Re: arrancar

2001-01-11 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Pero en otras distribuciones, hay el rc.boot o cosas así, para que el
 usuario pueda poner sus 4 pijadas sin problema. 4 pijadas que no tiene
 porqué modificar ningun script de inicio.
 Que yo sepa se tiene que hacer con el enlace simbólico o el update-rc...
 Pero para cosas simples pienso que sería útil para un usuario medio tener
 el ficherito este que lo hace. Ya sé, tampoco me cuesta a mi hacer el
 enlace del rc3.d a init.d que se llame S98boot y meter mis cosas... era
 para saber si habia un estándard hecho

Si no me equivoco, para que sea equivalente a lo que era el rc.boot el
enlace debes hacerlo desde el directorio /etc/rcS.d


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Accounting de impresión

2001-01-11 Thread Hue-Bond
 En el 'man printcap' pone que el campo af es para especificar
 un  archivo donde  se guarda  la información  de accounting  de los
 trabajos de impresión. Pone también que  ese campo sólo se usa como
 parámetro a la hora de llamar al if. Por tanto, es el if el que
 realmente se encarga del accounting.

 El problema  es que mi if  es un filtro de  magicfilter, cuya
 primera línea es:

#! /usr/sbin/magicfilter

 Vaya... si no está  en bash ni perl me temo que  no voy a saber
 cómo añadirle algo.  Por supuesto el archivo al que  apunta el af
 está completamente vacío, ya que  el filtro de magicfilter se ocupa
 de imprimir y nada más. ¿Cómo puedo hacer?

 Lo que me gustaría conseguir es guardar algo como:

Jan 11 11:21:22 Usuario A en máquina B imprime un trabajo de C hojas

 Es  que a  veces  viene algún  cliente  graciosillo a  imprimir
 montones de folios que probablemente  no le interesan, con la única
 finalidad de hacerme  gastar papel y tóner/tinta.  Si consigo hacer
 esto podré empapelarlo (y nunca mejor dicho :^)).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: sound blaster live

2001-01-11 Thread lasensio
 Mi kernel (2.4.0-test11) trae ese driver, de hecho el copyright del
 mismo es de Creative Labs. A pesar de ello uso ALSA; siempre me ha
 funcionado bién.

La versión 2.2.18 (final) ya incluye soporte para este chip EMU10K1, y 
si no me equivoco, la versión 2.2.17 ya lo tiene también.

Un saludo


Cortafuegos y mantener la conexion

2001-01-11 Thread Jaume Sabater

Antes tenia algo asín:

Y me funcionaba perfectamente, desde maquina1 podia hacer un ssh a maquina2
y dejarlo horas que no cae, se mantiene la connexion.

Ahora tengo:
eth  eth rdsi   eth

puedo hacer ssh desde maquina1 a maquina2, pero la conexion no me dura mas
de media horita, si no hago nada se corta:

Read from remote host maquina2: Connection reset by peer
Connection to maquina2 closed.

El cortafuegos es un Pentium 133 con 32 RAM, kernel 2.2.18 y el squid
rulando, y tiene varias ethernets realtek 10/100MB (es suficiente para
30/40 clientes, ¿verdad?) ¿Que puedo hacer para que no se me corte?

Gracias por adelantado

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Cortafuegos y mantener la conexion

2001-01-11 Thread Ivan Lopez

supongo que estas usando el ip-masquerade de linux, si es asi, la conexion
se te corta depues de todo ese tiempo idle porque hay unos timeouts
definidos por defecto para el enmascaramiento de conexiones tcp, tcp despues
de haber recibido fin, y udp (esto es necesario porque el numero de puertos
dedicados para hacer masquerade es bastante limitado entre 61000 y 65096 y
si no se van liberando las conexiones por inactividad se llenarian

echale un ojo a
ahi te da un ejemplo de como cambiar los timeouts, pero tampoco los pongas
excesivamente altos, es cuestion de encontrar el punto de equilibrio que te
vaya bien ;)

un saludo


- Original Message -
From: Jaume Sabater [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: Cortafuegos y mantener la conexion


Antes tenia algo asín:

Y me funcionaba perfectamente, desde maquina1 podia hacer un ssh a maquina2
y dejarlo horas que no cae, se mantiene la connexion.

Ahora tengo:
eth  eth rdsi   eth

puedo hacer ssh desde maquina1 a maquina2, pero la conexion no me dura mas
de media horita, si no hago nada se corta:

Read from remote host maquina2: Connection reset by peer
Connection to maquina2 closed.

El cortafuegos es un Pentium 133 con 32 RAM, kernel 2.2.18 y el squid
rulando, y tiene varias ethernets realtek 10/100MB (es suficiente para
30/40 clientes, ¿verdad?) ¿Que puedo hacer para que no se me corte?

Gracias por adelantado

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

re: instalacion sound live

2001-01-11 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
Bueno ya funciona mi tarjeta sound live el truco, bueno no el truco, es
instal el kernel 2.4 y no colocarla como modulo sino por activa permanente y
listo viejo no hat problemas y despiues en /dev/dsp* cambie los permiso para
que los demas usuarios la puedan usar



2001-01-11 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
bueno ya soy mas o menos usuario de linux arrancando o parando servicios no
tengo problema en init tampoco 1,2,3,4,5 etc el problemas es que no entiendo
que significa cada uno de estos en alguno lado dice que singl,
reboot,multiuser bueno en fin pero en ulimas no se si esta anotacion tenga

uno puede hace su propio init o modificar uno existente de acuerdo a su
necesidades ? ya que los demonios que estan en /etc/ini.d son los que se
referencian en /etc/rc* y de esta manera yo puedo dar las caracteristicas
que desee a mi arrancada

bueno otra pregunta porque mi debian no me arraca lo que esta rc.local

Re: re: instalacion sound live

2001-01-11 Thread lasensio
 instal el kernel 2.4 y no colocarla como modulo sino por activa 
 permanente y

Es una buena solución si no te importa tener un kernel demasiado grnade.

 listo viejo no hat problemas y despiues en /dev/dsp* cambie los 
 permiso para que los demas usuarios la puedan usar

Yo creo que lo más apropiado hubiera sido agregar los usuarios que 
quieres que tengan acceso al audio al grupo 'audio' en el fichero 
/etc/group, así controlas mejor quienes quieres que accedan y quienes 

Un saludo.


pregunta de correo electronico

2001-01-11 Thread Luz Altamirano
alguin podría decirme el citio de correo gratuito
donde pones tu nombre por ejemplo [EMAIL PROTECTED] me
di de alta, y despues se me olvido la dirección para
accesar a ver mi correo alguin sabe la dirección.

mi otra direccion es [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ¿Consumo_de_memoria_normal_o_brutal?

2001-01-11 Thread Faro
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 04:02:14PM +0100, Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez wrote:
 On mié, ene 10, 2001 at 08:48:27 -0600, Carlos López wrote:
  Con mozilla es normal, es una bestia.
 Joer una bestia... pero se puede considerar un bug o una mierda de
 programación, no lo veo lógico.

Yo tengo dos ordenadores, el primero con 64Mb y el otro es un
portatil con 64-4=60Mb. En ambos el mozilla va bien y no rasca
disco duro ni nada. Así que sospecho que es posible que se reserve
memoria en función de lo que encuentra disponible en el equipo.

Y si ve 128 dirá ¡Esta es la mía! ;-)

Yo uso software libre. ¿y tú?
faro at escomposlinux . org
Debian GNU/Linux 
Usuario Linux #162541

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mouse muere de repente...

2001-01-11 Thread Luis Manuel Asensio Royo
Diego Bote wrote:

   En consola existe pero no se mueve... o sea:
   Cuando estoy en consola, si muevo el mouse, aparece el puntero en pantalla
  aunque quitito. Si toco el teclado, desaparece tal y como siempre hace...

 Tiene pinta de ser del protocolo usado. Mira en /etc/gpm.conf y ve 
 probando o ejecuta gpmconfig y ve configurando todo paso a paso.

Efectivamente, y creo que ya se a qué se debe. Comprueba que no tengas
activada la opción -R. En mi caso si la activo mi ratón PS/2 le sucede
lo mismo.
 |||   Un saludo
_/|\_  Regards


Re: arrancar

2001-01-11 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El jue, 11 de ene de 2001, a las 12:18:54 +, Carles Pina i Estany dijo:
  Lo del autoexec.bat funciona en una máquina de juguete, cuando los comandos
 no me he explicado bien...
 El sistema de links es muy bueno, y lo uso y me gusta.
 Pero en otras distribuciones, hay el rc.boot o cosas así, para que el
 usuario pueda poner sus 4 pijadas sin problema. 4 pijadas que no tiene
 porqué modificar ningun script de inicio.
 Que yo sepa se tiene que hacer con el enlace simbólico o el update-rc...
 Pero para cosas simples pienso que sería útil para un usuario medio tener
 el ficherito este que lo hace. Ya sé, tampoco me cuesta a mi hacer el
 enlace del rc3.d a init.d que se llame S98boot y meter mis cosas... era
 para saber si habia un estándard hecho
Vaya!! pues en mi Potato tengo el directorio /etc/rc.boot/ con un par de
scripts que se ejecutan al arrancar el ordenador...i funciona todo de
maravilla!! es que no tendria que estar ese directorio ahi??

Nos leemos
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Re: Consultar ficheros instalados

2001-01-11 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El mar, 09 de ene de 2001, a las 11:11:22 +0100, Amaya dijo:
 Ignacio Garcia Fernandez dijo:
  Creo que con dpkg -L nombrepakete.
 Como yo nunca me acuerdo de los nombres de los paquetes ;-) uso:
 $dpkg -l | grep cosaparecidalanombredelpaquete
pues yo acabo de probar esto, y lo que tu dices solo muestra resultados de
la lista de paquetes instalados, pero si utilizas solamente 
dpkg -l gno*
te aparece la lista de todos los paquetes que empiezan por gno (ya sea
instalados, como no).
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Re: ¿Consumo_de_memoria_normal_o_brutal?

2001-01-11 Thread BPD :-\)

Yo tengo dos ordenadores, el primero con 64Mb y el otro es un
portatil con 64-4=60Mb. En ambos el mozilla va bien y no rasca
disco duro ni nada. Así que sospecho que es posible que se reserve
memoria en función de lo que encuentra disponible en el equipo.

Y si ve 128 dirá ¡Esta es la mía! ;-)

Estoy de acuerdo contigo,

segun he leido por ahi Linux reparte la memoria que le queda libre a los 
programas. Por que dejar libre memoria si la puedo usar para que vaya el 
sistema mejor? :-) Asi se optimiza el uso de la memoria y los programas van 
mas 'suaves'.
Puedes hacer una prueba con 'free' antes y despues de abrir programas. Veras 
que el tamaño de los buffers y de cached varian. Se ajustan dinamicamente.

Yo personalmente tengo 198 MB de RAM y he visto el Mozilla llegar a ocupar 
unos 90MB.

Esto es asip :-)

La verdad es que estoy de acuerdo contigo. Mozilla es muy bruto. Deberian 
programar un navegador ligerito (como el Internet Explor (lo siento) 

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Re: ¿Consumo_de_memoria_normal_o_brutal?

2001-01-11 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


  Yo tengo dos ordenadores, el primero con 64Mb y el otro es un
  portatil con 64-4=60Mb. En ambos el mozilla va bien y no rasca
  disco duro ni nada. Así que sospecho que es posible que se reserve
  memoria en función de lo que encuentra disponible en el equipo.
  Y si ve 128 dirá ¡Esta es la mía! ;-)

 Estoy de acuerdo contigo,

 segun he leido por ahi Linux reparte la memoria que le queda libre a los
 programas. Por que dejar libre memoria si la puedo usar para que vaya el
 sistema mejor? :-) Asi se optimiza el uso de la memoria y los programas van

por eso, es Linux quien debe usar esta memoria.

Pq. lo hace Mozilla?

qué sabe Mozilla de mis necesidades?

No creo que un navegador deba ocupar 80 MB (primer paso). Y si son para
reservar, supongo que cuando abro el StarOffice Mozilla deja de usar la
memoria, no?? (pq. entonces la necesito)

Como siempre, es mi opinión

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Test de inteligencia: Pulsa Ctrl-Alt-Del ahora mismo.

Ayuda urgente, cagada!

2001-01-11 Thread Jorgito

La q he liao a sido pequeña, ya no me arranca mi 
debian potato.
Empecemos por el principio, resulta q me baje el 
kernel de inet, la misma version q tenia instalada. Carge la configuracion q 
trae debian y empece a tocar ciertas cosas q creia q no necesitaba.
make menuconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install

Como lo tengo sin teclado y sin monitor (lo hago 
todo remotamente) pase de usar el lilo, cambie el link de /bzImage a q apuntase 
a el nuevo kernel /boot/bzImage q habia prebiamente copiado. Tendria q haber 
hecho igualmente un lilo? 
Reseteo ... no arranca, me temo lo peor, la 
lie para sacar mi pequeño server, meterle un monitor y un teclado, lo enchufo de 
nuevo y veo el error, lo siento pero no lo copie, pero era algo como de q no 
podia cargar no se q modulo (podria ser unix.o).
Gracias a lo q he aprendido en la lista me puse 
manos a la obra. Meti el rescue disk, despues el root, puese idioma castellano y 
me meti en una consola. tire de 
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt y
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/boot

me meto en /boot y renombro el bzimage a 
bzimage.bak y mi antiguo kernel a bzimage, supuestamente lo he dejado como antes 
del estropicio.
Pero na de na, sigue con el mismo 

Que puedo hacer, necesito ayuda 

Ahora me acabo d enterar q existe un paquete q se 
encarga de meter el nuevo kernel en un deb y despues t lo instala solo. Pero.. 
demasiado tarde.

Re: arrancar

2001-01-11 Thread Luis Manuel Asensio Royo
Lluis Vilanova wrote:

 Vaya!! pues en mi Potato tengo el directorio /etc/rc.boot/ con un par de

Pues ya somos dos...
 |||   Un saludo
_/|\_  Regards



2001-01-11 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez


Nada que me funciona el Xwin32, en ininet.conf esta 
listo el rexec, pero si trato de conectarme a la maquina linux me 

_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 
113/usr/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: "miip":0

yo quiero correr digamos, xterm -ls -display 
$MYIP:0, nada no funciona. que me falta por hacer.



Gracias a todos...

2001-01-11 Thread Druida

Hola chicos... solo les quiero agradecer por 
toda la ayuda que me brindaron en el tema de la placa de video y del mouse. 
Efectivamente, en el tema del mouse era un problema con el tipo de mouse. Estaba 
puesto como PS2, y cuando lo configuraba con el xf86config, al poner Microsoft 
Compatible, me ponía como tipo de mouse MS3. No se si sea el te siempre, de 
hecho creo que antes lo tenía asi yo... pero lo configuré con el gpmconfig y a 
la hora de poner el tipo de mouse, elegí MS y anduvo desde ese momento. Aun 
estoy verde con Debiany hay comandos de configuración que no me sé, por 
eso les agradezco también.
Con respecto a la placa de video, estaba 
puesto el xserver SVGA mientras que mi placa entra en las S3. El problema era 
que mis CDs que tenía antes de Debian, de la Potato R0 pero solo los dos 
primeros, estaban mal copiados y por eso no me dejaba instalar la S3. Me compré 
la R0 del distribuidor oficial de Debian aca en Baires y solo tuve que 
instalar el S3 y configurarlo como antes para que anduviera. Ahora por suerte 
todo funca de maravilla y puedo comenzar de una vez con ese bendito modem que me 
compré para Linux y que no pude ni tocar porque se me armó lío con la placa de 
video y el mouse. Les agradezco mucho a todos por toda la ayuda, les mando un 
abrazo a todos.
P.D.: Angel, si lees este mail (que supongo que 
sí), este agradecimiento va para vos también.


2001-01-11 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Hace dias (semanas) que apt-get update siempre me dice:

pinux:/etc# apt-get update
Hit woody/non-US/main Packages
Hit woody/non-US/main Release
Hit woody/non-US/contrib Packages
Hit woody/non-US/contrib Release
Hit woody/non-US/non-free Packages
Hit woody/non-US/non-free Release
Hit woody/main Packages
Hit woody/main Release
Hit woody/contrib Packages
Hit woody/contrib Release
Hit woody/non-free Packages
Hit woody/non-free Release
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
pinux:/etc# apt-get upgrade

es decir, todo hit...

y parece que no coge nada...

pq. lo hace?

las linias del sources.list:

deb woody main contrib non-free
deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free

Todo correcto, no?

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   ...Estudia mucho, hijo mio, así de mayor serás un parado culto.

hit del apt

2001-01-11 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


jeje... he cascado el /var/state/apt/ que hay lo que se baja (creo) y ya
se lo coge...

quizás un lio con las fechas tenia?


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   ...Estudia mucho, hijo mio, así de mayor serás un parado culto.

Re: arrancar

2001-01-11 Thread Gustavo CR
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 04:58:46PM +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 aunque ya lo conocia, lo de los links, se encuentra a faltar algo que haga
 de autoexec para que el usuario ponga sus paridas sin tener que añadir
 un script y el link... IMHO
Mírate el .bashrc y el .bash_profile, creo que puede ser eso lo que estás 


Re: Ayuda urgente, cagada!

2001-01-11 Thread Jorgito

 On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 09:20:22PM +0100, Jorgito wrote:
  Como lo tengo sin teclado y sin monitor (lo hago todo remotamente)
  pase de usar el lilo, cambie el link de /bzImage a q apuntase a el
  nuevo kernel /boot/bzImage q habia prebiamente copiado. Tendria q
  haber hecho igualmente un lilo?

 Me temo que sí. De la documentación:

   - Run /sbin/lilo _whenever_ the kernel or any part of LILO,
 including its configuration file, has changed. When in doubt, run
 it. You can't run /sbin/lilo too many times.

 Si no recuerdo mal, Lilo no entiende de links (de hecho, no entiende
 nada de sistemas de ficheros); cuando ejecutas lilo se almacenan en
 el sector de arranque las coordenadas exactas en el disco duro del
 kernel que tiene que cargar.

Bingo, que alegria, me temia lo peor. Pero ahora al arrancar me salen
errores de depmod intentando cargar un monton de drivers de usb, q yo no he
compilado, aunque supongo q ya estarian. En q parte del arranque intenta
Estos errores al arranque de depmod se guardan en algun log? lo he buscado
en /var/log y no estan en ningun fichero. (lo digo porque no tengo monitor y
no se que errores puede dar realmente al arrancar).

Re: Problema con kernel 2.4

2001-01-11 Thread Miguel Angel Vilela

Hola gente

¿Algún alma caritativa me echa una manita?... :-)

Ayer me bajé el kernel 2.4.0 y lo compilé (tenía el 2.2.17). Tras la
instalación reinicié para probarlo (con Lilo) y el resultado fue el siguiente:

LILO: l24
Loading l24..
Uncompresing linux... Ok, booting the kernel.

Y a partir de ahi se queda totalmente tieso, el único botón que
responde es que está en la carcasa del PC. Para compilar el kernel seguí las
instrucciones de un libro (basado en Slackware 3.4) y luego algo de sentido
común ;-). No sé que puede estar mal, así que pongo aquí lo que hice (extraido
de mi cuaderno de registro):

(estando en /usr/src/linux)

# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/
# cp vmlinux /boot/vmlinux-2.4.0
# cp /boot/
# vi /etc/lilo.conf

# lilo
Added linux *
Added l24
Added dos

# cd /boot/
# rm -f
# ln -s
# rm -f vmlinuz
# ln -s vmlinux-2.4.0 vmlinuz

Reinicio y se me queda tieso. Lo apago con el botón de la carcasa y
entro en linux como siempre, sin problemas. Pruebo con:

# cd /usr/src/linux
# make zlilo
tools/build/ bootsect setup compressed/vmlinux.out CURRENT  zImage
Root device is (3, 2)
Boot sector 512 bytes.
Setup is 4627 bytes.
System is 908 bytes.
System is too big. Try using bzImage or modules.

Pero bzImage ya está usado, y el tamaño del kernel (bzImage) no ha dado
problemas al ejecutar 
# lilo

# cd /boot
# rm -f vmlinuz
# ln -s bzImage vmlinuz

Pero al reiniciar todo sigue igual. Al final estoy hecho un lío con
esto de bzImage, vmlinuz, vimniuz-2.4.0, etc. 

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias  (Spain).
Web: (en desarrollo)
ICQ:  #72624205 || Nick: miguev
Linux Registered User #184518 (
Linux Registered Box   #81674 (IBM Aptiva 2175-352, P120, 32RAM, 1GB)
Peticion de drivers para Linux #73209 

   (@ @)
|  La matematica es como el sexo  |
|porque sirve para un fin practico|
| pero no es esa la razon por la que se practica. |
 /  | |  \
^ ^

Re: ¿Consumo_de_memoria_normal_o_brutal?

2001-01-11 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, ene 11, 2001 at 09:07:03 +, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 qué sabe Mozilla de mis necesidades?


 No creo que un navegador deba ocupar 80 MB (primer paso). Y si son para
 reservar, supongo que cuando abro el StarOffice Mozilla deja de usar la
 memoria, no?? (pq. entonces la necesito)

Te preguntas lo mismo que yo me pregunté, no lo he probado aún pero sospecho
que el experimento salda mal, tengo serias sospechas :-/

Por ahora, y eso que soy un gnomero empedernido, el Konkeror me parece lo
más parecido al navegador que yo busco, un poco mejor implementado el
soporta de esotéricos exógenos (javascript, java, flash, etc) y lo abrazaré
en mi sistema como a un hijo :)

Galeon tiene buena pinta ya pero le falta mucho aún para ser usable 100%.

De Netscape estoy hasta las narices de sus cuelges con Java y Mozilla es
como un elefante en una cacharerría... o peor, muy mono y técnicamente
revolucionario pero un elefante.

 Como siempre, es mi opinión

La suscribo, ala, ya he llorado un poco hoy mis penas con los navegadores
con soporte en GNU/Linux :)

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problema con kernel 2.4

2001-01-11 Thread César Talón
El 11 Jan 2001 23:30:13 +, Miguel Angel Vilela escribió:
   Algún alma caritativa me echa una manita?... :-)

Vamos a ver.

   Ayer me bajé el kernel 2.4.0 y lo compilé (tenía el 2.2.17). Tras la
 instalación reinicié para probarlo (con Lilo) y el resultado fue el siguiente:
   LILO: l24
   Loading l24..
   Uncompresing linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
   Y a partir de ahi se queda totalmente tieso, el único botón que
 responde es que está en la carcasa del PC. Para compilar el kernel seguí las
 instrucciones de un libro (basado en Slackware 3.4) y luego algo de sentido
 común ;-). No sé que puede estar mal, así que pongo aquí lo que hice (extraido
 de mi cuaderno de registro):

Te ha pasado lo que a más de uno nos ha pasado con esta versión. El
problema está en el Procesador elegido. Yo tengo un P-II, pero por
defecto tiene la opción de P-III, por eso no funcionaba. Asegurate que
es correcta en las opciones de Processor Type and Features.

Con esto debería volver a funcionar todo.


Epson LX-800 y html2ascii

2001-01-11 Thread Jorge Sanchez Pelaez

* Configure con magicfilter una impresora empson lx-800, utilizando  
epson9c-filter , perfecto con texto, pero si trato de inprimir un texto que 
tenga imagenes, no funciona y no pasa nada, miro y el trabajo se encuentra en 
cola, con esta impresora en LiNUX no puedo imprimir este tipo de documentos.

* Instale html2ps, al tratar de pasa un documento de html a ps me muestra 
este mensaje

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = es
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

no entiendo las dos primeras variables que son y que tengo que colocar.



Ljud under debian

2001-01-11 Thread Jonna Moberg

Sitter med ett Soundblaster PCI128 chip ES1371 som jag inte får
igång.det hittas vid uppstarten men det går inte att få något ljud
alls..har hört att det ska vara meckigt att få til detta.har
någon något förslag till stackars mig? Kernel 2.2.17

Johanna Moberg
Cable  Wireless -

Re: Ljud under debian

2001-01-11 Thread Karl Hammar

Vadå meckigt?
Vill du ha OSS eller alsa?
Dessutom är din felrapport lite för mager för att någon ska kunna
hjälpa dig.


Karl HammarAspö Data   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340   0173 140 57   Nätverk
S-742 94 Östhammar   070 511 97 84   PC/Sun datorer
SwedenLinux/Unix konsulting

From: Jonna Moberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ljud under debian
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 10:36:37 +0100

 Sitter med ett Soundblaster PCI128 chip ES1371 som jag inte får
 igång.det hittas vid uppstarten men det går inte att få något ljud
 alls..har hört att det ska vara meckigt att få til detta.har
 någon något förslag till stackars mig? Kernel 2.2.17
 Johanna Moberg
 Cable  Wireless -
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-11 Thread Anders Holmberg
Jag har problem med newaliases.
Det kommer upp ett tämligen irriterande meddlende som lyder:
/usr/lib/smail/mkaliases: /usr/lib/smail/getopt: no such file or
Jaha som vanligt har inte Debian alla filer på plats på grund av att man
kan för lite.
Vad gör jag nu?

(no subject)

2001-01-11 Thread Luis Sousa
subscribe debian-user-portuguese


2001-01-11 Thread Fabio da Silva Santos

Olá pessoal,

alguém já mexeu ou tem mais informações sobre esta linguagem?


Netscape não roda

2001-01-11 Thread I. C. Mourão
Cansado de usar a famosa distribuição nacional que na sua versão 6.0 não 
funciona a contento na minha máquina meio velhinha mas ainda muito boa, resolvi 
instalar o Debian 2.2 Potato R2 porque sempre ouvi maravilhas sobre a sua 
estabilidade, facilidade de instalação de pacotes e a variedade dos mesmos. 
Confesso-me meio decepcionado, porque:
1. Escassa documentação em português.
2. Versão do Gnome muito antiga. Não consegui instalar o Helix.
3. Dselect diz que o Netscape está instalado porém não consigo rodar.
4. Muitos aplicativos que aparecem no menu do WM simplesmente não rodam.
Estas são apenas as minhas primeiras impressões, mas já estou achando que o SO 
não justifica tanta fama.

Saudações a todos,

responder para / reply to

Re: Netscape não roda

2001-01-11 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
 Cansado de usar a famosa distribuição nacional que na sua versão 6.0 não 
 funciona a contento na minha máquina meio velhinha mas ainda muito boa, 
 resolvi instalar o Debian 2.2 Potato R2 porque sempre ouvi maravilhas sobre a 
 sua estabilidade, facilidade de instalação de pacotes e a variedade dos 
 mesmos. Confesso-me meio decepcionado, porque:
Vamos la... :)
 1. Escassa documentação em português. eh um projeto pra documentacao da 
em portugues.
 2. Versão do Gnome muito antiga. Não consegui instalar o Helix.
Basta inserir a linha:
deb unstable main 
no seu arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list e digitar como root:
apt-get update; apt-get install task-helix*
 3. Dselect diz que o Netscape está instalado porém não consigo rodar.
O seu CD so veio aplicacoes livres. O Netscape esta em non-free na 
Basta descomentar as linhas:
#deb stable main contrib non-free
#deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
no arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list e digitar:
apt-get update; apt-get install communicator
O pacote netscape que voce instalou eh um instalador antigo do netscape
 4. Muitos aplicativos que aparecem no menu do WM simplesmente não rodam.
Instala o pacote menu:
apt-get install menu
 Estas são apenas as minhas primeiras impressões, mas já estou achando que o 
 SO não justifica tanta fama.
Justifica sim. Um pouco mais de paciencia. :)
Um abraco,  PH
 Saudações a todos,
 responder para / reply to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Netscape não roda

2001-01-11 Thread I. C. Mourão
A paciência é a maior de todas as virtudes (provébio chinês)

Acho que omiti algumas informações importantes:

Basta inserir a linha:
unstable main 

Já tenho os pacotes .deb do Helix num CD distribuído pela Revista do Linux.

O seu CD so veio aplicacoes livres. O Netscape
esta em non-free na Debian.
O pacote netscape que voce instalou eh um
instalador antigo do netscape 3.

Adquiri a versão oficial (3 CD's) que vem com o Netescape 4.76 que é o que está 
instalado e não roda.

Obrigado PH!


responder para / reply to

Dica: otimização IDE/HD

2001-01-11 Thread KrIsSkRoSs
Hardware utilizado:
- Intel Celerom 300A overclocked to 450MHz
- HD Quantum BigFoot 4.3GB (sem DMA/UDMA)

Sistema utilizado:
- Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r2
- kernel 2.4.0

- taxa de transferência do HD: 3MB/s

- taxa de transferência do HD: 6.75MB/s

1. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/lilo.conf e execute o lilo.
append = idebus=66
2. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
hdparm -m8 -c3 -k /dev/hda
3. Reinicie o sistema para que as alterações do lilo sejam
efetivadas, para o hdparm não é necessário reiniciar, pode simplesmente
digitar a linha de comando especificada em um terminal.

KrIsSkRoSs kkross at

Re: Dica: otimização IDE/HD

2001-01-11 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, KrIsSkRoSs wrote:
 1. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/lilo.conf e execute o lilo.
 append = idebus=66

Eu *adoro* esse tipo de dica perigosa.

NAO MEXA EM IDEBUS se não souber o que está fazendo. Particularmente se for
usar o hd em modo DMA.

 2. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
 hdparm -m8 -c3 -k /dev/hda

Nunca adicione -k em hdparm a menos que você tenha testado no hardware e
verificado que não há problemas. Com aquele -k um reset no bus não vai
salvar seu HD de um tremendo pau de disco por erro nas opções.

Mantenha um olho nas mensagens de log do kernel (dmesg mostra), para ver se
não está ocorrendo erro de disco durante alguns dias após brincar com o

Use UDMA se for possível. É muito mais seguro que DMA ou PIO porque tem CRC
de um lado do cabo de HD pro outro :)

Em 99% das máquinas NOVAS, se o hd estiver com DMA habilitada, -u1 vai
melhorar a perfomance em muito (não a taxa de transferência, mas tente
trabalhar durante um cp de um arquivo de 1GB que você vai entender).

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

Re: Netscape não roda

2001-01-11 Thread Nitrogen
Estive enfrentando tambem o mesmo problema.
Abadei de instalar o Gnome atraves do processo descrito em
e tentarei instalar o Netscape (Mozilla) pelo processo descrito aqui.



- Original Message -
From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian-BR;
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Netscape não roda

  Cansado de usar a famosa distribuição nacional que na sua versão 6.0 não
funciona a contento na minha máquina meio velhinha mas ainda muito boa,
resolvi instalar o Debian 2.2 Potato R2 porque sempre ouvi maravilhas sobre
a sua estabilidade, facilidade de instalação de pacotes e a variedade dos
mesmos. Confesso-me meio decepcionado, porque:
 Vamos la... :)
  1. Escassa documentação em português. eh um projeto pra documentacao da Debian
 em portugues.
  2. Versão do Gnome muito antiga. Não consegui instalar o Helix.
 Basta inserir a linha:
 deb unstable main
 no seu arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list e digitar como root:
 apt-get update; apt-get install task-helix*
  3. Dselect diz que o Netscape está instalado porém não consigo rodar.
 O seu CD so veio aplicacoes livres. O Netscape esta em non-free na Debian.
 Basta descomentar as linhas:
 #deb stable main contrib non-free
 #deb stable/non-US main contrib
 no arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list e digitar:
 apt-get update; apt-get install communicator
 O pacote netscape que voce instalou eh um instalador antigo do netscape
  4. Muitos aplicativos que aparecem no menu do WM simplesmente não rodam.
 Instala o pacote menu:
 apt-get install menu
  Estas são apenas as minhas primeiras impressões, mas já estou achando
que o SO não justifica tanta fama.
 Justifica sim. Um pouco mais de paciencia. :)
 Um abraco, PH
  Saudações a todos,
  responder para / reply to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: RES: Virtua

2001-01-11 Thread Clovis Fabricio Costa
Em Quinta 11 Janeiro 2001 12:39, você escreveu sobre RES: Virtua:
 Olá Clovis,
   Pois é... mas é problema que eu tinha falado na outra mensagem: a
 Telemar anunciou que ia começar, mas não começaram. Acho que não deve ter
 havido muito interesse, sei lá... Um dia, eles vão implantar... o problema
 é: quando. No site não tem nenhuma informação.

Esse q eh o problema... Ai eu fico soh com o virtua como opcao... Como o 
virtua nao esta disponivel pra minha area (Bairro Floresta) fico sem nada!

  O Cable Modem da virtua pra alugar eh soh 16. Eu acho bem razoavel.
   É... mas você tem garantia que esse cable modem vai funcionar no seu
 computador (rodando Debian)?. Você tem que pagar ainda a instalação, uma
 taxa dependendo do velocidade, e o provedor (que também depende da
 velocidade). Se bem que você já paga 200 contos de telefone... deve ser
 suficiente :)

Este Cable Modem nao funciona conectado a sua placa de rede?

 Além disso há a questão do limite de bytes transferidos, e a
   porcaria do login em Flash/Java/sei lá como que funciona
  essa imbecilidade.
   Eu acho que tem o limite é de 1GB, acho que por dia. O interessante
 é que no site eles não especificam... Além disso, eu fico puto com a
 empresa que não tem uma postura correta. Eu recebi uma correspondência lá
 em casa oferendo Virtua e insinuando que eu vou poder baixar E ENVIAR a uma
 velocidade superior, o que não é verdade: a velocidade de upload é

Mas eh superior a normal (modem)

Valeu pela info.,

Clovis Fabricio Costa
Linux User #97332

Re: Speeeeedy

2001-01-11 Thread Christoph Simon
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 08:35:58 -0200
Clovis Fabricio Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bom, pelo menos aqui, me informaram que a Virtua nao ta cobrando ainda por 
 tanto de download.

A Telefônica não avisou que ia filtrar os portos mais importantes,
limitando severamente a utilidade do serviço. A Vírtua tampouco avisa
disso. O fato é que eu perguntei 8 veces por telefone, e falaram a
mesma coisa que para você. Quando tudo estava instalado, o têcnico da
Net informou dessas duas coisas, e eu devolvei. É possível que ainda
não aprenderam contar bytes no tráfego, mas é questão de tempo até que
aprendam, assim se ainda não estão fazendo, vão fazer.

Christoph Simon

Re: RES: Virtua

2001-01-11 Thread Christoph Simon
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 19:37:27 -0200
Clovis Fabricio Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Em Quinta 11 Janeiro 2001 12:39, você escreveu sobre RES: Virtua:
   O Cable Modem da virtua pra alugar eh soh 16. Eu acho bem razoavel.
  É... mas você tem garantia que esse cable modem vai funcionar no seu
  computador (rodando Debian)?. Você tem que pagar ainda a instalação, uma
  taxa dependendo do velocidade, e o provedor (que também depende da
  velocidade). Se bem que você já paga 200 contos de telefone... deve ser
  suficiente :)

Funciona. Eu demorei uns 2 minutos em ter rodando. É um modem externo
ligado ao computador por ethernet padrão. Usam DHCP (i.e., não há IP
fixo, trocam ele approx. cada 48h), que não custa muito em
configurar. É possível simular um IP fixo implementando um DNS
dinámico. Procurar dynamic DNS no google. Há alguns serviços de graça
na rede (se não for pelos logins...)

 Este Cable Modem nao funciona conectado a sua placa de rede?


Além disso há a questão do limite de bytes transferidos, e a
porcaria do login em Flash/Java/sei lá como que funciona
   essa imbecilidade.
  Eu acho que tem o limite é de 1GB, acho que por dia. O interessante
  é que no site eles não especificam... Além disso, eu fico puto com a
  empresa que não tem uma postura correta. Eu recebi uma correspondência lá
  em casa oferendo Virtua e insinuando que eu vou poder baixar E ENVIAR a uma
  velocidade superior, o que não é verdade: a velocidade de upload é

O limíte é por período de pagamento que é um mes.

O Vírtua é DSL mas não ADSL, tem a mesma velocidade de upload como de
download. Eles também não garantem a velocidade contratada (por
exemplo 256/256), mas dizeram para mi por telefone que nunca vai cair
por mais do 30%. Como devolvei no mesmo día, não posso dizer se é a

Christoph Simon

Re: Netscape não roda

2001-01-11 Thread Adriano Freitas

 Adquiri a versão oficial (3 CD's) que vem com o Netescape 4.76 que é o que 
 está instalado e não roda.

Bom, se vc estiver tentando rodar como root (super-usuário) ele não vai
funcionar mesmo (questões de segurança)


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Re: [linuxall] Dica: otimização IDE/ HD

2001-01-11 Thread linuxbh
como vc fez para medir a taxa de transferência?


|Linux Conectiva Edicao Servidor 5.1|
|Kernel 2.2.17   User 172791|
|  UIN: 45066512|

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, KrIsSkRoSs wrote:

 Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 13:14:37 -0200
 To: linux-br,
  linuxall [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: [linuxall] Dica: otimização IDE/HD
 Hardware utilizado:
 - Intel Celerom 300A overclocked to 450MHz
 - HD Quantum BigFoot 4.3GB (sem DMA/UDMA)
 Sistema utilizado:
 - Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r2
 - kernel 2.4.0
 - taxa de transferência do HD: 3MB/s
 - taxa de transferência do HD: 6.75MB/s
 1. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/lilo.conf e execute o lilo.
 append = idebus=66
 2. acrescente a linha abaixo no /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
 hdparm -m8 -c3 -k /dev/hda
 3. Reinicie o sistema para que as alterações do lilo sejam
 efetivadas, para o hdparm não é necessário reiniciar, pode simplesmente
 digitar a linha de comando especificada em um terminal.
 KrIsSkRoSs kkross at
 []  Dicas, Tutorias, e muito mais...
 [] Cds, Camisetas, livros...
 [] Cursos de Linux é na Impacta.
 Para visualizar as mensagens com o seu browser, visite:
 Para escrever para a lista, envie a mensagem para: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Para sair da lista, envie um email em branco para: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Para contactar o administrador da lista: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new boot disk?

2001-01-11 Thread ktb
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 12:08:55AM -0500, James W. Lindenschmidt wrote:
 Greetings, everyone.
 I just migrated from RedHat over to Debian potato and I'm thrilled so
 But, I think my boot disk is defective, since it takes 5-7 minutes for
 Loading Linux..
 process to complete from /dev/fd0 before Linux actually boots. I suspect
 I have a bad floppy, and I want to make a new boot floppy.
 I've tried going back into dbootstrap to make it from there, but it
 won't work. It says my disk is either write protected or I'm not using
 the first disk drive, despite the fact that /dev/fd0 whirs before I get
 this error message. I've tried 5 different newly formatted disks, and I
 always get this error.
 Is there any other way to make a boot disk? I need to use this
 temporarily until I can install LILO.

I've had lots of boot floppies behave as you say.  
I don't know if it will help to make another but -
mkboot will make a boot floppy for you.

  In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe.  
 - Carl Sagan

help: 2.4.0 kernel and /dev/shm

2001-01-11 Thread Bob Billson
I'm trying out the new 2.4 kernel on my Potato box.  I upgrade modutils to
the version currently in Woody (2.4.1).  Works real nice except for a slight
problem I ran into.  I can't mount the System V IP shared memory on /dev/shm
at bootup.  I get this error message:

shmem fs invalid option
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or none,
   or too many mounted file systems

I said YES to 'General setup'-'System V IPC' and NO to
'File systems'-'/dev file system support' when running 'make menuconfig'

I added this line to /etc/fstab as the linux-2.4.0/Documentation/Changes says

none/dev/shmshm defaults0  0

I created a directory /dev/shm with permissions 755.  The 2.4 docs don't say
to, but didn't say not to.  A mistake?

The kernel boots and even though it can't mount this virtual filesystem,
everything else seems to work--so far.  Can't believe how much faster the
machine boots and runs compared to 2.2.18!!  Nice work Linus and all the
other kernel developers!!

Can someone tell me where I went wrong.  I tried searching the 'net for a 
clue to no avail.  I'm sure it's something stupidly simple I'm overlooking.
Can anyone point it out?  Thanks for the help.

bob billson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ham: kc2wz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux geek/)
 Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.   beekeeper  -8|||}
   Athbhliain faoi Shéan agus faoi Shona Dhuit!

X Install no Mouse

2001-01-11 Thread hammack

Regrets: apparently my ISP has been rejecting my alias 
"John_Hammack". Please retrans to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Sorry 
for the inconvience. 

After initiating "startx" awindow comes up with a menu. I am 
not sure this is an X window or the window manager. But the mouse cursor 
is not present and the mouse buttons are not effective.At this point 
I don't think the screen is frozen because initially "enlightenment" scrawls in 
the center of the screen.The mouse is a kensington track 
ball.If necessay I would get another pointing device. But it 
was working under an OLD ver of Slackware. It is installed under windows 
as a PS/2. I  my startx into alog to capture it. If you 
need it and the login file I can provide both. Thanks for any 
suggestions. Specifications and more below:

Hardware: PII 266 mhz 64MB, 2MB on Diamond, 
kensington TB (PS/2)
OS: Linux 2.2.17 pre10 i686 [ELF] 
X manager = enlightenment
Problem: startx results with screen and no 
- Blue/green screen appears with menu and a few 
horizontal lines.
- "enlightenment" scrawls and 
- no cursor is present
- ctrl-alt-BS exits the window.
Some output of startx
Configured Drivers: SVGA (the S3_VIRGE/VX 
driver did not work)
mouse: type PS/2, device /dev/psaux, button 
SVGA: Graphics device ID: 
SVGA: Monitor ID: Fairview
SVGA: Detected S3 ViRGE/VX
SVGA: using driver for chipset 
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: " 
emp "  " -eml " 
Errors from xkb comp are not fatal to the X 

Other questions from startx and xf86config as 
xserverrc is referenced in startxand pointed 
to in the file system but the 
file is not present.
gpm is reference in xf86config and pointed to in 
the file system but the 
file is not present. 
Any help is greatly appreciated. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help: 2.4.0 kernel and /dev/shm

2001-01-11 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I'm trying out the new 2.4 kernel on my Potato box.  I upgrade
 modutils to the version currently in Woody (2.4.1).  Works real nice
 except for a slight problem I ran into.  I can't mount the System V IP
 shared memory on /dev/shm at bootup.  I get this error message:

 shmem fs invalid option
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock or none,
or too many mounted file systems

 I said YES to 'General setup'-'System V IPC' and NO to 'File
 systems'-'/dev file system support' when running 'make menuconfig'

 I added this line to /etc/fstab as the
 linux-2.4.0/Documentation/Changes says to:

 none  /dev/shmshm defaults0  0

Well my workstation says:

shm /var/shmshm defaults0   0

Don't worry about /var/shm vs /dev/shm - it's just a mountpoint and will
work fine either way.

 I created a directory /dev/shm with permissions 755.  The 2.4 docs
 don't say to, but didn't say not to.  A mistake?

It won't matter - the permissions on /dev/shm will be changed to 1777 by
the kernel.

 The kernel boots and even though it can't mount this virtual filesystem,
 everything else seems to work--so far.

The shm filesystem is needed for stuff that uses shared memory segmets (ie
apache, samba, etc) to work.

 Can't believe how much faster the machine boots and runs compared to
 2.2.18!!  Nice work Linus and all the other kernel developers!!

Yea, I noticed that too.  I see you haven't tried to push on it yet.
You'll get blown away by the results of some speed trials with dbench
compared to 2.2.x:)  But it seems a bit slow compared to 2.4.0-prerelease.
Maybe it's just me.

 Can someone tell me where I went wrong.  I tried searching the 'net
 for a clue to no avail.  I'm sure it's something stupidly simple I'm
 overlooking. Can anyone point it out?  Thanks for the help.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: OT Any Gimp lists?

2001-01-11 Thread Juha Erkkila
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 04:01:30PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 I subscribed to the list recommended on the gimp home page and after a
 day, not a single message. Are there any others out there?

Gimpi might interest you, if you like to get image files (100K)
on email:

Re: sockets

2001-01-11 Thread Leen Besselink
 well the problem is with an igmp c program i have, the strace shows:
 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IGMP) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)
 fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 7), ...}) = 0
 = 0x40014000
 ioctl(1, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0
 write(1, Could not allocate socket.\n, 27Could not allocate socket.
 ) = 27
 munmap(0x40014000, 4096)= 0
 _exit(1)= ?
 so im assuming a raw socket is a udp socket? and that you need root

You are not allowed to open a raw socket on Linux as non-root, I don't
know if it's different on Solaris (but I would expect it not to be). And
no that's not an UDP socket, it says something about IGMP (Internet Group
Managment Protocol, which is used for Multicast I think).

 priviledges for udp sockets? (simalar to why you cant run nmap udp scans
 unless you're root).

No, that is also because of Raw sockets in general. There is no reason why
you can't use UDP sockets... just not raw sockets. That's why nmap won't
work for, UDP, TCP and probably not even Ping (it uses rawsockets to
send out very specific packets, well I guess you know).

 am i on the right track?

Eventually. :)

 Marc-Adrian Napoli
 Network Admin
 Connect Infobahn Australia
 +61 2 9212 0387

Re: kapm-idled eating up my CPU

2001-01-11 Thread Oki DZ
On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:

 Oki DZ wrote:
  Recently I switched the kernel to the 2.4-test10 version, and I then I
  have the following:
2 root   17   0 00 0 SW 0 26.8  0.0 184:02 kapm-idled
 what is kapm-idled ? what is it supposed to do?

I'm sorry for the delay...

It's for APM (adv. power management).
But it's okay now, I have installed the 2.4.0 release kernel and there's
no problem on the APM now.


Re: Debian Packaging System and libncurses5-dev

2001-01-11 Thread Colin Watson
Benjamin Pharr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I needed to install libncurses5-dev, but it wasn't on the CD and my NIC 
still isn't working in Linux.  (It's a NetGear FA311 if anyone has 
experience with it.)  I switched into Win98, downloaded it, and went back 
into Linux.  I copied the .deb file into /root/ and ran

dpkg -A libncurses5-dev-yadayada.deb

It said the information for package libncurses5-dev had been read from the 
file.  Then I did a

apt-get install libncurses5-dev

It said the package couldn't be found.

Packages need to be in aptable repositories, with the appropriate
Packages.gz files and so on (see dpkg-scanpackages(8)) before 'apt-get
install' can use them. However, you can just use dpkg directly: 'dpkg -i


Re: popularity-contest results viewable?

2001-01-11 Thread Colin Watson
Britton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any way to view the statistics turned in by the
popularity-contest package?  Thanks.

Yes, see:



2001-01-11 Thread Oki DZ

I have just installed the 2.4.0 kernel and I have the re100tx.c to compile
(it's the driver for Compex's ReadyLink card). Unfortunately, the
compilation has problems on including the header files (I guess, some C
sturctures have been changed on 2.4.0). I have looked around for the
driver, including the Compex's web-site (, to no avail. Is the
2.4.0-compatible driver source residing at somesite that I don't know yet? 

BTW, I intend to use iproute2 (iptables, ip, tc) on a system which has the
new kernel. I think I have some problems with the kmod (kerneld
replacement). If I want to execute iptables, the module ip_tables have to
be loaded before; meaning, the module auto-load seems not to be working.
But it does work for loading floppy.o and ext2.o; if I did mount
/dev/fd0 /mnt, the command would work without preloading the floppy and
ext2. Clues please...

Thanks in advance,

Re: irritation

2001-01-11 Thread Oki DZ


I have the same problem after upgrading my (system's) kernel to 2.4.0.
I put the 2.4.0 source to /usr/src2/linux directory, and when top 
executed, the looked up is the one in /usr/src/linux (in 
which I put the 2.2.13 source).

BTW, I have removed the's in /usr/src/linux and 
/usr/src2/linux; surely enough, when top executed, there's no warning 
reported. The question is, what's the use of the file? (My 
system working properly.)



Subject: Re: irritation
From: Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 20:22:52 + (UTC)

On Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:08:31 -0500, David B.Harris said:

 Hey there :)

 I'm new to the list(but I've actually subscribed ;), and I'm having a
 bit of an irritant considering an error I get often:

 {module_list} {module_list_R__ver_module_list}
 Warning: /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.

I am having the same problem with the latest test kernel
(2.4.0-test12) and I believe the problem might be due to the fact
that I need to upgrade some package, either modutils or
kernel-package; I seem to recall reading something like that
somewhere.  I have upgraded to the latest Woody versions, but I still
get that error.  I do not have that problem with the test11 kernel.


Apache 1.3.9-13.1 - ExecCGI problem?

2001-01-11 Thread Niall Young
I'm tearing out my hair.

CGI scripts and Includes aren't executing, my logfile shows:

[Thu Jan 11 17:35:06 2001] [error] [client] Options ExecCGI is off 
in this directory: /xxx

I've setup both ExecCGI and Includes in each Virtualhost configuration
in /etc/apache/httpd.conf and this has all been working fine with a
more recent version of Apache but I had to downgrade for various reasons.

I've tried forcing ExecCGI globally, inside a Directory directive,
inside a Location directive (both inside the VirtualHost directive),
and I just can't get this working the way it was.

Any ideas?

Niall Young 
 Linux Solutions --
 Providing Internet and Audio/Video Solutions and Consulting
 PH: 0407 421 537 -- PO BOX 1117, Gwelup WA 6018 -- GPG ID: 8B3AE631

Solid DBD driver

2001-01-11 Thread Teun Vink
Hash: SHA1


While moving some scripts from an old FreeBSD server to a new Debian box,
I stumbled upon some problems with a script which connects to a Solid

install_driver(Solid) failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC (@INC
contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl5) at (eval 1) line 3.
Perhaps the DBD::Solid perl module hasn't been fully installed,
or perhaps the capitalisation of 'Solid' isn't right.
Available drivers: ADO, ExampleP, Proxy.
 at ./ line 17

I understand that this means I don't have a Solid driver installed on the
Debian box. My problem is that I cannot find the appropriate perl
module. Anyone have any suggestions?



- -- 
Teun Vink - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq: 15001247 -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: irritation

2001-01-11 Thread Liam Ward
A reboot usually solves this for me but maybe you've already tried 


On 11 Jan 2001, at 16:30, Oki DZ wrote:

 I have the same problem after upgrading my (system's) kernel to 2.4.0.
 I put the 2.4.0 source to /usr/src2/linux directory, and when top
 executed, the looked up is the one in /usr/src/linux (in
 which I put the 2.2.13 source).
 BTW, I have removed the's in /usr/src/linux and 
 /usr/src2/linux; surely enough, when top executed, there's no warning
 reported. The question is, what's the use of the file? (My
 system working properly.)
 Subject: Re: irritation
 From: Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 20:22:52 + (UTC)
 On Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:08:31 -0500, David B.Harris said:
   Hey there :)
   I'm new to the list(but I've actually subscribed ;), and I'm having
  a  bit of an irritant considering an error I get often:  
  {module_list} {module_list_R__ver_module_list}  Warning:
  /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.
 I am having the same problem with the latest test kernel
 (2.4.0-test12) and I believe the problem might be due to the fact that
 I need to upgrade some package, either modutils or kernel-package; I
 seem to recall reading something like that somewhere.  I have upgraded
 to the latest Woody versions, but I still get that error.  I do not
 have that problem with the test11 kernel.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Liam Ward
t: +353 1 672 7250

KOrganizer: strange behaviour

2001-01-11 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
Hi guys,
i hope someone can help and sorry if this might be OT or a stupid
question but i was not
able to find an answer in the documentation.

I usually leave my pc on duty 24h/day but i noticed after a couple of
reboots that some activities,
that i recorded like appointment, are now readonly and i'm not able to
modify them in anyway.
My questions are:

there is the possibility to put them back read  write and if yes how???

is it a bug or a feature??? I mean it's normale that after a certain
period of time some activities
are marked readonly??? because this might be fine but not for recurrent
events that might need to
be rescheduled, etc.

Thanks in advice

n:Di Nitto;Fabio Massimo
tel;fax:++45 89 38 51 01
tel;work:++45 89 38 51 76
org:Test  Documentation;Ericsson Telebit A/S, Skanderborgvej 232, DK-8260 Viby J
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Test Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Skanderborgvej 232 Viby J;=C5rhus;Denmark;DK 8260;
fn:Fabio Massimo Di Nitto

Re: logrotate bad count...

2001-01-11 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Gary, I did what you suggested and it worked! no more emails complaining
about bad logrotate count!
Thank you!

On 08 Jan 2001 08:55:23 -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:

Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Each time I boot my potato box I receive the following email:
 error: /etc/logrotate.conf:6 bad rotation count'2 '
 run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1
It does look okay, but perhaps you've got a binary character in there
that logrotate doesn't like? I'd erase the line containing rotate 2
completely, and I mean the whole line, not just the characters,
something like a dd in vi or C-k in Emacsen, then type it in by
hand being careful not to put any garbage on the line.

Marcelo Chiapparini

Direct rendering stopped working (XFree86 4.0.2-1)

2001-01-11 Thread James Bursa

Until recently I had accelerated 3d graphics under X. I've now done an
update and acceleration has stopped working, and I can't figure out

I'm using unstable, kernel 2.4.0-test10. The graphics card is an ati
rage128 and seems to be recognised by the kernel (r128 module) and X.


Jan 10 15:56:31 zames kernel: [drm] AGP 0.99 on VIA Apollo KX133 @ 0xd000 
Jan 10 15:56:31 zames kernel: [drm] Initialized r128 1.0.0 2928 on minor 63


(0): [drm] created r128 driver at busid PCI:1:0:0
(0): [drm] added 4096 byte SAREA at 0xc2127000
(0): [drm] mapped SAREA 0xc2127000 to 0x40018000
(0): [drm] framebuffer handle = 0xd400
(0): [drm] added 1 reserved context for kernel
(EE) R128(0): R128DRIScreenInit failed (DRM version = 1.0.0, expected 2.1.x).  
Disabling DRI.
(0): [drm] failed to remove DRM signal handler
(0): [drm] removed 1 reserved context for kernel
DRIUnlock called when not locked
(0): [drm] unmapping 4096 bytes of SAREA 0xc2127000 at 0x40018000
(II) R128(0): Memory manager initialized to (0,0) (1024,4096)
(II) R128(0): Reserved area from (0,768) to (1024,770)
(II) R128(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 3326
(II) R128(0): Acceleration enabled
(II) R128(0): Using hardware cursor (scanline 3080)
(II) R128(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1024 x 3324
(**) R128(0): DPMS enabled
(II) R128(0): Direct rendering disabled

It seems to be the (EE) line above where the problem appears. How can
I fix this?



YP doesn't push?

2001-01-11 Thread Edward Lee
Hi All

I had install nis on my linux box. And set cron to exec make -C /var/yp
every 5 mins. But I got a problem that user info did not auto change if
I didn't
modify user passwd throught the yppasswd or ypchfn. (sorry, I indeed
need to modify the passwd file directly.)

I can restart nis to active my change. But it will cause service
I guess it maybe is yppasswdd's problem. How did I do to fix this

Thank you,

mutt - new key binding!?

2001-01-11 Thread Manuel Hendel
Hi all,

is it possible to create a new key binding, e.g. S. This S should
pipe a complete mail to programm. How can i realise this?


Re: pctex for Debian?

2001-01-11 Thread Cory T. Echols
On 01/10, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 Does exist a Debian front end for LaTeX, like pctex for windows?

Look at  LyX has debian packages.  I think they are in
contrib because they depend on the non-free xforms libraries.

Cory T. Echols

Re: Netscape - mailcap file?

2001-01-11 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
On 11 Jan 2001, Brian May wrote:

-| Christopher == Christopher W Aiken [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-|Christopher I just installed Netscape/Communicator 4.76 from my
-|Christopher Debian 2.2_r2 CD's.  When I run netscape, I get this
-|Christopher error:
-|Christopher Netscape: Ignoring unsupported format code in mailcap
-|Christopher file: %{
-|Christopher Then Netscape comes up OK.  What's that all about?  A
-|Christopher locate mailcap indicates the only mailcap file on
-|Christopher my system is in /etc.
-|Does $HOME/.mailcap exist?

No $HOME/.mailcap does not exist. Only /etc/mailcap on my system.

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,
Current O/S: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2_r2

Re: new boot disk?

2001-01-11 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, James W. Lindenschmidt wrote:

-|Greetings, everyone.
-|I just migrated from RedHat over to Debian potato and I'm thrilled so
-|But, I think my boot disk is defective, since it takes 5-7 minutes for
-|Loading Linux..
-|process to complete from /dev/fd0 before Linux actually boots. I suspect
-|I have a bad floppy, and I want to make a new boot floppy.
-|I've tried going back into dbootstrap to make it from there, but it
-|won't work. It says my disk is either write protected or I'm not using
-|the first disk drive, despite the fact that /dev/fd0 whirs before I get
-|this error message. I've tried 5 different newly formatted disks, and I
-|always get this error.
-|Is there any other way to make a boot disk? I need to use this
-|temporarily until I can install LILO.

To make a boot floppy:

dd if=Your_Kernel of=/dev/fd0 bs=18k
rdev /dev/fd0 Your_Root_Partition
rdev -R /dev/fd0 1

If you change your kernel or move your root you will
have to remake your floppy.

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,
Current O/S: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2_r2

Re: Modem errors

2001-01-11 Thread David Wright
Quoting (
 on Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:17:15AM +0100, Joerg Johannes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Hi there
  I cannot access my modem (Lasat safire 560). It is connected to
 How have you verified this?  Try the following command and post output:
 $ grep -i 'ttyS' /var/log/dmesg
 In my case:
 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 ttyS02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ...of which ttyS01 is my modem.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. If you're trying to
verify where the modem is connected, then surely minicom is the
answer - try sending AT to it.

If you're talking about the names of devices, well, here's *my*
output from when I boot up:

 Setting kernel variables.
 Loading the saved-state of the serial devices...
 Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
 ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
 Mounting local filesystems...

(/dev/ttyS1 is my modem, as for Joerg. Isn't that COM2?)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: irritation

2001-01-11 Thread Rino Mardo
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 04:30:25PM +0700 or thereabouts, Oki DZ wrote:
 I have the same problem after upgrading my (system's) kernel to 2.4.0.
 I put the 2.4.0 source to /usr/src2/linux directory, and when top 
 executed, the looked up is the one in /usr/src/linux (in 
 which I put the 2.2.13 source).

why /usr/src2?  you should use /usr/src only and if you want to keep 2.2.13
and 2.4.0 apart just use /usr/src/linux-2.4.0 and /usr/src/linux-2.2.13 with
/usr/src/linux having a softlink to your current kernel directory.

 BTW, I have removed the's in /usr/src/linux and 
 /usr/src2/linux; surely enough, when top executed, there's no warning 
 reported. The question is, what's the use of the file? (My 
 system working properly.)

i always copy the to /boot and label it appropriately to dintiguish
which one is for which kernel.


Key fingerprint = 9DE1 5825 77B4 FF45 7485  D3EB DCCF DE48 09B6 4426

Who's watching the watchmen?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting out of X

2001-01-11 Thread ktb
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 01:36:48PM -0500, Jeff Binder wrote:
 I tried switching ttys, but nothing happens (or if it does, I can't tell 
 because the screen is white.
 Nothing seems to work. Unless there's some way to interrupt X while it's 
 starting up, I'll have to
 re-install the whole system (Which takes about an hour).

Try crtl-alt-backspace to kill X and then quickly
ctrl-alt-F2.  If that doesn't work boot in as a single user
and make the changes to xdm as instructed below.  This isn't
windows.  You don't have to reinstall to fix things.

  Subject: Re: Getting out of X
  Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 11:02:06 -0600
  From: Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:02:40AM -0500, Jeff Binder wrote:
   I have been trying to get X working on my SuperMac c500 (an old world
   PowerMac), and I was having trouble getting the ADB mouse working. The
   problem is, the settings I have now cause X to crash at startup, leaving
   just a white screen. Worse, X automatically launches when I start the
   computer up. How do I stop X from starting up so I can get to the
   command line?
  Assuming that you installed xdm (there are a few other packages, such as 
  which start X automatically for you, and the same instructions apply for
  them), the most easily reversible method is `chmod -x /etc/init.d/xdm`
  (`chmod +x...` to undo it).
  Have you tried switching ttys while you've got the white screen?  Unless
  things are really hosed badly, Ctrl-Alt-F1 through Ctrl-Alt-F6 should get 
  to your text consoles.  Once you're there, `/etc/init.d/xdm stop` will shut
  down xdm (since xdm is running, I'm assuming you haven't disabled the script
  as described in the previous paragraph) and allow you to manually mess with
  your X configuration to get it working properly.
  SGI products are used to create the 'Bugs' that entertain us in theatres
  and at home. - SGI job posting
  Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
  !K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r y+
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe.  
 - Carl Sagan

Re: java 2

2001-01-11 Thread Remco van 't Veer
Please visit  You can get a apt-get entry to get

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 10:30, Andreas Fromm wrote:

 is there a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which implements Sun's Java 2
 Standard Edition packed as .deb for potato?
 Please cc me any info about.
 Andreas Fromm

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Re: LILO Problem

2001-01-11 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# I'm having a problem with LILO. I have windows installed in the first
# partition on my hd but somehow have wiped out the mbr. I've also tried
# compile the new 2.4 kernel, but am getting the following error:
# cat bzImage  /vmlinuz
# cp /usr/src/linux/ /
# if [ -x /sbin/lilo ]; then /sbin/lilo; else /etc/lilo/install; fi
# Fatal: open /dev/hda1: Device not configured
# make[1]: *** [zlilo] Error 1
# make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
# make: *** [bzlilo] Error 2
# I've read the man page, but still am not having any luck. Thanks in

For some reason, lilo is looking in /dev/hda1 for something. My bet
would be your lilo.conf has an other = /dev/hda1 line, and it can't
use it any more for some reason. However, since you lilo.conf attachment
didn't make it through, there's very little anyone can do :(


David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

Re: help: 2.4.0 kernel and /dev/shm

2001-01-11 Thread David B . Harris
To quote Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Don't worry about /var/shm vs /dev/shm - it's just a mountpoint and
# work fine either way.

Just out of curiosity, what does a 'shm' filesystem accomplish? I peek
through what kernel docs I'm familiar with didn't explain much :( I
don't even know what it's *supposed* to do :)


Re: irritation

2001-01-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 05:18:38PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 04:30:25PM +0700 or thereabouts, Oki DZ wrote:
  I have the same problem after upgrading my (system's) kernel to 2.4.0.
  I put the 2.4.0 source to /usr/src2/linux directory, and when top 
  executed, the looked up is the one in /usr/src/linux (in 
  which I put the 2.2.13 source).
 why /usr/src2?  you should use /usr/src only and if you want to keep 2.2.13
 and 2.4.0 apart just use /usr/src/linux-2.4.0 and /usr/src/linux-2.2.13 with
 /usr/src/linux having a softlink to your current kernel directory.

indeed the /usr/src/linux `problem' does not exist on debian since it
does not use the broken /usr/include/linux - /usr/src/linux

 i always copy the to /boot and label it appropriately to dintiguish
 which one is for which kernel.

ps and friends will find /boot/`uname -r`

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt - new key binding!?

2001-01-11 Thread David Wright
Quoting Manuel Hendel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 is it possible to create a new key binding, e.g. S. This S should
 pipe a complete mail to programm. How can i realise this?

At it's simplest, something like

macro   index   S   |catfreddie\n

in your ~/.muttrc, where index means that it will work in the
list of emails, (else pager), and cat is the program.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Voodoo 3

2001-01-11 Thread Peter Gruber
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 On Wed 10 Jan 01, 11:30 AM, Peter Gruber said...
  The problem is: If I start test3dfx in a xterm from X ist works.
  If I start it from the console it doesn't.
 it's not supposed to work from a console
  If I start quake from X it works it just ignores keypresses unless I
  switch to console 4 (eithet chvt 4 or strg-alt-4) and if I do so the
  colors get bad and after quitting the display is unusable!
 which quake are you talking about?  there's lots of different versions.

It the one which is called quake-3dfx in debian!
And in its documentation it say it may not work if started from X
only if started which openvt -- ...
(If I do so there no diffenrenz)


Why do I get this error message?

2001-01-11 Thread Lance Simmons
I'm getting this error message a lot:

  kernel: keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?

Full disclosure: a few weeks ago I switched to one of those Microsoft
ergonomic keyboards. (It's great!) So I assume that's the source of the
error message (which I never got before). Does anyone know what's
causing this message and how I can stop it?

Lance Simmons

Re: help: 2.4.0 kernel and /dev/shm

2001-01-11 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 To quote Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 # Don't worry about /var/shm vs /dev/shm - it's just a mountpoint and
 # will work fine either way.

 Just out of curiosity, what does a 'shm' filesystem accomplish? I peek
 through what kernel docs I'm familiar with didn't explain much :( I
 don't even know what it's *supposed* to do :)

Without it stuff that uses shared memory segments (like apache and samba)
won't work.  I don't recall why it's needed.  If you search google for
linux shmfs you'll find some pages that may answer that question.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



2001-01-11 Thread techlists
At work, our internet access is from a proxyserver.  Is there anyway I can set 
dselect on my Debian 2.2r2 laptop to access through the proxyserver, while I'm 
at work.


debian kernel: sr0: CDROM (ioctl) reports ILLEGAL REQUEST.

2001-01-11 Thread Michael Epting
Since I started using the release 2.4.0 kernel I am finding billions of
the above error messages on the console from which X is started and in
the syslog and kern.log.  This happens whenever an app, such as Gnome
CD player or Musicmatch Jukebox accesses an audio CD.  Everything seems
to work OK, but my logs grow alarmingly.  I switched back to
2.4.0-test12 and the problem goes away.  I diff'ed the .config files
and see nothing related to CD-ROM or SCSI.

I'm running up to date Sid and have an Initio SCSI card and Toshiba
SCSI CD-ROM (and Yamaha SCSI CDRW, seemingly uninvolved with this).

Anybody else see this problem?

Re: X Install no Mouse

2001-01-11 Thread mike
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 10:17:39PM -0800, hammack wrote:
 X manager = enlightenment
 Problem:  startx results with screen and no cursor.  
 - Blue/green screen appears with menu and a few horizontal lines.
 - enlightenment scrawls and dissappeears.
 - no cursor is present
 - ctrl-alt-BS exits the window.
 Some output of startx
 Configured Drivers: SVGA  (the S3_VIRGE/VX driver did not work)
 mouse: type PS/2, device /dev/psaux, button 3.
 file is not present.
 gpm is reference in xf86config and pointed to in the file system but the 
 file is not present.  
 Any help is greatly appreciated.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is device mouse pointing to in XF86Config? Maybe you have to
link it to /dev/psaux.Also gpm may conflict with X so try gpm -k and restart

boot disk problem

2001-01-11 Thread Nina Jansen
Greetings :-)

I'm a new Debian user, and I have a problem with my boot floppy. I saw a
post about a very similar problem in the latest digest: It takes
extremely long time to boot. However, I do not suspect that there is
something wrong with the disk because I have tried several different
disks and they all have the same problem. When I insert the rescue
floppy and enter rescue root=/dev/hde8 the system boots just fine,
however, I'd like like to avoid this workaround. 

My debian version is 2.2_r2, and there is nothing special about my
floppy drive. The various boot floppies were creating during the
installation process using dbootstrap.

Thanks in advance.


Nina Jansen

Re: Running fetchmail as daemon - mail goes to postmaster

2001-01-11 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I set up fetchmail to start as a daemon on boot, using a script Ross
 Boylan sent to the list recently - it specifies /root/.fetchmailrc
 I have put the correct .fetchmailrc into /root, but when I now look at
 /var/log/exim/mainlog I see this:
 2001-01-11 00:16:54 14GVQE-7w-00 =
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=scgf (localhost)
 [] P=esmtp S=4036 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2001-01-11 00:16:54 14GVQE-7w-00 = gsmh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 D=localuser T=local_delivery
 Although I do get the mail (because I have set postmaster to point to
 myself as a user (gsmh) rather than root in /etc/aliases?) I don't think
 it is right to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Don't know what you have in your .fetchmailrc (you really should have
posted it), but have you looked at using the 'to' (or 'is username
here') clause?  That's what tells it what the local recipient username
is.  man fetchmail.  Seems like it should already know that, but it's
worth a shot.

The default local username it uses is supposed to be the one you log
into the POP server with, I believe.  Does that user exist on your

When I ran fetchmail
 myself and used a .fetchmailrc in my home directory I saw this:
 2001-01-10 07:39:41 14GFrB-yX-00 =
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=scgf (localhost)
 [] P=esmtp S=3106 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2001-01-10 07:39:41 14GFrB-yX-00 = gsmh [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=localuser
 That looks much better.

I would *guess* that in non-daemon mode it defaults to a local user of
whatever you're running it under.
 I am using exim to distribute mail recieved by fetchmail. Should I move
 .forward from /home/gsmh to /root as well?

I'd try the 'to' clause in /root/.fetchmailrc, as a more direct

By the way, you're supposed to be able to run fetchmail as a daemon
under your own username.  That might make it magically work as well. 

Re: LILO Problem

2001-01-11 Thread Dale Morris
duh.. I forgot to attach the lilo.conf file. I'll try again. When I try to
boot from the hard drive, all that happens is I get a screenfull of zeros.
here's how my hd is partitioned:

thanks for replying.

David B. Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To quote Dale Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 # I'm having a problem with LILO. I have windows installed in the first
 # partition on my hd but somehow have wiped out the mbr. I've also tried
 # compile the new 2.4 kernel, but am getting the following error:
 # cat bzImage  /vmlinuz
 # cp /usr/src/linux/ /
 # if [ -x /sbin/lilo ]; then /sbin/lilo; else /etc/lilo/install; fi
 # Fatal: open /dev/hda1: Device not configured
 # make[1]: *** [zlilo] Error 1
 # make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot'
 # make: *** [bzlilo] Error 2
 # I've read the man page, but still am not having any luck. Thanks in
 For some reason, lilo is looking in /dev/hda1 for something. My bet
 would be your lilo.conf has an other = /dev/hda1 line, and it can't
 use it any more for some reason. However, since you lilo.conf attachment
 didn't make it through, there's very little anyone can do :(
 David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
 Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

# Generated by liloconfig

# Specifies the boot device

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.
# If the special name CURRENT is used, the root device is set to the
# device on which the root file system is currently mounted. If the root
# has been changed with  -r , the respective device is used. If the
# variable ROOT is omitted, the root device setting contained in the
# kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev program.

# Enables map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the map
# smaller. Using COMPACT is especially recommended when booting from a
# floppy disk.

# Install the specified file as the new boot sector.
# If INSTALL is omitted, /boot/boot.b is used as the default.

# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.  LILO
# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.

# Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is
# omitted, a file /boot/map is used.


# Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when
# booting. The following values are recognized (case is ignored):
#   NORMAL  select normal 80x25 text mode.
#   EXTENDED  select 80x50 text mode. The word EXTENDED can be
# abbreviated to EXT.
#   ASK  stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
#   number  use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes
# can be obtained by booting with  vga=ask  and pressing [Enter].


# If you have another OS on this machine (say DOS),
# you can boot if by uncommenting the following lines
# (Of course, change /dev/hda2 to wherever your DOS partition is.)

Re: help: 2.4.0 kernel and /dev/shm

2001-01-11 Thread Bob Billson
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 12:47:21AM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 Well my workstation says:
 shm   /var/shmshm defaults0   0

OK, tried it.  Sort of works.  I am still getting shmem fs invalid option
and mount is still complaining.  Once the system boots if I do 'mount', there
is still no mounted /dev/shm.  'cat /proc/filesystems' shows shm is one of the
filesystems the kernel knows about.  If I do 'mount /dev/shm' manually, it
works.  Now I'm puzzled, but getting closer.

I was looking at /etc/init.d/  In the 2.2.x kernel docs, recommends
adding an appropriate line to /etc/fstab.  However, Debian choose not to and
does it in a boot script instead; not sure why.  I am tempted to hack together
a similar script for shm.  

 Don't worry about /var/shm vs /dev/shm - it's just a mountpoint and will
 work fine either way.

Which is apparently what is used to be.  Looks like /dev/shm is the approved
mount point.

  I created a directory /dev/shm with permissions 755.
 It won't matter - the permissions on /dev/shm will be changed to 1777 by
 the kernel.

Which it did when I manually mounted it.

  Can't believe how much faster the machine boots and runs compared to
  2.2.18!!  Nice work Linus and all the other kernel developers!!
 Yea, I noticed that too.  I see you haven't tried to push on it yet.

Not yet. :-)  I'll have to try dbench and see how it compares.

 compared to 2.2.x:)  But it seems a bit slow compared to 2.4.0-prerelease.
 Maybe it's just me.

*This* is *slow*?! :-)  I didn't have chance to try the prerelease before
Linus released the real version

bob billson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ham: kc2wz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux geek/)
 Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.   beekeeper  -8|||}
   Athbhliain faoi Shéan agus faoi Shona Dhuit!

OpenSSH 'alternative' DSA key

2001-01-11 Thread Andy Roosen
Is anyone else having problems getting ssh 2.3.0 to use a DSA key
other than the default ~/.ssh/id_dsa?

Here's the testing procedure: I used ssh-keygen to create
a DSA key in ~/.ssh/id_dsa (without passphrase for testing),
and put the public part in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2. Then I use
'ssh -2 localhost' to successfully connect using SSH v2. If I move
the private key to (say) id_dsa_other and try connecting with
'ssh -v -2 -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa_other localhost', it fails with (among
other lines from the -v):
debug: authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug: next auth method to try is publickey
debug: key does not exist: /users/roosen/.ssh/id_dsa
debug: next auth method to try is password
Looking at the source code, I'm not surprised to find that the -i
flag adds only to 'options.identity_files[]' (for RSA keys) and
not to 'options.identity_files2[]' (for DSA keys).

The strange part is, when I reported this to the debian maintainer,
he has no problems getting it to work with the -i flag. So I'm
left wondering how it is that my source code distribution matches
my .deb and neither work :). Anyone else have the same problem?
This happens for 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 (the latest).

Andy Roosen

- Andrew R. Roosen, Ph.D.
- Computer Operations Administrator
- Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science
- National Institute of Standards and Technology

Re: LILO Problem

2001-01-11 Thread Bob Billson
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 07:15:37AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
 here's how my hd is partitioned:

Assuming you didn't make a typo and meant hdc not hda, what is on hda (master
drive, primary controller)?  My brother looking over my shoulder just pointed
out something.  Are primarily a Windows user?  Are you thinking hdc = C:?
If so, that is likely your problem.  (My brother says don't feel bad.  It took
him a while get it right in his head.)  Linux maps drives like
C:   hda(master, primary controller)
D:   hdb(secondary, primary controller)
E:   hdc(master, secondary controller)
F:   hdd(secondary, secondary controller)
(and so on)

If this is what you are doing, your drives are really partition like this:

If this is the case, make the appropriate changes in lilo.conf, i.e. change
all hdc to hda and lilo should be happy.  Let us know how you make out.

bob billson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ham: kc2wz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux geek/)
 Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.   beekeeper  -8|||}
   Athbhliain faoi Shéan agus faoi Shona Dhuit!

Re: LILO Problem

2001-01-11 Thread Dale Morris
Hi Bob,
When I change hdc to hda and run /sbin/lilo I get the following message:
lymond:/# /sbin/lilo
Fatal: open /dev/hda1: Device not configured

I am not sure now why these are listed as hdc, this install comes from
libranet 1.8.2 (althought I don't know why that would make any difference).
I'm confused, that's for sure.


Bob Billson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 07:15:37AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
  here's how my hd is partitioned:
 Assuming you didn't make a typo and meant hdc not hda, what is on hda (master
 drive, primary controller)?  My brother looking over my shoulder just pointed
 out something.  Are primarily a Windows user?  Are you thinking hdc = C:?
 If so, that is likely your problem.  (My brother says don't feel bad.  It took
 him a while get it right in his head.)  Linux maps drives like
 C:   hda(master, primary controller)
 D:   hdb(secondary, primary controller)
 E:   hdc(master, secondary controller)
 F:   hdd(secondary, secondary controller)
 (and so on)
 If this is what you are doing, your drives are really partition like this:
 If this is the case, make the appropriate changes in lilo.conf, i.e. change
 all hdc to hda and lilo should be happy.  Let us know how you make out.
 bob billson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ham: kc2wz
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux geek/)
  Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.   beekeeper  -8|||}
Athbhliain faoi Shéan agus faoi Shona Dhuit!
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
-- Maslow

inittab process ownership

2001-01-11 Thread Dahiroc, Patrick
is it possible to have processes brought up via inittab not to be owned by
root?  i would like some user processes automatically brought up on boot-up
and automatically respawned, but i want the process to be owned by a
non-root user.  i'm aware that daemontools and the like can do this for me,
but i would prefer to use inittab directly.


Patrick Dahiroc
Tel: 301-767-1565
Armillaire Technologies Inc.

Creating a bootable CD from online files!!

2001-01-11 Thread seg

Files I have gotten from the FTP site: 

-entire compact directory (drivers.tgz, 
install.bat,kernel-config and linux) 
-entire doc directory

I am pretty sure I have 
all the files needed to create a bootable CD-ROM which will allow me to install 
the compact version of the Debian distribution. 
Now, I have read all the possible instruction files from 
the debian site and, yet, I still don't have a clue as to what my installation 
CD should "look like" (directories)!?!?! Can anyone fill me in? Again I 
want to make a bootable CD-ROM that will install the compact version of the 
Debian distribution. 
Thank you


Re: inittab process ownership

2001-01-11 Thread Rob VanFleet
Here is one possible way:

su user -c /path/to/command

where user is who you want the process to run as.


On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 10:57:19AM -0500, Dahiroc, Patrick wrote:
 is it possible to have processes brought up via inittab not to be owned by
 root?  i would like some user processes automatically brought up on boot-up
 and automatically respawned, but i want the process to be owned by a
 non-root user.  i'm aware that daemontools and the like can do this for me,
 but i would prefer to use inittab directly.
 Patrick Dahiroc
 Tel: 301-767-1565
 Armillaire Technologies Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LILO Problem

2001-01-11 Thread Bob Billson
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 07:55:56AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
Hi Dale... I forgot to ask how many drives are in your machine?

   Partition check:
hdc: hdc1 hdc2  hdc5 hdc6  hdc3 hdc4

This it the only drive the kernel finds when booting?  Seems like it.  The
kernel should report all IDE devices (hard/CD drives, tape drives, etc.) it
finds.  From the looks of it, you have only one hard drive which set to be
master and plugged into the secondary controller.  Does your BIOS agree with
this?  You need at least one drive which is master on the primary controller.
Your BIOS might allow you to boot from any drive or auto-detect any single
drive and say Guess I'll use this.  I don't know.

So before you go any many drive does your machine have?  If just
this one, where does your BIOS say it is.  DON'T move the drive around yet!
If your /etc/fstab isn't right, you won't be able to reboot!

bob billson  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ham: kc2wz
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux geek/)
 Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.   beekeeper  -8|||}
   Athbhliain faoi Shéan agus faoi Shona Dhuit!

Re: Voodoo 3

2001-01-11 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
hate to say this, but don't use the quake from debian.  the package sucks,
and if the package manager is anything like many of the other package
managers, he's unresponsive and doesn't care about his package anylonger.

do yourself a favor, and download quakeforge.  you'll be much happier.


stuff, he's unresponsive
On Thu 11 Jan 01,  3:34 PM, Peter Gruber said...
 On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
  On Wed 10 Jan 01, 11:30 AM, Peter Gruber said...
   The problem is: If I start test3dfx in a xterm from X ist works.
   If I start it from the console it doesn't.
  it's not supposed to work from a console
   If I start quake from X it works it just ignores keypresses unless I
   switch to console 4 (eithet chvt 4 or strg-alt-4) and if I do so the
   colors get bad and after quitting the display is unusable!
  which quake are you talking about?  there's lots of different versions.
 It the one which is called quake-3dfx in debian!
 And in its documentation it say it may not work if started from X
 only if started which openvt -- ...
 (If I do so there no diffenrenz)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just upgraded to Woody?  Don't have permission to run X?  linux
In Xwrapper.config, change allowed_users from root to console.  -
Coffee...I've conquered the Borg on coffee.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/v\
  --Kathryn Janeway on the virtues of coffee   // \\
---   ^^ ^^
GPG Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E  70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D   rules

Description: PGP signature


2001-01-11 Thread Hans Gubitz
Upgrading mysql-server stops with:

dpkg: error processing mysql-server
 Nebenprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
 Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Hans Gubitz

Re: new boot disk?

2001-01-11 Thread Scott Patterson

Greetings, everyone.

I just migrated from RedHat over to Debian potato and I'm thrilled so

But, I think my boot disk is defective, since it takes 5-7 minutes for

Loading Linux..

process to complete from /dev/fd0 before Linux actually boots. I suspect
I have a bad floppy, and I want to make a new boot floppy.

I just had to boot from a floppy and had the same situation. It does take a LONG
time (I don't remember other distribtions (Redhat, Caldera, etc) boot-floppies
being so slow...), but eventually my system boots up properly. I'd install LILO
or grub ASAP and not rely on a floppy. IMHO, floppies are an unreliable media.


rep-gtk-gnome dependency problems

2001-01-11 Thread Timothy H. Keitt
Did anyone else run into dependency problems with rep-gtk-gnome?  I 
can't tell if this is a problem with the Helix packages or a combination 
Helix/debian packages.  After my last apt update, rep-gtk-gnome depends 
on rep-gtk-1, but the latest version is rep-gtk-helix1.


Timothy H. Keitt
Department of Ecology and Evolution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Phone: 631-632-1101, FAX: 631-632-7626

arp problem

2001-01-11 Thread Barry Smoke
We have a proxy server running debian potato.
i downloaded a program called iptraf to try and help me figure out why it
takes so long to do things like an apt-get update, etc. from our internal
network behind the proxy.

using iptraf i noticed that when apt-get is just acting hung on the
workstation the server is having arp requests from it that take about 25
seconds to resolv.

any ideas?

Re: dselect/firewall

2001-01-11 Thread Moritz Schulte

 At work, our internet access is from a proxyserver.  Is there anyway
 I can set dselect on my Debian 2.2r2 laptop to access through the
 proxyserver, while I'm at work.

$ export http_proxy=http://foobar/; # or ftp_proxy?
$ dselect

I don't know, wether other dselect methods than apt honor http_proxy.

Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian/GNU supporter -
GPG fingerprint = 3A14 3923 15BE FD57 FC06  B501 0841 2D7B 6F98 4199

lprng not working

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastiaan

my lpd is not working correctly. The init script is loaded at boottime,
but no daemon is started. When I try to start it manually, the following

[EMAIL PROTECTED] # /etc/init.d/lprng start
Starting printer spooler: [EMAIL PROTECTED] #

and still nothing is started. Sometimes it starts correctly (not at
boottime) and I can print all I want, but I have not been able to
reproduce that situation (coincience?).

Anyone has any idea why the daemon does not want to start, or how I can
make it work, hints?

thanks in advance,

Re: inittab process ownership

2001-01-11 Thread Sebastiaan

can you not add a line with su, as in normal scripts? I do not remember
how to do this correctly, but it is an idea.


On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Dahiroc, Patrick wrote:

 is it possible to have processes brought up via inittab not to be owned by
 root?  i would like some user processes automatically brought up on boot-up
 and automatically respawned, but i want the process to be owned by a
 non-root user.  i'm aware that daemontools and the like can do this for me,
 but i would prefer to use inittab directly.
 Patrick Dahiroc
 Tel: 301-767-1565
 Armillaire Technologies Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Why do I get this error message?

2001-01-11 Thread D-Man
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 08:35:17AM -0600, Lance Simmons wrote:
| I'm getting this error message a lot:
|   kernel: keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?
| Full disclosure: a few weeks ago I switched to one of those Microsoft

Microsoft?  Did they put a check in the keyboard to ensure that it is
only used with a Microsoft OS?  Perhaps you can pay them an Alternate
OS fee to enable the keyboard.  wink

| ergonomic keyboards. (It's great!) So I assume that's the source of the
| error message (which I never got before). Does anyone know what's
| causing this message and how I can stop it?

What kind of motherboard do you have?  Does it have a PS/2 port?  I
don't think that any recently built keyboards work with the older AT
keyboard ports.  I have the MS keyboard at work (NT 4.0 system) -- it
has a PS/2 connector and an adapter for USB.  (Aside:  does the USB
really only work with Win98 like they said or will it work with any
USB capable system?)

I have a different brand of ergo keyboard on my personal Debian
system.  It has only a PS/2 connector and works fine.

I would recommend plugging a basic keyboard in and rebooting.  If you
don't see the error, return your M$ keyboard immediately.  (If you
want I can give you the brand/etc of my keyboard.  It isn't curved as
nicely as the MS one but it has those cool buttons on the top -- now I
just need to write a driver to use those buttons :-))


Re: rep-gtk-gnome dependency problems

2001-01-11 Thread Timothy H. Keitt
Apparently this is a Helix gnome v. debian-packaged gnome problem.  
rep-gtk-gnome from unstable requires rep-gtk = 15-1, but I have 
15-helix1.  This is odd because I thought I was running a pure Helix 
gnome distribution.  Its also odd that there doesn't seem to be a 
rep-gtk-gnome in the Helix gnome distribution archive (which is perhaps 
why I'm getting the debian-packaged version?).


Timothy H. Keitt wrote:

Did anyone else run into dependency problems with rep-gtk-gnome?  I 
can't tell if this is a problem with the Helix packages or a 
combination Helix/debian packages.  After my last apt update, 
rep-gtk-gnome depends on rep-gtk-1, but the latest version is 


Timothy H. Keitt
Department of Ecology and Evolution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Phone: 631-632-1101, FAX: 631-632-7626

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