd ..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ ls -l
total 1
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test
-rw-r--r--   2 quique   users   0 Nov 30 03:20 test2
drwxr-xr-x   3 quique   users1024 Nov 30 03:22 testdir
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test]$ cd testdir/testdir2/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/test/testdir/testdir2]$ ls -al
total 2
drwxr-xr-x   2 quique   users1024 Nov 30 03:22 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 quique   users1024 Nov 30 03:22 ..

Espero que te sirva el ejemplo.

Un saludo,


Nonamed01 wrote:

 Cuando lanzo el ls -l, veo los permisos, el propietariopero q es el
 numero q aparece
 despues de los permisos

 por ej:

 rw-rw-r 2 root root .

 seguro q os parece algo básico, pero es q hasta hace poco no habia caido
 en esoxD


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Última sobre o mirror

2000-11-29 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Para responder a todas as dúvidas de uma única vez: 

- o mirror tem o proposed updates (potato);

- o mirror tem somente as versões potato e woody para todas as plataformas
suportadas pelo Debian;

- o mirror não tem os fontes atualmente por culpa minha.  Uso o software
mirror e em algum ponto errei a configuração.  Vou ver se corrijo esta
semana para o site conter TUDO sobre potato e woody;

- caso haja necessidade, há ainda espaço para bo (1.3), hamm (2.0) e slink
(2.1), mas...;

- já deixei uma hierarquia com debian-br (posso adicionar um debian-pt
também ;) para podermos deixar pacotes destinados aos portuguese-users
(como algum que substitua a libX11 pela que tem o patch do Quinot).

Caso alguém tenha alguma sugestão a mais, pode enviar para LISTA.  
Não enviem somente para mim pois não sou o dono do mirror e adoto
democraticamente todas as decisões que tomarmos aqui na lista, e para isto
precisamos discutir antes.  O mirror é um espaço para os usuários de
Debian, não somente para eu fazer uma atualização mais rápida (se bem que
funciona ;-).

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

[no subject]

2000-11-29 Thread Bruno Diniz Silva


2000-11-29 Thread DUBLIN


Re: EMail Preference Service Registration

2000-11-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Bah, só faltava essa...

 Your request for your E-Mail address to be registered on the E-Mail
 Preference Service Limited E-Mail Suppression Register is hereby
 If for any reason you wish to have this address removed from the E-Mail
 Suppression Register please click on the reply button and press send.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

A long time ago...: - Cara, comprei um XT bala! agora só falta um modem
300 bps !!

Re: Última sobre o mirror

2000-11-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:
 Para responder a todas as dúvidas de uma única vez:
 - o mirror tem o proposed updates (potato);

 - o mirror tem somente as versões potato e woody para todas as plataformas
 suportadas pelo Debian;
 - o mirror não tem os fontes atualmente por culpa minha.  Uso o software
 mirror e em algum ponto errei a configuração.  Vou ver se corrijo esta
 semana para o site conter TUDO sobre potato e woody;
 - caso haja necessidade, há ainda espaço para bo (1.3), hamm (2.0) e slink
 (2.1), mas...;
 - já deixei uma hierarquia com debian-br (posso adicionar um debian-pt
 também ;) para podermos deixar pacotes destinados aos portuguese-users
 (como algum que substitua a libX11 pela que tem o patch do Quinot).

Muito bom, os pacotes com o patch do Quinot estão compilados com a
versão do 
X da proposed-updates atual (3.3.6-11)?
 Caso alguém tenha alguma sugestão a mais, pode enviar para LISTA.
 Não enviem somente para mim pois não sou o dono do mirror e adoto
 democraticamente todas as decisões que tomarmos aqui na lista, e para isto
 precisamos discutir antes.  O mirror é um espaço para os usuários de
 Debian, não somente para eu fazer uma atualização mais rápida (se bem que
 funciona ;-).

Comparado aos outros, a estrutura dele me parece a mais adequada para
dos Brasileiros :)

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

A long time ago...: - Cara, comprei um XT bala! agora só falta um modem
300 bps !!

Re: Última sobre o mirror

2000-11-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva \(KoV\)
Fala Helio!!

Parabens pelo MIRROR e tambem pela democracia com que o trata...

Queria parabenizar aqui, tambem a Linux Solutions pela doacao

Sobre a hierarquia debian-br adorei a ideia, mas acho que o X jah
tem suporte nativo aos nossos teclados nas versoes mais novas
(hoje eu rodei o xf86config-v3 e vi que tem lah:
10 Standard 101-key, US international
11 Brazillian ABNT2 )

Mas a gente teve varias discussoes jah sobre como fazer com que
os sistemas de atualizacao/instalacao poderiam ser totalmente
internacionalizados... acho que pessoas que desejassem contribuir
em implementar essa possibilidade poderiam executar testes nessa

A ideia que me parece a melhor seria fazer Package-$LANG's para
todas as linguagens e o apt pegaria entaum, baseado na $LANG
do sistema, o Packages certo... se naum existir, pega o default
em ingles, para isso nos teriamos de modificar aih o dpkg-scanpackages
o dpkg-scansources, e o apt-get... alguem interessado? =)


On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 09:31:11PM -0200, Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro wrote:
   Para responder a todas as dúvidas de uma única vez: 
 - o mirror tem o proposed updates (potato);
 - o mirror tem somente as versões potato e woody para todas as plataformas
 suportadas pelo Debian;
 - o mirror não tem os fontes atualmente por culpa minha.  Uso o software
 mirror e em algum ponto errei a configuração.  Vou ver se corrijo esta
 semana para o site conter TUDO sobre potato e woody;
 - caso haja necessidade, há ainda espaço para bo (1.3), hamm (2.0) e slink
 (2.1), mas...;
 - já deixei uma hierarquia com debian-br (posso adicionar um debian-pt
 também ;) para podermos deixar pacotes destinados aos portuguese-users
 (como algum que substitua a libX11 pela que tem o patch do Quinot).
   Caso alguém tenha alguma sugestão a mais, pode enviar para LISTA.  
 Não enviem somente para mim pois não sou o dono do mirror e adoto
 democraticamente todas as decisões que tomarmos aqui na lista, e para isto
 precisamos discutir antes.  O mirror é um espaço para os usuários de
 Debian, não somente para eu fazer uma atualização mais rápida (se bem que
 funciona ;-).
 Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Unix System Engineer 
   FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
*http://www.doctorkov.cjb.net  *
*GPG Key: http://www.geocities.com/dockov/html/pgp.html*
*irc.debian.org - #debian-br UIN: 20766822*

Description: PGP signature

Arquivo p/ Apt-Get

2000-11-29 Thread Gustavo Bertoli

Eu fui esvaziar a pasta do 
apt-get(/var/cache/apt/archives/) e agora o apt-get para funcionar pede o 
seguinte arquivo /var/cache/apt/archives/lock se você usa o Debian 2.2 por favor 
me envie esse arquivo!?

Gustavo Bertoli

Re: Arquivo p/ Apt-Get

2000-11-29 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Isso é um arquivo vazio. :)
Ele serve para marcar que o apt-get esta sendo usado.
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 11:00:21AM -0200, Gustavo Bertoli wrote:
 From: Gustavo Bertoli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Arquivo p/ Apt-Get
 Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 11:00:21 -0200
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
 X-Mailing-List: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org archive/latest/1925
 Eu fui esvaziar a pasta do apt-get(/var/cache/apt/archives/) e agora o 
 apt-get para funcionar pede o seguinte arquivo /var/cache/apt/archives/lock 
 se você usa o Debian 2.2 por favor me envie esse arquivo!?
 Gustavo Bertoli

Um pergunta de iniciante

2000-11-29 Thread Fabio da Silva Santos

Olá pessoal,

Eu sou novato em Debian, e ainda não tive muito tempo de analisá-lo, mas queria
perguntar qual a diferença entre o potato e o woody, e como configurar o bash



Re: Um pergunta de iniciante

2000-11-29 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
potato = debian 2.2 = versao estavel da debian lancado esse ano.
woody = debian  2.2 = versao de teste da debian
para configurar o bash: 
 Olá pessoal,
 Eu sou novato em Debian, e ainda não tive muito tempo de analisá-lo, mas 
 perguntar qual a diferença entre o potato e o woody, e como configurar o bash
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mouse no console e no X

2000-11-29 Thread Elias Serra P. Pereira
Como configuro corretamente o meu mouse? Quando eu inicio a máquina (com o
xdm instalado, ela entra logo no login gráfico) o mouse não está
funcionando. Só funciona no console (ctrl-alt-F1). Contudo, se, como root,
eu desativar o mouse (gpm -k), ele começa a funcionar no X. Só que, neste
caso, eu fico sem o mouse no console... como configurar o meu mouse serial
para que funcione nos dois ambientes?

 Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dep. de Informática - Suporte
 Grendene Sobral S/A
 http://www.melissa.com.br As dicas mais quentes para Teenagers!!

Re: mouse no console e no X

2000-11-29 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan

tem uma opção do gpm que faz com que ele crie um device que repete
os comandos do mouse (com a possibilidade inclusive de repeti-los com
outro protocolo!) se eu não me engano é a opção -u consulte
o manual do gpm para ter certeza.

Use esta opção e configure seu X para ler o mouse do device /dev/gpmdata

Boa sorte.


On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 11:01:07AM -0300, Elias Serra P. Pereira wrote:
 Como configuro corretamente o meu mouse? Quando eu inicio a máquina (com o
 xdm instalado, ela entra logo no login gráfico) o mouse não está
 funcionando. Só funciona no console (ctrl-alt-F1). Contudo, se, como root,
 eu desativar o mouse (gpm -k), ele começa a funcionar no X. Só que, neste
 caso, eu fico sem o mouse no console... como configurar o meu mouse serial
 para que funcione nos dois ambientes?
  Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dep. de Informática - Suporte
  Grendene Sobral S/A
  http://www.melissa.com.br As dicas mais quentes para Teenagers!!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FW: mouse no console e no X

2000-11-29 Thread Elias Serra P. Pereira
Isto se deve a mudanças no potato (em relação ao slink)? Que mudanças foram
estas, no tocante às configurações do mouse?


 Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dep. de Informática - Suporte
 Grendene Sobral S/A
 http://www.melissa.com.br As mais quentes dicas Teen!!
 -Original Message-
 From: Eduardo Marcel Macan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:25 PM
 To:   Elias Serra P. Pereira
 Cc:   debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
 Subject:  Re: mouse no console e no X
 tem uma opção do gpm que faz com que ele crie um device que repete
 os comandos do mouse (com a possibilidade inclusive de repeti-los com
 outro protocolo!) se eu não me engano é a opção -u consulte
 o manual do gpm para ter certeza.
 Use esta opção e configure seu X para ler o mouse do device /dev/gpmdata
 Boa sorte.
 On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 11:01:07AM -0300, Elias Serra P. Pereira wrote:
  Como configuro corretamente o meu mouse? Quando eu inicio a máquina (com
  xdm instalado, ela entra logo no login gráfico) o mouse não está
  funcionando. Só funciona no console (ctrl-alt-F1). Contudo, se, como
  eu desativar o mouse (gpm -k), ele começa a funcionar no X. Só que,
  caso, eu fico sem o mouse no console... como configurar o meu mouse
  para que funcione nos dois ambientes?
   Elias Serra - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Dep. de Informática - Suporte
   Grendene Sobral S/A
   http://www.melissa.com.br As dicas mais quentes para Teenagers!!
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

[Fwd: translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates]

2000-11-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Tudo pronto pro novo release dos boot-floppies para a Potato R2! 

 Original Message 
Subject: translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:15:03 -0400
Resent-From: debian-boot@lists.debian.org
Date: 28 Nov 2000 19:36:03 -0500
From: Adam Di Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-boot@lists.debian.org
CC: debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, Matej Vela [EMAIL PROTECTED],Andreas
Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED],Tapio Lehtonen [EMAIL PROTECTED],Edmund
Petr Cech [EMAIL PROTECTED],Keita Maehara [EMAIL PROTECTED],Enrique
Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED],Risko Gergely [EMAIL PROTECTED],Michele
Dalla Silvestra [EMAIL PROTECTED],Paolo Didonè

Ok, we are finally nearing the point where we will be able to make
practically (if not completely) internationalized boot-floppies.
If we can work out a few final kinks, boot-floppies (for i386 and
particpating porters) will be by default, internationalized.

To see what that's like (with some warts), see

Use the compact or idepci sets, which have the requisite framebuffer

This means that the messages for dbootstrap are suddenly rather useful
and practical and matter.  As the boot-floppies leader, I am sending
out this call for translators to update their translations, and keep
them updated.

I apologize for any frustration on the part of non-English speakers or
translators based on the fact that their translations have not been
part of the mainstream version for so long.

Based on what I can determine, these are the most untranslated
messages, from worst to best:

  itlast update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
  sklast update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
  hrlast update: 1999-04-11 19:39  Matej Vela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  trlast update: 2000-02-07 06:23  Andreas Mueller
  filast update: 2000-02-10 14:10  Tapio Lehtonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  eolast update: 2000-06-07 16:41  Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
  frlast update: 2000-06-17 21:52  Vincent Renardias
  cslast update: 2000-06-19 06:00  Petr Cech [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  jalast update: 2000-07-04 12:46  Keita Maehara
  eslast update: 2000-08-24 10:04  Enrique Zanardi
  hulast update: 2000-08-30 09:10  Risko Gergely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  delast update: 2000-09-11 09:58  Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following languages are up-to-date:


If a language is not listed here, and you would like to start that
translation, it's never too late.  We are still making updates for
Potato, and will soon be working on woody.

For information on accessing the boot-floppies CVS area and help for
translators, go to
and look at the newest versions of README-CVS and README-Translators,

.Adam Di [EMAIL PROTECTED]URL:http://www.onShore.com/

Re: [debian-br] [Fwd: translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates]

2000-11-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Exceto pelo problema de acentuação do language chooser que verifique
agora e 
continua emperrando  :(

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
 Tudo pronto pro novo release dos boot-floppies para a Potato R2!
  Original Message 
 Subject: translating boot-floppies -- call for more updates
 Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:15:03 -0400
 Resent-From: debian-boot@lists.debian.org
 Date: 28 Nov 2000 19:36:03 -0500
 From: Adam Di Carlo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-boot@lists.debian.org
 CC: debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, Matej Vela [EMAIL PROTECTED],Andreas
 Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED],Tapio Lehtonen [EMAIL PROTECTED],Edmund
 Petr Cech [EMAIL PROTECTED],Keita Maehara [EMAIL PROTECTED],Enrique
 Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED],Risko Gergely [EMAIL PROTECTED],Michele
 Dalla Silvestra [EMAIL PROTECTED],Paolo Didonè
 Ok, we are finally nearing the point where we will be able to make
 practically (if not completely) internationalized boot-floppies.
 If we can work out a few final kinks, boot-floppies (for i386 and
 particpating porters) will be by default, internationalized.
 To see what that's like (with some warts), see
 Use the compact or idepci sets, which have the requisite framebuffer
 This means that the messages for dbootstrap are suddenly rather useful
 and practical and matter.  As the boot-floppies leader, I am sending
 out this call for translators to update their translations, and keep
 them updated.
 I apologize for any frustration on the part of non-English speakers or
 translators based on the fact that their translations have not been
 part of the mainstream version for so long.
 Based on what I can determine, these are the most untranslated
 messages, from worst to best:
   itlast update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
   sklast update: ?? prior to 1999-03-20
   hrlast update: 1999-04-11 19:39  Matej Vela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   trlast update: 2000-02-07 06:23  Andreas Mueller
   filast update: 2000-02-10 14:10  Tapio Lehtonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   eolast update: 2000-06-07 16:41  Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
   frlast update: 2000-06-17 21:52  Vincent Renardias
   cslast update: 2000-06-19 06:00  Petr Cech [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   jalast update: 2000-07-04 12:46  Keita Maehara
   eslast update: 2000-08-24 10:04  Enrique Zanardi
   hulast update: 2000-08-30 09:10  Risko Gergely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   delast update: 2000-09-11 09:58  Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The following languages are up-to-date:
 If a language is not listed here, and you would like to start that
 translation, it's never too late.  We are still making updates for
 Potato, and will soon be working on woody.
 For information on accessing the boot-floppies CVS area and help for
 translators, go to
 and look at the newest versions of README-CVS and README-Translators,
 .Adam Di [EMAIL PROTECTED]URL:http://www.onShore.com/

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* Só conservamos, na velhice, uma espinha arqueada que se dobra ante os
novos fatos, quando nos mantivemos curvados durante a vida para evitar
os choques dolorosos com a realidade.
(Sigmund Freud)

Re: Arquivo p/ Apt-Get

2000-11-29 Thread Edson Y. Fugio
O correto eh usar apt-get clean para limpar esse diretorio.

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Gustavo Bertoli wrote:

 Eu fui esvaziar a pasta do apt-get(/var/cache/apt/archives/) e agora o 
 apt-get para funcionar pede o seguinte arquivo /var/cache/apt/archives/lock 
 se você usa o Debian 2.2 por favor me envie esse arquivo!?
 Gustavo Bertoli

Re: Virus em Linux

2000-11-29 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 A realidade atual prova que esta teoría falha. O Windows NT e Windows
 2000 têm diferentes níveis de acceso ao sistema de arquivos e são
 igualmente vulnerável aos vírus porque falham em ser um sistema
 operacional pre-emptivo. (Note, que mesmo Linux não é 100%
 pre-emptivo, mas se aproxima cada vez mais a isto, e ainda não conheço
 o virus que consiguiu aproveitar este fato).
Eu lamento muito não lembrar de onde vem essa informação, talvez o pessoal
mais hacker da lista possa me ajudar a lembrar as fontes... Pelo que sei,
existe uma classificação de segurança para sistemas operacionais que vai de 1
até 5. O Linuxe se encaixa no número 3 nessa classificação. Os windows (todos
eles) não chegam a se encaixar. 
Se eu não me engano, era uma classificação da RSA...

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mlinuxer.cjb.net MLinuxer

Re: Última sobre o mirror

2000-11-29 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 10:24:44AM -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) wrote:
 A ideia que me parece a melhor seria fazer Package-$LANG's para
 todas as linguagens e o apt pegaria entaum, baseado na $LANG
 do sistema, o Packages certo... se naum existir, pega o default
 em ingles, para isso nos teriamos de modificar aih o dpkg-scanpackages
 o dpkg-scansources, e o apt-get... alguem interessado? =)

Um problema que eu detecto de cara é o manjado buffer overflow. Fazer
um programa depender de uma variável de sistema setável pelo usuário
levantaria sérios riscos à segurança do sistema. Imagine, por exemplo,
setar LANG como uma string de 255 caracteres...

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _http://ukug.uk.freebsd.org/~claviola/key.txt
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_|   uin#: 55799523 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
 Alan Cox wrote: [..]  No I didnt.  Someone else wrote that.  Please keep 
attributions straight.  -- From linux-kernel   

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get upgrade (potato) broke .muttrc ?

2000-11-29 Thread will trillich
Damon Muller wrote:
 Quoth will trillich,
  % mutt
  Error in /home/will/.muttrc, line 20: pgp_default_version:
  unknown variable
  source: errors in /home/will/.muttrc
  Press any key to continue...
 You can actually replace the pgp_default_version with the following
 source /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples/gpg.rc
 Which will include all the correct stuff from the example file (for GPG,

delightful. thanks!


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Brenda J. Butler

I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent (MTA).
I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.

If your isp supports IMAP protocol, then you can download
just header information about your emails, and you can download
just the email bodies you are interested in and delete the
rest without downloading.

I don't use it and haven't investigated it beyond the above,
so I can't advise you further on which packages work with IMAP.
You would use IMAP protocol instead of POP3 protocol.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Brenda J. Butler
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:51:17AM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
 I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent (MTA).
 I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
 I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
 folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
 I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.

Oh yes I forgot:  debian-user grows very quickly (and I don't
delete any mail), so once a month I move the folder to a new
name like debian-user-mm and start a new one debian-user.

For slower-growing folders (like debian-sparc) I do that
once a year.  debian-sparc-

Since I have a slow modem, I don't mind downloading all that
mail and archiving it locally, so I can do quicker searches
when I need info.

For other people, perhaps you should just run searches against
the mail archives on the web.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread kmself
on Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:34:28AM -0500, Lawrence H. Robins ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers to
 this list to deal with the high volume of messages (250/day)?
 Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
 subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
 the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
 downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time
 in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and am not
 yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being written
 from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora doesn't
 seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is something
 better in Debian.)

Procmail filters -- debian-user goes to its own folder.  This is a must.

Heady use of delete key.  I tend to delete threads for which first post
is a reply -- I figure the post has already largely been answered,
unless the subject is particularly compelling.  

I ignore topics out of my area of interest -- sound and video cards in
particular.  Most new-installation posts, particularly if they've got
replies.  Most anything that has multiple responses.

I tend to favor posts by:  Ethan Benson (especially when he's correcting
me), Joey Hess, Sean Perry, and some other regulars.  I'll save and come
back to threads dealing with topics I'm interested in.

If traffic keeps climbing, I may isolate posts by particularly
insightful users and/or block posts with:

  - No subject.
  - Content 'unsubscribe' and short length.
  - Anything else I find particularly annoying.

When I get particularly behind, I just delete a few days (or weeks)
worth of posts.  Debian Weekly News tends to highlight significant list

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: port scan

2000-11-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 00:21:30 +0100, Philipp Schulte writes:
On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 11:02:52PM +0100, Robert Waldner wrote: 
 But unauthorized use of ressources is, as is unauthorized altering. And 
  the preparation of illegal tasks (as which I would clearly define 
  port-scanning) is also illegal. There was some coverage in either c´t 
  or iX[0] some half year go iirc. Disclaimer: IANAL.

Would have to look it up. But I am pretty sure that portscanning
itself is not illegal. It is not forbidden to look at your house as
long as I don't step on your ground.

Yes, but I would see the analogy more as to scrabble all over it, 
 fumbling all the windows to see if there´s an open one anywhere.

Don´t forget that a portscan already uses your resources, and that´s 
 not on ports where you implicitly agreed to this usage (as would be on 
 port 80 if you had a public webserver running or the like).

 In a network you don't have eyes,
you see with IP-packages. 

Agreed, there´s no way if someone closely observes the flow of data 
 that you produce or the setup of a tcp session to your public 
 webserver. But I´m sure you never (even implicitly) agreed that 
 someone has the right to use your linuxconf-port. That´s not looking 
 at your house but trying to open the windows and doors (a tcp session 
 for example).

To prevent getting observed one can build a wall - either a real wall
for your house or a firewall for your system.

Historically firewalls were used in trains to prevent leakage of fire 
from the engine to the passenger compartments, electronic ones are 
usually used just the other way around ;-) : to prevent passengers of 
fumbling with the engine...

We should further discuss this in private mail I think...

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: OT: port scan

2000-11-29 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 01:56:57AM +, Colin Watson wrote: 

 Philipp Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 12:35:27PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote: 
 Philipp Schulte wrote:
 But what kind of pressure can $your_provider put on a portscanner
 from $evil_provider? 
 Domain-level blocking of...mail, news, DNS
 If you say that portscanning isn't necessariy evil, how can you
 suggest Domain-level blocking of...mail, news, DNS?
 Hmm. You asked what kind of pressure can [my provider] put on [evil
 guy's provider], and Karsten answered - that is indeed the sort of
 pressure one provider can put on another (RBL [1], UDP [2], etc.). Your
 question wasn't about what kind of pressure providers *should* put on
 each other, or about portscanning in particular, and I didn't read the
 answer that way.

No, that's not what I asked. I was not talking about pressure on an
other provider but pressure on a customer of an other provider. Makes
a difference to me. I also wrote: 
Show me the ISP that is willing to take these steps because of a
portscanning script-kiddie. portsanning is not even illegal here in
It just doesn't make sense to me to complain about some portscanner at
_my_ provider. Since my provider is a university I know that they
wouldn't be happy if I bug them with logfiles. If portscanning is not
even illegal, how can I expect my provider to take steps against
it? But the other guy's provider might have prohibited that in their
contract with their customers so they can ban this portscanner.

Re: Port 12345?

2000-11-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 23:49:11 GMT, Pollywog writes:
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 23:08:43 +0100, Robert Waldner said:
  As soon as I figure out how to get portsentry to mail -s `$TARGET$ 
   attempted bla` (I guess some 6 hours of sleep away ;-) ) I´ll be a 
   convert from my homegrown script that I use for that currently.

Logcheck will do that for you.

No need for yet another piece of software, in portsentry.conf:

KILL_RUN_CMD=/usr/bin/mail -s `connection attempt from $TARGET$` \

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: OT: port scan

2000-11-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 07:35:46 +0100, Philipp Schulte writes:
Show me the ISP that is willing to take these steps because of a
portscanning script-kiddie. 

kpnqwest.at for example ;-) t-online.de is another one, they take 
 something like that pretty serious in the meantime.

It just doesn't make sense to me to complain about some portscanner at
_my_ provider.

Often it does, complaining as [EMAIL PROTECTED] has sometimes more 
 weight in $otherisps eyes than as [EMAIL PROTECTED], not only 
 because we´re a fellow isp but also because another pair of eyes 
 (which should have some clue at least) scanned the complaint for 

 Since my provider is a university I know that they
wouldn't be happy if I bug them with logfiles.

In the non-profit environment they may not be so eager because (I 
 guess) you don´t give them any money at all, but for most isps, this 
 matters (not alot with a simple dialup-customer, but bad publicity 
 would also hit).

 If portscanning is not
even illegal, how can I expect my provider to take steps against

This happened a few times, dropping a peering often helps because the 
 other isp has to pay for more upstream...and it´s not only a matter of 
 law but also of good business relationships and morale.

But the other guy's provider might have prohibited that in their
contract with their customers so they can ban this portscanner.

They are also the first to be expected to do something, but you only 
have a single point of view, your isp has a much broader base.

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: OT: port scan

2000-11-29 Thread Nate Amsden
Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 One computer where I have Debian installed was scanned
 recently. Someone probed several ports (~20), maybe trying to determine
 the running OS (something like nmap does).
 Do you think this *IS* an attack? I mean, should I report this
 as *AN* attack?

as an admin of several networks connected to the net i usually do not
report port scans to isps. if i see something suspicious i usually just
firewall that ip or that subnet from connecting to me. my main server
gets quite a bit of suspicious connection activity. some if it is really
odd, like 50 connection attempts to port  or something when there is
nothing on that port. i use a program called SCANDETD, its a primative
scan detection program that emails me when it detects scans. its far
from perfect but honestly i really don't have the time to go through
logs for insignificant things such as portscans on a regular basis. if
you maintain a tight system there usually isn't much to worry about
anyways.  if your interested in scandetd the output looks like:

Possible port scanning from lnxd105.szif.hu,
I've counted 30 connections.

First connection was made to 1524 port at Sun Nov 26 16:10:18 2000
Last connection was made to 1524 port at Sun Nov 26 16:10:18 2000

Probably it was SYN scan (0 FIN flags and 30 SYN flags)

pretty cool prog. ive caught many things using it. its not very well
known so it may not be on freshmeat.net ..

if you want a copy of it i can try to dig up the source or the url for
it, email me direct. ..


ICQ: 75132336


2000-11-29 Thread Ross Boylan
I've been trying to get some sound out of my Linux system, and am pretty 
baffled.  I gather there are several different ways to do it, and would 
like to know if there is a preferred one.  I have an ISA AWE-64 
soundblaster on a 2.2.17 kernel, AMD K6-2, potato system with some woody 
enhancements.  I'm running GNOME-Helix.

1) The Mini-Howto on SB is a bit old, and it's not clear to me if it's 
still applicable.  At any rate, it is  not directed at Debian 
packages.  The main Sound How-To is current, but again isn't addressed to 
Debian packaging.

2) I had decided (based on it's own description?  or the fact that it 
seemed to be more loadable than the alternatives?  it's been awhile) that 
the Alsa system was the way to go.  However, there are various pieces, and 
their interrelations are not clear to me (base, library, modules, drivers, 
utililties, ...).  There didn't seem to be a task or a good package (I 
had hoped the utilities might do it) which will pull everything in.

The modules that are there are for a much earlier version of the kernel 
than potato uses, and there doesn't seem to be anything for the current 
one.  Joey H asked about this a few weeks ago.  My interpretation of the 
response was that alsa was packaged so you had to get the source and build 
from it.

One of the attractions of the module based approach seemed to me that one 
didn't need to go recompiling things to get them to work, so this didn't 
grab me much.

3) There's a SB specific package, but I'm not sure what sound model it 
participates in, and what additional stuff I would need to do to use it.

4) And then there are some other things that I think represent the more 
traditional sound model.

Also, I would like to know a simple test to see if sound is working.

I'm hoping there's an analogy to, for example, exim.  There are lots of 
mail transports, but there's one that's encouraged and (sort of) easy to 
set up.  So I'd appreciate any pointers.  By the way, the hardware emits 
sounds on other OS's, so I know everything is hooked up.

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000 01:00:37 -0500
Brenda J. Butler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:51:17AM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
  I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent
  I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
  I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
  folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
  I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.
 Oh yes I forgot:  debian-user grows very quickly (and I don't
 delete any mail), so once a month I move the folder to a new
 name like debian-user-mm and start a new one debian-user.
 For slower-growing folders (like debian-sparc) I do that
 once a year.  debian-sparc-
 Since I have a slow modem, I don't mind downloading all that
 mail and archiving it locally, so I can do quicker searches
 when I need info.
 For other people, perhaps you should just run searches against
 the mail archives on the web.

Well I am surprised and disappointed if debian-users are simply scanning
messages in order to receive help when *they* need it. I like to scan the
list to see if I can offer any help, as well as receiving it. The list
would collapse if it became a on-way street.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Sendmail XFree86 4.0.1 Fonts.

2000-11-29 Thread horton
I have a couple of questions, and maybe someone could point me in the right 
direction of a HOWTO or something...

1. Is it possible from a ppp connection, to send mail from localhost? I tried 
this, and it works, but not all of the time. I'm not sure exactly how it's 
configured, but this is the type of logs I'm getting when I try to send to 
someone who's box isn't running an smtp daemon.

Nov 28 23:47:45 horton sendmail[954]: eAT60u603305: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
delay=01:46:48, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=660454, relay=nasland.nu., 
dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Invalid argument

Maybe it's trying to send it via their SMTP daemon? I don't know exactly how 
this whole smtp thing is supposed to work, but I'd sure like to know. =)

2. Fonts, phew... I'd like to be able to use a *.pcf font I got, but I don't 
know where to put it, and when I do, what to do with it, etc... Any idea's? 
(This is with the woody X4) Also, TTF's, how do I get these working exactly in 
X4/woody? I havn't had any luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls

   Hello Lawrence,

This is a good question. I actually filter the headers, anything to do
with debian-user is put into a special folder. I am using kde and the
latest email client (kmail) has a really nice search feature I'm really

I was a new user, now I'm only a new user. I feel that way all the time
even though I have been using only debian for way over a year now. This
list has shown me some great things about linux I don't think I would 
have ever found any any manual, book or hints  tips manual.

It really is up to you in the end. You might find it too much to deal
with and remove yourself from the list. I really enjoy it though. I have
seen some amazing people talking about amazing things and some day, when I
grow up perhaps will find myself actually knowing what the blazes is going 
on! grin

I really count on this list for technical help when I'm in a pinch  Like 
when I discovered how powerful 'rm *' was... argh, bad night

Some days, I just delete it all, while other days I find all sorts of great
tricks and information.

You're right about Eudora. I had several large folders and lost mail a
few times, but the latest copies should work well for you - look in your
help for filters.

Good luck, and I do hope you find this list helpful and amusing.


On Tuesday 28 November 2000 21:34, Lawrence H. Robins wrote:
 I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
 to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (250/day)?
 Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
 subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
 the others?  Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before**
 downloading them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes
 time in itself?  (Note: I am just getting started with Debian, and
 am not yet familiar with most of the packages.  This message is being
 written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in another OS.  Eudora
 doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists - I hope there is
 something better in Debian.)

 Lawrence H. Robins


Jaye Inabnit, ARS ke6sls e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
707-442-6579 h/m 707-441-7096 p
http://www.qsl.net/ke6slsICQ# 12741145
This mail composed with kmail on kde on X on linux warped by debian
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Frank Copeland
On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (250/day)?

A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
I'm responding to this in a gated newsgroup set up by my ISP, but I
could just as easily have set it up myself, and I have done so.

Suppose you only want to see messages with certain keywords in the
subject line, or only replies to your questions, and filter out all
the others?

These are standard facilites provided by news clients like slrn and

Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before** downloading
them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time in itself?

If you use fetchmail to collect your mail then I vaguely recall that
something like this is possible. However, I don't use it so I may well
be hallucinating.


Mutt (Read Only)

2000-11-29 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
I have been using Mutt and recently I added another drive to my Debian box and 
copied /usr over (except for src) to the new hardisk. The now emptied /usr was 
remounted as /usr/src. Now when I run mutt, my mailbox is always in read-only 
mode. I need to delete my old mail and I am presently am unable to do it. Any 
ideas anyone?


Patrick Cheong

Re: Problem with Z32 in a Woody box

2000-11-29 Thread Manegold
curro wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 28-Nov-2000 curro wrote:
 Hi, I have been unable to configure my Linux box to print in a
   LexmarkZ32 printer connected to the serial port. I have installed in
  Do you really mean serial port?
  I seem to remember that the Z32 does not work under Linux. At least I
  think that is what www.linuxprinting.org (or .com?) has in it's database.
 You are completely right, I am sorry, it is my fault. The printer
 is connected to the parallel port, the usual one for printers. It seems
 that this printer is supported. I downloaded the linux driver from the
 lexmark site. It was available as an rpm package but I installed it with
 alien without any problem, just the printer is still completely deaf to
 any of my requirements.
   my 700MHz Inspiron 5000e laptop the Woody dist (It seems necessary to
   X correctly configured) and everything else seems to work correctly  (I
  X should have nothing to do with it, since lpd/lpdng are deamons that do
  not depend on X. Also ghostscript as the filter (driver) does not need
 Again you are completely right. I only said that in order to explain why I
 choose Woody instead of Potato. I am not completely newbie to Debian and
 Linux but I would have installed potato as it is the stable distribution
 which should give less problems. The need of a running X  force me to try
 woody, with very good results up to now.
   didn't try to compile neither sound support nor APM yet). My problem is
   that I am not able to communicate with the printer.
 Reading the Printing-HOWTO it seems necessary to disable PnP
   support for the parallel port from the BIOS setup, what I am not sure
  Is it the parallel port now?
   to do it. In any case I have tried the various setup configurations for
   the parallel port and none of the allowed me to talk to the printer.
   got /dev/lp[0,1,2,21] but sending a file to these devices had any
  Since you said you connected it to the serial port that is correct.
 It was connected to the parallel port.
  Sorry, not to be of help.
I assume that the parport support in the kernel/modules is enabled/the
module loaded and PLIP disabled.
Can you try with some other device if it's a port problem (looks like
one though) or printer Problem?


Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Pap Tibor

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Frank Copeland wrote:

 On 29 Nov 00 05:34:28 GMT, Lawrence H. Robins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
 to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (250/day)?
 A mail2news gateway. A decent news client is always going to be a
 better bet for dealing with a high volume threaded discussion group.
 I'm responding to this in a gated newsgroup set up by my ISP, but I
 could just as easily have set it up myself, and I have done so.

Could you offer a mail2news gateway for home use? I would like to read
mailing lists through news client but my ISP doesn't provide this.



multiple IPs

2000-11-29 Thread gameXprez.com

How do I set up, so that i can use VIRTUAL host, 
I've made the VirtualHost ... part, but I need to configure so that it 
accepts IP packets for multiple addresses..


Rasmus AndersenVULFSwww.gamexprez.comtlf: 
74687606/73323160fax: 74687606

Få en gratis E-mail adresse på www.vulfs.dk/mailforum.htm

Re: Sendmail XFree86 4.0.1 Fonts.

2000-11-29 Thread John Ericson
About ttf fonts in X4 I can recommend you this url:
You should probably be able to find out how to deal with pcf fonts too by
following the instructions on that or other pages mentioned there.

On Nov 29 16:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a couple of questions, and maybe someone could point me in the right 
 direction of a HOWTO or something...
 1. Is it possible from a ppp connection, to send mail from localhost? I tried 
 this, and it works, but not all of the time. I'm not sure exactly how it's 
 configured, but this is the type of logs I'm getting when I try to send to 
 someone who's box isn't running an smtp daemon.
 Nov 28 23:47:45 horton sendmail[954]: eAT60u603305: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 delay=01:46:48, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=660454, relay=nasland.nu., 
 dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Invalid argument
 Maybe it's trying to send it via their SMTP daemon? I don't know exactly how 
 this whole smtp thing is supposed to work, but I'd sure like to know. =)
 2. Fonts, phew... I'd like to be able to use a *.pcf font I got, but I don't 
 know where to put it, and when I do, what to do with it, etc... Any idea's? 
 (This is with the woody X4) Also, TTF's, how do I get these working exactly 
 in X4/woody? I havn't had any luck.
 Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

* John Ericson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* web: http://john.pp.se

installation problem

2000-11-29 Thread Miro Maher
This is a repost. There was no reply to original question -
it was probably overlooked in the high volume of other messages :-(
Any hint in the right direction would be highly appreciated please ...

 I am trying to install Debian 2.2 linux - standard kernel package - to an old
 IBM PC server 500 - that is a Microchannel machine. After booting from rescue
 floppy I use command:
 floppy0 no-hlt mca-pentium
 After a while the system stops after finding the SCSII adapter with following
 IBM MCA SCSI: Version 3.1e
 IBM MCA SCSI: snip  controler found, io=0x3540 ... snip
 IBM MCA SCSI: Removing default logical SCSI-device mapping.
 IBM MCA SCSI: Probing SCSI devices.
 IBM MCA SCSI: ERROR - command error!
   Last SCSI command=0x40e, ldn=15, host=0
 IBM MCA SCSI: Subsystem error-status follows:
   Command type ...: 10
   Attention register .: ef
   Basic control register .: 3
   Interrupt status register ..: ef
   Basic status register ..: 4
   Send report to the maintainer.
 Kernel panic: IBM MCA SCSI: Fatal error from subsystem
 In interrupt handler - not syncing.


Re: mpage PS docs -- 1-up = 2-up fsckups. StarOffice?

2000-11-29 Thread Colin Watson
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
The problem, according to web searches, is broken PS output by
StarOffice.  One fix is to use a set of ps2ps commands to produce
rectified, Level-1 postscript.  From a set of commands found online,
I've created the attached 'sopsvirginizer' script -- it un-fscks
StarOffice postscript output. 

Oo! Thanks - we have to use StarOffice at work, so I'd lay good odds
that I'll run into the same sort of problem in the near future.


Fonts XFree86 4.0.1

2000-11-29 Thread Jason C. Hammons
hey, I'm having some trouble getting true type fonts working in the new
X4 (without xfstt, unless that's how you do it), could anyone point me
in the direction of a decent HOW-TO or something?

Also, I'd like to know how to use *.pcf fonts... Does anyone know how to
do this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jason C. Hammons

Another good night not to sleep in a eucalyptus tree.


2000-11-29 Thread gameXprez.com

What is the phase i need i srm.conf to run SSI and 
CGI's outside the specified paths


Rasmus AndersenVULFSwww.gamexprez.comtlf: 
74687606/73323160fax: 74687606

Få en gratis E-mail adresse på www.vulfs.dk/mailforum.htm

Re: coping with a high-volume mailing list (like this one)?

2000-11-29 Thread Colin Watson
Lawrence H. Robins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm curious to know what strategies are used by regular subscribers
to this list to deal with the high volume of messages (250/day)?

I gateway all the debian-* mailing lists I read to local newsgroups,
using a mail-to-news gateway I wrote myself (at the time I found the one
in Debian, newsgate, inadequate; I don't know what pyg is like). At the
moment I think I'd count that gateway still a bit too unreliable for
public use, but technically it's freely available if anyone's

Once in a newsgroup, that means I get automatic expiry of old messages,
good threading in my newsreader (although I know mutt is good at dealing
with this), and can apply killfiles if it ever turns out I need them
(though I try not to do that for debian-*). Normally I simply read the
newest couple of pages of subject lines, and any articles whose subjects
grab my eye. If an article has an unhelpful subject line, I'm likely not
to get round to reading it - simple as that. If threads have been posted
to by a decent number of people, particularly interesting regulars, then
I'll probably notice them and read them. Anything that doesn't catch my
eye just goes by unread and eventually expires; I don't bother filtering

Also, is there any way to filter the messages **before** downloading
them from your ISP to your local machine, which takes time in itself?

Personally, I don't bother, as I have a cable modem. :) If your ISP lets
you run things like procmail or exim filters on their mail server, then
you could do this; I'm not sure how you could do it otherwise.

This message is being written from an e-mail client program (Eudora) in
another OS.  Eudora doesn't seem designed to handle huge mailing lists
- I hope there is something better in Debian.)

Although personally I prefer newsreaders for mailing lists, that's a lot
of work to set up, and a certain amount of work to keep running
smoothly. My favourite mail client is mutt, and it handles mailing lists
very well.


Logitech MouseManPlus, gpm, and X

2000-11-29 Thread Damon Muller
Hi gang,

I had to reboot my system to add some ram, so I decided to see how my
mouse would go in the PS/2 port. It's a logitech MouseManPlus - very
cool mouse with lots of buttons!

I'm using gpm as a repeater, and use /dev/gpmdata as my pointer in my X
config file. The interesting bits of my gpm.conf are as follows:

append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\

In the pointers section of my XF86Config I have the following:

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/gpmdata
   Resolution  100
   Buttons 5
   ZAxisMapping4 5

Now, everything works fine, except for the mouse wheel. It doesn't do
anything anymore (it occasionally does unpredictable things like sending
the pointer flying accross the screen, but nothing very useful).
Previously, when using my mouse as a serial mouse (with an adapter), it
worked perfectly. However, previously I had ms3 as both the type and
repleat_type in gpm.conf, and IntelliMouse as the protocal in the
XF86Config. My understanding is that ms3 wouldn't have worked for a ps/2
mouse, but I could just be halucinating that, and Intellimouse
wouldn't work with the above (current) settings.

I suspect that maybe imps2 is not the best type for gpm for this
particular mouse, but I'm not sure what else to try (none of the others
look particularly more appropriate). Any suggestions would be

On a related note, I've noticed that the resolution of my mouse has
increased since I have put it in the ps/2 port (I need to move the mouse
further to make the pointer move the same amount). Does anyone know of
any way to ajust this is X or gpm (responsiveness in gpm doesn't seem to
have any noticable effect).



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Mutt (Read Only)

2000-11-29 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Mutt opens my mailbox in read-only mode. How can I change this to read-write as 
I have RTFM and the man pages and I can only find how to invoke read-only using 
the -R option when firing up Mutt. Would appreciate if someone could help me. 


Re: Fonts XFree86 4.0.1

2000-11-29 Thread Remco van de Meent
Jason C. Hammons wrote:
 hey, I'm having some trouble getting true type fonts working in the
 new X4 (without xfstt, unless that's how you do it), could anyone
 point me in the direction of a decent HOW-TO or something?

A few steps:

You need to enable a module in the X4 configuration that gives you
truetype fonts support, for example the xtt module (see

Then you need to put your font descriptions (those .ttf and .fon files)
in a directory, for example in /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType. Also
you've got to add this directory to your font path in the XF86Config-4
configuration file.

Now you have to install the fttools package to get the mkttfdir
utility. Use that utility to create a fonts.dir file in the directory
you put your truetype font files in.

This should do the trick. At least, it worked for me :-)


web mail

2000-11-29 Thread James Preece

Can anyone point me in the direction of a free or cheap web mail system to
run on debian or any other linux based system.



Debian Centralized Management

2000-11-29 Thread Pere Camps

I looking for a package/program/whatever that it will allow me to
manage many Debian boxes remotely and centrally. Somewhere I could say:
install this package on all the systems with only one command. Or a
centralized view of dselect, etc...

Also, any good monitoring software recommendations?


ps: pleae reply directly to my inbox as I'm not subscribed to the list due
to its high volume.

-- p.

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