
2000-12-30 Thread Cesar

Nas peña.

 Tengo un servidor apache corriendo en mi red casera.
 Con lsof -i  me dice que todos los apachitos corren
como root,aun cuando en el archivo de configuración 
el user y grupo del server es www-data.

User www-data
Group www-data

apache1071   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)
apache1072   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)
apache1073   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)
apache1074   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)
apache1075   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)
apache1076   root   16u  IPv4   1867   TCP *:socks (LISTEN)

 En cambio GTop me muestra el padre como root y los niños como www-data.

#l /usr/sbin/apache

-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   313456 Apr 29  2000 /usr/sbin/apache

Que pasa con esto? Podeis decirme algo?

  El problema es que mi conexión a internet es casi-permanente
con DHCP(red de cable).
  Aún cuando el tráfico de fuera-adentro está restingido por 
mi proveedor(no es posible acceder al server desde internet)
que ocurre con la red de mi ISP?

 Ya tuve un port-scan desde dos equipos que pertenecen a la red 
del ISP.(Posiblemente ellos mismos intentando saber que tienen
en casa ,aunque cuando les pregunte por ello se hicieron 
los locos)

 Se podrían obtener privilegios de root a traves de apache?

Un saludo y gracias anticipadas.

Disco duro nuevo instalado, pero ¡linux confunde hdb con hda!

2000-12-30 Thread Ricardo Villalba

Por fin he instalado el disco duro nuevo, pero ahora me ha surgido un
problema gordo que no sé cómo resolver.

En primer lugar aquí van las particiones que tengo (están creadas con el
fdisk de linux), el disco duro nuevo es hdb:

rvmsoft:/tmp# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 621 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1 1   220443488+   6  FAT16
/dev/hda2   221   4204032006  FAT16
/dev/hda3   *   421   605372960   83  Linux
/dev/hda4   606   621 32256   82  Linux swap

Disk /dev/hdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1240 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1 1   128   1028128+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb2   129  1021   7173022+  83  Linux
/dev/hdb3  1022  1038136552+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hdb4  1039  1240   16225656  FAT16

Las particiones del disco duro nuevo aún no están formateadas, a
excepción de hdb4 que lo he hecho desde windows. La primera vez que la
he formateado he tenido un problemilla ya que al intentar copiar algo a
la partición me decia que no se podían crear nombres de ficheros largos

He vuelto a linux y le he cambiado el tipo de /dev/hdb4 al código e
que se corresponde con Win95/Fat16, pero al arrancar windows se ha
hecho un lío y me mostraba dos particiones más (y D: la sacaba como E:).

De nuevo en linux he vuelto a cambiar el tipo de esa partición al código
6. Otra vez en windows he vuelto a formatear pero esta vez le he
puesto etiqueta. Ahora sí que acepta nombres largos, e incluso he
instalado algún programa.

Pero el problema gordo llega ahora. Vuelvo a linux y antes de formatear
las particiones para linux trato de montar la partición de windows. Para
ello he puesto esta línea en el /etc/fstab:
/dev/hdb4/E vfat
rw,user,noauto 0 0

que es una copia casi exacta de
/dev/hda2/D vfat
rw,user,noauto 0 0
que funciona perfectamente.

Pues bien al intentar montar la partición me sale esto (por supuesto ya
había creado el directorio /E):
rvmsoft:/tmp$ mount /E
[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT
Transaction block size = 512
VFS: Can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 03:44.
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb4,
   or too many mounted file systems

¿Qué diablos pasa?
He intentado montarla con otros tipos como msdos pero siempre me dice
lo mismo.

Entonces he pensado que quizás windows se haya hecho un lío y esté
usando en realidad hdb1. Entonces monto esa partición con mount -t vfat
/dev/hdb1 /E y ahora ya no me da ningún error, pero al ver su contenido
resulta que es ¡¡¡hda1!!!

Es decir, que parece que linux (o al menos el comando mount) está
confundiendo hda con hdb. Y ahora entiendo porqué no ha podido montar
hdb4 ¡porque hda4 es la swap! Menos mal que no he formateado las nuevas
particiones porque probablemente hubiera formateado en realidad las
particiones de windows de hda...

Bueno ¿qué pasa? Pensé que quizás linux hubiera intercambiado hdb con
hda, pero no puede ser, ya que de ser así linux no podría haber
arrancado (está en hda3).

El disco duro creo que lo he instalado bien, el jumper está puesto como
esclavo, lo he conectado al cable de datos con el conector que estaba
libre (el de en medio), la bios lo reconoce e incluso el propio linux
parece reconocerlo por los mensajes de arranque:

SIS5513: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 09
SIS5513: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
SIS5513: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide0: SIS5513 Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
SIS5513: simplex device:  DMA disabled
ide1: SIS5513 Bus-Master DMA disabled (BIOS)
hda: WDC AC21200H, ATA DISK drive
hdb: SAMSUNG SV1021D, ATA DISK drive
hdc: HITACHI CDR-7930, ATAPI CDROM drive
ide2: ports already in use, skipping probe
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: WDC AC21200H, 1222MB w/128kB Cache, CHS=621/64/63
hdb: SAMSUNG SV1021D, 9732MB w/444kB Cache, CHS=1240/255/63
hdc: ATAPI 8X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
Partition check:
hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
hdb: hdb1 hdb2 hdb3 hdb4

(Lo único que me parece un poco raro es lo de las 444kB de caché...)

Y como ya he dicho antes las particiones las he realizado con el fdisk
de linux, o sea que no tengo ni idea de lo que puede ser...

Por último pongo los permisos de las particiones, por si alguien ve algo

brw-rw1 root disk   3,   0 jul 21  1998 /dev/hda
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   1 jul 21  1998 /dev/hda1
brw-rw1 root disk   3,   2 jul 21  1998 /dev/hda2
brw-rw1 root  


2000-12-30 Thread Roberto Vilches A.

Estimados Sres.:
 Despues de muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, 
logre instalar via CD "debian gnu/linux 2.1 (i386).Despues de lo cual 
llegue a un punto de no retorno cuando el sistema se carga y deja un prompt ? y 
apartir de ese momento nada sucede no reconoce archivos, la pantalla es al mas 
puro estilo de DOS (cuando no existia Windows)y para colmo el manual de 
instalacion como solucion me dice que ahora tengo que ir a comprar libros y 
visitar sitios.
Todo esto me parece una burla de los 
desarrolladores , que hablan de las maravillas del SO ( talvez Bill Gates tenga 
razon) y espero que no sea cierto que los programas y/o SOs valen lo que se paga 
por ellos.
¿podran Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de 

Re: help

2000-12-30 Thread Cesar
 Roberto Vilches A. wrote:
 Estimados Sres.:
   Despues de muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, logre instalar via CD
 debian gnu/linux 2.1 (i386).Despues de  lo cual llegue a un punto de
 no retorno cuando el sistema se carga y deja un prompt ? y apartir de

 Aquí te falta el X-server.Lo tienes que instalar y configurar
 Te recomiendo que bucees por el sistema con 

cd [directorio] para cambiar de directorio,
ls -l   para listar los contenidos y sobre todo
man comando para obtener documentación en línea

busca los binarios (en /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin 
/usr/X11R6/bin ) y lee con man que hace cada uno.

 ese momento nada sucede no reconoce archivos, la pantalla es al mas
 puro estilo de DOS (cuando no existia Windows)y para colmo el manual
 de instalacion como solucion me dice que ahora tengo que ir a comprar
 libros y visitar sitios.

 Yo tengo pocos libros de Linux.Hay documentación a patadas y 
si no ,tienes las listas de correo ;-)
 Por estos lares,casi todos andamos con Debian 2.2 ,otros con 2.4.

 Yo personalmente he instalado con éxito, la 1.3.1(Buzz),la 2.0 (Hamm),
la 2.1(Slink) y la 2.2(Potato) todas desde cero desde el 
particionado de disco.
 Incluso tengo un 386 con 1Mb de RAM con MINIX para 286.Una auténtica

  Lo que cuentas me suena a las primeras instalaciones de Buzz,
( hice varias,instalé ,formateé volví a instalar,vuelta a formatear) 
sudé mucho antes de tener lo que puede llamarse un sistema 
operativo útil.(sobre todo con el XServer).Fué mi primer contacto 
con un sistema de tipo  Unix. A ciegas!

  Hay alguno de los presentes que no recuerde los sudores fríos que 
provocaba la instalación de Debian 1.3.1 a pelo? 

  Hoy por hoy las instalaciones son mucho más sencillas.
Con Potato prácticamente sólo hay que poner la B.I.O.S para 
que arranque desde el CDRom meter los 4 CD's y ya está.
( o casi :-)) )

 Todo esto me parece una burla de los desarrolladores ,

  Los desarroladores no tienen tiempo para burlarse de tí, 
entre otras cosas por que muchos de ellos dedican al 
desarrollo de Linux su tiempo libre.

 que hablan de
 las maravillas del SO ( talvez Bill Gates tenga razon) y espero que no
 sea cierto que los programas y/o SOs valen lo que se paga por ellos.
  BillyPuertas tiene razón las cosas valen lo que alguien está
dispuesto a pagar por ellas.
  Es un axioma de la ley del mercado.
  Yo no sé si Billy sabe algo de programación de sistemas pero
de marketing hay que reconocer que los conocimientos básicos
tenerlos ,los tiene. XDD.

 ¿podran Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de linux.
  Te recomiendo que busques los 4 CD's de la Debian Potato 2.2r0
 Hace unos meses salieron con la revista 
 Solo Programadores-Linux. por 1000 pesetas.
  Tambien puedes bajarlos de debian.org. también puedes 
comprarlos en http://www.id-agora.com/citius.shtml
algo más caro.

 En Debian hay pocas fórmulas mágicas,no hay dos
máquinas iguales no hay necesidades iguales,
no hay un botón SETUP y ya está, 
no oyes como el Windows 2000 está (raca raca 
raca crish crash pim pum )detectando dispositivos ,
tienes que cargar módulos, recompilar kernel's,
configurar el XFree (servidor de ventanas) con
los parámetros de tu tarjeta de video y el monitor,configurar 
tarjetas de red,configurar el acceso a Internet,
cerrar puertos( muy importante) cuando hayas terminado de instalar.

 En suma , adaptar ese pedazo de sistema operativo a 
tu máquina y tus necesidades.
 Es cierto que cada vez hay más utilidades para todo pero 
aún así hay un requerimiento esencial en un usuario Debian 
que lo diferencia de un usuario WinD.O.wS. e incluso 
 ( aunque en menor medida ) 
de usuarios de otras distribuciones Linux y es :
   el gusto por aprender.

  Créeme el sistema operativo vale la pena,
(según las leyes del mercado mucho más de lo que cuesta )
eso si ,estarás tú preparado para él?
  Aquí hay un montón de gente que lo ha conseguido,
no sin obstáculos,pero seguimos pálante.

 Animo , suerte y un saludo.

P.D Espero no sonar muy duro ;-)

Re: help

2000-12-30 Thread Andres Herrera

El Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 04:17:42PM -, Roberto Vilches A. disidio iscribir:
   Despues de muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, logre instalar via CD 
debian gnu/linux 2.1 (i386).Despues de  lo cual llegue a un punto de no 
retorno cuando el sistema se carga y deja un prompt ? 

Evidentemente. ¿Qué quieres que deje?

y apartir de ese momento nada sucede 

¿Qué quieres que suceda?

no reconoce archivos, 

¿Qué archivos? ¿No serán comandos? ¿Qué comandos?

la pantalla es al mas puro estilo de DOS (cuando no existia Windows)

Ah. Normal.

y para colmo el manual de instalacion como solucion me dice que ahora 
tengo que ir a comprar libros y visitar sitios.

Hum, o sea, que no sabes Linux y tampoco quieres aprenderlo, o al
menos no quieres aprender nada de él antes de que esté funcionando
perfectamente. Lo veo difícil.

 Todo esto me parece una burla de los desarrolladores , que hablan de 
las maravillas del SO ( tal vez Bill Gates tenga razon) y espero que no 
sea cierto que los programas y/o SOs valen lo que se paga por ellos.

Por menos de eso hay sitios donde estarías filtrado por la mayoría de la
gente. Opinar sobre algo que no se conoce ni remotamente, y además en
su casa, es tirarse a una piscina sin agua y llena de leones. Hablar
de burla de quienes desarrollan algo de forma desinteresada e insinuar
ciertas cuestiones es ganas de que te manden a cagar a la vía. Si no
eres un troll, te faltan dos décimas sólamente.

 ¿podran Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de linux.

Ayudarte sí, convertirte en un fanático es tu problema.

Comienza leyendo la documentación que hay en el CD y acudiendo a las
direcciones que en ella se mencionan. Tampoco estaría mal pasarse por
http://www.laespiral.org y http://lucas.hispalinux.es, sitios donde
encontrarás documentación a patadas. Cuando leas buena parte de lo que
hay en esos sitios (no olvides pasar por /usr/doc en tu propio disco
duro), podrás empezar a dar una mínima opinión.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | N.Reg: 66054
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test12
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD. | con ReiserFS ;-)
  Clave GPG: http://www.escomposlinux.org/aherrerm/aherrerm.gpg

Description: PGP signature

Actualizando a testing

2000-12-30 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Estoy actualizando a testing poco a poco y después de cambiar el libc6 (entre
otros) me sale este error en variadas ocasiones:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = es_ES,
LC_CTYPE = ISO-8859-1,
LANG = es_ES
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

Además el mutt me saca las vocales acentuadas como ?.
Por supuesto el LANG y LC* están exactamente igual que antes.

¿Que es lo que tengo, Doctor?
¿Es grave?
Luis Arocha Hernandez Data [EMAIL PROTECTED], Islas Canarias - Spain
_  o__o__  o__  O_ OO  
  o/  ,/,/  ,/ ,//,/\ ,/|  

Description: PGP signature

Modem Robotics...

2000-12-30 Thread Druida

Hola a todos... he estado intentando conectar 
el modem que me compré (un US Robotics OEM Full Interno PCI) pero leyendo tanta 
documentación y tantos textos, la verdad es que ya me mareé. Anduve tocando 
cosas y demás (para variar solo conseguí hacer mas lío), y por eso me dirijo a 
ustedes ahora para conseguir algo de orientación al respecto.
Lo que quisiera saber son los pasos a seguir, 
nada detallado... simplemente lo que tengo que tocar y configurar para que el 
modem quede listo para conectarme. Ya sabiendo a ciencia cierta lo que tengo que 
modificar y configurar, le iré perdiendo el miedo e iré a paso seguro hasta 
poder conectarme al final. Les agradezco mucho toda la ayuda que me puedan 
dar... serán bienvenidos textos y cosas por el estilo que me ayuden a ir paso a 
paso por todo esto de la conf del modem. Un abrazo a todos, Feliz Año 

Re: help

2000-12-30 Thread Miquel
El Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 04:17:42PM - Roberto Vilches A. ha dit:

Estimados Sres.:

  Despues de muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, logre instalar via CD
debian gnu/linux 2.1 (i386).Despues de  lo cual llegue a un punto de
no retorno cuando el sistema se carga y deja un prompt ? y apartir de
ese momento nada sucede no reconoce archivos, la pantalla es al mas
puro estilo de DOS (cuando no existia Windows)y para colmo el manual
de instalacion como solucion me dice que ahora tengo que ir a comprar
libros y visitar sitios.

Todo esto me parece una burla de los desarrolladores , que hablan de
las maravillas del SO ( talvez Bill Gates tenga razon) y espero que no
sea cierto que los programas y/o SOs valen lo que se paga por ellos.

descartando que seas un simple troll y que seas tu el que tu burles del
trabajo ajeno (el de los desarrolladores de software libre), puede que
esto lo digas con la esperanza de que alguien se pueda picar y echarte
una mano... Pero: 1) No necesitas provocar estilo troll para que te
ayuden (esta lista entre otras cosas es para ayudar con debian a los
principiantes) 2) Muerdes en hueso, e incluso es contraproducente, y de
ese modo conseguirás el efecto contrario al que deseas, que a juzgar por
tu escueto subject supongo que es que te ayuden.

¿podran Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de linux.

es dificil que nadie vaya a ayudarte con esta actitud, si no tratas
primero de invertir esfuerzo y ayudarte a ti mismo, de recorrer algun
camino por ti mismo, y ese camino incluye como primera medida abandonar
la mentalidad windosera que consiste en quejarse, exigir y esperar que
te lo den todo hecho (y sentirte engañado si algo no es como te
esperas): nadie necesita que seas fanatico de linux, ni siquiera nadie
necesita que uses gnu/linux, y que te quede claro que tampoco nos haces
ningun favor por usarlo. Si te gusta Bill Gates y su mundo, lo tienes
facil, está en todas partes y no requiere ningun esfuerzo por tu parte.
Pasarse a GNU/Linux significa reconquistar el control sobre la propia
máquina y, por tanto, sobre las cosas que hacemos con ella. Pero esto no
es posible sin esfuerzo. Eso si: si abandonas tu tono exigente y asumes
que GNU/Linux no es un servicio que los demas deben prestarte, si en vez
de pensar en lo que te dan, piensas en qué estás tu dispuesto a dar,
entonces encontrarás mucha gente que estará dispuesta a echarte una

Bienvenido al mundo del software libre, donde **no hay absolutamente
ninguna garantia**, pero donde tienes absolutamente todas las
posibilidades abiertas (no solo el software).

un saludo,


Description: PGP signature

RE: Disco duro nuevo instalado, pero ¡linux confunde hdb con hda!

2000-12-30 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Ricardo Villalba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Lista Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: sábado 30 de diciembre de 2000 18:52
Asunto: Disco duro nuevo instalado, pero ¡linux confunde hdb con hda!

Entonces he pensado que quizás windows se haya hecho un lío y esté
usando en realidad hdb1. Entonces monto esa partición con mount -t
/dev/hdb1 /E y ahora ya no me da ningún error, pero al ver su
resulta que es ¡¡¡hda1!!!

Acabo de mirar más detenidamente el contenido del directorio y me he
dado cuenta que no es C: porque he visto un directorio llamado win98
¡¡¡me han dado un disco duro con windows 98 instalado!!! (esto sí es un
expediente X... ¿a alguien más le había ocurrido algo así?) He visto que
también está el Internet Explorer, el Outlook...

Vale, entonces no es que linux se estuviese confundiendo de disco como
pensaba en un principio, pero aún sigo sin entender porque no es capaz
de montar hdb4.

Bueno, ya que me han regalado windows 98 querría guardarlo antes de
nada (en un tar.gz o así, no pienso instalarlo de momento, pero tengo
dos hermanas que a lo mejor lo quieren ver). Las tres primeras
particiones como no las he formateado supongo que uniéndolas recuperaría
su contenido original. La 4ª partición sí está formateada pero como está
al final del disco no creo que hubiera allí nada.

Pero necesito poder montar hdb4 para copiar allí el windows 98 (en el
disco antiguo no cabe, sólo tengo como máximo 50 MB libres en C:).

¿Alguien sabe qué pasa?
¿Qué significa el dev 03:44 del mensaje de error VFS: Can't find a
valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 03:44.?

Por otra parte ahora ya estoy mucho más tranquilo, ya sabía yo que linux
no podría tener esos errores tan gordos de confundir discos...

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Modem Robotics...

2000-12-30 Thread Miquel
El Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 05:59:18PM -0300 Druida ha dit:

 Hola a todos... he estado intentando conectar el modem que me compré
(un US Robotics OEM Full Interno PCI) pero leyendo tanta documentación
y tantos textos, la verdad es que ya me mareé. Anduve tocando cosas y
demás (para variar solo conseguí hacer mas lío), y por eso me dirijo a
ustedes ahora para conseguir algo de orientación al respecto.

 Lo que quisiera saber son los pasos a seguir, nada detallado...
simplemente lo que tengo que tocar y configurar para que el modem
quede listo para conectarme. Ya sabiendo a ciencia cierta lo que tengo
que modificar y configurar, le iré perdiendo el miedo e iré a paso
seguro hasta poder conectarme al final. Les agradezco mucho toda la
ayuda que me puedan dar... serán bienvenidos textos y cosas por el
estilo que me ayuden a ir paso a paso por todo esto de la conf del
modem. Un abrazo a todos, Feliz Año Nuevo!

con un modem normal no tendrias ninguna dificultad... si es un us
robotics pci, fijo que es un winmodem, que como tal vez sabes, no son
verdaderos modems, carecen de buena parte del hardware basico y se
entregan solo con drivers propietarios para win, por lo cual hay
problemas para que funcionen en gnu/linux. Date una vuelta por
http://www.linmodems.org y tal vez tengas suerte con tu modelo y haya
driver para linux...

un saludo,


Description: PGP signature


2000-12-30 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez

Si tengo un computador potente y maquinas peqeñas puedo exportar el display y
correr StartOffice y aparesca en el monitor de la maquina pequeña, mi
pregunta es si tengo en una maquina pequeña abierto un StartOffice, puedo en
otra iniciar tambien StartOffice.

Otra pregunta es como comparto la impresora en una red unix.



|\/\/\/\/|   ^ ^
||  Jorge Sanchez Pelaez  | |
|  (o)(o) Registro Linux  192815  |  (o)(o)
|   _)   http://www.tierralinux.com |   _) 
|  ___\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] | \
| |   | |


Tengo módulos que no se autolimpian

2000-12-30 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz

Tras dejar el ordenador unas horas sin hacer nada, hago un lsmod y tengo
unos 15 módulos cargados, siendo usados sólamente 5. Todos están en
autoclean. Entonces, ¿por qué no se descargan? ¿Qué tengo que hacer para
que se vayan eliminando de la memoria?

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gradha.infierno.org
 Other web pages:  http://glub.ehu.es/  -  http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

Re: help

2000-12-30 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña

Qu hay Roberto:
Qu motivo te ha movido a instalar linux? Quizs
no te haga falta un SO tan cojonudo.
Un saludo,
Roberto Vilches A. wrote:

Sres.: Despues de
muchas horas y dolores de cabeza, logre instalar via CD "debian gnu/linux
2.1 (i386).Despues de lo cual llegue a un punto de no retorno cuando
el sistema se carga y deja un prompt ? y apartir de ese momento nada sucede
no reconoce archivos, la pantalla es al mas puro estilo de DOS (cuando
no existia Windows)y para colmo el manual de instalacion como solucion
me dice que ahora tengo que ir a comprar libros y visitar sitios.Todo
esto me parece una burla de los desarrolladores , que hablan de las maravillas
del SO ( talvez Bill Gates tenga razon) y espero que no sea cierto que
los programas y/o SOs valen lo que se paga por ellos.podran
Uds. ayudarme? y convertirme en fanatico de linux.

Help: Mail error w/Fetchmail Netscape = ISP?

2000-12-30 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've posted numerous times now about te socket errors I've been getting.
My ISP had mail problems and I couldn't get more than a message before
fetchmail hanging or getting a socket error. They say the problem is
fixed and I can now dl 5 messages or more, but ultimately I get the same
thing after 10 or so messages. I tried lowering the mtu and mru to 552
as recommended in the FAQ, monitored logs, etc. There is no pattern that
I can see.

Q. Since Mozilla M18 hangs as well, or says done after 8 of 72 messages,
is the problem then not fetchmail or Mozilla, but Linux vs my ISP? I
assume Linux because their Windows people don't seem to be complaining.

Help appreciated



Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-

CD-ROM ブートしない

2000-12-30 Thread Kiyomi Takeuchi
Debian 2.2 rev2 potato を CD-R に焼いた物なのですが、
を SS20 の CDDrive に入れて起動しても boot してきません。
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],40/[EMAIL 
Can't open boot device
Type help for more information
#0 ok
#0 ok boot cdrom
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],40/[EMAIL 
Data Store Error
#0 ok
Linux SPARCにも投稿しております、マルチポストは行けないと言われておりま
(o^o^o) Kiyomi Takeuchi

Re: formatting mod

2000-12-30 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Jon Pennington wrote:

  I tried it now the same way with mkdosfs and it refuses to do so. What
  is the trick? With partitions on the MOD, the drive designations of the
  OS/2 system, with which the data have to be exchanged, will be messed
 I'm just shooting from the hip here, but you may be using the wrong fs
 type.  IIRC, mkdosfs uses the DOSFS type used on floppies.  You should
 look at the tool mkfs.vfat for starters; vfat is just large FAT with an
 extended segment for long file names, and even OS/2 should be able to
 use /those/ 8.3 tables.

I tried mkfs.vfat and it says the same:

alphons:/home/khe# mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc
mkfs.vfat 2.5 (07 Jan 2000)
mkfs.vfat: Will not try to make filesystem on '/dev/sdc' 

I guess, there must be something missing. Perhaps DOS formatted
superfloppies need an extra treatment in addition?

What I am confused about is this windows-like absolutely uninformative
error message. Couldn´t this mkfs beast be a little bit more specific?






Re: DHCP Client

2000-12-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Fri, 29 Dec 2000 18:50:16 -0500
Ed Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you have a Debian 2.2 or later system, try editing

Cheers, Ed. That is indeed the correct file to edit. My fault for not
specifying that I was using Woody - I didn't realise there was a
difference regarding networking configuration.

Take care.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

new Kernel 2.4 missing Old Tulip module ?

2000-12-30 Thread Jack O Max
I found that the new Kernel 2.4 does not have the 
Old DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI support.

My 1 year old Netgear FA310TX does not work properly
without this module.

Any suggestion to solve this problem?

Have a Happy New Year.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!

newer apache version (from source)

2000-12-30 Thread Erich Birngruber
Is there an easy possibility to create a debian package for apache 1.3.14
that can be used instead of the original debian package?
what about the other things like paths: how can they kept debian compatible?
 (i saw a config.layout file, but i wasn't able to figure out what the paths
 like in  debian)

the second thng is:
at the moment a use

- how can I modify the apache configuration to support https?
I tried to add the AddModule line and the other httpd stuff from apache-ssl
to my normal apache configuration files. I also created a new virtual host
that had the same name but used port 443.
Nonetheless is didn't work!

Erich Birngruber

Re: emacs w3m -- Cannot open load file: poe

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 10:21:27PM -0500, Bob Bernstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 02:28:07PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
Discovered there's a w3m module, but when I launch it under either emacs
or xemacs I get (different) error messages.
 Why not try good ole plain w3?
 It's a fairly nice browser, and with gnus it is really the cat's meow.
 Plus...it works. g

Actually, it doesn't.  Same error:

Symbol's function definition is void: set-process-coding-system

...and, IMVAO, w3's rendering is less than ideal.  Though I'll give it
another shot.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt -- compressed mailboxes, exerimental breaks 'open-hook', etc.

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 02:56:46AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com 
(kmself@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
 Package: mutt
 Version: 1.3.12-2
 I'd recently added the following lines to my ~/.muttrc to allow use of
 (and access to) compressed mailboxes.  They're now coming up as unknown
 commands on mutt invocation on an update to the latest mutt in Woody.
 Anyone know the problem or got a fix?  Bug tracking lists nothing
 appropriate on the topic.

It appears that the gzip patch was lost in the shuffle.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: new Kernel 2.4 missing Old Tulip module ?

2000-12-30 Thread Remco van de Meent
Jack O Max wrote:
 I found that the new Kernel 2.4 does not have the 
 Old DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI support.
 My 1 year old Netgear FA310TX does not work properly
 without this module.
 Any suggestion to solve this problem?

It is still in the kernel, look for the Generic DECchip  DIGITAL
EtherWORKS PCI/EISA configuration option.


apt-setup with proxy

2000-12-30 Thread Hans-Christian Armingeon
does anybody know, how to tell apt-setup that it has to use a proxy? I'm in a 
network that only allows ftp through a proxy.

Please reply to my e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm not on debian-user.

Thanks Johnny

Re: new Kernel 2.4 missing Old Tulip module ?

2000-12-30 Thread Jack O Max
I have tried the Generic DECchip  DIGITAL EtherWORKS
PCI/EISA module and build it into the kernel.

The Netgear FA310TX cannot brings up after reboot.

Here is the part of the boot message:
Modprobe: modprobe : Can't locate module eth0
Configuring network interfaces: SIOCSIFADDR: No such
Eth0: unknown interface: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
Eth0: unknown interface: No such device
Eth0: unknown interface: No such device

After login, the ifconfig appears lo (Local Loopback)

Do you have any suggestion?

Warm Regards,

P.s. I have tried the DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI
support' and it work ok with my Netgear card most of
the time, except it locks up the eth0, if there was a
few minutes of network outage.

Example: The upstream network has outage for 10
minutes and the Netgear will lock up eth0 even the
network backs on. I have to manually use ifdown eth0
and ifup eth0 to brings it up.

 It is still in the kernel, look for the Generic
 EtherWORKS PCI/EISA configuration option.

--- Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jack O Max wrote:
  I found that the new Kernel 2.4 does not have the 
  Old DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI support.
  My 1 year old Netgear FA310TX does not work
  without this module.
  Any suggestion to solve this problem?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!

Re: Making new tasks known to tasksel (2)

2000-12-30 Thread Holger Rauch
Hi Juergen!

First of all, thanks for your quick reply!

On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Juergen Fiedler wrote:

 I am not sure whether this has been mentioned before,
 but running 'Update' from within dselect adds the tasks to tasksel.

Ok, but how does running Update from within dselect differ from apt-get
update? I thought that the set of apt tools made dselect obsolete. Or am
I wrong in this matter?



Re: Switching between KDE Helix-Gnome

2000-12-30 Thread Matthew Sackman

  On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
   You don't need KDM in order to start KDE, nor do you need GDM to start
   GNOME.  Either of these display managers will allow you to choose a
   session from a menu when you log in.  
  If I understand you right, it is probably best to do completely without a
  display manager and instead use an .xsession file in my home directory
  from which I start the corresponding session. What script do I have to
  execute for starting Helix Gnome?

The way I have it set up is that my ~/.xsession has an exec gnome-session in
it. I use kdm. On log in, if I leave the session type at default then I go into
gnome, if I choose kde2 then I go into kde2. Easy.



Using intelligent power:
RISC OS, Be OS, Debian Linux

Enjoying computing.

Re: New course for Debian University

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 02:50:56AM +, Rob VanFleet wrote:
 The gist I got from it was that the headers in /usr/src/linux should be those
 headers that glibc was compiled against, regardless of what kernel you're
 actually running.  Like if you were running potato with the kernel upgraded to
 2.2.18, you should still have the source (or the headers, at least) to 2.2.17
 in /usr/src/linux.
 At least, that's what I thought, feel free to correct me.

no the reason Linus says to leave /usr/src/linux alone is because he
does not use debian, and pretty much every distro *except* debian has
/usr/include/asm - /usr/src/linux/include/asm and /usr/include/linux
- /usr/src/linux/include/linux, and the distribution then installs
the kernel source to whatever kernel they ship with in

so if you remove /usr/src/linux you remove all the glibc headers which
breaks your ability to compile ordinary programs.  This is why Linus
says just leave /usr/src/linux alone, its because distributions insist
on having the broken /usr/include/ symlinks.  since debian does not
have these symlinks and does not even install any kernel source in
/usr/src/linux this is all irrelevant on Debian.  

you can add a /usr/src/linux symlink on debian but it doesn't affect
anything since /usr/include has no symlinks pointing there.  where it
*DOES* break things is redhat, and everything following redhat's
lead.  (iow, everything except debian and possibly slack) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

lilo- from Sarah

2000-12-30 Thread samtara leumas
I am  new debian user (and a newbie)-  My debian distro is not booting
properly with LILO- when I turn on the computer it gets to LI and nothing
else- have to then turn off the computer and boot from the CDRROM.  I can't
find the LILO file to alter it!  Which directory is it in?

Also- I have yet to learn how to subscribe to USENET- I've read all about it
but how do I subscribe?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: formatting mod

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 11:31:52AM +0100, Kerstin Hoef-Emden wrote:
 I tried mkfs.vfat and it says the same:
 alphons:/home/khe# mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc
 mkfs.vfat 2.5 (07 Jan 2000)
 mkfs.vfat: Will not try to make filesystem on '/dev/sdc' 

not surprising:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ls -l /sbin/mkfs.vfat
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root7 Jan  7  2000 /sbin/mkfs.vfat - 

 I guess, there must be something missing. Perhaps DOS formatted
 superfloppies need an extra treatment in addition?

yes, read the mkdosfs man page and you find this gem:

   -I Normally you are not  allowed  to  use  any  'full'
  fixed disk devices.  mkdosfs will complain and tell
  you that it refuses to  work.   This  is  different
  when  usind MO disks.  One doesn't always need par-
  titions on MO disks.  The filesytem can go directly
  to  the whole disk.  Under other OSes this is known
  as the 'superfloppy' format.

  This switch will force mkdosfs to work properly.

note i have note tested this, i have only used this program on plain
1.44MB floppies before.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Making new tasks known to tasksel (2)

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 01:59:33PM +0100, Holger Rauch wrote:
 Hi Juergen!
 First of all, thanks for your quick reply!
 On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Juergen Fiedler wrote:
  I am not sure whether this has been mentioned before,
  but running 'Update' from within dselect adds the tasks to tasksel.
 Ok, but how does running Update from within dselect differ from apt-get
 update? I thought that the set of apt tools made dselect obsolete. Or am
 I wrong in this matter?

apt-get update does not update the available file, i don't know why.

as for apt obsoleting dselect that is not true.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: `who` vs `w` ?

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 09:06:25PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
 when i try w it says '3 users' but only shows me.
 % w
   9:03pm  up 105 days, 21:22,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 will pts/0wdt   9:02pm  0.00s  0.37s  0.04s  w
 when i try who it shows me, three times
 % who
 will pts/0Dec 29 21:02 (wdt)
 will pts/1Dec 21 21:44 (wdt)
 will pts/2Oct 12 14:54 (wdt)
 but there's only one of me!
 % ls -l /dev/pts
 total 0
 crw---1 will tty  136,   0 Dec 29 21:04 0
 what's up with this?

/var/run/utmp is corrupt.  this unfortunatly happens sometimes.  the
only way i know to fix it is to zero out /var/run/utmp, but i only do
that at single user mode otherwise it ends up inconsistent again
anyway (since you must be logged into to do it...) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing KDE 2 using apt-get

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 09:49:47PM -0600, Dean wrote:
 Hi Thiago:
  I could be wrong, but I heard
 you need to be on a woody instead
 of potato installation. hth Dean

you heard incorrectly.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: CD-ROM ...

2000-12-30 Thread MH
Hash: SHA1

Hi Kiyomi!

I couldn't follow too closely your posting; but it's really fantastic to
see charset=ISO-2022-JP in action! Mule is a marvelous toy. The only
thing I'm missing is to learn Japanese to get the maximal fruition out
of it ;-).

- -- 
(Dr.) Michael Hummel
- --
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518
key: http://www.seitung.net/key
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard 


Re: newbie: 3c905C eth0 card not detected

2000-12-30 Thread Ralf Batri
On Fre, Dez 29, 2000 at 06:13:43 -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
 I change the computer to P III 800 EB with Asus CUV4X, then it didn't work.
 I tried to use ec905c and it worked !, so any idea why 3c905b didn't work 
 then ?
I use the same board here and it's working .

Ralf Batri


Re: newbie: 3c905C eth0 card not detected

2000-12-30 Thread Irwan Hadi

At 03:05 PM 12/30/00 +0100, Ralf Batri wrote:

On Fre, Dez 29, 2000 at 06:13:43 -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
 I change the computer to P III 800 EB with Asus CUV4X, then it didn't work.
 I tried to use ec905c and it worked !, so any idea why 3c905b didn't 
work then ?

I use the same board here and it's working .

well,it worked in Windows 98 SE on the same machine, but not in Mandrake, 
Slackware ;(

Re: emacs w3m -- Cannot open load file: poe

2000-12-30 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 03:00:11AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

 Actually, it doesn't.  Same error:
 Symbol's function definition is void: set-process-coding-system

Eeek. Fwiw, here's what I have here, that seems to work with no errors:

w3-el-e20  4.0pre.46-9  running in

from unstable.

 ..and, IMVAO, w3's rendering is less than ideal. 

I use it to view URLs when I'm using gnus for mail, and I don't do that in
X. So I hafta beg out of that one.

Bob Bernstein
Esmond, Rhode Island, USA  

is there a good program/script/whatever to make bootable rescue CD's?

2000-12-30 Thread Kent Nyberg
I need to make bootable rescue CD's, is there a good program for that?

Re: newbie: 3c905C eth0 card not detected

2000-12-30 Thread Ralf Batri
On Sam, Dez 30, 2000 at 07:19:10 -0700, Irwan Hadi wrote:
 well,it worked in Windows 98 SE on the same machine, but not in Mandrake, 
 Slackware ;(

It's has been working with RedHat and now with debian, 
did you changed the slot of the card ? 

Greetz Ralf 
Ralf Batri


Re: lilo- from Sarah

2000-12-30 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld

when you boot from your CD, you have to mount the root partition of your
debian installation.  Your root partition depends on your setup, but try
the first Linux Native partition that has an asterisk in the Boot
column of the output of `fdisk -l`.

Try (as root)
# mount -t ext2 /dev/your_root_partition /mnt
and then 
# vi /mnt/etc/lilo.conf

The LI output of LILO suggest, that the second stage boot loader (okay,
never mind :) was loaded, but could not be executed.  Make sure, that
your lilo.conf file looks correct and then run /sbin/lilo to re-install
lilo.  Oh, btw, you will have to copy /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to
/etc/lilo.conf, because otherwise the copy from the CD will be used and
not your new version.

More info:
man 8 lilo, man 5 lilo.conf, /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

adduser automation

2000-12-30 Thread :yegon
Is there an easy way to automate the adduser script

I'd like to run a script which creates several users listed in a text file
(or db) and sets their passwords

thank's for help

Martin Dragun

Re: lilo- from Sarah

2000-12-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 04:03:23PM +0100, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 lilo.  Oh, btw, you will have to copy /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to
 /etc/lilo.conf, because otherwise the copy from the CD will be used and
 not your new version.

lilo -C /mnt/etc/lilo.conf

 More info:
   man 8 lilo, man 5 lilo.conf, /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz
 MfG Viktor
 Viktor Rosenfeld
 E-Mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HertzSCHLAG:  http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: adduser automation

2000-12-30 Thread Leen Besselink
On Sat, 30 Dec 2000, :yegon wrote:

 Is there an easy way to automate the adduser script
 I'd like to run a script which creates several users listed in a text file
 (or db) and sets their passwords

Specify as many options as needed to:
useradd, it's non-interactive if I remember ok.
(maybe first you need to create the home directory, and copy /etc/skel)
groupadd is also available

With all this combined you should be able to do it.

Re: apt-setup with proxy

2000-12-30 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 01:06:18PM +0100, Hans-Christian Armingeon wrote:
:does anybody know, how to tell apt-setup that it has to use a proxy? I'm in a 
:network that only allows ftp through a proxy.
:Please reply to my e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm not on debian-user.

You can configure this in /etc/apt/apt.conf (man apt.conf), you can
also the environment variable $http_proxy for http proxying (don't
know if $ftp_proxy works or not)

I usually use:
bash$ export http_proxy=http://my.proxy.edu:3128



2000-12-30 Thread Patrick Schnorbus
I´ve a problem with SourceForge. I have a registered project and I want to 
login via ssh to upload my project´s website but something goes wrong. I read 
the documentation but I´ve know idea why there is this problem. Can anybody 
help me? 

thanx, Patrick

Is there a nice graphical front end available for gpg or pgp ?

2000-12-30 Thread Michael Meding
Hi all,

I am looking for a graphical front end for gpg and or pgp. Possibly qt or gtk 
based. Is geheimnis packaged already ?

Thanks in advance.



Re: SourceForge

2000-12-30 Thread Christian Surchi
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 05:45:14PM +0100, Patrick Schnorbus wrote:
 I´ve a problem with SourceForge. I have a registered project and I want to 
 login via ssh to upload my project´s website but something goes wrong. I read 
 the documentation but I´ve know idea why there is this problem. Can anybody 
 help me? 


Christian Surchi   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org 
- http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi --
BASIC is the Computer Science equivalent of `Scientific Creationism'.

konqueror and https

2000-12-30 Thread Anthony Fox
What is the debian way of recompiling konqueror with https support?  The default
konqueror in the kdebase package is not compiled with openssl support.


neighbour table overflow with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
I can connect to the outside world, but i cannot connect to localhost
neither with ssh nor netscape. If I connect to my machine with either
from another machine it works. I also get neighbour table overflow in
the /var/log/messages.

Can somebody please give me a hint of what might be the problem as I
have tried a lot of things now, but I cannot pin the problem down. The
only thing I found out was that the 2.2.18 kernel made my isdn system
unstable so I went back to 2.2.15.

All this worked when I had potato, but after upgrading to woody things
started to break.

Thanks in advance.
Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: Gnumeric 0.61 does not work with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/12/2000 (01:18) :
 When I try to start gnumeric I it stops and says that it cannot find the
 fonts. Programs like gnome-terminal have no problem, but I don't have a
 fontmap file in /usr/shar/fonts as gnumeric seems to expect. Does
 anybody know of a workaround? It is kind of urgent so any hints would be
 much appreciated.

Only some of the libgnomeprint package was installed apparently so
reinstalling all the libgnomeprint packages fixed the problem.

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

psql doesn't work in GUI

2000-12-30 Thread Dragón
 Connection to database 'mibsedatos' failed.
ERROR: connectDB() - connect() failed: ConexiCn rehusada
Is the postmaster running (with -i) at 'localhost' and 
accepting connections on TCP/IP port '5432'?

 With psql no problem but the problem comes out with
mpsql and pgaccess.



Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/12/2000 (18:14) :
 I can connect to the outside world, but i cannot connect to localhost
 neither with ssh nor netscape. If I connect to my machine with either
 from another machine it works. I also get neighbour table overflow in
 the /var/log/messages.
 Can somebody please give me a hint of what might be the problem as I
 have tried a lot of things now, but I cannot pin the problem down. The
 only thing I found out was that the 2.2.18 kernel made my isdn system
 unstable so I went back to 2.2.15.
 All this worked when I had potato, but after upgrading to woody things
 started to break.

I found the error. I had edited the wrong file and commented out auto lo
in /etc/network/interfaces

Sorry about that.

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

How to make apache use php?

2000-12-30 Thread Kent Nyberg
I have a normal woody (as in the old woody.. not the test thing..) system.
I have apache installed as a normal .deb package using apt.
But it seemes that the standard apache can't use php.
I have searched for a php module in my system but i cant find any :(

I noticed that there are php* packages in woody, but since i am very
poor and dont want to spend my time downloading stuff i do not need, i 
do not want to download that yet.

What should i do to get support for php in my apache?
I would rather not download the source.


Re: konqueror and https

2000-12-30 Thread Dave Thayer
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:57:54AM -0500, Anthony Fox wrote:
 What is the debian way of recompiling konqueror with https support?  The 
 konqueror in the kdebase package is not compiled with openssl support.

No need to recompile. Install kdebase-crypto (and its dependencies) and 
konqueror will enable https automagically.  These are in the non-us

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

Re: lilo- from Sarah

2000-12-30 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 04:03:23PM +0100, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
  lilo.  Oh, btw, you will have to copy /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to
  /etc/lilo.conf, because otherwise the copy from the CD will be used and
  not your new version.
 lilo -C /mnt/etc/lilo.conf

Thanks, didn't know that.
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: psql doesn't work in GUI

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:21:45PM +0100, Dragón wrote:
  Connection to database 'mibsedatos' failed.
 ERROR: connectDB() - connect() failed: ConexiCn rehusada
 Is the postmaster running (with -i) at 'localhost' and 
 accepting connections on TCP/IP port '5432'?
  With psql no problem but the problem comes out with
 mpsql and pgaccess.

Leave the hostname and just about everything blank for the connection
configuration.  That should force the use of UNIX sockets rather than
TCP/IP sockets.

See /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf for changing security
configuration, and /etc/postgresql/postmaster.init for options for the
postmaster (like listening for TCP/IP connections).

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: Why does apache-1.3.14-2 depend on libmysqlclient6 ?

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 02:25:06PM -0500, S . Salman Ahmed wrote:
 I'd like to install Apache-1.3.14 on my sid system, but noticed that
 apache-common depends on libmsqlclient6. Why is this ?
 I plan to use Apache with PostGres SQL.
 Is there any way to install apache without libmsqlclient6 getting
 installed ?

Is this in Potato?  There's no such dependency for apache-common in
unstable.  Maybe there's an error in the control file, since there can't
be any good reason to have apache-common depend on libmysqlclient.
There's always the --force-depends option to dpkg if necessary.

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: Why does apache-1.3.14-2 depend on libmysqlclient6 ?

2000-12-30 Thread Brian Frederick Kimball
Eric G . Miller wrote:

 There's no such dependency for apache-common in

Yes there is.

Package: apache-common
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 1948
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Source: apache
Version: 1.3.14-2
Replaces: apache, libapache-mod-roaming, libapache-mod-auth-sys, 
Provides: libapache-mod-roaming, libapache-mod-auth-sys, libapache-mod-put
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), libdb2 (= 1:2.4.14-7), libmysqlclient6, libz1, 
perl5 | perl
Suggests: apache
Conflicts: apache (= 1.3.1-1), libapache-mod-roaming, libapache-mod-auth-sys, 
Filename: dists/woody/main/binary-i386/web/apache-common_1.3.14-2.deb
Size: 704154
MD5sum: 7e0473dc596235ce6cbd8a476f415b93
Description: Support files for all Apache webservers
 Provides the Apache library files and support binaries needed by all
 packages of 1.3.x (regular, SSL, and locally compiled).  Also
 includes manpages, module documentation, and a webserver benchmark

Soundconfig and a mixed up user.

2000-12-30 Thread Toni Janz

I downloaded the files for esdxxx2.22-2 and installed them replacing my
2.17-7 stuff because I wanted the latest release. But every time i try
and play something with xmms (using the esd plugin) I get pops and
clicks and no music. I think its a irq conflict or something similar but
I know not how to define the irq/interrupts when loading the kernel

Note: I did not have the 2.17-7 drivers working before.

Here is what the modules look like: 

sb 33428   1 (autoclean)
uart401 6128   1 (autoclean) [sb]
softoss2   56856   1
sound  57528   0 [sb uart401 softoss2]
soundcore   2628   5 [sb sound]
soundlow 416   0 [sound]
lockd  31112   1 (autoclean)
sunrpc 52388   1 (autoclean) [lockd]
serial 19532   0 (autoclean)
3c59x  19584   1
st 24200   0 (unused)
sg 15288   0 (unused)
unix   10180  39 (autoclean)


  0: 417539  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   7782  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  3:  30960  XT-PIC  aic7xxx
  4:   1295  XT-PIC  eth0
  5:  0  XT-PIC  soundblaster
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 12:  49916  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14:  6  XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:  0

  0: 421252  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   8015  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  3:  30976  XT-PIC  aic7xxx
  4:   1295  XT-PIC  eth0
  5:  0  XT-PIC  soundblaster
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 12:  50040  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14:  6  XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:  0

catting /proc/sound yields:

Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux Shag-Tobacco 2.2.17 #1 Sat Sep 9 12:42:22 EST 2000 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 

Card config: 

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:
0: SoftOSS

Midi devices:

0: System clock
1: SoftOSS

0: Sound Blaster

Soundcard=SoundBlaster AWE 64
Debian Release=testing/woody

Thanks in advance

Description: PGP signature

Re: Home network with Debian

2000-12-30 Thread JD Kitch
On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 06:24:26PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
 right. here's my setup:
   all pointing to '' (as above) for their gateway
   (aka default route).
   which is also
   points to as its default, being the cmodem
 with my setup, i get a static ip and it never changes.
 if yours moves around, you'll need dhcp, which is not
 something i've needed, and not something i even begin
 to understand...

WooHoo!!  It's working for the most part, I have just one more
hurdle.  I was able to tweak my firewall settings to allow all the
basic stuff in and out for the internal machines, but one machine I
connected is my laptop from work that needs to be able to make a VPN
connection to works intranet and exchange servers.  Anyone have a
clue what I would need to allow to get that done, or if it's even
possible.  I would actually like to just open it wide up for that IP
if its possible.  Any ideas?

Thanks for everyones help thus far!!


Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/12/2000 (18:26) :
 I found the error. I had edited the wrong file and commented out auto lo
 in /etc/network/interfaces

Apparently I did something else as well as it stopped working :-(

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: Why does apache-1.3.14-2 depend on libmysqlclient6 ?

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 12:00:12PM -0800, Brian Frederick Kimball wrote:
 Eric G . Miller wrote:
  There's no such dependency for apache-common in
 Yes there is.

Ahh, I had 1.3.9-13.1 showing up with apt-cache search, which doesn't 
have that dependency.  Haven't used apache for some time...  Funny, I
thought apt-cache would show the most current available version of a
package, but it doesn't (dpkg --print-avail does).  Still boggles the
mind why mysql client libraries are needed.

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Imac CD install problem

2000-12-30 Thread Dippy Black
I am trying to install debian 2.2 from the CD on my Imac DV (slotloading). I
burned the CD myself. It boots okay and enters the install process.

The problem arises after Install Op System Kernel and Modules. I choose cdrom.
It then says, Please choose path inside the cdrom where the Debian Archive
resides. It defaults to /instmt.  Clicking okay it does nothing. I then tried
just listing from root. It then gives me 2 options: list and manual. I try list
and it reports that it can not find a directory on the cd containing file
rescue.bin.  I then try manual and have tried several trees here.  the one that
would seem appropriate is

This does not seem acceptable either. Any help  would be appreciated. Sorry if
this has been covered before. I could find nothing at the web site. I tried IRC
and there was no one that could help there. 

Esound Festival

2000-12-30 Thread Paul Clark
I have tried using Festival to read a text document and it appears
that the ESD Sound Daemon is sometimes processing two lots of speech
at once making it incomprehensible.

I am not familiar with ESD. The man page and /usr/share/docs are

I use the command festival --tts text.txt and this has worked on Red
Hat previously when I compiled Festival from source.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Paul Clark

install on compaq 1245

2000-12-30 Thread mgriffa
Anyone installed debian on one of these? I'd like to know how
about X, sound, and pcmcia configuration (meaning: easy, sortta, pain).
Well, I'm just planing to updata the notebook and wanted to see how much
time should I reserve for that installation.

Re: Gnumeric 0.61 does not work with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:13:26PM +0100, Preben Randhol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 28/12/2000 (01:18) :
  When I try to start gnumeric I it stops and says that it cannot find the
  fonts. Programs like gnome-terminal have no problem, but I don't have a
  fontmap file in /usr/shar/fonts as gnumeric seems to expect. Does
  anybody know of a workaround? It is kind of urgent so any hints would be
  much appreciated.
 Only some of the libgnomeprint package was installed apparently so
 reinstalling all the libgnomeprint packages fixed the problem.

Which libgnomeprint package(s) do you have installed?  I've got the
following on my system:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:karsten]$ dpkg --get-selections | grep gnomeprint
libgnomeprint-bin   install
libgnomeprint-data  install
libgnomeprint11 install
libgnomeprint6  install


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: emacs w3m -- Cannot open load file: poe

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 10:05:35AM -0500, Bob Bernstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 03:00:11AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  Actually, it doesn't.  Same error:
  Symbol's function definition is void: set-process-coding-system
 Eeek. Fwiw, here's what I have here, that seems to work with no errors:
 w3-el-e20  4.0pre.46-9  running in
 from unstable.
  ..and, IMVAO, w3's rendering is less than ideal. 
 I use it to view URLs when I'm using gnus for mail, and I don't do that in
 X. So I hafta beg out of that one.

I've got emacs19 installed, have been told by a friend on the XEmacs
team that it may lack some required support.  Am installing emacs20 now.
Am under the impression that emacs20-dl might be a better option than
emacs20, for dynamic loading of lisp extensions.  Thoughts?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

newbie trying to run anXious - lots of Xwoes

2000-12-30 Thread DTi4565459
Have succeeded with potato install on Mitsubishi 
Amity laptop, but stuck on configuring X.  Potato
install runs in a 16 color VGA mode, so I don't
know why I can't even get something that simple
to run.  I have triedxf86config but apparently
something goes wrong.  Among other things,
SuperProbe finds a Yamaha chip, which doesn't
appear on xf86config's list of options.  So, I am
trying to run anXious.  I can migrate to /usr/bin
and type anXious; nothing happens.  

Permission problem?? I tried chmod a+x anXious.

Still no joy.  I'm stumped.  Newbie will appreciate
help.  TIA and Happy New Year.

PS: Any debian specific X howto out there??
Haven't found one yet.

Re: [Q] Debian with UMSDOS part.

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 03:13:24PM +0200, Elias Athanasopoulos ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Is there an installation image in order to have Debian Linux installed
 under an MS-DOS partition? Any sources are welcomed. 

Not that I'm aware of.

SuSE GNU/Linux had an option to install onto a UMSDOS partition some
time back, as well as a live CD installation.  There's also PHAT
Linux, as well as a number of other GNU/Linux distributions which were
intended for installation under Legacy MS Windows.  

At a minimum, you'd need msdos, vfat, and/or umsdos support in the
kernel (compiled-in, not a module).  I'd start poking around through the
the HOWTOs and possibly some of the Linux-on-DOS distributions to see
how they're configured.

Why do you want to do this?  In general, you get much better
performance, functionality, and safety, running on a standard ext2fs
(or similar) partition.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Konqueror and HTTPS

2000-12-30 Thread Mary L. Henze

I just installed kdebase-crypto.  It appeared to install fine but konqueror 
still does not support https.  The icon does not lock and I'm not able to 
access secure sites.  My sources.list follows:

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main qt1apps optional crypto

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Gnumeric 0.61 does not work with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote on 30/12/2000 (22:27) :
 Which libgnomeprint package(s) do you have installed?  I've got the
 following on my system:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:karsten]$ dpkg --get-selections | grep gnomeprint
 libgnomeprint-bin   install
 libgnomeprint-data  install
 libgnomeprint11 install
 libgnomeprint6  install

% dpkg --get-selections | grep gnomeprint
libgnomeprint-bin  install
libgnomeprint-dev  install
libgnomeprint11   install

But it wasn't that. In the libgnomeprint-data package the 
/usr/share/fonts/afms/ directory was empty. I don't know why because it
wasn't on a different machine earlier and the disc is not full either.

Installing these packages a second time fixed the problem.

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: Esound Festival

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 09:11:37PM +, Paul Clark wrote:
 I have tried using Festival to read a text document and it appears
 that the ESD Sound Daemon is sometimes processing two lots of speech
 at once making it incomprehensible.
 I am not familiar with ESD. The man page and /usr/share/docs are
 I use the command festival --tts text.txt and this has worked on Red
 Hat previously when I compiled Festival from source.
 Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Try running esd with the -as secs parameter.  That'll free the audio
device after secs seconds which should allow festival to play
directly without esd mucking it up.  You can do that in your
~/.xsession.  Alternatively, if you run gnome-session, just turn off
sound server in the control panel.

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

kde2 install help

2000-12-30 Thread Trevor Ramoutar
I did an install of Stormix and chose kde as my default windowmanger.  Then
I added:

deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main

to my sources.list.  I added apt-get update and apt-get install task-kde
it pulled down all the packages.  So now my question is this, how do I start
kde2?  Everytime I type in startx, kde1 comes up.


Re: install on compaq 1245

2000-12-30 Thread Shawn D'Alimonte
On December 30, 2000 04:43 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Anyone installed debian on one of these? I'd like to know how
 about X, sound, and pcmcia configuration (meaning: easy, sortta,
 pain). Well, I'm just planing to updata the notebook and wanted to
 see how much time should I reserve for that installation.

What hardware does the notebook have?  I have a 1275 which I think is 
similar so I will give you hints from that.  I have a webpage about it 
at http://members.home.com/sdalimon/linux/Compaq1275.html

Note this machine runs Mandrake (But is outnumbered by 2 other Debian 
machines in the house) so I can only offer general suggestions, nothing 
debian specific.

Neomagic Video
Supported by the XFree86_SVGA server.  Both 3.3.6 and 4.0.1 work.  Use 
Option intern_disp and Option extern_disp in the Device section to 
set wether X is on LCD and/or monitor.  The keyboard control doesn't 
work reliably in X.  Monitor switching works on the console.

ESS Sound
Soundblaster compatable.  Get the Io, irq, dma, etc from the BIOS 
screen or the WIndows device manager.  Volume buttons do work.

Works with my Practically Networked (LinkSys) NP-100 network card

USB (Does the 1245 have this?)
Works fine with 2.2.17+backport (Probably 2.2.18 too, haven't tried it 
yet).  Used with Zip250 and S SideWinder gamepad

This is a Synaptics Touchpad.  It works as a PS/2 mouse.  A utility is 
available to turn off tap-to-click mode if you don't like it.

The Compaq 56K modem is a Lucent LT Winmodem.  A driver for most 2.2 
kernels is available from http://linmodems.org.  I find it unreliable, 
especially with the network card.  More modem info and newer Windows 
drivers are available from www.808hi/com/56k/ltwin.htm

I also use a backpack CD-Rewriter attached to the parallel port using 
the binary driver from microsolutions webpage.  I also use an external 
monitor, keyboard and logitech cordless wheelmouse (On a cheap PS/2 y 
cable.  Compaq claims that y cables are not reliable, but I have had no 
Hope this helps.

Shawn D'Alimonte   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-30 Thread Dale Morris
I'm trying to get java working on my system. I have both jdk1.1 and j2sdk1.3
installed, I can execute the java console, but still there's no java
environment. Any suggestions?


RE: Java???

2000-12-30 Thread Trevor Ramoutar
from what I've been told, in Linux just because one has the JDK installed
does not mean that JRE is installed(I don't think that they're bundled in
the Linux version).  If you want JRE then you have to install it.  Yah I
know, weird...

-Original Message-
From: Dale Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 30, 2000 5:49 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Java???

I'm trying to get java working on my system. I have both jdk1.1 and j2sdk1.3
installed, I can execute the java console, but still there's no java
environment. Any suggestions?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: How to make apache use php?

2000-12-30 Thread ktb
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:34:27PM +0100, Kent Nyberg wrote:
 I have a normal woody (as in the old woody.. not the test thing..) system.
 I have apache installed as a normal .deb package using apt.
 But it seemes that the standard apache can't use php.
 I have searched for a php module in my system but i cant find any :(
 I noticed that there are php* packages in woody, but since i am very
 poor and dont want to spend my time downloading stuff i do not need, i 
 do not want to download that yet.
 What should i do to get support for php in my apache?
 I would rather not download the source.

You have to install the php stuff in order to use php.  You
should be able to just apt-get install php3 or php4 if you
want that.  Sounds like maybe you should spring for some cd's if
you connection is that expensive.

  In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe.  
 - Carl Sagan

Re: Java???

2000-12-30 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 06:03:10PM -0500, Trevor Ramoutar wrote:
 from what I've been told, in Linux just because one has the JDK installed
 does not mean that JRE is installed(I don't think that they're bundled in
 the Linux version).  If you want JRE then you have to install it.  Yah I
 know, weird...

I thought that the JRE was depricated. That's what I read on the Java
homepage anyway. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX
PGP Public Key: http://www.storm.ca/~msoulier/personal.html

Description: PGP signature

Re: newbie: scsi

2000-12-30 Thread Gary Mulder

Adaptec used to be the defacto standard card. I'm using at home an AHA-2940 with
no problems. We have quite a few Linux systems using Adaptec SCSI cards at work,
all with no problems.

You could do a search on DejaNews for the combined keywards problem linux SCSI
card where SCSI card is each of the vendor + models you listed.


James Haskell wrote:
 i'm considering adding SCSI to my system, but i seem
 to be at a loss in choosing the right SCSI controller.
 so far i'm considering the following:
 1.  adaptec SCSI card 29160
 2.  adaptec SCSI card 19160
 3.  mylex dac1164p u2scsi pci
 4.  tekram dc-390u3d u160scsi pci
 afaik all 4 are linux friendly (pls let me know
 otherwise).  i'd welcome any suggestions, criticism,
 i haven't even started looking at SCSI disks yet, but
 i'm open to suggestions.
 btw i'm running debian 2.2 on an i686
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie trying to run anXious - lots of Xwoes

2000-12-30 Thread Daniel Freedman

Well, I would assume that /usr/bin is in your path as it must be
for you to simply type anXious (check with 'echo $SHELL' 
without the quotes).

If not, type:


while in /usr/bin.  Where ./ accesses executable in local 
directory not in path.



On Sat, Dec 30, 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have succeeded with potato install on Mitsubishi 
 Amity laptop, but stuck on configuring X.  Potato
 install runs in a 16 color VGA mode, so I don't
 know why I can't even get something that simple
 to run.  I have triedxf86config but apparently
 something goes wrong.  Among other things,
 SuperProbe finds a Yamaha chip, which doesn't
 appear on xf86config's list of options.  So, I am
 trying to run anXious.  I can migrate to /usr/bin
 and type anXious; nothing happens.  
 Permission problem?? I tried chmod a+x anXious.
 Still no joy.  I'm stumped.  Newbie will appreciate
 help.  TIA and Happy New Year.
 PS: Any debian specific X howto out there??
 Haven't found one yet.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Re: [debian-user] Scrolling the mouse wheel of Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer (again) in Corel Linux 1.2

2000-12-30 Thread Rüdiger Kuhlmann


--[Rob VanFleet]--[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 10:13:16AM +0100, Andrea Vettorello wrote:

  Modifying your ~/.Xdefaults file you can use the wheel in Nestcape 4.x too 
  I've posted mine some time ago on the list...
 Could you possibly repost it?  I searched the archives back to 97 and I only
 got two results.

I'd like to have it, too. I can't get the wheel to work at all - the funny
thing is, when I do something like cat /dev/psaux/ | od -tc, it starts
printing characters for moving the mouse or clicking the buttons, but not
for moving the wheel! What can I do? If there is no response to the wheel
that low level, of course it can't work anywhere else...

Yours, Rüdiger.


Linux tries to talk to nameserver when accessing localhost (was Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody)

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/12/2000 (21:57) :
 Apparently I did something else as well as it stopped working :-(

That is when I'm not on the net, the machine still tries to talk to the
nameservers I have set up in resolv.conf when I write :
netscape http://localhost/
and it then hangs for a long time as it cannot connect to the

If I write netscape it works.

# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain

# cat /etc/resolv.conf

Any hints much appreciated!

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: newbie trying to run anXious - lots of Xwoes

2000-12-30 Thread Daniel Freedman
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000, Daniel Freedman wrote:
 Well, I would assume that /usr/bin is in your path as it must be
 for you to simply type anXious (check with 'echo $SHELL' 
 without the quotes).

I'm an idiot: I meant 'echo $PATH'

Happy new year,


shell to /dev/ttySxx

2000-12-30 Thread Matthieu Paindavoine

I have a device connected to a serial port. There is no protocol, I just
send out characters.
I would like to know how to have a shell where every thing I typed is
sent to this device once I type [enter], pretty much like irc.
Currently I can output files to this device (Cat xxx  /dev/ttySxx), but
I am looking for a more interactive mode.

Thank you, and have a happy, happy, New Year!


Xemacs won't run

2000-12-30 Thread Cameron Matheson


For some reason Xemacs won't run. It used to, 
but for some (unkown) reason it has stopped. When I try to run the mule 
binary (or any other binary for that matter), it runs my hard-drive for a 
second, and then nothing happens. Any one know what the 
could be?

Cameron Matheson

[OT] How to create MPEGs

2000-12-30 Thread Cameron Matheson


Just wondering how I might go around to creating 
MPEG's with Linux. Any links would be helpful.

Cameron matheson

Garbled fonts with X Windows in potato

2000-12-30 Thread Daniel Freedman


I recently upgraded the linux half of a friends' dual-boot box from RH
6.0 to Debian potato (2.2r2) (actually looked over her shoulder while
she did it so that she'd get the experience and be more comfortable
with Debian in the future).

Primary problem I encountered:

X-Windows garbles all the fonts it uses, to make it unreadable.  I'm
not only talking about fonts in a given xterm (which one often
encounters after, e.g., viewing a binary file with more), it garbles
menu-items, words in xdm's login screen, title-bars, etc in addition
to all fonts in xterms.  

I installed X through tasksel, used the svga server, installed both
75dpi and 100dpi fonts (though tried it again with only 75dpi with
same problem).  System video card is S3 Trio64 (764), but xfree86's S3
accelerated server doesn't work at all when I tried it, and anXious
identifies the server for the card at SVGA by default, so I would
think that would be safe.

Suggestions much appreciated.  I'd be happy to supply any additional
info needed.

Thanks so much and happy new year,


PS. Strange sidenote: surprisingly, though this never occured in
RH6.0, something weirdly similar occurs for her in Win95, where all
fonts are garbled until one exits to DOS, exits back to Win95 and
fonts are restored.  Hmm...  I checked BIOS for some system-wide
misconfiguration, but no joy.

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Re: Linux tries to talk to nameserver when accessing localhost (was Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody)

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 01:09:32AM +0100, Preben Randhol wrote:
 Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/12/2000 (21:57) :
  Apparently I did something else as well as it stopped working :-(
 That is when I'm not on the net, the machine still tries to talk to the
 nameservers I have set up in resolv.conf when I write :
 netscape http://localhost/
 and it then hangs for a long time as it cannot connect to the
 If I write netscape it works.
 # cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain
 # cat /etc/resolv.conf
 Any hints much appreciated!

/etc/host.conf ???

order hosts,bind
multi on

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: [OT] How to create MPEGs

2000-12-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 05:19:15PM -0700, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 Just wondering how I might go around to creating MPEG's with Linux.
 Any links would be helpful.

See ucbmpeg if you're talking MPEG-1 movies.  Gimp1.1 has some interface
functionality with this.  Hope you have a big harddisk ;)

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: Linux tries to talk to nameserver when accessing localhost (was Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody)

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net wrote on 31/12/2000 (01:32) :
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 01:09:32AM +0100, Preben Randhol wrote:
  Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 30/12/2000 (21:57) :
   Apparently I did something else as well as it stopped working :-(
  That is when I'm not on the net, the machine still tries to talk to the
  nameservers I have set up in resolv.conf when I write :
  netscape http://localhost/
  and it then hangs for a long time as it cannot connect to the
  If I write netscape it works.
  # cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain
  # cat /etc/resolv.conf
  Any hints much appreciated!
 /etc/host.conf ???
 order hosts,bind
 multi on

Sorry, yes it looks like that.
Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

Re: shell to /dev/ttySxx

2000-12-30 Thread Shawn D'Alimonte
On December 30, 2000 01:15 pm, Matthieu Paindavoine wrote:

 I have a device connected to a serial port. There is no protocol, I
 just send out characters.
 I would like to know how to have a shell where every thing I typed is
 sent to this device once I type [enter], pretty much like irc.
 Currently I can output files to this device (Cat xxx  /dev/ttySxx),
 but I am looking for a more interactive mode.

You probably want to use a terminal program like minicom.  

Shawn D'Alimonte   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux tries to talk to nameserver when accessing localhost (was Re: neighbour table overflow with Woody)

2000-12-30 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 31/12/2000 (01:44) :

and nsswitch.conf :

% cat nsswitch.conf 
# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
# If you have the `glibc-doc' and `info' packages installed, try:
# `info libc Name Service Switch' for information about this file.

passwd: compat
group:  compat
shadow: compat

hosts:  files dns
networks:   files

protocols:  db files
services:   db files
ethers: db files
rpc:db files

netgroup:   nis

Preben Randhol -- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle.
+---+  -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

making recompiled packages available

2000-12-30 Thread Andrew Smith

We are recompiling a bunch of packages to optimise them for i686. The setup is 
along the following lines:

1. A copy of all six source and binary cdroms is on the hard disk
2. A local repository is at /debian/dists
3. sources.list has source and binary entries for the local repository and the 
4. sources.list has source entries for debian mirrors
5. apt-move.conf targets the local repository and mirrors only sources

The following commands are used to maintain the source mirror:

$ apt-get update# update the list of available sources
$ apt-move sync # retrieve any new sources

These seem to work well enough, although it is necessary to do a dselect/update 
before the downloaded sources will be retrieved from the repository instead of 
from the proxy cache. :-/

Having installed and configured pentium-builder for i686, the following command 
will do a nice job for any source whose build-dependencis are met:

$ apt-get -b source package

So now we have the following problems:

A. The following command should add the recompiled binary packages to the 

$ apt-move movefile *.deb

But it only works some of the time -- many of the deb packages are skipped and 
left where they are, and if there is already a matching deb file in the 
repository, the new one is put in /debian/.archive... which seems to be some 
kind of bit bucket?

B. The locally compiled packages are not recognised by dselect. We have read 
lots of documentation (but I suspect not all), and issued every kind of refresh 
or update commmand that is mentioned.

So far, the only way that we have found to use the recompiled packages is with 
dpkg -i *.deb which is tedious and error prone to say the least.

BTW, is there any way to analyse build dependencies automatically, the way 
dselect and friends can analyse install dependencies?

All in all, Debian is a fantastic system to use, and we would appreciate any 
help or advice as to how to use it better. I am not sure if we are doing 
something wrong, or trying to make apt do something it is not quite ready to do 

Finally, are there already any i686 optimised mirrors available? If not, is 
there some economical way that we could make ours available to the community. 
Haven't been with Debian long enough to now if this fits in with policy or not.


PS Can send config files to anyone who wants them for use or further analysis.

Re: apt problems

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 02:41:24PM -0500, Michelle Murrain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 The result of a dumb mistake:
 I wanted to upgrade a particular package from woody, and in the middle, it 
 stopped because it didn't have a newer copy of libc6. I decided at that point 
 that I would forgo the upgrade. However, somehow, part of it got installed 
 somehow, and now I can't install anything using apt. I need to figure out how 
 to get out of this hole.
 Problem: I now have base-passwd installed at a version that requires libc6 
 2.1.94, although I only have 2.1.3-13 installed. Whenever I try to apt-get 
 anything, I get:
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   base-passwd: Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.94) but 2.1.3-13 is to be installed
   mailman: Depends: logrotate but it is not going to be installed   
 How do I downgrade my base-passwd, and clear out this mailman/logrotate issue 
 (I ended up installing a newer version of mailman from tarball, and didn't 
 install logrotate at all)

Logrotate is a useful utility.  I'd recommend it strongly.

 DON'T tell me to apt-get -f install, because I get a nasty, nasty message 
 suggesting that I'll lose big chunks of my system install, including bash!

First:  post the *exact text* of the error message.  It's more useful to
us, and it makes searching for similar problmes ***MUCH*** easier.

This is a periodic problem, and while I've encountered it in the past, I
can't say exactly how I've resolved it.  I'd like to trace your problem
here and see if we can't come up with a fix-it howto for the issue.

As a first step, try running:

$ dpkg --get-selections  package-list.out

...to list your package selections.  Save this to a file.  Check to see
what the listed status of the packages listed by apt-get for removal is.
We'll return to this later.

Sounds like you may have corrupted your status file.  Look under
/var/lib/dpkg for two files names 'status' and 'status-old'.  First,
copy both someplace safe.  Try substituting 'status-old' for 'status',
and see what apt wants to replace.

You might also try grabbing the debs for base-passwd, mailman, libc6,
and logrotate, and installing these via dpkg rather than apt:

   $ dpkg -i package-list

If neither of the above two suggestions work, try taking the
--get-selections list generated above and marking 'install' the packages
you *don't* want removed, then send this to the dpkg system with:

   $ cp package-list.out package-list.in
   $ $EDITOR package-list.in
   $ dpkg --set-selections  package-list.in

Good luck  cheers.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xemacs won't run

2000-12-30 Thread Aaron Brashears
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 05:18:01PM -0700, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 For some reason Xemacs won't run.  It used to, but for some (unkown) reason 
 it has stopped.  When I try to run the mule binary (or any other binary for 
 that matter), it runs my hard-drive for a second, and then nothing happens.  
 Any one know what the problem
 could be?

So what's the output when you try to run it from the command line? How
about the output of `strace xemacs`?

Re: Gnumeric 0.61 does not work with Woody

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 10:47:57PM +0100, Preben Randhol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote on 30/12/2000 (22:27) :
  Which libgnomeprint package(s) do you have installed?  I've got the
  following on my system:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:karsten]$ dpkg --get-selections | grep gnomeprint
  libgnomeprint-bin   install
  libgnomeprint-data  install
  libgnomeprint11 install
  libgnomeprint6  install
 % dpkg --get-selections | grep gnomeprint
 libgnomeprint-bin  install
 libgnomeprint-dev  install
 libgnomeprint11   install
 But it wasn't that. In the libgnomeprint-data package the 
 /usr/share/fonts/afms/ directory was empty. I don't know why because it
 wasn't on a different machine earlier and the disc is not full either.
 Installing these packages a second time fixed the problem.

Note that I don't have libgnomeprint-dev installed.  Is this required
for Gnumeric?  I find it unlikely (development package for a userland
package?), but if so there's a failed dependency.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: emacs w3m -- Cannot open load file: poe

2000-12-30 Thread Bob Bernstein
On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 01:27:31PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

 I've got emacs19 installed, have been told by a friend on the XEmacs
 team that it may lack some required support.  Am installing emacs20 now.
 Am under the impression that emacs20-dl might be a better option than
 emacs20, for dynamic loading of lisp extensions.  Thoughts?

Only that there's yet another thing to add to my already extensive list of
things I need to learn about!

I recall giving the matter a casual glance awhile ago, and, it not being
immediately evident to that superficial inspection that the dl stuff would
make life either easier or more interesting, I stuck with plain vanilla

So, to conclude this Micawberesque exercise in wordiness, In short, none at


Bob Bernstein
Esmond, Rhode Island, USA  

Re: Xemacs won't run

2000-12-30 Thread MH
Hash: SHA1

Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For some reason Xemacs won't run.  It used to, but for some (uknown) reason 
 it has
 stopped.  When I try to run the mule binary (or any other binary for that 
 matter), it
 runs my hard-drive for a second, and then nothing happens.  Any one know what 
 could be?
That's not a lot of error information...
Run xemacs from an xterm to see the error message and post it, along
with your debian version ...

I'm using unstable and there was an X-library related problem (already
solved) that affected xemacs this week.


PD: text/plain preferred   

- -- 
(Dr.) Michael Hummel
- --
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518
key: http://www.seitung.net/key
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard 


The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header

2000-12-30 Thread Rafael A . Schmitt
what is this? i've been receiving this message from the last two weeks.
# apt-get update
 Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/main Packages 
 The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
 Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/main Release  
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/main Packages   

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/main Packages  

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length heade
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/main Release

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/main Release   

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/contrib Packages

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/contrib Packages   

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/contrib Release 

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/contrib Release

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/non-free Packages   

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/non-free Packages  

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://security.debian.org stable/updates/non-free Release

  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://non-us.debian.org stable/non-US/non-free Release
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib Packages
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib Release
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free Packages
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header
  Err http://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free Release
  The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header

How Do I Put a Package On Hold?

2000-12-30 Thread Mark Rahner
Hello Debian World,

I'm trying to upgrade from a mixed potato/woody to a woody.  I edited my
sources.list file, ran apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade.
This procedure results in an attempt to remove kernel-image-2.2.17.  I
don't want to do this because I'm running a custom kernel to support
Win4Lin.  If I tell it not to remove the kernel image, the remainder of
the dist-upgrade is aborted.  From what I can glean from the various man
pages, my problem would be avoided by placing the kernel-image package
on hold but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this.  The
dpkg man page implies that this should be possible using dselect but the
dselect man page mentions no such thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Re: emacs w3m -- Cannot open load file: poe

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 10:05:35AM -0500, Bob Bernstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2000 at 03:00:11AM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
  Actually, it doesn't.  Same error:
  Symbol's function definition is void: set-process-coding-system
 Eeek. Fwiw, here's what I have here, that seems to work with no errors:
 w3-el-e20  4.0pre.46-9  running in
 from unstable.
  ..and, IMVAO, w3's rendering is less than ideal. 
 I use it to view URLs when I'm using gnus for mail, and I don't do that in
 X. So I hafta beg out of that one.


Ok, upgraded to emacs20.  My font-lock highlighting colors have changed
(for the worse).  Any suggestions on fixing this?

w3 appears to call w3m.  Are they in fact the same thing?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.  http://www.zelerate.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

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