Re: problemas con potato (ppp, kernel)

2000-12-12 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, egene wrote:

 es mi primer mensaje a la lista, después de haber instalado potato; es casi 
 la primera vez que me atrevo con Debian, hasta ahora he sido usuario (y no 
 experto) de las otras distribuciones, sobre todo Red Hat, Mandrake y un 
 poco SuSE;
 uso un P200, Ati Mach 64 (sin problemas), SBlaster 16 compatible y una 
 tarjeta NE2000 compatible (ambas reconocidas sin problemas) y moden externo 
 USRobotics; he instalado los módulos correspondientes con modconf (sonido, 
 puerto paralelo, red, ppp), pero me encuentro con algunos problemas 
 derivados de mi desconocimiento de Debian ( o de Linux), concretamente 
 quiero exponer estos dos:
 1. cualquier intento de conectar a Internet fracasa; con wvdial, pppconfig, 
 ppp-gnome y kppp, con mensajes de error (demonio muerto súbitamente,...); 
 he revisado /etc/ppp/options y he descomentado la línea lock pero nada; 
 no tenía problemas con RHat; ¿podéis darme una pista?; adjunto mensaje de 
 error, que no sé descifrar:
 pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 pppd: but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to 
 do so.
 pppd: (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)
 2. no puedo recompilar el kernel; cuando llego a make bzImage, a pesar de 
 que hace todo el proceso, justo al final devuelve este mensaje de error:
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/arch/i386/boot'
 gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/include -E 
 -D__BIG_KERNEL__ -traditional -DSVGA_MODE=NORMAL_VGA  bootsect.S -o 
 as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
 make[1]: as86: Command not found
 make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [bzImage] Error 2
 como es la primera vez que me pasa, tampoco sé cómo interpretarlo, he 
 estado revisando algunos archivos de /boot pero igualmente no me aclaro;
 ¿podéis echarme una mano?;
 gracias de antemano

as86: Command not found

Necesitas instalar el ensamblador ya que hay algunas cosas escritas
en código máquina.

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Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
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Re: Que impresora me aconsejan comprar?

2000-12-12 Thread Eugenio Muñoz Doyague
On Lun 11 Dic 2000 21:57, Miguel Angel Rodríguez wrote:

 Estoy por comprar una impresora para realizar trabajos gráficos
 (fotografía, publicidad). Hasta ahora la impresión ha sido el punto
 más debil que he conocido en Linux. Por ello pregunto. aunque consulté
 el linux printing no me decido.

 Mis planes son comprar una Epson stylus photo de carro ancho 1270 o

 ¿Qué opinan los entendidos? ¿Podré sacarle toda la utilidad a una
 impresora como ésta?

 De antemano gracias.
Si la quieres para trabajar en temas de fotografia y publicidad, y tienes 
dinero la impresa que quieres no esta mal.
Si no quieres tener problemas con la impresora lo mejor que puedes hacer es 
compra que sea postscript o que tenga opcion de targeta postscript con esto 
ya no tendras ningun problema si sabes configurar las impresoras.

Unidentified subject!

2000-12-12 Thread raulp

julia, recibi tu email, la direccion que me pediste es

decime que te parece, tienen precios de hosting _re_ baratos


(disculpa el inconveniente si este mensaje no era para vos)

Re: NFS y usuarios

2000-12-12 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El jue,07/dic/2000 a las 18:04:56+0100, Amaya escribió:
 Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo dijo:
  Además no se lleva nada bien con los shadow passwords del servidor (si es
  que utilizas shadow pass en el servidor). 
 Todavía no lo he probado, pero eso ya es un mito ;-)
 Santiago Vila me mandó una chuleta y la subiré a en cuanto
 entienda el * dtd.
 Un saludín!

Hola a todos ... y perdon por el retraso,

  solo decirles que yo lo instalé el de slink y puse a funcionar en una
mañana siguiendo el /usr/share/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz (como ya
alguien dijo). No tube ningún problema con los shadow. Ahora estoy
incorporando otros ficheros como los del autofs o el printcap. 

Los problemas de seguridad que yo entendí de la documentación que
leí consisten en:

 1.- La información va desencriptada por la red por lo tanto alguien que
este olisqueando puede verla. Lo más crítico son los pasword, aunque
lo que viaja es lo que figura en el fichero shadow, lo cual no es mucho
problema si los password que utiliza la gente son robustos. SOLUCIÓN:
Tener una red medianamente segura.

 2.- Teoricamente cualquiera puede solicitar la información al servidor si
sabe su dirección y dominio. SOLUCION: indicar e el fichero
/etc/ypserv.securenets la lista de ips que son clientes del dominio con lo
cual nadie de fuera puede pedir información al servidor. 

La ventaja que veo en la NIS es que varias aplicaciones estan preparadas
para usarlas directamente y la alternativa LDAP (según se ha indicado) hay
que currarselo con el PAM.


Description: PGP signature

Seguridad en particiones

2000-12-12 Thread Hue-Bond
/home nosuid,nodev
/home/hue/emepetreses nodev,noexec
/usr  ro
/usr/lib  ro
/var  nodev,noexec
/var/www  nodev,noexec
/var/tmp  nosuid
/tmp  nosuid

 Montaría  /home  como noexec  si  no  fuera porque  tengo  unos
 programas  en ~/bin.  Cambié  los permisos  de  los ejecutables  de
 suidperl  y les  puse 4754  root.www-data (espero  que no  me rompa
 nada). ¿Alguna  recomendación más?  ¿Qué tal  montar los  dos tmp's
 como noexec?  ¿Me dará problemas  montar /usr y /usr/lib  como read
 only? (aparte de no poder [des]instalar paquetes).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reparto correo en $HOME

2000-12-12 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El vie,24/nov/2000 a las 12:35:16+, Alberto F. Hamilton Castro escribió:
 Hola a todos,
   tengo la Potato y me gustaría que el correo se repartiera directamente a
 los directorios $HOME de los usuarios (por ejemplo en $HOME/mail/mbox) 
 para que entraran en la quota de cada uno.  Además alguno de ellos los
 leen a travez del POP, aunque pordrían leer con IMAP. 


  en primer lugar muchas gracias a todos los que respondieron a esta

  La solución que he conseguido consiste en pasarme a exim, que está mejor
documentado, y modificar los fuentes del paquete imap, que tiene servidor
imap y pop.

  En exim bastó con cambiar en el fichero de configuración la siguiente

  file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}
  file = ${home}/Mail/mbox 

  El los fuentes del imap (obtenidos mediante apt-get source imap) 
modifiqué, según se indica en el fichero imap-4.7c/docs/CONFIG, en el
fichero imap-4.7c/src/osdep/unix/env_unix.c la línea: 

   sprintf (tmp,%s/%s,MAILSPOOL,myusername ());

por la

   sprintf (tmp,%s/Mail/mbox,myhomedir ());

y posteriormete obetener los paqute deb (yo lo hice volviendo a ejecutar
'apt-get -compile source imap') e instalandolos con dpkg -i .

  En el sistema es conveniente modificar /etc/login.def para comentar la


y añadir:

   MAIL_FILE  Mail/mbox

de esta manera en la shell queda correctamente definida la variable MAIL y
los lectores de correo saben donde buscar el correo nuevo. ... Bueno para
el pine tuve que modificar, en todos los usuarios, el fichero .pinerc
poniendo la línea:


  Si alguien está interesado y quiere que le aclare algo, no dude en
ponerse en contacto conmigo. 


Description: PGP signature

Redes Wireless DHCP

A las muy buenas señores:

Hay alguien por ahí, por esos mundo debianeros que sepa como atacar a un
servidor DHCP en redes inalámbricas para la conexión de nodos dinámicos vía
radio a la Red.
Si conocen cualquier tipo de información se los agradecería eternamente

Re: Seguridad en particiones

2000-12-12 Thread Mario Teijeiro Otero
Hash: SHA1

El Mar 12 Dic 2000 12:04, Hue-Bond escribió:

  /home nosuid,nodev
 /home/hue/emepetreses nodev,noexec
 /usr  ro
 /usr/lib  ro
 /var  nodev,noexec
 /var/www  nodev,noexec
 /var/tmp  nosuid
 /tmp  nosuid

  Montaría  /home  como noexec  si  no  fuera porque  tengo  unos
  programas  en ~/bin.  Cambié  los permisos  de  los ejecutables  de
  suidperl  y les  puse 4754  root.www-data (espero  que no  me rompa
  nada). ¿Alguna  recomendación más?  ¿Qué tal  montar los  dos tmp's
  como noexec?  ¿Me dará problemas  montar /usr y /usr/lib  como read
  only? (aparte de no poder [des]instalar paquetes).

En principio no te daría ningún problema, ya que en los directorios
donde se escribe algo es en /var y /tmp. Te olvidaste tb de los floppies y 
cdrom's, ya sabes, noexec, nosuid y nodev.

- -- 
 Cuando el río suena, es que el músico se ahoga 
Yo uso software libre (declaración a petición de Richard M. Stallman)

Mario Teijeiro Otero   mailto:asimovi at teleline dot es 
clave: correo con Asunto: [PGPKEY] Usr. Reg. 122438   

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


(Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread JFreak
Hola lista, instale mi Slink y le quise agregar el KDE de la Corel, en
la instalacion no tuve ningun problema, cuando termine de instalar con
dselect me logie usando el xdm y entro al KDE de la Corel, hasta aqui
todo perfecto, necesitaba configurar samba y todo bien pero resulta que
cuando vuelvo a bootear usa el kdm pero este no funciona ya que pone la
pantalla negra y de vez en cuando me deja ver la consola y luego ora vez
negra pero es muy rapido que no me deja hacer nada, trato de quitar las
X con ctrl-alt-backspace pero nada, trato de usar alguna consola con
ctrl+alt+F1 o F2 etc y nada, para arreglar el problema necesito entrar y
configurar que use el xdm en lugar de el kdm pero cuando inserto el
diskette para bootear desde alli se queda leyendo el disco y no hace mas
nada. necesito de su ayuda urgente, si alguien puede ayudarme por favor
se los agradezco. es necesario quitar el lilo para que pueda bootear
desde el floppy??

Donde tengo que quitar el kdm y poner que use el xdm?? en el
xdm.options?? donde esta ese fichero??

Gracias a todos, mañana tengo que dar una conferencia de Linux y ya todo
estaba listo para la demostracion de usarlo como servidor y ahora no
puedo entrar :((( porfa alguien que me ayude.

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RE: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Prueba con el lilo, pulsando la tecla shift cuando escriba LILO en pantalla,
y le escribes:

Nombre de imagen de arranque linux=single

Con esto, si no me equivoco (estoy escribiendo de memoria), arranca pero no
carga lo que hay en /etc/init.d, al menos no todo, despues podrias entrar
como root y editar /etc/init.d/kdm.

Creo que esto podria ayudar, aunque no lo he probado nunca con el kdm.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: JFreak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 12 de diciembre de 2000 15:49
 Para: Debian Users Spanish
 Asunto: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

 Hola lista, instale mi Slink y le quise agregar el KDE de la Corel, en
 la instalacion no tuve ningun problema, cuando termine de instalar con
 dselect me logie usando el xdm y entro al KDE de la Corel, hasta aqui
 todo perfecto, necesitaba configurar samba y todo bien pero resulta que
 cuando vuelvo a bootear usa el kdm pero este no funciona ya que pone la
 pantalla negra y de vez en cuando me deja ver la consola y luego ora vez
 negra pero es muy rapido que no me deja hacer nada, trato de quitar las
 X con ctrl-alt-backspace pero nada, trato de usar alguna consola con
 ctrl+alt+F1 o F2 etc y nada, para arreglar el problema necesito entrar y
 configurar que use el xdm en lugar de el kdm pero cuando inserto el
 diskette para bootear desde alli se queda leyendo el disco y no hace mas
 nada. necesito de su ayuda urgente, si alguien puede ayudarme por favor
 se los agradezco. es necesario quitar el lilo para que pueda bootear
 desde el floppy??

 Donde tengo que quitar el kdm y poner que use el xdm?? en el
 xdm.options?? donde esta ese fichero??

 Gracias a todos, mañana tengo que dar una conferencia de Linux y ya todo
 estaba listo para la demostracion de usarlo como servidor y ahora no
 puedo entrar :((( porfa alguien que me ayude.

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Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread JFreak
Tengo problema con mi LILO, presiono shift (no me aparece LILO en pantalla) y 
me aparece F12 y
si presiono la tecla a me aparece 1234F si presiono 1 carga winsos (desde 
donde escribo
ahora) y se presiono 2 carga Linux pero el 3 y el 4 no hacen nada, tampoco 
puedo escribir
linux=single porque no me deja escribir nada si presiono F lee el diskette pero 
mencionaba se queda leyendo y no pasa de alli. estaba leyendo algo sobre el 
loadlin, creo que
puedo bootear usando la imagen que tengo en el diskette (no se como) pero creo 
que eso podria
ser una solucion... espero que puedan ayudarme :)

Angel Vicente Perez ha escrito:

 Prueba con el lilo, pulsando la tecla shift cuando escriba LILO en pantalla,
 y le escribes:

 Nombre de imagen de arranque linux=single

 Con esto, si no me equivoco (estoy escribiendo de memoria), arranca pero no
 carga lo que hay en /etc/init.d, al menos no todo, despues podrias entrar
 como root y editar /etc/init.d/kdm.

 Creo que esto podria ayudar, aunque no lo he probado nunca con el kdm.

  -Mensaje original-
  De: JFreak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el: martes 12 de diciembre de 2000 15:49
  Para: Debian Users Spanish
  Asunto: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy
  Hola lista, instale mi Slink y le quise agregar el KDE de la Corel, en
  la instalacion no tuve ningun problema, cuando termine de instalar con
  dselect me logie usando el xdm y entro al KDE de la Corel, hasta aqui
  todo perfecto, necesitaba configurar samba y todo bien pero resulta que
  cuando vuelvo a bootear usa el kdm pero este no funciona ya que pone la
  pantalla negra y de vez en cuando me deja ver la consola y luego ora vez
  negra pero es muy rapido que no me deja hacer nada, trato de quitar las
  X con ctrl-alt-backspace pero nada, trato de usar alguna consola con
  ctrl+alt+F1 o F2 etc y nada, para arreglar el problema necesito entrar y
  configurar que use el xdm en lugar de el kdm pero cuando inserto el
  diskette para bootear desde alli se queda leyendo el disco y no hace mas
  nada. necesito de su ayuda urgente, si alguien puede ayudarme por favor
  se los agradezco. es necesario quitar el lilo para que pueda bootear
  desde el floppy??
  Donde tengo que quitar el kdm y poner que use el xdm?? en el
  xdm.options?? donde esta ese fichero??
  Gracias a todos, mañana tengo que dar una conferencia de Linux y ya todo
  estaba listo para la demostracion de usarlo como servidor y ahora no
  puedo entrar :((( porfa alguien que me ayude.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at
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  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Eugenio Muñoz Doyague
On Mar 12 Dic 2000 17:14, JFreak wrote:
 Tengo problema con mi LILO, presiono shift (no me aparece LILO en pantalla)
 y me aparece F12 y si presiono la tecla a me aparece 1234F si presiono 1
 carga winsos (desde donde escribo ahora) y se presiono 2 carga Linux pero
 el 3 y el 4 no hacen nada, tampoco puedo escribir linux=single porque no me
 deja escribir nada si presiono F lee el diskette pero como mencionaba se
 queda leyendo y no pasa de alli. estaba leyendo algo sobre el loadlin, creo
 que puedo bootear usando la imagen que tengo en el diskette (no se como)
 pero creo que eso podria ser una solucion... espero que puedan ayudarme :)

 Angel Vicente Perez ha escrito:
  Prueba con el lilo, pulsando la tecla shift cuando escriba LILO en
  pantalla, y le escribes:
  Nombre de imagen de arranque linux=single
  Con esto, si no me equivoco (estoy escribiendo de memoria), arranca pero
  no carga lo que hay en /etc/init.d, al menos no todo, despues podrias
  entrar como root y editar /etc/init.d/kdm
Si tienes el disco de instalacion de la debian (sea cdrom o disquete) 
arráncalo, en vez de volver a instalar la debian selecciona teclado español 
(por si no esás acostumbrado al teclado en inglés), luego presiona alt F2 y 
tendrás una consola linux a tu disposición. monta la particion raiz de tu 
linux o donde tengas el directorio etc en el directorio mnt (pe mount -t 
ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt). colocate en el directorio del etc rc2.d (supongo que no 
has tocado nada del archivo inittab) borra el archivo S99kdm, ahora 
colocate en el directorio raiz cd / y desmonta la unidad umount /mnt y 
reinicia el ordenador.
Por lo que cuentas valdría con eso, sino creo que te he dado suficientes 
pistas para que lo hagas tu solito.

primera pulsacion en terminal gnome

2000-12-12 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

Es un poco chorrada, pero a veces estorba.

Cuando abro mutt dentro del terminal gnome desde el propio gnome desde la
barra de abajo del gnome, la primera pulsacion no me la coge, solo a
partir de la segunda.

Lo lanzo con /usr/bin/mutt y tengo marcada la opcion de lanzar desde un

Es una potato 2.2r2, con sus paquetes actualizadillos.

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Permisos de logs

2000-12-12 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 11 Dec 2000 a las 09:19PM +0100, Hue-Bond escribio:
 El lunes 11 de diciembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:07:23 +0100, Andres Seco 
 Hernandez contaba:
 ¿Y cuando lo rote con logrotate? ¿Mantendrá los permisos que he cambiado
 a mano?
  Los del archivo  no sé (debería), pero si  cambias los permisos
  del directorio, esos seguro que se  quedan como los dejaste. Si tal
  la próxima vez que añadas algo a syslog.conf, hazles un touch a los
  archivos  y cámbiañes  los permisos  antes de  que syslog  toque en
  ellos. Con eso debería bastar.

Finalmente te he hecho caso. Los toco y cambio permisos y propiedades
antes de lanzar syslog, que respeta lo que encuentra. Despues, con savelog
semanalmenet (como hace por ejemplo diald) roto los logs.

Saludos y gracias a todos.

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Eugenio Muñoz Doyague
On Mar 12 Dic 2000 17:14, JFreak wrote:
 Tengo problema con mi LILO, presiono shift (no me aparece LILO en pantalla)
 y me aparece F12 y si presiono la tecla a me aparece 1234F si presiono 1
 carga winsos (desde donde escribo ahora) y se presiono 2 carga Linux pero
 el 3 y el 4 no hacen nada, tampoco puedo escribir linux=single porque no me
 deja escribir nada si presiono F lee el diskette pero como mencionaba se
 queda leyendo y no pasa de alli. estaba leyendo algo sobre el loadlin, creo
 que puedo bootear usando la imagen que tengo en el diskette (no se como)
 pero creo que eso podria ser una solucion... espero que puedan ayudarme :)

 Angel Vicente Perez ha escrito:
  Prueba con el lilo, pulsando la tecla shift cuando escriba LILO en
  pantalla, y le escribes:
  Nombre de imagen de arranque linux=single
Es Nombre de imagen de arranque init=/bin/bash

limitar ancho de banda

2000-12-12 Thread Martínez
hola a todas y todos (y gracias por anticipado ;))...

tengo el servidor linux haciendo de gateway para una docena de equipos y 
necesito limitar el ancho de banda. Mirando en el nucleo encontré el traffic 
shaper, pero quería una segunda opinión.

Diego Martínez Castañeda
Responsable Técnico CDSAT Valnalón
Ciudad Industrial Valnalón
C/ Altos Hornos, s/n
33930 La Felguera - Langreo
Tel. +34 985 69 22 27 (ext 413)
Fax. +34 985 68 31 93
Videoconferencia +34 985 67 87 58

Re: Dynamic DNS

2000-12-12 Thread Victor Romero
El Lunes 11 Diciembre 2000 15:27, Carlos López escribió:
 A las buenas.

 ¿Sabe alguien donde puedo localizar documentacion
 sobre dynamic dns y el software necesario ???

Habia un sistema muy curioso en y otro en

Re: Emuladores WinD.O.wS.

2000-12-12 Thread Victor Romero
El Domingo 10 Diciembre 2000 23:36, Raúl Miró escribió:
 Para pretender jugar al Hercules o al Trampolin ni me
 plantearía usar Wine, vete directo al VMWare, eso si
 como dicen es de pago, pero para ver si te sirve
 tienes versiones demo con las que comprobar si
 ó el Trampolin te funcionan...

  Yo conozco dos: Wine, un emulador de Windows, y
  VMWare que emula el PC completo. No he probado
  ninguna, pero dicen que VMWare va muy bien (pero
  creo que es de pago).
   Pero claro mis hijos quieren jugar al Hercules y
   al Trampolìn juegos que corren sobre winD.OwS.
   Mi pregunta es ¿Què emuladores hay para poder
   prescindir de arrancar las herramientas
   operativas de Microsoft?.

Si tienes problemas con su licencia puedes usar el que 
q ha absorvido a Bosh esta mucho mejor... ya ejecuta casi sin problemas 


Re: Acentos en exim

2000-12-12 Thread Joaquín García-Estañ Candela
Saludos a todos y gracias a Diego Bote por su respuesta.
He solucionado el problema, creo yo, y ya el mensaje viaja con el From: con sus
acentos y eñes.
Lo he conseguido, es curioso, tras volver a poner los sostenidos # delante de
las líneas
# set allow_8bit
# set charset=iso-8859-1
tal como aparece aquí. Antes, sin ellos, no salían los acentos.
Había instalado Potato conservando los ficheros de la Slink (tengo /home en
partición aparte).
Pienso que al usar ahora el paquete user-es, no sea preciso dejar las líneas
ya dichas como comentarios. No lo sé.
Lo que no he conseguido es mandar un mensaje directamente desde la consola, sin
usar Mutt, con los acentos en From:. Seguiré intentándolo.
Joaquín García-Estañ Candela
Usuario de Linux Nº 153532

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Eugenio...

decías, el 12 de dic de 2000, a las 07:09 +0100:

 On Mar 12 Dic 2000 17:14, JFreak wrote:
  Tengo problema con mi LILO, presiono shift (no me aparece LILO en pantalla)
  y me aparece F12 y si presiono la tecla a me aparece 1234F si presiono 1
  carga winsos (desde donde escribo ahora) y se presiono 2 carga Linux pero
  el 3 y el 4 no hacen nada, tampoco puedo escribir linux=single porque no me
  deja escribir nada si presiono F lee el diskette pero como mencionaba se
  queda leyendo y no pasa de alli. estaba leyendo algo sobre el loadlin, creo
  que puedo bootear usando la imagen que tengo en el diskette (no se como)
  pero creo que eso podria ser una solucion... espero que puedan ayudarme :)
Eso de lo que hablas NO es el LILO, es el MBR... el 1234F son las particiones
marcadas como de arranque de tus dispositivos IDE0-master, IDE0-slave,
IDE1-master. IDE1-slave y floppy

Si presionas enter tendrás el lilo. Y si no, haz lo que te han comentado de
reinstalarlo desde un disquette de rescate (¿buen nombre, eh?)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ Got a light?
No match.

Description: PGP signature

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Jaume Sabater
Si haces

Es Nombre de imagen de arranque init=/bin/bash

no va a funcionar, pues te ejecutará bash con read-only. Debes poner

Nombre imagen init=/bin/bash rw

acuerdate después de hacer

umount -a

para que los cambios hechos se reflejen posteriormente

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: limitar ancho de banda

2000-12-12 Thread Jaume Teixi
Diego Martínez Castañeda wrote:

 hola a todas y todos (y gracias por anticipado ;))...

 tengo el servidor linux haciendo de gateway para una docena de equipos y 
 necesito limitar el ancho de banda. Mirando en el nucleo encontré el traffic 
 shaper, pero quería una segunda opinión.

usa el siguiente script:

no sé de ningún paquete existente..así que si tienes tiempo..


Jaume Teixi
Administrador de Sistemes
6TEMS - Ducform, SA

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Israel Gutierrez
Hash: SHA1

El mar, 12 de dic de 2000, a las 08:49:07 -0600, JFreak dijo:
 Donde tengo que quitar el kdm y poner que use el xdm?? en el
 xdm.options?? donde esta ese fichero??
apt-get remove --purge kdm; apt-get install xdm
O, en el /etc/inittab tendras una linea que hable de kdm, solo tendrias
que cambiarla.
Quiza haya alguna manera mas debianera, pero hasta ahi no llego XD.
- -- 
Desde que uso software libre, mi ropa queda mas blanca (maruja liberada). amphora at escomposlinux dot org
Llave gpg: emilio con subject Mandar clave pgp
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Debian Potato

2000-12-12 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
En el sitio de Debian estan las imagenes de los CD de la 
debian-potato-2.2-rev0 y en estan las imagenes de 
debian-potato-2.2-rev2 son iguales de confiables estas imagenes que las que 
se encuentran en el servidor de debian, pregunto por que me extraña que 
esten antes que en el servidor de debian.

Gracias por adelantado.

Re: Debian Potato

2000-12-12 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez wrote:
 En el sitio de Debian estan las imagenes de los CD de la
 debian-potato-2.2-rev0 y en estan las imagenes de
 debian-potato-2.2-rev2 son iguales de confiables estas imagenes que las que
 se encuentran en el servidor de debian, pregunto por que me extraña que
 esten antes que en el servidor de debian.
 Gracias por adelantado.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pasate por, ahi esta la imagen de debian-potato-2.2-rev2
Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Usuario Linux Registrado : 150750
Debian GNU/LINUX 2.2 Potato
Desde que no uso Micro$oft., no me duele la cabeza.

Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos:

Pues eso, que  tengo un monton de discos de vinilo y me gustaría
pasarmelos a CD con la tarjeta Soundblaster de chip Ensoniq (PCI 128)
que bajo potato r2 y helix-gnome. Lo más que he conseguido es grabar con
micrófono de estos de a duro mi voz absolutamente distorsionada.
¿Creis posible acometer tal empresa? ¿Conocéis algun progroma de edicion
de audio (open-source of course) que esté potentillo?

Un saludo a toda la lista

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata

 pasarmelos a CD con la tarjeta Soundblaster de chip Ensoniq (PCI 128)
 que bajo potato r2 y helix-gnome. Lo más que he conseguido es grabar con
 micrófono de estos de a duro mi voz absolutamente distorsionada.
 ¿Creis posible acometer tal empresa? 

Claro que es posible. Conecta la salida del reproductor de acetatos a la
entrada auxiliar de la PCI 128. Grabas la entrada como... .wav con --se me
olvido el nombre, wavtools creo, dale apt-cache search wav y te apareceran
un resto--

¿Conocéis algun progroma de edicion 
 de audio (open-source of course) que esté potentillo?
Hace 1 a#o creo salio un disco con utilidades de audio en la R
LinuxActual. Asi pues, debe de existir uno potente y con copyleft.


Re: pnp, cs4232, als100, als100+

2000-12-12 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Este, hola a todos nuevamente. Alguna sugerencia diferente a la que me
mandaron (comprar otra ens1370)

 Hola A todos,
 De nuevo con la tarjeta de sonido.
 La ens1370 ya la configure y funciona sin ningun problema, es mas, se la
 regale a un futuro linuxadicto para que no se desanimara.
 Ahora por chicanero necesito configurar ya sea una cs4232 o als100 o
 De primerazo intente como modulos del nucleo propios pero por no saber
 como meterle los parametros (io=0xXXX o io=0xXXX o io0xXXX o lo que sea),
 decidi intentar con alsa. Asi:
 le doy 
 ./configure --with-isapnp=yes
 en cualquier parte
 export ALSA_CARDS=card-cs4232
 le doy
 make-kpkg --revision=2.2.17pre6-2 kernel_image
 make-kpkg --revision=2.2.17pre6-2 modules_image
 Listo, instalo el nucleo y reinicio la PC (nucleo con soporte para sonido,
 pnp, oss)
 le doy (por aqui sospecho mi falla)
 pnpdump -rc  borrar
 isapnp borrar
 Despues de esto instalo los modulos para la cs4232 (veo la salida de
 isapnp borrar y lo meto en alsaconf)
 La tarjeta funciona mal pues si utilizo xmms no puedo parar la
 reproduccion de mp3 pues al pararla no vuelve el sonido y el raton anda,
 para, anda, para.
 Con la als100 (compilo pero esta vez con export ALSA_CARDS=card-als100) no
 funciona pues la salida del sonido es con arrastre del raton incluida. La
 tarjeta se configura automaticamente una vez inicializada con isapnp
 Ya verifique DMA, IRQ, IO y no identifico conflictos (al menos
 yo no los veo). Funcionan bien en w32.
 Eso es lo que pasa. Alguien tiene una sugerencia para resolver el


Re: Instalacion de qmail

2000-12-12 Thread Gerardo Lopez

Subject: Re: Instalacion de qmail
Date: lun, dic 11, 2000 at 08:27:08 +0100

Time to reply!

Quoting José Esteban ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Carlos Solano wrote:

  Alguien comentó hace un tiempo la forma de instalar qmail con apt bajando
  las fuentes y compilándolo. Si teneis el mensaje a mano u os acordais del
  nombre de las fuentes del paquete qmail os estaría muy agradecido.

 Que yo recuerde, no es complicado. Solo que qmail-src te prepara las 
 cosas para que ejecutes build-qmail y éste lo que hace es ensamblarte un 
 paquete ya binario que instalas normalmente.

 Yo no tuve ningún problema especial con eso. Eso sí, antes instalé 
 ucspi-tcp-src, que es necesario para qmail y que hace lo mismo: te 
 prepara las cosas para construir un paquete binario, en este caso 
 mediante el comando build-ucspi-tcp.


Tengo una duda existencial: Siempre he oído alabanzas acerca de la rapidez,
seguridad y fiabilidad de qmail. ¿Merece la pena meterse en un fregado
semejante para cambiar de MTA? (Uso ahora exim). 
Habéis hablado de su instalación y ciertamente no parece difícil. ¿Es
complicada su posterior configuración? 

  /_./\  .-.
 \ \/, / [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  \ \ /  San Valero Informáticos | gribson en

Re: Que impresora me aconsejan comprar?

2000-12-12 Thread quique
Hola Miguel:

Yo soy un sufridor y desafortunado propietario de una Epson, la verdad es que 
es una pena que
el modelo que tengo (Stylus Color 600) no sea exactamente el que tú quieres, 
pues de haberlo
sido sin dudarlo te hubiese vendido la mía.

Comprendo que si tus exigencias pasan por la fotografía y la publicidad se te 
vayan los ojos
hacia esta marca, en cualquier caso te contaré un par de detalles sobre mi 
impresora que
quizás te guste considerar antes de comprar nada.

Las epson tiene un indicador de tinta que es un fraude.  No sé que contará pero 
desde luego
la tinta NO.  Si quitas un cartucho supuestamente vacío y lo vuelves a meter,
sorprendentemente ese mismo cartucho pasa a estar lleno (obviamente esto no 
ocurriría si
midiera la tinta).  Debe hacer algo como contar las líneas de impresión y 
cuando cree que ya
ha sido suficiente pues nada, a cambiarlo, la impresora SE BLOQUEA y no te deja 
hasta que cambias el cartucho, es más, si se acaba sólo el cartucho de color la 
impresora no
te deja imprimir ni siquiera en modo blanco y negro, quedará bloqueada hasta 
que lo cambies.

Los cartuchos que supuestamente están vacíos en realidad no lo están, yo me las 
arreglé para
que piense que cambio el cartucho sin sacarlo, (pues si sacas el cartucho se 
pierde, aun
quede tinta en él, y creéme que sí queda, y bastante además) con este amaño he 
imprimir casi el doble de lo que permite el super contador de tinta (que no es 
otra cosa que
un chupa tintas).

La impresión de máxima calidad sí que es muy buena y eso, pero tarda
...zz  bastante.
La calidad de los modos de impresión inferiores son una mierda, van más 
rapiditas sí, pero el
modo normal sin ir más lejos no sirve ni para presentar un trabajo medianamente 
serio que
contenga algún que otro gráfico.

Otra cosa, reza para que no se te estropee, el precio de lo recambios es la 
pera, justo en el
límite para no forzar que tires con la impresora y compres una nueva, pero 
vamos, que muy en
el límite.  (Yo de momento he tendio suerte, pero un colega ya pasó por el 
taller y se pensó
muy mucho si arreglarla o tirar con ella.)

En cuanto a la impresión desde el Gimp que han comentado en otro mensaje ... 
quizás yo lo
tenga mal configurado pero la última y primera vez que traté de sacar una 
impresión desde el
Gimp, tras casi media hora de espera, y al ver que no llevaba ni una décima 
parte impresa (de
una A4), opté por abortar el aunto, eso sí, la parte que había salido quedó 
cojonuda, en fin
quizás dejándolo toda la noche ...

De la impresión desde fuera del Gimp no tengo queja, vamos problemas con  Linux 
por ahí no
creo que tengas.

Si a pesar de todo decides comprar una Epson (y recuerda una vez más que lo 
barato muchas
veces sale caro) considera esto.

Cartucho Oficial Epson Negro: unas 4000
Cartucho Oficial Epson Color: unas 5000

La verdad es que creo que los precios andaban por ahí, yo sólo compre los 
primeros oficiales
y ya no recuerdo bien lo que costaban, desde entonces compro los boeder (que 
van de

Negro sobre 1200
Color sobre 2000

También están los pelikan y algunos otros que cuestan más o menos eso y van muy 

Un saludo,


Pd.  Si ves que te arreglas con una Stylus Color 600 escríbeme por fuera de la 
lista y
hablamos :-)

Miguel Angel Rodríguez wrote:


 Estoy por comprar una impresora para realizar trabajos gráficos
 (fotografía, publicidad). Hasta ahora la impresión ha sido el punto
 más debil que he conocido en Linux. Por ello pregunto. aunque consulté
 el linux printing no me decido.

 Mis planes son comprar una Epson stylus photo de carro ancho 1270 o

 ¿Qué opinan los entendidos? ¿Podré sacarle toda la utilidad a una
 impresora como ésta?

 De antemano gracias.

 Miguel Ángel Rodríguez   | Hay quien arroja un vidrio roto
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]| sobre la playa, pero hay quien
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | se agacha a recogerlo.
 ICQ:91952832 |
 %%   |   J. Narosky

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread Sleeping LionHeart

Has probado a hacer lo que te dice el server?

te vas a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ y  haces 'mkfontdir' en cada directorio.

Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread J. Carlos Romero
 Ramiro == Ramiro Alba [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ramiro Hola a todos: Pues eso, que tengo un monton de discos de
Ramiro vinilo y me gustaría pasarmelos a CD con la tarjeta
Ramiro Soundblaster de chip Ensoniq (PCI 128) que bajo potato r2
Ramiro y helix-gnome. Lo más que he conseguido es grabar con
Ramiro micrófono de estos de a duro mi voz absolutamente
Ramiro distorsionada.  ¿Creis posible acometer tal empresa?
Ramiro ¿Conocéis algun progroma de edicion de audio (open-source
Ramiro of course) que esté potentillo?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# apt-get install gramofile


J. Carlos

kernel 2.4-test10 y 2.4-test12

2000-12-12 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
 Hola a Todos.
 Tengo esta dudilla.
 Si me baje el kernel 2.4-test10 y lo quiero actualizar al 2.4-test12 lo
 parcho con el patch-2.4.0-test12 ?

Libro de debian

2000-12-12 Thread Gerard
En esta disponible para bajar (aunque tambien se puede comprar)
un libro de debian
el titulo: Learning Debian GNU/Linux  y se publica con la licencia  Open
Publication License.

Supongo que se podria poner en la espiral (pero zipeado, pq es un latazo bajarlo
pagina por pagina -si,
aunque sea con el wget).



Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Prueba a instalarte el programa 'gramofile' (Viene en la Debian 2.2).

Un saludo.

# Powered by: Debian 2.2 Potato (kernel 2.2.17)

Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 09:12 p.m. 2000-12-12 +0100, Ramiro Alba wrote:
Hola a todos:

Pues eso, que  tengo un monton de discos de vinilo y me gustaría
pasarmelos a CD con la tarjeta Soundblaster de chip Ensoniq (PCI 128)
que bajo potato r2 y helix-gnome. Lo más que he conseguido es grabar con
micrófono de estos de a duro mi voz absolutamente distorsionada.
¿Creis posible acometer tal empresa? ¿Conocéis algun progroma de edicion
de audio (open-source of course) que esté potentillo?

Conecta el 'vinyl-player' a la linea de entrada de la tarjeta de sonido,
despues usa esd o alguna cosa de esas pa'grabar a wav (silencia la entrada
del microfono, es decir, silencia todas las entradas excepto la del vinyl
player), y luego zuas, lo tiras a la quemadora.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User   Linux Registered User #52657 

init se me come!!!

2000-12-12 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Estaba justamente mirando los correo de la debian-user-spanish, cuando veo
en el contador de CPU que tengo al lado del reloj que sube al máximo. CPU
y load average suben mucho..., disco rasca algo

Pienso... vaya, ya me chupan MP3 por la red... voy a mirar el ippl a ver
quien es (siempre tengo un tail -f all.log en una consolo) y coño!
segmentation fault... la última línia era de un ICQ, vuelvo a hacer el
tail y nada, un paquete ICMP del servidor.

Entonces ejecuto top esperando ver un smbd cogiendo CPU y disco y que veo?
1 root  17   0  8316 826868 R   0 84.7 17.7   4:06 init

coño! desde cuando el init se come toda la CPU y mucha memória?

Es una Debian 2.2r1 con bastantes paquetes de Woody...

He hecho un init q y nada

un lsof | grep ^init me devuelve:

pinux:~# lsof | grep ^init
init 1   root  cwdDIR3,5 4096 2 /
init 1   root  rtdDIR3,5 4096 2 /
init 1   root  txtREG3,527856164790 /sbin/init
init 1   root  memREG3,598325165001
init 1   root  memREG3,5  1074568165007
init 1   root0u  unix 0xc1bb8cc0  13957 socket
init 1   root   10u  FIFO3,5 100290

El man init es del 11 de febrero del 2000; no veo qué versión es

Alguien sabe qué puede estar pasando?

Y como hacer que init no lo haga?

Que no sea reiniciar, tengo un uptime de 7 dias XD

Más información! : si voy a una consola, cuando haga exit no me pide
login, se queda muerta (como si no hubiese getty ni nadie, pero el inittab
no se ha tocado y el getty está)



Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   No lo fuerces, consigue un martillo más grande.

Re: kernel 2.4-test10 y 2.4-test12

2000-12-12 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 05:16 p.m. 2000-12-12 -0500, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
 Hola a Todos.
 Tengo esta dudilla.
 Si me baje el kernel 2.4-test10 y lo quiero actualizar al 2.4-test12 lo
 parcho con el patch-2.4.0-test12 ?

Parchas la -test10 con la -test11 y luego con la -test12.

Hay un script (en /usr/src/linux/scripts/) que aplica todos los parches
que puedan aplicar automáticamente. Es decir, si tienes la -test10 y en
algun directorio te bajas los parches del -test11 y el -test12 (pueden
ser .gz o .bz2, no importa), el script te actualiza solito a -test12
(es más lindo verlo actualizar de la 2.2.5 a la 2.2.16 =P )

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User   Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On mar, dic 12, 2000 at 05:51:47 +, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 Conecta el 'vinyl-player' a la linea de entrada de la tarjeta de sonido,
 despues usa esd o alguna cosa de esas pa'grabar a wav (silencia la entrada
 del microfono, es decir, silencia todas las entradas excepto la del vinyl
 player), y luego zuas, lo tiras a la quemadora.

¡Cuidado!, no sólo se necesita tener estas dos cosas:
  1) Salida del plato através del amplificador al que esté conectado o
 directo a la entrada de audio de la tarjeta de sonido.
  2) Software de grabación y edición de audio (para posible mejora por
 filtros del sonido de los vinilos).

Hay una tercera muy importante:

  3) Potencial eléctrico de referencia común entre el amificador externo
 y la tarjeta de sonido, lo que se llama vulgarmente tierra común.
Si no cumples este tercer requisito grabarás si, pero con un zumbido de
fondo que, dependiendo de cuan distintos sean los potenciales de referencia
de ambos sistemas eléctricos, será en algunos casos mayor que el propio
sonido de la música de entrada. Para cumplir este requisito no tienes más
que conectar eléctricamente la tierra de ambos sistemas.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problemas con potato (ppp, kernel)

2000-12-12 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Algo parecido también me pasó a mi.

¿Porqué el bin86 (creo que era este paquete donde estaba as86) no está
incluido como dependencia de kernel-package que lo usa para compilar el

El 12 Dec 2000 a las 08:24AM +0100, Antonio Castro escribio:
 On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, egene wrote:
  es mi primer mensaje a la lista, después de haber instalado potato; es casi 
  la primera vez que me atrevo con Debian, hasta ahora he sido usuario (y no 
  experto) de las otras distribuciones, sobre todo Red Hat, Mandrake y un 
  poco SuSE;
  uso un P200, Ati Mach 64 (sin problemas), SBlaster 16 compatible y una 
  tarjeta NE2000 compatible (ambas reconocidas sin problemas) y moden externo 
  USRobotics; he instalado los módulos correspondientes con modconf (sonido, 
  puerto paralelo, red, ppp), pero me encuentro con algunos problemas 
  derivados de mi desconocimiento de Debian ( o de Linux), concretamente 
  quiero exponer estos dos:
  1. cualquier intento de conectar a Internet fracasa; con wvdial, pppconfig, 
  ppp-gnome y kppp, con mensajes de error (demonio muerto súbitamente,...); 
  he revisado /etc/ppp/options y he descomentado la línea lock pero nada; 
  no tenía problemas con RHat; ¿podéis darme una pista?; adjunto mensaje de 
  error, que no sé descifrar:
  pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
  pppd: but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to 
  do so.
  pppd: (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)
  2. no puedo recompilar el kernel; cuando llego a make bzImage, a pesar de 
  que hace todo el proceso, justo al final devuelve este mensaje de error:
  make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/arch/i386/boot'
  gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/include -E 
  -D__BIG_KERNEL__ -traditional -DSVGA_MODE=NORMAL_VGA  bootsect.S -o 
  as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
  make[1]: as86: Command not found
  make[1]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/arch/i386/boot'
  make: *** [bzImage] Error 2
  como es la primera vez que me pasa, tampoco sé cómo interpretarlo, he 
  estado revisando algunos archivos de /boot pero igualmente no me aclaro;
  ¿podéis echarme una mano?;
  gracias de antemano
 as86: Command not found
 Necesitas instalar el ensamblador ya que hay algunas cosas escritas
 en código máquina.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Un saludo
 Antonio Castro
 /\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
_|0 0|_
 |  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
 |  . . . . . . . . . . | 
 | Más de 1.000 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en *Donde_Linux*  |
 | |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel 2.4-test10 y 2.4-test12

2000-12-12 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 05:16:10PM -0500, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
  Si me baje el kernel 2.4-test10 y lo quiero actualizar al 2.4-test12 lo
  parcho con el patch-2.4.0-test12 ?

También necesitas el parche del test11. Primero aplicas el 11, luego el 12.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Grabacion de discos de vinilo

2000-12-12 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 01:11:46AM +0100, Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez escribe:
 On mar, dic 12, 2000 at 05:51:47 +, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
  Conecta el 'vinyl-player' a la linea de entrada de la tarjeta de sonido,
  despues usa esd o alguna cosa de esas pa'grabar a wav (silencia la entrada
  del microfono, es decir, silencia todas las entradas excepto la del vinyl
  player), y luego zuas, lo tiras a la quemadora.
 ¡Cuidado!, no sólo se necesita tener estas dos cosas:
   1) Salida del plato através del amplificador al que esté conectado o
  directo a la entrada de audio de la tarjeta de sonido.

Directo del plato sólo si es de los modelos que tienen un previo de plato
incorporado, es decir, si ya han preamplificado y ecualizado la señal de la
cápsula (son raros y suelen ser malillos). La salida directa de la cápsula
no es adecuada para atacar una entrada de línea. Los vinilos están grabados
con ecualización para mejorar su birriosa relación señal-ruido, y para que
el tono sea el correcto hay que contra-ecualizar, que es lo que hace el
previo, además de amplificar. Lo mejor es usar el plato en la entrada
correspondiente del ampli, y conectar a la tarjeta desde la salida de

   2) Software de grabación y edición de audio (para posible mejora por
  filtros del sonido de los vinilos).

Hombre, sobre esto hay opiniones, pero si el disco no está muy mal, el mejor
filtro anti ruido es limpiar bien el disco antes de grabarlo. Y si queda
algo de fritanga... bueno, si la música suena bien uno se termina olvidando.
En general los filtros anti-ruido se cargan el ruido... y todo lo demás.
 Hay una tercera muy importante:
   3) Potencial eléctrico de referencia común entre el amificador externo
  y la tarjeta de sonido, lo que se llama vulgarmente tierra común.

Con la salida de grabación bien conectada no debería haber problema, es
decir, el problema deben resolverlo entre el plato y el ampli, pero nunca
está de más.
En fin, mis dos pesetillas...
Roberto Ripio

Re: (Urgente) Booteo Con Floppy

2000-12-12 Thread JFreak
No podia usar el Cd de instalacion por que mi bios no puede bootear
desde el Cd-Rom y el
problema era que no podia bootear tampoco desde el floppy con una imagen
del disco para
instalar, como mencione use la aplicacion loadlin para bootear con la
imagen del floppy pero
se trabo luego volvi a reiniciar la pc y por alguna razon (suerte podria
ser...) logre bootear
con el floppy, como dijiste monte la particion donde instale linux y
quite el kdm que estaba
en /etc/init.d/ para que usara el xdm con esto logre solucionar el
problema que tenia para
entrar, pero ahora no puedo cargar las X debido a un problema que tengo
con las fonts, a
continuacion les mando la salida que me da el startx. que puedo hacer
para arreglar el problema, vuelvo a configurar las X con el xf86config??
o tengo que hacer algo mas ??

Ejecute la aplicacion mkfontdir como suguiere en el mensaje de error pero no 
obtuve ningun

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 15 1998
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF]
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NV1, STG2000, RIVA128, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i,
  ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a,
  ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000,
  et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31,
  gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx,
  tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i,
  tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi,
  tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682,
  tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520,
  3dimage975, 3dimage985, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426,
  clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446,
  clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225,
  clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, ncr77c22,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, oti067,
  oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308,
  cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv,
  ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_virge,
  s3_svga, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545,
  ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct64200,
  ct64300, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: xfree86(us) (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/psaux, buttons: 3
(**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: SiS SG86C201
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: My Monitor
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs vert refresh rate of 86.96 Hz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 640x400 needs vert refresh rate of 85.08 Hz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 640x480 needs vert refresh rate of 75.00 Hz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 640x400 needs hsync freq of 43.27 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 43.92 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 48.36 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 640x480 needs hsync freq of 53.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 53.51 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 55.84 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 51.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 64.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 62.42 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 70.24 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 70.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 74.59 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 76.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 80.21 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 89.62 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync 


2000-12-12 Thread Patrik Olesen
Hur gör man för att installera svenskt tangentbord?

/ Patrik

Re: ipmask firewall manual

2000-12-12 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 11:05:07AM -0800, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
 I need some real help sorting out packet rules, ipmasking and firewalling.
 I would like to find a manual that will break packets down to the basics and
 help the student learn the most basics then bring them up to date with current
 operations for masq and firewall. I have the howto's and man pages here, but
 these are beyond my understanding - too much is assumed that the read should
 already konw - yet this reader doesn't :|
 Second - with help, I was able to get ipmasking and firewall up, but 2 
 programs I like to use don't work past the firewall - they are speakfreely
 and gphone. I have these lines in my file now:
 # Lines added for SpeakFreely v6.1b
 ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 2074 2075 -c udp 2075
 I found them on a web search but they are for the 2.0.36 kernel not 2.2.17 and
 aren't working for me here. Help greatly appreciated.

a point of distinction -- it's not MASK, it's MASQUERADE, or
MASQ for short. packet A gets munged at the firewall/router
so that it MASQUERADES as if it were actually packet B;
the reply then gets re-munged back from B-reply into A-reply,

as for the newbie approach to ip-masquerading on debian,
i'd make sure to install the ipmasq package:

apt-get install ipmasq

and much of your headaches and sweat will go away.

there's also much code to look at there, too. makes
for better learning, to see code examples, i think.

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
--William Glasser 


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

RE: Window Maker

2000-12-12 Thread Marc Wilson
And it brings you the sunken window session autosave sig11 bug that hasn't
been caught yet.  See bug #78089.

If you're going to do it, pull sources and build it under Potato.  The Woody
package has dependencies on XF4 and libc6 that you can't satisfy without
doing things to your system you probably don't want.

Marc Wilson

 -Original Message-
From:   Defresne Sylvain [mailto:errorBad]  On
Behalf Of Defresne Sylvain
Sent:   Monday, December 11, 2000 11:44 AM
Cc: Ken Weingold
Subject:Re: Window Maker


* Ken Weingold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I noticed that the latest is 0.62.1, but the latest stable package is
 0.61.1.  Anyone have any problems in the 'unstable' 0.62.1 package?

Works fine for me, except I can't get the name of the virtual
desktop to show (and fade) when switching of desktop...

It also fixes so problems (like the segmentation fault caused by
the color selector of ...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

SCREENSHOT - what software/method to use

2000-12-12 Thread Osamu Aoki
I am looking for screenshot program/method for X in debian 
potato distribution.  Just give me a pointer where I can find 
how to do it.

Please indicate that method/program is usable in 24 bit per pixel mode.

Asking this silly simple questin make me blush since I see so many screen
shots on the web.

Thanks in advance,

+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+   Fingerprint: 814E BD64 3288 40E7 E88E  3D92 C3F8 EA94 D5DE 453D   +
+   === === Cupertino, CA USA ===   +

Re: SCREENSHOT - what software/method to use

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
try gimp


On Mon 11 Dec 00, 11:05 PM, Osamu Aoki said...
 I am looking for screenshot program/method for X in debian 
 potato distribution.  Just give me a pointer where I can find 
 how to do it.
 Please indicate that method/program is usable in 24 bit per pixel mode.
 Asking this silly simple questin make me blush since I see so many screen
 shots on the web.

Description: PGP signature

Re: SCREENSHOT - what software/method to use

2000-12-12 Thread Harry Henry Gebel
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 11:05:03PM -0800, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 I am looking for screenshot program/method for X in debian 
 potato distribution.  Just give me a pointer where I can find 
 how to do it.
 Please indicate that method/program is usable in 24 bit per pixel mode.
 Asking this silly simple questin make me blush since I see so many screen
 shots on the web.

If you are using Gnome, you have one available called ScreenShooter which
is in Applets/Utility . If you have the Gimp on your system, you can use
File/Acquire/Screenshot .

Harry Henry Gebel, ICQ# 76308382
West Dover Hundred, Delaware

Re: Window Maker

2000-12-12 Thread Ken Weingold
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000, Marc Wilson wrote:
 And it brings you the sunken window session autosave sig11 bug that hasn't
 been caught yet.  See bug #78089.
 If you're going to do it, pull sources and build it under Potato.  The Woody
 package has dependencies on XF4 and libc6 that you can't satisfy without
 doing things to your system you probably don't want.

Wow, I uninstalled .62 and installed .61 and the color problem is
solved.  Still grainy, though.  And the sides chopped.  And the
keyboard messed up.  See other message. :)

Thanks, Marc.


Re: Spam admin autoresponder (was Re: mutt question)

2000-12-12 Thread Daniel Stenberg
On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 wrote:

[ clarification; I am the author of ]

 I've been looking at both Ricochet and over the past week, here's
 my evaluation.  Corrections and/or comments welcomed.


   - is more elegantly put together and more usefully commented.
 Use of command-line options is closer to GNU/Linux standards than
 ricochet.  These differences make me more inclined to work with than ricochet if I want to modify a script. also
 appears to be in current development, while ricochet's been static
 for over a year.  On the other hand, ricochet appears to do more of
 the right things.  And I really don't know Perl that well, but we
 can get over this.

I would like to point out a few facts about and why it behaves as it
does: I felt an itch and I scratched it. I never planned or intended to write
the perfect spam complainer. I do encourage everyone interested in seeing
changes to subscribe to the mailing list, post patches and discuss new ideas.

Any programmer can learn perl fairly swiftly, it could even be a good
opportunity to get to know it!

   - Both systems appear to allow specifying of specific additional
 addresses to send the spam message to.  In ricochet, the complaint
 letter includes headers, it's trivial to add specified addresses to
 these for receipt or cc.

Adding headers to that file, or have the custom headers in a separate file
would be dead-easy to add.

   - Interactive mode for both programs needs help.

Yeah, was supposed to get one but it doesn't currently work.

   - ricochet has a cooler name.  On a serious note, really ought
 to be called something like spamresponse, spamtattler, or
 something indicative of its use as a spam _retaliation_ tool.

I couldn't agree more. But I'm a poor sod with a total lack of imagination!

   - Ability to run the scripts against an 'mbox'-style mail file or to
 pipe through a set of tagged messages from mutt.  Currently both
 tools only accept a single email as input.  The ability to batch and
 background mass responses would be helpful, particularly if more
 intensive research mechanisms such as whois and traceroute lookups
 are used.

I can't see this being very tricky to add.

As a conclusion:

 Yes, is actively being developed. It does however fill my needs
pretty good, so I haven't felt much need to add features. Unfortunately, not
many other people have contributed with new features either and thus not many
new things have been added recently.

 Obviously, you have a lot of good ideas of what a program like this should
contain. You, and other interested people, are warmly welcome to join the development and turn it into that perfect tool it could become. Yes,
I'll be happy to change the name!

  Daniel Stenberg - - +46-705-44 31 77
   ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol

Re: Re: Further to CDROM prob.'s

2000-12-12 Thread Yobb
Further to the dialog below I have investigated all the answers that I
have recieved and found that all are right (great, thanks) except the
answer below!  I am not sure I fully understand this one. 

(gtcd (for X) and cdcd (tty) both use ioclt calls that my kernel/cdrom
like (not sure if it is kernel or cdrom that is creating the error, this
might require a philosphical answer?))

Anyway in reference to Bill's comments below please offer further help. 
Is the kernel option that is being referenced a compile time (.config)
option or is it a boot time option that I would pass the kernel via
lilo? I have gone through the kernel compile configuration using make
config, and make xconfig and can not find the option mentioned.


On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 12:34:03PM -0700 or thereabouts, Yobb wrote:
 Further to my Tue, 28 Nov 2000 11:34:49 -0700 email regarding my CDROM
 problems the full error message that cdplay outputs is as follows:

 hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hdc: packet command error: error=0x54

There is a kernel option to correct the above error:

Use multi-mode by default
  If you get this error, try to say Y here:

  hda: set_multmode: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
  hda: set_multmode: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

  If in doubt, say N.

This can be be turned on, but I don't believe it is in the default kernel.

You could recompile to correct it I believe.  As for the rest they may be 
solely a result of the above problem.

 ATAPI device hdc:
Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Invalid command operation code -- (asc=0x20, ascq=0x00)
The failed Play Audio TrackIndex packet command was:
 48 00 00 00 01 01 00 0c 63 00 00 00
 hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hdc: packet command error: error=0x54
 ATAPI device hdc:
Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Invalid command operation code -- (asc=0x20, ascq=0x00)
The failed Play Audio TrackIndex packet command was:
 48 00 00 00 01 01 00 0c 63 00 00 00
 cplay: ioctl cdromplaytrkind
 fun thing is that under X in an rxvt term I only get the error message
 cdplay: ioctl cdrompalytrkind
 Any help appreciated.


Re: SCREENSHOT - what software/method to use

2000-12-12 Thread kmself
on Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 11:05:03PM -0800, Osamu Aoki ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I am looking for screenshot program/method for X in debian 
 potato distribution.  Just give me a pointer where I can find 
 how to do it.

Various methods -- there's more than one way to skin a cat.

My preferred MO is 'import', part of the imagemagick package.  I usually
import the image into 'xv' for some color and brightness adjustment or

My own results are visible at

I've been meaning to add a colophon explaining methods to this page.

Other options:

  - xv allows imports of single or multiple windows.

  - gimp allows screenshotting, also the *best* way to touch up a
complex shot.

  - xwd (X window dump) is the old-fashioned method.  It's slow and the
output needs to be converted to a usable format.  Not recommended.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: where's postgres-perl?

2000-12-12 Thread will trillich
Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 01:56:54AM -0600, will trillich wrote:
  kinda like mod_perl is encased within the apache http server?
  boy have you got MY attention. if you ever find any info on
  this, please let the rest of us know so we can juice up our
  databases! boy would this be cool...!!
 got a grip on the mantainer of that package... they had perl-shared libs
 problems, so they took the package out of debian, but it should come
 back soon
 but right now my box is down anyway. apache+php4+newest glibc make a
 breakdown :(
 And as they said in the bugtracking, downgrading to older glibc i
 have not the faintest idea on how to achieve this, and if it will not
 break more...

any updates on this? anybody know of the status of


Re: permission problems

2000-12-12 Thread kmself
on Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 04:52:20AM +0700, Umum Wijoyo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 After I do an upgrade, I always experience users being able to do a
 wall (quite annoying!), and other programs there not supposed to. 
 Why is this? How come the permissions get screwed up? How can I
 handle/prevent this? Should I check every program/binary and do a chmod

Users can typically 'wall', but you should be able to block all but root
from displaying to your sessions with the command 'mesg n'.

...or am I missing something?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: GnuPG can't Check signature msg?

2000-12-12 Thread Jonathan Gift
Thanks for taking the time on this answer. I've read it. Understood 90
pers cent, and have it on file to study further:)

 correct, and with all the accuracy of the sender's clock.


 The public key, as the name implies, is often available to anyone
 through the public keyservers: GNU PG is smart enough to query these if
 you tell it to: just add something like:
 to your .gnupg/options file.

I just did and dialed up and the header msg changed to checking and then
bad url? That the only address?

My question then, I guess is, since I read mail offline, is to have that
option, when correct turned off.

But back to the second problem, do I have to live with the ocasional
msg then on not finding the public key?



Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-

Re: cd-burning

2000-12-12 Thread Robert Waldner
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:42:27 +0100, Michael Sauer writes:
 Does anybody know about a program which can overburn a normal cdr? It's 
 usefull for burning audio-cds. I have encountered some problems with xcdroas
t and 700MB cds. The 650s never caused troubles. 

Just use cdrecord. It also does not overburn cd's by default, but it is a
command line switch.

which one? a quick glane at cdrecord -h and in the manpage reveals 
nothing for me (but, yesterday was corporate xmas-party and I´m still 
recovering ;-) ).

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: downloading Debian

2000-12-12 Thread kmself
on Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 06:35:09PM -0800, Xucaen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 --- wrote:
  However, in general, you're far better off grabbing the minimal
  images necessary to do a local installation and complete your
  installation off the Internet with apt-get.
 this sounds like fun.  :-) I've been contemplating my options and I
 think installing from the base disk sets would be good. it would at
 least give me a better understanding of and more control over what is
 actually being installed. (as opposed to installing _everything_)

Essentially, yes.  Check the latest docs on how to do a network
installation.  I believe you need to download about 2-3 floppies worth
of boot disk, and a ~15 MB (30MB installed) base root filesystem image.

Everything else installed via apt-get.  I've set up about a half-dozen
system this way over the past year and a half or so.

 Is the apt-get difficult to set up? 

Nope.  Just set up /etc/apt/sources.list.  The following should get you

# apt package archives
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable/non-US main contrib 

 also, does it have a way of picking up where it left off in the event
 of a lost carrier? (33.6 and still modulating!)

Automajickally part of the whole schmeil.  That's the great thing.

Well.  If you lose carrier (not too long), you'll reconnect.  If you
need to restart an apt-get dist-upgrade, it will automatically pick up
on the packages it had in process.

My recommendation is to do a ***MINIMAL*** installation first, then to
add functionality to your system slowly.  Give yourself a day or two to
get basic functionality up and running, a week for a core system, and a
couple of months before you consider things largely stable.  My
experience was that I had a *much* deeper understanding of my system
this way.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Genica (was: Re: MP3 players)

2000-12-12 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Dec 11 2000, Ken Weingold wrote:
 Not sure now much it is, but I have something great made by Genica.
 It looks like a discman, but plays audio CDs as well as CDR/CDRW's
 with MP3's, so your limit is 650 megs.  Great search features, too.
 And here's the kicker: it's $100.  50 second anti-shock - and it

Wow, I'd love to get one of those toys, but I still have some
questions which I'd be very grateful if you could answer:

1 - How does it deal with directories? Does it have any
navigation mode? And how about files that have very long
names (I'm thinking of burning CDs with Linux, of course,
making the ISOs with mkisofs);
2 - Does it play Variable Bit Rate MP3s?
3 - What happens if it is told to play a file that is not an
MP3 (say, a .txt file that ended being included on my

Thanks in advance, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Printing with TrueType fonts ?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold

How do I make eg. StarOffice print using the truetype fonts selected?
After all it's little use seeing them on screen, but not be able to
print out, what you did.


Re: OT: regular expression question

2000-12-12 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Dec 11 2000, Hubert Chan wrote:
 Um, I never said that they were the same thing.  In fact, I
 specifically said that they different.  If you read my post again
 (in fact, the very part that you quoted), you will see that I said
 that which rule you add depends on whether or not you count the
 empty string as a palindrome.

You are, of course, right (I didn't read your post with due
attention). :-(

Sorry for being stupid, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Network printing

2000-12-12 Thread Florian Kessler
Am 11.12.2000 14:49 Uhr schrieb Eileen Orbell unter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped me with my sound card worries, I
 finally have it all working nicely including Audio CD's working.  I have
 had problems with sound for quite a long time so I am pretty damm
 happy.  Anway's, another problem I have had for some time is the inability
 to print.  I have a HP720 hooked to my Windows 2000 box and would really
 like to print from Debian to it.  I also have a NT box which uses the
 printer.  Is it possible that I could print to the network printer?
 My Debian machine goes straight into a Hub which has cable modem going into
 it also and my Windows 2000 and NT machine go into a Linksys router which
 also accesses the cable modem.  The main reason I do not use the router for
 the Debian box is because I have a static IP for hosting my website and a
 domain name that is resolved to the IP.  Not sure if I said to much here
 but thought it might decide if I could or could not network print.
 Eileen Orbell

Hi Eileen,

if you can ping your box where your printer is connected to, you can print
over your net.
At first you have to share your printer to your network on the windows
At second (from

The second way is through the Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB)
protocol. Support for this protocol is provided with the free SAMBA software
package. You can download SAMBA from:

To configure CUPS for SAMBA, run the following command:

ln -s `which smbspool` /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb ENTER

to install your printer an the debian side:


That´s it,

Root access

2000-12-12 Thread Erik van der Meulen
This should be obvious, but I have not been able to find it myself...

I would like to access my system (all local) as root directly. Now I
telnet as ordinary user and su to root for maintanance. I know this is
considered 'bad practice', but I would like to be able to do this

Thanks a lot!

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Root access

2000-12-12 Thread kmself
on Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 09:32:58AM +0100, Erik van der Meulen ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 This should be obvious, but I have not been able to find it myself...
 I would like to access my system (all local) as root directly. Now I
 telnet as ordinary user and su to root for maintanance. I know this is
 considered 'bad practice', but I would like to be able to do this


Certainly not through telnet.  I'd ***STRONGLY*** suggest you remove
the telnet daemon from your system.

Install ssh.  root access is denied by default, but it's safer than
telnet.  Better yet, use sudo.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Root access

2000-12-12 Thread Sebastiaan

it is a bad habit to acces your system as root via telnet, but if you
really want to:
add a line like this to /etc/securetty:

These are the terminals which allows root login, so this will enable root
login on two connections.

Better use ssh and Putty if you are working from a windoze machine. It is
more flexible too.

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Erik van der Meulen wrote:

 This should be obvious, but I have not been able to find it myself...
 I would like to access my system (all local) as root directly. Now I
 telnet as ordinary user and su to root for maintanance. I know this is
 considered 'bad practice', but I would like to be able to do this
 Thanks a lot!
   Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-12 Thread romain lerallut
Hello debian-users !

I have a problem using a es1371 sound card (it's really a SB128 PCI).
In a nutshell: the system can't talk to the card...

I am using woody and a kernel 2.2.17

Here's what I did:

recompiling the kernel (sound support: module , es1371: module )
 es1371.o and soundcore.o are in /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc,  OK


I see something flashing about a char-major-14 but It's too fast.
 adding a alias char-major-14 es1371 to the /etc/modutils/aliases
 seems to have fixed it. At least I don't get that error anymore. 
(I got this in reading Documentation/sound/Introduction in the kernel source 

the es1371 driver gets loaded, no complaint
es1371:  es1371 card found rev8, io=0xe000 , IRQ=11   and so on.
the card is in /proc/pci 

lsmod shows:
es1371  0   unused
soundcore  4  [es1371]

It seems fine until  now.(at least to me)

- there's nothing in /dev/sndstat  (the file exists but cat /dev/sndstat say 
no such device)
- there's no /proc/sound file
- if I try to use the sound card the whole system freezes.( I experience it 
mostly with 
xmms1.2.3 )

I'd REALLY appreciate someone who uses an es1371 to tell me exactly what I'm 
missing (option something or other).
I've already  RTFMed  /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/es1371 , but there's
scarcely any info in there.


PS: i've this sndconfig lurking around, is it useful ?

Check out the Orange Cat! 
Get your free customized E-mail from !


2000-12-12 Thread Dominic Blythe
Quake2 .deb appears at some international debian sites eg when i run an altavista search, but is not found. the package
search on doesn't find it either - where's it gone?

Dominic Blythe  
BCP Ltd 

BCP House, 151 Charles St, Stockport, SK1 3JY  UK
t: 0161 355 3000 f: 0161 355 3001   
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice   

* BCP Technical Services have checked this email for viruses *
Tel:(0161)355-3000 / Fax:(0161)355-3001 / 

If you have received this message in error, please forward the entire 
document to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and accept our sincere apologies. 

postfix: local mail goes to relayhost!

2000-12-12 Thread Erik Steffl
  it looks like the local mail goes via relay host, here's my settings
(I think that's the relevant part of

myorigin =
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
program_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
mydestinations = jojda, localhost,
relayhost =
mynetworks =
mailbox_command = procmail
recipient_delimiter = +

  here's what happens if user erik sends email to root:

Dec  9 20:35:59 jojda postfix/pickup[6950]: 7C40B1D663: uid=1000
Dec  9 20:35:59 jojda postfix/cleanup[7004]: 7C40B1D663:
message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dec  9 20:35:59 jojda postfix/qmgr[6951]: 7C40B1D663:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=297, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec  9 20:36:03 jojda postfix/smtp[7006]: 7C40B1D663:
delay=5, status=sent (250 UAA27395 Message accepted for delivery)

  the root of course does not get the message. how to make it NOT go
through the relay for the mydestination domains/hosts?



Re: list codes?

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Johnson
Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 wtf is included in the bsdgames package. Another useful tool is  dict,
 which with its various databases, particularly dict-jargon, will also
 do this, plus it gives general dictionary information as well.

You might also want to check out dict-foldoc package.  I find it is
often better than dict-jargon.


user not authorized to run X, strange variant

2000-12-12 Thread Erik Steffl
  after recent update/upgrade the xdm does not start X and here's the

X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
xdm error (pid 462): server unexpectedly died
xdm error (pid 462): Server for display :0 can't be started, session

  however, /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config is:


and indeed, user on console (non-root) can start X server, but xdm
cannot (probably because it's daemon, not a user logged in on the

  bw where are the docs for Xwrapper.config? there is no man page and
dpkg does not even find which package it belongs to:

jojda:/home/erik# dpkg -S Xwrapper.config
dpkg: *Xwrapper.config* not found.

  does it mean that the name is wrong?



Re: es1371

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold
romain lerallut wrote:
 Hello debian-users !
 I have a problem using a es1371 sound card (it's really a SB128 PCI).
 In a nutshell: the system can't talk to the card...
 I am using woody and a kernel 2.2.17
 Here's what I did:
 recompiling the kernel (sound support: module , es1371: module )
  es1371.o and soundcore.o are in /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc,  OK
 I see something flashing about a char-major-14 but It's too fast.
  adding a alias char-major-14 es1371 to the /etc/modutils/aliases
  seems to have fixed it. At least I don't get that error anymore.
 (I got this in reading Documentation/sound/Introduction in the kernel source 
 the es1371 driver gets loaded, no complaint
 es1371:  es1371 card found rev8, io=0xe000 , IRQ=11   and so on.
 the card is in /proc/pci
 lsmod shows:
 es1371  0   unused
 soundcore  4  [es1371]
 It seems fine until  now.(at least to me)
 - there's nothing in /dev/sndstat  (the file exists but cat /dev/sndstat 
 say no such device)
 - there's no /proc/sound file
 - if I try to use the sound card the whole system freezes.( I experience it 
 mostly with
 xmms1.2.3 )
 I'd REALLY appreciate someone who uses an es1371 to tell me exactly what I'm
 missing (option something or other).
 I've already  RTFMed  /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/es1371 , but there's
 scarcely any info in there.
 PS: i've this sndconfig lurking around, is it useful ?
I have a SB128 working. However I compiled the es1371 into the kernel,
since I had problems with it as a module (don't remember what was the
reason, if I ever found it). Even that way it did not work initially. I
later found out, that my BIOS settings were at fault, since PnP was
enabled and that way the kernel did not see the SB. Now it's working.
You might also try the es1370 driver, since The SB128 can supposedly
also contain that chip.

BTW. You can look at the output during boot with dmsg


installing aviplay

2000-12-12 Thread Robert Waldner


I´m trying to get aviplay (from uprunning, but 
ran into the following problem:

checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes.
 Please check your installation and add the correct paths!

Now I´ve looked for X-paths in and added what I thought 


but the problem persists.

Any hint/FMs to read? I couldn´t find anything useful on the homepage 
or in the readme´s of aviplay...

/  Ing. Robert Waldner  | Network Engineer | T: +43 1 89933  F: x533 \ 
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] |KPNQwest/AT   | Diefenbachg. 35, A-1150 / 

Re: installing aviplay

2000-12-12 Thread Christoph Simon
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:54:56 +0100
Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I´m trying to get aviplay (from uprunning, but 
 ran into the following problem:
 checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes.
  Please check your installation and add the correct paths!
 Now I´ve looked for X-paths in and added what I thought 
 but the problem persists.
 Any hint/FMs to read? I couldn´t find anything useful on the homepage 
 or in the readme´s of aviplay...

./configure include --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include 

but it should work also without it. Check the log files created by
configure to find out what went wrong.


Christoph Simon

HELP: postix does not relay local senders.....

2000-12-12 Thread Bruno Boettcher

for some strange reason qmail stopped accepting messages from outer
world, and i found no way to get it work again

so i switched to postfix. now most users are on the machine, but i
have some windows users that use the machine as a relay

Now each time they send a mail i get the following:
Dec 12 11:42:09 erm1 postfix/smtpd[706]: connect from[130.79.
Dec 12 11:42:09 erm1 postfix/smtpd[706]: 405AF5F05:[13]
Dec 12 11:42:09 erm1 postfix/smtpd[706]: reject: RCPT from[13]: 554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Recipient address rejected: Re
lay access denied; from=[EMAIL PROTECTED] to=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dec 12 11:42:14 erm1 postfix/smtpd[706]: disconnect from[130.

 looked into postfix FAQ and found i had to validate some stuff... so i
 added :
 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/client_access
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access

this failed since it expected to find some .db files now remembering
the old sendmail days i tryed a 
makemap hash /etc/postfix/client_access.db /etc/postfix/client_access

just to notice, that the makemap command isn't there anymore.

looking at what postfix supports i found a line with regexp so can i set
up a file with some regexp?
i simply want to allow all computers between to be able
to use the server as relay.

any ideas?

ciao bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing

Re: where's postgres-perl?

2000-12-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
will trillich wrote:
  Bruno Boettcher wrote:
   got a grip on the mantainer of that package... they had perl-shared libs
   problems, so they took the package out of debian, but it should come
   back soon

  any updates on this? anybody know of the status of
  perl-within-postgres? is available within postgresql 7.0.3-2 (it really ought to be in
libpgperl, but that will be fixed in the next release)

libpgperl contains the perl Pg module.

The standard packages are for woody; Tollef Fog Heen has produced some for

| has potato packages - aptable as 
| deb potato main

(this site also has packages for PPC architecture).

Isle of Wight
PGP: 1024R/32B8FAA1: 97 EA 1D 47 72 3F 28 47  6B 7E 39 CC 56 E4 C1 47
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your 
  heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. 
  Psalms 31:24 

Re: MP3 players

2000-12-12 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
brian moore wrote:

 The Pjbox does.  Works great.  You can get one from thinkgeek: they're a

Yes, the pjbox is nice.  Unfortunately ThinkGeek won't ship outside the
US.  And with the current rate Euro/Dollar it costs a fortune, too.


Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh woes!?...

2000-12-12 Thread Max Lock
Philipp Schulte wrote:

 root is not able to login from a remote host by default.
 You can change this in /etc/pam.d/login

 thanks Phil, I don't think I made myself clear, I perform scp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dir/file . when logged in as root, and it fails. When I'm
logged in as a plain ol user it works. I'm ssh'ing as a user not root.

 -Cheers Max.

Max Lock, Linux Systems Administrator, TELE2 uk. http://3558031516

Linux like wigwam. No windows, no gates, Apache inside.

Lexmark Color Jetprinter 1000 and Debian! Possible?

2000-12-12 Thread TimeBoy
Hi, how can i use my Lexmark Color Jetprinter with Debian Linux?

Voodoo 3000 3d acceleration -- look ma, no non-debian-packaged files.

2000-12-12 Thread Gryn

  I'm reading all the documentation I can find, and I'm trying to setup my
machine to use 3d acceleration with my voodoo 3000.  I'd prefer to use only
use debian packages, so my question isn't exactly -how- to do this, but rather
if it's possible! :)

  I've spent about 10 hours reading and experimenting (and luckly not breaking
anything a ctrl-alt-del couldn't fix), and I've had little luck.  The best
I've been able to do is to get the OSMESA library to kick in.  (that is,
software rendering).  Which is annoying, since that's what I started off with
:) .

  Is there a place for debian users to read up on these sorts of specific
issues or is this list actually the appropriate place to ask?

  So, now as I go to sleep I'm asking if you can use Debian packages only and
get hardware acceleration to work.  (p.s. I'm 99% sure I've got the config
files for X windows correct, it seems that it's getting the correct libraries
or something similar to kick in that is my problem).

  Thanks in advance for any help pointers or suggestions.  Hmmm maybe I should
refrain from these sorts of sessions when I have english finals the next
day...  na.


Re: ssh woes!?...

2000-12-12 Thread Bud Rogers
On Tuesday 12 December 2000 04:27, Max Lock wrote:
 Philipp Schulte wrote:
  root is not able to login from a remote host by default.
  You can change this in /etc/pam.d/login

  thanks Phil, I don't think I made myself clear, I perform scp
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dir/file . when logged in as root, and it fails. When
 I'm logged in as a plain ol user it works. I'm ssh'ing as a user not

Check the setting of PermitRootLogin in sshd_config on the target host?

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: SCSI Tape Drive on a HP NetServer E60

2000-12-12 Thread Volker Wysk
On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 04:12:08 Patrick Cheong Shu Yang wrote:

 I have just installed Linux onto a HP NetServer E60 which uses the Adaptec 
 AIC7XXX. I am attempting to restore users data into /export/home from a 
 tape but have been unable to. I have used the mt command to determine 
 the status of the drive (/dev/st0, /dev/rst0 and nrst0) but to no avail. 
 It keeps telling me the device is not present. When I do a ls -l /dev/*st*
 , I can see the devices. Can someone please help me? If more info is need 
 mail me so that I can provide more details. Thx. 

Have you installed the SCSI tape support kernel module (or compiled it 
into the kernel)? Do other SCSI devices work?


Re: compiling mpg123 with esd support

2000-12-12 Thread Damon Muller
Hi Hubert,

Thanks for your reply.

Quoth Hubert Chan, 
 Did you get the tarball from the mpg123 site, or did you get it from
 Debian?  Getting it from Debian is probably the best.  Make sure your
 sources.list has a correct deb-src line (mine has deb-src woody main contrib non-free), and do
 apt-get source mpg123 (you can do this as a regular user).  It will
 download the relevant source files, and unpack into a subdirectory of
 the current directory.  You can even download the Woody source to
 install on your Potato system.  Install the debhelper package too.
 Then, cd into the source directory, and run fakeroot debian/rules
 binary It will create a bunch of deb files in the parent directory of
 the source directory.  Then use dpkg to install them.  If you want to
 change anything, edit the debian/rules file (it's a makefile made

That worked fine. Once I had fulfilled the build depenencies (needed to
get some alsa libs, so it could compile the alsa version, even though I
wanted to use it), it compiled into a deb without a problem.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Compiling stuff

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

I've just put my brave hat on and compiled my kernel for the first
time. Thanks to Robert Guthrie and his tip to use kernel-package,
and KMDWAF, everything just worked first try!

I do have a couple of questions, though.

1) There were many warnings during the compile, although no errors
that I noticed (bit difficult to be sure, as they flash by so
quickly). Is this normal, or should I be analysing this (this is
2.2.17 from the source on the 2.2r0 CD BTW).

2) I've noticed that my machine boots faster, and some things run
quite a lot faster than before. This I would kind of expect, as I
selected the Pentium II option in xconfig. This got me thinking,
maybe there are other packages that would benifit from being
recompiled. Advice in this area would be most welcome.

3) Everything seems to work OK, but there could still conceivably
be some nasty problems lurking around waiting to be discovered.
Any tips as how I would look for these (or am I just being too

This last is interesting especially, as if all is well I plan to
go for the 2.2.18 patch to try and talk to my Rio 500 via USB as
a next stage, and I want to be sure I'm on the right track before
I start.

  // \\
 /(   )\

Official support.

2000-12-12 Thread Pablo . Rodriguez

 first of all sorry for my very bad english.

 My name is Pablo Rodríguez and I´m the network administrator of a
spanish company.

 My company is very interesting to install linux for secure porpuse.

 We will like to install firewall under linux and any kind of software
for security.

 My question is if you would do any kind of support for us like
formation or someone to contac if we have problems etc..

 Best regards

 Pablo Rodriguez.

Re: ssh woes!?...

2000-12-12 Thread Alson van der Meulen
On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 04:49:56PM +, Max Lock wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I've got a weird ssh problem. I'm running 2.2r0 and when I ssh as root
 to another 2.2r0 system, I get as far as debug: Allocated local port 607
 with the -v option, and it then hangs and timesout?
  But the kicker is if I ssh as a non-root user, it works!? I've copied
 the known_hosts file etc and set it's perms, but with no luck.
  Anyone got any ideas or hit this one before? no answers on Deja.
does it use a privileged port? try the -P switch of ssh, and the
UsePrivilegedPort option in ssh_config

possibly some firewall blocks 1024 stuff, it's imho usually better
not to use privileged ports if not required.

 Name:   Alson van der Meulen  
 Personal:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
dd if=/dev/null of=/vmunix

Re: What is VNC?

2000-12-12 Thread Alson van der Meulen
 When it comes to controlling a Linux X display, I'm a little more hazy.
 Near as I can figure, if you want to control a Linux box using VNC, you 
 don't run your normal X server. Instead you run vncserver from a non-X 
 environment. This starts the VNC server, but you don't see any GUI 
 locally. To see a local GUI, you then have to do some magic to get your 
 window manager to run on the VNC server; this means that you're not 
 running your accelerated X server, so you may see some speed issues, 
 etc. Then from the second Linux (or Mac, or Windows) box, you run the 
 VNC client and connect like in Example 2 above.
 In other words, as far as I can tell, you can't run your super-duper 
 accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server locally if you want to 
 see the same desktop locally and via remote control. This is not the 
 (semi-equivalent) case on Windows, but it seems to be the case on Linux.
 I may very well misunderstand how the thing works, but this is the 
 conclusion I've come to after trying it three or four times over the 
 past couple of years.
how about xvncviewer connecting to localhost, from using the super-duper
accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server
 Name:   Alson van der Meulen  
 Personal:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
We don't support that. We won't support that.

Re: how to see the full name in dpkg -l

2000-12-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting Colin Watson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [quoting reordered to be in the normal reading order, from top to
 Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
  when i do a dpkg -l *netscape*, some of the output looks like:
  Name   VersionDescription
  pn  netscape-java- none (no description available)
  is there a way to tell dpkg to show the entire name field?   How about the
  entire description field?
   you can resize your terminal window,
   the sad part is that it is always like the example below if you
 redirect/pipe it.
 Not with the newer dpkg in woody (say, version 1.7.0), where you can set
 the COLUMNS environment variable to be the terminal width you want.

Well thank goodness for that. The potato version not only ignores it
(yes, I rushed off to try), but even if you have export-ed COLUMNS=120
in an xterm, dpkg -l promptly resets it back to 80 (though not in a VC).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

New beep in Gnome

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I'm getting a strange new beep in Gnome. This happens whenever I
change to a new workspace using the desk-guide applet. I've looked
around in the Gnome control panel but can't find an option to turn
this off. My WM is Sawfish, BTW.

As I mentioned in my most recent mail, I've just recompiled my
kernel. The only changes I made in xconfig were to enable sound
support and to select Pentium II for compiling. I haven't started
dealing with the ALSA stuff yet, so no sound modules are loaded.

I have also done an apt-get dist-upgrade, which upgraded about 60
packages, all from stable, or helix-gnome.

So, where do I start looking for the beeping culprit?

  // \\
 /(   )\

Re: cd-burning

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Wollny
I had a look on the docs for cdrecord  and found out that it is not possible 
to burn in DAO, only TAO. How can I avoid the two seconds of silence between 
the tracks?

Le Tuesday 12 December 2000 02:42, Michael Sauer a écrit:
  Does anybody know about a program which can overburn a normal cdr? It's
  usefull for burning audio-cds. I have encountered some problems with
  xcdroast and 700MB cds. The 650s never caused troubles.
  In the windoze world there is a nice (and free) audio-burning tool called
  Feurio which is a real jewel. Is there anything like this working under

 Just use cdrecord. It also does not overburn cd's by default, but it is a
 command line switch.



Re: cd-burning

2000-12-12 Thread David Bellows
Peter Wollny wrote:
 I had a look on the docs for cdrecord  and found out that it is not possible
 to burn in DAO, only TAO. How can I avoid the two seconds of silence between
 the tracks?


Are you sure about that?  I could have sworn cdrecord has an option for
DAO.  In any case I personally don't use cdrecord.  You should check out
cdrdao, it does an excellent job of DAO (as its name implies).  The
command line options are not all that difficult to use.

David Bellows

Re: cd-burning

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Wollny in ~/doc/cdrecord (partly):

Cdrecord currently only supports Track at once. This gives 2 seconds
pause between two audio tracks.

The 2 seconds pause between two audio tracks is the CD ***standard***

The standard says:
Each track starts with 2 seconds of silence
followed by at least 4 seconds of audio data.

For that reason the 2 second pause is generated by the CD-R drive in 
Track at once (TAO) mode.

I will try cdrdao.

Le Tuesday 12 December 2000 13:59, David Bellows a écrit:
 Peter Wollny wrote:
  I had a look on the docs for cdrecord  and found out that it is not
  possible to burn in DAO, only TAO. How can I avoid the two seconds of
  silence between the tracks?


 Are you sure about that?  I could have sworn cdrecord has an option for
 DAO.  In any case I personally don't use cdrecord.  You should check out
 cdrdao, it does an excellent job of DAO (as its name implies).  The
 command line options are not all that difficult to use.

 David Bellows


Re: New beep in Gnome

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

 I'm getting a strange new beep in Gnome. This happens whenever I
 change to a new workspace using the desk-guide applet. I've looked
 around in the Gnome control panel but can't find an option to turn
 this off. My WM is Sawfish, BTW.

 As I mentioned in my most recent mail, I've just recompiled my
 kernel. The only changes I made in xconfig were to enable sound
 support and to select Pentium II for compiling. I haven't started
 dealing with the ALSA stuff yet, so no sound modules are loaded.

 I have also done an apt-get dist-upgrade, which upgraded about 60
 packages, all from stable, or helix-gnome.

I'm on the trail now. In ~/.gnome-errors I find exactly one

line like this for every beep that happens:

Window lost focus keymap: panel, (keymap (move-window-interactively 3 .\

67240192) (popup-window-menu 1 . 67240448) (raise-lower-window 1 .\

67240960) (lower-window 65364 . 67174400) (raise-window 65362 . 67174400))

Every new beep results in another line just like it. In the

Gnome control panel, Multimedia-Sound section, sound events

are turned off, and the same goes for the Sawfish-Sound


So now I'm just plain stumped (and getting irritated). Any

ideas, anyone (and no, I don't want to pull the speaker plug

on my motherboard, as beeps can be useful sometimes)?

  // \\
 /(   )\

Re: Official support.

2000-12-12 Thread Jaume Teixi
  My question is if you would do any kind of support for us like
 formation or someone to contac if we have problems etc..

The following is a list of people who make at least part of their income from
doing paid support for Debian.


Re: Official support.

2000-12-12 Thread Alexey Vyskubov

  My question is if you would do any kind of support for us like
 formation or someone to contac if we have problems etc..

The best Linux support is the community one. Subscribe on mailing list devoted
to the Linux distribution you choose and ask questions :)

Alexey Vyskubov
(at home)
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: New beep in Gnome (SOLVED)

2000-12-12 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:

  I'm getting a strange new beep in Gnome. This happens whenever I
  change to a new workspace using the desk-guide applet. I've looked
  around in the Gnome control panel but can't find an option to turn
  this off. My WM is Sawfish, BTW.
  As I mentioned in my most recent mail, I've just recompiled my
  kernel. The only changes I made in xconfig were to enable sound
  support and to select Pentium II for compiling. I haven't started
  dealing with the ALSA stuff yet, so no sound modules are loaded.
  I have also done an apt-get dist-upgrade, which upgraded about 60
  packages, all from stable, or helix-gnome.

 I'm on the trail now. In ~/.gnome-errors I find exactly one
 line like this for every beep that happens:

 Window lost focus keymap: panel, (keymap (move-window-interactively 3 .\
 67240192) (popup-window-menu 1 . 67240448) (raise-lower-window 1 .\
 67240960) (lower-window 65364 . 67174400) (raise-window 65362 . 67174400))

 Every new beep results in another line just like it. In the
 Gnome control panel, Multimedia-Sound section, sound events
 are turned off, and the same goes for the Sawfish-Sound

 So now I'm just plain stumped (and getting irritated). Any
 ideas, anyone (and no, I don't want to pull the speaker plug
 on my motherboard, as beeps can be useful sometimes)?

OK, it's fixed now (thanks to Gerard!). The missing part of the puzzle
was that I had to log out of Gnome, and log back in again, whereupon
the horrible beeping stopped. Sorry for wasting bandwidth, but then,
maybe someone else might be helped also, so it wouldn't have been a
complete waste.

  // \\
 /(   )\

php4-postgresql problem

2000-12-12 Thread Knud Sørensen

I am trying to get php4 and postgresql work together.

But on pg_connect I get function not defined.

I have find something strange about my php configuration.

There is now php.init file in /etc/php4/apache

Both php4 and php4-pgsql fail when I run dpkg --configure on them.

Loadmodule php-module IS uncommended in http.conf

And I have tried to make a php.init file with

It don't help

Do you have any suggestions.

Something wrong with xterm-Eterm

2000-12-12 Thread Sebastian Silva

Ok, to be brief:

I can't use accents (áéíóú) on xterm. I am using an english keyboard
w/deadkeys. It works like a champ on most other X apps, but not there.
It is quite strange, because it does work on other programs running in
the xterm window (mutt, vim...) - Also, using Eterm, its worse, because
it won't even backspace, and does strange things... 
Please help, I hate doing ^H manually!

Sebastian Silva

Re: What is VNC?

2000-12-12 Thread Manegold
Alson van der Meulen wrote:
  When it comes to controlling a Linux X display, I'm a little more hazy.
  Near as I can figure, if you want to control a Linux box using VNC, you
  don't run your normal X server. Instead you run vncserver from a non-X
  environment. This starts the VNC server, but you don't see any GUI
  locally. To see a local GUI, you then have to do some magic to get your
  window manager to run on the VNC server; this means that you're not
  running your accelerated X server, so you may see some speed issues,
  etc. Then from the second Linux (or Mac, or Windows) box, you run the
  VNC client and connect like in Example 2 above.
  In other words, as far as I can tell, you can't run your super-duper
  accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server locally if you want to
  see the same desktop locally and via remote control. This is not the
  (semi-equivalent) case on Windows, but it seems to be the case on Linux.
  I may very well misunderstand how the thing works, but this is the
  conclusion I've come to after trying it three or four times over the
  past couple of years.
 how about xvncviewer connecting to localhost, from using the super-duper
 accelerated, hot-off-the-press, XFree86 server

As I have come to understand, that will give you two desktops. One under
the super-duper ... XFree86 Server and one via VNC (running in a Window,
liken an application, on that said super-duper X-Server).

Also you always get a whole Desktop (even if it's in a window), while
with X you get only the window for the respective application. That
seems to be preferrable, if you want to run 5 apps on 5 different
computers, since with VNC you would then have 5 Desktops on one screen
(one for each computer).

From what I learned off the web page of VNC (thanks for the link to to
poster!), I can't use VNC as a replacement for X (unless you get the
non-X vncviewer to work on the console), which would have been
interesting because of the footprint of X. Also it seems that VNC is not
as efficient via Network as X, but I don't really understand why. Maybe
someone can elaborate on that.

Making the X Desktop accessible / transferrable via VNC, as is possible
with Windows, is not possible with UNIX/Linux.

Thank you to all that replied to my question. I think I know now, what I
can use VNC for.


RE: exim (II)

2000-12-12 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
If they are the same then you don't have the issue I'm talking about.
When fetchmail gets some mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it gives it to
exim, which tries to deliver to the logon name in the email's TO header.  So
it tries to find somebody called yourisplogon on your local machine (ie,
localhost).  My problem was that my ISP name (tka104) and my local name
(seal) were different - exim tried to find tka104, failed, and bounced the
whole lot back!  So I aliased tka104 to seal, and the tka104 part got
So you can safely ignore all this, because your names are the same. (but
check for case)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: 112000 4:18 PM
 Subject:  RE: exim (II)
 if localhost is my account in my system, then yes, my ISP username and my 
 localhost one are the same. I think I need to solve the problem in the
 same way you did. Please, how can I entry to the alias file? is an alias
 for what? 
 Thank you very much for your help!!
 On 11-Dec-2000 Anderson, Tim   TL33E wrote:
  Is your ISP username the same as your localhost one?  On my box, all
  incoming mails failed because it was looking for a nonexistent user.  I
  added an entry to the alias file, and all was well.
  -Original Message-
  From:Gregory T. Norris [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:102000 5:50 PM
  Subject: Re: exim (II)
  Did you add localhost to the local_domains entry in /etc/exim.conf?
  If it isn't present (and it's not by default) that would most
  definitely explain the error you're describing.
  On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 06:41:26PM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I am running potato at home. I still have problems trying to make
   work. I think something is wrong in my exim.conf file. I will
   very much any help regarding this matter!
   1) I've already posted this before, in spite the kindly answers I
   still I have the same problem: fetchmail is not able to fetch emails
   from my ISP. Here follows a copy of one session with fetchmail:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ fetchmail --protocol pop3 --username myaccount
   Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: (my password)
   3 messages for myaccount at (7943 octets).
   reading message 1 of 3 (889 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to
   fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
   fetchmail: Query status=10 (SMTP)
   what could be wrong?
   2) Following the Christoph Groth's suggestion, I looked in the
   MAIL part of the inetd.conf file, but in my case it is empty. Is this
   problem? I'm connecting to my ISP trough a dial-up connection only.
   3) Any mail a try to send to the external world, using mutt or mail,
   to /var/spool/mail/myaccount and sits there for ever.
   4) This is not a problem, just a question. The file
   /var/spool/mail/myaccount is a symbolic link to /var/mail/myaccount.
   is normal?
   Again, any help will be very appreciated!!
 Date: 11-Dec-2000
 Time: 19:08:00
 This message was sent by XFMail

RE: Going Debian: advice request

2000-12-12 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
The way I do it if I want an unstable package is to add unstable to my
apt-get update
apt-get install package -s 
If all looks OK then I go ahead and do it.  Sometimes it will want to
upgrade a whole lot of stuff, in which case I don't do it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Gregory Guthrie [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 112000 4:59 PM
 Subject:  Re: Going Debian: advice request
 At 04:43 PM 12/11/2000 -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
   but I´d like to have some packages in more bleeding-edge versions.
   Any problem about that? Should I install woody instead if I intend
   to use non-stable packages?
 Woody's definitely unstable...
 -- Second that. I have had two installs (upgrades potato - woody) trip 
 over their own dependencies and fail.
 A real waste of time!
 Good luck.
 Gregory Guthrie
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (641)472-1125Fax: -1103

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